Friday, May 29, 2020

Is Greed Enough To Explain 9/11 Conspiracy? Or Is It An Alien Agenda?

Since 9/11 I haven't looked to close at most false flag conspiracy theories about it, partly because with or without a false flag conspiracy theory, there's no doubt that the government has been using this as an excuse to chip away at our constitutional rights and to increase military presence around the world, including more conflicts based on lies, especially Iraq; but even Afghanistan has major doubts, assuming you accept the claim that Osama bin Laden ordered the attack. The mainstream media rarely ever reminds the majority of the public that our own government armed both Iraq and the mujaheddin in the eighties. Osama bin Laden was an important part of the mujaheddin, and after George HW Bush abandoned them when the Afghanistan war against the USSR they reformed as the Taliban, staying in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda with operations around the world.

These are just a couple examples where we armed our own enemies creating the grounds for future conflicts; in fact, there are probably fewer conflict where we didn't arm our own enemies beforehand than there are conflict where we did, and this can be proven with evidence from credible sources that don't appear to be fringe conspiracy theorist. Another part of the reason I hesitated to believe it is that it would be way to big and risky even for the most authoritarian people in our government, especially if it's just being done for greed and power, as most conspiracy theorists seem to claim, which means there would have to be a bigger motive, and perhaps reason to believe they thought they could control it.

However, even though I didn't seek it out I keep coming across some legitimate questions that raise doubts about the official story. The strongest evidence, according to many, is the collapse of Building number 7, but there's much more evidence about many other things. Perhaps one of the most obvious reasons to doubt is the extremely unlikely event that five people on each plane, except Flight 93 which only had four hijackers could have gained access to the cockpits with nothing more than box cutters. This is what I was most skeptical about shortly after 9/11. Why most conspiracy theorists, that I know of, don't put more emphasis on this I can't figure. But regardless of why there's much more evidence raising doubts about the official story, and some of it is very compelling.

However, this still doesn't explain how greed and a quest for power could have been strong enough motive for something so massive. Furthermore, even though there is some evidence of insider trading and buying a massive insurance policy, including coverage for acts of terrorism, shortly before the attack, there are far more elites who must have lost far more money than they gained by it, and they would have the motive to hold, scam artists like Larry Silverstein accountable, assuming he was involved so that he could profit from it. Well connected white collar criminals rarely get prosecuted as much as blue collar criminals; however the most notable exceptions would often be if the victims are other well connected or wealthy people, perhaps like Michael Milken, Bernie Madoff and Martin Shkreli. In Martin Shkreli's case he was scamming far more working class people than wealthy out of much more money, but thanks to his wealth and laws rigged in favor of the wealthy he was never held accountable for that, and only charged for crimes against other wealthy people; and after Milken spent time in jail the media started referring to him as a philanthropist, even though his involvement in privatizing of schools was an obvious scam and it was suppressing educational opportunities for the poor, yet mainstream media ignores this.

If Larry Silverstein were involved in a 9/11 conspiracy theory to profit off insurance or others off of insider trading, many other well connected people would be justifiably outraged and demanded Justice and the anger over it would have been so severe that Silverstein would have known it ahead of time and not even tried it, nor is it likely that he would have the connections to carry it out unless it was much bigger. Yet the evidence does seem to indicate the official story may not even be close, so there almost certainly was a much bigger motive. Perhaps the most compelling case that I've seen is Loose Change, (After glancing at some of the other organizations questioning the official story it's clear that some of them might be at least as good, or used as sources by Loose Change, but this is still a good summation) which doesn't explain this bigger motive adequately but does raise many other legitimate questions as the following summation along with a link to the full documentary (about seventy minutes long) and a little of my own input shows:

Loose Change 2nd Edition (HD) FULL MOVIE 12/18/2018

The documentary opens up by discussing Operation Northwoods which is a false flag declassified document that's notorious among Conspiracy Theorists but the vast majority of the public probably never heard of. This was a plan from 1962 created by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and signed by Lyman Lemnitzer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which discusses planning terrorist attacks on American military or civilians, including Cuban immigrants then using it as an excuse to invade Cuba. This was rejected by John F Kennedy and Robert McNamara. Shortly after this plan was submitted Lyman Lemnitzer was removed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was appointed as commander of U.S. European Command, and as Supreme Allied Commander Europe of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), possibly as a result of this report. But for some reason he wasn't fired, supposedly both were so outraged by this plan that hey removed him.

Thirteen years later he was appointed to the Commission on CIA Activities within the United States (aka the Rockefeller Commission) to investigate whether the CIA was involved in illegal activities possibly even including the Kennedy assassination. This isn't the first, or last, time they appointed someone with and espionage, which they refer to as "intelligence," background to investigate illegal activities of the espionage organizations; Allen Dulles was appointed to the Warren Commission and dominated it, even though he was fired by Kennedy and had a major conflict of interest. Some might argue that this was the Cold War mentality; however this would make more sense if there weren't repeated attempts to start wars based on lies, including the Iraq War, when they knew there were no weapons of mass destruction ahead of time. I can cite many more examples for those interested; however, those accustomed to checking alternative media already know about many of them, while those that want to cover it up won't acknowledge it anyway. Those just breaking away from traditional media shouldn't be afraid to ask; many of us went through that before.

Another claim they made is that there was insider trading and that Larry Silverstein who already owned building number seven, signed agreement to buy the two towers and takes out 3.5 billion dollar insurance policy, specifically covering acts of terrorism. Snopes partially debunked some conspiracy theories about the claim that he tried to get double the policy and won, calling it a mixture; however, the documentary Loose Change didn't make this claim, so a leading skeptical debunker has actually confirmed an aspect of their theory, and so does the Wikipedia article on Larry Silverstein.

However, Larry Silverstein didn't make a fortune from this, nor did he loose an enormous amount of money. He did try to claim double on his insurance policy, claiming that each plane was a separate attack, but had to settle for a smaller payment; and this would have been predictable for anyone familiar with how insurance companies operate. They routinely try to cut their losses in court, often spending the money they collect from premiums on legal expenses instead of paying claims to convince people to settle for less. This is necessary for insurance companies to remain profitable; if the odds aren't rigged in their own favor they would go bankrupt. There was also some alleged insider trading, but there's no way the profits from this would possibly be close enough to carrying out such an extreme conspiracy, especially since many of the people taking the biggest losses, including the insurance companies have as much, if not more political power that Silverstein or the inside traders, and they would see to it that the fraud was exposed, yet they're going along with the cover-up.

They claim the impact was enough to eliminate most traces of the plane at the Pentagon; if how could they identify the vast majority of the people? Supposedly it's scientifically impossible for the jet fuel to vaporize the plane; no plane in history has vaporized, and they've always found more debris at other plane crashes. Perhaps the biggest unexplained mystery at the Pentagon was a 16 foot hole in the pentagon with minimal plane debris; and there's no way the plane could have fit though that 16 foot hole. Furthermore the wings would have done much more damage to the side of the building than what appears in the video or pictures. The producers speculated about the possibility that it was a cruise missile, since that would have produced these characteristics. They also confiscated a tape from the pentagon and only showed five stills from it, none with a plane in it. They could have released the whole thing, showing the plane.

Supposedly bomb sniffing dogs were pulled from the world trade center a day or two before the attack. There was discussion of other buildings with fires as bad if not worse without taking them down. The towers plus building 7 were first 3 taken down by such a fire; and there probably haven't been any more since. There were reports of at least one more explosion on the 8th or 9th floor, possibly another on the lobby. The video provided comparisons with controlled explosions taking down buildings intentionally, showing the similarities, including a free-fall, where everything collapses with little or no resistance at the same time, since the explosions destroy the supports simultaneously. If it had collapsed as a result of a fire you wouldn't expect every support to collapse at the same time, so this should have been impossible.

Mayor Giuliani started shipping debris to recycling center before in could be completely examined. Some supposedly indestructible Black Boxes were destroyed, while a passport from one of the terrorists flew out of the plane and was found in the street, which is highly improbable, if not impossible. Witness says they searched for the Black boxes at towers and found three out of four, yet the official report claims this didn't happen. Families of Flight 93 in Pa. heard recording but had to sign an agreement agreeing they couldn't talk about it, or even take notes, and the last three minutes were unaccounted for.

Cell phone calls were allegedly made from Flight 93 shouldn't have been possible in planes in 2001 They did experiments to replicate this; and there was technology added in 2004 so people could use their cell phones on planes. If it was possible for all these cell phone calls from Flight 93 in 2001, then it shouldn't have been necessary to add expensive technology in 2004. If the claims about this are true that there must be plenty of people that fly and constantly use their cell phones recognizing that this shouldn't have been possible.

And they claim that at least nine of the hijackers allegedly turned up alive after the attack. If this is true, then they should be able to find them and confirm this.

When looking for a motive the best they seem to come up with is greed, insurance, insider trading, ability to pass Patriot Act, invade Afghanistan and Iraq. This simply shouldn't have been adequate to provide a motive for something this risky, insane or big. How could they possibly have thought they could carry out a scam so big? There has to be something bigger that hasn't been disclosed yet, assuming this theory is partly true. Complete article

Several other researchers confirm many of their conclusions including Architects & Engineers which writes in Near-Free-Fall Acceleration | Twin Towers:
"Based on Newton’s Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we know there would have been a deceleration of WTC 1’s upper section if it had impacted and crushed the intact structure below it. The absence of deceleration is incontrovertible proof that another force (i.e., explosives) must have been responsible for destroying the lower structure before the upper section reached it."

