Friday, February 28, 2020

History Of Governing Is Almost All Bullshit

Who ever controls information that public uses to make most important decisions can, partially, if not completely, control decisions made by the public. This was supposed to be the reason why the first Amendment was passed; however, we've allowed over 95% of national media to be consolidated into the hands of six corporations, controlled by a small fraction of 1% of the public rigging the economy in their own favor.

These six corporations use their control of the media to tell us which candidates we should consider for political office, by simply refusing to cover those gaining support at grassroots level, preventing them from getting name recognition and providing obsession coverage for numerous candidates that cater to their interests, and study how to manipulate the public making promises during campaigns, that they routinely break once in office.

They also routinely control the fiscal ideology avoiding mentioning many of the most fundamental principles of economics while pushing deceptive claims to convince people to buy overpriced crap they don't need, and depriving them of the information that exposes their fraud. One simple thing that they never mention is the fact that advertiser don't maximize profits by telling the truth; instead they rely on the most basic fundamental or propaganda, "a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth," or at least it seems to, especially if it's not challenged by opposing views.

This also applies to the insurance industry, which is fundamentally a system of pooled risk, and they never mention these basics of this. Everyone pitches in a small amount to the pool of money; a modest amount of this is used for administration costs which can't be completely eliminated; then the rest is used to pay out when people need it. We're told they increase efficiency by competing, yet the way they compete is spending an enormous amount of money from that pool on advertising; and they all also divert a lot of it to high CEO pay, massive profits for investors, lobbying against the interests of the public, partly to deprive them of the information they need to recognized how flawed this system is and how Single Payer with disclosure can work much better.

The list simple lies the establishment indoctrinate the public to believe that can be exposed with relatively small amount of research goes on much longer including convincing people to support wars based on lies, teachers are trying to betray children through their unions, an economic system that tell us that shipping subsidized cotton half way around the world to be processed by sweatshop labor before being shipped back through complicated distribution system is efficient, and much more. they also study the most effective propaganda tactics going back hundreds if not thousands of years, including Machiavelli Edward Bernays, and many more modern political research including some of the tactics virtually confessed to by Frank Luntz in his book "Words That Work" and the leaked E-mails from the DNC and Podesta.

In other words the government works with the consolidated corporate media to control the public by controlling the bullshit they use to make decisions!

And this isn't a new practice at all; although the tactics have evolved over the centuries governments have been controlling the masses by controlling the bullshit they use to make decisions since the ancient Romans, Egyptians, Assyrians, and other cultures, including many that collapsed as a result of fanatical ideologies leading to wars and building massive monuments that ignore the needs of the people.

Historically, the official version of truth has routinely been dictated to the masses mixed up with mythology about one god or another teaching blind obedience, and often intimidating harassing or beating and killing people that dare challenge the beliefs dictated to them from their leaders.

Frankly, most religious people admit that Egyptian, Greece-Roman, Mayan, Assyrian and many other so-called Pagan religions are all full of Bullshit, at least mostly, although there are many major unsolved mysteries surrounding these religions and some of their construction projects that probably wasn't possible with ancient technology. However they refuse to acknowledge incredibly obvious flaws about their own religion.

Furthermore, instead of teaching their own kids to develop critical thinking skills, many of the most coercive religions raise their kids in an abusive environment combined with an indoctrination process dictating an irrational beliefs system that they're not allowed to question. One of the biggest, most obvious flaws, is the assumption that their religion should be dictated by leaders without allowing it to be subject to critical review, with the possible exception of religious leaders that accept most of the flaws without question anyway.

Another major assumption that almost all religions make is that their God is a credible reliable source of morality, that is looking out for our best interests, assuming he exists at all. Epicurus raised major doubts about this thousands of years ago when he said:
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

This relatively simple set of conclusions, which will stand up to scrutiny, although many religious people might make incredibly bad arguments refuting it, clearly indicates that God can't possibly be looking out for our best interests, and almost certainly has an undisclosed motive for inspiring religions, assuming he exists and that religious people didn't make him up, as most atheists consider likely.

The least God could do is let us know that many of the most fanatical religious wars or persecutions weren't what he meant at all, which wouldn't require an all-powerful God, which almost certainly doesn't exist!

One of the methods of indoctrination often used by religious leaders comes from something that sounds good but is often twisted before it's put in practice like when Jesus allegedly said "you will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free" John 8:32 however when you read the prior verses and later ones it's clear that he's claiming that they'll be set free as long as they believe what they're told, and there are repeated verses saying that he agrees with past biblical teachings, many of which were outrageous, and came up with additional verses of his own that were clearly designed to indoctrinate the masses, not teach them to develop critical thinking skills.

God, or those claiming to speak for him, repeatedly teaches blind obedience throughout the Bible including in Exodus 14:4 where he allegedly says "I shall then make Pharaoh stubborn" then goes on to use this as an excuse to "win glory for myself at the expense of Pharaoh and his whole army." If you accept this hypothetical version then this is a clear case of entrapment and God is incredibly egotistical control freak!

Numerous other Bible verses raise major doubts about whether or not it's a reliable source of morality including Numbers 15:32-6 where they stone someone to death just for gathering sticks on the holy day, and Numbers 16:3,32-35, where a group of people questioned whether or not Moses and Aaron were taking to much power for themselves, and instead of negotiating a fair deal or explaining why this was justified God allegedly arranges for the "earth to swallow" some of these men and fire shot out and "consumed two hundred and fifty men" for questioning their leaders showing the rest of the followers that they should always blindly obey without developing critical thinking skills, assuming you accept this as the literal truth.

And in Deuteronomy 9:4-6 makes it clear that he's not rewarding the Israelis for good deeds but punishing others for bad deeds, although they're not specified, and indicating that their previous pact with their ancestors may be more important than teaching morality when he allegedly says, "Do not think to yourself, once Yahweh your God has driven them before you, 'Yahweh has brought me into possession of this country because I am upright,' when Yahweh is dispossessing these nations for you, because they do wrong. ...... for you are an obstinate people." Anyone with a minimal amount of rational thinking skills should recognize how seriously flawed many of these claims to be a higher moral authority are, but critical thinking skills are discouraged starting at a very early age before children even begin to develop them.

There are several verses, especially in the Proverbs attributed to Solomon, who's considered wise because he threatened to cut a child in half when two women were fighting over him. One of these verses is Proverbs 23:13-4 which says "Do not be chary of correcting a child, a stroke of the cane is not likely to be fatal. Give him a stroke of the cane, you will save his soul from Sheol." I'm very skeptical that it helps save his soul but whether this is true or not it causes an enormous amount of emotional pressure on small children intimidating them at an early age teaching them to blindly obey orders and believe what they're told based on emotional reasons instead of developing critical thinking skills.

It also teaches children that it's acceptable for bigger people to use violence against smaller people to get blind obedience, and children raised this was are much more likely to grow up violent. In the past several decades as they've banned the use of corporal punishment in most states in schools this has provided additional evidence showing this teaches violence. The nineteen remaining states that still allow it in schools, and presumably also use it more in homes as well, have murder rates that are, on average 22%-32% higher than the states no longer allowing it in schools for at least the past ten years with the biggest difference coming in 2018, which is the last year of complete records, as I pointed out in Research On Preventing Violence Absent From National Media. This is major factor in the indoctrination process that prevents kids from developing critical thinking skills and recognize the emotional appeals and lies from their government and religious leaders.

