Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Walmart Crime Report March 2023

Walmart had at least thirteen more shootings in March of 2023, with five of them causing one death each, and at least three of them, including two of the fatal shootings were officer involved shootings, at least one of the fatal officer involved shootings was a result of a suspect firing at the officers, one of the remaining shootings was a former employee committing suicide. There was also at least one more injury from the shootings, and at another shooting unrelated to Walmart, at a Family Dollar store, an employee shot a customer ten times, without killing him, and he was arrested, and admitted he over-reacted to an argument. Most of these shootings resulted from arguments, at least one from a road rage incident, or thefts, whether they were shopliftings or robberies.

In addition to the five people killed in shootings, there were three people killed in accidents, including one hit and run, and there were six bodies found in various locations, mostly in the parking lot, but one in the bathroom, most if not all of these are not considered suspicious, which brings the total dead last month to at least fourteen, which is close to a record, if you exclude a couple mass casualty incidents in the past where there were over twenty or thirty deaths, with most of them coming from the El Paso mass shooting or an incident where over ten immigrants were found in a trailer, in previous years.

There were also more than a dozen gun related incidents or crimes, including at least two false alarms where people saw armed men that didn't draw their guns, including one ex-cop, and jumped to the conclusion that he was an active shooter, another incident where a man with a paintball gun caused a panic and evacuation, an employee that was hit in the face by a splatter ball gun, and more arguments, shopliftings, or robberies where guns were drawn to threaten people, but not fired.

Walmart's crime problems have been at epidemic levels for years, if not decades; but recently some news outlets have been acting as if it's a surprise, and they've been trying to blame recent store closures on their crime problems, partly because of a recent statement by the CEO of Walmart indicating that crime had surged suddenly, for inexplicable reasons, and that it could result in higher prices or store closures. If the media had done any fact checking at all they would have realized he wasn't presenting the whole truth, but many of them accepted this as fact, and jumped to many false conclusions. Texas Governor Greg Abbott claimed that Portland Oregon's store was being closed due to their soft on crime policing, and amazingly Oregon Governor Wheeler doesn't even challenge the claim that the two remaining stores in Portland were being closed because of crime, and says the same problems are at all Walmart stores, which is true. But, in the case of Portland there's no reason to believe their crime problems are causing the store closures, and there are plenty of other department and grocery stores in Portland to serve the public.

There is, however, at least one pundit that pointed out that "Shoplifting unlikely the driving force in Portland Oregon Walmart closures," and my best guess is he's right. I can't say for certain, but it's just as likely that Walmart simply isn't competitive in Portland, possibly because they're supposed to be more progressive and may be outraged by Walmart's business practices.

News reports from both Brooklyn Center Minn. and Albuquerque NM have claimed they have massive problems with crime, which I don't doubt, and that this is the leading cause for closing down these stores; however, town or police departments have been pointing out that Walmart has worse crime problems than other stores for at least two decades, so this is nothing new. Wake up Walmart did a study in 2006 based on crime reports in 2004 showing that it was worse than any other chain store, even Target, which may be the second worst, and they included plenty of news reports about police departments that were confirming this. Semi-regular reports from police departments didn't stop after this study, which included with a collection of these reports, but, in August of 2016 when Bloomberg did a national report on their high crime problems, many more people seemed to notice, and there were almost always at least one or two reports, sometimes more, from police departments, or other researchers, every month for years to come, possibly slowing down a little when the pandemic began.

And it's pretty clear that a major reason for their high crime problems include corner cutting, store design, and, perhaps most important, a massive increase in automation, including self-checkout, all of which make it much easier to steal. In Department or Grocery stores forty years ago customers who didn't go through the registers when leaving, for one reason or another, had to go past the service desk, where they would clearly be seen if they tried to leave with an entire shopping cart of merchandise, and at self-checkouts they can easily decline to scan items or replace lower scans to avoid detection, neither of which was possible forty years ago. And when many of these thieves get caught they often reply violently, putting customers and workers at risk. And, when they had massive increases of shoplifting they responded by accusing many more people of stealing, in many cases, even when they're innocent.

Now that corporations seem to have a growing amount of power and control over the government, it no longer seems as if we're still innocent until proven guilty, and there's a constant stream of lawsuits for false accusations, and even efforts to extort payments from people who haven't been found guilty of shoplifting! There are now lawyers lining up almost every month to offer advice to potential suspects, often not guilty of anything, to avoid prosecution, and social media reports of false accusations are coming in almost every month sometimes at least three or four of them, and even reports of children being banned for life for eating inexpensive candy, in one case, even when the father offered to pay for it.

A significant amount of their crime problems happens to come from their own employees, even though the vast majority are hard working, and some of the complaints against employees are incredibly petty, especially when considering their union busting tactics, including someone that took a few snacks at work, which is trivial when you consider that many of their workers are paid so little they often have to go on public assistance. But there are also some cases where employees get in physical fights with each other or threaten to kill each other; and a couple cases where employees threatened a customer or another employee told a customer to "fight like a man" over ketchup; but what's much more common is many employees getting attacked by customers, often over shoplifting or other reasons, and Walmart does little to protect their own employees, in fact, by creating policies that increase crime, they increase the risk to both employees and customers.

The police never try to hold Walmart accountable for wage theft, union busting, false advertising, or other deceptive practices, whether they're legal or not, but they're quick to go after crime organizations that steal from Walmart, including a convenience store that was apparently buying many shoplifted products stolen from Walmart or other big chain stores. They're also quick to charge scam artists that steal information from Walmart gift cards so they can drain the funds, but the police do nothing to demand that Walmart make these cards secure so they can't do this in the first place, nor do they require Walmart to take responsibility for scam artists that take advantage of this, which for decades other issuers of credit cards, gift cards always did, and there was little of this type of crime, since banking institutions wouldn't release unsafe products if they were held accountable.

There were also numerous assaults against customers, police, sexual assaults, at least one attempted kidnapping, and two cases where kidnapping victims escaped when they drove to Walmart, a shoplifter that was tasered by police, and more. One person came to Walmart with a microphone to announce his views on COVID, Black Lives Matter and other things related to his "spiritual awakening," and another was arrested for causing an evacuation, and at least a couple people suing for false accusations of shoplifting because of mistaken identity, one that had his case thrown out of court even though he was clearly not guilty of shoplifting and was mistaken for a different person, and another who was held at gunpoint by police then released when they reviewed the video footage and found he wasn't armed and the complaint was false, but the employee making the false claim wasn't charged. And there were at least a couple cases where people stole tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise or bought over 60 thousand dollars worth of merchandise with counterfeit money.

One of the fatal accidents involved a major crash into the store itself, and, in addition to the three fatal accidents, including one hit and run, there were over a dozen other accidents, chases, a Walmart truck blown over from the wind, and other incidents, including one case where a woman chased and hit her former husband with a car. There were also at least four major car fires, including one where a ninety year old woman almost died, but was rescued by someone passing by.

The record breaking fire that happened about a year ago in Indiana still hasn't been fully explained, and they don't know if it was caused by arson or other reasons, but there have been at least eight more fires last month, although none of them were nearly that big, nevertheless some were large. At least three of these were arson, one which was to distract from a shoplifting, which is somewhat common, but never works, and one of them was a man that accidentally set himself on fire.

There were also at least half a dozen knife attacks, or threats, including at least two major stabbings injuring someone seriously, but not killing them, among many other crimes.

Walmart had another four recalls of snacks, with a possible health risk or another snack that might be contaminated with Listeria, baby formula that might be contaminated, and swings that have a fall hazard. Another product, a $13 helmet has been declared unsafe but Walmart's supplier refuses to recall it, and apparently neither is Walmart taking responsibility for it. There's little or no accountability for this company anymore, and they hardly even pretend otherwise.

There are stories glorifying the idea that an 82-year-old Walmart employee will be able to retire because of money raised on social media, butt he establishment isn't discussing why working class people routinely have to work that long and how the rigged economy is ruining a large percentage of people, while a small percentage takes all the money.

Walmart workers have been warned not to disclose company business online, but Walmart is doing little to show them respect, and is trying to squeeze everything they can out of them, including pushing them to fill online orders in surprisingly short times, and several workers are complaining online, and in previous months there were at least two workers that were under so much pressure they refused to help customers and almost got in fights with them, probably losing their jobs anyway.

Once again they lost their food licence again because one of their stores was infested with rodents of one kind or another, which is far from unprecedented.

And another Alligator is visiting a different North Carolina store for the second time in two months.

Alligators have to shop too, and they usually cause less trouble than people, so I really don't see the problem.

How often do they deliver free shopping carts with online orders? What other stories are going viral about Walmart on social Media?

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in March 2023. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Woman chases, hits former husband with car at Alabama Walmart 03/01/2023

An Atmore woman was arrested February 22 by Atmore police after she chased the man to whom she had previously been married through the Walmart parking lot and attempted to run over him with her car.

Sgt. Darrell McMann said officers were dispatched to the city’s largest retailer, located just off North Main Street, around 9 p.m. in reference to a report of “a female attempting to run over someone in the parking lot.”

Witnesses told police the female, later identified as 23-year-old Whitney McGhee, was “chasing the man with her car” and that the man “had to jump in a ditch to get away from her.”

Officers determined that McGhee actually struck the male with the vehicle at least once, causing minor injuries, before he was able to make it to the safety of the ditch. Complete article

Walmart Leaked Memo Warns Against Employees Sharing Corporate Information With ChatGPT 03/0/2023

Chatbots are disrupting industries in unexpected ways — including retail. The latest evidence: A leaked memo from Walmart Global Tech warning against sharing confidential corporate or customer information with bots like ChatGPT.

Business Insider reports that in a memo issued Tuesday, the big box store's tech arm said ChatGPT had been blocked following "activity that presented risk to our company." Insider indicated it viewed the memo and stated that Global Tech had evaluated and developed "usage guidelines around generative AI tools and are now opening ChatGPT for usage within the Walmart network."

A Walmart spokesperson Insider contacted for comment didn't address blocking AI-powered bots but issued a statement that said in part that "new technologies present new benefits as well as new risks." It was "not uncommon" for the company to "assess these new technologies and provide our associates with usage guidelines."

Here's more from Insider:
The new guidelines include telling Walmart employees they should "avoid inputting any sensitive, confidential, or proprietary information," such as financial or strategic information or personal information about shoppers and employees, into Chat GPT.

Complete article

Walmart is Banning The Use of AI Bots Over Privacy Concerns 03/04/2023

Ind. Walmart employee arrested for theft 03/01/2023

Records: Man sentenced in May 2021 child sexual assault at south Austin Tx. Walmart 03/01/2023

Topeka Kansas man arrested after refusal to leave Walmart leads to discovery 03/01/2023

Walmart employee snacks on stolen food: South Euclid Ohio Police Blotter 03/01/2023 Walmart management said Feb. 25 that an employee stole $170 worth of food items over the course of a month and ate them during his shifts.

Ross County – Man Arrested for Two Days of Scooter Thefts from Ohio Walmart 03/02/2023

Man Swings Hammer At NM Walmart Employees 03/01/2023

A man is facing an assault charge after allegedly swinging a hammer at employees at the Walmart Neighborhood Market.

Rio Rancho Police responded to the store at Southern Blvd. and NM 528 Feb. 28 in response to the complaint.

According to an officer’s criminal complaint of the incident, they saw staff running out the front door when police arrived.

One of the staff told the officer that the man tried to hit her on the head with the hammer. They told the officer that they were performing work duties when they heard a commotion. They went toward the noise in the direction of the employee entrance and was met with the man swinging the hammer down on them. The man pulled back the hammer just before he would have hit the employee. Complete article

Items stolen from CVS, Walmart, and Stop & Shop resold at Hartford Conn. convenience store 03/02/2023

HARTFORD, CT (WFSB) - State police arrested two people as part of an investigation into organized retail theft.

Kashif M. Khalifa, 55, of Tolland, and 26-year-old Homesh Pulipati of New Haven were both charged after investigators learned that Smokey’s convenience store on Main Street in Hartford repeatedly purchased stolen items that were brought to the store by shoplifters.

The store would then resell them on its own shelves.

A search and seizure warrant was executed on Wednesday at the store, troopers said. It followed a three-month investigation. Complete article

TAKING THE FALL I’m a lawyer – 3 mistakes to avoid if Walmart wrongly accuses you of stealing and tricks staff use to force confessions 03/02/2023

LAWYERS have warned Walmart shoppers against making three self-incriminating moves if a store believes a customer is stealing.

The Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates said the big box store is on the lookout for shoplifting.

The company invests heavily in loss prevention tactics.

One of these tactics is to employ uniformed and undercover security guards, something the New York lawyers say is done in their state. .....

Walmart security guards may lawfully detain customers if they have reason to suspect that shoplifting, the office stated. ......

But, if Walmart's security guard's cannot detain customers unless they have concrete evidence that goods have been shoplifted. .....

Therefore, the law office advises against confessing to shoplifting or agreeing to refrain from entering Walmart or Sam's Club property, either verbally or in writing.

The security guards may also say they will not call the police if customers sign the document.

The law office disputes that idea. .....

Walmart reportedly cannot hold suspects for an unreasonably long time, the law office said.

It noted that Walmart security could hold suspects long enough to investigate the incident or until police to arrive.

"But the staff cannot postpone or delay contacting the police without a good reason," the law office stated. .....

A few days after the incident, Walmart will reportedly send suspects a letter demanding five times the value of the suspected stolen items, the law office warned. Complete article

Walmart says it's closing a store in Albuquerque NM because it's underperforming. Some shoppers say it was rampant with crime, and police visited hundreds of times last year. 03/01/2023

Michael Thomas shopped at the Walmart at 301 San Mateo Blvd. SE in Albuquerque, New Mexico, every week for roughly three years up until six months ago.

He began to see more people stealing items from the store. Sometimes, he saw shoppers physically attacked.

So when Walmart said last month that it would be closing the store, Thomas wasn't surprised.

It's "very sad," he told Insider, because there aren't many retailers with stores in that part of Albuquerque. But it is "expected," he said.

The San Mateo Boulevard store is set to close on March 10 after opening in July 1985, according to Walmart spokeswoman Lauren Willis. The store has 287 employees, all of which are eligible to transfer to another store in the area.

