Child abuse leading to escalating violence
Election Reform
Perpetual War
Media reform
Economic issues
Marketing to children
Marketing scams
Class conflict
Contributing causes to crime and how to prevent them
Mass Murderers and violence that precedes their crimes
Police Violence
Copyright and intellectual property issues
Environmental issues
Health Care
Propaganda and psychological manipulation research
The CIA and other espionage issues worldwide including in the U.S.A.
Conspiracies, censorship, propaganda and a potential Truth and Education commission
Religious issues
Growing political reform movement with or without media coverage
Occupy Wall Street
This is not satire compared to what the news reports
Unsolved mysteries
Book Reviews or rewrites
Jill Stein
Elizabeth Warren
2012 elections
Preventing Violence
Child abuse leading to escalating violence
Does child abuse and bullying lead to more violence?
Child abuse and bullying link in study long over due
Daddy's Hands, Hard as steel when I’d done wrong
Public relation campaign for child abuse prevention
The real victim rights advocates
Cause and Effect of Hatred
Misplaced blame
Denial: Tell me something good I need to hear something good
Bullying research forgotten already??
Stop child abuse in schools pass H.R. 3027!!
Springtown Texas expands sanctioned child abuse AKA corporal punishment
Spare the Child for Christmas
Could Fort Myers daycare abuse be the beginning of a much bigger problem?
Children Psychopaths? And Mitt Romney’s Bullying History
Child care programs
Consistent punishment guidelines
These solutions are not new but they are still not getting across to the public
Abuse impairs creativity and can create indoctrination
Election Reform
Election Reform
Saving Project Vote Smart and improving it or replacing it
Open Call: What is your ballot or candidate question?
Ten ballot questions
Semi-Secret Fundamentals of Democracy
No advertising or lobbying expenses without representation
Free Speech
Educational Revolution
The 2000 election revisited
“Don’t even go there” job interview
Literacy in America and abroad
Should we accept the false premise of Dem. or Rep.?
Scalia, Alito and Roberts etal aren't even trying to understand!
Doing a recount of votes..
Election Season: What happens after the polls close?
The election process: Election Day & closing the polls
MOVE: Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act
Election Season: Let's discuss the process
Occupy the Commission on Presidential Debates!!
How the system restricts education
Perpetual War
If war isn't the answer; then what is??
War Propaganda
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Rules of war on life support
War on Terrorism Or War on Citizen’s Rights?
Torture as the first resort!
Obama, Kerry arm sales maintain permanent state of war!
Code Pink: peace outlawed by murderers
Who’s the “Low Life Scum:” Kissinger, CODEPINK, Harold Pinter or Hitler?
The terrorists must be laughing their asses off!!
Ding Dong the witch is dead (OBL); long live the witch!
Enemy Du Jour
September 11 2051
Protect the Afghan Schools
Hamas, Israel and USA should all renounce violence
Syrian fear mongering may not be working!
Should Bradley Manning get the Nobel Peace Prize?
Media reform
Alternative Media is an Absolute Necessity!!
The media isn’t reporting it but Grass Roots candidates are winning some local elections
Public doesn't trust media; media responds by ignoring news of this and protests as well!
Fast talking media pundits hate scrutiny
Setting a better example for the Mass Media
Violence as entertainment
Obsession du jour
Media presents incomplete research on Whitey Bulger as usual
Media Scams: Rosland Capital, Goldline, Merit Financial
Presidential speeches taken out of context by Mass Media
Government subsidizes Fox war on Media Matters
Missteps with Rangel, Lewis or Mass Media misrepresentation?
Is Miley Cyrus the “Pathetic” one or is hypocritical Mika Brzezinski?
Economic issues
It's the Economy Stupid; Duh, What's the economy?
Semi-Secret Fundamentals of Economics
Crime and war profiteering are excellent for the GDP based economy!!
Are job losses good?
Marketing to children
Roy F Fox on unethical targeting of children by marketers
Roy F Fox Harvesting Minds, Channel One Indoctrination of Kids
Wal-Marts unethical marketing to children
Michelle Obama pushes token advertising restrictions while ignoring research that calls for more
Marketing scams
Count down to Annual Black Friday Riots!
Why no discussion on preventing Black Friday Riots in the media?
