Sunday, March 20, 2022

If You Care About Children, It Must Include Victims Of Both Russia & the USA

Recently media outlets have been stirring up emotions for children that are victims of the invasion of Ukraine, and often trying to raise money for them, which is fine, assuming the money is used appropriately; Ukrainian children should be protected as much as other children. However there have been millions of other children going back decades that have been the victims of our own government, the CIA or other governments allied with our government, that get little or no media coverage in traditional media. Furthermore, our government has always been in a much stronger position to protect those children, often by not supporting coups, invasions, or arming tyrants serving corporate interests.

I'm certainly not saying that Russia is justified to invade Ukraine; but, it should be clear to anyone that doesn't rely on traditional media for their information that the United States starts far more wars than any other country in the world. If anyone relying on traditional media for news wants to know of other sources I went into several of them, including a couple of William Blum's books, "The Jakarta Method" by Vincent Bevins 2020, and more in Death Squads Can't Happen Here? Yet? and United States Coups & Entrapment of Immigrants and there are plenty of other sources including some listed at The American Empire Project but there's plenty more elsewhere when you become more familiar with alternative media.

This incredibly large double standard isn't new, although most of the public isn't aware of it. When our enemies commit atrocities they're highlighted wide and far, over and over again, often exaggerated, with the truth marginalized or ridiculed. When our government commits atrocities, if they're mentioned at all they're usually forgotten much quicker, and often only reported in a low profile manner. The saying "The Truth is the First Casualty of War," is accurate, although at least one researcher, Jimmie Briggs, claims the children are the first casualties of war, although at best I suspect it may be close to a tie.

In most cases they simply refuse to report on children victims at all, pretending they don't exist but in other cases they even demonize our victims, sometimes even the women and children that have nothing to do with the decision making process and are the worst victims. Liv Ullmann describes the treatment of refugees by writing:
Not long ago, with a small group of women, I visited some "detention centers" for Vietnamese refugees in Hong Kong. Our time there was deliberately limited. Most press people, most civilians were denied entry into these “jails." The only journalists who seemed welcome to the camps were writers who described a refugee like this--and I quote from newspapers in Hong Kong at the time of our visit-- as "thuggish individuals" or "human vermin."

Men, women, and children who were given numbers and not allowed to keep their names once they entered the camps. Thus so much easier to think of and treat them as less than human. It has been tried before with "success" by Hitler's Nazi soldiers. Today we are succeeding even more easily--to write the history of refugees as if their history is not ours, their future is of less concern--because they are simply numbers, statistics. Their life and misery "self-inflicted" as if we were witnesses only. No Place to Be a Child: Growing Up in a War Zone - James Garbarino, Kathleen Kostelny, Nancy Dubrow 1991 Forward p.xvi

This was written over thirty years ago, but there are still plenty of examples where our politicians demonize victims of coups or invasions of other countries; the most obvious include Donald Trump's demonizing of immigrants, who happen to be victims of governments installed by our government, often with the help of the CIA, and many of these governments supported deaths squads for years, if not decades, and even if they don't have death squads anymore or aren't officially at war, they still have many social problems, including high rates of violence caused by these dysfunctional governments.

Even though Liv Ullmann's comments were written in the late eighties there was still a strong bias in the media to demonize the victims of the Vietnam War, including children, some born after the war, others that would now be in their twenties, that had no influence on the war, over fifteen years after it ended; and most Americans still, to this day don't know how many lies the Vietnam War was based on. The vast majority of the public is unaware that Ho Chi Minh was an ally during World War II and helped defeat the Japanese, doing far more in that part of the world than the French, who the United States tried to support when they tried to re-invade Vietnam. Nor do most people know that on September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh signed their own Declaration of Independence, using both our declaration of Independence and a similar one written by the French, declaring that they wanted to govern themselves as a Democracy. Nor do most people know that Ho Chi Minh had far more popular support than the French or any of the puppet leaders propped up by the CIA. This means we were never fighting to defend Democracy, as our government tried to convince us, when we invaded Vietnam; our government was always fighting to suppress Democracy, while the Vietnamese were the ones fighting to defend their right to rule themselves. Later in the same book Garbarino etal. explain several cases where our government supported the oppression of children either directly or indirectly in Nicaragua, the Palestinian territories, and Cambodia, which was related to the Vietnam War as indicated in the following excerpt:
.... Despite Cambodia's desperate need throughout these years, the United States refused to help. Why?

We refused to help because we had "lost" the Vietnam War, and because it was the Vietnamese who overthrew Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. We refused to help because the government in Phnom Penh was a Communist-and a Vietnamese-dominated government. Instead of helping the Cambodians we funded the opposition, knowing that our actions meant more fighting. Never mind that hundreds of thousands of Cambodian children were in dire need. Never mind that we were unintentionally responsible for permitting the Khmer Rouge to take power in the first place. Never mind that funding the opposition guaranteed more dead and maimed children, and more orphans. We had to destroy these children to save them.

When the Allied blockade of Germany in World War I led to massive famine, humanitarian groups were formed to help the famine victims. In England writer George Bernard Shaw was criticized as unpatriotic and traitorous for supporting these groups (one of which eventually became Save the Children). His reply was on the mark then and it remains pertinent today: "I have no enemies under seven years of age," Apparently we did have such enemies; the children of Cambodia were our enemies because they had the misfortune to live under the Vietnamese "puppet" government. This government is corrupt and has had a very poor human rights record, but that is not why we opposed it.

The American refusal to help Cambodia because of the Vietnamese presence seems a rather childish response. We may be generous victors, but we do hold a grudge when we lose. ... No Place to Be a Child: Growing Up in a War Zone - James Garbarino, Kathleen Kostelny, Nancy Dubrow 1991 Forward p.42

Our government even supported the Khmer Rouge even after they knew about the genocide, because of their opposition to Vietnam, based on previous lies. Furthermore, there are other reports that indicate that if Ho Chi Minh had been allowed to rule without having to fight a major violent invasion, the more corrupt factions of the Vietnamese government might never have taken control, although this wouldn't guarantee a totally honest government, which is virtually non-existent.

Also not only are opposing views exposing how we fight wars based on lies absent from traditional media and the debate in Congress about setting policies, but so is the best research to avoid wars in the first place, or to solve many social problem, including violence in abandoned inner cities. In addition to studying children of War, Garbarino etal. also researched children in Chicago's abandoned inner cities and studied programs that solved many problems, although they were greatly underfunded, especially during the Reagan years, but to this day funds haven't been restored to most of these programs even though the evidence is much stronger showing how ell they work. In a follow up book "Children in Danger: Coping With the Consequences of Community Violence" J Garbarino; N Dubrow; K Kostelny; C Pardo 1992 Garbarino etal. write:
William J. Wilson states: "In the 1960' only a hard-core group of conservative observers would have endorsed the view that social programs to help the truly disadvantaged inevitably fail. In more recent times, and especially during the years of the Reagan presidency, this view has been adopted by many who represent the political mainstream" (Wilson, 1988a, p.ix).


But Schorr and Schorr, in their volume Within Our Reach (1988, p.xxvii), come to a somewhat different conclusion: "If the superb health, education, and social services described in this book, now provided to a fraction of those who need them, were more widely available, fewer children would come into adulthood unschooled and unskilled, committing violent crimes, and bearing children as unmarried teenagers. Fewer of today's vulnerable children would tomorrow swell the welfare rolls and the prisons. Many more would grow into responsible and productive adults, able to form stable families and contributing to, rather than depleting, America's prosperity and sense of community."


These comments from Zigler (1990, p.ix) also suggest that the question of successful early intervention (for example, Head Start) has been "put to rest": "In regard to economically disadvantaged children, a consensus now exists among behavioral scientists, policymakers, and even taxpayers that early intervention is a cost-effective method for combating the effects of poverty experienced earlier in life" (italics added). p.116-7


... "Programs" will not substitute for social reform. Zigler (p.xiii) puts it this way: "The problems of many families will not be solved by early intervention efforts, but only by changes in the basic features of the infrastructure of our society. No amount of counseling, early childhood curricula, or home visits will take the place of jobs that provide decent incomes, affordable housing, appropriate health care, optimal family configurations, or integrated neighborhoods where children encounter positive role models." p.118

Even at the time these two books were written there was plenty of evidence from academics showing that spending on social programs before problems escalated saved far more money than it costs, since it would prevent much worse problems, including increased violence and other crime; but the evidence has grown even more since then, some of it reported by James Garbarino or other sources. In "Lost Boys" James Garbarino cites a home visitor program which reduces social problems by helping young at risk mothers shortly after they give birth, I included an excerpt that discusses this in Burying Solutions to Prevent Gilroy, Dayton and El Paso Shootings; In another book, "Listening to Killers" 2015, Professor Garbarino cites Zagar's study which claims that for every dollar spent helping at risk or abused children six dollars are saved I previously included an excerpt from that in Ten Ways To Reduce Violence, Backed Up By Research; and he also reported that a program providing mentors to at risk children in areas with high murder rates can cut those murder rates in half which I reported in Burying violence prevention education, including Crumbly shooting, is routine!; this article also cites research from other academics in Finland that show they can save far more money by housing the homeless which prevents many other social problems and expenses associated with them, and researchers from Portugal showed they could dramatically reduce drug addition by treating it instead of criminalizing it as we do in the United States, and other researchers in the United States proved we could do it just as successful, although they only implemented solutions on smaller scales at the local level.

Obviously, if they really were as concerned about protecting innocent children, both the media and the government would start by reporting on how they can do a far more effective job in cities under their own control or stop supporting tyrants or coups that destroy the lives as much, if not much more than they destroy the lives of their percieved enemies. Furthermore, despite the biased reporting there were also many children victimized by Ukrainian bombing of Eastern Ukraine, where Russian separatists were in control since 2014, although there's been little if any coverage of this in traditional media. Nor has there been much if any coverage for the destruction of lives for thousands if not millions of children's lives around the world in wars at least partially started by our government, and when there is coverage of some of these stories they're usually very limited and quickly forgotten.

One example that might seem like an exception to some people might be when Leslie Stahl asked if the price was worth it and Madeleine Albright said ‘We Think the Price Is Worth It’ NOVEMBER 2001:
Media uncurious about Iraq policy's effects--there or here Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

—60 Minutes (5/12/96)

For many people who pay much more attention to alternative media outlets this was a a notable exception that has been repeated over and over again; however, for those still relying on traditional media, they may have heard about it in the nineties for a few weeks during the mainstream media news cycle, but then quicky forgot about it within a few months, since it was rarely repeated by traditional media and most people forgot about it decades ago. On one case, when she was confronted by Democracy Now! in 2004 Madeleine Albright acted with self riotous indignation, outraged that anyone would remind her about it and seemed outraged that alternative media outlets weren't following the mainstream spin by forgetting about it. She said she regretted her comments, but not the sanctions, which she claims didn't include food and medicine, but many other sources, including Leslie Stahl, indicate they did an enormous amount of damage. However, neither she, or many other establishment officials discussed the damage done to many other children around the world, including a lot of children in South or Central America, who are refugees from conflicts started by the United States, and are now being demonized as "illegal immigrants," unlike the Ukrainian refugees who are being described as victims of Russian aggression, as pointed out by numerous sources including Aviva Chomsky's book "Central America's Forgotten History." Aviva Chomsky also explains how intervention by the CIA and other factions of our military are also a major contributing factor for Central America's high rates of crime, including violence and murder, and it doesn't take much research to show the same applies to South America as well.

Furthermore, there's an enormous amount of evidence showing that many other claims repeated by mainstream media or some viral propaganda sources on the internet, including photos that were widely distributed on the internet making it look like Ukrainian President Zelensky was on the front lines leading the defense against the Russians; however, according to Old photos circulate in misleading posts claiming Ukrainian president led troops on the battlefield amid Russian invasion 03/02/2022 those photos were all taken in 2021 during four trips to the front lines against Ukrainian separatists within their own country in the east, in February, April, October and December, all before Russia attacked.

The implications of this are much greater than most people relying on traditional media realize. Mainstream media hardly covered this conflict at all, and still hasn't put it in it's proper perspective. Just before the invasion I asked online "Why didn't MSM or CNN tell us the disputed area of Ukraine was controlled by separatists weeks ago? Why no referendum?" 02/22/2022. One person responded by saying "Zachery Taylor the rest of us have known for 8 years, it's not news you just missed it," which may be partly true. I think it's highly unlikely that the majority of the public relying on traditional media was aware of this, although it may have been reported by MSM briefly eight years ago and in much more detail by alternative media outlets since then, including some that this person may have been checking. However, there has been little or no coverage of it in Mainstream media or cable news recently.

This is common for just about any given subject, especially since mainstream media picks one subject at a time to obsess over, repeating the same things over and over again, with little or no diversity, which is a common propaganda tactic that is far from the most effective way of educating the public about a variety of subjects. I've always kept track of various other subjects even though mainstream media doesn't cover them well, I suspect more than most people; however, no one person can keep track of all subjects not adequately covered by traditional media. Fortunately others on social media have kept track of this subject, and with increased attention on it they're informing the rest of us about what we've been missing, except, of course, those that only check mainstream media, who are the most susceptible to propaganda.

The truth appears to be that when the government changed hands in 2014, which the west refers to as Revolution of Dignity and many others refer to as The 2014 coup in Ukraine Russia immediately took control of Cypress, which was presented differently by opposing sides, and the self-proclaimed breakaway states of Donetsk and Luhansk separated from the rest of Ukraine, which hasn't controlled them since, and there's been a low profile war, almost ignored by our media since then. This invasion is actually an escalation of that war, not an entirely new conflict.

Apparently according to Censored Reports from Donbass Make Clear Ukraine and Not Russia Started the War—Eight Years Ago 03/13/2022, they did have a vote, and the local people wanted to succeed from Ukraine. This article says, "Censored reports from the Donbass in Eastern Ukraine, however, make clear that the war was started eight years ago by Ukraine–after its legitimate government was overthrown in a U.S.-backed coup (known as the Maidan revolution), and the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces voted to secede." This clearly indicates that the people in that region don't support the Ukrainian government, and even though I don't consider this adequate justification for Putin to invade, it is enough to show that his invasion wasn't entirely unprovoked, and that our media is ignoring the oppression of the people, including children in this region.

