Wednesday, January 23, 2019

An ISIS Wag The Dog Hypothesis Is Still Unlikely But ....

Over four years ago when I posted I’m not completely ruling out an ISIS Wag the Dog Hypothesis but ... there were serious problems with the official explanation that led us into war in Syria which was never declared, and troops went in long before traditional media reported on it. However, even though I admitted that my theory was unlikely and would have to be much bigger than most fringe conspiracy theorists cl;aim if there was anything to it at all, or they must be wrong, the official version of truth has become even more insane and absurd than this theory since then, which might mean that either I might have been close or something equally insane must be going wrong.

Since I posted this I updated it to report that James Foley worked for USAID, Stars and Stripes, and had ties to other organizations that may have been aligned with the CIA, making some kind of connection more likely even if it's not the Wag the Dog Hypothesis. And, even if this theory isn't true there's an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that we're fighting one war after another based on lies, and the political establishment passes up one opportunity after another to avoid it, often arming future enemies, pulling out of treaties with Iran or North Korea that lead to escalating conflict and much more, that doesn't rely on theories many people consider far-fetched. But there are many major unsolved mysteries that wouldn't be explained with a more traditional explanation including some ancient ones, like how they moved massive megaliths thousands of years ago as I pointed out in numerous articles including Dude, We've Been In The Rabbit Hole Or Twilight Zone All Along!

As I explained in the previous article about an ISIS Wag the Dog Hypothesis This organization seemed to come out of nowhere in 2014 and ISIS or ISIL wasn't even the name they called themselves, but the mainstream media repeated it over and over again all at once turning it into a recognizable name. A few pundits including Rachel Maddow tried to explain this and some claimed that their real name was actually Daesh; however according to Wikipedia that's not what they call themselves either, and it's considered derogatory and "use of the name Daesh punishable by flogging or cutting out the tongue." They claim the name is actually "ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah."

At best, if this theory isn't true, the mainstream media is doing an incredibly bad job explaining this and many other things, which may be part of the reason why so many people consider some of these fringe conspiracy theories viable, even when many of them have many flaws. But there are many major unsolved mysteries, including as I said ancient megaliths and also mystics which have never been fully explained, although it's difficult to draw a connection to this without further evidence, making it speculative.

But there's still an enormous amount of evidence indicating that our mainstream media has an incredible knack for misleading us about war and that they have a massive propaganda organizations that is constantly creating distorted versions of truth to support this, some of which I went into in previous articles, a few which are listed below. Whether it's a conflict with North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Syria or many other countries they routinely attribute an enormous amount of threatening characteristics to the next enemy du jour which is much worse than what they previously reported about Syria or any other enemy du jour. The sudden rise of ISIS, or what ever you want to call it is one of the most extreme examples of it becoming a world wide threat almost over night.

And one of the threatening characteristics they came up with is an incredibly effective propaganda effort, although if you think about it the propaganda that is presented to the public is far more effective for the political elites that are using war or the threat of war to keep them in power one year after another. Greg Miller of the Washington Post, which has ties to the CIA (many more sources to this if you search for them) attributed the allegedly spectacular propaganda abilities if ISIS in the following article:

Inside the surreal world of the Islamic State’s propaganda machine 11/20/2015

CONFRONTING THE ‘CALIPHATE’ | This is part of an occasional series about the rise of the Islamic State militant group, its implications for the Middle East, and efforts by the U.S. government and others to undermine it.

RABAT, MOROCCO — The assignments arrive on slips of paper, each bearing the black flag of the Islamic State, the seal of the terrorist group’s media emir, and the site of that day’s shoot.

“The paper just gives you the location,” never the details, said Abu Hajer al-Maghribi, who spent nearly a year as a cameraman for the Islamic State. Sometimes the job was to film prayers at a mosque, he said, or militants exchanging fire. But, inevitably, a slip would come with the coordinates to an unfolding bloodbath.

For Abu Hajer, that card told him to drive two hours southwest of the Syrian city of Raqqa, the capital of the caliphate, or Islamic realm, declared by the militant group. There, he discovered that he was among 10 cameramen sent to record the final hours of more than 160 Syrian soldiers captured in 2014.

“I held my Canon camera,” he said, as the soldiers were stripped to their underwear, marched into the desert, forced to their knees and massacred with automatic rifles.

