The Mass Media is currently exposing an incredibly obvious "Big Lie," about the election being stolen from Trump, while trying to collect brownie points to create a much Bigger Lie to convince people that our election system is fair and using this to justify censoring attempts to expose much bigger, and worse efforts to rig elections which are supported by evidence that is wide open, assuming you don't let MSM keep you distracted. The original meme posted above was labeled fake or misleading by Facebook, along with many others that were falsely smeared or completely censored, in a few cases some of my own social media posts. This is part of a blanket censorship purge that isn't even trying to sort out false claims by Trump supporters and legitimate claims of other election rigging from other people. In many cases, including my own posts, we pointed out massive favoritism that has been routine for decades, giving preferential treatment to candidates supported by Wall Street. This includes obsessive coverage given to Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton in 1016 while many honest candidates couldn't get any media coverage at all.
The mass media and political establishment are controlled by a fraction of one percent of the public, and if they want to ensure that those opposing their fiscal policies never get elected, all they have to do is decline to cover them, ensuring they never get the name recognition in order to be considered "viable," even if they support most of the policies wanted by the vast majority of the public. At the same time, the candidates that do support the agenda of Wall Street get obsession coverage. The media routinely provides a lot of coverage for billionaires even when they don't run, and they also cover candidates collecting an enormous amount of money from those billionaires, which they know will be spent on ads, but they ignore those gathering support at the grassroots level.
They routinely announce who at least one of the inevitable nominees are months if not years ahead of time. One of the most brazen examples was in early 1999, when they began providing obsession coverage for both George W. Bush and Al Gore Jr., even though George Bush hadn't even announced he was running. By the summer or early fall, they virtually announced that both of them would get the nomination, and, of course, both of them were obvious corporate puppets. They justified this by saying that responses to polls showed they were ahead; however they refused to cover many other honest candidates in the news or polls, nor did they report on many issues, showing that establishment candidates routinely oppose many fiscal issues supported by a large majority of the public.
Another incredibly obvious plan to rig the primary for the establishment candidate was Hillary Clinton who was virtually declared the inevitable nominee years ahead of time, even before the leaked E-mails disclosed some of the efforts to ensure she would win. Practically the entire Democratic Party cleared the way and endorsed Hillary Clinton for president months if not over a year before any voters had their say, even though she had incredibly high disapproval ratings and disagreed with the majority of the public on most issues, especially fiscal issues. This was all clear before the E-mail leaks, to those of us who thought it through instead of trusting media propaganda repeated over and over again.
But, of course, it became much more obvious after the leaks showed many of the details of how they rigged the primaries. Amazingly, the media and political establishment all universally agreed that they should have been allowed to rig the primaries in secret acting as if the only conspiracy was to expose how they were rigging the primaries. There was no effort to deny the accuracy of the E-mails which virtually confirmed them showing that the leaks exposed epidemic levels of cheating, which, of course, is part of the reason Trump won, although he was obviously just as corrupt.
Perhaps the most brazen and obvious claim came by Donna Brazile, who repeatedly said she "was a victim" on one news story after another. What made her a victim? She leaked questions for a CNN debate to Hillary Clinton so that she could have an unfair advantage, and someone exposed her part in cheating! This is a truly amazing claim; can you imagine a shoplifter that learned a new technique to switch price tags or some other way of stealing more effectively claim she "was a victim," because someone shared her tactics enabling the store to catch her and prosecute her?
If a working class person came up with such a lame excuse they would be laughed off; however when those representing the wealthy that control almost all major institutions, including the mass media they created an epidemic amount of deceptive propaganda, which they repeated over and over again. Most people almost certainly didn't believe it at first, but after it was repeated often enough and many people didn't hear alternative views, unless they checked alternative media they began to believe it.
