Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Is this for real? Or Insane Reverse Psychology Experiment Or Research?
Are we living in the Twilight Zone?
Is the alleged Trump Presidency actually a Reality TV Show?
Or is this part of a reverse psychology effort to spur opposition for some insane reason?
Even the Trump administration can't be so asinine and clueless that they didn't realize that Melania's jacket wouldn't create an uproar outraging people; can they?
It's not likely that they can be so clueless, and it's virtually guaranteed that they aren't, but they are that asinine, since even if there is some kind of insane reverse psychology effort to spur opposition so that the public would overthrow him it wouldn't be nearly as effective as just starting to tell the truth about whatever scams they've been conducting, and it would still be asinine!
Three years ago when Trump began his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists everyone thought it was insane and he had no chance of winning; and they were right, or at least they would have been right, if the media covered the campaign in a remotely reasonable manner! Instead one celebrity after another makes one insane blunder after another, and not only should they know better but they do!
There's just way to much insanity going on and an enormous amount of it so foolish that it can't possibly be all true. Not only do Melania's handlers have to know better than to let her wear that jacket unless they really are trying to stir up an insane debate arguing back and forth; but they also had to know better than to give her two prepared speeches written by Michelle Obama's speech writers! At least Michelle Obama did a better job pretending to believe and write her own speeches!
Corey Lewandowski also had to know better than to say "Womp Womp" when arguing about the insane immigration policies he's supporting; and other politicians that are repeatedly referring to unarmed families with small children have to know better than to call them "invaders" or saying "Shame on these parents for bringing their children while they break the law."
They have to know that they're fleeing oppression and that the United States government has been supporting these tyrannical regimes for decades, assuming they actually want to! A few of them can be so insane and crude but there are still enough rational Republican't that know that this can only lead to disaster, and they can come up with a much more effective way of dealing with the insane Trump administration, assuming they actually want to do that too.
But even if the Republican Party and the clownish Trump administration was so insane that they can't control there own rhetoric or stop themselves from sending Melania out with that jacket that she almost certainly wouldn't have chosen without consulting with her handlers, back in 2015 a large portion of the Democratic establishment had to be aware of just how horrible a candidates Hillary was. And she should also have known better than to say "I have experience with men off the reservation," or to take temper tantrums when confronted by Black Lives Matter in front of the camera, and more absurd blunders than I can keep track of.
They knew that she laughed hysterically about Gaddafi years before the campaign saying "We came, we saw, he died." They knew that she made an enormous amount of other blunders and that she was an outrageous nominee that had incredibly high negative poll ratings. They had to know that giving up the nomination process months before the primaries even began by putting the entire Democratic establishment behind such an outrageous candidates with enormous amounts of baggage and corrupt ties in addition to all her absurd blunders was a foolish thing to do!
And yet, except for an handful of candidates, that got no coverage at all, and Bernie Sanders who fell in line when the script called for it, the entire Democratic establishment agreed not to run and endorsed her, setting the stage for the insane Trump presidency!
Edit 07/30/2018: If their goal is to keep people laughing then they're succeeding with one insane event after another. They couldn't come up with more insane foriegn policy activities if they tried to which just might mean that's what they're doing!
Edit 07/13/2018: This charade just keeps getting more insane, or even worse it really isn't a charade, although that may be increasingly less likely. Trump's absurd comments about the British Prime Minister sound like something that really would come out of a baby. But it's now so routine that most people are starting to beleive that it is the new normal, although the political establishment clearly must know better. But of course it would avhe to be a massive conspiracy theory to justify this insanity.
Even if some don't accept the possibility that this is an insane charade, Peter Strzok admitted they had information about Trump which they claim implicates him with Russia, yet they withheld if from the public, and they also had an enormous amount of information on Hillary Clinton, sending out mixed messages about her. With or without an insane conspiracy theory the only candidates they provide a significant amount of coverage for are all involved in an epidemic level of scandals, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders, who they didn't provide nearly as much coverage as the ones supporting Wall Street, and treated him like he was fringe because he represented the grassroots.
There should be no doubt the entire democratic system has turned into a "Tragedy and Farce!"
Edit 07/07/2018: Since I posted this things continue to go insane almost like an insane reality TV show and instead of making this absurd conspiracy theory look like it can't possibly be true they continue to make the official so absurd that it looks more like it's scripted, fitting many conspiracy theories that we're not supposed to trust more than a rational government and press that is credible. They still haven't stopped maintaining war propaganda that makes absolutely no sense about North Korea escalating their nuclear research if you believe the mainstream press, without reporting on the lies that led us to this confrontation in the first place. This fits into the same pattern of behavior that is clearly designed to maintain the threat of war indefinitely, or as the Bible says, "Wars and Rumors of Wars," even when there's no need for it.
Not that this is some kind of prophetic prediction; it's easy to recognize a pattern of deception and predict that it will continue.
Even though the absurd conspiracy theory I mentioned previously in 2016 and linked to below should still be falling apart Scott Pruitt's statement that “I believe you are serving as President today because of God’s providence,” only seems to make it more viable in a clownish manner like everything else they do which doesn't make any sense.
If God exists and this is how he accomplishes his goals, what could he possibly be trying to accomplish?
Now, almost like clock-work we jump from one insane obsession du jour to another where there are political operatives manipulating the public from both sides lining them up to divide and rule and both political parties are routinely bending over backwards to represent the same oligarchies that finance their campaigns!
There's no doubt that there's something totally insane about the political establishment that is insanely obsessed with jumping from one clownish satire to another almost as if it's all on schedule, or perhaps, if this is a Twilight Zone conspiracy, an enormous amount of these obsession du jours are on schedule!
But why? What could be so important that they would put on this insane charade, or if it's not a completely planned charade, which to some degree I'm sure it's not, although it is partially planned, then why can't they even do a better job pretending to represent the public? I know they've been doing plenty of research, some of which was exposed in the E--Mail leaks and a lot of which I've written about in the past which clearly indicates that they do know to do a better job scamming the public yet, they'rte not!
Is it just power for the sake of power? Probably not entirely but there's an astronomical amount of evidence to indicate that it might be somewhat close, and they might be relying on all this insanity to distract from other undisclosed motives, which may not be completely secret.
One of the things that they've clearly learned is that both parties can get away with many of the same scams as long as they use the right tactics to appease the voters that accept the choice between two parties and are divided up into three groups, those that think their Party, either Democratic or Republican, is right, or at least the lesser of two evils and so called independents that accept the duopoly and just keep jumping back and forth falling for slightly different scams from one election cycle to the next.
Amazingly a large portion of Party loyalists are routinely outraged when the other party does something wrong but make incredibly bad excuses that any rational person can see through, including when Sarah Huckabee Sanders expressed outrage because she was asked to leave a restaurant and over Maxine Waters call for protest, which many people seem to think goes to far; however this call to civility, from Sanders and other Republicans, clearly doesn't apply to Trump who has said that he'd like to punch protesters in the face and would pay the legal fees to those who do and many more things so outrageous that I can't keep track of them.
How can there be any doubt that Trump is clearly inciting retaliation? By doing it in such an obvious and clownish manner that it's hard to imagine he couldn't have expected retaliation and that it's exactly what he wanted. This is part of the reason why it should be increasingly hard to rule out a staged satire for some insane reason!
Not that the Democrats are nearly as much better as they pretend to be; and when Trump says that this problem was created by Democrats he's actually partly right although when ever he gets something right he seems to distort it so bad that it seems completely wrong! It's not to long ago that Barack Obama was labeled the "Deporter in Chief." A closer look indicates that he wasn't always as bad as some of the rhetoric against him but he didn't do nearly as much as he could have and supported Hillary Clinton who supported draconian policies of her husband and pushed for more of the same as Secretary of State, and as I reminded people in my last article, she said, “We have to send a clear message, just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. So, we don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.” (06/18/2014).
While Obama was helping to rig the primary for Hillary Clinton who, at best did a bad job pretending to defend immigrants, like Karla Ortiz who she promised that she would protect even though it contradicted her political record, Bernie Sanders posted an article, "Stop the Separation of Immigrant Children and Families," 04/04/2018 which clearly indicates that although the Obama administration wasn't nearly as extreme as the current one, the separation of children from their parents isn't new. But now that Trump is doing it on a much larger scale they're actually reporting it!
If the Obama administration hadn't been part of the obvious and corrupt effort to rig the nomination for Hilary Clinton then Trump ever could have won in the first place!
The Trump administration battle with North Korea and how they allegedly negotiated a peace agreement, as far as it goes, is even more clownish and unbelievable indicating the possibility that it might be staged for some insane reason; as I previously pointed out in Looming North Korea Nuclear Apocalypse Result of Incompetence? Or Staged? this situation was a result of a long list of lies, including the claim that North Korea was the one that constantly broke previous deals. The Clinton administration negotiated a deal with North Korea with Jimmy Carters help and Bush is the one that broke that deal and Obama followed up with his own clownish rhetoric about North Korea hacking Sony pictures when they ridiculed them.
Both Political Parties have been carrying out a long series of activities that have clearly not been designed to create peace in North Korea or many other parts of the world, including the Mid-East and Israel which is constantly oppressing people in the West Bank and Gaza with approval from both Parties.
In the article about the the "Looming North Korea Nuclear Apocalypse" points out that this is as insane as the rest of the Trump administration and that it brings about actions that seem similar to the Apocalypse, or an incredible satirical version of it that's hard to believe; and it speculates on the possibility that if UFOs really are from other planets, and they were involved in the moving of massive megaliths thousands of years ago that this might be part of a far-fetched long term plan of some sort. The moving of the embassy to Jerusalem in an equally clownish manner also seems to bring about some aspects of the Apocalypse, only that was also done in a clownish manner like everything else in the Trump administration as well as I pointed out in Evangelical belief in the Apocalypse, accurate or not, is shaping policy which also points out that religious support is helping to create a self-fulfilling prophecy about the restoration of ancient Jerusalem, which Evangelicals consider necessary before Christ can return.
This sounds insane, of course, and to a large part it is insane; however the official version of truth has been steadily becoming more insane for decades; and there should be no doubt that they could have avoided an enormous amount of disasters that have happened and dealt with the ones they couldn't avoid much more effectively if they acted rationally; yet they chose not to even though it not even in the best interests of the wealthy elites to have our society collapse which it will if our leaders continue acting in such an idiotic manner. I responded to during the election, when I noticed that that was also insane, and I doubted if it could get much stupider, in another article Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy which started out with credible evidence about how the media was controlling the coverage to ensure that only candidates that they approved of would get coverage, which was true and didn't rely on what some people would consider fringe conspiracy theory, since it was based on public sources that aren't being denied by the political establishment or media.
That article went on to recognize that, although fringe conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton being the "Whore of Babylon" couldn't possibly be completely true, Hillary had far more characteristics attributed to the "Whore of Babylon" than a rational skeptic might expect. This went on to speculate about an absurd fake apocalypse that they're intentionally creating which should have fallen apart but things have continued to become even more insane since then continuing with the Al Smith dinner and then with Trump winning the election, only because the Democrats rigged the nomination for such a horrible candidate!
Instead of falling apart like that theory should have, if anything it has gotten far stronger, although it's still vague, and if there's something to it it still needs work.
Donald Trump's rhetoric about a "Space Force" only adds to the insanity, but is it be completely false? There's no way that it could work out as he seems to imply, like everything else he comes up with; however we do have far more advanced technology developing at an incredibly rapid pace, even though our entire political and media establishment is going insane. This couldn't possibly be happening unless people behind the scenes are acting far more rationally than they let on!
But if there is something to it any information they give to the public seems to be coming in an incredibly unreliable manner from sources that have no credibility and are obviously mixing it up with an enormous amount of false information that can't possibly be true.
This doesn't mean that we should jump on the band wagon of bizarre conspiracy theories; I tried to be a rational skeptic since I first started posting this semi-regular series of articles, and continue to; however the official version of truth is to irrational and contradictory to be completely true, and large portions of it are routinely proven to be false.
