A look at the numbers overwhelmingly shows that, although the Corona-virus should be taken seriously it's not nearly as big a threat as other diseases, including many caused by pollution, and there's strong evidence to indicate that many of these other diseases, which are being ignore, are also contributing factors to the Corona-virus cases. China and most of the world appear to be past the peak of the spread of the disease with recoveries out pacing the deaths by five or six to one. It was slow to spread in the United States for several months and only picked up suddenly in the past couple weeks; however, even though the total deaths is about twice the recoveries, for now, there's good reason to believe we'll pass the peak before too long.
There are many more pollution related deaths every year with about eight million worldwide, with about 200,000 in the United States; and the flu has been a contributing factor 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 in the USA with 290,000 to 650,000 people per year dying globally per year, so this isn't likely to be nearly as serious as either of those. The people most at risk are older people and people with other health problems, including the flu or pollution related diseases, yet these threats and creating a massive panic driven by media hype and government overreaction. It's certainly not nearly as bad as the worst plagues, which were over 300 years ago, killing a third of the population in the areas infected, which at times included large portions, if not all of Europe. Smallpox wasn't as bad as the plague in Europe, although it used to be one of the worst European diseases; however, for indigenous native American's, it was the only thing worse killing 90%-95% of the population, over 200 years ago, which was the worst pandemic since. As several historians who studied it reported, there hasn't been anything nearly as bad as that since, and they don't know why the plague didn't come back, since they didn't have the scientific knowledge to understand and cure it, with the worst since then being the 1918 influenza pandemic, killing between 1% and 3% of world population, although it was worse in areas more heavily infected. The worst since then was in 2012, when "8.6 million people fell ill with TB, and 1.3 million died. More than 95 percent of TB deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries." 5 Scariest Disease Outbreaks of the Past Century 11/25/2020
The current pandemic isn't likely to come close to this scale, yet the panic incited by obsession media coverage clearly seems to imply it is, even the recent TB pandemic was much worse, yet it hardly got nearly as much media coverage, I hardly even remembered it until I looked it up. There's little doubt that a major part of the reason why it didn't get nearly as much media coverage is because developed countries were hardly impacted, and well connected people were never close to being at risk.
I'm not a doctor and don't want to try to overrule good doctors, but a look at some of the facts overwhelmingly shows the media and political establishment are over-hyping massive amount of this while ignoring many other threats, some that are much more important, and addressing some of those will even help reduce the threat from Corona-virus; for example, greatly reducing pollution related deaths by converting to clean energy will save hundreds of thousands of lives, and reduce health risks that make people more susceptible to Corona-virus; providing better preventive health care, with single payer insurance, without gouging consumers and withholding it from those who can't pay outrageous prices, will do the same. Yet instead of doing this and implementing other obvious solutions, the media is creating an enormous amount of hype to scare people while simultaneously trying to prevent solutions that will work.
Edit 04/11/2020: since I first posted this deaths per day have risen from about 260 to over 2,000. Either this is much worse than I thought at the time or, according to one conspiracy theory, it's being faked by attributing other deaths to Corona-virus. However, as is often the case with far-fetched conspiracy theories, there are problems with both the conspiracy theory and the debunkers; but, in this case there's a conclusive way to either prove or refute this theory with information that's available to the establishment that collects statistics on the total number of deaths. The following is an article claiming to debunk this conspiracy that doesn't cite obvious evidence that could help him, assuming his argument is accurate:
VERIFY: Conspiracy that COVID-19 deaths are being inflated doesn't add up 04/09/2020
WASHINGTON — A viral claim that coroners and medical examiners may be mislabeling COVID-19 deaths have been popping up on social media.
One of the more prominent posts came from Candace Owens, a conservative commentator and political activist.
In a tweet and Facebook post, she claimed that, “if you die from heart disease right now, and they determine you to be an asymptomatic carrier of COVID-19 in your post-Mortem, they legally add your death to the #Coronavirus death toll?” Complete article
WASHINGTON — A viral claim that coroners and medical examiners may be mislabeling COVID-19 deaths have been popping up on social media.
One of the more prominent posts came from Candace Owens, a conservative commentator and political activist.
In a tweet and Facebook post, she claimed that, “if you die from heart disease right now, and they determine you to be an asymptomatic carrier of COVID-19 in your post-Mortem, they legally add your death to the #Coronavirus death toll?” Complete article
This article and one other were brought to my attention by Antini Doucette, I responded by saying "Great find; there's an incredibly simple way to confirm this. In the United States we typically have about 10,000 deaths per day from normal causes, often old age related deaths or other things. If that number is off someone has correct numbers and can easily adjust it. We're now close to 2,000 people dying per day from COVID. Is the typical death toll rising by 20%? If they want to figure this out they can, yet they don't. I'm guessing it's true, but why?"
My estimate of the total number of deaths per day in the United States was based on a rough calculation of the population and the average life expectancy, which didn't take into account of the growing population, so I suspected it might be high, and according to the CDC, apparently it was. In the article cited above Candace Owens claims that heart disease kills 1,002 people per day; which I checked. According to the CDC, "About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths." This means that the average number of deaths per day is about 7,100; and the average number of deaths related to heart disease is about 1,772, which is significantly higher than Owens claimed. This means that as of yesterday, when there were just over 2,000 deaths as a result of Corona-virus, a new record, it accounted for over twenty-five percent of deaths.
If the data being made available to the public is accurate they're not exaggerating the threat from Corona-virus, they're under estimating it!
After taking a closer look at another article pointed out by Antini Doucette, written before the biggest surge in cases in the United States, How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear 03/28/2020, it appears that Dr John Lee was coming to similar conclusions before the data to back up his doubts came in. He wrote the following:
How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear 03/28/2020
The simplest way to judge whether we have an exceptionally lethal disease is to look at the death rates. Are more people dying than we would expect to die anyway in a given week or month? Statistically, we would expect about 51,000 to die in Britain this month. At the time of writing, 422 deaths are linked to Covid-19 — so 0.8 per cent of that expected total. On a global basis, we’d expect 14 million to die over the first three months of the year. The world’s 18,944 coronavirus deaths represent 0.14 per cent of that total. These figures might shoot up but they are, right now, lower than other infectious diseases that we live with (such as flu). Not figures that would, in and of themselves, cause drastic global reactions.
Initial reported figures from China and Italy suggested a death rate of 5 per cent to 15 per cent, similar to Spanish flu. Given that cases were increasing exponentially, this raised the prospect of death rates that no healthcare system in the world would be able to cope with. The need to avoid this scenario is the justification for measures being implemented: the Spanish flu is believed to have infected about one in four of the world’s population between 1918 and 1920, or roughly 500 million people with 50 million deaths. We developed pandemic emergency plans, ready to snap into action in case this happened again.
At the time of writing, the UK’s 422 deaths and 8,077 known cases give an apparent death rate of 5 per cent. This is often cited as a cause for concern, contrasted with the mortality rate of seasonal flu, which is estimated at about 0.1 per cent. But we ought to look very carefully at the data. Are these figures really comparable?
Most of the UK testing has been in hospitals, where there is a high concentration of patients susceptible to the effects of any infection. As anyone who has worked with sick people will know, any testing regime that is based only in hospitals will over-estimate the virulence of an infection. Also, we’re only dealing with those Covid-19 cases that have made people sick enough or worried enough to get tested. There will be many more unaware that they have the virus, with either no symptoms, or mild ones.
That’s why, when Britain had 590 diagnosed cases, Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, suggested that the real figure was probably between 5,000 and 10,000 cases, ten to 20 times higher. If he’s right, the headline death rate due to this virus is likely to be ten to 20 times lower, say 0.25 per cent to 0.5 per cent. That puts the Covid-19 mortality rate in the range associated with infections like flu. Complete article
The simplest way to judge whether we have an exceptionally lethal disease is to look at the death rates. Are more people dying than we would expect to die anyway in a given week or month? Statistically, we would expect about 51,000 to die in Britain this month. At the time of writing, 422 deaths are linked to Covid-19 — so 0.8 per cent of that expected total. On a global basis, we’d expect 14 million to die over the first three months of the year. The world’s 18,944 coronavirus deaths represent 0.14 per cent of that total. These figures might shoot up but they are, right now, lower than other infectious diseases that we live with (such as flu). Not figures that would, in and of themselves, cause drastic global reactions.
Initial reported figures from China and Italy suggested a death rate of 5 per cent to 15 per cent, similar to Spanish flu. Given that cases were increasing exponentially, this raised the prospect of death rates that no healthcare system in the world would be able to cope with. The need to avoid this scenario is the justification for measures being implemented: the Spanish flu is believed to have infected about one in four of the world’s population between 1918 and 1920, or roughly 500 million people with 50 million deaths. We developed pandemic emergency plans, ready to snap into action in case this happened again.
At the time of writing, the UK’s 422 deaths and 8,077 known cases give an apparent death rate of 5 per cent. This is often cited as a cause for concern, contrasted with the mortality rate of seasonal flu, which is estimated at about 0.1 per cent. But we ought to look very carefully at the data. Are these figures really comparable?
Most of the UK testing has been in hospitals, where there is a high concentration of patients susceptible to the effects of any infection. As anyone who has worked with sick people will know, any testing regime that is based only in hospitals will over-estimate the virulence of an infection. Also, we’re only dealing with those Covid-19 cases that have made people sick enough or worried enough to get tested. There will be many more unaware that they have the virus, with either no symptoms, or mild ones.
That’s why, when Britain had 590 diagnosed cases, Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, suggested that the real figure was probably between 5,000 and 10,000 cases, ten to 20 times higher. If he’s right, the headline death rate due to this virus is likely to be ten to 20 times lower, say 0.25 per cent to 0.5 per cent. That puts the Covid-19 mortality rate in the range associated with infections like flu. Complete article
Dr. Lee raised an important question the traditional media hasn't addressed. If the corona-virus deaths, as reported were in addition to typical deaths then the typical death rates would have risen by over ten percent a week ago and they would have reached an alarming twenty five percent yesterday, which appears to be on tract to repeating itself today, with over 1,800 new deaths so far, and counting.
Another major factor, which they've mentioned all along, is the fact that the vast majority of people dying of corona-virus have been older people, or people with other risk factors, who may have been susceptible to health problems all along. One thing they rarely talk about is if the vast majority of people dying died significantly before their life expectancy.
They can confirm, or refute, this conspiracy theory by simply disclosing whether the death rates have skyrocketed, with information the establishment already has, yet they chose not to reveal it.
If, for the sake of argument, it is being faked, then They won't be able to hide the statistics for long, which might mean that they would have to scale back on the deaths soon or resort to bizarre and extreme measures. This doesn't, however, provide conclusive evidence for the the theories that I provided below but it does add to evidence that something extremely far-fetched is going on, whether this is a massive cover up and conspiracy or not.
Edit 04/12/2020: The leading source for statistics that I've been relying on has been the Worldometer, which I have been having doubts about since they don't provide quick easy background on how they collect their data. After checking their credibility, I've found that most sources, including traditional media and scientific institutions consider them credible. They have an About Worldometer to explain their statistics and a new About Worldometer COVID-19 Data which adds to their credibility. However, when I checked the news with their sources they didn't have any for the United States on 04/12/2020 but did have some sources for retractions and indications that they're collecting their data from government sources, even if I can't always find them.
Another potential problem or method to confirm Woldometers statistics could come from the Centers for disease control and prevention which now has their own recording source at Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19); They admit that their numbers may be different from other sources, but do a clearer job explaining how they collect their data, although they don't show all their methods either. But their numbers are much lower than the Worldometer statistics, even for the figures that are three or four weeks old. The CDC explains that their numbers are based on death statistics, and that they compare them to all other deaths as well; however, depending on the local jurisdictions, they may take up to eight weeks to process their data, so the most recent reports are incomplete. By going to the Wayback Machine the earliest copy of this page which was only a week ago 04/05/2020 and was able to compare them to the deaths from all other causes and get a rough idea how long it takes them to collect their death certificates.
Presumably the statistics over eight weeks old are almost complete and over twelve weeks old are even better, but right now they only go back ten weeks. The total number of deaths ten weeks ago per day for all causes was about fifty six to fifty-seven thousand and it's been dropping steadily since then, at a time when Covid-19 may be potentially causing the total death rate to climb between 10% and 28%, presumably because they haven't collected all the death certificates. What this means is that within six to eight weeks, by comparing these two lists, we should be able to either confirm, or refute the data that is being put out by Worldometer and other sources. However, a look at the differences from four to six weeks ago indicates they may not match. Furthermore, the CDC also indicates that the Coronavirus still isn't causing as many deaths as pneumonia, and the CDC page cited above also indicates that it's not as bad as heart diseases, unless Worldometers worst numbers are correct.
If it takes the CDC eight weeks to confirm all these cases, how can Worldometer be documenting most of them in one day? We'll find out after more fact checking is done one way or another.
Edit 04/17/2020: The CDC still hasn't come up with complete data; however, there's still a growing amount of evidence showing that at best this is being exaggerated. There are at least two mainstream sources that show this, not counting less reliable conspiracy theories. One of them is cross checking worldometers own data against itself, and the other is cross checking it with the preliminary data from the CDC. In addition to listing all the alleged cases of Coronavirus cases, deaths, and recoveries Worldometer also has a page providing daily, and year to date statistics on global births, deaths, population, and several other global statics. Unfortunatly, they don't seem to archive it so I can check the history and the Wayback Machine can't retrieve the statistics on this page.
It would be better if I had the average death rate from December or even January when the impact of the Coronavirus would have been negligible. However, I was able to check the year to date deaths on April 14th, which was 161,090 dead per day. If the virus was as deadly as they claim it spiked in the United States far worse than the rest of the world in mid-March and broke records in the past week, so the highest rates would be the most recent ones and there should be a significant difference that can easily be detected. If their current reports are accurate then it should be about 4.3% higher death rates world wide in recent days when they were breaking records, and since the United States was hit worse their death rates should be much higher, sometimes over 25%.
I don't have the death rates solely for the United States yet, although I will in about 8 to 10 weeks when the CDC gets their data but I can calculate the global death rates for the past few days, and it's only been about about 75 to 610 deaths more than the average for the year, while the Worldometer is claiming that there are five to seven thousand deaths per year, which isn't remotely close to what it should be if the virus were the sole cause for the deaths attributed to it. Furthermore, according to the statistics from Worldometer, the population is rising by over 230,000 people per day; with a rising population there will be a rise in the average number of deaths per day. That increase almost certainly accounts for most if not all of the increase in the deaths, which would mean that there's no statistical increase in the death rates, at a time when it should be over 4%.
The CDC is also providing conflicting data raising doubts about Worldometer statistics, although they don't have complete data, so it will be necessary to wait a few weeks to fully review their statistics. After checking the data on their web page, Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19); and comparing it to the data when they first posted it, from the Wayback Machine, the earliest copy of this page which was only a week ago 04/05/2020, it appears as if they get well over half the death certificates in the first week, and 75%-90% of the certificates within a couple weeks after that. if there is a spike in the death rate, then it might be much higher and the totals from about two weeks ago could climb by another third, if not then they may only get another 10% more total deaths. If this pandemic isn't being exaggerated we can expect the total deaths per day to rise above 70,000 per week, 25% higher than the rate of about 57,000 per week. It's too soon to tell which is the case.
