Saturday, February 8, 2025

Walmart Crime Report January 2025

Walmart had another eleven more shootings in January 2025, with one of them fatal, and at least four more injuries, which is now considered fewer than usual. At least two of the shooters were either current employees or former employees, one that may have had a grudge against Walmart, and the other is almost guaranteed to be fired. Most of these happened in clusters, with three less than 24 hours apart, 2 of those in Georgia, the other in Tennessee; two more were less than an hour apart on the same day, and another two were both in Texas less than four hours apart.

In addition to the shooting death there was also one other dead body found on their property, which only comes to two dead, the least in any month in years, perhaps over ten years; however, reliability of reporting even major incidents has gone down, so this may be a case of incomplete reporting. There was also evidence that an argument at Walmart in early Fall 2024 contributed to a shooting in December 2024, but this was at a different location, and the connection to Walmart would be minimal. Another lawsuit was filed related to a fatal Walmart shooting in Washington by the police, who are being sued along with the city, and possibly Walmart. An update on a brazen possible gang shooting from Nov. 2019 at Walmart shows evidence of it is flawed; and a more recent murder suspect was arrested at Walmart last month, but the murder was elsewhere.

There's also growing doubts about an employee that burned to death in a walk-in oven in October; even though dozens of employees familiar with these ovens claim it couldn't be accidental, the police and Walmart concluded it was and considered it an accident closing the case. This is being interpreted as a lack of concern for workers, and possible cover-up, whether it's intentional wrongdoing, dangerous equipment, or something else which may not be fully disclosed.

After one of these shootings the police in Lebanon Tennessee began examining a larger crime problem related to Walmart, like dozens, if not hundreds of police departments across the country, over the years. There have been numerous incidents where police began discussing crime at Walmart after shootings or other major crimes, and at times there have also been a large surge in police discussing high crime problems, like a large increase in these news articles that followed a Bloomberg expose in August of 2016, as if it spurred more police or reporters to speak out on it, after several years that steady supply of news about crime problems tapered off, but it's unclear if this was because crime went down, or police and media were pressured not to report it. Some subtle reports indicate this might be the case.

They also had at least five or six major gun crimes without firing shots, including robberies, fights leading to guns pulled, threats to shoot people and other incidents. When Walmart crime increases, instead of decreases, as a result of high tech solutions, like self-checkout, or other policies they have an amazing knack for refusing to acknowledge they should just reverse policies and go back to old policies that actually worked, like hiring more cashiers or other workers that reduce crime, like a new "app" that supposedly enables customers to "unlock" merchandise themselves, or "shop and scan" policies that are virtually identical to self-checkout, making it easier to steal.

There was another claim about possible police abuse that was caught on camera with a bloody suspect; for some reason it was taken down and the police claimed it was out of context and that he was a threat. There was also a dog electrocuted to death after stepping in a puddle at a Walmart, which presumably could have also happened to a person, not that it's not bad enough for a dog to die.

There are also a growing number of incidents like one last month, where they say there's a "large police presence at Walmart" but they never explain why, in some cases there's evidence to show there must be more to report, yet the media and police don't report it, which adds to evidence that they're not trying to do a good job reporting, like when they declared the death in the oven to be accidental without addressing the concerns of many workers saying this couldn't be the case. This may mean major crimes, including shootings or deaths may not always be reported widely.

But among the crimes that were reported online there was another attempted kidnapping, someone hospitalized after being assaulted with frozen pizza rolls, a shoplifting suspect that said shoplifting was addictive, and many other thefts, assaults, stalkings, or other crimes. There was also another example where a scam artist placed orders on a Walmart account and this was only prevented because of a notification and fast action by the consumer, but it shows their accounts aren't secure, like past incidents.

There were also more than a dozen major crashes, hit and runs, chases, stolen vehicles, including one with a baby inside, and at least two incidents where drivers seemed to be playing bumper cars in Walmart parking lots, one of them fleeing from police. One van caught fire, and there were at least three more fires at or near their stores, with few if any the result of arson, which is now very rare, since there's almost always at least one or two arsons every month. There were also at least half a dozen knife attacks, including at least four stabbings injuring people, one that was considered attempted murder, and another where the suspect admitted he tried "to stab anyone in the store."

Walmart had at least a few recalls, or products that are considered dangerous but weren't recalled, in one case with a popular chicken product because they no longer had any on their shelves, but there could be some in people's kitchens. One of these recalls was initially disclosed with clickbait headlines that didn't even say what the product was, which was chicken broth that might be spoiled, showing they're more concerned with selling ads than informing the public. Another was broccoli which was upgraded to warn people it could cause "death," and was widely reported online, but often in locations many people don't check so many people with it may still be unaware, which is typical of their recalls. There were also warnings about hot chocolate where a customer found bugs or something crawling in it, and another shopper found warnings on Great Value corn raising doubts about how healthy it is.

Walmart lost two more court cases, one claiming they defamed truck drivers they fired without adequate cause for $34.7 million, and another for $6.2 million in a slip and fall case. Walmart also drew attention for selling cheap knock-off hand bags copying designer bags that allegedly sell for $30,000 or more; what kind of person thinks any hand-bag could be worth that or buys it just to make themselves think they're better than the rest of us? A rich fool and his money are soon parted!

Walmart has been exposed for monopoly tactics by Stacy Mitchell again, and at least thirteen state Attorney Generals are raising possible legal questions about their retreat from DEI hiring. Trump is meeting with Walmart CEOs to discuss tariffs among other things; politicians virtually never meet with consumer advocates, worker rights advocates, environmentalists, or others defending the majority of the public, but are constantly meeting with wealthy campaign donors and serving their interests at the expense of the rest of us.

They're making it sound inevitable that they're blaming tariffs on increased prices, even though Trump can't raise them without help from Congress, in most cases, implying price increases may not be related.

How often do you throw wigs or produce at the police while they're trying to arrest you? Is that something that only happens at Walmart?

How successful do you think vandals at Walmart or anywhere else are going to be if they post their crimes on Social Media? They may keep getting caught that way, but it's getting more common anyway.

Would you accept a Social Media challenge if it involves putting "mayo-like" substances on people, filming it, and posing it on the internet? At least one person in Georgia got arrested for that, although it could have been worse for him.

Do you ever see a large number of birds chowing down at Walmart? Last month wasn't the first time this happened, by far.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Over the past ten to fifteen years Walmart has been increasing the use of self-checkout, and this has corresponded with a steady increase in shoplifting as well as false accusations, yet they refuse to even discuss returning to the use of cashiers. What most people seem to have forgotten was that when they first did this it was on a small scale as an experiment, presumably to see if it worked before expanding it, which would actually make sense, if they slowed it down or reversed it once they saw how many problems it caused. But that's not what they did. Instead the more problems they had the more they increased use of self-checkout, often claiming that instead of hiring more cashiers again, which worked previously, they resorted to more technology and hiring more security to catch people skip scanning or at other forms of theft. This has led to massive amounts of false accusations, in addition to the real thefts, and when the thefts are real, and they get caught, they often resort to violence, so it endangers both Walmart workers and customers.

Now they're acting as if the rise of shoplifting is happening for some inexplicable reason and even asking police to help them solve this problem, as if it wasn't a problem created by their own policies, and most of the media or politicians aren't pointing out the obvious. This is resulting in a massive increase in arrests, court expenses, and prison expenses, which Walmart isn't paying for, effectively meaning we are subsidizing Walmart's high crime problems with tax money. There's no official explanation for why they're behaving so foolishly; but, since this is a for profit corporation it's not hard to speculate about the most likely reason for it, that they're increasing profits for those making the decisions. But, a large portion of the money saved by not hiring cashiers is spent on technology or security to catch thieves; and, if they had to pay the increase in police, courts and prison costs that would reduce or eliminate their savings, and they would almost certainly reverse their policies, because they wouldn't be increasing profits with self-checkout.

This doesn't even include the risk to the health of both their customers and workers when the worst thieves turn violent, in some cases possibly even shooting and killing people. Every year since 2016 has seen more than a hundred shootings at Walmart, and more often than not, this is increasing, while they ignore the causes of their crime problems. These self-checkouts are also making it easier for thieves to put "skimmers" that collect credit or debit card information from customers that enable them to use their cards illegally, but, once again, the customers are stuck with the tab, not Walmart, so they're doing little or nothing to stop this, even though it's a direct result of their bad policies. And furthermore, courts have ruled that Walmart has a right to detain customers even when they have no reason to believe they're shoplifting, if they simply refuse to show receipts, as a matter of principle. At times some lawyers have claimed they need probable cause to ask to see receipts, which, if a customer goes directly from the register, sometimes even when there's a cashier, to the door they can't possibly have. So this means Walmart is under no obligation to assume their paying customers are innocent until proven guilty, which should raise major constitutional questions!

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in January 2025. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

1 injured in accidental shooting at Phenix City Alabama Walmart: sources 01/01/2025

Phenix City Police Department and Phenix City Fire officials responded to reports of a shots fired incident New Years Day at the local Walmart Supercenter.

The incident occurred shortly after 2 PM at the Walmart Supercenter on U.S. Highway 280. Sources are telling a man accidentally shot himself and it is an accidental discharge. reporter and photographer spotted a man being placed into the back of a Community Ambulance. No other injuries were reported.

The store remains open with people both leaving and entering the store. Complete article

‘Unbelievable’: Victim hospitalized after Conway SC Walmart attack, suspect arrested 01/02/2025

CONWAY, S.C. (WMBF) - A Conway man is behind bars after an alleged attack at a local Walmart that left one victim in the hospital.

Records show 27-year-old Jeremiah Harris was arrested Tuesday and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. Harris also faces counts of disorderly conduct and third-degree assault.

Officers from the Conway Police Department responded just before 1 p.m. Tuesday to the Walmart on Church Street, according to a police report obtained by WMBF News on Thursday.

Documents state two victims were found at the scene, one with redness in their face and another with blood on their mouth. Complete article

Conway man allegedly hit person with frozen pizza rolls in Walmart checkout line 01/03/2025

‘Shoplifting is an Addiction,’ Suspect Tells Police After Clarion Pa. Walmart Arrests 01/02/2025

MONROE TWP., Pa. (EYT) — A 41-year-old man will face trial on multiple felony charges after waiving preliminary hearings in two separate retail theft incidents at a Clarion County Walmart, court documents show. Pennsylvania travel guideClarion travel guide.

Randall Lee Puit Jr., of Osceola Mills, Clearfield County, is accused in two shoplifting incidents that occurred weeks apart at the same store.

In the first incident on November 1, police say Puit stole 11 items valued at $630.40, including merchandise hidden in a cooler. He also faces charges of driving with a suspended license in that case.

In a second incident on November 22, police say Puit was apprehended after a brief foot chase inside the store. Officers recovered $252.08 worth of merchandise, along with magnets allegedly used to deactivate security devices, marijuana, methamphetamine, and drug paraphernalia, according to the criminal complaint.

