Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Barack Obama Gives Us Permission To Take UFOs Seriously, But Not Honestly!

For decades the mainstream media has practically never covered UFOs at all, and on the rare occasions where they do they only cover it briefly as if it was a joke not to be taken seriously and without checking any facts. The only notable exception for the past decade or so has been the Ancient Aliens series on the History Channel, and a few other rare and lower profile shows. However, these shows are almost never taken in a serious manner. This wasn't always the case; some of the best research was done decades ago when some people still took it seriously.

That began to change a little when Barrack Obama admitted they couldn't explain what they are, and a few other people from the mainstream media admitted that although they couldn't prove they were alien crafts, they couldn't rule it out either. In the beginning of May there were a few traditional reports treating the upcoming disclosures, as a result of a clause in the COVID relief bill requiring them, a few media pundits treated it as a joke, as usual; but this changed almost overnight after Barack Obama's statements, when most reporters suddenly treated it like a serious subject.

However, they're ignoring a long history of UFO research, some very good, although it's often mixed up with bad research for us to sort through, and one of the things they focus on the most is the potential that they might attack, which is silly since they've been around for decades, if not thousands of years, and if they were going to attack they would have done so already. They've also speculated about the possibility that some of it could be Russian and Chinese and that they might be a threat to us, which isn't much more credible.

Caitlin Johnstone has pointed out the flaws with this argument in a series of at least four articles. (1, 2, 3, 4) The truth of the matter is that nothing has changed dramatically in the appearance of the UFOs and the research into them except for the fact that the mainstream cable news is mentioning it at all; so the only difference is that more people are paying attention. Many people, often including me, have ridiculed the Ancient Aliens series on the History Channel because they've always made an excessive amount of obvious scientific blunders and they over hype everything without presenting it in a credible manner; however, despite all their flaws, they're still much more credible than the mainstream media, since they don't ignore as much research, although we have to be careful to sort out all the false information. So any good researcher has to be prepared to learn as much traditional science as they can to recognize many obvious false claims.

Just because they're finally covering the subject in traditional media doesn't mean they're covering the most basic principles, which is more important than most people realize, since they've made little or no effort to explain this in the past to the majority of the public, instead treating it like a joke. Some of the best research on the subject is decades old, when it was taken seriously by some people. This includes coverage of many major UFO sightings that many people have forgotten about, and some of the skeptical arguments as to why they couldn't be from another solar system. Another thing to keep in mind is that there's been an enormous number of these reports and hundreds of credible witnesses or researchers over the decades; which means, either there's something to this, or there's a massive effort to make it seem like there is when it's false, which may be even more bizarre than the existence of aliens from another solar system.

One of the strongest arguments why UFOs couldn't possibly be from other planets decades ago was that they were just too far and it was impossible to travel faster than the speed of light to get here in a reasonable time. This argument hasn't been completely refuted; however rapid advancements in science have overcome many of the obstacles, especially if you consider the possibility that they rely on automation, artificial intelligence, advance propulsion and many other technologies that are developing far faster than anyone suspected might happen fifty years ago.

Furthermore, there have been dozens of claims, some more credible than others, like those from Philip Corso, who said that he helped share technology developed from crashed alien technology that has been reverse engineered. If true, this would explain how so much new technology developed so fast after thousands of years of comparatively stagnant development. If this is false then there has to be a reason why so many people helped fabricate these stories; and there also have to be other explanations for many other major unsolved mysteries which this theory would begin to explain.

With the media coverage only covering possible hostile motives, which are almost certainly out of the question, it keeps most people distracted from considering other potential motives, or narrowing down their activities to the best of our ability, for example determining whether they arrived shortly after World War II when mass media first reported on UFOs or if they've been here much longer, possibly influencing the movement of ancient megaliths, as many Ancient Aliens theorists seem to believe.

Of course, one of the most famous claims from skeptics of UFOs or any other major unsolved mystery is that, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," and that evidence might exist; however, with UFOs and many other unsolved mysteries that evidence, if it exists, often requires a close look at the facts, which many people hesitate to do. This is why extraordinary evidence that gets right to the point may be a good place to start, and the best example of this that I know of may be ancient megaliths, which we know were moved long distances. I went into this more in 107 Wonders of the Ancient World where I explained that experiments were done to move megaliths up to ten tons successfully; in some cases they included efforts to erect the megaliths or get them onto a sledge, which was used to tow them, proving this could be done. There were some cases with megaliths eight to ten tons where they cheated to get them on the sledge, but all experiments above ten tons, up to forty tons cheated to get them onto the sledge. With the larger megaliths, including at least one twenty five tons and another forty tons, they were only able to move them short distances with an enormous amount of problems, including broken ropes or sledges. They didn't even try to move them above forty tons with ancient technology.

To get right to the point, with megaliths between ten and forty tons, even though they cheated for part of the experiments, they still failed.

Roger Hopkins was one of the experimenters on the efforts to move the biggest megaliths and initially said that he would be able to prove that it could be done with ancient technology but was eventually forced to admit that he couldn't figure it out, although he didn't argue it was conclusive evidence it was aliens. I haven't tried to argue that this alone is evidence of influence by aliens; however, it does raise major doubts about the official scientific explanation for the social evolution of the human race, and if anything, proves that it's incomplete, at best, or more likely false. This should be adequate evidence to encourage scientific people to consider at least one or more other theories to explain how the megaliths were moved.

It's hard to imagine how supporters of natural evolution can possibly explain this without some influence from an unknown advanced intelligence of some sort; however, they refuse to seriously consider this possibility anyway, assuming they acknowledge the research. This is, of course, how they continue to portray social evolution as entirely natural, they simply pretend this research doesn't exist, which is highly unscientific.

This should open the door to scientific speculation, with caution not to claim that theories are factual until they're thoroughly reviewed and other possibilities are considered. Yet, when traditional scientists refuse to acknowledge this incredibly obvious flaw in their beliefs they allow Ancient Aliens theorists, despite all their flaws, to do a better job on at least this one subject. This could be a serious mistake, since they might attract some blind believers, without rational scrutiny. In some cases, some of the highest profile theorists, perhaps including Richard Dolan and Nick Pope, may do a fairly good job most of the time; but other theorists, perhaps including David Wilcock, might be fanatical scam artists. To the best of my knowledge David Wilcock hasn't been on the show in three and a half years and may not be coming back, but some supporters of the Ancient Aliens theory, including David Wilcock, support some bizarre claims, often including those supported by QAnon or something similar.

When so-called scientific people resort to ridicule to deal with the subject, while ignoring major unsolved mysteries, like how megaliths were moved, they often appear as ridiculous as fringe believers, which is why it would help for the rest of us to learn the fundamentals of science and sort through it ourselves, since we can't trust either side to do a good job. However, if we start with basics we may be able to narrow down the nature of any unknown advanced intelligence that may have influenced the movement of megaliths thousands of years ago. Prior to the Ancient Aliens theories the most common explanation was that various Gods influenced the movement of the megaliths. Most of these megaliths were moved by what would be considered Pagan religions; however, some of them, including several ancient Egyptian obelisks were relocated by the Christian religion, the biggest one was 455 tons moved to Rome in the fourth century by Constantius II, son of Constantine, and erected under orders from Pope Sixtus V in the sixteenth century, despite experiments that showed this should have been impossible with technology available to them.

If there was an unknown advanced intelligence that was interpreted to be a "God" of some sort, whether it was Pagan or the God of Abraham, worshiped by Jews, Christians and Muslims, then we've had sufficient knowledge to narrow down his characteristics for thousands of years, although the worshipers of this God have been reluctant to believe it. Epicurus once said the following about 2,300 years ago:
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

This should be enough to determine that if there is an unknown advanced intelligence that influenced our early social evolution, whether you call it God or alien, then it must have an unknown motive that isn't necessarily in our best interests. If "God" or aliens mistaken for God were benevolent then they could have communicated thousands of years ago and provided much better advice on how to avoid many of the atrocities since then. This is one of the most fundamental ways of narrowing down the characteristics of any unknown advanced intelligence, whether you call it "God" alien or anything else; however a shocking percentage of the public is unwilling to correct fundamental flaws in their beliefs. In the long run, to fix this we'll have to provide much better childhood education teaching fundamental logic. But in the short run, it may be only those ready willing and able to think rationally, and even then many people will be more likely to go along with more popular belief systems, even though they might be logically flawed.

Jacque Vallee once said that we may need an "Invisible College" to study this, or individuals might want to do their own research. He is one of the few good authors on the subject, but even he's not perfect; at one point he claimed that ancient civilizations had the technology and ability to create all the wonders attributed to them, which he should have known isn't true. Nevertheless even though even the best books on UFOs often have a few flaws in them, they're far better than what the mainstream media reports, and in most cases, the best books were written decades ago.

I went into this more myself in UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor which reviews some of the history of UFOs and the evidence surrounding it, which is almost completely ignored by mainstream media, in some cases, even Ancient Aliens on the History Channel ignores some of the most important research, including a lot with fewer scientific blunders. Most UFO theorists assume that in order for aliens to get here from incredibly long distances they have to develop technology that enables them to go faster than the speed of light or find some kind of a short cut, like a theoretical wormhole, of some sort; however, to the best of my knowledge there's no evidence to prove that this is possible. Many people have claimed that without some way to speed up transportation it should be impossible to get here from an inhabitable planet, but that argument may have seemed more credible decades ago, before an enormous amount of technology was developed to overcome many of these obstacles.

If other theorists turn out to be right about traveling the distance much faster, then, of course, it is much more likely that aliens can get here in the first place; but if it's not possible, my Occam's Razor article focuses on the possibility that they can travel over a much longer time, presumably hundreds if not thousands of years, using artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and many other advanced technology they might have developed to cover this distance; James Hanson, a NASA scientist specializing on Climate Change, also developed a similar science fiction story, as a warning showing how aliens could arrive hundreds of years in the future to see a planet that was destroyed.

It's virtually impossible to tell which of these theories are true, assuming aliens were able to travel the long distances at all; but we can narrow it down to two theories generally, speaking. Either aliens exist and they made it here or not. If they do exist and managed to travel the long distances, either through automation or faster advance space travel then their existence could begin to explain many major mysteries, some going back thousands of years. If not, then there has to be another explanation for all these unexplained mysteries, including how they moved megaliths and other unsolved mysteries, like many mystics, some going back thousands of years as well, UFOs, crop circles, cattle mutilations, and even how our technology suddenly started developing at a much faster rate than it has for thousands of years, after World War II.

If, on the other hand, aliens haven't made it across these long distances, then there has to be another explanation for all these unsolved mysteries. If the scientific establishment, which seems to believe this, wants their theory to be the leading viable one, using scientific methods, they can't ignore all these unsolved mysteries, which is exactly what they're doing. Since they're not doing this, it may be reasonable to consider the Ancient Aliens theory to be the most viable, although with all the flaws on the series from the History Channel, that version wouldn't be the best.

Either there's a massive effort to cover up the fact that aliens exist, and a strong possibility that they also made contact and exchanged technology; or there's a massive effort to make it seem like this is true, when it's not. Either way a large number of people either faking it or covering it up are from the military, and there must be lots of people in the government that know more than they're letting on. There's a strong possibility that this includes Obama and many other officials currently or previously in positions of power, including Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, both who have claimed they wanted disclosure, although they almost certainly know more than they admit, and if alien technology has been shared with corporations, Podesta and Clinton have ties to the same corporations so they have a major conflict of interest.

If there really have been aliens visiting us for decades, since Roswell, or more likely thousands of years when they could have influenced the movement of megaliths, then there's a far greater chance, if not almost guaranteed, that "The Day After Roswell." written by Colonel Philip Corso is surprisingly close to the truth and that not only did he share alien technology with corporations, but there may have been much more exchanges of technology responsible for a large portion of the incredibly rapid advances over the past seventy years, escalating even more over the past twenty or thirty years. If this is true, then it should interest everyone, including those concerned with many other subjects that may be related, including constantly fighting wars based on lies, spying on citizens, a corrupt economic and political system, and many other subjects, since this advanced technology would impact all these subjects.

Another researcher that has reported on numerous sources making similar claims is Richard Dolan author of "UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991" 2009. which also discusses the possibility that our government has been in contact with aliens and has made some kind of a deal with them in exchange for their technology. Generally speaking, the most credible researchers, like Allen Hynek and Edward Ruppelt often don't go beyond what they can be absolutely certain of based on evidence.

There's an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that there's been a major unsolved mystery surrounding UFOs for seventy years, and there must be more to it than the hard evidence, which researchers like Hynek and Ruppelt, report on; however, in most cases the theories, with incomplete evidence, are less certain. This doesn't necessarily mean, as many pseudo-skeptics claim or imply that they're all false, just that the need to be confirmed or refuted, like other scientific theories at this stage.

Among the researchers that do go beyond the hard facts associated with UFOs a couple of the most reliable ones include Jacques Vallee and Richard Dolan. Jacques Vallee has been theorizing about how UFOs might have ties to religious beliefs or many more myths for decades; and some of this may be a real possibility, but most of it need additional confirmation if it's true. One possible exception might be the incident at Fatima over a hundred years ago, which I wrote about previously and will mention a little more below.