However, even without complete data, as of this date the CDC is listing 35,863 total deaths and 4,811 deaths related to the virus in the week ending April 11, these numbers can be expected to rise the most out of the weeks listed as the death certificates come in until they rise to at least 57,000; however the percentage will probably be reasonably consistent. If this percentage is accurate then the Coronavirus deaths are about 13% of the total, which is half of what Worldometer is claiming for the United States. This shows that one of these two sources is clearly wrong. If the CDC is correct then we can expect the total deaths for the week ending on April 11 to rise to about 64,000, assuming the virus is the sole cause for the deaths attributed to it.
If the total deaths don't rise above 60,000 for the week ending April 11 then we'll know it's definitely being exaggerated and the possibility that they're attributing deaths from other causes to Coronavirus, as the above conspiracy, is much more likely. We'll know more in a few more weeks, but there's already evidence to show that some of their data doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Edit 04/18/2020: I've now checked the death rates for five going on six days and found them only slightly higher than the average for the year, from the same source that official media and scientific organizations often cite for their Coronavirus statistics. If these deaths were solely from Coronavirus they should be at least two to three percent higher than the average since the beginning of the year since the death rates are at record levels, yet they're no more than 0.4% higher and often much lower. The gradual increase in population would probably account for most if not all f the increase that we are seeing, but even if it didn't it still wouldn't be enough to justify this panic over it; and more information about the USA rates is still weeks away, but it might add much more evidence.
The CDC has also estimated the percentage of expected deaths for each week, with the most recent week currently being listed as 65% complete and older ones being listed as between 92% and 96% complete. There's no guarantee that these percentages are accurate, especially since they don't explain how they arrived at this estimate and if the virus is as bad as they say they should rise much higher. However if they're correct, then we can develop a good estimate for the total deaths for the first few weeks of February, which may be over 59,000; and for the most recent week, which should be less reliable since we have a lower percentage, but if it rises consistently, the total number of deaths for the weeks ending on 04/04/2020 and 04/11/2020 can be expected to be under 56,000. This means that instead of getting a major increase in the daily death toll we're getting a significant decrease. If that is the case part of the explanation could be seasonal assuming death rates rise in the winter months and decline in the Spring; however, it would still indicate that at a minimum the total impact of this virus is greatly exaggerated, if not totally fake. But we're still look at incomplete data from the CDC, by their own admission, and won't have final results for weeks.
These numbers raising major doubts about the need for an extreme quarantine came from the same source that they use to justify it; yet they're not comparing it to the death rates; however Facebook and other sources have announced that they will warn people of hoaxes. Did You Fall For A Coronavirus Hoax? Facebook Will Let You Know 04/16/2020 What if it's official reports including the CDC or Worldometer that's putting out the information debunking the official hype? Will the Ministry of Truth declare all people who do their own thinking and recognize misinformation to be hoaxes?
Coronavirus is now the No. 1 killer in America. Here’s how it compares to other leading causes in Utah. 04/08/2020
Daily number of coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths compared to influenza and all causes in the United States as of April 8, 2020* 04/1/2020
Official Coronavirus Cases Near 50,000 – But the CDC Isn’t Buying It 02/12/2020
The best graphs and data for tracking the coronavirus pandemic - The Verge 04/02/2020
US is new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic 03/26/2020 There are now at least 82,174 cases of the new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, in the United States, according to worldometer, a website that tracks coronavirus cases.
Overall, we rate Worldometer Least Biased based on strictly providing data and statistics. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to the use of official sources and clearly disclaiming that the information provided is estimates.
Why are there so few coronavirus cases in Russia and Africa? 03/23/2020
COVID-19: Mystery Solved 04/12/2020 Some of the sources from this Blog are clearly questionable; however, at times the more reliable sources also have their problems.
This is a major reason why many people on the internet or elsewhere have come to the conclusion that we're facing an Apocalypse, but it's based on mostly exaggerations created by the media and political establishment, so even if they ridicule Apocalypse claims they're inciting them at the same time. And this isn't limited to the Corona-virus Apocalypse; the political establishment have been hyping and distorting one issue after another making them look like and Apocalypse as well, including conflicts with North Korea, Iran, in Israel, and many other parts of the world, that look like "wars and rumors of wars" which are clearly happening, so rushing to totally dismiss Apocalypse ideas might not be appropriate, especially if these near predictions and other unsolved mysteries can't be explained without making as many blunders as the believers of Apocalypse.
Furthermore, in one case after another these examples that appear to be Apocalyptic can almost always be prevented by pursuing a course of action that addresses the root causes of them; we have good researchers on any given subject that can teach people how to avoid these disasters, without relying on controversial prophecy claims, yet they can't get any media coverage to explain to the vast majority of the public how to solve our social problems. Fortunately they do manage plenty of books that make it into libraries, although they get little or no media promotion, and some attention from alternative media outlets and the grassroots but the majority of the public relies on mainstream media or in some cases when they recognize how corrupt the media is they go to the wrong alternative sources, often falling for demagogue scams or phony conspiracy theories, even though there are other more rational conspiracy theories that might be closer to the truth. And the political establishment routinely carries out corrupt activities that are enabling these prophecies to come close to seeming to be true.
This doesn't mean we should rush to believe these alleged prophecies, since the vast majority of them do have major flaws; one of the most common ones is that they're usually based on the Good God hypothesis; however if this theory were true then the Good God could have and would have found a way to communicate more honestly so that all could understand him and advise us how to avoid these disaster. This leads me to the clear conclusion that either there is no Good God, or if there is some unknown advance intelligence known as God that he can't be as good as religious people think and must have some kind of undisclosed motive. If so we have to wonder what he's gaining for himself, how and why; and if there is something to it, is he going to reveal the truth and share any alleged benefits to this scam with the human race making amends for allowing all these atrocities in the past happen when he could avoid it. One possible explanation that I've considered in the past, in articles cited below, is that it's part of a massive research project, and we can benefit from advanced science assuming the truth comes out, although that won't be easy since this scam has destroyed God's credibility, at least to rational people. In order to fully benefit from this we need to be rational not blind cult followers that can fall for future scams.
The media occasionally reports on some of these alleged prophecies while making as many blunders as the less credible conspiracy theorist, including the following article, which falsely claims that the "world is in the grips of a coronavirus epidemic unlike anything seen since the outbreak of SARS in 2002," implying that the outbreak of SARS in 2002 was worse than this, which it wasn't and ignoring the TB epidemic of 2012, which was much worse, although it mostly only impacted those in poor countries:
Coronavirus prophecy: Bizarre claim Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have arrived 03/04/2020
The world is in the grips of a coronavirus epidemic unlike anything seen since the outbreak of SARS in 2002. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has infected 94,214 people since last December and killed at least 3,214.
The virus, which first appeared in China’s Hubei Province, is now rapidly spreading through Europe and the Middle East at alarming rates.
Large outbreaks of COVID-19 in Italy, Iran and South Korea have prompted many to link the epidemic to biblical prophecies of the end times.
Militant Christians and biblical hardliners have flooded social media with claims the coronavirus is harbinger of the Apocalypse.
John Angelbeck tweeted: “Coronavirus? Hurricane Katrina? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Pal.
“Just read the Book of Revelation. Repent of your sins before it’s too late.
"I do care about you (and those who think like you do. And those who don’t)”
Another Twitter user said: “‘Beginning of Sorrows’ - Matthew 24:3-8’
“Australian Wildfires... Coronavirus... earthquakes in odd places...increased rage/murders worldwide ... massive hunger increases...
“And there are those that laugh at the Book of Revelation... #jesusiscoming”
But where are these outrageous claims about biblical prophecy coming from?
Many Christians believe the end of the world was prophesied in the last chapters of the Bible, the Book of Revelation.
The Book of Revelation details the cataclysmic events that will unfold before the Second Coming of Christ.
One of these events will be the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, one of which is believed to be represented by the coronavirus.
The Four Horsemen are typically represented as Death, War, Famine and Pestilence or Plague.
Evangelists Gerald Flurry and Wayne Turgeon of The Trumpet said: “We have already examined the first three horsemen: The first is religious deception, next is war, then famine.
“With the fourth, pestilence, these horsemen represent the final, end-time culmination of the most traumatic problems endured by a rebellious mankind.
“They picture one of the most ominous scenarios ever. It is imperative that each of us takes heed while there is still time.”
Conspiracy theorists have claimed online the coronavirus represents the Pale Horse and its rider.
Charity Mukuba tweeted: “The rider of this pale horse has been released on earth today.
“We can already see the plagues of LOCUSTS and pestilences like CORONAVIRUS that have brought death. Locusts have brought famine #RepentAndPrepare”
John the Apostle wrote in Revelation 6: “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
“And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
There is however no evidence to suggest the coronavirus is in any way a biblical portent of doom.
Instead, COVID-19 is triggered by a pathogen belonging to a family of viruses responsible for past epidemics.
Between 2002 and 2003, for instance, a coronavirus strain infected more than 8,000 people with SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Then in 2012, a different strain of coronavirus was responsible for the outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome or MERS. Complete article
The world is in the grips of a coronavirus epidemic unlike anything seen since the outbreak of SARS in 2002. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has infected 94,214 people since last December and killed at least 3,214.
The virus, which first appeared in China’s Hubei Province, is now rapidly spreading through Europe and the Middle East at alarming rates.
Large outbreaks of COVID-19 in Italy, Iran and South Korea have prompted many to link the epidemic to biblical prophecies of the end times.
Militant Christians and biblical hardliners have flooded social media with claims the coronavirus is harbinger of the Apocalypse.
John Angelbeck tweeted: “Coronavirus? Hurricane Katrina? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Pal.
“Just read the Book of Revelation. Repent of your sins before it’s too late.
"I do care about you (and those who think like you do. And those who don’t)”
Another Twitter user said: “‘Beginning of Sorrows’ - Matthew 24:3-8’
“Australian Wildfires... Coronavirus... earthquakes in odd places...increased rage/murders worldwide ... massive hunger increases...
“And there are those that laugh at the Book of Revelation... #jesusiscoming”
But where are these outrageous claims about biblical prophecy coming from?
Many Christians believe the end of the world was prophesied in the last chapters of the Bible, the Book of Revelation.
The Book of Revelation details the cataclysmic events that will unfold before the Second Coming of Christ.
One of these events will be the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, one of which is believed to be represented by the coronavirus.
The Four Horsemen are typically represented as Death, War, Famine and Pestilence or Plague.
Evangelists Gerald Flurry and Wayne Turgeon of The Trumpet said: “We have already examined the first three horsemen: The first is religious deception, next is war, then famine.
“With the fourth, pestilence, these horsemen represent the final, end-time culmination of the most traumatic problems endured by a rebellious mankind.
“They picture one of the most ominous scenarios ever. It is imperative that each of us takes heed while there is still time.”
Conspiracy theorists have claimed online the coronavirus represents the Pale Horse and its rider.
Charity Mukuba tweeted: “The rider of this pale horse has been released on earth today.
“We can already see the plagues of LOCUSTS and pestilences like CORONAVIRUS that have brought death. Locusts have brought famine #RepentAndPrepare”
John the Apostle wrote in Revelation 6: “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
“And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
There is however no evidence to suggest the coronavirus is in any way a biblical portent of doom.
Instead, COVID-19 is triggered by a pathogen belonging to a family of viruses responsible for past epidemics.
Between 2002 and 2003, for instance, a coronavirus strain infected more than 8,000 people with SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Then in 2012, a different strain of coronavirus was responsible for the outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome or MERS. Complete article
Most of these prophecies certainly sound absurd; however, our government and the media is behaving absurd; leading me to the conclusion that even though the most far-fetched, and in many cases logically flawed theories won't turn out to be true, something absurd is going on.
Furthermore, it's becoming increasingly clear that our health care system is making it worse, by not treating people for years before it hit making them more susceptible to it, and by not providing adequate testing or treatment after it hit. And, a comparison with the countries that have universal health care or state run health care shows that we're being hit worse than most of them on a per capita basis, despite the fact that most other countries were hit first. I compare twenty two countries with universal or state run health care and compared them to the United States to see which was doing worse, adjusted for population and fifteen out of twenty two of them had lower death rates than the United States with only seven of them higher death rates, Seven of those fifteen were much lower while only three of the seven were much higher.
Three of the fifteen with higher lower death rates had higher numbers of cases, so overall I classified those as about equal to the United States so it comes to twelve that are doing better, with seven significantly better than the United States; three about equal; with seven doing worse, three of them significantly worse. Two of the countries that are doing much better than the USA are Cuba and Venezuela, which the USA routinely demonizes. Additional countries doing much better that weren't included include Bolivia, which underwent a coup supported by the United States, India, which has much more social problems, and even China despite the high numbers coming from there in the Hubei Province, the country as a whole has much lower rates of infections and deaths and is well past their peak. On average countries with Single Payer Health care are handling it much better, and there are several additional articles listed below, along with the details of my review also supporting this conclusion.

Numerous additional articles from peer reviewed sources also support this conclusion including the following one, and more listed below, at the end of this article, while defenders of the current system seem to be quit about how it's failing to treat this disease:
Public Health Experts: Single-Payer Systems Coping With Coronavirus More Effectively Than For-Profit Model 03/16/2020 by Jake Johnson
"Having a healthcare system that's a public strategic asset rather than a business run for profit allows for a degree of coordination and optimal use of resources."
by Jake Johnson, staff writer
As the coronavirus pandemic places extraordinary strain on national healthcare systems around the world, public health experts are making the case that countries with universal single-payer systems have thus far responded more efficiently and effectively to the outbreak than nations like the United States, whose fragmented for-profit apparatus has struggled to cope with the growing crisis.
"It is too soon to see definite outcomes among competing healthcare systems. But even in this early phase, public health experts say the single-payer, state-run systems are proving themselves relatively robust," the Washington Post reported Sunday. "Unlike the United States, where a top health official told Congress the rollout of testing was 'failing' and where Congress is only now moving through a bill that includes free testing, the single-payer countries have been especially nimble at making free, or low-cost, virus screening widely available for patients with coughs and fevers."
While the Trump administration only recently took steps to massively expand COVID-19 testing—sparking concerns that the outbreak in the U.S. is far more severe than official numbers suggest—countries with forms of single-payer healthcare like South Korea and Denmark have for weeks been offering "drive-through" testing and other innovative mechanisms, allowing them to quickly test hundreds of thousands of their citizens and respond accordingly. Complete article
"Having a healthcare system that's a public strategic asset rather than a business run for profit allows for a degree of coordination and optimal use of resources."
by Jake Johnson, staff writer
As the coronavirus pandemic places extraordinary strain on national healthcare systems around the world, public health experts are making the case that countries with universal single-payer systems have thus far responded more efficiently and effectively to the outbreak than nations like the United States, whose fragmented for-profit apparatus has struggled to cope with the growing crisis.
