Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Apocalypse Now? What Other Explanation For Cult Control?
There's no doubt that a lot of people think there's an Apocalypse, of some sort coming, even if the God they worship can't possibly be real, although this doesn't rule out another advanced intelligence mistaken for "God." And even if God isn't real, these people are, and they often try to take actions to bring about what they consider an Apocalypse, which could be disastrous, since it predicts destructive wars, and some of them are in powerful positions. I went into some of this in a recent post Was Theodor Herzl A Prophet? If So, What Does it Mean? which Google put behind a warning, which is a partial attempt at censorship discouraging people from reading, saying that it "doesn't meet community standards" without explaining why. This is a common weak excuse for partial or complete censorship with no justification.
My post made no threats agasint anyone, attempted to incite violence or violated any other reasonable rule that I can see; although it did raise doubts about the official explanation, and speculate about other possible explanations, which some may consider far fetched, but they're free to disagree and provide factual arguments agasint it. This doesn't mean that I consider some possible theories, including possible influence from an unknown advanced intelligence mistaken for God. It also provides additional supporting evidence, although it's difficult to be sure how many, if any, legitimate unsolved mysteries are related and part of the same theory, but there are many things we can be certain of, including the fact that the entire political and media establishment is creating a false version of history and censoring or ignoring a much more reliable version of history that exposes Israel's lies, including the fact that Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust, and that Zionists blamed the wrong people, so they could steal their land.
The easiest thing for many so-called scientific skeptics to do is to dismiss everything and only focus on things they can be sure of that fit their own beliefs, which is similar to what many religious people do; however, many unsolved mysteries raise major doubts about the official scientific explanation of how our society evolved, and if they can't explain them, they'll be excluding many relevant inconvenient facts that prove their assumptions are false, which is highly unscientific.
Another big problem, based on reliable information, not some of my theories that many people will consider far-fetched or insane, is that we're definitely in the process of slowly, but inevitably destroying our own environment, and this can be confirmed through credible traditional scientific sources. As I've pointed out in past articles, evidence for this includes a study saying the human race began using more natural resources than the planet can replace naturally in 1970, and it's been getting worse since then, as I pointed out in several articles, including Oligarchs Have A Right To Profit From negligent Mass Murder; While Peaceful Protesters Are Arrested! which also provides additional sources showing the same thing with more recent data, and I added some more below.
This doesn't take into consideration the fact that we're also destroying large portions of land and water, especially water, as Maude Barlow's "Blue Gold" points out. Nor does it take into consideration the large number of animal species being driven into extinction, as pointed out by many sources including two books called "The Sixth Extinction" written by Richard Leakey and Elizabeth Kolbert. Nor does it take into consideration epidemic problems with Climate Change, and many other issues contributing to environmental destruction, including, of course, constant wars based on lies that do an enormous amount of environmental damage, and distract from solutions to other environmental problems.
On top of that, religious people that want to bring about what they consider the "Apocalypse," which they claim will precede the Messiah, have far more influence in the government than rational people that want to prevent real threats to our planet and the human race. In many cases, the so-called champions of the environment often cave to the establishment, like the so-called Squad, who are now far more concerned with praising the Biden administration; and even Bill McKibben caved to the duopoly which is doing little or nothing to protect the environment or prevent wars based on lies, when he endorsed a request by the European Green Party for Jill Stein to drop out and endorse Kamala Harris, as if Harris and Biden were much better than Trump, and as if they don't use the same trick every four years on us.
Obviously this means that in addition to the squad and Bill McKibben caving to the duopoly the European Greens are also caving to the the oligarchs, which may control the government in a slightly different way there. This includes Germany’s Greens which held a war conference 11/18/2024. In this article Annalena Baerbock says “Of course, self-defence means not only attacking terrorists, but destroying them, That is why I have made it so clear: when Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools, we do not cower in the face of it. Then civilian places can also lose their protected status because terrorists abuse it. That is what Germany stands for, and for us that means the security of Israel.”
This was announced in the Bundestag (parliament). One of the problems is that it's based on a false version of history, ignoring the fact that the Zionists began terrorizing the Palestinians no later than the 1930s and escalated it during the 1948 Nakba and continued terrorizing them to this day, which happened long before the Oct. 7 attack. Even if her version of history were true, it still wouldn't justify the mass murder of over 17,000 children that had nothing to do with Oct. 7 as well as over 200 journalist reporting on the atrocities and well over 20,000 other innocent adult civilians. The Green Party in Europe also endorsed the war in Ukraine without investigating the 2014 coup or acknowledging the civil war that was going on between 2014 and 2022, when Russia got involved.
Another major problem this indicates is whether the European Green Party, or at least politicians like Annalena Baerbock are really environmentalists at all, although there's not much doubt.
You can be an environmentalist or you can support wars based on lies; but you can't do both, although many people pretend to.
There should be no doubt that Annalena Baerbock is not an environmentalist, even if she was elected to a party that claims to be "Green." This may go for a lot of other people claiming to be environmentalists as well, including a significant portion of the Democratic Party in the United States. As I said already, not only are wars extremely destructive for the environment but they also keep people distracted from other environmental problems and solving them including an ongoing ecocide.
There should also be no doubt, to those that are reasonably well informed, that we are well on the way to committing ecocide, although it may not be clear how fast the damage to the planet is escalating, partly because the establishment refuses to do adequate research on it. Robert Bullard once said that if wealthy people that fund research about environmental destruction don't want to know about how much damage they're doing they simply refuse to research it; fortunately people like Robert Bullard manage to do whatever research they can on a shoestring budget, but this isn't as good as they could do if they had adequate funds from wealthy organizations.
In 2018, when the "Squad" was running for their first term they claimed they wanted to solve serious social problems, including Medicare for All, and a Green New Deal, among other things; and they cited a study saying that our country, and the human race had only about twelve years to act before irrevocable damage will lead to escalating unavoidable destruction of our environment as a result of Climate Change or other environmental disasters. This doesn't mean that the world will self destruct in six years, since the first six years are gone, but that we now have only six years to act, assuming the study is accurate.
I certainly hope that study is wrong and that we have more time, because the Squad has totally caved on that issue and nothing is being done. Instead of demanding more action to repair the planet the Squad, led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is providing as much propaganda cover for Joe Biden as they think they can get away with even though he's doing nothing to change things and is even escalating the amount of oil being drilled, with an incoming president Trump promising to do this even more. Perhaps with a republican president the "Squad" will go back to championing progressive causes with their rhetoric, but only when it comes to smearing the GOP, not when it comes to changing policy.
One amazing thing is that even though there's not as much financing for research as there should be, there's enough to know that we're in the process of destroying the planet, and the establishment is acting as if this research doesn't exist, or as if they can solve the problem with "economic growth" which is actually a leading cause to the problem, not the solution. It's almost as if the rich and the powerful have a cult mentality, or they've adopted a bizarre irrational ideology controlling their beliefs, and there's plenty of evidence showing that may be part of the explanation; however, I have doubts about if it's the complete explanation, especially since they're taking it to such a bizarre extreme.
Over forty years ago the fictional character Doctor Who said "You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering." There's an enormous amount of evidence showing that this is an accurate description of many rich and powerful people, and some academics, including Jeffrey Reiman author of "The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison" have argued that the reason many wealthy people adopt their beliefs, and passionately think they're true, is because they have an ideology drilled into their heads and they only exchange ideas with those of their own class.
There are many examples of this. In "Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927" 1997 John Barry explains how engineers studied the potential for floods and how to minimize the damage shortly after the Civil War and came to the conclusion that they needed to plan reservoirs for water to go in case of epidemic floods, which meant leaving a lot of land unused, which disappointed a lot of businessmen. This theory was replaced by a "Levees Only" theory, which assumed that if they built levees the water would drain faster with less threat of flooding, which was supported by some of the same engineers that came up with the first theory. The author doesn't provide what most people would consider hard evidence that these engineers changed their views under pressure from rich people, but there must be some reason for it, and this seems likely.
In 1927 when they had the great flood they found out the hard way that the first theory was right all along and hundreds of people died as a result of the switch to the theory supported by wealthy businessmen, and an enormous amount of property was also destroyed, often belonging to poorer or middle class people, and as often happens in disasters like this, the rich made promises to make amends when repairing the damage, but broke them later. In "The Johnstown Flood" David McCullough makes similar claims about that flood, although this flood didn't do nearly as much damage, even if the people in a relatively small area where harmed seriously. These are just a couple examples, but reading up on many other disasters, natural or manmade will inevitably show many more.
Other examples include their current response to Climate Change and other forms of environmental destruction, which are steadily getting worse, and even if most of us have no way of knowing when it will be irreversible, or if it will just continue getting worse, destroying one part of the planet after another, the political establishment is in almost complete denial about it. There are many other examples of closed minded ideology by the wealthy that don't involve environmental destruction as well, like their closed minded response to the recent murder of a health care CEO and how baffled they are by the response from a large percentage of the public. It's incredibly obvious to many people that when the insurance system is designed to deprive people of health care so wealthy people can increase profits consumers get inadequate care, and there are dozens of studies showing this literally costs thousands of lives every year, and polls showing the vast majority of the public oppose the current system, as well as hundreds if not thousands or even millions of nightmare complaints from patients. Yet the political, media and business establishment are stunned by the fact that people are much more angry about the healthcare system than they are about Luigi Mangione, as if the reason isn't obvious.
On top of that there's way more insanity in the political establishment, media and business world in addition to just about everything else. The fact that Donald Trump somehow turned into a winning political candidate and put on one absurd act after another, including his insane demand that North Korea do what he wants or they'll face "fire and fury" followed by a silly absurd story about how he got a letter from Kim Jong Il, and "fell in love," Clarissa Ward getting caught staging news or releasing a war criminal from jail, Trump nominating one sex offender after another, including Gaetz, who we now know was implicated in paying for sex with a seventeen year old, and so much more insanity that no one can keep track of it, happening day after day, month after month, year after year, which is so insane I can't rule out the insane possibility it's all staged for some insane reason.
What could be more insane than staging all this insanity?
It would be even more insane if all this insanity isn't staged!
In my past articles, when discussing unsolved mysteries, my strongest argument was that skeptics can't explain many of them, therefore they should consider alternative explanations, even if they seem far-fetched. Then I often come up with theories, most that I haven't discussed yet in this article, assuming you didn't check the one I linked to above or others. But now the official version of the truth is often more insane than many of my theories, and, on top of that, skeptics still can't explain many of the unsolved mysteries, while some far-fetched theories, even if they have some flaws, do explain them, which may make them closer to the truth.
Now, of course, I'm not trying to claim that everything is being staged for some insane reason, but I'm not ruling out the possibility that way to many things are being staged than most people suspect, and there's no doubt that the justifications used to promote one war after another, going back at least to World War II, if not much sooner are almost all lies, and that manipulating the public is routine. There's also no doubt that those in power have better access than the rest of us to show that we're well on the way to committing ecocide, and if they don't know they're even going to destroy themselves, it's because they don't want to for some fanatical ideological reason.
Furthermore, many establishment pundits or politicians have demonstrated that they do know we're bringing about an ecocide, and are actively helping it anyway. The most obvious are members of the Squad, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was only twenty-nine when she took office, and must know she's going to live to see much worse environmental damage, assuming she lives a full life, and the damage escalates in the next few decades, which is virtually guaranteed. Yet she's caved on this issue and is coming to Joe Biden's defense even though his record on the environment is horrible, and there's no reason to expect Kamala Harris to be better who she also defended.
In addition to the four members of the squad following the same pattern of behavior, running on environmental protect then doing the opposite in office, there are many more doing the same, before and after them, including Ro Khanna, Kyrsten Sinema, Elizabeth Warren, Katie Porter, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, and many more including some activists like Bill McKibben.
Why isn't the fact that we have a significant number of politicians demonstrating they understand the fact that we're carrying out an ecocide to get elected, then once elected embracing the establishment and providing propaganda cover to help avoid what they promised to do, more of a major unsolved mystery than UFOs or alleged mystics?
Are they knowingly and intentionally trying to destroy the environment and ultimately destroying the human race, including their own children or other descendants?
Their actions overwhelmingly indicate they are, even if they believe their own lies to justify their actions.
Furthermore, many of the unsolved mysteries I discussed in previous articles that the establishment doesn't take seriously may have serious implications on the entire history of the human race, and even though most of these unsolved mysteries are related to historical times, there's some reason to believe it also has a major impact on current events. I cited some of my past articles discussing these major unsolved mysteries in Was Theodor Herzl A Prophet? If So, What Does it Mean? and I'll summarize them a little more her. The most compelling and possibly important mysteries may show that an unknown advanced intelligence may have had a major impact on early social evolution, as often claimed in "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel, even if they don't always seem like a credible source, possible evidence of shared alien technology, possible evidence of an unknown advanced intelligence influencing mystics throughout history, and even possible evidence showing the aliens, or what ever advanced intelligence may be influencing mystics may also have some ability to partly control the weather, as difficult as this is to believe.
Many people may think Weather Modification Research is a fringe belief that no one should take seriously, but our own government and a large portion of the peer reviewed academic world has admitted that it's been trying to do this for decades. They even passed a law requiring disclosure of all attempts to modify the weather to the government, which would create an annual report that's presented to the president, who passes it on to the Congress and then makes it available to the public, although the media never widely reported on this, and often even ridiculed it. All this was disclosed in the Weather Modification: Tenth Annual Report, 1968 which summarizes research in the fiscal year ending June 30 1968, and was submitted to the president in August 1969. One of the things they point out is that they revoked the law requiring disclosure, and at the end of the report, in the appendix, the people creating the report recommended that they increase disclosure requirements, instead of decreasing them, and admitted that the research was becoming more common and more sophisticated at the time.
I went into this more in Forgotten History Exposing The Illusion Of Democracy & Government Reports on Weather Control which includes excerpts or entire speeches from Lyndon Johnson discussing weather modification showing that our government took this seriously, and that it was getting more complicated, even if the media now ridicules the subject. another previous article UFO Hypothesis Far More Credible Than Catholic Claim of A "Miracle Of The Sun" also shows that there might have been evidence about thirty years before modern weather modification experiments began that an unknown advanced intelligence of some sort already knew about this research and could influence the weather to some degree.
That article shows how three children in Fatima Portugal allegedly saw a "pretty lady" which most people concluded was a vision of Mary, even though Lucia dos Santos, the oldest and most credible of those children specifically says it wasn't Mary. That "pretty lady" allegedly told them she would be back on the 13th of the next 5 months they would see something unusual, and there were a growing number of witnesses each month to support claims that there were unexplained phenomena happening with about 50,000 witnesses on October 13th. This included very unusual weather on at least two of those days, Aug. 13th and Oct. 13th; they also included massive sightings of UFOs on several of these days, especially Oct. 13th, which had more unexplained phenomena than any other day, although they referred to it as a "Miracle of the Sun" and concluded it was a religious phenomena, but there's no way the sun could have been within our atmosphere as the witnesses claimed. There were also many exaggerations or false claims, including additional alleged prophecies attributed to the event that either never came true, or were only disclosed after they came true. The only real prophecy was that they should expect unexplained phenomena on the 13th of the next five months, which did come true, and that phenomena may show that it was UFOs and they had partial control of the weather, enabling them to predict the phenomena, and that they could influence mystics like the little children. It also supports the theory that UFOs may have influenced religion all along.
Additional evidence also shows that many mystics including Padre Pio; Helena Blavatsky; Joan Of Arc; Joseph Smith Jr.; Andrew Jackson Davis; Edgar Cayce; Uri Geller; Grigori Rasputin; José Arigó; Nikola Tesla and many more may have been influenced by an unknown advanced intelligence of some sort. Most of these alleged mystics have more compelling evidence showing they were influenced by some form of advanced intelligence, possibly aliens than Theodor Herzl, but they establish a pattern of behavior which might indirectly support the theory that Herzl was a prophet of some sort. These mystics don't provide as conclusive evidence of a major unsolved mystery, and, as I pointed out, many people try to cite them as evidence of a benevolent God, despite the fact that if a benevolent God existed they would communicate in an honest manner and provide advise to prevent disasters throughout history, so this assumption is flawed. However, if you look closely at each of these mystics there's always an unsolved mystery which skeptics can't explain, although they argue in circles on each case, often making as many mistakes as the believers to dismiss all claims of unsolved mysteries, without explaining them.
Another major issue is the possibility that aliens may have shared technology with our government, the military, the academic world or high tech Wall Street corporations as Colonel Philip Corso author of "The Day After Roswell" claims, which I went into more in Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims?, and UFO Hypothesis with rational use of Occam's Razor If this is partly true then an enormous amount of modern technology has been developed with direct or indirect help from aliens. This could also explain how ancient civilizations were able to move massive megaliths even though experiments to replicate these feats with ancient technology failed badly as I explained in 107 Wonders of the Ancient World.
Of course many people have been indoctrinated to dismiss all these major unsolved mysteries with ridicule, even though so-called skeptics can't explain them completely. But even if there's little or nothing to these far-fetched unsolved mysteries, which the evidence shows is unlikely, the mainstream research from traditional peer-reviewed academics also overwhelmingly indicates we're well on our way to an ecocide and the political establishment is in almost complete denial, even though we have academic research that can help reduce the threat, if not reverse it.
If everyone worked together to restore the environment without worrying about far-fetched theories that might solve the problem; but they're not even doing that, if anything, they're doing the opposite.
The following are additional related articles and a large number of Social Media posts about Israel's attack on Gaza which may be more credible than mainstream media:
Gaza death toll nears 39,800 as Israel kills 40 more Palestinians 10/08/2024 At least 91,702 Palestinians injured in Israeli onslaught since Oct. 7, 2023, Health Ministry says
As of today, humans have used more resources than Planet Earth can regenerate in a year 07/29/2019
Humanity uses 70% more of the global commons than the Earth can regenerate 11/14/2017
Humans have used up the planet's natural resources for the year. Here's what Earth Overshoot Day means 08/02/2023
Humanity consuming the Earth: by 2030 we’ll need two planets 10/13/2010
What is ecocide and which countries recognize it in law? 08/30/2021
Ecocide out of the woods: update from Europe and beyond 06/25/2024
Ecocide in Gaza: Israel's genocide in Gaza will create an unprecedented environmental health crisis 06/04/2024 by Noor Badri
Russia's Ecocide in Ukraine: Environmental Destruction and the Need for Accountability 07/16/2024 Concern about contributing to ecocide is legitimate in all wars, including the one in Ukraine, but this article makes obviously false claims. It says "In the ten years since Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine, Ukraine estimates that Russia has inflicted some $60 billion in damages to Ukraine’s natural and man-made environments and pushed Ukraine to the brink of ecological collapse." Russia didn't enter directly into the War in Ukraine until 2022. Before that there was a coup in 2014, which was supported by Vice President Biden and Victoria Nuland, which was followed by eight years of civil war with Ukraine doing most of the damage, supported by our government and mostly ignored by our media. We have to get the facts right, and these claims are so obviously wrong it raises major doubts about the credibility of Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, which is part of our government, despite the impression the name gives. Furthermore, the Nordstream Pipeline was bombed by our government or allies working with our government.
Is the truth for sale on commercial media?
Oligarchs Have A Right To Profit From negligent Mass Murder; While Peaceful Protesters Are Arrested!
Is CNN An "Advocate For Truth?" Or Profits?
Mainstream Media Aiding And Abetting Ecocide In Progress
Amazon Fire Already Headed Down Memory Hole Like Kuwait Fires & China Smog!
Natural Born Killers of the Planet
Hagee’s apocalyptic support of Israel 05/15/2008
The head of the largest Christian Zionist organization is no friend to Israel — he wants an apocalypse there 04/16/2024 John Hagee Israel Apocalypse
Mike Huckabee as Israeli ambassador would be a disaster of biblical proportions 11/14/2024
In Mike Huckabee, Israel will have a longtime friend and true believer as ambassador 11/14/2024
As U.S. ambassador, Rev. Mike Huckabee will push for ‘end times’ in Palestine 11/18/2024
Support for a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza Increases Across Party Lines 05/08/2024 Seven in 10 likely voters — including majorities of Democrats (83%), Independents (65%), and Republicans (56%) — support the U.S. calling for a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza.
Voters Support Proposed Ceasefire Deal to End Fighting in Gaza 06/12/2024
It's So Hot 11/19/20223 by Bill McKibben Maybe Cooling the War in Palestine Could Help
Response by the Green Party of the United States to a statement from European Greens November 1, 2024
Germany’s Greens hold a war conference 11/18/2024 “Of course, self-defence means not only attacking terrorists, but destroying them,” Baerbock announced in the Bundestag (parliament). “That is why I have made it so clear: when Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools, we do not cower in the face of it. Then civilian places can also lose their protected status because terrorists abuse it. That is what Germany stands for, and for us that means the security of Israel.”
(Video) Margaret Kimberley: German foreign minister Baerbock and the rest of European Greens are terrorists. "civilian places can also lose their protected status" That is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. She supports war crimes and the rest of you do too. Fuck off. We didn't ask for your opinions. 11/01/2024 European Greens: Green parties in Europe are calling for Jill Stein to withdraw. The race for the White House is too close for comfort. We call on her to withdraw from the race & endorse Kamala Harris for President of the United States.
Bill McKibben: In Europe's parliamentary systems, the Green parties do stuff--pass laws, work on local politics. They don't just show up every 4 years for a vanity run at the top job. Because they're actually serious, they're calling on Jill Stein to withdraw from the race. 11/01/2024
Bill McKibben: Did you know that the Reform branch of Judaism was divesting from fossil fuel? Great account by @Sammy_Roth and a great picture of Jacob Siegel. Many thanks to @dayenu for tremendous work! 10/10/2024
Orion Dauncey: Before the west created their military staging area in the middle east using the religion to drive its fanatics all for their real god, $. You cannot serve God and $ 10/11/2024
(Video) Scott Ritter discussing Hind Rijab and the horrors of her murder. 10/02/2024
(Video) "So, who is Kamala Harris" AIPAC funded candidate, a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for genocide. 10/12/2024
(Video) LeaAnn Duncan: Howard Beckett: This is Germany 🇩🇪 A man sitting at a cafe is arrested for wearing a t- shirt with a Palestinian 🇵🇸 flag. Israel 🇮🇱 are seeking to normalise far right military style policing. Israel’s apartheid Zionism is modern day fascism. 10/12/2024
(Video) :Israel is not a Western Democracy! They're just not." They stole land and refused to allow their victims to vote! 08/19/2024
(Video) "The American-Israel occupation is now targeting the tents of the displaced" and bombing or burning them to death. 10/13/2024
(Video) Celeste Hoglund: Kamala Harris responds to a question about indigenous people by saying "We have to remember history. .... uncomfortable" as it gets, which sounds good, but she isn't doing it, and she's currently using a false version of history to promote another genocide. 10/14/2024
Mohamad Al Jabban: This is Shaaban, who was burnt alive with his mom yesterday while sleeping in his tent, attached to an IV as he recovered from an earlier injury. The whole world watched him live, being burnt alive. I won't post his photo or video while being burnt. 11/15/2024
(Video) "Israeli missiles shot a hospital! And people are burning alive!" 10/13/2024
(Video) Amnesty International USA: Day after day, Palestinian civilians in the occupied Gaza Strip are facing horrific violence. Our leaders - YOUR leaders! - must do more to end U.S. weapons transfers to the Israeli government and secure an immediate and permanent ceasefire. 10/16/2024
Some of the richest people in the world are profiting by mass murder of some of the poorest innocent children! 10/16/2024
(Video) "We begged for a ceasefire, and you refused" We screamed genocide and you demanded proof. .... 10/17/2024
(Video) They even teach children that they can take over Lebanon and other neighboring countries when they're just learning to talk! 10/19/2024
Abby Martin: I keep thinking how crazy it would be if an Arab country kept 2.3 million Jewish people in a cage, half children, cut off their electricity & water then indiscriminately bombed them. Beyond comprehension the anti-Muslim bigotry that makes the world applaud this as justified 10/12/2024
(Video) The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder: “Not A Humanitarian Crisis, This Is Genocide” CNN Schooled By Gaza Doctor 10/14/2024
(Video) Dangerous Ideas with Lee Camp: CNN Did NOT Expect This To Happen Live on Air 10/20/2024
Mohamed Hadid: Israeli Jews have no genetic connection to ancient Hebrews 05/18/2024 Hadid said that Israeli Jews should show their ancestry for comparison to his.
lizabeth Berry: HOW CAN ANY HUMAN BEING REMAIN SILENT? Perhaps the ones who remain silent are not human beings? Perhaps they are aliens disguised as human beings. THAT would explain a lot. FROM MR. FISH 10/23/2024
(Video) Democracy Now!: “We Have Lost All Credibility”: Hala Rharrit on Quitting State Dept. & Ending U.S. Complicity in Gaza 10/23/2024
How many people believe the Nakba was a myth? How many people never heard of the Nakba? For most of my life I never heard of the Nakba because the media never mentions it and they don't teach it in school! Nakba and Gaza genocide denial is far worse than alleged Holocaust denial! 10/26/2024
One in five young Americans thinks the Holocaust is a myth 12/07/2023 Editor’s note (27th March, 2024): After this article was published, the Pew Research Centre conducted a study on this topic. It found that young respondents in opt-in online polls such as YouGov’s were far more likely to say the Holocaust was a myth than were those surveyed by other methods, and that in general, young and Hispanic participants in such polls are unusually prone to providing “bogus” answers that do not reflect their true views.
Danny Bethea: From the Holocaust Museum
(Video) Speech on how the IDF is the "best trained terrorist organization in the world." Discusses attack on Gaza about four years ago, which is one of many other attacks. 10/25/2024 Israel has always been attacking Gaza! They began terrorizing Palestinians no later than the 1930s, escalated in 1948 with the Nakba killing 15,000 terrorizing and expelling 750,000 more and has been terrorizing and demonizing their victims since then!
(Video) Discussion about how Hamas treated hostages better than IDF treats many more Palestinians, and that the IDF is cutting off supplies, not Hamas, often buried in news stories. 10/26/2024
'It Smells Like Terrorists Here': What It's Like to Raise Kids Who Came Back From Hamas Captivity 10/25/2024
(Video) Mohamed Elmay: AIPAC member changes his mind" after claiming that non-Jews were unreliable sources, and even Norman Finkelstein was probably biased, but after reading him, and using credible fact-checking methods, he realized the Zionist version was wrong. 10/28/2024 Beyond Chutzpah was already on my reading list; now I'll have to move it up and read it sooner rather than later, although Debunking Alan Dershowitz is way too easy.
Read the full VP debate transcript from the Walz-Vance showdown 10/02/2024 TW: Well, thank you. And thank you for those joining at home tonight. Let's keep in mind where this started. October 7th, Hamas terrorists massacred over 1400 Israelis and took prisoners. Iran, or, Israel's ability to be able to defend itself is absolutely fundamental, getting its hostages back, fundamental, and ending the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. But the expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute, fundamental necessity for the United States to have the steady leadership there. (Mostly censored or false version of Israel history)
"I will always listen to you, even if you don't vote for me. I will always tell you the truth, even if it is difficult to hear." During the same rally she said this, or one shortly before it, organizers and police were arresting people for call out her atrocities, showing how meaningless her promises are!
(Video) Jill Stein stand-in debates Kamala Harris stand-in about supporting genocide. 10/30/2024
'If It Looks Like Ethnic Cleansing, It Probably Is,' Says Israeli Newspaper of North Gaza Siege 10/30/2024 "If this process doesn't stop immediately, hundreds of thousands of people will become refugees, entire communities will be destroyed and the moral and legal stain of this crime will cling to and pursue every Israeli."
(Video) Israelies celebrating genocide 07/31/2024
Bran DeGraff: Please share this far and wide! #FreePalestine Voting for the lesser of two evils brought us to this point. We’re now no different than Nazi Germany. We’re worse, actually. They gassed children, we burn them alive IN THEIR OWN HOMES
At Least 36 Killed, Including Children, in Israeli Strike in North Gaza, Medics Report 11/10/2024 According to reports, the airstrike in Jabalya targeted a three-story building. Simultaneously, there were reports of additional airstrikes in northern Gaza City and the Rafah area
Israeli Strike Kills 23 People North of Beirut, Lebanon Says 11/10/2024 Rescue workers were still searching the rubble after the strike in the village of Almat, in the Jbeil district of Lebanon, the country’s health ministry said.