His footage quickly found a global audience, released online in an Islamic State video that spread on social media and appeared in mainstream news coverage on Al Jazeera and other networks.

Abu Hajer, who is now in prison in Morocco, is among more than a dozen Islamic State defectors or members in several countries who provided detailed accounts to The Washington Post of their involvement in, or exposure to, the most potent propaganda machine ever assembled by a terrorist group.

What they described resembles a medieval reality show. Camera crews fan out across the caliphate every day, their ubiquitous presence distorting the events they purportedly document. Battle scenes and public beheadings are so scripted and staged that fighters and executioners often perform multiple takes and read their lines from cue cards. Complete article

If you consider mainstream media credible then this might seem like a very effective propaganda effort on the part of ISIS; however, if you look carefully, you might notice that all his sources are either anonymous or part of the military establishment rooting for one war after another, even when they're often exposed at their lies. And the anonymous sources are mostly prisoners under the control of the military.

But this report came out over three years ago, and I can't help but wonder why there's so little follow up reporting on ISIS propaganda efforts if they're so effective. When it came out they gave it obsession coverage which is a standard propaganda effort the mainstream media uses, then they move on to one more obsession du jour after another without covering the details of many if any of them, and those familiar with alternative media or accustomed to doing their own research routinely find many flaws with what ever obsession du jour they're reporting on.

Instead of credibly reporting the news the mainstream media routinely caters to peoples fears and tries to make it entertaining as possible, instead of doing a good job fact checking, often even trying to make war seems sexy. This is a increasingly common effort to make war seem like part of the women's liberation movement for equality, and when they make it appear sexy it often appeals to men as well. This tactic has also been repeated over and over again then dropped when it no longer seems to have suited their purpose, whether it involves sexy women involved in the killing or fear of teenage children that might feel tempted to run away and join ISIS.

With or without an ISIS Wag the Dog Hypothesis they're definitely trying to make war sexier with their propaganda, including recruitment of female veterans, as I pointed out in Glorifying War Endangering Safety, Democracy And Veterans, and they've also done the same, at least for a little while, with female fighters on both sides of the fight with ISIS.

The most female fighters, according to various media reports seems to be the Kurds, but at times there have been plenty of other Muslim women allegedly fighting both for and against ISIS. The vast majority of the photos that I've seen show mostly women posing together, often with rifles target shooting, although few of the photos seems to be actual combat, and they often seem to be very happy with what they're doing.

With or without a Wag the Dog Hypothesis, this is mostly staged for propaganda purposes. If they were totally faking the conflict like the movie it would be virtually impossible to keep it hidden this long; however major exaggerations during war time are routine, so not only is it possible that some of that is happening it's virtually guaranteed.

Using women to fight wars has always been against most cultures, including our own, although it has been slowly changing in the United States. Judging by memoirs of female veterans like Kayla Williams or Jessica Lynch, they don't do nearly as much fighting as some of the propaganda indicates. The famous rescue of Jessica Lynch was almost entirely based on lies, and although Kayla Williams did write about training with guns and that unlike most other women she knew how to use them before enlisting, she spent most of her time as a translator, not fighting on the front lines. If the Kurdish women do fight as much as they claim they're much more aggressive than most American women who seem to provide mostly supporting roles, but even for men, I suspect only a small fraction of them are on the front lines at any given time.

According to The Status Of Women In Islam by Sh. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi women are not normally used to fight at all, but in extreme cases they make exceptions, saying, "Fighting for Allah (Jihad) is meant for men" and "preparing food, treating the wounded and helping the sick .... This is the work for the woman and for the nature of her function; but to carry a weapon and fight or lead a battalion is not one of her affairs, unless there is a special need for that; then she could share with men in their struggle against the enemies as much as she is able."

Islam certainly doesn't normally condone women fighting in war but there have been plenty of these reports since the battle with ISIS began, although most of them were a few years old. One of the most popular photos of ISIS women fighting has been repeated over and over again but no one seems to know the original source. It shows four women in a burka with the ISIS logo on their headdress with rifles ready to fight as they pass a tree; this is almost certainly staged, even without a Wag the Dog hypothesis. This clothing would be highly inconvenient to fight in, among other things. The larger volume of Kurdish fighter in uniform might seem more credible but they also seem staged at least to some degree, almost as if they're enjoying a constant state of war. This is far more effective as propaganda even when there's a real war going on, since they want to make it seem worthwhile and make it seem like a desirable thing to do to fight for your country, which ever country that is.