At the time it was so incredibly obvious that at least three high profile people, Donna Brazile, Elizabeth Warren and Tom Perez, all came right out and admitted it was rigged; then amazingly, within a day or two each one of them tried to "walk it back," even though the rigging was undeniable. They didn't come right out and say, "Remember when I actually told the truth and confirmed what you already knew, well, I didn't mean it and I'm now adopting the same obvious lies as the rest of the Democratic establishment;" but they might as well have, it was so obvious. Most of the people exposed helping to rig the election in the E-mails weren't quite as brazen as Donna Brazile when she said she "was a victim," for being exposed and that she should be allowed to have gotten away with it except that her fraud was exposed, but it's still pretty clear they were all caught red-handed cheating and that instead of fixing it they went into total denial, or at least in media reports; however, they virtually admitted their guilt in the courts, which wasn't reported in traditional media.
In DNC to Court: We Are a Private Corporation With No Obligation to Follow Our Rules 05/02/2017 DNC attorney Bruce Spiva said, "and we could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we're gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right," instead they decided to used more sophisticated methods to manipulate the public and rig the nomination. They argued that they're a private corporation and not obliged to follow their own rules or respect the will of the public, and the judge accepted this argument. And, of course, the six corporations controlling over 95% of the national media, as well as a few more of the largest media outlets, controlled by the wealthy, were involved in the rigging of the primaries.
The Democratic establishment pretending to be victims is much more corrupt than the shoplifter that knows it will do no good to pretend to be victims, since they're involved in much larger fraud, enabling corrupt corporations to steal millions if not billions by rigging the economy in their favor, and in many cases they literally cost people thousands if not millions of lives, yet they're not prosecuted. When establishment politicians rig health care so middle men take a huge cut from private insurance it drives up the cost of health care, and according to studies cost thousands of lives; when they rig the regulatory system so energy companies can profit by polluting the working class and poor, especially minorities, that costs thousands if not billions of lives; both these and many more examples should be considered negligent mass homicide. When they start wars based on lies and arm dictators, this should be intentional mass homicide! All are far worse than petty shoplifters from the working class who are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, while politicians and their accomplices are above the law.
An enormous amount of the reporting on election fraud during primaries has often been reported while it's happening, with the best news from alternative media outlets, then gets forgotten after months without any reminders. I compiled a lot of these reports in a couple articles about election rigging in 2016, 2020 and an update which includes a review of some books about the history of election fraud and why it's unreasonable to believe that it will stop without major activism and education at the grassroots level. This includes an excerpt from Andrew Gumbel "Steal This Vote" 2005 where Jimmy Carter says "We wouldn't think of it," when asked if the Carter Center would monitor our own elections because "The American political system wouldn't measure up to any sort of international standards, for several reasons." Those concerns were never addressed, although it is now very difficult to find a report of his statements anywhere but Gumbel's book. Instead of fixing the problems with our system they're censoring the reports on them. There was also a Report of Recording released of Clinton suggesting rigging 2006 Palestinian election 10/29/2016, adding to the evidence indicating that rigging elections is still routine for the ruling elite, and this massive effort to label Trump's false claims as the "Big Lie" while ignoring legitimate reports of election rigging is a clear propaganda attempt to make our elections seem legitimate, when this isn't close to the truth.
In addition to rigging election for candidates supported by Wall Street the political establishment is also rigging the economic system so that fiscal policies with overwhelming support from a large majority of the public, yet opposed by campaign donors don't get fair media coverage and are rarely even brought up for a vote, let alone enacted. This was made obvious by a few memes from Bernie Sanders or the Green Party which listed popular polls that they campaigned on, with sources to confirm them. These Memes were popular on the internet and a handful of the issues were very popular in Bernie Sanders or the Green Parties speeches, but outside of the coverage of Bernie Sanders speeches, they were almost completely ignored by traditional media and they avoided even asking most candidates for office, or president, Congress, or any other office, so most establishment candidates avoided making clear statements on the subjects.
70% support Medicare for All & 89% of Democrats;
63% (another poll puts it at 67%) support a $15 minimum wage (these were old polls, so updated one might support a higher wage);
81% support a Green New Deal, with 61% supporting efforts to end Climate Change;
72% (another poll puts this at 76%) support expanding Social Security;
75% support immigration, with 81% supporting a pathway to citizenship, and presumably not so they can be exploited for virtual slave labor;
86% support only using the military as a last resort;
76% support higher taxes on the wealthy, with 59% supporting a 70% Top Marginal Rate and 67% support taxing corporations more;
77% support campaign finance reform;
83% (another poll puts this at 86%) support net neutrality;
57% support breaking up big banks;
65% support reforming racists incarceration system;
64% support guaranteed jobs program;
60% support tuition free college;
90% support universal childcare;
68% support capping interest rates;
63% support curbing wealth inequality;
58% support strict Wall Street Regulation;
70% of Americans say arms sales make us less safe
and 83% oppose outsourcing.