Walmart did not answer questions about whether crime rates at the Albuquerque location were responsible for the decision to close it. But Albuquerque police officers had their hands full with the store in the past year. The Albuquerque Journal reports that 708 calls were made requesting police service at or near the store in 2022. Complete article

Judge dismisses man's lawsuit against Colorado Walmart for erroneous shoplifting arrest 03/02/2023

Even though prosecutors ended up dismissing the shoplifting-related charges against an elderly Asian man, he failed to show that Walmart should be liable for its role in his erroneous arrest, a federal judge ruled last month.

Meng Uoy Chang asserted a Walmart store in Timnath had violated his rights after employees identified Chang as a shoplifter — who also appeared to be Asian and elderly — caught on surveillance footage. Chang argued Walmart's actions amounted to discrimination under state and federal civil rights law, as well as false arrest.

But on Feb. 17, U.S. Magistrate Judge Scott. T Varholak granted Walmart's motion to dismiss. Chang had not shown all of the elements required for his various federal claims, with no allegations that Walmart participated with state authorities in Chang's false arrest.

"Plaintiff has not pled any facts, beyond the furnishing of information, to suggest that Defendant engaged in a joint action with state actor," Varholak wrote.

According to the lawsuit, Chang went to the Timnath Walmart in December 2018 to return a set of work gloves he had previously purchased. The store accepted the return. Shortly afterward, a police officer reportedly stopped Chang, handcuffed him and asked him to sign documents Chang did not understand. Chang later discovered employees of the Walmart had reported him as a thief.

Chang allegedly did not return to the Timnath Walmart after the encounter, but the store reported another theft to police in February 2019. Security cameras captured a person, who appeared to be Asian, walking out with merchandise. A Walmart employee subsequently identified Chang in a photo lineup as the culprit.

In August 2019, police in Wyoming arrested Chang on a warrant for one felony and two misdemeanor charges related to the theft. Six months later, the district attorney's office for Larimer County dismissed the charges because it could not prove Chang was the person in the surveillance footage.

"Plaintiff was not treated as people of other races would have been treated by Walmart, and there is no factual or legal excuse to justify how he was suspected and falsely accused by the Defendant as a thief, other than his race," wrote Chang's attorney, Yun Wang, who added that Chang lost his job due to the arrest and is "regularly tormented" by the experience. Complete article

‘This sh*t should be illegal’: Walmart worker has to pick 72-item express order in less than an hour 03/01/2023

In a viral TikTok, a Walmart worker voiced her thoughts about having to pick out a 72-item express grocery order in under an hour.

In the six-second clip, TikTok user Kayla (@kaylaflinderss) revealed a shopping cart filled to the brim with items. Then, she panned to her Zebra grocery scanning device, which showed that she had shopped 52 out of 72 items.

The TikToker then showed that the order needed to be completed by 7:12 p.m., and it was 6:26 p.m.

“This shit should be illegal,” Kayla wrote in a text overlay. She paired the text with audio of a woman saying, “pick somebody else,” to express her feelings about fulfilling the order.

Despite the audio and text, Kayla does not seem upset about the large order. She wrote in the caption, “i’m too quick with it.” Complete article

Need a doctor with your groceries? Walmart Health to expand to metro Phoenix 03/02/2023

Walmart Health is planning to build 28 health clinics at its superstores across the country, including several in Phoenix. Here's what the retail giant is working on to make its mark in the health care services sector.

The Bentonville, Arkansas-based retail giant launched its Walmart Health division in the Atlanta, Georgia, area in 2019, opening a 10,000-square-foot health clinic, said Dr. David Carmouche, senior vice president of Walmart's Omnichannel Care Offerings, which includes Walmart Health.

Now Walmart plans to open 28 new clinics in 2024, doubling the number of locations to nearly 80 sites by the end of 2024.

Of those 28 clinics, six will be opened in metro Phoenix; 10 in Dallas and eight in Houston; along with four in Kansas City, Missouri.

"Over the last three years we learned how to serve customers from a health care perspective in a unique way," Carmouche said.

For one, those clinics are now around 6,000 square feet instead of the original 10,000-square-foot clinic in Atlanta. Complete article

Need a doctor with your groceries? Walmart Health to expand to Dallas-Fort Worth 03/02/2023

Walmart Theft Under Investigation by Murfreesboro Tenn. Police 03/01/2023

Fact Check-Claims about a homeless couple living in a Walmart attic stem from debunked websites 03/02/2023

SELF WORTH I work at Walmart – seven self-checkout hacks you didn’t know, and it can help with paying if you have trouble 03/01/2023 Unauthorised disclosures that could cost his job? Or authorized disclosures pretending to be unauthorized, but serving Walmart propaganda purposes?

Walmart on H Street in DC to close 03/01/2023

Could NC Walmart close east Burlington store due to theft? 03/02/2023

Wild chase ends in Santa Fe Springs as driver, passenger run into Ca. Walmart 03/03/2023

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (KABC) -- Several suspects who led California Highway Patrol officers on a high-speed chase throughout Los Angeles County in a reported stolen vehicle were taken into custody after trying to flee from officers by going into a Walmart store.

The pursuit began Thursday evening in Riverside after authorities received reports of a stolen car.

It's unclear what prompted the chase, but the driver, a woman, soon began driving from Riverside into the L.A. area.

AIR7 HD was above the scene throughout most of the chase, where the driver was captured running a red light at least once. Complete article

Jersey City Man Set Clothes Ablaze in Bayonne NJ WalMart, Shoplifts Television 03/01/2023

BAYONNE, NJ - A Jersey City man faces a charge of Aggravated Arson after he reportedly intentionally set fire to clothing at Walmart in Bayonne on Sunday.

According to Captain Eric Amato, members of the Bayonne Police Department responded to the store on a report of a fire inside the store. As they arrived, police encountered employees and adult and juvenile shoppers evacuating the store. A report said there were approximately 550 customers and 100 employees in the store at the time of the incident.

The officers were directed to two aisles of the store where piles of clothing were on the floor and burnt, having originally been set ablaze by an individual but safely extinguished by employees. As officers began to review security footage, they were able to observe the man, later identified as Leroy Rabb Jr., 41, set the clothing on fire before making his way to the electronics section. Once at the electronics section, he is observed removing, what appeared to be, a television and heading for the exit doors, passing the register area without paying. Complete article

Employee arrested after fight at Wisc. Walmart Subway 03/02/2023

An altercation between two employees at the Sunday inside Ashland’s Walmart Tuesday resulted in an arrest.

Ashland police were called at around 5:05 p.m. to a report of a 16-year-old female employee at Subway who was not recognized as a co-worker by employee Edward Bressette, 28, who kept questioning her and telling her she didn’t look like a Subway employee.

The argument eventually turned into a fight that was broken up by another person, Police Chief Bill Hagstrom told the Daily Press.

Bressette was arrested and booked into Ashland County Jail on preliminary charges of assaulting a child, disorderly conduct and suffocation. Complete article

Fla. Walmart Subway worker tells customer to 'fight me like a man,' during confrontation over ketchup 03/02/2023

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — A confrontation over ketchup nearly led to a fight between a restaurant worker and a customer, officials said.

Luis Martinez said he stopped by a Subway shop in a Walmart on South Semoran Boulevard late Tuesday night to get something to eat. He said he ordered a Philly cheese steak the way he always does.

"American cheese, onions and ketchup," said Martinez.

Lawrence Ordone was working behind the counter.

"He wants ketchup on the Philly cheese steak and I have never put -- we don't even have ketchup at Subway -- I've never put ketchup on anybody's sandwich," said Ordone. Complete article

Suspect hid in Davenport Iowa Walmart, ran from officers, police allege 03/02/2023

A 29-year-old Chicago man is behind bars after police say he hid in a Davenport Walmart after hours then took off from officers through an emergency exit.

Stanley Bradford faces a felony charge of second-degree burglary and an aggravated misdemeanor charge of possession of burglary tools, court records show.

About 11 p.m. Wednesday, Davenport Police responded to Walmart, 3101 W. Kimberly Road, for a report of a theft in progress.

Bradford entered an occupied structure, attempting to commit theft, to permanently deprive the store of its goods, police allege in affidavits. Bradford remained inside of the store after it was closed to the public. Complete article

Hudson man files federal lawsuit against Hernando County Fla. deputy, Walmart 03/02/2023

EDITORS NOTE: An earlier version of this story included the identities of two individuals involved who have not been charged with any crimes. For that reason, ABC Action News has decided not to include their names in the report.

A Hudson man and his attorneys have filed a federal lawsuit against a Hernando County deputy and Walmart, alleging racial profiling and a false arrest.

This video from Nov. 27, taken inside the Walmart Supercenter on Commercial Way in Spring Hill, showed a Hernando County deputy arresting Tony Nguyen.

"A year? That was like 10-15 years ago?" Nguyen can be heard saying.

The deputy responded, "Doesn't matter. You're trespassing. You can't come back."

According to the police report filed by the deputy, who is seen arresting Nguyen, it all started with a phone call from a Walmart Asset Protection Specialist. The Walmart employee mistook Nguyen for another man named Cody Vondelinde, who had been issued a trespass warning from that Walmart in 2018. Complete article

Man Sues Walmart and Deputy for $10 Million After Alleged Profiling Leads to False Arrest 03/06/2023

Walmart says it charged Beauty Box subscribers for 100 boxes instead of one due to a 'coding error' 03/02/2023

When Walmart launched its Beauty Box product in 2014, its pitch was simple: Pay $6.98 plus taxes every three months to receive a box full of beauty products to last you each season.

And that's exactly what customers came to expect until an unwelcome glitch this week.

Some customers took to social media Tuesday to say that Walmart charged them for 100 Beauty Boxes instead of one, a grand total of $698 before taxes.

Walmart has since issued a mea culpa, saying that some subscribers of the product were overcharged "due to a coding error by a third party vendor." Complete article

Chicopee Walmart owners request approvals for proposed addition but end up faced with trash talk 03/02/2023

CHICOPEE — When Walmart officials appeared in front of the Planning Board to talk about a proposed addition they faced multiple city officials who were talking trash.

Trash stuck in trees. Trash filling residents’ backyards. Trash strewn across the store parking lot.

“Their backyards are worse than a dump,” said City Council President Frank Laflamme who was speaking on behalf of multiple residents of Sheridan Street. “We are not against the addition but I wouldn’t want to live like this.”

He showed pictures of one backyard strewn with plastic bags and said the woman picks up at least three times a week. Another picture showed a pile of trash collected against a fence and said that another resident picks up every other day.

Laflamme said the city has been battling the trash problem for all 10 years that he has been on the City Council and threatened to finally pull Walmart’s license to operate if it cannot improve the situation. While he agreed not all the trash is from the store, 90% of it is. Complete article

Man goes from Walmart employee to launching own clothing brand at 24 03/01/2023

Suspicious package prompts evacuation of Walmart in NE El Paso Tx. 03/01/2023

City Police Arrest 2 for Theft from Ind. Walmart 03/01/2023

Woman arrested for shoplifting $88.81 in WV Walmart merchandise also found to be in possession of methamphetamine 03/03/2023

Fresno Ca. police shooting leaves one dead and Herndon Avenue closed near Walmart 03/04/2023

UPDATE: Suspect shot officer in vest before fatal response

One person died late Saturday afternoon in an incident later confirmed as an officer-involved shooting, drawing a heavy police presence to an area along Herndon Avenue near a Fresno Walmart.

It is believed police shortly before 5 p.m. were following a car connected to the incident. A car at the scene appeared to have been hit by multiple shots.

There was no indication any officers were hurt.

“Officers from the Fresno Police Department were involved in a shooting at Herndon and Ingram this evening,” agency spokesman Lt. Bill Dooley said in an email just before 7 p.m. Complete article

Man arrested after alleged shoplifting leads to officer-involved shooting at Phoenix Ariz. Walmart 03/04/2023

PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) — A man is in custody after an alleged shoplifting attempt ended in an officer-involved shooting at a Phoenix Walmart on Saturday morning.

Around 11:00 a.m., a shooting involving an officer happened at a Walmart near 35th and Southern Avenues. According to police, 35-year-old David Apana was attempting to shoplift and walking out of the Walmart when a loss prevention employee approached him at the front of the store just before the exit doors.

An off-duty officer in uniform was in the area of the storefront and tried to assist the loss prevention employee. Police say that is when Apana pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the officer and loss prevention employee, and the officer fired at Apana, missing him. Apana then ran back into the store, exiting out the back end, police say. Officers searched the area and found Apana and the handgun in a neighborhood just west of the Walmart. Complete article

GRAPHIC: Phoenix officer shoots at armed man in middle of packed Walmart 03/18/2023

UPDATED: Gunshots Reported at Anniston Alabama Walmart Proven False 03/04/2023

Anniston, AL – According to the Anniston Police there an investigation ongoing regarding a reported shooting on Saturday, March 4th at the Anniston Walmart. This incident was not an “active shooter” situation and the the building has been secured. There is no current danger and the Walmart is currently open to normal shopping. As more details are released this story will be updated.

Update: Anniston Police have confirmed there was not a shooting despite the reports. A male Walmart employee (who is a minor) was confronted by 2 males that the victim knew. The confrontation was unrelated to Walmart. The victim was physically assaulted. A firearm was produced by one of the suspects, but was not fired or used in the assault. The suspects fled before APD arrived. The building was cleared by officers. The parents of the victim were notified and will be referred to the proper court for next actions. Complete article

Police seeking public help in identifying armed suspect at an Ariz. Walmart 03/04/2023

CHANDLER, AZ — Silent Witness is offering a $1,000 reward for information on a suspect accused of threatening a Walmart employee with a gun.

According to police, the incident took place at a Walmart near Chandler Boulevard and Price Road on Monday, February 13.

The man pictured is accused of committing aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after pulling out a handgun and pointing it at the Walmart employee, threatening to shoot him. Complete article

Fredericksburg man arrested for robbery at Locust Grove Va. Walmart 03/04/2023

ORANGE COUNTY, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- A man from Fredericksburg has been arrested for a robbery in Orange County.

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded to a possible armed robbery at the Walmart on Germanna Highway in Locust Grove on March 2.

The sheriff’s office asked for assistance from the community to identify a suspect in the case. Complete article

'There was a stampede:' Man with paintball gun causes panic, evacuation at Normandy Bvd. Jacksonville Fla. Walmart 03/02/2023

Kenneth Earl King, 41, was charged with criminal mischief, use of a weapon during a felony and carrying a concealed weapon.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A man with a paintball gun at the Normandy Walmart caused a panic Wednesday night, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.

