Saturday, March 8, 2025

Walmart Crime Report February 2025

Walmart had at least fifteen more shootings related to their business, with most of them on their property, but at least three were nearby and either the shooter or victim went to Walmart shortly afterwards, and at least two more were across the street from Walmart, but not related to Walmart business. Six of these shootings resulted in at least one death each and one resulted in two deaths for a total of seven shooting deaths last month, plus at least three more injuries, and one of the other shootings across the street had one more death; there was also a murder suspect caught at Walmart after he shot and killed two people, including his wife, elsewhere and kidnapped his daughter, who was rescued when he was caught. There were also at least two other shootings, including one fatal one, within a block of Walmart, although they weren't related to their business.

One of the fatal shootings at Walmart and another across the street from Walmart were both suspects killed by police. In addition to that there were at least two more incidents, including one with a "self-inflicted would" and another with a large police presence, without complete details about why or how, that could have been shootings or stabbings, although this isn't reported clearly, and other reports of shootings where police denied there were shootings.

In addition to the seven shooting deaths there were also four people killed in automobile accidents, including two in Alabama a day apart, one body found on their property, one work related deaths where the details weren't widely reported, and one person who collapsed and died of a medical condition for a total of fourteen deaths, not counting at least one other death from a shooting that was less than a block away, but not related to Walmart. The previous month they only had two deaths reported, which was the least in any month for years, if not decades, this month they went in the opposite direction with one of the highest numbers of deaths in a month, excluding several months with mass casualty events for shootings or a tractor trailer full of undocumented aliens, which were much worse, last month was among the worst ever.

A new lawsuit was filed against a police officer who fatally shot a family member at Walmart in Aug. 2024; and an old one was dismissed involving a case where a suspect stole ammunition from a California Walmart before going on a killing spree in Dec. 2018, after the courts said that Walmart was only required to meet a modest effort to secure ammunition, which the thief easily evaded. The debate about the Walmart worker that was cooked to death in one of their walk-in ovens a few months ago continues to make some news, but Walmart and the police have declared there was no foul play and the case is closed, despite the fact that they haven't addressed many legitimate concerns saying it should ahve been impossible to get locked in the oven by accident, from workers familiar with the ovens!

There were at least seven other gun crimes without shots fired, including a carjacking, two threats to go on mass shootings in two different states, armed robberies, and a couple cases where guns were handled carelessly or left where dangerous people could access them.

There were at least three people working for law-enforcement caught stealing from Walmart last month, one a Deputy Constable, another a Dispatcher, and the third a trainee. All of them either resigned immediately or were fired without grounds to dispute their firings, which is standard operating procedure when police get caught stealing from Walmart, which happens several times per year. This is very different from when they use excessive force or kill people, often even innocent people, when unions often fight tooth and nail to prevent them from being fired, even in obvious cases of wrong doing, and often succeed. The law provides much more protection for the rich than the poor!

In addition to this Walmart, the police and the media have a long history of humiliating the poor and desperate, while ignoring the crimes of the wealthy, including wage theft, and many other kinds of white collar crimes which are hardly enforced, while they often publish viral stories about poor people getting caught stealing to feed their family, getting banned at Walmart for theft, often petty theft and for life, arresting immigrants whose crime is being persecuted in their own country, often because of interference by our government, and coming here as refugees, and petty policies that make paying customers look like criminals or treating all customers as guilty until proven innocent due to policies they made, like self-checkout.

This is a major contributing factor to their high crime problems, and it endangers customers, workers, police, and even those drove to desperation for petty crimes, as well as the major crimes. This contributes to attacks on police or by police, but not always against the guilty. There was one video that went viral last month of police kicking a man, which seemed like excessive force, although police claim that it was justified, as usual, because he resisted or posed a threat before the video began, and the video was taken down at least temporarily, so people can't judge for themselves now.

Credit card skimmers are being found all over the country every month, including at least three states last month, and many more on any given month, putting customer data and their money at risk, but not Walmart, and Walmart is doing little or nothing to prevent this or warn customers. This is most common at self-checkouts, adding to other problems with them, but there are a few found at regular registers, but little effort is made to cut back self-checkout, unless it threatens Walmart's profits, not their customers.

There was also a panic when a motorcyclist wore his helmet and what appeared to be armor into a store, where he was arrested, although it's unclear what crime he may have committed; a judge in Michigan sentencing shoplifters to wash cars free at Walmart, being creative with punishing petty crimes, while ignoring more serious ones committed by the rich, at two or three suspects smashing through glass doors, one with a hammer, and many other assaults thefts, and other crimes.

And there's a growing number of reports about people being followed around by floorwalkers presumably working undercover to catch shoplifters, but customers can't tell the difference between them and stalkers; and it raises major doubts about why they're unwilling to hire cashiers or other employees that help customers, but increase their spending on this catching people commit crimes, or occasionally make false accusations.

Does that sound like entrapment? How can people conclude otherwise?

In addition to the four fatal crashes there were a dozen or so other major crashes, vehicle thefts, hit and runs, and other automobile crimes or accidents. There were also a couple more fires, it's uncertain if any were arson, and at least four knife attacks, including two stabbings injuring at least three people, and someone terrorizing Girl Scouts selling cookies with a knife.

Walmart is having a growing number of recalls which are often hard, if not impossible to keep up with including Gerber products that are choking babies, broccoli that may be deadly, tuna that may have botulism, electric scooters that catch fire,, oysters, and much more, with one article claiming over 30 items on their list of recalls.

Walmart perverts are getting slightly more sophisticated, with one of them spilling glue on shoppers "accidentally" then "politely" wiping it off; although he didn't fool anyone and was arrested for groping or sexual assault.

Another woman seemed quite amused to expose herself and offer sexual services at Walmart openly.

Have you ever needed a place to stay and hidden in Walmart creating forts out of toilet paper to hide overnight? Does that happen any place else?

Any of your friends brag about stealing six eggs from Walmart on the internet, without getting caught, at least not yet? This story has gone viral, but Walmart has a history or using this as evidence to arrest anyone they can, assuming he actually did it.

There's a story about a woman buying two men flowers on valentine's Day allegedly because "no one ever buys flowers for men until they're dead and they send them to his funeral" but I'm not ruling out the possibility this was just and ad disguised as a peculiar story to sell flowers.

Several Walmart customers have been outraged because their chicken nuggets are hollow, and it's an obvious scam!

For environmental reasons Walmart is now charging for paper bags, and one customer said they're putting only one item in each bag, which is a hell of a way to sell bags without protecting the environment.

When your Rudy Giuliani apparently everyone wants to know when you shop for hair dye and examine the label very carefully for one reason or another. I'm not ruling out the possibility it's because previously when he got sweaty his hair dye melted and poured down his face with pictures going viral around the country.

Lets face it, if you even see Rudy Giuliani with dark hair again, it's dyed.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Over the past ten to fifteen years Walmart has been increasing the use of self-checkout, and this has corresponded with a steady increase in shoplifting as well as false accusations, yet they refuse to even discuss returning to the use of cashiers. What most people seem to have forgotten was that when they first did this it was on a small scale as an experiment, presumably to see if it worked before expanding it, which would actually make sense, if they slowed it down or reversed it once they saw how many problems it caused. But that's not what they did. Instead the more problems they had the more they increased use of self-checkout, often claiming that instead of hiring more cashiers again, which worked previously, they resorted to more technology and hiring more security to catch people skip scanning or at other forms of theft. This has led to massive amounts of false accusations, in addition to the real thefts, and when the thefts are real, and they get caught, they often resort to violence, so it endangers both Walmart workers and customers.

Now they're acting as if the rise of shoplifting is happening for some inexplicable reason and even asking police to help them solve this problem, as if it wasn't a problem created by their own policies, and most of the media or politicians aren't pointing out the obvious. This is resulting in a massive increase in arrests, court expenses, and prison expenses, which Walmart isn't paying for, effectively meaning we are subsidizing Walmart's high crime problems with tax money. There's no official explanation for why they're behaving so foolishly; but, since this is a for profit corporation it's not hard to speculate about the most likely reason for it, that they're increasing profits for those making the decisions. But, a large portion of the money saved by not hiring cashiers is spent on technology or security to catch thieves; and, if they had to pay the increase in police, courts and prison costs that would reduce or eliminate their savings, and they would almost certainly reverse their policies, because they wouldn't be increasing profits with self-checkout.

This doesn't even include the risk to the health of both their customers and workers when the worst thieves turn violent, in some cases possibly even shooting and killing people. Every year since 2016 has seen more than a hundred shootings at Walmart, and more often than not, this is increasing, while they ignore the causes of their crime problems. These self-checkouts are also making it easier for thieves to put "skimmers" that collect credit or debit card information from customers that enable them to use their cards illegally, but, once again, the customers are stuck with the tab, not Walmart, so they're doing little or nothing to stop this, even though it's a direct result of their bad policies. And furthermore, courts have ruled that Walmart has a right to detain customers even when they have no reason to believe they're shoplifting, if they simply refuse to show receipts, as a matter of principle. At times some lawyers have claimed they need probable cause to ask to see receipts, which, if a customer goes directly from the register, sometimes even when there's a cashier, to the door they can't possibly have. So this means Walmart is under no obligation to assume their paying customers are innocent until proven guilty, which should raise major constitutional questions!

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in February 2025. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Man critically injured in Miramar Fla. Walgreens shooting 02/03/2025 A block away from Walmart

MIRAMAR - A man was rushed to the hospital after he was shot inside a Walgreens in Miramar on Monday.

The shooting happened just before noon in the store at Miramar Boulevard and Palm Avenue.

According to Miramar police Chief Delrish Moss, the man and another person were arguing and as the argument escalated, the other person pulled a gun and shot the man. Complete article

Woman assaults deputy after getting caught stealing from SC Walmart, deputies say 02/03/2025

JASPER COUNTY, S.C. — A South Carolina woman is accused of assaulting a deputy after getting caught stealing from Walmart, according to the Jasper County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said they were called on Saturday to the Walmart on Nickel Plate Road for a report of a shoplifter.

They said they found the suspect, 27-year-old Yira Fonseca, and she tried to run from them. Complete article

Father aggressively grabs Fla. Walmart employee suspected of flirting with daughter 02/03/2025

A Leesburg man was arrested for battery after aggressively grabbing a Walmart employee for possibly flirting with his daughter.

An officer was waved down by a woman who stated two men were arguing near the west entrance of Walmart, located at 17030 U.S. Hwy. 441, at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28 according to an arrest report from the Mount Dora Police Department.

The officer responded to the area and was able to separate the parties involved. Robert Thomas Sheets, 48, and his juvenile daughter advised that she was approached by a Walmart employee. While the officer spoke with them, said employee started walking away from the scene. The officer told him to stop, but he seemed to be confused. He began making more concerning movements, at which time he was put in the back of a patrol vehicle, the report said. Complete article

Babies choked on a Gerber product recalled in 45 states. Publix and all Walmarts involved 02/02/2025

Choking children, at least one of whom wound up in the emergency room, caused Gerber to issue a sweeping recall of Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks.

How sweeping? All batches of Strawberry Apple and Banana flavor are recalled. Geographically, this covers Puerto Rico and 45 states — only Alaska, New Mexico, North Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming are excluded. The retail outlets include Target, Publix and Walmart, which didn’t bother with its usual posting of a store list, just saying, “All Walmart stores.”

“The recall was initiated after receiving consumer complaints of choking incidents,” the recall notice by Gerber Products parent Nestle said. As of Friday, “one emergency room visit has been reported to the firm.” Complete article

Seneca Falls woman charged with petit larceny after thefts at NY Walmart 02/02/2025 Michelle Voorhees, 33, was taken into custody at 8:38 a.m. after an investigation revealed that she had used Walmart’s Scan and Go app to conceal unpaid items in her cart during three separate visits.

Sheriff’s Office seeks man who allegedly stole from High Ridge Missouri Walmart 02/01/2025

Villager sentenced for stealing food and beer from Fla. Walmart 02/02/2025 Dennis William Boyd, 73, of the Village of Pine Ridge, has been placed on probation for six months after pleading no contest to three charges of shoplifting this past week in Sumter County Court.

Halifax Canada Walmart reopens 3 months after employee's death 02/03/2025 The body of Gursimran Kaur, a Walmart employee, was discovered Oct. 19 inside a commercial bakery oven at the store. Halifax Regional Police said last November there was no evidence of foul play.

Deputies investigating possible road rage and shooting incident near Fla. Walmart Distribution Center 02/05/2025

RIDGE MANOR, Fla. (WFLA) — Hernando County deputies are investigating a possible road rage incident near the Walmart Distribution Center, just outside of Ridge Manor.

On Wednesday morning, officials responded to reports of a possible shooting related to road rage in the area of Kettering Road.

No injuries have been reported as of this report. Complete article

Man sustains serious self-inflicted wound at Waterville Maine Walmart 02/04/2025

WATERVILLE, Maine (WABI) - Waterville Police and Waterville Fire/Rescue responded to Walmart for an incident Tuesday afternoon.

They say a man was suffering a mental health crisis at the store.

When officials arrived at 2p.m. they say the man sustained a self-inflicted wound to his neck.

The man was transported to the hospital with serious but believed to be non-life-threatening injuries. Complete article

Suspect who stabbed a man during a fight at the Walmart Supercenter in North Adams turned himself in 02/04/2025

NORTH ADAMS — The suspect in Monday's stabbing at the Walmart Supercenter has turned himself in, according to police.