They make essentially the same argument, with minor variations on several of their pages including Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: Free-Fall Acceleration | World Trade Center Building 7 which says:
Newton’s third law says that when objects interact, they always exert equal and opposite forces on each other. Therefore, while an object is falling, if it exerts any force on objects in its path, those objects must push back, slowing the fall. If an object is observed to be in free fall, we can conclude that nothing in the path exerts a force to slow it down....”

Applying this to WTC 7, he explains:

“[F]ree fall is not consistent with any natural scenario involving weakening, buckling, or crushing because in any such a scenario there would be large forces of interaction with the under- lying structure that would have slowed the fall.... Natural collapse resulting in free fall is simply not plausible....”

And a more recent article with help from a newer study Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report
“Our study found that the fires in WTC 7 could not have caused the observed collapse,” said Professor Leroy Hulsey, the study’s principal investigator. “The only way it could have fallen in the observed manner is by the near-simultaneous failure of every column.”

The following picture from the Guardian also seems to support their concerns about whether or not this hole was made by an airplane or not. It does seem to have lots of small debris, perhaps more than the documentary admits to but no large pieces. However, if this was hit by a plane, not a cruise missile, then why wouldn't the walls on both sides of the hole have more damage. Furthermore, if their claim that this was only 16 feet wide and there's another hole in the next wall that's also 16 feet wide, that still wouldn't have been wide enough for the plane even without the wings.

Additional evidence may have been provided by The New York Times in an article shortly after the bombing in 1993, THE NATION; Figuring What It Would Take to Take Down a Tower 03/21/1993, which says "The World Trade Center's towers were also built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 jet, the largest flying at the time of the center's design. The plane was assumed to be fresh out of Kennedy International Airport, fully loaded and carrying full tanks of fuel. While such a crash would cause great damage to the building, the design is such that the building would not topple." Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice made a similar argument in --City in the Sky, p 131

But the motive for such a large conspiracy would still have to be much larger, and there's also problems with the controlled demolition theory, since that would have taken an enormous amount of explosives, which would have to have been placed throughout the building, yet there were no witnesses saying they saw any of these explosives, that I know of and they would have had very little time to do it. According to How do you demolish a skyscraper? 11/30/2012 "carrying out such a demolition involves painstaking preparation. It can take up to six months to survey the structure and prepare it for the blast by removing non-load bearing walls, weakening support structures and fitting the charges. Clearing up debris afterwards can take up to two months."

This is based on the assumption that the people demolishing a building were concerned about safety, which presumably, if this was an inside job they weren't. They may have had all night to plant the bombs near each column, and there would have to be enough explosive to pulverize the concrete, as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth claims was done. This would have been a monumental task, which would have involved everyone working at night, or they would have to arrange for anyone not aiding and abetting to either be out of the building or distracted will large demolition crews worked overnight. How could they have placed so many bombs without anyone seeing them? Of course if the only people that might have seen them died they couldn't have told, but they managed to evacuate a lot of people, none that supposedly saw it. If anyone did see something could they have been intimidated into remaining silent?

A comparison to the biggest truck bombings in history also shows that it doesn't even come close in the size of the destruction; for example the Oklahoma City bombing 1995, the Khobar Towers bombing 1996, the 1983 United States embassy bombing in Beirut and the 14 October 2017 Mogadishu bombings all had more than 2 tons of explosive, perhaps up to 10 tons of explosive for the biggest one, yet they couldn't completely take down the buildings, which were only a fraction of the size. Whether this was the result of a fire caused by the jet fuel, which wouldn't have been that much more damaging than these truck bombs, or controlled demolition with known technology, these buildings shouldn't have come down, yet they did.

This means that the conspiracy, assuming that's what it was, would have to be even bigger and more complicated, involving technology that demolition experts aren't aware of. It also means there are flaws that haven't been adequately explained in both the official story and the conspiracy theories, so at best both of these explanations are incomplete, which the conspiracy theorists probably admit, because they don't have inside information.

If you Google the possibility that aliens or UFOs might be involved in it you'll find mostly articles from the mainstream media pointing out the most ridiculous conspiracy theories without any background or credible evidence. This is typical of the mainstream media; the most credible evidence of a major unsolved mystery is routinely ignored, and only available at low profile locations while the least credible gets much more attention helping to create stereotypes about fringe conspiracy theorists, so when the more credible claims get some attention it's easier to smear the more credible researchers.

However, if the conspirators had much more advanced technology than has been publicly disclosed, this might help explain how they were able to create a controlled demolition, assuming that's what happened. There are numerous sources that have claimed that the government and leading corporations have obtained advanced technology from alien space craft and reverse engineered it. Perhaps the most credible one and well known claim for this is Philip Corso best selling author of "The Day After Roswell," other sources include Bob Lazar, Boyd Bushman and a group of anonymous current or former government employees that allegedly have inside knowledge, which I go into more below, but they all have major credibility problems. But Bob Lazar did announce that a new element was developed by the aliens, and that claim turned out to be true years later, which he probably couldn't have know about without inside information.

If aliens or some other unknown advanced intelligence has been influencing the human race for decades, if not thousands of years, this would have an enormous impact on our society which most people wouldn't even suspect, because the subject is treated in such an irrational manner and often relegated to fringe irrational believers. This is especially true if aliens have introduced advanced technology to certain segments of society, and if they've influenced our early historical development including the moving of megaliths that shouldn't have been possible with ancient technology or the early development of religion. If there's evidence to support this belief, which there might be, then it could have an enormous impact on all parts of our society, including these attacks one way or another. And if Corso was sharing technology and others also shared additional technology it could include many hings, including the technology for controlled demolition. Without explaining that, the Conspiracy Theorists have a serious problem with the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, although the evidence from other attacks seems to be compelling.

If there is something to this theory, then the vast majority of the public is unaware of the fundamental basics of this research; and many people who do believe in UFOs may have accepted some of the exaggerations or out right lies, especially if they don't have an adequate scientific background. With or without an alien connection the motive for this is extremely hard to imagine; but there's no doubt that at a minimum, the mainstream media is withholding many of the most effective solutions to many problems, including wars based on lies, the most effective way to reduce violence, how to create a fairer economic system and much more; and if there ware aliens or some other advanced intelligence then this problem is much bigger. If there is an advanced intelligence religious people know of as "God" then this "God" could have maintained an honest line of communication advising how to avoid war going back thousands of years, and develop a more just society; instead religion has inspired authoritarian beliefs systems that dictate the truth and help create these wars instead of preventing them, along with shoring up the authority of hundreds of tyrants throughout the centuries.

If there is an alien agenda that's been going on for thousands of years, there's no doubt that they did much worse, as a result of negligence, if nothing else, by withholding advice that could have prevented the crusades, inquisitions, Holocaust, plagues, and much more. This seems to mean that they consider us expendable.

I'm not aware of any direct evidence of an alien influence on the 9/11 attacks; however there may be evidence of a lot of advanced technology obtained from aliens, or some other unknown advanced intelligence. There may also be some evidence to show that this is a controlled demolition, but this shouldn't be possible. A large portion of the evidence by the conspiracy theorists adds up, and the government is ridiculing them as conspiracy theorists or trying to avoid addressing these issues, which means that there's good reason to consider other possibilities, including the chance that they had more advanced technology that could have made the controlled demolition possible. I'm not aware of another expiation to the problems in both arguments, and there's much more evidence to indicate that governments routinely lie about many things so we can't take their word for much if anything.

Furthermore as Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, or Mr. Spock might say "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." This is a possibility that's hardly been considered and hasn't been eliminated, while the theories from both sides are at best, incomplete, if not impossible. If the conspiracy theorists could come up with another explanation as to how the controlled demolition happened then they might be viable, and there's also much more the government has to explain to make their claim viable, assuming it's possible at all.

But thanks to the incompetent manner the main stream media handles the subject avoiding covering the most basics of this the vast majority of the public isn't aware of the strongest evidence of it including thousands of UFO sightings (My Top Twelve UFO Sightings) megaliths that shouldn't have been possible to move with ancient technology, Crop Circles, Dozens if not hundreds of alleged Prophets and Mystics (This is just a handful of them with more cited below) and more, which is mostly being ignored by scientists or ridiculed by pseudo-skeptics, enabling unscientific believers to dominate the debate without sorting out the most credible evidence.

I may not be able to fill in all the details, but UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor I began a theory about how they might ahve arrived here, with technology that is rapidly developing here over the past few decades. This doesn't include traveling faster than the speed of light or wormholes, as some conspiracy theorists believe is possible. Instead it relies on automated technology, nanotechnology, advanced propulsion and many other improved technology that has either already been developed or is beginning to look like it's possible. This is similar to a science fiction scenario presented by James Hansen a leading NASA scientist at the end of "Storms of my Grandchildren." I also explained how there's an enormous amount of disinformation being spread by the government, and that some UFO researchers may be involved in this as part of what might be a controlled disclosure effort in Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims? which includes what I call a "Recruit e a Group of Crackpots" hypothesis based on a phrase from the "Roswell" documentary over twenty years ago staring Martin Sheen.

