Edit 08/27/2018: The media has predictably gone into the hero worship mode again now that John McCain has died with obsession coverage of one pundit or politician after another calling him a "War Hero," glorifying him and demonizing Trump for insufficient praise and the only high profile organization calling him a "War Monger," that the mainstream media is willing to report on is RT, giving many people that rely on traditional media the impression that it's only our enemies are questioning his heroism.
Even the so-called liberals like Maxine Waters and Amy Klobuchar are lining up to to say how great and glorious he is; however, this is based on a selective version of history as many people on alternative media outlets have pointed out, including me in several articles including this one and John McCain really isn't a War Hero where I reminded people that Vietnam was our ally during WWII and Ho Chi Minh, wrote several letters to Presidents or other government officials and signed a Declaration of Independence, patterned after our own asking the United States Government to respect their right to chose their own government, and defend democracy, as they claimed they were fighting to do, when they opposed Hitler. The lesson that we were supposed to learn from WW II was that fighting wars based on lies and following orders was no excuse for committing atrocities; however, they continue to portray veterans as heroes for blindly obeying orders in one war after another based on lies, and demonize those like Code Pink that try to remind the public that in addition to wars based on lies the CIA also supported coups against democratically elected governments in Iran, Guatemala, Chile and more countries, yet McCain and other establishment figures want us to believe that it's the people that tell the truth that are "Low-life scum."
I try to avoid using the most provocative terms like calling the media the "enemy of the people," or referring to these war mongers as mass murdering monsters, but when they continue with this non-stop propaganda this is far closer to the truth than what the traditional media is reporting!

We're not supposed to speak ill of the dead!
This seems like a reasonable social norm, until the establishment media starts glorifying one corrupt politician after another and use the hype around the obsession coverage memorializing them to justify the status quo, with a long list of wars based on lies, and an economic system that's heavily rigged in favor of the wealthy, who often gouge the working class for billions, if not trillions, of dollars, then except us to believe they're the most charitable people when they raise a few million dollars, a lot of which goes to fund raising expenses.
The media has an incredibly long history of glorifying people from the political establishment, especially after they die that many of us often find it hard to believe the truth, even if we keep track of the news on a regular basis and recognize that tehre's an enormous amount of propaganda only exposed in alternative media outlets. Which is why, even though I've known that P Diddie isn't prone to making things up when I read Rest in Peace, Quaker Oats 04/17/2018 claiming that Barbara Bush said, "Almost everyone I've talked to said we're going to move to Houston. What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by all the hospitality. And so many of the peoples in the arena here, you know, they're underprivileged anyway, so this -- this (waves arm; chuckles slightly) is working very well for them." and "But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it’s gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it’s, it’s not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" I found it hard to believe that a major celebrities would be so callous about speaking publicly like this that I had to check, and she said both.