One of the theories, which I would be a little skeptical of claims that Trump call for Space Force a Step towards Disclosure of USAF Secret Space Program 06/2/2018 claims there's already a "Space Force" of some sort, which I wouldn't completely rule out if alien contact has been made but I would want stronger evidence before believing the details, and it's certainly not a guarantee. Rational Wiki refers to him a wingnut and they make fun of him; however I would be skeptical of them, as well since they don't act as rationally as they claim like a lot of other high profile skeptics that ridicule others for not using scientific methods but then when evidence doesn't support their own beliefs they don't either. After looking through enough of this research I've come to suspect, as I've written in past articles, that they might be disclosing parts of the truth intentionally mixed up with an enormous amount of misinformation to confuse the issue.
If this is true then figuring out what's going on will have to involve a lot of slow fact checking and learning about a lot of different subjects. If they want to withhold disclosure until it suits their purposes using this method can, and perhaps already has, been very effective.
In one of my recent articles, Researching Poor, Slaves, Prisoners, To Benefit Ruling Class With Alien Technology? I cited Philip Corso's book "The Day After Roswell" where he claims that he worked with alien technology sharing it with multinational corporations and other credible sources including mainstream media reports that exposed China's use of prisoners for research and to get organs for transfer, often without full consent. There's no doubt that some unethical use of prisoners or poor people around the world for research has been going on for Decades, as Harvard University ethics researcher Harriet Washington, who I cited previously exposed, in her books "Medical Apartheid" and "Deadly Monopolies."
As far-fetched as this sounds additional evidence might have come from the article, Gates Foundation is spearheading the neoliberal plunder of African agriculture 01/21/2016, which reports that the Gate's Foundation is promoting Monsanto and DuPont GMOs agaisnt the will of many people in a manner that can't be sustained by local people and will put them under the control of corporations that hold patents for these GMOs and it will also add to the use of them as research subjects.
If Philip Corso is partly right then a large portion of computer technology, including the technology that Bill Gates allegedly developed may have actually come from alien technology developed as a result of the Roswell crash or other contact with aliens. In "The Day After Roswell" Chapter Fifteen he writes, "General Trudeau encouraged me to start contacting plastics and ceramics manufacturers, especially Monsanto and Dow, to find out who was doing research on super-tenacity materials, especially at university laboratories," and he goes on to refer to "contacts he set up for me at Du Pont and Monsanto" which clearly indicates that if there is something to this then GMOs are also almost certainly a result of alien technology and they're using us for research purposes.
There are also recent reports about forcing immigrant children in these detainment centers to take drugs against their wishes and that they're receiving reckless or dangerous medical care, which could be compatible with the theory that they're being used for research, assuming additional details are provided.
Another major problem with the official version of truth is that if the elite ruling class is looking out for their own best interests and they're acting mostly if not entirely on greed are they so fanatical that they believe their own rhetoric about Climate Change and are willing to play chicken with the survival of the planet? Some of them certainly could be but they can't all be that stupid or insane; and unless the more rational faction was suicidal they wouldn't be willing to allow a clownish effort like Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt escalate the destruction of the environment.
They might be able to profit off the destruction of third world countries and abandoned inner cities for decades if not centuries but eventually this destruction will also destroy themselves, and they have to know it!
In Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory and Could Steve Bannon Be Providing Propaganda To Enable Climate Change Research Project? I pointed out the obvious that if Climate Change is partly created by man then it's possible to have some degree of control of the environment and they might be able to experiment with it. And dating back to James Hansen's warnings in the late eighties that Climate Change is real and a speech to Congress from Lyndon Johnson in the sixties, along with more recent comments by Michio Kaku some of this experimentation might be possible or it might already be going on; and if there has been an unknown advanced intelligence around for thousands of years dating back to when ancient megaliths were moved that couldn't have been moved by primitive civilizations, then they could be involved.
If this is partly true, are they planning to keep it secret forever? They're certainly not disclosing it in the most honest and effective manner. If it's not true then there still has to be another explanation for all the current insanity so the official version of truth is still flawed. But if there is some truth to it and if some of the alleged predictions from the Apocalypse do seem to be coming partially true, even if it is in a clownish manner could that be part of a controlled disclosure effort? Could they have convinced some of the people involved to go along with this by telling them that eventually it would be for the benefit of all, which technically is possible in the future, but not in the present when they're continuing to sacrifice and enormous amount of people for their lies?
If there are some people that want full disclosure eventually involved in this conspiracy then they might be more willing to cooperate if they thought there was plan to end with that even if it's never intended to come true, they might be more cooperative if they think it's going to be disclosed. Could this be part of some insane reverse psychology effort to incite political organization?
Or at least not a good one that would be the most effective way of disclosing it; that would involve a much more effective method to teach rational behavior instead of trying to indoctrinate people to go along with their agenda even though it's against the best interest of the majority of the public! However it's conceivable that they think that a reverse psychology effort to incite reform from the grassroots that involves letting people recognize that they've been had and stand up for their own rights might be what some of them chose to believe.
Do you ever wonder whether Trump voters actually believe his ridiculous lies; and if so how they came to believe them and what it would take to convince them otherwise?
It's not just the ridiculous excuses that they use to justify treatment of detainees; but everything that has been going on for years since the election and even the clownish behavior that was on the Apprentice, which was gawd awful, or at least the clips on Cable News are, and I can't even imagine why anyone would even watch one episode.
There's one story after another about the working class people that voted for Trump continuing to say they still support him, with a few exceptions even though his policies are only making things worse for them. Louisiana Crawfishermen somehow came to the conclusion that he would help them before the election even though he was promising to eliminate environmental protection, which is what they needed, and things are only getting worse for them; Iowa farmers are suffering from his trade policies; the so-called salvation of Carrier jobs in Indiana was partially falling apart as he was getting publicity for saving them, then when the publicity went away most of the other jobs were shipped overseas; West Virginia cola miners are losing their health care, and not saving their jobs which was never a credible promise; veterans are also losing their health care, and the list just keeps getting longer.
How much will it take for his supporters to recognize that he never intended to look out for their best interests in the first place?
Many of these same voters are indifferent, or supportive of the oppression of of minorities, whether it's the immigrants being separated from their families, minorities being shot and killed by police or many other stories. Is this support for others going to keep them happy when they realize that these policies aren't going to do anything to help their own problems? Some of them have already demonstrated that they're willing to support depriving minorities of their rights, but they can't seem to see that they're also losing their own rights in a more subtle way, for now. How far can this scapegoating go?
I'm not convinced there are as many of them as the media implies with their polls; however I doubt if they're completely making it up. But the reason those that do believe these idiotic lies is almost certainly a result of their early upbringing in dysfunctional homes where they were raised to believe what they were told from their leaders from an early age; and this was almost certainly backed up by intimidation tactics to keep kids in line.
This is especially common in religious households where parents use corporal punishment to teach their children to behave from an early age and often do so in an emotional manner. They learn to go along with the crowd and not to question authority, or at least the authorities from their own group blindly believing incredibly bad lies as a group and gradually changing when it suits their leaders purposes as they manipulate them. Social Psychologists, including many working with the CIA have understood this for decades.
If this is the case, and at least to some degree the child psychology is, then in order to teach them to think rationally they need to go through a slow reeducation process that would be most effective with young people if they could stop the abusive upbringing.
However, in the short term, it's much easier to control them using demagogues, like Donald Trump and religious evangelicals or televangelists, who also come up with the most absurd scams that the faithful fall for. These Trump supporters are essentially cult followers that have little or no critical thinking skills of their own and the older ones may never develop them; however younger ones might be more inclined to believe they've been had if they see how everything is back firing and it's more likely to work if entire groups of people are coming to the same conclusion together.
This might point his followers in the right direction and fanatical psychologists working with the CIA might be inclined to try it, and have tried other extreme things in the past, however moving them all as a cult won't teach critical thinking skills, that will take much longer.
As I said before if they were looking out for the best interest of the majority of the public there's no way they would go about this using insane conspiracies like this; instead they would have started any disclosure effort long ago in an honest manner, teaching critical thinking skills and reducing child abuse so kids aren't taught to blindly go along with insane mobs or fall for pathetic scams like Hillary Clinton's Donald Trump's or anyone else's!
If this is somewhat close to the truth then there certainly a lot of other details that need to be worked out and probably mistakes that need to be fixed, which would have to be done with disclosures from people that have access to the real truth, although any facts from them would have to be checked carefully.
If this isn't close to the truth, which I suspect many people would doubt, then the official version of truth isn't much, if any, better and we should still demand disclosure of whatever is the truth and check the facts slowly and carefully!
The following are some additional sources related to this article:
30 years later, deniers are still lying about Hansen’s amazing global warming prediction 06/25/2018
Melania dons jacket saying 'I really don't care. Do U?' ahead of her border visit -- and afterward 06/21/2018
Corey Lewandowski Still Refuses to Apologize For ‘Womp Womp’ Comment 06/22/2018
How the New York Times Lies About Lies: Obama v. Trump as Example 06/20/2018
Immigrant children forcibly injected with drugs, lawsuit claims 06/20/2018
Immigrant children forcibly drugged with ‘powerful’ psychotropics at Texas ‘treatment center’: lawsuit 06/20/2018
Report: Obama Administration Handed Child Migrants Over to Human Traffickers 01/29/2016
Critics are asking why the CEO of a nonprofit shelter that called police on Senator Merkley makes as much as $770,860 06/04/2018
US Gov. Meddling Machine Boasts of 'Laying the Groundwork for Insurrection' in Nicaragua 06/19/2018
Investigation: Substandard Medical Care in ICE Detention is Killing Immigrants, Endangering Lives 06/22/2018
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Oligarchy is inciting suicide increase then creating propaganda to distract from truth!
I don't want to be cynical every time the media goes into obsession mode after a famous celebrity dies, while ignoring the lives of the vast majority of the public; however their recent effort to highlight suicides based on a couple famous people that committed suicide shows how out of touch with reality they are once again!
And like many other issues they're ignoring the vast majority of problems contributing to the escalating suicide rates, most of which doesn't involve celebrities.
Like many other problems the traditional media went into overdrive creating hyped up propaganda about the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bordain that seemed dramatic and had appeals to emotion, but it doesn't take much thinking to realize that they don't discuss any of the contributing causes of the growing number of suicides that these two drew attention to and they refused to report on the vast majority of suicides that aren't celebrities. One time after another they blame it on "mental illness," which may be partly true; however they never discuss the causes of that mental illness, especially if it might be related to economic political or social problems that the elites might be contributing to with their ideologies economic system or wars based on lies.
In some cases this might be easy for people to figure out at least partially, even without advanced studies from so-called experts; and social media may have demonstrated this when they went viral with some of Anthony Bordain's most famous quotes about Palestine, while mainstream media ignored it, “The world has visited many terrible things on the Palestinian people, none more shameful than robbing them of their basic humanity.”
I can't say for certain whether it's part of the reason why he committed suicide, especially since the mainstream media is unwilling to report on some of the most important news, but it seems like a reasonable possibility, which he showed additional concern about when tweeting the following picture four years ago.
If this might have led to depression and suicide to a famous celebrity who had a major show to look forward to how would it have affected the Palestinians that have to live with oppression every day? If you rely on traditional media you might have no way of knowing and some people might even buy their propaganda about the Palestinians being the ones that started this conflict, even though it's the Israeli's killing much more of them and stealing their land. However, as Middle East Monitor reported last year, ‘Unliveable’: Gaza’s rising suicide rates 09/20/2017 it's a big problem that isn't being reported on, although Anthony Bordain might have been more aware of it than most of us, for all I know.
The ME Monitor reports, "The primary cause of the increase is no mystery. Blockaded by Israel since 2007, Gaza is the world’s sixth most densely populated area. Scant resources and an inability to escape have chipped at morale, leaving citizens feeling trapped." They go on to say, "The study also noted the sadness young Gazans felt when they observed other people’s lives outside of the Strip; one respondent reported suffering from chest pains when scrolling through social media and commented: 'All I could think about was my own sorry situation compared with the way other people in the world get to live.'”
The majority of the public is almost certainly totally unaware of this and the mainstream media isn't reporting on it, anymore than they're aware of most of their apartheid policies, perhaps even a potential genocide, which is being helped along by driving them to suicide, so unless more people check with alternative media outlets that do a better job they'll be totally unaware of the contributing causes of suicide in Gaza and many other places in the world with similar problems including our own southern border and many other places.
I'm sure Kate Spade had her problems as well, although I really can't imagine what they might be, based on what little I know about her. I never even heard of her until she committed suicide although I've heard of her more famous brother in law.
