Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Dumbing Down Of America Is Intentional

The Dumbing Down Of America Is Intentional, at least to some degree. Carl Sagan warned us how this could threaten our democracy and the ability of the majority to look out for their own best interests and recognize obvious scams or superstitions in the following book excerpt:

Carl Sagan, "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark" 1995 p.25-6

I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance. As I write, the number-one videocassette rental in America is the movie Dumb and Dumber. “Beavis and Butthead” remain popular (and influential) with young TV viewers. The plain lesson is that study and learning—not just of science, but of anything—are avoidable, even undesirable.

We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements—transportation, communications, and all other industries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting—profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. Complete article

Many people seem to consider this prophetic, considering how much more extreme it's gotten since then; however, it was an accurate description of how television was dumbing people down in his own time. One big problem with the media is that the establishment spent far more money promoting dumbed down television than they did promoting good scientific programming that would teach people to sort out superstition and real science; judging by his comments, Sagan would agree, at least to some degree.

Carl Sagan was a skeptic, so he might not be inclined to rush into supporting a conspiracy theory; however, he was more open minded than many other high profile skeptics, who often aren't nearly as scientific as they pretend to be. He was also familiar with producing good scientific research for PBS, as he showed with the original series "Cosmos" based partly on his book. If he was familiar with the scientific programming in the nineties then he must have known that the quality of it was deteriorating rapidly.

While Bill Clinton was reforming the media, enabling them to consolidate into five or six corporations controlling over 95% of the national media, there was some discussion about requiring a certain amount of educational material. Media lobbyists that wanted to minimize the amount of educational material had much better political connections than education groups; and, on top of that, they had some people with an educational background claiming that some of the shows the media wanted to pass as educational qualified, even though more sincere people from the educational sector knew they were very poor quality, often including reality TV and after the spot light was off, they got even worse.

Carl Sagan passed away in 1996, but many other scientific people that watched what happened, before and after that had to know that, at a minimum, this was incredibly bad politics catering to corporate interests. But there may have been a significant amount of evidence to indicate that there was more to it, and this grew in the years since then, as media became less and less competent, just about every year.

A large reason for this doesn't quite fit the strictest definition of a conspiracy, since it's not secret; however, the mainstream media hardly ever reports on many of the details to prevent the media from providing good educational material or suppress education for the poor, so it practically accomplishes the same thing. This is what I consider propaganda, where the few wealthy people provide deceptive messages designed to convince people they're educating the public, without doing so.

Some of the strongest evidence for the consolidation of the media, that I know of, was reported in a few books that got little or no promotion from traditional media, and are presumably only read by a small percentage of the public that learned how to look for more reliable educational material or happened to stumble on some of these good books, which is what I did, before I learned where to look for them. Ben Bagdikian first reported on this back in the early eighties in "The Media Monopoly" 1983/2014 and Robert McChesney went into much more detail about the history of the media and how they suppressed efforts to require a reasonable amount of education back in the thirties, when educational groups wanted to use radio to inform the public, instead setting up a system where the media is controlled by commercial interests, that put profits ahead of education in "Rich Media Poor Democracy" 1999/2016 and "The Problem Of The Media" 2004

McChesney reviews the history of the media far better than any other source I've seen. He explains how financing it through advertising has always created a strong bias, even before the media consolidated into six oligarchs. This gives wealthy people, more concerned with maximizing profits than the best interests of society, much more rights to free speech than those looking out for the best interests of everyone. For a while, other interests, including educational advocates, workers rights advocates, civil rights advocates, had a chance to reduce this inequality thanks to postal subsidies, which was how most news was spread in the nineteenth and early eighteenth centuries.

These sources, along with many other shows that wealthy people have always had far more political power than the majority of the public; in a previous article, Tracking the elite ruling class I pointed out how a small percentage of the public, either of very wealthy people, or chosen by wealthy people, control all the most powerful institutions in our country, and the world. They ensure that the news is heavily biased in their favor and that only the candidates they support get enough media coverage to get name recognition enabling them to be elected to higher office. There are a few exceptions at the local level, where well informed people help elect more sincere politicians; but, most political power is at the state or federal level.

At times, when the working class or other groups supporting popular causes are well enough informed and organized, they have reduced the amount of inequality in control over our government, but never reversed it so that the wealthy have been subject to oppression, with the possible exception of the French and Russian revolutions, both which went to extremes and backfired on everyone. The most extensive reform movement in the United States probably happened during the great depression when the masses were motivated by desperation caused by the crashing of the economy by the wealthy. This motivated them to listen to some of the best researchers, instead of propaganda controlled by the wealthy, which they followed during good times. Of course, it also helped to have a good reformer in office, FDR, but despite the media and historians giving him most of the credit for the reforms, the grassroots did far more to pressure the political establishment than he did.

There was also very effective activism during the Vietnam War, and to begin the environmental movement in the early seventies. Since then, there has always been a small percentage of well informed people active in politics since then; however, they've been less effective at influencing the government, thanks in part to consolidation of control of the media, business interests, and political establishment. What ever improvements were made by the grassroots between the great depression and the mid-seventies were almost all eliminated and control by oligarchs are worse than it's been since at least before the crash of Wall Street in 1929.

However, despite the fact that a small percentage of wealthy people have always had significantly more political power and influence on the government, it hasn't stopped them from portraying themselves as the victim; and there's plenty of evidence to show they've routinely conspired to rig the economic system in their favor, effectively rolling back many of the reforms passed when citizens were better organized. One of the most notorious pieces of evidence, at least among those who keep up with alternative media and haven't let it fall down the memory hole, is the Powell Memo, which shows that they used false ideological claims to justify a conspiracy to dominate control of media, education systems, and other organizations as indicated in the following excerpt, along with other reviews of the Memo:

The Powell Memo (also known as the Powell Manifesto) The Powell Memo was first published August 23, 1971, distributed only to those at the Chamber of Commerce, who they felt needed to know. It was intended to be kept secret indefinably; however, Jack Anderson obtained a copy of it and published it about a year later, after Lewis Powell became a Supreme Court Justice.

Confidential Memorandum: Attack of American Free Enterprise System

DATE: August 23, 1971
TO: Mr. Eugene B. Sydnor, Jr., Chairman, Education Committee, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
FROM: Lewis F. Powell, Jr.

This memorandum is submitted at your request as a basis for the discussion on August 24 with Mr. Booth (executive vice president) and others at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The purpose is to identify the problem, and suggest possible avenues of action for further consideration.

Dimensions of the Attack

No thoughtful person can question that the American economic system is under broad attack. This varies in scope, intensity, in the techniques employed, and in the level of visibility.

There always have been some who opposed the American system, and preferred socialism or some form of statism (communism or fascism). Also, there always have been critics of the system, whose criticism has been wholesome and constructive so long as the objective was to improve rather than to subvert or destroy.

But what now concerns us is quite new in the history of America. We are not dealing with sporadic or isolated attacks from a relatively few extremists or even from the minority socialist cadre. Rather, the assault on the enterprise system is broadly based and consistently pursued. It is gaining momentum and converts.

Sources of the Attack

The sources are varied and diffused. They include, not unexpectedly, the Communists, New Leftists and other revolutionaries who would destroy the entire system, both political and economic. These extremists of the left are far more numerous, better financed, and increasingly are more welcomed and encouraged by other elements of society, than ever before in our history. But they remain a small minority, and are not yet the principal cause for concern.

The most disquieting voices joining the chorus of criticism come from perfectly respectable elements of society: from the college campus, the pulpit, the media, the intellectual and literary journals, the arts and sciences, and from politicians. In most of these groups the movement against the system is participated in only by minorities. Yet, these often are the most articulate, the most vocal, the most prolific in their writing and speaking.

Moreover, much of the media-for varying motives and in varying degrees-either voluntarily accords unique publicity to these “attackers,” or at least allows them to exploit the media for their purposes. This is especially true of television, which now plays such a predominant role in shaping the thinking, attitudes and emotions of our people.

One of the bewildering paradoxes of our time is the extent to which the enterprise system tolerates, if not participates in, its own destruction. ......

Perhaps the single most effective antagonist of American business is Ralph Nader, who — thanks largely to the media — has become a legend in his own time and an idol of millions of Americans. A recent article in Fortune speaks of Nader as follows:

“The passion that rules in him — and he is a passionate man — is aimed at smashing utterly the target of his hatred, which is corporate power. He thinks, and says quite bluntly, that a great many corporate executives belong in prison — for defrauding the consumer with shoddy merchandise, poisoning the food supply with chemical additives, and willfully manufacturing unsafe products that will maim or kill the buyer. He emphasizes that he is not talking just about ‘fly-by-night hucksters’ but the top management of blue chip business.”7 .......