"There is no need for people to worry about the tests or vaccine or cost of care if people become ill." —Helen Buckingham, Nuffield Trust
"It is too soon to see definite outcomes among competing healthcare systems. But even in this early phase, public health experts say the single-payer, state-run systems are proving themselves relatively robust," the Washington Post reported Sunday. "Unlike the United States, where a top health official told Congress the rollout of testing was 'failing' and where Congress is only now moving through a bill that includes free testing, the single-payer countries have been especially nimble at making free, or low-cost, virus screening widely available for patients with coughs and fevers."
While the Trump administration only recently took steps to massively expand COVID-19 testing—sparking concerns that the outbreak in the U.S. is far more severe than official numbers suggest—countries with forms of single-payer healthcare like South Korea and Denmark have for weeks been offering "drive-through" testing and other innovative mechanisms, allowing them to quickly test hundreds of thousands of their citizens and respond accordingly. Complete article
'We Need Medicare for All': Massive Coronavirus Job Losses Expose Obvious Failure of Employer-Based Insurance 03/26/2020 by Julia Conley
"3.3 million people just lost their 'if you like your employer benefits you can keep them' benefits. Healthcare can never again be tied to employment." After millions of Americans abruptly lost their jobs this month due to the coronavirus, resulting in a record-shattering 3.28 million unemployment claims in one week, Medicare for All advocates are pointing to the crisis as the latest and clearest evidence that the U.S. must abandon its for-profit healthcare system once and for all.
Nearly half of the American population has health insurance through their jobs, a system which critics—including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—have long said is precarious for millions of workers.
With restaurants, retail stores, and other businesses closing their doors across the country to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, millions of workers could now be forced to seek coverage through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), through the Affordable Care Act, or through Medicaid.
Highlighting the March 2020 spike in a graph showing U.S. jobless claims over the past five decades, advocacy group Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) issued a reminder that "under Medicare for All, nobody would have to worry about health coverage after losing their job."
The image, Sanders' campaign advisor, David Sirota, tweeted, "explains one of the reasons why employer-based private health insurance is extremely bad."
Other critics suggested the coronavirus pandemic should mark the end of claims made by politicians and commentators that tying health coverage to one's employment is beneficial for workers and the economy. Complete article
"3.3 million people just lost their 'if you like your employer benefits you can keep them' benefits. Healthcare can never again be tied to employment." After millions of Americans abruptly lost their jobs this month due to the coronavirus, resulting in a record-shattering 3.28 million unemployment claims in one week, Medicare for All advocates are pointing to the crisis as the latest and clearest evidence that the U.S. must abandon its for-profit healthcare system once and for all.
"I've been told people like 'choice' when it comes to healthcare, the 3 million people fired this week didn't have any choice when losing their health insurance." —Adam H. Johnson, The Appeal
Nearly half of the American population has health insurance through their jobs, a system which critics—including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—have long said is precarious for millions of workers.
With restaurants, retail stores, and other businesses closing their doors across the country to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, millions of workers could now be forced to seek coverage through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), through the Affordable Care Act, or through Medicaid.
Bernie Sanders ✔ @BernieSanders
Medicare for All means never losing your health insurance if you lose your job. That is what we must guarantee to the American people.
Highlighting the March 2020 spike in a graph showing U.S. jobless claims over the past five decades, advocacy group Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) issued a reminder that "under Medicare for All, nobody would have to worry about health coverage after losing their job."
Physicians for a National Health Program @PNHP
Under #MedicareForAll, *nobody* would have to worry about health coverage after losing their job. No COBRA with its outrageous premiums. No exchange policies with their sky-high deductibles. Just comprehensive #SinglePayer coverage that you can never, ever lose.![]()
The image, Sanders' campaign advisor, David Sirota, tweeted, "explains one of the reasons why employer-based private health insurance is extremely bad."
Other critics suggested the coronavirus pandemic should mark the end of claims made by politicians and commentators that tying health coverage to one's employment is beneficial for workers and the economy. Complete article
Sometimes the countries our leaders demonize partially deserve it; howeve, many other times they're actually doing far better than our own leaders; it's up to us to figure which times to trust which side:
Inhumanity Unbound: No Help From The EU Or US, While China And Cuba Provide Aid 04/0/2020
The Case For Socialism
Nothing exposes the hypocrisy, arrogance, and selfishness of capitalism and its backers like a major threat or catastrophe.
Three hundred Chinese doctors began arriving in Italy on Wednesday, March 18 to help the local effort against the coronavirus (Fifty-two health professionals also arrived from socialist Cuba last week). In addition, PRChina (PRC) is sending testing kits and protective clothing. PRC has sent kits and gear to Spain, Greece, and Poland as well.
While The Wall Street Journal (3-19-2020) grudgingly reports this international solidarity, it is also compelled to admit that “many people feel let down by the European Union… No other EU countries responded to an Italian plea for masks earlier in March, and German authorities temporarily impeded deliveries of medical supplies to Italy.” The head of a European think tank remarked: “This is a shocking failure of European solidarity. The impression in Italy, Spain, and Serbia and so on is that the weaker links will be left alone.”
The Italian and Chinese governments announced that PRC will supply needed ventilators and face masks. Balkan countries unable to acquire supplies from the EU are also getting assistance from the PRC, according to the WSJ. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic bitterly commented: “European solidarity does not exist. It was a fairytale.” Complete article
The Case For Socialism
Nothing exposes the hypocrisy, arrogance, and selfishness of capitalism and its backers like a major threat or catastrophe.
Three hundred Chinese doctors began arriving in Italy on Wednesday, March 18 to help the local effort against the coronavirus (Fifty-two health professionals also arrived from socialist Cuba last week). In addition, PRChina (PRC) is sending testing kits and protective clothing. PRC has sent kits and gear to Spain, Greece, and Poland as well.
While The Wall Street Journal (3-19-2020) grudgingly reports this international solidarity, it is also compelled to admit that “many people feel let down by the European Union… No other EU countries responded to an Italian plea for masks earlier in March, and German authorities temporarily impeded deliveries of medical supplies to Italy.” The head of a European think tank remarked: “This is a shocking failure of European solidarity. The impression in Italy, Spain, and Serbia and so on is that the weaker links will be left alone.”
The Italian and Chinese governments announced that PRC will supply needed ventilators and face masks. Balkan countries unable to acquire supplies from the EU are also getting assistance from the PRC, according to the WSJ. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic bitterly commented: “European solidarity does not exist. It was a fairytale.” Complete article

We should always be cautious when listening to charismatic speakers, and check facts carefully, since so many of them pull a bait and switch; however, this one makes a very good case possibly motivating many people to bring about much needed reform:
Stop Silencing Doctors: A COVID Clinician Manifesto: 03/31/2020 (Video)
Hi everyone this is Dr. Zubin Damania that’s right when I use my full name it means things are about to get real. OK guys, I heard about the firing of Dr. Ming Lin up in Washington State. He’s an emergency doctor who was fired by his organization PeaceHealth, up there for speaking out about the complete lack of PPE and protection for front line staff.
Now, this has been reported all over the place, and here’s the bottom line, guys. As clinicians, as the tribe of health care COVID will be the catalyst that burns this broken system to the ground. And here’s why, when you have a dominator hierarchy, where the profession is run by MBAs at the top getting ridiculous salaries, who have never touched a patient right, and I’m not talking about clinician leaders.
I’m not talking about all those organizations around the country that are so well led, where it’s a team, where every member of the team has a voice where we’re all in this together where everyone is practicing at the top of their training together in the service of the patient, and each other that's what's called Health Care 3.0, that's not what we have in most institutions in this country.
What we have is this scenario where businessperson turns a beautiful, sacred calling OUR sacred calling into dollars and cents, and yachts and bonuses and golden parachutes and when a crisis happens where we're called on to sacrifice our lives in search of that calling, they sit there and say, "You can't have a voice" Okay, this ends today. This is the end of the administrative technocracy. Complete Video
Hi everyone this is Dr. Zubin Damania that’s right when I use my full name it means things are about to get real. OK guys, I heard about the firing of Dr. Ming Lin up in Washington State. He’s an emergency doctor who was fired by his organization PeaceHealth, up there for speaking out about the complete lack of PPE and protection for front line staff.
Now, this has been reported all over the place, and here’s the bottom line, guys. As clinicians, as the tribe of health care COVID will be the catalyst that burns this broken system to the ground. And here’s why, when you have a dominator hierarchy, where the profession is run by MBAs at the top getting ridiculous salaries, who have never touched a patient right, and I’m not talking about clinician leaders.
I’m not talking about all those organizations around the country that are so well led, where it’s a team, where every member of the team has a voice where we’re all in this together where everyone is practicing at the top of their training together in the service of the patient, and each other that's what's called Health Care 3.0, that's not what we have in most institutions in this country.
What we have is this scenario where businessperson turns a beautiful, sacred calling OUR sacred calling into dollars and cents, and yachts and bonuses and golden parachutes and when a crisis happens where we're called on to sacrifice our lives in search of that calling, they sit there and say, "You can't have a voice" Okay, this ends today. This is the end of the administrative technocracy. Complete Video
If we don't stand up to the oligarchs, including the ones listed below as well they'll sacrifice as many of us as it takes to maintain control and continue rigging the economy, even if it brings about an insane Apocalypse!
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Click on Image to see video of billionaires response to pandemic putting us at risk while they hoard money they can never spend anyway! |
Amazingly, our political establishment and the majority of the media that's helping rig the election by giving overwhelmingly positive coverage for candidate they support are trying to make it even worse, to enrich a relatively few wall Street campaign donors at the expense of the safety of the public, which risks turning this into a real apocalyptic even, even though we have a much better alternative, solving this crises based on good research. And we still have a good candidate running that wants to do just that, but the DNC is in the process of rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders.
Donald Trump even used the Corona-virus as an excuse to relax regulations protecting the environment, despite the fact that pollution related diseases makes people more susceptible to the pandemic and many other diseases as well. Joe Biden is no better, threatening to veto Medicare for All if it passes clearly selling out to insurance and pharmaceutical companies that seem to be far more concerned with maximizing profit than addressing major health problems.
Both Trump and Biden are bumbling idiots catering to the oligarchs, and would never have been front runners without astronomical support and obsession coverage from Wall Street and the mainstream media. Biden couldn't even provide a rational response on the view when asked if Trump was right about the cure being worse than the disease and he fumbled it saying "We Have To Take Care Of The Cure That Will Make The Problem Worse No Matter What." 03/24/2020 If you take him literally he seems to be saying that we should make the cure worse than the disease; however, it's obvious that his mind was getting confused, not that he meant to say this. Even if they rig the nomination for him, and he somehow manages to beat Trump he won't be making the decisions, instead his corporate backers will be making them!

Joe Biden hardly even pretends to defend progressive values like Barack Obama and Obama routinely caved to Wall Street bailing them out and overseeing the suppression of many protests during his presidency, including the Occupy Wall Street movement despite his broken promise about putting on a "comfortable pair of shoes" and joining the protests as president! However, in at least a couple cases, he did reluctantly give in to the protesters by delaying the approval of the Keystone pipeline and TPP, while there's little or no chance that Biden will do that. Trump did cancel TPP, but he's coming back with another trade deal that could be just as bad!
Neither Biden or Trump want to fix the health care system; neither Biden or Trump want to protect the environment, even though pollution related diseases clearly make people more susceptible to Corona-virus and other related diseases; neither Biden or Trump want to stop wars based on lies, which historically makes infectious diseases worse; both Biden and Trump have family members profiting off their political connections and are involved in epidemic levels of corruption;Both of them have a long history of lying and breaking promises; both of them have multiple accusers claiming they were involved in sexual harassment; and both have a history of catering overwhelmingly to the wealthy helping to rig the economic system, dispute some of their rhetoric during campaigns.

As insane and logically flawed as many of these Corona-virus Apocalypse theories may seem, the behavior of our own political establishment and the media that's enabling them is equally insane and absurd, so there's little doubt that something far fetched is going on. Furthermore, there's still a chance that we can elect a president that might bring about the major reforms that we need, and the delays in the primaries might provide one last chance for people to learn from how badly both Biden and Trump are addressing the Corona-virus and how much more effective Bernie's plan is to improve the health care system as well as reduce pollution, which does an enormous amount of good reducing a major risk factor, as well as solving many other social problems.
However, thanks to a consistent pattern of corrupt behavior rigging the primaries that got us into this position in the first place it may seems to take a miracle to reverse this cheating and enable Bernie to stop the establishment from rigging the primary for Biden, which is what some people seem to be hoping for including those promoting this Meme:

Bird Perches on Bernie Sanders' Podium, Internet Shits A Loaf of Magic Banana Bread 03/26/2016 A Good Friday miracle!
This is cute of course and if it helps inspire some people to support Bernie, that's great; however, counting on a God that works in mysterious miracles to save the day may not be the best solution to this problem, especially when you consider the fact that if God was as powerful and benevolent as people believe, that the least he would have done is communicate in an honest manner enabling us to understand what he's trying to accomplish, how and why. However, even though there are flaws to this belief, there's no shortage of people that might be inclined to believe God's going to come and save the day.
Nathan Robinson seems to be describing something they might consider miraculous, although he doesn't phrase it in religious manner, in this article indicating that he believes we now have a good chance of reversing this as well:
Everything Has Changed Overnight 03/27/2020 by Nathan J. Robinson
The Democratic primary is no longer over. This is a historic crisis requiring nothing less than FDR-style ambition and leadership. We’ve got just the guy.
e do not live in the same country that we did a month or two ago. It may look the same superficially. But everything has turned upside down: The stock market suffered a more sudden crash than in 1929, millions of people have lost their jobs overnight, and the healthcare system is being strained to the brink by a devastating global pandemic that has the potential to kill people in horrifying numbers. Americans are being advised to shelter in their homes for an indefinite length of time. The chart of new unemployment claims on the front page of today’s paper is astonishing:
In this topsy turvy world, there is only one issue on everybody’s minds: the virus, along with its consequences. Nearly every news story is about it; everything else is set aside for now. We know that without an indefinite lockdown, the virus could run rampant with devastating consequences, but without a strong social safety net in place, an indefinite lockdown will lead to massive income loss.
Donald Trump is about the last person you’d want in charge during a crisis, and his behavior has been downright criminal. He lied to the public repeatedly, implying the virus’s seriousness was being exaggerated for political reasons, suggesting it was no worse than the flu and promising that “like a miracle—it will disappear.” He has lied to people about whether they could be tested. (“Anybody that needs a test, gets a test.”) Against the opinions of both public health experts and economists, he has told the public he wants to have the churches open for Easter services and suggested that lockdowns are doing more harm than good. As people begged Trump to invoke the power of the state to compel ventilator production, he instead opting for protracted haggling over prices with private companies, and said that hospitals were asking for far more ventilators than they really needed. He has even reportedly denied medical supplies to states based on petty grudges.