(Video) Ami Aylinn former leader of Shin Biet "We are losing our dignity. ..... When you send us to war, you do not send us to negotiate, you send us to kill." On Christine Amanpour 11/09/2024
(Video) Audrey X Palestinian village under demolition order so they can expand settlements 11/11/2024
(Video) A man wearing Israeli uniform enters mosque in Texas to provoke Muslims, before being kicked out 11/17/2024
(Video) "Fridays are always the worst in the West Bank." 11/17/2024
(Video) "Same Planet different world," screen changes from wealthy woman with aides to hold fancy dress, to girl a victim of bombing, possibly indirectly caused by the wealthy, helped to get medical treatment. 11/21/2024
(Video) Attempts to resque victims of bombings 11/20/2024
War Crimes in Lebanon: Human Rights Watch Says Israel Used U.S. Arms to Kill 3 Journalists 11/26/2024
Haze Aden: The term "Semite" refers to a cultural and linguistic group that includes ancient and modern people, and the Semitic languages include Arabic, Akkadian, Aramaic, Hebrew. 11/21/2024
Exclusive: White House Says Democrats Who Oppose Weapons To Israel Are Aiding Hamas 11/20/2024
(Video) There is nothing more disgusting than Black and Brown sellouts doing the work of white supremacy. Take note of that "Lesser Evil" fan club. The legacy of the Biden-Harris administration is the murder of over 50,000 Palestinian men, women & children. 11/24/2024 Karine Jean-Pierre and other minorites serve as spokespeople for genocidal organizations, including when she rejected the courts position to issue arrest warrents on Netanyahu and Gallant
(Video) “Israel Wants Wars”: Gideon Levy on Lebanon Ceasefire, Gaza & Gov’t Sanctions Against Haaretz 11/27/2024 We’re joined by Israeli journalist Gideon Levy as we continue our conversation on the Israeli-Lebanon ceasefire. We take a look at the mood within Israel, where Levy characterizes the Israeli public as “sour” about what is seen as a premature deal. “They would like to see more blood, more destruction in Lebanon,” says Levy. “Israel wants wars.” This retributive stance is still being felt in Lebanon, adds writer Lina Mounzer, who says Lebanese people are “very terrified of the day after” and do not feel that they have been awarded peace, despite the terms of the ceasefire. Meanwhile, the Israeli government has unanimously voted to sanction the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, claiming that its editorials “have hurt the legitimacy of the state of Israel and its right to self defense.” Haaretz has criticized the move, which comes just months after Israel banned the international media outlet Al Jazeera, as anti-democratic. Levy, a columnist for Haaretz, says the sanction makes it clear that Israelis cannot take the freedom of speech “for granted anymore.”
(Video) XX 11/0/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Where are all the Western feminists? Today in D.C., dozens of women took to the streets carrying babies in bloody shrouds to expose the horrors the U.S. and Israel are enacting on Palestinian women and their families. All feminists should be standing up against Israel’s brutal assaults on women and motherhood. Thank you Hazami Barmada for organizing this powerful action. 10/17/2024
(Video) Abier: I wanna wake up from this nightmare.. plz GOd… Those bastards shoot kids for sport. This was filmed in Hebron today 10/17/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: AIPAC EXPOSED Award-winning Jewish Professor John Ehrenberg has exposed the pervasive influence of AIPAC. The most powerful pro-Israel lobby in manipulating the outcome of US elections. 10/17/2024
(Video) Pelham: Northern Gaza is been wiped off this earth. Over 500,000 civilians have seen no food enter from Oct2 - Oct 15. Dystopian and post-apocalyptic does no justice to the life in Gaza, this is hell on earth. THIS IS A GENOCIDE…🇵🇸💔 10/17/2024
(Video) Rania: The lunatics are on the loose again, stealing and terrorising! I can even smell the stench of their body odour and breath from here! Disgusting trash of the world! 10/18/2024
(Video) Dr. Jennifer Cassidy: If you listen to anything today let it be this. Can you imagine even uttering these words? Can you imagine this was your reality? These were your words? "I can't describe the feeling. I saw my brother burning in front of me. And my mother was burning. What more do you want to happen to stay quiet? You can see we are burning and you stay quiet." - MOHAMMED AL-DALOU, Shaban's Brother 🙏🏼 10/18/2024
Angelo Angelli, JD: Nelson Mandela was on an official US list of terrorists into the ‘90s. 10/18/2024 🅹🅾️🅴🆈աrecκ ☭: It's actually really crazy that the United States could pick any resistance group in the world and label them as terrorists and mainstream voters that never heard of that group will pretend they've been strongly opposed to them for years. I love when horrible monsters pretend that it's naive or childish to think we should stop bombing resistance groups trying to save their people from extermination
Zei_squirrel: This is just astonishing. The New York Times just published a piece where they say "many in Gaza" celebrated Sinwar's killing, and cite a fake anonymous person supposedly saying "he made Israel do this to us." This is like publishing in 1944: "A Jew in Auschwitz, who wants to remain anonymous for fear of being killed by his fellow inmates, celebrated the crushing of the Warsaw uprising, saying those evil communist Jews made the Nazis do this to us." This is actually what Der Sturmer published, and the New York Times is now doing it today with utter glee as the entire media class celebrates Ben Hubbard for his brave heroic "investigative reporting". ....... 10/17/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today in London, we stopped by the School of Advanced Studies, where student organizers are currently working to regain meeting space as well as have two students reinstated who were suspended as a result of taking action for Palestine. In the US, England, and across Europe, universities have been cracking down on students’ free speech when all they’re doing is trying to stop a genocide. Solidarity with the students! 10/18/2024
(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️BREAKING: The Ministry of Health in Gaza appeals to the world for immediate intervention to save the hospitals in northern Gaza from collapse due to the ongoing 15-day blockade and the continuous targeting of medical staff by Israel. But will the world listen? 10/18/2024
(Video) ADAM: BREAKING: @anadoluagency completely EXPOSES western media bias and control. This is a masterclass in how (and NOT) to be a proper journalist 👇 10/18/2024
(Video) UpFront: “It was AIPAC who came after me. It was AIPAC who lied on me. It was AIPAC who was deceptive. It’s AIPAC who hurt my community” US Congresswoman @CoriBush tells @marclamonthill about #AIPAC’s influence in US elections. 10/18/2024
(Video) Cori Bush on Palestinian liberation, Kamala Harris and the pro-Israel lobby | UpFront 10/18/2024 This week on UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill speaks with Bush about the November 5 US elections, Palestinian liberation and the pro-Israel lobby.
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: When you’re to the right of the fascist government in Italy 10/18/2024
(Video) Chay Bowes: Former NATO boss Stoltenberg is completely annihilated by actual Journalist. “In the past 40 years, how many countries has China intervened in militarily? “the US has attacked at least 13 countries in the same period. "you still think it’s China that poses a threat?” 10/19/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Netanyahu lives in a stolen house, looted from Palestinian Doctor Tawfik Canaan and his family. He's an illegal settler! (Revealed in Yedioth newspaper.) 10/19/2024
(Video) A pro-Palestinian protester was escorted out for asking Kamala Harris about the genocide at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 10/18/2024 Pro-Palestinian protester kicked out of Kamala Harris campaign event, shortly before she promises to listen to people a week pater.
(Video) Max Blumenthal : Scenes like these will feature prominently in the Gaza Holocaust Memorial Museum when it is built 10/19/2024 حسام شبات: 🚨 Breaking Israeli occupation forces prepared a deep hole in one of the squares surrounding the Indonesian Hospital, and placed some males in it with their hands tied and their eyes blindfolded In north Gaza.
Zei_squirrel: you spread genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax lies that were debunked by the UN, Haaretz, NBC and Times of London and retracted by the PHRI, and now you're lying that there's actual evidence for it because you're a depraved propagandist genocidal hack responsible for laundering the actual mass murder and rape of Palestinian babies, children, girls, boys, women and men, about which you have not said a single word because you're the lowest sub-human scum alive 10/19/2024 NYT admits kids were killed, but withhold pictures because: While our editors have photographs to corroborate the CT scan images, because of their graphic nature, we decided these photos — of children with gunshot wounds to the head or neck — were too horrific for publication. We made a similar decision for the additional 40-plus photographs and videos supplied by the doctors and nurses surveyed that depicted young children with similar gunshot wounds.
Angelo Angelli, JD: Should be banned from the whole goddamn planet. 10/19/2024 Galway Advertiser: Isreali Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been banned from the city limits by a vote of Galway City Council.
(Video) Glenn Greenwald: Imagine announcing you have been "very clear that Israel should not enter Rafah," only for Israel to immediately enter and then destroy Rafah and you keep arming them. How can anyone with this level of cowardice expect to be taken seriously? Watch: 10/18/2024 "Would there be consequences if he (Netanyahu) moves forward?" "We're going to take it one step at a time." Translation: as usual, no consequences for Netanyahu.
Lee Camp [Redacted]: Can we go about our lives while children burn? Can we enjoy our morning coffee and our evening wine while US bombs blow up whole families? Does this violence not come home, entrenching itself in our subconscious? Will things go back to “normal” now that we know our politicians and media will defend genocide every single day for a year? Can we enjoy a piece of cake while our tax dollars help murder hundreds of thousands? As we answer those question, we start to realize we aren’t just destroying them. We’re destroying ourselves. 10/18/2024
(Video) Lee Camp [Redacted]: Here's a completely unhinged interview between @billmaher and @DrPhil about how they both think it's immoral NOT to strongly support a year of 8en0cide - 10/20/2024
Aaron Maté: Hard to know what to say anymore. Westerners aren’t just watching an extermination campaign happen before our eyes, we’re arming and enabling it. 10/20/2024 UNRWA: Horrifying scenes unfolding in northern #Gaza Strip, where tens of thousands of people are stranded amid intensified violence, relentless Israeli strikes, and an ever worsening humanitarian crisis. The situation is only getting worse. This war must end. #CeasefireNow // Tor Wennesland: Horrifying scenes unfolding in Gaza, amidst conflict, relentless Israeli strikes & an ever-worsening humanitarian crisis. I condemn the continuing attacks on civilians. Hostages must be freed, displacement of Palestinians must cease, & civilians must be protected. My Statement👇
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Kamala Harris went to Detroit again today and was asked about the genocidal slaughters and mass rape being committed by the Israeli death cult she has vowed to fund and arm forever and unconditionally. How did she respond? "OCTOBER 7! OCTOBER 7! RAPE HOAX, OCTOBER 7!" Genocidal Zionist Rape Queen 10/19/2024
Abby Martin: I keep thinking how crazy it would be if an Arab country kept 2.3 million Jewish people in a cage, half children, cut off their electricity & water then indiscriminately bombed them. Beyond comprehension the anti-Muslim bigotry that makes the world applaud this as justified 10/12/2024
(Video) Khalissee: “The Israeli army is one of the most criminal armies in the world.” ~ Chris Sidoti, UN Human Rights expert 10/20/2024
(Video) Pelham: Oxford University students stand with Palestine..🇵🇸 10/19/2024
(Video) These definitions will not be imposed on us. Everyone has seen how the lobby aligned with your genocidal acts functions. Many Jews oppose this despicable lobby. 10/20/2024 David Jacobs: In 2014 you posted the following in an open letter in clear violation of Ontario's adopted definition of antisemitism:
(Video) ADAM: Be honest. What would you do if you lived under a system that treated YOUR children like this? Would you sit there and take it? Or would you do something about it? 10/20/2024
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: Netanyahu has been President of America for a long time. 10/20/2024 Numerous occasions where Netanyahu calls for wars or overthrowing governments including one response to a question from Dennis Kucinich, who obviously opposes this, and Netanyahu matter of factly answered yes anyway.
(Video) Ken O'Keefe: 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 We are witnessing them blowing up civilians for over 365 days and gloating about it. Since when did we allow the unacceptable to be acceptable? 10/19/2024
(Video) Pelham: Critiquing your government or Israel in the UK is now considered terrorism…🇬🇧🇮🇱 10/19/2024
UK police raid home, seize devices of EI’s Asa Winstanley 10/17/2024 British counterterrorism police on Thursday raided the home and seized several electronic devices belonging to The Electronic Intifada’s associate editor Asa Winstanley.
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Electing a DEM ratifies the genocide. What part of this don’t people get? 10/20/2024 Drop Site: Sen. Bernie Sanders reiterates what has become a central Democratic Party line on supporting Harris despite her role in the Gaza genocide: "If we are able to elect Harris, I think we're going to have an opportunity to move her on [Gaza]."
Holding Dems Accountable (From the Left!): “Don’t be fooled by her nice words, she’ll definitely keep killing people.” - Kamala’s own campaign 10/20/2024
(Video) American "democracy". What a joke! 10/20/2024 Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton etc. claiming they defend democracy while simultaneously calling for massive censorship
(Video) Khalissee: Former Head of Shin Bet, Ami Ayalon, calls Israeli Ministers Terrorists 👏 10/20/2024
(Video) Rania: 2 words for you : gen0cide Joe! 10/20/2024 Biden's inconsistant comments about genocide ignoring evidence.
(Video) Expat Vibes: Ads at New York's Metro-North train stations educate Americans about Israel's land theft. 10/20/2024
(Video) The Grayzone: As Western outlets like the NY Times quoted anonymous Palestinians cheering Israel's killing of Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar, we sent a reporter to Khan Younis to ask locals with no apparent affiliation with Hamas what they thought of the late leader and the legacy he left behind 10/20/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: A little girl in Gaza carries her injured sister for kilometers to try to reach a hospital. This is why Palestinians fight for their freedom, and why anyone who claims to be a human must support their struggle. 10/21/2024
(Video) Rania: When people tell you who they are, believe them! And 1sr@elis have certainly told us who they are, and who they are makes my skin crawl! 10/20/2024 Long list of atrocities Zionists brag about, including gleeful claim that "If you give me a button that will" destroy Gaza & kill everyone in it "& I will push it right now."
(Video) Suppressed News: “We’ll burn everyone in there” 10/20/2024 Hamzah Saadah talking to another Zionist
(Video) Khalissee: Remember the words of White House Spokesman Matthew Miller: "Israel has the right to target civilians" 10/21/2024
(Video) Dr. Jennifer Cassidy: If you listen to anyone this morning, let it be Gideon Levy. A phenomenal Israeli journalist who has been speaking truth to power for decades. Share his words. Far and Wide. 10/21/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Israeli Forces have set fire to the Indonesian hospital in northern Gaza after forcibly removing patients and medical staff. It's antisemitic to call this terrorism, apparently. We have to call burning a hospital 'Self Defence.' 10/21/2024
(Video) John Cusack: The fact this is not the number one story in US is and will be the greatest crime and shame of US 10/21/2024 Muhammad Shehada: Israeli public media is posting the Jabalia death march as the ultimate victory picture of Israel's genocide. Children, men & women caged in a concentration camp, starved & bombed, then rounded up & forced to move to the next concentration camp to be caged, starved, & bombed!
(Video) Martha Fusca: "Resistance is not just an option but a duty" Sinwar's Will.💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 10/21/2024 Tony Montana: This is supposedly the will of Sinwar. “If I fall, do not fall with me”. I didn’t cry. 😭
(Video) Huma Zehra: “if you had any heart in you, you would be crying for the Palestinians!” ~ Norman Finkelstein. 10/20/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Meet Daniella Weiss — stochastic terrorist, PR-manager of Israeli settler-colonialism 10/21/2024 Middle East Eye: At a conference on Israel's frontier with Gaza, Israeli settler leader Daniella Weiss said that Palestinians have “lost the right” to live there, and that thousands of Israelis stand ready to move there "from north to south." She also told the conference, which was attended by Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Knesset members from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, that Palestinians living in Gaza must be relocated to other countries.
(Video) Mrs Kensington: Danielle Weiss before 7/10 10/21/2024
(Video) The grandmother who wants to lead Israelis back to a Gaza without Palestinians 03/20/2024 Clarissa Ward also says "That sounds like ethnic cleansing," after 10/7/2023
(Video) ADAM: “Rape in the name of God, as they say.” 🇮🇱 Why do these guys love rape so much? 10/21/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: For over 100 years, the Israel lobby has been influencing U.S. policy, but it’s civil society that holds the real power to make change. In this powerful exchange between Medea Benjamin and Ilan Pappé, they explore how no lobby—no matter how strong—can stop the movement for Palestinian freedom when we stand firm in our commitment to equality and justice. Sign the petition to tell Congress to Stop Taking Money From the Zionist Lobby!: 10/21/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: American journalist @loffredojeremy is on his way home after being informally deported by the Israeli police. Following an arbitrary arrest by the Israeli military at a West Bank checkpoint, Jeremy was blindfolded, shackled in a military truck, then held in solitary confinement for three days with little food or water. Israeli authorities had falsely accused him of "supporting an enemy during wartime" for legitimate reporting he performed for The Grayzone. Though two Israeli judges ruled Jeremy's reporting did not violate the military censor's policy, they gave the police until October 20 to investigate him. During that period, the police seized and hacked into his phone, confiscated his wallet and passport, and interrogated him repeatedly at a station in occupied territory. 10/21/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Listen to this young girl who was sheltering in a school bombed by Israel: "I managed to crawl from under the debris... the moment we heard the explosion we ran for our lives... I saw dead bodies, torn to pieces" 10/22/2024
(Video) Tony - Pod Guy - Groves: “How have we reached a point where burning patients alive in their hospital beds is not a red line for the EU? Where is the EU’s moral compass? Well said @LNBDublin 10/22/2024
(Video) Pelham: 🇮🇱 Zionist rabbi calls for Jews to destroy CHURCHES… “We must purify the non-jews” 10/21/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Watch the atheist gentile Israel lobby plant Douglas Murray declare in no uncertain terms that Jewish lives are worth more than those of Christians and Muslims because Netanyahu’s apartheidist Israel forms the philosophical core of “Western civilization” 10/22/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Wow! Look at the eay Zionist Jonathan Kaye knocks a woman out in a Pro Palestine protest. If she complains, she'll be silenced with claims of Antisemitism. The Israeli cancer keeps spreading. 10/22/2024
(Video) Rania: Once you educate yourself, you'll understand that shitsrael has no right to exist! 10/22/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Israel’s Final Solution for Gaza was always clear to those of us who understood the essentially genocidal logic of Zionism. But now it should be obvious to all: the expulsion of residents of the north at gunpoint and replacement of their refugee camps with Jews-only settlements and military bases. The rest of the population will be ruthlessly pressured to accept exile or submission to a dystopian, high tech UAE-US-Israeli dictatorship, in which any expression of political protest is brutally punished. Proposals for the project are already online. Tony Blinken is reportedly pushing the Israeli-UAE “post-war plan,” undoubtedly salivating at the prospects of lavish contracts when he returns to the private sector. Netanyahu’s Likud Party is hosting conferences on settling Gaza. By pacifying Gaza, the cradle of resistance, a messianic, nuclearized and AI-adaptive settler colonial cult will have removed a key obstacle to regional domination. Though its success is far from certain, the plan is now apparent to anyone paying attention. 10/21/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: MSNBC Deleted This Interview About Palestine. Jeremy Scahill furiously criticized the network, alongside politicians, for being a platform to promote Israel's ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians. 10/22/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: American-Israeli settler colonist and former Netanyahu advisor Jordana Cutler says she removes any content from Meta that “makes Jews feel unsafe” - meaning anything that interferes with Zionist propaganda objectives - while enforcing a regime of Gaza Holocaust denial 10/22/2024 Chris Menahan 🇺🇸: Facebook's "Jewish Diaspora" chief Jordana Cutler explains how she uses her position to censor "hate speech" that "makes Jewish people feel unsafe." She says Meta banned "harmful stereotypes like 'Jews run the world'" as "hate speech" after consulting w/ World Jewish Congress.
(Video) Abby Martin: CNN says Israeli troops endured “psychological trauma” for running over the bodies of hundreds of Palestinians 10/21/2024 Jason Hickel: CNN published a piece today about Israeli soldiers returning from Gaza. One bulldozer driver testifies that they drove over Palestinians, dead and alive, "in the hundreds". This is genocidal and just breathtakingly evil.
‘He got out of Gaza, but Gaza did not get out of him’: Israeli soldiers returning from war struggle with trauma and suicide 10/21/2024 The former soldier has spoken publicly about the psychological trauma endured by Israeli troops in Gaza. In a testimony to the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, in June, Zaken said that on many occasions, soldiers had to “run over terrorists, dead and alive, in the hundreds.”
(Video) Chris Menahan 🇺🇸: I'm sure this is nothing to worry about! 10/22/2024 censorship WATCH: World Jewish Congress president Ron Lauder demands every nation adopt "severe laws" to jail their citizens for speech he deems antisemitic. "Laws must be passed, severe, tough, real laws that will put these hatemongers away in prison for a long time!"
(Video) Khalissee: He's Israel First. Anyone still in doubt after watching this? 10/22/2024
(Video) Rania: All evidence shows that only 1sr@el uses P@lestinians as human shields. And yet MSM refuses to say that! 10/22/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: Alnaouq’s father, two brothers, three sisters, and 14 nieces and nephews were killed by Israel one year ago. 20 members of his family. Can you even begin to imagine the loss? 10/22/2024 Ahmed Alnaouq: Today last year was by far the worst day of my life. It will always be the worst day of my life. Today last year Israel killed almost everyone I cared about.
(Video) Rania: 1sr@el is lining up men and women and shooting anyone who moves! This is execution! This is a repeat of the Sabra and Shatila massacre! 10/22/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: With Blinken a few km away in Israel, another demonstration of the Rules Based Reich 10/23/2024 Nicola Perugini: Jabalia: Palestinian men separated from women and children and transferred to torture camps by the Israeli military as part of the ethnic cleansing of northern Gaza.
(Video) Khalissee: Check this out! “It doesn’t matter if they are Western politicians. If they get in the way they are going to fall. We bring them up, we bring them down” Cenk Uygur: “who is WE??” 10/22/2024
(Video) Pelham: The figures of 45,000 dead Palestinians is over 8 months old, the real figures will be well over 200,000, with over 100,000 being children. Hamas only has 20,000 members, so let’s call it what it really is… this is a genocide 💔🇵🇸 10/22/2024
(Video) Lisa Savage: #Harris_Walz2024 you own this. 10/23/2024 Quds News Network: A young girl in northern Gaza breaks down in tears, exhausted and unable to walk after being forcibly displaced from her home along with her family by the Israeli army.
(Video) Pelham: Jewish man caught on CCTV staging antisemitic vandalism… 10/23/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: While it ethnically cleanses northern Gaza, Israel's intentional famine in the south only worsens. These are the latest scenes of mass starvation. The mainstream media is actively covering this up. 10/23/2024
Khalissee: This is how they do it! The ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan, who requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, is now facing allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct. 10/22/2024
(Video) Rania This n@zi, Daniella Weiss, is admitting that they've had 55 years experience in settling on land. Let me make it clearer. They've had 55 years of settling on P@.lestinian land that they've stolen & whose people they've ethnically cleansed. & they are planning on doing the exact same thing in G@z@! 10/23/2024
(Video) Pelham: It did not start on Oct 7… It started when Zionism, as an ideology, first entered the mind of Theodor Herzl..🇮🇱🇵🇸 10/23/2024
(Video) Rathbone: If you want to incriminate “Israel”, just quote their officials. @EylonALevy 10/22/2024
(Video) Rania: When the harsh brutal truth is somehow deemed "antisemitic"! 10/23/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Israel has placed a target on the backs of the last few surviving journalists in Gaza without any evidence. Here the Israeli army is threatening journalist @AnasAlSharif0, who has been exposing Israel’s war crimes in Gaza to the world. 10/23/2024 BREAKING: Israel has openly declared its intention to kill Gaza’s remaining journalists to ensure news and information blackout. They are falsely claiming that these 6 Al-Jazeera journalists are terrorists. 1. Talal Mahmoud Aruki 2. Alaa Salama 3. Anas Al-Sharif 4. Hossam Shabat 5. Ismail Omar 6. Ashraf Saraj
(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱 How would you feel if it was your leader being humiliated to this degree? 10/0/2024
(Video) Kamala is kicking Muslims out of her events again, this time in must-win Michigan. 10/23/2024
Detroit Muslim leader ejected from Kamala Harris rally, deepening rift between Democrats and Arab Americans 10/22/2024 “They keep saying they want the Muslims and the Arabs, but we aren’t even welcome at an event,” Ahmed Ghanim says of the Democratic Party while Trump courts voters in Hamtramck
(Video) Pelham: Western reporters debunk Israel’s kindergarten grade propaganda about the Al Sahel hospital been used to store millions on gold. They can perhaps fool their indoctrinated citizens, but their lies will never work on an educated western society…🇮🇱 10/23/2024
Jewish settlers set their sights on Gaza beachfront 03/24/2024 She claims that Palestinians want to leave Gaza and that other countries should take them in - although in a lengthy interview, she rarely uses the word "Palestinian". "The world is wide," she says. "Africa is big. Canada is big. The world will absorb the people of Gaza. How we do it? We encourage it. Palestinians in Gaza, the good ones, will be enabled. I'm not saying forced, I say enabled because they want to go." ...... Orla Guerin puts it to Daniella Weiss that her comments sound like a plan for ethnic cleansing. She does not deny it. "You can call it ethnic cleansing. I repeat again, the Arabs do not want, normal Arabs do not want to live in Gaza. If you want to call it cleansing, if you want to call it apartheid, you choose your definition. I choose the way to protect the state of Israel. "
(Video) Orla Guerin interviews Daniella Weiss 06/03/2024 No later than March 24
(Video) Rania: Keep sharing. Keep exposing 1sr@eli crimes! 10/23/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🇹🇹 This speech by the Foreign Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Amery Browne, should be given an award 🏅 10/24/2024
(Video) Rania: 1sr@el is doing what Hit!er did to the Jews! 10/23/2024
(Video) Tim Anderson: Al Jazeera study shows the depth of UK and US involvement in the #GazaGenocide 10/24/2024
(Video) Rania: This is the IDF: the 1sr@eli Dumba$$ Forces! Credit goes to @gregjstoker for the most accurate name! 10/23/2024
(Video) Khalissee: These are not scenes from a movie, Everyone is injured, everyone is wounded, blood is filling the city, Gaza is living the biggest holocaust and live broadcast. This scene is historic, the young man describes Gaza, wounded but not fallen. 10/24/2024
(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: Another career diplomat has resigned from the U.S. State Department because of Israel's genocide. Blinken must be sent to The Hague. 10/23/2024
(Video) You don't defend democracy or reduce grocery prices by supporting genocide or bypassing the primary system! 10/24/2024 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓙 🫒🔑🇵🇸: Equating the genocide of Palestinians to rising grocery prices is not just a poor analogy; it’s a deeply inhumane, callous dismissal of human suffering.
