Saturday, December 31, 2022

Conclusive Proof Showing Democracy In The USA Is A Lie!

A recent poll, CNN Poll: Americans have little appetite for Biden-Trump rematch in 2024 12/14/2020 shows a large majority from both parties want a different candidate in 2024 to represent the, which isn't entirely unprecedented. In 2016 there were numerous polls showing that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had the highest negative approval ratings of any presidential candidate in history, with both virtually tied for first and second; and there have been many other presidential nominees that were widely disliked, because they catered to Wall Street oligarchs or some other reason, like Al Gore, George W Bush, his father too, John Kerry, Bob Dole and many more including Joe Biden. Before the South Carolina primary in 2020 almost all polls showed that Biden was widely disliked, and it seemed like he had no chance of winning at all; but this did a sudden about face after the South Carolina primary when the entire political establishment rallied to stop Bernie, with the help of a sudden surge in panic about COVID in March of 2020.

Yet, Bernie dropped out anyway and declared the primary to be fair despite many serious flaws, and the fact that Joe Biden opposed almost all of his progressive policies, supposedly because he was concerned about COVID and stopping Trump, who has much more in common with Biden, despite their bickering, than with Bernie Sanders or his progressive policies!

As many doubts as this should raise about the fairness of our s-called democracy, it's not the strongest evidence showing our country is far from Democratic.

Perhaps the strongest evidence showing our country isn't even remotely democratic is the fact that there are literally dozens of polls showing that on many issues, especially when they have a fiscal impact, there are large majorities of the public on one side of the issue, and on almost all, if not all these issues, the majority of campaign donors are on the other side of the issues, and politicians routinely take the side of their campaign donors, against the will of the people.

In many of the following polls, like Medicare for All, child care and education, The Green New deal, various policies to reduce income inequality, and much more, in addition to having wide support from a large majority of the public, there's also an enormous amount of evidence showing they will solve many social problems and save much more money than they cost, yet these policies are still rejected in favor of the wishes of campaign donors. The following are many polls showing that the political establishment almost always does the will of their donors against the will of the people, and most politicians avoid taking clear positions on them during campaigns, with the help of the media that avoids honest discussion about these issues:

70% support Medicare for All & 85% of Democrats; (Source)
63% (another poll puts it at 67%) support a $15 minimum wage (these were old polls, so updated one might support a higher wage); (S)
81% support a Green New Deal, with 63 percent support requiring utilities to generate one-fifth of their electricity from renewables; (S)
72% (another poll puts this at 76%) support expanding Social Security; (S)
75% support immigration, (S) with 81% supporting a pathway to citizenship, and presumably not so they can be exploited for virtual slave labor; (S)
86% support only using the military as a last resort; 57% feel that US military aid to foreign countries is counterproductive; 63.9% saying military aid—including money and weapons—should not be provided to Saudi Arabia or similar countries; (S)
76% support higher taxes on the wealthy; (S) with 59% supporting a 70% Top Marginal Rate; (S) and 67% support taxing corporations more; (S)
77% support campaign finance reform; (S)
83% (another poll puts this at 86%) support net neutrality; (S) (S)
58% support breaking up big banks; (S)
65% support reforming racists incarceration system; (S)
More than 70% support guaranteed jobs program; (S)
62% support tuition free college; (S)
90% support universal childcare; (S)
68% support capping Credit Card interest rates; (S)
63% support curbing wealth inequality; (S)
58% support strict Wall Street Regulation; (S)
70% of Americans say arms sales make us less safe (S)
83% oppose outsourcing. (S); another poll puts this at almost 80% (S)
The poll from AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 83% of Americans, including 79% of Republicans and 87% of Democrats, are in support of funding for roads, bridges and ports. (S)
While about two-thirds of Americans, 67%, favor funding for affordable housing, just 41% of Republicans do, compared to 85% of Democrats. (S)
Democrats were also most favorable to funding for pipes, at 85% support, with 70% of Republicans supporting this. (S)
85% believe employees should receive paid sick leave, with 62% claiming employers should pay and the rest the government should pay; (S)
82% believe employees should receive paid maternity leave, with 61% claiming employers should pay and the rest the government should pay; a smaller majority believe fathers should get paternity leave; (S)
In the CBS News/You Gov Poll, 73% of adults in the U.S. said they support federal funding for paid leave. (S)
It found that 84 percent of likely voters, including 74 percent of Republicans, support paid leave programs; 69 percent of those polled, including 55 percent of surveyed Republicans, would support a federal leave standard even if they’d have to pay more in taxes to sustain it. (S)
By a four to one margin (62-14%), Americans favor the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. (S)
80% of US Voters Support Windfall Tax on Big Oil (S)
74% support the Kyoto Protocol 2002 (S)
Seven out of 10 Americans support remaining in the Paris Agreement (S)
77% of the American public believe that unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings who cannot afford legal representation should be provided with it; and 75% of the American public support the proposal to provide legal representation to all unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings. (S)
71% of the U.S. electorate wants full disclosure of the Kennedy documents. (S)
Rent Is Too Damned High 76% (S)
77% say Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade (S)
67% support marriage equality for same-sex couples (S)
68% of voters back stricter gun laws (S)
56% of survey respondents supported cutting military spending. (S) Other polls show conflicting opinions on military spending.

Many of these polls were originally compiled by Polls With Citations: Americans Want Bernie’s New Deal For All 07/26/2019 but a growing number have been added from other sources, and there are some additional polls listed below, mostly very close to these; however, there may be a few exceptions like support for the military overseas, which I go into a little more below as well.

Wide support for at least a couple of these programs goes back decades, before many people were aware that they often save much more money than they cost, as shown in the following excerpts from Lisbeth Schorr's book:

Lisbeth Schorr "Within Our Reach" 1988

In August 1987, a nationwide poll commissioned by the Los Angeles Times found that nearly two of three Americans support a federally run national health insurance program. Additional excerpts p.136

Three quarters of Americans, according to a Louis Harris poll, said in 1986 that they are prepared to pay higher taxes to provide more day care and education; 88 percent said they want government to provide more health coverage and day care services for children of the poor. On the strength of his landmark 1986 study of American attitudes toward children, Louis Harris reported, "The time are changing, perhaps more rapidly than might be imagined." .... He warned, "Politicians who ignore these pleadings from the American people do so at their own peril. It is a plaintive and poignant demand that simply will not go away." Additional excerpts p.294

This book also showed that they have an enormous amount of research showing how to solve many social problems, including the leading contributing causes of violence, and that there was extensive evidence back in the eighties showing that solving these social problems actually saved much more money than ignoring the social problems and letting them escalate, especially in many abandoned inner cities around the country with little or no educational or economic opportunities. Furthermore, the evidence showing they can save mony by solving these problems before they escalate has grown significantly, and on numerous occasions academics like James Garbarino, Robert John Zagar, Lisbeth Schorr and many other have repeatedly testified before Congress to let them know how to solve these problems, and that it saves much more money than it costs.

Before the polls cited by Lisbeth Schorr were taken there was very little research showing how much money investing in the programs supported by the public would save, and those that supported them thought it would cost more than they saved, yet supported it anyway. When her book was published the evidence showing these programs would save more than they cost in the long run grew and there's much more research that came after this confirming it, including another book by her, "Common Purpose" and studies by Zagar, Garbarino and many other researchers, so much more people are aware of this now, however, the majority of the public is probably still unaware of this research since the mainstream media rarely mentions it and the best academic book on many subjects, including preventing violence get almost no promotions to the general public, so other books of a much lower quality, often by celebrities that aren't good researchers on any given subject, but support a rigged economy or at least don't expose the flaws, that do get more promotion are often more likely to get on the best sellers lists.

This is part of the reason why this is a little surprising, since the media provides so much propaganda in favor of the rich that many people aren't familiar with the best research and still support policies that are much more likely to help solve social problems. But the media provides very little coverage of this and doesn't inform the public that almost the entire political establishment is opposed to most fiscal issues popular with the general public, and they don't even ask politicians to take clear positions on many if any of these isses, nor is there a good opportunity for typical voters to ask them important questions. I went into this several times before where I recommended that politicians should should be required to fill out a job application controlled by the public, and previously claimed the best high profile effort to do this was Project Vote Smart which I discussed in Saving Project Vote Smart and improving it or replacing it. When I first heard of Project Vote Smart at least twenty-four years ago they did a much better job asking important questions, and even though most politicians refused to fill the questionnaires, which I often refer to as job applications, out there were a significant number who did, perhaps over a third, if not closer to a half; now the questions aren't nearly as good and there are far fewer of them with only about five percent of politicians bothering to fill them out, even though they're so short and easy.

By the time I wrote the article above almost eight years ago the questions were much shorter than they were in the late nineties, and now they're even worse, but it's still better than nothing assuming they fill them out, which they refuse to do. As it is it's difficult if not impossible to find out where most politicians stand on most of the issues listed in the above polls, but there's no doubt that if some of them are on the same side of the majority of the people they're in the minority within Congress, where most of them clearly serve their campaign donors. Even Project Vote Smart doesn't directly ask about many if any of these polls; instead of asking if they support Medicare for All, which has wide support from the public and research showing it saves billions of dollars and thousands of lives each year they ask, "Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act," which doesn't have nearly as much support with the public.

Instead of asking if they support outsourcing, which most of them falsely deny doing, they ask "Do you generally support removing barriers to international trade (for example: tariffs, quotas, etc.)?" This sounds much better; and they routinely try to claim that free trade helps everyone. Butt his is far from the truth and most people know it; free trade often forces workers to compete with sweatshop conditions, driving down wages both here and abroad, and there's a much more complicated shipping and distribution network. In the most extreme cases we ship subsidized cotton made by machines in the USA half way around the world to take advantage of sweat shop labor before shipping it back which is extremely inefficient and damaging to the environment. As I said in my previous article about Project Vote Smart, Richard Kimball started off very good trying to get candidates to let the voters know where they stood on many issues, but some where along the line he caved to the establishment and started serving their interests, and coincidental or not, received an enormous increase in pay when this happened. According to Project Vote Smart's Wikipedia page they do "not accept contributions from corporations, labor unions, political parties, or other organizations that lobby, support or oppose candidates or issues," but they do accept donations from "the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, all of which were founded by wealthy businessmen from the ruling class.

And of course, when some of them do make campaign promises to the majority of the public, once in office they routinely break them so they can serve corporate interests, and in most cases they don't even do a good job hiding this. But even the progressives like members of "The Squad" do a much better job campaigning on progressive issues, and, after getting in office, pretending to support them, convincing many people that want someone to beleive in, they often find subtle way of breaking their promises, like when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez funded the CIA and corporate Democrats 04/04/2021 or when they came to the defense of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden repeatedly, even though these are among the most corrupt democrats blocking the progressive issues they campaigned on. Even though it's routine for candidates to break one promise after another once in office, so they can serve the wealthy elites, there's no way for the majority to remove them from office. If a working class person lied on their job applications employers can and routinely do fire them quickly and easily if it serves their purposes; but even though politicians are supposed to work for the majority, there's no way for the majority to fire them, and the media, controlled by a fraction of one percent of the wealthiest people ensures we never hear from candidates that are inclined to keep promises to the public.

Lying to the public is routine, and we should have a way of holding all our politicians accountable; but if there were any doubt about how incompetent our system was, then George Santos and his exceptional lies should remove that doubt, even though it should be obvious without him. But, my best guess, is even he won't be removed from office, or prevented from being sworn in, which is amazing. In this case, in addition to lying about degrees, his wealth, his heritage, and many other things, he's also suspected of other crimes, some committed in Brazil, so if he is prevented from taking the oath or removed after being sworn in there's a good chance it won't be for lying to his constituents, which is standard operating procedure for all politicians, and such a precedent could endanger many other corrupt politicians.

This also shows a failure of both the political establishment and the media for not reporting on it earlier, since it was initially reported before the election, as the Washington Post eventually reported in, A tiny paper broke the George Santos scandal, but no one paid attention 12/29/2022, which says "The North Shore Leader wrote in September, when few others were covering Santos, about his 'inexplicable rise' in reported net worth — from essentially nothing in 2020 to as much as $11 million two years later." However, even though this small obscure newspaper reported on it earlier, the article they link to, Santos Filings Now Claim Net Worth of $11 Million 11/01/2022, doesn't seem to be dated properly, nor do any of their other articles; but if you go to their source file it announces the "article:published_time" or date isn't until November first; and the first social media post of this that I found wasn't until November sixth, just two days before the election when this Reddit string was posted, Santos Filings Now Claim Net Worth of $11 Million 11/06/2022 (Reddit only provides a rough approximate of when this was posted, but Google provided this date).

The North Shore Leader was much quicker to post the follow up online, The Leader Told You So: US Rep-Elect George Santos is a Fraud - and Wanted Criminal 12/20/2022, which provides some additional details, yet it's still unclear where the original article was published in September, although it may have been only in their print addition, for all I know. Another article posted yesterday also reports on this, Small Long Island Newspaper Reported on George 'Scam-tos' Months Ago 12/30/2022, which doesn't question when it was posted online, but it does point out that one of the editors is an editor for two newspapers, and that they're printed weekly, yet there's no indication that they also posted this in the other newspaper or online until November first, when as it turns out, it was too late. Intentionally or not, this newspaper will almost certainly go viral giving them a massive circulation boost, even though they could have done more to draw attention to this and prevent him from winning.

This is actually much more common than most people realize, the Watergate scandal was reported in a relatively low profile manner before the 1972 election, enabling Nixon to deny any involvement and win a landslide and many other high profile candidates were investigated for wrong doing, including Trump, Clinton, Biden, and many more, in a much lower profile manner before elections, often portraying them as campaign smears, even when they're often at least partially legitimate. One numerous occasions it was claimed that it would be "unfair" to disclose the investigations before elections sine they might impact the elections; yet there should be no doubt that when politicians are involved in corruption the voters should have the right to know before elections, so they can hold them accountable.

The bottom line, as I've tried to point out in previous articles, is that the entire interview or campaign process for our elected officials is controlled by large institutions dominated by the wealthy; a fraction of one percent control almost all national media and can ensure that only candidates they approve of get name recognition to be viable and provide propaganda to make it seem like they're serving the interests of the public, even when they do no such thing. This also ensure that they're not held accountable to the rule of law like the rest of us, even though the laws are created by wealthy people for the benefit of wealthy people, which was pointed out by Professor Randall Sheldon who wrote "Controlling the Dangerous Classes" 3rd edition 2018, which says:
However, the most severe treatment is usually reserved for those at the bottom of the social order, as a cursory look at the inhabitants of the nation's jails and prisons reveals. The more privileged segments of society who break the law can afford to hire attorneys who argue for more lenient treatment--particularly evident with corporate and white-collar crime (Friedrichs, 2010).