Kenneth Earl King, 41, was charged with criminal mischief, use of a weapon during a felony and carrying a concealed weapon.

Police say around 7 p.m., officers were dispatched to the Walmart located at 6830 Normandy Boulevard in reference to a discharging of a firearm. Upon arrival, Officers were directed to the fitting room area where Walmart employees last saw King. Complete article

Black woman gets attacked by White woman in Walmart, over the line, and defends herself in epic fashion 03/05/2023

Fast food and grocery shopping have become quite stressful. Honestly, people from all walks of life are tired. The truth is that the struggle is getting to everyone. For two ladies, it led to a situation in Walmart that got out of hand. After going into the store and doing their shopping, these women got into it with each other in the checkout line. A kicking situation led to one of the women successfully defending herself.

Lately, there have been dramatic increases of people acting up in public places. The fast food restaurants have seen all kinds of things happen. Meanwhile, Walmart has also been home to a lot of wild antics. Of course, Walmart is a bit different than these other companies. With so much going on in their stores, Walmart’s CEO spoke out. She said some stores may be shut down by the company, if such actions as shoplifting, continue to happen in their stores.

Walmart is becoming more known for the viral videos than it is for the shopping, nowadays. Two women ended up getting into a heated situation, recently. After their shopping was done, they lined up to check their items out and leave. However, this wasn’t as easy as it should have been. A dispute over the line led to a kick from the White woman. The video shows this and then it shows the Black woman defending herself in dramatic fashion. Complete article

Man smashes window of burning car to rescue woman, 90, after North Adams Mass. crash near Walmart 03/0/2023

NORTH ADAMS — All Peter Greenbush could see inside the burning red car were airbags. There could be kids inside — there could be anyone.

A Car on fire after North Adams crash. A woman, 90, is rescued from her burning car after a crash near Walmart in North Adams Friday morning.

Peter Greenbush, 44, of Stamford, Vt. acted fast to pull a woman out of a burning car following a crash in North Adams Friday.

“I was scared the vehicle was going to go up in flames," said Peter Greenbush, who acted quickly to pull a woman out of a burning car Friday in North Adams. Complete article

3 hurt in crash involving motorcycle near Surfside Beach SC-area Walmart 03/03/2023

HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WBTW) — Three people were injured after a crash involving a motorcycle near the Surfside Beach-area Walmart, according to officials.

The crash happened at about 2:40 p.m., according to Horry County Fire Rescue.

Three people were taken to the hospital. Complete article

Walmart Set to Close All Stores in Portland Oregon amid Record-Breaking Retail Theft 03/04/2023

Walmart announced its plan to close its final two locations in Portland, Ore., at the end of March following underwhelming financial results.

“We have nearly 5,000 stores across the U.S. and unfortunately some do not meet our financial expectations,” the corporation said in a statement according to KPTV. “While our underlying business is strong, these specific stores haven’t performed as well as we hoped.”

The closures, which will result in nearly 600 employees being laid off, come after a statement by Walmart CEO Doug McMillion in December 2022 noting that record-breaking retail theft had undercut the company’s economic performance of late.

“Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it has historically been,” McMillon told CNBC. Prices “will be higher and/or stores will close,” the executive added if Oregon authorities failed to address rampant shoplifting. Complete article

PLAY TAG Walmart shopper rushes to buy 6 piece set that scans at the register for $7 – more than 75% off its $30 price tag 03/03/2023

Three suspects wanted for theft at Walmart in Ocala Fla. 03/03/2023

3 people steal elderly woman's wallet in Whole Foods, spend $500 at Walmart 03/03/2023

Update: Shoplifting Reportedly Contributing to Recent Walmart Store Closures 03/05/2023 (This article doesn't even discuss the obvious fact that Walmart's steady increase in theft is mostly a result of their own policies, especially increasing the use of self-checkout and store design making it easier to steal. Like many other reporters, he's not even trying to do a good job.)

Argument outside of Walmart leads to shooting, now a man’s in jail, Columbia SC police say 03/06/2023

An argument between two men familiar with each other led to a shooting outside of an area Walmart on Sunday, according to the Columbia Police Department.

Drevonte Javis Nelson surrendered to police overnight and was charged with attempted murder and possession of a weapon during a violent crime, the department said in a news release.

No bond has been set for the 28-year-old who is being held at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, jail records show. Nelson is a Sumter resident, according to court records.

The shooting happened at about 6 p.m. outside of the Walmart Supercenter at 7520 Garners Ferry Road, according to police. That’s in an area of Columbia densely packed with retail businesses and restaurants, about a mile away from Exit 9 on Interstate 77.

Nelson shot the victim in the lower body after an argument during a child custody exchange, police said. Information about why the men were arguing was not available. Complete article

'Get out … there's a gun … get out, run': Walmart shoppers in Walker La. scramble after gun drawn 03/05/2023

One man pulled a gun on another during a fistfight Sunday morning in the Walmart store in Walker, sending customers scrambling to leave the store before Walker's police chief got the man to drop the gun.

No injuries were reported in the 11 a.m. incident, officials said.

Walker Police Chief David Addison said both men were arrested after the incident at the store on Walker South Road, with one booked on aggravated assault with a firearm and terrorizing and the other on disturbing the peace.

"The argument started in the pharmacy and later the fight occurred in the rear of the store," Addison said. Complete article

Man died after being struck by vehicle at Tx. Walmart, driver arrested 03/06/2023

A man has died after being hit by a vehicle at the front door of the Walmart Store here in Jasper, and the driver of the vehicle has been arrested. Police and emergency crews were dispatched to the location shortly after noon on Sunday when it was reported that the accident had occurred.

Jasper Police say Frank Wegner, 80, of Brookeland, was in the crosswalk at the entrance to the store when he was struck by a 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe driven by Charles Erderly, 79, of Call.

Wegner, who was trapped under the vehicle until police and other bystanders used a jack to free him, was pronounced dead at the scene by Jasper County Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace Raymond Hopson.

Following an investigation of the incident, police arrested Erderly, who was charged with Criminally Negligent Homicide. Complete article

2 bodies found in 2 separate incidents on Brainerd Road, Gunbarrel Tenn. Walmart Saturday 03/06/2023

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — 2 people were found dead in Chattanooga over the weekend in two unrelated incidents, police say.

Both discoveries happened on Saturday.

In the first incident, at 3 p.m., someone called police about a man lying behind a building on the 3400 block of Brainerd Road, a little east of the Brainerd Tunnels.

Chattanooga Police say officers located a man "in the early phases of decomposition."

The man has not been identified, and an investigation is now underway.

A few hours later, a 35-year-old man was discovered dead in a bathroom of the Walmart Supercenter on Gunbarrel Road, near Hamilton Place.

Chattanooga Police say "fentanyl was found on-scene, as well as needles and insulin."

Investigators believe this still-unidentified man died from an accidental overdose. Complete article

No injuries reported after car fire in Bonsack Va. Walmart parking lot 03/05/2023

ROANOKE COUNTY, Va. – No injuries were reported after a car fire in the parking lot of the Bonsack Walmart Sunday morning, according to Roanoke County Fire and Rescue.

Officials said crews responded to the fire around 11:29 a.m. Complete article

Walmart on Route 50 in Bradley Ill. Evacuated After Trash Fire Sunday 03/06/2023

BRADLEY, Ill. — A small fire in the trash compactor at the Walmart on Route 50 in Bradley caused the building to be evacuated on Sunday. Fire officials say that the fire was contained quickly and no injuries were reported.

According to officials, the fire produced smoke that traveled out into the store front, prompting the evacuation. Bradley Fire Department and local authorities responded to the scene to ensure the safety of shoppers and employees.

The Kankakee Health Department arrived on the scene on Monday morning to check the integrity of food products in the store. The department gave clearance for the Walmart to reopen as scheduled on Monday.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but fire officials describe it as a small fire in the compactor. The compactor has since been disabled, and plans are underway for the company to have it repaired or replaced. Complete article

Walmart Sued For $1.37M Fire Damage From Stolen Flare Gun 03/06/2023

A Rhode Island insurance company sued Walmart Inc. for negligence in Oregon federal court, claiming the retail giant is liable for more than $1.37 million in fire damage caused by a shoplifted flare gun. Complete article

WATCH: Gator spotted near Leland NC Walmart 03/05/2023

LELAND, NC (WWAY) — It was a beautiful weekend to be outside. Several people and creatures of all kinds were taking advantage of it.

An alligator was spotted Saturday morning near Walmart and Highway 55 in Leland.

According to a spokesperson for the Town of Leland, it was between six and seven feet long.

Leland Police arrived on the scene to block traffic from the gator’s path and it eventually made its way back down to a nearby retention pond.

NC Wildlife was notified about the spotting and advised that since the gator made its way back to the pond, to not mess with it. Complete article

‘I did not go back’: Walmart worker explains why she quit after 1 day as an online order picker 03/07/2023

A worker took to TikTok to share her one and only day at Walmart in the role of an OGP (or online order picker), declaring it to be “absolute insanity” and “not worth the stress.”

User Sarah (@quesara.sarah) posted the video to the platform on Friday, gathering more than a half million views in just four days.

In the video, she details her single day at Walmart working alongside a trainer to gather items for customers.

After stitching another video that highlights the challenges of the job, Sarah began by saying, “I worked at Walmart for one day doing that job, for one eight-hour shift, and I did not go back. And this is why.”

She went on to report that she started in the dry goods area with a cart containing six tubs, each one reserved for different customers’ orders. She then cites an example of how challenging she found the job.

“I was like halfway through picking my section of orders,” Sarah recalls. “I had to run from the one side of the store all the way over to the other store out into the garden section to get a flyswatter for a customer because they wanted a flyswatter and then run all the way back to put it in my tub because they had you had to do it like in their order.” Complete article

Woman arrested after attempting to steal $1,200 worth of merchandise at Ind. Walmart 03/06/2023

Elk County woman accused of stealing items from Walmart in DuBois Pa. 03/06/2023

Bedford couple arrested on theft charges after stealing from Ind. Walmart 03/07/2023

Walmart Manager's Arrest Prompts Joliet Ill. Police Press Release 03/07/2023 Joliet police announced that Melissa Vanderwall, 47, of Romeoville, turned herself in at the Joliet police station on Monday morning —three-and-a half months after detectives say she left the Jefferson Street Walmart where she worked carrying a shopping bag of $135,988.

Moscow Idaho Walmart employee stole $121,000 in fraud scheme 03/06/2023

Is What I Saw At An Abilene Tx. Walmart Legal? 03/06/2023 This man walked up to a new bottle of mustard, opened it, and squirted some on his corn dog. I had to do a double-take. Is that legal to do, before the item is paid for? Is it considered shoplifting or just not cool?

Man robs Stevenson Ranch Ca. Walmart, in possession of knife 03/07/2023

A man described as approximately 30 to 40 years old robbed the Stevenson Ranch Walmart with possession of a knife on Tuesday morning, according to Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials and Los Angeles County dispatch radio traffic.

According to L.A. County dispatch radio traffic, a man had reportedly stolen two items from the store at approximately 9:35 a.m. He was described as approximately 30 to 40 years old, Black, standing at 6 feet tall, weighing approximately 240 pounds, wearing a dark-colored sweater, blue backpack and multiple pairs of pants, with jeans on top.

“He reportedly stole a bicycle and a helmet from 25450 The Old Road, Stevenson Ranch,” wrote Deputy Natalie Arriaga, a spokeswoman for the SCV Sheriff’s Station, in an email to The Signal. Complete article

Wheeler fires back as Abbott blames Portland Walmart closures on ‘mob take over’ 03/07/2023

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Mayor Ted Wheeler is firing back at Texas Gov. Greg Abbott who recently blamed the upcoming closures of Portland’s last two Walmart locations on the city’s apparent lack of law and order.

Walmart recently announced the stores at Hayden Meadows and East Port Plaza in Portland would permanently close on March 24. According to a spokesperson, the decision was made based upon “several factors,” including profitability concerns.

Although the big box store is closing multiple locations across the country, Abbott took to Twitter and weighed in on the closures in the Rose City.

“This is what happens when cities refuse to enforce the rule of law,” the Texas governor tweeted on Sunday. “It allows the mob to take over. Businesses can’t operate in that environment, and people can’t live in it.”

The following day Wheeler pushed back with his own Twitter post, saying “Governor Abbott, are the dozens of Walmart stores that have closed in Texas in recent years all communities that ‘refuse to enforce the rule of law?’ The retail industry is changing and retail theft is a national issue.” Complete article

Boy, 14, charged in January fatal shooting of grad student from India outside Ill. Walmart in West Chatham neighborhood 03/07/2023

Walmart will close handful of stores in six states and DC this year. See the list. 03/07/2023

Rome men charged with stealing from Oneonta NY Walmart 03/07/2023

Police: Men wanted for scamming Carrollton Ga. Walmart 03/0/2023 Investigators say on Feb. 28, the men tricked a Walmart cashier into getting a receipt without actually purchasing anything. In total, the men were able to walk out of the store with over $2,600 worth of merchandise, officials allege. Police have not offered details about the scam, saying that they don't want to keep other criminals from learning about it.

Kennett man accused of shooting another man in Missouri Walmart parking lot 03/08/2023

KENNETT, Mo. (KFVS) - The suspect taken into custody after a shooting at Walmart on Wednesday, March 8 has been identified and charged.

Jaheim Feltus, 33, from Kennett, Missouri, was charged with assault in the first degree, armed criminal action, two counts of unlawful use of a weapon, domestic assault in the second degree and two counts of resisting arrest. He is held on a $375,000 cash-only bond at Dunklin County Jail.

According to a release from the Dunklin County Prosecuting Attorney, police were dispatched to the Kennett Walmart parking lot in reference to shots fired around 11 a.m. Shortly after, the victim was brought to the Kennett Police Department with a gunshot wound in his abdomen.

Witness reports say Feltus saw his ex-girlfriend in a vehicle with the victim, and Feltus took a firearm from his vehicle and shot the victim. Complete article

Man behind bars, woman hospitalized after stabbing at Salina Kansas Walmart 03/09/2023

SALINA, Kan. (WIBW) - A 71-year-old man has been accused of attempted premeditated murder as his victim remains under the care of medical staff following a stabbing at the Salina Walmart.