A column recently carried by the Wall Street Journal was entitled: “Memo to GM: Why Not Fight Back?”9 Although addressed to GM by name, the article was a warning to all American business. Columnist St. John said:

“General Motors, like American business in general, is ‘plainly in trouble’ because intellectual bromides have been substituted for a sound intellectual exposition of its point of view.” Mr. St. John then commented on the tendency of business leaders to compromise with and appease critics. He cited the concessions which Nader wins from management, and spoke of “the fallacious view many businessmen take toward their critics.” He drew a parallel to the mistaken tactics of many college administrators: “College administrators learned too late that such appeasement serves to destroy free speech, academic freedom and genuine scholarship. One campus radical demand was conceded by university heads only to be followed by a fresh crop which soon escalated to what amounted to a demand for outright surrender.”

One need not agree entirely with Mr. St. John’s analysis. But most observers of the American scene will agree that the essence of his message is sound. American business “plainly in trouble”; the response to the wide range of critics has been ineffective, and has included appeasement; the time has come — indeed, it is long overdue — for the wisdom, ingenuity and resources of American business to be marshalled against those who would destroy it. Complete article

For starters, their stated or implied claim that they're the victim is utterly absurd. Powell represented a class of people that still had far more money than the working class that did all the work to enable their massive profits. It may not have been nearly as extreme as before the crash of the stock market in 1929, or as extreme as it has become in the past couple decades, but they still had more than their share of wealth, which is how they were able to afford many new think tanks advertising and other political activities, which escalated after this Memo was distributed.

A lot of good researchers reported on the large growth in think tanks, lobbying firms, propaganda advertisements, influence on the education system and other efforts to rig the political and economic system in favor of the wealthy massively increasing epidemic levels of income inequality. Many of these researchers often say or imply that Lewis Powell is the mastermind behind this reform movement, but this is only partly true. He specifically says that it was written at the request of Eugene Sydnor, Jr. with plans to discuss it the day after it was dated with him, "Mr. Booth (executive vice president) and others at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce." There's a strong possibility that it reflects previous discussions on the subject.

Powell rants against Ralph Nader, but declines to discuss whether or not he had legitimate concerns about making products safer for consumers or if some of the chemical additives are unsafe, which they often are. Mr. Powell is a lawyer so he knows better than to put in writing that they want to be able to increase profits by selling dangerous products without accountability, but it's clearly implied. His strong bias should have been clear even before this became public or he was nominated to the supreme court based on the work he did for the tobacco industry making false claims as the following quote from his Wikipedia page says:
His experiences as a corporate lawyer and a director on the board of Phillip Morris from 1964 until his appointment to the Supreme Court made him a champion of the tobacco industry who railed against the growing scientific evidence linking smoking to cancer deaths.[14] He argued, unsuccessfully, that tobacco companies' First Amendment rights were being infringed when news organizations were not giving credence to the cancer denials of the industry.[14]

This was public knowledge before he was nominated and approved by the Senate, yet he was still able to get 89 votes with only one Senator voting against him, and 10 not voting. This isn't uncommon at all, pro-business appointees routinely get approved easily whether it's as a Judge, Cabinet member or any other political office; while pro-labor, environmental, health or other activists defending the majority are rarely if ever even appointed in the first place, and have a hard time getting confirmed if they are. This adds to the evidence that the economic system was never under attack at all, as his memo claims.

It doesn't take much reading between the lines to realize that wealthy people got away with profiting by polluting the environment, selling dangerous merchandise, including tobacco that kills the consumer when used as directed, oppressing workers rights, and more, for decades if not centuries and they began accustomed to thinking they were entitled to continue business as usual. When activists managed to reduce, but not eliminate the amount of fraud they felt they should be able to reverse this and restore their rights to get away with epidemic fraud.

The mainstream media has forgotten the Powell Memo long ago, letting it fall down the memory hole, presumably because they're increasingly controlled by oligarchs. however there are numerous other low profile reviews of it including The Powell Memo with Commentary which points out, "The Powell Memo of 1971 precipitated an explosion in the growth of US think tanks, starting with the founding of the conservative Heritage Foundation in 1973. This marked the birth of a new type of politically aggressive and openly ideological “expert” organization." One thing this review claims is that, "Those working for the common good have no equivalent of The Powell Memo. In other words, the opposition has a master plan and we don't," which isn't quite true; numerous authors, including Naomi Wolff, Robert McChesney and coauthor John Nichols, Hendrick Smith, and others, have written books providing advice to activists recommending how to reform the system, and unlike Lewis Powell and the business community they didn't try to keep their activities secret, since they have nothing to hide.

We have good reason to know that all these think tanks have been increasingly popular, and that they're having a major impact on lobbying, foreign policy, education, propaganda, and more but it's difficult to know exactly what they're doing since a large portion of their decision making is done in secret. What they release publicly is often carefully crafted and accompanied by spin which many good researchers often study to determine their goal, even without adequate inside information. There's no doubt that corporations have an increasing impact on the media, as Robert McChesney, Ben Bagdikian and other researchers, including Noam Chomsky have pointed out.

Almost everyone has heard of Brown v. Education, which was supposed to end segregation, even though it never happened; however few people have heard of numerous other Supreme Court decisions that weakened that ruling. One of the most important ones was

Another major issue, which Powell addresses in his memo is efforts by the business community to influence education, and there's plenty of evidence to show they're doing just that including a few rulings by Lewis Powell that deteriorated quality of education, or prevented efforts to improve it, for lower income people. One of the most important of these cases was San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez which Jonathan Kozol writes about in the following excerpt:

Jonathan Kozol "Savage Inequalities" 1991

Late in 1971, a three-judge federal district court in San Antonio held that Texas was in violation of the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution. "Any mild equalizing effects" from state aid, said the Court, "do not benefit the poorest districts."

It is this decision which was then appealed to the Supreme Court. The majority opinion of the high court, which reversed the lower court’s decision, noted that, in order to bring to bear “strict scrutiny” upon the case, it must first establish that there had been “absolute deprivation” of a “fundamental interest” of the Edgewood children. Justice Lewis Powell wrote that education is not “a fundamental interest” inasmuch as "is not among the rights afforded explicit protection under our Federal Constitution." Nor, he wrote, did he believe that “absolute deprivation” was at stake. “The argument here,” he said, “is not that children in districts having relatively low assessable property values are receiving no public education; rather, it is that they are receiving a poorer quality education than that available to children in districts having more assessable wealth.” In cases where wealth is involved, he said, “the Equal Protection Clause does not require absolute equality …”

Attorneys for Rodriguez and the other plaintiffs, Powell wrote argue “education is itself personal right because it is essential to the exercise of the First Amendment freedoms and to intelligent use of the right to vote. [They argue also] that the right to speak is meaningless unless the speaker is capable of articulating his thoughts intelligently and persuasively …. [A] similar line of reasoning is pursued with respect to the right to vote.

“Yet we have never presumed to possess either the ability or the authority to guarantee …. The most effective speech or the most informed electoral choice.” Even if it were conceded, he wrote, that “some identifiable quantum of education” is a prerequisite to exercise of speech and voting rights, “we have no indication … that the [Texas funding] system fails to provide each child with an opportunity to acquire the basic minimum skills necessary” to enjoy a “full participation in the political process.” Complete book

Jonathan Kozol wrote several books about massive inequality, especially in education. This brief excerpt barely begins to tell the story about how wealthy people have much better access to education and the political establishment. The same business interests that have been arguing to suppress educational opportunities for working class people have also been shipping jobs overseas so they can suppress wages, making it even harder for people in low income areas to pay for good education and keep up with all the political issues so they can vote in their own best interests. They also have less educational background to recognize massive fraud by our corrupt economic system as a result of this ruling. This also contributes to increased poverty and income inequality, which is exactly what the business community wants, since they're the beneficiaries of the rigged economic system. Lack of education, poverty, and income inequality are all major contributing causes of violence as well, so this ruling has contributed to higher crime rates in abandoned inner cities. And, as I'll point out below more of his policies or rulings have also contributed to higher rates of violence.

Peter Irons has been researching the legal profession for decades and has reported on many other Supreme Court rulings that have chipped away at the right to a good education for the working class, especially minorities and reported on more court cases like this in "Jim Crow's Children." 2002 He also reported on the long history of appointing judges with a strong bias toward the wealthy going back to the early days of our republic up to the 1990s in "The People’s History of the Supreme Court," 1999 which shows that the Supreme Court has never been nearly as unbiased as massive amounts of propaganda makes it appear.