During an interview with police, Puit allegedly admitted shoplifting was “an addiction” for him. Court records indicate he has six previous retail theft convictions. Complete article

9. Jury ordered Walmart to pay $34.7M in defamation case 01/01/2025

Differences between workers and employers over the extent of work-related medical restrictions are not unusual, but more than $30 million jury verdicts arising from such disagreements are far from everyday occurrences.

In November, a jury in San Bernardino County, California, ordered Walmart Inc. to pay $34.7 million to a truck driver after ruling that the retailer defamed the employee by claiming he committed “gross misconduct” and “integrity” violations related to his medical restrictions.

A story on the verdict was the ninth-most-read workers compensation-related story on the Business Insurance website in 2024. Complete article

Goodbye to these bills: Walmart announces that it will not accept these dollars in January 2025 01/01/2025

Certain dollar bills will not be accepted at retailers like Walmart, nor will banks. Here’s how to know if you have one and what you can do with them.

In an effort to improve the security of the monetary system, the Bureau of Engraving, the Secret Service and the Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence (ACD) Steering Committee have implemented an initiative to stop U.S. retailers, banks, and ATMs from accepting specific banknotes.

According to various reports, the dollar bills that will be rejected are all those that fall into the category of “mutilated”, that is, those that have cuts or damaged edges and are discolored. This measure applies to stores and supermarkets such as Walmart, Dollar Tree, Costco, Target and other businesses.

Currently, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) issues dollar bills in seven denominations: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. While the $500, $1,000, and $10,000 bills have been out of production for some time, they are still in circulation. The only scenario in which the latter can be rejected is if they fall into the “mutilated” category, like any other unit. Complete article

Person reportedly steals $850 worth of champagne from Orange County Va. Walmart 01/01/2025

Suspected thieves flee Fla. Walmart with hot chicken and diabetic test strips 01/01/2025

Tupelo Woman Arrested for Felony Shoplifting at Mississippi Walmart 01/02/2025 Store employees detained the suspect until officers arrived at the scene.

Niland man arrested for shoplifting at Brawley Ca. Walmart 01/02/2025 Perez allegedly stole items worth under $950, which would've counted as a misdemeanor before the passing of Proposition 36.

Milwaukee man charged with assault at Germantown Md. Walmart 01/04/2025

WEST BEND — John Griffin II, a 28-year-old Milwaukee resident, was charged with two felonies and two misdemeanors during his initial appearance in Branch 4 of the Washington County Circuit Court, on Monday, for allegedly assaulting a fellow shopper and a police officer at the Walmart in Germantown on Dec. 28.

According to court records, Griffin II faces two felonies for substantial battery-intending to do bodily harm and attempted batter of a law enforcement officer, and two misdemeanors for resisting or obstructing and officer and disorderly conduct.

If convicted, Griffin II faces up to 10.5 years’ imprisonment, $31,000 in fines or both. Complete article

Large police presence at Walmart in Montgomery County Pa. 01/04/2025

BUTLER TOWNSHIP, Montgomery County — A large police presence has been reported at a Walmart in Montgomery County Saturday afternoon.

The Walmart is located in the 3000 block of York Commons Blvd in Butler Township. Complete article

Fire behind North Myrtle Beach SC Walmart injures one person, crews say 01/04/2025

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WBTW) — One person was hurt Saturday morning following an early morning fire behind a North Myrtle Beach Walmart.

North Myrtle Beach Fire Rescue crews arrived at the area in Gator Hole Plaza about 6 a.m., and were told en route about a possible burn patient.

A large stack of compacted carboard had ignited, with extension into a nearby wooded area. Officials said no buildings were threatened or damaged.

One person was transported to an area hospital for further evaluation and treatment. The scene was cleared by 10 a.m. Complete article

Videos give new look at fire behind North Myrtle Beach Walmart 01/07/2025

Unexplained workplace death at Halifax Walmart shows oligarchy’s indifference to workers’ lives in Canada and beyond 01/03/2025

A Walmart store in Halifax, Nova Scotia, remains closed for renovations over two months after the unexplained death of a 19-year-old employee in October 2024. While the local authorities have declared the death not to be suspicious, the perfunctory character of the reporting on the case and silence surrounding what actually happened speak to the utter indifference of the capitalist oligarchy to the lives of the working class.

Police were called to the Mumford Road Walmart around 9:30 p.m. October 19 for a report of a “sudden death.” The body of 19-year-old Gursimran Kaur was found in a large oven in the store's bakery department.

Described as coming to Canada with big dreams, the young woman and her mother both worked at the store for the last two years after immigrating from India. On the evening of the 19th, Gursimran’s mother unsuccessfully sought to find her in the store for an hour. Even more alarmingly, the young woman’s phone was unreachable, which was highly unusual during the day.

Panic setting in, she began to ask around, only to have others suggest Gursimran was helping a customer in another part of the sizable superstore. Store management became involved, and according to the Maritime Sikh Society, which has been speaking for the family, it was her mother who found the young woman burned to death in the oven a few hours later. Customers and staff were escorted out and the store was closed.

A stop-work order was issued by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration for the bakery area of the store and a piece of equipment therein. CBC News was informed by sources that the oven is a commercial model that is large enough for someone to step into and that it does not lock. Less than two weeks after the “stop work” order was imposed, it was lifted on October 28. The statement accompanying the lifting of the work order declared that “the oven was assessed and determined to have been operating as per the manufacturer’s requirements.” Complete article

‘She wouldn’t leave’: Walmart shopper calls out ‘floorwalkers’ for following his kids around the toy aisle 01/0/2025

‘I just wanted to show my boys the toy aisle.’

One shopper believes Walmart may be ramping up their holiday theft prevention after suspecting three “floorwalkers” of following them to multiple aisles with their children.

In a video with 1.7 million views, TikToker @bigbagspenny616 shares a clip of his two sons picking out Hot Wheels on the toy aisle. A woman also appears to be shopping for the same items and stands within a foot of his son.

“She appeared out of thin air like she didn’t know what personal space was. For a minute, I thought she was going to snatch [my son] up,” the TikToker remarks. “I guess we’re supposed to believe she likes Hot Wheels, too.”

The TikToker says he would “normally walk away” but decided to wait for the woman to leave since he suspected she was a floorwalker. For the uninitiated, Walmart frequently deploys plainclothed loss prevention workers—dubbed “floorwalkers”—to watch specific shoppers closely. Complete article

‘I have no words’: Woman shops at Walmart. Then she realizes the New York strip steaks are locked up 01/04/2025

‘Never seen something like this before.’

A Walmart shopper went viral on TikTok after showing how the store reserved the meat it sells.

TikTok user @nae3ae, who lives in Kentucky, said she was shopping at her local Walmart when she saw that its New York strip steaks were locked in what looked like chains.

“Not Walmart having a whole lock system!!” @nae3ae wrote in the text overlay of her clip.

In the accompanying video caption, @nae3ae clarified that she wasn’t at a so-called “ghetto” Walmart location. She suggested she couldn’t comprehend why the steak package would be encased and tied up. Complete article

CHECKED OUT Walmart promises investigation after being accused of ‘failing customers’ with issues over payment in its own app 01/04/2025

Other customers have fumed about the retailer being out of date with its payment methods.

A FURIOUS Walmart customer has slammed the retailer for 'failing' customers, prompting instant action from the supermarket chain.

The world's largest retailer has come under fire for payment issues that have been experienced within its own app.

Taking to X, Walmart shopper Robin B wrote: "@Walmart So I tried using your Walmart Cash, but I forgot my phone to use Walmart Pay.

"The terms state I can scan my paper receipt in the app.

"Really? The app has no option. Thanks for failing a customer."

Walmart Cash is described by the retailer as a "promotional currency available to customers" who have an account with the chain. Complete article

Man accused of taking over $4,000 from Cobleskill, Oneonta NY Walmarts during five-hour visit 01/03/2025

Sheriff: 2 people in custody after bomb threat at Winnsboro La. Walmart 01/04/2025

Boardman Ohio Police ask for help identifying suspects in Walmart robbery 01/03/2025

MPD searching for Tx. Walmart fraud suspect 01/03/2025

Investigation underway after shots fired at Lebanon Tenn. Walmart 01/04/2025

LEBANON, Tenn. (WKRN) — Lebanon authorities were called out to Walmart late Saturday night for reports of shots fired, which led to a shelter in place request for the nearby community. Authorities later announced that the shots were believed to be part of an isolated incident, and there was no evidence of an ongoing threat to the community.

Just after 10:45 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 4, the Lebanon Police Department announced units were on scene for the incident, adding that Walmart has been evacuated and no injuries have been reported.

As a precaution, officials asked anyone living within a mile of Walmart to shelter in place. Complete article

Shooting Suspect On Run Following Incident at Lebanon Walmart 01/06/2025

Lebanon PD release surveillance video of shots fired at local Walmart Saturday 01/07/2025

Police investigating shooting outside Walmart in Tifton Ga. that left one person injured 01/05/2025

TIFTON, Ga. (WALB) - Tifton Police are investigating a shooting incident outside of the Walmart off Highway 82 on Sunday morning.

According to Tifton Police, one person was shot in the parking lot of the Walmart, but their injuries were not fatal.

The suspect was taken into custody without incident by police. Complete article

Traffic incident leads to shooting in Walmart parking lot in Tifton 01/05/2025

Grand jury votes to not indict man involved in Jan. 5 shooting outside Tifton Walmart 01/14/2025

1 injured, 1 arrested during shooting outside Walmart on Slappey Blvd Albany Ga. 01/06/2025

ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) - A man has been arrested and charged after shooting at another man in the parking lot of the Walmart on Slappey Boulevard on Sunday, Jan. 5.

When Albany Police officers arrived, witnesses told them that a black male was seen shooting at a white male in a purple Tahoe truck. The black man then fled in a white Lexus, according to a release.

The altercation continued, and a short time later, officers located the purple Tahoe. Complete article

Police: 1 man hospitalized, another charged after shooting outside Georgia Walmart 01/06/2025

Fugitive captured in Albany Walmart shooting 02/05/2025

Bettendorf man charged with Attempted Murder after stabbing at Davenport Iowa Walmart 01/04/2025

DAVENPORT, Iowa (KWQC) - A Bettendorf man faces several charges after a stabbing at a Davenport Walmart Saturday afternoon.

Wesley E. Spotts, 58, of Bettendorf, is charged with Attempted Murder, Willful Injury, Going Armed with Intent, and Assault with Intent to Commit Serious Injury.

According to police, at around 3:45, officers found a 24-year-old man suffering from multiple stab wounds at the Walmart on Elmore Avenue in Davenport. Complete article

Pa. State Police Investigate Hit-and-Run, Respond to Woman Acting “Erratically” at Walmart 01/06/2025

State police handled multiple incidents across Jefferson and Forest counties in recent weeks.