... Put succinctly, the entire legal system has been and continues to be controlled and dominated by those in power at any given historical period and thus favors those with the most resources at their disposal. Those receiving the brunt of the full enforcement of the law have been predominantly those who make up the dangerous classes.

... The ideal government "of the people, by the people and for the people" should not exclude large numbers of people. In addition, the ideal references being governed by the rule of law, which is presumed to be unbiased.

... Perhaps nowhere is this better illustrated on a daily basis--sometimes for all to see--than in our system of justice. Because those who create laws and those who interpret laws are drawn largely from the wealthiest class, it comes as no surprise that those brought into the criminal justice system will be those drawn largely from the lowest social classes. On any given day, in courtrooms all over the country, we have essentially one class passing judgment on another class. Our system is fundamentally a system influenced by class (and race). p.17-9

I included some additional excerpts from the 3rd addition in We Have A Lawless Oligarchy; Not A Democracy! and an earlier edition is available free on the Internet Archive at "Controlling the Dangerous Classes : a critical introduction to the history of criminal justice" by Randall Shelden 2001 1st edition which does an excellent job explaining how our legal system is rigged in favor of the wealthy and there are many other good books explaining how the economy, environment, educational systems and wars based on lies also are rigged in favor of the wealthy. Another good book, which also gets very little publicity and is available free online as well is "The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get Prison: ideology, class, and criminal justice" by Jeffrey Reiman 2007 which also focuses on the legal system and shows how it's rigged. Many good researchers, including Jeffrey Reiman point out that this is, for the most part, not a conspiracy theory at all, which the establishment may try to claim if it gets enough attention. The reason for this is that good researchers like him focus on public information and report what they can prove with evidence, and this isn't completely secret.

C. Wright Mills also made a similar case for this theory over sixty years ago in "The Power Elite" 1956 where he explained how the wealthy control all powerful institutions enabling them to rig things in their own favor without speculation that isn't supported by evidence; most if not all the evidence he used to draw his conclusions are from public records of people who control powerful institutions. However, even though as Jeffrey Reiman claims most if not all of what he writes about is not part of a conspiracy, there is some evidence of secret activities that were eventually exposed, which does fit the definition of a conspiracy, but Reiman had adequate evidence before reporting on this showing that it turned out to be true. For example, Reiman writes about the scandals at Enron, Comcast and many other corporate scandals which were thoroughly researched by many people, who exposed they acted in secret to cover up their fraud before it got so bad that they could no longer hide it, which fits the definition of a conspiracy, and while investigating researchers went through a phase where they were "conspiracy theorists" before gathering enough evidence showing they had a good case, yet in most cases, white collar crimes get little or no punishment compared to blue collar crimes. Other good researchers going into this include Richard Quinney and William Chambliss and Internet Archive copies of their books as well as at least one more by Randal Shelden are listed below along with other back up sources.

Another study from Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern​ came to similar conclusions using different methods about eight years ago as reported in Study: Politicians listen to rich people, not you 01/28/2015 and as reported in Polls show almost no one trusts U.S. media, after decades of war propaganda and lies 08/02/2022 other researchers continue to come up with more evidence showing how undemocratic our country is.

The bottom line is there's an enormous amount of evidence showing we have a corporate plutocracy, not a democracy, and the evidence to prove this is public; but it gets no promotion from mainstream media.

The following are some additional sources, books or articles:

Endorsement: Robert Zimmerman for US Congress (NY3) 10/21/2022

Wikipedia: 118th United States Congress Amy Klobuchar Dick Durbin

Their Flights Canceled, Southwest Travelers Were Threatened With Arrest 12/29/2022

Banks’ Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card 12/22/2022

Delinquency and Juvenile Justice in American society by Randall G Shelden 2006

"The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get Prison: ideology, class, and criminal justice" by Jeffrey Reiman 2007

Class, state, and crime : on the theory and practice of criminal justice by Quinney, Richard 1977

Critique of legal order; crime control in capitalist society by Quinney, Richard 1973

Power, politics, and crime by William Chambliss 1999 p.10-11 blank

Law, order, and power by William Chambliss 1971

Getting the Polling Straight on Medicare for All 02/18/2020

Public Opinion on Single-Payer, National Health Plans, and Expanding Access to Medicare Coverage 10/16/2020

Reuters/Ipsos poll: 70 percent support Medicare for All June and July 2018

The Capitol Police Isn't Defending Democracy; They're Suppressing It!

Americans Widely Support Paid Family and Medical Leave, but Differ Over Specific Policies 03/23/2017 About eight-in-ten Americans (82%) say mothers should have paid maternity leave, while fewer (69%) support paid paternity leave.

Polling Summary: In Build Back Better, Paid Family and Medical Leave Is One of the Most Popular Policies 11/10/2021 In the CBS News/You Gov Poll, 73% of adults in the U.S. said they support federal funding for paid leave, higher than for universal pre-K (67%) and free community college (61%)—falling behind only the Medicare expansions for dental, eye and vision and Medicare prescription drug negotiations.

Paid leave is incredibly popular — even with Republicans 06/07/2021 It found that 84 percent of likely voters, including 74 percent of Republicans, support paid leave programs; 69 percent of those polled, including 55 percent of surveyed Republicans, would support a federal leave standard even if they’d have to pay more in taxes to sustain it. ... For example, a YouGov poll from early April found 82 percent of Americans believe employees should be able to take paid maternity leave, and that 68 percent thought paid maternity and paternity leave ought to be offered.

Poll Results: Convention on the Rights of the Child 11/20/2009 By a four to one margin (62-14%), Americans favor the ratification of the CRC.

80 Percent of Voters Support Taxing Big Oil’s Windfall Profits, Poll Finds 03/21/2022

Poll Shows 'Incredible' 80% of US Voters Support Windfall Tax on Big Oil 03/18/2022

Wikipedia: List of treaties unsigned or unratified by the United States

Wikipedia: List of United States treaties

Support (74%) Remains High for Kyoto Protocol . . . 11/08/2002

Most Americans Support Staying in the Paris Agreement 05/31/2017 Seven out of 10 Americans support remaining in the agreement, according to a national poll conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Communication after the election.

Most Registered Voters Say the US Should Participate in the Paris Agreement 04/19/2017 Nearly 70% of registered voters believe that the US should participate in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Despite Rejoining the Paris Agreement, Polling Shows US Experts Divide on Climate Issues 04/22/2021

National Polling Finds Overwhelming Public Support for Ensuring Legal Representation of Unaccompanied Children 11/03/2021 77% of the American public believe that unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings who cannot afford legal representation should be provided with it; and 75% of the American public support the proposal to provide legal representation to all unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings.

According to a recent poll highlighted at today's press conference, a stunning 71% of the U.S. electorate wants full disclosure of the Kennedy documents. 12/06/2022

Survey: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Parents’ Rights 05/31/2022 “In general, parents have the constitutional right to make decisions for their children without government interference unless there is proof of abuse or neglect. Do you agree or disagree with this view of parental rights?” Overall, 83% of Americans agree.

Majority of Americans support free college tuition – survey 02/27/2020 Among US adults surveyed, 63 percent support tuition-free public colleges for local students, including 37 percent who strongly favour the proposal, found the Pew Research Center.

Democrats overwhelmingly favor free college tuition, while Republicans are divided by age, education 08/11/2021 Among all U.S. adults, 63% favor making tuition at public colleges free, including 34% who strongly favor the proposal.

Poll: 64 percent support increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 02/03/2021

Poll: 69 percent of voters support Medicare for All 04/24/2020

Support for universal pre-K jumps as public opinion of schools drops 08/16/2022 Universal pre-K. Support for government-funded universal pre-K (71%) and pre-K for low-income families (72%) has increased since 2014, when 54% favored universal pre-K and 62% favored pre-K for low-income families.

Americans’ Views on Social Security XXXXXXXXXX June 2022: 82% of voters want Congress to raise Social Security benefits across the board

Poll Finds 83 Percent of Americans Want to Expand Social Security 07/11/2022

As Congressional Democrats Weigh Reconciliation Package, Voters Mostly Back Potential Health Measures 06/30/2021

84% of voters support adding dental, vision and hearing coverage to Medicare
77% of voters support expanding home health services and support for direct care workers
68% of voters support creating another health coverage option in states that haven’t expanded Medicaid
66% of voters support allowing the U.S. to negotiate prescription drug prices through Medicare
61% of voters support lowering the Medicare eligibility age to 60
54% of voters support making premium subsidies for Obamacare health plans permanent

Will Seniors Finally Get Dental, Vision and Hearing Coverage from Medicare? 06/30/2021 According to a new Morning Consult poll, 84% of voters support adding dental, vision and hearing coverage to traditional Medicare. That number includes 79% percent of Republicans. Clearly, there is immense bipartisan support among everyday Americans for giving seniors these crucial coverages.

Slavery as punishment for crime rejected by voters in three states 11/09/2022

Survey Finds Widespread Support for Affordable Housing 06/20/2016 Sixty-three percent of respondents felt that a “great deal” or “fair amount” of things can be done to solve the problem of housing affordability and 76% believed it should be addressed by their elected leaders in Washington. This was true for respondents across political affiliations, with 88% of Democrats, 75% of Independents, and 62% of Republicans agreeing. Sixty-three percent of respondents indicated that the issue of housing affordability hasn’t received sufficient attention from presidential candidates.

Poll: 77 percent say Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade 06/07/2019

Two in Three Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage 05/23/2018

Support For Gun Control Laws Hits Record High, Poll Finds 06/15/2022 The most recent polling, conducted June 10-12, found 68% of voters back stricter gun laws, up from 64% from June 4-5, 65% right after the Uvalde shooting on May 25, and 60% after the Buffalo shooting on May 16.

AP-NORC poll: Most in US say they want stricter gun laws 08/23/2020 The poll by the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows 71% of Americans say gun laws should be stricter, including about half of Republicans, the vast majority of Democrats and a majority of those in gun-owning households.

Diminished Majority Supports Stricter Gun Laws In U.S. 11/21/2020

New national poll shows majority support for cuts in Pentagon spending 02/15/2022 Overall, 56% of survey respondents supported cutting military spending. Key findings include majority support for spending cuts among veterans, current service members and those with family members in the military. The survey also showed strong support for cuts from people of color and people under the age of 45, as well as a plurality of support from Evangelicals.

Poll: Likely Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose More Pentagon Spending 07/02/2022 More than six in 10 likely voters, including 80% of Democrats, want Congress to keep the military’s budget at the level President Joe Biden and the U.S. Defense Department requested, according to new polling released today by Data for Progress and Public Citizen. The poll is a harsh rebuke of Congress’ emerging habit of adding tens of billions of dollars to the president’s budget request. “There is absolutely no excuse for writing the Pentagon a blank check it didn’t even ask for,” said Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen.

Americans Widely Reject Proposals for More Pentagon Spending — So Should Congress 07/07/2022 The United States spends, by far, more on its military than other nations. U.S. military spending is more than the next nine countries combined; it is 12 times the amount Russia spends.

Most Americans want more diplomacy, many want fewer troops abroad -survey 09/28/2021 It found that 58.3% believe the United States should engage more in negotiations on issues such as climate change, human rights and migration.

Lawmakers Defying Public Opinion on Defense Spending 01/24/2022

7 in 10 Americans Want To Send More Weapons To Ukraine, Poll Finds 08/23/2022

Record High Say U.S. Defense Spending Is "About Right" 03/16/2020

Military and National Defense Most recent modification when retrieved 08/04/2022

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Walmart Crime Report November 2022

Walmart had at least nineteen more shootings in November 2022, including two that were fatal, and one of those was a mass shooting killing at least six, before the gunman killed himself. Four of these shootings happened on the same day, the Sunday after Thanksgiving, which must be a record. All these homicides were in the same state, Virginia, and there were at least twenty wounded in these shootings, including at least six from the mass shooting in Virginia. Several of the injuries were critical, including one from the mass shooting where they thought they would have to take the victim off life support a couple days later, but still haven't, so there's a better than usual chance that the death toll from shootings will rise by one or two, possibly more. The mass shooting was done by a Walmart employee, all his victims were other Walmart employees, and at least one of the other shootings this month was between two other Walmart employees. There was also another Walmart employee convicted of murder this month for killing two of his co-workers years ago, and sentenced to death. There has been a saying for years about the phrase "Going Postal" based on numerous shootings by post workers, implying they're more likely to go on shooting sprees than other workers; however, there's at least one study saying this isn't the case, and after looking at the list of alleged postal shootings and compared them to Walmart shootings there's no doubt that there are much more shootings at Walmart, and this would almost certainly apply if you limited it to only those by Walmart employees as well.

Walmart had over a hundred shootings for each the past seven years, breaking a new record almost every year, although with the record from 2019, it was difficult to beat so they went two years without a new record, and now have one-hundred-fifty-one shootings for the first eleven months, only one shy of 2019's record, which means they'll break that record this year by a fair amount, especially since they had a couple more shootings in the first few days of December, which was enough to pass 2019's record. This is certainly about fifty or more times as many shootings as those described by Wikipedia in their article about Going postal and, as I said, even if you only counted the Walmart shootings by employees, and excluded off-duty police officers working security for Walmart, it's virtually guaranteed that Walmart would have more shootings than the post office. Wikipedia's List of postal killings in the United States only has thirty-one over a period of fifty-two years, even if this is incomplete, which it almost certainly is, there's little or no chance they have more than Walmart. The phrase "Going Postal" is clearly based on media hype, and the fact that they ignore the much larger number of shootings at Walmart.

At least one of these shootings was an officer involved shooting injuring one, but not killing anyone, which is surprisingly low with so many shootings, since officer involved shootings are often close to if not more than half the shootings, although a quarter of shootings is probably more typical. One of the previous officer involved police shootings killing John Crawford III about eight years ago is back in the courts since they agreed that Walmart can be sued for it again. Most lawsuits heavily favor wealthy corporations, so this could still take much longer, and there's little chance they'll get much out of Walmart. In addition to the nineteen that were counted last month there were two more nearby or involving a brief chase through their parking lot that wasn't counted, one in a nearby street involving a house near a Texas Walmart which had several related shootings in August, one where the suspects were arrested at Walmart, and another in a nearby Indiana town where a chase started, went to Walmart where they turned around, and had a shooting after returning to the town and before the chase ended at a police station and the suspect fled to a nearby apartment building where he lived, and eventually died of a gunshot wound, which was probably from the police. But these shootings had minimal involvement with Walmart so weren't counted.