I don't want to be bitter, but compared to the plight of working class people that have enormous financial problems because of a rigged economic system it's beyond me why she committed suicide, although I'm sure wealthy people have their emotional problems as well, especially since they based a large portion of their lives living sheltered from reality. It's hard to believe she's the great business woman that earned her amazing fortune selling handbags without help from family conections, and the closer you look at her history the more obvious it is that she didn't.
Is there any chance that she made that fortune without an enormous amount of help from marketing people that got paid a fortune to hype up her shallow bags selling them to other rich people? Not really, even before I Googled it I pretty much knew what I would find, High-End Leather, Low-End Labor; Handbag Workers Embroiled in Bitter Contract Dispute 09/22/1999 I'm sure there would be some people outraged that I would speak ill of the recently departed but what about the thousands if not millions of people that are so fed up with sweatshop work that they;'re driven to suicide or dying of exhaustion? Before Googling that I pretty much knew I would find something like Disney Factory Faces Probe into Sweatshop Suicide Claims 08/28/2011; Life and death in Apple’s forbidden city 06/18/2017; and Foxconn's 11th: Death by exhaustion 06/06/2010
I don't want to knock Kate Spade, but burying the much larger social problems while glorifying well-connected celebrities isn't going to help solve problems for the rich or the poor. These reports of suicides in sweatshops may not be at Kate Spade's factories, but this kind of oppression is the norm not the exception and the fashion industry is part of the cause of it where people in one part of the world pay way too much for hyped up garbage while people in another part work under slave conditions and the media refuses to report on it! We're supposed to treat celebrities with respect, while they help provide the propaganda to sweep the truth under the rug which prevents solutions from all social problems from happening when decisions are based on propaganda.
This, of course isn't limited to sweatshop labor; the entire political and economic system is rigged by a small percentage of the public and the closer you look into one subject after another the clearer it is that oppressive political activities is contributing to social problems which tend to be much worse for marginalized people without political power, and those with a reasonable standard of living can easily ignore it. However refugees and sweatshop workers that have no other opportunities for economic advancement, despite all the propaganda about how our economic system is so great and glorious, know that they're at an obvious disadvantage, and when they get the runaround with a bunch of lies from those in power they know it, including Marco Antonio Muñoz, who was fleeing oppression in Honduras only to face more oppression in the United States, which claims to be "the defender of the free world," according to the following article:
Honduran migrant who was separated from family is found dead in Texas jail in an apparent suicide 06/1/2018
A Honduran migrant separated from his wife and child under the Trump administration’s new “zero tolerance” policy was found dead in his Texas jail cell last month, officials said.
Marco Antonio Muñoz, 39, crossed into the U.S. from Mexico with his wife and 3-year-old son on May 12 near Granjeno, a town where Central American families seeking asylum often turn themselves in to U.S. Border Patrol agents. Muñoz and his family were detained and taken with others to a processing center in nearby McAllen.
The death is the latest incident to cast a harsh spotlight on the zero tolerance policy, which advocates for immigrants have denounced as inhumane and on the processing center, which a U.S. senator recently likened to a dog kennel.
After being told his family would be separated, Muñoz became upset and struggled with agents, according to an agent who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case. He was 5-foot-8, 140 pounds, according to a sheriff’s report filed after he was taken to a county jail, where his charge was listed as “illegal entry.” Muñoz signed in, but never signed out. Authorities say he committed suicide. Complete article
A Honduran migrant separated from his wife and child under the Trump administration’s new “zero tolerance” policy was found dead in his Texas jail cell last month, officials said.
Marco Antonio Muñoz, 39, crossed into the U.S. from Mexico with his wife and 3-year-old son on May 12 near Granjeno, a town where Central American families seeking asylum often turn themselves in to U.S. Border Patrol agents. Muñoz and his family were detained and taken with others to a processing center in nearby McAllen.
The death is the latest incident to cast a harsh spotlight on the zero tolerance policy, which advocates for immigrants have denounced as inhumane and on the processing center, which a U.S. senator recently likened to a dog kennel.
After being told his family would be separated, Muñoz became upset and struggled with agents, according to an agent who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case. He was 5-foot-8, 140 pounds, according to a sheriff’s report filed after he was taken to a county jail, where his charge was listed as “illegal entry.” Muñoz signed in, but never signed out. Authorities say he committed suicide. Complete article
The Trump administration and many of their Republican allies have been trying to put the blame of this problem on the immigrants themselves, or in some cases the Democrats, often saying that they created the law which requires him to do this, which is false; and that they don't want to solve this problem, instead they just want to use this as a political issue in the election. The claim that they want to use this as a political issue instead of solving this problem might actually be true, based on their past history creating this problem and sweeping it under the rug; but if so Trump is playing right into their hands with his incredibly bad argument!
Part of the reason that they're forced to flee in the first place is because the United States has been supporting oppressive governments in Central and South America for decades, including Guatemala, which they admit to supporting the coup in the fifties, although they pretend they're not responsible for all the oppression since then; and Honduras, which as I pointed out during the 6016 election in, DNC Describe Wink And Nod Method For Bribes & Indoctrination Studies, That Hillary Clinton supported the coup. The same article pointed out that Hillary Clinton's position on immigration was only slightly less oppressive than Donald Trump's as indicated in an interview where she said “We have to send a clear message, just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. So, we don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.” (06/18/2014).
This blatantly contradicted her political promises during the campaign, and now that she lost, it also contradicts her current position. The truth, which many people that are victims of trade, immigration and wars based on lies often know is that both political parties support similar policies that benefit corporations that finance campaigns and the media while both sides pretend they're trying to solve one problem after another.
Similar problems have come up when it comes to the high rate of suicides among veterans, which the media and the political establishment treat almost as if it's an incomprehensible mystery that can never be solved. Part of the reason they can never figure it out is that they put one of the most important contributing factors off the table before they even begin discussing the subject: is it possible that fighting one war after another based on lies is a contributing factor?
Not only is it possible but it's virtually guaranteed; and they would be able to figure it out if they were able to consider it, since some of the evidence is incredibly obvious!
This is also a major contributing factor when it comes to the problems with mass shootings from veterans coming home from these was then being abandoned without treatment for PTSD. Actually there are even more murders that don't get nearly as much attention, because they're treated as isolated incidents, and they're often killing only one or two people, often family members or other veterans, but it's the mass shootings that get the attention.
Amazingly several of the mass shooters practically came right out and said that they went on shootings sprees because, that although they fought wars they were led to believe was to defend the country, when they came back they found out the government they were fighting to defend wasn't defending their own people, and in some cases they were killing their own people, although the details, are of course, more complicated than that. It's not just Hispanics that are being oppressed as part of the economic system to oppress wages by taking advantage of sweatshop labor and migrant workers that aren't protected by labor laws; minorities in abandoned inner cities are also being oppressed. Shipping jobs overseas while cutting funds to education in African American communities, in abandoned inner cities has led to high crime problems and more confrontations with police, which was of course a major contributing factor to two shootings in 2016.
Gavin Long was of course one of them, and although I'm not recommending anyone go to the same extremes that he did, it is in our best interest to ackowledge his concerns and at least try to figure out whether some of them might have been legitimate, even if his methods of addressing them weren't. In Source: Baton Rouge officer shooter Gavin Eugene Long had extremist online persona Cosmo Setepenra 07/17/2016 he said, “If y’all wanna keep protesting, do that, but for the serious ones, the real ones, the alpha ones, we know what it’s going to take. It’s only fighting back of money, that’s all they care about, Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood. Nothing else.” He goes on to say, "Don't get emotional about it, When you make decisions that are based off emotion, when that emotion dies, then that fuel dies that energy for that decision. That's why you base your decisions off logic." And in a Twitter post, he wrote, "You can't talk (or protest) the devil into changing his ways, this has never been done and never will."
His claims that it will be necessary to fight a violent revolution don't have to be true if politicians address legitimate concerns or if the media covers candidates that won't sweep them under the rug; however under the current circumstances the media is only willing to cover candidates that collect donations from corporations and cater to their interests and the result is constant bickering and incompetence from both sides. John F. Kennedy made this point clear when he said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
The people in power that refuse to acknowledge the legitimate complaints of the public are doing more to incite violence and other problems that lead to these police shootings than reform movements like Black Lives Matter they often try to demonize and blame; and as long as they continue doing so there will be more like Gavin Long and Micah Johnson, even though many activists are trying to avoid it!
Clearly, at least to those that are being suppressed by this obvious double standard and those better informed about many issues, these oppressive tactics are contributing to depressions, suicide and mass shootings in more ways than one and one of the most important ways to reduce it is to review legitimate concerns from all citizens, not just those that donate to campaigns. In a Democracy people who are impacted by a decisions are allowed to participate in the decision, as Richard Wolff often points out; and Abraham Lincoln made the same point when he said "No man is good enough to govern another man without the other's consent."
Which means that not only should we be allowing people from other countries to participate in some form, on issues that impact them, although this might not extend to voting rights about domestic issues, but we should be increasing peoples access to the ballot when they live in this country, including making it easier for immigrants to become citizens and vote. But instead the political establishment has been relentlessly forcing their views on people all around the world supporting oppressive regimes, then oppressing refugees even more when they come to this country because they have no other options.
This also extends to American corporations like Monsanto that have been using their political connections with the help of the United States government to force their views on people across the world including in India where according to several credible sources including Dr. Vandana Shiva who wrote Monsanto and the Poisonous Cartel of GMOs in India 09/09/2016, and several other articles or books describing how Monsanto policies are making farming much more expensive and how large oligarch are driving them into bankruptcy and contributing to high suicide rates.
Monsanto responded by funding some of their own studies which aren't hard to find, nor is it hard to find reviews that debunk them and show how biased they are, including one listed below by Mother Jones, that provides what might be a reasonable middle ground, although I suspect that if Mother Jones, isn't quote right a closer review would show that the truth is far closer to Vandana Shiva's claims which are practically never reported by the mainstream media, which treats anyone that doesn't go along with corporate ideology as fringe, even if there research does hold up to scrutiny much better.
And after they sweep many of the biggest social contributing causes to depression and suicide, or worse mass shootings, under the rug and they come up with sudden concerns for this problem which they treat as inexplicable, how do you think they're going to try to solve it? If past is prologue there's a strong possibility that they'll send people to psychiatrists that continue sweeping these causes under the rug and prescribe antidepressants, as if the sole problem is a chemical imbalance!
However, there have been studies for years if not decades showing that Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds 01/26/2016, which is of course the exact opposite of what these drugs are supposed to do! I don't have the expertise to say that a chemical imbalance might be a contributing cause to depression of other mental illnesses; however I do understand some of the most basic principles of medical treatment including the Hippocratic Oath, which is often abbreviated, "First do no harm;" and I understand that almost all medications and surgical procedures have some degree of risk, so when there are other solutions that don't have these risks they should be tried first!
This could lead to the conclusion that if we did a better job addressing all concerns and minimized income inequality, allowing all people to participate in the democratic process to address these contributing causes to suicide and many other social problems that it could greatly reduce the problem as well as many other issues including stopping wars based on lies eliminating child labor and oppressive sweat shop conditions etc.
If we do this without trying to turn different factions of the working class against each other by praying on their emotions and racial prejudices it would be far more effective!
Nor do I think we even have to turn the working class against the ruling class, once we get major reform that share responsibilities fairly and far more people from the current working class get a fair education that is often withheld by the ruling class enabling them to handle college jobs and better control the government.
If they put all this unnecessary pressure on the working class to turn factions against each other it's virtually guaranteed that occasionally they also intimidate and harass members of the ruling class and celebrities as well, which probably contributed to many suicides including Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade.
When I see propaganda pieces about how celebrity news reporters are gleefully trying to help solve these problems hugging and kissing poor people they meet in photo ops, including Erin Burnett, who famously ridiculed the Occupy Wall Street movement when starting her CNN show, it's clear that they're just trying to put a new face on the same old policies that caused these problems in the first place. Erin Burnett is, of course married to a finance executive and the managing director of Citigroup, and, like many other multimillionaire celebrity pundits and politicians, she has a massive financial incentive to defend the status quo!
The people profiting off our problems aren't going to solve them no matter how good their propaganda looks!
