Sunday, June 4, 2023

Walmart Crime Report May 2023

Walmart had at least eighteen more shootings on or near their property that impacted their business, or was caused by their business. At least six of these resulted in deaths, plus a K-9 dog that was also killed. It's unclear whether one of these shootings was on their property or on the road in front of their property, but the police cordoned off their property as well as the roads nearby, and this was one of the fatal shootings killing a man and a K-9 dog; the rest were on their property, and there may have been a nineteenth shooting, since a police officer claimed he thought he heard a shot before chasing someone leaving Walmart, but this was never confirmed. Two of the fatal shootings were by police officers, and they may have killed their own k-9 as well, it's unclear whether the dog was killed by the suspect or police; another one was an employee killing a customer trying to protect another employee; another shooting killed an employee; and another fatal shooting was self-inflicted, possibly suicide. There were also at least eight more injuries from the shootings, some that may be critical, including one suspect that was suicidal and told the police either they would have to shoot him or he would either shoot himself or the police, when he pointed the gun at the police they shot him, took him to a hospital, where he later escaped and there is now a manhunt out for him.

There was also one lawsuit settled related to a previous shooting where an off-duty tackled a customer that was trying to help the victim and he died as a result of his injuries. Other police and paramedics were at the time, and he gave them room to help take over, but when the off-duty out of uniform cop yelled at him to back off he wasn't quick enough and the cop attacked him, causing his death. Even though the town admitted fault and paid close to a million dollars to his family, they ruled the death an accident and took no action against the police officer responsible for this death. There was also another lawsuit filed against Walmart, claiming they ignored the causes of violence and were responsible for a shooting killing another family member; there's an enormous amount of evidence showing that not only Walmart, but the entire political establishment ignores causes of violence, which is why we have at least two or three times the rates of violence and murder that most wealthy European countries, but the courts routinely give preferential treatment to wealthy defendants like Walmart. There's also a woman suing the police for a violent arrest at Walmart, but it's usually as hard to sue police as it is to sue wealthy corporations. And, in addition to the shootings with real guns, there was a woman shot in the face with an airsoft rifle.

In addition to the six people killed in shootings, there were at least five more dead bodies found on their premises, which is only slightly more than usual, and two other people killed in accidents, including one accident that caused at least four additional injuries. There were also close to a dozen, if not more than a dozen additional gun crimes including a couple attempted armed robberies, stolen guns, a couple panics or false alarms, a customer angry about an ATM machine and an angry Door Dash delivery driver threatening an employee. Angry delivery drivers may be more common than most people realize since, as several of them have recently reported, they can't make nearly as much money as they're promised by deceptive advertising, and they often have to compete against each other to pick up orders fast, but run into routine complications. Walmart is virtually never held accountable for making false claims in their advertising for this or any other reason, even when these false claims lead to fights between workers or customers, which is more common than most people realize.

Walmart also had numerous assaults, fascist attacks, people smashing jewelry cases or registers, a couple attempted child kidnappings and one kidnapping of a woman, and at least one attempted murder when a man saw his ex at Walmart. One of their employees arrested for filming children in bathroom, to create child porn; and they were sued because they allegedly knew about it and instead of stopping it, reporting it, or firing him, they initially covered it up. Another man was eventually arrested after brocading himself in the parking lot. And one victim was strangled and gagged in one of their bathroom.

Walmart has had a growing number of problems with self-checkout, which is clearly leading to a large increase in theft, and in many cases it leads to other crimes when thieves get caught and respond with violence, often endangering customers and employees; in other cases they lead to a large number of false accusations. And Walmart is now treating many of their customers as if they're guilty of shoplifting until proven innocent. Employees are constantly disclosing how these problems are getting worse, and that security measures to reduce theft are also being used to spy on customers and workers.

Walmart refuses to pay enough cashiers, but then when theft goes up they spend a large portion of their savings on technology to catch thieves, or loss prevention people, and police, courts and prisons constantly pass many other expenses to taxpayers, meaning we're subsidizing their crime problems, and creating a system that clearly looks like entrapment. There are many people outraged by this, in some cases, walking out abandoning carts full of products, or worse, a growing number of people being falsely accused of theft. An appeals court recently ruled that Walmart can detain people for refusing to show their receipts, even when they had no reason to suspect shoplifting. If they have adequate cashiers and see that people head straight from the register to the door, there should be no reason to ask for a receipt, which implies they're treating paying customers like their guilty until proven innocent, and when police get involved the tax payers pay for it for false accusations.

Walmart is falsely trying to claim it's the customers fault or the fault of the police for not doing enough to protect their property, when it's obviously their own fault for pursing automation way too far; when ever they increase problems they try to solve them with more technology, which only cause more problems and refuse to admit the obvious, that they're causing these problems themselves by forcing this incompetent technology on everyone. They experimented with automation; it failed miserably; the obvious solution is to stop using it, especially on a growing scale. If they only used it on a small scale, at least long enough to solve these problems that would be one thing, but they act as if this is a necessity, even though everything worked much better when they hired cashiers. One recent article The Most Surprising Self Checkout Theft Statistics And Trends in 2023 04/02/2023 pointed out:
The retail industry is no stranger to theft, and self-checkout systems have only exacerbated the problem. According to a report by RMI, self-checkout theft is five times more likely than traditional cashier checkout theft. Retailers experience a 50% higher rate of loss when using these systems as well. Shoplifting increased by 30% after their introduction in some areas, with approximately 4% of items scanned at self-checkouts not being paid for on average. This has cost the retail industry $1.6 billion in 2015 alone according to Business Insider estimates.

additional details about this are presented in Could the Self-Checkout Ruin Your Reputation? 07/13/2022 which explains the details I just described, and closes with a lawsuit that might be the best chance of reversing this absurd process, when a Louisiana woman was awarded $2.1 million in damages for false accusations, although this is being appealed, and there was another lawsuit from Washington State where the plaintiff was awarded about $6 million in damages for false accusations. Yet even when some researchers admit how disastrous this has proven to be Nobody likes self-checkout. Here’s why it’s everywhere 07/10/2022 and yet even after describing these problems this writer claims "Self-checkout is here to stay" as if we can't even consider stopping something so incredibly stupid.

Self-checkouts are also making it easier for scam artists to put skimmers on on self-checkouts so they can steal customer credit or debit card information and rob customers; and they've come up with other scams like loading a gift card, then leaving it there without paying so the next customer to ring things up will be billed for it, and if they don't notice it and correct it on the spot they'll be stuck with the tab and the scam artist will be able to spend the funds on the cards. Walmart has recently been sued for a variation of these scams where they found out about it and froze the accounts of gift cards, possibly including legitimate sales, and the courts are forcing them to pay back four-million dollars that they froze to customers, although it may not reimburse all customers or the right one. This could have been avoided by securing their own payment system, but since they created a system where the customers took the risks and they got the profits they declined to do this.

There are also numerous scams by Walmart themselves, including over charging people on a regular basis, which is why everyone should check there receipts even if they have to bring a calculator, and in one case a woman who bought a bunch of coffee pods found some of them were sealed, but empty, which is one of many cases where packages don't contain what they're supposed to.

There was also a story about a Wichita Kansas police captain leaking confidential info to Walmart security guard. Why would Walmart security guards be interested in this information, which isn't related to Walmart? Does this reflect increasing control of the government by corporations? Even if it doesn't there's plenty of more credible evidence showing our government is almost entirely controlled by Wall Street corporations and they have little or no concern for the will of the people.

In addition to the two fatal accidents, killing one each, and one of them injuring another four people, there were at least a dozen more accidents, including more injuries, in one incident over twenty bicyclists were injured in a race, police chases, a man tossing a rock through the windshield of a police cruiser, and stolen vehicles, including a backhoe. There was also a towing company in Tennessee suspended for towing dozens of vehicles from a Walmart parking lot, when they left them for a weekend to go to a casino. This towing company almost certainly did what Walmart told them to, and they often let people leave cars there for days or even weeks at a time, but the towing company took the blame, not Walmart.

They also had at least one car fire on their premises, and one of their trucks caught fire near the border of Utah and Arizona. Another three fires were at their stores, with at least one of them arson. Several arsonists from an organization setting multiple fires in Alabama and Mississippi last year were sentenced, with the leader getting eighteen year; but even though they're one of the biggest, of not the biggest organized arsonists at Walmart, they only moderately increased the number of fires, and it was only temporary, now that they were caught, fires have hardly slowed down on most occasions, although last month was below average.

Walmart had at least half a dozen knife attacks or threats, mostly robberies or attempted robberies which didn't result in stabbings, but one of them also included a man smashing an iPhone display, and one of them resulting in a stabbing. This is just a small fraction of their crimes, with many more like a man dropping cocaine at the register, and they sorted through video to find him, which means Walmart is voluntarily helping investigate minor drug crimes for some reason, cops tasering suspects or customers attacking cops or employees, and much more.

Walmart had at least two more recalls last month including bunk beds with slats breaking and causing injuries, and 40,000 of pork which is bad. they also had another store where inspectors found moldy fruit, mouse poop and dead roaches. Walmart is also involved in dozens of ongoing lawsuits, which is now routine, including a couple were they were ordered to pay half a million dollars and almost twenty million, but even if they don't appeal this is just a cost of business for them, and they often profit more from their illegal activities than the fines they occasionally have to pay, like many other Wall Street corporations.

There are also growing stories about many customers or workers that are so outraged by Walmart that they take it out on Social Media and often each other, like many workers have been given so much to do under threat of being fired that they don't have time to answer customers questions, and occasionally fight with each other, perhaps without realizing the pressure from corporate policies are causing their conflicts.

One Walmart worker and Wake up Walmart leader has reported on how the vast majority of workers can't afford to retire at a reasonable age, including her after working there for twenty-two years, at the age of 67, she has no savings and of course, upper management is worth tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions each after working much less. Walmart's annual meeting has also involved debates over many social issues, including protecting workers, civil rights, reducing gun violence, but, in the end, a small number of share holders always overrule every resolution protecting anyone but their own profits. This might not be such a big deal if the government actually held them accountable for abusing workers or many other forms of fraud, but the government acts like a fully owned subsidiary of Wall Street corporations.

One Walmart worker even made a viral video about his coworker laughing at her for accepting all returns even a frying pan with eggs in it, which he showed on video, and she just laughed at him on the video. Although it's unclear if the management responded to the video by firing one, or both of them, which wouldn't be surprising, since they fire people for much more petty reasons, but if they can't get replacements they may think twice.

They also have at least two haunted concrete poles in parking lots at both a Maine store, and an Indiana store which constantly make the news when dozens of crashes involve these two, or perhaps three poles.

Another one of their Walmart drivers was caught on camera urinating on a customers porch; which shouldn't be too surprising when you consider how badly companies like Walmart or Amazon squeeze their workers, often not giving them time to use bathrooms. Similar stories have come out about Amazon workers for this reason.

Walmart's internal social media site has backfired on them; it was intended for company business, but has been used to make Memes ridiculing management go viral. In one case another smaller company in Michigan responded to ridicule by suing their own employee who posted an Elmo Meme that says, "Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime; that's why I poop on company time." This should have ended there and would have, as a minor Meme; but the boss threatened him, eventually following it up with a libel lawsuit, which made the video go viral and did far more damage to the masonry business than the worker could ever pay back, even if they won the lawsuit, which should have been thrown out.

But instead, the former worker didn't show up and the judge awarded $150,000 to the employer, which he could never pay, of course, and filed for bankruptcy, ruining both parties because the employer over reacted to a silly Meme. However, this outrageous ruling sets a terrible precedent that could enable employers to take workers First Amendment rights away, and should easily be overruled. The fact that it hasn't, and that court rulings for big and small arguments are much, much more likely to favor corporations than workers of consumers, is a major threat to the Democratic process, which few people seem to recognize.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in May 2023. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Person reported missing in Amarillo found dead near Walmart in Canyon Tx. 05/01/2023

AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — A person reported missing in Amarillo was found dead near the Walmart in Canyon.

The resident found the body around 5:30 p.m. and called 911.

The body was located in the tree line west of Walmart. Complete article

Man in custody after barricading himself in Tx. Walmart parking lot 05/02/2023

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Swat and local law enforcement placed on man in custody in far east El Paso.

According to police, the man barricaded himself in his vehicle in the Walmart parking lot located at 12236 Montana.

Police confirm the call came in at 7:52 p.m. Monday night. Complete article

Man allegedly punched security officer after committing retail theft at Walmart in Antioch Ca. 05/01/2023

Prosecutors say a Waukegan man, who is a convicted felon, punched a security officer that confronted him while he was leaving the Walmart in Antioch with stolen products.

James E. Chandler, 56, of Waukegan, was charged with retail theft over $300, enhanced theft and battery making physical contact.

Lake County Assistant State’s Attorney Stella Day said Chandler entered Walmart in Antioch on April 22 while carrying a backpack.

A loss prevention officer spotted Chandler putting products in the backpack.

Day said that Chandler walked past the last point of sale with the items in the backpack.

The loss prevention officer attempted to stop Chandler but the suspect punched the officer in the shoulder, Day said. Complete article

Florida Man Accused of Ripping Off Jewish Man's Yarmulke Before Attacking Him at Walmart 05/02/2023

A man in Palm Beach County was arrested Monday after deputies said he ripped the yarmulke off of a Jewish man's head before attacking the victim outside of a Walmart store.

The incident took place Friday outside the store in Lake Worth, when 34-year-old Daniel Scanlan allegedly came up to the victim from behind and ripped off the yarmulke - a skullcap worn by Jewish men - and called the victim a Jewish slur, NBC affiliate WPTV reported.

Palm Beach Sheriff's Office officials said Scanlan later spat on the yarmulke, threw it once again and hit the victim. Complete article

Woman groped in front of toddler while shopping at Tulsa Okla. Walmart, police say 05/02/2023

TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) — The Tulsa Police Department is asking for the public's help to identify a person of interest who allegedly grabbed a woman in front of her toddler at Walmart.

On April 19, a woman was shopping with her toddler at the Walmart near South Memorial and East 111th Street South when police say a man grabbed her in an inappropriate and sexual manner.

A person of interest was seen on surveillance video following her around the store.

Police say the man left the store and waited for the woman to come outside. When she made it clear that she didn't want him around her, she says he walked away. Complete article

Family of man shot to death at west Macon Ga. Walmart sues company, cites high crime rate 05/01/2023

Ronnie Albea, 41, was shot and killed August 5 at the Walmart on Harrison Road in west Macon.

