Saturday, September 28, 2024
Do Campaign Donors Have A Right To Rob & Kill Non-Donors?
Officially, of course, donating to a political campaign isn't supposed to give you the right to commit murder or theft; but in practice, there's no doubt that politicians rig everything heavily in favor of their campaign donors, and it's not too hard to find many examples where campaign donors get away with massive fraud, negligent or intentional mass murder, and now, even ethnic cleansing or genocide, as well as ecocide, which has actually been going on for decades, although since the planet is so large, it could take decades longer to complete the ecocide.
This pattern of behavior isn't limited to the war in Gaza, or many other wars based on lies, which are supported by campaign donors who profit from the. It also includes many other policies that cause the deaths of thousands more, even if they aren't intentional, including depriving people of affordable health care to ensure insurance companies make massive profits, even when a large majority of the public supports Medicare for All. Not only are there many polls including Seventy percent of Americans support ‘Medicare for all’ in new poll 08/23/2018 but there are also many studies showing that Medicare For All saves billions of dollars and thousands of lives every year, including Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study 02/18/2020 and 22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money 02/24/2020, which shows that even conservative researchers admit it would save billions of dollars, although they don't admit to quite as large a savings.
Why isn't this considered negligent mass murder?
Because that would implicate those controlling the government and the campaign donors they sell out to?
This problem isn't limited to Medicare For All, which would save thousands of lives every year, but also includes many other issues, including worker safety, automobile safety, airplane safety, and much more, with perhaps the next biggest issue being massive amounts of pollution around the world, especially in third world countries, but also including many abandoned inner cities or other badly polluted sacrifice zones where corporations profit by dumping massive amounts of toxic sludge without accountability, but poor people, who often don't have fair access to health care get sick and die. So-called sacrifice zones aren't limited to sacrifice for massive amounts of pollution, but often the same sacrifice zones also have little access to education or good job opportunities, which also leads to many other social problems, including crime, which also costs many lives.
And, of course, it also applies to wars based on lies which have been going on for decades; as I said, it's not limited to the War in Gaza, and would include most if not all wars going back over a hundred years, but few of these wars are as obvious as the one in Gaza, assuming we don't rely on the mainstream media for information about the history or current events of this War. In numerous past articles about this subject I pointed out the censored history of the establishment of a false history that mainstream media has been promoting, and even included a long bibliography of it. This shows the real history isn't hidden at all; but it is totally ignored by mainstream media and politicians who use the lies to make political decisions; however many of the protesters are almost certainly much better informed than the majority of the public.
Most people think Israel was created as a result of the Holocaust; but this is only part of the story, and it's partly false. The planning for the creation of Israel began at least forty-five years before the Holocaust began, and those planning it, who were a small fringe minority at the time, were doing so in response to European Pogroms agasint Jews, but these Pogroms weren't the fault of the Palestinians any more than the Holocaust was the fault of the Palestinians.
A lot of what I'm describing here is supported in my Bibliography of Books on Israel history & Credible Alternative News Outlets, with most of the books and all of my previous articles available free. The leader of the modern Zionist movement is widely recognized to be Theodor Herzl, who died in 1904, 44 years before the creation of Israel, but he began or escalated the planning process for the creation of Israel, and he did so by trying to negotiate with European powers who didn't actually live in Palestine or, in most cases, even even rule over Palestine, he certainly didn't do much if anything to negotiate with the Palestinians who actually lived there, nor did his followers who continued efforts to advance Zionism after he died. According to Avi Shlaim, author of "The Iron Wall," he met with high officials in the English, German, Italian, and Ottoman governments, as well as the Vatican. According to Benny Morris his meeting with the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire was only arranged with the help of a bribe, and it didn't go well, he was told that the Sultan wouldn't allow massive immigration and that the Jews trying to buy land should keep their money.
Shlaim explains that Herzl offered promises that appealed to several of these European powers, including a second home for Germans, a colony for Britain, and bringing in money or capital to the Sultan, which of course, he declined, with no concern about the interests of the Palestinians. At the beginning of his book "Hundred Years' War on Palestine" Rashid Khalidi explains that the brother of one of his ancestors wrote a letter to Theodor Herzl trying to be sympathetic and diplomatic, but in the end asking him to leave Palestine alone. Herzl responded quickly, but he didn't adequately address any of the legitimate issues in Khalidi's letter, instead making some condescending promises that could never be kept if Zionism advanced, and Rashid Khalidi explains that in the 120 years since that exchange many people, apparently including Benny Morris, took this out of context to falsely imply that Khalidi was sympathetic to the Zionist cause.
During World War I the British made promises to both the Zionists and the Arabs, as well as the French, but these promises were contradictory and they knew they couldn't keep them all. They wanted support against the Ottoman Empire of course, and got a modest amount from both the Zionists and Arabs in the second half of the war, but, even though it wasn't a decisive factor, the Arabs almost certainly provided more help due to their larger numbers in the area, yet the British broke promises to them instead keeping promises to the Zionists, which are known as the Balfour Declaration. Immediately after the War the Arabs began preparing to govern themselves and the most popular form of government was what they called a Constitutional Monarchy and they were planning to name Prince Faisal as king of Greater Syria, which would have included Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine.
This is explained in "How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs: The Syrian Congress of 1920 and the Destruction of its Historic Liberal-Islamic Alliance" 2020 by Elizabeth F. Thompson, which is a very good book despite the fact that the title is a little misleading. It wasn't a true Democracy they were planning, but it had far more popular support among the Arab people and it was much closer to democracy than the European Colonialism that was forced on them. The Zionists opposed this because they knew they wouldn't be able to Colonize Palestine, but, in all fairness, these decisions were made primarily by France and Britain, for their own greedy purposes, but the opposition to the more popular government shows that Zionist support for democracy was only when they were able to expel Arabs and create a Jewish majority, which is highly undemocratic, especially since they did this by a combination of force and trickery, taking advantage of well armed Colonialist powers. The plan for Greater Syria was blocked, not by Democratic means, but by a French invasion, enabling European powers to have a major advantage overruling the will of the people in the Middle East.
In an essay written in 1923 by Vladimir Jabotinsky, another leader of the Zionist movement, Jabotinsky admits they will never get the cooperation of the Palestinians and must instead negotiate with a Colonizing power, which at that time was Great Britain. He also admits their plan was a Colonization effort, and without the consent of the local people, it was clearly undemocratic. At least two other authors also expanded on this plan using the same name for their books, including Avi Shlaim, who I already mentioned. Many people involved in the Colonizing effort admitted they never consulted with the Arabs for their plans, including the King-Crane Commission and both Ramsay McDonald, the British Prime Minister in 1925 and again from 1929-35, and his son Malcolm McDonald. Ramsay McDonald admitted this in an article written in 1922, before he became Prime Minister, and his son also admitted this at a Parliamentary discussion in 1938, both that I covered in a previous article.
Even before the Nakba that happened in 1948 the Zionists started a pattern of behavior where they never respected the will of the Palestinian people, and after the Balfour Declaration, and later the Transfer Agreement, they increased Jewish immigration with the clear intention of taking over the country, and turning it into a Jewish state. By this time it wasn't a secret to the people in the area, since they published plenty of information about the subject, including Herzl's pamphlet "The Jewish State" in 1896. By the 1920s tensions between the Jews and Arabs began to steadily increase because it was clear the Jews intended to steal land and force Arabs out of their country, and there was a lot of evidence that the British favored the Jews on this issue. However, modern media and traditional education practically never report this history, so most people have forgotten it, or never heard it in the first place.
Conflicts escalated from here, with some small conflicts in the 1920s plus the 1929 Hebron Massacre and escalated even more in the 1930s, especially after the Arab uprising from 1936-9, but it's clear that it was the Arabs were the ones that were defending their own land all along and that both the Jews and British were foreign invaders, breaking promises and stealing land. Some of the massacres were partly, if not entirely, the fault of the Arabs, like the 1929 Hebron Massacre, but even those were instigated by the Zionists, since they had good reason to know the Zionists were planning to steal their land even then. But when the uprising of 1936-9 began it was the British that did the most to put it down, depriving Palestinians of weapons or the ability to defend themselves, at the same time that Zionist terrorism was increasing as part of an obvious effort to steal land.
Then, of course, in 1948 the terrorism escalated much more with the Nakba which killed 15,000 Palestinians and terrorized many more, expelling 750,000 more people with the use of terror; but since they called it a War, somehow they avoided the obvious fact that war is a form of terror and pretended this was about defending the freedom of Jews.
But there's just one problem; and it's HUGE!
The Jews faced persecution from Europeans for centuries in many Pogroms then much more terror in the Holocaust, also carried out by Europeans; yet instead of taking it out on their persecutors they took it out on the Palestinians who weren't responsible for these atrocities.
How can they get away with this, and prevent the media from reporting the most reliable and credible history? The answer to that may not be simple, but part of it is that only six corporations control over 90% of national media, these are mostly if not entirely controlled by billionaires, and the next half a dozen or dozen biggest media outlets are also mostly if not entirely controlled by billionaires, or those worth tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars. There's no doubt that the wealthy control virtually all traditional media, although those accustomed to checking alternative media outlets and good non-fiction books traditional media doesn't advertise may know how to find more reliable sources, including those listed on my Bibliography of Books on Israel history & Credible Alternative News Outlets
It may seem like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" which was published in 1903 and was widely discredited by most rational sources, including John J. Mearsheimer and. Stephen M. Walt authors of "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy." 2007 there's little doubt that this was a forgery, especially to those familiar with history, and the fact that if the Jews had this much control of powerful institutions, including governments and the media they could easily have prevented the escalation of Antisemitism that peaked with the Holocaust, and it never would have happened. Another big problem with the Protocols is they didn't even include stories which were public at the time about Zionism and plans to create a Jewish state from credible sources. Even though the original printing didn't mention this a reprinting of the Protocols cited Zionist efforts as proof of their legitimacy, even though the original ignored it and focused on less reliable or false claims, or in some cases plagiarism. Some of the tactics described in the Protocols are common and mentioned by other sources including Machiavelli and Montesquieu but at the time Jews weren't necessarily more inclined to use these tactics, although, according to some sources like Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionist movement, they recognized Machiavellian tactics and the advantages of controlling the media and tried to use them; this can be confirmed by reading his diaries or "The Jewish State," which are listed in my bibliography, along with "The Israeli Lobby," and are available free online.
However, even though there's little doubt that Jews, or Zionists, didn't control almost all the media when the Protocols were written over 120 years ago, there's a growing amount of evidence showing the wealthy, including a surprising number of Zionists or Neo-Colonialists who do control traditional media. This can be confirmed by looking up who owns the media and has top positions in it, including the most famous national media pundits, and CEOs that are lower profile, showing that not only are Jewish people over-represented according to their population, but they also support Zionism, and those who don't like Marc Lamont Hill, Mehdi Hassan, and many more are often fired, or never hired in the first place. Another way to confirm this is to read up on more reliable sources about this subject, and many other subjects, then confirming it's not being reported in traditional media, and that important decisions about many issues are based on propaganda controlled by the rich, not the best research.
As for my opening question in this article, "Do Campaign Donors Have A Right To Rob & Kill Non-Donors?" for all practical purposes the answer clearly seems to be yes, even though there's no law phrasing it that way, but in practice it's routine. The current war in the Middle East, which is clearly expanding from Gaza to include the West Bank, Lebanon, and possibly other areas, including Syria, Yemen, and who knows where else. Wealthy people created a false version of history and current events which is heavily censored, and often includes a lot of exaggerations and outright lies, to at least try to make their atrocities seem justified. Even though they're not fooling a growing number of people, they also control powerful institution ensuring those responsible for atrocities aren't accountable to the rule of law, and continue controlling powerful governments.
This isn't limited to the war in the Middle East, although it may be more obvious than most examples; it also applies to many previous examples. When the United States took over the west forcing Native Americans onto reservations they made their previous way of life illegal and passed laws that falsely portrayed their victims as "Indian Outlaws," similar things were done to Aborigines in Australia, and as bad, if not worse was done to Africans, whether they were brought to America and turned into slaves before allegedly freeing them in an economy rigged agasint them in a state of virtual slavery, or if they were left behind in Colonized Africa, sometimes in an Apartheid state, which was replaced by Neo-Colonialism.
And of course Most if not all wars since World War II are based on lies, and our media routinely demonizes those our government opposes, often exaggerating legitimate concerns or making them up completely. One of the most brazen examples was Vietnam who signed a declaration of Independence on September 2 1945, after being promised that the war was to "defend Democracy from the Axis, but then our government refused to recognize that declaration and eventually fought a war agasint them, killing well over two million people, not to defend democracy, but to prevent it. There were also dozens of coups or other wars that prevented Democracy instead of protecting it, as reported by "Killing Hope" written by William Blum 2004 Edition
Blum's book, along with other credible sources, show that the United States has been destabilizing countries around the world instead of defending Democracy, and Aviva Chomsky's book "Central America's Forgotten History" 2021 provides additional details showing that the people our media and political establishment often call "illegal aliens" are actually victims of our corrupt foreign policy. Like many other cases, our government routinely portrays their victims as the perpretrators and the real perpetrators as the defenders of democracy. Malcolm X was right all along when he said “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” and “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”
Voltaire also warned us that "Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities," which has happened over and over again since Voltaire lived. In most cases the vast majority of the public doesn't directly participate directly in the atrocities, but they enable the political establishment to do so by remaining complacent and not fact checking our government or media.
Many of us were warned this is why we needed the First Amendment when we were kids and that we shouldn't allow one small segment of the public, like Kings and their immediate followers control all the media and control what we think; but that's exactly what we've done, with billionaires controlling virtually all of traditional media and the most credible research, current events and history is actually from lower profile non-fiction books the media doesn't promote or alternative media.
Bibliography of Books on Israel history & Credible Alternative News Outlets
The following are many more Social Media posts and alternative media articles often much more credible than traditional media:
UN Special Rapporteur report on Gaza provides crucial evidence that must spur international action to prevent genocide 03/26/2024 (Cover Photo)
Jewish Voice for Peace calls on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide 10/11/2023
(Video) KD Maverick: Rabbi: "An adult male who has sexual intercourse with a toddler, it is nothing (There is no crime)" 08/17/2024 .... "Since she was less than three years old, it was as if he poked her eye with a finger."
(Video) Tennis star donates prize money to Palestinian victims of Israeli bombs 01/20/2024
(Video) Palestinian girl picks up art remains from rubble of Israel bombing and creates artwork. 08/06/2024
(Video) He claims to be "The most moral country in the world, the most moral country in the world," while they're committing genocide. 08/14/2024 He also claims that a school is a "command and control center," and of course he ignores fifty years of planning to steal Palestinian land before the Nakba in 1948 and 75 years of additional oppression of Palestinians. He's either one of the worst compulsive liars in the world or delusional and actually believes his own lies!
(Video) Charlotte Zola: Massive protests in London and DC for a Ceasefire 08/21/2024
(Video) Nassar points out the obvious fact that after Jews were opressed, tortured and killed by Nazis; Zionists did the same thing to Palestinians, even though they had nothing to do with the Holocaust. 05/28/2024
(Video) Israel carried out a rescue operation of four hostages, by hiding soldiers in aide trucks and killing hundreds of innocent Palestinians not involved in Oct. 7 06/10/2024
(Video) "We should be worried about those that return from Israel ...." they prticipated in genocide with no accountability, how will they act when they return? 08/21/2024
On Jill Stein's campaign website, you can read about the policies she supports: . On Kamala Harris's campaign website, there are still no policies: . 08/27/2024
(Video) Christopher Hitchens on opposition to Zionism, which must be twenty or more years old. 08/25/2024
(Video) Anti-genocide protesters disrupt DNC event 08/27/2024
(Video) Zionist friends and family, including her Rabbi blocked and shunned her, because she was honest about genocide and atrocities committed by Israel! 06/17/2024
‘This is a war’: FM urges Gaza-style temporary evacuation of Palestinians in West Bank 08/28/2024 Israel Katz calls for ‘temporary evacuation of Palestinian civilians’ from cities where IDF is engaged in anti-terror raid, receives backing from Agriculture Minister Dichter
Israel’s FM calls for temporary ‘evacuation’ of Palestinians from Judea and Samaria 08/28/2024 Zionist top objective is to remove Al-Aqsa Mosque and re-establish the Temple Mount in Palestine Jerusalem:
(Video) "Israel has a right to exist, a right to self defense; well Palestinians have a right to self defense ..... The world is seeing Israel for what it is." 08/29/2024
(Video) "When I grew up there was something called a newspaper. The Newspaper was far from perfect. ..... However, they now bend over backwards not to report the news .... unless" it's so obvious they have to report some of it. 08/28/2024
Harris Will Continue to Ignore U.S. Law and Arm Israel, If Elected 08/30/2024 When asked whether Harris would “do anything differently” in her approach to ceasefire talks and withholding weapons shipments to Israel, Harris, with Walz by her side, doubled down on her “commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself.”
Jill Stein: This week Kamala Harris sat down for her first longform interview since entering the race for president – and it’s safe to say that she met our expectations. Harris has now fully revealed herself as an unabashed, militant right-winger who will carry on the proud tradition of the Democratic Party catering to corporate benefactors at the expense of our planet and everyone on it. They talk about being the party of freedom – but we know none of us are free until ALL of us are free. 08/30/2024
(Video) Angry Zionist making false accusations and threatening Hamzah Saadah an American TicTok Palestinian, even threatening to kill him if he was next to him. 08/30/2024
(Video) "If you think I'm making to big of a deal about genocide; as wounding as an insult like that is I think I'll press on. ...." 08/29/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: AIPAC (Who represents a foreign nation) has pumped $100 million to the 2024 electoral campaign 08/29/2024
I'm cautiously optimistic about this. So-called progressives have come to the rescue of the establishment way to many times for me to avoid skepticism. 08/31/2024 Denise Castro
(Video) "Trust Iran?" Norman Finkelstein exposes Benny Morris's obvious lies 08/11/2024
‘No doubt’ Netanyahu preventing hostage deal, charges ex-spokesman of Families Forum 04/26/2024 “We later found out that Hamas had offered on October 9 or 10 to release all the civilian hostages in exchange for the IDF not entering the Strip, but the government rejected the offer.”
(Video) "Did you forget about this child." "My mother was pregnent in the seventh month; my father died along with my mother" killed by Israelis. 08/22/2024
Investigative Journalist: The ADL is an Israeli SPY Organization 08/02/2024 James Bamford Interview Includes descussion about how Israel's friends research opposition to South African Apartheid.