With Trump’s incompetence already having caused needless deaths—and probably about to be responsible for many more—and his administration having made it clear that their main interest is in protecting corporate profit, not American lives, he should be hated. His approval rating should have tanked. And yet: it hasn’t. It’s actually risen, and most Americans approve of the way he has handled the crisis. Since he has handled the crisis in an objectively abysmal fashion and is killing people’s loved ones, you may find this puzzling. But it isn’t really: Trump has been on television every day talking to the American people, bragging about things he hasn’t actually done, promising that everything is under control, touting “beautiful” new tests and miracle cures, and promising that everything will be alright. He has—brilliantly—slapped his name on some coronavirus advice and then mailed it to everyone in the country. If people just turn on the television or check the mail (and they can do little else right now), they’ll see a president who seems to be in command.
It’s all an illusion, but in order to show people it’s an illusion, you’d need an effective, on-message Democratic opposition, exposing Trump and offering a clear plan of their own. Unfortunately, Democrats for the most part have failed utterly. Their messaging has been muddy, with an early Democratic relief proposal being so unambitious that some Republicans were able to paint it as stingy, and Nancy Pelosi originally defended a provision that would have denied paid sick leave to most people, and then scaled it back even further. As Ryan Cooper notes, at a time when Congressional Democrats should have been “hammering Trump at every moment of the day,” they were silent.
There is a total leadership vacuum on the Democratic side. We hear a lot about the “bipartisan” relief package that just passed, but Democrats need to show that they are in command at a time when Trump is flailing. This they have not done. In part, this is because the party’s frontrunner for the presidential nomination, Joe Biden, was completely missing in action as the worst part of the crisis escalated. Biden declined to do television appearances or speak to the public, giving the unlikely excuse that he was waiting until construction on a TV studio in his home had finished. Biden’s silence meant that Donald Trump was the only national leader people were hearing from; no wonder his approval rating shot up. In fact, that may have been intentional, with Politico reporting that Biden was afraid of being “too political” and criticizing the president during a crisis. “I don’t think the public wants to hear criticism of Donald Trump right now,” said a Biden adviser. This is indefensible: It’s like declining to criticize George W. Bush over Hurricane Katrina. Trump is directly causing people to die in large numbers and then lying about it. It’s the worst thing he’s ever done. But let’s not get “too political”? Why on earth would you not get political?
Eventually, after #WhereIsJoe began trending on Twitter and party donors were “perplexed” and asking the campaign why Biden was bungling so badly, he agreed to appear in public. Biden’s first national address came on Monday. It quickly showed why advisers had wanted to keep Biden off camera; Biden read listlessly off the teleprompter, the most memorable moment coming when the teleprompter malfunctioned and Biden struggled to speak without a script. Further TV appearances did not go well. Asked about Trump’s belief that the “cure would be worse than the disease,” Biden gave the confusing reply: “We have to take care of the cure. That will make the problem worse no matter what. No matter what.” (If we assume “take care” means “prioritize” and “that” means “Trump’s approach,” the answer makes sense, but when you watch it you go “Huh?” and right now we do not want a candidate who merely has “plausible non-nonsensical interpretations of their speech.”) At one point, Biden even said that he had experienced no symptoms of coronavirus before coughing repeatedly (and not into his elbow, leading to an awkward exchange with Jake Tapper). After the first “daily briefing” on Monday, Biden’s Tuesday briefing was canceled. Complete article
The Democratic primary is no longer over. This is a historic crisis requiring nothing less than FDR-style ambition and leadership. We’ve got just the guy.
e do not live in the same country that we did a month or two ago. It may look the same superficially. But everything has turned upside down: The stock market suffered a more sudden crash than in 1929, millions of people have lost their jobs overnight, and the healthcare system is being strained to the brink by a devastating global pandemic that has the potential to kill people in horrifying numbers. Americans are being advised to shelter in their homes for an indefinite length of time. The chart of new unemployment claims on the front page of today’s paper is astonishing:

In this topsy turvy world, there is only one issue on everybody’s minds: the virus, along with its consequences. Nearly every news story is about it; everything else is set aside for now. We know that without an indefinite lockdown, the virus could run rampant with devastating consequences, but without a strong social safety net in place, an indefinite lockdown will lead to massive income loss.
Donald Trump is about the last person you’d want in charge during a crisis, and his behavior has been downright criminal. He lied to the public repeatedly, implying the virus’s seriousness was being exaggerated for political reasons, suggesting it was no worse than the flu and promising that “like a miracle—it will disappear.” He has lied to people about whether they could be tested. (“Anybody that needs a test, gets a test.”) Against the opinions of both public health experts and economists, he has told the public he wants to have the churches open for Easter services and suggested that lockdowns are doing more harm than good. As people begged Trump to invoke the power of the state to compel ventilator production, he instead opting for protracted haggling over prices with private companies, and said that hospitals were asking for far more ventilators than they really needed. He has even reportedly denied medical supplies to states based on petty grudges.
With Trump’s incompetence already having caused needless deaths—and probably about to be responsible for many more—and his administration having made it clear that their main interest is in protecting corporate profit, not American lives, he should be hated. His approval rating should have tanked. And yet: it hasn’t. It’s actually risen, and most Americans approve of the way he has handled the crisis. Since he has handled the crisis in an objectively abysmal fashion and is killing people’s loved ones, you may find this puzzling. But it isn’t really: Trump has been on television every day talking to the American people, bragging about things he hasn’t actually done, promising that everything is under control, touting “beautiful” new tests and miracle cures, and promising that everything will be alright. He has—brilliantly—slapped his name on some coronavirus advice and then mailed it to everyone in the country. If people just turn on the television or check the mail (and they can do little else right now), they’ll see a president who seems to be in command.
It’s all an illusion, but in order to show people it’s an illusion, you’d need an effective, on-message Democratic opposition, exposing Trump and offering a clear plan of their own. Unfortunately, Democrats for the most part have failed utterly. Their messaging has been muddy, with an early Democratic relief proposal being so unambitious that some Republicans were able to paint it as stingy, and Nancy Pelosi originally defended a provision that would have denied paid sick leave to most people, and then scaled it back even further. As Ryan Cooper notes, at a time when Congressional Democrats should have been “hammering Trump at every moment of the day,” they were silent.
There is a total leadership vacuum on the Democratic side. We hear a lot about the “bipartisan” relief package that just passed, but Democrats need to show that they are in command at a time when Trump is flailing. This they have not done. In part, this is because the party’s frontrunner for the presidential nomination, Joe Biden, was completely missing in action as the worst part of the crisis escalated. Biden declined to do television appearances or speak to the public, giving the unlikely excuse that he was waiting until construction on a TV studio in his home had finished. Biden’s silence meant that Donald Trump was the only national leader people were hearing from; no wonder his approval rating shot up. In fact, that may have been intentional, with Politico reporting that Biden was afraid of being “too political” and criticizing the president during a crisis. “I don’t think the public wants to hear criticism of Donald Trump right now,” said a Biden adviser. This is indefensible: It’s like declining to criticize George W. Bush over Hurricane Katrina. Trump is directly causing people to die in large numbers and then lying about it. It’s the worst thing he’s ever done. But let’s not get “too political”? Why on earth would you not get political?
Eventually, after #WhereIsJoe began trending on Twitter and party donors were “perplexed” and asking the campaign why Biden was bungling so badly, he agreed to appear in public. Biden’s first national address came on Monday. It quickly showed why advisers had wanted to keep Biden off camera; Biden read listlessly off the teleprompter, the most memorable moment coming when the teleprompter malfunctioned and Biden struggled to speak without a script. Further TV appearances did not go well. Asked about Trump’s belief that the “cure would be worse than the disease,” Biden gave the confusing reply: “We have to take care of the cure. That will make the problem worse no matter what. No matter what.” (If we assume “take care” means “prioritize” and “that” means “Trump’s approach,” the answer makes sense, but when you watch it you go “Huh?” and right now we do not want a candidate who merely has “plausible non-nonsensical interpretations of their speech.”) At one point, Biden even said that he had experienced no symptoms of coronavirus before coughing repeatedly (and not into his elbow, leading to an awkward exchange with Jake Tapper). After the first “daily briefing” on Monday, Biden’s Tuesday briefing was canceled. Complete article
His article also goes on to report on the Tara Reade accusations which are almost completely being ignored by the mainstream media, which has potential to derail Biden's campaign. If you haven't heard about that, due to lack of mainstream media coverage, I've included numerous links below with additional details. This story and many others ensures that Biden isn't nearly as good a chance to beat Trump as the media has been trying to convince us all along. There are also many more stories about corruption of Biden and his friends and families, including another story that just came out about his sister funneling money from his campaign to her own consulting company. These stories might be getting ignored by the media now, while the primaries are going on but they're guaranteed to go viral during the general election campaign, ensuring that it's much tougher for him to beat Trump than they want us to believe.
For rational skeptics this may seems like a much more viable chance to reverse this; however, Nathan has been a Bernie supporter all along, and even though I want to believe he's right, which he might be, it's still going to be extremely difficult to reverse this cheating and insanity. I've supported wishful ideas like this repeatedly, even after seeing them fall through repeatedly. If however there are many more of these articles and enough people responding to them then it may be more likely to change the primary, and there's another one like is saying Bernie’s Leadership Shines Through During Crisis 03/27/2020
But there's something totally insane about what's going on, so I'm not ruling something extremely far-fetched happening, in fact the obvious corruption of the entire political establishment is part of that insanity. There's no doubt that it's guaranteed to backfire and even destroy those profiting from it in the short term; and they have access to good researchers that can explain this to them. Further more, they also have access to good researchers that know how to do a much better job indoctrinating the public, and must realize that they should have started out with a candidate that isn't so obviously flawed. Yet, one time after another they back incredibly obviously corrupt candidates like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and almost all the other candidates that dropped out of the 2020 race. This may not be clear to those that rely solely on the mainstream media for their news; but those accustomed to checking alternative media outlets know how flawed they are.
The insane political activity isn't the only major unsolved mystery going on and there's a chance that some of the other unsolved mysteries might be related, as I've been speculating about for several years, although it will seem far-fetched to those that haven't looked into it. One of the biggest unsolved mysteries goes back to prehistory as I pointed out in 107 Wonders of the Ancient World which explains that ancient civilizations moved megaliths well over fifty tons, some over seven hundred tons, yet experiments to replicate this failed to move megaliths between ten and fifty tons long distances without cheating, at least to get it on the sledge, and even then if they moved it at all only inched them forward. They didn't even try to move anything bigger than forty tons, implying that this shouldn't have been possible.
High profile mainstream archaeologists ignore this or make up incredibly bad explanations to dismiss it; the only high profile pundits acknowledging this major unsolved mystery seems to be the Ancient Aliens theorists on the History Channel but of course they make an enormous amount of ridiculous blunders to. Relying on their theories won't get to the truth without fact checking every detail and weeding out an enormous number of flawed ones. I came up with my own theory in UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor which attempts to do this, explaining that the known technology still makes it appear extremely difficult if not impossible to send life through space ships the incredibly long distances; however technology is rapidly developing to show that sending artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and many other advances might make it possible to send out crafts long distances that might take hundreds if not thousands of years that could then use robots or begin to develop other life forms once they arrive.
That article and most others cites Philip Corso's book "The Day After Roswell" where he claims that he shared alien technology retrieved from corporations, which indicates, either there is something to it, or there's a massive effort to fake it, either of which is a major conspiracy. I also tried to explain how they were possibly providing controlled disclosure in Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims? by releasing some information through unreliable sources that few people would consider trustworthy, which could explain the colossal blunders by both the theorists on Ancient Aliens and the skeptics that attempt to ridicule them without acknowledging legitimate unsolved mysteries.
If there is something to this theory then a possible motive could involve massive amounts of research that the aliens might be reluctant to do on their own planet or might be impossible, since they might have a different environment this includes possible research into Climate change which as I pointed out in Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory is a form of geoengineering if it really is caused by man as most scientist now agree it is; and this could conceivably mean that they intentionally allowed it as part of their research that might help them learn how to partially control the climate. Other research could be into medical research which they might be sharing technology with the medical community as I speculated about in Researching Poor, Slaves, Prisoners, To Benefit Ruling Class With Alien Technology?; Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery?; and Spectacular Heart Transplant for Sophia But at What Cost
The latest article on this theoretical medical research was Were Ancient Aliens Experimenting With Humans during Plague Epidemics? which would have involved research that took place before modern medicine was developed, and presumably before contact was allegedly made after Roswell as Philip Corso and other theorists claim or imply. If there is something to this then it could explain why the plague suddenly stopped coming back three hundred years ago since there's little or no reason to believe that modern medical people learned how to cure it. Furthermore, it could mean that this pandemic is the latest part of their medical research. Israel doctors have already said they're close to developing a vaccine for this, although it will take months for additional research and to get it through the regulatory process.
Several of my past articles including more listed below and Were Religions, Including Christian Science, Part of Ancient Aliens Medical Research Project? which reviews Mary Baker Eddy and Andrew Jackson Davis, an obscure alleged mystic from the nineteenth century that predicted the automobile, road system, refrigeration air conditioning, the typewriter and several other inventions that weren't developed until decades if not over a hundred year after he wrote a book, "The Penetralia" in 1856, which hardly anyone even heard of or read. At the time I wrote that article I wasn't able to read the entire book, but since then I read most of it and also found that he also managed to come close to telling people the speed of light ninety four years before it was calculated by credible scientists, on page 90 of "The Penetralia" he wrote "Some stars are yet so distant, that thirty millions of years will sink into oblivion, and infinite scores of human beings will live and die out of matter, ere their light can reach our globe! And it will help your conception to remember that light can fly two hundred thousand miles per second."
Einstein didn't even begin to develop his theory of relativity until 1905 forty nine years after he wrote his book and Speed of light wasn't calculated until 1950 and it was 186,000 miles per second, only 14,000 miles, or 7% less than what Davis claimed, yet he shouldn't have had any way of knowing this. There's also a lot more in that book that is far more advanced than someone with Andrew Jackson Davis's background and education ever should have known, yet a large portion of what he taught was far more rational than typical religious teaching of his time, or even our time; although that doesn't mean all of his writing is credible. He makes several statements letting people know that they should feel free to question his teachings just like he questions the teachings of other. This follows a pattern of behavior of at least a few dozen different alleged mystics that provide some incredibly good abilities or teachings then mix it up with serious flaws. One possible explanation for this is that if there is an advanced intelligence influencing religious leaders, whether you consider it "God" Ancient Aliens or some other unknown advanced intelligence, that it might be part of a control process to advance his agenda which isn't always in our best interests.