In some cases Jesus also reinforces the idea that followers should blindly obey him without checking facts, and showing that he's not as peaceful as the faithful portray him, including in Matthew 10:34-8 where he says "it is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword" and he's clearly using divide and rule tactics when he goes on to say, "No one who prefers father or mother to me is worthy of me. No one who prefers son or daughter to me is worthy of me."

This has led many atheists, and even moderate religious people to wonder if some of the most devout religious people are even familiar with their own Bible.

According to an article from the Christian Science Monitor, In US, atheists know religion better than believers. Is that bad? 09/28/2010 This was based on a study they didn't link to but could easily be found on the internet, U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey Executive Summary. 09/28/2010 This poll also included sample questions about general knowledge and found that Atheists/agnostics and Jews did best on both the religious and general knowledge questions. They also found that among religious people those with the most commitment did better on religious questions, but those with less religious commitment did better on general knowledge questions.

For what it's worth I got twenty-eight out of thirty-two right, and one of those was based on a correct guess; when filling it out, I actually got twenty-nine; but there's no way I would have known that Jonathan Edwards was part of the First Great Awakening if the article I read just before taking the survey didn't give away three answers, the other two that I would have gotten anyway.

Apparently only 57% of protestants were able to name or guess the four gospels when the two incorrect answers were, Matthew, James, Luke, John; and Jude, James, Timothy, Luke. according to the Monitor article Fuller Seminary President Richard Mouw was very concerned that people didn't know the name of these books; however, Wilhelmina Jenkins was less concerned saying, "If you asked people, ‘What’s the fundamental bottom line in Christianity?’ Most people would tell you, ‘Jesus said to love God and love your neighbor.’ I don’t think most people would have any trouble knowing that."

Ironically, even though I'm not sure how important it is to memorize the names of the first four books of the Bible, especially for non-Christians, I agree more with Mouw than I do with Jenkins, even though the limited quotes she provided are good morals. The most common moral cited in recent history, that I know of is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and according to the study between 50% and 60% of Americans knew it wasn't one of the ten commandments and only came into the Judo/Christian/Muslim religion when Jesus said it in the New Testament, although there were similar statements from earlier religious writings, including some Jewish ones. The bigger problem is these few rational morals that stand up to scrutiny are only a fraction of the verses in the Bible. When Jenkins cites this without reviewing the rest of the Bible, and all it's flaws it gives the impression that this is typical of the morals taught in the Bible, which it isn't the Bible is far more about control than it is about teaching rational morals.

I went into this more in The Biblical "God" Is A Brainwashing Cult Leader! where I explained additional methods that the Bible teaches to indoctrinate and control people for the benefit of their leaders, whether or not God actually exists. Even if he doesn't exist the majority of the public believe in him so they trust the leaders that claim to speak for him more than they trust sincere people giving them rational advise. If he does exist, however, then by declining to maintain an open line of communication, at a minimum, he's giving tactic approval to the lies told in his name; if he's also influencing some of these leaders, in mysterious ways then he's providing active support for these lies.

Contrary to what most religious people choose to believe, mysterious ways are not honest ways!

This should raise major doubts about God's agenda and what he's trying to accomplish, assuming he exists. If he is influencing religion the clear implication is that he's using the human race for his own objective which isn't in our best interests, which indicates that he doesn't deserve to be worshiped; and that we should only obey his alleged orders when they also happen to be in our own best interests!

But whether or not he exists governments throughout history have almost always been run based on his perceived commandments or other orders. People have been taught to blindly obey orders from religious leaders claiming to represent God even when it's primary based on bullshit!

The United States was supposed to change that with the separation of Church and State; however, even though there has been some improvement at times religion has always had a major impact on people thought processes and political decisions, and has been used to encourage them to continue trusting their leaders and even fighting wars based on lies.

On top of that there have been plenty of non-religious methods of indoctrination that the elite educated ruling class have studied to manipulate the masses. Some of this goes back centuries before the United States was established, including political ideology described by Niccolò Machiavelli about five hundred years ago and more modern propagandists including Edward Bernays, Frank Luntz and many more are constantly trying to study how to manipulate the masses, as I pointed out in Modern Day Machiavelli & Bernays Propaganda On Steroids!

However, even though many modern secular propagandists probably don't believe in God, they recognize that the majority of the public do and the most effective way of indoctrinating the public involves catering to their religious beliefs, and in some cases, when they recognize that it may not work they study different tactics for different groups of people, including secular people. some of the most common tactics are the same ones recommended by Machiavelli five hundred years ago; keeping the citizens poor, so they can control their resources; keep them emotional so they can lure them into wars based on lies; and controlling the education process so that the masses can't learn how to recognize how the economic and political system is being rigged against them.

These tactics, alone, don't always work, so they have a long series of additional tactics and are constantly studying new methods. Other tactics include encouraging celebrity worship, including an obsession with sports, while refusing to provide coverage of the best academics, on any given subject, to teach the public, instead they arrange for athletes and actors to make recommendations, which are routinely in their own financial best interests, not the best interests of their fans.

And one of the most common tactic, is of course, divide and rule constantly catering to people's prejudices. Many of these prejudices have their roots in religion, different cultures, or partly ignorance, poverty or desperation. When the wealthy rig the economy in their own favor and the poor can't retaliate against them they often fight among each other, which plays into the hands of the ruling class and they even encourage it with demagogues like Donald Trump, who pretends to be anti-establishment, and many other demagogues are trying to rant against him to convince the public they're actually on their side. However both Trump and traditional politicians routinely cater to the same wealthy members of the ruling class even though some of them routinely come up with propaganda to make them look like they're challenging the establishment.

Since large portions of common religious beliefs clearly don't hold up to basic scrutiny, except to those that have been indoctrinated to believe what they're told based on emotional appeal, many secular people seem to assume that God doesn't exist at all, even if politicians and propagandists pretend they do believe in him. And, of course, skeptics routinely claim that extraordinary claims, including a belief in God, require extraordinary evidence. The evidence clearly discredits basic beliefs about religion, since a benevolent God would have communicated all along instead of working in mysterious ways that often ignore basic science and lead to atrocious outcomes, including wars and religious conflict; however, there might be extraordinary evidence that points to a major unsolved mystery that could include an advanced intelligence that might not have an agenda that is in our best interests all the time.

As I pointed out in 107 Wonders of the Ancient World ancient civilizations moved massive megaliths hundreds of tons with ancient technology, including at least two, the Colossi of Memnon weighing 720 tons that were moved 420 miles to a slightly higher altitude, according to the secular explanation of history; however, experiments limited to the use of technology available failed to move megaliths bigger than ten tons more than a small distance, with experiments between ten and forty tons they cheated just to get them on a sledge, had enormous problems with broken ropes, sledges or other issues, and at best only moved the megaliths a few feet certainly no more than twenty for one that weighed twenty five tins, and they din't even try anything bigger than forty.

From a scientific point of view the appropriate way of handling this would be to admit that we have a major unsolved mystery at least, and that it may have a major impact on the development of our society. that's not what the establishment does; instead they come up with lots of hype to distract public from this major unsolved mystery, and they allow the History Channel to take the lead on trying to explain this with their Ancient Aliens theorists who make so many blunders that few rational people will believe them. However, mixed in with those blunders just might be a few small pieces of the truth.