Richard Dolan is also among the most reliable sources, covering a large number of theories and other people that have claimed that aliens have shared technology with the military, government or corporations, however, if you look carefully not all of his sources are as reputable as many of us would like, and many of them are anonymous, however, he doesn't try to give them more credibility than they deserve. Dolan cites numerous sources, with varying credibility that claim that there has been some contact with aliens; however, once again, all of them need some additional back up evidence to prove they're true, and some of them might be partially or completely discredited. This isn't unusual in UFO research as I pointed out several times including in Alien technology shared? Or Massive & Sophisticated Hoax? where I discussed the Serpo documents, which many followers of UFOs consider credible evidence of contact with aliens.

In my previous article about Serpo, which is an alleged planet allegedly orbiting the Zeta Reticuli star system I pointed out that at least one of the documents attributed to this disclosure can't possibly be true, since it claims that the planet is a little over ninety million miles from each of the stars, but these stars are unusually far apart for a binary system, about 350 billion miles. The large distance may be the only reason why it might be possible for a planet orbiting this star system to have a consistent enough environment for billions of years to develop life, since closer binary systems will fluctuate wildly in temperature depending on what time of year it is; however, it shows that these alleged disclosures are factually inaccurate.

Ideally, of course, I would prefer more reliable sources; however, not all of them have been discredited; and if aliens have shared technology, either reverse engineered, like Philip Corso claimed, or through direct contact like other sources claim some of this speculation is almost certainly close to the truth. Surely if aliens have been here for thousands of years they must have some motive, and if they allowed the sharing of technology, this implies the strong possibility of some kind of a deal, as many of these theories suggest.

In most of my previous articles about this subject I've speculated that if the aliens exist and have reached our planet, possibly thousands of years ago, their most likely motive might be researching various subjects, especially if they couldn't do it elsewhere. This could include research into health care, weather modification and many other subjects. If there is some truth to this then it could explain how rapid technology has advanced over the past seven decades, including the ability to overcome the obstacles that we previously thought would make space travel impossible. Even if there haven't been exchanges of technology, this is worth serious consideration, since there's no doubt there's an enormous amount of research on many subjects, but a large portion of it is only being disclosed in a low profile manner, and the benefits are often given mostly, if not entirely to the wealthy, while the people being used for medical research are almost entirely the poor, often minorities.

An enormous amount of research on this subject is available without consideration of the technology coming from aliens, including "The Truth About Drug Companies" by Dr. Marcia Angell, "Medical Apatheid" and "Deadly Monopolies" by Harriet Washington. The research shown here and many other sources should be taken even without consideration of technology from aliens, assuming it exists, but if it turns out that it does, then we should consider the possibility that alien technology is helping create advances in medical research, and it could add to one more reason why drug companies should be able to gouge us with patents. But whether alien technology influenced this or not, their research showed the development of drugs was done with tax payer money anyway, so this is brazen subsidies for drug companies, and in many cases they price the drugs out of people ability to pay, possibly costing lives, or if they manage to pay for it, the high cost might drive people into bankruptcy.

Another major medical issue that should be discussed much more, with or without alien technology, is organ transplants, perhaps, in many cases without consent, especially in third world countries, including China as I went into in Researching Poor, Slaves, Prisoners, To Benefit Ruling Class With Alien Technology? Once again, there's an enormous amount of evidence showing major problems with unethical organ transplants, sometimes even including "Organ Harvesting" where donors are forced to donate without consent, sometimes even for vital organs, causing their deaths, or "Organ Transplant Tourism," where people from wealthy countries travel to third world countries, including China, to take advantage of unethical organ transplants.

The evidence that this is going on, as I pointed out in that article, and several others, is strong and from credible sources which don't even consider the possibility of medical technology being advanced as a result of help from aliens; however, if Corso is right, then there's a strong possibility that alien technology might impact it as well. With or without alien technology, we need far more disclosure about the source of transplant organs, so that wealthy people won't be able to abuse the poor who might be forced to donate, especially since many of these transplants may fail anyway so we may be sacrificing healthy lives for those who may not make it anyway.

Furthermore, with or without alien technology our medical industry is being used primarily to maximize profits for the wealthy who already have more money than they need, not to look out for the best interests for all equally. Even without sophisticated research, or alien technology, we have enough evidence to show that Medicare for All will save billions of dollars every year and thousands of lives, as several studies have proven. And as Harriet Washington and Marcia Angell demonstrated our tax payer money finances most research for advanced medical technology, so there's no justification for patents enabling them to gouge consumers, driving them into bankruptcy, or worse, costing their lives because they can't afford it.

There may be stronger evidence to support the theory that there is some research going on to modify the weather, and that if aliens have been around for hundreds of years they may have already understood some of this over a hundred years ago, if not thousands of years ago. The evidence that our government, the military, numerous corporations and the academic community have been involved in weather modification research comes from reports available to the public, assuming they know where to look for it, including ten annual reports that were required by law in the nineteen-sixties.

I went into this previously in the second half of an article, Forgotten History Exposing The Illusion Of Democracy & Government Reports on Weather Control, which includes excerpts from at least four speeches by president Johnson and excerpts from the tenth and final mandatory report. If you're skeptical about possible alien involvement, you can go directly to the speeches by Johnson or read the entire Weather Modification: Tenth Annual Report, 1968 and read it. My article includes an abridged segment of this report, and perhaps the most important segment is the following excerpt from the Apendix on pages 110-112 where they express concerns about the revocation of mandatory reporting at a time when the research is getting more complicated:
Answers to many of the pressing social, economic, legal and ecological answers are needed now while the operational programs are still in the planning and pilot stage.


It is obvious that the ultimate development of successful weather control procedures requires that society learn how to use them well, and with a deep sense of understanding of the ultimate potential for both gain and loss. p.109

On July 18, 1968, Public Law 90-407 was signed by the President which provided, among other things, for modification of the scope of research activities by the National Science Foundation. Incorporated in this law was a clause repealing Public Law 85-510 as of September 1, 1968, under which the Foundation was required to maintain records of all field applications of weather modification activity and to report annually to the President and Congress. With this termination of the authority derived from Public Law 85-510, the Foundation amended its Federal Regulation 45 CFR 632 to delete the mandatory aspects of reporting and to request voluntary reporting from field operators of weather modification activities in the interest of scientific research. Since no Federal agency has been assigned authority to maintain or operate a mandatory reporting system as of September 1, 1968, the Federal Council for Science and Technology has requested the Foundation to continue to maintain these records on a voluntary submission basis until responsibility is assigned elsewhere.

….. It will be noted that the area reported each year to be under weather modification treatment increased in fiscal year 1967 over that of fiscal year 1966 by approximately 10 percent but declined sharply in fiscal year 1968. There is no way from the available records to assess this drop in reported area or operation except to note that in many cases operators have become much more conservative in estimating the size of the area to be affected by their seeding operations. ... p.111

From the table it is also noted that the number of reported projects dropped from 79 in fiscal year 1968, which might indicate that some new projects were not reported to the Foundation in the summer of 1968 due to the anticipated termination of Public Law 85-510. It is noted that the number of new projects reported under the voluntary reporting system since September 1, 1968, is considerably reduced over a similar period in the previous years when mandatory reporting was in effect. This appears to emphasize the need for reestablishing a mandatory reporting system at the earliest possible date if the scientific value of the reporting information is to be retained. In past years there were several instances where experimenters were alerted to possible interference patterns in their patterns in their operation and were able to get together to resolve possible conflicts. From this standpoint alone, Federal reporting has been of considerable value to both the Federal research establishment and the scientific community as a whole. These records have also been of great value to the general public in establishing the presence or absence of seeding activity in their geographic localities. P.111-2

This is clear evidence to indicate that the academic world has been conducting research into weather modification since the fifties, and at a time when they knew it was going to be more complicated, possibly effecting some people in positive ways and others in negative ways, increasing the need for more disclosure, they did the opposite, reducing the amount of disclosure required. Some of the researchers were clearly outraged, but they saved their strongest concerns for the appendix which normally fewer people read.

At the time the weather modification research publicly reported was relatively simple, including dissipating fog at airports, attempting to reduce large hail stones to reduce crop circles, which was done by increasing the number of hail stones per cubic meter, to absorb the moisture before the stones got bigger, ensuring they would melt before hitting the ground, and cloud seeding to increase rain in certain areas. There's no doubt that there's more advanced weather control research that has been done, but the most reliable research has only been reported in a relatively low profile manner, while some of the exaggerated less reliable claims often gets more attention.

For example, Tim Flannery, a credible scientist and author of "The Weather Makers" reported that after 9/11, when all air craft was grounded around the country, if not around the world, they found that the difference between night time temperatures and daytime temperatures increased by two degrees. The only way they could explain this was that contrails produced by airplanes reflected the sunlight cooling the planet slightly. This received very little attention; while claims about "Chemtrails" or "HAARP" which most scientists dismiss as fringe conspiracy theory often gets much more attention. Many people, including me are skeptical of most of these claims, but since the scientific community is conducting a large portion of their research in secret I can't completely rule out the possibility that some of it might be true.

Furthermore, if aliens have been around hundreds if not thousands of years, the largest UFO sighting, just over a hundred years ago, may provide evidence to show that they understood some form of weather control before our government and the academic world even began modern weather control research, and it may also provide evidence linking UFOs to religion. In 1917, on the thirteenth of each month from May to October, there were unusual phenomenon associated with religion that began with alleged visions to three little children. A lot of exaggerations and outright lies were added to this story, but based on the earliest reports after Jacinta, the youngest child, may have jumped to the conclusion that they saw "Our Lady." Within a day or so, Lucia Santos's mother asked her about it and she responded by saying, "I never said it was our lady rather a small pretty lady. I even asked Jacinta (age 7) and Francisco (age 9) to say nothing." Lucia, age 10, was considered the most reliable of the three children; while her cousins were prone to religious exaggerations, which they allegedly got from their father.

She went on to say, "She told me that we should continue to go there for six consecutive months, (the six months seems to include May, which had passed by this time, it was actually five more) on the 13th of each month, and at the end of the time, she would tell us who she was and what she wanted of us." The only prediction, at this time, was that she would return and contact them, which she seems to have done, although the children were all in a trance which was witnessed by more people on each of the following five months. There may have been an implied prediction of additional unusual phenomena, especially after June 13th when more witnesses saw unexplained things, which happened more each month as the crowd of witnesses also grew.

The unusual phenomena that happened each month, on the 13th and August 19th included additional visions of the "small pretty lady," which only the children could see while in a trance, unusual weather and UFOs, among other things which all the witnesses could see, including an estimated 50,000 people in October, as I went into in greater detail in UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun." That article explains much more, but there's a significant amount of evidence that there was contact from an unknown advanced intelligence, which Lucia referred to as "a small pretty lady," that knew that there would be UFOs and unusual weather phenomena would happen on the days predicted.

This could reasonably be interpreted as evidence to indicate that the same unknown advanced intelligence controlling UFOs may also be able to partially influence the weather, and may have been influencing religion for thousands of years, especially when considering the megaliths and other structures that should have been impossible to build with ancient technology thousands of years ago. If aliens did make contact with our government and the academic world the evidence showing they might have been able to partially control the weather would have been public at that time, although the vast majority of the public wouldn't have known where to look for it. However, the aliens and the academic world would have known where to look for this evidence, and more, so it could be taken into consideration if they made some form of deal to exchange for technology. Prior to the alleged contact point between aliens and out government, perhaps a few years after World War II, there was also an enormous amount of evidence of many unexplained mystics, which were often mixed up with false beliefs, but once again, both the aliens and the academic world would have known where to look for this evidence to fact check it, while considering a possible deal. Some additional evidence surrounding mystics may have included at least one, Padre Pio, who was alive at that time, and a couple others, Uri Geller and Jose Arigo, that became famous later. They would have been able to fact check these even closer while considering a possible deal.

Furthermore, Climate Change as a result of human activity is a form of geoengineering, and studying it is a form of studying weather modification, whether or not it's being done intentionally for that purpose. I went into this more previously as well in Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory. The weather modification report I cited above indicated they knew something about how industrial activity would impact the environment in the long run, at least one other source shows they may have understood some of it in the late fifties, and there are numerous reports showing the ExxonMobil understood much more than they admitted to in the eighties, at a time when the research was even stronger, yet they created Climate Change denial propaganda and lobbied to avoid accountability.

Furthermore, the weather modification report also shows that the military, oil companies, other corporations and colleges were all involved in weather modification research, and some of them worked with each other to coordinate their research. When we hear about oil companies who knew about this decades ago and covered it up while creating propaganda they know is false to increase profits we assume this is because of greed or fanaticism, but even for oil companies destroying the planet isn't in their own best interests. Nevertheless many will accept that this is because of greed for the oil companies and others that profit from it; however, there are many more people involved in this research and they know much better.

Are all the people involved in this research that aren't getting a significant share of the loot insanely obsessed with helping oil companies make massive amounts of money they can never spend while the environment is being destroyed? This makes even less sense when you consider the obvious fact that this money will be useless if it causes our society to collapse!

This makes absolutely no sense at all, and they must know something we don't or at least they must think they know something we don't!