In addition to the eight or more people killed in shootings there was one child killed in an accident, a man stabbed and run over who died, a woman who disappeared at Walmart turning up dead later in the woods, another body found at Walmart, and the suspect that threatened to crash a plane into Walmart a couple months ago died in prison, bringing the total amount of dead to at least thirteen, which is more than usual, but still fewer dead than at least four or five previous months, some without any mass casualty events.

Despite the higher number of shootings every year than there were about ten years ago, there doesn't seem to be as much Black Friday madness, brawls, stampedes or many other insane events associated with holiday shopping as there was ten years ago when they became so extreme that even traditional media reported on it.


There have been no studies on this subject, for one reason or another, but there is some public knowledge to come up with a good theory. One thing to keep in mind before understanding this is that in the decade before the surge in Black Friday insanity Adbusters tried to buy media time for their "Uncomercials" and most media companies refused to sell them as pointed out in Adbusters suing networks for not airing spots 09/15/2004, Adbusters’ Ads Busted 04/04/2008 and several other sources, although a lot of the coverage on this has fallen down the memory hole, or even been taken off the internet completely. At the time there were already a lot of problems during the holiday season with increased crime and other insanity during the holiday shopping season, but it escalated significantly as hype about it attracted more emotional shoppers supposedly looking for good deals until, as several sources, including my previous articles, Count down to Annual Black Friday Riots! and Why no discussion on preventing Black Friday Riots in the media?, pointed out that from 2009 to at least 2012 there was such a growing amount of violence during Black Friday and the rest of the holiday season that even traditional media felt they had to report on it, and I questioned why there was no effort to find out what was causing this violence and how to prevent it. This continued until at least 2013 when I reported on Walmart's high crime problems during the holidays in Wal-Mart Crime report November 2013 Black Friday Madness, and still there's no public effort to find out why this happened, or if something has been done to prevent it from happening since then.

There doesn't seem to be nearly as many brawls, stampedes or other insane activity now as there was then and now that I check a few of my old sources, I find that some of them are no longer on the internet, but fortunately, since I saved the addresses I was able to find a few of them on the Wayback Machine including Black Friday Violence Worse Than Ever As American Consumers Fight Over Deals Like Crazed Animals 11/25/2011 and Black Friday Shopping Mayhem Roundup 11/29/2009 which shows how much worse the Black Friday riots seemed just over ten years ago. But why did they get that bad, and if they're not as bad now, why not? Or are the media less inclined to report on it making it seem less insane than it is? My best guess is it's a combination of both, some of the violence was spread out throughout the holiday season, partly due to different sales promotion advertising deals throughout the months of November and December, instead of claiming the deals were much better on Black Friday, and that the media isn't covering Walmart crime as much as they used to, for one reason or another.

In 2014 Walmart came up with a new ad campaign where they claimed Black Friday deals would be available starting at the beginning of November, at the time I noticed that crime during the month didn't go down, but it wasn't concentrated as much during Black Friday weekend as it was previously. In August of 2016 Bloomberg News came up with a big report about how big Walmart's crime problem was, which was repeated by many news outlets in the months to come. Before this there were numerous reports about Walmart crime problems from many police departments across the company, which were only reported at the local level, but after the Bloomberg article they started coming more often, often with three or four police departments reporting on big problems every month, which went on for year, although it slowed down in the past few year. However, while this was happening many news outlets across the country seemed to change their coverage of Walmart crime for one reason or another. In many cases they avoided mentioning Walmarts name in the headline, or one of the more obvious examples, for those paying close enough attention, in the increased references to incidents that happened in their parking lots, which many outlets began referring to as "near Walmart" implying it might not be on their property, when these same incidents were previously referred to as being in the parking lot, giving people the right impression, and reminding them of the high crime problems. These and other reasons lead me to suspect that their holiday crimes might not be quite as bad, except for shootings, which continue to rise, but part of it is the way the media covers it making it seem better than it is. One example is one of the nineteen shootings last month wasn't reported until just over two weeks after it happened, which virtually never happened ten years ago, when major incidents were reported promptly. Most shootings are bound to be reported, even if they're late, and with less effective media, but many minor incidents may not get nearly as much coverage as they used to.

Regardless of how close this theory is, it's virtually guaranteed that excessive advertising hype contributed to the hysteria about holiday shopping and that the "Buy nothing" ads, that they refused to air, almost certainly would have helped reduce Black Friday insanity. This means speech that increases profits for wealthy oligarchs and incites violence receives far more protection that speech that reduces violence and helps the general public without making profits.

Nevertheless, there were still at least nine more gun crimes last month not involving shootings, including robberies, carjackings, at least two kidnappings, in addition to the one where a body was found in the woods, and at least one incident where a suspect tried to steal a police officers gun. There were also several sexual assaults, another assault where a teen dragged a woman down the aisle by her hair, a worker going on an irrational racist tirade which was caught on camera and of course led to him being fired, adults sending their kids in to shoplift, which is semi-routine, and several assaults on employees, and one incident where twenty or so shoplifters all ran out of the store with their items at the same time, ensuring they couldn't all get caught; however, it's inevitable that when the police catch one, they'll pressure him or her to inform on the others, and it would all have been on camera.

And there has been a surprising amount of vigilantism at Walmart for years, including one incident where a customer pepper sprayed a suspect who was trying to get away from police. These vigilantes don't seem to understand that the police never protect them from corporate fraud or a rigged economy, or that if something goes wrong when they attack a suspect the police won't hesitate to blame them for overreacting. Police routinely used to warn the public against vigilantism, and some still do, but others seem to be encouraging it, although that won't mean they won't arrest the vigilante if they need someone to blame.

Even if the media isn't reporting on a lot of the problems at Walmart as reliably as they used to many customers are, often catching things on video, including a growing number of false accusations that are increasing as a result of increased reliance on self-checkout or other forms of automation. One customer went on a video rant about how they made her ring up her own stuff, then accused her of theft, but she was able to prove it was a computer problem, another customer proved that the computer charged her for something that she wasn't buying. And a third worker that went in on her day off reported that she "dress coded" for her outfit, when she wasn't even working, which should be illegal!

In addition to the two incidents where someone died after an accident, one intentional and including a stabbing, there were over a dozen major crashes, chases, hit and runs, carjackings, with at least two of the crashes going into the store, and another into a pole which lifted the truck in a very bizarre manner. This has actually happened quite a few times at many Walmart stores. There were surprisingly few fires reported last month, but there was one at the same store where an arson took place a couple weeks earlier, and many of these minor incidents are less likely to be reported than they used to.

Walmart also had at least three knife attacks or threats, at least that were reported, including two that might have been suicidal. they had someone install a card scanner at the self-checkout, which is supposedly easy for those that know how to do it, but cashiers almost certainly would prevent this as well as many of their other crime problems or false accusations. One suspect was chased out of Walmart and injured when they caught him, there were numerous purse-snatching incidents in several parts of the country, if not the entire country, fights, terroristic threats and much more crime of all kinds.

Walmart had only one widely reported recall last month over Salmonella concerns, which is as few recalls as they've had in any given month in years, assuming there weren't more that were overlooked by most media, and even this one got minimal coverage, as usual. Walmart usually fights lawsuits tooth and nail, but they chose to settle a lawsuit about opioids for over 13 billion dollars nationwide, which sounds like a lot, but for an oligarch as big as Walmart this is a cost of business and stock holders often consider this good for business since they know it's not more than they can afford. However, they continue suing their own insurance companies trying to make them pay for it, even though they claim it's not covered. With most people that don't have large legal resources, though they continue to fight tooth and nail, often dragging it out for years, or forcing them to settle for small amounts, showing the legal system is rigged heavily in favor of the wealthy. And they have dozens if not hundreds of lawsuits every year. Some with overwhelming evidence, and even when this happens the victims may not have the legal resources to sue, possibly including a report on Walmart firing African Americans twice as often as Caucasians during the pandemic, which appears to be true.

Walmart is also getting a growing number of complaints because customers aren't receiving their online deliveries they pay for.

If you own Walmart, does that give you the right to steal from them? That's what one customer claimed last month, and he's not the first one; but the police never believe this claim for some reason.

They wouldn't let another alligator shop at Walmart again, even though this one was relatively small.

At least they didn't have a dog driving and crashing in the parking lot, at least not last month.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in November 2022. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Tx. Teens fist-fighting along FM 78 shot by passing car, 2 wounded 11/01/2022

Bexar County sheriff Javier Salazar said two teens, 18 and 15, were fist-fighting on the sidewalk of FM 78 near Converse between Walzem and Crestway at around 1:45 p.m. Tuesday when someone in a small white sedan shot at both of them.

Both were injured in the shooting.

The 15-year-old boy got into the car and was taken to a house on Estrid Trail, behind the Walmart on FM 78. The sheriff confirmed that this address is one related to a series of shootings in August that forced the Walmart to be evacuated.

The boy and the 18-year-old were taken to SAMMC to be treated for their gunshot wounds. Both are expected to survive. Complete article

CVS, Walmart, Walgreens to pay $13.8B to settle US opioid claims 11/02/2022

CVS Health Corp, Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc and Walmart Inc have agreed to pay about $13.8 billion to resolve thousands of U.S. state, local and tribal government lawsuits accusing the pharmacy chains of mishandling opioid painkillers.

CVS said Wednesday it had agreed to pay about $5 billion over 10 years, and Walgreens disclosed in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that it had agreed to pay about $5.7 billion over 15 years. Neither company admitted wrongdoing. Walmart has agreed to pay $3.1 billion, mostly up front, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Paul Geller, one of the lawyers who negotiated for the governments, said that settlements with pharmacies “will bring billions of additional dollars to communities that are desperate for funds to combat the epidemic” of opioid addiction. Complete article

Woman Sues Walmart After Allegedly Being Hit By Errant Shopping Carts 11/01/2022

Counsel at McLain & Merritt removed a personal injury lawsuit against Walmart to Georgia Middle District Court on Monday. The suit was filed by Morgan & Morgan on behalf of Macy Bedell-Green. The case is 5:22-cv-00382, Bedell-Green v. Walmart Inc et al. Complete article

‘We must do better,’ Utah governor says in response to viral video showing teens wearing blackface and dressed as inmates 11/01/2022

Multiple individuals steal items from Walmart in Cortlandville NY 11/01/2022

NY State Police investigation theft of wallet at Walmart 11/01/2022

Bodycam Shows Moment Cops Found Hope Solo Passed Out in NC Walmart Parking Lot last March 11/01/2022

Eastern Ky. Walmart employee has bike stolen, customers step in to help 11/02/2022

Suspects wanted in armed carjacking at Forest Va. Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market: Deputies 11/02/2022

FOREST, Va. (WSET) — There was an armed carjacking early Wednesday morning according to deputies.

Early Wednesday, Deputies responded to the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market located in Forest at approximately 12:45 a.m. for the report of an armed robbery and carjacking, according to deputies.

At approximately 12:40 a.m. an unknown light-colored sedan blocked the victim’s vehicle from entering into Forest Road. Two Black Male subjects exited the light-colored sedan and forced the victim out of his vehicle at gunpoint, deputies said. Complete article

Armed Charlotte teen charged for Rock Hill SC Walmart car theft and chase, police say 11/03/2022

A Charlotte teen is charged with stealing a woman’s car at gunpoint from a South Carolina Walmart and leading police on a chase near the Winthrop University campus in Rock Hill, police said.

The suspect, 17, was arrested late Wednesday night, Rock Hill Police Department Lt. Michael Chavis said.

Officers responded to the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Cherry Road before 10 p.m. Wednesday after the masked suspect showed a gun and took the victim’s car, Chavis said. Complete article

Car fleeing police after armed disturbance in Walmart parking lot ends in crash in Mission Kansas 11/02/2022

A car fleeing police after an armed disturbance in the parking of a Walmart crashed in Mission, injuring three people Tuesday evening, a police chief said.

The incident began after a group of six or eight people were involved in a pushing and shoving match that spilled out into the parking lot as they were leaving the Walmart Neighborhood Market at 4701 Mission Road in Westwood, said Police Chief Curt Mansell.

A couple, who were bystanders, pulled out their phone and started filming, angering members of the group that was involved the disturbance, Mansell said.

They walked over and slapped the phone out of the hand of the person filming and verbal disturbance happened between them too.

It’s unclear what happened next, but police were reviewing surveillance video, Mansell said. Apparently one of the people involved in the original disturbance pulled out a gun and tossed it to a friend. Complete article

UPDATE: Pedestrian struck, killed on Route 1 Thomaston Maine; road reopened between Walmart, Dexter Street 11/03/2022

THOMASTON (Nov. 3, 2022) — Crash reconstruction done after a pedestrian was struck by a car Wednesday evening has confirmed preliminary findings that the collision was due to a lack of lighting.

A reconstructionist from Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office determined that vehicle speed was not a factor in the death the pedestrian, James Read, aged between 87 and 90 years old, of Middleton, Connecticut.

“In fact, the speed was lower than what was posted,” said Thomaston Police Chief Tim Hoppe in a next day followup.

Read was in the area visiting a friend, and was a guest at the Hampton Inn when his return run across a non-crosswalk zone with poor lighting was cut short. Complete article

Deputies looking for man who attempted to rob Ariz. Walmart 11/03/2022

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — The Pima County Sheriff's Department (PCSD) is searching for a man who attempted to rob a Walmart Neighborhood Market on West Valencia.

On Thursday, Oct. 13 at about 11:10 a.m., a man went up to the Walmart's customer service desk and said he wanted to cash a check. He passed a note stating it was a robbery and that he had a gun.

The manager was called over to help open the cash register but the suspect then left the store empty-handed. Complete article

Car Crashes into Canal at Pinellas Park Fla. Walmart 11/04/2022

A man drove his car through a fence into a canal near the busy store in the early morning of Nov. 3.

Pinellas Park Police Department Captain Adam Geissenberger said there were no injuries or charges related to the canal crash. Complete article

Richland Wash. Police Release Update on Walmart Card Skimmer 11/03/2022

Richland Police now say the suspect who installed a card skimming device inside the Richland Walmart probably snapped it into place in about five seconds.