North Adams Police charged Roland Hernandez, 41, of Pittsfield, with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

The stabbing took place after 4 p.m. About two hours later, Hernandez approached police and told them he was responsible. He claims he acted in self-defense, police said.

Hernandez is expected in court in North Adams today.

The altercation happened between two men who knew each other, according to interim North Adams Police Chief Mark Bailey. Complete article

Elderly woman seriously injured in Surf City NC Walmart parking lot incident 02/05/2025

SURF CITY, NC (WWAY) — An 80-year-old woman suffered serious injuries Monday afternoon in a vehicle-versus-pedestrian incident at the Surf City Walmart parking lot, police said.

It happened around 2:35 p.m. at 420 Fun Center Drive, according to Surf City police. Officials said the woman had just finished loading groceries into her SUV and was reversing out of her parking space when a witness alerted her that her rear hatch was still open.

As she got out of her SUV, she didn’t shift the vehicle into park, causing it to continue moving backward. The open driver’s door struck her, knocking her to the ground, before the SUV’s front tire rolled over her legs, police said. The vehicle continued in reverse until it struck a raised median bordered by bushes. The open door also hit a parked vehicle, bringing the SUV to a stop.

Emergency responders transported the woman to Novant Regional Hospital, where she is receiving treatment for serious injuries. No one else was involved in the incident, authorities confirmed. Complete article

Woman accused of exposing self in Bellmead Tx. Walmart 02/05/2025

Bellmead, Tx (FOX44) – A 44-year-old woman was arrested by Bellmead police accused of exposing herself, touching others and soliciting herself to customers.

An arrest affidavit stated officers were called to the Bellmead Walmart Tuesday on a disturbance call, the caller saying that a man was arguing with his mother in the store.

Officers were told the woman was walking through the store with her pants pulled down while touching herself. The affidavit stated that she would go up to strangers in the store, touch them and ask ” if they wanted to have a good time with her.” The affidavit stated officers were told she would then pull her pants down. The affidavit stated officers were told it appeared that she was trying to solicit herself for sexual purposes. The affidavit stated that officers observed surveillance video of her walking through the store with both her hands down the front and back of her pants. The affidavit stated officers observed a woman approach more than one person while having her hands in her pants. Complete article

Mobile Alabama PD: Homeless man steals Walmart motorized cart, rides it on Airport Boulevard 02/05/2025

MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Mobile police officers might have done a doubletake Tuesday evening when they saw a motorized shopping cart being driven down Airport Boulevard.

The conveyance -- not a street legal machine -- was being operated on a high-traffic thoroughfare. This was about 6:30 p.m.

Police said the motorized cart had been stolen from a Walmart Supercenter and was being driven by Terrance Smith, 41. He is homeless, according to the log at Mobile County Metro Jail, where he is now being held on a charge of first-degree theft of property. Complete article

Walmart Treats Everyone Like Thieves Now 02/05/2025

I’m no longer shopping where I’m required to talk to employees for stupid reasons.

My goal as a graduate student used to be that I’d never shop at Walmart once I got my PhD. I am in my fourth year of the PhD program and have moved up my personal goal. I no longer will be shopping at either of the Fargo Walmarts.

I have some personal beef with Walmart. One of my first jobs a little over 10 years ago was as a Walmart cashier. I was there when our store decided to incorporate self-checkouts, which I despise both as customer and employee. I was there when they took away benches we used to rest on during our breaks. I eventually got a small check as part of a class-action lawsuit against Walmart for this, but that didn’t make up for it in my opinion. I was there when a woman attempted to punch me because we had run out of Beats by Dre on Thanksgiving… I didn’t even work in that section of the store. Long story short, working for Walmart taught me that we as workers did not matter.

Now, as only a customer, I have begun to feel like I do not matter as a person when I shop at Walmart. It started with the forced expansions of the self-checkouts, which are not accessible even if you know how to use them correctly. Adding the “receipt checker” at the store exits was another thing that felt like a waste of time. Most recently, the Walmart on 52nd Avenue in South Fargo got redesigned, making it harder to navigate now that sections that naturally fit together like crafts and office supplies are on separate sides of the store. My least favorite part of the redesign is their new security on the bath products section. Complete article

“I've been going to Walmart everyday & putting 6 eggs in my jacket”: Viral post has internet in stitches 02/05/2025

Nowadays, egg prices seem to be on everyone's minds—a topic that makes most everyday items feel like truly luxurious purchases. And where the price hike appears, there always seems to be someone ready and raring to crack a joke about it.

Enter Twitter or X, whatever we conventionally call it, where one particular user had the internet rolling on the floor over his supposed daily egg heist at Walmart.

In one viral tweet, a fridge full of eggs took social media by storm. The post's caption read:
“I've been going to Walmart everyday & putting 6 eggs in my jacket”
As egg prices have continued to yo-yo, the concept of passively stealing eggs from a store has connected with users, it seems, in such a way that nobody can help but lighten up over the situation. Complete article

Walmart Cutting Hundreds of Jobs and Shifting Workers to HQ 02/05/2025

Walmart is reportedly eliminating hundreds of positions as it moves employees to its main hubs.

The job cuts coincide with the closure of one of the retail giant’s offices in North Carolina, FOX Business reported Tuesday (Feb. 4), citing an internal memo sent to employees.

In that memo, the report said, Walmart Chief People Officer Donna Morris said the company is reducing roles and asking office-based employees in Hoboken and some of its smaller offices to move to the company’s new headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, along with its office in Sunnyvale, California.

“We are making these changes to put key capabilities together, encouraging speed and shared understanding,” Morris wrote. “Through this review process, we have eliminated some roles as we streamline how we work.”

It was not clear how many workers will be impacted, as the employees who are being asked to relocate have at least a month to let Walmart know if they’ll agree to the move. Complete article

Charlotte NC Walmart corporate office to close 02/05/2025

Broccoli sold at Walmart recalled in 20 states now labeled deadly by FDA 02/03/2025

Broccoli sold at Walmart in 20 states is now the subject of a possibly deadly recall, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Late last year, Braga Fresh, based in Soledad, California, issued a voluntary recall and product warning for Marketside Broccoli Florets, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced.

The FDA announced the initial recall on Dec. 31, 2024, for Braga Fresh's washed and ready-to-eat 12-ounce bags of Marketside Broccoli Florets due to the possibility of Listeria monocytogenes contamination.

In a notice published on Jan. 27, 2025, the FDA labeled this a Class I recall − the highest recall risk level issued by the agency, as it can potentially lead to death. Complete article

PAY PAINS ‘Never coming back here again,’ cries stressed Walmart fan who left entire cart of groceries thanks to payment policy 02/03/2025

The policy is in place because it competes with another feature.

A CUSTOMER has threatened to never return to Walmart after a payment issue.

They were even forced to leave a cart full of groceries behind due to the "stressful" experience.

Influencer Kane Hinge (@kanehinge) blasted Walmart after he went with some friends to get groceries while on vacation in Orlando, Florida, per a recent clip on TikTok.

While Kane was thrilled to find some skin care products, favorite foods, and other merchandise, he was unable to pay at self-checkout because of a Walmart policy regarding Apple Pay. Complete article

Off-Duty Marshfield Wisc. Officer Assists in Retail Theft Arrest at Walmart 02/03/2025

Two arrested for theft at Berlin Vermont Walmart 02/03/2025

Thief using homemade barcode ring to scam Idaho Walmart self-checkout busted after trying to ring up $300 grill for price of tomato soup: cops 02/04/2025 Dylan Rockwell, 32, allegedly admitted to ripping off the store on several occasions and was finally caught after ringing up the price of a can of tomato soup for a $300 grill at Walmart, according to a statement from the Caldwell Police Department shared on Instagram.

Everyday Hero: Stranger saves woman’s life by performing CPR in Ill. Walmart 02/04/2025

Arrest report: Suspect in Las Vegas Nevada Walmart shooting left wallet in rideshare 02/06/2025

LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — A suspect accused of shooting and wounding a Walmart employee during a robbery was caught in part because he left his wallet in a rideshare he took to the store, according to an arrest report.

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police took Taron Jefferson into custody on Tuesday on suspicion of attempted murder, robbery with a deadly weapon and conspiracy to commit robbery, per arrest and court records.

In an arrest report, LVMPD wrote that officers were dispatched to a Walmart on Blue Diamond Road on Monday, Feb. 3. Someone called 911 saying a man stole wine and flowers, got into a car and drove through the parking. A second person got out of another car and asked about his friend, the first suspect. Walmart employees followed the second person when a caller said an employee was shot. Complete article

Walmart Is Not Liable for Dec. 2018 Shooting Spree Involving Ammunition Stolen From Ca. Store 02/06/2025

Opinion Says Strict Liability Claims, Asserting That Bullets Were Negligently Stored in Violation of Laws Requiring Secure Displays, Fail Because Regulations Do Not Require Theft-Proof Security.

A negligence per se claim filed by family members of a man who was murdered during a shooting spree that followed the theft of ammunition from a Tulare County Walmart store—accomplished by manipulation of the doors to a display case which was secured by a ratchet lock—fail because the governing statutory framework only requires the cabinets holding the rounds be “locked” and not that they be immune to theft, the Fifth District Court of Appeal held yesterday.

Under the negligence per se doctrine, codified at Evidence Code §669, the failure to exercise due care is presumed if a defendant “violated a statute…or regulation of a public entity” in such a way that the breach proximately caused injury or death and the resulting harm is the type of “occurrence…which the…[law] was designed to prevent.”

At issue is Penal Code §30350, which provides that “[a]n ammunition vendor shall not…display for sale…any ammunition in a manner that allows that ammunition to be accessible to a purchaser…without the assistance of the vendor or an employee of the vendor.” .....

The question arose after Gustavo Garcia was able to use his hands to maneuver the glass doors and get inside the display case—in less than 30 seconds—on Dec. 16, 2018, stealing multiple boxes of Winchester nine-millimeter rounds. Approximately 35 minutes later, Garcia shot one victim, using the stolen ammunition, who was in a field 20 miles away.

A few minutes later, he committed an armed robbery at a nearby convenience store, shooting off another stolen round. Two hours after the holdup, Garcia shot and killed Rolando Soto Sr., who was standing in his front yard.

The following day, Garcia was killed in a car crash as he attempted at high speed to flee from police officers. Complete article

Missing Oklahoma teen slept in toilet paper fort inside Walmart for days before returning home 02/06/2025

Missing teenager Christopher Dunham went unnoticed for days as he slept in a toilet paper fort in a local Walmart after running away from his grandparents' home in Cove, Oklahoma.

The frantic search for a missing Oklahoma teen came to a baffling end when he revealed he'd been hiding out in a toilet paper fort at a local Walmart.

Christopher Dunham, 16, was reported missing on Sunday by his grandparents after he disappeared from their home in Grove. Police had asked for the public's assistance in finding him but the case took a turn on Tuesday night when the teenager returned after police officers had executed a search warrant at his grandparents' home. .....

But when his grandfather found him, he took the teen to the Grove Police Department to explain to officers where he'd been.

Christopher said he'd camped out at a Walmart for a few nights, explaining that he'd wait till after hours before building a toilet paper fort over a dog bed and sleeping in it.

“This is one of the most bizarre cases in my law enforcement career,” said Morris. “He spent one night at Honey Creek State Park and the other nights inside Walmart,” Morris added. Complete article

Amazon set to pass Walmart in revenue for first time 02/06/2025

Amazon long ago passed Walmart in terms of market cap, but the e-commerce giant is finally poised to leapfrog its brick-and-mortar rival by another key metric: revenue.

For the past dozen years, Walmart held the distinction of being the top revenue generator each quarter. In 2012, it overtook oil giant Exxon Mobil, according to LSEG senior research analyst Tajinder Dhillon.

Walmart remained in the lead after oil prices tumbled in subsequent years from their previously lofty levels of more than $100 per barrel.

In its earnings release after the close of trading Thursday, Amazon is expected to report revenue of $187 billion, according to analysts surveyed by LSEG. Walmart reports on Feb. 20, and is projected to announce sales of $180 billion. Complete article

Louisville's Republic Bank taps former KFC, Walmart leaders for key executive roles 02/05/2025

Republic Bank is shaking up its leadership team. Find out who's joining the C-Suite and what experience they bring to the table. Complete article

Multiple Life-Threatening Walmart Food Recalls Issued; Here's a List 02/05/2025

Man Jailed for Trying to Sneak Buggy of Items out of Ga. Walmart 02/05/2025

Over $5,000 in headphones stolen from Chesterfield Va. Walmart 02/06/2025

Walmart sends a hard-nosed message to employees 02/06/2025 The retail giant is taking a harsh stance on a new trend. The retail giant is telling employees that it will now require them to move to new hubs if they aren't there already; some workers in smaller offices, such as in Hoboken, N.J., will now be expected to move to larger hubs, like in Arkansas and Sunnyvale, Calif. (though the Hoboken hub is anticipated to expand in the future).

