Sunday, November 10, 2024

Walmart Crime Report October 2024

Walmart had another six shootings, with two of them fatal in October of 2024, including one officer involved shooting after an automobile crash, and another one where at least two Walmart employees were the shooters. There were also at least nine to a dozen more gun related crimes, including several robberies, a man sleeping on the roof with a gun during a hurricane, another man shooting a BB at people and cars, and several suspects were convicted of murder-for-hire attempts that happened a couple years ago at Walmart.

In addition to the two people killed in shootings there was another person killed in an accident, a body found on their premises, a woman last seen at Walmart, where her car was left, killed and found nearby, and an employee that was locked in a walk in oven in their bakery and burnt to death, for a total of six dead related to their business. The last two were highly suspicious, and one suspect was arrested for the murder of the missing woman, but her family suspect more are involved; the employee burnt in the oven is much more suspicious, and few if any people working with those ovens think it could be an accident. Numerous employees claim that there's no way those doors could close by accident, nor is there any reason to go inside them, even when cleaning, and that they turn on from the outside. But the police aren't disclosing any details and some say they may still consider it an accident. Another possibility the police and Walmart aren't discussing is that the ovens might be a safety hazard of some sort. In the first day or two after the body was found the media didn't even mention it was burnt in an oven, presumably because both police and Walmart withheld this information, but some employees, including the girls mother, who also worked there and found her daughter in the oven knew, so they couldn't keep that secret much longer.

Reporting of many crimes in online media forms has almost certainly dropped dramatically, almost certainly not because crime is down, but because news stories about crime are being replaced with obvious ads made to look like news stories, that have been surging in the past decade or more, perhaps even more so during the holiday season, which has always been a high crime time. One extreme example was on Headline News where 22 out of 26 "News" articles are obvious ads presented with the appearance of News articles in one 38 hour period. This is worse than usual, but it's almost certainly not the worst, and similar ads disguised as "News" are routine on Google and other sources. This was the second week of October, before the holiday surge got started. I also checked Google News stories, which typically come in clusters of ten articles per page, and after checking dozens of them in mid-October, I found that at least three, and in most cases, up to eight so-called "news articles" were actually obvious ads, there were only three exceptions, where there were at least nine ads out of ten, in one of those cases, the tenth one was also an add, and another the tenth one wasn't an ad, but it was a puff piece.

There's no way of knowing how many crime stories are buried where few if any people will find them; but there's no doubt that news media and retail outlets have lost what little credibility they may have ever had. There's little or no effort to study retail crime and inform the public about it, or how to prevent it. But now grassroots efforts with low budgets that might have more sincerity have one less option to conduct their research.

A Colorado family is suing an Adams County deputy after assaulting them months ago when off-duty. for some reason there were no criminal charges, although there appears to be no justification for the assault, and they didn't even know he was a police officer. There was also a new incident where a Florida parent of a teen causing trouble and implicated in trespassing attacked a Deputy who was then arrested. There was also a Florida villager lauded for charity work charged with aggravated assault in a Walmart parking dispute, another false report of a mass shooting, domestic assaults, more assaults on employees or police, various kinds of sexual assaults, smash and grab burglars, a kidnapping victim escaped from a truck driver while passing through Walmart, and many more petty crimes. This includes thefts by people that only wanted to feed themselves or their children, which has never concerned Walmart.

There was also a military veteran accused of committing fraud, which he claims is a false arrest; he bought a computer and almost immediately concluded it was missing many of the parts, and returned it no less than two hours later; but then three weeks later he was charged with fraud, although evidence of this, assuming it exists, wasn't made public. It is now much more common for Walmart to use modern technology weeks if not months or even over a year to accuse people of fraud. The most common example of this is probably skip scanning, especially if people pay with electronic devises. If they suspect a customer of skip scanning they may use the computer to track past purchases, review videos, and in some cases, charge for additional crimes, often of petty theft months earlier. There's little or no discussion about whether this should be considered entrapment, although many may think it sounds like this. Their policies are clearly leading to much more crime problems which they refuse to admit to.

There are also more cases of scammers placing skimmers on terminals, especially self-checkout, to steal customer's data at risk, yet Walmart does little or nothing to prevent this, and they don't take responsibility for it, or anything else, including their own contract drivers, in one case they stole groceries, which Walmart claimed no responsibility for, even though they arranged the contractors, but, in this case, a third party reimbursed the customer. Other cases involved cards stolen from customers and used at ATM, with Walmart accepting no responsibility, of course.

There's now far more credible reporting from Social Media than there is from traditional media, even though they're not trained for this and traditional media tries to present Social Media as unreliable, but with traditional media failing to even try to do a good job any more Social Media is far more credible when some people simply try to be honest, even without training. This is a variation of the Boy Who Called Wolf, only instead of crying wolf traditional media isn't doing their job at all, so anyone that tries to do it becomes more credible by default. This includes a massive number of people spotting 'floorwalkers' trying to catch people stealing, which Walmart denies exist, but some contractors have admitted this, and many of them are so obvious that Walmart's denials have no credibility and many people know it. This also makes it incredibly obvious that Walmart is unwilling to hire workers that help customers, which has also been proven to reduce theft, but is obviously hiring much more security to catch thieves, which adds to overwhelming evidence of entrapment.

In addition to the person killed in an accident, there were over half a dozen other major accidents, stolen cars, hit and runs, and at least a couple cases of cars ramming police cruisers in states on both coasts, perhaps much more that aren't being reported properly. There were also two fires in their parking lot damaging or destroying at least three cars plus an RV, and half a dozen more fires in or near the store, including a couple brush fires and at least one or two arson. And at least three attempted stabbings, including one incident where two people were stabbed.

There was also a story about something very moldy on some of their food, which has been repeated numerous times. In addition to this incident, which didn't involve a recall, there were at least three others that did, including two related to a listeria risk, one with chicken or other meats, and another for frozen waffles; the third recall was for fire pits after multiple burn injuries. There's also a class action suit for avocado oil where plaintiffs claim there may be many other oils that weren't declared, and another incident where a woman bought oatmeal, which she was going to give to her 2-year-old when she found a moth in it. There's always far more bad food for one reason or another than food that gets recalled, and Walmart doesn't have a good record for recognizing this, unlike many other smaller grocery stores better able to handle it.

As I've often pointed out, some of their massive theft problems increased dramatically because of changes in their policy, including store design, cuts in employees, and automation; so the incredibly obvious solution should be to go back to tactics that worked before these changes; yet Walmart refuses to do this or even discuss the possibility, which is insane. Now that they're finally cutting back on self-checkout in some cases, they're also increasing the use of a Scan & Go app, which is extremely similar, and will inevitably have many of the same or similar problems, yet they try to claim it will "eliminate lines," which is an absurd assumption.

Walmart workers finally got a union in Canada, which received almost no media coverage, although it remains to be seen if they will close the warehouses or retaliate in other ways. There are other worker organizations trying to expose their abuses, including Oxfam, which is filing complaints for human rights abuses, and trying to defend workers in other ways. Walmart has been caught selling white dolls cheaper than black dolls again, disposing of hazardous waste in inappropriate ways, and there are several other lawsuits, including about firing or abusing pregnant women, wasting recyclables, deceptive pricing and other practices, and not surprisingly, Walmart can't be trusted to accurately advertise "fresh shrimp" or anything else, when it's frozen.

Walmart has also been suspected of using new technology to create "Surge Pricing" practices to gouge consumers, although they deny this; another report about the large number of albums that Walmart has been censoring over the decades, including Sheryl Crow's song singing "Watch out sister / Watch out brother / Watch our children as they kill each other / With a gun they bought at the Walmart discount stores." They're also trying to demand receipts during returns so customers have no record they made a purchase at all; this is often a time when customers should demand receipts more than ever because Walmart often doesn't stand behind their promises.

Have you ever filmed yourself shoplifting at self-checkout and bragging about it on Social Media? Walmart and the police will consider it a confession and use it against you in court, if you're that stupid.

Have you ever assumed copy and paste replies from a Walmart chat rep were the start of a romantic relationship? Only the lonely?

When you order boxes from Walmart do you expect them delivered opened and taped, instead of broken down, taking an enormous amount of space?

How often do your children get scratched by monkeys at Walmart?

If you ever decide to pee on 72 bags of potting mix at Walmart, after quitting or getting fired there, you might want to tell them you're just helping to fertilize them. Walmart and the police weren't too happy with this and claimed they had to throw it away.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Over the past ten to fifteen years Walmart has been increasing the use of self-checkout, and this has corresponded with a steady increase in shoplifting as well as false accusations, yet they refuse to even discuss returning to the use of cashiers. What most people seem to have forgotten was that when they first did this it was on a small scale as an experiment, presumably to see if it worked before expanding it, which would actually make sense, if they slowed it down or reversed it once they saw how many problems it caused. But that's not what they did. Instead the more problems they had the more they increased use of self-checkout, often claiming that instead of hiring more cashiers again, which worked previously, they resorted to more technology and hiring more security to catch people skip scanning or at other forms of theft. This has led to massive amounts of false accusations, in addition to the real thefts, and when the thefts are real, and they get caught, they often resort to violence, so it endangers both Walmart workers and customers.

Now they're acting as if the rise of shoplifting is happening for some inexplicable reason and even asking police to help them solve this problem, as if it wasn't a problem created by their own policies, and most of the media or politicians aren't pointing out the obvious. This is resulting in a massive increase in arrests, court expenses, and prison expenses, which Walmart isn't paying for, effectively meaning we are subsidizing Walmart's high crime problems with tax money. There's no official explanation for why they're behaving so foolishly; but, since this is a for profit corporation it's not hard to speculate about the most likely reason for it, that they're increasing profits for those making the decisions. But, a large portion of the money saved by not hiring cashiers is spent on technology or security to catch thieves; and, if they had to pay the increase in police, courts and prison costs that would reduce or eliminate their savings, and they would almost certainly reverse their policies, because they wouldn't be increasing profits with self-checkout.

This doesn't even include the risk to the health of both their customers and workers when the worst thieves turn violent, in some cases possibly even shooting and killing people. Every year since 2016 has seen more than a hundred shootings at Walmart, and more often than not, this is increasing, while they ignore the causes of their crime problems. These self-checkouts are also making it easier for thieves to put "skimmers" that collect credit or debit card information from customers that enable them to use their cards illegally, but, once again, the customers are stuck with the tab, not Walmart, so they're doing little or nothing to stop this, even though it's a direct result of their bad policies. And furthermore, courts have ruled that Walmart has a right to detain customers even when they have no reason to believe they're shoplifting, if they simply refuse to show receipts, as a matter of principle. At times some lawyers have claimed they need probable cause to ask to see receipts, which, if a customer goes directly from the register, sometimes even when there's a cashier, to the door they can't possibly have. So this means Walmart is under no obligation to assume their paying customers are innocent until proven guilty, which should raise major constitutional questions!

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in October 2024. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Florida man arrested, accused of attacking deputies in Walmart after son caught allegedly trespassing 10/01/2024

PALM COAST, Fl - A Flagler County man was arrested after attacking deputies who had contacted him to pick up his child who was trespassing at a local Walmart.

On Saturday, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office responded to multiple reports of a group of juveniles causing disturbances inside a Walmart. The juveniles, all under 16, were seen riding bikes through the store, yelling, cursing at customers, and setting off car alarms.

Deputies later found the group near Cypress Edge Dr. and recognized several of the teens and contacted their parents.

One of the parents, 34-year-old Jonah Harrington from Palm Coast, arrived at the scene and immediately confronted law enforcement.

Harrington ran up to a deputy and shoved him. When two other deputies tried to detain him, Harrington struck one officer on the hand and resisted the efforts of the third deputy to secure him in handcuffs.

Ignoring commands to cooperate, Harrington attempted to flee but was quickly apprehended after a brief struggle. Complete article

‘She’s gonna pull a classic pivot move’: Walmart shopper catches ‘floorwalker’ following him and his son from the parking lot 10/01/2024

‘My bf doesn’t believe me when I tell him.’

If you’ve explored the world of Walmart social media criticism, there’s a good chance you’ve probably heard of “floorwalkers.” It’s a term used to describe plain clothes secret shoppers inside the popular retail chain. Other patrons have theorized the brand employs these folks to walk around the store.

Dressed in “civilian” clothes, they’ll either push around a cart or hold a basket. They’ll never have anything perishable inside of their cart, and there’s a reason for this: They’re floor walking for so long, and management doesn’t want to waste food.

A TikToker who goes by Penny (@bigbagspenny) on the popular application posts about floor walkers constantly. His initial videos on the topic appear to have been uploaded in earnest. In them, Penny expresses how he believes he’s targeted at Walmart due to his tattoos. He goes on to say that he regularly shops at the same store, oftentimes with his son, which is why he found it strange that plain clothes shoppers would be following him so closely whenever he shopped there alone. Complete article

‘I had an employee pull them off the shelf’: Walmart shopper finds bunch of Kraft Colby Jack cheese on shelf. Then she notices something unusual 10/02/2024

‘Walmart just doesn’t care.’

