Wednesday, January 23, 2019

An ISIS Wag The Dog Hypothesis Is Still Unlikely But ....

Over four years ago when I posted I’m not completely ruling out an ISIS Wag the Dog Hypothesis but ... there were serious problems with the official explanation that led us into war in Syria which was never declared, and troops went in long before traditional media reported on it. However, even though I admitted that my theory was unlikely and would have to be much bigger than most fringe conspiracy theorists cl;aim if there was anything to it at all, or they must be wrong, the official version of truth has become even more insane and absurd than this theory since then, which might mean that either I might have been close or something equally insane must be going wrong.

Since I posted this I updated it to report that James Foley worked for USAID, Stars and Stripes, and had ties to other organizations that may have been aligned with the CIA, making some kind of connection more likely even if it's not the Wag the Dog Hypothesis. And, even if this theory isn't true there's an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that we're fighting one war after another based on lies, and the political establishment passes up one opportunity after another to avoid it, often arming future enemies, pulling out of treaties with Iran or North Korea that lead to escalating conflict and much more, that doesn't rely on theories many people consider far-fetched. But there are many major unsolved mysteries that wouldn't be explained with a more traditional explanation including some ancient ones, like how they moved massive megaliths thousands of years ago as I pointed out in numerous articles including Dude, We've Been In The Rabbit Hole Or Twilight Zone All Along!

As I explained in the previous article about an ISIS Wag the Dog Hypothesis This organization seemed to come out of nowhere in 2014 and ISIS or ISIL wasn't even the name they called themselves, but the mainstream media repeated it over and over again all at once turning it into a recognizable name. A few pundits including Rachel Maddow tried to explain this and some claimed that their real name was actually Daesh; however according to Wikipedia that's not what they call themselves either, and it's considered derogatory and "use of the name Daesh punishable by flogging or cutting out the tongue." They claim the name is actually "ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah."

At best, if this theory isn't true, the mainstream media is doing an incredibly bad job explaining this and many other things, which may be part of the reason why so many people consider some of these fringe conspiracy theories viable, even when many of them have many flaws. But there are many major unsolved mysteries, including as I said ancient megaliths and also mystics which have never been fully explained, although it's difficult to draw a connection to this without further evidence, making it speculative.

But there's still an enormous amount of evidence indicating that our mainstream media has an incredible knack for misleading us about war and that they have a massive propaganda organizations that is constantly creating distorted versions of truth to support this, some of which I went into in previous articles, a few which are listed below. Whether it's a conflict with North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Syria or many other countries they routinely attribute an enormous amount of threatening characteristics to the next enemy du jour which is much worse than what they previously reported about Syria or any other enemy du jour. The sudden rise of ISIS, or what ever you want to call it is one of the most extreme examples of it becoming a world wide threat almost over night.

And one of the threatening characteristics they came up with is an incredibly effective propaganda effort, although if you think about it the propaganda that is presented to the public is far more effective for the political elites that are using war or the threat of war to keep them in power one year after another. Greg Miller of the Washington Post, which has ties to the CIA (many more sources to this if you search for them) attributed the allegedly spectacular propaganda abilities if ISIS in the following article:

Inside the surreal world of the Islamic State’s propaganda machine 11/20/2015

CONFRONTING THE ‘CALIPHATE’ | This is part of an occasional series about the rise of the Islamic State militant group, its implications for the Middle East, and efforts by the U.S. government and others to undermine it.

RABAT, MOROCCO — The assignments arrive on slips of paper, each bearing the black flag of the Islamic State, the seal of the terrorist group’s media emir, and the site of that day’s shoot.

“The paper just gives you the location,” never the details, said Abu Hajer al-Maghribi, who spent nearly a year as a cameraman for the Islamic State. Sometimes the job was to film prayers at a mosque, he said, or militants exchanging fire. But, inevitably, a slip would come with the coordinates to an unfolding bloodbath.

For Abu Hajer, that card told him to drive two hours southwest of the Syrian city of Raqqa, the capital of the caliphate, or Islamic realm, declared by the militant group. There, he discovered that he was among 10 cameramen sent to record the final hours of more than 160 Syrian soldiers captured in 2014.

“I held my Canon camera,” he said, as the soldiers were stripped to their underwear, marched into the desert, forced to their knees and massacred with automatic rifles.

His footage quickly found a global audience, released online in an Islamic State video that spread on social media and appeared in mainstream news coverage on Al Jazeera and other networks.

Abu Hajer, who is now in prison in Morocco, is among more than a dozen Islamic State defectors or members in several countries who provided detailed accounts to The Washington Post of their involvement in, or exposure to, the most potent propaganda machine ever assembled by a terrorist group.

What they described resembles a medieval reality show. Camera crews fan out across the caliphate every day, their ubiquitous presence distorting the events they purportedly document. Battle scenes and public beheadings are so scripted and staged that fighters and executioners often perform multiple takes and read their lines from cue cards. Complete article

If you consider mainstream media credible then this might seem like a very effective propaganda effort on the part of ISIS; however, if you look carefully, you might notice that all his sources are either anonymous or part of the military establishment rooting for one war after another, even when they're often exposed at their lies. And the anonymous sources are mostly prisoners under the control of the military.

But this report came out over three years ago, and I can't help but wonder why there's so little follow up reporting on ISIS propaganda efforts if they're so effective. When it came out they gave it obsession coverage which is a standard propaganda effort the mainstream media uses, then they move on to one more obsession du jour after another without covering the details of many if any of them, and those familiar with alternative media or accustomed to doing their own research routinely find many flaws with what ever obsession du jour they're reporting on.

Instead of credibly reporting the news the mainstream media routinely caters to peoples fears and tries to make it entertaining as possible, instead of doing a good job fact checking, often even trying to make war seems sexy. This is a increasingly common effort to make war seem like part of the women's liberation movement for equality, and when they make it appear sexy it often appeals to men as well. This tactic has also been repeated over and over again then dropped when it no longer seems to have suited their purpose, whether it involves sexy women involved in the killing or fear of teenage children that might feel tempted to run away and join ISIS.

With or without an ISIS Wag the Dog Hypothesis they're definitely trying to make war sexier with their propaganda, including recruitment of female veterans, as I pointed out in Glorifying War Endangering Safety, Democracy And Veterans, and they've also done the same, at least for a little while, with female fighters on both sides of the fight with ISIS.

The most female fighters, according to various media reports seems to be the Kurds, but at times there have been plenty of other Muslim women allegedly fighting both for and against ISIS. The vast majority of the photos that I've seen show mostly women posing together, often with rifles target shooting, although few of the photos seems to be actual combat, and they often seem to be very happy with what they're doing.

With or without a Wag the Dog Hypothesis, this is mostly staged for propaganda purposes. If they were totally faking the conflict like the movie it would be virtually impossible to keep it hidden this long; however major exaggerations during war time are routine, so not only is it possible that some of that is happening it's virtually guaranteed.

Using women to fight wars has always been against most cultures, including our own, although it has been slowly changing in the United States. Judging by memoirs of female veterans like Kayla Williams or Jessica Lynch, they don't do nearly as much fighting as some of the propaganda indicates. The famous rescue of Jessica Lynch was almost entirely based on lies, and although Kayla Williams did write about training with guns and that unlike most other women she knew how to use them before enlisting, she spent most of her time as a translator, not fighting on the front lines. If the Kurdish women do fight as much as they claim they're much more aggressive than most American women who seem to provide mostly supporting roles, but even for men, I suspect only a small fraction of them are on the front lines at any given time.

According to The Status Of Women In Islam by Sh. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi women are not normally used to fight at all, but in extreme cases they make exceptions, saying, "Fighting for Allah (Jihad) is meant for men" and "preparing food, treating the wounded and helping the sick .... This is the work for the woman and for the nature of her function; but to carry a weapon and fight or lead a battalion is not one of her affairs, unless there is a special need for that; then she could share with men in their struggle against the enemies as much as she is able."

Islam certainly doesn't normally condone women fighting in war but there have been plenty of these reports since the battle with ISIS began, although most of them were a few years old. One of the most popular photos of ISIS women fighting has been repeated over and over again but no one seems to know the original source. It shows four women in a burka with the ISIS logo on their headdress with rifles ready to fight as they pass a tree; this is almost certainly staged, even without a Wag the Dog hypothesis. This clothing would be highly inconvenient to fight in, among other things. The larger volume of Kurdish fighter in uniform might seem more credible but they also seem staged at least to some degree, almost as if they're enjoying a constant state of war. This is far more effective as propaganda even when there's a real war going on, since they want to make it seem worthwhile and make it seem like a desirable thing to do to fight for your country, which ever country that is.

It's a little surprising that the media hasn't jumped on this with Trump threatening to pull troops from Syria, leaving women to do all the fighting for them. If it is a Wag the Dog scenario it would have to be huge, since it's being reported by so many news outlets.

There would have to be a massive motive to go through such an insane effort to fake a war, or start wars based on lies. We're often led to believe that the reason for all these wars is oil and greed, and there's little or no doubt that's a major part of it. But, as I said there are other major unsolved mysteries, including ancient megaliths and mystics that haven't been explained. Several of my past articles including Spectacular Heart Transplant for Sophia But at What Cost and a couple previously mentioned have cited Philip Corso's claims that he shared alien technology with multinational corporations starting after the alleged Roswell crash and other alleged retrievals of crashed crafts from an advanced intelligence or aliens, of some sort. If there is something to this then it's massive and it's virtually guaranteed to impact all aspects of life, possibly going back thousands of years, assuming it's the same ancient aliens that influenced the movement of massive megaliths.

If there's nothing to it then there's still a massive effort to make it seem like there is creating a different set of belief systems going back decades to conspiracies about UFOs that must have been fabricated if they don't exist. This escalated with claims that Corso shared technology which he reported in his 1997 book, and History Channel shows have been reporting on since then, now with the Ancient Aliens series, which anyone watching, might notice has an enormous number of obvious flaws. However the skeptics reporting also has an enormous number of flaws, including a failure to explain how megaliths were moved, crop circles were made, cattle mutilations, and many other potentially related unsolved mysteries. And these reports are coming from the same mainstream media that is providing deceptive propaganda for wars, even if it's not as extreme as a Wag the Dog hypothesis.

So they're definitely faking something. And if there has been shared technology then some of that has been used to fight these wars, and patch the wounded back together with advanced medical technology that has been improving at a rapid pace along with other types of technology. If there have been ancient aliens or any other type of advanced intelligence including what religious people refer to as "God," around for thousands of years that influenced early religion and the movement of these ancient megaliths, then this advanced intelligence definitely refused to open an honest line of communication for thousands of years and withheld advice that could have prevented wars going back thousands of years, including the current wars, World Wars I & II, the Crusades and much more.

Even without a Wag the Dog hypothesis or an advanced intelligence to advise us how to avoid war, there are plenty of well informed people that have done their part to expose many of these wars based on lies, and provided alternatives to fighting these wars, including trying to reconcile social differences; however the politicians and mainstream media routinely marginalize them, and refuse to try rational alternatives. They've reported on how we've armed one faction after another many of which turned those weapons against us, without providing nearly as much humanitarian aid or education as they often pretend to provide.

So either they're creating real was or fake wars unnecessarily!

Which is worse?

Either way they've been manipulating the vast majority of the public with warmongering and appeals to emotion. And whether or not new technology came from aliens or not it's being used to control the vast majority of the public instead of to benefit them. Either way there's good reason to demand full disclosure, along with rigorous fact checking and fair distribution of the benefits of this technology, along with an economic system that benefits all who contribute to society, not just those who finance campaigns!

And if there's no Wag the Dog conspiracy there has to be another explanation for Donald Trump; no matter how much the media pretends otherwise they could have provided coverage for diverse candidates instead of obsession coverage for him making him seem like the lesser of two evils compared to the Democratic establishment and the mainstream media.

The following are some related articles:

UK female jihadists run ISIS sex-slave brothels 09/12/2014

Isis propaganda video shows women fighting for first time amid 'desperation' to bolster ranks 02/08/2018

Isis calls on women to fight and launch terror attacks for first time 10/06/2017

700 Germans are fighting for ISIS and the number of women joining keeps growing 06/24/2015 Using same photo from Twitter or unknown source

The angels of death: ISIS savages fear Kurd women fighters more than any other foe 08/19/2015 However, she says her soldiers must never allow themselves to be captured by ISIS, usually contemptuously called 'Daesh' in the Middle East, as they face torture and rape at their hands. In fact, her fighters are always careful to leave a bullet in their weapons to use on themselves if it looks like they will be taken.

Captagon: The Jihadist’s Drug

He's a terrorist; but so are these guys

"Every Muslim is a terrorist period."

How ISIS Was Created, It Will Make You Question Everything !!! 02/25/2015

Minnesota security guard 10th in Twin Cities charged with supporting ISIS 12/11/2015

Why did Obama sell $1bn of anti tank missiles to Saudi Arabia to give to terrorists in Syria? 12/1/2015

British girls aged 15 and 17 run off to join ISIS after being radicalised online 09/30/2014

'Jihad Jane' Sentenced To 10 Years For Terrorism Plot 01/06/2014

ISIS: Judge bans five teenage girls from leaving UK after they considered fleeing to Syria 03/20/2015

British rock musician turned ISIS extremist is luring teenage girls to Syria through Twitter with the promise of an 'awesome life' as a jihadi bride 12/20/2014

'Terror twins' who fled UK to join ISIS 'tried to get family to join them' 10/05/2015

Kurdish Female Soldier Gains Internet Fame for Allegedly Killing More than 100 ISIS Jihadis 10/16/2014

ISIS Islamists release corporate-style annual report into their reign of terror in Middle East 06/18/2014

ISIS luring U.S. women with cash-for-babies promises 09/16/2014

Women in Iraq’s Anbar form group to fight ISIS 11/15/2015

Clarissa Ward with CNN goes to the Syrian front lines in the fight against ISIS 01/17/2019

American, Warren Clark aka Abu Muhammad al-Ameriki allegedly sent resume to ISIS for teaching job 02/07/2018

Why Teaching English to Terrorists Is Not an Act of War 01/11/2019 Warren Christopher Clark

UAE female fighter pilot bombing IS militants wins fans online 09/24/2014

War Whores Scramble To Say Syria Attack Means Troops Must Remain 01/17/2019

NBC Reporter Engel in a Class by Himself in Middle East 04/12/2011 Engel was in the desert outside the rebel stronghold of Benghazi amidst a group of young rebel fighters armed only with pickup trucks and a few rifles. The NBC reporter was telling the amazing, dismaying story of a young man armed only with... a toy plastic gun! Suddenly, 50 yards away, an artillery shell exploded and everyone, including Engel, hit the dirt. Engel then showed the young rebel braving live rifle fire — to retrieve the toy pistol he’d dropped after the explosion. It was an unforgettable moment.

Researchers find undisclosed missile site in North Korea 01/21/2019 The base is one of 20 of the North Korean government's undeclared missile sites, according to a report by Beyond Parallel, a project sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Wag The Dog 1997

Number of women and children who joined Isis 'significantly underestimated' 07/23/2018 Same Photo used four years earlier

A Sudanese teenager killed her rapist, and Muslim women are fighting for her life 05/10/2018

#WomensEqualityDay: Kurdish women fighters of the YPJ. Destroying ISIS just as well than men. 08/26/2016

Women fighters putting fear of death into ISIS in Iraq 04/11/2016 Dead link

Some of the bravest warriors fighting against ISIS are the #women's Kurdish fighting force . These fearless female fighters of #YPJ have killed 100's of ISIS terrorists. #ISIS believe if they are killed by a women they go to hell. They have sent many of them there. #Twitterkurds 11/23/2018

The Pioneering #Women Of The Struggle Have A Pure Heart And Smiling Face. . Support these amazing and fearless Kurdish female fighters of #YPJ . 10/27/2018

On International #womensday honour and #respect to the female Kurdish fighters #YPJ in Syria who fight against Jihadism,patriarchy and national liberation.They fought ISIS ,the enslaver of #women and #now they #DefendAfrin against the Turkish IslamoFascist invasion! #solidarity 03/08/2018

These are some of the Kurdish women fighters who helped defeat ISIS militants in Raqqa, Syria 10/21/2017

The women fighters who helped defeat ISIS in Raqqa 10/22/2017

#YJŞ fighters: 'We came to #Raqqa for the enslaved Êzidî women. If necessary, we are prepared to go to Deir ez-Zor and fight ISIS there.' 10/12/2017

Isis has asked women fighters to join their ranks because of ‘Khilafat’. As a Muslim woman who follows Khilafat. … 10/09/2017

Isis has asked women fighters to join their ranks because of ‘Khilafat’. As a Muslim woman who follows Khilafat, let me set the record straight 10/08/2017

Wisconsin company to install rice-sized microchips in employees 07/24/2017

Reality Check: Are 15,000 transgender people serving in the US military? 08/18/2017

Mercenaries in Yemen–the U.S. Connection 12/1/2015

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Censored Candidates For President By Mass Media

If you were involved in the decision making process to hire employees, including executives, for Target, would you allow someone with a conflict of interests, like Walmart executives to screen the candidates and decide which ones you can interview?

Of course not, in the corporate world this would never be considered reasonable at all!

However, when it comes to choosing our politicians from high offices like the president and Senate to local officials that's exactly what the vast majority of the public do!

We have six oligarchs controlling over ninety percent of the media and they automatically provide obsession coverage for billionaires like Michael Bloomberg or the next in line within the traditional Republican and Democratic Parties, without even mentioning the vast majority of candidates running for many offices. This is how they routinely rig elections so that only those getting name recognition with coverage they control are considered viable, guaranteeing that we never even hear of candidates they disapprove of!

To put it simply the mass media can rig elections by refusing to cover candidates they don't like preventing them from getting the name recognition they need to become viable!

The media practically never tells the majority of the public that there are literally hundreds of candidates they refuse to cover or report on many of the issues they run on. On the rare occasions where they do, they treat it as if any candidates they don't cover are fringe or a joke. The only time I remember any pundits even mentioning that there are many more candidates running was years ago perhaps during the 2008 or 2016 elections when Rachel Maddow brought it up, only mentioning irrational or joke candidates like "Deez Nuts" giving her audience the impression that they're not serious and that there's nothing to check out there.

Unfortunately the vast majority of the public is simply letting them get away with this without even doing much if anything to change it, even many alternative media outlets, although some of them provide some coverage for progressive candidates like Jill Stein, who is far better than the candidates the establishment media is willing to cover, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders; however, after the primaries were rigged against him in 2016 even he caved and endorsed Hillary Clinton, which may have actually helped Trump get elected since they rigged the primaries for such a horrendous candidate that he could look like the lesser of two evils to many people.

In 2000 there were at least five alternative candidates that had their names on the ballot during the general elections in enough states to win, but the vast majority of the public wasn't aware of many if any of them. The Mainstream media provided a minimal amount of coverage to Ralph Nader and Patrick Buchanan, who were included but there were at least three others as well, including John Haglin, who was almost certainly the best candidate by far, at least in my opinion; and I suspect if the majority of the public knew about him they would be much more likely to support him and he would have had a viable chance of winning.

But of course the mainstream media gave obsession coverage to Al Gore and George Bush, as if they were the only candidates the public could choose from and that they were popular, even though they both had high negatives polling, and they often made so many idiotic blunders that it seemed like they were both trying to lose.

Things only got worse from there with both Clinton and Trump having record breaking low approval ratings during the 2016 elections, which is of course exactly what the primary process is supposed to prevent. They're supposed to nominate the people the public likes the best; however the media only covers incredibly corrupt candidates collecting massive amounts of bribes thinly disguised as campaign contributions.

Every four years there're a few web pages including Ballotpedia and Project Vote Smart put out a full list of all the candidates running for office, including for president. Project Vote Smart also provides questionnaires for these candidates, which most traditional candidates boycott, as long as they can get away with it. If the voters raised questions about it they might be more likely to fill them out so people would know where they stand on the issues; if people refused to vote for them unless they filled out a job application, which is what I refer to them as, then they would routinely fill them out.

As I pointed out previously in Saving Project Vote Smart and improving it or replacing it these questionnaires could be improved and the grassroots should have more control over the interview process, but it's still the best application for candidates that I'm aware of. Working to create better applications is also something that the grassroots needs to work on.

Project Vote Smart has barely put out their page for these candidates and as of this writing it's still blank, but presumably within the next few weeks they'll start adding many candidates. Ballotpedia already has over four hundred and fifty candidates that have officially filed papers to indicate they're running. Most of them don't seem to have much additional information available if you Google their names for president, but there are at least a couple dozen that have some additional information available which I was able to find, although it's still early, and there will no doubt be more candidates entering the race and providing additional information.

If more of these candidates got more coverage, at least at the grassroots level, then they might be more inclined to put out more information on their positions, and this could help educate the public even if they don't have a chance to win. Not that I'm completely ruling out the possibility that a grassroots candidates can win, but of course we go through this every four years and the deck is stacked against them, especially if most people keep their heads in the sand.

If enough people wake up we can get real change, as many reformers often say, and it could happen suddenly at one point or another but that won't happen unless some people start spreading the word to the best of their ability. We may not b able to get the mass media to pay attention right away, but if more alternative media outlets start covering some of the most credible of these candidate they might have a chance of either winning or doing much more to educate the public.

I don't know whether Jill Stein is running again or not, her name recognition helps, but there might be an advantage to getting new nominees as well. Ian Schlakman and a few other candidates have declared they're going to run in the Green Party; I found some information on Ian, but if he wants to run a serious campaign he'll have to put out more soon, although it's still early.

Sanderson Beck provided much more information and is worth a very close look. Unlike traditional politicians he doesn't provide carefully scripted promises catering to each audience that he speaks to without providing a good stand on many issues that is consistent no matter who they're talking to, which is what we should demand from all politicians. It's now routine to for high profile politicians to put out multiple conflicting promises to different audiences, guaranteeing they have to break many of those promises to keep other promises; and they usually keep the ones given to their campaign donors while breaking those to the vast majority of the public.

Beck also wrote extensively about how he thinks that all candidates should be heard and came up with policy positions that can help ensure that this actually happens, which is one reason why the mainstream media would never cover him; but it's also a good reason why the majority of the public should here him out, even if they don't vote for him. He supports an end to wars based on lies, single-payer healthcare, reasonable protection of the environment, and many other positions the corporations controlling the debate want to suppress, which adds to the reasons they don't want us to hear from him, but it's in our best interest to do so.

James Valentine has also created extensive positions that people can review before deciding to support him, which prevents him from adopting a different position every-time he addresses a different audience, including writing his own constitution, which many people might consider fringe or audacious. However our Constitution allows power to be concentrated in the hands of the few controlling the many although it's not supposed to do that. They claimed that they created checks and balances but then they put all three branches of government in the hands of a small percentage of wealthy people. This started out in the hands of white land owners holding slaves and we had to fight a Civil War to get black people the right to vote campaigning and protesting for decades longer before giving women the right to vote; but now six oligarchs control the press and use this control to rig elections.

I certainly don't agree with all his ideas for his Constitution and doubt if most people will either; however they're worth considering as part of a process that might lead to better understanding of our own Constitution and ratifying one that the majority of the public helped create and agrees with. Right now our leaders want us to worship it like a Bible without understanding it. The Electoral College is one of many problems with it that is considered above reproach, and as long as we accept this assumption we won't be able to control our own government as a Democracy is supposed to work.

Hubert Sean Francisco has stated that if the government shuts down those responsible for it shouldn't get paid which should be obviously right to most of us, yet the current administration is clearly forcing those with out political clout to make all the sacrifices while the wealthy that are already profiting from his tax cuts, not benefiting the majority, continue profiting off this corruption, even blatantly funding the Clock Tower at the Trump Hotel and Mar-a-Lago party tents with tax dollars while people required to work aren't getting paid.

However his positions on border security and some other positions might be as draconian as Trump's. I'm certainly not saying all these candidates are serious or good, including a candidate running as the "She-Hulk" and another running as "Frog-Man," but some are much better than the establishment candidates that the mainstream media routinely cover with obsession coverage over and over again, so if we want real reform we have to at least be able to hear from candidates that haven't sold out before the campaign even begins, although many of them do a effective job pretending to support the grassroots during the campaign and only show their true intentions after getting elected and sometimes even then they at least partly cover up their real positions with propaganda and only those watching close enough realize they've been had by some of the politicians they thought would never betray them.

One of the most blatant examples that I went into extensively in over half a dozen articles including, Elizabeth Warren Makes Me Scream! Elizabeth Warren came from the same establishment she claims to stand up to and they helped her arrange to avoid a primary, even though her leading opponent supported single payer at a time she opposed it. She's supported planned obsolescence, while pretending to be a consumer advocate speaking against what she called the "over-consumption myth," which isn't a myth at all, and is part of the epidemic fraud she claims to protect us from, voted for a massive military budget, and waited until massive pressure from the grassroots before switching positions on Charter Schools, and perhaps Single-Payer, although like many other politicians she may only be pretending to switch on these issues.

After a close look it's clear that she hasn't taken the lead on many of the issues they give her credit for, and she's one of the multimillionaires she pretends to stand up to. Even Bernie Sanders caved and endorsed Hillary Clinton. Tulsi Gabbard also seems like one of the more credible progressives; however, if she was as good as many of us want to believe she probably never would have gotten the Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee in the first place. Her father was also a politician which means she also came from the establishment all along, and they have an incredible knack for pretending to be progressive when they're not. I checked her record on Vote Smart, below and she refused to fill out their questionnaire, like typical politicians trying to control the debate so they can push their own agenda or give different versions of their positions to different people, and during the 2016 Bernie Sanders also refused to fill out his questionnaire, although he has filled them out in the past.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't support Tulsi or Bernie against the other establishment candidates if we can't get sincere grassroots candidates like Sanderson Beck, John Haglin or Jill Stein; but, if that's the best we can do we'll need to watch them closely to make sure they don't betray us like Barack Obama did.

In addition to trying to hold establishment politicians accountable we have to prepare to give grassroots candidates a much better chance by trying to help them get more coverage, which will also put establishment politicians on notice. This would also help if more alternative media outlets covered some of these candidates as well. Below are a couple dozen more candidates to check out and what ever information I could find on them with a relatively quick search; however, there will be more, and some of the candidates listed by either Ballotpedia or Vote Smart will presumably be putting out much more on their campaigns, although we may have to search for it ourselves. I'll probably follow this up with additional reviews on more candidates as they expand.

Ballotpedia: Presidential candidates, 2020

Project Vote Smart: Presidential candidates, 2016

Project Vote Smart: Presidential candidates, 2020


My name is Ian Schlakman, and I am officially launching my campaign to be the Green Party's Candidate for President of the United States.

Sanderson Beck for President 2020 "The government can make sure that debates open to all candidates are held with fair rules and made available to all Americans by the media which has licenses for broadcasting for the public good. Commercial broadcasting is polluted by advertisements used to raise enormous amounts of revenue, enabling gigantic corporations to dominate the media. Taxing commercials would be a way of alleviating the economic inequality in the media so that the government would have money to invest in public broadcasting with diverse views. Broadcasting and cable should be available to all. I believe that people benefit more by watching programs that are not interrupted by manipulative advertisements."

Literary Works of Sanderson Beck Mostly Free Online

Progressive Democracy How Wise Love Can Produce Prosperity, Justice and Peace by Sanderson Beck Proposed Amendment: "The election campaigns of candidates for the offices of United States President, Senator, and Representative as well as for statewide offices shall be publicly financed. Citizens may contribute up to three hundred dollars to one candidate in each office for which they are qualified to vote during each primary or general election. No other funds can be used for paid media advertisements. Media may not provide free advertisements to any candidate unless they do so equally for all the candidates for that office. No other person, group, organization, or business may contribute to any election campaign for any of these offices. The contributions from citizens not spent by the campaign by election day shall go into the Treasury of the United States, which shall finance the debates broadcast for each office and the sample ballots mailed to the voters that shall give equal time and space to all candidates on the ballots. Whenever and wherever primary or general elections for officers of the United States are held, that day shall be a federal holiday."

James Valentine "The Valentine Constitution would instead have our government pay for all campaigns so that our politicians will be beholden to us Citizens instead of a few billionaires, by establishing a politically neutral body within the Judiciary to provide debates and other forums for all candidates equally so that new candidates and ideas may be exposed and real issues dealt with."

"The Valentine Constitution takes the money out of politics by prohibiting campaign contributions, lobbying and the revolving door so that no favors will be owed to the big-has-failed billionaires or the special interest lobbies who currently fund campaigns and receive favors in return; who have corrupted our government, and who have gained control of our government and our economy." "Toxic packaging used once creates waste. If the world lived like Americans, we’d need 8 planets to sustain us!" "We don’t have enough water to save all Americans, let alone more immigrants. Unless we reduce our numbers we will not be able to save ourselves. We must lead the world in water efficiency, sustainability and condom use."

Hubert Sean Francisco for President 2020 “A Free People absolutely have the Inherent Right to a fully operational government as its funding is derived from the People and for the People. My Administration will send proposed legislation as a stand alone measure, that the Candidate has drafted, called the Reciprocity in Services Act. This law will ban members of Congress from compensation during a partial or full government shutdown.”

“A Free People absolutely have the Inherent Right to be safe in their persons and property from the devastating effect that criminal immigrants pose. My Administration will enforce a "Zero Trade Zero Aid" penalty on Mexico until such time that ICE certifies that the Government of Mexico has secured their Northern Border with Mexican Troops and a Concrete & Steel Wall approved by My Administration.”

Luis A. Szydlowski- De Jesus

Darcie Allen

Rev. Pamela M. Pinkney Butts

Michael W Scruggs

Cecelia Sanborn

Richard Neece Ojeda II Retired Army Major and Former West Virginia State Senator, no issues on web page just requests for donations or shirts for sale claiming he's going to end corruption.

Christina Gerasimos Billings-elias limited content

Gary Swing
Green Presidential Candidate Gary Swing: Corporate Media "Focus on Distractrations Rather Than the Real Issues" 01/15/2012

Jennifer Walters or "She Hulk" for President

Eugene Patilio of "Frog-Man" for President

Alan Howe "To get more for our money, we must invest enough to get young adults on a secure path to the middle class. ..... That likely means more college classes in high school, more years of schooling at public expense, and more interaction between businesses and educators to see that we are meeting the needs of our economy and not relying too heavily on bringing in skilled immigrants to fill the gaps."

Glenn Scott Allistair Simpson

Daphne Bradford
Daphne Bradford Runs for President 12/20/2018

Angela Marié Baxley Glass

William Joseph Hurst "A fair wage should earn you a home, food, and transportation; not poverty. If our children are to have a future, we need to invest in renewable and clean energy, now."
William Joseph Hurst Twitter

Adam Seaman

David Aaron Karaffa for President

Meet Sean Collinson, Hip-Hop Presidential Candidate of 2020 09/20/2018
Twitter: Sean Collinson

Vote Smart: Dr Samuel B Hoff

Michael E. Arth Launches 2020 Presidential Campaign 11/20/2018 His books include: Michael E. Arth Introspective 1972-1982 (1983), Democracy and the Common Wealth: Breaking the Stranglehold of the Special Interests (2010), The Labors of Hercules: Modern Solutions to 12 Herculean Problems (forthcoming), and The Time Traveler: An Artist's Quest Through the Past and Future (forthcoming)

Facebook: Tulsi Gabbard for President 2020 Hey @realDonaldTrump: being Saudi Arabia's bitch is not "America First."

Tulsi Gabbard's Political Summary includes voting record but "Tulsi Gabbard has refused to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2018 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart and voters like you." so they searched her record to figure out probable answers under "Positions" at Vote Smart

Two Choices For President? Meet The 1,896 Other Candidates No One Ever Told You About 10/10/2016

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Tis' the season for Domestic Violence? murders?

In a recent article, Truth is a commodity for J&J, Wells Fargo, Wall Street & Media, I pointed out that there's inadequate or conflicting claims about whether or not there's spike in domestic violence during the holidays, with several articles claiming that there's inadequate research into the subject. A couple articles on the subject claim that the assumption that violence spikes during the holidays is a "myth" backing this claim up with what they imply is scientific research from some experts, including some advocates for domestic violence victims, although it's not hard to find other advocates for victims claiming the opposite.

In the previous article, without doing a thorough search I cited four violent incidents that turned up on one Florida newspaper, that I came across, following that I did a more thorough search on Google, which still is far from complete, but it turned up a large number of shootings and murders during the holidays, in some cases, enough to show that some areas really did have above average murder rates for a few days and in at least a couple states, including Louisiana, there was indeed a spike in murders, although this doesn't reflect all types of domestic violence.

Louisiana had three murders in the fifteenth of November, one day before Thanksgiving, five on Thanksgiving Day, five on Sunday after Thanksgiving, in Sunday before Christmas, four Christmas Eve, six Christmas Day, four New Years Eve, three New Years Day; although my search methods almost certainly didn't turn up most of the murders for November or December, putting it well above the average for that state for the holidays or days that it did turn up murders, which consistently has the highest murder rates in the country with over five-hundred-fifty murders per year, with less than five million people. Louisiana had 582 murders in 2017 and 555 in 2016, so they have about an average of 1.6 per day; so any day with two or more is above average, which includes all the Holidays and Christmas and New Years Eves, but the rest of the murders during November or December are much less likely to turn up on a search using the holiday and murder, so the rest of the month is inconclusive without further data.

Tennessee also routinely makes it into the top ten for murder rates and had a gruesome murder where someone Dismembered, and attempted to dissolve his parents in acid on Thanksgiving weekend of 2016. They also had one more murders on Christmas Eve, two on Christmas Day, one on New Years Eve, and two on New Years Day, in 2018-9 along with numerous more shootings or other incidents which is enough to put it at least a little above average for those days, but it could be even higher if there are additional reports that didn't turn up in the search.

Some additional crunching of the numbers will be helpful; but, most of the states still allowing corporal punishment in schools, and presumably using it more at home too, had more murders or shootings than the states without out CP in schools, in most cases compared to the typical murder rates for the state, although this is only likely to apply to Christmas Day, or Christmas Eve, in some cases I checked for New Years or Thanksgiving, but this search wasn't as thorough. The most notable exception from states no longer allowing it was probably Ohio which had a high number of incidents, but several of the least violent states also had an increase in violent crime for the holidays as well, although in these cases one or two murders is often enough to put them above average.

