A recent poll, CNN Poll: Americans have little appetite for Biden-Trump rematch in 2024 12/14/2020 shows a large majority from both parties want a different candidate in 2024 to represent the, which isn't entirely unprecedented. In 2016 there were numerous polls showing that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had the highest negative approval ratings of any presidential candidate in history, with both virtually tied for first and second; and there have been many other presidential nominees that were widely disliked, because they catered to Wall Street oligarchs or some other reason, like Al Gore, George W Bush, his father too, John Kerry, Bob Dole and many more including Joe Biden. Before the South Carolina primary in 2020 almost all polls showed that Biden was widely disliked, and it seemed like he had no chance of winning at all; but this did a sudden about face after the South Carolina primary when the entire political establishment rallied to stop Bernie, with the help of a sudden surge in panic about COVID in March of 2020.
Yet, Bernie dropped out anyway and declared the primary to be fair despite many serious flaws, and the fact that Joe Biden opposed almost all of his progressive policies, supposedly because he was concerned about COVID and stopping Trump, who has much more in common with Biden, despite their bickering, than with Bernie Sanders or his progressive policies!
As many doubts as this should raise about the fairness of our s-called democracy, it's not the strongest evidence showing our country is far from Democratic.
Perhaps the strongest evidence showing our country isn't even remotely democratic is the fact that there are literally dozens of polls showing that on many issues, especially when they have a fiscal impact, there are large majorities of the public on one side of the issue, and on almost all, if not all these issues, the majority of campaign donors are on the other side of the issues, and politicians routinely take the side of their campaign donors, against the will of the people.
In many of the following polls, like Medicare for All, child care and education, The Green New deal, various policies to reduce income inequality, and much more, in addition to having wide support from a large majority of the public, there's also an enormous amount of evidence showing they will solve many social problems and save much more money than they cost, yet these policies are still rejected in favor of the wishes of campaign donors. The following are many polls showing that the political establishment almost always does the will of their donors against the will of the people, and most politicians avoid taking clear positions on them during campaigns, with the help of the media that avoids honest discussion about these issues:
70% support Medicare for All & 85% of Democrats; (Source)
63% (another poll puts it at 67%) support a $15 minimum wage (these were old polls, so updated one might support a higher wage); (S)
81% support a Green New Deal, with 63 percent support requiring utilities to generate one-fifth of their electricity from renewables; (S)
72% (another poll puts this at 76%) support expanding Social Security; (S)
75% support immigration, (S) with 81% supporting a pathway to citizenship, and presumably not so they can be exploited for virtual slave labor; (S)
86% support only using the military as a last resort; 57% feel that US military aid to foreign countries is counterproductive; 63.9% saying military aid—including money and weapons—should not be provided to Saudi Arabia or similar countries; (S)
76% support higher taxes on the wealthy; (S) with 59% supporting a 70% Top Marginal Rate; (S) and 67% support taxing corporations more; (S)
77% support campaign finance reform; (S)
83% (another poll puts this at 86%) support net neutrality; (S) (S)
58% support breaking up big banks; (S)
65% support reforming racists incarceration system; (S)
More than 70% support guaranteed jobs program; (S)
62% support tuition free college; (S)
90% support universal childcare; (S)
68% support capping Credit Card interest rates; (S)
63% support curbing wealth inequality; (S)
58% support strict Wall Street Regulation; (S)
70% of Americans say arms sales make us less safe (S)
83% oppose outsourcing. (S); another poll puts this at almost 80% (S)
The poll from AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 83% of Americans, including 79% of Republicans and 87% of Democrats, are in support of funding for roads, bridges and ports. (S)
While about two-thirds of Americans, 67%, favor funding for affordable housing, just 41% of Republicans do, compared to 85% of Democrats. (S)
Democrats were also most favorable to funding for pipes, at 85% support, with 70% of Republicans supporting this. (S)
85% believe employees should receive paid sick leave, with 62% claiming employers should pay and the rest the government should pay; (S)
82% believe employees should receive paid maternity leave, with 61% claiming employers should pay and the rest the government should pay; a smaller majority believe fathers should get paternity leave; (S)
In the CBS News/You Gov Poll, 73% of adults in the U.S. said they support federal funding for paid leave. (S)
It found that 84 percent of likely voters, including 74 percent of Republicans, support paid leave programs; 69 percent of those polled, including 55 percent of surveyed Republicans, would support a federal leave standard even if they’d have to pay more in taxes to sustain it. (S)
By a four to one margin (62-14%), Americans favor the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. (S)
80% of US Voters Support Windfall Tax on Big Oil (S)
74% support the Kyoto Protocol 2002 (S)
Seven out of 10 Americans support remaining in the Paris Agreement (S)
77% of the American public believe that unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings who cannot afford legal representation should be provided with it; and 75% of the American public support the proposal to provide legal representation to all unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings. (S)
71% of the U.S. electorate wants full disclosure of the Kennedy documents. (S)
Rent Is Too Damned High 76% (S)
77% say Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade (S)
67% support marriage equality for same-sex couples (S)
68% of voters back stricter gun laws (S)
56% of survey respondents supported cutting military spending. (S) Other polls show conflicting opinions on military spending.