In my most recent article on this subject History Of Governing Is Almost All Bullshit I even speculated about the possibility that when it suits their purposes to solve some of the social problems that they must know will backfire that they might even rig an election for someone that is actually inclined to do that making it look like that person overcame epidemic levels of election fraud; at that time it seemed like there was a good chance that Bernie Sanders might just do that, with some people even predicting that he might win South Carolina primary or at least come much closer than previously expected, the day after I posted this article. However, four days after that the epidemic levels of fraud became increasingly obvious, at least to those checking with more reliable alternative media, and it got even worse a week after that with three elections going overwhelmingly for Biden leading the establishment to conclude that the primaries were virtually over.
However, Ohio was supposed to have their primary on that same day, but it was postponed, along with about ten other states, because of the Corona-virus, providing a potential opportunity to totally turn this around if Biden is exposed for the incredibly obvious fraud that he is. It now seems much less likely that Bernie Sanders will actually turn this around and prevent the primaries from being rigged, which will be catastrophic since it would mean that we're virtually guaranteed to get an incompetent clown whether it's Trump or Biden for the next four years, at a time when we need a much more rational, honest and sincere president that's actually trying to solve serious problems instead of rigging the economy for wealthy elites even though it's devastating to all of us, including the elites who may not have to pay the price as much as the rest of us, but even they will collapse if this pandemic and other environmental problems combined with an insane permanent state of war continue.
However, if he does manage to turn this around it may seem truly miraculous to many people with Bernie Sanders saving the day at the last minute, overcoming epidemic levels of fraud!
The problem is that if it's all staged then they'll only be solving some of our problems when it suits their purposes, not ours. I've been supporting Bernie Sanders since he entered the race in 2015 and continued supporting him through this election cycle, since he's been the only candidate that the media actually covers that has any decency. There's no doubt that he's far better than Biden or Trump, both of whom would be disaster, but as I've pointed out in several previous articles including Modern "Poll Taxes": Voter ID & Campaign Contributions and More Censored Candidates From The Underground the media routinely rigs elections by simply refusing to cover the vast majority of candidates running for office ensuring they never get the name recognition they need to be viable.
The candidates that are being suppressed the most might include others as good or even better than Bernie Sanders, but we have no way of knowing because they never have a chance to make their case, although a lot of the ones that I was able to find information about proved to be seriously flawed but a few were far better than the vast majority of establishment candidates, and possibly even one or two better than Bernie Sanders. As much as I like Bernie Sanders, there have been numerous times when he also caved to the establishment denying the epidemic levels of fraud in the 2016 elections and at best remaining silent about it happening again this year; and he also tried to help patch together the reputation of Hillary Clinton, Tom Perez and other leaders of the Democratic Party even while they were relentlessly trying to sabotage his progressive policies.
There are other examples where Bernie has caved to the establishment as well, and even though he does far better criticizing the media than any other establishment politician the most important criticism comes from the grassroots, and there are other examples where the best research also comes from other sources as well. Even if Bernie does manage to get elected he's not going to address all the problems that need to be addressed.
The most important issues may have to be pushed at the grassroots level, even if Bernie Sanders is elected. There are many important issues that he's indicated he'll do what he can to greatly improve on, including the protection of the environment, health care, ending outsourcing, stop fighting wars based on lies and more including other important issues that need to be addressed; but even on those the grassroots are going to have to do their part, otherwise he'll be blocked by Congress, the media and business establishment.
But there are other things that he's indicated that he's not willing to do as much as he should including challenging the duopoly; in both 2016 and 2020, he began his campaign with a pledge to support the nominee, without adequately calling out efforts to rig the primaries, and kept that promise he never should have made in 2016,indicating he'll probably do so again. Furthermore, even though he's done more to criticize the establishment media that other traditional politicians, he hasn't done nearly as much as alternative media outlets, nor has he mentioned the simple fact that allowing a fraction of one percent control the media enables them to rig the election, and call for a much more diverse media controlled by academics and grassroots not billionaires; the most effective call for reform on this issue will have to come from the grassroots even if Bernie wins.
There are also many other traditional issues like the most effective research to reduce violence where, even though he's better than other establishment candidates, he's not nearly as good as some researchers that get little or no media attention. I could into a long list of issues, many of which I've covered in past articles, including how gambling and insurance increases violence, how advertising is used for indoctrination, how propaganda including some developed by Edward Bernays, Frank Luntz and many other propagandists including Niccolo Machiavelli have been studying how to manipulate the masses for centuries, where the best research and calls for reform aren't coming from Bernie Sanders, they're coming from a small percentage of well informed grassroots.
And, if there's something to my theory, then we also need to do much more to disclose what's going on and how technology was developed so fast or if it was with the help of alien technology, which should be used to benefit all, not just the elites, whether or not poor people are being used for research based on alien technology. Even if this theory doesn't prove to be true there's plenty of evidence, including a lot reported by Harriet Washington to show there's no doubt that the poor are being used for research, which should be exposed and stopped, especially since the wealthy still get patents without sharing the benefits of this research with the poor or working class.
Also, if this theory isn't true then we need to demand a better explanation why there are so many promoting false theories like Ancient Aliens with the help of the mainstream media. I'm certainly not calling for censorship, quite the opposite, the best researchers on any given subject including this one are virtually absent from the mainstream media while incompetent clowns get obsessive coverage. If this theory isn't true then we need to demand explanations to major unsolved mysteries that actually stand up to scrutiny.
Whether this theory is true or not, we need major reform based on science that can be confirmed and stands up to scrutiny. This needs to include implementing Single Payer health care, protecting the environment, improving the education system, ending voter suppression creating more diverse media, and much more, all of which Bernie Sanders is much better at than either Joe Biden or Donald Trump; but, that the grassroots, if well informed might be even better than Bernie Sanders.

The following are daily updates recorded as they happen about how fast the Corona-virus has been spreading:
Coronavirus total cases, deaths, and recoveries in the USA
03/23/2020 total cases 42,379; deaths 517; recoveries 295;
03/24/2020 total cases 46,168; deaths 582; recoveries 295;
03/25/2020 10:55 AM total cases 55,081; deaths 785; recoveries 379;
03/26/2020 6:38 PM total cases 83,097; deaths 1,198; recoveries 1,864;
03/27/2020 10:30 AM total cases 85,762; deaths 1,306; recoveries 1,868;
03/28/2020 10:30 AM total cases 105,019; deaths 1,717; recoveries 2,537;
03/29/2020 10:24 AM total cases 123,628; deaths 2,231; recoveries 3,238; total new cases 18,469; total new deaths 264; new New York deaths 82
03/30/2020 9:36 AM total cases 142,793; deaths 2,490; recoveries 4,562; total new cases 20,353; total new deaths 573; new New York deaths 279
03/31/2020 10:34 AM total cases 164,744; deaths 3,163; recoveries 5,507; total new cases 24,742; total new deaths 912; new New York deaths 372
04/01/2020 10:47 AM total cases 189,711; deaths 4,099; recoveries 7,267; total new cases 26,473; total new deaths 1,049; new New York deaths 505
04/02/2020 1:36 AM total cases 236,221; deaths 5,780; recoveries 10,324; total new cases 29,874; total new deaths 968; new New York deaths 319
04/03/2020 11:22 AM total cases 257,379; deaths 6,558; recoveries 11,941; total new cases 2,284; total new deaths 1,321; new New York deaths 680
04/04/2020 11:25 AM total cases 290,920; deaths 7,844; recoveries 14,368; total new cases 34,196; total new deaths 1,331; new New York deaths 630
04/05/2020 1:54 PM total cases 327,871; deaths 9,325; recoveries 16,700; total new cases 25,316; total new deaths 1,165; new New York deaths 594
04/06/2020 1:54 PM total cases 338,999; deaths 9,687; recoveries 18,002; total new cases 30,331; total new deaths 1,255; new New York deaths 599
04/07/2020 1:54 PM total cases 367,650; deaths 10,943; recoveries 19,810; total new cases 33,331; total new deaths 1,970; new New York deaths 731
04/08/2020 11:08 AM total cases 403,492; deaths 12,935; recoveries 21,815; total new cases 31,935; total new deaths 1,940; new New York deaths 779
04/09/2020 11:59 AM total cases 440,679; deaths 15,824; recoveries 24,547; total new cases 33,536; total new deaths 1,900; new New York deaths 799
04/10/2020 10:42 AM total cases 470,958; deaths 16,804; recoveries 25,943; total new cases 33,752; total new deaths 2,035; new New York deaths 777
04/11/2020 3:16 PM total cases 524,242; deaths 20,223; recoveries 30,502; total new cases 30,003; total new deaths 1,830; new New York deaths 783
04/12/2020 11:43 AM total cases 535,385; deaths 21,407; recoveries 30,604; total new cases 27,421; total new deaths 1,528; new New York deaths 758
04/13/2020 10:38 AM total cases 561,159; deaths 22,133; recoveries 33,122; total new cases 26,642; total new deaths 1,535; new New York deaths 671
04/14/2020 11:33 AM total cases 588,958; deaths 23,749; recoveries 37,326; total new cases 26,945; total new deaths 2,407; new New York deaths 778
04/15/2020 ? AM total cases 614,643; deaths 26,112; recoveries 38,820; total new cases 30,206; total new deaths 2,482; new New York deaths 752
04/16/2020 9:19 AM total cases 644,806; deaths 28,572; recoveries 48,710; total new cases 29,567; total new deaths 2,174; new New York deaths 606
04/17/2020 1:07 PM total cases 685,551; deaths 35,500; recoveries 58,160; total new cases 32,165; total new deaths 2,535; new New York deaths 1,025
04/18/2020 ? total cases 712,399; deaths 37,268; recoveries 63,768; total new cases 29,057; total new deaths 1,867; new New York deaths 540
04/19/2020 11:28 AM total cases 740,928; deaths 39,084; recoveries 68,599; total new cases 25,040; total new deaths 1,539; new New York deaths 627
04/20/2020 2:00 PM total cases 771,216; deaths 41,356; recoveries 71,497; total new cases 28,123; total new deaths 1,939; new New York deaths 631
04/21/2020 2:18 PM total cases 804,406; deaths 43,711; recoveries 75,989; total new cases 25,985; total new deaths 2,804; new New York deaths 764
04/22/2020 3:02 PM total cases 830,572; deaths 46,235; recoveries 83,448; total new cases 29,973; total new deaths 2,341; new New York deaths 661
04/23/2020 1:27 PM total cases 866,105; deaths 48,809; recoveries 84,812; total new cases 31,900; total new deaths 2,342; new New York deaths 507
04/24/2020 12:09 PM total cases 892,761; deaths 50,849; recoveries 90,094; total new cases 38,958; total new deaths 1,959; new New York deaths 430
04/25/2020 11:06 AM total cases 928,370; deaths 52,539; recoveries 110,490; total new cases 35,419; total new deaths 2,065; new New York deaths 617
04/26/2020 3:07 PM total cases 976,403; deaths 54,965; recoveries 118,633; total new cases 26,509; total new deaths 1,157; new New York deaths 367
04/27/2020 12:10 PM total cases 991,488; deaths 55,900; recoveries 120,299; total new cases 23,196; total new deaths 1,384; new New York deaths 348
04/28/2020 2:24 PM total cases 1,022,259; deaths 57,862; recoveries 139,972; total new cases 25,409; total new deaths 2,470; new New York deaths 521
04/29/2020 2:14 PM total cases 1,048,834; deaths 60,495; recoveries 144,352; total new cases 28,429; total new deaths 2,390; new New York deaths 330
04/30/2020 6:31 PM total cases 1,093,724; deaths 63,801; recoveries 151,784; total new cases 30,829; total new deaths 2,201; new New York deaths 306
05/01/2020 ? total cases 1,119,176; deaths 65,143; recoveries 158,287; total new cases 36,007; total new deaths 1,897; new New York deaths 289; NJ 310
05/02/2020 8:05 PM total cases 1,159,430; deaths 67,391; recoveries 160,668; total new cases 29,744; total new deaths 1,691; new New York deaths 299; NJ 204
05/03/2020 4:11 PM total cases 1,184,439; deaths 68,405; recoveries 178,235; total new cases 27,348; total new deaths 1,154; new New York deaths 280; NJ 144
05/04/2020 12:11 PM total cases 1,188,870; deaths 68,606; recoveries 178,594; total new cases 24,713; total new deaths 1,324; new New York deaths 296; NJ 65
05/05/2020 2:48 PM total cases 1,225,086; deaths 71,228; recoveries 192,177; total new cases 24,798; total new deaths 2,350; new New York deaths 260; NJ 341
05/06/2020 2:59 PM total cases 1,248,192; deaths 73,426; recoveries 203,971; total new cases 25,459; total new deaths 2,528; new New York deaths 752; NJ 280
05/07/2020 12:52 PM total cases 1,271,007; deaths 75,558; recoveries 213,562; total new cases 29,531; total new deaths 2,129; new New York deaths 409; NJ 262
05/08/2020 4:04 PM total cases 1,297,003; deaths 77,190; recoveries 218,928; total new cases 29,162; total new deaths 1,687; new New York deaths 220; NJ 152
05/09/2020 7:03 PM total cases 1,346,339; deaths 80,04; recoveries 236,825; total new cases 25,524; total new deaths 1,422; new New York deaths 186; NJ 132
