Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Who's Next After Gaza? Another War & Ecocide?

As I pointed out in several previous articles including Why Is Mainstream Media Almost Completely Controlled by Zionists? and The Genocide In Gaza Is Part Of An Ongoing Class War the War in Gaza is based largely on a heavily censored and false version of history, with the help of Mainstream media who doesn't even try to do a good job reporting on this conflict or any other war based on lies, which includes all wars that I know of.

As the saying goes "The first casualty of war is the truth."

But, of course, we're always at war with one country or another or arranging for third world countries to fight each other in proxy wars. So both our government are constantly censoring the truth and even telling routine lies to cover up their actions or blame others.

And, although most people relying on mainstream media may not know it, not only has blind support for Israel been growing, but Israels support for our wars has been slowly increasing over the decades, which is almost certainly related, although few researchers discuss it. There are dozens of history books about conflicts around the world where Israeli involvement keeps coming up, but two of them, The Israeli Connection: Who Israel arms and why by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi 1987 and The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World by Antony Loewenstein 2023 focus primarily on Israel's involvement in these conflicts, showing they often arm many of the most undemocratic countries in the world, and often support wars or coups, along with the United States, which is usually the leading supporter of these wars or coups.

Of course, Israel has been far more opposed to Palestinian rights to self-determination than they ever were for any other undemocratic country they helped arm. This goes back at least to the end of the first world war when they encouraged British and French colonialism so the British would keep the promise made in the Balfour declaration even though they needed Arab help much more during that war and promised them self determination, which almost certainly would have taken the form of a Greater Syria, which would include Palestine and exclude dramatic increase of Jewish immigration enabling the Nakba and creation of Israel. The vast majority of the country and world is still unaware that in order to create Israel as a so-called "democratic state" they had to murder 15,000 people and expel 750,000 more while stealing their land, which is a brazen violation of any reasonable democratic principles.

But, of course, when it comes to the most likely conflict to come next, that appears as it might be between Israel and Lebanon, where they're already fighting and numerous reports indicate that it could escalate to a full scale war including, Smoke on the horizon - Israel and Hezbollah edge closer to all-out war 07/16/2024 and Fears of war with Israel grow in Lebanon after rockets exchanged 10/10/2023 which says, "On Monday, (Oct. 9 2023) Israeli shelling killed three members of the Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah, according to a statement from the Iran-backed organisation. An Israeli deputy commander and two Palestinian fighters in southern Lebanon were also killed." This was two days after the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on the opposite end of Israel, and there was no indication that I know of that Hezbollah had anything to do with this. To the best of my knowledge Israel struck first which is also the case in the vast majority of conflicts between Israel and it's neighbors since the creation of Israel.

However, in most cases Israel has routinely claimed they act in self defence or made "preemptive strikes" and the media often lets them get away with this, but a closer look at history, often with Israeli or our government as sources, routinely shows this is almost always false. This includes the attack on Iran's embassy a few months ago which was followed by an attack by Iran which Israel falsely claimed was unprovoked. There are, of course, many other possibilities, including Yemen, which Israel recently attacked presumably in retaliation for efforts to stop the genocide in Gaza, or Iran itself, which Israel is constantly blaming for terrorism, even though the history of conflict with Iran is as heavily censored and distorted as with the Palestinians, when MSM, Israel and our own government virtually never mention the 1953 coup, that overthrew a Democratic government and led to twenty five years of terror for the Iranian people under the rule of the Shah and the SAVAK, that the USA, often with Israel's help encouraged war on both sides between Iran and Iraq, and more, including the fact that Iran offered assistance agasint Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan after 9/11 in an attempt to improve relations, but Bush declared them part of the Axis of Evil anyway.

There's no guarantee which conflict will escalate to war or wider war, but there's no doubt that we go from one war based on lies to another, and those opposing all these lies rarely if ever get any media time. There's also no doubt that destruction of the environment has been escalating for decades, and as I reported in a previous article, we've been using more natural resources than the planet can restore since about 1972, according to studies, and it gets worse almost every year. Nor is there doubt that each war based on lies also adds a lot to environmental destruction as well as distracts from efforts to reverse it and repair the damage already done.

And of course, there have been several reports about how much damage is being done to the environment by the Gaza war, even if Cable News and many of the biggest MSM outlets pay little attention to it including A Guardian article, Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe 01/09/2024 which says "Exclusive: First months of conflict produced more planet-warming gases than 20 climate-vulnerable nations do in a year, study shows," and more in the article. This is just one of many dozens of wars devastating the environment around the world and escalating Climate Change, which impacts the poorest countries most, even though it's the richest countries using the vast majority of natural resources, providing the vast majority of weapons for all wars, and instigating most of these wars.

It's not hard to figure out who's providing the vast majority of weapons in the world, generally speaking, and who's being killed by them. The richest people in the world are manufacturing the vast majority of weapons and those killed by them are mostly, by far, the poorest people in the world who have little or no political power. The same goes for resources, where the poorest people do most of the work, but the richest people recieve the vast majority of resources. Showing who has the biggest military budget and who sells the most weapons in the world is the easy part, and there's much more research from a variety of sources showing they're not using it for "defense" or to "protect democracy," as an enormous amount of propaganda shows, but fully understanding this will require reading more books from credible sources, although many sources have provided brief summaries.

According to Wikipedia: List of countries with highest military expenditures the United States has the largest military budget in the world, spending $916 billion on the military which isn't surprising; China and Russia, who are routinely portrayed as potential adversaries come in second and third with combined spending of $405 billion, less than half our spending. However, when you consider the fact that the vast majority of governments in the top forty are reliable allies of the United States, or potential allies with some reservations, but only three of the countries in the top forty are portrayed as adversaries by traditional media, Russia, China and Iran; and there hasn't been direct fighting between any of these three countries despite all the rhetoric.

Out of the list of the top forty my estimate is that about twenty-one of them are solid allies of the United States, as I said three that are portrayed as adversaries by the media even though we don't fight them directly, and fourteen that are inconclusive, but most if not all of these countries are more likely to either be allies, if there's a conflict or stay neutral, with none of them likely to provide strong military opposition to the United States. The United States and it's clear allies spend close to four times as much on the military as the three adversaries from the top forty, and they don't fight them directly.

There're similar results when comparing The 25 Countries Exporting the Most Weapons 01/11/2023: with the United States exporting 39% of global weapons exports, Russia exporting 19% of global weapons exports and China with 4.6% of global exports. However, Iran doesn't even make this list; and almost 74% of all weapons exports in the world come from either the United States or it's allies. This means that whether you consider total military spending or weapons exports, for the United States and it's allies, they control about 70-75% of global military activities. The countries I chose as solid allies include all NATO allies, except Turkey, which comes to fourteen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Australia.

The reason I excluded Turkey is they recently Threatened to ‘enter’ Israel to protect Palestinians 07/29/2024 which would put them on the opposite side of this conflict from the United States political establishment, even though the establishment isn't serving the interests of the public. It's unlikely that Turkey will follow through on this, but if they do it will be one of the few, if not only, cases where two or more NATO allies are potentially on opposing sides in a political conflict. Turkey isn't the only NATO country sympathizing with the Palestinians Spain and perhaps other countries have supported South Africa's charge of genocide, and There are NATO Member Countries That Back Palestine's Bid for UN Membership 05/17/2023 which includes Turkey, and the most powerful of those countries militarily or economically is France; but there's little or no chance that any other of these countries, besides Turkey, will act militarily without consent of the United States, and several of the other most powerful countries in the world, who all support Israel, despite the atrocities they're committing.

Furthermore, the vast majority of victims of all this military spending aren't even from these leading weapons manufacturing countries. With the exception of the war between Ukraine and Russia, there are few if any recent conflict with any other of the countries, although the United States has been directly or indirectly involved in conflicts or war with countries that don't make these lists and hardly have a large military force or weapons to use, let along export, including Gaza, the West Bank, Venezuela, Bolivia, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and more.

These statistics overwhelmingly imply that the richest countries in the world are are preying on the poorest; however as many academics routinely argue correlation alone is inadequate to prove causation without supporting evidence, and this is far from the impression given by mainstream media which routinely portrays those targeted by the United States as seriously flawed or terrorist countries abusing human rights. I can't completely rule out some truth to this; however, the leading reason for this is simply that the same wealthy people oppressing the poor also control the media and use this control to portray their adversaries as the instigators, even when they're not.

However, despite all the propaganda by the media indicating that the United States is "defending democracy" and is a "leader of the free world" there's an enormous amount of evidence showing this isn't true. In previous recent articles about Israel I provided a reasonably good bibliography about more credible sources showing that traditional media isn't telling the truth about Israel or their history; given time, I could provide another bibliography about books on propaganda, American Empire, Neo-Colonialism and more, or add this to the Israeli bibliography, and I did this partly in MSM Doesn't Promote Books Exposing Wall Street shortly before the Oct. 7 attack, and I could add dozens to that list of books, but half of them don't focus on this subject.

Some of these books, like Robert McChesney "Rich Media Poor Democracy" 1999 and "The Problem Of The Media" 2004 and Upton Sinclair "The Brass Check" 1920 show how the media have been heavily biased in favor of the wealthy for well over a hundred years, if not throughout recorded history, and others show how they rig the economy both in our country and globally, which is often much worse. The best books exposing how powerful establishments control powerful institutions get virtually no promotion from MSM, which is one of the institutions controlled by the rich and hardly wants to help expose itself. Other books like "Killing Hope" by William Blum 2004 show how the United States has a long history of starting wars based on lies and supporting undemocratic coups around the world; few if any other books cover as many conflicts, but for every conflict there are many other books that go into much more detail.

Other books describe Neo-Colonialism and how international organizations force poor countries to allow them to exploit their natural resources while providing little or no benefit for their own people forcing them into permanent debt without benefitting from those natural resources so rich people get all the profits, along with leaders from many countries that benefit by betraying their own people. One of the first, and still one of the best of these is Kwame Nkrumah, the former leader of Ghana, "Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism" 1965. The United States attempted to have this book censored, immediately cut off all aid to Ghana after he exposed their tactics, and arranged a coup to overthrow his government within a year of two after this went to press. It's still important to this day and is available free, but other books are more up to date, using many of the same tactics Nkrumah described. This ensures that the third world is destitute, which often breads what they call "terrorism" although the damage done by the poor isn't nearly as bad as the damage done by the rich and there's far more mitigating circumstances for them, since they're forced into a desperate situation by the rich. But, of course, the media uses their resources to make the victims look like perpretrators and the perpretrators look like victims. Malcolm X warned us about this decades ago when he said, "If you're not careful the media will have you Hating the oppressed and Loving the oppressor."

We're being ruled by people that have far more money than they could ever spend, who can't improve their quality of life by hoarding profits, yet they choose to rig the economy even more in their own favor even if it destroys the planet, and eventually destroys their own quality of life when they cause an inevitable collapse at some time, assuming they don't get overthrown before they destroy the planet. Yet they can't seem to stop themselves from pushing the planet over the edge and they create propaganda ensuring it's difficult if not impossible to stop them.

Decades ago John Lennon famously said “Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.” He was right all along!

This is a large planet and the fact that we haven't destroyed it by now shows that we can't do so quickly, but even if I don't know when this will happen, there's no doubt we're heading in that direction. In 2018 the so-called "Squad" campaign on a study that said if we don't act within twelve years to reverse environmental damage then we may pass a point of no return where environmental destruction and Climate Change will escalate beyond control. I don't know for sure if this study is right, but I hope not; because the progressives that came to save the day haven't done anything and have now become part of the establishment supporting corporate Democrats, and have virtually forgotten their original campaign promises, like many other establishment politicians.

But there's no doubt that we're headed in the wrong direction and sooner or later we may cross a point of no return, and even if this isn't the case, the sooner we reverse course the easier it will be.

The following are several good books about the history of the media and how it's always been heavily biased in favor of the rich followed by almost a dozen good books about Neo-Colonialism, and another updated version of my bibliography of over four dozen books about the history of Israel; Mainstream media rarely mentions any of these books, yet they do a much better job teaching history:

Robert McChesney "Rich Media Poor Democracy" 1999

Robert McChesney "The Problem Of The Media" 2004

Upton Sinclair "The Brass Check" 1920

Killing Hope William Blum 2004 Edition

Kwame Nkrumah, "Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism" 1965

John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2004

James Carroll "House of War" 2006

Graham Hancock "Lords of Poverty" 1989

"The Merchants of Death" H. C. Engelbrecht and F. C. Hanighen 1937

Tom Burgis "The Looting Machine" 2015

Susan Williams "White Malice: The CIA and the Covert Recolonization of Africa"

Alan Friedman "Spider's Web" 1993

Here's the bibliography about the history of Israel which mainstream media rarely reports, which is a little longer than the previous one, it's followed by my own previous articles, then many other related articles and mostly Social Media posts:

John J. Mearsheimer and. Stephen M. Walt "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" 2007

Ilan Pappe "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" 2006

"The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of Gaza and the Occupied Territories" 2017 by Ilan Pappe

Ilan Pappe The Forgotten Palestinians 2011

Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-51 (St Antony's Series) 1993rd Edition by Ilan Pappe

The making of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1947-1951 by Ilan Pappé

On Palestine by Frank Barat, Ilan Pappé, and Noam Chomsky 2015

Gaza in crisis: reflections on Israel's war against the Palestinians by Ilan Pappé, Noam Chomsky 2010

Nurit Peled-Elhanan "Palestine in Israeli Schoolbooks" 2012

Walid Khalhidi From Haven to Conquest 1971

Thomas Suarez "State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel" 2016

The Israeli Connection: Who Israel arms and why by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi 1987

The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World by Antony Loewenstein 2023

Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations 2018 by Ronen Bergman

The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World Updated and Expanded Edition by Avi Shlaim Ph.D. 1999

Avi Shlaim says he has 'proof of Zionist involvement' in 1950s attack on Iraqi Jews 06/17/2023
Avi Shlaim "Three Worlds" 2023
Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew by Avi Shlaim

"How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs: The Syrian Congress of 1920 and the Destruction of its Historic Liberal-Islamic Alliance" 2020 by Elizabeth F. Thompson

"Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" by Jimmy Carter 2006

The War for Palestine : rewriting the history of 1948 Eugene L Rogan,; Avi Shlaim, 2007

The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities 1988 by Simha Flapan

The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine 2016 by Miko Peled

Twenty-eight minute video of Miko Peled discussing his book "The General's Son."

Lenni Brenner Zionism in the Age of the Dictators A Reappraisal (1983)

Lenni Brenner "The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir" 1984

"51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis" 2002 Lenni Brenner

Hundred Years' War on Palestine 2021 by Rashid Khalidi

"One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate" Tom Segev 2000

Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Vol. 1: The False Messiah 2009 by Alan Hart Archive

Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Vol. 2: The False Messiah 2009 by Alan Hart Archive

The Privatisation of Israeli Security 2017 by Shir Hever

Fateful Triangle : The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians by Noam Chomsky 1983

Ben Hecht, Perfidy 1961

Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein 2000

James Petras "The Power of Israel in the United States" 2006

"A History of Palestine: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Founding of the State of Israel," Gudrun Krämer 2024

Sharing The Land Of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle 2004 by Mazin B. Qumsiyeh

Nakba And Survival The Story of Palestinians Who Remained in Haifa and the Galilee, 1948–1956 Adel Manna 2022 29

My Life in the PLO The Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle Shafiq al-Hout 2011

The Meaning of the Disaster / Constantine K. Zurayk by Qusṭanṭīn Zuraiq 1948/translated in 1956

The Palestinian People: Seeking Sovereignty and State Mustafa Kabha 2022

City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement 2017 by Sara Yael Hirschhorn This is written by a Zionist with credibility problems, but she still admits to many of their own bigotries, whether she intends to or not.

"Divide and Lose; the Arab Revolt of 1955 - 1958" 1960 by M. G. (Michael George) Ionides

Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons 2006

Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The untold story of Nazi racial laws and men of Jewish descent in the German military by Bryan Mark Rigg, 2002

Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice 1990 by John Quigley

Nathan Krystall "Jerusalem 1948: The Arab Neighbourhoods and their Fate in the War" 1999/2002 aka Nathan Krystall, ‘De Arabization of West Jerusalem’; Tamari, Salim 1948

Expulsion of the Palestinians: the concept of "transfer" in Zionist political thought, 1882-1948 by Nur Masalha, 1992

Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History 2018 by Nur Masalha

"The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949" by Benny Morris 1987 As I said, Benny Morris is biased in favor of Zionism; but he makes many admissions about atrocities committed by Israel and when a Zionist historian admits to these it's more difficult for other Zionists to disagree.

The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal & American Foreign Policy by Seymour Hersh 1991

"The Transfer Agreement: the untold story of the secret agreement between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine" by Edwin Black 1984

Jon and David Kimche, "The Secret Roads: The 'Illegal' Migration of a People, 1938 -1948" 1955 Transfer Agreement

“The Jewish State” by Theodor Herzl (1896) 140p.

Plan Dalet: Blueprint for the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine 03/08/2013

Walid Khalidi "Plan Dalet: Master Plan for the Conquest of Palestine" 1988

"You Gentiles" by Maurice Samuel 1924

Lloyd George in “The Truth about the Peace Treaties,” Vol. I 1938

Lloyd George in “The Truth about the Peace Treaties,” Vol. II 1938

The following are some of my previous articles on this subject followed by a large number of related media reports and social media posts that occasionally do a better job than traditional media:

World War II Could & Should Have Been Avoided, Zionists May Have Been Partly Responsible

USA & Israel Are Intentionally Creating Permanent Conflict, Based on Lies!

Is Israel Committing Genocide? Which Side Is Living a Lie?

Is Zionism a Cult?

Are Zionists Racist? Is Israel a Theocracy?

Is Israel Planning to Conquer Half The Middle East?

Israel's Roots in Terror & Neo-Colonialism

Why Is Mainstream Media Almost Completely Controlled by Zionists?

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2024 01/01/2024

Gaza conflict has caused major environmental damage, UN says 06/18/2024 June 18 (Reuters) - The conflict in Gaza has created unprecedented soil, water and air pollution in the region, destroying sanitation systems and leaving tons of debris from explosive devices, a United Nations report on the environmental impact of the war said on Tuesday.

Damage to Gaza causing new risks to human health and long-term recovery - new UNEP assessment 06/18/2024 Nairobi, 18 June 2024 – The environmental impacts of the war in Gaza are unprecedented, according to a preliminary assessment published today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), exposing the community to rapidly growing soil, water and air pollution and risks of irreversible damage to its natural ecosystems. UNEP reiterates the call for an immediate ceasefire to protect lives and eventually help mitigate the conflict’s environmental impacts.

‘Ecocide in Gaza’: does scale of environmental destruction amount to a war crime? 03/29/2024

War Has Poisoned Gaza’s Land and Water. Peace Will Require Environmental Justice. 06/12/2024 Opening Meme picture

Hezbollah Attack Or Iron Dome Failure? Majdal Shams Attack Raises Questions 07/0/2024

(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: MORE EVIDENCE AN ISRAELI FALSE FLAG THAT RESULTED IN 14 DEAD - IRON DOME MALFUNCTION “An Israeli ambulance member heard from eyewitnesses that an interception missile was what fell in Majdal Shams, and some said that they saw a missile launched from the Iron Dome from Mount Hermon and it fell towards the stadium.” 06/27/2024

Strike on Israeli Golan Heights kills 11 and threatens to spark a wider war. Hezbollah denies a role 07/27/2024 Reports and witnesses later indicated this was an Iron Dome missile.

Israeli military says it hit Hezbollah site in central Lebanon 07/10/2024

Wikipedia: List of ongoing armed conflicts

Wikipedia: List of countries with highest military expenditures 1,610,600,000,000 alies; 415,300,000,000 alleged enemies; 207,600,000,000 allies or neutral out of 2,233,500,000,000

Military Spending by Country 2024 10/0/2023 Top 10 Countries with the Highest Military Expenditures (2022): ... Top ten

Ranked: Share of Global Arms Exports in 2022 11/27/2023

Arms exports - Country rankings by year starting with 2022 going backward

The 25 Countries Exporting the Most Weapons 01/11/2023: 25. Jordan Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 0.2%; 24. Czech Republic N; 23. India; 22. Norway N; 21. Brazil; 20. Belarus; 19. South Africa; 18. United Arab Emirates; 17. Canada N; 16. Australia NP; 15. Switzerland; 14. Ukraine; 13. Sweden N; 12. Turkey N; 11. Netherlands Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 1.9% N; 10. Israel Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 2.4%; 9. Spain N; 8. South Korea NP; 7. United Kingdom Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 2.9% N; 6. Italy Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 3.1% N; 5. Germany Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 4.5% N; 4. China Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 4.6%; 3. France Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 11% N; 2. Russia Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 19%; 1. United States Share of global arms exports, 2017-2021: 39% Annual military expenditure: $778.2 billion (3.7% of GDP) N

Market share of the leading exporters of major weapons between 2018 and 2022, by country Top 12

Military > War deaths: Countries Compared 2008

Wikipedia: List of wars by death toll

Top 8 Countries With Most Natural Resources 10/10/2023

Top 20 Countries With Most Natural Resources in the World 10/10/2023

Bonus Expeditionary Forces March on Washington 10/0/2023 "If the Army must be called out to make war on unarmed citizens, this is no longer America." -Washington Daily News General Douglas MacArthur led the Army troops, along with his aide Major Dwight D. Eisenhower and an able tank commander, Major George S. Patton. Under President Hoover’s orders to drive the protesters back across the Anacostia River, the Army was in position in the late afternoon. Once the order was given, the troops advanced with tanks, fixed bayonets, and tear gas to drive away the crowd of veterans back across the bridge.