This is enough to narrow things down; either there's something to this theory, although the version on the History Channel need an enormous amount of work; or the establishment is allowing this show to go on the air for the past decade, plus prior shows covering a similar theme to convince people that there is even when there isn't.

Either way there's an enormous amount of bullshit in the discussion of this topic and just about every other topic as well. If there is something to it, though then if we work out the details it might explain how the megaliths were moved and indicate what the motive is for the unknown advanced intelligence, whether it's Ancient Aliens or not; and it could explain how may mystics were able to influence various religions throughout the centuries, and many other major unsolved mysteries, including of course UFOs.

This could also explain the incredibly rapid development of technology since the end of Workld War II, especially when you consider Philip Corso's claims in his best selling book "The Day After Roswell" where he says that he shared technology retrieved from alien craft with corporations for decades after the Roswell crash and numerous other incidents where they allegedly retrieved additional technology. There's no guarantee that it's completely true but if it's partly true then it's almost certainly part of a bigger pattern of behavior with other people also sharing technology. This could also show how there could be some benefit to this in the future, assuming it's disclosed and shared fairly. there may already be some benefit to some people as a result of this technology; however, it's being controlled by a small fraction of the public, whether it comes from aliens or not, and those not controlling it are often used for research purposes, without receiving any benefits from it.

If there's something to this then it could be part of a massive research project that goes back thousands of years, possibly involving some degree of communication with the aliens and powerful people in the corporate and government establishment since World war II; the research could include medical research and research into climate change, among other things as I pointed out in Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory and Spectacular Heart Transplant for Sophia But at What Cost and several other related articles.

Tim Flannery, who isn't an Ancient Aliens Conspiracy Theorist, author of "The Weather Makers" 2007 may provide some evidence to show that some degree of Geoengineering is possible and may already be happening, although not necessarily intentionally. He sites numerous methods that man has used to influence the environment, including events that took place from September 11 to 14, when airplanes were grounded and the average global daytime temperatures spiked by 2° during that period without any difference in the night time temperatures. the only explanation that scientists could come up with was that the lack of contrails caused it since they supposedly reflected the sun back into space cooling the planet slightly. He recommended that we eliminate these contrails eventually but not until after we solve the problem of excessive use of carbon-dioxide.

This isn't to be confused with Chem-trails that many conspiracy theorists claim are being used as part of a Geoengineering project. The explanation that Flannery provides for contrails is relatively simple and seems credible; the explanation for Chem-trails is more complicated, assuming it's real at all, and comes from sources that have credibility problems, at least that I've seen. I don't have the background to either rule this in or out, and if I thought the establishment was being honest with us, I would recommend the views of the scientific skeptics; however, there's reason to believe they're not being honest so I consider this inconclusive at best. This is just two of many known method that might be used to impact the climate or the weather. The details aren't nearly as dramatic as science fiction or fantasy, so I wouldn't expect a vast weather control apparatus or a superhero that can magically control the weather; however, there's enough to indicate that some limited control of the environment is possible and finding out how much would require research.

There's no doubt that there's additional research going into Geoengineering for future attempts to reverse Climate Change; however, Climate Change itself is a form of Geoengineering although it's not officially intentional. But if there were Ancient Aliens or some other unknown advanced intelligence around for thousands of years, and if research into climate Change was their objective all along, there's a chance they might have wanted to study it while it was happening so they wouldn't have wanted to prevent it, and may have even created it intentionally.

This clearly wouldn't have been in the short term, or perhaps even long term, the best interest of the majority of the public; so they would have wanted to withhold accurate research about the subject so they can act against the best interests of the public. I know there are alleged prophecies that claim that the world will come to great calamity and almost be destroyed but then it will be restored. These prophecies are rarely ever presented in a credible manner; however, if there were an unknown advanced intelligence with a long term plan he could have influenced these prophecies to advance his agenda, although that doesn't guarantee that this is his plan.

One possibility is that it is; and that after they conduct their research into Climate Change and some degree of whether manipulation, although not nearly as extreme as many myths or conspiracy theories, they could be planning to repair the planet. If that's the case, then it could even involve rigging elections for candidates that make it worse when it suits their purposes, like George Bush and Donald Trump, along with all past presidents, although some have pretended to try to solve the problem; then when they really do want to begin to repair the planet they might rig the elections for someone that actually wants to solve the problem, perhaps trying to make it seem like it's not being rigged this time, and that this candidate, perhaps even Bernie Sanders, is actually overcoming attempts to rig elections by greedy corporations.

If this is the case, even though there's still an enormous amount of deception going on it would be appropriate to help that candidate, when he's doing the right thing, and push for much more disclosure and implementing solutions that he might not be focusing on.

However, there's at least one other possibility that we should consider. It may also be possible that the Ancient Aliens led people to believe this was the plan and that we would be able to live happily ever after, once they found away to explain this massive scam to the public, and they get over their outrage, to get their cooperation, even though they might have additional research for their own purposes which could be much more destructive than they led people to believe.

This is all the more reason we should be focusing on repairing the damage as soon as possible based on the science that we can be most certain of. It's also all the more reason why we need a much better effort to educate the vast majority of the public about this subject and every other scientific subject, although most people will only be able to study one or two subjects in depth, and this should include political science and propaganda being used to manipulate the public.

In order to have a functioning democracy to benefit all people, not just those controlling the government, multinational corporations including the media and other powerful institutions, then everyone needs access to accurate news and education from diverse points of views, sometimes even wrong ones so they can sort through the right ones.

There's no doubt that there's much better research and reporting than what's in the mainstream media; so there should be no doubt that we need a much more diverse media to get this good research to the public; otherwise they'll be able to control the masses by controlling the lies used to make decisions!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

"Master Class Always Declares Wars; Subject Class Always Fights Battles"

Just over one hundred years ago Eugene Debs gave his Canton, Ohio Speech (06/16/1918) where he said, "The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose—especially their lives."

This was true when he said it and it's still true to this day!

This can be confirmed in more ways than one, the media pundits and politicians controlling the propaganda we use to make our decisions are all much wealthier on average than the majority of the public while veterans, on average, come from lower income areas than the majority of the public.

The people making decisions to ship manufacturing jobs overseas, all come from upper classes; upper classes also make the decisions controlling higher education, including decisions that drive the cost through the roof, and ensure that the vast majority of the public can't afford it. This enables them to rig the economy so a large percentage of the public has little or no economic opportunity enabling recruiters to sign up lower income people.

About 60% of veterans are from areas with below the median household income and a sampling I did of 1% of the American veterans who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq as of 05/22/2015 which shows that they came from communities had just over 10% less than the median household income nationally.

When I checked the number of deaths from the wealthiest forty three communities according to a couple lists found on the internet I found that they only had four veterans that died in Iraq or Afghanistan from 2002 to 2015; compared to about ten for the average community in the United States, based on the population of those communities. The vast majority of people making decisions about wars come from the wealthier cities, whether it was the same forty-three that I checked or not.

This includes many of the highest profile candidates running for office including both Dick Cheney and Joe Biden got 5 draft deferments during Nam each, and they were both leading cheer leaders of the Iraq war and many other military actions. Both Biden's sons got fast tracked into the military for officer commissions, or at least they were supposed to, but, Hunter was discharged because he tested positive for cocaine and this information was kept confidential for a while before it was leaked; and they were never in any danger of combat deaths; although Biden claimed that Beau's cancer was related to burn pits but like many of his other claims this appears to have been discredited.

