If there is something to the alleged UFO phenomena that has been going on since World War II, even if the media rarely ever reports on it anymore, do you really think it should be treated like a joke?
If there is an unknown advanced intelligence visiting us, isn't it more important to figure out if there is something to it and why, than it is to jump to conclusions and ridicule everyone that disagrees?
If your friends have fallen for media propaganda about UFOs they'll make fun of you if you take this seriously; but if you don't you might as well stick your head in the sand, even though the story about ostriches doing this is a myth.
There is a good reason to be skeptical of a lot of the claims about UFOs and if there is an unknown advanced intelligence on another planet the obstacles to travel from one plenty to another are enormous; however with technology developing rapidly over the past fifty years we're already demonstrating that an enormous amount of those obstacles can and already have been overcome; although contrary to the most extreme exaggeration there's still a long way to go. But if there was an advanced intelligence that was much older than our own race they would have had much more time to overcome those obstacles, and there's a growing amount of evidence to indicate that either they have or there's a massive conspiracy to make it seem like they have and to fake the UFO sightings going on for the past seventy years.
Most young people might not know it but the media and the government once did a far better job covering these unsolved mysteries, even if they had less developed science at the time to narrow things down.
Now, at least when it comes to the highest profile discussions on the subject in the mass media, there are an enormous amount of obvious blunders on both sides of the argument, often so obvious that it should be clear that if they had peer review, which they do, they should catch a lot of these obvious mistakes. This leads me to suspect that they're not even trying to do a good job researching the issue and educating the public about it.
In addition to that the reporting on this subject is almost completely absent from the mainstream media, and when they do cover it they treat it with ridicule, instead of reviewing the most basic facts or reminding people of the history behind it. Media outlets that do cover it focus almost exclusively on UFOs; and the highest profile of those, especially the current "Ancient Aliens" are often the ones that make the most blunders. People not familiar with it that might want to search the internet may have to sort through a large volume of equally incompetent web sites before finding more rational ones that make a sincere effort to review it with rational skepticism, without completely closed minds.

These are a dozen of what I consider the most important historical UFOs that were covered reasonably well by some sources at one time or another; although it isn't necessarily the most important ones, since there's no guarantee that they were reported widely in the first place. One of the leading criteria of these choices is strength of the evidence of some major unsolved mystery, although it isn't a guarantee that it is of a visit from another civilization.
Some of them have an enormous volume of witnesses, including many that are considered very credible, often police officers, pilots, military officers, college professors with a scientific background, and even politicians. Some of them might not be quite as compelling based on the evidence that can be confirmed independently, however if there is supporting evidence then these can still help to understand the objective of these unknown advanced intelligence's objectives, assuming they exist. There's enough evidence to indicate that even if there is nothing to it as many skeptics claim, there must be an enormous effort to convince the public that there isn't, which might be an even more far-fetched conspiracy.
I'll give you a hint, Roswell isn't number one on my list; but don't rush down to see what is; even though a dramatic count down is corny and meaningless, I gave it a shot.
If there is an conspiracy to convince the public that there is something to it by people that know that there isn't, I'm not part of it.
At least that I'll admit.
Shag Harbor 1967

An extraordinary event in 1967 would practically put the small fishing village of Shag Harbor on the map. Located at the southern tip of Nova Scotia, this rural community would be host to one of the best documented UFO events of the past 40 years.
Named after the "shag," a bird of the cormorant family, the harbor was literally left off most maps of the time, but that would be changed once and for all.
The tiny fishing community has always had its stories... stories of giant sea serpents, man-eating squid, and ghost ships. The list of local color would see one more addition to its list: a story of a visit of a mysterious flying craft of unknown origin. This craft would visit the waters of Shag Harbor, permanently stamping the village's name in the public eye.
The first indication of this mysterious occurrence would come from local residents who noticed strange orange lights in the sky on the night of October 4, 1967. Most witnesses agreed that there were four orange lights that evening. Five teenagers watched these lights flash in sequence, and then suddenly dive in a 45 degree angle toward the water's surface. The witnesses were surprised that the lights did not dive into the water, but seemed to float on the water, approximately one-half mile from the shore.
Witnesses at first thought they were watching a tragic airplane crash, and quickly reported as much to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which was located at Barrington Passage. Coincidently, RCMP Constable Ron Pound had already witnessed the strange lights himself as he drove down Highway 3 in route to Shag Harbor. Pound felt that he was seeing 4 lights, all attached to one flying craft. He estimated the craft to be about 60 feet long. Complete article at UFO Casebook: The 1967 Shag Harbor UFO Crash
The Shag Harbour Incident Society is a proudly independent organization embodied of individuals who believe that our local history, chiefly the 1967 UFO sighting, should be cherished and made available to the general public.
Wikipedia: Shag Harbour UFO incident
Skeptoid Brian Dunning: The Shag Harbour UFO
Malmstom Air Force Base Montana 1967 about 16 nukes disabled