It's a little surprising that the media hasn't jumped on this with Trump threatening to pull troops from Syria, leaving women to do all the fighting for them. If it is a Wag the Dog scenario it would have to be huge, since it's being reported by so many news outlets.

There would have to be a massive motive to go through such an insane effort to fake a war, or start wars based on lies. We're often led to believe that the reason for all these wars is oil and greed, and there's little or no doubt that's a major part of it. But, as I said there are other major unsolved mysteries, including ancient megaliths and mystics that haven't been explained. Several of my past articles including Spectacular Heart Transplant for Sophia But at What Cost and a couple previously mentioned have cited Philip Corso's claims that he shared alien technology with multinational corporations starting after the alleged Roswell crash and other alleged retrievals of crashed crafts from an advanced intelligence or aliens, of some sort. If there is something to this then it's massive and it's virtually guaranteed to impact all aspects of life, possibly going back thousands of years, assuming it's the same ancient aliens that influenced the movement of massive megaliths.

If there's nothing to it then there's still a massive effort to make it seem like there is creating a different set of belief systems going back decades to conspiracies about UFOs that must have been fabricated if they don't exist. This escalated with claims that Corso shared technology which he reported in his 1997 book, and History Channel shows have been reporting on since then, now with the Ancient Aliens series, which anyone watching, might notice has an enormous number of obvious flaws. However the skeptics reporting also has an enormous number of flaws, including a failure to explain how megaliths were moved, crop circles were made, cattle mutilations, and many other potentially related unsolved mysteries. And these reports are coming from the same mainstream media that is providing deceptive propaganda for wars, even if it's not as extreme as a Wag the Dog hypothesis.

So they're definitely faking something. And if there has been shared technology then some of that has been used to fight these wars, and patch the wounded back together with advanced medical technology that has been improving at a rapid pace along with other types of technology. If there have been ancient aliens or any other type of advanced intelligence including what religious people refer to as "God," around for thousands of years that influenced early religion and the movement of these ancient megaliths, then this advanced intelligence definitely refused to open an honest line of communication for thousands of years and withheld advice that could have prevented wars going back thousands of years, including the current wars, World Wars I & II, the Crusades and much more.

Even without a Wag the Dog hypothesis or an advanced intelligence to advise us how to avoid war, there are plenty of well informed people that have done their part to expose many of these wars based on lies, and provided alternatives to fighting these wars, including trying to reconcile social differences; however the politicians and mainstream media routinely marginalize them, and refuse to try rational alternatives. They've reported on how we've armed one faction after another many of which turned those weapons against us, without providing nearly as much humanitarian aid or education as they often pretend to provide.

So either they're creating real was or fake wars unnecessarily!

Which is worse?

Either way they've been manipulating the vast majority of the public with warmongering and appeals to emotion. And whether or not new technology came from aliens or not it's being used to control the vast majority of the public instead of to benefit them. Either way there's good reason to demand full disclosure, along with rigorous fact checking and fair distribution of the benefits of this technology, along with an economic system that benefits all who contribute to society, not just those who finance campaigns!

And if there's no Wag the Dog conspiracy there has to be another explanation for Donald Trump; no matter how much the media pretends otherwise they could have provided coverage for diverse candidates instead of obsession coverage for him making him seem like the lesser of two evils compared to the Democratic establishment and the mainstream media.

The following are some related articles:

UK female jihadists run ISIS sex-slave brothels 09/12/2014

Isis propaganda video shows women fighting for first time amid 'desperation' to bolster ranks 02/08/2018

Isis calls on women to fight and launch terror attacks for first time 10/06/2017

700 Germans are fighting for ISIS and the number of women joining keeps growing 06/24/2015 Using same photo from Twitter or unknown source

The angels of death: ISIS savages fear Kurd women fighters more than any other foe 08/19/2015 However, she says her soldiers must never allow themselves to be captured by ISIS, usually contemptuously called 'Daesh' in the Middle East, as they face torture and rape at their hands. In fact, her fighters are always careful to leave a bullet in their weapons to use on themselves if it looks like they will be taken.

Captagon: The Jihadist’s Drug

He's a terrorist; but so are these guys

"Every Muslim is a terrorist period."

