About six and a half years ago the tracking of police shootings by the grassroots was just beginning and I compiled my own list of A Brief History of Cops Convicted of Murder. Although this didn't consist of a peer reviewed study by most academic standards it was becoming increasingly obvious that if police were less likely to commit murder it couldn't have been much less. Since then there still hasn't been a peer reviewed statistical study to show for certain that police are more likely to commit murder than the rest of us, however, there's enough raw data virtually guaranteeing that this is true, and there were statistical studies showing police were more violent at home more than twenty years ago, although this research has been ignored by mainstream media and police.
Starting in the middle of 2013 going through at least the end of 2020, there have been grassroots efforts to list all the police shootings they could find and they found over a thousand stories, sometimes over one thousand two hundred, listing their sources each year where people were killed by police. This comes to about seven or eight percent of all killings each year, although the vast majority of them are listed as justifiable homicide by the police, judicial and political establishment. the total percentage of active duty police officers at any given time is less than a quarter of one percent, perhaps as low as a fifth of one percent of the total population yet they commit seven or eight percent of all killings. Even if this is justifiable homicide, which you can judge for yourself by checking Killed By Police 2017 (includes May 2013 through July 2018 from archives) and Killed By Police (includes 2015 through November 2020 from archives), then it's far more civilians killed by police than any other wealthy stable country in the world.
Of course, in most cases if you accept the claim that most of these are justifiable homicide an argument could be made that they're defending the rest of us by stopping dangerous people from killing. However, if you keep track of the cases being highlighted by police watch groups, it's clear that a much higher percentage than the police or traditional media imply are clearly unjustifiable. In many cases, even the police are considering them murder and charging some of their own, but there are still many others where the police are covering up and trying to protect their own.
Considering the fact that current police officers make up less than a quarter of one percent of the public at any given time and the number of murders per year is typically about 16,000 or so and just under 70% of them are actually solved the share of solved murders for the police per year would be only about twenty-seven, which is only four percent of those listed as being killed by police. And this would mean that they equally likely to commit murder, not less likely as most propaganda implies; however it's virtually guaranteed that they're significantly more likely to commit murder and many other crimes as an enormous amount of data listed by cop watchers show. However, since there's relatively fewer of them, it's easier to determine if police are more likely to be serial killers, and they are. The Wikipedia List of serial killers in the United States has about four hundred and fifty entries and five of them are police, Joseph James DeAngelo; Manuel Pardo; Anthony Sully; Robert Hohenberger; and Robert Neal Rodriguez. Another police officer, Juan David Ortiz, is currently awaiting trial for killing four and kidnapping one more who escaped. Presumably the only reason he's not on the list yet is because he hasn't been officially convicted, but he has confessed, so there's little doubt that he'll be found guilty. These six don't include Stephen Richard Smith who seems to fit the definition of a serial killer and committed his murders while working as a police officer, and there could be more that aren't on this list, so it might be even worse. There's little or no doubt that police appear to be statistically more likely to be serial killers, and there are at least a few that ahve committed mass murder as well, so they may be as likely if not more likely to be mass murderers or sprre killers as well.
DeAngelo and Ortiz were both employed as police when they committed their murders, and the other three had all left the police force, but just one alone is statistically enough to be average, and with Ortiz added that's double that. Furthermore, I knew about Pardo, DeAngelo and Ortiz from previous searches and found the rest by simply searching for police on the list, but neither DeAngelo and Ortiz were listed as police officers, and Ortiz wasn't listed at all. If DeAngelo, who was arrested within the past few years and was widely known to be a police officer wasn't listed as being a police officer then there could be more serial killers that were police officers without being described that way on this page. There are even more serial killers who tried to become police officers, but didn't succeed for one reason or another including David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, Dennis Rader, and many others, indicating that police work is more likely to attract violent people, and there's plenty of other evidence to show that those more interested in controlling others are more inclined to seek employment as police officers. Some of these people are weeded out in the recruitment process but it's likely those doing the hiring are more concerned with officers that will blindly obey orders even when it's clear the economic system is rigged towards the rich and police are expected to enforce rules that are clearly biased. Those standing up to corruption or for fairness for the working class are often weeded out instead of the most violent police officers.