I may not have a complete explanation for a possible motive, either with or without an alien hypothesis, but I have been developing a theory of their long term motive; and there might be a small hint that connects it to both the September eleventh attack and the current pandemic. If they can't travel faster than the speed of light and rely mostly on automation artificial intelligence and other technologies to get here over a very long period of time, as my Occam's Razor article claims, one thing they might be interested in doing here is research on things big and small, and the results of that research could be sent throughout the universe where ever advanced life exists, and assuming they stopped using us for research, they could share that benefit with us. According to many theories, they already are; however, this is only being shared with a small percentage of the public, if this theory is true, and that small percentage of the public isn't trying to use it to help all people fairly. Instead they're using it to increase their power and control us.

One of the most important thing that they might be researching is medical treatment as I went into in several articles including Researching Poor, Slaves, Prisoners, To Benefit Ruling Class With Alien Technology? and Spectacular Heart Transplant for Sofia But at What Cost which discusses how her life was saved by a heart transplant and she still appears to be doing well with her new heart, the latest article I could find about Sofia Sanchez is from December 9 2019 and there's no reason to believe she's had complications since then, showing that a small percentage could be benefiting from this research already. However, we could save many more lives even without rapid advancement of medical treatment with Single Payer and health care for all, along with reducing pollution and other preventative actions that could stop illnesses before thy develop without controversial transplants that use other people for research and even for non-voluntary organ donations as I went into in Is Falun Gong Partly Right About Aliens? This technology could be great, if they weren't withholding it from the majority of the human race, and even using many people for research; this is true even if the technology isn't coming from aliens.

Another source of major research may also be weather manipulation, which is going on with or without alien technology, according to scientific reports submitted to the government by law. I went into this more in Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory which explains that if Climate Change is caused by man it's a form of Geoengineering, although supposedly unintentionally and doing more harm than good. I followed this up more recently with Forgotten History Exposing The Illusion Of Democracy & Government Reports on Weather Control which includes a review of one of the scientific reports that was mandated by a 1958 law, which was repealed in 1968, although a couple more reports came out as a result of this law, most disclosure is no longer mandated by law that I know of.

There is some potential circumstantial evidence showing that the 9/11 attack could have helped with the research into Climate Change, intentionally or not, according to Tim Flannery, who assumes it's not intentional, in "The Weather Makers" 2006 p.279-83 he writes:
As mentioned earlier, the potential of these clouds to affect climate was demonstrated in 2001 between September 11 and 14, when the U.S. air fleet was grounded. Average daytime temperatures rose abruptly by 2°F, in such a manner as could not be explained by other factors. this suggests that contrails may be masking the impacts of warming caused by CO2. Perhaps we will need to maintain them while we reduce our carbon intensity. Equally, there seems no way at present to get aircraft to run on any less damaging substitute for fossil fuel. Without a return to the more leisurely days of travel by zeppelin, air travel will remain a source of CO2 emissions long after other sectors have transformed to a carbon-free economy.

This is just one of the minor methods they've learned they can influence the weather, the weather modification reports from the sixties explain even more; presumably it's gotten more complicated since then, but there's little or no effort to educate the public about the best research, and mandatory reports to the president and Congress, which are also available to the public are no longer required by law, so it's hard to find out which sources are most reliable. Without a sincere effort to educate the public about the most reliable weather modification methods, the most prominent people discussing it on the internet are conspiracy theorists, who often appear to be fringe, discussing "Chem Trails" or "HAARP" in a manner that often doesn't seem credible. Some of these claims are often debunked, and probably rightly so, but some of the things they claim are allegedly done with Chem Trails are very similar to cloud seeding, which is explained in the scientific reports, or to Contrails, which as Tim Flannery explains can also impact Global Warming. The recent pandemic has lead to another large drop in air travel that lasted much longer than the three day moratorium after 9/11, although it may not have been a complete ban, so this will provide another opportunity to check see if lack of chem trails increases the difference between the temperature between day and night again. And there's also a massive drop in air pollution, providing additional research opportunities, although the current political establishment won't allow us to benefit from this research.

Another major unsolved mystery is alleged prophecies that claim to partially or completely predict the future, and according to believers many of them have come true; however, skeptics always find some aspects of the prophecies that don't come true and they're often phrased in a manner that is vague, or what Jesus referred to as parables, which could be interpreted in many different ways. One of the most famous alleged prophets who could predict the future is, of course, Nostradamus, but there are many more including Helena Blavatsky, biblical prophecies etc. Perhaps one of the most convincing examples of an alleged prophet, mystic or spiritualist (they go by many names) is Andrew Jackson Davis author of "The Penetralia" who was from the nineteenth century and was very well known at the time, but is almost forgotten now, although he predicted a lot of modern technology along with getting the length of the days for Jupiter and Saturn right and coming very close to getting the speed of light right, close to if not more than a hundred years before these were scientifically calculated. By the time it became clear that many of his predictions came true, or at least close, most people stopped paying attention to him, so it seems few realized that he was right on many issues. However, in all fairness, if you go through his books it will be clear that the majority of his claims were clearly wrong; but the things he got right are virtually impossible to explain, since they're beyond wild guesses.

Since Nostradamus is so much better known, I've been familiar with him much longer. Some of his alleged predictions seem very compelling; however, since he makes these predictions in vague or confusing Quatrains I have to rely on other people interpretations. Business Insider provides a list of 14 Famous Predictions By Nostradamus 12/31/2011 along with a review debunking some and indicating that others might be close to the truth; but since they're presented in riddles it can be interpreted in many different ways. One Quatrain which allegedly applies to the September 11 attacks is the following:
"Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river."

Personally I can't make any sense out of this; and once again, instead of relying on the original Quatrain what got my attention was a 1981 documentary twenty years before 9/11 that seems to get it close, Orson Welles Nostradamus The Man Who Saw Tomorrow 1981 It's not perfect, of course, but towards the end of this documentary it predicts that a King or Shah will make a devastating attack on New York City, which is actually much worse than the 2001 attack, using nuclear weapons, possibly leading to the end of civilization. This is overly hyped and exaggerated but there were more similarities to the real thing than I would have expected. This is of course, assuming you accept the official explanation of 9/11; if it was a controlled demolition, it wouldn't fulfill the prophecy, although it might seem like it was intended to.

If there were an advanced intelligence that religious people perceive as being "God" and this advanced intelligence was experimenting with us and had specific experiments that they intended to do at specific times, that might also be related to these predictions, they would have known generally what to predict and could have leaked hints through vague prophecies that people wouldn't understand until it's too late, assuming we even understand it then. There were also many alleged prophecies predicting the pandemic, although many were from scientists not prophets as indicated in, Bill Gates has been warning of a global health threat for years. Here are 12 people who seemingly predicted the coronavirus pandemic. 05/13/2020; however they did include at least two from alleged mystics, one a modern self described prophet, who could have repeated the predictions from scientists, for all I know and another from Nostradamus.

There was at least one other famous one which I went into in my previous article Fake Corona-virus Apocalypse? which claimed this was the "Pale Horse," supposedly the last prediction before the return of Christ, according to some. But there have been plenty of predictions saying the coming of Christ was imminent, and none of them have happened; furthermore, this is based on the "good God" hypothesis, which can't be true, since a good God would have communicated and advised on how to prevent many disasters.

That article also speculated about the possibility that this might be part of a medical research project; there's no doubt they're researching it, as they should, but experiments to do so intentionally for some reason would be far more extreme. At the time I was skeptical about how bad the pandemic would get, since it was much more hype than the number of infections when I began writing that article, by the time I finished it the death toll rose a bit; but it wasn't until shortly after I posted it that it skyrocketed above a thousand a day and even above two thousand for a little while. It may be much worse than I expected at that time; but it's still not nearly as bad as many historical pandemics including the Spanish Influenza that killed about fifty million at a time when the population was 70% lower, the Smallpox wiping out most Native Americans, or the plagues, which were the worst pandemics ever, by most standards.

Another previous article Were Ancient Aliens Experimenting With Humans during Plague Epidemics? speculated about the possibility that Ancient Aliens were experimenting on health back then, pointing out that modern scientists still don't know whey the plagues kept coming back over and over again, nor do they know why they suddenly stopped happening just over three hundred years ago. The researchers from that time didn't understand it at all, and certainly didn't know how to stop it, yet after the seventeenth century they suddenly stopped reoccurring. If aliens were experimenting with it could they have learned how to stop it, or developed an immunity for it? If so could they be doing the same thing with the Coronavirus?

Whether or not there is contact with aliens there's an enormous effort to convince people there is; and even if aliens are visiting there seems to be a major effort to convince people to believe a false mythology that distorts many of the facts, including the Ancient Aliens show on the History Channel, which does get some facts right, regardless of how ridiculous it often looks, but it also mixes these correct claims with an enormous number of false ones. My best guess is that they're trying to disclose some accurate information in a manner that few rational people will believe, since sorting through which is right requires a lot of fact checking. There may be other efforts to create a false mythology about visits from aliens being kept secret, including an alleged series of disclosure from anonymous insiders that gained a lot of attention from some devoted UFO believers called the Serpo disclosures, which is a long detailed set of alleged confessions, including some alleged leaked documents like Serpo Release 27a transcript for Reagan's briefing on Roswell. This has been taken down from the internet, at least temporarily about a week or so ago, but I retrieved it from the Wayback Machine. For starters, they don't provide the original document, that I know of, but there are more problems with this.