If, on the other hand, this is part of a weather control research project, possibly as a result of a deal with aliens, then many of the people involved in it might think they can get advanced technology that might help reverse the process and repair the damage done; however, even without inside knowledge, there's an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that even if such a deal was made the aliens might not be trustworthy enough to keep their part of the deal or provide full disclosure of the amount of damage being done. Even without inside knowledge it's clear that an enormous number of innocent lives are being sacrificed, with little guarantee of any benefits.

And, of course, we've already been warned that we may be close to a point of no return, where we won't be able to repair the damage before it spirals out of control.

In both 2016 and 2020 Bernie Sanders ran on a massive progressive platform that included major reforms to reverse Climate Change and in 2018, The Squad also ran on this platform warning people that we only have ten to twelve years to implement massive changes to reverse Climate Change before we reach a point of no return where it will spiral beyond our control! Then all of these progressives, plus a few more elected before 2018 or in 2020 all abandoned their efforts to make significant changes and rallied behind Pelosi and Biden even though they're both ridiculing the reforms we need or lying about them, pretending small efforts will make a difference. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has even collected an enormous amount of money from progressive donors, who think they're donating to progressive causes and transfered those funds to corporate Democrats and those trained by the CIA!

Are progressives who claimed to champion the environment insanely obsessed with helping the oil companies make massive profits while destroying the planet? If they believe their own claims about a point of no return without massive changes, then the answer clearly appears to be yes.

I can't confirm their previous claims that we could be approaching a point of no return as a result of Climate Change spiraling out of control in ten years; however there is an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that we should have stopped the environmental destruction decades ago and begun repairing the damage, and there's no doubt the longer we wait the harder it will be assuming it's possible, to repair the damage. This is also true with or without advanced technology that might be available from aliens.

Also, whether the massive advances in technology happened with or without influence from aliens, they're being controlled by a small fraction of the public and they're far more concerned with using this technology to enrich themselves and control the masses than using it to benefit most of us. This is true in one field after another, for example, instead of using increased research to resolve our differences, we're using massive advances in technology to ensure that we're at a permanent state of war, and those controlling it can dominate the third world; instead of providing Medicare for All saving enormous amount of money and lives, they gouging people costing many lives; instead of dramatically increasing the use of clean energy, possibly by taxing fossil fuels to subsidize clean energy, we continue providing much more subsidies for oil companies escalating the destruction of the environment; instead of repairing public water so it's safe and inexpensive, we're marketing bottled water, which costs much more, creates astronomical amount of plastic waste, and is destroying much more of our fresh water supply; and one issue after another that is destructive for the majority for short term unsustainable profits for campaign donors!

If the rapid development of technology wasn't brought about with the help of alien technology there's still an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that it was done with the help of government subsidies, as some people including Noam Chomsky say, in a system which "Socializes the risk and privatizes the profit," which means the oligarchs controlling our economy obtained their wealth through fraud not innovation. Making a case showing how large corporations dominated the market as a result of political connections is beyond the scope of this article but other sources show how oligarchs like Walmart, Amazon, insurance companies, military contractors and many other corporations.

However, if alien technology has been used to develop all the modern advancements this makes the argument much stronger to nationalize many industries that have been benefiting unfairly from this technology, which is used primarily to control the majority of us while only providing most benefits for a small minority with political connections and access to important information to make decisions.

In a functioning Democracy we all need access to the information on every given subject to make important decisions. When it comes to UFOs either they're hiding an enormous amount of information about the existence of the UFOs and many other unsolved mysteries, including mystics, crop circles, cattle mutilations etc. or there's a massive effort to make it seem like UFOs are here when they're not. This isn't limited to this subject; on any other subject there's one version of truth presented by the mass media and another one for a small percentage of the public that researches better sources and finds out the media and political establishment are distorting the truth or in many cases outright lying!

Those who study foreign policy honestly, checking alternative sources, know that we fight one war after another based on lies, not to defend freedom; those that study our economic system with an open mind know that it's rigged in favor of the rich; those that study environmental destruction and Climate Change know that both political parties are catering to corporations and the same goes for many other subjects, where people check alternative media outlets that do much better fact checking. In most of these subjects there is much better research in alternative media outlets, libraries, and the academic world than there is for UFOs, but we can be certain they're distorting the truth on just about every subject.

And we can be certain that if more people took UFOs seriously we would have much better peer review. As it stands, with a large segment of the academic world ridiculing the subject, instead of taking it seriously some unreliable sources like David Wilcock and Zecharia Sitchin to dominate the discussion with many people. When traditional scientists ridicule the subject and ignore obvious flaws in their beliefs they lose their credibility and weaken their ability to refute false claims. Others may do a better job, but if they have to argue against both the quacks on one side and the pseudo-skeptics on the other they have less time to make good cases for real viable explanations.

The following are some additional sources or related articles:

This is all the more reason for all of us to learn the fundamentals of science and UFOs so we can figure it out ourselves!

The Condon Report which was headed by Edward Condon

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, by Edward J. Ruppelt

"The Day After Roswell." by Colonel Philip Corso

Richard Dolan "UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991" 2009.

Victor Stenger God: The Failed Hypothesis 2007 In the language of science, the empirical fact of unnecessary suffering in the world is inconsistent with a god who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent. Observations of human and animal suffering look just as they can be expected to look if there is no God. p.224

UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun"

Barack Obama just gave us permission to take UFOs seriously! Some of us never needed permission! 05/31/2021

Rep. Gohmert asks whether federal agencies can fix climate change by altering orbit of the Earth and moon 06/09/2021

Drivers Of The New UFO Narrative Keep Absurdly Saying They Could Be Dangerous ETs 05/02/2021

Eight Thoughts On The “UFO” Narrative 06/03/2021

MSM Wastes No Time Using Senate UFO Report To Promote Arms Race 06/04/2021

Media Converges On The Narrative That UFOs May Be Russian/Chinese Threat 06/06/2021

Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena 06/25/2021

UFO Documents Index

US intelligence community releases long-awaited UFO report 06/25/2021

It came out of the sky: US releases highly anticipated UFO report 06/25/2021

UFOs: Fact or Fiction? | CIA FOIA (

China Releases Plans for Permanent Mars Base 06/25/2021 The race to establish a human presence on Mars is heating up.

Astronomer Avi Loeb Says Aliens Have Visited, and He’s Not Kidding 02/01/2021

In 1953 a scientist predicted a man titled 'Elon' would lead humans to Mars and crown himself 'Martian Emperor' 06/11/2021

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Walmart Crime Report May 2021

Walmart had at least nineteen shootings in May of 2021, including one nearby where the victim headed to Walmart, which is one shy of the record. The only two times with twenty shootings were both in December, which is typically the worst month of the year with November as a close second some years. If we excluded the Holidays this would be a record. Four of those shootings, including one officer involved shooting, were fatal. There were at least seven or eight more injuries, including another officer involved shooting, and at least a few of those shootings are life threatening, so the total number of fatalities from the shootings could go up. Three of the four fatal shootings, including the officer involved shooting, and another officer involved shooting causing an injury all happened in Arizona.

These shootings all happened as a result of robberies, arguments or police chases. There was almost one more mass shooting in Texas, according to the police, but they caught a white supremacist before he could carry it out. There were over half a dozen more gun related crimes, which is actually low, but many more may not have been reported widely. News reports on crime at Walmart, even major crimes, are more likely to be buried where they're harder to find than they used to be. This is clear as a result of some that get reported late, which used to be reported in a higher profile manner. One example is an overdose death that took place last December which wasn't widely reported until this month.

In addition to the four deaths from shootings there was another body found on the premises, and three people killed in two auto accidents. This comes to a total of at least seven deaths and if you add the one from December that's eight new reports of deaths. There was also a former Walmart worker arrested for killing a co-worker about twenty five years ago, but they didn't have evidence to arrest him until this month, and that evidence is still not public.

A couple Colorado police officers were arrested following the release of a video where they broke the arm of a 73 year old woman with dementia who allegedly tried to steal $14 worth of merchandise but had already left without it. Some of them were caught on camera laughing about how they tackled her and even turning their recorder off while discussing it at the police station, but there was another recorder still running. Another police officer in Maryland was quickly arrested for stealing hundreds of dollars of merchandise while off duty, working security at Walmart. When police kill working class people, especially minorities they rarely get charged, often even when there's overwhelming evidence against them; but if they get caught stealing from wealthy oligarchs they get fired and charged very quickly.

Walmart also had numerous assaults including one where a man's leg was broken, several strong arm robberies, an attempted kidnapping, and at least one major police round up catching thirty-five shoplifters. Before Big-box stores were designed to make it easy to steal, especially with self checkout there was never enough of these crimes to create task forces to catch large number of people stealing like assembly line policing.

You would think that with all the problems with growing shoplifting at self-checkout lanes they would reverse it; but they're trying to expand it even more than before, even though they're also getting an enormous amount of complaints. They're not responding to the wishes of customers like they would in a free enterprise system, but to be honest, that was eliminated and replaced with an oligarchy system, or in some areas a monopoly system where shoppers have no other place to shop.

In addition to the white supremacist in Texas that planned to shoot up Walmart there was another white supremacist in Vermont that was already facing gun charges is now being charged with tampering with a witness at Walmart. Another man was arrested for trying to distract security with bomb threats while he stole a scooter. Complicated schemes like this practically never work and even when they do they're on camera ensuring they eventually find them. However Walmart may be the only place where someone can find the keys to registers and steal $21K from numerous stores in the Virginia area; or another group of people that managed to steal $250K from stores in at least thirty-five states. Some clumsy efforts to steal keep happening and the thieves get caught quickly; but others have much more success and they stay at large longer, or if they quit while their ahead, indefinitely. Presumably this thief had inside information, possibly a current or former employee or someone that knows workers there.

After they found a homeless person living in their air ducts they called the police who responded by sending in a SWAT team. This is a recipe for disaster when police overreact to petty crimes. This is especially true when research has shown that housing the homeless is actually less expensive than dealing with the problem afterwards. This happened in Houston which supposedly adopts a housing first policy which is allegedly more successful than most American cities; however it's still not nearly as good as Norway which implemented a national program solving an enormous amount of social problems and saving money at the same time.

A local resident near several Maine Walmart has been expressing outrage for years because they don't pick up their trash and may even be raking it downhill so it will pollute the river. He finally decided to clean it up himself, and Walmart responded by calling the police who threatened to put him in jail, instead of cleaning it up themselves.

In addition to the three fatalities in two accidents there were also at least another half dozen major crashes, including one that went into the store, police chases, and a carjacking. One of these police chases was also the fatal police shooting in Arizona. There were also at least four attempted stabbings, at least one which was successful at Walmarts.

Walmart had at least ten major fires last month, at least half of them were arson, and there's a possibility that a couple different arsonists, setting fires a day apart in Alabama were related; one of them was set after the first arsonist was arrested. One of the Alabama fires started out very small, but according to a witness it grew very fast. One of the fires was near a gas station which could have been much worse, although most fires at the gas station don't result in big explosions.

There were also numerous assaults, vandalism, purse thefts, sexual assaults, including of children, attacks on employees, especially loss prevention employees, and various other crimes most of which aren't reported widely.

Walmart had a couple new recalls of almost 800,000 chairs after some broke and caused broken bones, and acuvue contact lenses. The news of their recalls are rarely spread widely, so most people with recalled items probably never know. Walmart is constantly facing numerous discrimination lawsuits and many other legal problems. If you shop there a portion of the money you give them goes to legal defense, but if you wind up involved in legal disputes with them you have to pay your own legal expenses.

Walmart also sent out a large number of racists E-mails, supposedly because someone hacked their account or sent in a bunch of standard requests resulting in automated replies using a given name, which apparently was ni****. They apologized, although many are still outraged that they set up their accounts so they could be hacked.

Some of Walmart assaults get downright bizarre like a woman who was assaulted with a ten pound "Log of meat."

There were also a couple brazen attempts at wide spread vandalism at Walmart, including one case where a man threw wine bottles at a police officer while he tried to stop him, and another case where a man was filmed destroying an enormous amount of merchandise, starting by pouring a bottle of milk over himself, and tossing much more food everywhere, in a three minute video while numerous customers and workers watch without doing anything. The video didn't show the end, but presumably the police showed up eventually.

There were also at least two brawls caught on camera in one case with at least four people, and another case only two both of whom had their pants fall down while brawling.

Even a bear behaves better than this; but for some reason they wouldn't let the bear that showed up go shopping even though he behaved better than the brawlers or vandals.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in May 2021. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Police: Shooting in La. Walmart parking lot may have stemmed from robbery 05/02/2021

BATON ROUGE - Police responded to a Sunday afternoon shooting in a Walmart parking lot that injured one.

The incident occurred around 3:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Highland Road store. The victim, a 27-year-old man, was taken to a local hospital with a gunshot injury. Police say he is expected to survive.

Investigators believe that robbery might have been a motive in the incident. Complete article

TPD: Police disarm woman with gun, another uses baby as a shield prior to arrest at Tuscaloosa Alabama Walmart 05/02/2021

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (WBRC) - Three people were arrested following a chaotic scene outside the Walmart on Skyland Blvd in Tuscaloosa Saturday afternoon.

