Walmart had another thirteen shootings in December 2024, with three of them fatal and one of those killing two people, for a total of four dead from shootings. One of those killings was considered self-defense, the other two were considered murder, including the double murder, which may have been premeditated, the other murder may have also been premeditated, but they killed an innocent bystander while trying to kill others they knew. There was also one officer injured when she accidentally shot herself, and at least one other shooting injury, which is fewer than usual, if that's all there was. There were also a couple more that were suspected shootings, one where the police said there were none despite claims, and the other with a heavy police presence and one injured person taken away in an ambulance, and a police officer on video with an assault rifle ready to shoot for an undisclosed reason, but not reports of an actual shooting or additional explanation in the media.
In addition to the four people killed in shootings there was one body found on their premises and another killed in a crash, which is a total of six dead, also fewer than usual, but a missing Walmart worker was also found dead in a forest after going hiking, although it wasn't related to her work, and there was also a lawsuit about a death of a young boy that was injured at Walmart in Nov. 2020 who died from those injuries in 2023, and a jury found Walmart partly responsible, while Walmart attempted to put all the blame on the nine-year-old-boy; and there's also a new lawsuit about someone that was killed in a November shooting at Walmart, which isn't close to being resolved. In addition to that they arrested a murder suspect at Walmart, but the murder took place elsewhere, so it's not counted above.
In addition to the 13 shootings and 6 deaths in December there were also 17 shootings and 9 deaths in January; 12 shootings and 9 deaths in February; 16 shootings and 10 deaths in March; 7 shootings and 10 deaths in April; 14 shootings and 7 deaths in May; 11 shootings and 7 deaths in June; 15 shootings and 11 deaths in July; 10 or 11 shootings and 9 deaths in August; 7 shootings and 9 deaths in September; 6 shootings and 6 deaths in October; and 15 shootings and 9 deaths in November; with a total of at least 143 shootings and 104 deaths, which is twenty two fewer shootings than the record, which was extremely high compared to previous years, but there were only a handful of years with more shootings or deaths, for the most part, these numbers have been rising, although Walmart saturated the market as much as they could about ten years ago, and there may actually be a modest reduction in the total number of stores in the United States.
They resolved a previous case where a Florida man shot down a Walmart drone that was flying over his own house, and he was forced to plead guilty and pay $5,000 to Walmart for damage. The cheapest delivery drones only cost a small fraction of that, although higher quality ones can be that expensive or much more. There doesn't appear to be any accountability for Walmart who had other complaints about flying over people's property which were ignored, but when someone without political power shoots one they're held accountable. It's no surprise that someone shot one down; if anything it's surprising that it didn't happen sooner; people have been threatening to do this for years. Shortly after this incident, but before it was settled, Walmart stopped all delivery drones, except in part of Texas. The reason for this isn't because they were concerned with a large number of complaints from people that didn't want them invading privacy, but because it wasn't profitable enough, and if profits increase they'll bring them back elsewhere regardless of complaints, unless we get through to politicians that are supposed to answer to the public.
There's little or no benefit from these drones, with a lot of problems, including at least a few crashes and fires started by them.
There are surprisingly few gun crimes without shootings, with only three of them widely reported, but with the media and search engines clearly not reporting as many crimes, including major ones, it's more likely this is a result of lack of reporting than lack of gun crimes. This isn't limited to gun crimes, but the media and search engines aren't reporting all types of crime as promptly as they used to; part of the reason for this, as I pointed out several times in the past few years, especially in the most recent holiday season for the past three months, is that there's a flood of obvious ads for Walmart designed to look like news stories, but they discuss sales, as if that's news. They flood the search engines and news reports. It's been worse during the holiday season than I've seen it previously, and it remains to be seen if it gets cut back now that the holidays are over, but over all, the trend is steadily getting worse, with no attempt to even acknowledge it's happening, let alone reverse it.
Nevertheless, there's still plenty of crime being reported, and even when search engines weren't using ads to bury news they only covered a fraction of the crime at Walmart, as indicated by studies of police reports. They accepted a large number of counterfeit twenty dollar bills last month in Utah, and then were exposed giving them to customers before realizing it, it's unclear if they accept responsibility for it or try to stiff the customers. On many other scams they usually try to let customers take the loss, although if it attracts enough media attention they sometimes accept responsibility reluctantly.
More minorities are suing Walmart for false claims of shoplifting, which is much more common than it used to be. Walmart refuses to acknowledge the obvious fact that their increase in shoplifting problems is directly related to their policies, including store design making it easier to walk out with full shopping carts, self-checkout, cutting employees, and other policies. They often spend some of the money they save on cashiers on increase surveillance or loss prevention officers following people, instead of helping people, and it clearly doesn't work, yet they refuse to simply reverse policies increasing crime.
There were also numerous other crimes, including at least one attempted kidnapping, a threat to kill someone, assaults on employees and police, domestic fights, more shoplifting than anyone can possibly count, but there are numerous cases where police provide task forces to catch a lot of the, which they do when the poor steal from the rich but never do for white collar crime where the working class are the victims of the rich. There was one case where a woman complained about being followed to a relatively low level employee, and was told that this problem is much more common than most people realize; spokespeople for the company virtually never make such admissions, but if they ask lower level employees to help cover up their crime problem it's a matter of time before many of them tell the truth, which occasionally they do anyway, although it gets much less attention and it's not official admissions from the company.
It's now routine to find card skimmers at gegisters, with at least a handful, like this month, sometimes more, every month, but it's the customers, not Walmart profits at risk, so little effort is made to stop it or warn customers. There's also routine thefts of jewelry and other cosmetic items that have little or no practical value, but tax payers get stuck with the police and court expenses to minimize this, while once again, less efforts are made to stop crimes impacting the working class or poor. Jewelry serves no practical purpose, and even a former head of De Beers admits that people buy jewelry, diamonds, and other rare stones because of vanity, and the perceived value is almost entirely based on advertising propaganda to make them seem important.
There was also a dog that attacked a 3-year-old, and a man in Arizona that went on Social Media showing himself spraying bug killer on produce, which neither the police or Walmart noticed until it was reported publicly, so people could have eaten the produce without knowing it. Perhaps what's worse is that it's used routinely on produce in the fields and potential harm isn't adequately reported.
There's little or no reason to believe that their crime drops off for the holidays, and they certainly don't give suspects a break then, although reporting of these crimes has almost certainly dropped off. Some of them are major and endanger the public, of course, and should be prevented the most effective way possible; but other crime happens because our rigged economy controlled by Wall Street oligarchs, including Walmart, push people to desperation, yet Walmart never takes that into consideration.
In addition to the person that died in an accident there were over a dozen additional police chases, accidents, hit and runs, a stolen police car, and other vehicles, crashes, and many other automobile accidents or crimes, including a Walmart truck crashing on the highway endangering others and causing a major traffic jam. At one store many disabled drivers with notices showing they're disabled were towed for incredibly minor reasons, without adequate explanation.
There were also two vehicles that caught fire, and at least three more in the store, with at least one of those arson. There were at least two knife attacks including one stabbing and another case where a couple was threatened with a knife both in the parking lot and in the store, yet no charges were filed.
There were at least seven or eight major recalls at Walmart, which is more than usual, including some for E. coli in some food items, salmonella in cucumbers, recalled broccoli for other reasons, granola bars with metal in them, Christmas lights which may be a fire hazard, and other decorations, tumblers where there were burn incidents, and dressers that tip over and can harm children. The last one happens over and over again at Walmart, which rarely happens at other furniture suppliers, since they know how to avoid this simply, but Walmart is constantly trying to cut corners, even though they know it endangers children.
Some Wall Street media outlets openly admit their advertisers decide what people buy, at the same time others often claim consumers make their own choices; the closer anyone looks at marketing the clearer it is that it's a form of indoctrination, and people should be more educated about it to avoid being manipulated, but the nature of propaganda is that they do the opposite. They're also increasing surveillance by having workers wear body cameras. Walmart is being sued for allegedly illegally forcing delivery workers to open accounts with high fees, taking part their wages, and keeping them desperate, like other working class or poor people.
One of Poison's band members disclosed how Walmart is forcing them to censor their album covers to get them sold at Walmart. They're also having a growing number of complaints for refusing to stand by their products, including a 75-inch TV that was shattered when she opened it and Walmart initially refused to replace it or refund their money, although if they bring enough attention to incidents like this they usually replace it; but in another case, a few months ago, when they did replace it, weeks later they had the customer arrested, claiming he stole their products, without disclosing alleged evidence.
Once again they had an annual shop with a cop event.
Once again shoplifting didn't stop for this and they made a big deal about catching shoplifters during a shop with a cop event.
Have you been bit by a skunk with rabies at your local Walmart lately?
You do realize that if you see blood spots on the toilet paper at Walmart it's because drug users stick their needles in it to clean them, don't you?
When you order deliveries from Walmart do the drivers stick around after delivering them to masterbate in your driveway? Is that just in South Carolina?
Can you think of any reason why Walmart wouldn't allow "emotional support cows" at their store?
Will customers try to bring emotional support alligators, elephants or who knows what other kind of animals to Walmart?
One Walmart allowed emotional support monkeys previously .... at least until the monkey bit a child.
Strange things happen at Walmart!
In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.
Over the past ten to fifteen years Walmart has been increasing the use of self-checkout, and this has corresponded with a steady increase in shoplifting as well as false accusations, yet they refuse to even discuss returning to the use of cashiers. What most people seem to have forgotten was that when they first did this it was on a small scale as an experiment, presumably to see if it worked before expanding it, which would actually make sense, if they slowed it down or reversed it once they saw how many problems it caused. But that's not what they did. Instead the more problems they had the more they increased use of self-checkout, often claiming that instead of hiring more cashiers again, which worked previously, they resorted to more technology and hiring more security to catch people skip scanning or at other forms of theft. This has led to massive amounts of false accusations, in addition to the real thefts, and when the thefts are real, and they get caught, they often resort to violence, so it endangers both Walmart workers and customers.
Now they're acting as if the rise of shoplifting is happening for some inexplicable reason and even asking police to help them solve this problem, as if it wasn't a problem created by their own policies, and most of the media or politicians aren't pointing out the obvious. This is resulting in a massive increase in arrests, court expenses, and prison expenses, which Walmart isn't paying for, effectively meaning we are subsidizing Walmart's high crime problems with tax money. There's no official explanation for why they're behaving so foolishly; but, since this is a for profit corporation it's not hard to speculate about the most likely reason for it, that they're increasing profits for those making the decisions. But, a large portion of the money saved by not hiring cashiers is spent on technology or security to catch thieves; and, if they had to pay the increase in police, courts and prison costs that would reduce or eliminate their savings, and they would almost certainly reverse their policies, because they wouldn't be increasing profits with self-checkout.
This doesn't even include the risk to the health of both their customers and workers when the worst thieves turn violent, in some cases possibly even shooting and killing people. Every year since 2016 has seen more than a hundred shootings at Walmart, and more often than not, this is increasing, while they ignore the causes of their crime problems. These self-checkouts are also making it easier for thieves to put "skimmers" that collect credit or debit card information from customers that enable them to use their cards illegally, but, once again, the customers are stuck with the tab, not Walmart, so they're doing little or nothing to stop this, even though it's a direct result of their bad policies. And furthermore, courts have ruled that Walmart has a right to detain customers even when they have no reason to believe they're shoplifting, if they simply refuse to show receipts, as a matter of principle. At times some lawyers have claimed they need probable cause to ask to see receipts, which, if a customer goes directly from the register, sometimes even when there's a cashier, to the door they can't possibly have. So this means Walmart is under no obligation to assume their paying customers are innocent until proven guilty, which should raise major constitutional questions!
Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in December 2024. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.
Fremont Ohio police: Shots fired near Walmart parking lot prompts lockdowns at schools, YMCA 12/02/2024
FREMONT, Ohio — Three schools and the YMCA in Fremont were placed on lockdown Monday morning after shots were allegedly fired near the Walmart, according to police.
Fremont police said they were dispatched to the incident in a parking lot near Sean Drive around 11:22 a.m. According to police, a gun was discharged in the area of the Walmart parking lot and at least one of the shots struck a car's tire. Police said the incident involved six people in two separate vehicles but no injuries were reported.
According to FPD, one of the vehicles involved was disabled at Walmart and the other car was found arriving at the Casa Nueva Apartment complex. Police said two people were detained and two others ran away on foot.
Police said "out of an abundance of caution" they placed Vanguard-Sentinel Career and Technology Center, Fremont Ross High School, Fremont Middle School and the YMCA on lockdown. Complete article
FREMONT, Ohio — Three schools and the YMCA in Fremont were placed on lockdown Monday morning after shots were allegedly fired near the Walmart, according to police.
Fremont police said they were dispatched to the incident in a parking lot near Sean Drive around 11:22 a.m. According to police, a gun was discharged in the area of the Walmart parking lot and at least one of the shots struck a car's tire. Police said the incident involved six people in two separate vehicles but no injuries were reported.
According to FPD, one of the vehicles involved was disabled at Walmart and the other car was found arriving at the Casa Nueva Apartment complex. Police said two people were detained and two others ran away on foot.
Police said "out of an abundance of caution" they placed Vanguard-Sentinel Career and Technology Center, Fremont Ross High School, Fremont Middle School and the YMCA on lockdown. Complete article
Fire breaks out at smoke shop near Walmart in Fayetteville NC 12/02/2024
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — A fire caused $7,000 in damages at Vegas Vape & Tobacco Monday morning in Fayetteville.
Initially, the Fayetteville Fire Department responded to the smoke shop within the Walmart shopping center at 7701 S. Raeford Rd. due to a fire alarm being triggered.
The first firefighters to the scene at about 11 a.m. arrived to find the building “filled with smoke,” and called for backup units. Once further into the building, fire crews found that a sprinkler had been activated in a back room of the shop and put out the flames. Complete article
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — A fire caused $7,000 in damages at Vegas Vape & Tobacco Monday morning in Fayetteville.
Initially, the Fayetteville Fire Department responded to the smoke shop within the Walmart shopping center at 7701 S. Raeford Rd. due to a fire alarm being triggered.
The first firefighters to the scene at about 11 a.m. arrived to find the building “filled with smoke,” and called for backup units. Once further into the building, fire crews found that a sprinkler had been activated in a back room of the shop and put out the flames. Complete article
Man allegedly tries to shoplift from Virginia Walmart during annual ‘shop with a cop’ event 12/03/2024
Hector D. Velazquez Maldonado, 32, faces felony grand larceny charges after allegedly trying to steal nearly $1,400 worth of items at Walmart during a ‘Shop With a Cop’ event
A Virginia man was caught allegedly trying to steal over a thousand dollars worth of merchandise from a Walmart in Chesterfield County — but his timing was terrible.
Nearly 50 police officers and sheriff’s deputies were at the store on Sunday for the county’s annual “Shop With a Cop” event, a holiday tradition where members of law enforcement partner with underprivileged children and help them pick out gifts.
As the event was in full swing, a Walmart employee alerted the cops to a shoplifting in process inside the store and the officers sprung into action. Complete article
Hector D. Velazquez Maldonado, 32, faces felony grand larceny charges after allegedly trying to steal nearly $1,400 worth of items at Walmart during a ‘Shop With a Cop’ event
A Virginia man was caught allegedly trying to steal over a thousand dollars worth of merchandise from a Walmart in Chesterfield County — but his timing was terrible.
Nearly 50 police officers and sheriff’s deputies were at the store on Sunday for the county’s annual “Shop With a Cop” event, a holiday tradition where members of law enforcement partner with underprivileged children and help them pick out gifts.
As the event was in full swing, a Walmart employee alerted the cops to a shoplifting in process inside the store and the officers sprung into action. Complete article
Viral video: Unruly kid destroys items at Walmart as horrified customers watch helplessly 12/03/2024
As most shoppers watched the kid destroy the items at Walmart, one defended her and shouted, “You don’t know what she’s going through.”
A video of a kid throwing and stomping on marcheside at a Walmart has shocked social media users. The footage captures the horrified shoppers at the supermarket looking at the kid on rampage.
The video, which is over two minutes long, shows a kid yanking stuff from the shelves. She is also seen stomping on items from the frozen section. As the video progresses, she picks and breaks bottles, leaving onlookers horrified.
Amid the chaos, a woman follows the girl, screaming at others to leave the kid alone, saying, “You don’t know what she’s going through.” It is unclear if she is related to the kid or a shopper. Complete article
As most shoppers watched the kid destroy the items at Walmart, one defended her and shouted, “You don’t know what she’s going through.”
A video of a kid throwing and stomping on marcheside at a Walmart has shocked social media users. The footage captures the horrified shoppers at the supermarket looking at the kid on rampage.
The video, which is over two minutes long, shows a kid yanking stuff from the shelves. She is also seen stomping on items from the frozen section. As the video progresses, she picks and breaks bottles, leaving onlookers horrified.
Amid the chaos, a woman follows the girl, screaming at others to leave the kid alone, saying, “You don’t know what she’s going through.” It is unclear if she is related to the kid or a shopper. Complete article
Family planning on suing Walmart, officer in Nov. deadly Westside Corpus Christi Tx. shooting 12/03/2024
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The family of a man killed by an off-duty officer outside a Corpus Christi Walmart is working to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the officer and the retail giant.
After meeting exclusively with the family of 34-year-old, Alan Garcia, who was shot and killed outside a Walmart near Greenwood and SPID last month, KRIS 6 News learned they are seeking $25 million in damages and pointing the finger of blame directly at the officer who pulled the trigger and Walmart itself.
Garcia was shot and killed Nov. 24 while trying to meet his wife, Raquel, who worked at the Walmart. Investigators said Garcia was suspected of shoplifting. The family’s attorney disputes that allegation.
The wrongful death lawsuit claims the CCISD officer violated Walmart’s no-chase policy. According to the family, Garcia was sitting in his car, waiting for his wife, when the officer shot him.
"Law enforcement is supposed to protect you. Why couldn’t he just have tased him? Why couldn’t you just get my license plate and find the car later? I feel like if I had gotten out in time, this wouldn’t have happened." Raquel Garcia said. Complete article
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The family of a man killed by an off-duty officer outside a Corpus Christi Walmart is working to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the officer and the retail giant.
After meeting exclusively with the family of 34-year-old, Alan Garcia, who was shot and killed outside a Walmart near Greenwood and SPID last month, KRIS 6 News learned they are seeking $25 million in damages and pointing the finger of blame directly at the officer who pulled the trigger and Walmart itself.
Garcia was shot and killed Nov. 24 while trying to meet his wife, Raquel, who worked at the Walmart. Investigators said Garcia was suspected of shoplifting. The family’s attorney disputes that allegation.
The wrongful death lawsuit claims the CCISD officer violated Walmart’s no-chase policy. According to the family, Garcia was sitting in his car, waiting for his wife, when the officer shot him.
"Law enforcement is supposed to protect you. Why couldn’t he just have tased him? Why couldn’t you just get my license plate and find the car later? I feel like if I had gotten out in time, this wouldn’t have happened." Raquel Garcia said. Complete article
Walmart employee issues horrifying warning to women using restrooms: 'Stop what you're doing' 12/04/2024
A Walmart employee took to social media to warn women who use the retail giant's public bathrooms about IV drug users cleaning their needles in toilet paper rolls.
Devan, who is known as @601devan on TikTok, posted a video from his car wearing the blue Walmart vest with a public service announcement for female customers.
'If you use public bathrooms, stop what you're doing, and listen to this,' he said. 'You're gonna see why.'
He went on to urge viewers to check inside of toilet paper dispensers and the roll itself before using it due to risks of contamination by IV drug users and their needles.
Devan accompanied his message with a picture of a toilet roll with red holes poked through it - appearing to be blood-like spots along the side. Complete article
A Walmart employee took to social media to warn women who use the retail giant's public bathrooms about IV drug users cleaning their needles in toilet paper rolls.
Devan, who is known as @601devan on TikTok, posted a video from his car wearing the blue Walmart vest with a public service announcement for female customers.
'If you use public bathrooms, stop what you're doing, and listen to this,' he said. 'You're gonna see why.'
He went on to urge viewers to check inside of toilet paper dispensers and the roll itself before using it due to risks of contamination by IV drug users and their needles.
Devan accompanied his message with a picture of a toilet roll with red holes poked through it - appearing to be blood-like spots along the side. Complete article
Meet the three Walmart Inc. women who choose the $650 billion worth of goods it sells you every year 12/02/2024
This holiday season, as you peruse the aisles of your local Walmart, you might come across a five-foot tall Nutcracker decoration. Over at Sam’s Club, the glint of a lab-grown diamond might catch your eye. And overseas, it might be wasabi macadamia nuts that find their way into your cart.
These products are but three small examples of the bets being placed by the chief merchants and top sourcing executive at Walmart Inc’s major divisions to win the highly competitive holiday season. These items didn’t just land on shelves randomly, of course.