I started having doubts about this when reading this page, and it was confirmed that this is at least partly if not entirely fake. My first concern was when Reagan asked "How long did it take this spaceship to get here?" and the "Caretaker" which is leading the debriefing attempts to avoid answering this simple question explaining that they were concerned about reevaluating the security clearance of the people in the room, even though there's little or no reason this simple question would raise security questions after a five to ten minutes of going back and forth with meaning less banter Reagan agrees to let him make his disclosures when he sees fit, then he just answers the question anyway, saying, "It took the EBE spaceship nine (9) of our months to travel the 40 [38.42] light-years. Now, as you can see, that would mean the EBE spaceship traveled faster than the speed of light."

My best guess is that this is impossible and that the aliens can't travel faster than the speed of light as I indicated in the article about Occam's Razor. but there were some other flaws in the way they described Zeta Reticuli, which is the star system they claim the aliens came from. This is a binary system, which should mean that in most cases that the temperature wouldn't be consistent enough to develop advanced life. However, since the two stars in the Zeta Reticuli system are 350 billion miles apart, one of them would be very dim, perhaps not much if any brighter than our full moon, to a planet orbiting the other at a distance that allows for life to develop in what they call the "Goldilocks Zone," because the temperature is just right, like Earth. But the briefing claimed that it was light all the time on this planet, which might have been true during the part of the year where the planet was in between the two starts, although the light from the star 350 billion miles away wouldn't be nearly as bright at night, but on the other part of the year when the planet is on the other side of the closer sun neither sun would be visible at night.

There were several other problems on the page with the briefing that led me to doubt it; but for true believers, they could probably be explained away, even if I disagree; however, on the third disclosure from this web page, Posting Three by Anonymous (7 November, 2005), they described the same planet saying that it was 91 million miles from one sun and 96 million miles from the other, which is obviously false; not only would one of the suns be 350 billion miles away in this system, but if it were another system, they couldn't possibly have consistent distances like this since they would be orbiting one of the suns, unless the two stars were very close to each other and the planet was orbiting both, which would have made them about the same distance, but it would have still fluctuated.

Despite this obvious flaw and many others at least one high profile UFO researcher seems to think it's legitimate, Mike Bara author of Hidden Agenda: NASA and the Secret Space Program 2016. He does acknowledge that some people claim they're fake, but he justifies his belief in their legitimacy by asking "If it is fake, the effort to create the air of authenticity is off the scale. Why would anyone even bother, especially if they're giving the information for free?"

This doesn't address the serious flaws that indicate that this is at least partly, if not entirely fake, but it is a legitimate question. There's still no doubt that this isn't a credible source; but this isn't a simple hoax, since it would have taken way to much time. as for who would do it and why the most likely answer is the CIA or what ever organization that is controlling misinformation and propaganda bout UFOs. This appears to be a complex effort to control the mythology about UFOs, and by accepting the legitimacy of these papers Mike Bara is helping with that effort, intentionally or not.

There may be much more evidence of unsolved mysteries that many of us have never heard of, for example I just heard of Wikipedia: Dorothy Eady for the first time, which looks like a compelling case for a major unsolved mystery, although I haven't looked too closely so I wouldn't call it the most compelling one I know of some of the ones previously mentioned have much stronger evidence including Andrew Jackson Davis, and other compelling examples of mystics that can't be explained easily include Padre Pio and Helena Blavatsky along with at least half a dozen or a dozen more are enough to establish a pattern of behavior showing that an unknown advanced intelligence might be influencing many people, although many of them might not provide clear evidence.

I've known about David Icke for quite a while, and knew that he came up with many irrational and fanatical ideas, along with a few good ones; but I only recently realized that he claimed to have met with an alleged mystic, Betty Shine, claiming that she received messages from the "spirit world" telling her that he would become famous and that the "spirit world" would also pass on messages to him, implying he's an alleged mystic. The evidence for this is very weak, compared to other alleged mystics; but since other mystics establish a pattern of behavior I wouldn't rule it out. But whether they're mystics or not they've shown they have no credibility since many of their claims are clearly false and can easily be proven false.

There's a significant amount of evidence to raise doubts about the official story, and until the conspiracy theorists can explain how they could have done the controlled demolition there's also problems with their theory. There's also an enormous amount of evidence showing there are many other major unsolved mysteries; but more research and peer review needs to be done before we con conclude for certain that this theory is either true or false, or that some of these unsolved mysteries might be related.

In order to confirm or refute this the scientific community has to take this seriously, with an open mind, instead of relying on pseudo-skeptics that study propaganda to confuse the issue instead of acknowledging unsolved mysteries and using the scientific process, they pretend to support, to solve them. The more they continue doing this the more they show that We Must Become The Media And The Scientists and do it ourselves.

The following are some additional sources on the subject:

Omn Seti Dorothy Eady Reincarnation

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

It's official: European Scientific Journal concludes 9/11 was a controlled demolition 04/30/2020


Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice

Scientists for 9/11 Truth

Scientists for 9/11 Truth: The Citizens’ 9/11 Commission Campaign founded and led by former Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska, 1969-1981).

9/11 CitizensWatch

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Wikipedia: 9/11 conspiracy theories

Larry Silverstein Writes His Own WTC History 09/10/2019

How many people worked at the World Trade Center on September 11? September 2014

9/11 destruction “controlled demolition” — fact or fiction? 11/24/2017

The New York Times: THE NATION; Figuring What It Would Take to Take Down a Tower 03/21/1993 The columns, 21 on each face of each tower, are nearly 10 feet apart, center to center. The World Trade Center's towers were also built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 jet, the largest flying at the time of the center's design. The plane was assumed to be fresh out of Kennedy International Airport, fully loaded and carrying full tanks of fuel. While such a crash would cause great damage to the building, the design is such that the building would not topple. Lynn S. Beedle, director of the Council on Tall Buildings and the Urban Habitat, said: "With one bomb, it would be difficult. If it were big enough, it would be possible. There is a demolition method, but that involves putting explosives all through the building, on each column." But he said that if the job required a bomb bigger than the one used at the trade center, "I think people would mostly think in terms of security measures," as opposed to stronger buildings.

How do you demolish a skyscraper? 11/30/2012 However, carrying out such a demolition involves painstaking preparation. It can take up to six months to survey the structure and prepare it for the blast by removing non-load bearing walls, weakening support structures and fitting the charges. Clearing up debris afterwards can take up to two months.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice: Evidence The buildings have been investigated and found to be safe in an assumed collision with a large jet airliner (Boeing 707-DC 8) traveling at 600 miles per hour. Analysis indicates that such collision would result in only local damage which could not cause collapse or substantial damage to the building and would not endanger the lives and safety of occupants not in the immediate area of impact. --City in the Sky, p 131

Who really blew up the twin towers? 09/05/2006
Their iconoclastic positions have
Pollution made COVID-19 worse. Now, lockdowns are clearing the air. 04/07/2020

The Pandemic Has Led to a Huge, Global Drop in Air Pollution 03/28/2020

Before-and-after photos show the dramatic effect lockdowns are having on pollution around the world 04/29/2020

New Research Links Air Pollution to Higher Coronavirus Death Rates 04/07/2020

The Alien Abduction: Pascagoula man says he had an encounter with aliens 01/14/2019

September 11th As It Unfolds - FAA and NORAD Tapes 05/0/2020

Why Crop Circles Are NOT Man Made 04/09/2020

S10.E04 Easter Island Mysteries of a Lost World I WBC TV 01/13/2019

COVID-19 Sparks a Rebirth of the Local Farm Movement 05/21/2020

In Japan, Allowed To Grow Hybrids Of Humans And Animals 08/02/2019

Serpo: Consistencies: 1) Interview with EBE-2: March 5th, 1983 at Los Alamos National Labs

Does anyone have the transcript for Reagan's briefing on Roswell? 05/24/2020

VA gave hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 to 1,300 veterans 05/22/2020

New Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows coronavirus conspiracy theories spreading on the right may hamper vaccine efforts 05/22/2020

'They're all forced to listen to us' It began as a tiny internet film attacking the 'lies' surrounding 9/11. Now, millions of people have heard its message. Like it or loathe it, you can't ignore Loose Change, says Ed Pilkington 01/27/2007

15 bewildering conspiracy theories that celebrities think are true 11/15/2019

A Tour Of Silicon Valley With Jacques Vallee 2018

Dr. Steven Greer: On May 21, 2014, we received a cache of Top Secret documents related to “Project Aquarius”, a purported Majestic 12 (MJ-12) covert project related to UFOs/ETs.