The Union Leader provided a reasonably complete list of murders in New Hampshire and they probably had the second highest number of murders in 2018 than in the past ten years and five out of twenty one took place during November and December, including one on Thanksgiving. Occasionally some murders are discovered right away, and often start as missing persons report, but if no other murders turn up that is enough to put it above average and Maine and Hawaii both had murders, stabbings or shootings, over the holidays which is enough to make them above average, since they have among the lowest murder rates as well. Maine had a double murder discovered on New Years Day this year and another double murder on Christmas Day in 2015, since they only have about 20-25 murders a year that's enough to push beat the average even if there were't any more holiday murders for years. Hawaii had a stabbing on Christmas Day this year, and a murder on Christmas Day in 2016, which is enough to put it moderately above average for that state.

Many of the articles reporting on alleged increases of violence during the holidays all cite the same study from Idaho, Domestic Violence and the Holidays 11/30/2010, which says "Although Idaho is not likely to be representative of larger and more urbanized states in terms of index crimes, there is little reason to believe that IPV characteristics in Idaho aren’t generalizable to all states." This is a surprising statement from someone involved in research on domestic violence, since most good sociologists, including Murray Straus routinely point out that no one study is comprehensive, and he often cross checked many different studies before coming to conclusions. Many crime reporters in some of the more violent arias, like Louisiana, almost certainly recognize that the spike in violence during the holidays almost certainly isn't just a "myth" in their areas, even if it doesn't apply to all other states equally.

Idaho is a very rural state similar to other North Western States but very different from the South, or New England, and it's among the least violent states in the country, the only one that still allows corporal Punishment in schools, although they practically never use it, to make it into the bottom ten for murder rates. However it still had their share of murders on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve, although this year the deaths caused over the holidays were accidents they had murders in 2003, 2011 and 2014; which is enough to put it moderately above average, or average, since Idaho only has about thirty to fifty murders per year.

At best violence doesn't take much of a break for the holidays at worst it's higher, especially in some of the most violent areas. But most people involved in this research agree that there's a need for more research, with a few exceptions.

According to an article, The Holiday Spike in Domestic Abuse It's not new, and it's getting worse this year. 12/23/2014 2014 report from Wayback Machine, "There is also the issue of research funding—there just hasn’t been enough money to do an exhaustive report on exactly how many people are reaching out, the different channels they may be using, where in the U.S. they are, and who exactly they’re contacting. And frankly, domestic violence advocates are okay with this. 'Any extra money we do have, let me use it on transitional housing, let me use it to put someone back on their feet. For people working in the shelters, domestic violence is pervasive all the time, I don’t need a report to tell me that,' said Kim Pentico, director of the economic justice project at the National Network to End Domestic Violence."

If the politicians and policy makers aren't willing to base their decision on the most reliable research, which they don't appear to be, it would be tempting to agree with this; however, even though they aren't there still needs to be more research so activists can know what types of policies they need to push for that could do a far more effective job preventing this violence. Another reason why we should do more research, is that even if we don't do a comprehensive study covering all types of violence, some of it can be done fairly inexpensively, with limited resources. The listing of incidents that I compiled her didn't take much time and with more help to organize it it could show when some of this violence is more likely to take place and possibly help understand why, and how to prevent it more effectively. But some of this simply requires sincere intentions, which many people more concerned with corporate profits often don't have, and they often accuse advocates of being biased, even when their research is better quality.

We actually have enough research in the academic world and in libraries to know what the most important contributing causes of violence are; but the mainstream media practically never reports on this and politicians don't discuss it often either unless they're pressured at the grassroots level, which in some parts of the country, often the least violent parts, they often are. We need more citizens educated about the leading causes of violence to pressure politicians in order to prevent the contributing causes of violence.

The leading causes of violence during the holidays are almost certainly the same as it is the rest of the year; and as I've reported previously the most important one is early child abuse including corporal punishment leading to escalating violence later in life. Poverty and income inequality are also leading contributing causes of violence, especially in abandoned inner cities with little or no educational or economic opportunities.

Even though these are the leading causes of violence there also has to be additional reasons why many areas are more violent during the holidays, and part of it is clearly a result of the hype around obsessive shopping, which leads to an increase in violence at malls or Walmart, which just broke another record for the most shootings in a month with at least twenty probably more; the previous record was eighteen set in 2016, with an unusually low number, only seven in 2017, but November had between thirteen and fifteen shootings each November between 2016 and 2018; and even the one holiday month with fewer shootings they had plenty of other violent incidences which are higher than most of the year.

Also the Idaho study they cite most of these articles claims that "New Year’s Day has 2.7 times more incidents of domestic violence, followed by Independence Day." And it also says, "Once the Holiday season is over, there is an average 5% increase in call volume over the next two weeks." Even some of the articles that claim that a spike in violence over the holidays is a myth often admit that many of the victims of domestic violence are reluctant to report it because they don't want to break up the family during Christmas. They often speculate that part of the reason why it increases so much on New Years and the two weeks following it is because they hold off reporting it til after the holidays.

Another part of the reason calls increase after the holidays is that this may be when large amounts of credit card bills come in, perhaps from excessive shopping for the holidays season. Holiday shopping has to be the most wasteful spending of the year, and most people don't even think about questioning it or thinking about whether they're getting their money's worth, which is why corporations love it, but after the hype is over there could be a big let down.

The reason we never even question obsessive spending might that we're taught that the way to show we love people is to buy them stuff, and many people are shamed into it, even if the products they buy have little or no practical value. We often say it's the thought that counts, and when we're expected to buy so many items for so many people including many that we don't really care that much about although it's not socially acceptable to admit it.

When people make bad choices for gifts, of course we say, "it's the thought that counts," and often that's all the people getting the gift really get while the corporations get the profits from selling wasteful useless garbage! Perhaps the saying should be "It's the profit for corporations making a killing off wasteful spending that counts!"

We're taught that we're supposed to get all excited over pretty diamond rings, or pearls or other decorations that don't really improve the quality of life but are designed to show our status, and the wealthy rig the economy year round but especially during the holidays when they control epidemic levels of propaganda telling us to BUY BUY BUY all year round but especially during the holidays, with appeals to emotion that we're not supposed to question. As I said in my previous article about Truth being a commodity any effort to question this like Adbusters uncommercials are routinely censored, and more subtly research that might show how excessive consumerism or holiday shopping might contribute to violence isn't even done, or if they have to address the issue at all they come up with massive amounts of propaganda to dismiss the issue.

No doubt this seems like a bah humbug attitude, especially to those that never thought about it before, but Christmas leads to epidemic levels of consumer waste which contributes to poverty that sticks around for the rest of the year; and since that poverty, and fights over money contribute to violence, this epidemic amount of waste actually contributes to violence year round.

Many of these researchers rightfully claim that all types of violence are important and need to be addressed, not just the high profile murders or shootings that reporters focus on or that I've cited here; however, it's difficult if not impossible to know how many of these incidents aren't being reported. Most reports on this estimate that at least half, possibly much more, of these incidents are never reported at all. And murders are the only ones required by the FBI to be reported by local police departments.

In the 2014 study that I did based on 2012 crime rates I noticed that Mississippi was the second highest, when it comes to murder rates, but it was only thirty-fifth when it came to all violent crimes, according to the FBI. All violence is interrelated but they're almost never a perfect correlation, and this was much more than any other state raising doubts about whether they were collecting all the data. There's bound to be some fluctuation in reporting from one state to another, but since this discrepancy was so much larger than other states, it's likely they weren't reporting all the incidents, which adds to other doubts about how many domestic violence incidents are being reported.

Donald Trump's recent speech about how he claims "Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now," also adds to the stereotypes and misconceptions about causes of violence, even though he has virtually no credibility. He cited three examples and misrepresented one of them, who was killed by two people omitting the fact that one of them was a US citizen, and there was also Mollie Tibbetts earlier this year and a few other; however it's highly unlikely that there's a large number of additional stories about illegal immigrants committing murder, especially against the middle class or while people with a reasonable amount of political clout, since the right wing routinely makes these stories go viral on the internet to demonize immigrants. In fact most studies indicate that Hispanic immigrants, which are the ones he demonizes the most, are far less violent then the rest of the public, especially in lower income brackets.

In a previous article I pointed out that the cities along the border have much higher Hispanic populations and lower murder rates and another article cited some of those studies that show Hispanic immigrants are less violent than citizens born in the United States, which clearly discredits all the hype Donald Trump, and many other right wing extremists, are constantly repeating.

Furthermore the reason we have so many illegal immigrants being victims of human trafficking is as I pointed out in Scapegoating human trafficker to protect corporations? to fill the demand for cheap labor in many farms, other low wage jobs, often without workers protections, or even working at Trump's resorts which are routinely exposed hiring illegal immigrants. The demand for victims of human trafficking is being provided by people like Trump that are demonizing the immigrants!

One of the leading causes of violence is poverty and lack of economic opportunities, which illegal immigrants are subject to more than most, yet they're less violent, which is actually surprising, since they have plenty of reason to strike out in anger over how they're being abused by an oppressive immigration system designed to make cheap labor available, then when their are complaints put all the blame on the immigrants, who never had any reasonable opportunities, without blaming the wealthy that profit off their cheap labor; which means that it's inevitable that they might incite some violence occasionally, directly or indirectly.

Regretfully, I'm not sure the same could be said for African Americans as pointed out in this article Do black Americans commit more crime? 11/27/2014 which confirms that African Americans are more likely to commit bmurder and reviewing the articles about holiday murders shows a lot of African Americans; however, it also points out that "Some criminologists think we could be simply confusing race for poverty or inequality: black people tend to offend more because they tend to be more disadvantaged, living in poorer urban areas with less access to public services, and so on." The more you look at good research into the contributing causes of violence the clearer it should be that these sociologists are right; so why don't we try to reduce poverty and increase educational and economic opportunities for African Americans?

Like most sociology questions the answer to this isn't easy and those controlling the most powerful institutions will deny it, but, it's virtually guaranteed that public policy is far more concerned with increasing corporate profits that recognizing the causes of social problems and correcting them; and in some cases we can find good research to show how this happens in several subjects, including education.

An article from the Brookings Institution, How charter schools are prolonging segregation 12/11/2017, points out how increasing growth in Charter Schools is focusing mainly on enrolling the poorest people often African Americans. Diane Ravitch has been reporting on how these Charter Schools are part of a massive effort from corporations and economists to control the education system keeping people in their place and that the quality of education is much worse, and in many cases these Charters are accompanied by epidemic levels of fraud to increase profits without providing a good education.

Last year I pointed out in Is Push For Charter Schools Increasing Murder Rates? that the cities and regions with the most Charter Schools also ahve the highest murder rates and that these schools are, if anything making it worse, instead of trying to solve the problem.

Another study, African Americans Own More Life Insurance, Not Less 03/18/2018, claims that, "Life insurance has the potential to mitigate wealth disparities across race," as if Life Insurance is a good thing, without mentioning the fundamentals of pooled risk, or insurance. However, as I pointed out in numerous articles including Insurance Executives Profit By Inciting Murder Occasionally Paying Killers insurance is outright fraud! The average consumer can't possibly get their money's worth, since the administrators have to subtract business expenses from the pool of money available to pay out claims. There are numerous studies saying that property insurance often pays out about ten percent to fraudulent claims, although there are few, except for my own review that explore how often people kill for insurance. If you subtract Ten percent for that fraud, and more for high CEO salaries enormous, amounts of money on lobbying, advertising, and many other business expense, the average policy holder isn't likely to get more than fifty to sixty cents on every dollar that they pay in premiums!

It's a scam!

And we have one white collar scam after another in our economic system increasing poverty while the wealthy profit off it, which leads to higher violence rates.

And one of the biggest contributing causes to violence is early child abuse, including corporal punishment which, in the schools that still allow it, is disproportionately meted out to minorities especially African Americans; teaching them to deal with their problems through violence!

As of this writing I haven't crunched all the numbers; however, Louisiana had five on Thanksgiving Day, five Christmas Eve, six Christmas Day, four New Years Eve, three New Years Day; Tennessee had 1 CE, 2 CD, 1 NYE, 2 NYD; NH had 1TD; Mississippi had 1 CE, 1 CD, 2 NYD; Missouri had 4 TD, 3 CE, 3 probably 4 CD, 1 NYE, 2 NYD; Alabama had 2 TD, 3 CE, 3 CD, 2 NYE, 1 NYD, Delaware didn't have any murders on the holidays; Maryland had 1 TD, 1 CE, 1 CD, 4 NYE, 1 NYD; Alaska had one on CE; Arkansas had 1 TD, 1 CD, 1 NYE, 1 NYD;

Nevada had 2 on CE, 2 on NYE; Illinois had 3 on TD, 2 on CE, 1 on CD, 4 on NYE, 2 on NYD; South Carolina had 1 on CD, 2 on NYE; North Carolina had 2 on TD, 1 on CD, 4 on NYD; Florida had 2 on TD, 4 on CE, 6 on CD, 4 on NYE, 3 on NYD; Georgia had 1 on TD, 2 on CE, 1 on CD, 3 on NYE; Michigan had 2 on CE, 1 on CD, 2 on NYE, 1 on NYD; Ohio had 3 on TD, 3 on CE, 1 on CD, 4 on NYE, 2 on NYD; Texas had 6 on TD, 3 on CE, 1 critically injured on CD, 6 on NYE, 3 on NYD; California had 2 on TD, 6 on CE, 3 on CD, 7 on NYE 5 on NYD, one more that could have been NYE or NYD but wasn't found until Jan. 25;

New York had 2 on TD, 1 on CE, 2 on NYE, 2 on NYD; Pennsylvania had 4 on TD, 1 on CD, 2 on NYE, 9 on NYD; Indiana had 4 on TD, possibly 2 on either CE or CD but date inconclusive, 2 possibly 3 on NYE, 2 on NYD; Virginia had 2 on CE, 1 on CD, 1 on NYE, 3 on NYD; West Virginia had 2 on TD, 1, possibly 2 but second wasn't found until next day on CD, 1 on NYD; Washington State had 2 on TD, 1 on CD; Washington DC had 1 on NYD; New Jersey had 2 on CE; Arizona had 1 on CE, 1 on NYE, 1 on NYD; twenty-eight states & DC total 47 on TD, 45 on CE, 36 probably 38 on CD, 55 on NYE, 49 on NYD.

Almost all, if not all, states had additional incidents including many deaths not immediately ruled as homicides, some crashes, deaths by fires, accidental deaths missing persons, suicides or deaths for other reasons could be reclassified, or there could be additional murders not showing up in this search meaning these are minimum totals.

The following are related articles, including a long list of holiday murders organized according to state. This search is far from complete for the months of November and December, even on Christmas, New Years, and Thanksgiving Days; however in some cases, it's enough to show that some states are above average for those days, and those that are well below on those days probably aren't missing enough incidents to put them above average but those slightly below average, might actually be above average if additional reports are missed. The initial search for Christmas murders or shootings was more thorough than the search for Thanksgiving and New Years. Over the next few weeks or months if I have time I might crunch the numbers a little more or search for more from those holidays, although if the Google search is too long after the incidents they're far more likely to miss many incidents; and this wouldn't be as good as FBI reports which may not be available to the people for easy review.

Murder Rates Nationally and By State at Death Penalty Information Center Includes links to FBI statistics used for their sources.

FBI Crime statistics in the United States for 2016-2017

Why It’s Dangerous To Claim Domestic Violence ‘Spikes’ Over The Holidays 12/13/2016 The persistence of the myth betrays a lack of understanding about how abuse works.

Does Domestic Violence Actually Rise During the Holidays? Actually, the opposite may be true. 01/02/2015

Technical Assistance Guidance to domestic violence and the holidays December 2011 To date, there is no comprehensive national study linking the holidays with an increase in domestic violence. Most of the available information continues to be anecdotal or opinion pieces reflecting the experiences of advocates at a particular shelter program or law enforcement agencies in a given community.

FAQ: Does domestic violence increase during the holidays? 12/17/2014

Intimate Partner Violence: A NIBRS Analysis June 2013 A second obstacle to generalizing findings based on the IIBRS to the total number of crimes occurring in Idaho is the amount of crimes individuals do not report to police. For the crime of domestic violence, Sthor, et al (2000) reported in the publication “Idaho Crime Victimization Survey” that for the year 2000, 83% of incidents of domestic violence went unreported. Part of the reason for the high rate of unreported cases is that emotional abuse was taken into account for this survey, which undoubtedly would never be documented by law enforcement. The victimization study also reported that more than 50% of all violent crimes, child abuse cases, and property crimes went unreported in 2000. Therefore, the extent of the following information does not account for the full range of crime occurring in Idaho, only what is reported by police from 1995 through 2001.

The NVAWS also indicates that approximately 20% of all rapes, 25% of all physical assaults, and 50% of all stalking incidents against women were reported to the police. Male victims of domestic violence were even less likely to report similar types of crime. In Idaho, findings from the first ICVS in 1997 (Crank et al, 1997), conclude that 69% of violent crime and 62% of sexual assaults were not reported to the police. Similarly, in 1999 Stohr et al found that 52% of violent crime and 83% of sexual assaults and rapes were not reported to the police. This trend proves consistent when in 2001 Stohr et al found that, for all crimes not just intimate partner, 48% of violent crime and 60% of sexual assault and rape were not reported to the police.

Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows In 2012 Mississippi ranked second when it came to murder rates, which is the only category that must be reported to the FBI but only thirty fifth when it comes to violent crimes in general which doesn't have mandatory reporting and is up to local police departments whether they report it or not.

Mollie Tibbetts' mother took in the son of Mexican immigrants who worked with murder suspect, Washington Post report says 12/28/2018

21 homicides recorded in NH in 2018 01/01/2019

Full Transcripts: Trump’s Speech on Immigration and the Democratic Response 01/08/2019

Fact Check: Trump invokes California crimes to argue for border wall 01/08/2019 He was referring to the assault and murder of Marilyn Pharis, an Air Force contractor, in Santa Maria, Calif. One of two men convicted of her killing, Victor Martinez, was in the country illegally. The second man was a U.S. citizen, a fact the president failed to mention. .... Researchers, moreover, have found that undocumented immigrants do not present more of a threat for violent crime than American citizens.

Black Friday Death Count

The Worst Black Friday Injuries and Deaths of All Time

Trump mentions Georgia killing in border wall speech 01/08/2019

Sobering Stats for Domestic Violence Awareness Month 10/09/2015

Domestic Violence Spikes During Holidays 11/28/2016 Experts say domestic abuse spikes during the holidays – and or victims of abuse, this can be a terrifying time. However, often times victims do not seek help during the holidays because they don’t want to take the children away from the abuser.

Domestic Violence Doesn't Take a Holiday 12/15/2014

Killed by Police Police are slightly less likely to kill people in December according to these figures; however, the day before Christmas, Christmas, and the day after are often slightly higher; in 2017 there were nine people killed by policethe day after Christmas, one on Christmas, and four the day before.

The Officer Down Memorial Page If you go back ten years police are slightly more likely to be killed in December; however the ratio of people killed by police is still higher with only about ten to one killed killed by police compared to other months when the ratio is higher, although I didn't thoroughly crunch the numbers, and some of the police that died weren't murdered but died in accidents of heart attacks or other job related incidents.

3 Grisly Thanksgiving Family Murders That Will Make You Hug Your Relatives Tighter This Season 11/19/2018 The Guy Family Thanksgiving: Knoxville, Tennessee, 2016; The Mehari-Gebreselassie Family Thanksgiving: Oakland, California, 2006; The Merhige Family Thanksgiving: Jupiter, Florida, 2009

Holiday Horror: The Most Gruesome Thanksgiving Murders Exposed 11/22/2018

Ronald Pritchett, accused of killing father, attacking mother, the night before Thanksgiving, 2015 in Gretna Alabama found incompetent 03/17/2016

Auburn Alabama police arrest Tony Smith, 28, connected to Thanksgiving Day attempted murder 11/28/2016

Athens Alabama man, Sean Kevin Sutton, 47, jailed on murder charge in mother's death day before Thanksgiving 11/22/2018

Alexander City, Alabama police arrest suspect, Kantrell D’Shaun Moon, in Thanksgiving murder 01/08/2019

Steven Varnado found guilty in 2015 Thanksgiving Montgomery Alabama double killing sentenced to life 01/11/2019

UPDATE: Selma, Alabama Thanksgiving shooting now a murder case, one dead, one injured 11/22/2018

Protesters March After Death of Man Who Wasn't Alabama Mall Shooter 11/24/2018 An officer shot and killed 21-year-old Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford, Jr. of Hueytown while responding to the Thursday mall shooting.

Alabama to execute Jeffery Lynn Borden for 1993 Christmas Eve double murder 10/05/2017

One shot, two arrested during Alabama Christmas Eve attempted robbery 12/26/2018

West Mobile Alabama Family members identify 15-year-old fatal victim, Jakorian Lavelle Smith of Christmas eve shooting 12/24/2018
Arraignment date reset for pair accused in Mobile Alabama Christmas Eve murder 12/31/2018 India Nelson, 25, Rory Smith, 30
Court record documents violent history of murder suspects Rory Smith, India Nelson in Alabama Christmas Eve shooting 12/26/2018

Christmas Eve night shooting leaves 1 injured in Birmingham Alabama 12/24/2018 Earlier Monday, a person was found dead at 12th Street S.W., Birmingham police said. Evidence at the scene suggested the victim died by homicide, Sgt. Johnny Williams said.

Former co-worker, Sharonda James, 30, sought in Christmas Eve slaying of woman in north Birmingham Alabama Piggly Wiggly 12/28/2018

Neighbor describes Huntsville Alabama Christmas Eve shooting 12/25/2018

2 shot in Demopolis Alabama on Christmas night 12/2/2018

27-year-old man killed in Christmas Day shooting in Fairfield Alabama 12/26/2018
Suspect charged in fatal Christmas Day shooting in Fairfield Alabama 01/02/2019

Two wounded in Alabama Christmas Day shooting 12/25/2018 News 5's Brianna Hollis says she saw at least 17 shell casings littering the roadway.

Christmas Day death of Joshua Gentry, 34, ruled Montgomery Alabama homicide 12/27/2018

Mobile man, Jarvis Maurice Reynolds charged with murder of Pennington Alabama man found dead on Christmas day 01/08/2019
Obituary: Ron Washington January 24, 1972 - December 25, 2018

Suspect in downtown Montgomery homicide dies 12/28/2018 Theron Herbert, 58, suspected of shooting a woman to death in downtown Montgomery the day after Christmas has died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to the Montgomery Police Department.

Alabama's sad, strange and bloody Christmas history 12/17/2018

Tuscaloosa Police probe New Year’s Eve killing, stabbing, arrest Jason Lane Johnson, 41 01/02/2013 The Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit made an arrest in the unit’s 16th homicide of 2012 on New Year’s Eve.

Relatives, police seek answers in 2018 Huntsville New Year’s killing of Adrian Porter, 21 01/01/2019 According to Huntsville police, more than 50 shots were fired. They believe multiple shooters were involved, hurting innocent party goers in the process.

Police: Please don’t begin the new year with a bang 12/31/2018 Major police departments across Alabama have asked the public not to celebrate the arrival of the new year by firing guns into the air.

Birmingham Alabama Man, Earl Lee Evans Jr., 57, Shot to Death on New Year's Day 01/02/2019 Shots were fired across the city Monday night and early Tuesday to celebrate the new year. Evans is the first homicide victim of 2019. Birmingham had 107 homicides last year, including eight that were ruled justifiable.

Huntsville police make arrest of Lopez Marittia Rice, 24, in New Year's Day homicide on Bridge Road (updated) 01/14/2014

Police in Huntsville Alabama say 4 injured in New Year's Day shooting 01/01/2018 Two life threatening.

UPDATE: Fairbanks Alaska man, John Monroe, 43, charged with first degree murder in suspicious death night before Thanksgiving investigation 12/04/2018

Kwethluk Alaska Man, Seth Michael, age 21, Allegedly Attempts To Murder Uncle During Thanksgiving Day Hunting Trip 11/26/2018 The nephew pointed his gun at his uncle. The uncle grabbed the gun and unloaded it, but in the fray the nephew managed to take his uncle’s rifle and shoot his uncle three times, hitting him in the ear and arm.

Wasilla Alaska man, Julian Myers, 51, dead after Christmas Eve shooting 12/25/2018 The suspect has been identified and is cooperating with the investigation, Troopers say.

Notorious Arizona killers 11/01/2018 Including one Monday after Thanksgiving in 2004

Phoenix Ariz. police make arrest of Steven Anthony Benavidez in Thanksgiving Eve homicide 12/04/2012

Recognize her? Woman wanted in 2013 day after Thanksgiving murder of Phoenix Ariz. security guard, Jeffrey Bellemare 02/15/2019

Driver in deadly Ariz. Thanksgiving-eve 2016 crash, Cody Louis Bright, pleads guilty 09/12/2017

Judge dismisses claims of murder in fight over wealthy mom's estate 11/01/2018 The Saline woman was 84 when she was discovered drowned in a hot tub at her Arizona condo, while Ted and his wife were visiting, around Thanksgiving of 2016.

Tucson Ariz. man, Lamont Adams, sentenced to life in prison for deadly 2017 Thanksgiving shooting 10/29/2018

David James Bohart, 34, arrested on suspicion of killing woman in Tuscon Ariz., day before Thanksgiving, after being released from prison 11/24/2018

DPS: No deaths in Arizona highway accidents over Thanksgiving weekend 11/27/2018 According to Milstead’s tweet, at least three people were killed in highway accidents in each of the previous four years.

Court lets stand death sentence against Michael Apelt in insurance policy killing near Phoenix Ariz. two days before Christmas 1988 – one day after a $400,000 insurance policy on her took effect 10/12/1988
Former Pinal death row inmate, Rudi Alfredo Apelt, 57, denied parole in gruesome 1988 murder 06/23/2017

Authorities searching for suspect in Christmas Day, 2012 Phoenix murder of yo-yo champion, Nathan DeWitt, 23 04/01/2019

Mother, Connie Villa, 35, Arrested in Christmas Day 2013 Killing of Teen Daughter in Casa Grande, Ariz., 12/29/2013 According to the Casa Grande, Ariz., Police Department, Connie Villa, 35, allegedly attempted to kill all of four her children and her ex-husband Adam Villa on Dec. 25.

New details in Tuscon Ariz. murder-suicide that killed 2 young girls 01/14/2016 Levi Parker killed two daughters and himself two days before Christmas 2015

Wikipedia: Cleophus Cooksey Jr. Killed nine in or near Phoenix, Arizona, Maricopa County, Arizona from 11/27/2017 to 12/17/2017 last two were his own parents.

Phoenix Arizona man, Anthony Milan Ross, 45,a self-described chef, motivational speaker and author, charged in Christmas Day triple murders of estranged wife, kids 12/27/2017

Peoria Ariz. Dec. 23 murder suspect, Mr. Kupreisis, upset over Christmas plans 12/27/2017

Suspect in Flagstaff Ariz. 2017 Christmas murder, Vaughn Seumptewa, indicted for assault 01/11/2018

Arrest of Anna Collum, 54, made in Dec. 5 homicide of Phoenix Ariz. grandmother 12/08/2018

Tucson Ariz. man, Adriel Daniel Gomez, 29, arrested in weekend killing of 19-year-old Dec. 9 12/12/2019

Experts: Domestic violence rates do not rise during holidays 12/17/2018 Christine Deason allegedly shot and killed her husband after an argument on Friday, Dec. 14 in Peoria Ariz.

PD: Jonathan Conaway, 45, killed wife in Phoenix Ariz. because of medical expenses 12/17/2018 Jonathan told officers that the medical debt and his recent job losses made him feel like a failure. He also viewed Janice "as a burden." Killed on Monday Dec. 17

Tucson man, Nicholes Liggens, 19, arrested in killing of 4-month-old boy, Dec. 16 abuse of two other kids 12/23/2018

Mesa Arizona man, Sheldon Sturgill, 41, accused of killing roommate over music choice 12/18/2018

Christmas tree may have sparked house fire in Sun City Ariz. 12/23/2018 No deaths

Ariz. Man who shot wife lost mother and brother to murder 12/24/2018 A Phoenix man, Victor Issa, 47, who killed his wife before killing himself over weekend before Christmas had a history of domestic violence in his family, including the murder of his mother and brother at the hands of his father two years ago, according to court records and past media reports.

Mario Coleman 21, disappears on Christmas Eve, in Phoenix, Ariz.,-CE-1 never to be seen alive again found on Christmas Day 12/27/2018

Jessica Julianna Ruiz-Iturbe arrested for allegedly attacking boyfriend with hammer on Christmas in Mesa Ariz. 01/05/2019

Homemade fireworks shoot through living room window in Arizona 12/26/2018

Police ID man, Antonio A. Ramos, 34, shot and killed by Buckeye Ariz. officers on Christmas 12/26/2018

Ex-cop, Edward Lonzo McCall Jr., 40, and Robert CharlesCruz, 34, sentenced to death for New Year's Eve 1980 execution style double murder seriously injuring third person in Phoenix Ariz. 01/11/1982 Prosecuting attorney Joseph Brownlee claimed that Cruz hired McCall and two hit men from Chicago to murder Redmond. He said the slaying occurred because Redmond, co-owner of Graphic Dimensions, a Phoenix printing shop, refused to sell an interest in the business which Cruz wanted to use to 'launder' money from Las Vegas connections.

Brothers, Vicente Alonzo, 26, and Carlos Rodriguez, 23, plead guilty in 2003 Flagstaff Ariz. New Year's murder 01/09/2004

Victim, families plead for justice after New Year's Day Tuscon Ariz. 2014 double homicide, assault 01/1/2019 Michael Dwayne Leday, 30, convicted of double murder, seriously injuring third person.

Tolleson Arizona man, Alejandro Gallardo, 45, guns down young daughters in New Year's Day murder-suicide: Cops 01/01/2014 double murder-suicide

Phoenix Ariz. police searching for suspect in connection to New Year’s Day murder of Jesse Olivas, 22 01/03/2016

Tucson Ariz. man sentenced for 2013 killing also connected to fatal Jan. 6 2018 shooting 11/13/2018 Hector J. Molina was sentenced an additional six years for a separate assault, in which court records show that he assaulted two men on Christmas Day in 2017. murders not on the holidays

19-year-old, Gabino Matancillas, accused of causing deadly crash in Avondale Ariz. Weekend between Christmas and New Year's while driving under the influence has history of DUI 01/02/2019

Marana Ariz. man, David Duane Mann, 53, arrested in connection with death of wife Dec. 29 01/01/2019

Police: Somsack Vongprachanh, 50, found dead in Phoenix Ariz.NYE-1 on New Year's Eve had solicited prostitute; Trevon Perry-Vandaveer, 27 arrested February 11 for murder 02/12/2019

PD: Arrest of Luis Eduardo Ambriz, 22, made in New Year's Day murder of German Rico, 28, at Phoenix Ariz.NYD-1 nightclub 03/21/2019

DPS: 30 DUI arrests made in Arizona over New Year’s holiday 01/02/2019 an increase of 13 percent from the same period in 2017

Tucson Ariz. woman, Leticia Freitag, 46, jailed in husband's killing Jan. 6 01/07/2019

Police: Witt Springs Searcy County Arkansas killing prior to Thanksgiving 01/15/2013 Chris Smith, 18, and his biological father, 47-year-old Stoney Cox, both of Witt Springs, were arrested last Friday. Last activity of victim's phone on Nov. 18, 2012 10 days before Thanksgiving.

Pine Bluff Arkansas Man, Rashune Raglon, Convicted in 2013 Thanksgiving Eve Killing 10/28/2015

Driver, Larry James Jackson Jr., pleads guilty in fatal shooting of Little Rock Arkansas girl two days before Thanksgiving in 2016 09/27/2018 Deshaun Malik Rushing, 23, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder earlier this year and was sentenced to 30-years in prison.

Three arrested, Johnny Reed Jr., Keenan Beacham and Vennessa Lyons, over Thanksgiving Eve murder in Conway 12/02/2016

One dead in Thanksgiving stabbing in Helena-West Helena Arkansas, Anthony Brown arrested 11/25/2016

Police: Hot Springs Arkansas woman, Melissa Galey, 46, killed 8-year-old daughter, 71-year-old mother, then tried to burn down house day before Thanksgiving 11/22/2018

4 shooting deaths in 5 days in Magnolia Arkansas shocks small town 11/27/2019 Two separate incidents on Nov. 19, suspect in second, Roderick McDaniel, killed by police, another one probably on Thanksgiving Day, Nathaniel Smith, found Friday, also on Friday Stephen Smith arrested in Louisiana for allegedly killing his grandfather.

25-Year-Old Man, Shannon Johnson, Shot at Little Rock Auto Arkansas Shop Thanksgiving Night 11/23/2018 Not expected to be life threatening.

Ronald Gene Simmons Went On A 16 Person Murder Spree — And 14 Of Them Were His Own Family in Arkansas 1987 10/17/2018 Spree began two or three days before Christmas ended on Dec. 28th

Two men killed execution style, one person in custody in Forrest City Arkansas 12/26/2014 Forrest City police say two men found dead just before 1 a.m. Christmas Day were killed execution style. Twenty-four-year-old Markell Jimmerson is charged with two counts of first-degree murder.

Sheriff's Department: 2nd suspect, Deymon Webb, 28, in Little Rock Arkansas Christmas homicide turns himself in 12/27/2017 Richard Gilliam, 31 previously arrested

Blytheville, Arkansas family wants answers in Josh Slaughter their son's Christmas Eve 2017 murder 01/08/2018 Last homicide of year. According to numbers given to FOX13 by the Blytheville Police Department, it shows out of nine homicides in 2017 five of them have been closed.

Little Rock Arkansas driver, Nathan Gregory Schneider, is acquitted in ex-friend's death, on the day after Christmas 2017, but gets prison for leaving scene 01/19/2019

Family Stresses Domestic Violence Awareness after Arkansas Murder Suicide 12/21/2018 Kala Swaims shot on Dec. 16th died next day, boyfriend also committed suicide in Huber Springs Arkansas

Thieves disrupt Christmas party in Arkansas 12/21/2018 armed robbery, no deaths

Benton Arkansas December shooting, four days before Christmas, ruled attempted murder and suicide 01/02/2019 Danny Cochran, 44, dead wife injured.

Arkansas Inmate Recaptured After Escaping From Jail On Christmas Eve 12/27/2018 charged with forgery, burglary, etc.