MACON, Ga. — The family of a man shot and killed at the Harrison Road Walmart in west Macon last year says the store and its parking lot are not safe.

Ronnie Albea, 41, was shot and killed last August after what Bibb County Sheriff's deputies call an attempted carjacking. Now, Albea's family is suing Walmart, arguing the store knew it attracted crime, and should have provided better safety measures for its shoppers.

The family's lawyers, Katherine McArthur and Jessica Edmonds, say the focus of the lawsuit is to show the Walmart and parking lot isn't safe. One neighboring business says that perception hurts their business.

"We have a little problem," said Taha Allahbi, who owns the NYC Style Deli next door.

The 'little problem' he's talking about is crime at the Walmart.

"We need to be safe, and we need our customers to be safe," he said. Complete article


A young mom shopping in Walmart was taken aback by a stranger’s sexualized remark toward her baby, and TikTokers are applauding how she handled it.

Brooklynn, known on TikTok as @yourfriendthewitch, gained over 2 million views, 391,000 likes and 3,300 comments when she shared the uncomfortable encounter to her account.

Now, much like the complete stranger who shamed a mom for shopping for baby formula at Walmart, Brooklynn’s story has TikTokers musing at the audacity of some people.

According to Brooklynn, she and her daughter Ophie were walking the aisles of Walmart when an older woman approached them.

“Oh my gosh, your son is flirting with me,” Brooklynn coos, imitating the stranger.

“Gross. Side-eye. Gross. Side f***ing eye,” Brooklynn says to the camera.

“So I looked directly at my daughter and was like, ‘Ophie! I didn’t know you were part of the LGBTQ+ community…'”

The woman then scowled at Brooklynn and said angrily, “Well next time you should put a bow on her.” Complete article

Walmart employee shows how they easily stop customers stealing at self-checkout tills 05/02/2023

A man has shared how Walmart can track what customers are buying at the self-checkout tills - and stop people from stealing.

The supermarket uses small handheld devices which alert workers when something appears unusual - prompting them to double-check nothing is being stolen.

A popular TikTok account showed how the employees use the handheld device to detect when a customer bags an item without scanning it

Zebra Technologies makes the devices which were explained in depth by TikTok user @thewalmartguy69, who said they were an Walmart employee.

"POV: We know when you're stealing," the text over the clip said. Complete article

'TAKING ADVANTAGE' Angered Walmart shoppers blast big-box retailer ‘for selling $7 shopping baskets’ after enforcing new ban at stores 05/01/2023

WALMART has made a major change to their check-out lanes after banning plastic bags and shoppers are noticing.

One shopper went on TikTok to share that their Walmart store is selling plastic bins in place of bags.

In April, Walmart banned plastic bags in Delaware, Oregon, Washington, DC, and Washington state.

Before that, the big box retailer got rid of single-use bags in six other states - Colorado, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maine, and Vermont.

Without bags offered at checkout, some Walmart locations have apparently started to sell black containers to carry your groceries in. Complete article

Customers Discover Yet Another Surcharge Fee At Walmart: 'Crazy Expensive' 04/30/2023 Much to the dismay of shoppers, an additional $10 surcharge has been spotted on Express Delivery orders, which are those to be delivered on the same day. The retailer did recently drop its $35 minimum order delivery requirement, but the Express Delivery fee has thrown customers for a loop—especially since it is on top of the existing delivery charge.

Over $400 counterfeit cash used at a Luzerne County Pa. Walmart 05/01/2023

HEARTBROKEN APPEAL Major update after family sued Ohio Walmart in fiery legal battle over death of son, John Crawford III, who was fatally shot by cops in store in Aug. 2014 05/01/2023

Counterfeit bills passed in Pa. Walmart 05/01/2023

Rome Woman Tries to Steal 49 items from Ga. Walmart 05/01/2023

After two decades, Walmart is closing an underperforming store in Johnson County Kansas 05/01/2023

Employee Arrested After Customer Killed in Shooting Inside Lauderdale Lakes Fla. Walmart 05/02/2023

A man has died and a gunman was arrested after a shooting inside a Walmart in Lauderdale Lakes Tuesday afternoon, officials said.

Footage showed a large number of Broward Sheriff's Office deputies at the store at 3001 N. State Road 7. Multiple officers could be seen standing outside the store with weapons drawn.

Broward Sheriff's Office officials said the shooting happened inside the store around 2 p.m.

Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue officials confirmed the victim was airlifted to Broward General Hospital from the store with multiple gunshot wounds. Investigators later confirmed that he died.

The man's identity will not be released under Marsy's Law. A spokesperson for Walmart said the victim was a customer. Complete article

Police: Man charged after accidentally shooting himself, woman in Lebanon Ohio Walmart parking lot 05/02/2023

LEBANON, Ohio — A Springboro man is facing multiple charges after he accidentally shot himself and his 19-year-old female passenger, in the parking lot of a Lebanon Walmart, police said.

Lebanon police said officers were dispatched to 1530 Walmart Drive at around 1 p.m. Tuesday for a shooting reported in the parking lot.

When they arrived, video released by Lebanon police shows an officer speaking to someone at the scene. The person tells the officer a woman was shot in the back of the neck and a man was shot in the arm during an accidental shooting.

Fire and EMS crews treated the two at the scene before taking them to Atrium Hospital. Both were released from the hospital a short time later, investigators said. The 22-year-old, who police have identified as Daniel C. Wright, was arrested and charged with negligent assault and improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle.

Sergeant Trout with the Lebanon police said preliminary investigation indicates that Wright shot himself in the arm. The bullet then traveled through Wright and into the female passenger's neck. Complete article

Standoff at Wallace NC Walmart ends with shots fired, suspect in hospital 05/03/2023

WALLACE, Duplin County — Wallace Police say they received a call about an armed robbery near the loading docks of the Walmart in the early a.m. hours of Wednesday.

Officers say they arrived on the scene at 2:11 a.m. Wednesday to find a white male in the driver's seat of a delivery truck.

Police say that the man pointed a gun at his own head and told the officers, “Either you’re going to shoot me or I’m going to shoot myself.”

After four hours of negotiations, authorities say that the suspect pointed his gun toward the authorities.

Police say that shots were fired, and the suspect was taken into custody.

He was then taken to the hospital for treatment.

Wallace Police Department Police Chief James Crayton says it appears the suspect may have been trying to steal a truck from the Walmart loading dock before the standoff early this morning. Complete article

Georgia man facing charges in Wallace NC Walmart standoff 05/03/2023 The shooting wasn't mentioned in the headline or the first half of this article.

Manhunt underway after suspect in Wallace Walmart standoff escapes 05/04/2023 WNCT’s Claire Curry reports Jerry Arnold Flakes Jr., 30, was being held at ECU Health Duplin Hospital in Kenansville when he escaped custody. Capt. Scott Kennedy with the Duplin County Sheriff’s Office said they received a call around 5:30 p.m. Thursday that Flakes had escaped after he was under watch by police from ECU Health Duplin Hospital.

Man found dead in vehicle in parking lot of Walmart in Ephrata Pa. 05/02/2023

EPHRATA, Pa. — A man was found dead in a vehicle in the parking lot of a Walmart in Lancaster County, police say.

Police said they were called to the store in Ephrata around 10:50 a.m. Tuesday and discovered the 33-year-old man dead in the backseat of a sedan.

There is no evidence of foul play and no danger to the public, according to police. Complete article

Danbury Conn. police investigate untimely death of 42-year-old New London man in Walmart parking lot 05/03/2023

DANBURY — An investigation is underway after a man was found dead inside a vehicle in the Walmart parking lot Monday afternoon.

Danbury’s public relations specialist Erin Henry said police responded to the lot on Newtown Road after someone reported a car that had been parked in the same place for a few days.

“When officers got to the scene, they located a deceased male in the backseat of the vehicle,” she said. Complete article

Police looking for two men accused of burglarizing BayTowne NY Walmart 05/03/2023

Penfield, N.Y. — The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is attempting to identify two men accused of burglarizing Walmart at BayTowne Plaza.

Police said the men entered the store shortly after 10 p.m. Monday, smashed jewelry cases, stole merchandise and fled in a brown older-model Honda CRV with a loud exhaust.

Witnesses described one suspect as a Black male with a black hat and mask.

Complete article

Marana Ariz. police identify Walmart shoplifting suspects 05/01/2023

George woman arrested for Iowa Walmart theft 05/01/2023

Walmart to lay off additional workers in Jacksonville Fla. 05/02/2023

Stafford Sheriff’s Office: Larceny suspects stole Playstation 5s from Va. Walmart 05/02/2023

Robber Swings Knife, Threatens Valley Stream NY Walmart Employee, Police Say 05/03/2023

A 21-year-old man who allegedly robbed a Long Island Walmart store and injured an employee has been arrested, according to authorities.

Officers responded to the Valley Stream Walmart, located at 77 Green Acres Road, on Tuesday, May 2 at approximately 1:10 p.m. in regards to a reported robbery.

The thief, who was caught walking past the checkout with unpaid items, was confronted by the store’s Loss Prevention Officers.

However, when the prevention officer attempted to escort the robber into an office, he purportedly became agitated, threatening the officer with a knife. Complete article

Attempted armed robbery at NC Walmart leads to Sanford man’s arrest 05/03/2023

SANFORD, N.C. (WNCN) — A Sanford man has been arrested in connection to an attempted armed robbery of a Walmart in April.

The attempted robbery took place around 9:15 a.m. on April 14 at a Walmart at 3310 N.C. 87 in Sanford.

At 12:48 a.m. on Wednesday, officers performed a traffic stop in a parking lot of McDonald’s at 2502 S. Horner Blvd., Sanford police said. Complete article

Reno Nevada Fire responds to cardboard fire near Walmart on Keitzke 05/04/2023

RENO, Nev. (KOLO) - The Reno Fire Department responded to multiple cardboard bales on fire near the Walmart and Sam’s Club on Keitzke lane. It happened at 10:15pm Wednesday night.

Firefighters say 10 bales were on fire behind Walmart and 30 were on fire behind Sam’s Club. No injuries were reported and no structures were impacted. Due to the two locations, the fires are being investigated as suspicious.

Fire crews are mopping up the area. Complete article

Michigan man arrested after reportedly leaving bag of cocaine at Walmart self-checkout 05/03/2023

ALPENA COUNTY, Mich. (WILX) - A 59-year-old man from Alpena was arrested Tuesday after reportedly leaving a bag of cocaine at a Walmart self-checkout.

According to authorities, a plastic baggie containing a white substance was found April 2 at a self-checkout station at an Alpena Township Walmart. Police said the white substance tested positive for cocaine.

Michigan State Police troopers reviewed the surveillance footage, which reportedly captured Robert James Gerald Centala removing his wallet from his pants and dropping the baggie. Police said Centala did not realize the baggie was dropped and left the store with his merchandise.

After police made contact with Cantala, an arrest warrant was authorized and Cantala turned himself in Tuesday at the Alpena County Jail. He was arraigned on one count of possession of cocaine, less than 25 grams. Complete article

Walmart Customers Are ‘Sick And Tired Of All The Scams’ After Check-Out Experience Goes Viral 05/04/2023

Listen up, Walmart patrons! One TikTok user is urging shoppers to keep an eye out for a self-checkout scam that could potentially cost you hundreds of dollars if you’re not careful. And we’re not talking about the alleged price-gouging that people have reported happening at stores in the past, or the new surcharge on delivery orders. Instead, this one has to do with a sneaky charge for pre-paid cards that could find its way onto your receipt.

That’s right: A man who goes by @eddiestrange45 on TikTok says he recently almost paid nearly double what he intended to because someone swiped a gift card at his self-checkout register before he rang up his own items. Find all the details below.

Walmart prepaid card self-checkout scam

Using the self-checkout kiosks at Walmart can be a great way to save time (or just keep social contact to a minimum if you’re not feeling up for an interaction with a cashier). However, @eddiestrange45 says you should be sure that no one is trying to pull the wool over your eyes by ringing up a gift card at the kiosk, leaving without paying for it, and hoping you’ll pay for it without noticing while you’re checking out.

“I just want everyone to be careful and look out at Walmart,” he states at the beginning of his video. Eddie says he recently went to Walmart for some simple groceries that should have only cost him around $55. But after he scanned everything, he noticed the total was much higher, at a whopping $130. Complete article

Walmart issues warning over self-checkout theft as it plans new technology to crack down 05/03/2023

US retail giant Walmart is testing new technology to try and tackle self-checkout theft and shoplifting from stores.

Walmart, along with many stores is facing an increasing issue with theft and is now testing new technology in Canada to try and tackle self-checkout theft and shoplifting from stores.

Walmart's US CEO Doug McMillon previously said there is a growing problem with stealing in stores and warned that the increase in shoplifting could even lead to increased prices in stores and closed stores if the problem persists.

Speaking to CNBC in December he said: "Theft is an issue. It's higher than what it has historically been." Complete article

Kansas City man who stabbed Missouri Walmart employee in neck gets 18 years in prison 05/02/2023

Florida man arrested on charges after fake baby doll shoplifting incident at Madisonville Tenn. Walmart 05/03/2023

Unknown man steals electric bike, plants from Englewood Fla. Walmart 05/03/2023

Pitcher Man Arrested After Stealing From NY Walmart 05/04/2023

Darien Ill. Walmart Worker Charged With Theft: Police 05/04/2023

Police search for suspect involved in theft, identity theft at Sango Walmart in Clarksville Tenn. 05/03/2023

Metro Detroit woman says teens shot her in face with airsoft rifle in Mich. Walmart parking lot in Canton 05/04/2023

CANTON, Mich. – A Metro Detroit woman said she was attacked in a Walmart parking lot by teenagers who shot her in the face with an airsoft rifle.

Ashley Lenzt was in her car in the parking lot of a Walmart in Canton, speaking with her husband on the phone, when she was attacked. “I thought I was going to be shot, or robbed, or pulled out of my car,” she said.

She said two to three teenagers pulled right up to her open window, leveled a rifle, and opened fire. Lenzt was hit in the head multiple times. She said it hurt, but she was not bleeding. She had been shot with airsoft BBs.