How ISIS Was Created, It Will Make You Question Everything !!! 02/25/2015

Minnesota security guard 10th in Twin Cities charged with supporting ISIS 12/11/2015

Why did Obama sell $1bn of anti tank missiles to Saudi Arabia to give to terrorists in Syria? 12/1/2015

British girls aged 15 and 17 run off to join ISIS after being radicalised online 09/30/2014

'Jihad Jane' Sentenced To 10 Years For Terrorism Plot 01/06/2014

ISIS: Judge bans five teenage girls from leaving UK after they considered fleeing to Syria 03/20/2015

British rock musician turned ISIS extremist is luring teenage girls to Syria through Twitter with the promise of an 'awesome life' as a jihadi bride 12/20/2014

'Terror twins' who fled UK to join ISIS 'tried to get family to join them' 10/05/2015

Kurdish Female Soldier Gains Internet Fame for Allegedly Killing More than 100 ISIS Jihadis 10/16/2014

ISIS Islamists release corporate-style annual report into their reign of terror in Middle East 06/18/2014

ISIS luring U.S. women with cash-for-babies promises 09/16/2014

Women in Iraq’s Anbar form group to fight ISIS 11/15/2015

Clarissa Ward with CNN goes to the Syrian front lines in the fight against ISIS 01/17/2019

American, Warren Clark aka Abu Muhammad al-Ameriki allegedly sent resume to ISIS for teaching job 02/07/2018

Why Teaching English to Terrorists Is Not an Act of War 01/11/2019 Warren Christopher Clark

UAE female fighter pilot bombing IS militants wins fans online 09/24/2014

War Whores Scramble To Say Syria Attack Means Troops Must Remain 01/17/2019

NBC Reporter Engel in a Class by Himself in Middle East 04/12/2011 Engel was in the desert outside the rebel stronghold of Benghazi amidst a group of young rebel fighters armed only with pickup trucks and a few rifles. The NBC reporter was telling the amazing, dismaying story of a young man armed only with... a toy plastic gun! Suddenly, 50 yards away, an artillery shell exploded and everyone, including Engel, hit the dirt. Engel then showed the young rebel braving live rifle fire — to retrieve the toy pistol he’d dropped after the explosion. It was an unforgettable moment.

Researchers find undisclosed missile site in North Korea 01/21/2019 The base is one of 20 of the North Korean government's undeclared missile sites, according to a report by Beyond Parallel, a project sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Wag The Dog 1997

Number of women and children who joined Isis 'significantly underestimated' 07/23/2018 Same Photo used four years earlier

A Sudanese teenager killed her rapist, and Muslim women are fighting for her life 05/10/2018

#WomensEqualityDay: Kurdish women fighters of the YPJ. Destroying ISIS just as well than men. 08/26/2016

Women fighters putting fear of death into ISIS in Iraq 04/11/2016 Dead link

Some of the bravest warriors fighting against ISIS are the #women's Kurdish fighting force . These fearless female fighters of #YPJ have killed 100's of ISIS terrorists. #ISIS believe if they are killed by a women they go to hell. They have sent many of them there. #Twitterkurds 11/23/2018

The Pioneering #Women Of The Struggle Have A Pure Heart And Smiling Face. . Support these amazing and fearless Kurdish female fighters of #YPJ . 10/27/2018

On International #womensday honour and #respect to the female Kurdish fighters #YPJ in Syria who fight against Jihadism,patriarchy and national liberation.They fought ISIS ,the enslaver of #women and #now they #DefendAfrin against the Turkish IslamoFascist invasion! #solidarity 03/08/2018

These are some of the Kurdish women fighters who helped defeat ISIS militants in Raqqa, Syria 10/21/2017

The women fighters who helped defeat ISIS in Raqqa 10/22/2017

#YJŞ fighters: 'We came to #Raqqa for the enslaved Êzidî women. If necessary, we are prepared to go to Deir ez-Zor and fight ISIS there.' 10/12/2017

Isis has asked women fighters to join their ranks because of ‘Khilafat’. As a Muslim woman who follows Khilafat. … 10/09/2017

Isis has asked women fighters to join their ranks because of ‘Khilafat’. As a Muslim woman who follows Khilafat, let me set the record straight 10/08/2017

Wisconsin company to install rice-sized microchips in employees 07/24/2017

Reality Check: Are 15,000 transgender people serving in the US military? 08/18/2017

Mercenaries in Yemen–the U.S. Connection 12/1/2015

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