(Video) In Michigan, @ag4congress, a prominent Muslim leader and former Democratic candidate for Congress, was kicked out of a @KamalaHQ event that he had been invited to. Dr. Ghanim is demanding an explanation from the Harris campaign. “Do I have a place in this party or not?" 10/24/2024
Prominent Muslim Democrat Demands Answers After Being Kicked Out of Harris Rally in Michigan 10/24/2024
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: Israeli forces gather large numbers of children and women into a hole and surround them with gunfire before allowing them to flee from the northern Gaza Strip. According to a testimony from one of the women in Jabalia: “They took all the children from their mothers and put them in something resembling a pit or a hole. The tank came and circled around them several times until they were covered in dirt and sand, amidst the screams of children and the wailing of mothers. After that, the soldiers came and started throwing the children in the direction of the mothers. If a mother picked up a child, she had to carry them and move quickly without confirming that the child was indeed hers. Many of the mothers picked up children that weren't theirs, forced to leave with other women's children. Here, a new chapter of suffering begins, as a mother searches for her child in the hands of another woman, calming a child in her arms until she finds her own.” 10/24/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today in Congress, we depicted the reality of what Israel is doing to Palestinians in northern Gaza with the U.S. government’s full support. If they wouldn’t want to see it here, why do they allow it there? It isn’t complicated — this is a holocaust. The U.S. must stop arming Israel now. 10/24/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: After preventing food aid from entering northern Gaza for two weeks, Israel is spreading famine in the south by blocking flour. Don’t wait for celebrities to stage a “we are the world” event to end this hell. They’re busy campaigning for Holocaust Harris 10/24/2024
(Video) Rania: Don't you dare ever say you didn't know! Shitsrael is a terr0rist entity! 10/25/2024
(Video) My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: Kamala Harris ability to throw out a shitload of words without actually ever saying anything is pretty impressive. 10/25/2024 Too many clicks and hiccups to get to the tt video. Share this. // False claims to oppose genocide
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Listen to the Settlers Call to MASSACRE EVERYONE! 10/25/2024
(Video) IfNotNow🔥✡️: One key takeaway from @SpeakerPelosi book tour for her new memoir The Art of Power? She’d rather eject Americans calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza than actually use her considerable power to stop sending the bombs. As Jews For Shared Safety, we demand more from our elected officials. Shared safety means we need an arms embargo NOW to save Palestinian, Lebanese, & Israeli lives. 10/25/2024
(Video) Pelham: On what planet is this acceptable..?💔 10/25/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: We are not aware of the US embassy doing anything on Jeremy’s behalf while he was being held in solitary confinement, with almost no food or water, jailed for publishing factual journalism - except dispatching an Israeli social worker who angrily attempted to interrogate him 10/25/2024 : WOW: In an interview with @MaxBlumenthal, American journalist @loffredojeremy says, after three days in solitary confinement in Israel with almost no food or water, the US embassy’s apparent response was to send an Israeli “social worker” to “check on” him. “I thought to myself, kind of a sigh of relief, like ‘Okay, this person’s at least going to give me WATER.’ And her first question was, ‘Why did you hurt Israel?? You hurt Israel...’” “So [even she] is treating me like a terrorist. Did not offer me any food [or] water; only asked why I hurt Israel and if I love Israel...” Max: “Did the US embassy provide you with any other assistance...?” Jeremy: “No. [...] they [did] nothing for me except send me an Israeli to interrogate me further...”
(Video) Jeremy Loffredo: For a week I embedded myself with Jewish Israeli nationalists who believe it’s a worthy cause and religious duty to block desperately needed humanitarian aid at the Gaza border. They enjoyed pastries with the military while confessing to war crimes and cheering for genocide. 03/21/2024
(Video) 'Kill them all': inside the Israeli blockade on Gaza aid 03/21/2024 Journalist Jeremy Loffredo goes inside the grassroots Israeli campaign to block desperately needed aid to the besieged Gaza Strip and elicits the shockingly candid views of the Jewish Israeli nationalists manning the barricades.
(Video) Jeremy Loffredo: While on the ground in Israel, I was able to track down the impact sites of Iranian missiles on key Israeli military and intelligence installations, including Nevatim Airbase and Mossad headquarters, despite the Israeli military censor's official ban on publishing the locations. 10/06/2024
(Video) While Ritchie Torres sends billions of taxpayer dollars to Israel and gallivants around militarized kibbutzim wearing an IDF dog tag, his district [NY-15] has become an isolated and miserable stretch of NYC where his neglected constituents line the sidewalks unconscious 08/30/2024
Briahna Joy Gray: Look at all these little kids. Kamala says you have to vote for this for cheaper eggs. 10/25/2024 Abier: Remember when bombing hospitals was a war crime? The entire AlFarra family’s children killed by Israeli army.
(Video) Khalissee: Son of Holocaust survivors asks EU President Ursula von der Leyen when she will sanction Israel. Look at her reaction...completely devoid of any emotion 10/25/2024
(Video) Kerry Burgess: Norman Finkelstein is an absolute legend. Talk about being on the right side of history... 10/25/2024
Syed Hasan Imam Zaidi: Embarrassment for Israeli media. Yes they are caught lying again. Israel's Channel 12 publishes old photos from 3 years ago as current attack in Iran. #Iran #Tehran #Israeli 10/26/2024
(Video) Farman Hussain: ALERT ⚡🚨 Israel is spreading fake news about the attack by sharing a video & pics of 2021. Iranian citizens are safe.. Israel still has to work harder 10/26/2024
(Video) Great job #Iran. The #Zionist looked sad that they didn't hit any defenseless unarmed babies. #Tehran is amazing. 10/26/2024 Iran Spectator: ⚠️ 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬 ⚠️ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐧… The Battle has been won, Tehran was defended by our men operating advanced anti-air systems all night. 𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗜𝗿𝗮𝗻’𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲…
(Video) Khalissee: Gideon Levy beautfully calls out the hypocrisy of the United States. 10/26/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: Both Kamala Harris & Donald Trump are bad choices. I’m voting for Jill Stein, here’s why.. 🍉 10/26/2024
Abby Martin: US lawmakers are trying to prevent official UN investigator for genocide in Gaza @FranceskAlbs from speaking in the US, right before she presents her findings to the UN. They don’t want Americans to hear the evidence 10/25/2024 Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt: I am deeply disappointed that various western governments and diplomats appear to have been misled by spurious, recycled allegations against me, just as I prepare to present my latest report to the #UNGA next week. I am profoundly committed to human rights for all people - how could I ever be an antisemite?? Critique of Israel's actions and policies does not render one antisemitic, especially as Israel continues to commit atrocities without respite. If these governments are truly committed to international law, they ought to focus [not on false claims made about me, but] on ending the illegal and catastrophic situation in occupied Palestine. Never again means never again for everyone - including the Palestinian people.
Andrey X: It's the olive harvest season in the West Bank — every year this means escalation, with settlers and IOF working hard to prevent Palestinians from accessing their private land to gather the olives — one of the main sources of income for thousands. 📍Battir, Bethlehem area Photos: Ghassan Bannoura, @cfpeace 10/26/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Thank you, thank you to the woman who spoke out during Biden's apology to Native Americans today, saying "How can you apologize for a genocide while committing a genocide in Gaza?" Bravo! ❤️ 10/25/2024 NDN Collective: BREAKING: During Pres. Biden’s formal apology on behalf of the U.S. Government to all boarding school survivors and their families, attendees call for the violence in Gaza to end, some joining in the chant: #FreePalestine #NoApologyWithoutAction
(Video) Pelham: This is the most documented genocide in our history, no one can claim ignorance, no one can say they didn’t know…🇵🇸💔 10/25/2024
(Video) Rania: Question: how was 1sr@el able to starve 2.3 million people in G@za so quickly and so completely? Answer: 1sr@el has been starving the people of G@z@ for years already . 10/25/2024
(Video) Abier: Germany is living up to its legacy. Germany’s Deputy Chairman of the Federal Police Union is labeling pro-Palestine protests in Berlin as “anti-Semitic” and is pushing for “a genuine deportation offensive. He also wants the dog’s muzzles removed. 10/25/2024
(Video) Ken O'Keefe: 😂 Zionist muppet. 10/25/2024 Over 30 years ago with Yitzhak Shamir
(Video) Jose Vega — Vote Vega & Sare!: My friends and I interrupted Nancy Pelosi last night at her talk about her new book, "The Art of Power." To corrupt, washed-up Establishment hacks like Pelosi, power means invading other countries, violating international law, and being complicit in genocide. Watch this: 10/25/2024
(Video) Roger Waters ✊: Piece of filth War Criminal @Keir_Starmer please take note: Tony Benn “Tells it like it is” to the piece of filth War Criminal Tony Blair in Parliament in 2003. 10/26/2024
(Video) Ajamu Baraka: It is racism that this is allowed to happen. It confirms the fact that racism has always been central to the European experience. Palestinians are not seen as humans and their lives mean nothing to Zionists. That is why we have always said Zionism is racism. 10/26/2024 Dr. Jennifer Cassidy: Starvation. Famine. A denial of basic humanity. How can anyone look away? How can anyone see this and not want to help?
(Video) Pelham: BREAKING🚨French university researcher Yannis Arab is arrested on “incitement to terrorism” charges for his pro-Palestine stance. We have seen pro-Genocide governments across the world try these tactics to shut down the global movement advocating the Palestinian cause…🇫🇷 10/25/2024
(Video) Khalissee: WATCH: A Scolar in a synagogue says it's important to say NO to Zionism. Priceless words. This is what Zionists don’t want you to see 10/25/2024
(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: When asked what she'd say to voters who want to end the genocide, @KamalaHarris refuses to say she'll stop the killing, then changes the subject to "bringing down the price of groceries" (another thing the Biden-Harris admin definitely hasn't done). Absolute moral bankruptcy. 10/25/2024 aster.bsky.social: Harris: “I don’t know anyone who has seen the images who would not have strong feelings…much less those who have relatives who’ve been killed. I also do know that many people who care about this issue care about bringing down the price of groceries…”
(Video) Abby Martin: I talk to @AsaWinstanley about the UK “counter terror” police raid on his home for his pro-Palestine journalism & his report about Israel killing hundreds of their own people on Oct 7 @EmpireFiles 10/26/2024
(Video) Pelham: Netflix has removed over 30 Palestinian movies from its catalog. This is an attempt to erase the Palestinian story from history. Documentaries such as Children of Shatila (shown below) have been deemed antisemitic. Only 2 remain as the Jewish lobby forced Netflix to remove them…🇮🇱 10/26/2024
𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓙 🫒🔑🇵🇸: Michelle Obama: If we don't get this election right, your wife, your daughter, your mother, we as women will become collateral damage to your rage. Me: Does that apply to little Palestinian girls with both legs amputated? 10/0/2024
(Video) End the genocide #Ceasefirenow: Black men will be voting for Jill Stein & Rudolph Ware. (1) Kamala Harris is murdering Palestinian children on X: "Black men for #SteinWare @breakfastclubam @ButchWare @DrJillStein @CallForCongress @justin4all2 " / X 10/27/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Rabbis Protect Muslims as they pray on the road in Canada. It was never about religion because Zionism is NOT Judaism. 10/26/2024
(Video) Holding Dems Accountable (From the Left!): A Kamala supporter just yelled "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GAZA, BITCH!" in the face of a literal baby girl sitting in a stroller. These people are deranged. 10/27/2024
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: Remember when Israeli snipers shot a baby, his mother, and anyone trying to save them? Remember Israeli War Crimes 10/27/2024
(Video) Rania: A gen0cide within a gen0cide, sponsored by #GenocideJoe 10/26/2024
(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: Dr. Richard Wolff on how settler-colonialist history will flip the narrative to gaslight us 10/27/2024
(Video) WikiLeaks: "It's like your babysitter. Your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC... why would they want to tell their constituents that they've basically got a buddy system with someone who's representing a foreign country?" @RepThomasMassie (R-Ky) 10/27/2024
(Video) Pelham: 🇮🇱 Israeli *Social Equality Minister* will attend a rally to encourage Israelis to steal the land, ethnically cleans and murder Palestinians 10/27/2024
Glenn Greenwald: The Israeli paper @haaretzcom has a new investigation on the IDF's demented and sadistic terror campaign in the West Bank: going from home to home, holding entire families at gun point, inserting devices into rectums (now a common IDF theme), all for humiliation and sadism. 10/0/2024
Gideon Levy Beatings, Humiliation and Torture: The IDF's Night of Terror at a Palestinian Refugee Camp 10/25/2024 Israeli soldiers abused people during a raid on a remote refugee camp in the territories. During their violent rampage, the troops detained 30 inhabitants, of whom 27 were released the next day
(Video) Chay Bowes: Does Lyndsey Graham have some advice for Vladimir Putin? "Why was it OK for us to drop two Nuclear bombs to end our existential threat War?, I thought it was ok" 10/27/2024 Lyndsey Graham thinks war crimes based on lies is "OK!"
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Women separated from their children. Men shipped away in trucks. This is not 1930s Nazi Germany. This is 2024, Gaza. 10/26/2024
(Video) Elias Nava: What does he think this is!? Nazi Germany!?? 🤨 need my papers !? 🚨Police need to reasonably articulate suspicion that you have or are about to commit a crime, in order to ID you. (This is a 4th amendment violation) 🚨 10/26/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: Unending slaughter of precious babies, day in and day out, for 380 days. When will it stop 10/27/2024 Possible deleted or censored post related to Tweet Quds News Network: A heartbroken Palestinian father sends off his two daughters killed by the indiscriminate Israeli bombardment in northern Gaza. One of the babies was born just 16 days ago.
(Video) Dan Cohen: "Look, you know it costs a lot of money to be in a gated community in Florida, and we’re going to give it to you for free here in Fallujah." Ex-CIA director David Petraeus jokes about putting Iraqis into concentration camps and proposes doing the same to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Full @UncapturedNews investigation into Petraeus's plan to profiteer from genocide in Gaza: 10/27/2024
Dan Cohen Uncaptured Media: Disgraced CIA director Looks to Cash-In on Gaza Concentration Camps 10/27/2024
(Video) Michael Tracey: Shocked that the supposed "Nazi" rally at Madison Square Garden would turn out to be a rabidly "pro-Israel" rally 10/27/2024
(Video) Pelham: If one video could depict Kamala Harris’ time in office, and her supporters, it’s this one… “I don’t give a FCK about Gaza B!TCH (laughing in background) whilst screaming directly into a baby’s face. There’s something inherently wrong with these people… they honestly don’t care about the genocide of children…🇺🇸🇵🇸 10/27/2024
(Video) Pelham: John Kirby reacting to dead children in Gaza… vs dead children in Ukraine. 10/26/2024 Killing kids is outrageous no matter where, but Israel has killed well over 16,000 in Gaza in the first year of the war compared to fewer than 1,000 in Ukraine, which is still way too much, & some were killed by Ukraine, not Russia. Israel killed thousands of kids before Oct. 7
(Video) Khalissee: This is a powerful timelapse of how Israel stole Palestine 10/27/2024
(Video) Abier: “Hizballah are fighters, Israel is good at playing video games” 😂 😂 Wallahi I watch Norman’s interviews as a therapy 10/27/2024
(Video) Torah Judaism: Pro-Palestinian Anti-Zionist Rabbis protested Israel's massacres in New York. Anti-Zionist Rabbi: "You Zionists are massacring thousands of Palestinians." He blamed the Zionists by saying, "You are not Jews, you are against the Torah." 10/27/2024
(Video) Rania: This has to stop. This really has to stop!!! 10/26/2024 Jeremy Scahill on Gaza atrocities, and mainstream media propaganda or censorship.
(Video) Kerry Burgess: Are Israeli citizens so detached from reality that they really believe that it's okay to commit genocide and, among other unspeakable acts, take prisoners and rape and torture them? Is there a precedent for such a collective disconnect in history? 10/27/2024 More disconnect.
(Video) There's no doubt that she's right about genocidal songs, like this, and more: 10/27/2024
(Video) Soundtrack to genocide: Inside Israel's military-pop complex 12/21/2023
(Video) Israeli pro-war song condemned as ‘genocidal’ tops the chart 12/05/2023
(Video) It’s not shocking to see Israeli children celebrate the Gaza genocide 12/13/2023 Israel has long been indoctrinating its children to believe Palestinians are less than human, and thus not worthy of empathy or compassion.
(Video) Khalissee: Soldiers chilling and watching tv in one of the homes they kicked the family out from. Another example of deranged behavior from the "most moral army." 10/26/2024
(Video) Her smug self-righteous smile shows how cruel and shallow she is! Genocide is nothing to smile or laugh about, especially when she supports it! 10/27/2024 Pelham: Holocaust Harris gets booed by pro-Palestine protesters at her rally…🇺🇸🇵🇸
Gio DeBatta 🍸: LMFAOOO — how tf did Kamala HQ think Liz Cheney campaigning in Michigan was a good idea Yup. Muslim voters want to hear from openly islamophobic Liz Cheney who got caught literally making up stories to oust Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from Congress ?? 10/0/2024
Why Liz Cheney Is So Determined to Marginalize Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar 05/14/2019 The Wyoming Republican has resorted to outrageous lies to vilify the first two Muslim women in the House. She’s practicing the ugliest form of divide-and-conquer politics. But it won’t work.
'Falsehoods rooted in hate': Liz Cheney repeats lies about Tlaib's Holocaust remarks 05/14/2019 Former vice president's daughter continues to distort Palestinian-American congresswoman's comments.
tim anderson: Murdoch gutter media: Palestinian truck ramming attack on #Israeli soldiers is "terror" while Israeli #GazaGenocide and child slaughter is "self defence". 10/27/2024
TRUCK CARNAGE Truck ramming ‘terror attack’ kills 1 & wounds 32 as lorry slams into Israeli bus stop on day of Oct 7 massacre memorial 10/27/2024
(Video) We need to stop basing all decisions on lies! Our government and Israel have been far more likely to make unprovoked attacks for decades than the people our government refer to as "terrorists!" 10/27/2024 Seyed Mohammad Marandi: 1/2 The US was deeply involved with the Zionist regime's airstrike on Iran, but it was mostly a failure nonetheless. The US controls Iraqi airspace but forgets that Iran has many allies inside Iraq... Iran will soon use the regime's airstrike as an excuse to strike back hard.
(Video) Khalissee: 'You are war criminals' Israelis yell at Air Force pilots who bomb Gaza strip in a Tel Aviv protest 10/27/2024
(Video) Oren Ziv: Now in Tel Aviv: the Israeli police is attacking the protest against the war, confiscating signs they claim are “disturbing the public order” 10/27/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Listening to her gave me goosebumps! Settlers nothing other than common thieves… Live on stolen land, drink stolen water and eat stolen fruit… 10/28/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Kicked out of a Raptors basketball game for the 🇵🇸flag on his hat?! Is Canada a FASCIST country? 10/27/2024
Chris Pomfret: History should not be forgotten: 10/28/2024
(Video) Andrey X: The Israeli Occupation Forces in the Bethlehem area are essentially a better armed wing of the settler movement. Their main task is to harass local Palestinians and push them from their land to make space for illegal settlement. 10/28/2024
(Video) Tony Montana: Alright internet, do your thing and find this soy boy. 10/27/2024 Reference to the person complaining about a pro-Palestinian hat getting someone thrown out of a game.
(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: A vote for Harris or Trump is a vote to enable genocide. Don't let them talk you out of your humanity. A record number of Americans want a new political force that isn't bought by Wall Street and the war machine. Your vote can build real power for people, planet, and peace. 10/28/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Israel killed a UN employee in a UN marked vehicle. The UN says there is so much devastation to report that they didn't get around to mentioning the 233 UN employees killed by Israel. 10/28/2024
(Video) Sam Parker-ucas Gage🇺🇲: Never forget what they are. Push them hard enough and the demon will come out. 10/27/2024 Israel supporter says they should kill as many as it takes, including children
(Video) Abby Martin: This is a US-Israeli genocide, and it should always be framed that way. None of it would be possible without US weapons and power shielding any consequence 10/28/2024 Assal Rad: That is an incredible statistic that should be talked about a lot more in the US. It is why we are uniquely responsible for Israel’s actions and why we should be especially angry at how our tax dollars are being spent.
From Iron Dome to F-15s: US provides 70% of Israel’s war costs 10/27/2024 A report by Brown University’s Watson Institute reveals that since the beginning of the war, the US has spent more than $22 billion on military aid to Israel - from weapons and equipment to the deployment of aircraft carriers. Israel receives more U.S. military aid than any other country and is uniquely able to use that funding to spend on domestic goods.
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM? "Brains, blood all over the place” "enjoy the rest of your short lives". Another one to identify and make famous… @metpoliceuk 10/29/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Water apartheid in the West Bank in action: 10/29/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Israel has banned UNRWA from operating! Millions of Palestinians rely on UNRWA for food, shelter, healthcare, and education. This isn’t just unacceptable; it’s a blatant violation of human rights and international law. It’s time for the U.S. to cut off all aid to Israel and for the United Nations to take a stand: Israel’s actions violate the UN Charter. Expel Israel from the UN! 10/29/2024
(Video) Sabby Sabs: Michelle Obama, if you care so much about women being collateral damage, instead of checking voters, you need to check your husband who lied about codifying Roe v. Wade. After that, you need to check Kamala about all the Palestinian women slaughtered in Gaza. Thread 1/1 10/29/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Kamala FINALLY Listens to Palestinians and THIS IS WHAT SHE SAID! 🤦♂️ Dont get too mad 10/29/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Netflix quietly erased at least 19 films that were part of Palestine Stories, leaving just one film. With its massive resources, Netflix can—and should—renew these films for the world to hear. Demand they bring back Palestine Stories. Sign the petition. 10/28/2024
(Video) gonewest05: nice affiliations, I'm sure it had no influence whatsoever. 10/29/2024 Diana Menhem: 🇱🇧 My friend’s house is in this video. He spent the past hours thinking of how to tell his father that the house that he had rebuilt twice already is now gone. Again. 💔 Anyone who even tries to find excuses for such attacks is delusional and has lost all sense of humanity. Israel’s destruction and disregard for international human rights have surpassed all limits. But what we should not stay silent about either is Hezbollah’s decision to drag us into this war, with no political end game whatsoever, and with objectives tailored to Sinwar’s calculations and Iran’s agenda. Israel’s insatiable appetite for war is undebatable. But also, Hezbollah has recklessly put our present and future in jeopardy, and unilaterally taken the decision to transform Lebanon into a ground for perpetual wars. Having the courage to denounce this loudly and clearly and refusing to succumb to this imposed reality should be the starting point of any post-war political process among the Lebanese.
(Video) Sabby Sabs: Billboards in Michigan list Kamala as Pro War and Liz Cheney as Pro Muslim Ban. I guess no one on Kamala's campaign thought the Cheney thing through 😏. 10/27/2024
(Video) Is this the speech where she said "I will always listen to you, even if you don't vote for me. I will always tell you the truth, even if it is difficult to hear." If not it's no more than a day apart! The hypocrisy boggles the mind! 10/30/2024 Medea Benjamin: NOW: Dozens of pro-Palestine activists demanding an arms embargo on Israel were just removed from Kamala Harris’ campaign event at the White House. This is not a time for celebration — the Biden-Harris administration is backing a genocide.
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli says that Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinian lives. So disgusting. 💔 10/30/2024
(Video) Dyab Abou Jahjah: "Say Palestine one more time, and I'll kill you." This Israeli soldier is on vacation away from Palestine, where he kills and harms Palestinians and their children with impunity. Look at him aggressively abusing and threatening UNICEF volunteers collecting donations for Palestinian children. This is the consequence of unchecked impunity: it endangers people everywhere. It must stop! #EndIsraeliImpunity #HindRajabFoundation #March30Movement 10/30/2024
(Video) 🕊️historienne gauchère🌺 #FreeKashmir🍁 #OneKorea: “You are a war criminal! The people of Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Palestine & America! We'll never forgive you! You will burn! Free, free Palestine!” A protestor interrupts Hillary Clinton while speaking at Columbia University. Never let these warmongers know a moment of peace 10/29/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: A few days ago two new detailed testimonies of Palestinians violently raped by genocidal Israelis were published at the UN. You didn't hear about it because the entire Western media class intentionally ignored it and erased it from view. Here they are read out in full: 10/30/2024
Max Blumenthal: The US amb in Lebanon, Lisa Johnson, is doing what Robert Ford did in Syria: promoting a bloody civil war to advance US and Israeli objectives in the region. She reportedly told local allies: "Israel cannot accomplish everything through military means alone. The time has come for you to step up and initiate internal resistance." 10/30/2024 : NEW: 🇺🇸🇱🇧US Ambassador to Lebanon Lisa Johnson, is preparing Lebanon for Civil War and calls for Uprising against Hezbollah – Al Akhbar, citing source According to the Lebanese publication, Johnson insists that Israel "will not achieve everything through war." The article says that the US representative is already preparing the country for a "post-Hezbollah era." It is for this reason that Macron is pushing massive arming of the Lebanese army, which has withdrawn from the south of the country. All are activated to help Israel.
New Hezbollah Leader Vows Long Fight Against Israel as U.S. Ambassador Calls for ‘Post-Hezbollah Era’ 10/31/2024
Israel Fired on Journalists in Lebanon Just Hours After Ceasefire Began 11/27/2024 Israel’s attack on the journalists marks the first violation of the ceasefire, a press group said.
(Video) Sarah: “Is it possible that after 42,000 people killed, you cannot empathize with the Palestinians?” —UN special rapporteur, Francesca Albanese 10/31/2024
Rania Khalek: Israel’s leaked cease-fire demands with Lebanon are unsurprisingly outrageous. They want to reserve the right to bomb Lebanon whenever they feel there’s a security threat to them and to violate Lebanese airspace whenever they feel like it and they want to put a restriction on displaced people returning to their homes months after a truce has gone into effect. These are all non starters with the full backing of the US. Everything is framed around making the area safe for Israel to continue being an aggressive settler state. Lebanon’s security doesn’t even factor in. 10/31/2024
Steve Lucier: Maybe I'm just stubborn or stupid but I still think if the genocide was televised every evening like it was some vapid celebrity's latest embarrassing faux pas things would change. Go ahead, tell me the first six words were right. 10/31/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: I don’t know how you can support this political party and not see that you’re supporting genocide. This isn’t one or two bad actors. There’s a deep and widespread belief in Jewish supremacist, racist propaganda that’s fueling an ethnic cleaning campaign. 10/31/2024 Prem Thakker: Bill Clinton in Michigan: "I understand why young Palestinian and Arab Americans in Michigan think too many people have died — I get that, but…" "Hamas makes sure that they're shielded by civilians, they'll force you to kill civilians, if you want to defend yourself."