A Walmart shopper went viral on TikTok after calling out the multinational retail corporation for apparently selling moldy Kraft cheese.

Birdie (@birdie.sahm), who posted the video exposing Walmart in mid-August, said that the selling of the soiled food is one reason why she no longer shops for groceries via an app or online. In her clip, which has amassed more than 2.6 million views as of Tuesday afternoon, Birdie shows viewers a shelf full of Kraft Colby Jack Cheese blocks. According to Walmart’s website, a 16-ounce block of cheese can cost more than $5.

But the cheese wasn’t ready to eat. Each block, as Birdie showcases, appears moldy and far from usable.

“Don’t worry I had an employee pull them from the shelf,” Birdie wrote in the text overlay of her clip. “Let’s just say I didn’t buy ANYTHING that requires refrigeration. Do better Walmart.” Complete article

‘They do this with the Bratz dolls too!’: Walmart shopper demands answers after noticing something unusual about $27 My Life As dolls 10/02/2024

“I just find that a little interesting.”

A Walmart shopper is pointing out a concerning discrepancy when it comes to the in-store pricing of some of their dolls.

“Hold on, I’m so confused right now,” TikToker Joy Cheyenne (@joyycheyenne) tells viewers in a viral video, panning her camera to reveal a shelf filled with “My Life As” dolls.

As she went down the line, she pointed out that each of the five varieties of light-skinned dolls were priced at $25.88, while the two dolls with darker skin were marked $27.17. In one instance, one of the white dolls and one of the Black dolls were even wearing the same outfit. Complete article

Walmart and Amazon Exploit and Destroy. The Alternative? 10/01/2024

Both companies are far too dominant in their industries — cooperatives present a more egalitarian alternative.

Officially, we don’t have royalty in this country. However, we do have “retail kings.”

Like “Crazy Eddie.” In the 1970s and 1980s, the Crazy Eddie electronics chain stretched from Philadelphia to Boston. Fraudulent business practices eventually landed its founder, Eddie Antar, behind bars.

In the 21st century, only two retail giants genuinely deserve the “retail king” label: Amazon and Walmart.

Together, these two companies rule the retail marketplace. Their combined market capitalization stands at slightly under $2.5 trillion. The combined personal fortunes of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Walmart’s Walton clan exceed half a trillion dollars. Complete article

Walmart and Amazon Exploit and Destroy. The Alternative? 10/01/2024

The growing trend of retailers locking up items to prevent theft has led to customer frustration and inconvenience.

A disgruntled Walmart customer, who was asked to wait for a computer game, left his full cart and went to Costco instead.

In an X post, general gamer Dave (@Sndper) announced that he had ended his 15-year boycott of Walmart by going there at 6 AM to buy groceries. He also mentioned wanting to purchase a video game but found the case locked.

Dave stated that a Walmart employee requested him to come back at 8 AM when the department opened. This would have resulted in a two-hour wait for just one item. "I promptly pushed my entire full cart in the aisle and walked out," he claimed. Complete article

2019 El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting prosecutors withheld evidence favorable to suspect, defense alleges in new motion 10/01/2024

District Attorney denies claims of withholding evidence in 2019 El Paso Tx. Walmart case 10/02/2024

Walmart commits $6M to storm relief 10/02/2024

Woman accused of stealing $1,300 worth of NC Walmart merchandise 10/02/2024

Florida man arrested for sleeping on Walmart roof with gun in hand 10/03/2024

A Cape Coral man was arrested after deputies say they found him sleeping on the roof of a Fort Myers Walmart with a gun in his hand.

Daniel Ray Rios, 30, is facing one charge of trespassing after being arrested on Saturday.

Lee County deputies responded to Walmart on Six Mile Cypress for reports of a man on the roof with a handgun.

When deputies arrived, an employee told them he was checking the air conditioning unit after Hurricane Helene and he noticed a man sleeping on the roof.

Deputies say they made their way to the roof and found Rios taking a nap with a revolver in his hand. Complete article

Deputies arrest robbery suspect who allegedly threatened Highlands Ranch Colorado Walmart employees 10/02/2024

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. — Douglas County deputies on Tuesday arrested a robbery suspect who allegedly threatened employees at a Highlands Ranch Walmart.

The incident happened Tuesday afternoon at the Walmart Supercenter on 6675 Business Center Drive in Highlands Ranch.

According to the Douglas County Sheriff's Office, employees confronted a man who was stealing items. The man claimed to have a gun and allegedly threatened to shoot the employees.

When deputies arrived they found the alleged suspect — only identified as a 28-year-old man — walking near the store. He was arrested for felony menacing, aggravated robbery and theft.

The sheriff's office said a gun and stolen items were found in the man's backpack during his arrest. Complete article

Police searching for two armed men who entered Thomasville NC Walmart 10/04/2024

THOMASVILLE – Thomasville police are looking for two armed men who entered the Walmart on Liberty Drive in Thomasville on Thursday night.

Witnessed reported that around 11 p.m. a white man wearing a ski mask and carrying a machete and a black man armed with a handgun entered Walmart and were harassing both employees and customers, the Thomasville Police Department said. Complete article

New Haven teen stole woman's purse outside Branford Conn. Walmart, fled in stolen car, police say 10/02/2024

BRANFORD — A 17-year-old New Haven resident was arrested Wednesday after police say the teen accosted a woman outside a local Walmart and stole her purse before fleeing in a stolen vehicle, police said.

The vehicle is also believed to have been used in similar crimes in town and elsewhere, Branford police said in a post on Facebook. The teen was charged with third-degree robbery and fifth-degree larceny, police said.

According to police, the teen "forcefully bumped her away from her shopping cart" in the parking lot, stole the purse that was in the cart and fled in the nearby stolen vehicle. The car has been used in at least two other crimes in Branford and in neighboring towns, according to police. Complete article

Ohio Walmart's firing of pregnant worker suggests widespread bias, complaint says 10/01/2024

Oct 1 (Reuters) - Walmart was accused on Tuesday of firing an employee at an Ohio store because she was pregnant, which a nonprofit group said is likely part of a broader pattern of discrimination by the largest private U.S. employer.

The National Women's Law Center filed complaints, opens new tab with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and its state-level counterpart in Ohio on behalf of Corrissa Hernandez, who said she was fired earlier this year after requesting a part-time schedule and permission to sit while working as a cashier.

The NWLC said at least one other pregnant employee at the Oberlin, Ohio, store where Hernandez worked faced similar treatment, and urged the EEOC, opens new tab to investigate Walmart's practices across the country.

"We, and our client, are concerned that in addition to other pregnant employees at the Oberlin store, workers at the many other Walmart stores nationwide may also be experiencing or be vulnerable to discrimination," the NWLC said. Complete article

Deceptive pricing at Walmart – Here’s the lawsuit they’re facing 10/03/2024

Walmart, the giant in the retail world, is known for offering low prices that appeal to millions of Americans. However, a recent lawsuit claims that the company has been deceiving its customers with “bait-and-switch” pricing tactics. This lawsuit has raised eyebrows among many shoppers, some of whom have long suspected that the prices they see on Walmart’s shelves don’t always match what they pay at checkout.

The lawsuit, filed by Walmart customer Yoram Kahn in 2022, accuses the retail giant of charging higher prices at the register than what is displayed on store shelves. Kahn claims that during a shopping trip to a Walmart store in Illinois, he purchased 15 items, only to later find that six of those items were priced higher at checkout than advertised. His total bill came to $27.69, but when he reviewed his receipt, he discovered he had been overcharged by $1.89: around 10-15% more than expected on several items.

Kahn’s legal team expanded the investigation and found similar pricing discrepancies at Walmart stores in other states, including Florida, New York, and Maryland. The lawsuit argues that these overcharges are not just isolated incidents but part of a broader, systemic issue affecting customers nationwide. Complete article

Panicked customers empty shelves of Florida Walmart amid port strike fears 10/04/2024

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (WFLA) — Customers who felt the panic amid the port strike this week, ransacked stores in a moment of fear.

Video shows massive amounts of empty shelves at a Port St. Lucie Walmart, as residents began to feel “the impact of the strike,” a user on X, formerly known as Twitter, said Thursday.

Items including toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water were sold out, not only at Walmart, but other various stores. Complete article

Couple Orders Boxes From Walmart, Unprepared With How They're Delivered 10/01/2024

Acouple recently found themselves at the center of a bizarre yet comical delivery situation that has since gained significant attention on TikTok. Upon ordering several cardboard boxes from Walmart, the customers were taken aback to receive them packaged in enormous square cardboard delivery boxes, further wrapped entirely in large plastic bubble wrap. The amusing ordeal led the couple to share their experience on the platform under @madebyjewel, garnering over 767,000 views and countless amused comments. The video captured the absurdity of the excessive packaging, with one half of the couple, a man, walking viewers online through the oversized delivery boxes and Walmart's generous use of bubble wrap for what were just flat cardboard boxes. The humorous juxtaposition of the contents versus the size of the packaging struck a chord with TikTok users, who found the situation both laughable and perplexing. Complete article

Walmart's founder famously descended from the sky to check on stores. A store manager explained what it was like. 10/05/2024

Store visits by the CEO are a well-established tradition in the big box retail business. But at Walmart, the tours had a completely different complexion in the early decades of the company. This was because founder Sam Walton was an experienced pilot who would travel the country in a small private plane, sometimes dropping out of the sky to inspect his stores. Robert Doyle, now a store manager in Texas, told Business Insider he experienced such a visit firsthand in the 1980s. Complete article

Hudson police seek help identifying man in NH Walmart incidents 10/01/2024

Five arrested for alleged Pa. Walmart retail theft 10/02/2024

Walmart Canceled Taylor Swift Clothing Line Worth $150M? 10/02/2024 Labeled Satire

'Haunted' Galveston Tx. Walmart employee shares wild experiences in new book 10/02/2024

California man arrested while trying to steal at Arnold Missouri Walmart 10/02/2024

Lexington Park Man Charged in Walmart Theft, Items Totaling $354 10/02/2024

Bryant Arkansas police investigating reports of gunfire outside of Walmart 10/06/2024

BRYANT, Ark. – Bryant police are investigating after shots were reportedly fired outside a Walmart.

According to investigators, officers arrived on the scene and were told that someone allegedly opened fire on employees who were standing outside the store.

Investigators say no injuries were reported and suspects were arrested at a location away from the store. Complete article

Bryant police make arrest in Sunday night Walmart shooting 10/07/2024 Investigators said Shackleford became upset when Walmart refused to fill an online order due to Shackleford being under investigation by the company due to past online orders.

Man arrested after robbery in parking lot of Gadsden Alabama Walmart 10/07/2024

A man was arrested after a robbery in a Walmart parking lot in Gadsden Monday morning.

The Gadsden Police Department said the incident happened on Meighan Boulevard.

According to county jail records, 39-year-old Carlos Caez was charged with first degree theft of property. .....

The Gadsden Street Crimes Unit moved in to apprehend the suspect, but during the attempt, police said the suspect barricaded himself inside the residence. Complete article

Arrest made in aggravated robbery incident at Rimrock Colorado Walmart 10/07/2024

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KREX) – A man was arrested Monday a day after he allegedly threatened Walmart employees and stole several items.

The incident originally occurred around 9:20 p.m., Sunday, when the Grand Junction Police Department received a call about a robbery at Walmart, 2545 Rimrock Ave.

Witnesses told police a male was reportedly exiting the store with stolen items. When store employees approached the man, he allegedly took out a knife and left the store on foot. Complete article

Walmart shopper shamelessly films herself shoplifting at self-checkout — and getting caught by AI as clerk laughs 10/06/2024

A Walmart shopper shamelessly filmed herself shoplifting at the self-checkout and getting caught by the company’s AI-powered cameras — but still posted the embarrassing clip to TikTok.

“POV: When you usually don’t get caught and now you’re banned for 2 years from all Walmarts in my area,” TikTokker Nesha wrote over the video, which has over 2.2 million views.

The clip shows the woman scanning and bagging a few items through the self-checkout system at a Walmart store and pretending to scan a backpack before putting it in her shopping bag without dinging the barcode.

The computer screen soon lights up with a pop-up notification that says, “Associate is on the way,” which prevents her from scanning additional items or checking out. Complete article

Woman charged with theft at Arkansas Walmart said she was trying to feed 5 children 10/07/2024

PARAGOULD, Ark. (KAIT) - A woman accused of stealing hundreds of dollars worth of groceries told police she was trying to feed her children.

Greene County District Court Judge Daniel Stidham found probable cause on Friday, Oct. 5, to charge 30-year-old Latisha Davis of Trumann with commercial burglary and theft of property.

According to the affidavit, Davis is accused of hiding more than $500 of food items in cardboard boxes at the Paragould Walmart store.

When confronted, Davis reportedly “confessed to officers that she had intended to steal the items because she was unemployed and trying to feed five children.” Complete article

Firefighters called to Walmart in West Mifflin Pa. 10/08/2024

WEST MIFFLIN, Pa. — Firefighters were called to the Walmart in West Mifflin on Tuesday morning.