Even though this wouldn't be considered a peer reviewed statistical study by many academics there's more evidence listed below to support this and the following article does cite a couple peer reviewed studies showing they're more likely to commit domestic violence at home:
One Group Has a Higher Domestic Violence Rate Than Everyone Else — And It's Not the NFL 12/19/2014
The NFL has jump-started a national conversation on domestic violence, but there's one group we're overlooking: The people we trust to keep us safe.
In families of police officers, domestic violence is two-to-four times more likely than in the general population — from stalking and harassment to sexual assault and even homicide. As the National Center for Women and Policing notes, two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population.
After Rozniakowski reportedly resigned from his job Monday, police say he kicked open the door to Morrow's home, shot her to death and wounded her teenage daughter before being apprehended at the scene.
There is an epidemic of domestic violence by police officers: In the last two weeks, a Cleveland police officer was arrested for stalking and domestic violence, and officers in New Jersey and New York were charged in domestic violence cases.
A 2013 Bowling Green State University study, through news searches, tallied 324 cases of reported officer domestic violence. It is likely that this number is a gross underestimate, because as the National Center for Women and Policing has detailed, officers frequently cover for each other. Complete article
The NFL has jump-started a national conversation on domestic violence, but there's one group we're overlooking: The people we trust to keep us safe.
In families of police officers, domestic violence is two-to-four times more likely than in the general population — from stalking and harassment to sexual assault and even homicide. As the National Center for Women and Policing notes, two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population.
After Rozniakowski reportedly resigned from his job Monday, police say he kicked open the door to Morrow's home, shot her to death and wounded her teenage daughter before being apprehended at the scene.
There is an epidemic of domestic violence by police officers: In the last two weeks, a Cleveland police officer was arrested for stalking and domestic violence, and officers in New Jersey and New York were charged in domestic violence cases.
A 2013 Bowling Green State University study, through news searches, tallied 324 cases of reported officer domestic violence. It is likely that this number is a gross underestimate, because as the National Center for Women and Policing has detailed, officers frequently cover for each other. Complete article
These studies have been cited so often over the years, at the grassroots level, not in mainstream media, that fact checkers looked into it, often assuming it was false; however, they found that it was mostly if not entirely true, except for a few cases where the results were exaggerated. Some of these fact checkers did point out that although 40% of police families experienced domestic violence, only 28% of those cases of violence were by the police officers them selves, which is still a lot. Furthermore, there are a lot of reports of police being much more effective at covering it up, since the victims often have to report to other police officers, who often cover for them, as several articles citing this study point out.
There's also a relatively New Study That Examines the Tragic Relationship Between Police Officers and Suicide 09/14/2019 "13 out of every 100,000 people die by suicide in the general population – that number increases to 17 out of 100,000 for police officers. During the 2018 calendar year, 167 law enforcement officers tragically took their own lives, and that number is projected to increase during 2019." As I show below, using Murder/Suicide Blogspot for a sampling there are at least thirty-nine, possibly more entries from police that kill their family members then kill themselves, which is slightly more than one percent of their total entries, while the total number of police working in the United states is less than a quarter of one percent at any given time (usually about 0.22 percent). Since this includes many ex-police there might be two or three times that but it's highly unlikely that it's a full one percent of the population, meaning police are statistically more likely to commit murder suicide if this sample is adequately random.
And there are many more murder cases against police, some involving convictions, others that probably should involve convictions as the following list of a few high lighted examples, plus many more, including some for lesser crimes. I haven't organized and counted them, and doubt if this would be enough to prove that police are statistically more likely to commit murder even when you exclude the justifiable homicides; however, this is far from a complete list, and my best guess is that given enough time this can be proven. Furthermore, even if it's not enough to prove that police are statistically more likely to commit murder there are far more than enough stories showing they routinely try to cover up for each other and aren't held to the same standards the rest of us are. There's no doubt they get away with far more, and even when convicted they're much more likely to get retrials, have their convictions overturned, or if this doesn't happen, they usually receive far more lenient sentences than the rest of us would.
A surprising number of murders by police or ex-police officers aren't even on duty and can hardly even pretend to be justified, and not surprisingly are related to domestic disputes in their own personal life. One of these is Timothy Dean a Former Sunray police chief who was sentenced for New York double murder. 08/02/2019 He conspired with another former Sunray Tx. police police officer and his wife, who he met while working at another small Texas police department, to kill her ex-boyfriend who won custody of their two children in upstate New York. Apparently one of the reasons they lost custody of her kids was that Timothy Dean was charged with abusing his step-children. This may be the same reason he lost custody of his own child from a previous marriage.
