This sounds insane to most reasonable skeptics, but even if we don't, we're getting much closer to developing technology that can create voices in people's head, and the evidence isn't secret. Airpods and the most up to date hearing aids come close to creating voices in people's head that others can't hear, they're partly if not entirely wireless, and the size of them is rapidly getting smaller, although anyone wearing them will know where the voices are coming from. However, Elon Musk claims that a "Neuralink brain implant" can be used to communicate directly to the brain, Israel allegedly created a futuristic device that can put music in people's head, and there are several stories about the military studying how to use lasers to put voices in people's heads, some of these claims refer to it as The Voice of God Weapon, which has allegedly already been used in Iraq or Afghanistan, among other stories, some that may be more credible than others. There's little doubt that they're trying to develop this technology, and if they haven't succeeded yet they may be very close.
Alleged voices in people's head have been happening for thousands of year, often much more sophisticated, in what many religious people refer to as "revelations" or communication with the "spiritual world." In modern history this has routinely been dismissed as schizophrenia, which may be reasonable in most cases, assuming there isn't evidence of something more extraordinary. However, a close look at some of these alleged prophets, mystics, spiritualists, or other names for people getting alleged visions, "revelations" or "visits from the spiritual world" often indicates that even though there are almost always some serious flaws with their claims, and inadequate evidence, there are also some things that can't be completely explained away by skeptics. In most if not all cases these alleged "revelations are often more complicated than just hearing voices in their heads, so this technology alone won't explain many of those mystics. I've gone into some of this in past articles which I'll list below; but if you agree that they're unexplained, one possibility worth considering is that there might be an unknown advanced intelligence that is influencing these alleged mystics.
If the military and technology companies have developed the ability to create voices in people's heads, and if there's been an unknown advanced intelligence of some sort influencing mystics all along, then we should consider the possibility they're learning about the technology that was used all along from this unknown advanced intelligence. Philip Corso, author of "The Day After Roswell," claims that he shared technology that was retrieved from alien crafts that had crashed; he also claimed that tehy made contact with aliens, and many others have repeated this claim, although most are less credible than him or remain anonymous speaking to investigators like Richard Dolan, who has covered many of them. If so a large portion of our most advanced technology almost certainly came from them.
Either there's something to these claims, which would be massive, or there's a major effort to make it seem like alien technology is being shared, at least to those willing to look at reporting that the mainstream media portrays as fringe. No doubt a lot of these claims are seriously flawed; but, there are some cases where the most rational researchers into the subject make some legitimate points that skeptics can't refute, and without this theory skeptics don't come close to explaining many major unsolved mysteries. If Corso is partly right, then the advanced technology that tech companies are now developing was available to the aliens long ago, perhaps even more advanced including the following "brain-computer interface" that Elon Musk describes as a possibility in the relatively near future, which might explain aliens abilities to influence our history:
Elon Musk says Neuralink plans 2020 human test of brain-computer interface 07/17/2019
Neuralink, Elon Musk's startup that's trying to directly link brains and computers, has developed a system to feed thousands of electrical probes into a brain and hopes to start testing the technology on humans in in 2020, Chief Executive Elon Musk revealed Tuesday. And it's working already in animal tests. "A monkey has been able to control a computer with his brain," Musk said at a San Francisco livestreaming the presentation on YouTube Tuesday, revealing even more research results than the company's scientists expected.
Neuralink's initial goal is to help people deal with brain and spinal cord injuries or congenital defects, Musk said. The technology could help paraplegics who have lost the ability to move or sense because of spinal cord injury -- a medical treatment that's a lot less shocking than radical sci-fi ideas like "consensual telepathy."
But the long-term goal is to build a "digital superintelligence layer" to link humans with artificial intelligence, a technology he views as an existential threat to humanity.
"Ultimately, we can do a full brain-machine interfaces where we can achieve a sort of symbiosis with AI," Musk said. One goal along the way will be letting people type 40 words per minute just by thinking. .......
Today, some epilepsy patients have dozens of wires inserted to monitor brain activity, said Bin He, head of biomedical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and a researcher who favors noninvasive methods. "In the general population, I could not see how many of such inserted wires into a human's brain would not cause risks or potentially impair the working of the brain," He said.
Noninvasive methods not only can read brain activity but also stimulate it. That's easier at the surface, but new breakthroughs show promise for communications with neurons deeper in the brain, He said.