According to Tuscaloosa Police, it all started when Walmart security tried to apprehend the three for stealing. The incident quickly escalated in the parking lot, but thankfully no one was injured.

Shortly before 1 p.m. TPD says Walmart security confronted 28-year-old Jamarcus Treon Richardson, 24-year-old Fernisha White and 29-year-old Laquashia White at the store exit, after they had been observed stealing in the self checkout line. The three were unable to produce receipts for clothing and candy bars that were inside their bags and cart. Security had already identified that one of the three, Jamarcus Treon Richardson had been banned from the store in 2020.

According to police the suspects became irate; yelling, cursing and causing a disturbance when security asked them to come into the loss prevention office. That is when an off-duty TPD officer working security at the store approached Richardson and informed him that he was being placed under arrest for trespassing.

Officers say Richardson began resisting arrest and Fernisha White stepped in and attempted to separate Richardson and the officer. The three struggled before the officer was finally able to place the cuffs on Richardson. Complete article

Chehalis Man Charged for Allegedly Breaking Man’s Leg in Wash. Walmart Parking Lot 05/02/2021

A Chehalis man charged for allegedly breaking a man’s leg has claimed that he acted in self defense.

Richard A. Walton Jr. was one of three subjects who were reportedly assaulting a man in the corner of the Walmart parking lot in Chehalis on April 29. Chehalis police responded and spoke to two witnesses. One witness stated that he saw “Richard” and another unnamed man “stomp” on the victim approximately 15 times, while a second witness stated that “he saw a male on the ground being beaten by two males” and “two females were cheering them on.” The second witness reported that he “observed another male attempt to stop the assault.”

The victim was transported to Providence Centralia Hospital where it was revealed that his leg was broken in two places.

The victim told police that another man and a woman had accused him of taking the woman’s cellphone and then “Richard Walton got into the act, and started to kick and stomp on him.” The three reportedly fled the scene before police arrived. While in the hospital, the victim reportedly “said he couldn’t walk, and that Richard Walton did this to him.” Complete article

Shoplifter pulls knife on employee at Walmart in Nottingham 05/03/2021

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Police are investigating after a shoplifter threatened a Walmart employee over the weekend.

At just before 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 1, a loss prevention employee stopped a shoplifter at the Walmart store located in the 8100-block of Perry Hills Road in Nottingham (21236).

Police say the suspect then pulled a knife on the employee and threatened to harm him.

The employee backed off and the suspect fled the scene with the stolen merchandise. Complete article

Lafayette La. Police: Male driver has medical emergency, crashes truck into Walmart 05/03/2021

LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) A male driver in the parking lot of a Walmart lost control during a medical emergency and struck the front entrance of the store, police said.

He was treated at the scene for non-life threatening injuries.

The incident happened around 3:00 p.m. Monday at the Pinhook Road store, Police Spokesperson Cpl. Bridgette Dugas said. Complete article

Walmart Parking Lot Domestic Violence Arrest: Joliet Ill. Police 05/03/2021

JOLIET, IL — Joliet police arrested a 26-year-old man from Braidwood on felony charges of aggravated domestic battery after police say he choked a woman he knows and threw her to the parking lot pavement at the Walmart store in the 2400 block of Jefferson Street.

Joliet officers arrested Jason Escalante and delivered him to the Will County Jail.

The incident happened around 9:10 p.m. Sunday.

Joliet police initially responded to the Wing Stop restaurant for a domestic violence report, police said. Officers learned that a woman was beat up by Escalante "while they were in the nearby Walmart parking lot. Complete article

Waterford Conn. police seek 2 men who stole TV, grill from Walmart 05/04/2021

3 suspects caused $2K in damage vandalizing Macon Ga. Walmart: BCSO 05/04/2021

Franklin Ky. Walmart temporarily closing due to COVID-19 05/01/2021

Hail is so strong it breaks through roof of Okla. Walmart store 05/05/2021

Woman shoots man charging husband with knife at Walmart, Madera Ca. police say 05/05/2021

Madera police are investigating a shooting at the Cleveland Avenue Walmart, where a woman reportedly shot a man threatening her husband with a knife in the parking lot Tuesday night.

The man was rushed to Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, where he is in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the neck, Lt. Josiah Arnold said Wednesday.

The woman, who does not have a concealed weapons permit, was not arrested as the investigation continues.

Arnold said the incident began as some sort of argument in the parking lot of the store in the 1900 block of Cleveland. One man pulled a knife and charged another. The second man retreated about 30 feet, and his wife, who was sitting in a car, pulled out the handgun and fired one shot, striking the man with the knife about 30 feet away. Complete article

Walmart shooting appears to be justified, according to Madera Police 05/05/2021

Body found in vehicle at Alabama Walmart parking lot 05/05/2021

An investigation is underway after a man was found dead inside a vehicle at a Walmart parking lot in Hartselle.

Hartselle Police said they received a call Tuesday evening in connection to a missing person from a neighboring jurisdiction and a vehicle at the Walmart parking lot. Officers checked the vehicle and found the missing person, a man in his 30s, deceased.

Police said it appeared the body had been in the vehicle since early Friday morning but was obscured by tinted windows. Complete article

Body found outside north Alabama Walmart identified as missing Cullman man 05/06/2021

Bayonne NJ Walmart shoplifter arrested after trying to stab security officers: police 05/04/2021

A Florida man trying to walk out of the Bayonne Walmart without paying for a cartful of merchandise is facing a robbery charge after he lunged at security officers with a pair of scissors, authorities said.

Martin Love, 38, of St. Petersburg, was arrested Sunday at 11:32 a.m. in the store parking lot after he managed to get out of the store with a few of the stolen items, Bayonne Capt. Eric Amato said.

Walmart loss prevention officers saw Love attempting to leave the store with a cart loaded with the shoplifted items and a struggle over the cart ensued, Amato said. During the confrontation, Love brandished a pair of scissors and attempted to stab the store officers, but the victims were able to avoid being stabbed. Complete article

Fire crews knock down fire at Walmart in Arroyo Grande, Ca. no injuries reported 05/02/2021

Local fire agencies knocked down a fire at a Walmart in Arroyo Grande Sunday afternoon.

All employees and customers are safely evacuated from the building with no reports of injuries so far, according to the Arroyo Grande Police Department and the Five Cities Fire Authority.

Community members near the scene can see a plume of smoke coming from the building. Fire authorities told KSBY that the fire was concentrated at the back of the store outdoors near the loading dock. Complete article

Escanaba Walmart evacuated Tuesday due to gun scare 05/05/2021

ESCANABA -The Escanaba Walmart was locked down on Tuesday following a gun scare.

A man reportedly entered the store on Lincoln Road at around 9:37 p.m. with a rifle.

After a thorough search, police found no safety issues.

It was later found on video surveillance that a customer returning an item to the store was mistaken for a rifle. Complete article

Lincoln Ill. Walmart Supercenter temporarily closed for sanitation related reasons 05/05/2021

If You See This at Walmart, Don't Go Inside 05/05/2021

Pittsburgh man arrested for suspected Frazer Pa. Walmart thefts, illicit drugs 05/06/2021

Man accused of Napoleon Ohio Walmart stabbing, last March, enters insanity plea 05/05/2021

One injured in Neptune NJ shooting at Walmart, authorities investigating 05/05/2021

NEPTUNE - An unidentified person was hospitalized Wednesday afternoon after being shot at the Walmart on Route 66 and then found near the Rutgers Terrace about a mile away, law enforcement sources confirmed.

Around 1:30 p.m., township police responded to a report of an individual suffering from a gunshot wound they had sustained at the Walmart parking lot, according to Charles Webster, a spokesman for the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office.

The victim was taken to a local hospital for treatment, but his current condition was not immediately available, Webster said. Complete article

Central Jersey Man, 22, Arrested In Walmart Parking Lot Shooting 05/06/2021

Armed man caught by police near Las Cruces NM Walmart store, averting ‘potentially violent incident’ 05/05/2021

LAS CRUCES, New Mexico -- An armed man was taken into custody near a Las Cruces Walmart Supercenter on Wednesday, averting what police described as "a potentially violent incident."

A police spokesman said officers initially responded to a report of a man with a long gun walking near a daycare center on Divot Avenue; as police converged on the area, they learned the man was headed toward the Walmart store a block away on Walton Boulevard.

Officers found the 20-year-old man moments later on Walmart property and ordered him to drop the 9mm handgun with extended magazine that he was carrying, the spokesman said.

The man dropped the weapon and was taken into protective custody after authorities said they discovered he suffered from a mental and delusional disorder.

"The man told police he was armed because he thought people were following him, and that he wanted to shoot it out with them," LCPD spokesman Dan Trujillo said. Complete article

Ill. Walmart Evacuated After Monday Fire 05/06/2021

Authorities are investigating the origin of a fire Monday evening, May 3, at Walmart in Litchfield that lead to the evacuation and temporary closure of the store.

According to Litchfield Fire Department Chief Joe Holomy, the Litchfield Police Department is working with fire and arson investigators who are reviewing video footage as part of investigation. Anyone with information about the fire should contact the Litchfield Fire Department at 217-324-8171.

According to the chief, the Litchfield Fire Department was dispatched to Walmart at 7:32 p.m. Monday after a report of flames and smoke in the store. Evacuation was underway when firefighters arrived to find smoke throughout the store. Complete article

Walmart refused to accommodate deaf applicant, EEOC charges 05/06/2021

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit against Walmart April 28 under the Americans with Disabilities Act, alleging the company discriminated against a qualified applicant because he is deaf (EEOC v. Walmart Stores, Inc. and Walmart Stores East, LP, No. 21-cv-02080 (C.D. Ill., April 28, 2020)).

The applicant applied online for a position at a Walmart Store in Decatur, Illinois, according to EEOC. He was contacted for an interview, at which point he told the contact he was deaf and requested an American Sign Language interpreter. The request ended the application process, EEOC said, even after the applicant followed up with the company.

"The ADA clearly requires employers to provide disabled and able-bodied applicants alike the same opportunities to compete for a job, which includes providing reasonable accommodations such as sign language interpreters for deaf applicants at interviews," said Gregory Gochanour, the EEOC’s regional attorney in Chicago. "Otherwise an employer could exclude an applicant from consideration even where they are qualified for the job. That is exactly what happened here." Complete article

Ocala Fla. Police searching for wallet bandit who targeted Walmart electric cart 05/05/2021

Couple seen arguing in Ill. Walmart parking lot arrested for theft 05/05/2021

Man accused of sexual abuse at Idaho Walmart 05/07/2021

Two women arrested after not paying for items at Ind. Walmart 05/04/2021

Man shot near Walmart, Metrorail station in northwest Miami-Dade Fla. 05/07/2021

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – A man was injured Friday morning in a shooting near a Walmart and Metrorail station in northwest Miami-Dade.

The shooting was reported in the area of Northwest 32nd Avenue and 79th Street.

Local 10 News reporter Parker Branton was at the scene as blood was splattered on the sidewalk and the victim’s belongings were also spotted on the ground.

Detectives were seen going inside the Walmart at one point. Complete article

When customer stopped breathing, Norwalk Conn. Walmart manager’s focus was to ‘keep him alive’ 05/08/2021

NORWALK — Michael Rajotte first learned CPR during a course at the University of Connecticut, but never used the lifesaving technique until a customer recently collapsed in his store.

Rajotte, the manager of the Walmart on Main Avenue, was called to the front of the store on March 23 when a customer near the men’s clothing section felt faint.

"When I got there, he was gasping for breath," Rajotte said. "I asked questions about allergies and he couldn't answer."

Rajotte and another employee, Krystal Colon, helped the man to the floor, but shortly after they called 911, the customer stopped breathing, Rajotte said. ........

Police said the customer eventually regained a pulse, but died several weeks later at the hospital. Complete article

Salem man arrested in relation to attempted robbery case at Columbia Missouri Walmart 05/06/2021

COLUMBIA - Columbia Police arrested a Salem, Missouri man Thursday in relation to an attempted robbery at a Columbia Walmart on April 29.

James Edward Hanks, Jr., 37, was arrested on charges of first degree robbery. He allegedly attempted to rob the Conley Road Walmart Supercenter.

The CPD Street Crimes Unit had located Hanks on May 4 and arrested him on an unrelated warrant. The Criminal Investigations Division was later able to identify him as the suspect in the attempted robbery. Complete article

Woman Robbed People at Montana Walmart and a Casino in the Same Night 05/07/2021

At around 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Missoula Police officers were dispatched to the report of a robbery that had just occurred at Walmart on Mullan Road. At around the same time, an officer was flagged down by two individuals in a white vehicle on the Reserve Street Bridge. Both appeared upset and stated they had just been robbed at gun point by a white female.

They said they were in the Walmart parking lot and were approached by a female who told them she needed money. They said the female produced a handgun and pointed it at them. They gave the female seven dollars, some change, and a debit card.

Three hours later, at around 1:35 a.m., an employee at Montana Lil’s Casino called 911 to report she had been robbed by a female who threatened her and stated she had a gun. Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh explains. Complete article

Annapolis police officer charged with stealing TVs, diapers, AC units, other items while moonlighting for Arbutus Md. Walmart 05/06/2021

An Annapolis police detective who moonlights at a Walmart in Baltimore County was charged with stealing five TVs and more than 60 other items from the business.