Furthermore, the claims that there's a large Neo-Nazi faction in Ukraine that Mainstream media is ridiculing, since the president is Jewish, clearly appears to be true according to many sources listed below including this one, How Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia 03/04/2022, which explains some of the details better than most articles, although there's much more below or in other alternative media outlets. Their denial about alleged chemical weapons in Ukraine, with or without the support of our government clearly appears to be a lie as well as indicated by Victoria Nuland declares US is protecting ‘biological research facilities’ in Ukraine 03/09/2022 which explains that even if both sides are lying for their own benefit, Victoria Nuland has admitted that these reports are at least partially true and that a total denial has no credibility. Alternative media outlets also show how the United States and NATO have been breaking their promises not to move closer to Russia's border. This might not seem like a problem if NATO really was a defensive organization, as they claim, but they've been leading the arms trade, mostly with the help of the United States, and repeatedly worked together to intervene in other countries, not part of their alliance. This is downplayed, if it's mentioned at all in the mainstream media, but covered much more in alternative media, which is much more credible.

Even the reports of a Russian newscaster protesting the war, which has been used for massive propaganda purposes, isn't being reported accurately, although if it were it may be hard, if not impossible to make sense of it. When the Intercept reported Anti-War Protester Interrupts Live News Broadcast on Russian State TV 03/14/2022 on Facebook I responded by saying the following, which was partly sarcastic, but was informed that many Ukrainians agreed with me, although I can't understand how this could be pro-Russia propaganda.
Zachery Taylor
Either she's incredibly brave, or this is an incredibly bizarre staged event.

Sasha Amelchenko
Zachery Taylor second.

Sasha Amelchenko
She has been the main editor of a propagandistic channel! She created narratives to support the war against Ukraine for years! So there is nothing even close to bravery.. but another act of propaganda.

Zachery Taylor
Sasha Amelchenko That could explain why she was let off so easy; but it's still hard to explain why they would stage it.

Sasha Amelchenko
Zachery Taylor easy peasy, to draw attention from war, to come back to their stupid narrative of fraternity between our nations, basically to make imperial propaganda sound & look liberal.

In the Western world this was repeated relentlessly for several days, being used to show that Putin allegedly doesn't have the support of his own people or even producers helping to create his own propaganda, but this makes no sense for several reasons, some which the Ukrainians noticed, although their explanation isn't much if any better. For starters, the claim that this reporter was able to raise a protest like this makes some people ask why our reporters don't do so, even though we fight many more wars based on lies. And this isn't the first time this has come up in our country, and as a result many of our own broadcasters now have Broadcast delays that may last at least seven seconds or longer, other taped delays can last hours when they broadcast in different time zones, or, as Rachel Maddow has pointed out, many of Fox's Prime Time shows are actually prerecorded, while her show was recorded live, or perhaps with a shorter seven to thirty second delay, although they don't typically tell us when this happens. Many people, including additional Ukrainian responses to the above article, which I listed below, claim that Russia has never had real live broadcasts, which would make this impossible.

Furthermore, our own media has described Russia media as strictly controlled and heavily censored for years, which seems to support this conclusion. Following these claims Politi-Fact reported A recent on-air protest can’t be real because "there are no live on air television broadcasts in Russia. None. Ever.” 03/15/2022 declaring this claim to be false, which raises doubts about whether their media is as draconian as our media and government is trying to claim they are. The fact that this producer was only given a $270 fine, also raises doubts about how draconian they are, although our media tried to present this in the worst possible way claiming she was put through a fourteen hour interrogation and went two days without sleep before being released. However, what they don't remind people of is the fact that many prisoners in our jails or POWs during our wars are often treated much worse, not that I think their war or treatment of prisoners is justified either. Our treatment of journalists or whistle blowers like Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, or Edward Snowden is actually much worse, although in order to make this look like Russian propaganda they would have to repeat this over and over again, instead of repeating the lesser oppression of the Russian producer who got off much easier.

Not only this, but when they filmed unarmed Ukrainian people taunting armed Russian invaders as being brave defenders of their country and the Russians as evil invaders, this isn't nearly as bad as the way previous occupiers treated peaceful protesters, including our own allies like the British who famously carried out the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919 where they were faced with thousands of peaceful protesters and blocked their exit before ordering troops to fire, and they didn't stop shooting until they ran out of bullets, and there were "Estimates of those killed vary between 379 and 1500+ people[1] and over 1,200 other people were injured of whom 192 were seriously injured.[5][6]" Another more recent incident took place in Mozambique where Garbarino etal. report in "No Place to Be a Child: Growing Up in a War Zone" - Page 61:
One day in the spring of 1960 the colonial governor traveled to a provincial town for an official visit. He arrived to find an orderly delegation of several hundred Mozambicans who sought to present a petition of their grievances. This was done, and the crowd waited quitly and patiently for a response. The governor simply turned to his military commander and said, "Kill them." Government soldiers opened fire and shot several hundred people.

To the best of my knowledge the United States hasn't done anything quite so brazen, or at least not directly; but our government has supported many coups and wars that resulted in death squads that were as vicious, if not more vicious and went on killing sprees that were much worse and sometimes lasted years, if not decades. To the best of my knowledge this may still be going on, although I don't know of many if any death squads as bad as they were during the Cold War or in the nineties. Yet the media isn't reminding the public of this as they demonize Russia; and they continue to describe many victims, either directly or indirectly, as "illegal aliens" or other derogatory descriptions without reporting the truth.

Mainstream media is trying to convince us that anyone that disagrees with them is Russian propaganda, yet many of their critics do a much better job checking their sources; and in many cases, they point out contradictory stories previously reported by the same mainstream media, which happens on many other subjects as well. There's no doubt that some alternative media outlets really do have credibility problems, but the best ones are much more reliable and shouldn't be lumped in with less credible sources, often including mainstream media. There are plenty of good sources listed below, after a few quotes from those criticizing the coverage of the protesting producers, who make some good points, but get others wrong. One good source about the rise of Russia's corrupt oligarchs exposing how they were supported by our own oligarchs is Naomi Klein"s "Shock Doctine" 2007 which has a chapter on Russia on p.218; and one of the best sources that I've seen so far might be "War with Russia?: From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate" 2019 by Stephen F. Cohen which will have an updated version in about three weeks, but for now the Kindle version is only $1.99. There are plenty more good sources listed below, which are mostly free, following these replies from the article about the protester, which make some good points, but the claim that this is Russian propaganda simply doesn't make sense.

Another thought to consider. A standard live broadcast delay is 5-10 min according to TV specialist. So, if something like that happens, they should have plenty of time to cut it off, but they didn’t. Another thing that bothers me: the main message is in English, not in Russian. Like it was written for the western audience. And one more thing. Some saying that this propagandistic channel doesn’t have live broadcasts at all. Sure, it’s a beautiful video, but do not forget Russian soldiers continue killing Ukrainians at this very moment. Over 2k people were killed in Mariupol. Lida Nesterenko

Omg guys there are no live streams in Russia, this is staged, she's been working for so many years for a propaganda channel and now suddenly this? They want us to forget about their part in creating propaganda all of a sudden? Please, it's 21st century, it's called information war. They are distracting you. Rita Avilova

This woman is not an antiwar protester. She supports the Russian war in Ukraine, just check her Instagram. moreover, there is no live news streaming in Russia, they are all recorded so she couldn't get so much time there to show her "protest".

please, check the news before posting them! turn your critical thinking on 🙏 Sonia Dmytrenko This story isn't heroic or brave. For years, Marina Ovsyannikova was an editor at one of the biggest propaganda channels in Russia. Its co-owner and ideologic leader is Kostyantin Ernst, a master of fake news and propaganda. Marina Ovsyannikova helped create and spread disinformation, denying the fact of war. This is exactly what happened on air on 14 March — except the message was different.

A video of her repentance was immediately posted in so-called "liberal" Russians' outlets. In her speech, Marina reiterates the mottos about "brotherly nations" and doesn't make a single step out of the common propagandist cliches.

At the same time, recordings of the news programme, filmed supposedly by normal viewers, appeared on the internet right away. Although we do realize normal viewers don't just sit around filming their TV with their phones.

Even the fact that the largest message on her poster was in English isn't a coincidence: it's staged. Its target audience is the West, not Russia. Believing it was "live air" that Marina ran into is naïve.

The goal of this stunt is distracting from the monstrosities and war crimes being committed in Ukraine. While Marina was doing her bit, Ukrainian civilians were hiding in bomb shelters. Western media constantly publishes articles about the hardships of normal Russians, about runaways and oppositionists of the regime. This is all part of Russian propaganda, which is now fabricating a "victims of the regime" narrative. But the war in Ukraine started 8 years ago. Russians were lied to about it on TV, but they did have access to information on the internet. As well as about all the previous Russian wars, for example, in Georgia.

Stand with Ukraine — not with those who are complicit in its destruction. Kateryna Yatel Same message from Zhenka Kramar

More free to protest than most US/UK news shows then. Did this ever happen for Iraq? Did any reporter dissent? No. Putin may be a war criminal, but the idea that Russian media is more authoritarian than UK/US is inaccurate. RT was a pluralist 'big tent' from Left to Right on the spectrum, with pro- and anti-Putin perspectives throughout, which has been literally cancelled by Western media platforms. The hypocrisy is glaring. This is not a Manichean heroes and villains tale. Don't even get me started on NATO worship... Simon Cole-Savidge

This story is a theater play. Russian TV is not broadcasted live, the poster specifically features messages in English. They are trying to evoke sympathy for a nation that has done nothing to stop its government. #StandWithUkraine Orest Boichuk

People do u really believe that this thing has not being approved by chairmans of the channel? Have u seen her instagram with post full of support of invasion in Ukraine? You are soooo naive on a West) Alex Fed

We really need better news from someone. There is a massive delay on Russian “live” … yet you guys bite and report this. Do better. Even the “decent” is propaganda… so maybe don’t spread it either. Don Whitmore

Even the fact that the largest message on her poster was in English isn't a coincidence: it's staged. Its target audience is the West, not Russia. Believing it was "live air" that Marina ran into is naive.

The goal of this stunt is distracting from the monstrosities and war crimes being committed in Ukraine. While Marina was doing her bit, Ukrainian civilians were hiding in bomb shelters. Western media constantly publishes articles about the hardships of normal Russians, about runaways and oppositionists of the regime. This is all part of Russian propaganda, which is now fabricating a "victims of the regime" narrative. But the war in Ukraine started 8 years ago. Russians were lied to about it on TV, but they did have access to information on the internet. As well as about all the previous Russian wars, for example, in Georgia. Oleksandr Melnyk

Marina Ovsyannikova: Russian journalist fined after live broadcast protest 03/15/2022

Marina Ovsyannikova: Russian journalist tells of 14-hour interrogation 03/15/2022

The Edge Of Totalitarianism, Why Putin Went Easy On Marina Ovsyannikova 03/17/2022

The following are additional sources on the subject, most of which are far more credible than mainstream media; in my opinion they don't justify Russia's invasion but they do raise doubts about the version told by the media and our government and show that Russia was provoked and that Ukraine and the United States have committed as many atrocities, if not more than Russia.

Fact Check: Did the President of Ukraine ever wear an army uniform to fight the Russian army? 02/28/2022

Photo of Ukrainian President Zelensky in military gear was taken in 2021 — before Russian invasion 03/02/2022

I'm no fan of Putin's, but more credible sources than him claim there are Neo-Nazi's supporting Ukraine! CNN is lying again! 02/26/2022

War and children, by Anna Freud and Dorothy T. Burlingham. 1943

Democracy Now! Confronts Madeleine Albright on the Iraq Sanctions: Was It Worth the Price? 07/30/2020

"Bombs costing $100,000 from a $100,000,000 plane that flies at $40,000 an hour to kill people living on less than $1 a day." This is the shit they call war. " 02/15/2022 reposted on the 27th False Fact Check

False Facts ignored by Facebook 03/06/2022

Don’t know about you but I’m willing to pay a little extra for gas if it helps these guys. 03/03/2022

Fact check: Photo shows airstrike in Gaza Strip, not Russian invasion of Ukraine 02/24/2022

Photo shows Israeli air strikes in Gaza, not Russia attack on Ukraine 02/24/2022

Russia-Ukraine war: These videos of the invasion are actually from the Middle East 02/25/2022 Misleading clips from Syria, Libya, Lebanon and Palestine go viral, as Facebook launches an investigation into misinformation

Fact-checking fake videos of Ukraine conflict 02/26/2022

While trying to address the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, politicians and journalists show implicit bias by making comparisons to the Middle East 03/01/2022 Charlie D'Agata CBS "But this isn't a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades," he said. "You know, this is a relatively civilized, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city where you wouldn't expect that or hope that it's going to happen."

'We were shielding our children with our bodies': Ukrainian parents on evacuating Kyiv 03/03/2022

CNN makes heartbreaking visit to Ukraine's largest children's hospital 03/03/2022

French journalist criticized for reporting Kiev’s shelling of Eastern Ukraine 03/04/2022

Ukraine: Russian Crimes, American Hypocrisy - Wilkerson and Jay 02/26/2022

Russia & Ukraine PEACE Deal BLOCKED By Joe Biden 02/26/2022

Ukraine On Fire 2016 Oliver Stone 02/15/2022

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer 09/25/2015

Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation _COMPLETE with SUBTITLES 04/29/2014

US is militarizing Ukraine to invade Russia. Sergei Glazyev 06/20/2014

Jimmy Dore: Media Lies About Ukraine/Russia DEBUNKED! 02/26/2022

Israel Is Arming Ukraine's Blatantly Neo-Nazi Militia the Azov Battalion 07/06/2018

What You Should Really Know About Ukraine 01/28/2022

Hawkish Pundits Downplay Threat of War, Ukraine’s Nazi Ties 01/15/2022

Denying the Far-Right Role in the Ukrainian Revolution 03/07/2014

Western Media Fall in Lockstep for Neo-Nazi Publicity Stunt in Ukraine 02/23/2022

Inside A White Supremacist Militia in Ukraine 01/08/2021

Documents Reveal US Gov’t Spent $22M Promoting Anti-Russia Narrative in Ukraine and Abroad 02/18/2022

The CIA May Be Breeding Nazi Terror in Ukraine 01/15/2022 The CIA has been secretly training anti-Russian groups in Ukraine since 2015. Everything we know points to the likelihood that includes neo-Nazis inspiring far-right terrorists across the world.

