The sex abuse accusation that have come out recently is long overdue, and I don't want to raise doubts about the most credible ones that have come out; however the people and institutions controlling these disclosures are the same ones that were covering them up years ago. So I think a reasonable amount of skepticism is appropriate before giving them brownie points for their disclosures. This is especially true since they're not reporting on the best research about the most important long term causes of this abuse of power and how child abuse often leads to long term damage and abused children often become abusive adults that repeat the cycle.
When the people doing the abuse control major institutions it's even worse and there's still plenty of evidence to indicate that there is still a lot of cover ups going on.
I try to be a rational skeptic; however the political establishment has become so absurd and irrational that it's as ridiculous as many of the so-called conspiracy theories they often ridicule; and even though the most irrational conspiracy theories have often proven to be false many of them have come far closer to the truth than many of us would have ever expected; and others have proven to be true.
I can't help but wonder why it's all coming out so fast all at once. Could this have been planned as part of a controlled disclosure process of some sort, is it just a coincidence or is it the snowball effect where women see that there are more disclosures so they feel more comfortable coming out publicly? The assumption that women are more comfortable coming forward now that they see others coming forward seems like the most rational assumption, at least until there's stronger evidence of something else; however I wouldn't be surprised if that evidence comes out, and perhaps it already has, although it may be considered an irrational fringe conspiracy theory.

If they wanted to do a better job covering sex scandals they could have long ago!
Instead they treated most of it as a fringe conspiracy that had little or no credibility. They proved an enormous amount of coverage for a couple of the worst offenders, either for sexual harassment, in Donald Trump's case, or covering it up for allies in both Trump and Clinton's case; but they refused to provide adequate coverage for many progressive candidates that were far more concerned with the best interest of the majority of the public.
It's not a fringe conspiracy theory to claim that they rigged the elections, at least to some degree, by simply refusing to cover candidates that don't support the agenda of the corporate elite. This is a rational conclusion that can be made, and confirmed by looking at the coverage they provide and recognizing that no candidate has a chance to win national office without name recognition, and they can't get name recognition without coverage from the media which is controlled by six oligarchies.
They provided this coverage for two candidates that were terrible on this issue, and they pretended that Hillary Clinton was better on it simply because she is a woman.

It's almost predictable that they could have rigged the elections for a handful of of candidates that they support, although it is much more difficult to tell which of those handful that the public would support. However it should be incredibly obvious that we need a much more diverse media that covers many more candidates and issues, instead of focusing one a limited number of issues, which they cover obsessively before moving on to other issues to cover obsessively.
There's also much greater research to cover that explains how violence, and sex abuse escalates starting with early child abuse.

Ironically one of the few high profile people that do discuss this is Louis C.K. who has spoken out against child abuse and corporal punishment, although I wouldn't consider a comedienne to be the most reliable source on this subject, he is among the best that actually gets coverage.

According to numerous accounts including Louis C.K. Is Accused by 5 Women of Sexual Misconduct 11/09/2017 Louis C.K. was accused by numerous women of asking if he could masturbate in front of them and even when they said no, or treated it like a bad joke, in some cases he did it anyway. Are we supposed to believe that anyone would do anything so absurd?
This has been reported repeatedly by many outlets and Louis C.K. apparently admits it so unless someone comes up with an even more bizarre conspiracy theory, which I'm not going to, at least not yet, if ever, I guess we're supposed to believe it. But like a lot of other stories, why didn't they report on it sooner? Several of their own witnesses said that they did talk about it previously, yet the media didn't report it until it was part of the massive movement of disclosures.
Perhaps, the best you can say about him is that unlike some of the people like Roy Moore and Donald Trump that are faced with overwhelming evidence at least he admits it and the abuse he's accused of isn't nearly as bad, so in the language of sexual therapists I guess you could say he's in recovery.
I'm certainly not going to claim that wearing torn jeans is part of the sex environment that leads to sexual dysfunction but these comedians are part of a marketing scam that has been going back decades, which was incredibly obvious when they first came up with it. According to Why IS everyone wearing ripped jeans... and why do they cost more than ones with no holes? 07/24/2017, which provides a deceptive report on the history of why so many people are paying more for disposable garbage marketed by the fashion industry, they're marketed by celebrities, and provide risks to factory workers, which few people in the consumer economy are likely to care about.
