Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Capitol Police Isn't Defending Democracy; They're Suppressing It!

First of all, I'm no fan of Donald Trump and don't support the riot, insurrection, or what ever you want to call it on January 6 2021, and I don't think the Capitol police should have been subject to abuse by them; however, the Capitol police and many other police departments have been suppressing many peaceful protest for decades, while politicians ignore the will of the people on one subject after another, in favor of the will of their campaign donors, while the media refuses to provide fair coverage of honest candidates. John F. Kennedy once said that "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable," and he has proven to be at least partially correct over and over again.

Capitol police may not intend to protect those with political power from those without political power, without protecting the rest of us when the political and economic system is rigged; but when they blindly obey orders, that's exactly what they do. Private First Class Harry Dunn of the U.S. Capitol Police said that he tries not to allow politics impact how he does his job; which might work if the political system is working reasonably well, but not when it's totally corrupted by wealthy campaign donors. Just because the election wasn't stolen from Donald Trump doesn't mean it isn't routinely rigged for the wealthy people, which both Trump and Biden support, at the expense of the vast majority.

One of Andrew Cuomo's recent accusers made this clear when she said, "People don't understand that this is the governor of the state of New York. There are troopers that are outside of the mansion. They're not there to protect me. They're there to protect him," as reported in Cuomo Groping Accuser: ‘It Was Not Welcomed and It Was Certainly Not Consensual.' 08/09/2020 This has been clear to many of us for decades; the political establishment has been ignoring the will of the people on one issue after another, and there's plenty of evidence to this, although traditional media buries it in an enormous amount of hype and propaganda to keep us distracted.

For those of you who haven't figured this out, including police officers like Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone, who are now becoming part of a propaganda campaign to convince us they're defending democracy, intentionally or not, that this even leads to what should be considered negligent mass murder, when they ignore the will of the people and the best science on many issues. This negligent mass homicide includes intentionally withholding health care so money collected for this is diverted to profits or spent on lobbying, advertising and other expenses not related to health care; epidemic levels of pollution contributing to thousands if not millions of deaths when alternative solutions are available; wars based on lies; and many other issues.

In a Democracy elected officials respond to the will of the people they're supposed to represent; the following polls show that on one issue after another the people overwhelmingly support one position; but campaign donors support the other side of the issue and the vast majority of the political establishment support the donors, while a minority of politicians speak out for the public, they often cave when it counts:
70% support Medicare for All & 89% of Democrats;
63% (another poll puts it at 67%) support a $15 minimum wage (these were old polls, so updated one might support a higher wage);
81% support a Green New Deal, with 61% supporting efforts to end Climate Change;
72% (another poll puts this at 76%) support expanding Social Security;
75% support immigration, with 81% supporting a pathway to citizenship, and presumably not so they can be exploited for virtual slave labor;
86% support only using the military as a last resort;
76% support higher taxes on the wealthy, with 59% supporting a 70% Top Marginal Rate and 67% support taxing corporations more;
77% support campaign finance reform;
83% (another poll puts this at 86%) support net neutrality;
57% support breaking up big banks;
65% support reforming racists incarceration system;
64% support guaranteed jobs program;
60% support tuition free college;
90% support universal childcare;
68% support capping interest rates;
63% support curbing wealth inequality;
58% support strict Wall Street Regulation;
70% of Americans say arms sales make us less safe
83% oppose outsourcing.
The poll from AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 83% of Americans, including 79% of Republicans and 87% of Democrats, are in support of funding for roads, bridges and ports.
While about two-thirds of Americans, 67%, favor funding for affordable housing, just 41% of Republicans do, compared to 85% of Democrats.
Democrats were also most favorable to funding for pipes, at 85% support, with 70% of Republicans supporting this.

I reported these polls previously in The "Big Lie" Used As An Excuse To Censor An Even Bigger Lie! which also includes sources for the polls. The last few polls about infrastructure were just added and sources are listed for them below.

In almost all of these polls it shows that campaign donors are on one side of the issue and a large majority of the public is on the other side, and politicians routinely take the side of campaign donors, which is incredibly obvious evidence of bribery or a rigged system that accomplishes the same thing, even though politicians claim there's no quid pro quo. It's not hard to find other evidence of obvious bribery, or something that accomplishes the same thing, yet politicians routinely ignore the will of the people. The only reason the government and legal profession doesn't refer to this as obvious bribery is because the people defining it are the same people benefiting from it; it's hard to imagine a well informed sincere person not recognizing this as obvious bribery. Perhaps the clearest exception, in recent weeks, involves a couple of the polls supporting funding for infrastructure, which Joe Biden may have partially addressed with his recent bill. However, even in this case, it may only be because the deterioration of our infrastructure has gotten so bad over the decades that it's even impacting the profits of his campaign donors, and his bill did little or nothing to create affordable housing which helps people that didn't donate to his campaign.

Furthermore, in many of these issues, including Medicare for All there's an enormous amount of evidence that shows that if the political establishment served the will of the people instead of their campaign donors they could literally save thousands of lives every year and billions of dollars, according to several studies including Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study 02/18/2020 and 22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money. 02/20/2020 There are similar studies showing that the destruction of the environment is killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people prematurely every year; and of course, wars based on lies, which our government routinely fights kill thousands more people every year, including many civilians all over the world, and our own veterans who are convinced these wars are to defend freedom, even though this isn't true.

On one subject after another there's a good case to be made that politicians and their corporate allies are guilty of negligent mass murder yet there's no accountability, and when there are peaceful protesters that try to point this out and the fact that our politicians aren't responding to the will of the people, police routinely strictly enforce petty laws which ignoring the much bigger crimes by the wealthy, including those giving them orders. In many cases they even use violence to suppress peaceful protests about obvious epidemic levels of corporate corruption that are costing people their lives. Police aren't hired to protect us equally they're hired to protect those rigging the economic and political system, blindly obeying orders and pretending that when they do this they're not being political.

In many cases, usually in the military, if they need someone to blame it's those following illegal orders, like at Abu Ghraib, when those giving the illegal orders that created an illegal war and resulted in the torture, which was what they were ordered to do, those that gave the illegal orders were never held accountable; instead those that obeyed them from the enlisted men were convicted and sent to jail. At the same time, many veterans who refused to participate in those illegal war, refusing illegal orders were charged for disobeying, while of course the real mass murderers that created the lies to get us into wars aren't accountable at all. Which means, in some cases whether veterans obey illegal orders or disobey them they could go to jail, while the real criminals aren't accountable to the rule of law at all.

This is just one of many cases where one larger segment of society is held accountable to the rule of law, even when the law is rigged against them; while another smaller, wealthier, and politically connected segment of society is hardly held accountable to the rule of law, especially when it's rigged in their favor. Another example of this is how Shoplifting Is Big News; Stealing Millions From Workers Is Not. 07/19/2021 In many cases we spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to prosecute people for petty shoplifting, often even when the theft is for amounts less than fifty dollars, and sometimes even when it's less than ten dollars; yet wage theft is considered a civil matter and it's often difficult to get the government to prosecute it. Police certainly never handcuff and arrests management or CEOs for crimes much worse than petty shoplifting.

One increasingly common example is switching price tags so they pay for a cheaper product, which is often referred to as "theft by deception;" however, when corporations commit "theft by deception" using many deceptive practices, including epidemic levels of false advertising, bait and switch sales, union busting, or many other fraudulent means of increasing profits, they're practically never prosecutions and many forms of "theft by deception" are perfectly legal and considered good business practices, which police don't protect us from.

I could go into many more examples; police will suppress protests about many things, often with violence and act on behalf of corporations to help suppress union organizing, protest about wars based on lies, corrupt politicians that are practically never held accountable to the rule of law, and even protests against police killing many unarmed people, sometimes even those not guilty of any crimes with impunity. Then when peaceful protesters speak out they have repeatedly tried to portray them as terrorists and responded with violence often worse than what the Capitol police had to face during the January 6 insurrection.

Now I'm not arguing that these Trump supporters should use violence against the police, nor are many of the protesters supporting issues listed above with support from a large majority of the public, including opposition to police violence against peaceful protesters, (polls about this aren't in the above list, and fluctuate widely depending on how they're phrased or the most recent media coverage on the protests), however, when the political establishment refuses to respond to peaceful protests and the will of the people, and especially when the police often respond with violence against those peaceful protesters, it's a matter of time before our own government incites violence one way or another against them, with the police on the front lines. As it turns out, it appears to be irrational supporters of a demagogue who betrays his own voters, and scapegoats minorities that turned violent against police.

Some of the police had some legitimate concerns about these right wing rioters; however, they remained silent about them for years until they attacked them, often ignoring them when they attacked progressive protesters, including when Kyle Rittenhouse killed an unarmed protester and they initially supported him until it was clear that this was an obvious unjustifiable murder. Officer Daniel Hodges expressed surprise that people carrying the "thin blue line" flag, which is a symbol of support for police, yet they refused to obey orders and attacked the police; which didn't come to a surprise to many of us who recognized the obvious fact that many of these right wing extremists didn't support the police until the protests against police killing black people. It was obvious to us that this was never sincere support of the police, but support for oppression of black people. If police didn't see this it was only because they didn't want to, and many of them were also racists, including some police among the January 6 rioters.

The Capitol Police are very selective about expressing their concerns and ignore long term causes of crimes and the fact that they're being ordered to suppress legitimate protests on a regular basis so that corrupt politicians and oligarchs donating to their campaign aren't accountable to the rule of law, which pushes many people to desperation. As it turns out the most irrational of the people falling for deceptive demagogues are the ones resorting to violence, not the peaceful protesters with legitimate concerns supported by large majorities of the public. Even though Officer Daniel Hodges doesn't cover many of the most important issues he does make some points in Here's what the officers testifying said they want the Jan. 6 committee to investigate 07/27/2021 including the following excerpts:
"As patrol officers, we can only deal with the crimes that happen on the streets, the misdemeanors and occasionally the violent felonies, but you guys are the only ones we've got to deal with crimes that occur above us. I need you guys to address if anyone in power had a role in this," he said.

"Because we can't do it. We're not allowed to. And I think the majority of Americans are really looking forward to that as well," Hodges said.

There should be no doubt that the police don't have the jurisdiction over Congress or the President if they helped incite the riot as they clearly did, nor do they have any jurisdiction over the vast majority of white collar crime including crimes being committed by Congress or their campaign donors, or even worse epidemic levels of fraud committed by campaign donors that is perfectly legal due to the Congress passing laws for their benefit. However, they're under orders to routinely suppress protests about epidemic levels of fraud both illegal and legal, due to a corrupt political system. This will inevitably drive many people to desperation, including Trump supporters that don't understand the demagogue they've come to worship is as responsible for this as the Democrats, both of whom are selling out to the oligarchs.

You rarely ever see police request that they be allowed to protect and serve all people equally, instead of enforcing laws only against working class people, while no one holds white collar criminals accountable, nor do you hear many police officers demanding that even if it's not their jurisdiction to prosecute or arrest white collar criminals, the least they could do is not be required to arrest the victims of white collar criminals when they violate petty laws during peaceful protests, especially when politicians refuse to address their concerns or issues with the support of large majorities of the public. Furthermore, some police even go one step further and try to portray protesters against police violence as terrorists, and while most police don't join in with this claim, they don't refute it either; which creates a problem with they face violent people that do fit the definition of a terrorist, as Officer Daniel Hodges claimed.

According to Police Officer Daniel Hodges repeatedly calls Jan. 6 rioters 'terrorists' 07/27/2021 and he came prepared with the definition of terrorism according to the law; however, this has been turned into a propaganda term decades ago and a close look at the definition and how it applies clearly indicates that both the definition and his interpretation of it are biased. For a long time terrorists primarily referred to attacking civilians that aren't even involved in a conflict, not military veterans involved in a conflict, who might have been considered a legitimate target, since they were killing others and had the weapons to defend themselves.

The short version of defining terrorism is that violence not authorized by the government is terrorism, while violence authorized by the government is considered justified, with the implication that the government is standing up for a fair sense of justice and democracy; however, this assumption is often false. The actual definition according to 18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions: Federal code definition of terrorism says "(5)the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A)involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B)appear to be intended— (i)to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii)to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii)to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; ..."

There are at least two major problems with how this definition is applied; one is that our government routinely invades one country after another, or overthrows democratic governments by supporting coups, which in many cases are followed up by state sponsored death squads, with support and often training of our government. On September 2nd 1945, shortly after Vietnam helped us win World War II, supposedly to defend democracy, they signed their own Declaration of Independence; instead of honoring it our government supported puppet governments in the South and eventually invaded for the purpose of depriving them of their right to control their own government and terrorized the entire population while killing at least two or three million for the crime of trying to control their own government. The United States, with the help of the CIA overthrew Democratically elected governments in Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile and many other countries to install tyrannical regimes that controlled their people by terrorizing them, with death squads killing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people in each country. Our government either declines to call this terrorism or blames the puppet regimes, even though they know damn well they never would have gained power without the support of the CIA!

Clearly this is an incredibly obvious double standard; however, the government and media simply refuse to report on these activities properly, occasionally admitting to one coup or lie at a time without acknowledging the obvious fact that these are standard operating procedure, not exceptions. They're so common that those of us who don't ignore inconvenient history know damn well that our veterans, who trust the lies from their government, at least when they enlist, are routinely killed not to fight freedom, but as a result of lies from politicians. Furthermore, many of the terrorist attacks against the United States, including 9/11, the Boston Bombing and many more, are actually retaliation for these wars based on lies, which should be considered terrorism. They terrorize many more people and impact policies using violence; but since they're authorized by our government they don't call it terrorism.

The second is that it's based on the belief that our government has the higher ground, perhaps because we're supposed to be a Democracy; however, as I pointed out the political establishment has little or no regard for the will of the majority of the public, even when there's an enormous amount of scientific research showing that many popular positions, like Medicare for All, protecting the environment, often with conservation or clean energy, or preventing wars based on lies saves an enormous amount of lives and is in the best interests of the majority of the public; yet the political establishment clearly serves their campaign donors who increase profits by ignoring the will of the people and good science.