Man charged with 14 counts of theft from Millbrook Alabama Walmart 02/07/2025

Man arrested after allegedly selling drugs to undercover officer in Ohio Walmart parking lot 02/07/2025

State Police seek suspect in Indiana County Pa. Walmart laptop theft 02/07/2025

Chillicothe Ohio Walmart shoplifter attempts to break door during escape 02/07/2025

1 dead, 1 critical after Walmart parking lot shooting in Hanford Ca. 02/06/2025 2nd victim died

HANFORD, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – A man is dead and another one is in critical condition following a shooting at Walmart in Hanford, the Hanford Police Department said.

Police say they received a call at 8:14 p.m. Thursday regarding shots being fired at the Walmart parking lot in Hanford.

Upon arrival, officers say they located a man deceased and another man suffering from a gunshot wound. He was transported to the hospital and is listed in critical condition. Complete article

Man arrested accused of shooting 2, killing 1 in Hanford Walmart parking lot 02/07/2025

IDENTIFIED: Second shooting victim in Hanford now dead 02/10/2025

1 hurt in shooting on Gillespie Street in Cumberland County NC shooting, deputies say 02/06/2025

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — One person was hurt in a shooting in Cumberland County Thursday afternoon, deputies said.

According to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, deputies were notified of the incident at 6:40 p.m. The shooting was in the area of Gillespie Street and Black and Decker Road, near the Walmart Supercenter at Airport Plaza.

Deputies said one person was shot and injured. Complete article

Woman Carjacked at Gunpoint Outside Louisiana Walmart in Broad Daylight 02/07/2025

What should have been a routine grocery store trip quickly turned into a nightmare for one Louisiana woman on Friday afternoon. According to the Denham Springs Police Department, the victim called 911 just before noon on Friday at 11:10 a.m. and said someone stole her vehicle after threatening her with a gun in the parking lot of Walmart in Denham Springs.

Denham Springs Police Officers began their pursuit of the stolen black Toyota Corolla that continued into the Baton Rouge area until the car thief crashed on Greenwell Springs Road near Oak Villa Boulevard, according to
A suspect was arrested after allegedly carjacking a woman in Denham Springs and fleeing, leading multiple agencies on a cross-parish chase.
Complete article

Austin PD seeks help finding suspect in French bulldog theft at Norwood Park Walmart 02/07/2025

AUSTIN, Texas — Austin Police are asking for the community’s help in locating a suspect involved in a French bulldog robbery by assault at Norwood Park Walmart on Sunday.

The incident happened at 1030 Norwood Park Boulevard on Feb. 2 at 5 p.m.

APD says the suspect, later identified as Servando Cruz Jr. arrived at the Walmart parking lot in a red corvette and displayed a handgun to the victims. The suspect then stole their French Bulldog puppy.

APD officers located the corvette and attempted to detain Cruz, but he fled the scene, speeding off in the vehicle. Complete article

Alleged burglary attempt on trailer at Nevada Walmart on Jan. 19 02/07/2025

It’s not very often when a suspected criminal is eager to actually attempt to climb inside of a law enforcement vehicle on their own, but that appeared to be the case during a recent early morning Nye County Sheriff’s Office investigation, according to Deputy Cody Cunningham.

According to a late January arrest report, Cunningham was dispatched to the parking lot of Walmart in reference to a possible burglary attempt on a trailer just before 5 a.m., on Jan. 19.

As stated in the arrest report, upon arrival, Cunningham exited his patrol vehicle when he was approached from behind by the alleged suspect, identified as Jesse Broyles.

“Jesse demanded frantically to get inside my patrol vehicle,” Cunningham’s report stated. “Jesse grabbed the rear passenger door handle and opened my patrol vehicle door. I advised Jesse that he was being detained after opening the door of my patrol vehicle.”

Cunningham went on to say that Broyles began to resist attempts to be handcuffed by pulling away.

Broyles, according to the report, continued to escalate efforts to impede handcuffing him, which led to Cunningham taking him to the ground to affect the arrest.

“Jesse advised that he was having a sort of a nightmare, despite being awake,” the report noted. Complete article

More Changes At Walmart Checkout. Details Here! 02/07/2025

Woman gets multiple packages from Walmart she never ordered — now she is warning others 02/07/2025

Walmart Shopper Noticed Something Odd on Her Great Value Corn Label And Now She’s Warning Others 02/07/2025

Police looking for men who tried to steal from Norcross Ga. Walmart 02/07/2025

Police investigate fatal shooting at Weaverville NC Walmart 02/08/2025

WEAVERVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — A shooting has taken place at a Walmart in Weaverville, N.C., on Feb. 8.

News 13 crews have confirmed that around 4:30 p.m., the Weaverville Police Department received a call reporting a possible shooting in the Walmart parking lot.

Weaverville Police Chief Somer Oberlin confirmed that the individual involved in the shooting was a juvenile and is deceased.

Oberlin also confirmed that officials have detained a male individual for questioning and are in the process of notifying next of kin. Complete article

Madison County teen killed at Weaverville Walmart remembered as goofy kid with big dreams 01/18/2025

Police investigating shooting at N. Belt St. Joseph Missouri Walmart 02/09/2025

One person is at the hospital following a shooting Sunday morning at the North Belt Walmart in St. Joseph.

St. Joseph police were called to the scene at about 11 a.m. Officers said the shooting happened just outside the store's home and pharmacy doors at 4201 N. Belt Highway. The victim is a minor and was taken to Mosaic Life Care with non-life-threatening injuries.

Police said no one is in custody but are searching for a person of interest. Police also stressed the incident was not an active shooter situation. According to the SJPD, those involved in the incident knew each other. Complete article

Police want to speak with person of interest in Sunday Walmart shooting 02/10/2025

One in custody in Walmart shooting as police respond to standoff, second shooting 02/12/2025

Latino group calls for boycott of Coca-Cola, Walmart and more over deportations 02/09/2025

SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — Videos on social media are circulating showing Latinos rejecting or turning away from American products in response to mass deportations taking place around the country.

One video shows a family about to have dinner together when a young man emphatically tells his mother “how could you do that when Coca-Cola is turning its back on Mexicans.”

In response, the mom takes a large bottle of Coke and pours its contents down the drain. Complete article

Walmart has recalled 30+ products past 2 months, including food (list) 02/07/2025

BENTONVILLE, Ark. -- As the nation’s largest retailer, Walmart may be the most recognizable there is for U.S. consumers.

The company has more than 4,600 stores and another 600 Sam Club locations in the United States, and a presence in every state. There are more than 5,400 Walmart international locations.

But because of that size, it’s not unexpected that Walmart shoppers may find they are touched by a product recall. Complete article

Sumter SC Police urge residents to be aware of Walmart barcode scam 02/07/2025

Henderson Ky. Police looking for Walmart shoplifter 02/0/2025

Milwaukee Wisc. man pleads guilty to Nov. 2023 Walmart robbery, gets probation 02/09/2025

SPD: Sevierville Tenn. Walmart evacuated following bomb threat 02/10/2025

Holland Ohio police: Person found fatally shot inside vehicle in Walmart parking lot; BCI to investigate 02/1/2025

HOLLAND, Ohio — Authorities are investigating after a person was found fatally shot Monday morning inside a vehicle in Holland.

Holland police said they responded to the Walmart parking lot on South McCord Road around 9:05 a.m. and found a 52-year-old male dead with a gunshot wound.

Police said Springfield Local Schools were placed on lockdown "due to the proximity to the crime scene." The lockdown was lifted around 9:30 a.m. and the district said all students are safe.

Police responded to the same Walmart in January after an armed juvenile employee allegedly fired a single shot at two adult suspects who assaulted the juvenile. All three were charged in the incident. Complete article

After Walmart in Puyallup Wash. found credit-card skimmer, police connected man to 3 more 02/11/2025

A law enforcement investigation into who was behind installing devices that steal credit-card data at the Walmart in Puyallup has led prosecutors to charge a 23-year-old man with two felonies.

The devices are called credit-card skimmers, and they’re sometimes placed in businesses at point-of-sale terminals where customers insert or swipe their credit, debit or EBT cards to make a purchase. According to charging documents filed Friday in Pierce County Superior Court, one was found at the Puyallup Walmart’s self checkout Aug. 30, 2023, five days after surveillance footage showed it was installed.

The Puyallup Police Department’s investigation led to a man allegedly tied to placing credit-card skimmers at a Walmart twice in Puyallup and once in Lacey and Lynnwood between Aug. 25 and Sept. 25, 2023. Complete article

Eerie update at Halifax Walmart where bakery worker was cooked to death in oven 02/11/2025

The Canadian Walmart store where a teenage employee was baked to death inside a walk-in oven has officially reopened more than three months after the tragedy.

Gursimran Kaur's charred remains were found by her mother inside the large scale bakery oven of the Walmart she worked at in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on October 19.

The mother and her 19-year-old daughter had emigrated from India to Canada around three years ago and the duo soon began to work at the store. .....

'Now that the stop-work order has been lifted by the Department of Labor, the oven will be removed from this store and will no longer be used.'

The investigation into Kaur's death remains underway as to how the tragic event took place.

Disturbing revelations have come to light during the investigation as sources told CBC that the appliance within the Halifax store 'did not lock.'

Following Kaur's death, a series of TikTok videos have been circulating online showing Walmart employees demonstrating stepping inside other Walmart ovens and using the emergency release from inside.

'This door does not close by itself... It doesn't latch. It's designed not to do that. You have to push it, hear the click,' one employee said in a video.

She commented later that she wasn't trying to 'theorize or form a conspiracy', but that the tragic situation was 'hard to wrap my head around' when Walmart's bakery ovens 'are so safe to use.' Complete article

Walmart shopper says she was followed around by a worker for 20 minutes: "He made me feel..." 02/11/2025

Major retailers such as Costco and Walmart have incorporated tech such as self-checkout counters to make shopping more convenient. But they didn't anticipate that shoplifters would find their way around that, much like cyber crooks. In an attempt to contain issues such as membership sharing and shoplifting, both stores deployed additional security measures, which have triggered outrage among customers. Reports suggest that the recent anti-shoplifting measures at Walmart lead to more hostile interactions between workers and shoppers. This was abundantly highlighted when a Walmart shopper was left in tears after a security guard kept following her around the store for more than 20 minutes.

The Walmart shopper named Sarah (@sarahde932) took to TikTok the talk about the harassment that she faced while shopping with her toddler. In her viral video, she shared she was minding her own business, pushing her cart around when a security guard or a 'floor walker' randomly started following her. “For the past 20 minutes, this security guard kept following me. He’s made me feel like I’m a shoplifter," Sarah said in the video while wiping her tears. She then panned the camera to her cart to show that she had put a ton of stuff in her shopping cart which was sitting alongside her daughter.

She said that the security guard kept following her, even though she looked like any normal shopper. "I purposely did a figure eight to double check to see if he’s actually following me, and he kept following me," she said. She then went on to share that she confronted the security person but that didn't work either. “I said, ‘You know what? If this is what you think is happening, you’ve got the wrong person," she said recalling the interaction. Complete article

Canned tuna sold at Trader Joe's, Walmart recalled over botulism concerns 02/11/2025

Canned tuna fish sold at Trader Joe's and other grocers in New York and New Jersey and across the country has been recalled amid concerns the product may have been compromised and subject people to food poisoning.

According to the FDA notice, Tri-Union Seafoods has made the decision to voluntarily recall select lots of canned tuna products sold under the Genova®, Van Camp’s®, H-E-B and Trader Joe’s brand names.

This voluntary recall is out of an abundance of caution following supplier notification that the “easy open” pull tab can lid on limited products encountered a manufacturing defect that may compromise the integrity of the product seal (especially over time), causing it to leak, or worse, be contaminated with clostridium botulinum, a potentially fatal form of food poisoning.

Consumers are warned not to use the product even if it does not look or smell spoiled. Anyone feeling unwell should seek immediate medical attention. No illnesses associated with the recalled products have been reported to date. Complete article

Walmart Pilots Solution That Keeps Produce Fresh During Transport 02/10/2025

Walmart is working with Indian AgriTech startup GreenPod Labs to pilot a solution that aims to keep produce fresh during as it moves through the supply chain.

The solution may enable the retailer to source fresh produce from new countries of origin, Kyle Carlyle, vice president, sourcing and surety of supply at Walmart, wrote in a Monday (Feb. 10) blog post.

“All this serves a greater goal: augmenting the supply chain and creating more sustainable alternatives for customers everywhere,” Carlyle wrote.

GreenPod slows the ripening of fruit by activating the natural defense mechanisms of fruits and vegetables and slowing the rate of microbe growth with the company’s small sachets filled with plant extracts, according to the post. Complete article

CrimeNew York man granted bail after being accused in Massachusetts Walmart organized retail crime case 02/10/2025

Suspect sought in recent retail theft at White Township Pa. Walmart 02/10/2025

Woman suspected of trafficking meth arrested in traffic stop at Fla. Walmart 02/09/2025

Groton Conn. police seek help identifying suspects in Walmart larceny 02/10/2025

Deputies shoot and kill suspect near NM Walmart store in South Valley 02/11/2025

A multi-agency taskforce is investigating a fatal shooting involving deputies with the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office in the South Valley.

According to BCSO, one person was shot and killed in the area near the Walmart at Coors and Rio Bravo. The initial response was for a report of a stolen vehicle.