Yet these are the people calling the shots, and the best reporting is virtually absent from mainstream media which rarely questions the military, and when they do it's generally after it's too late, and they can't hide the fraud that's going on so they report it to save what little credibility they have, at least with people that don't do much other their own research.

The best reporting on this subject is often from much lower profile sources including the following article:

The Military Targets Youth for Recruitment, Especially at Poor Schools 01/22/2019

“As students were coming out of classrooms, [recruiters] would be by the door waiting for them."

Since its inception, the United States military has recruited teenagers to enlist.

During the Revolutionary War, when the military was formally established, young men were encouraged to fight for their country voluntarily. During the Civil War, conscription — essentially mandatory military enrollment for men of a certain age — was implemented, initially targeting men age 21 to 30. The draft was later expanded to include men as young as 18, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, and continued over centuries as a way to maintain a base of military servicepeople. In a statement to Teen Vogue, Lisa M. Ferguson, media relations chief for the U.S. Army Recruiting Command, said, “The Army seeks qualified individuals 17 [to] 34 years old.”

Since the draft ended in 1973, the military has relied on an all-volunteer service and has targeted young people, using strategies that include placing recruiters in schools. This is allowed because the No Child Left Behind Act, signed by President George W. Bush in 2002, requires military recruiters be granted the same access in schools as college recruiters.

The military markets to teenagers, particularly those in poorer school districts, because the armed services need a large population, and the sooner young people join, the more likely they are to stay and build a career. (According to the government, “184,000 personnel must be recruited into the Armed Forces each year to replace those who complete their commitment or retire.”) Modern-day recruiters sell the idea of an experience that often resonates more with poorer students because, for many, service with an honorable discharge can mean a free ride to college, or potentially a path to citizenship. (Only the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Dept. can grant citizenship, but the military can only accelerate the process. If a person doesn't qualify for citizenship, they would still have to complete their service years in the military.)

The majority of today’s teenagers, however, aren’t interested in joining the military: According to a 2017 poll conducted by the Department of Defense, only 14% of respondents age 16 to 24 said it was likely they’d serve in the military in the next few years. ..............

For kids who join the military, there's often a signing bonus: an enlistee can accrue up to $6,000 through the Army's Future Soldiers program, Connell says. “You don’t collect it, luckily, until you go to boot camp, but it’s that kind of incentive that, for someone who is low income, makes [the military] look like a path out of poverty.”

The term “poverty draft” came about in the early 1980s to describe “the belief that the enlisted ranks of the military were made up of young people with limited economic opportunities,” Sojourners reports. Rocio Cordova, program coordinator for the Project on Youth and Non-military Opportunities, describes this phenomenon as a “draft-like system that pushes nonprivileged people into enlisting because they lack access to jobs, income, and educational alternatives in their communities.”

This persists today, with many of those interested in the military saying they are motivated by the chance to attend college. A 2017 Department of Defense poll of young people shows 49% of survey respondents indicated that if they were to join the military, one reason for doing so would be to pay for future education. .......

Many currently serving in the military will eventually have the opportunity to receive financial benefits for college after their service, as many do not graduate college prior to enlisting. A 2017 military demographics report indicates that nearly 66.4% of the total force has earned a high school diploma, GED, or some college as their highest form of education. Although the Department of Defense doesn’t collect information about recruits’ household or family income, it does measure “neighborhood affluence” to determine “how well-off recruits’ neighborhoods were,” which is the closest measure, aside from education level, available on recruits’ class data, according to the fiscal year 2017 Population Representation in the Military Services report. The report indicates that nearly 20% of military members come from neighborhoods with median household incomes of $40,115 or less. (In 2017, the median U.S. household income was $60,336, reports the United States Census Bureau.) Complete article

The chart for this report doesn't break it down evenly based on whether it's below or above the median U.S. household income, however it clearly appears as if about 60% of recruits appear to come from communities with below average median U.S. household income. The report they cite for income brackets claims that both the lowest income bracket they measure and the highest are under represented; which is true, however the lower one is only slightly underrepresented while higher one is further underrepresented even though it goes much higher, starting at $84,195 going up to anything higher than that. Furthermore, the middle bracket they use is mostly below the median household income, only going about $2,000 above the median income while going about $10,000 below it. Of the one percent from veterans who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq that I sampled, which came to seventy veterans only two of them came from households with a median U.S. household income over $100,000 one just barely above this and the other just barely above $110,000. I also checked the wealthiest communities which had four dead from the entire list of dead, none of which were in that one percent sampling. Additional details on that are below.

The following is another one of the few good articles on the subject from alternative media, ignored by traditional media, of course:

The Military Views Poor Kids as Fodder for Its Forever Wars 01/07/2020

As the United States staggers toward war, it will try to draw troops from the same poor, rural neighborhoods it always has. By Nick Martin

In my high school in rural North Carolina, a plastic table was set up just off to the side of the atrium where we all congregated after lunch every day. Behind that pamphlet-strewn table was a man in the recognizable khaki of a Marine’s service uniform. With a smile that never left his face, he’d reach out a hand and ask about your day. He’d inquire about your classes, whether you played sports, who you rooted for. Then, after maybe two or three minutes of small talk, he’d make his pitch.

It was always the same: fast-tracked citizenship; relief from the financial pressure of attending college; real employment prospects in a recession-era economy that had left many of my classmates’ parents without jobs. He was the flesh-and-blood version of the television propaganda we had already seen a million times over by then. But his pitch, run against a limited set of options, sounded like a good deal. It was supposed to.

That recruiter’s presence at my school was the result of a particularly insidious piece of the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, signed by George W. Bush, which required that all public schools grant military recruiters “the same access to secondary school students as is provided generally to post secondary educational institutions or to prospective employers.” That table was his equal access.

While the law handed the military a clean reach into American high schools, its recruitment efforts remained selective. Enlistment data paints a complicated portrait of the economic makeup of the military, but what we know about recruitment is more straightforward: The Pentagon views low-income kids as easy targets for its forever wars.

In 2015, a pair of Education Week reporters making use of the Freedom of Information Act reviewed the Army’s presence in Connecticut high schools and found major discrepancies in how the branch targeted middle-class and poor kids. Throughout the entire 2011–2012 school year, Army recruiters visited a higher-income high school—in which only 5 percent of students qualified for free or reduced lunch—just four times. By contrast, at another high school, where nearly half of the students qualified, Army recruiters stopped by more than 40 times before the spring semester’s final bell. .......

These programs have a very specific target audience. In 2017, the RAND Corporation reviewed JROTC programs across the country and found that “at public high schools with JROTC programs, 56.6 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, on average”—nearly 10 percentage points higher than at schools without JROTC. Likewise, the study found that the military program tends to be present at schools with higher minority populations: At schools with JROTC, black students make up 29.4 percent of the school, compared to just 12.1 percent at non-JROTC schools. (Geography is also part of the story here: Between 40 and 65 percent of JROTC programs are clustered in the Southeast, according to the RAND report.) Complete article

The highest recruitment rates are actually in Alaska and the North West, mostly in very rural areas where there are few if any jobs available, however, since they have so few people, the biggest volume of recruits come from the South East, as Nick Martin says.