Wikipedia: Civilian casualty ratio

Ninety Per Cent of War-Time Casualties Are Civilians, Speakers Stress, Pressing Security Council to Fulfil Responsibility, Protect Innocent People in Conflicts 05/25/2022

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal

(Video) (West Wing video of Map of Middle East from 1709 that he "can't display because it doesn't show Palestine and will offend people." 06/09/2024

(Video) Kwame Ture Breaks Down Zionism 06/04/2024

René M. Upshaw: English and American zionists in cahoots of land theft and genocide. .... Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times Posted on May 22, 2013 06/10/2024

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times 05/22/2013

John Smith: In case you missed it #IsraeliPrison / #concentrationcamp #SdeTeiman is rife with #torture, and is where most #Palestinians are taken for #imprisonment and #interrogation during this increasing #war of #EthnicCleansing and #genocide against the #PeopleOfPalestine - the people living under #IsraeliOccupation in #Gaza, #TheWestBank, and #eastjerusalem. 06/11/2024

(Video) The Majority Report with Sam Seder: Israel’s Internment Camp Horrors Faced By Palestinian Detainees Exposed By US Media 06/10/2024

Mohamedhmasrl: Children of Gaza don’t wake up for school, they wake up to witness this grim reality every single day . 05/31/2024

Tânia Ramos: “This was a Palestinian beach. The photo is from 1944, when Israel did not yet exist. ” 12/06/2023

(Video) Palestinian Christians discussing how they also live under aparthied 03/22/2024 Christian Zionists in America are unaware that Christians are also oppressed by Zionists in the occupied territories, or Israel, and also live under Apartheid!

(Video) Emotional Zionist claiming Orthodox Jews who oppose occupation aren't real Jews 06/11/2024 They repeat their own lies to each other so often they seem to believe them.

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: Zionists, like all cultists, react aggressively when their dogma is exposed as nonsense. 06/11/2024 Same emotional Zionist from different angle

'Too Bad You Returned': Freed Israeli Teen Hostage Says She Received 'Horrific, Negative' Comments 06/10/2024 Agam Goldstein-Almog was kidnapped to Gaza from Kibbutz Kfar Azza, along with her mother and brothers. She says the public didn't like that she described her relations with her captors, and that 'People just can't grasp' what it was like as a hostage

(Video) What are these Zionist soldiers so proud of that they keep posting it on Social Media? 06/13/2024 IDF female soldier from before current war posing with female Palestinian tied up and gagged in the background humiliating her, from before current war, proabably early April of 2022 or 2023.

(Video) One truth about Zionism is it never fought against any imperialism, and is often the defender of imperialism. 04/11/2024

(Video) This is Palestinian, authentic, nothing to fear. 04/26/2024 Unarmed Palestinians standing up to IDF

Chrk Wahab: Apartheid Israel is not a country but a Safari Park to hunt Semite Palestinians financed by the US & UK & EU -in Short the Axis Of Evil😡😡😡 Pic via Carlos Berberian.... 06/17/2024

(Video) Carlos Berberian: The Anchor on Al Jazeera Live couldn't control her excitement & joy while announcing that the Secretary General at the UN Antonio Guterres Officially added Israel to the black list, now they are on the same black list with ISIS Al Qaida Boko Haram, means as a country they are now a Terrorist Organization... On Friday, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said he received official notification of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s decision. “This is simply outrageous and wrong,” Erdan wrote, alongside a video of him speaking into a telephone and condemning the move. “I responded to the shameful decision and said that our army is the most moral in the world.🙄The only one being blacklisted is the Secretary-General who incentivizes and encourages terrorism and is motivated by hatred towards Israel.” 06/14/2024

(Video) Evil incarnate. An occupying squatter filmed himself destroying a residential home in Rafah and posted the footage on his Instagram page with the caption "Renovations in Gaza." 06/18/2024 IDF braggging about destruction of expensive furniture in Gaza

(Video) This is how our children welcome Eid al-Adha in the same way they welcomed Eid al-Fitr, or even worse We no longer have words to say These 9 months have destroyed us without any change in our situation I will not congratulate you on Eid this time, as we have no Eid and our children are being killed and mutilated in front of the whole world The world is accustomed to our situation, but we are not and will never become accustomed to this situation. 06/16/2024 Rescue of children barly alive buried in rubble, or retrieval of bodies.

(Video) Was it an act? Footage released by the lOF, which claims to show an alleged fighter from Jabalia camp being forced to drop his weapon. However, an investigation reveals the detainee is Omar Abdulraheem Mohammad Haidar, a 35-year-old civilian suffering from mental disorders. Statements from his mother and neighbor confirm Omar's psychological issues and ongoing treatment. They assert that Omar was coerced into making statements against his will for the lOF's propaganda. 06/18/2024

(Video) 'THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION OF CONGO' #DRC "Dan Gertler and GLENCORE have made life a living hell for the Congolese! Name them and Shame them!" - Hadija 11/29/2023

(Video) Even the ADL realized this went too far and they condemned it. Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel, Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter. “With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90. 06/16/2024

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews 10/19/2010

Several high profile Zionists have advocated invading "Greater Israel" which they claim is promised to them in the Bible, but previously they denied it was official policy. Now it may be changing. 06/22/2024

(Video) Conference attended by more than 35,000 anti-Zionist Jews in Philadelphia 06/26/2024

Israeli 'scholasticide' has killed over 8,600 Palestinian students since the war 07/02/2024

(Video) Judiasm is not Zionism; Judiasm is a Holy religion; Zionism is a radical political ideology. 06/29/2024

(Video) Watch ISRAELISM on digital platforms now… 06/08/2024 Simone Zimmerman "Zionism is mass displacement of Palestinians" IDF celebrating war crimes, desecrating homes.

(Video) Israel is investigating it's own war crimes, and committing many more, Israel decides who can judge them, yet they're the victims? 05/28/2024

(Video) Tom Cotton calls out "Little Gazas"; Protester calls out Cotton's bigotry. 07/01/2024

(Video) Rafeek Adams: This is also known as a useful token. Now let me ask you. Can Tamer buy land in Israel? Can he marry a Jewish woman? Go ahead: I’ll wait. You think we are stupid. We know the game. They always rolls out tokens to show we are liberal and free, etc. What about the sterilization of Ethiopian Jewish women? You are NOT fooling anyone. 06/19/2024 Reply to Noa Tishby; Of course, unless they make exceptions for their tokens, he can't buy land in Israel or marry a Jewish woman, although they might recognize inter-faith marriages if they're outside of Israe.

(Video) Sunni 📿 RaRa Gully 📿: Too many receipts Noa, yall not fooling the masses anymore. 06/19/2024 Censored Men: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 A Palestinian woman with Israeli citizenship was arrested and blindfolded for showing sympathy for those in Gaza via social media. something... something... democracy in the middle east.

(Video) Maximilian 🪁🐝: Below is a prime example to things an apartheid state would do. I also want to add: West Bank. The apartheid rule is 100% evident in West Bank and this is what, without a doubt, makes Israel a state that applies apartheid. @TMasudin is far too blind to see or acknowledge this. 06/19/2024

Haaretz Editorial | Israel Presents: Detention Without Trial for Arabs Only 06/16/2024 The result is very clear: Jewish terrorism in the West Bank will be immune to such measures.

Zei_squirrel: This is astonishing. The Israeli police, intelligence and military literally confirmed to Haaretz that no photos or video footage of any rape/sexual assault exists, just as the UN confirmed it, yet they keep regurgitating this blatant lie on mainstream media with zero challenge 06/17/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Is US aid getting to Gaza? Today, we asked Jeanne Pryor, Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for the Middle East at USAID, what the agency is doing for Gaza and how US aid is getting in if Israel is blocking it and bombing civilians. She couldn't tell us. 06/18/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: The greatest propagators of misinformation in the US are corporate outlets like the Washington Post, whose spook adjacent correspondent @josephmenn falsely accused me of misinfo for helping to expose Israel’s “mass Hannibal” - factual reporting corroborated by a recent UN report 06/18/2024 ScheerPost.com: The censorship industrial complex is now running interference for Israel’s genocide in Gaza by defaming journalists like @MaxBlumenthal, who exposed Israel’s slaughter of its own civilians on Oct. 7. Full interview here:

(Video) Max Blumenthal: The Washington Post Tries Criminalizing Independent Journalism 06/14/2024 Max Blumenthal joins this episode of Scheer Intelligence to discuss the recent hit job on his outlet, The Grayzone, by the Washington Post, as well as the demise of the once free internet.

(Video) Ryan Grim: That they had this document in hand and still approved the Nova rave for an extra night is horrifying 06/17/2024 Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي: 💥Breaking: An IDF document distributed only 2 weeks before October 7 accurately described Hamas' plan to invade southern Israel, down to the number of civilians and soldiers to be captured & taken to Gaza. Huge scoop from @SuleimanMas1

Suppressed News: This little child grew up and his picture is in the first reply. 06/19/2024 He grew up to resist the killers of his parents and grandparents, do you now understand how resistance is born? People don’t understand that their actions are not unjustified, each one of them lost a family member, one parent or both. What did the world expect?

(Video) CelticCore ☘️ 🇳🇱: Remember anyone who goes. He supports this. He’s thrash! 06/12/2024 Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: UN INVESTIGATION STATES THAT ISRAEL COMMITTED THE CRIME OF EXTERMINATION An independent UN investigation has concluded that Israel committed crimes against humanity during the war in Gaza, including the crime of “extermination”. "EXTERMINATION" ! // Reply to MichaelRapaport announcement of his Fall Shows, which may be targeted for protest or cancelation.

(Video) Ajamu Baraka: As a Vietnam era vet and someone who worked at Vet centers where young soldiers went to deal with the psychological consequences of having been turned into monsters, I know that there are many young Israelis who will have the demons of their crimes with them for life. 06/19/2024 JonnyUtd: I had to get this off my chest them Palestinian children with their heads/brains missing has snapped me!!!

(Video) Suppressed News: I literally cannot believe what i just heard, in detention centers ‘concentration camps’ israel is using trained dogs to r*pe Palestinians. Dogs are used to RA*PE Palestinians!! 06/19/2024

(Video) These college students know much more than Maher or Navarro, or at least what they pretend to know. If Maher and Navarro don't know how absurd their lies are it's because they refuse to listen to the truth! 06/19/2024 Don't. Gaslight. Me: Bill is confusing Zionism with Judaism // Bill Maher: How come it's okay for the left to hate the Jews?

(Video) Rania: Having October 7th hypothetically turned is actually not even hypothetical because Israel committed much worse atrocities in Gaza even back in 2014, and @OmarBaddar pretty much nails it! 06/18/2024

(Video) Chris Hedges: Israel is on a path towards genocidal collective suicide — its mystique is fading, and it can’t survive without it. Watch my full speech here: 06/19/2024

(Video) Chris Hedges: Nero's Guests 06/16/2024

(Video) Rivkah Brown: BREAKING: A former senior @amnesty official has been arrested under the public order act for holding a satirical placard describing Israel as an "apartheid c*ntry". Aisha Jung was arrested on Saturday while attending a pro-Palestine demo in London with her husband and sons. 11/07/2023

Max Blumenthal: "If you oppose Israel's genocide, you're a racist!" Zionism is wokeism for ethnosupremacist eggs 06/19/2024 Eli Lake: If someone tells you Israel’s defensive war against Hamas is a “genocide,” it’s safe to assume they are either a bigot or a moron. No need to listen to anything else they have to say.

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 TERMINATED: Simon O’Kane, PhD is no longer employed as a research associate at @imperialcollege, following this “hateful” campus incident 06/19/2024

(Video) Abier: “Jewish people frankly have been through enough, you gotta put us through Zionism too” Katie, the awesome Jewish girl ♥️ I can’t pass a day without listening to her… 06/19/2024

𓂆 PostOffice: Israel did incinerate all these vehicles. 06/18/2024 Liar. Israel burned them with Apaches. Facts ⬇️

Israel admits to “immense” amount of “friendly fire” on 7 October 12/12/2023

(Video) Abby Martin: “The need to segregate and not interact with Palestinians is part of Israeli identity. If you’re Palestinian you’re already regarded as a threat to the state.” Israeli activist @ronnie_barkan exposes the system of apartheid & genocide 06/20/2024

Max Blumenthal: The Washington Post has published 2 smear articles on The Grayzone for reporting on Israel's Oct 7 friendly fire attacks, accusing us of "misinformation," and Israel's Haaretz branded me a "master manipulator" for helping expose the scandal. Our crime was revealing the truth too early. 06/20/2024 Muhammad Shehada: Israel now admits: "many" Oct 7 casualties were killed in "multiple" friendly fire incidents of "our forces firing on our forces" & due to "decisions made in real time - which turned out to be wrong."

BREAKING – Israeli channel N12 admits Israel killed their own people on Oct 7… 06/20/2024

A lot of bilateral shooting, and an irregularity in the distribution of forces: new revelations about the October 7 investigation 06/19/2024 ‘The IDF began to investigate the battles in the first days in the surrounding settlements, & the picture is becoming clearer: many casualties due to our forces firing on our forces and the decision that was made in real time - which turned out to be wrong’

Pelham: This is Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte who personally saved 31,000 Jews and non-Jews from the Nazi Germany…🇩🇪 He was chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Palestine–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948…🇺🇳 The Zionists killed him in Jerusalem after he wrote his UN report detailing the devastated Palestinian villages he saw and the mass killings…🇮🇱🇵🇸 06/19/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Even a child could connect the dots: Don Bacon receives $800,000+ from the pro-Israel lobby and over half a million dollars from the arms industry. No wonder he’s silent when asked about the children of Gaza. 06/20/2024

Aaron Maté: Anonymous Squirrel > Entire US Establishment Media 06/20/2024 Zei_squirrel: BREAKING: The "mass rape" hoax collapses even further. Chaim Otmazgin, a senior Zaka cult commander which is the main source of the "mass rape" and other genocidal propaganda hoaxes, and who is himself a star witness in the Sheryl Sandberg documentary, has just been further exposed as a pathological grifter by Israeli media. For years he falsely claimed to be a lawyer to scam clients out of money, with one client being scammed out of half a million shekels (over $400,000).

(Video) Medea Benjamin: AIPAC groups spent over $5 million to elect Glenn Ivey (D-MD) and he's received nearly $100K directly. Today, instead of meeting constituents in his district, he's on an AIPAC-funded trip to Israel. 06/20/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Senator James Risch, an opponent of international justice, is pushing the Senate to sanction the ICC over arrest warrants for Netanyahu. Call Senator Risch and demand he stop trying to sanction the ICC: 202-224-2752 06/20/2024

Pelham: Israeli soldiers undressed, blindfolded and detained 2 Palestinian children, in what world is this ok..? 06/20/2024

(Video) Abier: Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews are being attacked by Zionist protesters during a pro-Palestine protest in Brooklyn 06/20/2024

(Video) Syrian Girl 🇸🇾: Zionists in the west "Don't call it a genocide" Israel : "We are doing a genocide in Gaza" 06/20/2024

(Video) Pelham: BREAKING🚨 The Biden Administration is set to pay out Jewish billionaire Dan Gertler $300,000,000 for his mining positions in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has enraged human rights activists… Gertler is responsible for thousands of child slave deaths in his illegal cobalt and diamond mines in the DRC… 06/21/2024

(Video) Collateral Damage: A Zionist whose state was literally founded on ethnic cleansing is talking about war crimes. TFO, man. 06/0/2024 Reply to Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ Palestine and MENA Info Center: The zionists openly brag about how they raped the young girls (kids).. “They were beautiful like Europeans”… They rounded everyone up into enclosures then then burned them with flamethrowers… “We took no prisoners, we killed everyone”… THIS WAS THE NAKBA 1948…🇵🇸💔 (Includes testimony about Nakba, some from Tantura)

(Video) CODEPINK: Unbelievable. A NYPD cop says “good work, guys” to a violent group of Zionists who encircled and abused anti-Zionist Jews as they tried to get into a car. 06/21/2024

Stop Arab Hate: Weekly roundup: 🔴 Simon O’Kane, PhD resigned from his role at @imperialcollege after yelling at a woman to “leave this country” 🔴 Nancy Serot, real estate agent, was terminated after tweeting “Islam is hate and death! Deport!” 🔴 Sam Long and Ronit Pinto, founders of Honeysuckle Magazine, attacked two women in NYC. Their company lost multiple sponsorships 06/21/2024

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Huh? It’s normal in Gaza. 06/21/2024 11/15/2023 Saul Staniforth: Antony Blinken: "We can never let the crimes Russia's committing become our new normal... bombing schools and hospitals and apartment buildings to rubble is not normal"

(Video) Khalissee: Next time a Zionist blathers that it's all about "Israel's right to defend itself," send them a link to this video. A chilling documentary that will leave you shocked. This is just a 2 minute trailer… 06/19/2024

(Video) Ania Lewandovska 🍉: "The people aren't their government" well, not in "Israel" where they can be even worse. Settlers attacked supermarket and demolished cars with Palestinian family in. Huwara, West Bank. 06/19/2024

Briahna Joy Gray: How can this institution claim to graduate credible journalists? How can you run a foreign policy school when you’ve designated criticism of an entire country as bigotry? It’s honestly embarrassing that Israel requires authoritarian enforcement of Jewish supremacy to survive. 06/20/2024 AIPAC Tracker: Columbia University will now mandate that all new students and faculty go through an orientation that states anti-Zionism is antisemitism. The plan, which was not announced in any direct communications by Columbia, was revealed by an Israeli newspaper article. - @theintercept

(Video) Khalissee: 🚨BREAKING: This is the body of a Palestinian who was killed while trying to return to North Gaza. Israeli Soldiers shot this video of them bulldozing him added music to mock him and caption: “That you’ll be carried like that your whole life." 06/21/2024

(Video) Nabeel Rajab: Reply to Michael Rapaport comparing released Israeli "hostage" to released Palestinian "detainee" without charges or lawyer 06/21/2024

(Video) Pelham: The United Nations just handed down its most damning report in modern history, finding Israel GUILTY of of the following war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of international law…🇺🇳 Including… - Extermination - Internationally targeting civilians - Murder or wilful killing - Using starvation as a method of war - Forcible transfer - Gender persecution targeting men/boys - Sexual violence amounting to torture - Collective punishment MUST LISTEN 🔊 06/19/2024

(Video) Abier: Get em Girl 🔥 I really like that Americans discussing bribes from AIPAC is now mainstream 06/18/2024 Protester talking to Raja Krishnamoorthi D-Ill.

(Video) SZH: “I’m gonna buy beachfront property in Rafah! No more Rafah, no more Gaza!” - Zionist in Brooklyn, NY 06/21/2024

(Video) IfNotNow🔥✡️: George Latimer always has an interesting reaction when we (or @sunrisemvmt or @protectourpwr) ask him about AIPAC. @EvaBorgwardt explains why. Links in bio to get involved— we all need to play our part to keep progressive champion @JamaalBowmanNY in Congress. 06/21/2024

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Makes no sense. Dean Phillips wants a future in Dem politics. 06/21/2024 Mehdi Hasan: Me: "Is killing 274 Palestinians an acceptable price to pay for the freeing of 4 Israeli hostages?" Congressman Dean Phillips: "It's an unacceptable price but a price that has to be paid." Me: Wow" Watch the full #MehdiUnfiltered interview/show:

(Video) Mehdi Presses Pro-Israel Democrat on Support for ICC Sanctions & Gaza Destruction: ‘You Voted for a Mafioso Bill’ 06/20/2024 Plus, it’s time to talk about AIPAC, and an interview with legendary photojournalist Shahidul Alam. ... Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips says he stands for the rule of law. So why did he choose to vote for a bill that would sanction International Criminal Court officials – as well as their families – after the court requested an arrest warrant for Netanyahu’s role in the war on Gaza?

(Video) Medea Benjamin: While members of Congress are supposed to be at home meeting with people in their district, Rep. Steny Hoyer is taking trips to Israel to meet with its leaders perpetrating a genocide in Gaza. He’s been there 21 times. 06/21/2024

Folke Bernadotte: Some israeli Prime Ministers who were also terrorists: 1. Menachem Begin - bombing of King David's Hotel that killed over 90 people, 2. Moshe Sharett - bombing of SS Patria that killed 200+ Jewish refugees, 3. Yitzhak Shamir - assassination of UN mediator Folke Bernadotte 06/21/2024 4. Ariel Sharon - Qibya massacre, Sabra and Shatila massacre. 5. David Ben-Gurion - the Nakba

Wikipedia: Patria disaster 25 November 1940 The bombing was ordered by Moshe Sharett as David Ben-Gurion was away at the time of the bombing.[13] An effort was made to enshrine the incident as an icon of Zionist determination, but this largely failed.[10] As early as 15 December 1945 Isaac Lofven warned a Mapai meeting against trying to "sanctify" the tragedy.[14]

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Video of Saudi intel agent Omar Bayoumi casing the US Capitol suddenly surfaces - but why now? Bayoumi picked up would be 9/11 hijackers and likely CIA assets Nawaf Al-Hazmi and Khalid Al-Midhar at LAX after they attended an AQ summit and paid for the lease of their apartment 06/21/2024 60 Minutes: A video unsealed in federal court this week, obtained by 60 Minutes, raises new questions about Saudi Arabia’s connection to the deadly 9/11 terror attacks. @CeciliaVega reports. Max Blumenthal: Not mentioned by 60 Minutes: 9/11 hijackers Al-Hazami and Al-Midhar were CIA recruits

(Video) Investigators for 9/11 families examine video taken by man with ties to Saudi intelligence referencing a "plan" 06/20/2024

(Video) The Saviour: 🚨🇮🇱 Israel just EXECUTED multiple CIVILIANS in the West Bank! 06/21/2024

(Video) Zei_squirrel: a brilliant documentary just released on the ongoing Gaza genocide and the intentional mass killing of Palestinian babies, children, women and men. This is the reporting you will never see in any Western media outlet. Watch it in full here and share it: 06/21/2024

(Video) The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza | Fault Lines Documentary 06/21/2024

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: What can we do? -witness -record -share -never forget -never forgive -WITHOLD: $, support, votes, participation, investment, consumption 06/21/2024

(Video) Katie Halper is a Jew For #CeasefireNow: Truly unbelievable. Briahna Joy Gray @briebriejoy reveals that @thehill @RisingTheHill banned @normfinkelstein as a guest because he’s a “holocaust denier.” Interesting claim considering his parents were holocaust survivors. 06/21/2024

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray On Getting FIRED By The Hill, Marc Lamont Hill On CNN Firing 06/18/2024

(Video) Pelham: Western leaders demanded Netanyahu and his zionist killing machine not to enter or attack Rafah… Not only did his zionist killing machine attack refugee camps in Rafah, they’re now destroying every single building inside Rafah…🇵🇸💔 06/20/2024

(Video) Miko Peled: ADL: A racist, Islamophobic, anti-Arab, anti- Palestinian, pro-violence, Zionist organization trading in lies & spreading hate. Please follow @daralhurriya Palestine House of Freedom for reliable information on apartheid & a Free Palestine River2theSea 06/21/2024 palestinehouseoffreedom: ADL Deemed Unreliable Source on Israel-Palestine; Potentially on Anti-Semitism

Angelo Angelli, JD: Israel: “why pretend we’re not a bunch of Nazis? We’re sick of pretending.” This idiot’s (Moshe Feiglin) family emigrated to Palestine in the 19th Century and wasn’t menaced by European antisemitism or the European holocaust. 06/21/2024

(Video) Far-right Israeli politician quotes Hitler while talking of wiping out Gaza 06/18/2024 Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin quoted Adolf Hitler when discussing the push to create what Feiglin called a ‘Hebrew Gaza’.