It was around 1:30 a.m. that multiple crews responded to the store on Century Drive.

A Pittsburgh’s Action News 4 photographer on scene heard that it was a minor fire inside of the store.

No injuries were reported. Complete article

"Its copy and paste" — Internet reacts to Walmart customer confessing love to an automated message from the company chat rep 10/08/2024

A tweet about a customer confessing their love to a Walmart chat representative has been going viral on X. On October 7, X user @3laichi posted a screenshot of their conversation with the chat rep, which amassed 4.1 million views and 319K likes at the time of this article.

In the screenshot, the chat rep praised the customer for being "calm and understanding." The message added that the customer had "a beautiful heart" and hoped to meet more people like them. The customer replied with:

"I love you thank you."

A caption was also attached to the screenshot, in which the @3laichi called the chat rep a "kindred soul," hoping to be reunited in another life. .....

"Its copy and paste. I got the same message." Complete article

Walmart automates supply chain facilities in Arizona, Arkansas 10/07/2024

The retail giant is equipping the regional distribution centers with technology in a bid to double productivity.

Walmart is installing automation at two regional distribution centers — one in Arizona and the other in Arkansas, according to an email sent to Supply Chain Dive.

The tech enables Walmart to double the number of processed cases per hour, compared to a traditional regional distribution center.

By the end of 2025, Walmart aims to have 65% of stores receive merchandise from high-tech distribution centers, per the email. The Arizona and Arkansas projects are slated to be completed in phases over the next several years. Complete article

Woman sentenced to 5 years in prison for Jan. 2022 Chantilly Parkway Alabama Walmart shooting 10/04/2024

Mich. State police identify man accused of stealing items from Walmart 10/04/2024

Walmart releases statement after seeing increased demand for paper towels, toilet paper 10/03/2024

Nieveen Arrested For Allegedly Stealing Jewelry From Warsaw Ind. Walmart 10/03/2024

Accused Walmart Shoplifter Used Emergency Exits in Multiple Heists Before Coconut Creek Fla. Police Nabbed Him 10/04/2024

Man arrested in shooting death outside Walmart in Hemet Ca. 10/08/2024

A 46-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder on Monday, Oct. 7, two days after a man was gunned down outside the Walmart in Hemet, the Hemet Police Department said.

Ernie Michael Miranda was apprehended at 10:45 a.m. on Seminole Way in Cabazon by the Riverside County Gang Impact Team. He was booked on suspicion of murder and is being held without the possibility of bail at Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility in Banning.

Miranda had not been charged as of Tuesday afternoon.

Police say Miranda killed a man identified by the Coroner’s Office as 43-year-old Jamess Bailey of Hemet. The Coroner’s Office confirmed the spelling of Bailey’s first name.

The slaying happened about 7:30 p.m. Saturday just outside the Walmart at 859 W. Florida Ave., said Judith Gibson, a Police Department spokeswoman. Police responding to reports of gunfire found Bailey dead. Gibson said she did not know whether the men knew each other or the circumstances of the attack, such as whether it was gang related. Complete article

Man's Body Found in Camper Truck at Louisiana Walmart 10/09/2024

A man's body was discovered inside a truck at a Louisiana Walmart parking lot on Tuesday after deputies received a call regarding a "foul odor" coming from the vehicle.

According to the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office, their deputies responded to a call at the Prairieville Walmart regarding the aforementioned foul odor from a camper truck.

Upon arrival, deputies found a dead male inside the camper. Complete article

Intentional fire set in Kalamazoo County Mich. Walmart, store closes temporarily 10/08/2024

KALAMAZOO, MI — The Walmart Supercenter in Oshtemo Township has been closed since late Monday evening after sheriff’s deputies and fire personnel responded to a suspicious fire inside the store.

Kalamazoo County sheriff’s deputies responded to the store, at 501 N. Ninth Street, at 10:09 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7, to assist the Oshtemo Township Fire Department with a suspicious fire in the building. Complete article

Villager lauded for charity work charged with aggravated assault in Fla. Walmart parking dispute 10/09/2024

A Villager is facing two charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in connection with a parking dispute at Walmart.

Barbara McManus, 75, of the Village of St. Charles, turned herself into law enforcement on Oct. 1 as a result of the incident which occurred at Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Plaza in The Villages.

McManus was driving a Nissan Rogue on Sept. 16 when a woman driving a black Jeep Patriot pulled into a spot which had just been vacated, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. McManus also wanted the spot, but was blocked by a vehicle pulling out of a handicapped spot.

McManus, who has been lauded for her work on behalf of the Wildwood Soup Kitchen, “became verbally aggressive, using foul language,” the report said. The other woman admitted she had “reciprocated.” Complete article

WALLET WOES ‘Am I floating Walmart a loan?’ rages shopper after retailer ‘holds’ $30 from customer while making an online order 10/10/2024

WALMART has left one of its shoppers raging after “holding” $29.55 from her bank account.

According to the mom, who placed an online order with the grocery retailer, the money was kept “in case of substitutions and weight adjustment”.

This happens when Walmart authorizes an estimated order amount from a credit or debit card.

The bank then places a hold on that amount to ensure there are enough funds available to complete the purchase.

But for X user @missjuly1976, this is a situation she’s never encountered before.

She questioned: “Am I floating Walmart a loan until next week or something?”

The disgruntled mom took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share the predicament she’d found herself placed in.

“My Walmart online order is $57.83,” she said.

“They want to hold an extra $29.55 in case of substitutions and weight adjustments.

“The overcharged amount will be released in seven to 10 business days. Complete article

Walmart subsidiary to change everything in its stores – Goodbye to checkout lines forever 10/08/2024

Imagine walking into a store, grabbing your items, and simply walking out, without ever waiting in line to pay. It sounds like something from the future, right? Well, the future is now, and it’s happening at Sam’s Club, Walmart’s membership-based warehouse subsidiary. This revolutionary change is set to make checkout lines a thing of the past.

Sam’s Club is known for pushing boundaries, and their latest innovation might just change shopping forever. The new store in Grapevine, Texas, is designed to be completely checkout-free.

How Does It Work?

When you enter the Grapevine Sam’s Club, you’ll use the Scan & Go app to scan barcodes on the items you want to purchase. The app automatically adds those items to your cart. Once you’re done shopping, you pay through the app. The store is equipped with advanced technology to verify your purchases, so when you exit, there’s no need to stop for receipt checks. The system does the work for you, much like Amazon’s “Just Walk Out” technology, which has already gained attention in its stores and stadiums.

In addition to eliminating checkout lines, the store has done away with traditional cash registers altogether. Instead, that space is used for displaying online-only items. Whether you’re eyeing a massive 12-foot Christmas tree or a high-end diamond ring, you can scan a QR code to see product details and make a purchase. Complete article

Walmart in Lakewood Colorado evacuated after hoax bomb threat 10/03/2024

Man who police say admitted to killing wife, in July 2024, with a machete at Ariz. Walmart likely to stand trial 10/05/2024 "He was stating that God and Jesus directed him to kill his wife," one police report said. Another report indicates Goodin said the "wicked are to be destroyed" and "put to death."

Man trespassed from Pa. Walmart after stealing items 10/0/2024

2021 Alabama Walmart robber, other female denied parole, as is Brewton drug dealer 10/09/2024

Rome Woman Jailed for Repeatedly Stealing from Ga. Walmart 10/09/2024

Woman killed after getting hit by car at Independence Iowa Walmart 10/11/2024

INDEPENDENCE, Iowa (KCRG) - Independence Police have identified a Jesup woman killed this week after she was hit by a car and forced into the side of the local Walmart.

According to a press release, around 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, officers responded to an accident in the Walmart parking lot on Enterprise Drive. At the scene, police found that 27-year-old Leann Dumire had been forced into the side of the building.

Dumire was brought to the Buchanan County Health Center where she was pronounced dead.

Police say the driver of the vehicle was a 14-year-old who was driving with an adult family member. The 14-year-old has a valid learners permit and the adult family member is a licensed driver. Complete article

Yates County man charged with falsely reporting mass shooting at Walmart in Hopewell NY in Nov. 2023 10/12/2024

HOPEWELL — Ontario County sheriff’s deputies charged a Yates County man on Wednesday in connection with a false report of a mass shooting in 2023 at Walmart on Routes 5&20 in Hopewell.

Deputies said Cameron Manley, 21, of Kinney’s Corners Road, Keuka Park, was charged with third-degree falsely reporting an incident.

Deputies said the charge stems from an incident on Nov. 24, 2023, when Manley falsely reported a mass shooting at the Walmart, when no such incident had taken place that morning. Complete article

Marinette Wisc. police arrest bank robbery suspect in Walmart shortly after robbery 10/11/2024

MARINETTE, Wis. (WBAY) - Police in Marinette arrested a Marinette man in a Walmart shortly after a bank robbery on Friday.

Just before 2 p.m. on Friday, police responded to a report of a robbery at the Peshtigo National Bank on Roosevelt Road. They gathered information about the suspect and evidence from the scene, and then just before 2:30 p.m., they were informed of a person matching the description at a Walmart also on Roosevelt Road.

Officers arrived on scene and took the suspect, a 33-year-old man from Marinette, into custody without incident. He has been lodged at the Marinette County Jail on charges related to the robbery. He has not been named as formal charges are still pending. Complete article

Suspects withdraw thousands using stolen cards from SC Walmart shoppers 10/10/2024

LEXINGTON, S.C. (WACH) - — The Lexington Police Department have released surveillance images of two people who allegedly stole multiple debit cards from victims while they shopped at Walmart.

Investigators say the crimes happened between September 20 and October 10.

The suspects withdrew about $11,000 from nearby ATMs and may still be in the area. Complete article

Walmart, Trader Joe's and Aldi products now among brands in meat and chicken recall for listeria 10/11/2024

WASHINGTON — A recall involving nearly 10 million pounds of meat and poultry now includes products sold at several popular supermarkets across the country.

The BrucePac recall was issued earlier this week and includes approximately 9,986,254 pounds of ready-to-eat meat and poultry.

On Thursday night, the list of products impacted by the recall was updated to include some pre-packaged salads, sandwich wraps and frozen meals sold at Walmart, Trader Joe's, H-E-B, Sam's Club and Aldi stores.

The roughly 5,000 tons of ready-to-eat foods were recalled this week after U.S. Agriculture Department officials detected listeria in samples of poultry during routine testing. Further tests identified BrucePac chicken as the source. Complete article

Man arrested for swapping barcodes at Michigan Walmart to pay less at self-checkout 10/09/2024

Walmart’s Mexico Unit Says Antitrust Probe Against It Is Flawed 10/09/2024

Wallet Reported Missing At Walmart: Shelton Conn. Police 10/09/2024

Bellmead Police arrest two connected to Walmart thefts across Texas 10/09/2024

How SAPD tracked down a man accused of recording up a Tx. Walmart customer's skirt in May 10/09/2024

Habitual Beer Thief Threatens to Shoot Missoula Montana Walmart Employee 10/11/2024 Suspect tased

Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - At approximately 1:51 p.m. on October 9th, 2024, several Missoula Police Department officers were dispatched to the Walmart at 4000 Highway 93 South. It was reported that a male was shoplifting and then threatened to shoot a loss prevention officer with a gun if he didn't leave him alone.

According to court documents, the male ignored several commands from officers to lie on his stomach. Eventually, one officer brandished a Taser while other officers held lethal coverage. A corporal shot one round of the 40 mm at the male who finally complied with commands and laid down. The male was arrested, placed in handcuffs, and taken to a patrol vehicle.

An officer went inside Walmart and met with the victim, John Doe. The officer asked Doe to show her surveillance footage and speak about the incident. Doe stated that the suspect, who was later identified as 63-year-old Darren Webster, came into the store several times throughout the morning and took beer without paying. Doe stated he called 911 every time the male came into the store. Doe said Webster would hang out by the Mountain Line bench and drink the beers he stole. Complete article

12 Shady Things About Walmart's Grocery Department 10/13/2024

It really wasn't that long ago that there was no such thing as Walmart. After the first location opened its doors in 1962, the chain grew at a shocking rate. There were 24 stores just five years later, and in 1988, Walmart officially expanded into groceries with the first Supercenter. With thousands of retail stores around the world and millions of products waiting to be dispatched at the click of a mouse, Walmart has shaped the way the world shops.

That hasn't come without controversy, though, and in 2024, Walmart announced it was going to be pioneering the use of AI technology to predict when you were going to run out of groceries, and reorder them automatically for you. Wish you could come home from walking the dog to find all your shopping done and put away? With the combination of AI tech and Walmart's In-Home Delivery Service, that just might be the way of the future. If that sounds more like something out of a dystopian science fiction novel, buckle up.

Walmart's domination in the grocery game comes with some major caveats, including accusations of predatory pricing, misleading claims, and unethically-sourced products. There are also claims that the company's success has come at the cost of countless livelihoods, which makes for some serious accusations that have involved Walmart's grocery department. This is the shadier side of Walmart.