The Salina Police Department says that just after 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday, March 8, officials were called to Walmart at 2900 S. 9th St. with reports of a stabbing.

When officials arrived, they said they found a 26-year-old woman had been stabbed in the back. They were directed to a man who was still in the store and was identified by witnesses as the person who committed the crime. Complete article

Ill. Walmart TV Thefts: Armed Robbery, Organized Retail Crime Charges Filed 03/08/2023

Joann Mendez-Gonzales pulled out a knife on Joliet Walmart employees during the theft of multiple television sets, Joliet police say.

JOLIET, IL — A 48-year-old woman from Joliet's 500 block of Wilcox Street faces charges of armed robbery, aggravated robbery, robbery, burglary, aggravated battery and organized retail crime in connection with the theft of two televisions from Joliet's Walmart store at 2424 W. Jefferson St.

Back on Jan. 16, Joann Mendez-Gonzales stole televisions in the presence of a male Walmart employee "by threatening the imminent use of force, while she carried a knife on or about her person or was otherwise armed with a dangerous weapon, a knife," according to her criminal complaint.

She is also accused of pushing the Walmart employee during her crimes. The organized retail crime charge states that Mendez-Gonzales "in concert with another individual, knowingly committed the act of retail theft ... from Walmart." Complete article

Accused shoplifter charged with shoving elderly Tx. Walmart receipt checker 03/08/2023

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — Wichita Falls Police said a man who has stolen or attempted to steal three flat screen TVs in four days from Walmart on Lawrence Road also assaulted an 81-year-old employee who asked to see his receipt.

Dustin Leslie Bacon now has two theft charges and a charge of injury to an elderly person.

He was booked into jail Monday, March 6, 2023, after police said they identified him through surveillance video. They said Walmart employees also recognized him from his previous theft.

On Thursday, February 2, police said Bacon was walking toward the grocery side door with a 55″ flat screen TV in a cart, and the employee checking receipts asked to see his receipt. Complete article

Manufacturer refuses to recall $13 helmet sold at Walmart, CPSC says 03/09/2023

CPSC is telling cyclists to stop using and destroy the helmets.

WASHINGTON (BRAIN) — The Consumer Product Safety Commission is warning consumers to immediately stop using and destroy TureClos bike helmets, sold on last year, because they do not meet federal safety standards. The CPSC says the China-based seller of the helmets has refused to recall the helmets or offer consumers any remedy.

The CPSC said the helmets do not comply with its positional stability, retention system, impact attenuation, and labeling requirements for bicycle helmets.

It said the seller, which the CPSC identified as Dongguanshisuyubgsgabgnaiyiuxiangongsi, of China, has refused to recall the helmets so CPSC is continuing to pursue a recall. Complete article

Attorney for suspect in Fairfield Twp. Ohio Walmart fatal shooting last May wants off the case 03/08/2023

Only on 9: Aug. 2019 El Paso Tx. Walmart victim’s family speaks on alleged intimidation from former Vinton municipal judge 03/07/2023

Information Sought In Connection With Wyoming Walmart Theft 03/07/2023

Sheriff: Brevard County Fla. deputies, Walmart employees rescue 11-month-old child locked in hot car 03/08/2023

Man wanted for using counterfeit money to buy laptop at Walmart in Pflugerville Tx. 03/08/2023

One person dead after 'road-rage-related' shooting near Hermitage Tenn. Walmart 03/12/2023

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Investigations are underway after a shooting near a Hermitage Walmart Saturday.

Metro Nashville Police Department responded to a shooting call in the 4000 block of Lebanon Pike.

Police say that the 'road-rage-related' shooting occurred when Tiara Mowbray, 22, shot Tristian Walker, 38.

Walker's girlfriend who had been riding in the vehicle with Walker told police that Mowbray had been tailgating them. ....

Mowbray fired a shot at Walker when he got to her vehicle. Walker was hit in the chest and died at the scene. Complete article

Why woman was not charged after killing man in Walmart parking lot 03/13/2023

Mount Vernon man arrested for allegedly threatening woman with knife during robbery of Augusta Maine Walmart 03/09/2023

AUGUSTA — A Mount Vernon man who allegedly threatened to stab a woman with a pocket knife inside a Walmart after being followed by security for stealing items has been arrested on charges of robbery and other offenses.

Preston Garrett Caron, 19, admitted to police he had taken a knife out of his pocket while inside the store, but denied displaying it and denied stealing anything while he was at Walmart in Augusta Tuesday, according to an affidavit filed by Augusta officer Sara Rogers. When police asked about the knife, he took it out of his right front pocket and showed it to them.

A woman whom police said works as an “asset protection investigator” for Walmart said she saw Caron put two items, later determined to be a Monster magnetic phone mount and a Bluetooth transmitter, into his backpack. Complete article

Retail theft suspects arrested after slamming into several vehicles in Walmart parking lot 03/09/2023

AMERICAN CANYON -- Three retail theft suspects have been arrested after slamming into several vehicles including a patrol car and a sheriff's deputy's vehicle in a desperate attempt to flee in an American Canyon Walmart shopping center parking lot.

American Canyon police said 27-year-old parolee William Duckworth from San Francisco, 19-year-old Pakia Hawkins and a 17-year-old juvenile suspect were being held on a variety of charges.

The incident began around 3:34 p.m. on Wednesday when an American Canyon police officer and a Napa Sheriff's deputy response to a call of a theft that just occurred at Walmart.

The suspects were spotted trying to exit the parking lot in a white Kia Forte that had been reported stolen in Daly City.

The officers attempted to make a traffic stop, but the driver of the Kia proceeded to intentionally drive into and ram an American Canyon police car, Napa Sheriff's car and three other parked citizens' cars trying to evade arrest. Complete article

Officer-involved accident following arrest of theft suspect at Ky. Walmart 03/11/2023

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - The Lexington Police Department is investigating a theft that happened at the Walmart on Nicholasville Road Saturday afternoon.

Police initially responded to a report of theft at that location. Upon arrival, they detained 40-year-old April Allen, who is an employee of that Walmart location, and waited for a police van to arrive.

According to police, the van was hit by a LexTran bus in the parking lot. No injuries were reported.

Allen is currently being held at the Fayette County Detention Center with an offense of theft by unlawful taking. Complete article

Shoplifting unlikely the driving force in Portland Oregon Walmart closures, retail watchers say 03/09/2023

Retail industry analysts say that rising concerns over theft may have contributed to Walmart’s decision last month to shutter its Portland stores. But it’s likely not the driving factor.

Theft and other crime, the Walmart watchers said, is surely a concern for the chain. But the impact is rarely enough to close an otherwise successful store without warning, and especially without appeals to local officials for assistance.

“The decision to close down a store is typically linked to sales,” said Neil Saunders, managing director of the retail division at GlobalData, a market analysis firm, “which often has nothing to do with thefts or shoplifting.”

After Walmart announced the pending closure of its two Portland locations, the role of retail theft in its departure took center stage as politicians and commentators sparred over the cause on Twitter. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott took aim at Portland last weekend, blaming the closures on “what happens when cities refuse to enforce the rule of law.” Complete article

Increase in organized retail theft leads Walmart to close stores in Portland 03/13/2023 He cautioned then that how local jurisdictions handle retail theft will be a factor and that a lax approach from prosecutors could impact prices and lead to store closures down the line.

Waara: Mich. Walmart now in dialogue with the city over dark store issue 03/10/2023

HOUGHTON — Houghton’s recent public awareness campaign about Walmart’s attempt to lower its property taxes under the “dark store” theory has caught the company’s attention.

Two weeks ago, City Manager Eric Waara and city stakeholders held a press conference about the cuts to services that could come if Walmart succeeds in lowering its property taxes.

Within hours of the conference and a corresponding press release, Walmart had reached out to the city’s attorneys to open a dialogue, Waara said at Wednesday’s city council meeting.

The city and Walmart are scheduled for a five-day Michigan Tax Tribunal hearing starting June 5. Complete article

Police respond to Rostraver Pa. Walmart for bomb threat 03/10/2023

Walmart laying off hundreds of workers in South Jersey 03/09/2023

Chesapeake Va. Walmart mass shooting memorial moved to storage 03/10/2023

Pair sought by state police for allegedly passing counterfeit bills at NY Walmart 03/10/2023

Stolen Credit Cards From Car Break-In Used At Plymouth Mass. Walmart 03/10/2023

Pa. Walmart Employee Jailed for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Co-Workers 03/13/2023

BRADFORD TWP., Pa. (EYT) – An area man is in custody after police say he allegedly threatened to kill employees at his workplace in Bradford Township.

According to a release issued by PSP Clearfield on Friday, March 10, troopers received a report of threats of violence made by an employee at the Walmart in Bradford Township, Clearfield County, at 1:55 p.m. on February 27.

Police say the employee was later identified as 46-year-old Steven Edward Williams, of Clearfield, and taken into custody. Complete article

13-year-old caught with handgun stealing from Cicero NY Walmart, police say 03/14/2023

Cicero, N.Y. — A 13-year-old was found with a revolver in his jacket when police stopped him in a shoplifting complaint at the Cicero Walmart, police said.

Police were called at 10:25 p.m. Monday to the Walmart on Brewerton Road after a report of three juveniles stealing items, according to a news release from the Cicero Police Department.

Police located the three youngsters and the stolen property outside the Walmart, police said.

While arresting the 13-year-old boy, police found a revolver in his jacket pocket, police said. Complete article

Ross County – High-Speed Chase after Theft from Ohio Walmart 03/13/2023

Ross County – A man got away with stealing items from Walmart after he put the public in danger running from police, but not for long.

On 3/10/23 Chillicothe police were called to the local Walmart on River Trace Lane when loss prevention attempted to stop someone for theft. When police arrived they were informed that the man had left the scene and was in a small blue SUV attempting to leave the area.

Police caught up with the suspect and the Blue SUV on River Trace Drive attempting to merge onto Bridge street and turned around to attempt to stop the suspect, but he fled.

According to the report, the suspect started swearing between heavy traffic on North Bridge street when he saw the police car behind him. He then merged onto 35 east where he accelerated to around 90 mph. He swerved around drivers on the freeway and fishtailed but regained control, he did this several times. He then got off the freeway at US23 where he headed south at this point in time police cut the chase due to safety. Complete article

Poinciana Fla. Walmart closed rest of Monday due to possible fire 03/13/2023

Per Walmart's Facebook page, the Poinciana store on Cypress Parkway near Old Pleasant Hill Road is "closed for the remainder of the day."

It called the closure due to "unforseen circumstances," but reports are a fire in the kitchen area of the deli required a response from fire rescue units.

We will update you when Walmart or the store location update with a re-opening time for Tuesday. Complete article

Authorities searching for man accused of setting fire at Tx. Walmart in northeast Harris County 03/13/2023

HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- A man who allegedly started a fire at a Walmart in northeast Harris County last month is now wanted by police.

Authorities need help identifying a suspect they say was involved in a commercial fire on Feb. 18 at the Walmart at 13750 East Freeway.

Harris County Fire Marshal's Office investigators determined that the suspect ignited a flammable liquid inside the store, causing approximately $5,000 worth of damage. Complete article

Walmart shopper accused of stealing assaults police officer in Manassas Va. 03/13/2023

MANASSAS, Va. - A routine trip to Walmart ended in an arrest for one woman who allegedly attacked an officer in the back of a police cruiser over the weekend.

On Friday, March 10, officers from the Prince William County Police Department responded to the Walmart located at 9401 Liberia Ave. in Manassas for the report of a shoplifter.

Police said security observed the woman, identified as 33-year-old Kelsey Rebekah Hooper-Garcia, take unpaid items past the checkout lanes. Once officers arrived at the store, Hooper-Garcia, police reported, resisted arrest. Complete article

Minnesota man arrested after incident at Hempfield Walmart 03/13/2023

Mar. 13—A Minnesota man was being held at the Westmoreland County Prison after state police said he used portable speakers and a microphone to talk about covid, the internet, the Black Lives Matter movement and his spiritual awakening inside the Hempfield Walmart.

Spencer Tomasek, 25, was arrested Saturday on charges of defiant trespass, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

Troopers said they were called to the Greengate Centre Circle store just before 8:30 p.m. Tomasek refused to leave after being asked to do so by store management and police and continued to speak over the microphone, according to court papers.

"A large crowd had formed at this point as onlookers gathered," troopers said. Complete article

12-year-old girl banned from metro Atlanta Ga. Walmart for eating a sucker without paying for it 03/13/2023

A 12-year-old girl is banned from a North Fulton County Walmart over a sucker.

Channel 2 Consumer Investigator Justin Gray learned the store called the police because she ate the candy before she paid for it.

Now, her father is warning other parents.

“It was a Dum Dum… the kind the Walmart greeters usually give out to kids that come in the store,” said Jamie Hurley, the girl’s father.

He said that is the type of lollipop that led to his daughter receiving a criminal trespass warning. Milton Police gave it to her on March 3.

“I am not allowed to enter the land or premise of Walmart ever,” said Hurley reading from the warning. ....

Hurley said when he returned, he offered to pay for the candy. But a police report Channel 2 Action News obtained says “Walmart declined the money and also declined to press charges for theft.”

“And they ended up giving her a citation of trespass and told her that if she ever came back that she would actually be arrested,” said Hurley. .....

Channel 2 Action News contacted Walmart. A spokesperson sent us this statement:

“Mr. Hurley was trespassed from our store after becoming verbally abusive toward associates and disrupting business. Mr. Hurley signed the notice. There was no intent to trespass Mr. Hurley’s daughter, and we will work with police to correct the matter.” Complete article

I-TEAM: Incident at Lockport NY Walmart captured on body-worn camera video 03/13/2023

LOCKPORT, N.Y. (WKBW) — As Joseph Harper sat in his vehicle, waiting for his wife and kids to finish shopping at the Walmart on Transit Road, he became surrounded and held at gunpoint by law enforcement.

"Face away from me," yelled a Niagara County sheriff's deputy to Harper. "Keep your hands up. Keep your hands up. All the way up. Listen to what I'm saying."

The 59-year-old was placed in handcuffs last July and escorted into a patrol car while deputies began an investigation.