Even if Neuralink's approach works, don't expect to download the ability to speak French anytime soon. The company's first goals are dauntingly ambitious, and training the brain to understand the Neuralink signals won't be easy, either, said Max Hodak, Neuralink's president and co-founder. "It's a long process. It's like learning to touch-type or play piano," he said. .....
Neuralink is designing its electrodes not just to "read" from neurons what's going on in the brain, but also to "write" signals into the brain. "You can use this technology in the brain to restore a sense of touch or vision," said Neuralink scientist Philip Sabes. ........
Musk is pretty busy. He's got Tesla, which makes electric cars and trucks, massive electric power storage batteries and solar roofs. He's got SpaceX, which is launching satellites -- including its own set for providing internet service -- and is working on rockets to get people to orbit, Mars and the other side of Earth. Then there's the Boring Company, which is trying to create tunnels to relieve automobile congestion on ordinary roads. Complete article
Neuralink, Elon Musk's startup that's trying to directly link brains and computers, has developed a system to feed thousands of electrical probes into a brain and hopes to start testing the technology on humans in in 2020, Chief Executive Elon Musk revealed Tuesday. And it's working already in animal tests. "A monkey has been able to control a computer with his brain," Musk said at a San Francisco livestreaming the presentation on YouTube Tuesday, revealing even more research results than the company's scientists expected.
Neuralink's initial goal is to help people deal with brain and spinal cord injuries or congenital defects, Musk said. The technology could help paraplegics who have lost the ability to move or sense because of spinal cord injury -- a medical treatment that's a lot less shocking than radical sci-fi ideas like "consensual telepathy."
But the long-term goal is to build a "digital superintelligence layer" to link humans with artificial intelligence, a technology he views as an existential threat to humanity.
"Ultimately, we can do a full brain-machine interfaces where we can achieve a sort of symbiosis with AI," Musk said. One goal along the way will be letting people type 40 words per minute just by thinking. .......
Today, some epilepsy patients have dozens of wires inserted to monitor brain activity, said Bin He, head of biomedical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and a researcher who favors noninvasive methods. "In the general population, I could not see how many of such inserted wires into a human's brain would not cause risks or potentially impair the working of the brain," He said.
Noninvasive methods not only can read brain activity but also stimulate it. That's easier at the surface, but new breakthroughs show promise for communications with neurons deeper in the brain, He said.
Even if Neuralink's approach works, don't expect to download the ability to speak French anytime soon. The company's first goals are dauntingly ambitious, and training the brain to understand the Neuralink signals won't be easy, either, said Max Hodak, Neuralink's president and co-founder. "It's a long process. It's like learning to touch-type or play piano," he said. .....
Neuralink is designing its electrodes not just to "read" from neurons what's going on in the brain, but also to "write" signals into the brain. "You can use this technology in the brain to restore a sense of touch or vision," said Neuralink scientist Philip Sabes. ........
Musk is pretty busy. He's got Tesla, which makes electric cars and trucks, massive electric power storage batteries and solar roofs. He's got SpaceX, which is launching satellites -- including its own set for providing internet service -- and is working on rockets to get people to orbit, Mars and the other side of Earth. Then there's the Boring Company, which is trying to create tunnels to relieve automobile congestion on ordinary roads. Complete article
It's unclear exactly how far this theoretical "brain-computer interface" could go, but there's some indication that it's possible that not only can the brain use it to type, like some previous experiments that provide partial control of a computer or bionic links, but information can be transferred into the brain, possibly with or without the consent of the subject. If this is a result of alien technology, could a more advanced version of it already developed by aliens enable them to create voices in people's head, and perhaps much more like the appearance of revelations or contact with the spiritual world? If so, it could begin to explain many past mystics or prophets; if not those mystics or prophets remain an unsolved mystery, that should be researched.
There have been claims from both skeptics and believers claiming that either they've found some kind of implants in people that claim to have been abducted by aliens or heard voices in their heads. However, they're all inconclusive as far as I can tell, although some of them indicate that some skepticism may be appropriate. Some of the alleged implants cited by believers are small pieces of unknown metal, which they can't explain or understand what they do or how, assuming they do anything, skeptics have dismissed these as meaningless, and known substances. Some people have claimed they have devices in their heads which send messages or something; at times doctors have said they couldn't find anything.
