Sunday, February 5, 2023

Walmart Crime Report January 2023

Walmart had at least another eleven shootings, with at least four fatalities in separate shootings; two of those deaths were killed by police, and one of those was another disgruntled employee that tried to shoot up Walmart, but only injured one employee before he was killed. This person left behind a suicide note, indicating that if he wasn't killed by police first he might have killed himself, perhaps after shooting or killing more coworkers. There were also at least seven more injuries, counting the employee injured by the disgruntled worker and six others, three in the same incident and one of those left the victim critically injured, which could mean the death toll could rise if he doesn't recover. It's not uncommon for the police to assure us that there is no more danger or that the shooting in their area was an "isolated" incident, and in most cases, by the time the police respond the danger is over; however they have an enormous number of "isolated" incidence across the country which is steadily rising.

Last year they broke the record with a hundred-and-sixty-five shootings and it was the seventh consecutive year where they had over a hundred shootings. With such a high record, it's unlikely that they'll break it again for a few years, but it's likely that they will continue have over a hundred shootings each year unless the political and business establishment, including Walmart, acknowledge the leading causes of violence and address them. This is unlikely to happen without major reform in our government, since one of the leading factors is a rigged economy, and several other factors involve financial issues, and both the government and Wall Street business establishment is far more concerned with enriching themselves than solving social problems, even though they already have far more money than they can ever spend. If anything, it seems as if they could do more to improve the quality of life for everyone, including themselves, if they help solve social problems, yet they don't seem to care. There's also growing indications that the media isn't reporting on Walmart crime as promptly as they used to and even that they might be trying to avoid associating it with Walmart's name, including one fatal shooting that wasn't reported on the internet until almost two weeks after it happened, and another one with the headline referring to a "domestic disturbance" without referring to a shooting until you opened the article, when shootings are almost always clearly reported in headlines, or at least they used to be.

In addition to the four deaths from shootings there were another five bodies on their property, mostly in cars, but one in a pond next to the parking lot, and another behind the store, and one more death from an automobile crash, bring the total deaths for the month to at least ten; but as I said, at least one of the injuries is critical, so it could lead to more deaths, and other deaths are often not well reported. There's also a lawsuit over a previous death that was filed last month as a result of an off-duty police officer attacking a bystander that was trying to help after another shooter had already left, and he stepped aside for the EMTs or on-duty police in uniform, so they could do their jobs. It's unclear why the off-duty officer wasn't arrested immediately.

Walmart also had over a dozen other gun related crimes, at least five or six robberies or attempted robberies, several fights which escalated to someone pulling out a gun or threatening to shoot people, including one incident which turned out to be a BB-gun, another argument between employees where one of them threatened to shoot another one, one incident where there was a false threat of a gunman at Walmart to distract from a real armed robbery at a bank in Tenn., and at least five false reports of gunmen or active shooters in the Southern California area.

Thieves have been attaching scanners to steal contact information far more often than they used to at self-checkout registers, including in North Carolina last month, other scanners found in recent months have been in Texas, Washington, and several other states. They've increased their technology to protect their own merchandise recently, or at least try, but not necessarily to protect their customers who may be liable for illegal purchases elsewhere, and Walmart rarely takes responsibility for enabling thieves, including many that have been stealing contact information for their gift cards and draining the funds, which Walmart refuses to take responsibility for as well.

This is just one of dozens of viral stories in the news recently about their high theft problems, especially at the self-checkout registers, as well as a growing number of false accusations. None of this is new, of course, except that all of a sudden Walmart executives and the media are discussing it much more, as if theft, especially at the self-checkout had suddenly spiked, which it hasn't, it's been rising steadily for decades, often directly as a result of their increased use of automation and cutting jobs. The obvious solution for years was to simply reverse the automation process, yet they act as if this isn't even an option. This is leading to many stories about shoppers outraged with anti-theft practices, including locking up inexpensive items, forcing customers to wait for employees to unlock them only to put them in a locked box that the cashier is supposed to unlock, shopping carts with wheels that lock up, sometimes when they're still in the parking lot before people get to their cars, checking receipts for everyone, even when there's no cause for suspicion, and occasionally detaining paying customers, and much more.

Some people familiar with their policies stand up to them and get away with it, in other cases, when there's an overeager employees they still harass people, even without reason to believe they're shoplifting. The days where people are innocent until proven guilty may be coming to an end, and in some cases already have, if more people don't stand up to these outrageous practices. Many employees have come forward telling the truth about this, although often anonymously, or in some cases, after they stop working there. In some cases they even demand a $1 deposit for carts that will only be returned when they lock the cart back up; some exaggerations of this have been reported on the internet, and they "debunked" them by claiming that this is just a deposit, which is done more often in other countries like Canada or by other companies, but they admit that there are some Walmart stores in the USA trying this as well, although they don't say how many. Some other retailers are going even further by putting chips in some electronic devices or power tools to ensure they won't work unless the cashiers disables the chip when you pay for it; however, it's virtually guaranteed that like other security devices, they will fail, and some people will have to bring their products back to get the chip reengaged or removed so their tools will work.

Corporations have less and less respect for customers, now that the market is divided among oligarchs.

A murder suspect from Puerto Rico was arrested arrested at an Idaho Walmart and at least three police officers and a couple employees were attacked at different Walmart stores, with one of them getting bit; in one of these cases a reporter described it as heroic, but starting a potential fight to prevent petty theft can be risky and when there's a problem Walmart often blames the employee that does so and fires them, which is why it's understandable that another employee simply said she was on her break, and looked the other way. This is especially reasonable when you consider the police or courts rarely provide much if any help for wage theft or many other forms of fraud when it's the wealthy scamming the working class. In many cases they start conflicts for petty amounts which are hardly worth fighting over. And to show how biased the courts are they're quickly beginning foreclosure proceeding for one broke woman accused of theft to confiscate her Jeep; which means the wealthy are taking the last of the property of the poor, which is quite common.

There were also several sexual assaults, if not much more, including one man that allegedly molested three young girls at one Walmart and another that raped a teenager at another. And in another incident a man was accused to dumping hazardous chemicals, which he may have gotten off the shelves without paying for them, in the aisles.

In addition to the fatal crash, there were at least a dozen more other crashes, carjackings, hit and runs, police chases, etc. including another stolen truck full of merchandise, and a driver that treated their parking lot like a bumper car game hitting more than eight other cars, which seems to happen several times each year.

There was also one car that caught fire and at least four more fires, most, if not all, of which were arson, including one where a person set himself on fire, possibly as an attempted suicide, although this is a horrible way to commit suicide, and can be more painful, at least in the short term, if it fails, which it did due to people putting the fire out before it killed him.

Walmart also had close to half a dozen, if not more knife attacks including at least a couple stabbings and more threats to stab people, including one or two cases where the attacker was stopped by one or more shoppers. There were also, as usual, numerous robberies, assaults, purse snatchings, and many other crimes, more than anyone can keep track of.

Walmart also had at least a couple recalls, which is lower than usual, including sausages which may be contaminated and soup that may cause health problems. They're also under investigation for supplements they sell, which aren't being recalled. The CDC also warned about a brand of eye-drops they sell which may be linked to at least one death and three other cases causing permanent vision loss, yet this was NOT recalled. They rarely ever report these recalls widely, and when they make them, they often allow corporations to claim it's a "voluntary recall" as if corporations are doing this out of good will, even though they often try to avoid the recall at all. When they don't even recall them after a death and three cases of vision loss it raises doubt about their social conscience.

Walmart has had a long history of pricing errors, and everyone has to check their receipts to be sure they don't get overcharged; several stores in North Carolina have been fined recently for doing this too often, and Kansas stores has been caught double taking their customers because they changed the tax rate and Walmart included both the new rate and old rate on their charges, taxing people twice, forcing customers to come back with their receipt to get their money back, or presumably, if they don't come back, Walmart may be able to keep the extra tax money. There's also several lawsuits about overcharging in the courts, possibly with tax payers paying court costs and accusations of deceptive marketing to kids, which has been routine for decades, what's unusual is that they're taking it to court. And one woman bought the same exact things she bought two years ago, to show the cost went up 50%.

Walmart is now charging ten cents at some stores, in several states, for people that don't bring their own reusable bags, which is angering many customers. Other people in certain areas are outraged because Walmart drones are flying in their neighborhood raising questions about privacy, as well as the possibility they could crash or cause other problems, and whether they have the right to regulate them. several people are also complaining about getting the worst merchandise when they order deliveries on line, although employees in various parts of the country say this fluctuates.

One former Walmart worker was allegedly fired because she created a video posting about her work on TikTok and how exhausting inventory day is, and there are numerous efforts to hold them accountable for violating workers rights, with little or no help from the government that is run by politicians more concerned about serving campaign donors than voters.

Do you think thieves in the real world ever rappel down from the roof like in the movies to steal jewelry like in the Pink Panther or other movies? At least one person tried, and got away, at least temporarily, but he left the jewelry behind. Do you really think jewelry has any value? It has no practical use, except that it looks good and the only reason it's considered so valuable is a massive marketing campaign to glorify it and make people think it makes them better than other people. The result of this obsession with diamonds, emeralds, jade, pearls, and other glorified items with no practical use is hundreds of millions of dollars in theft every year, some escalating to violence. And dealing with this theft of products with no practical use costs taxpayers an enormous amount of money to catch, prosecute and jail thieves.

How often do you find metal in food you buy at Walmart? One woman claims she "literally broke her tooth" when she bit into Walmart chicken wings; and this is far from the first time customers have found objects like this in their food at Walmart.

Have you ever ordered stuff at Walmart and received twelve times as much as you ordered and been forced to go into the store in person to get your money back? You wouldn't be the only one, one woman ordered a quarter pound of cheese and they sent her thirty pounds and billed her for it.

When you call Walmart for one reason or another how often do you find the person answering the phone and helping you out isn't even an employee but just answered it on his own because no one working for Walmart was near by? This happened again last month and there have been several other time in the past where other customers did the same, as well as times where customers couldn't find anyone to help them and used the PA system to ask for help, getting it on video.

Once again kids at Walmart sprayed doe urine in the aisles and on a woman as they drove past her in the parking lot.

You would think that strange things like this would be very rare and many of them would only happen once, if at all, but no.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

And they happen over and over again.

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in January 2023. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Potsdam woman accused of theft at NY Walmart 01/01/2023

Gang violence played role in Mobile New Year’s Eve, Walmart Dec. 27 shootings, police chief says 01/02/2023

OCPD: Suspect Accused Of Shoplifting At Okla. Walmart Shoots At Security Guard, Flees Scene 01/02/2023

Oklahoma City Police are searching for a suspect accused of shoplifting and shooting at a security guard Monday night.

The incident happened at a Walmart located at 2000 W. Memorial Rd. in Oklahoma City, police said.

Police received a call about a shooting at the store and said upon arrival, they were told a shoplifter was being chased by security when he began firing shots. Complete article

Kentucky Man Jailed After Stealing Stickers from Walmart, Leading Rome Ga. Police on Chase 01/03/2023

Robert A Magditch, 21 of Versailles, Kentucky, was arrested in Rome after reports said he led police on a chase after stealing $19.23 worth of stickers from Murphy’s Gas Station at the East Rome Walmart.

Police said that they found Magditch sitting in his car behind Walmart. When they asked him to exit the vehicle, he refused and fled the scene.

After hitting a sign on Biddy Road, Magditch was once again ordered to exit the vehicle.

Officers added that it was then discovered that he had been driving under the influence of some type of substance.

On his way to the hospital to be checked out, Magditch told officers that “if he left this county without his bracket that he would find me and put a bullet in my head.” Complete article

Shoppers Abandoning Walmart After They Implement New Theft Deterrents 01/03/2023

We’ve all seen viral videos showcasing large groups of individuals rushing into a store, pocketing everything they can, and leaving quickly. But there are also plenty of other forms of theft that retailers like Walmart have to combat. The rampant shoplifting has forced stores to take drastic actions, resulting in the unwelcome news of fewer loyal customers.

The high level of theft at retail establishments poses a serious financial risk for companies like Walmart. It all has to get categorized as a loss. And the drastic increase in loss industry-wide is jaw-dropping.

According to Yahoo! Life, “The 2022 National Retail Security Survey from the National Retail Federation (NRF) found that retail shrink, the loss of inventory from things other than sales, now amounts to a nearly $100 billion problem. The main driver of that shrinkage is organized retail crime (ORC) incidents, which the average retailer saw an increase by 26.5 percent in 2021, according to the survey.” And the most sought-after items are health and beauty, apparel, footwear, electronics, and accessories.

Walmart, and other major retailers, have struggled to get a handle on the theft. Unfortunately, all previous mitigation attempts failed. So they decided to make some drastic changes.

One of the adjustments was to start locking up products. Now, customers can only get what they came for if they are lucky enough to find an employee. And that can be challenging with the high level of job vacancies. .....

Another said, “They have socks under lock and key. Socks!” The good news for customers is that they are not alone in voicing frustration over locked cases. Complete article

Can Nvidia Help Walmart and Target Solve Their Theft Problem? 01/01/2023

Walmart being sued for overcharging customers 01/02/2023

Have you shopped at Walmart recently? If you bought anything, you may want to check your receipts to make sure you were not overcharged. Many items that are not priced correctly, and you want to be sure to not overpay due to any pricing errors.

How widespread this pricing problem is for customers?

Well, the problem is so widespread that the government has fined Walmart. The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Standards Division collected fines from 70 stores in 38 counties due to pricing errors over the past year. “Our Standards Division continues to see a significant increase in stores with price scanner errors, as many stores continue to deal with staffing shortages," Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler said. (source)

In the bay area of California, ABC 7 news did an analysis revealing they found overcharges of roughly 10% at Walmart within a smaller sample of only 50 items. Complete article

Customers at Topeka Kansas Walmart locations being ‘double-taxed’ 01/02/2023

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - When the calendar flipped to January 1st, the state sales tax on food dropped from 6.5% to 4%.

But several people who shopped at Topeka Walmart stores sent us receipts, showing they were taxed twice for their food items.

“When we left the store, we were kind of surprised at how much it seemed like it was and we kind of bantered stuff back and forth trying to figure it out. And when we got home and started doing the math, they ended up charging us double tax on all the food is what it boils down to in the end,” Jim Wilmington said.

Jim and Cheryl Wilmington knew the math wasn’t adding up, they tried to call the North Topeka Walmart location where they shopped, but the store didn’t pick up the phone. Complete article

What does 'Code White' in Walmart indicate? 01/01/2023

Typically, announcements made through the intercom in Walmarts aren’t worrisome and are straightforward most of the time. But sometimes, the announcements are coded so that only Walmart employees understand the message.