Wikipedia: Moshe Feiglin In an article in Haaretz, Yossi Sarid quoted Feiglin, in the context of demonstrations against the Oslo accords, as saying, "Hitler was an unparalleled military genius. Nazism promoted Germany from a low to a fantastic physical and ideological status. The ragged, trashy youth body turned into a neat and orderly part of society and Germany received an exemplary regime, a proper justice system and public order. Hitler savored good music. He would paint. This was no bunch of thugs. They merely used thugs and homosexuals." Feiglin clarified his position to the Maariv newspaper that just because he considers Hitler a military genius, this does not mean he admires him.[1]

Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza 06/16/2024 "In what kind of society can one openly advocate policies modeled on Hitler's conduct? In a society that feels complete impunity due to America's protection," one foreign policy expert said. ... "We are not guests in our country, this is our country, all of it..." Feiglin said, adding, ("And like Hitler, may God curse his name, said") "As Hitler said, 'I cannot live if one Jew is left.' We can't live here if one 'Islamo-Nazi' remains in Gaza."

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Her predecessor Andy Levin was also progressive and also a self-proclaimed zionist, but AIPAC spent $4 million to unseat him. Why? Because he believed in political and human rights for Palestinians. Now, Stevens represents AIPAC's interests in Congress, greenlighting endless weapons to Israel even as she claims to denounce gun violence and racism. 06/21/2024

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: #ZionismIsACult 06/21/2024 (Discussion of praying before committing atrocities and how Zionism is terrorism)

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: It’s time we accepted the fact that no Western media is a consistently reliable source of information. Information should be acquired from multiple sources, crosschecked with our own resources proven to be the most dependable & subjected to critical thinking & common sense. 06/21/2024

Five shows were canceled in Batavia & also at least one more in Wisconsin. He can expect more protests wherever he goes because of outrageous support for genocide. Contact the Helium Club in NY tell them to cancel! 06/2/2024 Reply to Michael Rapaport announcement of Fall tour

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Supposed "free speech" supporter Elise Stefanik has been instrumental in cracking down on student protestors. Why does she do it? To raise her profile with Trump, with millionaire megadonors, and with the Israeli legislature. 06/21/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Israel committed another HUGE MASSACRE on DISPLACED CIVILIANS in Rafah. They were living in TENTS as Refugees on their own land....and Israel bombed them. 06/21/2024

☮️ David Swanson ☮️: Imagine if college were free but each U.S. citizen had to beg, borrow, and save up $100,000 for every distant foreign village they wanted bombed. 06/21/2024

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: #ZionismIsADeathCult 06/21/2024 IDF woman humiliating Palestinian captive in the West Bank in early April 2023, before an unrelated stabbing the same month.

Briahna Joy Gray: CAIR National: A woman reportedly attempted to drown two Muslim Palestinian children in a pool in Texas. Our Texas chapter plans to hold a news conference tomorrow to call on law enforcement authorities to investigate the incident as a possible hate crime. 06/21/2024

CAIR-Texas Calls for Hate Crime Probe of Alleged Murder Attempt Targeting Two Muslim Children in Euless 06/21/2024

US Palestinian Community Network: ZIONIST CHEERLEADERS FOR THE #GazaGenocide‌ ARE NOT WELCOME in Chicago! Call @TheVicChicago/@JamUSA TODAY at 773.472.0449 to demand they cancel racist Michael Rapaport’s Nov. 8 show on account of his genocidal, anti-#Palestinian propaganda. Racists stay home! #FreePalestine 06/18/2024

(Video) Michael Rapaport is turning on other Jews & hates those that want peace and learn to get along with each other! There are many Jews demanding equal rights for all, including Palestinians, & Palestinians get along with them just fine as they should! Rapaport is the real bigot! 06/22/2024 Michael Rapaport: Who’s your “favorite” As A Jew,Jew? @EliLake and I discuss on the new @iamrapaport here:

(Video) Max Blumenthal: The true face of Zionist culture in Brooklyn, where an old woman repeatedly threw up a Nazi sieg heil salute beside youth chanting for genocide in Gaza while threatening to rape Palestine solidarity protesters and their families 06/22/2024 "Finish the job IDF"

Briahna Joy Gray: Tanisha Long: Idc how you feel about Israel. You have to admit that it’s insane that the Governor of Pennsylvania is trying to force Universities and the state to invest their money in a foreign country. This is insane behavior. 06/21/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: How does this benefit the US? 06/21/2024 Trita Parsi: Biden officials have reassured Israeli officials that the US will support Israel if it starts a war with Lebanon. So there you have it: You can't claim you tried to prevent Israel from starting the war if you offer it support if it does so.

US offers assurances to Israel this week in the event of full-blown war with Hezbollah 06/21/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Chief CNN hasbarist @jaketapper has never been held accountable for pushing every debunked propaganda hoax Israel has deployed to generate consent for genocide, from beheaded babies to "mass rape" on Oct 7 It would have been more fitting if Jake's kids had played Hatikvah 06/22/2024 Stu: Code Pink is now targeting CNN's @jaketapper. In a hilarious development, Tapper's children waved to Code Pink from the porch and played the Star-Spangled Banner for the protestors.

(Video) Kinkajou51 #IStandWithDonbass & Palestine: It can't get any clearer than this that Israel is a sick, genocidal state and society. Zionism is a disease of the soul. 06/22/2024 ADAM: "We will bømb all the hospitals and kill them all. It's about time. the world knows that" Does the world understand what Ziønism is yet?

(Video) Jason Call 🇵🇸 Green Party WA02 JillStein2024 CM: Local activists in my district in Bellingham (WA02) take it right to ⁦@RepRickLarsen⁩ the genocider and war criminal. This, every time they step outside. No rest for the wicked. #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 06/21/2024

(Video) ADAM: BREAKING: Chaim Otmazgin, a senior Zaka commander, main source of "mass r*pe" and other atrocity propaganda, and a star witness in the Sheryl Sandberg “documentary”, has been EXPOSED as a FRAUD by Israeli media. For years he falsely claimed to be a lawyer to scam clients out of money, with one client being scammed out of half a million shekels (over $400,000). Never trust a word they say. 06/21/2024

Abby Martin: After paramedics gave Israel coordinates to evacuate 6 year old Hind Rajab, they fired 355 rounds at the car they knew she was in 06/22/2024 Middle East Eye: Forensic investigation reveals Hind Rajab's car was hit with 355 bullets and finds it "not plausible" that the Israeli tank couldn't see children inside the car.

Max Blumenthal: Israel’s army implements the Biden administration’s Infrastructure Destruction and Genocide Act in Gaza 06/22/2024 Nour Naim| نُور: 🚨Breaking: The Israeli army bombed #Gaza municipality workers while they were serving citizens and repairing water lines, resulting in the killing of at least 6 employees, including the Emergency Director & Deputy Mayor for Water and Environment, Eng. Anwar Al-Jundi.

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "Why is Jake Tapper doing what he's doing where he's just constantly talking about October 7th & refusing to give voice to all of the atrocities that are taking place in Gaza. It's because he's a Zionist, & because he has an ethno-religious, deeply ingrained connection and belief in the state of Israel as an exclusively Jewish state. That's why he's doing this. That's why Dana Bash is doing this. That's why they're so, you know, liberal in the amount of now debunked propaganda they were willing to attempt to legitimize in the days after October 7th." - @MaxBlumenthal 01/11/2024

(Video) New York Times' Hamas Sexual Assault Story FALLS APART (w/ Max Blumenthal) 01/08/2024

Zei_squirrel: Since October 7 countless reporters accused of having an "anti-Israel bias", or just with a Muslim/Arab background, have been outright fired or blocked from reporting on Israel-Palestine because "they can't be objective". Then you have Jake Tapper at CNN: 06/22/2024

Jake Shields: Breitbart was founded in Israel and run by an Israeli intelligence officer. John Fetterman takes hundreds of thousands of dollars directly from Israel. Jake Tapper is s Jewish zionist. You aren't watching the news you are watching propaganda 04/15/2024

(Video) Children of Darkness🇵🇸🇿🇦: Protestors were outside Jake Tapper’s house letting him know he’s a war criminal. His kids apparently waved the American flag and laughed in their face. A short 🧵 on why he should be protested everywhere he goes. 06/22/2024

Rania: No need to say they're naz1s. Just say they're Israel! 06/22/2024

(Video) Amer Amayreh: Yes they are, listen to one who lived there. 06/21/2024 Ex-Zionist discusses how children are taught to be racist from a young age. This is a reply to an exagerated quote from Abby Martin, who does say 95% of Israelis support military action in Gaza, but not that they're terrorist.

Sarah Wilkinson: UN’s Francesca Albanese @FranceskAlbs condemns the israeli use of an injured Palestinian as a human shield by tying him to the hood of their jeep 06/22/2024

Syrian Girl 🇸🇾: Israel targeted my parents residential building when they were only children, in the 1973 war between Israel and Syria. Their neighbour’s children did not survive. There was no Hamas then. No lies about tunnels under homes. Israel has always been a terror state and has targeted civilians for its sake alone. I am the child of the children they bombed. Our children and our children’s children will fight the Zionist scourge until the last day. 06/21/2024

I haven't been a fan of Alyssa, who has supported the duopoly even when it goes agasint principles like the "me too" campaign she pretends to defend, and she's not the best source on the history of Israel, but she got this right. 06/22/2024 Alyssa Milano: I have to say something… It’s going to offend some people. I’m okay with that. Let’s all get uncomfortable. And then let’s grow. If you’re still reading—good. Please read to the end. I need you. I know many people who attended the Isreal Solidarity march today. They all spoke of beautiful community, pride and feeling safe and seen. This made me so happy because many friends have been terrified by the rise in antisemitism. (And I see you always. It is terrifying and I am constantly learning.) And then I saw video from the march—and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. When one of the speakers spoke of peace, people chanted in unison, “No ceasefire. No ceasefire.” What?? It made me so sad. ......

(Video) ADAM: A man follows Israeli occupation forces instructions and leaves his home holding a white flag. His son comes with him and is shøt in the head by the fascist Israeli terrørists. 06/22/2024

(Video) ADAM: All Ziønists are terrørists. 06/2/2024 "Mohammad is dead. Death to Arabs! The second Nakba is coming soon."

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: Elizabeth Wolf has been charged with attempted murder after trying to drown a 3-year-old Palestinian-American girl in Texas 06/23/2024

Jewish American woman charged with attempted murder of Palestinian toddler 06/23/2024 Elizabeth Wolf is suspected of attempting to drown a 3-year-old girl in Texas; Mother was able to pull her daughter from the water 'yelling for help and coughing up water'

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: BREAKING! @elonmusk has suspended @DefundIsraelNow - a great critic of Israeli War Crimes, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians, and deliberate starvation of 600.000+ little children! Elon Musk is exposing himself as a fraud once again. He hates free speech and never intended to make a free speech platform. 06/23/2024

(Video) Prem Thakker: For 4 months, I’ve pressed the US on the killing of Hind Rajab, her family & medics sent to save her. Independent investigation finds it “not plausible” Israeli forces didn’t see who they shot 355 bullets at. Over & over, the US said it’s waiting for Israel to investigate itself: 06/23/2024 Middle East Eye: Forensic investigation reveals Hind Rajab's car was hit with 355 bullets and finds it "not plausible" that the Israeli tank couldn't see children inside the car

Forensic Architecture probe concludes Israeli tank likely killed Palestinian child Hind Rajab 06/21/2024 Investigation reveals Rajab's car was hit with 335 bullets and finds it 'not plausible' that Israeli tank couldn't see children inside car

(Video) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: Jewish whistleblower exposes Israeli Holocaust of Palestinian children. 06/23/2024

(Video) Rania: Why is it that the Irish support the Palestinians? It's because they've been there, done that even if it took 800 years, but they're free from colonisation! 06/23/2024

(Video) Khalissee: NOW: Clashes between Israeli police and Israeli prisoner families during a meeting demanding the overthrow of Netanyahu's government. This is how they treat families of hostages. Don't believe them when they say they care about hostages. 06/22/2024

(Video) Ania Lewandovska 🍉: Zionism in a nutshell ⬇️ "I hate Falastin... I want all the Arab people die... It will happen... All the people in Gaza dead hahahaha .... Is realy realy fun" 💀 #GazaGenocide 12/01/2023

(Video) Medea Benjamin: This guy is SUCH a liar and a murderer. How can Biden keep supporting him? How can Congress still invite him to speak on July 24??? Inconceivable. Incomprehensible. Reprehensible. 06/23/2024 Barak Ravid: 🚨🚨Netanyahu walks back from the Israeli hostage deal proposal that was approved by the war cabinet and laid out in President Biden's speech and says he is ready for "a partial deal that will bring some of the hostages home" and allows to then resume the war

Tameem | تميم: “Iraqi Jews will be forever against Zionism” - Chief Rabbi of Iraq. April 8, 1947 Debunking Zionist lies about the Jewish-Arab relationship before Zionism. 05/16/2024

I apreciate the screen shots, but they would be more helpful with links for context. I found them this time. 06/23/2024

The secret story of Israel's transit camps 03/03/2019 "There was a convention (among Israeli authorities) to remove the Europeans from the camps as quickly as possible, and some of them were sent directly to permanent housing, unlike the Mizrahi Jews. It just added insult to injury. It all accumulated and led to the large Wadi Salib riots in 1959." https://twitter.com/MallowStray/status/1791215249628049408

Jews from Arab Countries and the Palestinian Right for Return: An Ethnic Community in Realms of National Memory 2002 In Israel the Mizrahim (Jews from Arab countries) were subjected to a process of de-Arabization. As Ben Gurion put it, "We do not want the Israelis to be Arabs. It is our duty to fight against the spirit of the Levant that ruins individuals and societies" (Shohat 1988:6).

Not All Who Ascend Remain: Afro-Asian Jewish Returnees from Israel 04/20/2022 This selective immigration policy privileged Western European Jews as desirable, high-quality “human material” while Mizrahi Jewish migrants to Palestine were low-quality material who were to be “sifted” out, useful only for their quantity.Footnote3

Wikipedia: One Million Plan The One Million Plan (Hebrew: תוכנית המיליון, romanized: Tochnit hamillion) was a strategic plan for the immigration and absorption of one million Jews from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa into Mandatory Palestine, within a timeframe of 18 months, in order to establish a state in that territory.[4] ..... Our Zionist policy must now pay special attention to the Jewish population groups in the Arab countries.

(Video) Rania: "There is no good zionism. It's a racist ideology, it's a violent ideology", @mikopeled 06/23/2024

(Video) Marcus Baram: More… MAHER: They are in w/ the terrorists BURR: They were for the Palestinians. MAHER: Well, it’s sort of the same cause. Why? Are you? BURR: I’m on the side of the kids. MAHER: Yeah, that’s easy to say. You know, no one wants to see kids dead. BURR: That was very brave of you” 05/14/2024

Abby Martin: You’re a human rights lawyer and “proud Zionist” who supports an army that kills kids for sport, have you questioned your own sanity at all? 06/24/2024 Reply to Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️

(Video) IfNotNow🔥✡️: Don’t be like Mike(s). Join the movement for permanent ceasefire in Gaza & an end to Israeli occupation & apartheid. Become a member of IfNotNow: 06/17/2024

Holly Blomberg: I am appalled that the President of the United States is regurgitating propaganda sponsored by a foreign country. There was no “blocking access to a house of worship.” This thread explains what really happened👇 06/24/2024 Reply to President Biden Talia Jane ❤️‍🔥: (The synagogue was hosting a sale of Palestinian land, a strange choice for a place of worship that seems intended to make protests against the land sales look like they’re targeting a place of worship for no reason)

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Apparently, standing against genocide is a fireable offense for @lyft This weekend, Lyft fired our member Sergei for having a “US Jews Say Ceasefire” sign in his backseat, stripping him of his livelihood over a single person who was “uncomfortable.” 06/24/2024

(Video) Afeni ☭ | #FreePalestine 🇵🇸: I am embarrassed I ever supported @BernieSanders 06/2/2024 "This country was founded on genocidal principles. This country has never been a democracy."

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: RESISTANCE IS BEAUTIFUL Raising awareness about the plight of Palestinians is an honourable thing to do. It requires courage and dedication!! 🇵🇸 06/23/2024

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “You f*ggot!” - Shirley Chaim Reitman, a Los Angeles resident who attacked a bystander at a demonstration 06/25/2024

Abby Martin: On top of the staggering number of kids killed, orphaned, left amputees & injured, 20,000 more children are either lost or buried under rubble in Gaza 06/24/2024 Tanya Haj-Hassan: Horrific update from Save the Children today. This is tragic beyond words and a stain on all of us. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gazas-missing-children-over-20000-children-estimated-be-lost-disappeared-detained-buried-under-rubble-or-mass-graves-0

Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves 06/24/2024

(Video) Jen Perelman for Congress (FL-25): LA based Israeli Real Estate companies are selling West Bank properties to American buyers. Pro-Palestinian activists are protesting this ethnic cleansing apartheid as they should. 06/24/2024

(Video) ADAM: Ziønists in LA try to LYNCH protesters against their fire-sale of stolen land. While the LAPD watch.. And the media and politicians paint the protestors as the aggressors and the protest as “antisemitism” Israel has colonised America. 06/24/2024

(Video) Suppressed News: 🇺🇸When asked, “Where are you from?” he replied in less than a second “Pennsylvania,” referring to USA as his homeland. What the hell is he doing in Gaza? He flew literally across the world to participate in Israel’s genocide. 06/25/2024

(Video) Kerry Burgess: The Daily Telegraph is an absolute fucking disgrace. 06/24/2024 No weapons in Beirut airport despite false claims, but many weapons in Israel.

Jewish Man fakes anti-Semitic stabbing outside Michigan synagogue 01/03/2023

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: Shocking 06/24/2024 Shocking too 🫢 (More screenshots of more fake attacks claimed by Jews.)

Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression: NAARPR and @uspcn are jointly calling for the cancellation of racist, zionist, Michael Rapaport's ENTIRE upcoming "comedy" tour. His entire schtick rests on continued calls for the genocide of Palestinians and using Black and brown people as props to further his career. 06/25/2024

(Video) Dan Cohen: Israeli soldiers sicced a dog on an elderly Palestinian woman lying in bed in her home. This is pure, unadulterated evil. 06/25/2024 Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده: Footage from a camera mounted on an Israeli army dog shows the dog attacking an elderly woman inside her home in Jabalia, northern Gaza. The @EuroMedHR documented Israeli dogs mauling dozens of elderly people and children, some fatally. #GazaGenocide

(Video) Decensored News: INCREDIBLE: In response to questioning by @samhusseini about Israel's "Hannibal Directive" — particularly regarding its use on Oct 7 and/or against US citizens — Miller claims that he's NEVER HEARD OF IT! Miller: "I am not familiar in any way with either that supposed directive or those reports..." Husseini: "You've never heard of the Hannibal Directive??" 06/25/2024

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: Wow. @BrunoMars is an Apartheid defending, Genocide denying piece of shit #Zionist. 06/25/2024

(Video) According to Feinstein Goldstone said "the purpose is to punish, humilite and terrorize the Palestinian people." 06/25/2024 Zei_squirrel: Norman Finkelstein destroys a Western media class hack: "Listen to you, you're just spouting Israeli propaganda." This is from 2009, and the Zionist propaganda talking points have stayed exactly the same today with the ongoing Gaza genocide.

(Video) T: ✡️ SHUT UP GOY - LET US RAPE YOUR KIDS. Yossi Feldman NSW President of Rabbincal Council, wants lesser punishment & leniency for jews who RAPE CHILDREN!! 06/25/2024 I guess that’s what happens when one of your main “Holy Books” permits raping children 🤮

Sanhedrin 54b: The Gemara asks: What does it mean that the Torah does not deem a younger boy to be like an older boy? Rav says: It means that the Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, as for a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged intercourse the minimum age is nine years. And Shmuel says: The Torah does not deem the intercourse of a child who is less than three years old to be like that of one who is three years old. ... The Gemara asks: With regard to what principle do Rav and Shmuel disagree? The Gemara answers: Rav holds that any halakha that applies to one who engages in intercourse actively applies to one who engages in intercourse passively, and any halakha that does not apply to one who engages in intercourse actively does not apply to one who engages in intercourse passively. Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable.

(Video) SZH: Zionist man punches drummer during Los Angeles demonstration. 06/25/2024 S.C.: Look at what the Jews are doing yet they want to play victim.

(Video) Film The Police LA: It’s not that cops won’t protect you. It’s that they’ll allow a mob to beat you while preventing you from escaping. 06/23/2024 Sean Beckner-Carmitchel: LAPD Officers watching Pro-Palestine demonstrators being shoved and hit by pro-Israel group. Pro-Palestine demonstrators pleading with officers for help.

Angelo Angelli, JD: How many times will Biden call you an antisemite today? 06/25/2024 Tameem | تميم: Of course the @nytimes didn’t mention that small fact in the entire article.

(Video) Rania: You cannot see what isr@el is doing to Palestinians, especially children, and stay silent, because silence is complicity. 06/24/2024

(Video) ADAM: Hey @Telegraph This isn’t Beirut airport. This is Ben Gurion airport, in Israel. Every accusation is a confession. 06/25/2024

(Video) Rania: Zionism 101 06/2/2024 1. Zionist host a Palestinian land theft sale in a Synagogue (then distort the truth blaming protesters.)

People's City Council - Los Angeles: Karen why are you omitting the fact that the synagogue was hosting a sale of stolen Palestinian land??? 06/25/2024 The synagogue was hosting a sale of Palestinian land. Every single elected official in Los Angeles commenting on this is being so disingenuous, it’s disgusting.