The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US 01/31/2024 by James Bamford (Many more articles on Israel)
(Video) Israel intentionally destroying roads in the West Bank; "Doesn't look like they're going after Hamas." 08/12/2024
Pelham: Multi-billionaire Jewish CEO of Palantir who sells his powerful data-mining software that helps the IDF to select targets… (70% women and children). Says America will more than likely lead a 3-pronged war against Russia, China and Iran. When is the world going to wake up to the influence these billionaires have over American Congress 08/18/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: On October 12, Tony Blinken visited Israel. He said he came "as a Jew," forfeiting any diplomatic leverage he might have exercised on the eve of the Holocaust of Gaza. A month later, as Israel reduced the north of Gaza to ruins and began its assault on hospitals, Blinken returned, this time to participate in an Israeli war cabinet meeting. The genocide intensified after each visit that followed, as if he'd given a green light. 50,000+ dead civilians later, and days after authorizing a new $20 billion shipment of arms to Israel, the Angel of Death is back in Tel Aviv again. 08/18/2024 CBS Evening News: Secretary Antony Blinken has returned to Israel to push for a cease-fire in the region, as Israeli strikes on Gaza killed at least 29 more people in the past day.
(Video) James Jackson: Berlin police pushing over a young female demonstrator. 08/19/2024
(Video) Andrey X: I was assaulted by settlers at the Auja Spring in the West Bank. 08/19/2024
(Video) The Lavon Affair was a real false flag operation; however, the document to blame Lavon may have been forged by other extreme Zionists, including a leading aide, and possibly other high ranking Zionists, but not Lavon himself. He was considered moderate & used as a scapegoat. 08/19/2024 Khalissee: 🇮🇱🇪🇬 What was the Lavon Affair? A brilliant explanation in under 3 minutes by @CensoredMen
(Video) The Holocaust began before this meeting with the Mufti; & the Mufti & other Palestinians didn't become so opposed to Zionists until it became clear that they wanted to steal their land, which began before the Holocaust. 08/1/2024 ADAM: “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews” Oh, so høløcaust revisionism is okay when he does it?
(Video) Medea Benjamin: KAMALA & JOE - STOP ARMING ISRAEL! Today, as Palestinian youth and allies rallied outside, Jodie and I repeatedly disrupted the welcome dinner for #DNC delegates to demand the Democratic administration stop supporting Israel’s genocide. 08/18/2024
(Video) Prof Zenkus: As the DNC celebrates their historic nominee, remember that the bombs sent to kill this child and 15,000 others in Palestine were sent by Kamala Harris, who has vowed- no matter what happens- to keep the arms flowing if she is elected. 08/18/2024
Philip Giraldi: One needs an enemy to justify a bloated defense establishment and if there is no enemy available one will be invented just as Senator Lindsey Graham has already introduced Senate Bill SJ106, which authorizes in advance war with Iran even if Iran does nothing to provoke it. 08/18/2024
(Video) ADAM: What the heck is going on in Spain? 08/19/2024 Violent assault by police against unarmed minorities.
(Video) Abier: The Zionists are taking their thuggery Worldwide. Watch 08/18/2024
(Video) PalMedia: Fun time on Tel Aviv beach while babies being burned alive in Gaza: 08/19/2024
(Video) Empire Of Lies: The arrogance of this clown Jim Sciutto is only matched by his ignorance. And CNN wonders why it is so hated? 08/18/2024 Jim Sciutto: I pressed senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan on whether Hamas accepts any responsibility for the loss of civilian life in Gaza, which residents have told CNN they believe it does. He wouldn’t answer and instead took me on a history lesson of events he didn’t know I witnessed myself.
(Video) Michael Tracey: Here’s my interview from Chicago with Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) about Democrats’ unanimity in backing Ukraine funding, Kamala’s position on Israel, and whether Dems can claim to be “defending democracy” when they’ve coronated a nominee with zero primary votes 08/19/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: US State Department asset Jim Sciutto would never talk this way to any of the official Israeli architects of genocide in Gaza, which CNN has justified by broadcasting discredited atrocity propaganda furnished to it by Netanyahu's office. Operatives like Sciutto only get tough on the victims of Washington and Tel Aviv. I call Sciutto a State Dept asset because he dropped his journalistic cover in 2012 to work out of the US embassy in China. Everything he does aligns neatly with the agenda of the Obama/Biden/Harris State Department. During Israel's 2014 assault on Gaza, it was left to CNN's Wolf Blitzer to ambush and browbeat Osama Hamdan, calling him an antisemite and refusing to allow him to articulate Hamas's position. As is well known, Blitzer was a researcher for AIPAC who has gone on to advance the Israeli government's agenda within CNN's studios. 08/18/2024
(Video) Abier: This sent me to tears… Those stories of Jews walking away from Zionism are so moving. The extent of brainwashing they endured to come out with such statements. 08/19/2024
(Video) Empire Of Lies: Butcher Blinken is the biggest hypocrite on the planet. The US has enormous leverage. They could've ended this at any time. But instead? They kept feeding weapons to the Israeli murder machine. The US is not only complicit. They're an equal partner in this brutal killing spree. 08/19/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Israel killed Hind Rajab, her cousins, her aunt, and uncle. They killed the paramedics sent to save her, and then they killed little Hind Rajab. For 200 days since her killing, journalist @prem_thakker has pressed Bidens administration on the killing of Hind Rajab, her family & the medics sent to save her. He demanded answers. The responses he got: - Outside investigation—“not plausible” - Israeli forces didn’t see who they shot 335 bullets at - We defer to Israel to investigate itself: WATCH: 08/18/2024
(Video) ADAM: Israeli police beat a Palestinian man in front of his child. 08/19/2024
Lee Camp [Redacted]: 🚨 In the past few days: - Richard Medhurst arrested for his reporting - Scott Ritter raided by the FBI for his reporting - Bassem Youssef’s X/Twitter amount with 11 million followers banned for his reporting The Empire is cracking down on truth tellers 08/20/2024
(Video) Khalissee: "Zionists bombed us in Iraq to make us flee in panic to Israel. I'm an Iraqi Jew-an Arab Jew. Israel claims to speak for all Jews around the world, but Zionism is an Ashkenazi thing, nothing to do with us." Professor Avi Shlaim, Oxford University. Remember Zionism is NOT Judaism 08/20/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Palestinians and human rights advocates were once again attacked by settlers yesterday in an attempt to prevent the Palestinian village from getting water. 📍Al-Auja Spring, West Bank 08/20/2024
(Video) Aaron Maté: After grassroots pressure, AOC said in March that the Biden admin is complicit in an “unfolding genocide” in Gaza. Now given a primetime appearance at the DNC, AOC forgets the whole genocide thing and falsely claims that Kamala Harris “is working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire in Gaza.” This came on the same day that the Biden-Harris admin pulled off their latest ceasefire scam that lets Israel dictate the terms. What an insult to Palestinians and everyone else actually working tirelessly to pressure the genocide-complicit, ceasefire-blocking admin that AOC is whitewashing. 08/20/2024
(Video) Phil: 1. This is exactly what Richard Nixon did in '68 to prolong the Vietnam War, and Ronald Reagan in '80 to prolong the Iran hostage crisis. 2. This is also incredibly illegal. It's rarely prosecuted (only twice, neither convicted), but it's an explicit violation of the Logan Act. 08/20/2024 Ron Filipkowski: On US peace negotiations between Israel and Gaza: “The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the PM of Israel urging him not to cut a deal right now because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.”
(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Over 150 American Hollywood Actors, Writers and Producers have signed a letter to call on the Emmys to rescind the nomination they gave Bisan Owda. This was Bisans Response: “It doesn’t matter anymore because I’m so tired, if I die it will be good for me… I will not sleep on the street anymore, I will die in my home with my family”…🇵🇸 Credit @Resist_05 08/20/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: In the UK, journalists who upset London’s imperial class are treated as terrorists. Medhurst was subjected to similar treatment as @KitKlarenberg Will the National Union of Journalists speak up, or refuse to condemn this, as it did with Kit’s detention? 08/19/2024 Richard Medhurst: I was arrested at Heathrow Airport under the Terrorism Act, Sec 12 because of my reporting. 6 police officers were waiting for me at the entrance of the aircraft. I was held for almost 24 hours and questioned. I believe I'm the first journalist to be arrested under this provision of the Terrorism Act. I feel that this is a political persecution and hampers my ability to work as a journalist.
(Video) Jake Shields: The majority or the pro-Israeli accounts on Twitter are paid IDF soldiers 08/19/2024 Online Hasbara
(Video) Khalissee: 🇩🇪⚡️This isn't Germany in 1943. This is Germany in 2024. A country always on the wrong side of History. Germany is called a “liberal democracy." It is anything but THAT! 08/20/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: NOW: We just disrupted Tim Walz at the DNC Women’s Caucus to say Gaza is a feminist issue! 183 women in Gaza give birth without painkillers every day. The majority of the 40,000 Palestinians killed by Israel are women and children. Israel is starving children in Gaza. The US is responsible for this genocide. ARMS EMBARGO NOW! 08/20/2024
(Video) A vote for Trump or Harris is a vote for Israel. I'm voting for Jill Stein. How about you? 08/20/2024 Dr. Jill Stein🌻: We were violently assaulted and arrested with ~100 others peacefully protesting genocide at Washington University in St. Louis. Many US police departments - including St. Louis' - are being trained by Israel to use military occupation-style tactics against their own communities.
(Video) Beisan 𓂆 بيسان: I love Medea Benjamin but I honestly don’t know how she keeps getting in to these events when I’d assume they have her photo laminated at the doors at this point. The stealth powers of a small blonde lady fighting for a better world are unmatched. 08/21/2024 Medea Benjamin: White privilege 😀 NOW: We just disrupted Tim Walz at the DNC Women’s Caucus to say Gaza is a feminist issue! 183 women in Gaza give birth without painkillers every day. The majority of the 40,000 Palestinians killed by Israel are women and children. Israel is starving children in Gaza. The US is responsible for this genocide. ARMS EMBARGO NOW!
(Video) Khalissee: It’s 33 degrees Celsius (91 Fahrenheit) in the West Bank, and they’re tearing the water pipes apart. Israeli settler gangs are literally cutting off water lines belonging to Palestinian farmers with zero consequences. This is complete inhumanity from a sick society 08/19/2024
(Video) Khalissee: She left home to secure milk for her child, whom she had waited 14 long years to have, but she returned to find her son and family under the rubble in Al-Tuffah, Gaza. “I have no one left” 😢 08/21/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Debra Messing, Selma Blair and a bunch of other washed up losers signed a letter attacking Bisan 08/20/2024
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Also “stripped of powers” the ICC, the ICJ - and the entire sane world not bought and paid for by the Israeli government. 08/21/2024 The Courier: EXCLUSIVE: St Andrews University rector stripped of powers after accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza
EXCLUSIVE: St Andrews University rector stripped of powers after accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza 08/01/2024 Stella Maris will no longer head the university’s governing body following a major backlash to her controversial remarks.
(Video) Abier: He hates war and loves peace but he likes to see more destruction in Gaza. The psychopaths 08/20/2024
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: “We are tirelessly working to get them to stop firing the weapons we send them every week.” 08/21/2024 Akela Lacy: Rep. Omar: it’s been unconscionable “to witness my colleagues in this administration refusing to recognize the genocidal war that is taking place in Gaza … working tirelessly for a ceasefire is really not a thing and they should be ashamed of themselves”
(Video) Ajamu Baraka: Could someone explain why the chant USA USA that used to be a feature at republican gatherings is now a permanent feature at democrat gatherings. Is it because U.S. nationalism is essentially white imperialist nationalism & that is the common link between the parties? 08/20/2024 Break Through News: BREAKING: Activists with @CODEPINK disrupt VP candidate Tim Walz while speaking at a Women's Caucus meeting at the DNC. “Stop killing women in Gaza!”
Briahna Joy Gray: The more I think about it, the more I think it’s one of the darkest & most destructive bits of gaslighting about this genocide I’ve seen yet. 08/20/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: AOC, please don’t tell us that Kamala Harris is working tirelessly for a ceasefire. We are not stupid. Why don’t you, and Kamala, call for an arms embargo? 08/21/2024
(Video) Palestinian: Israeli tank stopping an Ambulance to stop rescuing injured. Anything more shameful than this? 08/19/2024
(Video) Richard Medhurst: I was arrested at Heathrow Airport under the Terrorism Act, Sec 12 because of my reporting. 6 police officers were waiting for me at the entrance of the aircraft. I was held for almost 24 hours and questioned. I believe I'm the first journalist to be arrested under this provision of the Terrorism Act. I feel that this is a political persecution and hampers my ability to work as a journalist. 08/19/2024
(Video) Revolutionary Blackout Network: “If genocide is not a deal breaker for you, there’s something wrong with you!” Nick @SocialistMMA powerful speech at the DNC CONVENTION RALLY ✊ 08/21/2024
(Video) What the media hides: USS LIBERTY survivor destroys Fox News reporter asking him about Israeli babies. 08/20/2024
(Video) Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸: 🚨🇺🇸🇬🇧 BREAKING: YouTube has REMOVED all episodes of George Galloway’s show in which Scott Ritter or I appeared as guest hosts. 08/21/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: “Both sides” 08/21/2024 Abby points out thousands more, perhaps 40 to 1, Palestinians are being killed, although she shows a Meme and video, but other sources show this and that Zionists have been terrorizing Palestinians for a 100 year, blaming them for things Europeans and Nazis did!
(Video) Prof Zenkus: Jill Stein marches agaunst militarism and for economic justice. There is a direct connection between poverty and homelessness here in the United States and the endless flow of bombs and bullets used to perpetrate a genocide on the people of Gaza. 08/20/2024
(Video) Gio DeBatta 🍸: DNC what is it with liberals covering their ears so they can ignore reality all the time 08/22/2024
Empire Of Lies: If you ever wondered how Germans allowed the Holocaust to happen? Take a look at Democrats in 2024. 08/22/2024
(Video) IfNotNow🔥✡️: .@LGreenbergCall joins @uncommittedmvmt outside the DNC: 08/22/2024 Former supporter of Israel (Probably an ex-Zionist) explains how she was taught false claims about "A land without a people for a people without a land."
(Video) Khalissee: They are killing Palestinians as a gesture of love for their wives and girlfriends. Israeli soldier records himself blowing up buildings for his wife, saying "to wipe off the memory of Amalek" and "take revenge of the gentiles." Is it ok to call it genocide now? 08/22/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: We spent the night at the outside of the DNC in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters who have been silenced by the Democratic Party. The Democrats have given Republican and Israelis a platform to speak, but they can’t even give four minutes for Palestinians. Shameful. 08/22/2024
Someone that came right behind her had a big grin on her face while she also put her fingers in her ears, as if it was funny to refuse to listen to protests about genocide. 08/22/2024 Robert (Durden): Dunno if I’ve ever seen a person who so fully embodies the stereotypical sh!tlib persona. Expensive pantsuit, rainbow bracelet, emotionless eyes, and fingers firmly lodged in the ears as she’s forced to face the fact that Democrats do genocide. The stereotype exists for a reason.
(Video) Lisa Pease: Where is the ACLU? Where are the first amendment lawyers? Where is anyone willing to speak up before it’s too late? before we were ALL censored? 08/22/2024 The Grayzone Max Blumenthal: YouTube just BANNED us from livestreaming the #DNC2024 Our first stream from Chicago protests was removed on bogus grounds and we were suspended for a week. But amid this political purge, we got into the arena to challenge the media hacks and officials that authorized the Gaza genocide Stay posted
(Video) Robert (Durden): This isn’t “self defense”, it’s sadism. 08/22/2024 Sulaiman Ahmed: “I TOOK A BABY LIKE THIS AND CUT HIS HEAD” ISRAELI SOLDIER ADMITS TO BEHEADING A BABY
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Can anyone identify this man who threatened to kill @Columbia students? 08/22/2024
(Video) Rania: The unjust irony of a Polish coloniser demanding identification of the indigenous people of the land they're colonising! 08/22/2024
(Video) IfNotNow🔥: DNC: Let Palestinians Speak! 08/22/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: DNC denies allowing a Palestinian speak while delegates laugh and mock anti-genocide protesters role calling the names of murdered children in Gaza. #LetPalestineSpeak 08/22/2024
(Video) Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: AOC is providing cover for Genocide Joe Biden and Holocaust Kamala Harris while they butcher Palestinians. Bernie Sanders and AOC are the biggest traitors of the working class in modern history 08/22/2024
(Video) Ryan Shead: I did a video about Donald Trump violating the Logan Act by hosting Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his private Mar-a-lago residence. It is now being reported that Donald Trump asked Bibi not to sign a cease fire deal until he was in office so he had something to campaign on. It’s time to put Trump on trial for treason. 🇺🇸 08/21/2024
(Video) KXH: Happening now: pro-palestine demonstrators are disrupting the DNC afterparty at the ramova theatre, where tpain is performing later. 08/23/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Wolf Blitzer led CNN’s lie-filled coverage after October 7, and has cheerled for Israel from the anchor chair for decades. When I asked him to discuss his past as an AIPAC staffer and paid Israel gov’t propagandist, he headed straight for the elevators. 08/22/2024 The Grayzone: The Grayzone's @MaxBlumenthal caught up with CNN's Wolf Blitzer at #DNC2024 and challenged him about his network's cheerleading for the Gaza genocide, and his past employment as an Israel lobbyist who propagandized for Tel Aviv
(Video) Pelham: IDF soldiers have become so deranged they video running over Palestinians and erasing their graves with bulldozers, then post it to their social media with glee..🇵🇸💔 08/22/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Watch Israel kill Ibrahim a-Sa'di (20) and ‘Issa Jalad (16) for no reason at all. They were shot in the back and left on the side of the road. 08/22/2024
(Video) CaseStudyQB - #ArmsEmbargoNOW: Daily Show - 8/22/2024 - @jonstewart points out that Palestinians weren't allow to speak at DNC 08/23/2024
(Video) dr. msm مسم: Entire Families Exterminated in One Single Bomb. 08/23/2024
(Video) Duopoly Destroyer: Bookmark this and send it to everyone who keeps LYING to the public claiming that Kamala will somehow be different than Biden on Israel & Palestine. 08/23/2024 HOT SPOT: 🇮🇱🇺🇸 KAMALA HARRIS: “I will always stand up for Israel’s right to exist and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself.”
(Video) The Grayzone: Terry McAuliffe once arranged a $7 million donation from Israeli American billionaire Haim Saban to construct the DNC's headquarters. @MaxBlumenthal asked the former DNC chair and ex-Virginia governor how the loads of pro-Israel money he raised influenced the Democratic Party 08/23/2024
(Video) K🔻: Kudos to this brave man for confronting AOC. We must shame these people every chance we get. 08/23/2024 "How many more kids have to die before you call it genocide?"