Refusing to see these basic and clear flaws in our beliefs in America leads to many more false beliefs, intentionally or not, including the claim that we fight wars to defend freedom, that we're a democracy, that police protect and serve all people, not just politicians and the oligarchs that corrupt our political system often with the help of massive amounts of propaganda while the truth is relegated to the fringes where few people hear or read it. The result is that a large portion of our political and economic system results in epidemic levels of fraud, stealing billions if not trillions of dollars from the working class and negligent mass murder, and in some cases, like wars based on lies, intentional mass murder. Even though the evidence for this isn't completely secret and a lot of it is overwhelming, due to epidemic levels of propaganda many people refuse to believe obvious facts, especially when they benefit from it.

Politicians and their campaign donors are almost never held accountable for their crimes including an enormous amount of insider trading which Nancy Pelosi, Diane Fienstien, Joe Manchin, John Boehmer, both the recent GOP Senators that recently lost a special election and many more are caught at; an enormous amount of other white collar crime by both politicians and their allies doing far more damage than petty shoplifting by the poor, and much worse, including when politicians make decisions to enrich their campaign donors even though it leads to the deaths of many innocents. This includes depriving people of health and price gouging, massive amount of pollution killing people in poorer areas, wars based on lies directly and brazenly murdering many more. And in one case after another, instead of arresting those responsible for negligent murder, or sometimes intentional murder, police are routinely ordered to suppress protests against it, often by people much better informed than the majority that relies on corporate media.

This essentially means that instead of protecting the majority of the public, police often become accomplices by helping to suppress solutions and allowing those that are really guilty to remain above the law.

This doesn't necessarily mean all police are bad; I've met at least four or five police officers off duty, and saw a couple of them on duty, and they were decent people. However, it's important to remember what they were trained to do which is different in many police departments. The police I've met off duty all worked in relatively non-violent middle or upper middle class cities, and didn't have to deal with large numbers of poor people or big protests; they were hired to direct traffic or deal with relatively mild conflicts. There may not have been any need to train them to act in an authoritarian and abusive manner.

I went into the training of police in several previous articles including Cops Going Wild To Preserve Oligarchy? which cites Hazing and Bullying in the Police Academy 12/16/2013 by David Couper, the former chief of police of Madison Wisc., who reports about how abusive police training practices teach police to be abusive to civilians, and recommends reform in the way they're trained. This is authoritarian training to blindly teach police to obey orders without question. Whether it's intentional or not, it also teaches police to go along with the crowd of other police when it comes to the blue wall of silence where they encourage us to rat each other out, but they never rat out police, especially when it comes to excessive use of force against working class or poor people, especially minorities.

Police are supposed to protect and serve all the people equally, just like teachers are supposed to teach all students equally; however, when it come to the political activities there's an enormous difference, with the police often trying to lobby to get immunity for themselves, regardless of how well they protect the people, while teachers often buy supplies for poor students and lobby on the behalf of those students, often balancing it with demands for reasonable pay, even though police are typically paid more. There are many stories about teachers buying school supplies although the media rarely covers them, while they're much more likely to provide high profile coverage when police help replace a stolen bike or do fundraisers. Stories like #OutOfMyPocket: Educators Speak Out on Buying Their Own School Supplies 09/14/2018 get far less attention from traditional media, although those that seek them out can find them.

It's extremely rare for police to speak out in favor of more educational spending which would do an enormous amount to reduce the long term causes of all crime, especially violent crime, protecting both the public and the police. If you go through enough studies, which get little or no media attention, you'll find there are some good police that support this, but few hear about it. One exception which happened five years ago and has been mostly forgotten was “Every societal failure, we put it on the cops to solve”: Dallas police chief David Brown. 07/12/2016 Chief Brown said,
“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country. We are. Every societal failure, we put it on the cops to solve, Not enough mental health funding, let the cop handle it. Not enough drug addiction funding, let’s give it to the cops. Here in Dallas we have a loose dog problem. Let’s have the cops chase loose dogs. Schools fail, give it to the cops. 70 percent of the African-American community is being raised by single women, let’s give it to the cops to solve as well. That’s too much to ask. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems. I just ask other parts of our democracy along with the free press to help us.”

If there was a large follow up on this hiring many more teachers, social workers or other people to address the root causes of violence then an enormous amount of violence, crime and other social problems could have been solved, but after the news cycle was over this was quickly forgotten. This is typical of a lot of the most effective research showing productive solutions by addressing the root causes of violence as well; unfortunately what is far more common is police unions demanding qualified immunity or other excuses to avoid accountability when they abuse or kill working class or poor civilians especially minorities, and they almost always win. The few exceptions come after massive amount of protests like Derick Chauvan's prosecution or the firing of Cariol Horne for stopping abuse and possibly saving the life of a victim, but that wasn't reversed until about twelve years later.

The most recent news on this story says Former BPD officer Cariol Horne has pension reinstated. 04/13/2021 This took twelve years and she obviously never should have lost her pension, while the person responsible for this dispute, Officer Greg Kwiatkowski, was allowed to stay on the job years longer than she was even though he should have been charged with use of excessive force in 2006, and he continued to use excessive force against suspects and other police officers, including Cariol Horne, who he attacked after she prevented him from continuing to choke or assault a suspect, possibly saving his life. This officer was implicated in many other assaults including an attack on four teenagers, who were also attacked by at least two other police officers, at a time they were under federal oversight, but they were slow to get caught since they simply declined to fill out a use of force report. There were also other stories about him attacking at least one or two other police officers, yet for a long time he was defended and treated better than her, thanks to the Blue wall of silence now often called the thin blue line, where police are rarely held accountable for obeying the laws they claim to enforce.

It was only after massive protests and more police brutality in Buffalo, including a couple police that knocked down a peaceful elderly protester on camera and left him without medical treatment as they continued to abuse other peaceful protesters that Common Council Passes Law Requiring BPD Officers to Intervene to Stop Excessive Force 09/29/2020 and shortly after that Cariol Horne got her pension back. There are many more cases like this and in the vast majority of them police are still not being head accountable. Supposedly this new laws and perhaps some other reforms might improve things in Buffalo, and there are a few more cities making some reform around the country, but there's no guarantee that they will work; and the vast majority of cities aren't reforming things with virtually no reforms at state or federal levels.

If the case of Cariol Horne is an exception then, like the case of George Floyd, it's an exception because the police officer responsible was partially held accountable because there was massive amount of attention drawn to it. Part of the reason for this is because police brutality is getting caught on camera far more often, but the police brutality has been around all along. This began to change starting with the filming or the Rodney King beating, but even then they were found not guilty with overwhelming evidence; it wasn't until after the riots where they filed federal charges and found them guilty, but they still got relatively mild sentences. In the past ten years the reason attention has increased to this is because far more people have cell phones and are recording police brutality of all kinds, including murder.

The most effective efforts to reform the system and hold police officers accountable for excessive violence have never been passed with the help of many, if any police; instead they passed over large objections from police unions or other organizations. There ahve been small numbers of police who tried to help bring about reforms, but they're routinely ostracized and fired by other police. There have been many efforts from the grassroots to track police violence, including a few articles of my own like A Brief History of Cops Convicted of Murder and other organizations that track much more police violence than me. There no reason to beleive that police are less likely to commit crimes, including violent crimes than the rest of us; if anything they're more likely to be criminals, often because they're rarely held accountable for their crimes.

Nevertheless, the biggest problem isn't the police; it's those giving them orders who are also not accountable to the rule of law, and their campaign donors who get away with much more fraud, often even at the expense of innocent lives. Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the public supports Medicare for All and studies show it saves billions of dollars and thousands of lives every year the vast majority of the politicians are adamantly opposed to it. Instead of arresting those profiting off a corrupt system police routinely arrest protesters for incredibly petty reasons even though politicians refuse to address the will of the people. The same goes for protest about environmental destruction, wars based on lies, and many other subjects. In one case after another politicians ignore the will of the people, partly with the help of the media that refuses to provide fair coverage for honest candidates, ensuring they can't get elected, and police want us to believe that when they suppress legitimate protests under orders from corrupt politicians that they're protecting democracy.

When it comes to any given subject, especially the destruction of the environment, the police are aiding and abetting in corporate corruption by suppressing protests, and this includes epidemic levels of environmental destruction already killing thousands if not millions of people every year, and if we haven't gotten to the point where we're committing ecocide inevitably leading to the destruction of our society and the extinction of thousands of species possibly even including the human race.

Instead of protecting us from environmental destruction the police are helping to ensure that it gets worse. Furthermore, when it comes to the root causes of crime and violence police are constantly suppressing protests that could help address this making us less safe, not more, especially in abandoned inner cities where they have the highest rates of violence, or the South, with the most abuse of children leading to more violence later in life, including higher murder rates in this region. In many cases the protesters that are suppressed by police are demanding better social policies that reduce crime and violence making both citizens and police safer. This is the same kind of policies that both Dallas Police Chief David Brown and Black Lives Matter promoted and there's an enormous amount of research showing that investing in schools, social workers and other programs do far more than get tough on crime laws to reduce violence.

One of the leading causes of violence that I've tried to draw the most attention to is early child abuse, including corporal punishment, which is far worse in states still allowing corporal punishment in schools and this clearly correlates with higher rates of violence in those states. States still allowing corporal punishment in schools had murder rates in 2019 of 6.07 per 100,000, while those not allowing it only had rates of 4.22. The same goes for more police being murdered in the line of duty of police killing civilians in the line of duty. Even though the 19 states still allowing corporal punishment in schools only have about 41.5% of the population they routinely have between 50% and 65% of police murdered or police killing civilians on any given year.

Another one of the leading causes of violence is abandoned inner cities where there are few educational or economic opportunities leading to levels of violence normally only seen in dysfunctional failed states. Many of these cities have murder rates at least two or three times our national average and in a few cases six to ten times the national average. These cities are the ones that need the best police but typically get the worst and the most corrupt. There's plenty of research showing that this crime could be greatly reduced by repairing schools and other social programs that are far more effective than militarized police, yet the political establishment routinely does the opposite, in favor of ideologies of their campaign donors, not the will of the public, or based on the best research.

There's an enormous amount of research showing that effective social programs which both Dallas Police Chief David Brown and Black Lives Matter recommend, including comparisons with other wealthy countries with similar cultures, like Europe, who only have a fraction of the rates of violence, especially murder. In many cases European countries banning corporal punishment in both schools and at home and providing far better educational and economic opportunities with far less income inequality have murder rates a fraction of ours, often between 75% and 90% lower than ours.

Looking into all this research will take longer than one article, but it is available; however, even though polls show that there's large support for productive policies and more research shows we can solve many other problems if the media reported on this research and politicians acted on it, corrupt politicians are far more concerned with rigging the economy in favor of their campaign donors and the media refuses to provide fair coverage for honest politicians. In order for them to get away with this they need police to blindly obey orders and suppress protests supporting the will of the people, often with violence.

It's not even in the best interest of the police to treat the majority of citizens as their enemy, as inevitably happens when they blindly obey orders. With all this talk about how police are putting their lives on the line so they have to protect themselves you might get the impression that abusing or killing civilians actually helps protect them, yet if you look at many of the police who are killed, which isn't nearly as common as they imply, a lot of them are retaliatory killings including the five police officers killed in Dallas and another three in Baton Rouge the same year. These were just a handful of the police killed in retaliation, indicating that killing more civilians actually puts them at risk, not protecting them, and it's often not the most violent ones killed since they're often random.

We supposedly learned that blindly obeying orders is no excuse after World War II, but in many cases that clearly isn't the case, with our military invading one country after another based on lies and terrorising people all over the world, and police at home often gearing up in riot gear with weapons of war to deal with peaceful protests. They seem to be taking the same attitude of the Nazis including Dr. Werner Best, Heinrich Himmler’s right-hand man in the Gestapo who said "As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally." By suppressing peaceful protesters trying to promote effective solutions they're helping suppress those solutions and eventually social problems get worse and they wind up dealing with unstable people like the rioters, who previously supported the police when they were suppressing Black Lives Matter protests with force. They supported the violent faction and it turned on them!

Furthermore, another reason why it's not in the polices best interests to blindly obey orders is that in a growing number of cases, when the political establishment and courts need a scapegoat, instead of accepting blame for their own actions they throw their own police officers under the bus and let them get convicted for excessive force. For a long time there seemed to be an implied unspoken agreement that as long as the police look the other way at the crimes of politicians and enforce abusive practices against the poor or working class, especially minorities they will let them get away with just about everything. That's no longer the case, and by suppressing effective solutions from peaceful protesters they're ensuring a more violent society even endangering the police.

Frédéric Bastiat once said "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." —Upton Sinclair

The following are some additional sources or related articles:

Mapping Police Violence

Killed By Police 2017 (includes May 2013 through July 2018 from archives)

Killed By Police (includes 2015 through November 2020 from archives)

Police have Killed 1,065 in 2020

Key takeaways from Jan. 6 hearing: Powerful testimony counters revisionist history 07/27/2021

Reporter Removed From Kevin McCarthy Press Conference After 1/6 Commission Question: Video 07/05/2021

Capitol Police Arrest Black Caucus Chair Joyce Beatty and Others as They March to Defend Democracy 07/16/2021

Broad Support for Spending Plans 04/26/2021 Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure proposal is broadly popular, registering 68% support and just 29% opposition. Support for this spending plan – covering a gamut of projects from roads and trains to clean energy and internet access – comes from 94% of Democrats and 69% of independents, but just 32% of Republicans.

Majority of Americans Favor Increasing Infrastructure Spending, Poll Finds 07/22/2021 The poll found that in order to pay for the spending, most Americans believe the country should raise taxes on corporations. More than 80% of Americans favor increasing infrastructure funding for roads, bridges and ports, a new poll found. The poll from AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 83% of Americans, including 79% of Republicans and 87% of Democrats, are in support of funding for roads, bridges and ports. While about two-thirds of Americans, 67%, favor funding for affordable housing, just 41% of Republicans do, compared to 85% of Democrats. There is also a wide gap on favorability for free community college tuition, with 27% of Republican in favor, compared to 76% of Democrats. Second to funding for roads, Republicans were most in favor of funding for pipes that supply public drinking water, at 70% support. After roads, Democrats were also most favorable to funding for pipes, at 85% support. Earning the same favorability was funding for caregivers for the elderly and funding for affordable housing.