Gerrard Lamont Williams Jr. was charged with one count of a felony theft scheme for stealing more than $3,600 from an Arbutus Walmart Supercenter between February and March. Baltimore County police said Williams is seen on surveillance camera loading the items in his unmarked police car while working security and wearing a vest that read “police.”

Baltimore County police arrested Williams on Wednesday, according to online court records. He was released on his own recognizance. Court records did not list an attorney for Williams as of Thursday afternoon.

Williams joined the Annapolis Police Department in 2015, according to the department’s annual report, and was working as a cold case investigator with the department’s squad led by Maj. Stanley Brandford. He previously served as an officer at Baltimore City school police, according to a Facebook post from the police department from his swearing-in. Complete article

7 Michiganders stole $250,000 from Walmart in 35 states, federal indictment says 05/06/2021

BENTON HARBOR, MI – Seven Michigan residents stole more than $250,000 from Walmart across 35 states, a federal indictment alleges.

Elisha Vary, of Jackson, and Adarius Ferguson, Christopher Campbell, Joshawn Wilson, Tipton Lamar Walker, Jaylen Sulton and Marquis Davis, all from Benton Harbor, face numerous felony charges.

They are accused of stealing more than $250,000 from Walmart between January 2019 and April 2021, according to a grand jury indictment filed May 4 in the United States District Court Western District. Complete article

Serious crash near Horseheads NY Walmart 05/07/2021

HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY) -- The I-86 eastbound on-ramp near the Horseheads Walmart is closed after a serious crash.

Calls for the crash came in shortly after 5:30 p.m.

There's no word yet on the cause of the crash, but one car could be seen flipped over on the ramp, which is just off of County Route 64. One ambulance left the scene. Complete article

Utah man in custody after faking 2 bomb threats to steal a Walmart scooter 05/09/2021

OREM, Utah (ABC4) – A man is in custody after allegedly faking a bomb threat so he could steal a scooter back in March, according to new details released by court documents.

On March 21, 2021, an affidavit of probable cause states that 62-year-old Michael Gurule called in a bomb threat to a local Walmart near 1355 South Sandhill Road in Orem.

Officers say, as the call was made, Gurule was seen in the building by security footage, assembling a scooter.

“[Gurule] was caught on video walking into the store and selected a gotrax scooter from the back and then took it to another location in the store to assemble. [Gurule] was caught on video using his cell phone while in the store,” informs the Orem Police Department.

According to the department, as Gurule continued to assemble the scooter, a second call was made to police for reports of another bomb threat. Police say the call prompted Walmart management to evacuate the building. Complete article

Ex-Maine Walmart greeter claims he was fired over race and disability 05/06/2021

An Androscoggin County man who worked at the Auburn Walmart as a greeter has sued the discount giant alleging he was discriminated against on the basis of race and disability.

Arnold B. McLean, 57, of Auburn also claims that he was fired on the pretext that he missed too many days of work due to allergy attacks brought on by being forced to work in the lawn and garden section.

His lawsuit alleges that Walmart defamed “his occupational and professional fitness for employment by saying he was terminated for ‘poor attendance’ and/or for being absent from work without proper notification of an adequate excuse.” Complete article

A leaked Walmart memo highlights the daunting challenges facing the world’s largest retailer 05/07/2021

Walmart is still the world’s largest retailer, but a recent company memo highlights its struggles to overcome competitors like Amazon, Instacart, and Target. The document also hints at challenges the company’s new subscription service Walmart+ is facing in retaining new members.

The 100-page document from February, which was viewed by Recode, was created for advertising agencies that Walmart invited to compete to handle the planning and buying of ad placements for the retail giant. The memo makes several blunt assessments about the uphill battle Walmart faces to hold onto its once-dominant retail market position, including in the US grocery industry, where the company has long been No. 1 in sales.

“Grocery, the growth engine of the business, is losing share rapidly,” one slide reads. “More than ever, Walmart shopper[s] are choosing the competition,” the slide continues, alongside logos of competitors like Publix, Target, and Albertsons as well as stats showing increasing customer traffic at those chains and a decline at Walmart. Complete article

When we got this email about an Idaho Walmart worker, we knew we needed to surprise her for Feel Good Friday 05/07/2021

6 years in prison for Richmond man who punched Ill. Walmart employee, possessed switchblade knife 05/07/2021

CCSO: Suspects attempted to use stolen debit card at Mount Pleasant SC Walmart 05/07/2021

Police release additional details about fatal crash near east side SD Walmart 05/10/2021 Two dead

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( — Sioux Falls Police say witnesses estimate the speed of the car that ran an intersection near the east side Walmart at 100 miles per hour.

The driver and a passenger in a car entering the intersection at South Highline Avenue and East Arrowhead Parkway on a green light were killed when the speeding car went through a red light.

Dead is Javier Edgardo Velasquez, 17, from Brandon. A 20-year-old passenger also died, but law enforcement has not released his name pending notification of relatives.

The accident happened Saturday night. Complete article

Man charged with robbery after weapon shown, brief chase at Walmart in Oneida County NY 05/10/2021

ROME, NY — A Rome resident has been charged with robbery and criminal possession of a weapon Sunday night at the Walmart Supercenter store in Rome.

New York State Police said in a news release Monday they responded shortly before 9 p.m. Sunday to the Walmart after 911 reported someone had a weapon and multiple reports of shots being fired during what started out as a shoplifting incident.

Shoppers reported on social media hearing what they thought were gunshots and fleeing the store at 5815 Rome-Taberg Road in panic.

Troopers said a man and woman were caught by a Walmart loss prevention officer concealing jewelry, headphones and camping merchandise inside their jackets and backpacks. When they were asked to stop, the man threatened the Walmart employee with what was thought to be handgun, but was later determined to be a BB gun, police said. Complete article

Bibb deputies looking for 3 men accused of vandalizing north Macon Ga. Walmart 05/04/2021

MACON, Ga. — The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office needs your help identifying three men who allegedly caused more than $2K in damages at a north Macon Walmart.

According to a news release, it happened just after 10 p.m. on April 22 at the Walmart on Zebulon Road.

It says the three men drove up in a dark-colored 4-wheel drive truck. They are accused of throwing a shopping cart and damaging a motorized shopping cart.

Investigators say the three men then went inside and caused damage throughout store; from ripping open a bag of deer feed and throwing it in the air, to taking a razor and cutting cans of oil, to opening 2L bottles of soda and pouring them on chemicals damaging other items. Complete article

Sheriff: Missing Hall County woman last seen at Ga. Walmart in Canton, Cherokee area 05/10/2021

Experts baffled by Walmart’s trademark dispute with Kanye West 05/10/2021

Truck carrying milk for a Walmart delivery hits railroad overpass in Ind. 05/10/2021 A truck delivering gallons of milk was peeled open like a sardine can Monday after it struck a railroad overpass on Samuelson Road in Portage, closing both the road and the bridge until the accident could be cleaned up and the bridge deemed structurally sound.Pictures of the accident provided by Portage police show spilled milk and crushed milk gallons all over the road near Samuelson Bridge, and a badly damaged Walmart delivery truck.Police got a call about the accident at 11:16 a.m., according to Police Chief Mike Candiano.“It looks like driver error in relation to the clearance of the bridge and the height of the truck,” he said, adding CSX was called to the scene and officials from the railroad did not believe there was structural damage to the bridge.The overpass has a height of 11 feet and 5 inches and was posted as such, at least until Monday’s accident. “I think it got knocked down,” Candiano said of the sign.

Sebastian Man Arrested After Causing Disturbance at Fla. Walmart 05/10/2021 Eric Lemon Broomall, of Sebastian, was upset due to the lack of open registers and was asked repeatedly by Walmart employees to leave the store.

Fight leads to shooting outside Walmart in Harnett County NC 05/10/2021

CAMERON, N.C. (WNCN) – A 21-year-old man was shot during a fight on Sunday outside of a Walmart in Harnett County, the sheriff’s office said.

Deputies were called to the Walmart located at 2800 Highway 87 in Cameron just after 3 p.m.

Once on scene, deputies learned the shooting victim ran to a nearby restaurant, the sheriff’s office said.

The victim was transported to the hospital for treatment of a single gunshot wound to the arm. Complete article

18-year-old man arrested after shooting at Fayetteville Arkansas Walmart 05/11/2021

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — An 18-year-old man was arrested early Tuesday in connection to a shooting at a Fayetteville Walmart on Mother’s Day.

Christopher Johnson, of Fayetteville, was arrested for terroristic act, second-degree criminal mischief, carrying certain prohibited weapons, theft by receiving, and resisting arrest.

According to to the Fayetteville Police Department, police received multiple calls on Sunday evening about a shooting in the parking lot of the Walmart Supercenter at 2875 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Police say it appears the intended targets were the occupants of two vehicles, however gunfire hit a third, uninvolved vehicle, and, at the time of the incident, there were several Walmart customers in the parking lot and store. Complete article

Police investigating shots fired outside West Broadway Columbia Missouri Walmart 05/10/2021

The Columbia Police Department was investigating after shots were fired in the West Broadway Walmart parking lot Monday night.

An officer on the scene said there were no known injuries. The suspects ran from the scene and had not been detained as of 9:30 p.m., the officer said.

The suspects, who witnesses described as being four Black men, fled to the Hy-Vee parking lot across the road, where more shots were then fired, according to a news release. Complete article

Columbia man arrested for shots fired in Walmart parking lot, police seeking 2 suspects 05/12/2021

Five people arrested for shooting incident outside West Broadway Columbia Missouri Walmart 05/20/2021

Police Investigating Report of Shots Fired Near Walmart in New Haven Conn. 05/10/2021

Police said they are investigating a report of shots fired in New Haven.

Officials said the incident happened near Walmart on Foxon Boulevard.

Route 80 remains closed at this time.

It is unclear if there are any injuries or whether or not there is an active threat to the public. Complete article

Ohio Walmart evacuates people due to fire 05/10/2021

At approximately noon on Monday, Walmart evacuated customers and employees due to a fire in the store.

Washington Fire Department (WFD) reported to the scene, 1397 Leesburg Ave., Washington C.H. According to WFD Fire Chief Tim Downing, Concord-Green Township Fire Department was called in for mutual aid.

“The fire itself was relatively small, confined to one area (in the storage rooms near the meat section),” said Downing.

The fire, according to Downing, was located above one of the coolers and was in relation to the construction ongoing at the store. There were no injuries reported. Complete article

Walmart must face allegations of age and disability discrimination 05/10/2021

A Texas federal judge gave a trucker the green light to proceed with his lawsuit against Walmart, which accuses the retailer of age and disability discrimination.

In April, Judge Amos Mazzant of the East Texas federal district court denied Walmart’s motion to dismiss a driver’s lawsuit against the company. The driver, Gregory Scott Bills, claims Walmart violated the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

According to the court order, Bills is a veteran trucker with nearly 40 years of driving under his belt. He began driving for Walmart in Sanger, Texas, in September 2011. About seven years later, Bills underwent rotator cuff surgeries for shoulder repairs.

While Bills was on Family and Medical Leave Act leave, Bills was told by managers and human resources employees at Walmart that if he did not return to work he could lose his job. The driver had provided medical information to Walmart’s human resources department while on leave. Additionally, Bills had personally paid for his insurance from January to June 2019 after being directed to do so by a manager to keep his job. Complete article

NYSP: 'Frequent Felony Offender' Stole From Hudson Valley Walmart 05/11/2021

Woman faces Nevada Walmart robbery charge 05/10/2021

Mason Ohio Walmart temporarily closes to 'thoroughly clean and sanitize' the building 05/11/2021

Woman pleads guilty to elevated assault charge after fight about Me. Walmart 05/11/2021

Man shot in Walmart parking lot in Auburndale Fla. dies; suspect in custody 05/12/2021

AUBURNDALE, Fla. (WFLA) — Auburndale police say a man is dead and another person is in custody after a shooting at a Walmart parking lot Wednesday morning.

At about 2:30 a.m., officers responded to a shooting in the parking lot of the Walmart on U.S. 92 West.

They said the victim was rushed to an area hospital, where he was pronounced deceased.

Police said they found the suspect at a nearby 7 Eleven and took him into custody. The person is said to be cooperating with the investigation. Complete article

Two charged in overdose death of woman found behind Walmart on U.S. 64. in Lexington NC 05/12/2021 Death happened in December but not widely reported until now.

Lexington police arrested two suspects in connection with a woman’s overdose death in December 2020, authorities said Wednesday.

Jonathan Alexander Gordon, 30, and Heather Michelle Everhart, 34, are each charged with second-degree murder in the death of 39-year-old Eva Marie Beckom, Lexington police said.

Police didn’t provide an address for Gordon. An arrest warrant describes Everhart as homeless, but it lists a Lexington address for her. Complete article

Virginia Beach Police looking for men who stole $21K from Walmart registers 05/12/2021

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Virginia Beach Police are looking for help identifying two men involved in several recent Walmart robberies throughout the area.

The men were able to take money directly from the registers using keys that they found. However, authorities have not confirmed where the suspects found the keys.