Walmart has been accused of using market power to leverage deals, raise prices, and put others out of business. Complete article

20 Famous Rock Albums That Were Banned by Walmart 10/13/2024

For decades, a gatekeeper determined what songs and albums were too obscene for the American public: Walmart.

The company’s roots stem from the southern Christian heartland of Arkansas, and since its establishment, Walmart has continually projected itself as a “family” store. Under that guise, they established firm rules regarding what music would be available in their stores.

In an official guideline from the early 2000s, Walmart noted it would “not stock music with parental guidance stickers.” Though the company went on to concede that “it would not be possible to eliminate every image, word or topic that an individual might find objectionable,” they claimed their main goal was to “eliminate the most objectionable material from Walmart’s shelves.”

Critics routinely claimed that Walmart’s practices served as censorship, restricting an artist’s ability to share their work with a broad audience. Compounding the matter further – Walmart was often been the only place in small towns where consumers could buy popular music. Having an album banned from their shelves could severely limit an artist's appeal. Interestingly, the retail giant only ever issued a companywide mandate regarding music sales – the decision of what other forms of art to carry, such as movies, TV shows and video games, were left up to store managers. ......

Sheryl Crow, 'Sheryl Crow' (1996)

When Sheryl Crow released her self-titled 1996 album, Walmart refused to stock the LP over lyrics they found objectionable. In the song “Love Is a Good Thing” the singer declared: “Watch out sister, watch out brother / Watch our children as they kill each other / With a gun they bought at the Walmart discount stores.” The retail chain was outraged by the line and even issued a statement to the press insisting they would never sell firearms to minors. “Selling a record implying behavior that is against all we stand for is something we just could not profit from,” Walmart said at the time. Estimates suggested the ban cost Crow hundreds of thousands of album sales, but the singer refused to change the lyric. Complete article

Shoppers threaten to boycott Walmart over 'disappointing' payment method 10/13/2024

Shoppers have been left outraged after they felt forced to use inconvenient payment methods by the retail giant in their stores.

Walmart customers are finding themselves more and more disappointed with their shopping experiences with the supermarket giant and making it well known.

One outraged customer abandoned his full cart at the checkout after he had his preferred payment method declined as the store did not support it. While ApplePay is hugely popular with consumers and is accepted at over 85 percent of US retail outlets, Walmart do not accept the convenient digital payment method in their stores.

They are instead attempting to encourage customers to use their own version of the system, Walmart Pay. The payment method can only be used by customers via the Walmart app. One annoyed customer posted on Facebook: “How come Walmart doesn’t have Apple Pay? I left the cart there like that’s your problem.” Complete article

You should check your change every time you shop at Walmart – An alert has been issued because of these bills 10/14/2024

Shopping at Walmart should be a routine task: go in, get your biweekly groceries, check out, and go back home. However, it seems like Walmart customers have to be wary from now on. Not only has the giant retailer be caught doing illegal mispricing in some states, it is now getting nitpick about what kind of currency they accept at stores.

Despite Roman emperor Vespasian famous phrase –Money doesn’t stink–, great retailers across the nation are making a fuss about the state of bills they will accept from now on. Although cash has always been welcome at any checkout line (and proves to be the better option when there are power outrages where credit cards and mobile payments become useless), mayor retailers like Walmart and Target have installed a new store policy regarding the state of currency they will accept from now on. But why?

Why is Walmart rejecting bills?

There has been an increase in the number of counterfeit bills in circulation, according to the U.S. Secret Service. Due to the possibility of potential financial losses, great retailers have become stricter in their accepting of damaged currency at their checkouts. Since October 2024, Walmart will reject bills that are not in good condition; that is, that they are too damaged or missing parts, which makes identification hard to prove.

This kind of bills, which are commonly described as mutulated, are those which are missing corners, or have faded tint due to exposure to elements (being left in the sun, going through the washing machine by mistake, being crumpled for too long, etc). While these mutilated bills are not accepted at stores, they can be taken to a bank, where they will be able to identify it as legal currency. That way, a person in possession of a damaged bill can get back the full value. The Secret Service takes care of these kind of situations, but we as consumers have to be careful and check our change carefully before accepting it. According to experts, there’s more than $70 million currently in circulation, all counterfeit bills, just in the United States. This not only a threat to the US currency system, but a financial loss for the unsuspecting average citizen. Complete article

Possible 'Refugee' scam alert to be aware of at York County Pa. Walmarts 10/15/2024

Residents in South Central PA are talking online about a possible scam involving refugees at local Walmarts.

Customers are being approached by people saying they’re refugees and need help in Walmart in Hanover.

Ty Neiderer almost lost hundreds of dollars to this, but he is left with the question: Was this a scam or did this person need help?

Neiderer said he was in a Hanover Walmart on Saturday night when he was approached by a woman and her daughter. Complete article

Walmart closing more stores in 2024: See the full list 10/10/2024

Walmart is closing down a total of 11 stores in 2024.

The most recent closures, which occurred in two states, came as the company is experiencing poor financial performance as well as retail theft in those areas.

Here is the most up-to-date list of Walmart store closings in 2024, with the newest closings listed in bold (At least eleven.): Complete article

Walmart invests in 74 rooftop community solar projects in two states 10/10/2024

Walmart announced it will invest in 74 Solar Landscape community solar projects in Maryland and Illinois.

The commercial rooftop projects are currently under construction and are expected to be energized in 2024 and 2025. They will create nearly 43 MWDC of solar capacity for the surrounding communities, enough power to serve the equivalent of over 3,600 homes.

Approximately half of the portfolio is designed to reduce energy costs for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households. In total, Solar Landscape estimates that the projects will save subscribers about $1 million annually on energy bills.

“Our investment in this community solar portfolio is aligned with our purpose to help people save money and live better,” said Frank Palladino, VP of renewable energy strategy for Walmart. “Once operational, these projects will enhance grid infrastructure in dozens of communities in Maryland and Illinois, while expanding access to affordable clean energy and helping thousands of households save money on energy bills.” Complete article

‘What is in the cart that you can steal?’: Walmart customer confronts ‘floor walker.’ You won’t believe what she has in her shopping cart 10/15/2024

A couple recently went viral on TikTok after sharing an uncomfortable shopping experience at Walmart.

According to the wife, they were being followed around the store by a “secret shopper,” or “floor walker” who seemed to think they might steal something.

In the video, which has racked up over 1.1 million views, TikTok user Jasmine, who shares her account with her partner Quari (@cohenfamily2013), records the moment and shares her frustrations.

A frustrating Walmart shopping trip

“We have a secret shopper… that keeps following us around like we’re about to steal something,” Jasmine begins, as she films a woman carrying a few items in, seemingly ignoring the TikToker.

She then turns the camera to their cart, which contains big bags of toilet paper, drinks, and other large items.

“What, what is in this cart that you can steal?” she asks. “Not a [expletive] thing.”

Jasmine then addresses the “secret shopper” directly, who she says is acting like she’s shopping but not picking up anything.

“And she ignoring me because she knows she is a secret shopper acting like she’s shopping,” she says loudly. “She ain’t picking up [expletive].” Complete article

‘I would have left it there & went to Best Buy’: Walmart shopper can’t believe what worker made him put on the conveyor belt when checking out 10/15/2024

A confused Walmart customer said their cashier was adamant about not hand-scanning a 55-inch TV they planned on purchasing.

TikTok user @themortgageengineer posted a viral video that’s accrued over 96,000 views on the popular social media platform. In his clip, he says he was asked by a Walmart worker to place his TV on the shopping conveyor belt.

“So I’m checking out at Walmart, buying a 55-inch TV. And the guy working the register told me I had to put the damn TV on the conveyor belt,” the TikToker says. “The conveyor belt that you have at a grocery store line. And I was like, can’t we just scan with the hand scanner?”

“He said, ‘Nope it’s gotta go up on the belt,’” he recalls, shocked. “So my question is: if it’s gotta go on the belt. And a Walmart employee’s not capable of putting it on the belt. Why is it okay for the customer to lift something that the Walmart employees can’t lift? I’m very capable of lifting that up.”

He then reiterates his frustration: “I just don’t understand Walmart. And why the guy couldn’t either hand me the hand scanner or walk around to scan it?”

TikTokers seemed equally confused

One person asked what the purpose of having a hand scanner in the first place was. “My question would be why have a hand scanner if everything needs to go on the belt?” Complete article

Man convicted of murder in March 2024 Lebanon, Va. Walmart parking lot shooting 10/10/2024

Trial for May 2022, Ohio, fatal Walmart shooting suspect will happen nearly 3 years after the incident 10/08/2024

Man charged with stealing $1K in items from NC Walmart 10/11/2024

Aug. 2019 El Paso Tx. Walmart shooter’s defense team files new motions, accuses state of violating right to counsel 10/11/2024

Hurricane Milton evacuees are taking refuge in Fla. Walmart parking lots 10/09/2024

Walmart Will Close Stores on Thanksgiving 10/11/2024

Man running from police pretended to be detective inside Scott Township Pa. Walmart, investigators say 10/15/2024

Investigators say a man on the run from police was pretending to be a local detective inside the Scott Township Walmart.

A Walmart employee dialed 911 when police said Scott Braden was acting aggressively. He allegedly told the employees that he lost his credit cards and badge in the store and he wanted police to come to the scene.

Braden allegedly blamed the staff for taking his items.

Police say Braden said he was going to hit all of the employees, and that he was a Carnegie police officer.

When police showed up at the store, they discovered that Braden had left, but he didn’t make it far.

They took him into custody in the nearby Shop ‘n Save parking lot where police say Braden gave officers the wrong name and birthday. Complete article

Villager attacked by boyfriend during golf cart ride home from Fla. Walmart 10/15/2024

A woman who lives in The Villages was attacked by her boyfriend during a golf cart ride home from Walmart.

The alleged attacker, 62-year-old David Robert Morgan who lives with his parents in the Village of Santo Domingo, has had a long, violent history with the woman who lives on the Historic Side of The Villages. In the latest incident earlier this month, they had been returning to her home from the Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Plaza when Morgan apparently became enraged, according to an arrest report from the Lady Lake Police Department. They were in the area of Paradise Drive and Boone Court when Morgan “became aggressive” and began calling her names. He ordered her out of the golf cart and snatched away her purse, injuring her left hand. He punched her in the face and used both of his hands to push her out of the golf cart. He left her standing in the roadway on Paradise Drive. He kicked her in the thigh before driving away in the golf cart. When the woman recovered and checked her purse, she found her phone was missing.

She told police she and Morgan have had an “on again off again” relationship for eight years. She said she had stopped dating him about a month ago, but recently began speaking to him again. Complete article

Woman injured in SD Walmart parking lot crash 10/15/2024

WILLISTON — A Williston woman sustained serious injuries after she was struck while walking to her vehicle in the Walmart parking lot last Saturday afternoon.

Coleetta Roth left the store and was walking across the parking lot at approximately 4:31 p.m. on Oct. 12 when she was struck by a Ford F350 truck driven by Ryan Sonn, also of Williston, a statement from the North Dakota Highway Patrol said.

Roth sustained serious injuries and was transported by ambulance to CHI St. Alexius Hospital in Williston. Sonn was not injured. Complete article

Hastings Nebraska Walmart evacuated after gas line rupture 10/15/2024

HASTINGS, Neb. (KSNB) - First responders were on scene of the Hastings Walmart following a reported gas leak Tuesday.

Hastings Public Information Manager Tony Herrman said a gas line inside the Walmart building was hit and broken. Customers and store employees evacuated the building. A Hastings Utilities technician was dispatched to the store, shut off the gas and remained on site until the building was safely ventilated. Herrman said the gas line inside the building would have to be repaired and once that happens the gas will be turned back on.

Herrman said an initial report that an outside gas line was struck by a vehicle was incorrect. Complete article

Docs: Muncie mom arrested after passing out in Ind. Wal-Mart restroom 10/15/2024

MUNCIE, Ind. — A mom was charged after reportedly taking pills and passing out in a Wal-Mart restroom in Muncie, according to court documents.

Sabryna Godby, 25, was charged with:

Neglect of a Dependent, a Class 6 Felony

Possession of a Schedule II controlled substance, a Class A Misdemeanor Complete article

Walmart employee shares frustrations after discovering store's wasteful practice: 'Just dumps it all' 10/16/2024

"Not just Walmart."

Americans generate more waste than any other nation in the world, producing an estimated 4.9 pounds of municipal waste per person every day, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. U.S. recycling also lags far behind other countries'. Forbes reports that only 35% of Americans actually recycle, with those that don't citing inconvenience and confusion as the reasons why.

For those who do recycle, their recyclables often end up in the landfill anyway. Contamination by other products or a lack of infrastructure can make recycling some products difficult, which can be frustrating for people who have taken the time to sort their recycling and, in some cases, take it to the appropriate place to be recycled.

This can happen with large corporations, too. A Walmart employee shared their frustration with the recycling process at their place of work. In a Reddit post, the OP shared that none of the recycling collected in their break room is actually recycled.