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Cory Booker has not only been lavished with AIPAC money, he’s taken donations bundled by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump. He’s never called Israel “divisive” for slaughtering entire families each day, but he called me that for asking about his shilling for apartheid 08/22/2024 The Grayzone: Sen. Cory Booker is one of the Israel lobby's main pet projects. He has compared Palestinians resisting occupation to the KKK. @MaxBlumenthal and @wyattreed13 confronted Booker at #DNC2024 on the piles of AIPAC cash that fueled his career, and his support for the Gaza genocide // How many politicians think it's funny when they brush off questions about financing and arming a genocide or mass murder of innocent children?
(Video) Khalissee: 🇺🇸🇮🇱 Dr. Yaniv Erlich, a CS professor at Columbia University, is calling for the assassination of @CoriBush Why is he still employed at the university? @Columbia, what rules do you have about faculty implying that a foreign government should assassinate Congress members? 08/23/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Chuck Schumer once said Gaza should be “strangled.” He helped lead the bipartisan Gaza genocide rally on the National Mall. 10 months of bloodshed later, he refuses to answer my questions about the slaughter he rubber stamped 08/22/2024 The Grayzone: The Grayzone's @MaxBlumenthal confronted Sen. Chuck Schumer at the #DNC2024 on his vociferous support for Israel's blood-drenched military assault on Gaza, and his refusal to impose a red line on genocide
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Kamala is to the right of George Bush. 08/23/2024 Reply to possibly censored comment.
(Video) Max Blumenthal: If anyone wonders why Netanyahu can treat the Democrats like his personal gimp, take a look at former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. He’s taken $1.8 million from AIPAC and 21 trips to Israel. Yet he claimed to me this has no influence on his judgment 08/22/2024 The Grayzone: Rep. Steny Hoyer is one of the largest recipients of Israel lobby money in congressional history. At #DNC2024, @MaxBlumenthal asked Hoyer how AIPAC donations have influenced Democrats like him, and why his party has no redline on the Gaza genocide
(Video) Medea Benjamin: This week at the DNC was powerful. We confronted the Democratic Party, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an arms embargo on Israel, and an end to U.S. military aid. From the convention floor to the streets outside, our message was clear: prioritize peace, not profit. Big thanks to everyone who joined us, raised their voices, and made sure Palestine was present at the DNC. The struggle continues 08/23/2024
Empire Of Lies: A vote for Harris or Trump? Is a vote for Genocide. I'm voting for Jill Stein. 08/23/2024 Tiberius: Jill Stein is the only candidate who opposes genocide and crimes against humanity — if I was American that’s precisely where my vote would be going. Call me old fashioned, I just don’t think anyone should vote for anyone who supports genocide, no matter what. // Newsweek: Exclusive: Green Party candidate says she will not end her 2024 bid and is prepared for accusations she took votes away from Kamala Harris.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: I’m with @aaronjmate for the premiere of a powerful documentary exposing the dark reality of extremism in the West Bank. Watch as we delve into the troubling realities of fanatical settlers backed by the Israeli government, and the U.S. government’s complicity through military support and tax-exempt charities funding these settlements. #HolyRedemption 08/24/2024
(Video) My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: Yes. The highly probable answer is yes. 08/24/2024 Karl Elander: Is western imperialism in the room with us right now? // Biggest enemy to the American people? The Futurist Devil 👹: I clicked Israel as a stand-in or proxy for the entire Western imperialist project...
(Video) Zei_squirrel: here is a side by side comparison of Kamala Harris' convention speech about the ongoing Gaza genocide, and a White House speech Joe Biden gave months ago. The language is identical. It is literally the same verbatim script they're reading. Anyone telling you Zionist Genocide Queen Kamala is different from Genocide Joe is intentionally lying to you 08/23/2024
(Video) Pelham: “Israel is not a Democracy, it’s an Ethnocracy… it’s designed to ensure the rule of a certain ethnic group”… “There is no democracy for Palestinians living under occupation, whose lands are grabbed everyday, whose children are jailed everyday or tortured everyday”… “Palestinians who have had their homes destroyed by settlers, can not even put a tarp over their living room to stop the rain coming in… that would be considered construction” 🇵🇸💔 - Gabor Maté 08/23/2024
(Video) Gio DeBatta 🍸: I’m old enough to remember when AOC said protesters should make politicians uncomfortable. But that was before brunch. 08/24/2024
(Video) Roger Waters ✊: @KAMALAHARRIS STOP THE GENOCIDE NOW. 08/24/2024
(Video) The Grayzone: WATCH The Grayzone's @MaxBlumenthal & @wyattreed13 challenge Democrat leadership and celebrity performers at #DNC2024 on the Biden-Harris support for Israel's genocide in Gaza. Featuring: Keenan Thompson of SNL Chuck Schumer Rev. Al Sharpton Stevie Wonder Sen. Cory Booker Wolf Blitzer of CNN Kaitlan Collins of CNN Rep. Steny Hoyer Terry McAuliffe 08/2/2024
(Video) Jimmy Dore: Wow, these people are deranged & evil like I’ve never seen before. If this is Zionism then Zionists are pure evil beyond imagination: 08/24/2024 Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: Here they are admitting they want to kill the children..
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Distinguish between the terrorism in Gaza v West Bank: “The head of Israel’s security agency, Shin Bet, has warned the country’s leaders that Jewish terrorism in the West Bank is out of control and has become a serious threat to national security.” 08/24/2024
(Video) Rania: The scum of the earth aka illegal settlers are attacking the rightful Palestinian owners of the land, under the protection of the Israeli terrorism forces ITF, in order to steal this land. Thieves, low lives, that's what they are! 08/23/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Do Kamala stans actually want her to win or do they just like berating anti-genocide protesters and Arabs? 08/24/2024
Max Blumenthal: NYU has issued new rules declaring the use of the term Zionist a "code word" which could constitute hate speech. Which means NYU has made a protected group out of the apartheidist billionaires who dominate its administration and the genocidal military that occupies Palestine. 08/24/2024
NYU Issues New Hate Speech Guidelines Discouraging Students From Targeting 'Zionists' 08/26/2024 Pro-Palestinian activists argue that targeting 'Zionists' isn't antisemitic since not all Jews are Zionists, as Jewish leaders counter that support for a Jewish homeland is common among Jews. NYU's new policy reflects this view.
(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: "You will see them running, kill them while they’re running! & enjoy it.” An Israeli Colonel urges soldiers to kill as many children as possible (2014) It didn't start on oct 7... 08/24/2024
(Video) Khalissee: BLINKEN IS THE BUTCHER OF GAZA 08/25/2024 Massive protests at his testimony
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: Robert Pierpont, 40, has been charged with aggravated harassment, after allegedly ripping off a 17-year-old girl’s hijab in NYC 08/24/2024
(Video) Pelham: Israel blew up the historic Grand Mosque…this is the oldest Mosque in Gaza. This was built in 1291… 657 years before the Rothschilds invented Israel 08/25/2024 : Kamala promised the US military will stay “the most lethal fighting force in the world.” Speeches at the DNC left no room for doubt that spending billions for more war, militarism and destruction is the party’s top priority.
(Video) Pelham: The Middle East will end up in a full scale war, because Israel refuses to stop killing children… 08/25/2024
(Video) Rania: The true face of 1srael is the settlers, and the settlers are the modern day 1S1S ! 08/25/2024 Aaron Mate speaking
(Video) Double Down News: “Netanyahu wants to set the region on fire. His only chance of survival is to drag America into a war with Hezbollah & Iran. This is a fundamental threat to world peace. Everyone should be hoping for his downfall.” @davidahearst 08/25/2024
(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Settlers have started establishing a new settlement east of Nablus. This is illegal under International Law 08/25/2024
(Video) Rania: "Jews only" streets. Screams #Apartheid yet? 08/24/2024
(Video) He compares this to Leni Riefenstahl, a Nazi propagandist controlling the narrative, with both parties scripting everything, & Democrats creating a "kinder and gentler" mass deportation of immigrants, who happen to be victims of our foreign policy. 08/25/2024 Democracy Now!: After covering the DNC all week in Chicago, here are co-host @juangon68's thoughts on the 2024 election and the U.S. two-party system.
Democracy Now!: “Two Faces of American Capitalism”: Juan González on What the RNC & DNC Reveal About U.S. Politics 08/23/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: BBC Ignores EVERYTHING she said and focused on CENSORING @MariamBarghouti from saying Genocide 08/24/2024
(Video) Ken O'Keefe: 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Israeli's raided our aid flotilla and abducted us. I've dealt with these vile bastards face to face many times. 08/24/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Macklemore canceled his upcoming show in the UAE in solidarity with Sudan👏🏻 08/24/2024
(Video) Mehdi Hasan: "Harris went out of her way to condemn the specific sexual violence on Oct 7 by Hamas but didn't mention the sexual violence that we have seen documented against Palestinians in detention right now by Israeli forces." Me on Harris' speech, on @MSNBC with @AliVelshi today. Watch: 08/24/2024 Aaron Maté: There's not a shred of evidence for any "specific sexual violence on Oct 7 by Hamas." I know you think you're being critical of Kamala here, but you're actually parroting debunked propaganda used to justify Israel's mass slaughter in Gaza. As a journalist and defender of Palestinian rights, if you're not going to challenge that Israeli scam, then at least don't go out of your way to prop it up.
(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️Al Aqsa Hospital is being evacuated NOW. Its the only functioning hospital left in Gaza. Nobody knows where to take the sick and injured. There are snipers surrounding the building . 08/25/2024
(Video) 𝕬𝖑𝖊𝖝 💎: This person just fuqing gets it! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 08/25/2024 "If your not at the table, you're on the Menu; the Palestinians are not at the table.
Chris Hedges: My Thoughts on the Arrest of Richard Medhurst: The arrest of the reporter @richimedhurst, who has been one of the most ardent critics of the genocide in Gaza and Israeli apartheid state, at Heathrow airport is part of the steady march towards the criminalization of journalism, something all of us, including Medhurst, understood lay at the heart of the long persecution of Julian Assange. ....... 08/24/2024
(Video) Khalissee: They stopped her from speaking at the DNC, so Palestinian American Democratic Representative for Georgia, @Ruwa4Georgia read her unity speech rejected by the DNC and the Harris campaign right outside 08/24/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: I just heard some military guy on CNN saying most attacks nowadays are preemptive strikes. That’s basically pre-crime. That’s basically horrific. 08/25/2024 Lana Tatour: So Israel is attacking Lebanon and calling it “preventative attack.” And western media is likely to serve Israeli propaganda and report it as such. Let’s be clear, it’s an Israeli aggression. Israel is a threat and must be stopped.
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: "The world tells us that nothing can justify October 7, and yet everything Israel has done can be justified by October 7." 08/23/2024
(Video) The Saviour: “NUKE GAZA NOW!” Was this justified? 08/24/2024
(Video) Aaron Maté: The Biden admin, along with US media stenographers, has provided cover for Israel’s methodical assault and destruction of Gaza’s hospital system. Now Israel is targeting Gaza’s last functional hospital, Al-Aqsa. The rest, as Palestinian nurse Ahmed Kouta says, have been reduced to barely functioning first aid stations. 08/25/2024 Dr Mohammed Al Najjar 🇵🇸🇵🇸: This is the last photo from ICU in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. We have been forced to evacuate hospital, there will be no doctor or nurse, and patients will be left to inevitably. Please any one can see this post do any thing to stop this genocide. I will not leave the hospital
(Video) Alan MacLeod: That mosque was 16 times older than the state of Israel itself. This is a crime against humanity. 08/25/2024 Globe Eye News: BREAKING: The Israeli army destroyed the historic Grand Mosque in Khan Younis, Gaza.
(Video) Pelham: Macklemore has cancelled his coming Dubai show, which had been set for October 4 at *Coca-Cola* Arena…🇦🇪 The UAE has been accused of actively funding the genocide of the Sundanese people… Macklemore… “liberation and freedom and equality for all human beings”… 🇸🇩🇵🇸 08/2/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: This happened under a “Democratic” administration. 08/25/2024 Jaybefaunt🏳️🌈: The truth about how liberation is linked by @factsandfire "Israel cross-training with American Cops at Cop City in Atlanta.
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Simone Zimmerman, a Jewish advocate for P۸lestini۸ns, shares how her experience that led her to FLIP! When People See the TRUTH They Should Wake Up 08/24/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱 Illegal settlers attack Palestinian land owners under the protection of the Israeli forces in order to steal this land. Stealing land and building settlements is illegal under International Law 08/24/2024
(Video) Ashok kumar 🇵🇸: The world will never forgive “Israel” as long as it exists: 08/24/2024
(Video) ADAM: “The goal is to use Israel to wash money out of the US & European taxpayers through Israel and back into the hands of of a transnational elite (BlackRock)” “The goal is an endless war, not a successful war” Julian Assange This is why they they locked him up. 08/23/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Listen to how VILE and EVIL Netanyahu is 08/25/2024 From about 20 years ago
(Video) Rania: "You have to brainwash people all the time because it's the only way to continue zionism"! Daniella Weiss. Sounds like a satanic cult to me! 08/25/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Hebron activist Issa Amro exposes the harsh realities of Israeli occupation in the West Bank, urging global unity in the fight for Palestinian freedom. He calls on activists worldwide to keep resisting and make the occupation so costly that Israeli apartheid will fall. 08/25/2024
(Video) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: Jewish Rabbi Yossi Feldman NSW President of Rabbincal Council, wants lesser punishment & leniency for jews who RAPE CHILDREN!! 08/25/2024
(Video) Pelham: BREAKING🚨 The IDF has arrested Alice Kaissieh and her mother from outside their home which has been stolen from Israeli settlers… Activists had joined Alice to fight to take back her home and land from settler thieves..🇵🇸 08/25/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱 Israel’s Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir practices Apartheid: “My right, my wife's right, my kids right to move around freely on the roads of Judea and Samaria is more important than the right of movement of Arabs.” This is from one year ago. This is Zionism. 08/24/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: why didn't you ask her about laundering a Zionist genocidal baby killer and rapist? 08/25/2024 AOC is now meeting with the genocidal Zionist relatives of genocidal Zionist Israeli military baby killers and rapists // Chi Ossé: I caught up with @AOC at the dnc to talk about the elephant in the room: Gaza
(Video) Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar: Biden SILENT After IDF KILLS American Protester 09/09/2024
(Video) 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓙 🫒🔑🇵🇸: Ignoring a genocide is not a good policy you can run on. Vote Green. 🟢⚪️ 08/24/2024
(Video) Abier: Imagine having to live this daily monstrosity for 76 years, and then being blamed for all the shit happening in the ME. IDF soldier throws stun grenade in Palestinian civilian car with 2 children in it 08/24/2024
(Video) Pelham: BREAKING🚨 Palestinians patients are fleeing Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital – the last functioning medical facility in central Gaza – after Israel issued more evacuation orders for the city of Deir el-Balah. This is evil beyond anything we have witnessed in our lifetime… the last functioning hospital is about to be blown apart…🇵🇸💔 08/25/2024
(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: an american soldier laughs while bragging about gang raping a 15 year old iraqi girl who then committed suicide.... It's so disturbing to hear these monsters! 08/25/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: Anyone who tells you to enjoy killing is doing the work of the devil. All killing is evil, but “enjoying it” is the bottomless pit of the worst kind of evil. 08/2/2024 Nadira Ali🇵🇸: "You will see them running, kill them while they’re running! & enjoy it.” An Israeli Colonel urges soldiers to kill as many children as possible (2014) It didn't start on oct 7...
(Video) Khalissee: Six Swedish Police Officers Pounced on a Woman Who Says “FREE PALESTINE” and Threw Her in a Police Van. What are your thoughts on this? 08/26/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: Indonesia understands genocide, having been subjected to one in 1965 (at the hands of the CIA and Suharto, the CIA's chosen). 08/25/2024 Sulaiman Ahmed: INDONESIA STANDS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY
Aaron Maté: Israel and their media/political allies claim there was mass rape by Hamas on Oct 7. But nearly one year later, they have yet to provide a single identified victim, dead or alive; a single shred of physical or forensic evidence; or a single piece of visual evidence. All they’ve provided are claims from purported “witnesses” — mostly anonymous — who have all been shown to be liars. Now comes a new step in the propaganda campaign: an anonymous “witness” whose claims cannot be scrutinized because, we’re told, they’ve just anonymously committed suicide. Do you know who is not anonymous? The tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by the Israeli purveyors of the Hamas rape hoax. And the many Palestinians who have suffered actual, documented sexual violence by the same Israeli forces. 08/26/2024 Possibly deleted Tweet
(Video) Pelham: 🇮🇱 Israeli man says it’s permissible to kill children according to his religion… 08/26/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 IDENTIFIED: Steven Jenkins is the owner of Olive Oil Jones in NYC He told @Columbia students he wants to “beat them to death” 08/26/2024
(Video) Rania: When you dehumanise others, you dehumanise yourself! 08/26/2024
(Video) Pelham: Due to algorithms on 𝕏 censoring every single video of the G———-DE… I can not explain this situation in Khan Younis. No child should be subjected to this life, the world has lost its humanity…🇵🇸💔 08/27/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Discover how funds from US nonprofit groups are fueling illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Palestinian activist from Hebron, @Issaamro , calls for targeted campaigns to cut off financial support and expose the ties that perpetuate Israeli apartheid and occupation. 08/26/2024
(Video) Savage Joy Marie-Mostly blind, but aware AF-Mann: Anybody know who is in red? 08/26/2024 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓙 🫒🔑🇵🇸: That concludes the DNC.
Max Blumenthal: Is Israel conducting live human experimentation on Palestinians at Sde Teiman? New testimonies of torture pour out of Israel's Sde Teiman torture camp each week. In a recent one, a Gaza physician said he was "suspended from a chain attached to handcuffs, electroshocked, denied medical care for broken ribs caused by beatings, and administered what he believed was a psychoactive drug before interrogations." ....... 08/26/2024
Israel: Palestinian Healthcare Workers Tortured 08/26/2024 ICC Prosecutor Should Investigate Attacks on Health Care, Detainee Abuses
A Palestinian Paramedic’s Ordeal in Israeli Detention 08/26/2024 Walid Khalili’s nightmare began on the morning of November 10, 2023. The 36-year-old father of three, a Palestinian Medical Relief Society paramedic and ambulance driver, had been dispatched to the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City to rescue four wounded men. When his ambulance reached the Barcelona Garden, twenty meters from the Labor Ministry building, on Mughrabi Street, he saw four men surrounded by Israeli forces. “I saw the four men being executed in cold blood,” Khalili said. “I saw it with my own eyes, I was three meters away. When they were shot, I hid under the ambulance, and next to it there was a building, so then I ran inside the building. The Israeli forces raided the building and started yelling at me to raise my hands.” Soldiers kicked and beat him with their rifle butts, breaking his ribs.