A 40-year-old Punxsutawney woman faces DUI charges after police received reports of erratic behavior at the Walmart Supercenter on Route 119 in Young Township. Trooper R. Means responded around 3:37 p.m. January 3 and determined the woman, found in a 2015 Hyundai Elantra, was under the influence of controlled substances. The investigation continues.

In Forest County, state police at Marienville are investigating a hit-and-run crash that damaged property on Route 899. Around 12:08 p.m. December 24, an unknown vehicle traveling north veered off the roadway near Gilfoyle Road, crossed a yard and struck a metal sign, denting the sign frame. The driver, who faces potential charges for driving at unsafe speeds, fled north on Route 899. Complete article

Man charged with abduction after police say he tried to carry victim out of Petersburg Va. Walmart 01/06/2025

PETERSBURG, Va. (WRIC) — A man has been charged with abduction after police say he picked a victim up and tried to carry her out of a Petersburg Walmart on Monday.

Just after 9 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 6, officers with the Petersburg Bureau of Police were called to the Walmart on S. Crater Road for report of an abduction.

According to police, a female victim entered the store and, shortly after, was grabbed from behind by the suspect. He then picked her up and carried her towards the exit while she struggled. Complete article

Dog fatally electrocuted after stepping in puddle outside Knoxville Tenn. Walmart, police say 01/06/2025

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) — A dog died Monday in a Knoxville parking lot after it stepped into a puddle and was electrocuted, according to the Knoxville Police Department.

Officers responded to the Walmart on Clinton Highway around 10:30 a.m. The owner told police that the dog had walked through a puddle, yelped and lost consciousness. Efforts to resuscitate the dog were unsuccessful.

A Knoxville Utilities Board spokesperson said in a statement that the electrocution was the result of a failure by privately-owned electrical infrastructure. Complete article

Suspect arrested after two assault allegations at Springfield Tenn. Wal-Mart 01/07/2025

A Springfield man is in custody following an incident at Wal-Mart on Dec. 21 where two women reported being grabbed from behind and assaulted.

On that Saturday morning just after 7:30 a.m., Springfield Police received a call of a reported assault at the Wal-Mart located at 3360 Tom Austin Highway. After officers arrived, they encountered one of the two alleged victims at the customer service desk, who claimed that a man had assaulted her.

According to a police report of the incident, the first victim told police that a tall white male, later identified as 55-year-old Jeffrey Tankersley, approached her from behind and allegedly grabbed her waist and breasts. Complete article

Viral Video Shows Birds Eating Veggies Inside Louisiana Walmart 01/05/2025

A Facebook video from Kenyon Douglas is making waves online after showing birds walking on and pecking at vegetables at a Walmart in Houma. Kenyon captioned the video, “Umm this is Walmart on the westside of Houma. Never will I ever get any fruits or vegetables out here.”

The clip has left many people feeling uneasy. While some were shocked by the idea of birds being so close to food, others said this kind of thing happens more often than you think, especially in colder weather when birds look for warm places.

One commenter, Chelsea Pierce, pointed out, “Y’all do realize MOST fruits and vegetables are grown outside with wildlife around, in trees, in dirt, etc. You should be washing them after you buy and before consuming anyways.” Another, Trey Parfait, joked, “Crazy when you get home and see the broccoli got ranch on it already.” Complete article

Monona Wisc. fire crews fight brush fire near Capital Springs, just South of Walmart Saturday 01/04/2025

MONONA, Wis. (WMTV) - Monona fire crews battled an outdoor fire near the Capital Springs State Recreation Area Saturday afternoon.

The Monona Fire Department said at around 2:45 p.m., they were fighting a large brush fire along the railroad tracks south of the Monona Walmart Supercenter.

The fire chief says it took crews just over two hours to contain the fire, which only burned brush and marsh. Complete article

Celebrities React to Viral Walmart Birkin: ‘People Who Are Gonna Be Pissed Off About It Are Assholes’ 01/02/2025

For years now, thrifty shoppers have been able to buy pre-owned Birkin bags on Walmart, an irony for anyone familiar with the luxury bag worth a $30,000-plus price tag. It’s hard to imagine that anyone with the required disposable income to acquire the famously hard-to-get designer bag would do so on Walmart, but when bold-faced celebrities have a hard time getting off Hermés waitlists, even with cash in hand, any website will do.

But the mega retailer just made a move that will likely make them much more money than the 1-2 real Birkins they sell a year: an $80 dupe that has already flown off shelves since dropping online this month. The “Wirkin” is currently sold out, but similar dupes can be found on Amazon, and Walmart’s Kelly dupe, Birkin’s little sister, is still in stock. Complete article

In Tenn. Walmart Christmas Eve shooting, 19-year-old held gun to woman’s head, threatened to kill 2 children 01/03/2025

Pair accused of stealing from Beavercreek Ohio Walmart; Do you recognize them? 01/05/2025

Clarksville Tenn. Walmart shooter threatened to kill a family, court records show 01/04/2025

Auburn man arrested for felony burglary, petit larceny at Seneca Falls NY Walmart 01/06/2025 Authorities said Jones had previously been issued a lawful order barring him from entering the store. Despite this order, he knowingly entered Walmart, remained inside, and committed the crime of petit larceny.

PSP seeking assistance after over $1K in jewelry stolen from Somerset Pa. Walmart 01/06/2025

Walmart employee sexually assaulted by man in Cicero NY store bathroom, police say 01/08/2025

Cicero, N.Y. — A woman who works at the Walmart Supercenter in Cicero was sexually assaulted by a man in a store bathroom, police said.

Police responded to the attack at the store at 8064 Brewerton Road around 1:50 p.m. on Saturday, according to Cicero Police Chief Steve Rotunno.

When the woman entered the women’s bathroom, she saw a man washing his hands, police said. When the woman entered a stall, the man came in behind her, police said.

The man exposed his genitals and told her to be quiet, police said. He forcibly kissed her as she tried to get out of the stall.

The woman was able to force her way out and reported the attack.

Surveillance video showed the man get in a white colored Ford utility van and police got a partial Pennsylvania license plate number. Complete article

Family of man killed in police shooting near North Spokane Wash. Walmart intends to sue city for $50 million 01/07/2025

The family of Kerry Jones-Hilburg, who was shot and killed by police in December 2023, filed a tort claim on Tuesday notifying the city of their intent to sue.

SPOKANE, Wash. — The family of Kerry Jones-Hilburg, a man who died in a police shooting at a Spokane Walmart in 2023, filed a tort claim on Tuesday notifying the city of their intent to sue the City of Spokane for $50 million in a wrongful death lawsuit.

According to court records, on Dec. 3, 2023, two Spokane Police Department officers attempted to arrest Jones-Hilburg after Walmart Loss Protection Officers called for police backup when they noticed him disabling security devices and placing expensive items in his pockets.

The two officers attempted to detain Jones-Hilburg, who reportedly became defensive and ran away from the officers.

During the confrontation, court records say the officers claim they saw an outline of a dark-colored firearm on Jones-Hilburg's shoulder holster.

SPD Officer Karl Richardson then reportedly yelled aloud, "He's got a gun!" to which Jones-Hilsburg yelled back denying the claim. Complete article

Walmart to miss two climate change targets 01/08/2025

Walmart expects to miss its 2025 and 2030 targets for reducing planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2020, the retail giant pledged to reduce its Scope 1 emissions 35% by 2025 and 65% by 2030. In a post at the end of December, Walmart said challenges related to energy policy, infrastructure and the availability of cost-effective low-carbon technologies will likely delay achievement of its interim 2025 and 2030 targets.

As of the end of 2023, Walmart’s operational emissions (Scopes 1 & 2) decreased 19.3% relative to its 2015 baseline, while carbon intensity declined by 45% in the same period. But also in 2023, the retailer’s annual year-over-year emissions increased 3.9% due to business growth and other factors. Complete article

Trump meets with Walmart CEO: How ready is retailer for tariffs? 01/08/2025

President-elect Donald Trump met with Walmart (WMT) CEO Doug McMillon at the Mar-a-Lago resort on Tuesday. Yahoo Finance senior retail reporter Brooke DiPalma discusses the role McMillon could have in the second administration and how the big box retailer is preparing for oncoming international tariffs.

Walmart was named Yahoo Finance's Company of the Year for 2024. Yahoo Finance executive editor Brian Sozzi sat down to interview Walmart CEO Doug McMillon in December 2024, where they discussed the retail executive's outlook on Trump tariffs and what it could mean for the US consumer.

Trump recently suggested a tariff against ally Denmark for its ownership of Greenland. Also, catch Anjalee Khemlani's analysis of what a tariff against Denmark could mean for pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk (NVO). Complete article

Case continues for man arrested in Arkansas Walmart parking lot kidnapping in Nov. 2024 01/06/2025 According to a probable cause report, a victim told police that Morales got into her car in the Walmart parking lot off Walton Boulevard and showed a black pistol.

Endicott Man Charged After NY Walmart Larcenies 01/06/2025

Cleveland Avenue Ga. Walmart evacuated after bomb threat received 01/06/2025

2 Charged In Robbery Of NY Walmart In Nassau Police 01/08/2025 Officers spotted Anya Slater, 20, in a physical altercation with three Walmart employees at the Jerusalem Avenue store as she tried to steal merchandise, police said. She resisted arrest and an electronic control device was activated, authorities said.

Walmart altercation led to Dec. 2024 Castleton Square Mall Indianapolis Ind. shooting 01/08/2025

A man who was re-arrested by Indianapolis Metropolitan Police for his alleged role in the Dec. 23 shooting at Castleton Square Mall.

After previously being arrested, the Prosecutor's Office did not file official charges based on lack of evidence.

Police announced Wednesday that they had re-arrested the 18-year-old after discovering an altercation in a Walmart chip aisle a few months prior led to the shooting inside of the mall, according to court documents. The man was arrested Tuesday.

Police preliminarily charged the man with intimidation and also said a 17-year-old was arrested for his alleged role in the shooting and preliminarily charged them with dangerous possession of a firearm. Complete article

Armored Car Robbers Failed Wednesday In Elkton Md. 01/08/2025

An attempted armed robbery unfolded Wednesday afternoon in the Walmart Supercenter parking lot along East Pulaski Highway (Route 40) in Elkton, Maryland. The incident occurred shortly after 1 p.m., as a Brinks armored vehicle employee was servicing an ATM near Chick-fil-A, according to local authorities.

During the brazen daylight attack, an unknown number of suspects confronted the female employee, attempting to coerce her into opening a secure compartment within the armored vehicle where money was stored. When she was unable to comply due to security protocols, one of the assailants pepper-sprayed her, police reported.

Despite their efforts, the suspects were unable to access the compartment. The suspects fled before police could respond. Details regarding the getaway vehicle remain under investigation.

The injured employee was treated at ChristianaCare Union Hospital in Elkton for minor injuries and subsequently discharged.