Truth in Advertising Store Now Open!!
The “Fiscal Cliff” and the coming collapse of the insurance industry
Annual Nativity disputes and decorations thefts misrepresenting Christmas season
Complacent consumers have few if any rights
Loud complaint brings quick free replacements
“Just shoplift them next time; we’ll let you.”
Partial reversal of Planned obsolescence is long overdue!!
"We don't lie in advertising"
The Boston Olympics could attract protests corruption and even more terrorism
Craigslist is Evil!!!
America is facing some tough challenges right now
ABC’s consumer warnings are actually a fraud!!
Class conflict
Class Warfare
Tracking the elite ruling class
Corporate bureaucrats are robbing us blind!!
The real, wealthier, entitlement class
The rich have a right to profit from polluting and killing the poor
Psychology of the Ruling Class, White Collar Tyranny
Federal debt to the Company Store
The Social evolution of Tyranny
Trader Joes expired food store increases bureaucracy and class divide
Class warfare in school: arresting moms for educating kids
Education is being criminalized, especially minorities!!
Bashing Teachers
Is turn about fair play at sweatshops?
Emotional Distress Lawsuit
The CEOs who stole Christmas gifts from the poor
When Democrats and Republicans agree on Sylvia Mathews Burwell watch out!
Scientific study documents that the economic crisis has catapulted suicides in Greece (The impact of economic austerity and prosperity events on suicide in Greece)
Throwing School Mom in Jail~
Debtors Prison WTF~
Contributing causes to crime and how to prevent them
Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows
Does lack of education increase violent crime? Religion?
How much does Income Inequality Affects Crime Rates?
States with high murder rates have larger veteran populations
Teach a soldier to kill and he just might
The tragedy of gambling politics in United States
How does gambling and gun control impact violent crime?
Politics, not technology, caused botched executions
Troy, Cameron, Gary all innocent? And executed?
Democrats do a bad job on crime; Republicans and the Media are worse!!
Politicians increase crime; Grass roots efforts reduce crime; Politicians steal the credit
Life Insurance and media companies are encouraging lots of murders
Union Busting adds to corrupt bureaucracy and incites crime
Crime Profiteering: another day, another school shooting
Continued withholding of solutions in Clackamas and Newtown
Unacknowledged Censorship in Arizona about Jared Loughner
The usual speeches and censorship in Aurora
Accidental Kentucky shooting of 2 year old is a trend not isolated
Eric Holder's crime speech ignores most important issues
Mass Murderers and violence that precedes their crimes
Without Conscience
Mass Murderers are animals
Reform School
How to create a monster
Richard Ramirez
Keith Hunter Jesperson
Is Itzcoatl Ocampo an example of divide and rule tactics?
Warnings signs for Aaron Alexis are abundant and came out quickly
Police Violence
Are the FBI and media underestimating police shootings by at least twenty-five percent?
A Brief History of Cops Convicted of Murder
The threat to police is greatly exaggerated
Debunking “The Rise of the Warrior Cop”
Is the militarization of the police leading to escalation of violence including Vegas shooting?
"Editor's Blog: To The Protesters & Haters" and Police
Ferguson coverage ignoring Beavercreek Ohio and long term solutions
Copyright and intellectual property issues
Copyright Bureaucracy
Copyright violators are thought criminals
Lawrence Lessig encouraging an Educational Commons
Verdict in downloading song robbing poor to pay rich
Stop SOPA and PIPA, Protect Free Speech and Democracy
Environmental issues
Environmental Apocalypse
Natural Born Killers of the Planet
Subsidizing the protection of the environment or its destruction?
Indigenous Protesters in Brazil, Burma, Nigeria and other poor countries lead the way protecting the environment
Thought control outweighs environmental protection
BP is just the tip of the iceberg
North Dakota explosion forgotten already now Walpole, Omaha, Mississippi, and many others also quickly fading into memory hole.