75 Groups Ask DOJ to Oppose 'Racist' Anti-Protest Laws 08/10/2021

Poll: Americans are more concerned about police violence than violence at protests 07/07/2020

Poll Finds Most Americans Support Protests Against Police Brutality 06/01/2020

Revolution Needed, So Our Corporate Overlords Are Fanning The Flames For Second Civil War 08/15/2021

Baltimore police can no longer earn overtime while on vacation, ending a practice that cost taxpayers 08/12/2021

Civil monetary penalties for labor violations are woefully insufficient to protect workers 07/15/2021

Nearly 200 Wisconsin police officers back on the job after being fired or forced out 08/21/2021

Ex-Buffalo cop gets 4 months in prison in 2009 excessive force case 12/12/2018

Ex-cop seeks to renew judgment from slander verdict against Cariol Horne 05/01/2021

It was all staged. No real supporters! 06/25/2021 Cariol Horne showing Mayor Brown staged the applause for him at a baseball game.

Former NYPD cop indicted for fatal shooting of Long Island friend 08/20/2021

‘Law Must Apply Equally’: Philadelphia DA Announces Charges for Three Former Cops Who Lied Under Oath In Case of Black Man Wrongly Imprisoned for 25 Years 08/23/2021

Syracuse Police Officer Files $33 Million Lawsuit Against the City and Department Alleging ‘Blatant and Extreme Racism’ 08/22/2021

Former Lexington NC officer accused of robbing home while posing as federal officer 08/23/2021

California Police Officer Accidentally Kills Bystander After Attempting to Shoot at Suspect 08/23/2021

Cop Filmed Dragging Student Facedown During Wellness Check Charged with Assault 08/24/2021

Body camera video shows Monroe man beaten by LSP 08/25/2021

Harris County Sheriff’s Office off-duty deputy arrested, charged with violence against family member 08/27/2021

Harris County Sheriff's Office deputy accused of beating intimate partner 08/27/2021

People convicted by "Jim Crow juries" still incarcerated despite Supreme Court ruling 08/24/2021

Only Those Taking Action Against Climate Violence Are Labeled ‘Terrorist’ 08/27/2021

Attorneys for Texas Cop Indicted on Second Murder Charge Slam DA for ‘Waging A War on Police Officers,’ Say Client ‘Will Be Exonerated’ 08/28/2021

Cops Killed a Man Who Was Passed Out in His Car, and No One Knows Why 08/27/2021

Bodycam Footage Released Showing Alabama Cop Fatally Shooting Suicidal Man in 2018 08/28/2021

Mesa Ariz. police officer terminated after internal investigation 08/28/2021

7 Ohio prison employees fired after Black inmate’s death 08/27/2021

Two Weeks, Four Cop Shootings 07/07/2021

Newton, NJ police fatal shooting body cam video of armed U.S. Army veteran, Gulia Dale 08/03/2021

Austin Police Officer Is Charged With Murder in a Second On-Duty Killing 08/27/2021

Mom adds new defendants to lawsuit against La. cops over fatal shooting of son 08/24/2021

Florida cops launch app that lets users film interactions with police after three officer-involved shootings 08/25/2021

LA police officer investigated after 'pressing knee to the neck of NBA player' 08/28/2021

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Monday, August 2, 2021

Walmart Crime Report July 2021

Walmart had at least eleven or twelve shootings again in July 2021, with three of them leading to deaths. At least four more people were injured. Two of the other injuries from a shooting were police officers. Eleven of the shootings were on the premises, the twelfth one started as a carjacking on the premises, but the shooting took place elsewhere, but it was still related to crime at Walmart. There was also a thirteenth shooting a block away from Walmart causing three deaths, but this was unrelated to Walmart's business so it's not counted in the tally.

One of those shootings was caused by an argument at a self-checkout machine when the machine didn't give twenty-two cents in change back. Petty arguments turning into shootings aren't nearly as common as other crimes, mostly shoplifting, that happen at the self-checkout, but it's clear that this leads to a large increase in their crime problems, and Walmart continues trying to increase it, instead of ending it. They're also trying all self-checkout at stores in Plano Texas. There is also another victim from a shooting in June that is still at risk of losing his life from that shooting so that death toll could still rise as well.

In addition to the three people killed in shootings there were two more bodies found on the premises, one employee that died, possibly of heat related health problems, and three more people killed in accidents, bringing the total dead to at least nine. There were only about five other gun related crimes, and fewer other major crimes than usual; however, there's growing reason to suspect that many major crimes aren't being as widely reported as they used to. The first shooting of the month was almost buried in a Google search, on page eight while it was still fresh, and one of the fatal accidents wasn't reported widely until a week later after the victim died as a result of injuries. It was always assumed that many fender benders hardly get any media coverage, but this indicates there may also be many major accidents or gun crimes getting little or no media coverage. As I reported previously, part of the problem is that news outlets and Google are flooding the feed with ads thinly disguised as news articles, which is getting much more common and is burying real news.

Walmart also had one of their own employees attack a seventy year old customer, hitting her repeatedly, although most news stories don't provide full context for this. They had an argument in front of her supervisor, who didn't seem to think there was any need to reprimand the employee, and she walked away back into the store; but the customer wasn't satisfied, and since the supervisor wouldn't take action or give the customer the name of the employee, she followed her back into the store to take her picture to report her to the corporate office for the petty argument, and it was only then, after trying to walk away, when she attacked the woman for taking her picture.

In another incident a so-called "Walmart Karen" accused a black man of stealing her sons phone which turned up in her own car and followed him around the store while he taped her on his phone. It is worth noting that most racist white women aren't named Karen, and most women named Karen aren't racist, and media should do a much better job correcting this so they don't add one prejudicial term to others. There was also a case where a police officer was placed on leave after punching a woman, but eventually cleared of wrongdoing after a few weeks of investigation.

We hear an enormous amount about shoplifting and other petty crimes by the poor, but almost nothing about wage theft or many other white collar crimes, even though they do much more damage. A review on this came out about Walgreens, which was caught at a major wage theft case, but there are many more of these cases, including a lot that I found against Walmart over the years. Wage theft is treated as a civil crime with no criminal penalties. In many cases the vast majority of victims don't go through the courts to get a settlement, but even if they do they can settle for a modest amount. Since Walmart and many other corporations make an enormous amount of profit from wage theft and they only have to pay out a fraction of that our legal system encourages it and wealthy CEOs continue to do it over and over again! Workers won one case in California, but Walmart makes far more than they have to pay for this from cases that either are never filed or settled for a much smaller amount. There was a similar example in a discrimination where the plaintiff was awarded $124 million in punitive damages, but it was reduced to $300,000 by law which is the maximum allowed. This takes away the punishment incentive not to discriminate or commit many other white collar crimes.

Walmart has a long history of vigilantes helping to try to stop thefts or other crimes, including a customer that tackled a man who was running away from police. This suspect may ahve been wanted for something more serious than shoplifting but in many cases this does far more harm than good; it wasn't to long ago that a customer shot and killed someone for stealing diapers, who wasn't a threat to anyone. However there might be some exceptions where it's reasonable, like another case where a suspect was beating a police officer this month and customers came to his defense.

There were also many more shopliftings and assaults, including one suspect from a murder case unrelated to Walmart, although he was caught shoplifting there. They also had a serial con-artist that claimed to be a Walmart manager and convinced new Walmart employees to give her large amounts of cash. You would think they would train them well enough not to fall for that before allowing them to handle that much cash.

There were only a handful of crashes widely reported this month, a couple arson and one knife crime; however, this sharp drop is highly unlikely to be a credible reduction in crime, and more likely to be a reduction in reporting of them on the internet in a manner that's easy to find. If Walmart and the media are making an effort to reduce the reporting of their crime problem instead of addressing the root causes of it, it will be much tougher to know it it's getting better or worse, and more likely that it's getting worse, since public pressure might help encourage the political establishment and corporation to try to solve the problem, even if it reduces profits, which might be the case when reversing self-checkouts or hiring more employees to keep customers and workers both happier and safer.

There were also numerous assaults, sexual harassments, drug busts, a kidnapping that was stopped by a woman who left notes with Walmart employees, purse snatchings, including one where the mother of the suspects turned them in, and more shopliftings than anyone can keep track of, including many that escalate to assaults, often on employees or police.

Walmart continues to deal with problems related to the pandemic, even after it appeared to be almost solved. No more than a week or so after it hit a low point since this first began in March of 2020, the media started hyping how it's getting much worse, even though the increase since it hit a low, is modest and the pandemic is not nearly as bad as it was at it's peak. The state of Colorado is now giving out $100 gift cards from Walmart for those getting the vaccine, which raises major questions about rewarding people for medical choices, which involve vaccines without long term testing, and adds to practices that the government has been carrying out giving Walmart a competitive advantage over other businesses, which is why we have an oligarchy system already, not a free market. Walmart dominates the market because of political ties, not because they look out for the best interests of customers or employees!

Walmart is reinstating mask mandates in some areas, and, on top of that Walmart, many other large corporations and the federal government are now mandating vaccines for their employees, even though they repeatedly claim it's now "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" and unvaccinated people are only putting themselves at risk, assuming the establishment researchers are right about their claims, which are constantly changing. I don't personally have the expertise to oppose vaccinations, and I certainly don't support the most absurd conspiracy theories coming from so-called anti vaxxers; however, that doesn't mean I agree that we should be deprived of our right to informed consent, which should be non-negotiable.

Even though I don't have medical expertise, I do know that there has never been this much of a rush to vaccinate so many people before there were long term studies, and that there have been numerous problems with several of the vaccines. Furthermore, the establishment experts have changed their stories several times, and now there's talk about the possibility that we may need more shots than they previously told us. And there's a massive propaganda operation to convince people to get the shots, without necessarily explaining the science behind it, even though I certainly hope the government experts are far more credible than fringe anti vaxxers. Many past pandemics were much worse and they ended without any vaccines, although this is because, in most cases the scientific research wasn't available to develop them. The worst plagues ended over three hundred years ago and medical experts still don't know why; the Spanish Flu pandemic ended without a vaccine developed specifically for it, although some were developed after the worst of pandemic when there were rarer cases. Smallpox may be the most effective pandemic ended with a vaccine but that was around hundreds of years and they had decades to research it.

I have no doubt that there are some medical experts that have some doubts about the pandemic and vaccines, but the media only seems to cover those that go long with the establishment. Unfortunately if there's a problem with the vaccine then we may not find out about it until it's too late for many people.

Walmart had at least six more recalls last month including of Lettuce, Muffins, Salad Greens, Tyson Chicken, Dole Blueberries and Spices, some for Listeria or Salmonella. These recalls almost never get much media attention so most people that buy them probably never hear about them. Walmart is also continuing to expand their influence in health care including less expensive insulin shots, which we do need, of course, but many would be skeptical of corner cutting oligarchs controlling medical care when they're still more concerned with profits than the health of most customers.

They've been sued for stealing intellectual property, which often involves rich people suing other rich people without anyone representing the majority. This is just one of many lawsuits they're involved in. And thy continue to exchange executives with other large corporations, showing that only a small class of people are involved in upper management in an oligarchy system.

However, that didn't stop one woman from claiming she had the legal right to steal from them because she "Owns Walmart;" the police didn't seem to believe her, although they provided no evidence to refute her claims.

Apparently there may be some people that don't know or care about the fact they're not supposed to be lighting firecrackers at Walmart.

As long as they don't scare any dogs or kids, I don't see what the big deal it.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in July 2021. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

‘915: Hunting Hispanics’ Review: Anatomy of an American Killing 07/01/2021

Man Scans Over $250 Worth of Items at Fla. Walmart Then Walks Out The Door Without Paying 07/01/2021

Man accused of sexually assaulting teen, last Oct., in Ann Arbor Mich.-area Walmart pleads no contest 07/01/2021

Stoughton police searching for man who tried stealing woman’s purse in Wisc. Walmart parking lot 07/01/2021

STOUGHTON, Wis. — Dane County authorities are searching for a man after he tried stealing a woman’s purse in a Walmart parking lot Thursday morning.

Stoughton police said they were called to the Walmart at 2600 STH 138 around 8:30 a.m. The victim of the attempted robbery said the suspect jumped out of the passenger seat of a vehicle, a 2018 Toyota Camry, and tried wrestling her purse away from her.

When he failed to get the purse, the suspect got back in the vehicle’s passenger seat and the driver sped off toward Oregon.

Oregon police later spotted the vehicle traveling northbound on Highway 14 toward Madison. Police tried to stop the vehicle, but the driver continued to flee while driving over 100 mph. Police ultimately stopped the pursuit near Lacy Road. Complete article

CRIME STOPPERS: Man wanted after groping victim at Moline Ill. Walmart 07/01/2021

MOLINE, Ill. (KWQC) - Do you recognize this person? Police say he groped a victim inside the Walmart in Moline earlier this month.

Officials with Crime Stoppers of the Quad Cities say the man was seen in a black and white outfit and followed the victim around the store when he groped her inappropriately.

The victim told police she believed he was younger and a lighter-skinned African American according to officials with Crime Stoppers of the Quad Cities. The suspect’s hood was up the entire time and his face was covered by a mask. Complete article

Walmart’s solution to teaching workers kindness: virtual reality 07/02/2021

It’s no secret that the past year has been a balancing act of emotions. COVID-19, a contentious election and civil unrest have made empathy and hard discussions imperative and have caused emotions and polarization to run high. It also has been a difficult year for employees who work at brick-and-mortar locations like Walmart and interact with customers—whether those conversations are good or bad.

“With the pandemic, you think, how do workers engage with and interact with customers? You think about empathy; do all of our associates take time to think about how [the pandemic has] impacted our customers? How do they deal with difficult conversations that could occur?” Heather Durtschi, senior director of learning, content design and development at Walmart, said last week during an HRE webinar.