Man Wanted in Christmas Eve Bank Robbery in Sherwood Arkansas 12/24/2018

Police investigate shooting in Newport Arkansas; one person being held, victim hospitalized 12/25/2018 A man was being held in the Jackson County Detention Center, awaiting charges after he reportedly shot his wife on Christmas Eve, according to Newport police.

Christmas morning shooting in Hamburg Arkansas kills Todd A. Martin, 33, a Crossett man 12/26/2018 Police: Arkansas man fatally shot in car, which then crashed into family's home

Man's mockery led to Dec. 29 North Little Rock Arkansas shooting death, suspect, Etoria Humphrey, 19, says 01/12/2019

Isaac Taylor Vaughn, 21, and Brian Anthony White, 22, plead guilty in killing of Arkansas man found dead in Hagarville weeks after being reported missing on New Year's Day 2018 killed at another location 01/08/2019

Little Rock police investigate murder-suicide; son fatally shot his parents, then himself, Tue. Jan. 29th authorities say 01/29/2019

One man dead, another, Anthony Brown, 49, facing first degree murder for Parkdale Arkansas New Year's Eve incident 01/03/2019 poured gasoline on Jesse Burton, 47,

Markus Gentry, 29, charged with murder after deadly New Year's Day shooting in Jonesboro Arkansas 01/02/2019

Police ID boy, Malcom Jemison, 16, of Jonesboro killed in quadruple shooting at Arkansas residence on Jan. 2 2019 01/03/2019 Thomas, one of three wounded, was at one time charged with first-degree murder along with 21-year-old Kalius "KK" Lane in connection to a shooting that killed one person and wounded six others at a Main Street venue in 2017.

Jonesboro Arkansas police ID slain 16-year-old, Malcom Jemison, 16, 3 wounded adults Jan. 2 01/04/2019

Little Rock Arkansas police investigate fatal double shooting; homicides mark the city's first for '19 01/05/2019 Two men died Friday morning, Jan. 4th in Little Rock's first fatal shooting of the new year and the city's second double homicide in eight days, according to police spokesmen. The shooting happened eight days after police were on the scene of another double homicide, where a mother and her 2-year-old son were found shot dead, Dec. 28th 2018, in an apartment parking lot in southwest Little Rock.

California woman, Omaima Nelson who killed, cooked husband over Thanksgiving weekend in Costa Mesa, Ca., 1991 denied parole 10/06/2011

York Pa. couple, Edward Garcia Jr., 36, and Melissa Hope Garcia, 25, accused of dismembering Los Angeles Ca. man on Thanksgiving 12/09/2010 Highlight

Woman was stabbed nearly 50 times as she made 2015 Thanksgiving dinner for boyfriend’s family, in North Richmond Ca. DA says 11/20/2017 Guillermo Sanchez, arrested almost two years later

Police arrest 19-year-old Fairfield Ca. resident, Leonard Clayton, in 2014 Thanksgiving shooting death 01/30/2015

Update: Arent Bradt, 34, Held Over For Stabbing Murder On Thanksgiving 04/27/2017 Knights Valley residence in Sonoma County east of Healdsburg Ca.

6-Year Term for DUI Driver, Ambruno Domingo, 23, Whose Tree Crash Killed Passenger in Escondido Ca. day after Thanksgiving 2017 10/31/2018

Thanksgiving Weekend DUI Arrests and Deaths 11/28/2017 Tragically, there were 44 fatal car accidents over this past weekend. The exact number that involved DUI drivers is unknown.

Jose Armando Macias Jr., 23, pleads guilty in Nov. 26, 2017 DUI crash that killed a North Hills Los Angeles, Ca. woman, injured her toddler daughter 03/24/2019

Fred Lowe found guilty of murders in DUI crash that killed four including a Bainbridge Ca. man and his son November 2017 Saturday after Thanksgiving 03/7/2019

Man Shot to Death During Thanksgiving Visit in Arleta Los Angeles Ca. 11/24/2017
Steven Luong Tang, 26 killed in Arleta Los Angeles Ca. Thanksgiving Day 12/05/2017

Jermy De Marco Luckett, 25, arrested in fatal San Bernardino Ca. shooting on Thanksgiving Day 12/18/2017

Two brothers, Ricardo Garcia, 25 and Fernando Garcia, 19, arrested for murder in Orland Ca. on Thanksgiving 11/24/2017

Zhongqiang Meng arrested after man's fatal shooting in Rosemead Ca. Thanksgiving night 11/24/2017

Driver Accused Of Murder, DUI In Livermore Ca. Crash To Enter Plea 03/07/2018 Lauren April Davis, 26, faces murder and gross vehicular manslaughter charges in the collision that took two lives in November the night before Thanksgiving of 2017.

San Diego Ca. PD Announces Arrest of Brian Hancock, 47, from National City Ca. in 2017 Thanksgiving Missing Person Case last seen on Dog Beach SD presumed dead 06/12/2018
Sex, ties and video land National City man in court for homicide 11/01/2018 Body was never found; woman testified to confession.

San Jose Ca.: Two charged in Thanksgiving killing of man found in ravine months later 07/31/2018 Eugene Frazier and Renee Wilson, both of San Jose, have been connected to the homicide of Billy Ray Scott, who disappeared Thanksgiving 2017

Father, Patrick Smith, 41, Dies on Thanksgiving Day After Getting Shot 8 Times While Checking on Elderly Neighbor in Barstow, California on Nov. 14 11/23/2018

Police: Man dies from self-inflicted gun wound outside Saddle Rack in Fremont Ca. just before midnight Thanksgiving Eve 11/22/2019

In Los Angeles Ca.-TD-1, Belizean man, Rackeim Francis, 21, stabbed to death by girlfriend, Thanksgiving night 11/26/2018
Girl, 17, In Custody For Stabbing Death Of Man In Baldwin Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles Ca. 11/23/2018

Man dies in San Lorenzo Ca. house fire on Thanksgiving, 9 others including 5 children escape 11/23/2019 The cause of the fire is under investigation, but appears to have started in the rear of the home. "We don't have anything at this point that tells us it was associated with cooking or the common thing this time of year is people using the deep fryers to deep fry the turkey. Nothing of that nature," said Battalion Chief Carter.

Bay Area family mourning death of father, Gabriel Tooman, killed on Thanksgiving in crash in Emeryville Ca. 11/26/2018

Reseda Los Angeles, Ca.-TD-2 man, Ricardo Sauz, arrested after mother of their child found dead on Thanksgiving Day 11/23/2018
Reseda, Los Angeles Ca. Man, Ricardo Sauz, 35, Accused of Fatally Beating His Girlfriend on Thanksgiving Charged With Murder 11/27/2018

18-Year-Old Son, Maximilian Gregory Ludwig, Charged With Murder of Father in Laguna Niguel Ca. on the day after Thanksgiving 11/27/2018

3 Teens, 2 Of Them From California, Killed Execution-Style In Tijuana Mexico day after Thanksgiving 11/30/2019 Christopher Alexis Gomez, 17, and Juan Suarez-Ojeda, 18, both of San Diego, California, as well as Tijuana high school student Angel Said Robles, 17,

Suspect sought in deadly shooting of woman in Eastvale Ca. Two days after Thanksgiving 11/25/2018

Walnut Creek Ca.: After woman’s death, DA moves to charge alleged DUI driver, Justin T. Ross, 37, with murder 12/07/2018 Crash happened two days after Thanksgiving, victim died on Dec. 1

Susan Berman killed Dec. 23 2000 found on Christmas Eve Robert Alan Durst implicated in her murder in Los Angeles Ca.

Wikipedia: Covina Ca. massacre Bruce Jeffrey Pardo, dressed in a Santa Claus suit, killed nine then committed suicide 12/24/2008 Highlight: He worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Cañada Flintridge.
Murderpedia Bruce Jeffrey Pardo, 12/24/2008 Pardo had lost his job at ITT Electronic Systems, a military defence supplier, in July and was “desperately seeking” work.

Christmas Day 2010 Double Murder suspect Andrew Downs thought victims were part of an evil conspiracy, psychiatrist testifies 01/30/2012 Highlight Murder suspect Andrew Downs thought victims were part of an evil conspiracy, psychiatrist testifies. ..... But Downs first went to the home where Reilly and Yeager were staying with the intent to kill evil military officers stationed there and avoid oncoming “nuclear snow” by getting inside, Scott testified that Downs told him. ..... Scott also testified that Downs had a well-documented history of mental illness, which included episodes in 2010 where Downs was found outside his home naked; sleeping in a barn; telling friends that aliens had started to kill people and families; telling people that half of Atascadero was dead; and saying that the end of the world was coming.

Anaheim, Ca. Woman, dead at Christmas, studied abuse 01/04/2012 Highlight On Christmas morning, William Wallace, 30, placed his wife, Za’Zell Preston, 26, on the sofa in front of the Christmas tree so she could watch her daughters, ages 8 and 3, open presents. Za’Zell, however, was almost certainly dead at that point, and probably had been for several hours.

Dec. 2 2015 San Bernardino attack 14 dead at Christmas party Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, killed in shootout

RV Watson Jr. sentenced to 207 years in prison for Dec. 28 2015 Citrus Heights, Ca. murder 09/28/2018

2016 San Juan Capistrano, California, Christmas murder led to 85 arrests of gang's 'middle management' and 'foot soldiers,' cops say 05/03/2018

Walmart Murder Suspect, Joshua Dean Smith, Charged In week before Christmas 2016 Stabbing Santa Ana Ca. 10/03/2017

Indio Ca. man pleads guilty in 2016 Christmas homicide case 10/04/2018

Holiday homicides: Suspects in family killings charged with murder; One man, Matthew Salewske, 39, accused of killing mother with baseball bat on Christmas Day; other, Marco, Lobato 39, suspected of fatally stabbing wife on Christmas Eve separate incidents in San Jose, Ca. 12/29/2016

Madera Ca. police arrest murder suspect, Anthony Barnett, a military veteran, in Fresno 12/29/2017 Murder took place early Christmas Day or late night Christmas Eve.

Repeat DUI Offender, Adam Alexander Chacon, 35, Sentenced for Deadly 2017 Christmas Day Crash in Rosemead Ca. 01/03/2019

Filipina woman killed in Christmas Day murder-suicide, San Gabriel Valley, Ca. 01/03/2018 Albert Ong, 49, killed Blessel Ong, before stabbing himself to death.

Olivehurst, Ca. couple dies in apparent murder-suicide Dec. 5 12/06/2019

Desert Hot Springs Ca. man arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with December 11 shooting 01/10/2019

Turlock Ca. man, Kevin Hernandez Solis, accused of killing 8th grader in DUI crash two weeks before Christmas appears in court 01/16/2019

Family Of Murdered El Dorado County Ca. Woman on Dec. 18 Look For Answers In Recovered Car 01/16/2019

Suspect, Mira Gjura, 61, in fatal Glendale Ca. hit-and-run four days before Christmas is due in court on May 19 01/02/2019

Burson, Calaveras County, Ca. crash kills woman, leads to arrest of two other drivers on DUI charges Sunday before Christmas 12/24/2018 Donald Jackson, 26, of Wallace, faces charges of drunk driving and gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated. Dusty Jackson, 22, of Valley Springs was arrested on a drunk driving charge. The CHP has not determined whether he is related to Donald Jackson.

Six DUI arrests and more than 10 collisions over Christmas weekend 12/27/2018 One fatality in Burson Ca. Sunday before Christmas

1 Man Killed, 2 Others Wounded in 3 Separate San Bernardino Shootings in Recent Days 12/26/2019 Antony Flory, 45, murdered two days before Christmas

Fatal Crashes; 33 Arrests; Rain And Snow For Christmas: Patch PM 12/24/2018 Three separate deaths from crashes, another two for medical reasons over weekend before Christmas, none declared murder

Vacaville man killed in Sacramento Ca.-CE-1 crash on Christmas Eve 12/26/2018 Ivan Dimov, 41, arrested after evading attempted a DUI-related traffic stop, causing crash.

Wife and husband killed in Christmas Eve fire in San Francisco, Ca. identified, Michael and Connie Hooker, 83 and 69, 12/26/2018

Orange County Chase: Anaheim Ca.-CE-2 Christmas Eve Murder suspect in custody after pursuit from OC to San Diego County 01/08/2019 Suspect not identified; investigated by gang police unit.

Woman wounded in Christmas Eve shooting in Suisun City Ca. 12/26/2018

Noe Reyes, 25, killed, 1 injured in Moreno Valley Ca.-CE-3 shooting on Christmas Eve 12/25/2018
Carl Johnson and Marius Metoyer, both 18, arrested and charged in fatal Moreno Valley Ca. shooting on Christmas Eve 12/31/2018

Violent crime claims 3 homicide victims over Christmas weekend in San Francisco Ca.-CE-4-5 12/26/2018 Three people were killed over the Christmas weekend in San Francisco in unrelated violent crimes. victims Luis Velasquez-Mejia, 26, killed Saturday, Jonathan Escobar, 22, arrested next day for murder; Jovan Reed, 32, killed Monday, Christmas Eve, suspect unknown; Christine Moyer, 72, stabbed to death Christmas Eve, Michael Jacob, arrested Christmas Day after stabbing another person who survived.

Michael Jacobs, 27, Suspect in Ca. Christmas Day stabbing now charged with murder in Christmas Eve attack 12/28/2018 Second victim injured.

Christmas Eve shooting in Vacaville Ca.-CE-6 leaves 17-year-old dead 12/24/2018 Daignet Montoya, 39, charged

Woman Shot In Face During Christmas Day Street Robbery In Inglewood Ca. 12/26/2018
Inglewood Ca. Grandmother, 70, shot in face Christmas Day 12/27/2018

Suspects, Donovan “Miklo” Bingaman and Lizet Martinez, in fatal Christmas Day Inglewood, California-CE-1 shooting last seen in Arizona 01/25/2019 Victim died two days later on 27th.

Woman found dead inside Modesto, Ca.-CD-2 home on Christmas morning 12/25/2018 “suspicious death” no names or follow up stories.

Tow Truck Operator Killed in Suspected DUI Crash on I-5 early Christmas morning 12/27/2018 Kylle Thomasson, 25, of Stockton, Ca.-CD-3 charged with DUI manslaughter, was on the 10th and 15th seasons of American Idol.

Man killed in Yosemite National Park, Ca. fall on Christmas Day identified, Joshua Brock Conner of Lakeview, Ohio 01/08/2019

Indian-Origin Cop, Ronil Singh, Working Overtime On day after Christmas, Shot Dead In Newman California 12/27/2018
What's next in the case against Gustavo Perez Arriaga, also known as Paulo Mendoza, accused of killing Cpl. Ronil Singh 02/07/2019

LAPD Civilian Employee, Viktor Yuryevich Glukhovskiy, Charged With Killing Wife, Teenage Son in their Valley Glen Ca. apartment a day after Christmas 02/01/2019

Police seek Banning Ca. murder suspect, Brody Baca, 20, wanted for Dec. 28 double shooting, one dead another injured 01/02/2019

Two, Paul Weinberger, 50, and Freddy Sosa, 37, arrested, including resident, in Dec. 29 murder at Pacific Beach Ca. home 12/29/2018

4 killed in Rowland Heights, Ca. 2015 New Year’s Eve shooting identified 01/1/2019 Michael John Morey, 54, shot and killed his 54-year-old bedridden wife, Betty Jean Morey; his son’s 48-year-old girlfriend, Linda Patricia Merrell; and a 27-year-old house guest Ernesto Calzadilla of Rowland Heights before his son wrestled the handgun away from him, then fatally shot his father, according to Los Angeles County coroner and sheriff’s officials. Triple murder and one self defense.

Hauati "Howard" Fa'anunu, 41, Reports Killing Wife on New Year’s Day: Deputies 01/02/2016 The homicide happened in the 8200 block of Melrose Lane in unincorporated El Cajon, Ca. around 12:35 a.m. on Jan. 1

New Year's Eve Murder: real estate agent Christopher Ken Ireland, 37, Chopped Up Women's Bodies, Hid Them And Then Burned Down Their House, Newport Beach, Ca. Police Say 01/05/2017
Gruesome Details of New Year's Day Double Murder Released: OCDA 01/20/2017 Christopher Ken Ireland, 37, accused of murdering two women in a Westminster Ca. home then transporting their bodies to a Newport Beach field, was arraigned Friday.

San Francisco Ca. PD arrests murder suspect, Thomas Ortiz, 22, in New Year’s Day 2017 shooting 07/16/2018

Simi woman, Alayna Monroe, 26, accused in fatal New Years Day 2017 DUI crash of LAPD officer, wife challenges charges 04/12/2019

Tosten Walsh Lommen, 30, charged with mother's murder in Palm Springs, California sometime around Dec. 30 2017 01/12/2018 South Dakota troopers discovered her body in the back of the SUV Walsh Lommen was driving after he was arrested in a New Year’s Day high-speed chase on Interstate 90. The body was found wrapped in a blanket once the pursuit ended in Rapid City, local authorities said.

Enrique Sandoval, 44, Charged With Murder Of Wife On New Year's Day in Oakland Ca. 01/04/2018

San Diego Ca. Police ask for public's help solving New Year's Eve murder of Diego Armando Villa, 23, 01/08/2018

West Sacramento School Planning Vigil For Sisters Killed In Suspected Murder-Suicide New Year's Eve 2018 06/29/2018
West Sacramento police investigate deaths of 2 girls, father Man's body, children, Sara and Sophia, found in car on West Capitol Avenue 01/01/2018 Last name not released at this time.
California Girls, 9 and 12, Killed by their Father, Hamdy Rouin, 46, in Murder-Suicide Amid Custody Battle 01/03/2018

Suspect identified, Derek Bryan Dominguez, 28, in fatal New Year’s Eve shooting at KFC in Northridge Ca. 03/20/2018

Murder charges filed in fatal New Years Day shooting in West Oakland, Ca. against Edward Lee Barlow, 53, 01/05/2018

New Year’s Murder in Downtown Santa Barbara Ca. One Dead, One Injured Following Shooting at De la Vina and Victoria Streets 01/01/2018 In a separate incident on Sunday night, a woman known by the police to be a transient was stabbed multiple times at Leadbetter Beach.
3 Plead Not Guilty in New Year’s Day Homicide in Santa Barbara Ca. 02/20/2018 Brian Charles Ruiz, 30, and Joel Angel Campos, 26, have been charged in the murder of Jesus Reyes, 24, and attempted murder of Tomas Arzate, 19, on Jan. 1.

1 arrested in Oakland Ca. murder on New Year's Day 01/01/2018 The shooting happened at around 7:36 a.m. in the 5400 block of Crittenden Street. no names

Ex-classmate, Samuel Woodward, 20, charged in murder of Penn student over winter break, Jan. 2, in Lake Forest Ca. 01/17/2018

As New Year's Eve approaches, drunk driving crashes kill two, including Ca. mother of 5 12/31/2018 Edwin Sebastian crashed car killing passenger driving drunk New Year's Eve in Fresno County Ca.; Richard Flores, 31 charged with killing man Sunday before New Year's

Hanford Ca.-NYE-1 Police used photos from New Year's Eve party to track down murder suspects, John Reyna, 41 and Joe Trejo, 36 01/07/2019

'Total fashionista': Niece remembers La Quinta Ca.-NYE-2 woman found dead in apparent murder-suicide 01/10/2019 Ada Heintz, 44, Herman Heintz, 59, died New Years Eve

Victim identified, Jose Soto Jr., 26, in fatal Norwalk, Ca.-NYE-3 shooting on New Year’s Eve 01/02/2019

DUI crash kills mother of five from Selma, Ca.-NYE-4 on New Year's Eve 12/31/2019 Anna Rodriguez, 39, was in the passenger seat when she died

As New Year's Eve approaches, drunk driving crashes kill two, including mother of 5 in Fresno County, Ca. 12/31/2018 Ana Luisa Rodriguez killed early Monday Morning, NYE, other killed day before on Sunday.

West Oakland: Three men killed in Friday evening Jan. 4 shooting 01/4/2019 OAKLAND — Three men were fatally shot in West Oakland on Friday evening, and police were still seeking whoever killed them, authorities said. About four hours later early Saturday, the 5th a man in East Oakland was shot and later died in the city’s fifth homicide so far this year. Five days into 2019, Oakland has its fifth homicide of the year, including a 22-year-old man shot in East Oakland Ca.-NYE-5 on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve who died from his wounds Friday morning at Highland Hospital.

Delano, Ca.-NYE-6 detectives say celebratory gunfire may be cause of shooting death just after midnight New Year's Day 01/02/2019 Zeferino Santos Perfecto, 49 killed; Aruelio Perfecto Aguilar, 48, charged with murder

Man shot and killed at Corona Ca.-NYE-7 New Year’s Eve party 01/01/2019 No names given, or follow up article.

Camp Pendleton Marine, and security guard, Adam Daniel Barooshian, 25, Accused In New Year's Day Fatal Crash near Via Monserate Ca.-NYD-1 Pleads Not Guilty To DUI, Murder 01/07/2019

Veronica Soliz killed filming attack in San Francisco Ca.'s-NYD-2 Tenderloin — becomes year’s first homicide, Arthur Finch arrested 01/03/2019

Homeless man killed in New Year’s morning attack: First homicide of 2019 in Merced County, Ca.-NYD-3 01/01/2019 One man was killed and another wounded early Tuesday when someone opened fire on a tent in a homeless encampment on the southeastern outskirts of Merced, Ca.

Melvin Cleveland Branch, 30, Rearrested, Charged in New Year’s Day Crash in Garden Grove, Ca.-NYD-4 That Killed Mother, 9-Year-Old Daughter 01/06/2019 Branch was charged Friday with two felony counts of vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, one felony count of driving under the influence of alcohol causing bodily injury, and one felony count of driving with blood alcohol .08 percent or more causing bodily injury. Double manslaughter

New Year’s night Santa Rosa, Ca. stabbing injures one 01/02/2019 Officers arrested James Paskali, 57, on suspicion of attempted murder

Martin Valadez, 40, now charged with murder for Bakersfield, Ca.,-NYD-5 New Year's Day shooting; Adam Arellano, 28 at large 01/05/2019
BPD: Warrant out for New Year's Day homicide suspect, Adam Arellano 01/03/2019

Culver City, Ca.-possible-NYE-8 Police searching for infant's remains in landfill; parents, Adam Manson and Kiana Williams, to be charged with murder 02/26/2019 Jacsun was reported missing on Jan. 25, but he was last seen on New Year's Eve with the parents in a PT Cruiser.

Parolee, Reginald Wallace, 47, arrested in Jan. 4 fatal shooting at Torrance California bowling alley 01/07/2019 Triple murder

3 Die In Willits, Northern California Murder-Suicide, found Jan. 10 01/11/2019 The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office says the bodies were found Thursday in the town of Willits and evidence indicates a 49-year-old man killed a 32-year-old woman and an 8-year-old boy, and then killed himself. Possibly dead days if not weeks when found.

Gunned down on her beat, Jan. 10: Officer Natalie Corona mourned as suspect found dead in Davis, Ca. home 01/10/2019

A Colorado mother, Kelsey Berreth, vanished on Thanksgiving. Now her fiance, Patrick Frazee, is facing murder charges. 12/21/2018

2017 Thanksgiving Day Stabbing: Denver Colorado Former Marine Goes To Court Chris Fernandez, 53, of Denver is accused of 1st-degree murder in the death of his houseguest, and fellow former Marine, Logan Kelly, 24. 06/29/2018

Fort Collins Colorado Thanksgiving crash suspect, Marcos Orozco, 19, charged with murder The crash killed two after the suspect allegedly stole firearms from a pawn shop 11/29/2018

Aurora Colorado police charge Colin McKinnon, 32, with attempted murder for Thanksgiving shooting at Weatherstone Apartments 11/28/2018

Patrick Frazee, 32, Fiancé of Colorado mother missing since Thanksgiving charged with her murder 01/01/2019

Formal charges filed against woman, Saphire Nicks, 22, accused in Colorado Springs December 9th murder 01/10/2019 Savino Benjamin Anceno, 20, also charged in Dec. 9 murder

Violent Christmas weekend in Denver culminates in deadly Montbello Colorado shooting 12/23/2018 A string of violent incidents have left 4 dead

3 people shot at the Colorado Springs Citadel Mall; suspect at large 12/18/2018

Rifle, Colorado man, Jacob Vandiver, 21, charged with attempted murder in Christmas Eve fight 12/27/2018

Suspect, Gus Santini, advised in teen shooting death two days after Christmas in Sterling Colorado 01/11/2019

About 40 people died due to domestic violence in Colorado in 2018 01/26/2019

Alexander Gray gets life for 2002 Conn. Thanksgiving murders 09/21/2004

Police: Second person to be arrested in murder of Windsor Locks Conn. man found in plastic bin allegedly killed five days before Thanksgiving 03/28/2019 Quahzier Bouie, 24, and Jessica Keene daughter of victim to be charged.

Colchester woman, Brianne Colonna, heads to prison for Waterford DUI crash Dec. 26, 2016 in Waterford Conn. 12/13/2018

Police: Juvenile arrested in Conn. Christmas Day triple shooting 12/26/2018 Bridgeport police have arrested a juvenile in connection with a Christmas Day shooting that injured three, and say the suspect is the brother of another juvenile arrested in connection with a shooting this month that left a 12-year-old boy dead.

Hartford Conn. man, Edgar Manuel Maldonado, 23, who fled after New Year’s Day stabbing refuses to face judge, cameras at arraignment for attempted murder and kidnapping 01/15/2019

Teen, Tajay Chambers, 18, arrested in Bridgeport Connecticut Dec. 18 drive-by shooting that killed 12-year-old boy 12/24/2018 Alexander Bolanos, 16, also charged along with 12 yr. old & 14 yr. old

Wilmington charges shooting suspect, Jameel Anderson, 37, with attempted murder Nov. 20 two days before Thanksgiving 12/06/2018

Kelly Gibbs, 30, of Wilmington, Delaware, Inmate who was charged with murder of correctional officer in Vaughn riot dies in prison on Thanksgiving Day 11/22/2018 Foul play is not suspected. He's the second inmate involved in the trial to die while in state custody. Foul play is not suspected in that either.

Delaware 4-year-old girl standing near Christmas Tree shot after fight at Milford apartment complex 12/24/2018

Javaghn D. Waples, Delaware Man shot girlfriend after wrapping Christmas presents, fighting all night: Court documents 12/26/2018

Red truck murder victim's family to celebrate Christmas knowing Fla. killer is locked up forever 01/1/2019 Jermaine “Bugsy” LeBron convicted of killing Nov. 25, 1995, Saturday after Thanksgiving

Trial Opens In West Palm Beach Fla. 1998 Thanksgiving Day Triple Murders 02/08/2001 John Jacob "J.J." Chamberlain, 23, charged as co-conspirator when Thomas Thibault killed three.

Paul Merhige, 37, admits quadruple murder of 4 relatives on Thanksgiving, 2009, in Jupiter, Fla. gets life in prison 10/28/2011

Jessie Edward Dibartolo, 36, gets 9 years in prison for Thanksgiving Day DUI crash in Orlando, Orange County, Fla. that killed bicyclist in 2014 03/18/2019

Logan Mott, 16 accused of killing grandmother last Thanksgiving set for trial Kristina French found buried in Neptune Beach Fla. backyard Nov. 24, 2017 11/19/2018

Texas man arrested in Fla. for allegedly plotting to kill, eat child A U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations Task Force member pretended to be an interested person and began messaging with Alexander Barter, 21. 10/13/2018

Disturbing details released in murders of Gainesville Fla. mother, daughter found on Nov. 14th 11/16/2018 Paul Williams charged with killing wife and daughter.

Keys Fla. man, Steven Matthew Wolf, 58, charged with killing a woman the day before Thanksgiving whose body was found in woods 12/14/2018

Fla. HP looking for witnesses to fatal turnpike crash involving family of 10 11/22/2018 Thelma Domingo, 39, died in second Thanksgiving accident of 2018 in Florida

Winter Haven Polk County man, Steven Hunt, 38, arrested for Bartow Fla.-TD-1 murder on Thanksgiving Day 11/23/2018
Winter Haven man, Steven Nicholas Hunt, 38, indicted for Bartow, Fla. Thanksgiving Day murder 12/13/2018

Detectives arrest Ronald Curtis Caruso, in connection with girlfriend’s Thanksgiving death in Heritage Park Saint Augustine Fla.-TD-2 02/07/2019

Luis Rosas Nunez and Amanda Ramsey arrested after Thanksgiving stabbing in Rockledge Fla. 11/27/2018 charged with attempted first-degree murder

Blood alcohol level of suspect in day after Thanksgiving, Fort Pierce Fla. fiery crash, killing five measured 3-times legal limit: FHP 12/19/2018 Tanner Dashner, 21 charged with five counts of DUI manslaughter.
Attorney calls for arrest 19 days after crash that killed 5 people near Fort Pierce Fla. day after Thanksgiving 12/12/2018 Tanner Ray Dashner, 21, potential suspect

Blood and truth: The lingering case of Tommy Zeigler and how Florida fights DNA testing 11/25/2018 Christmas Eve 1975 quadruple murder suspect claims DNA can clear him prosecutors refuse to check it.

1992 Christmas murder mystery solved after Florida inmate, Frank Crow, confesses 09/08/2018 Highlight: Listed as missing person for almost twenty-six years.

David Belniak, 38, New Port Richey, Florida, Christmas Day in 2007 Drunk Driving Case Produces $14 Million Award
Man sues victims in DUI manslaughter a second time 01/01/2013 David Belniak is trying to protect his home from becoming a part of his judgment.

Evidence leads to 2nd arrest in 2012 Fla. Christmas Eve murder 07/24/2018

Drunken driver who killed 3 in Seminole, Fla. 2014 Christmas Eve crash gets 23 years 09/03/2016

Driver, Jason K. Carter, arrested in Michigan for deadly Wellington Fla. crash two days before Christmas; faces DUI manslaughter 08/31/2018

Patrick Jon Rayha, then 48, convicted in 2017 Christmas Day murder of Lakeland resident Russell Jackson in Bartow Fla. 02/12/2019

Julio Ruiz, 29, charged in Fort Pierce, Fla. Christmas 2017 crash that killed 9-year-old boy 03/07/2018

Girl Shot by Her Coast Guard Member Dad, John Presnar, During Florida Murder-Suicide Dies on Christmas 12/26/2018 His wife and son died on Dec. 16th, before he killed himself, she would be the third murder victim.

Florida sheriff's deputy, Terry Strawn who was hired as school security kills 3 family members and himself in Plant City Fla. Dec. 19th 12/21/2018

Wife sent text messages to friend before she was allegedly killed by her husband, Kirk Keithley a Hillsborough County Fla. SO deputy then committed suicide 09/24/2018

He was shot and killed at a Fla. Christmas party. But where did the bullet come from? 12/18/2018

St. Lucie sheriff: Mark Holland dies after killing his wife, father-in-law 2 days before Christmas in Fort Pierce, Fla. 12/26/2018

Warren Davis, 21, arrested in connection with fatal shooting in Miami Gardens Fla. Sunday before Christmas 12/23/2018

Titusville Fla. man, Davaris Clayton, 23, charged with attempted murder after Dec. 23rd shooting 12/29/2018

36-year-old man, Roderick Stephon Hines Jr., beaten to death with pogo stick on Christmas Eve in Jacksonville Fla.-CE-1 01/02/2019

JSO: 3 shootings reported on Christmas Eve in Jacksonville 12/25/2018 Two critically injured, the third, a burglary suspect, with non-life threatening injuries. It was also a violent weekend in Jacksonville. According to JSO, three people were killed in four shootings leading into Christmas week.

Mom dies Christmas Eve after triple shooting in Northwest Jacksonville, Fla.-CE-2 police say 12/24/2019 Shot a few minutes before midnight Sunday, died three and a half hours later.

Christmas Eve crime: 1 killed, 1 critically injured in Umatilla Fla.-CE-3 stabbing, Christopher Alan Smith charged 12/25/2018

Orange Park Fla.-CE-4 man, Kendrick Lenard Walker, 41, dies after Christmas Eve shooting 12/26/2018

Bounty hunters side with Fla. deputies arresting murder suspects on Christmas Eve 12/26/2018 Shooting at mall during arrest but murder was before Christmas season

Palm Beach County Fla. Sheriff’s Office mourns loss of K-9 shot on Christmas Eve 12/26/2018
Suspect kills police dog in shootout outside Wellington, Fla. mall on Christmas Eve, police say 12/25/2018 Suspect also wanted for murder of at least one person.

4 Killed in Head-On Christmas Day Crash in Florida near Lake Placid in central Florida 12/26/2018

Deputies: Man hit by stray bullet in Christmas morning shooting in west Orlando Fla. 12/26/2018

1 injured, several homes struck in overnight Orlando Fla. Christmas shooting, deputies say 12/26/2018

One injured in Christmas Day shooting at apartment complex, Orlando Fla. police say 12/25/2018 Around 5:15 p.m. resulting from an argument, suspect not in custody.

Jacksonville Fla. officer injured following Christmas Day shooting, police chase 12/25/2018

Fla.-CD-1 Deputies: Jonathan Velasquez charged with murder after fatally shooting Poinciana man on Christmas Day 12/27/2018

Plant City Fla.-CD-2 father, Guy Vickery, arrested in fatal shooting of son on Christmas, had shot him once before 12/26/2018
82-year-old father, Guy Vickery, shoots, kills son during argument on Christmas in Plant City Fla. 12/26/2018

Arrest made in Christmas Day shooting in Lehigh Acres 12/26/2018 Investigators have arrested a Lehigh Acres Fla. teenager they say shot his uncle, Ira Carey, 30, following a domestic argument on Christmas.

Christmas Day shooting at Broward Fla.-CD-3 gas station leaves one person dead, cops say 12/25/2018
Suspected Fort Lauderdale Fla. gas station shooter, Jeffery Sapp, 46, in Christmas Day murder arrested on New Year’s Day 01/02/2019
Arrest Made, Jeffrey Sapp, In Christmas Day Killing At Fort Lauderdale Fla. Gas Station 01/02/2019

Kids identified Fla. Christmas Day shooter, police said 01/01/2019 Kahlil Isiah White, 29, was charged with attempted murder, records show.