Once wealthy people deprived local schools of the funds they needed to provide a good education to children corporations began providing some funds, often through advertising in schools or other forms of sponsorship; however, it didn't come without strings attached. Susan Linn wrote about how these ads are doing more harm than good and giving Wall Street corporations the opportunity to corrupt the education system in "Consuming Kids" which points out the following, among many other things:
The only goal for creating classrooms materials should be furthering the education of students using that material. Once a goal becomes imprinting brands into students’ consciousness, or creating a positive association to a product, education is likely to take a back seat. Is, for instance, a corporation likely to be unbiased in its presentation of subjects in which it has a vested interest? According to Consumer Union’s 1995 review of seventy-seven corporate-sponsored classroom kits that claimed to be educational, the answer is “no.”

Nearly 80 percent were found to be biased or incomplete, “promoting a viewpoint that favors consumption of the sponsor’s product or service or a position that favors the company or its economic agenda. A few contained significant inaccuracies.” Materials from energy companies and professional organizations such as Exxon (now Exxon Mobil) or the American Coal Foundation, for instance, were found to be biased in their presentations of the pros and cons of reliance on fossil fuel. Through the American Petroleum Institute, the oil and gas industries produce classroom materials about energy. These can be downloaded at a site called In addition to the Institute’s own materials, the site includes links to science lessons produced by oil and gas companies.

Allowing business interests to control the education system is an obvious recipe for disaster, especially with the massive amount of damage being done to the environment around the world, including Climate Change. Short term financial interests have taken over the education system as well as the media, political establishment, and other powerful institutions and it's guaranteed to lead to epidemic collapse of our society, unless this is reversed.

Diane Ravitch, who previously worked with several presidential administrations, including George H.W. Bush was involved in the early reform movement, initially supporting it; however when she realized that it was putting financial interests of the elites ahead of the best educational interests of children she began writing numerous books to expose this including "The Death and Life of the Great American School System" 2010; "Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement" 2013; and most recently "Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization" 2020; She also writes regular updates on educational fraud and other issues at Diane Ravitch's Blog. Now that she's no longer supporting efforts to corrupt the educational system, the political system and media routinely try to portray her as a radical from the fringes; however, if you read her work it will be clear who the more credible one is.

Another major, and shocking, ruling by Lewis Powell was Ingraham v. Wright, where he ruled that corporal punishment was allowed in schools, disregarding some extremely outrageous examples of it as shown in the following excerpt:

Philip J. Greven: "Spare the Child 1991

The physical punishment that occurs within private households also takes place in schools across the nation. As of March 1990, twenty states have prohibited the infliction of corporal punishment in public schools* This is a significant increase over the two states – Massachusetts and New Jersey – that had prohibited corporal punishment in schools prior to 1977, when the Supreme Court, by a bare majority of five votes to four, decided the case of Ingraham v. Wright This remains a landmark decision, shaping the legal rationales for permitting physical assaults, characterized as discipline, against children and adolescents by teachers and administrators in public schools. As a result of Ingraham v. Wright, American schoolchildren lack any protection against physical punishment on the basis of either the Eighth or the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

In 1974, at an earlier stage of Ingraham’s progress toward the Supreme Court, a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit took careful note of the evidence in the original trial of school officials at Drew Junior High School in Dade County, Florida. The majority, in an opinion by Judge Richard T. Rives, noted: “The evidence shows that corporal punishment in Dade County during the relevant period consisted primarily if not entirely, of ‘paddling.’ Paddling involves striking the student with a flat wooden instrument usually on the buttocks.” In the county schools using physical punishment (only 16 of 231, a small but noteworthy minority, did not), “the punishment was normally limited to one or two licks, or sometimes as many as five, with no apparent physical injury to the children who were punished.

In Drew Junior High School, however, students were struck many more times and with far more severe injuries, according to the testimony cited by the court. In one such instance, James Ingraham, then fourteen, was one of a number of students who “were slow in leaving the stage of the school auditorium when asked to do so by a teacher,” and was on of those “taken to the principal’s office and paddled. James protested, claiming he was innocent and refused to be paddled.” Nevertheless, he was held by two school administrators “by his arms and legs” and was “placed … struggling, face down across a table.” The principal “administered at least twenty licks.” Young Ingraham then left school and went home where he found “his backside was ‘black and purple and it was tight and hot.’” Later, “The examining doctor diagnosed the cause of James pain to be ‘hematoma,’” and told him to remain home for one week. During the trial, “James testified that it was painful even to lie on his back for the days following the paddling, and that he could not sit comfortably for about three weeks.” Other students told similar stories: some experienced up to fifty blows from paddles at various times. One student after wiping something off a seat in the school auditorium, had his number placed on a board and was then summoned to the office of the assistant principal. “Because he thought he was innocent,” the student “refused to ‘hook up,’” that is, “To assume a position standing in the back of a chair, with hands on the seat of the chair, in preparation to being paddled.” The school administrator “then hit him five or ten times on his head and back with a paddle, and then hit him with a belt. The side of … [his] head swelled, and an operation proved necessary to remove a lump of some sort which had developed” after being “struck.” On another occasion, the same student had been given “ten licks,” after which his “chest hurt and he threw up ‘blood and everything.’” The opinion explains: “Perhaps because he had asthma and heart trouble of some sort,” the student “also reacted to this paddling by ‘shaking all over’ and trembling,’ and required treatment at a local hospital.” Perhaps there were other reasons as well, such as anxiety or even rage, but that remains unclear. What is evident is that such incidents were commonplace at this particular school. The court was called upon to decide whether the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment,” would protect students from such assaultive and painful school discipline. .......

In 1976, the Supreme Court considered Ingraham v. Wright, reaching a split decision in 1977 (five votes to four) concerning the constitutional issues the case raised. The majority (in an opinion written by Justice Lewis Powell and concurred in by Associate Justice William Rehnquist, now the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) skipped quickly over the evidence generated in the original trial, although they acknowledged that this evidence “suggests that the regime at Drew was exceptionally harsh.” In one compact paragraph, they referred briefly to the experiences of two students, but the rest of the testimony concerning the pain and injury caused by the paddlings was passed over in silence, without any visible empathy or compassion for the students victimized by these beatings. Additional excerpts

Philip Greven's book goes into more detail about the damage done by corporal punishment including additional examples of the abuses that went on in Florida schools, and the court decisions have even more details, which are linked to in the excerpts from the book. As Greven pointed out following that ruling many people at the local level were so outraged that they pushed to ban it in their states, and most teacher organizations support this. By 2011 there were only nineteen states still allowing it, and several of those have considered banning it in recent years.

There was enough evidence to show that this ruling was outrageous at the time of the ruling, in the testimony and in additional research that probably wasn't presented to the court; however, justifiable or not, when the states began eliminating corporal punishment in schools one at a time they provided research opportunities showing how much damage corporal punishment does in the states allowing it in schools and using it more at home. In Research On Preventing Violence Absent From National Media I reported this and cited numerous sources showing that corporal punishment teaches children to deal with their problems with violence. The statistics from the states still allowing it confirms this beyond all reasonable doubt. I went back to 1991, so far and compared the murder rates in the states still allowing it in schools to those not allowing it and found that hey were always higher in those allowing it. In 1992, less than ten years after most states banned corporal punishment the murder rates were as close as it ever got, with the states still allowing it having 2.26% higher murder rates, and for the most part the difference grew steadily the longer they banned it in schools and presumably cut back at home as well. In the last ten years or so, the murder rates were a minimum of 22% higher in states allowing corporal punishment in schools with the biggest difference in 2018, the most recent year with statistics available, when it was 32% higher in the nineteen states still allowing it than the other thirty one, plus the District of Columbia.

Research also shows that child abuse, including corporal punishment impairs the development of critical thinking skills and teaches children to blindly obey orders, and believe what they're told by their leaders. Philip Greven also explains how corporal punishment is used as part of a control process teaching blind obedience and preventing the development of critical thinking skills.

Children raised in authoritarian ways are more susceptible to cult, military or corporate indoctrination, and less able to recognize obvious scams, including some of the ones that Wall Street are involved in. This means they're more likely to trust anti-communism propaganda which often ignores many inconvenient facts. There's no doubt that the Soviet Union and Communist China were oppressive tyrannical regimes; however, many other countries, including large portions of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. have done a much better job sorting through the details. These countries have done a better job providing health care, education, child care and teaching not to abuse children leading to much less violence. They have a higher quality of life, less poverty, income inequality and violence.