This article admits that thanks to the process they use to make ripped jeans, "In Turkey, one of the world’s biggest jeans exporters, 1,200 people have silicosis and 46 have died as a result." However the majority of the article is deceptive advertising disguised as news. This article falsely claims that, "denim now is less likely to rip than the lightweight fabric of old;" however as I pointed out in Is Wal-Mart driving planned obsolescence? the quality of jeans and many other products has been slowly deteriorating for decades; and the mainstream media is providing propaganda cover for it, while a few more reliable sources, like Stacy Mitchell, who I cited in that article provide better research with more limited funds. There are more reliable sources reporting on deceptive marketing tactics; but the best evidence might be things that older people might remember themselves from when these marketing tactics first came out in the seventies.
When they first tried to market jeans like that teens saw through it easily and most of them didn't fall for it and anyone that tried to be cool by wearing pretorn jeans would be ridiculed. The cool kids that did wear torn jeans almost certainly got them as hand me downs at a time when fewer parents could spend much money on clothes and jeans lasted much longer so kids grew out of them before they wore out. More reliable sources like Sociologists Juliet Schor "Born to Buy" and Child Psychologist Susan Linn "Consuming Kids" report on how the industry uses models to market their products and even recruits cool kids to market products to their friends in big cities or in chat rooms, including what they call the "Girls Intelligence Agency" which recruits children to help psychologists with their research and market to each other. The industry tries to present this has harmless, however Schor and Linn report on how they might break up friendships and cause fights so that they can market for profit.
These industries are interested in increasing profit, not the best interest of children they market to. They start by marketing to children, because they're the most impressionable, but this has long term implications which the marketers realize and child psychologists like Susan Linn have pointed out. The long term implications, is essentially that they turn a shocking segment of our society into incredibly shallow fools buying up useless garbage even though it does an enormous amount of damage to the sweatshop workers that produce the stuff, and the benefits for people that by them are trivial, although marketing makes it seem important.
This isn't as important as early child abuse that leads to escalating violence later in life, and often sexual dysfunction; however a growing portion of our economy is selling incredibly shallow crap and they often use sex to sell it.
Few if any people denies that sex sells; and most people will agree that just because it sells doesn't mean it should be an invitation to sexual harassment or rape; however simply declaring that there can be no excuse for men, while it is acceptable for everyone to participate in deceptive advertising that leads to shallow behavior is ignoring a real part of the problem. There is little or no doubt that sex sells however it is no longer discussed much at all even one of the few articles that you can find, assuming you look for it, Why It’s Unfortunate That ‘Sex Sells’ in Advertising and in Life 08/02/2014, provides limited discussion on the issue and even includes a link to a study that claims that it doesn't sell as much as people believe, although this is almost certainly false.

One of the biggest problems with their coverage of this issue, like many other issues, is that they provide little or no coverage about research that teaches what leads up to this and only focus on exposing it for entertainment purposes. They spend an enormous amount of time saying that they want to "talk about" this subject or that subject without actually providing a diverse discussion. Instead they repeat the same things over an over again without covering good research.
One of the other major problems, in addition to early child abuse leading to escalating violence is also the culture or sex that many of these complaints have taken place, which may not be a problem if its consenting adults. This includes Al Franken, who I'm not a fan of and I think that, although I'm having more doubts about the accusations against him the more I find out about it, he probably should resign for his part in rigging the nomination for Hillary Clinton enabling Trump to win the election, when Bernie could have easily beat him.

When I first came across this accusation against Al Franken on twitter the first day it came out my first impulse was to retweet it, since I didn't like him that much after he helped rig the nomination; however something about it didn't look quite right and I hesitated looked closer and changed my mind. It seemed trivial to me at the time so I don't remember exactly what the tweet said but what made me change my mind was partially reading the article and looking at the clownish picture which the media has since informed us is undeniable evidence of groping. At that time that isn't what I thought and concluded that it was a clownish prank and that this wasn't a serious complaint.
After the obsessive media coverage about it I began to change my mind, for a while, but the photo was still clownish and trivial, typical of many comedies and didn't seem like the evidence that the media claimed it to be.
On top of that Snopes reported in, Did Franken Photog Say Groping Image Was Staged? 11/17/2017 that an arbitrary photo was attached to it and a fake quote to the photographer claimed that it was staged and they quickly debunked it. Perhaps to quickly.