But how close did they look and would they know what to look for? Doctors who have worked with "some epilepsy patients [that] have dozens of wires inserted to monitor brain activity" would presumably know what to look for if implants are similar to those; but are they the ones that have examined schizophrenic people that claim they have voices in their head and implants? Very few of these people have been examined to find out if they have some of this advanced technology, and we have no idea how much more advanced the technology available to aliens, assuming they exist, or how to recognize it. Some of the alleged methods of creating voices may not even involve implants, so examiners wouldn't be able to find them.
Furthermore, did Elon Musk invent this technology himself, and all the other advanced technology for several of his other companies? Even though that's the impression the media often gives by giving him all the credit, without mentioning other researchers working for him, there's little or no chance that he did, whether the technology came from aliens or not. According to Elon Musk's Wikipedia article "He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, where he received dual bachelor's degrees in economics and physics. He moved to California in 1995 to begin a Ph.D. in applied physics and material sciences at Stanford University, but dropped out after two days to pursue a business career." Within four years after dropping out to pursue a business career he sold Zip2, a web software company, for $307 million in 1999, becoming an overnight multimillionaire, and not long after that becoming an overnight billionaire!
Is this explanation more credible than the possibility that they might be developing technology obtained from aliens, and that he may only be a figure head covering for it? I went into this previously in Do Aliens own Stock in Monsanto, DuPont, or Microsoft? and Who's Controlling Oligarchies Dividing The Market? Aliens? when I checked the background of a surprising number of overnight billionaires that allegedly made a fortune by founding high tech companies that developed technology extremely rapidly and have been dominating both the tech industry, and to some degree the political establishment as well. If Philip Corso is correct about sharing technology it is almost certainly being done on a massive scale and is responsible for the vast majority of technological advances, and many of these overnight billionaires may be front people covering for it.
It would also mean that the aliens had most if not all of this technology available to them for thousands of years and that they were withholding it from us, possibly while using it to influence our development for their own purposes. The full extent of technology that Elon Musk refers to as a "brain-computer interface" isn't fully known, but there's a possibility that it might have given the aliens the ability to create what many religious people consider "revelations" or "visits from the spiritual world." if this is the case then the aliens could conceivably have influenced many prophets, spiritualists or mystics like Padre Pio; Helena Blavatsky; Andrew Jackson Davis; Uri Geller; the alleged "Miracle Of The Sun" or UFO. In all of theses unsolved mysteries there have been many people that jumped to conclusions about God or visits with the spiritual world despite serious problems with the stories; however, there have also been major unsolved mysteries that skeptics can't fully explain, so coming to final conclusions requires a close look.
As they often say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and there may be extraordinary evidence of something surrounding these mystics, but it's not easy to sort out, which is why I often start with a major unsolved mysteries where there is conclusive evidence raising doubts about the official explanation of how ancient megaliths were moved allegedly without advanced technology which I went into in 107 Wonders of the Ancient World where I explained that there are thousands of megaliths over fifty tons that were moved long distances and over a hundred megaliths weighing over one hundred tons, including the Colossi of Memnon which weighed 720 tons apiece and were moved 420 miles, slightly up hill. Experiments to move megaliths up to ten tons proved that it can be done by towing them on a sledge, although only a few of them included efforts to get it on the sledge, skipping to the part where they pulled it with thirty or more people working together, breaking an enormous number of ropes. They carried out a few more experiments up to forty tons, without showing how they got it on the sledge, and at best only moved them very short distances, with even more problems with broken ropes and sledges. They cheated with those and still had little or no success and didn't even try doing bigger megaliths effectively proving that it shouldn't have been possible with primitive technology.
This should indicate that at least considering the possibility that we've been influenced by an unknown advanced intelligence of some sort, whether it's aliens, "God" or something else; yet the skeptics or most of the scientific community refuse to take this possibility seriously.