The shooting happened after deputies attempted to contact the driver. BCSO also said there are no other suspects at large. Complete article

Man killed by Bernalillo County deputies outside of Walmart identified 02/13/2025

Aurora Teen Fled After Crashing Into Car In Walmart Lot: Oswego Ill. PD 02/11/2025

OSWEGO, IL — An Aurora man, 18, who fled after crashing into a parked car Saturday in the Oswego Walmart lot was identified and cited with a misdemeanor, police said.

Oswego police were dispatched at 2:42 p.m. to the supercenter at 2300 Route 34 for a car that was struck while the driver was shopping. Officers reviewed the store's surveillance footage and observed a white Ford pickup truck hitting the car.

The footage showed the driver, wearing a light brown hoodie and dark-colored pants, exiting his car briefly before getting back in and driving away, police said in a news release. Complete article

2 accused of placing skimmer at Walmart in York County Pa. 02/11/2025 3 locations

HANOVER, Pa. — Police in York County announced the arrests of two people suspected of operating an identity theft ring in multiple jurisdictions.

West Manheim Township police said the pair installed a skimming device on a self-checkout at the South Hanover Walmart.

The device was in place from Jan. 29 through Feb. 1. Complete article

Skimming devices found at 3 South-Central Pennsylvania Walmart locations; 2 arrested 02/12/2025

Walmart shopper gets spooked after 3 men follow her at the store — then she finds out who they were 02/12/2025

Being out shopping for groceries at a local Walmart is supposed to be an everyday activity with no safety concerns whatsoever. This is exactly why it's even more alarming when one realizes that they're being watched or followed around by strangers in the store. TikTok user Baleigh (@baleighmarieh) experienced this horror when she was told that three people were following her around, and she shared it with her followers.

In a TikTok video that has received more than 149,000 likes, she said that she was alerted to being followed around by the individuals who were even pointing at her. She called some family members for help but unfortunately, no one was available. She didn’t alert the authorities at the time since she was scared and just wanted to get home. When she reached home, she informed the police about what was going on only to find out that the people following her were Walmart employees.

“‘The men that were following you tonight are undercover employees, and they follow people around the store specifically in that women’s section and clothing section because there’s a lot of theft there,'” she said when talking about what the cops told her. “So, they follow people around at Christmas time, and I was just mind blown,” she added. Baleigh’s video received a lot of traction and several concerned TikTok users shared their thoughts on the matter. “I’m just trying to figure out how I would know the difference between an actual creep vs an employee following me?? I refuse to be lax hoping it’s an employee, and then get kidnapped because I wrote it off as nothing,” a user named Samantha.BoutiqueOwner commented. “You SHOULD still be alarmed. Don’t get complacent. If anyone is ever following you ask an employee to help you. If it’s a worker then problem solved. If not, they should help you,” quipped another user named Makiley89. Complete article

Business news in brief: Stalled protection bureau puts Walmart lawsuit in limbo; Sale of Fayetteville homebuilder finished 02/12/2025

Fate of suit against Walmart uncertain.

A lawsuit Walmart Inc. faces involving delivery drivers' pay is up in the air now that the future of the federal agency that filed the suit is unknown.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau filed the lawsuit in December, claiming that Walmart and digital banking firm Branch Messenger Inc. opened bank accounts for a million Spark drivers without their authorization.

Drivers' pay was deposited into the accounts that charged the drivers fees that totaled more than $10 million, the bureau said in a December news release.

Walmart operates the Spark Driver Program, through which gig economy drivers make "last-mile" deliveries to homes from Walmart stores.

The bureau, which is an independent government agency, filed the complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota. Complete article

Dec. Odessa Tx. Walmart shooting suspect out on bond arrested for carjacking man 02/10/2025

Object found in front of central Fresno Ca. Walmart was not a pipe bomb, police say 02/10/2025

Carson City Nevada sheriff seeks help identifying Walmart larceny suspects 02/10/2025

Nearly 500 Walmart Employees To Be Laid Off In Hoboken NJ 02/12/2025

Savannah Ga. Police Dept. conducting death investigating near southside Walmart, no foul play suspected 02/12/2025

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Police are conducting a death investigation near the Walmart on Abercorn Street near the Savannah Mall.

There is no foul play suspected at this time, according to the Savannah Police Department.

Stick with WTOC for updates. Complete article

3 arrested for stealing trailers, Walmart merchandise in Prescott Ariz. area 02/13/2025

YAVAPAI COUNTY, AZ (AZFamily) — Three people are facing charges after allegedly stealing merchandise from a Walmart and two trailers in the Prescott area.

Suspects 25-year-old Chase Cooper, 35-year-old Brittney Hill and 49-year-old Jesse Pistole were all charged with theft of means of transportation on Wednesday.

Prescott Police said its investigation started on Jan. 22 when the department received a report of a flatbed trailer that was stolen from a Walmart in the area of Gail Gardner Way and Iron Spring Road.

By looking at surveillance footage, investigators found that the flatbed trailer was taken by someone in a lifted maroon Ford F-250 truck with chrome wheels and chrome running boards. Complete article

BREAKING: Victim ejected in multi-vehicle crash near Tx. Walmart on Twin City Highway 02/1222/2025

Port Arthur — Port Arthur police are investigating a multiple-vehicle crash in which one person was ejected onto Twin City Highway near the Walmart and critically injured.

The crash was reported shortly after 7 p.m. Wednesday in the 4900 block of Twin City Highway.

Fire Chief Robert Havens tells KFDM three vehicles collided and one person was ejected onto the road.

Three other people were hurt. Complete article

Harris County Pct. 7 Deputy Constable accused of stealing while in uniform from Tx. Walmart stores 02/12/2025

HUMBLE, Texas (KTRK) -- A longtime law enforcement officer has been arrested as part of a theft investigation that has been going on for five months. The Precinct 7 deputy constable is accused of stealing from multiple Walmart stores while in uniform.

Deputy Constable Perry Wesley was arrested Tuesday inside the constable's office. He is now on leave with pay as this case is being investigated.

Wesley has been working at Harris County Constable Precinct 7 for more than 15 years, most recently serving eviction papers. Now, he's in jail.

"I was just numb for words," said Harris County Precinct 7 Constable James "Smokie" Phillips. "I was just like, 'Why would you do something dumb like this?'" Complete article

Motorcyclist Arrested After Wearing A Helmet Inside Ariz. Walmart 02/13/2025

Back in August 2019, a motorcyclist in Sahuarita, Arizona in a full-face helmet, with the visor down, plus armored jacket and pants, wearing a backpack was arrested by police after he walked through a Walmart. His initial offense was not taking off his helmet while walking through the store, which sounds wild to some people. However, things escalated and the motorcyclist faced criminal charges.

According to the 22-year-old Freedom Pfaendler, he was riding to work when he decided to stop at Walmart for a few quick items. He left his helmet on and was listening to music inside the helmet, meaning he couldn’t hear anyone.

A store manager tried asking the man, whose identity was fully obscured, to remove his helmet as he walked through the store, but Pfaendler claims he didn’t hear or see the man. What the guy might not have known or realized was just days before, someone walked into a Walmart and did a mass shooting.

Pfaendler’s gear, including the helmet, looked intimidating. Some might have thought it looked like military tactical gear. The backpack could have contained a small arsenal. That’s why the Walmart manager called police. When officers arrived, they found Pfaendler putting the items he purchased at a checkout inside his backpack, using a bench at the front of the store. Complete article

Tenn. Woman banned from every Walmart location in the United States, company issues statement 02/13/2025

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WKRC) - An alleged serial shoplifter was banned from every Walmart location in the United States.

According to WREG, citing the Memphis Police Department, 37-year-old Ashley Cross was banned from every Walmart location across the country due to her reported history of taking products from the business without paying.

Authorities responded to a Walmart on Elvis Presley Boulevard in Memphis, Tennessee around 3:40 p.m. to investigate a report of shoplifting. Upon arriving at the scene, officers were informed that two women were stealing from the business, one of whom was Cross.

Memphis police told WREG's reporters that Cross was a well-known shoplifter, adding that she had been caught on camera utilizing an old watch barcode battery to scan multiple items for $1 at a self-checkout machine. Complete article

WATCH: Man rides away after stealing BMX bike at southeast Lincoln Nebraska Walmart 02/12/2025

LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) – Police are seeking a man who stole a BMX bike and several other items from a southeast Lincoln Walmart last week.

On Feb. 5, a man arrived in a dark-colored, older Chevy pickup truck at the Walmart near 84th Street and Nebraska Parkway.

Police said he went to the shoe department, where he swapped his shoes for some new boots.

He then grabbed a backpack and loaded it up with several items throughout the store. Complete article

Walmart employee defies 'wasteful' company policy, sparks debate: 'You definitely did the right thing' 02/14/2025

Individual store policies and practices don't always align with corporate sustainability targets.

When a Walmart worker noticed perfectly good ceramic vases heading for the trash, they took action.

They rescued the containers from disposal and shared them with co-workers in the break room, sparking an online discussion about retail waste reduction.

What happened?

"We had to throw out these orchids and [against] management's rules I took the vases and put them in the breakroom for coworkers to take. F*** this wasteful a** company," the employee posted on Reddit along with a photo showing orchids removed from small white ceramic vases stacked in what appears to be a break room. Complete article

Lawyers in Walmart lawsuit admit AI 'hallucinated' case citations 02/10/2025

Feb 10 (Reuters) - Lawyers representing plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Walmart (WMT.N), opens new tab over alleged injuries from a defective hoverboard toy said on Monday that they inadvertently included made-up cases generated by artificial intelligence in a court filing.

A federal judge in Wyoming on Thursday had asked the plaintiffs' attorneys to explain why they should not be sanctioned, after lawyers for Walmart and co-defendant Jetson Electric Bikes told the court that they could not find nine cases that the plaintiffs had cited in a court document and suggested AI played a role.

The case, involving lawyers from national plaintiffs' law firm Morgan & Morgan, is the latest in which AI-generated case citations have proven prone to error, testing lawyers and judges' ability to sort legitimate legal research from fiction. Complete article

Pa. Caller asks for money to resolve issue involving identity theft and illegal activities 02/13/2025

Man arrested for changing prices at Iowa Wal-Mart 02/10/2025

Teen pursued in Fla. Walmart parking lot after stuffing pockets with stolen merchandise 02/13/2025

Three arrested in Victor NY Walmart theft, linked to multi-state larcenies 02/15/2025

Sumter SC police: Man killed in Walmart shooting, 19-year-old in custody 02/14/2025

SUMTER, S.C. (WIS) - Sumter police officers arrested a 19-year-old Friday in a deadly Walmart shooting.

According to the police, a 24-year-old man was shot several times Friday inside the Walmart Supercenter on 1283 Broad Street. The man was taken to Prisma Health Toumey where he later died, according to the Sumter County Coroner’s Office.

Police said Chanceler Lowery, 19, from Sumter, was involved in the shooting. He was turned in to law enforcement by his parents on Friday afternoon, according to Sumter Police Chief Russell F. Roark III. Complete article

Suspect in fatal S.C. Walmart shooting charged with murder, bond denied 02/17/2025

Man Found Fatally Shot in a NJ Walmart Parking Lot 02/15/2025

Authorities are investigating a fatal shooting that left a man dead in the parking lot of a Walmart shopping center in Hunterdon County early Saturday morning.

According to officials, police were dispatched to the Walmart parking lot at 71 Walmart Plaza in Clinton shortly before 1:40 a.m. after receiving reports of an unconscious person inside a vehicle.

Upon arrival, officers discovered an unidentified male with a gunshot wound to the head. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Complete article

Dad found in Fla. Walmart with kidnapped 4-year-old daughter after killing his estranged wife and a neighbor’s relative: Police 02/17/2025

A Florida man was apprehended by police after his 4-year-old daughter was reported missing and the girl’s mother was found dead of a gunshot wound.

Nathan Gingles, 43, was charged with three counts of premeditated murder after Broward County detectives located him at a North Lauderdale, Florida, Walmart Supercenter on Sunday. His 4-year-old daughter, the subject of an Amber Alert that was issued the same day, was with him and was unharmed. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office said that Gingles allegedly shot and killed his estranged wife, Mary Catherine Gingles, 34, and another unidentified male was found dead in her home in Tamarac. WPLG, a local ABC affiliate, also reported that neighbors witnessed a third male who died of gunshot wounds.

According to WSVN, a local Fox affiliate, the timeline of events began early in morning on Feb. 16, when neighbors reported hearing gunshots at the home of Mary Gingles at about 6 a.m. Broward County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Carey Todd told WSVN that when police arrived, they found the young mother in her home, “suffering from a gunshot wound.” She was pronounced dead at the scene, and her death was being investigated as a homicide.

Sheriff’s deputies also found a man, who was not identified, dead of a gunshot wound in the same home. Neighbors also reported that there was a third victim who had been fatally shot in the neighborhood. Upon finding Mary Gingles’ body, an Amber Alert was issued for the daughter she shared with her soon-to-be-ex-husband. Court records showed that Mary Gingles filed for divorce in February 2024 after filing for an order of protection against Nathan Gingles, citing domestic violence. She filed a second injunction in December 2024 and had received an order of protection against her estranged husband. Complete article

Eufaula man dies in crash outside Alabama Walmart 02/14/2025

EUFAULA, Ala. (WSFA) - A Eufaula man is dead after a car crash Friday morning, according to the Eufaula Police Department.

Officers attempted to make a traffic stop around 4:20 a.m. when they noticed Jackson driving recklessly on South Eufaula Avenue heading south into Barbour County.