The following are some additional related articles:
In 2014, Anthony Bourdain won an award from @mpac_national for his coverage in the Gaza Strip. His acceptance speech speaks truth to power & highlights the humanity of the Palestinian people. "People are not statistics." A ton of people are going to miss his courage & honesty. 06/08/2018
No, GMOs Didn’t Create India’s Farmer Suicide Problem, But… 09/30/2015 But 65 percent of India’s cotton crop comes from farmers who rely on rain, not irrigation pumps. For them, the situation is the opposite—reliance on pesticides and the higher cost of the seeds increase the risk of bankruptcy and thus suicide, the study finds. The smaller and more Bt-reliant the farm in these rain-fed cotton areas, the authors found, the higher the suicide rate. (An analysis that largely jibes with Shiva’s, apart from her heated rhetoric.)
Erin Burnett's New Show Getting Brutal Response After Her Mockery Of Occupy Wall Street 10/06/2011
75% of med students are on antidepressants or stimulants (or both) 09/04/2017
Antidepressant Side Effects
Expert Warns of Antidepressants Linked to Violence 05/29/2018
Tributes pour in for celebrity chef and writer Anthony Bourdain 06/08/2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Insurance Executives Profit By Inciting Murder Occasionally Paying Killers
Over the decades or centuries for profit insurance companies have paid millions of dollars to people that committed murder for insurance money; and there are hundreds of people killed every year in the hopes of collecting more. The information to support this conclusion is public, although the media declines to report on the vast majority of it; and when they do they report it as one isolated incident after another, without reporting just how often it happens!
Coincidence or not the media is collecting an enormous amount of money in advertising from insurance companies; and, as I reported in another recent article, they also have interlocking boards of directors and other financial ties to the insurance industry.
I first reported this in Life Insurance and media companies are encouraging lots of murders which included a partial statistical review of the murders listed on Murderpedia, where I found more that one and a half percent of their entries at the time were related to insurance, but it was clear that this was incomplete and that it could be as high as six to eight percent of their entries that had an insurance incentive to commit murders. I didn't search further until recently and quickly found enough additional entries to put the figure over two and a half percent minimum; and I found them so quickly that it's virtually guaranteed that the total will be at least three or four percent if I did a more thorough search and it could still be as high as six to eight percent.
I also found dozens of cases where they paid out claims to people that were later implicated in the murders, including at least four over a million dollars, and more just below that. Obviously, if the insurance companies or the government knew they would be implicated right away these claims never would have been paid, but these cases weren't solved right away, and in some cases they weren't even recognized as murders, initially.
In many cases the only reason they were re-investigated is because once they got away with murder and collected insurance for it they did it again; and in some cases, especially in the nineteenth century or early twentieth century they kept on doing it, becoming mass murderers for insurance money! If many of these people were smart enough to quit while they were ahead after killing only one, or in some cases two people and collecting their insurance they never would have been caught; and there's no way of knowing home many other people were smart enough to quit while ahead, which means there are virtually guaranteed to be more cases that have never been exposed.
As I reported in the previous article about this subject, when they first started selling airline life insurance, there were close to a dozen mass murders where planes were blown up by people trying to collect insurance. Little or nothing was done to inform the public about this problem or how they prevented it from continuing; but it appears that the insurance companies voluntarily stopped selling insurance at machines at airports with no legislation in most states, except Colorado, which was where many of the victims from one of the planes that blew up came from.
Since the insurance companies are controlled by some of the wealthiest people in the country, and they share the proceeds with politicians and media outlets, they have an enormous amount of clout; and, whether you call it a quid pro quo of not, there's little or no discussion about how to minimize the incentive to kill for insurance or to study how often it happens. If anything, instead of passing disclosure laws to make it easier to study this, they pass proprietary information laws to keep data secret so it's more difficult to study it and figure out how to minimize this. However simply by comparing murder rates to Europe, where they have a stronger safety net and more regulation along with better child care, education and health care, it's clear that heir practices are working better.
Even if there's not much more than three percent, and Murderpedia over represents the total percent of murders related to insurance claims, it's virtually guaranteed that there are still over two or three hundred people killed each year partly as a result of the incentive provided by insurance pay-outs, even if the vast majority of them don't get away with it; however there's no way of knowing for certain how many there are, since many of the one exposed, that did pay out, weren't even considered murder, some as a result of poisoning or perceived accidents or natural causes. A more likely estimate is that there are at least four or five hundred people killed each year, partly as a result of the insurance incentive, and possibly over one thousand.
This doesn't mean that the incentive from insurance is the only contributing factor in many if any of these murders; however it is one of them and often the deciding factor, although it's difficult if not impossible to tell exactly, when looking through all these cases. In most cases the person committing murder also comes from an abusive upbringing and there may be other contributing issues; however the same people that don't cover the insurance incentive adequately aren't covering how poverty, early child abuse, income inequality, abandoned inner cities, untreated PTSD after wars based on lies, gambling and many other issues contribute to violent crime. In many cases, like gambling or the military industrial complex the media and political establishment also have conflicts of interest when reporting on them as well, since thy also have ties to these industries as well.
One simple solution that would greatly reduce the incentive to kill for insurance would be to explain the fundamentals of insurance to the public so they would understand it better and realize that sale should be kept to a minimum and only use to minimize damages when a disaster strikes, possibly considering a more rational safety net for all instead of the promise of massive payouts in what seems like a get rich quick scheme. The reason this isn't considered is that the entire industry is based on deceptive advertising leading consumers to believe that it's a solution to everything, but once they try to collect they often find out the hard way that something in the fine print means they won't get much if anything when a disaster really does strike and those that know how to rig the system wind up with all the money, especially those that own the insurance companies, although their scams are considered legal under the law, which is written by politicians collecting their campaign donations.
The basic principles of insurance is that it's pooled risk, which means that everyone puts a small amount in to the pool of money to pay claims then when a disaster happens those in need collect from it; however expenses have to be subtracted first, and in the case of for profit industry so do profits which aren't available to pay claims either. Once you understand this principle it should be obvious that the average consumer rarely ever get's their money's worth since the most efficient system is bound to cost at least 15-20% of the total amount collected for one bureaucratic expense or another, but few if any systems, especially for profit insurance are that efficient, which means the average consumer isn't likely to get more than fifty to sixty cents on the dollar they spend on insurance; and if some are scamming the system then those not in on the scam get even less.
If you asked for change for a dollar and only got forty to fifty cents you would be outraged; but that is essentially what happens with insurance.
They tell us that competition makes this system more efficient; however they don't compete by being more efficient; instead they compete by coming up with more deceptive advertisements and the more they spend on advertising the less they have for claims! So this is one industry where competition makes the product less efficient; but it's virtually impossible for consumers to get accurate information about insurance.
The more you think about the expenses that come from the pool of money used to pay claims the more obvious that it is how inefficient our current system is, and that we should buy as little insurance as we can get away with assuming that we buy any at all. The person selling you insurance gets his commission, which isn't available for pay outs; the money insurance companies pay on advertising isn't available for claims; the money to lobby against single payer health care comes from your premium dollars, and so much more. Multi million dollar compensation packages for CEOs aren't available to pay claims, the money murderers collect when they get away with murder isn't available for claims.
As I reported previously in For profit insurance has an incentive to betray people after disasters! and insurance agent investigating a fallen tree tree trying to save on claims sent photos of their flowering plant to police who responded by detaining them for hours before determining that the plant wasn't marijuana but a hibiscus plant. They were of course sued along with the insurance company, and the money the insurance company spends on this lawsuit and thousands of others isn't available to pay legitimate claims!
If you look up any given insurance company and check to see how often they're being sued, either by checking their Wikipedia page or googling them among other means, they all spend an enormous amount of their resources, which come from your premium dollars in courts or paying out settlements. The money they collect from your premium dollars could and often is used for legal expenses to deny your claims! If you Google past disasters like Hurricane Katrina or half a dozen more each year you'll find one lawsuit after another going to court instead of paying claims.
They spend enormous amounts of money on ads to convince you that your covered for this that or another thing! However, if they keep all these promises how can they possibly make enough money to spend a fortune on executive pay, return for stock holders or lobbying against single payer?
They can't of course!
Our entire insurance system is a scam and it's providing a massive amount of incentive for people to kill each other or burn down houses and fake car crashes, which often also lead to deaths!
Then if you want someone to help stand up against the powerful insurance companies there's always plenty of lawyers advertising about how they want to help you out; however where is the money for their ads coming from; and what's their motive?
They want to get rich too; which means that they have an incentive to only take the cases they think they can profit off of, often by settling quickly and quietly, which almost never happens with large pay-outs. Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson have demonstrated that it's not unprecedented for two lawyers, who in this case wind up on opposing sides, supposedly, to be working together for the benefit on one client while pretending to defend others. It's unlikely that many lawyers are quite as obvious as them but many of these lawyers supposedly taking on the insurance companies might be inclined to settle them as easily as possible to maximize their own profits, even if it isn't in their clients best interests, which could mean that they're just adding one scam to another with consumers getting little or nothing!
As I reported previously in For-Profit Insurance is Government Authorized Crime Syndicate many of the people involved in these insurance scams are those selling the insurance or lawyers representing professionals which according to recent reports includes Michael Cohen, who was also exposed representing clients staging crashes for insurance!
On top of all the money consumers lose from a fraudulent insurance system we also have to pay out an enormous amount of money in court costs and to keep all these people in jail for life, which is what insurance companies consider a "negative externality" since they don't have to pay these expenses.
And many of these cases aren't fully solved or there are often major doubts about the outcomes possibly sending the wrong people to jail or continuing to let people get away with murder. As I reported previously, one of the victims was a famous politician from Nevada, Kathy Augustine, who previously collected on her husband's million dollar insurance policy then married his caretaker, who was later convicted of killing her; and there's good reason to believe that she might have been involved in her previous husband's death.
Another examples is when De'Marquise Elkins was convicted of killing a baby in a stroller in a very controversial murder where the daughter of Sherry West said "The night her little brother Antonio was killed, Glassey says West was already asking her about collecting life insurance money, and that her story has changed." there was a lot of suspicion that Sherry West, who had major emotional problems of her own, possibly similar to Susan Smith, might have arranged to kill her own son for the insurance money. The main witness against De'Marquise Elkins claimed he testified "for my conscience,” however he already "collected $2,000 and (would) get another $8,000 (reward money) if Elkins and Lang are convicted." De'Marquise Elkins had a violent history but a close look at this case raises major doubts about it even without legal expertise. If they needed to blame someone for it the police would have been smart enough to pick someone that had a bad record.
This of course sounds like a fringe conspiracy theory however as Jen Roesch pointed out in The making of a racist travesty 07/31/2013 there are an enormous amounts of problems with this case. It's hard to imagine that the insurance companies would want to be involved in the cover-up of something like this; however the publicity for a case like this could be incredibly bad for their reputation, especially since as I pointed out in Killing Kids For Insurance Is Semi-Routine, which also mentions this case, there can be no justification for selling insurance for babies, and there have been over a dozen other cases where babies were killed for their insurance.
News reports don't say whether or not Sherry West actually collected on this policy; however, since they convicted Elkins, justifiably or not, it's virtually guaranteed that they did. If they hadn't they might have been sued drawing attention to the case, which would have been bad for sales, if the media reported that they paid it that would also have outraged people, so one way or another they avoided any media reports either way, perhaps helping it fall down the memory hole while they conduct business as usual, until the next child is killed for insurance, assuming they can't keep that out of the news.
Also, Helaine Olen and Chuck Jaffe both pointed out in reviews cited in previous articles this is an incredibly obvious scam even when the babies aren't killed for insurance money!
A single payer system for health care as well as a better and modest safety net for everyone that didn't pay out massive amounts of money to a small number of people, along with better child care education and other programs that prevent violence from escalating from an early age would be far more effective at minimizing these murders than our current system! Unfortunately the people controlling the system are making massive amounts of profits off it while it's the rest of us that have to pay the price for the enormous amounts of violence that it incites.