This is the story of extraordinary events that happened in 1967 to Strategic Air Command Missile Combat Officers; Missileers assigned to operate the Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile , an essential part of America's Cold War strategic nuclear deterrent.
... by Jim Klotz and Robert Salas - 27-Nov-1996
In central Montana, Thursday morning March 16 1967, the E-Flight Missile Combat Crew was below ground in the Echo-Flight Launch Control Center (LCC) or capsule. During the early morning hours, more than one report came in from security patrols and maintenance crews that they had seen UFOs. A UFO was reported directly above one of the E-Flight Launch Facilities (LF) or silos. It turned out that at least one security policeman was so frightened by this encounter that he never again returned to security duty.
A short time later, the Deputy Crew Commander (DMCCC), a 1st Lieutenant, was briefing the Crew Commander (MCCC), a Captain, on the flight status when the alarm horn sounded. Over the next half-minute, all ten of their missiles reported a "No-Go" condition. One by one across the board, each missile had became inoperable,
From there on, as an ex-Missileer describes it: "All Hell broke loose!" Among the many calls to and from the E-Flight LCC one was to the MCCC of November-Flight which links to the equally dramatic story of what happened in another LCC that same morning. Complete article at UFO Casebook: 1967-The Malmstrom AFB UFO/Missile Incident
Larry King UFOs shut down Nuclear Weapons
Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots 09/27/2010
'Aliens stopped WWII nuclear battle between US and Russia' claims Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on Moon 08/14/2015
Soviet nukes and UFOs 01/26/2010
Belgium wave 1989-91

Of all the reports of UFO sightings, some of the most intriguing ones are those which come in flaps, or waves, have multiple witnesses, and photographs. One of the most celebrated cases of this type was the Belgian flap which began in November of 1989.
The events of November 29 would be documented by no less than thirty different groups of witnesses, and three separate groups of police officers. All of the reports described a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath.
This giant craft made not a sound as it slowly and fearlessly moved across the landscape of Belgium. There was free sharing of information as the Belgian populace tracked this craft as it moved from the town of Liege to the border of the Netherlands and Germany.
This first startling sighting would evolve into a wave over the next several months. On two occasions, a pair of F-16 fighters chased the mysterious object, but to no avail.
On March 30, 1990, a frantic call to military headquarters came from a Belgian national police Captain. .....
Another unusual occurrence associated with the Belgian flap was the inability to take a clear photograph of it. Many observers had their cameras ready, and took what they thought would be clear images, but when the film was developed, the image was blurred, and the craft's outline was vague at best.
This anomaly was addressed by physics professor Auguste Meessen, who was employed by the Catholic University at Louvin. Meessen's investigation produced a theory that infrared light must be the reason that almost all the images were unclear. To put his theory to test, he exposed film to infrared, then photographed objects in regular light. The results were the same as the photographs of the triangle-shaped UFO. Complete article at UFO Casebook: The Belgium UFO Wave
Wikipedia: Belgian UFO wave
Skeptoid Brian Dunning: The Belgian UFO Wave It was simply a psychosocial phenomenon, which is why there is no evidence and only the one questionable photograph.
White House 1952