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This claim was debunked by Snopes. |
This photo really does seem staged even if I can't refute Snopes claim that it was debunked, it's hard to imagine why she would be wearing a flak jacket and helmet while sleeping like that unless it was staged. Furthermore it didn't take much research to learn that she was a Trump supporter, even though he has far more credible allegations against him than Al Franken. Celebrities almost certainly don't go into the line of fire, and Franken's expression doesn't look like he was in combat. She also claimed that she "performed the skit as written, carefully turning my head so he couldn’t kiss me on the lips," after the sexual assault because she was "was a professional" and she let it go and anger stirred up in her for years. A photo since then has clearly showed that she didn't turn her head as she claimed and it was accompanied by plenty of other photos and videos that raise major doubts about almost all of her claims, indicating that it appears to have been consensual all along.
She has a long history of flirting, teasing, and jokingly groping men and allowing them to grope her, which may be fine as consenting adults; however when they start saying that it is without consent it's clearly misleading at best.
Even if the tweet that Snopes debunked was fake as they claim it's hard to imagine how Snopes was able to debunk it within a day after Leeann Tweeden made her slanted disclosure and the tweet was faked, especially since they even admit that hey didn't know who the photographer was, there's an enormous amount of additional evidence on Twitter including these responses to the View tweet about the subject which includes a link to The Rest Of The Photos And Videos From Franken And Tweeden’s USO Tour Just Emerged 11/20/2017 if you go down far enough. This evidence was brought to the media's attention no more than a couple days after the story broke, yet now two weeks later they're still reporting on the story as if this didn't exist.
Leeann Tweeden has been selling soft sex all her life, mostly in her modeling career but also as part of her work with the sports and gambling industries, and apparently the gambling show that she previously worked for was canceled as a result of the "Black Friday" criminal case, why is she being paid big bucks as a news casters? what qualifications does she have? Apparently she is a regular on Hannity and several other right wing TV shows; and apparently KABC is also a right wing talk show. There's clearly a lot of speculation on Twitter by those disclosing her obvious distortion of the facts that she sold out to right wingers as part of a plot to smear Al Franken. I can't rule this out but there might be other possibilities, including some that might turn out to be much more far-fetched, or at least they'll seem that way to people not familiar with the subject, and if this proves to be false after it's debunked to everyone.
This is an incredibly obvious smear; and Al Franken could easily use this as part of a slam dunk case for slander or libel suing her for millions of dollars, yet he's apologizing instead. Why? Does he think that he would be accused of using provocative photos of her to justify sexual assault? If there wasn't so much of this and it wasn't part of her routine then this might be a legitimate concern but if the media actually covered it there would be little or no doubt except to the most extreme left wing fanatics. Most feminists can use a reasonable amount of discretion and see right though this and realize that Leeann Tweeden is actually harming their cause by making false claims that raise more doubts about legitimate complaints, as clearly indicated by a large amount of the responses on Twitter.
Not only has this demonstrated that Leeann Tweeden has no crediblity for this false claim but it also demonstrated that the media isn't even remotely trying to do a good job investigating; and it implies the bizarre possibility that even Al Franken is helping, by apologizing when he has to know it's an obvious smear.
There are real victims of sexual harassment that deserve more attention and this issue should focus on them to resolve on it, not making her to be a phony hero.
But Al Franken and the rest of Congress should still resign for their role in rigging the nomination for Hilary Clinton so that Trump could win.
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It By Leeann Tweeden 11/16/2017
Meet The News Anchor Who Was Groped By Al Franken 11/16/2017
Al Franken's accuser has some very suspicious ties. 11/16/2017
Al Franken Admits In His New (May 2017) Book That He Faked Apologies To Save His Political Career 11/29/2017
Video Shows Al Franken Accuser Leeann Tweeden Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Robin Williams 11/19/2017
Model Cameron Russell calls out the fashion industry on sexual harassment 10/19/2017
What It’s Truly Like to Be a Fashion Model 09/05/2017
Perhaps equally clownish is the recent rant from Donald Trump about getting LiAngelo Ball out of a Chinese jail for shoplifting a pair of sunglasses, which apparently carries a potential ten year jail sentence, and instead of discussing whether or not this is a reasonable punishment for the crime, they spent an enormous amount of time arguing over whether or not he or his father, LeVar Ball, should be thanking Donald Trump for getting him out of jail!