RPD says only one skimmer was in use

Richland Police say the suspect is being sought after he placed the skimmer inside the Richland Walmart. It's presumed he did it in the self-checkout line because it was detected by another customer 26 hours later. The police did not confirm that.

They say it probably only took a few seconds for him to place it. No other such machines were found inside the store. The device was detected on Halloween and presumed to have been put in place around 2 PM on Sunday, the day before.

Where do people get these devices?

According to several online security sources and blogs, there are actually places online that claim to rent or market them!

A website called Krebs On Security says the latest threat is super thin "deep insert" skimmers. These are no thicker than a dime or credit card and are capable of being inserted deep inside an ATM or other cash-dispensing or transaction device. Complete article

Scammer took seconds to install credit card skimmer at busy Tri-Cities Wal-Mart 11/02/2022

DECEITFUL DEVICE Walmart thieves are targeting self-checkout in a new way – and it took just 5 seconds with customers & employees around 11/03/2022

Walmart Thefts, Heroin Arrest Top Warminster Crime Report 11/02/2022 The Warminster Township Police Department released its police blotter of recent criminal incidents. Seven Walmart thefts were reported.

Cortland County woman allegedly switched price tags at NY Walmart, found with drugs 11/02/2022

How a Walmart heiress built Bentonville into a world-class art town 11/01/2022

Suspects use stolen credit cards at Colorado Walmart stores 11/02/2022

Walmart Is Closing Stores in These Locations, Starting Now 11/01/2022

Walmart Closes Locations In South Carolina 11/02/2022

Mesa Ariz. woman upset after alleged repeat offender caught filming upskirt videos at Walmart 11/02/2022

Norfolk Iowa Walmart evacuated due to gas leak Wednesday 11/03/2022

Taylor Woman Arrested on Multiple Charges Following NY Walmart Theft 11/03/2022

Winning $100K scratchers ticket sold at a Mo. Walmart 11/03/2022

Lead attorney in the El Paso Tx. Walmart shooter case withdraws “effective immediately” 11/03/2022

NM WalMart Shooter Charged With Federal Firearms Violation For Oct. Incident 11/03/2022

Gunshot victim flown to hospital after shooting outside Monaca Pa. Walmart 11/07/2022

MONACA, Pa. — A man is in custody and another man has been flown to a hospital after a shooting outside the Walmart in Monaca, according to Center Township police.

Capt. John Hall of Center Township police said both men, who are in their 20s, are "familiar" with each other, but he would not elaborate further.

Hall said the victim sustained wounds from one gunshot. His condition is unknown as of Sunday night.

The man allegedly responsible for the shooting ran away from the scene, Hall said. Complete article

Exclusive: PSP Investigating Officer Involved Death Of Man In Last Night's Walmart Incident 11/07/2022 Friends are confirming an Industry man, a bystander at the scene of a shooting outside Center Township Walmart Sunday evening, died.

Good Samaritan's death prompts investigation after witnesses say he was forced to ground 11/08/2022

CENTER TWP. — An investigation is underway after witnesses say an off-duty police officer killed a good Samaritan who was assisting the victim of a local shooting.

The incident occurred while 48-year-old Kenneth Vinyard was helping the victim of a shooting in the parking lot of Center Township's Walmart Plaza on Sunday evening. Attorney Joel Sansone, who is representing Vinyard's family, said Tuesday that Vinyard was killed after a plainclothes officer confronted him and forced him to the ground, where he struck his head.

Jan. 6 coup charge:Ellwood City man surrenders on U.S. Capitol breach charges

"According to eyewitnesses who we (have) spoken with, who are not (connected) to Mr. Vinyard, this was not a push: it was a takedown," Sansone said. "The officer apparently put his arm across Mr. Vinyard's chest and basically threw him to the ground, landing on top of him and bringing his weight down, which is something we just learned this morning."

Would-be robber shot outside Chesterfield Va. Walmart, Crime Insider sources tell Jon Burkett 11/06/2022

CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- Police are investigating a shooting outside the Chesterfield Crossing Walmart along the 12200 block of Chattanooga Plaza in Midlothian.

Chesterfield Police said they were called to the shooting just before 7 p.m. and found a man suffering from a gunshot wound. He was transported to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Police said they are not looking for any suspects, but the investigation is ongoing.

Crime Insider sources told Jon Burkett that a robbery victim shot a person who was robbing them. Complete article

Woman, 24, found dead after vanishing from Tenn. Walmart; arrests made 11/07/2022

MADISON, Tenn. (WNCN) — Two people have been arrested after a young woman vanished from a Tennessee Walmart and was later found dead, police said.

Chelsie Autum Walker, 24, was last seen October 29 at the Walmart in Madisonville, according to Madisonville police.

She was reported missing two days later and was also spotted at a home in Tellico Plains, which is about five miles from the North Carolina border, police said.

Madisonville police and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office began a joint investigation into Walker’s disappearance.

On Saturday, Walker was found dead in “a remote area” of Monroe County, according to a news release from Madisonville police. Complete article

Tennessee mom who vanished from Walmart found dead in remote area; 2 in custody 11/09/2022 In a Sept. 26 Facebook post, Walker shared a Bible verse that reflects on death from Psalm 23:4: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For you are with me; your rod [and] your staff, they comfort me."

Kidnapping call at Ga. Walmart leads police to witness holding suspect at gunpoint 11/07/2022

HOUSTON COUNTY, Ga. — A child who was dragged from a car at a Warner Robins Walmart and choked was rescued by a witness who held a gun on the suspect until police arrived, according to the Warner Robins Police Department.

Warner Robins police said they were called out to 2720 Watson Blvd, which is a Walmart location, about a possible kidnapping in progress shortly after 2 p.m. on Sunday.

Police said Haimnarine Doobay, 67, arrived to the Walmart with a child in the his car, “removed the juvenile forcefully from the vehicle,” and then dragged him or her into the woods.

Police said Doobay then threw the child on the ground and began choking him or her when a witness spotted what was going on and pulled a gun on Doobay.

The witness held Doobay at gunpoint until police came and arrested him. Complete article

Man hears screaming from woods, rescues child from suspected kidnapper 11/10/2022

Man arrested after barricading himself in RV at Wash. Walmart parking lot 11/08/2022

EPHRATA, Wash. — A man was taken into custody in Ephrata Monday night after allegedly pulling a knife on police and barricading himself inside an RV.

The incident started at around 8 PM in the Walmart parking lot at 1399 Nat Washington Way. Officials said no officers were hurt when the man pulled the knife, and the Tactical Response Team was called to the scene to help get the man out.

The team, which consists of officers from several law enforcement agencies in the region, arrived at around 9:30 PM. Officials said a TRT negotiator immediately started started trying to establish a dialogue with the man.

At about 10 PM, the team detonated a flash bang device outside of the RV, which officials said was to get the man's attention and compliance. Complete article

K9 captures suspect who prompted standoff in Ephrata Walmart parking lot 11/08/2022

Sunday fire closes Selma Alabama Walmart for second time in six weeks 11/06/2022

A fire has once again closed the Selma Alabama Walmart.

Selma Fire Department was called to the store on Highland Avenue at around 5:45 p.m. Sunday. A public safety official said the fire apparently started in the craft section of the store, near the paper goods aisle where a small fire was set Sept. 30. That fire closed the store for two days.

There were no injuries in Sunday's fire, but the store is closed again due to smoke and water from the store's fire sprinklers, which put out the fire without needing firefighters' hoses. The doors to the automotive section were open and large fans were running Sunday evening to remove smoke. Employees gathered in front of the store.

It is unclear the cause of the latest fire, but officials speculated that the Sept. 30 fire was set to fulfill a TikTok challenge. Other fires had been set in paper products aisles of Walmarts in North Carolina and Atlanta in September. Complete article

Four juveniles arrested for setting first fire at Walmart; investigators search security videos for culprits in second fire 11/09/2022

Suspect in motorcycle theft ring arrested at Kennewick Wash. Walmart 11/08/2022

Kennewick Police responded to reports of a physical disturbance in the Walmart parking lot around 7:50 p.m. on November, 5, and ended up arresting a suspect in a recent string of motorcycle thefts across the Tri-Cities.

According to the KPD, several people were trying to detain the suspect when Officers arrived.

The suspect, a 31-year-old male from Connell refused to comply with Police commands and it took several Officers to make the arrest. Complete article

Alabama AG Marshall Reaches $44 Million Agreement with Walmart to Fund Opioid Abatement Statewide 11/07/2022

(MONTGOMERY)—Attorney General Steve Marshall today announced a $44 million statewide agreement with Walmart to fund opioid abatement in Alabama’s cities and counties. This is the fifth settlement negotiated by the Attorney General to meaningfully address the opioid crisis in Alabama and comes with the promptest payout for local governments.

Attorney General Marshall remarked, “Many of Alabama’s cities and counties have been pummeled by an epidemic that began with prescription opioids and has intensified to illicit opioids like heroin and fentanyl. In fact, this year, fentanyl and other opioids were recorded as the number one greatest drug threat in the State of Alabama. The agreement we have reached with Walmart will accelerate another funding stream to our locals, providing immediate aid to their fight against addiction and overdose.”

According to the terms of the agreement, Walmart will pay $35.7 million dollars to Alabama’s local governments for the purpose of opioid abatement, while three million dollars will be dedicated to improving the connectivity and integration of Alabama’s local court systems.

“I am especially pleased that Walmart has agreed to fund technological improvements for our local courts. Our district and circuit courts have borne a great share of the burden of navigating this epidemic. After conversations with judges in some of the hardest-hit areas of our state, I was determined to recover funding for this effort. Fortunately, Walmart recognized the lasting value of what we are trying to build.” Complete article

$1,500 Almost Stolen From Lacey NJ Walmart, Police Seek Suspect: Blotter 11/03/2022

7 Nebraskans enter pleas for setting fires to Walmart stores in the South 11/04/2022 Seven Nebraskans federally indicted in Alabama for a plot to start fires at Walmart stores in the South are set for sentencing after entering guilty pleas in the case.

GoFundMe Raises Over $100,000 to Help Walmart Worker Retire After Viral TikTok Video 11/04/2022

Lexington SC Police: suspect wanted for alleged Walmart shoplifting 11/04/2022

Mt. Laurel NJ Police Looking for Walmart Shoplifter Who Took $379 Generator Without Paying 11/04/2022

Pa. State Police Calls: Area Woman Accused of Retail Theft from Clarion Walmart 11/04/2022

Duo Allegedly Shoplifted $2,000 Worth of Medication from Murfreesboro Tenn. Walmart Store 11/04/2022

Hudson Falls woman charged after shoplifting incidents at NY Walmart 11/05/2022

Attempted theft at Waterloo Ill. Walmart 11/06/2022

Athens Police investigate shooting at Alabama Walmart 11/0/2022

ATHENS, Ala. (WHNT) — Authorities are investigating what led to a shooting incident at the Walmart in Athens Tuesday night.

According to the Athens Police Department, the shooting happened in the front of the parking lot.

There has been no confirmation of any suspects or injuries from the incident. Complete article

Shootout in Walmart parking lot damages vehicles in north Alabama; suspects ID’d, police say 11/09/2022

1 arrested, 1 sought in north Alabama Walmart parking lot shootout 11/15/2022

Police: Fairfax Ohio Walmart employee abducted, car stolen, suspects on the loose 11/09/2022

FAIRFAX, Ohio — Police are searching for two people they say are involved in the abduction of a Fairfax Walmart employee.

Around 10 p.m. Tuesday, officers were dispatched to the Walmart in the 4400 block of Red Bank Road for the report of a possible abduction.

When they arrived, they were told by employees that two of their coworkers were approached at gunpoint by a person dressed in all black and wearing a ski mask, the Village of Fairfax Police Department said in a press release.

According to investigators, one of the victims was able to escape and flee the scene in their own vehicle. The other victim was forced into the suspect's vehicle. Police said a second suspect then entered the victim's vehicle before both fled the scene. Complete article

Fairfax police release new details on reported abduction of Walmart employee 11/10/2022

Man arrested, accused of trying to rob Mississippi Walmart, JPD says 11/08/2022

JACKSON, Miss. — Jackson police arrested a man accused of trying to rob a Walmart store.

Officers took Kennon Calvin, 35, into custody Tuesday morning at the store off Highway 18. Police officials said associates told officers that Calvin told one of the associates, "Do you know what this is? You're going to give me this money right now."

Police said Calvin wasn't armed but pretended to have a weapon. Complete article

Police investigating hit and run at Mich. Walmart 11/09/2022

SHELBY TOWNSHIP — The Shelby Township Police Department is investigating a hit and run that injured a pedestrian in a shopping center parking lot last month.

The collision occurred at approximately 5:40 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Walmart located at 23 Mile Road and Shelby Parkway.

The driver of a light-colored small SUV was backing out of a parking spot and struck an older woman who was walking in the parking lot.

Sgt. Mark Benedettini, of the Shelby Township Police Department, said the pedestrian is expected to recover. Complete article

Truck crashes into Ohio Walmart 11/08/2022

SOUTH POINT, OHIO (WOWK) – No one was injured when the driver of a truck went through the sliding doors at the Walmart in South Point Tuesday evening.

That is according to Lawrence County Ohio Sheriff Jeff Lawless who tells 13 News that he believes the driver was not paying attention. However, he added that the incident is still under investigation and that, at this time, they do not believe the driver was under the influence.

Pictures from the Fayette Township Fire Department show a large work truck through the sliding doors of the business. Breaking bricks and bending the metal door frame. Complete article

Amarillo Tx. Walmart Has Me Ring Up Own Items and Accuses Me of Theft 11/09/2022

I never asked to be an employee of Walmart. I have seen a lot of people joking that this is how we feel when we are made to be our own cashiers. I would say I really dislike this part about shopping there.

I do seek out the one opened lane as much as possible. I know I won't be harassed as much. Sometimes that one lane has a fairly long line and nobody has time for that. So when I have to I go ahead and become an employee for the time being.

I take my chances at the self-checkout lane. I had an experience on Friday that I was unprepared for.

Again not an employee here so I didn't like the fact that you made this my job and now the accusation.

OK, I remember the paper plates. I got a big package of them. I know I rang them up. I'm not going to steal but if I was it sure wouldn't be paper plates.