They and the hundreds of thousands of other products on stores shelves and online, were chosen, often at least a year ago, by teams of buyers led by Latriece Watkins, chief merchant at Walmart U.S., the company’s biggest division at 69% of its $650 billion in sales; Megan Crozier, chief merchant at Sam’s Club, and Andrea Albright, whose responsibilities include serving as executive vice-president for sourcing, Walmart. That role puts her in charge of the worldwide team that works with suppliers and looks for new ones for the whole company. (Abroad, each market has its own chief merchant.)
“The chief merchant leads the personal shoppers of America,” says Watkins. There are 100,000 different individual items at a typical Walmart store (and countless more online), and Watkins’ teams work with vendors, influencers and lots of data to decide what makes it to store shelves and online. For the holiday season, the process begins a year in advance, including knowing how much more to order of an item that’s proving to be popular and getting a sense of the latest trend to jump on. That is the case with those Nutcrackers, items so popular that there are even Facebook groups to swap tips on decorating them. Complete article
This holiday season, as you peruse the aisles of your local Walmart, you might come across a five-foot tall Nutcracker decoration. Over at Sam’s Club, the glint of a lab-grown diamond might catch your eye. And overseas, it might be wasabi macadamia nuts that find their way into your cart.
These products are but three small examples of the bets being placed by the chief merchants and top sourcing executive at Walmart Inc’s major divisions to win the highly competitive holiday season. These items didn’t just land on shelves randomly, of course.
They and the hundreds of thousands of other products on stores shelves and online, were chosen, often at least a year ago, by teams of buyers led by Latriece Watkins, chief merchant at Walmart U.S., the company’s biggest division at 69% of its $650 billion in sales; Megan Crozier, chief merchant at Sam’s Club, and Andrea Albright, whose responsibilities include serving as executive vice-president for sourcing, Walmart. That role puts her in charge of the worldwide team that works with suppliers and looks for new ones for the whole company. (Abroad, each market has its own chief merchant.)
“The chief merchant leads the personal shoppers of America,” says Watkins. There are 100,000 different individual items at a typical Walmart store (and countless more online), and Watkins’ teams work with vendors, influencers and lots of data to decide what makes it to store shelves and online. For the holiday season, the process begins a year in advance, including knowing how much more to order of an item that’s proving to be popular and getting a sense of the latest trend to jump on. That is the case with those Nutcrackers, items so popular that there are even Facebook groups to swap tips on decorating them. Complete article
Walmart on Oakwood Ave. in Huntsville Alabama closing Dec. 20 12/03/2024
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) — A communications director for Walmart said the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Oakwood Ave. will close just before Christmas.
Lindsey Coulter, a Communications Director for Walmart, reported that, after a thoughtful review process, the decision was made to close the Walmart Neighborhood Market location at 4226 NW Oakwood Ave in Huntsville.
The plan is to close the store to the public on Dec. 20.
“This decision was not made lightly and was reached only after a careful and thoughtful review process. We have nearly 5,000 stores across the U.S. and unfortunately, some do not meet our financial expectations. While our underlying business is strong, this store hasn’t performed as well as we hoped,” Coulter said. Complete article
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) — A communications director for Walmart said the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Oakwood Ave. will close just before Christmas.
Lindsey Coulter, a Communications Director for Walmart, reported that, after a thoughtful review process, the decision was made to close the Walmart Neighborhood Market location at 4226 NW Oakwood Ave in Huntsville.
The plan is to close the store to the public on Dec. 20.
“This decision was not made lightly and was reached only after a careful and thoughtful review process. We have nearly 5,000 stores across the U.S. and unfortunately, some do not meet our financial expectations. While our underlying business is strong, this store hasn’t performed as well as we hoped,” Coulter said. Complete article
More E. coli recalls hit Walmart and other stores in Florida, California, 5 other states 12/01/2024
The latest ripple recall related to the E. coli outbreak traced to carrots involves four brands, six retailers and seven states, including Florida and California.
And, most of the food products include broccoli.
READ MORE: A deadly E. coli outbreak and a recall involving Publix, Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons and others
As with the original recall, the concern in Friday’s is that though all the products are well past their best by dates, they might still be in customers’ refrigerators or freezers. Complete article
The latest ripple recall related to the E. coli outbreak traced to carrots involves four brands, six retailers and seven states, including Florida and California.
And, most of the food products include broccoli.
READ MORE: A deadly E. coli outbreak and a recall involving Publix, Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons and others
As with the original recall, the concern in Friday’s is that though all the products are well past their best by dates, they might still be in customers’ refrigerators or freezers. Complete article
Walmart Closes $2.3 Billion Acquisition of Vizio 12/03/2024
Walmart announced the completion of its $2.3 billion all-cash acquisition of TV maker Vizio, a move by the retailing giant to expand its advertising business.
The closing of the deal follows the expiration of the waiting period under federal regulations. Walmart announced the deal to buy Vizio in February 2024.
Walmart said the acquisition of Vizio will let it “bring to market new and differentiated ways for advertisers to meaningfully connect with customers at scale and boost product discovery” through Walmart Connect, the company’s U.S. retail media business. Complete article
Walmart announced the completion of its $2.3 billion all-cash acquisition of TV maker Vizio, a move by the retailing giant to expand its advertising business.
The closing of the deal follows the expiration of the waiting period under federal regulations. Walmart announced the deal to buy Vizio in February 2024.
Walmart said the acquisition of Vizio will let it “bring to market new and differentiated ways for advertisers to meaningfully connect with customers at scale and boost product discovery” through Walmart Connect, the company’s U.S. retail media business. Complete article
Woman accused of stabbing man at Morrisville NC Walmart appears in court 12/02/2024 Thanksgiving Eve
Walmart Admits It Made a Mistake and Reverses Course – Its Policies Make a Complete Change – All Confirmed 12/02/2024 On a rare occasion where they get something right, they call it a mistake and reverse their policy.
Police: Homeless man stole from NY Walmart 12/02/2024
Report: Arkansas Walmart Catches Cashier Pocketing Over $1,000 from Register 12/03/2024
Family of man killed in Tx. Walmart shooting last month says they didn't know what had happened 12/02/2024
2 dead after shooting in parking lot of Woodward Okla. Walmart 12/04/2024
WOODWARD, Okla. — Two people are dead after a shooting in the parking lot of the Woodward Walmart on Wednesday.
At around 5 p.m., two people were shot in the parking lot of Walmart, according to the Woodward Police Department. Police confirmed that Christina Alewine, 42, died on the scene. Another victim, 81-year-old Gary Mulbery, was taken by helicopter to OU Health in Oklahoma City, where he was pronounced dead at around 10 p.m.
The suspect, who is a 30-year-old man from Beaver County, was taken into custody at the detention pond on the west side of Woodward High School and was being questioned by detectives, according to police. He was booked into the Woodward County Jail and faces two counts of first-degree murder. Complete article
Woodward deadly shooting victims were father and daughter 12/05/2024
NEW DETAILS: Suspect Charged In Woodward Shooting Planned The Attack, Police Say 12/09/2024 A father and daughter are dead following a Walmart parking lot shooting in Woodward on December 4. Court documents revealed that police say the suspect closely knew the victims, planned the attack, and admitted to doing so. Here's what we know about the case, broken down into a timeline.
‘Preparing for war’: Suspect confesses to double murder in Woodward 12/11/2024
WOODWARD, Okla. — Two people are dead after a shooting in the parking lot of the Woodward Walmart on Wednesday.
At around 5 p.m., two people were shot in the parking lot of Walmart, according to the Woodward Police Department. Police confirmed that Christina Alewine, 42, died on the scene. Another victim, 81-year-old Gary Mulbery, was taken by helicopter to OU Health in Oklahoma City, where he was pronounced dead at around 10 p.m.
The suspect, who is a 30-year-old man from Beaver County, was taken into custody at the detention pond on the west side of Woodward High School and was being questioned by detectives, according to police. He was booked into the Woodward County Jail and faces two counts of first-degree murder. Complete article
Woodward deadly shooting victims were father and daughter 12/05/2024
NEW DETAILS: Suspect Charged In Woodward Shooting Planned The Attack, Police Say 12/09/2024 A father and daughter are dead following a Walmart parking lot shooting in Woodward on December 4. Court documents revealed that police say the suspect closely knew the victims, planned the attack, and admitted to doing so. Here's what we know about the case, broken down into a timeline.
‘Preparing for war’: Suspect confesses to double murder in Woodward 12/11/2024
Portland murder suspect arrested at Walmart in Scarborough, Maine police say 12/04/2024
PORTLAND, Maine — The Portland Police Department announced Wednesday that an arrest has been made in connection with a murder that happened on Marshall Street over the weekend.
Domingus Nobrega, 48, of Portland, was arrested Tuesday at the Walmart Supercenter in Scarborough and was transported to the Cumberland County Jail, according to police.
Police said at 5:35 p.m. Saturday, officers responded to 24 Marshall St. after receiving a report about a dead person inside an apartment.
"There really hasn't been anything like this that we've seen, especially in Portland and in the West End," Portland Resident Nathan Reilly said.
The body of 43-year-old Matthew Merrick, of Portland, was found inside the apartment. Complete article
PORTLAND, Maine — The Portland Police Department announced Wednesday that an arrest has been made in connection with a murder that happened on Marshall Street over the weekend.
Domingus Nobrega, 48, of Portland, was arrested Tuesday at the Walmart Supercenter in Scarborough and was transported to the Cumberland County Jail, according to police.
Police said at 5:35 p.m. Saturday, officers responded to 24 Marshall St. after receiving a report about a dead person inside an apartment.
"There really hasn't been anything like this that we've seen, especially in Portland and in the West End," Portland Resident Nathan Reilly said.
The body of 43-year-old Matthew Merrick, of Portland, was found inside the apartment. Complete article
Man accused of threatening to kill woman during incident in Hartsville SC Walmart parking lot 12/04/2024
HARTSVILLE, S.C. (WBTW) — Hartsville police arrested a man on Monday who allegedly got into a woman’s car outside a Walmart store last month and threatened to kill her if she didn’t drive him to Florence.
Rakelm Kentrell Austin was charged with kidnapping and second-degree assault and battery for his alleged actions in the Nov. 25 incident. He remains in the W. Glenn Campbell Detention Center on a $55,000 bond.
According to a police report, officers were called to the Walmart store at about 7 p.m. to investigate a domestic dispute. The woman told officers she was turning into the parking lot when Austin got out of a red 4-door pickup that had pulled in front of her. Complete article
HARTSVILLE, S.C. (WBTW) — Hartsville police arrested a man on Monday who allegedly got into a woman’s car outside a Walmart store last month and threatened to kill her if she didn’t drive him to Florence.
Rakelm Kentrell Austin was charged with kidnapping and second-degree assault and battery for his alleged actions in the Nov. 25 incident. He remains in the W. Glenn Campbell Detention Center on a $55,000 bond.
According to a police report, officers were called to the Walmart store at about 7 p.m. to investigate a domestic dispute. The woman told officers she was turning into the parking lot when Austin got out of a red 4-door pickup that had pulled in front of her. Complete article
Disabled drivers face towing problem at Portsmouth Va. Walmart 12/04/2024
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Properly-marked cars of disabled drivers are being towed from a Walmart on Frederick Boulevard in Portsmouth because they have not been perfectly aligned in the parking space.
Those drivers, including Alison Copeland, have been taking to social media, and have reached out to WAVY seeking answers as to why they were wrongly towed by Always Swift Towing.
10 On Your Side has received other complaints, also.
Copeland has a disabled parking placard in her car, and had been parked with one tire over the line, but the rest of the car in the space.
“This is my vehicle,” Copeland said. “This is the right side back tire across the line. The other car prevented me from parking. … That is wrong. I didn’t have a choice. I pulled in there, and there was another car over there parked crooked, and I didn’t have a choice.”
10 On Your Side wanted to get answers, so we went to Always Swift Towing, and we met a security guard coming out, and then he quickly retreated behind the locked door. Complete article
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Properly-marked cars of disabled drivers are being towed from a Walmart on Frederick Boulevard in Portsmouth because they have not been perfectly aligned in the parking space.
Those drivers, including Alison Copeland, have been taking to social media, and have reached out to WAVY seeking answers as to why they were wrongly towed by Always Swift Towing.
10 On Your Side has received other complaints, also.
Copeland has a disabled parking placard in her car, and had been parked with one tire over the line, but the rest of the car in the space.
“This is my vehicle,” Copeland said. “This is the right side back tire across the line. The other car prevented me from parking. … That is wrong. I didn’t have a choice. I pulled in there, and there was another car over there parked crooked, and I didn’t have a choice.”
10 On Your Side wanted to get answers, so we went to Always Swift Towing, and we met a security guard coming out, and then he quickly retreated behind the locked door. Complete article
Walmart recalls cucumber slices sold in Texas stores over salmonella risk 12/04/2024
Walmart is recalling cucumber slices sold in 34 Texas stores over concerns that they may be contaminated with salmonella.
The Marketside Fresh Cut Cucumber Slices could contain cucumbers that were sold by Arizona-based SunFed Produce that were previously recalled and associated with salmonella infections between Oct. 12 and Nov. 15, Walmart said in a recall announcement posted Wednesday to the Food and Drug Administration website.
The recall applies to products with all date codes up to Dec. 1.
Salmonella can cause fever, sometimes bloody diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea and vomiting. Around 420 people die of salmonella infections in the U.S. every year, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Complete article
Walmart is recalling cucumber slices sold in 34 Texas stores over concerns that they may be contaminated with salmonella.
The Marketside Fresh Cut Cucumber Slices could contain cucumbers that were sold by Arizona-based SunFed Produce that were previously recalled and associated with salmonella infections between Oct. 12 and Nov. 15, Walmart said in a recall announcement posted Wednesday to the Food and Drug Administration website.
The recall applies to products with all date codes up to Dec. 1.
Salmonella can cause fever, sometimes bloody diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea and vomiting. Around 420 people die of salmonella infections in the U.S. every year, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Complete article
Three charged for theft from Pa. Walmart 12/02/2024
Leesburg man nabbed with stolen merchandise at Fla. Walmart 12/02/2024
Man Charged in Connection with New Hartford NY Walmart Stabbing Last Week Waives Felony Hearing 12/02/2024
Bomb threat at Clayton County Ga. Walmart prompts police response 12/05/2024
Montgomery County constable arrests man with Wisconsin warrant at Tx. Walmart 12/05/2024
10 Yrs Ago Idaho Family Band Causes Ariz. Walmart Mayhem; 1 Cop Shot 12/04/2024
No injuries reported after fire at Rockwood Tenn. Walmart garden center 12/06/2024
ROCKWOOD, Tenn. (WATE) — Multiple agencies responded to a fire in the garden center of the Walmart in Rockwood Friday evening.
The Rockwood Police Department confirmed to 6 News that officers and the Rockwood Fire Department are on the scene of the fire just before 7:30 p.m. Firefighters are working to extinguish the fire outside the store in the Walmart garden center.
Rockwood Fire Chief Matthew Crabtree stated around 8:09 p.m. that the majority of the fire was out and crews are in the “salvage and overhaul” process. Complete article
ROCKWOOD, Tenn. (WATE) — Multiple agencies responded to a fire in the garden center of the Walmart in Rockwood Friday evening.
The Rockwood Police Department confirmed to 6 News that officers and the Rockwood Fire Department are on the scene of the fire just before 7:30 p.m. Firefighters are working to extinguish the fire outside the store in the Walmart garden center.
Rockwood Fire Chief Matthew Crabtree stated around 8:09 p.m. that the majority of the fire was out and crews are in the “salvage and overhaul” process. Complete article
Anderson Ca. police arrest seven during retail theft operation at Walmart 12/07/2024
ANDERSON, Calif. — Anderson Police made seven arrests during a retail theft operation at Walmart early Saturday morning.
According to a media release, the Anderson Police POP (Problem-Oriented Policing unit) team conducted a five hour operation targeted at reducing retail theft at the Walmart in Anderson.
Officers were in marked and unmarked vehicles, in plain clothes and in uniform, while they contacted numerous subjects in and around the retail parking lot.
APD said, officers worked closely with Walmart Loss Prevention employees to identify, monitor, and detain shoplifting suspects. Complete article
ANDERSON, Calif. — Anderson Police made seven arrests during a retail theft operation at Walmart early Saturday morning.
According to a media release, the Anderson Police POP (Problem-Oriented Policing unit) team conducted a five hour operation targeted at reducing retail theft at the Walmart in Anderson.
Officers were in marked and unmarked vehicles, in plain clothes and in uniform, while they contacted numerous subjects in and around the retail parking lot.
APD said, officers worked closely with Walmart Loss Prevention employees to identify, monitor, and detain shoplifting suspects. Complete article
Walmart worker reveals chilling details on how often women get followed in store: "Y'all need..." 12/07/2024
The woman finally asked for help from a worker at Walmart and found out more alarming details.
People might be concerned about getting stalked on social media or in dark alleys in the real world, but no one expects stalkers to be lurking around in crowded supermarkets. Recently, a Walmart shopper, Chloe who goes by @iamchloelauren on TikTok posted a viral storytime video on the platform, in which she described how she was followed in Walmart. In the video, Chloe says that she was shopping at a Walmart store in Tampa, Florida when she suspected that she was being followed. "Y’all know that saying that’s like, 'You never know what to do in a situation until it happens to you?' Well, storytime," she said at the beginning of the video.
She went on to share how she often goes out of her way to shop at this specific Walmart that is a bit further from her house. "It’s always stocked up; the people are nicer," she said. However, one evening things was a bit different. She said that the Walmart was packed when she arrived and as she walked across the aisles, she noticed a man who seemed to be in every section with her.
Chloe says this typically wouldn't have struck her as "weird," but at one point she realized that the man was too close to her. Shocked at this, Chloe turned around and wondered if the man was okay but decided to simply move away to a different aisle. When she reached the produce section, Chloe saw the man again. "I wouldn’t have even maybe paid him any attention had he not been so close to me in one of the aisles," she added. .....
She then told the worker the entire incident and he didn't seem to be surprised. She then asked him if he had heard something similar. "Yes, three times in the last two months," he told her. "I’m shaking. I’m like, ‘three times?'" Chloe said before adding, "'Y’all need top-flight security.'" Complete article
The woman finally asked for help from a worker at Walmart and found out more alarming details.
People might be concerned about getting stalked on social media or in dark alleys in the real world, but no one expects stalkers to be lurking around in crowded supermarkets. Recently, a Walmart shopper, Chloe who goes by @iamchloelauren on TikTok posted a viral storytime video on the platform, in which she described how she was followed in Walmart. In the video, Chloe says that she was shopping at a Walmart store in Tampa, Florida when she suspected that she was being followed. "Y’all know that saying that’s like, 'You never know what to do in a situation until it happens to you?' Well, storytime," she said at the beginning of the video.
She went on to share how she often goes out of her way to shop at this specific Walmart that is a bit further from her house. "It’s always stocked up; the people are nicer," she said. However, one evening things was a bit different. She said that the Walmart was packed when she arrived and as she walked across the aisles, she noticed a man who seemed to be in every section with her.
Chloe says this typically wouldn't have struck her as "weird," but at one point she realized that the man was too close to her. Shocked at this, Chloe turned around and wondered if the man was okay but decided to simply move away to a different aisle. When she reached the produce section, Chloe saw the man again. "I wouldn’t have even maybe paid him any attention had he not been so close to me in one of the aisles," she added. .....
She then told the worker the entire incident and he didn't seem to be surprised. She then asked him if he had heard something similar. "Yes, three times in the last two months," he told her. "I’m shaking. I’m like, ‘three times?'" Chloe said before adding, "'Y’all need top-flight security.'" Complete article
‘There’s 3 of them working together’: Walmart shopper realizes floor walkers are following him. Then he tries to confront this man 12/07/2024
‘They treat me like I’m some kind of high-level crime member.’
If you’ve ever felt like there’s someone following you around at Walmart, you may be right. According to this TikToker, Walmart hires “floor walkers” to track customers in the store and monitor them for potential theft.
What’s a Walmart floor walker?
One former Walmart worker turned Walmart shopper, @BigBagSpenny616, shares about their recent experience being followed around by who they perceive to be floorwalkers.
In the clip, the TikToker films his Walmart shopping experience as well as people “following him.” .....
Ironically, @BigBagSpenny616 says he used to be a floor walker for Walmart. In fact, he posted one of the first and most viral videos about floor walkers back in August. Since then, several videos on the subject have surfaced. A large portion of @BigBagSpenny616’s content actually is about floor walkers and the Daily Dot has previously reported on his content, like this video where he says a floor walker followed him and his son. Complete article
‘They treat me like I’m some kind of high-level crime member.’
If you’ve ever felt like there’s someone following you around at Walmart, you may be right. According to this TikToker, Walmart hires “floor walkers” to track customers in the store and monitor them for potential theft.
What’s a Walmart floor walker?
One former Walmart worker turned Walmart shopper, @BigBagSpenny616, shares about their recent experience being followed around by who they perceive to be floorwalkers.
In the clip, the TikToker films his Walmart shopping experience as well as people “following him.” .....