‘Code White,’ ‘Code Brown,’ ‘Code Red,’ etc., are such secret messages used to convey an information to Walmart employees. In most cases, these messages indicate an accident, attack, or other dangerous situations. Walmart employees are trained to guide customers to safety when such dangers occur.

Additionally, these codes inform the security team about an issue at once and direct them to the specific part of the store where more hands are needed.

According to Bankovia, an online finance magazine, Walmart uses such coded messages to communicate with all its employees and prevent customers from panicking. In dire situations, customer panicking could create more chaos and make it difficult for the employees to guide customers to safety.

‘Code White’ indicates an accident or incident that requires attention. Once a ‘Code White’ announcement is made, a Walmart Manager rushes to the area or department where the issue had occurred.

Similarly, Codes 15 and 60 are announced when a particular department or section will be unattended for a duration of time.

Another popular secret message is ‘Code Adam.’ This code came into existence after Adam Walsh, John Walsh’s son, was kidnapped from Walmart and murdered later. When this code is said into the system, all Walmart employees will leave their duties and be given the description of the missing child to start the search. Complete article

Police Searching for Suspect in Clarion Pa. Walmart Theft 01/03/2023

PSP arrest woman accused of Pa. Walmart theft 01/02/2023

We met working at Walmart and cheated on our spouses — you should follow your heart 01/03/2023

Suspect in Alabama Walmart shootout last month charged in Paparazzi Club shooting 01/04/2023

Man arrested after robbery at east-side Ind. Walmart 01/03/2023

LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) — A man is awaiting formal charges after a robbery at the east-side Walmart.

Police say Jacob Trosper, 22, was being escorted by an employee to the checkout to purchase a cell phone on Thursday when he threatened the employee to hand over the phone.

He was arrested and booked on a preliminary charge of robbery after allegedly grabbing the phone and running from the store, Lt. Justin Hartman says. Complete article

Fire breaks out New Year’s morning at Napa Ca. Walmart 01/03/2023

The city of Napa’s first fire of 2023 was reported at the Lincoln Avenue Walmart, and Napa Fire is investigating the cause of the blaze that began just two hours into the new year.

Members of Napa Fire and Napa County Fire were sent to the store at 681 Lincoln Ave. at about 2 a.m. Sunday after callers reported flames coming from the roof, according to Napa Fire spokesperson Matt Colburn.

Firefighters saw flames and smoke atop the Walmart, accessed the roof and began containing a 10-foot-square blaze by bringing a hose up an aerial truck ladder, Colburn said in an email. Complete article

Garden City Idaho Police need public's help finding suspect 01/03/2023

BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — Garden City Police are asking for the public's help in identifying a suspect who is believed to have battered another man at the Walmart in Garden City, then fled the area.

If you recognize this person or have any information about him or the events at Walmart you are asked to call Garden City Police at 208-472-2950 or Crime Stoppers at 208-343-COPS (2677). Complete article

Scammers steal EBT info with card skimmers at High Point NC Walmarts, police say 01/04/2023

HIGH POINT, N.C. (WGHP) — Police are asking anyone who may have used their EBT card at certain Walmart locations to change their PIN and check their account for fraudulent activity.

High Point Police Department says that there were point-of-sale skimmers on registers inside the South Main Street and North Main Street Walmart locations.

People who used their cards at those High Point Walmart locations can call the number on the back of their EBT card. If there’s fraudulent activity on the card, request a replacement by calling a local Department of Social Services office or call (336) 641-3000. Complete article

'I was distraught and in disbelief that it happened': Walmart says it's aware of skimmer issue at store in Elkin, NC 01/05/2023

With Retail Theft, Organized Retail Crime Rampant, Will New Deterrents at Walmart, CVS and More Drive Consumers Away? 01/04/2023

Retail shrink, or company inventory lost to causes other than sales, has risen to an unprecedented level, causing some of the trade’s biggest corporations to implement extra in-store anti-theft devices at the risk of losing customers.

In its 2022 National Retail Security Survey, the National Retail Federation (NRF) declared that non-sales product losses amount to almost $100 billion in the industry.

Although retail management has identified several types of shrinkage — such as internal/employee theft, operational loss, administrative errors and return fraud — it is organized retail crime (ORC) that accounts for a large part of the problem. This grander, more coordinated type of shoplifting that has industry leaders taking tougher security stances and paying plenty for them.

When speaking to Forbes in November, the National Retail Federation’s (NRF) Mark Mathews emphasized that the problem is more than an uptick in random shoplifting. “The kind of theft that’s mostly happening isn’t run-of-the-mill shoplifting. It’s organized crime,” said Mathews. Complete article

Walmart Worker Drops Unpaid COVID Screening Suit Appeal 01/03/2023

A former Walmart employee dropped her Eighth Circuit appeal of a Missouri federal court's ruling that the retail giant was not unjustly enriched by requiring workers to show up a half-hour... Complete article

10th Circ. Says Fired Walmart Worker's Suit Is A Rehash 01/03/2023 A Tenth Circuit panel refused Tuesday to reinstate a former Walmart employee's lawsuit claiming the company unlawfully fired her for unexcused absences after denying her medical leave, saying her allegations already...

Mississippi Police officer involved in fatal shooting during Walmart hostage situation last month cleared for work 01/04/2023

Spotsylvania Va. Sheriff’s Office looking for Walmart credit card fraud suspects 01/0/2023

Report: Illinois man accused of exposing himself at Pa. Walmart 01/04/2023

Farmington man accused of breaking into Maine Walmart, Hippach Field House, stealing alcohol 01/04/2023 Myles Lynch, 20, remained Wednesday afternoon at the Franklin County jail. He is being held in lieu of $1,000 cash bail.

Chicago Ill. shooting in Walmart parking lot injures 3, 1 critically, CPD says 01/05/2023

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Three people were shot in a Walmart parking lot in Chicago's Pullman neighborhood Wednesday night, police said.

Police said the victims were loading groceries into their car in the parking lot of the store in the 10900-block of South Doty Avenue when a dark-colored sedan drove by and a person or persons inside opened fire.

A 27-year-old man was shot in the left leg and taken to a local hospital in good condition. A 19-year-old woman was shot in the right forearm and taken to Roseland Hospital in good condition. A 25-year-old man was shot in the chest and back and taken to Christ Hospital in critical condition.

A man who was at the store, who didn't want to be identified, said the parking lot was busy when it happened. Complete article

Police: Man shot himself in the leg inside bathroom of Pa. Walmart 01/04/2023

COAL TOWNSHIP — The Coal Township Police Department reported that a 43-year-old man shot himself in the leg in a bathroom of the Walmart Supercenter early Wednesday.

Coal Township Patrolman Kevin Malukas stated that he along with Shamokin Chief of Police Raymond Siko II, and Officers Alexis Temple and Derek Jenkins responded to the store along Route 61 at 9:08 a.m. for a gunshot victim in the rear bathroom.

“It was discovered that a 43-year-old male discharged a firearm causing injury to his leg,” Malukas stated. “The male was transported to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville for treatment.” Complete article

2 men wanted for aggravated robbery at Walmart on Northwest Side San Antonio Tx. 01/05/2023

SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio police and Crime Stoppers are searching for two men accused of robbing a man at a Walmart on the Northwest Side.

Police said the incident happened on Dec. 7 in the 8000 block of Bandera Road.

The victim, 35, was approached by two men who stole his money, according to a Crime Stoppers bulletin. One of them displayed a gun during the robbery. Complete article

Douglas Nevada Sheriff: Unidentified man reached for handgun in confrontation with Walmart security 01/04/2023

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help identifying a man who reached for a handgun that was underneath his jacket after he was confronted by Walmart security.

The incident happened on Friday, Dec. 30 at approximately 10:40 p.m. at the Walmart store, 3770 U.S. Highway 395 near the Carson City, Douglas County line.

According to Douglas County investigators, the suspect was confronted by Walmart Asset Protection because it was believed he had stolen items concealed in his sweatshirt. The suspect left the store in a white hatchback (possibly a Nissan Versa) with unknown license plates. Complete article

Lewiston man faces assault charges after Wash. Walmart incidents 01/04/2023

CLARKSTON — A 34-year-old Lewiston man is facing charges of second-degree assault, felony harassment and disorderly conduct for allegedly threatening to kill a person at Walmart.

According to court documents, Kiely T. Yocum allegedly approached a car parked at the Clarkston store, and told the occupant to leave or “he would slice his throat.” Yocum also is accused of pinning the man with his vehicle during the altercation.

Three other individuals said Yocum was acting aggressively at the store entrance and making threats to stab them. He was arrested Friday by Clarkston police. Complete article

Attempted ax attack near Catoosa Okla. Walmart leads to school lockdowns 01/04/2023

CATOOSA, Okla. — Catoosa Police confirm Catoosa High School and Middle School lockdowns have been lifted.

They say both schools were put on lockdown out of an abundance of caution after a domestic dispute near the Walmart in Catoosa.

Officers say Carrie Goddard attempted to attack her boyfriend with an ax close to a Catoosa Walmart. He was not injured.

Authorities searched for Goddard and were able to take her into custody. Complete article

Walmart will charge you for bags at over 200 stores, as of Jan. 1 01/04/2023

If you’ve shopped at Walmart for a while, you’ve undoubtedly noticed some changes over the years.

The company has redesigned stores and added perks for regular customers—while even making sure they’ve stayed up to date with the latest technology. Despite the subtle transformations, the retailer is still known for its everyday low prices and rollback sales that can make it easy to save money on everyday essentials.

But unless you plan accordingly, your Walmart visits might start to cost a little more: The company will soon charge for bags at over 200 stores. Read on to learn more about the policy that’s coming in the new year. Complete article

Sheriff Seeks Identity Of Theft Suspects At California Md. Walmart Self-Checkout 01/05/2023 On Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022, at 9 am, the two females stole a quantity of items from the California Walmart store as they scanned some items at the register, but not others.

Independence Iowa Police: No evidence of attempted abduction at Walmart 01/04/2023

East-side San Antonio Tx. Walmart back open after cleaning liquid spill leads to evacuation 01/05/2023

St. Cloud Man Arrested After Allegedly Stealing from Minn. Walmart and Fleeing Police 01/06/2023

Man, 29, found dead in car at Oakwood Ga. Walmart 01/05/2023

A homeless man was found dead in his car Wednesday, Jan. 4, at the Walmart parking lot in Oakwood, police said.

Oakwood Police were called around 6 p.m. Wednesday to the Mundy Mill Road Walmart for a cardiac arrest call.

Officers were pointed to a Hyundai parked near the tire service area of the store, where Jonathan Jones, 29, was found dead. There are currently no signs of foul play, but an autopsy will determine Jones’ cause of death. Complete article

Murder suspect from Puerto Rico arrested at Idaho Walmart 01/06/2023

REXBURG — U.S. Marshals and Rexburg police arrested an accused murderer from Puerto Rico at Walmart on Thursday night.

Adam Michael Edwards-Maldonado, 23, of Puerto Rico, was arrested without incident at the Rexburg Walmart around 10:15 p.m., according to U.S. Marshals.

He's accused of murdering Adalberto Cruz Figueroa in Humacao, Puerto Rico, on Feb. 24, 2021. Complete article

Las Vegas couple attacks officer in Nevada Walmart, police say 01/05/2023

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A police officer was assaulted by a Las Vegas couple in a Walmart after investigating a found wallet with crystal methamphetamine inside of it, according to the Mesquite Police Department.

On Jan. 2 around 9:30 p.m., a Mesquite police officer was dispatched to a Walmart to investigate a found wallet that had crystal meth inside of it, according to police. The officer eventually located the owner of the wallet and the meth, who was identified as Renee Horvath, 49 of Las Vegas.

When the officer attempted to arrest Renee she pulled away and resisted arrest. Her husband, James Horvath, 51, of Las Vegas, began to yell at the officer as she continued to resist arrest, according to MPD. A nearby couple stepped in to help by physically holding James away from the officer. Complete article

Robbers threaten Conn. Walmart security 01/06/2023

Jan. 6—EAST WINDSOR — East Windsor police are searching for two women robbers who threatened a security guard at Walmart and left with unpaid merchandise Thursday.

Walmart security reported that one of the robbers threatened to shoot a security guard who approached her, though no weapons were displayed during the incident.

The robbers fled the scene in a dark red Honda Civic that is believed to have Connecticut license plates. Complete article

Man charged with molesting three girls at Orange County Ca. Walmart 01/06/2023

FULLERTON, Calif. – A pretrial hearing is scheduled Friday for a 37-year- old man charged with molesting three girls at the Walmart in Buena Park.

Adam Arcangelo Reeves was accused of “blatantly accosting” the three girls the day after Christmas, according to Buena Park Police Department Lt. Mario Escamilla. Some of the victims were with their parents, Escamilla added. Complete article

Man arrested for allegedly molesting 3 children in Buena Park Walmart 01/10/2023

Search for woman seen stealing electronics from Pueblo West Colorado Walmart 01/06/2023

‘There’s a baby on the box’: Woman says Walmart children’s toy makes reference to drive-by shooting, papal abuse 01/05/2023

Alleged Nov. 2022 Queensbury NY Walmart shooter indicted on 6 counts 01/06/2023

Sept. 2022 Ind. Walmart shooter pleads guilty to Labor Day weekend murder 01/0/2023

Walmart Customers Slam Self-Checkout - Customers Dissatisfied With Experience 01/06/2023

Armed and Dangerous: Third Dec. 2022 Mobile Alabama Walmart shooting suspect still on the loose 01/05/2023

VIDEO: SC Walmart shoppers take down man armed with a knife 01/06/2023

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS/Gray News) - Authorities in South Carolina say a man armed with a knife was taken down inside a Walmart by customers in the store.

According to the Richland County Sheriff’s Department, deputies were called to an area Walmart on Wednesday regarding a man waving a pocketknife and threatening people inside the store.

One of the shoppers inside, military veteran Demario Davis, captured the incident on video.

Davis said he was among the group who helped subdue the armed man. Davis’ video shows fellow shoppers knocking the man down and forcing him to drop the knife. Complete article

Chase in Livingston Parish La. Thursday night allegedly stemmed from Walmart theft; driver on the run 01/06/2023

DENHAM SPRINGS - Officials are searching for a man who led law enforcement on a high-speed chase through Livingston Parish late Thursday night.

The Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office says the chase reportedly started when deputies responded to a theft in progress at a Walmart on LA-16 in Denham Springs. Deputies say the suspects were loading over $1,000 worth of stolen food into a vehicle when they arrived.

The sheriff's office chased the suspects onto a dead-end road. Witnesses said the car eventually crashed into a homeowner's yard and the driver fled. A passenger in the vehicle also attempted to flee, but was taken into custody. Complete article

Car Catches Fire in Jerseyville Ill. Walmart Parking Lot 01/06/2023

JERSEYVILLE - A black Pontiac four-door sedan caught on fire in the Jerseyville Walmart parking lot on Thursday, Jan. 5. Jerseyville Fire Chief Keith Norman said while his department was able to contain the fire and put it out relatively quickly, the vehicle suffered extensive damage to the front end.

Norman said the incident was called in at 4:51 p.m., and he happened to be driving nearby, allowing him to be on the scene just 28 seconds after the call. Firetrucks arrived seven minutes later and firefighters spent 20 minutes putting out the vehicle fire.

“It was absolutely totaled,” Norman said. “We kept the fire out of the passenger compartment, but the engine compartment was 100 percent destroyed.” Complete article

Woman hit by car in the parking lot of Sebastian Fla. Walmart 01/07/2023

On Monday, an 84-year-old woman was hit by a car in the Walmart parking lot in Sebastian, Florida.

Police say the woman, from Micco, was walking towards the discount department store when a vehicle made a left turn and struck her.

According to the accident report, the car ran over the woman and then proceeded forward, hitting the curb and a bush.

The woman received injuries and was transported to Lawnwood Regional Medical Center in Fort Pierce. Her current status is unknown. Complete article

Video of Colorado shopper restrained by Walmart employee: is it retail theft or customer harassment? 01/06/2023

Over the past year, Walmart has been struggling with issues related to self-checkout. I've previously written about Walmart on NewsBreak in the following article: many Customers Thinking Twice Before Using Self-Checkout At Walmart mentioned the struggles that customers were having using self-checkout.

In that article I mention an Arizona woman that was cited for shoplifting while using self-checkout at Walmart—but she claims it was an honest mistake. The woman, who did not wish to be named and is in her 60s, told the outlet that she was "in complete and total shock" when she was cited. (source)

Retail theft problems rising according to CEO

CEO of Walmart, Doug McMillon, say has shared that most of the shoplifting is organized retail theft, rather than petty theft. “If that’s not corrected over time, prices will be higher, and/or stores will close,” McMillon said. (source) Walmart has been even using some facial recognition software recently and may be storing the images. (source)

Is this an example of retail theft or harassing a customer?

In this new video was posted to TikTok by @travisleeregan recently. It is unclear if he is being justly stopped by the Walmart employee or not. At one point, the employee appears to physically restrain Travis. Complete article

Walmart Greeter Detains Customer Even Though He Paid for His Items in Viral TikTok 01/10/2023

‘First, they remove bags and now they refuse to let you leave after you pay?’: Walmart customer says employee ‘held him hostage,’ accused him of stealing 01/15/2023

‘Do it somewhere else’: Glendale Ariz. residents asking Walmart to stop drone delivery service 01/06/2023

GLENDALE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) -- People in a peaceful neighborhood off of 59th Avenue and Bell Road were in for a rude awakening when they say Walmart began testing their large delivery drones.

Residents say it sounded like a helicopter flying directly above their homes. “It sounds like a hornet’s nest that’s been kicked up,” said Mike Baxter, who’s lived in the neighborhood for five years.

The drones, spanning multiple feet in diameter, can deliver items weighing ten pounds in 30 minutes. “I am not against drones but do it somewhere else. It’s not a necessary service here,” Baxter said. Baxter says he moved here for privacy and quiet. Now, he says both of those things are being violated.

Autumn Johnson, another homeowner, says the noise is alarming, but more concerning is the lack of regulations and laws for delivery drones in neighborhoods. “I really think before this comes, sort of a pervasive technology, that there need to be parameters in place to protect those kinds of concerns,” Johnson said. Complete article

Report of Attempted Child Abduction at Independence Iowa Walmart Investigated by Police 01/05/2023

‘Started with Walmart closing all their registers’: Customer films McDonald’s automated drive-thru being run without any employees 01/05/2023

Champaign man gets 2 years for punching teen Ill. Walmart employee in mouth 01/06/2023 Assistant State’s Attorney Scott Larson said Martin was in the self-checkout lane of Walmart at 2610 N. Prospect Ave., C, on April 1 and asked a question of a 17-year-old male employee. Apparently not liking what he heard, Martin slugged the young man in the mouth and left.

Man linked to statewide Tx. Walmart thefts pleads guilty in local case 01/06/2023

Woman sentenced to probation in case of bomb threats at Pa. Walmart 01/06/2023 Common Pleas President Judge Daniel P. Wallace said the case of two Subway workers, who wrote threats on Hermitage Walmart’s bathroom stalls to get out of work early, was the most bizarre crime he’s ever seen. Wallace could not believe his ears when Bowser told him that her then-manager who told her to write the threats, still works for Subway, now in the Hermitage Towne Plaza.

Mobile Alabama judge denies bond for suspect in Walmart, Paparazzi Club shootings, home invasion last month 01/06/2023

Person shot in San Antonio, Tx. Walmart parking lot, police think 'isolated incident' 01/08/2023

SAN ANTONIO – A man has been shot in the parking lot of a Northeast Side Walmart.

The shooting occurred around 5:45 p.m., Sunday, on the 4331 block of Thousand Oaks Drive.

According to the police, one person was shot and is currently in critical condition.

Police say the victim and the suspect may have some sort of relations. Complete article

2 teens charged for allegedly carjacking vehicle at King of Prussia Pa. Walmart with woman inside 01/07/2023

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Two teenage girls have been arrested in connection with a carjacking at a Walmart parking lot in Upper Merion Township, police said.

The carjacking happened around 5:50 p.m. Monday at the Walmart on the 200 block of North Gulph Road in King of Prussia, less than a mile from the mall.

Police say a 54-year-old woman was sitting in the passenger seat of a vehicle while her family members shopped inside the Walmart. Complete article

Driver hits more than 8 cars, 2 people at Walmart in Florence SC 01/07/2023

FLORENCE S.C. (WPDE) — A driver crashed into eight cars and hit two women Saturday afternoon at the Neighborhood Walmart on South Cashua Drive in Florence, according to witnesses.

The witnesses said one of the women was taken to the hospital by Florence County EMS.

No word on her condition.

Several officers with South Carolina Highway Patrol and the Florence Police Department were on the scene. Complete article

Man ‘purposefully’ hit pedestrians, cars in Florence County Walmart parking lot, deputies say 01/10/2023

‘It never fails’: Okla. Customer claims Walmart gives delivery customers ‘the worst sh*t’ after receiving ‘beat up’ pie 01/08/2023

'We are told to give people who order the items that are unlikely to be picked in stores.'

A woman recorded a ‘beat up’ pumpkin pie she received via Walmart delivery and expressed her complaints in a viral TikTok.

The video was uploaded by TikTok user Gailina (@therealgailinax) where she revealed to her 243,000 followers the quality of the pumpkin pie she ordered via Walmart delivery. She starts the video by stating how the problem with Walmart delivery was that “they always give you the worst shit.”

Gailina then unwraps the pie, unveiling the semi-cracked condition it was in, reiterating that it must be in a “rule book” to give delivery customers “the absolute worst shit.” The clip skipped to the pie out of its container where it appeared to have dents and was soggy. Complete article

Man who shot Remington woman in Ind. Walmart parking lot in Sept. pleads guilty Thursday 01/06/2023

Sheriff provides details after large officer response at Weston WV Walmart 01/07/2023

‘That’s how I got my dvd collection’: Former Walmart worker shares secret about the in-store security cameras in viral PSA 01/08/2023 Recently, she went viral for claiming that some of the security cameras located throughout the store aren’t actually recording, joking that viewers can go ahead and take whatever they want from particular sections without having to worry about being caught.

Man steals numerous vacuums in felony retail theft at Cumberland Co. Pa. Walmart 01/08/2023 The theft totaled $584.

Shoplifting complaint at Ky. Walmart leads to meth find 01/08/2023

Kingsbury woman charged with burglary in NY Walmart thefts 01/07/2023

Decorah man arrested after alleged public intoxication, theft at Iowa Walmart 01/09/2023

Suspect with drugs apprehended in handicapped parking spot at Fla. Walmart 01/09/2023

Shawano Walmart evacuated after fight with gun, knife 01/09/2023

SHAWANO, Wis. (WBAY) - Two people were arrested after a fight at the Walmart Supercenter in Shawano.

Officers were responding to reports of a fight at 1:45 p.m. Monday when dispatchers advised weapons were involved, including a knife and a gun.

The store was evacuated.

Police say they quickly identified and located the people who were involved and took two people into custody. They’re being referred to the district attorney’s office for criminal charges. Complete article

Tenn. Walmart shoplifter threatens security with gun, police say 01/10/2023

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police are asking for help identifying a man who took items from a Walmart without paying for them and threatened a loss prevention officer with a gun.

Memphis Police said Monday night, the man and his mother were approached by the loss prevention officer at the Walmart on Raleigh Lagrange Road after she noticed they were not checking all of their items at a self-checkout register.

The officer looked at the pair’s receipt and saw they had not paid for all of the items. The officer said the man became irate and told her he was going to get his gun.

Police said the suspect returned a few minutes later with a gun. They said the suspect’s mother convinced her son to leave the store. Complete article

One in grave condition after crash involving Walmart truck in Phelan Ca. 01/09/2023

PHELAN, Calif. ( – One person was transported to a local hospital in grave condition following a crash in Phelan Monday morning.

The traffic collision happened at the intersection of Phelan Road and Sheep Creek Road, in the community of Phelan, at approximately 7:29 a.m. on January 9, 2023.

The crash involved a Walmart semi-truck, a silver Nissan Frontier pickup truck, and a silver SUV. Complete article

Man accused of biting officer after alleged shoplifting at Pa. Walmart, police say 01/10/2023

LANCASTER COUNTY, Pa. (WHP) — A Lancaster County man is facing charges after allegedly biting a police officer after he was caught shoplifting at the Walmart on Fruitville Pike in Lancaster, police say.

According to police, officers were called to the store after someone reported suspicious activity on November 29.

The person who called recognized 23-year-old Rygo Alexander Kingsley, of Lancaster, as part of an on-going investigation against him for retail theft. Complete article

Walmart Customers Are In Shambles Over $27 Eggs 01/10/2023

Over the past year, we've all been concerned about the food inflation crisis. With contributing factors like the war in Ukraine, the avian flu outbreak, and rising costs of transportation, virtually every food product has seen an increase in price. That being said, some products have had a bigger price jump than others.

Eggs have seen the greatest price increase from inflation, with the cost of a dozen eggs more than doubling. Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a dozen eggs sold for about $1.22 in August 2019, increasing to about $3.12 by August 2022. Of course, this situation isn't helped by the avian flu outbreak, which killed more than 40 million egg-laying hens in 2022, according to CNBC.

Naturally, this whole ordeal has people on edge. As per usual, Reddit is particularly outspoken when it comes to food products and prices, and the site's users certainly did not hold back when it came to discussing Walmart eggs. Complete article

City: Mass. Walmart violated Wetlands Protection Act by clearing trees 01/10/2023

WORCESTER — On Monday, the city Conservation Commission pushed a scheduled public hearing back to the end of the month addressing Walmart Supercenter’s proposed plan to remedy a violation of the state’s Wetlands Protection Act.

Walmart, at 29 Tobias Boland Way, has been cited for removing 200 trees in the Blackstone River riverfront area, following the dismantling of the homeless camp in October 2021.

On Oct. 20, 2021, the city Quality of Life Team visited the site to try to connect homeless individuals with services and alert them that the camp was being dismantled, while the state Department of Transportation and the Providence & Worcester Railroad, on whose properties the encampment sat, provided heavy machinery and a dumpster. Police were also on hand. Complete article

Will persistent theft compel Walmart to raise prices or close stores? 01/07/2023

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon yesterday told CNBC that his company has a growing theft problem.

Mr. McMillon said that theft has reached levels that are “higher than what’s historically been” the case for the retailer. “If that’s not corrected over time, prices will be higher, and/or stores will close,” he said.

Walmart’s CEO said the company has put safety and security measures in place to address theft. He said that “local law enforcement being staffed and being a good partner” is part of the response needed to curtail the frequency with which goods are illegally walked out of stores.

In response to a question about laws that make it more difficult to prosecute shoplifters, Mr. McMillon said that laws and practices vary by location and that the retailer would benefit from greater “policy consistency and clarity” so that it would be able to make capital investments where they make the most sense in thwarting thieves. Complete article

Walgreens Executive Says Shoplifting Threat Was Overstated 01/06/2023

In a call with investors on Thursday, the chief financial officer of Walgreens, James Kehoe, said “maybe we cried too much last year” over theft.

A Walgreens executive said this week that the company, which cited “organized” shoplifting as a reason to close five stores in San Francisco in October 2021, might have overstated the effect of theft on its business.

“Maybe we cried too much last year,” James Kehoe, the company’s chief financial officer, said during a Walgreens earnings call with investors.

Mr. Kehoe also said that the company had “probably” spent too much on security measures and that it might have mischaracterized how much theft took place in its stores. Complete article

MY TEN CENTS Walmart reveals 206 stores will now have additional surcharge rule that has been blasted by shoppers 01/06/2023

MORE Walmart shoppers will soon face an extra surcharge at the checkout.

Customers are to be charged for bags at 206 stores across the US under the new changes.

Of those, 105 are in Colorado, joining Walmart locations in Vermont, Maine, and New Jersey that already enforce the rule, The Daily Sentinel reports.

Those who don’t bring their own reusable bags will have to pay 10 cents to buy one at the register.

Walmart will also "shift delivery to paper bags," according to Lauren Willis, global communications director for Walmart in the western US. Complete article

Walmart Slammed for Delivery Service That Critics Say Violates Privacy 01/10/2023 Walmart may be a company beloved by shoppers for its convenience and low prices, but it's not entirely immune to coming under fire for missteps. Some have cited the store charging certain customers more than they should. Others take issue with the retailer's well-intentioned single-use bag policy. And some have called out the company for its sudden shift towards anti-theft tactics that ruin the shopping experience. And now, in the latest instance, Walmart is getting slammed for its new delivery service that critics claim violates their policy. Read on to see why customers are upset with the retailer now. But recently, the company took a cutting-edge approach to fulfilling orders by launching a drone delivery service for select customers.