The two men were able to remove over $4,000 from the Towne Center Walmart on Virginia Beach Boulevard but also managed to remove more money from Walmart locations on Battlefield Boulevard, First Colonial Road and Phoenix Drive. Complete article

Rise in self-checkout at Walmart locations not appealing to all shoppers 05/11/2021

JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) - It can be frustrating waiting in long lines at stores while seeing many registers closed. Many stores like Walmart offer the convenience of self-checkout to get you in and out quickly.

But not everyone is welcoming the idea.

While some customers embrace scanning and bagging their own items, others don’t and fear what it will mean for workers.

Walmart shopper Jackson Cooper doesn’t like using the Scan-and-Go self-checkout that allows you to scan each item, bag it then pay.

Shoppers say there are long waits in the self-checkout and long lines in the only two open registers. Complete article

88-year-old reported missing from Walmart in Bay City Mich. 05/12/2021

Deputies: Suspect wanted for robbing Pensacola Fla. Walmart 05/11/2021

State police looking for woman suspected in Potsdam NY Walmart larceny 05/11/2021

In Aurora and other cities, Walmart sales soared but essential workers got scant protection 05/13/2021

PD: Woman asks for police after allegedly shooting, killing a man next to Flagstaff Ariz. Walmart 05/13/2021

FLAGSTAFF, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) -- A woman is speaking with detectives after leading Flagstaff police to a man she allegedly shot and killed next to a Walmart early Thursday morning.

According to Flagstaff police, officers responded to the Walmart near Beulah Boulevard and McConnell Drive around 2 a.m., after Ashley Martin walked into the store and asked for employees to call the police. Martin told responding officers she had shot someone and led them to a nearby trail between the Walmart and Beulah Boulevard. Martin said she and the man had a fight that ended with her shooting him. The man, identified as Travis Nelson, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Flagstaff police say Martin was booked into the Coconino County Detention Facility and is speaking with detectives. Additional information about what led up to the shooting is not yet available. Complete article

Suspect shot by Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputies after threatening to have bomb at Queen Creek Ariz. Walmart 05/13/2021

QUEEN CREEK, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) - A Queen Creek Walmart was closed Thursday night after a shooting involving a suspect and Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputies.

MCSO responded to the store around 7:30 p.m. near Rittenhouse and Ocotillo roads after receiving reports that a man had an explosive device. Witnesses say the man was holding two plastic bottles as if they were detonators, yelling that he had a bomb. As shoppers were being evacuated from the building, deputies were attempting to negotiate with him. That's when they say the suspect attempted to run and a deputy fired at the suspect.

The suspect was transported to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries. No deputies were injured in the incident. The name of the suspect has not been released. Complete article

MCSO releases partial body-cam video of deputy shooting man at Queen Creek Walmart 05/20/2021

Shots fired in Walmart North parking lot in Decatur Ill. 05/13/2021

DECATUR, Ill. (WAND) - The Decatur Police Department is investigating after someone fired a gun in a Walmart parking lot.

It happened just before 2:00 p.m. on Thursday afternoon at the Walmart at 4224 Prospect Drive in Decatur.

Decatur Police Chief Jim Getz tells WAND News there is no threat to the public at this time. A preliminary investigation shows there was an altercation in the parking lot that resulted in someone firing one shot. Complete article

Walmart theft: Franklin Ohio police chase suspects on I-75, ending in crash, arrest in Dayton 05/14/2021

A Dayton man is scheduled for a preliminary hearing next week in Franklin Municipal Court following a Thursday police pursuit that started in Franklin and ended in Dayton.

Franklin police responded about 9:30 a.m. to Walmart at 1275 E. Second St., about an alleged theft that occurred with the suspects running from the store and getting into a car. The suspects fled out of the parking lot to Second Street and onto Interstate 75 North.

Police said the pursuit lasted 30 minutes at speeds of 80 mph. Complete article

Vehicle hit, flipped over at Richland Pa. Walmart 05/13/2021

CAMBRIA COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — Police said a vehicle was hit last night in the Walmart parking lot in Richland, causing it to flip upside down.

The Richland Township Police Department said that at 11:02 p.m. May 12, a 31-year-old man was speeding across the parking lot, traveling through the parking spaces.

He struck another vehicle, containing a 20-year-old woman and a teenage girl, that was traveling up one of the aisles. Their vehicle was flipped over from the collision, landing on its roof. Complete article

Police: Ohio woman struck in face with 10-pound package of meat during altercation at Walmart 05/1/2021

SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio — An altercation at an Ohio Walmart led to a woman being struck in the face with a 10-pound package of meat Thursday.

According to the South Euclid Police Department, officers responded to a Walmart in South Euclid and headed to the potato chip aisle after hearing about a disturbance.

Officers learned one woman had a protection order out against the other. Police said when the two women made eye contact with one another inside the Walmart store, the protected party was confronted by the other woman who began to threaten her.

South Euclid police said the woman attempted to pull down her mask and spit at the other woman, but when she missed, she grabbed a 10-pound log of prepackaged meat from the woman's shopping cart and hit the other woman in the face with it. Complete article

Woman carjacked at gunpoint in Brooklyn Ohio Walmart parking lot, police say 05/15/2021

BROOKLYN, Ohio -- A woman was carjacked at gunpoint Friday morning while inside of her SUV in a Walmart parking lot, police say.

The woman was not hurt in the incident that happened about 11:30 a.m. at Walmart on Brookpark Road near Big Creek Parkway, according to a Brooklyn police calls for service report.

The woman was sitting in her white 2018 Dodge Durango when two men walked up to her SUV, pulled out a gun and dragged her out of it, the report says. Complete article

Suspect wanted in Huber Heights Ohio for stealing purse at Walmart 05/15/2021

HUBER HEIGHTS — Huber Heights police are seeking the public’s help in identifying a suspect who allegedly stole a purse at the Walmart on 7680 Brandt Pk. on May 6.

The police department posted a photo on social media of the male who they say is wanted for questioning in connection to the theft.

Anyone who can identify the suspect is asked to call HHPD at 937-233-2080 for Officer Blankenship. Complete article

Suspect previously nabbed in Fla. Wal-Mart heist lands back behind bars 05/13/2021

Judge Sends Va. Walmart Shooter’s Case, from Jan, 2021, to Grand Jury 05/13/2021

Walmart Is Still Shutting Stores Down Over This COVID Precaution 05/14/2021

Store evacuated following unfounded bomb threat at Walmart in Antioch Ill. 05/13/2021

Largo Fla. Police investigating person with a gunshot wound at the Walmart on Missouri Avenue 05/15/2021

Officers from the Largo Police Department responded to the Walmart located at 990 Missouri Avenue shortly before 9 p.m. on Saturday, May 15, 2021.

Officers located an adult male in one of the aisles of the store suffering from a gunshot wound.

It is believed that the bullet was fired from man’s own firearm and is being considered an accidental discharge. The injured male is being transported to the trauma center at Bayfront Health St. Petersburg for what appears to be a non life-threatening injury. Complete article

Bear sighted outside Ridgecrest Ca. Walmart UPDATE from RPD: bear has been captured and appears healthy 05/15/2021

A male bear spotted in the southeast part of Ridgecrest Saturday morning was captured around noon by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, according to Ridgecrest Police Department Captain Aaron Tucker. The bear is safe, uninjured and appears to be healthy and no one was injured during the incident, Tucker said.

CDFW will release the bear in its proper habitat, according to Tucker.

The bear -- which appears to be a black bear -- was first reported to the Ridgecrest Police Department around 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning, Tucker said.

Jon Wheeler was outside working on a chicken coop in his yard around that time when his dog alerted him that something was going on. Complete article

Walmart now says vaccinated shoppers won’t need masks 05/14/2021

NEW YORK, NY — Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, said Friday afternoon that it won’t require vaccinated shoppers or workers to wear a mask in its U.S. stores, unless state or local laws say otherwise.

Vaccinated shoppers can go mask-less immediately, the company said. Vaccinated workers can stop wearing them on May 18.

A company statement said un-vaccinated shoppers are asked to keep wearing masks in stores. Complete article

Times Square Shooting Suspect Arrested in Florida 05/12/2021 Investigators got a break in the case on Tuesday when Mr. Muhammad, who was traveling with his girlfriend, was caught on video stopping at a Walmart in Fayetteville, N.C., for supplies and food for the couple’s two dogs, who were also in the car, police officials said at the news conference. Mr. Muhammad’s girlfriend was questioned by the police, who did not release her name.

Suspects wanted in Bartlett Tenn. for stealing jewelry from Walmart 05/14/2021

Couple arrested for allegedly dealing drugs at WV Walmart 05/15/2021

Veterans get COVID-19 shot at Walmart vaccine clinic 05/15/2021

Police charge suspect in Elkton Walmart assault 05/17/2021 ELKTON — A 28-year-old woman who allegedly pushed an 81-year-old woman inside the Walmart in Elkton last month, knocking the elderly shopper to the floor, now stands charged with assault and two other offenses, according to Cecil County District Court records. Charging documents identify the suspect as Doniesha Artell Homer, of Wilmington, Del., and indicate that she is charged with second-degree assault, disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace, all of which are misdemeanors, court records show. (Second-degree assault, which is the most serious charge in the case, is punishable by up to 10 years in prison if convicted.)

1 person injured after man's gun 'accidentally discharged' at Tx. Walmart, DeSoto police say 05/19/2021

The gun was allegedly concealed when it fired off the shot inside the store, police said.

DESOTO, Texas — DeSoto police say they have found the man whose gun accidentally discharged at a Walmart Tuesday evening. He was not licensed to carry a handgun, according to police.

One person was "slightly injured" when the man's gun went off at the store located at 951 W. Belt Line Road, police said.

That person was taken to a local hospital for treatment and are expected to survive, according to authorities. Complete article

New Jersey man found crushed by van behind Rinconada NM Walmart 05/18/2021

LAS CRUCES – A transient man living out of his van was found crushed under his vehicle last week behind Walmart Supercenter on Rinconada Boulevard.

Dennis James White Jr., 34, has been traveling and living on his own for about 13 years. Family members say he would spend a few months in a state before moving on to the next.

White's Toyota van was parked behind the Las Cruces Walmart while he did some maintenance on his vehicle. According to Las Cruces police, White seemed to have been working under the van, which was propped up on two steel jacks, last week. It appears that a jack slipped, dropping the van and crushing White.

Police said a woman called 911 Thursday, May 13, to report the van as suspicious. She noticed a person trapped under the van when she got closer. Upon arrival, police found White under the vehicle, deceased. Police say he appeared to have been dead for a few days. Complete article

She disappeared in 1996, a former Va. Walmart worker was just arrested for her murder 05/18/2021

CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- An arrest has been made in the disappearance of a Chesterfield mother last seen the day after Christmas 1996. John Harvey Howard, 62, of Hanover, was arrested and charged with the first-degree murder of 38-year-old Linda Evans Lunsford, according to police.

Howard and Lunsford were in a relationship and worked together at the Walmart just off Midlothian Turnpike in Chesterfield. Lunsford was last seen leaving work with Howard.

"She was reported missing by family that night," a Chesterfield Police spokesperson wrote in an email. "After years of investigating what was initially a suspicious missing person case, investigators concluded that Lunsford was deceased, though her remains have not been recovered. This case is classified as a death investigation, specifically a no-body homicide." Complete article

Walmart says security checks didn’t push workers to skip breaks 05/14/2021

A 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel on Friday considered Walmart Stores Inc’s bid to undo a $6 million jury verdict in a class action claiming that security checks at a California distribution center discouraged workers from leaving the facility during meal breaks.

Theane Evangelis of Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, who represents Walmart, told the three-judge panel during remote oral arguments that a class should never have been certified in the 2017 lawsuit because there was no proof that a significant number of workers were actually deterred from taking breaks.

"It would be improper to allow this classwide verdict to stand where we know this sweeps in uninjured members," Evangelis said.

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit say it was impractical for them to leave the Chino, California, facility where they worked during their 30-minute meal breaks, because it would take several minutes to walk to the security checkpoint and potentially wait in line. .......

On Friday, Circuit Judge Marsha Berzon told Evangelis that she seemed to be conflating a claim that an employer made it difficult to take a break, such as by assigning a heavy workload, with the claim that Walmart's policies were eating up part of employees' unpaid break times. Complete article

Johnson & Johnson recalls Acuvue contact lenses sold by Walmart, Sam’s Club and others 05/18/2021

One lot of Acuvue Vita Brand Diagnostic lenses has been recalled by Johnson & Johnson because of a packaging problem that can lead to the lenses losing sterility.

Walmart posted the recall, saying the lenses were sold at select Walmart and Sam’s Club stores, but haven’t posted a store list yet.

Johnson & Johnson says “a limited number of individual contact lens packages” might “have an incomplete packaging seal.” This can kill the integrity of the blister pack packaging for this diagnostic lot. Complete article

Two men charged in connection to Martinsville Va. Walmart bomb threat 05/20/2021

Man took young girl shopping at Fla. Walmart before having sex with her, sheriff says 05/17/2021

Va. Beach Police trying to identify suspects accused of stealing thousands from Walmart 05/18/2021

Police: Two people arrested after trying to shoplift at Ky. Walmart 05/19/2021

Shooting at Ariz. Walmart 05/19/2021 fatal

Crime tape cordons off the site of shooting outside the Walmart store in Fort Mohave on Wednesday. According to the Mohave County Sheriff's Office, one person was injured and one person was taken into custody following the incident.