A Baltimore Police officer, Eric Banks, was also charged with murder in stepson's death. 07/14/2021 Even though he hasn't been convicted yet, since the stepson was found in a hole in the bedroom wall and the officer resisted arrest and declared "My life is over" and “choke me choke me," it seem virtually guaranteed that he'll be convicted, assuming he doesn't plead guilty. Another Maryland cop, Cpl. Michael Owen Jr., was charged with murder after a man was shot 7 times inside his police cruiser while he had him handcuffed. 01/29/2020 it hardly seems likely that he could be found not guilty either, even though so many other cops are in clear cut cases. This police officer was also among six who were being investigated for a separate fraud case against banks or insurance companies. I've reported previously that this is far more common than many other crimes by police, although they get much less attention. Even though it's far less serious than murder, the epidemic level of insurance fraud by police raises major doubts if they can be trusted to do their job.
In another case, showing how much more likely police officers are to be treated leniently when they are convicted than the rest of us a N.J. appeals court orders new sentencing hearing for ex-Deptford cop, James Stuart, who fatally shot friend. 03/02/2020 (Keep in mind, many of these "ex-cops," including James Stuart, were still working as police officers at the time of the alleged murder, although this one was while he was off-duty, and were fired during the investigation; if in doubt look it up.) This officer allegedly accidentally killed his friend after a night of drinking when he tested a blood alcohol level of 0.14%, almost double the legal drunk driving amount in most states, four hours after the shooting. He was originally sentenced to thirty years, which most of us almost certainly would have gotten. However, after this was overturned it was cut to seven years and even that was overturned meaning that he could get out as soon as it's resolved even if it's not cut much if any more, depending on how much time he spent in pretrial or out on bond, since this took place eight years ago. Of course, we're all legally allowed to appeal guilty sentences, technically at least; however, in practice it may depend far more on how much money and political clout people have, and police officers routinely show they have far more political clout and even if they don't have enough money for legal expenses, they can often collect it from unions or other unnamed sources by starting a legal defense fund; we may never know who donates to it or if there's a conflict of interest.
Another Ex-NJ cop, Joseph Macchia, who killed man during a bar fight gets 6 years in prison 07/27/2018 This cop was only convicted of "reckless manslaughter" which is why his sentence was so low. There's little or no chance that the rest of us could get so light a charge or sentence, unless we had much better connections than most people; the sentencing of many police officers show that justice or consistent guidelines don't apply to them. The family of the victims are trying to pass a law making it illegal for police to carry their guns while getting drunk, but there's little or no chance of that passing. Despite especially harsh words from this judge and many other officials or pundits there's little reason to indicate they mean it, when they routinely impose such low penalties for police while pushing for the harshest sentences for the rest of us, assuming police are even charged when they kill people, when they're usually not. He wasn't even charged right away, which is common for the police who are rarely charged quickly often until there's an enormous outrage from the community.
Another incredibly low sentence for murder given to a police officer was Amber Guyger who only received ten years for killing her neighbor when she allegedly thought she was in her own home, but wasn't even on the right floor and killed her upstairs neighbor. She even tried to get that sentence overturned but, Appeals court upholds murder conviction of ex-Dallas officer Amber Guyger, who killed neighbor Botham Jean in his own home. 08/06/2021 According to that article she will only serve ten years at the most and may be out on parole as early as 2024, which will be no more than six years in jail and some of that may have been spent out on bail. There's no way the rest of us could possibly get as lenient a sentence as that, and if we did we would be happy enough not to try to appeal it. Furthermore, her face book posts, which went viral at the time, showed and incredibly elitist attitude thinking that police were better than everyone else, and half jokingly threatening people that don't obey her quickly. She also posed with people wearing "All Lives Matter" which was designed to downplay the slogan "Black Lives Matter," without ackowledging the fact that black lives are at greater risk. Her attitude may have seemed to have changed, with or without the advise of lawyers teaching her to appear remorseful.
