Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Prevention of violence has to address all causes, not just Guns!

The BBC initially reported on the Parkland School shooting, within hours of when it happened, by describing the standard operating procedure that we go through after each of these shootings declaring that we'll go through the same exact ritual without even changing it or recognizing how absurd it was. There was at least one other pundit that provided the same bleak description in one of the most recent other mass shootings and he turned out to be right.

You might get the impression that there is nothing that can be done about this and that we should simply accept it as a fact of life that is unavoidable!

That would be totally false!

There's plenty of good research on the causes of violence and, contrary to the coverage from the mainstream media, the only contributing factor is not gun control, although there is evidence to indicate that there are less gun deaths in states with more reasonable gun control laws. Nor is it mental illness, although there's significant evidence that this is also a major contributing cause; however, even though it is a major contributing cause the coverage about it provided by the mainstream media is almost useless, explaining little or nothing about how to treat it, or more important, to prevent it from happening in the first place!

I've gone into a series of articles, listed below, a few years ago with numerous contributing causes of escalating violence and it should be clear that they all need to be dressed which would dramatically reduce all violence, not just school shootings.

Reasonable gun control is one of those issues that should be addressed; however I doubt if it's the most important one, although when it comes to the biggest mass shootings, it may be, or at least it may appear to be. The most important contributing cause of violence, including mass shootings in schools or elsewhere, and perhaps even wars based on lies, is almost certainly early child abuse that escalates to bullying, hazing, more domestic abuse and other forms of violence including war and mass shootings. The second most important contributing factor is almost certainly abandoned inner cities where they have highly dysfunctional education and economic systems about a hundred and twenty-five of them throughout the country have more than double the national murder rate, which is already higher than the murder rates in countries like Canada and many European countries.

Two or three dozen countries, mostly in Europe, have murder rates less than 1 per 100,000 people, while the United States has a rate of above 5, which recently dipped below 5 briefly before climbing back up. Most of these countries probably do the best job providing child care and education; and as I have reported previously the majority of them have banned the use of corporal punishment either in home or in schools.

Some of the best researchers, including child psychologist James Garbarino and child rearing and bullying expert Barbara Coloroso, pictured above, have explained how abusing children at an early age teaches them to deal with their problems through violence. They've also explained how to deal with bullying and to prevent it from leading to escalating violence, like Columbine, which happened in Barbara Coloroso's home town of Littleton Colorado. This is also the same general area where James Dobson and his organization "Focus on the Family" is based, which has a very different view about early child rearing.

Unlike Barbara Coloroso he recommends use of corporal punishment starting as early as eighteen months with babies before they even learn how to talk completely or develop critical thinking skills. In addition to evidence from the European states that have banned the use of corporal punishment in both the home and schools, and have murder rates below one, less than a fifth of U.S. rates, additional evidence shows that the nineteen states that still allow it in the schools also have among the highest murder rates in the country. At least six or seven of those nineteen states make it into the top ten every year and until 2016 the only one in the bottom ten was Idaho, with Wyoming coming close, but they're the two states that have it on the books but almost never use it. The states that use it the most are the ones consistently in the top ten, and they also have the most abandoned inner cities where they don't provide adequate education or child care to children.

Early investigation into the causes of violence is almost always incomplete, especially when a large percentage of the public is often in denial about attributing the cause of violence to abuse that the perpetrator might have been subject to. The typical response might be "THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE!," or "yea but I was spanked or abused and I didn't turn into a mass murderer." This is often accompanied by a desire to get angry at the perpetrator, which is obviously understandable; but this anger often leads people to go into denial about contributing causes if it could be interpreted as an "excuse" or mitigating circumstances.

However, research into many of the worst mass murderers, including from psychologist Dorothy Otnow Lewis, who said that she has always found evidence of major abuse, often including hospital records or police records, and it is almost always much worse than what most people coming from strict authoritarian homes have to deal with. Furthermore, when it comes to preventing violence from escalating wee need to recognize the causes and prevent them from happen before it escalates. When Dylann Roof went on his shooting spree as I reported previously in The Media Is Following The Wrong Script Ignoring Solutions Again he was badly abused long before he became a mass murderer, and this is common among racist people who are often raised by racist and abusive parents that teach their own beliefs using coercive violence. If an abused child blames the minorities whether it's blacks or Jews that the abusive parent says is responsible for problems they don't get abused, if they point out flaws in the logic they know they're be beat, so after repeating lies to themselves long enough people like Dylann adopt the same racists beliefs as their parents.

There isn't as much evidence to indicate the same problems, at least that I know of, with Nikolas Cruz, but there is already some, although the media rarely repeats anything that might be considered as mitigating circumstances or and "excuse" as indicated in the following excerpts:

State investigated shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz after self-harm 02/17/2018

The agency was called to investigate. Cruz, then 18, was listed as an “alleged victim” of medical neglect and inadequate supervision; his adoptive mother, then-68-year-old Lynda Cruz, the “alleged perpetrator.”

“Mr. Cruz was on Snapchat cutting both of his arms,” the Florida DCF abuse hotline was told in August 2016. “Mr. Cruz has fresh cuts on both his arms. Mr. Cruz stated he plans to go out and buy a gun.”

According to the paper, DCF’s investigation was completed that Nov. 12. The agency concluded that Cruz had not been mistreated by his mother, was receiving adequate care from a mental health counselor and was attending school. Complete article Nikolas Cruz, Florida Shooting Suspect, Showed ‘Every Red Flag’ 02/15/2018

He said that Mr. Cruz at one point had gone to a school for students with special needs. “Kids were really picking on him and would gang up on him and beat him up a little,” Mr. Gold said. “They ostracized him. He didn’t have many friends.”

He said that Mr. Cruz’s mother had done what she could to take care of him, and that the two had an extremely strong bond.