To help its workers have hard conversations, Walmart has relied on virtual reality training that enables employees to prepare for these incidents and practice kindness during stressful and challenging times. Complete article

Customer helps foil scanner scam at Ga. Walmart, deputies say 07/01/2021

Three charged with retail fraud in Mich. Walmart scheme 07/01/2021

Grand Junction Colorado Thief Impersonates Walmart Employee, Commits Crime 07/01/2021 In this case, a guy is seen on surveillance videos putting on a Walmart vest and going into the employee break room. At this point, he proceeds to steal stuff out of the employee lockers including a small, square-style backpack with a red zipper, a black wallet containing cash and credit cards, and other personal belongings.

Man Cuts Chain of Parked Bike at Fla. Walmart and Rides Off 07/02/2021

Subject wanted for shoplifting at Ga. Walmart on Bobby Jones Expressway 07/02/2021

Marijuana found at scene of shooting outside Joplin Missouri Walmart store 07/01/2021

Officers responding to a report of shots fired Wednesday afternoon found some marijuana and spent casings scattered across a couple of parking spaces outside a Walmart store in Joplin.

Sgt. Tom Bowin said the 3:30 p.m. incident in the parking lot of the Walmart at 2623 W. Seventh St. remained under investigation Thursday without any arrests having been made.

Bowin said no injuries were reported in the incident. But officers found about 36 grams of marijuana scattered on the ground, along with the casings. Complete article

Shooting at Natchez Mississippi Walmart injures woman, two officers injured bringing suspect into custody 07/03/2021

Officers with the Natchez Police Department, Adams County Sheriffs Office and Mississippi Highway Patrol responded to a shooting at Walmart Saturday night.

One woman was shot multiple times and taken to the hospital and two officers sustained injuries in the detention of a suspect. Natchez Police Chief Joseph Daughtry thanked the ACSO and MHP for their help.

Daughtry said allegedly, an altercation took place between two individuals in the self-checkout line over the machine not giving 22 cents in change back. A gentleman in line offered to give the other man change but the man got irate and started cursing.

In the parking lot, the gentleman went to get a quarter from his car to give it to the man, he said. Then the altercation escalated into a shooting injuring a woman who was with one of the men. Two officers were injured while bringing a suspect into custody. An officer was treated on scene and the other officer was taken to the hospital with a non-life-threatening injury. Complete article

Victim in NY Walmart parking lot shooting, last month, fighting for his life; family wants answers 07/01/2021

ROCHESTER, N.Y - No arrests have been made in shooting that left one dead and injured three others outside Walmart.

Meanwhile, at least one of the victims remains in the hospital, fighting for his life.

Family members say 43-year-old Manuel Rivera and a friend were leaving the Walmart parking lot on Hudson Avenue early Monday morning when fights broke out.

Then came the gunfire.

Police say nearly 50 gunshots were fired. Rivera, his family says, was caught in the crossfire: shot behind the ear and suffering severe brain trauma. Complete article

Man dies in crash at Waterloo Ill. Walmart 07/02/2021

The Waterloo fire department responded along with police and EMS personnel to the Waterloo Walmart parking lot for an overturned vehicle with entrapment shortly before 6 a.m. Friday. ........

Monroe County Coroner Bob Hill identified the deceased as 47-year-old Jason Helberg of East Carondelet. He was the sole occupant of the truck, which overturned after hitting numerous pallets Hill said. Complete article

WEST HAVEN CONN. PD: Man arrested in major drug bust outside of a Walmart 07/02/2021

WEST HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — Police found more than two pounds of heroin and fentanyl in a drug bust outside of a Walmart Thursday afternoon.

On Thursday at 4:30 p.m., West Haven Police interrupted what they believed to be a drug deal taking place in the Walmart parking lot at 515 Saw Mill Road.

After a brief search inside a rented Toyota RAV 4, police located one kilogram of white powder, which was later tested positive for Fentanyl and Heroin. Police also found $5,000 in cash.

The driver of the vehicle, Carlos Matos-Nieves, was arrested and charged. After being fingerprinted, police determined the true identity of Matos-Nieves as German Martinez from New Jersey. Complete article

Woman shoplifted TVs from Ascension La. Walmart, had getaway driver waiting outside 07/01/2021

Attempted Theft at Pa. Walmart Lands Man in Jail 07/01/2021

Man wanted for stealing software packages from SC Walmart 07/02/2021

Greeneville Tenn. police planning to prosecute suspect in indecent exposure incident at Walmart 07/03/2021

No, Walmart Isn’t Writing Off Your Checkout Donations 06/29/2021

Decatur Ill. police seek man who attacked bus driver, threatened Walmart worker 07/05/2021

DECATUR — Police are searching for a man who attacked and repeatedly punched a City of Decatur bus driver Saturday morning, and who earlier had threatened a Walmart employee with a knife.

Police reports show the bus attack occurred about 10:45 a.m. while the vehicle was stopped in the 400 block of East Ash Avenue near the city’s north Walmart store.

Decatur Police Sgt. Brian Earles said the man had climbed onto the bus swearing and was told to stop by the 66-year-old female driver. “The suspect approached her and told her she needs to call him ‘Sir’, at which time he reached around the glass partition and began punching her multiple times with closed fists,” Earles added. ......

Earles said police later heard from a Walmart employee who said they had been engaged in a normal conversation with the same man in the store when he suddenly became aggressive and disrespectful. “He had then removed a large knife from a sheath and stated something similar to ‘I’ll cut you,’” said Earles, who said the employee was unharmed. Complete article

Woman says she owns Wyoming Walmart, so shoplifting isn’t theft 07/05/2021

GILLETTE (WNE) – A California woman accused of taking more than $5,000 worth of merchandise from Walmart told police that it couldn’t be considered shoplifting because she owned the store.

Police found Sina A. Dailey-Sykes, 31, outside of the Gillette store June 18 after Walmart workers had seen her walk out of the store with a cart full of items that she hadn’t paid for. Among them were a hot pink bag, a blue-striped bag and a suitcase, according to an affidavit of probable cause.

Sykes admitted to police that she hadn’t paid for the items, but didn’t need to because the FBI had given her Walmart and she owned the entire contents. Complete article

Walmart’s Play for the Insulin Market Is the Latest Crack in Our Broken Health Care System 07/06/2021

The big-box retailer has found a way to monetize the nation’s desperation.

The deal Walmart has inked with Novo Nordisk, which will allow it to sell the Danish drug manufacturer’s short-acting Novolog insulin for $75 a vial, is nothing short of revolutionary—that is, if you believe the press release the retail Goliath released at the end of June, announcing the arrangement. Several news outlets more or less echoed these sentiments, noting that the price amounted to a discount of up to 75 percent off the typical $300 list price of a life-sustaining drug whose skyrocketing costs have been explicitly tied to multiple deaths in recent years. As the Good News Network put it, “Walmart is seeking to bring ‘everyday low prices’ to medical care.”

And it’s not exactly wrong—while $75 isn’t cheap, it’s significantly less than what a patient paying full freight would shell out at most other pharmacies. But if you’re skeptical that these two multibillion-dollar corporations were suddenly moved by altruism, your doubts are warranted. Far from solving the insulin pricing crisis, this development merely sheds some light on the cracks in the health care system—as well as Walmart’s growing role in monetizing them.

In recent years, insulin has emerged as the popular media’s poster child for pharmaceutical price gouging. Though the formulation of the two major products manufactured by Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk has remained unchanged since the 1990s, their prices have soared by over 1,100 percent. Much of the sticker shock, pharmaceutical companies and their sycophants whine, is thanks to pharmaceutical benefits managers, or PBMs, whom insurance companies contract to handle their drug benefits and who negotiate to receive rebates directly from drug manufacturers. The higher cost, pharma argues, doesn’t represent what most patients actually pay at the pharmacy register, once things go through their insurance. Of course, not everyone in the United States has insurance—and rising numbers of those who do have sky-high deductibles, which they must pay down before their plans cover anything. That inevitably means that a certain number of diabetes patients pay full freight. Complete article

Kanye West Walmart Pulls Foam Runner Knockoffs ... But Lots of 'Em Still Online 07/01/2021

Kanye West's legal team has a lot more work to do if they want to rid the online market of imitation Yeezys -- while Walmart halted sales on its site, hundreds more still exist on others.

West's Yeezy Foam RNNRs have taken the market by storm, so it's no surprise copycats tried to capitalize. However, as of Friday, Walmart had removed all the knockoffs from its online store. Complete article

Man arrested last year at Walmart in The Villages lands back behind bars 07/03/2021

Mexico Walmart reverses decision on seniors bagging groceries 07/01/2021

Verify: Did Walmart in West Sacramento Ca. throw out food because of hot temperatures? 07/03/2021

Eureka! Maine Walmart pole mystery solved! 06/30/2021

Customers Stop To Sing National Anthem At Walmart In Haslet Tx. 07/04/2021

1 person hospitalized after shooting outside NC Walmart on Airport Rd; Suspect fled the scene 07/07/2021

ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — The Asheville Police Department is on the scene of a reported shooting in South Asheville.

Officers were dispatched just after 8 a.m. Wednesday, July 7, to the Walmart at 60 Airport Road after a report of a gunshot wound.

When EMS arrived they found the victim, who had been discovered by Walmart employees and moved inside the building. The victim was transported to Mission Hospital with a critical but non-life-threatening gunshot wound to the leg area.

Officials say the suspect fled the scene and a search is underway. APD says detectives located one shell casing and one bullet in the parking lot. Complete article

Woman dies in crash near LeRay NY Walmart after earlier collision 07/07/2021

LERAY, New York (WWNY) - Police say a woman killed in a crash Tuesday night was involved in a two-vehicle collision earlier in the evening.

State police say 32-year-old Amy Salazar walked into the path of a southbound pickup truck operated by 31-year-old Robert Simmons of Evans Mills on Route 11 near Walmart in the town of LeRay around 10:30 p.m.

Salazar, who was from the Carthage area, was pronounced dead at the scene. Complete article

Pedestrians struck by car in Pa. Walmart parking lot 07/06/2021

One person was transported to the hospital after being struck by a vehicle in the Walmart parking lot on the Fourth of July.

Mahoning Township police Chief Audie Mertz said the incident occurred at 12:44 p.m. Sunday when a car was traveling through the parking lot and hit pedestrians.

Mertz said more details will be released once the investigation is complete. Complete article

Man arrested after allegedly fleeing deputies at Alcoa Tenn. Walmart 07/06/2021

A Loudon man was booked into the Blount County jail on the Fourth of July after he allegedly led deputies on a vehicle pursuit the day prior.

Ricky Lynn Burnette, 51, was arrested by Blount County Sheriff’s deputies at 6:15 p.m. July 4 and charged with felony evading arrest, reckless endangerment and two counts of violation of probation.

He was being held without bond on the violation of probation charges pending a 1:30 p.m. hearing July 7, and on bonds totaling $12,500 on all other charges pending a 9 a.m. hearing July 9. Both hearings will take place in Blount County General Sessions Court. Complete article

COVID-19 outbreak reported at Pagosa Springs Colorado Walmart 07/01/2021

Ten employees of the Pagosa Springs Walmart have tested positive for COVID-19, making it one of the largest outbreaks in Archuleta County since the start of the pandemic.

The outbreak, first identified June 12, prompted Walmart to close the store temporarily for deep cleaning. The state defines outbreaks as five or more cases within a single facility in a 14-day period. Outbreaks were previously defined as two or more cases within a 14-day period.

“This is one of the largest outbreaks we’ve investigated to date in Archuleta County,” said Liane Jollon, executive director of San Juan Basin Public Health, in a news release.

The outbreak is tied as the county’s fourth largest as of Wednesday. All those who tested positive were isolated and those identified as unvaccinated who had close contact with the infected were put on quarantine, SJBPH said. Complete article

Miami Lawyers Win For Fla. Walmart in Suit Over Customer's Fall 07/07/2021

A Pompano Beach Walmart store prevailed against a fallen customer who claimed that the store had not been well maintained.

On Oct. 7, 2019, plaintiff Tomasa Fortaneli Ponce, 39, a cleaning company’s operator, fell while she was shopping at a store that was located at 2300 W. Atlantic Blvd., in the city of Pompano Beach.

She claimed that she suffered injuries of her back and neck. Complete article

Wisc. Walmart sues the city, again, over property taxes 07/07/2021

Walmart has filed another lawsuit against the city of Oshkosh, arguing that its supercenter on South Washburn Street isn’t worth nearly what the assessor thinks.

The new case, filed June 30, says that the value of the property is no more than $10.4 million, compared to the $13.1 million that the city says it’s worth.

Three years ago the city assessed the property at $16.6 million.

But Walmart sued in 2019 and again last year. The 2019 suit was settled out of court while the 2020 case is continuing. A status conference is scheduled for next week in last year’s dispute. Complete article

Suspects wanted for arson at Walmart stores in Mississippi, Alabama 07/06/2021

Sturbridge Mass. police looking for man that allegedly broke into vehicle, used stolen credit card in Walmart 07/07/2021

Fact check: Post about predatory behavior at a Kentucky Walmart is false 07/06/2021

Woman accused of multiple larcenies at Franklin Va. Walmart 07/06/2021

Man shot to death while sitting in Georgia Walmart parking lot 07/08/2021

A man was fatally shot outside a Warner Robins Walmart late Wednesday, and police are searching for the gunmen.

According to local police, the man was sitting at the Walmart on 502 Booth Road about 9:30 p.m. when he was shot.

The victim was taken to Houston Healthcare, where he was pronounced dead. His name has not been released. Complete article

Warner Robins police identify homicide victim found in Walmart parking lot 07/08/2021

1 man, 1 juvenile arrested in fatal Georgia Walmart shooting 07/15/2021

Two injured after shooting at W. Riverside Walmart in Rockford Ill. 07/07/2021

A vehicle in the parking lot was shot multiple times by a person in a dark colored four-door vehicle.

ROCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) - “All of a sudden I heard screaming that somebody got shot,” said witness Mary Anne Hernandez.

Hernandez just stepped off the bus around 2 p.m. Wednesday afternoon at the Walmart on West Riverside Blvd when she looked over and saw a person from one car firing shots at another car.