The person who was shot was taken to nearby Valley View Medical Center, then flown by helicopter to a Las Vegas hospital. No additional information was available Wednesday night. For video from the scene, scan the QR code or visit the Mohave Valley Daily News Facebook page. Complete article

Bullhead City man arrested after man shot in chest outside Fort Mohave Walmart 05/20/2021 LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A 23-year-old Bullhead City man was arrested on a second degree murder charge after an argument outside a Walmart ended with a shooting on Wednesday evening. .... Marcum was transported to a hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

Man admits starting fires inside a Mesa Ariz. Walmart, police say 05/19/2021

MESA, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) - A Mesa man has been arrested after police say he admitted starting fires inside the aisles of a Walmart store. Joseph Daniel Carter, 56, faces 2 felony counts of arson of an occupied structure.

On the evening of Tuesday, May 18, police say Carter walked into the Walmart at the corner of Stapley Drive and Baseline Road in Mesa. Once inside one of the aisles, police say Carter used a Bic lighter to set some merchandise on fire. The flames quickly began to spread, but employees were able to grab a fire extinguisher and use it to put out the fire.

Employees then followed Carter through the store and watched as he lit a rack of clothes on fire, according to the police report. Again, the flames started to spread and workers were able to douse that fire, as well. Employees detained Carter at the front door and called police.

When interviewed by detectives, Carter admitted setting the fires and said he did it because he was "psychotic" and it was "for the cause," according to the police report. Police say he appeared to be under the influence of something while he was being interviewed. Two lighters and matches were also found in Carter's possession, police say. Complete article

Two former Colorado police officers charged for arresting 73-year-old woman with dementia over $14 Walmart ‘theft’ 05/20/2021

Two former Colorado police officers have been charged for arresting a 73-year-old woman with dementia last year for leaving a Walmart store without paying for an item.

Former Loveland police department officers Austin Hopp and Daria Jalali arrested and booked Karen Garner as she exited a local Walmart after failing to pay for about $14 worth of merchandise. Complete article

795,000 chairs sold by Walmart recalled after some broke and caused broken bones 05/20/2021

Sitting in a chair shouldn’t send you to the floor or the hospital. That’s why Cheyenne Products recalled about 795,000 Mainstay metal padded folding chairs and barstools.

The exact problem, as stated in the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recall alert: “The weld attaching the legs to the seat bottom can break, posing a fall hazard.”

And the notice says Cheyenne knows about the weld breaking on 41 chairs, “resulting in 19 injuries, including four reports of fractures and one torn ligament.” Complete article

NC woman wins $100,000 prize after buying ticket at Walmart 05/1/2021

Man who disappeared after leaving Tx. Walmart store found safe 05/18/2021

A Flagstaff Ariz. Walmart Briefly Closes Wednesday After A Bomb Threat 05//2021

Ca. Walmart employee saves customer’s life 05/21/2021 A California Walmart employee is being hailed a hero after she helped a customer who suffered a medical emergency while shopping.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Man wanted for strong-arm robbery at Walmart in South Carolina, deputies say 05/21/2021

RICHLAND COUNTY, S.C. — Deputies say they need the public’s help in identifying a man wanted in a strong-arm robbery after a shoplifting turned physical at a South Carolina Walmart.

The Richland County Sheriff’s Department said it happened about 11 a.m. Thursday at the Walmart on Killian Road.

They said a man and woman walked out the store with items they failed to scan at the self-checkout.

Walmart employees approached them and discussed the situation.

Deputies said when an employee reached for the unpaid items in the cart, video shows the man getting into a physical altercation with her and forcefully taking her Apple Watch off her wrist. Complete article

Robbery In Parking Lot Of NC Walmart Under Investigation 05/21/2021

A robbery in a business parking lot is under investigation. According to information released this week by the Statesville Police Department, on Friday, April 23, 2021, a 73-year-old female victim and her husband pulled into a parking space on the Home Goods side of Walmart on Crossroads Drive in Statesville. After parking, what appears to be a burgundy Ford Explorer pulled into a parking space next to their vehicle.

As the victim was exiting the passenger side of their vehicle, the driver of the Explorer, a white female with blonde hair, possibly in her 40’s exited the vehicle and started talking to the victim, who had her pocketbook positioned on her left shoulder.

The woman grabbed the victim’s pocketbook, pulling her to the pavement and dragging her to gain control of the pocketbook. The suspect ran back to the driver’s side of the Explorer, then backed out of the parking space, almost running over the victim, who was laying on the ground. Complete article

NC Walmart shoplifting roundup results in 35 charged 05/21/2021

SALISBURY — Police and Walmart started an anti-shoplifting campaign in April to help curtail theft at the store.

In April alone, the campaign resulted in 35 people charged. Crimes ranged from larceny to preventing the activation of an anti-shoplifting device.

Through the anti-theft program, Salisbury Police and the store publicly identify individuals who have been charged with shoplifting. A news release said the goal is “to publicly identify individuals who have been charged in hopes that it deters them from shoplifting again and to create public awareness of what happens when a violation occurs to prevent others from shoplifting. Complete article

Man vandalizes property at Walmart, throws wine bottles at Fresno Ca. Police 05/21/2021

FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) — A man was arrested Friday night after vandalizing property at Walmart in southeast Fresno.

A man in his 30s went into the Walmart located on Kings Canyon Road and Peach Avenue and started to break televisions and throwing wine bottles just before 7 p.m., according to Fresno Police.

When officers arrived, he climbed on one of the racks in the produce section and continued to throw wine bottles, police say. That’s when officers deployed a non-lethal pepper ball gun at the suspect. He only had minor welts from the pepper ball, Fresno Police says.

At one point the store had to be evacuated for customer safety. Complete article

Lewis County woman arrested for allegedly stealing from Lowville NY Walmart several times 05/21/2021

Pennsylvania child sex-crime fugitive captured in Oxford Alabama Walmart 05/21/2021

Ryan Guettler drops suit against Walmart, Hyper and others 05/20/2021

New film '915: Hunting Hispanics' documents fear, loss related to 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting 05/21/2021

Deputies: Woman arrested after shooting 'former friend' in La. Walmart parking lot 05/23/2021

BATON ROUGE - An argument between former friends turned into gunfire Saturday night, resulting in one woman's arrest.

The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office says they arrested Khalecia Vinning after she shot and injured a woman in the Walmart parking lot on Burbank Drive around 10 p.m.

Authorities believe the incident stemmed from an ongoing altercation that lasted several months, and that Vinning's victim was an acquaintance of hers. Arrest records described Vinning as the victim's "former friend."

Vinning said the victim called out to her when she was leaving the store. The two argued and Vinning opened fire after the victim hit her, according to the affidavit. Complete article

Police: Ogdensburg man pulled knife on NY Walmart employees 05/24/2021

OGDENSBURG, N.Y. (WWNY) - A 44 year old Ogdensburg man faces felony charges after he allegedly pulled a knife on Walmart employees.

Harlow Perry Jr. of 1308 Ford Street is being held without bail in the St. Lawrence County Jail.

He’s charged with first-degree robbery and third-degree criminal possession of a weapon. Complete article

Small fire, brief evacuation of far east El Paso Tx. Walmart store 05/24/2021

El PASO, Texas -- A small fire that broke out Monday morning led to the brief evacuation of a Walmart store in far east El Paso.

Firefighters and ambulances were dispatched to the store on reports of a fire about 7:20 a.m. at the Walmart on Montana Avenue.

When fire crews arrived, they quickly determined the fire was small and downgraded their response. Complete article

Austin Tx. police looking for man who sexually assaulted 6-year-old inside Walmart 05/24/2021

AUSTIN (KXAN) — Austin police are looking for a man they say sexually assaulted a 6-year-old girl at the Walmart in Southpark Meadows on Saturday, May 15 and then took off. Police say the man “forcibly touched the child in a sexual manner.”

APD described the man as white with brown hair and of average size. He was last seen wearing a white, floppy baseball cap, a green patterned shirt, maroon pants, and green or gray Converse sneakers.

Police said the man entered the Walmart in Southpark Meadows at I-35 and Slaughter Lane on the afternoon of May 15 and wandered around for some time before approaching the six-year-old in an aisle. That’s when the sexual assault occurred. Police said the man then took off in an older, 1999-era Chevrolet Suburban that was blue or green in color. Complete article

Gardner Kansas police looking for man who battered loss prevention officer at Walmart 05/23/2021

GARDNER, KS (KCTV) --- Police in Gardner are looking for a man accused of battering a loss prevention officer at a local Walmart.

Police say the incident happened at Saturday.

The officer was attempting to stop the suspect from stealing items. Complete article

Walmart sent people racist emails after someone used their details to create accounts with fake names 05/24/2021

Dozens of people are upset after receiving emails from an official Walmart account that contained a racial slur.

Rachael Campbell, who lives in Scotland and has no access to a Walmart store, received a message from an official Walmart email address on Monday that swapped out her first name for a racial slur. Campbell shared the email from Walmart with Insider.

Dozens of other people received similar messages, and shared screenshots of their "Welcome to Walmart" emails on Twitter. The screenshots show that these emails used the same racial slur.

Walmart confirmed the issue in a statement to Insider, saying it was "shocked and appalled to see these offensive and unacceptable emails."

"We discovered that an external bad actor created false Walmart accounts with obvious intent to offend our customers," a Walmart spokesperson said. "We're looking into our sign-up process to ensure something like this doesn't happen again. We're also looking into all available means to hold those responsible accountable." Complete article

Walmart delivery drone launch site zooms into picture 05/24/2021

PEA RIDGE -- Construction is well underway on the drone launchpad here at the Walmart Neighborhood Market, which will use the same method to deliver consumer goods to customers' homes that has worked for years in delivering lifesaving supplies in Africa.

"The drone wars have begun and as is the case with most retail innovations, Walmart is determined to lead the pack," said Carol Spieckerman, a retail consultant and president of Spieckerman Retail in Bentonville. "Next-level drone capabilities are already being hatched by retailers like Kroger, which announced that its drone deliveries will reach mobile phone locations, not just street addresses. No doubt Walmart is already testing new options as well." Complete article

Sales associate to manager: How Forest Mississippi Walmart employee went to school for $1 a day 05/21/2021

Wallet stolen from woman at Saint Marys Pa. Walmart 05/22/2021

White Lake Mich. police want to ID suspect in Walmart incident 05/24/2021

Subject wanted for shoplifting at Ga. Walmart on Wrightsboro Road 05/24/2021

Pursuit on I-19 ends in gunfire in Nogales Ariz. Walmart parking lot 05/24/2021 fatal

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Authorities say a pursuit along I-19 near a Border Patrol checkpoint ended in a shootout in the parking lot of a Walmart in Nogales Monday afternoon.

According to a report from the Nogales International, details from Nogales Police that state the suspect was killed while trying to get away in a semi tractor trailer. The report goes on to say, police used spike stripes trying to keep the driver from fleeing the scene.

Department of Public Safety troopers say it started as a shootout at the checkpoint the continued south on I-19. It ended in gunfire in the parking lot minutes later. Nogales Police haven't said whether anyone was arrested or whether the suspect was injured or killed in the incident. Complete article

Truck driver killed in officer-involved shooting at Nogales Walmart identified 05/26/2021

Police: No one hurt after gunshots fired near Anderson SC Walmart 05/24/2021

ANDERSON, SC (FOX CAROLINA) - The Anderson City Police Department said no one was hurt after shots were fired outside stores on Liberty Highway.

Police said they responded to the shooting call in the parking lot outside Walmart and a strip of retail stores at 3812 Liberty Highway.

Initial 911 calls reported one person was injured in the incident and taken to the emergency room in a personal vehicle, according to the Anderson County coroner, but police said there was not a gunshot victim.

Police say a man in a white tank top shot a gun and fled the scene in a gray Honda Odyssey toward Clemson Boulevard. Complete article

Man stabbed during dispute at Walmart in Raleigh NC 05/25/2021

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — Two men were taken to a nearby hospital after one of them was stabbed at a Walmart in Raleigh Tuesday night.

The incident was reported around 10:30 p.m. at the Walmart at 4431 New Bern Ave., according to Raleigh police.

One man was stabbed while the other man was beaten up, police said.

Both suffered injuries that are not believed to be life-threatening, according to police. Complete article

Macomb Ill. Walmart closed following fire 05/24/2021

MACOMB (WGEM) -- The Macomb Fire Department says the cause of a fire at the Walmart on E. Jackson is under investigation Monday evening.

Fire Chief Rick Driskell says crews responded to the store for a report of black smoke coming from the roof around 2:30 p.m. Monday.

Chief Driskell said when crews got there, they gained access to the roof and put the fire out. He said the fire caused severe damage to rooftop solar panels and the roof.