“His mother was his entire life and when he lost her, I believe that was it for the boy’s peace of mind,” he said. Complete article

Like Columbine there is apparently evidence to indicate that bullying might have been a contributing factor, however it wasn't reported nearly as widely. When Columbine happened they reported much more on the culture in their school exposing the bullying that was going on and one of the students that helped expose this was Brooks Brown and as he described in his book he was also ostracized for speaking out against it. Barbara Coloroso also investigated this and tried to point out that this was a contributing cause in her book “The Bullied, the Bully and the Bystander” where she wrote, ‘After the video tapes shot by Dylan and Eric were made public well over a year after the shootings, there was still a sense of entitlement and superiority expressed by at least one member of the Columbine football team. In his mind, he had a right to taunt and torment anyone who was “different,” anyone for whom he had contempt: “Columbine is a good, clean place except for those rejects. Most kids don’t want them here. They were into witchcraft. They were into voodoo. Sure we teased them. But what do you expect with kids who come to school with weird hairdos and horns on their hats? It’s not just jocks; the whole schools disgusted with them. They’re a bunch of homos…If you want to get rid of someone, usually you tease ‘em. So the whole school would call them homos….”'

Unfortunately the media didn't report the bullying that Nikolas Cruz nearly as widely, nor, as far as I can tell did they provide much if any opportunity for good researchers like Barbara Coloroso or James Garbarino however they did invite David Cullen, who the media portrays as an expert on Columbine to come on TV at least a couple times, as they often do after more school shootings happen, even though he has demonstrated that he's in denial about how bullying leads to escalating violence as I found out about seven years ago when I encountered him on Open Salon and had this conversation with him and after I pointed out the above quote from Barbara Coloroso, instead of addressing it he said, "for those just tuning in, one flaw in zach's logic: he's citing researchers who DID NOT research columbine, but relied on conclusions about the data they read in the media," and stopped responding to my comments. I accepted his claim that they weren't direct researchers at the time but later found out that Barbara Coloroso lived in that city and was much closer to it and did research it directly. He also relied on Robert Hare as one of his experts who I read up on more after that conversation and found out that he was incredibly incompetent, as I pointed out in the article about that conversation.

Apparently the conservative ideology may have also enabled one of the survivors of the Columbine massacre to get elected to the local legislature according to Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools 02/20/2018 As I indicated previously gun control is almost certainly not as important as important a contributing factor as stopping early abuse or abandoned inner cities, but as one of the articles listed below indicates the evidence does seem to indicate that there is less gun violence in states with more reasonable gun control, and much fewer suicides, not to mention that it would also make it much less likely that a shooting turned into a mass murder if the shooter couldn't get military style assault rifles, which apparently was easier for him to get than a handgun which he couldn't have bought until he was twenty-one.

This same legislature apparently voted to kill a bill, last year that would have banned corporal punishment in Colorado, which is one of the nineteen states that still allows it. A 2002 study, "School Shooting Fatalities and School Corporal Punishment: A Look at the States," reported in The Psychology of Child Torture 01/18/2018 also showed that school shootings and deaths were more common in the states that still allowed corporal punishment at that time, when it was still twenty-three. The surge in shootings this year also indicates that, at least this year they're much more common in the nineteen states that still allow corporal punishment with five out of seven of the school shootings and all twenty of the deaths, as of this writing, in states that allow corporal punishment. However, in the years in between it hasn't been quite as clear, and there seem to have been some odd statistical swings including a surge from only seven incidents in 2011 to thirty-six incidents in 2014 when it peaked before declining to only nine last year, seeming to indicate that it the problem might be getting better for one reason or another, until this year with seven in only seven or eight weeks.

The peak for deaths was in 2012 when the Newtown shooting took place, with an exceptionally high number. However last year only one of the nine shootings took place in schools still allowing corporal punishment. And even though the total number of shootings in between the 2002 study and this year has as many if not more shootings in states that still allow corporal punishment the total number of deaths seems to have been in states that have banned it thanks to a small number of high profile shootings that killed a large number of people.

No doubt the gun control conspiracy theorists might claim that this is part of the conspiracy to advance gun control by using this as an excuse; however since the number of deaths is still very small compared to the total number of murders each year which is usually about fifteen thousand, and they're a result of a small number of big shootings rational skeptics might justifiable claim that this is a statistical anomaly which is more common without a large enough representation, which we shouldn't want, of course. Furthermore the gun rights advocates pushing these conspiracy theories ignore the fact that if that was the objective they probably would have done a far more effective job passing laws to restrict guns than they have; and there's little or no doubt that behind the scenes lobbying by the NRA, as well as their public activity is the real reason why gun control laws are so arbitrary and irrational that they make it easier to get a military style assault rifle that enabled this shooting to kill so many in this shooting.

We may not have enough research to explain all these bizarre swings in gun violence but there is enough to indicate that the media isn't covering the best research and that if they did that we could dramatically reduce violence like Europe does, where many of their countries have less than one murder per hundred thousand people.

Some things should be so incredibly obvious that everyone should understand them like if we spend an enormous amount of money trying to justify cuts to education and child care and more on the military so we can fight wars based on lies that it is bound to backfire one way or another. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that one of the ways this is happening is high violence in abandoned inner cities and occasionally there are even mass shootings in wealthier communities that aren't accustomed to this violence. It should also be clear that if major economic inequality is a major part of the problem, which one of my previous articles listed below indicated it is, that an economic system that rewards professions that are more concerned with deceiving the public like advertising, lobbying, union busting, and other profession that are more concerned about shifting wealth to the rich than providing a service for the public is also a major contributing cause of violence, although it might require a closer look at some of the research assuming people actually want to learn the truth.

The protests demanding gun control resulting from this shooting seems to be building faster than most, and if they get some results that is great but if they only address part of the causes, and not the most important parts then it's not going to help much.

We shouldn't be just trying to eliminate gun violence when it finally hits a wealthy community but protect all of us.

Edit 02/23/2018: Alisyn Camerota got in a debate with Dana Loesch, who said, "many in legacy media love mass shootings," at a CPAC speech; and she was outraged that Loesch would even suggest such a thing saying, "How Dare You!?" and that it's not "helpful" to even suggest such a thing or "have this conversation." Perhaps it's not helpful to put to much of a priority on this conversation, but as long as they refuse to discuss many of the most important contributing causes of violence, and they continue to provide an enormous amount of hype creating more ads trying to present themselves as a reliable sources, I don't think we should completely rule it out.

However it's not just the people in the media providing an enormous amount of hype, including some of whom do seem to enjoy debating around in circles without accomplishing anything, it's also the spokespeople from the NRA. People from both sides of the argument are resorting to demagoguery and demonstrating with their actions that they seem more interested in winning debate points or getting gotcha moments than they are in educating the public about the most important contributing causes.