“I think they were in the handicapped lane in a gray PT Cruiser, and I looked up, and some guy had two bullet shots in his stomach,” Hernandez said. Complete article

UPD officer attacked by shoplifting suspect at Taylorsville Utah Walmart 07/09/2021

TAYLORSVILLE, Utah — A Walmart loss prevention officer in Taylorsville is being called a hero for helping stop an attack on a Unified Police Department deputy.

Security cameras captured the incident that happened on the night of June 15.

What started as a routine shoplifting case turned violent quickly and the officer nearly lost an eye in the scuffle. Complete article

Mother turns in daughter and friend who allegedly snatched woman’s purse at Tenn. Walmart 07/08/2021

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Memphis police say a mother turned her daughter and a friend in after they allegedly snatched someone’s purse at a local Walmart.

The incident happened June 28 at a Walmart in the 7500 block of Winchester Road.

The victim told police two women grabbed her purse and ran out of the store, according to an affidavit. Complete article

Walmart’s Black Senior Managers Don’t Recommend Working There 07/09/2021

An internal survey commissioned by the retailer offered blunt assessments of the Black employee experience.

Some high-ranking Black managers at Walmart Inc. say career advancement is difficult at the retail chain and they wouldn’t recommend working there, a recent internal survey commissioned by the company found.

The report, which was presented to members of the company’s senior leadership late last year and seen by Bloomberg News, asked 56 Black supervisors, senior managers and directors about the barriers that made it difficult to achieve their career goals. A majority of those surveyed gave mediocre rankings for career satisfaction. Complete article

Walmart Accused Of Voice-Tracking Warehouse Workers 07/07/2021

Law360 (July 7, 2021, 6:18 PM EDT) -- A former Walmart warehouse worker has hit the retailer with proposed class claims that it violated certain Illinois employees' biometric privacy rights by requiring them to use voice recognition software to track their order fulfillment work without first obtaining informed consent.

Andrew Barton claimed Friday that Walmart has violated the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act by requiring its fulfillment center workers to speak into a headset with software that captures and uses their voiceprints as they're picking and packing items without ever outlining its data collection practices or obtaining their informed consent.

Walmart asserts that the practice allows it to track... Complete article

Six Months After Capital Riot, Walmart, AT&T, Intel And Others Renege On Political Donations Pledge 07/06/2021

In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot, dozens of large companies pledged to avoid donations to the 147 Republicans, who objected to Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s victory based on former President Donald Trump’s election lies.

Six months later, many of those large companies have turned their backs to those pledges and American democracy, continuing to seek political influence through corporate donations to Republican groups.

Walmart, Pfizer, Intel, General Electric and AT&T are just a few of the corporations that have restarted their political donations to Republicans. The companies have tried to circumvent the situation by saying donating directly to a candidate is different from a Super PAC.

However, the Associated Press notes many of these companies made their donations through super PACs before they made the pledge, making their argument pointless.

“Pledging not to give to a certain person doesn’t mean that much when there are so many other ways that corporate money reaches elected officials,” Daniel Weiner, a former senior counsel at the Federal Election Commission told the AP. “These pledges are largely symbolic.” Complete article

Bridgeport Women Accused Of Stealing $230 Worth Of Items From Conn. Walmart 07/07/2021

Woman thought it was easy to steal from Sebastian Fla. Walmart 07/06/2021

Rome Man Jailed for Masturbating in front of Woman at Ga. Walmart 07/07/2021

Man Steals Tire From Fla. Walmart And Refuses to Show Receipt When Stopped 07/08/2021

Stow Ohio police seek info on shots fired at Hudson Drive Walmart 07/10/2021

Stow police are investigating a report that someone fired shots from a vehicle into the Walmart at 3520 Hudson Drive about 1:11 a.m. Saturday morning.

Police said the store was closed, but employees were working inside when somebody drove up in a 2002 to 2005 tan Ford Explorer and fired about six shots into the store's front doors. No injuries were reported.

The vehicle then fled around the south end of Walmart. Complete article

16-year-old charged in West Helena Arkansas Walmart carjacking 07/09/2021

WEST HELENA, Ark. — Helena-West Helena Police say a 16-year-old has been charged in connection with a carjacking at the West Helena Walmart.

The carjacking happened at around 11:44 a.m. Thursday morning. The victim reportedly told police he was getting out of his car when a teen approached him with a firearm and demanded his keys.

The victim gave the teen his keys and called 911 as the teen drove away.

Police say they later learned the victim’s car was involved in a shooting at Tony’s Grocery in Helena. Officers later found the car in the 400 block of Baker Street in West Helena. Complete article

Oregon OSHA investigating death of Walmart warehouse worker in Hermiston 07/09/2021

Family said they are waiting on a preliminary autopsy from the medical examiner's office to determine whether the employee's death was heat-related.

HERMISTON, Ore. — A man died in late June after working in the heat at a Walmart distribution center in Hermiston, according to family.

Family said Kenton Scott Krupp, 51, was either leaving work or taking a lunch break when he collapsed outside the distribution center on his way to his car. He had just begun working at the warehouse within the last month.

A workplace death on June 24 at a warehouse in Hermiston was reported to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Its workplace fatalities database lists the cause of death as "unknown" for now. Complete article

Racine Co. Wisc. Walmart employee arrested, accused of punching elderly woman in the head 07/09/2021

MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A 17-year-old girl is facing charges after police say she repeatedly punched an elderly woman while working as a cashier at Walmart Wednesday, July 7.

The Mount Pleasant Police Department responded to the store on Oakes Road and Durand Avenue around 7:06 p.m. for reports of a 71-year-old woman who was punched multiple times in the head by a cashier.

Police say the female victim, a resident of Racine County, sustained injuries to the head and face but did not require immediate medical attention.

Both the employee and victim indicated that the incident arose over a verbal argument. Complete article

Elderly woman attacked by Walmart employee speaks out 07/09/2021

Walmart worker assaulted elderly customer, prosecutors say 07/09/2021 The victim said while she was trying to take the picture, Velasquez tried to grab the phone and said "don't take my picture." The victim said Velasquez then punched her in the head multiple times, according to the complaint. The assault continued until another employee pilled Velasquez off the victim.

Woman filing suit against Walmart after she says she was viciously attacked by an employee 07/15/2021

DeWitt police officer placed on leave after punching woman during arrest at NY Walmart 07/09/2021

DEWITT N.Y. — A Dewitt police officer is on paid administrative leave following an altercation at a Walmart in East Syracuse.

A controversial social media post shows the officer punching a woman in the face on July 4th in the store on Basile Road. Town of Dewitt officer, Rory Spain, whose been on the force three years, is on leave until an internal investigation is complete.

“While in route officers were advised that the employees were being threatened, struck in the face, and the customers had also been pepper-sprayed by the same two suspects,” says Public Information Officer, Lt. Jerry Pace. Complete article flash briefing: Officer who punched woman at NY Walmart cleared of wrongdoing 07/30/2021

DA Dow Announces $9,000 Settlement with Walmart 07/11/2021

Walmart agrees to pay for selling disinfecting wipes at an exorbitant profit during the pandemic

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY — On Friday, Jul. 9, San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow announced that he reached a settlement agreement with Walmart Corporation in a civil matter brought against Walmart by the District Attorney’s Consumer Protection Unit for an unfair business practice of price gouging when selling disinfecting wipes to consumers in San Luis Obispo County during May and June 2020.

On Apr. 3, 2020, the Governor of California issued Executive Order N-44-20, which ordered in part the prohibition of offering to sell or selling medical or emergency supplies that a retailer had not previously sold prior to Feb. 4, 2020, for “an unconscionably excessive price.”

The order defined a price as “unconscionably excessive” if that price is more than 50 percent greater than the amount the business paid for the item. Complete article

Ex-credit card exec to lead Walmart Plus 07/07/2021

Walmart Inc. has hired an American Express executive to head Walmart Plus, the subscription service that debuted last year.

Chris Cracchiolo will start Monday at the Bentonville-based retailer, the company said Tuesday in a memo. He replaces David Echegoyen as senior vice president and general manager of Walmart Plus.

Cracchiolo is a 19-year veteran of American Express, serving most recently as senior vice president of global rewards and lifestyle benefits.

Janey Whiteside, Walmart's chief customer officer, said in the memo to employees that Cracchiolo "is an incredible leader of high-performing teams, strategic and driven to create compelling benefits for consumers." Complete article

Two Arrested After Stealing $1200 Worth Of Merchandise From Md. Walmart 07/09/2021

Gas Leak At Temecula Ca. Walmart Forces Evacuation 07/08/2021

CRIME STOPPERS: Man steals $1k+ worth of items from Walmart in Moline Ill. 07/08/2021

Doctor reacts to Walmart releasing cheaper insulin brand 07/09/2021

Woman rescued from man after notes left at Walmart, Fallingwater Pa. 07/12/2021

SCOTT TWP., Pa. — A woman was rescued by police after notes were left in the women’s bathroom at two locations, asking for help.

On Channel 11 News at 6 p.m., investigators tell us how the victim was able to notify police that she was in trouble through a series of notes she left around the area.

Corey Brewer, 38, of Pittsburgh, faces sexual assault and unlawful restraint charges after the incident. Complete article

Police: Man passes out behind wheel, crashing into barrier at NC Walmart 07/10/2021

Aman was charged Thursday night after his car crashed into the barriers in front of the entrance at Walmart.

Phillip Edwards, 33, of Hill Road in Marion, was charged with driving while impaired, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of schedule II narcotics, according to a release from the Morganton Department of Public Safety.

The charges came after emergency responders were called to Walmart on West Fleming Drive in the Morganton Heights Shopping Center for a reported cardiac arrest around 8:30 p.m. Thursday, the release said.

When officers arrived on scene, it was learned that Edwards had allegedly passed out behind the wheel, sending his car into the bollards in front of the pharmacy entrance.

The car’s tires were squalling against the bollards, which were the only things stopping it from going through the sliding entrance doors of the store, the release said. Complete article

Walmart's New Insulin Still Too Expensive, Advocates Say 07/01/2021

The retail giant Walmart has launched its first private brand of analog insulin in the United States, called ReliOn Novolog, but some advocates worry the lower-cost drug is still too expensive for many.

The products will be available at Walmart pharmacies this week and at Sam's Club pharmacies across the U.S. by mid-July. Like the brand-name Novolog, they will also be manufactured by Novo Nordisk and will require a prescription.

The new product will cost $72.88 per vial and $85.88 for a package of FlexPens. This represents savings of 58% to 75% off the cash price of branded analog products, or up to $101 per branded vial and $251 per FlexPens package, according to the company. Walmart's other ReliOn insulins — NPH, Regular, and 70/30 mix — are all human insulin rather than analog insulin,and sell for about $25 a vial. The similar apid-acting lispro analog insulin (Admelog, Sanofi) retails for about $150 a vial.

Analog insulin differs from human insulin; the former is typically lab-made and is considered to be more effective and easier to administer than human insulin. Complete article

Walmart Neighborhood Market grocery store in Des Plaines to close 07/06/2021 A Walmart Neighborhood Market store in Des Plaines, Ill. shown here before its 2014 grand opening, will close by Aug. 6, the company announced Tuesday.

Waco Tx. Walmart evacuated after bomb threat 07/11/2021

Suspect sought after stealing woman’s credit card at Colonial Heights Va. Walmart 07/12/2021

Purse stolen from a Cambria County Pa. Walmart, police search for person of interest 07/12/2021

Dispute leads to shooting outside Ga. Walmart, store evacuated 07/13/2021

ATLANTA — A woman is in serious condition and another woman is in custody after an argument escalated to a shooting outside of a Walmart in the City of South Fulton late Tuesday morning.

According to Chief Keith Meadows, with the City of South Fulton Police Department, it happened around 9:45 a.m. at the Walmart Supercenter located on Old National Highway.

Investigators have not said what led to the argument between the two women.

Meadows said the suspect ran into the store with the gun following the shooting, which led to the store being evacuated. Police said they recovered the gun. Complete article

'We came for lunch and ended up in a crime scene' | Customers react to Walmart parking lot shooting 07/13/2021

19-year-old woman ID’d as suspect in South Fulton Walmart shooting 07/14/2021

Walmart Poaches Amex Exec To Head Walmart+ 07/06/2021

Walmart has hired an executive from American Express to run its Walmart+ membership program, which a report from TheStreet called the retailer’s answer to Amazon Prime.

The new face in charge is Chris Cracchiolo, who worked for nearly two decades with American Express, according to the report. He’ll be taking over as of July 12, replacing the outgoing David Echegoyen, who is departing for a private equity firm.

Walmart+ offers subscribers unlimited free delivery, including same-day delivery for some items, fuel discounts and no checkout lines. In stores, customers can use the Scan & Go feature, which allows them to use the company’s app to pay for goods at checkout, according to the report. Complete article

WIC cards can now be used at self-checkouts at SC Walmart, Kroger stores 07/12/2021

I Almost Called the Police and Broke Down Crying at Maine Walmart 07/13/2021

Greeneville man arrested on child support warrant outside Tenn. Walmart 07/13/2021

Artificial Intelligence Is On The Side Of Apes? Tesla-Fame's AI-Based ETF Sells Facebook, Walmart And Buys AMC 07/12/2021

Springfield Missouri police investigate fatal shooting at Walmart Neighborhood Market on S. Glenstone 07/14/2021

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -The Springfield Police Department is investigating a fatal shooting at a Walmart Neighborhood Market on S. Glenstone and E. Bennett.

According to SPD Lt. Steve Schwind, the shooting happened around 12:30 p.m. when a man approached another man in a white van in front of the store. There was an altercation that led to the driver shooting 33-year-old Tanner L. Stichka and killing him. Police are unsure at this time what led to the altercation.

Schwind says the man who shot Stichka is working with investigators to provide a statement on what happened. Complete article

Benton County man arrested in Springfield after deadly shooting in front of Walmart Neighborhood Market 07/14/2021

Man arrested for fatal shooting at a Springfield Walmart released without charges 07/15/2021 According to Springfield Police, the man was delivering pharmaceuticals to the pharmacy at the Walmart Neighborhood Market at Glenstone and Bennett. He had been arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder, but was released Thursday after prosecutors declined to charge him.