Christopher Cochran from Alabama kills father of girlfriend's children during Christmas day custody swap, at Hamilton, Fla.-CD-4, police station, police say 12/27/2018

Seven arrested on Christmas after large fight breaks out in Winter Haven Fla. 12/26/2018

Driver, Higinio Jeronimo, 45, charged with DUI manslaughter in Boynton Beach Fla.-CD-5-6 Christmas Day crash that killed two 12/28/2018

Fla. Police: Suspect dead after driving stolen Camaro through crowd of 200, attempting to run over police, early morning day after Christmas 12/26/2018

Clearwater Fla. police kill man during domestic welfare check, early morning day after Christmas 12/26/2018

James Wooden, 16, charged with murder after cops say he fatally shot a woman the day after Christmas in Northwest Miami-Dade Fla. 01/15/2019

14-year-old boy, Jadon Vaughn, shot, killed in friend's Lake City Fla. home by 11-year-old day after Christmas 12/28/2018

Serial killer who confessed to 13 murders in Florida is now drawing his unidentified victims 02/14/2019 Samuel Little told New York magazine writer Jillian Lauren his first victim was "a big ol' blonde" from Coconut Grove Fla. on the New Year 1970.

Suspect, Stephen Woodman,, 20, arrested in fatal New Year's Eve shooting Loxahatchee, Fla. 01/03/2011

Christian Gomez, 23, decapitates mother on New Year's Eve in Oldsmar, Pinellas County Fla. 01/02/2015 Highlight

Mother sues Largo Fla. Walmart where her son worked before he was murdered on New Years Eve 2016 by a coworker, Jared Compton, 19 01/16/2019

Antonio Alexander Craig, 22, Arrested in New Year's Eve Murder in West Park Fla.: BSO 01/7/2016

First murder of year solved, Jacksonville Fla. police say 01/01/2016 Edward Williams, 37, accused of killing ex-wife's boyfriend minutes into New Year's Day

Jasper woman, Jessica Miller, 30, charged with DUI manslaughter in Lake City, Fla. New Year’s crash 10/23/2017

Man arrested in Boynton Beach Fla. New Year’s Eve double homicide, Joseph Jr. Bruny, 26, arrested 12/31/2017

Lauderhill Fla. police arrest Shevon Salmon, 24, in New Year's Eve killing 01/03/2018

Jacksonville Fla.'s first homicide of 2018 happens 1 hour into new year 01/01/2018

Jacksonville Fla. police identify first homicide victim of 2018, Crispin E. Taylor, 35, 01/02/2018

Tairrah McGriff, 22, arrested in New Year's Day murder of young mother at Jacksonville Fla. BP 01/06/2018
2nd arrest, Shawntez Edmondson, 23, made in mother's murder at Riverside, Jacksonville, Fla. gas station 05/09/2018 Sahara Barkley, 24, shot dead on New Year's Day. Tairrah McGriff, 22, previously charged.

Two found deceased on New Year's Day died from apparent gunshot wounds in an apparent murder-suicide, Baker, Fla. 01/02/2018

Mims Fla. man, Richard Blankenship charged with murder after New Year's Day fantasy football fight 04/13/2018

McKinsey Britton found guilty in 2018 New Year's Day double murders of his mother and her boyfriend North Topsail Beach Fla. 08/28/2018

Eddetta Jackson, 29, charged with manslaughter in New Year's Day 2018 accident in Riviera Beach Fla. 05/11/2018

Florida Man Allegedly Fooled Family Into Believing Murdered Wife Was Still Alive Shelby Svensen, 25, confessed to killing his wife last year, last heard from on Christmas — but only after he was arrested for murdering her parents and brother in December, found on New Year's Day 01/10/2019 Ivancic’s parents and brother were found dead in their Tarpon Springs, Florida home on New Years’ Day, and Svenson, 25, was arrested in Ohio two days later, driving his murdered mother-in-law Laura Ivancic’s stolen SUV. Richard Jr. called the police on New Years’ Day, asking for a welfare check at Richard and Laura’s home, reporting that he hadn’t heard from his father since December 13th and that it was unlike him to be unresponsive for that long. When police arrived, they found Richard, Laura and Nicholas dead, likely for about a week, as well as the family’s three dogs.
Tarpon Springs triple homicide: Three killed to hide one murder, records show 02/02/2019 Killed parents on Dec. 15th, brother on Dec. 16th
For months, he said his wife was too busy to answer the phone. A Fla. massacre revealed the truth. 01/09/2019 Shelby Svensen, 25, charged with at least 4 murders plus 2 dogs, crime committed earlier but discovered on New Years.
Tarpon Springs murder victims identified; suspect's wife still missing 01/02/2019
UPDATE: Body found at second site in Florida triple-homicide tied to Lakewood arrest 01/07/2019 Shelby J. Svensen implicated in at least four murders plus three dogs and this body could make it five.

Dear Idiots, Don't Shoot Your Gun Into the Air This New Year's Eve 12/31/2018 Highlight: "We do not need to celebrate by shooting guns in the air, because when a bullet goes up, it must come down," said Miami-Dade Commissioner Audrey Edmonson. New Year's Eve gunfire killed a father of five in West Little River in 2007 and an 11-year-old boy in Opa-locka in 2008. Others have been injured, like the 6-year-old Italian boy hit by a bullet while out to eat with his family in the Design District in 2010.

BCSO identifies son, Joel Weeks, 47, accused of killing mother in Macclenny Fla.-NYE-1 apartment on New Year's Eve 01/01/2019 West of Jacksonville

Gunman, Joseph Ervin Brown, 26, sought after New Year's Eve murder in Tampa Fla.-NYE-2 01/02/2019

Miami Beach felon, Christopher James Bryant, 22, charged with Little Havana, Fla.-NYE-3 New Year’s Eve murder of social worker 01/03/2019

Arrest made, Rondale King, 34, in Palatka Fla.-NYE-4 New Year's Eve murder case 01/14/2019

Melbourne Fla. man, William Brian Stillwell, 39, charged with three counts of attempted murder in New Year's Day shooting 01/02/2019

Records sealed in Fort Pierce, Fla.-NYD-1 New Year's Day fatal shooting of 18-year-old Jamal Booker 01/10/2019 Amir Tafari Muhammad, 27, of Wellington, and Megan Nichole Craig, 23, arrested

Thomas J. Evans, 35, arrested in Ga. for murder of 78-year-old Naples Fla.-NYD-2-? woman found New Years Day 01/04/2019

Walton County, Florida-NYD-3 man, Trevor Burgess, 22, faces DUI Manslaughter charges after New Year's Day crash 01/01/2019

Atlanta Ga. Lawyer Found Guilty of Arranging His Wife's Murder Nov. 29, 1992, 04/10/1994 The lawyer, Fredric Tokars, a former prosecutor and part-time judge, was convicted on Friday of eight Federal charges, including racketeering, kidnapping, money laundering and using the phone to set up a murder.

Thanksgiving slayings: Angela Brooks, 19 and Nancy Cushman, 17 or 18, shot dead in Augusta, Ga. 11/26/2010 double murder

Billy Charles Wilson charged in Nov. 25 day before Thanksgiving Villa Rica, Ga. murder 01/06/2010

Fred Gee ghee Accused of Thanksgiving Day 2010 Quitman, Ga. Murder of Girlfriend on Trial 05/16/2011
Life sentence given to Fred Gee ghee for Thanksgiving murder 09/28/2012

UPDATE: Investigators charging husband, James Rountree Jr., 41, in Thanksgiving Day murder Swainsboro Ga. 11/26/2012

Dustin Ray Dixon, 34, accused of killing parents in Thanksgiving shooting in Acworth Ga. 11/28/2015 Double murder

2 women murdered on Thanksgiving, bodies found in Augusta, Georgia woods 12/30/2015 The victims are identified as 19-year-old Angela Brooks and 18-year old Nancy Cushman, both of Warrenville, SC. Sheriff's investigators say both women had been shot.

Shannon Jackson, 37, charged with murder in Thanksgiving day shooting in DeKalb Ga. 12/06/2017

DreLandon Brown, 18, dies after Thanksgiving shooting Forsyth County Ga. juvenile suspect arrested but not named 11/25/2017
Murder trial starts for teen, Re’Deyon Hughes charged in 2017 south Forsyth Ga. Thanksgiving shooting 01/08/2018

Family wants justice after pregnant girl, 14, Sonja “Star” Harrison, shot to death in SW Atlanta Ga. Nov. 19 11/20/2018

Souleymane Diallo, 20, accused of shooting, killing pregnant teen in Atlanta Ga. Nov. 19th three days before Thanksgiving could face life in prison, even if it was accidental 11/23/2018

Father risks his life to save his youngest child, born just days ago, from house fire 11/20/2018

Columbus Ga. man, Tommy Jones, 19, dies after shooting day before Thanksgiving in Walgreens parking lot, coroner says 11/21/2018

Lithonia, DeKalb County Ga. Thanksgiving Eve Murder Suspects, Monty Marquies Nelson, 24, Richard S. Pierre-Hayes, 35, Arrested 11/27/2018

Savannah Ga.-TD-1 Police: 9-year-old, Gabriel Early, dies in accidental shooting on Thanksgiving 11/22/2018 SPD says the case will be presented to the Grand Jury at a later date.
Savannah police: 9-year-old killed in accidental Thanksgiving shooting 11/27/2018 Early’s death marks the 23rd homicide in Savannah police jurisdiction in 2018.

15 killed in Georgia crashes over Thanksgiving weekend; hundreds arrested on DUI charges 11/28/2018

A Georgia man, Jerry Heidler, 22, was convicted Thursday in the execution-style slayings of four members of a Santa Claus, Ga., family three weeks before Christmas 1997. 09/03/1999

Double-Murder-suicide mimics attack by man's father in Ringgold, Ga. 12/27/2000 At the age of 9, authorities say, Randy Young watched his father shoot and kill his mother. At the age of 31, the Catoosa County man mimicked the act by gunning down his estranged wife and 14-month-old daughter Monday as they ran from him to a neighbor's home.

Suspects in Christmas Eve 2008 double murder in Carrollton Ga. indicted by grand jury 2009 Lance Timothy Thomas Jr., also known as “L.A.,” 20, Robert Andre Robinson, also known as “Bree,” 23, Tony Ray Smith, 22, all from Ohio, and James Lee Prothro III, 24, of Carrollton Ga. were indicted Monday in two counts of malice murder, two counts of felony murder and three counts of aggravated assault and burglary.

Verdict Reached in Christmas Eve Valdosta Ga. 2010 Axe-Murder Trial 01/11/2012 Kenneth Brown was found guilty Highlight

Police Investigate Christmas Day Murder-Suicide in Atlanta Ga. 12/26/2014 The Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office identified the couple as Charles Love, 59, and Florence Love, 55, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.

Christmas Day murder in Murray County, Georgia 11/13/2014 John Dwight Phillips, 29, has been sentenced to serve five years - in prison.

Torrance Deon Rouse, 23, who shot and killed Macon man, left car to burn gets life in prison 01/11/2019 A man who shot a Macon man three days before Christmas in 2015 was sentenced to life in prison on Monday.

Man, woman dead in Christmas Eve murder, suicide Athens Ga. 12/25/2015 Quantreka Barnes Carruth, 29, and Daniel Latorey Carruth, 31

Jury convicts Ball Ground Ga. man, Darrell Eaker, of murder in shooting of wife Dec. 23 2016 10/29/2018

Tifton Ga. family searches for answers after Christmas murder 12/30/2016 Investigators named Jordan Lester, 21, as a suspect

2 gang members, Roger Mills and Moses Bolar, convicted of murder in 2017 shooting two days before Christmas 11/02/2018

Teens arrested after grandmother found dead in trunk days before Christmas in Fulton County Ga.. 12/22/2017 18-year-olds De'asia Ra'meke Page and Jared Kemp are charged with murder in the death of Toni Abad.

Two suspects, Khalif Muhammed Newmones, 25, and Alicia Hassona Polen, 27, in Christmas Eve murder in Belhaven Beaufort Co. NC arrested 02/12/2018 Both have been charged with Accessory after the Fact to Murder. Jayquwan Lamar Newmones, 23, is still wanted for murder and is believed to be in the Augusta, Georgia area. Arrested as well in Dec. 2018

Former Walmart Santa, Elwyn Crocker Sr., Whose 2 Kids Were Found Buried In His Yard, Charged With Murder Along With 4 Others 01/30/2019 Mary Crocker and Elwyn “JR” Crocker Jr. were never reported missing before their bodies were found at their family's Georgia home days before Christmas. Last seen October 2018 and November 2016

College student killed Dec. 21 while visiting metro Atlanta Ga. home during Christmas break arrested Dakarai Tolbert, 24, 01/10/2019

20 Yr Old Macon Georgia Woman Murdered On Live!! (Video) Tynesha Hammond killed two days before Christmas - captured on Facebook Live 12/24/2018

Dontavious Morgan wanted in connection to LaGrange, Ga. murder two days before Christmas 12/30/2018

Mom of girl killed in Athens Georgia murder-suicide donates Christmas gifts to Idaho Christmas Eve fire victim 12/28/2018 On Dec. 23, police in Athens got a 911 call from a Hampton Inn on West Broad Street after managers were unable to get inside a room. When officers got there, they found the body of 49-year-old Mark Coronado and his daughter inside the room. Police said Coronado left a note before allegedly killing his 3-year-old daughter Adalynn, then himself.

MURDER MYSTERY: Lauren Pozen found dead Dec. 23 in latest DeKalb County Ga. homicide 01/03/2019

MURDER MYSTERY: Woman found dead in latest Decatur, DeKalb County Ga. homicide the day before Christmas Eve 01/03/2019

Dontavious Morgan wanted in connection to LaGrange Ga. murder days before Christmas 12/30/2018

Updated: Deadly Christmas Eve crash claims life, Miriam Annsleigh, in Walker County Ga.-CE-1, Jevon Adams, 22, driver, airlifted to hospital 12/24/2018 Investigators say charges are pending in this case.

Poulan, Worth Co. Ga.-CE-2 Christmas Eve Murder Investigation Underway, Lonny Futrill, 47, dead second victim injured 12/26/2018

2 killed, 1 in critical condition in Ga. Christmas Eve crash 12/25/2018

'She was vibrant:' Family mourns mother of 6, and her boyfriend, killed in Lawrenceville Ga. Christmas Eve crash 12/29/2018 Dionte Jordan was killed along with her boyfriend Saad Varney after their car crashed on Johnson Road Monday night.

UPDATE: Police ID pedestrian, Carlos Lugo, 34, of Camden County, N.J., killed in Christmas Eve crash on Abercorn St. Savannah Ga. 12/28/2018

UPDATE: Police ID Hinesville Ga. bicyclist struck and injured by vehicle on Christmas 12/25/2018

Murder suspect, Davontay Wiskow, 18, from Columbus, Georgia arrested by Winona SWAT in St. Charles Minn. 01/22/2019 Wiskow is wanted in the December 27 shooting murder of Jaquan Harris; one other suspect, Jaquavis Richardson, 17, is already in custody in Columbus. According to the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, Richardson is accused of stealing the murder weapon, a deputy sheriff’s gun while his car was parked in his driveway the day after Christmas. Richardson is said to be a member of the Zohannon street gang, a group that is part of the Gangster Disciples.

Police: Man, Tonay McCall, 28, dead after Christmas Day Cordele Ga.-CD-1 shooting 12/26/2018

2 injured in Christmas Day shooting in Moultrie Ga. 12/26/2018

Murderpedia: Gary Michael Hilton
Ten years later, hiker’s murder still haunts those closest to case 12/28/2018 On New Year’s Day 2008, Meredith Emerson kidnapped by Gary Michael Hilton killed three days later. Body found in Dawson Forest Ga. Hilton on Fla. death row for separate killing before this, Dec. 7 2007.

Police charge Willie Lewis Dublin, 31, and Darnell Labron Mitchell, 26, with Rome Ga. New Year's Eve murder 11/22/2013

Arrest of Deontre Alvez Hubert, 18, made in Augusta Ga. New Year's Day murder 01/04/2013

Corey Michael Bergeson, 38, charged with murder in East Dublin Ga. 2014 New Year’s Eve shooting 01/02/2019

Ga. New Year's Murder Suspect Turns Himself In 01/04/2015 Quindarius Keshun Morton has been charged with felony murder and aggravated assault in the murder of Reginald Bien-Aime, 22, of Buford Ga..

Savannah Ga. man, Ronnie Nicholson, 32, indicted for murder in New Year’s Day 2016 slaying 01/28/2016

Inmate Michael Antonio Lay, 48, charged in woman’s strangulation death on New Year’s Eve 2016 12/21/2017

Suspects arrested in connection to New Year's Eve Jonesboro, Clayton County Ga. murder case 06/23/2017 On January 11, search warrants were executed at the homes of 16-year-old Dequan Robinson, 16-year-old Aaron Drummond, and 17-year-old Keenan Scurry.

New Year's Day murder suspect, Tommy McNeal, receives additional charges in Columbus Ga. 01/03/2018

Police: Local escorts’ robbery plans turned deadly 01/07/2019 The suspects are Kiera Williams, 18, her boyfriend Cameron Jones, 20, and their acquaintance Ashanti Dorsey, 21. two men dead and another injured. One victim found dead Dec. 21 another last seen alive Dec. 28 Truck found New Years Day Body found Jan 3.

UPDATE: Police say dead woman found in Sandfly Ga.-NYE-1 home after SWAT stand-off was stabbed several times New Year's Eve, Victor Alexander charged 01/03/2019

GBI: Anthony Jerome Williams, 40 accused of killing wife, a local sheriff's office employee, hiding body in Adel Cook County Ga.-NYE-2 New Year's Eve 01/01/2019

Lawrenceville Georgia-NYE-3 teen, Devin Hodges, 15, ‘accidentally’ shoots friend before killing self moments after showing off gun on Snapchat on New Year’s Eve 01/03/2019

GBI investigates after suspect, dies in Savannah Ga. Police custody New Year's Eve 01/01/2019

WATCH: Armed man fatally shot ‘immediately’ by off-duty officer working security at DeKalb Ga. liquor store, New Year’s Eve GBI says 01/04/2019

South Georgia sheriff: Prayer convinced Grinstead suspect Bo Dukes to surrender 01/08/2019 Bo Dukes, 34, is wanted in a rape and kidnapping case out of Warner Robins, Georgia. The alleged incident happened around 5:45 p.m. on New Year's Day. Dukes, a suspect in the Tara Grinstead murder case, missing since October 2005, was charged last week in an alleged sexual assault on New Year’s Day in Warner Robins.

New Year's Day Blaze Destroys Lawrenceville Ga. House: Fire Dept 02/02/2019

Alfonso Vazquez-Naua, 9, shot in stomach by New Year’s gunfire while setting off fireworks with family in Atlanta Ga. 01/1/2019

Columbus Ga. police arrest suspect in New Year’s homicide on Farr Road 01/01/2019 Alfonzo Walker Sr. , 51, was pronounced dead of a gunshot, Antonio Alphonzo Evans, 34, his son charged

Man, Gerald Loch, 46, woman, Ranie Overman, 42, killed in murder-suicide at downtown Decatur Ga. hotel early morning day after New Year’s Day 01/02/2019

Missing Ga. couple presumed to be victims of murder-suicide New Year’s Day 01/08/2019 CRAWFORDVILLE, Ga. - The bodies of two people found inside a pickup truck set afire sometime Tuesday, Jan. 1, are presumed to be the bodies of a Greene County couple reported missing earlier last week, local and state authorities say. Although a positive identification has not yet been established local and state authorities believe the bodies are those of Steven and Melissa Meeks Rhodes, who lived in a double-wide mobile home on Bethany Church Road, about a mile from the Greene-Taliaferro county line.

Gerald Loch, 46, woman killed in murder-suicide at downtown Decatur Ga. hotel Day after New Years 01/02/2019
Domestic violence led to murder suicide at Decatur hotel 01/22/2019 Most recent domestic violence call to police was Thanksgiving Day when he struck her in the face.

A disbarred Georgia attorney, Richard Merritt, is on the run after allegedly killing his mother 02/10/2019

Veronica Hanawahine, 36, accused in Hawaii Christmas Day stabbing appears in court 12/26/2018

Hawaii Man, Dae Han Moon, 22, Challenges murder Conviction in 2016 Christmas Day Shooting 10/30/2018 outside a Honolulu shopping center

Christmas Marred By Several Tragic Deaths In Idaho 12/26/2018 accidents not murders

Roberts gets life term for the Idaho brutal killing on Christmas Day in 2003 03/10/2010

Final suspect in Caldwell Idaho 2014 Christmas Eve murder is now in custody 05/12/2015

Seven arrested in Christmas stabbing death 12/26/2011

Friends gather in emotional vigil to remember Alton murder victim, Angel Syddall, 31, killed day before Thanksgiving in Wood River, Illinois 11/22/2018 shot during a domestic dispute

Thanksgiving Eve Murder of Reclusive Man, Mark Villanueva, 30, of Rogers Park, Ill. Puzzles Family 12/09/2013

Friends gather in emotional vigil to remember Alton murder victim, Angel Syddall, 31, killed day before Thanksgiving in Wood River, Illinois 11/22/2018

Kiante Albert, 18, Shot To Death On Thanksgiving In Park Forest Ill. 11/24/2018

Carbondale Ill. woman, Rebecca B. Valentine, 42, indicted on first-degree murder in Thanksgiving Day stabbing death of her boyfriend 12/06/2017

Kenneth K. Malanowski pleads not guilty to DUI, reckless homicide in fatal Antioch Township Ill. crash Sunday after Thanksgiving 2017 02/14/2018

Man killed in rollover crash identified, Dustin D. Sawyer, 29, woman passenger survived in Coles County, Ill. 11/23/2018

Nicholas Wann, 33, of Missouri, charged in connection with murder of Fenton father killed after leaving Sauget Ill. nightclub Thanksgiving night in East St. Louis 11/27/2018

One dead in Chicago Ill. Thanksgiving Day shooting 11/22/2018 Victim and shooter not named

2 killed, 8 wounded in Thanksgiving Day shootings throughout Chicago 11/23/2018 The first deadly shooting happened during the morning when an off-duty Chicago police officer killed a 16-year-old boy who tried to rob him at gunpoint on the Northwest Side, according to Chicago Ill. police. Jatoine Jackson, 20, second death in separate incident

4 dead, 19 wounded in Thanksgiving weekend shootings 11/26/2018 Same two on Thanksgiving Day Thaddeus Flanagan, 29, murdered Friday; and Erik Sutphin, 35, killed Sunday after Thanksgiving

Shootings spike over Thanksgiving holiday weekend: 8 killed, 62 wounded 11/28/2016 A 37-year-old man was shot to death in the 3800 block of West Adams Street in the West Garfield Park area on Sunday Nov. 27, 2016. In 2014, five people were killed, including a woman inside the Nordstrom's store on Michigan Avenue, and 14 others were wounded. Last year, eight people were killed, including a 16-year-old boy, and 20 were wounded, the data show. This year's tally does not include the three people shot dead by police. Officers fired at a man who had just shot two people, one of them fatally, early Friday in the Homan Square neighborhood on the West Side. In another shooting Sunday night, authorities said an officer shot and killed a man who wounded a pregnant woman in West Garfield Park. Early Saturday in the South Chicago neighborhood, a 20-year-old man was killed and five others were wounded at a house party, police said.

4 dead, 19 wounded in Thanksgiving weekend shootings 11/26/2018

7 Dead, 36 Wounded In Thanksgiving Weekend Shootings Across Chicago 11/27/2017

Christmas cheer turned to carnage 50 years ago in Carlinville, Ill., as Sherman Kline killed wife, kids, social workers, 6 total wounding more in 1968, then shot himself 12/17/2018

Barrington Ill. murder case from Dec. 28, 1992 to be featured on national cable show 02/01/2019 Paul Modrowski charged

Robert Rejda, 25, indicted in 2006 Christmas slaying 03/23/2007
Robert Rejda, accused of Christmas Day murder found dead in jail 12/14/2007

Brothers, Anthony Lee, 16, and Diante Lamont Coakley, 21, Charged in Pregnant Dolton Ill. Teen's Fatal Christmas Shooting 12/28/2013

Floyd D. Banks accused of 2017 Christmas Day murder in Decatur pleads not guilty 09/05/2018

Illinois man, Johnathan Fair, 19, pleads not guilty in 4-year-old's beating death in Waukegan, Ill. Dec. 16th 2018 01/18/2019

First Joliet Ill. Homicide In December, Jermaine Peete, 19 killed Dec. 23rd 12/23/2018

3 killed, 27 wounded in Christmas weekend shootings 12/26/2018

Peoria’s 21st homicide victim identified, Tina Harrison-Diaz, 46, died Sunday the 23rd of Dec. 12/24/2018

Little Village, Chicago Ill. man killed near home on Christmas Day 12/26/2018 Jose Hernandez killed suspect unknown.

Peoria Ill. Police identify suspect, Brian Keller, 35, involved in Christmas Eve shooting, considered armed, dangerous 12/26/2018 victim hospitalized

Robert Wallace, 25, Chicago Ill. Man stabs mother in alley, leaves body in garbage can Christmas Eve, police say 12/2/2018

Monmouth Ill. man, Drew M. Pearman, 34, faces murder charges in Christmas Eve shooting 12/24/2017

Murder Charges Leveled in New Year's Eve Shooting against Jerry "Shorty" Hudson 01/04/2010

Andy Vazquez, of Chicago Ill. Admits Killing Daniel Arriaga On New Year's Eve; Man Who Killed Friend He Caught Sexually Abusing Child Avoids Prison 09/07/2018

Double Murder On The Hill Unsolved, 1 Year Later The two teens were killed in Joliet Ill. shortly before midnight last New Year's Eve 2017. 12/31/2018 Victor Arroyo, 15, and Aliyah Salazar, 17, killed.

Antonio Sanchez, 18, receives 20 years in prison for 2018 New Year’s murder of LaHarpe Ill. woman 09/12/2018

Deandre Brooks, 27, charged with fatal New Year’s Eve shooting in Washington Park, Chicago Ill. 01/04/2019

29 wounded — 2 fatally — in Chicago Ill. New Year’s weekend shootings 01/02/2019 Xavier Gatson, 25, and Cornelius C. Hart, 37, killed in separate incidents

12-year-old boy shot in hand in Englewood, Chicago, Ill. on New Year’s Day 01/01/2019 Meanwhile, 2018 ended with two fatal shootings on Monday, bringing the number of homicides to 561, a 15 percent decline from 660 in 2017, the department said preliminary figures show. The number of people shot fell to 2,948, about a 15 percent drop from 3,463 in 2017. Cornelius C. Hart and second person presumably Xavier Gatson, 25, killed New Years Eve

Round Lake Ill. Man, James A. Ruman, 52, Charged In Death Of Wife Found Strangled On New Year’s Eve 01/02/2019 Found at 4:00 AM possibly killed in first couple hours or just before midnight of the 30th. Just North West of Chicago.

Billie Jo L. Soyster, arrested in Decatur Ill. New Year's Day murder of boyfriend 01/01/2019

Second arrest, Rashagun M. Hale, 35, made in Kankakee Ill. New Year's Day homicide 01/10/2019 Warren Thomas Jr., previously arrested in accidental homicide

Chicago Ill. police officer dies by suicide on NW Side New Years Day 01/02/2019

Decatur Ill. police make 25 DUI arrests during holiday traffic enforcement 01/1/2019 From Dec. 17 to Jan. 1

Crime down in Windy City? Chicago just had its least violent January in 9 years 02/01/2019 A new study published Friday by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Great Cities Institute argues that race and concentrated poverty, more than gangs, is the driver of homicides in the city.

How a tip, an internet blog and curiosity shed light on a 34-year-old disappearance 09/07/2018 Loved ones in Indianapolis Ind. last saw Tina Marie McKenney Farmer on Thanksgiving Day in 1984.

COLD CASE: Redhead Murders among alarming trend of unsolved highway homicides 10/26/2018 The 20-year-old Indianapolis woman had been reported missing by family shortly after Thanksgiving Day 1984. Postmortem fingerprints matched those on file for Tina Farmer from a 1983 arrest in Indiana.
1 year after after Indy man’s unsolved murder, family spends Thanksgiving praying for justice 11/22/2018 Jamontez Woods killed two minutes before midnight Thanksgiving Eve 2017

30 Years Later, Still No Justice 11/18/2018 Double murder of Tonya Pickett, 16 and Ricky Mustard, 32, November 18, 1988, six days before Thanksgiving, in Brazil, Ind.

After nearly a decade, Nov. 27, 2008, Ind. Thanksgiving Day slaying finally has its suspect, Darrin Shores, 30, arrested in Georgia 05/10/2017 Indianapolis Metro police Marion County
Man convicted in connection to 2008 Thanksgiving murder 12/06/2017

Police Arrest One Person of Interest, Michael Wisdom, 20, in Evansville Ind. Thanksgiving Day Murder, Seek Another 12/02/2014
Deshay Hackner, 22, indicted in 2014 Thanksgiving death of Willie Williams in Evansville Ind. 08/27/2017

Gary Ind. man, Stephen P. Greer, sentenced in Thanksgiving 2014 homicide 01/1/2019

After delay in prosecution, Gurth Bryan charged with attempted murder charged with shooting another victim 03/18/2019 First attempted murder took place Nov. 23, 2017, Thanksgiving Day, second on March 7, 2019, three months after his release.

Indianapolis Ind. family in mourning on Thanksgiving after 24-year-old father-to-be is shot to death 11/23/2017 Killed just before midnight Thanksgiving Eve. The death keeps the city on pace to break the record for the most murders in a single year. Earlier in the day on Wednesday, a 16-year-old boy was shot and killed on Indy’s east side.

Mackayla Scarbrough, 17, formally charged with Evansville Ind. murder Nov. 12 11/16/2019

Linton Ind. Man, Andrew Damron, 24, Charged With Nov. 21 day before Thanksgiving Murder 01/1/2019

Indianapolis, Ind. Thanksgiving off to violent start with overnight shootings, police chase 11/22/2018 No deaths reported

Women injured in Mishawaka, Ind. Thanksgiving assault, no arrests made 11/25/2018

Accused gunman, Kameron J. Joyner, 22, now charged with murder in three Fort Wayne, Ind.,-TD-1-2-3 Thanksgiving killings, two more injured 11/27/2018
3 dead, 2 hurt in Thanksgiving day shooting in Indiana 11/23/2018
Kameron Joyner, 22, arrested, Gerald Pinkston, 22 sought in Fort Wayne Ind. Thanksgiving night fatal attack 11/24/2018

Jamea D. Parker, 28, fatally shot on Thanksgiving in Kokomo Ind.-TD-4 11/25/2018
Police arrest Kokomo Ind. man, Cameron Wood, 23, for fatal Thanksgiving shooting of Jamea D. Parker, 28 12/18/2018
Terry Lawrence, 26, believed involved in fatal Kokomo Ind. Thanksgiving shootout arrested near St. Louis 01/29/2019

Funeral set for Indy sisters killed in Indianapolis Ind., suspected double murder-suicide the day after Thanksgiving, Darrell Jackson found dead in Jonesboro, Arkansas 11/27/2017

Cass Street Fort Wayne, Ind. Mon. Nov. 26 death ruled homicide 01/17/2019 Cordell Patterson, 22, charged

After 12 years, Stephanie A. Bryant, 57, found competent to face murder charge in mother's Christmas Eve 2006 death in Greenwood Ind. 11/27/2018

Jeffrey Voss will serve life sentence for Indianapolis Ind. teen's 2004 Christmas Eve murder 02/27/2007

Teen charged with attempted murder for Jeffersonville Ind. shooting on Christmas Eve 2009 01/04/2010 Kianna S. Ball, 19 charged with attempted murder and Carlton Wright, 25, charged with robbery.

Docs: 16-year-old, Aaron Trejo, killed Mishawaka, Indiana high school student over her pregnancy on or about Dec. 9th 12/10/2010

Babysitter, Michael Plumadore, 39, Kept Aliahna Lemmon's Head in His Freezer in Fort Wayne, Ind. week before Christmas 12/27/2011 Highlight

Lawrence Ind. Family searches for answers 5 years after murder of Vincennes University student, Kyle Jobin, 19, Jan. 3 2014 01/04/2019

Two men, William A. Paz, 42, and Juan Alberto Imul Pop, 26 arrested in Lafayette Ind. Christmas murder 01/04/2015

Indianapolis Ind. bail bondsman, Kevin Watkins, sentenced to 110 years for 2015 Christmas Eve murders of 2 teens 04/20/2018 Double murder: The two victims, 15-year-old Timmee Jackson and 16-year-old Dionne Williams, died after being cut seven times each with a tomahawk. Almost all the wounds were to the victims’ heads, and not from the front.

Killer Of Gary Mother, Lucretia Russel, 37, Gunned Down After Christmas Shopping in Gary, Indiana, 2016 Still Uncaught 02/05/2019

Elderly Hamilton Co., Ind. couple killed by son, Todd Moon, 48, in Christmas Day murder-suicide 12/27/2017

5 biggest crime stories in and around Evansville in 2017 01/02/2018 One murder day before Thanksgiving; three murders in Dec. near holidays but not on them. Four out of 17 murders listed in last six weeks of year.

Indianapolis Ind. Family mourns the loss of 21-year-old, Andris Jackson, shot and killed Dec. 14 before the holidays 12/24/2018

Indianapolis Ind. ties its 2017 murder record 12/24/2018 Body found Sunday Morning two days before Christmas. On Christmas Eve Day in 2017, the number was 155 year-to-date, so there were two additional murders last year between Christmas Day and New Years.

Founder of Cease Fire Indy, Ron Gee, was victim in Christmas Eve shooting on I-65 12/26/2018 already listed without name

Elkhart County family wakes up without a home after it catches fire Christmas Eve 12/25/2018 No deaths

Shelbyville Ind. grandfather breaks nose after confronting Christmas Eve snoop 12/26/2019 Scott Smith, 33, charged with assault

Indianapolis, Ind. Family gets closure for Christmas after suspect, Jordan Taber, 20, in 19-year-old man’s murder June 4 taken into custody on December 24 12/27/2017

Indianapolis Ind. Metro police investigate 10 shootings in 48 hours 12/21/2018

Indianapolis Ind. soldier, Peter Van Bawi Lian, 21, flies to Thailand day after wife found murdered in dumpster on Dec. 23 01/03/2019

Indianapolis Ind. Police: I-465 shooting involved 2 shooters in separate cars 12/26/2018
One injured in I-65 Indianapolis Ind. Christmas Eve shooting 12/25/2018 No names victim expected to survive.