Inside the Walmart, deputies met with an employee named Eric Tompkins, who summoned law enforcement to the store. Tompkins claimed that while he walked through the parking lot, Harper brandished a gun. .....

Adamant that he saw a gun, deputies pulled Walmart surveillance footage of the alleged encounter and reviewed it with Tompkins.

Deputy: "So wait, that’s him? Is that him right there?"

Tompkins: "Yeah, that’s him right there."

Deputy: "I didn’t even see anything." Complete article

Walmart to eliminate single-use, plastic bags for sale in Washington starting April 18 03/10/2023

Berg sentenced for Pa. Walmart theft 03/11/2023 Berg switched barcodes with lower priced items with the intent to deprive the owner out of a total of $589.46, which was the full price of the items. Berg returned some of the stolen items back to Walmart for the full purchase price of $70, the criminal complaint alleged.

Arnold man allegedly steals items 17 times at Missouri Walmart self-checkout 03/13/2023

$140 Stolen From Tenn. Walmart Employee's Wallet - And Other Collegedale Police Calls 03/13/2023

WATCH: Tensions Run Dangerously High at Wal Mart in Auburn Maine 03/13/2023

Trial testimony: Accused killer of missing Kenosha man in May 2020 went to Wisc. Walmart for supplies 03/14/2023

Suspect wanted for pulling out gun at Conyers Ga. Walmart 03/14/2023

CONYERS, Ga. - Conyers Police have released images of a man wanted for pulling out a handgun in the middle of a Walmart on Monday night.

Officer were called to the store at around 9 p.m. off Highway 138 just off Interstate 20 in Conyers.

Police say the man had already left the store by the time officers arrived.

Witnesses told police the man was involved in a verbal altercation with an employee before he pulled out the handgun and ran. Complete article

Man allegedly brandishing pistol in fight at Fairhaven Mass. Walmart 03/15/2023

At approximately 11:00pm on Tuesday night, Fairhaven Police and the Massachusetts State Police responded to the parking lot of the Fairhaven Walmart at Commons Way for reports of individuals fighting.

As state and local police arrived, the people involved in the fighting began to scatter, leading at least one officer on a foot pursuit.

Further investigation revealed that the alleged fighting begin inside the store and spilled outside where one person was alleged to have discharged his gun, however other eyewitnesses said the gun was not fired, just brandished. 9mm casings were found on the ground – it is not known if the were spent casings, and on-site medics were evaluating one patient. Complete article

Police: Employee injured in Tenn. Walmart stabbing, suspect in custody 03/15/2023

According to the Jackson Police Department, a stabbing occurred inside Walmart, located at 2196 Emporium Drive in north Jackson, around 7:48 Wednesday morning.

JPD says when officers arrived, it was determined that a Walmart employee was injured in the stabbing. Police say a male victim was transported to a local hospital to be treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

Police confirm a male suspect was taken to custody and transported to the Madison County Criminal Justice Complex. Complete article

Court records reveal details in north Walmart stabbing 03/20/2023

Tx. Walmart theft upgraded to robbery after shoplifter allegedly assaults employee 03/14/2023

A woman reported Monday that she was assaulted by a shoplifter when she tried to prevent her from leaving Walmart with stolen merchandise, according to a police report.

At about 11:30 a.m., Denton police were dispatched to the Walmart in the 1500 block of South Loop 288 for a call that was originally coded as a theft. The caller was a Walmart asset protection employee.

The employee said she observed a woman shoplifting, and once she reached the doors, the employee attempted to stop her from leaving.

Because the employee felt pain, police upgraded the charge from theft to robbery. It’s unclear how much merchandise the woman left the store with, but police are still investigating the incident. Complete article

Deputies catch man accused of burglarizing Henrietta NY Walmart 03/14/2023

Henrietta, N.Y. — A man is accused of breaking into the Walmart in Henrietta over the weekend.

Joshua Lotkowicz, 28, of Henrietta, is charged with burglary and criminal mischief.

Deputies responded to the store around 1:45 a.m. Saturday for a reported burglary and found someone had shattered a glass entry door. Complete article

ALWAYS WATCHING I’m a lawyer – Walmart has intense anti-theft measures to catch the ‘baby blame’ and ‘banana’ trick at self-checkout 03/15/2023

THIS lawyer tells all her clients to be very careful at self-checkouts for one major retailer, as they have intense anti-theft measures.

To raise more awareness, the legal representative took to social media to warn shoppers everywhere about risky moves at Walmart.

As The U.S. Sun previously reported, makeup artist and lawyer Brandis Bradley (@makeupartistatlaw) explained the situation in a recent video on TikTok.

"Self-checkout, not self-handout," Brandis noted at the beginning of the five-minute clip.

"There are two things in this world that you can not hide from or lie to — first one is God, second one is Walmart."

The lawyer continued that anyone trying to steal from self-checkouts at the retail giant would almost certainly get caught. Complete article

Regional Recall: Clio Snacks Voluntarily Recalls Strawberry Granola & Greek Yogurt Parfait Bars from Select Walmart Stores Because of Possible Health Risk 03/15/2023

Clio Snacks of Piscataway, N.J. is voluntarily recalling 581 cases of its Strawberry Granola & Greek Yogurt Parfait Bar due to potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Although healthy individuals may suffer only short-term symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea, Listeria infection can cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.

Product was distributed to select Walmart stores between 3/5/2023 and 3/8/2023.

The impacted product comes in a single-serving box with UPC Code 854021008152, Lot Number 048C2023 and an expiration date of 4/30/2023 stamped on the side of the box.

Strawberry Granola & Greek Yogurt Parfait Bar is the only product impacted. No other products are being recalled. No illnesses have been reported to date. Complete article

Walmart Profits To Depend More On Advertising And Other Income 03/10/2023

WalmartWMT -0.2% is a great merchant. It’s merchandising under John Furner, the CEO of Walmart U.S., has been spectacular. Still, management has indicated that the company seeks more income from outside sources to increase overall profits.

The reason is simple. About 55% of Walmart sales come from its grocery business, and these sales are relatively low margin. In order to generate better profits, Walmart’s effort is to increase the income from advertising, business-to-business activity, and third party sellers on its marketplace. Delivery services from stores and other activities are also under consideration as sources of additional profits.

John David Rainey, CFOCFO -1.8% of Walmart, spoke at the recent Raymond James Institutional Investors Conference and indicated that the company will shift more attention to advertising sales, third party income, and business-to-business sales to improve its bottom line. He indicated that more vendors want to spend advertising money with Walmart because it attracts so many shoppers. He said that the advertising revenues typically fall into the 70 to 80 percent range and can change the composition of the company’s profit and loss statement. Insider Intelligence expects Walmart’s ad revenues to grow +42 percent in fiscal 2023. Complete article

Houghton Mich. Residents Plan Rally Against Walmart 03/15/2023

The dispute between the city of Houghton and Walmart over property taxes is expected to heat up once again.

Recently city officials announced that the retailer moved to have their case with the Michigan State Tax Tribunal, out of abeyance, and into court. Walmart wants to have its location’s property taxes decreased based on if the retailer were not in that location.

To raise public awareness of how the case may affect the city, and surrounding area, residents and business owners concerned by Walmart’s dark store strategy, are planning to host a rally against the national retailer this afternoon. Complete article

Fla, Walmart Store to Permanently Close Friday, March 17 03/14/2023

Wilmington man pleads guilty in connection to shooting death in Nov. 2020 at NC Walmart parking lot 03/15/2023

Person Arrested On Multiple Charges At Walmart - And Other Collegedale Tenn. Police Calls 03/15/2023

Attorney for suspect in fatal Ohio Walmart shooting in May 2022 withdraws from case 03/14/2023

Chicago shooting: Man dies after being shot multiple times near Walmart in Chatham Ill. 03/15/2023

CHICAGO (CBS) – A man is dead after being shot multiple times in Chatham Wednesday evening.

The 51-year-old victim was in the 8300 block of South Stewart Avenue around 5:30 p.m. when an unknown suspect shot him multiple times, police said.

Police at the scene had part of Stewart Avenue taped off. The scene is steps from the Walmart Supercenter at 8431 S. Stewart Ave.

The victim was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. Complete article

One person dies when car strikes Thomasville Ga. Walmart 03/16/2023

THOMASVILLE, Ga. — Walmart of Thomasville will be closed until further notice due to a fatal incident that occurred Wednesday morning.

The incident was not believed to be an accident, according to Georgia State Patrol Sgt. 1st Class John VanLandingham

"There was a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed in the Walmart parking lot," VanLandingham said. "The vehicle then veered right and drove through barriers and into the store."

The Specialized Collision Reconstruction Team (SCRT) is now onsite to take over. Complete article

1 killed, 1 charged after car crashes into Thomasville Walmart 03/15/2023

18-year-old who crashed car into Thomasville Walmart gives judge middle finger at hearing 03/20/2023

Hundreds gather for memorial service honoring Walmart Crash Victim Kenneth Kennedy 03/20/2023

14-year-old girl drugged, sex-trafficked for nearly 2 weeks rescued at Gwinnett Ga. Walmart, police say 03/15/2023

GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — A 14-year-old girl who was the victim of human sex trafficking was rescued after she asked for a police officer’s help at a Gwinnett County Walmart.

Channel 2′s Gwinnett County Bureau Chief Matt Johnson was in Lawrenceville, where Antonio Johnson-Irvin, Trey Trevillion, and Trevin Nichols were arrested last month.

On Wednesday, the judge dismissed the charges against Johnson-Irvin for lack of probable cause. Both Trevillion and Nichols remained charged with sex trafficking and will stay in jail. Police added charges for a woman they said was involved and lived where the alleged trafficking was happening.

Johnson was in the courtroom on Channel 2 Action News at 4 p.m. when police testified that the teen ran away from her home in Gwinnett County, met a man on social media, and then was allegedly drugged and sold for sex for nearly two weeks. Complete article

VIDEO: Strong winds cause Walmart truck to flip on California bridge 03/15/2023

(CBS) – A Walmart truck was flipped over on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge in California due to strong winds Tuesday afternoon.

According to the San Rafael Police Department, this caused injuries and road closures in the area. Complete article

PAIN INDUCING My mom was ‘accused of stealing from Walmart self-checkout’ – but she was really surprised when things took a twist 03/15/2023

THIS mom was accused of stealing at a self-checkout from a major retailer before things took a shocking turn.

The Walmart customer's daughter, Terrionna Yancey (@terrionnayancey), posted a clip of the shopping trip on TikTok.

The video begins with Walmart employees checking the contents of her mother's shopping cart after allegedly accusing her of stealing from the store.

"My mom had an anxiety attack at Walmart because [four] employees grabbed her on her way out and accused her of stealing in a store full of people," Terrionna claimed in the on-screen caption.

She continued that bystanders were allegedly "laughing and recording thinking [her mother] actually stole something." Complete article

Parfait bars sold at Walmart recalled after testing finds Listeria 03/15/2023

Clio Snacks of Piscataway, NJ, is recalling 581 cases of its Strawberry Granola & Greek Yogurt Parfait Bar because of potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination.

The recall was the result of a routine testing program by the company which revealed that the affected Strawberry Parfait product produced by Clio’s contract manufacturer may contain Listeria monocytogenes. The third-party manufacturer has ceased production and Clio has ceased distribution of the affected product while the FDA and the company continue their investigation into what caused the problem.

This potential exposure was found at a third-party manufacturer’s facility where Parfait Bars are produced. The third-party manufacturer does not manufacture any other Clio products. Clio does not manufacture Parfait bars at its own facility. Complete article

Father And Son Charged In Celina Ohio Wal Mart Thefts 03/14/2023

Walmart Crime: New York State Police Ask You To 'Please Share' 03/15/2023

LOOK: Maine Memere Hits Wal Mart Pole On Purpose 03/16/2023

Deputies looking for man who stole 5 tablets from Burbank La. Walmart on Tuesday morning 03/15/2023

Man falls asleep while driving exotic car near Pa. Walmart 03/17/2023

A 42-year-old man dozed off while driving a silver Jaguar eastbound on New Castle Road at 5:42 a.m. on Friday morning, according to a report from Butler Township Police.

A news release from police said the accident occurred just east of Butler Commons.

Philip Campbell fell asleep while at the wheel of the Jaguar, crossed the westbound lanes, jumped the north curb and sheared off a West Penn Power utility pole before a decorative tree finally stopped the car.

Campbell was not injured in the crash. Complete article

Car Fire at Manchester Iowa Walmart Parking Lot 03/15/2023

Manchester firefighters responded to a car fire in the Walmart parking lot on Tuesday afternoon.

Acting Fire Chief Randy Rattenborg says it happened around 5 pm. Firefighters spent about a half hour extinguishing flames that ignited in a car owned by Paul Hermsen.

No one was injured. It’s not known what caused the fire. Complete article

U-TURN I was falsely accused of stealing from Walmart self-checkout – what happened with the clerk will blow your mind 03/16/2023

A WOMAN accused of stealing from Walmart called out employees at one location after proving she had done nothing wrong.

The shopper said a worker suggested she hadn't scanned her items before bagging them at self-checkout.

She then started filming the scene and got a manager to admit the mistake on camera.

The nearly 10-minute-long clip taken in a self-checkout area was uploaded to the TikTok account @shestime2.

"Walmart shenanigans," the text over the video says. "If I was this lady I would file charges." Complete article

A president from Walmart? 03/17/2023

Asa Hutchinson, 72, has announced that he's considering running for the Republican nomination for president, casting a spotlight on his record as much as on his judgment that former President Donald Trump would be a disaster as the party's standard-bearer in 2024.

In Congress and in the Arkansas governor's mansion, Hutchinson tended to be a reliable fiscal and social conservative — with one Walmart-shaped asterisk.

Domestically, Hutchinson was skeptical of much taxing and spending and new programs. The League of Conservation Voters gave him a lifetime score of 13% over his tenure in the House of Representatives in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The American Conservative Union ranked those years more highly, at 83%. Complete article

One year later, still few answers about cause of Walmart facility fire in Plainfield 03/16/2023

PLAINFIELD, Ind. — It has been one year since a massive fire tore through a Walmart distribution center in Plainfield. That fire burned for days and produced huge plumes of thick, black smoke that could be seen for miles.

There are no remnants of that fire left as a new warehouse is being constructed where the Walmart facility once stood.

What sparked that massive blaze remains a mystery. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said today its investigation into the cause of the fire is still ongoing. .....