But at least she was charged relatively quickly, although there was a delay of a few days which ended after massive protests and the original charges were also changed from manslaughter to murder as a result of those protests; in another case, which is almost as obvious the police refused to press charges against one of their own in New York until pressured by the Civilian Complaint Review Board which Filed Charges Against NYPD Officers Brendan Thompson and Herbert Davis, Family of Kawaski Trawick and Organizers Demand Firings 09/03/2021 This took two years and there's little reason to believe there'll be a conviction, even though the evidence seems to indicate there should be. According to It Wasn’t the First Time the NYPD Killed Someone in Crisis. For Kawaski Trawick, It Only Took 112 Seconds. 12/04/2020 he locked himself out of his apartment while carrying a butter knife and a stick for some unexplained reason, when the fire department helped him get back in. Presumably, if the police had checked with them, they would have known the situation was resolved but they arrived several minutes later, and seeing the door was damaged but that a chain was securing it at the time they knocked but quickly broke the chain, breaking into the apartment without a warrant or legal justification then found Kawaski Trawick still holding the butter knife and stick and when he asked “Why are you in my home?” instead of answering him they started yelling at him to drop the knife, and within a couple minutes tased him, then shot and killed him. According to a bodycam they referred to him as "Just a Perp," saying that none of the police were hurt; however, he never committed a crime, but by breaking into his apartment without a warren they did, and they didn't abide by policy trying to deescalate the situation, instead acting in a panic. Clearly they were the real "perps" violating the law to break in and he was justified to ask who was in his home, posing little or no threat with a butter knife.
Another famous case where a former police officer wasn't charged for his participation in a murder was when Gregory McMichael and his son Travis killed Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, and they weren't arrested for almost two and a half months, and then only after a video of the murder went viral and they were arrested under public pressure. Eventually A Former DA was indicted after allegedly 'showing favor' to men accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery; 09/02/2021 she allegedly told two police officers not to arrest Travis McMichael who pulled the trigger. Gregory McMichael was retired; however, he only left the police force less than a year before the murder and spent more than thirty years as a police officer, and even volunteered to continue watching for burglars in his own neighborhood, which is what he claimed he was doing; however, Ahmaud Arbery was a local resident jogging and there was no reason to believe he was a burglar, let alone kill him. If he was behaving like this in retirement there's little doubt that he was as racist during his thirty plus years as a police officer.
Another Chicago cop was given a life sentence for plotting to kill a businessman, even though he didn't kill him according to Steven Mandell Ex-Chicago Cop Gets Life, Plus Five Years, In Gruesome Kidnap-Torture-Murder Plot 12/11/2014 Date of plot: 2012 which says "Prosecutors said Mandell and former Willow Springs police officer Gary Engel were on the verge of carrying out their gruesome plot when they were arrested two years ago. Engel hanged himself in his cell shortly after the arrest." This was a sadistic cop according to this story, so I don't doubt he deserved to get life in jail and this sentence could protect the rest of the public; however, when considering the fact that his intended victim was a wealthy businessman I can't help but wonder if the only reason he got such a long sentence is the victim had significantly more political power than poor people in the ghettos.
There may be good reason to believe that the Chicago police department was involved in torture on a wider basis and when they targeted the poor they were much less likely to be held accountable as indicated in a report from Democracy Now: A Black Site in Chicago? Police Accused of Running Secret Compound for Detentions & Interrogations 02/26/2014 Additional reporting shows that some of the same people torturing the poor, mostly minorities were also involved in other torture abroad as also reported by Democracy Now: Exporting Torture: Former Chicago Police Detective Tied to Brutality at Guantánamo 02/26/2014
This is just a small fraction of epidemic levels of police corruption that has been exposed over the years; in many cases, these police departments have supposedly been cleaned up and they're not supposed to be nearly as bad as they used to be; but even if this is true there's good reason to believe that many of these major prosecutions don't get all the corruption or perhaps even most of it, as indicated by new reports of more corruption. A couple of the most brazen examples are Wikipedia: Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa who are two former New York Police Department (NYPD) police detectives who worked on behalf of the New York Mafia, principally the Lucchese crime family, while they committed various illegal activities; (Date of Murders: 1980s and the early 1990s) and another example was Wikipedia: Michael Jerome Corbitt (March 17, 1944 - July 27, 2004) who was a police chief of Willow Springs, Illinois, and an associate of Chicago Outfit mobsters such as Sal Bastone, Sam "Momo" Giancana and Antonino "Tony," "Joe Batters" Accardo. Date of Murder: March 1982. There's been significant evidence showing that even if they weeded out a significant portion of the corruption in New York or the Chicago area, or many other corrupt police forces there's still more where that came from including the scandal with Joe Gliniewicz in Fox Lake in the outer North West suburbs of Chicago, that almost certainly goes well beyond the crimes blamed on Joe Gliniewicz as I reported previously in Scripted media coverage of Joe Gliniewicz's "suicide" is incomplete at best which strongly indicates there's much more corruption going on than they expose, and there's a strong possibility that it wasn't a suicide at all.