Many of these polls were originally compiled by Polls With Citations: Americans Want Bernie’s New Deal For All 07/26/2019 but a growing number have been added from other sources, and there are some additional polls listed below, mostly very close to these; however, there may be a few exceptions like support for the military overseas, which I go into a little more below as well.
Wide support for at least a couple of these programs goes back decades, before many people were aware that they often save much more money than they cost, as shown in the following excerpts from Lisbeth Schorr's book:
Lisbeth Schorr "Within Our Reach" 1988
In August 1987, a nationwide poll commissioned by the Los Angeles Times found that nearly two of three Americans support a federally run national health insurance program. Additional excerpts p.136
Three quarters of Americans, according to a Louis Harris poll, said in 1986 that they are prepared to pay higher taxes to provide more day care and education; 88 percent said they want government to provide more health coverage and day care services for children of the poor. On the strength of his landmark 1986 study of American attitudes toward children, Louis Harris reported, "The time are changing, perhaps more rapidly than might be imagined." .... He warned, "Politicians who ignore these pleadings from the American people do so at their own peril. It is a plaintive and poignant demand that simply will not go away." Additional excerpts p.294
In August 1987, a nationwide poll commissioned by the Los Angeles Times found that nearly two of three Americans support a federally run national health insurance program. Additional excerpts p.136
Three quarters of Americans, according to a Louis Harris poll, said in 1986 that they are prepared to pay higher taxes to provide more day care and education; 88 percent said they want government to provide more health coverage and day care services for children of the poor. On the strength of his landmark 1986 study of American attitudes toward children, Louis Harris reported, "The time are changing, perhaps more rapidly than might be imagined." .... He warned, "Politicians who ignore these pleadings from the American people do so at their own peril. It is a plaintive and poignant demand that simply will not go away." Additional excerpts p.294
This book also showed that they have an enormous amount of research showing how to solve many social problems, including the leading contributing causes of violence, and that there was extensive evidence back in the eighties showing that solving these social problems actually saved much more money than ignoring the social problems and letting them escalate, especially in many abandoned inner cities around the country with little or no educational or economic opportunities. Furthermore, the evidence showing they can save mony by solving these problems before they escalate has grown significantly, and on numerous occasions academics like James Garbarino, Robert John Zagar, Lisbeth Schorr and many other have repeatedly testified before Congress to let them know how to solve these problems, and that it saves much more money than it costs.
Before the polls cited by Lisbeth Schorr were taken there was very little research showing how much money investing in the programs supported by the public would save, and those that supported them thought it would cost more than they saved, yet supported it anyway. When her book was published the evidence showing these programs would save more than they cost in the long run grew and there's much more research that came after this confirming it, including another book by her, "Common Purpose" and studies by Zagar, Garbarino and many other researchers, so much more people are aware of this now, however, the majority of the public is probably still unaware of this research since the mainstream media rarely mentions it and the best academic book on many subjects, including preventing violence get almost no promotions to the general public, so other books of a much lower quality, often by celebrities that aren't good researchers on any given subject, but support a rigged economy or at least don't expose the flaws, that do get more promotion are often more likely to get on the best sellers lists.