But she thought she had been shot. Her husband thought she had been shot. “He just heard me screaming, ‘I got shot,’” Lentz said. Complete article

Victim Strangled, Gagged in Duarte Ca. Walmart Bathroom Assault 05/05/2023

DUARTE - A man rescued a female who was being assaulted inside a Walmart bathroom stall April 27.

The attack occurred around 3:06 p.m. at the store located at 1600 Mountain Ave. The suspect, described only as female white, jumped into the stall occupied by the victim and began strangling her with a USB cable, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Temple Station.

“The victim, fearing for her life, began to scream for help. As the victim struggled and screamed for help, the suspect placed a sock in her mouth to prevent her from screaming,” according to the Sheriff’s Temple Station in a written statement.

A man nearby heard the screams for help and entered the restroom. He pulled the victim free from the suspect. Deputies arrived and located the suspect still inside the bathroom and took her into custody. Complete article

Arrest made after backhoe stolen at old Walmart in Kimball WV 05/05/2023

KIMBALL — An arrest was made after a tip led to a suspect in the theft of equipment that was stolen from a former Walmart’s parking lot.

On April 30 at about 2 a.m., a backhoe belonging to the City of Kimball was stolen from the old Walmart parking lot in Kimball, according to Sheriff James “Boomer” Muncy with the McDowell County Sheriff’s Office.

The Kimball Police Department and the McDowell County Sheriff’s Office were able to locate the backhoe after acting on an anonymous tip that was received Wednesday in the Big Jenny Bottom area near Davy. Complete article

Iowa man found driving stolen SUV at Arnold Missouri Walmart 05/04/2023

A 40-year-old Keokuk, Iowa, man was arrested outside the Walmart, 2201 Michigan Ave., in Arnold after he was found in an SUV that had been reported stolen in Keokuk. Arnold Police went to the store after they were alerted by Flock license plate-reading cameras that the 2005 Ford Freestyle SUV was in the city, police reported.

The officers arrived at the store at about 7:30 a.m. April 17 and saw the man exit the store and get into the SUV. The officers stopped the man from leaving the parking lot and arrested him, the report said.

While searching the man, an officer allegedly found a white crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine and a glass smoking pipe in his pocket. The man was taken to the Police Station, where he was booked and released pending application for warrants, according to the report. Complete article

Marina Fire put out car fire in Ca. Walmart parking lot 05/04/2023

MARINA, Calif. (KION-TV)- The Marina Fire Department said they extinguished a car fire at the Walmart parking lot that spread to a nearby vehicle.

They received a call around 1:10 p.m. for reports of smoke in the area. When firefighters arrived, they spotted a van engulfed in flames.

No injuries were reported, and Marina Police has contacted the responsible party. Complete article

TAG SWITCH I left Walmart close to tears after being falsely accused of stealing at self-checkout – and nobody even apologized 05/04/2023

A WALMART employee left a shopper embarrassed and in tears after they were accused of switching the tags on a pair of shorts, the customer has said.

TikToker Ginger shared a video that appeared to capture the uncomfortable interaction at self-checkout.

The Walmart shopper whipped out her phone to record the interaction after she saw the employee eyeing her from a distance, she wrote in the caption of a post.

In the video, the employee appears to ask if she can double check on the price of the shorts, which were ringing up to $1.

Ginger said that they were on sale, and showed off her receipt which proves the low price was legit. Complete article

Walmart customer says she was scammed by Great Value coffee pods 05/04/2023

After purchasing a box of Walmart Great Value coffee pods, one woman noticed how a sizable portion of pods were missing a key ingredient — coffee grounds.

In a recent video, which has amassed over 242,000 views, TikTok user Mama Moon (@mama_barham) showed how she the mega retailer “scammed” her.

She started off the video by stating, “So, Walmart [Great] Value is taking the value part to a new extreme.”

Then, she pointed to her empty box of Great Value’s Donut Shop coffee pods. The content creator explained how she went through her “whole box of coffee [pods]” and she divided the pods into two sections.

One group of coffee pods was deemed “good,” — Mama Moon shook the various pods to show that the sound of coffee beans could be heard. However, the other group, which was labeled “bad,” contained pods that were sealed shut but were, in fact, completely empty upon further inspection.

“@walmart why you gotta do me dirty like this in this economy?” Mama Moon captioned the video, while tagging the corporate giant. Complete article

Chattanooga towing company suspended after towing dozens of vehicles at Brainerd Tenn. Walmart 05/04/2023

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — The Chattanooga Beer Board voted to suspend a towing company from the city's call rotation list for 30 days following a mass towing incident at a Walmart that went viral last month.

Dozens of people who parked their cars in the Brainerd Walmart parking lot and then went to a casino in North Carolina were surprised when they returned to find all their vehicles had been towed.

At Thursday morning's meeting, American Towing Company's attorney said that those drivers were overcharged, and that the tow truck driver was suspended for 3 days after the incident. Complete article

Recall alert: Bunk beds sold through Walmart, Home Depot, Amazon have slats that can break 05/04/2023

Bunk beds are being recalled because the slats that support the beds can break.

5 On Your Side reports this recall from the Consumer Product Safety Commission involves twin bunk beds made by Walker Edison Furniture.

They were sold online through Walmart, Home Depot, Amazon and other major retailers.

There have been 14 cases of the bunk bed slats breaking, and one person was hurt. Complete article

Lawsuit settled between township, family of man who died helping shooting victim at Pa. Walmart 05/05/2023

CENTER TOWNSHIP, Pa. — The family of a man who died after a police officer tackled him has agreed to settle a lawsuit for nearly $1 million.

Kenneth Vinyard’s family sued Center Township and Officer John Hawk.

His family said he was trying to help a shooting victim outside the Monaca Walmart in November.

Vinyard’s family said Hawk tackled him, causing him to hit his head. Vinyard later died at the hospital.

According to court paperwork, the lawsuit is being settled for $950,000.

“Honestly, that’s not nearly enough,” Walmart shopper Melissa Schwartz said. “I don’t think any price would be enough.” Complete article

Check Your Receipt! Walmart Customers Are Noticing That They're Being 'Overcharged' At The Register 05/07/2023

Groceries are expensive enough as it is right now. With inflation driving prices through the roof, self-checkout scams, and surcharges for delivery orders being added to the mix, the last thing you need when you ring up your items at the register is to see an even higher number than the one you calculated in your head. As it turns out, that’s exactly what keeps happening to Walmart shoppers—and they’re speaking out about the alleged overcharging across the internet.

Yup—people have reason to believe that these stores are charging anywhere from few cents to a few dollars more for each item at the register and even charging for mysterious items, adding a significant amount to their grocery totals. Learn more below.

Walmart overcharging

As noted in the above TikTok, specific Walmart stores have been fined and sued multiple times for charging more than the price items are marked as. One shopper, Mary Bach, won $180 in court over an overcharge of just two cents.

Bach referred to the store’s method of overcharging as “electronic bait and switch.” Other shoppers have experienced similar situations. Some have even reported “price-gouging” and “double-charging,” which you can read about here. Complete article

‘I hate when customers are incapable of shopping themselves’: Walmart worker complains about customers who interrupt her when she’s busy to ask questions 05/07/2023

'When they ask a question about something that’s not even in my department.'

A Walmart employee received mixed reactions toward her viral video about store customers who approach her with questions while she’s completing other tasks.

In the video, which has been viewed 238,700 times as of Sunday, user Who Goes There (@squlliumfancyson) walks down a store aisle wearing a yellow employee vest.

“Me carrying a literal car battery & a customer approaches me to ask: Where’s the soap?” her video’s text overlay reads.

The user revealed in another similar video posted that customers sometimes approach her while she’s working to ask her to put items back for them. “Like what are you a baby I’d be embarrassed,” she captioned the video.

Several users mocked the TikTok for complaining. “Me when I have to do the job I’m [paid] for,” one wrote.

“You can’t talk while holding something?” another asked.

One user accused Walmart employees of “always hiding” whenever customers need help locating an item, stating that they always ask the first employee they see. “So not true,” the TikToker responded. Complete article

Walmart will pay 4 million dollars as compensation to customers: who will receive it and how to request it? 05/08/2023

The Department of Justice determined that Walmart must distribute $4 million to customers affected in fraud scheme. We explain how to request compensation.

The United States Department of Justice has secured nearly $4 million ($3,958,060.84) in remission of a Walmart gift card scam.

According to Top Class Actions, the Walmart gift card scams allegedly began in 2015 when scammers instructed victims to purchase Walmart gift cards ranging from $500 to $1,000.

Between 2016 and 2017, Walmart froze balances on gift cards suspected of being part of the fraudulent scheme. Subsequently, the Department of Justice sought this frozen money so it could reimburse customers. Complete article

Walmart promotes Latriece Watkins to chief merchandising officer 05/05/2023

Walmart Inc. has promoted Latriece Watkins to chief merchandising officer. John Furner, president and CEO of Walmart U.S., shared the news with employees Friday (May 5) in an internal memo.

Watkins’ appointment is effective immediately. She replaces Charles Redfield, who is leaving the Bentonville retailer this month after 32 years with the company.

A McGehee native in southeast Arkansas, Watkins, 48, has worked at Walmart for 24 years in numerous merchandising roles and leadership positions in human resources and operations for Walmart and Sam’s Club.

Most recently, Watkins was executive vice president of consumables for Walmart U.S. According to Furner, she helped accelerate sales revenue through supplier partnerships and licensed innovation. Complete article

New Yorker arrested on theft charge at Buffalo Ridge Fla. Walmart 05/04/2023

Two people face multiple charges after theft at Maine Walmart 05/04/2023

Bellmead police needs help identifying suspects in Tx. Walmart theft 05/02/2023

Thousands of items from closed Walmart store in Atlanta Ga. up for grabs at auction 05/02/2023

Queensbury man accused of trying to steal from NY Walmart 05/05/2023

Red Bluff Ca. Police capture suspect in felony Walmart electronics theft 05/05/2023

Man used 'gold' jewelry to scam elderly victim at Richland Center Wisc. Wal-Mart 05/04/2023

Liberty Ohio Walmart to offer free vaccines, immunizations and health screenings Saturday 05/04/2023

Sanford man exposed himself to teen girl at NC Walmart, police say 05/05/2023

Wyoming Police Seeking Woman In Connection With Walmart Theft 05/06/2023

Girl last seen near South Carolina Walmart reported missing by family, police say 05/05/2023

“I’m Quitting Today” – Ex-NFL and UFC Star Greg Hardy Sick of Walmart Job After Exposing Net Worth Truth 05/06/2023

Ga. Walmart employee says Door Dash driver waved gun at her 05/08/2023

The Columbia County Sheriff's Office is investigating after a Door Dash driver allegedly waved a revolver at a 16-year-old Grovetown Walmart employee.

The girl told deputies a female Door Dash driver came to pick up an order and while the order was being filled, there was an issue with the sticker that went with the order, according to an incident report. The girl said she printed another sticker, but the second sticker also would not work.

The driver became angry, started to yell at the girl, and the girl yelled back, according to the report. The driver then said, "I have something for you," and reached into her glove box. The girl said as the driver started to pull away from the business, she waved a silver revolver at her, deputies noted in the report. Complete article

Suspicious vehicle in Walmart lot leads to firearms arrest in Chicopee Mass. 05/08/2023

CHICOPEE, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) - Chicopee Police arrested a driver after a firearms was located during a traffic stop on Memorial Drive on Friday.

According to Chicopee Police, a officer patrolling the Walmart parking lot on Memorial Drive Friday spotted a Volkswagen Jetta with a temporary New Jersey license plate. Upon checking the registration, the officer discovered that the plate actually belonged to a Toyota Rav4.

Police said that the officer approached the vehicle, which then began to drive away. This led to the officer activating his cruiser’s blue lights and conducting a traffic stop on Memorial Drive. Complete article

Shoplifting leads to man’s arrest after threatening Kansas Walmart employee with knife 05/08/2023

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - One man is behind bars after he allegedly shoplifted from a Walmart in the Capital City and threatened an employee with a knife.

The Topeka Police Department tells 13 NEWS that around 7 p.m. on Friday, May 5, officials were called to the Walmart at 1301 SW 37th St. with reports of a suspicious person.

When officials arrived, they said they found a suspect, later identified as Brandon D. Phillips, 41, of Topeka, had stolen items from the store. Complete article

Former Alabama Walmart employee accused of making child porn images inside store faces new charges 05/08/2023

CULLMAN COUNTY, Ala. (WBMA) — A former Walmart employee accused of using a cellphone to record images of a four-year-old in the men's bathroom is now facing more charges in Cullman County.

Ethan Edward Richardson was arrested Friday, May 5 by the Cullman Police Department. Richardson was first arrested back in February and posted an $80,000 bond.

The police department said Richardson was taken back in custody without incident and 53 new counts were added. He is now being held on a $625,000 bond. Complete article

A state inspector found moldy fruit, mouse poop and dead roaches in a Miami Fla. Walmart 05/07/2023

Fruit unfit for human consumption and evidence of roaches and rodents helped a Miami Walmart Supercenter grocery fail state inspection on Wednesday.

Unlike Department of Business and Professional Regulation inspections of restaurants, Florida Department of Agriculture inspections that get the lowest result of “Re-Inspection Required” doesn’t shut down the supermarket, convenience store, food distributor, food processor, retail bakery or wholesale bakery. But, an inspector can hit equipment or areas with Stop Use Orders that can make operations inconvenient or impossible.

Inspector Simeon Carrero didn’t have to whip out any Stop Use Orders at 3200 NW 79th St. Wednesday. But, he did find a number of problems.

The handwashing sink in the meat department’s backroom area didn’t have paper towels, leaving employee hands dripping after washing.

Two of the slicers in the deli department had been in use for over four hours without being washed. Another one that wasn’t in use still had “old debris.”

Also in the deli area, an employee wore gloves but touched a door, hair nets, equipment, “then proceeded to work with open foods with the same gloves.” Complete article

‘Check your receipts’: Walmart shopper gets charged $150 for bananas 05/09/2023

A Walmart shopper is issuing a warning after claiming that they were charged $150 for bananas following a glitch in the store’s system.

In a video with over 35,000 views, TikTok user Dorthy (@dorthycsutton) advises viewers to “check your receipts” while recounting a recent experience she had at Walmart.