Welcome to Hell: The Israeli Prison System as a Network of Torture Camps August 2024
(Video) Quds News Network: BREAKING: Israeli Channel 12 reports shocking footage of Israeli soldiers raping a Palestinian prisoner behind shields and torturing others at the infamous Sde Teiman detention camp. 08/07/2024
(Video) Abier: I apologized for an image I posted about an Israeli poll about rape few minutes ago as I was told it was fake.. Well…. Just in case we need more proof.. Channel 12 panellists expressing their delight at the sexual assault of Palestinian hostages and their desire for institutionalised rape of Palestinians as revenge, punishment, and deterrence from further uprising. 08/08/2024
Unmasking Horror -- A special report.; Japan Confronting Gruesome War Atrocity 03/17/1995
Israeli doctors urge the bombing of Gaza hospitals 11/05/2023 Dozens of Israeli doctors told the Israeli army that it must bomb Gaza's hospitals, stating that "the residents of Gaza" have "brought their annihilation upon themselves" for allowing hospitals to become "terrorist nests."
Max Blumenthal: There are clear precedents for legally punishing Western media corporations like CNN which knowingly propagated Israeli disinformation, justified war crimes and dehumanized Palestinians CNN's @jaketapper knew exactly what he was doing By @CraigMokhiber 08/26/2024
Mondoweiss: Western media can be held legally accountable for its role in the Gaza genocide 08/24/2024 Western media companies have made themselves a part of the mechanism of genocide in Palestine, and there are historical precedents for holding them accountable. The ruthlessness of the Israeli genocide machine in Palestine, and the direct complicity of the U.S., UK, and other Western governments are two key pillars in the horrors being perpetrated against the Palestinian people (and in the attacks on human rights defenders around the globe).
Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸: 🚨🇮🇱 NOA ARGAMANI full statement CONDEMNING ISRAEL for bombing her while in Hamas captivity & lying about it: “I can't ignore what happened in the last 24 hours; things were taken out of context. They didn’t hit me, and they didn’t sever my hair. I was in a building that was targeted by the Israeli Air Force. The precise quote is: ‘At the end of this week, after the shooting, as I said, there were signs all over my head, and I was hurt all over my body.’ (I emphasize that they didn’t hit me, but I was injured all over my body by pieces of the building that collapsed on me.) As a victim of the 7th of October, I won’t let myself be a victim again, this time by the media.” #IsraelBombedNoa 08/23/2024
(Video) Andrey X: There is a massive IOF invasion of Palestinian cities in the northern West Bank happening right now 08/28/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: the US raped, mutilated, shot in the head at point blank range and mass murdered women, children and men in Iraq, took photo and videos of all of it, and then said: "Yeah we can't release this, it will inflame the region. Anyway: OCTOBER 7 HAMAS BODYCAM MOMENT AGAIN" 08/27/2024 WikiLeaks: The Haditha Massacre Photos, suppressed by the US military, have been obtained and published by @Newyorker. 24 Iraqi civilians, including children, were killed by US Marines - many shot in the head at close range.
The Haditha Massacre Photos That the Military Didn’t Want the World to See 08/27/2024 When U.S. Marines killed twenty-four people in an Iraqi town, they also recorded the aftermath of their actions. For years, the military tried to keep these photos from the public.
(Video) Ben Norton: Israel is a 21st-century Rhodesia with nuclear weapons. It's a white-supremacist colonial outpost of US imperial power in one of the most geostrategic regions on Earth. Like Israel, Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa also had the full support of the US government until the end. 08/28/2024 Secunder Kermani: "I think colonialism gets a bad rap." Wild exchange with an Israeli far right settler activist, hoping to move into Gaza, and for all Palestinians to be pushed out. We met Arielle at a tent camp close to the Erez border crossing.
Aaron Maté: Right after thanking Biden for the "crucial" US weapons that are "sustaining" military operations, the Israeli Occupation Forces launch their largest assault on the occupied West Bank in two decades. The Israeli gov't, which includes top settler fanatics in senior posts, makes no secret that the aim, like Gaza, is to expel as many Palestinians as possible as part of their bid to finish the Nakba. When it comes to supporting Israeli aggression, the Biden administration is unrivaled in US history, which is no easy feat. 08/28/2024 As the Biden admin sends its 500th aircraft military shipment to Israel since Oct. 7th, the Israeli Defense Ministry says that these US weapons “are crucial for sustaining the IDF's operational capabilities during the ongoing war.”
US sends 500th aircraft to Israel as airlifts of weapons, equipment continue 08/26/2024 Since October 7, the Biden administration has sent Israel over 50,000 tons of military equipment, both offensive and defensive. ... A Defense Ministry statement said that the equipment procured and transported includes "armored vehicles, munitions, ammunition, personal protection gear, and medical equipment, which are crucial for sustaining the IDF's operational capabilities during the ongoing war."
(Video) #StopCopCity: 2 minutes of Dana Bash propaganda & being complicit in the genocide of Palestinians. Sorry, this ain’t the person who should be interviewing presidential candidates with a genocide raging on #FreePalestine 08/28/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Based protesters interrupt Nancy Pelosi BS on Palestine during Stephen Colbert interview 08/26/2024
(Video) PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸: "Gaza solidarity activists interrupted Nancy Pelosi during her book promotion, calling out, 'You’re the most powerful woman in America! You can stop this genocide!' Her book highlights her as 'the most powerful woman in American political history.' Via: BTnewsroom 08/27/2024
(Video) Pelham: Our governments and media have dehumanised Palestinians to justify the genocide of theirs people…🇵🇸💔 08/28/2024
(Video) There were dozens if not hundreds of stories about Israeli rapes, including the IDF, against both Palestinians and other Israelis before Dana Bash made this false claim, and if she wanted to know she could have searched for the news stories and court cases! 08/28/2024 Ryan Grim: Hard to think of a rejoinder that has aged more poorly than this one
(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️🇮🇱 The President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, encourages further creation and expansion of settlements. This is illegal under international law. 08/28/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Israel just launched new attacks in the West Bank, killing at least 10 Palestinians. In the past 10 months, over 50,000 tons of US-supplied arms have fueled the targeting of civilians and denial of basic needs. Now, the Pentagon plans to sell $20 billion more in weapons. It’s time to act—urge Senators like Bernie Sanders to introduce a resolution of disapproval. Demand an end to US support for this genocide! 08/28/2024
(Video) Rania: We are a small, brave nation who are going to fight till the last drop of blood to put justice for ourselves are the world failed in giving it to us! 08/28/2024
(Video) Khalissee: “They shot my grandfather. My grandmother. My sister. My aunt. My uncles.” This video is over 10 years old, and this child will be a teenager now. This is how resistance grows! 08/27/2024
(Video) Jenerational Change: We as Zionists were taught that there’s no such place as Palestine. This is the statement I issued on our 1st livestream following Oct 7th. THIS is why I had to run against Debbie Wasserman Schultz on an anti-Zionist message. Zionists must never again speak for Jews. Period. 08/28/2024
(Video) Kerry Burgess: Truth to power.... 08/27/2024 Irish MP calls out Israel and Ursula von der Leyen
Pelham: BREAKING🚨 Namibia has blocked the vessel MV Kathrin from entering its waters, which was carrying weapons and explosives destined for Israel… Justice Minister Yvonne Dausab says Namibia is upholding International and Genocide Convention Laws..🇳🇦🇵🇸 08/27/2024
(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: I love what @codepink is doing. Democratic Party politicians should be listening to them. 08/26/2024
Angelo Angelli, JD: How much does a genocide cost? 08/28/2024 Sludge: BREAKING: AIPAC has officially surpassed the $100 million spending mark on 2024 U.S. elections.
AIPAC Officially Surpasses $100 Million in Spending on 2024 Elections 08/27/2024 The pro-Israel group passed the $100 million spending mark in July, according to new FEC information.
Briahna Joy Gray: “Most moral army.” 08/27/2024 Human Rights Watch: A new report documents Israel’s torture of Palestinian healthcare workers from #Gaza. The cases all follow a pattern, as @astroehlein explains in today's Daily Brief:
Israel: Palestinian Healthcare Workers Tortured 08/26/2024 ICC Prosecutor Should Investigate Attacks on Health Care, Detainee Abuses ..... A detained paramedic who was transferred to al-Naqab prison after 20 days in Sde Teiman, said that a man who was visibly “bleeding from his bottom” was brought in and placed next to him. The man told the paramedic that before he was placed in detention, “three soldiers took turns raping him with an M16 [assault rifle]. No one else knew, but he told me as a paramedic. He was terrified.” In addition, a doctor said while he was detained in a military base, a detainee, “in his late 30s, crying hard … told me he was sexually assaulted during the strip search.”
In today's Daily Brief: Torture of Palestinian Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics 08/26/2024
(Video) Kerry Burgess: Just the dregs left now in Israel. Anyone with half a brain and any human decency has abandoned it and moved to another country.... 08/27/2024 Abby Martin
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: He fixed it 08/28/2024 Kamala Harris forward? NO For War!
(Video) Vigilante🥷: 🇵🇸🇮🇱🧵THREAD: ZIONIST RAPE WOMEN IN PRISON A Confession from a Palestinian women being raped by Zionist late 1960. (🧵1/7) They ordered me to take off my clothes, of course I did not.. 07/30/2024
(Video) What the media hides: Israeli woman mocks mothers in Gaza 08/28/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Ilan Pappé EXPOSES how the Israeli lobbies have infiltrated the American and British govt 08/27/2024
(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: Everyone should watch this CBS report 08/29/2024 Former Jewish US soldier explains how US weapons are used for war crimes. // American Jews are much more likely to support him than the interviewer implies. Many of the most outspoken critics of the war are American Jews, like @jvplive & @IfNotNowOrg but MSM refuses to report on this!
(Video) Rania: To discuss a hypothetical genocide when an actual genocide is happening is absolutely disgraceful! @MyriamFrancoisC knocking some sense into the senseless! 08/29/2024
Aaron Maté: Update: Israel’s Channel 13 confirms that the “anonymous Israeli who witnessed Hamas rape on Oct 7 and then committed suicide” is a complete fake. 08/29/2024 Israel and their media/political allies claim there was mass rape by Hamas on Oct 7. But nearly one year later, they have yet to provide a single identified victim, dead or alive; a single shred of physical or forensic evidence; or a single piece of visual evidence. All they’ve provided are claims from purported “witnesses” — mostly anonymous — who have all been shown to be liars. Now comes a new step in the propaganda campaign: an anonymous “witness” whose claims cannot be scrutinized because, we’re told, they’ve just anonymously committed suicide. Do you know who is not anonymous? The tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by the Israeli purveyors of the Hamas rape hoax. And the many Palestinians who have suffered actual, documented sexual violence by the same Israeli forces.
Suicide letter by 'witness of Hamas sexual violence' is fabricated, Israeli media admits. 08/30/2024
adam shafir: A story that ran in recent days about a Nova survivor who saw horrors and committed suicide, did not leave a single dry eye. After trying to reach the family, to tell their story - the search turned into an investigation. We will reveal tonight in the tube that it is a complete fake. It is not clear what brings people to invent like this - but to cheapen the real plight of survivors, and to play with the souls of others - is simply disgusting 08/28/2024
Al Mayadeen English: The #German ambassador in Tel Aviv has acknowledged spreading fabricated Israeli propaganda to support "Israel's" debunked claims of mass rapes by Palestinian fighters on October 7. "I regret having believed—like so many others—that that suicide letter was real. It turns out it was a fake," Ambassador Steffen Seibert wrote on X. Last week, Seibert shared a letter that supposedly came from an Israeli who died by suicide, unable to cope with the "trauma" he experienced at the Supernova rave on October 7. The fabricated letter gained wide circulation after it was posted by two well-known Israeli propagandists, Hen Mazzig, who translated it into English, and Aviva Klompas. 08/31/2024
Briahna Joy Gray: I think @PresidentIRE’s observation is worth repeating: The bullet pattern suggest these UN staffers were precisely targeted for assassination — all while riding in a clearly marked UN vehicle that has coordinated its movements with the Israeli government. The Biden/Harris admin has allowed this for almost a year. 08/28/2024 The Cradle: BREAKING | World Food Programme temporarily suspends activities throughout Gaza after one of its vehicles was hit by at least 10 bullets.
Mohamad Safa: A Russian soldier posts this photo, claiming to have captured a Ukrainian female soldier. Immediately, 200,000 followers wrote that this act is inhumane. He replied: Sorry, this woman is Palestinian and these soldiers are Israeli. No follower commented and everyone was silent. 08/28/2024
(Video) Pelham: Israel should be immediately revoked as a United Nations member… and hit with the strongest possible sanctions…🇺🇳🇮🇱 08/28/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "The Assistant Secretary of State in November, testifying for Congress, blurted out that the death toll was even much greater than what Hamas was releasing. And that was the last time anybody in the Biden administration mentioned the vast undercount....They're slaughtering Palestinians while they're alive & then they don't count them while they die...Now, anybody who thinks Briahna, that the Israeli army does not consciously target civilians ought to go through history. That's what they've done from day one." @RalphNader 08/28/2024
(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: Media Gaslights about Kamala Fighting for a Ceasefire (w/ Ralph Nader) 08/22/2024
(Video) Abier: 66 years before Oct 7… 08/28/2024 Old story about Palestinian refugees from the Nakba
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Is California’s “top cop,” Kamala Harris, hoping the parents of these kids side with her over their beaten, jailed, & suspended children who simply want a genocide to stop? 08/28/2024 Brendan Gutenschwager: BREAKING: Arrests made at the University of Michigan after police mobilized to stop a pro-Palestine demonstration at The Diag during Festifall on campus
(Video) Rania: The only time the UN was antisemitic was when it granted the land of Semite Palestinians to Zionist filth. 08/29/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: General Yitzhak Brik was the only Israeli establishment figure to predict the October 7 attack, as I reported last year. ...... Now he’s predicting Israel will collapse within a year if the war doesn’t end. 08/29/2024 Electronic Intifada: Israeli general says country may collapse within a year at current rate
General Brik Predicted the October 7 Attack. Now He’s Advising Netanyahu’s Genocidal Assault on Gaza. 11/17/2023 by Dan Cohen
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: 500 shipments of Weapons to Israel in 300 days! 600 total deliveries if you combine the ship and plane deliveries together. 08/29/2024
(Video) Andrey X: "Calm and peaceful" Israeli settlements are often anything but. Shilo is a great example of that. 08/29/2024
(Video) ADAM: The Israeli terrørists are destroying roads in West Bank out of pure sadism. It was never about Hmas. 08/29/2024
(Video) Abier: Nadja Awad Swedish politician/ Member of the Riksdag “it’s a disgrace that Israel can carry out a genocide and occupation right in front of our eyes without the Swedish government doing anything” 08/29/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 UPDATE: After calling for a Muslim man to be depicted as a goat, Jacob Livshultz (NYC teacher) has been removed from his school’s website. The school says they are “addressing this issue internally.” Is he still teaching there? 08/29/2024
(Video) Aaron Maté: Israeli media has confirmed that a widely circulated claim about a purported "witness" of Hamas sexual violence on Oct. 7th committing suicide was yet another hoax. But it's worth stressing: even if these debunked Israeli propaganda claims about Oct. 7th were true, Israel still wouldn't have the right to fire a single bullet into Gaza. 08/29/2024
(Video) Debunking Israeli 'Lies' 08/28/2024 Forum including Aaron Maté and Medea Benjamin
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: Activist and long-time campaigner for Palestine Sarah Wilkinson was arrested at her home early this morning. She faces up to 14 years in jail under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act if convicted. Exposing the truth about Gaza is NOT terrorism! 08/29/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: F۸lestاne changed us all and Revealed to us who people really are 08/28/2024
(Video) Lee Camp [Redacted]: 🚨Pro-Palestine activist & human rights defender Sarah Wilkinson was arrested at her home in the UK today under terrorism charges for things she has said or written. This is what fascism looks like, folks. "First they came for activists but I didn't speak out..." 08/29/2024
Pelham: Keir Starmer is arresting pro-Palestine activists under terrorism charges for their tweets on 𝕏… Starmer has taken away the freedom to speak, freedom to assemble in his first 60 days.. These are meant to be basic human rights in western democracies..🇬🇧 08/29/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: This was VERY Hard to Listen To. Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, a pediatric ICU physician, recounts her time volunteering in G۸Z۸ 08/28/2024
(Video) "The only reason that woman got fired is she told the truth, and the truth has no place in the IOF." 08/29/2024 B L A K E L E Y: No one ever gets fired from the IOF, so in the very rare instance that it happens, you would think it has to be pretty egregious. Can you guess what they decided to draw the line at?
IDF reservist mental health officer ousted from role after social media comments 08/27/2024 Adi Angert, who served as the mental health officer for the Alexandroni Reserve Infantry Brigade, said recently on X that the religious Zionist community is a “cult of Death Eaters.” She also claimed that the new commander of the brigade, Col. Moshe Passal, “called on his troops to commit genocide,” in a missive.
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Either you’re with Gaza, or you are oblivious: we don’t need your solidarity if it’s only for show: we’re reaching the end —what end are you reaching? 08/29/2024
(Video) Roger Waters ✊: OVER MY DEAD BODY British human rights activist and social media influencer @swilkinsonbc was arrested by UK police on 29 August, reportedly over “content she posted online.” “The police came to her house just before 7.30am. [Twelve] of them in total, some of them in plain clothes from the counter-terrorism police. They said she was under arrest for ‘content that she has posted online.’ Her house is being raided, and they have seized all her electronic devices," Jack Wilkinson is quoted as saying by the social media account Suppressed News. #FreeSarahWilkinson 08/29/2024
(Video) Kerry Burgess: I've said it before, I just love this young woman. Integrity, clever, and fearless.... 08/28/2024
(Video) Patti Politics 🇵🇸: Neither Democrats nor Republicans plan to stop the funding. #VoteGreen @DrJillStein #SteinWare2024 08/29/2024
EloisePeace: The billionaire donor class did, with their outsized financial influence. 08/28/2024 Margaret Kimberley: What voters? No one voted for her. // Holding Dems Accountable (From the Lef: Morality aside, why is Kamala flagrantly ignoring the will of 8 in 10 of her own voters?