(Sources for these polls were listed here Polls With Citations: Americans Want Bernie's New Deal For All 07/26/2019 or on the bottom of this article, Bernie Sanders Has informed Grassroots Support; Others Have Media Propaganda! with one additional poll, Poll: 83% of Americans dislike work outsourcing 07/16/2012; with another poll showing that 69% of Americans believe that outsourcing hurts the country — and only 17% think it helps the economy. 58% of respondents in the ELA poll believe that companies outsourcing work that could be done by Americans to offshore contractors should be penalized by the US government. and 70% of Americans Say Arms Sales Make Us Less Safe. We’re the World’s Top Dealer.)
The clear implication is that, at least when it comes to fiscal issues, the vast majority of the public supports one side of many issues, which are opposed by campaign contributors, and on all of these issues the overwhelming majority of the political establishment supports the campaign donors, not the public. Since there are no votes on most if not all of these issues it may seem difficult if not impossible to tell which politicians, if any support any of the issues favored by the majority of the public. This is even true on the rare occasions when progressives, like the squad or Bernie Sanders, campaign on these issues, since, if you look closely, most if not all of them, have sent mixed messages, often supporting leaders that block the issues they campaign on.
As much as I like them, and support the issues they campaign on, they've repeatedly supported the establishment blocking those issue, often with money raised from progressives. In both 2016 and 2020 Bernie Sanders denied claims that the primaries were rigged, despite overwhelming evidence and endorsed candidates that opposed just about every issue he campaigned on, and even tried to help repair the image of the DNC despite overwhelming evidence they were corrupt as well. Most progressives also caved to reelect Nancy Pelosi without gaining anything for their progressive causes, often even when Pelosi literally insulted them and their views, which had overwhelming support from voters. AOC even went so far as to raise an enormous amount of money from progressives, then donated a large portion of it to corporate Democrats and those trained by the CIA even though they made it clear they would do what they could to suppress her progressive positions. If she didn't need this money for her own campaign she could have easily donated it to progressive challengers, who, as she previously pointed out, are much more likely to win general elections!
The methods Wall Street and the political establishment use to ensure that candidates supporting popular issues with the public rarely if ever have a chance to get nominated are incredibly simple; they simply refuse to provide media coverage unless a candidate collects an enormous amount of money from corporations, which they can't do unless they support the corporate agenda. In addition to that, they routinely provide an enormous amount of coverage for numerous billionaires every election cycle free of charge, often even when they're not running.
The media and political establishment also routinely manufacture false propaganda about most, if not all the fiscal issues where they oppose the will of the people, even when it means burying the best research that can save thousands if not millions of lives and billions of dollars for the general public. On occasion they might report on some of this, very briefly, and then bury it, in traditional media. One example of this is their distortions about Medicare For All, or other versions of Single Payer, which routinely works much better in all other wealthy developed countries.
One study, which was briefly reported in Yahoo News, says Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives per year 02/18/2020; however cable news and politicians never discuss this and they've made it clear that they refuse to even bring this up for a vote, even though all other wealthy countries have already implemented this solution and withholding it will literally cost thousands of people their lives, which should be considered negligent mass murder, especially since they're disregarding the wish of a large majority of the public so their campaign donors can make massive amount of money off the unnecessary deaths of innocent people.
There's also an enormous amount of research showing that tens of thousands, or more likely millions of lives can be saved by protecting the environment more, whether it's by using clean energy, like wind, solar, geothermal heat or other clean energy, or perhaps even more important, conservation, encouraging people to use less energy for any given reason, including not buying hyped up garbage being relentlessly advertised that serves little or no purpose. However, the reporting on this is much lower profile than reporting falsely claiming we need ti increase dirtier forms of energy, burning fossil fuels, including coal, fracking and many other things doing far more damage to the environment. Ironically, we're still subsidizing dirty energy far more than clean energy, and we're not taking into account the full cost of the pollution and health costs for dirty energy, which may at times make it seem like they're cheaper when they're not.