There may be good reason to believe that there might have been another alleged suicide or homicide that was an attempt to cover up more corruption in Baltimore although the corruption was still exposed as reported in 8 cops allegedly used an elite Baltimore police team to plunder the city and its residents 02/13/2018 which says "The Gun Trace Task Force, as its name suggests, was originally meant to get guns and violent criminals off the streets. In an investigation spanning over the past few years, however, federal officials uncovered a team fueled by corruption: The police officers in the unit set people up for baseless searches. They robbed people. They carried toy guns to plant as fake evidence in case they killed an unarmed person. They clocked overtime when they weren’t working at all. As then–US Attorney for Maryland (and now–Deputy Attorney General) Rod Rosenstein put it at the time of the indictment, 'This is not about aggressive policing, it is about a criminal conspiracy. These are really simply robberies by people wearing police uniforms.'"
What has received less attention was that one police officer who may or may not have been involved in the corruption allegedly committed suicide the day before he was expected to testify as reported in EXCLUSIVE | Possible suspect in Det. Suiter's death interviewed last week, says attorney. 10/14/2020 His family and some investigators believe this was a homicide, which had obvious implications. This was also reported on in a little more detail in FBI confronted Baltimore Det. Suiter weeks before his death 01/28/2021 which says:
Less than a month before Baltimore Police Det. Sean Suiter was fatally shot in the head, FBI agents confronted him with allegations that he had planted drugs at the scene of a police chase and fatal crash seven years earlier, according to an FBI document obtained by The Baltimore Sun.The document says that during the Oct. 24, 2017, meeting, Suiter denied knowledge of drugs being planted at all and was “frustrated and upset” that he had been accused of being involved.
He asked for an attorney before speaking further.The memo summarizing the interview, called a “302 report,” was provided to The Sun this week in response to a series of Freedom of Information Act requests. It shows, for the first time, that Suiter was informed that there were allegations against him in the case against fellow officers. Suiter was fatally shot in West Baltimore while on duty, one day before he was set to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the drug-planting incident, which occurred in 2010.
Suiter had been granted limited immunity by prosecutors to discuss the case.In the eventual indictment, federal prosecutors relied on the account of another officer at the scene that described Suiter as unwittingly picking up the planted drugs. Suiter’s attorney, Jeremy Eldridge, maintains that the officer had no culpability in the incident and was not concerned about being implicated. But he also said he never was told — from his client or from investigators — that there were allegations that Suiter was involved.
“The prosecutor said from Day One that Sean was not a suspect,” Eldridge said Thursday. “This information confirms what we have known from the beginning, which is that Sean has always maintained his innocence.” Suiter’s death was ruled a homicide by the State Medical Examiner’s Office and remains classified that way. An outside panel tapped by the department to review the case concluded that he likely killed himself and staged it to look like a homicide. The panel’s 2018 report noted that the FBI had attempted to interview Suiter and that he had asked if he might lose his job. The panel speculated about whether Suiter might have felt pressure about the investigation. The drug-planting case came to light in the fallout of the Gun Trace Task Force corruption scandal.
GTTF Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, in addition to pleading guilty to robberies and drug dealing, admitted to authoring a false report about the 2010 incident, which preceded the GTTF. He said that he knew drugs were planted but was adamant at his sentencing that he was not the one who did it. “I wish I had come clean when I found out the drugs were planted,” Jenkins said at the hearing. Agents told Suiter in the October 2017 meeting that they had been told multiple versions of the incident, one that involved Suiter planting the drugs.
One other version, from a fellow squad member at the time named Ryan Guinn, was that while Suiter recovered drugs from the vehicle, he did not know they had been planted. An FBI special agent “advised Suiter that there was [also] information that at some point Suiter had found out about the drugs being planted.” The agent’s name is redacted from the report. The agent “also explained to Suiter that the facts surrounding this incident were going to become public no matter what because there were going to be actions in court involving the convictions for the men who were charged with the drugs.