Voters want an arms embargo on Israel but Kamala Harris doesn’t 08/28/2024 Kamala Harris didn’t endorse an arms embargo on Israel at the DNC. Not that anyone was expecting her to — earlier this month, Harris’ national security advisor wrote that Harris “does not support an arms embargo on Israel. She will continue to work to protect civilians in Gaza and to uphold international humanitarian law.” Twenty times Israel used US weapons to break international law in Gaza
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: The terrorist genocidal Israeli regime is now attacking the occupied West Bank (where they can’t use khamaaassss as an excuse so they’re of course, just making shit up about Iran) They’re going into these territories in violation as per usual of international law and then claiming they’re defending themselves when they kill Palestinians who actually have the right to defend themselves with arms bc they’re the ones being invaded. Just bc you have an “official uniform” doesn’t make you any less of a terrorist with no right to be there. #freepalestine 08/29/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Thank you @rogerwaters & for everyone’s support for my mother’s arrest, interrogation, injuries and theft of her property by 16 balaclava-clad thugs 08/30/2024
(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: It's not just Donald Trump who is a fascist threat to our democracy, it is the Democratic Party as well. We must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving America. #VoteGreen 08/30/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Settlers once again attacked the water in Umm al-Khair in full view of the police and the IOF, and naturally faced no repercussions for it 08/30/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Here’s the clearest indication yet that Kamala Harris is Bought and Bossed by the Israel lobby, and will do nothing different than Genocide Joe. In between tired bromides, Kamala repeats the “Hamas mass rape” hoax that was fed to her by Israel lobbyists 08/30/2024
(Video) Patti Politics 🇵🇸: Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? There is no lesser evil. Fight for the greater good! #VoteGreen @DrJillStein 08/29/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: In her first campaign interview, Kamala Harris insists she is all about change, but doubles down on Biden’s pro-Israel stance. Where’s the change in U.S. support for genocide, Kamala? 08/30/2024
(Video) Ryan Grim: President of the painters and allied trades union Jimmy Williams Jr says the union is directing its massive international pension fund to make sure none of its investments are going to support the “genocide in Gaza”. 08/29/2024
(Video) Abier: I feel nothing but absolute disgust towards the entire western world & their “values.” Chicago Police knock nearly 80yo woman to ground w/their batons for protesting the genocide in Gaza 08/30/2024
(Video) Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: The ADL called me an antisemite and got ratio’d into oblivion 😂 The ADL targets black activists and influencers in order to intimidate them into silence. Zionism is the number one threat to free speech rights of Americans 08/30/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: We hold the UK govt fully responsible for its intimidation & oppression of pro-Palestine journalists & demand that it stops terrorising our reporters 08/30/2024
(Video) Pelham: Every single American should know this..🇺🇸 13 years ago the President of the Council for National Interest Foundation sounded the alarm on the influence of AIPAC over U.S Politicians and the money America was sending to Israel. 08/29/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Look at what they did to this 9 year old boy. 08/30/2024
(Video) Empire Of Lies: There is no First Amendment in the UK. Or in France, Germany - or anywhere else on the planet. In these fascist countries? There is no true "freedom of speech". 08/30/2024 Sarah Wilkinson: We hold the UK govt fully responsible for its intimidation & oppression of pro-Palestine journalists & demand that it stops terrorising our reporters
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Harris's answer to the question "would you do anything differently" on Israel is Zionist bingo: 1) Lie about mass rape on 10/7 2) Passive/active voice: Israelis are "massacred" but "far too many Palestinians have died" 3) Israelis have "right to defend themselves" Palestinians have "right to dignity." 4) Two state solution Top line take away: She affirms there will be no weapons embargo. Nothing will fundamentally change. 08/29/2024 HalalFlow: HORRIFIC. It's extremely clear that Kamala Harris would do the same as what Biden is doing on Gaza: "Would you do anything differently? For example, would you withhold some U.S. weapons shipments to Israel?" Kamala Harris: "I'm unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to Israel's defense and its ability to defend itself.and that's not gonna change." "But no change in policy in terms of arms and so forth?" Harris: "No, we have to get a deal done."
(Video) Pelham: “No nation, no aggressor is allowed to take a neighbours territory by force”… - Joe Biden 08/30/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Condition of Sarah Wilkinson's bail in the UK: never use a phone or laptop. Welcome to the Rules Based Order 08/30/2024 Sarah Wilkinson: Thank you @HussainShafiei & @CraigMurrayOrg & @georgegalloway etc: my mother was hurt, denied meds & bailed to “never” use a phone/laptop
(Video) Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: Zionist operatives openly admit that Black Americans are the biggest threat to the Zionist project. This is why the ADL targets Black activists and influencers. Zionists are declaring war on Black American’s free speech rights 08/30/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: For two retweets on X critical of Israel, acclaimed Australian journalist @MaryKostakidis is facing charges of allegedly violating the Australia's Racial Discrimination Act. All across the West, the Israel lobby threatens cherished free speech rights 08/30/2024
(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: Kamala Harris says she'll continue Biden's support for occupation, apartheid, and genocide in Palestine. Resist the propaganda telling you to hold your nose and vote for pro-genocide Democrats. Power concedes nothing without a demand. You can't stop genocide by voting for it. 08/30/2024 HOT SPOT: 🇮🇱🇺🇸 Kamala Harris confirms that her policy on Israel/Gaza is going to be exactly the same as Joe Bidens: BASH: "Would you do anything differently? For example, would you withhold some U.S. weapons shipments to Israel?" KAMALA: "I'm unwavering in my commitment to Israel's ability to defend itself.and that's not gonna change" BASH: "But no change in policy in terms of arms and so forth?" Harris: "No"
(Video) I'm no fan of the ADL, but that quote plays into their hands, even if it's hard to resist. It helps more to point out the Many flaws of the ADL, including many listed on this open letter and "This primer" from Drop the ADL! 08/30/2024 Max Blumenthal: STFU ADL // ADL: This is how Revolutionary Blackout Network, a popular socialist activist group led by Nick Cruse, responded to a headline that says 44% of Jewish college students don't feel safe identifying as Jewish on campus. Such lack of empathy and outright hostility is plain antisemitism. // NYC Tokyo Doll: When Wikipedia tells the world the ADL has no credibility, the world should ignore their crap.
"This primer" from Drop the ADL!
(Video) Khalissee: Jewish people were spoken to on a Palestine demo in London in April. Not all Jewish people support Genocide, to say otherwise is textbook Antisemitism: 08/30/2024
(Video) Rania: The every day life of Pa1estinians in Gaza 08/30/2024
(Video) I would like the full story on this, including the original speech, but it appears Prewett Asher, the press secretary for Congressman Tim Burchett of Tennessee, allegedly gave a speech calling for Palestine to be deleted. 08/30/2024 Empire Of Lies: This vacant-eyed chud wants to "delete" Palestine?These racist worms need to be called out every time they show their stupid faces.
(Video) Khalissee: Palestinian children cry in terror as IOF forces beat their father in front of them. This was filmed in 2022 08/30/2024
(Video) What now? 😶: How does that fit in with his support for Israel tho? 08/30/2024 Turncoat Don: When Trump said great nations do not fight endless wars, the generals were so mad their heads exploded.
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 David Ben-Naim is a student at @Columbia and IDF “lone soldier.” In this photo, he appears to possibly be looting a displaced or killed family’s home, with his gun 08/30/2024
(Video) TheSpecter 🔻: This is what "unsafe" at school looks like. 08/30/2024 : This is how Revolutionary Blackout Network, a popular socialist activist group led by Nick Cruse, responded to a headline that says 44% of Jewish college students don't feel safe identifying as Jewish on campus. Such lack of empathy and outright hostility is plain antisemitism.
Robert (Durden): The ADL turned off the comments to avoid getting ratio’d and subsequently got ratio’d in the Reposts. Get wrecked, zionists. 08/30/2024
Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: ADL in a nutshell 08/31/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The only country in the world where a rapist gets paraded on TV like a hero 08/31/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: My God!!!! @potus why are you doing this? You could stop this by withholding arms and money. You. This is on you!!! 08/31/2024 Rania: This is what US-backed Israeli terrorism is doing to Palestinian children.
(Video) Ryan Grim: Jenin is where an IDF soldier shot and killed Shireen Abu Akleh 08/30/2024 : ⚡️BREAKING: Israeli forces targeted JOURNALISTS in Jenin, WEST BANK. Visibly identifiable journalists yelled “WE ARE PRESS” “ WE WANT TO PASS.” Israeli soldiers responded by shooting them.
(Video) Khalissee: ✝️ Christians were praying in a church in Gaza when Israeli airstrikes hit the church. Christians across the world need to wake up. Their religion is under attack by Zionists. 08/31/2024
(Video) Rania: This is what US-backed Israeli terrorism is doing to Palestinian children. 08/31/2024
(Video) League of Extraordinary Gentiles: Jewish children destroy humanitarian aid meant to reach the Palestinians. How do children learn to hate like that? 08/31/2024
(Video) Pelham: Medo Halimy was intentionally targeted by Israel on a beach with his friends due to his massive social media presence… Medo made the world see that Palestinians weren’t Islamic terrorists like the media wants you to believe.. Instead Medo showed the world that Palestinians were no different to you and me, they have a love for life, and they were fighting for their existence.. “They’re taking away life, but I’m bringing life”… Medo Halimy 🇵🇸💔 08/30/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: For decades, world leaders have said that the solution to the Israeli-P۸lestinian "conflict" is simple: Two States – "Israel" & P۸lestine – next to each other. Here is WHY this solution WON'T WORK 08/31/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Israeli settler terror against Zanuta and Anizan — the Palestinian villages that managed to come back to their homes 08/31/2024
(Video) American Jews are much more likely to support him than the interviewer implies. Many of the most outspoken critics of the war are American Jews, like @jvplive & @IfNotNowOrg but MSM refuses to report on this! 08/29/2024 Fifty Shades of Whey: Everyone should watch this CBS report
(Video) Rania: It's so indecent and humiliating to say that we do exist, says Edward Said. Because Zionists have been trying to erase us Palestinians since even before 1948! 08/31/2024
(Video) DeepFake Dissident: I think I found @DrJillStein’s campaign rally theme song… TikTok: jordansmartmusic 09/01/2024 "Quit killing children, are you insane? .... It isn't complicated you're spending tens of billions to drop bombs on children."
(Video) Khalissee: Palestinian Ambassador to the UK @hzomlot asks a very important question: Why has Israel been put above the law for the past 76 years? 08/31/2024
(Video) Censored Men: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israel is currently targeting Palestinian civilians in the vicinity of Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza. The Church, built around 407 AD, was preserved during both Christian and Muslim rule of the land. Only now is it under threat. Isn’t it interesting how, under Hamas’ rule, the Church was preserved and looked after, but now that Israel claims they are ‘liberating the Gaza Strip,’ it is under attack? Some Judeo-Christian values, right? 🎥 @KhalilJeries 08/31/2024
(Video) Pelham: Forget about antisemitism, Israel is the most racist country on earth…🇮🇱 09/01/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Leave nothing alive. Wipe them out. All of them.” - Josh Rothenberg, VP at Liberty Payroll in New Jersey. To raise awareness: 📧 CEO 08/3/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The Israeli army crushes the body of an elderly Palestinian. They shot him, prevented paramedics from reaching him for hours, and then ran him over. This is Jenin in the West Bank. Hamas are not in the West Bank. It was never about Hamas or Hostages 09/01/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The British state may have gagged @swilkinsonbc but it couldn’t stop her team at @rebuildgaza24 from providing 4 schools in Gaza with fresh water 08/31/2024
(Video) Jake Shields: The IDF is making TikToc videos out of their crimes 08/31/2024 Twitter, controlled by the great defender of speech, Elon Musk, is putting warnings on videos that expose Israeli atrocities! Rich people who pretend to defend free speech think we're gullible!
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Mustafa Barghouti Destroys Piers Morgan's Lies 08/31/2024
(Video) Amnesty UK: 🚨BREAKING: 179 health workers gathered outside St Thomas’ Hospital to demand the release of the 179 Palestinian health workers held in secret detention by Israeli forces. These brave health workers were taken by Israeli forces while risking their lives to provide medical care. 08/30/2024
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: The Israeli Iraeli police ran over the sister of one of the hostages in Gaza and arrested a doctor who tried to provide her with first aid. This is the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ 08/31/2024
(Video) Mohamad Safa: Israel has just bombed another UN school that people are using as a shelter. Children killed. This is not a war. This is a genocide. 09/01/2024
(Video) Quds News Network: BREAKING: Israeli army bulldozers embark on destroying infrastructure in the Jenin city center, marking the fifth day of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the city. 09/01/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Settlers are monsters. They stormed, attacked and destroyed a Childrens Shelter with Newborn Babies in it - you can hear the sound of frightened children 09/01/2024
Lee Camp [Redacted]: 🚨 This note from The Times of Israel (a pro-Israel newspaper) says a lot. This entire war has been perpetrated from day one because Netanyahu & Israel’s ruling elite want it. 09/01/2024
‘No doubt’ Netanyahu preventing hostage deal, charges ex-spokesman of Families Forum 04/26/2024 “We later found out that Hamas had offered on October 9 or 10 to release all the civilian hostages in exchange for the IDF not entering the Strip, but the government rejected the offer.”
(Video) Amnesty UK: 179 Palestinian health workers are being held in secret detention by Israeli forces. We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the Palestinian health care system. We stand with them. Will the UK government and medical institutions? #FreeGazaMedics #StopArmingIsrael 09/01/2024
(Video) Miko Peled: What stands in the way of peace & security for Palestinians and others who reside in Palestine is the apartheid state. Peaceful coexistence between the River and the Sea will be possible once the apartheid Zionist state is replaced with a free, democratic Palestine. 09/01/2024 Levy 🍉🇵🇸: Apartheid Israel has no right to exist | Miko Peled
(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: Does Israel Have a Right to EXIST? (w/ Miko Peled) 10/19/2023
(Video) Clare Daly: All of this is happening because US/EU leadership placed zero restraint on Israel while it committed genocide for 11 months. Everything they've signalled about "ceasefires" is an insulting charade for domestic audiences. There are no red lines for them and Israel got the message. 09/01/2024 Mariam Barghouti مريم البرغوثي: I was in Jenin and I cannot explain how ruthless the Israeli military is being. The city is like a ghost town and the refugee camp is a collective torture chamber. Israeli practices in Jenin include: Mass arrests including minors, Blowing up homes of civilians Denying entry of food, water, medics. The children that managed to escape are traumatized, they’re nothing but tears and shock. Everyone is unable to fully recognize this unprecedented violence and at such an intensity. Jenin is another Gaza in terms of violence being inflicted.
(Video) Rania: An illegal occupation and apartheid can never be a democracy! 08/31/2024
(Video) Chris Hedges: Eugene Rogan explains how the fall of the Ottoman Empire laid the grounds for the modern Middle East that Western powers continue to exploit to this day. 08/30/2024
(Video) The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel: The Fall of the Ottomans Created the Modern Middle East (w/ Eugene Rogan) 08/30/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Preventing Palestinians from accessing water is one of the favourite tactics of the Israeli occupation. 09/02/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Where were Biden and his administration when Isr۸eli warplanes b۵mbed the home of American child Yousef Abu Shaban in G۸Z۸ They ki۱۱ed his sister, injuring his other sister, and wounding his parents. 09/01/2024
(Video) Rania 1sr@el bombed and destroyed the third oldest Greek Orthodox church in the world, the Church of St. Porphyrius, where P@1estini@n Christian & Muslims were taking refuge too! 09/02/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: Charlie Veitch went from doing free hugs as the “Love Police” 15 years ago to harassing workers wearing keffiyehs. Another YouTuber that got serious brain damage flying down the alt right pipeline. 09/01/2024 Esheru: This is bullying pure and simple.
(Video) Khalissee: They've destroyed so many roads in Jenin that Ambulances can't get through to those in need. 09/02/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Jenin has been under IOF assault for six days. Until today the army blocked ambulances from entering the refugee camp. 70% of the roads have been damaged, 80% of houses don't have access to water 09/02/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: As a massive general strike shuts down major sectors of the Israel’s economy, pressure mounts on Netanyahu to secure a ceasefire and the release of hostages. Where is the U.S.? If Biden truly stood with hostage families, he’d halt weapons to Israel until a ceasefire is reached. Maybe it’s time for a general strike in the U.S. too! 09/02/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Bailed to never use a computer or phone again while @swilkinsonbc waits months for a trial that probably won’t come @georgegalloway @MoatsTV 09/01/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Excerpts: the arrest of @richimedhurst @swilkinsonbc: the looting of my mother’s home & butchery of my grandmother’s ashes @MaxBlumenthal 08/31/2024
(Video) Chris Hedges: Since Oct. 7, Israel has made its enemy the conscientious sectors of American society. Israeli historian Ilan Pappé says the lobby doesn’t have, and will never have, the tools to fight against systemic changes in public opinion. 09/02/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Sue Gutstein Rubin is a resident of Skokie, Illinois. She refers to children as “so called human beings” and believes they should receive zero food and zero polio vaccines 09/02/2024
Ajamu Baraka: Arab and Muslim should do what so many African Americans don't do and that is to vote according to your interests & not the agenda of the white colonial/capitalist rulers. Democrats are responsible for the slaughter of Palestinians. They deserve to lose. 09/02/2024 Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: SHOCKING POLL: Democrats have a 40 POINT DROP with MUSLIM Voters. Jill Stein is now tied with Kamala Harris with the Muslim vote! This is probably the strongest position third parties have been my entire life
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Vaccinated the next generation of jihadists” - Itai Hazan, sales manager at @GRNHomeSystems in LA. Read his views on polio vaccinations for children. 📧 09/01/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Zero vaccinations, zero food, zero aid” Adi Evron is a real estate agent at Manhattan Realty Group 📧 To raise awareness: 09/02/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: Israel bombed the entrance of Al-Fakhoura School, a designated “safe zone” for children to get the polio vaccine. My friend’s baby nephew, who was scheduled for vaccination today, is now internally bleeding from shrapnel in his spine/lungs. “It’s the same lie & mockery by Israel” 09/03/2024
(Video) Andrey X: I walked the same streets in Jenin with a difference of one month. Seven days into the IOF attack, they're unrecognisable. 09/03/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Video by @00_Zaid_00 kindly posted by @MENAUncensored @Leila1H @shameensuleman : the inhuman bail conditions ARE the jail sentence 09/03/2024
(Video) Andrey X: The streets of Jenin are empty — people are hiding in their homes, while IOF bulldozers roam the city and soldiers shoot at random targets 09/03/2024
(Video) Abier: One of the most barbaric and cowardly occupation armies in history, perhaps even the worst. Israeli soldiers gang up on a Palestinian teenager in the illegally occupied West Bank. 09/02/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: They are now using AI to KI۱۱ People in the West Bank. Israel is testing out AI remote-control guns on P۸lestinian communities in the occupied West Bank. 09/03/2024
(Video) Angelo Giuliano 🇨🇭🇮🇹🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻: Auschwitz 1944? No sorry.... This is Gaza. Humiliation, slow death, humans treated like animals by supremacists. Never forget that Zionists consider ANY non Jews to be INFERIOR. This sick ideology is a danger for humanity. Today Palestinians, tomorrow it will be YOU. 09/03/2024
Briahna Joy Gray: Kamala Harris teaching a generation of young girls to shout down anti-war protesters and become mouthpieces for genocide. 09/02/2024 🪷 Madam Auntie VP Kamala Harris for PRESIDENT!: VP Kamala Harris shakes hands with a young supporter wearing an “I’m Speaking” t-shirt in Pittsburgh today. 🗣️
(Video) Richard Medhurst: Israeli vehicles blocking Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances from passing. Is there a jurisdiction in the world where this is not criminal behavior? 09/03/2024
(Video) Mohamad Safa: This is not a detainment camp in World War II, nor a prison in the Holocaust, this is Gaza in 2024. A chilling reminder that history repeats. A holocaust is happening right before our eyes and the world is silent. 09/03/2024
(Video) Abier: Israeli army released this woman today. She doesn’t know her name and can’t remember anything.. she’s currently in Al Aqsa Hospital- Deir Al Balah. U can tell from the visible cuts and bruises that she underwent server torture. Via @Abu_Salah9 09/02/2024
(Video) This is Ofer Cassif, an extremely rare and decent member of the Knesset! 09/03/2024 Pelham: Israel is in civil war…🇮🇱 // Ofer Cassif, member of the Knesset talking about how they don't care about rights of Palestinians, they only care about the criminal settlers stealing land.