According to police, Lamar T. Jenkins, 44, was traveling at an estimated 70 mph when he swerved into a light pole and was ejected from the vehicle. Complete article

Man hit, killed by vehicle in Gaffney SC Walmart parking lot 02/16/2025

GAFFNEY, S.C. (WSPA) – A man died Saturday night after being hit by a vehicle in the parking lot of the Walmart in Gaffney.

According to the Cherokee County Coroner’s Office, 71-year-old Reginald Bruce Inman, of Jonesville, was walking toward the front entrance of the store when he was hit by an SUV.

The coroner said Inman was trapped under the vehicle until he was able to be freed by fire and EMS personnel. Complete article

Pedestrian struck, killed outside Athens Alabama Walmart 02/16/2025

Athens Police are searching for the driver wanted in a deadly hit and run of a pedestrian outside of Walmart Saturday night.

Officers responded to the area of U.S. 72 East and Old Decatur Road around 10:15 p.m. Athens Police say emergency crews responded to the scene to find a man dead in the roadway.

Investigators say a vehicle immediately fled the scene prior to the arrival of emergency crews. The vehicle involved in the wreck is expected to have moderate to heavy damage to the vehicle's front end, including the windshield. Anyone with information regarding the crash is asked to contact Athens Police. Complete article

Man arrested for allegedly threatening to ‘shoot up’ East Texas Walmart 02/16/2025

GUN BARREL CITY, Texas (KLTV) - Police have arrested a man they say brought a gun, several magazines and a ballistic vest to a Walmart in Gun Barrel City.

At about 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, officers were called to the Walmart on West Main Street in response to a man allegedly threatening to “shoot up the store,” according to a release from the Gun Barrel City Police Department.

Officers said they found the man, John Thomas Martin, 22, of Kerrville, inside the store with a semi-automatic handgun, three magazines and one extended magazine, totaling 63 rounds. Police said he was also wearing a ballistic vest under his hoodie. Complete article

2 arrested following gun report at Walmart parking lot in Streator Ill. 02/16/2025

Suspects apprehended after fleeing, firearm recovered, police say.

Two individuals were arrested Friday after a report of violence at the Walmart parking lot in Streator.

Jordan Kozak, 22, of Streator was arrested and charged with aggravated unlawful possession of a weapon, aggravated assault, obstructing a peace officer and a La Salle County warrant for domestic battery.

Police responded to a report that Kozak allegedly pointed a handgun at a citizen in the parking lot. Complete article

Michigan judge sentences Walmart shoplifters to wash cars in retailer's parking lot 02/14/2025

(AP) - A Michigan judge is putting sponges in the hands of shoplifters, ordering them to wash cars in a Walmart parking lot when spring arrives.

Judge Jeffrey Clothier hopes the unusual form of community service discourages people from stealing from Walmart and rewards shoppers who could see higher prices, or possibly lose stores, if thefts continue. The car washes will be free.

"I don’t think everybody that steals is a bad person. Sometimes people are just down on their luck," said Clothier, who was recently elected to Genesee County District Court. "But there’s going to be consequences when you break the law."

Clothier told The Associated Press that he began ordering "Walmart wash" sentences this week for misdemeanor shoplifting at the store in Grand Blanc Township, 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Detroit. He believes 75 to 100 people eventually will be ordered to wash cars at weekend events at that location in March and April. Complete article

Child pinned between two vehicles in NY Walmart parking lot 02/17/2025

NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. — A child suffered a minor injury when a vehicle backing out of a parking spot in the North Tonawanda Walmart parking lot hit another vehicle with a child caught in between the vehicles.

North Tonawanda Police Chief Keith Glass tells 2 On Your Side it was a slow speed, minor fender bender. The child suffered a leg injury. Complete article

Teen injured evading Murfreesboro Tenn. PD Saturday at Walmart 02/16/2025

Murfreesboro, TN – Around 4:55 p.m. on Saturday afternoon (Feb. 15, 2025), Murfreesboro Police officers responded to a shoplifting call at Walmart, located at 2900 S. Rutherford Boulevard. One of four teenagers was injured after crashing through a glass door while attempting to flee.

When officers approached the four minors, three complied with commands, but a 14-year-old male ran toward the exit doors. As he attempted to push the door open, he missed the door bar, causing his hand to strike the glass. The impact shattered the glass, and the teen fell through. He sustained minor injuries to his hand and face. Emergency medical personnel treated him at the scene before he was further evaluated and medically cleared at Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital.

The 14-year-old was later transported to the Rutherford County Juvenile Justice Center, where he was charged with theft of merchandise, resisting stop, halt, frisk, and arrest, misdemeanor evading arrest, felony vandalism ($1,000 to $2,500), and misdemeanor simple possession of a Schedule II narcotic (possession of a pill without a prescription). Complete article

Mom pleads guilty to stealing food from Arkansas Walmart to feed her five children 02/17/2025

PARAGOULD, Ark. (KAIT) - A judge sentenced a Trumann woman to 3 years of probation after she pleaded guilty to stealing groceries “to feed her five children.”

On Feb. 13, 30-year-old Latisha E. Davis entered a negotiated plea of guilty to one count of commercial burglary.

Second Judicial Circuit Court Judge Pam Honeycutt sentenced her to 36 months of probation with 14 days of jail time served. Honeycutt also ordered Davis to pay $960 in fines, fees, and court costs in $50 monthly installments beginning April 1.

Paragould police arrested Davis on Oct. 5, 2024, on suspicion of commercial burglary and theft of property after they said she hid more than $500 of food items in cardboard boxes at the Paragould Walmart store.

When confronted, Davis reportedly “confessed to officers that she had intended to steal the items because she was unemployed and trying to feed five children.”

Detective Lieutenant Robert Sexton noted that Davis had been banned from all Walmart properties three days before this arrest for a similar theft incident in a neighboring jurisdiction.

After reviewing the case, Stidham found probable cause to charge her and issued a no-contact order with any Walmart properties.

Captain Jason Elms with the Paragould Police Department confirmed to K8 News that Davis was arrested in July for abandoning three children at her home in Trumann without food or air conditioning. Complete article

Police presence outside near SC Walmart in NMB 02/16/2025

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WPDE) — There's a police presence outside the Walmart in North Myrtle Beach.

North Myrtle Beach Police Department and a towing company are on the scene at the corner of Ashley Loop and Diatra Lane.

The towing company was sweeping glass out of the street. Complete article

A woman gave me flowers at Walmart; I didn't save them for my wife 02/14/2025

The other night I went to Walmart to buy formula for my son. I’ll be honest; it wasn’t a good trip at first.

Traffic was annoying. The parking lot was fulI. But what really put me in a bad mood was the process of picking up the baby formula itself.

It used to be available for anyone to grab right off the shelf. Now, in yet another sign of the erosion of basic social trust, it's been moved to the front of the store, where it's kept under lock and key.

Bad mood rising.

This turned a quick errand into something way too complicated. Granted, getting someone to unlock the formula cabinet only cost me an extra five minutes, but in Bad Mood Time that's more like 20. ...

"Have you ever bought flowers for a man?” she asked the cashier.

The cashier responded "no."

“I buy my husband flowers every year," said the woman. "Men don’t ever get flowers until the day they die.” ...

The woman then asked the cashier to add two more bouquets to her tally. She turned to us and said, "I’m buying you guys flowers. Give them to your wives or kid, but this way, at least you were given flowers before you die.” Complete article

Walmart, Amazon among retailers facing a massive boycott threat 02/16/2025

Many companies across the nation have recently changed their tune on diversity, equity and inclusion.

In 2020, after George Floyd was murdered by a white police officer who assisted in his arrest, several large companies committed to implementing DEI policies in their workplaces after the incident brought to light many inequities Black people face in America.

The goal of these policies was to advance opportunities in the workplace for people of various backgrounds. Complete article

A Walmart Shopper Noticed That He Was Being Followed By Three Floorwalkers. – ‘They think they’re super slick, but I already know the game.’ 02/16/2025

Here we go again, folks…

It’s time for another story about floorwalkers following shoppers around stores.

These folks are store employees who pose as customers and they keep an eye on customers to make sure they aren’t shoplifting.

And TikTok is full of videos from regular folks who are sick and tired of being followed and harassed while they do their shopping.

He said, “Walmart must think I’m some type of mastermind, because they put three floor walkers on me again today. Did you see the way that guy turned around and profiled me?” Complete article

Walmart shareholders send letter of support for reining in DEI policies after Dem AG backlash 02/17/2025

FIRST-ON-FOX: Walmart investors supportive of the company’s decision to roll back its DEI initiatives have issued a letter urging the big box retailer to stay the course as it faces immense backlash from Democratic officials and left-wing shareholders.

The letter — which was drafted by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative group, and signed by a collection of over 60 investors, advisors and proxy consultant groups — hails Walmart’s decision to roll back DEI, saying the decision "restores the promise of the American Dream."

ADF senior counsel Jeremy Tedesco told Fox News Digital he hopes the letter will give Walmart the "courage and the arguments they need to continue with what was a very good decision." Complete article

People are planning to boycott Walmart, Target, Best Buy and other stores on Feb. 28. Here’s why 02/17/2025

Walmart customer sparks debate online after receiving botched delivery: 'That's just absurd' 02/16/2025

"This obviously is a bit overkill."

A Walmart customer was willing to pay extra for paper bags, but they were in for a surprise after receiving their grocery delivery.

What's happening?

In the r/MildlyInfuriating community, a Redditor explained that Washington state, where they live, charges a bag fee to discourage unnecessary waste. However, the person who bagged their groceries apparently didn't get the memo and tossed single items into more than one bag.

"My grocery delivery showed up with one item in over half the bags, defeating the entire purpose. I can live with being charged for these but I hate how incredibly wasteful this is," the original poster wrote, worrying that they wouldn't be able to recycle the paper bags because their building's community cardboard recycling bin gets contaminated with trash. Complete article

Info wanted about duo after Walmart theft in Hillsborough, NC, police say 02/15/2025

Mystery of North Carolina Walmart worker Sara Graham, 18, who vanished and left strange clues in abandoned van 02/16/2025 Ten years have passed since 18-year-old Walmart employee Sara Graham vanished while driving to work and mystery continues to surround what happened to her.

Police: Schenectady woman arrested for allegedly stealing from NY Walmart 02/16/2025

Kentucky pair suspected of stealing 250 items during nine visits at Ohio Walmart in BG 02/17/2025

2 men exchange gunfire at Tenn. Walmart; 1 shoots himself in leg, police say 02/18/2025

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - The Memphis Police Department is investigating a shooting that left one man in critical condition.

Around 3:15 p.m., officers responded to a shooting call at the Walmart on Austin Peay Highway.

When police arrived, they discovered that one man had a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the leg.

During a press release held by MPD, it was learned that the shooting occurred between two men following a disagreement. Complete article

Missouri woman sues ex-KCPD officer charged with Aug. 2024 fatally shooting her father at Walmart 02/18/2025

A Missouri woman has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against a former Kansas City police officer charged with fatally shooting her father outside a Walmart in Kansas City’s Northland in August 2024.

Taquiza Johnson, 47, allegedly shot 71-year-old Ronald Barnett while Barnett was leaving his car outside the superstore on August 21, 2024. Barnett’s daughter, Elizabeth Moon, filed the lawsuit on Feb. 11 in Platte County court.

Johnson currently faces charges of second-degree murder and armed criminal action. Complete article

Albany man arrested for armed robbery at Glenmont NY Walmart 02/18/2025

Bethlehem, NY — A 42-year-old Albany man has been arrested in connection with an alleged armed robbery at a Walmart in Glenmont.

Police said Alden Grey was taken into custody on Tuesday by members of the Bethlehem Police Department, with assistance from the City of Albany Police Department.

The arrest follows an incident on January 29, where Grey is accused of threatening a victim with a firearm, demanding $100. Complete article

Video of Lawrence Ind. police punching, kicking man outside Walmart prompts internal investigation 02/19/2025

The Lawrence Police Department is investigating an arrest that occurred outside a Walmart in east Indianapolis on Monday afternoon after footage of the arrest began circulating online that depicted two officers using force on the man being detained.

A 33-second video — one of several taken by bystanders — shows a man on the ground while two Lawrence officers attempt to restrain him. One of the officers is seen kicking the man, stepping on the man's legs and ultimately using a taser on the man. The other officer appears to strike the man about a dozen times while he attempts to detain the man.

Throughout the video, it appears the man is using a free hand to block strikes from the officer before he ultimately gives up and puts his hand behind his back. Complete article

Here's what we know about the crash involving a Walmart truck in Springdale Arkansas 02/19/2025

SPRINGDALE, Ark. — Shortly after 9 a.m. on Feb. 19, the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) reported a multiple-vehicle accident in Springdale, and nearby traffic cameras showed a Walmart truck engulfed in flames.

"It appeared that there were two semi-trucks that collided and there was another passenger vehicle that was there, but the passenger vehicle appears to be fine at this point, and once the wreckage is moved, they will be able to continue on their way," Capt. Justin Pinkley with the Springdale Fire Department said.

The crash was reported on I-49 just north of Sunset Avenue, impacting all southbound lanes. Firefighters and emergency personnel were seen responding to the blaze. Pinkley said multiple agencies, including Hickory Creek, Cave Springs, Lowell, and Johnson fire departments, helped in the response.