Coronavirus Bracelets Are Ready to Snitch on Workers 05/25/2020

David Icke says shock 9/11 report exposes 'cover up' on third tower 'demoliton' 05/1/2020 Mark Loizeaux, who runs one of the world's leading demolition companies, Controlled Demolition Incorporated, said it would take months to design and prepare the structure for placement of the charges. He told the BBC: "It's noisy. There's just no way to get around it. You go in, you knock out usually all the walls on the floors where you place explosives, gut them." "The amount of air that's displaced will break windows easily. There were a lot of broken windows mainly through impact debris. “But I didn't see windows broken on the backs of building, only where debris falling from the towers struck it.

Council Member Mayfield Pushes 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Facebook Post 04/17/2018

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Assault On Democracy And Health Care During Pandemic

At a time when the pandemic has shown that we need improvements in our health care more than ever, the political establishment from both Parties are relentlessly trying to stop any chance of getting Medicare For All, and furthermore, evidence shows that pollution makes this far worse, and instead of trying to reduce pollution they're rolling back environmental protections. And there using the panic over the pandemic as an excuse to make it worse, not better. As I pointed out previously in Fake Corona-virus Apocalypse? the vast majority of countries with a Single Payer Health Care System, Universal Coverage or state run insurance, if not health care are handling the pandemic much better than the United States, with a much lower death rate as a result. (The source I used to select most of the countries with Universal Health care, "Very Well Health," only listed eighteen countries with universal health care at that time, since then they added another fourteen, but only three of those fourteen, Italy, Belgium and Spain hare being hit harder than the United States with many of the other eleven handling it much better, so if anything the difference is even bigger, showing that these countries are handling it even better than before.)

Furthermore, the vast majority of the public has supported Medicare for all consistently for years, even before the pandemic as the most recent poll shows, Poll: 69 percent of voters support Medicare for All 04/24/2020 In all fairness if you Google polls for support for Medicare for All you'll find many with a smaller margin supporting it; however, keep in mind these polls are controlled by the commercial media which has a financial incentive to oppose Medicare for all. Our current for profit system takes an enormous amount of money from premiums and spends it on things that have nothing to do with health care, including high CEO salaries, payments to stockholders, campaign donations and lobbying against the interests of their customers, and an enormous advertising budget, including propaganda ads smearing Medicare for all. The media makes a fortune selling these ads which are paid for with money you give insurance companies in the form of premiums, yet you have no say in how it's used. Media companies also have interlocking boards of directors and stockholders with insurance companies, so they have an incentive to oppose Medicare for all, yet even their polls say the public support it, even if some of them say the margin is smaller than 69% or 70%.

Furthermore, a study shows Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives each year 02/22/2020 Where are those savings coming from? It's coming from profits or other expenses that enrich people controlling powerful institutions instead of providing health care! If we passed Medicare for All the a large portion money being to corrupt the system will dry up, although there are more scams we have to stand up to. So is it really a surprise that the establishment profiting off a a corrupt system is trying to stop this reform, as the following article shows?

COVID-19 Isn’t Halting Corporate Media’s Attacks on Universal Health Care 04/19/2020 by Andrew Caballero-Reynolds

There’s nothing like a global pandemic to demonstrate that a universal single-payer healthcare system like Medicare for All is not an idealistic fantasy, but an immediate, urgent necessity. When over 16 million Americans have already filed for unemployment benefits within the last three weeks, it’s clear that the American system of making health insurance a privilege only for those who work—or for those poor and old enough to qualify for Medicaid and Medicare—has made the US especially vulnerable to Covid-19.

Despite the false choice often presented to us by politicians and corporate media (our health vs. “the economy”), not only is it possible to address both, a stronger coronavirus response is an absolute prerequisite for avoiding the worst-case economic scenarios (Jacobin, 4/1/20).

While there have been several op-eds (Washington Post, 2/26/20; New York Times, 3/11/20; Bloomberg, 3/13/20) recognizing that Medicare for All is necessary because it’s disastrous to have people delaying or avoiding necessary treatment during a pandemic without a vaccine, many in corporate media are still engaging in class warfare by continuing their crusade against universal healthcare (, 4/29/19, 10/2/19).

Politico contributing editor Bill Scher’s “No, Coronavirus Isn’t Proof We Need Socialism” (3/24/20) parroted the typical canards about technocratic centrists like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo prioritizing “competence,” and the “nuts and bolts of effective crisis response,” over opportunistic “socialists” like Sen. Bernie Sanders trying to “exploit the crisis in order to advance their ideology.” (It’s worth pointing out that Cuomo’s “competence” delayed taking effective action against the coronavirus until New York State had by far the worst outbreak in the, 4/11/20.) Complete article

Some of the arguments partially refuted in the above article include claims that some countries with some version of Single Payer Health Care, including Italy and France, and perhaps Great Britain, claim that they're doing even worse than the United States. In addition to the arguments he made, it should also be clear that they selectively chose the countries with Single Payer that were doing the worst. In my previous article cited above I showed that the vast majority of countries with a Single Payer Health Care System, Universal Coverage or state run insurance, are handling the crisis much better. However, the following article shows that when people need their health care the most, like this pandemic, they're in danger of losing it as a result of job losses, making it even more important to support Medicare for All:

'The Next Crisis': Up to 43 Million Americans Could Lose Health Insurance Due to Pandemic, Study Shows 05/10/2020
by Julia Conley, staff writer

"The American healthcare financing system was not built to withstand the combined impact of a pandemic and a recession."

Medicare for All advocates on Sunday pointed to the latest study on the looming health insurance crisis already becoming apparent amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to job losses for more than 33 million people in the past two months.

Because health insurance is tied to employment for about half the country—160 million people—as many as 43 million are expected to lose their health insurance due to the pandemic, according to a new report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Urban Institute.

Analysts project that 43 million Americans could lose their insurance when the unemployment rate hits 20%. According to the Department of Labor, the current unemployment rate is 14.7%. Some economists estimate that between 19% and 23.6% of Americans are actually out of a job, including those who lost their jobs in the last two weeks and those who have not filed jobless claims. Complete article

Tying Health Care employment was never a good idea in the first place; whose idea was it?

It certainly wasn't mine, did anyone ever consult you about this idea or explain the benefits or flaws to it? The 69% of the public that think we should get Medicare For All don't seem to think this is a good idea.

This economic system was created by a small percentage of the public, over the decades without fully explaining or consulting with the majority of the public. These people are either very wealthy or have close ties to those that are very wealthy. Supposedly we have a free enterprise system where competition is supposed to provide incentive for people to work harder and make more money. However the market is divided up among oligarchs; and health care is one of the methods they use to discourage people from leaving their jobs even when wages are suppressed or they're treated unfairly.

Tying health care to employment gives more power to the employer, enabling them to partially control decisions about health care. One of the most brazen examples where an employer interfered with the health care of an employee was Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and Birth Control where the Supreme Court ruled that employers can impose their religious beliefs on employees by depriving employees of the right to contraception. This ignores the incredibly obvious fact that they're depriving the employee of their own religious freedom. Employees would never even think of trying to impose their religious beliefs on employers. Employees are also at risk of losing their health care when laid off during pandemics or for other reasons; and if employers impose on the rights of workers and they go on strike to stand up for those rights they risk losing their job and health care.

Medicare For All would solve all these problems and deprive corporate interests from using this to suppress the rights of their workers. This is just one of many policies where the political establishment routinely opposes the most popular policies favored by the majority of the public; and in most cases Bernie Sanders, and many independent candidates, supported the policies favored by the public, while both Joe Biden oppose many of these policies!

Polls With Citations: Americans Want Bernie’s New Deal For All 07/26/2019

On one issue after another, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump oppose the positions most popular with the American Public; they both oppose Medicare For All; taxes on the wealthy; the Green New Deal; higher minimum wages; tuition free college; regulations holding Wall Street or Big Banks accountable; ending big money in politics; a reasonable path to citizenship; universal childcare; efforts to curb income inequality; legalizing marijuana; caps on interest rates; and many more policies popular with the American public. They both support a rush to military intervention in other countries, virtually always based on lies; mass incarceration; and an economic system rigged to favor the wealthy among other things.

But of course this can't be true; can it? This is a democratic system we wouldn't vote for two nominees that oppose almost everything we support, would we?

Certainly not well informed people; but a large portion of the electorate isn't that well informed. Many of them get their information from corporate media which is controlled by a fraction of one percent, and they give us relentless propaganda avoiding many of the most important issues. They often repeat the most recent promises establishment politicians make without reminding them that they have a history of opposing these issues, and breaking campaign promises. Furthermore they refuse to cover candidates that they don't approve of. Bernie Sanders seems to be the exception, perhaps becasue he had so much support they felt they couldn't ignore him. However even he gave in and endorsed a candidate that opposes everything he stands for twice.

Oh, one other thing; when epidemic levels of propaganda isn't enough to ensure their corrupt candidate get the nomination, they cheat like hell rigging the primaries, either by suppressing voter turn out in certain areas, using electronic voting without a paper trail, or a variety of other methods to rig the primaries.

Yea, they cheat like hell and I went into many of their methods in Epidemic 2020 Election Fraud Again which compiled a long list of election rigging evidence, mostly at the local level, which the mainstream media provides little coverage of, and when they do cover it they try to spin it.