In the past year, Walmart filed tort claims against the Plainfield Fire Territory and other departments saying they ordered the sprinkler systems be tuned off which made the fire worse. Complete article

Walmart will do away with paper and plastic bags at Oregon, Washington stores 03/16/2023

Colorado prison inmates now ordering from Amazon, Walmart -- "Sounds like a five-star hotel," says prosecutor 03/17/2023

Lewiston man accused on stealing wallet at Idaho Walmart 03/17/2023

PWCPD searching for 2 men after separate inappropriate incidents at Va. Walmart and Target 03/17/2023

Early morning shooting draws heavy police presence in Hattiesburg Mississippi 03/17/2023

HATTIESBURG, Miss. (WDAM) - Hattiesburg police were busy Friday morning after two people involved in a shooting near a Walmart were later found at a local hospital and pharmacy.

According to the Hattiesburg Police Department, the shooting occurred just after midnight on the access road of the US 49 Walmart. They were alerted to the incident after staff at Forrest General Hospital notified police of an individual seeking treatment for an apparent gunshot wound.

The individual reportedly drove themselves to the hospital following the shooting.

Officers later located another individual involved in the shooting at the US 49 Walgreens.

Allegedly, the two individuals had met near Walmart to purchase/sell an X-Box when something caused the two to exchange gunfire. Complete article

Phoenix Ariz. PD investigating shooting outside Walmart 03/17/2023

Several police officers have been dispatched to the Walmart near 53rd Avenue and Indian School Road.

PHOENIX — The Phoenix Police Department is investigating a shooting Friday afternoon in the parking lot of the Walmart near 53rd Avenue and Indian School Road.

Police said one bystander appears to have been grazed with a bullet from the incident. Officers said the person did not need medical attention.

Police are still investigating the scene. Complete article

Woman flees to NC Walmart after Fayetteville hit and run that killed pedestrian, police say 03/18/2023

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — A woman is charged with a hit and run after a pedestrian died from his injuries on Saturday morning, according to the Fayetteville Police Department.

On Saturday shortly before 5:30 a.m., officers responded to a pedestrian that was hit on Skibo Road in Fayetteville.

The preliminary investigation indicated that Mark Sweatt, 48, was crossing Skibo Road near Cliffdale Road when he was hit by a silver 2003 Honda Civic. Police said the vehicle fled the area and went outbound on Skibo Road.

Sweatt died from his injuries and his family was notified. Complete article

Walmart stops selling 'horrific' stand used to restrain dogs during breeding after activists file a complaint 03/16/2023

Walmart recently stopped selling immobilizing dog-breeding stands, which animal activisits refer to as "rape racks," on its marketplace, following a complaint from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said in a March 14 press release that Walmart's removal of the item is "a win for dogs and sets an example of compassion and responsibility for other retailers to follow."

"After PETA pointed out that immobilizing dog-breeding stands, also known as 'rape racks,' are used to restrain female dogs so that they can't fight back as they're mounted by males, Walmart removed the horrific metal devices from its website," the organization said in a press release.

In a statement to Insider, Walmart said the items were "listed by outside third-party sellers and removed from our site because the items do not comply with our prohibited products policy." Walmart said it "strives to maintain a marketplace that customers can trust." Complete article

Walmart denies firing Logan store employee for workplace injury 03/18/2023

COLUMBUS – Wal-Mart Associates, Inc., has asked a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit brought against the company by a Ravenswood, West Virginia man, who alleges that he was unjustly dismissed from his job at the Logan Walmart store because of a physical disability resulting from a workplace injury.

On March 14 attorneys for the retail giant filed an answer to Jason Tingler’s legal complaint in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Western Division. Tingler had originally filed suit in Hocking County Common Pleas Court, but Walmart had the case removed into federal court because it deals with a federal law, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), and also because the plaintiff and defendant are citizens of different states, and the suit involves an amount of money over $75,000.

According to Tingler’s suit he began working for Walmart in October 2021 as an overnight stocker, and in March 2022 he suffered a back injury while lifting a box containing a foam mattress. Complete article

Officers looking for man connected to ‘incident’ at NC Walmart, Clinton police say 03/18/2023

Maine woman charged with hoax bomb, gunman threats against Seabrook NH Walmart 03/18/2023

Seabrook NH police: Woman made fake Walmart threats to divert police from boyfriend 03/2/2023

West Columbia SC Walmart evacuated after alleged bomb threat, officers investigating 03/18/2023

Authorities secure Muscle Shoals Alabama Walmart after bomb threat call 03/19/2023

18-year-old arrested in shooting at West Lafayette Ind. Walmart parking lot 03/19/2023

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — West Lafayette police are investigating after a man was shot in the Walmart parking lot Sunday evening.

Shortly before 6:30 p.m. on March 19, police responded to a report of a person who had been shot in the Walmart parking lot, located at 2801 Northwestern Ave., near Cumberland Avenue.

Police arrived and found an 18-year-old man who had been shot. Complete article

Walmart shooting victim released from hospital 03/19/2023

Court docs: Suspected Walmart shooter brought gun to school last year 03/21/2023

Teen arrested for armed robbery at Rockford Ill. Walmart 03/20/2023

ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) — Rockford Police say a 16-year-old teen is in custody after an armed robbery at Walmart.

According to Rockford Police, the incident occurred at the Walmart on Walton Street around 1:15 a.m. on Sunday, March 19th.

The store’s Asset Protection Officer said they saw the teen take a screen protector past the cash registers. The officer said they followed the suspect to the parking lot, at which point the teen reportedly brandished a handgun.

The suspect fled, but Rockford Police officers were able to locate him nearby and arrest him, authorities said. Complete article

Culpeper Va. Police: Walmart employees struck in face, injured in splatter ball gun assault 03/20/2023

Apair of Culpeper Walmart employees working in the parking lot were recently injured in assault when they were struck in the face with water beads from a splatter ball gun, according to police.

Culpeper Police Dept. is seeking to identify the occupants of a blue, four-door sedan, possibly a Toyota Camry, involved in the reported incident that occurred around 8 p.m. on Sunday, March 5.

The employees were left with visible marks and facial swelling in the suspected assault, police said. Complete article


State police caught a retail theft suspect after a chase Friday afternoon.

Police said around 3:20 PM on March 17th, troopers were dispatched to the Walmart on Oakland Avenue in White Township for a reported theft of tools and clothing. The suspect, identified only as a 36-year-old Somerset man, had pushed them out of the store in a shopping cart without paying for them, according to Walmart loss prevention employees.

A trooper in a marked police car found the suspect vehicle along Oakland Avenue and tried to make a traffic stop, but the suspect made an illegal u-turn and went back into the Southtowne Plaza shopping center. When he saw other police cars joining the pursuit, he made an abrupt left turn and unintentionally struck the pursuing car. The suspect vehicle was then blocked by the other cars. Complete article

Hillsborough police looking for man in NC Walmart incident, left in U-Haul 03/18/2023

Man to be sentenced Monday in deadly shooting in Lafayette Ind. Walmart parking lot in Sept. 2022 03/19/2023

Man sentenced to 78 years in shooting outside Lafayette Ind. Walmart in Sept. 2022 03/20/2023

Cortland County man arrested for stealing from NY Walmart 03/20/2023

WHO ARE THEY? Duo wanted by cops for abusing Walmart self-checkout using a sneaky trick to make off with a cart full of goods 03/20/2023

82-Yr-Old Md. Walmart Employee Gets To Retire For Good Thanks To Online Strangers. 03/19/2023

Police search for woman last seen near Myrtle Beach SC Walmart 03/20/2023

Two sentenced for cheating elderly, others out of thousands in Walmart gift card scheme 03/20/2023

Police respond to Walmart in De Pere, Wisc. store evacuated 03/20/2023

DE PERE, Wis. (WBAY) - A man is in custody following a standoff inside a Walmart in De Pere.

De Pere Police responded around 9:32 a.m. to the De Pere Walmart on Lawrence Drive to check on a man who police said was behaving erratically, making strange comments, and falling onto shelves. Police said the man appeared to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

Police said officers made contact with the man and saw that he had two large knives. He ran from officers towards the electronics department. Officers chased after him where police said he barricaded himself in a bathroom. Since police said he was armed and barricading himself, officer asked Brown County SWAT for help, along with a K-9 unit. Complete article

Man accused of shoplifting Ridgecrest Walmart, gun found during arrest 03/20/2023

RIDGECREST, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) — A Ridgecrest man was arrested Sunday night accused of shoplifting a Walmart and leading officers on a foot pursuit. During his arrest, officers found a gun in his pocket.

Ridgecrest police said on March 19, 2023, at around 8:10 p.m., officers responded to Walmart, located at 201 East Bowman Road, on a reported trespassed person inside the store.

When officers arrived, they saw 32-year-old Steven Mathewson of Ridgecrest and confirmed he was the trespassed suspect. Complete article

URGENT RECALL Popular baby formula sold nationwide, including Walmart and Target, pulled over contamination risks 03/21/2023

A VOLUNTARY recall has been issued for Gerber Good Start SootheProTM Powdered Infant Formula.

The Perrigo Company first issued the recall after the potential presence of Cronobacter sakazakii.

This is a rare but potentially deadly bacterium that may cause severe infections in infants with weak immune systems.

The recalled products are sold nationwide at stores like Target and Walmart.

The formula was manufactured at the Gateway Eau Claire, Wisconsin facility from January 2, 2023, to January 18, 2023. Complete article

Man Arrested & Charged With Indecent Exposure at Cambridge Md. Walmart 03/20/2023

Man pleads guilty in connection with shooting outside Lakewood Colorado Walmart in Aug. 2020 03/20/2023

East Orange man who pleaded guilty to Morris County NJ carjacking in April 2022 gets 21 years in prison 03/2/2023

Bomb threat at Pa. Walmart forces evacuation of customers, employees 03/21/2023

Police Seek Suspect Who Stole $2,000 In Items From Warminster Pa. Walmart 03/21/2023

Senate Democrats urge Walmart, Costco, Albertsons and Kroger to sell abortion pill mifepristone 03/14/2023

Portage Road Walmart in South Bend Ind. shutting down in the spring 03/21/2023

Walmart to permanently close Brooklyn Center Minn. store 03/21/2023

Man arrested on two counts of theft from Ind. Walmart 03/21/2023

Cahokia Ill. Walmart store to close in April 03/21/2023

Colfax man arrested for theft at Pineville La. Walmart; high-speed chase through Ball 03/21/2023

PINEVILLE, La. (KALB) - A Colfax man was arrested on Monday (March 20) for allegedly shoplifting in Pineville and leading police on a high-speed chase through Ball.

According to the Pineville Police Department (PPD), a shoplifter was reported at the Walmart on Monroe Highway around 7 p.m. and was attempting to leave. An officer arrived and found Rickey Meredith, 42, of Colfax, speeding through the parking lot in a Silver Ford Fusion.

Meredith drove onto Hwy 165 (Monroe Highway), entering Ball at high speeds, swerving between lanes. Once he reached the 7000 block of the highway, he turned around and drove back towards Pineville. He crossed a median and drove onto oncoming traffic, causing multiple vehicles to swerve to prevent accidents. Complete article

Clifton woman claims mother’s 2022 fall at Brewer Maine Walmart led to her death 03/21/2023

The daughter of a Clifton woman has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Walmart in Brewer alleging that injuries Thelma Treadwell suffered from a fall on Feb. 24, 2022, caused her death a month later.

Sheila Treadwell, 54, of Clifton is seeking unspecified damages for her mother’s pain and suffering, medical bills, funeral expenses, emotional distress and loss of comfort and companionship. She is also seeking punitive damages.

Thelma Treadwell died March 24, 2022, at the age of 88.

She and her daughter were leaving the Brewer Walmart about 13 months ago when Treadwell tripped and fell over a mat, breaking her femur, according to Portland lawyer Peter Clifford, who filed the lawsuit on St. Patrick’s Day in Penobscot County Superior Court.

The fall allegedly exacerbated the elder Treadwell’s heart problems and contributed to her death a short time later. Complete article

Cracker Barrel joins Walmart in closing all locations in Portland, Oregon 03/22/2023

Closure of last big downtown retailer, Hawaii Walmart, prompts fears 03/22/2023

Doug Ford regrets getting $26 haircut from Walmart 03/22/2023

Fla. Walmart Employee Takes ‘Rollback Prices’ Too Seriously, Charged with Grand Theft 03/2/2023

Chain saw stolen from truck bed at Twin City Missouri Walmart 03/21/2023

‘What do you want us to do, move the cars?’: Customer calls Walmart employees to complain about full parking lot 03/21/2023

Walmart Store Closures in 2023 Will Affect Consumers in These 6 States 03/21/2023

Walmart Gave Portland Oregon Little Warning That It Planned to Close Stores 03/21/2023 A call just before the announcement was all there was. Emails obtained through a public records request show that Deborah Herron, Walmart’s director of public affairs and government relations, was in close contact about other matters with Andrew Fitzpatrick, director of economic development for the city, in the days leading up to the announcement. Before joining the city in February 2022, Fitzpatrick worked at Walmart as director of global public policy for seven years.

Police investigate death near NH Walmart 03/22/2023

Police said there is no threat to the community. “Our thoughts go out to the family of the deceased,” Gorham Police Chief Adam Marsh said. Complete article

Arson suspected in Mount Vernon Ill. Walmart bathroom 03/23/2023

MOUNT VERNON, IL (WSIL) -- Authorities are looking into how a fire may have started in the bathroom inside Walmart in Mount Vernon on Wednesday evening.

The Mount Vernon Police Department and the Mount Vernon Fire Department responded to the Walmart Supercenter at 110 South Davidson Drive after a fire was reported in one of the bathrooms inside the store.

By the time first responders arrived, the fire was reported to have been extinguished.

The cause of the fire is being investigated and arson is suspected. Complete article

Brooklyn Center Minn. police responded to over 6,000 calls at Shingle Creek Walmart in last 5 years 03/22/2023

Police say Brooklyn Center Walmart off Shingle Creek Crossing has seen thousands of police responses within the last five years. The big box store announced it is planning to shut its doors on April 21.

In a statement to 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS, the company said the move was due to failures to reach “financial expectations.”

Since the Brooklyn Center Walmart opened in 2012, it’s been a hot spot for crime. Customers say due to increasing crime, they are not surprised by the closure.