To make matters much worse, the oil companies spend a portion of their profits to buy up an enormous number of misleading propaganda ads to convince people they're part of the solution to pollution, instead of the cause. Since they make an enormous profit from the destruction of the environment they have a massive incentive to distort the truth, when they can get away with it. This has lead to a situation where the media is making a fortune selling propaganda ads to the oil companies, so they now have an incentive not to expose how fraudulent they are.
For all practical purposes the official truth has been turned into a commodity that can be sold to the highest bidder; and since real environmentalists can't afford to spend more than a small fraction of the money spent by oil companies, the oligarchs can dictate their version of the truth with the real truth relegated to alternative media! The result is our government encourages the destruction of the environment killing millions of people around the world, which is, for all practical purposes, negligent mass homicide, and ecocide in process. This would make the oil companies leading perpetrators, and media companies selling their propaganda and politicians taking campaign donations, which they don't officially call bribes, and passing laws to enable it, all accomplices!
I could probably go through each item listed on these polls and find studies for many of them showing that we can address social problems and solve them before they escalate and save money at the same time, as well as some not on the list, including prevention of violence, which I covered in Ten Ways To Reduce Violence, Backed Up By Research Since then I found several more studies, listed below, showing that spending money on preschool or day care can save at least seven dollars for every dollar spent, with one study saying we might save as much as sixteen dollars for every one spent on early childcare or education, assuming the programs are implemented well, of course.
They've also fabricated a false image about foreign policy as I went into several times including United States Coups & Entrapment of Immigrants and Death Squads Can't Happen Here? Yet? which both explain how our foreign policy is almost entirely based on lies and provides much more reliable sources than the mainstream media, which often admits to many of their lies briefly, before letting the truth fall down the memory hole. They've been doing the same thing for decades when it comes to reporting on Israel, and many of their lies have been exposed again in their recent coverage of the Israeli assault on Gaza, which has been heavily censored.
Traditional media and most politicians routinely portray the Palestinians as "terrorists" often glossing over the fact that Israel typically kills at least ten ten times as many people, they have much more weapons, are imposing apartheid, and have been relentlessly stealing land from Palestinians for decades. In the most recent attack on Gaza according to Haaretz the UN Rights Chief Says Israeli Strikes on Gaza May Be War Crimes 07/2/2020 and that 270 Palestinians died mostly in Gaza, with some in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including 68 children, during violence this month and Hamas rockets had killed 10 Israelis and residents, which is 27 to 1, with a large majority of them civilian non-combatants.
For decades the mainstream media has been censoring critics of Israel so that those relying on traditional media may have little or no idea what's going on there. For a long time, I was one of them, but even when I still relied on traditional media and Benjamin Netanyahu was in his first term as Prime Minister in 1996-1999, I was highly skeptical of him, but media bias about Israel has gotten much worse since then. The New York Times did report on the children killed in Gaza but Cable News, which gets far more attention and repeats things over and over again, giving them a major propaganda advantage, is relentlessly covering non-fatal Antisemitic attacks while ignoring the much larger number of fatal attacks against the Palestinians. Reasonable people may agree that the Antisemitic attacks are, of course, wrong; but the large number of murders are even worse and deserve as much if not much more attention.
A few years ago Marc Lamont Hill was fired for supporting Palestine after criticism by people that exaggerated and misrepresented what he said, and in the past few weeks Emily Wilder was fired from AP because of criticism from the right wing about her college beliefs, and this is only a small fraction of the attempts by Israel and their allies to censor their critics, while I haven't heard any attempts from the Palestinians to silence their critics, and even if they tried they don't have the political clout to succeed and they know they would be demonized for even trying. At least when Marc Lamont Hill was fired there was some media coverage of it in the traditional media, although there was far more in alternative media outlets, and virtually all of the coverage for Emily Wilder and the vast majority of other Israeli censorship is from alternative media.