The employee shared a picture of the recycling bins and wrote, "Despite the separate trash bins for recycling, my Walmart break room just dumps it all into one bin anyway." Complete article

'Super Sweet' Dog Dumped in Walmart Parking Lot Has Zero Adoption Interest 10/12/2024

Judge Suspends Plea Negotiations in Aug. Ca. Walmart Employee Fatal Stabbing Case 10/10/2024

Second man charged in New Year's Eve, 2023, Wyoming Mich. Walmart shooting earns conviction 10/14/2024

Bomb threat at Walmart in Red Bluff Ca. was a hoax 10/12/2024

Parents accused of leaving 2 children inside parked car at Conway SC Walmart 10/15/2024

Man Jailed for Stealing Playstation, iPad from Ga. Walmart 10/16/2024

Hudson police seek help identifying man in NH Walmart incident 10/15/2024

Hot Springs man arrested for allegedly shooting BB gun at people, car in Arkansas Walmart parking lot 10/16/2024

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. – A man is in custody after allegedly firing a BB gun and damaging a car in a Walmart parking lot in Hot Springs on Wednesday.

Hot Springs police said 40-year-old Jason Derek Lynch allegedly shot a car window with a BB gun at the Walmart Supercenter on Central Avenue around 1:15 p.m.

Police said no injuries were reported. Complete article

Truck driver arrested for kidnapping after victim escapes at Walmart in Broken Arrow Okla. 10/16/2024

BROKEN ARROW, OK (KTUL) — Officers of the Broken Arrow Police Department (BAPD) arrested a truck driver earlier this week for kidnapping another man.

According to BAPD, officers responded to a welfare check at Walmart near Elm Pl.

On the scene, an officer spoke with the victim who escaped from Jerry Lee Newman.

The victim told officials that after meeting Newman in Kansas City, he continued to travel with Newman to different states.

During the trip, the victim stated Newman aggressively sexually touched him, leading to multiple instances of unwanted advances. Complete article

Shoplifting suspects identified in Athens linked to $25,000 in Ga. Walmart thefts 10/17/2024

An Athens-Clarke police officer has identified two shoplifting suspects who are believed to have stolen more than $25,000 worth of merchandise from Walmart stores in at least two states.

The investigation stemmed from a shoplifting on Sept. 24 at the Walmart on Lexington Road, where a man and woman were able to leave with a cart full of merchandise valued at $688.

The South Carolina residents visited Athens in a rented Dodge Caravan, but Sgt. Nathaniel Franco was able to take a surveillance video and see that it carried a North Carolina license plate, according to the report.

Using this information, Franco obtained FLOCK camera footage information that showed a similar van had been driven in numerous areas of north Georgia on that same day. Complete article

Walmart Ends Consumer Suit Over Fish Sustainability Marketing 10/16/2024

A Walmart Inc. consumer agreed to end a proposed class action claiming that the retail giant markets frozen fish products as being sustainable, despite working with fisheries whose practices harm marine life and ocean ecosystems.

Plaintiff Marissa Sanchez agreed to the dismissal of the case without prejudice and with leave to reinstate it on or before Nov. 15, according to a stipulation submitted Tuesday to Judge Manish S. Shah with the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. If a motion to reinstate isn’t filed on or before that date, “dismissal shall automatically convert to one with prejudice,” ... Complete article

DO YOU KNOW US? Police need your help identifying Jacksonville NC Walmart thieves 10/15/2024

Police searching for suspect in Ga. Walmart theft incident 10/15/2024

Amherst County Sheriff seeks help to identify Va. Walmart theft suspect 10/15/2024

Pretending to be a golf cart at Fla. Walmart 10/15/2024

Sand Springs Okla. police seek suspects in multiple Walmart thefts using Oregon food stamp card 10/16/2024 Do you know them?

One person in critical condition after a shooting at Crowley La. Walmart, police say 10/18/2024 fatal

One man is in critical condition after being shot in the parking lot of Walmart, Crowley Police Chief Troy Herbert confirmed Friday.

The shooting happened Thursday afternoon.

"We are working tirelessly to find the suspect because they can not be on the street. This could have impacted many others that were there. So we are working hard to make an arrest," Herbert said. Complete article

Man dies in Dejean Circle shooting, Crowley police say 10/18/2024

Suspect in Crowley Walmart shooting turns self in, charged with murder 10/31/2024

Fight At Ga. Walmart Over Child Custody 10/18/2024

A disagreement stemming from a child custody arrangement escalated into a physical altercation in the parking lot of Walmart earlier this month, resulting in the arrest of two individuals involved in the brawl.

According to a report released by the sheriff’s office this week, a Chattooga County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched to the scene after reports of a fight broke out between two men, identified as Landon Daniel and Deoveon Price. While en route, the deputy learned that Deoveon had left the scene and was subsequently pulled over by officers from the Summerville Police Department. Upon arriving at Walmart, Deputy Kinnamont spoke with Landon Daniel and his mother, Dana Daniel, who provided insight into the events leading up to the fight.

According to Dana, tensions between Landon and Deoveon had been building due to ongoing issues concerning Shay Shadrick, the mother of Landon’s child. Earlier that day, Landon had dropped off the child at Deoveon’s residence, where Shay was staying, leading to a verbal confrontation between the two men. Following the argument, Landon left the residence but was pursued by Deoveon to the Walmart parking lot, where the physical altercation ensued. Landon confirmed to Deputy Kinnamont that his mother’s account of the incident was accurate, admitting that he and Deoveon fought in the parking lot. Complete article

KPD: Employee assaulted by Tx. Walmart thief 10/17/2024

A Killeen Walmart employee was assaulted by a thief who fled on foot with some stolen items Wednesday evening, police said.

According to Killeen police, an employee said a man entered the store on Lowes Boulevard just after 9 p.m., took some items and concealed them. The suspect passed all points of sale and attempted to leave the store when the employee tried to stop him.

Police said that’s when the suspect assaulted the employee and fled on foot. Complete article

Oxfam Files Formal UN Complaint Against Amazon, Walmart’s ‘Systematic Human Rights Violations’ 10/18/2024

Non-profit Oxfam, which has a mission to fight inequality and poverty globally, announced October 17 it had submitted a formal complaint against Amazon and Walmart to the United Nations.

According to Sourcing Journal, the complaint, alleging “systematic human rights violations” against their workers UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights is the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Poverty and the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association.

The organization has support in its allegations from a number of other groups and two anonymized employees — one from Walmart and one from Amazon.

“They monitor us with cameras. They have cameras throughout their whole building. . . . It's not a good feeling at all because it's like we're in prison,” said the co-signing Amazon warehouse worker. Complete article

Indiana 3-year-old scratched by monkey inside Walmart 10/18/2024

BEDFORD, Ind. — A 3-year-old is recovering after being scratched this week by a monkey inside a central Indiana Walmart store.

The incident reportedly occurred on Wednesday afternoon inside the Walmart Supercenter at 3200 John A. Williams Blvd. in Bedford. Local police responded to the incident.

Bedford Police Chief Terry Moore confirmed Friday that a 3-year-old was scratched by a 16-year-old Java Macaque monkey at Walmart. Chief Moore said that the parents of the child declined medical treatment at the scene. Complete article

Colsen fire pits sold at Amazon, Walmart recalled after multiple burn injuries: report 10/18/2024

The fire pits can cause serious burns, or even death, in a quick moment.

Nearly 90,000 tabletop fire pits for indoor and outdoor use have been recalled after a couple of dozen people have been injured from flames escaping the container.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on Thursday announced that approximately 89,500 Colsen-branded fire pits have been recalled.

"Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled fire pits and dispose of them," CPSC stated in its recall. The statement also urged people not to resell the product. ......

"The firm stopped selling Colsen-branded fire pits less than one year after it acquired the product business and does not have the financial resources to offer a remedy to consumers," the consumer safety agency stated. Complete article

Frozen waffles sold at Target, Walmart and other major retailers recalled over listeria risk 10/18/2024

More than 500 varieties of frozen waffles manufactured by TreeHouse Foods and sold under major store brands such as Walmart's Great Value and Target's Good & Gather have been recalled because they might be contaminated with listeria.

The recalled products were sold in the U.S. and Canada at the following grocery chains, TreeHouse said Friday: ......

Listeria infections typically cause fever, muscle aches and fatigue and may cause stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions. Symptoms can occur quickly or up to 10 weeks after eating contaminated food. The infections are especially dangerous for older people, those with weakened immune systems or who are pregnant.

TreeHouse, which said no confirmed reports of illness have been identified, said consumers should check if they have the recalled waffles in their freezers and either throw them out or return them to the place of purchase for credit. Complete article

Walmart reaches settlement deal for shareholder lawsuits over its handling of opioids 10/18/2024

NEW YORK (AP) — Walmart said Friday it has reached a proposed settlement pact related to three lawsuits filed by shareholders on behalf of the company over the handling of prescription opioids.

According to the terms of the settlement that were disclosed in a regulatory filing, insurance carriers will pay Walmart $123 million, excluding any attorneys’ fees and expenses awarded by the court to the plaintiffs’ counsel. Walmart would also maintain certain corporate governance practices for at least five years, according to the filing.

The settlement doesn’t include any admission of liability by Walmart. It’s subject to court approval.

Three Walmart shareholders filed lawsuits the Delaware Court of Chancery, alleging current and former directors and officers breached their fiduciary duties by failing to adequately oversee the company’s distribution and dispensing of prescription opioids.

In 2022, Walmart agreed to pay $3.1 billion to settle lawsuits nationwide over the impact of prescriptions its pharmacies filled for powerful prescription opioid painkillers. Complete article

‘What’s the point of self-checkout?’: Walmart shopper goes to self-checkout. Then a worker comes over 10/18/2024

‘Right. Like I go through the self-checkout out so I DON’T have to socialize.’

Walmart is making changes to its self-checkout policy. In some stores, customers are complaining about self-checkout being limited or shut down. A woman is viral after complaining that the once seamless process is now unnecessarily complicated.

The video features TikTok user Rachel @rachnicole13), who is filming a Walmart employee scanning the items in her cart. She is accompanied on this trip by her toddler.

“Can someone make this make sense?” she asks. “I went to Walmart today and went to self-checkout, because we see that we have very few items. But I’m getting my items checked out by somebody and they’re checking my receipt. Come on.”

Walmart self-checkout frustration

Rachel continues her rant in the caption, “What’s the point of self-checkout if it isn’t ‘self’?’” The video has amassed more than 217,000 views as of Thursday evening. In the comments, users shared similar frustrations. Complete article

Marathon Man Arrested After Shoplifting From NY Walmart – Damaged Merchandise 10/17/2024

Authorities searching for men suspected of stealing from Locust Grove Walmart 10/16/2024 Anyone with information regarding either of the two men or the stolen goods is encouraged to contact the sheriff's office.

Man Stole From Walmart Twice In One Day: Mt. Olive NJ PD 10/17/2024

‘Did you know?’: Walmart shopper issues warning for people who buy Chef Boyardee at the store 10/17/2024

Halifax Canada police investigate employee death in a large walk-in oven at Mumford Road Walmart 10/20/2024

Halifax Regional Police are investigating what they are calling a sudden death at the Walmart location in Halifax's west end.

Police issued a news release late Saturday night asking people to stay away from the area while they carried out their investigation.

No further details were provided.

In a statement, Walmart spokesperson Amanda Moss confirmed that the death involves a Walmart employee. Complete article

Walmart employee offers sinster explanation as co-worker found 'baked to death' in walk-in oven 10/30/2024

Other Walmart employees have suggested a chilling explanation to how a 19-year-old co-worker was locked in a walk-in oven and "baked to death," before being found by her now-traumatized mom

A Walmart employee has given a new chilling explanation after her 19-year-old co-worker was "baked to death" in a walk-in oven. Last week, the remains of Gursimran Kaur — a resident of Halifax, Nova Scotia — was found dead in one of the superstore's appliances.

In an effort to understand the nature of the gruesome murder, current and former staffers at Walmart have been weighing in about the appliance showing the inner workings of the superstore's bakery. In one video, TikTok user Chris Breezie explains that the oven she used while working at Walmart turned on from the outside and that the door handle was "really hard" to open.

"I don't even know if I would fit in here," she said. "I'm 5 foot 1, medium built. I would have to crouch down to get in." Breezie also pointed out that there was an emergency latch located inside the oven, nor were there any tasks that required a person to enter the oven physically.

"I would never be in here, whether I'm cleaning it or not," she said. According to the employee, in order to lock the oven, "you have to push [the latch] with all your might and pull the handle to the side and lock it in place." She added: "There is no way possible somebody could lock themselves in there."

‘I look forward to seeing the results of the investigation’: Walmart worker walks into oven to make a shocking revelation about how they really function 10/29/2024

‘There’s no way possible.’

TikTok user Jamie (@jamieaki2) is a Walmart employee who says they have nearly a decade of experience working with the same walk-in oven. Jamie posted a video on Friday that shows her standing in front of the oven with its door open.