Their town hall meeting looked more like a prepared cult cheering squad where the crowd was more concerned about humiliating Marco Rubio, than they were discussing the most important contributing causes of violence or accomplishing anything. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon of people saying this is all staged, but some degree of planning must be involved to set the atmosphere for the discussion and they have demonstrated far better skills in the past instead of constantly cheering like it's a foot ball game. I'm not fan of Marco Rubio or obsessive gun rights, and by caving to the NRA so badly he helped set himself up, but reporting to the same demagoguery as the NRA instead of educating the public on all contributing causes of violence, not just access to guns, they're playing into their hands an ensuring that little or nothing will get done!

If Alisyn Camerota thinks it's not helpful to have this debate, then she shouldn't have put it front and center, and she should have discussed, in a calm rational manner, many other issues. This is a classic propaganda tactic repeating the same things over and over with appeals to emotion, ensuring that little or no education takes place!

Alisyn Camerota Confronts Dana Loesch For Saying Media ‘Loves’ Mass Shootings: ‘How Dare You!?’ 02/2/2018

CNN anchor to NRA spokesperson: How dare you 02/23/2018

Edit 02/27/2018: The bickering and scapegoating is going on non-stop but still there's no effort to discuss the most important contributing factors leading up to escalating violence. Trump's claim that he would have gone in even without a gun is so laughable that it's hard to imagine how he could possibly not predict how much he would be ridiculed for it. But even the more serious claims avoids any discussion about how to prevent violence from escalating, instead focusing on how to stop the shootings at the last minute, often in a possible shoot out, blaming each other without providing any rational discussions.

According to Armed Parkland officer believed shots came from outside school, attorney says 02/2/2018, before making that laughable claim that he would have gone in even without a gun Trump said that Peterson was a "coward;" however that alleged "coward" previously won the award for "School Resource Deputy of the Year" for what it's worth. This should be a clear indication that the great and glorious people that they train to save us in a dramatic manner aren't quite as foolish as the media tries to make them appear, nor are they as glorious as they were portrayed before declining to go in.

I can't keep track of all the senseless bickering, but would you go in with guns blazing if you heard an AR-15 going of in the school?

I certainly wouldn't!

You might get the impression that there's no other solution but to wait to the last minute and that we have to accept the fact that school shootings are a fact of life if you rely solely on the traditional media, but once you look at alternative media outlets, if you sort through the best of them there are others that do a much better job reviewing the causes, including Mike Klonsky who speculated about school size in a couple articles including Another look at school size and the Parkland shooting. This is relatively small example, however I've spot checked his articles from time to time and I'm also sure that he supports smaller class room size, not just the schools and opposes privitization of education that is being pushed by the entire political establishment and media along with Diane Ravitch and other good researchers. Given time I could find a lot more of them, but tehy get little or no coverage from the traditional media which only covers hype and distracts the public from the most effective solutions.

After everyone lined up to demonize Scott Peterson, Jake Tapper did the same to Scott Israel, without discussing the best research. I'm no fan of most of these people they're demonizing, since they also ignore the most effective research, but the worst of them are the ones that should be covering the good research including Jake Tapper.

Edit: 03/01/2018: Since this shooting in addition to the bickering on TV without discussing the most rational research they have apparently also tried to start censoring Wikipedia, which isn't the first time. When writing this article I noticed that they broke their list up into separate tables for each year and added a summation so that people could recognize how much it is rising or declining each year, and although I didn't realize it until I went through the history, there was another shooting four days after it which was added to the list but then retracted because it was an attempted suicide. An article circulating on Twitter also reported another one which is not on the list Reported in 3rd-grader accidentally discharges officer's gun 02/05/2018

I haven't joined in the discussion on Wikipedia, although have been a regular cotributor there at one point, which is how I found out about how at some times they have censored things and favored the NRA while pretending to be neutral. An older version that shows the improved organization which has now been retracted is listed here along with the listing about the attempted suicide before it was withdrawn There was also one more school Shooting yesterday, Cops: Teacher who fired shot in classroom once tried confess to murder 03/01/2018 which as of this writing it hasn't been added to Wikipedia, although I'm reasonably certain that it will soon and won't fit the criteria they use to suppress other stories about shootings happening in schools.

I went through similar problems in 2009 when I attempted to write an article about preventing school violence, which they claimed didn't meet the criteria for Wikipedia's neutrality policies; however they did allow obvious biased discussion from supporters of gun rights organizations including discussions about arming teachers and input from Ted Nugent, yet they refused to allow discussion about gun control or input from researchers, including psychologists and child rearing experts, that supported solving problems about child abuse and bullying leading to escalating violence. One of the editors at Wikipedia who was also an administrator there was an admitted member of the NRA and clearly demonstrating his bias in their favor, suppressing any discussion of gun control, and leading the opposition to providing input from academic experts, yet instead of calling him out for his obvious bias most of the other editors supported him. The conspiracy theories that they seem to support about false flags to take away their guns, lack much if any credible evidence, and the fact that there is no success for even the minimal attempts at reasonable gun control implies that is such a conspiracy exists it's incredibly ineffective, yet their bias strongly implies that if there's a conspiracy, with rational and credible evidence, it's to prevent reasonable gun control or other discussion of effective solutions to violence.

I described these problems in two articles at that time one on a Wikipedia user page of my own, User:Zacherystaylor/preventing school violence and a second on a separate page off Wikipedia now re-posted on Blogspot about Wikipedia Censorship (The original article of this is still on Tripod and cited in the Wikipedia User page).

The following are additional sources on the subject:

School shooter showed violence and mental instability at home, police reports reveal 02/17/2018

Florida shooting suspect was adopted and both of his parents recently died 02/15/2018

Florida High School Killing Suspect Nikolas Cruz Vented Racist and Violent Fantasies Against Black, Gay and Hispanic People in Online Group Chat 12/17/2017

White Supremacists Claim Nikolas Cruz Trained With Them; Students Say He Wore Trump Hat in School 12/15/2017

Killer in a Trump hat: Shirtless Florida gunman does backyard target practice wearing one of the President's Make America Great Again baseball caps before murdering 17 children in school massacre 12/16/2017

Snopes: Did the Florida Shooter's Instagram Profile Picture Feature a MAGA Hat? True 12/1/2017

No, Lax Parenting Is Not to Blame for School Shootings 02/16/2018

Alabama school board members take steps to finally get rid of corporal punishment 12/09/2017

Still Separate, Still Unequal: America's Educational Apartheid 09/01/2005 Adapted excerpt from "The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America"

“The Bullied, the Bully and the Bystander” by Barbara Coloroso.