Ironically, @BigBagSpenny616 says he used to be a floor walker for Walmart. In fact, he posted one of the first and most viral videos about floor walkers back in August. Since then, several videos on the subject have surfaced. A large portion of @BigBagSpenny616’s content actually is about floor walkers and the Daily Dot has previously reported on his content, like this video where he says a floor walker followed him and his son. Complete article
‘I look at our Ring footage and see’: Woman discovers 2 Walmart bags outside her home. She didn’t order them 12/06/2024
‘I hope its not one of those weird scams’
A woman wants answers after receiving multiple packages from Walmart that she never ordered.
In a viral TikTok video with over 1.8 million views, user GSY (@gsy2024) gave details about the experience.
It left her feeling both confused and apprehensive.
She also simply wanted to ensure the person who made the deliveries actually received their things. Complete article
‘I hope its not one of those weird scams’
A woman wants answers after receiving multiple packages from Walmart that she never ordered.
In a viral TikTok video with over 1.8 million views, user GSY (@gsy2024) gave details about the experience.
It left her feeling both confused and apprehensive.
She also simply wanted to ensure the person who made the deliveries actually received their things. Complete article
Ex-employee gets life for deadly shooting at Fayetteville Ga. Walmart last March 12/04/2024
Man sentenced for trying to kidnap, kill estranged wife at KOP Pa. Walmart in Nov. 2023 12/05/2024
Parking Wars at Bismarck ND Walmart: Frustrated Shoppers Call for Order 12/0/2024
Vermilion Co. man gets 20 years for shooting ex-girlfriend in Ill. Walmart parking lot in Feb. 2022 12/06/2024
HPD: Man killed in possible self-defense shooting outside Henderson Nevada Walmart and shopping center 12/07/2024
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - A man was shot and killed at a Henderson shopping center Friday evening, police say.
According to the Henderson Police Department, dispatchers received multiple 911 calls about a shooting in the 500 block of Marks Street around 8:51 p.m.
An initial investigation revealed that two cars pulled into the parking lot after one car had possibly struck the other. A 55-year-old man exited his vehicle and flashed a gun in his waistband to the other driver. However, the other driver, a 42-year-old man, was also armed and shot the 55-year-old.
Arriving officers attempted to give the man medical aid, but he would later die from his injuries. Complete article
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - A man was shot and killed at a Henderson shopping center Friday evening, police say.
According to the Henderson Police Department, dispatchers received multiple 911 calls about a shooting in the 500 block of Marks Street around 8:51 p.m.
An initial investigation revealed that two cars pulled into the parking lot after one car had possibly struck the other. A 55-year-old man exited his vehicle and flashed a gun in his waistband to the other driver. However, the other driver, a 42-year-old man, was also armed and shot the 55-year-old.
Arriving officers attempted to give the man medical aid, but he would later die from his injuries. Complete article
Volusia deputy hospitalized after accidentally shooting herself Fla. at Walmart, officials say 12/07/2024
DELTONA, Fla. - A deputy with the Volusia Sheriff's Office is in recovery after officials said she accidentally shot herself at a Walmart on Saturday.
Officials said the deputy sustained a gunshot wound to the leg at the Walmart located at 101 Howland Boulevard in Deltona around 1 p.m., according to VSO.
The deputy received aid on scene from other deputies and was later transported to an area hospital. Complete article
DELTONA, Fla. - A deputy with the Volusia Sheriff's Office is in recovery after officials said she accidentally shot herself at a Walmart on Saturday.
Officials said the deputy sustained a gunshot wound to the leg at the Walmart located at 101 Howland Boulevard in Deltona around 1 p.m., according to VSO.
The deputy received aid on scene from other deputies and was later transported to an area hospital. Complete article
Florida City Walmart shoppers report gunshots prompted them to run for their lives 12/08/2024
FLORIDA CITY, Fla. – Witnesses said they took off running after hearing gunshots while shopping on Saturday in southern Miami-Dade County.
Videos show the fear in and out of the Walmart Supercenter, at 33501 South Dixie Highway, in Florida City. Police officers with the Miami-Dade and Florida City police departments and Miami-Dade Fire Rescue personnel responded.
“Everybody started running toward the back ... we went out the back door where everybody piled up,” said Robert Malneo, who waited outside of the store after police responded.
A witness recorded a video showing Miami-Dade Fire Rescue personnel with a handcuffed man on a stretcher who they wheeled out and placed in an ambulance. A Florida City police officer, who did not appear to be injured, was also in the ambulance. Complete article
Man arrested after locking himself inside room of Florida City Walmart with gun, unarmed security guard 12/08/2024 According to Florida City Police, an officer who was working an off-duty detail was in the process of arresting James Hackler at a Walmart located at 33501 South Dixie Highway when Hackler grabbed a gun which he had in his bag. .... Police said there were no shots fired during the incident, and there were no injuries reported.
Man accused of holding loss prevention officer hostage at Florida City Walmart 12/09/2024
FLORIDA CITY, Fla. – Witnesses said they took off running after hearing gunshots while shopping on Saturday in southern Miami-Dade County.
Videos show the fear in and out of the Walmart Supercenter, at 33501 South Dixie Highway, in Florida City. Police officers with the Miami-Dade and Florida City police departments and Miami-Dade Fire Rescue personnel responded.
“Everybody started running toward the back ... we went out the back door where everybody piled up,” said Robert Malneo, who waited outside of the store after police responded.
A witness recorded a video showing Miami-Dade Fire Rescue personnel with a handcuffed man on a stretcher who they wheeled out and placed in an ambulance. A Florida City police officer, who did not appear to be injured, was also in the ambulance. Complete article
Man arrested after locking himself inside room of Florida City Walmart with gun, unarmed security guard 12/08/2024 According to Florida City Police, an officer who was working an off-duty detail was in the process of arresting James Hackler at a Walmart located at 33501 South Dixie Highway when Hackler grabbed a gun which he had in his bag. .... Police said there were no shots fired during the incident, and there were no injuries reported.
Man accused of holding loss prevention officer hostage at Florida City Walmart 12/09/2024
Juvenile arrested, another on the run after man stabbed in Sacramento Ca.-area Walmart 12/07/2024
NORTH HIGHLANDS – A juvenile has been arrested and another is on the loose after a man was stabbed in a Sacramento-area Walmart, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office said.
Deputies responded to the Walmart on Watt Avenue near Orange Grove Avenue around 7:30 p.m. for reports of a stabbing.
This is where they found a man with a non-life-threatening injury. He was taken to the hospital, deputies said.
Deputies said the victim got into an argument with "two disruptive juveniles" while near the bikes inside the Walmart.
A juvenile stabbed the victim and took off from the store, deputies said. The other juvenile was arrested after being detained by store security. Complete article
NORTH HIGHLANDS – A juvenile has been arrested and another is on the loose after a man was stabbed in a Sacramento-area Walmart, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office said.
Deputies responded to the Walmart on Watt Avenue near Orange Grove Avenue around 7:30 p.m. for reports of a stabbing.
This is where they found a man with a non-life-threatening injury. He was taken to the hospital, deputies said.
Deputies said the victim got into an argument with "two disruptive juveniles" while near the bikes inside the Walmart.
A juvenile stabbed the victim and took off from the store, deputies said. The other juvenile was arrested after being detained by store security. Complete article
Video shows heavy police activity at Homestead Fla. Walmart 12/07/2024
Police officer shown with assault rifle ready to fire on short notice.
Stretcher also shown implying someone being transported to hospital.
No further information sixteen hours after initial report. Complete article
Police officer shown with assault rifle ready to fire on short notice.
Stretcher also shown implying someone being transported to hospital.
No further information sixteen hours after initial report. Complete article
Man Steals Police Car After Caught Shoplifting At Tenn. Walmart 12/09/2024
A man who was handcuffed after shoplifting on Saturday at the Brainerd Walmart stole a police car and wrecked after pursuit, flipping the car several times.
Antonio D. Pickett, 29, is facing multiple charges after his apprehension.
An off-duty Chattanooga police officer was working security at the Walmart and observed Pickett and another shopper scan over $500 worth of packs of athletic trading cards. After unsuccessfully trying to pay for the cards with a debit card, the two gathered their purchases and walked out of the store.
After being confronted by the officer, the two started to walk back into the store, but then dropped their bags and ran outside, knocking another shopper to the ground. Complete article
A man who was handcuffed after shoplifting on Saturday at the Brainerd Walmart stole a police car and wrecked after pursuit, flipping the car several times.
Antonio D. Pickett, 29, is facing multiple charges after his apprehension.
An off-duty Chattanooga police officer was working security at the Walmart and observed Pickett and another shopper scan over $500 worth of packs of athletic trading cards. After unsuccessfully trying to pay for the cards with a debit card, the two gathered their purchases and walked out of the store.
After being confronted by the officer, the two started to walk back into the store, but then dropped their bags and ran outside, knocking another shopper to the ground. Complete article
Chillicothe Ohio Police Chase Four in Connection with Theft at Walmart 12/09/2024
Chillicothe, OH – Four individuals, including two juveniles, were arrested after attempting to flee from a theft incident at the Walmart store on River Trace Lane. The suspects, who were involved in stealing baseball equipment, led police on a foot chase through the area, resulting in several arrests.
The incident began on the evening of December 8, 2024, when Chillicothe police received a report of a theft at the Walmart location. Upon arrival, officers learned from Loss Prevention staff that a group of males had been spotted in the store, and two of them had stolen items. One suspect had taken a pair of baseball gloves valued at $19.97. Another suspect had stolen a pair of baseball gloves and a bat, totaling $67.95 in merchandise.
Loss Prevention contacted the group outside the store, where two suspects admitted to the theft and returned the stolen items. While one suspect stayed with Loss Prevention and was cooperative, the others fled into nearby woods. Complete article
Chillicothe, OH – Four individuals, including two juveniles, were arrested after attempting to flee from a theft incident at the Walmart store on River Trace Lane. The suspects, who were involved in stealing baseball equipment, led police on a foot chase through the area, resulting in several arrests.
The incident began on the evening of December 8, 2024, when Chillicothe police received a report of a theft at the Walmart location. Upon arrival, officers learned from Loss Prevention staff that a group of males had been spotted in the store, and two of them had stolen items. One suspect had taken a pair of baseball gloves valued at $19.97. Another suspect had stolen a pair of baseball gloves and a bat, totaling $67.95 in merchandise.
Loss Prevention contacted the group outside the store, where two suspects admitted to the theft and returned the stolen items. While one suspect stayed with Loss Prevention and was cooperative, the others fled into nearby woods. Complete article
Fire engulfs car in Seekonk Mass. Walmart parking lot 12/05/2024
SEEKONK, Mass. — Massive flames were visible coming from a car outside of the Walmart in Seekonk Thursday night.
Firefighters battled the intense flames shooting from the car in the parking lot around 7:30 p.m.
The owner of the vehicle said she is homeless, and was sleeping in the car with her cats.
She said she woke up to the smoke, and left with her cats. Complete article
SEEKONK, Mass. — Massive flames were visible coming from a car outside of the Walmart in Seekonk Thursday night.
Firefighters battled the intense flames shooting from the car in the parking lot around 7:30 p.m.
The owner of the vehicle said she is homeless, and was sleeping in the car with her cats.
She said she woke up to the smoke, and left with her cats. Complete article
2 pedestrians hit in Calera Alabama Walmart parking lot 12/09/2024
CALERA, Ala. (WBRC) - Calera Police are investigating after two pedestrians were hit by a vehicle Thursday evening.
The women were struck in the parking lot of the Walmart on Highway 31.
Police say another women accidentally bumped the two women with her car. She asked if they were OK, left the scene and turned herself into Calera Police. Complete article
CALERA, Ala. (WBRC) - Calera Police are investigating after two pedestrians were hit by a vehicle Thursday evening.
The women were struck in the parking lot of the Walmart on Highway 31.
Police say another women accidentally bumped the two women with her car. She asked if they were OK, left the scene and turned herself into Calera Police. Complete article
Walmart Truck in Crash on Interstate 80 Freeway in Auburn, CA 12/09/2024
AUBURN, Calif. (Dec. 9, 2024) — A multi-vehicle crash involving a Walmart truck happened Monday on the westbound Interstate 80 Freeway, just east of Ophir Road in Auburn.
The three-vehicle collision occurred at 11:29 a.m. on Dec. 9th, according to the California Highway Patrol.
CHP officials reported the semi-truck loaded with 41,000-pounds of merchandise had right front-end damage and was leaking fuel after a collision with a white Ford Explorer SUV and a white Lexus sedan. The Lexus became lodged under the truck with major 360-degree damage. The vehicles were blocking the middle or slow lanes. Complete article
AUBURN, Calif. (Dec. 9, 2024) — A multi-vehicle crash involving a Walmart truck happened Monday on the westbound Interstate 80 Freeway, just east of Ophir Road in Auburn.
The three-vehicle collision occurred at 11:29 a.m. on Dec. 9th, according to the California Highway Patrol.
CHP officials reported the semi-truck loaded with 41,000-pounds of merchandise had right front-end damage and was leaking fuel after a collision with a white Ford Explorer SUV and a white Lexus sedan. The Lexus became lodged under the truck with major 360-degree damage. The vehicles were blocking the middle or slow lanes. Complete article
Fla. Black Couple Sues Walmart After Being Falsely Accused Of Shoplifting 12/09/2024
A Black couple in Florida is suing Walmart after they were falsely accused of stealing from the store.
According to News4Jax, Raymond and Nekeeya Brewster recently filed a discrimination lawsuit against Walmart, alleging profiling, wrongful imprisonment, and defamation.
The Brewsters said they were returning children's clothes to a Walmart store in Jacksonville, Florida when they were falsely accused of stealing the items.
According to the lawsuit, Nekeeya had put the clothes and the receipt for the return in its original Walmart bag and tied the bag shut. Before heading to the register, Nekeeya put the bag in her cart and went to find the size she was looking for, hoping to purchase the new item while making the return, the lawsuit states.
The couple, who was accompanied by their children, then went to customer service, where an employee with Walmart's loss prevention allegedly claimed she illegally put a pair of maroon pants in her bag. Despite attempting to show the receipt, the employee allegedly said the theft was caught on camera. Complete article
A Black couple in Florida is suing Walmart after they were falsely accused of stealing from the store.
According to News4Jax, Raymond and Nekeeya Brewster recently filed a discrimination lawsuit against Walmart, alleging profiling, wrongful imprisonment, and defamation.
The Brewsters said they were returning children's clothes to a Walmart store in Jacksonville, Florida when they were falsely accused of stealing the items.
According to the lawsuit, Nekeeya had put the clothes and the receipt for the return in its original Walmart bag and tied the bag shut. Before heading to the register, Nekeeya put the bag in her cart and went to find the size she was looking for, hoping to purchase the new item while making the return, the lawsuit states.
The couple, who was accompanied by their children, then went to customer service, where an employee with Walmart's loss prevention allegedly claimed she illegally put a pair of maroon pants in her bag. Despite attempting to show the receipt, the employee allegedly said the theft was caught on camera. Complete article
Union alleges Walmart freezing wages of unionized workers 12/09/2024
Unifor – Canada’s largest union – has accused Walmart of freezing wages to retaliate against employees who recently formed a union.
On Dec. 3, the union filed a complaint with the Canada Industrial Relations Board, citing violations of the Canada Labour Code (CLC).
Punitive wage freezes during union certification processes are prohibited under sections 24(4) and 50(b) of the CLC, noted the union.
Unifor also alleges Walmart:
* distributed anti-union materials
* held captive audience meetings to spread misleading information
* encouraged workers to revoke union membership.
“Exercising your basic rights is not a punishable offence in a democracy,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The spike in unionization at Walmart facilities in Canada is evidence that workers at Walmart are ready to improve their job security, wages, and working conditions.” Complete article
Unifor – Canada’s largest union – has accused Walmart of freezing wages to retaliate against employees who recently formed a union.
On Dec. 3, the union filed a complaint with the Canada Industrial Relations Board, citing violations of the Canada Labour Code (CLC).
Punitive wage freezes during union certification processes are prohibited under sections 24(4) and 50(b) of the CLC, noted the union.
Unifor also alleges Walmart:
* distributed anti-union materials
* held captive audience meetings to spread misleading information
* encouraged workers to revoke union membership.
“Exercising your basic rights is not a punishable offence in a democracy,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The spike in unionization at Walmart facilities in Canada is evidence that workers at Walmart are ready to improve their job security, wages, and working conditions.” Complete article
Walmart shopper swears off superstore forever after 'worst checkout experience I've ever had' 12/10/2024
A shopper has revealed he had the 'worst checkout experience' after shopping at a Walmart store in California.
A customer named Victor explained that he shopped at a Walmart in Panorama City, Los Angeles, California, for the first time in eight years in an X post on December 8.
The first thing brought up was how the California location did not accept mobile payments, which he believed was 'absurd.' 'The lines were as long as the entire store. Even for self checkout. I will never go back there again!' Victor added.
After Victor's post, several other social media users pointed out that Apple Pay is not a viable payment option in any of the country's Walmart locations.
'Walmart not accepting apple pay is the biggest unforced error in corporate American history,' an X user wrote. Complete article
A shopper has revealed he had the 'worst checkout experience' after shopping at a Walmart store in California.
A customer named Victor explained that he shopped at a Walmart in Panorama City, Los Angeles, California, for the first time in eight years in an X post on December 8.
The first thing brought up was how the California location did not accept mobile payments, which he believed was 'absurd.' 'The lines were as long as the entire store. Even for self checkout. I will never go back there again!' Victor added.
After Victor's post, several other social media users pointed out that Apple Pay is not a viable payment option in any of the country's Walmart locations.
'Walmart not accepting apple pay is the biggest unforced error in corporate American history,' an X user wrote. Complete article
'Tis the season for giving. And returning. What to know about Target, Walmart policies 12/07/2024
Hearing wraps up in May 2024 case against man accused of shooting, seriously injuring teen in Goddard Kansas Walmart parking lot 12/06/2024
Someone tried to pull off a return scam at Walmart counter. An employee was having none of it 12/06/2024 The TikTok clip unfolds with a Walmart employee accusing the woman at the self-checkout of exploiting retail policies. The worker alleges that the woman regularly solicits other shoppers to purchase baby essentials for her, only to return the items for profit. "You do it all the time," the employee remarks. "You turn around and you return it. You're ripping my customers off."
Bangor Maine Walmart evacuated for "unfounded" odor call 12/07/2024 takes down Ganesh underwear following protest by Reno-based Hindu activist 12/06/2024
Walmart employee fired, arrested after allegedly stealing from store: Mobile Alabama Police 12/09/2024
LASD: Body found in Ca. Walmart parking lot 12/11/2024
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies were called to a report of a possible dead body that was reported Wednesday morning in the Walmart parking lot in Stevenson Ranch.
Both a Fire Department official and a California Highway Patrol officer in the area notified the SCV Sheriff’s Station of the body found around 8:36 a.m.
A body could be seen in a silver early 2000s Toyota Camry that was surrounded by the fire truck and CHP patrol car that were first on scene.
Station officials were still investigating the initial report of the body in the parking lot near The Old Road and Pico Canyon Road as of 9:15 a.m. Complete article
Man found dead in Walmart parking lot identified 12/12/2024
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies were called to a report of a possible dead body that was reported Wednesday morning in the Walmart parking lot in Stevenson Ranch.
Both a Fire Department official and a California Highway Patrol officer in the area notified the SCV Sheriff’s Station of the body found around 8:36 a.m.
A body could be seen in a silver early 2000s Toyota Camry that was surrounded by the fire truck and CHP patrol car that were first on scene.
Station officials were still investigating the initial report of the body in the parking lot near The Old Road and Pico Canyon Road as of 9:15 a.m. Complete article
Man found dead in Walmart parking lot identified 12/12/2024
Arrest made following series of robberies at Ind. Walmart and Kroger stores around Indy 12/10/2024
INDIANAPOLIS — One man is in jail as police in Indianapolis investigate a series of robberies at Walmart and Kroger stores across the metro.
Court records show at least six victims were targeted at five different stores, starting at Walmart on 86th Street near Michigan.
In the hardware section of that north side Walmart last month, a pair of thieves snatched the wallet from a 90-year-old shopper.
“When he grabbed my wallet I grabbed him and tried to hold on, but the two of them together knocked my hands loose,” said Wesley Carey. Complete article
INDIANAPOLIS — One man is in jail as police in Indianapolis investigate a series of robberies at Walmart and Kroger stores across the metro.
Court records show at least six victims were targeted at five different stores, starting at Walmart on 86th Street near Michigan.
In the hardware section of that north side Walmart last month, a pair of thieves snatched the wallet from a 90-year-old shopper.
“When he grabbed my wallet I grabbed him and tried to hold on, but the two of them together knocked my hands loose,” said Wesley Carey. Complete article
8 charged in South Carolina crime operation targeting Tanger Outlets, Walmart, police say 12/11/2024
HORRY COUNTY, S.C. — Eight people have been arrested in South Carolina and are accused of running an organized retail crime operation targeting Tanger Outlets and Walmart.
Horry County police said on Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 they conducted an operation targeting retail crime at the Tanger Outlets and nearby North Kings Highway Walmart.
Police said the operation focused on addressing criminal activity at these locations and gathering intelligence on organized retail crime groups operating within Horry County.