People still relying on traditional media may not even know how much is being censored and might fall for Israeli propaganda without question, since it's never challenged in those outlets.
If there's any doubt about how reliable traditional news media is reporting on Israel a look at how much land Israel has been stealing from Palestine over the decades should show that it's not the Zionists that are fighting in self defense, it's the Palestinians. Furthermore, there are many well informed Jewish people that have known this for decades and have opposed it all along.
Most of the people reading this probably found me through social media and may already be more familiar with alternative media reporting on the truth in Palestine, but if there are some exceptions, I've included some related articles below, including ones about censorship or the recent attacks on Palestinians, and the news outlets that report on them are much more likely to keep up to date on additional stories than the traditional media. On one subject after another, including Israel, election rigging, the environment, health care, foreign policy, and many other issues, the mainstream media creates and extremely biased, if not outright false, image of reality that most people won't recognize unless they check more reliable alternative media and check their own facts.
The media may be right that the election wasn't stolen from Donald Trump; however, while they repeat the claim that this is "The Big Lie" over and over again they're clearly using a common propaganda tactic, to cover up many more even bigger lies. Amazingly, many media pundits are trying to demonize right wingers for enabling Donald Trump while forgetting what they also did to enable him to get elected in the first place. They've routinely given an enormous amount of coverage to billionaires for decades, enabling Trump to have all the name recognition he needed at the beginning of his first campaign, then once he began it they gave him the obsession coverage he needed to become the most popular GOP candidate. They also ignored the best interests of the public for decades, leading to an enormous amount of outrage from both the left and the right, and they knew the right was more susceptible to demagogues. By giving Trump obsession coverage they enabled him to appear to susceptible people to be the enemy of the establishment and the media, which many people were looking for.
They also refused to provide fair coverage for many honest candidates, including some that might have turned out to be better than Bernie Sanders, for all I know; and they participated in the primary rigging to ensure that Hillary Clinton, who was despised by a shocking percentage of the public, would get the nomination. Furthermore, I've gone into research into many social problems, including the leading causes of violence and found that the best research can be found in libraries, academic journals, and alternative media; however it's almost totally absent from the mainstream media and political discussions. Some of this research may show how ending early child abuse might mean that children are less likely to grow up into emotionally insecure adults that fall for obvious bigoted scams like the ones pushed by Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Amazingly there was one local newspaper where a relatively low profile actually admitted that the establishment rigged the election, but not for Trump according to Thomas L. Knapp in Yes, the election was rigged. No, not like that 12/10/2020, which says,
No, it wasn't rigged to ensure a Biden win, or a Trump loss.
It was rigged to ensure victory for the status quo and for our de facto one-party system.
It was rigged by party committees, by state legislatures, and by the Commission on Presidential Debates.
It was rigged with committee rules, state ballot access laws and debate requirements intentionally designed to keep both "major party" dissidents (e.g. Tulsi Gabbard) and third-party and independent candidates as far off of voters' radar as possible.
It wasn't rigged to benefit a particular person. It was rigged to preserve a system: The post-World War II, military-industrial complex-centered "consensus" system.
The rigging worked. If you don't believe me, ask any progressive eyeing Joe Biden's cabinet appointment announcements. He's staffing his administration with corporate lobbyists, party loyalists and longtime ladder-climbing sycophants.
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Polls With Citations: Americans Want Bernie's New Deal For All 07/26/2019
Bernie Sanders Is More Democratic Than Fake "Democrats!"
The following are some additional sources or related articles, including some where Facebook fact checkers are going too far, even when some of them are partially false, including some that are obviously satire and not intended to be taken seriously:
Report: Recording released of Clinton suggesting rigging 2006 Palestinian election 10/29/2016
Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study 02/18/2020
22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money 02/24/2020
A New Congressional Budget Office Study Shows That Medicare for All Would Save Hundreds of Billions of Dollars Annually 12/29/2020
Cutting Carbon Emissions Sooner Could Save 153 Million Lives 03/26/2018
Thousands of lives could be saved by lowering air pollution levels Sept. 2020 If the U.S. adopted global guidelines for air pollution, the lives of 143,000 older adults could be saved over one decade, a recent study finds.