“I’ve worked here nine years with this same oven that they’re claiming she was locked into by herself,” Jamie says. “These ovens are so hard to shut from the outside. You have to push them. Let me show you.”

What happened to the Canadian Walmart worker?

According to NBC News, 19-year-old Gursimran Kaur died after being shut inside the walk-in oven at the Walmart in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she worked alongside her mother. An investigation into the death is ongoing.

A Walmart spokesperson told the outlet the company is “heartbroken” at the turn of events and that it remains focused on employee welfare. Still, Walmart is frequently in the news for a laundry list of labor violations.

Next, Jamie pushes the door with more force to simulate what would happen if a worker accidentally pushed the door too hard and it swung back with a lot of momentum. Before the door can reach the latch, it loses momentum and remains ajar.

“And this is one of the good ovens I’ve worked with,” Jamie says. “I’ve worked in seven different stores over the eight years. There are stores where they don’t even latch; you have to hold it shut while it bakes for 30 minutes.”

Jamis says she’s seen ovens that randomly pop open. She, therefore, agrees with online speculation that this was not an accident. “There is no way that this girl locked herself into one of these ovens while cleaning it,” Jamie says. “There’s no way possible.”

Victim of Walmart workplace death was 19, Halifax police say 10/21/2024 Police have not said whether they believe the circumstances of the woman's death were criminal in nature.

Police release new details on workplace death of 19-year-old at Halifax Walmart 10/22/2024 "The woman, who was an employee of the store, was located in a large walk-in oven belonging to the store's bakery department," police said in a news release on Tuesday afternoon.

911 call reveals how teenage Halifax Walmart worker died in horrifying oven accident 10/22/2024

Teen Walmart worker found burned to death in walk-in oven ID’d — and was found by her mom 10/24/2024 The nature of Kaur’s death remains under investigation by local police. It remains unclear if any criminality is suspected, authorities said.

Disturbing Details Emerge About Walmart Worker Found Dead in Store's Oven 10/24/2024

Walmart removing Halifax oven where teen was found dead last month 11/06/2024

Halifax police say no evidence of foul play in death of employee at Walmart bakery 11/18/2024

Woman charged with stabbing woman in parking lot of Walmart in Waukegan Ill. 10/21/2024

Lizette A. Berrios, 30, of Waukegan, (inset) was charged following a stabbing at the Walmart in Waukegan on September 13, 2024. Prosecutors say a woman stabbed another woman at the Walmart in Waukegan after she had recently been harassing the victim over a former boyfriend.

Lizette A. Berrios, 30, of Waukegan, was charged with aggravated battery causing great bodily harm and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

Lake County Assistant State’s Attorney Nicholas Shepherd said Berrios and a female victim are childhood acquaintances with mutual friends.

Berrios had recently been harassing the victim because she used to date Berrios’ boyfriend, Shepherd said. Complete article

Fire in parking lot of Walmart on Siegen Lane damages three vehicles 10/20/2024

BATON ROUGE - A fire that sparked in the parking lot of the Siegen Lane Walmart on Sunday evening damaged three cars.

St. George Fire investigators are still determining the cause but said no people were injured.

No more information was immediately available. Complete article

Eugene-Springfield Oregon firefighters respond to brush fire behind West Eugene Walmart 10/21/2024

EUGENE, Ore. — Eugene-Springfield Fire (ESF) crews responded to a brush fire behind the West Eugene Walmart Sunday evening.

Crews were first called to the scene around 8:19 p.m., October 20, 2024, after receiving reports of a fire near the intersection of 13th and Commerce Street, said ESF. Complete article

Police arrest 3 accused of stealing ‘a bunch of Legos’ from Mt. Juliet Tenn. Walmart 10/21/2024

MT. JULIET, Tenn. (WKRN) — Three people from Dickson County — one of whom had outstanding warrants — were taken into custody Sunday evening after a shoplifting incident turned into a brief police pursuit in Mt. Juliet.

The Mt. Juliet Police Department (MJPD) said officers responded to Walmart, where the trio “attempted to steal a large amount of merchandise,” shortly before 5:45 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 20.

While fleeing the store, one suspect allegedly assaulted an employee. Then, all three suspects left the scene in a vehicle, according to officials.

Authorities said they quickly found the car as it headed towards Interstate 40 West. Officers deployed spike strips, which disabled the vehicle near mile marker 225.

MJPD said one male suspect ran from the car, but an officer apprehended him following a brief chase and a struggle. Officials later discovered the suspect had outstanding warrants in Dickson County, as well as Mississippi. Complete article

Walmart Warehouse Workers Win First Union in Canada 10/17/2024

Eight hundred workers near Toronto have won the first Walmart warehouse union in Canada or the U.S.

“Honestly I was pretty nervous at first because I didn’t want to lose my job,” said 29-year employee Rodolfo Pilozo, a member of “Team Red,” the organizing committee behind the September victory.

The Walmart distribution center is in Mississauga, Ontario, an hour from the western New York border. Workers there began organizing last December to join Unifor, Canada’s largest private-sector union.

Forty percent signed union cards over the summer. Pilozo cited low wages and pressure to work dangerously fast as the main concerns that pushed him and his co-workers to organize.

The retail giant Walmart is not only the biggest private employer in the U.S., but also the biggest in the world. In Canada it has 400 stores and 100,000 workers. Complete article

CHECKED OUT Walmart shoppers confused by employee’s ‘receipt comment’ after returning item and claim ‘it’s policy’ 10/20/2024

A WALMART shopper was left confused by a store employee's bizarre comments about "throwing receipts away" while returning an item.

In a Reddit post, the user revealed how they were denied a receipt by the return department claiming "its store policy".

"Does the return department take your receipt after you return an in-store item?" they wrote on Reddit.

"I returned a lotion bottle and vinegar once and the returns representative wouldn’t give me my receipt back even when I told her I wanted it back.

"She said that it’s Walmart policy and said she must throw it away. Is that true per Walmart in-store return?"

Fellow shoppers slammed Walmart's customer service, saying a customer should always get the receipt back especially when returning or exchanging a product. Complete article

Walmart shopper forced to ‘leave groceries behind’ after being denied payment method – employee says they’re not joking 10/22/2024

A SHOPPER has been left furious after Walmart denied their payment method during a recent visit.

Grievances over the transaction restriction have been going on for some time, and employees are fed up with the complaints.

It's become fairly common knowledge among frequent Walmart shoppers that the retail giant doesn't accept Apple Pay.

As of 2024, over 90% of retailers in the United States do accept it, per data collected by Capital One Shopping.

With most customers being able to use it elsewhere, Walmart's decision not to allow it has become a serious point of contention, leading some to abandon their carts and walk away in frustration.

"Left my groceries behind at Walmart today," a shopper, Kenny, wrote in a post to X earlier this month. Complete article

Hudson NH police seek help identifying woman involved in Walmart incident 10/17/2024 The Hudson Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance

New Orleans man sentenced in Dec. 24, 2022, Hammond La. Walmart arson case 10/17/2024

Man in stolen blue jeans arrested at Walmart in Leesburg Fla. 10/17/2024

Aug. 2019 El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting prosecutors say judge, defense lawyers may have had improper secret communication 10/18/2024

Butterfly tattoo helps cops track down shoplifting suspect who fled Fla. Walmart 10/19/2024

Threat made against Clearfield Pa. Walmart under investigation 10/21/2024

Ga. Walmart employees arrested after allegedly firing shots in store parking lot, Newton County deputies say 10/23/2024

ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) - Two employees of a Walmart in Newton County were arrested after allegedly firing shots during an argument in the store parking lot Wednesday, according to the sheriff’s office.

Newton County deputies said they responded to shots fired in the parking lot of the Walmart on Salem Road in the Covington area.

The sheriff’s office said it was an isolated incident involving an altercation between two Walmart employees, resulting in no injuries.

Deputies arrested 42-year-old Eric Webb and 47-year-old Howard Williams, both of Covington, on charges of aggravated assault, reckless conduct, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. Complete article

LPSO: Two injured after altercation, stabbing at La. Walmart parking lot in Watson 10/23/2024

WATSON - Two people were injured after an altercation took place at a Walmart parking lot Wednesday evening, according to the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office.

LPSO says a 51-year-old and 25-year-old who knew each other were involved in a physical altercation in a Walmart parking lot. When police arrived, one was suffering from a stab wound to the abdomen while the other suffered a laceration to the head.

Both males are receiving medical care. No information on their status is available. Charges are forthcoming after detectives complete their investigation. Complete article

Former Ohio Walmart employee pees on 72 bags of potting mix 10/24/2024

BOARDMAN, Ohio (WKBN) — A store in Boardman, Ohio is out $400 worth of potting mix after a former employee urinated on the products, according to police reports.

Boardman police were called to the Walmart at 1300 Doral Drive around 3:50 p.m. Tuesday for reports that a former employee was urinating on products for sale outside the business.

Reports state the suspect was still in the area when police arrived and admitted to officers that he had been drinking earlier in the day and had urinated behind a pallet of potting mix. Complete article

Woman reportedly hit by car in Springfield Tenn. Walmart parking lot 10/24/2024

SPRINGFIELD, Tenn. (WSMV) - A Springfield woman is recovering after she was hit by a car outside Walmart on Wednesday afternoon.

According to Smokey Barn News, Springfield Police officers and emergency medics were called to the Walmart on Tom Austin Highway around 4:15 p.m.

The woman was initially found unconscious but later responded and was transported to TriStar Skyline Medical Center, Smokey Barn reported. Her family was on hand to accompany her to the hospital. Complete article

Walmart ordered to pay millions for disposing of toxic, medical waste at local landfills 10/22/2024

The world’s most profitable retailer has been ordered to pay approximately $7.5 million in penalties for violating environmental regulations regarding the disposal of toxic and medical waste.

Walmart has agreed to pay civil penalties and costs to settle a lawsuit filed by the California Attorney General’s Office, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and District Attorneys from 12 counties.

The settlement was agreed to on Tuesday and is expected to soon be signed by a judge in Alameda County.

The lawsuit stemmed from allegations that Walmart improperly disposed of hazardous waste and medical waste at more than 300 of its California stores and distribution centers.

Dozens of statewide audits conducted from 2015 to 2021 found that Walmart illegally disposed of the sensitive waste in regular trash bins and then took those bins to local landfills not equipped to handle the materials. Regulators said the retail giant was legally required to store, transport and dispose of the hazardous waste exclusively at facilities approved to handle it.

The hazardous waste included toxic aerosols and liquid wastes like spray paints, rust removers, bleach and pesticides. Medical waste, including over-the counter drugs, were among the products improperly disposed of at the unapproved facilities. Complete article

‘LEAVE ME ALONE’: Walmart worker blasts customers who ask for items in the electronics section 10/23/2024

‘I say that’s not my department and they leave me alone.’

A Walmart worker is absolutely fed up of shoppers in the electronics section.

In a comedic, viral TikTok video uploaded by None (@demarkusturner1) that has been viewed over 62,100 times, the influencer fired back at customers.

The clip is short, but gets its message across effectively.

No help in electronics

“POV: when a customer ask you to get someone for them in electronics,” text overlaid on the clip read.

The video opens on a shot of a man wearing a Walmart vest. He appears to be stocking food in an aisle of the store.

“Excuse me, can you record me real quick?” a voice in the audio asked.

The man responded to it as if it were a customer at the store.

“Umhuh, get somebody else to do it,” the man responded. Complete article

‘I wasted her time’: Walmart shopper says floorwalker followed her around store for 3 hours. Then she got to checkout station 10/22/2024

‘We’ve got to stop running into each other like this.’

A Walmart shopper claims the store ended up wasting three hours of an employee’s time by having them follow her around.

Major retailers like Target and Walmart are alleged to have “secret shoppers.” They are also known as floor walkers or loss and prevention workers. And they roam around the stores trying to catch or deter thieves. While Walmart claims it doesn’t employ “secret shoppers,” many customers and employees have spoken out about the practice and their encounters with secret shoppers.

But this alleged secret shopper chose the wrong person to follow. That’s according to a viral video by customer @goofywitch666 that has more than 600,000 views.

Secret shopper gone wrong

“I wasted her [expletive] time for like three hours,” @goofywitch666 says. Complete article

Sam’s Club Executive to Exit Due to Walmart Relocation Policy 10/21/2024 Cheryl Ainoa, chief technology officer of Sam’s Club, is declining to move to Bentonville, Arkansas, due to personal reasons, the people said. She’s departing the company after nearly five years.

Two From Elkhart Arrested For Allegedly Stealing Items From Warsaw Ind. Walmart 10/21/2024

'He would love it': Family of man killed at Northland Missouri Walmart last Aug. continues special Halloween tradition 10/21/2024

Killeen Tx. police searching for man seen stealing from Walmart who left backpack, bike at the scene 10/18/2024

‘Walmart will fire you for that’: Woman reveals how she gets paid $45 an hour to work at Walmart 10/22/2024 A Walmart worker claims that she’s gamed the system to be making $45 an hour. But the math isn’t quite adding up.