Another one of the rare articles reporting on recruiting poorer people came from Jonathan Zimmerman who wrote Who fights our wars? Other people’s children 09/20/2017 reviewing how recruiting tactics changed during or after the Vietnam War. He points out that Robert McNamara who oversaw the Vietnam War avoided service by going to college and that Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump all avoided serving through their connections, Trump also got five deferments from the draft like Biden and Cheney. Barack Obama was too young to serve in Vietnam; but there are hundreds if not thousands more politicians that used their connections to avoid serving whether it was in Vietnam or other wars. This is standard operating procedure and it got worse after World War II. John McCain is one of the few politicians that served in Vietnam but the number of politicians serving dropped even more after that, until the Iraq and Afghanistan wars when they started recruiting veterans to run for office, but not just any veterans; the political establishment only recruited veterans to run for office who were willing to support future military actions.

But some of the best reporting on how the political establishment starts all the wars but the working class fights them all goes much further back to times where most people have forgotten, thanks to a virtual black out from traditional media and the education system teaching about anti-war activists like Eugene Debs and his speech from Canton Ohio is still among the best:

Canton, Ohio Speech 06/16/1918

Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder. In the Middle Ages when the feudal lords who inhabited the castles whose towers may still be seen along the Rhine concluded to enlarge their domains, to increase their power, their prestige and their wealth they declared war upon one another. But they themselves did not go to war any more than the modern feudal lords, the barons of Wall Street go to war. The feudal barons of the Middle Ages, the economic predecessors of the capitalists of our day, declared all wars. And their miserable serfs fought all the battles. The poor, ignorant serfs had been taught to revere their masters; to believe that when their masters declared war upon one another, it was their patriotic duty to fall upon one another and to cut one another’s throats for the profit and glory of the lords and barons who held them in contempt. And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose—especially their lives.

They have always taught and trained you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command. But in all the history of the world you, the people, have never had a voice in declaring war, and strange as it certainly appears, no war by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people.

And here let me emphasize the fact—and it cannot be repeated too often—that the working class who fight all the battles, the working class who make the supreme sacrifices, the working class who freely shed their blood and furnish the corpses, have never yet had a voice in either declaring war or making peace. It is the ruling class that invariably does both. They alone declare war and they alone make peace.
Yours not to reason why;
Yours but to do and die.

That is their motto and we object on the part of the awakening workers of this nation.

If war is right let it be declared by the people. You who have your lives to lose, you certainly above all others have the right to decide the momentous issue of war or peace. Complete article

Debs also addressed the lies they were told about Russia at that time, which was before he could have known about how tyrannical Vladimir Lenin, and later Stalin would turn out to be. If the United States hadn't opposed the revolution so much from the beginning, supporting the Czar, they might have enabled Vladimir Kerensky to stay in power instead of allowing Lenin to take over in the first place; however, they were too busy fighting the war. But if they hasn't been supporting one empire or another, they could have stayed out of the war, since contrary to claims by Woodrow Wilson neither side was defending Democracy; and after the war was over Woodrow Wilson seemed to have lost interest in the rhetoric to stand up for Democratic principles that he used to motivate his recruits.

He even remained silent, at best, about several domestic efforts to improve democracy at home and supported the Espionage Act which actually suppressed democracy, while he was claiming to fight a war to defend it. This was followed by purges and riots after the war carried out by the American Protection League and other vigilante organizations as well as the Palmer Raids, which are hardly taught at all in school, and only those that take the initiative to look it up themselves later learn about this along with an enormous amount of additional history the government and education system don't remind us of.

People who do check with more reliable alternative media or history sources are routinely referred to as radicals and often demonized with emotional appeals. If we do a good job checking our facts they can't debunk us using other methods, since our facts will check out far more than theirs.

The following are some additional related articles:

Children Living In Low-Income Neighborhoods Less Likely To Graduate High School: Study 10/04/2011

U.S. Wars Abroad Increase Inequality at Home 10/05/2018

Rich Man’s War, Poor Man’s Fight? 2013

Eugene V.Debs Canton, Ohio Speech 06/16/1918

For the sample of one percent of veterans killed in Iraq I used the first seventy names in this list The names of the 6,828 American veterans who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq 05/25/2019

These seventy are listed hear along with some statistics on crime rates as well. Deceased Veterans by Median Income 70: 3,861,542 70 avg: $55,164.88571 The vast majority of recruits come from rural areas, which also have much lower rates of violent crime, so it's to be expected that they come from less violence areas which most of them do. However, fifteen of the seventy that come from cities with above average crime and murder rates are often much higher than average, while many of those below are only moderately below, with the exception of some towns that are mostly very small that have few if any murders. The difference in crime rates between rural areas and cities is a different subject; however, if we can spend billions of dollars fighting wars based on lies we can spend the money we need on education and other social programs that will greatly reduce violence in these abandoned inner cites, also ignored by the media.

Income and Poverty in the United States: 2017 Median household income was $61,372 in 2017

While checking other statistics the highest median U.S. household income bracket that I found was Weston Massachusetts with a median U.S. household income over $200,000. There are practically no veterans from wealthy neighborhoods with a median U.S. household income above $120,000 at risk of dying in wars, yet the people in this income bracket are the ones that make the vast majority of decisions about war, including creating the propaganda to deceive the public into fighting them in the first place. I checked the page for anyone from Weston or These are the top 10 richest places in the US 03/19/2018 and What are the richest towns in America? Here's the top 34 to find forty three of the wealthiest communities in the country to use for this sampling. the four communities that lost one veterans a piece to the Iraq War were Los Altos Hills, California; Chevy Chase, Maryland; Fairfax Station, Virginia; and Lake Forest, Illinois. For some reason these two lists of the top 10 or 34 richest places in the country only have two cities in common and neither of them included Weston, which should have made the top 34, so there's no guarantee that they really are the richest; but the population and death of veterans or lack of them came from sources that appear to be more reliable, so the statistics should be credible, since they're based on population, not whether or not they rank in the top 43. These are the cities and their populations used for this sample:

Atherton, California 6,914
Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 6,644
Scarsdale, New York 18,079
Short Hills, New Jersey 12,771
Hillsborough, California 11,486
Old Greenwich, Connecticut 6,860
Bronxville, New York 6,547
Highland Park, Texas 9,208
Los Altos Hills, California 8,580
Great Falls, Virginia 15,427
Travilah, Maryland 7,442
Wolf Trap, Virginia 16,131
Winnetka, Illinois 12,480
Belvedere, California 2,126
Greenville (Westchester County), New York 7,116
University Park, Texas 25,201
Darien, Connecticut 21,887
Clyde Hill, Washington 3,318
East Hills, New York 7,238
Floris, Virginia 8,375
Upper Montclair, New Jersey 39,227
Belmont, Virginia 6,563
Bellaire, Texas 18,797
Flower Hill, New York 4,869
Highlands-Baywood Park, California 4,027
Fort Hunt, Virginia 16,045
Dranesville, Virginia 11,921
Coto de Caza, California 14,799
Fulshear, Texas 10,044
Brambleton, Virginia 2010 9,845 / 2017 19,876 (This city doubled it's population in a short time; for the sake of comparison I used the lower 2010 figure, which was closer to the time of most fighting, especially since the sampling I took only goes up to 2015.)
Chevy Chase, Maryland 9,381
Broadlands, Virginia 13,872
Dellwood, Minnesota 1,100
Hinsdale, Illinois 17,705
Fairfax Station, Virginia 12,030
Franklin Farm, Virginia 19,288
Lake Forest, Illinois 19,375
North Barrington, Illinois 2,997
Woodbury, New York 8,907
Clarkson Valley, Missouri 2,613
Town and Country, Missouri 11,115
Deer Park, Illinois 3,658
Weston Massachusetts 11,261
Total: 483,269
Austin 12 total 1 for every 65,865.83333
USA 1 for every 47,920
1 for every 120,817 Difference 2.52/0.397
Dallas: 42 Austin: 12
When you tally up the 25 richest cities in America, California has eight 05/19/2019

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Open letter to Police

I've known a few police officers in private life over the years and none of them were oppressive extremists, and I have no doubt that most police officers intend to do exactly what they're allegedly hired to do, "to protect and serve," as the slogan goes. However, when I see what many police do on the job I often wonder who they're supposed to protect and serve; and whether they're more concerned about following orders from a corrupt political system than they are "protecting and serving" the majority of the public.