Indications are that the incident occurred around 1:00 p.m. as the armored car was servicing an ATM located near the Chick-f-la. Complete article

Police: Man pulls out gun at Clewiston Fla. Walmart during fight 01/07/2025

CLEWISTON, Fla. — Police arrested 37-year-old Victor Bartlett for pulling out a gun during a fight at the Clewiston Walmart.

According to investigators, Bartlett was fighting with another man over a woman on Tuesday afternoon. During the fight, police say he pulled out a .22 caliber gun. No shots were fired.

Police found Bartlett at the scene and was arrested for several charges including aggravated assault with a firearm, felony battery and child endangerment. Complete article

Lebanon Tenn. Police examine ongoing crime issues at local Walmart 01/09/2025

City leaders in Lebanon are trying to figure what to do about what they are calling on going crime issues at their local Wal-Mart.

Over the weekend there was a shooting at the Wal-Mart in Lebanon on Cumberland Street that sparked a lockdown and a manhunt. One person was arrested. But the police chief says the problem is not just one shooting.

In 2024 Lebanon Police say they had 1100 calls for service to their local Wal-Mart. That's an average of 3 calls a day.

The Police Chief says he plans to speak with Wal-Mart Corporate management about trying to stop problems before they start. Complete article

Health Alert Issued For Popular Chicken Product Sold At Walmart 01/08/2025

A public health alert has just been issued for a popular frozen chicken product.

The product labeled as Chicken Curry Empanadas may contain Apple Cinnamon Empanadas, with milk, a known allergen, that is not declared on the product label, according to US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).

FSIS said it is issuing this alert to ensure that consumers with allergies to milk are aware that this product should not be consumed. A recall was not requested because the affected product is no longer available for purchase.

The frozen empanada products labeled as Chicken Curry Empanadas that may contain Apple Cinnamon Empanada products were produced on November 14, 2024, and packaged on Wednesday, Nov. 20, and Thursday, Nov. 21. Complete article

Walmart recalls Great Value Chicken Broth sold in Alabama, and other states for ‘possible spoilage’ 01/09/2025

(At least three articles all used click bait tactics on this recall, by putting "popular product" or something similar instead of the name of the product. This is moderately common; but most other cases have some articles declining to use this tactic, which increases ad clicks. This is another sign that a growing number of media outlets are no longer interested in educating or informing the public and are only interested in profits.)

For anyone thinking of cooking up warm soup to stave off the winter cold, there’s an important recall you need to know about.

Walmart has recalled 12,000 units of Great Value Chicken Broth sold in 48-ounce cartons in two states – Alabama and Arkansas. According to the Food and Drug Administration, the recall is due to the “potential for packaging failures that could compromise the sterility of the product, resulting in spoilage.”

The products have a best if used by date of March 25, 2026 with lot code 98F09234. They were sold in aseptic paper cartons and a total of 2,023 cases or 12,138 cartons were included in the recall. Complete article

Spoilage Issue Prompts Walmart Recall - What Texans Should Know 01/10/2025

Urgent upgrade on recall of chicken broth sold at Walmart stores in Texas 01/22/2025

Trump meets with CEO of Walmart at Mar-a-Lago 01/07/2025

The president-elect is meeting with major CEOs in the days before Jan. 20.

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon met with President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, sources exclusively told ABC News.

A Walmart spokesperson called the meeting a "great conversation."

McMillon is the latest in a parade of CEOs meeting with the president-elect before he takes office on Jan. 20. Complete article

Thirteen states' attorneys general question Walmart's retreat from DEI 01/10/2025

The attorneys general are from California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Thirteen state attorneys general, most from essentially Blue-leaning states are raising questions to Walmart about the big chain store's retreat from diversity, equity and inclusion policies, saying the move “risks undermining important social progress and anti-discrimination efforts.”

In the letter, dated Thursday and sent to Walmart President and CEO Doug McMillon, the attorneys general also said they and understand the pressure the company likely faced following “the anti-DEI pressure campaign,” apparently referring to companies curbing or putting and end to overspend on the programs.

DEI has come under increased scrutiny as critics say it places physical characteristics and identity over merit and outcomes. Critics also say DEI programming costs corporations money and government agencies taxpayer dollars. Complete article Illinois AG pushes back on Walmart's plans to roll back DEI programs 01/10/2025

Walmart Shopper Found Out The Real Reason She Was Being Followed By Three Men Around The Store 01/09/2025

This whole “floorwalker” thing is getting a little out of control.

In case you aren’t familiar with the term, it refers to store employees who dress in plain clothes and make sure customers aren’t stealing.

And let me tell you, there have been quite a few people complaining about these folks on TikTok recently.

A woman named Baleigh posted a video and talked to viewers about an experience she had at a Walmart store. Complete article

‘They’re not allowing people to buy it’: Walmart shopper finds ‘hidden’ clearance section. Then a worker steps in 01/09/2025

A Walmart shopper was thrilled after discovering her local store discounted items by as much as 90 percent.

In a viral video with over 240,000 views as of this writing, TikToker Queen Tay (@Queentayshops) shared the deals she saw during her trip to the store.

She was proud of the shopping haul she walked away with.

Walmart postholiday discounts.

Queen Tay made her way through Walmart while pushing a trolley and pointing out the discounted prices on popular items. .....

The woman alleges workers were putting many of the discounted items in the back of the store and refusing to sell them.

“Just told me that they put everything in the back, and they’re not allowing people to buy it,” she reported from an aisle in the store. Complete article

Police asking for help identifying 2 suspects accused of stealing from Ohio Walmart 01/08/2025

Wallet stolen, card used to make Walmart purchase, Mobile Alabama police say 01/07/2025

Man sentenced in Wyoming Mich. Walmart shootout on New Year’s Eve 2023 01/09/2025

Two Arrested During Investigation in Apple Valley Ca. Wal-Mart Parking Lot 01/08/2025

Man accused of lewd behavior in NE Ohio Walmart 01/09/2025

Huntsville Alabama police seek community's help with case after multiple fraudulent checks used at Walmart 01/07/2025

Man sent to hospital after shooting near Tidewater Drive Norfolk Va. Walmart 01/10/2025

The man sustained life threatening injuries after being shot on Friday evening.

NORFOLK, Va. — Norfolk police were called to the 7500 block of Tidewater Drive in Norfolk around 5:30 p.m. on Friday after reports came in of a shooting.

A man has been taken to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries, police said.

They did not release any suspect information, but the map image in their announcement focused on the Walmart Fuel Station. Complete article

Police: Man chases down car, attacks driver at Rockton Ill. Walmart 01/10/2025

ROCKTON, Ill. (WTVO) Police arrested Shaun Alongi, 41, for allegedly trying to pull a man from his car and starting a fight with him.

On Jan. 9, around 1:40 p.m., officers were called to a Walmart parking lot at 4781 East Rockton Road for reports of a fight that broke out. The suspect caught up to the victim’s car at a stop sign and banged on his window, according to court records.

The victim told authorities Alongi opened his door and proceeded to pull his hair in an attempt to pull him from the vehicle. Complete article

The driver of the stolen Impreza ended up at the North Avenue Walmart 01/11/2025 The headline was changed, possibly to remove Walmart's name.

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - On Jan. 10th, the Aurora Police Department alerted the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) about an armed carjacking.

The incident occurred on Jan. 9th in Aurora when a suspect threatened the victim with a firearm and stole a black 2008 Subaru Impreza.

Automated license plate readers detected the stolen Impreza in Glenwood Springs, shortly after it was later spotted traveling westbound on I-70.

A CSP Trooper and Deputies with the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office Major Offender Task Force initiated a search on the interstate and were quickly able to locate the Impreza exiting I-70 at a Palisade exit. Complete article

Blotter: Woman arrested for huffing shoplifted air duster in Wyoming Walmart bathroom 01/10/2025

WALMART: A 38-year-old woman was arrested Thursday afternoon after huffing shoplifted air duster in the Walmart bathroom.

Staff at Walmart told police the woman had huffed the air duster in the bathroom and fainted, said Police Deputy Chief Brent Wasson. After speaking with the woman, she left the bathroom, and police spoke with her as she was going into Hobby Lobby.

The woman showed signs of being high and she was arrested for violating her probation as well as unlawful use of a toxic substance. Footage from the Walmart showed she’d shoplifted the $7 air duster before going into the bathroom. Complete article

Walmart responding to West Coast fires and snow from Texas to West Virginia 01/11/2025

Walmart is helping employees, customers and community members affected by the California wildfires by committing $2.5 million toward relief efforts.

And in the South, the retailer has temporarily closed stores as a winter storm brought snow and freezing temperatures to the region.

Walmart said in a news release on Friday that it, along with Sam's Club and the Walmart Foundation, are committing the funds that will include donations of food, water, essential products and grants. Complete article

Small Fire at Spirit Lake Iowa Wal-Mart 01/13/2025

Spirit Lake, IA ( — Saturday morning shoppers in Spirit Lake got to see their fire department in action up close. Chief Pat Daly says the fire at Walmart was so small they did not even evacuate the store.

Spirit Lake Fire answered the call at 9:30 and was on the scene for about an hour. Complete article

No more self-checkout at Portsmouth Walmart 01/08/2025

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — We’ve all experienced long lines at the store at one time or another, and self-checkout machines were one way to ease the congestion, but at one local Walmart, those machines have disappeared.

The Frederick Boulevard Walmart has officially done away with all the self-checkout registers. The word is it’s a result of a rise in crime. And the result has mixed reviews.

Walmart and other retailers like Target, Dollar General and Five Below have been scaling back on the machines over the last year.

Some of it is being blamed on customers only pretending to scan items, putting them in bags and walking out. A LendingTree survey states that 15% of self-checkout users admitted to stealing while they were using the machines. And while 41% of consumers say they almost always use self-checkout, 21% said they feel like they’re performing free labor. Pastor Aaron Lawrence of Celestial Baptist Church agrees. Complete article

Walmart Shopper Received A Delivery That She Didn’t Order And She’s Worried It Might Be A Scam 01/11/2025

Why doesn’t this ever happen to me…?

A woman took to TikTok to talk to viewers about an unusual predicament she found herself in: she received a bunch of packages from Walmart, but there was one big problem: she never ordered anything from the company.

The text overlay on the video reads, Walmart – what is happening?”

She said she started receiving packages she didn’t order and it left her confused. The packages didn’t have any information about who ordered them, so she gave them to a local church as gifts.

Then, she got another delivery that had a first initial and a last name listed. Complete article

Homeless Man Charged in Walmart Theft Attempt in St. Mary’s County Md. 01/09/2025

2 women accused of drug possession after stealing from Cape Coral Fla. Walmart 01/10/2025

Police: nothing found in suspicious package near Clovis Ca. Walmart 01/10/2025

Court records: Cleveland man, 58, accused of lewd acts at Alliance Ohio Walmart 01/10/2025

Jacksonville NC law enforcement looking for suspect in larceny from Walmart 01/10/2025

Suspect told police he went to Portsmouth Va. Walmart ‘to stab anyone in the store’ 01/14/2025

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — A stabbing inside a Portsmouth Walmart Sunday morning was the result of a random crime, according to a criminal complaint obtained by WAVY News.