(Video) Khalissee: WATCH: Piers Morgan gets schooled on what an Occupation is 🔥 06/25/2024 By Abby Martin

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 UPDATE: Jonathan Kaye, an investment banker, has resigned from his job at @Moelis after punching a woman in the face in NYC 06/25/2024

(Video) ADAM: A UN report showed Israelis kidnap women, hold women in cages, strip them naked, release the footage online, severely beat women, and r*pe women. But that’s just life in the West Bank, no reason to ever resist, right? 06/25/2024

Sabby Sabs: Does anyone find it strange AIPAC brutally came after Bowman during the primary but not AOC? She said the same things Bowman did. Why didn't AIPAC take AOC down? 🤔 06/26/2024 Margaret Kimberley: Jamaal Bowman is more clown than congressman. His lack of seriousness and AIPAC money defeated him in a primary election. The lesson is to fight for and mobilize the people, who will support those who support them and their needs. @blkagendareport

Black Agenda Report: Jamaal Bowman, AIPAC, Phony Progressives, and Black Misleadership 06/26/2024

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: ISRAELI CITIZENS GET PRIORITY OVER US CITIZENS FOR ORGAN DONATIONS In our own country we are second class citizens 06/25/2024

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: You are charged with aiding genocide in Gaza @vonderleyen says an activist: you are a criminal and you should be in The Hague #BangOn 06/25/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: BREAKING: We just confronted war criminal Yoav Gallant as he entered the US Capitol. The only place he should be headed is the Hague! 06/26/2024

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: I used to be extremely critical of the younger generation. Boy was I wrong. 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼 06/25/2024 Protesting Yoav Gallant

Cori Bush: My statement on AIPAC’s threat to Democracy. Their far-right SuperPac and allies spent $20M to unseat my brother @JamaalBowmanNY. Read more here: 06/26/2024

(Video) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: The Jewish Talmud teaches that all non-Jews are animals ✡️ 06/26/2024

(Video) Expat Vibes: "This is Israel's land and is owned by Jews. You are required to vacate immediately." Imported Israelis telling Lebanese people in Lebanon to leave Lebanon via cards attached to balloons. 06/26/2024

(Video) Rapaport is a compulsive liar pushing a censored & false version of history; Zionists terrorized Palestinians starting no later than the 1930s, & escalated this terrorism with the Nakba & have blamed the victims since, never stopping the terrorism, but censoring the truth! 06/26/2024 Michael Rapaport: I voting for My people & My money. All that other goofy shit means nothing to me. Who’s taking care of US & who’s helping me take care of my money. Everything & Everyone is on the table. Don’t come sniffing around for any supportive disruptive rants from Me, The Raging Bullshitter

(Video) B L A K E L E Y™℠©® LLC: He’s trying to stalk me on TikTok again while obsessively tweeting videos and photos of women showing their bellies and rubbing oil on their faces. Totally normal not sexual-predator behavior. No wonder he loves squatting in the Israeli regime so much. 06/25/2024 Possibly deleted post by Michael Rapaport harrassing her, although they fued both ways.

(Video) B L A K E L E Y™℠©® LLC: We're #Zionist! 01/04/2024

(Video) Lmao I’ve been offline so I didn’t realize this deranged genocidal racist really went into my comments (where I’m talking about my sobriety) to cry about me calling out his genocidal regime. Your obsession with wanting to be victim is not my problem, dude. Get a therapist and stop obsessing over me. Don’t you have a pretend career and some apartheeeeeed you should be trying to find? 07/08/2024 Michael Rapaport: Hahahahaha! Tell your sponsor about your rabid daily harassment of Jews, you scumbag anti Jew P!g. You need some step work. Your mind ain’t sober. You’re a nasty scumbag with a bum ass no talent fake paint by numbers husband.Start by admitting you have an addiction to JEWS HATE

(Video) Max Blumenthal: To defeat Jamaal Bowman, AIPAC created a stealth PAC to launder billions of dollars in Republican money, mostly from three Zionist billionaires including top Nikki Haley donor Jan Koum and top Trump donor Bernie Marcus via @EliClifton 06/26/2024

(Video) You can't send love without compulsive swearing? Do you really think this helps? Do you think it helps to remain in denial about history including decades of Zionist atrocities that began before the Nakba, which killed 15,000 & displaced 750,000? Or over 15,000 children? (1/2) 06/21/2024 These children had nothing to do with Oct. 7 yet you cheer their deaths on clearly inciting permanent violence which you obviously support. You only pretend to care about Jews! (2/2) Reply Michael Rapaport

(Video) Van Jones certainly is a sellout; this I noticed when he began defending Hillary against Trump in 2016 while she was rigging the primaries against Bernie & he still had a chance! He also sold out on Israel, but in all fairness he called for a ceasefire at the Israel rally (1/2) 06/26/2024 Then the crowd shouted "no ceasefire, no ceasefire" showing that this crowd was cheering on the mass murder of refugees that have been terrorized by Israel all their lives, even though they always live in comfort, not fear. (2/3) Also, when defending Hillary in 2016 he pretended to support Bernie, who eventually sold us out too! Twice! (3/3) Max Blumenthal: Van Jones calls a protest against a colonial settlement auction a “pogrom” He’s likened the keffiyeh to a Confederate flag, and spoke at a genocidal Zionist rally for war on Gaza Possibly the biggest sellout I’ve met in media Here’s @VanJones68 in ‘93

(Video) Medea Benjamin: NOW: Israeli "Defense" Minister Yoav Gallant confronted AGAIN leaving the Capitol. Gallant, the man responsible for the murder of thousands upon thousands of Palestinians should not be allowed to walk freely anywhere. HE IS A WAR CRIMINAL! 06/26/2024

(Video) Kinkajou51 #IStandWithDonbass & Palestine: And I'm supposed to feel sorry for Zionist U.S. students that "feel threatened"? 06/26/2024 Fault Lines: "I lost my mind because of my sadness. Imagine bringing your son a biscuit, only to find him [killed] without a mouth." Watch our full documentary, 'The Night Won't End: Biden's War on Gaza' - http://aje.io/gazanight

(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: DO YOU SEE WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING WITH OUR CHILDREN? FUCK ISRAEL 06/26/2024 Holding up dead or badly injured child after Zionist attack.

(Video) Khalissee: "Christians for a Free Palestine" sing in the US Capitol: "Palestine will be free Palestine will be free We will not avert our eyes Palestine will be free" 06/26/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Manuel Zelaya, ex-president of Honduras, commented to The Grayzone's @anyaparampil on the importance of Assange in exposing the US role in the coup that forced him from power 15 years ago: "Julian Assange is a symbol of freedom in the world today, tomorrow and forever. He will be one of the great people in the future, like one of the great prophets. In their day, they are repressed, and later they become a symbol. That's what Julian Assange will become." 06/26/2024

(Video) Pelham: Miko Peled… “There’s no opinion here, the law is clear, the evidence is clear… this is a genocide”… 06/27/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Isreal is beautifully exposed as a settler colonial state founded on Ethnic Cleansing - nicely done by .@AbbyMartin 06/26/2024

(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: Brave Palestinians confront Israeli settlers who tried to take over their land in the West Bank!💪🏻🇵🇸 06/26/2024

(Video) Syrian Girl 🇸🇾: The journalists , doctors , aid workers and children Israel murdered in the genocide of Gaza in a mural. We must live to tell their story. 06/26/2024

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: Zionists want to make the entire Earth occupied territory. 06/26/2024 Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: ISRAEL BOMB SOUTH OF DAMASCUS, SYRIA Israeli missiles targeted a large multi-story building in Sayyidah Zaynab, south of Damascus, launched from aircraft flying over southern Lebanon.

(Video) Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib: It’s disgusting that my colleagues would support legislation to prohibit U.S. officials from even citing the Palestinian death toll. They want to erase the Palestinians who are living, and now they are trying to erase the Palestinians who are dead. This is genocide denial. 06/27/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: The residents of Al Shejaiya neighbourhood were given evacuation notices. Thousands of people left their homes behind without knowing where to go. They then opened fire on civilians trapped in their homes. 06/27/2024

7 killed, dozens injured in intensive Israeli bombardment of Gaza’s Shejaiya 06/27/2024 Israeli army asks all residents of the eastern neighborhoods of Gaza City to evacuate

(Video) Zei_squirrel: on October 7 one baby died, killed accidentally in a safe room due to crossfire. Now here is Jake Tapper doing a glowing profile of United Hatzalah, an Israeli fanatical cult like Zaka that fabricated many of the atrocity propaganda hoaxes like the 40 beheaded babies in ovens. I want you to look very carefully at the person @jaketapper is interviewing here. Look at his face. Look at his feigned appearance of shock and trauma as he recounts seeing non-existent killed babies "who didn't even know how to say dadda or mamma," as you know that every single word he utters is a vile depraved lie. 06/27/2024

Andreas 🇵🇸: Meghan McCain the magician has pulled out her bag of "tricks." 10/24/2023

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Is it insane to have empathy for the people in Gaza? This member of Congress thinks so. Tell your member to boycott Netanyahu’s visit to Congress at 06/27/2024

Tell Congress: Boycott Bibi’s Visit to Congress!

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “By the way, the people sympathizing with Palestine right now: rot in hell!” - Debra Lea, NYC resident 06/27/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Debbie Wasserman Schultz is polluting our democracy! Dreadful Debbie (D-FL), bought for the total amount of $909,284 by the pro-Israel lobby, is a genocide supporter and she shouldn't be addressing children. 06/27/2024

Debbie Wasserman Schultz bought by Zionism

Max Blumenthal: This is @NatalieLisbona, the Israel-based Daily Mail hack who first pushed the hoax Oct 7 father-son rape confessions, which were coerced through torture. Lisbona does no reporting of her own. She operates behind journalistic cover to repackage Israeli propaganda as "news." 06/27/2024 The Grayzone: Widely reported Palestinian father-son Oct 7 sex assault-murder confession is contradicted by piles of evidence @InTrustweDoubt debunks one of the most cynical Israeli atrocity hoaxes in methodical detail, and exposes the "reporters" who promoted it

The Grayzone: Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence 06/27/2024 Alleged “confessions” by two Palestinians in Israeli custody filmed seemingly admitting to multiple rapes, murders, and kidnappings on October 7, do not match the events of that day, are contradicted by copious evidence, and were likely coerced through torture. US and British media are running with the stories regardless.

How Israel got the media to publish false Palestinian 'rape' confessions 06/27/2024 Video "confessions" of "father and son Hamas rapists" admitting to multiple rapes, murders, and kidnappings, do not match the events of October 7, and were likely coerced through torture.

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: If Israel were a strategic asset to the US, it wouldn't need a lobby. 06/27/2024 Mearsheimer Fan: Israel is currently the greatest national security threat to the U.S.

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: Even people who say they “Stand with Israel” don’t believe the propaganda coming from the United States government & the Apartheid State. They’re just so desperate to wipe out Palestinians, they grasp at any excuse to justify murdering innocent human beings. TikTok: cohen489 06/27/2024

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Two years ago, I explained the problem with Tucker's "Great Replacement Theory" argument by talking about what he *actually* said, & by providing specific citations. This woman's failure to do so does not mean Tucker is right. This is exactly why I've focused on left message discipline over the course of my career. Making overly broad, sloppy arguments undermines legitimate concerns. 06/27/2024

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: The @nytimes is doing everything it can to help the United States Government & The Apartheid State erase Palestinians. #PulitzerPrizeIsAJoke TikTok: caroclaireburkeee 06/27/2024

(Video) Dan Cohen: Zionism is the highest form of antisemitism 06/27/2024 Neturei Karta: Privileged Zionist says to anti-Zionist Jew: "Go to Auschwitz!" Now expect condemnations from the highest political levels "Go to hell. You are not a Jew. Go to Auschwitz!" because you don't support oppression of Palestinians, including mass murder of 15,000 children that had nothing to do with Oct. 7

(Video) Pelham: Protesters tried to stop zionists from illegally buying homes in from a synagogue in Los Angeles… Public/Politicians… “This is outrageous” Now Palestinians watch helplessly as their family homes are destroyed by the illegal occupation… Public/Politicians… *SILENCE* 06/26/2024

Zei_squirrel: There is a coup attempt ongoing in Bolivia right now, once again led by far right fascist forces of course with ties to the CIA. Don't be surprised if the Mossad is also involved, as they are deeply embedded in fascist far movements across the world, and particularly in South and Central America. 06/26/2024

(Video) SZH: Zionist woman assaults bystander at protest, breaking his phone. 06/27/2024

(Video) Abby Martin: US government codifies holocaust denial 06/27/2024 Prem Thakker: NEW: House has voted 269-144 to ban giving funds to the State Department to cite the Gaza Health Ministry, undermining the organization’s death & injury figures. The amendment was led by Democratic Reps. Moskowitz & Gottheimer and Republicans Wilson (SC), Lawler, Miller (WV). Rep. Rashida Tlaib on effort to erase Gaza death toll: "There is so much anti-Palestinian racism in this chamber that my colleagues don't even want to acknowledge that Palestinians exist at all. Not when they're alive—and now, not even when they're dead."

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Where are the hearings on Islamophobia, anti-Arab hate, and retaliation against people who speak up for Palestine? For months, we've seen hearing after hearing on antisemitism but absolutely nothing on the enormous surge in attacks and retaliation against Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, and those who speak up in support of Palestine. Why is that? 06/27/2024 Zionist Congress people include Rep. Manning Rep. Kiley

(Video) Dr Lens Veritatis: 🚨BREAKING: Ordinary Israelis brutalise ultra-Orthodox Jews protesting against forced conscription into the IOF. A police officer makes feeble gestures but does little to protect the victims. This is Zionism against Judaism. This is antisemitism. This is Israel. #Gaza #Israel 06/27/2024

(Video) Kerry Burgess: I have never witnessed such evil... I hope that one day, the citizens of the US realise the enormity of the crime that their elected representatives have committed. Brilliant again by Chris Hedges... 06/27/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: We only have two weeks left before Congress goes into recess, and there still has been no hearing on the rise in hate crimes against Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian communities in the US. Call Dick Durbin to demand one! 202-224-2152 06/27/2024

(Video) Patrick Cook: Supreme Court says it's OK for public officials to do favors for contractors doing business with the government and then accept cash or gifts from that same contractor. Seriously. It may overturn convictions & pending charges on corrupt officials. 06/27/2024

IfNotNow🔥✡️: Here’s what is going to happen. As more people speak out against AIPAC’s record election spending, the establishment will call us antisemitic. So we want to be clear: rejecting a pro-war lobby aligned with insurrectionists is about safety for everyone, including Jews. 06/27/2024 AIPAC uses the Jewish community as a shield to push a far-right agenda - a cynical strategy that is deadly for Palestinians and endangers Jews. It demands unconditional support for Israel and works with outright Jew haters like John Hagee and Steve Scalise to make that happen. We #RejectAIPAC funneling Trump $ into Dem Primaries because we believe in equality and freedom for all - the antithesis of the extremist views that AIPAC and its allies hold. It’s shameful and dangerous that so many in Dem Leadership continue to legitimize AIPAC’s strategy.

(Video) Khalissee: WATCH: Former US President Jimmy Carter: 'Palestine - the land that belongs to the Palestinians and NOT the Israelis. In Occupation there is a horrendous example of APARTHEID' 🔥 02/21/2024

(Video) Zei_squirrel: Jimmy Carter, former President of the United States, came out with a book in 2006 titled "Palestine: Peace, not Apartheid." Again, this is not a radical, but he called Israel an Apartheid state, said Hamas was willing to negotiate reasonably and fairly but Israel refuses to do so and instead wants to continue its genocidal occupation. What did they do with this former US President saying the same thing as Brzezinski? 05/10/2024

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “More! No mercy! IDF don’t stop!” - Tal Broda, Head of Research at @OpenAI Do these views influence the AI models that @OpenAI trains? 06/27/2024

(Video) Miko Peled: The law is clear, the definition of the crime of genocide is clear, the evidence is clear. Zionist regime in Palestine is committing genocide! We must act to end it NOW! 06/28/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: AIPAC didn't have to give Rep. Harriet Hageman much money since she's running unopposed, yet she still received $27,850 for 2024 alone. As we walk the halls of Congress each day, we see a common pattern: the same representatives who accuse anti-war advocates of being funded by "terrorists" or "foreign agents" are the ones actually receiving funds to promote the interests of a foreign country. Who else is influenced by Zionism? Learn more and take action at http://boughtbyzionism.org. 06/28/2024

(Video) Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib: Six-year-old Hind Rajab was on the phone for 3 hours begging paramedics to rescue her from inside the car where her family members were killed. A new forensic analysis has found that Israeli forces from a tank fired 355 bullets at the car and would have had a clear view of her. 06/28/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: Another testimony from an Israeli soldier and that the IDF killed their own civilians on October 7. “What we saw here was a Mass Hannibal.” 06/28/2024

(Video) ADAM: This isn’t Germany 1934. It’s Israel 2024. Israeli’s run the cоncentration camps now. 06/28/2024

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: “ISRAEL DOES NOT WANT PALESTINIANS ALIVE” - @dianabuttu 06/2/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: "We will bomb all the hospitals and kill them all.....the world knows that." Listen to this Israeli terrorist - this is what Zionism is. 06/28/2024

(Video) Codifying genocide denial as official US policy: 06/28/2024 The Cradle: US House bars use of official Gaza death toll

US House bars use of official Gaza death toll 06/28/2024 Democratic representative Rashida Tlaib blasted the US House for ‘genocide denial’ ... The amendment was passed to the State Department’s yearly appropriations bill in a bipartisan vote of 269-144.


(Video) Kerry Burgess: At this point, the murderous thieves in Israel and their bribed Western political lackeys are fooling no one... 06/28/2024 Lie about antisemitism protests which were actually opposed to selling of stolen land.

(Video) Kahlissee: Israel has crossed all red lines with the help of AIPAC choosing Zionists for Americans to 'elect'. These scenes are of Zionist 'soldiers' doing what they do...terrorism 06/28/2024 Sometimes they brag about it.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: She can't even say it: her complicity in Israel's genocide has been bought. Learn more about the money behind American Zionism at http://boughtbyzionism.org 06/28/2024

(Video) Gentile News Network: Jewish Professor Stephen Kershnar supporting pedophiłia— "We make children do all sorts of things they don't want to do! We make them go to church!" 06/28/2024

(Video) S.C.: This is what their scripture teaches them--> 06/28/2024 A Jewish man is caught on camera while attempting to molest a child. The child was saved by neighbors.

(Video) Dan Cohen: For the past 4 years, anyone who pointed out Biden’s obvious mental deficiencies was accused by DNC media hacks of lying and spreading “Russian disinformation.” Last night, they all admitted Biden has mush for brains. Are they Putin’s puppets too? 06/28/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Biden in 2008: "My dad would talk about, how could the world's leaders have given Hitler the respect of meeting with him in public? Of meeting with him and giving him the authenticity by treating him as if he was a reasonable leader?" 06/28/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Yesterday, the House passed an amendment that would prohibit the State Department from citing the civilian casualty numbers in Gaza. This is pure genocide denial. Today, we visited the 62 Democrats who voted with nearly all Republicans in favor of this genocide denying bill. 06/28/2024

(Video) Pelham: Her mother sent her to the shop to buy rice, whilst she was at the shop Israel bomb the entire block… They brought her auntie out on a stretcher..💔 They brought her mother out in pieces..💔 Her father out in pieces..💔 Her younger sister in pieces..💔 Her brothers are still under the rubble..💔 06/28/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Zionists gloat over the sudden death of Rep. Thomas Massie's wife because he was one of the very few lawmakers on Capitol Hill they could not buy off. These demons seek the elimination of everyone who stands in the way of their ethnosupremacist project. 06/29/2024 Slow News Day: If I have this right, shortly after Massie went on Tucker & told everyone who didn't already know about the AIPAC babysitters, his wife is suddenly, tragically taken from him & this is what the ZioCons have to say to him

(Video) Kahlissee: On 24th May, the ICJ ordered Israel to stop attacking Rafah 🇵🇸 Israel bombed Rafah 60 times in the next 48 hrs, burning at least 50 people alive. Israel is still bombing Rafah today. Netanyahu, Biden, Starmer, and Sunak belong in The Hague. 06/29/2024

The World Hates the Jews Because We Are Messengers of Morality by Hillel Fuld 11/28/2022

(Video) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: “Zionism as a threat to world peace and security” UN resolution 3379. 1975. On November 10th, 1975, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 3379 by a vote of 72 to 35, with 32 abstentions. The resolution expressly states: “3,379 elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. The General Assembly determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.” “the apartheid nature of Zionism and the immense threat that racist and imperialist Zionism poses to world peace.” 06/29/2024 S.C.: They will blow up the whole world to get "peace". Learn about what the "Samson Option" is. thank you @KenOKeefe1TJP

UN resolution 3379. 11/10/1975. https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1807070585908027730

(Video) Dan Cohen: Here's the latest horror from Gaza. @JoeBiden, @realDonaldTrump and @RobertKennedyJr all agree that American tax dollars must fund this. 06/29/2024 Reply to deleted post

(Video) Kahlissee: Jack was expelled from Vanderbilt University for opposing the Gaza Genocide. This 19 year old boy paid a high price for his FREE SPEECH. 06/29/2024

(Video) Censored Men: 🇪🇬🇮🇱 The Lavon Affair Explained In Under 3 Minutes 06/29/2024 Binyamin Gibli appears to be the lead organizer of this & forged documents in an attempt to cover it up, & shift blame to Lavon, who was still partly responsible. This also adds to evidence that Israel terrorized Arab Jews (1/2) in an attempt to get them to flee Arab countries. Thomas Suarez provides more evidence in "State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel" so does Avi Shlaim in "Three Worlds." Many Zionists often turn against other Jews. (2/2)

IDF Declassifies Docs in Still-rotten Lavon Affair 05/11/2015 Dialogue between the two men at the heart of affair reveals tense blame game over 1954 false flag scandal.