During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to the leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon.
Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers.
Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day.
These blips were objects traveling at about 100 M.P.H. but with the ability to accelerate to the unbelievable speed of 7,200 M.P.H.
The Washington National sighting was confirmed by other local radar, and then Andrews Air Force Base was contacted.
Washington Tower:
Andrews Tower, do you read? Did you have an airplane in sight west-northwest or east of your airport moving east-bound?
Andrews: No, but we just got a call from the center. We're looking for it. Complete article at UFO Casebook: 1952 Washington D.C. Sightings

Wikipedia: 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident
Open Minds: The Beginning: UFO Encounters over Washington D.C. 09/16/2016
Lubbock and Phoenix Lights 1951/97

At 9:10 p.m. on Aug. 25, 1951, Dr. W. I. Robinson, professor of geology at the Texas technological College, stood in the back yard of his home in Lubbock, Texas and chatted with two colleagues. The other men were Dr. A. G. Oberg, a professor of chemical engineering, and Professor W. L. Ducker, head of the department of petroleum engineering.
The night was clear and dark. Suddenly all three men saw a number of lights race noiselessly across the sky, from horizon to horizon, in a few seconds. They gave the impression of about 30 luminous beads, arranged in a crescent shape. A few moments later another similar formation flashed across the night.
This time the scientists were able to judge that the lights moved through 30 degrees of arc in a second. A check the next day with the Air Force showed that no planes had been over the area at the time. This was but the beginning: Professor Ducker observed 12 flights of the luminous objects between August and November.
Some of his colleagues observed as many as 10. Hundreds of nonscientific observers in a wide vicinity around Lubbock saw as many as three flights of the mysterious crescents in one night. Complete article at UFO Casebook: The Lubbock Lights, 1951

.... The Lights Appear
Evidence points to March 13, 1997 as the onset of this extremely compelling account of various and sundry phenomenal lights which moved over the state of Arizona. These lights, though referred to as the "Phoenix Lights," were actually witnessed in at least five other cities.
Phoenix has the distinction as the first Arizona city to report the unknown light sources, which were initially spotted over Superstition Mountains, east of the city, at about 7:30 PM. The first reports indicated an object of six points of light, immediately followed by a report of eight connected lights, with a separate ninth, which moved in unison with the eight.
The formation was seen again over the Gila River just before 10:00 PM. In a matter of minutes, the enormous, lighted structure had made its way over the southern part of the city of Phoenix. At this time, literally thousands of people witnessed the object or objects. It was at this time, that the first photographs and videos were taken.
The final sightings of the night were in Rainbow Valley. Witnesses there reported a very distinct "V" formation. This sighting occurred at about 2:00 AM on March 14. Complete article at UFO Casebook: The Phoenix Lights, 1997, Arizona

Wikipedia: Lubbock Lights
Wikipedia: Phoenix Lights
The Death of Thomas Mantell Chases or Dogfights