(Video) Abby Martin: “Had international law been respected, the genocide would have been stopped by the security council after the first set of measures by the ICJ, before Rafah was invaded. But a small number of member states have enabled and nurtured Israel’s conduct, and their genocidal violence has only expanded. If left unpunished, it could encourage other states to carry out these acts. Israel is not the only country to attack UN Rapporteurs. What’s striking in the case of Israel is there’s a cohort of states that echo and reverberate what Israel says and minions that produce fabrications with only one objective: to distract away from the genocide.” UN Special Rapporteur for Occupied Palestine @FranceskAlbs after the release of her new report “Genocide as Colonial Erasure” 10/30/2024
Situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967** 10/01/2024
(Video) Abier: Real class act..my Gawd!!! No wonder the Zionists resorted to smearing her. “Israel membership of the UN to be suspended” 👏👏👏 10/31/2024 Francesca Albanese
Rania: Committing gen0cide is more acceptable for #Microsoft than speaking out against gen0cide! 10/31/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The Publisher of Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper has kicked up an absolute storm! 🔥 During a show in London, Amos Shokan said, "Palestinian terrorists are freedom fighters, sanctions should be imposed on Roham, Smotrich, Ben Gabir and the IDF for carrying out a second Nakba in Gaza." 👏🏻 Israel’s Interior Ministry has now announced it is cutting ties with Ha’aretz. 10/31/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Bill Clinton went even further in his remarks, insisting “Israel” has a religious right to colonize “Judea and Samaria.” This was not a gaffe. No, one of the most gifted retail politicians of our time - and one of the most cynical personalities - knows exactly what he’s doing. Clinton denigrated Palestinians for the same reason he shouted down BLM activists at the end of Hillary’s doomed 2016 campaign, an encounter he subsequently described as a calculated attempt on his part to stave off a mass exodus of white male voters, not an angry outburst. This same thinking influenced Clinton during the final days of his first campaign for the presidency in 1992 to rush back to Arkansas to execute Ricky Ray Rector, a man with an IQ so low he did not even know he was going to be killed when he ordered his final Big Mac. No one could call him a soft on crime Dukakis liberal after that! Clinton views the US as a socially conservative country controlled by oligarchic forces like his top individual donor, the Zionist warlord Haim Saban. And clearly believes these same forces will put Kamala over the top if they can be convinced that she too will give a cold shoulder to Arabs, Muslims and pro-Palestine protesters. Clinton’s anti-Palestinian rant was not a gaffe, and don’t think for a moment Kamala HQ did not quietly approve it. 10/31/2024 Prem Thakker: Bill Clinton in Michigan: "I understand why young Palestinian and Arab Americans in Michigan think too many people have died — I get that, but…"
(Video) Jimmy Dore: This is for my friends who still somehow support Israel , you’ve been duped all along: 10/31/2024 Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: 🇮🇱 BREAKING 🧯Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert: “The REAL enemy that we have is not Iran…is not Hezbollah….Is not Hamas” “The real enemy is from the within, the messianic, crazy, extreme groups of Israelis…The government…Netanyahu”
(Video) Rania: Don't ever think there's anything human or humane about 1sr@el because there isn't! 11/01/2024
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Academics and politicians are eligible to nominate candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize. 11/01/2024 Dr. Jennifer Cassidy: If you hear any words today. Let them Be this. @FranceskAlbs speaking truth to power. As the United Nations Special Rapporteur, here she is passionately condemning the global community's silence and lack of empathy for the Palestinian people. United we stand 🕊️
Dr. Jill Stein🌻: You’ve likely heard about @RudyGiuliani's vile defense of genocide at Trump’s Madison Square Garden - trying to justify the mass murder of Palestinian children by painting them as being brainwashed into murderous rage towards Americans from infancy. You may have also heard of @BillClinton's acknowledgment that the genocide is impacting @KamalaHarris' support: “I understand why young Palestinians and Arab Americans think too many have died, but…” We can’t afford more of either of the warmongering, genocidal parties who casually dismiss the brutal killings of innocent children as a small price to pay for full spectrum dominance. We need to vote for an end to this madness. 10/31/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🇬🇧 Former British Minister Alan Duncan has a message for Israel: "Get out of Palestine. It is NOT your country." 10/31/2024
(Video) Suppressed News: 🇨🇦 A pro-Israel Zionist in the streets of Montreal, Canada says he hopes "all these Palestinian babies and their sh*thole parents" die. Internet, do your thing. 10/31/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Never, never, never let them get away with their complicity✊🏼🇵🇸 Let the house of cards come crashing down… 11/01/2024
(Video) Prof Zenkus: No, it won't be "easier" to protest a genocide under Kamala Harris. She and Biden control the WH right now and have called anti-genocide protesters "un-American" and "violent antisemites" as police in Blue cities and Blue states violently and illegally arrest and beat protesters trying to stop the slaughter of children. The fascism you fear is already here. 10/31/2024
(Video) Pelham: Israel was forced to kill 50,000 children… 10/31/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: The antidote to the curse of Zionism will come from the Jewish Bloc. 11/01/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Every Zionist needs to listen to this. If your heart doesn't break from what Israel is doing to the people of Gaza, you are devoid of humanity. 10/31/2024
(Video) Abier: She schooled him back to school 😂 A Zionist reporter from i24 smugly questions the One and only, Francesca Albanese 10/31/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The @WHO says Israel has killed over 100 Lebanese healthcare workers in 55 verified attacks on medical staff and health centres since late September. This is in Lebanon. There are no hostages in Lebanon 11/01/2024
(Video) OnePath Network: Get rid of this CRIMINAL from our country! Thank you @trackingisrael - keep em coming. 10/31/2024
(Video) Pelham: “What Israel has done is create the base for the acceptance of the targeting of medical workers and journalists”… 11/01/2024
(Video) Seyed Mohammad Marandi: Watch Western backed Zionists carefully target and slaughter paramedics in southern Lebanon. This will never be condemned because, according to Western values, the "chosen people" can do whatever they want to the native Amalek population. 11/01/2024
Tiberius: Haaretz is Israel’s largest newspaper. Israel’s own press is speaking more truth than the entire US mainstream media. 10/31/2024
(Video) Lou Rage: Weird how the Jewish media didn’t show us this 18 years ago. 10/31/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: One year ago, Dr Refaat Alareer shared his final poem, If I Must Die. Five weeks later, Israel killed him. After over a year of escalated genocide, Refaat’s words remain painfully present with us: let it be a tale. 11/01/2024
(Video) Miko Peled: Listen to every word!! Then share widely. 11/02/2024 Ryan Rozbiani: U.N.'s Francesca Albanese Breaks Down REMOVING Israel from the UN
(Video) If you know what this feels like you should know the Palestinian suffer through much worse, and that why they retaliate. Killing 16,000 children has nothing to do with self-defense. If you can't understand Israel is causing their own problem you must be a cult follower. 11/02/2024 Suppressed News: “This is our reality”🤡 // Presumably a video of Zionist going through a bomb drill on the roads of Israel which are common, but rarely result in deaths or injuries, with the title " If you don't know what this feels like, no I really don't want to hear your opinion on the Middle East.
(Video) Furkan Gözükara: This woman alone fighting against the Goliath 10/31/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Bless you sweetheart🥲🇵🇸 I hope one day you will see justice and live in a Free Palestine. 11/02/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: OMG. In one state, Kamala's ad has her lamenting the devastation in Gaza; in another it's her ironclad support for Israel. She's say whatever she thinks will get votes. 11/02/2024 johnny maga: Wow. CNN uncovered that Kamala is running very different ads on her stance on the war in Gaza depending on the market. In Michigan, it’s all about a ceasefire. In Pennsylvania, she promotes her support for Israel. What an absolute fraud.
Max Blumenthal: The most prominent Green Party figure in Europe deserves to be put on trial for sponsoring genocide. Why haven’t you condemned her? 11/0/2024 Reply to European Greens call for Jill Stein to drop out, with picture of leading European Green Official with Netanyahu
(Video) I respected Bill McKibben. Way too many "progressives" are caving to the Democratic arm of the corporate duopoly! 11/03/2024 : Here's @DrJillStein at my campaign kickoff for the 2020 election in Maine. Also here's Dr. Jill Stein with Green candidates @margaretflowers & Joshua Harris. @billmckibben is a hack. His claim to fame: pandering to Democrats & while failing to limit carbon to 350 ppm. // Bill McKibben: In Europe's parliamentary systems, the Green parties do stuff--pass laws, work on local politics. They don't just show up every 4 years for a vanity run at the top job. ....
(Video) Khalissee: This was today. Israelis blocked aid trucks to Gaza at the Tarkamiya checkpoint. Multiple international bodies and rights groups have validated that 83% of food aid has not entered into Gaza in 2024. There's also a catalogue of video evidence showing Israeli settlers destroying food aid meant for Gaza. 11/02/2024 U.S. Senator John Fetterman: I reject any accusation that Israel attempted to “starve” anyone. Hamas hijacks and resells aid to impoverished and hungry Palestinians. Where is the outrage and blame for what they are doing?
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Yesterday at the Women’s March, we brought our message of peace and solidarity with the women of Gaza, and the response was overwhelming. We stood alongside thousands, and as we lifted our voices for justice, the crowd joined in, chanting and cheering in support. It was a powerful reminder that the call for peace and an end to the genocide resonates deeply. Free Palestine! 11/03/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: A nurse shot in the knee in the operating room by the IDF while performing surgery. And it does not end here…..LISTEN. This is only one story of one person imagine thousands of more horrific stories are going to come after this is over🥲 11/04/2024
(Video) Pelham: Illegal settlers destroy a Palestinian farmer’s olive trees under the protection of the IDF. Olive trees are their lifeline in the occupied West Bank. These trees are thousands of years old…🇵🇸 11/04/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨🇮🇱 This was said in the Israeli Parliament by @NogaArbell, a former Israeli official on the 4th January 2024: "It will be impossible to win the war if we do not destroy Unrwa, and this destruction must begin immediately." 11/04/2024
(Video) Ousman Noor: Zionism is far worse than Nazism. Never, in all history, has a state been allowed to imprison an entire population for 17 years and then massacre all of them while the entire world watches. 11/03/2024 related "unavailable post may have been censored or deleted for unknown reason. // Double Down News: The World’s Most Documented Genocide in History Continues…
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Kamala Harris has been using this exact same script for months now, and it is the same exact script Genocide Joe also used. There is no change. The liberal media and pseudo-radical Twitch streamers are lying when they say there is because they are scum: 11/04/2024 Here is a side by side comparison of Kamala Harris' convention speech about the ongoing Gaza genocide, and a White House speech Joe Biden gave months ago. The language is identical. It is literally the same verbatim script they're reading. Anyone telling you Zionist Genocide Queen Kamala is different from Genocide Joe is intentionally lying to you
(Video) Abier: “EVERY TIME A FILMMAKER LIES, A NEIGHBOURHOOD IN GAZA DIES” Activists disrupt TIFF's film screening of the "Israeli" -state funded film Bliss (Hemda) 11/02/2024
(Video) Samira Mohyeddin سمیرا: “The impunity that has been granted to the state of Israel for 76 years.” Israel’s war on the @UN is maniacal. They’ve destroyed more than 70% of UN structures in Gaza and killed more than 200 UN workers. It’s long past due for member states. Invoke Article 6. #UNseatIsrael 11/02/2024 Francesca Albanese
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: "If a Palestinian is fighting for his freedom he's accused of being a terrorist, but when Netanyahu kills 17,000 children... nobody says that Netanyahu is a terrorist" 11/02/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Ambulance drivers, paramedics and a BBC television crew evacuate when an Israeli drone starts hovering above them. Why would the BBC be so scared of Israel? Because they KNOW Israel targets ambulance drivers, paramedics and journalists. 11/0/2024 Ofla Guerin?
(Video) Dr. Jennifer Cassidy: Gideon Levy: a voice of reason. Speaking truth to power. Someone who has lived and grown in Israel, and still sees its true intentions and crimes against the Palestinian people. We need more of these voices to rise up and be heard🕊️✨🕊️ 11/03/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: You are a pathological liar who is desperate to make up anything to launder support for genocidal Zionist Kamala Harris, and everyone sees it now. Also you gleefully laundered Israeli rape-soldiers: 11/04/2024 AOC caught by Twitter fact checker lying about mentioning Kamala Harris in a Tweet Aug. 20 AOC is now meeting with the genocidal Zionist relatives of genocidal Zionist Israeli military baby killers and rapists
(Video) Miko Peled: Instead of discussing measures to end the genocide and end the apartheid time is wasted on nonsense! 11/0/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Election Day is here and our work is far from over. We still have the responsibility to organize, mobilize, and hold our leaders accountable no matter who is in the White House. The outcome may be uncertain, but our mission is clear: stop the genocide, end the support for war, and demand a future rooted in peace. 11/04/2024
(Video) Abier: Wallahi this man is a saint…. I’ve zero patience to argue w Zionists… it’s pointless & bad 4 ur mental health. Dr. Maté, a Jewish Canadian physician & authorSpeaks at an event in Anaheim trying to convince a Zionist audience member that it didn’t start Oct 7 💀 11/04/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: John Mearsheimer is asked who he will vote for in the election tomorrow. He replies: "I won't vote for the Democrats because of the genocide in Gaza. I think the Biden administration is complicit in the genocide and genocide is a red line for me." 11/04/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Canadian journalist just got intellectually slapped‼️ 11/05/2024
Dan Cohen: I'm ecstatic that Kamala Harris lost. She and Biden deserve to be tried for crimes against humanity and rot in prison for the rest of their miserable existences. There is no greater evil than those two genocidal liars. At least they'll soon be out of power. I hope Trump lives up to his promises to end the Israeli war on Gaza and Lebanon and the Ukraine-Russia war, but I'm not naive. I won't forget the vile images from 2018 of the Trump administration opening the US embassy in Jerusalem while Israeli snipers murdered 58 Palestinian protesters. If Trump listens to Miriam Adelson, Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner, he'll drive us to world war and his presidency will be even worse than the Biden/Harris era. We knew Harris represented more genocide, lies and escalation towards world war. Trump is less predictable. So relish in the loss of the genocidaires for today, and prepare to hold Trump's feet to the fire tomorrow. 11/06/2024
(Video) Howard Beckett: Antony Blinken will go down in history as the US 🇺🇸 Secretary of State who unequivocally supported a genocide. A racist. A Zionist. 11/05/2024
Angelo Angelli, JD: The Los Angeles Times owner: “history will not look well on us nor on our government’s lack of action at this time of horrific suffering. It was more courageous in not endorsing than endorsing either candidate in support of this inaction. …Do we accept that indeed genocide is happening and that we stand as a country of willing arms suppliers and yet remain silent?” 11/06/2024 Mouin Rabbani: As noted previously: "In Internal Email, LA Times Owner Cites Gaza Among Reasons He Decided Not to Endorse Harris or Trump"
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: 6 year-old Palestinian girl Razan Muhaisen is seriously injured by the israelis in an air strike targeting a house in Nuseirat camp in central Gaza. 11/06/2024
(Video) Suppressed News: Lisa Savage: Powerful. Could this be why voters rejected the Democrats? 11/06/2024 : 🇵🇸This testimony from Ahmed will make you understand the reality of what they go through and what happens in the Hospitals.
(Video) Rania: The correct answer to every colonialist scumbag who thinks they did you a favour by colonising you! 11/05/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: You have gone along with every neoliberal neo-con genocidal Zionist policy of Democrats, and put yourself up in front of them as a shield. You didn't ask for a single concession as you gleefully endorsed Genocide Joe and Kamala. You are a depraved scumbag 11/06/2024 Reply to Bernie Sanders Bernie's great moment at the democratic convention: Calls the Gaza genocide a "war", immediately pivots to "bring home of the hostages", then calls for a "immediate ceasefire", not a permanent one which he has rejected to this very day. Norman Finkelstein is right about him:
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨🇮🇱 #BREAKING Israel is EXPLODING with reports of a potential military coup against Netanyahu following Gallant’s dismissal. 11/06/2024
(Video) Kerry Burgess: I love Francesca Albanese. 11/06/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨🇮🇱🇺🇸 The Zionist roots of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken 11/05/2024
(Video) BladeoftheSun: What is happening in Gaza summed up perfectly in 2 minutes while a stunned Piers Morgan sits in silence. 11/05/2024
(Video) The Muslim Lawyer: This is Matan Ahlfeld, CEO of Axiom Media Inc. He was charged this weekend at an overpass demonstration on the 400 & King, expressing anger at the banners displayed. Witnesses state that Ahlfeld attacked an anti-war demonstrator with a bat, striking him three times and causing injuries to his leg, hand, and back. Ahlfeld's firm has previously worked with both the Liberal and Conservative parties, raising concerns about impartiality. It is unclear if police have filed charges. We demand immediate accountability for this violent incident, which we view as an anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic attack. This is clearly hate-motivated. Let us hope that the Crown does not drop the charges, if any, like they did with Lorna Bernbaum whose charges for assaulting a protestor was dropped last week because, according to the Crown, she may have been provoked by pro-Palestine chants. 11/07/2024
(Video) Rania: Hello @KamalaHarris Fk you. You're done speaking. 11/07/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: The US branch of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) has used its nonprofit status to raise millions for Israel’s ethnic cleansing, destruction of Palestinian villages, and ecological devastation. Now they’re planning a global conference for Israel in Dallas, November 14-17, at the Hilton Hotel. Let’s tell the Hilton Hotel NOT to host the JNF. Call +1 214-748-1200 11/07/2024
(Video) Khalissee: A reporter asks Chomsky if he believes Hezbollah is a terrorist organization: No, the actual terrorists are the US and Israel. The only reason Hezbollah is labelled as such by the Western media... is because they dare resist their genocidal mania 11/07/2024 This must be at least ten to fifteen years old, before Noam grew a beard.
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Trauma expert Dr Gabor Maté: the first massacre against Palestinians was in 1956 but you call them “animals” because you know NOTHING about it. 11/06/2024
(Video) Pelham: 🚨🇮🇱Israeli police entered a French-owned church compound with weapons in occupied Jerusalem and arrested two French police officers securing the site. French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot, has now canceled his plans to visit the site as a result of the event, said “Israel's ambassador would be summoned”..🇫🇷 11/07/2024
(Video) John P: 🔴 What happened to the Israelis in Amsterdam… The Israeli media considers it a new catastrophe against Jews. But there are events that should be shared 👇 A quick thread 🧵 11/08/2024 1.🔴 In Amsterdam, the Israeli team Maccabi Tel Aviv played against the Dutch team Ajax in the European league. Some Maccabi Tel Aviv fans and one of the players refused to observe a minute of silence during the match in mourning for the victims of the Valencia floods… 🇪🇸🇮🇱 2. 🔴 In Amsterdam, Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanted anti-Arab slogans under police protection and attacked Palestinian flags. 3 🔴 Local residents responded, and some Israelis were attacked, resulting in injuries to 10 people. There are also missing Jewish individuals, with Israeli media reporting them as possibly abducted.
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: A 3rd party vote is NOT a vote for Trump. Here’s why.. 🍉 11/08/2024
(Video) usaama: Pogroms in Amsterdam! 😱 11/08/2024 "Nobody cares that your Jewish" but they do care when Jewish Soccar fans antagonize Muslims, tear down prive flags, and conduct other attacks on peaceful people. In other words, Israeli Hooligans started the Amsterdam unrest and others defended themselves.
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Genocidal race hustler Bibi Netanyahu launched Operation Antisemitism Hoax to extract the fascist hooligans who found out 11/08/2024
(Video) Rania: And apparently these words were so powerful that the UK government had to arrest him for them! 11/08/2024
(Video) Rania: Because 1sr@el hijacked true Judaism and made terr0rism its religion! 11/08/2024
(Video) Niz: If there were hordes of people marching on the streets of Europe chanting "F**K THE JEWS"... there would rightly be outrage from every European leader & newspaper. This is a video of hordes of Israelis marching through #Amsterdam chanting "F**K THE ARABS". NO OUTRAGE #heirarchy 11/08/2024
(Video) John Wight: A few thoughts on #Amsterdamriot 11/08/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Here are the Israeli Nazis chanting for the slaughter of Arab children after tearing down Palestinian flags and refusing to honor the moment of silence for Valencia Sounds like some locals got fed up with these demons and decided to take out the trash 11/07/2024
Abby Martin: “The ages most represented among the dead were five to nine-year-olds.” 11/08/2024 BBC News (World): Nearly 70% of Gaza war dead are women and children, UN says
Max Blumenthal: The people of Amsterdam have a right to defend themselves. 11/08/2024 ISHOWSUI: I live in Amsterdam. The Zionists of Macabi were terrorizing our streets yesterday. They attacked muslim homes, muslim taxi drivers. These video’s went viral in Amsterdam and 1 day later young muslim people took revenge against these hooligans and now they are playing victim
(Video) Tory Fibs: Ooooh. Finally a news outlet tells the whole truth. 11/08/2024 About Amsterdam
HollyBlomberg: You are an embarrassment 11/08/2024 The recent uproar over football hooligans from Maccabi Tel Aviv getting their arses handed to them in Amsterdam is being massively misconstrued in MSM & on social media by people like Bari Weiss. To get a feel for what these “fans” are like HT @MaxBlumenthal 👇 // excerpt was at least 11 yers old, showing this kind of behavior was common long before Oct. 7
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Are you horrified by the ongoing Israeli slaughter of Palestinian children? @RepStefanik, we haven’t heard you speak out about the horror of all horrors: genocide! 11/08/2024 Elise Stefanik: Horrified by the news out of Amsterdam last night. The Jewish people continue to face heinous antisemitic attacks. We must work to eradicate the scourge of antisemitism that is increasing around the world - and the U.S. must lead! I stand firmly with the Jewish people and always will. I will continue to work to combat antisemitism whether on college campuses, on community streets, or across the globe. Never Again must be NOW!
America First ZOE (AFZ): They jumped a Muslim taxi driver. This ain’t Gaza. There are repercussions for your actions. 11/08/2024
eeverett2🇺🇸 Zionism is treason: They started it. They tore down Palestinian flags off people's private homes and attacked Arab cabbies. 11/08/2024
(Video) Rania: Bottomline is, ban 1sr@el from #UEFA ,ban 1sr@el from #FIFA , just ban 1sr@el from everything, for the love of God, any God! 11/08/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Israelis responded to their hooligans getting held accountable in Amsterdam by slaughtering civilians in Gaza because of course. 11/08/2024 Younis Tirawi | يونس: Israeli soldiers blow up homes in Gaza this morning, in revenge for the events in Amsterdam the two past days. “We dedicate this explosion to all the fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv. We’ll get to all of you, you sons of **”
(Video) Mike Prysner: These are the guys getting beat up. Crazy new kind of pogrom I guess 11/07/2024 Suppressed News: “Let the IDF win to Fuck the Arabs” Maccabi Tel Aviv hooligans chant their genocidal song while being protected by the police in Amsterdam, this song they’re chanting has a part that says “there are no schools in Gaza because there are no children left”.
(Video) Olive 🌿: But when this happened it was okay? Racist. 11/08/2024 8 months ago, the racist Israeli football fans physically assaulted & beat an Egyptian man so hard that he got hospitalized in Greece.
Amanda Gelender🔮: A pogrom?? Go fuck yourself. I’m Jewish & live in The Netherlands & am proud to see the complete & total rejection of fascist Nazi Zionism in our streets. There’s an *actual* Zionist holocaust against Palestine right now & per usual, Zionists are committed to playing the victim 11/08/2024
(Video) Riss: Once again, Palestinian children can’t walk safely on their own land. Violent Israeli thugs are massacring Palestinian men, women and children and nobody is doing anything to stop them. 11/07/2024 Related Tweet is "unavailable," possibly because it's been deleted or censored. Ryan Rozbiani: I Really Did Not Want to Post This Video - It Broke Me This is Razan Muhaisen, a 6 years old CHILD They bombed her home in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza.
FaceTheTruth: Disgusting israelis not jews you pos! israelis started provocations. They started chanting genocidal songs. They started tearing down flags across multiple residential windows. Provoke and when get ass kicked then act as victims. Like state like its shitty people! 11/07/2024
Spartan: Always lying. 🤡 ⚡️ Amsterdam Incident Timeline: 1. Israelis launch an assault, aggressively attacking personal property without provocation, marking the beginning of a violent rampage. 2. The violence intensifies as they target taxi drivers, mercilessly beating them and smashing their vehicles, making it clear they came ready to cause chaos. 3. Shouting hateful, genocidal chants, they scream, “F**k you Arabs” and boast with sick pride, “There are no schools in Gaza because there are no children left”—celebrating the suffering of Palestinians in the most vile way imaginable. 4. Some Israelis finally get what they deserve as they’re confronted and beaten in response to their violent actions. 5. Desperate to spin the story, Israeli supporters and media flip the narrative, labeling it as an attack by "savage Islamic migrants on peaceful Jews," a blatant distortion to hide their own aggression. 6. They ramp up the rhetoric, calling it a "pogrom against Jews," exploiting loaded language to twist the reality and paint themselves as innocent victims. 7. The Israeli government and media jump on the opportunity, using the incident as propaganda to justify their genocidal war on Gaza, manipulating European audiences by framing this as "defending against terrorists. 11/08/2024 Tom Cotton: I strongly condemn the Pogrom that took place in Amsterdam last night and urge the Dutch authorities to take swift action against the pro-Hamas perpetrators. The Biden administration should send a clear message to Jews around the world that America has their back.
(Video) Many Zionist, including Tom Cotton are lying about the Amsterdam incident. That was clearly incited & started by Zionists chanting pro-genocide cheers, attacking Arabs, then their victims defended themselves and fought back! And Medea is right about mass murder of Palestinians! 11/08/2024 Medea Benjamin: Tom Cotton condemns the beating up of Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam, but he has never condemned Israel's mass slaughter, mutilation or starvation of tens of thousands of Palestinian children. In fact, he has cheered it on.
(Video) Max Blumenthal: This is the genocidal trash @SenSchumer is painting as innocent pogrom victims 11/08/2024 : It bugged me that I couldn't find a video of the entire genocidal song, but then came Maccabi Tel Aviv fans: they arrived at Ben Gurion airport, fleeing from the fake pogrom, and started singing the entire song... Ole ole Ole ole ole Let the IDF win and fuck the Arabs Ole ole Ole ole ole Why is school out in Gaza? There are no children left there
(Video) Ben Sellers: Just a little reminder for @BBCNews & all the rest. This was Maccabi Tel Aviv “sports-tourists” 😂 in Greece a few months ago. 11/08/2024 Amsterdam wasn't the first time for Zionist Holligans
(Video) Leyla Hamed: “They began attacking houses of people in Amsterdam with Palestinian flags, so that's actually where the violence started,” Amsterdam riots started by Maccabi hooligans — Amsterdam city council member Jazie Veldhuyzen tells Al Jazeera. 11/08/2024
(Video) ميسرة: We shall remember this legend 11/08/2024
(Video) The Lucky Heron: Western media won't show this. There was a moment of silence for victims of the Spanish floods before the Europa League match between Ajax and Israel's Maccabi Tel Aviv. The Israelis disrupted the silence with chants, whistles and fireworks. Truly vile. 11/08/2024
(Video) Suppressed News: Omg look at the pogrom that happened in Amsterdam! Sorry I mean Israel, Israeli police chased Jews in the streets then attacked and arrested them. 11/08/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: A 14 year old journalist, @OmeBender, did what the rest of the media refused to do, providing extensive on the ground footage of Israeli Maccabi hooligans instigating violence in Amsterdam. Bender shows the Zionist thug squad gathering metal pipes, wooden clubs, and rocks in search of violent confrontation. Their rampage followed a night of burning Palestinian flags, attacking taxi drivers and chanting for the slaughter of Arab children. English subtitles are available at the YT link that follows 11/09/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Looks like Sky News has deleted this factual report. Why? 11/09/2024 Paul D. Thacker: Racist Israelis tried their crap in Europe, got shut down, and triggered riots. Ripping down Palestinian flags from private homes, chanting racist slogans, and disrupting a moment of silence for flood victims in Valencia. Sky News has the deets.
(Video) ADAM: This is Epic. "11,000 children have been killed ...." 11/09/2024 Protest at British Parliment.
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Thank you Hastings, this is really moving. Every voice, every protest matters✊🏼🇵🇸😍 11/09/2024 Protest for Palestine in Hasting
(Video) Dan Cohen: Shocking video of pro-Palestinians carrying out a pogrom against Jews in Amsterdam! Nevermind, those are Israeli cops beating Jews. Carry on… 11/09/2024
(Video) Rania: Why would any country want these nutcases anywhere near them? Now you get a slither of what Pa!e$tinians have had to endure for decades! 11/09/2024
(Video) ADAM: Here’s what Israelis do to innocent Palestinians the moment they have the advantage. I will never see these people as the victim. Never. 11/08/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: The presence in Amsterdam of violent Zionist hooligans from the Israeli colonies forced the cancellation of a Kristallnacht memorial. As usual, it is anti-Zionist Jews whose safety is endangered by Israeli thugs who falsely claim the mantle of world Jewry 11/09/2024 Just Jews: The anti-Zionist Jewish Collective, Erev Rav, in the Netherlands cancelled their Kristallnacht remembrance in Amsterdam: "the heavy presence of Zionist Israelis in the city w/intent of continuing acts of violence" means they "cannot guarantee the safety of speakers & attendees"
(Video) Rania: Zionism has always been about ethnic cleansing! 11/09/2024
(Video) Daniella Modos - Cutter -SEN: “Israeli” tourist arrested in the act on Boipeba Island in Brazil for racist insults and hate crime after attacking and calling a black baggage handler a "monkey". The crime sparked outrage. 11/09/2024
(Video) Rania: And this is what actually happened in Amsterdam. And this is why 1sr@elis should be banned everywhere! 11/09/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: It is happening again 11/08/2024 President Biden: The Antisemitic attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam are despicable and echo dark moments in history when Jews were persecuted. We've been in touch with Israeli and Dutch officials and appreciate Dutch authorities’ commitment to holding the perpetrators accountable. We must relentlessly fight Antisemitism, wherever it emerges.