”Two men, Umar Burley and Brent Mathews, were convicted at the time and sentenced to federal prison for the drugs planted in their vehicle. The two men said they were startled by police who swooped in on them, and fled in their vehicle, which collided with an elderly couple, killing one person. Burley was also convicted of manslaughter.Federal and state prosecutors vacated those convictions in the wake of the Gun Trace Task Force revelations. Burley and Mathews won an $8 million civil settlement from the city that was finalized last fall.
Suiter was out with another homicide detective when, according to his partner, David Bomenka, Suiter said he thought he saw someone in an alley and stopped to investigate. When the partner was out of view, Suiter rushed into a vacant lot and was shot. Police believe he was shot with his own weapon. Police offered a six-figure reward for tips and locked down the Harlem Park neighborhood for days after the shooting. The monitoring team for the U.S. Justice Department consent decree with the Baltimore Police Department said the lockdown, which involved stops and searches of residents, raised “clear constitutional concerns.”
The ACLU of Maryland filed a lawsuit on behalf of residents, which is pending in U.S. District Court. Among the tips received by investigators was an account from a federal informant who said he was nearby when the shooting happened, and said that he was told that Suiter was shot by someone after he came upon their drug stash.But some investigators said there was a lack of evidence of a shooter, and came to believe his death was likely a suicide staged to look like a murder.
That prompted the outside review, by a panel consisting of two retired homicide detectives, a former federal prosecutor, a former New Jersey State Police superintendent and a retired chief of detectives from a New York county district attorney’s office. They said one motivation for a staged suicide was to preserve benefits for his family. In October, the city agreed to a $900,000 settlement on benefits for his family.
During the Gun Trace Task Force trial, it was revealed that at least one officer who cooperated with the government, Det. Momodu Gondo, alleged he had stolen money with Suiter and other officers in the past. The panel review noted Suiter had deleted messages from Gondo and another convicted officer from his phone.Police moved to close the investigation into Suiter’s death following the panel’s report and a review of the investigation by the Maryland State Police, but Suiter’s family has maintained that he did not take his own life and have called the case a cover-up. The Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office also said last year that it was still following up on information. There have been no recent updates about the status of the case."
This clearly indicates that many members of "The Gun Trace Task Force" might have been a greater threat to the public than the people they were investigating, some of whom might have been innocent. Whether or not Burley and Mathews were set up and possibly framed, they hit an innocent elderly couple killing one of them and had the manslaughter charge dismissed because of police misconduct, which might have indirectly caused the accident. Tax payers often get stuck with massive legal bills for misconduct like this; in this case they paid Burley and Mathews $8 million and $900,000 to the family of Sean Suiter, with at least one more lawsuit pending from the ACLU and possibly one from the family of the elderly person that was killed in an accident.
This is far from unprecedented; in a previous article I pointed out that many cities across the country pay out hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars or more for police misconduct, and in many of those cases they don't even fire the police officers or charge them with crimes, and there are more of these examples listed below. Furthermore, there are many more cases where police are caught over and over again framing suspects; if you Google "Police planted drugs to frame suspect in (pick your large city)" or a similar phrase you'll find one case after another where police are framing suspects, and the police rarely, if ever, get as much times as the suspects when they get caught.
However, even though there may be strong doubts about whether or not Sean Suiter or Joe Gliniewicz actually killed themselves or they were murdered by co-conspirators, who may include more police officers or those with criminal ties to them, trying to cover up their crimes there are still far more police suicides or domestic violence cases, including murder or murder suicide than most people realize. There was a study that says that the general population commits suicide at a rate of 13 per 100,000, but police commit suicide at a rate of 17 per 100,000, and even though there's no study listing all their murders or murder suicides, there are many more stories being reported every year indicating it's almost certain that they're as bad if not worse than the general public.
A few examples of police involved in domestic violence and murder suicide include A Texas cop, Nick Pitofsky, commits murder-suicide days after posting gun review about protecting wife: investigators 02/28/2014; A Former Houston Police Sergeant, Hilario Hernandez, Killed Librarian Wife, Whose Body Was Discovered by Daughter in 2019 06/29/2021; A Philadelphia Police Officer Kills Wife, Self in Juniata Park Home, Investigators Say 07/08/2019; and many more; I found at least five or six domestic murders by police officers, most that were murder suicides listed below. I may add to this soon, but there's little or no chance that I'll find more than a fraction of the police implicated in murder without better access to official records, Google searches, even with the help of other people compiling their own lists are highly unlikely to be complete.