05/10/2020 6:51 PM total cases 1,365,369; deaths 80,723; recoveries 254,915; total new cases 20,329; total new deaths 750; new New York deaths 41; NJ 146
05/11/2020 2:23 PM total cases 1,367,368; deaths 80,787; recoveries 256336; total new cases 18,196; total new deaths 1,008; new New York deaths 191; NJ 77
05/12/2020 12:30 PM total cases 1,392,422; deaths 82,205; recoveries 263,598; total new cases 22,802; total new deaths 1,630; new New York deaths 172; NJ 200
05/13/2020 4:07 PM total cases 1,422,217; deaths 84,554; recoveries 306,298; total new cases 21,712; total new deaths 1,772; new New York deaths 115; NJ 186
05/14/2020 8:32 PM total cases 1,430,338; deaths 85,197; recoveries 310,259; total new cases 27,246; total new deaths 1,715; new New York deaths 136; NJ 219
05/15/2020 7:34 PM total cases 1,482,863; deaths 88,470; recoveries 325,168; total new cases 26,692; total new deaths 1,595; new New York deaths 148; NJ 204
05/16/2020 7:18 PM total cases 1,497,096; deaths 89,124; recoveries 336,724; total new cases 23,488; total new deaths 1,218; new New York deaths 172; NJ 110
05/17/2020 1:51 PM total cases 1,509,341; deaths 90,134; recoveries 339,232; total new cases 19,891; total new deaths 865; new New York deaths 191; NJ 106
05/18/2020 11:13 AM total cases 1,532,146; deaths 91,072; recoveries 346,956; total new cases 22,630; total new deaths 1,003; new New York deaths 155; NJ 82
05/19/2020 ? total cases 1,563,748; deaths 93,051; recoveries 361,342; total new cases 20,289; total new deaths 1,552; new New York deaths 168; NJ 143
05/20/2020 8:31 PM total cases 1,584,850; deaths 94,507; recoveries 366,578; total new cases 22,140; total new deaths 1,403; new New York deaths 110; NJ 156
05/21/2020 12:34 PM total cases 1,593,429; deaths 94,963; recoveries 370,971; total new cases 28,175; total new deaths 1,418; new New York deaths 127; NJ 105
05/22/2020 7:03 PM total cases 1,644,061; deaths 97,608; recoveries 397,025; total new cases 24,197; total new deaths 1,296; new New York deaths 124; NJ 134
05/23/2020 4:06 PM total cases 1,650,677; deaths 97,800; recoveries 403,315; total new cases 21,929; total new deaths 1,036; new New York deaths 103; NJ 97
05/24/2020 12:52 PM total cases 1,667,437; deaths 98,691; recoveries 446,927; total new cases 19,608; total new deaths 617; new New York deaths 119; NJ 56
05/25/2020 1:23 PM total cases 1,688,709; deaths 99,348; recoveries 451,745; total new cases 19,790; total new deaths 505; new New York deaths 79; NJ 16
05/26/2020 12:16 PM total cases 1,706,293; deaths 99,807; recoveries 464,727; total new cases 19,049; total new deaths 774; new New York deaths 141; NJ 42
05/27/2020 12:23 PM total cases 1,725,881; deaths 100,625; recoveries 479,973; total new cases 20,546; total new deaths 1,535; new New York deaths 102; NJ 144
05/28/2020 1:57 PM total cases 1,747,781; deaths 102,197; recoveries 490,256; total new cases 22,658; total new deaths 1,223; new New York deaths 100; NJ 71
05/29/2020 12:11 PM total cases 1,768,608; deaths 103,344; recoveries 498,762; total new cases 25,069; total new deaths 1,212; new New York deaths 98; NJ 124
05/30/2020 1:38 AM total cases 1,793,530; deaths 104,542; recoveries 519,569; total new cases 23,290; total new deaths 1,015; new New York deaths 78; NJ 101
05/31/2020 5:42 PM total cases 1,826,082; deaths 105,873; recoveries 538,569; total new cases 20,350; total new deaths 638; new New York deaths 89; NJ 74
06/01/2020 3:38 PM total cases 1,41,375; deaths 106,270; recoveries 600,117; total new cases 22,153; total new deaths 730; new New York deaths 70; NJ 21
06/02/2020 1:11 PM total cases 1,866,589; deaths 107,370; recoveries 616,856; total new cases 21,882; total new deaths 1,134; new New York deaths 90; NJ 51
06/03/2020 7:45 PM total cases 1,901,493; deaths 109,140; recoveries 685,534; total new cases 20,578; total new deaths 1,083; new New York deaths 86; NJ 123
06/04/2020 1:06 PM total cases 1,903,868; deaths 109,176; recoveries 688,811; total new cases 22,286; total new deaths 1,031; new New York deaths 117; NJ 100
06/05/2020 1:30 PM total cases 1,925,267; deaths 110,218; recoveries 712,436; total new cases 25,393; total new deaths 975; new New York deaths 91; NJ 76
06/06/2020 2:09 PM total cases 1,976,515; deaths 111,716; recoveries 739,724; total new cases 22,836; total new deaths 706; new New York deaths 29; NJ 64
06/07/2020 12:44 PM total cases 1,988,700; deaths 112,101; recoveries 752,048; total new cases 18,905; total new deaths 373; new New York deaths 41; NJ 70
06/08/2020 12:25 PM total cases 2,007,613; deaths 112,472; recoveries 761,720; total new cases 19,044; total new deaths 588; new New York deaths 74; NJ 76
06/09/2020 5:29 PM total cases 2,033,865; deaths 113,470; recoveries 739,724; total new cases 19,056; total new deaths 1,093; new New York deaths 87; NJ 77
06/10/2020 2:38 PM total cases 2,047,147; deaths 114,223; recoveries 788,916; total new cases 20,852; total new deaths 982; new New York deaths 77; NJ 98
06/11/2020 2:22 PM total cases 2,068,139; deaths 115,156; recoveries 808,556; total new cases 23,300; total new deaths 904; new New York deaths 61; NJ 85
06/12/2020 2:28 PM total cases 2,092,132; deaths 116,106; recoveries 816,467; total new cases 27,221; total new deaths 791; new New York deaths 83; NJ 49
06/13/2020 3:37 PM total cases 2,122,399; deaths 116,934; recoveries 739,724; total new cases 25,302; total new deaths 702; new New York deaths 50; NJ 95
06/14/2020 7:09 PM total cases 2,161,366; deaths 117,849; recoveries 860,528; total new cases 20,004; total new deaths 331; new New York deaths 37; NJ 37
06/15/2020 7:25 PM total cases 2,182,540; deaths 118,279; recoveries 880,315; total new cases 20,722; total new deaths 425; new New York deaths 41; NJ 49
06/16/2020 12:50 PM total cases 2,183,153; deaths 118,321; recoveries 890,015; total new cases 25,450; total new deaths 849; new New York deaths 46; NJ 55
06/17/2020 2:19 PM total cases 2,209,260; deaths 119,161; recoveries 903,136; total new cases 26,228; total new deaths 809; new New York deaths 48; NJ 54
06/18/2020 6:43 PM total cases 2,259,907; deaths 120,543; recoveries 925,108; total new cases 27,924; total new deaths 747; new New York deaths 46; NJ 36
06/19/2020 3:11 PM total cases 2,266,245; deaths 120,738; recoveries 931,355; total new cases 33,539; total new deaths 719; new New York deaths 67; NJ 33
06/20/2020 6:59 PM total cases 2,317,558; deaths 121,735; recoveries 962,880; total new cases 33,388; total new deaths 573; new New York deaths 15; NJ 67
06/21/2020 12:17 PM total cases 2,330,908; deaths 121,999; recoveries 973,055; total new cases 26,079; total new deaths 267; new New York deaths 41; NJ 24
06/22/2020 5:22 PM total cases 2,366,957; deaths 122,373; recoveries 984,259; total new cases 31,496; total new deaths 363; new New York deaths 53; NJ 47
06/23/2020 1:55 PM total cases 2,409,179; deaths 123,213; recoveries 1,005,984; total new cases 36,015; total new deaths 863; new New York deaths 46; NJ 68
06/24/2020 7:15 PM total cases 2,447,399; deaths 123,934; recoveries 1,025,350; total new cases 38,386; total new deaths 808; new New York deaths 32; NJ 96
06/25/2020 2:25 PM total cases 2,464,544; deaths 124,331; recoveries 1,040,661; total new cases 40,184; total new deaths 649; new New York deaths 27; NJ 80
06/26/2020 4:11 PM total cases 2,511,784; deaths 126,911; recoveries 1,052,529; total new cases 47,331; total new deaths 663; new New York deaths 48; NJ 63
06/27/2020 6:08 PM total cases 2,577,526; deaths 127,952; recoveries 1,071,393; total new cases 43,581; total new deaths 512; new New York deaths 31; NJ 32
06/28/2020 4:05 PM total cases 2,611,697; deaths 128,216; recoveries 1,081,551; total new cases 40,540; total new deaths 285; new New York deaths 32; NJ 31
06/29/2020 2:39 PM total cases 2,638,462; deaths 128,460; recoveries 1,093,612; total new cases 44,734; total new deaths 346; new New York deaths 12; NJ 41
06/30/2020 3:30 PM total cases 2,693,736; deaths 129,007; recoveries 1,122,655; total new cases 46,042; total new deaths 764; new New York deaths 17; NJ 54
07/01/2020 4:13 PM total cases 2,745,215; deaths 130,348; recoveries 1,143,923; total new cases 51,097; total new deaths 676; new New York deaths 14; NJ 41
07/02/2020 1:44 PM total cases 2,781,085; deaths 130,813; recoveries 925,108; total new cases 57,236; total new deaths 687; new New York deaths 23; NJ 0
07/03/2020 2:32 PM total cases 2,838,922; deaths 131,544; recoveries 925,108; total new cases 54,904; total new deaths 616; new New York deaths 25; NJ 52
07/04/2020 1:53 PM total cases 2,914,838; deaths 132,208; recoveries 1,248,400;
Coronavirus total cases, deaths, and recoveries worldwide
03/23/2020 total cases 374,490; deaths 16,349; recoveries 101,520;
03/24/2020 total cases 395,694; deaths 17,234; recoveries 103,736;
03/25/2020 10:58 AM total cases 440,359; deaths 19,753; recoveries 112,032;
03/25/2020 6:41 PM total cases 528,827; deaths 23,959; recoveries 123,364;
03/27/2020 10:31 AM total cases 555,970; deaths 25,226; recoveries 128,706;
03/28/2020 10:31 AM total cases 620,938; deaths 28,653; recoveries 137,363;
03/29/2020 10:25 AM total cases 683,694; deaths 32,155; recoveries 146,396;
03/30/2020 9:37 AM total cases 739,371; deaths 35,016; recoveries 156,402;
03/31/2020 10:36 AM total cases 805,377; deaths 39,469; recoveries 172,436;
04/01/2020 10:49 AM total cases 885,221; deaths 44,212; recoveries 185,208;
04/02/2020 1:36 AM total cases 997,555; deaths 51,451; recoveries 210,184;
04/03/2020 11:22 AM total cases 1,055,179; deaths 55,731; recoveries 223,886;
04/04/2020 11:25 AM total cases 1,153,047; deaths 61,649; recoveries 240,144;
04/05/2020 1:54 PM total cases 1,253,920; deaths 68,169; recoveries 257,224;
04/06/2020 1:54 PM total cases 1,292,231; deaths 70,677; recoveries 272,434; total new cases 73,142; total new deaths 5,230
04/06/2020 1:54 PM total cases 1,346,974; deaths 74,702; recoveries 278,698; total new cases 84,915; total new deaths 7,380
04/08/2020 11:08 AM total cases 1,454,825; deaths 83,609; recoveries 309,818; total new cases 84,384; total new deaths 6,414
04/09/2020 11:59 AM total cases 1,541,113; deaths 90,055; recoveries 340,605; total new cases 94,625; total new deaths 6,971
04/10/2020 10:42 AM total cases 1,626,096; deaths 97,331; recoveries 366,469; total new cases 94,629; total new deaths 6,973
04/11/2020 3:16 PM total cases 1,765,500; deaths 107,918; recoveries 397,221; total new cases 80,908; total new deaths 6,095
04/12/2020 11:43 AM total cases 1,805,762; deaths 111,718; recoveries 412,808; total new cases 72,514; total new deaths 5,415
04/13/2020 10:38 AM total cases 1,872,975; deaths 116,039; recoveries 434,855; total new cases 71,591; total new deaths 5,423
04/14/2020 11:33 AM total cases 1,949,619; deaths 121,927; recoveries 460,541; total new cases 74,012; total new deaths 6,982
04/15/2020 ? AM total cases 2,023,650; deaths 128,892; recoveries 492,368; total new cases 84,515; total new deaths 7,960
04/16/2020 9:19 AM total cases 2,101,875; deaths 136,112; recoveries 523,992; total new cases 95,022; total new deaths 6,996
04/17/2020 1:07 PM total cases 2,227,669; deaths 150,625; recoveries 563,781; total new cases 95,022; total new deaths 6,996
04/18/2020 ? total cases 2,279,178; deaths 156,270; recoveries 582,903; total new cases 81,903; total new deaths 5,909
04/19/2020 11:28 AM total cases 2,361,482; deaths 162,045; recoveries 607,342; total new cases 75,804; total new deaths 4,984
04/20/2020 2:00 PM total cases 2,452,439; deaths 168,784; recoveries 642,676; total new cases 73,928; total new deaths 5,366
04/21/2020 2:18 PM total cases 2,533,486; deaths 175,474; recoveries 671,186; total new cases 75,254; total new deaths 7,062
04/22/2020 3:02 PM total cases 2,614,289; deaths 182,453; recoveries 714,305; total new cases 79,956; total new deaths 6,607
04/23/2020 1:27 PM total cases 2,692,584; deaths 188,075; recoveries 738,432; total new cases 85,434; total new deaths 6,618
04/24/2020 12:09 PM total cases 2,766,184; deaths 193,779; recoveries 764,126; total new cases 105,825; total new deaths 6,182
04/25/2020 11:06 AM total cases 2,863,074; deaths 199,486; recoveries 816,003; total new cases 90,722; total new deaths 6,069
04/26/2020 3:07 PM total cases 2,977,193; deaths 206,140; recoveries 874,613; total new cases 73,858; total new deaths 3,751
04/27/2020 12:10 PM total cases 3,023,205; deaths 208,883; recoveries 893,120; total new cases 69,233; total new deaths 4,532
04/28/2020 2:24 PM total cases 3,106,700; deaths 214,645; recoveries 944,593; total new cases 76,562; total new deaths 6,365
04/29/2020 2:14 PM total cases 3,188,596; deaths 225,615; recoveries 986,622; total new cases 81,678; total new deaths 6,593
04/30/2020 6:31 PM total cases 3,301,792; deaths 233,729; recoveries 1,038,099; total new cases 85,738; total new deaths 5,795
05/01/2020 ? total cases 3,383,501; deaths 238,587; recoveries 1,072,887; total new cases 94,550; total new deaths 5,624
05/02/2020 8:05 PM total cases 3,479,592; deaths 244,582; recoveries 1,108,023; total new cases 83,277; total new deaths 5,215
05/03/2020 4:11 PM total cases 3,555,137; deaths 247,624; recoveries 1,150,497; total new cases 82,260; total new deaths 3,481
05/04/2020 12:11 PM total cases 3,585,711; deaths 248,771; recoveries 1,161,994; total new cases 79,582; total new deaths 4,096
05/05/2020 2:48 PM total cases 3,701,020; deaths 256,365; recoveries 1,227,217; total new cases 81,247; total new deaths 5,787
05/06/2020 2:59 PM total cases 3,794,087; deaths 262,568; recoveries 1,278,326; total new cases 95,325; total new deaths 6,811
05/07/2020 12:52 PM total cases 3,870,581; deaths 267,741; recoveries 1,326,693; total new cases 96,262; total new deaths 5,589
05/08/2020 4:10 PM total cases 3,955,780; deaths 272,033; recoveries 1,362,233; total new cases 97,128; total new deaths 5,550
05/09/2020 7:03 PM total cases 4,097,060; deaths 280,144; recoveries 1,431,770; total new cases 97,128; total new deaths 5,550
05/10/2020 6:51 PM total cases 4,174,579; deaths 283,602; recoveries 1,483,074; total new cases 79,875; total new deaths 3,510
05/11/2020 2:36 PM total cases 4,201,781; deaths 2884,204; recoveries 1,502,732; total new cases 74,193; total new deaths 3,403
05/12/2020 12:30 PM total cases 4,302,767; deaths 289,561; recoveries 1,551,369; total new cases 85,147; total new deaths 5,320
05/13/2020 4:07 PM total cases 4,401,745; deaths 296,340; recoveries 1,645,655; total new cases 88,220; total new deaths 5,314
05/14/2020 10:47 AM total cases 4,446,979; deaths 2998,447; recoveries 1,670,936; total new cases 96,334; total new deaths 5,317
05/15/2020 4:07 PM total cases 4,619,489; deaths 308,108; recoveries 1,753,426; total new cases 99,405; total new deaths 5,072
05/16/2020 1:40 PM total cases 4,654,991; deaths 309,133; recoveries 1,774,013; total new cases 95,599; total new deaths 4,360
05/17/2020 1:06 PM total cases 4,749,575; deaths 313,791; recoveries 1,830,104; total new cases 82,257; total new deaths 3,618