The employee had me find the paper plates in my bag. More work on me. I did and handed them to her. She scanned them ready to prove me a thief. They showed up on my screen and receipt as "Site Merch". They didn't ring up as paper plates. Complete article

‘CHECK YOUR RECEIPTS’: Walmart customer says she was charged $20 extra for a ‘universal unknown item’ 11/09/2022

After receiving an extra $20 charge for an “unknown item” while shopping at Walmart, a woman on TikTok has a PSA for all shoppers: “Always check your receipts.”

The woman, named Julia Taylor (@julesakajuliataylor), posted a three-minute video sharing her experience and advice. She says she had heard on TikTok about some people receiving strange additional charges but didn’t think it was real until it happened to her.

In the video, Taylor says she had noticed that her grocery bill seemed unusually high when she paid it. But she had brushed her skepticism aside, chalking up the seemingly higher charge to “inflation or whatever.” But by the time she had gotten to her car to load her groceries, she decided to double-check her receipt, saying something still didn’t feel right.

She then found a charge for $19.86 that she didn’t recognize.

“I’m like ‘I’m pretty sure that I didn’t buy something for $20,'” Taylor says in her video. “I always double-check the price on the shelf before I pick up an item, just because I do.”

The TikToker says she scanned her receipt on Fetch, a rewards app that earns users free gift cards and cash back if they snap their grocery, shopping, and restaurant receipts. She says she couldn’t tell from her receipt what the extra $19.86 charge was for, so she used the app to determine that. The app told her it was for a “universal unknown item.” Complete article

Walmart was ordered to pay $420,000 after firing a worker with Down syndrome. It tried to get a fresh trial, but just had that request denied. 11/10/2022

A federal judge has rejected Walmart's request for a new trial related to a disability discrimination lawsuit. The retailer had previously been ordered to pay more than $400,000 to a former employee with Down syndrome for firing her for "excessive absenteeism" after changing her schedule.

In July 2021, a federal jury determined that Walmart had violated the Americans with Disabilities Act when it fired Marlo Spaeth, a sales associate at a store in Wisconsin, in July 2015. She had worked for the company for close to 16 years.

A federal jury awarded her $125 million in damages, though the judge later reduced this to $300,000, the maximum amount allowed under federal law. In March, Walmart was also ordered to pay Spaeth a further $119,660, including back pay, and to rehire her. Complete article

Recall over Salmonella concern impacts 4 Kansas Walmart stores 11/10/2022

TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT) – The Food and Drug Administration has announced a recall impacting four Walmart locations in Kansas.

The FDA reported the voluntary recall on Nov. 7. The recall was announced for 15.5 oz, six-count boxes of Gamesa Arcoiris Marshmallow Cookies due to the presence of Salmonella. These cookies are sold by the Comercializadora PepsiCo S. de R.L. de C.V., which alerted the FDA of the salmonella risk after a routine sampling of the product by the company revealed that the cookies may contain Salmonella.

Salmonella can cause severe and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail people and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy individuals infected with Salmonella can experience fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare cases, infection with Salmonella can result in more severe illnesses such as arterial infections, endocarditis and arthritis. Complete article

Employee Sues Walmart for Alleged Discrimination, Wrongful Firing 11/09/2022

Walmart was hit with an employment lawsuit Monday in Georgia Middle District Court. The suit was brought by a pro se plaintiff. Counsel have not yet appeared for the defendants. The case is 5:22-cv-00397, Matthews v. Walmart Inc. et al. Complete article

BIG CHANGES I’m a Walmart shopper – the controversial change the store is making next year will affect the shopping experience 11/06/2022 By 2023, the company's superstores will no longer provide plastic bags in Colorado, along with three other states.

Leesburg woman sentenced to jail time for return scheme at Fla. Walmart 11/06/2022

Deputies searching for woman that spent over $1K of stolen ATM cards at Walmarts in Iredell County NC 11/07/2022

Stepped Into Some Racism At Walmart Today 11/06/2022

Norwood man allegedly damaged lawns at Potsdam NY Walmart 11/08/2022

Slinger lost wallet; credit card used at West Bend Wisc. Walmart 11/09/2022

Police: Teens in blackface, prisoner costumes at Cedar City Utah Walmart committed no crimes 11/09/2022

Double shooting in parking lot of DeKalb County Ga. Walmart shopping plaza, police say 11/10/2022

DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — DeKalb County Police are investigating a double shooting in the parking lot of a Tucker shopping center.

Police said units were dispatched to the 3200-block of Tucker-Norcross Road for a person shot call. They said the incident happened in the parking lot of the plaza.

When officers arrived, they found a man and woman who they described as in their 30s shot, according to the department.

An 11Alive crew is currently on scene and have confirmed that the shooting happened in the Walmart plaza. Complete article

Indiana State Police: Man killed in Perry County police shooting 11/11/2022

PERRY COUNTY, Ind. — A 22-year-old man was killed in an officer-involved shooting after firing shots toward officers following a pursuit in southern Indiana early Friday morning, Indiana State Police said.

Around 12:45 a.m., a Cannelton police officer attempted to stop a 1998 GMC pickup truck for speeding on State Road 66 when the driver turned into a Walmart in Tell City and then drove back into Cannelton, refusing to stop, police said.

During a pursuit, police said the driver fired multiple shots, hitting a Cannelton police car. The male driver then ran on foot before stealing a pickup truck, continuing the pursuit.

The man drove into the Tell City Police Department parking lot, hitting several parked police cars, before running from the car into his apartment on main street, police said. Complete article

Man accused of beating, sex crime at Moline Ill. Wal-Mart 11/10/2022

A32-year-old man allegedly beat another person then performed a sex act on him Monday at the Moline Wal-Mart.

The Rock Island County State’s Attorney’s Office has charged Demetrus D. Williams, address unavailable, with aggravated battery and criminal sexual abuse, according to county court records.

Across the Sky podcast: Meet the meteorologists from the Lee Weather Team!

Underlying the charges are the allegations that Williams bear hugged the other person, threw him to the ground and punched his face several times, court records state. Williams is accused of then performing the sex act on the person. Complete article

US-220 cleared in Roanoke from crash near Clearbrook Va. Walmart 11/11/2022

ROANOKE, Va. (WSET) — A crash on 220 in Roanoke had closed both the north and south lanes but the roads are cleared as of 8:45 a.m.

The crash took place in the 7600 block of Franklin Road (US-220) near the Clearbrook Walmart.

The crash involved one vehicle but Roanoke Police Department believes weather was a factor in the crash.b Complete article

Fla. Walmart employee caught stealing merchandise and money from store 11/08/2022

Montgomery Woman Arrested, charged with Theft from Millbrook Walmart 11/0/2022

Man charged with stealing from Oneonta NY Walmart 11/10/2022

Woman pleads guilty after smacking neighbor with 10-pound meat stick at Ohio Walmart in May 2021 11/10/2022

Man accused of intentional fatal crash at Kalamazoo County Mich. Walmart last Aug. headed toward jury trial 11/10/2022

Deputies look to identify West Virginia Walmart theft suspect 11/10/2022

Walmart Is Under Fire for Doing This to Shoppers—Look for These 3 Words 11/10/2022

Early morning shooting at Tx. Walmart sends one to hospital 11/11/2022

An early Friday morning shooting at the Gonzales Walmart has resulted in one man being treated in San Antonio hospital for a gunshot wound in an isolated incident police say stems from an ongoing feud.

Lt. Jason Montoya of the Gonzales Police Department said at about 7:11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11, GPD officers responded to Walmart, 1114 E. Sarah DeWitt Drive, regarding a call about shots fired. Upon arrival, officers made contact with a male complainant who said another man whose identity he knew pulled a firearm and pointed it at him, stating, “I am going to kill you.”

The complainant advised police he drew his weapon and fired at the subject, but at that time, it was not known whether anyone had been struck by a bullet. Complete article

Shiner man arrested after Walmart shooting incident 11/13/2022

11-year-old girl killed, woman injured after being hit by car near St. Clair County Mich. Walmart 11/13/2022

FORT GRATIOT TWP. (WWJ) – An 11-year-old girl is dead and a 44-year-old woman is injured after being hit by a car near a St. Clair County Walmart Saturday night.

The pair were hit around 7 p.m. Saturday while walking on 24th Avenue in Fort Gratiot Township between the northern Walmart entrance and Carrigan Road, according to the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office.

Officials say the victims were hit by a 2012 Buick Verano, driven by a 51-year-old Clyde Township woman.

The young girl was pronounced dead at the scene, while the woman was taken to McLaren Port Huron Hospital. She was then transferred to an out-of-county hospital for traumatic injuries. Complete article

Teen charged with assaulting a woman at Pa. Walmart 11/11/2022

WILKES-BARRE TOWNSHIP, LUZERNE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Police arrested a teen after they say she assaulted a woman inside a Walmart in Wilkes-Barre Township.

According to the Wilkes-Barre Township Police Department, on November 6 around 6:00 p.m. Laila Brown, 19, of Hanover Township, approached a woman she knew, slapped her, and dragged her down an aisle by the hair.

Police said Brown also stomped on the victim’s head and smashed her phone on the floor. Complete article

CLOTHES CASE I work at Walmart & got dress coded for my outfit on my day off – I was very upset 11/13/2022

COMFY loungewear is the hallmark of a day off from work – but what happens when you can't even wear what you want off the clock?

One woman went into her Walmart job on a day that she wasn't scheduled to work, but still got dress coded for an outfit that seemed to be inappropriate to management.

In a TikTok video, Walmart worker Essence explained what went down.

"It's the simple fact that I went into my job today and literally was dress coded. I wasn't on the clock bitch," she claimed. Complete article

Berks County police seek suspects in tri-state Walmart store thefts 11/10/2022 Officials went on to say the three have committed similar thefts across the region, including Walmarts in Audubon, N.J., Middletown, Del., Boothwyn and Norristown, in Pa.

Waterloo Ill. Walmart thieves nabbed in Columbia 11/10/2022

Man who grabbed girl’s arm at Mich. Walmart store in Sept. 2021 convicted of sex-related charge 11/11/2022

Walmart donates $20K to Kansas Honor Flight 11/11/2022

Pregnant Woman's Belly Touched By Stranger At Joliet Ill. Walmart: JPD 11/11/2022

Wanted man, others plague Okla. Walmart 11/11/2022

Investigation underway after person shot near Walmart in Lake Park Fla. 11/15/2022

LAKE PARK, Fla. — Authorities are investigating after one person was shot Tuesday near Walmart in Lake Park.

It happened shortly before noon near the store located in the 100 block of North Congress Avenue. Both northbound and southbound Congress are blocked at this time.

The victim was taken to the hospital. There is no word on their condition.

It's unclear if the shooting took place inside of the store or on the parking lot. Complete article

Multiple shootings along Congress Avenue spark investigations in 3 communities 11/15/2022

Shooting at Southtown Ind. Walmart reported 11/15/2022

Fort Wayne police detained and questioned two men Tuesday evening about a shooting outside of a Walmart store that sent a man to the hospital that afternoon.

“Any charges stemming from this incident will be decided up at the conclusion of the interviews,” police spokesman Sgt. Chris Felton said in a news release.

The victim went to the hospital in life-threatening condition, but he was upgraded to non-life-threatening condition, Felton said. Police also interviewed the victim in the hospital. Complete article

Suspect carjacks 80-year-old woman in Walmart parking lot 11/14/2022

STERLING HEIGHTS, MI – A suspect was arrested hours after allegedly carjacking an 80-year-old woman on Saturday, Nov. 12, at Walmart parking lot in Sterling Heights, police said.

Sterling Height police officers responded around 3 p.m. Saturday to a carjacking at a Walmart, FOX 2 Detroit reports. An 80-year-old woman had been assaulted and thrown out of her red Jeep Cherokee, and the suspect had driven away in the vehicle. The victim sustained minor injuries.

Around 7 p.m., officers located the stolen Jeep in the parking lot of a motel. Officers approached the vehicle and attempted to take the suspect into custody, the report said. The suspect fled in the vehicle. During the confrontation, an officer fired his service weapon but missed the suspect; the incident is under investigation by the Michigan State Police.

While fleeing, the suspect crashed into another vehicle, the report said. Officers arrested the suspect as the scene of the crash. Complete article

Man taken to hospital after police foot chase from Walmart in Boardman Ohio 11/14/2022

BOARDMAN, Ohio (WKBN) – A man was arrested and taken to the hospital after a police chase from Walmart Saturday morning.

Dominique Thomas, 33 was booked into the Mahoning County Jail on charges of theft, obstructing official business, resisting arrest and drug paraphernalia. He is scheduled to be in court Tuesday.

Boardman Police officers were dispatched to the Walmart on Doral Drive in Boardman around 11 a.m. on Saturday for theft.

Thomas, according to a Boardman police report, was in the checkout line carrying concealed merchandise in his bag and wearing a pair of boots that were also not paid for. ....

As an officer tried to handcuff Thomas, he took off and ran through the parking lot, then behind PetSmart and through the Giant Eagle Pharmacy Drive Thru, according to a police report. Police finally caught up to Thomas and put in him in handcuffs. Complete article

Incidents involving purse snatchers reported at Walmart, Target and H-E-B stores in Frisco Tx. 11/15/2022

Out of the three reports, Frisco police believe two of the incidents appear to be related as they happened within six minutes of each other.

FRISCO, Texas — The Frisco Police Department is investigating three incidents involving purse snatchers at different retail stores in the city since Saturday.

In a news release, police said the first incident happened around 1:20 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12, inside the Walmart at 8555 Preston Road, near Main Street.

According to police, the victim told police that an unknown suspect stole her purse from her shopping cart while waiting in a check-out line. Complete article

Walmart offers to pay $3.1 billion to settle opioid lawsuits 11/15/2022

Walmart proposed a $3.1 billion legal settlement on Tuesday over the toll of powerful prescription opioids sold at its pharmacies, becoming the latest major drug industry player to promise major support to state, local and tribal governments still grappling with a crisis in overdose deaths.

The retail giant's announcement follows similar proposals on Nov. 2 from the two largest U.S. pharmacy chains, CVS Health and Walgreen Co., which each said they would pay about $5 billion.

According to the settlement plan, state and local governments would receive $4.9 billion from CVS. The Woonsocket, Rhode Island, company would also pay about $130 million over the next decade to Native American tribes. Complete article

AG Healey Announces $3 Billion Nationwide Settlement With Walmart Over Inappropriate Opioid Dispensing Practices 11/15/2022

Walmart Sues Insurance Carriers Over Denied Opioid Litigation Coverage 11/15/2022

Walmart Inc.’s insurance companies are refusing to cover the Bentonville retailer’s costs in the hundreds of opioid lawsuits it's facing, possibly costing the retailer billions of dollars.