(Video) Khalissee: This is not Amsterdam. This is Israel. Settlers gathered in Netanya to lynch over 100 Palestinian students living in dorms back in October 2023. They chanted “Death to Arabs”. Where was the outrage? 11/09/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: Israeli soccer hooligans chanting racist slogans, starting fights and being escorted safely out of the country is a “pogrom” that demands international condemnation. Palestinian children murdered by Israel aren’t even a headline. 11/09/2024
(Video) Khalissee: They recorded themselves dragging a dead Palestinian down the road for fun… 11/08/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Few, if any, armies represent the character of their society more organically than Israel’s does 11/09/2024 Younis Tirawi | يونس: South Lebanon | Israeli soldier from the auxiliary company of the 7012 Battalion wearing clothes belonging to a displaced Lebanese women
(Video) Rania: Remember that "suicide" attack on a Israeli bus carrying the cyber bulling personnel from unit 8200? Guess what? After !srael shot & executed the alleged perpetrator as they deemed it a suicide attack, a judge ruled that it was actually just a regular traffic accident after hearing the testimony of bystanders! But who cares since the man wrongly executed was a P@!estinian!!! 11/09/2024
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Sky News really did the ole headline switcheroo 😂 11/09/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Turns out Israel’s war is with the Lebanese people, not just Hezbollah 11/10/2024
(Video) Holly Blomberg: Hey @DropSiteNews if you’re covering this, would you look into why SkyNews deleted their initially correct reporting? 11/0/2024 Dyab Abou Jahjah: Sky news deleted its post with the report and the facts on the Maccavi Tel Aviv violence in Amsterdam! Are facts inconvenient for the narrative that is being pushed? What message does this send? Did they get a threat? This is the report. Download it and spread it. X do your thing! // Drop Site: A Dutch journalist is demanding an apology and removal of her footage, used by @BILD, @CNN, @BBCWorld, @Guardian, and @nytimes in their reporting on the post-match clash between Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters and Amsterdam locals. She accuses them of misusing her footage and insists the truth be stated: “Maccabi supporters attacked Amsterdam citizens in front of Central Station after the game.” “Journalism is about finding truth. It’s time to show some respect to reality. That’s your job,” she adds. // iAnnet 🦋: Message to news outlets: Today I received an apology from Tagesschau for abusing my footage of the incident which took place after the soccer game in Amsterdam between Ajax and M. Tel Aviv. I refer also to the footage of reporter @OmeBender who covered that same fight with more details. @BILD @CNN @BBCWorld @Guardian @nytimes I would like you to do the same as Tagesschau. An apology, a removal of my footage and the truth. A few minutes of your precious time. Write down: Maccabi supporters attacked Amsterdam citizens in front of Central Station after the game. Journalism is about finding truth. Not about making money on a twist of the script. It’s time to show some respect to reality. That’s your job.
(Video) Khalissee: Every Zionist needs to listen to this. If your heart doesn't break from what Israel is doing to the people of Gaza, you are devoid of humanity. 11/09/2024
(Video) Harry Pettit 🇱🇧🇵🇸: Amsterdam defies the ban on protest. We say no to zionist thugs, no to weaponising antisemitism, no to genocide 11/10/2024
(Video) Walid Mahmoud 🇵🇸: A Dutch teenage journalist has gone viral after his coverage of the clashes in Amsterdam for the page "Bender" @OmeBender has gained critical acclaim. He documents the Maccabi Tel Aviv hooligans carrying wooden planks and poles, running in packs across this city earlier this week. He also gets instructed by one of the hooligans to 'stop filming for his own safety'. @MiddleEastEye 11/09/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: They let the Fascist Israeli football thugs go home, not one arrest! Now they arrest their own citizens🤬 11/10/2024 There were some arrests of Zionists, but they were low profile and few media outlets covered them.
(Video) Abier: My friend Thomas lives in Netherlands And he telling you, the corporate media is lying to you.. Brilliant analysis 🧐 Watch.. 11/10/2024
(Video) Bushra Shaikh: Amsterdam wasn't just about Football or hooliganism. Israeli Maccabi fans unknowingly exposed what lengths Governments and the media will go to, to protect the reputation of a people, country complicit in genocide and subjugation of a peoole. Never seen anything like it. 11/09/2024
(Video) Rania: Anyone else feels like slapping helium boy with me? 11/10/2024 Protesters confront Ben Shapiro
(Video) Israel says it won’t allow Palestinians to return to northern Gaza. It’s been clear from the start that the plan is ethnic cleansing and land theft. We demand @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris cut off weapons and support to Israel to stop this genocide NOW! 11/10/2024 Guardian news: Palestinians will not be allowed to return to homes in northern Gaza, says IDF
Palestinians will not be allowed to return to homes in northern Gaza, says IDF 11/06/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Epstein's lawyer and buddy, Alan Dershowitz, doesn't have a problem with the killing of 17,000 Palestinian Children. 11/09/2024
(Video) Abier: No one knows about pogroms more than Jewish people. My dear friend @DrMartinGak thinks there was a pogrom, but not against Israelis.. And yes, we need an apology from media and Dutch authorities. 11/10/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: These were the last words written by a little girl in Gaza, marking herself before being killed by the israelis: I’m Noor, my mum and dad’s beloved. 11/10/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: Israel is actually anti-Semitic. These Jews understand!! 💙❤️💚🖤 11/10/2024 Torah Judaism: Orthodox Jews Burning the Zionist Israeli flag in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. Israel is not the state of the Jews. Israel is not a Jewish state.
Medea Benjamin: No matter your interpretation of what happened in Amsterdam, we must recognize that Israel has become reviled around the world for carrying out the most horrific genocide this century. Want to stop anti-semitism? Stop the genocide. 11/10/2024
Israeli Fans Meant It When They Chanted “Death to Arabs” 11/09/2024 Maccabi Tel Aviv fans rioting in Amsterdam chanted slogans like “There are no schools in Gaza, as there are no children left.” Far from just extremist provocations, their slogans tell the truth about Israeli war aims.
(Video) Sarah: Happening now in Amsterdam! The Dutch people are defying the ban on protests, flooding the streets in solidarity with Palestine and condemning the violent Israeli football hooligans who attacked their city. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 11/10/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: I am shocked at these lyrics from Maccabi fans 🇮🇱📣 What is their obsession with RAPE..‼️ 11/10/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Guy asks Hampstead Mayor Jeremy Levi if he thinks Jewish lives are more important than non-Jewish lives. He refused to answer. 11/10/2024
(Video) Pelham: Just your daily reminder that governments do not represent the people..🇵🇸 11/10/2024 Morocco
(Video) Opposition to Zionism also means opposition to the duopoly! When you defend the Democratic arm of the duopoly you raise doubts about your opposition to Zionism, since both arms of the duopoly support Zionism and genocide! 11/10/2024 Reply to Marc Lamont Hill
(Video) Pelham: Israel is now committing a genocide on Lebanon and the media is silent..🇱🇧💔 11/11/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: These are the people Joe Biden, the Dutch King and the whole Western media are portraying as innocent pogrom victims 11/11/2024 Ryan Rozbiani: Listen to the VILE Maccabi Tel Aviv Anthem. This is from Outside of the Area of the Recent Incidents in Amsterdam // "We love to party! When we rape them we will shout ...."
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Our work for Palestine is driven by love, responsibility, and heartbreak. As Congress returns, we’ll walk its halls, carrying the faces of innocent children whose dreams were shattered by U.S.-funded weapons, reminding our elected officials of their role in this horror. Every day, we’ll demand accountability, demand humanity. This speech was given at a fundraiser for Justice For All. Join us in Congress: 11/11/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Local Amsterdam residents tell @LeftLaser how they were assaulted and menaced by Tel Maccabi hooligans hunting for anyone displaying pro-Palestine symbols. Why should decent people have to put up with a hostile invasion of foreign Zionist goon squad members? 11/10/2024
(Video) The Tennessee Holler: AL-MONITOR: “Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Monday Trump’s election opens up an opportunity for an Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank and that he has already ordered his department to prepare for this annexation.” 11/11/2024
Israel's Smotrich calls for annexation of occupied West Bank: What we know 11/11/2024 Israeli far-right minister and long-time supporter of Israeli settlements Bezalel Smotrich said on Monday that he had ordered preparations for an Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank.
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: Jordanian doctor Osama Hamad shares his harrowing experiences in Gaza. He recounts rescuing a young girl named Yasmin from the rubble, who, despite her dire situation, asked for basic necessities like water and flour. He also witnessed Israeli tanks attacking Gaza, killing two unarmed fishermen. The majority of the injuries he treated were women and children, many of whom were malnourished. These tragic experiences deeply affected him, motivating his return to Gaza to continue his humanitarian work. 11/11/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Palestinian Bedouins of Umm al-Hiran have Israeli citizenship and lived here for generations. Now they're being ethnically cleansed with 13 other communities in the Naqab desert. Here citizenship doesn't matter — the only thing Israel cares about is if you are Palestinian or not 11/11/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Listen to How Excited the Israelis are for Ethnic Cleansing. Try Not to Get Mad 11/11/2024
(Video) Pelham: BREAKING🚨 Israel has just passed laws allowing *CHILDREN* under the age of 14 to be JAILED. Currently 270 children are held in Israeli detention, a violation of international law..🇵🇸🇮🇱 11/11/2024
(Video) Ahmed Eldin: Is this self-defense too? Acclaimed British surgeon Nizam Mamode breaks down briefly while testifying to the UK Parliament about Israel’s quadcopters picking off kids who had just been bombed. 11/12/2024
(Video) COMBATE |🇵🇷: 🇸🇾 Syria President Assad: "We are not dealing with a State in the legal sense, but rather with an outlaw colonial entity. We are not dealing with people in the civilized sense, but rather with herds of settlers that are closer to barbarism than to humanity. The problem is not that the current colonial extremist government has lost its mind... They all have the same ideological mind. A mind that is sick with bloodshed, sick with the delusion of superiority, a mind afflicted with schizophrenia between hating Nazism abstractly and loving it as an organic part of itself in practice." 11/11/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: BREAKING: Horrible news for those of us who want peace: It looks like Trump will name Sen. Marco Rubio as Secretary of State. Rubio’s track record? Supporting war and US intervention, not diplomacy. Reposting this video to show what we’re up against. 11/11/2024 CODEPINK: Our response to @SenMarcoRubio:
(Video) Khalissee: Its now confirmed by @DrMartinGak from office of the public prosecutions in Amsterdam that 10 of the rioters arrested in Amsterdam are residents of Israel. The house of cards is starting to collapse 11/12/2024
(Video) Rania: Free speech is antisemitic. Democracy is antisemitic. Clothing is antisemitic. Go figure! 11/12/2024
Angelo Angelli, JD: Tourists can be annoying, but does anyone except Israeli Zionists spit on them? 11/12/2024 stressed spelled backwards is desserts: Oct 3, 2023 "On the heels of dozens of spitting incidents directed at Christian worshippers in Jerusalem, Netanyahu says Israel is 'totally committed to safeguard the sacred right of worship"
Netanyahu, Israeli Ministers Condemn Surge of Incidents of Jews Spitting at Christians in Jerusalem 10/03/2023 On the heels of dozens of spitting incidents directed at Christian worshippers in Jerusalem, Netanyahu says Israel is 'totally committed to safeguard the sacred right of worship' ... The condemnations come as several incidents of Jews spitting on or near Christian worshippers in Jerusalem’s Old City, which were filmed on Sunday and Monday. The series of spitting incidents provides further proof that these attacks have become widespread.
(Video) Khalissee: A reporter asks this lady if the chant 'From the river to sea, Palestine will be free' is genocidal and antisemitic. In less than 20 seconds, she brilliantly explains why this is nonsense. 11/12/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: A historic opportunity is coming to the Senate: a chance to vote on a resolution to restrict weapons to Israel, introduced by Bernie Sanders. We’re calling on everyone to join us—either in Washington or by reaching out to your senators (202) 224-3121. Demand they support Sanders’ resolution to STOP sending weapons that fuel violence and devastation in Palestine. Say NO to funding genocide, NO to weapons for oppression 11/11/2024
(Video) Michael Tracey: Trump has installed Mike Huckabee as US Ambassador to Israel. Huckabee, currently an Evangelical Christian preacher and broadcaster, subscribes to "End Times" theology and proclaims Israel a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. There has never before been such a person in this role 11/12/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: The day that Blinken and Austin's humanitarian aid deadline is up, Israel enforces another death march in its ethnic cleansing campaign. The World Food Program says famine is underway in northern Gaza. Now watch the Biden admin continue to do nothing, violating US law 11/12/2024 Linda Mamoun: Under threat of death Israel is forcing tens of thousands of men, women and children out of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza today. They are moving south. This shellshocked girl lost her sandals as she was fleeing. A girl with her carrying a baby. A 3rd girl but no accompanying adult.
Max Blumenthal: Donald Trump has reportedly selected Kristi Noem to serve as his DHS secretary. In March, Noem introduced a bill cracking down on criticism of Israel on the grounds of "ensuring the security of God's Chosen People" 11/12/2024
(Video) Rania: This is a h○l○caust ! 11/12/2024
(Video) Rania: The shameful state of our world today! 11/12/2024
(Video) Huma Zehra: 🇳🇱 Amsterdam stands with humanity 🍉 11/11/2024 "Amsterdam does not support genocide!"
French correspondent found dead in Marseille amid making documentary on Gaza genocide 12/02/2024 Pro-Palestinian French journalist Marine Vlahovic has been found dead at her residence in Marseille, France, amid making a documentary about Israel’s genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip.
Israel Bombs Another World Central Kitchen Vehicle in Gaza, Killing 5 12/01/2024
(Video) Michael Tracey: Pete Hegseth, Trump's pick for Defense Secretary, proclaimed his heartfelt belief that the Third Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. He also called for Israeli annexation of the West Bank. With Trump in charge, Hegseth declared, Israel should "do what needs to be done" 11/13/2024
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Morgan pretends these comments are controversial. "If you are not a Jew then you are basically sub-human. ..... I think Israelis are the terrorists." 11/13/2024 Dan Bilzerian: Not my best interview, but I said what needed to be said
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Senator Rubio’s office still proudly flying the Israeli flag. With Trump eyeing him for Secretary of State, is his loyalty already pledged…to another flag? 11/12/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Go to Gaza. See if you get r*ped in Gaza.” Can anyone identify this man in NYC? 11/12/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: BREAKING: The Biden administration’s deadline for Israel to improve humanitarian aid to Gaza has expired—without any change. Secretary Blinken decided that military aid to Israel will continue, despite Israel allowing just 35 aid trucks per day into Gaza instead of the 350 needed. Today, we’re in the Senate, urging them to: 1️⃣ Demand the State Department enforce U.S. laws. 2️⃣ Co-sponsor Bernie Sanders’ joint resolutions of disapproval to cut military aid to Israel. It’s time for Congress to step up and enforce U.S. laws. 11/12/2024
(Video) 👑 Queen B55 🐝: Wow. Fake news asks Biden, “Mr. President, do you think you can get a ceasefire deal done by the end of your term?” Biden retorts, “Do you think you can get hit in the head by the camera man behind you?” 👀 11/12/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: We're mourning the deaths of the thousands of children in Gaza whose lives have been taken by Israel and the United States. Capitol Police told us our demonstration was illegal, but that won't stop us. Join us in demanding your Senators support Bernie Sander's Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRD) to block a $20 billion weapons transfer to Israel by calling 202-224-3121 or emailing at 11/13/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Hey @senrubio, AIPAC funds you and your colleagues in Congress to support genocide. 11/13/2024 Can't he come up with more credible lies? // Senator Marco Rubio: Radical progressive groups like Code Pink are funded to cause chaos
(Video) Andrey X: A couple of hours ago Israeli authorities destroyed the mosque in the village of Umm al-Hiran in the Naqab desert. The entire village will be gone within a couple of days. The Bedouin villages under threat of demolitions have organised against the ethnic cleansing: @NegevRCUV 11/14/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Veteran and former diplomat Ann Wright wants to know how anyone who's suffered through war like Tammy Duckworth could continue sending weapons to Israel to continue its genocide in Gaza. Tell your Senators to vote YES on the joint resolutions of disapproval to block weapons to Israel at 11/13/2024
(Video) Rania: In a nutshell, the UK is complicit in genocide! 11/14/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today in the Senate, we told senators directly: We’re here every day, and we won’t stop until you join Bernie Sanders’ Joint Resolution of Disapproval. This is about ending the suffering in Gaza, your support is crucial, and we’ll keep showing up until this happens. 11/13/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Journalist Rania Khalek sheds light on the urgent crisis in Lebanon: 37 villages destroyed, 1.2 million displaced, and over 3,200 lives lost. She calls for a collective push against the unchecked violence and genocide, urging for an arms embargo and an end to U.S. support to Israel. Demand your senator to support the Joint Resolution of Disapproval against the arms transfer to Israel!! 11/14/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: The upcoming vote on Bernie Sanders’ Joint Resolutions of Disapproval will be the first time in US history that Congress will vote to restrict offensive weapons to Israel. With only a handful of senators onboard so far and AIPAC mobilizing against it, we need a BIG PUSH this week. Every day counts. Only 35 aid trucks are entering Gaza daily, far short of the 500 needed, and the only way to pressure Israel is to stop the weapons. Please call your senator now. 11/13/2024
(Video) Michael Tracey: Part of Tulsi Gabbard's conversion into a Republican operative has entailed her declaring that the goal of Hamas is "world domination," calling protesters against the Israeli pulverization campaign "puppets," and bizarrely claiming Biden hasn't adequately condemned anti-Semitism 11/14/2024
(Video) Khalissee: GAZA IS STILL OCCUPIED "Israel has given itself the right to launch 'preventive strikes' which have killed many in the Gaza strip." - @FranceskAlbs ♥️ 11/14/2024
(Video) Michael Tracey: Tulsi Gabbard said Trump had instigated a "state of war" with Iran by drone-strike assassinating Soleimani. She accused Trump of committing an "illegal and unconstitutional act of war" that had "no justification whatsoever." Poof: another position abandoned with zero explanation 11/14/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Watching a genocide is a tourist attraction for settlers. These people are sick in the head. 11/14/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Let’s make Tehran look like Gaza. Lebanon too, while we’re at it” - Dr. Armond Levy, neurosurgeon at @BJC_HealthCare and @SSMHealth in St. Louis 11/14/2024
(Video) Tulsi was anti-war before she went all in for Israeli genocide! The entire political establishment has gone insane, including the "Squad" who abandoned all their progressive campaign issues to support a corrupt establishment! 11/14/2024 Max Blumenthal: AOCIA nods along with Joy Reid’s McCarthyite, pro-war, pro-regime change case for opposing Tulsi Gabbard, then calls Tulsi “pro-war” without explaining why This is the poseur who boxed the Squad into supporting $100+ billion in military aid to Ukraine
(Video) Michael Tracey: Mike Huckabee, Trump's pick for Ambassador to Israel, says the modern nation of Israel was created by the hand of Almighty God. He proclaims eternal belief in an Old Testament command: "God says those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed" 11/14/2024
Israeli behind organ trafficking ring is arrested 01/06/2018
(Video) Medea Benjamin: CNN host Dana Bash’s disbelief when confronted with facts about Israel’s policies raises a critical question: If you’re informing the public, Dana, shouldn’t you start by informing yourself? If not, you are just being a mouthpiece for the genocide in Gaza. Kudos to our members Liz and Clare for making this brave confrontation happen. 11/15/2024
(Video) Miko Peled "Now over a year later it's very clear. The majority, if not all of the casualties were caused by the Israeli military. The death of Israeli citizens were caused by their very government, by their very military. (on Oct. 7)" 11/15/2024 https://twitter.com/mikopeled/status/1857479687926079881
(Video) From 2016 to 2020 or so Tulsi was much more credible than Schultz, who was rigging elections and supporting war all along; it's only the past two years where Tulsi became a war monger supporting Israel, making her as bad as Schultz on that issue, but not others Schultz mentions. 11/15/2024 Jenerational Change: Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigged the 2016 Primary for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders. This, as much as any reason, is why millions of working class voters went for Trump. Until there’s a political reckoning for DWS, Dems are done in FL & beyond.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: CODEPINK DC coordinator Adnaan asked Congresswoman Hageman about the siege in northern Gaza. She refused to talk to him, calling him a “terrorist sympathizer.” Why? Because he was wearing a CODEPINK T-shirt. This is the danger House Resolution 9495—a bill allowing the Treasury Department to revoke nonprofit status from groups accused of “terrorist connections.” Pro-Palestine groups will be targeted. The week, under a 2/3rds vote requirement, the Resolution failed. Now it’s being reintroduced under a rule requiring only a simple majority vote and a floor vote is expected soon. Don’t let compassion for human rights be criminalized. Learn more about HR 9495 and take action: 11/15/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: You (Dana Bash) came to a place of Jewish worship to promote yourself and couldn’t even defend your on-air defamation of anti-genocide protesters. You had no clue that the Likud charter defines the borders of “Israel” as between the river and the sea, which is the current apartheid reality you support. And let’s face it, if the woman who methodically dismantled your crude Zionist logic had not been Jewish, you’d be howling about an antisemitic attack. You’re as thin skinned and entitled as your fellow CNN ethnosupremacist, Jake Tapper. 11/15/2024
(Video) Khalissee: How Israel has brainwashed its population. Israeli children comfortably sing about annihilating the people in Gaza so they can have peace. 11/15/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: CNN ethnosupremacist @DanaBashCNN just got calmly and methodically checkmated by an anti-Zionist Jewish activist. Bloody Bash went from befuddled to bordering on rage when confronted with her demonization of Gaza genocide opponents 11/15/2024
(Video) Michael Tracey: In November 2023, Tulsi Gabbard went straight from the Fox News studio to the pro-war "March for Israel" in DC, claiming the goal of Hamas isn't about Palestine, but to establish a global caliphate. She bizarrely claims Biden and Harris were refusing to condemn anti-Semitism 11/15/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Let them know they can't mess with this generation✊🏼🇵🇸 11/1/2024 Protest when Czech Foreign Minister speaks
(Video) AIPAC Tracker: Dana Bash has no shame, no decency, and no clue what she’s talking about. 11/15/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: After our member Liz confronted Dana Bash about her biased coverage of anti-genocide protests, Dana had some horrible things to say. Here’s Liz’s response. "You are using Judaism and your position as a journalist to fuel an immoral and disgusting genocide. That, Dana, is what is shameful and indecent." Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. 11/1/2024
(Video) #StopCopCity: The Holocaust Survivor referenced in this discussion is Marione Ingram. She has stated that U.S. corporate media refuse to interview her. Marione is literally in front of WH every day. Dana Bash can interview her ON CNN at any time. Why won’t she? 11/16/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Dana Bash is a genocidal Zionist propagandist who should be protested wherever she goes. And if the Nuremberg principles were applied, both she and her Zionist CNN colleague Jake Tapper would be hanged for genocidal propaganda like Julius Streicher was 11/15/2024 after saying over 15.000 women and children have been intentionally beheaded, bodies ripped apart, killed, CNN's Dana Bash replies: "Yeah, sure, but at least Israeli troops aren't raping them." The sole reason for the "mass rape" hoax is to justify the ongoing genocide of Gaza
(Video) Dee Vee: Dana Bash the Jewish supremacist has been a chief propagandist for the Zionist genocide. Some of her greatest hits include saying criticizing Josh Shapiro is antisemitic, spreading the October 7 hoax story about "cut off breasts", slobbering over Netanyahu and stating that "Israelis don't rape." 11/15/2024 CODEPINK: Journalist @DanaBashCNN's disbelief when confronted with facts about Israel’s policies raises a critical question: If you’re informing the public, Dana, shouldn’t you start by informing yourself? If not, you are just being a mouthpiece for the genocide in Gaza.
(Video) CJ Werleman: This is glorious! CNN’s Dana Bash is a repulsive apologist for Israeli occupation, apartheid, and terrorism. 11/15/2024 Fifty Shades of Whey: In a moment of reckoning, Dana Bash gets called out for being a pro-Israel propagandist.
(Video) Abier The facial expressions are priceless ♥️ “I told you” 11/15/2024 Francesca Albanese
(Video) Max Blumenthal: This military style raid on an activist who defends the rights of Palestinian political prisoners never would have happened had Israel not wanted Samidoun sanctioned. The occupation has no borders. 11/15/2024 Camila: Canadian press is reporting a raid by Vancouver police on the home of Samidoun’s Charlotte Kates on Thursday, executed by agents in tactical gear, who used a stun grenade, pointed a tear gas gun at the home, and broke windows in the process.
(Video) Daniel F. Prinsloo 🇿🇦: Yet another strike on another school. Do the United Nations have no authority to protect their own? Did Israel castrate the UN? What is the point of having "peace keeping" military forces from various countries in Lebanon when they can't fight the IDF to maintain the very presence they are therefor in the first place, peace? Palestinians and Lebanese citizens are dying and we are left to assume that this just needs to be accepted. No. If the UN also had any authority why can't peace keeping forces enter Gaza and the West Bank? .... 11/16/2024
(Video) “I’m gonna rape you and your mom.” Israeli kids in New York. Why are Israelis so obsessed with rape? 11/16/2024
(Video) Dyab Abou Jahjah: Israeli soldiers playing the "tourist" in Porto, Portugal, after participating in the murder of women and children in Palestine. The moment they see Portuguese citizens wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh, the occupation soldier in them wakes up. These war criminals should be treated as such wherever they go. Otherwise,soon enough, they will start treating everyone the same way they treat Palestinians. 11/16/2024
(Video) Huma Zehra: Make her famous 11/16/2024 Zionist older woman attacks person in fast food place, other reports show she was arrested and charged with a hate crime.
(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: What’s shameful, indecent & clueless is weaponizing antisemitism to support the slaughter of over 40,000 largely women & children. As a Jew growing up after the Holocaust, I learned never again means never again for ANYONE. Opposing genocide is the height of Jewish values. 11/17/2024 Dana Bash: You came to a place of Jewish worship, stood on the Bhima, near the holy Torah scroll, and pretended to be congregants. You have no shame, no decency, and no clue what you’re talking about.
(Video) Khalissee: Gaza's genocide will last in history for thousands of years. Future generations will ask: ‘How did the world watch & let it happen?’ This aid was delivered to Gaza schools and then burnt by Israeli soldiers. 11/17/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: When asked by @afshinrattansi why so many Trump foreign policy picks seem "more make Israel great again than make America great again," @SebGorka melts down and threatens to storm out of the interview. Gorka is a frontrunner for Trump's deputy national security advisor 11/17/2024
(Video) Christian Martin: He wants to build the Third Temple and bring about the Battle of Armageddon. Donald Trump chose end times evangelical Christian pastor Mike Huckabee who often proclaims Israel a fulfillment of biblical prophecy to be the US ambassador to Israel. They want to usher the Antichrist. 11/1/2024 Michael Tracey: Pete Hegseth, Trump's pick for Defense Secretary, proclaimed his heartfelt belief that the Third Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. He also called for Israeli annexation of the West Bank. With Trump in charge, Hegseth declared, Israel should "do what needs to be done"
(Video) 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓙 🫒🔑🇵🇸: These heroes gathered outside the New York Times, demanding a retraction of its repeated falsehoods about 🇵🇸 and calling for an immediate arms embargo. 11/17/2024
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: She adopted wholesale lies that disparaged her own citizens. 11/18/2024 Then she admitted it after the fact and tried to set the record straight. MSM gave much more attention to her lies than when she admitted the truth. Drop Site: Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema expresses regret for using the word “pogrom” at the internationally covered press conference the day after the clashes in the city, adding, “We were completely overtaken by Israel.” Speaking to the current affairs show Nieuwsuur on Sunday night, Halsema said: “In hindsight, I should not have used the word ‘pogrom.’.. We were completely overtaken by Israel. At 3 a.m., Prime Minister Netanyahu suddenly gave a lecture about what had happened in Amsterdam, while we were still gathering the facts.” “The Israeli government spoke of a ‘Palestinian pogrom on the streets of Amsterdam,’ and in The Hague, the words were used to discriminate against Moroccan Amsterdammers, Muslims. That is not what I meant or what I wanted.” She also acknowledged that she should have highlighted the violence caused by Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters before and after the Europa League game in Amsterdam.