One other thing that Al Franken could have learned from LeVar Ball, even though he did rant and rave like an idiot, is that it's not necessary to thank someone for something he didn't necessary do, nor is it necessary to apologize for something he didn't do!
About LaVar Ball vs. Donald Trump In a stable country, we would not be talking about this feud of the blowhards. This is not a stable country. By Dave Zirin 11/21/2017
Chris Cuomo and LaVar Ball transcripts 11/20/2017
There was little or no discussion about how much more serious minor crimes from working class people are treated than much bigger crimes by those that rig the economic system and the subject doesn't even come up for debate. This is especially relevant since he's in the process of trying to gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and is running one incredibly obvious scam after another.
There's so much insanity going on that it's impossible to keep track of it all; but there should be a few things that should be obvious including that Donald Trump never should have been elected president and there is no way that he ever would have been elected if the media hadn't been giving him an enormous amount of coverage for decades; and when he came out with his outrageous speech about Mexicans that there should have been even less chance that he would have been elected. The main reasons he did get elected is because instead of treating him like a fringe candidate, the way they do many other candidates, including rational ones, and ignoring him they gave him obsession coverage. And they did their part to rig the nomination for Hillary Clinton who is one of the few people that people hated more than Trump!
In a functioning democracy we need a media that actually covers candidates the people like!
The mainstream media only covers candidates that serve corporate interests!

The official version of truth has become as absurd and insane as many fringe conspiracy theories and in some cases there might be even harder evidence to indicate that it isn't entirely true.
Regardless of why the political and media establishment has gone insane and isn't even pretending to do a good job anymore, Trump has received an enormous amount of support from the same religious people that blindly look the other way at Roy Moore's sexual scandals, many who also happen to be religious evangelicals.

A modest amount of research shows that there has been far more sex abuse problems in the evangelical community than the media typically reports; and it's accompanied by an enormous effort to cover it up, like many other sex abuse scandals; however many of the victims may be more willing to help cover it up and remain in denial about it. This appears to be especially bad in Alabama where I remember a few years ago the daughter of a Judge was charged with having sex with students, along with another female teacher at the same school. On a couple occasions I have looked up the story on Google without remembering their names which were, Shelley Dufresne and Rachel Respess and I found numerous other examples from other teachers having sex with their students, including at least six, along with additional stories about cover-ups at evengelical schools, listed below.
Apparently this is far more common than the mass media has been reporting; and there is good reason to believe that their child rearing tactics and religious upbringing has a lot to do with it. Alabama is also one of the states that routinely makes it into the top ten for murder rates, as I have reported before, and they're one of the states that use corporal punishment in schools the most. Arkansas, where most if not all of Bill Clinton's accusers came from is also one of the states that use corporal punishment the most, and they also climb into the top ten for murder rates as well, although not quite as high.
This is not coincidental and there's an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that this is a major part of the early indoctrination process for devout religious people who often use the Bible as a guide to raise their children including the verses from the Book of Proverbs among others. Most evangelicals interpret these verses as justification for corporal punishment, however Why We Don't Spank makes an argument why they should be interpreted differently. Gordon Hinkley, former First President of the Mormon Church also came out against corporal punishment, and Utah, which is the only majority Mormon state is also the most religious state that routinely makes it into the lowest ten for murder rates. The rest of the states in the bottom ten for murder rates are among the least religious states that use corporal punishment the least.
I've gone into this in numerous past articles including Dobson’s Indoctrination Machine and Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows where I explained that early child abuse leads to escalating violence and is used to dictate beliefs, including many irrational beliefs, to children as part of an indoctrination process. To put it bluntly children are taught to obey and believe what they're told to belief or they're intimidated and abused. This leads to an enormous amount of emotional instability and a lack of critical thinking skills that are necessary to hold their leaders accountable. This is also a major reason why politicians from the Bible Belt are able to pass an enormous amount of legislation that is bad for the working class with the support of the working class including laws that suppress workers rights and pollute and kill people living in poor areas. My previous article about "Dobson’s Indoctrination Machine" explains why many religious people that claim to be "pro-life" support wars and polution among other things that kill an enormous amount of innocent people.