The highest profile issue that has been in the media about conflicts with police is almost certainly the high number of people they kill every year, which is clearly over a thousand, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. There've been a large number of claims that Black Lives Matter have been responsible for increases in murder rates in some cities, although this has been discredited by many sources including the New York Times which explains that Black Activists Don’t Ignore Crime 08/05/2016 and they're often involved, at the local level, with efforts to reduce crime and additional studies have shown that this has often been very effective, making cities safer for everyone including both African Americans & police.

Unfortunately these studies, grassroots organizations, and many of the best academics that can explain how to reduce violence, get little or no attention from the mainstream media, especially Cable News which gets far more viewers than print or internet articles, and politicians do little or nothing to help support these organizations, often pushing policies that increase leading causes of crime, including poverty, income inequality etc., by allowing corporations to suppress wages, shipping jobs over seas, cutting education, pushing charter schools, and many other policies that benefit campaign donors at the expense of the majority of the public.

This is just one example of many where people at the grassroots level organize to stand up to corrupt activities by governments or corporations, but they get little or no media attention and politicians often pass laws that are strictly enforced to prevent them from informing the public about corruption that is leading to epidemic social problems including massive environmental destruction, fighting wars based on lies, epidemic levels of corporate fraud, increasing poverty, depriving people of health care and many other issues.

There are numerous studies showing that pollution is killing millions of people every year, and activists around the country routinely protest against this; in a functioning democracy politicians respond by addressing their concerns and standing up to corporation profiting by the pollution. In our country politicians accept massive amounts of campaign contributions from these corporations and the media sells them massive amounts of air time for their propaganda minimizing education about the subject. They only cover candidates that collect these donations and make promises during campaigns then break them once in office.

As far as the establishment is concerned "Hope and Change" is just a broken promise from politicians that they push long enough to get elected.

Then when a small percentage of the public does their research through more reliable environmental sources, that are often ignored by mainstream media, and carry out protests, when media routinely ignores them they eventually get frustrated and obstruct something, peacefully, to draw attention to what amounts to negligent mass homicide at best. Only then are police instructed to enforce the law, not to prevent billionaires from profiting by polluting and killing millions of innocent people, but by arresting peaceful protesters so they can intimidate them and discourage them from acting on behalf of their communities.

When this happens they're not "protecting and serving" the vast majority of the public as, I'm sure, many of them intended to when they joined the police force; they're preventing corporations from being held accountable and enabling them to continue with their fraud and environmental destruction, even though that's not what many of them intend to do.

The same goes for one issue after another, including some that have some direct, or indirect link to reducing violence. When we fight wars based on lies the people telling those lies, like Bush, Cheney, the Clinton's and many more including generals, media pundits & the vast majority of congressmen or women aren't held accountable; those trying to expose them, like Phil Donahue Scott Ritter and Mohamed ElBaradei are fired or no longer allowed access to the media to warn public they're being deceived.

However, when a scandal that's so bad, like Abu Ghraib they feel they have to blame someone because they can't spin their way out of it, they blame the people that are trained to blindly follow orders, because they follow illegal orders; but those that gave the orders aren't held accountable. and those that disobey illegal orders are also charged for disobeying, including when entire war is base don lies like Iraq or Syria and many more.

Despite all the hype about how they respect their troops they routinely damn them if they do or if they don't; even though most veterans avoid being charged for either obeying or disobeying illegal orders they're routinely abandoned when the military no longer has a use for them; while they lavish enormous amounts of money on large corporations enriching wealthy people that donate to campaigns and don't have to worry about sending their own children to wars based on lies.

And, of course, anti war protesters are routinely arrested as well, instead of holding those accountable that start these wars base don lies or sell weapons to just about every tyrant in the world at one time or another, often that are being turned against us, after former allies turn against us and our government suddenly starts admitting that they were tyrants all along like Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega and many others.

The political class also routinely demands arrests for protesters on many other issues, without addressing legitimate grievances, including about suppressing wages by shipping jobs overseas, demanding respect for Oligarchs subsidized by the government including Walmart, closing schools, depriving people of health care while giving corporations massive subsidies in the form of monopolies through patents, enabling insurance companies to control who gets health care and much more.

This is all justified by the claim that this is a democracy, or so they say; however, a real democracy has to have access to accurate research to base their decisions, and the vast majority of the public doesn't know where to find that, thanks to the consolidation of the media. we also need to hear from all applicants for political office; however, consolidated media only covers those they support ensuring that the vast majority of the public never hears form most honest candidates since they never develop name recognition.

The media is now controlled primarily by six large corporations that dominate over 95% of the national news and the next biggest half a dozen or more media outlets are also owned by billionaires or multi millionaires catering the same small fraction of one percent of the public.

And amazingly, many of these people that you often arrest are trying to solve these social problems, and have often learned to seek out alternative news sources or research that isn't covered by mainstream media. In many cases these activists are actively educating people on the most effective ways to reduce crime, which often means standing up to corrupt corporations.

The wealthiest parts of the country routinely make all the political decisions, rigging the economy in their own favor, while the poorest people routinely pay the highest price, often being deprived of the education and economic opportunities they need to get ahead. According to The Myth of Rags to Riches 07/11/2012 "only 4 percent of those raised in the bottom 20 percent ever climb into the top 20 percent." and even worse for minorities, "Fifty-six percent of blacks raised in middle class families fall to the bottom two quintiles as adults." This article doesn't go into the reasons why this is happening but given time there are plenty of sources that can show that the economic system is clearly rigged against the poor, especially minorities, and this is a major contributing cause of violence. One of the best sources showing how the economic system is rigged against many of the poorest minorities is "Savage Inequalities" by Jonathan Kozol and there's many more where this came from. I could easily point out dozens more books providing additional details, assuming anyone was interested in checking them; although I suspect the ones most interested are already doing this on their own.

And on top of that some of the most effective solutions are being implemented at the grassroots level in many communities, not by the traditional political or media establishment. I've often tried to point out many of the best academics that teach about leading causes of violence, and how to prevent them. These academics practically never get much if any media coverage so they can educate the public as I've pointed out recently in Must We Hate? Must We Beat Children? and Burying Solutions to Prevent Gilroy, Dayton and El Paso Shootings as well as a series of studies starting with Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows and ending with Politicians increase crime; Grass roots efforts reduce crime; Politicians steal the credit which summarizes the articles and concludes that when people are educated more at the local level about the issues and how to reduce violence they're better able to hold their political leaders accountable, and this enables them to keep violence down in their own state or local areas.