05/18/2020 11:13 AM total cases 4,838,194; deaths 317,323; recoveries 1,873,847; total new cases 88,858; total new deaths 3,445
05/19/2020 ? total cases 4,964,368; deaths 323,509; recoveries 1,948,546; total new cases 94,813; total new deaths 4,589
05/20/2020 1:20 PM total cases 5,015, 676; deaths 325,509; recoveries 1,979,223; total new cases 100,474; total new deaths 4,685
05/21/2020 12:06 PM total cases 5,112,073; deaths 330,255; recoveries 2,038,879; total new cases 107,081; total new deaths 4,934
05/22/2020 7:03 PM total cases 5,296,944; deaths 339,362; recoveries 2,149,716; total new cases 107,716; total new deaths 5,252
05/23/2020 12:26 PM total cases 5,329,818; deaths 340,537; recoveries 2,175,721; total new cases 99,938; total new deaths 4,183
05/24/2020 12:22 PM total cases 5,429,541; deaths 344,462; recoveries 2,259,882; total new cases 96,505; total new deaths 2,826
05/25/2020 12:31 PM total cases 5,524,797; deaths 347,097; recoveries 2,315,832; total new cases 90,184; total new deaths 3,096
05/26/2020 12:29 PM total cases 5,612,653; deaths 348,460; recoveries 2,388,376; total new cases 92,060; total new deaths 4,048
05/27/2020 12:20 PM total cases 5,710,836; deaths 352,869; recoveries 2,451,590; total new cases 106,475; total new deaths 5,283
05/28/2020 12:30 PM total cases 5,814,705; deaths 357,980; recoveries 2,515,490; total new cases 116,304; total new deaths 5,819
05/29/2020 12:30 PM total cases 5,935,029; deaths 362,756; recoveries 2,602,563; total new cases 125,511; total new deaths 4,872
05/30/2020 4:41 AM total cases 6,033,814; deaths 366,891; recoveries 2,661,147; total new cases 124,102; total new deaths 1,015
05/31/2020 12:47 PM total cases 6,190, 785; deaths 371,465; recoveries 2,758,977; total new cases 108,768; total new deaths 3,189
06/01/2020 5:43 PM total cases 6,320,195; deaths 375,195; recoveries 2,877,315; total new cases 103,946; total new deaths 3,053
06/02/2020 1:11 PM total cases 6,424,312; deaths 379,419; recoveries 2,943,190; total new cases 115,215; total new deaths 4,669
06/03/2020 7:45 PM total cases 6,561,206; deaths 386,731; recoveries 3,158,160; total new cases 121,414; total new deaths 4,928
06/04/2020 12:16 PM total cases 6,603,139; deaths 388,502; recoveries 3,191,643; total new cases 129,998; total new deaths 5,511
06/05/2020 12:53 PM total cases 6,734,384; deaths 393,752; recoveries 3,273,156; total new cases 130,489; total new deaths 4,906
06/06/2020 2:09 PM total cases 6,919,838; deaths 400,119; recoveries 3,388,211; total new cases 128,677; total new deaths 4,253
06/07/2020 12:32 PM total cases 7,008,556; deaths 402,686; recoveries 3,428,962; total new cases 113,417; total new deaths 3,385
06/08/2020 12:31 PM total cases 7,115,557; deaths 406,606; recoveries 3,473,991; total new cases 107,712; total new deaths 3,157
06/09/2020 12:21 PM total cases 7,225,569; deaths 409,292; recoveries 3,559,441; total new cases 120,385; total new deaths 4,732
06/10/2020 12:07 PM total cases 7,345,757; deaths 414,177; recoveries 3,623,089; total new cases 130,489; total new deaths 4,906
06/11/2020 2:01 PM total cases 7,495,828; deaths 419,804; recoveries 3,805,425; total new cases 137,887; total new deaths 4,951
06/12/2020 2:19 PM total cases 7,636,063; deaths 424,730; recoveries 3,865,752; total new cases 141,973; total new deaths 4,603
06/13/2020 2:52 PM total cases 7,779,429; deaths 429,067; recoveries 3,988,759; total new cases 133,292; total new deaths 4,229
06/14/2020 7:20 PM total cases 7,944,967; deaths 433,965; recoveries 4,086,249; total new cases 123,118; total new deaths 3,263
06/15/2020 7:25 PM total cases 8,107,425; deaths 438,580; recoveries 4,187,422; total new cases 124,600; total new deaths 3,415
06/16/2020 12:54 PM total cases 8,147,492; deaths 43,9816; recoveries 4,255,729; total new cases 142,557; total new deaths 6,592
06/17/2020 12:43 PM total cases 8,295,151; deaths 446,746; recoveries 4,346,863; total new cases 146,111; total new deaths 5,264
06/18/2020 6:43 PM total cases 8,554,348; deaths 455,194; recoveries 4,501,610; total new cases 146,111; total new deaths 5,264
06/19/2020 1:00 PM total cases 8,614,675; deaths 457,025; recoveries 4,562,226; total new cases 181,005; total new deaths 5,066
06/20/2020 3:00 PM total cases 8,804,268; deaths 463,510; recoveries 4,656,912; total new cases 156,922; total new deaths 4,428
06/21/2020 1:01 PM total cases 8,949,882; deaths 467,350; recoveries 4,762,839; total new cases 130,459; total new deaths 3,338
06/22/2020 1:01 PM total cases 9,079,104; deaths 471,257; recoveries 4,861,834; total new cases 138,975; total new deaths 3,880
06/23/2020 1:00 PM total cases 9,220,352; deaths 474,999; recoveries 4,963,619; total new cases 162,994; total new deaths 5,465
06/24/2020 2:14 PM total cases 9,394,938; deaths 480,625; recoveries 5,079,390; total new cases 172,383; total new deaths 5,071
06/25/2020 1:37 PM total cases 9,566,099; deaths 485,696; recoveries 5,206,776; total new cases 180,573; total new deaths 5,179
06/26/2020 1:00 PM total cases 9,742,302; deaths 492,475; recoveries 5,273,642; total new cases 194,190; total new deaths 4,893
06/27/2020 1:00 PM total cases 9,939,521; deaths 497,601; recoveries 5,385,506; total new cases 176,568; total new deaths 4,547
06/28/2020 1:32 PM total cases 10,129,054; deaths 502,189; recoveries 5,493,475; total new cases 163,172; total new deaths 3,454
06/29/2020 1:03 PM total cases 10,289,155; deaths 505,141; recoveries 5,589,842; total new cases 160,985; total new deaths 3,415
06/30/2020 2:36 PM total cases 10,454,930; deaths 509,209; recoveries 5,707,889; total new cases 174,264; total new deaths 5,072
07/01/2020 1:01 PM total cases 10,621,236; deaths 514,691; recoveries 5,827,123; total new cases 196,963; total new deaths 4,847
07/02/2020 1:00 PM total cases 10,836,566; deaths 519,605; recoveries 6,057,192; total new cases 208,864; total new deaths 5,155
07/03/2020 1:00 PM total cases 11,023,421; deaths 524,879; recoveries 6,178,516; total new cases 209,028; total new deaths 5,170
07/04/2020 1:54 PM total cases 11,287,096; deaths 530,933; recoveries 6,402,971;
Edit 04/02/2020: Since I wrote this, the United States has been hit harder than many other countries closing the gap with some of the countries that were doing worse than them, and two of the countries that were doing worse than the United States, Iceland and Hungary, are now doing better; which means that unless some of the countries doing better than the United States got much worse, which I doubt although I haven't thoroughly checked them all again then it's now seventeen out of twenty-two states with better health care system doing better than the United States dealing with this crisis.
Edit 05/05/2020: Since I posted this article the USA has been hit significantly worse than most other countries, with few exceptions. Fourteen of the twenty countries previously reviewed, with either universal health coverage, Single Payer, or State run health care, are doing significantly better than the United States, several of the countries previously reported as doing worse are now doing better. there are only four countries doing better than the United States, and France is the only one doing significantly worse than the USA that was previously doing better. The other four are either doing about the same as the USA or slightly better.
My review of countries with Universal Health Care included eighteen countries, selected by Very Well Health, and added two countries with state run health care, Cuba and Venezuela, that the United States and corporate media routinely demonize, and after finding several articles also supporting this conclusion I also added Denmark and South Korea, since that article referred to them as having far more comprehensive health care than the united States. (Edit 05/19/2020: Since this article was published Very Well Health added fourteen countries to their list of countries with Universal care; however only three of those, Italy, Belgium and Spain are being hit harder by the pandemic the other eleven aren't getting hit as bad with many of them doing much better than the United States, if anything increasing the average difference between how well the United States is handing it and countries with Universal Health Care; adding to evidence supporting Medicare For All.)
Differences Between Universal Coverage and Single-Payer 03/22/2020
Australia, 55% fewer cases, 90% fewer deaths, 20% fewer recoveries, significantly better than USA;
Canada, 60% fewer cases, a quarter of the deaths, 12% more recoveries significantly better than USA;
Finland, a third fewer cases, less than a third deaths, a quarter as many recoveries better than USA; as of 05/05/2020 there are fewer than a fifth of the deaths making them significantly better.
France, 75% more cases, a third fewer deaths, 11 times as many recoveries better than USA; as of 05/05/2020 France is now has about 65% more deaths than the USA making it worse than us and only country to do much worse since this article was posted.
Germany, almost twice as many cases, slightly fewer deaths, ten times as many recoveries, about the same as USA, although cures are much higher, and deaths lower; as of 05/05/2020 Germany has over 60% fewer deaths than the USA making it significantly better.
Hungary, one seventh of the cases, twice as many deaths, 60% fewer recoveries worse than the USA, possibly not diagnosing all their cases; as of 05/05/2020 Hungary has over 80% fewer deaths than the USA making it significantly better instead of worse.
Iceland, eight times as many cases, 75% more deaths, 35 times as many recoveries worse than the USA, although recoveries are better; as of 05/05/2020 Iceland has more than 80% fewer deaths than the USA making it significantly better instead of worse.
Ireland, 20% more cases, 25% fewer deaths, one eighth as many recoveries slightly better than the USA with fewer deaths, but also fewer recoveries; as of 05/05/2020 Ireland has about 20% more deaths than the USA making it a little worse.
Israel, a third more cases, less than a quarter of the deaths, 40% more recoveries better than USA;
the Netherlands, 80% fewer cases, a third fewer deaths, one forty fifth as many recoveries better than USA; as of 05/05/2020 Israel has more than 85% fewer deaths than the USA making it significantly better than USA
New Zealand, a third of the cases, no deaths, 30% more recoveries significantly better than USA;
Norway, one and a third times as many cases, one third less deaths, a sixth as many recoveries about the same as the USA more cases but less deaths;
Portugal, one sixth as many cases, 80% more deaths, 40% fewer recoveries worse than the USA, possibly not diagnosing all their cases; as of 05/05/2020 Portugal has fewer than 50% of the deaths making it significantly better instead of worse than USA.
Slovak Republic, one sixth of the cases, no deaths, one twentieth of the recoveries significantly better than USA;
Slovenia, slightly more cases, 10% fewer deaths, 40% fewer recoveries about the same as USA; as of 05/05/2020 Slovenia has almost 80% fewer deaths making it significantly better than USA
Sweden, ten percent fewer cases, twice as many deaths, one fifth as many recoveries worse than the USA; as of 05/05/2020 they're only about 20% more deaths, still worse but not nearly as much.
Switzerland, five times as many cases, five times as many deaths, twelve times as many recoveries significantly worse than the USA; as of 05/05/2020 they have about 5% fewer deaths instead of much more making it better than USA instead of significantly worse.
United Kingdom, about 20% fewer cases, over two and a half times as many deaths, a quarter as many recoveries significantly worse than the USA; as of 05/05/2020 they have twice as many deaths, still worse but not quite as much.
Cuba, less than one twentieth of the cases, one twentieth of the deaths, less than one twentieth of the recoveries, significantly better than USA;
Venezuela, only slightly more than 1% of the cases, only one death for every 85 in the United States, one seventh of the recoveries, which is a much better record since they have so few cases, significantly better than USA;
South Korea, more than 40% fewer cases, less than half the deaths, eleven times more recoveries, significantly better than USA; as of 05/05/2020 they have over 95% fewer deaths.
Denmark, ten times as many cases, twice as many deaths, only 1 recovery, one fortieth the rate of USA, significantly worse than the USA; as of 05/05/2020 Denmark has just over 60% fewer deaths, making it fairly better than the USA.
The following traditional articles, some from sources that previously supported our current system, provide additional evidence showing that Universal Health care with Single Payer is far more effective at addressing this crisis:
Inhumanity Unbound: No Help From The EU Or US, While China And Cuba Provide Aid 03/28/2020
41% of Public More Likely to Support Universal Health Care Amid Pandemic 03/13/2020 Other surveys show that Single Payer Health insurance was popular among the majority long before the Coronavirus hit, indicating this is an increase over that support. Article may not make it clear that many people that supported it previously are still supporting it even though they were,t among the 41%
Italy has a world-class health system. The coronavirus has pushed it to the breaking point. 03/18/2020 Despite this claim, Italy is not one of the countries with Universal health care.
Coronavirus presents real-world test for state-run, single-payer health systems 03/15/2020 It is too soon to see definite outcomes among competing health-care systems. But even in this early phase, public health experts say the single-payer, state-run systems are proving themselves relatively robust. Unlike the United States, where a top health official told Congress the rollout of testing was “failing” and where Congress is only now moving through a bill that includes free testing, the single-payer countries have been especially nimble at making free, or low-cost, virus screening widely available for patients with coughs and fevers.
America’s health insurance gaps could speed spread of coronavirus 03/10/2020
Op-Ed: Without universal healthcare, coronavirus puts us all at risk 03/05/2020
Here's how the US health care system makes it harder to stop coronavirus 03/11/2020
The coronavirus exposes our health care system’s weaknesses. We can be stronger 03/02/2020
The Covid-19 risks for different age groups, explained 03/23/2020
How 5 of History's Worst Pandemics Finally Ended 03/17/2020 Smallpox—A European Disease Ravages the New World “There hasn’t been a kill off in human history to match what happened in the Americas—90 to 95 percent of the indigenous population wiped out over a century,” says Mockaitis. “Mexico goes from 11 million people pre-conquest to one million.”