Officers arrested Deaquan V. Johnson, 29, on charges of attempted murder, malicious wounding and unlawful stabbing.

Portsmouth Police were called to the Walmart at 1098 Frederick Boulevard around 8:40 a.m. Sunday when officers arrived to find a man suffering from multiple stab wounds to his back, according to court documents. Portsmouth Police told WAVY the victim’s wounds were not life-threatening. Complete article

Mattoon Man Arrested In Hit & Run Incident At Mattoon Ill. Walmart 01/14/2025

Mattoon, IL-(Effingham Radio)- From the Mattoon, IL Police Department Facebook page:

On Saturday, January 11th at 2:54pm Mattoon Police Officers were dispatched to the Walmart parking lot in reference to a hit & run incident involving two pedestrians. It was reported that a white colored truck struck two individuals and fled the scene. Upon arrival, officers located two injured individuals. They were transported to Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospital by ambulance. One victim identified her ex-husband, Dennis White, as the suspect.

After speaking with witnesses and observing surveillance video it was determined that White accelerated and turned his truck into the victims while they were walking in the parking lot. One victim was treated at the hospital while the other remains hospitalized. Complete article

Mobile Alabama PD: Duo snags wallet at Mobile business, goes on shopping spree at local Walmart 01/07/2025

Woman Arrested for Stealing from Ga. Walmart, Attempting to Dump Meth 01/12/2025

Georgia Walmart stores shuttered: Winter storm sweeps Atlanta area 01/10/2025

Albermarle man arrested for stealing $1,000 worth of electronics from NC Walmart 01/13/2025

Illinois Walmart evacuated as police investigate bomb threat 01/13/2025

Woman wanted for allegedly assaulting Okla. Walmart worker, stealing items near NW 23rd and Penn 01/15/2025

OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — Do you know her? The Oklahoma City Police Department is asking for help identifying a woman accused of assaulting a Walmart employee.

Police said the woman assaulted the employee while leaving the store with merchandise that she did not pay for.

The Walmart is located near NW 23rd and Penn. Complete article

Police: Georgia teen wanted for murder captured after shoplifting at Walmart 01/15/2025

A Georgia teen wanted for murder is behind bars after reportedly being caught shoplifting at a Walmart.

According to the Valdosta Police Department, Demirie Washington, 16, was taken into custody Tuesday after a report of a shoplifting at a Walmart in Riverdale.

Washington was wanted in connection to a shooting December 30 on the 700 block of Stillwater Drive in Valdosta, which claimed the life of a 41-year-old man.

Washington faces charges of felony murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime in connection to the shooting. Complete article

Libertyn Ohio Police: Suspects accused of vandalizing Walmart bathroom for TikTok video 01/15/2025

Two men pleaded “not guilty” to criminal damaging charges after Liberty Township Police say they were caught vandalizing the restrooms at the local Walmart to make a TikTok video.

Witnesses reported seeing two men enter the restroom Monday morning before it was discovered that soap dispensers had been broken, and soap was covering the floor.

Police located the suspects, 26-year-old James R. Crumby of Ashtabula, and 21-year-old Elijah I. Mathis of East Liverpool, walking near Belmont Avenue.

Upon questioning, the men admitted to being in the restroom but claimed it was already damaged. However, surveillance footage and witness testimonies contradicted their statements. Complete article

Driver crashes into Pleasanton Ca. Walmart store 01/14/2025

PLEASANTON, Calif. - A car crashed into a Walmart store in Pleasanton Tuesday morning, police said.

A driver drove into the Walmart Neighborhood Market store on Santa Rita Road around 11:45 a.m.

No 'serious' injuries reported, police say

What we know:

The driver was taken to the hospital, though police say no serious injuries were reported.

Police say an inspector was called to the store to assess the building. Complete article

Jury Awards $6.2 Million in Walmart Slip & Fall 01/15/2025

The jury was unanimous. A Florida jury awarded nearly $6.2 million in damages to a plaintiff in a negligence case against Walmart that happened during one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Complete article

Second arrest made in deadly Nov. 2024 Frisco Walmart Tx. shooting 01/13/2025

Police looking for man wanted for Walmart theft in Merced Ca. 01/15/2025

Man pleads guilty to scheme to profit from stealing Apple gift cards from Walmart stores in Western Pa. 01/15/2025

Officers investigating after $1200 of items stolen from Kansas Wal-Mart 01/15/2025

Willits Man Arrested at Ca. Walmart for Drugs and Firearm Violations 01/17/2025

On 01/11/2025 at approximately 9:00pm a Ukiah Police Department (UPD) Officer was on routine patrol in the parking lot of Walmart, when he noticed a male in and around a pickup truck that had multiple California Vehicle Code violations. The officer took note, and it appeared that the male hastily walked away from the pickup upon seeing the officer.

A short time later the officer saw the male, who was identified as Dustin Bruce of Willits, CA, walk out of Walmart and return to the vehicle. Multiple officers contacted Bruce to speak with him about the pickup truck and the violations. While speaking with Bruce, officers observed drug paraphernalia in plain view inside the truck. Complete article

Walmart shoppers shocked after driver rams several cars fleeing from police 01/16/2025

CHARLOTTE — Shoppers at the Belmont Walmart ended up face-to-face with a man determined to get away Thursday afternoon.

They say he crashed his SUV into their cars and a police cruiser before officers chased him.

Dawn Adkins was frustrated after another driver forced her car backward while still in park.

“What are you doing?” Adkins recalled.

She pulled into her parking spot and saw three cars around the SUV in front of her.

“It has scared me a little bit,” she said.

The driver of the SUV backed up and hit her then rammed at least one unmarked police cruiser.

He then drove toward her.

“He rammed the car, my car, and pushed me all the way out of the parking place,” Adkins said. Complete article

A brazen Nov. 2019 murder at a Pinellas Fla. Walmart exposed a gang war. But the case crumbled. 01/17/2025

An employee on his lunch break at a bustling Walmart was shot by two masked gunmen. It was neither the beginning nor the end of the violence.

Terrell Williams stood outside on his lunch break when a white sedan pulled up behind the Walmart superstore on U.S. 19 in Pinellas Park.

Two men wearing black ski masks — one with a rifle, the other a handgun — emerged and fired about 20 times. Williams was killed.

The brazen ambush at a bustling store in broad daylight dominated evening newscasts in November 2019.

While Pinellas Park police were tight-lipped about the killing, behind the scenes they learned that rumors among the store’s employees were true. Williams and his identical twin brother were in a gang. A bounty had been placed on their heads during a turf war in St. Petersburg that had terrorized neighborhoods with gunfire since May 2019. Complete article

Ohio Walmart shoplifter throws produce and her wig at officer chasing her through store 01/16/2025

SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio -- A shoplifter fled from an off-duty officer who was working at Walmart around 11 p.m. Jan. 5.

She ran through the store and threw produce, her own clothing and her wig at the officer, who was chasing her after she tried to leave the store without paying for approximately $160 worth of Red Bull.

Other officers arrived and helped detain the suspect, who proceeded to give false identifying information. Complete article

Walmart truck involved in wreck on Interstate 49 01/16/2025

ROGERS, Ark. — A Walmart truck was involved in a wreck on Interstate 49 in Rogers Thursday morning, according to the Arkansas Department of Transportation.

The truck and another vehicle wrecked in the northbound lanes shortly after 9 a.m. It was near the onramp just north of exit 82.

The right lane and right shoulder were impacted. Complete article

US sues Pepsi over exclusive discounts to Walmart 01/17/2025

NEW YORK — The U.S. Federal Trade Commission sued Pepsi on Friday for offering preferential pricing to a larger retailer, whom a source familiar with the matter confirmed was Walmart.

The practices fed high consumer prices by leaving other retailers, from large grocery chains to independent convenience stores, to pay more, the FTC said.

The lawsuit filed in New York alleges that the soft drink manufacturer violated the Robinson-Patman Act, a law that went largely unenforced for decades by the federal government.

Walmart and PepsiCo did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment.

"The FTC's action will help ensure all grocers and other businesses — no matter the size — can get a fair shake and compete on the merits of their skill, efficiency, and talent," outgoing FTC Chair Lina Khan said in a statement. Complete article

Former Walmart Chief Merchandising Officer Now on RJW Logistics Group’s Board of Directors 01/17/2025

Scott McCall brings decades of experience to position.

RJW Logistics Group, a provider of retail logistics solutions for consumer packaged goods companies, has appointed Scott McCall, former chief merchandising officer at Walmart, to its board of directors. McCall will play a major role in supporting RJW’s strategic initiatives and ramping up its growth.

During his 30 years at Walmart, McCall rose steadily through the ranks before becoming chief merchandising officer. In that position, he led merchandising activities across all categories, including stores and digital e-commerce. Over the course of his career, McCall held such roles as SVP of consumables, health and wellness, electronics, media, gaming, toys and home; VP of toys, hardware; and a buyer in lawn and garden. Complete article

Walmart (NYSE:WMT) Shares Bought Rep. Josh Gottheimer 01/16/2025

Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-New Jersey) recently bought shares of Walmart Inc. NYSE: WMT. In a filing disclosed on January 14th, the Representative disclosed that they had bought between $1,001 and $15,000 in Walmart stock on December 20th. The trade occurred in the Representative's "MORGAN STANLEY - SELECT UMA ACCOUNT # 1" account. Complete article

Charges filed against two men in different thefts from Clearfield Pa. Walmart 01/15/2025

Man found guilty of open murder in Aug. 2022 Mich. Walmart parking lot death 01/15/2025

Charges filed against 3 men for shooting at Saint Clair Pa. Walmart 01/16/2025

Non-conforming motorist parks in golf cart spot at Fla. Walmart 01/1/2025

1 injured in stabbing at Colorado Springs Walmart 01/17/2025 Shooting? Officer denies 'active shooter'

One person was injured Friday afternoon in a stabbing inside the Walmart on Platte Avenue.

Just after 2:15 p.m., Colorado Springs police received the call for service. The reporting party told police someone was firing inside the store.

An extra-duty officer on scene confirmed the incident was not an active-shooter situation, but rather a disturbance between two individuals.

One was found with an apparent stab wound and hospitalized with serious injuries, police said. The other was detained on scene. Complete article

Pedestrian hit at Fairmont WV Walmart Friday 01/17/2025

WHITE HALL, W.Va. — One person was transported after being hit by a vehicle in the Fairmont Walmart parking lot Friday morning.

The incident was reported at 12:12 p.m. and the unidentified patient was transported with unspecified injuries.