Walmart sued dozens of its insurance providers last week in Benton County Circuit Court, saying its insurance companies are obligated to cover its defense costs, settlements, judgments and other losses in connection with the opioid lawsuits, but aren’t. Walmart wants a judge to rule that it is entitled to the coverage.

Walmart filed the lawsuit a week before it offered on Tuesday a $3.1 billion nationwide opioid settlement framework to resolve substantially all opioid lawsuits and potential lawsuits by state, local and tribal governments. Lawyers representing local governments said the company would pay most of the settlement over the next year if it is finalized. The deals are the product of negotiations with a group of state attorneys general, but they are not final.

In its lawsuit against insurers, Walmart said that it has spent millions of dollars in insurance premiums and expected that it would be covered against allegations such as those brought in the opioid lawsuits, which accused Walmart’s pharmacists of unlawfully dispensing opioids, fueling the national opioid crisis.

"Walmart has spent tens of millions of dollars defending itself against the Opioid Lawsuits and expects to spend much more in the future," according to the 31-page lawsuit filed Nov. 7. "But now, when Walmart seeks to rely on the policies it has purchased to cover these losses, the Insurers have turned their backs, providing a litany of excuses why the policies supposedly do not cover the Opioid Lawsuits. Complete article

Mooresville NC Police Department receives grant from Walmart Foundation 11/11/2022

Granville WV police search for Walmart theft suspect 11/12/2022

North Carolina man buys Powerball ticket at Walmart and wins $100,000 11/12/2022

Charlotte man busted stealing from Indian Trail NC Walmart 11/13/2022

Man accused of threatening to crash plane into Mississippi Walmart dies in federal custody 11/17/2022

A man who authorities said threatened to crash a stolen airplane into a Tupelo Walmart has died.

Cory Wayne Patterson, 29, died Monday, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The federal prison officials said in a statement to WTVA that Patterson was found unresponsive at 1:20 p.m. Monday at the Federal Detention Center Miami, in Miami, Florida. Staff members and emergency medical services tried unsuccessfully to revive Patterson, but he was pronounced dead by EMS personnel, according to the statement.

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation and United States Marshals Service were notified. No staff or other inmates were injured and at no time was the public in danger," the BOP said in the statement.

Patterson was charged with grand larceny and making terrorist threats in connection with the Sept. 3 incident. He had been at the prison in Miami since Nov. 10 and was awaiting trial. Complete article

Vehicle crashes into a Walmart in Suffolk Va. 11/16/2022

SUFFOLK, Va. — Suffolk Police evacuated a Walmart Supercenter after a vehicle struck the side of the store through the Home & Pharmacy entrance.

The incident took place on N. Main Street at 10:24 a.m.

Officials say both the driver and the passenger of the vehicle were transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

One store employee was also transported, after being injured. Complete article

Report: Ohio Walmart employee says shoplifter choked, assaulted her 11/16/2022

BAZETTA TWP., Ohio (WKBN) — A local Walmart employee told police that she was choked and assaulted after confronting a shoplifting suspect.

The employee told Bazetta police on Saturday night that Trevonn Sawyer, 27, had attacked her and Rishanda Ray, 31, had threatened her after she confronted them over not scanning an air mattress at the self-checkout register.

According to the police report, when confronted, Sawyer “started walking into [the employee], pushing her back with his body” and “assaulted her by striking her face with his elbow,” while Ray said she was “going to beat her a–.” The employee also reported that Sawyer grabbed her by the neck and threw her away from him. Complete article

Missouri woman sues Walmart for failure to warn about dangers of prenatal Acetaminophen exposure 11/16/2022

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — A Missouri woman has filed a lawsuit against Walmart in federal court, alleging that the Bentonville-based retailer failed to warn about the dangers of prenatal exposure to Acetaminophen.

The suit was filed in the Western District of Missouri court by Alana Swindell on November 10.
Published scientific studies have demonstrated that prenatal exposure to Acetaminophen alters fetal development and significantly increases the risks of neurodevelopmental disorders. The more Acetaminophen the mother takes, the greater the risk. Significant prenatal exposure to Acetaminophen can cause children to be born with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But Walmart has declined to warn pregnant women of these risks.

Complete article

Defense in El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting case responds to prosecution shake-up 11/14/2022

Police: Maryland trio use stolen cards at Hempfield, North Huntingdon Pa. Walmart stores 11/15/2022

Woman Arrested Trying To Steal From Tenn. Walmart 3 Hours After She Got Out Of Jail For Stealing From Food City 11/14/2022

Man pleads guilty to shooting at Okla. Walmart security guard in Nov. 2021 11/16/2022

Man shot by police at Rockford Ill. -area Walmart, task force investigating 11/18/2022

ROCKTON — The Winnebago Boone Integrity Task Force was called to investigate a shooting involving a Rockton police officer Thursday night.

The Rockton Police Department said an officer on patrol shot a 25-year-old man just before 8 p.m. at Walmart, 4781 E. Rockton Road. Details of what led to the shooting were not released, but the police department said the 25-year-old's injuries were not considered life-threatening.

The police department said they immediately called the Winnebago Boone Integrity Task Force to investigate the shooting. Complete article

Rockton officer shoots man in alleged shoplifting incident at Walmart 11/18/2022

Officials say the man shot, 25-year-old Austin Levitski, was in a vehicle with Melody Gackstatter, who was accused of shoplifting. Rockton Police Department Sergeant Ben Heintz ordered both suspects to get out of the vehicle. Investigators say that’s when Levitski got into the driver’s seat and drove toward Sgt. Heintz; he was able to get out of the way and fired three rounds at the suspects.

The vehicle then allegedly fled the parking lot and continued toward Machesney Park, reaching speeds of more than 100 miles per hour before eventually crashing near Forest Hills Road. Police say Levitski tried to run away but was tazed by officers. Both Levitski and Gackstatter were taken into custody shortly after the crash. It was later discovered that Levitski had a gunshot wound to his arm. He was taken to a hospital and is in fair condition.

DEVELOPING: Parking lot shooting at east Bakersfield Ca. Walmart leaves at least one person injured 11/17/2022

When Bakersfield Police asked the injured man what happened, he claimed to have randomly started bleeding.

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — Around 6:45 pm on Thursday, the Bakersfield Police Department responded to a call about gunshots at the Walmart on Mall View Road in Bakersfield. When officers arrived, they found a man with a gunshot wound to his leg.

According to our 23ABC News Team members at the scene, when officers asked the man what happened, he was uncooperative and told them that he had just randomly started bleeding. Complete article

Shots fired in Bazetta Ohio Walmart parking lot 11/18/2022

Police from Bazetta Township are sorting through statements made by shoppers who either saw or heard shots fired outside the Walmart Supercenter late Thursday.

Callers to 9-1-1 reported hearing anywhere from five to seven shots fired from a car in the parking lot shortly before 6 p.m.

According to police, one male suspect fired a handgun at another vehicle's occupants before all parties fled the scene. Police recovered shell casings at the scene.

Witnesses reported that the shots came from a vehicle that fled the scene on Millennium Boulevard. At last report, State Troopers and police from surrounding communities were looking for a white Jeep SUV that the shots may have been fired from. Complete article

Trumbull County police increase security after attempted Walmart shooting 11/18/2022

BAZETTA TOWNSHIP, Ohio (WOIO) - Bazetta Township police are assuring community members that there is no “immediate danger” after two shootings in the past two weeks.

Police said they do not believe the incidents are related, and investigating them separately.

The first of the two police reported taking place on North Park Avenue on Nov. 6, and resulted in a man dying due to injuries sustained.

Police investigate pedestrian crash behind Mount Laurel, New Jersey Walmart 11/17/2022

MOUNT LAUREL TWP., New Jersey (WPVI) -- Police in Burlington County, New Jersey are investigating a deadly crash behind a Mount Laurel Walmart.

The incident happened at about 11: 30 a.m. in the back parking lot of the store on Route 73.

One person was killed by a semi-truck, authorities said. Complete article

Man dies after being stabbed, run over in NC Walmart parking lot; suspect on the loose 11/19/2022

MARION, N.C. (WLOS) — An investigation is underway after a man died following a stabbing incident in the parking lot of a Walmart in Western North Carolina.

The Marion Police Department reports around 1 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 19, officers responded to the Walmart on Sugar Hill Road in reference to a stabbing. Once there, they discovered 45-year-old Alfredo Guardian Magana, of Marion, had been critically injured after being stabbed and run over during an altercation. Police say he had been found lying in the side parking lot of the shopping center near the grocery pickup area.

Despite lifesaving efforts from McDowell County EMS, police say Alfredo died on scene from his injuries. Complete article

Search continues for suspect in homicide at Walmart parking lot in Marion 11/21/2022

Driver Crashes into Pole in Mass. Walmart Parking Lot 11/19/2022

Police in Leicester, Massachusetts responded to a car that crashed into a parking sign in a Walmart parking lot overnight Saturday.

The car appeared to be propped on a parking pole. Leicester Police Department posted a photo of the car in its bizarre resting position, saying: "In case you were wondering... no this is not a legal parking spot."

No details were released regarding the cause of the crash, or whether anyone was hurt. Complete article

Recent Retail Theft Arrests at Pa. Walmart 11/16/2022

Judge in Tx. Walmart mass shooting case puts El Paso’s District Attorney on notice 11/17/2022

Manitowoc Man Accused of Stealing from Wisc. Walmart Facing Drug Charges 11/17/2022

15-Second Clip Of Elderly Walmart Worker Goes Viral With 29.1M Views, Results In $186K Being Raised For Her Retirement 11/17/2022

Sheriff Seeks Identity Of Theft Suspect At California Md. Walmart 11/18/2022

Tennessee couple charged with stealing from Southern Kentucky Walmart 11/17/2022

Laredo Tx. police: Man sought for thefts at Walmart 11/19/2022

Man arrested on several charges at Pittsfield NY Walmart 11/20/2022

A Cheshire man has been arrested on a slew of charges after an incident at a Walmart in Pittsfield.

According to our media partners at the Berkshire Eagle, police responded to a disturbance around 2 a.m. yesterday morning at the Walmart on Hubbard Ave.

Pierce was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, vandalism, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempting to disarm a police officer. Complete article

Over 20 shoplifters still on run after storming Tenn. Walmart 11/21/2022

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Memphis police are still looking for nearly two dozen shoplifters who stormed a local Walmart on Sunday and took off with some high-priced items.

It happened at the Walmart on Elvis Presley. Surveillance video shows the suspects pulling into the parking lot of the business around 8:50 p.m.

According to records, 22 suspects entered the store by breaking a window at the Automotive entrance. The suspects allegedly stole multiple items including speakers, two flat-screen TVs, shop vacuums, car batteries, and two Black Panther toy scooters.

According to the police report obtained by WREG, store security told MPD there were armed shoplifters wearing face masks in the Automotive Section.

Police said they fled the scene in 20 vehicles. No arrests have been made at this time. Complete article

Fla. Sheriff: Walmart purse thieves scout victim moments before stealing 11/21/2022

BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. (CBS12) — A 76-year-old North Lauderdale woman was the victim of a purse-theft at a Broward County Walmart.

She was shopping for children’s slippers, pajamas and a new pillow in mid-October, but what she didn’t realize is that while she shopped, a pair of purse thieves were scouting her out.

Broward Sheriff’s Office detectives say a man and a woman watched her and stole her purse. Complete article

Gainesville man arrested for stealing from a Fla. Walmart he claims he owns 11/20/2022

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - A man is in jail after stealing from a multi-billion dollar company that he claims he owns.

According to Gainesville Police Department reports, that no, not Sam Walton, but Steven Francis, 51, was caught stealing clothes from the Walmart behind Butler Plaza.

Officers contacted Francis who says he was an owner of the grocery store chain after a hostile takeover.

He said he had no remorse for taking the clothes because he owned the store already. Complete article

Walmart Brand Car Batteries: Who Makes Them? 11/20/2022

Walmart is one of the most recognizable retailers in the United States. They have everything imaginable. Most Walmart locations even have an auto maintenance section known as the Auto Care Center. These Walmart garages are mainly known for affordable battery replacement services. However, if you are considering getting a Walmart brand car battery, it is essential to know what the brand is and where it comes from.

For those unfamiliar with Walmart Auto Care Centers, the idea of having maintenance done on their cars at Walmart may seem like an odd idea. However, these centers are legitimate garages, and Walmart states that the employees at Auto Care Centers are certified technicians. ....

Walmart brand batteries are known as EverStart batteries, but Walmart does not manufacture these car batteries. Instead, Drivin’ & Vibin’ states that multiple manufacturers produce EverStart batteries for Walmart. This sets Walmart apart from other retailers with car battery brands, as other stores typically have a single manufacturer that produces batteries. Complete article


Pair from Michigan charged with grand theft from Twin Falls Idaho Walmart 11/18/2022

Shoppers forced to evacuate after bomb threat at Clayton Ga. Walmart 11/19/2022

I’m a lawyer – my client sued Walmart and won after only stepping into an aisle once 11/20/2022

Five charged with alleged thefts at Walmart 11/21/2022

Three children kidnapped at Gettysburg Pa. Walmart, suspect charged 11/21/2022

GETTYSBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – An Adams County man has been charged after State Police say three children were kidnapped from a Gettysburg Walmart parking lot.

According to Pennsylvania State Police, Jason Harris of York Springs allegedly entered a running vehicle in the Walmart parking lot on November 20 and fled with three children in the back seats.

Harris proceeded north on US 15 at a high rate of speed as State Troopers gave chase. Near mile marker 31.9 in York County Troopers were able to box in the vehicle and take Harris into custody.

State Police say the three children were found unharmed in the back seat. Troopers say the children called 911 from the vehicle and gave first responders directions for where they were. Complete article

Walmart employee robbed at gunpoint in Madison Tenn. 11/22/2022

MADISON, Tenn. (WSMV) - An armed man was arrested on Monday for allegedly assaulting a Walmart employee and stealing his phone in an attempt to exchange it for cash at a grocery store across the street.

According to the arrest affidavit, an employee at Walmart Neighborhood Market on Gallatin Pike went to his car parked outside to grab his chapstick around 9 a.m. Once at his vehicle, 25-year-old Shawn Dowlen approached with a gun from behind and began frisking him for items to steal.