Gravitas Plus | Explained: The Russia-Ukraine crisis 02/20/2022 Palki Sharma Upadhyay will tell you why Putin wants Ukraine.

Putin Recognizes Donbass Independence as Violence Soars 02/21/2022 "The two provinces declared independence after the 2014 U.S.-backed coup in Kiev that overthrew democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled the violent capital to the Donbass, his base of support, exactly eight years ago today, on Feb. 21, 2014.

Ukraine, Russia-backed rebels trade accusations of shelling across front 02/17/2022

Ukraine Shrinks Again 02/23/2022 Barbara Tuchman’s March of Folly Wins Again

The Civilian Casualties of America’s Air Wars 01/18/2022 Why is the death toll of U.S. strikes so staggeringly high?

Stop being polite – Colin Powell was a killer 10/20/2021 Throughout his career, Powell did a swell job of rallying and maintaining bipartisan support for imperial killing – and putting as ‘polite’ a face as possible on it.

Dubrow and Garbarino "Living in the war zone: mothers and young children in a public housing development. 1989 This paper explores how mothers who live in two Chicago neighborhoods share the possibility of real danger with their preschool children. A structured interview was conducted with 20 mothers: ten who live in a high-rise public housing development and ten residents of a nearby community. The initial findings raise critical questions for those concerned with mental health issues in child development.

Silence on Syria, Libya, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan; outrage about Ukraine. 03/12/2022

Ukrainian neo-Nazis torture Jewish anti-war MMA athlete 03/0/2022

More stonewalling by the White House and US media about the Ukrainian biolabs 03/11/2022

‘Like a precipice’: Children growing up with war on Europe’s front line 10/18/2021

Pandora Papers: Ukraine leader seeks to justify offshore accounts 10/04/2021

China urges U.S. to disclose more details about biolabs in Ukraine 03/08/2022

Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them 03/0/2022

Censored Reports from Donbass Make Clear Ukraine and Not Russia Started the War—Eight Years Ago 03/13/2022 Censored reports from the Donbass in Eastern Ukraine, however, make clear that the war was started eight years ago by Ukraine–after its legitimate government was overthrown in a U.S.-backed coup (known as the Maidan revolution), and the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces voted to secede.

Sorry, Kids; It’s About the Money 03/13/2022

Ray McGovern: What Role Has the U.S. Played in the Ukraine Crisis? 03/11/2022

Matt Taibbi: Orwell Was Right 03/13/2022 One would hope there would be at least a few Americans left who’d hear about Russia barring the BBC and Voice of America and at least recognize the sameness of the issue involved with banning RT and Sputnik. Or, seeing how pathetic and manipulative it is for Russians to prevent reporting on war casualties, we’d recall the folly of the ban we had for nearly twenty years on photographs of military coffins, or the continuing pressure on embeds to avoid publishing images of American deaths from our own war zones.

SHOCKING: US Admits to Biolabs in Ukraine! 03/11/2022

Ukrainians are making homemade body armor to send to frontline troops 03/16/2022

Jimmie Dore: Kamala Harris CACKLES Over Ukraine Crisis 03/15/2022

Ukrainian leftist criticizes Western war drive with Russia: US is using Ukraine as ‘cannon fodder’ 03/14/2022

Ukrainian news anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann, calls for genocide against Russians 03/16/2022

TV presenter calls for killing children, quotes Nazi war criminal 03/16/2022

Violence, Poverty Pushing Guatemalan Children To US 06/18/2014


How Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia 03/04/2022

Push Back With Aaron Mate

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Walmart Crime Report February 2022

Walmart had at least fourteen more shootings in February of 2022, with at least three deaths and nine more injuries, some that may be major. One of the deaths was a person killed by police, another was murder, and since it included four more people injured, it's considered a mass shooting by some standards, and the suspect happened to be naked; the last death resulted from shooting injuries weeks later. These shootings include attempted robberies or shoplifting's, domestic disputes and other arguments.

There were also at least ten more gun related crimes, most involved robberies or attempted robberies, but a few resulted from arguments and gun related threats, without firing shots.

In addition to the three people killed in shootings there were three more bodies found on their premises, and three people killed in auto accidents for a total of at least nine people, but there were at least three more deaths investigated as a possible result of contaminated salad which was recalled, which could bring the total to twelve.

A growing number of complaints from Walmart employees or customers are going viral on social media, including another story about another employee quitting over the loudspeaker, talking about how management talks about people behind their backs and other concerns, and another employee of a restaurant in the store who was stuck behind a locked gate which was stuck and his boss and the Walmart management both told him that he would have to stay there overnight, if not longer, depending on how long it took to fix it without cutting it open. The only reason he got out that night is he was able to access the internet and seek legal advice on social media, and called the fire department despite being told not to by management. They cut him out anyway; and at last he reported he was still worried about getting fired. If he didn't it's probably only because he indicated he would seek legal help on line again if they did, and the unnamed restaurant would almost certainly be named damaging their reputation.

Another story went viral after a picture of meat locked up with an anti-theft devise. And a video of a manager yelling at workers threatening to fire them even though they were doing their job also went viral. If Walmart treats people with respect it's often only because they get caught on video or exposed on social media recently, and they can't get away with abusing them.

There were at least a couple more stories about people being accused of stealing at the self-check-out, falsely or not. One incident involved a woman who had security called on her whole family, even though they were almost certainly innocent; another involved a city councilor that got caught skip scanning a pair of pants. In both cases they had someone watching them, but no cashier to help them and they froze the register, making it look like a malfunction. They refuse to pay to improve service by hiring cashiers but don't hesitate to hire people to spy on people, which should be considered obvious entrapment. Since tax payers have to pay for police, court and prison expenses, we're subsidizing their high crime problem. If those expenses were subtracted from their profits there's little doubt that they would hire the cashiers back. In this case even though the women were found innocent and falsely accused, the councilman appeared to be guilty, since he used two registers after the first one froze and did the same thing, but they chose not to prosecute, supposedly because the amount was so low, although they often prosecute the poor for much less. He wound up resigning saying he "feared for his life," although it's hard to imagine who would kill him for such a petty reason.

There were also several violent purse snatchings, an attempted kidnapping of a child, and numerous other assaults.

Once again Walmart shipped merchandise to a hackers address who charged someone else, and they refused to refund his money, at least at first. They keep doing this over and over again, only taking responsibility after being exposed in the media; in this case they still refused to pay, although it's probably a matter of time before thy do, since they're being exposed again.

They're also trying to cut property taxes across the state of Maine and many other places. This has been going on for years; and before that, when they negotiated many deals with very low taxes behind closed doors, they often did much more damage, including in Raytown Missouri, which is one of the most extreme deals they negotiated, but not by far, the only one. In many cases, including Raytown, they negotiate very low tax deals based on the false assumption that this will increase their tax base, since they wouldn't be collecting money from Walmart if they didn't give them a good deal. However, Walmart often uses these good deals to increase their advantages over the competition and drive them out of business. This means that in many cases towns get a modest increase in tax revenue from Walmart, but ultimately lose tax income from small business that are no longer there, resulting in losses of tax revenue, often large losses.

In many cases, including Raytown, Walmart often brings large increases in crime problems costing towns more in police services; Raytown wound up facing large budget deficits and faced police layoffs as a result of this and one official claimed "Walmart’s bleeding this town."

In addition to the three fatal car accidents, there were more than half a dozen, if not a dozen, other major accidents, police chases, stolen vehicles, carjackings, hit and runs or other automobile crimes, including one stolen vehicle that crashed into a police cruiser, another suspect that tried to steal a truck which happened to be owned by an off-duty police officer, a woman that was dragged by a car after a thief stole her purse, and other incidents.

Walmart had close to a dozen if not more fires with about half of them caused by arson, which is increasingly common. They also arrested five or so people that were setting fires in Alabama and Mississippi inspired by a manifesto standing up for workers rights and demanding fair wages. Needless to say this is only a small group and is not related to much more people justifiably demanding to be treated with respect and get fair wages without resorting to tactics like this. I'm not saying this is an appropriate tactic; however, JFK warned us over fifty years ago, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." This is one of many small examples of his prediction coming true, and more will inevitably happen, some perhaps worse, unless oligarchs respect the rights of workers.

Walmart had at least four knife attacks last month, with three stabbings, one of them with scissors, and another threat to stab an employee. They also had several fights, sexual assaults, including two where a suspect put a towel over two women's heads, a choking incident, pepper-spraying employees; and many of these incidents happen at the self-checkout area. Executives and investors get the increased profits from refusing to hire cashiers, but workers and customers are the ones that bear the risks from increased crime; and, since police, court costs and prison costs are all paid for by the taxpayers, we're subsiding their high crime problem. If Walmart had to pay these external expenses, there's little doubt they would hire the cashiers back; and if executives were at risk instead of working class people there's no doubt they would try to solve their problems.

Walmart had at least two major recalls, including salads that were linked to two investigations and three deaths and infant walkers sold online that don't meet federal standards. Many advisors oppose all infant walkers, since infants could easily fall down the stairs if they're not being watched carefully.

Another TikToc video exposed a manager that was getting favorable treatment and a promotion even though he had numerous complaints, and at least a couple more stores were exposed for price scanning errors costing customers money if they don't pay attention.

Walmart is providing professional advice for parents from a mother, who is obviously far more concerned with marketing products to increase profits than she is with selling the toys in the best interests of children. They're also involved in many more discrimination law suits which come up virtually every month.

Walmart is becoming one of the largest, if not the largest health care providers, which should concern everyone, since they're guaranteed to put profits ahead of people in this business, just like everything else they do.

At least one Walmart has a donation box that people seem to be stealing from, including one woman that got stuck in it and needed help from the police to get out, although it's unclear how she explained to them she got stuck.

Another woman in Wisconsin was arrested after taking a tantrum, and throwing dozens of products through the store, often breaking them or opening the jars and spilling contents.

I suppose these incidents are mild compared to the naked mass shooter that killed one person and injured four more.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in February 2022. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Man Shot Dead by Police Outside Texas Walmart 02/02/2022

One person is dead and another injured following an officer-involved shooting in Texas.

Wichita Falls Police said officers had spotted a man who was wanted on a felony arrest warrant leaving a Walmart on Lawrence Road at around 8:40 p.m. on Tuesday.

Two officers attempted to make a traffic stop on the car. The male suspect, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, then pulled out a weapon, reported the Times Record News.

The Wichita Falls Police then opened fire and killed the male suspect. The female driver of the car was also injured in the shooting. The man was pronounced dead at the scene. The injured female was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries, reported KFDX/KJTL. Complete article

New details on fatal officer-involved shooting at Walmart 02/02/2022

Accused shoplifter opens fire outside Albuquerque NM Walmart 02/01/2022

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It was a frightening morning for shoppers at one Albuquerque Walmart after a suspected shoplifter fired off shots toward the store before taking off. A former KRQE colleague was there as it unfolded.

Police say shoplifters with weapons are becoming a common trend. Tuesday’s incident comes just one day after APD Chief Harold Medina made a plea to state lawmakers as the department tries to handle the city’s crime problem.

It started as a quiet morning at the grocery store, stocking up on essentials ahead of the winter storm. But things quickly turned chaotic for everyone there, including former KRQE anchor, Dick Knipfing.

“All of a sudden, bam bam bam bam bam, and I know enough, I knew it was gunshots right away,” said Knipfing. “Instantly, some woman came running into the store screaming. She was petrified.” Complete article

APD identifies suspect in Walmart shooting 02/04/2022

LMPD: Woman dies after being hit by truck in Walmart parking lot 02/01/2022

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A woman is dead after being struck while in the parking lot of a Louisville Walmart.

According to Louisville Metro police, the incident happened around 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Walmart on Raggard road, off Greenbelt Highway in Pleasure Ridge Park.

Police said a woman, age and name not provided, was crossing in the crosswalk of the parking lot when she was hit by a truck.

She was pronounced dead at the scene. Complete article

Name of woman killed in Walmart parking lot accident released 02/02/2022

Man armed with gun accused of threatening to steal jewelry from Harnett County NC Walmart 02/01/2022

CAMERON, N.C. (WNCN) — The Harnett County Sheriff’s Office sent a correction to their original release regarding an armed robbery at the Walmart in Cameron on Tuesday morning.

Authorities originally said that a man armed with a gun went into the Walmart and busted open the jewelry case with his handgun before stealing jewelry.

The sheriff’s office said in an update that the man “did brandish a weapon, communicate a threat and attempt to steal jewelry. However, the jewelry case was not broken.”

The suspect has not been arrested at this time. Complete article

Man who showed gun to Alabama Walmart clerk and stole televisions Monday arrested; two others still on the loose 02/01/2022

Huntsville Police say they have arrested 22-year-old Quantavius Torrelle Hawkins and charged him with first-degree robbery.

Police say the arrest is a result of a robbery at a Walmart on University Drive Monday.

According to HPD, Hawkins was the man that showed the pistol to the employee who asked for a receipt when she saw the three men leaving the store. Complete article

Police searching for prowler who stabbed person with scissors outside Puyallup Wash. Walmart 02/01/2022

PUYALLUP, Wash. – A search is on for the man who stabbed someone in a Walmart parking lot.

The Puyallup Police Department said the suspect was prowling a victim’s vehicle in the Walmart lot on Jan. 4 when the victim walked up to confront him.

The suspect then used a pair of scissors to stab the victim before running off. Complete article

Police investigating fire started in Tifton Ga. Walmart 02/01/2022

ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) - Tifton police are investigating a fire that broke out in the tissue aisle in Walmart on US-82 in Tifton.