Most of the articles listed below resulted in dead police, often by suicide or convictions, when they're too obvious to ignore; however there are many cases where the police get much more lenient sentences than most of us would get. In at least four or five cases, probably more, both the killer and victim in murder suicides are police. In Several other cases, when a spouse, usually the wife, of a police officer was killed the police officer claimed it was suicide and in at least one case, Levi Chavez, that's what the jury found, although the family of the wife strongly disagreed. In another case, with two convictions for David Camm, who allegedly killed his wife and two children for insurance, it was eventually overturned and he was found not guilty, after spending twelve years in jail, with one year in between out on bond for his second trial. He then tried to get the insurance money, although it's unclear if he succeeded he did win a suit for wrongful conviction for $450,000, which was more than the policy. In both these cases the family of the wife was convinced that the cop should have been convicted, and after looking at both cases, my best guess is they're right, and that many police are more likely to get away with murder than the rest of us.
Another reporter who listed 15 Evil Cops Who Got Caught Doing The Unimaginable 07/21/2016 provided a few more examples, some which I already mentioned, and more that I haven't yet in this article; and made a point of saying, "The large majority of police officers worldwide are honest, well rounded citizens aiming to protect and better the communities they operate in," which we all hope is true, of course. I have said myself that I've known at least four or five police officers off duty taht are clearly good people, however, I've also met many more on-duty, some reasonable and others that clearly like bullying people. My impression, from personal experience and reading reports of other police officers, is that the best police officers, including the ones I met, are from middle or upper class cities where they don't ahve a large problem with crime anyway. And the worst are in lower income areas, including a few that I stayed at in the past and many much worse abandoned inner cities.
We have peer reviewed studies showing that police are more likely to commit domestic violence, and more likely to commit suicide; and a relatively simple look at a list of serial killers shows they may be more likely to be serial killers, even if some academics don't consider this statistically representative; but there are no peer reviewed studies showing whether or not police police are more likely to commit murder, which is also true about veterans, which I've covered in other articles. As I indicated, after looking at an enormous amount of raw data, which isn't complete, it seems clear that neither the murder rates for police or veterans could be much if any below average, and are almost certainly well above average, especially for police, if you count on duty killings that might be questionable. The FBI has an enormous amount of data on this and if they recorded it properly there's little doubt they could share it with academics that could do a peer reviewed study, yet they choose not to. The reason is almost certainly that they don't want to know the answer, and they know as well as me what such a study would probably show. Furthermore, they often keep a large portion of this information secret, and anyone trying to do their own research without inside help has little or no chance of collecting complete data.
A large portion of the murder suicides listed below were found on Murder/Suicide Blogspot which has just over 3,800 entries and at least thirty nine of them are police officers, probably more. These thirty nine police officers don't count several that were killed in the line of duty by someone that committed suicide that they didn't know, only those that involved police killing their own family members and themselves; one possible, but unlikely exception is a couple killed but police declined to say which person was the killer, but this would still be a domestic dispute. I found these thirty eight by using the search function starting with cop then tried a couple other terms, but it's unlikely that I found all the police officers at this site, although I may ahve come close. This means that at least one percent of entries are police officers, and as I said before, less than a quarter of one percent of the public are police officers at any given time. If you count ex-police officers then we don't have an exact percentage of the public, but it's unlikely that it's more than two or three times the percentage of people currently serving as police officers, which may mean that police are statistically more likely to commit murder suicide, perhaps by a large margin.
There should be no doubt that we have major problems with many police officers and the establishment often fights tooth and nail to cover it up, although recently, in some cases, they've been so obvious that they convicted them, and even though some receive exceptionally short sentences the rest of us could never expect, there are others that are so bad that they get much longer sentences. However, if you look at a lot of the more effective research showing how to reduce violence long before it escalates, which I've covered in many other articles, then it's clear that an even bigger problem are the media and politicians that ignore this research and rely on increasingly authoritarian and militarized police instead of funding programs that are less controversial and far more effective.
Other countries have used the best research to implement policies that reduce murder and other crime rates much more effective than us, and they have a higher quality of life without training police to behave in authoritarian ways suppressing the rights of their citizens and even killing many of them. There should be no doubt that if the can do it so can we, assuming our media reports on the best research on programs that reduce violence before it escalates and politicians use this research to make policy decisions, funding programs that are far more effective, and in many cases, save far more than they cost!