“Every other day we run in here and grab something and there’s a fight outside or you see someone running out with merchandise,” said Lauren Cole.

Brooklyn Center police said Walmart made 6,177 calls for services in the last five years. That’s double the number of calls compared to surrounding businesses like Super 8 and Cub Foods with 3,270 and 3,038 calls, respectively. All three businesses top the city’s list for calls for services.

For further context, police say just six miles away, the Walmart in Brooklyn Park had 1,679 calls for services in the last five years. Complete article

"Where are people supposed to go?": Walmart closure exposes growing gaps in north metro 03/22/2023

Man accused in fatal Walmart shooting, in May 2022, gets new attorney; summer trial canceled 03/21/2023

Family caught stealing from Brownsville Tx. Walmart, police say 03/21/2023

Kansas Postal worker from Haysville stole mail with Visa, Walmart gift cards, indictment says 03/22/2023

2 arrested in connection with Walmart return scams in Massachusetts 03/22/2023

Two get probationary sentences in Mich. Walmart thefts 03/23/2023

Indiana Walmart Closing Causes Confusion In Michigan 03/23/2023

Plea deal offered in Queensbury NY Walmart shooting in Nov. 2022 03/23/2023

Update to Va. Walmart shooting lawsuit 03/22/2023

Police: Bridgeport woman with kids attacked Shelton Conn. Walmart employees who caught her stealing 03/23/2023

SHELTON — A Walmart customer who tried to steal merchandise Wednesday evening physically and verbally attacked intervening employees, according to local police.

Keyarra Burnett-Johnson, 21, of Bridgeport, was arrested Wednesday, Shelton Police Detective Richard Bango said Thursday. She was released on a $5,000 bond and was scheduled to appear Thursday at state Superior Court in Derby.

Shelton police responded to the Walmart at 465 Bridgeport Ave. around 5 p.m. Wednesday for a report of a fight, according to Bango. Responding officers determined Burnett-Johnson, accompanied by two underage girls, attempted to exit the store without paying for a shopping cart full of merchandise, Bango said. Complete article

‘They have 5 people standing at each door but can’t have them working the register’: Shopper gets accused of stealing from Walmart. So he returns everything 03/24/2023

'They want us to do the work of a cashier and then accuse us of being thieves on the way out.'

A TikToker’s video alleging that he was accused of stealing while shopping at Walmart and subsequently returning everything he purchased has drawn over 1.2 million views as of Friday.

Posted by user @gregmurphy77, the video shows a security guard speaking with a few people just in front of the store’s exit, with a text overlay stating that the poster had been accused of stealing merchandise. The TikToker then takes his cart and purchased items to the retailer’s returns desk, although the video does not show a completed return.

“When they accuse you of stealing you return that shit,” the text overlay reads.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Walmart directly via the retailer’s media contact form, as well as to @gregmurphy77 via TikTok direct message regarding the video. Several viewers said they’d had similar experiences of being accused of stealing at Walmart.

“Once at Walmart accused of stealing a water bottle,” one commenter wrote. “It was a target exclusive item so I was like unless you sell target items leave me alone.” Complete article

Walmart Customer Accused of Stealing Returns Everything They Just Bought Out of Spite 03/27/2023

CHECKED OUT I was wrongly accused of stealing at Walmart self-checkout – I did the only thing I could, people say it’s fun to watch 03/28/2023

Crews put out brush fire behind Destin Fla. Walmart, Destin Fire Rescue 03/23/2023

DESTIN, Fla. (WKRG) — Destin Fire Rescue said a small fire started in the wooded area behind the Destin Walmart Thursday afternoon.

The fire started in the lot off Commons Drive. Crews were able to put out the fire but notified residents about lingering smoke in the area.

“Smoke in the area of Commons Dr. Small brush fire in the woods by Walmart. Fire has been extinguished and crews are working to clean up the area,” said Destin Fire Rescue in a post. Complete article

Ind. Walmart on Pendleton Pike has food license suspended after 'significant rodent activity' found 03/23/2023

A customer tip promoted an investigation which revealed rodent droppings and torn packaging in areas of the Walmart that sold food. INDIANAPOLIS — The food license of a Walmart in Lawrence has been suspended after health officials found evidence of rodent activity in multiple areas of the store.

An inspection of the store at 10735 Pendleton Pike was conducted after a customer complaint made to the Marion County Public Health Department. Investigators later found evidence of significant rodent activity - rodent droppings and torn packaging - across the Walmart.

Those areas included the grocery section, pet food and receiving area. A violation was issued, and MCPHD suspended the store's food license

"Everything's roped off, covered up. No access to fresh foods or frozen foods," said shopper Antonio Blackwell.

"I'm very shocked. It's like an epidemic. First the fish place, Jordan's," said a shopper named Kay. Complete article

FEE FURY Shoppers outraged after Target introduces ‘automatic’ surcharge after Walmart fee leaves them fuming 03/25/2023

TARGET shoppers have been left outraged after the store introduced an "automatic" surcharge, following in the footsteps of Walmart.

It comes as Walmart is set to charge shoppers $0.42 to use single-use paper or plastic bags for in-store and delivery orders from March 28.

The charge is being introduced across stores as states attempt to tackle single-use plastics causing pollution.

Target said: "Drive Up and Order Pickup orders will include a bag fee based on local and state mandates.

"This aligns with fees that were already in place for purchases made in Target stores at checkout.

"If purchasing from a store that charges bag fees they will be applied to your order." Complete article

Exclusive: Walmart laying off hundreds of US workers at five e-commerce fulfillment centers 03/23/2023

NEW YORK, March 23 (Reuters) - Hundreds of workers at five U.S. Walmart facilities that fulfill e-commerce orders are being asked to find jobs within 90 days at other company locations, a spokesperson confirmed to Reuters.

About 200 workers at Pedricktown, New Jersey, and hundreds of others at Fort Worth, Texas; Chino, California; Davenport, Florida; and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania were let go due to a reduction or elimination in evening and weekend shifts, the spokesperson said.

The layoffs at Walmart, a retail bellwether because of its size, could be a harbinger of further turmoil in the U.S. economy, which many economists predict could enter recession this year. Complete article

Woman’s purse with prescription medicine stolen from car at Fla. Walmart in The Villages 03/23/2023

New paint, employee breakroom and signs all a part of Va. Walmart renovation following mass shooting 03/23/2023

Argyle woman faces felony charge for allegedly shoplifting at NY Walmart 03/24/2023

Walmart Judge Warns Atty For Calling Ark. Case 'A Black Hole' 03/23/2023 By Bonnie Eslinger (March 23, 2023, 10:47 PM EDT) -- A California federal judge on Thursday transferred to Arkansas federal court a proposed class action claiming Walmart's baby food contains toxic heavy metals, after admonishing a plaintiffs' lawyer for calling consolidated Arkansas litigation "a black hole.

Chesapeake Va. Walmart shooter had several rounds of ammo, handwritten notes in home: search warrant 03/24/2023

Ill. Walmart Receipt Dispels Deception in Price-Error Overcharge Suit 03/23/2023

Virginia Man Convicted Of Shooting At Wheelchair-Bound 'Friend' Outside DC Walmart in Aug. 2022: Feds 03/23/2023

Woman, child leave Tenn. Walmart with $1K in hoverboards 03/22/2023

Chicago Ill. Walmart evacuated after gunshot ring out during fight between 2 groups, police say 03/25/2023

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Walmart on Chicago's Far South Side was evacuated Saturday after a shooting inside.

Police said two groups were fighting at the store near 109th and Doty, when someone started shooting.

No one was hurt but the store was evacuated and closed for the night.

Police said the groups involved in the shooting ran off and no one is in custody. Complete article

21-year-old arrested after striking Conn. Walmart employee with stolen curtain rod 03/25/2023

SHELTON, Conn. (WFSB) - A 21-year-old woman was arrested after striking a Walmart employee with a curtain rod and stealing an employee’s phone.

Shelton Police say Keyarra Burnett-Johnson, of Bridgeport, was stopped by a loss prevention employee after she attempted to leave with a cart full of unpaid items.

She had two juveniles with her at the time.

When confronted, Burnett-Johnson began to yell and spit. Complete article

Man in hospital after catching fire outside Walmart 03/23/2023

The Bluefield, Virginia fire department reports the man was refueling a power-washer with gasoline. The power-washer then caught fire and spread to the man’s face.

He was then airlifted to a hospital, and there is no word yet on which hospital or the man’s condition.

UPDATE: Bluefield, Va. Fire Chief Danny Evans confirmed on Thursday that the man that was injured was in stable condition and was talking to first responders before being airlifted to a trauma center.

The incident occurred behind the Walmart. The landing zone was set up in front of the store. Complete article

Immigration Authorities issue detainer for three men arrested at Shallotte NC Walmart for sexual assault, obtaining property by false pretense 03/25/2023

SHALLOTTE, N.C. (WECT) - Three men are in custody after an incident at the Walmart in Shallotte around 7p.m. Friday.

A Walmart employee stopped a Shallotte Police Sergeant and said a female wanted to report a sexual assault that had just occurred in the parking lot.

“The officer spotted the suspect and the two others driving through the parking lot toward Main Street. Shallotte Officers initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle and identified the occupants inside. Detectives with the Shallotte Police Department responded to investigate the accusation,” the press release states.

Detectives were able to confirm that the female was sexually assaulted. Complete article

‘It scared me:’ Police disturbed by assault of a minor in Walmart parking lot 03/28/2023

‘Bro left a parting gift’: Walmart customer’s mobile grocery order delivered with shopping cart 03/25/2023

A Walmart customer’s video has gone viral after he alleged that his mobile grocery order was delivered with an entire shopping cart.

The video, posted by TikTok user @lee.champion this week, shows a shopping cart parked in his living room, with the overlay text reading: “I just ordered groceries from Walmart, tell me why the heck they left the whole cart with me.”

Accompanying the video is a caption that reads, “How did this fit in his car.”

The brief footage has caused a stir on social media, with commenters reacting with shock and humor. Complete article

Walmart closing an Everett Wash. store that locals say was plagued by theft 03/24/2023

Hudson Valley Man Stole From NY Walmart, Target, Supermarket 03/24/2023

Police called when Mich. Walmart customer attempts to take groceries 03/25/2023

$1M Pa. Lottery scratch-off sold at Walmart 03/24/2023

Marquette Mich. Police Department receives grant from Walmart 03/24/2023

Counterfeit warning issued by police after man uses fake bills at Walmart, Asheville NC police say 03/24/2023

Walmart Supercenter in Worcester Mass. seeks license to sell beer and wine 03/22/2023

Walmart evacuated after bomb threat in Franklin County Pa. 03/26/2023

Man arrested for two attempted murder charges after exchanging gunfire in Cortana Place La. 03/27/2023

BATON ROUGE - A man was arrested for two attempted murder charges after he allegedly waited for two people to exit a Walmart before trying to ambush them.

According to the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office, the two victims were shopping at the Walmart on Cortana Place around 4 p.m. Sunday when they were approached by a man who neither of them recognized. They exchanged a few words in passing, and the man, later identified as 19-year-old Demaurion Pierce, walked out of the store and pulled a ski mask over his face.

The victims saw him do this and waited a short while before exiting the store. Pierce then pulled out a gun and pointed it at the both of them, and one of the victims pulled out his own gun before the two exchanged shots in the Walmart parking lot.

Pierce fled the scene and threw his gun over a nearby bridge, but it was ultimately recovered when deputies investigated the scene and took Pierce into custody. Complete article

Deputies respond to incident involving weapon outside Baton Rouge La. Walmart 03/26/2023

2 found dead in parking lot of Lockport Ill. Walmart; cause of deaths a mystery 03/27/2023

A man and a woman were found dead inside of a vehicle at Walmart in Lockport located at 16241 South Farrell Road. The cause of death has not yet been determined, but could be from carbon monoxide poisoning or a drug overdose, police said.

Lockport Deputy Police Chief Ron Huff said the two adult victims were found dead on Monday afternoon in the Walmart parking lot.

Huff said the two victims “appeared to be sleeping,” so police are investigating the possibility of their deaths were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning.

However, police are not ruling out a drug overdose, he said. Complete article

Family Dollar employee shot man more than 10 times at Phoenix store, police say 03/25/2023

PHOENIX - A Family Dollar employee is now behind bars after he shot a man more than 10 times at a store near 67th Avenue and Indian School Road earlier this week.

Kevin Salas Madrid, 24, had reportedly been confronting a serial shoplifter moments before he opened fire.

The alleged shoplifter punched Madrid in the face after being told to leave, and witnesses said the store clerk shot the man 10 times in response.

Court documents stated that the 24-year-old continued to shoot the man as he laid on the ground.

The victim remains in the hospital in life-threatening condition. Complete article

Police seek help in identifying man who robbed Coffeyville Kansas Walmart 03/27/2023

COFFEYVILLE, Kan. -- Authorities seek the help of the public to help identify the man who robbed the Coffeyville Walmart yesterday evening.

At 6:40 on Sunday evening, officers from the Coffeyville police were dispatched to Walmart for an armed robbery that had just taken place.

The suspect brandished a firearm, robbed the store clerk, and left with an undisclosed amount of cash. The suspect appears to be a white, possibly Hispanic male aged 40 to 50 years old. Complete article

Police arrest man for alleged robbery at Walmart in Coffeyville 03/31/2023

Temple police identify suspect in attempted kidnapping at West Adams Walmart 03/26/2023

TEMPLE, Texas — A man has been identified as the suspect in an attempted kidnapping at the West Adams Walmart, police said.

The incident occurred at 1:51 p.m. Saturday and involved an 8-year-old female, according to the Temple Police Department.

Police have not yet released the identity of the suspect.

Temple police described him as being a white male with a beard, mustache and short hair in earlier reports. Complete article

EEOC Sues Walmart for Deli Worker's Firing Over Disability Claims -- Update 03/28/2023

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a disability discrimination suit against a regional section of Walmart Inc. over the firing of a deli associate who suffered from Crohn's disease.

The U.S. federal agency with oversight over workplace rights said Tuesday that Wal-Mart Stores East LP broke federal law when it refused to excuse the employee's disability-related leave and fired her for having too many absences.

According to the lawsuit, Walmart refused to provide the employee with reasonable accommodations after she requested intermittent leave or excused disability-related absences, and a transfer to a job position closer to a bathroom.