January 7, 1948, would be a day of tragedy for Captain Thomas F. Mantell of the Kentucky Air National Guard, and his family, friends, and fellow Guardsmen. The Mantell case will forever be an important part of the hotbed of UFO reports of the late 1940's and early 1950's.
He would have the unfortunate distinction of being the first human being to give his life in the ongoing chase for the elusive truth behind bizarre reports of flying craft from other worlds.
Was his sighting a carry-over from the foo-fighters of World War II? or were they altogether another phenomena?... a phenomena that was just out of his reach. He gave all he had to reach this mysterious, intelligently controlled metallic craft, but whatever it was, and whoever controlled it, escaped that day... the day that Thomas Mantell lost his life.
Mantell was piloting an F-51 that fateful day, soaring to Standiford Air Force Base, Kentucky. He was accompanied by three other Guard planes. Complete article at UFO Casebook: 1948, The Death of Thomas Mantell
Wikipedia: Mantell UFO incident
Wikipedia: 1976 Tehran UFO incident
Wikipedia: Gorman dogfight
U.S. fighter pilot: 'I was ordered to fire 24 rockets at UFO flying over East Anglia' 10/25/2008
UFO Casebook: The St. Clair County Illinois Sightings of January, 5, 2000
Brazilian Island of Colares - UFO Encounters of 1977
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In 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares was visited by flying objects of an unknown nature. Nearly all kinds of UFOs were seen; some big, some small, saucer shaped, cigar shaped, luminous or not. They arrived from the North every day, from the sky and also sometimes from underwater, and it lasted for months.
Regularly, some Island inhabitants were targeted by the objects, sending strange rays to them, and many were badly hurt, with two reported dead. The Army intervenes, the press follows. 35 people were hurt by the strange rays, and many fled from the Island.
The events mainly concentrated on the city of Colares, about 2,000 inhabitants, on Colares Island, which is in the region of Pará, the delta of the Amazon river on the northeastern coast of Brazil. But the whole region was visited by the same phenomenon. Which has brought many ufologists to visit the city.
Beginning in August of 1977, in the island of Colares, a strange phenomenon began to occur, that the Brazilian call Chupa-chupa.
Strange luminous objects appeared over the few towns of the region. These objects were often projecting thin rays, seemingly of light, directed at the people. The touched people fainted and woke up with a strange anemia. They stated that they felt as if some of their blood was removed by the strange rays. Complete article at UFO Casebook: Brazilian Island of Colares - UFO Encounters of 1977
Wikipedia translated from Portuguese: UFO phenomenon in Colares
Wikipedia translated from Portuguese: Operação Prato
Wikipedia English: Operação Prato (This is almost empty as of this writing compared to the Portuguese version which goes into much more detail.)
The Night Sky: Colares Island UFO Encounter
The Colares flap refers to an outbreak of UFO sightings
UFO FILES: Brazil’s Roswell 03/12/2006
Wikipedia: Cash-Landrum incident
Above Top Secret: An in-depth (re)view of the Cash/ Landrum case
Falcon Lake incident is Canada's 'best-documented UFO case,' even 50 years later 05/19/2017
UFO Evidence: The Cash-Landrum Case
Rendlesham Forest England UFO 1980
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Artist recreation |
One of the most compelling accounts of UFO landings comes to us from England. The joint air bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge, located within the vast Rendlesham Forest, would be literally invaded by unidentified flying objects over a period of several nights in late December, 1980.
The amazing accounts of the twin air bases would be replete with descriptions of Alien beings, anomalous radar readings, electromagnetic effects, and surreal atmospheric conditions. Still investigated by Ufologists today, the almost unbelievable eyewitness accounts by credible professionals make the events of Bentwaters and Woodbridge Air Force Bases a cornerstone of belief among many UFO proponents.
Shortly after midnight on December 27, 1980, radar screens at RAF Watton in Norfolk showed an uncorrelated object which suddenly disappeared in the vicinity of the Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. The object was also tracked on radar at Bentwaters RAF, which was located north of the forest. Woodbridge was south of the forest. Complete article at UFO Casebook: UFO Landings-Rendlesham Forest, 1980
Wikipedia: Rendlesham Forest incident
UFO Evidence: The Rendlesham Forest Incident
Interesting questions raised in Parliament about Rendlesham Forest UFOs 08/05/2015
Kecksburg Pennsylvania UFO crash 1965

What exactly soared through the late afternoon skies of Canada, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania on December 5, 1965? Eye witnesses described the unknown object as a "fireball," but it seemed to be under some type of intelligent control, as it veered somewhat in Ohio toward the Quaker State.
One of the first official reports of that day came from Frances Kalp, who phoned in her experience to radio station WHJB in Greensburg at 6:30 P.M. She related seeing a fiery object crash into a wooded area near her home in Westmoreland County. Kalp and her children had approached the site within a half-mile, and there they saw an odd object resembling a "four-pointed star."
Radio station employee John Murphy immediately phoned in the report to the Pennsylvania State Police Department. The Police phoned Kalp and arranged to meet her in Kecksburg.
Murphy also raced to the site of the alleged crash. He interviewed Kalp and her children for his report, while the State Police searched the woods for the crashed object. Murphy eagerly awaited the return of the searchers. When they finally completed their search, Murphy was unable to get any clear information from either Carl Metz or Paul Shipco, who headed the search. They only stated that they were calling in the Military to handle the case.
Undaunted, Murphy made phone contact with Captain Dussia at State Police Headquarters in Greensburg. Murphy was instructed to visit the office to receive an official statement on the search party results. Upon arriving at headquarters, Murphy noticed that the Military had already arrived in force. Murphy was startled when he received the "official" statement;
"The Pennsylvania State Police have made a thorough search of the woods. We are convinced that there is nothing whatsoever in the woods."
By this time, Murphy was convinced that there was a cover-up of some kind. If there was nothing in the woods, why would the Military be in force at Pennsylvania's Police headquarters? Complete article at UFO Casebook: The 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Crash
Wikipedia: Kecksburg UFO incident
MUFON: Kecksburg Crash - 1965
Sci Fi Urges Gov't To Come Clean 06/23/2003
Travis Walton Alleged Alien Abduction in Snowflake Arizona