We got word Sunday night after shoppers spotted the blaze in the tissue paper aisle. WALB News 10′s Nathalie Moreau spoke to one of those customers and tells us more about their experience.

The next day, Super Walmart was back open for business after the previous day’s unforeseen events. The aisle where the incident happened was cleaned up and back to normal. Complete article

Bodycam footage released after man fatally shot by police at Charlotte NC Walmart in November 2021 02/01/2022

Two Marion County paramedics save elderly patient’s life at Fla. Walmart 02/01/2022

Two ticketed for stealing from Mich. Walmart 02/01/2022

Woman cited for using children to help steal items at Dearborn Mich. Walmart 02/01/2022

Shooting on Greyhound bus leaves one dead and four wounded before naked suspect arrested in nearby Walmart in Ca. 02/03/2022

Oroville, California — A suspect is in custody after five people were shot Wednesday night on a Greyhound bus behind a gas station convenience store, CBS Sacramento reports.

Oroville Mayor Chuck Reynolds said in a series of Facebook posts that there was an active shooter near an AMPM. The Butte County Sheriff's Office said the bus stopped behind the AMPM following an altercation.

Authorities said one of the victims died at the scene. Reynolds told CBS Sacramento the other four were airlifted to hospitals. Complete article

1 dead, 4 injured after shooting on Greyhound bus in Oroville 02/02/2022

Naked man arrested inside Walmart after deadly shooting on L.A.-bound bus in Oroville 02/03/2022

NY State Police respond to deceased individual inside Painted Post Walmart 02/02/2022

PAINTED POST, N.Y. (WETM) – Around 3:37 p.m. New York State Police responded to reports of an unresponsive individual inside of the bathroom of the Walmart in Painted Post.

State police arrived to find the individual deceased inside of the restroom and say that the death was due to a possible overdose.

Police say there is no danger to the public, and that anyone with information is to call state police in Painted Post at 607-962-6867. Complete article

Deputies Searching For Would-Be NC Walmart Robber 02/03/2022

HARNETT COUNTY – Deputies are searching for the man who tried to rob the Spout Springs Walmart early Tuesday morning. The suspect continued on foot across the parking lot.

A man dressed in a dark jacket or hoodie and wearing a dark colored, possibly blue, face mask or gaiter entered the store at 2800 N.C. Highway 24/87 around 6 a.m., according to surveillance footage. Deputies say the store manager saw him attempting to break into the jewelry cabinet with a screwdriver.

When the manager approached the man, the suspect reportedly turned to face him, raised his jacket and revealed a handgun. Complete article

Man charged with murder after shooting in Austin Tx. Walmart parking lot 02/01/2022 Two self-checkout arrests in two days at same Dearborn store

16-year-old Pa. Walmart employee arrested for nearly $10K in gift card fraud 02/02/2022

Jury Rules La. Woman Murdered Estranged Husband Outside Walmart During Custody Exchange of 2-Year-Old Daughter in Sept. 2018 02/01/2022

Police searching for man they say stole large speaker from Milton Ga. Walmart 02/03/2022

Police respond to stabbing at Suburban Plaza Ga. Walmart 02/03/2022

Greater Decatur, GA — An incident at the Suburban Plaza Walmart in greater Decatur drew a large police response to the area on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 3.

According to a relative of an employee, a man at the store got into a fight with an employee and stabbed him.

A DeKalb County Police spokesperson confirmed the basic details, telling Decaturish, “Investigators believe the male suspect was approached by a male store employee. After he was approached, the suspect cut the employee on the face with an unknown sharp object and attempted to flee the store. The employee was transported to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries.” Complete article

Four get into fight at Walmart: South Euclid Ohio Police Blotter 02/03/2022


Disorderly conduct: Warrensville Center Road

Two Cleveland men, a Euclid woman and a Cleveland Heights woman were all cited for disorderly conduct after their participation in a fight at Walmart Jan. 26. One of the women requested to be taken to the hospital.

Theft: Warrensville Center Road

An East Cleveland man, 50, was cited for theft at Walmart Jan. 31 after attempting to steal $508 worth of merchandise. Complete article

Ill. Walmart employee arrested after stealing money from cash registers. 02/03/2022

Suspected shoplifter arrested at Fla. Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Plaza 02/03/2022

Walmart shuts some stores across Arkansas, Midwest after storm 02/03/2022

Alleged Tx. Walmart shoplifter took only Pokémon cards 02/02/2022

Benny The Butcher Breaks Silence On Houston Tx. Walmart Shooting 02/04/2022

Myrtle Beach SC Police searching for man who they think brandished a gun at a local Walmart 02/05/2022

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WPDE) — Police are looking for a man that they believe flashed a gun following an alleged shoplifting attempt Saturday.

Officers were called to Walmart on Seaboard Street earlier Saturday after a person displayed a gun when stopped by loss prevention for shoplifting.

Police say the person fled the scene before officers arrived. Complete article

Man charged for allegedly sexually assaulting runaway teen in Orem Utah 02/04/2022

OREM, Utah (ABC4) – A man has been charged Thursday for allegedly sexually assaulting a runaway teen near a Walmart in Orem in Dec. 2021.

Ryan David Lucero, 34, has been charged with raping a child, aggravated sexual abuse of a child, sodomy on a child, and endangerment of a child.

The assault was reported in Dec. 2021 when a runaway teen told police she was going to get shoes — she was barefoot and was contacted by a man who said he would help to get her shoes.

The man told the victim his name was Ryan and helped her get shoes while also giving her drugs before he sexually assaulted her, police say.

The man left the area, and the victim called her mother for help following the incident. Complete article

Man reportedly chokes woman in Delavan Wisc. Walmart, charged with domestic abuse 02/03/2022

Aman reportedly choked a woman in an aisle at the Delavan Walmart and faces multiple charges.

Mark Hartwick, 32, of the 50 block of E. Sedgemeadow Street, Elkhorn, is being charged with felony bail jumping; misdemeanor bail jumping, domestic abuse assessments and disorderly conduct.

According to the criminal complaint:

Police were called to a Walmart for a report of a male and female fighting on Jan. 7.

Officers made contact with a witness who reported that he was in the movie section of Walmart when he heard yelling coming from the next aisle over. The witness told police that the man was getting "obnoxiously loud." Complete article

Fire inside Towson Md. Walmart 02/04/2022

TOWSON, Md. (WBFF) — The Baltimore County Fire Department responded to a fire inside the Walmart in Towson.

Shortly, after 5:30 fire crews arrived at 1200 block of Putty Hill Ave with fire active inside the store.

The fire was found on the first floor in an area with clothing racks.

The sprinkler alarm was activated in the store and the sprinkler system contained the bulk of the fire. Complete article

If You Bought "packaged salads" From Walmart or Kroger, Get Rid of It Immediately 02/04/2022


From grocery necessities to household essentials, both Walmart and Kroger sell a variety of items that shoppers want to get their hands on. But every once in awhile there are some products that are better left untouched. In November, a recall from KraftHeinz led to Walmart getting rid of four different drinks that posed potential health hazards.

And more recently in January, Kroger had to remove nearly 300 prepackaged chicken salad croissants from its shelves for similar reasons. Now, the two retailers are both at the center of another major recall that has been linked to three deaths.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a food safety alert on Feb. 1, notifying consumers that it is "currently investigating two separate Listeria outbreaks linked to packaged salads." The two outbreaks have been linked to impacted products produced by Dole and Fresh Express. Listeria is a "serious infection usually caused by eating food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes," according to the CDC. Complete article

Morris Ill. Police Continue To Investigate Incident At Walmart 02/03/2022

Sanctuary for older dogs rescues dog dumped outside Gladstone Missouri Walmart 02/04/2022

SIRENS: Overdose At Walmart, Traumatic Injury at Olympic Heights, Sick At West Boca High Fla. 02/05/2022

Items reported stolen at Windward Ga. Walmart 02/04/2022

Orange County Deputies Shoot, Injure Man in Ca. Walmart 02/06/2022

An individual was taken to the hospital after being shot by an Orange County Deputy on suspicion of fraud. The incident occurred at a Walmart Supercenter in the 26500 block of Town Center Drive at approximately 9:40 p.m.

Four individuals attempted to return items they had never purchased, leading to a case of suspected fraud. Authorities were called to the store to investigate misconduct, where deputies confronted the suspects. While one suspect was willing to comply, two others had fled and the last had become hostile, allegedly producing a weapon that led the officers to open fire.

The suspect was hit and wounded.. He was taken to the hospital where he received emergency surgery and his condition is currently unknown. According to the deputies, he was armed with a knife and a gun, both of which were recovered at the scene of the shooting. Pictures of the weapons were released by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

“I was right there in the baby section…I just saw everyone looking over because I heard an argument, and someone screamed, ‘no,’ and the next thing you know you hear a gunshot, and everyone just ducks and runs,” witness Leslie Dash said in an interview with CBSLA. Complete article

Body found in parking lot of Margate Fla. Walmart 02/06/2022

MARGATE, Fla. – A body was discovered outside a Walmart in Margate on Sunday afternoon.

The store is located along West Atlantic Boulevard inside the Lakewood Shopping Center.

A large police presence responded and blocked off much of the parking lot with crime scene tape.

At one point, detectives and crime scene technicians surrounded a black car. They eventually opened it and took some photos. Complete article

Suspect puts towel over Walmart shopper and grabs her behind, Stafford County Va. deputies say 02/07/2022

STAFFORD COUNTY, Va. (7News) — The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office is looking for a suspect who they say assaulted two women at the Walmart on Washington Square Plaza Sunday.

According to deputies, the first incident happened around 1:16 p.m. in the curtain aisle of the Walmart -- the sheriff's office says the victim reported a male grabbed her buttocks with both hands and then left the store. The suspect was described as wearing dark grey sweatpants, a royal blue hoodie, a blue mask and dark hat and shoes.

The second incident occurred at 3:15 the camping aisle of the same Walmart. The victim reported noticing the suspect following her throughout the store. Deputies say she went to different areas of the store to avoid the suspect, but he continued to follow her. When she got to the camping aisle, the suspect threw a towel on her head and grabbed her buttocks. Complete article

Man arrested for warrants after scaring woman in Mich. Walmart parking lot 02/07/2022

A man was arrested for an outstanding warrant, after he made a woman who had driven from Alabama to meet him feel unsafe.

A woman who had ridden up to Dearborn with the alleged victim to meet the man called police from inside the store at about 9:15 p.m. Jan. 26.

The caller told officers that she had gone into the store, leaving her friend and the man in the car. While in the store she got a text that her friend was scared of the man, who was in the backseat of the vehicle. Police surrounded the car, and ordered both passengers from it. The man was arrested for outstanding warrants and both women were released in the parking lot. Complete article

Alabama Walmart closes due to arson fire 02/07/2022

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) - A local Walmart is turning away customers after a fire forced management to close down the location.

According to a representative from Walmart, they are assessing the damage and plan to open the location on Sparkman Dr. as soon as they can.

They say Walmart is working with other locations on Oakwood Ave. and Memorial Parkway to temporarily manage customers who shopped at the Sparkman location. Customers who rely on the location for prescriptions can use the curbside pharmacy pickup option at the location on Sparkman. You can reach the pharmacy at (256) 852-2236. Complete article

Huntsville Walmart closed due to fire, 1 arrested 02/07/2022

Police: Huntsville man charged in Saturday arson also suspect in Walmart fire on Sparkman Drive 03/01/2022

Light switch catches fire at Vernon Township Pa. Walmart 02/07/2022

VERNON TOWNSHIP — A light switch caught fire at the Vernon Township Walmart on Sunday afternoon, resulting in an evacuation of the store but no injuries or major damages.

The call for the fire came in at 3:48 p.m. after a light switch located in a back storage room of the business, which is located at 16086 Conneaut Lake Road, caught fire. Upon arrival, firefighters were able to quickly to put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.

“It was more smoke than anything,” said Don Grinnell, chief of Vernon Hose Company. Complete article

Atlantic City man wanted on assault charges after NJ Walmart shoplifting allegedly turns violent 02/07/2022

EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP — Egg Harbor Township Police are looking for an Atlantic City man they say assaulted a Walmart employee who accused him of shoplifting on Friday.

Police say they have identified the suspect as Matthew Sturdivant, 24, of Atlantic City, and said he grabbed the employee by the neck, pinned her to a wall and spit on her. He left the area in a Hyundai Sonata, according to police.

Police received the call at 2:03 p.m. Friday that a shoplifting incident had turned violent. Three officers, Michael Keeping, William Burns and Tim Colella met with the store’s loss prevention officer, who was not identified in a statement from police released Monday.

The store employee was able to provide a description of the suspect and the vehicle, police said. She told police she approached the man as he left the store with merchandise she said was not purchased. Complete article

2 children hospitalized from apparent carbon monoxide poisoning; parents arrested by Muncie Ind. Police 02/04/2022 According to police, Walmart reported that items were stolen by Davis and Rogers while inside the store. The pair was arrested on charges of Neglect of a Dependent and Theft and booked in the Delaware County Jail.

These men allegedly used counterfeit credit cards at Pa. Walmart: Do you recognize them? 02/04/2022

Suspects retag clothes at Walmart to try to lower prices 02/05/2022

Three accused of shoplifting iPhones from SC Walmart, police ask for public's help 02/07/2022


Security guard fires gun after assault in a Charlotte NC Walmart parking lot, police say 02/08/2022

A security guard fired his gun after being assaulted in the parking lot of the Walmart Supercenter on South Tryon Street in southwest Charlotte on Tuesday afternoon, police said.

A “heavy police presence” was seen in the parking lot at 12:30 p.m., WSOC reported.

No one was injured, Medic reported on Twitter.

The security guard is licensed and works for a private company, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Lt. Stephen Fischbach said in a statement. Complete article

Police: Security guard who fired shots in parking lot after chasing down accused shoplifter charged 02/21/2022

Woman arrested for pepper-spraying Tx. Walmart employees, robbing store 02/09/2022

LUBBOCK, Texas – A woman, Christianna Cano, 20, was arrested and accused of pepper-spraying two employees Sunday at Walmart, 11415 Quaker Ave., then robbing the store, according to a Lubbock Police report.