These quotes are much more common than most people realize, although most celebrities are more cautious when they speak to the media, which is why everything is always so scripted. When they do happen the media may cover them for a brief while, without reminding the public of many other past misstatements before letting them go down the memory hole, like when Barbara Bush was forced to retract a false claim against Philip Agee in her 1994 memoir that he was responsible for the death of Richard Welch, who she claimed was killed because Agee disclosed his name in his book. Agee did not disclose his name in his book and it was previously disclosed by another source in 1968. What Agee did disclose was numerous atrocities that were committed by the CIA which may have helped incite retaliation against the CIA or United States citizens; however this wasn't news to many people in foreign countries, since they were already aware of many of the things the CIA was doing.
Agee disclosed this information to concerned United States citizens who were inclined to read his books and not limit themselves to traditional media! Some of these same citizens were also aware of the signing of the Vietnam Declaration of Independence, which along with other news rarely reported by the traditional press showed that the war, and many other foreign engagements, were based on lies! This was confirmed in the Church and Pike investigations by Congress and additional low profile disclosures have been coming out since then.
Alternative media outlets that keep track of these low profile official admissions and do additional research are routinely portrayed as "fringe" or "radical" often mixing them up with other alternative media outlets that really are fanatical, creating stereotypes trying to make all alternative media look the same, so that the public will only rely on traditional media, which often declines to remind the public of the most important history behind any given foreign conflict!
Ironically they don't refer to the people implicated in atrocities as being "shamed," that title is often reserved by those that expose them in attempt to try to stop them, which shows the incredibly obvious bias of the mainstream media. Ironically instead of taking steps to stop wars based on lies or illegal assassinations by the CIA or their allies they passed what they called the "Anti-Agee Act," which makes it illegal to disclose the names of people that are involved with the CIA and perhaps the illegal activities they continue to participate in.
As for the sources that really might be fringe, Roger Stone probably came up with the worst smears of Barbara, claiming that she was a "nasty drunk," which might make her look good by comparison, since he's such a corrupt person and even the traditional media doesn't dispute it, although he's really not much if any more corrupt or more of a war monger than the Bushes, perhaps even less since he's never had as much control of the government as the Bushes.
Which is why they glorify her or turn her faults into jokes as if they're not true, which in the case of when she said George Bush was the way he was it was "because I drank and smoked while I was pregnant with him," which may or may not be true; but by treating it like a joke they can convince people not to take it seriously.
Jeffery St. Clair writes, "According to Neil Bush, his mother was devoted to corporal punishment and would 'slap around' the Bush children. She was known in the family as 'the one who instills fear.'” This might explain the authoritarian attitude of the Bush family, which is typically taught from a very young age, routinely involving corporal punishment. Did Jeffery St. Clair fabricate this or get it from an unreliable source? Not likely, the Bush family, like more celebrities are concerned about their reputation, and they often have other media outlets handle their debunking when it suits their purposes; and numerous articles including Snopes fact checked her other quotes and confirmed them, implying that if this one, which was originally reported years ago, was false they would have had plenty of time to respond to it.
When the facts aren't on their side the media and political establishment simply respond by never drawing attention to it, perhaps occasionally having people with credibility problems refute them on social media to confuse the issue if it suits their purposes.
I may have encountered one of these media trolls when Zbigniew Brzezinski died and I posted a previous article a few months old the day before, with a meme quoting Brzezinski saying, “Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.” and criticizing Mika as well. (Mika Accidentally Tells Truth About Indoctrination) I had no way of knowing that Brzezinski would die when posting that tweet, but responded to replies to it and kept the discussion going when someone told me I should delete this tweet out of respect for Mika, who was morning her father.
When I declined to do so he got angry and blocked me, before being blocked I was able to review his account and found that he seemed to support many progressive causes; however demanding censorship of legitimate criticism of a wealthy well-connected person who bragged about Luring the Soviets into the "Afghan Trap" (Source one and two) which contributed to the rise of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and 9/11!

The media portrays Zbigniew Brzezinski as one of the so-called most respected foreign policy experts, without reminding the public of this statement and more and routinely glorify him and other experts including Madeleine Albright who famously said that she thought the deaths of 500,000 civilians, including children was worth her foreign policy goals, which routinely cause one war after another, fought by recruits from the working class, with a disproportionate amount of minorities, based on lies. The response to this tweet of hers clearly shows there are an enormous number of people that see right through her effort to show she's part of the "resistance" trying to warn us about Donald Trump, who at least doesn't do as good a job as she does pretending to support democracy. Actually, if you check her record from reliable alternative media outlets, she doesn't do a good job pretending to support democracy, it's just the media that does a good job burying the most important news that enables her to seem better than Trump to some.

In addition to that she also expressed her support of Hillary Clinton who is as bad if not worse than her, by saying that "there's a special place in hell for woman who don't vote for Hillary." Hillary also made her own outrageous statement, saying "We came, We saw, he died," laughing it up showing how little she cared about the atrocities that happened under her watch in Libya, and of course when she should have known about obvious lies leading to the Iraq war she voted for it as Senator!
Supporting war-mongering liars that received awards for their lies is a long tradition in this country going back to Henry Kissinger and beyond. The amazing thing is that they still try to portray him as being respectable or when that fails they refer to him as "controversial," in an attempt to avoid saying that he supported some of the worst wars and coups in history including Vietnam, Chile, and he even had some involvement in the Nicaraguan Contras under Reagan.

If anyone dares question the official narrative they're often demonized especially if they manage to draw a lot of attention to themselves like Code Pink, who tried to arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes, which many countries around the world might be inclined to support. John McCain, who has an incredibly long history of supporting wars based on lies starting no later than when he dropped bombs on Vietnam, has no objection to Kissinger's atrocities but refer's to those that expose them as "Low-life scum," clearly getting things backwards!

Judging by the coverage from the commercial media you might not get the impression that fighting one war after another based on lies is the norm, although even they admit that the War in Iraq turned out to be based on false premises, although they try to portray it as a mistake. However numerous alternative researchers have done a much better job reporting on this including William Blum who made a relatively comprehensive list with about fifty-seven coup attempts many of them sucessful.