UPDATE: 2 victims, suspect identified in Michigan City Ind.-possible-CE-or-CD-1-2 murder-suicide 01/08/2019 Tammy Evans, suspected of killing two family members, presumably parents, committing suicide. Yagelski said the Evans hadn't been since before Christmas. Obituary dates their deaths on Jan. 7; however, that appears to be when bodies were found and article implies it may have been up to two weeks or so earlier.

Search for arsonist continues in Indy after 2 homes set on fire Christmas morning Indianapolis, Marion County Ind. 01/15/2019

Family searching for answers after 22-year-old, Aaron Grice, is murdered in Lawrence Ind. day after Christmas 01/25/2019

Authorities ID woman, Raven Mayes, 35, killed in Indianapolis Ind. New Year's Eve shooting 01/25/2018

Kyley Vincent, 18 arrested in connection to New Year’s Day, 01/01/2018 murder in Evansville, Ind. 12/03/2018
Trial date set for one, Mykel Blair, 18, of four charged in Evansville, Ind., New Year's Day murder 10/29/2018

Judge finds Gary, Ind. man, James M. Jackson-Burnett, 27, competent for trial in 2018 New Year's Day murder 09/13/2018

11 killed in criminal homicides last year in Evansville Ind.; police say 2 cases remain unsolved 01/12/2019 First on New Years Day last Two in early November

Evansville Ind. 2018 New Year's Day shooting suspect, Charissa Robinson, 18, pleads guilty to felony murder, other charges 01/23/2019 Four others charged.

Three People Murdered in Marion, Ind. Including Two Boys Dec. 30 12/30/2018
Marion, Ind. Police arrest Lemere Joseph Jones, 29, Demetrius Jackson, 25, and one other, in connection with murder of father, 2 sons Dec. 30 2018 01/23/2019

Police arrest 3 people in connection with 4 Marion Ind. murders, including dad and 2 young children 01/23/2019 Lemere Joseph Jones, 29, oDemetrius Jamere Jackson, 25, and Brittany Drake, 29, arrested for triple murder found on Dec. 29 and one more on Nov. 8 2018.

Marlon Davis Jr., 16, shot and killed on New Year's Eve in Fort Wayne Ind.-NYE-1 01/02/2019

Steven Roe, 32, arrested for murder in deadly Indianapolis, Ind.-NYE-2 New Year's Eve shooting on southwest side 01/02/2019 That shooting broke Indianapolis’ murder record for 2018.

Indianapolis Ind. woman likely shot during celebratory gunfire on New Year’s Eve 01/01/2019 Tiara Spencer, 27, is expected to survive.

Indianapolis Ind. breaks its all-time murder record for fourth year in a row 01/02/2019

Pedestrian killed in crash on New Years Eve 01/01/2019 SWITZERLAND COUNTY, Ind. – A pedestrian was killed on New Year’s Eve after being struck by a vehicle on S.R. 156 in front of Belterra Casino. Switzerland County, Ind.-possible-NYE-3 – A pedestrian was killed on New Year’s Eve after being struck by a vehicle on S.R. 156 in front of Belterra Casino. Toxicology results for Villines and Loughry are pending.

Laura Crowley, 59, was shot and killed by Danny Kilgore Jr., 59, found dead on New Year's Day in murder-suicide at Martinsville Ind.-NYD-1 home 01/02/2019

Arrest of Willie Alex Owens Jr., 34, made after Anderson Ind.-NYD-2 man shot to death inside his car on New Year’s Day 01/28/2019

Ind. Grandmother, Wanda Huber, 68, shoots grandson, self in apparent murder-suicide, Jan. 7/8th police say 01/10/2019

Daughter wants answers about mother's death in Missouri Valley Iowa 11/27/2017 Stacy Larsen, 44, and Chad Stevens, 44, died in fire

Charles Fambrough, 20, Louisville Ky. Murder victim's fiancee makes plea for answers after 2012 Christmas slaying 12/23/2014

Indiana man, Ronald Exantus, 32, charged with murder in stabbing of Versailles, Kentucky kindergartner Dec. 7 12/08/2015

Victim identified after someone shot into a home in Shelbyville Ky. Sunday 12/24/2018

Scottsville Ky. man, Tommy Mulhall, confesses to murder on Christmas Eve 12/28/2015 Victim missing since Nov. 28 may have been killed prior to confession.

Lexington Ky. Police Investigate Christmas Day Shooting 12/25/2018

Ky. Police: Christmas Day murder plan foiled 01/03/2019

Victims of Ky. Christmas Eve murder-suicide identified 12/27/2018 Billy Suttles, 54, Rebecca Lancaster, 49,

Portland family searching for answers in Ky. Christmas Day 2012 unsolved murder 12/24/2018

Ky. Troopers: Billy Suttles dies in hospital after shooting girlfriend, then himself on Christmas Eve 12/27/2018

Louisville Ky. detective killed in Christmas Eve crash; driver, Roger Burdette, 60, charged with murder, DUI 12/24/2018

Family killed on I-75 in Kentucky remembered by mourners at Dearborn mosque 01/08/2019 On the wall was a slide show of photos of the Northville family of five — killed by a drunken driving suspect in Kentucky earlier this week — as speakers recalled their legacy.

Kansas quadruple killer, James Kraig Kahler,'s SCOTUS appeal could change insanity defenses nationwide 03/19/2019 Murder happened day after Thanksgiving 2009

The red ribbons you will see on cop cars in Wichita Kansas have names of 440 DUI victims 11/15/2018 “Each year between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day we see an increase in alcohol and other drugged driving,” the DUI Victims Center said in a news release.

Dillon Lane Reed, Inmate’s death on Thanksgiving at Leavenworth, Kansas, Detention Center investigated by police 11/27/2018

Man charged for Kansas 2017 Christmas shooting 12/20/2018

Man, 19, gets 18 years in Thanksgiving 2 2009 homicides 01/15/2011

Wichita, Kansas, Death on Thanksgiving not being investigated as homicide 11/27/2018

Thanksgiving Day crashes claim two lives on Kansas highways, state troopers say 11/23/2018

Mother Found Dead After Missing Christmas Day Gift Opening in Junction City Kansas 01/09/2019 Mashaun Baker and Dion Green are charged with capital murder in the case.

Junction City Kansas woman dead after Christmas shooting 12/26/2018
Two men charged in alleged murder-for-hire Christmas killing of pregnant Kansas mom 01/07/2019

4th Kansas suspect guilty in 2015 New Year’s Day double-murder 12/14/2018 Jamion Wimbley, 22 of Wichita,

“I don’t trust him,” Albany Ill. mother worries how long daughter’s killer will stay behind bars; Samuel Galbraith convicted of Nov. 1988 La. murder 08/03/2017

Three dead after 'quadruple shooting' on Gus Young Avenue in Baton Rouge La.: 'They're casualties of war' 11/15/2018 Three people were killed and another injured in a quadruple shooting late Wednesday on Gus Young Avenue in Baton Rouge — a shocking display of violence that added to the larger spike in homicides starting the beginning of this month. With the three killings from Wednesday's shooting, the number of homicides this year in East Baton Rouge Parish have surpassed the pace of killings from 2015 — the second most murderous year in the last six, according to records maintained by The Advocate. The homicide count this year still remains below 2017's record-shattering year of violence, when 106 homicides were recorded, but the last two weeks have left a concerning trend.

Terrance Jackson shot Thanksgiving Day 2016 in New Orleans La. later died, authorities say 11/28/2016

Man shot to death in Central City, New Orleans La. Thanksgiving night: NOPD 11/25/2018 Police did not provide any additional details about the man's death, one of four shootings reported by NOPD on Thanksgiving.

'This is not the New Orleans way,' La. mayor says of deadly shootout Sunday after Thanksgiving 11/27/2018 The deceased was identified as 25-year-old Demontris Toliver of Lafayette, Louisiana

13-Year-Old Killed in La. Thanksgiving Hit-and-Run 01/10/2019 A Lafayette man has been arrested after a 13-year-old boy was struck and killed as he walked along a road early Thanksgiving morning.

Ike Hamilton, 36, Zachary La. man accused of killing ex-girlfriend, 3 others, Sunday after Thanksgiving, had history of abuse, victim's family says 11/27/2018

Jerome Anderson Gray, 38, wanted in Thanksgiving Day fatal shooting in Plaquemine arrested in Baton Rouge La. Wednesday 12/04/2018

Update: Victim ID'd in deadly Shreveport La. Thanksgiving shooting 11/24/2017 David Spruill, 29, charged

18-year-old shot and killed Wednesday before Thanksgiving in Shreveport La. 12/22/2018 18-year-old Xavier Thomas, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police nab suspect, Terrance Mandigo, 36, in Shreveport La. Thanksgiving night shooting 11/26/2018

'Armed and dangerous' suspect, Jerome Ricks, 33, in fatal Amite La. bar shooting, late Sunday or early Monday, surrenders on Christmas Day 12/26/2018

Man shot and killed holding baby in Shreveport La. on Christmas Eve ID'd 12/26/2018

Man accused in Christmas Eve mall shooting in Lafayette La. arrested 12/26/2018

Prayer service promotes peace following quadruple Lutcher La. Christmas Eve shooting killing two 12/26/2018
Arkansas Baptist player, Thaddeus Watis, among victims in Lutcher, Louisiana Christmas Eve shooting 12/26/2018

Sheriff: Adam Foster, 38, kills wife then himself in Christmas Eve murder-suicide on Pleasant Drive Lake Charles La. 12/24/2018

Man killed in Algiers La. shooting Christmas night, NOPD reports 12/26/2018 A man was killed and a woman was wounded in a shooting Tuesday night (Dec. 25) in Algiers, according to New Orleans police.

RPSO investigating Christmas Eve shooting near Cheneyville La. 12/26/2018

Baton Rouge La. Family mourns after man walks out of mom's house on Christmas morning and is shot dead 12/26/2018

Baton Rouge La. PD investigates early Christmas morning deadly shooting; victim identified 12/25/2018

Baton Rouge La. man, Tyree Jackson, 25, dies on New Years' Eve after Dec. 26 shooting; no suspect, motive yet 01/0/2019

Alexandria La. Police: 'Definite links' between 2 fatal Christmas Day shootings 12/2/2018 Corey Reed, 58, Tamyra Lea Tison (nee Allen), 33, murder suicide

4th arrest made in Bastrop La. Christmas Day murder 12/31/2018
3 arrested in Bastrop La. Christmas Day murder 12/28/2018
UPDATE: Another suspect, Segonia Bradley, in Christmas morning murder in Bastrop La. arrested, found in Illinois 12/28/2018

Three arrested, fourth sought in kidnapping, attempted murder in Acadiana Park La. 01/02/2019 Gabriella Duhon, 18, Hailey Altman, 20, Alex Arceneaux, 23, and Ethan Guidry, 17

In New Orleans, La. a 47-year low in killings -- and that's no accident, police chief says 12/31/2018 Despite a bloody Christmas holiday

New Orleans Murder Map 2018

Man shot during Desire neighborhood in New Orleans La. area robbery late New Year’s Eve: NOPD 01/01/2019

Fatal stabbing, shooting mar New Year's weekend in Baton Rouge La.: 'The devil is not going to steal all our joy' 01/01/2018 Trenity "Trent" Grimes first person killed in New Year.
Man arrested in fatal New Year's Day shooting 01/01/2019 Thornton Lovely, 27 suspect arrested in Trenity Grimes, 29, shooting

Baton Rouge La. woman said man 'walked up' on her before fatal stabbing on New Year's Eve 01/01/2019 Katrice Michelle Belezaire, 34, charged

One final death on New Year's Eve, but homicides down in Baton Rouge La. after 2017's record high 12/31/2018 Tyree Jackson died five days after being shot day after Christmas

Gonzales La. Police: Argument ends in deadly New Year’s Day shooting; suspect arrested 01/01/2019 Jose Artunez, 19, dead; Adrian Liborio, 21, arrested

UPDATE: Suspect, Anthony Richard, in Monroe La. New Years Eve fatal shooting caught 01/06/2016

Body found dumped in Iberville Parish sugarcane field not far from I-10; victim ID released 01/01/2019 Unidentified body but fresh tracks implying recent death of gunshot wounds
Man found shot dead New Year's Day in Louisiana sugarcane field identified, Travis Smart, 28 01/02/2019

Suspect, Michael Meade, quickly turns himself in following Watson, La., New Year’s Eve shooting 01/01/2019 Charges upgraded for suspect after victim from New Year’s Eve shooting in Watson dies

Police: William Dunn, 21, and Henry Warner, 17, accused of shooting almost 200 bullets into the air in Kenner, La. on New Year’s Eve 01/01/2019

Three Convicted in the Baltimore Md. Thanksgiving 2006 Murder of Federal Witness John Dowery and Two Others 06/11/2009 Melvin Gilbert, 34 and Darron Goods, a/k/a “Moo-man,” 23, James Dinkins, a/k/a “Miami,” 36,

5 Found Dead, Including 3 Children, at Unity, Maryland Park in Thanksgiving Murder-Suicide by David Peter Brockdorff, 40, 11/23/2007

Baltimore gang member, Dontray Johnson, who killed two fellow members for violating rules on Thanksgiving Day 2012, enters guilty plea 09/25/2018

Brandon Early, 18, sentenced to life after 2013 Thanksgiving murder in Princess Anne Md. 12/19/2014
Man sentenced to life in Princess Anne murder 12/18/2014 His criminal history began before he turned 9.

Former Episcopal Bishop Heather Cook applies to serve rest of sentence on home detention 01/1/2019 For drunk-driving crash that killed a bicyclist in Baltimore Dec. 27, 2014.

Person Dies At Baltimore-Washington International Airport Amid Day before Thanksgiving Travel 11/21/2018 ABC 7 reported the death was a suicide that occurred between the ticket counters for American and Jet Blue.

Police Respond To Two non-fatal Shootings In SW Baltimore MD. On Thanksgiving Night 11/22/2018

Thanksgiving Fires, Shocking Lawsuit, Jeopardy! Finalist: MD News 11/25/2018 The number of residential fires on Thanksgiving is 2.3 times the average on any other day of the year, according to the U.S. Fire Administration, which said an average of 2,400 residential building fires are reported each year on Thanksgiving Day to fire departments across the country.

Update: 2 Dead In Bethesda Md. House Fire The Day Before Thanksgiving 11/21/2018

6-year-old boy killed in possible road rage crash on Thanksgiving, Maryland State Police say on Eastern Shore. 11/23/2018 Driver Kenneth Chatmon, 55, one of three vehicles speeding, involved in road rage incident.

Man shot early Saturday after Thanksgiving in Annapolis, Md. police say 11/24/2019

Kelly Biddle, 21, allegedly murders his uncle on Black Friday in Rising Sun, Cecil County Md. 11/24/2019

Former Episcopal Bishop Heather Cook applies to serve rest of sentence on home detention 01/1/2019 For drunk-driving crash that killed a bicyclist in Baltimore Md. Dec. 27, 2014.

Jacquelyn Smith, 52, stabbed to death in Baltimore Md. Dec. 1 after she stopped to give someone money 12/03/2018

UPDATE: Nathaniel Appleby-el, 59, sentenced twice for 40-year-old 1977 Salisbury Md. Christmas Eve murder 06/13/2018

Two Baltimore Men, Darrell Burrell, 25, William Johnson, 30, Sentenced To Life In Prison For 2017 Christmas Bar Shooting in Catonsville, Md 10/28/2018

Charles County Md. man, Marcus Darnell Johnson, convicted of fatally shooting neighbor 2 days before Christmas 2017 over $30 08/15/2018

Killing in St. Mary’s County, Md., hours before Christmas 12/24/2017

Man killed at Northwest Baltimore Md. gas station in Christmas Day shooting, police say 12/25/2018 Suspect and victim unidentified
Baltimore Md. Police Searching For Suspect In Christmas Day Killing 12/26/2018 The murder is Baltimore’s 304th killing in 2018. That number is down from the 342 recorded last year, a record in the city when adjusted for population losses.

Six shot in Baltimore Md. on Christmas Eve 12/25/2018 Six people were injured in shootings throughout Baltimore on Christmas Eve, confirmed city police on Tuesday.

Attempted day after Christmas murder suspect nicknamed Anthony "Doo-Doo Butt" Ward, 21, arrested in Spring Grove, Pa. for Baltimore Md. shooting police say 01/08/2019

Son, Kevin McGuigan, 21, stabs mom to death in front of Rockville Maryland church, Dec. 28th police say 12/31/2019

Annapolis Man, Carlos Simms, 20, Charged With Murder in 2015 New Year's Eve Shooting 01/06/2016

2017 sees highest murder rate ever in shrinking Baltimore 01/02/2018

Police: Suspect, Sean Crizer, 15, in New Year's murder of Ellicott City Md. teen dies of self-inflicted gunshot 01/03/2017

Devonte Proctor arrested for deadly shooting of woman during argument on New Year's Eve in Suitland, P.G. Co. Md. 01/09/2017

Update: Taylor Alan Nelson, 15, charged with homicide in New Year's Eve shooting in West Baltimore Md. 01/01/2017

Alleged Drunken Driver, Thomas Hawks, Released on Bond in Crash That Killed 3 Children Sunday before New Year's in Oxon Hill, Md. 01/28/2019 Tripple manslaughter

Baltimore Md. ends 2018 with 309 Homicides; 17 y/o, 59 y/o, Ronald Armstrong Killed New Year's Eve 01/01/2019

Teen suspect, Sean Crizer in New Year’s Day murder of 16-year-old Maryland girl, shooting and wounding her mother also dies 01/03/2019

7 Shootings In Baltimore New Year’s Eve Night: 17-Year-Old Killed; 14-Year-Old Grazed By Bullet (second murder not mentioned in this article) 01/01/2019

Final homicide of 2018 recorded Glen Burnie, Md. New Year's Eve, ending a violent year for Anne Arundel County 01/04/2019 Jon Edward Price Jr., of Glen Burnie, was shot on Sunday but died New Year's Eve. Anne Arundel County recorded 23 homicides, far more than the 14 reported to the county in 2017. Annapolis recorded one. The year included the first mass shooting in county history in June and a murder-suicide involving an FBI agent in March.

17-year-old killed in Baltimore Md. on New Year's Eve brings city's 2018 homicide count to 309 01/01/2019 Meanwhile, the new year got off to a bloody start amid a spate of non-fatal shootings that left seven people injured in the waning hours of 2018 and the early moments of 2019.

Essex man, Jordan Moody, 30, arrested in 2016 New Year's Eve Baltimore Md. murder case 12/04/2018

Benjamin Murray, now 39, who killed mother two days before Christmas 1997 in Beverly Mass. is granted parole 11/11/2018

Family fight at home Sunday after Thanksgiving turns deadly, Modesta Gomez, 23 charged with murder in Lawrence, Mass. 11/26/2018

Boston Mass. Police Officer Shot Wife Christmas Eve, Lied About It: PD 12/26/2018

1 person dead, 2 injured in Dorchester Mass. shooting two days after Christmas 12/27/2018

New Year’s party ends in Boston’s first murder of 2019 Police said man shot to death on Johnston Road in Dorchester Mass. 01/01/2019 no suspects Boston had 56 murders in 2018, 57 in 2017

New Bedford Mass. Men, Angel Acevedo, 26, and Aaron Bookman, 25, Found Guilty in New Year's Eve 2015 Killing 06/07/2018

Jose Urena, 49, Lawrence Mass. man arraigned in shooting death of wife's boyfriend 12/31/207 New Year's Eve 01/18/2018

David Marble, 32, Receives Life Term for 2015 Christmas Double Killing in Maine 11/09/2018

Maine State Police spend Wednesday investigating scene of couple’s death found on New Years Day 01/02/2019

Peru (town in Maine) man, Mark Penley, 49, arrested in connection with Me. New Year’s Day murders 01/03/2019

Police confirm an arrest was made this year in 1973 slaying of Bay City Mich. teen 12/06/2018 The blonde-haired Jan was last seen alive the morning of Nov. 26, 1973, just four days after Thanksgiving.

Look back: Thanksgiving Muskegon Mich. foundry-ladle double murders of two young boys on on Nov. 26, 1987, 11/26/2017 Bartley James Dobben, suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, placed his two sons in the ladle and turned on the gas burners. Co-workers had said he was a religious fanatic that carried his Bible with him at work. His family said his "fanatical" religious rantings disrupted family gatherings and contact with him had been cut off several months before the children's deaths.

Question remains 20 years after 1998 Mich. Thanksgiving family massacre: Why? 11/19/2018 Seth Privacky killed five family members later, in 2010, shot in escape attempt

Ferndale Man Arrested for Suspected Role in Royal Oak Township Murder Nov. 25, 2010, Thanksgiving night 07/07/2011 Former Grant Early Education Center security guard Darius McCrary, suspected in the shooting death of Fredericka Dixon in her Royal Oak Township home, was arrested Thursday on a tip from Crime Stoppers.

Years After 3 Young Morenci, Michigan Brothers Vanished, Author Alleges He 'Found Gaps' in the Investigation 02/12/2019 On Thanksgiving Day 2010, Andrew, Alexander and Tanner Skelton left with their father, John Skelton, and were never seen again.

Bridgeport Mich. woman arrested in Thanksgiving Day shooting death of boyfriend 11/28/2014

Uncle, James Graham, 48, arrested, victim remembered in Detroit Mich. Thanksgiving dinner murder 11/29/2016

Trial begins for Rodrick D. Williams, 18 charged with murder in 2016 Tuesday before Thanksgiving killing in Bay City Mich. 05/11/2018

Hudson Mich. man, Trysten Manuel Valdez, 21, enters pleas in 2017 Thanksgiving stabbing of sister 08/02/2018

Suspects in Thanksgiving Bay City Mich. murder, arson to undergo psychiatric evaluation 12/01/2016 Investigators arrested DeMarckeon Jackson, 20, and Rodrick Williams, 17, in connection to the incident.

Suspect in death of Oakland County Mich. Deputy Eric Overall facing first-degree murder charge 11/25/2017 A Macomb Township man, Christopher Berak, 22, who authorities say claimed to be God, is facing a first-degree murder charge in the death of an Oakland County sheriff’s deputy on Thanksgiving Day.

'Unruly, combative' Nov. 4 Saginaw County Mich. murder suspect, Morgan D. Notestine, 43, to undergo psychiatric evaluation 11/21/2018

Lansing Mich. man, Anjuan Jaquai Potter, 18, charged with attempted murder in home invasion stabbing over Thanksgiving weekend 11/26/2018

The Christmas Eve Calumet massacre, 1913 12/22/2014 Highlight; A short history of the biggest mass murder in Michigan history: the massacre of 73 people, mostly the children of striking miners at a Christmas party on Christmas Eve in 1913. .... The culprits who yelled into the hall that day to start the tragedy were never identified, but it is widely suspected that it was allies of mine management or the owners who did so to disrupt the miners' party. Nobody was ever prosecuted or even arrested for causing the massacre. It is always thus: Those with money and power control the narrative, silence the truth, and thwart justice.

The Pesce Family Murders & Billy Wadd's Awakening 12/21/2002
Murderpedia John Wolfenbarger, 31, and Dennis Lincoln, 27, were charged with five counts each of premeditated murder and felony murder. 12/21/2002

Family feels vindication after Justin Stephens charged with murder in Dec. 1 2006 Hubbardston Mich. death originally ruled accidental 08/05/2010

Michigan Man, James C. Brown, Convicted of Four 'Backpage Murders' 02/28/2014 Quadruple murder in December 2011. The bodies of Landers and Hunt were found Dec. 19, 2011. Six days later, on Christmas, police found the bodies of Curtis and McCrary burned beyond recognition in a second car. "He went on with his life like nothing happened," Tobin said in her closing argument. "He opened his presents on Christmas Day."

Murder charges dismissed in fatal Dearborn Mich. Christmas Day crash 02/18/2012 While the murder charges were dismissed, both defendants, whose last names are spelled differently because of language barriers, were bound over to Wayne County Circuit Court on charges of reckless driving causing death.

Detroit, Mich. Father of Christmas Day murder victim, Christina Samuel speaks out 4 years after unsolved crime 12/24/2018

17-Year-Old Girl, Delilah Evans Charged With Clinton Township, Mich., Murder In Mother’s Fatal Stabbing Christmas Day 12/28/2016

Village of the Damned: Dryden Mich. officials offended by new docuseries on murders 11/28/2017 The string began days before Christmas with quadruple murder in 1989, when Michael Kinge brutally murdered Warren and Delores Harris, along with their two children, Shelby, 15 and Marc, 11. Their bodies were discovered, shot and burned, by a state trooper the next day.

Wendell Popejoy gets life in prison for killing neighbor during snow blowing dispute on the day after Christmas 2017 in Grand Haven Mich. 11/05/2018

Breakup led to attack that left 3 women shot in Chesaning, Mich. on Dec. 4 sheriff says Sherry L. Mandel, 56, charged 12/06/2018

Ex-husband, Dennis Rich, 63, charged with Auburn Mich. woman's murder Dec. 7th 12/10/2018

Ex-husband, Dennis Rich, 63, charged with Auburn Mich. woman's murder 12/10/2019

Kawkawlin Township, Mich. Dec. 14th murder suspect, Tyler Bothe, 25, appears in court 12/17/2017

15-year-old Saginaw Mich. boy, Naparion Riley charged with murder in Nasir Owens' shooting death Dec. 15th 12/17/2018

Kawkawlin Mich. man, 25, Tyler R. Bothe arraigned on murder charge in connection with former friend’s killing on Dec. 17 12/17/2019

Kalamazoo Mich. Man Hurt After Shooting Christmas Eve Morning 12/24/2018

Two men in critical condition after shooting in Inkster Mich. on Christmas 12/26/2018

Christmas Eve shooting in Grand Rapids Mich. leaves 1 injured 12/24/2018

5 shootings reported in Detroit Mich. before Christmas 12/24/2018

Police: Christmas Eve shootings in Washington Township Mich. were attempted murder and suicide 12/27/2018

Lorenzo Jackson, 23, charged with murder in double-fatal crash on Mich.-CE-1-2 Christmas Eve 12/28/2018

Michigan parents, Antonio Floyd, 28, and Shantanice Barksdale, 27, charged in Christmas Day fentanyl overdose death of 18-month-old in Warren, Michigan,-CD-1 01/15/2019

Police investigating Christmas morning murder-suicide in Saginaw County Mich. 12/28/2018

Kentwood Mich. gas station robbed Christmas night 12/26/2018

Michigan State Police respond to possible double shooting in Inkster Christmas night 12/25/2018

Nyoky Steven Bull, 20 Charged With Murder in Norton Shores, northwest of Grand Rapids Michigan Crossbow Killing day after Christmas 12/28/2018

Lansing Mich. New Years Eve Homicide Shooter Sentenced to Life in Prison 11/21/2013
Final man sentenced in 2013 New Year's Day 'battle-like' shooting in Lansing Mich. 02/24/2016 One killed four seriously injured.

24 yr old Detroit Mich. Man Dies from New Years Day Shooting on E. State Fair 01/03/2018

Sumpter Township Michigan mother, Candice Diaz, 25, sentenced for murder, torture of 4-year-old daughter New Year's Day of 2018 12/05/2018 Brad Fields, 28, also charged

Devontae Jackson, headed to trial for Detroit Mich. 2018 New Year's Day murder 06/04/2018

Sergeant Tyrone Hassel: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Mich.-NYE-1 01/14/2019 Killed December 31, 2018 in St. Joseph, Michigan. His wife, Kemia Nekenah Hassel, is accused of plotting his murder along with her alleged boyfriend, Jeremy Cuellar, in order to receive Army death benefits. Kemia Hassel is a Specialist in the Army.

Drequan Scott, 18, Charged In Battle Creek Mich.-NYE-2 Murder Arson Case 01/05/2019 Arson on Jan. 1 shooting possibly twenty-four hours earlier on New Years Eve. Police said that was Scott’s second arrest in one week. The first time was for drunk driving on New Years Eve with Michigan State Police locating a handgun in Scott's vehicle. He was then taken into custody but later bonded out.

Man Injured In Shooting New Year’s Day In Benton Harbor Mich. 01/01/2019

Former police officer, Gary Gatza, 74, arraigned on drunken driving charges after deadly crash New Years Day in Midland Mich.-NYD-1 02/14/2019

Deadly year: Oakland County Mich. had 29 homicides in 2018 01/01/2019 None on the holidays & few near them except first one on Jan. 4 and last one on Dec. 22 two more on Nov. 11 & 12th.

Snyder pardoned 'career drunk driver' as term neared end 02/13/2019

Gov. Rick Snyder grants clemency to lifer Melissa Chapman, 60 others 12/21/2018

School district reeling from string of teen suicides 02/13/2019

50 years after Michigan family's massacre in cottage, July 22, 1968, investigators put rumors to rest 10/11/2018

Little Falls, Minnesota man convicted of murder in 2012 burglary fights for appeal 08/06/2018 Smith shot and killed teenage cousins Nick Brady and Haile Kifer when they broke into his home over Thanksgiving weekend six years ago.

Minneapolis Minn. woman, Anenia Marie Hare, 47, charged with killing Thanksgiving guest for smoking crack 11/27/2018

1 dead, 1 injured in Christmas shooting in Hibbing Minn. 12/26/2018 Jerome Dionte Spann, 29, charged
Murder charge for Jerome Spann in Hibbing Minn. Christmas Day shooting 12/31/2018

2 brothers reportedly died in murder-suicide at New Year’s gathering in White Bear Township Minn. 01/02/2019 Larry Klimek, 54, who was slain, suspect Lee Klimek, 56,

Arkansas man, Joseph Porter, 26, gets 20 years in prison after killing girlfriend, on Jan. 4, 2018, in Minneapolis Minnesota, burning her body in New Orleans 01/16/2019

Judge Rudolph Becker III accused in the Thanksgiving Day bludgeoning deaths of three in Hancock County, Mississippi 12/29/1981 'His mind,' Billiot's lawyers said, 'appears to be so cluttered with demons their conversations demand his full attention.' triple murder

Jury finds Como Mississippi man, Quentarious Robinson, guilty of killing two people in front of his kids Day after Thanksgiving 2015 11/03/2016

Police chase new leads on West Point Mississippi Thanksgiving 2016 murder of Dajah Shaw, 25 11/23/2017

Carrollton Mississippi Man Charged With Murder in Death of 9-Month-Old Week before Thanksgiving 11/19/2018

Jackson Mississippi PD investigates 75th homicide on Thanksgiving Eve 11/21/2018 Suspect and victim not identified. Also Wednesday night, police were on the scene of a shooting on Mitchell Avenue. Two people were taken to the hospital.

Tupelo Mississippi Police investigate Thanksgiving shooting, victim survived three suspects sought 11/22/2018

Name released of man who dies in West Point Mississippi Thanksgiving Day holiday fire 11/24/2018 William Brownlee Sr. found dead cause undetermined

Two men face charges in Thanksgiving Day non-fatal shooting in Tupelo Mississippi 11/30/2018

Woman who caused fatal head-on crashes in Mississippi was in the wrong lane, state trooper says 11/25/2018 The crash was reported about 10:25 a.m. near the Pearl River County-Lamar County line. Three people were killed in Pearl River County MS in separate head-on collisions on Thanksgiving Day. Three were injured.

Jackson Mississippi Barber Shop Owner, Marcus Hamblin, 41, Shot Dead by Men in Clown Masks Sunday after Thanksgiving 11/26/2018

'Her hair was fried like it had been stuck in a light socket': Courtland Mississippi Rescuer traumatized after seeing Jessica Chambers 10/12/2017 Quinton Tellis, now 29, on trial for Dec. 6, 2014 murder

Tayvone Ickom, 18, and John Partee, 23, charged with murder in Kosciusko Mississippi Christmas Eve shooting 12/25/2017

Clarksdale, Mississippi man, Kevin Robinson, shot and killed Dec. 9 day before his son was born 12/13/2018

Third man, Jaquan Hampton, 27 charged with attempted murder in shooting of Mississippi sheriff's son in Macon Dec. 21 12/27/2018 Terrance Fiffer also charged with attempted murder Jamesha Ervin charged as an accessory

Vicksburg Mississippi Woman, Kacey Miles, 33, missing since Christmas Eve found dead 12/26/2018 Paul Steward, her husband expected to be charged.

Jackson Mississippi Police Arrest Christmas Eve Shooting Suspect, Don Brown, 34 12/26/2018

Family: Mid-South man, Tevin Wink, saw demons before shooting, killing woman during Como Mississippi Christmas Day party 01/03/2019

Carl Anthony Nunnally, 40, charged with attempted murder in Holly Springs, Mississippi Christmas Day shooting 01/02/2019

New Year's Day fatal shootings in Pearl, Jackson Mississippi 01/02/2019 2 separate murders on New Years 1 more on Dec. 29th Adreaun Rashaud Moses, 35 shot and wounded his girlfriend before killing himself New Years Day. Carl Anderson, 41, charged with murder Saturday Dec. 29th. at least two more shootings or armed robberies. Murder on West Pearl Street Jackson on New Years Day

2018 homicides mark the deadliest year in Jackson Mississippi in more than 2 decades. What now? 01/1/2019 By the stroke of midnight for the new year, the city had seen 84 homicides. As of Jan. 14, there were six homicides in the city, about one every two days, and one officer-involved shooting. At that rate, Jackson would see over 155 homicides for 2019.

Family pleads for clues to Natchez, Mississippi 2016 New Year’s Day murder of Bobby Butler, 24 08/19/2016

Lebanon, Missouri woman, Sharon Trevino, 28, two children dead in possible Thanksgiving Day murder-suicide: report 11/27/2010

Community Remembers Grandmother, Denise Hall, Killed on Thanksgiving in Kansas City, Missouri 11/30/2011

Pagedale Missouri teen, Corey Wiggins, 19, charged with murder over cost of Thanksgiving meal 11/26/2012

Kansas City Missouri Detectives still seeking new info in murder of Arthur L. Mourning Jr., 49, the day before Thanksgiving 2016 07/02/2018

Rehyen Bost-McMurray, 17, identified in St. Louis Missouri Thanksgiving Day officer-involved shooting 11/28/2017

2 more charged in 2017 Thanksgiving Day murder of St. Louis Missouri man, kidnapping of his girlfriend 08/06/2018 Durrell Allen Anderson, 33, and Maurice Whitt, 36, KhamKhay Samatmanivong, 51, all charged

Critic of gun control and former pastor, Thomas Bruce, 53 charged in religious store deadly shooting, sexual attack in Ballwin Missouri on Nov. 19 11/23/2018

Who is Barbara Foster, the victim of Springfield Missouri vehicular homicide two days before Thanksgiving? 11/28/2018 hit-and-run death

Family, friends speak out about 19-year-old's death in St. Louis Missouri: 'We have to step up' 11/25/2017 Shelbyon Polk presumably killed day before Thanksgiving

Matthew A. Richardson, 36, killed in early-morning Thanksgiving crash in High Ridge Missouri 11/26/2018 He was the one failing to stop.