According to the police report, surveillance footage showed what appeared to be the woman pretending to scan her items at self-checkout, then walking toward the grocery exit.

A Walmart employee stopped the woman and asked to see her receipt which she could not provide him. As she looked for the receipt, another employee walked up and noticed she had pepper spray, which they asked if she was planning to use, and she said she was not.

She then proceeded to spray toward the basket, the two employees in the face and leave the store. Complete article

Florida woman throws tantrum after being caught stealing at Walmart 02/09/2022

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (WFLA) – Police in Winter Haven, Florida, are looking for a woman who threw a hissy fit in a Walmart after she was caught trying to walk away with a cart full of merchandise.

On Feb. 2, the woman was seen filling up a cart with toys and groceries before scanning the items at the self-checkout area.

Officers said the woman lingered for about 15 minutes before taking the full cart and trying to walk out of the store without paying. ....

The woman proceeded to grab a Barbie doll out of the cart and walked away, saying she was going to pay for it. An employee asked her to come back to the kiosk to pay, which is when the woman threw the box at the employee, hitting her in the face and cutting her lip. Complete article

Woman attempts to shoplift; flings shopping cart at AV Ca. Walmart employee 02/08/2022

She got away, then got caught. It happened on Sunday, February 6, 2022, at just after 4:00 pm in the afternoon. Deputies from the Apple Valley Police Department got a call from the Walmart off Highway 18 for a report of a woman shoplifter who pushed her way out of the store with a cart of stolen merchandise.

The woman wasn't there when police showed up. Authorities learned the woman, now identified as Natosha Sutton, entered Walmart, picked a few items to put in her shopping cart , and then chose to exit through the front door without paying for all of the merchandise and showing her receipt.

When a Walmart employee asked Sutton to show her receipt, she became upset and pushed her way out the front door. Sutton flung a shopping cart and it hit an employee as she booked it out the exit. Sutton left the Walmart parking lot in a red Jeep. Police found her though and was Sutton was arrested a short time later at Flathead Road and Tonawanda Road by police. Complete article

Man arrested for allegedly groping female employees at Ga. Walmart 02/07/2022

Deputies: Henrietta man charged after inappropriately touching child at NY Walmart 02/07/2022

Walmart Employee Shares Which Products Are Seeing Price Hikes in Viral Video 02/08/2022

Vancouver man pleads guilty Tuesday to 2019 vehicle prowls at Woodland Wash. Walmart 02/0/2022

Lady Lake price tag-switching suspect arrested at Fla. Walmart 02/08/2022

Man sought in theft from Urbana Ill. Walmart 02/08/2022

Shoplifter steals car from Alabama Walmart parking lot, crashes into police vehicle 02/08/2022

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) - A shoplifter was arrested on Tuesday after stealing a car from the Walmart parking lot and crashing into a ravine, according to a Facebook post from Jasper Police Department.

Shortly after 5 p.m., police stated in the post that the suspect stole a car with the owner’s dog still inside. When officers arrived to the scene, the suspect hit a police vehicle head-on.

Officers went on a pursuit on Highway 78 when the suspect wrecked into a ravine. Complete article

‘The favoritism be so real’: TikToker says Walmart promoted manager who acquired 10 late strikes, multiple complaints 02/08/2022

A Walmart employee and TikToker said that one of her coworkers was promoted despite having “10 points, 5 write ups and 3 complaints.”

In a TikTok posted on Jan. 30, TikToker @fuxesp and a friend reenacted a Walmart employee being “bumped up to team lead” despite multiple disciplinary infractions against them. The video was set to the sound that features actor Angus Cloud from Euphoria‘s voice saying, “You’re confused? I’m fucking confused” and has received over 235,000 views.

@fuxesp commented on the video saying she works as a “regular cashier” and is not a team lead. In the video’s caption, @fuxesp wrote that the video was just a joke. She reiterated that to the Daily Dot in an Instagram message, but said that it was based on a recent situation at work.

“We recently had a really good team lead and she left us. Her replacement has had multiple complaints, disrespected costumers. And even overworked minors,” the TikToker told the Daily Dot. She said the new team lead inspired the TikTok. Complete article

Why are there hundreds of Walmart shipping containers on private property in Apple Valley Ca.? 02/07/2022

The arrival of hundreds of Walmart shipping containers in unincorporated Apple Valley has drawn the attention of neighbors, commuters, and government officials.

Emblazoned with the Walmart name and logo, the white containers are on private property on Deep Creek Road, between Round-Up Way and Rock Springs Road.

County of San Bernardino spokesman David Wert told the Daily Press via email that code enforcers have received complaints about the containers and recently issued a notice of violation to the property owner for improper use of his land. Complete article

Two accused of theft at Walmart in Elkhart Ind. 02/09/2022

OPD identifies suspect for two Mississippi Walmart shoplifting incidents 02/09/2022

Walmart exposed by its own employees 02/10/2022

Suspect wanted for using fake $100 bills at Cape Coral Fla. Walmart 02/09/2022

Four accused of stealing TVs from SC Walmart, police needs public's help identifying 02/09/2022

Man pleads guilty to Ill. Walmart coronavirus prank 02/10/2022 The offense occurred on Feb. 2, 2020, (six weeks before there was a significant report of the virus and a lockdown in the USA) at Walmart, 1401 Route 59. Several days beforehand, the World Health Organization had declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. ... The stunt ended up costing more than $7,300 in loss of product, according to Walmart, and the cost of cleanup was in excess of $2,400.

Police: Shots fired during argument at Greece NY Walmart 02/10/2022

GREECE, N.Y. (WHEC) — Shots were fired at the Walmart on Dewey Avenue and English Road in Greece Thursday night after police say an argument between two men who both had guns in the store escalated.

A customer who was in the store, shopping with her family told News10NBC that she heard at least three shots, which sent customers running in all directions, leaving their carts behind.

That woman said she tried to hide in one of the aisles, then met up with her family and immediately left the store. Complete article

Witnesses describe moment shots were fired at Walmart in Greece NY 02/10/2022 As she was heading out of the Dewey Avenue store, she thought she heard gunshots. "I'm going to guess six to eight shots and then I got in my car pretty quick and then closed the door and I looked around," she said.

Police Blotter: Woman Stuck in Donation Box at NM Wal-Mart 02/11/2022

7:56 p.m. A Walmart caller said a woman and three men were fighting by the entrance of the store. The caller said the woman was chasing the men with a hammer.

11:55 p.m. A Walmart caller said someone was stuck in the donation box. Police helped get the woman out.

1:56 a.m. A police officer stopped a man on North Railroad Avenue, who was carrying a piece of artwork with a mirror. He said he got it out of the donation box at Walmart. Complete article

2 New Hanover NC stores fined for price-scanning errors 02/11/2022

Two stores in New Hanover County were among 22 fined for price-scanning errors following an investigation by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' Standards Division.

According to a Friday news release from the department, the state collected fines from Dollar General, Walmart, Target, Family Dollar and Tractor Supply stores in 16 counties after finding "excessive" price-scanner errors resulted in customers being overcharged.

The department conducts "periodic, unannounced" price-scanner inspections to check for accuracy between the advertised price and the price that rings up at the scanner.

The Wilmington Walmart on Sigmon Road paid $3,665 in fines, the release said. Inspections in May, June, August and October of last year found overcharges on between 3% and 7% of purchases each month. Complete article

Walmart Employee Gets Trapped In Building, Boss Tells Him To Stay There Overnight! 02/13/2022

One Walmart employee had the scare of a lifetime.

The worker took to Reddit’s legal advice forum to ask what they should do. The employee was stationed inside the fast-food restaurant, which is located inside many Walmart locations. While he was trying to leave, the gate door seized and he was unable to get out. Both his direct boss and Walmart’s head manager told him to wait, inside the closed fast food location, all night until morning.

The employee was, fortunately, able to use his phone to reach out for advice. Should he call the fire department? Would he be fired? Take a look at the situation as it developed below!

‘If I Had Some Sort Of Medical Emergency In Here, I’m Not Sure What I’d Do’ Complete article

[PA] Employee (me) stuck in building 02/12/2022

OP gets locked in at work 02/12/2022

Employer allows employee to be trapped onsite until morning 02/12/2022

‘Holy sh*t. It’s come to this’: Viral TikTok shows steak locked up to prevent theft at Walmart 02/10/2022

A viral TikTok shows a package of $20 ribeye steak at a Walmart in Florida chained with an electronic security tag, seemingly to prevent theft.

“Yo, you’ve got to be kidding me,” says Michael Fromhold (@oakwood19136), who posted the TikTok on Monday. “Walmart now has the steak locked up. Holy shit. It’s come to this. This is getting bad now.”

By Thursday, the TikTok had over 3.8 million views.

In the comments, people were surprised at the video. “Wow!!! Never thought I would ever see something like that!!” one person commented.

“It’s a sad world we live in now,” a TikToker commented.

“So that’s how you get the grill marks,” another person wrote.

“That’s why I go to Target,” one person commented. Complete article

Walmart Is Sued For Gender And Race Discrimination By EEOC 02/11/2022

Days after former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores sued the NFL and others for discrimination, another discrimination lawsuit is in the news. But this time the alleged discrimination took place in the retail industry.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit it announced today that a Walmart store in Iowa violated federal law when it gave a Black female employee an unsanitary lactation space based upon her race and failed to promote her based on sex stereotypes about mothers with small children.

The EEOC said it seeking back pay, compensatory damages and punitive damages for the former employee, as well as injunctive relief to prevent future discrimination. Complete article

Walmart ends mask policy for fully vaccinated employees 02/11/2022

BENTONVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — Walmart announced on February 11 it has ended its mask mandate for fully vaccinated employees and plans to end its daily health screenings and paid COVID-19 leave.

According to a news release from the company, fully vaccinated employees will not be required to wear masks at any Walmart or Sam’s Club facility effective immediately unless required by a state or local mandate or ordinance.

Walmart says it will continue to monitor the situation and advise of any changes.

The company considers fully vaccinated to be the full two-dose regimen of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Complete article

Couple steals 10K in goods from Tx. Walmart, police say 02/09/2022

Man arrested in Jan. 6 Capitol riots was on probation for NC Walmart shooting in Smithfield, in Dec. 2019, officials say 02/10/2022

Police searching for man who exposed himself at Henry County Ga. Walmart 02/10/2022

Woman skips register with 2 TVs, soundbar from Winter Haven Fla. Walmart, police say 02/10/2022

Four Indicted in Fatal Shooting of Hammonton, NJ, Teen in Walmart Parking Lot in Oct. 2021 02/10/2022

Female felon facing more charges after attempting to steal from Galesburg Ill. Walmart 02/11/2022

Pennsylvania State Police investigating after shooting outside New Castle Pa. Walmart 02/14/2022

NEW CASTLE, Pa. — Pennsylvania State Police are investigating after a reported shooting in a Walmart parking lot in New Castle.

The shooting happened at around 4:30 p.m. at the Walmart on W State Street, according to investigators.

Several police cars were present near the scene. The Walmart is near a lot of other businesses, such as McDonald’s and Arby’s.

Details are limited right now, but we do know that one person was taken to the hospital. Police haven’t released their condition. Complete article

Woman found shot in Walmart parking lot in Lawrence County 02/15/2022

PSP: Woman shot herself outside area Walmart 02/14/2022

2 charged in armed robbery of Walmart in Spokane Valley Wash. 02/14/2022

Two people were arrested Sunday in connection to an armed robbery reported at the Walmart on East Sprague Avenue in Spokane Valley.

Kyle C. Teeples, 30, and Victoria R. Orden, 33, are facing felony charges stemming from the incident, which occurred around 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the 5025 E. Sprague Ave. store, according to a release from Spokane Valley deputies.

Deputies said Teeples flashed a handgun when store security attempted to contact him and Orden after they passed the checkout area without paying for items. The two then fled the store south on foot toward the South Carnahan Road intersection.

Responding deputies found Teeples and Orden walking near the area of South Carnahan Road and East Second Avenue, according to the sheriff’s office. Complete article

West Memphis Arkansas police searching for man involved in altercation at Walmart 02/15/2022

WEST MEMPHIS, Ark. (WMC) - West Memphis police are searching for a man that was involved in an altercation Tuesday morning at Walmart.

The police said a Black male was inside the store when an altercation broke out and he threatened to go to his car and get his gun.

The vehicle is a silver Honda with drive-out tags, according to West Memphis Police Department.

Luckily no shots were fired and no one was injured. Complete article

Walmart Employee Pepper-Sprayed by Alleged Shoplifter in Bristol Conn. 02/15/2022

A Walmart employee was pepper-sprayed by a woman who was allegedly shoplifting in Bristol late Monday night.

According to Bristol Police, security for Bristol Walmart located at 1400 Farmington Ave., noticed a woman shoplifting, placing items into her personal bag, and left the store.

Officials said security asked the woman for her receipt and when she ignored them, they tried to retrieve the stolen items.

The woman turned around and pepper-sprayed the employee, police said. She proceeded to flee the scene in a dark-colored two-door vehicle with tinted windows and what appeared to be a temporary plate on the back. Complete article

Woman arrested for shoplifting after chasing elderly lady on Ga. Walmart scooter 02/15/2022

A Watkinsville woman who allegedly chased an elderly woman who was trying to escape in an electric shopping scooter at Walmart was eventually arrested on shoplifting charges, Madison Police reports state.

Young Lee Arrington, 46, was arrested and charged with shoplifting on Wednesday, Feb. 9, after Madison Police Department officers were called to Walmart, Eatonton Road, at 6 p.m. regarding two women having a dispute. Reports state that Arrington told officers that she and an elderly woman had engaged in a verbal confrontation after Arrington’s daughter was bouncing a ball near the elderly woman.