Cops Save Husky from Hot Car After Owner Is Shot and Killed Outside of Missouri Walmart 07/19/2021

Trackdown: Help find man wanted for Walmart bank robberies in Dallas, Mesquite Tx. 07/15/2021

DALLAS, Texas - In this week's Trackdown, police are seeking help to find a bank robber who has hit at least two banks in two North Texas cities by threatening tellers with a weapon.

Police think the jobs have been planned, and the banks are inside Walmart neighborhood stores.

One of the robberies was at the Walmart in the 900 block of North Town East Boulevard in Mesquite. It happened at about 10 a.m. on June 14.

"The suspect came in, produced a note, and when questioned about the note, he then produced a knife and the teller gave him…ended up having to give him the money," explained Mesquite PD Det. Dustan Barrett. "He took off on foot to an adjoining neighborhood, and from there, we have lost him on our cameras." Complete article

Watch: Man robs bank inside Walmart Neighborhood Market in Uptown Dallas Tx. 07/14/2021

Ca. ‘Walmart Karen’ Falsely Accuses Black Man Of Stealing Her Son’s Phone 07/15/2021 It is worth noting that most racist white women aren't named Karen, and most women named Karen aren't racist, and media should do a much better job correcting this so they don't add one prejudicial term to others.

Another conflict caught on video between a Black man and an irate, accusatory white woman has surfaced and gone viral.

California resident Ja’Shear Bryant posted a video on Facebook Monday (July 12) of a horrid interaction he had with an unidentified woman at a Moreno Valley Walmart.

The footage shows the visibly upset woman standing in the parking lot with her cellphone up to her ear. While the beginning of Bryant’s exchange with the woman was not captured on video, he claims the woman falsely accused him of stealing her young child’s phone.

Bryant says the woman was eyeing him in the store at around the time her child’s phone had seemingly gone missing.

“I know I’m Black with tattoos, so she automatically assumes I have it,” he said in the video. Complete article

Here We Go Again: Karen Follows Black Man Around Walmart Over ‘Stolen’ Phone Found in Her Own Car 07/15/2021

$102 Million Wage and Hour Judgment Against Walmart Reversed 06/22/2021

In a significant victory for California employers, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a $102 million award against Walmart in a suit alleging that the retailer violated the California Labor Code's wage statement and meal-break provisions. The decision is Magadia v. Wal-Mart Associates, Inc., May 28, 2021, No. 19-16184.

The 9th Circuit's opinion is an important clarification of the cognizable harm required to establish Article III standing under the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) and the labor code's wage statement requirements. Complete article

Walmart is testing an all-self-checkout Supercenter in Plano Tx. 07/16/2021

Walmart is testing an all-self-checkout Supercenter in Plano at one of its biggest local stores and one where growing families can easily pile high a grocery cart.

It’s calling the process “hosted checkout” because employees are standing by to help if customers need it.

Kroger has been testing all self-checkout at a small urban store on Cedar Springs in Dallas, but the sight of no cashier lanes in a store as big as Walmart’s Plano Supercenter stocked with more than 120,000 items and surrounded by suburban rooftops is daunting.

Target, Kroger and Costco stores have all adopted the evolved self-checkout process with assistance but still offer the option to go through a regular cashier-staffed, conveyor-belted line.

Some Walmart shoppers said they’re on the fence about the all-self-checkout store and are worry that jobs are being eliminated. But they’ve noticed that it’s faster. Complete article

Iowa Walmart raises nearly $40,000 for Hiawatha food bank 07/14/2021

OPD to Hold School Supply Drive at Mississippi Walmart Next Week 07/14/2021

Leonardtown Man Arrested for Shoplifting at Md. Walmart 07/13/2021

Kennewick Wash. Police looking for a suspected Walmart thief 07/14/2021

Topeka Kansas Fire trains to fight fires at new Walmart Distribution warehouse 07/13/2021

Man Steals Over $400 Worth of Meat From Fla. Walmart 07/14/2021

Officers investigate after several gunshots fired near Raleigh NC Walmart, police say 07/16/2021

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — Raleigh officers were investigating after gunshots were fire Friday night near the Walmart store along New Bern Avenue, police said.

A shooting was reported at the store just before 10:45 p.m.

By 11 p.m. there was a large police presence outside the left side of the store at 4431 New Bern Ave.

An officer at the scene later said it did not appear as if anyone was shot, but they were continuing to investigate. Complete article

Jury awards Manitowoc woman more than $125 million in discrimination lawsuit against Walmart 07/16/2021 Reduced to $300,000

MANITOWOC - A Green Bay-based jury returned a verdict in favor of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in a disability discrimination case against Walmart.

The jury found the company failed to accommodate an employee at a Manitowoc Walmart.

The jury awarded the employee $150,000 in compensatory damages and $125 million in punitive damages after the four-day trial and three hours of deliberation, according to a Friday EEOC release regarding the court's decision.

A Walmart spokesman, Randy Hardgrove, emailed the Herald Times and said that under federal law, the damages will be reduced to the maximum amount allowed, which is $300,000. Complete article

Colorado is giving out $100 Walmart gift cards at these 2 Boulder vaccine clinics 07/16/2021

BOULDER, Colo. — To continue to incentivize people to get a COVID-19 vaccine, the state is handing out approximately 200 $100 Walmart gift cards at two vaccine clinics in Boulder in the coming days.

It’s worth mentioning that Boulder does not have a Walmart (the nearest locations are Broomfield and Lafayette, though the state says the gift cards also work for online purchases). Complete article

Person of interest wanted for stealing purse from victim at Walmart in Macon Ga. 07/14/2021

Man arrested after allegedly stealing from Fort Dodge Iowa Walmart twice 07/15/2021 Joseph Midkiff was arrested on several felony charges. He is accused of stealing jewelry from the same Walmart twice.

‘Creepy man’ exposes himself to children buying school supplies at Fla. Walmart, DeLand police say 07/15/2021

West Melbourne Fla. Walmart temporarily closes for deep cleaning 07/16/2021

Metro Police search for suspect who allegedly fired shot inside West Nashville Tenn. Wal-Mart store on June 23, 07/16/2021

Two men suspected of stealing wallet from Sturbridge Mass. gas station, shoplifting from Walmart 07/17/2021

OPD: Off-duty Douglas County deputy pepper sprayed at Nebraska Walmart 07/17/2021

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - Omaha Police responded to a “Help an Officer” call Saturday night after reports of an off-duty deputy being pepper-sprayed by a customer at Walmart.

Police tell 6 News around 9:20 on Saturday night, they were dispatched to the Walmart on North 52nd and Ames after an off-duty Douglas County Sheriff’s Deputy hit the emergency response button on his vest.

“There was a Douglas County Sheriff’s Deputy working off-duty inside the store, who attempted to stop a shoplifter that was leaving with property,” says Lt. Shane Myers with Omaha Police. “During the contact with the individual, the suspect pulled out some pepper spray and pepper-sprayed the deputy, who was then able to call for help.” Complete article

Skokie Ill. Walmart Evacuated Due To Toilet Paper Display Fire 07/17/2021

SKOKIE, Ill. (CBS) — A Walmart in Skokie was evacuated Saturday after a toilet paper display caught fire.

The incident happened at the Walmart Supercenter at 3626 Touhy Ave. in the north suburb.

Skokie police Sgt. Denise Franklin said the Skokie police quickly extinguished the burning toilet paper and no one was injured but everyone had to leave the store.

Police could not confirm reports that someone suspected of setting the toilet paper on fire was apprehended by officers and store security. Complete article

Police seek man who made ‘unwanted advances’ toward young girl in Wake Forest NC Walmart 07/17/2021

WAKE FOREST, N.C. (WNCN) — Wake Forest town officials said Saturday police are looking for a man who made “unwanted advances” toward a girl at a Walmart store.

The incident in which a man harassed a young girl happened Friday night inside the Walmart at 2114 S. Main St., according to Wake Forest spokesman Bill Crabtree.

Crabtree said the incident happened sometime after 9:30 p.m. and that the man then ran out of the store. Complete article

‘Pay attention’; hear North Carolina mom’s emotional plea after her daughter was assaulted, nearly kidnapped at Walmart 07/19/2021

Walmart automating packing of pallets 07/15/2021

Walmart Inc. is adopting an automated pallet-packing system that it has been testing in 25 of its 42 regional distribution centers.

The Bentonville-based retailer has used the technology since 2017 at a warehouse in Florida. Walmart is now integrating the system into its regional network, the company said Wednesday.

High-speed, mobile bots will sort, store, retrieve and pack freight onto pallets. A complex algorithm enables them to organize and load the freight in a dense, modular fashion that makes full use of storage capacity.

Using robotics to organize and optimize freight "creates custom store- and aisle-ready pallets, which take the guesswork out of unloading trucks," said Joe Metzger, executive vice president of supply chain operations for Walmart U.S. Complete article

Walmart workers reveal the most shocking part of their jobs, from customers snacking in the store to people trying to return boxes filled with bricks or well-worn underwear 07/16/2021

Anyone working a public-facing job might expect to encounter some shocking moments, especially in the retail industry. That's especially true for Walmart's legion of nearly 1.6 million US store employees, who work at the largest retail chain in the world.

Insider spoke to six workers - four currently employed by Walmart and two who recently worked there - about the most shocking aspects of their jobs. We confirmed the employment status of every employee cited in this story. Several workers interviewed asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution. .....

Gypsy Noonan, a former Walmart cashier and a member of the labor activist group United for Respect, told Insider that she ended up experiencing a stress-related seizure at work in January 2020. Noonan said that aspects of the job that particularly stressed her out included dealing with shoplifters and working the registers without backup.

She said the stress didn't abate until she left the company.

"Whenever I would get work, before I would clock in, I would pull up my car and I would just sit in my car and try to mentally talk myself into going in there," she said. Complete article

City considers solar power for 2 Albany Ga. Walmart locations 07/16/2021

Environmentalists call thicker Walmart plastic bags an attempt around new Conn. law 07/16/2021

Spartanburg man left 2 kids in hot car outside SC Walmart; then asked for AC when he was put in patrol car 07/17/2021

Judge hands man 15-year sentence in deadly stabbing outside Walmart in New Orleans La. in Dec. 2019 07/16/2021

Man Wanted For Stealing $375 Worth Of Items From Long Island NY Walmart 07/17/2021

3 Sought In Armed Robbery At Roseville Ca. Walmart 07/18/2021

ROSEVILLE (CBS13) – Authorities are investigating an armed robbery that happened at a Walmart in Roseville, police said on Sunday.

According to the Roseville Police Department, three Black men entered the store at around 6 p.m. and showed a gun to an employee.

Investigators said the men got away with an unknown amount of electronics. This happened at the Walmart along Pleasant Grove Boulevard. Complete article

UPDATE: Situation no longer active at Walmart on East side of Green Bay, Wisc., suspect left area 07/19/2021

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) – According to the Brown County Sheriff’s the scene at the Walmart on Main Street is no longer active.

Local 5 reporter Faith Alford says customers are leaving the store a few at a time. Lieutenant John Bain of the Brown County Sheriff’s says the incident is being called a disturbance and no one was injured.

Walmart was locked down for 20 minutes.

Authorities say that the suspect has left the scene. Complete article

Couple charged with using child to help steal items from Walmart in Mullins SC 07/19/2021

MULLINS, S.C. (WBTW) – A couple has been charged with repeatedly using a child to steal items from a Walmart in Mullins.

Police say surveillance video shows Cody Fullwood, 39, of Galivants Ferry, with a 10-year-old in the Walmart on Commerce Drive. Video shows the child pushing a cart with an air conditioner in it out the door and to a Silverado pickup. What appears to be a woman in shorts and a ponytail helped the child load the air conditioner on the truck, police said.

The child is seen in the video returning to the store and about 10 minutes later, pushing a cart with another air conditioner out to the truck where the woman loads it, according to the report. Complete article

Wanted man chased through Tenn. Walmart parking lot 07/18/2021

Two men accused of stealing nearly $1,800 in merchandise from Ripley WV Walmart 07/19/2021

COVID: Morning Joe Suppresses Kamala Hospital Visit, Slurs Walmart Shoppers 07/19/2021 Morning Joe suppressing Kamala Harris's visit to Walter Reed hospital after meeting with Covid-infected Texas Democrats, and Mika Brzezinski condescending to the People of Walmart, was sponsored in part by Casper, and—ironically—Walmart! Perhaps Walmart would be interested to learn that a show it sponsors is looking down its elitist nose at Walmart shoppers!

Police believe Hartford Conn. Walmart bomb threat was a 'swatting' incident 07/19/2021

Merced Ca. police investigating shooting near Walmart, one man fatally injured 07/20/2021

Merced police are investigating a shooting that left one man dead near a busy shopping center Monday evening.

At 6:43 p.m. officers responded to the 3000 block of Loughborough Drive between Walmart and the nearby shopping center for a reported shooting, Merced Police Department Lt. Emily Foster said.

Police arrived to find an adult male driver of a silver Mercedes suffering from at least one gunshot wound. He was taken by ground ambulance to Mercy Medical Center in Merced and was later pronounced dead, according to Foster. Complete article

Merced police identify suspect, 20, in teen’s fatal shooting near Walmart 07/27/2021

Sheriff's office says it has identified 'upset' Wisc. Walmart customer whose holstered gun led to 911 call 07/19/2021

BELLEVUE – Sheriff's deputies continued late Monday afternoon to try to contact the man who took a holstered handgun into the Main Street Walmart that morning, prompting a store employee to call 911.

Witnesses in the store described that man as "upset," but he did not fire his gun or offer any indication he intended to, Brown County Sheriff's Lt. John Bain said at a morning media briefing.

The man left the store. Law enforcement officials said they want to question the man, but said it was too early to tell if he violated any laws.