This is part of the reason why this is a little surprising, since the media provides so much propaganda in favor of the rich that many people aren't familiar with the best research and still support policies that are much more likely to help solve social problems. But the media provides very little coverage of this and doesn't inform the public that almost the entire political establishment is opposed to most fiscal issues popular with the general public, and they don't even ask politicians to take clear positions on many if any of these isses, nor is there a good opportunity for typical voters to ask them important questions. I went into this several times before where I recommended that politicians should should be required to fill out a job application controlled by the public, and previously claimed the best high profile effort to do this was Project Vote Smart which I discussed in Saving Project Vote Smart and improving it or replacing it. When I first heard of Project Vote Smart at least twenty-four years ago they did a much better job asking important questions, and even though most politicians refused to fill the questionnaires, which I often refer to as job applications, out there were a significant number who did, perhaps over a third, if not closer to a half; now the questions aren't nearly as good and there are far fewer of them with only about five percent of politicians bothering to fill them out, even though they're so short and easy.
By the time I wrote the article above almost eight years ago the questions were much shorter than they were in the late nineties, and now they're even worse, but it's still better than nothing assuming they fill them out, which they refuse to do. As it is it's difficult if not impossible to find out where most politicians stand on most of the issues listed in the above polls, but there's no doubt that if some of them are on the same side of the majority of the people they're in the minority within Congress, where most of them clearly serve their campaign donors. Even Project Vote Smart doesn't directly ask about many if any of these polls; instead of asking if they support Medicare for All, which has wide support from the public and research showing it saves billions of dollars and thousands of lives each year they ask, "Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act," which doesn't have nearly as much support with the public.
Instead of asking if they support outsourcing, which most of them falsely deny doing, they ask "Do you generally support removing barriers to international trade (for example: tariffs, quotas, etc.)?" This sounds much better; and they routinely try to claim that free trade helps everyone. Butt his is far from the truth and most people know it; free trade often forces workers to compete with sweatshop conditions, driving down wages both here and abroad, and there's a much more complicated shipping and distribution network. In the most extreme cases we ship subsidized cotton made by machines in the USA half way around the world to take advantage of sweat shop labor before shipping it back which is extremely inefficient and damaging to the environment. As I said in my previous article about Project Vote Smart, Richard Kimball started off very good trying to get candidates to let the voters know where they stood on many issues, but some where along the line he caved to the establishment and started serving their interests, and coincidental or not, received an enormous increase in pay when this happened. According to Project Vote Smart's Wikipedia page they do "not accept contributions from corporations, labor unions, political parties, or other organizations that lobby, support or oppose candidates or issues," but they do accept donations from "the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, all of which were founded by wealthy businessmen from the ruling class.
And of course, when some of them do make campaign promises to the majority of the public, once in office they routinely break them so they can serve corporate interests, and in most cases they don't even do a good job hiding this. But even the progressives like members of "The Squad" do a much better job campaigning on progressive issues, and, after getting in office, pretending to support them, convincing many people that want someone to beleive in, they often find subtle way of breaking their promises, like when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez funded the CIA and corporate Democrats 04/04/2021 or when they came to the defense of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden repeatedly, even though these are among the most corrupt democrats blocking the progressive issues they campaigned on. Even though it's routine for candidates to break one promise after another once in office, so they can serve the wealthy elites, there's no way for the majority to remove them from office. If a working class person lied on their job applications employers can and routinely do fire them quickly and easily if it serves their purposes; but even though politicians are supposed to work for the majority, there's no way for the majority to fire them, and the media, controlled by a fraction of one percent of the wealthiest people ensures we never hear from candidates that are inclined to keep promises to the public.