30,000-plus U.S. lives could be saved by reducing air pollution levels below current standard 07/24/2019
New Study Finds California’s Zero-Emission Cars Standards Could Save Lives, Reduce Pollution, Save Californians Money 05/04/2021
How the oil industry pumped Americans full of fake news 02/07/2020
How to spot the tricks Big Oil uses to subvert action on climate change 02/01/2021
How the oil industry has spent billions to control the climate change conversation 01/08/2020
The biggest benefit of pre-K might not be education 07/30/2014 One of the most common arguments in favor of universal pre-K is the argument that it will actually save money: $7 for every $1 invested, according to President Obama's proposal for expanding pre-K access. Some studies have found an even higher return — as high as $16 to $1 — on investment from sending 4-year-olds to school.
The Link between Early Childhood Education and Crime and Violence Reduction 05/2/2021 It is saving taxpayers, victims, and participants over $7 for every $1 invested, without counting pain and suffering from crimes. A study released by Vanderbilt University estimates that the potential benefits in saving a high-risk youth from becoming a typical career criminal are between $1 and $1.3 million.7 ..... Nearly 9 out of 10 police chiefs said that America could greatly reduce crime by expanding quality child care programs.
An interview with Emily Wilder, recent Stanford grad fired from AP job over criticisms of Israel 05/20/2021
I Will Not Yield My Values: Fired AP Journalist Emily Wilder Speaks Out After Right-Wing Smears 05/25/2021
100+ AP Staffers Condemn News Agency for 'Sacrifice' of Emily Wilder After Right-Wing Smear Campaign 05/25/2021
Marc Lamont Hill Speaks Out After CNN Fires Him for Pro-Palestine Speech at U.N. 12/18/2018
Marc Lamont Hill fired from CNN after his speech on Israel draws outrage 11/30/2018
Free speech, politics and anti-Semitism: Marc Lamont Hill tells his story 03/25/2019
Americans are increasingly critical of Israel 12/12/2018
Temple University must take action against Marc Lamont Hill 05/2/2021 by Melissa Landa Author expresses outrage about Marc Lamont Hill ignoring aspects of history she prioritizes, while she ignores aspects that don't support her views. Instead of inviting peer review she is demanding further censorship, and has a history of opposing activities for anyone expressing opposing views about Palestinians.
Leaked Emails From Pro-Clinton Group Reveal Censorship of Staff on Israel, AIPAC Pandering, Warped Militarism 11/05/2015
Facebook might censor criticism of Zionists. That’s dangerous 11/02/2021
IIPAC Tries to Censor Jamil Dakwar’s Lecture at Indiana University 12/17/2018
Israel, social media groups cooperating against Palestinians: NGO 05/21/2021
Social networks accused of censoring Palestinian content 05/19/2021
Social media platforms are complicit in censoring Palestinian voices 05/24/2020
Facebook’s Secret Rules on Word “Zionist” Impede Criticism of Israel 05/14/2020
The Latest Attack on Free Speech in the Israel-Palestine Debate 06/05/2018
Israel is shutting down its critics on social media. It happened to me 10/08/2018 Richard Silverstein
47 Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Explain, Cease Censorship of Israel Critics 07/26/2020
Pro-Israel censorship takes a hit - pro-Palestine voices won't be silenced 02/27/2020
UN Rights Chief Says Israeli Strikes on Gaza May Be War Crimes 07/2/2020 Bachelet said her office had verified the deaths of 270 Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including 68 children, during violence this month. Most were killed in Hamas-controlled Gaza, where Israel fought militants for 11 days, ending in a cease-fire. Hamas rockets had killed 10 Israelis and residents.