If, on the other hand, there's nothing to the claims that aliens have made contact and are sharing technology, then there has to be another explanation for how our technology started developping so fast over the past seventy years, picking up the pace even more in the last twenty to thirty years, along with many other unexplained mysteries; and there also has to be an explanation for why there are so many people claiming there is shared technology from aliens, which I went into in Alien technology shared? Or Massive & Sophisticated Hoax? The largest number of reports of sharing of alien technology that I know of was from Richard M. Dolan UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 2009 Many of them are people that made disclosure on the condition of anonymity or they had credibility problems, but in some cases, they were in high positions of power, so even if they're not completely honest, there has to be a reason why people in power are putting out this disinformation. The most credible source for this claim that I know of is still Philip Corso, but Emery Smith has also made similar claims in the following article, and if Corso is right some of Smith's additional claims from the following article, like that they're improving medical research are inevitable:
Military Insider Shares Advanced Alien Tech Being Withheld From Public 01/15/2020
World Renowned, Scientist, Inventor, And Military Insider Emery Smith Shares About Aliens, Mind-Boggling Medical And Technological Advancements That Are Being Withheld From The Public.
Listening to him is like watching a dystopian science fiction movies, where major corporations fight for the latest advanced technologies, with spies and assassins.
Smith, started at the young age of 18 years old, being part of the United States Air Force. During his carrier as military man, first he worked during the day in military bases and during the evening, in underground labs, leased to different corporations. Like many people in the government, he did not know where the material came from: the DNA and body tissues that he was testing (more than 3000 specimens). The technology he was exposed to in the lab were ranging from anti-gravity, zero point energy to 3d holographic imaging.
This how it worked and works.
The government retrieves spacecrafts of extraterrestrial technology from different sites around the world and then they pass it down to private corporations that then apply reverse engineering to get new devices. Not only machines were created but even cures for human diseases through the manipulation of ET DNA to make pharmaceuticals. From this experience, Emery Smith clearly is telling us, today, that we have technology to cure diseases.
These devices and technology can create abundance for everyone where we could live different than we live now: free water, housing and energy for everyone. We would not rely on gas and oil, exploiting Earth’s resources and freeing us from paying the additional major costs to access these resources (you know well, for example, the higher bills that come for using heat in winter which many people cannot even afford any more due to the ongoing increases). .....
Also, a crucial point that he shared is about the private corporations’ technology. Their know-how is far more advanced than people think by a few thousand years and all of this knowledge is repressed because it goes to the Black Projects. Complete article
More videos of Emery Smith
World Renowned, Scientist, Inventor, And Military Insider Emery Smith Shares About Aliens, Mind-Boggling Medical And Technological Advancements That Are Being Withheld From The Public.
If you want live an incredible life, follow the footprints of Emery Smith. A man that has been working for the United States Air Force for many years, worked with organic materials not known to humankind; flown in the most advanced alien aircraft; have accumulated plenty of resources and money, to be physically harmed.
Listening to him is like watching a dystopian science fiction movies, where major corporations fight for the latest advanced technologies, with spies and assassins.
Smith, started at the young age of 18 years old, being part of the United States Air Force. During his carrier as military man, first he worked during the day in military bases and during the evening, in underground labs, leased to different corporations. Like many people in the government, he did not know where the material came from: the DNA and body tissues that he was testing (more than 3000 specimens). The technology he was exposed to in the lab were ranging from anti-gravity, zero point energy to 3d holographic imaging.
This how it worked and works.
The government retrieves spacecrafts of extraterrestrial technology from different sites around the world and then they pass it down to private corporations that then apply reverse engineering to get new devices. Not only machines were created but even cures for human diseases through the manipulation of ET DNA to make pharmaceuticals. From this experience, Emery Smith clearly is telling us, today, that we have technology to cure diseases.
These devices and technology can create abundance for everyone where we could live different than we live now: free water, housing and energy for everyone. We would not rely on gas and oil, exploiting Earth’s resources and freeing us from paying the additional major costs to access these resources (you know well, for example, the higher bills that come for using heat in winter which many people cannot even afford any more due to the ongoing increases). .....
Also, a crucial point that he shared is about the private corporations’ technology. Their know-how is far more advanced than people think by a few thousand years and all of this knowledge is repressed because it goes to the Black Projects. Complete article
More videos of Emery Smith
There are definitely a lot of major unsolved mysteries, mostly ignored by mainstream media, and if this is true then it could begin to explain them, although there will be more questions than answers, at first. But even if it isn't there's solutions to many of our biggest problems that are almost absent from traditional media. As I went into in my last article, Ten Ways To Reduce Violence, Backed Up By Research, which doesn't rely on paranormal solutions or beliefs that many consider fringe, instead relying on good research from academic sources, when possible and the best sources available otherwise. The same goes for the best research on any other subject; if you check the best research in the academic world or good alternative media outlets you'll find that it's almost completely absent from mainstream media, which often misrepresents it, or makes many blatantly false claims, using ideology of the wealthy to base political decisions.