Lying to the public is routine, and we should have a way of holding all our politicians accountable; but if there were any doubt about how incompetent our system was, then George Santos and his exceptional lies should remove that doubt, even though it should be obvious without him. But, my best guess, is even he won't be removed from office, or prevented from being sworn in, which is amazing. In this case, in addition to lying about degrees, his wealth, his heritage, and many other things, he's also suspected of other crimes, some committed in Brazil, so if he is prevented from taking the oath or removed after being sworn in there's a good chance it won't be for lying to his constituents, which is standard operating procedure for all politicians, and such a precedent could endanger many other corrupt politicians.
This also shows a failure of both the political establishment and the media for not reporting on it earlier, since it was initially reported before the election, as the Washington Post eventually reported in, A tiny paper broke the George Santos scandal, but no one paid attention 12/29/2022, which says "The North Shore Leader wrote in September, when few others were covering Santos, about his 'inexplicable rise' in reported net worth — from essentially nothing in 2020 to as much as $11 million two years later." However, even though this small obscure newspaper reported on it earlier, the article they link to, Santos Filings Now Claim Net Worth of $11 Million 11/01/2022, doesn't seem to be dated properly, nor do any of their other articles; but if you go to their source file it announces the "article:published_time" or date isn't until November first; and the first social media post of this that I found wasn't until November sixth, just two days before the election when this Reddit string was posted, Santos Filings Now Claim Net Worth of $11 Million 11/06/2022 (Reddit only provides a rough approximate of when this was posted, but Google provided this date).
The North Shore Leader was much quicker to post the follow up online, The Leader Told You So: US Rep-Elect George Santos is a Fraud - and Wanted Criminal 12/20/2022, which provides some additional details, yet it's still unclear where the original article was published in September, although it may have been only in their print addition, for all I know. Another article posted yesterday also reports on this, Small Long Island Newspaper Reported on George 'Scam-tos' Months Ago 12/30/2022, which doesn't question when it was posted online, but it does point out that one of the editors is an editor for two newspapers, and that they're printed weekly, yet there's no indication that they also posted this in the other newspaper or online until November first, when as it turns out, it was too late. Intentionally or not, this newspaper will almost certainly go viral giving them a massive circulation boost, even though they could have done more to draw attention to this and prevent him from winning.
This is actually much more common than most people realize, the Watergate scandal was reported in a relatively low profile manner before the 1972 election, enabling Nixon to deny any involvement and win a landslide and many other high profile candidates were investigated for wrong doing, including Trump, Clinton, Biden, and many more, in a much lower profile manner before elections, often portraying them as campaign smears, even when they're often at least partially legitimate. One numerous occasions it was claimed that it would be "unfair" to disclose the investigations before elections sine they might impact the elections; yet there should be no doubt that when politicians are involved in corruption the voters should have the right to know before elections, so they can hold them accountable.
The bottom line, as I've tried to point out in previous articles, is that the entire interview or campaign process for our elected officials is controlled by large institutions dominated by the wealthy; a fraction of one percent control almost all national media and can ensure that only candidates they approve of get name recognition to be viable and provide propaganda to make it seem like they're serving the interests of the public, even when they do no such thing. This also ensure that they're not held accountable to the rule of law like the rest of us, even though the laws are created by wealthy people for the benefit of wealthy people, which was pointed out by Professor Randall Sheldon who wrote "Controlling the Dangerous Classes" 3rd edition 2018, which says:
However, the most severe treatment is usually reserved for those at the bottom of the social order, as a cursory look at the inhabitants of the nation's jails and prisons reveals. The more privileged segments of society who break the law can afford to hire attorneys who argue for more lenient treatment--particularly evident with corporate and white-collar crime (Friedrichs, 2010).
... Put succinctly, the entire legal system has been and continues to be controlled and dominated by those in power at any given historical period and thus favors those with the most resources at their disposal. Those receiving the brunt of the full enforcement of the law have been predominantly those who make up the dangerous classes.
... The ideal government "of the people, by the people and for the people" should not exclude large numbers of people. In addition, the ideal references being governed by the rule of law, which is presumed to be unbiased.