“I walked all the way out of the store to my car, almost to my car, and I’m saying, ‘[I] wonder what I paid?’ Didn’t even look,” she says, explaining in a later video that she was too busy loading her bags to note the price. “I’m like, ‘why is it so high? I didn’t really buy anything!’”

Dorthy discovered that she was charged $150.86 for bananas, which were incorrectly rung up as “site merch.” Earlier in the video, she misstates this, claiming the charge was for raspberries. Complete article

SURPRISE GIFT My Walmart receipt was double the cost of what I had scanned after a self-checkout scam – all shoppers should be warned 05/09/2023

A WALMART shopper has told how he was almost scammed while scanning his groceries at the self-checkout.

The customer said he had scanned $55 worth of groceries, but the total on the screen was double.

In a clip, Eddie (@Eddiestrange45) warned: “I just want everybody to be careful and look out at Walmart.”

He noticed the total on the screen was $130 when he swiped his card.

Eddie knew something seemed odd as he didn’t think he had $130 worth of groceries in his shopping cart. Complete article

Student racially profiled and wrongfully fired from NY Walmart 05/08/2023

Ithaca College senior Rugie Baldeh was working her shift in the electronics section at Walmart on Nov. 11, 2021, when she became a victim of a repeated scam. During her next shift, she said she was a victim of racial profiling when the Walmart assets protection manager accused her of aiding the scammers, then fired her and banned her from Walmart.

“The first thing that I felt — it wasn’t even anger — I felt betrayed and hurt,” Baldeh said. “I never experienced a situation like that [before] because I felt like I was being [racially] profiled. … I didn’t even know what to think at first. I was really confused.”

This method of scamming — called a “cash-out scam” — has been done before at other Walmart locations and in those cases, employees were not blamed. This same scam occurred in Batavia, New York, and Columbia County, Georgia. The customer gives a credit card and, using different tactics, confuses the cashier and convinces them to select the “cash” option on the register, which makes the register think the purchase is being paid in cash and cancels the credit transaction, according to the Kane County Chronicle. Complete article

Walmart briefly evacuated after crews called out for report of smoke on the roof 05/07/2023

Thomaston Me. Walmart reopens after suspicious item causes evacuation, tactical response 05/08/2023

Elizabeth Holmes — Now 'Liz' — 'Giggles' About Her Faux Deep Voice and Recalls 'Sleeping in Walmart Parking Lots' in RV Ahead of Trial 05/08/2023

Police called to Dearborn Mich. Walmart over purse snatching 05/08/2023

Intoxicated Person Falls Asleep On Couch In Walmart Lawn And Garden Section - And Other Collegedale Tenn. Police Calls 05/08/2023

Shooting outside Oklahoma City Walmart leaves one injured 05/10/2023

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma City Police Department responded to a shooting at a Walmart on Tuesday night.

The shooting happened in the parking lot of the Belle Isle store at around 9:15 p.m., when an altercation broke out among a group of people, according to police.

A bystander saw the fight and approached the people to help stop the argument. One of the people involved in the altercation then shot the bystander in the neck, according to Oklahoma City police. Complete article

Man arrested in connection to shooting at Belle Isle Okla. Walmart parking lot 05/23/2023

Tempe Ariz. police officer shoots, wounds man suspected of shoplifting from Walmart 05/10/2023 Fatal

PHOENIX – A Tempe police officer shot and wounded a man suspected of shoplifting from a Walmart on Tuesday night, authorities said.

Officers responded to a shoplifting call at the Walmart at Elliot Road and Priest Drive around 7:30 p.m., Sgt. Hector Encinas said during a late-night press conference.

The suspect was described as a Native American man in his mid-20s who allegedly took a soundbar from the store. Complete article

Police shooting near Walmart in Tempe occurred 30 minutes before shooting at Buckeye Walmart 05/10/2023 In Buckeye, a fight broke out near the entrance of the Walmart Supercenter near Watson and Yuma roads around 8 p.m. involving multiple people, according to police.

Walmart shoplifting suspect dead following Tempe police shooting 05/09/2023

Tempe police release video of fatal shooting of Walmart shoplifting suspect 05/19/2023

Fight leads to shooting at Buckeye Walmart 05/09/2023

BUCKEYE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) -- A fight led to a shooting at a Buckeye Walmart on Tuesday night. Police say witnesses reported several people were fighting outside the store’s entrance near Yuma and Watson roads. One person fired a single gunshot, and everyone involved took off before police arrived, investigators said. No suspects have been found.

No one was hurt and there’s no damage to the store. The store was evacuated and will remain closed for the rest of the night. It’s unknown what led up to the fight. Residents are asked to avoid the area as the investigation continues. Complete article

West Mifflin Man Charged After Shoving Walmart Employee 05/10/2023

A man is facing charges after he allegedly shoved a Walmart employee earlier this week.

Butler Township Police say the incident happened Monday around 11:30 a.m. at the Walmart in the Butler Commons. 42-year-old Bradford Nickel of West Mifflin allegedly tried to steal nearly $50 worth of merchandise from the store.

He was soon stopped by a member of Walmart’s loss prevention team. That’s when Nickel allegedly shoved the officer after being confronted. Complete article

Capital One returns fire at Walmart as credit card deal sours 05/09/2023

The battle between Walmart and its exclusive credit card issuer is heating up, with Capital One Financial alleging that the retail giant failed to meet its marketing obligations because it was unhappy with the economic terms of the partnership.

In a new court filing, Capital One also accuses Walmart of trying to abandon a long-term deal the two companies struck back in 2018 because the retail chain wants to move its credit card business to a fintech joint venture in which it has a controlling interest.

The Walmart-backed fintech venture, known as One, has been in development for about two years. It currently offers a debit card to Walmart customers. Complete article

Two more arrested for shoplifting at Cortlandville NY Walmart 05/08/2023

Walmart heiress and billionaire businesswoman Nancy Walton Laurie’s $300 million megayacht is as silent as a stealth warship. Purchased from the Qatar royal family, the 361 feet long mammoth vessel is so grand that it has the most marble and stone ever installed on a yacht 05/08/2023

WATCH: Hail crashes through Walmart ceiling in Grinnell Iowa 05/09/2023

Beaumont Ca. Walmart evacuated after potential gas leak 05/09/2023

Cañon City Colorado Police search for suspects in recent theft at a Walmart 05/10/2023

Man shot to death after fight with relative at Fort Worth Tx. Walmart, police say 05/10/2023

Police are investigating a shooting that killed a man at a Fort Worth Walmart after an apparent fight with a family member Wednesday night, officials said.

Officers were dispatched to the 3800 block of Airport Freeway, in north Fort Worth, around 9:45 p.m. regarding a shooting, police said. They found a man with a gunshot wound who was already dead.

The victim was shot during a fight with a family member, police said, and the suspect and another person fled the scene in a vehicle. Complete article

Fatal motorcycle crash in Knox County Tenn. under investigation 05/10/2023

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) — Rural Metro Fire responded to a fatal motorcycle crash near a store in North Knox County.

According to Rural Metro Fire, crews arrived at a scene of the motorcycle crash on Norris Freeway at a Walmart around 7:15 p.m.

There was a fatality at the scene, according to Rural Metro Fire. Complete article

Woman arrested after allegedly robbing Ind. Walmart customer at knifepoint 05/10/2023

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (WISH) — A Bloomington woman was arrested after robbing a customer of an area Walmart, officials say.

In a Facebook post made by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Wednesday, 34-year-old Tarea Hutchins is facing felony charges of armed robbery and kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon.

Around 3:20 p.m. Tuesday, deputies with the sheriff’s office were informed by a customer at Walmart that an armed robbery had taken place. Complete article

Police: Local man tased twice, arrested after stealing from Idaho Walmart 05/10/2023

CHUBBUCK — A 26-year-old Fort Hall man was arrested Tuesday night after police say he stole from Walmart and was tased twice while resisting.

Chubbuck Police were dispatched to the Walmart on Yellowstone Avenue around 9:40 p.m. Tuesday night for the report of a man who had stolen from the store, Chubbuck police told the Idaho State Journal on Wednesday.

Upon arrival, police came into contact with the man, later identified as Terrance T. Appenay and he immediately began to flee the area toward the convenience store in the Walmart parking lot, according to police. Complete article

HORROR STORE Walmart is sued after disturbing details about Alabama employee’s behavior are revealed – and ‘the store did nothing’ 05/10/2023

WALMART has been sued after disturbing details about an employee's alleged behavior came to light. Parents of a four-year-old filed a civil lawsuit after employee Ethan Richardson, 25, was arrested on child pornography charges.

The investigation began in February, when Richardson was allegedly caught recording a four-year-old child in the bathroom of the Walmart where he worked.

Alabama police searched Richardson's cellphone and allegedly found evidence that he recorded or photographed at least 19 juveniles at the store.

Most of his victims were under the age of 17 and the incidents dated back to October 2022, according to Sergeant Adam Clark with Cullman PD. Complete article

Man arrested for trespassing at Alabama Walmart 05/10/2023

Mom arrested after police say she left 2 kids alone in Gwinnett Ga. Walmart parking lot overnight 05/09/2023

Evacuation lifted for Walmart off exit 7 in Bristol, Virginia 05/10/2023

Chicopee Mass. asks Walmart to combat trash problem linked to its Memorial Drive store 05/09/2023

Report of a gunman causes Tx. Walmart evacuation 05/11/2023

The westside Walmart was evacuated Thursday morning when police received a report of a gunman on the premises. No one was injured, but shoppers described a chaotic scene.

According to the Odessa Police Department, a man called 911 around 8:40 a.m. and told a dispatcher he was at the Walmart on Northwest Loop 338 and he had a gun.

OPD officers, Ector County Sheriff’s Office deputies and Texas Rangers descended upon the store, which was evacuated.

“There was never an active shooter and no reports of any injuries,” an OPD news release stated. The incident remains under investigation.

UPDATE: Authorities say man who caused evacuation armed with inoperable BB gun Complete article

Suspect threatens Garner NC Walmart worker with knife after smashing iPhone display, police say 05/11/2023

GARNER, N.C. (WNCN) — The Garner Police Department is looking for a male suspect in an incident at Walmart on Thursday where a store associate was threatened with a knife.

Around 2 p.m., the suspect was seen on a bicycle in the store. Police are still investigating whether he rode the bike into the store or took a bike from the rack inside the store.

He then went to the electronics department where police said he smashed an iPhone display and stole some iPhones. The exact number and value was not disclosed. Complete article

Columbia PD: Fire at Garners Ferry SC Walmart intentionally set, suspect arrested 05/11/2023

Columbia Police say Laurence Blocker is charged with second degree arson.

RICHLAND COUNTY, S.C. — Officials say a fire inside a Columbia area Walmart was kept in check by the sprinkler system but appears to have been intentionally set. Police have arrested a suspect.

The fire happened around 10:15 a.m. at the Walmart Supercenter on Garners Ferry Road in Lower Richland, a spokesperson for Columbia-Richland Fire said. Crews arrived to find smoke in the store and put out what remained of the fire.

Preliminary information from the department suggests that the fire involved merchandise and is believed to have caused $300,000 to 400,000 worth of damage to store property and merchandise. Complete article

Walmart Sued Over Alleged "Painful Injuries" From Faulty Pressure Cooker 05/11/2023

Two consumers have filed a lawsuit against Walmart, alleging they received "painful injuries" from a pressure cooker sold by the retailer.

On May 4, two Ohio residents filed a product liability lawsuit against Walmart in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. The plaintiffs, Skyy Williams and Jaylon Reed, have presented claims against Walmart, Inc., and Farberware Licensing Company, LLC over a Farberware pressure cooker sold exclusively by Walmart.

They allege that the Farberware 7-in-1 programmable pressure cooker has a dangerous defect. According to suit, the lid of the appliance "can be rotated and opened while the unit remains pressurized," allowing the potential for it to explode off the device during normal use. Complete article

Homeless man caught with meth in Fla. Walmart parking lot 05/10/2023

Allen shooting: Ex-El Paso Tx. mayor who navigated Walmart shooting offers advice 05/10/2023

Trio of Walmart shoplifting suspects caught with big screen TV in their car 05/11/2023

UPDATE: Thomaston Maine police learn circumstances of Walmart pressure cooker 05/12/2023

Cedar Hill Tx. police find dead man in Walmart parking lot 05/12/2023

CEDAR HILL ( – A dead man was found in a vehicle in Cedar Hill early Friday morning.

Police say they received a call at 7:54 a.m. about an unconscious person inside a vehicle in the parking lot of Walmart, located at 621 Uptown Blvd.

Police arrived to find a dead man inside a parked vehicle. There is no word about what led up to the death. Complete article

WATCH: Man tosses rock through windshield of police cruiser at Fla. Walmart 05/12/2023

NORTHWEST MIAMI-DADE – A Miami-Dade police cruiser was the target of a man who hurled a rock through the front and back windshield of a car parked in front of a Northwest Miami-Dade Walmart.

Video shows the man walking out of the Walmart at Northwest 79th Street and 32nd Avenue when he picks up a rock and throws it hitting the windshield.

An officer was not in the car, according to MDPD. Complete article

Police search for suspects who placed card skimmer at Walmart check-out in Cumberland Co. Pa. 05/12/2023

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. (WHP) — Police in Cumberland County say charges have been filed and arrest warrants issued for suspects they say were caught on surveillance video placing credit card skimmers on the self-checkouts at Walmart.

The Lower Allen Township Police say the suspects were seen placing two skimmers around 8:00 PM on January 7, leading to the theft and sale of numerous customers' EBT information.

At least 11 victims then had their card information utilized in Maryland, Florida, Arizona, Texas, and Virginia for thousands of dollars in fraudulent purchases by numerous suspects, according to police. Complete article

SHOP CON Walmart thieves are charged after sneaky self-checkout ‘skimmer’ trick sees them pocket thousands from 11 customers 05/13/2023

Two vehicle crash leaves SUV flipped on its roof in Havelock NC Walmart parking lot 05/13/2023

HAVELOCK, Craven County — A two vehicle crash in the parking lot of the Havelock Walmart happened Saturday morning, May 13, 2023.

A SUV was flipped on to its roof and a pickup truck was left with damage to the front end.

It is unknown at this time if anyone was injured. Complete article

Fishers man arrested after ruckus in Ind. Walmart parking lot 05/12/2023

FISHERS, Ind. — A Fishers man has been arrested for Resisting Law Enforcement and False Informing after an investigation into a road rage incident, according to press release sent from the Fishers Police Department.