The chief added there is water damage to the inside of the building. He said there is no fire damage inside of the store. Complete article

Mitchell woman arrested after stealing items from Ind. Walmart 05/24/2021

Walmart unveils one Lincoln Nebraska remodel as it prepares for 2 more 05/24/2021

Bomb threat investigated at Wallingford Conn. Walmart 05/26/2021

Customers rushing a Walmart store looking for Pokémon cards is the latest example of trading-card fever 05/25/2021

BREAKING: Police investigate bomb threat at Walmart in Salisbury Md. 05/26/2021

Man arrested for trying to kidnap a child from NC Walmart, police say 05/27/2021

LELAND, N.C. (WECT) - A man was arrested following an attempted kidnapping of a seven-year-old boy from near the entrance to Walmart on New Pointe Boulevard in Leland shortly after 4 p.m. Wednesday.

Leland Police responded to a reported kidnapping at 4:07 p.m. after several calls from people who witnessed a man attempting to take a child who was near one of the entrances to the store.

As the man attempted to carry the child away, the child’s mother was able to grab her child’s leg and prevent the abduction. Complete article

Man found living in Walmart air ducts in west Houston, police say 05/26/2021

HOUSTON – A SWAT team was called to a west Houston Walmart after police say a man was found living in the store’s air-conditioning vents Wednesday.

Westside officers responded around 6 p.m. to the Walmart located in the 2700 block of S. Kirkwood.

SWAT officers and Houston police were called when the man refused to come out. Police said the man who was having a mental crisis has been living in the ducts but it is unknown for how long.

Police said the man was eventually removed and taken out on a stretcher to an ambulance while handcuffed. Complete article

He’s been asking Me. Walmart to pick up its trash for 3 years. But when he did it himself, Walmart called the police. 05/26/2021

MEXICO — A Bethel man, who said he’s been asking managers at Walmart in Mexico and Oxford to clean up trash behind their stores, was ordered Wednesday to leave the Mexico property, after employees saw him picking up trash next to the Androscoggin River.

Tony Bennett said he’s advised managers at both stores for the past three years that he’s had enough of the trash building up outside their stores. He said when he saw hundreds of face masks, empty Walmart bags, Dunkin’ containers and used diapers spread out and obviously raked down the riverbank Wednesday morning, he couldn’t stand it.

“They literally just raked (the trash down the banking),” he said. “They raked from 20 feet to the pavement all the way to bank and they dumped it over the bank right with all of the leaves and debris and garbage for 100 feet long, 20 feet wide and put it right over the bank, with all the other trash.”

He said he told the manager Wednesday morning, “You’re the manager and you’re allowing this to happen in the River Valley? I said, ‘164 miles of the Androscoggin River, 3,530 miles of watershed and you’re allowing your store to disrespect us like this? And you’re not doing nothing about it?’”

Bennett spent the morning picking up garbage behind the store, but after employees noticed him, managers told him to leave the property. When he didn’t, Mexico Police Officer Lawrence Briggs arrived and Bennett left on his own. Complete article

These 2 tried to shoplift $1,290 from Martinez SC Walmart, deputies say 05/25/2021

Ruston La. Police investigate theft from local WalMart 05/25/2021

El Paso Tx. lawmakers say gun reform promises after Walmart massacre were broken 05/25/2021

Ariz. Walmart makes good on bad gift card as Let Joe Know team gets money back for consumers 05/27/2021

Arsonist caught on video set fires in Mobile Alabama Walmart: Mobile Fire-Rescue 05/28/2021

MOBILE, Ala. (WPMI) — Mobile Fire Rescue is asking for help of the public to identify an arson suspect.

Thursday at 2:30 p.m. the suspect walked through the Walmart located at 101 East I-65 Service Road and used lighter fluid to start little fires in the store. No injuries were reported.

The store was evacuated by the managers and the suspect left before the arrival of police. Complete article

Two suspected arsonists target Alabama Walmart stores just 24 hours apart 05/29/2021

MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) — Investigators in Mobile are now looking for two different people accused of very similar crimes, setting fires inside of Mobile Walmart stores just 24 hours apart.

The first fire broke out at the Beltline Walmart on Thursday and then Friday on Rangeline.

Photos shared with FOX10 News show the scary moments inside of the busy Rangeline store, captured by people who witnessed the big ball of fire erupt inside, flames seen touching the ceiling.

In another video you can hear the fire alarms blaring as smoke filled several aisles in the hardware section at the back of the store. Complete article

Witness describes arson incident inside Alabama Walmart: 'Flames reached the ceiling' 05/31/2021 "Stepped back again and turned around, everybody was in shock and that's when I saw that it was all the way to the ceiling," Buxton said.

Man arrested after starting fire inside Oregon Walmart 05/30/2021

PORTLAND, O.R. (KOIN) — A man was arrested in Oregon on Saturday for reportedly lighting a fire inside a Walmart store.

Washington County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the North Adair Street location in Cornelius around 4:30 p.m. on a report of a man causing a disturbance and attempting to start a fire.

Responding deputies arrived to find customers exiting the store. They quickly located the man standing over a small fire, which he started by lighting greeting cards and other paper goods. He also knocked over several displays, according to WCSO.

“Deputies and Cornelius Fire Department personnel quickly extinguished the fire,” WCSO said in a release Sunday. “Fortunately, no one was injured. The fire caused several hundred dollars in damage to merchandise and displays.” Complete article

Attempted carjacking reported outside Mansfield Pa. Walmart 05/29/2021

MANSFIELD, PA - 27-year-old, Maher Omar Brown, (listed as homeless) presently sits in jail as he faces charges after an attempted carjacking/robbery that occurred on Wednesday afternoon, May 26, 2021, in the Walmart parking lot, located in Richmond Township.

The incident unfolded between 1:00PM and 1:20PM, as a man with a gun tried to get a woman to hand over her car keys to him. The man reportedly was taken by surprise as the woman told him off and climbed inside her vehicle and locked the doors. The woman then called 911 and reported the incident.

Pennsylvania State Police Troopers quickly responded to Walmart and made contact with the female victim and got a description of the man. Troopers immediately started searching the area around the store and others went into the office to gather information, as well as, view security cameras.

FNN was told that at one point State Police had guns drawn out behind the Walmart store, as employees out back were told to go back inside the store. However, the suspect was said to have been caught inside Walmart riding a handicap cart around the store. Complete article

Shops with similar names struggle with Walmart warranty calls 05/27/2021

EASTON, Pa. (BRAIN) — What if your shop was named Genesis and people who bought Genesis bikes from Walmart called you every day looking for help? What if Action Wheels were a brand of Walmart's battery-powered ThunderTank ride-on toy and also the name of your bike shop?

We spoke to Tomias Hinchcliff, former owner of Genesis Bicycles in Easton, Pa. (now a Trek-owned shop) and Patty Woodworth, co-owner of Action Wheels in Deptford, N.J., about how they cope with these aggravations.

"Walmart tells consumers with product issues to contact the manufacturer directly," Hinchcliff said. "When you Google Genesis Bicycles, we're the first search result to come up, unfortunately."

"We did everything to try to direct people elsewhere," emphasized Hinchcliff. "A bold heading on the website, ATTENTION Walmart customers. Every phone in the store has a posting above it with Kent's (Genesis' manufacturer) toll-free number and website."

The confusion goes well beyond consumer calls and e-mails. "We even received a very thick envelope from the Consumer Product Safety Commission alerting us to numerous consumer complaints about Genesis brand bikes," Hinchcliff said.

"We've always been polite and friendly with these callers, it's not their fault that they've ended up talking to us," said Hinchcliff. "Callers have been very understanding of our plight as well. Most all have Southern accents, not sure why." Complete article

Walmart workers reveal the one thing they wish they knew before starting their jobs 05/27/2021

Walmart is the world's largest private employer, with about 2.3 million workers globally, including 1.6 million in the US — and it's looking to hire thousands more people this year.

Many of Walmart's employees are based in the retailer's stores, working the checkout lines, stocking goods, and packing grocery orders, among other duties. Walmart pays about $15.25 an hour on average, according to the company.

But what is it really like to work for Walmart as a store-level employee? And what do workers wish they'd known before joining the retail giant? Complete article

Walton family’s trust sold more than $750 million worth of Walmart stock the past 2 weeks 05/28/2021

Walmart Inc. disclosed that the Walton family’s s trust sold nearly $375 million worth of the retail giant’s stock last week.

That follows sales by the trust of more than $375 million worth of stock the week before.

In Form 4 filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission late Thursday, Walmart said that the Walton Family Holdings Trust sold a total of 2.63 million shares in the open market over the previous three days valued at $374.37 million, at a weighted-average price of $142.174, based on a MarketWatch calculation of SEC data.

The shares sold made up 13.2% of the total trading volume over those three days, based on FactSet data. Complete article

Are Walmart and Amazon a Threat to Teladoc? 05/26/2021

Teladoc Health (NYSE:TDOC) is top dog and first mover in the online telehealth industry. Its first-mover status gives the company powerful advantages in mindshare and name recognition. A lot of copycats have emerged, including Amwell (NYSE:AMWL). Now some massive retailing giants like Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Walmart (NYSE:WMT) also want a piece of the online healthcare pie.

Is all this competition a danger for Teladoc investors? Or does it simply validate the business model? In this Fool Live segment, recorded on May 14, Corinne Cardina, bureau chief of healthcare and cannabis at, and Motley Fool writer Taylor Carmichael discuss the arrival of powerful retailers that now want to start offering healthcare. Complete article

Police investigate bomb threat at Elkton, Cecil County Md. Walmart 05/26/2021

Man Steals Headphones From Fla. Walmart, Leaving Behind Packaging 05/28/2021

Galesburg Ill. man arrested again after attempting to steal from Walmart 05/28/2021

Four arrested for breaking into homes, using stolen credit cards at NC Walmart 05/28/2021

Man injured in West Anchorage Alaska shooting, police say 05/27/2021

Police are investigating a shooting at a busy West Anchorage intersection that sent an injured man to the hospital Wednesday afternoon.

Officers were called to the intersection of West 36th Avenue and Arctic Boulevard just before 2 p.m. for a reports of shots fired in traffic, police wrote in an online alert.

Gyun Yoon said he was ringing up a customer at a liquor store and market on the corner of that intersection when he heard a quick succession of gunshots ring out. Yoon said the sounds frightened him because he immediately knew it was gunfire. When he stepped outside the shop shortly afterward, he said, police had arrived at the intersection. Complete article

Texas neo-Nazi arrested for planning mass shooting at Walmart: cops 05/30/2021

An apparent neo-Nazi in Texas has been arrested for planning a mass shooting at a Walmart, police said Sunday.

Coleman Thomas Blevins, 28, was arrested Friday in Kerrville, about 70 miles northwest of San Antonio, after investigators intercepted a message indicating he planned to carry out a mass shooting with a specific threat that included Walmart, the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office announced in a Facebook post.

Investigators from the sheriff’s office made contact with Blevins and confirmed “his affiliation and networking with extremist ideologies” and determined he was capable of “following through with the threat” so they “moved immediately to arrest him,” cops said. Complete article

Vermont white supremacist busted tampering with witness at Walmart while facing gun charges 05/31/2021

On Monday, WCAX reported that a self-proclaimed white nationalist in Bennington, Vermont facing a gun charge now faces an additional charge of witness tampering.

"Vermont State Police say Max Misch, 38, was arrested after detectives learned that he went to the Walmart in Bennington Friday and spoke with a witness in his pending court case," said the report. "Misch was charged in 2019 with allegedly buying two, 30-round rifle magazines in New Hampshire and then bringing them back to Vermont. He recently lost a state Supreme Court appeal that the high-capacity gun magazine law was unconstitutional."

According to the report, "Misch has also been accused of racial baiting, including harassing former Black state representative Kiah Morris and willfully damaging a Black Lives Matter mural." Morris, then the only Black lawmaker in the state, resigned over the harassment. Complete article

1 person injured after boat fire at Hermitage Tenn. Walmart gas station 05/30/2021

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - One person was critically injured after being burned when a boat caught fire at the Hermitage Walmart.

Fire crews arrived and saw heavy smoke coming from a boat parked at the Walmart gas station.

Man oh man. Was in Hermitage and heard an explosion and a giant fireball into the sky. Was told one person injured badly when trying to put gas in their boat. Pray they’ll be ok. @WSMV

One person was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in critical condition. Complete article

Austintown Ohio police searching for suspect involved in hit skip at Walmart 05/30/2021

AUSTINTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – Austintown Police are looking to identify the vehicle and driver of a hit skip accident that happened at the Austintown Walmart last week.

It happened last Thursday.

Police say the vehicle involved is a black Dodge Ram quad cab with chrome rims and white advertisement lettering on all four doors. Complete article

Man faces death penalty in double homicide at Whitehall Pa. Walmart custody exchange last Feb. 05/28/2021

Walmart ranked 6 on LGBT support 05/29/2021 Walmart Inc. placed sixth on Diversity Inc.'s recently released 2021 list of large U.S. companies that support gay and transgender employees and suppliers.

Police incident reported at Walmart in York Pa. 05/29/2021

Ocala woman arrested on 18 theft charges at Fla. Walmart 05/29/2021

Suspicious Package Report Under Investigation At Dundalk Md. Walmart 05/31/2021

THEFT: Police looking to identify two men in Altoona Walmart 05/31/2021

Vestal NY Police provide details into what lead to Walmart evacuation 05/30/2021