Tina Johnson, one of Roy Moore's accusers is one of the people that appear to have dealt with it better than most said, "The Lord that I serve is not the one Roy Moore serves because my Lord knows that he did it. He knows it and I know it. He can say whatever he wants to say. The truth will stand when the world wants, and that's the truth." I don't doubt her claim that this is the truth; however if she thinks that a God that inspired the Bible and the use of corporal punishment in it, along with the Crusades and Inquisitions, can be trusted to pass judgement she's mistaken. If this God was as merciful as religious people claim, it shouldn't be hard to understand that the least he could have and would have done is maintain an honest line of communication and provided much better advice than what is available in the Bible. The Bible has been used as a guide to control the masses without holding leaders accountable for thousands of years and it has resulted in an enormous amount of wars and other atrocities.
New Roy Moore accuser: He grabbed me 'on my buttocks' 11/17/2017
Out Front 11/17/2017 Tina Johnson "The Lord that I serve is not the one Roy Moore serves because my Lord knows that he did it. He knows it and I know it. He can say whatever he wants to say. The truth will stand when the world wants, and that's the truth."
Sexual Abuse Has Become a Huge Problem for America's Bible Colleges 03/04/2014
Commentary: The larger problem of sexual abuse in evangelical circles 11/14/2017
Evangelical Sex Abuse Record ‘Worse’ Than Catholic, Says Billy Graham’s Grandson Boz Tchividijian 10/23/2013
In Some Evangelical Circles, Grown Men Pursuing Teens Isn’t All That Unusual 11/14/2017
Teacher-teen sex tryst case won't be dismissed 10/13/2017 Lawrence County Circuit Judge Mark Craig denied a motion to dismiss on Thursday in the case against Taylor Brooks Boyles, 27, a Moulton Middle School teacher who allegedly had a sexual relationship with a student during the student’s senior year at Lawrence County High School, the Decatur Daily reported.
North Alabama judge rules state's teacher-student sex law is unconstitutional 08/10/2017 Morgan County Circuit Judge Glenn Thompson issued a ruling today dismissing the charges against former Decatur High School teacher Carrie Witt and David Solomon, an ex-aide at Falkville High.
Destrehan High teacher Shelley Dufresne admits sex with student 04/09/2015 Separately, Dufresne and Rachel Respess, 24, are accused of having group sex with the student at Respess' Kenner apartment on Sept. 12, Dufresne's birthday. That case is pending in Jefferson Parish, where the district attorney's office has not made a decision on charging the two women.
Trial set for Jeremy Eusea, former HHS teacher 03/30/2017 Former Destrehan High School teacher Kimberly Naquin was charged with having a sexual relationship with a female student in the parish. This month, she pleaded guilty to inappropriate behavior with the same student in Jefferson Parish.

As I've said on numerous occasions, I try to be a rational skeptic, but the official version of truth is becoming increasingly more insane than some conspiracy theories and as I pointed out in Yes Virginia, There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy Hillary Clinton had more of the characteristics of the "Whore of Babylon," that many people refer to her as, than a rational skeptic might expect. Since I first wrote that article things ahve only become even more insane, which is now typical in the political establishment.
This is vague of course and the Bible is routinely used to support any given belief that people want to prove by finding interpretations that suit their purposes, so it's clearly subject to confirmation; however, thanks to the increasing amount of insanity in the political establishment it's difficult to completely rule it out even if it it surely must need some additional details and a few adjustments. But there should be some things that are clear, including major doubts about whether or not we should rely on an unknown advanced intelligence of some sort that religious people refer to as God to pass judgement over us and get us out of the incredibly stupid messes that the political establishment get into, often with the help of cult leaders supporting fanatical religious beliefs.
Religious leaders have an incredibly long history of claiming to support a God that rewards the innocent and punishes the guilty; however this usually seems to happen after death in heaven, in the highly unlikely event that a mythical place where people go to their reward exists. But these religions routinely put the leaders that pass judgement over the vast majority of the public above the law and allow them to fight one war after another based on lies that only benefit the rich, assuming they benefit anyone at all, yet God can't even find the time to say something like, "Hey wait a minute that's not what I meant!" If that seems a little to simple surely a God that is "All-Powerful" can find some way of preventing all these disasters.