Pinkley confirmed there were no deaths in the crash, and nobody was sent to the hospital. At this time, he said they are still not sure what caused the crash. Arkansas State Police will investigate the crash. Complete article

Man accused of falsely pulling fire alarm at Henrietta NY Walmart, Marketplace Mall 02/19/2025

Henrietta, N.Y. — A man faces charges following a string of incidents at Henrietta businesses.

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office said Mark Salatino, 48, of Rochester, pulled the fire alarm at Walmart on Marketplace Drive twice — first on Friday and again on Monday — and pulled another one Tuesday at Marketplace Mall.

Salatino was also suspected of burglary and criminal mischief following an incident Monday at Space Shop Self Storage on Marketplace Drive.

The sheriff's office said a deputy found Salatino on Wednesday walking near Best Buy, and two other deputies helped her take Salatino into custody after he initially resisted arrest. Complete article

Walmart self-checkout: How retailer's DIY lanes don't check out with some shoppers 02/18/2025

Love or hate self-checkout lanes, there will likely come a day when you are waiting in a long line wishing there were more cashiers or lanes. A few took their complaints online.

Some Walmart shoppers are grumbling about the retailer's self-checkout lanes.

The benefit of self-checkout is in the eye of the consumer. For every shopper who is upset there's no self-checkout lane to use – and long lines at registers – there's another one who is upset about having to use self-checkout and sometimes having to wait to do so.

Retailers face a difficult balancing act, said Santiago Gallino, an associate professor of marketing, and of operations, information, and decisions at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

"Too few staffed registers can frustrate customers who prefer traditional checkout, while an over-reliance on self-checkout can introduce inefficiencies and revenue loss," Gallino told USA TODAY. Complete article

Walmart slapped higher prices on 1L milk cartons than permitted by Manitoba law 02/19/2025

Walmart Canada was recently selling one-litre cartons of milk in Manitoba stores for higher prices than provincial law allows.

The grocery chain was spotted at provincial stores and online selling one litre of Beatrice milk for $2.88, despite the province limiting the price to a maximum of $2.03 for 2% milk and $1.97 for 1% milk.

Kate Kehler, an advocate for people with low incomes, said Walmart owes its customers an explanation.

"It's a large chain. They ought to know the rules," said Kehler, executive director of the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg.

"And if they don't, they need to find out how that how that happened." Complete article

4 sought after stealing medication from a Fresno Ca. Walmart, police say 02/17/2025

Fact Check: Report on young girl shooting police officer to save mom at Mich. Walmart is fictional 02/17/2025

Walmart shopper demands executive order as scanning code will ‘never be as convenient’ than popular payment method 02/18/2025

UPDATE: Officers capture violent sex offender by Natchez Mississippi Walmart, plus another in Franklin County 02/17/2025

Worker dies at Walmart distribution center in Vance County, NC deputies say 02/21/2025

HENDERSON, N.C. (WNCN) — A worker died at a Walmart warehouse in Henderson Wednesday, deputies said.

According to the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded around noon to a reported industrial incident at the Walmart Distribution Center on Vanco Mill Road. They were directed to the south end of the building where an employee was found injured moments earlier.

Deputies said the employee was operating a mechanical tow motor in an effort to move product when the incident happened. He died at the scene before EMS and fire first responders arrived. Complete article

St. Charles man dies after collapsing in Mich. Walmart 02/21/2025

KOCHVILLE TWP, MI — Police are investigating the death of a man who collapsed in a Saginaw County Walmart.

About 2:50 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20, sheriff’s deputies and Mobile Medical Response personnel responded to the Walmart at 5650 Bay Road in Kochville Township after a 56-year-old male customer collapsed.

Walmart staff and paramedics performed CPR and other life-saving procedures on the St. Charles man. Complete article

Two people injured after stabbing at Walmart in Belleville Ill. 02/21/2025

ST. CLAIR COUNTY, Ill. – A man and woman were stabbed at a Walmart in Belleville Thursday night.

The stabbing occurred at the Walmart on Greenmount Commons just before 8 p.m. Police say they have a man in custody and are not looking for any other suspects.

The two victims were taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. It’s unclear what led to the stabbing. Complete article

Dispatcher charged after attempting to steal merchandise from Walmart stores in E. KY 02/21/2025

JOHNSON & FLOYD COUNTY, Ky. (WYMT) - A dispatcher is facing charges after she reportedly attempted to steal merchandise from Walmart stores in Paintsville and Prestonsburg.

Officers with the Prestonsburg Police Department responded to a complaint on Thursday.

They discovered that Rebecca Fletcher, a dispatcher with the Prestonsburg/Floyd County Emergency Communications Center, had tried to steal more than $1,000 of merchandise in the Paintsville Walmart.

Police later discovered that Fletcher had reportedly stolen no less than $250 from the Prestonsburg Walmart. Complete article

Walmart in Avon, Massachusetts, closes for remainder of day after trash compactor fire 02/20/2025

AVON, Mass. — A Walmart store in Avon, Massachusetts, will remain closed Thursday after a trash compactor fire forced it to temporarily close, the town's fire department said.

The Avon Fire Department received a call about the fire at 2 p.m. when several people claimed they saw and smelled smoke inside the building.

Fire officials say the fire was confined to the exterior trash compactor. Crews were able to move the compactor away from the store to fully extinguish the fire, Avon Fire Chief David Charest said.

Walmart officials are working with environmental officials to determine when the store can reopen, Charest said. Complete article

Walmart recalls 18K electric scooters that can catch fire, offers full refund 02/20/2025

Walmart has recalled 17,970 electric scooters and is offering a full refund due to a battery issue that can cause the scooters to overheat and catch fire.

The recall involves several models of the SG-5 Swagger 5 Boost Commuter Electric Scooters that were sold at Walmart and Sam’s Club stores nationwide and online. The scooters were sold from May 2018 through October 2024 for between $175 and $450.

The scooters come in black or silver and have “SWAGGER 5” is printed in large lettering on the stem of the handlebars, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The recalled model numbers are: SWGR5-V2-SLV, SWGR5-V2-2, SG5 Boost, SG-5S, 96262-2, 96262-9, SG-5S, and 96560-2. Complete article

Transgender man from Minnesota files discrimination lawsuit against Walmart 02/21/2025

The former employee claims he was constantly harassed by coworkers at the West St. Paul store.

A transgender man has filed a lawsuit against Walmart, claiming he was frequently harassed by supervisors when he was an employee at its West St. Paul store as a teenager.

The lawsuit filed on behalf of Jackson Villarreal claims the harassment happened in the fall of 2020, sparking investigations by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights the following year. The MDHR's official report, released in 2023, that found there was probable cause that Villarreal was harassed because of his gender identity.

Villarreal, who was 16 years old at the time, claims the harassment included instances when a supervisor offered another worker $100 to pull down Villarreal's pants and another time when a team leader suggested someone should "snap [his] bra" when talking about the size of Villarreal's chest.

The MDHR said in its report it wasn't until months later that the supervisor responsible for making the "pants bounty" comment was fired by Walmart. After he learned of that threat, Villarreal never returned to work. Complete article

Longtime Walmart employee files age discrimination lawsuit against the retail giant 02/21/2025

DEARBORN — A 70-year-old former Walmart employee has filed a lawsuit against the retail giant, alleging age discrimination after dedicating 16 years of service to the company. Complete article

A Cuban woman shares what happened to her at a Walmart in Florida when she went shopping with her daughters: "It was a bad experience." 02/22/2025

A Cuban mother in the United States shared on her social media her bad experience at a Walmart in Lehigh Acres, Florida. The woman, who often shares anecdotes from her daily life, described the store as "a doghouse" and stated that she prefers to drive a few extra minutes to go to the Walmart in Fort Myers, which she considers to be quieter.

"There’s no one who can go there and shop in peace and quiet. I prefer to drive 10 more minutes and go to the one in Fort Myers," stated @yeli_95_ in her video.

According to her, her dislike for the Lehigh Acres store increased after a man, apparently intoxicated, nearly sat on one of her daughters. "I had to give him a shove and say a few things. I know it can happen anywhere, but the vibe of that Walmart is something I really don’t like,” said the Cuban woman, who admitted she avoids going out alone with her daughters to public places due to her constant concern for children's safety.

"I try as much as possible not to go out alone with the girls due to the whole child abduction dilemma. When I go out, I can see four pairs of eyes on me, thinking that everyone is bad. Call me crazy, but I'd rather be on the defensive," she assured. Complete article

Central NY Walmart closes due to heavy snow on roof 02/18/2025

Eye-and-earwitness to Nov. 2023 Elyria Ohio Walmart parking lot fatal shooting testifies 02/19/2025

Man sentenced for March 2020 shooting at officers in Brooklyn Park Minn. Walmart parking lot 02/20/2025

Suspected shoe swapper tries to lie about identity when nabbed at Fla. Walmart 02/21/2025

PlayStation 5 Swiped From NY Walmart In Middle Island: Police 02/21/2025

Battle Ground Wash. police arrest suspect in Walmart robbery 02/22/2025

BATTLE GROUND, Wash. (KATU) — A 35-year-old man was arrested on Feb. 21, 2025, following an armed robbery at a Walmart store in Battle Ground.

According to police, officers responded at approximately 1:35 p.m. to reports of a robbery at the store located in the 1200 block of SW 15th Avenue. Store employees reported that a male suspect attempted to leave the store with a shopping cart containing about $1,500 in unpaid merchandise. When confronted, the suspect allegedly brandished a knife and made threatening gestures before fleeing with the stolen items.

Police said officers arrived within minutes and, with the help of witnesses, found the suspect inside a vehicle at a nearby apartment complex. The suspect initially refused to exit the vehicle, resulting in a brief barricade situation. After negotiations, the suspect exited the vehicle and was taken into custody without incident. Complete article

Berlin Vermont Police charge 3 with assault after a fight outside a Walmart Supercenter 02/23/2025

A New Hampshire man, a Calais woman, and an unidentified 21-year-old from Montpelier were all cited to appear in court Monday.

BERLIN, Vt. — A New Hampshire man and two Vermonters are facing assault charges after a fight outside of a Walmart Saturday, according to Berlin Police.

Police responded to the parking lot of the Walmart on Berlin Mall Road, where two people allegedly assaulted each other.

Officers say Matthew Blauss, 40, of Grafton, New Hampshire injured another person. He was charged with aggravated assault.

Emily Blauss, 30, of Calais, was charged with simple assault and cruelty to animals after investigators found that she allegedly assaulted a dog in her vehicle. Complete article

Rudy Giuliani Dyeing to Look My Best ... Searches For Hair Coloring at Walmart!!! 02/22/2025

Rudy Giuliani's taking his time picking a new hair dye ... eyeing the ingredients on the back with suspicion -- and, he's got good reason to be cautious.

The former mayor of New York City hit up a Walmart in Secaucus, New Jersey Saturday afternoon ... pulling up in a mobility scooter with an aide by his side.

The two are in the haircare section -- you can see the products on the shelf in front of him -- and Giuliani is scrutinizing the back of what we're told is hair dye.

Unclear what Rudy's looking for here ... but, he might be concerned about another awkward interaction if his dye job starts running again. ....

During one press conference, the heat started to get to RG ... and, while he repeatedly wiped his brow, it got so hot that hair dye started to run in a line down his cheek. The moment was satirized on shows like "Saturday Night Live" and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." Complete article

Walmart issues stern warning about unexpected customer behavior 02/23/2025

The retail giant is raising eyebrows with its latest announcement.

Walmart (WMT) appears to have recently been resonating well with consumers across the country during a time when inflation and higher living costs are adding strain to shoppers’ wallets.

The retail giant’s fourth-quarter earnings report for 2024 revealed that its revenue increased by about 4% year over year during the holiday season. Complete article

NC Walmart shopper banned from stepping foot in all US stores as he’s caught using ‘tag’ trick to pay $0 for expensive item 02/21/2025 The shopper was told he can’t set foot in any Walmart in the United States after his arrest on a felony shoplifting charge. .... The machine cost $198 but Brooks tried to get out of paying anything for it at all.

Electronics stolen from Walmart in Middle Island NY 02/21/2025

Cibolo Tx. police detail suspect accused of inappropriate conduct in Walmart parking lot 02/21/2025

Investigators Find No Credible Threat After Bomb Scare at Aurora Ind. Walmart 02/23/2025

Two wanted, two arrested in cross-county chase and shooting ending at Pa. Walmart 02/23/2025

Pennsylvania State Police are looking for two suspects after four people pointed firearms at other motorists in a red Toyota Tundra and shot at police while fleeing.

On Feb. 23, around 12:40 p.m., a motorist notified police of a passenger in a red Toyota Tundra pointing a firearm at other motorists on I-81 near mile marker 57.1 in Cumberland County.

A trooper found the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop near mile marker 78 on I-81 in Dauphin County. The Tundra initially stopped on the shoulder and then fled the scene.

In the 7000 block of Manor Drive in West Hanover Township, an occupant from within the fleeing vehicle fired multiple rounds from a pistol at police.

One police vehicle was struck.

The Tundra then reentered I-81 north and exited near Frackville, where police say the car became disabled near a Walmart in Saint Clair Township, Schuylkill County. Complete article

Person injured in shooting seeks medical help at Plainfield Ind. Walmart 02/24/2025

PLAINFIELD, Ind. (WISH) — A person who received minor injuries in a shooting showed up at the Plainfield Walmart on Monday night for medical attention.