Dustin J. Martin, 40, was arrested on a warrant and transported to the Hamilton County Jail on one count of False Informing and one count of Resisting Law Enforcement.

Officers from the Fishers Police Department were dispatched on April 21, 2023, at approximately 3:00 p.m. to the Wal-Mart on E. 96th St. on a report of a physical altercation. Upon arrival, officers contacted Martin who reported that the other person involved had a gun and was leaving the scene in a white Cadillac Escalade. The policeman told Martin to stay in place. Complete article

‘I didn’t come here to work’: Man leaves cart full of groceries behind at Walmart after refusing to go through self-checkout 05/12/2023

'Walmart just doesn’t really care enough about us, their customers, in order to ring us up?'

Covid-19 has altered how many stores serve their customers. Employee retention has become a major priority, but despite sweeteners like raised wages and competitive perks it has proven difficult for major chains to keep their stores fully staffed. This has resulted in long lines and a reliance on self-checkouts.

In a TikTok video that has gained over 182,000 views, user waydownsth (@waydownsth) expresses his irritation at the lack of open registers to a Walmart cashier.

The video starts with the camera pointed at a young Walmart employee, wearing a mask and standing at a register. White letters captioned the video: “Walmart has thrown out customer service, they can suffer the same consequences as Bud Lite. I’ll never spend another dollar at Walmart.”

“What you’re telling me is that the registers close at 8 o’clock, and you would rather me take all those groceries right there and just leave them in the cart, and leave the store then to have someone ring them up for me?” @waydownsth says off camera.

“Well, unfortunately, at the moment, we only have about I say two people at self-checkout. And the rules are we can’t have more people over there for a whole line. It would be too busy, so like…” the employee responds.

@waydownsth interjects: “Because I’m not going to go sit there and go in self-checkout now. That’s all there is to that. I mean that’s a, you know, quite a bit of stuff to be trying to do that.”

“True, true,” the employee agrees.

“There’s employees all over the store, right? So, what you’re telling me is that Walmart just doesn’t really care enough about us, their customers, in order to ring us up? You’d rather us just leave then ring us up?” @waydownsth asks. Complete article

Findlay Ohio Walmart Evacuated Due To False Threat 05/11/2023

Attack near Mass. Walmart in Sept. 2010 leads to South Coast man being found sexually dangerous 05/13/2023

Man used hidden cameras, shot upskirt videos of women at Ga. Walmart, Target and more, Newnan police say 05/12/2023

Abingdon Va. Walmart safely cleared after bomb threat, police say 05/13/2023

Man shoots brother in Poplar Bluff Missouri Walmart parking lot 05/15/2023

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. — A verbal dispute escalated into a non-lethal shooting Saturday night, May 13.

Lt. Josh Stewart with the Poplar Bluff Police Department said the shooting occurred around 10 p.m. It began as an argument between two brothers in the parking lot of Walmart Supercenter, 333 S. Westwood Blvd. The dispute escalated until one brother — identified as Rodger Rice, 39, of Poplar Bluff — allegedly shot the other in the leg and fled the scene.

The victim was transported to Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center for treatment and then transferred to a Cape Girardeau hospital. Complete article

Shots fired during fight outside Clarksville Tenn. Walmart 05/14/2023

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A man was injured after his firearm discharged while he was reportedly trying to break up a fight in a Walmart parking lot in Clarksville Sunday night.

According to the Clarksville Police Department, officers responded to a 911 call about shots fired in the 3000 block of Wilma Rudolph Boulevard shortly before 8 p.m. on Sunday, May 14.

When police arrived at the scene, they said they made contact with a man who had a grazing gunshot wound on his hand. Complete article

One injured in Havelock NC Walmart car crash 05/15/2023

HAVELOCK, N.C. (WNCT) — A vehicle crash happened at a Walmart in Havelock on Sunday morning.

The Havelock Fire and Rescue Department and Police Department responded to a crash in the Walmart parking lot and found a Toyota 4Runner rolled over with the driver still inside. The driver was removed and transported to the hospital with minor injuries.

Witnesses in the area said that the 4Runner suddenly accelerated, crashed into a Nissan Frontier, and then flipped over. The frontier was unoccupied in park during the time of the crash. Complete article

Police officer injured after man flees Northeast El Paso Tx. Walmart after not paying for items 05/14/2023

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) - The El Paso Police Department says an 11-year veteran of the force, working extra duty security, was injured after a man ran over his foot as he tried to flee.

It happened about 9:25 a.m. Saturday at the Walmart on Dyer in Northeast El Paso.

Police say their investigation revealed an employee alert the officer that a man left the store with several items that he did not pay for.

The officer exited the store and saw the man leaving the shopping cart and running towards a Honda Civic.

As the officer tried to stop the man from fleeing, the man ran over the officer's foot according to police. Complete article

Walmart shopper scammed out of $3,600 stolen at self-checkout in little-known con 05/15/2023

Dana Heddle said that she wants other people to be aware of the scam in the Walmart store so that they do not fall victim to it too.

A Walmart shopper fell prey to a crafty scam at a self-checkout dubbed the "good Samaritan" theft, according to authorities.

Dana Heddle said she was approached by a man while she was waiting in line at her local Walmart store in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

She said the man instructed her to use the self-checkout machine to pay for her items by entering her PIN into the reader.

Little did Dana know that she was about to become the victim of a scam that would ultimately cost her thousands of dollars.

Later on, when Dana was in the parking lot, she said the same man approached her again and told her that one of her car's back tyres had an issue. Complete article

WALLED OUT I was accused of stealing from Walmart – but I was innocent and the employee took things way too far 05/15/2023

ASKING to see your receipt when leaving Walmart seems to have become standard at some stores but there are people who have an issue with it.

A Walmart customer decided not to partake in the procedure and tried to walk past the employee asking for receipts.

Then he was met with a turn of events.

“Walmart employees getting out of hand,” TikTok creator Rell (@jusrell00) said in a video.

Rell had his cart full of paid-for items snatched away from him by the Walmart employee after not showing them his receipt.

He believes the Walmart employee had no right to do so, and felt completely disrespected because he did not steal anything.

Rell said the Walmart employee watched him check out and still asked him for the receipt, which he believes made the interaction unnecessary.

The angry Walmart customer asked to speak with to a manager and was told the employee was just “following the rules,” according to the video. Complete article

CRIMINAL CASE I’m a lawyer – crucial way Walmart knows you’ve stolen from self-checkout even months after you’ve left the store 05/15/2023

ONE lawyer has taken to social media to issue a warning for anyone thinking about stealing from Walmart's self-checkout.

It may be tempting to try to out-smart the self-checkout, but in some states like California, stores can arrest those who steal up to one year after the offense, according to Dod Law (@dodlaw).

The San Diego-based Criminal Defense firm posted a video on TikTok with one of their lawyers detailing how this can happen.

He explained that even if you leave the store with the item and nothing happens, Walmart could still be building a criminal case against you.

The lawyer explained: "Even though they didn't get you the time that you stole, the next time you go in if they recognize you they can give you a citation and you will have to go to court and answer up on petty theft charges." Complete article

Southaven Mississippi Walmart celebrates remodel and new mural remembering tragic shooting in July 2019 05/12/2023 Martez Abram fatally shot store manager Anthony Brown and co-worker Brandon Gales, and wounded a responding Southaven police officer. He was subsequently found guilty of two counts of capital murder by a jury in Dec. 2022 and sentenced to death for the two capital murders and life for the attempted murder of the police officer.

Warwick RI police search for woman connected to 'ticket switching' incident at Walmart 05/15/2023

Two Men Facing Charges After Stealing from Manitowoc Wisc. Walmart, Attempting to Return Stolen Items 05/15/2023

Sebastian man attempts to steal $1,000 in merchandise from Fla. Walmart 05/16/2023

Victim Dies From Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound at Wal-Mart Parking Lot in Chattooga County Ga. Monday Evening 05/16/2023

Chattooga County Sheriff Mark Schrader has confirmed that a person died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound on Monday evening in the parking lot at Walmart in Trion.

The sheriff’s office responded to a call about a gun going off inside a vehicle in the parking lot at Wal-Mart.

The sheriff confirmed that someone had shot themselves inside a vehicle at 6:53pm; the victim was transported to a Rome area hospital and later pronounced dead. Complete article

Motorcyclist injured in crash on U.S. 12 near Mich. Walmart 05/16/2023

COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – A two vehicle crash on the east side of Coldwater sent a motorcyclist to the hospital on Monday evening.

The crash on U.S. 12 just east of the Walmart store was reported at about 5:45 p.m.

Coldwater Police and Firefighters were sent to the scene along with Life Care Ambulance.

Coldwater Police report a 27-year-old man from Camden was driving his motorcycle east on U.S. 12 when he t-boned a vehicle that was pulling out of a parking lot. Complete article

CAUGHT ON CAMERA I work at Walmart – our cameras have an incredible ability to spot stealing and can even ‘read your text messages’ 05/16/2023

A WALMART worker has shared a warning against stealing after he learned about a feature of the chain's surveillance cameras.

The popular TikToker told his followers that the major department store has cameras that are so good they can "read your texts."

Most people are aware that they are being recorded while shopping, but some might be startled by the TikToker's revelation.

In a recent video, Z Adkins (@phyzeke) recorded a brief clip of himself in front of a bathroom mirror.

"So I work at Walmart and just found out the cameras are actually so good they can zoom in and even read your text messages while you're shopping," he wrote in text over the video. Complete article

‘This person’s like having a party’: Customer places $20 Walmart delivery order—they receive tons of groceries 05/13/2023

A man on TikTok has gone viral twice after Walmart mistakenly delivered hundreds of dollars worth of food and beverages to his house.

In the video, Jon (@gottjon) explained that he ordered about $20 worth of food, including a frozen pizza for dinner and some apples. Yet, what’s laid out on the counter in front of him are more than a dozen bags of grocery items that were meant to be delivered to another home.

Jon theorized that the person who actually placed the order was preparing for a party. The person ordered at least six large bags of chips, boxes of taco shells, and multiple jars of pasta sauce. .....

“Walmart will tell you to keep it. if anything could have been tainted they will end up liable. they can’t resell it. congrats!” one person wrote.

Several people said the same thing about the grocer not being able to restock items that already left the store.

“Contact Walmart delivery. it’s yours now, but the other person needs to know it went to the wrong house,” another said.

Jon went on to make two follow-up videos showing how he ended up handling the situation. First, he tried to get information over the phone and in person about returning the food because he didn’t want to be “dishonest about it.” Complete article

Jury says Walmart must pay $19.3M 05/16/2023

Walmart Inc. must pay $19.3 million to K2 Distribution Co. for breach of contract and other claims, a jury ruled Friday in Washington County Circuit Court.

The award is reportedly the largest jury award for damages in the county's history. Washington County Circuit Judge John Threet presided over the trial that began May 1.

The jury awarded K2 a total of $14.5 million for two claims of breach of contract, according to court records.

On a claim of conversion, or illegally keeping someone else's property, the jury awarded $4.83 million. Complete article

Women sue DeWitt NY police for combined $18 million for violent 2021 Walmart arrest 05/17/2023

DEWITT, N.Y. — Two women are suing the Dewitt Police, the Town of Dewitt, the Village of East Syracuse and Onondaga County for what they describe as an unlawful and violent arrest in 2021 at the Walmart in East Syracuse.

Tanjenik Byrd and Tyreana Edmonds have filed a suit in federal court asking for $9 million each in damages after they were arrested by Dewitt Police Officers Corey Buyck and Rory Spain on July 4, 2021. During the arrest, there was a physical altercation between Byrd and Edmonds and the responding officers, which can be seen on social media as well as body camera footage that Dewitt PD shared with reporters.

According to police, Byrd and Edmonds attacked other customers and employees at the Walmart using pepper spray, which they say is captured on Walmart's security tape. If you look at the lawsuit, Byrd and Edmonds describe the incident as a "brief encounter" with a group of women that had tried to assault Byrd on another occasion.

The lawsuit alleges that Officers Buyck and Spain arrived and looked to forcibly place Byrd and Edmonds in handcuffs without explanation. Body camera footage shows Officer Spain wordlessly grabbing the wrists of Edmonds and attempting to place her under arrest.

She is initially calm but appears to get angry when she sees Officer Buyck try to arrest Byrd, who was pregnant.

Tensions then escalate to the moment when the video appears to show Edmonds attempting to bite Officer Spain. Spain then appears to punch her in the head. Complete article

‘She took back a frying pan with eggs still in it’: Walmart employee calls out co-worker for accepting ‘anything’ as a return 05/17/2023

A TikToker featured his fellow Walmart employee, whom he dubbed the “return queen,” and a used frying pan that she accepted as a store return in a viral video posted yesterday.

In the clip, which has been viewed 396,500 times since it was first shared, user Joseph Forehand (@the1992joseph) films his co-worker behind the customer service desk.

“This bitch takes back anything, look,” Forehand jokes before zooming in on a bag with a dirty frying pan inside.

“She took back a frying pan with eggs still in it,” he laughs, as his co-worker bashfully turns away.

According to Walmart’s website, “returns are available for nearly everything Walmart sells,” with customers encouraged to keep receipts for at least 90 days after purchasing an item online or in-store in order to successfully return or replace it.

Users commended Forehand’s coworker for accepting the return, as she likely had to deal with an insistent customer.

“Sometimes you gotta pick your battles in retail,” one user wrote.

“I worked there when I was younger and one time a guy came in with BOXES of half-eaten food. The general manager approved the return,” another shared. Complete article

40,000 pounds of pork products sold at Walmart, Aldi recalled 05/16/2023

More than 40,000 pounds of pork products have been recalled after it was found it didn’t go through all necessary inspections, U.S. officials announced.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service announced the recall from Eastern Meat Solutions Inc., the Canadian importer of raw, boneless pork products sold nationwide under Walmart Marketside and Aldi Park Street Deli brands. FSIS said the products “were not presented for import reinspection into the U.S.” Complete article

Walmart Ordered to Produce Background Check Data in Bias Suit 05/17/2023

Policy allegedly doesn’t account for over-arrest of minorities

Data relevant to policy as a whole, special master said

Walmart Inc. must produce data about prospective employees who were subjected to heightened background checks in a proposed class action lawsuit alleging its screening of applicants discriminates against Black and Latino workers.