He "did not show any intentions of an active shooter" and authorities don't think he was a threat, Bain said at a news briefing outside the nearby Fleet Farm store, where the sheriff's office conducted media interviews. The man is believed to have been at Walmart to cash a check, Bain said. Complete article

Tuttletown man stops suspect during Ca. Walmart foot chase 07/19/2021

Timothy Longson was standing in line at the Walmart pharmacy counter in Sonora on July 12 when he saw a man running through the store in his direction pursued by a contingent of Sonora police officers.

"He was focused on one thing, and that was getting out of there," Longson said.

Longson, 60, of Tuttletown, realized something was amiss. Within less than a minute, he had the man pinned to the floor and detained when the officers arrived to arrest him moments later.

"I would do it again," Longson said. "The problem is, there are not enough people out here that have human kindness or are willing to step in." Complete article

Shoplifting Is Big News; Stealing Millions From Workers Is Not 07/19/2021

Urban crime is the golden child of local media, as recent FAIR coverage (6/21/21) has shown. But as FAIR’s Julie Hollar recently noted, the amount of attention given to a topic does not always reflect the seriousness of the situation.

An alleged “crime surge” at Walgreens drugstores in San Francisco was a hot topic for Bay Area news outlets in the early months of 2021. When Lyanne Melendez, a reporter for the ABC-owned KGO-TV in San Francisco, tweeted out a cellphone video of a brazen shoplifter, it elevated this narrative into a nationwide story. The video purports to show a man apparently filling a garbage bag with items before riding a bicycle out of the store, as two people, one of whom seems to be a store security guard, record him.

FAIR identified 309 published pieces on the 21-second video, using a combination of Nexis and Google advanced search to find every article published by a news outlet, from the video’s publication on June 14 to July 12—a 28-day timeframe.

Compare this to another Walgreens-related theft story: the November settlement of a wage theft and labor law violation class-action lawsuit against Walgreens, filed by employees in California for $4.5 million.

A multimillion-dollar settlement coming after a two-year legal struggle, this should have been a national news story, not to mention a major topic in local California outlets. But FAIR was unable to find a single general news outlet that covered the settlement, looking from November 2020 to July 2021, using the same search parameters as the aforementioned shoplifting video. Complete article

Report: Wage Theft is Pervasive in Corporate America; Big Banks, Insurers are Among Most-Penalized Firms 05/06/2018 The detailed analysis of federal and state court records shows that these corporations have paid out billions of dollars to resolve wage theft lawsuits brought by workers. Walmart, which has long been associated with such practices, has paid the most. Among the dozen most-penalized corporations, Walmart, with $1.4 billion in total wage theft settlements and fines, is the only retailer. These companies pay their chief executives generous salaries, bonuses and perks. CEOs at AT&T, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Walmart each receive annual compensation of more than $20 million.

For Big Corporations Like Walmart, Wage Theft Penalties Are Just the Price of Doing Business 06/08/2018 In some cases, the number of settlements and fines was stunning, with Hertz seeing 167 cases since 2000 and Walmart seeing 98 cases and shelling out $1.4 billion.

Corporate Wage Theft is on the Rise 06/28/2018 The giant U.S. corporations involved in this theft — retailers like Walmart, telecoms like AT&T, banks like JPMorgan Chase, insurers like State Farm — can all easily afford, as Grand Theft Paycheck puts it, “to pay their workers properly.” So why don’t they? .... But those who run our corporations aren’t going to abandon their thieving ways so long as that thievery can pay so well for them personally.

Pennsylvania Walmart Employees Win $224 Million Wage Theft Lawsuit 05/20/2016

Walmart Faces More Wage Theft Lawsuits The reason Walmart continues to commit wage theft is that it is still more profitable for them to pay damages to the relatively few employees that assert their rights.

Walmart to Contest $97 Million Award in California Pay Stub Case 11/19/2020

Report reveals scale of pandemic 'wage theft' 07/08/2021

Maryland authorities seize two domains attempting to mimic Walmart website, purporting to sell experimental COVID-19 treatment 07/20/2021

BALTIMORE, MD—The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Maryland has seized “” and “” which on June 16, 2021 resolved to “” The websites contained numerous uses of the legitimate Walmart trademarked logo and appears to attempt to mimic a legitimate Walmart website.

The fraudulent websites allegedly offers for sale a number of drugs for the experimental and unapproved treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Instead, the domains were allegedly used to collect the personal information of individuals visiting the sites in order to use the information for nefarious purposes, including fraud, phishing attacks, and/or deployment of malware. Individuals visiting the sites will now see a message that the site has been seized by the federal government and be redirected to another site for additional information. These are the 12th and 13th COVID fraud related domain name seized by the Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office and HSI.

The seizure of the domains name was announced by Acting United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Jonathan F. Lenzner and Special Agent in Charge James R. Mancuso of Homeland Security Investigations – Baltimore. Complete article

Packaged lettuce sold at Walmart, other major retailers recalled over salmonella concerns 07/19/2021

Major retailers within four separate states are removing some packaged lettuce products from their shelves over salmonella concerns following eight reported illnesses, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

BrightFarms voluntarily recalled packaged salad greens that were sold to retailers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Indiana "out of an abundance of caution" after "being notified of illnesses among eight consumers, some of whom purchased or consumed the above products during the month of June," according to the recall notice. Complete article

Delivered Groceries Now Tax-Free But NM Walmart Still Taxing 07/20/2021

As you may recall, during the last legislative session, Think New Mexico successfully championed the enactment of a new law prohibiting the taxation of food that is delivered by grocery stores to New Mexicans.

That law took effect July 1, 2021.

The sale of food at grocery stores has been tax-free since Think New Mexico won passage of a law repealing the food tax back in 2004. This year’s law closed a loophole that allowed some stores to impose tax on food when it was delivered to a customer, rather than being purchased inside a store – a problematic practice during a pandemic.

Being able to have groceries delivered without paying taxes that can run at high as 9 percent continues to be important for elderly and disabled New Mexicans, who often face challenges getting to the store. Complete article

Walmart accused of bias against workers with criminal histories 07/20/2021

(Reuters) - Walmart Inc has been hit with a proposed nationwide class action claiming the nation's largest employer discriminates against Black and Latino job applicants through a strict background check policy that fails to consider rehabilitation and other mitigating circumstances.

Jacqueline Ramos, who says she was turned down for an IT support job with Walmart because of a prior felony conviction, filed a complaint in New Jersey federal court on Monday claiming the company's policy violates state and federal law because it is not "job-related and consistent with business necessity."

Instead, Arkansas-based Walmart has a centralized policy of denying jobs to applicants with criminal histories, regardless of how much time has passed or the steps individuals have taken to rehabilitate, said Ramos, who is represented by Outten & Golden. Complete article

Pair of Thieves at Tyler Tx. Walmart Take Items And Assault Employee 07/19/2021


Update: The Pothole at Walmart in Presque Isle Maine! It is Bigger! 07/20/2021

Troopers respond to overturned log truck near Walmart in Marion County SC 07/19/2021

Body found in vehicle parked outside Cibolo Tx. Walmart 07/20/2021

CIBOLO, Texas – Cibolo police are investigating after the body of a deceased person was found in a vehicle parked outside a Walmart store on Tuesday.

Police responded to the scene in the 600 block of Cibolo Valley Drive Tuesday afternoon.

CPD officials released a statement saying the investigation is in its early stages and said “there is not currently or has there been any danger to the public associated with this active scene.” Complete article

Active shooter reports at Walmart Distribution Center in Apple Valley Ca. unfounded 07/20/2021

APPLE VALLEY, Calif. ( — Reports of an active shooter at the Walmart Distribution Center Monday night in Apple Valley were determined to be unfounded, officials said.

It happened on July 19th just before 10:00 pm, at the large industrial warehouse building located near the corner of Dale Evans Parkway and Johnson Road.

Sheriff’s officials said deputies responded following a 911 call from a female at the location asking for help. “Soon after, Sheriff’s Dispatch received numerous calls reporting an active shooter at the location.” stated a sheriff’s news release. Complete article

Shoplifter arrested after he threatened Fla. Walmart employees 07/20/2021

STARKE, Fla. (WCJB) - Police arrested a shoplifter after he threatened employees, It happened Tuesday morning at the Walmart on US 301 in Starke.

Officers say 29 year old Curtis Aaron threatened an employee who tried to stop him from stealing. Officers got to the scene before Aaron could leave he was found with a bag of crystal meth.

Arron is being held at the Bradford County Jail, no bond has been set. Complete article

Cohoes man accused of stalking teenage girl in NY Walmart parking lot 07/21/2021

BRUNSWICK, NY (WRGB) — State Police in Brunswick say they have charged a Cohoes man with stalking and harassment, following an incident at the Walmart on Hoosick Street.

Troopers say they responded to the Walmart back on July 19th, for a report of child endangerment. 22 year old Delijah J. Dunham is accused of following a 15-year-old girl through the parking lot while yelling sexual comments at her.

According to State Police, the teen asked the suspect multiple times to stop, and told him that she was underage. Complete article

Muffins recalled from Walmart, 7-Eleven, other retailers because of Listeria test 07/20/2021

Listeria tests have prompted the recall of more than two dozen kinds of muffin products from retailers nationwide, including from Walmart and 7-Eleven stores.

Give and Go Prepared Foods (U.S.A.) Corp. initiated the recall after receiving test results, according to the company’s recall notice posted by the Food and Drug Administration.

“We became aware of this issue as part of our environmental monitoring program,” according to the notice. “To date, we have received no reports of illness related to this issue and are taking this action out of an abundance of caution.

“Consumers who have these products should immediately dispose of the products and not eat them.” Complete article

If You Bought This at Walmart, Throw It Away Immediately, FDA Says 07/20/2021

Crocs sues Walmart, Hobby Lobby, and 19 others, claiming they sold copycat versions of its $50 signature clogs 07/22/2021

Crocs is trying to stamp out copycat versions of its signature clogs.

The Colorado-based shoemaker filed a lawsuit on July 12 against 21 retailers, manufacturers, and distributors — including Walmart and Hobby Lobby — alleging trademark infringement of its signature clog shoes.

Crocs' clogs have exploded in popularity in recent years as customers opt for comfort over anything else. Their distinctive style, swept up in the "ugly fashion" movement, has made them one of the most divisive shoes on the internet.

In the suit, filed in the US District Court of Colorado, Crocs alleged that 21 businesses sold similar versions of its clogs at lower prices.

The company "has suffered and will continue to suffer irreparable harm" to its reputation because of this, it said.

"Given the virtually infinite number of different, non-infringing footwear styles in existence today, and which are available to other footwear companies, Crocs' competitors do not have any actual competitive need to use the Crocs 3D Marks in commerce," it added.

The 3D marks are the holes at the top of the Crocs clog — a signature part of its look. Complete article

Walmart sues Beaver Dam Wisc. over property taxes, again 07/21/2021

Walmart has filed more lawsuits against the city of Beaver Dam seeking to lower its property assessments and get a refund on the property taxes already paid.

Walmart has a store in Beaver Dam, 120 Frances Lane, and a distribution center, 115 Distribution Way. The store is valued at $9.06 million, and the distribution center is valued at $40.72 million. In four lawsuits filed this month, Walmart claims that the store should actually be valued at $4.96 million, and the distribution center should be valued $27.5 million.

Lowering the property values would lower Walmart’s property taxes, shifting more of the tax burden onto other owners in the city. Walmart has already paid roughly $1.2 million in taxes at the current values for 2020, according to county records, but is seeking a refund if necessary. The company made similar claims in lawsuits filed in 2019, for which an October trial is scheduled. Complete article

Wal-Mart sues Beaver Dam to lower tax bill despite $6.18 million incentive 08/21/2019

Quincy man arrested for harassing women at Fla. Walmart 07/19/2021

Police reports 7/22/21: Olean man charged with multiple thefts from NY Walmart 07/22/2021

Murfreesboro Tenn. police search for man swapping UPC codes at Walmart stores 07/21/2021

Suspected shooter arrested after gunshot fired inside West Nashville Walmart Tenn. last month 07/22/2021

2 civilians come to the aid of Fredericksburg officer under attack in Va. Walmart parking lot 07/22/2021

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (7News) — When a Fredericksburg Police officer was assaulted by a man he was attempting to detain in a Walmart parking lot, two private citizens came to the officer’s aid.

At about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday, the officer responded to a report of a man going through a car that didn’t belong to him in the Walmart parking at 1800 Carl D. Silver Parkway, according to a police statement.

The officer found the man with stolen items and attempted to detain him.

The man walked away then turned back and knocked the officer to the ground. Complete article

Farley man arrested for robbery at Paducah Ky. Walmart 07/23/2021

PADUCAH, Ky. (KFVS) - A man has been arrested in McCracken County after attempting to shoplift just over $100 worth of items.

Included in the items that 33-year-old Stephen Myers was trying to steal was a vacuum, Coke and a cooler.

A deputy with the McCracken County Sheriff’s Office saw a physical fight between a man and woman at Walmart, as the man was shoving the female with a shopping cart containing a small child and several items of merchandise. Complete article

Woman seeks up to $1 million from Texas Walmart for injuries from a swinging door 07/22/2021

A woman suffered long-term injuries last year when a swinging door struck her at Walmart — and now she’s suing the national retailer.

Samantha Pompa wants up to $1 million from Walmart and one of the store’s employees following the incident at a store in Laredo, Texas, according to the lawsuit filed Wednesday in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas.

On July 18, 2020, Pompa was shopping at Walmart when an employee came through a pair of swinging doors with a cart, the lawsuit states. The doors struck Pompa, causing her to fall and injure herself. Complete article

4 Walmart Recalls You Need to Know About Right Now 07/22/2021

1 Prepared Muffins

2 Packaged Salad Greens

3 Tyson Chicken Products

4 Dole Blueberries Complete article

Walmart Is Rapidly Expanding Its Presence In Healthcare 07/23/2021

Retail giant Walmart is a force to reckon with, based not only on its expansive market reach, but also given its commitment to innovation in the consumer services space.

Walmart’s recent ventures in healthcare is one such example of innovation, as the company is attempting to become a staple in the multibillion dollar healthcare services industry.