Analysis: Bullying expert Barbara Coloroso provides tips for parents, educators 11/22/2010

National anti-bullying expert defines the problem — and the solutions 09/28/2016

Max Hayman Award 2011 James Garbarino, PhD

The far-right smear campaign against students who survived the Parkland massacre 02/19/2018

School shootings in the United States

List of school shootings in the United States organized by state

Wikipedia: United States presidential election, 2016

The following are my past articles on numerous contributing causes to escalating violence:

Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows

Does lack of education increase violent crime? Religion?

Media is aiding and abetting in Televangelist Fraud

Apartheid States of America

Megalithic Churches correlated with local murder rates

How much does Income Inequality Affects Crime Rates?

States with high murder rates have larger veteran populations

Teach a soldier to kill and he just might

The tragedy of gambling politics in United States

How does gambling and gun control impact violent crime?

Politics, not technology, caused botched executions

Troy, Cameron, Gary all innocent? And executed?

Democrats do a bad job on crime; Republicans and the Media are worse!!

Politicians increase crime; Grass roots efforts reduce crime; Politicians steal the credit

Life Insurance and media companies are encouraging lots of murders

Union Busting adds to corrupt bureaucracy and incites crime

Friday, February 16, 2018

Researching Poor, Slaves, Prisoners, To Benefit Ruling Class With Alien Technology?

There should be little or no doubt that the academic world has been using poor people for research for the benefit of the wealthy that control the patents and the health care system. Occasionally there is a story like car manufacturers studying how much diesel exhaust monkeys or humans can inhale before suffering health problems and in some cases apparently they fake the data as indicated in the following story:

German shock at car exhaust tests on humans and monkeys 01/29/2018

The German government has denounced experiments funded by German carmakers in which humans and monkeys reportedly inhaled diesel exhaust fumes.

German media say the health impact research was done by EUGT, a body funded by Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW.

Such tests could not be justified, the government said, demanding details. A minister called them "abominable".

Daimler also condemned them. VW is embroiled in a scandal over software that gave false diesel exhaust data.

In 2015 VW admitted having fitted "cheat" devices in the US that made their engines appear less polluting than they actually were. Complete article

This was reported by the BBC briefly and quickly forgotten, like a lot of other stories they admit to but don't want to draw much attention to.

This is just a minuscule fraction of research the academic world is doing and it is only reported in a relatively low profile manner so that the vast majority of the public is unaware of it. Some of it clearly indicates they're willing to go to extremes without full disclosure, although it is reported in small bits and pieces but few put them together, including about stories where they've been researching the cloning of monkeys, and some of the same Chinese researchers may also be affiliated with others harvesting organs from prisoners, often for political purposes.

To understand it better the following stories help put a few of the pieces together, indicating there's far more research going on and it's to benefit those with the most political power at the expense of those with the least regardless of where the technology is coming from.

Chinese Scientists Clone Monkeys Using Method That Created Dolly The Sheep 01/24/2018

Chinese researchers have finally figured out how to clone a primate, using the same technique Scottish researchers devised to clone the first mammal, Dolly the sheep, in the mid-1990s.

Scientists in Shanghai say they've produced two cloned macaque monkeys by taking the DNA from the nuclei of fetal monkey cells and putting the genes into monkey eggs that had their own DNA removed. .....


He sees a need to have "genetically identical monkeys for studying many human diseases, especially brain diseases" such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's and Parkinson's. Complete article

Organ Harvesting From Innocent Prisoners On The Rise In China 01/31/2018

Key points in this article:

* A “Stop Medical Genocide” press conference was held on the China problem
* China conducts between 60,000 to 100,000 organ transplants per year, and the extractions are overwhelmingly made from Falun Gong followers
* The Japanese government and medical practitioners must properly face this problem

Every year China performs around 100,000 organ transplants, and a majority of those organs are extracted from living innocent victims. The truth behind this atrocity was finally unveiled.

On the 24th of January, David Matas (International human rights lawyer from Canada), David Kilgour (Member of Parliament, Canada) and Jacob Lavee (Israeli heart transplantation doctor) opened a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on Stop Medical Genocide to present 10 years’ worth of research into China’s organ harvesting problem.

At the press conference, they played a 20-minute video entitled “Medical Genocide: the hidden genocide in China’s organ transplant industry” while adding verbal commentary. Complete article

Growing market for human organs exploits poor 03/12/2012

EAST LANSING, Mich. — A Michigan State University anthropologist who spent more than a year infiltrating the black market for human kidneys has published the first in-depth study describing the often horrific experiences of poor people who were victims of organ trafficking.

Monir Moniruzzaman interviewed 33 kidney sellers in his native Bangladesh and found they typically didn’t get the money they were promised and were plagued with serious health problems that prevented them from working, shame and depression.

The study, which appears in Medical Anthropology Quarterly, and Moniruzzaman’s decade-long research in the field describe a growing worldwide market for body parts that include kidneys, parts of livers and even corneas.

Moniruzzaman said the people selling their organs are exploited by unethical brokers and recipients who are often Bangladeshi-born foreign nationals living in places such as the United States, Europe and the Middle East. Because organ-selling is illegal, the brokers forge documents indicating the recipient and seller are related and claim the act is a family donation.

Doctors, hospital officials and drug companies turn a blind eye to the illicit act because they profit along with the broker and, of course, the recipient, said Moniruzzaman, who questioned many of the people involved. Complete article

These are only a fraction of the stories about the poor or prisoners being used for research or to donate organs, often if they do give some degree of consent, selling their organs, only because they can't support themselves or afford their own medical care otherwise, which means it is coerced due to unethical control of the economic system by one group of wealthy people, that use this control to extort concessions from the poor.

The mainstream media doesn't deny these reports, on a few occasions they provide them, but very selectively and they don't repeat them often at all, which enables the vast majority of the public to quickly forget them without thinking things through or checking the facts to see how much more to this there must be. However there are a small percentage of the public that are keeping much closer track and researching it on their own, and occasionally even staging protests to draw attention to it; however their protests are ignored by the mainstream media which does a very effective job keeping the vast majority of the public obsessed with celebrities, sports or many other distractions, including Donald Trump's insane behavior, distracted.