There's an enormous amount of evidence to show that corporate efforts to rig the economy in favor of the wealthy comes at an enormous cost to the vast majority of the public; however the few that benefit are controlling the mass media and the political establishment and they're suppressing the best research on any given subject when it interferes with their financial best interests, at least in the short term. these elites seem to behaving like fanatics, since they should realize that in order for them to continue living a good life style they need a functioning society, but they're on the verge of pushing it over the edge with fanatical politicians like both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

If not for the dumbing down of America, there's no way either Biden, Trump or Hillary Clinton would ever have gotten the nominations for their parties, nor would many other politicians for other offices. Furthermore, if not for the gradual deterioration of the media many more people would seek out alternative media, especially if they haven't been distracted by shallow reality TV or other obsessions, nor would people ignore many of the enormous problems including destruction of the environment, routine wars based on incredibly bad lies, obvious insurance scams designed to deprive us of health care and many other corporate scams.

Fortunately, there's plenty of good research available in the academic world, libraries, and alternative media; however the best books, including ones I've cited in this article get virtually no promotion from traditional media and the majority of the public doesn't seek it out. Those that are aware of it might be more active and doing their part to inform others. If we're going to reverse this insanity those people might be the ones that bring about real reform.

For what it's worth, many of the ideas expressed in the Powell Memo weren't new at all; he may ahve frevised the same ideas used by oligarchs in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, which led to the stock market crash of 1929, and will inevitably lead to another crash. In fact it already has, including the crash of 2008 and many other smaller ones between the depression and now; but an even greater one may be in the process of developing right now.

Wikipedia: Lewis F. Powell Jr.: Powell Memorandum, 1971

Quotes from "Who Stole the American Dream?" by Hedrick Smith 2012

Google excerpts: "Who Stole the American Dream?" by Hedrick Smith 2012

Hedrick Smith '55 - Who Stole the American Dream? 10/19/2012

The Powell Memo: A Call-to-Arms for Corporations 09/4/2012

Carl Sagan: The Skeptic's Sceptic Peter S. Williams 08/2/2020

Kidnapped By UFOs? This feature contains disturbing material

Interview With Carl Sagan Author, Astronomer I want you to comment on John Mack. SAGAN: Many of the principle advocates of UFO abduction seem to want the validation of science without submitting to its rigorous standards of evidence. When John Mack talks about parallel universes or other dimensions, he's using scientific ideas. Those have long been in play in the Physics and Astronomy community. But, there is no evidence for them. He also criticizes the current paradigm that is the skeptical scientific method. But, this isn't validated. We don't believe it just out of prejudice; we believe it because it works.

"The Powell Memorandum" - Corporate America's Master Plan 03/02/2017 A little known but extremely important historic document to be aware of to understand the corporate dominance of our society.

The New Media Monopoly by Ben Bagdikian 2004

Rich Media, Poor Democracy by Robert W. McChesney 1999

The Problem of the Media by Robert W. McChesney 2004

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Arming The Enemy For Permanent War!

On the day Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Bush and Thatcher received distinguished awards, hoping no one noticed they sold the weapons to enable the invasion as well as many other wars! They also armed the Mujahideen, which became the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, Manuel Noriega, Iran and many other future enemies that turned those weapons against us and killed countless innocent civilians, including children!

At the time hardly anyone without inside knowledge of how government knew that he had armed Saddam Hussein, and that it's virtually guaranteed that the Iran/Iraq war would have ended years before it did without support from the United States. I certainly didn't know this, and I paid close attention to the news so I though I was well informed. It wasn't until years later that I realized that Mark Twain had warned us that "If you don't read the newspapers your uninformed. If you read the newspapers your misinformed."

Mark Twain also allegedly said, "A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on," which is essentially true, even if it wasn't attributed properly. As long as I'm using famous quotes, I'll sneak in one more; the reason propaganda is so effective is because the media is controlled by a small fraction of the public; and, "a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth," or at least it seems to, especially if no opposing views are able to reach the majority of the public.

If the traditional media reports on stories like this at all, it's usually in a low profile manner for a brief period of time; then, after the public forgets about it they repeat propaganda about "fighting for freedom" over and over again, giving the public a false impression. Most people don't read good alternative media sources, or good books that do a much better job fact checking the news and reminding the public, assuming they read it, of the things that routinely fall down the memory hole. The best source that I know of to report on how the CIA and the Reagan Bush administration were relentlessly arming Iraq, and even subsidizing the war against Iran with loan guarantees, which taxpayers are stuck with, and even continuing to arm them up until the invasion, was Alan Friedman who wrote the following:

Alan Friedman "Spider's Web" 1993 p.165-6

To Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of Great Britain, the Statesman Award. To George Bush. president of the United States, the Distinguished Leadership Award. There were among the prime items on the order of business at the fortieth anniversary celebrations of the Aspen Institute in Colorado. But by the evening of Thursday, August 2, 1990, when President Bush arrived in Aspen, there was very little to celebrate.

Bush made the trip to Aspen, where an anxious Margaret Thatcher was waiting, even though Saddam Hussein had sent two Republican Guard armored divisions and eight hundred tanks over the border into Kuwait only a few hours before. Both politicians would soon lead the world in condemning Iraq's aggression, but in his initial pronouncement Bush remained circumspect" "We are not ruling any options in, but we are not ruling any options out." The British prime minister was equally careful that weekend when asked for her reaction to the Iraqi invasion. "I have a very good rule," she said. "First find the facts. It has stood me very well in Parliament."

As the world's attention shifted between the unfolding drama in Kuwait and the gathering in Colorado, both Bush and Thatcher worked the telephones, conferring with other world leaders as their advisers scrambled to come up with options to defuse the crisis.

Thatcher might have been surprised had she known that on July 28, just days before, Bush had sent a message to Saddam, thereby exercising an option that had been under consideration for more than two months. The list of policy options on Iraq that the deputies committee had furnished to Brent Scowcroft in May included the option of sending a presidential message to Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi leader, Scowcroft was informed, "likes the personal touch." In favor of such a move was the argument that "a carefully crafted message from the President could be effective if it hit hard on our key concerns, proliferation and regional tension, but also emphasized a continued desire for improved relations." On the other hand, however, such a message "could be construed here as being soft on Saddam."

Early on the morning of July 28, CIA director William Webster had gone to the White House to brief the president, carrying with him in a thick manila envelope satellite intelligence photographs that showed Iraqi troops transporting ammunition, fuel, and water to the northern border of Kuwait. The infrared photography that Webster put in front of Bush that morning confirmed that this was no routine exercise. Some 35,000 Iraqi troops had massed and were ready to move. Four tank transporters, an ominous sign that they were prepared to travel long distances.

Bush did not want to overreact, no matter how detailed the intelligence information might be. Later that day, he went ahead and sent a cable to Saddam, saying he was concerned about the Iraqi leader's threats to use force. He did not mention Kuwait by name, however pretending instead to reiterate the standard U.S. policy line: "Let me reassure you that my administration continues to desire better relations with Iraq." The president's message, coming after years of equally friendly signals, gave Saddam little reason to be deflected from invading Kuwait. It was, as one State Department hand put it later, "another busted signal." Before Bush sent the cable, senior Defense Department officials had tried to stop it, fearing it was so weakly worded that it would send the wrong message to Saddam. "We were already seeing troops moving. We were getting worried, and we were putting up this piece of pap. It was just very weak. We should have been much more threatening," remembered Henry Rowen, assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs at the time. Rowen and others at the Pentagon, concerned that Ambassador April Glaspie had already been spineless in her dealings with Saddam and that a conciliatory message from Bush would be equally ineffectual, had done there best, but the president was not deterred. More excerpts

This is just the beginning of the story Friedman tells, which is far more comprehensive than most media articles on the subject, especially from traditional media, which ignores the vast majority of the story. They knew that Saddam supported terrorists from the beginning, yet they were so obsessed with standing up to Iran that they took him of the list of terrorists sponsoring nations early in the Reagan years, and tried to create a false image for him to justify selling weapons.

Most people don't remember the history behind our conflict with Iran, since the media also repeats the lies on that while the truth falls down the memory hole. We should keep in mind that contrary to the "defending freedom" our media tells us we're always doing the United States supported the coup in 1953, overthrowing a Democratically elected government that wanted to renegotiate oil deals, so that the Iranian people could have a fair deal, and reinstalled the Shah, who terrorized his own people for decades, so Western oil companies could make a fortune. They sold them weapons that wound up in the hands of the current administration after the 1979 revolution, and continued to sell them weapons as part of the Iran Contra scandal using the funds to arm Contras who were terrorizing the Nicaraguan people, to try to overthrow a popular democratic government and reinstall another tyrannical regime.