The best, and simplest, way to minimize losses from lapsed insurance policies, is to never buy them in the first place! |
The following are over three dozen cases (In the week after posting this I found an additional half a dozen cases where large amounts were collected bringing the total to close to four dozen; however it's virtually guaranteed that the longer list has many more that resulted in successful collections and the total could quickly rise into hundreds of people that successfully collected insurance for a while before getting caught) where scam artists or murders successfully collected money for insurance before eventually getting caught; this includes at least four or five cases where they collected more than a million dollars, more that were close to it and a lot that were for much smaller amounts which make it seem petty, but that's little consolation to the victims; there are also a handful that are collections for other types of insurance but a murder was also involved; and a further search is virtually guaranteed to turn up hundreds more where this came from:
Update 07/18/2018: Since this was first posted I found almost 5% of all entries on Murderpedia that had a potential insurance motive, mostly for life insurance, although there were a few others that followed another type of insurance fraud and may have covered them up. There might be a handful of these that are weak cases, and in almost all of them if not all of them there are other contributing causes; however there may be additional cases where I didn't find them due to limited search function. And there may also be additional cases where the insurance motive wasn't even mentioned in the Murderpedia article, a couple of these which I found through other sources, virtually guaranteeing that there are more. Chances are a more accurate percentage is over 5% of all these entries, possibly close to or more than 6% have a potential insurance motive. In addition to that I found about 85 entries where some insurance was collected by the person eventually convicted of murder, mostly for life insurance, which comes to about 1.15% of all entries successfully collecting something. There are about a dozen additional successful collections not listed on Murderpedia but reported elsewhere. At least eight of the successful collections were for amounts over one million dollars and one more that was above a million in a foreign currency at the time it was collected.
If this is statistically representative it means about seven-hundred and fifty murders in the United States per year have a potential insurance motive; if not it is certainly well over a hundred and perhaps even higher than a thousand.
Police Investigate ’03 Death After Charge Against Nurse 10/03/2006 Mr. Higgs and Ms. Augustine were married three weeks after the death of Mr. Augustine in 2003, and the newlyweds received $1 million from his life insurance policy.
Kathy Augustine's Family Outraged About 48 Hours Mystery Show 05/23/2007
Charles Augustine's Death Ruled Natural 05/01/2007
But They did find the metabolite of succinylcholine, succinylmonocholine. (Forensic Files 2010) Narrator: A metabolite means it's a by-product of succinylcholine. If you don't look for it, you don't find it. And that's not a condescending answer. That is the truth. Narrator: There has never been a documented case of succinylmonocholine produced as a result of embalming fluid. However, in Charles Augustine's case, there were no records of which embalming fluids were used. So, this possibility, however remote, could not be eliminated. Therefore, the medical examiner did not change the manner of his death to homicide.
Black Widow Murders Helen Golay and Olga Rutterschmidt were convicted of the murders of two vagrants Before their arrest, Golay had received a total of $1,540,767.05 in insurance proceeds from McDavid's death, and Rutterschmidt a total of $674,571.89.
Wife accused of cold-case murder used insurance payout for lavish trips 08/15/2017 She collected a cool $1.4 million insurance payout and made regular jaunts to the Turks and Caicos Islands after killing her coffee-bar-owning husband in Manhattan in 1996, authorities say.
3 Accused of Murder in a Plot To Get $1 Million in Insurance 1989 Mr. Hanson was believed dead until mid-1988, when the police in California discovered that he was not the man who had died in Dr. Boggs's office. The discovery and the fact that Mr. Hawkins had cashed $1 million in life insurance checks prompted the authorities to seek Federal warrants for the arrests.
The Infamous Entrepreneur Just Sweats murder for insurance and Penitentiary Fitness
Ex-wife of slain NBA player Lorenzen Wright faces murder charge in court 01/25/2018 Sherra Wright was arrested in December in Riverside County, California, more than seven years after Lorenzen Wright's decomposing body was found in a suburban Memphis field. He was missing for 10 days before his body was found on July 28, 2010. ..... Sherra Wright received $1 million from her ex-husband's life insurance policy. She agreed to a settlement in 2014 in a court dispute over how she spent the insurance money meant to benefit their six children, The Commercial Appeal has reported.
Wife helped plan, cover up murder of husband initially reported missing after a hunting trip, grand jury says 05/09/2018 The best friend and wife of a man who went missing for 17 years are accused of killing him and covering up his murder. Denise Williams, 48, did benefit financially from her 31-year-old husband's disappearance, persuading a judge to declare him accidentally dead fewer than six months after he went missing. That allowed her to collect more than $2 million in life insurance.
Indictment: Florida man missing for 17 years was killed by wife, friend Florida authorities arrest widow in 2000 murder case 05/09/2018 Winchester helped him write a $1 million insurance policy six months before he disappeared, and later married his widow.
Lowell Edwin Amos convicted of killing four 1979 -1994 Detroit, Michigan, USA Lowell was a former General Motors plant manager. Some sources spell his first name as "Lowel". .... Lowell's statement to police at that time was that Saundra had mixed wine with a sedative, collapsed, and hit her head. The cause of death was ruled indeterminate, and Amos received a $350,000 insurance payout. .... Because she was 76 years old, no autopsy was performed, and authorities presumed she died of natural causes. Lowell inherited more than $1 million. ..... Lowell received $800,000 from the insurance policies. (Total of one million, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars)
Their main claim centers around the $2 million life insurance policy Pamela Phillips took out on ex-husband, the $400,000 she is accused of transferring to convicted hit-man Ron Young and bombshell testimony from a former friend. 05/1/2017 11/01/1996 Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, USA More than 17 years after a fiery explosion killed a prominent real estate investor and rocked Tucson, his ex-wife will stand trial for masterminding the murder of Gary Triano. Jury selection in the trial of Pamela Phillips, who collected $2 million in life insurance after Triano died, is to begin this week in Pima County Superior Court. ..... Nov. 1, 1996: Phillips sends a missed October payment on Triano’s life insurance policy. Following an investigation, the company pays the claim, totalling $2.2 million. Phillips declines requests from Pima County Sheriff’s investigators to take a lie detector.
Joseph Lyle & Erik Galen Menendez killed parents August 20, 1989 In recognition of Jose's importance to LIVE, the company invested in a "key man" life insurance policy that would guarantee that if Jose died, the company could continue operating without worrying about going under. The policy was valued at $15 million. LIVE also purchased a "key man" personal policy for Jose's family that was valued at $5 million. ..... The brothers shopping sprees were funded by Jose's personal life insurance policy of $650,000.
Ronald Mikos convicted for Killing a witness who was going to testify against him in a Medicare fraud investigation January 27, 2002 Chicago, Illinois, USA The same jury had on May 5, 2005 convicted Ronald Mikos of defrauding Medicare out of $1.2 Million by billing the Health and Human Services program from surgeries he never performed.
Donna Yaklich hired someone to kill her police officer husband December 12, 1985 Arapahoe County, Colorado, USA Her attorneys argued she was a battered woman and the murder was her last desperate attempt to end the abuse. It was a controversial legal move, claiming that she hired the hit men in self-defense. After her husband's death, Yaklich received payment under his three life insurance policies, and she admitted that she paid the Greenwells $4,200 in several installments for murdering her husband. Consequently, she was brought to trial on a charge of first degree murder and conspiracy to murder under a theory that she had been motivated to arrange her husband's death in order to obtain the insurance money.
Anjette Donovan Lyles killed four 1952 - 1958 Macon, Bibb County, Georgia, USA Their background search had turned up other family skeletons, including Anjette's last two husbands and one of her mothers-in-law. On exhumation, all three victims tested positive for arsenic, and Lyles was shown to have received insurance benefits upon the death of each. .... With the money she received from Gabbert's life insurance, Lyles bought a new car and a house. She also sparked disapproving gossip when, only a few months after her husband's death, she began dating another Capitol Airways pilot.
Cameron Todd Willingham convicted of killing three December 23, 1991 Navarro County, Texas, USA The proceeds of an insurance policy on the girls were later used to buy a pickup truck. Willingham argued that his ex-wife's boyfriend started the blaze, but the jury in his 1992 trial delivered a guilty verdict and the death penalty. Innocence Project claims he was wrongfully convicted and executed
Masumi Hayashi is a Japanese woman convicted of putting poison in a pot of curry being served at a 1998 summer festival in the Sonobe district of Wakayama, Wakayama, Japan. July 25, 1998 After her arrest, she and her husband were indicted on a number of insurance fraud charges as well. Her husband was subsequently convicted and imprisoned for insurance fraud. Prior to the murders, Masumi had been an insurance saleswoman. .... In February 1997, she fed her husband, Kenji, with food laced with arsenic in a failed attempt to claim payouts of life insurance policies taken out on him, the court ruled. Seven months later, Hayashi served a poisoned dish to a lodger who fell ill and was hospitalized. She pocketed some 5 million yen insurance companies paid for the lodger to cover his medical costs.
Betty Lou Beets killed two To collect insurance money 1981 / 1983 Tx. The insurance payout which she claimed almost as soon as he disappeared also helped her to come to terms with her loss.
Jack Barron killed 3 or 4 1992 - 1995 California He also wanted out of his marriage and to collect $170,000 in insurance. .... If Barron hadn't been arrested, he would have been the sole beneficiary of the estate, including two life insurance policies, Nord testified. ... He presented evidence that Barron, a supermarket stocker, obtained $15,000 in insurance from his wife's demise and $13,000 each from the deaths of the two children, along with Social Security benefits. .... Butler also told Moreno that she was concerned about her son's frittering away the insurance money he had received, Moreno said. In fact, Moreno said, Butler had decided to "confront" her son and ask him to move out. The mother had planned the confrontation for Feb. 27, 1995, the day she turned up dead, Moreno said.
Sandra Marie Jessee killed one August 13, 1998 California She wanted to avoid paying for his cancer treatment and to collect his insurance and other benefits .... Prosecutors said she wanted to avoid paying for his cancer treatment and to collect his insurance and other benefits. Jessee, now 61, and her son Thomas Aehlert hired a hit man to commit the killing then received more than $650,000 from the sale of the couple's Placentia home along with 401(k) death benefits and insurance, prosecutors said.
Jesse James Hollywood Sentenced to life in prison on July 14, 2009 for murder to cover up insurance scheme August 8, 2000 (Murder was not for Life Insurance, but to cover up another insurance scam which he collected on.) Benjamin Markowitz was a frequent customer of his, accumulating an unpaid debt of around $1,200. Perhaps more importantly, Markowitz threatened to reveal a $36,000 insurance scam Hollywood was involved it. He sold a sport car for parts and reported it stolen in an attempt to defraud his insurance agency. .... Jesse James started a successful auto insurance-scam where he would report one of the many cars that were registered to him stolen and collect the money.
Donna June Enright drugged her stepfather and set the blaze to collect insurance money October 17, 1996 Stanford, Judith Basin County, Montana, USA In order to prove motive, common scheme, and a nonaccidental cause of this fire, the State sought to introduce evidence that on seven previous occasions Enright had been involved in home or automobile fires for the purpose of making fraudulent insurance claims. Enright filed a motion in limine to exclude, among other things, all evidence of previous fires and insurance claims. After a hearing, the District Court granted in part and denied in part Enright's motion. It held that all of the previous fires and the respective insurance claims were too remote in time and/or too dissimilar factually to be admitted, with the exception of the 1995 Great Falls trailer fire. The court held that evidence of the 1995 fire could be admitted. ... In an effort to prove that the trailer fire was intentionally started and that Enright's actions in that regard were part of a common scheme, the State sought to introduce evidence of previous fires and of the insurance proceeds that were paid to Enright or other individuals close to her after those fires.
Barbara Stager (born October 30, 1948) is an American woman who was convicted in 1989 of murdering her husband, Russell Stager, in 1988. Stager is also suspected of the earlier murder of her first husband, Larry Ford, who died in nearly identical circumstances. February 1, 1988 Durham, Monroe County, North Carolina, USA The defendant also indicated that after she got insurance payments from the National Guard and the school where the victim had worked, she would be able to make the house payment. Representatives from two insurance companies testified that the defendant received in excess of $46,000 in insurance proceeds as a result of Larry Ford's death. .... the defendant benefited from life insurance proceeds resulting from both deaths. In each case, the defendant had procured insurance on the life of the victim, the victim died of poisoning, and the defendant attempted to collect the insurance immediately upon the victim's death.
Misty Keller Witherspoon Convicted Of Murder In Husband's Death September 13, 2005 Mooresville, Iredell County, North Carolina, USA The State also presented evidence that after Quinn's death, his survivors received $82,102.27 in government death benefits; $91,000.00 in life insurance; and $24,138.68 from a 401(k). In total, defendant received $197,240.95 as a result of Quinn's death.