I still have no doubt that crime could be greatly reduced if we addressed many of these social problems, and frankly some good police officers ahve made statements indicating that they agree with me including former Dallas Tx. Police Chief David Brown and former Madison Wisc. police chief David Couper, who both advocated for major reforms in policing and even though police chief Brown focused mainly on reforming the police he also made a good point during his speech when he said:
Not enough mental health funding, let the cop handle it. Not enough drug addiction funding, let’s give it to the cops. Here in Dallas we have a loose dog problem. Let’s have the cops chase loose dogs. Schools fail, give it to the cops. 70 percent of the African-American community is being raised by single women, let’s give it to the cops to solve as well. That’s too much to ask. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems. I just ask other parts of our democracy along with the free press to help us.

I would think that most police officers would agree with this part of his speech although apparently there's a lot of disagreement with some of his other reforms. I would also think that this would be followed up by a reversal of cuts in social programs that address these problems which lead to violence; yet, it's been almost four years since this speech and little has been done to do that, at least that I know of. Many of the most effective programs are implemented at the local level, and they get little or no media coverage, which could help educate people about how to implement this on a much larger scale.

In some cases the Black Lives Matter organization has been involved in implementing solutions including the Wheel Chairs Against Guns organization which is afiliated with BLM as indicated in the following excerpt from their web page:

Black Lives Matter New York | We Protect Inner City Students‎

The Problem

Bullying, gang activity and gun violence is rising at an alarming rate in schools across the country.

According to statistics gathered by and Gun Violence Archives, there have been 290 school shootings since the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012.

And although not every incident received national media attention, there have been more than 36 school shootings in 2018 alone.

The Solution

As survivors of gun violence, the members of Wheelchairs Against Guns (WAG) have come face-to-face with the violence epidemic plaguing America.

Understanding the best way to end violence in our schools, is by preventing it before it happens, the WAG team focuses on teaching New York City students about the dangers and consequences of violent behavior in a way they can relate to.

WAG’s solution is a series of interactive violence prevention workshops that teach students:

Conflict resolution strategies
Critical thinking techniques
How to build and maintain positive self esteem Complete article

Other community organizers including Samuel Sinyangwe are also trying to educate public about effective ways to reduce violence, which will also make confrontations with police less likely, he pointed the following study which shows that local community organizations often help reduce violence, confirming some of my own conclusions in my reviews:

Community and the Crime Decline: The Causal Effect of Local Nonprofits on Violent Crime 2017

Largely overlooked in the theoretical and empirical literature on the crime decline is a long tradition of research in criminology and urban sociology that considers how violence is regulated through informal sources of social control arising from residents and organizations internal to communities. In this article, we incorporate the “systemic” model of community life into debates on the U.S. crime drop, and we focus on the role that local nonprofit organizations played in the national decline of violence from the 1990s to the 2010s. Using longitudinal data and a strategy to account for the endogeneity of nonprofit formation, we estimate the causal effect on violent crime of nonprofits focused on reducing violence and building stronger communities. Drawing on a panel of 264 cities spanning more than 20 years, we estimate that every 10 additional organizations focusing on crime and community life in a city with 100,000 residents leads to a 9 percent reduction in the murder rate, a 6 percent reduction in the violent crime rate, and a 4 percent reduction in the property crime rate.


Largely overlooked in the theoretical and empirical literature on the crime decline is a long tradition of research in criminology and urban sociology that considers how violence is regulated through informal sources of social control internal to communities. The “systemic” model of community organization and crime focuses on the set of actors, organizations, and institutions that influence the level of social cohesion within a neighborhood and the degree to which communities are able to solve common problems and realize shared objectives (Bursik 1999; Bursik and Grasmick 1993; Sampson 2012; Sampson, Raudenbush, and Earls 1997). This model has been extremely influential in the study of cross-neighborhood variation in violence and crime, but it has been largely missing in debates about what caused “The Great American Crime Decline” (Zimring 2006).

In this article, we incorporate one key dimension of the systemic model into the literature on the crime decline by presenting national evidence on the role that local organizations played in reducing crime. Our focus is on local nonprofits formed to confront violent crime and build stronger communities. Our goal is to present causal evidence on the impact of these organizations on crime and violence in U.S. cities.


Local Organizations and the Fight against Violence from Within

The focus on external forces that contributed to the crime decline stands in contrast to many observers’ accounts that document extensive efforts by local organizations and community leaders to organize residents in an effort to confront the problem of violence. These examples typically come from case studies conducted in specific communities. But considered together, they reveal a local mobilization against violence that has been largely ignored in debates about the national drop in violent crime.

Von Hoffman (2003), for instance, documents the work of community activists in South Central Los Angeles who organized to hire and train formerly incarcerated residents to clean up sidewalks and maintain the streets, build over 100 units of affordable housing in their community, and coordinate 57 block groups to ensure that street alleys were not used for dumping or drug dealing. Putnam, Feldstein, and Cohen (2004) interviewed residents and leaders from organizations like Valley Interfaith in the Rio Grande Valley and the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) in Boston to understand how years of organizing and advocacy had slowly generated change in their communities. The DSNI built affordable homes designed for community residents, provided jobs to young people in newly-developed community gardens and a greenhouse, and waged campaigns to clean up abandoned lots, build new community centers, and stop outsiders from dumping trash on the streets of the Dudley Triangle. These efforts were designed to change the neighborhood from a dangerous, run-down, anonymous set of streets into an urban village, where the streets were clean and safe, and where people knew their neighbors and looked out for each other (see also Medoff and Sklar 1994).

Journalist Robert Snyder (2014) describes how community groups worked to transform Washington Heights in Manhattan, a section of New York City that was overtaken by gang violence and drug distribution. Organizations like Alianza Dominicana, the Community League of West 159th Street, the Dominican Women’s Development Center, and the Asociación Comunal de Dominicanos Progresistas organized and marched to bring resources and political attention to the fight against violence. Mothers Against Violence, Friends of Fort Tryon Park, and the New York Restoration Project worked to clean up, maintain, and retake public parks within Washington Heights that had been dominated by drug dealers and addicts. Complete article

The conclusions of this study may be over simplified, as they often do in statistical studies that can't consider all the details that are addressed at the local level with some communities doing a better job than others with their local organizations, but the point is sound we need more effort to teach people about the leading causes of violence and how to prevent it and many of these local organizations are trying to do that with little or no help from mainstream media which doesn't report on good research or politicians who are constantly trying to push policies to enrich campaign donors.

I'm sure that many police would argue that this isn't their responsibility; however, this is only partly correct. It should be the responsibility of the mainstream media to report on the best research that can reduce crime and address many other social issues where we have good research to solve many problems. It should be the responsibility for politicians to base their policy decisions on the best science available, instead of studying how to manipulate their constituents to turn them against each other and against you.

However they're clearly not doing their job and many of these protesters that you routinely arrest for obstruction, trespassing, or other incredibly petty charges, at the orders of corrupt politicians, are trying to address legitimate concerns, which should be considered a basic function of democracy.

John F Kennedy once said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable," and rightly so. Right now by only covering candidates that are supported by big money from corporations the media is ensuring that honest ones never get name recognition to be elected, and those that do get elected routinely betray one promise after another to the public to benefit their campaign contributors. The lawyers that benefit from this corrupt system claim there's no quid pro quo presumably because they don't want to see one.