(Video) Assal Rad: “This is how Israelis feel…people enjoy knowing that they are suffering.” 09/03/2024 Zionist podcaster laughing about suffering of Palestinians and say many other Israelis do too.
(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️BREAKING: Israeli settlers, along with Occupation soldiers are seizing and stealing from the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, West Bank. This is the same mosque they blocked Palestinian Muslims from accessing a few days ago, and then set up a music festival on its grounds with alcoholic drinks. Now they’re looting it. 09/02/2024
(Video) League of Extraordinary Gentiles: You always lose serving the devil. Ido Gal Razon a former IOF soldier says that he "pisses himself" at night when he see's the 40 innocent Palestinians he murdered... who ask him "Why did you kill me?" He isn't really upset at his decision to kill the innocent Palestinians... he is angry at the Israeli government as he isn't getting the disability medical benefits he thought he was entitled to. He is angry that his mother has to pay for his medical expenses linked to his PTSD. He ends by saying that the whole Israeli system has failed and that he knows that the data presented to him, based on which he killed, was all lies. Do you have any sympathy towards this Jew who murdered not 1... but 40 civilians? 09/03/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: The Zionist propaganda line about "OMG KHAMAS KILLED AN AMERICAN!!!" is so deranged. As if the Israeli regime doesn't routinely kill Americans, from Rachel Corrie to Shireen Abu Akleh, without even flinching. And of course nothing is done about it, as John Mearsheimer notes: 09/03/2024 From aproximately 2010 or a little later.
(Video) What the media hides: She’s not wrong. Israel buys British politicians to persecute Palestine activists and journalists 09/03/2024
Briahna Joy Gray: The anti-genocide left is not “helping Trump” by criticizing Kamala. If anything, they’re pushing her toward a more electable position. Kamala is flailing bc voters are increasingly aware that Democrats care more about funding genocide than beating Trump. 09/03/2024 Holding Dems Accountable (From the Left!): Looks like the coconut tree memes wore off once voters realized Kamala's only two policies are continuing the gen*cide and a fascist crackdown on immigrants.
(Video) DeepFake Dissident: What did you expect the Apartheid State to do after committing genocide in Gaza? (1st vid) To those who still hesitate to name it genocide, what the fuck is the Apartheid State now doing in the illegally occupied West Bank? (2nd vid) The Apartheid State is committing suicide. 09/03/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The media will never show you this. A released Israeli hostages goes mad at Ben Gvir and says it’s Israel thats actually killing the hostages 09/02/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Every accusation is a confession example 9,678,976,342,154,6372838838388 09/02/2024 Gad Saad: Stop teaching infants straight out of the womb that all of your problems stem from the diabolical Jews. Develop an ethos of personal responsibility. Love your children as much as you hate Jewish ones (to paraphrase Golda Meir). Stop wallowing in intergenerational victimhood. The entire history of the world (every inch) was once someone else's land notwithstanding Israel's ancestral claims to the land. Accept the new geography and move on. Literally, every other human being has had to do that including every one in my family as well as that of my wife's family.
(Video) Saul Staniforth: A 14 year old Palestinian boy was on his way to the Mosque with his dad. An Israeli sniper shot him in the neck. Israel is a terrorist state. 09/03/2024
(Video) League of Extraordinary Gentiles: International Jews fly from all around the world to join the IOF, so that they can kill Palestinian civilians. This isn't a black mirror episode. 09/03/2024
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: Irans brutal regime beats up on peaceful protestors in the most barbaric way. Oh my bad, this is actually Israel tonight 09/01/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Harris feels she can act with impunity on Gaza. Why? Because she’s betting that voters will come back to her at the end of the day bc she’s “better than Trump.” If you’re committing to vote for her at this stage, you’re enabling a genocide. At the very minimum, condition your vote. 09/04/2024 CaseStudyQB - #ArmsEmbargoNOW: CNN - 9/3/2024 - on no difference in #GazaGenocide policy between Biden and @VP Kamala Harris and if it will cause her not to win. "The Harris campaign is betting that this block of uncommitted voters, the progressive voters, are going to at the end of the day vote Democratic"
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: From @redsarah99 | posted by family: Starmer sends 12+ balaclavad police to ransack Sarah Wilkinson’s home & arrest her for reporting news 09/04/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Jewish American Doctor Mark Perlmutter saw Children in G۸Z۸ BEING SH۵T 2x by SN۱PERS. These are NOT Accidents 09/04/2024
(Video) "If you gave me a button to kill all the people in Gaza (or other Palestinian territories) I would press it right now!" They think this is funny and repeat it over and over again! 09/04/2024 DeepFake Dissident: These guys are really PISSED OFF MORE PEOPLE HAVEN’T BEEN KILLED in Gaza. This is how A MAJORITY OF ISRAELIS FEEL. This is the TRUE FACE OF ZIONISM. This is the TRUE HEART OF ZIONISM corporate media WON’T SHOW YOU. Look carefully & then try to justify the Apartheid State.👇
(Video) Khalissee: Auschwitz 1944? No. This is Gaza. Human beings are being treated like Animals. 09/04/2024
(Video) Rania: What the fck!!! You saw it with your own eyes, no excuses acceptable! 09/04/2024
(Video) They're not quite trying to make it legal, at least not clearly, but it's way too close. He also calls out Sheryl Sandberg who pushed exaggerated or false claims and waits to see is she expresses the same outrage for real claims. 09/04/2024 Ryan Rozbiani: THEY ARE DISGUSTING - WAKE UP! Israeli Lawmakers Consider Passing Law Making It LEGAL To R۸Pع P۸lestini۸ns
Briahna Joy Gray: Columbia has banned peaceful encampments, redefined anti Zionism as antisemitism, called the NYPD w/ tanks & riot gear, & lost a dean who buckled under the pressure of still not being authoritarian enough for Zionists. But here comes a liberal tone policing what’s left. 09/04/2024
(Video) Columbia Cuts Due Process for Protesters After Congress Demands Harsher Punishment 08/29/2024
(Video) Rania: The message to 1sr@el is very clear: Get out of P@1estine, it is NOT your country. 09/04/2024
Medea Benjamin: I wish more Hollywood stars would speak out for Gaza, especially now when we have to put pressure on the presidential candidates. 09/04/2024 Globe Eye News: Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie accuses world leaders of complicity in crimes in Gaza.
(Video) Ian Carroll: Israel has never treated the USA like a true ally. They literally stole nukes from us. There’s an entire file about their massive spy network in the US leading into 9/11. They buy our entire congress. This is just the official historical record. 09/03/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Nice wipe rag, b*tch!” Can anyone identify this NYC man? 09/03/2024
(Video) Pelham: 🚨8 year old Palestinian girl Doha was kidnapped by IDF soldiers in July. Her family have not seen her since she was lured in by a predator IDF soldier. The IDF soldier posted a photo with Doha on his social media page, but says he handed the girl to other IDF soldiers. Many Palestinian children have been abducted by IDF soldiers, and thousands are missing…🇮🇱🇵🇸 09/03/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: I love America, but we have caused Chaos in many Counties. Time to repent - END ARMS TO ISRAEL 09/04/2024
MintPress News: Arrested activist Sarah Wilkinson was reportedly asked to give up the location of contacts in Gaza by police and refused. After being arrested and barred from using electronic devices, over her activism in favour of Palestinian human rights, it has emerged that Sarah Wilkinson was requested to give up the locations of Palestinian contacts she had in Gaza. The British police asking for locations of individuals inside of Gaza is particularly worrying as the U.K. military shares intelligence extensively with Israel, meaning that perhaps such information could reach the Israeli military and aid them in committing war crimes. 09/04/2024
(Video) League of Extraordinary Gentiles: Palestinians who protested for their right to exist in their homeland were shot at and beaten senselessly by Jewish IOF soldiers. Paramedics were pushed around and assaulted in attempts to delay medical care. 09/04/2024
(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️🇮🇱 BREAKING: Netanyahu *AGAIN* uses a map that erases the West Bank during his press conference today. This comes after the US refused to condemn him explicitly for doing so. "It goes from the river to the sea." He presented a map excluding the occupied West Bank, which has sparked regional concerns and condemnations over fears that Israel is pursuing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to Jordan. 09/04/2024
Medea Benjamin: A 16-year-old girl in Jenin was murdered by Israeli snipers as she looked out the window of her home. Will we hear condolences and calls for an investigation/sanctions from President Biden and Congress? No, we won't. 09/05/2024
Girl 'killed inside home' as Israeli West Bank operation continues 09/04/2024 Lujain Musleh’s father said she was shot in the head as she looked out of a window of her home in Kafr Dan, just outside Jenin, after soldiers surrounded a neighbouring house on Tuesday.
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: WEST BANK: A 16-year-old Palestinian girl was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper in Jenin. Lujain Musleh’s father says she was shot through the forehead while looking out of the window of their home. No other country on earth can get away with this level of barbarity. 09/04/2024
Medea Benjamin: All the big environmental groups who refuse to condemn Israel's ecocide in Gaza should learn from the great @GretaThunberg. 09/05/2024 Matt Kennard: “To stand with Palestine is to be human” —Greta Thunberg, who has just been arrested in Copenhagen protesting against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Long live Greta!
(Video) Rania And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how it's done! Well done #Portland! 09/05/2024 Devestment from Israel in Portland Maine
(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Israel's Likud Party Parliament Knesset Member Tally Gotliv calls for the execution or life imprisonment of Human Rights Activist Yuli Novak following her speech at the UNSC yesterday. It's like a freaking Mob rule across the world 09/05/2024
Israeli lawmaker calls for B'Tselem chief to be arrested for 'assisting the enemy' 09/06/2024 Likud MP urges police to question Yuli Novak under law punishable by death penalty or life sentence after Security Council speech .... Tally Gotliv, a member of Israel's parliament, penned the letter to Israeli Chief Police Commissioner Daniel Levy on Thursday, calling for Yuli Novak, B'Tselem's executive director, to be questioned.
(Video) Greg J Stoker: Hmmm… seems super necessary. I wonder where our cops get it from… 09/04/2024 Israeli Soldiers attacking Palestinian women.
(Video) Quds News Network: "80% of everyone I treated was under the age of 16... all of the injuries were explosive related & burns... I saw a lot of lower limb trauma, children losing legs, arms... a lot of facial injuries." British plastic surgeon Victoria Rose recounts the horrors she witnessed while volunteering in Gaza's hospitals, treating Palestinian children with traumatic injuries caused by Israeli occupation attacks. 09/05/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Veterans for Peace are taking action in Congress! With chapters nationwide, they're delivering an important message: U.S. support for Israel is breaking U.S. laws, and it's time for Congress to investigate. 09/05/2024
Andreas 🇵🇸: The Western world is ruled by the criminally insane. 09/05/2024
Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia 11/26/2013
Genetics of Schizophrenia in an Ashkenazi Jewish Case-Control Cohort 09/04/2012
(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱 A 9-year-old Palestinian child was arreated in Jerusalem today. He is a HOSTAGE, along with 1000s of others held by Israel. No other nation in the world would allow this to be normal 09/05/2024
(Video) Pelham: American Jewish Billionaire Alex Karp is using spyware to intercept phone calls from international citizens to Palestinians. His company Palantir is selling this information to the IDF (Unit 8200) so they can target civilians in Gaza, including well over 18,000 children…🇵🇸💔 09/05/2024
(Video) Huma Zehra: BREAKING: The International Court has declared Israel an illegal state. 09/06/2024
Ajamu Baraka: And democrats are supporting starvation, 18,000 child deaths, torture and genocide in Gaza. Your liberal moral superiority has died in Gaza & West Bank. 09/06/2024 Robert Reich: Let me get this straight. Republicans are banning books, drag shows, and life-saving gender-affirming care, all to "protect children" But they're also rolling back child labor laws, blocking gun reform, and passing laws to force adolescents to give birth. Do I have that right?
(Video) Double Down News: EXPOSED: Israel’s Secret Torture Camps @OborneTweets 09/06/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Zionist fanatic Alex Karp has faced no institutional barriers on his path to becoming a billionaire. He lives a life of unalloyed privilege, raking in piles of corporate welfare. So why is he freaking out about antisemitism? Because Americans are organizing against his plan to construct a Skynet style AI driven mass murder system, which is currently being tested on the people of Gaza. This certifiable psychopath and those like him are more dangerous to humanity than any serial killer who stalked our streets. 09/06/2024 Pelham: Palantir CEO Alex Carp who’s company’s data-mining software helps the IDF killing machine to select targets including 18,000 innocent children… says we need to scrap the 1st Amendment to target antisemitism in America…🇮🇱🇺🇸
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Dana Bash is a genocidal Zionist propagandist scumbag who should be protested wherever she goes, like you should be. And if the Nuremberg principles were applied, both her and you would be hanged for your genocidal propaganda like Julius Streicher was 09/06/2024 on October 7 one baby died, killed accidentally in a safe room due to crossfire. Now here is Jake Tapper doing a glowing profile of United Hatzalah, an Israeli fanatical cult like Zaka that fabricated many of the atrocity propaganda hoaxes like the 40 beheaded babies in ovens. I want you to look very carefully at the person @jaketapper is interviewing here. Look at his face. Look at his feigned appearance of shock and trauma as he recounts seeing non-existent killed babies "who didn't even know how to say dadda or mamma," as you know that every single word he utters is a vile depraved lie. Look at him. // Jake Tapper: These protesters target Dana at her home and this event because she’s Jewish. There is nothing about her coverage of the Israel-Hamas war that is different from most other news coverage, covering both Jewish/Israeli and Palestinian pain. This harassment is antisemitism.
(Video) Dana Bash repeated exaggerated or false rape accusations then said "but you don't see Israel's raping people," which was false when she said it there's an epidemic IDF rape problem. She falsely claimed "There was a ceasefire on October 6," & more. (1/2) 09/06/2024 Dana Bash, CNN & other MSM refuses to report on the fact that planning for theft of Palestinian land began over 40 years before the Holocaust, or that Europeans were responsible for earlier Pogroms & the Holocaust. Zionists have been terrorizing Palestinians for 100 years! (2/2) Also read the replies to Tapper's false or misleading Tweet; dozens of people are exposing his fraud!
Katie Halper is a Jew For #CeasefireNow: Unbelievable that this title is still up and that Dana Bash has been SILENT on the ACTUALLY DOCUMENTED rape committed by Israeli soldiers, documented on video, cheered on by Israeli protestors and members of the Knesset. 09/04/2024
(Video) Bash calls out silence over Hamas' use of sexual violence. Hear Jayapal's response 12/03/2023
(Video) Quds News Network: “It’s not a war, it’s never been a war. It’s ethnic cleansing, it’s genocide.” CNN's Dana Bash has been interrupted multiple times by pro-Palestine protesters who accused her of being complicit in the Israeli genocide in Gaza. 09/06/2024
(Video) Keyboard Resistor: Prior to Jake Tapper posting this, Israel killed an American activist in Beita, near Nablus. Which story is more newsworthy-Dana Bash, Tapper's colleague being protested at her "home" (unlike Palestinians, she still has one) or Israel killing an American in the West Bank? 09/06/2024 Jake Tapper: These protesters target Dana at her home and this event because she’s Jewish. There is nothing about her coverage of the Israel-Hamas war that is different from most other news coverage, covering both Jewish/Israeli and Palestinian pain. This harassment is antisemitism.
(Video) Keyboard Resistor: It will eventually land on the desk of the Supreme Court, so determined are Zionists to see this overturning of 1st amendment activities by stealth rather than a Constitutional convention, where everyone has a say, through. Tapper's rights will be fine, while others are censored. 09/06/2024
(Video) ADAM: Another day another school bombing ignored by mainstream media. 09/06/2024
(Video) Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: FREE SPEECH TRIAL OF THE CENTURY: The Biden administration is attempting to send the Uhuru 3 to prison for 15 years for opposing his wars. Where is the free speech right? Why are progressives supporting Democratic Party fascism? 09/06/2024
(Video) Khalissee: An eye witness describes how American Citizen Aysenur Eygi was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier. This is the broad daylight assassination of an American citizen. 09/06/2024
(Video) COMBATE |🇵🇷: Bolivia at the UN (2014): "I want to apologize to the Palestinians... the international community is failing you." Nothing has changed, every word could be said today 09/0/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: It was an intentional killing, an execution, says fellow activist after israeli troops shot a 26yr-old American woman in the head @NickWil76898584 09/06/2024
(Video) AHMED | أحمد: Ben-Gvir called murderer at the beach in Tel Aviv! 09/06/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Video Premiere Now‼️ "So I'm like, really trying very hard to keep individual names out of it, but...there are people who fully endorsed Jill Stein, who are now talking about Kamala like being better than Biden & improving on the genocide, & all she has to do is signal in this way and that way. And it's, I think you made a really important point which is that we prided ourselves as leftists kind of in the Bernie sphere of understanding to judge candidates on the basis of the money they take & the people they are beholden to. And to look at Kamala Harris with her multimillions from APAC and a bunch of other big Zionist donors and not have any skepticism of this..." 09/05/2024
(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: AOC's Bad Faith ATTACKS on Jill Stein (w/ Sabby Sabs) 09/05/2024
(Video) Nur Dogan: Toronto police attacked the students at the University of Toronto Asset Management office pushing them to the ground. 09/06/2024
(Video) Gianna: @jaketapper and Dana Bash played a role in spreading Israeli misinformation, and now they’re facing the consequences. 09/06/2024 Max Blumenthal: Enough time has passed since October 7 for Israeli media to state what we’ve been saying for over three months, which is that Israel’s military and political leadership fabricated many of the grisliest Hamas atrocities in order to generate support for the genocidal war it planned in Gaza. Here, a Channel 13 panel including Mickey Rosenfeld, the longtime Israeli police spokesman who spread many such lies after October 7, acknowledges that lurid stories of babies hung on clotheslines, a fetus cut from a pregnant woman, a baby baked in an oven, and more were invented “to increase the magnitude of hatred for Hamas.” As Rosenfeld put it, “The war is not only military, not only political, it’s mainly media.” Channel 13 manages to elicit a statement of contrition from the IDF spokesman, who apologizes for “describ[ing] a reality that didn’t happen.” Of course, confessions like these are easy when the damage has already been done. // Josh Marshall: 100%. Yet another example of pro-pal protesters protesting and harassing high profile Jews. This is solely about Bash being Jewish.