As I have also pointed out in numerous articles including the most recent one, Did Padre Pio Or Other Alleged Mystics Have "Revelations" from "God?" there might be more evidence of some extraordinary claims of some sort, although it may not be what religious people believe, than the vast majority of the public has noticed. The strongest evidence of a major unsolved mystery is the megaliths that were allegedly moved with ancient technology, even though experiments that have been done to replicate it don't even come close to proving that it is possible, instead they had to cheat when they started moving them over ten tons and didn't try to move any bigger than forty, even though ancient civilizations moved megaliths well over a hundred tomes including a couple weighing seven hundred and twenty tons a distance of four hundred and twenty miles.
The most common theory to explain this seems to be the Ancient Aliens theory provided by the History Channel show that makes so many blunders that it's hard to believe that they're trying to catch all their mistakes.
They can't be right about a lot of their claims, but if they're right about the general idea, could the aliens be responsible for the similarities with the apocalypse and sharing of technology, as Philip Corso claimed, to develop advanced computers and other technology? Perhaps, but could they also be looking out for our best interest?
Hell no!
If they were looking out for our best interest the first thing they would do is communicate honestly and provide good advice, not remaining silent while we jump from one con game to another!
Is it possible that they don't think that we can handle the truth, and this is the best way they can come up with to prepare us to handle it?
Hell no!
Then what could they be trying to accomplish?
Everything that they seem to be doing seems insane and designed to increase corruption for the benefit of the greedy even if it brings about the destruction of our society; however if there is some kind of unknown advanced intelligence behind this the aliens, or what ever they are, are almost certainly trying to accomplish their own goals in the most effective way they know how to.
One thing they might be trying to accomplish, as I pointed out in several previous articles about this subject, is do research that they might not be able to do on their own planet like research climate change, or conduct research on medical advancements etc.
There actually is some of this going on with or without advanced technology from Roswell or aliens. The medical industry is definitely conducting research on many people, as Marcia Angel, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, and Harriet Washington from Harvard University, pointed out although the research on this is only reported in alternative media outlets or in library books most people don't read. They're also doing research on Climate Change, although the extent of that research could be much bigger if there has been an unknown advanced intelligence influencing our society for thousands of years.
They clearly can't be too concerned about the best interest of the vast majority of the public but they might try to appease some of the people that are going along with this con-game by pretending they are. They could come up with some kind of absurd reverse psychology excuse for them to wit hold the truth and claim that the people had to stand up for their rights before they would give them to them. However if an excuse like this is used only those with an incentive to believe it will and others might be pressured to go along and accept bad excuses to keep them distracted.
They might cite the woman's march among other things as evidence of their success; but these marches aren't accomplishing much and every time they come up with one protest the establishment creates another disaster or war to keep people distracted and manipulate them.
They might argue that this insane con-game is exposing the cult indoctrination that is going on in the South where Roy Moore is getting so much support but they aren't reporting the vast majority of it and they're doing little or nothing to teach the public about how educational programs and child abuse prevention among other things could solve the vast majority of our problems.
They are routinely pretending to be the ones that stand up to Donald Trump, who they portray as out of control and impulsive. With him constantly calling them fake news, although often for the wrong reasons they can pretend they're the lesser of two evils and go one step further and try to pretend that by standing up to Trump, or at least pretending to they're doing their job defending democracy. Other world leaders are now pretending that they're standing up to him by speaking out against his latest racists retweets; however they're also racists in their policies, although it is far more subtle, most of the time, creating an economic system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the majority often leaving minorities worse off and taking advantage of racists that they pay attention to only when it makes them look better. But he never would have been in power in the first place if they had provided fair coverage.
If this is part of a phony Apocalyptic Judgement Day as I speculated about in previous articles, including "Yes Virginia, There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy" it might explain why that absurd theory didn't fall apart after I posted it and may have even become stronger. That theory pointed out that according to Apocalypse 19:20 "the beast was taken prisoner, together with the false prophet who had worked miracles on the beast's behalf and by them had deceived those who had accepted branding with the mark of the beast and those who had worshipped his statue. These two were hurled alive into the fiery lake of burning sulphur." This could be interpreted as after Trump, assuming he is the Beast, rises to power and no longer suits God's purposes he'll remove him from power. As I've pointed out repeatedly the stage was set for a possible impeachment trial in 2016 when they rigged the nomination for two candidates that should be banned from running because of their incredibly corrupt record.