Our political establishment has proven to be incredibly corrupt and there can be no justification for allowing a small fraction of the richest people in the country to control over 95% of the media giving them an enormous propaganda advantage enabling them to corrupt the political establishment. Fifty years ago Stanley Milgram conducted an Obedience to Authority Experiment which he claimed was to understand why the Germans blindly obeyed orders during the Holocaust so that it can be prevented in the future. There's often outrage when people co pare things to Hitler and the Holocaust, but there's a gradual build up to these atrocities, and even though nothing that extreme has happened since many of the activities preceding it have, so it's important to recognize this progression before it gets to too much of an extreme.

The alleged message was that we need to learn when to disobey illegal orders. However as I indicated in a previous article, Eli Roth’s Milgram/Obedience experiment much more extensive than most people realize this research was supported by the Office of Naval research and they're not in the habit of teaching their recruits to question orders, in fact they do the opposite, and Milgram's research can help them understand how to improve their indoctrination tactics.

Another famous experiment was also done to allegedly study why guards become so cruel with many similarities as I reported in Philip Zimbardo, Lucifer Effect, Stanford Prison Experiment. This research was financed directly by the Office or Naval Research & it shows how training can lead to indoctrination and cruelty. Zimbardo also admitted to similarities to boot camp indoctrination as if he was trying to stop this but it was financed by the organization that developed those boot camp indoctrination tactics teaching to blindly obey orders. And the same tactics are used in many police academies. David Couper reported about how it teaches cadets to be abusive in his article Hazing and Bullying in the Police Academy 12/16/2013 and provided more background in his accompanying book.

Instead of teaching blind obedience to police when orders are coming down from corrupt politicians enabled by a corrupt media establishment, police should be taught to "protect and to serve," as the slogan goes, as well as do your part to defend the democratic process. When corporations profit off pollution while the media minimizes coverage of the causes of it and makes an enormous profit selling propaganda ads; then the political establishment demands that you arrest protesters, instead of those polluting and killing innocent people, if you obey orders your not protecting and serving the public or defending the democratic process; your enabling epidemic corruption and negligent mass murder. The same goes when you arrest community activists that are trying to educate about the most effective ways to prevent violence or exposing wars based on lies.

And in some cases in addition to passing up opportunities to reduce violent crime, pollution related deaths, war based on lies and other social problems, the police pay a heavy price for it when there is blowback by angry people that strike out when they see their own government hasn't been protecting them, insome cases the same people the government trains to fight in wars based on lies that learn they've been betrayed.

the tow mass shootings in Dallas and Baton Rouge killing eight police officers were both done by veterans who were sent to wars base don lies and trained to use violence to solve their problems instead of seeking other alternatives. They also took place in cities that have been abandoned by the political establishment with murder rates at least two and a half times the national average, which is already higher than most developed countries. Chris Dorner, who was trained by both the Navy and the police department to protect us, also struck out violently when faced with racism and corruption in the police department. Even though his response was clearly ineffective and unjustified, ignoring the corruption that leads to a hostile work environment and was a contributing factor won't help solve the problem. This has proven that John F Kennedy's quote has come at least partially true, although these irrational attacks hardly qualifies as a revolution.

And there are many more attacks on law enforcement, often by troubled people that didn't get access to quality education economic opportunities or protection from an abusive upbringing. Some of these attacks may have been partially motivated by previous abuse from police; there are certainly plenty of stories like the video of a Seabrook NH police officer arbitrarily slamming a prisoners head against the wall while other cops laughed that surfaced a few years ago. People living in the poorest cities know about many more of these stories, and they know they're not all being made up because they often see them first hand, it's only because of increases in technology that so many are becoming public lately. There's a strong chance that the Las Vegas shooter at CiCi's Pizza and Walmart may have been a victim of police brutality. Even a quick look at the police officers memorial board shows that there are more deaths in areas with high crime and murder rates than those without them, although like all sociology statistics there are some exceptions.

Your unions routinely fight tooth and nail to prevent police officers from being held accountable for the most abusive obvious shootings that are taken to extremes. the police officer that was caught red handed slamming an handcuffed prisoners head against the wall even demanded his job back while denying wrong doing. I'm not talking about the shootings where there's someone shooting at you first, I know the majority of fatal police shootings probably fall into this category, but there are many that are clearly way out of line especially when the target is unarmed and there's no reason to believe he was armed.

If you can negotiate for this you can demand not to be used for political purposes when politicians refuse to address political grievances or when the media refuses to cover good research that shows how violence can effectively be reduced. You can engage with these community organizations and invite politicians to attend meeting s as well. If they begin to realize that they may not have police officers willing to suppress some of the best informed citizens in this country then they may realize they'll have to do the job they were supposed to do in the first place.

As long as the political establishment thinks they're uncountable then they'll use you to suppress us, even though I have no doubt that this isn't what the best police officers ever intended. the media and, perhaps even the protest movement seems to have developed some kind of myth about how getting arrested to protest political and corporate corruption shows that democracy is working; when it does the opposite. Not that the protesters are carrying out counterproductive activities; they're exposing the flaws. However, when the political establishment repeatedly has people arrested without addressing legitimate concerns, this doesn't show how democracy works, it shows how the illusion of democracy works, and it's important for us to recognize that. Democracy works when politicians are forced to stop ignoring legitimate concerns from the people.

If they can't count on police to blindly obey orders to suppress legitimate grievances then they'll have to address legitimate concerns.

Of course more will have to be done to ensure that the media reports the best research that teaches how to reduce crime and solve other social problems; however without police helping suppress activists from trying to solve these problems as well that will be much more likely.

Blindly obeying orders from a corrupt political establishment isn't staying out of politics; it's participating in it on behalf of corrupt politicians.

For additional sources to this article see the following:

For additional research from Samuel Sinyangwe see Tweet string: Invest in alternatives to police as crime prevention strategies. Every 10 additional organizations in a city: - Reduces the murder rate by 9% - Reduces violent crime rate by 6% - Reduces property crime rate by 4% The Research: 10/05/2019

Black Lives Matter Week of Action | Teaching Tolerance 12/04/2018

East St. Louis is perhaps the most violent city in america with an average murder rate about sixteen times the national average with some years rising to twenty times the national average. There are dozens more cities including many much larger that have murder rates at least three to four times the national average, and over a hundred that ahve more than double the national average. Our national average is five times the rate of many European nations that take care of social problems much better and ban corporal punishment, a leading cause of long term violence, both in the schools and in homes. We have research to show how to make this far less likely.

The media chooses not to report on this research and the political establishment chooses not to base their decisions on this research and when community activists recognize this and speak out they may risk being arrested instead of getting their concerns addressed.

East St. Louis, Illinois murder rates Average from 2005-2018, excluding 2013 was 84; four of those years had rates above 100. Population: 26,662 median household income: $20,888

Wayback Machine Archive many be more complete from May 1st 2013 to July 31 2018 Killed By Police 2017: 1,194

Killed By Police current administration has slightly fewer deaths for 4 complete years that old administration recorded, although I didn't go through them all to see if there was redundancy or missed deaths.

Pollution kills 9 million people each year, new study finds 10/19/2017

An estimated 12.6 million deaths each year are attributable to unhealthy environments 03/15/2016

Does air pollution really kill nearly 9 million people each year? 03/12/2019

Watch the March on the RNC 08/27/2012

Suppressing protests from people that want to participate in the Democratic process isn't new; during World War I when mobs attacked women for demanding the right to vote police stood by doing nothing. During the Vietnam war when protesters that recognized that it wasn't fighting to defend democracy were violently oppressed in many cases by police or the national guard.