5 Scariest Disease Outbreaks of the Past Century 11/25/2020
Why Was It Called the 'Spanish Flu?' The virus infected as much as 40 percent of the global population over the next 18 months. Of these, an estimated 20 to 50 million perished—more than the roughly 17 million people killed during the First World War. (World population at that time was about 1.8 billion indicating estimate of 720 million people infected,which means that 2.77%-6.94% of those infected died; which comes to 1.11%-2.78% of global population died.)
Half of U.S. deaths related to air pollution are linked to out-of-state emissions 02/12/2020
Study: Air Pollution Linked to Increased Risk of Death 08/21/2019
India suffers most pollution-linked deaths in world, study finds 03/2/2020 Pollution causes more than 2 million deaths a year in India, while Chad, Central African Republic and North Korea saw highest per capita rates. The report by the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) found pollution to be the largest environmental cause of premature death on the planet, causing 15% of all deaths – some 8.3 million people. The US came seventh with almost 200,000 deaths.
Why Covid-19 is so dangerous for older adults 03/14/2020 In Italy, a country with one of the world’s oldest populations, a March 4 analysis by the national health institute found that of the 105 patients who died from the virus, the average age was 81. This put a 20-year gap between the average age of people who tested positive for the virus and the deceased, the institute said. On Friday, an ICU physician in Lombardy — the epicenter of Italy’s outbreak — told JAMA there have been only two deaths of people under the age of 50.
Why Coronaviruses Hit Older Adults Hardest 03/14/2020
Cuba shares vaccine without trying t gouge people to save lives.
Cuban experience with local production of medicines, technology transfer and improving access to health
Biden Sides With Big Pharma Against Plan That Could Make Coronavirus Vaccine Affordable 03/17/2020 In contrast with Sanders and other Democrats, Biden has not embraced a key executive authority for driving down the cost of pharmaceuticals developed with federally-funded research, like the coronavirus vaccine that is currently being tested.
The following are additional stories about how this appears to be an apocalyptic event, discretion is advised before either accepting or rejecting them, since there is something bizarre going on, but rushing to the wrong conclusions could do more harm than good.
Biden suggests he would veto ‘Medicare for All’ over its price tag 03/10/2020
'It's kind of apocalyptic': San Francisco Bay Area residents describe coronavirus lockdown 03/17/2020
Coronavirus in the Bible: Preacher warns of 'apocalyptic signs' as ‘end of world nears’ 03/17/2020
Baba Vanga 2020 prediction: END OF THE WORLD, Putin assassination, tsunami in the New Year 02/10/2020
Coronavirus: Why COVID-19 is NOT the end of the world - 'The Lord’s shown me through 2026' 03/20/2020
Nostradamus 2020: Three predictions that came true - is coronavirus the fourth? 03/26/2020
End of the world: Is coronavirus the prophesied 'Plague' in the Book of Revelation? 03/26/2020
Coronavirus: Did the psychic Sylvia Browne predict COVID-19? Prophecy of pneumonia in 2020 03/25/2020
Coronavirus horror: Nostradamus warned of 'fire, blood, plague' in 1555 - Is it COVID-19? 03/04/2020
Coronavirus: Scientist PREDICTED deadly outbreak after chilling 2011 film 03/03/2020
Nostradamus prediction: Prophet warned Italy of 'very great plague' - Is it coronavirus? 03/03/2020
Coronavirus: Was the deadly plague predicted by the Bible? Claims end of world is near 02/19/2020
Book of Revelation: Did the Bible warn of coronavirus? Prophecy of 'seven plagues' to come 03/01/2020
Coronavirus: Bizarre claim Book of Revelation warns epidemic could have 'huge death toll' 02/29/2020
Nostradamus prediction: Was prophecy of 'scourge' and 'plague' a coronavirus warning? 02/29/2020

The following are articles about accusations of sexual assault virtually ignored by most of mainstream media, including examples where establishment pundits routinely dismiss accusations against their candidate while expressing outrage about the same accusations against their opponents candidate:
Time’s Up Declines to Fund Joe Biden #MeToo Allegation 03/24/2020
Why has the media ignored sexual assault allegations against Biden? 03/2/2020
Joe Biden's Sexual Assault Accuser Wants To Be Able To Speak Out Without Fear of 'Powerful Men' 03/27/2020
yahoo News: Joe Biden Faces Sexual Assault Allegations From A Former Staffer 03/26/2020 This is one of the first articles to cover the subject by mainstream media but it was taken down;fortunately a copy was saved by the Wayback Machine
Here are all the times Joe Biden has been accused of acting inappropriately toward women and girls 06/19/2019
yahoo News: Seven women have now accused Joe Biden of inappropriate touching 04/04/2019
Joe Biden Said He Believes All Women. Does He Believe Tara Reade? 03/26/2020 When it comes to #MeToo sexual misconduct issues, former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive 2020 presidential nominee, has made it no secret where he stands: automatically believe women. "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you've got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real," said Biden during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who faced accusations that as a teenager he had assaulted a woman at a party.
Tara Reade discusses Biden allegation with Hill.TV's 'Rising' 03/26/2020
Woman accuses Joe Biden of sexual assault | He put me up against a wall. Without consent, he went down my skirt and penetrated me with his fingers. When I pulled away, he pointed at me and said, "You're nothing to me." He smiles when he's angry. 03/25/2020
Joe Biden Accused of Sexual Assault – and the Media Refuses to Cover It 03/26/2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/fpd4yu/breaking_joe_biden_accused_of_rape_and_the_media/
TRANSCRIPT of Joe Biden's accuser Tara Reade finally telling her full story. CW: Sexual Assault 03/25/2020
You Clapping hands sign can’t Clapping hands sign pretend Clapping hands signto Clapping hands sign be Clapping hands sign theClapping hands sign party Clapping hands sign of Clapping hands sign the Clapping hands sign American Clapping hands signpeople Clapping hands sign and Clapping hands sign then Clapping hands signnot Clapping hands sign support Clapping hands sign Tara Reade Clapping hands sign who Clapping hands sign came forward Clapping hands sign with Clapping hands sign her Clapping hands sign#MeToo Clapping hands sign story about @JoeBiden #IBelieveTara 03/25/2020 Altered quote of Alyssa Milano from 2018 "You can’t pretend to be the party of the American people and then not support a woman who comes forward with her #MeToo story."

The following are some of my past articles on theories about unsolved mysteries or Ancient Aliens:
History Of Governing Is Almost All Bullshit
Is Falun Gong Partly Right About Aliens?
Were Ancient Aliens Experimenting With Humans during Plague Epidemics?
Were Religions, Including Christian Science, Part of Ancient Aliens Medical Research Project?
Do Aliens own Stock in Monsanto, DuPont, or Microsoft?
Who's Controlling Oligarchies Dividing The Market? Aliens?
Top Twelve UFO sightings: based on best evidence or potential significance
UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor
Did Padre Pio Or Other Alleged Mystics Have "Revelations" from "God?"
Phony Apocalyptic Judgement Day May Be Here!
Prophets and Mystics
Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory
Looming North Korea Nuclear Apocalypse Result of Incompetence? Or Staged?
107 Wonders of the Ancient World
Is “Prism” news? or is it ECHELON?
A Brief History of the Mormon Church
Why so few arrests for Crop Circles makers? Is there microwave evidence?
"God's Not Dead" But Is He Nice?
Multinationals Are Using Public For Research On Massive Scale
Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy but could it be related to a far-fetched Apocalypse Prophecy or a weak copy of it?
Wanted unsuspecting research subjects
Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims?
Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery?
Deadly Monopolies With Alien Technology?
UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun"
Could Steve Bannon Be Providing Propaganda To Enable Climate Change Research Project?
Which version of the "Deep State" is the real thing?
We Must Become The Media And The Scientists!
Is this for real? Or Insane Reverse Psychology Experiment Or Research?
Helena Blavatsky Ancient Aliens Connection?
Scientology connection to the CIA? Ancient Aliens? Other mystics including Helena Blavatsky?
Is Trump A Massive CIA PsyOp?
Spectacular Heart Transplant for Sophia But at What Cost
Is GOP Committing Political Suicide? Or Is Kavanaugh An Insane PsyOp?
False Flag Bombs, Incredible Incompetence or Both?
The following are some additional relate articles:
Capitalism is Literally Killing America 03/2/2020
Wikipedia: SARS
806k has gone to Joe Biden’s PR firm that also oversees Times Up, since Tara Reade asked to be represented by Times Up. 03/28/2020
Take everyone’s money during a pandemic, use it to subsidize a CEO’s $10 million salary, insist to everyone it’s not a bailout, celebrate American exceptionalism as thousands die preventable deaths — wash, rinse repeat. America F yeah! 03/25/2020
'Some may even die, I don't know': Former Wells Fargo CEO wants people to go back to work and 'see what happens' 03/25/2020
EPA suspends enforcement of environmental laws amid coronavirus 03/26/2020
Biden Rejects April Debate as Sanders Says He Wants a Face-Off 03/25/2020
Donald Trump’s Campaign Slaps TV Stations With Cease And Desist Letter To Try To Halt Ad Attacking His Coronavirus Response 03/26/2020
Joe Biden's Sister Funneled Millions in Campaign Cash to Her Own Company Former Vice President Joe Biden's sister, Valerie Biden Owens, funneled millions of dollars from her brother's presidential campaigns to her own consulting company, a bombshell new report has revealed. 03/28/2020
Biden’s Sister Sent Millions of Joe’s Campaign Dollars to Her Own Firm 03/28/2020
Joe Biden Funniest Moment Supercut 11/2/2020
Joe Biden tried to speak about the #coronavirus but apparently his teleprompter stopped working, which left him extremely confused. 03/23/2020
'Holy Crap This Is Insane': Citing Coronavirus Pandemic, EPA Indefinitely Suspends Environmental Rules 03/27/2020
Nurse dies in New York hospital where workers are reduced to using trash bags as protective medical gear 03/26/2020
E.P.A., Citing Coronavirus, Drastically Relaxes Rules for Polluters 03/26/2020
Time of Plague and Meltdown: Mass Murder by Corporate Duopoly 03/26/2020
Gov. Reynolds orders restaurants, bars, gyms, theaters to close at noon Tuesday 03/17/2020
‘I would rather die than kill the country’: The conservative chorus pushing Trump to end social distancing 03/2/2020 “I would rather have my children stay home and have all of us who are over 50 go in and keep this economy going and working,” Beck said. “Even if we all get sick, I’d rather die than kill the country. Because it’s not the economy that’s dying, it’s the country.”
Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus 03/25/2020
Last-minute complaints threaten $2T Senate coronavirus emergency aid 03/25/2020 Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, warned that unless a group of GOP senators back down from their demand for changes to the unemployment insurance benefits, he would slow walk the bill until stronger guardrails were put on hundreds of billions in funding for corporations.
"In my view, it would be an outrage to prevent working-class Americans to receive the emergency unemployment assistance included in this legislation," Sanders said in a statement.
"Unless these Republican senators drop their objection, I am prepared to put a hold on this bill until stronger conditions are imposed on the $500 billion corporate welfare fund to make sure that any corporation receiving financial assistance under this legislation does not lay off workers, cut wages or benefits, ship jobs overseas or pay workers poverty wages," Sanders continued.
Was the Wuhan outbreak a lethal accident? 03/20/2020
Angel Moroni loses trumpet in Salt Lake earthquake 03/18/2020
This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year, According to the CDC 02/11/2020 So how do these numbers compare to flu deaths in previous years? So far, it looks like the 2019-2020 death toll won’t be as high as it was in the 2017-2018 season, when 61,000 deaths were linked to the virus. However, it could equal or surpass the 2018-2019 season's 34,200 flu-related deaths. Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.
Coronavirus Death Rate in Wuhan Is Lower than Previously Thought, Study Finds 03/19/2020
China May Be Beating the Coronavirus, at a Painful Cost 03/07/2020 Officials reported only 99 new cases on Saturday, down from around 2,000 a day just weeks ago, and for the second day in a row, none were detected in Hubei Province outside of its capital, Wuhan, the center of the outbreak.
Corona-virus outbreak puts local shelters in a difficult position 03/17/2020
Israeli scientists: 'In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine' 03/15/2020
Quarantine Meditations: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix 03/24/2020 FYI if your government is pushing the suspension of civil liberties before coming up with a healthcare plan or providing you with financial security in an unprecedented economic crisis, then their desire to suspend civil liberties has nothing to do with fighting the pandemic.
Here are the states that postponed their primaries due to coronavirus 03/24/2020 Alaska
2020 Democratic Primary Election: Voting Postponed in 10 States and Territories 03/24/2020 Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Delaware and Rhode Island have postponed their presidential primary elections, citing the outbreak. In Ohio, officials declared a public health emergency just hours before polls were set to open last week.
Trump says he wants country 'opened up' by Easter, despite caution from health experts 03/24/2020
China says coronavirus cases on decline after hitting peak in epicenter 03/12/2020
China shows COVID-19 Coronavirus can be ‘stopped in its tracks’ 03/16/2020
Coronavirus testing at Joliet Walmart reaches daily limit fast 03/23/2020
STORY OF SOMEONE TRYING TO GET MEDICAL HELP FOR SUSPECTED CORONAVIRUS 03/21/2020 Finally after hours of waiting alone balled up in the center of the broken recliner chair, a doctor came in with a thick accent hard to understand. The very first thing he said to me was “You have sex with men?” ....... I asked him if I tested positive for code 19 and they told me they would not be able to give me that information unless I pay them $200 over the phone.
Rand Paul is first senator to test positive for coronavirus 03/23/2020
Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon 03/21/2020
Is The Coronavirus Really More Dangerous Than The Flu? 03/09/2020
'Grotesque Level of Greed': Owned by World's Richest Man Jeff Bezos, Whole Foods Wants Workers to Pay for Colleagues' Sick Leave During Coronavirus Pandemic 03/13/2020

Edit 04/06/2020: the following are some additional articles added later:
Big Brother in the Age of Coronavirus: 100+ Groups Warn Against Exploiting Pandemic to Permanently Expand Surveillance State 04/02/2020
My Pillow Guy Turns Coronavirus Briefing Into Biblical Rant: America ‘Turned Its Back On God’ 03/30/2020
The coronavirus crisis hasn't changed Joe Biden's mind on 'Medicare for All' 03/30/2020
China and Cuba’s Medical Internationalism is a Shining Example of Global Solidarity 04/01/2020 Coronavirus
Billionaires refuse to pay workers during Coronavirus pandemic, ask poor to donate to each other or other businesses to hire their workers etc. 04/02/2020
Coronavirus: Germany, France accuse Americans of mask ‘piracy’, dirty tricks 04/04/2020
Video: doctor complaining about firing of whistle blower saying we need to use Coronavirus pandemic to totally reform health care. 04/02/2020
Social Reproduction and the Pandemic, with Tithi Bhattacharya 04/02/2020 The coronavirus crisis has made clear that care and life-making work are the essential work of society.