They both also support cutting Social Security, even though they've both promised to protect it, there records say otherwise! They both have a record of trying to cut Social Security while in office, despite promises to do the opposite; in Biden's case, this record goes back decade. Trump was able to pretend otherwise, since he wasn't in government until 2017. Contrary to the way the media routinely presents it, Social Security is an earned benefit, which is paid for by payroll taxes. The real entitlements are the subsidies they routinely provide corporations even though they don't earn them. The following article shows how both nominees and leaders of both parties are interested in making excuses to cut it:

Even in a Pandemic, the Knives Are out for Social Security 05/11/2020 by David Sirota

We’re in the middle of a devastating pandemic and economic crisis — but that hasn’t stopped both Democrats and Republicans from coming up with new ways to assault and destroy Social Security.

During the 2020 Democratic primary, Joe Biden had to answer for his repeated attempts to work with Republicans to try to cut Social Security benefits. Biden responded by pretending he never tried to cut the program, and by insisting he would try to expand it as president. This prompted some of his defenders to wonder why Social Security was even an issue, when presumably the Democratic Party and Donald Trump himself have publicly insisted they would never dream of trying to slash one of the most popular social programs in history.

Fast forward to the present and you will now understand why Social Security continues to be a huge point of contention: it’s because some powerful people in the Democratic Party still do dream of normalizing the idea of cutting Social Security, and those folks are now getting a boost from Donald Trump’s administration.

This sordid, little cautionary tale started last week. As lawmakers such as Bernie Sanders, Ed Markey, and Kamala Harris were unveiling a proposal to give workers a $2,000 stipend during the coronavirus crisis, University of Pennsylvania professor Natasha Sarin countered with a research paper pushing an alternate idea: “Allowing workers to tap their Social Security wealth to finance consumption today.”

Instead of giving workers money in the same way the government is giving corporations trillions of dollars, or instead of vastly expanding unemployment benefits, Sarin and her cohorts want Americans to “borrow against their retirement benefits,” effectively turning Social Security into a reverse mortgage. This, they argue, “may well be superior to alternatives already legislated because it delivers relief to households that need it most.”

Echoing Biden’s own anti-deficit rhetoric when he pushed Social Security cuts, the researchers conclude: “In exchange for relatively small cuts in scheduled benefits, the government can send sizable checks to most households in a fiscally neutral way.”

The Summers Connection

What does this have to do with Democratic politics? Well, it turns out, a lot, actually.

Sarin interned at the Obama National Economic Council when it was run by Larry Summers, at the very time that administration considered proposals (reportedly led by Biden) to cut Social Security. Sarin remains a close ally of Summers — she recently co-authored a Washington Post op-ed with Summers that slammed the idea of a wealth tax.

That’s the same Summers now advising the Biden campaign.

Additionally, the American Prospect reports that “Summers not only plays a direct role (in Biden’s campaign), but has managed to insert close allies and protégés to argue against progressive policies, including his former student and frequent co-author Natasha Sarin.” Complete article

The establishment is full of think tanks filled with people who study how to manipulate the system so that one large class of people do all the work but a much smaller class of people take all the money. It's like a white collar mafia. But of course the most obvious technique they use is only covering candidates that support their ideology, so those representing the public can never get name recognition.

Depending on how you look at it there may be a silver lining to this pandemic, since shutting down the economy has greatly reduced pollution, which is something we can learn from, assuming we can stop politicians from selling out to the oil companies, which is what they continue to do even during the pandemic, as the following article shows:

Pollution made COVID-19 worse. Now, lockdowns are clearing the air. 04/07/2020

Even before the coronavirus, air pollution killed seven million people a year. Will today's cleaner air inspire us to do better?

AS THE NOVEL coronavirus tears around the world, it’s exploiting our biggest weaknesses, from creaking health care systems to extreme social inequality. Its relationship with one pervasive and neglected problem, however, is more tangled: Air pollution has intensified the pandemic, but the pandemic has—temporarily—cleaned the skies.

When new evidence emerged this week that dirty air makes COVID-19 more lethal, it surprised no one who has followed the science of air pollution—but the scale of the effect was striking. The study, which must still undergo peer review for publication, found that the tiny pollutant particles known as PM2.5, breathed over many years, sharply raise the chances of dying from the virus.

Researchers from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health analyzed data on PM2.5 levels and COVID-19 deaths from about 3,000 U.S. counties covering 98 percent of the U.S. population. Counties that averaged just one microgram per cubic meter more PM2.5 in the air had a COVID-19 death rate that was 15 percent higher.

“If you’re getting COVID, and you have been breathing polluted air, it’s really putting gasoline on a fire,” said Francesca Dominici, a Harvard biostatistics professor and the study’s senior author.

That’s because the fine particles penetrate deep into the body, promoting hypertension, heart disease, breathing trouble, and diabetes, all of which increase complications in coronavirus patients. The particles also weaken the immune system and fuel inflammation in the lungs and respiratory tract, adding to the risk both of getting COVID-19 and of having severe symptoms. Complete article

Unfortunately there's little or no reason to believe that either Donald Trump of Joe Biden will do much if anything to protect the environment and learn from this unintended experiment, even though Joe Biden occasionally does a better job pretending to protect the environment. Both have clearly shown that they'll cater to the oil companies; and, as the following article show's Trump isn't even pretending otherwise:

Trump dismantles environmental protections under cover of coronavirus 05/11/2020

The Trump administration is diligently weakening US environment protections even amid a global pandemic, continuing its rollback as the November election approaches.

During the Covid-19 lockdown, US federal agencies have eased fuel-efficiency standards for new cars; frozen rules for soot air pollution; proposed to drop review requirements for liquefied natural gas terminals; continued to lease public property to oil and gas companies; sought to speed up permitting for offshore fish farms; and advanced a proposal on mercury pollution from power plants that could make it easier for the government to conclude regulations are too costly to justify their benefits.

The government has also relaxed reporting rules for polluters during the pandemic.

Trump’s ambitions reach even to the moon, which he has announced he wants the US to mine. Complete article

The absurdity of this situation is mind boggling; and what they're doing is incredibly obvious. They're enabling a fanatical president to be so incredibly horrible that they can convince the masses they have to accept Joe Biden as their nominee even though he's almost as corrupt if not as corrupt as Trump and he's not likely to do much better on any given issue. He's selling out the same corporate interests and has indicated with his actions repeatedly that he's not going to do much if any more to protect the environment than he is going to do to defend Social Security or provide health care for everyone!

Intentionally or not, they're using Donald Trump to prop up the lesser of two evils argument.

The problem is that we never would have gotten into this situation if we hadn't fallen for the lesser of two evils argument.

Every time we fall for this scam both evils get worse!

If this ever was a fringe conspiracy theory, that's clearly not the case any more, the evidence is so obvious that there's no longer any doubt about what they're doing. This isn't a conspiracy theory; it's a rational conclusion based on the evidence available, and this evidence has taken things to an absurd satirical extreme.

Amazingly, Biden has a long track record of telling people not to vote for him when he gets in arguments and he's either taking for granted or alienating many of the constituencies that he needs to win including Latinos, Asian-Americans, African Americans, Millennials and Women. Joe Biden has insulted many of these groups and clearly is relying on their opposition to Trump to be so strong that they'll vote for anyone to get rid of him, even though Biden isn't much different from him on many issues.

It hardly seems like Biden is even trying to appeal to voters or campaign this latest article indicates that he's using the pandemic as an excuse not to campaign, Biden's outreach to Dems lags as Trump syncs up with GOP 05/20/2020 but he hardly put much effort in during the primary either, often relying on the media to present him as inevitable. And he often blatantly insults his own constituents, the latest is that he said "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black" 05/22/2020 and implied that he may not be back to this particular show and was taking African American's for granted because Trump's so bad; but, of course, reasonably well informed people know he's not much if any better than Trump.

And of course Biden will be hit with one scandal after another during the general election campaign, right now the most popular ones seem to be Tara Reade's accusation and it wasn't long ago Exclusive: 1996 court document confirms Tara Reade told of harassment in Biden’s office 05/09/2020 and the Ukraine scandal isn't going away anytime soon as another story just came out Recording of calls between Joe Biden, ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko leaked 05/20/2020 "Edited recordings of the calls were played at a news conference Tuesday in Kiev by Andriy Derkach, who has claimed he has proof showing that Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company that employed Biden’s son Hunter Biden, paid then-Vice President Joe Biden $900,000 in lobbying fees."

The entire Democratic establishment and most of the mainstream media is unified in claiming there's nothing to this scandal; however this is just one of many cushy jobs Biden's family and relatives of many other politicians get that the vast majority of us could never get. His family is filthy rich thanks to their political connections, and they're clearly more corrupt than most politicians. There's an incredibly long list of other scandals that will be rolled out before now and November that the Mainstream media has been sweeping under the rug during the primary season as I pointed out in Joe Biden Really Was Taken Off The Trash Heap

There's no doubt that Trump will Beat Biden "Like a drum" once he's finalized as the nominee until the election and there's little or no chance that he'll win, especially with Biden insanely trashing his own base one time after another, ensuring there'll be little or not enthusiasm for him at all!

Are they trying to rig the General Election for Trump again by rigging the primary for the only candidate that can lose to him again?

As insane as this sounds the overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that's exactly what they're doing!