(Video) Bass Windu: Demonstrably untrue commentary from JoshTPM and Tapper. Bash has, time and again, uncritically adopted pro Israel talking points in her coverage. 09/06/2024 Josh Marshall: 100%. Yet another example of pro-pal protesters protesting and harassing high profile Jews. This is solely about Bash being Jewish.
CNN's Disgraceful Propaganda 05/02/2024 This segment from Dana Bash on the Palestine protest movement is one of the most shameful things I have ever seen on cable news.
Medea Benjamin: Maybe it's time for you to go back to your board position at Raytheon (now RTX) to cash in on the billions to you have stolen from the US taxpayers to fuel an unsuccessful war in Ukraine to "weaken Russia", instead of going for negotiations to end the war and save lives. 09/07/2024 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III: I’m back in Washington after another successful meeting of the UDCG at Ramstein, Germany. Since February 2022, this coalition has committed more than $106 billion in security assistance to Ukraine. And the international community will continue to rally behind Ukraine — our shared security in the 21st century depends on it.
(Video) Joe B. Carvalho 🇳🇪: Like a whore defending her pimp, Lindsey Graham defends Israel. Couldn't care less about Yahya Sinwar but watching American politicians fondle the stones of sandpeople sitting halfway across the world in an artificially created country is hilarious to me. 09/05/2024 Quds News Network: "Sinwar, your days are numbered, pal. We’re not going to indict you, we’re going to kill you." American Senator Lindsey Graham threatened on live TV to kill Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar if former President Donald Trump is elected in November.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Heartbroken and outraged by the killing of US citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi during a peaceful protest in the West Bank. Like Rachel Corrie in 2003 and many other US citizens, she stood for justice and paid the ultimate price. As we fight to dismantle Israel’s settler colonial regime, we must demand an independent investigation, sanctions on violent settlers, and an end to U.S. arms to Israel. Aysenur presente! Free Palestine. 09/06/2024
(Video) Sabby Sabs: Imagine if 4 black men showed up on campus armed. 🙄 09/07/2024 Samira Mohyeddin سمیرا: More Jewish vigilante groups roaming the @UofT campus today. This one calling themselves J Force.
(Video) Max Blumenthal: This is the third US or UK ISM activist targeted and killed by the Israeli army. She came to Palestine as a humanitarian, not to join Israel’s occupation forces, so don’t expect Tony Blinken to call her an “American hero.” Don’t expect the State Dept to say anything, in fact 09/06/2024 Samira Mohyeddin سمیرا: Aysenur Ezgi, an American of Turkish decent, has died after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers in the town of Beita. Aysenur was shot in the head while participating in protests against settlement expansion. Will @JoeBiden convene a cabinet meeting for her?
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Can anyone identify this woman on the train from Toronto to Niagara Falls? She allegedly said “go back to your countries” before claiming to be racist 09/07/2024
(Video) Rania: The Spanish humanity is exemplary. I wish the rest of the world learns from them. 09/07/2024
(Video) Arnaud Bertrand: Naomi Klein: "Zionism was an antisemitic idea from the start", reminding that the only British official opposing the Balfour declaration was the only Jew, Edwin Montagu, because he saw it as antisemitic. 09/06/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: So, no: There is no point at which Israel killing Americans will lead to a policy change. 09/06/2024 Prem Thakker: Q: What's message to Americans concerned you're providing aid to a country killing US citizens + is there any point that’d lead to policy change? Blinken: We extend condolences + deplore tragic loss. Important thing is to gather facts. No higher priority than safety of Americans.
(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: “I hope that Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell — shame on Israel. Shame on what you've done and it will never be forgotten.” —Irish MP Thomas Gould🇮🇪🇵🇸 09/07/2024
(Video) ADAM: Over 1 MILLION people gathered in London to protest Israel’s genøcide ✊🏻 This represents 1/8 of the population of London! And is one of the largest protests in the history of Great Britain 🇬🇧🇵🇸 09/07/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Erin Draper describes these dead and injured children as a “human shield defense system.” She is an esthetician at Evolve in Wilmington, Delaware 09/06/2024
(Video) Censored Men: 🇮🇱 Norman Finkelstein: “Netanyahu is an obnoxious, narcissistic Jewish supremacist — and in that respect he's the perfect mirror of Israeli society. When they see Netanyahu, they see themselves, and that's why they vote for him.” 09/06/2024
Lee Camp [Redacted]: 🚨 Think about it. 09/07/2024
(Video) Chris Hedges: The only way we can end Israel’s slaughter in Gaza is by ceasing all shipments of arms to Israel. The only way this can take place is if enough Americans show the political class that they will not support any political party who supports genocide. Watch my full interview with @DrJillStein and @ButchWare here: 09/07/2024
(Video) Campaigning Against Genocide (w/ Dr. Jill Stein & Butch Ware) | The Chris Hedges Report 09/04/2024
(Video) B.M.: Two more horrendous photos from Megiddo Concentration Camp. It's time people stop referring to these places as prisons. These are not prisons. These are concentration camps/torture camps. 09/06/2024 Quds News Network: Footage uploaded to Israeli media depicts Israeli occupation forces collectively torturing Palestinians held in Megiddo prison. The video shows prisoners lying face down on the ground, hands tied behind their backs, while being terrorized by dogs.
(Video) Grey: When you look close you can see some hands visibly turning purple from circulation loss 09/06/2024 guerraeslapaz: They've been doing this for a long time. Even their "doctors" are complicit.
Doctor at Israeli Field Hospital for Detained Gazans: 'We Are All Complicit in Breaking the Law' 04/04/2024 'Two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries,' says a doctor at an Israeli prison facility, who describes deplorable conditions and violations of medical ethics and the law in a letter to ministers, attorney general
“We Are All Complicit”: Israeli Doctor Details Amputations, Inhumane Treatment of Gazan Detainees 04/05/2024
Report: Israeli doctor says detained Palestinians are undergoing ‘routine’ amputations for handcuff injuries 04/06/2024 A doctor at a field hospital for detained Palestinians at Israel’s Sde Teiman army base has described “deplorable conditions” and “routine” amputations due to handcuff injuries, according to an exclusive report from the newspaper Haaretz.
(Video) Rania: I cannot believe that anyone still does not get that it's gen.0.cide that 1sr@el is committing! 09/08/2024
(Video) Khalissee: This video was not taken yesterday but was taken and posted by the @QudsNen on July 26, 2023 Israeli forces pour cement into the water springs in the Al-Hijrah area, located in the Occupied West Bank, to prevent Palestinians from accessing water. 09/08/2024
(Video) Miko Peled: We have to come to terms with the Zionist objectives in order to understand the dynamics of what is happening in Palestine: The Zionist objective is G E N O CI D E 09/08/2024 Going Underground: 'I don't think Israel's objective is to defeat the Palestinian resistance. I think Israel's objective is to kill as many Palestinians as's extermination. It's genocide.' - @mikopeled on Israel's genocidal war on Gaza FULL INTERVIEW:
(Video) Will the Gaza Genocide be the Beginning of The End of Israel & Zionism? (Miko Peled) June 2024
(Video) Rania: There you go : The US and Israel shared values! 09/08/2024
(Video) Ben Norton: There's good reason France's leader Emmanuel Macron is known as "President of the Rich". With a mere 26% approval rating, Macron obediently serves a small class of billionaire oligarchs. He eliminated the wealth tax while cutting social spending that had benefited workers. 09/08/2024
Max Blumenthal : Haaretz accused me of a “masterclass in manipulation” and called me a “conspiracy theorist” for reporting in October 2023 on Israel’s mass Hannibal operation. Now, Australian state media is saying it. 09/08/2024 Peter Cronau: Hundreds of Israeli citizens were killed by Israeli forces on Oct7. ABC: “This was a mass Hannibal. Thousands of people in every type of vehicle, some with hostages” Colonel Erez said. “28 fighter helicopters shot all of the ammunition in their bellies”
Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos 09/06/2024 "This was a mass Hannibal. It was tons and tons of openings in the fence, and thousands of people in every type of vehicle, some with hostages and some without," Colonel Erez said. Air force pilots described to Yedioth Ahronot newspaper the firing of "tremendous" amounts of ammunition on October 7 at people attempting to cross the border between Gaza and Israel. "Twenty-eight fighter helicopters shot over the course of the day all of the ammunition in their bellies, in renewed runs to rearm. We are talking about hundreds of 30-millimetre cannon mortars and Hellfire missiles," reporter Yoav Zeitoun said.
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “It’s time to send the Muslims back to the dysfunctional Arab Middle East.” Jerry Levy is a professor at @GeorgiaStateU. To raise awareness: 📧 Chief HR Officer 09/08/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: RAW AND POWERFUL‼️ The powerful voice of Rahma Zein boldly confronting CNN reporter Clarissa Ward at the Rafah crossing will forever be etched in our memories. It serves as a poignant reminder of the deep-seated anger and frustration we experience when witnessing the unwavering support from the US/Europe and the complicity of the media in Israel's systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. 09/08/2024 Wikipedia: Rahma Zein Rahma Zein is an Egyptian journalist known for her viral confrontation with CNN reporter Clarissa Ward, at the Rafah Border Crossing on October 20, 2023.
Miko Peled: “It’s absurd to ask the perpetrator of a genocide for a ceasefire. The premise for the negotiations is the wrong premise. There has to be an absolute clear demand to end the killing of Palestinians. Nothing short of that is going to bring about any change,” Peled told Al Jazeera. 09/08/2024
(Video) Sid 🇵🇸: Is it that witch from Community going "wow, wow"? 08/23/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Thanks to Kellys Solicitors @CrispinFlintoff & everyone inc @RogerWaters & @georgegalloway, my bail conditions are dropped: this is my first tweet 09/08/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 TERROR ON CAMPUS: The JDL marched at @UofT last week, calling for Gaza to become a “parking lot” The JDL is recognized by the FBI as a terrorist group 09/0/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: Today, I had the honor of meeting Mohammed from Gaza, a 14-year-old Palestinian who lost his legs and hands in an Israeli bombing in April. I was on the verge of tears upon meeting him, but his resilient and beautiful smile held me back. We spent several hours together. We played cards, I did some magic tricks, and we talked about his favorite video games. Like any child, he has dreams, aspirations, and hopes that were unjustly shattered by the genocide in Gaza. Despite everything, Mohammed’s resilience and optimism are truly inspiring. I’ve never met someone so strong. It was a privilege to meet him, and I look forward to seeing him again, Inshallah. May Allah protect and bless the people of Gaza. ❤️🤲 As always, Free Palestine 🇵🇸 09/08/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Zionists are antisemitic. They’re all crying that a Jewish woman thinks murdering Palestinians is bad. 09/08/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: I covered it 7 months ago. Then, after mounting pressure from AIPAC-backed US representatives and Zionists at @thehill, I was fired. I’ll be looking to see if The Hill covers this tomorrow. 09/08/2024 Robert (Durden): If you reported this 11 months ago, you were smeared relentlessly or even threatened. Now even Israeli MSM is reporting it. This is how it always goes.
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Is Israel KILLING HOSTAGES? Inside the IDF's Reported Oct 7 'Hannibal Directive' 01/17/2024
Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos 09/06/2024
(Video) Khalissee: This looks like something out of a horror movie. Children were injured by gunfire from an Israeli quadcopter drone that opened fire as they fled between tents, with nowhere to hide. Israel is toying with the lives of Gaza's children 09/09/2024
(Video) Assal Rad: Listen to volunteers in the West Bank describe settler violence against Palestinians, protected by Israeli forces, and continued attacks against activists. Where is the coverage of this in mainstream Western media? 09/08/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Hollywood is now khamas. Noa Tishby is crying bc #artists4ceasefire sent a letter to the Biden admin, calling on them to stop weapons shipments to the Israeli regime. 09/08/2024
(Video) Jimmy Dore: Holy Shit. Zionists intentionally killed their own people on october 7. Of course they don’t care about their hostages, they would probably kill them if they had the chance & then use their deaths as a reason to prolong their slaughter of children, women, doctors, journalists etc 09/0/2024 Peter Cronau: Hundreds of Israeli citizens were killed by Israeli forces on Oct7. ABC: “This was a mass Hannibal. Thousands of people in every type of vehicle, some with hostages” Colonel Erez said. “28 fighter helicopters shot all of the ammunition in their bellies”
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Good riddance” - Millen Livis, a personal finance consultant, responding to the shooting and killing of an American 09/08/2024
(Video) Abier: I had complete confidence in Finkelstein's ability to speak super faster than usual when pressed by idiots ♥️ Smashed it 09/09/2024
(Video) Rania: American lives only matter if they support genocide ! 09/0/2024
(Video) Democracy Now!: WATCH: Cindy and Craig Corrie are demanding independent investigations into the deaths of their daughter Rachel Corrie and of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, both U.S. citizens killed by the Israeli military while participating in nonviolent protest. 09/09/2024
(Video) Democracy Now!: Rachel Corrie’s Parents Mourn Death of Ayşenur Eygi, Warn of Israeli Military Cover-Up 09/09/2024
(Video) Rania: Ziotards strike again! 09/09/2024 Zionist woman causes trouble at protest then plays the victim.
(Video) Ronen Bergman did an excellent job reporting on Israel's long history of illegal assassinations, which were, of course atrocious; but now he's selling out for one reason or another! 09/09/2024 Sulaiman Ahmed: "How many times have you heard that Hamas doesn't want the deal? This statement, every time you heard it, was a lie." Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman says Israel's claim of Hamas not wanting a deal on the return of hostages has ALWAYS been a lie
(Video) Robert (Durden): Let that sink in… 368,000 dead, mostly women and children… 09/09/2024 HOT SPOT: NEW: Doctors volunteering in Gaza say that the updated *conservative* estimate of the death toll in Gaza has now reached 368,000 Palestinians This comes after several sources saying the 40,000 estimate is being deliberately frozen, with the Lancet estimating 186,000 and Ralph Nader estimating 200,000 back in March. (This estimate is based on statisitical predictions, not hard evidence, and may be unreliable, although the numbers based on hard evidence are almost certainly low, since bodies remain under the rubble or were detroyed by bombing.)
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "I feel that if you vote for Kamala Harris, you are going to be rewarding genocide. You are rewarding the Biden administration for genocide. If you let them run away with this, there's no telling what they're going to do...[I]f they feel like you're always going to come back regardless, why would they do anything for you? Why, why would they give you universal health care? Why would they give you free public universities? Why would they do this? Why would they bring back the child tax credit? Why, why would they do those things if they know that in the end, you're still going to support the party?" - @SabbySabs2 09/09/2024
(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: AOC's Bad Faith ATTACKS on Jill Stein (w/ Sabby Sabs) 09/05/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today in Congress, we are demanding an independent, transparent, and thorough investigation into the horrific Israeli killing of US citizen Aysenur Ezgi in the West Bank. We’re calling on Congress to step in and seek justice. 09/09/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Brian Kaplan was fired by Instacart after calling for “50 young women” to be raped last year. Any idea what he’s up to now? 09/10/2024
(Video) Pelham: When Israel bombed the first hospital in Gaza the world would not believe it. Israel said it was a misfired Hamas rocket and the mainstream media went into protection mode. Israel has now destroyed all 36 hospitals, and bombed multiple refugee camps in Gaza… and not a single word of condemnation from the mainstream media or western governments…🇮🇱🇵🇸 09/10/2024 I assume you're talking about the attack on Oct. 17, which wasn't the 1st attack on a hospital, but the biggest, killing almost 500. This was Israel all along, Hamas didn't have a bomb that could do that & despite denials, Israel did, an MK-84. Here's additional evidence, both sources are far more credible than traditional media.
Experts refute Israel's claims on Gaza hospital attack 10/18/2023
(Video) Sara Yafi on Hospital bombing Oct. 2023
(Video) BanuYafran: I am old enough to remember when this demon called Al Mawasi a « safe zone » #genocide #almawasi 09/10/2024 12/08/2023: Bangladesh News 24: 𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹𝗶 𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗟𝗶𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗢𝘂𝘁 𝗢𝗻 𝗦𝗸𝘆 Israel's ambassador to the UK said a safe zone for Palestinians called "Mawasi" had been set up in the south of Gaza. But when Sky's team visited there was no aid, no food kitchens and no help. Read more:
Israel-Hamas war: No help to be seen at 'safe zone' for Palestinians in Gaza 12/04/2023 Israel's ambassador to the UK said a safe zone for Palestinians called "Mawasi" had been set up in the south of Gaza. But when Sky's team visited there was no aid, no food kitchens and no help.
(Video) Huwaida Arraf: “We the People …” This is powerful. 09/08/2024 Protesters, including Jews, for ceasefire at public event
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The israelis bomb al-Mawasi and al-Bureij camps, killing more than 50 Palestinians, many children: what’s the point of all this, says a surgeon 09/10/2024
Sabby Sabs: Jill Stein LEADS Kamala with Muslim voters in 3 of the battleground states. Stein leads outright in Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin. 👀 09/09/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Palestinians throw rocks at IDF soldiers, here’s why.. 🍉 09/10/2024
(Video) Krystal Ball: The IDF justification is apparently that they were actually trying to summarily execute a different protester. 09/10/2024 Barak Ravid: BREAKING: IDF inquiry found that it is "highly likely" Turkish-American citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi "was hit indirectly and unintentionally by IDF fire which was not aimed at her, but aimed at the key instigator of the riot", IDF says in a statement
Medea Benjamin: "Our values are better than the values of the Chinese government and we must counter China's malign influence in the world," insists @RepGregoryMeeks, as he--and both parties--support Israeli genocide for the past 11 months. 09/09/2024
(Video) Roger Waters ✊: Lions Of Canaan Your Day Will Come A Free #Palestine From The River To The Sea ✊🏼🇵🇸🕊 09/10/2024
(Video) S.L. Kanthan: To say that Hamas killed 1,200 Israelis on Oct 7 is a Big Lie. Israel’s own military (IDF) used helicopters to kill Israelis, foreigners & Hamas alike. This is the “Hannibal Directive.” Example: The cars 👇🏽 at the music festival were not destroyed by men with guns. Obviously. 09/08/2024
Gio DeBatta 🍸: the Democrat Party expected Muslims to keep voting Democrat —like all the other groups their party claims to represent but oppresses. Big L. Muslims let Democrat Party know the Biden-Harris treatment of gaza cost their vote 09/10/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Did you know Jewish Physicist Einstein REFUSED to be the President of Israel He thought their ideologies resembled N۸ZIs 😳 09/09/2024
Albert Einstein Was Offered Israel's Presidency But He Refused. Here's Why 05/13/2024 The offer to Albert Einstein came at a critical juncture in Israel's history. The newly formed country was looking for a leader with great caliber and Einstein was admired across the world.