This is routine in one country after another, but the propaganda gets repeated over and over again by traditional media while alternative researchers do a much better job checking the facts but can only report it in low profile locations.

The support for Saddam Hussein began long before the invasion of Kuwait, but a transcript of a meeting with April Glaspie reported by the New York times shows that they gave mixed messages, expressing some concerns, while also indicating that they have no concern with their disagreements with Kuwait as Stephen M. Walt points out in WikiLeaks, April Glaspie, and Saddam Hussein 01/09/2011 when he says:
In a now famous interview with the Iraqi leader, U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie told Saddam, ‘[W]e have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.’ The U.S. State Department had earlier told Saddam that Washington had ‘no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.’ The United States may not have intended to give Iraq a green light, but that is effectively what it did.”

Walt's claim that this is "a now famous interview with the Iraqi leader" is only partly correct, though. For a small percentage of the public including Walt and many of his colleagues, it's famous; however, even though many good non-fiction books and alternative media outlets cite this periodically, the mainstream media has stopped reporting on this long ago. They covered this in 1990, then, as usual, let negative stories about the political establishment fall down the memory hole, while repeating patriotic sounding but misleading propaganda over and over again, so the vast majority of the public has forgotten about it.

The same interview also shows how April Glaspie was willing to encourage a public relations campaign to improve Saddam Husseins image just eight days before the invasion of Kuwait as reported in How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf 10/28/2004 which says:
On August 2, 1990, Iraqi troops led by dictator Saddam Hussein invaded the oil-producing nation of Kuwait. Like Noriega in Panama, Hussein had been a US ally for nearly a decade. From 1980 to 1988, he had killed about 150,000 Iranians, in addition to at least 13,000 of his own citizens. Despite complaints from international human rights group, however, the Reagan and Bush administrations had treated Hussein as a valuable ally in the US confrontation with Iran. As late as July 25 -- a week before the invasion of Kuwait -- US Ambassador April Glaspie commiserated with Hussein over a "cheap and unjust" profile by ABC's Diane Sawyer, and wished for an "appearance in the media, even for five minutes," by Hussein that "would help explain Iraq to the American people."69

Glaspie's ill-chosen comments may have helped convince the dictator that Washington would look the other way if he "annexed" a neighboring kingdom. The invasion of Kuwait, however, crossed a line that the Bush Administration could not tolerate. This time Hussein's crime was far more serious than simply gassing to death another brood of Kurdish refugees. This time, oil was at stake.

Eight days before the invasion they were willing to provide public relations to make Saddam Hussein look better; but, by October 10, Hill & Knowlton, a notorious public relations firm was couching Nayirah, the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to commit perjury in a now famous story about Iraqi incubators, at least to those not relying on traditional media. Hill & Knowlton used a front group that sounded like a human rights group, but as the same article points out Hill & Knowlton routinely lies when it suits their purposes and also provides positive public relations for tyrannical governments like Turkey and Indonesia, and for a while, Scientology, but this changed when they realized that the pharmaceutical companies criticized by Scientology had more political clout. To the best of my knowledge, neither Nayirah or any executives from Hill & Knowlton were ever charged with perjury. For these organizations the truth is treated like a commodity that can be sold to the highest bidder, and since they have political connections there's no accountability. There's little doubt that if peace protesters had committed perjury before Congress that they would be charged!

Ironically, if Hill & Knowlton wanted stories about atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein there were no shortage of them, including his use of chemical weapons in 1988 and on other occasions, possibly beginning as early as 1983; however, they would have to carefully avoid the fact that the Reagan and Bush administration was arming them at the time, possibly even with some of the chemical weapons, and they were providing them with espionage information so they would know where to bomb or drop the chemical weapons.

If they really were concerned about children being killed in wars, then of course they wouldn't be selling epidemic amounts of weapons around the world including to many tyrants like Saddam Hussein. There should be no doubt that if our politicians weren't approving weapons sales all around the world to one country after another that they wouldn't be able to fight wars against each other nearly as effective and far fewer civilians would be killed. This includes Saddam Hussein; without weapons from the United States it's virtually guaranteed that the Iran/Iraq war would have ended sooner saving hundreds if not thousands of lives. Furthermore, there's a good chance that neither of the Gulf Wars in 1991 or 2003 would have happened, or if they couldn't be completely avoided they would be far less dangerous, since Saddam wouldn't have the weapons our government helped him buy!

Ironically, since they used Jordan as the middle man, to get by laws preventing them from arming Iraq, they wound up in a few awkward situations when Jordan realized that they were selling more sophisticated weapons at a lower price than they were willing to sell to them, as Friedman explained. And, to cut corners and save money they arranged for a weapons manufacturer in Chile to arm Iraq, but he wasn't able to produce the volume they wanted. This would have avoided scrutiny from violating US laws banning sales to Iraq, if he didn't need to buy the equipment to manufacture them and got them from the United States, which violated the law. They got around this by labeling it scrap metal, even though this was obviously false. And they wound up taking advantage of free trade laws to suppress wages for the people manufacturing them, enable higher profits for the owner, and make it cheaper to bomb and kill people, often innocent half way around the world. This also put the workers at risk and led caused twenty-nine deaths after an explosion as the following excerpt shows:

Alan Friedman "Spider's Web" 1993 p.45-6

Half a world away from the Persian Gulf, the remote Chilean harbor town of Iquique was booming in 1986. Iquique, located on the Pacific coast some eleven hundred miles north of Santiago, was benefiting from from the opening of a nearby free-trade zone and a new airport. At least once a month, an empty Iraqi cargo aircraft landed on the runway, taxied to the edge of the field, and safely out of sight of passengers boarding regular flights, picked up shipments produced in an anonymous-looking industrial plant situated nearby. Visitors to Iquique, which was once no more than a collection of shanties at the base of a barren headland, had no idea the town had become the home of a manufacturing facility that was supplying some of the deadliest weapons in Saddam Hussein's arsenal, cluster bombs.

Most of the people of Iquique, including the laborers in the factory, did not know the final destination of the weapons until early 1986, when the community was shattered by an explosion that killed twenty-nine of the seven hundred workers at the cluster bomb plant. The local Roman Catholic bishop was appalled. He condemned the plant as "social sin" and warned that "these are the same bombs that are killing people in Iran and Iraq, and now they have been turned on our own brethren."

Cluster bombs, originally invented in the United States to halt tank columns, dispense a particularly gruesome form of death by very simple means. A cluster bomb is simply a container packed with hundreds of small bomblets. Each bomblet is is no more than twelve inches long and weighs less than two pounds. As the bomb drops, it rotates, a small charge opens the casing, and the spinning bomb distributes the bomblets in an elliptical pattern of spaced clusters that spread devastation over a wide area. Known in the trade as "area denial ordnance," cluster bombs are effectively aerial mincing machines—they shred everything in their path. The U.S. Air Force first used them as antipersonnel weapons in the Vietnam War; when dropped properly, a single bomb has the capacity to kill or maim anyone in the area the size of ten football fields. Some of the bombs that were being made in Chile were timed to explode hours after they had been dropped, causing further casualties among troops and rescuers who had assumed they were now safe. Although technically considered weapons, cluster bombs can wreak almost as much destruction on the battlefield as unconventional arms such as chemical weapons.

Saddam's military planners in Baghdad found cluster bombs highly effective in killing the huge numbers of Iranians who poured into battle in human waves. For Carlos Cardoen, the owner of the plant in Iquique as well as other arms factories scattered around Chile, they had proved to be a very lucrative business. Not only was Iraq eagerly buying as many bombs as he could produce; he paid no taxes or duties in the Iquique free-trade zone, and his own costs were extremely low. His workers received the equivalent of ninety dollars a month, often for a twelve-hour day, and the average output of the factory was one thousand bombs a month. Thanks to all this, Cardoen was able to price his cluster bombs at as little as $7,000 each, or $19,000 less than his competitors in Europe, and still prosper. More excerpts

This wasn't the only time that third world countries cut corners leading to explosions killing people at the beginning of Full Text: Indefensible: Seven Myths that Sustain the Global Arms Trade 2016 they describe a similar incident which killed twenty-six people, including at least a couple children and a pregnant woman. This was also a result of a contract that was indirectly supported by the United States to provide weapons for the Afghan army, which went to a contractor that violated numerous laws leading to the disaster. It's virtually guaranteed that there are more incidents like it, and Indefensible goes on to explain more of them in their book, although the details will, of course, vary.