UN Rights Council Votes for Probe Into 'Crimes' Committed in Israel-Gaza Fighting 05/27/2021
Israeli Police Attacked Palestinians at Al Aqsa Mosque, Hours After Ceasefire 05/21/2021
To distract from Gaza slaughter, Israel lobby manufactures antisemitism freakout 05/24/2021
Netanyahu’s police launch mass arrests of Palestinian Israeli citizens 05/25/2021
Israeli Police Launch Detention Campaign against Palestinian Citizens of Israel 07/25/2020
Jewish Voices for Peace
The Electronic Intifada
Court Ruling Eliminates Media Ownership Rules Allowing For MORE Mega Mergers 04/11/2021
U.S. Supreme Court permits FCC to loosen media ownership rules 04/01/2021
What did Margaret Thatcher mean when she said, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money?" 2015 She didn't say "The problem with Capitalism is that you eventually run out of other countries resources?" However, this satirical remark is more honest than her deceptive claim ignoring an enormous amount of fraud by Capitalists to rig the economy in their own favor. The real ones taking other peoples money are the Capitalists on Wall Street.
Fact check: Joe Biden legally won presidential election, despite persistent contrary claims 12/15/2020 Ministry Of Truth Lies About Rigged Election¬if_id=1619555285327559¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
Apostle Paul is the Antichrist 05/0/2021 Ministry of Truth not censored
Says Time magazine cover features President Donald Trump with the text "Worst. President. Ever." 12/20/2018 Ministry of Truth strikes again! Yes it's true this wasn't a Time Cover, but it was easily recognized satire and many people agree with it anyway.
Ministry of Truth real photo of Hands on Trump 03/02/2021
Ministry of Truth Hands on Trump Idol 03/01/2021
Tweet attributed to Black Lives Matter is fabricated 01/25/2021 Ministry of truth The Associated Press reached out to Black Lives Matter for comment and had not received a response at the time of publication. Black Lives Matter is a diverse grassroots organization and there's little doubt that even if all members don't agree with the claim that the DNC used them, it's virtually guaranteed that many others do agree with this claim; this means it's premature for fact checkers to claim it's false, especially without a reply from anyone from the Black Lives Matter organization.
Black Lives Matter posted on its official Twitter account: “i’m starting to get a feelin that the Democratic Party used us...” 01/25/2021 Ministry of truth
‘False information’? Instagram censors claim that Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill led to ‘mass incarceration’ of black Americans 12/17/2020 Ministry of Truth. Once again, there is some evidence to indicate that it did lead to mass incarceration, indicating this fact check is misleading, at best, if not outright false.
It's called Election Fraud. This happened in 2016. There was an attempt made by Dr. Jill Stein to request an investigation and recount. 11/05/2020 Alleged clerical error Ministry of Truth
Fact Check: GoFundMe CEO Did NOT Say 'I Run A Website That Hosts Popularity Contests Where If You Lose, You Die' 12/09/2020 Ministry of Truth; He may not have used those words, but this is satire, and it's actually an accurate description of the way our health care system works. This adds to the evidence that the so-called fact checkers are biased in favor of corporate profits and well connected elites.
US seen as bigger threat to democracy than Russia or China, global poll finds 05/05/2021
On World Press Freedom Day, US Report Reveals 'Startling Extent of Police Violence Against Journalists' 05/03/2021
Prof. Richard Wolff, Censored on Facebook: Here's the Story 02/12/2021
There Were No Calls for Censorship Against Democrats for Their False Claims About the 2016 Election 03/01/2021
Meet the Censored: Status Coup 01/26/2021 Censorship
Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor 10/15/2020
The Pendulum Of Internet Censorship Swings Leftward Again 01/25/2021 by Caitlin Johnstone
Snowden journalist Glenn Greenwald tells Tucker Carlson 'the left is in bed with a CIA set on destroying Trump' after he resigned from website he co-founded claiming editors 'censored' an article he wrote criticizing Joe Biden 10/30/2020¬if_id=1604103350137829¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
DNC Lawyer Admits They Weren’t Required to be Impartial Between Clinton, Sanders 04/29/2017
DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms 05/01/2017
Voting machine company behind so many surprise wins this year raises some questions 12/30/2020
‘Dark money’ topped $1 billion in 2020, largely boosting Democrats 03/17/2021
Leaked Video Reveals Dark Money Group Behind Voter Suppression Laws 05/21/2021
Un-Democratic Party: DNC chair says superdelegates ensure elites don't have to run "against grassroots activists" 02/13/2016
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