Over the two-day period, eight individuals were charged with a total of 26 criminal offenses and the following items were seized:
3 firearms .... Complete article
HORRY COUNTY, S.C. — Eight people have been arrested in South Carolina and are accused of running an organized retail crime operation targeting Tanger Outlets and Walmart.
Horry County police said on Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 they conducted an operation targeting retail crime at the Tanger Outlets and nearby North Kings Highway Walmart.
Police said the operation focused on addressing criminal activity at these locations and gathering intelligence on organized retail crime groups operating within Horry County.
Over the two-day period, eight individuals were charged with a total of 26 criminal offenses and the following items were seized:
3 firearms .... Complete article
Miami Gardens family suing Walmart over 9-year-old's death in 2023 12/10/2024
A Miami Gardens family is suing Walmart over the death of a 9-year-old child last year.
Testimony was heard Tuesday in a civil trial against the retail giant in the death of Saiy'Yah Allen.
The 9-year-old died in May 2023, two and a half years after hitting his head on a metal cart at a Walmart in Fort Lauderdale in November 2020.
The lawsuit accuses Walmart of creating a dangerous and unsafe condition by putting the metal cart in a walkway. Complete article
Walmart blames boy, 9, who suffered fatal injury after accident at one of its stores 12/13/2024 But the company said that the child caused his own injuries by being 'inattentive' and failing to pay attention to where he was going during day five of the civil trial on Tuesday.
Jury finds Walmart partially responsible in Miami Gardens 9-year-old's death 12/13/2024 Under the verdict, Allen's family was awarded $2.7 million.
A Miami Gardens family is suing Walmart over the death of a 9-year-old child last year.
Testimony was heard Tuesday in a civil trial against the retail giant in the death of Saiy'Yah Allen.
The 9-year-old died in May 2023, two and a half years after hitting his head on a metal cart at a Walmart in Fort Lauderdale in November 2020.
The lawsuit accuses Walmart of creating a dangerous and unsafe condition by putting the metal cart in a walkway. Complete article
Walmart blames boy, 9, who suffered fatal injury after accident at one of its stores 12/13/2024 But the company said that the child caused his own injuries by being 'inattentive' and failing to pay attention to where he was going during day five of the civil trial on Tuesday.
Jury finds Walmart partially responsible in Miami Gardens 9-year-old's death 12/13/2024 Under the verdict, Allen's family was awarded $2.7 million.
‘I don’t want to learn’: Walmart worker says customer asked him to scan her items at self-checkout 12/11/2024
Self-checkout—it’s a term that seems pretty self-explanatory. You bring your items to a machine designed for customers to scan and pay for items themselves.
One Walmart employee and TikToker Chris (@bigbossdbz) shared how a customer was dead set on having him scan her items at self-checkout.
“Hi guys. Let’s get one thing straight here,” the Walmart employee says into the camera while sitting in his car. “Self is basically to self check yourself out, OK? We don’t do it for you. But the thing is, I will show you it’s done. If you don’t want to learn it, go to a cash register.”
He goes into his reasoning behind the PSA. “I had a customer earlier come up and say, ‘Hey, can you scan my groceries for me?’ And I said, ‘No, ma’am. But I will be more than happy to teach you and show you how self-check works.’” Complete article
Self-checkout—it’s a term that seems pretty self-explanatory. You bring your items to a machine designed for customers to scan and pay for items themselves.
One Walmart employee and TikToker Chris (@bigbossdbz) shared how a customer was dead set on having him scan her items at self-checkout.
“Hi guys. Let’s get one thing straight here,” the Walmart employee says into the camera while sitting in his car. “Self is basically to self check yourself out, OK? We don’t do it for you. But the thing is, I will show you it’s done. If you don’t want to learn it, go to a cash register.”
He goes into his reasoning behind the PSA. “I had a customer earlier come up and say, ‘Hey, can you scan my groceries for me?’ And I said, ‘No, ma’am. But I will be more than happy to teach you and show you how self-check works.’” Complete article
80 layoffs planned as Alabama Walmart closes days before Christmas 12/10/2024
The closing of a Walmart location just days before Christmas could result in employee layoffs, according to a notice the company filed with the state of Alabama.
Walmart is closing its neighborhood market store at 4226 Northwest Oakwood Avenue in Huntsville on Dec. 20.
In a WARN notice made public last week, the company reported that 80 layoffs are planned, according to the Alabama Department of Commerce. Federal law requires large employers to file the public notices with the state ahead of mass layoffs or plant closures. Complete article
Walmart store closings 2024: See the full list of all the stores that closed this year 12/11/2024
The closing of a Walmart location just days before Christmas could result in employee layoffs, according to a notice the company filed with the state of Alabama.
Walmart is closing its neighborhood market store at 4226 Northwest Oakwood Avenue in Huntsville on Dec. 20.
In a WARN notice made public last week, the company reported that 80 layoffs are planned, according to the Alabama Department of Commerce. Federal law requires large employers to file the public notices with the state ahead of mass layoffs or plant closures. Complete article
Walmart store closings 2024: See the full list of all the stores that closed this year 12/11/2024
‘I’m literally freaking out’: Walmart shopper issues warning on new banking scam 12/11/2024
A Walmart shopper who says a stranger asked her to scan a QR code at a store is warning people of what she believes to be a new scam—illustrating it’s perhaps prudent to avoid both strangers and unknown QR codes.
The nearly nine-minute video detailing the saga from Atlanta-based creator Kissezforyou (@kissezforyou1) was posted to TikTok on Sept. 11 and has received more than 710,000 views since.
What happened at Walmart?
In it, she begins by saying, “Let me tell you guys about a new scam that’s happening right now. I don’t know if it’s nationwide, but it happened to me.” She then sets up the scenario: She’s shopping at Walmart and is approached by a woman who claims to be with “a brand.” (She likened her to workers at an AT&T kiosk in a store, trying to get people to switch cellphone carriers.) Complete article
A Walmart shopper who says a stranger asked her to scan a QR code at a store is warning people of what she believes to be a new scam—illustrating it’s perhaps prudent to avoid both strangers and unknown QR codes.
The nearly nine-minute video detailing the saga from Atlanta-based creator Kissezforyou (@kissezforyou1) was posted to TikTok on Sept. 11 and has received more than 710,000 views since.
What happened at Walmart?
In it, she begins by saying, “Let me tell you guys about a new scam that’s happening right now. I don’t know if it’s nationwide, but it happened to me.” She then sets up the scenario: She’s shopping at Walmart and is approached by a woman who claims to be with “a brand.” (She likened her to workers at an AT&T kiosk in a store, trying to get people to switch cellphone carriers.) Complete article
WAL-K ON New mom blasts Walmart after timing how long it takes to buy single can of formula as she cries ‘they ignored me & left’ 12/11/2024
A MOM has blasted Walmart after her horrendous experience at the store trying to buy baby formula.
In a viral video that racked up around 250,000 likes, influencer Em timed how long it took a store worker to open up the locked shelves and get her a single can of formula.
She recorded herself pressing the button at 4.37 pm.
Five minutes later, an employee still hadn't come so she asked someone directly for help.
But when that person didn't have a key, they asked her to wait for someone else.
After another employee arrived, Em says in the video that "they just ignored me and left." Complete article
A MOM has blasted Walmart after her horrendous experience at the store trying to buy baby formula.
In a viral video that racked up around 250,000 likes, influencer Em timed how long it took a store worker to open up the locked shelves and get her a single can of formula.
She recorded herself pressing the button at 4.37 pm.
Five minutes later, an employee still hadn't come so she asked someone directly for help.
But when that person didn't have a key, they asked her to wait for someone else.
After another employee arrived, Em says in the video that "they just ignored me and left." Complete article
Workers Can’t Sue Employers Who Violate New Jersey’s Marijuana Anti-Discrimination Law, Federal Court Says, Siding With Walmart 12/10/2024
A federal appeals court panel sided with Walmart this week, ruling that although New Jersey explicitly forbids employment discrimination against marijuana users, private individuals are unable to sue employers under that law because it failed to create any specific remedies.
“The lack of an express remedy is better understood as a deliberate choice not to provide a remedy rather than an oversight of an intended remedy,” Judge Peter Phipps, a Trump appointee, wrote in the new opinion for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
That interpretation, Phipps continued, “is reinforced by the New Jersey Legislature’s comparative responsiveness in enacting safeguards against other forms of employment discrimination.” Complete article
A federal appeals court panel sided with Walmart this week, ruling that although New Jersey explicitly forbids employment discrimination against marijuana users, private individuals are unable to sue employers under that law because it failed to create any specific remedies.
“The lack of an express remedy is better understood as a deliberate choice not to provide a remedy rather than an oversight of an intended remedy,” Judge Peter Phipps, a Trump appointee, wrote in the new opinion for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
That interpretation, Phipps continued, “is reinforced by the New Jersey Legislature’s comparative responsiveness in enacting safeguards against other forms of employment discrimination.” Complete article
Retiring Walmart greeter shares 'receipts' about customers after 24-year career 12/11/2024
Greg Hajduk greeted people with the same gentle smile he has shared for nearly 25 years with thousands of Walmart customers. But the smiles on this day were laced with anxiety and excitement.
“Have a good day,” he said dozens of times near the entrance of the store in Portage.
Every time he noticed a familiar face, which happened often, he revealed his big news.
“Today’s my last day. I’m retiring,” he told them.
“I’ve had to deal with a lot of soul-crushing negativity through the years,” Hajduk said, his voice rising from frustration.
“Because I was the first or last person they saw here, I caught all the grief. It can wear down a person, let me tell you.”
Some days he would let the verbal abuse get to him and he would take it home to his wife. Complete article
Greg Hajduk greeted people with the same gentle smile he has shared for nearly 25 years with thousands of Walmart customers. But the smiles on this day were laced with anxiety and excitement.
“Have a good day,” he said dozens of times near the entrance of the store in Portage.
Every time he noticed a familiar face, which happened often, he revealed his big news.
“Today’s my last day. I’m retiring,” he told them.
“I’ve had to deal with a lot of soul-crushing negativity through the years,” Hajduk said, his voice rising from frustration.
“Because I was the first or last person they saw here, I caught all the grief. It can wear down a person, let me tell you.”
Some days he would let the verbal abuse get to him and he would take it home to his wife. Complete article
Cops ID SC Walmart shoplifter 12/09/2024
Shoplifter admits he stole jacket at Fla. Walmart because he was cold 12/09/2024
New York snowbird arrested on shoplifting charge at Fla. Walmart in The Villages 12/09/2024
Francis Briscoe sentenced to 20 years for shooting ex-girlfriend in Danville Ill. Walmart lot 12/09/2024
Shoplifter arrested with multiple warrants at Tx. Walmart 12/10/2024
Traffic stop leads to arrest of Villager charged in theft at Fla. Walmart 12/10/2024 A traffic stop led to the arrest of a resident of The Villages charged in a 2023 theft at Walmart.
Missing Walmart worker Vendula 'Wendy' Rose found dead in Alabama forest hammock 2 months after vanishing 12/09/2024
A missing Walmart worker who called her family to tell them that she was going on a hike in Alabama before disappearing was found dead in a hammock by a hunter in late November.
Two months after telling her family she wanted to go on a hiking trip, a missing Walmart worker was found dead in a hammock in an Alabama forest.
A hunter stumbled across the body of Vendula "Wendy" Rose, which was in a hammock tied to some trees, on Nov. 30, ending the long search for the woman who had been missing since Sept. 24, Alabama cops said.
In the days before the disappearance, the Walmart employee, who lived in Ohio, said she wanted to go on a hiking trip in the Southern state where she was found, then disappeared without a trace. Complete article
A missing Walmart worker who called her family to tell them that she was going on a hike in Alabama before disappearing was found dead in a hammock by a hunter in late November.
Two months after telling her family she wanted to go on a hiking trip, a missing Walmart worker was found dead in a hammock in an Alabama forest.
A hunter stumbled across the body of Vendula "Wendy" Rose, which was in a hammock tied to some trees, on Nov. 30, ending the long search for the woman who had been missing since Sept. 24, Alabama cops said.
In the days before the disappearance, the Walmart employee, who lived in Ohio, said she wanted to go on a hiking trip in the Southern state where she was found, then disappeared without a trace. Complete article
Intoxicated man admits hitting Walmart employee on smoke break 12/11/2024
An Ocala man was arrested for disorderly intoxication after allegedly hitting a Walmart employee outside on a smoke break. Officers responded to Walmart, located at 2501 Citrus Blvd., Leesburg, regarding a battery around 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, according to an arrest report from the Fruitland Park Police Department.
Upon arrival, a FPPD officer met with a Leesburg Police Department officer near the Walmart Liquor Store, located at 1112 S. Dixie Ave. The LPD officer advised that they responded in reference to two subjects, one of which was later identified as 31-year-old Daniel Malik Vazquez, causing a scene in the parking lot, resulting in one of the subjects striking a Walmart employee, the report said. Complete article
An Ocala man was arrested for disorderly intoxication after allegedly hitting a Walmart employee outside on a smoke break. Officers responded to Walmart, located at 2501 Citrus Blvd., Leesburg, regarding a battery around 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, according to an arrest report from the Fruitland Park Police Department.
Upon arrival, a FPPD officer met with a Leesburg Police Department officer near the Walmart Liquor Store, located at 1112 S. Dixie Ave. The LPD officer advised that they responded in reference to two subjects, one of which was later identified as 31-year-old Daniel Malik Vazquez, causing a scene in the parking lot, resulting in one of the subjects striking a Walmart employee, the report said. Complete article
Florida man who shot down Walmart drone ordered to pay $5,000 to chain 12/11/2024
Police said there were children playing nearby at the time.
LAKE COUNTY, Fla. — The 72-year-old Lake County man who allegedly shot a Walmart drone he believed to be surveilling him has been ordered to pay the retail chain $5,000.
Dennis Winn was charged with one count of shooting or throwing deadly missiles into dwellings, vessels or vehicles, one count of criminal mischief causing $1,000 or more in damage and one count of discharging a firearm in public or on residential property.
The Lake County Sheriff's Office was called to a Walmart on Johns Lake Road in Clermont on June 26. Two workers with a drone delivery service that works with Walmart told police someone had shot at one of their drones while it was flying over a home in the Overlook at Lake Louisa neighborhood. They were conducting a "mock delivery" at the time.
The workers told police after the drone was shot, they fled back to Walmart and flew the drone back to the store. Complete article
Police said there were children playing nearby at the time.
LAKE COUNTY, Fla. — The 72-year-old Lake County man who allegedly shot a Walmart drone he believed to be surveilling him has been ordered to pay the retail chain $5,000.
Dennis Winn was charged with one count of shooting or throwing deadly missiles into dwellings, vessels or vehicles, one count of criminal mischief causing $1,000 or more in damage and one count of discharging a firearm in public or on residential property.
The Lake County Sheriff's Office was called to a Walmart on Johns Lake Road in Clermont on June 26. Two workers with a drone delivery service that works with Walmart told police someone had shot at one of their drones while it was flying over a home in the Overlook at Lake Louisa neighborhood. They were conducting a "mock delivery" at the time.
The workers told police after the drone was shot, they fled back to Walmart and flew the drone back to the store. Complete article
Ohio court sides with CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens in opioid case 12/10/2024
The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that three of the largest pharmacy chain operators in the U.S. could not be held liable under a state nuisance law for contributing to the long-running opioid crisis.
In a 5-to-2 vote, the court determined that the law barred two Ohio counties from obtaining a $650.9 million judgement that was won in a federal court against CVS Health, Walgreens, and Walmart. In explaining the decision, the court maintained that a state product liability law, which had been amended in 2007, superseded the nuisance claims.
“We recognize that the opioid crisis has touched the lives of people in every corner of Ohio. The devastation experienced by these private citizens, individually and collectively, undoubtedly has far-reaching consequences for their communities and for the state as a whole,” Justice Joseph Deters wrote for the majority. Complete article
The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that three of the largest pharmacy chain operators in the U.S. could not be held liable under a state nuisance law for contributing to the long-running opioid crisis.
In a 5-to-2 vote, the court determined that the law barred two Ohio counties from obtaining a $650.9 million judgement that was won in a federal court against CVS Health, Walgreens, and Walmart. In explaining the decision, the court maintained that a state product liability law, which had been amended in 2007, superseded the nuisance claims.
“We recognize that the opioid crisis has touched the lives of people in every corner of Ohio. The devastation experienced by these private citizens, individually and collectively, undoubtedly has far-reaching consequences for their communities and for the state as a whole,” Justice Joseph Deters wrote for the majority. Complete article
Minnesota Walmart and Target Stores Launches Bizarre Cash Rule 12/11/2024
Walnut Hill Man Arrested For Shoplifting And Drug Possession At Atmore Alabama Walmart 12/11/2024
Police: Man stole $3,500 in cigarettes from Goose Creek SC Walmart 12/09/2024
Police attempt to ID man accused of theft at Walmart in Ascension Parish La. 12/12/2024
Lewisburg Woman Arrested for Shoplifting and Obstructing an Officer at WV Walmart 12/12/2024
Shooting in Jasper County Missouri – three people detained 12/11/2024
JASPER COUNTY, Mo. — A shooting in Jasper County leaves at least one person wounded and three people in custody.
Police and EMS responded to a call about a shooting around 5:15 this morning at the Walmart Neighborhood Marketplace on Dermott Drive in Airport Drive. Officials do not believe the shooting happened at that location.
Two people were transported to an area hospital with unknown injuries.
Officers from multiple agencies then descended upon a Webb City neighborhood at the intersection of Austin and Ash. That’s where they surrounded a house and ordered the people inside to come out with their hands up.
Three people exited the house and are being detained. Complete article
JASPER COUNTY, Mo. — A shooting in Jasper County leaves at least one person wounded and three people in custody.
Police and EMS responded to a call about a shooting around 5:15 this morning at the Walmart Neighborhood Marketplace on Dermott Drive in Airport Drive. Officials do not believe the shooting happened at that location.
Two people were transported to an area hospital with unknown injuries.
Officers from multiple agencies then descended upon a Webb City neighborhood at the intersection of Austin and Ash. That’s where they surrounded a house and ordered the people inside to come out with their hands up.
Three people exited the house and are being detained. Complete article
Valencia Man Found Dead In Crashed Car Near Ca. Walmart Identified 12/12/2024
Louie Feliciano Guzman, 59 was the person found dead in the crashed vehicle, said Kelly Vail, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
Around 8:55 a.m. Wednesday, first responders received reports of a traffic collision in the parking lot of the Walmart on The Old Road in Stevenson Ranch, said Officer Carlos Burgos-Lopez, spokesperson for the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Newhall Area Office at the time of the incident.
When first responders arrived, they found Guzman in the car unresponsive, according to officials.
Guzman was pronounced dead on arrival. Complete article
Louie Feliciano Guzman, 59 was the person found dead in the crashed vehicle, said Kelly Vail, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
Around 8:55 a.m. Wednesday, first responders received reports of a traffic collision in the parking lot of the Walmart on The Old Road in Stevenson Ranch, said Officer Carlos Burgos-Lopez, spokesperson for the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Newhall Area Office at the time of the incident.
When first responders arrived, they found Guzman in the car unresponsive, according to officials.
Guzman was pronounced dead on arrival. Complete article
Police: Greendale Walmart robbery ends in chase and crash in Milwaukee 12/13/2024
MILWAUKEE — A Greendale police chase ended in a crash on Milwaukee's northwest side early Friday.
Investigators tell 12 News the chase started after they responded to a report of a robbery at the Walmart near 76th Street and Grange Avenue in Greendale.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation cameras captured Milwaukee County Sheriff's deputies chasing an SUV along I-43 through the Marquette Interchange at Keefe Avenue.
The chase ended when the driver crashed into another vehicle near 76th Street and Capitol Drive around 1 a.m. on Friday.
Deputies arrested a 21-year-old woman. She is facing multiple charges, including robbery, burglary and fleeing an officer. Complete article
MILWAUKEE — A Greendale police chase ended in a crash on Milwaukee's northwest side early Friday.
Investigators tell 12 News the chase started after they responded to a report of a robbery at the Walmart near 76th Street and Grange Avenue in Greendale.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation cameras captured Milwaukee County Sheriff's deputies chasing an SUV along I-43 through the Marquette Interchange at Keefe Avenue.
The chase ended when the driver crashed into another vehicle near 76th Street and Capitol Drive around 1 a.m. on Friday.
Deputies arrested a 21-year-old woman. She is facing multiple charges, including robbery, burglary and fleeing an officer. Complete article
Termination of longtime NC Walmart employee raises public concern 12/13/2024
Public outrage is not rolling back this holiday season following the termination of longtime Walmart Supercenter #1322 employee Lemuel "Lem" Peoples Jr.
Lem, who has worked almost 20 years with the company, expresses pride in his journey at Walmart Supercenter located on Lowes Blvd in Lexington, NC. During his tenure, this hometown native advanced through the corporate ranks, starting as a janitorial associate and eventually becoming an associate responsible for preventing theft by matching receipts with the items in customers' carts.