The officer noted that the elderly woman had left Walmart by the time police arrived. However, the report states, the officer reviewed surveillance video of the confrontation and stated “it was apparent that Arrington was the aggressor during the dispute.” Complete article

Lincoln Nebraska PD: Man driving stolen car from Illinois arrested in Walmart parking lot 02/15/2022

LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) - The Lincoln Police Department arrested a man they say was driving a stolen car from Illinois.

On Monday, around 3 p.m., officers were at Walmart, off 27th and Superior Streets, for an unrelated event when LPD said loss prevention personnel alerted them to a man who had tried forcing his way into the loss prevention office and was seated in a black Nissan Xterra in the lot.

LPD said officers watched as a woman left the store and got into the black Nissan Xterra.

According to police, officers obtained information that the car was possibly stolen and the driver, a 33-year-old man, had either a real or a realistic-looking handgun in the car. Complete article

‘Makes me not even want to buy anything’: TikToker says Walmart worker froze her self-checkout kiosk, called security on her family 02/14/2022

A woman’s series of videos in which she says she and her sisters had their transaction frozen and security called while trying to use the self-checkout at Walmart has garnered over 2.2 million views.

In the videos, @sexyshawn13 tells her viewers that she and her sisters went shopping for a baby shower and attempted to pay for the items with three separate transactions. A store employee then allegedly froze their self-checkout kiosk and called security on them. It’s unclear what led up to this in the video.

“We at self-checkout in Walmart, we in the little speedy checkout,” she says. “It’s me and my sisters so we got three different transactions. We just told the lady that, and she called the motherfuckin’ security on us.”

She goes on to say that the Walmart store employee who locked their register was busying herself with other customers to avoid unlocking their checkout till.

In follow-up videos, additional store staff can be seen attending to the situation and “surrounding” the TikToker and her sisters in the self-checkout. In the background of one, the TikToker’s sister can be heard saying the situation “makes me not even want to buy anything.” Eventually, they are able to leave with their purchases. Complete article

New details on gunman shot 40+ times, killed by police after Walmart kidnapping, carjackings in Franklin Wisc. last Sept. 02/10/2022 Nine responding officers from three local agencies, one suspect involved in a bizarre crime spree, and in the end, a total of 44 shots fired.

Perry Ga. Police asking for public's help with identifying Walmart shoplifter 02/11/2022

Two arrested after stealing multiple items from Ind. Walmart 02/11/2022

Blotter: Theft reported at Victoria Tx. Walmart 02/11/2022

CRIME STOPPERS: Fake bills passed at Moline Ill. Walmart 02/10/2022

Woman wanted for using stolen credit card at Fresno Ca. Walmart, deputies say 02/12/2022

'You can help me load these up,' Florida shoplifter tells Fla. Walmart clerk 02/14/2022

Woman dragged by car after thief steals purse at Hermitage Tenn. Walmart 02/15/2022

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The Metro Nashville Police Department is investigating after a man robbed a woman at the Hermitage Walmart Sunday afternoon.

Police were called to the store around 11:30 a.m. after Kristina Calvin had just finished shopping for her entire family. The mother was walking with two carts full of items and started to load the items into the back of her trunk when a strange hand reached into her cart.

“I turned around to get another bag of groceries and just saw a hand reach into my cart and grab my purse, and I looked up and it was a man running,” remembered Calvin. Complete article

Man with knife arrested for threatening WV Walmart employees 02/16/2022

VIENNA, W.Va. (WOWK) — A man has been arrested after allegedly threatening employees of a Vienna Walmart with a knife to get a firearm and ammunition.

According to the Vienna Police Department, at around 7 p.m. on Feb. 15, officers were dispatched to a Vienna Walmart about a “disorderly male in the sporting goods section.”

They say John Michael Lufft, 34 of Wheeling, was trying to get a firearm and ammunition by threatening employees with a knife. Lufft allegedly said that if the employee did not comply, he would break the glass of the display. Complete article

Man who allegedly threatened WV Walmart workers held without bond 02/18/2022

‘They talk about employees behind their back’: Ill. Walmart worker quits, calls out managers over loudspeaker in viral TikTok 02/15/2022

The worker accused his managers of mocking his autistic co-worker and hiding during rushes.

A former Walmart employee has gone viral for quitting his job over loudspeaker. In his announcement, he accuses the managers of mocking disabled employees as well as hiding in the back room during busy periods.

The TikTok, which was posted on Feb. 11, already has over 258,300 views at the time of writing.

The video begins with an automated voiceover as the user, who appears to be wearing a Walmart uniform, approaches the in-store PA system. “I decided to quit Walmart today, and this is what happened,” the voiceover narrated.

The employee, who identified himself as Robbie Jaggers to the Daily Dot, then picks up the phone and cites his reasons for leaving—appearing to implicate members of Walmart management in the process. Jaggers also confirmed to the Daily Dot that the Walmart branch in question was located in Naperville, Illinois.

“Attention all Walmart shoppers and members of management,” he says, beginning the broadcast. “It has come to my attention that the managers in the online grocery pickup department don’t respect any of their employees, and that they’d rather hide and be on their phones when it gets busy.”

He continues, “They also like making fun of employees with autism, and they are blatantly disrespecting every employee in that back room.” Complete article

Vermont Walmart Jan. hit-and-run defendant hit with new charge 02/14/2022

Man sought as suspect in Fort Myers Fla. Walmart thefts worth over $7K 02/15/2022 From Jan. 3 to Jan. 20, deputies say the suspect committed multiple thefts from the Walmart located at 14821 Ben C Pratt/6 Mile Cypress Parkway.

First Black woman to drive a truck for Walmart looks back at her career 02/15/2022

Hearing scheduled Wednesday for accused El Paso Tx. Walmart mass shooter 02/15/2022

Holyoke man arrested after stabbing at Walmart in Northampton Mass. 02/17/2022

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) – A Holyoke man has been arrested after a Walmart employee was stabbed Thursday morning.

According to Northampton police, around 5:04 a.m. Thursday morning officers were called to Walmart for a report of two employees in an altercation. When officers arrived, they found one of the men with multiple stab wounds. He was taken to Cooley Dickinson Hospital for his injuries but is expected to be okay.

Police later found the suspect, a 23-year-old man from Holyoke, and arrested him. He will be charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (knife). Complete article

Police: stabbing at Northampton Mass. Walmart over spilled milk 02/17/2022

Caught on camera: Man punches woman outside Walmart in Humble Tx. on Valentine's Day 02/18/2022

HUMBLE, Texas (KTRK) -- Humble police are hoping the public can help them identify a man who was caught on camera punching a woman in the face on Valentine's Day.

"I'm a tough cookie," said Krystal Blacklock, with a smile.

Blacklock's right arm is now resting in a sling after an attack Monday at a Walmart in Humble. Surveillance video caught what happened as she was leaving the store.

"He almost hit me with the vehicle. I literally had to take a step back Otherwise, I would've gotten hit by a SUV," said Blacklock. Complete article

Suspect missing after allegedly injuring a woman in Tenn. Walmart parking lot 02/17/2022

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) – Metro Police detectives released surveillance photos in hopes of locating the man who stole a woman's purse and injured her in a Walmart parking lot on Sunday morning.

Kristina Calvin told News 4 she was loading her groceries into her vehicle in the Walmart parking lot located on 4424 Lebanon Pk. at 11:30 a.m. That's when police said a suspect grabbed Calvin's purse from the shopping cart.

Police said Calvin attempted to get her purse back. MNPD said the suspect pushed her and got into the driver's seat of a minivan that had been parked next to the victim's vehicle.

Calvin told police she watched as the suspect quickly reversed, dragging her for a short distance before falling to the ground. Complete article

Fire inside Carlisle Pa. Walmart caught on video 02/17/2022

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — On Feb. 16, Hannah Whitsell said she was in Walmart on 60 Nobel Blvd in Carlisle, when she heard a popping noise a few aisles away in the toy section.

“I heard this loud pop. And the age we live in, I was like oh no, to me it sounded like a shooting. So, I just froze. And then went back to looking at hair care stuff and heard another loud pop and at that point I was like, maybe I should head to check out. When I turned the corner, I saw the toy section and there was a huge flame,” Whitsell said.

She said she heard some employees screaming and saw one man running towards her in a panic.

“He was asking where fire extinguishers are and he was really flustered as anyone would be, so I was like let’s check the camping section. Then at that point, the fire was getting worse, and alarms were going off and we were like, we got to get out of here.” Whitsell explained. Complete article

Fire chief to Walmart gawkers: A video’s ‘not worth your life’ 02/17/2022 CARLISLE, Pa. (WHTM) — Watching video of what happened at Walmart Wednesday night — a fire now considered a likely case of arson — it was hard for most of us to miss the flames in the toy aisle.

State police arrest person suspected of starting fire in central Pa. Walmart 02/23/2022

Walmart May Soon Become The Largest Primary Care Provider In The Country 02/16/2022

Over the years, Walmart has proven time and again its deep-rooted resilience, ability to adapt, and commitment to innovation. For decades now, the company has been known as a retail powerhouse, consistently managing to provide products at discount prices and great value. Furthermore, Walmart has been able to capitalize on something unique that nearly no other retailer has been able to achieve: deep penetration into the fabric of American society and culture. This reputation has given the company the bandwidth and ability to survive even the toughest battles against online retailers such as Amazon or other large retailers such as Target and Kroger.

These factors have equally positioned Walmart to potentially become one of the largest healthcare players in the country, especially with regards to increasing access to quality healthcare for populations that most need it.

As of today, Walmart operates nearly 4,700+ stores in the U.S. alone, indicating its strong national reach. Leveraging this prolific physical presence into providing healthcare is a natural step for a company, especially with Walmart’s experienced leadership expertise and resources. As I wrote about last year, Walmart has rapidly been ramping up its healthcare business, providing retail customers robust primary care services in select locations. The company’s Care Clinic concept offers services such as “Primary Care, Dental, Counseling, Labs & x-rays, Health screening, Optometry, Hearing, Fitness and Nutrition, Health insurance & enrollement,” and is currently being offered in various states, including Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Texas, etc. Complete article

Walmart: Fiscal Q4 Earnings Snapshot 02/17/2022

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Walmart Inc. (WMT) on Thursday reported fiscal fourth-quarter earnings of $3.56 billion.

The Bentonville, Arkansas-based company said it had profit of $1.28 per share. Earnings, adjusted for restructuring costs, came to $1.53 per share.

The results topped Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 13 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of $1.50 per share.

The world's largest retailer posted revenue of $152.87 billion in the period, also surpassing Street forecasts. Nine analysts surveyed by Zacks expected $151.4 billion. Complete article

‘We’re working!’: Manager appears to fire Walmart employees on the sales floor in viral TikTok 02/18/2022

In a viral TikTok, user Pete Davis (@petedavis5) says a woman, who’s apparently a manager, fired a group of Walmart employees on the sales floor of the store.

In the video, the woman, who looks to be in a more senior position than the other workers, tells the employees that if they are needed, they should report to her immediately. “I don’t care what you got going on,” the woman says. Another employee yells back that they “were working.”

Davis says that the manager is picking at everyone and trying to fire all of them. “I know I ain’t doing nothing, but I’m recording,” Davis says.

The woman then tells Davis that he can record her because she isn’t doing anything wrong.

A user in the comments rebutted that claim, writing, “First off she is not supposed to do that on the sales floor in front of customers. Call the home office and send the video to the president.” Complete article

USA Truck Hires Walmart Veteran as Chief People Officer 02/17/2022

USA Truck Inc. of Van Buren has hired Shauna Jamison as its chief people officer.

“We are excited to have Shauna join our leadership team at USA Truck,” USA Truck CEO James Reed said. “She brings over 20 years of human resources experience. She is a proven leader with deep expertise in transportation and all aspects of the associate experience, including recruitment, training and development, engagement, and building a winning culture.

"Shauna's arrival signals a seminal moment for our team members and reflects our commitment to make USA Truck a destination employer.” Complete article

No trial date set for accused El Paso Tx. Walmart shooter Patrick Crusius 02/16/2022


Reported shoplifting incident leads to disturbance, brief closure of Vero Beach Fla. Walmart 02/1/2022

Thief sought in taking merchandise from White Township Pa. Walmart 02/15/2022

Shooting under investigation outside La. Walmart on Hwy 14 02/18/2022

Lake Charles, LA (KPLC) - The Lake Charles Police Department responded to a shooting Friday evening in the parking lot of Walmart on Hwy 14.

More information will be released as it becomes available. Complete article

2 men shot in Walmart Super Center parking lot in Waukegan, Ill., police say 02/19/2022

WAUKEGAN, Ill. (WLS) -- Two men in their 20s were shot Saturday at a Walmart Super Center parking lot in north suburban Waukegan, according to police.

Both police and fire responded to the store at 3900 Fountain Square just at around 1:30 p.m.

Video of the scene showed the parking lot littered with shell casings after police said two groups in separate vehicles met up outside the Walmart when an argument ensued.

"This was a very violent act," said Waukegan Deputy Chief Joe Florip. " "We're not sure if the vehicles were shooting at each other, or if there were just shootings from one vehicle." Complete article

Woman Charged With Shooting Two Men In Parking Lot Of Waukegan Walmart 02/20/2022

Man dies weeks after being shot in failed gun deal at Waukegan Ill. Walmart 03/02/2022

Police investigating incident involving gun at Mount Olive NC Walmart 02/19/2022

The Mount Olive Police Department is investigating an incident at a Walmart involving a gun.

Mount Olive police said Friday a person was leaving the store when an employee asked to see their receipt on the way out.

Police say the man instead showed the employee a gun before leaving the scene with items. Complete article

Buckhannon WV Walmart Supercenter deli catches fire 02/18/2022

BUCKHANNON — At approximately 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 16, Buckhannon Fire Department (BFD) was dispatched to Buckhannon Walmart Supercenter after a commercial fire alarm was set off.

“The commercial alarm alerted Buckhannon Fire Department, Warren District, Washington District, Adrian, and Elkins Fire Departments. Upshur County EMS as the Buckhannon Police Department also assisted,” BFD Fire Chief J.B. Kimble reported.