Many of these reports come from very credible sources and they're not fringe conspiracy theories. Which is why the media deals with it by ignoring them instead of trying to debunk them which would only expose further lies. Alternative media outlets and some of the best non-fiction books also show how much better universal health care is in Europe that that it costs much less and they provide much better preventive care, which is a major part of the reason it's less expensive, so they're healthier and much less likely to need advanced medical treatment. This should show that Single Payer is far more effective and that it could work much better hear as well.

Additional research, also not widely reported in the mainstream media also shows that improving education, protecting the environment, improving safety regulation, preventing wars based on lies and many other things will also reduce medical expenses and make it far more affordable. There is very credible research on all of these subjects to back this up as well; however for one reason or another the mainstream media refuses to report it.

The most likely explanation for this is almost certainly ideological fanaticism and greed of the ruling class far more concerned about controlling the public than looking out for the best interest of them. On one subject after another when there's a conflict between the best interest of the public and corporate profits the political establishment supports profits and the media provides the propaganda to confuse the issue and prevent solutions.

However if there was major reforms in all these subjects then it would be far more difficult for the ruling class to find the donors or medical research subjects they need for their health care. It hardly seems likely that they prevented all these reforms so that they would have opportunities for research, and this would be ridiculed as a fringe conspiracy theory without an enormous amount of evidence, and rightly so. However, there is research including some reported by Harriet Washington in "Medical Apartheid" and "Deadly Monopolies" to indicate that when they have an opportunity to used people injured in wars or accidents that could have been prevented they take those opportunities, and they don't always provide full disclosure, or report on all the details so that the public could support candidates that would use the best science to develop a rational heath care policy, improve product safety ande prevent wars based on lies.

There's little or no hard evidence to indicate that they would be so insane as to create all these wars based on lies or prevent car accidents so they would have more research subjects; however there might be a growing amount of evidence indicating that there is more to UFO sightings than the media is reporting, and that they often distract the public by resorting to ridicule or enormous amounts of misinformation.

However the research on this subject is almost never as high a quality as the research into unethical research by good reporters like Harriet Washington and Marcia Angell; and there are an enormous amount of incredibly obvious blunders coming from both the believers of UFOs and Ancient Aliens, which you might expect since they're portrayed as fringe, and the skeptics, who often use incredibly bad debunking techniques when there is legitimate evidence of major unsolved mysteries, and they routinely indicate they've made up their minds before doing their investigating.

There may not be enough reliable research to figure out most of the details, or even if UFOs are a result of aliens that have been visiting us for thousands of years, as ancient aliens conspiracy theorist claim; however there is enough evidence to prove that either they are are a result of an unknown advanced intelligence that may have been visiting us for thousands of years; or that there's an enormous conspiracy to make it seem like UFOs are real and so are ancient aliens and that they've been sharing technology with corporations since the Roswell crash or a similar event.

Perhaps one of the most credible, and well known, claims that alien technology has been shared with multinational corporations is Philip Corso, (Wikipedia) who wrote "The Day After Roswell" (Free online copy) in 1997 approximately a year before he died. However even his claims have some credibility problems if you look at the details close enough; however a close look at the skeptics claims often shows as many problems.

I've included some links below to some of the skeptical debunking efforts below, so I won't go into all his claims; however there's enough evidence to indicate that he had an enormous amount of support that enabled him to get published and draw a lot of attention from the media establishment which routinely marginalizes those that they want to suppress. And, even though it's virtually guaranteed that there are obvious blunders in his claims, perhaps that he should have caught, there might be some evidence to indicate that it's not completely false.

Philip Corso is one of dozen's, if not hundreds, of military officers that have claimed that there is something to UFOs and that there has been contact with aliens. He was in the military, as he claimed, and he "became Chief of the Pentagon's Foreign Technology desk in Army Research and Development, working under Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau," as his Wikipedia article says. The strongest evidence might require a closer look which, would take to long in a relatively short article; however additional sources are listed below including some of my past articles on the subject.

Colonel Philip Corso "The Day After Roswell"

Colonel Philip Corso and his Critics: Crossing the Rubicon between Objective Criticism and Debunking

Stanton T. Friedman critical review: Col. Philip J. Corso’s "The Day After Roswell"

Also he's one of many more people that have made similar claims; and if they're partly true then it could begin to explain an enormous amount of unsolved mysteries, including how massive megaliths were moved thousands of years ago even though experiments have shown that it can't be replicated with primitive technology, other mystics like Padre Pio, Edgar Cayce, although the evidence on them is more confusing, and the incredibly rapid development of technology since World War II and even faster, over the past twenty years.

Some of the most controversial claims about UFOs including alien abductions or exchanging technology is often presented in the least credible manner, either because it's false or because there're mixed up with an enormous amount of disinformation to confuse the issue. Most of the other military disclosures that come from more credible sources are often less extreme, although they leave more questions than answers including Robert Salas, and Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt. However if there has been some contact with aliens there has to be more to it than what they've disclosed. Philip Corso is one of several others that have claimed to work with alien technology including Bob Lazar, who came out with his story eight to ten years before Corso and Boyd Bushman who made a deathbed confession fifteen years after Corso died. Both of them have major credibility problems, like several additional lower profile leakers, but they establish a pattern of behavior that might be intentional disinformation and there are also problems with efforts to completely dismiss their claims.

Bob Lazar (Wikipedia) was the first high profile person to make his disclosures; however he was quickly proven to be an obvious fraud, or so it seemed for a long time. Those that wanted to believe him did so but his alleged degrees were from colleges that claimed they never heard of him and had no records of him attending, nor could he prove that he worked at Area 51.

However as reported in Wikipedia "Regarding the propulsion of the studied vehicles, Lazar claims that the atomic element 115 Moscovium, at that time not discovered, served as the fuel, and that this was used to generate gravity waves."

How could he have even known this element would ever have been developed unless he had some kind of inside information?

Moscovium wasn't synthesized for the first time until 2003 fourteen years after he demonstrated some knowledge of it, and it was another twelve years before it was fully recognized by the scientific community.