Daughter Jeanna Peoples wrote in a statement, "My daddy, Lemuel People's Jr., has worked at Walmart Supercenter for over 19 years. He has been with the company since the doors opened," she went on to say, "My father was recently fired, just two years shy of his retirement that he was so excited to receive. He couldn't wait to spend his days with his many grandchildren. My father received Employee of the Month several times while working for Walmart..." Complete article
Public outrage is not rolling back this holiday season following the termination of longtime Walmart Supercenter #1322 employee Lemuel "Lem" Peoples Jr.
Lem, who has worked almost 20 years with the company, expresses pride in his journey at Walmart Supercenter located on Lowes Blvd in Lexington, NC. During his tenure, this hometown native advanced through the corporate ranks, starting as a janitorial associate and eventually becoming an associate responsible for preventing theft by matching receipts with the items in customers' carts.
Daughter Jeanna Peoples wrote in a statement, "My daddy, Lemuel People's Jr., has worked at Walmart Supercenter for over 19 years. He has been with the company since the doors opened," she went on to say, "My father was recently fired, just two years shy of his retirement that he was so excited to receive. He couldn't wait to spend his days with his many grandchildren. My father received Employee of the Month several times while working for Walmart..." Complete article
Recall alert: Christmas light controller sold by Target, Walmart recalled; can cause fire 12/12/2024
If you go all out decorating for Christmas you will need to check your connections. A wireless decorative tree light controller was recalled because it can catch fire.
About 44,600 wireless decorative tree light controllers were part of the recall, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said.
They were sold by Walmart and CrackerBarrel under the Mr. Christmas brand while Target sold them under the Wondershop brand, the CPSC said. They were on the market from July to November selling for between $25 and $40. Complete article
If you go all out decorating for Christmas you will need to check your connections. A wireless decorative tree light controller was recalled because it can catch fire.
About 44,600 wireless decorative tree light controllers were part of the recall, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said.
They were sold by Walmart and CrackerBarrel under the Mr. Christmas brand while Target sold them under the Wondershop brand, the CPSC said. They were on the market from July to November selling for between $25 and $40. Complete article
‘I will NEVER buy meat from Walmart’: Shopper buys Walmart’s lean ground beef. Then she opens it up 12/13/2024
A woman buys a pound of lean ground beef from Walmart and can’t believe her eyes when she opens the package.
In a TikTok with almost 155,000 views, content creator Lindsay Garren (@lindsaygarren) gets quite the surprise when she opens up her tube of lean ground beef from Walmart.
Garren first notices that her one of the two packs of lean ground beef she purchased was softer to the touch. “It doesn’t feel frozen,” she says.
Shopper buys Walmart’s lean ground beef.
To investigate further, Garren opens up the package. There are huge globs of fat in the roll and it falls apart in her hands. “This is lean beef. This is supposed to be 93/7,” she mentions. “In my 38 years of life I have never had a pound of ground beef like this.”
Garren confirms that the beef is not expired before she asks viewers to help her out. “Is this normal? Somebody let me know,” she asks as the video ends. Complete article
A woman buys a pound of lean ground beef from Walmart and can’t believe her eyes when she opens the package.
In a TikTok with almost 155,000 views, content creator Lindsay Garren (@lindsaygarren) gets quite the surprise when she opens up her tube of lean ground beef from Walmart.
Garren first notices that her one of the two packs of lean ground beef she purchased was softer to the touch. “It doesn’t feel frozen,” she says.
Shopper buys Walmart’s lean ground beef.
To investigate further, Garren opens up the package. There are huge globs of fat in the roll and it falls apart in her hands. “This is lean beef. This is supposed to be 93/7,” she mentions. “In my 38 years of life I have never had a pound of ground beef like this.”
Garren confirms that the beef is not expired before she asks viewers to help her out. “Is this normal? Somebody let me know,” she asks as the video ends. Complete article
Mexican regulator fines local Walmart unit for monopolistic practice 12/13/2024
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -Mexico's antitrust watchdog Cofece ruled that the local unit of U.S.-based retail giant Walmart, known as Walmex, engaged in monopolistic behavior related to its suppliers, the company said in a statement on Friday.
Walmex said it has been ordered to pay a fine of just over 93 million pesos, or about $4.6 million, while stressing it believes the regulator's analysis is incorrect and that it will appeal its ruling.
"Walmex is disappointed by this decision but will comply with Cofece's resolution while challenging the decision," the company said, adding that the ruling by Cofece's governing body was not unanimous.
The company said it believes Cofece's analysis, delivered in a 900-page ruling, "committed errors in the application of the law." Complete article
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -Mexico's antitrust watchdog Cofece ruled that the local unit of U.S.-based retail giant Walmart, known as Walmex, engaged in monopolistic behavior related to its suppliers, the company said in a statement on Friday.
Walmex said it has been ordered to pay a fine of just over 93 million pesos, or about $4.6 million, while stressing it believes the regulator's analysis is incorrect and that it will appeal its ruling.
"Walmex is disappointed by this decision but will comply with Cofece's resolution while challenging the decision," the company said, adding that the ruling by Cofece's governing body was not unanimous.
The company said it believes Cofece's analysis, delivered in a 900-page ruling, "committed errors in the application of the law." Complete article
The Walton family is the world’s richest as soaring Walmart shares drive the heirs’ net worth to $432 billion 12/12/2024
Walmart founder Sam Walton died more than 30 years ago, but the retail giant he started is still thriving and making his family even richer. The Waltons were recently named the world’s richest family by Bloomberg, with a striking net worth of $432 billion. Complete article
Walmart founder Sam Walton died more than 30 years ago, but the retail giant he started is still thriving and making his family even richer. The Waltons were recently named the world’s richest family by Bloomberg, with a striking net worth of $432 billion. Complete article
BLOTTER —Women charged with stealing from Alabama Walmart 12/12/2024 Mobile police arrested two women Wednesday on charges of organized retail theft involving a local Walmart, according to the department's overnight recap.
Sheriff warns of scammers at Mississippi Walmart 12/11/2024
Deputies identify man found in Orangeburg County SC Walmart 12/13/2024
Oxford Mass. police seek help identifying suspects in Walmart larceny 12/13/2024
Fight leads to shooting at Walmart in Waycross, Ga., police say. Search for suspect continues 12/14/2024
Officials confirmed with News4JAX that the situation was not an active shooter incident.
WAYCROSS, Ga. – The Waycross Police Department said a shooting took place at a Walmart Neighborhood Market in the city on Saturday night.
Police confirmed with News4JAX that the shooting stemmed from a “domestic dispute” and that it was not an active shooter incident.
The shooting did injure one person, but police said the injuries were non-life-threatening and that they are continuing to investigate the matter, adding that there is currently no threat to the public.
The store’s location is 1630 Plant Ave, Waycross, GA 31501. Complete article
Officials confirmed with News4JAX that the situation was not an active shooter incident.
WAYCROSS, Ga. – The Waycross Police Department said a shooting took place at a Walmart Neighborhood Market in the city on Saturday night.
Police confirmed with News4JAX that the shooting stemmed from a “domestic dispute” and that it was not an active shooter incident.
The shooting did injure one person, but police said the injuries were non-life-threatening and that they are continuing to investigate the matter, adding that there is currently no threat to the public.
The store’s location is 1630 Plant Ave, Waycross, GA 31501. Complete article
Shots fired after Rotterdam NY Walmart shoplifting incident 12/15/2024
A 24-year-old suspect was eventually taken into custody after police said he shot at Walmart loss prevention officers in the store's parking lot.
ROTTERDAM — Police said a shoplifting suspect fired at Walmart security guards as he was attempting to flee the scene at the Altamont Avenue store Saturday afternoon.
Local police and State Police troopers arrived at the 1320 Altamont Ave. store around 3 p.m. Saturday. The entrance to the store was blocked off with barrier tape.
The Rotterdam Police Department confirmed that shots were fired, that no officer was involved in the shooting and that there were no known injuries. Complete article
A 24-year-old suspect was eventually taken into custody after police said he shot at Walmart loss prevention officers in the store's parking lot.
ROTTERDAM — Police said a shoplifting suspect fired at Walmart security guards as he was attempting to flee the scene at the Altamont Avenue store Saturday afternoon.
Local police and State Police troopers arrived at the 1320 Altamont Ave. store around 3 p.m. Saturday. The entrance to the store was blocked off with barrier tape.
The Rotterdam Police Department confirmed that shots were fired, that no officer was involved in the shooting and that there were no known injuries. Complete article
Watch: Greendale Walmart robbery chase ends in Milwaukee 12/14/2024
Deputies arrested a 21-year-old woman. She is facing multiple charges, including robbery, burglary and fleeing an officer.
GREENDALE, Wis. — WISN 12 News has obtained new video from the Greendale Police Department of a chase that occurred on Dec. 13 and ended in Milwaukee.
Investigators tell 12 News the chase started after they responded to a report of a robbery at the Walmart near 76th Street and Grange Avenue in Greendale.
The chase ended when the driver crashed into another vehicle near 76th Street and Capitol Drive around 1 a.m. Friday.
Deputies arrested a 21-year-old woman. She is facing multiple charges, including robbery, burglary and fleeing an officer. Complete article
Deputies arrested a 21-year-old woman. She is facing multiple charges, including robbery, burglary and fleeing an officer.
GREENDALE, Wis. — WISN 12 News has obtained new video from the Greendale Police Department of a chase that occurred on Dec. 13 and ended in Milwaukee.
Investigators tell 12 News the chase started after they responded to a report of a robbery at the Walmart near 76th Street and Grange Avenue in Greendale.
The chase ended when the driver crashed into another vehicle near 76th Street and Capitol Drive around 1 a.m. Friday.
Deputies arrested a 21-year-old woman. She is facing multiple charges, including robbery, burglary and fleeing an officer. Complete article
Fire inside Walmart ruled arson, Goshen Ind. Police say 12/15/2024
GOSHEN, Ind. (WSBT) — An investigation is underway after a fire was started inside a Walmart in Goshen this weekend.
Police say an employee reported the fire inside the front bathroom Saturday afternoon at the Walmart on Lincolnway East.
No one was injured, and the fire was extinguished. Complete article
GOSHEN, Ind. (WSBT) — An investigation is underway after a fire was started inside a Walmart in Goshen this weekend.
Police say an employee reported the fire inside the front bathroom Saturday afternoon at the Walmart on Lincolnway East.
No one was injured, and the fire was extinguished. Complete article
‘Fast Track Recall’ for holiday devices sold at Walmart, Target 12/14/2024
(WJW) — It’s less than two weeks before Christmas and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced a ‘Fast Track Recall‘ on about 45,000 decorative tree light controllers sold nationwide at popular retailers, like Walmart, Target, and Cracker Barrel stores, after receiving multiple reports of the device overheating, including one report of a fire.
According to the alert, the recall issued on Dec. 12 involves Mr. Christmas wireless decorative tree light controllers. The decorative controller contains two parts: a lever or a switch that can be pulled to turn the holiday lights on or off, and a separate white receiver that plugs into an outlet and into which the tree’s holiday lights are plugged. The recall states the wireless receiver that plugs into an outlet can overheat, posing a fire hazard.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has received 10 reports of the devices overheating, including one fire, but said no injuries have been reported. Complete article
(WJW) — It’s less than two weeks before Christmas and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced a ‘Fast Track Recall‘ on about 45,000 decorative tree light controllers sold nationwide at popular retailers, like Walmart, Target, and Cracker Barrel stores, after receiving multiple reports of the device overheating, including one report of a fire.
According to the alert, the recall issued on Dec. 12 involves Mr. Christmas wireless decorative tree light controllers. The decorative controller contains two parts: a lever or a switch that can be pulled to turn the holiday lights on or off, and a separate white receiver that plugs into an outlet and into which the tree’s holiday lights are plugged. The recall states the wireless receiver that plugs into an outlet can overheat, posing a fire hazard.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has received 10 reports of the devices overheating, including one fire, but said no injuries have been reported. Complete article
Granola bars recalled from Walmart, Target, Publix and others. Some bars had metal 12/11/2024
Whether you like your granola bars crunchy or chewy, it shouldn’t have a piece of metal, which is why one brand has been recalled in the United States, Canada and other countries.
This latest not-food-in-your-food recall comes from MadeGood, which pulled 11 varieties of granola bars and the MadeGood Variety Pack.
“The piece of metal is a small, flat brush bristle, and highly unlikely to be present in our products,” MadeGood’s website release said. “We received seven complaints out of the hundreds of millions of bars sold, and no injuries have been reported.” Complete article
Whether you like your granola bars crunchy or chewy, it shouldn’t have a piece of metal, which is why one brand has been recalled in the United States, Canada and other countries.
This latest not-food-in-your-food recall comes from MadeGood, which pulled 11 varieties of granola bars and the MadeGood Variety Pack.
“The piece of metal is a small, flat brush bristle, and highly unlikely to be present in our products,” MadeGood’s website release said. “We received seven complaints out of the hundreds of millions of bars sold, and no injuries have been reported.” Complete article
Stanley just recalled 2.6M popular tumblers sold at Amazon, Walmart and Target after 38 burn incidents 12/12/2024
Stanley is recalling two of its popular tumblers sold at retailers nationwide, such as Amazon, Walmart, Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods, due to a potential burn risk.
Stanley is recalling 2.6 million Switchback and Trigger Action Travel Mugs sold in the U.S., according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The company has found that when the mugs are exposed to heat and torque, the lid threads can shrink, causing the lid to come off and cause a burn hazard. Complete article
Stanley is recalling two of its popular tumblers sold at retailers nationwide, such as Amazon, Walmart, Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods, due to a potential burn risk.
Stanley is recalling 2.6 million Switchback and Trigger Action Travel Mugs sold in the U.S., according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The company has found that when the mugs are exposed to heat and torque, the lid threads can shrink, causing the lid to come off and cause a burn hazard. Complete article
Walmart warns: the use of cards will be prohibited at all branches in the country for the payment of these services and products 12/15/2024
Knowing which payment method are accepted at Walmart’s different branches is essential for all frequent customers. Among the most outstanding are the supermarket chain’s gift cards. However, they cannot be used for any transaction. This was confirmed by the company itself, which prohibited the use of these cards to pay for this famous service.
Although gift cards are a common payment alternative, Walmart has decided to ban them for some transactional processes. On its official website, the supermarket chain specifies the items and services for which this payment tool cannot be used. ....
Walmart’s prohibitions on the use of gift cards
Although there are several companies operating in Walmart stores, gift cards are not always received at all Walmart stores. This may be due to a merchant agreement or because they are independent of the company. For example, they are not allowed to be used to pay for eye exams at any eye center, even those owned by the company.
Walmart gift cards also may not be used to purchase hair salon products or services. Nor can they be used to pay for money orders or purchase products from a photo studio. Complete article
Knowing which payment method are accepted at Walmart’s different branches is essential for all frequent customers. Among the most outstanding are the supermarket chain’s gift cards. However, they cannot be used for any transaction. This was confirmed by the company itself, which prohibited the use of these cards to pay for this famous service.
Although gift cards are a common payment alternative, Walmart has decided to ban them for some transactional processes. On its official website, the supermarket chain specifies the items and services for which this payment tool cannot be used. ....
Walmart’s prohibitions on the use of gift cards
Although there are several companies operating in Walmart stores, gift cards are not always received at all Walmart stores. This may be due to a merchant agreement or because they are independent of the company. For example, they are not allowed to be used to pay for eye exams at any eye center, even those owned by the company.
Walmart gift cards also may not be used to purchase hair salon products or services. Nor can they be used to pay for money orders or purchase products from a photo studio. Complete article
‘Native ain’t even that good’: Walmart shopper notices something strange about shampoos on shelf. Is it a safety measure? 12/15/2024
‘They literally locked everything in our Walmart.’
A shopper points out a new security measure at Walmart, noting its similarity with a viral TikTok sound.
In a video with over 3.4 million views, TikToker Aksel (@glizzy_bob18) shares a clip of them opening a plastic cover on a row of Native shampoo bottles at Walmart.
As soon as they lift the cover, a repetitive sound begins to play—likely to alert store associates that someone is removing a product from the shelf.
On-screen text reads, “Is this Darius?” Complete article
‘They literally locked everything in our Walmart.’
A shopper points out a new security measure at Walmart, noting its similarity with a viral TikTok sound.
In a video with over 3.4 million views, TikToker Aksel (@glizzy_bob18) shares a clip of them opening a plastic cover on a row of Native shampoo bottles at Walmart.
As soon as they lift the cover, a repetitive sound begins to play—likely to alert store associates that someone is removing a product from the shelf.
On-screen text reads, “Is this Darius?” Complete article
VIDEO: Carson City Nevada Sheriff’s Office seeks ID in Walmart theft 12/12/2024
Windham police seek help identifying woman in Walmart incident 12/13/2024
Man convicted of Feb. 2023 Mililani Walmart attempted murder 12/13/2024
Suspected Fla. Walmart shoplifter tells cops he’s been having ‘money issues’ 12/14/2024
Caught on camera: Walmart fraud and larceny cases in Moore County, NC police say 12/14/2024
The 10 Most Stolen Items from Walmart in Massachusetts 12/15/2024
Reports: $4,000+ worth of Lego sets stolen from Gastonia NC Walmart 12/16/2024
Carson City Nevada Walmart theft suspects sought 12/15/2024
Mother protects child from attempted kidnapping in NC Walmart parking lot: Hoke County Sheriff 12/17/2024
RAEFORD, N.C. (WNCN) — A child was saved by their mother from being taken by a strange man in dark clothing out of a Walmart parking lot in Raeford, deputies said.
According to the Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, which is investigating the incident, deputies were called around 6:30 p.m. Monday to the parking lot of the Walmart on 4545 Fayetteville Road.
As deputies describe, the mother and child were in the parking lot when the man “attempted to reach inside of the vehicle where the child was.” Complete article
RAEFORD, N.C. (WNCN) — A child was saved by their mother from being taken by a strange man in dark clothing out of a Walmart parking lot in Raeford, deputies said.
According to the Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, which is investigating the incident, deputies were called around 6:30 p.m. Monday to the parking lot of the Walmart on 4545 Fayetteville Road.
As deputies describe, the mother and child were in the parking lot when the man “attempted to reach inside of the vehicle where the child was.” Complete article
Wanted Bowling Green man arrested after police scuffle at Ky. Walmart 12/17/2024
BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - Police have arrested a man on a slew of charges after they say he committed a string of crimes in Warren County.
On Monday, Dec. 16, the Bowling Green Police Department responded to Walmart on Morgantown Road after asset protection notified officers of a subject believed to be Ramo Mujic, 30, of Bowling Green, according to an arrest citation obtained by WBKO.
Police say Mujic was wanted on multiple felony warrants and was a suspect in several recent cases, including burglary, automobile theft and mail theft, which were jointly investigated by the Bowling Green Police Department and the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. Complete article
BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - Police have arrested a man on a slew of charges after they say he committed a string of crimes in Warren County.
On Monday, Dec. 16, the Bowling Green Police Department responded to Walmart on Morgantown Road after asset protection notified officers of a subject believed to be Ramo Mujic, 30, of Bowling Green, according to an arrest citation obtained by WBKO.
Police say Mujic was wanted on multiple felony warrants and was a suspect in several recent cases, including burglary, automobile theft and mail theft, which were jointly investigated by the Bowling Green Police Department and the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. Complete article
Suspected jewelry thief tasered after fleeing Fla. Walmart in The Villages 12/16/2024
A shoplifting suspect was tasered after fleeing a Walmart in The Villages.
Eric Paul Clemente, 35, of Floral City, was spotted removing jewelry from a locked case at about 10:30 p.m. Thursday at the Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Plaza, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. The jewelry was being pulled through a small crack at the edge of the door of the display cabinet. Clemente was said to have concealed the jewelry in his pocket and headed for the exit.
A deputy spotted Clemente and ordered him to halt. The deputy warned Clemente would be tasered if he did not stop. Clemente started running and was tasered. He fell to the ground and was taken into custody. Complete article
A shoplifting suspect was tasered after fleeing a Walmart in The Villages.
Eric Paul Clemente, 35, of Floral City, was spotted removing jewelry from a locked case at about 10:30 p.m. Thursday at the Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Plaza, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. The jewelry was being pulled through a small crack at the edge of the door of the display cabinet. Clemente was said to have concealed the jewelry in his pocket and headed for the exit.
A deputy spotted Clemente and ordered him to halt. The deputy warned Clemente would be tasered if he did not stop. Clemente started running and was tasered. He fell to the ground and was taken into custody. Complete article
Workers inside some Walmarts wear body cameras 12/17/2024
Employees at some Walmart locations across the U.S. are wearing body cameras, with Walmart InHome delivery workers sporting the devices while dropping off goods.
Some customers and employees noticed the camera rollout the past few months.
A shopper at the Denton, Texas, store shared a photo of the camera with CNBC. A Walmart spokesperson told the network that “we are always looking at new and innovative technology used across the retail industry. This is a pilot we are testing in one market, and we will evaluate the results before making any longer-term decisions.” Complete article
Walmart testing move that could provide up close and personal video of unruly customers 12/18/2024
Walmart Is Using Body Cams to Force Employees to Snitch on Shoplifters 12/22/2024 In fact, a couple of things they’ve been testing out, like surge prices, are openly hostile to its customers. The latest hostile move the retail giant has been testing out with a pilot program at select US locations is body cams. That’s right, Walmart is outfitting its employees with bodycams like they’re cops.