Family of slain teen demands max sentence for accused Ga. Walmart murderer, his girlfriend 10/21/2024 March 2024 suspect was a Walmart employee

Fla. Walmart shoplifting suspect nabbed with $400 worth of stolen clothes in cart 10/23/2024

Dinwiddie man arrested for alleged sexual battery at Colonial Heights Va. Walmart 10/24/2024

COLONIAL HEIGHTS, Va. (WRIC) — A 32-year-old Dinwiddie County man has been arrested and charged with attempted abduction and sexual battery after police said he assaulted multiple people at a Walmart in Colonial Heights.

According to the Colonial Heights Police Department, on Aug. 28, a woman reported that she was at a Walmart located at 671 Southpark Boulevard with her daughter when an unknown man grabbed her daughter’s neck and buttocks. The man could not be found by the officers.

Around a month later, on Sept. 26, a second woman reported that, while inside of the Walmart, she was approached by a man who indicated that he had a knife, covered her months and slapped her buttocks. The woman was able to break free and the man left the store heading in an unknown direction.

Around a month after the second incident, on Oct. 22, A Colonial Heights Sheriff’s deputy saw a man matching the description of the suspect at the Colonial Heights Courthouse for an unrelated traffic offense.

Colonial Heights Police detectives responded to the courthouse and arrested the man, identified as 32-year-old Abner Anderson Burke of the Ford area of Dinwiddie County, and charged him with attempted abduction, two counts of aggravated sexual battery and two counts of assault and battery. Complete article

Truck hits 81-year-old man in Cleveland Tenn. Walmart parking lot Thursday 10/25/2024

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — A 43-year-old woman behind the wheel of a truck hit and seriously injured an 81-year-old man in the parking lot of the Walmart Supercenter in Cleveland Thursday afternoon, police say.

A release from Cleveland Police says the incident happened at about 4:30 p.m. at the Supercenter on Treasury Drive.

A LifeForce helicopter flew the man to a nearby hospital. Police said Friday morning that they did not know the man's current condition.

The driver of the truck wasn't hurt, according to the release, which concludes "This crash is still under investigation." Complete article

Police seek identity of man who placed skimmer at East Stroudsburg Pa. Walmart 10/25/2024

EAST STROUDSBURG, Pa. (WOLF) — A skimmer device was found at a Walmart in Monroe County.

The Stroud Area Regional Police Department were called to the Walmart located on Lincoln Avenue in East Stroudsburg after a skimmer device was located on on of the cash registers Friday morning..

After an investigation by police and with the help of Loss Prevention at Walmart. it was discovered a mancame into the store on Thursday, October 24 at approximately 11:00 AM and placed the skimming device on one of the cash registers to obtain the customer's credit/debit card information. Complete article

Suspicious bank account activity prompts investigations from Walmart and Regions Bank 10/24/2024

HAZELWOOD, Mo. – It’s not unusual for Shelly Singleton to scroll through Walmart’s website and place an order. But when she got a text message from her bank asking her about a $58 charge from the site, she was suspicious.

“I went to my bank account first to see what they are talking about. I noticed five charges of $61.81,” she said.

Seeing what appeared to be even more serious unauthorized charges on her account, Singleton immediately called Regions Bank. ....

She went to her local Regions branch to share her concerns.

“He couldn’t explain why it was, so he immediately did the fraud charters on everything. But he also told me that at least 30 other customers had come in…from last week up to the date with the same issue with,” said Singleton. Complete article

Pace veteran claims innocence, misunderstanding in Pensacola Fla. Walmart grand theft arrest 10/24/2024

PENSACOLA, Fla. -- A combat veteran in Santa Rosa County says he’s been wrongfully accused of felony grand theft after returning a computer to a Pensacola Walmart.

Brent Shavnore, 35, of Pace, says he bought a gaming computer from Walmart in September -- and when he opened the package, the product was not what he paid for.

He's now facing charges of grand theft after Pensacola Police says he took parts out of the computer. ......

On the morning of Sept. 28, Shavnore purchased a gaming computer along with other equipment from the Walmart on Creighton Road in Pensacola.

He says after returning home and opening the box, he knew immediately something was off with the PC. He says the glass case advertised was actually plastic and the inside was nearly gutted.

"I went directly back to the store, told them what happened and that this wasn't the right machine," Shavnore told WEAR News. "It looks like a $600 computer in a $1,700 box. I explained to the Walmart associate that it was missing components -- and I started listing components -- and she basically said, 'It doesn't work?' 'No it's not the right computer. It's not what was advertised.' So she called the manager, I showed my drivers license with the credit card I used, they accepted the return. Done deal. No questions asked."

The receipt shows Shavnore returned the PC just two hours after purchase.

Three weeks later, he was charged with grand theft. Complete article

3 convicted of federal murder-for-hire conspiracy involving shootings at 2 Mobile Alabama clubs, Walmart in Dec. 2022 10/25/2024

Three people were convicted by a federal Alabama jury of murder-for-hire conspiracy and other charges involving shootings at two Mobile nightclubs and a Walmart two years ago, federal prosecutors said Friday.

The conspiracy, which did not kill the intended target but left several injured, including one person who was paralyzed, was orchestrated as retaliation for a previous killing, said Sean Costello, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama.

After a three-week trial, the jury in Mobile convicted John Fitzgerald McCarroll, Jr., 30, Darrius Dwayne Rowser, 20, and Lyteria Isheeia Hollis, 30, all of Mobile, on charges of murder-for-hire conspiracy, murder for hire, a carjacking conspiracy, interstate transportation of a stolen vehicle, evidence tampering, and witness tampering.

Under federal law, each defendant faces a mandatory life sentence.

Court documents and evidence that included text messages, social media, financial records and surveillance video showed McCarroll, helped by Hollis and others, directed payments to the would-be assassins, including Rowser and others, to carry out the intended murder. Complete article

Zebulon couple frustrated after grocery order stolen from Walmart 10/26/2024

While the couple said the driver stole their Walmart grocery order, the company said it was the fault of a third-party delivery service.

A Zebulon couple told WRAL News Friday a delivery driver stole their groceries from Walmart before they reached their porch.

The couple said they got a photo of their front door from the Uber Eats driver, but their groceries were missing.

“As soon as we got the notification, we came to the door to grab them, and they weren’t there,” said Spencer Kerstein.

Kerstein said he tried contacting the driver through the phone number associated with the order, but no one answered.

Kerstein said the driver drove off with more than $100 worth of groceries. Complete article

Walmart Shopper Saw An Employee Putting Frozen Shrimp In A Fresh Seafood Display Case 10/25/2024

I knew it!

I’ve had a theory for years that the “fresh” seafood we see in a lot of grocery stores isn’t fresh at all…

And this video confirms my theory!

A TikTokker posted a video from a Walmart store and showed viewers that things might not be as advertised…

The shopper filmed a Walmart employee stocking a display in the supposedly “fresh” seafood section with frozen shrimp. Complete article

El Paso Tx. Walmart mass shooting victim brought gun to courthouse last year, records show 10/23/2024

Augusta Maine Walmart evacuated after another bomb threat – the 4th this year 10/24/2024 So far this year city police have responded to six bomb threats citywide, four of them at Walmart. Lloyd said the scares at Walmart were in April, June, September, and now October.

March 2024 Shooting outside Brown Deer Wisc. Walmart, man gets probation 10/23/2024

Pa. Walmart theft alleged 10/24/2024

Amsterdam NY Walmart donates bike stolen from store 10/24/2024

Officer that shot and killed man in North Spokane Wash. Walmart will not face charges 10/25/2024

Police: No threat to the public after presence at Fountain Colorado Walmart 10/27/2024

FOUNTAIN, Colo. (KKTV) - A Fountain Walmart is back open and police said there is no threat to the public.

Several 11 News viewers reported a large police presence at the Walmart in Fountain. Police told 11 News it all stemmed from someone having a mental health crisis.

They said the store was on lockdown for the safety of the customers inside, and that the person in question was eventually treated by medical personnel.

So far, they said there have been no reported injuries to anyone and the Walmart was able to open back up. Complete article

Two Arrested Following Disturbance Near Murfreesboro Tenn. Walmart 10/26/2024

MURFREESBORO, TN – A situation escalated Saturday evening near the Walmart on S. Rutherford Boulevard, requiring the intervention of Murfreesboro Police. Authorities responded to the scene around 6 p.m. after receiving reports of a fight in progress at 2804 S. Rutherford Boulevard, which is a restaurant..

Upon arrival, officers attempted to manage the crowd and restore order. However, the incident took a further turn, resulting in two individuals being taken into custody. According to reports, one male suspect was arrested for disorderly conduct. Meanwhile, a female was also detained, facing charges for resisting arrest.

Details surrounding the cause of the initial confrontation remain unclear, but witnesses reported tensions rising as officers worked to disperse the crowd. Complete article

Drunken Rome Man Jailed After Trying to Start Fight at Ga. Walmart 10/27/2024

A drunken 33 year-old Rome man, Tony Alan George, was arrested this week after causing a disturbance at the West Rome Walmart.

Reports said that George attempted to fight another individual before fleeing the scene.

Officers said that he was found a short time later nearby in his vehicle. They stated that George was also found with an opened alcoholic beverage. Complete article

Kroger and Walmart Deny ‘Surge Pricing’ After Adopting Digital Price Tags 10/23/2024

Some members of Congress have expressed concerns that stores will monitor customers and raise prices. Business experts say the technology has not raised customers’ grocery bills.

Members of Congress are raising the alarm about new technology at supermarkets: They say Kroger and other major grocery stores are implementing digital price tags that could allow for dynamic pricing, meaning the sticker price on items like eggs and milk could change regularly.

They also claim data from facial recognition technology at Kroger could be considered in pricing decisions.

Kroger denied the claims, saying it has no plans to implement dynamic pricing or use facial recognition software. Walmart also said it had no plans for dynamic pricing, and that facial recognition was not being used to affect pricing, but the company did not specify whether the tool was being used for other purposes.

Both Walmart, which has 4,606 U.S. stores, and Kroger, which has nearly 2,800 U.S. stores, also suggested that the effects of digital price tags are being exaggerated, and economic experts say that most grocery bills won’t be higher as a result of the tags. Still, data privacy experts have concerns about new technology being implemented at grocery stores broadly. Complete article

BAD APPLE Walmart shopper leaves ‘whole cart at register’ after being denied payment method – and retailer has no plans to change 10/28/2024

The disgruntled customer is not the first to complain about the issue.

A WALMART shopper has told how they left an entire cart of groceries at the register because they couldn't use Apple Pay.

Unlike a number of its rivals, Walmart doesn't offer the popular payment method - sparking fury among customers who rely on it.

One shopper has dubbed the matter "so annoying," admitting she had to leave her entire cart of groceries at the checkout.

"Walmart not having Apple Pay is so annoying," the customer fumed on X.

"I just left my whole cart at the register." Complete article

Salem Mass. brush fire behind Walmart: No need for evacuations as firefighters battle flames, smoke 10/27/2024

The flames seemed to be concentrated in a wooded area behind a Walmart between Highland Avenue and Spring Pond, near the Lynn city line.

A large brush fire is burning in Salem and Lynn, Massachusetts, Sunday morning, after sparking visible fire in the woods late Saturday.

There is no immediate need for any evacuations, Fire Chief Alan Dionne said Sunday, but he didn't anticipate the fire being put out anytime soon.

The fire was burning off Highland Avenue, behind a Walmart store. Flames could be seen in the woods, and it sent smoke into the area.

"The brushfire has been smoldering for the past day creating smoky conditions in the surrounding area," the city said Sunday morning. Complete article

Man gets prison time for Arizona Walmart theft 10/25/2024 A Prescott Valley man will spend over two years behind bars after authorities say he stole more than $1,000 in jewelry from a Walmart store.

East Noble teacher arrested for allegedly stealing over $1,000 of Ind. Walmart merchandise 10/25/2024 According to police, Mettert had failed to pay for miscellaneous grocery items on over 15 separate occasions between June 1 and Aug. 25. A Walmart Asset Protection Associate told police that Mettert used a self-checkout scanner and didn’t scan the items’ barcodes during the incidents.

Woman Banned from Walmart Arrested for Burglary, Theft in Paragould Arkansas 10/25/2024

Leesburg woman allegedly steals Fla. Walmart shopping cart loaded with candy and energy drinks 10/25/2024 Casey could be seen crossing U.S. Highway 27 with the shopping cart. The employee advised that she was unsure of what all the items were in the shopping cart but was able to identify eight Monster energy drinks worth $16.96, three bags of Twizzlers worth $7.74 and a Walmart shopping cart worth $742.56 for a total of $767.26. She could not verify the other items that were stolen in the shopping cart, the report said.

Grand jury indicts carjacking suspect shot by LMPD officer outside Ky. Walmart last Aug. 10/26/2024

Police: Suspect pepper sprays officer leading to officer-involved shooting in NC 10/29/2024

The department said the shooting took place in a Walmart parking lot.