While plaintiffs Jacqueline Ramos and Edwin Johnson were only submitted to the base background check and not the heightened one, the data is relevant to Walmart’s criminal background check policy as a whole, and could help plaintiffs establish their proposed class, Special Master Freda L. Wolfson ruled Tuesday.

Walmart offered Ramons a job in an entry-level IT support position but rescinded it because she’d previously accepted a plea Complete article

Theft Suspect Sought After Walking Out Of Md. Walmart With Unpaid Merchandise 05/16/2023

Woman cries with joy after 3 strangers show her kindness at Fla. Walmart 05/16/2023

Atmore woman arrested for drugs in Alabama Walmart parking lot 05/15/2023

Walmart closing batch of at least 22 stores: Here’s the latest list 05/16/2023

First on the scene: Chesapeake Va. officer recounts Walmart mass shooting response last Nov. 05/16/2023

Two Young Girls Caught Shoplifting at the Easton Md. Walmart 05/17/2023

Apex NC suspect stole credit card; bought gift card at Walmart, used BMW car: police 05/17/2023

Death ruled accidental in Beaver County Pa. Walmart incident 05/17/2023 According to the Beaver County coroner, Kenneth Vinyard, 48, died from hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Blunt force trauma to the head and associated stress contributed to his death. Vinyard was helping a shooting victim in a Walmart parking lot on Nov. 6. State police said an incident occurred between Vinyard and a man who identified himself as an off-duty Center Township police officer. The man tackled Vinyard, who hit his head and later died. ... Vinyard’s family has agreed to settle a lawsuit for nearly $1 million after suing Center Township and the officer involved, identified as Officer John Hawk.

Stolen U-Haul recovered at Alabama Walmart 05/17/2023

SWEET SADNESS Walmart shoppers ‘very upset’ over loss of discontinued candy-flavored drink which will never return 05/17/2023

Cranberry Pa. Walmart Crime: Man Accused Of Taking Upskirt Photos 05/17/2023

Woman Who Stole Merchandise from Clarkston Wash. Walmart Pleads Guilty to Felony Burglary, Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail 05/16/2023

Police seek man who allegedly carried out scam at Westmoreland County Pa. Walmart 05/18/2023

Police arrest 3 suspects in Hobbs NM Walmart employee’s death 05/18/2023

HOBBS, N.M. — Deputies were able to locate and arrest the suspects responsible for the death of Walmart employee Jordan Ruiz, 24, according to the Hobbs Police Department.

One 18-year-old male and two juveniles were arrested.

There are no outstanding suspects at time, said HPD.

For full details see the press release below.

On May 18th, 2023, around 2:07 am, officers with the Hobbs Police Department responded to Walmart, 3800 N. Lovington Hwy. in reference to Jordan Ruiz suffering from a gunshot wound. Detectives were able to review surveillance footage of the area and were able to obtain a license plate on the vehicle driven by the suspects, which was stolen out of Hobbs. Complete article

Hobbs police seek public help for tips after deadly Walmart parking lot shooting 05/18/2023

At least 20 bicyclists injured in Arkansas Women's Walmart Joe Martin Stage Race 05/18/2023

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Officials with the Walmart Joe Martin Stage Race have confirmed that a bike crash two kilometers from the finish line has led to injuries for contestants.

Bruce Dunn, the race director stated that about "20 - 25 racers were involved in a crash, and medical is assessing the injuries." Dunn also said that there were so far no serious injuries confirmed.

A stage race is a road cycling race in which each day counts as a "stage" and each stage has a winner. The overall race winner in both the men's and women’s races is the fastest cyclist when the results of all the race days are combined. This is called General Classification (GC). Across the pro, elite, and amateur race categories, more than 250 athletes from 23 countries and all 50 states are expected to participate. Complete article

Colorado is trying to make it possible for more employees — like Walmart and McDonald's workers — to accept tips 05/16/2023

Workers at businesses like McDonald's and Walmart could soon be able to accept cash tips under a proposed law before the Colorado legislature.

If enacted, the bill would keep an employer "from taking adverse action against an employee who accepts a cash gratuity offered by a patron of the business," per a summary of the proposal. The bill passed the Colorado state house and senate earlier this month and is now headed to Governor Jared Polis for a signature.

Tipping has become more common at shops and restaurants, with many businesses adding a prompt asking for a tip to digital payment screens. But some businesses, including big names in retail, don't allow their employees to take cash tips from customers. Complete article

Walmart Worker Doesn’t Worry About Showing up Late Because His Store Is Understaffed 05/19/2023

A Walmart worker was worried about getting fired after showing up to work late, but then remembered that their store was understaffed.

It's hard not to have a near full-blown panic attack whenever you find yourself running late to work, especially when you weren't able to give any prior notice to your manager or if you have a history of previous tardiness at your position.

Even if you aren't that fond of the job in question that you're running late to, not being able to stick to a schedule doesn't feel so great, and having to run in while attempting to save face isn't exactly the best feeling in the world to have.

But there are ways that folks make themselves feel better about not being able to beat the clock, like the one referenced in this one Walmart employee's clip that's currently going viral on TikTok. Complete article

Accused Alabama Walmart shooter, in Dec., sentenced in separate 2019 murder case 05/17/2023

26 retail thefts reported at Walmart in Caldwell Idaho this year 05/18/2023 26 of all retail thefts in Caldwell this year, more than half, have been reported at the Walmart on 5108 Cleveland Blvd.

Man passed phony $20, $50 bills at NJ Walmart, CVS, authorities say 05/18/2023

UPDATE: Police have located missing dog who was sold at Walmart in Salem Mass. 05/17/2023

Elizabethtown NC police searching for suspects in Walmart financial card fraud 05/17/2023

Cambridge Man Arrested After Allegedly Firing Shotgun During Md. Walmart Argument 05/19/2023

EASTON, Md. - The Easton Police Department arrested a man after he allegedly fired a shotgun at a Walmart during a verbal altercation.

According to police, the incident occurred on Wednesday, May 17th. Police arrived at the Easton Walmart responding to shots fired. Officers learned that Edwin Phillips, 63, of Cambridge, reportedly fired a shotgun into the air during a verbal altercation with two other people.

Phillips was taken into custody and the shotgun was seized. Complete article

Winston-Salem NC Walmart closes for possible gun investigation, police say 05/19/2023

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — A Winston-Salem Walmart was closed for several hours Friday after receiving reports about an armed person inside the store, police say.

The Winston-Salem Police Department said they received information about a person who had possibly entered the store walking around with a gun in the Walmart on 320 E. Hanes Mill Rd. right before 4 p.m.

Police said Walmart began to evacuate the store before they arrived. When police arrived, they continued to help to evacuate the store before checking the store for an armed person.

Police said no one was found inside with a gun. Complete article

Mobile Alabama Police called to Walmart after man with knife threatens shoppers 05/20/2023

MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) — Some scary moments in Mobile as police officers were called to the Neighborhood Walmart store on Government Boulevard Saturday morning. Several police vehicles were seen in the parking lot and a few officers in tactical gear were there.

Mobile Police sent us this information:

At approximately 8:20 a.m. officers responded to 2570 Government Boulevard, Neighborhood Walmart, regarding an incident involving a male subject who was displaying erratic behavior, threatening shoppers in the parking lot, and was armed with a knife. When the officers arrived, they attempted to approach the subject, and he fled on foot to a nearby wooded area. After a search, the officers were able to apprehend the subject and transport him to the hospital for medical treatment. Complete article

Man arrested after allegedly kidnapping woman from Wyoming Walmart 05/22/2023

A 26-year-old man was arrested for felony counts of kidnapping and probation violation, as well as misdemeanor counts of theft, use of drugs and interference with a peace officer after a 24-year-old woman reported that he tried to kidnap her while at Walmart Friday morning.

The woman told officers at the police department that the man came up to her at Walmart and told her that she was going to go home with him and that his friends were outside with automatic weapons, Police Deputy Chief Brent Wasson said. The 26-year-old allegedly told the woman that she wouldn’t be killed and he would let her go if she spent the day with him.

He took her out of Walmart and forced her to give him a kiss before telling her to get into the car to drive home with him. She unlocked her driver’s side door and fled to the police department before he got in the vehicle, Wasson said.

Sheriff’s deputies assisted Gillette police and spotted the shirtless man, Alex Sigvaldsen, jumping a fence in an alley north of Boxelder Road. A deputy jumped from his patrol vehicle and yelled for the man to stop multiple times, to which the man replied “f— you” and kept running. The deputy grabbed the man’s left arm and took him to the ground with a “leg sweep,” said Sheriff Scott Matheny. Complete article

Police: Chicago man accused of causing ruckus at Joliet Ill. Walmart 05/22/2023

Officers had to use a stun gun on a Chicago man who was accused of causing a ruckus at parking lot of Walmart in Joliet and striking one officer in the arm, police said.

About 1 p.m. Sunday, officers responded to Walmart, 2424 W. Jefferson St., for a report of a disturbance and learned there was man in the parking lot jumping at vehicles and throwin ... Complete article

Crash-a-Palooza: The Curious Case of Trucks vs. Poles at Southern Indiana Walmart 05/20/2023

What's yellow and red and invisible? Apparently a stop sign in the parking lot at the Princeton, Indiana Walmart.

My friend Matt Kelly tagged me in a viral post on the Facebook page Gibson County News & Talk, and I had to share it with you. I'll admit that I am not the best driver, especially when it comes to parking. But I am proud to say that I haven't driven into a pole or stop sign.

These are actual photos shared on social media. Two of these strange wrecks that left a pick-up truck up a pole - Literally - happened in the same week. The pics can speak for themselves, but I have to include some of the best comments on Facebook, too. Complete article

‘She’s better than me, I would’ve turned my light off and walked away’: Customer demands Walmart worker bag her groceries 05/18/2023

‘That young lady may have had bad customer service or a bad attitude, but that customer was no better!’

An encounter between a Walmart customer and the worker who rang up her groceries went viral on TikTok yesterday.

In the video, which was reposted by user Kingkong (@kingkongzoe) and has been viewed 800,600 times, the customer can be heard repeatedly asking the employee to bag her remaining groceries, which included a carton of eggs, a bottle of dish soap, a bottle of barbecue sauce and boxes of cereal and noodles.

The Walmart worker placed a couple of the items in a bag before turning back to her register, which did not satisfy the customer. “The stuff that you put down here needs to be in bags,” she said, gesturing to more items sitting in the bag carousel.

While bagging those items, the worker shoved a box of cereal into a bag, causing the customer to protest. “You just damaged my cereal. I don’t even want it,” she told the worker.

“Girl, it’s a box,” the worker responded. When the customer repeated that she didn’t want it, the employee moved to take it off her receipt.

“You don’t want to be here today?” the customer asked the employee. “Because that is not customer service, the way you’re acting.”

The customer then asked the worker to bag her eggs, warning the Walmart worker not to break them. The worker complied, placing the eggs in the bottom of a bag before handing her a receipt. Complete article

Two plead guilty for July 2021 murder in Warner Robins Ga. Walmart parking lot 05/18/2023

State police looking for man who allegedly stole from Hempfield Pa. Walmart in return scheme 05/18/2023

Jacksonville police asking for help ID'ing two over Walmart incident 05/18/2023

Woman Accused of Stealing Nearly $7,000 in Merchandise from Utah Walmart Pleaded Not Guilty 05/18/2023

Woodruff man arrested following gunshots at Wisc. Walmart 05/22/2023

MINOCQUA - One man has been arrested after a report of shots fired at Walmart in Minocqua

Minocqua police department responded to the call just before midnight yesterday. They were able to determine that the incident was the result of a domestic situation

There were no injuries as a result of the gunshots. Complete article

Man missing since February found dead inside car in Mich. Walmart parking lot 05/23/2023

An Allen Park, Michigan family that had been searching for a missing relative for months found him dead in his vehicle Friday in a Southgate store parking lot.

Although the man’s identity was not given, Southgate police Lt. Robert Lukofsky confirmed the department was contacted at about 1 p.m. by the family about the discovery.

The man is 31 years old and believed to be from Allen Park.

Officers from Southgate surrounded the vehicle, which had the windows obstructed from the outside view, according to police. .....

Lukofsky said all of the windows were closed, but once the doors were opened, it was clear the body had been there for a long period of time judging by bugs and animals inside. Complete article

Watch Bear Run Through Farmington NM Walmart Parking Lot While Being Chased by Cops 05/22/2023

Asmall bear has been caught on camera by a dashcam as it ran around a parking lot outside of a Walmart store in New Mexico.

The video was taken early in the morning of May 21 in Farmington—around 30 miles south of the Colorado border. The Farmington Police Department, which responded to the scene after receiving a call from a "concerned citizen," posted the footage to its Facebook page the next day.

The video shows the bear racing through the empty parking lot while being followed by a car with a dashcam recording the whole encounter. Eventually, the little bear scurries up a grass embankment and out of sight from the camera.

"Eyewitnesses observed the bear running in the direction of Best Western and McDonald's before traversing across the street and making its way into the mall parking lot," the Farmington Police Department's caption read. Complete article

Shopper uses fake cash at Pa. Walmart and CVS but Dollar Tree rejects the bills, feds say 05/1/2023

Chesterfield Va. Police looking for Walmart fraud suspect 05/20/2023

Man accused in Ca. Walmart stabbing and Westlake High crash enters plea 05/19/2023

Man wanted for breaking into vehicle in Rolesville, trying to use stolen credit card at Wake Forest NC Walmart 05/23/2023

Wichita Kansas police captain leaked confidential info to Walmart security guard, affidavit says 05/23/2023

A Wichita police captain leaked dozens of confidential law enforcement records to a Walmart security guard, according to an affidavit of probable cause released Tuesday.

Wendell Nicholson, a 29-year veteran who retired in March, is facing eight counts of felony computer crimes. Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett filed charges the day after Nicholson retired.

Bennett previously told The Wichita Eagle that he does not think the leaked records compromised any criminal investigations.

The leaked records don’t appear to follow any particular pattern, but they do include multiple records related to police accountability, including body camera video of a police shooting of a Black man after a fight with officers in a closet. The affidavit does not identify the man or the officers involved.