Man shot in shoulder early on Thanksgiving day in St. Louis Missouri survived condition not available 11/22/2018

6 dead, at least 15 injured in Thanksgiving weekend shootings in St. Louis Missouri 11/27/2017 Shelbyon Polk, 19; Reco Terry, 28; Charles Keltz, 37, and two others shot, three of them dead on Thanksgiving day in separate incidents; David Dunn, 31 shot and killed next day; Raymond Neal, 34 shot dead on Saturday;

Kirksville Missouri man dead after Thanksgiving stabbing; Kayn O. Fry, 20, charged 11/28/2014

Woman found dead on Dec. 10th in her Lebanon, Missouri home 12/11/2019 "Thanksgiving week. That's was the last time I talked to her too," she explained.

Shawn Robertson, 22, Charged in St. Joseph, Thanksgiving Homicide 01/10/2019

One dead and one injured after shooting Thanksgiving night St. Joseph, Missouri 11/24/2018

Family Dollar shopper stabbed to death with knives plucked from store's shelves in Breckenridge Hills, St. Louis County, Missouri by Cameka Cathey, 34, of Memphis, Tenn. on Tuesday 27th after Thanksgiving 11/29/2018

Kansas City Missouri man, 23, Anthony Eskridge, charged in fatal shooting of Darian Jackson on Nov. 29 12/04/2018

Murder charge filed against suspect, Deandre Simms, 24 who said he killed man trying to steal his vehicle Kansas City Missouri 3 a.m. Nov. 29, 2018 11/29/2018

62-year-old found shot to death in Kirkwood Missouri home Dec. 5th 12/07/2018 related to Shelbyon Polk killed year ago found on Thanksgiving day

A Missouri Woman, Amy Murray, 40, Murdered Her Husband, Dec. 11, 2018 To Marry An Inmate 02/10/2019 A Missouri woman now faces murder charges after it was discovered her husband didn't die in a house fire, but after being poisoned with antifreeze.
Prison Nurse Accused of Husband's Murder in Bid to Be With Inmate Who Killed Elderly lottery winner. 02/11/2019

Three weeks later, few details being released in Melissa Peskey's homicide case 01/02/2019 On Dec. 13, Hartford realtor Melissa Peskey was found shot inside her car on a rural stretch of I-70 not far from the small city of Boonville, Missouri.

Kansas City Missouri Dec. 6 shooting victim spending Christmas in hospital surrounded by family 12/24/2018

Kansas City Missouri man, Junius Morrow, 30, charged in the murder of Anthony Page on Dec. 10 12/14/2018

Two Kansas City Missouri brothers, Steven T. Kelow, 20, and Corey Richardson, 27, charged in fatal Dec. 22 shooting of Cornell A. Reed 12/28/2018

Judges throws out Brad Jennings, Missouri man's conviction of killing wife on Christmas Day in 2006 02/8/2018
'Dateline' to feature 'crack' in Buffalo, Missouri case of a husband, Brad Jennings accused of murdering wife on Christmas Day 2006 03/28/2018

Two Murdered On Christmas Day in separate incidents in Ferguson Missouri 12/27/2017

‘Shooting was justified’ | Plot to lure, rob man ends with victim killing man in St. Charles Missouri Friday before Christmas 012/24/2018

Kansas City Missouri father, Marquise Fleming, shot and killed 2 days before Christmas 12/24/2018 As of Thanksgiving Day, there were 117 homicides in Kansas City Missouri. As of Christmas Eve, that number jumped to 132. 15 killed between holidays about twenty percent higher than rest of year.

Victim identified, Philip Smith, 59, in shooting near 40th & Olive Kansas City Missouri on Christmas Eve 12/26/2018

2nd suspect in Joplin, Missouri Christmas Eve killing caught 01/01/2019 Artilius Jordan, 47 and Moses Ramsey, 27 both arrested Sean Harris, died second victim survived gunshot

Police investigating Christmas Day shooting in North City Missouri 12/25/2018

6 people killed in St. Louis Missouri shootings this Christmas weekend 12/23/2018

St. Charles Missouri woman, Brenna Davis, 36, charged in fatal stabbing of husband 12/26/2018 3:30 a.m. after Christmas

St. Charles Missouri man, Richard Darren Emery, 46, charged in quadruple murder of girlfriend, her 2 children, mother Fri. Dec. 28th 12/31/2018

31-year-old man, Ramon Boyd, found guilty in New Years Day 2016 homicide of Sedrick Jones, 23 in Kansas City Missouri 04/03/2018 Woman also injured.

Trial date set for suspect, Matthew McMillan, in Columbia Missouri Waffle House shooting death on New Year's Day 2018 09/29/2018
Security guard fired fatal shot at Waffle House on 2018 New Year's Day 01/09/2019

Richard Darren Emery, Boyfriend of St. Charles Missouri Mom Shot Alongside Her Kids and Mother Charged With Their Murders 12/30/2018 four dead on Dec. 29

Police investigate New Year’s Eve homicide in Pagedale Missouri 01/01/2019 Victim or suspect unidentified

Man shot wife, then himself in Dutchtown neighborhood, St. Louis Missouri murder-suicide, police say 01/04/2017 Stacey and James Aubuchon New Year’s Eve afternoon 2016

Brent A. Richards, 26, dies after being shot on New Year’s Eve in KC 01/02?/2015 Police are counting his death as the city’s 77th homicide of 2014. A death previously counted at the 77th homicide has been reclassified as a suspicious death but not as a homicide at this time, police said. That incident involved a man found dead of an apparent gunshot wound New Year’s Eve day in the 1300 block of East 82nd Terrace. City-Data lists 78 murders in 2014 which might mean this was reclassified back to a homicide later

Charles White, 42, shot and killed New Year's Eve in south St. Louis Missouri 01/02/2019

Murder charges in New Year’s Day killing for homeless man, Darryl Schaeffel, 24, in Independence Missouri 01/9/2016

Victim, Quonterio Davis, 23, and suspect, Jeffrey Millens, 22, named in Jefferson City, Missouri New Year's Day murder 01/01/2017

'My heart is so broken': Candlelight vigil remembers murder victims in St. Louis and county 01/01/2019 245 people murdered in 2018 in St. Louis and St. Louis County Missouri being remembered at annual candlelight vigil.

Kansas City Missouri woman, Carmelita G. Smith, 52 charged in fatal Jan. 2 stabbing of boyfriend 01/03/2019

KC man, Gregory E. Jefferson III, 22, charged in fatal shooting on Jan.4 in south Kansas City Missouri 01/10/2019

Family of four missing day after Thanksgiving found dead in Montana apparent car crash 11/24/2018

Grand Island Nebraska PD investigating Christmas shooting 12/26/2018

‘Pure Evil’: Nebraska Man, John Dalton Jr., 46, Storms House and Murders Parents, Niece the Day After Christmas 12/11/2018 also fatally shot his wife 20 years ago

Lincoln Nebraska New Year’s Eve Murder Suspect, Neland Tevionn Gray Jr., Held Without Bond 01/02/2019 Lincoln's 4th homicide of 2018
Court documents provide new details on Lincoln Nebraska deadly stabbing 01/02/2019

Luke Lefever, 30, Shot by Deputy in Elba, Nebraska, New Year's Eve Shootout Charged 01/08/2019

Mentally Ill Woman Dies, January 29, 2005, After 20 Years on Nevada's Death Row Ford was sentenced to death row after she was convicted of killing 6 people and injuring 23 others by driving her car down a crowded Reno sidewalk on Thanksgiving Day 1980.

Las Vegas woman, Michelle Young, 56, arrested for killing her ex-husband on Thanksgiving morning 11/26/2015

Man dies on Thanksgiving Day, in hospital 2 days after central Las Vegas Nevada shooting 11/22/2018 (Not counted among holiday murders since the shooting was two days earlier.) The man’s death marked the 195th homicide in Clark County this year, and the 147th homicide investigated by Metro, according to records maintained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The newspaper tracks all homicides, including fatal officer-involved shootings and self-defense homicides.

North Las Vegas Nevada family remembers 17-year-old shot, killed day before Thanksgiving 11/23/2018 Seneca Carey, 21, charged

Shooting at Las Vegas Nevada Christmas party injures 4 people, no arrests made 12/22/2018

Report: Suspect, Jarrid Johnson, 25, in Dec. 21 2018 fatal stabbing in east valley Las Vegas fought with victim before attacking 12/27/2018

Arrest made, Rigoberto Chavez-Solorzano, 41, after mom killed in Christmas Eve crash in North Las Vegas 12/25/2018

North Las Vegas Nevada police seek Christmas Eve shooting suspect 12/25/2018 North Las Vegas police have made no arrests in the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old on Christmas Eve.
Police: 17-Year-Old Held in Christmas Eve Slaying in Nevada 12/28/2018
18-year-old, Kwavon’ tia Thomas, shot on Christmas Eve may have been killed because of social media post 12/26/2018

Officials seek family of Nevada inmate who died on Christmas 12/26/2018

Las Vegas judge sentences New Year's killer 2016, Shawn Lynn Glover, 32, to life in prison, and more 10/10/2018

Florida couple, Jennifer Baldwin and Herman Matasar, arrested for prearranged murder of Reno Nevada man on New Year's Day 01/26/2018

Death of Las Vegas nail salon worker, Ngoc Q. Nguyen, 51, on Dec. 29th ruled homicide 12/31/2018 The death of a woman over payment for $35 manicure who was dragged by a car Saturday outside a Las Vegas nail salon where she worked was ruled a homicide.

1 injured in New Year’s Eve shooting, Las Vegas police say 01/01/2019 That person was dropped off about 9:40 p.m. Monday at Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center with a gunshot wound, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Laura Meltzer said. Victim later died.
New Year's Eve murder suspect sought by Las Vegas Nevada homicide detectives 02/15/2019

East valley father, Richie Gaudio, 26, firing off fireworks on New Year's Eve 2017 dies in drive-by shooting 01/01/2019

Henderson, North Las Vegas break homicide records in 2018 01/05/2019 Before 2018, the record number of homicide investigations in North Las Vegas was 33 in 2007. Last year, 17 of the 36 homicides occurred from September through December, a period plagued by shootings that claimed the lives of six people ages 19 and younger.

New Hampshire Man Murdered Early Thanksgiving Day, Investigators Say 11/23/2018

Bryson Peluso, 27, pleads not guilty in Thanksgiving Day murder in Amherst NH 01/16/2019

NH Police Investigate Murder in Amherst, Fatal Crash on Interstate 93 near Lake Winnipesaukee Over Thanksgiving 12/26/2018

Good Samaritan shot in Salem NH Saturday the 22nd. after checking on man lying in road 12/25/2018

21 homicides recorded in NH in 2018 01/01/2019

The Murder of Officer Bernoskie on Thanksgiving weekend 1958 in Rahway, N.J 03/26/2002

Murderpedia: Frank Masini convicted of killing four including two on day before Thanksgiving 1991 in West Orange NJ

Mystery over motive after ex-FDNY firefighter was slain in Colts Neck, NJ home. Trial finally gets started. 03/30/2019 Victim killed Nov. 21, 2015, days before Thanksgiving Conrad Sipa, 56, charged with murder

Killer handyman, Nestor Francisco Canela Lopez, 40, gets 50 years in prison for a Newark, NJ, Nov. 19, 2015 murder as ‘depraved as a murder can get’ 03/01/2019 A man who murdered his former employer with a hammer, wrench and screwdriver after he was fired from a job after jewelry went missing was sentenced Friday to 50 years in state prison.

NJ man, Robert Long, 48, dead after shooting girlfriend, son on Thanksgiving in Monroe NJ, victims expected to survive 11/25/2016

Manhunts Underway: 3 Unsolved Thanksgiving Murders In NJ 11/24/2017 Two separate murders in Newark, another in Asbury Park.

New Jersey Teens Charged With Thanksgiving Murder In Newark NJ 11/26/2017 Supreme A. Allah Jr., 18, Antonio L. Torres, 20, of Newark, and a 14-year-old juvenile male investigated Allah and the 14 year old charged.

Man killed, 2nd injured in Thanksgiving day shooting in Newark NJ 11/24/2017 Terrance Harris, 46, of Newark was identified by officials as the man who died.

2017 Thanksgiving Eve murder: Three men indicted in Asbury NJ shooting 11/14/2018 An indictment handed up by the grand jury charges Vernon Sanders, 34, of Brick, and Steven J. Taylor, 36, and Avery Hopes, 23, both of Asbury Park, with the Nov. 22, 2017 murder of Denzel Morgan-Hicks,

A Colts Neck, N.J. family of four is found dead two days before Thanksgiving, a mansion is burned — and a sibling, Paul Caneiro, is charged with murder 11/29/2018

Jurors hear chilling, grisly confession in Sarah Stern trial in New Jersey 02/08/2019 Authorities say Liam McAtasney strangled 19-year-old Sarah Stern in her Neptune City home before disposing of her body in the Shark River in Belmar. Allegedly told witness of his plans on Thanksgiving 2017 killed her shortly after that. Stern was last seen at her home on the night of December 2, 2016 in Neptune City NJ.

Rutgers football player Izaia Bullock from South River NJ charged with attempted murder released from jail pending trial 11/21/2018

Black Friday shooting in Elizabeth at The Mills at Jersey Gardens 11/23/2018 No deaths victim not named, nor is he cooperating with investigation.

Milliville NJ police searching for suspect in Thanksgiving robberies 11/28/2018

A Nightmare Before Christmas in Trenton NJ 12/05/2018 Highlight: December 22nd, 1978, Jean Zelinsky killed her mother cut off her head drove into the statehouse and threw it out.

Remembering the N.J. trooper slain Dec. 21, 1981 on I-80 12/23/2016

Lopatcong Township N.J. Man Remains In Jail In Brother's Murder Police 12/28/1988 Gregory Scott Petty allegedly killed his brother Christmas Eve

2007 Christmas Eve cold case: Asbury Park NJ murder of Cesar Torralba still unsolved 12/23/2017

Two teens killed in Newark NJ Christmas shooting ID'd, Zainee Hailey, 13, and Kasson Mormon, 15, 14 yr. old also injured 12/27/2013

Prosecutors: Boy, 15, Facing Double Murder Charges For Christmas Night Shooting of Zainee Hailey and Kasson Morman In Newark NJ 12/31/2013

Teen pleads guilty in Newark NJ 2013 Christmas triple-murder 09/10/2014

Christmas Day 2013 murder of Rashad Daye, 25, in Plainfield NJ 5 years ago still unsolved 12/24/2018

Newark man, Anthony Fields, 19, arrested for triple murder in Irvington, NJ, strip club on Christmas 01/12/2014

Dad, Michael Stasko, 53 eyed in Edgewater NJ Christmas double murder-suicide of wife and daughter 12/26/2015 Called in during holiday when they didn't show up in Missouri presumably killed Dec. 23 or 22.

Sussex Borough duo, Jesus Roman, 25 and Carlos Lagunes, 24, indicted on Christmas Eve 2015 Lakewood Township NJ murder charges 09/30/2016
Jesus Roman, 24 and Carlos Lagunes, 23 arrested in Christmas Eve Lakewood, NJ, murder 01/05/2016

Tyrone Hilley, 23 faces murder, weapons charges in Christmas Eve slaying of Trenton man in Hamilton Township NJ 01/09/2016

New Jersey man, Jeremiah E. Monell, 34, convicted in 2016 murder of estranged wife week before Christmas in Laurel Lake, NJ 01/19/2019

New Jersey Woman, Adrienne Smith, 43, and her Brother, Orville Cousins, 40, Charged With Desecrating Murdered Husband's Remains 01/20/2017 Highlight: body dismembered reported missing Jan. 2 claimed last seen day before Christmas, found on Jan. 12

Heartbreaking Christmas Week In NJ: 11 Killed In Crashes, Murders 12/27/2017

Thomas Vuocolo, 55, and Cindy Marcinczyk, 47, dog found dead in apparent Christmas Eve murder-suicide in Old Bridge, NJ 12/26/2017

Similarities Between Edison NJ Murder, Long Island Robbery on Dec. 19: Report 12/26/2018

Christmas Eve Fire Tears Through Highland Park NJ Apartment Complex 12/26/2018 As many as 18 families were left homeless over Christmas after a fire broke out on the afternoon of Christmas Eve in a Highland Park apartment complex. No deaths or injuries.

Christmas Eve shootings leave 2 dead, 1 wounded in Essex County NJ-CE-1-2 12/25/2018 Troy Ibn Branch, 29, killed in Newark NJ; David W. King, 59, killed in Irvington NJ few additional details.

24-year-old, Hassan Fisher charged with murder of Troy Ibn Branch, 29, gunned down on Christmas Eve in Newark NJ 01/11/2019

North Brunswick man injured in Christmas Day shooting in Franklin NJ 12/26/2018

Toms River NJ Parkway Crash Killed Brothers, Marine & Aspiring Police Officer 12/26/2018 The fatal crash in Toms River early Wednesday morning killed four young men who were working to build their futures. Cause under investigation.

South Jersey Woman, 21, Killed On Christmas On Way To Fight Fire 12/26/2018

3 teens charged in murder of Jersey City NJ 16-year-old boy, Judane Holmes, day after Christmas 01/08/2019

Freehold Twp NJ Mother Called Police To Home 6 Weeks Before Murder 02/11/2019 Police records labeled the call, two days before Christmas, a "mental health call." Kenneth Bartone, 53, allegedly killed her before committing suicide in early February.

3 teens charged in murder of Jersey City NJ 16-year-old boy the day after Christmas 01/08/2019 Judane Holmes, 16, killed suspects aged 14, 15 and 16 not named

Man Admits Murdering Collingswood NJ Sisters On New Year's Eve: Cops 12/11/2019 Mark Lyczak has admitted to fatally stabbing Colleen Brownell and Alysia McCloksey at their Collingswood home on New Year's Eve 2017.

Woman slain in NJ New Year’s Eve quadruple murder gets final ovation 01/06/2018 Scott Kologi, 16, killed parents, sister 1 other

Two teenagers arrested after Passaic NJ New Year's Day shooting 01/04/2019 Luis A. Ledesma, 18, of Passaic, and a 15-year-old juvenile

4 Dead, 1 Wounded in Apparent Triple Murder-Suicide in Tsayatoh, New Mexico Nine days before Thanksgiving 11/13/2018 Names not given.

Clovis NM Man in Hospital After Christmas Morning Shooting 12/25/2018

Albuquerque NM PD investigates fatal officer-involved shooting on Christmas Eve 12/24/2018

The Inside Story of Sex Money Murder, NYC's Most Brutally Violent Drug Gang The set was headed by "Pistol Pete" Rollock, who remains a sort of twisted deity in American crime lore. 04/18/2018 A Thanksgiving Day 1997 football game in the Bronx ended in horror and bloodshed when a gunman opened fire and shot five players, killing two in what cops called a possible gang-related attack.

Cornell Univ. student from Potomac, Md., Benjamin Cayea, 32, murdered, girlfriend, Shannon Jones, 23, charged in Cayuga Heights, NY Thanksgiving Day strangulation 11/29/2014

Man Shot to Death in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York City, on Thanksgiving Day, Police Say 11/27/2015 Names not released

James Rackover sentenced in brutal stabbing death of Stamford man at NYC party Nov. 13, 2016 12/05/2018

Jan Carlos Salcedo, 23, fatally stabbed outside Queens NY home Thanksgiving afternoon 11/25/2016

Jury finds Thanksgiving Day 2016 Armory Square shooting suspect, Sangsouriyanh Maniphonh, not guilty of murder 06/21/2017

Trial begins for Rochester NY man, Patrick Brooks, 37, accused of stabbing wife, daughter to death day after Thanksgiving 2016 10/18/2017

Hunter, Thomas B. Jadlowski, arrested after shooting and killing woman he mistook for a deer on Thanksgiving eve in Sherman NY 11/24/2017

Coroner calls Beekmantown NY-TD-1 Thanksgiving death of Ginger C. Clark ‘homicide’ 11/28/2018 He said she hadn’t been shot, adding: “The public doesn’t need to hear the details of how she died.” Grandson Gustavo C. Segundo-Clark person of interest
Police: Grandson denied knowing 'a Ginger Clark' 01/16/2019 PLATTSBURGH NY — Gustavo Segundo-Clark told state troopers that Ginger Clark "rolled herself up in the carpet" after a "physical altercation" he had with her, according to court documents. on or about Nov. 20 two days before Thanksgiving

Unnamed Man, 25, charged over death of John D McGee, 21, an Irish man, in New York City-TD-2 11/24/2018
Memorial service held for man killed in Thanksgiving bar fight 01/1/2019 Steve O’Brien, 25, charged in death of John D McGee, 21,
No murder charges for Irish man following fatal NYC bar fight 11/26/2019 O’Brien, 25, has been charged with third-degree assault according to The Daily News. Friends of O’Brien came together to post the $25,000 bail for the Dublin native. The Daily News also reports that a source said O’Brien is not facing homicide charges as “it became clear that O’Brien had no intention of killing his younger victim.”

Family mourns 5-year-old boy killed in Hamburg NY Thanksgiving Day accident 11/24/2018

The 1919 Christmas Eve Massacre and the Mobster Who Got Away With Murder Poisoned fake Whiskey sent from NY to Western Connecticut and Massachusetts killed dozens.

Cold Case Files: No motive ever found for 1995 Christmas murder of Ernest “Bobby” Crawford Jr., Dec. 22 12/11/2016

Rochester Teen, Jaquan Clark, 17, Charged with Four Christmas Week Murders 01/08/2009 Three found dead two days after Christmas one found dead on Christmas Eve

Wikipedia: Christmas Eve 2012 Webster shooting William H. Spengler killed two firefighters in West Webster, New York, after setting house on fire, his sister was found burned in the house and he was killed by police.

Homeless man, Juan Perez-Coira Jr.,43, charged in Spring Valley N.Y. Christmas Eve killing 12/27/2013

Frank Bright and John Duncan Charged In Manhattan NY Federal Court With Christmas Eve 2014 Robbery And Murder 01/25/2018

Abu Quick, 23, and Jamar Alexander, 25, Arrested, Charged In Shooting That Killed Man On Christmas Day In Queens NY 12/29/2014

Rochester NY man convicted of murder in Christmas Day 2017 shooting 06/21/2018

Deyontay R. Smith, and Rafael A. Jackon, indicted for Syracuse, NY, 2017 Christmas Eve murder; victim tailed for 2 miles before shooting 04/19/2018

Troy NY Quadruple Murder: Family Killed Over a Christmas Xbox? 01/05/2018 James White, 38, and Justin Mann, 22, charged. Prosecutors say the family was killed the night of Dec. 21. Five days later, a property manager conducting a welfare check at the request of Mells’ and Myers’ relatives found the victims’ bodies and called police.

Nassau Police Make Second Arrest, Antoine Foster, For Hempstead, Long Island NY, Christmas 2017 Homicide 06/21/2018
16-Year-Old, Shameq Sullins, Charged With Murder in Christmas Shooting of Long Island Father 01/03/2018

Joshua Burns and Elzie James Jr., both 19, arrested in deadly Christmas shooting on Genesee Street, Rochester, NY 01/10/2019

Salamanca stabbing suspect back in NY, arraigned on murder charges 01/01/2019 Brandon Francis, 22, is accused of stabbing Juwaan Holt, 22, of Buffalo, whose body was discovered Dec. 8 at 357 Broad St. in the city of Salamanca NY.

Cops suspect homicide in disappearance of Staten Island dad, Michael Stewart last seen Dec. 20; two people taken into custody 12/31/2018

Similarities mark unrelated Christmas Eve killings of relatives in Buffalo NY 12/25/2019 Alec M. Swiderski, 30, and Gus Oldham, 38, both charged with separate murders

Gus Oldham, 38, charged with killing mother in Buffalo, NY, Sunday before Christmas 12/24/2018

Authorities: 19-year-old, Steven Flores, of Union City, NJ, killed in West New York shooting, another injured Sunday before Christmas 12/24/2018

Family of 20-year-old prisoner, Christian Salazar-Miguel who died on Christmas at Wende Correctional Facility near Buffalo while in custody seeks answers 12/31/2019

New York City Murder Rate Goes Flat Over Christmas With None Reported in Five Days 12/27/2018

Police: 30-year-old man, Alec Swiderski, arrested on Christmas Eve in beating death of grandmother in Buffalo, NY-CE-1 12/24/2018

NY Accidental shooting victim hospitalized over Christmas 12/26/2018

Mike Santiago, Rafael Gonzalez-Rivera and Angel M. Carino-Ricard charged after Christmas day shooting in Jamestown NY 12/27/2018

Man Wounded In Christmas Night Shooting At Upstate Greenfield NY Home 12/26/2018 His injuries aren't considered life-threatening.

Young girl’s ‘confession’ allegedly written by her own father Failed stockbroker Rod Covlin stands accused of the unthinkable — killing his wife, on on New Year’s Eve 2009, in NY then trying to pin the crime on his own young daughter. 01/10/2019
Backgammon pro Rod Covlin found guilty of killing financier wife Shele Danishefsky to get her $5.3 million fortune after plotting to frame daughter, then 12, for her murder on New Year’s Eve 2009, 03/13/2019

Police charge Devon Campbell, 38, with murder after fatal New Year’s Day stabbing in the Bronx NY 01/04/2017

Far Rockaway Man Stabbed To Death On New Year’s Eve In Last Reported Murder of 2018 01/03/2019 Devonte Brandon, 21, found stabbed to death Queens NY

Marquise Utsey, 22, of Roosevelt, NY, accused of preying on men from dating site, robbing them 01/1/2019 Second incident on New Year's Eve, no deaths.

2 Dead In Possible New Year’s Day Murder-Suicide In Washington Heights, NY-NYD-1 Police Report 01/01/2019 While the NYPD is claiming that 2018 was one of the safest years in city history, New Year’s Day has been marked by spate of violent crimes.
Washington Heights NY Double-Stabbing on New Year's Day Was Murder Suicide, Pol Says 01/03/2019 Pablo Castro, 46 suspected of murder committed suicide

Deadly Shooting In Brooklyn NY-NYD-2 City’s First Homicide Of 2019 New Year’s Day 01/01/2019 Two homicides were reported Monday, New Year’s Eve in Manhattan and Queens NY-NYE-1-2.
Tyleek White, 29, shot to death in Brooklyn NY in first NYC homicide of 2019 01/01/2019

North Carolina Man, Jorge Luis Valencia-Lamadrid, Shoots Son on Thanksgiving After Fight Over Kneeling NFL Players: Police 11/28/2018

Cardarris O. Thomas, 22, arraigned in Thomasville NC Thanksgiving Day killing 12/03/2008

Police arrest 2, Oji Elon Wynn, 20, and Michael Dawane Jones, 20, in Plymouth NC Thanksgiving Day murder 12/04/2014

Michael Maher, 44, Husband of Apex NC woman killed in Thanksgiving weekend shooting charged with murder 12/01/2017

FBI: Michael Ray McLellan, 34, charged in connection with murder of Hania Aguilar, 13, Lumberton North Carolina teen abducted Nov. 5th 12/08/2018

Nov. 19th 2018 Greenville NC apartment complex murder suspect, Ricardo Hardison, held on $5 million bond 01/17/2019

Baby saved from choking to death at NC restaurant on Thanksgiving 11/24/2018

Bodies of missing Henderson NC couple found in lake, last seen 6 days before Thanksgiving 11/26/2018

Body found in Lumberton North Carolina appears to be missing 13-year-old girl; suspect sought 11/28/2018 Abducted about two weeks before Thanksgiving.

Murder Victim Identified, Kendric Washington, 2 Days Before Thanksgiving in Charlotte NC 11/21/2018 suspect not named

Suspect, Marquise Utsey, 27, arrested in strong armed robbery on Thanksgiving in Greenville NC 11/22/2018 No deaths

Talib Latrell Kelly, 17, charged with involuntary manslaughter in Salisbury NC Thanksgiving shooting death 11/25/2018 Also charged is Joseph Daquan Scott, 20.

19-year-old, Jeremy Austin Smith, charged in Gastonia NC Thanksgiving Day killing 11/28/2018 2nd victim injured
Gastonia NC Police ID Thanksgiving homicide victim, Terrence Shatiq Terrell, 30, 11/26/2018

2 arrested, 1 sought in November shooting of Kinston NC man end of November 01/29/2019

Murder of the Lawson family Christmas in North Carolina 12/25/1929 Charlie Lawson murdered his wife and six of his seven children, later killing himself.

Pierre Je Bron Moore pleads guilty to murder in 2015 Christmas Day shooting that killed 1-year-old girl in Chapel Hill NC 01/22/2019

Verdict in for ‘Southern Justice’ deputy, Joshua Franklin “Hoppy” Hopkins, accused of killing NC Christmas tree farmer in 2015 03/19/2018

Reidsville, Rockingham Co. NC Sheriff Still Investigating Deadly Shooting of Calvin Jerome "C.J." Simpson From Christmas Eve 2016 12/24/2018

Jury begins deliberations in Millinocket NC murder case against Christopher Murray, 39, for Dec. 19, 2017, home invasion and murder 02/02/2019

Suspect, Dereck Eugene Harris, 29, in NC 2016 Christmas Eve murders faces Wilson County judge 08/19/2017 Four counts of murder.

Clayton NC mother, Elizabeth Yarborough, charged in Christmas Day murder of adult son 01/24/2018

Greensboro NC man, Khaleed Ozias Boswell, 22, facing attempted murder charges in quadruple stabbing 01/03/2019 A Greensboro man is facing two attempted first-degree murder charges after allegedly stabbing his baby's mother and three other people just days before Christmas.

Marion NC man, Dustin Bradley Wilson, 21, faces attempted murder charges after firing into vehicle on Christmas Eve, police say 01/09/2019

South Charlotte NC Christmas Eve Shooting Leaves One Injured 12/25/2018

Death investigation underway in Pitt County NC after person found shot on Christmas Eve 12/25/2018 George Chance, 44, killed by his son defending mother considered justifiable.
Wake Forest NC police investigate Christmas Eve shooting of George Chance 12/24/2018

3 shot, not immediately fatal, during Christmas Eve home invasion in Dudley, Wayne County NC 12/25/2018

Hickory NC man, Jerry Lewis Woods, 60, charged in 2018 Christmas Eve stabbing death was convicted in 1982 murder 01/01/2019

Fayetteville NC Christmas Day shooting injures man 12/25/2018 Names not released, victim hospitalized.

Two Teens Dead in Christmas Night Shooting in High Point NC 12/26/2018 The victims have been identified as Carter Wilson, 19, and Ethan Mitchell, 18.
2 High Point NC teenagers shot, killed the morning after Christmas was murder-suicide, police say 12/28/2018 Call came in 12:30 AM incident may have happened on Christmas night.

Jury unable to reach verdict in Jacksonville NC bingo murder trial of James Williamson alleged driver 12/17/2018 Just a few days before New Year's in 2012, Larry Forrest followed 65-year-old Kim Flournoy from an ATM to a back parking lot outside TNT Bingo on Henderson Street in Jacksonville.

Third suspect arrested in New Year's Day murder of Hallsboro Columbus Co. NC mom 01/03/2014 Derrick Devon Pierce, 29, Antwan Jahmal Johnson, 30, and Amanda Kay Canady, 25, charged

One suspect, Antwan Johnson, pleads in Hallsboro NC 2014 New Year’s murder 01/23/2017

3 stabbed in New Years’ Eve fight over fireworks in Charlotte-Mecklenburg North Carolina, no deaths 01/01/2017

Two Arrested for Columbia NC 2017 New Year's Eve Killing 01/25/2018 Robert Gibson,36, and Jhordan Clarke, 21,

McKinsey Britton found guilty in 2018 New Year's Day North Topsail Beach NC double murder 08/28/2018

Two killed in separate New Years Day homicides in Charlotte, NC police say 01/03/2019 Carnis Ferdinand Poindexter, 53, and Nathan Lamont Roberts, 37 killed; Deangelo Olando Morgan, 33, charged in second, first suspect not named.

Arrest of Deangelo Morgan, 33, made after man found shot to death in his driveway on New Year's Day in Charlotte-Mecklenburg NC 01/03/2019

1 arrested, Jonathan Cabrera, 18, another, Jose Manuel Vargas-Regino, 20, at large after Durham NC double murder on New Year's Day 01/09/2019
Suspect, Jose Manuel Regino-Vargas, 20, in Durham NC New Year's Day double murder captured at US/Mexico border 02/27/2019

Jaron Alan Kubler, 29, walks up to DC Police officers, confesses to killing woman in North Carolina Jan. 6th 01/07/2019

Milton D. Jarvis, 69, involved in Licking Township, Ohio, Thanksgiving fatal shooting had prior murder conviction 11/30/2015 Charles "Rick" Newman, 56, killed, Jarvis died of self-inflicted gunshot to the head

Suspect, Da’Juan Mankins, 18, In Columbus Ohio Thanksgiving Day Murder Identified 12/08/2015

2 teens charged in adult court in Zanesfield Ohio 2016 Thanksgiving murder 06/14/2017 Tatiana Freeman and Jasmine Lewis, who were both 17 at the time of their arrest, were charged with complicity to murder, complicity to aggravated burglary, and complicity to aggravated robbery. Cases are pending for Zachariah Huddleston, 22, and Alexus Walton, 19. Huddleston’s trial is set to begin July 25. The alleged gunman, Marquevous Watkins, 22, of Lima, pleaded guilty.