The employee told police that Dowlen eventually took his cell phone and ran off, toward the Kroger across the street on Gallatin Pike. This particular Kroger is known to have a machine that takes used cell phones in exchange for money. Complete article

Walmart fired Black hourly employees twice as often as their white coworkers at the pandemic's start, congressional report says 11/21/2022

During the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Black hourly employees at Walmart were fired nearly twice as often compared to their white colleagues, according to a recent congressional report.

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis examined staffing inequities at 12 large companies between 2019 and 2021.

"Walmart had some of the largest racial inequities of the surveyed companies when it came to employment outcomes," the report says. Other companies reviewed in the report included Walt Disney, Oracle, and Chevron. Complete article

2 suspects wanted for shoplifting at Walmart in Pueblo West Colorado 11/21/2022

Ga. Walmart evacuated for bomb threat investigation, police say 11/21/2022

Newark Woman Accused of Shoplifting from NY Walmart 11/21/2022

BOLO: police looking for a man involved in a fraudulent use at an Arkansas Walmart 11/21/2022

6 killed, at least 6 injured in Virginia Walmart after disgruntled employee opens fire, police say 11/23/2022

The shooter was identified by the company as a night manager who'd been with the store since 2010.

The employee who killed six people at a Walmart in Virginia and wounded at least a half-dozen others was identified by the company Wednesday as 31-year-old Andre Bing.

Bing, who took his own life after opening fire on his co-workers Tuesday, was a manager on the overnight shift at the Walmart Supercenter in the city of Chesapeake and a longtime employee, the company said in a statement.

"We can confirm that he was a Walmart associate," the statement read. "Andre's position with the company was overnight team lead and he's been employed with us since 2010." Complete article

Witness: Chesapeake Walmart mass shooting was planned; suspect was laughing 11/23/2022 According to the witness, there were 14 employees in a meeting room waiting to learn their duties for the day when the shooting began. WAVY is still working to confirm the witness information with authorities.

The witness added that she believes the shooting was planned and targeted other managers at that specific Walmart. At one point, she said she heard the suspect laughing.

“It didn’t even look real until you could feel the gun go off,” said the witness, who was only on her fifth day working at that Walmart. “I will never go back in that store again. I cannot, I can’t even leave my front door.”

The witness claims the shooter “had issues” with other managers at that Walmart, which led her to believe the shooting was planned.

Rampage at Virginia Walmart follows upward trend in supermarket gun attacks 11/2/2022

Mass shootings also tend to cluster, with one study finding they are contagious for 13 days on average and our own research showing those responsible study other mass shooters and draw inspiration from them. The Buffalo shooting on May 14 preceded a spate of mass shootings this summer, including at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, at an Oklahoma medical facility, and during a 4th of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois. The latest tragedy in Chesapeake, Virginia comes just three days after a gunman killed five people at a LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs. .... Retail shootings are most common in Southern and Western states and two-thirds took place in urban locations. The perpetrators were all male except for one woman who committed the shooting with her male partner. ....

The motive in the Virginia incident is not known, but reports suggest the perpetrator was a Walmart employee. In our data, workplace shootings are motivated by an employment issue such as being fired or suspended in 70% of incidents, and by an interpersonal conflict with another employee 23% of the time. Nearly three-quarters of perpetrators show changes in behavior or warning signs prior to the shooting, such as increased agitation.

Walmart shooting suspect Andre Bing was a longtime employee who was 'a little off' 11/23/2022 "He put tape on his phone, on the camera. Always used to tell us the government was watching," a former co-worker said. "He was just weird." ....

One person "said Andre told her if they was to ever fire him, he would come back and kill people," Reese said.

Walmart Is Often at the Center of the National Gun Debate 11/23/2022

Andre Bing, Walmart Shooter: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know 11/23/2022

Walmart mass shooter Andre Bing reportedly left a manifesto on his phone 11/24/2022

In it, Bing whined about recent, unspecified changes to his employment status and complained about other employees harassing him over it, the source told the local TV station.

It would appear to back claims by one new staffer, Jessie Wilczewski, who told the same outlet she was convinced the laughing gunman had planned his massacre.

She believes Bing hunted people he “had issues” with — and spared her life, telling her during the rampage: “Jessie, go home.”

Walmart shooting - live: Andre Bing was ‘paranoid government was watching him’, former employee claims 11/24/2022

Walmart Manager Who Killed 6 Had a Manifesto on His Phone: Report 11/23/2022

Chesapeake Police release note from Walmart shooter, say he bought gun morning of attack 11/25/2022

Walmart shooter wrote he was ‘led by Satan’ before killing 6 at Virginia store 11/25/2022

The man accused of gunning down six co-workers inside a Walmart breakroom in Virginia wrote a note claiming he’d been “led by Satan” and complaining about his fellow employees and his troubles at work.

The note, released by authorities on Friday, was discovered on the phone of Andre Bing, a 31-year-old accused of opening fire inside a Chesapeake, Va., Walmart, where he worked as an overnight team leader. A pre-shift meeting was underway on Tuesday when Bing, armed with a pistol and several magazines, started shooting at his fellow employees.

“Sorry everyone but I did not plan this I promise things just fell in place like I was led by the Satan,” the note read, according to police.

Walmart shooting – latest: Andre Bing claims he was called Dahmer and teased by coworkers in ‘manifesto’ 11/27/2022

In the allegedy document released by Chesapeake officials on Friday morning, Andre Bing says he was “harassed by idiots” who compared him to the cannibal serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

The note includes his apologies to God and lambasts coworkers he believes bullied and betrayed him.

VB police investigate threatening calls made to two Walmarts 11/25/2022

Survivor of Virginia Walmart mass shooting that left 6 dead, others wounded files $50M suit 11/29/2022 NORFOLK, Va—A Walmart employee who survived last week’s mass shooting at a store in Virginia has filed a $50 million (U.S.) lawsuit against the company for allegedly continuing to employ the shooter — a store supervisor — “who had known propensities for violence, threats and strange behaviour.”

Walmart has faced calls to ban gun sales for years. Will Chesapeake change that? 11/29/2022

‘I’m looking for another job’: Walmart worker says manager walked into the break room, made concerning comment about manager who shot employees at another store 11/29/2022

Chesapeake Walmart to be closed for "foreseeable future;" employees will still get paid 11/30/2022

Chesapeake Walmart shooting survivor alleges mega-store knew of killer’s strange behavior 11/29/2022 Bing allegedly told coworkers “he ran over a turtle with a lawnmower just to see its (guts) spray out, which made him hungry and reminded him of ramen noodles.” In the time leading up to the shooting, Bing “made comments to other Walmart employees and managers suggesting that he would be violent if fired or disciplined,” the suit states. Bing had been disciplined several times, but was never fired since he was brought onto the team in 2010.

Walmart employee complained about suspect's behavior months before mass shooting: Lawsuit 11/29/2022 The suit alleged Bing had asked coworkers if they had received active shooter training. It also alleged Bing had a "personal vendetta against several Walmart employees and kept a 'kill list' of potential targets prior to the shooting," citing evidence gathered by law enforcement.

Prime Suspect in Walmart Shooting Left Note Addressed to God, Police Say 11/25/2022 In the document, the suspect said that he had lost his dignity after his phone was hacked. Signing off, he asked for God’s forgiveness for what he was about to do. The 31-year-old man said his actions were not planned, but things had fallen into place like he was being led by Satan, in the rambling note that was released by the Chesapeake Police Department on Friday. Bing added that he had failed to listen to the Holy Spirit.

How often do mass killings happen at work? Data shows public shootings are fraction of US violence. 11/24/2022 When an employee commits a workplace shooting, the assailant typically has felt wronged by the company, Fox said.

Sunday Strategist: Walmart’s History of Gun Violence 09/08/2019

Let’s start with 1999, when a Wisconsin man walked into a Walmart, killed his ex-girlfriend and her fiancé and then himself. In 2002, a shoplifter shot a Philadelphia security guard in the chest. In 2005, a customer in New Mexico shot a man who had come to the Walmart to stab his ex-wife. A North Carolina Walmart employee held fifteen co-workers hostage in 2009. A year later in Reno, three employees were shot by a fourth. In 2014, a married couple went on a killing spree that ended in a shootout inside a Las Vegas store. Two months later in Ohio, a Walmart customer was killed by police who thought the BB gun he’d taken from a shelf was a real gun. Just after Christmas, a toddler in Idaho took his mother’s concealed weapon from her purse and shot her in the head. There was a murder-suicide in Texas in 2016 and in 2017 a gunman opened fire on customers in a Colorado store. A few days before the El Paso massacre that killed 22 people, two Walmart employees were killed by a recently suspended co-worker in Mississippi. This list doesn’t even include parking lot shootings; by some estimates 80% of Walmart’s crime happens outside its stores.

Walmart rarely talks about store shootings in public. Its annual reports mention terrorism, natural disasters and other “operational risks” that may adversely affect individual stores, but not gun violence. For years, chains like Target and Starbucks banned customers from bringing guns on their premises, but until last week Walmart deferred to local and state laws.

Shooting Outside Wal-Mart Kills Two 06/12/1999 MADISON, Wis. (AP) _ A man critically wounded his ex-girlfriend and fatally shot her fiance outside the Wal-Mart store where both victims worked before killing himself, police said.

Pa. Wal-Mart shooter sentenced 12/11/2003 The man accused of shooting Wal-Mart security guard Gilbert Padilla, 39, was sentenced Monday to 12-25 years in prison, officials said. Raheym Williams, 28, was convicted of aggravated assault and a weapons violation in the Nov. 24, 2002 incident, said Assistant District Attorney Jan McDermott.

Another NM Wal-Mart shooting in the southwest 08/26/2005 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - One man was killed and a woman was injured Thursday during an apparent domestic dispute inside a Wal-Mart on the city's southeast side, the second time in less than a week that one of the retail giant's Western stores has been the scene of deadly violence. Police spokeswoman Trish Hoffman said a witness told authorities that a man had been stabbing the woman inside the store when another man intervened and shot her attacker.

Three injured in N.M. Wal-Mart shootings 12/20/2005

Person shot during argument inside Lumberton NC Walmart; Shooter at large: Police 11/25/2022

LUMBERTON, N.C. (WPDE) — Police officers are on scene at the Walmart Supercenter on Fayetteville Road in Lumberton.

According to officials, one person was shot in the hip following an argument inside the store. He’s currently in the hospital.

The patrol cars are parked at the entrance of the store. Police say the incident was called in around 11:26 a.m.

Once police arrived at the store, it was still being evacuated, and officers entered the building trying to locate the shooter and any victims. After searching the building, officers did not locate the shooter or any victims. .....

This appears to be an isolated incident between two individuals who are familiar with each other, according to police. Complete article

Lumberton police identify man wanted for Black Friday shooting at Walmart 11/28/2022

Walmart shooting suspect turns himself in to Lumberton police 11/28/2022

UPDATE: 4 juveniles arrested in car break-in, shooting at Walmart on Gray Highway in Macon Ga. 11/23/2022

The person shot had non-life threatening injuries.

Bibb deputies, with the help of Georgia State troopers, have arrested four people in the shooting that happened at the Walmart located at 1401 Gray Highway Monday night.

According to a release from the Bibb County Sheriff's Office, a 39-year-old man was walking to his car when he noticed a group of people who had broken in and were taking things out of the car. He chased the suspects and they began firing shots, and he was hit.

The man was taken to the Medical Center, Atrium Health Navicent with non-life threatening injuries.

The Georgia State Patrol heard the description of the suspects and found them running from the area. After a chase, the four juvenile suspects were captured and turned over to the sheriff's office. Complete article

2 robbery suspects accused of pepper spraying, pulling knife on Walmart employees in west Houston, Tx. deputies say 11/22/2022

HOUSTON – Deputies are working to identify two men who are accused of robbing a Walmart in west Harris County back in August.

On Wednesday, Aug. 24, deputies responded to reports of an aggravated robbery at a Walmart located at 3506 State Highway 6 South and Westpark Drive.

Investigators said the two men entered the store and started loading items into their baskets before they approached the self-checkout counter and attempted to pay with a declined credit card.

After the card was declined, investigators said the two men pushed their baskets back through the area and began checking out items again in a different aisle. According to the store’s loss prevention employees, the men were attempting to do what is commonly known as “skip scanning,” when you don’t scan all of the items in your cart.

The two men were eventually stopped by store employees who attempted to retrieve the items from the cart.

Investigators said one of the men pulled out some pepper spray and sprayed one of the employees while the other man pulled out a knife. The suspects then took off in a blue-colored Chevrolet sedan. Complete article

Court revives wrongful death claim in Beavercreek Ohio Walmart shooting 11/25/2022

CINCINNATI (AP) — A federal appeals court has revived a wrongful death claim against Walmart by the family of a Black man who was fatally shot by a white police officer inside an Ohio store after picking up a pellet rifle from a shelf.

Twenty-two-year-old John Crawford III was shot at the Beavercreek store in suburban Dayton in August 2014 after someone called 911. A judge dismissed his family’s wrongful death claim, but a three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals reversed that in a 2-1 decision Wednesday.

Two judges concluded “a reasonable jury could find that Walmart failed to prevent Crawford from carrying a look-alike AR-15 openly around the store,” which could alarm shoppers, confuse police and cause an officer to respond as though the weapon were real. Complete article

McDonald’s and Walmart beef suppliers criticised for ‘reckless’ antibiotics use 11/21/2022

Suppliers of beef to McDonald’s, Taco Bell and Walmart are sourcing meat from US farms that use antibiotics linked to the spread of dangerous superbugs, an investigation has found.

Unpublished US government records obtained by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Guardian show farms producing beef for meat packing firms Cargill, JBS, and Green Bay are risking public health by still using antibiotics classed as the “highest priority critically important” to human health (HP-CIAs).

Such drugs are so essential to human medicine that their use in livestock farming should be stopped, the World Health Organization has warned. HP-CIAs are often the last line or one of limited treatments available for serious bacterial infections in humans, it has said. The overuse of such antibiotics means they can become less effective.

The findings have prompted condemnation from public health experts and campaigners. Complete article

Iowa Walmart staffer stole gift cards at work, police allege 11/21/2022

Police seek woman who they suspect stole a purse at Tx. Walmart 11/21/2022

Bike officers arrest dealer at drug house near Walmart in Redding Ca. 11/23/2022

Prank call leads to evacuation of Walmart in Bennettsville SC 11/25/2022

Body found near NC Walmart 11/26/2022

A body was discovered in a wooded area near Walmart in Aberdeen Saturday. A man walking along a path in the woods found the body and called 911.