Shawna Nelson Found Guilty In Love-Triangle Slaying of Heather Lynn Garraus January 23, 2007 Greeley, Weld County, Colorado, USA Garraus was the wife of a Greeley police officer Ignacio Garraus, who had an affair and fathered a child with Nelson, a former Weld County dispatcher. Ignacio Garraus broke off the three-year affair a month before the shooting. .... Under redirect, Ignacio said he did not know his wife had a life insurance policy on herself. He said she had told him he was heavily insured. .... Ignacio has been unemployed since resigning from the Greeley Police Dept. He says he's concentrating on taking care of Victoria. When initially asked about a $200,000 life insurance policy, Ignacio said he has not received that settlement. Later, he said it came out to be $168,000.
Cynthia Sommer cleared after serving over two years in jail February 18, 2002 San Diego, California, USA Convicted of murdering her husband with arsenic so she could cash in on his $250,000 life insurance policy, some of which she used to have her breasts enlarged Investigators believed that Cynthia Sommer, Todd’s wife, had poisoned him in order to collect more than $250,000 in insurance benefits and $1,900 per month in survivor benefits.
Kang Ho-sun 10 victims 2006 - 2008 South Korea The blaze broke out a week after Kang bought several insurance policies for his wife. He escaped the deadly fire at his home and received 480 million won ($505,000) from insurers. During the 22 months before his Gunpo murder last November, Kang received 480 million won ($ 347,826) from the insurance of his fourth wife, who died in a fire in October 2005 and bought himself an expensive car in a secondhand store. He also is suspected of setting fire to his home in Ansan three years ago—a blaze that killed his fourth wife and her mother—and collecting insurance payouts afterward. (Total amount collected at least $852,826 possibly more from other claims)
Charles Stuart October 23, 1989 Boston, Massachusetts, USA He did confirm that a life-insurance policy valued at $82,000 or $83,000, held by Carol Stuart and naming her husband as beneficiary, had been cashed. A spokesman for the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Richard P. Bevilacqua, said the company had paid out $82,000 in insurance to Mr. Stuart in December for a policy that his wife held at the publishing company where she worked as a lawyer. The payout was made with unusual speed at the request of Mrs. Stuart's employer, the Cahners Publishing Company, he said, and the amount was twice her salary, because her death was considered accidental.
Thomas York 2 victims 1978 / 1981 Chicago, Illinois, USA No one had contested York's claim to the insurance proceeds York collected three years before, after his first wife, Maureen Jurkiewicz, was murdered. York was the beneficiary of Jurkiewicz's life insurance policy when she was killed. That policy was with the Allstate Insurance Company, for $50,000, and included a double-indemnity clause. Police found the body of York's wife decomposing in a small creek some two weeks after she disappeared in May 1978. Jurkiewicz had disappeared one day after she wrote the following note to York:
Belle Sorenson Gunnes November 11, 1859 Illinois/Indiana, USA A series of suspicious fires and deaths (mostly resulting in insurance awards) followed. Not long after Gunness married Mads Albert Sorenson in 1884, their store and home mysteriously burned down. The couple claimed the insurance money for both. Soon after, Sorenson died of heart failure on the one day his two life insurance policies overlapped. Though her husband's family demanded an inquiry, no charges were filed. It is believed the couple produced two children whom Gunness poisoned in infancy for the insurance money. Both (children) Caroline's and Axel's lives were reportedly insured, and the insurance company paid out. The insurance companies awarded her $8,500 (about $217,000 in 2008 dollars), with which she bought a farm on the outskirts of La Porte, Indiana.
Rev. Walter Dworecki August 7, 1939 Camden, New Jersey, USA Collecting on insurance was nothing new to Iron Mike. A year before Wanda died, the minister’s wife collapsed and died at the breakfast table. The attending physician put her cause of death as lobar pneumonia. Dworecki collected $2,500 in life insurance ($36,000 in 2007).
Stella Nickell June 5/11, 1986 Auburn, King County, Washington, USA By late summer, the agents began digging into the Nickells' life-insurance records. Bruce's policy from the state paid Stella $31,000. But if his death was "accidental," she would collect an extra $105,000. Further, Stella had taken out two additional $20,000 policies on his life in the year before he died.
David Lee Fisher November 21, 1983 Bedford County, Virginia, USA Confronted with this inconsistency, Fisher became less demanding and showed himself amenable to settlement. He eagerly accepted a check from the attorney for $25,000 in exchange for a release of his claim against the company. Later, he paid $7,000 of this to Mulligan.
Debra Hartmann, John Scott Korabik, 34, and Kenneth Kaenel, 62, were convicted in December of multiple mail and wire fraud charges for conspiring to kill Werner Hartmann and cheat life insurance companies out of $800,000 in insurance benefits. No one has ever been charged with murder, a state offense. June 8, 1982 Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois, USA Debra Hartmann collected $589,000 in a settlement with the insurance companies in November 1984. In addition to the prison term, Judge Moran ordered that Debra Hartmann pay whatever restitution was possible.
Marie Noe 8 victims 1949 - 1968 arrested 1998 Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA Neither the police nor the District Attorney would speculate on a motive for the killings, though they confirmed that the parents had taken out insurance policies on six children. Of the seven Noe children who had actually come home from the hospital, there was evidence at least six had been insured — the first few for only $100, but from baby number four on, for over $1,000. The company that paid out claims on Arthur Jr., Constance and Mary Lee had rejected the Noes’ application for a $1,000 policy on Cathy the previous March. But Mr. Noe, who worked on the side as a ward committeeman in North Philadelphia, was apparently able to use political connections to find another company to write a $1,500 policy. Since it was unclear if the Noes or the salesman had fudged the application, a lawyer helped them get a settlement of $500. (for Cathy)
Nanny Hazel Doss 8 to 11 victims 1920s - 1954 Alabama/North Carolina/Kansas/Oklahoma, USA Small insurance payments eased the pain, but Braggs became increasingly suspicious of his wife. ... Three months later, Frank Harrelson fell suddenly ill and died within the week. Nanny used the insurance money to buy ten acres of land and build a small house for herself outside Jacksonville. .... The cause of the death was diagnosed as asphyxia from unknown causes, and two months later she collected the $500 life insurance she had taken out on Robert. .... Nannie collected five life insurance policies on Morton, worth $1,400 (approximately $10,600 adjusted for inflation over 52 years).
Judith Hawkey November 3, 2003 Mark Center, Defiance County, Ohio, USA Investigators later learned that Hawkey – the boy’s adoptive mother who had been abusive to him – forced him to shoot his father. Hawkey, who was indicted on the charges earlier this year, collected nearly $500,000 in life insurance.
Audrey Marie Hilley May 25, 1975 Anniston, Calhoun County, Alabama, USA Frank Hilley’s autopsy report stated that he’d died of natural causes, so Marie had no trouble collecting on the life insurance he’d bought through Standard Foundry. The total of Frank’s policies was around $31,000, not enough to make a woman wealthy, but still a nice windfall. Meanwhile, Marie had been buying insurance. There were several policies, including fire insurance, cancer coverage, and life insurance coverage on herself. But Marie also insured the lives of her children—Mike was insured for $25,000, while Carol, through two policies, was insured for $39,000. Coincidentally, she was arrested for passing bad checks — they were written to the insurance company that insured Carol’s life, causing that policy to lapse.
Miyoko Sumida 6 murders 2003 - 2011 Japan One of the victims was Sumida's husband, who was part of a group of nine people having their photo taken on top of a cliff when he fell. The family received 90 million yen (S$1.3 million) in insurance and had a property mortgage written off. Miyoko's younger sister Mieko Sumida reportedly received a total of ¥90 million in life-insurance payouts from two companies following the accidental death of her husband, Hisayoshi, in 2005.
Timothy Shaun Stemple was convicted of killing one October 24, 1996 Tulsa County, Oklahoma, USA Timothy Stemple might have collected on a $950,000 life insurance policy, but his teen-age accomplice testified against him in exchange for a life prison term, court testimony showed. (Phrasing isn't quite clear that he definitively collected on insurance, however it's strongly implied if not stated, and it was originally investigated as an accident with time for him to collect which he probably did.) .... Stemple first argues that the evidence of his past insurance claims was inadmissible. The evidence was relevant to show motive and knowledge. First, the insurance claims were relevant to show that Stemple was familiar with the insurance claim process, whether or not the claims were valid. Second, the insurance claims, which may have been dubious, were relevant to corroborate the testimony of jail inmates, who testified that Stemple told them about past insurance scams.
Feds to seize $5 million in life insurance proceeds linked to murder of housekeeper in Colleyville Dec. 2016 (Policy wasn't paid but may have been illegally issued contributing to the motive for the murder) Charlies Mercier, an insurance agent in North Augusta, wrote five life insurance policies for Anita Fox totaling $5 million in 2007 and 2008, the affidavit said.
Daughter of Mother Whose Baby Was Killed Says Mom May Have Killed Him for Life Insurance Money 03/29/2013 "The night her little brother Antonio was killed, Glassey says West was already asking her about collecting life insurance money, and that her story has changed."
De’Marquise Kareem Elkins convicted of killing a baby in a stroller March 21, 2013 Earlier, the man who tipped Brunswick police to 18-year-old De’Marquise “Marky” Elkins and co-defendant Dominique Lang, 15, as suspects, testified that his conscience led him to act, not the reward. “I didn’t do this for the reward money. Can I say this? Whoever had the guns to shoot a baby... I’m doing this for my conscience,” Argie Brooks said. He has collected $2,000 and will get another $8,000 if Elkins and Lang are convicted. Lang, who testified that he saw Elkins shoot Antonio and his mother, will be tried separately.
Sharee Miller was convicted of killing her husband November 8, 1999 Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, USA After her husband's murder, Sharee Miller received the junkyard, which she subsequently sold, about $16,000 in the couple's bank accounts, a little stock and $80,000 in insurance, according to probate court records and investigators.
Mrs. Sarah Whiteling convicted of killing three March 20/April 25/May 26, 1888 and executed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA The doctors in attendance gave certificates of death respectively for “inflammation of the bowels,” “gastric fever,” and “congestion of the bowels.” There was an insurance on the lives of each, ranging from $200 down to $50. The coroner accidentally hearing on the case, and having his suspicions aroused bad the bodies exhumed and a chemical analysis made of the intestines, and found arsenic in all. The crime for which Mrs. Whiteling was tried was one of a series of three with which she is charged, the allegation being that she not only murdered her daughter. Bertha, but also her husband, John Whiteling, aged thirty-eight, and their baby boy, William Whiteling, aged two years, and collected insurances on the lives of her victims amounting in the aggregate to over $350.
Robert Hansen Flew 17-21 victims into the Alaskan wilderness and hunted them down like wild game 1973 - 1983 In January 1981, he opened a bakery at 9th and Ingra, using $13,000 from the insurance settlement of a faked burglary of his home.
Kurt Erich Tetzner convicted of killing one November 25, 1929 Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany In an earlier insurance fraud, Tetzner convinced his motherinlaw to postpone an operation for cancer so that he could insure her life. She subsequently underwent an operation and died. Successful in his first effort, he and his wife decided to find another victim. After failing once to entrap a victim, on Nov. 25, 1929, he picked up a hitchhiker, murdered him, crashed his car into a tree, and then set it on fire with the victim at the wheel.
Maria Catherina Swanenburg convicted of killing at least twenty-seven people possibly as much as ninty 1880 - 1883 Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands Swanenburg's motive was the money she would receive either through the victims' insurance or their inheritance. She had secured most of the insurance policies herself. Her first victim was her own mother in 1880; shortly after this, she killed her father too.
Gabriel Arturo Garza Hoth 3 victims in Mexico April 17, 1991 / October 3, 1992 / May 11, 1997 He collected life insurance payments on his wife and lovers, gaining a total of 500,000 dollars.
Rhonda Bell Martin killed six 1937 - 1951 Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama, USA Prosecutors said collecting insurance proceeds prompted her serial killing spree, although this is unlikely, since she only collected enough to cover burial costs, and she never admitted this was the case. Under questioning, Rhonda was vague on her motive for the string of killings, but detectives learned that she collected insurance money on each of the victims in turn. Mrs. Martin was vague about a motive for the killings, the solicitor said, but she told of having insurance on all six victims who died. The amount was not disclosed, but Thetford said she recalled receiving between of Claude Martin. Solicitor William F, Thetford introduced evidence that Mrs. Martin collected $2,750 on three insurance policies upon alter her husband’s death.