Employees at some Walmart locations across the U.S. are wearing body cameras, with Walmart InHome delivery workers sporting the devices while dropping off goods.
Some customers and employees noticed the camera rollout the past few months.
A shopper at the Denton, Texas, store shared a photo of the camera with CNBC. A Walmart spokesperson told the network that “we are always looking at new and innovative technology used across the retail industry. This is a pilot we are testing in one market, and we will evaluate the results before making any longer-term decisions.” Complete article
Walmart testing move that could provide up close and personal video of unruly customers 12/18/2024
Walmart Is Using Body Cams to Force Employees to Snitch on Shoplifters 12/22/2024 In fact, a couple of things they’ve been testing out, like surge prices, are openly hostile to its customers. The latest hostile move the retail giant has been testing out with a pilot program at select US locations is body cams. That’s right, Walmart is outfitting its employees with bodycams like they’re cops.
Seneca Falls man arrested for theft, drug possession at NY Walmart 12/16/2024
Queensbury couple accused of stealing from Wilton NY Walmart 12/16/2024
Ogdensburg woman charged with felony at Potsdam NY Walmart 12/17/2024
Walmart defends pullback on DEI while investors and leaders debate its effects on performance 12/16/2024
Man arrested for early morning shooting at Tx. Walmart on JBS parkway 12/17/2024
ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - Odessa Police have arrested Marcus Thomas, 35, after an early morning shooting and chase on Tuesday, December 17.
According to OPD, officers responded to the Walmart on JBS Parkway in Odessa because there were reports of shots fired. When police arrived at about 3:42 a.m., Thomas drove away in a GMC pickup truck.
Ector County Sheriff’s Office deputies found the truck and chased Thomas into Midland County, where he was caught and arrested.
There was damage to the Walmart property and a parked car, but no injuries were reported. Complete article
New details on Tuesday's Odessa Walmart shooting 12/18/2024 A man has been arrested after a shooting early Tuesday morning in Ector County, suspect injured in pursuit after being bit by K-9 dog.
ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - Odessa Police have arrested Marcus Thomas, 35, after an early morning shooting and chase on Tuesday, December 17.
According to OPD, officers responded to the Walmart on JBS Parkway in Odessa because there were reports of shots fired. When police arrived at about 3:42 a.m., Thomas drove away in a GMC pickup truck.
Ector County Sheriff’s Office deputies found the truck and chased Thomas into Midland County, where he was caught and arrested.
There was damage to the Walmart property and a parked car, but no injuries were reported. Complete article
New details on Tuesday's Odessa Walmart shooting 12/18/2024 A man has been arrested after a shooting early Tuesday morning in Ector County, suspect injured in pursuit after being bit by K-9 dog.
3 wanted after couple threatened with knife at Murfreesboro Tenn. Walmart 12/18/2024
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WKRN) — Officers with the Murfreesboro Police Department are searching for three men who allegedly threatened a couple with a knife multiple times at Walmart.
On Tuesday, Dec. 3, a couple was reportedly approached by the men in the parking lot of the Walmart store on South Rutherford Boulevard.
The victims told detectives one of the men threatened them with a knife in the parking lot.
The couple told officers once they were inside the store, the men approached them and threatened them with a knife again. Complete article
Fear in the Aisles as Walmart Parking Lot Altercation Moves Inside, Sparking Safety Concerns. 12/18/2024 UPDATE: NO CHARGES FILED Although the current investigation has concluded with the identification of the individuals, portions of the community likely remain concerned about safety as few details on why the case came to an abrupt close were released.
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WKRN) — Officers with the Murfreesboro Police Department are searching for three men who allegedly threatened a couple with a knife multiple times at Walmart.
On Tuesday, Dec. 3, a couple was reportedly approached by the men in the parking lot of the Walmart store on South Rutherford Boulevard.
The victims told detectives one of the men threatened them with a knife in the parking lot.
The couple told officers once they were inside the store, the men approached them and threatened them with a knife again. Complete article
Fear in the Aisles as Walmart Parking Lot Altercation Moves Inside, Sparking Safety Concerns. 12/18/2024 UPDATE: NO CHARGES FILED Although the current investigation has concluded with the identification of the individuals, portions of the community likely remain concerned about safety as few details on why the case came to an abrupt close were released.
MCSO investigating hit-and-run in Alabama Walmart parking lot 12/18/2024
HAZEL GREEN, Ala. (WHNT) — The Madison County Sheriff’s office is investigating a hit-and-run that happened in the Walmart parking lot Saturday morning.
According to MCSO, the incident happened on Dec. 14 at around 5:50 a.m. in the Walmart parking lot located at 14595 Highway 231-431 in Hazel Green.
Police said a silver vehicle, either a silver Nissan Altima or a Maxima with heavy front-end damage, hit a white vehicle that was driven by a Walmart employee. Complete article
HAZEL GREEN, Ala. (WHNT) — The Madison County Sheriff’s office is investigating a hit-and-run that happened in the Walmart parking lot Saturday morning.
According to MCSO, the incident happened on Dec. 14 at around 5:50 a.m. in the Walmart parking lot located at 14595 Highway 231-431 in Hazel Green.
Police said a silver vehicle, either a silver Nissan Altima or a Maxima with heavy front-end damage, hit a white vehicle that was driven by a Walmart employee. Complete article
3 hospitalized following crash near Walmart plaza in Westfield Mass. 12/19/2024
WESTFIELD, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) - Three people were taken to the hospital after a car crash Wednesday night in Westfield.
The collision happened on Springfield Road around 6:30 p.m. right at the lights at the Walmart entrance.
Officials say a car was pulling out of the Walmart Plaza with a green light when another car traveling eastbound ran the red light and crashed into the car pulling out.
This also caused a third car to be hit as well. Complete article
WESTFIELD, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) - Three people were taken to the hospital after a car crash Wednesday night in Westfield.
The collision happened on Springfield Road around 6:30 p.m. right at the lights at the Walmart entrance.
Officials say a car was pulling out of the Walmart Plaza with a green light when another car traveling eastbound ran the red light and crashed into the car pulling out.
This also caused a third car to be hit as well. Complete article
Dog attacks 3-year-old in Vancouver Wash. Walmart, owner flees scene 12/18/2024
VANCOUVER, Wash. — A three-year-old boy is recovering after family members said a dog bit him inside a Vancouver Walmart store.
The incident occurred Tuesday around 8 p.m. at the Walmart near Interstate 205 and Mill Plain Boulevard. Andrew Wegener said the dog bit his son Jameson's face, requiring doctors to stitch his lip back together.
"He'll never look the same as he did before," Wegener said.
Wegener said he wasn't present during the attack but his 17-year-old son Jeremiah White was there with White's 19-year-old cousin and Wegener's six-year-old stepson.
"That was very traumatic," White said. "My 6-year-old brother was screaming his head off, screaming his little brother was hurt. Very traumatic." Complete article
VANCOUVER, Wash. — A three-year-old boy is recovering after family members said a dog bit him inside a Vancouver Walmart store.
The incident occurred Tuesday around 8 p.m. at the Walmart near Interstate 205 and Mill Plain Boulevard. Andrew Wegener said the dog bit his son Jameson's face, requiring doctors to stitch his lip back together.
"He'll never look the same as he did before," Wegener said.
Wegener said he wasn't present during the attack but his 17-year-old son Jeremiah White was there with White's 19-year-old cousin and Wegener's six-year-old stepson.
"That was very traumatic," White said. "My 6-year-old brother was screaming his head off, screaming his little brother was hurt. Very traumatic." Complete article
Tempe, Mesa Ariz. police investigating video showing man spraying bug killer on Walmart food 12/20/2024
TEMPE, AZ — Tempe police say they are actively investigating after a video was posted online showing a man spraying open foods with bug spray at a Walmart store.
ABC15 was made aware of the social media video Friday morning. It shows a man holding a can of Hot Shot bug spray that he appears to spray on a variety of foods at a grocery store, including fresh produce and prepared chicken.
The video appears to have since been deleted but is making rounds on other websites.
Officials say they are "very much aware of this individual" and that the incident is under investigation. Complete article
Man arrested after posting video online of himself spraying bug killer on Walmart food 12/21/2024
TEMPE, AZ — Tempe police say they are actively investigating after a video was posted online showing a man spraying open foods with bug spray at a Walmart store.
ABC15 was made aware of the social media video Friday morning. It shows a man holding a can of Hot Shot bug spray that he appears to spray on a variety of foods at a grocery store, including fresh produce and prepared chicken.
The video appears to have since been deleted but is making rounds on other websites.
Officials say they are "very much aware of this individual" and that the incident is under investigation. Complete article
Man arrested after posting video online of himself spraying bug killer on Walmart food 12/21/2024
Card skimmers found at a Walmart in Luzerne County, Pa., police release images of suspect 12/19/2024
Police say the devices were found at registers, not at self-checkout machines.
WILKES-BARRE TOWNSHIP, Pa. — An investigation is underway after skimming devices were discovered at a store in Luzerne County.
Wilkes-Barre Township police say two skimming devices, which can capture and store card information, were found at Walmart.
Walmart reported to police after locating the skimmers at registers 11 and 12. These are registers that are manned by a cashier, not self-check-out machines. Complete article
Police say the devices were found at registers, not at self-checkout machines.
WILKES-BARRE TOWNSHIP, Pa. — An investigation is underway after skimming devices were discovered at a store in Luzerne County.
Wilkes-Barre Township police say two skimming devices, which can capture and store card information, were found at Walmart.
Walmart reported to police after locating the skimmers at registers 11 and 12. These are registers that are manned by a cashier, not self-check-out machines. Complete article
Skunk found at Stillwater Walmart tests positive for rabies 12/19/2024
STILLWATER, OK (KOKH) — According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), a skunk found in the parking lot of Walmart in Stillwater tested positive for rabies.
OSDH is urging anyone who may have come into contact with the skunk in the parking lot or surrounding area on or around Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024, to contact the OSDH Epidemiologist-on-Call at 405-426-8710 for a rabies risk assessment.
“We need individuals who may have come into contact with a skunk in this area to call the Epi-On-Call as soon as possible,” said Kelli Rader, the Regional Administrative Director for the Payne County Health Department. “Rabies is serious and is deadly if rabies-specific medical care is not received before symptoms start.”
This is the fourth animal to test positive for rabies in Payne County since the beginning of November. Complete article
STILLWATER, OK (KOKH) — According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), a skunk found in the parking lot of Walmart in Stillwater tested positive for rabies.
OSDH is urging anyone who may have come into contact with the skunk in the parking lot or surrounding area on or around Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024, to contact the OSDH Epidemiologist-on-Call at 405-426-8710 for a rabies risk assessment.
“We need individuals who may have come into contact with a skunk in this area to call the Epi-On-Call as soon as possible,” said Kelli Rader, the Regional Administrative Director for the Payne County Health Department. “Rabies is serious and is deadly if rabies-specific medical care is not received before symptoms start.”
This is the fourth animal to test positive for rabies in Payne County since the beginning of November. Complete article
Walmart Customer Said The Store’s Website Misled Her About A Product She Wanted To Buy 12/19/2024
There’s nothing worse than getting totally excited about buying something…and then finding out it’s not available when you get to the store.
That’s what happened to a woman named Nache and she posted a video on TikTok to talk about her frustrating experience.
Nache said she checked Walmart’s website to see if a $100 vanity she’d seen on TikTok was at a store near her…and she was told it was out of stock.
She went to the Walmart store anyway to take a look and she was surprised that three of the vanities was right there in front of her. Complete article
There’s nothing worse than getting totally excited about buying something…and then finding out it’s not available when you get to the store.
That’s what happened to a woman named Nache and she posted a video on TikTok to talk about her frustrating experience.
Nache said she checked Walmart’s website to see if a $100 vanity she’d seen on TikTok was at a store near her…and she was told it was out of stock.
She went to the Walmart store anyway to take a look and she was surprised that three of the vanities was right there in front of her. Complete article
Seneca Falls man arrested for shoplifting and conspiracy at NY Walmart 12/17/2024
67-year-old steals over $20,000 of merchandise from multiple Walmart stores, Fairhope police say 12/16/2024 It is reported that Mahan has also stolen from other Walmart stores in Alabama, Florida and Louisiana.
Identity of off-duty CCISD officer involved in Westside Corpus Christi Tx. Walmart shooting released 12/16/2024 CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The off-duty Corpus Christi Independent School District officer involved in a deadly shooting at a Westside Walmart has been identified. Sergeant Andrea Bucher was working as a security guard when the incident occurred.
Group shoplifts items from South Carolina Walmart, goes on to commit other crime, police say 12/17/2024 "Also one of you decided to skip scan the blue paint (not to worry, we know which of you did that). On another note, we also have the name of one of the cards that you decided to use to make one of the purchases with."
Woman shot, killed at bank inside Lumberton NC Walmart, police say 12/20/2024
Officers said bystanders were attempting to provide "life-saving measures" on the woman when they arrived, but she later died at a local hospital.
A woman is dead Friday evening after a shooting at a Walmart in Robeson County.
According to Lumberton City Council member John Cantey Jr., a 42-year-old woman was shot and killed at a Walmart on the 5000 block of Fayetteville Road in Lumberton.
Police officers told WRAL News they responded to the shots fired call around 3:45 p.m. When they and other agencies arrived, they found the woman with a gunshot wound at the Woodforest Bank inside the Walmart. Complete article
Innocent North Carolina woman shot dead in Walmart bank as shooters spot 'targets' waiting in line 12/23/2024
18-year-old suspect in deadly Lumberton Walmart shooting turns himself in; 17-year-old still at large 12/24/2024
17-year-old gunman killed woman in line at Walmart ‘to incite fear,’ NC cops say 12/24/2024
Officers said bystanders were attempting to provide "life-saving measures" on the woman when they arrived, but she later died at a local hospital.
A woman is dead Friday evening after a shooting at a Walmart in Robeson County.
According to Lumberton City Council member John Cantey Jr., a 42-year-old woman was shot and killed at a Walmart on the 5000 block of Fayetteville Road in Lumberton.
Police officers told WRAL News they responded to the shots fired call around 3:45 p.m. When they and other agencies arrived, they found the woman with a gunshot wound at the Woodforest Bank inside the Walmart. Complete article
Innocent North Carolina woman shot dead in Walmart bank as shooters spot 'targets' waiting in line 12/23/2024
18-year-old suspect in deadly Lumberton Walmart shooting turns himself in; 17-year-old still at large 12/24/2024
17-year-old gunman killed woman in line at Walmart ‘to incite fear,’ NC cops say 12/24/2024
Union County man charged after shooting person at Walmart in Halls Tenn. 12/20/2024
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) - Emergency crews responded to the Walmart in Halls Friday afternoon after a person was shot.
Just after 4 p.m., court documents say officers arrived on the scene and spoke with a witness who said four men were arguing in the grocery section of the store when it turned into a physical altercation and ended with the suspect, identified as 23-year-old Joshua Bailey, of Luttrell, shooting the victim.
Bailey, who had been detained, told officers he and another man went to Walmart to get tires on his vehicle and saw the victim and another men purchasing ammunition in the automotive. He said he had a history of conflict with the victim, and a verbal argument involving all four quickly turned into a physical altercation on the grocery side of the store. Court records say Bailey then pulled a gun and fired one shot at the victim, hitting him in the hip. Complete article
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) - Emergency crews responded to the Walmart in Halls Friday afternoon after a person was shot.
Just after 4 p.m., court documents say officers arrived on the scene and spoke with a witness who said four men were arguing in the grocery section of the store when it turned into a physical altercation and ended with the suspect, identified as 23-year-old Joshua Bailey, of Luttrell, shooting the victim.
Bailey, who had been detained, told officers he and another man went to Walmart to get tires on his vehicle and saw the victim and another men purchasing ammunition in the automotive. He said he had a history of conflict with the victim, and a verbal argument involving all four quickly turned into a physical altercation on the grocery side of the store. Court records say Bailey then pulled a gun and fired one shot at the victim, hitting him in the hip. Complete article
Woman seriously injured in hit-and-run near Fargo ND Walmart 12/23/2024
FARGO — Police are asking for the public's help locating a driver after a woman was seriously injured in a hit-and-run early Monday, Dec. 23.
A 36-year-old woman was crossing 38th Street South at 53rd Avenue South just before 6:30 a.m., near the south Fargo Walmart, when a vehicle hit her and fled from the scene, the North Dakota Highway Patrol told WDAY News.
A portion of 38th Street South was blocked off as police investigated the scene. The main entrance to Walmart, 3757 55th Ave. S., was also blocked off.
It is believed the vehicle was a light-colored Dodge Charger, police said. The vehicle has damage to the driver's side front headlight, bumper and quarter panel, according to the North Dakota Highway Patrol. Complete article
Pedestrian dies after hit-and-run near Fargo Walmart, driver arrested 12/23/2024
FARGO — Police are asking for the public's help locating a driver after a woman was seriously injured in a hit-and-run early Monday, Dec. 23.
A 36-year-old woman was crossing 38th Street South at 53rd Avenue South just before 6:30 a.m., near the south Fargo Walmart, when a vehicle hit her and fled from the scene, the North Dakota Highway Patrol told WDAY News.
A portion of 38th Street South was blocked off as police investigated the scene. The main entrance to Walmart, 3757 55th Ave. S., was also blocked off.
It is believed the vehicle was a light-colored Dodge Charger, police said. The vehicle has damage to the driver's side front headlight, bumper and quarter panel, according to the North Dakota Highway Patrol. Complete article
Pedestrian dies after hit-and-run near Fargo Walmart, driver arrested 12/23/2024
Off-duty officer assaulted at Tenn. Walmart, report says 12/22/2024
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - On Saturday afternoon, just before 4:30 p.m., officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department were called to the Walmart at 5824 Nolensville Pike.
When officers arrived, they spoke with Officer Daniel Bruington, who stated he was an off-duty Weakley County officer working an extra job. He said he tried to stop a man from stealing tires.
An employee saw the suspect, Glenn Hancock, walk outside with three tires totaling around $266.62 without paying for the items, according to the report.
Officer Bruington said while he was attempting to confront Hancock, Hancock assaulted him. Complete article
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - On Saturday afternoon, just before 4:30 p.m., officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department were called to the Walmart at 5824 Nolensville Pike.
When officers arrived, they spoke with Officer Daniel Bruington, who stated he was an off-duty Weakley County officer working an extra job. He said he tried to stop a man from stealing tires.
An employee saw the suspect, Glenn Hancock, walk outside with three tires totaling around $266.62 without paying for the items, according to the report.
Officer Bruington said while he was attempting to confront Hancock, Hancock assaulted him. Complete article
CFPB Sues Walmart, Fintech Partner for Illegal Account Openings 12/23/2024
(Bloomberg) -- Walmart Inc. and one of its financial technology partners allegedly opened expensive bank accounts for delivery drivers without their consent, a US consumer protection agency said on Monday.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau claimed that Walmart and Branch Messenger Inc. required the delivery drivers to be paid through costly accounts. The agency sued the two companies in the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, according to a statement.
“Walmart made false promises, illegally opened accounts, and took advantage of more than a million delivery drivers,” CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said.
Neither Walmart nor Branch Messenger immediately responded to a request for comment. Complete article
The US sues Walmart over $10 million in fees charged to delivery drivers 12/23/2024 The lawsuit alleges drivers were told they had no choice but to use specific accounts to get paid, and misled them about the speed of accessing their pay
(Bloomberg) -- Walmart Inc. and one of its financial technology partners allegedly opened expensive bank accounts for delivery drivers without their consent, a US consumer protection agency said on Monday.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau claimed that Walmart and Branch Messenger Inc. required the delivery drivers to be paid through costly accounts. The agency sued the two companies in the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, according to a statement.
“Walmart made false promises, illegally opened accounts, and took advantage of more than a million delivery drivers,” CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said.
Neither Walmart nor Branch Messenger immediately responded to a request for comment. Complete article
The US sues Walmart over $10 million in fees charged to delivery drivers 12/23/2024 The lawsuit alleges drivers were told they had no choice but to use specific accounts to get paid, and misled them about the speed of accessing their pay
Centre Man Jailed for Repeatedly Stealing from West Rome Ga. Walmart 12/19/2024
15 hilarious ‘Walmart memes’ and moments straight out of the trash 12/18/2024
Caregiver used dementia patient's credit card for Utah Door Dash, Walmart purchases, police say 12/19/2024
Nanjemoy Man Indicted for False Bomb Threat at St. Mary’s County Md. Walmart 12/1/2024
Arson suspect caught at Va. Wal-Mart in connection to Henrico car wash fire 12/20/2024
UPDATE: 1 injured in Christmas Eve shooting at Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard in Clarksville Tenn. 12/24/2024
Update, 7:15 p.m.: Detectives have charged 19-year-old Labron Gibson with four counts of aggravated assault. Investigators determined he was the primary aggressor in the incident, during which he displayed a firearm. The second individual involved acted in defense of his family, Beaubien said.