Emergency crews declared the man dead at the scene at 9:42 a.m.

The body was found down a path that runs on the left side of Walmart. The body was located about 200 feet from the entrance of the path. Aberdeen Police sealed off the area.

Aberdeen Police Captain Brian Chavis spoke to Sandhills Sentinel and identified the man as 23-year-old Shaun Bradley Dixon of Pinebluff. Police were told Dixon was currently homeless and was staying in the woods. Complete article

Walmart on Collins Road Jacksonville Fla. evacuated, temporarily closed for police activity 11/26/2022

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The Walmart Supercenter on Collins Road near I-295 on Jacksonville’s Westside was evacuated Saturday evening and temporarily closed because of police activity.

Police have not said exactly what happened inside and around the store on Collins Road.

According to witnesses around 4 p.m., about a dozen law enforcement vehicles, including Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and Florida Highway Patrol cars, swarmed the parking lot and then officers on foot with K9s went into the Walmart. ....

“He came running out there, and took off across between two of the big storage containers, and jumped the gate toward I-295.” ....

“I feel like we were not valued in that instance. The kids were not valued. It was all about their employees.” Complete article

2 men arrested in connection to Walmart evacuation, temporary closure on Jacksonville’s Westside 11/28/2022

Police looking for woman they say stole from south Austin Tx. Walmart, attacked employee 11/22/2022

AUSTIN (KXAN) — Austin police are looking for information on a woman who they said stole from a south Austin Walmart and attacked a store employee.

It happened at the Walmart located at 710 E. Ben White Blvd. on Oct. 20 at 5:21 p.m. Surveillance cameras captured footage of her exiting the store.

She is described as a Black woman, around 25-35 years old, with a medium build and short in height. She has curly black hair and a mole on her left cheek. Complete article

Watch out! Alligator found at Walmart in Lee County 11/26/2022

LEE COUNTY, Fla. (CBS12) — An alligator isn't generally on your grocery list.

However, it was on Friday at the Wal-Mart on San Carlos Blvd.

Deputies arrived after a 3-foot alligator was found in the parking lot. Complete article

Walmart Employee Shares Video Of Elderly Co-Worker Struggling During Her Shift — Viewers Decide To Take Action 11/23/2022

Police respond to situation at Walmart in Florence SC 11/26/2022 Officers responded to third-party reports of a person with a gun this evening inside the Walmart on Beltline Drive in Florence, according to Cpt. Mike Brandt with the Florence Police Department. Brandt said officers checked out the situation and found no witnesses to verify the information.

Trial begins for accused gunmen, a former employee, in deadly Southaven Mississippi Walmart shooting in July 2019 11/28/2022

Conway SC Police seek person of interest after alleged theft from Church St. Walmart 11/27/2022

Man shot in Queensbury NY Walmart parking lot, police working to identify suspect 11/27/2022

QUEENSBURY, NY (WRGB) — Warren County Sheriff's Office and the New York State Police were on the scene at the Walmart in Queensbury, investigating a shooting there Sunday afternoon.

The sheriff's office was called to the store at 3:45 p.m., to investigate reports of a male with a gunshot wound to the hip.

The male victim was transported by EMS and is currently undergoing medical treatment. The Sheriff’s Office and the New York State Police are working to identify a suspect and/or a suspect vehicle and will provide updates as information becomes available. Complete article

Arrest made in Queensbury Walmart parking lot shooting 11/30/2022

One injured in shooting at Sparkman Drive Walmart, according to Huntsville Alabama Police 11/27/2022

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) – The Huntsville Police Department (HPD) responded to a shooting at a local Walmart where one was injured on Sunday afternoon.

Officers responded to the Walmart on Sparkman Drive after HPD received reports of a shooting at 12:40 p.m. in the parking lot.

Officers believe the suspect and victim got into a verbal argument which led to the shooting.

Authorities say the victim’s injuries are critical and they have been transported to the hospital. Complete article

Huntsville Police issues warrant for suspect in shooting at Sparkman Drive Walmart 11/29/2022

Police respond to shooting at north Jackson Tenn. Walmart involving two employees 11/27/2022

JACKSON, Tenn. —We received multiple tips about a large police presence at the North Jackson Walmart.

Tipsters informed us about an incident at the Walmart in north Jackson.

When our crews arrived on the scene, there were police officers at each entrance of the north Walmart.

We spoke to a Jackson Police Department Lieutenant on the scene who confirmed there was a shooting at the store.

According to a social media post, the Jackson Police Department was called onto the scene where two employees got into an altercation.

In the post, officers say there was a shooting that involved two Walmart employees. ....

“At Walmart, working a shooting. This is an isolated incident that’s still under investigation. I don’t want the public to be alarmed and think that this was something big. This is really an isolated incident, we’re currently looking for a suspect,” said Lieutenant Rochell Staten, Patrol Division, Jackson Police Department. Complete article

JPD searches for suspect in north Walmart shooting 11/28/2022

Man injured in shooting inside vehicle on Sikeston Missouri Walmart parking lot 11/28/2022

SIKESTON, Mo. (KFVS) - A man was injured in a shooting inside a vehicle on the parking at Sikeston Walmart.

According to the Sikeston Department of Public Safety, it happened around 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 27.

A 19-year-old man from Pemiscot County was taken to an area hospital after being shot in the leg.

Officers say the weapon used was recovered. Complete article

4 minors arrested for string of carjackings, Walmart theft, deputies say 11/26/2022

Deputies arrested four minors Thursday in connection to a string of carjacking incidents.

Bibb County Sheriff officials said the two boys and two girls were arrested in connection with the carjackings that took place on Nov. 21 and Nov. 22.

Officials said the carjackings occurred in three separate locations: one in the parking lot of Reliance Food Mart on Napier Ave, another at a Shell gas station on Shurling Drive and the third at Econo Lodge on Holiday Drive. .....

In addition to the carjacking incidents, officials said deputies responded to an incident at a Walmart located on Harrison Road on Nov. 22 involving a group of minors.

According to deputies, a store employee confronted the group, and when they did, a firearm was brandished, and the group ran from the store with various items. Complete article

SoCal Walmart worker accused of going on racist tirade against customer in incident caught on video 11/28/2022

MORENO VALLEY, Calif. (KABC) -- A Walmart employee in Moreno Valley is accused of going on a racist tirade against a customer - an incident that was caught on video.

The customer, who did not wish to be publicly identified, said it all started when the worker asked to check his receipt before he left the store the day before Thanksgiving. As he tried to get the receipt, he claims the worker tried blocking him, saying "You people always trying to steal."

The worker then allegedly started taking items from his cart.

"I was like 'what are you doing?'... I chased him down, said give me my item and I took the item back from him and then he went to my cart and took the other items out of my cart," the customer told Eyewitness News. "So basically we're fighting over the items... and then I said 'Just give me a manager. Give me a manager'." Complete article

Pa. woman sues Walmart, says she was fired for not getting vaccine 11/28/2022

WILLIAMSPORT – A Schuylkill County woman has sued Walmart claiming said was fired last year for not being vaccinated for COVID-19.

Deborah Lybarger of Ashland alleges in a suit filed Monday in U.S. Middle District Court against Walmart Associates Inc. of Bentonville, Arkansas, that her rights under the Civil Rights and the Pennsylvania Human Relations acts were violated.

Lybarger was hired in 1998 as a reclaims associate and in 2018, according to the complaint, was promoted to senior process manager at the Walmart in Coal Twp., outside Shamokin, at an annual salary of $101,000 plus bonuses and stock options. Complete article

Pair Nabbed For Stealing Cell Phones From Tenn. Walmart - And Other Collegedale Arrests 11/28/2022 (Six Walmart incidents) Officers responded to a verbal disorder in the Walmart parking lot involving a road rage incident. Both drivers were calmed down and allowed to go their separate ways.

Man accused of making bomb threat at Morganton NC Walmart 11/28/2022

Texas prosecutor resigns amid criticism over handling of the 2019 Walmart mass shooting 11/29/2022

Salvation Army recovers red kettle stolen from outside a Walmart in Randallstown Md. 11/28/2022

Suspects use ‘Cash Cash Scam’ to steal $10K from La Vergne Tenn. Walmart, police say 11/28/2022 The scam has been reported at Walmart locations across the U.S. In most cases, such as a 2019 incident reported in Florida, suspects have tampered with cash registers to fool employees into thinking they have paid for their items.

Man pleads guilty, gets 45-year sentence for murder in Sep. 2019 N. Charleston SC Walmart parking lot 11/28/2022

Police investigating homicide shooting at Walmart parking lot in Henrico County Va. 11/29/2022

Henrico police are investigating a homicide shooting situation at a Walmart parking lot in Tuckahoe.

Shortly before 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 29, officers were called to the 1500 block of North Parham Road for a reported shooting.

Upon their arrival, officers determined the scene to be a homicide. The victim has not yet been identified but police did confirm that he was male. Complete article

18-year-old arrested in connection to teenage boy’s murder at Walmart parking lot in Henrico 12/01/2022

Gun-toting Las Vegas Nevada Walmart shoplifter fired shot after confrontation with staffer 11/29/2022

A woman who packed her Walmart shopping cart with stuff to steal was seen on the store’s surveillance video carrying a gun in her right hand while wheeling the loaded cart toward the doors, police said.

When confronted by a Walmart staffer, Makenna Findley, 21, pointed the silver revolver at the 61-year-old worker and then fired a shot into the ceiling, according to a Metropolitan Police Department arrest report.

Findley, of Las Vegas, then exited the southeast Las Vegas store and loaded the stolen goods into the trunk of a Honda driven by a man identified in the arrest report as her boyfriend, Juan Cabrera. Another male whom police have not yet been able to identify was also in the car, the arrest report said.

Police said the robbery happened at the Walmart at 5198 Boulder Highway, at South Nellis Boulevard, at 9:55 p.m. on Nov. 14. Complete article

Man threatened, threw knife at employees while trying to steal from Rocky Mount NC Walmart, police said 11/29/2022

ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. (WNCN) — A 51-year-old man cut himself while trying to steal items at Walmart Tuesday afternoon in Rocky Mount, police said.

At 2:15 p.m., police were called to the store at 1511 Benvenue Road about a person with a weapon inside, according to police.

David Wilkins, 51, had attempted to exit through the automotive side.

with a cart full of unpaid merchandise., police said. When Walmart employees confronted him, he became combative, brandishing a large knife and threatening employees.

Police said Wilkins cut himself on the hand before throwing the knife at employees. The store was quickly evacuated. No one else was injured. Complete article

Bystander uses pepper spray to help police officer arrest alleged Ariz. Walmart shoplifter 11/30/2022

BUCKEYE, Ariz. (KTVK/KPHO/Gray News) – A bystander is being credited for his quick action in helping a police officer arrest an alleged shoplifter at a Walmart in Arizona. Police responded to a call about a possible shoplifter at a Walmart in Buckeye, just west of Phoenix, on Tuesday afternoon. According to police, when the responding officer attempted to arrest the suspect, the suspect tried to flee. A nearby shopper who witnessed the struggle intervened and used pepper spray on the suspect, who was then subdued enough for the officer to arrest. Complete article

Man accused of making terroristic threat at Walmart in Harrisburg, Ill. arrested 11/30/2022

HARRISBURG, Ill. (KFVS) - A Harrisburg man accused of making a terroristic threat a Walmart store was arrested on Tuesday, November 29.

According to Harrisburg Police, an employee at the Harrisburg Walmart called them to report that a man had entered the store and told a worker at the service counter there was going to be a shooting at the store.

The man then walked off into the store.

Police said he was unarmed at the time. Complete article

Warrants for man, woman after fight in Pooler Ga. Walmart parking lot 11/29/2022

POOLER, Ga. (WTOC) - Two people have warrants out for their arrest after a fight in the Pooler Walmart parking lot.

Police say it happened on Black Friday.

According to police records, the woman said the incident started when she was walking to cross the street in the Walmart parking lot, and a car was driving so close to her she was afraid she would be hit.

She told police that she hit the car, and the man got out and the two started arguing.

The woman says the man began hitting and choking her. An officer pulled the man off the woman.

Police watched store surveillance footage, it showed the woman had slapped the man’s phone out of his hand and “struck” him in the face. Complete article

Adult in custody after sending kids inside Byram Tx. Walmart to shoplift 11/29/2022

BYRAM, Miss. (WLBT) - Three juveniles were charged with shoplifting, and an adult faces multiple charges after a series of events Tuesday evening that began in the Byram Walmart and continued with a police chase into Jackson.

James Jackson was apprehended by police off West Woodrow Wilson Ave in North Jackson at about 7:30 p.m. He has been charged with three counts of contributing to the delinquency of minors, child endangerment, DUI, traffic offenses, felony fleeing, resisting arrest, and shoplifting, according to Byram Police.

He is being held without bond at Hinds County Detention Center. Complete article

More than a dozen officers investigating false, prank calls at SC Walmart stores in Pee Dee 11/28/2022

Witnesses testify in trial for accused gunman in Southaven Mississippi Walmart shooting 11/29/2022 Two Walmart employees, 38-year-old Brandon Gales and 40-year-old Anthony Brown, were killed that day, by another Walmart employee.

Texas tornado warning: Video shows Walmart shoppers being dragged as South now faces flooding 11/30/2022

Police investigating several reports of pickpockets at Lebanon County Pa. Walmart 11/30/2022

College Station man sentenced for robbery, attempted kidnapping in Tx. Walmart parking lot 11/29/2022 Tyrone Rush, 42, was sentenced to 35 years in prison for the crime. Prosecutors say on the morning of Thursday, January 28, Rush approached a woman who had just left the store and forced her into her car, demanded her keys, and threatened her with a knife. The victim offered up her personal belongings but refused to go anywhere with him.

Walmart Has The Power to Say No to High Prices Set by Suppliers — But We Don't. Here's What Small Businesses Can Do to Reduce Costs. 11/29/2022

Suspicious package at Salisbury NC Walmart prompts evacuation, bomb squad called in 11/30/2022

Group suspected of shoplifting from Missippi Coast Walmarts fail to escape Waveland police 11/30/2022

Shoppers complain about not receiving orders from Walmart deliveries 12/01/2022