Unfortunately these stories are rarely reported in a high profile manner, while the propaganda is often repeated over and over again, sometimes even rewriting history to downplay the fact that we armed and supported Saddam Hussein for years, which didn't end, until after the invasion. On Bob Dole's web page, Bob Dole and Saddam Hussein shake hands 1990-04-12 it says "Notes: Dole with Senate Delegation whose mission was to dissuade Iraqis from invading Kuwait." This statement is highly unlikely and certainly not the way Friedman describes it. At that time there was little or no official knowledge about plan to invade three and a half months later. Friedman indicates they were trying to improve their relations, despite other problems, which they did know about as indicated in the following excerpt:

Alan Friedman "Spider's Web" 1993 p.159-60

While Saddam's threats to use chemical weapons against Israel were producing politically violent reactions on Capital Hill, both George Bush and James Baker were sending private messages that sought to reassure Saddam. The President's first message was carried by Senator Robert Dole, the dour Republican minority leader from Kansas who led a Senate delegation to Iraq in a two-hour meeting with Saddam on Thursday, April 12. Dole did express U.S. concern at Saddam's publicly acknowledged development of unconventional weapons, but he also lent a sympathetic ear to the Iraq's complaints that he was the victim of a smear campaign.

"He indicated that he feels very strongly that there's an American-British-Israeli campaign to tarnish the image of his government and his country," said Dole, upon emerging from the meeting in the northern Iraqi town of Mosul, which happened to be the site of several Iraqi missile projects. Senator Alan K. Simpson, a Republican from Wyoming, embraced Saddam's views, telling him, "I believe that your problems lie with the western media, and not with the U.S. government. As long as you are isolated from the media, the press—and it is a haughty and pampered press—they all consider themselves political geniuses." Saddam also gave the senators the implausible promise that he was prepared to destroy all of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. There was only one catch—Israel would have to do the same.

Dole told Saddam that if there were any smear campaign, it certainly didn't come from President Bush, who only twelve hours before had "assured me that he wanted better relations, and that the U.S. government wants better relations with Iraq." The senator, who represented a state that had exported large quantities of wheat to Iraq on the back of CCC credits added his personal assurance that President Bush would oppose sanctions in Congress. More excerpts

Both Bob Dole and the Bush administration were well aware that Saddam Hussein had used chemical weapons against the Kurds in 1988 and the Iranians on numerous occasions during the Iran/Iraq war, and they even helped with the financing of his weapons, if not directly selling him the chemicals; yet they were still trying to improve relations while he was threatening to use them against Israel, and April Glaspie also wanted to improve relations, when they had far more knowledge of a possible invasion of Kuwait in July after the build up of troops was well underway. Both Bob Dole and Alan Simpson also seemed t think that Saddam Hussein could benefit from good public relations, or at least agreed that the press was treating him unfairly. I'm no fan of the press, but in this case the Republicans were even worse; and after consolidation in the nineties, the press also got even worse. Even after the invasion, George H.W. Bush's first reaction was to hedge, implying he might consider a compromise even at that time.

Bob Dole wasn't the first high profile politician to personally visit Saddam Hussein to try to improve relations; Donald Rumsfeld was sent there to do that as well, in 1983, as Friedman writes in the following excerpt:
Thus, on December 17, 1983, President Reagan's special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, flew into Baghdad bearing a handwritten letter to Saddam. In it Reagan offered to renew diplomatic relations and to expand military and business ties with Baghdad. Teicher, who traveled to Baghdad with Rumsfeld, said that it was this letter that paved the way for the U.S. tilt to Iraq: "Here was the U.S. government coming hat-in-hand to Saddam Hussein and saying, 'We respect you, we respect you. How can we help you? Let us help you.'" Saddam listened politely and then told Rumsfeld that America should try to stop the flow of weapons to Iran. The United States did even more: It began offering government-backed loan guarantees to Iraq. (Friedman p.28-9)

A more recent article, Rumsfeld 'helped Iraq get chemical weapons' 12/31/2002 indicates that Donald Rumsfeld and the Reagan administration knew at the time that Saddam Hussein was already using chemical weapons and they still gave him loan guarantees and provided traditional weapons, and "dozens of biological agents were shipped to Iraq under licence from the Commerce Department. They included anthrax, subsequently identified by the Pentagon as a key component of the Iraqi biological warfare program." Other sources have speculated that Donald Rumsfeld and the company he worked for at the time, G.D. Searle, might have provided some of these chemicals, although this article adamantly denies that.

I vaguely recall Dan Rather once saying something like, "We know Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons because we have the receipts," but the traditional media rarely ever reminds the public of this. On exception, which wasn't very high profile was another article, Did the United States Supply Saddam with Biological Weapons in the 1980s? 2003 quoting Senator Robert Byrd saying the following:
A letter from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, which I shall submit for the Record, shows very clearly that the United States is, in fact, preparing to reap what it has sewn. A letter written in 1995 by former CDC Director David Satcher to former Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr., points out that the U.S. Government provided nearly two dozen viral and bacterial samples to Iraqi scientists in 1985--samples that included the plague, botulism, and anthrax, among other deadly diseases. According to the letter from Dr. Satcher to former Senator Donald Riegle, many of the materials were hand carried by an Iraqi scientist to Iraq after he had spent 3 months training in the CDC laboratory.


What could they have been thinking?

Could they have been selling them to him so they could study the reaction to chemical weapons in the field in a manner that no ethical researcher would even consider? This would be outrageous of course; and I would hope not; but the CIA has done similar things, so I wouldn't completely rule it out.

The arming of Iraq may have been one of the most outrageous things our government has done but it's far from an exception. In his book Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II 2004 William Blum lists dozens of interventions in dozens of countries where the United states intervened to try to overthrow other governments, often succeeding, including many democratically elected leaders that wouldn't support the United States ideology, blaming most of it on a fanatical version of anti-communism to hide efforts to rig the global economy in favor of the wealthy. He opens his book by saying:
It was in the early days of the fighting in Vietnam that a Vietcong officer said to his American prisoner: "You were our heroes after the War. We read American books and saw American films, and a common phrase in those days was "to be as rich and as wise as an American". What happened?"

During World War II Vietnam and several other countries that the United states intervened in since then, were our allies, and they expected them to keep their promise of fighting to make the world safe for Democracy. Vietnam signed their own Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2 1945, based partly on our declaration of Independence and the one by France. Hardly anyone in the United States knows about this, but they started their own democracy which had far more popular support than the corrupt regimes the United States installed by force, often with the help of obviously rigged elections.

The United States has also admitted to overthrowing other democratic governments in Iran, Guatemala, Chile and several other countries, but usually only after years, if not decades of denial. Further these admissions are typically only made in a low profile manner and traditional media only gives them a minimal amount of coverage before they go back the their false rhetoric about "fighting for freedom." They're still in the denial stage for several other coups including Honduras and Bolivia, but the evidence in alternative news outlets is overwhelming and it's a matter of time before they admit it, although that may mean years if not decades, once again, despite the fact that Elon Musk admitted to the coup in Bolivia in a tweet which was later deleted recently.

If you want the real history of our country and updated news you have to read authors like Alan Friedman and William Blum that hardly get any attention from traditional media and alternative media outlets that do cover good authors like this.

US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II 11/27/2015

The arms trade is killing thousands of women and children 07/30/2020

Leave a dot I'll leave info about a time USA oppressed other countries. 08/01/2020

An American soldier exposes the American terrorist regime 2010 veteran protest 07/29/2020

Lee Camp: How the Media Used the Bounty Scandal to Stop the ‘Threat’ of Peace in Afghanistan 07/02/2020

The USA is arming fascist Bolivian paramilitary groups to crush pro-democracy protests 08/13/2020

Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II – Part I William Blum 2004 Truman, after all, was the man who, the day after the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, said: "If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious in any circumstances."12 ....... This is how it looks to the simple folk of America. .....

Digital National Security Archive (DNSA): Iraqgate: Saddam Hussein, U.S. Policy and the Prelude to the Persian Gulf War, 1980–1994

Source Watch: Iraqgate Scandal

Iraqgate 1980-1994

Syria-Aleppo—Children So Very Vulnerable—Injured & Killed in Traumatic Attacks, Conflict, War 12/01/2016


Calling Ali Ismail Abbas 06/12/2018

In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA 03/27/2016

Everyone Is Denouncing the Syrian Rebels Now Slaughtering Kurds. But Didn’t the U.S. Once Support Some of Them? 10/26/2019

“I Could Live With That”: How the CIA Made Afghanistan Safe for the Opium Trade 07/10/2020 Then, in 1953, Mohammed Mossadegh, Iran’s nationalist equivalent of China’s Sun Yat-sen, won elections and immediately moved to suppress the opium trade. Within a few weeks, US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was calling Mossadegh a madman, and Dulles’s brother Allen, head of the CIA, dispatched Kermit Roosevelt to organize a coup against him. In August 1953 Mossadegh was overthrown, the Shah was installed by the CIA, and the oil and opium fields of Iran were once again in friendly hands.