‘These are no more than $10’: Customer calls out Walmart for putting anti-theft locks on mascaras 01/09/2023

Ohio Walmart Customer Caught Trying To Steal Suitcase Full of Meat: Police 01/10/2023

Ithaca Woman Steals From NY Walmart, Damages Store, and Found with Drugs 01/10/2023

Man suspected of exposing self flees Ga. Walmart and is captured in detention pond 01/09/2023 A man suspected of exposing himself to Walmart employees in October led more than 10 Madison and Morgan County law enforcement officers on a brief foot chase after he returned to the retail store last Thursday, Jan. 5.

Man Arrested For NY Walmart Theft Spree + Selden Man Indicted 01/10/2023 Hempstead man swipes over $40k worth of products from Long Island Walmart stores.

Local Man Charged With Multiple Thefts From Pa. Walmart 01/10/2023

Gallatin County man sentenced for Montana Walmart pistol-whipping last April 01/09/2023

Florida man who suffered heart attack at Walmart thanks DeLand first responders for saving his life 01/10/2023

Defendant in Muncie Ind. Walmart slaying, last July, ruled incompetent 01/11/2023

Man Saves The Day By Rocking A Knife-Wielding Man At SC Walmart With A Stanchion 01/11/2023

Walmart continues to bring the crazy. The latest craziness from the retailer involves a knife-wielding man threatening people near the self-checkouts and a hero armed with a stanchion.

A video of the incident, which took place in a South Carolina Walmart, shows a man holding a pocket knife while yelling at customers and employees. A customer can be seen causally walking over to a stanchion located a few feet behind the knife-wielding man.

The customer waits a couple seconds before picking the stanchion up over his head and walking towards the knife-wielding guy. He then smashes the man with the knife in the back. This causes the man to drop the knife and fall to the ground.

The man lays there screaming in pain as other customers jump in to help keep him there. The customers were able to keep the man subdued until the police arrived on the scene. Complete article

Woman shoves, injures employee while stealing watches at Walmart on West Side San Antonio Tx. 01/12/2023

SAN ANTONIO – A woman is wanted by San Antonio police in connection with a robbery that left a Walmart employee injured.

The robbery was reported on Jan. 7 at the Walmart in the 8900 block of West Military Drive.

According to Crime Stoppers, the employee saw the suspect grab several watches on display in the jewelry department and then walk suspiciously throughout the store.....

The suspect then shoved the employee to the ground and fled the location. The employee suffered injuries to her face, knees, and ankles, police said. Complete article

PASS OFF Two Walmart thieves used ‘staff trick’ to walk away with $10,000 in goods as retailer’s CEO makes warning over thefts 01/10/2023 (Thefts across the country using similar methods.)

THIEVES have allegedly stolen up to $10,000 in Walmart products by using an employee identification login as a so-called “trick” to obtain items at checkout without paying.

Julyah Donald, 21, and Malayshia Penn, 20, from Flint, Michigan, were both charged on January 6, with two class 2 felonies each including two counts of burglary and two counts of identity theft. It is unclear if the two have entered pleas on their behalf.

The items they allegedly stole were valued between $2,000 and $10,000

They plotted their alleged scheme at two different Walmarts in Illinois - one in Highland on January 3, and the other in Collinsville on January 4 - and the cases were presented to the Madison County State’s Attorney’s Office by the Collinsville Police Department. Complete article

Michigan duo charged with burglary, identity theft 01/09/2023

BUYER BEWARE Walmart ‘thieves’ use ‘pass around’ trick to steal from self-checkout after CEO issues stark warning 01/09/2023

Texas man accused of stealing Ruffles box truck from Walmart store 01/11/2023

CONVERSE, Texas — A Texas man is accused of stealing a box truck full of Ruffles potato chips and other Lays products from a Walmart store and then leading police on a long chase across town, authorities said.

Jeff Jetin, 27, was arrested Tuesday and charged with theft of a vehicle worth between $30,000 to $150,000, evading arrest and evading arrest with the detention of a vehicle, according to Bexar County online booking records.

Bexar County deputies and officers with the Converse Police Department were called to a Walmart store in Converse after receiving reports of a stolen vehicle, KSAT-TV reported. Complete article

‘The very first bite I took literally broke my tooth’: Woman claims she found metal in her Walmart chicken wings 01/12/2023

A user on TikTok has sparked discussion after claiming to have injured herself after finding metal in her Walmart chicken wings.

According to TikTok user Amber (@hashmama_), she had purchased the “hot boneless chicken wings” from the deli counter of a Walmart location in Gaylord, Michigan.

Upon taking her first bite, the wing “literally broke my tooth.”

“I spit it out, and what was in my mouth was a very hard, very sharp piece of metal,” Amber recalls. “And I don’t mean tin foil, I mean actual metal.” Complete article

Worcester Walmart Violated Mass. Law After Homeless Camp Clearing: City 01/11/2023

WORCESTER, MA — The Walmart store along Tobias Boland Way in Worcester violated a state environmental law after cutting down scores of trees from along the banks of the Blackstone River following a homeless camp clearing in 2021, according to city documents.

More than a year later, the company is being monitored by the Worcester Conservation Commission as it works to restore about 200 trees removed during the clearing. Under state law, Walmart would've needed permission and a monitoring plan from the conservation commission to perform major work in the 100-foot buffer zone near the river — a sensitive area that helps control flooding, erosion and pollution.

In October 2021, a homeless camp located in the woods between the Walmart parking lot and the Blackstone was cleared in a joint effort by MassDOT, a railroad company, the shopping plaza owner RK Worcester Crossing LLC and city police. At the time, construction equipment was used to remove belongings from parts of the camp and clear trees and other vegetation along the river. Complete article

Woman sentenced after bomb threats incident at Pa. Walmart 01/11/2023

POLICE BEAT 1-11-23: Shoplifters plague Okla. Walmart again 01/11/2023

Man Accused Of Stealing Purse From Woman At Tulsa Okla. Walmart Arrested 01/11/2023

Walmart Pulls Boots Emblazoned With 'KKK' From Website 01/11/2023

Tip leads to arrest of alleged Nevada Walmart robber 01/11/2023

Deputies: Florida woman dropped Paw Patrol bag containing fentanyl in Walmart, asked for it back 01/12/2023

Why Walmart is eliminating single-use bags in some states but not others 01/12/2023

Do not use this flash drive sent by ‘Walmart’ 01/12/2023

Woman Takes Daughter, 12, on Shoplifting Spree at Clermont Fla. Walmart 01/12/2023

Oxford Oaks man arrested on shoplifting charge at Fla. Walmart 01/12/2023

Police search for Sherwood men after they left Arkansas Walmart without paying, police say 01/13/2023

Billings man charged with raping teen in Montana Walmart parking lot 01/12/2023

ABillings man accused of raping a teenage girl last month will make his initial appearance in court Friday.

Tyson Lee Garza, 39, has been charged in Yellowstone County District Court with one count of sexual intercourse without consent.

On Dec. 30, according to charging documents, a 14-year-old girl was at the Walmart on King Avenue West with her grandfather. She went into the store ahead of her grandfather, court documents said. Surveillance footage allegedly showed the girl and a man later identified as Garza walking out of the store and into the parking lot.

Gazra gave the girl the impression that he knew her grandfather, and he asked the girl to sit and his truck while he put away groceries, court documents allege. Garza then allegedly got in the truck with the girl and offered her drugs. Moments later, according to charging documents, he raped her. Complete article

Hyde Park man arrested following incident outside North Logan Utah Walmart 01/13/2023

LOGAN — A 30-year-old Hyde Park man has been arrested following a suspicious incident outside the North Logan Walmart. Michael Forest Bean was booked Friday afternoon into the Cache County Jail.

According to a press release from the North Park Police Department, officers were dispatched to 1600 North Main Street at 11:45 a.m. There were several reports of a suspicious male, later identified as Bean, was blocking traffic and reportedly fiddling with an object that looked like a firearm.

When law enforcement arrived, Bean had moved out of traffic and was standing on the southeast side of 1600 North by the sidewalk. He immediately became confrontational, aggressive, and would not provide identification.

For public safety reasons, officers proceeded to detain the individual. During the process, Bean reportedly resisted, spit in an officer’s face, kicked and successfully struck officers with his feet. Complete article

Card skimmers found at Greensboro Walmart stores, police say 01/12/2023

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Police said Thursday that card skimmers have been located at Walmart stores in Greensboro.

This comes a little more than a week after High Point police said they were investigating card skimmers found at their Walmart stores on North Main Street and South Main Street.

Greensboro police have not said what locations the card skimmers were found or if anyone has reported fraudulent activity on their card.

"We have found a few at Greensboro Walmart stores and are currently working with other agencies for follow-up," a Greensboro police spokesperson told us. Complete article

"I'm banned from Walmart over a bag of Reese's," Houston-area woman says after self-checkout "issue" 01/1/2023

MONTGOMERY, Texas - A Houston-area woman is upset after she says she was banned from Walmart stores for accidentally forgetting to scan a bag of candy at a self-checkout counter.

"I didn’t want to steal the Reese’s," said Paige Warren. "The second [security] stopped me, I was like, is something wrong? If something didn’t scan, I’d be happy to go back and pay."

The incident took place at the Walmart store off Highway 105 in Montgomery last March. Warren says she had run into the store to buy items to make Rice Krispie treats. She purchased roughly $31 worth of items. However, as she was leaving, security stopped her over a bag of Reese’s that Warren says she mistakenly didn’t scan.

"The security guy stopped me and said, can I see your receipt," recalled Warren. "He was like, you didn’t scan your bag of Reese’s. [Then], proceeded to take me to the back Walmart holding cell room." Complete article

'I Feel Like I'm Dead': Woman Alleges She Was Fired From Walmart For Posting on TikTok 01/12/2023

In a viral video, a former Walmart employee shows what she posted that reportedly lead to her being let go.

Maybe some things are left between you and your place of work.

A Walmart employee in Florida is alleging that she was fired from her job after she created a TikTok video showcasing her day at work — and it went viral.

In the clip that's been viewed over 290,000 times, the worker takes viewers through a 13-hour shift during "inventory day" when she and her coworkers go back and forth between shelves on the floor and the stock room. ....

Though the former employee did not specify what about the TikTok led to her being fired, she mentioned in a later TikTok that the President of Walmart had reportedly viewed her videos.

"The Walmart secret apparently," she captioned her inventory video, inferring in the comments that she got into trouble for showing what Walmart employees do during the process. Complete article

BUYER BEWARE I’m a former Walmart employee – the secret ‘pause’ feature we use to stop people from stealing at check-out 01/12/2023

Police attempting to ID fraud suspect last seen at Walmart in LaGrange Ga. 01/13/2023

Car damaged in Griffin Ga. Walmart parking lot 01/13/2023 A FOX 5 viewer submitted a photo of a car on its side and damage at the Griffin Walmart. It was just some of the worst of Thursday's severe weather.

The Week Ahead: Decision on seeking death penalty in El Paso Tx. Walmart mass shooting nears 01/13/2023

Greene County Missouri prosecutor discusses child porn case involving former SGF Walmart worker 01/12/2023

Temple Tx. Police look for man, woman wanted in Walmart theft 01/12/2023

‘No more Walmart associates should be left to die’ — North Little Rock family battles for worker rights one year after loss 01/16/2023

One year ago feels like yesterday to Nicoshe James.

It was Jan. 16, 2022, that James was told that her sister, Janikka Perry, worked her entire shift and was left in pain for nearly two hours in the bathroom of a North Little Rock Walmart. One year ago that James received a call that her 38-year-old sister was found lying in a puddle of her own blood and vomit. One year ago that James watched as her sister, a single mother of two boys, was wheeled out of a hospital in a body bag.

“Jan. 16 was not supposed to be my sister’s death date,” James, 35, said. “The job replaced her, but we can’t replace her.”

In the wake of Perry’s death, her family has worked to spread the word of her story to ensure that no other Walmart associate experiences a similar tragedy. Together, the family gathers outside of the North Little Rock Walmart on the 16th day of every month in memory of their sister, daughter, mother and friend. They hold a banner that reads, “No more Walmart associates should be left to die #Justice4Janikka.” Complete article

Berwick man accused of gun threat at Pa. Walmart 01/15/2023

Press Enterprise staff report BUCKHORN — A Berwick man threatened to shoot another man in the Walmart parking lot here, police said. Charles Thomas Amador... Complete article

Police looking for vehicle involved in hit-and-run at a Walmart in Travelers Rest SC 01/15/2023

TRAVELERS REST, S.C. — The Travelers Rest Police Department is looking for a vehicle involved in a hit-and-run in a Walmart parking lot on Saturday.

The Police Department said it happened at the Walmart located at 9 Benton Road around 11:35 a.m.

According to police, the vehicle hit a pedestrian in the parking lot. The vehicle is described as a burgundy Ford F-150. Complete article

Shopper Warns Of New Walmart Self-Checkout Scam 01/15/2023

As reported by the U.S. Sun, one Walmart customer is sharing a new self-checkout scam that they recently experienced at a Spring, Texas store location. This trick, they are stressing, is also hard to spot. Here’s what we know, so far, and how it might affect your next shopping trip (as it’s better to be aware than not!):

According to Classic Rock 96.1, an anonymous Walmart shopper recently spoke with the station, and shared that they used one of their local store’s self-checkout kiosks to ring up their purchase. However, the shopper’s friend noticed that some of these items in their basket were coming up much pricier than they should have been. They then asked their pal to double-check the receipt.

One of the things the friend pointed out was a charge for $20, and neither of the two knew where it came from. On the reciept, the item description simply read “debit load.” (Huh?) They also both found a $4.94 charge that simply read “Visa.” After the duo spoke with Walmart’s customer service booth to ask about the charges, this is when the employees reportedly told them that a new scam is going around.

“The scam works when someone begins the process of purchasing a pre-paid Visa Card and leaves the kiosk without completing the transaction,” the U.S. Sun writes, adding, “The scammer waits for someone to begin checking out at the kiosk after they left and hopes they’ll be unaware of the unpaid card already in the system.” (Good to know!)