Binyamin Gibli 09/16/2008

(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: ✝️Christian women are spat on, kicked, whipped, verbally abused and have their dress dragged for talking about Jesus in Israel🇮🇱 06/28/2024

(Video) Censored Men: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israel's Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich: “The Security Cabinet authorised one settlement for every country that unilaterally recognised Palestine as a state in the last month.” In other words, they are authorizing the building of illegal settlements in the West Bank as punishment for the countries that have recognized Palestine as a state. 06/28/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: You can not get a state contract in 37 states of America unless you pledge allegiance to Israel. Think about this. 06/29/2024

Bruce Gagnon: The zionists use Washington to run interference for their genocidal war on Palestine. Blinken is a war criminal and should be in prison for life. 06/29/2024 Chay Bowes: Israel, the country that has massacred 16,000 babies, mothers toddlers and children, vaporised entire communities, and tortures prisoners. Has been invited to the NATO summit in July by Antony Blinken.

Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: “Hamas radicalizes their kids to hate and kill Jews” No. It’s the opposite. Every Israeli accusation is a confession. 06/28/2024

Irlandarra: War Criminals 06/29/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: Zionists in the West "Don't call it a Genocide" Israel : "We are doing a Genocide in Gaza" 06/29/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: There are few things Zionists hate more than Jews who would rather study Torah than massacre children 06/29/2024 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎: Haredi Jews are protesting the recent Israeli court decision to not exempt them from military service. If Israeli women are expected to fight for their country, so should all able bodied men. Even if they prefer yeshiva all day. Embarrassing.

(Video) Red Alert: US President Harry Truman (1945-1953) stands next to a map showing the State of Palestine. Israel is not real. 06/29/2024

(Video) Suppressed News: Hey @missmayim , here’s a remix of your reaction showing what you were laughing about by reacting to that standup comedy section & his remarks. 01/30/2024

(Video) I'm no fan of history denial, but this is too much. What's much more important is Nakba denial or denial of current atrocities being carried out against Palestinians by Zionists, because they're enabling the atrocities that are ongoing! 06/29/2024 Khalissee: 95 year old Grandma, Ursula Haverbeck, convicted AGAIN of Holocaust denial to serve 16 more months in prison. // Ahmed: “Netanyahu wants to settle Israelis in Gaza. Netanyahu wants Gaza”

(Video) Kahlissee: The UK government is blocking the International Criminal Court from issuing an arrest warrant against Israeli PM Netanyahu for war crimes in Gaza. 06/29/2024

(Video) Going Underground Reply to video of Medea Benjamin where she's told she's "impolite" for drawing attention to children killed by Israel, but they don't consider Israel to be "impolite." 06/17/2024

(Video) The US is the GODFATHER of The Gaza Genocide, Israel is Showcasing UNHINGED Extremism (Ali Abunimah) 06/17/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir; ‘Palestinian prisoners should be shot in the head. Until this law is passed, we will not give them much to live on.’ 06/29/2024

(Video) NoThanks: This is the true definition of antisemitism, watch and share… 06/29/2024 Zionists harrassing anti-Zionist Jews for protesting atrocities.

(Video) Howard Beckett: This is Israeli 🇮🇱 police attacking protestors in Jerusalem who want Netanyahu to resign and a ceasefire. Israel has a fascist, terrorist army. It has racist, apartheid laws. And it is becoming a police state. Boycott Israel now. 06/29/2024

(Video) Suppressed News: 🚨BREAKING: An israeli police officer approached a detained protester in Jerusalem and threatened him, saying: "I will rape your mother. I will not identify myself to you, you son of a bitch." Why are they always obsessed with rape? 06/29/2024

(Video) US Palestinian Community Network: 1/2: CHICAGO RECAP: Today, BDS Chicago rallied outside of the largest @WholeFoods in the city, located on Belmont & Ashland, calling on shoppers to demand the removal of Sabra products from their shelves and #BoycottGenocide. For the past month, we have been calling 06/29/2024 2/2: & emailing Whole Foods and will continue to apply pressure until they end their complicity in the #GazaGenocide.

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 IDENTIFIED: Daniel Linden, a tech entrepreneur in Florida, is the man behind Shirion Collective. Read more about his views in The Guardian’s recent investigation 06/29/2024

(Video) Holly Blomberg: This is mask off what we’re supporting with our blank check for Israel. Don’t look away 06/30/2024 The Cradle: BREAKING | Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir calls for Palestinian prisoners to be shot in the head, saying he plans to pass legislation in the Knesset that would allow for the execution of Palestinian prisoners, who "must be killed."

(Video) Kahlissee: The skeletal remains of Palestinian babies on life support found in Al Nasr Hospital... just left to die by Israeli troops. Despite mass media coverage, Israel didn't arrange for these deceased babies to be buried. How is this different to the Holocaust? * NSFW 06/30/2024


(Video) Kahlissee: Former British MI5 Agent Annie Machon explains how Mossad bombed the Israeli Embassy in London in 1994 and framed two prominent Palestinian activists to take the rap. Samar Alami and Jawad Botmeh received 20-year sentences for a crime they didn't commit. 06/30/2024

(Video) Rania: 'When You're Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression' And that's why most Israelis excel in the dehumanisation of Palestinians. 06/30/2024 Antony Loewenstein narrates video.

(Video) Police, especially Capitol Police, are taught to blindly obey orders, indirectly from the rich, for the benefit of the rich. On many issues they're told to suppress protests even when politicians ignore the will of the people to serve campaign donors! (1/2) 06/30/2024 Reply to The U.S. Capitol Police deceptive recruitment propaganda. For example polls show 70-80% of the public support Medicare For All, studies show it saves billions of dollars & thousands of lives, yet politicians ignore this & serve campaign donors refusing to do anything. They need police to suppress protests & media to ignore them (2/2) Police work for the rich, intentionally or not; and this claim they serve us all is an obvious lie! But when your income depends of this lie, it's easier to believe it.

(Video) Kahlissee: Ex Senior US State Department official Josh Paul revealed the IDF raped a 13-year-old Palestinian boy. When the US State Department complained to Israel, the IDF raided the NGO that documented the rape case, "removed their computers & declared them a Terrorist Entity". 07/01/2024

(Video) Pelham: An emotional Bisan says she will no longer run from the zionists… She will except her fate to be ethnically cleansed… “It doesn’t matter anymore because I’m so tired, if I die it will be good for me… I will not sleep on the street anymore, I will die in my home with my family”…🇵🇸💔 07/01/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: Zionists in the West Bank blindfolded him and forced him to run. They then shot him from behind. This is what the Biden, Sunak and Starmer are supporting. 07/01/2024 Adnan Dar: UN rights expert Francesca Albanese describes hardcore Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich as "a key mastermind of Israel's genocidal policies against the Palestinians". 🇵🇸

(Video) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: This fact-based video describing the history of oppression and racism against Palestinians by Israel was taken down on Instagram after getting 12 million views. Why would someone want to censor this video? 06/30/2024


(Video) Rania: Because nothing Zionists say is true, that's why they have to pay billions of dollars, silence million of people, so nobody questions their narrative. 07/01/2024

(Video) 🐐 Мисс Информация: How come they all speak English with an American accent? 07/01/2024 04/25/2024 HOT SPOT: 🇮🇱 Video proof you are arguing with IDF troll farms in the replies

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Jews against genocide. 07/0/2024 Yanis Varoufakis: Jews risking their life and limb to support Palestinian shepherds in their struggle to fend off settler terrorism. Respect!

(Video) Pelham: Dr. Roy Casagranda… “They are killing the Palestinians because they’re the majority, not because they’re attacking them”… 07/01/2024

(Video) Dan Cohen: This is from 2014. Staple it to the forehead of anyone still pretending that the "war" started on October 7, 2023. 07/01/2024 Alaa' survived the Rafah massacre but her entire immediate family including her pregnant mother did not.

(Video) Robert Martin 🇵🇸: Israelis have a systematic and effective way of attacking Palestinians across Palestine, knowing they will be protected by their occupation forces and face no accountability. This has been happening for decades before October 7. Wake the fuck up. 06/30/2024

(Video) Kahlissee: "To my German Friends: How many rivers of Palestinian blood need to flow before you feel cleansed of your guilt over the Holocaust" @YanisVaroufakis 07/01/2024

(Video) Tiberius: This is devastating. Please, take the two minutes and four seconds to watch this. This Palestinian doctor worked in an Israeli hospital, but Israel murdered his innocent children in what appears like a targeted attack. 💔 06/30/2024 Media deleted

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 UPDATE: Jonathan Kaye has surrendered and turned himself in to police in Brooklyn, where he faces 2nd and 3rd degree assault charges 07/01/2024

(Video) Suppressed News: ⚡️JUST IN: Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir: “The disagreement between me and the Shin Bet is not about whether there is space in prison or not. The Shin Bet wants to improve the conditions for the militants, which we have reduced, and if not, to release them. And I say: it will not happen. While we have hostages starving for bread in Gaza, the militants will not enjoy deluxe conditions. The camps have ended. Since the outbreak of the war, we have imprisoned thousands of militants, but there are no camps, and their improved conditions have ceased.” Note: by ‘militants’ he means every single palestinian held hostage inside israeli prisons and concentration camps. 07/01/2024

(Video) Khalissee: 'This isn't a war. This is an ANNIHILATION' Israel is committing the Gaza Genocide. 07/01/2024

(Video) Emelia 🇸🇪: no words 07/01/2024 Medics attempting to ttreat toddlers injured by Israel, often too late.

(Video) Prem Thakker: Hind Rajab's family was killed in front of her. Medics sent to save her were killed. She was killed. Now, months later, her father has been killed — without seeing any accountability. For 4 months, the US said it’s waiting for Israel to investigate itself: 07/01/2024 Jeremy Scahill: The father of Hind Rajab, the 6-year old Palestinian girl who was killed by Israeli forces in a car in Gaza in January, was recently killed, according to journalist Ashraf Mashharawi who spoke recently to Hind’s mom. Hind’s story was told in the recent Al Jazeera English documentary The Night Won’t End. Three of Hind’s cousins, her aunt and uncle were also killed in the January attack. Two Palestinian paramedics who tried to rescue her were also killed when they arrived at the scene to rescue her despite their route being coordinated with Israeli officials. Mashharawi told me Hind’s mother received a text message that her husband had been killed in an Israeli attack. The family was separated as a result of the Israeli siege and had been unable to communicate for days.

(Video) This 10 seconds explains so much. “This is supposed to be the authority we appeal to in case of settler violence.” Via Andrey X 07/01/2024 Cop "This is Israeli land, no Palestinian land.

(Video) T: Jewish kid gets schooled 😂😂😂 You can't reason with zionists, their minds are different from others. They know the truth, but they just don't care. 07/01/2024

(Video) Stop Arab Hate : 🚨 “Can’t there be a nuclear meltdown in the Gaza Strip so the land is uninhabitable? Then the ‘Palestinians’ will have to go somewhere else.” - Barry Barling, a paramedic in Cape Town, South Africa 07/01/2024

(Video) US Palestinian Community Network: Anyways. Click this link to send an email to all venues hosting racist, zionist Michael Rapaport's so called comedy shows. We successfully cancelled his show in Batavia and now we're pressing on to ensure that no platform is given to genocide supporters! 07/01/2024 Michael Rapaport: I’m at the actual RIVER and the SEA!!! It’s never happening folks!

(Video) Jose Vega — Vote Vega & Sare!: I visited Ritchie Torres’ advisor on China foreign policy :) I was choked, dragged and my friends were put in sleeper holds. Here’s a teaser. Full thing tomorrow. 07/01/2024

(Video) Khalissee: This is NOW 07/01/2024 Overloaded Emergency Room in Gaza

(Video) Emelia 🇸🇪: What is her fault😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 07/01/2024 Deleted Video

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Columbia University vice president Gerry Rosberg couldn’t reply when asked if Palestinians are human: he said it was an intimidating question 07/02/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Israel bombed Palestinians gathered at a water distribution point near Al-Shemaa Mosque in Al-Zaytun. It takes a complete lack of decency and humanity to strike thirsty displaced people trying to get water 07/02/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: 2.3 million Palestinians, all dead, and you’re still behind it?” “Absolutely! 100%” Congressman Fleischmann said he would stand 100% with Israel even if every person in Palestine was massacred. 07/02/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Representative John James (R-MI) accused Codepink of being funded by the Chinese Communist Party. While they’ve never taken any money from foreign governments, Rep. James has taken $165,426 from pro-Israel groups. 07/02/2024

(Video) Robert Martin 🇵🇸: Here’s an extended clip of Sheikh Jarrah, a predominantly Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem, revealing its vile racist attitudes towards Palestinians. (2018) The entire neighborhood was closed to Palestinians so Israelis could celebrate their Jewish holiday. In this very area, I witnessed house demolitions and met Mohammed Elkurd, whose half of his house was given to Israeli settlers who continue to threaten and intimidate his family to this day. Miko Peled and I stumbled upon this on our way back to the hotel. We must support Palestine’s right to resist. 07/02/2024

(Video) Suppressed News: An elderly Palestinian is displaced, the same scenes from 1948 are happening again in 2024, he said: “I wanna tell the world are you enjoying watching us? For our entire lifespan we’re displaced from one place to the other, I can’t do this anymore, I wish to die while walking..” 07/02/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Chronic water shortages and water rationing in the West Bank. Israel has always been an Apartheid state. 07/01/2024

(Video) Vladimir Jabotinsky & David Ben-Gurion allegedly called Arabs "uneducated masses and savage." 07/02/2024 Rania: This is how Israel erased the Arab-Jew identity, as explained by @alon_mizrahi , an Arab Jew himself. Just further proving that the non indigenous Jews brought their white supremacy with them to Palestine.

(Video) Bruce Gagnon: Corrupt, very sick, evil, out-of-their-minds zionists. How can the world allow this to continue? 07/02/2024 Breaking the Silence: “The decisive victory will be in settlement. [...] our kids will play in the streets of Gaza.” These aren't just messianic dreams. This is policy being pushed by elected officials and government ministers. This is what ‘victory’ looks like for Israel’s far-right government. 🧵

Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression: Call these venues to demand they cancel Michael Rapaport's performance and go to http://bit.ly/cancelmike to send an automated email to all the venues! 06/25/2024

(Video) Jose Vega — Vote Vega & Sare!: My friends and I confronted anti-China hawk and Richie Torres advisor Matt Pottinger at an Asia Society event. While Pottinger proposes dismantling China-U.S. relations and separating Taiwan from China (which will end up in WW3), I proposed instead that the U.S. and China are not enemies and should join hands in the Belt and Road Initiative to promote peace and economic development. For this, I was thrown to the ground and choked by security. It's no wonder Ritchie Torres is such an idiot when he's surrounded by Neo-con spooks who get paid to lie. 07/02/2024

ADAM: BREAKING: The shameless Israelis are now suing Iran, Syria, North Korea for billions in US court regarding October 7. After brutally massäcring over 13,000 children…they are looking for a payout. Classic. The lawsuit, filed in New York, seeks at least $4 billion in “damages” An absence of shame and an abundance of greed an Israeli make. 07/02/2024

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 IDENTIFIED: Bahar Mahroo, a woman in the UK, posted now-deleted videos of an attacker forcibly removing the headscarves of two women in London. She wrote: “We’ll pull off those very headscarves from you” 07/02/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: This is what complicity looks like. When his constituents questioned him on his unwavering support for Israel’s genocide, Rep. Darren Soto fled his own fundraiser. Shame! 07/02/2024

(Video) Rania: Of course Isr.ael is committing gen0cide, and of course the US is complicit in the gen0cide! 07/01/2024

(Video) Chris Hedges: When empires fall, they themselves walk the path to their demise. As Israel continues to prosecute its genocide in Gaza, the systemic oppression and slaughter it uses on Palestinians will migrate back to Israel itself. 07/02/2024 Includes clip of Zionists dressing like Palestinians singing and dancing to humiliate Palestinians.

(Video) ADAM: "Every time we build a home, they destroy it. Every time a child is born, they ki!! it. What can we do?" This documentary is 22 years old… 07/01/2024

(Video) Ihab Hassan: Would you like to explore the meaning of hope in the face of darkness and hatred? Here is the definition of hope: Six thousand Palestinians and Israelis came together in Tel Aviv, from all ages, backgrounds, and faiths, to say ‘Enough’ to the war. The time for peace has come. 07/01/2024

(Video) YourFavoriteGuy: WSJ is advocating for a “Final Solution” for the Palestinian Question: Putting all the Palestinians in concentration camps. Let’s discuss this and how the American media is completely untrustworthy 07/01/2024

(Video) Dyer: The so called moral and civilized society, take a look "The truth is that in coming years it's gonna to be very bad in #Gaza..." Member of #Knesset from coalition, Zvi Sukot of the Jewish power party, go on Nazi #Genocidal rant during his speech at the "#Gaza March" in Sderot back in May. The event Organizer leader Daniella Weiss, just came under sanctions by #canada 07/01/2024 "If you want to talk about morality, you take them" or others should take responsibility for expelling Palestinians.

(Video) IfNotNow🔥✡️: Pep talks from @lsarsour >>>> It’s been 1 week since AIPAC showed us more clearly than ever that it’s one of the most destructive forces in American politics. It’s going to take ALL of us, the power of the people, to bring the #RejectAIPAC campaign to fruition. 07/02/2024

(Video) YourFavoriteGuy: It DID NOT begin on October 7th You’re being lied to- Listen to the truth about when it actually began 07/01/2024

If "Each of us is equal before the law. No one is above it," then all of Congress, the Supreme Court & Presidential Cabinet would be in jails, as they should be! 07/02/2024 My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: This nation was founded on the false notion of Christian empire, genocide, and chattel slavery. // Joe Biden: This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each of us is equal before the law. No one is above it. Not even the President of the United States. With today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed.

Angelo Angelli, JD: Thank You! More of this please. 07/02/2024 Maryam Hassanein: Today, I resigned from the Biden administration, and this is my statement.

CAIR Welcomes ‘Principled’ Resignation of Muslim Biden Admin Official Over Gaza Genocide 07/02/2024 “I am resigning today from my position as a Biden administration appointee in the Department of the Interior. As a Muslim American, I cannot continue working for an administration that ignores the voices of its diverse staff by continuing to fund and enable Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. “Marginalized communities in our country have long been denied the justice they deserve. I joined the Biden-Harris administration with the belief that my voice and diverse perspective would lend a hand in the pursuit of that justice. However, over the past nine months of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, this administration has chosen to uphold the status quo instead of listening to the diverse voices of staff urgently demanding freedom and justice for Palestinians…”

(Video) Pelham: The Syrian government has called on the United Nations to hold US officials “accountable” for the ongoing theft of Syrian Oil & Gas…🇸🇾 Syria has asked to be compensated $115.2 billion. America and its militias have stolen over 150,000 barrels of oil per day since 2011. 07/02/2024

(Video) Rania: What can I say? Israelis being Israeli. Enough said! 07/02/2024 Destroying Palestinian property and power.

Khalissee: BREAKING: ITAMAR BEN GVIR UNDER INVESTIGATION According to Kan Channel, the State Comptroller has initiated an investigation into National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir over accusations of encouraging violence towards Gaza residents. The Israeli Broadcasting Authority reports that the probe is intended to show the International Criminal Court that Israel is taking steps to investigate and address incitement allegations internally. 07/02/2024

(Video) Dan Cohen: Israeli officials admit that they can’t defeat Hamas but they keep massacring Palestinian civilians all the same. This is Zionism stripped to its core – a genocidal machine that has no logic other than killing. 07/02/2024 Horrifying video

Khalissee: BREAKING: A statement by 12 American government officials who resigned in protest against the Gaza war: "Biden’s policy towards Gaza has failed and threatens national security. American cover for Israel and the flow of weapons are complicity in the killing and starvation operations in Gaza. The intransigent policy regarding Gaza threatens the United States and the lives of our soldiers and diplomats. The administration’s policy towards Gaza undermines our credibility around the world. Our current policies in Gaza harm the Palestinians, Israel, and American national security." 07/02/2024

Adnan Dar: Breaking: Israel has just killed Prof. Hassan Hamdan, a consultant and head of the burns and plastic surgery department at Nasser Medical Complex, along with all his family members.🇵🇸 07/02/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: We just confronted the head of the DC City Council, Phil Mendelson, over his refusal to introduce a ceasefire resolution. It is not controversial — the majority of Americans and the majority of DC want to see an end to Israel’s genocide. Over 150 cities have already introduced one. As the President & Congress refuse to represent the will of the people, it is crucial that we express our demand for peace however possible. When Netanyahu arrives here later this month, he should know he is NOT welcome in DC. 07/02/2024

(Video) Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: Zionist’s war on children continues. It’s an absolute OUTRAGE!!! 07/02/2024 Emelia 🇸🇪: no words (Video of badly truamatized, injured, or in some cases dead children being treated; Another copy of this may have been deleted on Twitter.)

(Video) Roger Waters ✊: Empathy or Genocide, make a choice. Watch in full: 06/24/2024 39 second intro to song

(Video) Roger Waters - STAND UP FOR PALESTINE 06/24/2024 40 minute video with 25 minutes of music.