In 2019, Walmart unveiled its first health center, offering a variety of “services including primary care, labs, X-ray and EKG, counseling, dental, optical, hearing, community health (nutritional services, fitness) and health insurance education and enrollment all in one facility, conveniently located outside the store with a separate entrance for customers. The clinic will provide low, transparent pricing for key health services for local families, regardless of insurance status.” Since then, the company has continued to expand the service across multiple locations, with the goal of “partnering with several on-the-ground health providers to be a first-of-its-kind health center to deliver primary and urgent care, labs, x-ray and diagnostics, counseling, dental, optical and hearing services all in one facility.” Complete article

Walmart plans to automate 25 distribution centers with Symbotic 07/20/2021

Walmart will work with Symbotic over a period of years to outfit 25 distribution centers with an automated end-to-end process for store-level replenishment, the companies announced last week.

Symbotic's system automates the processing of inbound shipments, storage, retrieval and outbounding of orders. It uses robotics and machine vision to break down pallets, store them at a case level and then build orders for Walmart stores as needed.

Through its work with Symbotic, Walmart aims to improve the storage density, pallet density, throughput as measured in cases per hour, system availability and order accuracy of its replenishment system.

Dive Insight:

Walmart and Symbotic have worked together since 2015, with their first system coming online in 2017 in Brooksville, Florida. Symbotic believes if it can solve the problem of automated replenishment in Walmart's complex supply chain, then its technology will be applicable to other retailers as well. Complete article

Bloomington man pleads guilty to burglary at Normal Ill. Walmart in May 2020 07/21/2021

Man allegedly used previous receipt to steal items at Walmart 07/21/2021

Man allegedly steals several credit cards at Mass. Walmart, uses one at liquor store 07/22/2021

Ashland Ky. Police looking for help in Walmart fraud investigation 07/23/2021

Crime Stoppers asks Help in Identifying Three Individuals from Incident at Ill. Walmart 07/22/2021

Cat rescued from car engine after discovery near Fremont Nebraska Walmart 07/24/2021

Man to serve 25 years in prison after selling heroin in SC Walmart parking lot in Oct. 2019 07/23/2021

SCAM ALERT: Callers pose as reps for AARP, Publishers Clearing House, Walmart, others 07/25/2021

Fairfield County Duo Accused Of Stealing $398 Worth Of Items From Conn. Walmart 07/25/2021

Body found behind Fla. Walmart believed to be missing 13-year-old; TPD says 'no foul play' 07/26/2021

A search for a missing 13-year-old ended in apparent tragedy when the body of a child was found in a wooded area behind the Walmart on West Tennessee Street.

Family members of Darius Swain, 13, told WTXL that his body was found around midnight Sunday. In an incident report, the Tallahassee Police Department said it is working to confirm the identification.

Swain was the subject of a Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation that began Saturday when he was reported missing by TPD. Complete article

Walmart To Pay 100% Of Tuition And Books For Associates Continuing Their Education 07/27/2021 These are online courses, which have proven to be very poor quality.

Walmart WMT +0.1% Inc. today removed the last obstacle standing between its associates and higher education.

The retail behemoth announced that it will pay 100% of tuition and books for its 1.5 million part-time and full-time Walmart and Sam’s Club associates in the U.S. through its Live Better U program, which previously charged employees $1 a day to participate. Complete article

State organizations and Walmart team up to fight against opioids in Alabama 07/27/2021 Once again this is an online seminar, which is very inexpensive and low quality.

Montgomery, Ala. (WIAT)– The Alabama Department of Mental Health, the Alabama Opioid Overdose and Addiction Council as well as the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America are teaming up with Walmart to host a new training program and virtual reality demonstration on how to save a life by reversing an opioid overdose.

The one-hour webinar is free and the public is invited to join tonight at 6:30 p.m. Complete article

Cairo Ga. agrees to solar power deal with Walmart 07/27/2021

CAIRO — Walmart has set a company-wide goal regarding the use of renewable energy. The company wants 50% of its power to be supplied by renewable energy by 2025 and 100% by 2035.

The company moved a step closer to that goal after the Cairo City Council on Monday night approved an agreement with Walmart to provide its Cairo store with solar energy.

The city gets its power from the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia.

Walmart buys 823.94 kW from the city each year. Complete article

Walmart in Lynn Haven Fla. temporarily closed 07/25/2021

Judge denies motion in Ariz. Walmart fatal shooting in May 07/23/2021

Claremore Okla. becomes COVID hot spot, Walmart closes for cleaning 07/23/2021

Walmart on Normandy Blvd. Jacksonville Fla. temporarily closing for cleaning as COVID-19 cases rise 07/2/2021


Richmond Ca. police, Walmart team to replace child’s stolen birthday bike 07/27/2021

La. police department searching for suspects in Walmart theft 07/27/2021

Manitowoc Man Arrested After Stealing Speaker, and Dolls from Wisc. Walmart 07/26/2021

Murder suspect arrested after shoplifting at Mt. Juliet Tenn. Walmart 07/28/2021

WILSON COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — A man wanted on a second-degree murder charge out of Sumner County was arrested after a shoplifting incident at a Mt. Juliet business.

Mt. Juliet police said the 28-year-old Nashville man ran from officers at the Walmart Tuesday afternoon, but was later captured and arrested.

The suspect, identified by police as Joseph Arendall, was wanted on charges out of multiple counties in Middle Tennessee. Complete article

Suspected serial con-artist accused of pretending to be an Alabama Walmart manager to steal cash 07/29/2021

MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) — A suspected serial con-artist locked up tight in Mobile Metro Jail after Mobile Police said she pulled another fast one.

Jamie Brown is accused of pretending to be a Beltline Walmart manager and convincing a new employee to hand over a bunch of cash. Mobile Police said Saturday, Brown told the new employee she was doing a money drop and needed all the large bills in the employee’s drawer. Police said when Brown got her hands on the cash, she walked out. Officers caught up to her two days later and charged her with theft.

FOX10 News did some digging and uncovered similar allegations against Brown across Louisiana and possibly Mississippi. Complete article

Accused El Paso Tx. Walmart killer’s court hearing on mass shooting’s 2nd anniversary is reset 07/27/2021

DeLand Fla. Walmart to close for cleaning as COVID cases climb 07/29/2021

Walmart store in Great Falls Montana briefly evacuated 07/2/2021

Trendy Tx. Walmart Shoplifter Wanted by Police 07/28/2021

IMPD: Shots fired inside Walmart on US 31 South in Indianapolis Ind. 07/29/2021

INDIANAPOLIS — Officers with Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department are investigating after shots were fired inside a Walmart on the city's south side Thursday evening.

Officers responded to the Walmart, located at 7245 U.S. 31, on the reports of shots fired, IMPD Officer William Young said. An officer who was working off-duty employment was at the store when the shots were fired.

No customers or employees were injured, Young said. Complete article

Princeton woman dies after being hit by vehicle in WV Walmart parking lot 07/29/2021

PRINCETON, W.Va. (WVVA) -- A local woman hit by a vehicle in the Walmart in Princeton parking lot on Friday has died, according to a family member.

The family has confirmed that 62-year-old Coleen Farley died Tuesday at 12:18 p.m at the Charleston Area Medical Center. She was surrounded by loved ones and leaves behind a husband and two children.

Farley worked at the Princeton Dry Cleaners for about 40 years and was loved by many according to her nephew.

According to the initial report taken by the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office, an 88-year-old driver in a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado claimed he did not see Farley due to the height of his truck. Complete article

18-year-old man charged in firecracker lighting in Berks Pa. Walmart 07/30/2021

An 18-year-old Mount Penn man was arrested on charges of lighting firecrackers in the Walmart store on Perkiomen Avenue last month.

Aaron J. Pace of the 2100 block of Woodvale Avenue was taken into custody Thursday by state police. Arrest details were unavailable.

Exeter Township police charged Pace on July 16 with risking a catastrophe, reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct. Complete article

Spices Sold At Walmart, Target Recalled For Salmonella Risk 07/29/2021

NEW YORK — McCormick & Co. on Tuesday issued a voluntary recall of three spice products sold at Walmart and Target stores in New York, citing possible salmonella contamination.

The spices included in the recall are McCormick Perfect Pinch Italian Seasoning, McCormick Culinary Italian Seasoning and Frank's RedHot Buffalo Ranch Seasoning, according to the notice posted on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's website.

Salmonella is a bacteria that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, older people and others with weakened immune systems, according to the FDA. Complete article

Disney and Walmart mandate vaccines for employees 07/30/2021

New York (CNN)Disney and Walmart, two of America's largest employers, announced Friday that they are requiring employees be vaccinated.

Disney (DIS) is requiring all its salaried and non-union hourly employees in the US to be vaccinated. Workers who are working on-site but are not yet vaccinated must do so within the next 60 days, according to a statement from the company to CNN Business. All new hires must be fully vaccinated before beginning their jobs.

Employees who aren't already vaccinated and are working on-site will have 60 days to do so; employees still working from home must provide proof of vaccination prior to their return to work. The company also said it has started discussing vaccine mandates with the unions representing its workers. Complete article

Walmart to require masks for retail workers in high-risk counties 07/30/2021

Retail giant Walmart Inc., the nation’s biggest private-sector employer, has made it mandatory for its retail workers in U.S. counties with substantial or high transmission of coronavirus to wear masks in its stores, clubs and distribution centers, according to a memo.

The move comes as U.S. health officials said earlier this week Americans fully vaccinated against COVID-19 should go back to wearing masks in indoor public places in regions where the coronavirus is spreading rapidly.

Walmart had said in May fully vaccinated employees could work without masks.

The memo also showed Walmart retail workers would post signage at its stores to encourage customers to wear masks. Retail workers would also receive an incentive of $150, double the amount it had been paying, to get inoculated, with those already paid $75 set to receive the rest next month. Complete article

Andalusia Alabama Walmart to Close Temporarily for COVID-19 Cleaning 07/28/2021

Tennessee man arrested for shoplifting after officers recover $8,500 in merchandise at Ind. Walmart 07/28/2021

Cousin Of Man Killed In DaBaby NC 2018 Walmart Shooting Speaks Out & Calls Him "A Killer & A Menace" 07/28/2021

Alabama Walmart temporarily shuts down amid rising COVID cases 07/30/2021

Mississippi Jan. 2018 Walmart shooting: Defense’s expert witness unqualified to testify 07/30/2021

Kosciusko man convicted of capital murder in Starkville Walmart shooting 07/30/2021

Shooting leaves three dead in Tupelo Mississippi 07/25/2021 One block away from Walmart

TUPELO, Mississippi — A shooting in Tupelo late Saturday night has killed three people.

According to published reports, the shooting happened at a home in the 200 block of Maynard Drive around 11:45pm, which is one block from the Walmart on West Main. A man was dead at the house, and a man and a woman were pronounced dead at the North Mississippi Medical Center. Complete article

Former Bethlehem Pa. Walmart distribution center employees charged with stealing, rerouting millions in merchandise 07/31/2021

Two former Bethlehem Walmart distribution center employees are charged with stealing and rerouting millions of dollars in merchandise from intended destinations to accomplices’ addresses in 2018.

Rusmaldy Jiminez-Hiciano and Erick Rodriguez set aside packages of high-end electronics, repackaged them in new boxes and printed new FedEx shipping labels to send them to accomplice’s addresses, a federal indictment states.

From October 2017 to May 2018, Jiminez-Hiciano and Rodriguez rerouted packages containing 1,000 Apple iPads, 912 Apple Series One watches and 285 Nintendo switches, altogether worth more than $2 million, the indictment states.

Jiminez-Hiciano and Rodriguez worked at the Walmart E-Commerce Distribution Center in the 2700 block of Commerce Center Boulevard. They unloaded items from incoming trucks, moved them to secured appropriate storage locations for separation and repackaging, and loaded them onto outgoing trucks. Complete article

New Boston woman sues Walmart over burns she allegedly received in an encounter with a hot scooter seat in a Texarkana Arkansas Walmart parking lot 07/31/2021

TEXARKANA, Ark. — A scooter left in the July 2019 sunshine at a Walmart Supercenter here left a New Boston, Texas, woman with third-degree burns on her leg, according to a civil lawsuit filed Wednesday in Miller County circuit court.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff, Debra Arterbury, suffers from a circulatory problem which makes it necessary for her to use a motorized cart while shopping. Her medical condition may have prevented her from realizing she was being burned by the hot seat, states the complaint filed on Arterbury's behalf by Ennis, Texas, lawyer Stewart Matthews.

Walmart did not immediately respond to an email request for comment Friday.

The complaint alleges Arterbury used a cart she found in the parking lot of the Walmart Supercenter at 133 Arkansas Blvd. on July 26, 2019. Complete article

This Is Every Country With A Walmart Store 07/31/2021

Walmart is the world’s largest retailer by sales and America’s largest company by revenue and employees. It has 10,526 store locations worldwide and about 2.3 million employees. Last year, its sales hit $559 billion which will almost certainly keep it at the top of the Fortune 500. Walmart actually has more locations outside the U.S. than it does in America.

Walmart breaks its business into three pieces. The first is Walmart U.S. which has 4,743 stores. Next is Sam’s Club, its wholesale retailer business. The third is Walmart international with 5,184 stores. In the most recent quarter for which it posted financial data, U.S. revenue hit $93 billion. International revenue reached $27 billion, and Sam’s Club contributed $17 billion. The international business does not get the visibility that the U.S. unit does. When earnings were announced, CEO Doug McMillon mentioned the U.S. business and e-commerce operation. International and Same’s Club were left out of his comments.

(25 countries outside of United States, often through subsidiaries; this doesn't include suppliers, often in the lowest wage countries using atrocious working conditions, although they blame others for this even though they squeeze them so much they can't avoid these conditions.) Complete article

Northwest Alabama Walmart closing until Monday as part of COVID protocols 07/31/2021

Police: Uniondale man arrested for forcibly touching women inside Nassau County Walmarts 07/31/2021

Theft from Colorado Walmart: The Record for Friday, July 30 07/31/2021

Janesville Wisc. PD: Man steals purse from locked car, uses credit card at Walmart 07/31/2021