According to Chief Kimble, the fire started in an electrical unit of a cooler located in the deli. Firefighters were assisted by a Walmart liaison, who directed crews to the breakers that would cut the power to the unit. Additionally, there were no injuries reported and the fire has been deemed as non-suspicious. Kimble also noted that the additional fire departments were cancelled as the Buckhannon Fire Department had responded and had the situation under control. Complete article

Man attempts to steal truck from Pueblo Colorado West Walmart owned by off-duty deputy 02/19/2022

PUEBLO WEST, Colo. — Pueblo County Sheriff’s Deputies rushed over to the Walmart at 78 N. McCulloch Boulevard just after 9 a.m. on Saturday after they were alerted to a man who’d walked out of the store with about $300 worth on merchandise he had not paid for.

Once on scene, deputies say they found that man trying to steal a vehicle in the store parking lot.

That man, 47-year-old Amir Everett of Denver, reportedly told employees that he had a gun as he walked out of the store with stolen items.

Everett then put those items into the bed of a truck parked nearby, broke a window, and tried to start the vehicle. As it turns out, the truck belonged to an off-duty Pueblo County Sheriff’s Deputy. Complete article

EEOC accuses Iowa Walmart of race, sex discrimination after alleged denial of promotion for new mother 02/18/2022

The federal government is suing Walmart over allegations of "inexcusable and unlawful" discrimination at a southeast Iowa store.

According to a Feb. 9 complaint filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, managers at the Walmart in Ottumwa encouraged an employee to apply for a manager job, then declined to promote her after she gave birth and took maternity leave. The commission also accused the store's managers of subjecting the woman, who is Black, to dirtier working conditions than a white colleague.

The EEOC filed racial and sexual discrimination charges, demanding that the Arkansas-based retail giant pay the employee lost wages for missing out on the promotion, as well as an additional amount for damages. The commission also asked a judge to force Walmart to change policies to prevent similar discrimination in the future. Complete article

Infant walkers sold online at Walmart recalled because they don’t meet federal safety standard 02/21/2022

Infant walkers sold online by Walmart have been recalled because they do not meet federal safety standards.

About 1,355 of the Zeno walkers were sold from October 2018 through August 2021 for between $130 and $160, according to an announcement with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

“The infant walkers fail to meet the federal safety standard. They can fit through a standard doorway and are not designed to stop at the edge of a step as required by the federal safety standard. Complete article

"Walmart hauls in $2.1 billion from advertising while launching ad network 02/17/2022

Retail media becomes a meaningful business as brands are hungry for new ad tech to reach online shoppers.

Walmart revealed advertising revenue for the first time on Thursday, saying that it generated $2.1 billion last year, a strong sign that its retail media ad strategy is starting to click.

Walmart disclosed the advertising money pile during its fourth-quarter earnings announcement. Walmart has been building a retail media network, which serves search ads for brands that sell products on its website, just like Amazon. Walmart also runs a demand-side platform, an online ad buying network that it built with The Trade Desk, an internet media buying and ad technology firm. Complete article

Hawaii Walmart evacuated over fumes from floor sealing product 02/17/2022

Murfreesboro Tenn. Police look for two women who allegedly swindled thousands from Walmart 02/17/2022

Knoxville woman caught trying to steal from Ill. Walmart again 02/17/2022

Woman with history of arrests at Fla. Walmart lands back behind bars 02/18/2022

Police investigating after woman shot at Vicksburg Mississippi Walmart 02/20/2022

VICKSBURG, Miss. (WLBT) - The Vicksburg Police Department is investigating a shooting that occurred on Sunday afternoon at Walmart on Iowa Boulevard.

Police say that when officers arrived, they found a woman with a gunshot wound to her lower back.

The victim was transported to UMMC, and there is currently no word on her condition.

The suspect has turned herself into the Madison Parish Sheriff’s Office. Complete article

Louisiana woman arrested after person shot in the back at Walmart in Vicksburg 02/20/2022

Warr Acres Okla. Police Investigating Shooting In Walmart Parking Lot 02/20/2022

WARR ACRES, Oklahoma - Warr Acres police are investigating a shooting in a Walmart parking lot near Northwest 63rd and MacArthur Sunday night.

Investigators said the victim was found by police with a gunshot wound and is being treated at the OU Trauma Center.

They believe there are three suspects involved, but none are in custody tonight. Complete article

Park Forest Woman Carjacked at Homewood Ill. Walmart 02/20/2022

Homewood, IL-(ENEWSPF)- A Park Forest woman was carjacked at the gas station at the Walmart in Homewood, eNews Park Forest has learned. The woman tells ENEWSPF while she was filling up her car, someone got inside her vehicle and drove quickly away from the pump, “like lightning,” the woman said.

Her vehicle was running while she filled up the tank.

The woman said she was in a hurry and began filling up her car, leaving her phone and purse on the passenger seat of her vehicle. A witness later told her they noticed a suspicious vehicle driving around the lot slowly, as if they were looking for an opportunity to present itself. Complete article

Man allegedly takes child he didn't know out of Fla. Walmart cart 02/21/2022

NAPLES, Fla. — A 40-year-old Naples man faces felony charges after deputies say he removed a 3-year-old he did not know from a shopping cart in a Walmart parking lot Sunday.

Collier County jail records show Enben Moodley is charged with child abuse and false imprisonment.

Deputies responded to the Juliet Blvd. store and found the child's mother, who said Moodley approached her in the parking lot and attempted to pick up the child. When she began to scream, Moodley reportedly placed the child back in the cart and walked away. Complete article

Man Seen on Video Setting Fire at Calexico Ca. Walmart 02/21/2022

Authorities are Searching for Suspected Arsonist Described as a Bald Hispanic Man Wearing a Green Jersey with the No. 10.

CALEXICO — Authorities are searching for a suspected arsonist caught on surveillance video torching pallets of cardboard stacked behind the Walmart Supercenter, causing significant damage to property at the Calexico store on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 20.

No injuries were reported, but Calexico Police Chief Gonzalo Gerardo stated the fire caused damages the rear of the northwest area of the building at 2540 Rockwood Ave. and damages to a nearby semi-truck trailer.

Often cited as being one of the busiest Walmarts in the United States, the blaze was set around 1:17 p.m., likely a heavy shopping time. The store was evacuated and streets around the area was closed off for a time. Complete article

Suspect who set Walmart on fire still on the loose 02/23/2022

Multiple units respond to small fire at Fayetteville WV Walmart 02/20/2022

FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – A small fire breaks out at the Fayetteville Walmart.

Details are limited, but Fayette County dispatchers confirm there was a small fire. Multiple units are on scene trying to put out the flames.

Stick with us as we work to learn further details. Complete article

Walmart Canada ships fraudulent order to hacker's address then leaves customer to recoup cost 02/21/2022

After hearing from Go Public, Walmart Canada refunded the cost of the Apple TV.

The alarm bells went off for Bill Tomlinson after he got an odd text message — in French — on Feb. 2 from Walmart Canada. The Pelham, Ont., man doesn't speak French and hadn't ordered anything.

"I thought, what the heck is that? ... oh, something's gone wrong," Tomlinson told Go Public.

He logged into his account and discovered fraudsters were using it and his credit card on file to place orders and ship them to Montreal.

There were four orders, all on that same day. Two were for dumbbells at $500 apiece, the other two for Apple TVs worth about $250 each.

Walmart had cancelled the first three orders on its own, but Tomlinson noticed the last one for an Apple TV had just been shipped. He called Walmart right away to let the company know, expecting the retail giant would refund the order.

Instead, two days later, Tomlinson says Walmart told him the product had been delivered to Montreal and that he was on his own to try to get the money back. Complete article

Arnold Missouri Walmart temporarily evacuated following bomb threat 02/21/2022

Arnold Missouri Walmart receives more bomb threats; Arnold Target receives one 02/23/2022

Woman nabbed after fleeing with items stolen from Fla. Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Plaza 02/21/2022

Police search for Somerset Pa. Walmart theft suspect 02/22/2022

Former Alabama Walmart employee charged with theft 02/22/2022

Gun falls on Walmart floor as man fought with store employee in Winston-Salem NC. Police look for four suspects. 02/22/2022

Agun fell out of a man’s waistband Tuesday as he was fighting with an employee at a Walmart store in Winston-Salem, authorities said. The weapon didn't fire, but the incident prompted an evacuation of the store in the city's northern section.

Winston-Salem police responded at 3:55 p.m. to a report that someone had a gun at the Walmart Supercenter at 320 E. Hanes Mill Road.

Investigators learned that a fight had occurred between Richard Hall, a 24-year-old store employee, and four male suspects, police said. During the fight, a handgun fell out of one suspect's waistband and hit the floor.

The man then picked up the handgun and ran out of the store with the other suspects, police said. They got into a vehicle and left the area. Complete article

Walmart distribution center in Opelousas La. evacuated because of possible armed robbery suspects 02/23/2022

OPELOUSAS, La. (KLFY) — The Walmart distribution center in Opelousas was evacuated during a search for armed robbery suspects, according to the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office (SLPSO).

Sheriff Guidroz said it’s possible that the suspects from an armed robbery on N. Main St. in Opelousas ran into the distribution center.

One suspect from the robbery is in custody. Authorities are looking at store video surveillance footage to determine if there are more suspects. Complete article

St. Charles Parish La. police investigating arson at Boutte Walmart 02/22/2022

BOUTTE, La. — The St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office is investigating a fire they believe was intentionally set inside of a Walmart in Boutte.

Police have identified two men they believe may be witnesses to the incident and could possibly provide details, which may lead to an arrest.

If anyone has information, they are asked to contact Det. Terry Dabney of the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office at 985-783-6807 or 985-783-1135. Complete article

Accident occurs with school bus, truck near Walmart on Campstool Road Cheyenne Wyoming 02/22/2022

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (Wyoming News Now) - In Cheyenne near the Walmart located on Livingston Avenue, a school bus without students onboard was involved in an accident with a truck, resulting in the truck hitting the near of the bus.

No injuries were reported at the scene. Complete article

Walmart: 4 In 5 Covid Vaccines Went To ‘Medically Underserved’ 02/23/2022

Walmart administered 80% of its vaccines against Covid-19 in “medically underserved” areas of the U.S. since the shots became widely available a year ago, the company said.

The disclosure in Walmart’s COVID-19 vaccine report released Wednesday is the latest snapshot into the effort by retailers to expand deeper into the business of providing healthcare services, particularly during a time of crisis. In addition to its vaccination and pharmacy effort, Walmart has been expanding outpatient services, opening more “Walmart Health” centers that feature an array of primary medical services, dental care, and behavioral health services as part of a new model.

Already, retail drugstore chains CVS Health and Walgreens have disclosed their vaccination roles in the pandemic. In all of last year, CVS administered more than 59 million Covid-19 vaccinations while Walgreens has administered more than 56 million vaccines including “over 9 million boosters,” those companies have said. Complete article

Walmart shots-push focuses on local level 02/24/2022

Walmart Must Rehire Wisc. Worker With Down Syndrome, Judge Says 02/23/2022

Walmart Stores East LP must reinstate into her prior position a worker with Down syndrome who a jury found was wrongly fired for attendance problems following a change in her schedule, a Wisconsin federal judge ruled.

Giving Marlo Spaeth her old job back was proper after the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission proved that the denial of Spaeth’s request for a permanent modified fixed schedule following Walmart’s move to a new scheduling system violated the Americans with Disabilities Act, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin said.

Reinstatement is preferred to front pay as an equitable remedy under ... Complete article

Man arrested for grabbing woman's butt in Stafford Va. Walmart 02/22/2022

Two men arrested for separate assaults in Stafford Co. Va. Walmart 02/23/2022

Arnold Missouri Walmart receives more bomb threats; Arnold Target receives one 02/23/2022

Petty theft charges await man who stole shelves from Ca. Walmart 02/23/2022

20-year-old arrested for following woman, assaulting her at Grove City Ohio Walmart 02/23/2022

Davion Jones was arrested at his home this week and is charged with kidnapping.

GROVE CITY, Ohio — A 20-year-old man accused of following a woman to her vehicle and assaulting her at a Walmart was arrested, according to Grove City Division of Police.

Davion Jones was arrested at his home this week and is charged with kidnapping.

Police said the incident happened in the parking lot of the Walmart located at 1693 Stringtown Road on Feb. 17. Complete article

Kirksville woman hit by car in Missouri Walmart parking lot 02/23/2022

KIRKSVILLE, Mo. — A woman suffered minor injuries when she was struck by a car during a hit-and-run incident in the Kirksville Walmart parking lot Tuesday afternoon.

It happened around 1:30 p.m. in the curbside pickup area.

Abby Porter, 47, of Kirksville, told KTVO she was walking through the parking lot when a car backed into her and knocked her to the ground.

She said as soon as the car hit her, the female driver stopped, put the car in "Drive" and sped off. Complete article

Asheboro NC Walmart store evacuated due to heavy smoke 02/23/2022

ASHEBORO, N.C. — A Walmart store in Asheboro was evacuated Wednesday night. Heavy smoke could be seen from outside the store as people evacuated.

Stephanie Rose took video as people were leaving the store. She said she was in the self-checkout when she heard the fire alarms and employees yelling for everyone to get out of the store. She said some firemen were on top of the roof at the store.

A firefighter told WFMY News 2 there was no fire at the store. They said the fire was outside in a wooded area behind the store and smoke from it drifted to the store. Complete article

Move over, Grandma: Walmart is now offering expert parenting advice from Tot Squad 02/24/2022

New parents who need a "squad" to guide them through sleepless nights and other infant challenges have a new place to turn (beyond grandma.) Services from parent support technology platform Tot Squad are now available through Walmart — both in-store and online.

Tot Squad, a curated marketplace that connects parents with services delivered via video chat or in-person, will be the “expert help” offered to Walmart (NYSE:WMT) shoppers purchasing baby products like car seats or breast pumps.