Sukhwinder Singh Dhillon 2 to 5 victims February 3, 1995 - June 23, 1996 Canada / India Dhillon murdered his wife, Parvesh Kaur Dhillon, in Hamilton in January 1995, and his friend and business associate Ranjit Singh Khela in June 1996. The motive in each homicide was insurance money. .... Dhillon appeared to be getting away with all of these crimes until a veteran insurance claims investigator named Cliff Elliot was assigned to follow up on death claims for both Parvesh Dhillon and Ranjit Khela. Dhillon was the beneficiary of both policies. ... After her death, he reportedly collected $215,000 in insurance payments as well as $65,000 to pay off a mortgage and an $18,000 line of credit protected against the death of a spouse.
Colonel George Marecek, a highly decorated U. S. Army Green Beret veteran, was convicted of murdering his wife, Viparet Marecek. June 3, 1991 Fort Fisher, North Carolina, USA Sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2001. Paroled on August 11, 2003 Another piece of the puzzle: Col. Marecek had purchased a $300,000 life insurance policy for his wife, Viparet six months before her death. ... While they were driving from the funeral home to the police station, defendant told Kirk about the life insurance policy he had on Viparet, that he would collect $300,000 due to the accidental death clause, and that he intended to spend it on various family members. .... I was being pretty forceful with him, and every time I would tell him, you know, hey, you know, you're buying a new car, this is stupid, your insurance money, redoing your blacktop driveway, this is starting to stink. “Ah, they've got nothing on me. They can't catch me.” (Almost certainly collected on policy)
Daniel Anthony Basile was convicted of killing 28 year old Elizabeth DeCaro in a murder-for-hire plot by her husband, Richard DeCaro, who had taken a $100,000 life insurance policy on his wife. March 6, 1992 St. Charles County, Missouri, USA Ten days later, DeCaro purchased a $100,000 life insurance policy on behalf of his wife, Elizabeth, listing himself as the primary beneficiary. On January 26, 1992, Richard DeCaro struck Elizabeth with their van knocking her through the garage wall in the kitchen. She sustained severe bruising. The insurance company paid DeCaro over $30,000 as a result of the incident.
Randolph G. Roth convicted of killing one suspected of killing at least one more July 23, 1991 Lake Sammamish, King County, Washington, USA Roth was never charged with his second wife's death, and collected $115,000 in insurance payments from it. ..... Roth collected $365,000 from two insurance policies on Cynthia and $100,000 worth of insurance on Janis, according to court documents.
Dr Edward William Pritchard convicted of killing two possibly more February 28/March 18, 1865 Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom In 1863, when he was 38, a fire broke out in the room of the servant girl in his house; she was found dead, and it seemed clear that she had made no attempt to leave her bed during the fire. Pritchard was widely suspected, but he nevertheless won a claim from an insurance company.
Robert James alias Raymond Lisemba convicted of killing three 1932 - 1935 Colorado/California, USA James collected a $14,000 insurance settlement and headed back to Alabama to marry wife number four. When she learned he wanted to take out life insurance on her, she said, “People you insure always die of something strange,” and divorced him. ... A $5,000 insurance policy with double indemnity would help assuague his pain. James next called up his accident-prone nephew, Cornelius Wright. He took out an insurance policy on the youngster’s life, invited him to a visit while on leave from the US Navy, and gave him the use of his car. Wright promptly drove off a cliff, killing himself. .... The apparent motive for this was $20,000 in life insurance coverage on Mary.
Lyda Catherine Ambrose 5 victims 1917 - 1920 Missouri/Idaho, USA On November 20 the man died and she collected a $12,000 insurance payment that had been purchased on october 6. ... Within three months he was dead too, leaving Ambrose with another life insurance worth $2,500. This time though his insurance policy was signed and Ambrose collected approximately $10,000 for her husbands untimely death. She married husband number four on October 16 in 1920. He passed away about a month later and left Lyda Catherine Ambrose $12,000.
Pierre Corneille Faculys Basson 8 or 9 victims 1903 - 1906 South Africa The body was never found. The insurance company at first opposed Basson’s claim, but was ordered by the courts to pay the full amount of the policy. Basson believed that there was money to be made by offering loans on easy terms on the security of the cession of an insurance policy on the debtor’s life. Several of Basson’s friends (and debtors) were found dead, shot or drowned, and he was paid their insurance cover. In no case could it be proved that he was responsible for their sudden deaths.
Deborah Fornuto aka Deborah Anne Booe Narbone Gedzius allegedly killed six or seven mostly her kids plus her husband never charged 1972 - 1989 Chicago/Burbank/Alsip, Cook County, Illinois, USA WMAQ-TV has reported that the Gedziuses, who were living apart, had met over dinner to discuss how to divide their property. The station also said Deborah Gedzius collected on a $100,000 life insurance policy on her husband.
Colin Howell convicted of double murder May 19, 1991 Coleraine, Co Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Insurance against Lesley's death paid out 120,000 and he received 54,635 from an endowment policy.
Lynn Turner killed two people March 3, 1995 / January 22, 2001 Her husband, police officer Maurice Glenn Turner, 31 / Her boyfriend, firefighter Randy Thompson, 32 She collected around $153,000 in death benefits for her husband's death and $36,000 in her boyfriend's death. ..... Witnesses from Turner's first trial testified that she had collected more than $140,000 in insurance benefits and $700 per month from her husband's police pension after he died. ..... Soon after Glenn's funeral, Turner collected nearly a quarter of a million dollars from Glenn's estate and from insurance proceeds and death benefits as the primary beneficiary under Glenn's insurance policies. ..... Turner, who had been incurring substantial debt prior to Thompson's death, collected over $30,000 as the beneficiary under Thompson's life insurance policy.
A Taiwanese woman named Lin Yuru, successively murdered her own mother, mother in law and husband in order to use their insurance money to pay off her gambling debts. 2008 - 2009 Madam Hou died at the scene and Lin subsequently received NT$5.06 million in insurance claims. ... That month, Lin also bought life insurance for her four-year-old son. .... Lin called for help after finding her mother-in-law dead in bed. She later received NT$7.43 million from insurers. .... Mr Liu died and Lin later claimed NT$4.75 million from insurers.
Martin Sauceda Vega killed one July 27, 1985 Texas Linda had received over $235,000 from her husband’s life insurance. “The insurance company did refuse to pay Linda for her husband’s death for over a year because she was a suspect in his murder. Linda sued the company to make them pay, and they finally paid her off because she was never charged,” defense attorney William “Bill” Rugeley said. Mims' murder went unsolved for 2 years before Vega walked into the police department in Luling, about 50 miles east of San Antonio, and confessed to plotting the slaying for a $30,000 portion of Mims' $150,000 life insurance policy. He also led authorities to the gun.
Dorothy Glaser killed one October 31, 1985 Houston County, Georgia, USA Dorothy Glaser should have stopped while she was ahead. In 1985, she managed to get away with killing her husband, but she collected $250,000 in life insurance and even won a $40,000 malpractice settlement against a psychologist who was treating her husband for imaginary mental illness prompted by an earlier attempt on his life. Glaser then turned to her sister, Nell Matkin, about repeating the crime with Matkin’s husband, Andy, as the target. Nell agreed and Glaser contacted her nephew, Bobby Spargo, hoping that Bobby would do the killing.
Velma Ogden-Whitehead killed one March 18, 2005 Des Moines, King County, Washington, USA She sold two properties that were part of her husband's estate for a profit of $460,000 and collected life insurance and benefits from his employer that totaled more than $650,000, according to King County Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng. She took trips to Las Vegas, bought new cars and was planning to move to Arkansas, Maleng said.
Elicia Hughes killed one June 3, 2004 Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi, USA The investigation dragged on for nine months; in the meantime, Elicia collected $250,000 in life insurance, and made plans to sell her home and move with her children to Florida. But, in March of 2005, her plans were derailed when police arrested her for Brian's murder. ..... She doesn't seem to be motivated by money. You know, she was working at an insurance company. She gave up the job, came back and went to teach school.
'Diabolical lovers' killed spouses for insurance 09/26/2001 Aurore Martin, 32, was given a 15-year sentence while her lover Peter Uwe Schmitt, 31, got 20 years for the role he played in the murder of Martin's husband, Marc Van Beers, in 1995. In each case the motivation was the same: to do away with the spouse and cash in life insurance policies that earned the couple almost £700,000. They used the money to live lavishly in Florida from where they were extradited to Belgium in 1998.
Timothy Boczkowski killed two To collect insurance money November 4, 1990 / November 7, 1994 North Carolina/Pennsylvania, USA Probably collected on first murder
Catherine Flannagan and Margaret Higgins aka "Black Widows of Liverpool" killed at least one probably more October 2, 1883 The sisters were also suspected of poisoning Mrs. Higgins’s 10-year-old stepdaughter Mary and one of Mrs. Flannagan’s sons, John, 22. Each time there was a death they collected on the insurance money. .... That December the previously healthy 22-year-old died. His mother collected an insurance payout of £71 and John was buried with minimum fuss or effort.
Mrs. Anna Cunningham killed five 1918 - 1922 She collected the $1,000 insurance and the family moved to Gary. A year later a daughter, Isabelle, 28, died. She had been insured for $1,000 just five weeks before her death.
Martha Needle killed five 1885-94 Although Martha collected substantial sums of insurance money this was not the motive for her own family which was never determined ..... Martha later collected 100 pounds (2010:$40,000) life insurance on Mabel's death.
Herman Webster Mudgett aka "Dr. H. H. Holmes," killed more than twenty-seven people from 1885-1894 Disfiguring the corpses and claiming that the people had been accidentally killed, Mudgett collected insurance money from policies which he had taken out on each one. .... Within days, attorney Jeptha Howe filed a claim with the insurance company on behalf of Carrie Pietzel and collected the money. He kept $2,500 and Holmes took the remainder. ..... The fire destroyed the top floor. As usual, he had insured the building with several companies for a total of $25,000. An astute investigator noted the fire started in several places. After investigating Holmes, his report that Holmes tried to defraud the insurance companies did not pan out. Holmes was not charged and was free to go. However, he did not collect the insurance.
Albert Edward Horsley (born March 18, 1866 – died April 13, 1954), best-known by the pseudonym Harry Orchard, was a miner convicted of the 1905 political assassination of former Idaho Governor Frank Steunenberg. didn't kill for insuracne but did collect for other insurance scam and committed murder in separate incident. Seeking to run away with another woman, Horsley burned his cheese factory and collected the insurance money, thereby settling his debts.
Josephine Gray, known as “The Black Widow,” killed two or three people March 3, 1974 / November 9, 1990 / June 21, 1996 Despite being a suspect in this murder, Josephine Gray collected over $54,000 from Mr. Gray’s life insurance policies. ..... She collected $165,000 after deaths of 3 men .... After escaping prosecution for more than two decades by using threats of voodoo against potential witnesses, a woman who authorities said had a hand in the deaths of three lovers was convicted yesterday of fraudulently collecting the victims' life insurance benefits. .... Prosecutors said she collected $165,000 in insurance money after two husbands were shot to death in Montgomery County and a young boyfriend was found dead in Baltimore. ... She later killed Robert Gray in order to eliminate the only witness to the Stribbling murder and to collect even more insurance proceeds.
Martha Lowenstein Marek killed four from 1932-7 in Vienna, Austria Emil Marek had conspired with his wife Martha to defraud his insurers by getting Martha to chop off his leg in order that they could collect $30,000 in accident insurance he had taken out. Martha, however, was not very good at wielding the axe and it took 3 blows to sever the leg. The insurer's doctors were not convinced that it was an accident that had occurred while cutting down a tree as the Mareks claimed and therefore rejected their claim. .... A few weeks later, Martha’s 7-year-old daughter, Ingeborg, died of a mysterious ailment and Martha collected money on the child’s small life insurance policy.
Mary Ann Cotton killed at least one perhaps over twenty-one people between 1857-72 William's life was insured by the British and Prudential Insurance office and Mary Ann collected a payout of £35 on his death, equivalent to about half a year's wages for a manual labourer at the time. .... Once again, Mary Ann collected insurance money from her husband's death.