Crime Stoppers offering cash reward for suspect in Columbus, Ohio Thanksgiving 2017 murder of Adrian Scott, 34, 11/16/2018

Roselawn Ohio Family coping with loss on anniversary of unsolved 2017 Thanksgiving Day murder of Dina Mosley 11/21/2018

Michigan man arrested for attempted murder in Bowling Green Ohio 12/13/2018

Police: Middletown, Ohio, murder suspect, James Ray Carroll, steals car filled with Thanksgiving groceries 11/19/2018 Murder Sunday the 18th

A former judge, Lance Mason, brutally assaulted his wife in 2014. Now she’s dead, and he’s been arrested. 11/20/2019 stabbed Saturday before Thanksgiving 2018 in Ohio

Bond of 2M set for Leo Duane Stanford Jr., 21, arrested for murder on Thanksgiving day in Columbus, Ohio 11/24/2018 Murder of Tiarra Tasha Seals, 22, on Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, November 21

Canton Ohio-TD-1 police investigating Thanksgiving murder 11/23/2018 James Nathaniel Howard, 42, was shot twice
Arsenio C. Smith, 30, and Ashley N. Singleton, 33, sought in connection with Canton Ohio Thanksgiving Day homicide 11/24/2018

Toledo Ohio-TD-2 Police arrest Detroit (actually he's from Toledo) teenager in Thanksgiving murder of 3-year-old 12/07/2018
Teen, Matthew Smith, 17, pleads not guilty in Toledo Ohio Thanksgiving killing of Malachi Barnes 12/08/2018

Columbus, Ohio,-TD-3 Thanksgiving night murder of Christie Howard, 41, has family and friends on edge as police search for killer 11/26/2018

Missing West Chester Professor, Tom Short, Found Dead in Lyndhurst, Ohio,-possible-TD-4 12/11/2018 Last seen Nov. 18 failed to show up for Thanksgiving in Beachwood Ohio

Fatal crash involving three family members ruled double murder-suicide in Brown County Ohio 02/12/2019 A wooden cross marks the spot where three members of The Moler family died just a week after Thanksgiving. Nicholas Moler, 33 was behind the wheel. Nicholas was an Iraq War veteran.

The Day After Christmas, December 26, 1923, Murder of John Payne six miles north of Shelby, Ohio 12/28/2018 Willard and Wilbur Pettit killed him after confrontation

Marian McLean, Murdered 6-year-old's saga transfixed Cincinnati Ohio 87 Christmases ago 1931 12/21/2018

Whatever happened to solving the 1959 Christmas Eve homicide of Charles R. Clark in Mentor Ohio? 05/21/2012

Santa Line Slaying The Santa Line Slaying was a nationally publicized incident that occurred on December 21, 1971, in Cleveland, Ohio. The incident resulted in the death of one man, Jack Fitzpatrick. Tyrone Howard was convicted of manslaughter and served 11 months in prison.

'Dear Dad, I Know You’re Never Going to Tell Me Why You Killed Mommy' 11/17/2018 1989, just five days after Christmas in Mansfield, Ohio, Dr. John Boyle, killed his wife.

The 1992 Christmas Killings: Dayton Ohio’s worst crime spree 11/14/2017 Joseph Wilkerson; Danita Gullette killed Christmas Eve; Richard Maddox killed Chrstmas Day; Sarah Abraham killed day after Christmas; Wendy Cottrill, 16 and Marvin Washington, 19, bodies found in gravel pit date of death not specifies

Suspect surfaces in Ashtabula Township, Ohio 2009 Christmas murder of William F. Post, 42, 01/16/2010

Toledo Ohio Christmas Day murder investigation 12/26/2015 Jofre King, killed

3 Middletown Ohio men indicted for murder in 2015 Christmas Day beating, robbery 03/09/2016 James Robert Reed III, 40, Jacob Sallie, 23, and Aaron Flanagan, 26,

Cleveland Ohio Mother prays for change after son, Kameron Westbrook, 20, is killed in drive-by shooting on Christmas Eve 12/29/2017

Lebanon Ohio man, Zackary Wilson, 26, sentenced to 20-to-life for killing friend on Christmas 03/01/2018

Gahanna Ohio man, Jeffrey Perry, 27, charged for mom's murder, just days before Christmas, caught in California 12/28/2018 Jeffrey Perry is believed to have stolen Lynda’s Jeep and driven it to California.

Police identify Akron, Ohio-CE-1 man, Nino Thomas III, 29, found dead behind home on Christmas Eve 12/26/2018

Police ID victim, Keywontae Jaterrance Carter Smiley, 22, in fatal Christmas Eve shooting in Fairfield Township Butler County Ohio-CE-2 12/26/2018
911 caller in Ohio Christmas Eve shooting: ‘He’s dead. He’s not moving’ 12/26/2018

Cheviot Ohio police investigating after Christmas Eve shooting injures 2 12/25/2018

Woman shot Christmas Eve in East Akron Ohio 12/26/2018

Cleveland man, Kyron Marlin, 43, charged in deadly Christmas Eve shooting at Glenville Ohio-CE-3 auto body shop 12/26/2018

Man hospitalized after Christmas morning shooting on Cleveland Ohio’s East Side 12/25/2018

Shooting victim shows up at Dayton Ohio hospital Christmas night 12/26/2018

Peter Sfikas, 40, charged in Howland Ohio Christmas shooting 12/25/2018

Police: Joshua Griewe hospitalized, suspect at large after Christmas night shooting in Golf Manor Ohio 12/26/2018

Mayfield Heights Ohio-CD-1 man, Vincent Varone, accused of running over his mother, killing her, on Christmas morning pleads not guilty 01/02/2019

OSHP: 9 traffic deaths in Ohio during Christmas weekend 12/26/2018 The five-day reporting period began at midnight on Friday, Dec. 21 and ran through 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 25.

Michael Hendon, 23, found guilty of murder in 2013 New Year’s triple slayings in Barberton Ohio 08/28/2019

'It took a piece of my heart': Driver, Mark Huffman, 61, pleads guilty in deaths of 2 in 2015 New Years crash in Independence Ohio 08/17/2018 The crash happened on Dec. 31, 2015, on KY 17.

Shauntel N. Brodie, 26, charged in deadly Columbus Ohio New Year's Day shooting 04/08/2016

No bond for John Word, 35, accused in fatal New Year's Day shooting at Bedford Ohio bar 01/05/2017

Maple Heights Ohio man, Charles Hundley, 47, charged with aggravated murder for New Year's shooting 01/03/2017

24 murdered women featured on poster of unsolved homicides 10/04/2018 "The young lady right here: her grandmother got in touch with me," Dudley said of Teresa Shields. Shields was murdered in Middletown Ohio on New Year's Day 2017.

EXCLUSIVE: Family, friends speak after local woman, Nancy Johnson, 63, murdered during New Year's party daughter also shot and injured Columbus Ohio 01/01/2018

Woman's death marks first murder of the year after shooting near Groveport Ohio 01/01/2018 Sean M. Newman, 32, charged

Christian Daequen Dillon, 19, and Mario Marshawn Wade, 18, charged with murder for deadly New Year's shooting in Columbus Ohio 02/21/2018

Lorain Ohio man, Marlon J. Johnson, 42, found guilty of aggravated murder in 2018 New Year's Day shooting 04/20/2018

Christian Daequen Dillon, 19 and Mario Marshawn Wade, 18 charged with murder of couple for deadly Columbus, Ohio New Year's 02/21/2018

Uninvited guests at New Year’s Eve party in Cleveland Ohio-NYE-1-2-3 open fire, killing 3 and injuring 2 others 01/01/2019

Man stabbed to death after argument over girlfriend at Columbus Ohio-NYE-4 gas station on New Year's Eve 02/0/2019 William Haas, 40 charged with murder, also stabbed by person he fought.

Matthew Martin, 29, accused of shooting neighbor who asked him to stop New Year’s gunfire in Columbus Ohio 01/02/2019 The incident was among 711 calls for fireworks, shots fired, a person with a firearm or a shooting between 9 p.m. Monday (New Year’s Eve) and 3 a.m. Tuesday (New Year’s Day), said Sgt. Chantay Boxill, a Columbus police spokeswoman. Those calls accounted for 54 percent of all calls received by police during that time, she said.

20-year-old, Mark Conley, charged with involuntary manslaughter after deadly New Year’s fight in Parma Ohio NYD-1 01/11/2019

Two dead after New Year’s holiday homicides in Columbus OhioNYD-2 02/0/2019 Ahmed Nur Osman, 36, killed in a shooting; separate stabbing even killed one more.

Man accused of shooting deputies in Pierce Township, Ohio facing death penalty 02/04/2019 A shackled Wade Edward Winn, 23, who appeared to have injuries on his face, had his bond set at $10 million at an initial court appearance on Monday.

GOP Ohio Governor Halts All Executions While New Method Developed 02/20/2019

Tulsa Okla. Deputies: Tips Led To Arrests In Thanksgiving Day Murder 11/28/2018 Brendon Davis, 17, for murder and Bambi Ashley, for accessory

Tulsa Okla. Police Look For Suspect In Deadly Thanksgiving Day Shooting 01/19/2019 Jaime Montanez is charged with first-degree manslaughter

Charges filed against Justin Walker in 2007 Locust Grove Okla. Christmas Day or Eve double killing 03/09/2018

Pittsburg County Okla. Sheriff's Office investigating Christmas Eve drive-by shooting 12/27/2018

Tulsa Okla. Police Say Alcohol A Major Factor In Christmas Day Homicide 12/26/2018

Woman Dead Following Double Shooting In Tulsa 12/28/2018

Warrant issued for Lawton Okla. man, Jason Lenard, 29, in double fatal wreck on New Year’s Day just west of Altus Okla. 03/14/2019

Man Restrained by Portland Oregon Police on Thanksgiving Died of a Meth and Cocaine Overdose, Medical Examiner Says 12/10/2018

Portland Oregon Police Fired at People Six Times in the Last 100 Days 01/09/2019

Oregon DA Releases Report Regarding Christmas Day Officer Involved Shooting of Murder Suspect James Tylka in King City 02/22/2017 On December 21, 2016 James Tylka allegedly killed Katelynn Tylka before attempting to kill police and they responded by killing him

Death on a Dairy Farm: This Pa. Murder Case from 1930 Is Still Unsolved 10/31/2017

Black-magic murder and the Pa. killers wound up in jail - for a spell 11/25/2018 John Blymyer, 33; Wilbert Hess, 18; and John Curry, 14. confessed claiming victim put a spell on them just before Thanksgiving 90 years ago

Thanksgiving Day ’98 Altoona, Pa. Murderer, William Wright, 45, Gets Federal Public Defense Team 02/15/2008

Appeal denied for teen killer, Kwilson Coleman, then 17, serving life sentence for 2008 Thanksgiving Day murder 02/11/2014

Arrest Made, Anthony Spudis, in Nanticoke Pa. Cold-Case Homicide 2013 Thanksgiving Night 11/21/2017

Barton Patrick Jones, 56, and his son, Patrick Leroy Barton Holden, Arrested for Thanksgiving Eve Murder of Lucas Coons of Chambersburg Pa. 12/05/2014

Double Murder-Suicide in Hatfield Pennsylvania Home Draped in Christmas Lights, Nov. 29: DA 11/30/2015 Paul Marshall, allegedly killed girlfriend & her 28 year old son.

David Ramos Jr., 18 charged after man gunned down on Thanksgiving Port Richmond Pa. 01/16/2016 Keanan Glenn, 21, also arrested shortly after this.

Another tragic Thanksgiving: Hanover Borough Pa. couple still seeking driver who killed their daughter 11/15/2017 Ginger and Josh Wright's 4-year-old died just two days before Thanksgiving 2016

Demetrius Coleman, 24 Convicted of 3rd-Degree Murder on Thanksgiving Day 2016 in North Versailles Pa. Crash That Killed 3 03/09/2019

Chemung Sheriff's office IDs Elmira man fatally stabbed on Thanksgiving in Southport Pa. 11/24/2017 Monttryal N. Jones, 27, died at hospital after being stopped by police. Possible self-defense.

Arrest made Jahill Porter, 32, in murders of 4 people found Nov. 19th, in Southwest Philadelphia Pa., two others in custody, possibly drug related 12/19/2018

Discovery of Hidden Drug Stash Led to Executions of Teen, 3 Adults in Southwest Philadelphia Pa. Basement, Police Say Discovery of Hidden Drug Stash Led to Executions of Teen, 3 Adults in Southwest Philadelphia Basement, Police Say 11/29/2018 Presumably Killed Sunday before Thanksgiving Jahlil Porter, 32, is charged with four counts of murder and related offenses in the deaths of Maurice Taylor, 31; Taylor's half-brother 28-year-old Akeem Mattox; Tiyaniah Hopkins, 20; and 17-year-old Yaleah Hall. Keith Garner, 31; Robert Long, 30; Nasir Moss-Roberson, 36; and Jahlil Porter, 32 are each charged with murder,

Family remembers little girl, 7, killed in horrible crash in Forest Hills, Pa. night before Thanksgiving 11/27/2018

Chester man, Anthony Chen, charged in Thanksgiving Eve shooting of woman in Folcroft Pa. 11/28/2019

Police: 'Most Wanted' Anderson SC sex offender, Kristopher Gartrell, 48, charged in rape, killing of elderly Pa.-TD-1 woman 11/26/2018 Pennsylvania police say a man from South Carolina was charged in the killing of an elderly woman after he broke into her home the day before Thanksgiving.
Murder suspect pleads not guilty, death penalty sought in Gettysburg Pa. attack 01/17/2019

Suspected drug dealer, Michael Arber Blake Jr., 22, charged in Stewartstown Pa.-TD-2 resident's Thanksgiving death, police say 02/13/2019 Charged with drug delivery resulting in death

Suspect, Paul Lehman, 36, arrested, teen identified, Deontaye Hurling, 19, in Johnstown Pa.-TD-3 Thanksgiving Day murder 11/24/2018

State Police announce Thanksgiving Holiday enforcement results 11/27/2019 4 dead in crashes Nov. 21-5

Fayette County Pa. woman, Roxanne Guty, 51, tries 3 times to hire hitman to kill husband, cops say 03/05/2019 “They worked out an agreement where they would split a $50,000 life insurance policy once the job was completed,” State Police Trooper Robert Broadwater told KDKA. .... However, Pennington told police he thought Guty was joking – until she approached him just before Thanksgiving and allegedly asked him, “What kind of gun would do the job?” ... Still, Pennington did nothing, and he tells police Guty approached him a third time right before Christmas, offering him $700 and told him to “buy his grandchildren something nice.”

Vigil held for Ayessa Edwards, 25, killed in Juniata Park Pa.-TD-4 Thanksgiving Day 11/25/2018

Double Axe Murder in Christmas City Early Morning after Christmas 1880 09/12/2013

Police: Regis Brown, 59, Serving Life for Fairview Murder May be Connected to 6-8 Other Homicides in Northwestern Pennsylvania including Bryce Tompkins, 45, found the day after Christmas 1988 10/18/2018

DJ, Raymond Charles Rowe, is convicted of Lancaster, Pa. 1992 murder, four days before Christmas, after DNA from water bottle and chewing gum led to arrest 01/09/2019

Wholaver murder case subject of TV true crime network episode 12/26/2018 On Christmas Eve 2002, the most notorious crime in recent Middletown Pa. history took place when Ernest R. Wholaver Jr. killed his wife, Jean, and the couple’s two daughters, Victoria and Elizabeth, inside their borough home.

A decade later, legal mistakes in week before Christmas 2006 murder open new wounds 10/06/2018 Paul Serrano III, then 17, plead guilty

Christmas Morning Murder in Elkins Park Pa. 12/27/2011 Robens Borno, 25, killed; Rayshon Carwheel, 24, suspect.

Paradise Township Pennsylvania Man, Dustin Lee Klopp, Kills Wife With Ax on Christmas Eve: Police 12/26/2014

Mark Coleman, 19, and Ronald Steave, 22, Arrested In Connection With Christmas Eve Homewood Pittsburgh, Pa. Murder 02/25/2015

Matthew Ramsay, 31, Convicted in Death of Pedestrian Jogging With Dog on Christmas Eve in 2016 03/16/2019

Mistrial for Maurice Green, 32, accused of killing South Philly grocer on Christmas Eve 2016 11/06/2018

‘You Don’t Deserve to Have a Son’: Shrewsbury Township Pennsylvania Mom, Sheri Shermeyer, 40, Posted Suicide Note on Facebook Before Killing Baby, Herself day after Christmas 12/28/2016

2002 Christmas Eve triple murder in Middletown Pa. featured on TV true-crime show 12/22/2018 Oxygen about horrific crimes over the holidays

Suzette Bullis, 51, Lakewood, Wayne Co. Pa. woman's death ruled homicide; PSP investigates, found Dec. 20 12/21/2018

Lancaster Pa. Police looking for suspect in Christmas Day shooting causing non-life threatening injuries 12/27/2018

18-year-old in critical condition after North Philadelphia Pa. Christmas shooting 12/26/2018

Armed standoff ends with Pa. DA bringing cookies, SWAT singing Christmas carols 12/27/2018 A Chester County man barricaded himself into his home Christmas night and started shooting at police and around the neighborhood, District Attorney Thomas Hogan reports. But after a long night, and cookies from the DA (pictured), the SWAT team was able to convince the man to surrender by singing a Christmas carol.

2 Delaware Teens Killed In Christmas Eve Crash In Folsom Pa. 12/24/2018

Woman, Dominique Jones, 27, Charged With Homicide in Pa.-CD-1 Christmas Day Hotel Slaying 12/26/2018 stabbing death

Wikipedia: Joseph Yablonski was murdered in Clarksville, Pennsylvania, 1969 by killers hired by a union political opponent, Mine Workers president Tony Boyle.
Murder of the Yablonskis 04/26/2013 December 31, 1969, Triple murder

Clairton Pa. man, Keith Wright gets life-plus in New Year's party slaying Jan. 1, 2011 06/05/2012

5 years after shooting death on I-81 near Greencastle, Pa. Jan. 4 2014 police seek answers in new case 02/06/2019

Langhorne Pa. man, Kyle Simpson, 25, sent to jail for killing uncle 06/22/2015

UPDATE: Teen, Taylor A. Nelson granted evaluation in Greencastle Pa. New Year’s Eve 2017 homicide trial 01/02/2017 updated 08/17/2017

1 dead, 1 critical in Allentown Pa.'s first homicide of 2018 01/01/2018 no names

Dangerous water conditions holds off search for Tunkhannock Township Wyoming Co. Pa. woman's body killed Dec. 30 01/10/2019 Phillip Walters, 31, was arrested Thursday for allegedly killing Lorenzen and disposing of her body.
Mill City, Pa.-NYE-1 Phillip Donald Walters, man charged with murder 01/10/2019 Walters called 911 to report Lorenzen missing on New Year's Eve around 4 p.m., police said. Last seen day before.

Jani Morris, 15, Charged With Murder After Newborn Baby Found In North Philadelphia Pa.-NYE-2 Dumpster On New Year’s Eve 01/02/2019

Couple Killed In Philly Head-On Crash on New Year's Day Got Engaged On Christmas 01/03/2019

17 Minutes After Midnight, Philly Pa.-NYD-1 Sees Its First Homicide of 2019 01/01/2019 Anibal DeJesus became the first homicide victim of 2019 in Philadelphia Pa. The homicide came on the heels of the deadliest year in a decade for Philadelphia. In 2018, there were 353 slayings in the city, the most for a calendar year since 2007.

Williamsport Pa.-NYD-2 New Year's Day Death Ryan Jones, 28, a veteran, Ruled Homicide 01/02/2019
Monica Burns, 30, Charged for Deadly Williamsport Pa.-NYD-3 New Year's Day Stabbing of Ryan Jones 01/09/2019 Suspect wearing camouflage, possibly another veteran.

Keith Campbell, 29, arraigned from hospital bed in New Year's Day crash that killed three in Mummers Parade in South Philadelphia Pa.-NYD-4-5-6 01/07/2019

Neighbors shocked over New Year’s Day Harrisburg Pa.-NYD-7 shooting death of Laquan Clark, 26 01/02/2019 Second victim wounded but survived.

Names released in Middletown Pa.-NYD-8-9 double murder-suicide; 7-year-old among dead; vigil planned 01/07/2019 Marvin Caddell, 49, killed wife and son found Jan. 4 died approximately "Wednesday" or New Years Day

Johnathan Williams, 25, killed, just after midnight Jan. 3, in Allentown Pa. shooting; friends describe him as boxer, trainer who helped the community 01/04/2019

Police identify victims in murder-suicide in Manheim Township Pa. on Jan 8 01/09/2019 Coroner Dr. Stephen Diamantoni said they found that Nicole Welton, 32, shot her 11-year-old son before committing suicide.

Manhunt in South Philadelphia for man who fled after police chase, crash Jan. 8 01/09/2019 No deaths but several crashes.

Police make arrest in Dec. 26 murder in downtown Providence RI 12/31/2018 Pofinima Mabuo Gweama Jr., 29, charged

Jimmy Robertson, whose crime shocked Rock Hill, SC turns 40 on death row 11/16/2013 Double murder Thanksgiving week 1997. Another unrelated double murder a few days earlier. Because Robertson was a rich kid who killed his parents, his crime was huge news. Just days before the 1997 slayings, a Rock Hill man had killed his former girlfriend, her boyfriend and then himself. Three dead in a horrible triple killing, and nobody but the families ruined ever asked about the case again.

From a bloody 2010 Thanksgiving Eve to $100M coke bust, Beaufort County SC paradise has known tragedy 09/05/2018 A security officer showed up in time to see the nephew point a gun at his uncle and the officer shot him. That shot, the fourth to hit the 42-year-old Florida man, is the one that killed him, authorities said.
Uncle, Richard Santee, 68, charged in Brays Island, SC 2010 Thanksgiving Eve slaying released from jail 03/23/2011

'Punishment doesn't always fit': SC drivers sometimes avoid serious charges in fatal wrecks 12/20/2018 Candy Smith, whose adopted son Thomas "Dillon" Smith was killed on his motorcycle three days before Christmas in 2015 in Orangeburg after a collision with a pickup truck at an intersection at night. The other driver was charged with failure to yield by the South Carolina Highway Patrol, but that charge was eventually dismissed in court after the driver's attorney argued they had not received the evidence they requested from the Highway Patrol, Smith said.

Officers investigating a double murder of Steven Banks, 34, and Joel Turner, 44, from the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, offering reward for information in McCormick County SC 11/27/2017

Beaufort SC EMS driver was on shift 22 hours when he hit and killed mother, injured 4 kids day before Thanksgiving 12/06/2018

Ridgeland SC Deputy Needs Eye Surgery After Thanksgiving Shooting 11/22/2018 Jasper County Sheriff Chris Malphrus says the suspect also shot a woman in the house, then died from a self-inflicted gunshot. Suicide but no murder.

Deputies: Ronald Jack Farmer who attacked mother after Thanksgiving dinner arrested following five hour standoff in Gaffney SC no deaths 11/23/2018

Hitchhiker, John Asher Farrell Villarreal, 25, gets life for 2014 SC Christmas Eve I-85 murder 08/10/2017

Justin Marquise Pringle, 21, wanted for Lake City SC 2017 Christmas Eve murder arrested in Ohio 01/18/2018

Teen, Jacob Newton, charged in shooting that wounded 3-year-old girl two days before Christmas in Allendale SC 01/19/2019

Deputies investigate Christmas night shooting, stabbing in Greenville County SC, no deaths, several hospitalized 12/26/2018

Deputies seek suspects after Christmas day shooting injures one in Sumter SC 12/26/2018

SC Gang member, Quinton McClinton, 30, convicted in 2014 Chester murder case, sought in 2018 Christmas shooting, victim hospitalized 12/28/2018

19-year-old shot 2 people in Christmas Day home invasion, SC cops say 12/31/2018 Casey Aaron Prince, 19, charged with attempted murder.

Conway man, Jarrell Lorenzo James, 23, charged with attempted murder in SC Christmas Day shooting 01/09/2019

Stanley Dixon, 55, charged with SC murder for body found the day after Christmas in Cope SC possibly killed on Christmas 01/09/2019

Florence SC jury convicts men in 2003 New Year's murder case 02/05/2005 Matthew Lance Singletary, 21, Christopher Lane, 21, and Anthony Driggers, also sentenced.

UPDATE: Officers charge Aiken SC man, Jamar Nicholas White, for New Year's Eve murder 01/02/2013

DRAMATIC VIDEO: Estill SC police officer, Quincy Smith, shot repeatedly, New Year's Day in 2016, survives 08/10/2017 Malcolm Antwan Orr, convicted of attempted murder.

Four Dead In Apparent Murder-Suicide On New Year’s Day In Lexington County South Carolina 01/02/2017 Jorge Luis Chavez, 25 killed Marissa Hope Reynoso, 26, and two daughters, 1, and 4.

Deputies: 4 arrests made in Greenville County SC 2017 New Year's Eve murder, 3 suspects already charged in another shooting 12/31/2017 Douglas Bruster, 39, killed. The suspects are 26 year-old Keyla Conyetta Mansell, 24 year-old Robert Lee Belcher III, 23 year-old Kirk Patrick Porter Jr., and 26 year-old Raymond Martinez Jr.

4 charged in New Year’s Eve killing over less than $100 in change in Greenville SC 03/08/2018 Keyla Mansell, Robert Belcher, Kirk Porter, Raymond Martinez charged in Jermaine Bruster’s death

2 arrested, Marquoise Isaiah Mickel and Bryheem Kamise Oakman, both 20, in fatal Columbia, SC New Year’s Eve armed robbery; sheriff says 35 murders in Richland Co. in 2018 01/09/2019

1 Dead in New Year's Eve Shooting in Columbia South Carolina 12/31/2018 Names not released.

Deputies need help solving New Year's Eve murder of 87-year-old Florence SC man, Ocie Rivers 01/10/2019

3 dead in 2 unrelated York County SC New Year’s Day crashes within minutes, police say 01/01/2019

2018 Sioux Falls SD homicides: Eight total, four drug-related 01/09/2019 First two on Jan. 5th last one In Sept. Ninth one Sioux Falls woman killed in Missouri on Dec. 13th

Jesse Odle Who Attacked Mother On New Year's Day Dies In Jail in SD 01/09/2019 Odle was facing a long list of charges, including attempted premeditated murder. He's accused of brutally beating his mother on New Year's Day.

Murder-suicides an almost weekly occurrence in middle Tennessee 12/05/2018 Jerry Matthews, 55, Air Force Veteran, stabbed his wife Emma Teeters and her father Terry Teeters, before Terry shot and killed Matthews, on Nov. 20th in Brentwood. Gail Andrews Miller, 65, killed her 97-year-old mother and her and her sister before turning the gun on herself in West Meade on 21st, day before Thanksgiving.

Mother, daughters killed in double murder-suicide at West Nashville Tenn. condo 11/21/2018 Gail Andrews Miller, 65, killed Rachel Andrews, 97 day before Thanksgiving

2 dead, 1 hurt in stabbing, shooting at Governors Club home in Brentwood Tenn. 11/20/2018 Jerry Matthews, 55, killed wife before being killed by father in law two days before Thanksgiving

Murfreesboro Tenn. woman climbs out window to escape men forcing her into sex slavery on Thanksgiving 11/27/2018

Joel Michael Guy Jr., of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Accused Of Dismembering, Dissolving Parents In Acid Over Thanksgiving in Knoxville, Tennessee, 01/01/2016
He was fine at Thanksgiving, his sisters said. But now he is accused of dismembering their parents. 12/01/2016
Man accused of killing, dismembering parents appears in court 12/03/2019

Sheriff’s office identifies Fayette County deputy shot on Thanksgiving day in Oakland Tenn. expected to recover 12/23/2018 Christopher Lee and Jessica Gardner charged

Accidental Tenn. Thanksgiving shooting nabs burglary suspects 12/23/2018 Brandon Chesney, injured & recovering

Police release photos of suspects wanted for Tenn. Thanksgiving mall shooting 12/24/2018

Teen charged in North Knox Tenn. shooting similar to Thanksgiving Day incident, two days later 12/27/2018 No fatalities

Victims identified in south Nashville murder-suicide 11/29/2018 Sonny Coulter, 47 killed Ethan Love, 29 then himself Nov. 29.

Police: Husband, wife dead after murder-suicide in Smyrna Tenn. 12/03/2018 According to police, investigators believe 43-year-old James T. Barnes shot and killed his wife, 32-year-old Tiffany Barnes, before fatally shooting himself Dec. 2nd.

Police Arrest 18-Year-Old Murder Suspect In Lebanon, Tennessee 12/30/2018 Christian Ballance allegedly killed victim Sunday, December 17, just eight days before Christmas.

Two Bellevue shooting deaths within two months, suspects not caught 12/23/2018 Second murder on Dec. 22 three days before Christmas

Murder victim's family offers reward for information in Hickman County Tenn. December 27th, 2015 cold case 12/16/2018

Tenn. 3-year-old shot in neck, hospitalized, during Christmas Eve road rage incident 12/25/2018

14-year-old charged with murder after Memphis, Tenn., Christmas Eve shooting, killing one injuring another 01/04/2019

Investigation continues in Waynesboro, Tennessee fatal shooting Sunday Dec. 23rd 12/26/2018 Greg Bratcher, 47, shot and killed son, Jansen Bratcher, 25, claims self defense

Nashville Tenn. police: Zyqiius Barnes, 18, shoots and injures sister, kills her boyfriend in fight over car keys on Christmas 12/26/2018
Zyqiius Barnes, wanted in South Nashville Tenn. Christmas murder of sister's boyfriend turns himself in 12/26/2018

Personal dispute allegedly led to Christmas Day homicide in Chattanooga Tenn. 12/26/2018 Gregory Scott Martin, charged with homicide. One person is dead after a violent four-day holiday period, which saw five shootings across Chattanooga, others non-fatal.
Investigators locate gun possibly related to Christmas Day Chattanooga Tenn. shooting 12/26/2018 Gregory Martin arrested as suspect.

No charges filed in Antioch Tenn. Christmas Day fatal shooting 12/26/2018 Metro Nashville police said Montarius Bean admitted to shooting 18-year-old Alijah C. Williams after the victim allegedly showed up at his family’s home, kicked his way in, and acted in a threatening manner.

One shot outside Antioch Tenn. bar on Christmas Eve 12/25/2018 Victim in stable condition.

U.S. Marshals find alleged Christmas Eve murder suspect, Tyrone Shepard, 18, hiding behind wall inside Memphis Tenn. home 01/17/2019 14 year old previously arrested

Selmer Tenn. Police investigate New Year's murder suicide 01/08/2019 "Can you please send First Responders," the man said, according to the release. "I've just killed my wife and I'm about to kill myself and the door is unlocked, thank you." Regina Morris Bryant and husband Charles Anthony Bryant

Bartlett Tenn.: Suspect, Robert Matthew Vaughn, charged with murder in New Year's Eve shooting 01/01/2019

Memphis Tenn. homicides 2019: A comprehensive look at the victims, arrests and circumstances 01/11/2019 7 in first 10 days including one on New Year’s Day; victim and suspect names not released.

Woman accused of putting baby in freezer and closing lid in Tennessee 01/09/2019 "last week" shortly after New Years, condition of child, who was taken to hospital, not released in article

UPDATE: Jonesborough Tenn. Couple accused of keeping autistic child in cage given probation 01/10/2019

Hearne Tx. police re-examining 2015 Thanksgiving murder of Jaterryion Davis, 18 11/12/2018

Teen, Elishah Treviño, gets 45 years in Corpus Christi Tx. 2016 Thanksgiving day killing 04/09/2018

Austin Tx. police identify 'new' suspect, Edgar Perez-Gamez, 18, in 2017 Thanksgiving night murder 02/12/2018 second victim injured

Family calls for justice one year after 10-year-old's murder on Thanksgiving in San Antonio, Tx. 11/24/2018 Cody Gann and Jasmine Cary charged with her murder.

Carla Welch woman pleads guilty to Corpus Christi Tx. Thanksgiving Day murder 08/17/2018 Police say Welch kept his body for two days. His death wasn’t reported until the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Lindale man, Dabrett Montreal Black, 33, suspected of killing DPS Tx. trooper on Thanksgiving Day 2017 appears in Freestone County court 09/28/2018

Fort Worth man, Robert Santos Rico, 20, accused in murder that occurred days after his release from jail on Nov. 1 arrested on Thanksgiving Day 11/27/2018

Mother of Rockdale Tx. Dec. 3 capital murder suspect, Shawn Vincent Boniello, 30, in disbelief 11/15/2018

Pantsless man dies in police custody after Thanksgiving night Whataburger rampage, Houston Texas cops say 01/1/2019
Half-naked man who died in police custody identified, Kent Griffin, 56, after Whataburger rampage 11/26/2018 Griffin pleaded guilty to a similar rampage in 2016 that landed him behind bars for nine months, court records show. He destroyed a TV, bedroom set, stove and window.

Video: San Angelo Tx. Police Release Video of Fatal Hit-and-run Suspect Vehicle Day before Thanksgiving 11/22/2018
Suspect, Clayton Dunn, 48, Arrested in Fatal Thanksgiving Eve Hit-and-Run killing Jacob Michael Martinez, 33, 11/23/2018

Luis Moron Romero, 36, arrested in Day before Thanksgiving death of ex-lover found wrapped in carpet next to Houston Tx. highway 11/29/2018

Granbury Tx. man, Jacob Russell Shaw, accused of stabbing 2 women, killing 1, day before Thanksgiving sheriff says 11/22/2018

Felipe Hernandez, 17, Shot to Death Near High School on Thanksgiving Day in Dallas Tx.-TD-1 11/23/2018

Lewisville Tx.-TD-2 Thanksgiving Murder-suicide Shines Light On Domestic Violence 11/27/2018 Lewisville Police say Kishana Jeffers was shot and killed by Daryl Stegall who then turned the gun on himself.

San Antonio, Tx.-TD-3 Police seek info in connection with Thanksgiving highway murder of Eriberto Escamilla, 26 10/10/2018

Video shows pursuit of the El Paso Tx.-TD-4-5 Thanksgiving murder suspect 11/28/2018 Jason A. Gibson arrested in Daytona Beach Fla. 1 dead, 2 in critical condition, 2nd died later
El Paso father, son killed in Thanksgiving home invasion 'filled hearts with joy and hope' 12/04/2018
Suspect, Jason Aaron Gibson of Mesa, Ariz., in Thanksgiving crime spree beginning in Las Cruces NM arrested in Fla. 11/28/2018

Tx.-TD-6 Police ID Daryl Stegall, 32, Who Shot, Killed Ex-Wife Then Shot Himself On Thanksgiving 11/23/2018

Suspected Illegal Immigrant, Joel Velazquez, 24, Charged in Hit-and-Run Death of Tx.-TD-7 Teacher in El Paso Thanksgiving morning 11/26/2018

Motorcycle passenger killed by suspected drunken driver day after Thanksgiving identified 11/23/2018 Andres Arredondo, 22, charged with manslaughter in or near San Antonio Tx.