Gibson sustained multiple gunshot wounds, which were non-life-threatening. He remains hospitalized and will be transferred to the Montgomery County Jail upon his discharge. ......
Update, 1:30 p.m.: One person was injured in the shooting, according to police spokesman Officer Scott Beaubien. That person drove to Tennova Healthcare, and the injury does not appear to be life-threatening.
Police responded to Walmart, 1680 Fort Campbell Blvd., after receiving several 911 calls. Officers quickly entered the business and systematically cleared it, making sure the shooter was not still inside. “This is not an active shooter situation,” Beaubien said. Anyone with information is asked to call 911.
CLARKSVILLE, TN (CLARKSVILLE NOW) – Several shots were fired inside the Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on Christmas Eve. At about 12:45 p.m., three shots were heard coming from the grocery freezer area, according to people who were inside the store at the time.
Amid yells of “Shots fired!” people panicked and rushed out the main and emergency doors, setting off alarms in the store. The store has been evacuated. Complete article
Two individuals discharge firearms inside Clarksville Walmart during argument, one injured 12/24/2024
In Tenn. Walmart Christmas Eve shooting, 19-year-old held gun to woman’s head, threatened to kill 2 children 01/03/2025
Clarksville Walmart shooter threatened to kill a family, court records show 01/04/2025
Update, 7:15 p.m.: Detectives have charged 19-year-old Labron Gibson with four counts of aggravated assault. Investigators determined he was the primary aggressor in the incident, during which he displayed a firearm. The second individual involved acted in defense of his family, Beaubien said.
Gibson sustained multiple gunshot wounds, which were non-life-threatening. He remains hospitalized and will be transferred to the Montgomery County Jail upon his discharge. ......
Update, 1:30 p.m.: One person was injured in the shooting, according to police spokesman Officer Scott Beaubien. That person drove to Tennova Healthcare, and the injury does not appear to be life-threatening.
Police responded to Walmart, 1680 Fort Campbell Blvd., after receiving several 911 calls. Officers quickly entered the business and systematically cleared it, making sure the shooter was not still inside. “This is not an active shooter situation,” Beaubien said. Anyone with information is asked to call 911.
CLARKSVILLE, TN (CLARKSVILLE NOW) – Several shots were fired inside the Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on Christmas Eve. At about 12:45 p.m., three shots were heard coming from the grocery freezer area, according to people who were inside the store at the time.
Amid yells of “Shots fired!” people panicked and rushed out the main and emergency doors, setting off alarms in the store. The store has been evacuated. Complete article
Two individuals discharge firearms inside Clarksville Walmart during argument, one injured 12/24/2024
In Tenn. Walmart Christmas Eve shooting, 19-year-old held gun to woman’s head, threatened to kill 2 children 01/03/2025
Clarksville Walmart shooter threatened to kill a family, court records show 01/04/2025
Walmart machete man arrested at gunpoint: cops 12/25/2024
An erratic man armed with a machete was arrested in the Walmart parking lot at gunpoint on Friday, Maricopa Police Department reports.
William J. Elliott, 56, faces charges of aggravated assault, resisting arrest and two counts of disorderly conduct, according to a probable cause statement obtained by InMaricopa.
Cops responded to The Wells plaza on a report that Elliot was fighting another man, Sean Pardo. Another 911 caller told dispatchers that Elliot was chasing Pardo with a machete toward the Walmart entrance.
Elliot was reportedly yelling and waving his arms when responding officers took him into custody at gunpoint.
Pardo told officers that the exchange began when he asked Elliot for cigarettes. Needless to say, Elliott did not field the solicitation gracefully, according to the authorities and a witness, Carlos Gutierrez-Villalba. Complete article
An erratic man armed with a machete was arrested in the Walmart parking lot at gunpoint on Friday, Maricopa Police Department reports.
William J. Elliott, 56, faces charges of aggravated assault, resisting arrest and two counts of disorderly conduct, according to a probable cause statement obtained by InMaricopa.
Cops responded to The Wells plaza on a report that Elliot was fighting another man, Sean Pardo. Another 911 caller told dispatchers that Elliot was chasing Pardo with a machete toward the Walmart entrance.
Elliot was reportedly yelling and waving his arms when responding officers took him into custody at gunpoint.
Pardo told officers that the exchange began when he asked Elliot for cigarettes. Needless to say, Elliott did not field the solicitation gracefully, according to the authorities and a witness, Carlos Gutierrez-Villalba. Complete article
Walmart delivery driver caught pleasuring himself in Horry County SC woman’s driveway after dropping off groceries, lawsuit claims 12/26/2024
HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WBTW) — A woman has filed a lawsuit in Horry County alleging that she caught a Walmart delivery driver pleasuring himself inside his vehicle in her driveway after dropping off her groceries.
The woman, identified as “Jane Doe” in the complaint to protect her identity, filed the lawsuit on Dec. 19 in Horry County Common Pleas Court. It names Walmart Inc., doing business as Spark Delivery; Wal-Mart Stores East; and the driver, Alvin B. Ortiz.
The alleged incident happened on July 8 at the woman’s home in Intracoastal Waterway community, and Ortiz, 39, was arrested on July 9 and charged with indecent exposure, the lawsuit said. He was released on bond the following day, and his case is still pending, according to court records. Complete article
HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WBTW) — A woman has filed a lawsuit in Horry County alleging that she caught a Walmart delivery driver pleasuring himself inside his vehicle in her driveway after dropping off her groceries.
The woman, identified as “Jane Doe” in the complaint to protect her identity, filed the lawsuit on Dec. 19 in Horry County Common Pleas Court. It names Walmart Inc., doing business as Spark Delivery; Wal-Mart Stores East; and the driver, Alvin B. Ortiz.
The alleged incident happened on July 8 at the woman’s home in Intracoastal Waterway community, and Ortiz, 39, was arrested on July 9 and charged with indecent exposure, the lawsuit said. He was released on bond the following day, and his case is still pending, according to court records. Complete article
Police respond as hundreds of vehicles enter Boonton NJ overnight Sunday morning and converge in a Walmart, parking lot. Three were arrested. 12/23/2024
North Jersey police respond to street takeover, use tire-deflation device to stop car.
Police in Boonton and surrounding towns found themselves wrangling a convoy of hundreds of cars early Sunday morning that descended on the parking lot at the Boonton Plaza Shopping Center, some "recklessly" speeding in what appears to be a nationwide trend of "street takeovers."
Before it was over on a frigid night that saw temperatures drop into the single digits, one of many vehicles — a Dodge Charger showing suspected stolen license plates — fled the scene before being stopped on Route 287 by a tire-deflation device deployed by police.
Capt. Christopher Petonak, the officer in charge of the Boonton Police Department, said the incident did not include violence, gun-waving and other alarming aspects witnessed in other "street takeovers" reported around the nation. He said his officers were successful in breaking up the gathering with minimal resistance from the drivers. Complete article
North Jersey police respond to street takeover, use tire-deflation device to stop car.
Police in Boonton and surrounding towns found themselves wrangling a convoy of hundreds of cars early Sunday morning that descended on the parking lot at the Boonton Plaza Shopping Center, some "recklessly" speeding in what appears to be a nationwide trend of "street takeovers."
Before it was over on a frigid night that saw temperatures drop into the single digits, one of many vehicles — a Dodge Charger showing suspected stolen license plates — fled the scene before being stopped on Route 287 by a tire-deflation device deployed by police.
Capt. Christopher Petonak, the officer in charge of the Boonton Police Department, said the incident did not include violence, gun-waving and other alarming aspects witnessed in other "street takeovers" reported around the nation. He said his officers were successful in breaking up the gathering with minimal resistance from the drivers. Complete article
'Outrageous': Walmart slammed for Sinwar shirts in online store 12/24/2024
The Sinwar shirts have since appeared to have been removed; however, tops featuring former Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah still seem to be available for online purchase.
American retail giant Walmart sparked controversy on Tuesday after shirts praising former Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar appeared to have been available for purchase on its online store.
“@Walmart, are you aware you’re selling apparel celebrating terrorism and violence against Jews?” StopAntisemitism, a nonprofit watchdog organization aimed at exposing and combating antisemitism, said on X/Twitter. “This is outrageous – remove them immediately.” Complete article
The Sinwar shirts have since appeared to have been removed; however, tops featuring former Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah still seem to be available for online purchase.
American retail giant Walmart sparked controversy on Tuesday after shirts praising former Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar appeared to have been available for purchase on its online store.
“@Walmart, are you aware you’re selling apparel celebrating terrorism and violence against Jews?” StopAntisemitism, a nonprofit watchdog organization aimed at exposing and combating antisemitism, said on X/Twitter. “This is outrageous – remove them immediately.” Complete article
The Youngest Walton Son Proposed to Cut His Stake Again in Walmart 12/23/2024
Jim C Walton, a member of the Walton family who founded Walmart (NYSE:WMT), just proposed to sell his Walmart's shares worth $1,120,800,000 on December 20, 2024.
From the current market price of Walmart at $89.36, Jim should dispose about 12,545,000 shares to reach $1,120,800,000.
Jim C. Walton is the youngest son of Walmart co-founder Sam Walton and Helen Walton. As per December 23, 2024, he is the 10% owner of Walmart Inc and own about 3,638,184,467 shares of Walmart stock worth over $325.6 billion making him the 15th-richest person in the world, with a net worth of approximately $92.5 billion. Complete article
Jim C Walton, a member of the Walton family who founded Walmart (NYSE:WMT), just proposed to sell his Walmart's shares worth $1,120,800,000 on December 20, 2024.
From the current market price of Walmart at $89.36, Jim should dispose about 12,545,000 shares to reach $1,120,800,000.
Jim C. Walton is the youngest son of Walmart co-founder Sam Walton and Helen Walton. As per December 23, 2024, he is the 10% owner of Walmart Inc and own about 3,638,184,467 shares of Walmart stock worth over $325.6 billion making him the 15th-richest person in the world, with a net worth of approximately $92.5 billion. Complete article
Sparta woman sentenced for starting a fire at Sparta Wisc. Walmart in Dec. 2023 12/20/2024
Local woman arrested for $400 theft at Pa. Walmart after being identified in security footage 12/23/2024
Sayre Pa. Walmart reopens after morning power outage 12/23/2024
Suspects arrested in 'multi-state Walmart theft ring' after $30k in stolen goods recovered 12/23/2024 The Perry Ga. Police Department announced the arrest of three people linked to a "multi-state theft ring" targeting Walmart and other stores across the southeast.
2 Walmart Shoplifters Captured By Joliet Ill. Police Near Store: English 12/23/2024
Man Arrested for Petit Larceny at NY Walmart; Charged with Forgery After Providing False Identity 12/23/2024
Man arrested for breaking into Santa Fe NM Walmart, causing $25K in damages 12/26/2024
SANTA FE, N.M. – A man is behind bars Thursday evening after causing thousands of dollars worth of damage at a local Walmart.
Santa Fe police say on Christmas Eve, Rodolpho Mendiola broke into a Walmart on Herrera Drive, just off of Cerrillos Road.
Police say he hid in the clothing section while the store was closing, and spent the night filling shopping carts with items he planned to steal.
They say, at one point, he intentionally damaged multiple electronics and display cases. Complete article
SANTA FE, N.M. – A man is behind bars Thursday evening after causing thousands of dollars worth of damage at a local Walmart.
Santa Fe police say on Christmas Eve, Rodolpho Mendiola broke into a Walmart on Herrera Drive, just off of Cerrillos Road.
Police say he hid in the clothing section while the store was closing, and spent the night filling shopping carts with items he planned to steal.
They say, at one point, he intentionally damaged multiple electronics and display cases. Complete article
Man suspected of Idaho Walmart and car burglary on Christmas Eve 12/26/2024
MERIDIAN, Idaho — The Meridian Police Department (MPD) is asking for the public's help to identify a burglary suspect. Police said on Christmas Eve, a man stole an item from the Walmart Supercenter on Fairview and then drove across the street to the Sportsman's Warehouse parking lot where he broke into a woman's car and stole several more things.
The man is described as being in his 40s or 50s, with a dark mustache. He was wearing a black vest, gray beanie and gray shirt and was driving a 2019-2024 Chevrolet Silverado 1500. Police said when the suspect drove to the second parking lot, he waited for the woman to leave her car before breaking in and stealing items.
"The total value of the items stolen from both incidents is estimated at approximately $400. The suspect left the scene shortly before the female victim returned to her car," stated a news release. "The bold and deliberate nature of the suspect's behavior is concerning, as it appears he was watching the victim before committing the break-in." Complete article
MERIDIAN, Idaho — The Meridian Police Department (MPD) is asking for the public's help to identify a burglary suspect. Police said on Christmas Eve, a man stole an item from the Walmart Supercenter on Fairview and then drove across the street to the Sportsman's Warehouse parking lot where he broke into a woman's car and stole several more things.
The man is described as being in his 40s or 50s, with a dark mustache. He was wearing a black vest, gray beanie and gray shirt and was driving a 2019-2024 Chevrolet Silverado 1500. Police said when the suspect drove to the second parking lot, he waited for the woman to leave her car before breaking in and stealing items.
"The total value of the items stolen from both incidents is estimated at approximately $400. The suspect left the scene shortly before the female victim returned to her car," stated a news release. "The bold and deliberate nature of the suspect's behavior is concerning, as it appears he was watching the victim before committing the break-in." Complete article
‘There are no bags at the checkout’: Walmart shopper buys 7 spices, sticks them in purse at checkout. Then a worker steps in 12/26/2024
‘You have to pay for those.’
One woman says she was accused of stealing at Walmart when she put the seasonings she purchased into her purse.
In a video with over 74,000 views, TikToker Brittany Hotte (@socialbrit) sits in the driver’s seat of her car after shopping at Walmart. She takes several grilling seasonings out of her tote bag.
“I got seven of these big bottles. That’s literally all I bought,” she says. “I checked out and scanned each and every one, put them on the side [of the register], got my receipt, and put them all into my purse because I didn’t bring a shopping bag with me.”
Soon after checking out, she says a Walmart worker stopped her and accused her of not scanning one of the seasonings.
“She’s like, ‘How many do you have? I counted eight,’” Hotte says. “So I look at my receipt, and it says seven. She was rude about it.”
Hotte takes all of the seasonings out of her purse. The number of seasonings matches the receipt.
“I get that she’s doing her job. But she didn’t have to be so rude about it right off the bat and then not apologize,” Hotte says. Complete article
‘You have to pay for those.’
One woman says she was accused of stealing at Walmart when she put the seasonings she purchased into her purse.
In a video with over 74,000 views, TikToker Brittany Hotte (@socialbrit) sits in the driver’s seat of her car after shopping at Walmart. She takes several grilling seasonings out of her tote bag.
“I got seven of these big bottles. That’s literally all I bought,” she says. “I checked out and scanned each and every one, put them on the side [of the register], got my receipt, and put them all into my purse because I didn’t bring a shopping bag with me.”
Soon after checking out, she says a Walmart worker stopped her and accused her of not scanning one of the seasonings.
“She’s like, ‘How many do you have? I counted eight,’” Hotte says. “So I look at my receipt, and it says seven. She was rude about it.”
Hotte takes all of the seasonings out of her purse. The number of seasonings matches the receipt.
“I get that she’s doing her job. But she didn’t have to be so rude about it right off the bat and then not apologize,” Hotte says. Complete article
APD recovers $800 worth of stolen NC Walmart merchandise 12/23/2024
Kaufman Tx. police seek public's help in identifying vehicle linked to Walmart crime 12/24/2024
Rienzi woman charged with shoplifting from Tupelo Mississippi Walmart 12/20/2024
Two women arrested for felony theft at Minden La. Walmart 12/26/2024
‘Thousands of dollars worth of merchandise’: Walmart shopper says people are ‘abandoning’ their shopping carts full of items 12/26/2024
Charleston PD investigate alleged Ill. Walmart robbery after viral post 12/26/2024 “We want to emphasize that our department thoroughly investigates all reported crimes.”
Monroe shooting at Fasta Pasta near La. Walmart 12/27/2024
MONROE, La. (KTVE / KARD)–Shortly after 2 p.m. Friday, Monroe Police officers responded to a shooting at Fasta Pasta, 1191 Lamy Lane. MPD detectives are currently on the scene, and this investigation is ongoing. One adult male has been shot and taken to a local hospital for treatment.
The person responsible for the shooting has been identified and is currently at the Monroe Police Department. Detectives are working to try and determine the motive for the shooting.
Detectives have obtained enough information to determine this shooting is not a random act of violence. Additional information is forthcoming. The public will see a heavy police presence around Fasta Pasta. However, that area is safe for the public. Complete article
MONROE, La. (KTVE / KARD)–Shortly after 2 p.m. Friday, Monroe Police officers responded to a shooting at Fasta Pasta, 1191 Lamy Lane. MPD detectives are currently on the scene, and this investigation is ongoing. One adult male has been shot and taken to a local hospital for treatment.
The person responsible for the shooting has been identified and is currently at the Monroe Police Department. Detectives are working to try and determine the motive for the shooting.
Detectives have obtained enough information to determine this shooting is not a random act of violence. Additional information is forthcoming. The public will see a heavy police presence around Fasta Pasta. However, that area is safe for the public. Complete article
Three arrested after fight at Valdosta Ga. Walmart involving a gun 12/27/2024
VALDOSTA, Ga. (WALB) - Valdosta Police Department arrested three individuals after several 9-1-1 calls about a fight at Walmart on Norman Drive, Dec. 26, 2024, around 4:45 pm.
According to the report, officers arrived at the scene within two minutes of the call being dispatched and observed LC Strawder,18 , in possession of a rifle, physically fighting with a male.
While officers were separating the two males and attempting to secure the firearm, two other males, Shamariun Morrison, 17 , and Artis Thomas, 30, began to fight physically and officers had to separate them.
Through investigation, officers determined that the victim and his family were walking out of Walmart. Strawder, who knows the victim, observed him walking to his vehicle. Strawder started a confrontation with the victim by spitting on him and pointing the rifle at him. This resulted in the victim attempting to grab the gun, which resulted in the two males physically fighting over the rifle. Complete article
VALDOSTA, Ga. (WALB) - Valdosta Police Department arrested three individuals after several 9-1-1 calls about a fight at Walmart on Norman Drive, Dec. 26, 2024, around 4:45 pm.
According to the report, officers arrived at the scene within two minutes of the call being dispatched and observed LC Strawder,18 , in possession of a rifle, physically fighting with a male.
While officers were separating the two males and attempting to secure the firearm, two other males, Shamariun Morrison, 17 , and Artis Thomas, 30, began to fight physically and officers had to separate them.
Through investigation, officers determined that the victim and his family were walking out of Walmart. Strawder, who knows the victim, observed him walking to his vehicle. Strawder started a confrontation with the victim by spitting on him and pointing the rifle at him. This resulted in the victim attempting to grab the gun, which resulted in the two males physically fighting over the rifle. Complete article
Stolen car found at Tx. Walmart leads to arrest in Bay City 12/28/2024
BAY CITY, Texas — A stolen vehicle was recovered and a suspect arrested at a Walmart parking lot on Monday, according to the Bay City Police Department. The incident occurred after a black 2024 Kia was reported stolen from 3100 7th Street.
Officers were dispatched to the scene at 4 p.m. after the Asset Protection Officer at Walmart reported a car striking a pole in the parking lot. The driver allegedly exited the vehicle and fled into the store. Corporal Jose Soto, suspecting a connection between the incidents, proceeded to 4600 7th Street and received a photo of the suspect, who had already left the store. Complete article
BAY CITY, Texas — A stolen vehicle was recovered and a suspect arrested at a Walmart parking lot on Monday, according to the Bay City Police Department. The incident occurred after a black 2024 Kia was reported stolen from 3100 7th Street.
Officers were dispatched to the scene at 4 p.m. after the Asset Protection Officer at Walmart reported a car striking a pole in the parking lot. The driver allegedly exited the vehicle and fled into the store. Corporal Jose Soto, suspecting a connection between the incidents, proceeded to 4600 7th Street and received a photo of the suspect, who had already left the store. Complete article
Report of an “emotional support” cow at NC Walmart prompts law enforcement response 12/27/2024
A man who brought a cow to Walmart on Thursday for “emotional support” left with the animal after law enforcement was called.
At around 4:50 p.m. Thursday, a police telecommunications officer was heard over the radio requesting a Pasquotank animal control officer respond to Walmart at 101 Tanglewood Parkway. Complete article
A man who brought a cow to Walmart on Thursday for “emotional support” left with the animal after law enforcement was called.
At around 4:50 p.m. Thursday, a police telecommunications officer was heard over the radio requesting a Pasquotank animal control officer respond to Walmart at 101 Tanglewood Parkway. Complete article
One Arrested For Shoplifting at NY Walmart on Christmas Eve 12/27/2024
On the naughty list: Teens accused of shoplifting at Sebastian Fla. Walmart on Christmas Eve 12/27/2024
Employee’s scheme to steal $1.7K from Missouri Walmart leads to formal charges 12/27/2024
Three sought in connection to Walmart burglary in West City Ill. 12/28/2024
SUV catches fire in parking lot of the West Plains Missouri Walmart 12/28/2024
WEST PLAINS, Mo. (KY3) - An SUV caught fire in a Walmart parking lot in West Plains Saturday afternoon.