Plainfield Police Department was called to a reported shooting just before 9:35 p.m. Monday in the 2400 block of Harvest Way. That’s at the Gladden Farms Apartment Homes, which are off Shady Lane south of the Walmart.

A news release issued Monday night from Plainfield police did not given any information on the person’s gender or age, or indicate if the person lived in the area.

The person did not require hospitalization, the release said. Complete article

Late-night road rage shooting in Manatee County near Fla. Walmart leaves Palmetto man hurt, police say 02/24/2025

A 28-year-old Palmetto man was injured when another driver opened fire on his truck during a road rage incident early Saturday morning, police said.

Palmetto Police Department officers responded around 3:15 a.m. after a family member of the victim called 911, the agency said. The man’s family member reported that he had been shot at on U.S. 301 near the Walmart in Palmetto and was driving himself to Manatee Memorial Hospital, police said. The caller then disconnected and did not respond to follow-up calls, according to a news release.

Police said they found shell casings on the roadway and spoke with witnesses who reported hearing gunfire from the direction of U.S. 301. Officers also checked Manatee Memorial Hospital but said no gunshot victim ever arrived.

A short time later, Bradenton police officers searching the area around the hospital found a pickup truck with multiple bullet holes, which was later confirmed to be the victim’s vehicle, police said.

Palmetto police said they were then able to identify and speak with the victim, who had suffered a minor injury to his hand. Complete article

Cave Creek woman arrested for planning 'mass casualty event' at Ariz. Walmart 02/24/2025

The woman told a co-worker at Walmart that she had a list of 40 people she "dreamed" of killing and had a plan to make it a reality, according to court documents.

CAVE CREEK, Ariz. — A Cave Creek woman has been charged for planning what police are calling a mass casualty event.

Keelin Pascoe, 20, was arrested after she told her Walmart co-worker that she had a list of 40 people she "dreamed" of killing and detailed her plan to make it a reality, according to court documents.

Pascoe also texted someone else to discuss her plans on Friday.

A co-worker of Pascoe told police that she had a conversation with Pascoe where she described having repeated dreams about coming to work, and then shooting and killing several co-workers before killing herself.

Pascoe told the co-worker she had a plan to carry out the dream in real life. Pascoe said she would find someone who looked like her and kill them so she could assume that person's identity.

Then she planned to come to Walmart posing as the other person and kill her co-workers. Complete article

One person dead after crash near Killeen Tx. Walmart shuts down Stan Schlueter lanes 02/23/2025

Killeen police said two people were taken to the hospital. The man was later pronounced dead.

KILLEEN, Texas — A car crash near the Walmart on W. Stan Schlueter Loop in Killeen that closed all lanes Sunday has resulted in the death of a Central Texas man, police say.

According to the Killeen Police Department, a black Jeep Patriot and a white Jeep Cherokee crashed in the 3200 block of W. Stan Schueler Loop.

Around 2:30 p.m., the Jeep Patriot was reportedly leaving a private parking lot when it was hit by the Jeep Cherokee traveling eastbound on the outside lane of Stan Schlueter Loop. Complete article

‘Remain vigilant’: Walmart shoppers groped by glue-spilling man in Upstate NY, police say 02/24/2025

Amherst, N.Y. — Two Walmart shoppers were groped by a man who spilled glue on them in Upstate New York, police said.

Sujiewan Satgunaraja was arrested Tuesday by the Amherst Police Department and charged with two counts of forcible touching. The 24-year-old man stands accused of groping two women who were shopping at the Walmart at 3290 Sheridan Drive in Amherst, a suburb of Buffalo in Erie County.

At the start of each attack, Satgunaraja splashed Elmer’s glue on the women’s backs, buttocks and legs, police said.

He then grabbed the women’s buttocks and “sensitive areas” while trying to wipe the glue away, police said. Complete article

CHECKOUT CHAOS Walmart shopper denied their groceries following new ID check rule as customers cry employees are being ‘tyrants’ 02/25/2025

The incident caused a shouting match at the store.

A WALMART shopper was left fuming after their groceries were confiscated by a store supervisor.

The customer was told to contact customer service for their money back.

An X user shared an incident that occurred at a Walmart location, in which a customer was refused items that they had paid for.

"Real life scenario," user USMC Lady Vet wrote on X.

"I know the customer."

According to the story, a shopper at the Walmart pickup purchased groceries, including decongestant, and was asked to show his ID.

The customer refused to show ID and, according to the post, "started screaming at the grocery clerk and calling her an idiot."

The Walmart employee called over a supervisor, whom the customer also screamed at.

Instead of handing over the groceries, the supervisor took them back inside and told the customer that he would not be getting his groceries.

Through Walmart's pickup system, customers can purchase items online and have them delivered to their car by a store associate after paying. Complete article

Parking lot of Walmart in King NC experiencing sinking pavement; City confirms parking lot was built over pond 02/19/2025

Roosevelt Benton takes stand, says fatal Nov. 2023 Elyria Ohio shooting was in defense of a friend 02/21/2025

Police look for suspects in alleged Sayre Pa. Walmart thefts 02/23/2025

Man arrested for allegedly stealing credit cards from a shopper at NY Walmart, used them to buy items 02/23/2025

Man pleads guilty to beating Ind. Walmart employee 02/24/2025

Two Charged in Jefferson County Pa. Walmart Theft 02/24/2025

Suspects who shot at troopers stole new outfits at Pa. Walmart to disguise themselves: police 02/25/2025

Two men who fled from police Sunday morning in Dauphin County after being accused of pointing a gun at other motorists stopped at a Schuylkill County Walmart to shoplift a different set of clothes to change their look, according to police.

Police are looking for the men who entered the St. Clair Walmart, discarded their clothing, shoplifted other clothing and then fled the store through its south-east emergency exit.

The first is a 17-year-old named Jeremiah Begley, of Lancaster. State police say he is around 5’8” and around 170 lbs, and has brownish/auburn hair. He was last seen wearing a Nirvana t-shirt police say he shoplifted from Walmart.

They’re also looking for a white male with a darker complexion wearing sweatpants and a black shirt who has a heavier build. Complete article

Clarion Man Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun in Pa. Walmart Shopping Cart 02/26/2025

CLARION, Pa. (EYT) — A 70-year-old Clarion man faces charges of recklessly endangering another person and disorderly conduct after allegedly leaving a loaded firearm in a shopping cart at the Monroe Township Walmart.

According to Trooper Nathan A. Lash of Clarion-based State Police, store employees discovered a black zippered binder containing a loaded Kimber K6S9C pistol, magazines, flashlight, and holster in a cart corral around 12:32 p.m. on February 5.

According to a criminal complaint, it was determined through investigation that the pistol belonged to Michael Wayne Wise.

Police say this marks the third time since 2021 that the same individual has left his firearm in the store’s parking lot, with previous incidents reported on March 16, 2021, and October 27, 2021, the complaint notes. Complete article

Armed man terrorizes Girl Scouts at Walmart in NC 02/26/2025

HICKORY, N.C. — Girl Scouts selling cookies outside a Hickory Walmart faced terrifying moments this weekend when a man approached them wielding a hatchet.

"It was very creepy, it was very scary," said Ellena Moody, who was volunteering with her daughter's troop when, three hours into their shift, a man she initially thought was a customer approached their table.

Instead of purchasing cookies, the man held a hatchet "within inches" of one girl's stomach, leaving her "frozen in terror," according to Moody. The man then moved to another entrance where a second group of Girl Scouts were selling cookies and began "waving the hatchet in the air."

Police were called to the scene, but Moody expressed dissatisfaction with the response.

"I'm most disappointed with the lack of concern it seems on the part of Walmart and the police," she said. Complete article

Woman shatters Ill. Walmart door with hammer 02/26/2025

Police responded to Walmart on Roosevelt Road on Feb. 17 just before 2 a.m. after an overnight employee called to report that a woman had shattered a glass door with a hammer before fleeing toward Roosevelt Road.

Police made contact with the woman at the nearby 7-Eleven parking lot. She gave them a fake name and birthday, but after fingerprinting her, police found the woman had a warrant for her arrest out of Cook County.

The woman told police that after she was evicted from her New York apartment in December, she came to the Chicagoland area and is homeless. Complete article

New Milford Conn. police seek driver in Walmart parking lot hit-and-run 02/26/2025

NEW MILFORD — Police are seeking information on a driver who struck a vehicle in the Walmart parking lot and left the scene without providing any details.

The incident occurred at approximately 10:45 a.m. Feb. 13 in the parking lot of the Walmart in New Milford, according to police. The driver was described as a female, but no further details were provided. Complete article

Brenham women who accepted yellow roses from man outside Tx. Walmart ‘experienced sudden illness’ 02/26/2025

Police in a small town northwest of Houston are questioning a man suspected of bestowing yellow roses to several women who “experienced sudden illness shortly after receiving them,” according to the City of Brenham.

The man approached several women outside of a Walmart in Brenham — known as the home of Blue Bell Creameries — and offered them a yellow rose, according to city officials, who said many of the women became ill and went to the emergency room. Police couldn’t immediately say Wednesday how many women took flowers from the man, what their symptoms were or how severe their illnesses were.

“We are awaiting information from them as to their current health status,” said Melina Gordon, a spokesperson for the city. “At this time, we do not know what, if anything, may have been on the rose.” Complete article

Lakeland police trainee accused of stealing from Fla. Walmart 02/24/2025

LAKELAND, Fla. - A Lakeland police trainee found himself on the other side of the law and out of a job after investigators say he stole items from a Winter Haven Walmart.

The backstory:

According to the Lakeland Police Department, officers with the Winter Haven Police Department were called to Walmart at 7450 Cypress Gardens Boulevard Southeast shortly before 6 p.m. last Wednesday to investigate a shoplifting incident.

Police say a Walmart asset protection employee saw Officer Huascar Evangelista Vargas, 27, failing to scan items while utilizing a self-checkout register.

He was also observed scanning a lower-priced produce item for a more expensive one, according to officers. .....

LPD said that Vargas resigned, but if he didn’t, he would have been fired. Complete article

Fla. Walmart delivery scheme nets over $52k; driver arrested 02/25/2025

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (CBS12) — A Walmart delivery driver has been arrested for reportedly defrauding the store through a delivery scheme.

According to the Port St. Lucie Police Department (PSLPD), Jeremiah Boyer, 43, is accused of intentionally not fulfilling orders through the Spark delivery service that included heavy items to pocket extra fees.

Walmart’s Global Investigations team launched the investigation, which revealed that since April 4, 2024, Boyer had filled 874 orders, all containing heavy items. In total, he allegedly received over $52,800 in additional fees for these orders, even though he did not deliver the heavy items.

Officials noted that even if heavy items are listed but not actually delivered, delivery drivers still receive the extra fee. It was found that Boyer used fake names and multiple accounts, including those of acquaintances, to place the orders. Complete article

Crews respond propane-related fire at Kingwood WV Walmart 02/26/2025

KINGWOOD, W.Va. — A Tuesday night fire at the Walmart in Kingwood started as propane leak in a cage area outside the store.

Crews responded to a report of a propane leak at 8:55 p.m. and remained on the scene until about 10 p.m.

Those in the building were evacuated and no injuries were reported.

The cause is under investigation. Complete article

Peoria woman finally gets $300 refund from Ariz. Walmart 02/25/2025

PEORIA, AZ (AZFamily) — A Peoria woman finally has her money back after fighting with Walmart for a refund.

Walmart’s slogan is “Save Money. Live Better,” and that’s exactly why Valley resident Lisa Begay is a Walmart fan. She likes a bargain.

“They get a lot of our money,” Begay told On Your Side.

She says she does most of her shopping on Walmart+, an app where you can shop for anything Walmart sells and have it delivered without ever having to physically walk into the store.

“We get basically all of our groceries delivered for free. We don’t have to deal with an actual Walmart employee. So we don’t have to deal with like the whole upcharge process by adding 20% to the cost of your groceries,” Begay said.

Back in early January, Begay logged on to Walmart+ and ordered four room dividers to help organize her home. The total cost was just over $300.

But when the room dividers arrived, they were not what she was expecting. So, just a few hours after they were delivered, Begay says her husband loaded them into his vehicle, drove to this nearby Walmart and returned all of them at the store’s customer service desk.

She still has the receipt showing all $300 worth of items were returned, but her refund never came. Complete article

Walmart recalls issued nationwide: ORVs, oysters, electric scooters on the list 02/26/2025

As the nation’s largest retailer, Walmart is regularly affected by recalls of food, toys and other products. With 90% of the U.S. population living within 10 miles of these stores, recalls can have widespread effects.

Labeling mistakes, safety concerns and contamination can all cause food recalls. Prescriptions and other products can also be recalled.