The White Hall Police Department, deputies from the Marion County Sheriffs Department responded and membersof the Valley Volunteer Fire Department and the Marion County Rescue Squad assisted. Complete article

Pedestrian hospitalized after being struck by vehicle at Shippensburg Pa. Walmart: officials 01/19/2025

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. (WHP) — One person was hospitalized Sunday after being struck by a vehicle in the parking lot of a Walmart, according to officials.

Emergency dispatch confirmed the incident happened around 11am in the 100 block of Conestoga Road. Complete article

Man suspected in nationwide Walmart thefts escapes from officers in Gorham, police say 01/17/2025

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Police are searching for a suspect who allegedly is part of a nationwide retail theft ring.

The Gorham Police Department said officers responded to the Walmart on Main Street around 5:45 p.m. Thursday for a report of a man who had stolen over $60,000 worth of electronics from retail stores across the country.

Gorham Police Chief Jimmy Willhoite said a Walmart employee recognized the man, identified as Zaire Ruffin, from a wanted bulletin in the store.

Police say Ruffin is believed to be part of a multi-state theft ring, spanning from states as south as Florida and as north as Maine. The thefts involve fake receipts that the suspects allegedly trade in for big-ticket electronic items. Complete article

“Much of Walmart’s market dominance can be attributed to its use of this illegal and anti-competitive tactic,” says Stacy Mitchell 01/17/2025

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 17, 2025) – Stacy Mitchell, co-executive director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) and author of Big-Box Swindle (2006), made the following statement in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) antitrust lawsuit against PepsiCo, alleging the company violated the Robinson-Patman Act by giving one large big-box retailer — reportedly Walmart — unfair price advantages at the expense of competing retailers, including local independent grocery stores:
“By filing suit against PepsiCo, the FTC is sending a clear message: it is illegal for a large supplier to collaborate with a big retail chain to drive smaller retailers out of business and dominate the market. By favoring a single large chain, Walmart, with discriminatory pricing, PepsiCo’s actions have fueled the decline of local retailers, the proliferation of food deserts, and rising grocery prices.

"As our research has shown, Walmart has long exploited the lack of Robinson-Patman enforcement. For decades, the company has wielded its leverage over suppliers to extract special discounts for itself while forcing suppliers to charge independent retailers higher prices. Much of Walmart’s market dominance can be attributed to its use of this illegal and anti-competitive tactic. Today, Walmart captures $1 in every $4 Americans spend on groceries. In 43 metropolitan areas, it accounts for 50 percent or more of grocery sales. Recent research has found that Walmart has impoverished Americans.

“Reactivating the Robinson-Patman Act is essential to reviving independent retailers and restoring competition in the grocery sector. The FTC’s action today puts us on a path toward lowering grocery prices, eliminating food deserts, and revitalizing local economies. It will strengthen our communities and create more diverse and resilient supply chains.

“We commend the FTC for taking this decisive step and urge policymakers and regulators to continue prioritizing robust antitrust enforcement. It is time to ensure that our economic system works for everyone — not just the largest and most powerful corporations.”
Complete article

Walmart's new home office boasts green spaces, 7 coffee shops 01/17/2025

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Walmart unveiled its new Home Office in Bentonville on Friday.

Walmart said what started as a vision in 2019, is now a 350-acre sustainably designed workplace that will “serve as the heartbeat of the world’s largest company."

“We've unveiled the office to our Associates today and the rest of the world,” Senior Manager of Global Communications for Walmart Raven Washabaugh said. “We're just thrilled to be able to be an extension of downtown Bentonville.”

In a press release, Walmart said that the project comes after extensive associate feedback.

Walmart said the new campus includes 12 office buildings, a food hall with seven coffee shops, a fitness center, seven miles of pedestrian paths and bike trails, and at its heart, Sam Walton Hall, a 200,000 square-foot auditorium.

The company said this investment “establishes a new standard for corporate headquarters that prioritizes worker well-being, environmental stewardship and public accessibility.” Complete article

Meta ends diversity programs, joining McDonald's, Walmart and other major companies to back off DEI 01/16/2025

Meta is ending its key diversity, equity and inclusion programs, joining other corporate giants like Ford, McDonald's and Walmart that have pulled the plug on their DEI initiatives.

Meta's move comes three days after the technology company said it would stop third-party fact-checking of content on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms. Axios was the first to report that Meta is terminating DEI programs geared to hiring, training and choosing suppliers, citing an internal employee memo.

A Meta spokesperson confirmed to CBS News that it was eliminating its DEI efforts. Complete article

Investors urge Walmart not to "give into bullying" on diversity 01/16/2025

Dozens of shareholders representing $266 billion in assets are calling on Walmart to spell out the business reasons for backpedaling on the retailer's diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

Investors including Amalgamated Bank and Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids said Tuesday in a letter to Walmart CEO Doug McMillon that they are "concerned to see our company give into bullying and pressure from anti-DEI groups."

Single mom with financial woes caught with stolen merchandise at Walmart 01/16/2025

Man guilty of intentionally killing woman with car in Mich. Walmart parking lot in Aug. 2022 01/16/2025

Crime Stoppers of Mesa County Colorado looking for key thief at Walmart 01/16/2025

Man sentenced to 18 years for Lebanon, Va. Walmart parking lot murder in March 2024 01/16/2025

3 arrested following shooting, by an employee, at Holland Ohio Walmart 01/21/2025

Three people were arrested Monday afternoon after one of them fired a shot in a local Walmart.

Around 4 p.m. a 17-year-old was in the home goods section of the Holland Walmart, 1355 S. McCord Rd., when he was attacked by two men, police said. During the course of the assault, the juvenile pulled out a handgun and fired a single shot at the men. Neither one was hit.

The gunman then chased his assailants out of the store. Holland police, aided by deputies from the Lucas County Sheriff’s Office and Metroparks police, cleared the store and found no other suspects or victims.

All three people involved in the incident were arrested. The 17-year-old, whom police did not identify, was charged with felonious assault, inducing panic, and disorderly conduct, as well as an underage weapon possession charge. He was booked in the Juvenile Justice Center. Complete article

Holland police say shooter at Walmart on Monday was a store employee 01/21/2025 "We do know at least one shot was fired, but it could be up to three," said Holland police Chief James Piotrowski.

Shallotte NC Police looking for suspect who allegedly fired gun at Walmart 01/21/2025

SHALLOTTE, NC (WWAY) — The Shallotte Police Department need your help identifying a man who may have shot a gun inside a Walmart.

On Tuesday, January 21 at approximately 3:30 p.m., the Shallotte Police Department responded to a report of a firearm discharge at Walmart.

The suspect was reported to have fired a gun in the men’s restroom before leaving the store.

The investigation has determined the gunshot was an accidental discharge, but police still want to talk to the man. Complete article

Alabama police: Video of bloodied man’s arrest at Walmart only shows ‘small glimpse’ of what happened 01/21/2025

Florence police say that a video circulating on social media this week of an officer arresting a bleeding man in Walmart only “shows a small glimpse of an entire incident.”

In a now deleted post, a Florence woman shared a video of an officer pinning a man down on the floor of Walmart and cuffing him while he bled heavily from the front of his face.

In a statement released this morning, Police Chief Mike Holt wrote that “the video and commentary posted paints a dangerously inaccurate picture of what occurred during this incident.”

“The individual in question was armed with a knife on his hip and was actively resisting arrest,” the statement reads.

“The officer attempted to place the male in handcuffs but he resisted.”

Holt said the “officer took the subject to the ground. While on the ground, the individual refused to remove his uncuffed hand from underneath him, near the knife, creating a significant threat to the officer’s safety, as well as the safety of others.”

“Due to the threat, the officer delivered two strikes to the subject’s head, which freed his hand,” the statement says. Complete article

Crews respond to van fire Wednesday afternoon at Topeka Kansas Walmart store 01/22/2025

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - Crews made quick work of a van fire early Wednesday afternoon in the parking lot of a west Topeka business.

The blaze was reported around 12:29 p.m. at the Walmart store at 1501 S.W. Wanamaker Road.

Crews arriving on the scene reported the van’s engine compartment was on fire. Complete article

Police: Man threatens to pull out eyes of Walmart employee, shoot him 01/21/2025

MIAMI – A Walmart Supercenter customer was so enraged that he threatened to stab a sales associate’s eyeballs out of his head and then shoot him with a gun, police said.

According to the arrest report, Edward Glaspe threatened the Walmart employee on Saturday and returned to the store, at 3200 NW 79 St., on Sunday.

When police officers searched Glaspe, 66, during his arrest on Sunday, they found he was carrying a glass pipe with black residue in his left pocket, police said.

Glaspe appeared in bond court on Monday. A judge ordered him to stay away from the victim and the store and set his bond at $5,500. Complete article

Pontotoc man arrested for robbing a Walmart in Tupelo Mississippi 01/23/2025

TUPELO, Miss. (WCBI)—A Pontotoc man reportedly crossed the line between shoplifting and robbery in Tupelo.

On Wednesday, January 15, Tupelo Police were called to the West Main Street Walmart for a reported robbery.

Employees told the officers that a suspected shoplifter tried to leave the store with merchandise.

When employees tried to stop him, the man reportedly said that he would shoot the employees. Complete article

Man wanted for ‘violently’ ramming into vehicles in NC Walmart parking lot found at Charlotte hotel 01/21/2025

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - A man wanted for numerous felonies was arrested after being found at a Charlotte hotel Tuesday morning, according to police.

The U.S. Marshals Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force said they captured 30-year-old Johntavius Ellington around 11:20 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21. He was placed in the Gaston County Jail on a $150,000 secured bond and was being sought for:

Assault with a Deadly Weapon against three Gaston County Police officers
Felony Flee to Elude Arrest
Trafficking Methamphetamine
Trafficking Cocaine

Police said on Thursday, Jan. 16, officers saw Ellington, who was wanted for felonies related to drug trafficking, sitting inside a car in Belmont’s Walmart parking lot.

When authorities approached Ellington, they said he immediately fled and used his vehicle as a weapon “to violently ram multiple other vehicles that stood in his way–including a police vehicle with blue lights activated.”

Reports stated officers chased Ellington onto Interstate 85 into Charlotte until he crashed into a ravine along South Hoskins Road and ran away. Complete article

Knife-wielding suspect in Ca. Walmart pepper spray attack tackled by officers: PD 01/20/2025

(KRON) — The Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety (RPDOPS) said a man armed with a knife was tackled by officers in the parking lot after going on a pepper spray attack at Walmart in which he targeted several people, including an employee.

RPDOPS said it received a call at 2:28 p.m. reporting a fight in the electronics section of Walmart on the 4600 block of Redwood Drive. When officers arrived, they discovered the suspect had left the store but soon tracked him down in the parking lot where he was holding a large knife.

Officers said the man dropped the knife after a brief standoff but would not comply with officers’ commands to surrender. After the man refused again to surrender, officers tackled the suspect and took him into custody. Officials said, “the suspect continued to resist so officers had to place him in a ‘maximum restraint’ which immobilizes his arms torso and legs.”

The Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety said they learned the suspect, identified as Randolf Knoblock, 45, of Santa Rosa, had assaulted multiple people during the incident. It is not yet clear what led to the pepper spray attack. Complete article

Rohnert Park police tackle knife-wielding suspect who assaulted Walmart employee 01/20/2025

Walmart invests in automation as it sells robotics arm 01/21/2025

The retail giant will fund the buildout of more than 400 accelerated pickup and delivery centers as part of its agreement with Symbotic.

Walmart is selling its advanced systems and robotics business to Symbotic to improve online order pickup and delivery fulfillment, according to a Jan. 16 press release.

Under a development agreement, Symbotic will build and develop an AI-enabled robotics platform to automate accelerated pickup and delivery centers (APDs) for the retailer, per the release.

Walmart will invest $520 million to fund the development program and purchase and deploy 400 APDs from Symbotic over a multi-year period, with the option of adding more, the release said. Complete article

Man charged for indecent exposure in Biscoe NC Walmart parking lot, police say 01/18/2025

Historic Side resident’s tattoos lead to his arrest in Fla. Walmart theft case 01/19/2025

St. Louis man charged with felony for stealing Lego sets from Godfrey Ill. Walmart 01/20/2025

Thieves steal over $1K worth of meat from Tenn. Walmart: MPD 01/20/2025

Police Seek Help Identifying Suspects in Pa. Walmart Theft Investigation 01/21/2025

Teenager wanted in deadly Lumberton NC Walmart shooting captured in Chicago, police say 01/22/2025

Hickory NC Police Investigating Discovery Of Body 01/23/2025

Hickory Police say the body of a woman was located behind the WalMart Supercenter off Highway 70 on Wednesday. The body was found in a wooded area.

The body has yet to be identified. Foul play is not suspected. Complete article

Knife pulled on Colorado Walmart employees, woman arrested 01/23/2025

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - A woman was arrested in Grand Junction after pulling a knife on Walmart employees.

At 4:25 p.m. Grand Junction Police Officers got a call someone had threatened employees at the Walmart on Rimrock Avenue with a knife.

Witnesses said a woman pulled a knife on employees and threatened them after she was contacted by the store’s asset protection team for shoplifting. Complete article

Missouri man wanted in NC Walmart assault 01/24/2025

MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. (WITN) - Police in one Eastern Carolina town have named a suspect in a serious assault that happened at their Walmart late last month.

Morehead City police say they have warrants out for Mark Reigle for the December 30th assault of a person at the Walmart on U.S. 70.

Police say the Missouri man had a verbal argument that turned violent around 1:00 p.m. that day when Reigle “stepped into the victim’s personal space and was then pushed back by the victim.” Complete article

Morehead City Walmart assault suspect turns himself in 01/29/2025

I-TEAM: Sources say nearly $50,000 stolen from Walmart in EBR Parish La. during freeze 01/24/2025

BAKER, La. (WAFB) - As you were enjoying a rare snowfall in South Louisiana this week, thieves were hard at work in Baker breaking into an ATM inside the city’s Walmart on Plank Road.

Sources told the WAFB I-TEAM the thieves got away with nearly $50,000. The store is located in the 14,000 block of Plank Road near the Baker School Board Office.

The burglary was discovered on Thursday morning when the store reopened. Complete article

Mayfield Missouri Police: Man attempts to leave scene of accident involving police cruiser at Walmart 01/24/2025

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (KFVS) - A man was arrested Thursday after attempting to leave the scene of an accident involving a police cruiser.

According to the Mayfield Police Department, 58-year-old Donald Chastain of Mayfield, Kentucky was arrested, and charged with various crimes.

Police say that Chastain collided with the rear of a Mayfield Police Department police cruiser in the Walmart parking lot. The cruiser was parked in a space occupied by an officer. Complete article

Walmart Shopper Warns Against Buying Hot Chocolate From The Store After She Finds Something Crawling In It 01/25/2025

When you buy hot chocolate, you are excited for it to comfort you and warm you up.

You don’t expect this. “Be careful when buying hot chocolate pouches from Walmart,” warns shopper @deeppretty2000 in her viral TikTok video.

“You about to get some bugs.”

In her brief video, this TikToker moves her phone over a spread of hot chocolate powder in her sink, explaining, “Oh. My. God.”

She zooms in and we see that one of the bugs is alive. It’s crawling on her sink. Complete article

Walmart shopper buys Great Value corn. Now, she's warning others after what she noticed on the label 01/24/2025

The consumer also pointed out how the product didn't have a mark that indicated FDA approval.

Walmart is among the most popular retail chains across the globe and the brand image is built on the trust of consumers who believe that it won't compromise on quality. But according to TikTok user Peggy Bolton (@peggybolton), it isn't exactly smart to trust anything that's being sold at Walmart, as she recently discovered something disturbing about Great Value’s Golden Sweet Whole Kernel Corn from its store. Her video has received well over a million views as per The Daily Dot.

Several things about the product have changed but people can’t tell the difference by looking at the corn. Previously, the product contained 45 calories and now it is 90 calories but that is not the main issue. The newer product comes with a California warning label and the can says that it is a product of Thailand.

Previously, there was no indication of where the product came from. “WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to Lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm,” the warning read.

Bolton believes that the warning could have been issued for two possible reasons. The first one is that since the product is from Thailand, the warning could be about the way products in their country are canned. Another reason behind it could be to alert consumers about pesticides used on the farms there. One more alarming fact that she highlighted is that the new cans don’t have the “Great For You” label. To be able to get that label on a product, it has to be approved by the FDA, USDA, and the IOM. Complete article

Walmart executive vice president John Furner sells $1.22 million in stock 01/24/2025

BENTONVILLE, Ark.—John R. Furner, Executive Vice President of Walmart Inc. (NYSE:WMT), recently sold 13,125 shares of the company's common stock. The transaction, conducted on January 23, resulted in a total sale value of approximately $1.22 million, with each share sold at a price of $92.96. The sale comes as Walmart, currently valued at $761 billion, trades near its 52-week high with a "GOOD" financial health rating according to InvestingPro analysis.

Following this transaction, Furner holds 568,626.275 shares directly. Additionally, he maintains an indirect ownership of 5,584.1059 shares through a 401(k) plan. This sale was executed under a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan, which was previously disclosed by Walmart in a Form 8-K filing on February 28, 2024. The retail giant has maintained dividend payments for 52 consecutive years and shows strong momentum, though current valuations suggest the stock may be overvalued. For deeper insights into Walmart's valuation and 14 additional ProTips, visit InvestingPro. Complete article

Couple drives stolen car to Steelyard Ohio Walmart, makes purchases with stolen credit cards 01/22/2025

Two Arrested After Shoplifting Incident at Walmart in Mercer County WV 01/23/2025

2 arrested in $4K Walmart shoplifting attempt in Duluth Ga. 01/23/2025

BG Ohio Police arrest two for allegedly stealing 107 items from Walmart 01/21/2025

Lynchburg man who sent threat to Madison Heights Va. Walmart sentenced 01/23/2025 A Lynchburg man was sentenced to four months in jail Wednesday for sending a threat that caused an evacuation and scare at Walmart in Amherst County.

El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting case gag order request denied 01/23/2025

Eight arrested for alleged Pa. Walmart theft 01/24/2025 On January 2 around 3:30 p.m., troopers were called to Walmart for a 55-year-old man from Hazleton who under-rang $115.39 worth of food items at the self-checkout. On the same day around 6:30 p.m., state police say a 36-year-old from Drums also under rang several items.

Man shot at northwest Fort Worth Tx. Walmart taken to a hospital, authorities say 01/27/2025

A man was shot on Monday morning at a northwest Fort Worth Walmart store, police said.

The victim was fired upon about 9:45 a.m. at the store in the 2200 block of Jacksboro Highway.

The man was taken to a hospital in serious condition. The injury is not life-threatening, according to a spokesperson for MedStar, the region’s ambulance service.

A Fort Worth police spokesperson did not immediately respond to a reporter’s question on whether the man was inside or outside of the business when he was shot. Complete article

Former 'disgruntled' Tx. Walmart employee in custody after firing shots in store parking lot, HCSO says 01/27/2025

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A former Walmart worker is in custody after deputies say he fired shots from the store's parking lot on Monday.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office said the shooting happened at about 1 p.m. just outside the Walmart on Highway 99 and Morton Road. .....

According to Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, the former "disgruntled" employee went into the store and was escorted out.

In an update, authorities said the former worker, identified as Armando Soto, got into a verbal disagreement with management before taking out a gun and walking out of the store.

Officials said he then shot toward the freeway and took off. Complete article

Taser Drawn During Arrest at Manitowoc Wisc. Walmart 01/28/2025

An officer with the Manitowoc Police Department drew his taser during an arrest at Walmart.

The officer was at the store conducting a follow-up just before 5:00 Monday evening (January 27th), when he saw a 30-year-old man he knew from previous contacts, who had a warrant out for his arrest.

The officer approached the individual outside of the bathrooms and asked how he was doing.

The man stated he had to use the restroom and began walking away, which is when the officer informed the individual he had an open warrant and was under arrest.

Instead of complying with the officer’s orders, the man attempted to pull his arms away and refused to put them behind his back. Complete article

Charges Filed After Public Battery At Godfrey Ill. Walmart 01/28/2025

GODFREY – A case of public battery at the Godfrey Walmart has resulted in a criminal charge against an Alton resident.

Leighton C. Orban, 18, of Alton, was charged with a Class 3 felony count of aggravated battery.

On Jan. 4, Orban allegedly struck a victim “repeatedly with closed fists” while in a public place, the Godfrey Walmart, according to court documents.

The Madison County Sheriff’s Office presented the case against Orban, who was granted pretrial release from custody. Complete article

Police vow to charge anyone who aided NC Walmart shooting suspect 01/23/2025

Repeat retail thieves caught attempting another theft at a Boca Raton Fla. Walmart 01/24/2025 Four people—who have a history of retail theft—are accused of attempting to steal from a Walmart in Boca Raton, almost causing over $500 in losses.

Man who had been banned from entering any Walmart arrested on theft charges at Ohio Walmart 01/26/2025

Central Florida Man Sentenced for Attempted Murder in Fla. Walmart Shooting 01/26/2025

Gas odor prompts evacuation of North Kingstown RI Walmart 01/24/2025

Brief lockdown at Apex Middle School, suspects in custody for NC Walmart robbery 01/28/2025

A brief lockdown ended Monday at Apex Middle School after a robbery at a nearby Walmart, police say.

Around 12:45 p.m., police say two people were suspected of robbing the Walmart on 3151 Apex Peakway.

Police say one of the suspects were potentially armed and fled on foot while the second suspect was already taken into custody.