Could all of these coups be true? I don't even have to look it up to recognize that at least half a dozen of them are true; and I've spot checked at least half a dozen more, and even though I haven't checked them quite as thoroughly as the ones I'm more familiar with, they also appear to be true. One of them, France in 1965, appear to have the year wrong, there was an attempt in 1961 while JFK was president, which he opposed, but his own CIA under Allen Dulles was working against his wishes as reported by David Talbot. Another coup attempt in Morocco might belong on that list as well; however I don't think the evidence is quite as strong as many of the others, including a lot that the government has admitted to. A few years ago the CIA finally admitted they were behind the coup in Iran in 1953, even though there were hundreds of researchers exposing that decades ago and their previous denials were so unbelievable it's hard to imagine why anyone would think they have any credibility.
Amazingly there are apparently at least three ex-CIA agents running for Congress this year as Democrats and another as a Republican who supports Trump, and the mainstream media is raising questions about his credibility. It's easy to see why they would doubt his credibility but it's hard to imagine why anyone with half a brain would trust the Democratic candidates to be much if any better!
The ruling class isn't limiting their scams to wars, of course, the entire economic system is seriously flawed ranging from outsourcing manufacturing so that we're growing subsidized cotton in the United States to ship it half way around the world to take advantage of sweatshop labor, to paying advertising executives outrageous amounts of money, and many other scams, including the entire insurance industry. It doesn't take a genius to recognize that the more the insurance industry spends on lobbying or adverting the less they have to pay for legitimate claims, yet instead of trying to reduce these expenses, they send them through the roof to increase profits, which also aren't going to claims driving premiums through the roof and forcing people to resort to legal action to collect after every disaster.

Dozens of celebrities are getting in on the act and taking their cut of these scams, including Alex Trebek pushing Colonial Penn insurance, even though it doesn't take much research on the web to find out it's a scam even if you can't use basic logic to realize that if they spend all that money on insurance they can't possibly make a profit and give people a good deal or Tom Selleck telling people there isn't a catch to reverse mortgages, which must be just as easy to expose with a modest amount of research!
Is there even any such thing as an honest celebrity?

Now George H.W. Bush is in the hospital and it's uncertain that he'll pull through although the latest reports say he will at least for now. But McCain has also had recent health problems and it's a matter of time before they try to convince us that they had a great and glorious legacy "fighting for freedom" and they use either there deaths or sickness as an excuse to demonize anyone that questions this narrative is a disrespectful lowlife, or something. They might not try to use this tactic quite as much with Henry Kissinger who is probably close to the end as well but it's virtually guaranteed they will with Madeleine Albright, Bill and Hillary Clinton and who knows how many more war mongers. This isn't always the case when the person dying is someone they oppose they do the opposite and expect us not to notice the hypocrisy!
If they weren't so obsessed with using these deaths as the obsession du jour and to glorify the person that is responsible for war crimes, I might agree that remaining silent is the appropriate way to go; however even then with some of the worst war-monger there needs to be far more effort to expose them even if it is at their deaths!

The following are some additional back up sources and more details to some of the information discussed in this article:
Roaming Charges: Mother of War by Jeffrey St. Clair 04/20/2018
Roger Stone Disses Barbara Bush as a ‘Nasty Drunk’ on News of Her Death 04/18/2018
Agee, Philip (1975). Inside the Company: CIA Diary
White House Scandal 'Ironic' to Shamed Spy 10/11/2003
The wages of US exceptionalism: Why Don’t We All Vote to Commit International Crimes? 04/19/2018
Alex Trebek Net Worth: $50 Million
‘We Think the Price Is Worth It’ Madeleine Albright 05/12/96 60 Minutes Media uncurious about Iraq policy's effects--there or here: Fairness And Accuracy In Reporting, November 2001
Barbara Bush ‘Beautiful Mind’ Quote The former first lady said she didn't want to waste her 'beautiful mind' on the casualties that might be sustained during the war in Iraq. 08/16/2005
Did Barbara Bush Say Living in the Astrodome Was ‘Working Very Well’ for Hurricane Refugees? 09/08/2005
Fifty-five Years Ago: Attempt to Overthrow France’s Charles De Gaulle. Was the CIA Involved? 04/25/2016
The Daily 202: Ex-CIA officers running for Congress as Democrats 10/18/2017
Former CIA Officer Running for Congress Left Langley Under a Cloud, Sources Allege 04/21/2018
Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms 04/22/2018
Bride Among 20 Dead in Yemen Wedding Airstrike: Daily Brief 04/24/2018
Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986 04/03/2013