Betty Neumar killed at least one possibly more July 14, 1986 in NC Not arrested until 2008 She collected at least $20,000 in 1986 when Harold Gentry was shot to death in his home. A year earlier, she had collected $10,000 in life insurance when her son died.
Judy Ann Buenoano killed at least two or three people between 1971-83 in Florida, Colorado and Alabama PDF Following Goodyear's death in 1971, Buenoano collected the benefits from various life insurance policies on her husband's life totalling approximately $33,000. She also received $62,000 in dependency indemnity compensation from the Veterans Administration. When Bobby Joe Morris died, Buenoano again received insurance money from three separate policies on Morris' life totaling approximately $23,000. The house mortgage was also paid off. Buenoano owned life insurance on Gentry's life totalling $510,000 in benefits, and she was a 50% beneficiary under his will.
Wikipedia: Judy Buenoano
Mary Ellen Samuels killed two in California December 8, 1988 / June 27, 1989 At trial, the prosecution introduced evidence showing defendant collected on several insurance policies after Robert Samuels's death. The total amount of these policies was in excess of $240,000. .... Thus, here the prosecution was entitled to introduce evidence that defendant collected life insurance benefits and inherited property on the death of her estranged husband, because it is reasonable to infer that she knew she would be entitled to them when her husband died.
Mary Beth Harshbarger killed one September 14, 2006 Buchans Junction, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada There are reports that Mary Beth had increased her husband Mark’s life insurance not long before the hunting trip. Mary Beth collected on life insurance policies worth $550,000 (US). Mark Harshbarger’s family noted that despite collecting on the policies, Mary Beth failed to post her $200,000 bail.
Velma Ogden-Whitehead killed one June 23, 2006 Des Moines, King County, Washington, USA She sold two properties that were part of her husband's estate for a profit of $460,000 and collected life insurance and benefits from his employer that totaled more than $650,000, according to King County Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng.
Dr. Glennon Engleman killed seven or more from 1954-80 St. Louis, Missouri, USA Glennon Engleman (1963-1980) was a St. Louis dentist who killed 7 people for their life insurance and unpaid dentist bills. He used a variety of means, including car bombs and shooting. He collected the insurance by killing his former male patients and then wooing their widowed wives to give him money to invest for business purposes. Former female patients who didn't pay their bills were just killed. ..... After Halm's death, Miranda collected approximately $75,000 in insurance proceeds. In March 1977, Nicholas Miranda, Carmen Miranda's brother, paid Engleman $10,000 in cash as payment for his part in the scheme. ..... The government also produced as witnesses representatives of two insurance companies who testified that Frey's widow had collected on insurance policies after his death.
Sharon Elizabeth Kinne killed three from 1960-4 Missouri, USA / Mexico City, Mexico Kinne was convicted in October 1965 of the Mexican crimes and sentenced to ten years in prison. Escaped from the Mexican prison on December 7, 1969. Despite extensive manhunts, her whereabouts are unknown. ..... With the investigation into his death closed, James Kinne was buried and his wife collected on his life insurance policies, valued at about $29,000. ..... As soon as Sharon collected the insurance money from James' death, she raced out and bought a brand new blue Ford Thunderbird.
Anne Gates convicted of killing one possibly two October 7, 1987 Arabi, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, USA A set of fireplace tools was missing from the murder scene, and officers believed they'd found their motive in the form of an insurance policy, scheduled to pay Anne Gates $82,000 in the event of her aging husband's death. Deputies said Mrs. Gates, who had been living with her parents in Picayune, Miss., was the beneficiary of her husband’s $82,000 life insurance policy. Mrs. Gates’ first husband, David Plue, was found dead on a rural highway in Indiana in 1978 with two bullets in his head, Clevenger said. Clevenger, then a sheriff’s investigator, said the 29-year-old autoworker had a $100,000 life insurance policy, and his wife collected the money.
Anna Marie Hahn killed five or more 1932-7 in Colorado and Ohio "While the fire caused minimal damage, Anna still managed to collect $300 from the insurance company. The other two fires both took place at the Hahn residence -- the first on June 2, 1935 and the second on May 20, 1936. Anna collected just over $2000 for both fires."
Marie Alexandrine Becker convicted of killing ten or more people including husband with life insurance which she collected 1932 - 1936 Liege, Belgium She gave him a lethal dose of Digitalis, collected on his life insurance and used the cash to open a smart dress shop. Later on, in November 1934 - by which time he had presumably ceased to thrill her - she poisoned Bayer with the same lethal drug.
Johann Otto Hoch killed fifteen or more 1890-1905 in Chicago Ill "Huff" cleaned out her $900 bank account, sold their house, collected $2500 in life insurance benefits -- and vanished. ..... He then collected on Caroline's life insurance, sold her house, cleaned out her bank accounts and disappeared. ..... Immediately after his release Hoch journeyed to Argos, Indiana, where he introduced himself to a brand-new widow, Mrs. Mary Schultz, as Albert Buschberg, a millionaire Chicago druggist. He married the widow, collected the $2,000 insurance policy on her late husband’s life, and prevailed upon the widow and her fifteen-year-old daughter, Nettie, to go back with him to Chicago where both mother and daughter disappeared, along with $1,500 in savings.
Sandra Camille (Powers) Bridewell suspected of killing two or more people but not convicted June 16, 1982 / December 11, 1985 Texas/Oklahoma, USA She collected the insurance on her husband's life, sold his practice, and began dating other wealthy men.
Stacey Castor killed one possibly two husbands and attempted to kill her daughter 2000/ August 20, 2005 NY
Stacey Castor killed two husbands, tried to murder own daughter and frame her for the deaths 03/19/2016 Widow Wallace calmly collected $50,000 in life insurance and moved on.
Blanche Taylor Moore convicted of killing one suspected of another three 1968 - 1986 Alamance County, North Carolina, USA Blanche collected a little fire insurance, investing the cash in a new mobile home. When fire razed the trailer a month later, she blamed that pervert again and collected another insurance check. ..... Before she finished with the family, Reids sons kicked in another $45,797 from their fathers life insurance, persuaded that Raymond would have wanted Blanche to have the cash. .... Steve Reid, 27, one of Raymond Reid's two sons, said that after his father's death Moore received $45,000 in life insurance and an additional $18,000 to $20,000 from Reid's estate.
Robin Lee Row killed three February 10, 1992 in Idaho He says Robin Row collected $28,000 in life insurance from Keith's death.
Sante Kimes killed three with her son and collected on unrelated insurance scams In Sacramento she sets fire to her first house to collect insurance. She only destroyed the kitchen and received $10,000. Sante burns down Honolulu house, to collect insurance money. The firemen could tell it was arson but insurance still paid.
Steven David Catlin killed three 1976 / 1984 California/Nevada, USA Prosecutors presented evidence that Catlin had financial motives for killing the women—he was the beneficiary of life insurance policies on his wives and the sole beneficiary of his mother’s estate. Catlin, meanwhile, had acquired another fiancee, encountered on a visit to the hospital. His grief was tempered by her love -- and by the $57,000 he received from life insurance payments.
Morris Bolber, Herman and Paul Petrillo killed 30-50 people 1932 - 1939 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA The gang embraced insurance agents and made highly successful use of the period's widespread cheap insurance policies, often taken out without medical examination (not required for policies under $500) or the knowledge of the principal concerned, who would subsequently meet an agonising death by arsenic, engineered by the spouse, possibly with intent, possibly in superstitious ignorance of their actions. This went on from 1932 until 1938, when the death in hospital of Ferdinando Alfonsi brought matters into the open, something that was bound to happen sooner or later, as the gang's activities proliferated.
Lyda Trueblood killed at least one possibly as much as six people 1915 - 1920 in Montana/Idaho, USA All 4 of Lyda's husbands had held a life insurance policy where they listed her as the beneficiary. Lyda Trueblood was able to collect over $7,000 over the years from the deaths of her first three husbands.
Robert Girts killed his wife To collect insurance money September 2, 1992 Ohio
Separately, Girts had a possible financial motive, as he collected life insurance money and was then able to invest in another funeral home PDF
Robert Girts: The Husband From Hell 12/26/2017 Upon Diane's death he had received $50,000 in life insurance proceeds. ..... On December 18, 2015, in a Cleveland court room, Robert Girts, in connection with the death of Diane Girts, pleaded guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter and insurance fraud. The judge sentenced him to 12 years but gave him credit for time already served. That meant that Mr. Girts would remain a free man. Case closed.
Amy A. Gilligan at least 5 victims possibly as many as forty-eight or more 1908 - 1916 James Archer died in 1910 of apparently natural causes. The official cause of death was Bright's disease, a generic term for kidney diseases. Amy had taken out an insurance policy on him a few weeks before his death, so she was able to continue running the Archer Home.
Killer Wives: 8 Most Infamous Black Widow Murderers 08/25/2016 Between 1911 and 1916, at least 48 people died while in Archer-Gilligan’s care – including Archer-Gilligan’s husband. .... police also discovered that she had taken out “sizable insurance policies” on her husband.
Man sued over $500K life insurance payout after murder-suicide 05/02/2016 A lawsuit claims a Baton Rouge man improperly collected a $500,000 payout from his business partner's life insurance policy after the partner gunned down his estranged wife and shot and killed himself in Connecticut last year.
The following are additional related cases including reports on Michael Cohen, a couple rare studies on the subject that are only reported in low profile locations and more murders for insurance although they din't successfully collect:
Wikipedia: List of United States insurance companies
Insurance Fraud Hall Of Shame
Better Call Cohen: The Shady Cases of a Trump Lawyer's Personal Injury Practice 05/01/2018 The president's personal attorney represented multiple clients in New York who allegedly staged car crashes to cheat insurance companies
The Company Michael Cohen Kept — “Trump, Inc.” Podcast 04/18/2018
Murder for Life Insurance Money: Protecting the Children 2017 PDF
The Ten Worst Insurance Companies In America How They Raise Premiums, Deny Claims, and Refuse Insurance to Those Who Need It Most
Dead husband of La. woman suspected of poisoning another man made her sole beneficiary of $750K life insurance policy 06/01/2018 Questions remain about how Hale accepted a $10,000 payout from Skipper's life insurance policy or how she became his legal next of kin.
DA: Holyoke Mass. man died in intentional crash orchestrated by 2 people to get insurance money for car 11/03/2017
Elkin Mom Charged with Insurance Fraud in House Fire That Killed Autistic Son 04/05/2018
Judge: Man who killed wife cannot collect life insurance 12/19/2017 The judge has determined that the money should instead go to the couple's two teenage daughters. Police say Joseph Fitzpatrick III had searched the internet for information on life insurance policies five days before he killed his wife, Annemarie Fitzpatrick.
Prosecutor: Flint woman killed mother in 1991 for insurance 08/04/2017
Authorities: Oklahoma Man Killed Father in Insurance Scheme 03/21/2018
Osaka man held in alleged drowning of wife for insurance money 04/20/2018
Jury rejects death sentence for Fla. woman who killed roommate for insurance money 11/03/2017
Bellflower Ca. woman arrested in scheme to kill boyfriend for insurance money, authorities say 12/15/2017
Canadian Ex-lovers get life sentences for murdering ‘gentle and decent man’ 07/07/2018 The pair were after a $2-million life insurance policy.
Tx. Teen accused of using hitman to kill his father for life insurance money 05/30/2018
Police: Wife, lover killed security guard for $1M insurance policy 04/03/2018
Wife of slain Cleveland firefighter convicted of murder-for-hire plot 07/07/2017
Man who ‘killed’ wife took control of life-insurance payout for kids 12/29/2011
The following are previous articles about insurance incentives to commit fraud or other more important contributing factors of escalating violence:
Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows
Does lack of education increase violent crime? Religion?
How much does Income Inequality Affects Crime Rates?
The tragedy of gambling politics in United States
How does gambling and gun control impact violent crime?
Politicians increase crime; Grass roots efforts reduce crime; Politicians steal the credit
Life Insurance and media companies are encouraging lots of murders
Killing Kids For Insurance Is Semi-Routine
For-Profit Insurance is Government Authorized Crime Syndicate
For profit insurance has an incentive to betray people after disasters!
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