Shortly after officers arrived they were able to locate the second suspect at the McDonalds on East Williams Street. Complete article

Man on parole became infatuated with woman at Walmart, stalked family, Florida cops say 01/29/2025

A paroled homicide suspect became so obsessed with a random Walmart shopper that he targeted her children after his date requests were rejected, according to investigators in Florida.

It’s estimated 50-year-old Sylvester Ingram of Crystal River “called her more than 500 times since March” of 2024, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said in a Jan. 24 news release.

“The victim advised she met Ingram at Walmart when he complimented her and paid for her groceries,” the sheriff’s office said.

“He then obtained her phone number and began trying to contact her repeatedly. The victim blocked his number, but he continued to call from a No Caller ID number. This year alone, the victim received more than 100 phone calls from Ingram, during which he threatened the victim.”

When those threats failed to win a date, a man called her son’s school and tried to switch the boy’s transportation from a school bus to a private vehicle, officials said. A teacher refused the request.

A recording of one conversation with the victim included the man confessing he “does not lose when it come to his heart,” according to an affidavit. Complete article

Suspects smash car windshield in Pa. Walmart parking lot 01/30/2025

Lewisburg, Pa. — A victim was left with $500 of damage to their vehicle's windshield after a group of men allegedly kicked it in a Walmart parking lot.

Trooper Womelsdorf of PSP Milton says around 10 p.m. on Jan. 24, three unidentified black men kicked the windshield of a parked 2005 Chevrolet Suburban at Lewisburg Walmart.

The suspects then drove away in a light blue sedan, Womelsdorf reported. Complete article

Semi accident occurs outside Ohio Walmart Distribution Center 01/31/2025

On Friday, Jan. 31, 2025, a semi exiting Walmart Distribution Center on Old Chillicothe Road traveled off the wet roadway and turned on its side in the ditch area. At this time, it is unknown if there were any injuries. Complete article

Walmart broccoli recall elevated to highest level by FDA over risk of ‘death’ 01/29/2025

Broccoli packages sold at Walmart stores in 20 states have received an elevated recall status over a Listeria contamination that has potentially fatal consequences.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised the recall on Braga Fresh’s ready-to-eat 12oz Marketside Broccoli Florets to Class 1, which is “a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of, or exposure to, a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death,” according to the organization.

The FDA first announced on December 31 that Braga Fresh was issuing a voluntary recall on the product “due to the possibility of contamination with Listeria monocytogenes.”

Listeria is a bacteria that can contaminate many foods. Although symptoms can vary, a listeria infection “can cause invasive illness and intestinal illness,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Complete article

Walmart makes several leadership changes ahead of new fiscal year 01/27/2025

Walmart is making leadership changes in its global business, according to an internal memo posted Jan. 17 by Walmart U.S. CEO John Furner, Sam’s Club CEO Chris Nicholas, and Walmart International CEO Kath McLay. Walmart said the executive changes are effective Feb. 1.

The memo, made available to Talk Business & Politics, shows that Lance de la Rosa will move from chief operating officer at Sam’s Club to executive vice president of new initiatives and omni-fulfillment at Walmart U.S.

Dave Guggina will become chief commerce officer to fill the position left by Tom Ward, who is headed to Sam’s Club. Rob Montgomery will become executive vice president of supply chain, which was Guggina’s position. Megan Crozier will leave Sam’s Club and return to Walmart as executive vice president of general merchandise. Complete article

Wilton woman accused of stealing from NY Walmart 01/27/2025

Jacksonville police seek help identifying fraud suspects at NC Walmart 01/28/2025

Jacksonville police seek public's help in identifying two larceny suspects at NC Walmart 01/29/2025 Two different pairs of suspects from same store.

Police search for 3 teens last seen at Kansas City Missouri Walmart 01/28/2025

3 suspects sought for allegedly stealing over $1k in items from Walmart in Colonial Heights Va. 01/27/2025

Lockport woman charged with theft from NY Walmart 01/27/2025

Man sentenced after setting fire inside Garners Ferry SC Walmart in May 2023 01/27/2025

Brookville Teen Faces Theft, Corruption Charges After Computer Equipment Stolen from Pa. Walmart 01/29/2025

Jacksonville police seek public's help in identifying two larceny suspects at NC Walmart 01/29/2025

Bossier La. Police Searching for Airline Drive Walmart Thief 01/29/2025

Multiple Thefts Reported At Walmart - And Other Collegedale Tenn. Police Calls 01/29/2025

Suspects arrested for stealing keys and merchandise from Tx. Walmart 01/29/2025

Man banned from every single Walmart arrested again at Ohio Walmart 01/28/2025

Suspected shoplifter nabbed with stolen Lego sets at Fla. Walmart 01/29/2025

Teen accused in Dec. Lumberton Walmart killing extradited to North Carolina 01/29/2025

Purple alert issued for missing woman last seen near Walmart in Boynton Beach Fla. 01/29/2025

Woman left 4 children in her car in Walmart parking lot, Rio Grande City Tx. police say 01/29/2025

Woman Exposes the Big Name Brands Behind Walmart’s “Great Value” Label 01/27/2025

Trying to blend in with the golf carts at Fla. Walmart 01/30/2025

Shooting outside Selma Alabama Walmart kills innocent bystander 01/31/2025

One person is dead after a shooting outside a Walmart in Selma, according to the police and district attorney.

Officers responded to a call of shots fired at about 9 p.m., said Chief Kenta Fulford.

Police found several vehicles had been struck and one person, identified as Marcus Martin, unresponsive inside his vehicle.

Police said Martin, described as an innocent bystander, died as a result of his injuries.

Detectives are actively investigating to identify the suspects involved, Fulford said. Complete article

ACTION 8 UPDATE: Two arrests made in shooting outside Selma Walmart 02/02/2025 Blanks says Martin was an innocent bystander who got caught in the crossfire of a shooting that stemmed from an argument he had nothing to do with.

UPDATE: Police search for two Walmart shooting suspects 02/03/2025

Three suspects arrested, one wanted in connection with Walmart murder 02/05/2025

Millican man accused of shooting at parked car at Navasota Tx. Walmart 02/04/2025

GRIMES COUNTY, Texas (KBTX) - The Navasota Police Department (NPD) arrested a Millican man in connection to reports of a suspect firing a weapon at a parked car in a grocery store parking lot last Friday.

According to the City of Navasota, NPD began investigating a report of a reckless driver on Highway 6 South around 2:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 31. Another caller reported seeing a suspect in a matching vehicle fire a weapon at a parked car in the Walmart parking lot, then drive off. When officers arrived, they said they found a pickup truck in the parking lot with damage consistent with gunshots.

Officers searched the area for the vehicle from the reports and prompted nearby schools to increase security measures as a precaution. A tip from the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) led NPD officers, state troopers, and BCSO deputies to search the area of FM 2154. Complete article

Airway Heights police identify suspect in Friday morning stabbing near Wash. Walmart 01/31/2025

AIRWAY HEIGHTS, Wash. – Airway Heights police have identified the suspect in a stabbing that occurred Friday morning near a Walmart.

According to the Airway Heights Police Department, 44-year-old Tyler Warnock, also known as "Tim" has been identified as the suspect in the attack. Police said a man called 911 around 5 a.m. Friday to report that he had been stabbed at the corner of 12th Avenue and Hazelwood, near the Walmart.

Police said that they found the victim with a stab wound to the chest. He was transported to a hospital and treated for non-life-threatening injuries, police said. Complete article

Car stolen with baby inside; Baby later found in La. Walmart parking lot 01/31/2025

SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) - A woman went inside a residence to grab something, and upon returning her car and baby were gone.

On Jan. 31, at 7:43 p.m., the Shreveport Police Department (SPD) responded to a reported car theft on the 2800 block of Glenwick Street. Upon arrival, a woman told officers that her 1-year-old baby was in a car seat in the back of a vehicle when it was stolen.

The woman parked in her driveway and ran into the house to grab something. When she came back out, the car and her child were gone. Complete article

UPDATE: Deputies make arrest after pair of ‘suspicious incidents’ at Macon Ga. Walmart 01/29/2025

The Bibb County Sheriff's Office says 24-year-old Kemontre Braswell was taken into custody following its investigation into a pair of "suspicious incidents" at Walmart on Harrison Road this month.

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is looking for an individual connected to suspicious incidents that occurred at Walmart on Harrison Road.

According to a news release, the suspicious incidents occurred between January 7 and January 26 at 6020 Harrison Road.

The suspect was seen following victims as they shopped, before making inappropriate contact and smearing an unknown, “mayo-like” substance on them. Complete article

Walmart rival has solution for anti-theft measure that's backfiring 01/30/2025

The pharmacy chain is piloting a unique solution to a growing problem.

Sometimes, you aren’t aware something is a privilege until it’s snatched away from you. That’s a feeling many consumers may have had lately when shopping inside pharmacies and a few large retail store chains across the country.

Retail theft has grown to become an expensive issue in the retail industry in recent years. According to a study last month from the National Retail Federation, retailers reported a 93% increase in the average number of shoplifting incidents per year in 2023 compared to 2019, and a 90% increase in dollar loss due to shoplifting over the same time period. .....

In response to the startling trend, pharmacies such as CVS Health (CVS) , Walgreens and Rite Aid have opted to lock multiple products behind glass displays in their stores to help prevent theft. .......

CVS Health has just revamped its app, and it includes a new feature that allows customers to open theft-proof cabinets to access products, according to a new report from the Wall Street Journal. Complete article

Arkansas Legislative Black Caucus voices disappointment in Walmart’s DEI rollback 01/27/2025

Arkansas Legislative Black Caucus members on Monday expressed disappointment and confusion over Walmart’s decision to alter its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

The Bentonville-based retailer received pushback after announcing in late November it was rolling back its DEI policies, including from 13 attorneys general and 30 shareholders representing $266 billion in investments.

Speaking via videoconference with Black lawmakers at the Capitol, Walmart representatives said at Monday’s meeting that, internally, nothing will change about the way they treat associates. Pepe Estrada, senior director of constituent relations, said this is the next step in the company’s DEI journey.

“We want everyone to feel like they belong and they have a great experience at the company, and in the process we will not tolerate any type of bullying, discrimination or harassment of any type to any individual, so that hasn’t changed,” Estrada said. Complete article

Arkansas NAACP denounces Walmart’s DEI changes 01/30/2025

On his bank account from Walmart — here’s how he discovered the fraud and how you can spot the red flags 01/31/2025

When reporter Nicholas Brooks got a mobile alert on his phone, he was surprised to see that it was a $528.04 charge to his bank account from Walmart. Brooks hadn't bought anything at Walmart, but he quickly noticed the pending charge when he navigated to his Walmart account.

Brooks, who works for WJAX-TV in Jacksonville, Florida, immediately called his bank to report the unauthorized charge and request a replacement debit card.

Unfortunately, Brooks isn’t the only one who had this issue, but he made a few smart moves in response, including swiftly notifying his bank about the fraudulent charge. His best form of protection, though, was the mobile alert that immediately notified him of the problem. Complete article

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