TikToker Calls Out Walmart For ‘Price Gouging’ In Viral Video

Just last month, another Walmart customer made a viral TikTok video that accused the department store of ‘price gouging.’ Video creator Nikki Adams (@nikkis_garden_adventure) posted a clip on December 21st and claimed that she purchased the 60 count ‘Great Value Large White Eggs’ from her local Walmart for $10.56 one month prior. Complete article

Charges filed in Walmart theft ring in or near Pa. 01/13/2023

Alleged Dec. 2022 Walmart shooters charged in separate D’lberville murder 01/12/2023

NIPD: Viral Facebook rumor of shooting in New Iberia La. Walmart is false 01/12/2023

AG Ferguson: Walmart to pay $62.6 million to Washington for its role in opioid epidemic 12/14/2022

Clarksdale Mississippi police respond to altercation at Walmart 01/13/2023

Williston SD FD confirms faulty detector caused Walmart evacuation 01/14/2023

Multiple Shoplifters Arrested At East Meadow NY Walmart: Police 01/15/2023 4 out of 7 incidents in police report were Walmart shoplifting

Roseville Ca. Police investigate reported shooting between two vehicles near Walmart store 01/16/2023

Roseville police are investigating reports of a shooting that took place Sunday evening between occupants of two vehicles near the Walmart Supercenter on Lead Hill Boulevard and Rocky Ridge Drive.

Officers responded to reports of shots fired shortly after 7 p.m. in the 1400 block of Lead Hill, according to Roseville Police Department spokesman Rob Baquera. Officers did not locate any victims or suspects, and no property damage was found.

Baquera said police believe the incident involved two vehicles, neither of which were at the scene when officers arrived. As of Monday morning, no gunshot wound-related injuries have been reported to nearby hospitals. Complete article

Sheriff: Armed man arrested after fight witnessed at Bloomington Ind. Walmart 01/16/2023

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (WISH) — A 29-year-old armed man was arrested Monday night, and witnesses say he and another male were in a fight at Walmart, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office says.

Deputies were called about 7:20 p.m. Monday to the Walmart at 3585 W. State Road 45. That’s west of I-69.

They arrived to stop Matthew Wall as he exited the store. Wall was bleeding from the face. He tried to flee while being handcuffed, the sheriff’s office says.

As deputies arrested Wall, a 9mm handgun fell from Wall’s clothing. He later was found to also be in possession of two magazines and 28 rounds of 9mm ammunition, , the sheriff’s office says. Complete article

WATCH OUT We worked at Walmart – the store’s secret anti-theft device pushed us past our breaking point, we had to warn shoppers 01/17/2023

FORMER Walmart workers have claimed that an anti-theft device previously used by the retailer had “pushed them past their breaking point."

They alleged that the technology, designed to make the self-checkout process more robust, sometimes wrongly accused customers of stealing and missed shoplifting offenses.

Walmart launched a partnership with the Irish AI company Everseen in 2017 and rolled out technology across thousands of its stores.

If an item had not been scanned, the kiosk would issue a warning to staffers.

And, the technology also monitored customers' behavior at the kiosks.

But, one employee, who wanted to remain anonymous, told WIRED in 2020 that they thought the technology was flawed.

They told the outlet that it had “pushed them past their breaking point."

They claimed that the technology was known as “Never Seen” and alleged that there were incidents where customers were wrongly accused of shoplifting.

The ex-workers claimed that the technology-related errors caused long lines to form in-store. .....

The supermarket is among retailers that use carts with tiny mechanisms in the wheels, causing them to lock abruptly when removed from the site. Complete article

7 Warnings to Shoppers From Ex-Walmart Employees 01/13/2023 7 You may not want to let your kids near the toys. Former Walmart employee Rachel Timsina posted a video on TikTok with the username rachelt369, in which she notes "toys are purposely left on to catch the attention of kids so they make their parents buy it." In the background, you can hear various toys making noises. Commenters note that this is a common marketing tactic among retailers.

Colorado Springs Walmart briefly evacuated for bomb threat 01/16/2023

All Connecticut Walmarts will go bagless on Jan. 18 01/18/2023

Virginia lawmakers consider gun purchase waiting period after Walmart mass shooting 01/16/2023

Ga. man accused of shoplifting at Walmart caught with 37 pounds of marijuana in trunk, police say 01/16/2023

Georgia Man Survives Tornado Minutes After Taking Shelter At Walmart 01/14/2023

CMPD Investigating Shooting at NC Walmart Parking Lot 01/17/2023

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Just after 7 p.m. on January 17th, police responded to a shooting near the Walmart on Wilkinson Boulevard.

Medic said they took one person to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. WCCB-TV’s crew on scene says police seem to be focused on a car in the Walmart parking lot.

Police have yet to say what led up to the shooting or if a suspect is in custody. Complete article

Body found behind Manchester Tenn. Walmart; investigation underway 01/17/2023

MANCHESTER, Tenn. (WKRN) – Police in Manchester are investigating after a body was found behind a Walmart Tuesday morning.

Authorities told News 2 a Walmart employee called 911 just before 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 17 after finding an unconscious man behind the store. Police were sent to the Walmart, located in the 2500 block of Hillsboro Boulevard, and found the man dead.

The man’s identity has not been released as his next of kin has yet to be notified. Meanwhile, the body has been sent to the state medical examiner’s office for an autopsy, according to investigators. Complete article

Family of man who died helping shooting victim at Pa. Walmart suing off-duty officer, township 01/17/2023

The paperwork is more than 30 pages thick and just filed in the federal courthouse. It details the night of Nov. 6 at a Beaver County Walmart where a man who was trying to help lost his life.

“It’s terrible, it’s a nightmare that never stops when you close your eyes at night you replay everything that went on,” said Marcy Beatty who’s Vinyard’s fiancé.

Beatty was with Vinyard that tragic night. The two were trying to help a man who was just shot in a Walmart parking lot in Monaca when things took a turn.

In cell phone video, you can see a man motioning at Vinyard in an orange shirt before tackling him to the ground, Vinyard died a short time later.

“He didn’t identify himself as a cop and he’s screaming at Mr. Vinyard backing up, saying, ‘That’s my wife over there, fiancée, she’s helping, we are helping.’ That’s when he charged,” said Attorney Joel Sansone.

That man is now identified as Center Township police officer John Hawk. While state police have not charged him criminally, this family is suing Hawk and Center Township over Vinyard’s death. Complete article

State police investigating death at shooting scene outside Beaver County Walmart 11/07/2022

Man Arrested After Scary Incident at Yakima Wash. Walmart 01/18/2023

Yakima Police have arrested a man for robbery after they say he stole a families car at gunpoint at a Yakima Walmart store. Police say the incident was reported at about 10:30 pm Monday at the Walmart on Chestnut Avenue.

Officers aren't saying it's a carjacking but it sure sounds like it

Capt. Jay Seely says when Officers arrived they found a man who told them his kids were waiting in the car for him while he was shopping at Walmart. He told police while shopping he received a call from his young daughter saying a man was in their car with a gun telling her to be quiet. The suspect started the car and drove around the parking lot before dropping the girl and her brother off near the store. Complete article

Elderly woman forcefully knocked to ground during robbery at Walmart in Round Lake Beach Ill. 01/17/2023

A suspect is in custody after an elderly woman was knocked to the ground during a robbery at the Walmart in Round Lake Beach, police said.

A woman, who was believed to be in her 60s or 70s, entered the vestibule of Walmart, located at 2680 North Route 83 in Round Lake Beach, around 8:40 a.m. January 5.

She was attempting to retrieve a cart when someone grabbed her purse from behind and yanked it hard enough to break the leather strap from her shoulder, Round Lake Beach Police Department Deputy Chief Ryan Rodriguez said. Complete article

‘In your policy, it says you guys don’t have to look at my receipt’: Walmart customer refuses to show employee receipt, cites store policy 01/17/2023

A Walmart customer says she successfully refused to show her receipt to an employee after learning on TikTok that it’s not required.

The customer, named Lowlo (@lowlomelon), recorded her exchange with the Walmart employee and posted the video on TikTok, where it garnered about 80,000 views in one day. In the video, Lowlo seems to be talking to an employee — possibly a manager — who approached her after she declined to show another employee her receipt.

When the employee asks, “What’s going on?” Lowlo replies, “Oh, he just wanted to see my receipt, and I recently learned that, technically, in your policy, it says that you guys don’t have to look at my receipt.”

The TikToker tells the employee that she could report the incident and get somebody fired, but she doesn’t want to do so. She insists that Walmart’s policy does not require employees to check receipts as customers leave the store.

According to an ABC10 VERIFY report from 2019, Walmart customers are not legally required to show employees their receipts. However, a customer’s refusal to show their receipt could give a store probable cause to detain them, which is known as Shopkeeper’s Privilege. Complete article

Are you legally required to show your receipt when leaving a Walmart? | VERIFY 02/21/2019 What Folsom PD said: Sgt. Andrew Bates with the Folsom Police Department directed us to California Penal code 490.5, which states:

"(f) (1) A merchant may detain a person for a reasonable time for the purpose of conducting an investigation in a reasonable manner whenever the merchant has probable cause to believe the person to be detained is attempting to unlawfully take or has unlawfully taken merchandise from the merchant's premises."

In short: "To answer your question," Bates said. "A person would not have to stop unless the merchant had probable cause to believe the person had taken merchandise without paying."

Do You Have to Show Your Receipt at Walmart? 08/21/2022 What Happens if You Refuse to Show Your Receipt at Walmart?

There is no law requiring you to show your receipt at Walmart. However, declining to do so may give a Walmart associate probable cause to detain you under Shopkeepers’ Privilege law. In some cases, you may also encounter an untrained Walmart employee who may forcibly detain you if you refuse to show your receipt.

Do I Have To Show My Receipt At Wal-Mart? 01/1/2023 Is it Legal for Walmart to Check Receipts at the Door? The short answer is no. At most retailers like Walmart, an employee can’t force you to show them your receipt or allow them to search your bag. And make no mistake: when a greeter is asking to check your receipt, he is actually asking for permission to search your bags or seize your person.

Can Walmart make you show a receipt? 12/02/2019 According to Texas Fort Bend County Pct. 3 Constable Wayne Thompson, you don't.

“There is no law (penal code) that allows a store to demand you show your receipt,” explained Thompson. “You can walk on by if you wish.”

Even though a customer isn’t legally required to show a receipt at Walmart in Texas, they are required to show one at Sam’s Club and Costco.

Those stores require a membership with their own terms and conditions, as soon as a person signs them they have agreed to show their receipts.

Do You Have To Show Your Receipt At Walmart? – Know Your Rights 01/08/2023 Do I Have To Show My Receipt At Walmart?

The employees can request to check it before your leave, because that is Walmart receipt checking policy. However, you have the right not to accept it.

Does Walmart have the right to check receipts? The answer is yes but just in some certain situations. Because of the “Shopkeeper’s Privilege”, the company can even force buyers to present it or detain them in-store in case the staff suspects something wrong.

Walmart still isn't paying workers enough, says one author calling for a $20 national minimum wage 01/17/2023

The Fight for $15, a national political movement calling for minimum wage to be raised, began a decade ago with fast food workers walking off the job in New York City demanding $15 an hour. Starting this month, a handful of states actually hit that goal of a $15 minimum wage.

Many major companies have also voluntarily raised pay to $15 or more in recent years — a multi-billion-dollar boost for hourly workers.

But in a new book, author Rick Wartzman uses the story of Walmart to argue that corporate America – for all this change — is still paying workers less than it should.

The solution, he says, is something almost no one is talking about: a federal intervention with a new, national minimum wage set at $20 an hour – almost triple the current level. Complete article

STOCK & LOCK Major retailer launches ‘invisible’ project to make stealing useless and bucks Walmart’s ‘locked up’ trend 01/18/2023

A HUGE retailer has launched a new project as part of its efforts to combat shoplifting.

Lowe’s execs believe their "invisible" program is an alternative to strategies adopted by the likes of Walmart which sees goods locked in cabinets or stored behind plexiglass.

Computer chips are being used as part of the home improvement giant’s new program Project Unlock, Retail Leader revealed.

Tags are added when items such as power tools are being made.

But, the drill will only work when it has been scanned at the checkout.

It means that items that are stolen will not start up, effectively making them useless. Complete article

‘Those deli employees are MAAADDDD’: Walmart customer orders .25 lb of cheese—but receives 30 lbs of cheese instead 01/10/2023

A user on TikTok has gone viral after claiming that their order of .25 lb of cheese from Walmart somehow resulted in them receiving 30 lbs of cheese.

In a video with over 1.1 million views, TikTok user Courtney (@courtneydeemss) shows her order, which includes several massive bags of sliced cheese.

“When I ordered .25lb of cheese and Walmart sent me 30lbs,” she writes in the caption.

In the comments, she adds, “The worst part is I have to show up to Walmart customer service tomorrow for a refund.” Complete article

Springfield man charged with possession of child porn; claimed to have taken pictures of kids at a Missouri Walmart 01/16/2023

WALLED IN I’m a Colorado Walmart customer – I was ‘held hostage by a store employee after I used self-checkout and showed my receipt’ 01/17/2023

Accused El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting suspect won't face death penalty in federal court 01/17/2023

Woman Arrested For Shoplifting at Alabama Walmart 01/18/2023

DOUBLE BLOW Ga. Walmart thief caught ‘skip scanning’ 24 items worth $165 – but he gets in more trouble from items he did pay for 01/17/2023

Officer-involved shooting at Chipley Fla. Walmart, still under investigation, suspect injured 01/16/2023 fatal

CHIPLEY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) - A suspect is hospitalized after an officer-involved shooting that occurred at a Chipley Walmart on Wednesday, officials say.

According to a Facebook post with Washington County Sheriff’s Office, the suspect was transported to a local hospital, and a heavy presence of law enforcement is on scene and safe.

Chipley Police are the acting agency in the case. Complete article

Florida police shoot, kill Cleveland, Tenn. man after confrontation in Walmart parking lot 01/20/2023

Woman hit and injured after being struck by car at Va. Walmart 01/18/2023

BLUEFIELD, Va. (WVVA) - A woman was struck by a vehicle and injured in the parking lot of the Bluefield Walmart on Tuesday. That’s according to the Bluefield, West Virginia Rescue Squad who responded to the scene.

They say it happened at around 2:30 pm, adding that after the vehicle hit the woman, the driver fled the scene and hit another vehicle. The woman who was hit had leg and head injuries. Members of the rescue squad say the injuries did not appear to be life threatening at the scene.

Bluefield, Virginia Police were not able to immediately comment on the situation as of Wednesday. It’s unclear who, if anyone was arrested as a result of the hit and run but we will continue to learn more about this incident. Complete article

$136,000 Stolen By Joliet Ill. Walmart Employee: Forfeiture 01/18/2023

JOLIET, IL — A 47-year-old employee at the Joliet Walmart store on West Jefferson Street now faces the forfeiture of her 2015 Jeep Cherokee after an audit determined that Melissa Vanderwall stole $135,988 from the store on Nov. 27, new court filings show.