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: Alexandra Szustakiewicz, 64, was charged with two counts of hate crime after attacking a couple near Chicago 11/16/2024
Suburban woman who attacked couple over pro-Palestine hoodie charged with hate crime: prosecutors 11/18/2024
(Video) That: Any culture that produces THIS much garbage has A LOT of questions to ask itself. 11/18/2024
(Video) Max Blumenthal: Amsterdam Mayor Halsema now admits no “pogrom” occurred in her city and Israel put words in her mouth: “We were completely overtaken by Israel. At 3 AM…Netanyahu suddenly gave a lecture about what had happened…while we were still gathering the facts” 11/18/2024
(Video) Khalissee: CHILDREN STRIPPED DOWN BY ISRAELI SOLDIERS. The israeli occupation forces stripped children down in Al-Qarara area in central Gaza. Residents were threatened with rifles, forcing them to leave whilst the children were being stripped. Zionism is a sick society. 11/18/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "I'm afraid that you're organizing people into a burning house. The Democratic Party has demonstrated that it would rather have Republicans win than to disappoint its donor class & actually embrace the policies that would make the material improvements to those people's lives that you're talking about. There's a reason why Kamala Harris would not support an arms embargo. She took more money from Raytheon than even Donald Trump did. She's a part of an administration where the secretary of Defense was a Raytheon board member. These are material realities that are constraining the politics of the Democratic Party, & no nice lady coming along or nice man coming along who loves his grandkids & eats an ice cream cone, & put sunshades on and hangs out with Barack Obama can change that reality." 11/18/2024
(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: DEBATE: Bernie Would Have Won? (w/ Michael Eric Dyson) 11/18/2024
(Video) Khalissee: This is one phenomenal woman ♥️ @FranceskAlbs never backs down and has the courage of a warrior. One Outstanding woman! 11/19/2024 Francesca Albanese
(Video) Rania: What's wrong with 1srael? A much easier question would be "what's not wrong with 1sr@el "! An old interview with @MaxBlumenthal that will continue to hold true as long as 1sr@el is allowed to exist! 11/18/2024 This interview is ten years old and was done by the Norwegian state's news channel, NRK.
Your rejection is based on lies to justify it! Zionists began terrorizing Palestinians in the 1930s, this surged during the Nakba in 1948 and they've been continuing the terror while blaming their victims since! 11/19/2024 John Fetterman: I reject the accusation and investigation in the strongest terms.
Pope Francis calls for genocide investigation in Gaza 11/18/2024
Rohan Talbot: If you were truly confident it wasn't genocide you wouldn't reject the investigation. 11/18/2024 John Fetterman: I reject the accusation and investigation in the strongest terms.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: TODAY IN CONGRESS: Over 40 Arrested Standing for Peace. Activists standing united across faiths and movements are in Congress urging senators to support Joint Resolutions of Disapproval and block weapon sales to Israel. This diverse coalition—faith groups, moms, healthcare workers, climate activists, educators, students, and veterans—is united in saying: Fund care, not killing! 11/19/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: Marjorie Taylor Greene personally donated to Israel's Temple Institute, which seeks to destroy the Al-Aqsa compound and replace it with a temple, then wage genocidal conquests against Christians and Muslims across the Middle East. 11/19/2024
Uncaptured Media with Dan Cohen: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Donated to Israeli Organization That Called to Behead Christians 11/28/2023
Seyed Mohammad Marandi: The Zionist regime is bombing Syrian cities again. This time, it's the people of Palmyra city that are being attacked and terrorized. Why are Abdullah II, ISIS, Netanyahu, Al-Qaeda, Erdogan, and the US all on the same side in Syria? 11/20/2024
Lisa Pease: I wish for you whatever you wish for the Palestinians. No more, no less. 11/20/2024 Khalissee: The good guys have never taken pictures like this in history. Never.
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: David Grinblat, 34, was charged with assault after allegedly punching a man who spoke Urdu in NYC, calling him a “f—ing Muslim” 11/19/2024
Angelo Angelli, JD: You don’t have to imagine anything 11/20/2024
(Video) Pelham: 🇮🇱 Member of the Israeli Knesset, Ayman Odeh absolutely destroys Benjamin Netanyahu… “There are 17,385 babies in Gaza, which your system KILLED. There are 35,055 orphaned babies in Gaza.. Their blood of the will haunt you.. for 30 years you have been a serial killer of peace”…🔥🔥🔥 11/20/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Over 40 faith leaders, environmentalists and teachers calling for education, healthcare, and green jobs—not genocide—were arrested in the Senate today. The police violently ripped the banners out of their hands and arrested them like criminals. Something is deeply broken in this "democracy" when the peacemakers go to jail instead of those enabling genocide! 11/19/2024
(Video) Abier: First time l've ever seen a "nation defending itself" offering school field trips to students to watch people being slaughtered.. 11/19/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨🇺🇸🇮🇱 Israeli American Historian and Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Omer Bartov: "It’s a Genocide!" 11/19/2024
(Video) Rania: Hmmm, odd that @MSNBC deleted this interview...said no one ever! The truth is very scary, you see. 11/20/2024
Max Blumenthal: The lonely raised hand on the security council, giving Israel the go-ahead to continue its genocide, will be an indelible symbol of Biden’s legacy 11/20/2024 UN News: #BREAKING United States VETOES Security Council draft resolution that would have demanded an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, and the release of all hostages RESULT In Favor: 14 Against: 1 (US) Abstain: 0
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: "Carpet Bomb Palestine. Rape and pillage that's what we do" Make this Bastard Zionist famous‼️ @StopArabHate 11/20/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 CRIME WATCH: NYC police are seeking info on this suspect who was involved in an alleged anti-Palestinian hate crime The assault resulted in the hospitalization of a woman, who sustained an eye injury after being punched 11/20/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: 🚨 Historic Breaking News: The ICC has issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, holding them accountable for war crimes. It’s time the U.S. stopped shielding war criminals and stood on the right side of history. The Hague awaits! 11/21/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨 Earlier today, Israel bombed a SCHOOL. Elsewhere, it's World Children's Day today. 11/20/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: We rejected because it’s in our “best interest” to reject it. Has nothing to do with the law. The whole United States government should be arrested for this. 11/21/2024 Assal Rad: Watch @FadiMansour77 question Pentagon on ICC warrants. Q: Speaking of the rules-based order that you say you’re defending, ICC issued warrants for 🇮🇱 officials for crimes against humanity, will you rethink your support Singh: The US rejects the decision. Q: You’re rejecting it based on technicalities and jurisdiction, what about the allegations. Singh: We don’t see eye to eye. Q: So what is the legal opinion you’re basing your rejection on. Singh: I’m not aware of a formal legal opinion…We take it so seriously that we installed a maritime corridor. Q: So if you don’t have a legal assessment, how can you reject it. Singh: We reject the Court’s decision, that doesn’t mean it had to go through a legal process.
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: The ICC is Khamas 11/21/2024
Robert (Durden): So….by implication Lindsey Graham is admitting that our leaders are, in fact, complicit??? 11/21/2024
Graham points finger at ICC: 'If they do this to Israel, we are next' 05/22/2024 During a US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the potential Saudi-'Israel' normalization, Gaza governance and Palestinian statehood, as well as US opposition to the ICC.
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Oh sure - we’re still sending weapons. Why do you ask? 11/22/2024 Paris Marx: Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau confirms Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former defence minister Yoav Gallant will be arrested if they step foot in Canada after the ICC’s decision to issue arrest warrants.
(Video) This is the real 1sr@el. 11/22/2024 "At long last the Western world is getting a good look at Israel, the real Israel! .... Arguably the most racist country on Earth. .... Where snipers routinely kill Palestinine children by shooting them in the head. .... The real Israel.
(Video) Khalissee: A quick history of massacres committed by Israel 11/21/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today, Senator Tom Cotton told us our keffiyehs were "terrorist symbols." Members of Congress love to throw around the word "terrorist." Why? Because it allows them to stifle dissent against war and genocide. Today, the House passed HR 9495, which would allow the government to strip organizations like CODEPINK of our tax-exempt status simply for advocating for human rights and international law. It would do so by designating organizations like ours as "terrorist" supporters. Cotton’s rhetoric isn’t just ignorance — it’s a calculated move to criminalize solidarity with Palestine and silence voices critical of U.S. foreign policy. Contact your senators today and urge them to oppose this assault on democracy! 11/21/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Senator Baldwin let us down! She voted "present" on last night's resolution to block weapons to Israel — she was really MIA. Her constituents have been pleading with her to support these resolutions, but when the time came, she bailed. Shame! 11/21/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: Agreed. Pick up the leaders and let The Hague do its thing. This is the way forward!!! 11/22/2024 Ryan Rozbiani: Francesca Albanese is 100% Right, The ICC and ICJ Failed to Act in Time
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Yesterday we visited the office of Senator Jacky Rosen, who had urged Senators to vote against Bernie Sanders’ Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to block certain weapons to Israel. We were with members of the Jewish community whose parents had survived the holocaust, reminding the Jewish senator that Jewish values must be rooted in justice—and that includes justice for Palestinians. Note: She’s received $1,374,172 from pro-Israel lobby groups. 11/22/2024
(Video) Sunshine: In 1991, Benjamin Netanyahu sparked controversy within the Likud party during a seminar about the perceived dangers of the Oslo peace plan, which Yitzhak Rabin led in collaboration with Yasser Arafat. After four years of Netanyahu rallying support among fervent Israelis against the peace initiative, his efforts culminated in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by Likud extremist Yigal Amir. This event marked a significant tragedy for both Palestinians and Israelis. Netanyahu is a fanatic war criminal who does not like peace between the Palestinians and the Jews. His mentality is only killing and then occupying for the sake of Greater Israel. 11/22/2024
The Oslo Accords and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process Milestones: 1993–2000
(Video) Rania: Can't say it often enough! 1sr@el is zionism. 1sr@el is not Judaism. And zionism is a threat to all Jews, as is 1sr@el. Stealing land, let alone, selling stolen land, is not Judaism, it's Israelism, it's zionism! 11/22/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Who are these men? NYC police are pursuing them for an alleged hate crime that left one woman beaten and hospitalized 11/22/2024
Max Blumenthal: Botched neocon lab experiment Tom Cotton threatens a US invasion of the Netherlands on behalf of apartheid Israel. 11/22/2024 Tom Cotton: The ICC is a kangaroo court and Karim Khan is a deranged fanatic. Woe to him and anyone who tries to enforce these outlaw warrants. Let me give them all a friendly reminder: the American law on the ICC is known as The Hague Invasion Act for a reason. Think about it.
Lisa Pease: The new Axis of Evil 11/22/2024 Anita Zsurzsan 🇵🇸 ✡️: Countries Netanyahu would be safe in: USA, Hungary, Germany, Argentina. Notice a theme?
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Boycott Coca-Cola✊🏼🇵🇸 They have built their plant on stolen Palestinian land. 11/22/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: This is EVIL. A 13-year-old Palestinian Child Shares Her Emotional Testimony as an Israeli Woman Waves An Israeli Flag 11/22/2024
Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank 07/17/2017 The aim of the mock scenario is to teach rapt foreign visitors how to deal with an attack on a market. It is part of a counter-terrorism "boot camp" organized by Caliber 3, a company set up by a colonel in the Israeli army reserves.
(Video) Pelham: Israel literally bombed Bethlehem the city where JESUS was born… then they made a movie about MOTHER MARY from the ruins of the same Church they bombed. 11/22/2024
(Video) Rania: I always admired Francesca Albanese for some many things, her ability not to burst out laughing & manage to reply diplomatically is one of these things! 11/22/2024
(Video) Rania: Take out the trash! 11/22/2024 Abusive Zionist Israeli kicked off airline
(Video) YourFavoriteGuy: The International Criminal Court finally issued arrest warrants for PM of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and ex-Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Here’s what will happen and how the world reacted to the warrants: 👇👇 11/2/2024
(Video) Howard Beckett: Yvette Cooper repeatedly denying responsibility to arrest Netanyahu should he visit the UK 🇬🇧 Section 2 of the International Criminal Courts Act disagrees. It reads: “Where the Sec of State receives a request from the ICC…shall transmit.. to an appropriate judicial officer” 11/22/2024
(Video) Ben Norton: The US government is an imperial mafia regime. Senator Lindsey Graham vowed to impose sanctions on and "crush the economy" of any country that helps the International Criminal Court. If this is how the USA treats its "allies", imagine how barbaric it is with its adversaries. 11/23/2024 Acyn: Graham: So to any ally, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, if you try to help the ICC, we're going to sanction you.
(Video) Middle East Eye: 'Is it not possible for Israeli politicians to commit crimes against humanity, regardless of their ethnic and religious origin?' LBC's Matt Frei challenges UK Lawyers for Israel's Natasha Hausdroff after she accused the International Criminal Court (ICC) of 'antisemitism'. 11/23/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱 An Israeli settler with a SWORD attacks a PREGNANT Palestinian woman and her children in Jerusalem. Racism permeates this society. 11/23/2024
(Video) The Muslim Vote: EXPOSED: The UK military sent a disturbing message to every media editor. "Don't publish ANY information about UK special forces in Gaza." But the truth leaked and now Netanyahu is on the run from the ICC. Here's what they were desperately trying to hide (it will shock you): ..... 11/23/2024 Then came something even darker: In December, the UK openly announced they'd conduct "spy flights" over Gaza. Not just occasional surveillance. These flights lasted 6 hours each, sometimes TWICE daily. And all that intelligence went straight to Israel:
(Video) Andrey X: My friend and colleague was attacked and beaten by settlers and IOF in Masafer Yatta today. His father was arrested on false charges. 11/23/2024
(Video) Rania: An American citizen bashing American politicians for their complicity in gen●cide! I agree with every word this man said! 11/23/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: This is mean-spirited selfishness at the Satanic level. 11/23/2024
(Video) Reporter: We have Israeli politicians saying they want to see Gaza erased and want to recolonize it. StateSpox: Rhetoric is just rhetoric, it’s a distraction. Actually, inciting genocide is against international law and the ICJ ruled that incitement to genocide must be punished… 05/14/2024
(Video) Israel’s goal was ethnic cleansing all along. The Biden admin has known the whole time and lied over and over again in the service of genocide. Propaganda Reality 11/05/2024
Blinken urges Israel to seek enduring deal, as officials say a limited cease-fire has been discussed 10/23/2024 US urges Israel to distance itself from ‘Generals’ Plan’ for Gaza. The renewed offensive in the north has raised fears among Palestinians that Israel intends to implement a plan proposed by former generals in which civilians would be ordered to leave the north and anyone remaining would be starved out or killed.
(Video) Assal Rad: Israeli officials incite genocide, soldiers post their crimes for all to see, US arms keep flowing, now an Israeli mob wants to free soldiers detained for torture and brutal sexual assault against Palestinian prisoners. Maybe total impunity is a bad idea. 07/29/2024
(Video) Linda Mamoun: LISTEN TO THIS BOY “We’re just little kids. We’ve done nothing wrong. We didn’t do anything!” He woke up in the middle of the night to find himself buried under rubble after an Israeli airstrike in Gaza. His mother was killed. 11/21/2024
(Video) Assal Rad: Killing children in their sleep is not the best look while denying you’re war criminals. But it tells you something about the level of Israeli impunity that they can slaughter children then act outraged to be held accountable for it. 11/21/2024 Al Jazeera English: Israel has unleashed a series of air attacks on the Gaza Strip that killed nearly 90 people, including many children in their sleep.
Israeli attacks on Gaza kill at least 88, including children in their sleep 11/21/2024 Air raids on Beit Lahiya and Gaza City come as humanitarian crisis worsens in besieged territory.
(Video) Assal Rad: This is what the weaponization of antisemitism has always been about. To make it impossible to hold Israel accountable for any of its many, many crimes. 11/21/2024 Prime Minister of Israel: The antisemitic decision of the International Criminal Court is a modern Dreyfus trial – and will end the same way. Israel utterly rejects the false and absurd charges of the International Criminal Court, a biased and discriminatory political body.
(Video) Zei_squirrel: There's an interview going around of John Mearsheimer with a German who says some incredibly depraved things about Palestinians, and I was fascinated by its conclusion, where she admits she's afraid of being critical of Israel because Zionists destroy people's lives for that: 11/24/2024
Ben Norton: The editorial board of the Washington Post (which is the personal property of billionaire oligarch Jeff Bezos) say the quiet part loud: The International Criminal Court (ICC) only exists to prosecute officials from the Global South and Russia, not genocidal Western colonialists. 11/25/2024
(Video) Huma Zehra: Police: “Why you refuse to leave?” Zionist: “Because I'm a Jew and I'm your boss.” They think they own the world. 11/24/2024
(Video) Rania: One more time for those in the back : the P♡|estinians had every right to do what they did on October 7th! 11/24/2024 Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
(Video) Torah Judaism: The Zionist state of Israel arrested a Jewish rabbi who is anti-Israel and anti-Zionism. Jews who resisted the police trying to kidnap the rabbi from the neighborhood by car were attacked by the Israeli police. The state of Israel is the greatest enemy of the Jews. Israeli police began to forcibly abduct anti-Zionist Jews from their homes. 11/25/2024
(Video) Rania: If this is what 1sr@elis do to a land they call "holy", I dread think what they would do to other lands! 11/25/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: AIPAC has been ruining political careers for decades. Back in 1973, Senator Fulbright said "Israel controls the U.S. Senate. We should be more concerned about the United States' interest rather than doing the bidding of Israel." AIPAC made sure he lost his 1974 re-election. 11/25/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 UPDATE: Elizabeth Wolf was later indicted for attempting to drown a 3-year-old Palestinian-American girl in Texas 11/24/2024
Woman accused of trying to drown 3-year-old Muslim child is rearrested after bond increased to $1M 07/02/2024 Elizabeth Wolf, 42, who was arrested on May 19 in connection with the accusations in the Dallas-area city of Euless, had been charged with attempted capital murder of a person under 10 years old and injury to a child, but was released after posting bail. During a subsequent bond hearing on June 27, her bond for the attempted capital murder charge was increased to $1 million, and she was taken back into custody, Euless police Capt. Brenda Alvarado told CNN Tuesday. Wolf still was in custody Tuesday, inmate records showed.
US woman indicted for attempt to drown 3-year-old Palestinian-American girl 09/04/2024 Elizabeth Wolf, 42, has been charged with attempted capital murder for attack on 3-year-old in swimming pool in Texas.
Woman who performed Nazi salute at protest is unmasked as owner of two kosher cafés inside Jewish hospital 11/25/2024 A woman who was caught at a pro-Palestine demonstration giving the Nazi salute and making anti-Jewish threats has been unmasked as the owner of two kosher cafés inside the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, Canada. Mai Abdulhadi, 39, was shockingly caught on camera giving the Sieg Heil salute towards pro-Israel counter-protesters at last Thursday's protest at her alma mater Concordia University.
Cygnus X-321: "Whether they’re here as Americans or if they’re here on student visas," students protesting the genocide in Gaza "need to be taken out of our country ... or the FBI needs to be interviewing them right away," Bondi said, in a recently unearthed interview. 11/25/2024
Trump’s AG Pick Pam Bondi Once Called for Deporting Student Protesters 11/25/2024 Pam Bondi’s call for deporting students — regardless of their citizenship status — echoes comments Trump made in May.
(Video) Kerry Burgess: Everyone in the United States needs to listen to this. 11/25/2024 Jefferey Sachs on how the USA has been fighting Israel's wars for decades.
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli student says he’s going to kill Palestinian children. Absolutely disgusting. 💔 11/25/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Can anyone identify this woman? She attacked a group of demonstrators and stole their flag in Dallas 11/26/2024 🚨 IDENTIFIED: Sury Feinstein Sacher, resident of Dallas
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨🇺🇸 A US soldier from the 7020th Battalion firing at Palestinian homes in Gaza. America is a PARTNER in the Genocide of Gaza 11/26/2024
Nadira Ali🇵🇸: Do you agree? 11/25/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: Anti-Zionist Israeli activist Gaia Dan says there are only a few hundred anti-Zionist Israelis—about .01% of the adult population—and the vast majority of society is “genocidal.” This is why BDS is necessary 11/25/2024
(Video) Katie Halper is a Jew For #CeasefireNow: "Excuse me Alan, you always interrupt people because you're a below. Please be quiet. Of course you don't want to hear that Israel is committing war crimes. You bring up the fact that the ICC could go after the U.S. for committing war crimes. Well guess what? They should be. Jonathan, I would be upset if I were you, because you've been implicated in two war crimes. You lied about Al Shifa hospital and you defended Yoav Gallant’s starvation order.” 11/26/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Francesca Albanese DESTROYS Piers Morgan Over the CNN 40 Beheaded Babies Lie 11/26/2024
(Video) Katie Halper is a Jew For #CeasefireNow: "It's rich for Alan Dershowitz to try to lecture anyone about sexism [by saying it's 'sexist' and 'ageist' to assume women and children are civilians] when you're Epstein's friend and lawyer. And the IDF that Jonathan [Conricus] has served in & spoken for has raped people, there were right to rape protests and a Knesset member said it was 'legitimate' to 'insert sticks into people's rectums.' So, tell me about how your army is the most moral army in the world." *clarification: the official death toll of women and children is 70%, according to UN. If you add to the 70% women and children with male medical workers, male humanitarian workers, male teachers, male UN staff, elderly men, disabled men, and the majority of other men who are non-combatants, you easily reach 90% civilians. But even percentage of women and children very well could be 90 or above because Israel is committing genocide, not letting in any journalists, there are still bodies under the rubble and there’s no way to have an accurate toll. 11/26/2024
(Video) Miko Peled: We must not allow the Zionists to control the discourse 11/26/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: in 2006, after Hezbollah defeated the genocidal Israeli regime and expelled them from South Lebanon, Chomsky went there to see the murderous depravities of the Israelis with his own eyes, and to praise Hezbollah for their heroic resistance against them: 11/27/2024
Jimmy Dore: “The world’s most moral military “ 11/26/2024 ADAM: “He would have done the same if she was three years old.”
Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinian schoolgirl 11/16/2024 "They did not charge him with Iman's murder, only with small offences, and now they say he is innocent of those even though he shot my daughter so many times," he said. "This was the cold-blooded murder of a girl. The soldier murdered her once and the court has murdered her again. What is the message? They are telling their soldiers to kill Palestinian children." .... On the tape, Capt R then "clarifies" to the soldiers under his command why he killed Iman: "This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the [security] zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed."
Chris Hedges: Don’t be fooled by the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Lebanon. It will not hold for long, given the weakness and passivity of the Lebanese Armed Forces. Israel retains the right to carry out military strikes within Lebanon to “enforce” the terms of the ceasefire. It can unilaterally decide that the Lebanese army and international task force have failed to keep Hezbollah from approaching its border in southern Lebanon. In short, Israel is permitted under this agreement to violate at will Lebanon’s sovereignty. When these Israeli strikes take place, as I am certain they will, it will enrage Hezbollah and the Lebanese population and swiftly unravel the ceasefire. The 2006 agreement between Lebanon and Israel to curtail Hezbollah activity didn't work. This one won't either. 11/26/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Zionist Conference 1931. Long Before Hamas was Formed 11/2/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: When Anthony Bourdain said free Palestine and called out the racist vilification of Palestinians by the media and political class: "The world has visited many terrible things on the Palestinian people, none more shameful than robbing them of their basic humanity." 11/25/2024
(Video) Assal Rad: Blinken actually had the nerve to talk about upholding international law today, for Russia, while aiding a genocide in Gaza. “If we let this go with impunity in one place, the message is that it’s open season…” 11/26/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Israel blocked aid and changed out sugar for bags of sand. No Aid Has Been Getting In! 11/27/2024
(Video) Middle East Eye: At a conference on Israel's frontier with Gaza, Israeli settler leader Daniella Weiss said that Palestinians have “lost the right” to live there, and that thousands of Israelis stand ready to move there "from north to south." She also told the conference, which was attended by Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Knesset members from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, that Palestinians living in Gaza must be relocated to other countries. 10/21/2024 Mrs Kensington: 20 March 2024 These are not new ideas from Daniella Weiss Ms Weiss has been repeating versions of this philosophy for decades
The grandmother who wants to lead Israelis back to a Gaza without Palestinians 03/20/2024 'That sounds like ethnic cleansing': Clarissa Ward questions lead figure in settler movement. Weiss doesn't deny this, and says "you can call it ethnic cleansing. .... I call it defending Israel."
Michael: Here is an idea. Stop supporting genocidal maniacs. Keep our taxes home. Dumass, you will forever be remembered as Genocide Joe!!!! 11/27/2024
Empire Of Lies: Butcher Biden keeps feeding the Israeli murder machine. Right to the very end. Israel's killing spree in Gaza with US weapons will live in infamy. And it will be the legacy of Genocide Joe. 11/27/2024 Globe Eye News: BREAKING: US President Biden approves $680M arms sale to Israel.
VotePlease: Liberals still don't realize Genocide Joe is the nail in the coffin of the liberal international order. Trump is just his louder, dumber successor. 11/27/2024
U.S. believes Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire deal reached: senior official 11/25/2024 On Friday, Biden spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron to try to solve the problem. A U.S. official said Biden told Macron that Netanyahu was right to be angry, and that it was not possible to mediate a deal while also pledging to arrest the head of state of one of the parties.
Angelo Angelli, JD: Just gotta kill all the people and take that shit over, Israel. 11/28/2024 Rachel Gur: Lebanon is devastatingly beautiful. That’s what all the Israeli soldiers coming home say. What we would give for a world where we could hike the forests of Lebanon or tour the ancient temples of Iran. A world where we would be welcome by our neighbors. It is a distant dream.