Media blackout of environmental disasters and protests continue
More Fire Memorials without Attention to Environmental and Safety Solutions
Greenpeace, not oil companies, charged with environmental damage
Weather Channel Storm Profiteering
Discovery Channel and the Real Eco-terrorists
Compost instructions Duuhhh
Health Care
Health Care Premiums and where they go
Media Ignores Single-Payer Health Coverage in Vermont Again
Santorum etal endorse Health Care Waste and Fraud (With relevance beyond the 2012 elections)
Health Care Divide and Rule Tactics
Propaganda and psychological manipulation research
Fundamentals of Psychology
Manipulation Tactics
Political Manipulation
Philip Zimbardo, Lucifer Effect, Stanford Prison Experiment
Corruption or Bias in the American Psychological Association
Eli Roth’s Milgram/Obedience experiment much more extensive than most people realize
Political Psychologist Are Suppressing Democracy
Human Research Subjects
Anti-violence social experiments could be part of a slippery slope
Studying monkeys and children to manipulate people better
“No Easy Day,” Benghazi are Orwellian research opportunities
There is no "collateral damage" at the Boston Marathon!!
It's A Brave New World at ABC while NBC is chasing the Running Man
The CIA and other espionage issues worldwide including in the U.S.A.
Espionage isn't intelligent
Cults of Espionage
It’s official tyrant using child soldiers had CIA connection
"Boston Strong" propaganda downplays martial law
Is 60 Minutes presenting Anti-North Korea propaganda?
Is “Prism” news? or is it ECHELON?
Are Naomi Wolf, Edward Snowden, Prism, and ECHELON, dividing us?
Bickering over Prism continues to ignore ECHELON and minimize disclosure!
Is the U.S. Wagging the Dog in Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, Egypt, Thailand, Turkey etc.?
Democracy Now displays their ignorance or worse on U.S. Agency for International Development
I’m not completely ruling out an ISIS Wag the Dog Hypothesis but …
In condemnation of the Paris attack and cowardice, real cowardice
All is NOT forgiven here in the real world
Conspiracies, censorship, propaganda and a potential Truth and Education commission
Flawed study on conspiracy theories comes up with semi-accurate conclusions
Proprietary information is, by definition, a conspiracy Duuh
The First Amendment Often Protects Bribes More Than Speech!!
Why Do We Have Trade Secrets? Professor Michael Risch's defense of fraud? Includes a response from Michael Risch who responded to this post.
Trade Secrecy laws provide license to commit negligent mass murder
JFK and the Unspeakable James Douglass
Tyranny opponents or advocates?
Obama’s Youth?? or Corporate Youth?
Applause for Obama….and Stalin!
Obama’s censorship speech is incredibly hypocritical!!
Monsanto, Facebook and ExxonMobil Censorship strike again!
Obama is Suppressing Education, Protecting Corporate Secrecy
David Icke might not be so bad all the time, although he does have major obvious credibility problems
Censorship and smear campaign against Legal Schnauzer
Doing stupid things doesn’t support “charity”
Rejoice We Have Justice Rejoice
Truth and Education Commission
Ben Jealous’ “Truth and Reconciliation” proposal needs work
Religious issues
Why I’m a fundamentalist not to be confused with pseudo-fundamentalists
Apocalypse: a self fulfilling prophecy?
Dobson’s Indoctrination Machine
A Brief History of the Mormon Church
The assassination of the first Mormon presidential nominee
Excuse me Mitt do you believe Jesus Christ was a polygamist?
Mitt Romney’s Mormon Prophets
Walmart Watch
Will Wal-Mart's desperate advertising campaign save them?
Drunken Driving charges dropped against Alice Walton
Carolyn McCarthy please divest Wal-Mart stock
Wal-Mart censorship in Argentina is part of a larger pattern
Black Friday: “Stop Thief! Wal-Mart is stealing from consumers!”
Is Wal-Mart driving planned obsolescence?
Negotiating at Wal-Mart
Customer feedback for Wal-Mart and elsewhere
Have practice runs for Wal-Mart food riots begun?
Wal-Mart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices?
Wal-Mart shoplifting vigilantism gone wild?
Wal-Mart high crime rate continues uninvestigaterd
Who is threatening to bomb Wal-Mart and why?