... Perhaps nowhere is this better illustrated on a daily basis--sometimes for all to see--than in our system of justice. Because those who create laws and those who interpret laws are drawn largely from the wealthiest class, it comes as no surprise that those brought into the criminal justice system will be those drawn largely from the lowest social classes. On any given day, in courtrooms all over the country, we have essentially one class passing judgment on another class. Our system is fundamentally a system influenced by class (and race). p.17-9
I included some additional excerpts from the 3rd addition in We Have A Lawless Oligarchy; Not A Democracy! and an earlier edition is available free on the Internet Archive at "Controlling the Dangerous Classes : a critical introduction to the history of criminal justice" by Randall Shelden 2001 1st edition which does an excellent job explaining how our legal system is rigged in favor of the wealthy and there are many other good books explaining how the economy, environment, educational systems and wars based on lies also are rigged in favor of the wealthy. Another good book, which also gets very little publicity and is available free online as well is "The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get Prison: ideology, class, and criminal justice" by Jeffrey Reiman 2007 which also focuses on the legal system and shows how it's rigged. Many good researchers, including Jeffrey Reiman point out that this is, for the most part, not a conspiracy theory at all, which the establishment may try to claim if it gets enough attention. The reason for this is that good researchers like him focus on public information and report what they can prove with evidence, and this isn't completely secret.
C. Wright Mills also made a similar case for this theory over sixty years ago in "The Power Elite" 1956 where he explained how the wealthy control all powerful institutions enabling them to rig things in their own favor without speculation that isn't supported by evidence; most if not all the evidence he used to draw his conclusions are from public records of people who control powerful institutions. However, even though as Jeffrey Reiman claims most if not all of what he writes about is not part of a conspiracy, there is some evidence of secret activities that were eventually exposed, which does fit the definition of a conspiracy, but Reiman had adequate evidence before reporting on this showing that it turned out to be true. For example, Reiman writes about the scandals at Enron, Comcast and many other corporate scandals which were thoroughly researched by many people, who exposed they acted in secret to cover up their fraud before it got so bad that they could no longer hide it, which fits the definition of a conspiracy, and while investigating researchers went through a phase where they were "conspiracy theorists" before gathering enough evidence showing they had a good case, yet in most cases, white collar crimes get little or no punishment compared to blue collar crimes. Other good researchers going into this include Richard Quinney and William Chambliss and Internet Archive copies of their books as well as at least one more by Randal Shelden are listed below along with other back up sources.
Another study from Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern came to similar conclusions using different methods about eight years ago as reported in Study: Politicians listen to rich people, not you 01/28/2015 and as reported in Polls show almost no one trusts U.S. media, after decades of war propaganda and lies 08/02/2022 other researchers continue to come up with more evidence showing how undemocratic our country is.
The bottom line is there's an enormous amount of evidence showing we have a corporate plutocracy, not a democracy, and the evidence to prove this is public; but it gets no promotion from mainstream media.
The following are some additional sources, books or articles:
Endorsement: Robert Zimmerman for US Congress (NY3) 10/21/2022
Wikipedia: 118th United States Congress Amy Klobuchar Dick Durbin
Their Flights Canceled, Southwest Travelers Were Threatened With Arrest 12/29/2022
Banks’ Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card 12/22/2022
Delinquency and Juvenile Justice in American society by Randall G Shelden 2006 https://archive.org/details/delinquencyjuven0000shel/page/n9/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/delinquencyjuven0000shel/page/10/mode/2up
"The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get Prison: ideology, class, and criminal justice" by Jeffrey Reiman 2007 https://archive.org/details/richgetricherpoo0008reim/page/n9/mode/2up
Class, state, and crime : on the theory and practice of criminal justice by Quinney, Richard 1977 https://archive.org/details/classstatecrimeo0000quin/page/n9/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/classstatecrimeo0000quin/page/10/mode/2up
Critique of legal order; crime control in capitalist society by Quinney, Richard 1973 https://archive.org/details/critiqueoflegalo00quin/page/n9/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/critiqueoflegalo00quin/page/10/mode/2up
Power, politics, and crime by William Chambliss 1999 https://archive.org/details/powerpoliticscri0000cham/page/n9/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/powerpoliticscri0000cham/page/8/mode/2up p.10-11 blank https://archive.org/details/powerpoliticscri0000cham/page/12/mode/2up
Law, order, and power by William Chambliss 1971 https://archive.org/details/laworderpower0000cham/page/n9/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/laworderpower0000cham/page/10/mode/2up
Getting the Polling Straight on Medicare for All 02/18/2020
Public Opinion on Single-Payer, National Health Plans, and Expanding Access to Medicare Coverage 10/16/2020
Reuters/Ipsos poll: 70 percent support Medicare for All June and July 2018
The Capitol Police Isn't Defending Democracy; They're Suppressing It!