They began their efforts to rig the primary long before the pandemic but when it came along they were quick to take advantage of it, for some reason even postponing the Ohio election at a time when they only had 67 infections and no deaths in the state according to Worldometer on the Wayback Machine, (two more infections happened the day after it, which was when they started breaking it down by state); the entire country still had fewer than 7,000 diagnosed cases and less than 110 deaths attributed to Corona-virus at the time, but the states surrounding Ohio weren't any worse of than they were, although both Illinois and Florida were and they held their primaries on that day anyway. Two days later when they shut down the economy in large parts of the country including New England there were still fewer than 11,000 infections and only 160 deaths in the United States, and only two of those deaths were in Connecticut, and there were very few infections at that time in Northern New England, yet they were going into a total panic; some health care organizations had already begun overreacting weeks before that.

If the numbers being put out by Worldometer and the CDC now are accurate, there was a massive pandemic where the United States got hit much worse than the rest of the world coming shortly after that, but there should have been no way for them to know it, yet they seemed to. But the shut down of the economy didn't stop the pandemic, and an argument could even be made that it might have made it worse somehow, since the infection rate and death rate didn't skyrocket until after they shut down the economy. This is why I wrote Fake Corona-virus Apocalypse? By that time the infections had reached almost 124,000 infections and 2,229 deaths, according to Worldometer, but I was skeptical about how they could gather that data in real time, and to some degree I still am.

However, since then the CDC has provided their own numbers on the pandemic based on the death certificates, which often took weeks to report, and, for the most part they confirmed the high numbers in April, and presumably, when the death certificates are complete from May will also confirm that as well. In order for this to be a hoax, it would have to be enormous; and the CDC would have to be involved in it faking the numbers. Many of the most common conspiracy theories, about this being done for purposes of greed, won't stand up to scrutiny, since the elites involved in it would have been able to make as much money if not much more with business as usual.

At the time I wrote that article Bernie Sanders was still in the race, and I speculated about the possibility that he might be able to expose the cheating, which seemed unlikely even then, since he remained silent about epidemic levels of cheating in 2016. I indicated that it would take something far-fetched to turn it around; but that by delaying the primaries there was a chance that this could happen. Technically there's still a chance since Joe Biden still doesn't have the delegates he needs, and he's such a pathetic candidate that he could still collapse before it's too late. But with Bernie Sanders caving so completely, remaining silent about epidemic levels of election fraud, and even endorsing a candidate that opposes everything he stands for it seems virtually out of the question assuming something that might seem miraculous to many doesn't happen.

Bernie Sanders was recently asked if he would run again, Sanders says another presidential run is 'very, very unlikely' 05/11/2020 He responded by saying “I think the likelihood is very, very slim at that;” the premise of this question seems to be either that he might consider challenging Biden, assuming he wins and runs for a second term, or, perhaps far more likely is that Trump is now virtually guaranteed a second term, because Biden is so pathetic he can easily be beat. It seems to me that the best chance that a "very, very slim" chance would happen is the unlikely chance that something goes so wrong with Biden's campaign that they decide to replace him because they have to admit that he doesn't have a chance of beating Trump.

For a long time, I've been arguing that we only have the illusion of democracy since the mainstream media controlled by a fraction of one percent of the wealthiest people pre-select which candidates can get name recognition to enable them to be viable. They've been doing such an incredibly bad job at it that this is no longer even true, except for the most clueless people; we no longer even have an illusion of democracy.

If there is a "very, very slim" chance that Bernie runs for president comes true it just might be another charade, to restore the illusion of democracy. I've been arguing that the reason they provided any coverage at all for Bernie Sanders is because he's so popular that they can't ignore him without losing the last of their credibility. This may be partly true; but, Bernie Sanders still indicated that he would support the nominee at the begging of both the 2016 and 2020 campaigns regardless of the circumstances, effectively supporting the duopoly system. Many left wing critics of the duopoly system criticized him early on when he made this decision, claiming that he was damaging their chances of creating a viable third party candidate. Some even refereed to him as a pied piper candidate to lure away progressive voters from the Green Party or Socialist Parties.

He even remained silent about ranked choice voting most of the campaign with one exception, where he said he supported it in a town hall in Concord New Hampshire on December 28 2019, but it wasn't until he was asked about it by an advocate for it, and hardly got any media coverage, nor did he bring it up again in any of his rallies or elsewhere as far as I can tell. He could have done much more to draw attention to it, but instead he seems to be supporting the duopoly, by endorsing Joe Biden, who opposes everything he stands for.

He also picked a very odd time to suspend his campaign, the day after the Wisconsin primary, instead of the day before. Unlike the Ohio primary, this one was taking place after the daily death toll as a result of the pandemic sky-rocked above 1,000 per day nationwide, and Wisconsin was getting their share of infections and deaths for a state it's size. He did recommend that the primary be delayed while Biden was recommending that it take place and said it was safe, initially. After being criticized for saying it was safe, Biden flip flopped, of course, which is standard operating procedure for politicians. I thought he should have stayed in, of course, and so did many other progressives; especially since the pandemic showed more than ever that we need Medicare For All. However, if he was going to suspend his campaign partly because he was worried about the pandemic as he said, then the time to do it would obviously be the day before the primary. Now it's virtually guaranteed that we'll get a president who supports the white collar extortion operation controlled by insurance companies that considers profits for the oligarchy far more important than providing health care, partly because the politician fighting for it the most caved and endorsed one of the crooks totally opposed to it.

Now it's virtually out of the question that Biden could be replaced as the nominee; but, in the unlikely event that he was replaced with Bernie Sanders, he's shown that when it counts even he might not be reliable. There's a chance that they could merely be restoring the illusion of democracy, since many people would be far more likely to trust him than either Biden or Trump. In the unlikely event that Bernie did manage to get the nomination, most people from the left, including me would support him; but we have to be prepared to push many of the most important issues from the grassroots level, not relying on politicians.

This needs to include massive media reform so that a fraction of 1% can't control well over 95% of the national media! As long as we have an oligarchy system controlling the media they'll be able to rig elections by only covering candidates they support!

'This is ridiculous': Wisconsin voters had some strong words for their leaders while waiting to vote 04/07/2020

The following are additional related articles and sources:

Bernie Sanders on why we need a third party and the term "Waste Your Vote" 11/18/2016

Sen. Bernie Sanders, at New Hampshire town hall, endorses ranked choice voting 01/10/2020

Bernie Sanders Endorses Ranked Choice Voting 01/06/2020

CNN Should Have Asked About Ranked-Choice Voting. It’s Not Too Late. 07/31/2020

Energy/Natural Resources: Top Recipients 2020 1 Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) Senate $959,590; 2 Trump, Donald (R) $777,572; 7 Biden, Joe (D) $610,476; 9 Buttigieg, Pete (D) $426,267; 10 Warren, Elizabeth (D-MA) Senate $398,075

Oil & Gas: Top Recipients 2020 4 Trump, Donald (R) $380,586; 8 Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) Senate $273,548; 9 Biden, Joe (D) $264,403

Open Secrets Defense Top 20 Recipients 2019-20 1 Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) Senate $887,678; 3 Warren, Elizabeth (D-MA) Senate $339,975; 4 Biden, Joe (D) $337,255; 6 Trump, Donald (R) $275,272; 7 Buttigieg, Pete (D) $273,013; 8 Yang, Andrew (D) $252,498;

Reality Has Endorsed Bernie Sanders 03/30/2020

How air pollution exacerbates Covid-19 04/27/2020

Is it possible that the DNC actually wants Trump to win the 2020 election? 04/15/2020

The Trump Administration's "Monstrous Idea": Direct Payments in Exchange for Cuts to Social Security Benefits 05/11/2020

As Oil Price Plummets, Call to Nationalize Industry Rises 05/09/2020

GOP Senator Who Voted for Trump Tax Cuts and Corporate Slush Fund Now Says 'Not Enough Money to Help Everybody' Harmed by Covid-19 05/11/2020

Secret Service Agent says Joe Biden is the Washington DC Weinstein 11/15/2017

Trump administration cuts funding for coronavirus researcher Peter Daszak, jeopardizing possible COVID-19 cure 05/11/2020

Joe Biden's Lies Tara Reade's lawyer defended 6 of Weinstein's victims, Joe Biden promoted Anita Dunn a woman who helped defend him.

Biden's Memory Isn't the Only Problem; It's His Lies 03/19/2020 Based on Joe Biden's account, the Huffington Post got it right. Dunn was driving drunk. After all, in a 2001 speech at the University of Delaware, Biden said, "An errant driver who stopped to drink instead of drive and hit -- a tractor-trailer -- hit my children and my wife and killed them." But the then-Delaware prosecutor, now a judge, who investigated the accident says, "The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver [Dunn], is incorrect." Furthermore, the tractor-trailer driver had the right of way, and Dunn immediately got out of his truck and tried to render assistance. He was no drunk driver.