This includes medical advances, with or without the help of alien technology. We have enough information to know that Single Payer or Medicare for All is far more effective than our for profit healthcare system; we subsidize the development of drugs with tax payer dollars, then let the drug companies gouge us by giving them patents, even though the risk was taken with taxpayer money; we use the poor for research while the wealthy get all the benefits. We also pas up on many ways to prevent illnesses, including pollution related diseases, especially when those most at risk are the poor in abandoned inner cities or in the third world.
They also fail to report on how extensive the problem of schizophrenia is as well. Despite the lack of media coverage of this voices in people's head are far more common than most people realize; some estimates claim that as many as 10% of the public hear voices that no one else hears, others say it's between 3% and 10%. Many of us would be surprised by the 3% estimate, which would mean that we've all met dozens if not hundreds of people that allegedly hear voices in their head without realizing it. If this is true most of them are mild and not causing much if any problem. However, the few cases that the media do report on tend to be much more serious, often when they claim that they killed someone because they heard a voice in their head that told them to.
This does not mean that I'm implying that some of these killers may have committed murder because they may have received messages telling them to kill through advanced technology creating those voices, since we have other research showing what causes or exacerbates schizophrenia and makes people more violent and more likely to kill. One of the most important contributing causes of violence later in life, including murder is serious child abuse early in life. There have been some researchers that have claimed that child abuse is also a contributing cause of schizophrenia, or that it exacerbates existing conditions for at least fifteen years, although when this claim was first made, there were many skeptics, but more researchers have supported this claim since then.
However, contrary to the impressions most people have, the majority of people with schizophrenia aren't violent, according to some studies, and are much more likely to be the victim of violence than the perpetrator. And there's other research, some done by Dorothy Otnow Lewis, James Garbarino, Lonnie Atkins, and other researchers, showing that most if not all violent adults, and murderers were victims of early child abuse, especially the most violent murderers, whether they have schizophrenia or not. Dorothy Otnow Lewis even went do far as to say that every murderer she researched had a history of being abused, and that she was able to corroborate it independently, and James Garbarino has made similar claims. Unfortunately, there are many investigators or researchers that are reluctant to look for this evidence, so many of the stories about schizophrenics that claimed they were told to kill by "voices" in their head may not report on this abuse.
Rushing into the most far-fetched theory should clearly be inappropriate without a reasonable degree of skepticism; however, in some cases, when the traditional beliefs can't explain major unsolved mysteries we should keep an open mind since some of these far-fetched beliefs might be partly true, and may stand up to scrutiny, assuming we sort through the facts carefully and demand full disclosure, checking those facts as well, assuming we get them.
The following are some additional sources or related articles:
Elon Musk: Neuralink brain implant will improve 'bandwidth' of human communication 09/29/2020
What Are AirPods and How Do They Work? 01/13/2020
Futuristic device from Israeli firm puts music in your head, without headphones 11/13/2020
The Voice of God Weapon Returns 12/21/2007
The Voice of God (Dr. Robert Duncan) 02/15/2020
'Voice of God' weapon being used in Iraq 12/23/2007
Voice of God - Weapon Technologies 07/28/2020
"The Voice of God weapon — a device that projects voices into your head to make you think God is speaking to you." 09/27/2014
“The Voice of God” – Weaponized Mind Control Frequency Technology 09/15/2015
This Israeli Tech Company Wants to Beam Music to Your Ears 11/12/2020
Mothers of Alien Hybrid Children Form a Support Group 12/03/2020
Organic Redox Flow Batteries - The true path to grid scale energy storage? 11/08/2020
“This is Why They Want Us to Stay in the House!”: Mass UFO Sighting Causes Panic in Detroit (video) 40/20/2020
UFO Sightings In Michigan: What You've Witnessed In 2020 09/23/2020
Man reports UFO sighting over Detroit skies 07/03/2020
Video: UFOs Over Detroit 07/06/2020
LIVING WITH VOICES ‘The voice made me slash my own skull and then told me I’d murdered someone’ – schizophrenia sufferers reveal what the voices in their heads are really saying to them 08/15/2018 One in ten people hear voices that nobody else can and, for some sufferers, the consequences can be extreme
“The Voices Told Me to Kill My Mother”: Chilling Confession of a Mad Murderer in Costa Blanca’s Alicante 06/07/2020
Voices told me to kill him, says man who tried to assassinate Trump 05/09/2017 A British man jailed after trying to assassinate Donald Trump said Tuesday that screaming voices in his head urged him to lunge for a policeman’s gun.