(Video) ADAM: This is actually insane. Only TWO MONTHS before 9/11, the World Trade Center was privatized & sold to Larry Silverstein. Every single morning he ate breakfast in North Tower on the 91st floor, BUT NOT ON 9/11, his wife made him an “emergency doctors appointment” that day. He also had conveniently bought an insurance plan that covered terrørism… After the attack, he took the insurance company to court. Silverstein won & was paid double, being awarded a total of $4.55B. He is still a free man and an Israeli hero. 09/11/2024
(Video) #StopCopCity: How did the #FreePalestine rally outside #Debate2024 end? With burly police basically attacking much smaller women. Also, check final frame to see the sheer volume of hundreds of police down the street to shut down a peaceful protest that never should have been shutdown. 09/11/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The @BBC has censored its own reporters and taken them off air for supporting Palestine. This is called Media Complicity in Genocide 09/11/2024
(Video) Pelham: Israeli economist Shir Hever says Israel’s genocidal war has bankrupted its economy and destroyed the country’s future… - 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt and up to 60,000 will close by years end- Foreign investment has dropped 60%- There is NO Tourism- Education system has collapsed - Doctors have left the country - Millions have returned to their homes in Europe - The Tech Industry (Israel’s largest) has slumped 56% and Intel cancelled a $25B project 09/10/2024
Aaron Maté: I included the link in my tweet, but if you want to play dumb, I'm happy to spell it out here: You work for New Lines magazine, which is published by Newlines Institute, which takes money from the US gov't and collaborates with the Pentagon -- you know, the same Pentagon currently providing Israel with the military and intelligence support to destroy Gaza and terrorize the West Bank. An odd professional arrangement for a self-described "pro-Palestinian", particularly one who feels entitled to decree who does and does not support Palestinians. 08/31/2024
(Video) Pelham: Jordan’s Queen Rania delivered one of the greatest speeches in modern history during her visit in Italy…🇯🇴🇮🇹 09/11/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Yesterday we were outside the Department of Education to speak up for the students and teachers of Gaza, as well as the students and teachers in the United States being silenced for telling the truth about Israel's genocide. 09/11/2024
(Video) #StopCopCity: NOW: Thousands flood Philadelphia streets on way to #Debate2024 to demand a #FreePalestine 09/10/2024
(Video) Kerry Burgess: When Israel falls, IDF personnel who committed these terrible crimes must be found and held to account. Something like the Simon Wiesenthal organisation needs to be set up to hunt these monsters down. 09/11/2024 Max Blumenthal
(Video) There were two women from this encounter making similar statements, can anyone name either? There were also other Zionists making other absurd statements as well. 09/11/2024 Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “I wish they will rape you alive, kill you, and send the video to your mother to see how you burn” Can anyone identify this DC woman? // Medea Benjamin confronts emotionally unstable, lying Zionists.
(Video) "I wish they will rape you alive and film you." Medea Benjamin, a Jewish activist with Code Pink, is harassed by pro-Israel demonstrators in Washington, DC, for calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. 11/16/2023
(Video) Pelham: Whilst Americans were distracted watching the Presidential debates, Israel started bombing residential buildings in Lebanon…🇱🇧 09/11/2024
(Video) Yes, almost, we should charge both, although Bush did many other things to be charged for. 09/11/2024 Khalissee: Netanyahu: "Charging me with war crimes in Gaza is like charging George Bush for 9/11"
(Video) Pelham: Young Palestinian girl shakes in fear as an IDF soldier holds her… you can hear the gunfire as others (perhaps her family) is executed 09/10/2024
Great Plains Active Club: Bragging about controlling the narrative on media while censoring someone for speaking about the jewish power in the media. 09/11/2024 ADL: It’s important when platforms like @YouTube take action against antisemitic propaganda. Videos like Candace Owens' promoting the false claim that 'Jewish people control the media' are not only baseless but fuel dangerous antisemitic conspiracies. This has no place in our society.
Mis💀Chie🌱Vous: Of course israel is feeling threatened, but NOT jewish people. many jewish people, among 95 percent of the rest of the world, condemns what israel is doing. its called GENOCIDE. there is proof that they have been oppressing, robing and ethnic cleansing Palestinians, since 1948.💯 09/11/2024 ADL: This conspiratorial post implying Zionism or Israel is to blame for both World Wars — and even the Holocaust — is yet another reason why it's so appalling that Haqiqatjou continues to be accepted by some in the anti-Israel activist movement as an important political commentator. Read more here:
Post-duopolist: Treating Jews, Israelis and Zionists as one group is peak anti-semetism. They're equating innocent Jews with Zionist Christians who think Israel is where all Jews should be sent to enable the second coming of Christ where everyone will be judged and non-Christians killed. 09/09/2024 ADL: Right after Oct. 7, ADL documented a 433% increase in posts calling for violence against Jews, Israelis or Zionists on the @telegram app. As ADL's @orensegal told @JTAnews -- "anybody who is in the business of tracking antisemitism is very familiar with Telegram because of how much is on that platform and how much various antisemitic and extremist groups rely on it.” (ADL counts criticism of Israeli atrocities as antisemitism, which makes their claims unreliable.)
(Video) Adeste Fideles: Maybe stop supporting the stealing of land, murdering of babies and advocating for raping prisioners? Or stop doing all of above? Idk, might work? 09/09/2024 ADL: Our latest survey revealed that 80% of Israelis don't feel safe when traveling abroad, with fear of being treated unfairly or targeted for being Israeli. With antisemitism rising worldwide, Israelis are not immune to the evil effects of antisemitism.
Mohamad Safa: South Africa is NOT FINISHED... 09/12/2024
(Video) Pelham: Joe Biden says the intentional murder of American Aysenur Izgy by the IDF was an ACCIDENT… the bullet that shot her between the eyes ricocheted off the ground…🇺🇸🇮🇱 09/11/2024
(Video) Khalissee: “Israeli soldiers undressed us completely naked, including my 14-year-old girl, gathered us in a hole and burned our underwear afront of our eyes. Soldiers released us naked and shouted on us, come one move you animals. They stole my money” They are psychopathic perverts 09/12/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: ‼️🚨NEWS: There will be no consequences for the murder of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi by the IOF 09/11/2024
(Video) Pelham: Joe Biden & Kamala Harris have been in office for 1331 days… their endless wars have taken over 1.5 million lives. On average 1,126 people have lost their lives, through their funded wars, every single day since they took office 09/11/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 The @JohnsHopkins Hillel is hosting this speaker on Sunday, who filmed himself in a displaced or killed family’s house. How should students respond? 09/12/2024
(Video) Andrey X: More of my conversation with an IOF soldier in Umm Jmal in the Jordan Valley (northern West Bank) For context, he invaded the Palestinian village in the middle of the night. If instead of activists he found Palestinian residents there, he would not be so civil. 09/12/2024
(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: ...and then there's @KamalaHarris. Kamala bragged about supporting the border militarization bill that @realDonaldTrump killed. She bragged about being endorsed by some of the worst Republicans and unrepentant war criminals in living memory. She repeated her promise both to “always give Israel the right to defend itself” and maintain the U.S. military as “the most lethal fighting force in the world.” AND Kamala again repeated that she and @JoeBiden are “working tirelessly” for a ceasefire agreement in Gaza. But there are simple measures the administration could take TODAY – indeed, months ago – that would have saved COUNTLESS innocent lives. Make no mistake: Kamala Harris chooses the softer approach to fascism of capitulating to endless war and corporate rule in exchange for half a billion in campaign contributions. 09/11/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 14 heavily armed soldiers arrest a young man with special needs from his home in the West Bank. 14 armed men against a young man with Special Needs. 09/12/2024
Mohamed Elmaazi: It didn't begin here. It began when she backtracked on her comments condemning Israel's massacres in Gaza. She hasn't even been elected yet. Watch out for further compromises and capitulations. Never forget, elections were introduced to prevent democracy not enact it. 08/27/2018 Reply to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praise of McCain and two deleted comments presumably critisizing her and pointing out that she was already betraying her progressive image
This didn't work out so well between 1914 and 1918. Are Biden and Harris making the same stupid mistake now? 09/12/2024 Monica Durre: Although he was aware of the military"s deficiencies and the empire"s weakness, he felt that the only way for Austria-Hungary to remain a great power and, indeed, to survive at all, was for it to be prepared to fight its enemies.
(Video) #StopCopCity: Mid-interview Philly protester goes off on Philly Police after they violently shut down #FreePalestine rally during #Debate2024. The realest, most accurate post-protest debate analysis you won’t see on TV #StopCopCity 09/13/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Why would the israelis want to forcibly overfill so many Palestinians into one small “safe area” in al-Mawasi? the answer is easy: to massacre them. 09/12/2024
(Video) Pelham: Israeli settlers are marching towards Gaza, they want to build the first settlements… This is not a religion, this is a CULT…🇮🇱 09/13/2024 Clear or implied call for ethnic cleansing or genocide.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: As a mother and a woman wounded in war, Senator Duckworth knows the cost of violence. Yet, she still has supported sending $20 billion in U.S. weapons to Israel, fueling more devastation in Gaza. Today we visited her office calling on her to take a stand and stop these weapons, which are contributing to the violence and killing innocent children. Tell your Senators to support a Joint Resolution of Disapproval against the sale of $20 billion in weapons to Israel at 09/1/2024
(Video) Aaron Maté: You went on national TV and lied about Kamala Harris working tirelessly for a ceasefire. Some people who once supported you don’t want to “build power” via whitewashing mass murder. 09/13/2024 Reply to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attack on Jill Stein
(Video) Medea Benjamin: "Because we don't have cleaning products in the hospital, infection control is impossible. Almost 100% of our patients that survive Israeli bombings end up with horrible wound infections and die as a result of them." Dr. Tammy Abughnaim exposes the devastating impact of Israeli attacks on Gaza’s healthcare system, where even soap and medical supplies are blocked. U.S. citizens must demand an arms embargo—our tax dollars shouldn’t fund war crimes! @RebuildingAll 09/12/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: AOC can’t tweet about this because her chosen candidate is responsible. 09/13/2024 The Saviour: 💔🇵🇸 He went to get bread but never returned home…
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli admits he isn’t actually Israeli. 09/13/2024 Israeli's parents are from Spain so his DNA is mostly Western Europe.
(Video) Just watched that Green Party Interview on the Breakfast club and @angela_rye embarrassed herself with them DNC talking points. That was not a good look. @DrJillStein and @ButchWare stood on business though and held their ground. Those Youtube comments are cooking Angela lol. 09/12/2024 Sabby Sabs: Whether you vote team red or team blue, militarized fascism wins. It's Democrats that are running cop cities. Fascism is already here! Thank you @DrJillStein and @ButchWare for schooling Charlamagne and Angela Rye. They continue to run cover for Dems.
(Video) Our officials call for investigation of Israel by Israel while refusing to support unbiased investigations like those done by the U.N.! 09/13/2024 Rania: I want to say that it's an SNL comedy sketch, but it isn't, though really qualifies as such.
(Video) Pelham: Imagine having to tell the world that Palestinian children are just like our children…🇵🇸 09/13/2024
Suppressed News: Do you now understand? 09/11/2024
(Video) Adam Houda: Hey @VictoriaPolice, This guy really needs to CALM, THE, F..., DOWN!!!!! #auspol #FreePalestine 09/12/2024
(Video) Andreas 🇵🇸: The Western world is ruled by the criminally insane. 09/05/2024 Khalissee: BREAKING: Israel's Likud Party Parliament Knesset Member Tally Gotliv calls for the execution or life imprisonment of Human Rights Activist Yuli Novak following her speech at the UNSC yesterday. It's like a freaking Mob rule across the world
(Video) Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia 11/26/2013 Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 This man who filmed himself in a displaced family’s home will speak at @JohnsHopkins on Sunday. Event address: Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Building, 3109 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218 09/13/2024
(Video) Like many other Zionists, this woman is pushing a heavily censored and false version of history & current events; Zionists began planning the theft of Palestinian land 50 years before the Nakba, which killed 15,000 in 1948 & expelled 750,000 more; & they killed over (1/2) 09/14/2024 16,000 children, 40,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians; & they've been terrorizing Palestinians since the Nakba, so it's the Palestinians acting in self-defense, and Zionists who are anti-Palestinian bigots promoting hate. (2/2) Pelham: The Zionists are absolutely furious their genocidal regime is being exposed in New York.. They are furious the billboard points out 24 billion has been funded to kill over 20,000 innocent children and erase Gaza off this earth
(Video) Rania: If I were in this German journalist's shoes, I'd be praying for the earth to open up and swallow as the whole world has witnessed my immense stupidity! If anyone knows his name, please tag him so we'll all have some fun with him! 09/14/2024 Francesca Albanese points out the obvious fact that those supporting genocide don't typically crete government documents to confess their atrocities.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: BREAKING: Rep. Adam Smith is calling for an independent investigation into the murder of U.S. citizen Aysenur Ezgi by an Israeli sniper. Urge your reps to sign the letter. Call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 09/13/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Demonstrations against the illegal Israeli outpost Evyatar near Beita in the West Bank happen every Friday. 17 people have been killed at these demonstrations in the past few years by the IOF, many more injured. 09/14/2024
(Video) Roger Waters ✊: “Nyet means nyet” William J. Burns CIA 2008 “Hope we’re still here tomorrow.” Roger Waters 2024 09/13/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The israelis have bombed every school, every hospital, every mosque, every home, and now they’re bombing every tent, says @redsarah99 09/14/2024
(Video) Jenerational Change: Jill Stein is now polling ahead of Kamala with Muslim voters in 3 swing States. Despite what AOC says, political power is built when voters demand their vote be earned, not guaranteed. Once this consensus sets in with the working class, the system will be forced to change. 09/13/2024
(Video) Rania: Just watch her hands as she says "P♡1estinians"! That alone is her answer to the question! 09/14/2024 African American Ambasador to UN appears racist agaisnt Palestinians, ignoring the true history of Palestine and Israel.
(Video) Pelham: The Pope has had enough of Israel, it’s time for Cristians disavow Judaism. It’s time for Christians across the world to take back their religion and their countries from the Jewish death cult. 09/13/2024
(Video) Chris Hedges: .@jimmy_dore breaks down the reality of the DNC, and the myth of our two-party system. Watch my full interview with Jimmy here: 09/14/2024
(Video) The Liberal Class’s Ultimate Betrayal (w/ Jimmy Dore) | The Chris Hedges Report 09/11/2024
الكسندرا ميراي🇵🇸: When US cops start killing Americans with these things, remember they were tried and tested on Palestinians with the approval of the Democrats 09/14/2024
Israeli firm develops an infantry drone that can fire machine guns and sniper rifles at targets while flying 01/23/2022 The Smash Dragon, designed by Israeli company Smart Shooter, can be mounted on different forms of unmanned aerial platforms, such as drones, and can strike targets while hovering over them.
HollyBlomberg: “Smash dragon” lethal drones in Israel Thermite spraying “Dragon drones” in Ukraine .... Pure barbarism 09/14/2024
Ukrainian drones now spray 2,500° C thermite streams right into Russian trenches 09/04/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: ANOTHER American self-immolates to protest the ongoing genocide in Gaza in front of an Israeli consulate. This time, a man named Matt Nelson in Boston. 09/13/2024
‘We Are All Culpable’: Matt Nelson Self-Immolates to Protest Israel’s Gaza Onslaught 09/14/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Abby Martin Defines Israel Perfectly: "An Occupying Colonizing Force!" 09/13/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Libs, make it make sense 09/14/2024 Kamala Harris should enfoce the Leahy Law etc.
(Video) Miko Peled: I wrote this in March of 2023! The enablers of Zionist violence must be held accountable. 09/15/2024 03/02/2023 Violence is escalating against Palestinians at a dangerous rate and the world is doing nothing. The lies that @netanyahu spreads, unchecked, on platforms like @jordanbpeterson enables this violence We must call out these people, organize, and take action to protect Palestinians
(Video) Aaron Maté: This ad features a clip of Kamala saying: "If we stand by while an aggressor invades its neighbor with impunity, they will keep going." All the more reason for the Biden-Harris admin to stop supporting Israel's aggression against Gaza, not to mention Lebanon and Syria too. 09/14/2024 Medea Benjamin: This Kamala Harris ad is chilling. I was already going to vote for @DrJillStein because of Harris’s support for Israel’s genocide. But Harris will also move us closer to World War III with Russia.
Briahna Joy Gray: As a progressive Muslim elected Democrat, you should be using the threat @DrJillStein poses to push Kamala to *end a genocide* and *earn* votes. Instead, you’re running cover for a woman who has repeatedly insisted she will NOT withhold arms from Israel. Even though: 09/14/2024 Keith Ellison: Sister @briebriejoy, if votes to @DrJillStein help elect Donald Trump, many people who you care about are going to suffer. I know you are a compassionate person, and you care about the damage that bad governance can inflict on people. You can advocate and perhaps persuade @VP of your position but Trump? Absolutely no way. You know it’s true.
Israeli Air Force Official: Without U.S. Aid, Israel Couldn't Fight Gaza Beyond a Few Months 09/02/2024 A senior air force officer also tells Haaretz about the international cooperation that thwarted Iran's attack in April and delivered a preemptive strike on Hezbollah in August, amid efforts for Israel to decrease this dependence.
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 UPDATE: @JohnsHopkins students are planning to protest the campus speaker who filmed himself in a displaced family’s home 09/14/2024
(Video) Rania Khalek: Tense exchange between @rania_masri & @Ruwa4Georgia about Jill Stein at @adc’s #ArabCon. “When our people in Palestine are refusing to raise the white flag of surrender, when our people in Palestine are refusing to accept crumbs, why are you? And if you want to hold on to the genocider, please at least do not attack those of us who refuse to bow down to the Democratic presidential candidate.” Watch the entire exchange: 09/15/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Brilliant legal argument and a list of Israel's occupation and war crimes 09/15/2024
(Video) XX 09/1/2024
(Video) XX 09/1/2024
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