Walmart chose to excuse some of the employee's disability-related absences but not others, including several absences for medical appointments and hospitalization, and ultimately fired her for having more absences than allowed under company policy even though she had doctor's notes, the lawsuit claims. Complete article

Kendall man accused of stealing sports cards from NY Walmart stores across WNY 03/27/2023

Walmart to close 15 stores across 11 states: See if your favorite store is impacted 03/27/2023

Walmart reducing workforce at 5 fulfillment operations 03/27/2023

Fla. Walmart employee steals close to two thousand in refund transactions 03/25/2023

Tent Shoplifted From Walmart - And Other Collegedale Tenn. Police Calls 03/27/2023

Police: 19-Year-Old Walmart Employee in Coral Springs Fla. Allegedly Defrauded Store Out of $3,157 By Changing Prices 03/26/2023

Manitowoc Man Steals From Wisc. Walmart, Found in Possession of Meth 03/27/2023

Man dead after police shooting at Walmart in Surprise Ariz. 03/28/2023

SURPRISE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) -- Authorities say a man is dead after a shooting involving officers at a Walmart parking lot in Surprise Tuesday afternoon.

Around 12:20 p.m., Surprise police were called about an unwanted guest in a Walmart parking lot near Grand Avenue and Bell Road. Officers arrived and found a man sitting in the backseat of a car with the door open and tried to talk to him. Police say the man was yelling and argumentative, so the officers asked the man to get out of the vehicle. According to investigators, that’s when the man yelled at officers, “I have a gun,” and reached under a pile of personal items. Officers fired at the man, killing him.

“It was a combination of him yelling, ‘I have a gun,’ and making a furtive gesture under those items towards his waistband and that’s when this happened,” said Jamie Rothschild, Public Information Officer for Surprise Police.

No officers were hurt in the shooting, and police say there is no threat to the community. Surprise police do not know who made the 911 call and are unclear on what type of weapon the man had. An investigation is underway to find out more details on the shooting. The man has not been identified.

This is the 19th officer-involved shooting in Maricopa County and the 25th in the state in 2023. Complete article

Death investigation after body found in SUV at Melbourne Fla. Walmart 03/28/2023

Melbourne police are investigating after the body of an unidentified person was found in a sport utility vehicle parked outside of a Walmart on Tuesday.

The body was first spotted about 11:40 a.m. Tuesday at the Walmart Supercenter located at Sarno and Wickham roads, police said.

"No foul play is suspected," said Lt. John Chapman of the Melbourne Police Department. Complete article

Dead bodies found at Walmart stores in Brevard is a phenomenon. Here's why it's happening 06/14/2018

Charlotte County Sheriff’s office conducting death investigation 03/28/2023

CHARLOTTE COUNTY Fla. (WWSB) - The Charlotte County Sheriff says they are investigating a death in the parking lot of a business.

Officials say they found a deceased person in the parking lot of the Walmart Neighborhood Market.

The death is not believed to be suspicious and there is no threat to the community. Complete article

Man faces charges after causing an evacuation at Harding Highway Ohio Walmart on Monday 03/2/2023

ALLEN COUNTY, OH (WLIO) - The Allen County Sheriff's Office released information this afternoon on a Monday afternoon incident that ended in the Harding Highway Walmart being evacuated.

Officers and deputies from various departments were called out just before 4:30 in reference to a man making threats and refusing to leave the store. Scanner traffic also indicated that 31-year-old James Killings was wearing a backpack that he repeatedly took on and off. The sheriff's office says, due to the nature of his threats, the store was evacuated. He was immediately arrested without incident. Killings is charged with criminal trespass and inducing panic.

Press Release from the Allen County Sheriff's Office: On Monday, March 27, 2023 at approximately 4:26pm Allen County Sheriff’s Office deputies were dispatched to 2400 Harding Hwy (Walmart Super Center) in reference to a man making threats and refusing to leave the store. Due to the nature of Mr. Killings’ threats the store was evacuated. Deputies arrived within minutes and immediately took James E. Killings (DOB 5-16-1991) into custody without incident. He was booked into the Allen County Jail on charges of Criminal Trespass and Inducing Panic. Complete article

Suspect in multiple thefts tasered at Fla. Walmart in The Villages 03/28/2023

A suspect in multiple thefts was tasered by a deputy trying to take him into custody at a Walmart store in The Villages.

Darrell Freeman, 38, of Wildwood, was already a suspect in two previous thefts at the store at Sarasota Plaza and was in the process of committing another theft when he was confronted by a deputy at about 2 p.m. Monday, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office.

Freeman walked away from the deputy, pushed him in the chest and took off running. The deputy caught up to Freeman and used a hip toss to take him to the ground. Freeman started grabbing at the deputy’s belt and tried to pull off the deputy’s radio. The deputy tried to hold Freeman down, but he kept resisting efforts to be subdued. The deputy used two knee strikes to try to bring him into compliance. When that failed to work, the deputy drew his taser and ordered Freeman to the ground. Freeman ignored the deputy’s commands and was tasered. Emergency personnel were summoned to the scene to check him out. Complete article

Man charged in counterfeit $63K+ bill spree across 28 different Walmart locations, including Amherst County Va. 03/28/2023

We’re told the incidents happened at 28 Walmart locations between Maryland and South Carolina.

MECKLENBURG, Va. – A man has been arrested after allegedly using counterfeit bills to take more than $63,000 worth of merchandise from 28 different Walmarts along the East Coast, according to the Amherst County Sheriff’s Office.

On March 27, 2023, deputies said they responded to the Madison Heights Walmart for complaints of an unknown man who had passed along counterfeit bills.

Amherst County deputies and Walmart Asset Protection worked together and were able to identify the suspect as Malcolm McKinney, according to the sheriff’s office. Complete article

Indiana Walmart location to permanently close, lay off 261 workers 03/27/2023

Casino trip turns unlucky for dozens who parked their cars at Walmart in Chattanooga 03/27/2023

Officer won't be charged in shooting at Roscoe Ill. Walmart, high-speed chase in Nov. 2022 03/28/2023

Walmart to lay off workers in Jacksonville, Central Florida 03/28/2023

Man Charged After Allegedly Punching Pa. Walmart Employee 03/30/2023

One man is facing charges after he allegedly assaulted an employee at a local store. Butler Township Police say 36-year-old Matthew Sartori of Greensburg refused to leave the Walmart in the Butler Commons this past Tuesday around 9 p.m. After the altercation, Sartori then punched an employee in the chest. Complete article

Walmart employee threatens customer: Brooklyn Police Blotter 03/30/2023

Menacing, Brookpark Road: On March 1, a Walmart employee called police about a disturbance. An arriving officer talked to the caller, who said one of their co-workers was attempting to start a fight with a customer. Police are investigating. Complete article

Retired Cop's Holstered Gun Prompts Scare Inside Beaumont Ca. Walmart 03/30/2023

Beaumont police received several 911 calls Thursday morning about an active shooter inside the Walmart store at 1540 E. 2nd Street.

BEAUMONT, CA — A retired law enforcement officer who went shopping at the Beaumont Walmart Superstore Thursday morning prompted a scare after the holstered gun he was carrying was spotted by a store employee.

The Beaumont Police Department reported it received "several" calls about an active shooter at the store located at 1540 E. 2nd Street.

"Callers were [Walmart] employees who reported hearing there was a shooter in the store but were unable to confirm hearing gunshots," police said in a social media update. Complete article

Syracuse man held captive for two days over drug debt, escapes at NY Walmart, police say 03/30/2023

Syracuse, N.Y. - A Syracuse man has been charged with kidnapping a man and holding him captive for two days over money owed for drugs, police said.

The victim was able to finally escape at the Walmart in East Syracuse, police said.

London D. Rice, 38, of Syracuse has been charged with first-degree kidnapping and other charges.

Court documents and victim statements provided the following details:

The 34-year-old victim told police Rice was his former drug dealer who claimed he owed him money. Rice got into the victim’s 2018 Mercedes GLC-300 around 11 a.m. Thursday near South Salina Street and Valentine Street.

The victim said Rice forced him to drive to get the money he was owed. He also said Rice threatened to kill him if he didn’t do drugs with him. Complete article

VIDEO: Car catches fire, spreads to multiple vehicles in Madison Heights Walmart lot 03/28/2023

MADISON HEIGHTS, Va. (WSET) — Folks out shopping at the Walmart in Madison Heights on Tuesday afternoon walked out of the store to a fiery scene. Video and photos shared with ABC 13 on ChimeIn show a car up in flames in the parking lot at the Madison Heights Walmart. Brad Beam with Amherst County Public Safety said the fire began at 1:45 p.m. Complete article

Woman struck by car at Walmart in Dublin Va. 03/31/2023

On March 29, 2023 deputies from the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office responded to Walmart in Dublin with Pulaski County Emergency Medical Services in reference to a female who had been struck by a vehicle.

After initial investigation, it was determined that Donna Gaines, 50 from Barren Springs had exited the store and was walking across the travel lanes to the parking area.

Goines walked behind a vehicle traveling north and out in front of another vehicle traveling south, driven by Misty Bralley, 29 of Dublin.

It was determined that Bralley’s speed was not excessive, however, her view of Goines was obstructed by sunlight and another vehicle. Bralley was unable to stop in time and struck Goines. Complete article

Walmart faces second U.S. lawsuit this week over treatment of workers 03/30/2023

(Reuters) - Walmart Inc was sued on Thursday by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency's second lawsuit this week accusing the largest U.S. retailer of discrimination against workers with disabilities.

The EEOC said Walmart illegally demoted Calvin Hagan for missing too much work at a Raleigh, North Carolina store because of seizures caused by his generalized convulsive epilepsy, and then illegally fired him for violating its attendance policy.

The lawsuit was filed three days after the EEOC sued Walmart for firing Adrian Tucker, a deli worker in a Statesville, North Carolina store, because she had too many "unauthorized" absences related to her Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel condition.

Walmart did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Hagan's case. It has said it does not tolerate discrimination and takes allegations of workplace discrimination seriously. Complete article

NY State Police searching for suspects that keyed someone’s car at Norwich Walmart 03/29/2023

Charleston man arrested for stealing $700 worth of merchandise from Ill. Walmart 03/29/2023

Three Potsdam women accused of shoplifting at NY Walmart 03/29/2023

Berry Hill Tenn. Walmart evacuated after bomb threat, according to Berry Hill Police Chief 03/29/2023

Walmart in Palm Coast Fla. Evacuated After It Was Target of a Bomb Threat 03/29/2023

Walmart Is Changing the Way Its Employees Get to Work 03/27/2023 The company’s new director of workplace mobility is trying to get 10% of its Bentonville, Arkansas, workforce on bikes, scooters and in carpools.

Man dies as result of after-hours self-inflicted shooting at Colorado Walmart 03/31/2023

Fort Morgan police have confirmed a 21-year-old man has died as a result of a suspected self-inflicted gunshot wound at Walmart sometime after closing time Friday, March 31.

“We were called [to the location] for a former employee acting strange,” Police Chief Loren Sharp said. “While officers were on scene, after closing, they heard a gunshot coming from a restroom and found a male with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”

Fort Morgan police attempted life-saving measures, Sharp said, but the subject was pronounced dead at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Fort Morgan about three hours later. Complete article

Video: Suspect steals nearly $19K of electronics from North Carolina Walmart 03/31/2023

GASTONIA, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) – It was a shopping spree, but not the legal kind.

Gastonia police are working to identify a thief who snatched almost $19,000 worth of iPads and iPhones from a Walmart by making it to the back “employee-only room” undetected by workers.

The theft, which was caught on surveillance video, happened Monday night at the Walmart on E. Franklin Boulevard in Gastonia.

“The suspect manages to avoid being seen by anybody,” said Rick Goodale with the Gastonia Police Department.

The video shows a thief ducking down and hiding and even wiping off the door knob to avoid leaving prints in between stuffing iPhones and iPads into their shirt and walking out with the edges of the electronics visible through their clothing. Complete article

2-in-1 outdoor kids swings sold at Walmart nationwide recalled due to fall hazard 03/31/2023

More than 43,000 Delta Children’s Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and PAW Patrol 2-in-1 Outdoor Kids Swings have been recalled due to the possibility of the restraint straps being able to break, causing a fall hazard to young children.

The firm has received seven reports of swing seat restraint straps breaking. No injuries have been reported.

This recall involves 2-in-1 Outdoor Kids Swing with model numbers SW86508MM, SW86516MN, SW86575MM, SW86576MN and SW86577PW. The model number is printed on a Delta Children’s label with a blue heart on the bottom of the swing. The swings are made of plastic and have a bucket seat with a three-point safety harness and a high back that has a silhouette of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse or PAW Patrol on top. The swings measure 16 inches wide by 10.8 inches deep and 22.2 inches high. Included rope measures 36 inches from the top of the swing. The swing is recommended for children ages 9 months through 4 years old and holds up to 50 pounds. Complete article

Fla. Walmart shopper arrested after failing to scan $271 worth of merchandise 03/30/2023

TikTok founder secretly met with Walmart CEO last week, sources say 03/30/2023

Romanian nationals plead guilty to Walmart thefts in Hempfield, North Huntingdon Pa. 03/30/2023

Car break-in suspect took stolen bank cards to Walmart, bought gift cards, Fuquay-Varina NC police say 03/31/2023

Walmart planning big job cuts at South Jersey NJ facility 03/31/2023

Police arrest two suspects after reported bomb threats made at North Logan Utah Walmart 03/31/2023

Walmart 'Bamboo' Products Are Really Rayon, Mass. Suit Says 03/31/2023 By Collin Krabbe (March 31, 2023, 5:26 PM EDT) -- Walmart deceptively claims certain products are bamboo when they are really another processed fiber, despite a warning from the Federal Trade Commission, according to a proposed class action in Massachusetts federal court....

11th Circ. Revives Fla. Walmart Injury Suit Over Squished Grape 03/31/2023 By David Minsky (March 31, 2023, 10:01 PM EDT) -- The Eleventh Circuit on Friday reversed a lower court decision favoring Walmart in a slip-and-fall lawsuit brought by a Florida customer who claims she was injured after stepping on a grape and falling, saying that circumstantial evidence regarding the squished fruit sufficiently established that a dangerous condition existed before the incident....

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