According to the West Plains Fire Department, crews responded around 1 p.m. to put out the flames.
Fire officials say the fire started in the SUV’s cabin, not under the hood near the engine.
The cause of the fire is unknown at this time and no one was injured. Complete article
WEST PLAINS, Mo. (KY3) - An SUV caught fire in a Walmart parking lot in West Plains Saturday afternoon.
According to the West Plains Fire Department, crews responded around 1 p.m. to put out the flames.
Fire officials say the fire started in the SUV’s cabin, not under the hood near the engine.
The cause of the fire is unknown at this time and no one was injured. Complete article
Man arrested after two women report being assaulted at Walmart in Springfield Tenn. 12/28/2024
SPRINGFIELD, Tenn. (WSMV) - A man has been arrested after two women reported being assaulted at the Walmart in Springfield, according to Smokey Barn News (SBN).
SBN reported that Springfield Police responded to the Walmart on Tom Austin Highway on Dec. 21 just before 7:40 a.m. for a reported assault.
When officers arrived, they spoke with the first victim at the Customer Service Desk.
She said a white man, who police later identify as 55-year-old Jeffrey Tankersley, came up to her from behind and reportedly grabbed her waist and breasts. The victim said she was able to escape and screamed for help. Another customer then helped her to the front of the store. Complete article
SPRINGFIELD, Tenn. (WSMV) - A man has been arrested after two women reported being assaulted at the Walmart in Springfield, according to Smokey Barn News (SBN).
SBN reported that Springfield Police responded to the Walmart on Tom Austin Highway on Dec. 21 just before 7:40 a.m. for a reported assault.
When officers arrived, they spoke with the first victim at the Customer Service Desk.
She said a white man, who police later identify as 55-year-old Jeffrey Tankersley, came up to her from behind and reportedly grabbed her waist and breasts. The victim said she was able to escape and screamed for help. Another customer then helped her to the front of the store. Complete article
Walmart Still Selling Codes for PlayStation Service That Doesn't Exist Anymore 12/29/2024
A gamer has discovered that Walmart is still selling PlayStation Now gift cards even though the paid subscription service was discontinued years ago. PlayStation Now allowed users to play a large catalog of games across multiple generations of Sony consoles through the cloud.
In the middle of 2022, Sony Interactive Entertainment streamlined its subscription offerings by merging PlayStation Now with PlayStation Plus. The latter was restructured into a tiered service, with PlayStation Plus' core benefits of providing access to online multiplayer, delivering a rotating list of free PlayStation games every month, and giving exclusive discounts being retained by the basic Essential plan. Those who wanted to continue enjoying the cloud gaming features that PlayStation Now previously offered, however, had to go for the pricier PlayStation Plus Premium, which also included all the trappings of the Essential and mid-tier Extra plans. More than two years after PlayStation Now was discontinued, pre-paid vouchers for the dead service can seemingly still be found in the wild. Complete article
A gamer has discovered that Walmart is still selling PlayStation Now gift cards even though the paid subscription service was discontinued years ago. PlayStation Now allowed users to play a large catalog of games across multiple generations of Sony consoles through the cloud.
In the middle of 2022, Sony Interactive Entertainment streamlined its subscription offerings by merging PlayStation Now with PlayStation Plus. The latter was restructured into a tiered service, with PlayStation Plus' core benefits of providing access to online multiplayer, delivering a rotating list of free PlayStation games every month, and giving exclusive discounts being retained by the basic Essential plan. Those who wanted to continue enjoying the cloud gaming features that PlayStation Now previously offered, however, had to go for the pricier PlayStation Plus Premium, which also included all the trappings of the Essential and mid-tier Extra plans. More than two years after PlayStation Now was discontinued, pre-paid vouchers for the dead service can seemingly still be found in the wild. Complete article
GIKPAL Dressers Recalled Due to Tip-Over and Entrapment Hazards; Violations of Federal Regulation for Clothing Storage Units; Sold Exclusively on by ONME Direct 12/26/2024
Name of Product:
GIKPAL 12-Drawer Dressers
The recalled dressers are unstable if they are not anchored to the wall, posing serious tip-over and entrapment hazards that can result in injuries or death to children. The dressers violate performance and warning label requirements of the STURDY Act. Complete article
Name of Product:
GIKPAL 12-Drawer Dressers
The recalled dressers are unstable if they are not anchored to the wall, posing serious tip-over and entrapment hazards that can result in injuries or death to children. The dressers violate performance and warning label requirements of the STURDY Act. Complete article
Walton family expands Walmart voting rights to grandchildren 12/28/2024
BENTONVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — The Walton family, one of America’s wealthiest, is transferring voting rights over its Walmart holdings to the next generation.
Previously, the voting members were Rob Walton, 80, and his siblings Jim, 76 and Alice Walton, 75, children of Sam Walton. The voting block has now expanded to 11 family members, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made on Dec. 19.
New members include Rob’s children: Benjamin S. Walton, Carrie Walton Penner and Samuel R. Walton; Jim’s children: James M. Walton, Steuart L. Walton, Thomas L. Walton and Alice Proietti; and Lukas Walton, son of the late John Walton, who died in 2005. Complete article
BENTONVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — The Walton family, one of America’s wealthiest, is transferring voting rights over its Walmart holdings to the next generation.
Previously, the voting members were Rob Walton, 80, and his siblings Jim, 76 and Alice Walton, 75, children of Sam Walton. The voting block has now expanded to 11 family members, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made on Dec. 19.
New members include Rob’s children: Benjamin S. Walton, Carrie Walton Penner and Samuel R. Walton; Jim’s children: James M. Walton, Steuart L. Walton, Thomas L. Walton and Alice Proietti; and Lukas Walton, son of the late John Walton, who died in 2005. Complete article
Denton man arrested on stalking charges for allegedly photographing women at Ga, Walmart 12/27/2024
Lexington SC Police search for suspects in Walmart shoplifting 12/27/2024
Suspects charged in grand larceny case, thefts at Okla. Best Buy, Walmart, Lowes, Academy Sports 12/27/2024
Homeless Man Jailed for Stealing from Ga. Walmart 12/27/2024
Police: No evidence of anyone using gun at Walmart store in Tupelo 12/29/2024
Original headline: Police presence at Walmart on North Gloster in Tupelo
TUPELO, Miss. (WTVA) — The Tupelo Police Department responded to the Walmart store on North Gloster Street on Sunday night, Dec. 29.
Not much is known about what happened, however, the police department said investigators are checking surveillance footage.
As of Monday morning, they’ve found no evidence of anyone using a gun. Complete article
Original headline: Police presence at Walmart on North Gloster in Tupelo
TUPELO, Miss. (WTVA) — The Tupelo Police Department responded to the Walmart store on North Gloster Street on Sunday night, Dec. 29.
Not much is known about what happened, however, the police department said investigators are checking surveillance footage.
As of Monday morning, they’ve found no evidence of anyone using a gun. Complete article
Armuchee Felon Found with Guns at Ga. Walmart 12/30/2024
A convicted felon, Corey Wayne Meers 36 of Armuchee, was arrested this week after reports said he was found with three guns at the West Rome Walmart.
Reports said that Meers was found with three rifles.
Meers is charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Complete article
A convicted felon, Corey Wayne Meers 36 of Armuchee, was arrested this week after reports said he was found with three guns at the West Rome Walmart.
Reports said that Meers was found with three rifles.
Meers is charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Complete article
Several counterfeit bills given to customers at Layton Utah Walmart 12/29/2024
LAYTON, Utah (KUTV) — Several counterfeit bills were given to Walmart customers before employees noticed the problem.
On Christmas Eve, a man used "a large amount of" counterfeit $20 bills for a purchase at the Walmart on Hillfield Road, the Layton City Police Department said.
Several of the bills were given to other customers as change before employees noticed. Complete article
LAYTON, Utah (KUTV) — Several counterfeit bills were given to Walmart customers before employees noticed the problem.
On Christmas Eve, a man used "a large amount of" counterfeit $20 bills for a purchase at the Walmart on Hillfield Road, the Layton City Police Department said.
Several of the bills were given to other customers as change before employees noticed. Complete article
‘What happened to customer service?’: Woman buys 75-inch TCL TV from Walmart. Then it shatters 12/30/2024
‘You need to call the customer service number on their website.’
Imagine the tragedy of being gifted a 75-inch TV for Christmas only to find that it’s broken straight out of the box. Then imagine not being able to get a refund for it.
That’s the plight that Oklahoma-based TikTok creator Emily (@emillysellers) documented in a video put up on Saturday, gathering more than 737,000 views in a single day.
“What happened to customer service,” the caption laments, with an additional plea to help the situation.
The short video clip shows several people standing around the TV mounted on the wall. It looks like it’s damaged on both the top and bottom portions of the screen. .......
“Same happened to me at Walmart from TV ordered through online pick-up,” explained one user. “I went to the desk and stood there until I went through every manager. Remained nice [and] said ‘Not leaving until replaced.’ Two hours [later it was] done!” Complete article
‘You need to call the customer service number on their website.’
Imagine the tragedy of being gifted a 75-inch TV for Christmas only to find that it’s broken straight out of the box. Then imagine not being able to get a refund for it.
That’s the plight that Oklahoma-based TikTok creator Emily (@emillysellers) documented in a video put up on Saturday, gathering more than 737,000 views in a single day.
“What happened to customer service,” the caption laments, with an additional plea to help the situation.
The short video clip shows several people standing around the TV mounted on the wall. It looks like it’s damaged on both the top and bottom portions of the screen. .......
“Same happened to me at Walmart from TV ordered through online pick-up,” explained one user. “I went to the desk and stood there until I went through every manager. Remained nice [and] said ‘Not leaving until replaced.’ Two hours [later it was] done!” Complete article
Bomb threat at an Ocala Fla. Walmart turns out to be hoax 12/29/2024
Lancaster man charged with retail theft at Lancaster County Pa. Walmart 12/30/2024 Ephrata Police charged Joas German Rodriguez-Robledo, 36, of Lancaster, with one count of retail theft after they said he attempted to steal $1,400 worth of merchandise from Walmart.
Two arrested for allegedly stealing from Walmart in Brunswick NY 12/30/2024
Person arrested for posting about hoax robbery at Charleston Ill. Walmart 12/30/2024
Rome Couple Jailed for Returning Non-purchased Items at Ga. Walmart 12/30/2024
3 charged in shooting incident in Grovetown Ga. Walmart parking lot 12/31/2024
COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ga. (WJBF) – Bond has been denied for the three suspects involved in a shooting at Walmart in Grovetown.
It happened Monday night in the parking lot, where investigators say a man was shot in the leg while trying to break up a fight between two women and a female Walmart employee.
21-year-old Jamarion Burton is the suspected shooter. Burton, Shamiya Hobbs and Jazmine McCloud were later arrested in Jefferson County. Complete article
COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ga. (WJBF) – Bond has been denied for the three suspects involved in a shooting at Walmart in Grovetown.
It happened Monday night in the parking lot, where investigators say a man was shot in the leg while trying to break up a fight between two women and a female Walmart employee.
21-year-old Jamarion Burton is the suspected shooter. Burton, Shamiya Hobbs and Jazmine McCloud were later arrested in Jefferson County. Complete article
Man who crashed into Ariz. Walmart fence was high on dust remover, cops say 12/31/2024
A Hidden Valley man was high on whippets Friday when he crashed into a fence at the Maricopa Walmart, arresting officers said.
The officers were dispatched to The Wells plaza at about 3:30 p.m. after Walmart employees reported that Michael Aiden-Lee Shrader, 47, was huffing something in a camouflage-patterned truck behind the store.
Police found the camo Ford Ranger pickup, which had crashed into a nearby fence, with Shrader unconscious in the driver’s seat, according to the report. He was holding a can of dust remover spray and appeared to be having a seizure.
The officers removed Shrader from the truck and Maricopa Fire and Medical Department crews tended to him until he gained consciousness. Complete article
A Hidden Valley man was high on whippets Friday when he crashed into a fence at the Maricopa Walmart, arresting officers said.
The officers were dispatched to The Wells plaza at about 3:30 p.m. after Walmart employees reported that Michael Aiden-Lee Shrader, 47, was huffing something in a camouflage-patterned truck behind the store.
Police found the camo Ford Ranger pickup, which had crashed into a nearby fence, with Shrader unconscious in the driver’s seat, according to the report. He was holding a can of dust remover spray and appeared to be having a seizure.
The officers removed Shrader from the truck and Maricopa Fire and Medical Department crews tended to him until he gained consciousness. Complete article
Morehead City NC authorities search for man after physical dispute at local Walmart 12/31/2024
MOREHEAD CITY, Carteret County — Law enforcement here in the east are seeking the public's help in identifying a person involved in a physical altercation Monday afternoon.
Officials say the suspect and a victim were involved in a verbal argument which escalated into a physical altercation around 1:00 pm at the Morehead City Walmart.
They say the unknown individual invaded the victim's personal space, prompting the victim to push him back. The suspect then struck the victim in the head before fleeing the scene in a white Hyundai Ascent, believed to be a 2012 to 2015 model.
The vehicle also featured a roof rack and out-of-state license plates. The last three letters on the plate may be "NDL," and it was last observed traveling west on NC Hwy 24. Complete article
MOREHEAD CITY, Carteret County — Law enforcement here in the east are seeking the public's help in identifying a person involved in a physical altercation Monday afternoon.
Officials say the suspect and a victim were involved in a verbal argument which escalated into a physical altercation around 1:00 pm at the Morehead City Walmart.
They say the unknown individual invaded the victim's personal space, prompting the victim to push him back. The suspect then struck the victim in the head before fleeing the scene in a white Hyundai Ascent, believed to be a 2012 to 2015 model.
The vehicle also featured a roof rack and out-of-state license plates. The last three letters on the plate may be "NDL," and it was last observed traveling west on NC Hwy 24. Complete article
Walmart tractor-trailer crash impacts traffic in West Sacramento, Ca. police say 12/28/2024
WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Police shut down multiple lanes in an intersection after a Walmart tractor-trailer crashed in West Sacramento on Thursday afternoon.
According to the West Sacramento Police Department, the crash occurred on Harbor Boulevard near Del Monte Street around 2:10 p.m.
Police said the tractor-trailer came unhitched and hit a water main at the intersection. Complete article
WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Police shut down multiple lanes in an intersection after a Walmart tractor-trailer crashed in West Sacramento on Thursday afternoon.
According to the West Sacramento Police Department, the crash occurred on Harbor Boulevard near Del Monte Street around 2:10 p.m.
Police said the tractor-trailer came unhitched and hit a water main at the intersection. Complete article
Broccoli sold at Walmart recalled in 20 states, including Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana 12/31/2024
UNDATED (WKRC) - Broccoli sold at Walmart locations in 20 states was recalled.
According to Newsweek, citing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Braga Fresh voluntarily recalled certain 12-ounce bags of Marketside Broccoli Florets sold at Walmart locations across the United States.
The product was recalled due to a possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination, the outlet reported. The FDA states that Listeria can cause "serious and sometimes fatal infections" in the elderly, young children and people with weakened immune systems. Complete article
UNDATED (WKRC) - Broccoli sold at Walmart locations in 20 states was recalled.
According to Newsweek, citing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Braga Fresh voluntarily recalled certain 12-ounce bags of Marketside Broccoli Florets sold at Walmart locations across the United States.
The product was recalled due to a possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination, the outlet reported. The FDA states that Listeria can cause "serious and sometimes fatal infections" in the elderly, young children and people with weakened immune systems. Complete article
POISON's RIKKI ROCKETT Explains Why Original 'Open Up And Say … Ahh!' Album Cover Was 'Rejected' By WALMART 12/30/2024
During a recent appearance on The Môtley Crôc Show, POISON drummer Rikki Rockett spoke about the original version of the cover for POISON's second album, "Open Up And Say … Ahh!". Released on May 3, 1988, the LP was clouded in controversy when retail outlets like Walmart banned the album for what they considered inappropriate cover art, which featured a model dressed as a demon with a long red tongue. POISON's then-record company eventually offered a censored version of the album cover that hid the offensive tongue, exposing only the she-demon's eyes.
Regarding how the original cover art ended up being censored, Rikki said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "So my buddy Mark Williams, God rest his soul, built that tongue. And it was a prosthetic, obviously. So we had this model. We did this photo session with this one photographer, and the label said it was too mild. We're, like, 'Okay.' It just kind of looked like this rock girl with his long tongue and her hair pumped up and she had very dramatic makeup on, but it wasn't shocking enough. So we went to [famed rock photographer] Neil Zlozower, and [POISON bassist] Bobby Dall and I, we got his girlfriend Bambi and we started doing all those stripes on her and did all this stuff. And she had contacts — we had her get the contacts — and then we just kind of did her up, Bobby and I did.
And then we did that tongue and everything like that. And everybody loved it, thought it was fricking great. And Walmart rejected it — Walmart. So Wally [presumably referring to Walmart founder Sam Walton], he was alive at the time, said it represented a demonic figure and he didn't want it. So we sat down with management and the label. And, really, at the end of the day, it was, like, are we in the album cover business or are we in the music business? Really, we should be able to just make a green cover or a white cover with nothing and put our music out, if that's what we need to do. Our goal was to get our music out. What's our percentage of sales at Walmart? Does it matter? Well, it's 38 percent, sometimes 40 percent of your sales. Complete article
During a recent appearance on The Môtley Crôc Show, POISON drummer Rikki Rockett spoke about the original version of the cover for POISON's second album, "Open Up And Say … Ahh!". Released on May 3, 1988, the LP was clouded in controversy when retail outlets like Walmart banned the album for what they considered inappropriate cover art, which featured a model dressed as a demon with a long red tongue. POISON's then-record company eventually offered a censored version of the album cover that hid the offensive tongue, exposing only the she-demon's eyes.
Regarding how the original cover art ended up being censored, Rikki said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "So my buddy Mark Williams, God rest his soul, built that tongue. And it was a prosthetic, obviously. So we had this model. We did this photo session with this one photographer, and the label said it was too mild. We're, like, 'Okay.' It just kind of looked like this rock girl with his long tongue and her hair pumped up and she had very dramatic makeup on, but it wasn't shocking enough. So we went to [famed rock photographer] Neil Zlozower, and [POISON bassist] Bobby Dall and I, we got his girlfriend Bambi and we started doing all those stripes on her and did all this stuff. And she had contacts — we had her get the contacts — and then we just kind of did her up, Bobby and I did.
And then we did that tongue and everything like that. And everybody loved it, thought it was fricking great. And Walmart rejected it — Walmart. So Wally [presumably referring to Walmart founder Sam Walton], he was alive at the time, said it represented a demonic figure and he didn't want it. So we sat down with management and the label. And, really, at the end of the day, it was, like, are we in the album cover business or are we in the music business? Really, we should be able to just make a green cover or a white cover with nothing and put our music out, if that's what we need to do. Our goal was to get our music out. What's our percentage of sales at Walmart? Does it matter? Well, it's 38 percent, sometimes 40 percent of your sales. Complete article
‘Floorwalker’: Walmart shopper says ‘customer’ followed him into the store. Then he turns into the cashier 12/31/2024
‘They got the customer doing all the work. While the employees are supervising us.’
TikToker Big Bags Penny (@bigbagspenny) has found his content niche: Walmart’s purported floorwalkers. He’s posted several clips about the topic, oftentimes leading to divisive comments and accusations of paranoia.
“Floorwalkers,” as many customers call them, are alleged undercover retail workers assigned the role of watching shoppers to catch them in the act of stealing. Walmart has denied employing secret shoppers on its site.
Penny says these pretend shoppers creepily follow around Walmart guests, and he’s filmed numerous run-ins with people who he believes are floorwalkers.
In a recent TikTok that’s accrued over 99,000 views, Penny discusses floorwalkers again.
His video begins with a recording of a man wearing a black trench coat entering a Walmart store. “Floorwalker turns into my cashier,” Penny writes in a text overlay of his video. Complete article
‘They got the customer doing all the work. While the employees are supervising us.’
TikToker Big Bags Penny (@bigbagspenny) has found his content niche: Walmart’s purported floorwalkers. He’s posted several clips about the topic, oftentimes leading to divisive comments and accusations of paranoia.
“Floorwalkers,” as many customers call them, are alleged undercover retail workers assigned the role of watching shoppers to catch them in the act of stealing. Walmart has denied employing secret shoppers on its site.
Penny says these pretend shoppers creepily follow around Walmart guests, and he’s filmed numerous run-ins with people who he believes are floorwalkers.
In a recent TikTok that’s accrued over 99,000 views, Penny discusses floorwalkers again.
His video begins with a recording of a man wearing a black trench coat entering a Walmart store. “Floorwalker turns into my cashier,” Penny writes in a text overlay of his video. Complete article
Sioux Falls man arrested for making terroristic threats outside SD Walmart 12/31/2024