Americans Widely Support Paid Family and Medical Leave, but Differ Over Specific Policies 03/23/2017 About eight-in-ten Americans (82%) say mothers should have paid maternity leave, while fewer (69%) support paid paternity leave.
Polling Summary: In Build Back Better, Paid Family and Medical Leave Is One of the Most Popular Policies 11/10/2021 In the CBS News/You Gov Poll, 73% of adults in the U.S. said they support federal funding for paid leave, higher than for universal pre-K (67%) and free community college (61%)—falling behind only the Medicare expansions for dental, eye and vision and Medicare prescription drug negotiations.
Paid leave is incredibly popular — even with Republicans 06/07/2021 It found that 84 percent of likely voters, including 74 percent of Republicans, support paid leave programs; 69 percent of those polled, including 55 percent of surveyed Republicans, would support a federal leave standard even if they’d have to pay more in taxes to sustain it. ... For example, a YouGov poll from early April found 82 percent of Americans believe employees should be able to take paid maternity leave, and that 68 percent thought paid maternity and paternity leave ought to be offered.
Poll Results: Convention on the Rights of the Child 11/20/2009 By a four to one margin (62-14%), Americans favor the ratification of the CRC.
80 Percent of Voters Support Taxing Big Oil’s Windfall Profits, Poll Finds 03/21/2022
Poll Shows 'Incredible' 80% of US Voters Support Windfall Tax on Big Oil 03/18/2022
Wikipedia: List of treaties unsigned or unratified by the United States
Wikipedia: List of United States treaties
Support (74%) Remains High for Kyoto Protocol . . . 11/08/2002
Most Americans Support Staying in the Paris Agreement 05/31/2017 Seven out of 10 Americans support remaining in the agreement, according to a national poll conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Communication after the election.
Most Registered Voters Say the US Should Participate in the Paris Agreement 04/19/2017 Nearly 70% of registered voters believe that the US should participate in the Paris Climate Agreement.
Despite Rejoining the Paris Agreement, Polling Shows US Experts Divide on Climate Issues 04/22/2021
National Polling Finds Overwhelming Public Support for Ensuring Legal Representation of Unaccompanied Children 11/03/2021 77% of the American public believe that unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings who cannot afford legal representation should be provided with it; and 75% of the American public support the proposal to provide legal representation to all unaccompanied children in immigration proceedings.
According to a recent poll highlighted at today's press conference, a stunning 71% of the U.S. electorate wants full disclosure of the Kennedy documents. 12/06/2022
Survey: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Parents’ Rights 05/31/2022 “In general, parents have the constitutional right to make decisions for their children without government interference unless there is proof of abuse or neglect. Do you agree or disagree with this view of parental rights?” Overall, 83% of Americans agree.
Majority of Americans support free college tuition – survey 02/27/2020 Among US adults surveyed, 63 percent support tuition-free public colleges for local students, including 37 percent who strongly favour the proposal, found the Pew Research Center.
Democrats overwhelmingly favor free college tuition, while Republicans are divided by age, education 08/11/2021 Among all U.S. adults, 63% favor making tuition at public colleges free, including 34% who strongly favor the proposal.