“Walmart and Sam’s Club are committed to the health and safety of our customers and members and to providing products that are safe and compliant, all supported by our health and wellness, product safety, and food safety professionals,” the company said in a statement. “In the event of a product recall, we work swiftly to block the item from being sold and remove it from our stores and clubs.” Complete article

Man sentenced for Memorial Day 2023 shooting at Grafton WV Walmart 02/25/2025

Fact Check: Walmart did not cut food prices to 'pre-inflation' in Trump’s first month 02/25/2025

Pueblo County Colorado Sheriff needs your help identifying suspect in Walmart theft 02/25/2025

State police report thefts from Walmart in Hazle Twp. Pa. 02/25/2025

Judge fines lawyers in Walmart lawsuit over fake, AI-generated cases 02/25/2025

Bond modification motion denied in Nov. Ohio Walmart fire, vehicle theft case 02/24/2025

Manpower aims to expand Walmart hub locations after successful launch 02/24/2025

Two charged in Potsdam NY Walmart robbery after allegedly brandishing gun 02/26/2025

POTSDAM— A robbery incident during which a subject allegedly brandished a gun at the Potsdam Walmart has led to the arrest of two St. Lawrence County men.

Troopers say that they investigated a larceny complaint on Nov. 9 that originated when two men allegedly attempted to leave the store without paying for roughly $1,250 worth of merchandise.

State Police Public Information Officer Brandi Ashley reported Feb. 26 that one of the men brandished a gun after a physical altercation involving the suspects, Walmart employees, and a civilian passing by escalated. No one was reported to have been injured in the incident. Complete article

Jacksonville woman accused of stealing customers' wallets at multiple area stores, Fla. Walmart, Publix 02/26/2025

CLAY COUNTY, Fla. — The Clay County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a Jacksonville woman accused of stealing thousands of dollars from elderly women across Northeast Florida.

Detectives said 47-year-old, Kabreshia Caldwell targeted them at several different stores from Nassau County to St. Johns County County.

According to Caldwell’s arrest warrant, over a period of a couple of years, she stole from more than 20 people. ....

However, Yauger said she was surprised to hear just how many women police said Caldwell stole from.

“It is not unusual for individuals to take advantage of the elderly,” law and safety expert Dale Carson said.

Caldwell is in custody and faces more than 30 charges related to petit theft, fraud, and grand theft across multiple agencies. Complete article

Suspect defrauds elderly woman, rings up nearly $800 tab in Gwinnett County Ga. Walmart 02/26/2025

SNELLVILLE, Ga. — A Florida woman is behind bars after allegedly stealing from a 77-year-old shopper at a Gwinnett County Walmart by first asking for help buying baby supplies, police said.

Police say Alina Ciurar, 33, of Florida, approached the elderly victim at the Snellville Walmart on Scenic Highway on February 8, asking for help buying baby items. Store surveillance cameras captured the entire incident.

“She’s pretty smooth the way she does it, so she’s obviously got some experience,” said Snellville Police Detective Jeff Manley.

According to police, what began as a good deed quickly escalated when Ciurar rang up nearly $800 worth of merchandise. When the victim raised questions about the total, police say Ciurar blocked her view of the register by giving her a hug.

“The suspect basically told her, ‘Hey, do not worry about it. I have deleted a bunch of these items, so it is only $40,’” Manley said.

The arrest warrant states Ciurar “physically grabbed the elderly victim’s arm and guided her credit card into the self-checkout register.” Two days later, police say Ciurar returned to a different Walmart store and received approximately $500 cash for returning most of the items. Complete article

California city councilwoman cries as FBI arrests husband at Walmart — he's an illegal alien with DUI on long rap sheet 02/26/2025

She called it 'inhuman' to separate her children from their criminal illegal alien father.

ACalifornia city councilwoman is claiming that she is being politically targeted after her husband was detained by FBI agents at a Walmart parking lot on an immigration detainer.

Yadira Perez is on the city council for Coachella, but she says that she will resign from her office if her husband is deported, which would toss the council into political chaos.

Perez recorded video as her husband was led away by what she said were FBI agents, but she initially tried to stay anonymous.

“My family was just separated. They have taken my kids' father. Those are the desperate cries of help,” said Perez on the video.

She later admitted to KESQ-TV that the man had been charged with drug possession in 1994 before they met and had been deported in 1995. He returned to the U.S. illegally and married Perez. She says he has been charged with misdemeanor assault and two charges of driving under the influence since then.

A statement from ICE said that 51-year-old Isidro Jimenez had been captured in a "targeted enforcement action" and said he is a Mexican national. Contrary to what Perez said, ICE stated that Jimenez had been convicted of one charge of DUI in 2007, a charge of inflicting corporal injury to a spouse in 1998, and a charge of assault with a deadly weapon from 2023. Complete article

City confirms Walmart, Target as possible measles exposure sites in Lubbock, Tx., urges caution 02/26/2025

Lubbock health authorities have confirmed two measles exposure sites within the Hub City, asking the public to remain vigilant of symptoms.

According to Lubbock Public Health, the public could have possibly been exposed to measles on the following dates, times and locations:

February 19 — 5:30 p.m. at Walmart on 4215 S. Loop 289.
February 20 — 5:30 p.m. at Target on 7302 University Ave.

Others are reading:What is measles? What you need to know about growing number of cases in Texas, New Mexico

This comes after Covenant Health Hospital in Lubbock confirmed the first measles-related death in Texas earlier in the day. Complete article

Walmart shoppers rage they ‘need a loan’ as bulk eggs now cost more than a tank of gas 02/27/2025

The ongoing nationwide egg shortage has forced several companies to place purchasing restrictions on the product.

Shoppers are reeling from sticker shock as egg prices hit an all-time high at stores like Walmart, with some joking that they might need a loan just to afford breakfast, while other angry Americans have been caught stealing the product.

One frustrated customer took to X to vent about the soaring costs, revealing that in Bakersfield, California, a 60-pack of eggs now costs $43. "$9 - $15 a dozen. It’s ridiculous," she wrote. "I have to take out a loan just to buy eggs." Complete article

Why is there a boycott on Feb. 28? Shoppers to avoid Amazon, Target, Walmart. Learn more 02/25/2025

Many consumers plan to vote with their money one day this week. Activists have called for people to let their (lack of) spending speak to major retailers like Walmart, Target and Amazon to protest the companies dismantling diversity, equity and inclusion programs after President Donald Trump has worked to scrape federal DEI policies.

The 24-hour spending blackout is set for Friday, Feb. 28. Several social media accounts and activism groups want shoppers to skip spending at big chains or sites. If there's an emergency, they're encouraged to shop local and support small businesses.

There are several other consumer boycotts ongoing and more planned, but voters can also choose to make a point with more spending too. Complete article

Walmart employee forced to intervene after shopper left stunned by 'stupid' checkout policy 02/27/2025

A frustrated Walmart shopper took to social media to express their discontent with the self-checkout policies.

The post encapsulates growing customer dissatisfaction about expanding retail surveillance and still-sticky inflation.

'I had to do a self-checkout, but their stupid camera kept flagging me as "not scanning items before bagging them,"' the customer said in an X post.

He said the number of cameras watching his checkout experience was unsettling, prompting him to ask an employee for help.

'I was so aggravated that I told Karen, monitoring the self-checkout, to scan my items,' he said. 'I stood back and watched her do it. Even at Walmart, the sheer surveillance you are under is startling and frankly scary.'

Walmart is not alone in using Big Brother-style technology. Target, Whole Foods, and Costco have unveiled new cameras and data-gathering technology to help the retailers track theft and decrease loitering.

For example, Whole Foods introduced a palm-scanning payment system linking shoppers' handprints to their credit cards. Target deployed AI-powered cameras to identify individuals at checkout. Complete article

Suspect steals over $1,400 worth of items at Duluth Ga. Walmart 02/26/2025

Gas leak investigation closes Ruckersville Va. Walmart 02/26/2025

Man who intentionally killed woman, in Aug. 2022, with car in Mich. Walmart parking lot gets life in prison 02/26/2025

Moulton woman accused of stealing from Hartselle Alabama Walmart 02/26/2025

Woman steals $16K to shop at Tenn. Walmart, DoorDash: Police 02/26/2025

Suspects sought for shoplifting at Alabama Walmart in Troy 02/26/2025 Suspects who may be from the Montgomery and River Region area are being sought for felony shoplifting at a Walmart in Troy.

Oxford police seek help identifying woman in Maine Walmart incident 02/26/2025

NY Man Used Counterfeit Cash To Buy PlayStations At Walmart: Stafford PD 02/26/2025

Nobody injured after shootout in Ga. Walmart parking lot, DeKalb County police say 02/27/2025

ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) - Two people shot at each other in the parking lot of a Stonecrest Walmart on Thursday morning, according to DeKalb County police.

At around 9 a.m., the suspects fired several shots at each other at the Supercenter off Fairington Road before running away, police said.

Nobody was injured in the incident.

Police said the investigation is ongoing but have not specified if anybody is in custody. Complete article

State trooper shoots, kills person near Salem Oregon airport, across the street from Walmart, Thursday morning 02/27/2025

A state trooper shot and killed a person at a U.S. Army aviation facility in southeast Salem Thursday morning, according to the Oregon State Police.

The agency in a news release provided almost no details about the shooting, which shut down Southeast Turner Road near the scene.

Police responded around 10 a.m. Thursday to a report of a suspicious person at the Army Aviation Support Facility #1, located at 1921 Turner Rd. S.E. The site is in a parking lot near the Willamette Valley Airport, a Walmart Supercenter and the west entrance to Cascades Gateway Park.

“A trooper responded to the scene and located the suspect which culminated in a deadly use of force. A single suspect was struck by gunfire and declared deceased at the scene,” according to the police statement.

State police said no one else was injured in the shooting. The agency did not identify the trooper or the suspect. Complete article

Card skimmer found in a Lee County Ga. Walmart 02/28/2025

LEE COUNTY, Ga. (WALB) - An investigation is underway in Lee County after a card skimmer was found on a card scanner at the Ledo Road Walmart.

Investigators are unsure if any customer card information was stolen. The alleged scammers were caught on security cameras placing the skimmer onto a register on Feb. 2. The skimmer was discovered on Feb. 18.

The sheriff’s office said in a statement, “They never even got to retrieve the skimmer or any stored card numbers before it was discovered and seized.” Complete article

Cis woman confronted by police officers in Arizona Walmart restroom for looking too masculine speaks out (exclusive) 02/28/2025

“It’s already enough being Black and facing discrimination,” Kalaya Morton told The Advocate. “Now I have to worry about being harassed just for needing to pee?”

A Black 19-year-old cisgender lesbian from Phoenix is demanding accountability after she was confronted by two male sheriff’s deputies in a Tucson Walmart women’s restroom last week.

Arizona resident Kalaya Morton, who describes herself as a stud, or masculine-presenting woman, says the deputies were called by a store employee who allegedly assumed she was a transgender woman.

In an exclusive interview with The Advocate, Morton detailed the humiliating and distressing encounter. She said that she had entered the restroom with her ex-girlfriend, who handed her a tampon, when two male deputies stormed in, shining flashlights into the stall and demanding she exit. Morton, still using the toilet, was stunned.

“They were flashing lights on our feet and saying, ‘You have to get out of here. You have to come out. We need to talk to you,’” Morton said. “I’m telling them, ‘I’m still using the restroom. I’m sitting down, I’m peeing. What is the issue?’” Complete article

Walmart customers outraged after discovery inside cooked chicken nuggets 02/28/2025

A TikTok user in Florida was furious to find their Walmart chicken nuggets completely hollow inside after they had cooked the snack.

“Hey Walmart, where is the chicken in my Great Value chicken nuggs?” the cook asked.

The video appeared to show a user named “reedtimessix” cutting into Great Value brand chicken nuggets, before showing the mostly empty interior to the camera.

“These are gonna need a lot of sauce,” the user wrote across the front of their video.

While there is actually meat inside the nuggets, there just isn't a lot of it and it's all stuck to the breading. Complete article

WAL WAR Walmart shopper warns ‘pay attention’ after spotting new checkout feature adds $60 to bill – it was caught by accident 02/28/2025

Customers report shocking price hikes at self-checkout.

A WALMART customer was left stunned after discovering an unexpected charge at self-checkout, and it wasn’t just a one-off mistake.

A shocked shopper warned that Walmart accidentally charged an extra $60 to another customer's bill while at self-checkout.

TikTok user Tonya P (@tonyap) posted a viral video revealing how another shopper noticed an extra $60 tacked onto their total after using the scan and go feature.

They only found as after realizing the price seemed too high.

The shopper re-scanned the items using a self-checkout machine to find the bill was much cheaper. Complete article

Murder charges upgraded against former KC cop in Aug. 2023 fatal shooting outside Northland Missouri Walmart 02/25/2025

Sheriff: Ballston Spa woman stole over $1,000 worth of merchandise from NY Walmart 02/26/2025

Bomb Threat At Valley Stream NY Walmart: Police 02/27/2025

Police arrest Walmart jewelry theft suspects in College Place Wash. 02/26/2025

Unweclome shopper arrested after return to Walmart in Leesburg 02/26/2025 Jones was subsequently arrested for trespass after warning. He was transported to Lake County Jail with bond set at $500.

Report of Police Investigating Bomb Threat at NY Walmart 02/27/2025

College Place Wash. police, Walmart staff, apprehend suspect in $140K in store thefts 02/2/2025

Officials hope lessons from Plainfield Ind. Walmart warehouse fire can help guide departments nationwide 02/28/2025 The March 2022 fire was so massive, it took two days and more than 350 firefighters to put it out.

Pictures released of suspect involved in Travelers Rest SC Walmart theft 02/28/2025

Rehoboth Del. Wal-Mart protest scheduled March 1 02/28/2025