(Video) Roger Waters ✊: Sing about this little girl Blinken. 05/21/2024 Saul Staniforth: "I was in the market, came home to find all my brothers and sisters gone. All of them were killed, ripped to pieces, their flesh scattered all over the place" Yesterday Israel bombed Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, killing men, women and children

(Video) Sarah: “We are witnessing the genocide of a whole people in front of our eyes.” “The people of the world do not want Israel to continue exterminating the indigenous people of Palestine.” —Roger Waters 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 07/03/2024

(Video) Abby Martin: Roger Waters discusses the international right of the Palestinian people for armed resistance against the Israeli occupation. [Full interview: 11/22/2023

(Video) Roger Waters & Abby Martin on Gaza Genocide 11/12/2024 54 Minutes

(Video) SSurp: Reply to Michael Rapaport 07/03/2024 Max Blumenthal: Zero Israeli women have testified to being sexually assaulted on October 7 The NY Times sent a stringer, Anat Schwartz, to every rape crisis center in Israel to find sexual assault survivors, and she turned up nothing (she was later fired after the Times' article alleging "systemic sexual assault" on Oct 7 was debunked from top to bottom) Israel refused to participate in an independent UN investigation on sexual assault on Oct 7, and refused to introduce the UN's Pramila Patten to any survivors. The UN investigation found no evidence to support Israel's allegations. Israel is now so desperate for rape propaganda it is torturing Palestinian prisoners into confessing to sexual assaults they clearly never committed https://thegrayzone.com/2024/06/27/palestinian-father-son-confession-debunked/ Roger Waters told the truth - again - and Israel's genocidal hasbara brigades are melting down

Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence 06/27/2024

(Video) Khalissee: "My mother, a Holocaust survivor, died ashamed of what Israel was doing in her name as a Jew to the Palestinians. Jewish British activist Miranda Pinch says her mother "would be turning in her grave at what is being done to the Palestinians" 07/03/2024

(Video) Rania: Have some of the Israelis finally woken up to the fact that the only way to move forward is through peace? 07/02/2024 Yuval Noal Harari etal. speaking to make peace

(Video) Robert Martin 🇵🇸: During my visit to occupied Palestine in 2018, I confronted settlers, soldiers, and Israeli citizens about their role in the brutal occupation and clear apartheid. In Hebron, I encountered a street and bus stop that Palestinians are banned from accessing, and they are locked in their homes whenever Israeli soldiers see fit. The locals responded with willful ignorance and lies, claiming God gave them the land and that Palestinians are treated fairly. Thanks to Daizy Gedeon for compiling these clips. 07/03/2024

Khalissee: Where is her right to Free Speech? 07/03/2024

(Video) Abier: Who is this man? I'm infatuated 😍 “Israel kills, men women and children and they don’t receive a single sanction. A single sanction to stop” 07/03/2024

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: Every single time. 07/03/2024

Top pro-Israel lawyer faked vandalism attack at Scots home in plot to frame Palestine group 09/07/2020 Matthew Berlow played a key part in faking a graffiti attack at his home then used the bogus incident to smear the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

(Video) For the Zidiots who are delusional enough to think anything started on October 7th except the world finally waking up to Israeli crimes! 07/03/2024 Palestinian child kidnapped by IDF five years ago.

(Video) Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: This is pure evil. Never have I seen a group of people behave so badly. 07/03/2024 Post deleted or possibly blocked by @_NicoleNonya Google 1940s terrorism press enter, image & read!

(Video) Khalissee: Israeli soldiers violently assault and detain an old Palestinian man, Sheikh Ziyad Abu Halil, in Hebron. There is no Hamas or Hostages in Hebron. This is how Palestinians have been treated for years under Israels Apartheid regime. This is why its Ethnic Cleansing. 07/03/2024

(Video) Aaron Maté: Right before it invaded Ukraine, Russia proposed a peace treaty centered on Ukraine not joining NATO. The US refused to even discuss it, citing NATO's "open door" policy. Right after Russia invaded, Russian and Ukrainian negotiators drafted a peace deal centered on Ukraine not joining NATO. The US and allies sabotaged it. Hundreds of thousands of dead later, Ukraine now gets told that it's too corrupt to join NATO anytime soon. The US has dangled NATO membership to use Ukraine to bait and bleed Russia. The "open door" is simply a back-door to fight Russia: 07/03/2024 The Telegraph: 🇺🇦 Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato

Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato 07/02/2024 Membership talks cannot progress until the former Soviet state cleans up, a major blow to Volodymyr Zelensky

(Video) Rania: Israel puts Jews everywhere in danger! 07/02/2024 Jewish person claims Zionist atrocities endangers all Jews, even anti-Zionists.

Veterans For Peace: Thrown out of Biden's rally in Raleigh for wearing a 'Jews Say Ceasefire Now' shirt, Roger Ehrlich, son of a holocaust survivor and member of Veterans For Peace. No disruption or yelling, simply an idea on a shirt that challenges the genocidal monsters at the podium. 07/02/2024

(Video) B L A K E L E Y™℠©® LLC: This is one most of incredible exchanges I’ve seen. Piers “but do you condemn hamas” Morgan really accused Roger Waters of “not doing reading” about October 7th *right after* admitting he had no idea who ZAKA was. 07/03/2024

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: After telling Palestinians to move from the European Hospital to Nasser hospital in the west of Khan Younis, Israeli strikes target that exact area 07/03/2024

(Video) Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: 95% of Israelis either agree with the level of force being used against Palestinians or they think MORE force should be used. Sick AF!!! 07/03/2024 Badly injured, and possibly blind girl.

(Video) Rania: Does Israel have the right to defend itself? Israel can kiss my Palestinian semite a$$! 07/03/2024 Did Palestinians have the right to defend themselves in 1948? Then they made them out to be the bad guys.

Max Blumenthal: Kamala Harris supports this Zionist Klavern 07/03/2024 Rula Alqawasmi: Occupation soldiers write the slogan “Death to Arabs” on the wall of the Turkish Friendship Hospital in the central Gaza Strip, and turn the hospital into a military headquarters.

(Video) Daniel F. Prinsloo 🇿🇦: Israel is evil personified. The devil incarnate. 07/03/2024 Sarah: BREAKING: Israel has bombed a school in Khan Younis, Gaza, where Palestinian families were seeking shelter. A school full of refugees. This is terrorism.

(Video) B L A K E L E Y™℠©® LLC: Deranged white American (Michael Rapaport) sings song that isn’t his on property that also isn’t his. 07/03/2024

(Video) Abier: “As a Jew, I will never ever ever forgive Israel for what’s doing in my name” neither will I… ever 07/02/2024

(Video) Rania: It is absolutely fcking crazy! 07/03/2024 Kyle & Kyrstal on Netanyahu demanding we eliminate right to free speech or protest.

David Bernstein: The deans involved in the Columbia University texting scandal stated that Jewish students were "coming from a place of privilege." This is not a case of a single university administrator caught speaking disparagingly to a friend. This is a group of administrators speaking to each other. Imagine the institutional culture that allows that to happen! Imagine what else was said! Those text messages speak more about our present reality than any campus encampment or raucous protest. They show the depth of the ideological rot. 07/03/2024 Aaron Sibarium: NEW: The deans at the center of the Columbia texting scandal said Jewish students were "coming from a place of privilege" and suggested they have more institutional support than their peers because of their supposed wealth, according to new messages reviewed by the Beacon.🧵

(Video) Miko Peled: ‘I stand on the right side’ | Miko Peled on why he stands with Palestinians 07/04/2024

(Video) Miko Peled "Our kids and grandchildren are going to ask you 'where were you when this happened.'" 07/04/2024

(Video) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: Jewish Australian woman apologizes to Palestinians🇵🇸 🕊️ 07/04/2024 "Please share my message. To the Palestinians, on behalf of my Zionist family, I am so sorry."

(Video) Rania: "If they don't want to be charged with war crimes, then they shouldn't have committed war crimes!" Medhi silences critics. 07/03/2024

(Video) Rania: I just love how Roger Waters patronisingly talks to Piss Morgan like he's talking to a mentally-challenged child, for the simple reason that Piss Morgan behaves like a mentally challenged child! 07/04/2024

Det. Frank Serpico NYPD Ret.: Note, I didn’t say Hamas 07/04/2024

(Video) The Palestinian: Gaza today! This is beyond evil! 07/04/2024 Horrifying video of girl with jaw ripped open inches below where it should be, bleading heavily, with immediate care she'll be permantly injured, assuming she lives.

(Video) Rania: Translation: you will all be used as cannon fodder because my ego is too huge to admit defeat. 07/04/2024 Yoav Gallant recruiting or pep talk for soldiers

(Video) Ajamu Baraka: This is why most Africans & colonized peoples' cannot afford to harbor the illusions white folks have about themselves were not concerned at all by the decision of the Court. U.S. presidents have committed some of the most horrendous crimes imaginable with complete immunity. 07/04/2024 Afeni ☭ | #FreePalestine 🇵🇸: Joe is committing genocide right now, US Presidents have always had immunity.

(Video) Rania: America, the land of the "free"! 07/04/2024 Broken promises, bombs and lies disguised as freedom.

(Video) B.M.: Member of Knesset and former Minister of Defense, Avigdor Liberman, live on Channel 12, openly calls to use nuclear weapon against Iran, in order to prevent it from reaching weaponization of its nuclear program. What a fuckin' psycho. 07/04/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: You have to kill the family members - especially all the children - so they can't come after you. 07/04/2024 Palestine Info Center: Breaking: Israeli airstrikes targeted two homes in central Gaza City, one of which was sheltering displaced members of our colleague Refaat Al-Araeer @itranslate123's family. Another home was hit at the entrance of the gold market from the eastern side, resulting in the deaths of several civilians.

(Video) Javeria Sultan: Resistance arises 07/04/2024 Reply to Michael Rapaport rant Zeeshan Akram PTI: When oppression goes too far, resistance arises..!!!

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: We need more like this. Ali, Newman, Cusack, Sarandon - many others used their celebrity for good. 07/05/2024 James Melville 🚜: Here’s Paul Newman dropping a whole heap of inconvenient truth 💣 💣💣💣 back in 1983… (Newman previously stared in "Exodus" at the beginning of his acting career.)

(Video) Once again they've shown they teach racism and hate to little kids at a young age, and even associate it with "love." 07/05/2024 Blocked by @_NicoleNonya Google 1940s terrorism press enter, image & read!

Hassan Mafi: Normalize this. 07/05/2024

The President of Uganda Kept Calling Israel ‘Palestine’ During Netanyahu’s Visit 07/05/2016 Benjamin Netanyahu visited Uganda to try to mend ties with the east African nation, 40 years after the Entebbe raid. But Uganda’s longtime leader threw a verbal wrench in the works. .... According to some reports, Israeli radio stations cut off broadcast of Museveni’s speech after his repeated references to Palestine. But Netanyahu, who sat beside Museveni as he made his speech, hardly seemed to flinch.

Zei_squirrel: some thoughts on the UK election result: Several years back a "leak" from top Conservatives said that they are totally fine with losing to Starmer's Labour, as they "need some time as the opposition". This is because they know Starmer is a Tory like them, so there wasn't an election. There was a changing of the guards, and the ruling class knows it. The result of course will be even more hatred of them by the general population, which will result in either various pathologies like far right parties as in France gaining ground, or if the media and political class don't destroy it again, a resurgence of the left which will take a form we can't yet know (as was the case with the Corbyn movement). 07/04/2024

Parliamentary Socialism by Ralph Miliband 1964

(Video) Javeria Sultan: Gaza| The mother of this innocent girl was an anchor and was martyred in an Israeli attack, now this girl is performing the duties of an anchor in place of her mother. 02/20/2024

Zeeshan Akram PTI: We will never forget that your bombs forced children to become the new guardians to their own siblings..!!💔🇵🇸 07/04/2024

(Video) Goy Rat🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇵🇸🇿🇦🇳🇴🇪🇦🇮🇪: Jews aren't committing genocide, Israel is! Jews aren't responsible. Israel is! Zionists should stop equating ALL Jews to Israel. It's extremely insulting & anti-semitic. Israeli control, needs driven out of our governments for good 03/22/2024

(Video) Lowkey EXPOSES Israel’s Secret Role in Britain 02/15/2024

(Video) Khalissee: This is the daughter-in-law of Yoram, one of the hostages held in Gaza speaking at the Knesset: "I don't want to be signed to the starvation of 2.5 million people - I did not raise Nazis and I myself am not a Nazi" 🔥 07/05/2024

(Video) Is this partly true? Part of it is confirmed from other sources I've seen, other parts are contradicted by other sources I've seen. 07/05/2024 S.C.: 🧵Part 1🧵The Babylonian connection The Talmudic belief of genetic superiority and the allowance of bending justice in favor of the Jews invited persecution. In the 11th century, the inhabitants of Babylon grew weary of the dishonesty of the Jews and expelled them to the West. After practicing Pharisaic Talmudic immoralities for nearly 1600 years in Babylon, they brought all that baggage with them to the West. They found their new Western Christian neighbors very intolerant of their antisocial deviations. Maimonides, a well-traveled, educated physician, philosopher, and rabbi tried his best to educate people and abolish these evil Pharisaic practices that had taken heart in the Jewish faith. Though he was partially successful, he was later excommunicated.

(Video) Abier: it ok to call it genocide - now? They are killing Palestinians as a token of love for their wives and mothers. Israeli soldier records himself blowing up buildings for his wife saying "to wipe off the memory of Amalek" and "take revenge of the gentiles" 07/04/2024

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Israel’s Torture Explained See how EVIL this regime is 07/04/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: ""We did take the Palestinian flag down off our home.." Hear a testimony of being threatened into silence, from our People's Speak Out on anti-Arab, anti-Muslim & anti-Palestinian hate in Congress. 07/05/2024

(Video) Pelham: Israel’s Independence Day involved violently pushing 750,000 men, women and children of their land… There were at least 16 massacres before a single Arab army tried to stop the genocide.. 200,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed before they announced their Independence Day on May 14, 1948..🇵🇸🇮🇱 07/05/2024

(Video) Torah Judaism: New York police began arresting Jews who supported Palestine. New York police started targeting specific the Jewish protesters. They have arrested this week a few Hasidic Jews for no reason!!! The others, they didn’t arrested! This Jewish man's only crime is that he supports Palestine. 07/05/2024

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Israel is using white phosphorus missiles in southern Lebanon 07/05/2024

(Video) Rania: You can try to grow a million pine trees, but you'll never been indigenous to the land of olive trees! 07/05/2024

(Video) This is Michal Maayan, an Israeli government spokesperson. 07/06/2024 ADAM: When asked why the Israeli forces were killing protesters an Israeli replied: "Well, we can't put all these people in jail." What kind of society is this?

(Video) Khalissee: "The Gaza Strip is undoubtedly the Land of Israel. We are not in Gaza to defend ourselves, but because it is our land. Even if Gaza did not threaten us at all, we are obliged to invade it, it is a holy commandment to conquer Gaza." Eliezer Kashtiel, Zionist leader and head of the Upper Yeshiva of Army Veterans of "Israel" in the Eliezer settlement, says they would invade Gaza anyway, even if no one threatens them, because that is "their land." 07/06/2024

(Video) Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel "It is our duty to conquer. Even if not one bullet was fired at us, even if the residents of Gaza would be constantly offering us flowers with love letters, and drawings of hearts, we would be obliged to start a war." This is zionism 12/09/2023

(Video) Chris Hedges: The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps outside of Israel. Like the Nazis, Israel describes the mass expulsion of their victims as “voluntary” migration. 07/06/2024

(Video) Rania: So if anybody these days doesn't know, it's not because the information isn't available. It's not what you don't know, it's what you could know had you wanted to find out! 07/06/2024

(Video) Syrian Girl 🇸🇾: I can’t understand how people can be so patient in this situation. I don’t think I could have resisted feeding the Zionist terrorist her phone. 07/06/2024

(Video) Abier: "The Zionists understood from the very beginning that you had to cleanse... This is very clear from the historical record." John Mearsheimer, 07/05/2024

(Video) YourFavoriteGuy: All three of these Zionist leaders are oppressors who hold powerful positions in the Israeli government and cause the ethnic cleansing and oppression of the Palestinians. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich authorizes illegal settlements in the West Bank for every country that recognizes Palestine. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir admits that Israel tortures detained Palestinians and that everything said about their prisons are true. Also that he wants to execute detainees to “fix overcrowding” and that he pushes to treat detainees as worse as legally possible. Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu advocates for Israel to re-occupy the Sinai Peninsula. 07/05/2024

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Stick it in your f*cking ass!” A woman named Valerie Sebbag harassed an Uber Eats worker who wore a keffiyeh. She is a real estate broker at 555 Properties in NYC 07/06/2024

(Video) TheMuslimLawyer: Wow! Valerie Sebbag is a real estate broker and lawyer (perhaps not a lawyer). Is that conduct worthy of a lawyer? Let's make her famous. 07/06/2024

(Video) PalMedia: Valerie Sebbag came all the way from Israel to harass NY Uber delivery driver for wearing a Keffiyeh: 07/07/2024

(Video) Rania: The oh so many Palestinians' October 7th! 07/06/2024 Miko Peled

(Video) Torah Judaism: Take a good look at these images, they are the Satmar Jewish community that is anti-Zionism and anti-Israel. They are all loyal to the Torah and have been fighting against Zionism for years. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who are anti-Zionism and anti-Israel, but the Zionist-controlled media never mentions this. Israel is not a Jewish state. Zionism is not Judaism. Being against Israel is not antisemitic, it is in fact pro-Judaism. Rabbi Chaim Brisker, one of the greatest rabbis a century ago, once said: “There have been many heretical groups in Jewish history, but Zionism is the worst. 07/07/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: Most of the dead were killed by Israel. 07/07/2024 Marwan: Been saying this since Oct 8! Not because I discovered it; because we all watched the heavily bombed and burnt cars, buildings and military bases … Hamas couldn’t have.. IDF ordered Hannibal directive on October 7 to prevent Hamas taking soldiers captive

IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive 07/07/2024 'There was crazy hysteria, and decisions started being made without verified information': Documents and testimonies obtained by Haaretz reveal the Hannibal operational order, which directs the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity, was employed at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well

(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: 2015 BEFORE OCT 7 07/06/2024 2015 Documentary "They killed my grandfather, ... my mom lost half her head," and other atrocities.

(Video) PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸: “ISRAEL DOESN’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST‼️” A Jewish professor from the SOAS University of London, Haim Bresheeth explains why Israel shouldn’t exist. 07/06/2024

(Video) Rania: And that's exactly why Israel is assassinating journalists. 07/06/2024

(Video) Therapists try to convince you the problem is you, not the whole society. 07/07/2024 My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: “You are traumatized by your whole so-called civilization.”

(Video) Megatron: 🇺🇲🇮🇱 Let us once again recall the powerful speech of Alan Shebaro, a US veteran who publicly stated that Israel is committing genocide: "My name is Alan Shebaro. I was with the 3rd Special Forces Group. I was with the Commanders in Extremis Force in the B23. I was a sniper, an assaulter, and a breacher. I did three rotations: 2008, 2009, and 2007. I know war. What is going on in Palestine right now is NOT A WAR. It is the dehumanization. It's the GENOCIDE. It's the ethnic cleansing. Of a specific people to take their land. This is WRONG. And there's nothing more American than speaking out against what's wrong. The US taxpayer is paying for this, which makes it even more frustrating. This needs to STOP. Whatever you can do, anything, this needs to stop." 07/07/2024

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Five months ago, I laid out, in detail, evidence that Israel was intentionally killing its own citizens -- aka the Hannibal Directive. In the clip below, I strenuosity advocated for Israeli hostages who reportedly were being killed by Israel. I was later fired after being accused of disrespecting said hostages. 07/07/2024 Muhammad Shehada: Haaretz confirms Israel used the Hannibal directive on Oct 7, inc. orders to attack any vehicle that drove towards Gaza, indiscriminately bomb the area with mortar shells & artillery & make it a “kill zone” & dispatch drones to attack the Re’im outpost close to the Nova festival

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "Is Israel intentionally killing its own hostages? This provocative claim...has been newly corroborated by Israeli media. Under a policy known as the Hannibal Directive, soldiers are allegedly directed to do whatever it takes to prevent hostage taking, up to & including killing the hostages themselves." Watch the Radar in full below. 07/07/2024

(Video) Haaretz smeared me as a “manipulator” for reporting on the Israeli army’s killing of many, many Israeli citizens on October 7. Now, over 8 months later, @haaretzcom reports the same thing I did back in October In the eyes of these mediocre LibZio settlers, my sin was revealing the Hannibal Directive scandal too early, back when Israel was still inflating the Oct 7 death toll and concocting Hamas atrocities to generate Western support for its Gaza genocide Haaretz editors can feign criticism of the Israeli army and compassion for Palestinians, but they are as culpable as any other Zionist media hacks in manufacturing consent for the ongoing genocide 07/07/2024

(Video) Chris Hedges: The moral universe has been turned upside down. What will happen if Israel isn’t stopped? 07/07/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: Where the hell are the arrest warrants. Why are the Brits trying to hold them up? 07/07/2024 Jason Hickel: BREAKING: The Lancet has just published this article "conservatively" estimating that the death toll in the Gaza genocide could be 186,000 people or more. That's 8% of the population, obliterated. These are apocalyptic figures.

The Lancet Group: Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential 07/05/2024 By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.1 .... In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

(Video) Is this Pallywood Propaganda or did this happen?? 07/07/2024 Reply to Jewish News Syndicate: Actor/Comedian/Director @MichaelRapaport tells it straight to @CarolineGlick. Rapaport admits he's not up to date on the entire history and expresses outrage about girl on Oct. 8 or 9th ridiculing Israel, yet he routinely does much worse to Palestinians. "I didn't have any anti-Semitism, I really didn't, none." repeats false claim that "director," which is obviously Jonathan Glazer "Refutes his Judiasm," he actually said he "Refutes his Judiasm" being used for the wrong reason, including to justify atrocites. Then he says, when we "eradicate these animals the world will than us later," without acknowledging true history. 36:00 Suppressed News: NEVER FORGET, ISRAEL KILLED THEIR OWN ON OCTOBER 7TH INCLUDING BABIES! Video 1 : Israeli Colonel Golani Vach, during an interview, admits that Israeli tanks did attack houses filled with Israeli settlers inside on 7th October resulting in the death of 15 Israelis including 8 babies! Video 2 : Israeli settler Hadas Dagan, who survived the incident, where 14 Israelis were killed, reveals that the Israeli forces struck the house despite the presence of Israelis. Video 3: Israel dropped missiles and tank shells on its own settlers to prevent hostage taking - killing hundreds on Oct 7 Further testimonies by Israeli soldiers prove that an Israeli Apache, as well as Israeli tanks, were responsible for killing Israelis in Gaza's envelope settlements on October 7.

Jewish News Syndicate: Kamala Harris thinks campus antisemites are very fine people 07/10/2024 When the Jewish News Syndicate cited Rapaport as a credible source they lost all credibility, assuming they ever had it. This heavily biased article doesn't restore this, even if Harris does have major credibility problems; nor can we expect her to stand up to Zionists, as they imply.

Torah Judaism: Auschwitz is the Mount Sinai of the Zionist religion. Zionists are not Jews, their religion is not Judaism, it is Zionism. Auschwitz became a place they used to deceive and influence people. The Jews who died in Auschwitz were never Zionists. If those who died there had seen what Israel was doing to the Palestinian people, they would have cursed Zionism and the Zionists. The only thing Zionists do is to use Jewish history for their own perverted ideologies. 07/07/2024

(Video) Newman once starred in "Exodus" at the beginning of his career. Hollywood hasn't "fallen out of love with Israel," but when Newman learned better he did! 07/07/2024 Parth MN: Years ago, Paul Newman exposed the American hypocrisy on Israel

Has Hollywood Fallen Out of Love With Israel? 05/28/2022 A recent book examines the origins and end of an affair between the film industry and the Jewish state.