The forfeiture complaint was filed at the Will County Courthouse.

On Dec. 15, a Will County grand jury indicted Vanderwall on two felonies, theft and burglary, following a Joliet police investigation. The Grundy County woman who lives in the 1900 block of West Grand Ridge Road in Mazon has not been taken into custody by authorities in Will County. Her warrant is still active on the Will County warrants website, which does not have a photo of her.

This week's Will County forfeiture complaint provides extensive details surrounding the criminal case against Vanderwall. Complete article

CODE RED I’m an ex Walmart worker – we have a secret name to expose self-checkout errors that wrongly accuse shoppers of theft 01/19/2023

A FORMER Walmart staffer has told how they used a secret code name to conceal their identity before exposing the flaws of an anti-theft device.

The major retailer teamed up with an Irish AI company in 2017 and rolled out enhanced technology throughout its stores in a bid to clamp down on shoplifting offenses.

Top-quality cameras would monitor shoppers’ behavior in-store and self-checkout machines flagged warnings to staffers if items had not been scanned, Insider reported.

But, one Walmart employee told WIRED in 2020 that the technology, designed by Everseen, even wrongly accused customers of stealing.

The worker was part of a group of disgruntled staffers who had named themselves the “Concerned Home Office Associates.” Complete article

Police Seeking Info About NY Wallet Stolen From Walmart Shopping Cart 01/18/2023

Manitowoc court, on day after MLK Day, sentences woman to 3 years probation for 2020 hate crime in Wisc. Walmart parking lot 01/18/2023

Online scams use fabricated Walmart sexual discrimination ‘settlements’ as lure 01/18/2023

Model can't sue Amazon, Walmart, Ulta for unauthorized use of her image - N.Y. judge 01/18/2023

3 charged with theft at Walmart in Luzerne County Pa. 01/18/2023

Police: Evansville Ind. shooter, a former employee, killed after injuring 1 at Walmart 01/20/2023

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — A 25-year-old man opened fire at a Walmart store in Indiana where he once worked, wounding at least one person before officers fatally shot him, authorities said Friday.

The gunman was identified as Ronald Ray Mosley II by Sgt. Anna Gray of the Evansville Police Department. She said Mosley had previously worked at the store in the city in southwest Indiana.

Officer Taylor Merriss said Friday that a female employee was struck when Mosley opened Thursday night.

Police didn’t immediately release the victim’s name or age or the extent of her injuries. But Merriss said she “was able to talk when she was taken away from the scene,” the Evansville Courier & Press reported. Complete article

Indiana Walmart gunman targeted employees at meeting, left suicide note: police 01/20/2023

Female Indiana Walmart employee's heroic actions saved lives, police say 01/21/2023

Evansville Police release list of officers involved in Walmart shooting 01/31/2023 They are Captain Brent Hoover, Sergeant Trudy Day, Sergeant Michael Condiff, Sergeant Crystal Thomas, Sergeant Jared LaFollette, Detective Nickolaus Henderson, Officer Michael Rose.

Body found inside vehicle in Walmart parking lot in Pompano Beach Fla. 01/19/2023

POMPANO BEACH, Fla. – The Broward Sheriff’s Office is investigating after a body was found inside a vehicle Thursday in the parking lot of a Walmart.

BSO spokeswoman Claudinne Caro confirmed that the body was discovered around 8:45 a.m. near the 2300 block of West Atlantic Boulevard.

According to Caro, deputies and Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue personnel responded to the area and found a man dead inside of the vehicle.

She said BSO Homicide Unit and Crime Scene detectives also responded and are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death. Complete article

Body found in pond behind Ohio Walmart 01/19/2023

The body of a deceased white male was discovered around 1 p.m. in a pond behind the Walmart on the west side of Findlay.

A report from the Findlay Police department shows that they and personnel from Hanco EMS and the Findlay Fire Department responded at 1:15 p.m. to a report of a dead person floating in the retention pond at 1161 W. Trenton Ave. The body has not been identified and has been sent to the Lucas County Coroner's Office for autopsy, according to the report. Complete article

Would-be burglar rappels into Woodland Wash. Walmart 01/19/2023 Plus jewelery theft statistics

WOODLAND, Wash. — Like a scene from a movie, a burglar dropped into a store from the roof and hit the jewelry counter, stuffing loot into a backpack during an attempted jewelry heist at the Walmart in Woodland on Christmas day.

Police said that the suspect got into the store by rappelling in from above through a skylight.

Woodland police provided security video from early in the morning on Christmas day. The Walmart store was closed, but the suspect — who police believe is a man — decided to drop in anyway.

Photos of the aftermath are now evidence in the unsolved burglary case, including one of the skylights on the roof above, which the burglar breached. ....

Despite the resourceful break-in, there was one big problem for the would-be burglar. During the heist, an alarm system did finally go off. The noise sent him running, dropping his backpack full of stolen jewelry in the aisle before exiting the store.

The alarm got police officers to the Walmart too, but the suspect was gone when they arrived. The case remains an open investigation, and anyone with information is asked to contact the Woodland Police Department. Complete article

Sobering Statistics on Jewelry-Related Crimes 07/28/2022 Jewelry theft is a big business. The dollar losses from crimes against U.S. jewelry firms reported by JSA for the 20-year period 2002 to 2021 totaled $2.2 billion. (an average of $220 million per year.)

Police seek men who dumped hazardous chemicals in Tilden Twp. Pa. Walmart 01/19/2023

TILDEN TWP., Pa. - Police in Tilden Township are looking for two men they say intentionally dumped hazardous liquids in a local Walmart.

On January 14, two men entered the store in the 1800 block of Tilden Ridge Drive around 7:30 p.m. and proceeded through the premises.

According to investigators, one of the men acquired chemical items, including motor oil and bleach, and dumped them all over the floors of the business, creating a hazardous condition for employees and customers. Complete article

Social media report of armed man at Missouri Walmart turns out to be toy gun found in vehicle 01/22/2023

A social media post from Saturday, Jan. 21, contended an armed man had been seen entering the Walmart Supercenter in Cape Girardeau.

A post from Cape Girardeau Police Department painted a starkly different scenario: An orange toy gun had been observed in a vehicle in the store's parking lot. Complete article

STALKING FOR SHOPLIFTING I work at Walmart self-checkout – I’m like a ‘shark with blood in the water’ when it comes to monitoring for theft 01/22/2023

A WALMART worker has revealed he feels like a "shark with blood in the water" while monitoring customers at self-checkout.

Self-checkout lines may help shoppers get out of the store faster, but they present a real theft problem for stores like Walmart.

A head cashier named James told The Guardian he felt like the "shark" when monitoring for theft at his store in Washington state.

He is required to surveil an uninterrupted stream of up to four customers at once.

The stream shows them struggling to use the scanner and the touchscreen - and even try to shoplift.

“You’re confined to that little place, and you’re pretty much standing in one spot for up to eight hours a day, which just kills your feet," he said. Complete article

Four allegedly spray doe urine on woman in Walmart parking lot in Adams County Pa. 01/22/2023

ADAMS COUNTY, Pa. (WHP) — Authorities have arrested four individuals who they say sprayed urine on a woman as they drove by her in a Walmart parking lot.

According to Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Gettysburg, the incident happened on Jan. 8 at 6:26 p.m. at a Walmart on 1270 York Rd.

Officials say four people had entered a Walmart and sprayed "doe estrous" urine in the aisles of the store.

Police say the group then left the store, spraying a 41-year-old woman with the urine when they drove by her as they exited the parking lot. Complete article

A Customer Answered the Phone at Walmart When No Employees Were Around 01/20/2023

Hello…is it me you’re looking for…?

A young man no doubt had that saying ringing in his ears when he answered a phone while he was shopping at his local Walmart….because the phone had been ringing over and over for ten minutes.

And he even offered some good customer service!

And here’s what folks had to say about this on TikTok.

One person commended him for pulling this off on the spot. Complete article

Moreland Hills Ohio man sues Walmart, accuses supermarket chain of deceptive pricing on website 01/19/2023

CLEVELAND, Ohio— A Moreland Hills man sued Walmart over its disparity in prices for products sold online and in brick-and-mortar stores.

Kevin Adelstein filed the lawsuit against the supermarket giant in federal court in Cleveland. The lawsuit seeks class-action status. It’s one of several similar ones filed across the country against Walmart. and The Plain Dealer reached out to Walmart for comment. Complete article

Police Seeking Information On Quartet In Wyoming Walmart Crime 01/19/2023

Tx. Walmart employee stole more than $20K, stole at least 3 times per week since November 01/18/2023

Man steals two TVs from Walmart in one week: South Euclid Ohio Police Blotter 01/18/2023

Accused El Paso Tx. Walmart gunman will plead guilty to federal charges 01/21/2023

A Walmart run for 3 international graduate students ends in deadly shooting, ‘senseless robbery’ for $6 on South Side of Chicago Ill. 02/03/2023

Lakshman Gogada and two roommates hopped onto a bus one evening last month on their way to shop for a Wi-Fi router for their new apartment on the city’s South Side.

They were “five steps” from entering a Walmart when they were robbed at gunpoint and Gogada’s roommates — both of whom had arrived from India only 10 days earlier — were shot, one fatally, Gogada told the Tribune.

“I was saved by God’s grace, but they both were hit by bullets,” said Gogada, 22, who was not injured when, according to police, five people pulled up to them in a stolen 2020 Kia Forte on Jan. 22, at the students walked through a parking lot on South Holland Road.

“We just gave the phone and money, but they only took the money and left the phones, and even after giving, they just shot,” Gogada said “After hearing the shot sounds, I just laid down on the ground.” Complete article

Body found in Hickory NC Walmart parking lot; police are investigating 01/22/2023

Hickory police are investigating a death after a body was found in the parking lot of the Walmart Supercenter in Hickory late Saturday.

The death does not appear to be suspicious, Hickory Police Department Media & Community Services Coordinator Kristen Hart said Sunday.

Hart did not provide additional details on the matter but said one individual was found deceased. Complete article

Police identify body found at Hickory Walmart; overdose suspected 01/23/2023

BG Police called to Ky. Walmart for employee reportedly threatening to harm co-worker and himself 01/21/2023

Bowling Green Police Division responded Thursday at 3:31 a.m. to Walmart for an employee who had reportedly threatened another employee and threatened to harm himself.

The 21-year-old employee was being terminated from his job for reportedly threatening to use a firearm to hurt a co-worker, when the employee also threatened to take his own life. Officers took the man to the police station, where he was met by a mental health professional from Unison. He was then transported up to St. Charles Hospital.

The man was advised that he would be charged with trespassing if he returned to the Walmart store in Bowling Green. Complete article

‘I am on my break’: Walmart employee lets shoplifter get away, says stopping him will get her fired 01/23/2023

A Walmart employee has gone viral and sparked discussion on TikTok after claiming they let a thief get away as apprehending them would get them fired.

In a video with over 45,000 views, Kristy (@asap.kristy) says she was on her break at Walmart when she saw someone leaving the store who appeared to be carrying stolen merchandise.

“We made eye contact, and I was like, sir. I am not going to do anything. On top of that, if I literally come and stop you, I will literally get in trouble and get fired,” she recalls. “So I just let him walk out.”

While it may seem counterintuitive to those who haven’t worked in retail, Kristy’s reaction was entirely correct.

It is generally accepted that employees should not pursue shoplifters. This is the case for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is employee safety. For example, the shoplifter may have a weapon, or an employee may hurt themselves in pursuit of a thief. Complete article

OVERKILL I’m a Walmart shopper – I went to buy $2 makeup and had to go through four anti-theft measures to purchase it 01/22/2023

THIS Walmart customer had to go through an awful amount of trouble to purchase her $2 eye makeup.

Walmart's CEO Doug McMillion spoke out in December about the historically high level of shoplifting at the superstore.

To prevent theft, Walmart and stores alike have set up measures to stop shoplifters in their tracks.

One shopper on Quora told a story about the last time he set foot inside Walmart, which was a few years back.

Mark Toole said that he and his then-girlfriend went to Walmart so that she could buy $2 eye makeup.

Once they got to the makeup aisle they noticed a TV hanging from the ceiling that displayed the couple walking down the aisle. Complete article

Walmart Deceptively Marketing to Kids on Roblox 01/24/2023

MADISON, CONN., Jan. 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A coalition of advocacy groups led by ad watchdog ( is urging the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) – a BBB National Program – to immediately audit the Walmart Universe of Play advergame, a recent addition to the self-regulatory group’s COPPA Safe Harbor Program and bearer of one of the Program’s certification seals. According to a letter from, Fairplay, Center for Digital Democracy and the National Association of Consumer Advocates, a copy of which was sent to Walmart, Roblox and the FTC, the retail giant is exposing children to deceptive marketing on Roblox, the online gaming and creation platform used by millions of kids on a daily basis.

Walmart’s first foray into the Roblox metaverse came last September, when it premiered two experiences, Walmart Universe of Play and Walmart Land, which collectively have been visited more than 12 million times. Targeted at – and accessible to – young children on Roblox, Universe of Play features virtual products and characters from L.O.L. Surprise!, Jurassic World, Paw Patrol, and more and is advertised to allow kids to play with the “year’s best toys” and make a “wish list” of toys that can then be purchased at Walmart.

As the consumer groups warn, Walmart completely blurs the distinction between advertising content and organic content, and simultaneously fails to provide clear or conspicuous disclosures that Universe of Play (or content within the virtual world) are ads. In addition, as kids’ avatars walk through the game, they are manipulated into opening additional undisclosed advertisements disguised as surprise wrapped gifts. Complete article

‘I am operating in an OSHA violation right now’: Walmart employee says store has no running water 01/24/2023

'This proves that Walmart doesn’t care about, not only their employees, but their patrons.'

A Walmart employee is calling out his place of work after he claims the store has no running water, yet is continuing to be in operation.

In a video with over 61,000 views, TikTok user @goodmanifuckinguess claims that the store had several “ongoing issue[s].”

“It’s not always ‘no water,’ it’s just, sometimes the water just fucking goes out,” he says. “Tonight, there was no water at all throughout the whole store. There’s no water to open up the deli to get all their deli stuff going, to wash all their utensils and tools. There’s no water to go to the bathroom, to take a piss or a shit, and flush that piss and shit down, and then wash your hands afterwards.” Complete article

Walmart strikes a deal with Salesforce to sell more of its tech to other retailers 01/12/2023

As times get tighter in retail, Walmart is chasing a new side hustle.