Nicholson also allegedly leaked to the security guard details about an internal investigation into text messages sent by SWAT team members. Other records included DEA bulletins, shooting reviews, victim and suspect identities, information about gang feuds and murder suspects, and an image of homicide victims. Complete article

Police notes: Walmart driver urinates on porch in Frederick Colorado 05/23/2023

10:46 p.m. A Walmart delivery driver urinated on the front porch of a residence in the 6100 block of Marble Mill Place. Officers have not yet identified the suspect. Complete article

Shoplifting Surge Forces Va. Walmart To Lock Up Daily Items / City Leaders Ignore Issue 05/24/2023

Roanoke for generations has been known as a charming city – “The Star City of the South” – with friendly people and safe streets. When TV news brought images of rioting and mass crime in larger urban areas in other parts of the nation, many here would utter a “Thank goodness I don’t live there” thought or prayer.

However, as reported here, on a per capita basis, Roanoke City has the dubious distinction of being the #2 Crime Capital of Virginia. As of mid-April 2023, the City had had five murders, making that a rate of more than one killing per month.

In a non-violent yet still disturbing display, another sign of pathology has been seen in Roanoke City Walmarts where many daily items are now under lock and key, requiring an employee to get them.

This was observed at the Southeast Walmart on Dale Avenue in early 2023 where one shopper who wanted to buy the most basic items (disposable razors, soaps and other common health accessories) discovered they were locked up. After encountering a sign that said “Ring Bell for Assistance,” the shopper waited several minutes until a somewhat frazzled-looking clerk arrived to open the case. She apologize for the delay and said she and other employees were all very busy. Complete article

Does plastic bag recycling from stores like Target, Walmart work or still end up in a landfill? 05/23/2023

CHICAGO (WLS) -- You may take the extra time to recycle plastic shopping bags by bringing them to a retailer's plastic bag recycling bin. For months, the I-Team and ABC news tracked plastic bags that we dropped off at store recycling bins around the country and several ended up in landfills or incinerators.

You can't put plastic bags in regular recycling bins or they'll get stuck in machines at recycling facilities.

But how often do bags that are dropped off properly at retail stores get recycled? The I-Team, ABC News, and ABC stations across the country assembled 46 bundles of recyclable plastic bags. Each contained a tracking device.

We glued Air Tags into plastic bags with Gorilla Glue, then wrapped them up in several other plastic bags. All of the bags were dropped off at Target and Walmart stores nationwide, which have hundreds of stores with plastic bag drop off bins.

At the end of January, we dropped off our four bags in the city and suburbs. We monitored the movements and locations for months via the trackers glued inside. .....

And our fourth bag was dropped off at a north suburban Gurnee Walmart, and was tracked to an industrial park in northwest suburban Elk Grove Village, where we found good news. The facility is Cargo Pacific Logistics and someone at the front desk said they do recycle plastic bags. .....

In all, ABC News and other ABC stations launched 46 trackers. Twenty three of them last pinged at landfills or trash incinerators. Seven last stopped pinging at transfer stations that don't recycle or sort plastic bags, another six last pinged at the store where they were dropped off. It's unclear where three ended up.

Three trackers were shipped to the other side of the world in Southeast Asia. Four trackers ended up at facilities involved with recycling, plastic bags. Complete article

"Critical pushback on an e-commerce giant": Walmart to pay California $500,000 in settlement over sale of brass knuckles 05/23/2023

Walmart will pay half a million dollars to settle allegations from California's Department of Justice that it was selling brass knuckles on its website, state Attorney General Rob Bonta said Tuesday.

Brass knuckles are classified as deadly and illegal weapons in a number of states, including California, which punishes their sale with up to a year in prison.

The investigation into the retail giant first started in 2018, when the Merced County district attorney found Walmart was selling and allowing third-party vendors to sell brass knuckles on its website, officials said at a news conference. The Department of Justice conducted the yearslong investigation and negotiation in partnership with the district attorney's offices of Merced, Ventura, and Yolo Counties.

Brass knuckles, typically made of metal or hard plastic, could be used to break bones, cut people or cause even fatal injuries, Bonta said, calling the settlement "a tremendous win" for consumers in California. Complete article

North Macon Ga. Walmart evacuated after terroristic threats 05/23/2023

Man drives to Walmart in stolen car, tries to use stolen credit card, Cleveland Ohio Police say 05/24/2023

Meadville Woman Accused Of Stealing At Pa. Walmart 05/24/2023

Child found wandering at Wichita Kansas Walmart identified, returned to guardians 05/23/2023

Man tries to hide meth during traffic stop in Fla. Walmart parking lot, deputies say 05/23/2023

Woman, posing as employee, attempts theft at Marana Ariz. Walmart 05/24/2023

Suspect, K-9 Dog Killed After Vehicle Pursuit Ends in Exchange of Gunfire in Kane County, Ill. Officials Say 05/24/2023

A K-9 dog and a suspect in a carjacking were killed after a vehicle pursuit that began near South Elgin ended in a crash and exchange of gunfire in Batavia, according to the Kane County Sheriff's office.

Residents were asked to avoid the area near the Batavia Walmart at Randall Road and Fabyan Parkway, where streets were closed as police investigated.

Police said officers were alerted to a carjacking in Aurora just before 2 p.m., learning the description of the suspect and the vehicle, while also being able to determine that he was armed.

Officials said deputies with the Kane County Sheriff's office located the vehicle in South Elgin near Randall Road and Silver Glen, and attempted to initiate a traffic stop. Police said the driver refused and officers initiated a vehicular pursuit.

In an update to the media, Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain said the chase came to an end in Batavia, when the suspect apparently exited the vehicle and displayed a handgun.

In a press release, the Kane County Sheriff's office said the suspect had also fled from officers from various other agencies just days earlier.

Police said a K-9 dog, named Hudson, was deployed at this time and bit the suspect, at which time police say there was an "exchange of gunfire", striking both the K-9 and the suspect. Complete article

Police activity reported near Walmart at Randall and Fabyan in Batavia Ill. 05/24/2023

Monroe La. Walmart shooting investigation leads to arrest of 16-year-old juvenile; additional suspects arrested 05/20/2023

MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD) — On May 17, 2023, the Monroe Police Department arrested a 16-year-old male juvenile responsible for firing shots at a Walmart in Monroe. The juvenile was arrested on charges of Attempted Second Degree Murder, Illegal use of a Weapon, and Possession of a Handgun by a Juvenile.

On May 15, 2023, an investigation done by the Monroe Police Department led to the arrest of three individuals for weapons charges. The three suspects, Chardarrius Jones, Jakevyoun McWilliams, and Markel Norris were all arrested for Illegal Carrying of a Weapon.

Along with the arrest of the three suspects, the investigation led to the recovery of three Glock handguns with extended magazines. Chardarrius Jones was in possession of one of the recovered handguns that was equipped with a Glock Switch, which converts the semi-automatic handgun into a machine pistol capable of fully automatic fire.

Chardarrius Jones potentially faces additional charges for possession of a machine gun by officers of the Monroe Police Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearm and Explosives task force. A recent shooting incident in Monroe is also suspected to have involved Chardarrius, and additional charges may be filed against him. Complete article

All clear given after man with gun reported at east side Evansville Ind. Walmart 05/25/2023

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) - Dispatchers say Evansville Police are investigating a report of a man with a gun at the Walmart on Burkhardt.

They say the call came in around 8:30 p.m. Thursday. Police say it was reported that a man with a gun was chasing a woman through the store.

Dispatchers say no shots were fired.

Police say when they arrived, the woman had been secured in an office by employees. Complete article

Walmart theft leads to police chase, crash near Jackson Mich. 05/24/2023

JACKSON COUNTY, MI — Police are searching for two suspects who led officers on a chase Monday before crashing and fleeing their car.

At about 3:51 p.m. May 22, officers from the Blackman-Leoni Department of Public Safety responded to a report of retail fraud in progress at the Walmart department store located at 1700 W. Michigan Ave. in Jackson.

Just before officers arrived, police were informed a man and a woman were leaving the area in an Oldsmobile vehicle. The officers spotted the vehicle leaving the parking lot of Westwood Mall and attempted a traffic stop, said Blackman-Leoni Public Safety Director Scott Grajewski. .....

A short time later, officers were told the vehicle had crashed at the intersection of Franklin Street and First Street. The suspects had fled the vehicle and could not be located by police, Grajewski said.

Officers searched the vehicle to find suspected methamphetamine as well as several items of clothing stolen from Walmart, Grajewski said. Charges for flee and eluding, possession of methamphetamine and retail fraud will be sought, police said. Complete article

Walmart truck tips over in North Bellmore NY crash, 6 hurt 05/25/2023

NORTH BELLMORE, N.Y. -- Six people were hurt in a crash with a Walmart truck on Long Island.

The tractor trailer was turned over on its side. Other cars and a school bus were also involved.

The crash happened in a Stop & Shop parking lot in North Bellmore on Thursday morning. Complete article

OCSO searching for suspected SC Walmart shoplifter who shoved employee 05/24/2023

ORANGEBURG COUNTY, S.C. (WCIV) — The Orangeburg County Sheriff's Office (OCSO) is searching for a man suspected of shoplifting a Walmart the morning of May 23.

According to a press release, a Walmart employee noticed the suspect pushing a shopping cart with items believed to be unpaid for at around 7 a.m. When the employee put her hand on the cart to ask for a receipt, the suspect became upset and pushed her. He also threatened to shoot the employee.

Read more: OCSO advises public to stay alert for two scammers posing as security system repairmen

The suspect is described as a black male around 20 years of age. He was seen driving a silver Cadillac, possibly a CTS, with a California license plate, according to the press release. Complete article

These are the most commonly stolen items at Walmart 05/25/2023

Walmart is the biggest retailer in the world, raking in more than $600 billion in sales in its last 12 months.

The company’s profits are on the rise, but according to Walmart CEO Doug McMillion, so are the incidents of retail theft. McMillion told CNBC that theft has been higher than what it has been historically. They are suffering losses not just through shoplifting, but also through organized retail crime, where criminals methodically steal small or expensive items.

Incidence of theft on the rise among retailers

According to the retail consultant Strategy Resource Group, the average retailer has seen sales loss due to theft reach 2-3% this year, much higher than the 0.7-1% level before the pandemic. This percentage would translate to $12-18 billion in losses for Walmart for the past year. Complete article

Walmart employees are inundating the company's social-media site with memes making fun of management 05/25/2023

When Walmart rolled out its Facebook-designed social-media site, it touted it as a "digital town square where we can connect associates and teams to our strategy, our businesses, and each other." But it seems to have morphed into a breeding ground for memes.

One million Walmart workers, or more than half the retailer's US employee base, have signed up for the app, Workplace, the retailer told Insider.

But according to conversations with employees and screen grabs provided to Insider, it's clear that many workers aren't using Workplace to discuss strategy or business.

"Most of the posts I see on Workplace are just memes making fun of management and corporate," a Walmart employee from Minnesota said.

Insider spoke with five current employees about Workplace, the platform Walmart intended to use to boost morale. Workers' opinions varied from appreciation of the camaraderie the page fosters to ambivalence.

These employees were granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak with the media and feared retaliation. Insider knows and has verified their identities. Complete article

Michigan man says posting a meme about pooping on company time led to him filing for bankruptcy after he was sued by his employer 05/17/2023 According to the filing, Hidalgo failed to defend the defamation claims, and the court entered a default judgement of $150,000. Just over a year after the ruling, he filed for bankruptcy.

Sentencing hearing for El Paso Tx. Walmart killer will begin June 30 05/24/2023

UPDATE: Scene safe after explosive device found outside Schererville Ind. Walmart 05/22/2023

Woman wanted for allegedly not paying Bartow County Ga. Walmart 05/25/2023

Seven charged with setting Gulf Coast Walmart fires to be sentenced Friday 05/25/2023

Police: Williamsport man took $2,000 worth of items from Lewisburg Pa. Walmart 05/25/2023

Firefighter arrested, placed on leave after allegedly stealing Pokémon cards from Ohio Walmart 05/25/2023

34-Year-Old Apprehended in Barcode Scam at Sebastian Fla. Walmart 05/25/2023

Man steals $160 worth of items from Fla. Walmart to ‘give wife something nice’ 05/25/2023

El Paso Tx. District Attorney decides to pursue the death penalty in state’s case against Aug. 2019 Walmart shooter 05/25/2023

Scam text claims to be from Members 1st credit union, says you made a larger purchase at Walmart 05/26/2023 After she responded to the text asking if she needed a new card, Gramp got a call claiming to be from the Members 1st fraud department asking what she thought were routine questions. "But then they started asking for my ID, my password, other information, and I was, like, wait," Gramp said. That's when she hung up the phone and called the credit union directly.

Child killed, four injured in accident near Highway 72 Alabama Walmart 05/26/2023

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) — A child was killed and four others were injured in a two-vehicle accident Friday, according to HEMSI’s Don Webster.

Webster said HEMSI received the call about the accident at 5:32 p.m. The accident occurred in the 5500 block of Promenade Point Parkway, which is located near Walmart Supercenter off Highway 72 in Madison.

A male child was pronounced dead at the scene, Webster said. The four other patients were transported to Huntsville Hospital Trauma Services in stable condition. Complete article

Whitehaven Tenn. Walmart evacuated after person pulls out gun, MPD says 05/26/2023

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - A fight in the Walmart in Whitehaven resulted in customers having to evacuate the store, the Memphis Police Department (MPD) said.

According to MPD, two people were fighting inside the Walmart on Elvis Presley Blvd.

One person pulled out a gun and then ran out the store, police said.

According to MPD, no one was hurt and customers were allowed to go back inside after about 15 minutes. Complete article

Kohl's, Foot Locker, Target, Walmart say brazen retail theft worsening 05/25/2023

The nation's largest retailers are still feeling the effects of brazen retail theft despite their best efforts to prevent loss and increase safety for customers and employees.

The issue is putting employee and customer safety at risk, and also taking a toll on the profits of companies across the industry. Experts project things will continue to get worse unless laws are enacted to better assist in the federal investigation and prosecution of organized retail crime and recovery of lost goods.