Pelosi Support for Corporate Lobbyist Bailout Denounced as 'Dumbest Political Maneuver You Could Possibly Make Right Now' 05/07/2020

Biden Won’t Release Senate Records Over Fear It Will Damage Campaign 05/01/2020

Joe Biden Says He'd Leave US Embassy in Jerusalem if Elected 04/29/2020

Israel’s New Government Is Exploiting Pandemic to Annex 30 Percent of West Bank 05/02/2020

New York Removes Bernie Sanders From The Primary Ballot 04/27/2020

Kentucky lawmakers override veto of voter ID measure 04/14/2020

Biden says he'd 'disown' anyone who made online attacks like Bernie Sanders' supporters 02/15/2020

Bernie Sanders fundraises for DNC after saying he had no plans to help Biden with donors 04/17/2020

Biden campaign seeks to let Sanders keep his delegates in unusual move 04/18/2020

Norwegian Psychiatrist Suggests Dem Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Suffering From Dementia 04/21/2020

Stephen King predicted the rise of Trump 40 years ago — but he says the reality is scarier than anything he’s written (Video with captions) 04/13/2020

The Irony of Being Essential, But Illegal 04/07/2020

Joe Lie-den 09/06/2019

Gates Foundation Calls For Global Cooperation On Vaccine For 7 Billion People 04/15/2020

Who the f*^k is Bill Gates to be mandating a vaccine? 04/10/2020

As in 2016, the DNC has once again actively engaged in primary rigging, and there is an abundance of hard proof. 2020

Leaked 2015 Memo Told Dems: ‘Don’t Offer Support’ For Black Lives Matter Policy Positions 08/31/2016

Ralph Nader: Democrats are still weak and corrupt, "could blow it again" 10/14/2018

Up to 43m Americans could lose health insurance amid pandemic, report says 05/10/2020

Trump's environmental 'blitzkrieg' advances under cover of coronavirus 05/11/2020

Missouri Republicans on the verge of gutting gerrymandering reform 05/11/2020

'A New Low': Betsy DeVos Sued for Garnishing Wages of Nearly 300,000 Student Loan Borrowers During Pandemic 05/01/2020

It's official: I AM NO LONGER A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. I can now fight tooth and nail to defeat Trump and his GOP racists and crooks. And I can do it without owning the fecklessness and corporate-funded faux-opposition of the Dem leadership. 05/09/2020

The US is halting funding to the WHO. What does this actually mean? 04/15/2020

Joe Biden lashes out at protesters, telling one 'you listen to Bernie too much' and another to 'vote for Trump' 11/22/2019

Is the DNC cheating? Again? 04/13/2020

DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency 03/21/2020 The Trump Department of Justice has asked Congress to craft legislation allowing chief judges to indefinitely hold people without trial and suspend other constitutionally protected rights during the coronavirus and other emergencies, according to a report by Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan.

Biden says coronavirus’ impact on health system hasn’t changed his mind on single-payer 03/30/2020

In Wisconsin, missing absentees spur questions and anger 04/09/2020

Trump Labor Secretary Condemned for 'Despicable' Efforts to Roll Back Unemployment Benefits, Paid Leave in Coronavirus Stimulus 04/11/2020

US Postal Service investigating issues with absentee ballots in Wisconsin that went undelivered 04/10/2020

As Coronavirus Pandemic Sweeps the Globe, Trump Authorizes New Bombing Campaign in the Middle East 03/13/2020

Trump Sends Gun Boats to Venezuela While the World Partners to Fight a Deadly Pandemic 04/07/2020

Partly false claim: The CEOs of these 19 companies stepped down during the Coronavirus outbreak 03/27/2020

Kshama Sawant @cmkshama On an interview this evening, a reporter from corporate media asked me, isn't it selfish that essential and frontline workers at Instacart, Amazon, and hospitals are going on strike, when we have a pandemic? Wanna talk about selfish: let's talk about the billionaires. 03/30/2020

Billionaires refuse to pay workers during Coronavirus pandemic, ask poor to donate to each other or other businesses to hire their workers etc. 04/02/2020

Joe Biden: It Would Be an Insult to My Dead Son for Everyone to Have Healthcare 08/27/2019

Is the DNC cheating? Again? 04/13/2020

DNC Caught Rigging Primary For Bloomberg 02/06/2020

Biden campaign doesn't consider Latinos 'part of their path to victory,' political operatives say 05/14/2020

Dear Bernie: There’s Nothing Left To Do But Go Our Separate Ways 05/15/2020

Beyond Bernie: An Open Letter to Sanders Supporters 05/12/2020

Oklahoma Legislators Eliminate Local Control of Public Health Decisions 05/15/2020

Dem Senator Just Got An Unfriendly Visit From The FBI & Is Under Investigation 05/14/2020

At Least Five U.S. Senators, Briefed on Coronavirus, Sold Stocks Before Market Crash 03/20/2020

Biden: ‘I wouldn’t vote for me if I believed Tara Reade’ 05/15/2020

The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying 05/08/2020

Tara Reade’s Ex-Neighbor on Biden Sexual Assault Allegation: I Believed Her Then & I Believe Her Now 05/01/2020

Biden is a Trump supporter 05/16/2020

Bill Gates Calls For National Tracking System For Coronavirus During Reddit AMA 05/18/2020

US lockdown protests may have spread virus widely, cellphone data suggests 05/18/2020

Florida removes data scientist who refused to manipulate COVID-19 numbers to support reopening 05/19/2020

Influencing Joe Biden On Foreign Policy Is An Uphill Battle 05/19/2020

Obama’s Final Drone Strike Data 01/20/2017

Philly Police Drag Man From Bus for Not Wearing a Face Mask 04/10/2020

Trump announces executive order 'suspending' regulations impeding the economy 05/19/2020

Appellate court orders New York to hold presidential primary, state will drop appeal 05/19/2020

At the time they shut down my local library there were fewer than 11,000 infections and only 160 deaths in the United States, and none in my state of any of the surrounding states, the last three days they were open prior to this, they were implementing bizarre social distancing policies discouraging people from spending to much time there or getting close to each other. By the time I posted my article that had risen to almost 124,000 infections and 2,229 deaths, which came to an average of just over 200 deaths per day, in that period; but the worst by far came almost immediately after that, and even though I was skeptical at first, the CDC has confirmed a large portion of this with their own data based on death certificates, which seems more reliable that the statistics the media is using.

XX 03/17/2020

XX 03/18/2020 Ohio had 69 cases two of them were new so there were no more than 67 when they canceled the primary and no deaths.

Florida Stops Medical Examiners From Releasing Coronavirus Death Data: Report 04/29/2020

It’s now official policy that COVID-19 be recorded as the cause of death even when it’s just “assumed” to be, or “assumed” to have “CONTRIBUTED to death” 05/18/2020

New ICD code introduced for COVID-19 deaths 03/24/2020 However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not.

50% of COVID-19 tests can give false positive results 05/18/2020

All The Times Joe Biden Told People Not To Vote For Him 05/15/2020

Biden Can't Stop Slapping Down People Desperate For Medicare For All! 05/19/2020

Trump says he's willing to cut entitlements to shrink the $23 trillion national debt 03/06/2020

Trump’s budget proposal probably won’t reduce your Social Security check, experts say, but will it lower your quality of life and health care? 02/12/2020

Recording of calls between Joe Biden, ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko leaked 05/20/2020 Edited recordings of the calls were played at a news conference Tuesday in Kiev by Andriy Derkach, who has claimed he has proof showing that Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company that employed Biden’s son Hunter Biden, paid then-Vice President Joe Biden $900,000 in lobbying fees.

No Fossil Fuel Money Coalition Members Call Out Biden’s Questionable Fundraising Practices 12/18/2019

Asian-American Groups Demand Biden Take Down His ‘Anti-China’ Ad 05/20/2020

Joe Biden Has Built a Career on Betraying Black Voters 03/05/2020

Biden Trashes Millennials in His Quest to Become Even Less Likable 01/12/2020

#MeToo crowd, Dems go silent on Joe Biden 04/30/2020

Betrayed by Joe Biden: a Personal History 11/29/2019

Here’s Joe Biden’s cringeworthy take that black men need condoms and black women need to keep their legs closed to stop the spread of AIDS. He’s full of malarkey. 05/21/2020

Joe Biden can’t beat Donald Trump or restore decency 03/18/2020

Joe Biden: A candidate with no campaign 04/28/2020

24/7 “This Is a Guy that Is Supposed to Beat Trump?” 04/16/2020

WSJ “This Is a Guy that Is Supposed to Beat Trump?” 04/16/2020

In Private Meeting, Joe Biden Said Part of Education Problem in Black Communities is that 'Parents Can't Read or Write Themselves' 02/13/2020

‘How Could the CDC Make That Mistake?’ 05/21/2020

Does Joe Biden really want to be president? 04/05/2020

GOP undeterred by criticism over Biden probes and plans aggressive election-year push 05/22/2020

Lies, damned lies and the truth about Joe Biden 05/22/2020

Joe Biden now in hot seat over ‘unmasking’ revelations 05/13/2020

Tara Reade Has New Evidence She Told Her Joe Biden Sexual Assault Story Decades Ago 04/27/2020

Biden: Voting in Wisconsin Is Safe. Locals: It Could Kill Us 04/07/2020 In a statement posted on its Facebook page on Friday, the City of Milwaukee Election Commission warned that “severe shortages in election workers,” meant 180 voting places have been whittled down “into five voting centers.”

Coronavirus Pandemic Has Grounded Presidential Campaigns, Political Operatives Turns To The Internet 05/13/2020

Shock-and-awe pandemics 05/11/2020