WEAVERVILLE, N.C. (FOX Carolina) - The Weaverville Police Department said an investigation is underway after an officer-involved shooting took place in the parking lot of a Walmart on Monday.

According to the department, at approximately 9:20 p.m., officers were conducting a crime prevention details at the Walmart located at 25 Northridge Commons Parkway when they witnessed a man being pursued in the parking lot by Walmart asset protection personnel.

Police said as the officer tried to detain the man, who was suspected of theft from the store, the suspect assaulted the officer and sprayed them with pepper spray. In response to the assault, the officer fired his gun, which hit the suspect.

Officials stated the suspect, who sustained non-life threatening injuries, was taken into custody and transported to Mission Hospital for treatment. The officer was also treated at the hospital for injuries and has since been released. Complete article

Three arrested after ramming police cruiser in Walmart parking lot in West Haven Conn. 10/28/2024

West Haven police have arrested two minors and an 18-year-old man after ramming a police cruiser in a Walmart parking lot over the weekend.

Police said three young men were driving in a stolen Hyundai from Middletown with ski masks when an off-duty officer noticed them.

Officers were notified and when they arrived, the driver tried to escape and rammed into a police cruiser, according to police.

Authorities said the young men then ran and were chased down, where a loaded gun was then found on one of the minors. Complete article

Man accused of starting fire at Laurinburg NC Walmart; no injuries reported 10/28/2024

LAURINBURG, N.C. (WBTW) — A 34-year-old man is facing charges after a two-alarm fire Monday morning inside the Walmart Supercenter store on Highway 401 in Laurinburg, authorities said.

John Willie Lewis of Wagram, North Carolina, was charged with burning a commercial structure while occupied. Police said an investigation showed him setting multiple fires inside the store. Lewis was found at his residence and arrested without incident.

Laurinburg firefighters were called out at about 10:30 a.m., Laurinburg Fire Chief Jordan McQueen said. The store remains closed, and it’s unclear when it will reopen. Complete article

Orange County Va. Walmart employee in hospital after authorities say customer assaulted them 10/28/2024

ORANGE COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — A 35-year-old Orange County man is accused of attacking a Walmart employee while they were loading groceries into his vehicle, putting them in the hospital.

On Friday, Oct. 25, a deputy with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office was called to the Walmart in the Locust Grove area for report of an employee assault.

When he arrived, the deputy learned that a male suspect had allegedly attacked the unidentified employee while they were putting groceries into the suspect’s vehicle. According to the sheriff’s office, the employee was taken to a local hospital for treatment of their injuries. Complete article

Pikeville Ky. Police Arrest Woman for Shoplifting at Walmart 10/29/2024

Police in Pikeville were investigating a complaint that 64-year-old Lori Fields was shoplifting at Walmart.

When she was being detained, she was accused of fighting with officers and biting one officer on the hand drawing blood.

While she was being searched, police reportedly found several different drugs, scales, and $272 in cash. Complete article

Second Walmart class action claims avocado oil contains other many other oils 10/29/2024

A new class action alleges that Walmart sells Great Value brand avocado oil that is “impure” due to the fact it contains other, cheaper oils.

Plaintiff Shana Denny filed the class action complaint against Walmart Inc. on Oct. 23 in a Florida federal court, alleging violations of state and federal consumer laws.

According to the Walmart class action lawsuit, the retail giant misled consumers by falsely labeling its “Great Value” avocado oil as pure. Dennt says Walmart’s avocado oil product, which features avocados prominently on its label and lists avocado oil as the only ingredient, was found through testing to contain a blend of other, cheaper oils. Complete article

Did Walmart and Aldi Announce Return to 'Trump-Era Prices' for Thanksgiving 2024? 10/25/2024 The food retail giants announced "pre-inflation" discounts on Thanksgiving meal items; Trump's name was not mentioned.

Does this man look familiar? Authorities seek man who stole from Ga. Walmart using fake cash 10/26/2024

Hudson NH police seek public’s help identifying Walmart incident suspects 10/27/2024

Double Bad Parking as two cars park in golf cart spaces at Fla. Walmart 10/2/2024

Independence Missouri police investigating crash, shooting near popular shopping center and Walmart 10/29/2024

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. — The Independence, Missouri, Police Department is investigating a crash and shooting after an incident near a busy shopping area midday Tuesday.

A spokesperson for IPD said officers were dispatched to the area of U.S. 40 Highway near Sterling Avenue to investigate a crash at noon.

While on the way to the scene, dispatch was notified of a possible victim with a gunshot wound.

Police said a man was rushed to an area hospital for treatment. Kansas City police, who were also called to the scene, said the man suffered non-life threatening injuries.

Video captured by KMBC 9 News on the scene shows a large police presence near the Blue Ridge Crossing shopping center just off of 40 Highway. Complete article

TikToker mom vanished after going to Ga. Walmart and sending final cryptic text to her fiance. Now her body has been found 10/30/2024

Minelys Zoe Rodriguez-Ramirez, 25, was last heard from on the night of October 22 when she said she was going to a Walmart in Cornelia ‘to sell someone a photo’

A TikToker who vanished after going to a Walmart store in Georgia has now been found dead, with a 24-year-old man now facing murder charges in the case.

Minelys Zoe Rodriguez-Ramirez, 25, was last heard from on the night of October 22 when she said she was going to a Walmart in Cornelia “to sell someone a photo,” her mom told Now Habersham.

The next morning, her fiance Julio Tovor woke up and realized Rodriguez-Ramirez – known as “Mimi” – had not returned home, the outlet reported.

A final, cryptic text had allegedly been sent from her cellphone to Tovor at around 9.30pm that night.

Tovor said that the message did not sound like Rodriguez-Ramirez. “I am waiting for the brother to pick him up,” it read.

“It didn’t make sense. She doesn’t talk like that,” Tovor told Now Habersham. Complete article

Family of 25-year-old TikTok influencer found dead believes accused killer didn't act alone 10/31/2024 Police found Mimi's car near a store where she once worked, at a Walmart off Furniture Drive in Habersham County.

Portland man accused of ramming Tigard police cars in Oregon Walmart parking lot 10/29/2024

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A Portland man was arrested days after a chaotic scene unfolded in a Walmart parking lot in Tigard last week, authorities said.

Richard Wilson, 47, is accused of ramming several police cars during a stolen vehicle investigation, Tigard police said. He now faces 20 charges.

The Tigard Police Department also released a video showing the perspective of multiple officers wearing body cameras during the incident on Oct. 24 just after 10 a.m. at the Walmart parking lot at 7800 SW Dartmouth Street.

The video shows multiple police cars attempting to block a vehicle. The car then rams the police cars in front of it, then backs up over a curb, hitting a fire hydrant as some officers who are on foot move out of the vehicle’s path to avoid getting hit. Complete article

Dickson County trio arrested after shoplifting incident at Mt. Juliet Tenn. Walmart 10/30/2024

Three people from Dickson County were arrested last week in Mt. Juliet after an alleged shoplifting incident at Walmart led to a brief police pursuit.

Christopher Woodfin, 44, of White Bluff, was taken into custody along with Rebecca Rogers, 44, of Bon Aqua and Amanda Hollis, 41, of Dickson, on the evening of Sunday, Dec. 20.

The Mt. Juliet Police Department said officers responded to Walmart, where the trio allegedly “attempted to steal a large amount of merchandise,” shortly before 5:45 p.m.

While fleeing the store, one suspect allegedly assaulted an employee before the trio left the scene in a vehicle, according to officials.

According to an arrest report, police located the car as it headed towards Interstate 40 West. Officers deployed spike strips, which disabled the vehicle near mile marker 225. Complete article

La. Walmart smash and grab burglars caught on camera 10/29/2024

PORT ALLEN, La. (WAFB) - Photos released by the West Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office show a glimpse of surveillance video captured during a reported electronics heist.

Investigators say the crime took place Friday, Oct. 25 at the Port Allen Walmart after-hours. The suspected burglars reportedly broke the glass on multiple electronic display cases, stealing several thousand dollars worth of merchandise.

The unidentified people in the surveillance are wearing masks concealing most of their faces. One person appeared to be wearing a Walmart employee vest.

WBRSO detectives hope you can help them identify the people in the photos and the getaway car. Complete article

Twin Falls Idaho Walmart evacuated after small fire 10/30/2024

TWIN FALLS — Walmart was evacuated for a short time Tuesday afternoon after a fire in the store’s deli.

The Twin Falls Fire Department received the call at 3:23 p.m. and upon entering the store, firefighters found that an employee had put out the fire using a fire extinguisher and kitchen hood fire suppression system, said Battalion Chief Aaron Hudson.

The fire was contained to the deli's fryer area, he said.

Walmart employees had begun to evacuate the building, and the evacuation continued so the building could be ventilated. Complete article

‘I was going to give my 2-year-old that’: Woman buys Quaker oatmeal at Walmart. Then she finds something unexpected inside 10/30/2024

An enraged Walmart customer has gone viral after finding an unwelcome surprise in her Quaker oatmeal.

In the TikTok, which has amassed 194,600 views, Queen Santiago (@queen.santiago) said, “Don’t buy anything else from Walmart. I’m about to show you guys why.” She then showed viewers inside the oatmeal packet, which featured a moth. “I was going to give my daughter that,” she added. “Yeah, I was going to give my two-year-old that.”

The TikToker didn’t immediately respond to the Daily Dot’s request for comment via TikTok comment. Quaker didn’t immediately respond to the Daily Dot’s request for comment via email.

Is Walmart to blame?

Naturally, commenters were pretty horrified by the discovery. “Just disgusting,” one wrote. “I don’t understand why people still shop at Walmart,” another added. However, many other commenters questioned whether it was actually Walmart’s fault. Complete article

Man shot by officer at Outer Loop Ky. Walmart last Aug. pleads not guilty to carjacking, other charges 10/29/2024

Man arrested for alleged trespassing, assault at Arnold Missouri Walmart 10/2/2024

Walmart plans to put ammo back on the shelf after pausing sales because of new Mass. gun law 10/29/2024

Deputies trying to identify two people involved in Port Allen La. Walmart burglary 10/29/2024

Overland Park man arrested in Hays Kansas for alleged Walmart thefts 10/29/2024

Man sentenced to 120 days in jail, 3 years probation for assault outside Lakeville Minn. Walmart in Nov. 2023 10/30/2024

Yukon police seek suspect in Okla. Walmart cash theft, victim loses money at checkout 10/30/2024

Trio nabbed with nearly $2,000 in merchandise from Fla. Walmart in The Villages 10/31/2024

Windsor Heights Iowa police looking for suspect accused of robbery 10/31/2024

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — A metro high school instituted cautionary measures Wednesday afternoon after a robbery was reported at a nearby Walmart.

The Windsor Heights Police Department says two people were meeting inside the Walmart on 73rd Street to exchange a cell phone after they agreed to a transaction on Facebook Marketplace. When they met in the store, the buyer displayed a gun in his waistband, took the phone and left in a vehicle, police say.

On Thursday, Windsor Heights police posted surveillance photos of the suspect. Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to contact Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa or email Windsor Heights police at Complete article

Colorado family sues Adams County Colorado deputy after Walmart parking lot assault 10/31/2024

A Thornton woman filed a civil rights lawsuit against an Adams County Sheriff’s deputy this month after he attacked her and her family in a Walmart parking lot while off duty last year, according to court records.

Linda Hurley is suing Adams County Sheriff’s Deputy Ezekiel Spotts for violating her and her family’s Fourth Amendment protections against excessive force and unlawful seizures, according to the lawsuit. She’s also suing the county itself for failing to properly hire, investigate, train, supervise and discipline its deputies.

The lawsuit, filed on Oct. 24 in U.S. District Court of Colorado, is asking for compensation for Hurley’s legal fees, economic damages from being unable to work, pain and suffering, emotional distress, impairment of quality of life and all “reasonable and necessary” medical expenses.

Hurley suffered a fractured skull, brain bleed, concussion and broken nose from Spotts’ attack, as well as soft-tissue damage across her body including her face, abdomen and left foot, according to the lawsuit. Complete article

Crews extinguish RV fire at Rimrock Colorado Walmart parking lot 10/30/2024

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KREX) – The Grand Junction Fire Department was on the scene early Wednesday morning to put out an RV on fire.

Around 5:30 a.m., crews found the RV fully engulfed in the Rimrock Walmart parking lot. The occupant was evacuated and asked someone close by to call 911.

The fire department extinguished the fire. The American Red Cross is helping the RV occupant.

No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Complete article

Hearing on alleged prosecutorial misconduct in Tx. Walmart capital murder case began today 10/31/2024

2 arrested for theft at Ohio Walmart 10/31/2024

Teen paralyzed after being shot at Goddard Kansas Walmart last May speaks after hearing 10/31/2024

Shoplifting suspect tries to flee Walmart with backpack full of food and jewelry 10/31/2024

Teen arrested after allegedly robbing victim of $6 in Va. Walmart parking lot 10/30/2024

‘It doesn’t fit’: Walmart shopper buys 98-inch Roku TV. Then they take it home 10/31/2024

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