Wal-Mart Crime report August 2013
Wal-Mart Crime report September 2013
Wal-Mart Crime report October 2013
Wal-Mart Crime report November 2013 Black Friday Madness
Wal-Mart Crime report December 2013
Wal-Mart Crime report January 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report February 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report March 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report April 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report May 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report June 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report July 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report August 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report September 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report October 2014
Wal-Mart Crime report November 2014 Holiday Madness begins early
Wal-Mart Crime report December 2014; desperation for the holidays
Wal-Mart Crime report January 2015
Wal-Mart Crime report February 2015
Wal-Mart Crime report March 2015
Growing political reform movement with or without media coverage
Coming soon real reform ….. or book burning? Genocide?
Could alternative debates be a game changer?
Shots fired at protest; and Bono shilling for Monsanto?
Throw who in jail??
Corporal punishment the British and possible USA riots
The moment I felt most American
Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street and Cash Register Protests
Fox’s “Nightmare on Wall Street” and police crackdown
Occupy Wall Street “Kool-Aid” anyone?
It's Half Time at Occupy Wall Street
Police Storm Troopers v. Protestors Occupiers or not
Let the Greeks Vote Occupy Greek Government
OWS: Surprise Mass Media ignores convention protests
OWS: preparing for first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street
OWS: permit fees, assault on education, is democracy “ugly?”
OWS: Not Dead Yet!
OWS: Mourning in Wisconsin, July 4 gathering, entrapment etc
OWS: NATO can’t feed poor, Chicago, Roseanne/Jill Stein
OWS: War alternatives, Anarchy propaganda, The Black Agenda
OWS: May Day, college education, Charter Schools, propaganda
OWS: Medicare protests, Nurses, May Day, Bradley Manning etc
OWS: May Day, Charter Schools, support reoccupation! etc
OWS: Occupy Santa Monica, Chicago etc.
This is not satire compared to what the news reports
Bloopbert News: CNN plans to hire Jenna Jameson as news anchor!!
The Syrian Electronic Army Hacked my Blog!!!
Bloopbert Breaking News! Leaked transcripts for Jay Carneys beard conference!
Kissenger, Casey, and Clarence Thomas roundup
Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Mark Twain roundup
"They're arresting me for daring to tell the truth in a courtroom!!!"
Donate to American Crossroads
We interrupt this global catastrophe to….
Boehner steps on landmine while golfing with Obama
Urgent request for Charles Manson
Charles Manson endorses Richard Ramirez for President!
Unsolved mysteries
107 Wonders of the Ancient World
Lost city around Angkor Temples found
Massive effort to move 340-ton megalith is no longer routine
Book Reviews or rewrites
Deterring Democracy by Noam Chomsky or my version
Necessary Illusions by Noam Chomsky and my version of propaganda
Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington
Clash of Civilizations Part Two
Clash of Civilizations or Egyptian AND USA Revolutions
Stones into School, Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson
Jill Stein
Jill Stein addressed many issues in 2012; “viable” candidates didn’t!! 2016??
A closer look at Jill Stein
Jill Stein supports Constitution unlike Romney and Obama!!
Censored partly prevented at debates: Jill Stein, Democracy Now! Present issues
Final debates then vote for Jill Stein …..or Jesus? Santa?
Jill Stein “Fire Wall Street!!!”
Jill Stein keeps promise broken by Barack Obama
Jill Stein wins nomination without corporate control
Jill Stein for Senate!!!
Elizabeth Warren
How sincere is Elizabeth Warren?
Elizabeth Warren is NOT as sincere as she appears!!
Is Elizabeth Warren supporting Charter Schools not Unions?
Elizabeth Warren is NOT a “consumer advocate!!”
Elizabeth Warren's propaganda overlooks many flaws!
Elizabeth Warren is a charismatic propagandist not the Messiah
2012 elections
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama agree, a lot!
Marketing Romney, Ryan and Cowshit in a Shoebox!
Mitt Romney embraces Mormonism while avoiding scrutiny
Mitt Romney is right; Rachel Maddow is wrong!!
How did Mitt Romney beat Rick Santorum in Ohio?
Screw the Chocolate Factory Cut to Commercial
Are Cain, Cantor and Romney campaigning for Obama?
Perry’s Ponzi scheme and Obama’s more insidious scheme
Rigged Virginia Primary Prediction
Scott Walker is an Immature Ass
The Big Bang is a Political Theory Disguised as Science
Open Salon is closing and previous posts will now be transferred here
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