Poll: 64 percent support increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 02/03/2021
Poll: 69 percent of voters support Medicare for All 04/24/2020
Support for universal pre-K jumps as public opinion of schools drops 08/16/2022 Universal pre-K. Support for government-funded universal pre-K (71%) and pre-K for low-income families (72%) has increased since 2014, when 54% favored universal pre-K and 62% favored pre-K for low-income families.
Americans’ Views on Social Security XXXXXXXXXX June 2022: 82% of voters want Congress to raise Social Security benefits across the board
Poll Finds 83 Percent of Americans Want to Expand Social Security 07/11/2022
As Congressional Democrats Weigh Reconciliation Package, Voters Mostly Back Potential Health Measures 06/30/2021
84% of voters support adding dental, vision and hearing coverage to Medicare
77% of voters support expanding home health services and support for direct care workers
68% of voters support creating another health coverage option in states that haven’t expanded Medicaid
66% of voters support allowing the U.S. to negotiate prescription drug prices through Medicare
61% of voters support lowering the Medicare eligibility age to 60
54% of voters support making premium subsidies for Obamacare health plans permanent
Will Seniors Finally Get Dental, Vision and Hearing Coverage from Medicare? 06/30/2021 According to a new Morning Consult poll, 84% of voters support adding dental, vision and hearing coverage to traditional Medicare. That number includes 79% percent of Republicans. Clearly, there is immense bipartisan support among everyday Americans for giving seniors these crucial coverages.
Slavery as punishment for crime rejected by voters in three states 11/09/2022
Survey Finds Widespread Support for Affordable Housing 06/20/2016 Sixty-three percent of respondents felt that a “great deal” or “fair amount” of things can be done to solve the problem of housing affordability and 76% believed it should be addressed by their elected leaders in Washington. This was true for respondents across political affiliations, with 88% of Democrats, 75% of Independents, and 62% of Republicans agreeing. Sixty-three percent of respondents indicated that the issue of housing affordability hasn’t received sufficient attention from presidential candidates.
Poll: 77 percent say Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade 06/07/2019
Two in Three Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage 05/23/2018
Support For Gun Control Laws Hits Record High, Poll Finds 06/15/2022 The most recent polling, conducted June 10-12, found 68% of voters back stricter gun laws, up from 64% from June 4-5, 65% right after the Uvalde shooting on May 25, and 60% after the Buffalo shooting on May 16.
AP-NORC poll: Most in US say they want stricter gun laws 08/23/2020 The poll by the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows 71% of Americans say gun laws should be stricter, including about half of Republicans, the vast majority of Democrats and a majority of those in gun-owning households.
Diminished Majority Supports Stricter Gun Laws In U.S. 11/21/2020
New national poll shows majority support for cuts in Pentagon spending 02/15/2022 Overall, 56% of survey respondents supported cutting military spending. Key findings include majority support for spending cuts among veterans, current service members and those with family members in the military. The survey also showed strong support for cuts from people of color and people under the age of 45, as well as a plurality of support from Evangelicals.
Poll: Likely Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose More Pentagon Spending 07/02/2022 More than six in 10 likely voters, including 80% of Democrats, want Congress to keep the military’s budget at the level President Joe Biden and the U.S. Defense Department requested, according to new polling released today by Data for Progress and Public Citizen. The poll is a harsh rebuke of Congress’ emerging habit of adding tens of billions of dollars to the president’s budget request. “There is absolutely no excuse for writing the Pentagon a blank check it didn’t even ask for,” said Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen.
Americans Widely Reject Proposals for More Pentagon Spending — So Should Congress 07/07/2022 The United States spends, by far, more on its military than other nations. U.S. military spending is more than the next nine countries combined; it is 12 times the amount Russia spends.
Most Americans want more diplomacy, many want fewer troops abroad -survey 09/28/2021 It found that 58.3% believe the United States should engage more in negotiations on issues such as climate change, human rights and migration.
Lawmakers Defying Public Opinion on Defense Spending 01/24/2022
7 in 10 Americans Want To Send More Weapons To Ukraine, Poll Finds 08/23/2022
Record High Say U.S. Defense Spending Is "About Right" 03/16/2020
Military and National Defense Most recent modification when retrieved 08/04/2022