(Video) Torah Judaism: There are hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Holy Land who are against Israel and Zionism. Before Israel was established, Jews and Muslims lived in peace. All Jews in Israel are portrayed as pro-Israel and pro-Zionism. This is a big lie. The mainstream media does not show it, but there are hundreds of thousands of Jews against Zionism and they constantly live under the pressure of Zionists. They do not send their children to Zionist schools and never accept aid from the State of Israel. 07/08/2024

(Video) TSA isn't supposed to discriminate based on nationality or ethnicity either, Michael Rapaport. 07/08/2024

(Video) Adnan Dar: Is it self-defense when you attack and destroy humanitarian aid to a starving children in Gaza…? Children in Gaza are not starving, they are STARVED! 🇵🇸 07/07/2024

(Video) Macklemore: HIND’S HALL. Once it’s up on streaming all proceeds to UNRWA. 07/04/2024 MichaelRapaport: And you don’t get to tell Us how we resist your Resistance. BURY HAMAS & ALL PROXIES

(Video) Khalissee: This is how Zionist lie. He hits his face in the flag and then cries about it. 07/08/2024 Caught on camera with obviously false claim of being hit with flag.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: "We don't want to buy your fighter jets. We don't want to buy your attack helicopters. We don't want to buy your guns. We don't want to be participating in US wars anymore" Today, we joined others from NATO member countries in Congress to say NO to NATO and YES to peace! 07/08/2024

(Video) Torah Judaism: Young Jewish students protest Israel at their school in Brooklyn and burned the Zionist Israeli flag. Israel is not a Jewish state. Being against Zionism and Israel does not make you anti-Semitic. 07/09/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: "I realized why I couldn't say I was Palestinian..." Hear a testimony on how anti-Palestinian racism made a Palestinian-American afraid to say that she is Palestinian. This is from our People's Speak Out Against Anti-Muslim, Anti-Arab, & Anti-Palestinian Hate. 07/08/2024

(Video) Justin Paglino. Jill Stein 24 Field Director🌻🇵🇸: Many parents in Gaza are already crawling over broken glass, but it's to try to find their children under the rubble, not to vote for the man supplying the bombs. 07/08/2024 Reply to BrooklynDad_Defiant!☮️'s blind suport for Biden

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “I believe the Muslim community has infiltrated our society” - Dr. Louis Rizio, orthopedic surgeon at @RWJBarnabas in New Jersey 07/08/2024

(Video) Abier: Show me one Israeli hostage who was released and appeared to have been abused, tortured or humiliated like this man. Look at him…..fgs….He’s looks nothing like a human. Ya Allah … 07/09/2024

(Video) Jeremy Loffredo: Under the guise of rescuing hostages and defeating terrorism Israel has now "emptied" and seized over a quarter of the Gaza Strip. Back in March, I was at the Erez crossing at the Gaza border, interviewing jewish settlers who see the industrial scale extermination of Palestinians as a chance to Judaize Gaza and live by the sea. "We have lists already of about 500 families that are willing, on the drop of a hat to move to Gaza...People are going to start building towns. We have the names of towns. It's already being planned." Watch my full documentary report from within the ranks of Jewish Israeli nationalists who're regularly invading Gaza and proudly blocking humanitarian aid: 07/08/2024 Haaretz.com: Israel seized 26 percent of Gaza. Now, Jewish settlers see their chance / @YardenMichaeli & @avischarf

(Video) The Grayzone: 'Kill them all': inside the Israeli blockade on Gaza aid 03/21/2024

(Video) Road to Redemption 07/08/2024 How Israel's War Against Hamas Turned Into a Springboard for Jewish Settlement in Gaza. The IDF has taken control of 26% of the Gaza Strip, building bases and paving roads. Israel's religious right is already advancing towards its target. This is how it looks through the eyes of Israeli soldiers. Yarden Michaeli and Avi Scharf

(Video) Aaron Maté: The Israeli outlet Haaretz has confirmed what independent journalists @AliAbunimah @davidsheen @MaxBlumenthal reported from the start: Israel invoked the Hannibal Directive and slaughtered its own people on Oct. 7th to prevent them from being taken captive. Former IDF spokesperson @jconricus -- who spoke for 10 minutes before me uninterrupted -- repeatedly interrupted and deflected as I shared this fact. 07/09/2024

(Video) COMBATE |🇵🇷: Piers Morgan let @aaronjmate speak after 40 minutes of interruptions He probably regrets it 😂 07/08/2024 Children of Darkness🇵🇸🇿🇦: Man, Gideon Levy slayed here Piers: You say there’s a price to be paid for the 1-year old baby hostage, how can that be? Gideon: I’ll tell you how. Because there is also a baby who remains alone in the world whose parents and brothers and grandparents were killed in front of his eyes. 17,000 babies in Gaza.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: I don't agree with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on many things, such as her stance on healthcare, environmental protections and immigration. But she is one of the VERY FEW members of Congress who dares to defy the bipartisan praise of NATO, a military alliance that drags us into foreign wars. I wish more elected officials would take her anti-war stance!!! 07/09/2024

(Video) Rania: Just a reminder on how well hamas treats the hostages. No abuse, no stolen organs, no torture, no starvation. The complete antithesis of Israeli savagery. 07/08/2024 Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: New song 07/09/2024 Apartheid Review: (1/2) GENOCIDE JOE OUT NOW! IT IS GREAT.

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: What happens now: will the israelis accuse The Lancet of being racist now it has revealed that the actual Palestinian death toll is more likely 186,000 07/09/2024

Michael Rapaport is openly supporting a double standard and censorship of his opponents while he does much worse! 07/09/2024

(Video) Kshama Sawant: What a spectacle: @AOC stands w/ Biden, saying "the matter is closed." AOC claims it's about ceasefire in Gaza, rent relief, expanding Medicare & ending student debt. This is rank gaslighting. Biden, the Squad, and the whole Democratic Party are a dead end for working people. 07/09/2024

(Video) Sabby Sabs: This is what pisses me off! The pastors going along with this genocidal crime bill clown of president. The black church has held us back! 07/09/2024 Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: The Black Church is TRASH. If your religion has you defending genocide and corrupt politicians then your religion is garbage.

(Video) European Israeli settler to me: "You're not from here." Me: "You're not from there either." 07/09/2024 Children of Darkness🇵🇸🇿🇦: There’s no way I could live long enough to get tired of watching this clip 🙌

(Video) S.C.: ⚖️Where is the Justice?⚖️ John Kiriakou a former CIA analyst, case officer & chief of counterterrorism in the Middle East, talks about the Israeli crimes against humanity. Palestinian families owned and worked on their farms for hundreds of years until Jewish families came from across the globe...making these Palestinians jobless, and homeless and displacing them into neighboring countries... Where is the Justice? Occupied Palestine is a place where a Palestinian Christian or Muslim man can't even read a book in peace without IOF soldiers exerting their dominance...Where is the Justice? Why is it that Israeli prisoners held by Hamas are called "hostages"... but the thousands of innocent Palestinians civilians held by Israel are called "detainees"? ...Where is the Justice? Most of the Palestinian detainees are women and children who have done no crime other than raise their voices against the injustices they suffer daily. The world wants you to focus only on the handful of Israeli hostages.... but what about the thousands of Palestinian hostages that have been held for years? When will they be released? ...Where is the Justice? People may want to call this Zionism...but in reality, this is Jewish supremacy coming to fruition as taught by thousands of rabbis. It's an ideology that takes away the rights of non-Jews by branding them less human. As long as such an ideology exists... there will never be justice. 07/09/2024

(Video) Afshin Rattansi: BREAKING: US🇺🇸 Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield blames Russia for the missile strike on a children’s hospital in Kiev, describing it as ‘chilling’. Not once has the US ever described Israel (armed by the US) destroying hospitals in Gaza, kidnapping or killing patients and doctors, as ‘chilling’. The hypocrisy of the ‘rules-based order’ laid bare. *Note: Russia🇷🇺 has strongly denied striking the children’s hospital in Ukraine and attributed the missile strike on the hospital as the result of a Ukrainian air defence missile hitting the hospital, not a Russian missile. 07/09/2024

(Video) Afshin Rattansi & Millie Pinch: Israel’s Netanyahu Trial, NATO Summit, Gaza, Ukraine, Population Day 07/08/2024

(Video) Khalissee: I have never seen politicians openly calling for the mass murder of children. They don't even hide it. Israeli Knesset member Amit Halevi from Netanyahu’s Likud party. "In the orthopedic department of Shifa Hospital, they catched 150 terrorists and then killed them. At the same time, 300 terrorists were born in the maternity ward. 300!” 07/09/2024

(Video) Noa Tishby pushes a heavily censored & false version of history & she's a compulsive liar, especially about apartheid, the Nakba, genocide, & many other Zionist atrocities! 07/09/2024 Abier: So Palestinian children should have their heads blown off bc ... Cherrie tomatoes. FOH ugly..

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today, NATO representatives are meeting throughout DC to make their next war plans. We're there to say: the people want peace, not endless war! 07/09/2024

(Video) So is anyone wondering why Robert Durden isn't active on Twitter? "Zachery Taylor on April 24th I had a super viral Tweet mocking fake Israeli victimhood and they took the Tweet down and made me appeal it. While you’re appealing you lose access to your account. (1/2) 07/09/2024 "I’m still waiting on an answer from X. The Tweet had 30k Likes in 8 hours and was on it’s way to over a million impressions." Zionist censorship.

(Video) Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: This is sheer terrorism. FUCK ISRAEL FOREVER🇮🇱 07/09/2024 Ahmed Alnaouq: Kids and families playing football. Israel hated that. So they bombed them. Simple as that.

(Video) Chris Hedges: The Israeli message to the Palestinians in Gaza is clear; run for your lives. It is the only option for those trapped in the labyrinth of death. 07/09/2024

(Video) Trita Parsi: A father in Gaza holds his young son as life leaves his body. This has happened more than a 100 times a day for more than 250 days. Every day, Biden could have decided to put an end to this carnage. Every day, he chose not to. 07/09/2024

(Video) Empire Of Lies: During the Cuban Missile crises - members of JFK's "team" wanted to bomb the Soviet missiles in Cuba. Some even suggested a preemptive nuclear strike on the USSR. Wonder what would've happened had an old, broken down man like Biden been in charge? WW3 and nuclear destruction? 07/0/2024 Nick Sortor: 🚨 DOOCY: Biden says he's best before 8p, but say the Pentagon picks up an incoming nuke at 11pm — who do you call? Dr. Jill? KJP: “He has a team!” WHO IS ACTUALLY IN CONTROL HERE?

(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: Israel is heavily bombing multiple civilian neighborhoods in Gaza right NOW creating fire belts. It’s after 2 o’clock in the morning. These are some of the worst Israeli bombardments in 9 months and people have NOWHERE TO GO! 07/09/2024

(Video) Zionists have been exterminating Palestinians for at least 78 years. Hamas is not a terrorist group. Hamas is resistance. TikTok: salamspeech 07/09/2024

(Video) Sam Husseini: Matt Miller was asked about the estimate in the Lancet of 186,000 dead in Gaza. He pretended to express sadness about it while repeatedly smirking, as I’ve seen him do time and again. I spoke up. Watch — 07/09/2024 Decensored News: WATCH: Miller finally called out on his creepy smirking when discussing the countless thousands of Palestinian civilians massacred by Israel "You're smirking! You're smirking as you say that... are you aware?" @samhusseini vocalizes what's been on so many people's minds all year while watching these pressers:

(Video) Ojay 🍉🇵🇸🇾🇪: You know what's much easier, stop killing children. 07/09/2024 Reply to Noa Tishby's propaganda distracting from Israel atrocities

(Video) Censored Men: President of the World Jewish Congress, Ron Lauder, advocates for "severe laws" that will put people "in prison for a long time" for supposed antisemitic remarks. The WJC works with the governments of: - 🇺🇸 - 🇬🇧 - 🇪🇺 - 🇮🇱 - 🇨🇦 - 🇦🇺 Etc. 07/10/2024

(Video) Thomas Fazi: Everything about NATO’s new propaganda video screams white supremacy and Nazism — justifying mass murder in order to defend “our way of life” from the barbaric others. 07/10/2024

(Video) Apartheid ✅ Land theft ✅ Ethnic cleansing ✅ Human rights violations ✅ 07/10/2024 Jewish American has rights, her husband, a Palestinian, doesn't have rights.

(Video) Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives: On July 23, 2009, the FBI arrested mayors, politicians, 17 Rabbis in New Jersey charged with money laundering. trafficking human organs, and baby body parts in the United States. This has nothing to do with the Jewish tunnels in New York so please don’t be antisematic 07/09/2024

New Jersey mayors and rabbis arrested in corruption investigation 07/23/2009 Two New Jersey mayors and dozens of political and religious figures were arrested today and charged in a massive bribery and money laundering scheme that included traffic in human body parts.

FBI: Massive Corruption Bust Mayors, Rabbis, Politicians, and More 07/24/2009

(Video) CODEPINK: Now: Ben Shapiro confronted in Congress 07/10/2024

(Video) Based on Israeli media and military sources, these by my count are the confirmed locations so far of where the Israeli military enacted the Hannibal Directive and killed Israelis on Oct. 7th: 1. Nova Rave 2. Kibbutz Be’eri 3. Erez military base 4. Re’im army base 5. Nahal Oz military outpost 6. vehicles heading toward Gaza 7. Area around Gaza border barrier -- aka the “killing zone” 07/10/2024 8. Kibbutz Holit (likely

Israeli tank gunner reveals orders to fire indiscriminately into kibbutz — report 11/27/2024 New disclosures add to the growing body of evidence indicating many Israelis who died on October 7 were killed by the Israeli military. Meanwhile, the Israeli government has muzzled captives freed from Gaza to prevent further damage to the official narrative.

(Video) The Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway: THE HANNIBAL DIRECTIVE - MOATS with George Galloway Ep 359 07/10/2024

(Video) Empire Of Lies: Imagine destroying your Party over a warmongering, genocidal piece of shit like Joe Biden? Because when it comes to Old Joe? Democrats lie every time they open their stupid mouths. 07/10/2024 Bobby LaValley: 🚨 Montage of House Democrats covering up Biden’s cognitive decline.

Laurence (Larry) Boorstein: The United States Congress has barred mentioning the official count for genocide of Palestinians to shield "Israel." This is like banning mentioning the number killed in the Holocaust to protect Nazi Germany. 06/28/2024 The Cradle: US House bars use of official Gaza death toll

US House bars use of official Gaza death toll 06/28/2024 Democratic representative Rashida Tlaib blasted the US House for ‘genocide denial’ “Since 1948... there has been a coordinated effort, especially in this chamber, to dehumanize Palestinians and erase Palestinians from existence,” Tlaib said, labeling Israel an “apartheid” which is committing “genocide in Gaza, and in real time, and this amendment is an attempt to hide it … This is genocide denial.” “My colleagues want to prohibit our own US officials from even citing the Palestinian death toll. So let me read it into the record. Here are the latest casualties of Palestinians killed: 37,718 Palestinians, including more than 15,000 Palestinian children and more than 86,377 Palestinians have been injured,” she added, citing the now-barred Gaza Health Ministry death toll.

(Video) Khalissee: Damning report by UN Human Rights Council: 1. War crimes, crimes against humanity including extermination, murder, unlawful killing, collective punishment, weaponising starvation, grave harm to children including starvation resulting deaths etc. 2. Rape, sexual & gender based violence of women, men & young boys 07/0/2024 Rami Izhiman: An elderly woman from Gaza speaks about the horrors of the massacres: "My sister's head was the only part left; the others have no heads."

(Video) Pelham: Hamas only has 20,000 members, so why has Israel completely destroyed the homes of 2 million citizens, every hospital, school, university and refugee camp..? BECAUSE THIS IS A GENOCIDE..🇵🇸💔 07/10/2024

(Video) Chair of @TheDemocrats doing some voter outreach? 😂 And these clowns wonder why they are so despised? 07/10/2024 Jaime Harrison: Your campaign is a joke but you are a national nightmare. My 5 year old has a greater chance at winning the Presidency and he is constitutionally prohibited. // Reply to Dr. Jill Stein🌻

(Video) Adri Nieuwhof: In Adel Manna's book "Nakba and Survival: the story of Palestinians who remained in Haifa and the Galilee, 1948-1956", I read about horrific crimes committed by forces against Palestinians with impunity. Israel was built on this moral bankruptcy and never dealt with it. 12/11/2022

Nakba And Survival The Story of Palestinians Who Remained in Haifa and the Galilee, 1948–1956 Adel Manna 2022 29

(Video) ADAM: “The Nakba is going to be a sweet memory compared to what is waiting for them” “They are not only human animals, they are also idiots.” It’s totally not a genöcide guys. 02/06/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: “Ceasefire” is the new “two state solution.” Biden will let this go on until all the Palestinians are dead. He’s soulless and gutless. 07/10/2024 Angela Milanese: "...the burden for an actual ceasefire that actually ends the "war' has been shifted from the Biden White House to a nebulous, open- ended "diplomatic" process between Israel and Hamas that is always ongoing but never progressing."

The Biden Administration’s Fake “Ceasefire” Gambit Seems To Have Mostly Worked 07/10/2024 No longer are the daily horrors coming out of Gaza seen as the fault of the President. Instead, they are something more abstract—and authorless.

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “I’d be terrified as well, personally” Alicia Tillman (@aliciatillman) is Chief Marketing Officer of @Delta. Did she authorize this comment? 07/11/2024

(Video) Pelham: Jewish settler elbows a lady in the back of the head, tackle her to the ground and steal her phone and ID. No arrests were made as the police work with the settlers…🇵🇸💔 07/11/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: 🚨 While NATO representatives feast, children in Gaza are being starved to death! Shame on them! No to NATO yes to Peace! 07/10/2024

(Video) Empire Of Lies: Someone needs to wipe that smirk off of Count Smirkula's stupid face. 07/09/2024 Decensored News: WATCH: Miller finally called out on his creepy smirking when discussing the countless thousands of Palestinian civilians massacred by Israel "You're smirking! You're smirking as you say that... are you aware?" @samhusseini vocalizes what's been on so many people's minds all year while watching these pressers:

(Video) Medea Benjamin: The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mike McCaul was lamenting that we don’t have enough weapons to supply Taiwan. Medea got up to say that is because we’re sending so many weapons to Israel to murder children. McCaul has the blood of thousands of Palestinian children in his hands. 07/11/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Why is META censoring the word 'Zionist'? 07/10/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Israel released Moazzaz Obayyat after holding him hostage for 9 months. During that time, he was tortured & beaten. Please listen to him speak about what he endured. Remember that Israel continues to hold thousands of Palestinian hostages. 07/11/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Israeli snipers are murdering people in Gaza city - literally sniping men and children in broad daylight. 07/11/2024

(Video) 🇺🇸 BREAKING: Delta Airlines fired the young flight attendant because he was wearing a badge with the Palestinian flag. Americans are losing their jobs due to the power and control of the Zionists. Shame on you @Delta ! You would never have fired him if he wore an Israeli badge. 07/11/2024 According to a Delta Air line's spokesperson, the two employees who wore the pins are still employed:

Delta apologizes for posts criticizing attendants' Palestinian flag pins, will ban all but U.S. pins 07/12/2024 Delta Air Lines apologized Thursday after an employee used the company's social media account to say they would be "terrified" if they saw a Delta flight attendant wearing a Palestinian flag pin. The company also announced that, starting Monday, the only flag pin that flight attendants will be able to wear is that of the United States. "Delta removed a mistakenly posted comment on X Wednesday because it was not in line with our values and our mission to connect the world," Delta spokesperson Morgan Durrant said in an emailed statement. The employee who made the comments will no longer handle the airline's social media pages, Durrant added.

(Video) Chay Bowes: While Russia is condemned for the Ukrainian bombing of its own hospital. The country responsible for the biggest mass killing event of the century was invited to the NATO summit in Washington. 07/11/2024

(Video) DD Geopolitics: 🇬🇧🇷🇺🇮🇱 The Western "Elite" in a nutshell... 07/11/2024

(Video) Chris Hedges: The only language left for the Palestinians is the language of death. It is how Israel speaks to the Palestinians. It is how the Palestinians are forced to speak back. 07/11/2024

(Video) Dan Cohen: 37% of Israeli women have been sexually assaulted by a healthcare provider according to a study initiated by the Israeli ministry of health. Israel has a rape epidemic which is projects onto Palestinians in order to justify the Gaza genocide. 07/11/2024

Objection, touching and even rape: 37% of women have been sexually assaulted by a healthcare provider 04/15/2024 According to the survey, which was answered by 963 women over the age of 21, only 7% of the women who were harmed reported the harm to some official body. 32% of the respondents gave up medical treatment following the injury, and a fifth of the women lost trust in doctors and therapists

(Video) Khalissee: "Israel has killed at least 50 Palestinians in Gaza in the last 24 hours" Not a peep about this in Western Media. 07/11/2024

(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: The President admitted he wasn’t prepared to face Trump because he’s been busy doing “wars around the world.” The worst of these wars is Israel’s genocide in Gaza, armed and funded by our government at the unyielding insistence of @JoeBiden himself. Whether Republicans OR Democrats are in control, America will continue to wage wars around the world. Ours is the only anti-genocide, pro-peace, pro-planet, pro-worker campaign on the ballot across the country this November. 07/11/2024

(Video) Rania: The Palestinians don't hate Jews. The Palestinians hate their occupiers. The problem here isn't religion. The problem here is the killing, the occupation. 07/11/2024

Adam Rehman: Reply to MichaelRapaport's photo op with three dozen IDF troops 06/23/2024

Two Israeli Men Given 22, 14 Years in Prison Over Gang Rape of 16-year-old Girl 02/19/2024 The two suspects, both in their thirties, will compensate the victim following the court's decision. The eight other men convicted in the case will be sentenced at a later time

Gaza war offers the ultimate marketing tool for Israeli arms companies 01/17/2024 As investors worldwide drop cash on Israeli start-ups for 'battle-tested' weapons, defense tech CEOs are poised to be the war’s only victors. By Sophia Goodfriend

(Video) Medea Benjamin: According to the UN, it could take more than 80 years to rebuild all the homes destroyed by Israel in Gaza. US congresspeople should start looking for time on their agenda to address the consequences of their complicity in Israel's war crimes. 07/11/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: I mean where are the environmentalists on this? 07/11/2024 Children a foot across the border into Gaza are left to die in the street but a child a thousand miles away is flown in for treatment? // Najat Abdi: So, Israel has offered to treat the children injured from the strike on the Ukrainian hospital, while they kill a child every 10 minutes in Gaza, where half the population are kids. Truly dystopian.