In select stores, consumers will be able scan tags with QR codes located throughout the baby department to buy support from Tot Squad. Online, they will be given the option to place a consultation in their cart. Complete article

Former Head of Dentistry for Walmart U.S. named President at NYC dental start-up, dntl bar 02/24/2022

NEW YORK, Feb. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- New York City's emerging DSO, dntl bar, is naming Dr. Roshan Parikh as the company's first ever President. Dr. Ro comes to dntl bar with deep expertise in dentistry & DSO management. This new leadership position will support the company's plans for expansion within New York City and beyond.

dntl bar has been re-imagining the way consumers experience dentistry with retail-centric locations & a patient-first approach. With 5 locations in New York City & expansive growth plans over the next several years, the addition of Dr. Ro will help dntl bar successfully scale & transform the way people experience dentistry. Complete article

Wyoming Walmart shoplifter arrested for intending to sell drugs 02/22/2022

Elmira woman arrested for stealing from NY Walmart 02/22/2022

Assault and robbery defendant tied to Vermont Walmart hit and run driver last July 2021 pleads guilty 02/23/2022

Police Blotter: Women Argue Over Apple Watch; Woman's Lost Purse From Tenn. Walmart Is Recovered 02/24/2022

Police: Man wanted, accused of shooting ex-girlfriend in Ill. Walmart parking lot 02/25/2022

DANVILLE, Ill. (WAND) - A man is wanted after police said he approached his ex-girlfriend in a Danville Walmart parking lot and shot her.

Police were called to the Walmart in the 4100 block of N. Vermilion St. Thursday around 7:30 p.m.

A woman had been shot in the torso and in the lower back.

The victim told police she was in the parking lot when she was confronted by her ex-boyfriend, 23-year-old Francis Briscoe III of Tilton. Complete article

Tilton man wanted in shooting at Danville Walmart turns himself in 02/28/2022

Feds: Former Nebraskans wrote manifesto to blackmail Walmart setting fires in Alabama and Mississippi 02/24/2022

OMAHA, Neb. — Five former Nebraska men are accused of setting fires inside Alabama and Mississippi Walmart stores in an effort to force the company to meet demands outlined in a manifesto under the name "The Veterans Order" according to a federal indictment.

A federal grand jury in Alabama returned the four-count indictment Tuesday charging the men with conspiracy to maliciously destroy by fire and other charges.

All were residents of Kearney, Nebraska as recently as 2017 before they relocated to Gulf Shores, Alabama. Complete article

Walmart arson spree: 5 arrested in Gulf Shores driven by ‘manifesto,’ prosecutors say 02/24/2022

5 Kearney Nebraska men federally charged with setting fires to Walmart stores in the South 02/25/2022

Man struck and killed crossing Route 300 near NY Walmart 02/24/2022

TOWN OF NEWBURGH – A 37-year-old Newburgh man was killed when he was struck while walking across Route 300 in the area of Applebee’s restaurant near Walmart in the Town of Newburgh.

A 2021 Jeep Renegade driven by a 27-year-old Campbell Hall woman struck the man at around 8:30 p.m. on Friday, February 18.

Police did not release the name of the victim. Complete article

Woman Struck, Killed by Car Near Dallas Tx. Walmart: Police 02/26/2022

A woman is dead after she was hit by an oncoming vehicle while crossing a street in Dallas, police said.

According to the Dallas Police Department, officers were responding to an unrelated vehicle accident at 8700 Clark Road when a pedestrian attempted to cross in the middle lane of traffic.

Police said the victim, a female leaving Walmart and pushing a shopping cart full of items across the street, was struck by a Ford Focus traveling Southbound. Complete article

Men accusing each other of assault outside Tx. Walmart both hospitalized 02/25/2022

The Denton Police Department spoke with two men, both bleeding from the head, outside Walmart Thursday after being called about an assault around 1:48 p.m.

A 911 caller told police he was leaving Walmart on Loop 288 when he saw another man, with blood running down his face, running into the store while another man got into a vehicle.

Police spoke with both of the men involved before they were taken to the hospital for their injuries, which weren’t life-threatening. Each alleged they were defending themselves from the other. They knew each other, according to the report. Complete article

Walmart Names New Head of Beauty 02/25/2022

Walmart has named a new head of its beauty business, WWD has confirmed.

The world’s largest retailer has named Creighton Kiper its newest vice president of merchandising, beauty. The announcement comes weeks after Kiper’s predecessor, Musab Balbale, departed the company.

Kiper previously held the role of merchandising vice president of wellness at Walmart. Last year, at Fairchild Live’s Wellness Forum, he said that Walmart’s vast consumer base — which purportedly counts 90 percent of Americans as monthly shoppers — is interested in both inner and outer beauty. Complete article

Woman charged with felony after stealing tools from NM Walmart 02/23/2022

If You Shop at Walmart, Watch Out for These Deceptive New "Deals" 02/23/2022

Cumberland Co. Pa. authorities ask for help identifying woman accused of stealing at Walmart 02/24/2022

Elmira man arrested for using stolen credit card at NY Walmart 02/25/2022

Police seek suspect accused of using stolen credit cards at Tx. Walmart 02/24/2022

Albuquerque family survives shooting in NM Walmart parking lot, warns others 02/27/2022

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A scratch on his trunk is the only physical damage Christopher Bibber sustained during what he describes as a dangerously close call in a Walmart parking lot last week. But emotionally, he and his family are shaken up.

"I've been here for four years. And since I've been here, I've seen nothing but just continuous, blatant firearm usage just to do it. And that scares me," said Bibber.

Bibber says he got a ride to Walmart from a coworker Monday night to help his wife with two flat tires. But on the way, his coworker almost got into an accident with another car.

"They started following us. I get dropped off at my wife's car and they circled back around and come up to the car," Bibber said. Complete article

Walmart Employee Shot In Randallstown Md. Parking Lot On Monday 03/01/2022

RANDALLSTOWN, Md. (WJZ) — Sources have confirmed to WJZ that a Walmart employee was shot in the chest as he was getting off of work and heading to his car Monday around 7 p.m.

“After the victim was shot there, he then drove himself to an area hospital and walked inside,” said Det. Trae Corbin from the Baltimore County Police Department.

Corbin confirmed the victim was shot in the 8700 block of Liberty Road but did not confirm it was at the Walmart parking lot.

WJZ reached out to Walmart’s spokesperson who said it was a police matter.

Baltimore County Police say they are now reviewing surveillance cameras as part of their investigation. Complete article

Dead Body Found Behind Coral Springs Fla. Walmart 02/28/2022

Detectives are investigating a dead body found behind the Walmart Neighborhood Market in Coral Springs Monday night, police said.

Coral Springs Police received a call about the man’s body near the dumpsters behind the store at 10635 W. Atlantic Blvd around 6 p.m., said Coral Springs Police Sgt. Ernesto Bruna.

Police arrived and found the dead man, whose cause of death was not immediately made public. Complete article

Kenosha County authorities ask for public's help to identify individual involved in Wisc. Walmart incident 02/28/2022

KENOSHA COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Authorities are asking for the public's help to identify an individual involved in an incident at a Walmart in Kenosha County.

The Kenosha County Sheriff's Department shared a photo of the individual to their Facebook page.

The incident reportedly happened on Monday, Feb. 28.

CBS 58 obtained video of what happened inside the store. The individual used inappropriate and inflammatory comments while throwing things around the store. Complete article

In custody: Kenosha County authorities locate individual involved in Walmart incident 03/01/2022

71-year-old man accused of inappropriately touching 12-year-old girl at West Mifflin Pa. Walmart 02/28/2022

A 71-year-old man has been charged after he allegedly touched a 12-year-old girl inappropriately at the Walmart in West Mifflin on Sunday.

Police said Roger Nigriss has been charged with indecent assault and unlawful contact with a minor.

According to the criminal complaint, the victim and her mother were in the bread aisle when they passed Nigriss going in opposite directions.

The victim told officers Nigriss then grabbed her inappropriately. Complete article

Fla. Walmart trespasses Councilman Barbosa on shoplifting allegation; Barbosa calls it 'misunderstanding' 02/28/2022

Palm Coast District 2 City Councilman Victor Barbosa was trespassed from the Palm Coast Walmart on Sunday, Feb. 28, on an allegation that he was shoplifting by "skip scanning" an $18 item of clothing at the self-checkout lane.

Barbosa said the incident was a misunderstanding.

"Last night I went to Walmart and used the self-checkout (note to self, never use self-checkout)," he wrote in a message to the Palm Coast Observer. "I spent over $300, and one item for $16 didn't scan, probably, and the next thing I know, they stop me at the door and gave me a trespass warning."

Asked about whether he'd skipped scanning the same item a second time after the store remotely halted the initial transaction, as an asset protection officer had alleged, Barbosa replied, "I scanned the stuff. I'm not a cashier. I spent $300; I was not going to purposefully not pay, I think it was, $16. Now, thinking, I wish I had asked her to scan it in front of me to see if the bar code was damaged." .....

The store's asset protection team can halt a self-checkout transaction and force a customer to shift to another register and start ringing up all of their items all over again — a way to give a customer a second chance to ring up the items properly — and did so with Barbosa, she said, according to the FCSO's report.

But when he started over at another register, Barbosa again skip-scanned the same clothing item, according to the report. Complete article

‘I fear for my life:’ Palm Coast councilman accused of trespassing at Walmart announces resignation 03/01/2022

Deputies Investigating Valencia Robbery At Ca. Walmart 02/28/2022

Around 3:45 p.m. Monday, deputies received reports of a robbery at the Walmart on the 27900 block of Kelly Johnson Parkway in Valencia said Deputy Natalie Arriaga, spokesperson for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

The suspect handed a note to a cashier telling her he had a gun and demanded cash, according to Arriaga.

The suspect fled on foot with an unknown amount of money. Complete article

Walmart Employees Share What They Wish Customers Knew 02/28/2022

Anyone who's ever worked in retail can tell you that customers can be both vital parts to your success and the bane of your existence. You may be helping a sweet old lady with her groceries or you may be trying to deal with an irate woman in baggy sweats trying to haggle for imaginary deals. In a place that serves nearly 240 million customers alone each week (via Statista), employees of Walmart from the deli counter to the electronics department are no strangers to dealing with customers both good and bad. With 1.6 million associates in the U.S. (via Walmart), Walmart employees have a pretty daunting task of doing their job and keeping their customers satisfied.

While customer training or motivational exercises can help — or at least, supposedly help — you, a diligent employee of Walmart, deal with an irate customer, there's nothing stopping from you wishing that you could just keep that angry Karen in the checkout line or obnoxious know-it-all in the auto parts section out of the store and your life to begin with. Straight from Walmart workers themselves, here are some tips that you should do well to remember the next time you pay a trip to your local superstore.

On the subreddit r/Walmart, employees of the titular store gathered together to share one very specific desire: What did they wish customers of Walmart knew before they came in? The original poster expressed their desire for customers to understand that the website isn't always accurate, that even if the website says they have something in stock, it's either not there, lost, or probably stolen. Their second wish was that customers stop trying to get expert advice from them, stating that they just because they work in a department doesn't guarantee they'll know what exactly the customer is talking about.

"Not everyone who wear a vest works in the department you need assistance in. Especially when they're visibly wearing a hairnet or a orange vest," said user Expendito. 

"Just because the Walmart in your home town in Podunk, Missouri carries Product X, doesn't mean all Walmarts carry it," was the response of user cowboyJones.

"Just because we work at Walmart doesn't mean we know everything about every department," added user Ecstatic_Peak6646. Complete article

Maine Walmart and large retailers push to cut millions in property taxes statewide 02/28/2022

It’s Wednesday afternoon at Walmart in Thomaston, and shoppers are rushing around — grabbing dog food, picking up prescriptions, perusing the towel aisle. It’s clear that the store, less than a decade old, is busy if not thriving.

That’s not the case according to attorneys representing Walmart, who have filed appeals arguing that the Thomaston location, and a number of other stores around Maine and the country, should, for the purposes of property tax assessment, be compared with a shuttered warehouse rather than an open store.

“They say we should be valuing their store equivalent to a store that’s been closed and sold with restrictions on it,” said Dave Martucci, the Thomaston assessor who called the situation “absurd.”

Known as the “dark store” theory, the argument being made by retailers is that their open, bustling stores are equivalent to ones that failed and closed. Companies argue that the stores are so specially designed that they are functionally obsolete nearly as soon as they are built, and will lose much of their value as soon as the retailer leaves. Corporate attorneys are deploying the strategy in an effort to slash property taxes, often by hundreds of thousands of dollars, in communities around the country. Complete article

‘Walmart’s bleeding this town,’ official says as Raytown Missouri faces police layoffs 09/27/2017 In a city of about 10 square miles officers made more than 500 arrests last year at the Walmart store at 10300 E. U.S. 350. The store is the scene of about 30 percent of Raytown’s reported serious crimes.

Meanwhile, Walmart does not contribute taxes for police services. The TIF deal that built the store a decade ago diverts about $300,000 in tax dollars away from public safety every year.

Counterfeiting suspects used $2,000 in phony bills at Pa. Walmart: state cops 02/25/2022

Arrest made in January Wetumpka Alabama Walmart parking lot homicide 02/25/2022

Abilene Tx. Walmart evacuated after bomb threat 02/24/2022

KC Woman Arrested For Stealing at Missouri WalMart 02/25/2022

Earpieces, stolen credit card: 3 nabbed in alleged Mich. Walmart fraud 02/25/2022

Silver Springs woman steals over $380 worth of merchandise from Walmart in SW Ocala Fla. 02/27/2022

Woman arrested trying to smuggle personal massager from Largo Fla. Walmart, police say 02/2/2022

Police: Thieves steal $20K worth of electronics from Walmart in Grundy Va. 02/28/2022

Police seek man who took items from NY Walmart 02/28/2022

Suspicious package leads to evacuation of Walmart in Berks Pa. 02/28/2022

Wareham Mass. Police seek suspect in purse snatching from elder person at Walmart 02/28/2022

GPD investigating ongoing theft atIll. Walmart 02/28/2022

Two suspects wanted for stealing 24 cell phones from Henrico Va. Walmart stores 02/28/2022

Corsicana Tx. Police looking for woman last seen leaving Walmart with unidentified man 02/2/2022

Horseheads Wal-Mart employee allegedly steals hundreds from register 02/28/2022