"I thought the voices in my head were normal": What it’s like to live with psychosis 05/17/2017
What Are Voices & Visions? Statistics vary, but it’s generally accepted that between 3 and 10% of the population hear voices that other people don’t.
“The voices told me to kill my mother” 06/07/2020 Jorge, a young man of 30, was detained soaked in blood, wandering the streets of Alicante, accused of having stabbed to death his mother, María Josefa, and of having attempted to murder his father, Melchor. .... Is when you start to hear the voices. “They told me to kill my mother, my father and then commit suicide,” he recalls. He explains that he had two little men, one on each shoulder: “An angel who told me peace and love and another, a devil, who ordered me to stab them.”
37 Schizophrenic People Describe The Terrifying Voices They Hear 10/06/2017
Voices told a Bondurant man to kill himself. Then, he says, they told him to kill his parents and sister instead. 04/30/2018 Nicholson, sentenced Monday to three life terms for killing his parents and sister in their home, told a Polk County judge Monday that his mental illness had been preventing him from having relationships, going to college and keeping a job.
'The voices told me to kill her': Lake Worth man allegedly murders his wife 12/12/2019
Son of Sam: The Eerie Enigma of Killers Who “Hear Voices” 07/27/2018 When the assailant, David Berkowitz, was eventually caught, he became notorious for both his unusual moniker – “Son of Sam” – and for his claim that he’d been told to commit his murders by a demon entity manifested in a dog called Harvey.
Scottsdale man with schizophrenia says voices told him to kill wife, court docs show 01/28/2019
Voices In Your Head? They Might Be Real 08/19/2014
Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head 02/18/2014
Military Weapon Uses Lasers to Produce 'Voices' 03/26/2018
Robot Therapy for Hallucinated Voices 12/10/2014
People who hear voices in their head can also pick up on hidden speech 08/22/2017
What's a microwave weapon and is the Havana Syndrome real? 10/22/2020
What’s Behind the Mysterious Illness of U.S. Diplomats and Spies? 10/21/2020
When People With Schizophrenia Hear Voices, They’re Really Hearing Their Own Subvocal Speech 03/02/2016
Do Child Abuse and Maltreatment Increase Risk of Schizophrenia? 04/30/2012
Childhood Trauma in Schizophrenia: Current Findings and Research Perspectives 03/21/2019
Child Abuse Can Cause Schizophrenia, Conference Told 06/14/2006
Schizophrenia Usually Caused by Child Abuse? Proof Lacking 06/16/2006
Child sexual abuse may be important cause of schizophrenia 07/01/2011
Violence and Schizophrenia Sept. 2011 Persons with schizophrenia are undoubtedly at increased risk of becoming victims of violence in the community setting, with risks up to 14 times the rate of being victimized compared with being arrested as a perpetrator.
Violence in schizophrenia Dec. 2000 Although the vast majority of violent acts in today's society are not related to menial illness and a great majority of patients with schizophrenia have never been violent, studies have confirmed a relationship between schizophrenia and violence.
Schizophrenia and Violence Risk: Media Distort the Picture 07/06/2012
A National Study of Violent Behavior in Persons With Schizophrenia May 2006
Predicting Violence in Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia and Dangerous Behaviour
Scientists splice human genes into monkey brains to make them bigger, smarter 11/19/2020
This 3D-printed steak could help us reduce meat consumption 07/08/2020
The first Robot to admit they have no soul, like the future and past 5 Presidents.! 11/23/2020
Malaysia International Digital Entrepreneurship Center
A Weird Monolith Is Found in the Utah Desert 11/24/2020
Alien technology shared? Or Massive & Sophisticated Hoax?
Is New Research Showing Fringe Alien Hybrids Are Possible?
Do Aliens own Stock in Monsanto, DuPont, or Microsoft?
Who's Controlling Oligarchies Dividing The Market? Aliens?