(Video) Ajamu Baraka: Biden is not a decent human being, he is a morally corrupt criminal. Look at how one of the supporters of the draconian crime bill characterizes people who use drugs & you might appreciate the irony or "karma" of his own son struggling with addiction. 07/11/2024 System Update: Washington elites often call President Biden a "good and decent" man. Does a good and decent person aggressively advocate for some of the harshest sentences for drug users while only showing sympathy for his own son's addiction struggles? @ggreenwald on Joe Biden's political track record of pushing to imprison addicts:

(Video) According to Michael Rapaport anyone that opposes mass murder of over 15,000 children that had nothing to do with Oct. 7 "is a miserable piece of shit," including Roger Waters, who is far more honest and decent. You're a bully accusing others of your own characteristics! 07/11/2024

(Video) Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: I have an important announcement 📣 Zionists somehow found out the soup kitchen where I have been volunteering for over a year & caused me to lose my position. I was accused of AnTiSeMeTiCiSm and “white supremacy.” But don’t worry, Jewish Power is not real. 07/11/2024

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Justin Hancock (@JustinMHancock) is a social media manager at @Delta in Atlanta. Will he comment on Delta’s view that the flag pin is “terrifying”? 07/11/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Biden is a master of foreign policy? He is overseeing a genocide in Gaza that could become a regional war, an endless and escalating conflict in Ukraine, growing tensions with China. I don't see ANY diplomatic initiatives coming from Biden. None. 07/12/2024 Biden-Harris HQ: Maddow: President Biden showed a startlingly impressive command of the issues at his press conference. He is not only strong on foreign policy, he is just just fundamentally right on foreign policy in the way that he talks about it. It just shows you he is a master of the foreign policy field and has been for decades in his career.

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 UPDATE: Dr. Thea Weisdorf will be allowed to continue practicing medicine at @UofT as of July 15 Dr. Weisdorf was on leave after telling protestors: “I hope you guys never need healthcare from @UofT” She recently released an “apology” to “people who identify as Palestinian” 07/12/2024

(Video) Rania: Yes, it's a sick, sick society. 07/0/2024 Abby Martin on killing of Abdel Fattah al-Sharif by Elor Azaria

Wikipedia: Killing of Abdel Fattah al-Sharif

(Video) Khalissee: Welcome to Starmers Britain 🇬🇧 Police Brutally Arrest a Peaceful Pro Palestinian 🇵🇸 Activist and punch him to the ground, whilst he's screaming "I haven't done anything." Zionist Police Tactics Has Reached Our Shores 07/12/2024

(Video) Mearsheimer Fan: They want to turn West Bank into Gaza too 07/11/2024 Megatron: 🇮🇱 G7 countries condemned the announcement about the establishment of five illegal settlements in the West Bank and the expansion of the Israeli occupation of Palestine - Axios. The foreign ministers of the G7 countries - USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Japan and the European Union - condemned israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich's announcement about the establishment of five illegal outposts in the West Bank last week and expanding the occupation over Palestinian territory. The foreign ministers also emphasized that they reject the Israeli government's decision to declare more lands in the West Bank as state lands and the decision to approve the planning and construction of over 5000 new housing units in the West Bank settlements. "The settlement plan of the Israeli government is not consistent with international law and is harmful to achieving peace," the statement of the foreign ministers said. "We call on the Israeli government to withdraw from these decisions"

Angelo Angelli, JD: They will punished by the delivery of $20b in weapons to continue their genocide. 07/12/2024 Megatron: 🇮🇱 G7 countries condemned the announcement about the establishment of five illegal settlements in the West Bank and the expansion of the Israeli occupation of Palestine - Axios. ...

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Wow! was Nancy Pelosi going to hit me for accusing her of being an Israel apologist??? 02/06/2024 Nancy Pelosi is an Israel apologist. Today, she refused to answer for her support for Israel as we talked to her ahead of the House vote on sending $17.6 billion more to support Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

(Video) 🚨 New Interview Alert! 🚨 World BEYOND War's ED @davidcnswanson and @medeabenjamin discuss why NATO must be dismantled on @BreakingPointsN. Watch the full interview! 07/12/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin DISMANTLES Biden NATO Reelect Pitch 07/08/2024

(Video) Aaron Maté: Israeli military sources have newly confirmed what was obvious, but censored, from the start: Israeli forces, enacting the Hannibal directive, killed their own people on Oct. 7th. The exact number is unknown. But even if that weren't true, and Israel and its apologists weren't caught lying about what really happened that day, the incessant focus on Oct. 7th would be just as malicious: it has served to manufacture support for Israel's mass murder campaign against the Palestinians of Gaza every day over the last 9 months. 07/12/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Israel has been massacring children EVERY night. EVERY NIGHT! How are we allowing our governments to fund this!! Why isn't the World screaming about this?! 07/12/2024 Horrifying video of injured or dead children

(Video) Medea Benjamin: NATO is a danger to us all. In an increasingly multipolar world, NATO continues to desperately attempt to reassert US dominance. After 75 years of NATO, it’s time to take stock of its outdated worldview and violations of international law. NATO should be laid to rest for good — dissolve NATO! 07/12/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Then why do you support israel’s collective punishment, killing more than 15,000 children in gaza??????? 07/12/2024 Reply to RFK Jr.

(Video) Abby Martin: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Orwell, 1984 07/12/2024 Biden-Harris HQ: Maddow: President Biden showed a startlingly impressive command of the issues at his press conference. He is not only strong on foreign policy, he is just just fundamentally right on foreign policy in the way that he talks about it. It just shows you he is a master of the foreign policy field and has been for decades in his career.

(Video) Khalissee: 'We get accused of Antisemitism to DEFLECT attention from what matters the most. When I get falsely accused of Antisemitism, I don't stay quiet. I respond!' 🔥@FranceskAlbs - Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories 07/12/2024

(Video) Pat Just Pat 🍉: Sad to see Bernie so feckless. 07/12/2024 Prem Thakker: Moataz Salim—who's lost 100+ extended family members in Gaza: Senator, why do you continue to say Israel has a right to defend itself when it's committing a genocide? It's not defense. They just bombed a school. They killed my own family. Sen. Bernie Sanders did not respond:

(Video) Aaron Maté: Biden refers to "our military operation in Rafah." He corrects himself to say "the major military operation in Rafah", but this is yet another occasion where his flubs reveal the truth. Every Israeli massacre in Gaza is a joint Genocide Joe production. 07/12/2024

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Maddow is going to reopen Pravda. @maddow If the questions weren’t prepared in advance, why a list of the only few journalists who would be allowed to ask questions? 07/12/2024 Biden-Harris HQ: Maddow: President Biden showed a startlingly impressive command of the issues at his press conference. .....

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: The White House wrote the questions and answers. Why do you think they didn’t let just anyone ask questions? And defending genocide and pushing for a European wide war with Russia is the most dangerous and idiotic as US foreign policy has been in a century. 07/12/2024 Andrew Bates: To answer the question on everyone’s minds: No, Joe Biden does not have a doctorate in foreign affairs. He’s just that fucking good.

(Video) Chay Bowes: Unlike in Kiev, This is what willfully targeting civillians looks and sounds like. American bombs, dropped by American F16's, flown by American trained Israeli pilots (many with US passports). No outraged media, no circulation of false photoshopped images, no condemnation. 07/12/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Two days after Biden announced a new shipment of 500 lb bombs to Israel, it massacred close to 100 civilians sheltering in the Mawasi area of Khan Yunis and killed the rescuers who arrived. Congress celebrates Netanyahu, the leader of Israel’s Holocaust Regime, later this month 07/13/2024 John Hudson: A U.S. official explains why the Biden administration is resuming a shipment of 500 pound bombs to Israel which had been paused since May when the U.S. stated that it had concerns about the killing of civilians in Gaza:

(Video) Rania: Lies, lies, lies. That's what 1srael does, it lies! 07/13/2024 Top seven lies about Gaza by Mehdi Hasan

Zei_squirrel: This is one of the most vile, despicable, depraved things I have seen over the past 9 months, if not ever, so much so that I almost can't believe it's actually happening. I almost can't believe that a person so sickening, depraved and shameless like Ahmed Alkhatib actually exists. But he does. Zionist scumbag billionaire Scooter Braun and depraved "as a Gazan" Atlantic Council gusano Ahmed Alkhatib are teaming up to screen and promote the widely debunked Sheryl Sandberg genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax film at an LA event on Monday. Now again, not only has this atrocity propaganda hoax been widely debunked already both in its general thesis as well as its particulars by the Patten and CoI UN reports, Haaretz, the AP, the Times of London, The Intercept, Mondoweiss, Electronic Intifada, Grayzone and myself, as detailed in these threads: 07/13/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: How could it get worse? 07/13/2024 Peter Daou: I oppose Trump on principle. But there is not an iota of evidence that Trump would be worse than Biden. Both have been president. Biden has been far worse. Why? Because Biden is the chief sponsor of one of the worst child massacres in human. history.

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Thomas Houfek is an engineer at @Zywave. Read his response to the killing of a 13-year-old girl. To raise awareness: 📧 CTO and VP of HR doug.marquis@zywave.com elizabeth.brooks@zywave.com 07/13/2024

(Video) Rania: Israel butchered Palestinians as they were praying! Fcking genocidal maniacs! 07/13/2024

(Video) Abby Martin: Jordan, I know you’re a pro-Israel hack, but this is embarrassing even for you. Let’s just address just the first few minutes of this propaganda video produced by the Israel Advocacy Group, run by the Israeli govt. It is 100% true that the West Bank is under military order that bans all political activities & Palestinian flags: https://amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/08/50-years-of-israeli-occupation-four-outrageous-facts-about-military-order-101/ You’ve been to Israel. Do you seriously not know anything about the military occupation of the West Bank? It’s shocking to be this ignorant of these most basic facts. Palestinians are often arrested under bogus anti-incitement laws for sharing photos of killed relatives or criticizing Israel on social media: https://independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-palestine-facebook-activist-journalist-arrests-censorship-accusations-incitement-a7377776.html This video also tries to discredit a woman’s testimony who was shot while protesting alleging she is actually a terrorist?! Bizarre since anyone can watch Israeli soldiers committing war crimes and shooting unarmed Palestinians on a daily basis: https://youtu.be/HnZSaKYmP2s?si=a_NkZmJYXq5VATNV I could go on but I think you get the point. Anyone shielding Israel after watching them commit innumerable atrocities for nine months straight makes you either willfully blind or an unabashed psychopath. Which are you? 07/13/2024 Reply to Dr Jordan B Peterson, who shared a video critical of Martin.

50 years of Israeli Occupation: Four Outrageous Facts about Military Order 101 04/25/2017

Facebook ‘deliberately targeting’ Palestinian accounts after meeting with Israeli government, rights groups say 10/25/2016 Social media giant accused of disabling accounts of activists and journalists following talks with Israeli ministers last month on how to tackle ‘incitement’ on the platform.

Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin 05/09/2021

(Video) DeepFake Dissident: It’s almost like Zionists want to be hated & reviled.🤬🤔 TikTok: trumpenstein 07/13/2024

(Video) S.C.: 💣🏨The Bombing of King David Hotel 🏨💣 The first wave of Judeonists started to arrive in the 1880's. Palestine was a hustling-busting thriving community of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Despite knowing this the Judeonists did not give up on the dream of an ethnocratic Jewish state. To achieve this dream they started buying land in large amounts through hook or crook. Jews were working under preplanned protocols to convert these bought lands into strongholds. Despite the backing of wealthy investors such as Rockefeller's and Rothschild's they soon realized that they would not be able to buy them off as most of the Palestinians were not willing to part with their land. The word had spread to the Palestinians about the Jewish malicious intents behind the land purchases and they stopped selling land to the Jews. Around this time the British forces had realized the injustices being committed against the native Palestinians and they tried to moderate between the Palestinians and the Jewish immigrants. The British forces halted the Jewish immigration to maintain peace however this was a hurdle towards a Jewish-only ethnocratic state. Three Jewish terrorist groups were active in occupied Palestine at that time: The Haganah which was the underground militia of the Jewish community in Palestine, and two small groups, the Irgun, and LEHI. Israel was created by the combined efforts of these three terrorist groups. Before they started their campaign for ethnic cleansing occupied Palestine, also known as the Nakba, These Jewish terrorist organizations needed to push out the British. To accomplish that Menachem Begin, who was the head of Irgun, was given this responsibility. The Irgun started a gorilla warfare against the British. Kind David Hotel was a six-story hotel, which was opened in 1932 as the first modern luxury hotel in Jerusalem. This hotel was not only used by prominent dignitaries but also a section was reserved for the offices of British military police and a branch of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Palestine Police. Begin used 350 kg (770 lb) of explosives to blow up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, with his fellow terrorists, resulting in the deaths of 91 people and injuries to 46 others. Once the British retreated... now these Jewish terrorist forces combined to start the Ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Over 500 villages were eradicated, pushing out over 750000 Palestinians into neighboring countries and Gaza. Those who resisted were massacred. Neighboring Arab countries tried to help but they were no match for the advanced weaponry that these Jewish terrorists possessed. In a conversation with British diplomat Lord Howe, Menachem Begin was asked if he was the father of terrorism in the Middle East to which he replied that he was the father of terrorism worldwide. Menachem Begin, the terrorist who bombed King David Hotel ... became the sixth Prime Minister of Israel. 07/13/2024

Medea Benjamin: 90 people in Gaza killed, including many women and children, in Israel’s effort to get one hamas militant. How can that be acceptable? Where is the international outcry??? 07/13/2024

Hamas-run health ministry says 141 killed in Israeli strikes 07/13/2024

(Video) "So Roger Waters was right." 07/13/2024 Roger Waters ✊: October 7th?

Sarah: Mass media is more concerned about Trump being shot in the ear than the 400+ Palestinian civilians murdered and maimed by Israel in Gaza today. Tells you everything you need to know. 07/13/2024

atra 🇵🇸: There is no place for political violence in our democracy. that’s why we export it. to innocent civilians, especially 07/13/2024 Reply to hypocritical Tweet by Barack Obama

Ben Norton: Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016, while the US military ran 800 foreign military bases and US special ops were in 138 countries. US "democracy" is built on political violence, from genocide against Indigenous nations to today. 07/13/2024 Reply to hypocritical Tweet by Barack Obama US "democracy" is nothing but political violence! All US presidents for decades (both Republicans & Democrats) have waged nonstop war, in Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc. The US has killed MILLIONS. But I guess foreign lives don't matter.

Margaret Kimberley: Assassination attempt on Trump is obviously getting press attention. But Israel’s genocide continues. 07/13/2024

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs: I’m deeply concerned by reports of Israeli strikes over the past week that have killed scores of civilians - including the latest strike in a safe zone. 07/13/2024

Israel’s war on Gaza updates: Israeli strikes on al-Mawasi kill at least 90 07/13/2024

Translation: "There’s no place for this kind of violence in America" against rich people with political power; but if campaign donors profit from wars including Ukraine, or genocide in Gaza, which isn't a war, then our government supports it! 07/13/2024 President Biden: I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information. Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it.

Margaret Kimberley: I’m making a list of folks who pray for Trump but say nothing about the ongoing genocide. 07/13/2024 Nicola Perugini: Biden resumed shipments of 500-pound bombs to Israel two days ago. Here is how they are used.

Michael Tracey: Bernie claims that one of his "strong disagreements" with Biden is over US policy regarding the Israel/Gaza war, so it's fitting that this would've happened within hours of Bernie publishing his vehement Biden endorsement in the NYT. 07/13/2024 Bernie Sanders, currently running for another 6-year Senate term at age 82, has been among the most vociferous supporters of Biden's continued candidacy. He even declares in this new NYT op-ed that Biden is the "strongest candidate" to beat Trump. Sanders, nominally an "Independent," is among the most loyal and fervent Democratic partisans. As ever, he invokes the melodramatic logic that there must be a "popular front" to unite against the "Extreme Right." Bernie said the same sort of stuff when Bush was in power. It's nothing unique to Trump. It's just a standard tactic for blackmailing and guilt-tripping his supporters into perpetually backing Democrats. .....

Translation: "I know firsthand that political violence" against the political establishment "has no place in our society" but depriving people of healthcare to increase profits for campaign donors or supporting wars based on lies, including the Gaza genocide is fine! 07/13/2024 Nancy Pelosi: As one whose family has been the victim of political violence, I know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society. I thank God that former President Trump is safe. As we learn more details about this horrifying incident, let us pray that all those in attendance at the former President’s rally today are unharmed.

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Bad things happen in war… Perpetual victims. Go peddle your nonsense elsewhere” - Dr. Barry Friedberg, anesthesiologist, reacting to 2 women who were shot in the head and 1 who was burned alive 07/14/2024

(Video) Clare Daly: Get in touch with your incoming MEPs now, without delay, to demand they do EVERYTHING in their power between now and the vote on Thursday to block the disastrous @vonderleyen's reappointment for another 5 years. NO to genocide means NO to #FrauGenocide. 07/0/2024

(Video) Justin Paglino. Jill Stein 24 Field Director🌻🇵🇸: Whenever I hear “Joe Biden is a good man,” I think about things like this. 07/14/2024 Middle East Eye: A father in northern Gaza bid farewell over the phone to his son, who had been killed by Israeli attacks in the Mawasi area, southwest of Khan Younis city in the southern Gaza Strip.

Medea Benjamin: The same day a would-be assassin tried to kill Trump, Israel killed over 90 people in Gaza, including many women and children, in a designated "safe zone". Shouldn't world leaders condemn ALL violence? Enough. Stop. Now. 07/14/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Yesterday, Leaders of the Western World stood tall and said: “There is absolutely NO place for political violence.” Today, they bombed an over-crowded school in Al Nuseirat refugee camp and burnt more children. 07/0/2024

This is obviously backwards, like many other Zionists you don't know history. Palestinians wanted self determination for centuries, like anyone else; Zionists planned to steal their land over 100 years ago, terrorized them no later than 1930s, carried out the Nakba in 1948! 07/14/2024 Joel Wolh: The definition of Palestinian means you want to carve a slice of israel away. And it’s defined by your leaders who are and always were all terrorists. You’d have to create a new term for people like you who grew up in the territories and desire peace. Something new.

(Video) StandUpResist! 💬✊🏽 #ProgressiveFuture: 🤡🤡🤡 Zionist terror group Hagana was founded in 1920, followed by Irgun, Lehi, Kahanists, Hilltop Youth and others. Violence has been the central element of modern Zionism to become dominant in Palestine from the very beginning in late 19th century. 07/14/2024 Lady Justice: 🧵ISRAEL: FOUNDED ON TERRORISM 22/07/1946 Bombing of the King David Hotel The British HQ for Mandatory #Palestine, housed in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, was bombed in a terrorist attack by Irgun, a #Zionist militant group during the Jewish insurgency. Killed 91; Injured 46

That applies more to Zionists, but some Zionists don't support indoctrination & become anti-Zionists like Miko Peled. Zionists began planning to steal Palestinian land 125 years ago, Zionist terrorism escalated in 1930s, the Nakba killing 15,000 in 1948 & more terrorism since! 07/14/2024 Joel Wolh: All Palestinians are terrorists. If you identify as Palestinian. It’s a terrorist entity started by terrorists. You can say you’re from that region but identifying as a “Palestinian” is like identifying as Isis. .... The definition of Palestinian means you want to carve a slice of israel away. And it’s defined by your leaders who are and always were all terrorists. You’d have to create a new term for people like you who grew up in the territories and desire peace. Something new. (Joel Wolh's posts have "Visibility limited: this Post may violate X’s rules against Hateful Conduct.")

Medea Benjamin: "The only place we support violence is when Israel does it," Blinken should have added. 07/14/2024 Secretary Antony Blinken: I’m shocked and saddened by the shooting at former President Trump’s rally and grateful that he is safe. As @POTUS said, there is no place for political violence in America and we must all condemn it.

Max Blumenthal: The shooter has been identified as Benjamin Miliekovsky “Netanyahu” and is due to be feted by leaders of both parties in Congress on July 24 07/14/2024 MO: Severed heads are passing by as if nothing had happened, and no celebrity is publishing them. Are you afraid that your account will be closed?

(Video) S.C.: A security camera records a Palestinian Christian man walking home with his young son who gets spit on by a group of Jewish teenagers. Upon objecting to this, he gets attacked and pepper sprayed. If you watch closely it seems like even the Jewish boys on the bicycle are also in on this. They block the way of the man initially and cycle back as soon as the confrontation begins. After the pepper spraying they quickly cycle off together when the boys start running. Watch how scared and distrustful his son gets. Even when bystanders try to help by pulling the young boy away from the paper spray he tries to fight back. According to Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel's minister of National security "Spitting at Christians isn't a criminal case, it is an old Jewish tradition". 07/14/2024

(Video) B L A K E L E Y™℠©® LLC: I’m crying 😂🤣 didn’t realize Michael Rapaport was back in Brooklyn 😂 07/14/2024

Brunella C.: 100% of Palestinians experience apartheid and till GENOCIDE daily since the illegal occupation of their lands started 07/13/2024 Reply to questionable poll

Fatima: I come cross so many people in the street, and i have no idea what religion they are. it's not written in their front. However, as i wear my keffiye, I am attacked by sionists, and I still don't know their religion either. Christians evangelical sionists or arab haters or just sionists. So, t9his victime card starts to pisse me off 07/13/2024 Reply to questionable poll

Angelo Angelli, JD: I hate Trump but what is this about? 07/14/2024 Douglas Macgregor: BREAKING: Unconfirmed reports indicate the sniper in this photo had the assassin in his sights for at least 3 minutes.. Secret Service leadership refused to give the order to take out the perpetrator. (Douglas Macgregor's post appears to have been deleted but his account is still up and it's unclear who deleted it. This quote was accurate and was copied and pasted while it was still up.

(Video) XX 07/0/2024

(Video) XX 07/0/2024