The retail giant, known for selling groceries, toothpaste, toys and more in its big-box stores, wants to sell more of its technology and services to other companies. On Thursday, it announced a deal with Salesforce to ramp up sales of its GoLocal delivery service, which drops off purchases at customers’ doors; and Store Assist, which helps employees more quickly and accurately pick and pack orders for curbside pickup and delivery.

Starting this spring, the services will be offered through Salesforce and listed in its app store for businesses. Complete article

Tenn. Police Blotter: Man Unsuccessful At Stealing $300 Worth Of Items From Walmart 01/21/2023

Eastern Ky. Walmart mourns loss of employee 01/23/2023

Police investigate bomb threat at a Wytheville Va. Walmart 01/23/2023
Suspect wanted for making bomb threat toward Wytheville Va. Walmart 01/23/2023

2 arrested for attempted shoplifting with minor at Mt. Pleasant SC Walmart 01/23/2023

Cortland Woman Arrested by Sheriff After Theft at NY Walmart 01/23/2023

Crash at US 65, Missouri Wal-Mart Drive results in fatality 01/24/2023

Emergency personnel responded to a one-vehicle crash at the intersection of U.S. Highway 65 and Wal-Mart Drive Tuesday, Jan. 24.

According to a report from the Marshall Police Department, 911 notified them of the crash shortly after 11 a.m. A Ford Fusion had struck a pole at the intersection and the driver sustained injuries.

Saline County Ambulance transported the driver to Fitzgibbon Hospital for treatment, and the driver was later pronounced deceased. Complete article

Monroe man accused of assaulting La. Walmart employee; spits on police officer 01/25/2023

MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD) — On January 21, 2023, Monroe Police were called to the Walmart Supercenter due to a suspect refusing to leave the premises. Police were also informed that an employee was struck in the face by the suspect.

Upon arrival, authorities located the suspect and identified him as 46-year-old Shane J. Touchet. Touchet was placed in double-locked handcuffs and he allegedly attempted to pull away from officers. As officers managed to place Touchet in the backseat of the patrol unit, he allegedly spat on one of the officers. Touchet was transported to the Ouachita Correctional Center where he was booked for the following offenses: Complete article

Photos of arson suspects released, reward offered in Ga. Walmart and Target fires 01/24/2023

Fires have been set at two Atlanta Walmart stores and, just yesterday, a Target in Buckhead.

ATLANTA — Authorities are looking to identify two people they believe could be responsible for recent fires at Atlanta Walmart and Target stores.

Photos shared by the Atlanta Fire Department show a heavy set Black man with an orange ski cap and reflective construction vest at a Walmart on Martin Luther King Jr Drive in Vine City.

In the Target photo, a man is seen pushing a shopping cart with with what appears to be a suitcase in it. That man is wearing a baseball hat, some sort of scarf and a medical mask over his face.

"Investigators believe the suspects intentionally set the fires to create a distraction, allowing the offenders to shoplift items and escape as patrons rushed to exit the burning stores," the fire department said in a news release.

They went on to say that the fires have "resulted in millions of dollars in damage." Complete article

Fires at Atlanta Ga. Target, Walmarts set as shoplifting distractions, officials say 01/24/2023

ATF now investigating arsons at Ga. Target, Walmart stores 01/26/2023

Ga. Walmart store closes after fire but the retailer is reopening another one – see where the new big-box store is located 01/28/2023

Walmart Worker Attacked by Shoplifters Allegedly 01/25/2023

A Walmart employee was viciously attacked by two would-be thieves after she foiled their shoplifting efforts. The woman held her ground and refused to allow the two suspects to leave the store with two packed shopping carts they had no intention of paying for.

Video footage of the incident shows how the employee refused to back down, even while being aggressively hit by the angry shoplifters. Here's what the footage shows.

Video footage shows two would-be shoplifters heading for the store exit with two shopping carts, both full of stolen goods. One of the thieves is wearing a blanket on their head, presumably to protect their identity.

The Walmart employee spots the two would-be thieves (they weren't exactly being discreet) and decides to intervene. The heroic worker places herself in between the two carts, grabbing onto each one and refusing to let go. Complete article

Security at Ca. Target store in downtown LA increased after homeless man stabs 2 people inside 11/18/2023

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A Target store in downtown Los Angeles now has increased security after a homeless man grabbed a large butcher knife off the shelf and stabbed two people - including a young boy - before he was fatally shot.

The terrifying attack unfolded around 6:20 p.m. Tuesday at a popular shopping complex near Figueroa and 7th streets.

Police say the homeless man entered the store and grabbed a butcher knife with a 9-inch blade off a shelf. He approached a 9-year-old boy in the store and told him he was going to kill him, according to LAPD Chief Michel Moore.

"(He) confronted him and told the young boy he was going to stab him and kill him," Moore said. "He repeated that more than once. The young child attempted to flee and leave, ignore him, move away. The suspect without any further provocation suddenly attacked and stabbed this child in the back." Complete article

Louisville bank robbed at gunpoint Tuesday after false call at Alcoa Tenn. Walmart 01/24/2023

ALCOA, Tenn. (WATE) — A suspect is in custody after a bank robbery in Louisville on Tuesday.

CBBC Bank on Topside Road in Blount County, near the intersection with Pellissippi Parkway, was robbed Tuesday afternoon, according to Emily Assenmacher, spokeswoman for the City of Alcoa.

Richard D. Hines, Jr., was arrested by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the incident. He is facing charges of bank robbery and brandishing a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence.

The bank is about 7 miles, across town, from the Walmart in Alcoa where a false call about a robbery occurred around the same time as the bank robbery. Complete article

Heavy police presence at Alcoa Tenn. Walmart was a false call, department says 01/24/2023

Incident at Southern Kentucky Walmart leaves man facing charges 01/27/2023

MONTICELLO, Ky. (WYMT) - What started out as a shopping trip for one Southern Kentucky deputy ended up with one Wayne County man facing charges.

It happened Thursday night just after 10:30 at the Monticello Walmart.

Deputy Derek Dennis went into the store to make a purchase when he spotted another customer that he had an active warrant out on.

When Dennis went to arrest the man, later identified as Jonathan Moran, 45, of Monticello, and asked if he had illegal on him, he pulled his hand out of his pocket and had something in his fist.

The deputy then asked Moran to put his hands behind his back so he could handcuff him. At that point, the suspect put a plastic baggie in his mouth and tried to swallow it. Deputy Dennis put Moran on the floor and held his throat to keep him from swallowing it. Moran ended up spitting it out onto the floor of the store, but continued to struggle with Dennis until he told the suspect that he would taze him if he did not stop. Once Moran stopped struggling and got up, Dennis found another baggie on the ground where he had been laying. Complete article

BOXED IN Walmart customers slam ‘out of line’ anti-theft measures that make shopping in store a ‘terrible experience’ 01/25/2023

A SHOPPER has slammed Walmart for its "out of line" anti-theft measures on inexpensive items.

In a viral video, Tayla claims employees locked up a tube of mascara twice before she was able to purchase it as the store continues to crack down on retail crime.

The miffed customer recorded a video of herself inside Walmart where she explained the process she went through to buy cheap makeup.

"So I'm at Walmart cause I get my mascara from here," she said in a clip of her in the beauty section.

"And they got the locks on the mascara."

She panned the camera over rows of makeup hanging behind locks, which prevent shoppers from grabbing the items themselves.

"These is like no more than $10 so whatever," she said.

Tayla got the attention of an employee who helped her get the affordable tube from the shelf.

But instead of handing her the mascara, she made the shopper wait and said: "I gotta give you something," according to Tayla.

"Why she give me the f**king mascara in this box," Tayla said, holding up a plastic retail security device trapping the beauty product. Complete article

Walmart Is Under Investigation for Supplements It Sells 01/25/2023


If you get your vitamins from Walmart, you should be aware that the retailer is currently under investigation for some of the supplements it sells, namely Qunol Magnesium and Equate Magnesium. Read on to find out why these two products are facing scrutiny.

According to the Mayo Clinic, magnesium plays an integral role in your body, supporting both muscle and nerve function and energy production. We get magnesium from our diet, with foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, leafy veggies, milk, and yogurt among those that are richest in this mineral. If you're not getting enough through your diet, your doctor can help you determine if you need to add a supplement and identify those that are best absorbed in the body, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

But some people add magnesium supplements on their own, due to marketing strategies that present it as a "super-pill," Harvard Health Publishing points out. However, while some claim that magnesium can assist with things like fatigue, muscle tension, or insomnia, experts say that there isn't enough definitive evidence to support these claims—which is why a few supplements are being questioned. Complete article

Woman Buys Exact Same Walmart Groceries 2 Years Later & They Cost 50% More 01/22/2023

Inflation has been a constant cause for concern from practically the moment life returned to some semblance of pre-pandemic normalcy.

And it's stirred up plenty of debate too, from those who think it's a normal economic force to those who blame corporate price-gouging—and even those who claim they haven't noticed much change at all.

But if a TikToker's latest video is to believed, that debate can be laid to rest.

Her Walmart groceries cost 50% less two years ago.

Creator @amywaytosave, whose content focuses on money-saving tips, did an experiment, going to Walmart and buy the same groceries three times in two years to see if prices change. Complete article

'BY FAR' Inside the ‘worst Walmart in America’ as residents joke it’s the most terrible retail store on planet Earth 01/19/2023

A WALMART in Cleveland, Ohio, has been called the worst Walmart in America.

Comedian Mike Polk Jr. slammed the Steelyard Commons Walmart in Cleveland during an appearance on the Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show.

"We've got to do something about the Steelyard Commons Walmart," said Polk Jr. "It is a disaster, everything is on the floor. It's absolutely awful. It's dangerous."

In an effort to back up his claims, the comedian looked up some Yelp reviews of the store.

"Last year, there was a burnt-out car in the parking lot for the better part of three months," one person allegedly wrote.

The statement drew laughter from the show's hosts. Complete article

Inside largest Walmart store in the US – it has a feature not available in most other shops 01/19/2023

Walmart's Sam's Club to add 30 stores in next few years 01/26/2023

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Walmart said Thursday it plans to open more than 30 Sam's Club locations in the next few years, marking the first expansion since 2017.

The nation's largest retailer, based in Bentonville, Arkansas, plans to open the first Sam's Club location as part of the expansion next year in Florida. Sam's Club is also modernizing its distribution network. Sam’s Club will launch five new supply chain fulfillment and distribution centers, with the first location planned in Georgia later this year.

The last new Sam's Club location opened in in Hanover, Pennsylvania.

The move comes as Walmart's Sam's Club division has enjoyed strong sales growth and a record rise in membership over the past two years. For the latest quarter ended Oct. 28, sales at stores opened at least a year rose 10% for Sam's Clubs. For the company's namesake stores, that figure was up 8.2%. Complete article

PAY SHOCK Shoppers slam Walmart over major checkout fail as retail giant still doesn’t offer popular paying method 01/23/2023 Customers are shocked that Walmart doesn’t accept Apple Pay, one of the most popular forms of payment around.

NAKED TRUTH I’m the most-hated Walmart employee for never following the dress code – people say I might as well turn up naked 01/20/2023

Detectives identify woman wanted in theft from WV Wal-Mart 01/23/2023

Lumberton NC Walmart to donate everyday essentials to homeless students, families 01/24/2023

WTF?! Did Illinois Man Steal A Walmart Register For His Home!? 01/25/2023 One great example of a nostalgic item that you wouldn't ordinarily find in a home is an old working Walmart checkout.

Over $200 theft at a Luzerne County Pa. Walmart 01/23/2023

Chesapeake Va. Walmart shooting: 6 killed, several still hospitalized 01/25/2023 (This refers to the mass shooting two days before Thanksgiving just over two months ago. It's reported as if it just happened, showing how incompetent many media outlets have became, whether it's corner cutting or some other reason.)

Tenn. Police Blotter: Men Parked At Walmart Exit Door Just Waiting For A Friend; Man's Neighbor Threatens To "Put Bullet Holes In Him" 01/23/2023 Police spoke with a man on Gunbarrel Road who said he was homeless and staying under the building due to the rain. Police informed the man the manager of the Walgreens, 2289 Gunbarrel Road, asked that he leave the property. The man cleaned up the area then left the property without issue.

License Plate Stolen In Walmart Parking Lot - And Other Collegedale Tenn. Police Calls 01/25/2023

Mental health concerns put Sept. 2022 Pa. Walmart stabbing case on hold 01/25/2023

New El Paso Tx. District Attorney tight-lipped about outcome of Walmart shooting hearing 01/25/2023

No reopening date set for Chesapeake Va. Walmart where mass killing took place 01/25/2023

Second defendant sentenced for Pa. Walmart bomb threat last June 01/26/2023

Ocala man arrested after making fraudulent returns at Fla. Walmart 01/25/2023

Shooting behind Ariz. Walmart on Wetmore sends man to hospital 01/28/2023 fatal

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Tucson Police are investigating a shooting near Diamond St. Loop, behind the Walmart on E. Wetmore Road.

TPD tells KGUN the shooting sent a man to the hospital with "life-threatening injuries" on Saturday night.

A suspect has not been identified or arrested. TPD asks anyone with information to call 911. Complete article

Shooting behind Walmart claims teen's life 01/30/2023

Spokane Valley Sheriff's Deputies arrest erratic, armed suspect at Spokane Valley Wash. Walmart 01/28/2023

SPOKANE, Wash. - Spokane Valley Sheriff's Deputies (SVSD) arrested 31-year-old James Jennings after he was acting erratic while armed inside the Spokane Valley Walmart.

According to SVSD, they responded after hearing reports of a man acting erratic, jumping on top of a car and attempting to light it on fire. Reports also said the suspect was armed with a handgun which police found to be a torch.

When inside the store, the suspect armed himself with a large kitchen knife, a baseball bat, a batting helmet, and a pole or a bar.

SVSD attempted to use non-lethal attempts to contain the suspects behavior. After a taser was used multiple times along with pepper spray, police were able to detain Jennings. Complete article

Man catches fire in bathroom of Walmart Neighborhood Market in Topeka Kansas 01/28/2023

TOPEKA, Kan. — A man was seriously injured when he caught on fire in the bathroom of a Walmart Neighborhood Market in Kansas on Saturday night, authorities said.

According to Gretchen Spiker, spokesperson for Topeka’s city government, firefighters were called about 8:15 p.m. CST, The Topeka Capital-Journal reported.