Boyd Bushman continued with this pattern of behavior releasing information that is seriously flawed but acceptable to those that wanted to believe in it when he made a deathbed confession about working with alien technology. Rational Wiki refers to him as "batshit crazy" which certainly seems true at a quick glance; however this is hardly a scientific way to debunk false claims by making appeals to emotion and using ridicule.

If the so-called skeptic community really was as scientific as they claim they would realize that this isn't a rational effort to debunk claims. With all the conflicting information about him it's hard to tell but it does appear as if he did work for Lockheed Martin as an engineer, and it's hard to imagine why he would make such wild claims if there wasn't much if any truth to it.

However it's virtually guaranteed that some of his claims are obviously false, and his picture appears to be of a toy that was obviously faked. Even if there is some truth to some of his claims I would be highly skeptical of his claim that the alleged aliens can travel 68 light years in forty-five minutes. What this does seem to indicate is that either there is a major effort to fake it or cover it up, or perhaps disclose accurate information in unreliable ways so that they can follow up on it when it suits their purpose, assuming there is some development of alien technology. If this is the case then Boyd Bushman could be part of an effort to release this information stirring up debate only to discredit it, which actually seems to be quite common in UFO research.

Debunkings are Part of the Conspiracy: A Follow-Up on the Boyd Bushman Alien Video Claims 12/31/2014

Snopes: Boyd Bushman Makes Deathbed Confession About Aliens Did former Lockheed Martin engineer Boyd Bushman provide evidence of alien life on his deathbed? False But he did make a strange death bed confession even if the evidence didn't hold up and there is something strange about that adding to many other similar claims.

Boyd Bushman (Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist) Was The Real Deal And How I Know This To Be True. 06/19/2015

Wikipedia: Boyd Bushman

NSA 'Glomars' FOIA Request on Boyd Bushman 01/24/2018

Video emerges of 'Lockheed Martin scientist' claiming aliens are REAL and that he worked at Area 51 on UFO technology 10/30/2014

We're constantly coming up with amazing scientific break through's like SpaceX's recent spectacular dual landing of booster rockets enabling them to be reused after launching another craft. It's now almost certain that they have the technology to travel to Mars and develop some kind of permanent presence there. There's a strong possibility that travel beyond our solar system, perhaps with the help of Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, even more advanced propulsion and other technologies, may not be far behind. These things and many more that are now rapidly becoming routine were once considered impossible.

There's no doubt that there are still many more questions that need to be answered but if there is something to this theory not only could it help explain how technology has been developed so rapidly, but it could also explain many other major unsolved mysteries from the past including movement of megaliths and other ancient developments that should have been impossible.

If this theory isn't close to the truth then there still has to another explanation for all the major unsolved mysteries, and pretending they don't exist won't make them go away or ensure that they don't impact us one way or another; it will only prevent us from knowing what is going on or why.

Right now we have enough information to know that we should demand full disclosure and a much better health care system that almost certainly should include Single Payer, unless someone can come up with something better. And with strong evidence of powerful institutions using the poor for research without compensation or even public domain for the so-called intellectual property used to justify patents we have enough justification to demand that they end, especially since an enormous amount of the research is funded with tax dollars, as reported by reliable sources like Harriet Washington and Marcia Angell.

However we're constantly being distracted by one absurd subject after another, including claims about Russian meddling in the election, without even discussing the fact that in order to get the name recognition candidates need to be viable they have to have a fair amount of media coverage; but the six oligarchies that control the media only cover candidates that cater to the oligarchy; which means that they did far more than Russia ever could have done to meddle in the election.

The information to confirm this conclusion isn't even secret but they keep distracting us from it with all their garbage including the debate about classified memos, which is virtually guaranteed to be a red herring. If there was anything important to these memos they could have just released them but the hype surrounding what is almost certainly less important than many things that aren't even secret is blowing it out of proportion.

Not that I'm opposed to disclosure; however this is another example of flooding the public with useless garbage to distract them from more important issues; and occasionally the distractions might even come from some of the best alternative media outlets, or at least outlets that seem like the best at times, including the Intercept and Wikileaks or perhaps even Caitlin Johnstone who is currently exposing some of their disagreements.

A few years ago I mentioned that there has been some bickering among alternative media outlets that usually cooperate to expose epidemic levels of corporate corruption and warmongering in Are Naomi Wolf, Edward Snowden, Prism, and ECHELON, dividing us? and Bickering over Prism continues to ignore ECHELON and minimize disclosure! Occasionally there are hints that there might be more of that going on including Wikileaks recent effort to fund raise off the hype about the memos, which I suspect are a Red Herring, "Know someone who has the censored Schiff FISA 'memo'? WikiLeaks will match reward funds up to $1m sent to this unique Bitcoin address:" 02/10/2018 I recognize that we need to raise funds for alternative media outlets that generally provide much better coverage than the mainstream media, which the Intercept, Wikileaks and Caitlin Johnstone almost always do but we have to be careful that this attempt doesn't lead us into another corrupt media establishment creating new biases to replace the old.

Caitlin Johnstone recently pointed out in, The Intercept Is Transitioning From Guard Dog To Attack Dog For The Establishment 02/14/2018, that billionaire Pierre Omidyar is financing the Intercept, which should be a reminder that even though they almost always do a far better job than the mainstream media they're under the influence of the oligarchies, and if there has been some exchange of technology with aliens then many of these billionaires might have benefited from it, and this could be part of a far-fetched controlled disclosure effort. As I speculated about in my past article about Steve Bannon working at Biosphere II, listed below, billionaires profiting from technology or research could be controlling almost all media and pushing in one direction or another when it suits their purpose.

Until there is an enormous amount of disclosure media reform and peer review it may be difficult to know which sources are most reliable and it will be necessary to get information from diverse sources, even if some of them have some doubts about their credibility.