(Video) Torah Judaism: Jews and Muslims in brotherhood - The problem is not Judaism and Islam, the problem is Zionism. 11/28/2024
(Video) Khalissee: "Jesus was a Palestinian. Please don't talk about making room for Jesus in your heart if you can not make room for the Palestinians." 🇵🇸 11/28/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: This holiday season, as I sit in comfort with medicine, warm food, and safety, I can’t stop thinking of the people in Gaza. My heart aches knowing my government sends bombs instead of aid. We have to do more to end this genocide! 11/27/2024
(Video) Aaron Maté: Accepting the 2024 Sterling Prize from SFU, @DrGaborMate compares the Vietnam war to Gaza, and dedicates the prize money to medical aid for Gaza. 11/27/2024
Zionists routinely make up history, often accusing their victims of things they actually do! 11/28/2024 Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Why are Palestinians so excessively violent?” Dan Jakaitis is CEO of @chatkickhq. Read his response to that question
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Tanay Tandon is the CEO of @CommureOS He shared this post using the term “Pallywood” to describe an incident in which 16-year-old Mohammed Zendiq lost his leg 11/28/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Lula: "What Israel is doing in Gaza to the Palestinian people is like what Hitler did to the Jews. How can we reduce this to the small issue of not allowing humanitarian aid? Who is going to give the life back to the children killed without knowing why?" 11/28/2024
(Video) Pelham: 10 year old Palestinian girl Renad Atallah has become an internet sensation by creating dishes with limited ingredients during a genocide… It’s hard to believe Israel could kill over 25,000 beautiful children just like Renad…🇵🇸💔 11/29/2024
(Video) Clare Daly: It is beyond belief that Ireland has not taken a leading role in Europe against the genocide in Gaza. We need action on this from the Irish government, and all they've offered to date is empty rhetoric and complicity. 11/28/2024
(Video) Huma Zehra: “F*** Netanyahu”, says Irish band Fontaines DC at Rolling Stones awards. Irish band Fontaines DC used their platform after winning a Rolling Stone best album award to call for a “free Palestine”. 11/29/2024
Miko Peled: Genocide denier Jonathan Sacerdoti @jonsac was out of his league failing to pedal Zionist propaganda at Oxford Union debate. “The House Believes that Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide,” motion passed overwhelmingly. 11/29/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: “He’s a prick, obviously. He’s very damaged and deeply insecure. That’s why he can’t have a conversation [about BDS]” @rogerwaters on his row with Radiohead’s Thom York over Palestine 11/29/2024
(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️🇬🇧🇵🇸 BREAKING: PRO-PALESTINE ACTIVIST ARRESTED BY THE UK POLICE AGAIN UK police have arrested Sarah Wilkinson once again as she voluntarily reported to their centre as per her bail conditions. The UK is a Police State THEY ARE COMING FOR ALL OF US! Source: @MENAUncensored 11/29/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Can anyone identify this man in Fresno? He called protestors “faggots” and threatened to mace them. License plate 39650F1 11/29/2024
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Imagine if there were cell phone video at Auschwitz. That’s Gaza right this second. 11/30/2024 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙮: What kind of fucking timeline are we living in?! Ffs ⚠️ From inside the besieged Beit Lahia area in northern Gaza, a martyr died after a smoke bomb hit his head. The scene speaks of the cruelty of the scene.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Award-winning forensic examiner shares how she lost her job for exposing the truth about Gaza and the silence of U.S. healthcare institutions. Over 1,000 healthcare workers in Gaza have been killed—it’s time to speak up! 11/30/2024
(Video) Andrey X: Israelis bring school field trips to Sderot to watch the genocide live. In front of the binoculars there is a trashcan, so that small children can stand on it and take a closer look. 11/30/2024
(Video) Rania: If only the Jews of the world unite against anti humanity 1sr@el. 11/29/2024
(Video) Jimmy Dore: "Do you condemn Hamas" Is a question that is asked as nauseam. "Do you condemn Israel for the 75 years of brutal occupation?" Is the question that should be asked way more often: 11/29/2024 Miko Peled: We must not allow the Zionists to control the discourse
(Video) Khalissee: Israel K!LLED World Health Kitchen Staff AGAIN today. The Food Aid They Were Delivering Was Still in the Boot. 11/30/2024
(Video) After the first World War former countries in the Middle East wanted self determination & planned a Greater Syria with a "Constitutional Monarchy" led by Prince Faisal, which wasn't Democracy, but it was much closer than Colonialism! The French & English blocked this (1/2) 11/30/2024 with support from Zionists. Our country has never supported Democracy despite propaganda indicating otherwise. They support Neo-Colonialism, with rigged elections to make it look like Democracy! (2/2) // Richard Medhurst: The war in Syria has very little to do with "democracy". Syria is not some remote island in the Pacific. Pull out a map and open your eyes. We're talking about the key to the Middle East. The supply route to Lebanon. The crossroads of Africa, Europe and Asia. The Silk Road's gateway to the Mediterranean. The nation that Sykes Picot balkanized into smaller pieces, to divide and conquer on sectarian lines. The Cradle of Civilization. The only Arab state actor still behind Palestine. Spare us the neocon drivel about freedom and look at the bigger picture. The Americans and half their allies don't try to coup someone because they give a crap about human rights. It was always about controlling the most important region in the world, its resources, and protecting US-Zionist interests.
(Video) Rania Khalek: I don’t like to share the horrors, but I think everyone needs to see this. 11/30/2024 Related Tweet is "Unavailable" which means it may have been deleted or censored. Suppressed News: Scenes from Beit Lahia, North Gaza. These are the weapons being used on Palestinians. A smoke bomb penetrated his body and detonated. ⚠️TW.
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli student says she will KILL me because I’m Palestinian. So disgusting. 💔 12/01/2024
(Video) IfNotNow🔥✡️: The so-called “Antisemitism Awareness Act” has NOTHING to do with Jewish safety and EVERYTHING to do with giving Trump a dangerous new tool for criminalizing the mvmt for Palestinian human rights & crushing free speech. Email your senator & tell them to vote NO: 12/01/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The Managing Director of Al Jazeera @Dima_Khatib: “Shame on the media for not defending the journalists.” Mainstream media has failed to stand up for journalists in Gaza. At least 191 journalists have been killed in Gaza in 13 months. 11/30/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Israeli occupation troops in Gaza found a Jewish cemetery for soldiers killed in WW1, maintained in pristine condition in the "Hamas-run Gaza". And they proudly posted photo-ops in front of it without even realizing it undermines their main propaganda about Hamas 11/29/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: Watch Palestinian-Dutch journalist Ezz Al-Zanoon break down how Zionist rioters came to Amsterdam in order to disrupt ongoing popular rallies against the Gaza genocide, and how the Dutch media, police and regime have smeared and attacked the protesters. 11/10/2024
Bethany: Girl sit down! We have all seen videos and reports of what led up to the situation. Stop telling half of the damn story! When actual antisemitism is happening people are going to stop listening and that's sad. 11/08/2024 Reply to Elise Stefanik's false claims about Amsterdam
(Video) Benjamin Rubinstein: Amsterdam Is a model for the rest of the world. Support for genocide should not be tolerated for any race, religion, or ethnicity. It is no coincidence that anti-zionist, peace loving Jews are never involved in these kinds of events. This is about Zionist Genocide, not the Jewish religion. 11/08/2024 Reply to Aviva Klompas's false claims about Amsterdam
(Video) Greyhatter 🪂: lmfao "kristallnacht is when terrorists come to a city, attack people and property, and then cry that they got their asses kicked!" 11/09/2024 Reply to Chuck Schumer's false claims about Amsterdam // Quds News Network: As young Dutch journalist Ome Bender was reporting on Maccabi Tel Aviv fans, one of them approached him and warned him to stop filming. The footage he documented shows Israeli fans attacking bystanders, vandalizing property, and damaging local residents’ homes.
(Video) Live From Hell’s Kitchen: Guys like @SenSchumer and @RepRitchie are evoking an historic night of violence against Jewish people to defend a bunch of violent, racist thugs who terrorized a city. Par for the course. 11/10/2024 Reply to Chuck Schumer's false claims about Amsterdam // Rania: Why would any country want these nutcases anywhere near them? Now you get a slither of what Pa!e$tinians have had to endure for decades!
(Video) I'm no fan of his, but I thought, on at least 1 or 2 occasions he stood up for Palestine. I Googled him & found this. Am I missing something more important? Not that allowing military supplies through isn't bad enough. 12/01/2024 Reference to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan // Michael {{{GONG}}}: they waited until may to stop selling Israel gas SEVEN MONTHS into the G3nocide
Turkish President Erdoğan faces protest over Gaza during speech 11/30/2024 A protester has interrupted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during his speech about Gaza, accusing him of breaching the trade embargo imposed upon Israel. Erdoğan firmly dismissed the protester, accusing her of being a "mouthpiece of Zionists."
(Video) Andrey X: Israel uses "nature reserves" to colonise the West Bank and greenwash the occupation 12/02/2024
(Video) Lisa Pease: This is so RACIST of Israel!!! As if no one can cover Palestinians and NOT be a terrorist. DO NOT SUPPORT RACISM, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!! 12/02/2024 Bruno Maçães: This is a shocking statement. Lammy says there are no journalists in Gaza, a line that will be used by Israel to justify its continued killing of journalists in Gaza
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli guy says that Palestinians had Israelis as SLAVES. The lies keep getting crazier.. 💔 12/02/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Noam Chomsky slamdunks the claim that Israel has a ‘historical right’ to the land of Palestine in under 30 seconds. 12/01/2024
(Video) Rathbone: I went point by point debunking @FleurHassanN in her interview with @piersmorgan. 12/01/2024
Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: This Jewish woman was fired from her professor job for her anti-Zionist stance. Credit where credit is due. 12/02/2024
Jewish professor fired for anti-Zionist posts 11/17/2024 “As long as I’ve been a teacher, I’ve been teaching about Palestine – it’s always been either central or integrated into the work that I do,” Maura Finkelstein told The Electronic Intifada Podcast.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: We’re pushing for justice: funding for UNRWA to help Palestinian refugees and enforcing the Leahy Law to stop illegal U.S. weapon transfers to Israel. Watch how everyday people are making a difference. Join us in DC and be part of the change! 12/02/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli soldier claims 500,000 children were killed in Israel on October 7th. So crazy. 12/02/2024
(Video) ADAM: Old Israel lover punches a woman for calling for a ceasefire. Why is it always women and children. With these guys? 12/02/2024
(Video) Khalissee: "I'm watching a video of me under the rubble when I was buried." Children aren’t supposed to get killed or buried under the rubble. 12/02/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Pro-Palestinian French journalist Marine Vlahovic was killed in her home in Marseille, France. She was making a documentary about Israel’s genocidal campaign on Gaza. 12/02/2024
French correspondent found dead in Marseille amid making documentary on Gaza genocide 12/02/2024 Pro-Palestinian French journalist Marine Vlahovic has been found dead at her residence in Marseille, France, amid making a documentary about Israel’s genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip.
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Fuck the Palestinians. They’re fucking terrorists” - Steven Fraser, employee at @UCLA Facilities Management 12/03/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli kid gets excited to meet me but then realizes I’m Palestinian. They’re fans of me at this point.. 😂 12/03/2024
(Video) Chris Hedges: A commenter asked me how Joe Biden commits such horrible atrocities when he himself experienced tragedies like the loss of his wife and son. I answered by explaining the concept of moral fragmentation. Through it, one may spend the bulk of their day doing evil things but will define their moral self based on marginal acts, such as how they treat their family. This protects them from extrapolating their own suffering to see the suffering of others—and unfortunately, can even enable someone like Biden to facilitate a genocide. 12/03/2024
(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️40 BEHEADED BABIES PROPAGANDA “I choked up earlier reading this new revelation about 40 babies being killed & some of them being beheaded & I was like how can any human being do that to a baby?” @piersmorgan “Did you say it or did you not?” @FranceskAlbs 12/03/2024
(Video) Rania: The grandkids of nazis are nazis! 12/03/2024 Germany anti-Palestinian protest with abusive police
(Video) Medea Benjamin: South Korean President Yoon has declared martial law to protect the country from "North Korean Communist forces," but the National Assembly has already voted to end it 190-0. Solidarity with the people of Korea struggling for peace and democracy! less 12/03/2024
(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: From the world's most moral army. 12/03/2024 Al Jazeera Investigations: "Quadcopters were emitting baby sounds, playing sounds of screaming women." Palestinians in Gaza say Israel has been using small quadcopter drones, equipped with loudspeakers, to lure them out of their homes and then shoot them. #GazaCrimes
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Only there to provoke a reaction…🤬 12/03/2024 Zionist at Palestinian protest waving an Israeli flag then wrapping herself in it.
(Video) Rania: Without a shadow of a doubt! 12/03/2024 International Criminal Court overwhelming evidence.
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: While the Israelis massacre & maim in the dark in Beit Lahia, Palestinians in Gaza have been abandoned as 193 UN nation states look the other way 12/03/2024
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: A global center for electronic fraud and hackers based in the Philippines was raided. They found 480 scammers being run by 8 Israelis. Thoughts? 12/03/2024
(Video) WeBarter: Like “Israeli behind organ trafficking ring is arrested.Poor people from Eastern Europe, Russia Central Asia and Turkey were paid thousands of euros for their kidneys.A prosecutor said they were left without proper medical care and were treated like waste” 12/03/2024
Israeli behind organ trafficking ring is arrested 01/06/2018 Poor people from Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia and Turkey were paid thousands of euros for their kidneys. A prosecutor said they were left without proper medical care and were treated "like waste."
(Video) Democracy Now: Amnesty International: Israel Is Committing Genocide in Gaza with Full U.S. Support 12/06/2024
(Video) Andrey X: I made some settler publication very upset :( 12/03/2024 אלחנן גרונ 1. Elchanan Gruner: Radical leftist activist Andrey Krajnovsky in a filmed provocation in the Gaza Envelope pasted a pro-Palestinian sticker on the memorial site for Shldag fighter Capt. Sheila Cohen in Sderot (video in response). Krazenovsky regularly comes to provocations in the Jordan Valley and Mount Hebron, but also to Jenin, Tulkarm, and Tubas after the IDF's operations against terrorists > ... 2. Attaching Andrei's video from Mitzpe Shiloh and the nearby Four Monument (in memory of 4 martyrs of Protective Edge), and photos of Andrei in Jenin, Tulkarm and Tubas while violating the law and entering Area A for the purpose of identifying with the residents of these cities after IDF operations against terrorists. He was previously arrested several times and released
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: SICK‼️ Imagine someone burning the last memories of your loved ones after you lost everything. THATS ZIONISTS FOR YOU. 12/04/2024
(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: Israelis are strolling around just shooting people in the streets. 12/03/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Remeber when Israeli forces allowed aid into northern Gaza for the first time in over a month – and then set fire to the shelters where the aid was delivered. This is the most documented Genocide in history. Never Forget 12/03/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “I’m done with anyone who tells me Israel has to stop killing ‘innocent Palestinians.’” - Dr. Jason Shatkin, pulmonologist at @RWJBarnabas in New Jersey 12/04/2024
(Video) Rania: Seeing is believing! 12/04/2024 Israeli forces firing on fleeing refugees.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Did you know that the day after the Lebanese ceasefire, Biden announced a $680 million weapons sale to Israel? Here’s the good news: Congressman @RepGregoryMeeks has reportedly put a hold on that deal. Let’s thank him for taking this step and push to block even more weapons to Israel! ✊ 12/04/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The israelis sent aid to Gaza? no, they sent sealed bags of sand labelled as sugar: never in history has anyone else in the world been so contemptible 12/03/2024
(Video) Zachary Foster: If places of Jewish worship are so holy, beyond politics, why do most Jewish places of worship recite a prayer for the genocidal state of Israel during prayer services Saturday morning or a prayer for the genocidal soldiers of the state of Israel? 11/15/2024 Link is broken, but I found it here. (Just below) // Dana Bash: You came to a place of Jewish worship, stood on the Bhima, near the holy Torah scroll, and pretended to be congregants. You have no shame, no decency, and no clue what you’re talking about.
Jewish Prayers: Prayer for the Well-Being of the Israel Defense Forces Includes calls for the "Allmighty" to strike down enemies, as indicated above.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Nancy Pelosi's selective outrage is so hypocritical, no? 12/04/2024
Israel Brutally Raids North Gaza Hospital, Evacuating All Patients and Staff 12/06/2024
The rabbi who owns Pornhub 09/18/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Cleanliness has nothing to do with who they are… They are natural born terrorists” - @joshuamcclure, CEO of Maxwell Biosciences in Texas 12/05/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Confronting Congressman Wilson: The ‘human shield’ argument is a cruel excuse to justify the mass killing of civilians in Gaza. Schools, hospitals, and children are not shields—they are lives. Using this rhetoric to defend indiscriminate bombing is nothing short of dehumanizing. No surprise, though, when AIPAC is his top contributor. 12/05/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “The Palestinians were invented 60 years ago and will be forgotten 60 years from now.” Reposted by Mark Pincus, former CEO of @zynga 12/05/2024
(Video) Khalissee: "The israelis are exterminating us all!" Jeremy Corbyn reads out a terrifying message from the Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital 12/05/2024
(Video) The Saviour: Why do ALL Zionists act like this when confronted? 12/04/2024 Assault citizen when asked for stance on Palestine and told he looks like he had plastic surgery
(Video) Kerry Burgess: Absolutely true. The US shamelessly uses black and brown people to tell the world about all the shitty political decisions made by its white people... 12/04/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Confronting Rep. Tom Suozzi: US-made weapons are being used to take lives in Gaza every single day. 78 people killed only yesterday—how long will US politicians ignore the ICC’s warning of plausible genocide and fail to take action to stop this? 12/05/2024
Lee Camp [Redacted]: Even @amnesty International is now saying it. Spread the word. 12/05/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “I hope you guys never need health care from @UofT ” - Dr. Thea Weisdorf What did she mean when she said this to a group of demonstrators? 12/05/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli guy says Palestinians are BORN as terrorists and that everyone in Gaza should be killed. So disgusting.. 💔 12/05/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince: “I provided the Israelis with the ability to flood Gaza.” 12/04/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli soldier admits to killing 7 Palestinians babies. So disgusting. 💔 12/05/2024
Dan Cohen: I was locked out of my account and forced to delete two posts showing Palestinian children murdered by Israel. Netanyahu posts AI fakes of dead babies, pornography is rampant, but documenting genocide is grounds for suspension. This is “free speech” under Zionist @elonmusk. 12/06/2024
Margaret Kimberley: Kars4Kids sends all proceeds to Israel. Read the thread. 12/06/2024 Vincent James: WTH?? How many of you knew about this already?
Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: Can you believe they say these things out loud and really believe them? 12/06/2024
(Video) Roger Waters ✊: TELL IT LIKE IT IS! ✊🏼FREE #PALESTINE 🇵🇸 12/06/2024
Abby Martin: The loss of Refaat Alareer is still excruciating. US-Israeli genocide has robbed the world of boundless talent, creativity and love 12/06/2024 12/11/2023 Jehad Abusalim جهاد أبو سليم: Read an excerpt from Refaat Alareer's (@itranslate123) chapter, "Gaza Asks: When Shall This Pass?" featured in Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire anthology. Read every word. "Among the people Israel murdered in 2014 was my brother Mohammed. Israel widowed his wife and orphaned his two kids, Raneem and Hamza. Israel also killed four members of my extended family. Our family home was destroyed, and so were the homes of my uncles and relatives. Nusayba lost her brother, grandfather, and cousin. But the most horrific massacre happened when Israel targeted my wife’s sister’s home. Israel killed Nusayba’s sister, three of her sister’s kids, and her sister’s husband, leaving Amal and Abood injured and orphaned. The rest of the family members were injured and had to be dug out from under the rubble. Nusayba’s father’s home and her brothers’ homes were destroyed, too. ......
Katie Halper is a Jew For #CeasefireNow: So the sanctity of life applies to craven, rapacious CEOs with blood all over their hands but not to people whose only crime was to be born Palestinian. 12/05/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today in Congress, we tackled the escalating threat of nuclear war with Russia. H.R. 10218 offers a critical solution: Halt U.S. missiles to Ukraine (ATACMS) that can strike deep into Russia. Why it matters: U.S.-enabled strikes on Russian territory risk catastrophic nuclear conflict. Russia sees this as an act of war and has warned of nuclear retaliation. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Call your members of Congress and urge them to support H.R. 10218 to stop the path to nuclear war! 12/06/2024
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Islam is a cancer and everybody knows it. Hope Israel wipes them off the map” - David Larios (@dlarios94), PhD student at @Caltech in the Thomson Lab 12/06/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨🇵🇸 A 10 year old child in Gaza wrote her will and was killed by Israel. Rescuers found a will in which she left all she owned to her relatives and those in need. We live in a world where 10 years old are thinking of their death. 12/06/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli says everyone in Israel hates me and I’ll get stabbed if I go there. 12/06/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🚨 Epstein's lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, faces backlash as the crowd bombards him with questions about his and his wife's visits to Epstein Island. The crown started to chant "pedophile." He threatened to sue the people protesting. 12/06/2024
(Video) Aaron Maté: Bill Clinton has been telling this lie for 20+ years, for the sole purpose of justifying Israeli aggression/occupation and whitewashing his role in perpetuating it. Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami, who made the offer that Bill complains "Arafat walked away from", has said that: “If I were a Palestinian, I would have rejected Camp David as well.” That's because, among other things, Israel would have its major West Bank settlement blocs without offering Palestinians an equal land swap. 12/06/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Recently, we ran into Nancy Pelosi as she left a meeting about the Uyghurs. When asked, “What about the genocide in Gaza?” she deflected with baseless lies, accusing CODEPINK of being funded by the Chinese government. News flash, Nancy: CODEPINK is funded by individual peace activists across the country, not foreign governments. Meanwhile, Pelosi herself is funded by foreign-aligned lobbyist groups like AIPAC. ✍️ Sign our petition calling on Nancy Pelosi to stop lying about CODEPINK: https://buff.ly/3OInk3Y. 📽️ Visit our profile to watch the full video with Pelosi! 12/07/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: No one can reach the bodies of Palestinian people killed by the israelis in Jabalia, so dogs are eating them — if you think this is right then scroll on 12/07/2024
(Video) Johann Spischak: 40 beheaded babies? Name them! Name one! 🔥✊😡 12/06/2024
If you sort through Zionist propaganda, selective facts, & reqd the history, it's clear that Palestinians have been victims of Zionist terrorism for decades, despite media efforts to claim the opposite, & Oxford agrees. 12/07/2024 Miko Peled: Zionists lost @OxfordUnion debate even with 2 Palestinian collaborators desperate to please their masters. They claim I broke some law when I expressed my opinion that Palestinians in Gaza are heroes. BTW who was expelled from the debate?
Oxford Union declares Israel an apartheid state responsible for genocide 12/02/2024 The Oxford Union votes overwhelmingly to declare Israel an "apartheid state responsible for genocide," citing human rights abuses and Gaza's devastation.
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli soldiers say they KILL Palestinians because we “suck”. What’s wrong with them? 💔 12/07/2024
(Video) Zionists have turned war, mass murder & genocide into a tourist attraction for entertainment! 12/07/2024 Rania: I've posted about this before, but posting again as my mind still cannot comprehend the level of inhumanity and sociopathy in the 1zr@eli people!
(Video) 🥀_ Imposter_🥀: She has some important questions 12/07/2024 Would it be justified to bomb entire hospitals or apartment buildings in the USA to catch CEO killer?
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The israelis have killed so many civilians, that plastic bags for bodies or coffins do not exist anymore, reports Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud in Gaza 12/07/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Can anyone identify this Toronto woman? She attacked a peaceful demonstrator and is suspected to be a healthcare worker 12/07/2024
Miko Peled: They cry libel even as they engage in it. But all this noise is made for one purpose: to distract from the crimes of genocidal Zionist regime that employs them. 12/07/2024 Naila: Hey @Telegraph @camillahmturner, you may have a libel lawsuit on your hands considering the speaker at @OxfordUnion did not "express support for Hamas" at the event as your headline claims. He did not once mention Hamas.
Oxford Union speaker who ‘expressed support’ for Hamas faces counter-terror investigation 12/07/2024 Son of Holocaust survivor accuses debating society of letting ‘forces of bigotry’ rule after pro-Palestinian activist’s Oct 7 comments
Zionist began terrorizing Palestinians no later than the 1930s, escalated it in 1948 during the Nakba, then accused their victims of being "terrorist!" If there's a law against "expressing support" for victims that's no better than Nazi laws legalizing persecution of Jews! 12/07/2024 Miko Peled: No support for any organization was ever expressed. Will the @Telegraph take back this accusation or do we need to take legal action?
(Video) The Nakba was terrorism, killing 15,000 & expelling 750,000 more! Then Israel treated their victims as "terrorists" even though the opposite was true! Miko Peled was right, & Emily Schrader & other Zionists are far more guilty of inciting terrorism by supporting Israel! 12/07/2024 Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر: The Oxford Union has refused to upload the speech of Miko Peled in which he broke UK law by praising the acts of October 7th as “heroic” during the debate accusing Israel of genocide. Apparently there is already a probe from the UK counter terror police (good) but I have also obtained a recording of his speech and the problematic comments here: Note how the President refused to act. In doing so, I would argue the union is complicit in this disgusting embrace of terrorism
Syrian rebel commander urges Israel to support uprising, strike Iran-backed forces 12/06/2024 In interview with ToI, a Free Syrian Army officer expresses hope for friendly relations with Jewish state, warns of Iranian militias propping up Assad: ‘They will come for Israel, too’
Ben Norton: "Rebels" from the CIA-sponsored, Turkish-backed "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) proudly told the Israeli media that they want to create a new pro-Israel regime in Damascus. They thanked Israel for attacking Hezbollah and asked Israel for more help to overthrow Assad and attack Iran. 12/07/2024
(Video) EXLabour #nightcarer #BLM #poorpeopledontcount: The Song Israel Doesn't Want You To Hear https://youtu.be/BlFvGy7NO3w?si=86a78921jV5wi38z via @YouTube #OneWholeYearOfGenocide 10/10/2024
(Video) Double Down News: The Song Israel Doesn't Want You To Hear 12/08/2024
(Video) Suppressed News: ⚡️BREAKING: Following the fall of Assad, the Israeli army launched an attack in the buffer zone in the Quneitra area, “in order to strengthen the defense of the border.” Reports of Tanks and troops advancing in the buffer zone in Quneitra, South of Syria. Israel will expand. 12/07/2024
“Unleashed”: Report Details How Israeli Soldiers Brutalize West Bank Palestinians in Hebron 12/10/2024
CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’ 02/04/2024 Insiders say pressure from the top results in credulous reporting of Israeli claims and silencing of Palestinian perspectives. ... The only foreign journalist to report from Gaza without an Israeli escort has been CNN’s Clarissa Ward, who entered for two hours with a humanitarian team from the United Arab Emirates. .... Another presenter, Sara Sidner, drew criticism for her excitable report on unverified Israeli claims that Hamas beheaded dozens of babies on 7 October.
CNN reporter apologizes for defending Israeli claims that Hamas beheaded babies 10/14/2024 'I needed to be more careful with my words and I am sorry,' says Sara Sidner
(Video) CNN: Babies and toddlers were found with their "heads decapitated" in Kfar Aza in southern Israel after Hamas' attacks in the kibbutz over the weekend, a spokesperson for Israel's prime minister says. Follow live updates: https://cnn.it/48LwjKL 10/11/2023
Babies and toddlers were found with “heads decapitated” in Kfar Aza, Netanyahu spokesperson says 10/11/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: Paris police have apprehended a man who threatened protestors with a firearm 12/08/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: Benjamin Netanyahu just appeared in the occupied Golan Heights to take credit for the collapse of the Syrian government. Al-Jolani is a just a tool. This is the real master. Take a bow, “Syrian revolutionaries.” 12/08/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: 6yr-old Maryam in Gaza has an unknown skin disease that’s engulfed her body: she urgently needs a diagnosis & treatment: ring +972592868705 12/08/2024
(Video) He looks distinguished, but his history is heavily censored & often false; there're many examples of Zionists saying they intend to wipe out Palestinians, the claim Israel goes to great lengths to avoid civilian deaths is so absurd it would be funny if not for genocide. 12/08/2024 EXLabour #nightcarer #BLM #poorpeopledontcount: Speech of a genocide denier
(Video) Zionists continue to lie as they breathe. If true, you would have published the recording already. . @mikopeled did not express support for any organisations, proscribed or otherwise, but the Palestinian people in their right to resist, a right enshrined in law. 12/07/2024 יוסף חדאד - Yoseph Haddad: If you are wondering why @mikopeled’s speech hasn't been uploaded yet, I’d wager that is because @OxfordUnion is trying to cover it up due to their refusal to take action when he expressed direct support for the terrorist organization Hamas in his speech (I obtained a full voice recording of his speech). You can try to hide the shame, but it won't help you. We managed to unmask your true identity. As I said before, Oxford Union is occupied by terror supporters. Shame on you Miko Peled and Shame on you Oxford Union. // His speech was uploaded by Emily Schrader, claiming the same thing; but a close look at the facts, including his speech, and the uncensored history often ignored by Zionists, shows that he's right & Zionists have been terrorizing Palestinians since at least the 1930s!
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Eliana, a junior at the University of Pennsylvania, shares how she was banned from campus for being deemed an ‘extraordinary threat to campus health, order, and safety’—all for organizing for Palestine. Eliana’s courage shines as she reflects on the incredible community she found through organizing. Thank you to everyone standing up for justice, even when it comes at a cost! 12/08/2024
Hamzah Saadah: Hey guys, Hamzah here. There’s a lot happening in Syria, and I wanted to comment on it. I first want to say that I don’t know everything about Syria’s history or the struggle against the Assad regime. It seems like everyone, even Syrians, are having mixed feelings about what’s happening. Assad and his regime are guilty of so many crimes against their own people, and he’s nothing less than a war criminal. BUT, we definitely need to think about what comes next.