In 2022, total shrink — the loss of inventory due to circumstances such as retail theft — cost retailers nearly $100 billion, and it is only getting worse, David Johnston, vice president of asset protection and retail operations for the National Retail Federation (NRF), told FOX Business. Complete article

Georgia man pleads guilty to stealing 5 rifles from Walmart last Nov., court officials say 05/26/2023

WORK IT OUT Ariz. Walmart shopper ‘caught’ after sneaky clothing trick ‘to try and break through store’s anti-theft measures’ 05/26/2023

Missing runaway teen last seen at Walmart on South Memorial Parkway in Huntsville Alabama 05/26/2023

Pettis County Man Arrested for Sexual Misconduct at Missouri Walmart 05/26/2023

Pembroke Pines man accused of ‘swinging’ penis in front of mom, daughters outside Fla. Walmart 05/26/2023

Man accused of taking pictures up 9-year-old girl’s skirt at Cranberry Pa. Walmart appears in court 05/26/2023

Fugitives Strike at Ohio Walmart: Urgent Search Begins 05/28/2023

The hunt is on for fugitives suspected of stealing from Walmart and assaulting a Walmart employee.

An officer from New Boston Police thought he heard a gunshot coming from a silver vehicle leaving the Walmart parking lot at 9:44 on Saturday evening.

The chase immediately began at high speed. ....

According to reports, the male is wanted for a felony warrant in a different county. It was reported that the female suspect was seen running from Walmart to a waiting silver SUV with a nice dress on.

At this hour, the Scioto County Sheriff’s Department is actively searching for both suspects. The New Boston police are working with Walmart security to gather video and photo evidence. Complete article

Police: Suspect stole money after smashing register at North Myrtle Beach SC Walmart 05/27/2023

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WMBF) - Police in North Myrtle Beach are searching for a suspect accused of stealing cash from a register at Walmart.

The North Myrtle Beach Police Department said in a statement that the incident happened Friday afternoon when the suspect went to the electronics section of the store.

Police said the suspect then grabbed the cash register and smashed it, taking around $2,000 inside. The suspect then ran off into the woods between the Walmart and the nearby Lowes Home Improvement store. Authorities were able to recover $800 in the parking lot. Complete article

Fire crews put out pallet fire threatening Citrus Heights Ca. Walmart 05/27/2023

CITRUS HEIGHTS, Calif. — Sacramento Metro Fire District officials are investigating after a large fire threatened a Citrus Heights Walmart Saturday evening.

The fire happened near the Walmart at 7010 Auburn Boulevard in Citrus Heights just before 5 p.m.

An estimated 100 pallets caught on fire outside. No injures were reported and the fire is under investigation. Complete article

Mesa man sentenced to prison for assaulting pregnant woman at Ariz. Walmart 05/26/2023 The incident happened in June 2021 at a Walmart in Casa Grande.

Testimony in Mobile Alabama Walmart arson case touches on false claims, sex parties and alleged coercion 05/26/2023

Salt Lake Utah Walmart employee gives paycheck to provide 'Peace and Hope' for women in Uganda 05/27/2023

Bloomfield Woman Arrested Following Incident at NY Walmart 05/28/2023

SWITCH UP Two Fla. Walmart shoppers arrested after sneaky self-checkout ‘switcheroo’ trick saw them ‘steal $876.26 of goods’ 05/28/2023

Pa. Walmart 'Thief' Nabbed For Clever Return Trick, Steals $3,000 from Store Before Arrest 05/28/2023

2 injured in shooting at Grafton WV Walmart, officials say 05/29/2023

Authorities are providing new information into a shooting at Walmart in Grafton that happened Monday afternoon.

Authorities say one person was shot and then went into the store at around 1:57 p.m.

Officials initially said there were two shooting victims, but it’s unclear if the second person was the suspect who authorities say later shot himself.

According to authorities, the victim and suspect knew each other. They called it an isolated incident. Complete article

1 shot near Grafton Walmart; suspect flees to Marion County, shoots self, authorities say 05/29/2023

Grafton WV Walmart suspect's truck being towed away from East Grafton Rd. 05/29/2023

Camillus NY Walmart customer upset with ATM machine points gun at employee who trips, falls 05/29/2023

Camillus, N.Y. — A customer inside a Walmart Supercenter was so upset after using an ATM that he pointed a gun at a store employee, Camillus police Capt. James Nightingale said.

The employee, a loss prevention officer, tripped and fell as the man pointed a gun at him, Nightingale said.

WAVES Ambulance took the Walmart employee to Crouse Hospital in Syracuse, he said.

Police are continuing to look for the man with a gun Monday night.

The incident began shortly before 5 p.m. when the man had trouble using the ATM inside the Walmart at 5399 W. Genesee St. Police are still trying to determine what exactly happened that made the man irate, but witnesses said the man began banging on the machine, the captain said. Complete article

Woman tried to kidnap 4-year-old from mom's shopping cart at Suffolk Va. Walmart 05/30/2023

Police said 35-year-old Keeta Nicole Neville tried to kidnap a 4-year-old boy Tuesday morning while he and his mother were in the self-checkout line.

SUFFOLK, Va. — A little boy is safe and with family, after Suffolk Police said a woman tried to kidnap the child at Walmart on College Drive.

Keeta Neville, 35, of Norfolk is now behind bars and charged in connection to this case. She is accused, in part, of felony abduction and assault.

Neville approached a mother and the mother's 4-year-old son by the self-checkout and tried to snatch the child, Suffolk police told 13News Now. Complete article

Court documents reveal Walmart kidnapping suspect has history of mental health concerns 05/31/2023

Affidavit: Attempted kidnapping in north Laredo Tx. Walmart had nexus to 'people in Mexico' 05/30/2023

The recent attempted kidnapping reported outside a north Laredo Walmart was over a drug problem with “the people in Mexico,” according to an arrest affidavit.

The case unfolded at about 6:31 p.m. May 1, when Laredo police officers responded to the Walmart on 2615 NE. Bob Bullock Loop for a kidnapping report. Initial reports indicated that a man was being forced into a gray Chrysler vehicle by a possible gang member, states the affidavit.

Officers met with a male complainant who stated that a man and a woman had attempted to kidnap him by pushing him into a van. Authorities learned that the attempted kidnapping occurred by the southwest store entrance. The complainant, his wife and their juvenile daughter were to the Laredo Police Department for a formal interview. Complete article

I’m Almost 67, I Worked 22 Years With Walmart, Yet Can’t Afford to Retire 05/29/2023

I’ll be turning 67 soon. I’d love to be able to retire on my birthday. I’d celebrate by spending the afternoon at the mall with my daughter and then start planning little trips to visit relatives.

But even after 22 years of working for Walmart, our nation’s largest employer, I can’t afford to retire any time soon.

Walmart does offer a 401(k) with matching funds. But with a high-deductible health plan and at my wage of just $16.83 an hour, I haven’t been able to save much at all for what should be my “golden years.”

Lots of my fellow Walmart associates are in the same boat. I know this from talking to my co-workers — and because companies have to report how many employees have zero balances in their 401(k) plans. At Walmart, 46 percent have not one dime in their accounts.

The situation for my top boss, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, could not be more different. Would you believe he has more than $169 million in his company retirement account? Complete article

I work at Walmart. Surviving gun violence shouldn't be part of my job. 04/06/2023 Cynthia Murray

SHAMEFUL FIND Mich. Walmart customer arrested after ‘item fell out of his pocket’ while using self-checkout – but it wasn’t for stealing 05/27/2023 He informed them of a small bag that was left atop the self-checkout counter, containing a white powdery substance. Police tested the substance and found that it tested positive for cocaine.

Walmart employee says Nov. Chesapeake Va. mass shooter targeted her personally in refiled $50M lawsuit 05/27/2023

Woman arrested after allegedly pushing police officer in WV Walmart 05/28/2023 BUCKHANNON – A Horner woman was arrested after allegedly attempting to shove a police officer. Joyce Nelson, 45, of Horner, W.Va., was arrested for breathing/inhaling certain intoxicating substances and battery on an officer, second offense.

Missing Cheatham County Tenn. woman spotted at California Walmart, deputy says 05/29/2023

Mastermind of Gulf Coast Walmart fires gets 18 years, double the prosecution recommendation 05/30/2023

Police investigating several car break-ins at Walmart in Manchester Missouri 05/30/2023

Shot fired during stolen vehicle incident at Minn. Walmart 05/31/2023

A Silver Bay man was grazed by a bullet during a stolen vehicle situation at the Hermantown Walmart.

Shortly after 10:00pm Tuesday night, Hermantown Police Officers located a stolen vehicle in the store’s parking lot. No one was in the vehicle when officers arrived on scene.

A short time later, officers saw a man leave Walmart and walk towards the stolen vehicle. Officers approached the 42-year-old suspect as he was getting into the vehicle, and attempted to make an arrest. Authorities say a single round was fired by the suspect, who had a firearm inside the vehicle, and it’s believed the round grazed the suspect’s head.

Officers provided first aid on scene, and the suspect was taken to the hospital for further treatment. No officers were injured. Complete article

Silver Bay man faces charges after Hermantown Walmart police presence 05/31/2023 It was not immediately clear how the suspect is connected to the stolen vehicle or if he intended to fire the weapon at himself.

Overnight shooting in Tx. Walmart parking lot follows apparent drug deal, police say 05/31/2023

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — Police are looking into potential suspects as they continue their investigation into an overnight shooting in the parking lot of a local Walmart.

According to Sgt. Charlie Eipper, Public Information Officer with the Wichita Falls Police Department, officers were dispatched to the Walmart located at 5131 Greenbriar Road on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at around 12:34 a.m. in reference to a shooting in the parking lot.

Sgt. Eipper said a white Hyundai Elantra and a black vehicle were involved in the incident, though he did not comment on the type, make, or model of the black vehicle.

Police said as they were responding to the scene, they received a call from someone who claimed they were involved in a shooting at Walmart. The reporting party said they were in a white vehicle on Henry S. Grace Freeway and were being followed by a black vehicle. Complete article

Arizona man accused of trying kill ex inside Peoria Walmart 05/31/2023

PEORIA, Ariz. — A 55-year-old man has been booked into jail for allegedly assaulting and strangling his ex-girlfriend inside a Walmart store in Peoria.

David Milhorn was taken into custody after Walmart customers pulled him off of his former girlfriend Tuesday afternoon, court records show.

The victim obtained an order of protection against Milhorn last month. She told police she ran into him while she was shopping at the Walmart near 83rd and Peoria avenues.

According to court records, the victim alleged Milhorn rammed his shopping cart into her, shoved her to the ground, strangled her, and threatened to "kill" the woman. Complete article

15-Year-Old Boy Stabbed in Walmart Parking Lot in San Marcos 06/01/2023

A male juvenile was detained in connection with a stabbing of a 15-year-old boy on Wednesday night in San Marcos, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department reported Thursday.

The attack was reported at 8:15 p.m. in the 700 block of Center Drive, in the parking lot of a Walmart.

Deputies found the victim with stab wounds to his abdomen, and then located the suspect at a nearby Sprinter station, officials said. Complete article

Multistate effort douses fire engulfing Walmart truck on I-15 on-ramp near border of Utah and Ariz. 06/01/2023

BLACK ROCK, Ariz. — Firefighting crews from multiple states and cities extinguished a blaze that enveloped the cab of a Walmart semitrailer carrying water bottles on the last on-ramp of north Interstate 15 just before the Utah border Wednesday.

The St. George Fire Department was first on the scene with three engines after the fire was reported around 11:30 a.m. on the Black Rock Road on-ramp to the northbound I-15. They were followed by firefighters from the Bureau of Land Management and the Beaver Dam Littlefield Fire District, with the latter department taking lead.

The fire was mostly out by noon and very little of the surrounding brush was blackened. The on-ramp, however, remained blocked until 12:30 p.m., with the debris removed by 2 p.m. Complete article

Accidents Happen Minutes Apart Outside Walmart In Peru Ill. And Near Y In Mendota 05/31/2023

A couple of bad crashes at highly traveled locations in Mendota and Peru.

At around 3:15 Wednesday afternoon, police and paramedics responded to a crash involving at least three vehicles on Route 251 near the Mendota YMCA. A Peru ambulance was called to help Mendota with the response.

About a half hour later, an ambulance was called to Walmart in Peru for a 12-year-old girl who was hit by a vehicle near an entrance. Dispatch reports mentioned that she was conscious and alert. Complete article

VIDEO: Deer finds its way into Flint Twp. area Walmart 06/01/2023

FLINT TOWNSHIP, Mich. – A doe found its way into a local Walmart store on Memorial Day.

Check out the body cam footage from Flint Township Police: Complete article
What did the deer say when she wanted to be left alone?
"Doe away!"

At least that's what we think she said as this doe ran through Walmart on Memorial Day. Seriously doe, Flint Township Officers responded to find the deer playing hide and seek in the sporting goods section before making it's own get-away path through a wall. Officer Knapp managed to buck up the courage to wrangle it to the ground and direct it outside back into mother

Walmart votes down all nine shareholders proposals 05/31/2023

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Walmart voted down all nine shareholder proposals made at the 2023 Shareholders' meeting.

Shareholders presented proposals on the risks of doing business with China, executive compensation, human rights, racial equality, workplace safety and violence. The company opposed all these proposals in its proxy statement and all seven failed.

Last year, shareholders presented seven proposals focused on health concerns and sick leave. All seven failed that year too.

Walmart's Shareholders' Week is locally known for the Associates' Celebration, but the actual business is done at the Shareholders' meeting a few days prior.

That's where people who own stock in Walmart vote on formal business and proxy proposals.

In years past, the meeting was held in person. In 2019, Sen. Bernie Sanders appeared to present a resolution calling for wage increases and for an hourly worker to sit on the company's board. It failed. Complete article

Teen gets 2 life sentences for killing of brothers in Colorado Walmart parking lot in Aug. 2020 05/30/2023

Storm Lake Man Charged for Huffing Air Canisters in Iowa Walmart 05/31/2023

Former employee refiles lawsuit in Nov. Chesapeake Va. Walmart shooting 05/30/2023

Police: Joliet Ill. man banned from Walmart refused to stay away from store 05/3/2023 A Joliet man who is banned from Walmart on West Jefferson Street is facing a felony charge after he was accused of refusing to stay away from the store and calling 911 for an ambulance so he could get a ride, police said.

Electrical burning smell leads to priority one response at Walmart in Battle Ground Wash. 05/30/2023

Teens Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Woman's Purse at Walmart in Shelton 05/31/2023

Possible bomb threat prompts evacuation at E. Wichita Kansas Walmart 05/31/2023

‘I would so do that’: Walmart puts white Gatorade on sale for 16 cents per bottle. He buys $350 worth of Gatorade for $50 05/31/2023

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