The following are some additional sources that provide information on research including how to keep us distracted by obsessively covering sports or celebrities; however there's much more which you can find on your own:

Report: China still harvesting organs from prisoners at a massive scale 06/24/2016

Enhancing mutual trust is not possible until Communist China stops executing political prisoners to order 12/15/2017

SpaceX stuns with two simultaneous rocket landings, Musk’s Tesla heads to Mars 02/06/2018

Pentagon DOES have 'mystery metals that came from UFOs' says former government insider 01/26/2018

Big Pharma’s control over the news 12/15/2017

N.F.L. Expands Use of Chips in Footballs, Promising Data Trove 09/07/2018

Shriners Hospitals for Children History of Medical Research

Shriners Hospitals for Children

German shock at car exhaust tests on humans and monkeys 01/29/2018

John Oliver Exposes Herbalife And Its Dangerous Focus On Latinos 11/07/2016 In the past, he said, Herbalife has reached out to Latinos via TV spots in hit telenovelas like “La Fea Màs Bella.” And the company even hired former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in 2013 as an advisor. (Now candidate for Governor)

Mortifyingly, both right and left came to believe eugenics was the answer to the poverty and misery they could see all around them. Rather than scrap capitalism,which was actually responsible, the ‘educated’ preferred to believe the poor THEMSELVES were the problem to eradicate 01.10/2018

New Artificial Intelligence That Makes Fake Videos May Be the End of Reality as We Know It 01/12/2018

Delaware State Police showcased at artificial intelligence conference 01/19/2018

Drug overdoses contribute to record number of organ donors 01/10/2018

Naked Capitalism Daily Links 02/08/2018 Chernobyl’s abandoned dogs create their own exclusion zone community; Melting Permafrost Could Release Massive Amounts of Dangerous Mercury, Study Says; Why Elon Musk’s SpaceX launch is utterly depressing

Regenerative Medicine Helps Rebuild Wounded Warriors 09/13/2012

The Odd Science of Fandom Craig Fehrman 02/02/2018 The psychology behind Patriots fans — and all their haters

IN 2016, THREE Dartmouth professors published a paper on, of all things, Deflategate.

After surveying nearly 3,000 people (and carefully sifting their answers), the political science professors found that Patriots supporters were more likely than other fan bases to believe unproven conspiracy theories — such as one that held the NFL was punishing New England to distract from its other public-relations problems, including player concussions and domestic abuse.

That wasn’t all that surprising. But this was: The more Patriots fans knew about football, the more likely they were to buy into the conspiracies. More information, in other words, did not lead to better beliefs. A rational and informed sports fan seems about as plausible as a warm and fuzzy Bill Belichick.

The most surprising revelation, of course, may be that academics are diligently analyzing sports fans. But in a new book, “Superfans: Into the Heart of Obsessive Sports Fandom,” George Dohrmann shows there’s a lot to learn about our rooting interests.

For some additional details on some of my past articles on the subject see the following:

Top Twelve UFO sightings: based on best evidence or potential significance

UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor

Did Padre Pio Or Other Alleged Mystics Have "Revelations" from "God?"

Phony Apocalyptic Judgement Day May Be Here!

Prophets and Mystics

Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory

Looming North Korea Nuclear Apocalypse Result of Incompetence? Or Staged?

107 Wonders of the Ancient World

Is “Prism” news? or is it ECHELON?

A Brief History of the Mormon Church

Why so few arrests for Crop Circles makers? Is there microwave evidence?

"God's Not Dead" But Is He Nice?

Multinationals Are Using Public For Research On Massive Scale

Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy but could it be related to a far-fetched Apocalypse Prophecy or a weak copy of it?

Wanted unsuspecting research subjects

Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims?

Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery?

Deadly Monopolies With Alien Technology?

UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun"

Could Steve Bannon Be Providing Propaganda To Enable Climate Change Research Project?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Pre-"Stockholm Syndrome" is the real problem!

For decades the media and political establishment has been telling us about (Wikipedia:) Stockholm Syndrome which they portray as a mental illness where kidnapped victims are brainwashed by their captors and continue to defend them after being released; and if you accept the common definition, as described by Wikipedia or elsewhere this is a reasonable assumption; however this definition is almost certainly, at best incomplete, and it may not refer to some of the worst indoctrination and abuse of many more people, by the political establishment to accept class differences, where one smaller group of people gets all the wealth while a larger group of people does all the work, as acceptable and desirable.

What they fail to mention is the far more insidious and common indoctrination that people like Patty Hearst go through starting from birth leading them to lead lives that are totally sheltered, often thinking they might be looking out for the best interest of the majority without realizing that large portions of what she may have been taught before being kidnapped are selective lies and propaganda to justify and epidemic level of corruption by one class of people at the expense of the majority. This indoctrination may also involved intimidation from an early age to go along with what she's taught by her leaders or face retaliation.

I don't know what she went through with her kidnappers more than anyone else, but I suspect that when she was forced to listen to them she may have realized that the propaganda she was raised on wasn't entirely true and that the protesters of her time, if not the violent revolutionaries like the Symbionese Liberation Army had a legitimate grievance which should have been addressed peacefully and democratically.

She came from one of the richest and most powerful media families in history, which didn't report accurately on poverty or wage suppression anymore then than they do now. Anyone that relies on the traditional media might not know about the vast majority of problems in this country, especially about economic methods used to suppress wages, media coverage that only enables candidates supported by the oligarchies to get name recognition and get elected, which is why they break almost all promises to the majority once they get elected, even if they pretend to be anti-establishment during campaigns, and the abandoned inner cities that are all over the country, although most people probably only know a little about the ones relatively close to them.

This is reported much better by alternative media outlets or non-fiction authors that get almost no promotional help from the mainstream media who demonstrates, in the following excerpt how another media mogul virtually, and brazenly, admits that he doesn't even want to know how his investments are impacting the poor:

Jonathan Kozol "Ordinary Resurections" 2000 p.250-1

Some years ago she did some legal research and discovered that the CEO of one of the prestigious TV networks was a partner and investor in the company that owned the shamefully neglected buildings in which dozens of the St. Ann's children were residing. "I want you to come to the neighborhood and see the way your tenants live," she said when she was able to get through to him. He indicated that he’d like to come someday but could not do it then because, he said, “My chauffeur’s on vacation.” Clearly, you do not endear yourself to someone with enormous wealth and, in this instance, with the power of retaliation when you try to make him see some of the suffering from which he’s managed to obtain a valuable tax-shelter. Additional excerpts

The vast majority of our press is now controlled by six oligarchies, although, perhaps due to complaints about these six oligarchies, a handful more like the Washington Post were sold off to billionaires like Jeff Bezos or Sheldon Addison who are still members of the oligarchy and have no intention of exposing other members, although some of them might occasionally some routinely pretend to defend the working class, whether they do a good job or not.