Kendall Deshonn Morris arrested in fatal shooting outside Dallas Tx. strip club day after Thanksgiving 12/13/2018

San Antonio Tx. Police arrest Juan Carlos Garcia, 17, accused of shooting, killing 16-year-old on South Side Dec. 5 12/10/2018

Look back at the serial killer that terrorized Austin in the 1880s 04/28/2015 But the rampages stopped after police killed a 19-year-old man named Nathan Elgin in February 1886.

Murders in the Night Austin Tx. serial killer beginning December 31, 1884, with another Christmas Eve 1885 May 2016

Clues to Dec. 23 1974 disappearance of 3 Fort Worth Tx. girls might be at the bottom of Texas lake 08/06/2018

There was a murder of Lee Chagra at Christmastime, Dec. 23 1978 40 years ago in El Paso Tx. 12/06/2018

Cold case: Houston Tx. Christmas Day double murder in 1980 leaves family with questions 05/11/2018

Chapel Hill Tx. Teenage Daughters Plot To Kill Parents 03/11/2008 It was Christmas Day of 1999 when 17 year old Stephanie Barron and her boyfriend killed Stephanie's parents.

Joseph Garcia, Member of 'Texas 7' prison-break gang executed for Irving Tx. officer's killing Christmas Eve 2000 12/04/2018

Montague Tx. killer, Charles William Jordan, gets 2nd life sentence 11/14/2002 Double murder day after Thanksgiving 2001

Police detectives seek leads in 2003 unsolved Christmas Eve murder of Fernando Martinez, 44, in Northeast El Paso Tx. 12/22/2018

Murderer, Jeffery Linn Treacher, 56, gets 20 years in prison: Temple Tx. Christmas Day in 2009 03/10/2011

7 Killed in Apparent Murder-Suicide on Christmas in Grapevine Tx. 12/25/2011 Highlight Sgt. Robert Eberling confirmed Monday that the suspected shooter, who was among the dead inside the apartment, was wearing a Santa Claus costume.
Aziz Yazdanpanah, 56, dressed as Santa gunned down entire family on Christmas Day in Grapevine Tx. because 'he was upset his estranged wife was doing well on her own' 12/30/2011 Highlight

Amateur sleuths take on case of Sandra "Sandy" Melgar, 59, in prison for stabbing, bludgeoning husband to death Dec. 23 2012 Houston Tx.: 'There were no bones behind' conviction 11/30/2018

Family seeks help to solve Tx. Christmas Eve murder three years ago 12/24/2018

Trial begins for William Boyd Porter, accused of 2015 San Antonio Tx. Christmas Day killing 08/29/2017

Galveston Tx. 2015 Christmas morning murder case, against Gwendolyn Brown Bailey, 75, ends in mistrial 01/18/2018

Family seeks help to solve 2015 Christmas Eve murder Henry Gutierrez from Schertz Tx. 12/25/2018

Kilgore Tx. man, Marvin Durrell Sanders, 37, sentenced to 40 years for fatally shooting cousin Christmas Eve 2017 01/21/2019

Areon Trevon McDade, 19, and Damarcus Antwon Williams, 18, arrested in Plano Tx. teen's Christmas Eve murder 12/25/2017

Murder, Christmas Day Robbery Suspect, Xavier Lewis, 19, Arrested: Austin Tx. Police 12/27/2017

Arrest of Cedarrius Blake, 18, made in Lufkin, Tx. Christmas Eve murder 12/29/2017

Dec. 10 Deaths of Killeen Texas man, William Gillen, 75, wife, 71, evidently murder-suicide 12/11/2018

Bar employees charged after DWI crash that killed young mom in Houston Tx. week before Christmas 12/19/2019 Erick Hernandez, 19, charged with manslaughter

Dallas Tx. Police Identify Suspect, Patrick Johnson, 55, In Dec. 20 Double Murder 12/21/2018

Tamina Tx. Murder Suspect Surrenders To Police 12/26/2019 Wayne Gordon Jr. who was wanted in the shooting death of Eric Thomas on Dec. 22, is in the Montgomery County Jail in lieu of $150K bond.

2 women and man killed in suspected murder-suicide days before Christmas in Corsicana, Texas 12/26/2018 Vanessa Mendoza, 27, Nancy Castillo, 28, murdered by Rosalio Mendoza, 36, who committed suicide.

Sheriff: Anahuac Tx.-CE-1 Man kills wife, himself on Christmas eve 01/28/2019

Roberto A. Canamar Garza, 26, demanded tacos during crazed carjacking spree on Christmas Eve: Dallas Tx. police 12/27/2018

Man admits fatally stabbing woman at far northeast Dallas Tx.-CE-2 apartment, police say 12/26/2018 Kenneth Ray Walker faces a murder charge in the death of Latrecia Neshea Nelson, 38. Stabbing took place Dec. 24 2:30 a.m.

Don Spriggs, 39, Arlington man shot and killed on Christmas Eve, in East Fort Worth Tx.-CE-3 police say 12/26/2018
A Fort Worth man, Desmond Germain Norfleet, 27, was arrested Friday and charged with murder in a Christmas Eve shooting. 02/04/2019 Don Spriggs, 39, died at John Peter Smith Hospital.

One Fugitive Wanted After Sweetwater Tx. Christmas Eve Shooting Ja'veeontae Markel Ikee Evans, 18, caught, no injuries 12/26/2018

Lubbock Tx. Police investigate Christmas Eve shooting, one injured, no names released 12/24/2018

Person shot on Christmas Eve in Travis County Tx. arrested on drug charges 12/25/2018

Victim shot in leg during Wiggins Village, Polk county, Tx. Christmas Day dispute, armed suspect, Donny Fulsom, 39, remains at-large 12/25/2018

Houston Tx.-CD-1-critical condition Area Man, Hector Chavez, 38, charged in shooting of girlfriend in front of son on Christmas night 12/26/2018

83-year-old woman killed in Christmas Day house fire in southeast Houston Tx. 12/25/2018

Suspects arrested for day after Christmas murder in Frisco Tx. 01/03/2019 Rasheed Kilpatrick was arrested for murder, as well as a probation violation for aggravated robbery. Derek Carr was arrested for tampering with physical evidence.

AG Says DNA Tests Further Implicate Hank Skinner in New Year’s Eve 1993 triple murder in Pampa, Tx. 11/12/2012

New Year's night murder shakes Austin: Killing of Esme Barrera happened right by University of Texas 01/03/2012

Ex-Marine, Eric Johnson, convicted of murdering Texas college student in 2016 New Year’s Day road-rage shooting 07/31/2017

Man guilty of Robstown Tx. Dec. 31 2016 New Year's Eve, murder 12/18/2018

Marine, Cpl. Eric Jamal Johnson, arrested in Arizona for New Year's murder of Texas college student in Denton, Tx. 01/05/2016

Texas teen, Yvonne Raquel Ramirez, 19, charged with killing, robbing her boyfriend on New Year's Eve 2017 in Baytown, Texas, 01/03/2018

Houston Texas woman, Yvonne Raquel Ramirez, 19, who killed New Year's Eve date planned to steal his guns, prosecutors say 01/03/2018

‘I shot him’ | Charity Sunshine Ellis, 48, allegedly fatally shoots fiance on New Year’s Eve: Affidavit Austin Tx. area 01/02/2018

Police arrest Richard Acosta, 23, and Vanessa Velasco, 20, in connection with New Year's Eve murder in Round Rock Tx. 01/13/2018

Teens Wanted in Stafford Texas New Years Day Murder Arrested in Ansonia 01/12/2018 Giuseppe Briguglio, 19 and unnamed 17-year-old female companion

Suspect, Dwight Patrick Scott, in 12/31/2017, Kilgore, Tx., New Year’s Eve murder of Kilgore woman arrested in Indiana 01/08/2019

Eric Black Jr., 20, Facing Charges in Fatal Shooting of Jazmine Barnes, 7-Year-Old Houston Texas Girl Dec. 30 01/06/2019

Five die in New Year’s Eve crashes in Houston area 01/01/2019 including Jorge Ledezma Echavarria and Hockley golf car accident

2 dead after New Year's Eve golf cart crash in Hockley Tx. 01/01/2019 No charges are expected and there's no indication alcohol was a factor in the wreck.

Drunk dad, Jorge Ledezma Echavarria, 33, charged with his daughter’s murder in New Year’s Eve crash, in the Houston area, Texas-NYE-1 cops say 01/02/2019
Harris County Tx. Reports High Number Of DWI Arrests During New Year’s Holiday Period 01/02/2019 On New Year’s Eve, 11-year-old Vanessa Ledezma died in a crash at Highway 90 and Beltway 8. Her father, 33-year-old Jorge Ledezma Echavarria, is charged with murder.

Man charged in Houston Tx.-NYE-2 area New Year's Day crash that killed Silvia Zavala, an innocent bystander 01/14/2019 The pistol-toting driver of a 1971 Lincoln Continental who allegedly chased after and fired at a car full of teens during their New Year’s Day egging spree has been charged in connection with the fatal wreck that followed the prank-gone-wrong. A grand jury gathered Monday morning to indict Christopher Lopez, 48, on felony charges of manslaughter, failure to stop and render aid and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, officials said.
14-year-old driver charged with murder in fatal north Harris County Tx. New Year's Day wreck; victim identified 01/02/2019 The chase led to a crash that killed 45-year-old Silvia Zavala.

Family of Nicole Coleman, 23, found dead New Year's Eve in east Austin Tx.-NYE-3 helping police catch killer 01/03/2019

Tamara Augustus, 18, shot and killed at large New Year's Eve party in South Fort Worth Tx.-NYE-4 01/01/2019

Dallas Tx.-NYE-5 New Year’s Eve Shooting; Two Men, Eric Hansen, 27, and Daterrious Haggard, 25, nightclub security guards, to be Charged With Murder of unidentified 34 year old man 01/01/2019

Dallas Tx.-NYE-6 Police Seek New Year’s Eve Murder Suspect Following 36-Year-Old Man's Death 01/07/2019 Elroy Taylor, 36, was found dead in East Dallas on Dec. 31.

Fort Worth Tx.-NYD-1, man, Brandon Clayton Yocum, 29, charged with murder in New Year's Day early morning shooting 01/09/2019

Police identify man, Marcus Carprew, 39, killed in Waco Tx.-NYD-2 New Year's Day murder 01/01/2019

Victim's family speaks after murder early New Year's Day 01/0/2019 Timothy Collins, 7-Eleven clerk, San Antonio Tx.-NYD-3 killed, suspect at large

DWI, celebratory gunfire in Houston lands hundreds behind bars over long New Year weekend 01/02/2019

Albert Gallegos, 21, 'viciously attacked' 92-year-old black man Jan. 7 in possible hate crime, Houston Tx. affidavit says 02/15/2019

Utah Woman decorated tree with boyfriend's kids before reported shooting by Lehi teacher 11/28/2018

Family: Woman shot to death, Dec. 2nd., while decorating Christmas tree was harassed by boyfriend's ex, Chelsea Watrous Cook, 32, in Salt Lake City Utah 12/03/2018

South Salt Lake Utah police are investigating after a Christmas morning shooting leaves one man injured 12/26/2018

Randal Weed Dickinson, 57, a Utah man is charged with attempted murder after he 'drunkenly stumbled into a Christmas tree before firing off 15 rounds at his roommates' 12/17/2018

Utah man, Michael Ray Mendoza, charged with attempted murder after allegedly stabbing fellow Farmington Utah New Year's party-goer 01/04/2019

Police: Body found in Ogden Utah on New Year's morning 01/01/2019

Vermont State Police contend with backlog of homicide investigations 12/11/2018

Police: Attentive Student in Vermont Stops School Shooting Plot 12/19/2018

Shawn Marshall Myers, 33, charged in 2004 Thanksgiving murder in Hampshire, Va. 06/30/2011 Matthew Derek Correll, previously arrested as alleged shooter.

He killed a security guard on Thanksgiving Day 2016. Now this Newport News Va. man, Coleston Ryan Lewis, 28, is headed to prison 10/03/2018

Ex-youth ministry director, Christopher R. Gattis, 59, to serve 58 years for Chester Va., 2017 Thanksgiving triple killing; cellphone footage of murders shown in court 08/15/2018

Murder charges against Abenezer Daniel Amare, 24, in Dale City Va. shooting early Sunday before Thanksgiving 11/18/2018

PD: Rene Rachelle Drake, 60, shoots, kills husband, Tyrone Timothy, 54, after argument on Thanksgiving Eve in Woodbridge Va. 11/22/2018

Husband kills wife before killing self in Falls Church, Fairfax County, Va. murder-suicide, night before Thanksgiving police say 11/22/2018 Judith Garcia Gonzales de Gudiel, 51, Ever Gudiel, 60

Wise Co. man, Jonathon Miller, 28, charged with attempted murder of police officer after Appalachia, Va. Thanksgiving standoff 11/30/2018

Video shows pregnant woman attacked in Spotsylvania Towne Center, Virginia mall parking lot on Thanksgiving 11/26/2018

A dozen were killed in Va. traffic crashes over the Thanksgiving holiday 11/28/2018 Last year, 14 people were killed in traffic crashes in Virginia. The 2017 toll was the highest over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend since 2013, according to the state police. none considered murder

The Appalachia, Va. Sunday after Thanksgiving Murder Of Janina Jefferson & The Fugitive, Eric Jones, 48, Who Remains At Large 03/26/2019

Benny W. McCroskey, Jr. plea agreement for murder of Beth von Steiner killed 12/23/2009 two days before Christmas in Spotsylvania County Va.

Mother sentenced to 25 years for Christmas Eve 2011 Richmond, Va. double-homicide 09/14/2012 Additionally, her son Jamal Clemons had already been sentenced to 82 years for killing them both after a drug fueled night.

Two dead in Christmas Eve murder-suicide in Stephens City Va. 12/24/2012 Burley Dale Puffinberger, 24, killed father in law then committed suicide

Roger Yates, 33, to serve three years in 2015 Chesapeake, Va. Christmas Eve crash that killed a father, injured wife and sons 12/01/2017

Neighbors talk about Norfolk Va. Christmas Eve murder of Randy James 12/25/2015

Killer of Tray'Quain Holmes remains free one year after Richmond, Va. Christmas Eve 2015 murder 12/24/2016

Argument Over Tattoo Sparked Christmas Day 2015 Killing in Falls Church, Va. Police Say 12/28/2015 Santos Narcisco Osorio, 34, charged with homicide.

Monte Michael Stokes, 38, convicted of murdering man in front of his wife in Newport News Virginia home during burglary five days before Christmas 2016 12/10/2018

Colonial Heights, Prince George County Va. man, Jeffrey Kyle Stephenson, 23, sentenced to 17 years in teen's Christmas Eve 2017 shooting death 09/28/2018

Richmond Va. woman, Candace B. Timberlake, 23, sentenced to 15 years for Christmas Day 2017 fatal shooting 01/18/2019

Fairfax, Va. teen accused of killing parents of former girlfriend Dec. 22 2017 in their Reston Va. home remains incompetent to stand trial, judge says 08/15/2018

Police: Abdool Zaman, Dad who murdered teen daughter, friend on Dec. 13 in Highland Springs Va. captured in NY 12/18/2018

What led to the murder of Ashley Bayne, by James Bayne, who also committed suicide in New Castle Va. one week before Christmas family explains 12/19/2018

Seven Corners Va. Murder-Suicide: Woman Hit By Car, Shot: Police 12/18/2018 Police initially believe Christopher Brooks, 30, hit a woman with a car and shot her before shooting himself one week before Christmas.

Orange County man, Noah C. Smith, 20, charged with DUI in crash that killed Fredericksburg Va. resident, injured four others on Sunday before Christmas near Rhodesville Va. 12/26/2018

Police Investigate 1st Murder of Jerry Wayne Reid Jr., 40, Sunday before Christmas in Winchester Va. in 3 Years 12/25/2018

Police investigate homicide after man found shot to death in Danville Va. Two days before Christmas 12/23/2018 Brandon Marcha Jones, 27, and Antwain Maurice Jones, 34 suspected of possibly related crimes.

Christmas Eve shooting involving Virginia Beach Va.-CE-1 couple classified as murder-suicide 12/26/2018 Hieu Nguyen, 77, and his wife, No Nguyen, 75,

Richmond Va. dog ‘Angel’ injured in Christmas Eve shooting 12/25/2018

Calvin E. Berryhil Jr., 40, charged with manslaughter in Eastern Shore crash early morning of Dec. 24 that killed 17-year-old in the Cape Charles Va.-CE-2 area 12/26/2018

Petersburg Va. police still looking for person who shot 20-year-old Christmas Day 12/26/2018

Defendant, Michael Lee Langford, in Christmas Day slaying in Rustburg Campbell County Va.-CD-1 grilled on statements to law enforcement, denied bond 01/03/2019

21-year-old man dies in Petersburg, Va. shooting Saturday after Christmas 12/29/2018 Names not given

Police: Robert Michael May, 27, Admits to Killing Five at Roanoke, Va. New Year’s Party 01/02/1995

Virginia man executed a decade after brutal 2006 New Year’s Day quadruple murder of family 01/18/2017 Another double murder two days later Ricky Gray was condemned to death for the murders of Stella Harvey, 9, and sister Ruby, 4 and sentenced to life in prison for killing their parents

Jury recommends 18 years for Rishaud Vannoy Ben Powell convicted in Year's Day 2015 Newport News Va. murder 03/20/2019

Teniqu Cushman, 23, pleads guilty to conspiracy charge stemming from Norfolk Va. teacher’s death on New Year’s Eve 2017 10/30/2018

Second suspect, Teniqu R. Cushman, charged in New Year's Eve homicide of Norfolk Va. teacher 01/23/2018 Edward A. Shaw, previously charged.

Friends remember man killed on New Year’s Day 2018 in Virginia Beach, Va. with community plea 12/31/2018 Police arrested Tyeler Hutton days after Hitt's death.

Asst. high school girls basketball coach in Atlee Va.-NYE-1 killed in New Year's Eve murder-suicide 01/03/2019 Michelle Rawlings, 25, ex-boyfriend

Arlington Va.,-NYD-1 woman, Linda Snow, 60, arrested after dispute turns fatal on New Year’s Day 01/02/2019

Police identify two involved in deadly New Year's Day shooting in Martinsville Va.-NYD-2 01/01/2019 Devontae Massey, 24 suspected of shooting and killing other person who may have shot and wounded him, subject to further investigation.

Virginia Beach Police investigate New Year’s double shooting 01/01/2019 Two injuries no deaths.

Sherica D. Nelson, 42, arrested in hit-and-run crash that killed pregnant teen on New Year’s Day in Richmond Va.-NYD-3 02/06/2019

Washington D.C. man, Saeve Evans, 32, found not guilty in fatal shooting of 16-year-old girl day after Thanksgiving in 2016 02/09/2019
Community remembers teen girl, Breyona McMillian, killed Friday over 2016 Thanksgiving weekend Wash. DC 11/28/2016

Deon Crowell arrested in death of Wash. DC woman missing since Thanksgiving 06/28/2018 Joni Rockingham went missing the day before Thanksgiving in 2017. Her body was found weeks later in a trash can nearby.

Joseph Minor, 27 sentenced for fatal 2014 Christmas Eve shooting in Wash. DC alley 06/22/2018

Duane Johnson, 30, sentenced for Christmas Day 2016 killing of DC yoga teacher in Bloomingdale neighborhood Wash. DC 11/17/2017
Duane Adrian Johnson, 30, admits actress' Christmas Day 2016 murder in Washington DC 09/13/2017

Washington DC Rings In The New Year With A Homicide On The First Day Of 2019 01/02/2019 Another non-fatal shooting happened as well no names given. The New Year’s Day homicide came after a particularly horrific spike in homicides in the nation’s capital in 2018. One-hundred-sixty people died by homicide in the District in 2018, a nearly 40 percent jump over 116 in 2017, reported the Washington Post. The last time the District saw more than 160 homicides in a year was 2015, when 162 people were killed. The District’s homicide rate used to be much higher — the city was used to more than 200 people dying by homicide each year until the numbers dropped in 2005, according to the Metropolitan Police Department.
Just 7 days into 2019, 7 homicides in DC 01/07/2019 The violence began on New Year’s Day, with the murder of 19-year-old Shamar Marbury.

Washington D.C.-NYD-1 Begins The New Year With Two Fatal Shootings On Jan. 1 01/2/2019 Marine Riley Kuznia, 20, killed after accidental discharge from another marine; Shamar Marbury, 19 killed in separate incident. At least three other shootings were reported on Tuesday, including an incident that left an innocent bystander in critical condition.

Marine, Riley Kuznia, shot on-duty, New Year's Day in Wash. DC, investigated as accident 01/02/2019 Previous reports said officials do not think the fatal shot was self-inflicted.

Illicit Guns Fuel 38% Murder Increase in Washington, D.C. 01/04/2019 The number of homicides in Washington, D.C., soared 38% last year, a setback in the capital’s safety record that defies the national trend of fewer murders. The district recorded 160 homicides in 2018, up from 116 a year earlier, police said. While violent crime overall fell 7%, authorities said an increase in the use of guns in crimes such as robbery and the growing lethality of shootings led to more homicides.

Deadly first weekend of 2019 in Washington DC as police investigate deaths of 5 people over weekend 7 since New Year's Day but not on New Years's Day 01/07/2019

Remembering unsolved 2005 murder of homeless woman, Davina Garrison, 42, beaten, set on fire in Wash. on Thanksgiving Day 11/23/2018

2007 Christmas Eve Carnation Wash. murders Highlight Joseph Thomas McEnroe and Michele Kristen Anderson killed her parents, brother, sister in law, niece and nephew.

Newman Lake Wash. man sentenced to 16 years for the murder of his girlfriend on Thanksgiving of 2017 The judge sentenced Nicholas Holden to 16 years for second degree murder of Tina Stewart. 06/01/2018
'It was bad': Nicholas Holden, 29, faces murder charges after fight with girlfriend ends in her death, late Thanksgiving Night Newman Lake Wash. 11/27/2017

Minnesota man, William Holly, 25, arrested in fatal 2018 Thanksgiving Day shooting in Des Moines, Washington-TD-1 02/28/2019

Woman Murdered At Illegal at 7115 44the Avenue South Seattle Wash.-TD-2 Marijuana Grow Thanksgiving night: SPD 11/23/2018 no names given

1985 Chehalis, Washington Cold-Case Homicide of Elderly Couple Solved 06/10/2012 Found Christmas Eve, presumably killed a week before Christmas. Rick Riffe, 53, charged along with deceased brother.

'I'll blow your brains out': Mom charged with murder for slaying daughter, tying up family in Renton Wash. Friday before Christmas 12/21/2018 Prosecutors say Svetlana Laurel, 52, almost killed her ex-husband after shooting her daughter between the eyes

Victim in Covington, Wash. murder-suicide two days after Christmas was in long-running dispute with suspect 12/31/2018 Jennifer Sines, 30, killed by unnamed 32 year-old.

Wash. Christmas Thief Shot By Homeowner 12/25/2018

Wash.-CD-1 Man, William Foster kills mother on Christmas, claims she was ‘a demon’ 12/26/2018

2 men, 1 woman found shot to death outside home near Port Angeles Wash. found New Year's Eve presumably killed day after Christmas 01/01/2019
CAPTURED: Second suspect, Kallie Ann Wade, 34, arrested in Port Angeles triple murder 01/25/2019 First suspect still not named

Three Killed At Washington New Year's Eve Party Shootings 01/01/2015 Allen Kesterson killed in Concrete, Wash. suspect not named; two killed at party in Renton Wash. where at least two people opened fire, wounding a third, no arrest made.

Police Review Video of Fatal Seattle Wash. New Year's Eve Shooting 01/02/2019 Iosia Faletogo, 36, allegedly killed after showing a gun.

Investigators identify suspect, Michael John Smith, 37, in Spencer, Roane County WV murder Sunday before Thanksgiving 11/22/2018

UPDATE: Case of ex-girlfriend, Ashley Kyle, charged with St. Albans WV murder day before Thanksgiving headed to grand jury 12/06/2018

One killed on Thanksgiving Day from gunshot wound in Raysal, McDowell County, WV-TD-1 suspect, Shane Hagerman, 25, in custody 11/22/2018

From a body in Parkersburg, WV,-TD-2 to a homeless shelter, trail leads cops to victim’s son, Jared Kessler, 19, ‘covered in blood’ 11/27/2018 Investigators said an acquaintance of Kessler’s found her body at 6:47 a.m., the morning after Thanksgiving. Presumably killed either early in morning or Thanksgiving night.

Roger Lee Lemons Jr.'s Christmas Day 2017 Princeton WV murder charge goes to grand jury 03/23/2018

Deputies investigating fatal Marion County WV-CD-1 shooting Christmas night 12/27/2018

Fairmont, WV,-CD-possible-2 police on the hunt for second murder suspect, William Edward Littleton, 26, for death of Justin Cassella, 33, found day after Christmas 01/03/2019 Richard Allen Moore II, 34, of Fairmont, previously arrested

Conviction of Antonio Williams, 27, in Charleston, Kanawha County, WV New Year’s Day 2016 murder trial 01/1/2019

New Year’s Day Death of St. Clairsville Belmont County WV-NYD-1 Couple Ruled Murder/Suicide 02/20/2019 Barry Killeen, 53, killed wife and himself

Man killed in Beloit, Wisc. shooting night before Thanksgiving; suspect in custody, police say 11/22/2018

Teen and adult injured in Wisc. Christmas Eve double shooting 12/25/2018

Man, teen hurt in Wisc. Christmas Eve shooting 12/24/2018

‘Blood ... in nearly every room’ after Wisc. Christmas Day baseball bat attack 12/27/2018

Violence mars New Year's in Milwaukee Wisc. 01/01/2019 Despite posting the fewest murders in three years, Milwaukee Police are investigating four murders over the New Year's holiday. 1 early Monday morning 3 early Tuesday morning.

Mill City, Wy. Phillip Donald Walters, man charged with murder 01/10/2019 Walters called 911 to report Lorenzen missing on New Year’s Eve around 4 p.m., police said. Last seen day before.

Calgary Police shoot Woman dead on Christmas Day 12/28/2018

Woman shot and killed by Calgary Canada police on Christmas Day 12/26/2018

Man killed in Christmas Day shooting in North Vancouver Canada 12/26/2018

Man wanted in Toronto Canada Christmas Day attempted murder nabbed 01/03/2019

Vera Raquel Grieves, Teen charged with attempted murder after Winnipeg Canada Christmas Day stabbing 12/2/2018

Irving John Hastey, 55, a New Brunswick, Canada man facing 2nd-degree murder charge in Christmas Eve death of St. Stephen woman 12/27/2018

Windsor Ontario Canada woman, Karolina Zak, 25, charged with attempted murder after Christmas Eve stabbing 12/25/2018

Man wanted for attempted murder in New Year's Day shooting 01/04/2019 Leo Soloman Martin, 28, of Toronto Canada is wanted for attempted murder

Samuel Moneyas, 18, and Storm Moar, 22, charged in Winnipeg Canada New Year's Day murder 01/05/2019

Yellowknife Canada woman attacked on New Year's Eve, man charged with attempted murder 01/02/2019

Double-Murder Spoils Christmas In Hanover Jamaica 12/27/2018

Suspects in Mandeville Jamaica Christmas Eve murder of Richard Howard to be charged, police say 01/01/2019

Three murders in August Town Jamaica on New Year’s Day! 01/02/2019

Cayman Islands Christmas Day murder suspect, William Ebanks, appears in court 01/01/2019

Brother of mafia supergrass shot dead on Christmas Day 12/26/2018 England?

Murder investigation as 79-year-old man dies after Manchester England Christmas Day attack 01/03/2019

Brentwood England Christmas Eve murder suspect bailed 01/02/2019

England Police name Harrow man charged with attempted murder days before Christmas 01/04/2019

England: Samantha Ford charged with murder of her twin toddlers over Christmas as family say their deaths were a ‘terrible tragedy’ 12/28/2018

England Teenagers arrested over ‘senseless’ murder just days before Christmas 12/23/2018

Kent England Police launch murder probe as teen woman, 19, found dead on Christmas Day 12/26/2018

England: St Neots 'murder': Mum-of-two who died three days before Christmas had 'drowned' 12/2/2018 Robert McWhir, 25, of St Neots, has been charged with her murder.

England: Contractor, Miguel Chacon-Perez, guilty of murder in 2016 Christmas party stabbing 12/14/2018

England: Cumbernauld shopkeeper stabbing: Three charged with attempted murder after Christmas Eve attack 12/28/2018

England: GONE TOO SOON First pic of ‘BFG’, 34, killed in village street fight on Christmas night out, 12/21, as heartbroken family tell of agony 12/23/2018 Police said Daniel Forster and Michael Milligan Nield, both 24, have been charged over the death of Hogan.

Manchester England New Year's Eve stabbing of 3 treated as terrorism, police say 01/01/2019 suspect not named

Kirton, near Boston in Lincolnshire, England New Year's Day house fire: Triple Murder investigation under way 01/01/2019

Charlotte Huggins: Michael Rolle, 34, charged with New Year's Day murder in London England 01/05/2019

Murder arrest of 26-year-old man over New Year's Day Park Lane stabbing in London England 01/02/2019 Tudor Simionov, dead, 3 others stabbed

Kirton England house fire: Murder probe continues, 3 dead including suspect 01/10/2019

MURDER CHARGE Ex-boyfriend, Michael Foran, 32, charged with murder of 33-year-old Jude Jones found dead at home on New Year’s Eve in West Bromwich England 01/06/2019

Two die on New Year's Day in London, England after worst year in a decade for murders 01/01/2019

Revealed: Hate preacher Abu Hamza's son, Imran Kamel, 26, is man being quizzed over bouncer's murder at New Year Mayfair, London, England, 'sex party' - as he appears in court charged with firearms possession 01/03/2019

Cops arrest THIRTY-NINE on suspicion of attempted murder after London England New Year's Eve stabbing 12/31/2018

2018? New Year's Day Byker, Newcastle England, murder victim was 'unrecognisable' 11/02/2018 George Dixon, 38, and Sean Histon, 32, deny his murder. Lee Annis, 39, also charged with murder but died in prison while awaiting trial.

Pair, Wes Reid and Adam Valentine, in court charged with Scotland New Year’s day murder 01/04/2019
Wes Reid and Adam Valentine accused of murdering man in Dundee Scotland on New Year’s Day ordered to stand trial 01/11/2019

Mohammad Qoraishi charged with Ireland Christmas Day murder in Maidstone 12/27/2018

Extra armed garda patrols to be rolled out over Ireland Christmas after gun murder 01/04/2019 victim investigated for ties to organised crime

Ireland Daughter of pensioner murdered with crucifix still gets flashbacks of 'dark days' 01/03/2019

3 dead, several wounded in shooting at Christmas market in Strasbourg, France 12/12/2018

German car attack: New Year’s Day suspect faces attempted murder charges in Bottrop 01/03/2019 A man who went on a New Year’s Day rampage in Germany running over and injuring at least eight people with his car at four locations in two cities is likely to be charged with attempted murder.

Arabianranta Finland residents hold Christmas Day vigil for murdered schoolboy 12/26/2018

Denmark Soccer star’s Christmas: Blasted with shotgun in bungled murder attempt 12/27/2018

Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz in Poland fatally stabbed on stage at charity event, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Jan. 13 01/14/2019 Suspect "said his name was Stefan and that 'I was jailed but innocent. ... Civic Platform tortured me. That's why Adamowicz just died.'"

Anti-Armenian Tension Rising in Kazakhstan after New Year’s Eve Murder 01/10/2019

Traffic Deaths, Murders Surge Over Russia’s Long Holiday Period 01/10/2019 National traffic police told Interfax on Thursday that 227 people, including 10 children, died in 1,700 traffic accidents between Jan. 1 and Jan. 8. An average of 250 Russians are murdered on New Year’s Eve alone each year, according to Vladimir Kudryavtsev, a criminology expert at the European University in St. Petersburg. In a column published Wednesday by the Vedomosti daily, Kudryavstev wrote that around 75 to 90 people are killed during other holidays, which in itself is almost double the average daily murder rate of 44.

Man to apply for bail following South Africa Christmas Day murder 01/02/2019

Thaba Nchu, 32, Free State South Africa man to appear in court for his mother's Christmas Day murder 12/31/2018

South Africa: KZN teen dead in car after apparent murder suicide on Christmas day 12/27/2018

Family member arrested for 'Christmas day murder' in Eastern Cape South Africa 12/27/2018

Top South African rapper, Thulani Ngcobo, otherwise known as Pitch Black Afro, charged with premeditated murder of wife in Johannesburg 01/10/2019

Family friend's robbery bid led to murder of 16-yr-old girl on New Year's eve in India 01/04/2019 Parvinder Singh alias Rinku alias Kaku, accused

Another Transgender Woman Was Found Murdered in Klang Malaysia on New Year’s Day 01/02/2019

Nine hurt as car rams into New Year's Eve crowd on famed Tokyo Japan street 01/01/2019 Kazuhiro Kusakabe, 21, arrested
Driver rams into Tokyo Japan New Year’s crowd, injuring 8, in anger over ‘death penalty,’ police say 01/01/2019 “I hit them with an intention to kill,” Mishima said the man had told police. “I did that to retaliate against the death penalty.” Later identified as Kazuhiro Kusakabe, 21.

Two Irish nationals face court over Summer Hill murder charge Two Irish men on working holidays in Sydney Australia are facing murder charges after a man was allegedly brutally bashed before New Year. 01/09/2019 Nathan Kelly, 21, Christopher McLaughlin, 24, charged for Dec. 29 murder

Charges filed vs suspects in Cotabato Manila New Year's Eve mall blast 01/11/2019

Christchurch New Zealand woman, Franchesca Kororia Borell, gets life in prison for 2016 Christmas Day murder 12/12/2018