"Our country does not launch bombs against other people." Fidel Castro speaks passionately about how Cuba sends doctors around the world, and not bombs. 08/16/2020

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran 08/26/2013

Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II by William Blum 1995

CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF; Excerpts From Iraqi Document on Meeting With U.S. Envoy 09/23/1990 The decision to establish relations with the U.S. were taken in 1980 during the two months prior to the war between us and Iran. ....... GLASPIE: I saw the Diane Sawyer program on ABC. And what happened in that program was cheap and unjust. And this is a real picture of what happens in the American media - even to American politicians themselves. These are the methods the Western media employs. I am pleased that you add your voice to the diplomats who stand up to the media. Because your appearance in the media, even for five minutes, would help us to make the American people understand Iraq. This would increase mutual understanding. If the American President had control of the media, his job would be much easier. ........ GLASPIE: I think I understand this. I have lived here for years. I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Narrow Study Ignores Best Research Threatens Constitutional Rights

The Secret Service just published a study saying many mass shooters from 2019 "experienced stressful situations," and there were warning signs. This is helpful, as far as it goes; but it fails to cite much more research from the academic world on numerous other studies of different contributing factors, that also contribute to these stressful situations. Some interpretations of this study seem to imply that he way to try to prevent these shootings is to look for warning signs shortly before the shootings without trying to figure out what the long term causes of all violence are, including the following article:

Report: Many suspects in mass attacks experienced stressors 08/05/2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — Many of the suspects in mass attacks in the U.S. last year had experienced stressful situations, like losing their job, or had struggled with substance abuse or mental health issues, according to a Secret Service report released Thursday.

The cases highlight the importance for law enforcement that people report suspicious or concerning behavior to head off potential attacks, officials said.

The report, compiled by the Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center, examined 34 attacks that killed or injured three or more people in 2019. A total of 108 people were killed and 178 were hurt.

Investigators found that nearly half of the suspects who had used guns had possessed them illegally, and about two-thirds of the people accused of committing the mass attacks had exhibited behavior that was concerning to others.

About one-third of the attacks were motivated by some type of grievance, the agency said.

“In these cases, the attackers were retaliating for perceived wrongs related to personal issues, issues in their workplaces, or domestic situations,” said Steven Driscoll, one of the report’s authors. Those included feuds with neighbors, bullying, being in debt or not being able to find gainful employment.

Seven of the 37 suspects had been motivated by some kind of extremist views, and nine showed interest in past incidents of mass violence, the Secret Service said. Some of the attacks were carried out by multiple suspects.

Connor Betts, who killed nine people and injured about 20 others at a nightclub in Dayton, Ohio, before being fatally shot by police last August, had “a history of concerning communications,” which included harassing female students in middle school and high school and had made “a hit list and a rape list in high school,” the report said. The 24-year-old also told other people he had attempted suicide and showed his girlfriend videos of a mass shooting, officials said. Complete article

The article describing the study indicates the solution is to "that people report suspicious or concerning behavior to head off potential attacks," without explaining how they will head off the attacks. Are they going to arrest people before they commit a crime, raising Constitutional questions? The actual study, United States Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center Mass Attacks in Public Spaces - 2019 August 2020, might do slightly better saying:
The presence of these diverse themes shows the need for a multidisciplinary threat assessment approach to violence prevention. Community professionals, with the proper training to recognize the warning signs, can intervene and redirect troubling behavior before violence occurs. The Secret Service threat assessment approach encourages assessing each situation as it arises, and applying the appropriate interventions – which may include the involvement of family members and friends, social services, mental health professionals, faith-based organizations, or law enforcement when appropriate.

The actual study doesn't say to infringe on Constitutional rights by arresting them before they commit a crime; but they don't provide a clear solution either, instead implying the local experts should intervene as they see fit. I have no doubt that some of the experts at the local level are more familiar with the most effective ways to reduce violence, since good research on this has been available in the academic world, libraries, and alternative media for decades, even if it's virtually absent from mainstream media, political discussions to make policies and, for the most part, this study. Unfortunately other so-called experts in other areas may base their expertise more on ideological, political or religious beliefs, and are far less likely to intervene in a rational effective manner that doesn't infringe on peoples rights. And, although we always hear about the warning signs after someone goes on a mass shootings sprees, we hear very little about many more people demonstrating these warning signs without going on a shooting spree, perhaps becasue they weren't as dangerous as some people believed, or perhaps because someone intervened without overreacting in a quit way, and there's little record of it.

Regardless of how people interpret this data there may be some additional preliminary data indicating this problem is continuing in 2020, possibly impacted by the pandemic or police protests as reported in The murder spike in big US cities, explained. 08/03/2020 However this is very rough data, and some of it is almost certainly flawed as one of the experts indicated after stating the seven possibilities they considered:
Another possibility: None of these explanations is right. With limited data in strange times, it wouldn’t be surprising if it turns out we have no idea what’s going on right now. “We can bet on it being unpredictable,” Doleac said.

This article isn't much if any better than the one about the Secret Service study, and also ignores the vast majority of good research on the leading causes of all types of violence, including murders or mass shootings. They make another major mistake, by trying to draw quick conclusions based on incomplete data. In the past when they did this they often came to irrational conclusions like the belief that "super-predators" were coming about thirty years ago that they used to justify mass incarceration, along with false assumptions about non-violent drug crimes, that contributed to mass incarceration, mostly of non-violent people. Ironically, this mass incarceration led to prison overcrowding led to the release of some prisoners that were violent, including a prisoner released in Kansas City Missouri that went on to become one of the mass shooters studied by the Secret Service.

I went into many of the leading long term contributing causes of violence, including murder, and many other social problems in a series of articles about six years ago starting with Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows and ending with Politicians increase crime; Grass roots efforts reduce crime; Politicians steal the credit. A short summation of this study indicates that there are many contributing factors of violence, and some of the most important ones are early child abuse, including corporal punishment, poverty, income inequality, inadequate educational or economic opportunities, and more, often including some factors that have a major impact on corporate profits like gambling or insurance. These contributing factors get little or no attention from the mass media or political establishment, possibly because the profits of large corporations would be impacted by research that implicates their efforts to rig the economic system and they buy an enormous amount of ads, increasing media profits and donate an enormous amount to politicians.

One of the most important contributing factors, which I've focused the most attention on, is early child abuse, including use of corporal punishment, leading to escalating violence, may not seem to directly impact corporate profits; however, as I pointed out in Research On Preventing Violence Absent From National Media, research based on FBI statistics the nineteen states still allowing corporal punishment in schools, and presumably using it more at home, had between 22% and 32% higher murder rates than those not allowing it. The closest they came, in those ten years, was in 2012 when the average murder rates in the 19 states allowing corporal punishment in schools was 5.35 out of 100,000, and only 4.28 in the states not allowing it; the biggest difference was in 2018 when the murder rates were 5.90 in the 19 states allowing it, and only 4.27 in states banning it. Most of these states banned corporal punishment in the mid-eighties to early-nineties. If you go back to 1992, when the difference was only a little more than 2%, it's clear that the longer states ban it in schools the bigger the difference is, so we can expect it to grow even more until it's banned in schools everywhere.

It may seem hard to imagine why the media or political establishment would ignore this; however, as I pointed out in Eli Roth’s Milgram/Obedience experiment much more extensive than most people realize and Philip Zimbardo, Lucifer Effect, Stanford Prison Experiment corporal punishment is used to teach blind obedience to authority and makes them more susceptible to propaganda enabling the oligarchs to control the people more effectively. Also these states also provide the largest volume of recruits for the military, where they also teach blind obedience to authority. The recruitment rates are actually higher in Alaska and the northwest, but since their population is so low they don't provide as high a number of recruits.

Another method they use to control the masses is to suppress access to educational opportunities, which would enable more people to learn how to stand up for their rights, among other things. Past studies have shown that less edcuated areas have more violence on average and updated information about the Most & Least Educated States in America 01/20/2020 confirm this showing the best educated states to be in or near the bottom ten for murder rates; and the worst educated states to be in or near the top ten for murder rates.

Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Minnesota are consistently in the bottom ten for murder rates, and Connecticut is usually close, if not in the bottom ten and they're all in the top ten best educated states. Maryland is the only one from the top best educated states to make it into the top ten, or even the top half for murder rates.

Louisiana, Alabama, and South Carolina, are consistently in the top ten states for murder rates; Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Nevada are almost always also in the top ten for murder rates, coming close when they don't make it; these seven are in the ten least educated states. The other three are either about average for murder rates or above average, with none of them coming close to the bottom ten.

Inadequate access to good education, for the working class, is also a major contributing factor to poverty and income in equality, which is no accident. Machiavelli recommended that "it should be the object of every well-governed commonwealth to make the State rich and keep individual citizens poor," (Discourses) which enables the state to control the citizens more effectively; however, it also leaves the citizens in a state of desperation, with more of the "stressors" that the Secret Service warned us about. The Secret Service also warned that one of the stressors may be the loss of jobs, yet, instead of trying to provide access to jobs for as many people as possible, and a safety net for the rest the political establishment has been relentlessly been trying to ship jobs overseas, as part of an effort to suppress wages, and cutting mental health care services.

Numerous industries are designed to rig the economy for the wealthy, among the most obvious are the insurance and organized gambling industry, both of which contribute to higher rates of poverty and income inequality as well as leading to increased crime in violence through other ways. Both industries involve pooling of people's money and paying out some of it in the form or winnings or insurance claims, however operating expenses and profits have to be subtracted before making these pay outs, otherwise they would go bankrupt, so both industries have to be rigged against the consumer. Both industries pay out enormous salaries for CEOs, payments to investors, large lobbying expenses and campaign contributions, corrupting the political establishment, and enormous advertising budgets. The more they pay for all these expenses, and more, the less they return to the consumers, so this is rigged by large margins.

As I pointed out in Machiavelli Would Be Proud of Gambling Politics! the gambling industry is related to an enormous amount of other crimes, including an enormous number of murders, since it pushes compulsive gamblers into desperation. When Organized gambling was controlled by the mafia this was widely acknowledged; however, now that it's controlled by corporations, that are considered legitimate and reputable, there's much less reporting on the high crime problems they cause. Most incidents are reported as isolated, and the few good studies are hardly mentioned in mainstream media or discussed by politicians, presumably because the media gets a large cut of the profits, in the form of ads, and politicians get enormous campaign contributions.

Insurance also contributes to poverty, income inequality and higher crime as well, possibly as much or even more than organized gambling, although the media and political establishment often try to portray it as part of the solution; and ads even say that it provides "protection," which is false. Insurance has rarely done much to reduce catastrophes; instead it's supposed to reimburse those suffering from losses, when it works as planned, which isn't as common as many people are led to believe. When it comes to property insurance after natural disasters, if you look up lawsuits after hurricanes, earthquakes, or other natural disasters it's clear that there are always many people forced to sue their insurance companies to make them pay claims, and when they win they often have to settle for less than what they expected, but there's very little media coverage of this, while the media collects a fortune selling ads promoting insurance. Further more there are numerous studies saying that about ten percent of property insurance claims are fraud, often collecting successfully, so premium payers pick up the tab for that as well as all the other waste and corruption involved in the industry.

Furthermore, there should be no doubt that an enormous number of murders are committed for the purpose of collecting insurance, and in many cases they successfully collect, at least for a while until they eventually get caught, but these are only reported as isolated incidents. There are few if any good studies on this, that I could find, which might raise the question of just how powerful insurance companies are and if they can prevent research that implicates them. I went into this more myself in Insurance Executives Profit By Inciting Murder Occasionally Paying Killers using Murderpedia as a statistical sampling to estimate how high a percentage of murders are related to attempts to collect insurance, and how many were successful at collecting. I found at least 7 or 8 cases where people who were eventually caught, successfully got away with murder and collected over a million dollars, plus dozens more that collected between half a million and a million, including the Menendez brothers, before getting caught. Only two of these were included in the Murderpedia sampling.

It didn't take long to determine that more than 1.5 to 2% of the entries were related to insurance, but after a reasonably thorough search, it became clear that the total was almost 5% if not more than that possibly over 6%, since the search still wasn't quite complete, but finding any remaining insurance related murders would be very tedious, since they don't categorize them that way. Almost a quarter of the insurance related murders, or more than 1% of all entries where for murderers that successfully collected insurance money for a while before eventually getting caught. If this sampling is statistically representative of all murders, then it means that about 750 people may be killed each year with a potential insurance motive.

If Murderpedia over represents insurance cases, there's probably still well over a hundred people killed, if not several hundred, each year with a possible insurance motive. In all fairness, most if not all insurance related murders probably have other contributing factors, like early child abuse teaching violence later in life, or other mental health issues; however, the insurance motive is almost certainly deciding factor in many of them. Furthermore, the best research for these other factors and for insurance incitement of violence is almost completely absent from traditional media and political discussions when making policy decisions, so solutions are routinely ignored especially when it impacts the profits of well connected people and corporations.

Furthermore, two of the mass shooters cited in the Secret Service Study were active duty veterans, and at least at least two more were discharged veterans, and another one was training to be a prison guard. There could be more veterans among those in their sampling, but since they didn't mention them by name, it's not easy to check, but even these four veterans and a prison guard trainee is statistically high implying that veterans might be more inclined to go on shootings sprees. This isn't new, I went into it more in Teach a soldier to kill and he just might and found that the most common victims for veteran shooters are other veterans and their family. This doesn't mean that most veterans are damaged goods, of course, many of the best ones are the ones most likely to recognize this problem and try to solve it, and are often targeted for it. But the military routinely ignores warning signs because they need soldiers willing and able to kill people in wars based on lies.

We've had the research available to show how to greatly reduce violence for decades, and it continues to improve. Some countries in Europe and elsewhere have shown they can do much better than the United States, in some cases, with 90% lower rates of violence or murder. But this research is ignored and policies are based on ideology of the wealthy and what they believe will maximize profits, no matter how much damage it does to the rest of society.

Many of Bernie Sanders positions on the issues, which the majority of the public agrees with, would help address the root causes of violence in the long term. Unfortunately the political establishment is adamantly opposed to ending the rigging of the economy and they gave overwhelming advantages to Biden to stop him, even suppressing access to polls and outright fraud to rig the primaries. Now that Bernie is endorsing a candidate that opposes everything he stands for the only real choice that acknowledges the best research is clearly Howie Hawkins who still supports the popular policies Bernie campaigned on. Unfortunately the media refuses to provide them, or any honest candidates with a fair amount of coverage. However, when it comes to addressing the root causes of violence both Trump and Biden, with Kamala as his running mate, are almost equally bad; and they're almost equally bad on most of their other issues too, despite rhetoric that might make one of them seem like the lesser evil.

When there's strong enough pressure at the local level, there have been some improvements but as long as we continue to accept an incredibly corrupt national political establishment and media there's little or no hope for improvements from the federal government and most state governments.

Major U.S. cities, gripped with crisis, now face spike in deadly shootings, including of children 08/06/2020

5 facts about crime in the U.S. 10/17/2019

The 10 most and least educated states in 2018 (Actually 2017) 01/23/2019

Driving People to "Go Out In A Blaze Of Glory" isn't working so well!

Some of America's deadliest mass shootings have occurred this decade. Here are the details. 08/05/2019

Rockaway’s School to Prison Pipeline

Key West Police arrested an 8-year-old at school. His wrists were too small for the handcuffs 08/11/2020

Wikipedia: List of mass shootings in the United States in 2019

Police: Sunnyvale crash driver, Isaiah J. Peoples, targeted family thinking they were Muslim 04/26/2019 Peoples served more than five years in the Army in the mid-to-late 2000s, including 11 months in Iraq, and rose to the rank of sergeant.

Naval Air Station Pensacola shooting 12/06/2019

Suspect identified in shooting at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard 12/05/2019

2019 Sebring shooting 01/23/2019 Zephen Allen Xaver, age 21, was identified as a former Florida Department of Corrections correctional officer trainee.

Sumter Police: shooting incident that killed two people, wounded others gang related 09/08/2019

Two dead in Jefferson County Tenn. shooting 02/20/2019

2 killed, 2 injured in Elizabethtown shootings 02/25/2019

Poway synagogue shooting 04/27/2019

Saugus High School shooting 11/14/2019

Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting 07/28/2019

2019 Fresno shooting 11/17/2019

2019 El Paso shooting 08/03/2019

2019 Dayton shooting 08/04/2019

Midland–Odessa shooting 08/31/2019

Woman killed, deputy among three wounded in Liberty County shooting; suspect, Pavol Vido dead 05/29/2019