To everyone in Syria right now: I hope you stay safe. This is definitely a crazy and difficult time for the country. Whatever the outcome, I hope that something positive for Syria will come out of all of this. Now, Israel is taking advantage of the destabilization to build a “buffer zone”. They have already been illegally occupying the Golan Heights since 1967 and now they want more of Syria. We have to remember that this is all the same struggle, and the only way we will win is if we stand together, united as one.
I fear we may be celebrating too early. This may just give Israel a chance to come and do exactly what they’re doing to the Golan Heights. As always, it’s the people who end up suffering during times like this. I’m praying for everyone in Syria. ❤️🤲 12/08/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: Speaking to Israeli Soldiers about Palestine! Sep. 2024
(Video) Margaret Kimberley: You can’t have it both ways. The fall of Syria’s government was a Zionist project. If you’re expressing anything other than condemnation of the U.S./Israel/Turkish backed terrorists you’re on Netanyahu’s side. 12/08/2024 Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו: This is a historic day for the Middle East. The collapse of the Assad regime, the tyranny in Damascus, offers great opportunity but also is fraught with significant dangers. We send a hand of peace to all those beyond our border in Syria: to the Druze, to the Kurds, to the Christians, and to the Muslims who want to live in peace with Israel.
(Video) Pelham: BREAKING🚨 Syria is under a full scale assault from Israel. This has nothing to do with Hamas or Hezbollah… this is the dream of achieving their goal of Greater Israel ..🇸🇾🇮🇱 12/08/2024
(Video) Robin Justice🇵🇸🇺🇲: This is a thread of every video and photo of dead, maimed, or starving Palestinian child I find. I should've started this months ago because there are thousands. Please repost and ONLY comment with videos and pictures. I will hide any replies that aren't relevant. #GazaGenocide 12/08/2024
I don't recall Abby being "pro-Assad" although I'm sure she criticized intervention in Syria, which I also have done. I'm not a supporter of Assad, but I'm more skeptical of his critics that overthrew him. 12/09/2024 Abby Martin: Sorry Hillel, you have no credibility masquerading as a “human rights lawyer” while running a pro-Israel cut out that exists to protect a genocidal apartheid state.
Angelo Angelli, JD: Israel wants the babies dead or weak. 12/09/2024 Quds News Network: Ahmad Al-Farra, Director of Al Tahrir maternal building at Nasser Complex in Khan Younis, stated that the Israeli occupation has been preventing the entry of infant formula into Gaza for 3 months, causing a severe crisis and a shortage in the markets. He highlighted that the unavailability of milk has doubled the suffering of mothers who are unable to breastfeed due to the war and malnutrition. At least 3,500 children are at risk of death due to malnutrition and lack of food.
(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: “I TOOK A BABY LIKE THIS AND CUT HIS HEAD.” The Israeli soldier proudly admitted it, but there was no reaction from the Western media. 12/0/2024
(Video) Nadira Ali🇵🇸: “The children killers will be back to UK to walk among u, ride the bus with u and share a room with u…” 12/08/2024
Red: Western hypocrisy strikes again. 12/09/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “You should be r*ped and dragged through the streets in front of your kids” - Lauren Wise, author in Montreal 12/09/2024
(Video) SZH: Lauren Wise has made an apology. I ask everyone to stop messaging her. We can not judge whether or not her intentions are pure, so we should take her apology at face value. Hopefully she realizes the effect her hate has towards others and becomes a more loving person. Wish her the best. We win people over through love and compassion, not hate. 12/09/2024 Lauren Wise, an author in Montreal, Canada, tells a Palestinian woman that she should be raped in front of her kids for having a Palestinian flag on her car. We reached out to her publisher and she has now been fired.
Lee Camp [Redacted]: Don't you love how "captures" is the new word for "steals"? 12/10/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: War criminal Yoav Gallant, former Israeli Defense Minister, is in Washington, D.C., despite an active ICC arrest warrant for war crimes. The arrest warrant lists Gallant’s role in numerous war crimes against our people including using starvation as a tool of war, and denying medicine and essential supplies from entering Gaza. Why is the U.S. hosting him instead of holding him accountable? 12/09/2024
Medea Benjamin: Say it ain't so. @RepBrianMast, the creepiest person in Congress, the one who volunteered for Israel's IDF, who has told us that children in Gaza are legit targets because they are terrorist supporters, will be the new head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee??????? 12/09/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Mariam Barghouti schooled the BBC journalist. Excellent response. She nails it, pointing out some home truths. The BBC is disgusting 12/10/2024
(Video) H | HAYLEY WILLIAMS LOVES ME: America’s aiding a genocide in palestine, cops kill unarmed black people and go free, kyle rittenhouse is walking the streets a free man after driving across state lines to murder protestors, but tell me again how in america we don’t kill people in cold blood to resolve policy? 12/0/2024
(Video) Abby Martin: Millions of Palestinians in the West Bank are living under a fascist military dictatorship and Israel has been committing a televised genocide for over a year. I feel extremely bad for your clients, it’s unacceptable to be this stupid and practice civil rights law. 12/10/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today, Congress held a hearing on flags being burnt at a protest during war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu’s address. These members of Congress are seemingly more worried about flag burning than children being burnt alive by U.S. bombs. 12/10/2024 This is Rep. Jerry Carl
(Video) Medea Benjamin: When asked if burning a flag is worse than bombing kids in Gaza, Rep. Yakym chose the fastest way out—literally. 12/10/2024
(Video) Khalissee: A nurse was shot in the knee in the operating room by the IDF while performing surgery. This is the story of one person. Imagine thousands of more horrific stories we'll hear about once this is over 12/09/2024
Briahna Joy Gray: Masturbating to genocide? Sick society. 12/10/2024 Trita Parsi: The cruelty of Israel in Gaza knows no bounds. Here's a soldier from the 51st battalion of the Golani brigade. His pants are by his ankles as he gazes over the fruits of his genocide, seemingly satisfying himself since he finds the sight of death and sadism so arousing. No words
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: This is intriguing. Israeli Youth are refusing to join the IDF citing apartheid and genocide…hmm 11/29/2024
A year ago, an Israeli airstrike buried me alive. I’m still clawing my way out 12/10/2024 I’m grateful I survived the attack on my home. But surviving isn’t the same as living, and the faces of those who didn’t make it haunt every corner of my mind.
‘As much and as quickly as possible’: Israeli settlers eye land in Syria, Lebanon 12/12/2024 With the Israeli army advancing into Syria following Assad's fall, a group promoting settlements in Lebanon is casting its gaze eastward.
In Syria dirty war, “our side” has won 12/12/2024 by Aaron Maté The overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and his replacement by the leader of an "Al Qaeda spin-off", fulfills a more than decade-long, US-led regime change campaign.
Are You Debating a Bot? Investigation Reveals Israel's AI Bots Argue With Online Critics 11/15/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: "THE BLOOD OF YOUR VICTIMS WILL SURROUND YOU FOREVER." Blinken was just disrupted for a third time, during a testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, over his role in the genocide in Gaza. 12/11/2024
(Video) Khalissee: “If I get killed, I don’t wear black clothes because my heart isn’t black, it’s red. Wear rainbow or pink instead.” Israel dropped bunker buster bombs on Fatimas' home as she slept and wiped out her entire family in Beirut 12/11/2024
(Video) Abier: I can’t watch his deadpan face but this was GOLD Reporters laugh as US calls for ICC case against Assad lmao 12/10/2024
(Video) Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: How can most Jews and Evangelicals support this while they say they are God’s people?! https://x.com/shaykhsulaiman/shaykhsulaiman/status/1866845927438168418 12/11/2024 Related post is "unavailable" possibly censored or deleted. Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: ISRAEL JUST BOMBED A GROUP OF CIVILIANS IN BLOCK C OF AL-NUSEIRAT CAMP, GAZA. MOST OF THEM WERE CHILDREN!
(Video) Medea Benjamin: "BUTCHER OF GAZA." Secretary of State Antony Blinken is disrupted this morning during his testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. 12/11/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Can anyone identify this woman in NYC? She attacked another woman at a fundraiser for displaced families 12/11/2024 Ali: Her name is Amy Kwalwasser. She deleted all of her social media she runs a company call gezoont
UN Palestine Expert: Israel Should Be Removed From UN Over UNRWA Attacks 12/06/2024 Francesca Albanese and others say that unseating Israel may be one of the only ways for the UN to stop the genocide.
(Video) Miko Peled | This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide | 5/8 12/13/2024
(Video) If your job requires you to do evil, you must resign. 12/12/2024 : NOW: @SecBlinken is disrupted by a SECOND protestor during his testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "Stop killing kids in Gaza" "I don't know how you can sleep at night when you're killing so many kids in tents."
(Video) Khalissee: They are CHILDREN! 12/12/2024 Heavily armed IDF harrassing children in a store.
Rania: "Seizes" is just another word for "steals", which 1zrael does best! 12/10/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Israel bombed Syria almost 500 times and seized more Syrian land....in the space of one week. World leaders are okay with this. 12/12/2024
(Video) Khalissee: Francesca Albanese challenges genocide deniers and calls for Arab nations to cut economic and diplomatic ties with Israel 🇮🇱 "Palestine 🇵🇸 is a test for humanity" 12/12/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Brian Mast might be the worst possible pick for Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Here’s why. 12/12/2024
(Video) Khalissee: A few hours after the UN approved a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Israeli airstrikes killed 37 Palestinian civilians, including seven children. 12/12/2024
Aaron Maté: Thread from an Israeli pilot on how regime change in Syria and the ensuing Israeli bombings has made it a lot easier for Israel to attack Iran: 12/12/2024 Naftali Hazony: Israel has now destroyed Syria's air defenses, dropping 1,800 bombs on over 500 targets in a few hours. This means Israel can use Syria’s airspace more freely, turning Syria into a springboard for attacking Iran. 🧵1/6 ..... Israeli fighter pilot making actual recomendations for Israel, inadvertantly providing possible motive for overthrowing government.
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Activists demand action from Secretary Blinken to end the genocide in Gaza in his final days in office. “Your legacy is genocide!” 12/11/2024
(Video) Khalissee: 🇬🇧🇮🇱 Israels Ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely, on LBC Radio saying there's a tunnel is under ‘every school, every Mosque, every second house’ ...'Destroying the whole of Gaza is the only ‘solution’ 12/12/2024
(Video) The Saviour: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Never forget when illegal settlers DANCED in front of humanitarian aid trucks and BLOCKED them from reaching STARVING civilians for an entire MONTH! 12/11/2024
(Video) Pelham: Spain’s Prime Minister says the entire world must stop supplying arms to Israel as the United States threatens to sanction the country for not allowing ships carrying weapons for the genocide to dock in Spain…🇪🇸🇺🇸 12/11/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Yesterday, CODEPINK and allies disrupted Antony Blinken’s Congressional hearing to call out his complicity in war crimes. Why are we here? •“To confront a war criminal.” •“Because as a mother, I can’t stay silent while he funds the bombing of children.” •“Blinken belongs in The Hague, not in these halls.” For 15 long months, we’ve watched him send billions in weapons, fueling devastation in Gaza. How can a man responsible for such bloodshed sleep at night? We won’t stop until justice is served. 12/1/2024
Israeli-American real estate giants charged with sex trafficking, sexual assault in New York court 12/12/2024 Three Israeli-American real estate moguls have been charged with sex trafficking and rape, in a case which casts further shadow on their Manhattan luxury real estate empire.
Ben Norton: Afghanistan had a progressive, anti-imperialist government in the 1980s. The CIA destroyed it and helped put the Taliban in power. The US and Israel just did the same in Syria, putting Al-Qaeda 2.0 in power. Women and Shia Muslims will have their rights taken away. Western imperialists who cried crocodile tears over Syrians for the past decade to justify neocolonial intervention won't say anything as Syrians are forced to live under a Medieval regime, because the US empire got exactly what they wanted. 12/12/2024 Sharmine Narwani: Syria's new Minister of Justice: "We will implement Islamic law and prevent women judges from holding this position and they must hand over their cases to male judges."
(Video) Khalissee: Mafia Rule in Israel. This land and cafe owner was told to leave his cafe so that it could be given to Settlers 12/13/2024
Max Blumenthal: Another tacit confession the “IDF” is conducting the Holocaust of our time. The @HindRFoundation has really shaken the Zionist genocide regime 12/12/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The targets are now children in the West Bank. Israeli military invade children’s youth centres in a Palestinian refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. 12/13/2024
(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 IDENTIFIED: Amy Kwalwasser, NYC resident and therapist, was filmed attacking a woman at a fundraiser for displaced families 12/13/2024
(Video) Khalissee: The definition of evil. An Israeli settler answers the question … Should Israel give food to the people in Gaza during the war? She has her own child in the stroller... 12/13/2024
(Video) Rania Israel assassinated the last living orthopedic surgeon in G@z@! Beyond cruel! RIP Dr. Saeed Joda. 12/12/2024
(Video) Khalissee: What's their obsession with filming themselves urinating everywhere? An Israeli captain from the Givati Battalion filmed himself urinating inside a displaced Palestinian’s home in northern Gaza. 12/13/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Russia is still banned from every sporting and cultural event while the Israeli death-cult gets max security and the entire Western media and political class to ensure they get into every single event no matter what, so they can do propaganda and launder their genocide: 12/13/2024
(Video) Chris Hedges: Israel’s slaughterhouse in Gaza has deeply traumatized the Palestinian people—yet less visible is the trauma that the genocide has sowed within the bodies and minds of its own soldiers, many of whom have suffered from PTSD and even killed themselves upon returning home. While their trauma does not absolve them of their heinous crimes, this dynamic illustrates the imperialist culture of the Jewish state. Unlike Americans in Vietnam, any IDF soldiers that voice their regret of their actions, or question their military’s role in the world, face ostracization from their society and isolation from their peers. While the anti-war movement of Vietnam gave disaffected veterans the opportunity to belong to a community that validated their experiences, Israeli society offers no such thing. Watch my full interview with @DrGaborMate on enduring the trauma of genocide on The Chris Hedges YouTube channel now. 12/13/2024
AIPAC Tracker: AIPAC posted and then deleted a video bragging about Israel pillaging $627 million+ from American taxpayers: 12/13/2024
(Video) Mondoweiss: WATCH: The Israeli military invaded several children’s youth centers in a Palestinian refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. 12/13/2024
(Video) Chris Hedges: “Ordinary men” are seemingly capable of becoming cold-blooded killers when subject to the right environmental pressures. But what causes this turn towards evil; —trauma, political indoctrination, social pressure or something else? @DrGaborMate answers. 12/13/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Rep. Mace: "If you support Gaza you support terrorism" - According to @NancyMace, demanding safety for millions of civilians is terrorism, but bombing schools, hospitals, churches, aid convoys, and innocent families is “self-defense.” These racist lies are the only way she can justify the atrocities Israel is committing with her support in Gaza. @codepink 04/11/2024
Max Blumenthal: The hollowed out shell of a corporate propaganda rag @Newsweek is preparing a hit piece on me because I was invited to an "Inaugural Peace Ball" Their reporter, @KateEPlummer, wrote me to inquire, "Is it fair to say you are linked to Hamas?" I hope they publish my full reply 12/13/2024 I just finished your book Goliath before reading this & your reply, & know you're much more credible than MSM; but, no offence intended, don't be so smug, they'll distort this & use it against you! Those of us familiar with Israel & you will see through their propaganda but .... Since you posted this last night Kate Plummer protected her Twitter account. I previously said that even though you're far more credible than MSM it doesn't help to be too smug, which I still believe; but it's obvious that she was much worse & Newsweek would draw attention (1/2) that, but still I think a more calm response without the sarcasm would have made her look even worse. PS your book described many Zionist patterns of behavior that went viral after Oct. 7, including soccer hooligans like Amsterdam, and much more 10 years ago. Good job. (2/2)
(Video) Abby Martin: Cory why did you just welcome an internationally wanted war criminal with the blood of tens of thousands of Palestinian children on his hands? Weird to pretend to care about gun violence and be completely fine with genocide 12/14/2024 Cory Booker: It’s been 12 years since the Sandy Hook tragedy, and yet kids in America still aren’t free from the fear of gun violence. Gun violence remains the number one killer of our children. I will never stop fighting until we end this nightmare.
Abby Martin: .@CoryBooker just happily hosted a wanted war criminal to pledge allegiance to Israel as they commit genocide. Please don’t ever call this man “progressive” again 12/13/2024 יואב גלנט - Yoav Gallant: Thank you to my friend, Senator @CoryBooker for hosting an important discussion on the powerful alliance between Israel and the United States, which translated into unprecedented support during the 7-front war. We discussed the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead - primarily the critical timing for an agreement that will bring home the hostages held by Hamas, including both Israeli and U.S. citizens.
(Video) Khalissee: This is POWERFUL. They were persecuted by the Europeans, kicked out from every country by the Europeans, we gave them shelter because we had a rich history of coexistence...But they stabbed us in the back! 12/14/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: They’re rounding up Jewish professors in the name of Zionism. 12/13/2024 Linda Luu: NYPD arrested NYU faculty member Andrew Ross, arrests continuing. // NYU Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine: ‼️BREAKING: 3 NYU faculty at today’s peaceful rally outside of Bobst Library have been declared PNG and barred from campus. No warnings or explanation of alleged policy violations. Incidentally, all the faculty are Jewish. Order came from Provost Georgina Dopico. More to follow.
(Video) Miko Peled: Always an interesting conversation with George Galloway. This time in the context of change in Syria. 12/13/2024 The Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway: Author and analyst Miko Peled on the alphabet soup of Islamic fanaticism and Israel's part in heating and stirring it in Syria. Follow #MOATS 403 #Israel #HTS @MikoPeled #Syria
(Video) Jimmy Dore: This not a war. This is the systemic killing of women & children, much like a holocaust. The Zionists became the thing they claim to hate. There’s no defending this. 12/14/2024 Related Tweet is "unavailable" possibly deleted or censored. أنس الشريف Anas Al-Sharif: Heart-wrenching scenes from the Israeli airstrike on Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza, where the attack claimed the lives of 28 civilians and left over 50 others injured, the majority of whom are women and children.
Ariana Jasmine: This is exactly why I went off on Cory Booker in person for his terrible politics on Israel and all he gave me was bullshit empty answers. You deserve all the hate you get @CoryBooker May 2024
(Video) Ariana Jasmine: Booker has received over 750k in funding and I had to call him out for it at the event I was at last night. Conversation got cut short and I heavily debated posting this but to stay true to your beliefs is to put your words in practice outside of just an iPhone screen and call out these people in person. 12/1/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: The Zionist argument always boils down to "but Arabs are evil and violent subhuman." That's it. That's all they've got. 12/14/2024 Three-Eyed Raisin: CoolAdam deploys facts and logic to defend Palestine and just stunlocks Destiny lmfao // Adam Friedland: My conversation with prominent American political commentator/ debater, Destiny (Steven Bonell) @TheOmniLiberal , is currently being exported and uploaded. It’ll go live on our channel once YouTube completes its review. Hope you enjoy.
(Video) The Adam Friedland Show - Destiny (Steven Bonell) 12/12/2024
Max Blumenthal: Israeli government propagandists lost a debate at Oxford so they deployed their assets to doxx someone for simply being in the audience, and reported them to counter-terror police. The Israeli regime is working to destroy our individual rights to protect its genocidal agenda 12/13/2024 GnasherJew®גנאשר: The person circled attended the @UniofOxford debate where Jews were abused, her name is Naila Kauser (AKA Naila Smith & Brown) She has nothing to do with @OxfordUnion or Oxford uni. We reported her to @TerrorismPolice who appear to have done nothing apart from let her carry on with her support for terrorists. Why are terrorist supporters allowed at Oxford Union debates? It appears that the Oxford union has been taken over by Islamic extremists. @ThamesVP need to act.
Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Is Gaza a parking lot yet?” Justin Galloway is executive director at Town North in Dallas. To raise awareness: 📧 public@townnorth.org 12/14/2024
ADAM: Why didn’t CNN travel to one of Israel’s many torture camps? They’re literally on camera r*ping prisoners but Western media have only just now rediscovered that torture is evil. 12/12/2024
(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: A little Palestinian girl is hit in the bomb blast after the israelis target the Qarinawi family in Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza: she didn’t survive. 12/14/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: This is how they are committing genocide. ▪️Kill a significant number as possible. ▪️Make the place unlivable by destroying hospitals, schools etc ▪️Starve them. 12/1/2024 John Mearsheimer
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: The DEM party as a possible progressive alternative to the GOP is dead. You see this in the loss of reproductive rights, the failure to expand SCOTUS, the genocide in Gaza and war in Ukraine, and the loss of free speech rights in the Tik Tok ban and other restrictions on criticizing Israel. The US is a one-party state whose politics are controlled by the oligarchy, defense contractors, and Israel. 12/14/2024 Medea Benjamin: Shame on you, Cory Booker! Yesterday we went to Senator Cory Booker’s office to call out his meeting with a wanted war criminal. Standing with oppressors and war criminals sends a clear message: that he does not care about the struggle for justice and human rights of the Palestinian people.
(Video) Max Blumenthal: While Israeli genocidaires with ICC warrants travel freely to Washington, William Banks gets 8 months in prison for swiping a few Zionist yard signs #FreeWilliamBanks 12/12/2024 William Banks: life update
(Video) PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸: "Your profits are covered in Palestinian blood." Graduates at Lancaster University protest against the school's ties with BAE Systems for their role in enabling genocide in Gaza. 12/14/2024
(Video) Dan Cohen: Never forget how they lied about October 7 to incite genocide against Gaza 12/14/2024 Uncaptured News: WATCH: "40 Beheaded Babies" – The Lie That Kicked Off Israel's Genocide of Gaza Featuring - @Nicole_Zedek - @Israel - @IsraelWarRoom - @EylonALevy - @sarasidnerCNN - @JoeBiden @DanCrenshawTX - @bungarsargon and many more. Blood is on their hands.
gaijingirl2004 Bronx Leftist/Green. 🦺 🇵🇸✡️: #notinmyname. ✡️It's time to #endzionism & call for a SINGLE STATE w/ trials of all Israeli & US officials responsible for genocide. Here is a summary of the pending @BXAntiWar petition & a LINK where you can read the full doc & endorse. https://linktr.ee/bxantiwar 12/1/2024
Rania: G♡z♡ has exposed to the world America's true colours! 12/14/2024
Tameem | تميم: Straight up genocide denial at the telegraph. Imagine if someone did the same to the victims of the nazi holocaust? 12/14/2024
(Video) Lowkey: Today, Israel killed the journalist that revealed this, Mohammed Balousha. 12/14/2024 The Israeli military forced families to evacuate Al Nasr Hospital, leaving behind their premature babies in the intensive care unit. Israel refused to release the babies. The decomposed bodies of those babies have been found during this truce.
Sabby Sabs: Cory Booker also told AIPAC how to recruit black ppl. He said, "You gotta get them while they're in college." 12/14/2024 Abby Martin: .@CoryBooker just happily hosted a wanted war criminal to pledge allegiance to Israel as they commit genocide. Please don’t ever call this man “progressive” again
(Video) Khalissee: 🇳🇮 "The Palestinian people have the right to self determination. That means they have the right to take up arms against alien occupation." ~Nicaragua at the ICJ in April 2024. The Media keeps silent about the Palestinians legal right to resist Occupiers 12/15/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Palestinian tells an Israeli the truth about the Israel. I hope I planted a seed in his head.. 🙏 12/15/2024
(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: The sickest society ever🤬🤬🤬 12/15/2024
Khalissee: ⚡️BREAKING: Al Jazeera journalist Ahmed Bakr Al-Louh is the third journalist to be killed by Israel in less than 24 hours. 12/15/2024
(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 This didn’t start on October 7th. Here’s why.. 🍉 12/15/2024 Cites murder on October 6th and works way back through many atrocities including 1967 War, 1948 Nakba and more.
Dr. Yousef 𓂆🇵🇸: If you see this Pic, reply with 🇵🇸 to spread it! 12/14/2024
Maya: “we do not kill people in cold blood” yeah except everyone in gaza basically 🤷♀️ 12/11/2024 Pop Base: Governor Josh Shapiro comments on the arrest of Luigi Mangione: “Some attention in this case, especially online, has been deeply disturbing as some have looked to celebrate instead of condemning this killer. […] In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint.”
Mannie Quinn & The Mighty Hornets🐝: The US's "greatest ally" on the attack of USS Liberty. 12/15/2024
Yisrael Ben Av: We didnt mistakenly kill those men. They were tapping our coms and sharing our info with egypt. We fucked them up. America knew they got caught fueling a war putting our people at risk and backed down. Dont need to wash this down. Just like how during this war they were leaking all our plans to strike iran. Now we dont tell them shit. 12/13/2024 Jack Torrance 237: So we aren’t allies? Why are we funding you? I’m serious. I just thought that there were a lot of anti-semites. Then I hear Israel has assigned a person for each congressperson as a “contact”. Nothing is on the record of what is said. Now I see this incident. Some say Israel did it on purpose, some say it was a mistake and now someone is saying we were double crossing Israel and they did do it on purpose and “fuck you”. What the hell is going on
(Video) Pelham: BREAKING🚨 Sheikh Khaled Nabhan has been intentionally targeted and killed by Israeli forces… Khaled tragically lost his young granddaughter who he called his “Soul of Souls”. The world has lost another beautiful soul to a country that has no soul…🇵🇸💔 12/16/2024
Sabby Sabs: Israel is still STARVING kids in Gaza. 12/15/2024
Sulaiman Ahmed: WHO IS THE AGGRESSOR? 12/16/2024
(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro calls out Antony Blinken over Gaza, accusing the US of complicity. “It’s amounted to war crimes… We have not done enough to stop Benjamin Netanyahu.” 12/15/2024
(Video) Rania: Because the only religion zionism follows is colonisation, land theft, and ethnic cleansing. 12/15/2024
Abby Martin: This guy was a member of a genocidal army that actually carries out mass rape in torture dungeons. 12/16/2024 Noam Blum: Spare me your moralizing, you rape cheerleading ghoul. // Abby Martin: Whatever makes you feel self righteous about supporting starving babies and bombing kids Noam
(Video) Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin 05/09/2021
(Video) The Resonance: “Israel kills, men women and children and they don’t receive a single sanction. A single sanction to stop” —Australian politician Max Chandler-Mather 12/16/2024
(Video) Khalissee: In less than 24 hours, Isr@el burnt alive more than 60 P@lestinians. Widespread abuse is being carried out by Isr@eli army against civilians, after forcing them out of shelters. The day will come when these criminals pay the price for their crimes. 12/16/2024
(Video) Afshin Rattansi's Going Underground: Roger Waters on the Gaza Genocide: The Mask is Off For a Dying Western Empire 12/15/2024
(Video) This is presumably a reference to the bombing of Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza; it's one of the few occasions MSM implies it was Israel's fault. This was almost certainly a JDAM MK-84 by Israel, despite official claims. 12/16/2024 10/17/2023 Left I on the News 🇨🇺🏳️⚧️: Rather shocking statements from CNN’s Clarissa Ward, who says PIJ rockets wouldn’t cause this much damage, and notes that the IDF has lied before.
Experts refute Israel's claims on Gaza hospital attack 10/18/2023 Analysis of the recent attack on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza suggests that it was carried out with a "proximity fuse" bomb, which is made by the U.S., according to an expert, while expert dismissed Israel's claims that the rocket was fired from within Gaza. Retired military officer and ammunition specialist Engin Yiğit said there was a strong possibility that the attack was carried out with an MK-84 guided bomb, pointing to the absence of craters.
(Video) MintPress News: Rahma Zain speaking on her interaction with a CNN reporter Clarissa Ward earlier today, as well as Israel's current activities in Gaza. 10/20/2023
(Video) 🇮🇪Ireland4Palestine🇵🇸: Clarissa Ward interviews a small group of Israeli protesters who are blocking aid in to Gaza, and yes, they're as hypocritical and demented as you imagined. 03/08/2024
(Video) Medea Benjamin: Rep. Nancy Mace called us terrorists for asking about a ceasefire in Gaza. 03/13/2024
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