Travis Walton (born February 10, 1953) is an American logger who was supposedly abducted by a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Walton could not be found, but reappeared after a five-day search.
The Walton case received mainstream publicity and remains one of the best-known instances of alleged alien abduction. UFO historian Jerome Clark writes that "Few abduction reports have generated as much controversy" as the Walton case. It is furthermore one of the very few alien abduction cases with corroborative eyewitnesses, and one of few abduction cases where the time allegedly spent in the custody of aliens plays a rather minor role in the overall account.
UFO researchers Jenny Randles and Peter Houghe write that "Neither before or since has an abduction story begun in the manner related by Walton and his coworkers. Furthermore, the Walton case is singular in that the victim vanished for days on end with police squads out searching … it is an atypical 'Close Encounter: Fourth Kind' (CE4) … which bucks the trend so much that it worried some investigators; others defend it staunchly." (Randles and Hough, 186)
Discovery in the woods
The case began on Wednesday, November 5, 1975. Then 22 years old, Walton was employed by Mike Rogers, who had for nine years contracted with the United States Forest Service for various duties. Rogers and Walton were best friends; Walton dated Rogers' sister Dana, whom he later married. Others on the crew were Ken Peterson, John Goulette, Steve Pierce, Allen Dallis and Dwayne Smith. They all lived in the town of Snowflake, Arizona. Complete story at MUFON: "Travis Walton Abduction - 1975"
Wikipedia: Travis Walton UFO incident
Travis Walton Home page including excerpts from his book
Skeptical Information on the Travis Walton "UFO Abduction" Story
40 years later: Most documented UFO sighting, abduction still draw interest 11/14/2015
UFO Casebook: Alien Abduction Case Files
20 Real People Who Claim to Have Been Abducted by Aliens including actress Fran Drescher and Russian Governor or World Chess President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
Crash at Corona and Roswell

Original 1947 story as reported before the weather balloon claim was made:
Army Reveals It Has Flying Disc Found On Ranch In Mew Mexico
Sacramento Bee July 8, 1947
ROSWELL (N.M.). July 8. (AP) --The army air forces here today announced a flying disc has been found on a ranch near Roswell and is in possession of the army. Lieutenant Warren Haught, public information officer of the Roswell Army AIr Field, announced the find had been made "sometime last week" and had been turned over to the air field through the cooperation of the sheriff's office.
Higher Headquarters
"It was inspected at the Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Jesse A. Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence office in Roswell to higher headquarters."
The army gave no other details. Haught's statement:
"The many rumors regarding the flying discs became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th (atomic) Bomb Group of the 8th Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves county.
Complete article at UFO Evidence
Wikipedia: Roswell UFO incident
Roswell Proof: The Public "Roswell Incident"
Fatima UFO Hypothesis 1917