“Upon arrival, firefighters located an adult male on fire in a bathroom,” Spiker told the newspaper in a statement. “TFD personnel immediately worked to get the fire out, and rendered aid to the involved individual.” Complete article

Cause of Walmart bathroom fire revealed 02/01/2023 Investigators have determined the cause of the fire as incendiary, intentionally set, by the involved individual. He remains in the hospital as of this writing. Additional updates are not anticipated.

CARTED OFF I’m a mom – I had to lug my Walmart cart around after its anti-theft wheels locked leaving me stranded with two kids 01/28/2023

A MOM in Florida has posted a TikTok video capturing the moment she struggled with a Walmart cart's anti-theft brakes.

The video creator posted a video with a malfunctioning cart full of items and a baby carriage with her two kids.

"When the anti-theft wheels lock up before you even make it to the cart return and the car is another fifty yards away," a digital voiceover says in the video.

The cart's locked wheel rendered the cart ineffective, as the mom struggles to move the cart a small distance.

One of the two kids is seen struggling in the stroller behind the cart.

The caption of the video reads: "I'm a mom - I had to lug my Walmart cart around after its anti-theft wheels locked leaving me stranded with two kids." Complete article

Holding Walmart Accountable For Violating Workers’ Rights With Abusive Attendance Policies 01/25/2023

In December, A Better Balance filed a charge with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of our client, South Carolina worker Ernest Paschal II. The charge alleges that Walmart’s points-based absence control policy violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by punishing employees for taking legally-protected time off work to address their own serious health needs. This filing continues our long-standing efforts to ensure Walmart’s policies treat vulnerable workers fairly, as highlighted in our report “Pointing Out: How Walmart Unlawfully Punishes Workers for Medical Absences,” which garnered widespread attention, including from The New York Times.

Ernest Paschal II, a 44-year-old father, was a dedicated Walmart employee who took pride in his work as an Asset Protection Door Host. During the summer of 2022, Ernest began to suffer from debilitating symptoms, later revealed to be caused by life-threatening sepsis. Despite following Walmart’s call out procedure for each of his absences and informing his supervisors of his illness, Ernest was assigned punitive points for every one of his sepsis-related absences. And although Ernest repeatedly asked his supervisors to waive these points and carefully followed his supervisors’ instructions to apply for protected leave, he was deemed ineligible for leave and fired while his accommodation request was still pending. Walmart’s callous actions devastated Ernest emotionally and financially.

Unfortunately, this is a part of Walmart’s pattern of punishing workers for medical absences by assigning them points. At Walmart, employees who receive “too many” points miss out on pay raises and promotional opportunities, and can even be fired. Often, employees receive points regardless of the reason for their absences, including for absences caused by medical conditions or caregiving obligations that qualify for legally-protected time off under federal, state, and local law. Punishing workers like Ernest for disability-related absences runs afoul of the ADA’s prohibition on disability discrimination and its requirement that employers provide workers with reasonable accommodations, including time off for medical treatment and recovery. But rather than abide by the ADA by waiving Ernest’s illness-related points, Walmart punished Ernest by firing him. Complete article

Scarborough Maine Walmart, Sam's Club closed due to water leakage from recent storms 01/26/2023

OKCPD looking for man accused of using counterfeit money at Okla. Walmart near I-240 01/26/2023

Third suspect arrested in shooting at self-checkout line at Walmart in Mobile Alabama last month 01/26/2023

Man arrested after stealing over $400 worth of items from Ind. Walmart 01/23/2023

Strong Maine man indicted on charges of Walmart burglary and break-in at Hippach Field Clubhouse in Farmington Maine 01/27/2023

Ski mask clad person uses stolen credit card at Lexington SC Walmart, search ongoing 01/28/2023

Police investigate domestic disturbance after a report of shots fired at NC Walmart Supercenter 01/29/2023

Police are conducting a probe after responding late Sunday afternoon to the Walmart Supercenter after a report of shots fired.

Arriving officers found out a domestic disturbance had occurred between multiple parties that knew each other, police Sgt. Jarrod Edmonds told the Telegram via email.

Preliminary investigations have determined that what had occurred was in connection to a custody dispute over a child, Edmonds said.

No injuries were reported and there is no threat to the public, but detectives with the police department’s Special Victims Unit are investigating, Edmonds said. Complete article

Police charge woman in shooting at Walmart Supercenter 01/31/2023

Man attempting to carjack multiple people at a Wisconsin Walmart arrested 01/29/2023

JANESVILLE, Wis. (WFRV) – A 25-year-old was arrested in southern Wisconsin after reportedly trying to steal multiple cars from people in a Walmart parking lot.

According to the Janesville Police Department, officers were made aware of the suspicious activity around 9:50 a.m. on January 27.

The release states that several officers responded to the area, found a 73-year-old victim at a TA Express, and contacted the reporting individual and loss prevention at Walmart. Complete article

5 reports of gunmen at separate SoCal Walmarts all ruled hoaxes 01/31/2023

Police responded to five different gunman scares at Walmart locations in Los Angeles and Orange counties over the weekend and on Monday, but they all turned out to be hoaxes.

On Sunday afternoon, police evacuated the Walmart in Pico Rivera after a report of a man inside with a gun.

In Santa Fe Springs, authorities say someone called the manager at that location and reported a suspicious person inside, potentially with a gun.

On Saturday, sheriff's deputies responded to a Walmart in Rosemead after another similar call that also turned out to be a hoax.

There were two additional reports in Orange County that turned out to be hoaxes. Complete article

Walmart in Waukegan Ill. evacuated, temporarily closed after arson fire inside store 01/30/2023

An investigation is underway after company officials said a fire was intentionally set inside the Walmart in Waukegan Sunday evening, forcing the store to temporarily close.

The Waukegan Fire Department and Waukegan Police Department responded around 10:30 p.m. Sunday to the Walmart, 3900 Fountain Square Place in Waukegan, for a report of a structure fire.

Firefighters arrived to find smoke showing from the front of the building. Complete article

Police investigate purse snatchings at Conn. shopping plazas 01/30/2023

SOUTHINGTON, CT (WFSB) – Police in Southington and Wallingford are investigating multiple purse snatching cases.

Police in both towns said both attacks involved female victims outside of shopping plazas.

A 71-year-old woman walked from the parking lot toward Walmart in Southington on Monday afternoon when she was approached by a suspect who drove a stolen white Nissan Altima with Rhode Island plates.

The suspect got away with the purse in that case. Complete article

‘I did nothing wrong’: Walmart customer says she was falsely accused of stealing over couponing 01/30/2023

A Walmart shopper says she was profiled and stopped from entering the store by retail staff because she was “couponing” during a recent visit to one of the chain’s locations.

In the video, TikTok user Shim Valles (@shimbreez29) can be seen speaking with the Walmart employee and loudly asking them if she is being accused of stealing. In the clip, the worker claims she saw Shim attempting to conceal items whilst previously shopping at the store.

Standing at the store’s entrance, Shim asks the employee as she records her, “So, are you accusing me of stealing?”

The employee attempts to talk to Shim before the TikToker interrupts her and begins talking again, “So are you accusing me of stealing? You told me that I concealed. Right? You said you have it on video, right?” The employee says “yes” and nods their head in affirmation.

Shim replies, “OK, OK, I got your name, I got your face. You are falsely accusing me of stealing. OK, cause I’m gonna take this as far as I can, ’cause you’re not gonna accuse me of stealing something when I did not.”

The Walmart employee then informs Shim that “the police are coming.” After the TikToker is instructed to wait outside of the building and wait for the police to arrive, Shim doesn’t comply and instead states that she will stay put.

“Nope. Nope. I did nothing wrong,” Shim says. “I have this all on video. I did nothing wrong, so go ahead and try to trespass me for something false. I’m gonna stand right here.” Complete article

"No way in hell they charge for that" - Walmart shopping carts reportedly set to be priced at $1, internet in disbelief 01/31/2023

Walmart shoppers may be in for a surprise on their next visit to the grocer when they grab the carts. The world's largest retail store chain seems to have introduced new carts at stores that will be unlockable for a cost of $1.

In simple words, customers may now have to pay an amount of $1 to unlock their carts for shopping in a Walmart store.

There have been confirmed reports of at least three Thunder Bay stores that have unveiled new shopping carts. The locked shopping carts come with a coin slot attached to the shopping cart handle and can be unlocked by inserting a $1 coin in the slot.

Similar carts have long been available at other retail store chains, including No Frills, Superstore, and Safeway. Complete article

No, Walmart is not charging $1 to use shopping carts 01/31/2023 In order to unlock a cart from its corral, shoppers must insert a coin into the device. When they return the cart and lock it again, they get their coin back.

Sausage sold at Walmart, Meijer, others recalled over contamination concern 01/31/2023

A Rhode Island food producer is recalling 26 tons of sausage sold under various brands at Walmart, Meijer and other stores because it may be adulterated with Listeria monocytogenes.

According to the Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Daniele International is recalling 52,914 pounds of ready-to-eat sausage.

The sausage was produced on various dates from May 23, 2022, through November 25, 2022, and shipped to retail locations nationwide on various dates from December 23, 2022, through January 17, 2023. Complete article

CDC warns that a brand of eyedrops may be linked to drug-resistant bacterial infections 01/31/2023 Not recalled!

One person has died and at least three others are left with permanent vision loss because of a bacterial infection possibly linked to a brand of over-the-counter eyedrops, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A majority of those affected reported using preservative-free EzriCare Artificial Tears before becoming ill, the CDC reported in a statement dated Jan. 20.

While the infections have not been definitively traced to the eyedrops, the CDC recommended that "patients immediately discontinue the use of EzriCare Artificial Tears until the epidemiological investigation and laboratory analyses are complete." ...

As of Tuesday, EzriCare Artificial Tears had not been recalled. They have been sold on Amazon and at stores such as Walmart. Complete article

Soup Sold at Walmart and Other Major Retailers Recalled Due to Health Concerns, FDA Warns 01/30/2023

Before you reach into the pantry for your next meal, you may want to take a moment to check what you've got on hand. That's because the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that a soup sold at more than 4,000 Walmart locations was just recalled. Read on to find out why the agency flagged the product due to potential health concerns.

The FDA announced a widespread recall for a popular soup product.

On Jan. 28, the FDA announced that Sovos Brands Intermediate, Inc. had voluntarily recalled some of its Rao's Made for Home Slow Simmered Soup, Chicken & Gnocchi. Affected items are sold in 16-ounce clear glass jars and are stamped with the code date "Best By NOV 15 2024 EST 251 Code Date 2320 MDV 046030Z009, UPC 747479400015," which can be found printed on the top of the packaging. The company clarified that the recall affects only soups with the specific date code. Complete article

Walmart and Dollar General stores among 52 fined for price scanning errors in NC 01/31/2023

BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. (WECT) - Stores in Bladen and Brunswick counties are among 52 fined by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Standards Division due to price-scanner errors.

“Our Standards Division continues to see about a quarter of all price scanner inspections fail and many stores are failing multiple inspections,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler in the announcement. “Overcharges cost consumers so we remain vigilant in inspecting stores in order to protect consumers. Remember it is always a good practice to check your receipt as well as the price on the shelf to make sure you are paying the correct amount and alert managers if the prices don’t match.”

The Minuteman Food Mart at 14661 NC-87 in Tar Heel paid $3,170 in fines; a July 2022 inspection found an overcharge error rate of 64 percent in a 24-item lot.

“The store failed inspection in August and October. The store also failed inspection in January 2023 with an error rate of 13 percent based on 13 overcharges in a 100-item lot. The store was assessed a additional $4,195 fine and will be reinspected,” said the announcement. Complete article

Consumers could be in a 'world of hurt' if Biden doesn't act soon, former Walmart CEO warns 01/29/2023

Mass layoffs are plaguing more than just the Big Tech industry.

On Sunday, former Walmart CEO Bill Simon joined "Fox & Friends Weekend" to warn Americans of the detrimental impact that corporate layoffs could have on the U.S.'s feeble economy.


"It's crazy right now. We're stuck in this loop of wage inflation, product inflation and cost inflation. And it's just that cycle keeps going. And I think, unfortunately, an inevitable byproduct of some of the Fed's moves and as the necessary medicine we have to take to kind of cool things down and get the inflation back under control on some of these layoffs that are coming," Simon told co-host Will Cain. Complete article

We visited stores like Walmart and Home Depot to see how they are tackling the industry's $95 billion shoplifting problem. We found an alarming amount of locked up items with security cameras watching every aisle. 01/26/2023

Retail theft has become a $95 billion problem for the industry, per the National Retail Federation.

We visited four retailers' stores to see what anti-theft measures they are putting into place.

The stores had an abundance of spider wraps, items under lock-and-key, and security cameras. Complete article

‘We are in a d*mn recession’: Walmart customer claims store is charging customers $7 to use shopping baskets 01/27/2023

Local Man Accused of Serial Shoplifting at Clarion Pa. Walmart 01/2/2023

Ithaca Man Accused of Using Stolen Credit Cards at NY Walmart 01/28/2023

Drug addiction fueled Villager’s multiple shoplifting arrests at Fla. Walmart 01/28/2023

Threat at Walmart Store in Rosemead Ca. Prompts Evacuation 01/28/2023 The unidentified man got a hold of the manager and said he was going to shoot inside the store, according the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. No evidence of a shooting or reports of anyone with a firearm inside the store were reported. No injuries were also reported.

Deputies: Ensley Fla. Walmart on Hwy 29 evacuated due to suspicious package 01/28/2023

Police: Richmond man arrested after stealing electric cart from Ind. Walmart, drinking beer on the way home 01/28/2023

Man Steals From NC Walmart By Faking Dog Food Return, Report Says 01/2/2023

U.S. Bank to close branch at Walmart in Waukesha Wisc. 01/30/2023

Village of Bonnybrook resident arrested in theft of merchandise from Fla. Walmart 01/30/2023

Trial date set for man accused of shooting two people in Fairfield Twp. Ohio Walmart, killing one in May 2022 01/31/2023
Walmart shooting suspect found competent to stand trial 01/31/2023

Vermont pair accused of stealing from Halfmoon NY Walmart 01/31/2023

Wrongful death lawsuit filed on behalf of Chesapeake Va. Walmart shooting victim's estate 01/31/2023

Walmart says it will raise U.S. salaries to average of $17.50/hour 01/31/2023

NC Walmart theft leads to two separate arrests 01/31/2023

Man sentenced for grabbing child at Walmart near Grand Haven Mich. in Seopt. 2021 01/31/2023

Fla. Walmart ‘thief’, 71, accused of using illegal ‘pass-around’ self-checkout move to steal $93 worth of goods 01/31/2023

7 charged with theft at a Luzerne County Pa. Walmart 01/30/2023

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