Even without a far-fetched conspiracy theory there is something incredibly corrupt and insane when they get two nominees that have incredibly high negative polls, partly because they're both incredibly corrupt!
If this insane theory is close then they could be staging this as long as it suits their purposes; and they may have arranged for reasons to remove this nut-case when, and only when it suits their purposes! In the mean time they can use the insanity to accomplish whatever it is they're trying to accomplish!
Some things really are simple to understand and the most effective way to solve these problems is to come out and disclose the truth whether it's aliens or something else; and they're clearly not doing that!
Instead they're conducting one scam after another to keep us distracted from disclosing the most important things and reforming out government so that the environment can be repaired, the education system can be fixed and the oligarchies can be held accountable!
If the public want to know the truth and control their own government they need to wake up and start doing their own research and force our elected officials to start answering to voters. We also need to hold the media accountable and stop settling for the corrupt candidates that they cover and start considering candidates that they refuse to cover.
If you think there might be something to this see some of my past articles on the subject:
Did Padre Pio Or Other Alleged Mystics Have "Revelations" from "God?"
Prophets and Mystics
Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory
Looming North Korea Nuclear Apocalypse Result of Incompetence? Or Staged?
107 Wonders of the Ancient World
Is “Prism” news? or is it ECHELON?
A Brief History of the Mormon Church
Why so few arrests for Crop Circles makers? Is there microwave evidence?
UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor
"God's Not Dead" But Is He Nice?
Multinationals Are Using Public For Research On Massive Scale
Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy but could it be related to a far-fetched Apocalypse Prophecy or a weak copy of it?
Wanted unsuspecting research subjects
Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims?
Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery?
Deadly Monopolies With Alien Technology?
UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun"
Could Steve Bannon Be Providing Propaganda To Enable Climate Change Research Project?

For additional sources or details see the following:
Sex Toys, Penis Shots, & Sexting: Details Emerge About Why NBC Fired Matt Lauer 11/30/2017 The recent disclosure of this in the mainstream media claims that this is the first they heard of it and they were taken by surprise yet this article says, "But perhaps more disturbing than the details of the actual harassment is the fact that – like the executives at Weinstein Co. and ABC News – the brass at NBC’s news division were repeatedly approached by female employees and warned about Lauer’s behavior. Yet they did nothing, because they didn’t want to jeopardize any of the lucrative advertising deals tied to Today and Lauer." This is part of a major pattern of behavior where they knew about this, or should have known about it long ago but reported on it only when it suited their purposes, whatever they are.
Emails reveal Tony Perkins knew GOP lawmaker sexually assaulted teen — but kept it quiet 11/18/2017
Mike Huckabee: Women Should Submit To Their Husbands 12/10/2007
More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct. 11/17/2017 8 listed plus Kelly Harrison Thorp
'Will we make their abuser a US senator?': Devastating ad lists the women accusing Roy Moore of sexual assault 11/22/2017
Expert: President Trump Calling His Accusers “Liars” Confirms Women’s Fears of Not Being Believed 11/22/2017 On Tuesday, ”CBS This Morning” co-hosts Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell addressed sexual misconduct allegations against Charlie rose.
The (incomplete) list of powerful men accused of sexual harassment after Harvey Weinstein 11/01/2017
Since Weinstein, here’s a growing list of men accused of sexual misconduct 11/08/2017
Harvey Weinstein should force media to admit Hillary Clinton is not a feminist icon 10/07/2017
Trump Planned ‘Rapists’ Comments About Mexicans 09/30/2016
16 Years Ago, "The Simpsons" Predicted Donald Trump Would Be President 03/23/2016
He had an escort on every base during waking hours...I even stayed with him in the bathroom...If I saw anything that was inappropriate, it was my job to report it...BTW I am an independent, who did Leeanne vote for??? 11/16/2017
This officer came to his defense. I’d believe him over Tweeden, who is a pal of Hannity’s. #deflection 11/18/2017
Roy Moore: The false prophet's sketchy nonprofit 10/12/2017
Many Americans Think It's Worse to Vote for a Democrat (or Republican) Than for a Child Molester. Is That a Problem? 11/22/2017