The Fatima UFO Hypothesis is a theory that the Miracle at Fatima was a UFO incident. Many UFO researchers including Jacques Vallee, Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d'Armada have expressed the theory. Jacques Vallee first expressed it in the sixties. [1] He believes that the typical responses to this incident for the most part fall into two different categories, the first the scientific response that the people must have mistaken a natural event for a miracle and that nothing important happened, the second the religious response in which this is a miracle and it should be accepted without question. Some researchers including Vallee and Eric Davis into this phenmomenon prefer the term Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) rather than the term UFO since it is not associated with the Extraterestrial Hypothesis (ETH). Vallee does not believe we should jump to the conclusion that this is the result of Extraterrestrials without further evidence. In 1976 Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d'Armada began an in depth research project into the original newspaper articles and other documents and used this to develop their theory that the incident at Fatima may have been related to the UFO phenomena that began in the forties.
Their work was first published in 1982 in "Extraterrestrial Intervention at Fatima: The Apparitions and the UFO Phenomenon." The incident began on May 13 1917 when three young children claimed to see a lady whom many assumed was the Virgin Mary. When reviewing the original text Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d'Armada found that Lucia Santos the eldest of the three didn't initially say it was our lady of Fatima but just "a small pretty lady". This lady allegedly told them to go to the same spot for six consecutive months. The next five months attracted a growing crowd to observe the event that rose from 40 to 50 people in June, to about 4,500 people in July, 18,000 in August 30,000 in September and 50,000 to 70,000 people in October. [2] Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d'Armada sorted through many different versions of this event and concluded that in most cases the ones that were recorded the earliest were the most reliable. Whenever possible they also interviewed any surviving witnesses, however this didn't include Lucia Santos since they couldn't interview her without approval from the Vatican. [3] [4] Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d'Armada didn't come to any final conclusions about what happened at Fatima due to insufficient information. They recommended more research in the academic community. [5]
Full hypothesis at UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun"
Additional information at Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory which includes review of unusual weather phenomena at Fatima during the incident.
Additional information about The miracle of Fatima
Preliminary Conclusions