Good journalists or researchers into subjects that the mass media refuses to cover well are routinely portrayed as fringe if the media refers to them at all; in most cases they only cover the most extreme right wing fanatics, without mentioning the best ones and imply that almost all alternative media is like that; however those that are familiar with better research or media see right through this.

As I explained in numerous articles including Dobson’s Indoctrination Machine and Authoritarianism early indoctrination to believe what they're told often begins at an early age before children learn to develop critical thinking skills using corporal punishment to teach them to bevel what they're told. This escalates to bullying, hazing and other intimidation to teach many people in the lower classes to stay in their place and in the upper classes to defend the status quo if they want to continue benefiting from it. The people in the ruling class are isolated from the vast majority of the public and as George Carlin says "They'll get it all from you sooner or later 'cause they own this fuckin' place. It's a big club and you ain't in it."

After Patty Hearst was convicted and accused of getting preferential treatment, apparently some people claimed she received the opposite and was treated worse because she came from a rich family; however she only spent twenty-two months in jail before her sentence was commuted by Jimmy Carter and eventually Bill Clinton granted her a full pardon, which the vast majority of people locked up in his fake war on drugs was never eligible for. Apparently she was able to land roles in at least five roles in films, and her daughter was fast tracked as a model, which are not opportunities that anyone from the abandoned inner cities that the media refuses to report on are allowed to have, with the extremely rare exception of someone like Lady Gaga, who, wait a minute, after looking at her Wikipedia page she came from a wealthy family to, not not her.

I'm sure there are a few rare celebrities that rose from poorer backgrounds, but only after being brought into the oligarchy establishment and demonstrating that they're willing to go along with the program and not rock the boat. It's far more common for them to make rich people seem like they came from humble beginnings like when they developed propaganda about George H.W. Bush moving to Texas in a station wagon, or something like that trying to make it appear as if he came from the working class instead of coming from a wealthy family.

Rachel Maddow and Bill Clinton were both Rhodes Scholars which means that although they may not have been from the wealthiest of families they were allowed opportunities that most of us weren't; however they went through college under advisers that presumably picked people that would go along with the program, and were guided along the way to ensure that they do before given opportunities to get to elected office or become a major news caster, and whether my assumptions about Rhodes Scholars, especially the best known ones, are right or not these two have demonstrated repeatedly that they will promote the oligarchy ideology without raiding many of the most important questions or pointing out to the vast majority of the public just how rare it is for "rags to riches" stories in real life or that many minorities routinely promote policies like the get tough on crime that put millions of poor people in jail, while letting the wealthy off the hook, or giving overwhelming amount of coverage to Hillary Clinton to help ensure she can with the rigged primary that enabled Trump to win the General, because she was so incredibly unpopular.

Patty Hearst saga: How an American heiress went from kidnap victim to outlaw 04/03/2017

Edit 02/17/2018: After posting this I found a tip from "The Rombach Report" informing me of conspiracy theories about the CIA allegedly attempting to conduct mind control experiments on Donald David DeFreeze some of them even going so far as to claim that they intentionally set this up as an agent provocateur. It didn't take long to find plenty of more information on this, although I would be cautious about believing, or dismissing all of it. It does sound insane and if I hadn't looked at some of the absurd things that the CIA has been accused of doing, and in some cases admitting that they had done in the past, I might be inclined to dismiss it.

Numerous declassified documents have shown that the CIA was involved in mind control experiments during this period, although they allegedly, ended the worst of them before the 1970s, there is some evidence to indicate they didn't stop them completely and may continue with this research to this day. The following are some additional articles on the DeFreeze conspiracy allegations, which I haven't thoroughly reviewed myself at this time, and some of my own which I reviewed closer and when possible relied on reliable sources:

Book claims CIA, state created SLA – possible psychosurgery in Vacaville 08/07/2016

CIA Devised & Executed Patty Hearst Kidnapping, Claims Expert 'She was a pawn in a government conspiracy.' 08/05/2016

The Parts Left Out Of The Patty Hearst Trial (Part 1) 01/31/2013

On Colston Westbrook, The Slaying Of Dr. Marcus A. Foster & the Human Horror Story 11/07/2012

Anti-violence social experiments could be part of a slippery slope This article includes reports previously reviews from mostly credible sources indicating that the CIA used both Ted Kaczynski and Whitey Bulger in part of their experiments long before they became infamous mass murderers.

Philip Zimbardo, Lucifer Effect, Stanford Prison Experiment Both Zimbardo's so called prison experiment and Milgram's obedience experiments were supported by the military according to professor Alfred McCoy and Philip Zimbardo himself. The military isn't in the business of teaching their recruits to question orders which indicates that these experiments could have been done to accomplish the opposite of what they claim as these articles indicate.

Corruption or Bias in the American Psychological Association

Eli Roth’s Milgram/Obedience experiment much more extensive than most people realize

Wikipedia: Donald David DeFreeze

Intimidation about kneeling for the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance is also part of this form of indoctrination which thirty or forty years ago was becoming much less popular because they recognized that it was a form of indoctrination and that it was more important to stand up for "liberty and justice for all" than to pledge to do so.

When I was a kid and there were some schools that still did ask us to stand for the pledge of allegiance we didn't even understand it nor were we encouraged to do so, until some of the more liberal teachers pointed out that it was a meaningless ritual and it would no longer be required.

I'm not even sure if I can remember the exact words but I think I can come close, perhaps this shouldn't be so controversial, as long as it isn't coerced.

I don't know if I got that right or if it seems a little to corny, but it'll do.

Do you think Donald Trump will like it if I didn't get it quite right?

George Carlin

Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want:

They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That's against their interests.

Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that!

You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this fucking place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club.

By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table has tilted folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care! Good honest hard-working people; white collar, blue collar it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard-working people continue, these are people of modest means, continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don’t give a fuck about you….they don’t give a fuck about you… they don’t give a FUCK about you.

They don’t care about you at all… at all… AT ALL. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Thats what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick thats being jammed up their assholes everyday, because the owners of this country know the truth.

It's called the American Dream,because you have to be asleep to believe it.

-George Carlin (May 12, 1937 — June 22, 2008) Complete article

Or was it Mike Barnicle that said that?

When you support the oligarchy you can get away with anything from them!

George Carlin at the Star Plaza in Merrillville, Indiana.