The list of people that have seen something unexplained in the sky is way to long to completely dismiss it lightly, although a reasonable amount of skepticism about the possibility that it might be alien visitation is appropriate, especially for people that haven't looked too closely. In some cases like Kecksburg or Shag Harbor the local peoples are much more inclined to believe in them, since many of them may have either seen them or know someone that has seen them. They also believe that their sightings should be reported much more widely and in some cases claim that the evidence is stronger than the Roswell claims, which may be right, although looking at many of the most popular ones might be appropriate before coming to that conclusion. This includes former president Jimmy Carter and Governor Fife Symington who admitted to seeing the Phoenix Lights, apologized for treating it like a joke, and said that it can't be dismissed lightly.
It also includes actress Fran Drescher who claimed to have been abducted by aliens, although she provides no corroborating evidence. Air Force Captain Robert Salas claims they shut down nuclear missiles, and there are numerous other claims from other military personnel which should be of interests to national security, assuming people believe that this is an effective deterrent, either because aliens can disable them or because there are military officers claiming they can.
There are also plenty of stories of air force planes getting into dogfights with them and at least one high profile case where a pilot chased them and perhaps ran out of oxygen and crashed dying as a result of a UFO sighting that was confirmed by numerous other pilots also involved in the chase, although they didn't follow Thomas Mantell to higher altitudes where he may have lost oxygen. This includes numerous flights over the White House in 1952 which sent the nation into a panic, although this has long since gone down the memory hole and most people don't even consider the possibility that it might have broader implications.
The Colares Island incident in Brazil has much bigger implications, since there's an enormous amount of evidence from dozens of witnesses along with medical evidence to indicate that many people were injured or even killed by some form of beam allegedly coming from the UFOs. In this case there is major evidence of medical illnesses even if it didn't come from the UFO; and there is a much different story of it being told in the United States than the one told in Brazil or to those that are accustomed to speaking and reading Portuguese. The UFO files reported on this on the History Channel in 2006, but there has been little additional coverage of it in then United States, except perhaps to those that seek it out and might find more reliable sources. The English version of the Wikipedia article on it is almost useless; however the one in Portuguese, which the vast majority of people in the United States would never even think to check, goes into much more detail, indicating that people in Brazil are much more familiar with it.
Additional UFO sightings that have caused medical problems with evidence from hospitals and doctors treating the victims include Cash-Landrum incident in Texas and the Falcon Lake incident in Canada and there is evidence of radiation or some other extremely rare poisoning that doesn't happen naturally to Stefan Michalak, Betty Cash, Vickie and Colby Landrum, that is important to research whether it's related to UFOs or not. There's definitely something that had an impact on the health of these people and in the Colares Island and Cash-Landrum incident there's reason to believe that the military was involved, even if it's not related to extraterrestrials.
Most of the alleged cases of Alien Abduction aren't nearly as strong as the evidence for the incidences in Colares Island or the Cash-Landrum incident; however the Travis Walton abduction might be the exception, where there were seven witnesses to the UFO and it was followed by a missing person that didn't reappear for several days while the police were searching for him and there was a massive media frenzy. This story would be extremely hard to fake but if there is nothing to alleged alien abduction then many of the other ones might be partly true, although they're mostly based on memories allegedly retrieved through hypnosis, which may not be very reliable. One of the highest profile researchers is Dr. David Jacobs; however he isn't a medical doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist, his PhD. is in history and his methods are seriously flawed. On one occasion when he obtained to contradictory memories through hypnosis after asking about the same subject twice, instead of trying to correct the contradiction he decided to solve the problem by avoiding confirmation of stories by double checking them, which is highly unscientific.
This is just one of the many blunders that are so obvious that they should have caught it before reporting it to the public; but instead of correcting this mistake he just builds on it so people reading his work should be able to see right through it, which is perhaps the intent, to confuse the issue. Most other researchers into the alleged alien abduction phenomena aren't much better, however John Mack may be the exception, but even he can't confirm the abductions through any means except hypnosis.
The most famous UFO case is of course Roswell. But far fewer people are aware of Philip Corso's claim that he was given access to the technology retrieved from the crash and others, and shared it with many multinational corporations as reported in his book in 1997 a year before he died. Like a lot of the other research into UFOs it has a fair amount of flaws; however it is far more credible than most other claims of reverse engineering, including Bob Lazar's. If there is something to it then the implication are far more important than most people have even considered.
This could mean that there is potential contact with aliens and that the rapid development of technology since the fifties that has escalated even more in the nineties and after the turn of the century could be a result of this. It also means a massive cover-up although they haven't kept if completely secret.
But the incident that I considered most important may be the so-called "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima Portugal a hundred years ago because it has the largest number of witnesses long before the UFO phenomena was recognized as potential extraterrestrials, and it was accompanied by evidence of an accurate prediction of future events between May and October of 1917, although the other alleged predictions around this event proved to be false and may have been added after the fact.
Skeptics haven't come close to explaining what happened at Fatima; instead, like a lot of the other biggest mysteries surrounding UFOs or other unexplained phenomena the mainstream media simply never talks about it at all so it's only considered at a low profile manner by a small percentage of the public that recognize the potential significance. On the rare occasions where the media does mention Fatima or other major unsolved mysteries they treat it with ridicule and quickly change the subject.
Fatima may also be the strongest evidence potentially connecting the UFO phenomena and religion. This is practically never mentioned, even on Ancient Aliens on the History Channel, which only mentioned it briefly without going into tit's full significance, as I attempted to do in some of my past articles below.

For some additional details on some of my past articles on the subject see the following:
UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor
Did Padre Pio Or Other Alleged Mystics Have "Revelations" from "God?"
Phony Apocalyptic Judgement Day May Be Here!
Prophets and Mystics
Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory
Looming North Korea Nuclear Apocalypse Result of Incompetence? Or Staged?
107 Wonders of the Ancient World
Is “Prism” news? or is it ECHELON?
A Brief History of the Mormon Church
Why so few arrests for Crop Circles makers? Is there microwave evidence?
"God's Not Dead" But Is He Nice?
Multinationals Are Using Public For Research On Massive Scale
Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy but could it be related to a far-fetched Apocalypse Prophecy or a weak copy of it?
Wanted unsuspecting research subjects
Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims?
Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery?
Deadly Monopolies With Alien Technology?
UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun"
Could Steve Bannon Be Providing Propaganda To Enable Climate Change Research Project?

There's a few popular memes saying the "truth is no longer hidden; now people hide from the truth," which isn't quite true many things are still hidden; however some things are scattered where few will find it and many people are in denial, so even if it's not exactly the truth it's damn close. And people who don't take time to do their own research will have to rely on others to do their thinking for them, since the truth won't fit on a bumper sticker or meme!