The following meme might be a little high, if figures of people killed by police are as low as eleven to twelve hundred per year, but this is still shockingly high even with the lower numbers.
The following are a few of my previous articles on this subject and they list many more police murders not listed here:
A Brief History of Cops Convicted of Murder
Does Training Cause Police Domestic Violence And Infighting
Cops Going Wild To Preserve Oligarchy?
Cops Killing And Arson For Insurance Routine?
Media Downplaying Two Police Killing Sprees Ignoring Solutions
Scripted media coverage of Joe Gliniewicz's "suicide" is incomplete at best
The following are a long list of police misconduct starting with many murders, some considered justifiable homicide, whether the evidence seems to support this conclusion or not followed by other lesser offenses. These have been compiled by numerous sources including Google searches, or data collected from other individuals or organizations including the following:
Murder/Suicide Blog spot;
Filming Cops.com
Several Facebook groups including Defund the Police; Civilians Against Police Violence; and several Black Lives Matter groups.
Killed By Police 2017 (includes May 2013 through July 2018 from archives)
Killed By Police (includes 2015 through November 2020 from archives)
Police have Killed 1,065 in 2020
The Free Thought Project.com
Photography Is Not a Crime
These are the incidents I compiled with the help of sources listed above:
Former Pa. State Trooper, Wesley Frey Jr., accused in murder-suicide in Lancaster County 09/30/2021
Former University of North Alabama police officer indicted by Lauderdale County Grand Jury 09/29/2021 The shooting was the culmination of a four-year relationship between Sgt. Heriberto Gonzalez and Officer Magaliz Laboy, said Newark's Police Director, Joseph J. Santiago. Three years ago, Officer Laboy obtained an order of protection against the sergeant, and he was put on restricted duty and had his service weapon taken from him. His gun was returned to him and he returned to the force after he passed psychological tests, Mr. Santiago said.
Bridgeport murder-suicide involved federal Probation Officer Vinnie Zummo and wife, police say 01/02/2021
Retired French police officer, François Vérove, identified as cold case serial killer, commits suicide 10/02/2021 AN French Police officer took his own life after the authorities in related met An series of murder and rapes from 1986 to 1994. Vérove wrote a confession before taking his life, in what he spoke of”past impulses” and childhood problems that he claimed to have “under control”, Subway reported.
Vermont police officer, Jeffrey Strock, kills woman, himself while on duty: investigators 10/13/2020
Former Watertown Wisc. police officer, Douglas Teuteberg, 52, involved in murder-suicide 04/21/2021
Prosecutors: Idaho officer, Jared Murphy, 2020 murder-suicide was premeditated 04/01/2021
Ex-Lebanon Cop, Brenton Wade Richmond, 50, Gets Life Sentences for Murder of Woman, Man 02/19/2021
Former police officer, girlfriend dead in murder suicide, deputies say 03/19/2020 POLK COUNTY, Fla. – A former Puerto Rican police officer, who came to the States after he accidentally killed a fellow officer in an accidental discharge incident, shot and killed his girlfriend, then himself, in an apparent murder-suicide, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.
Providence police seek answers in death of ex-officer, Franklin Osgood, 61, killing of wife 07/31/2016
Murder Trial of Transgender Ex-Cop, Sgt. Lynn Edward Benton, Accused of Killing Wife Underway 09/12/2016
Ex-Gladstone cop, Sgt. Lynn Edward Benton, sentenced to life in prison in killing of wife (updated) 10/25/2016
A Trooper's Rage: State Trooper, Victor Diaz, Kills Ex-Girlfriend In Murder-Suicide 11/22/2005 Law enforcement sources said McDermott's body was discovered by a West Hartford police officer who she had started dating recently.
Former Chicago cop, Lorin Volberding, 74, sentenced to 50 years in prison for killing his wife in Spring Grove in 2017 06/19/2020
Ex-NYPD Cop, Kevin Canty, 44, Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison in Shooting Death of Wife Witnessed by Kids in 2014 01/06/2016
Former Phoenix police officer, Christopher Glen Wright, 39, pleads guilty to killing wife, man who stopped to help her in 2016 02/24/2017
‘He told me that he would kill me’: Ex-wife of former Dallas police officer, Bryan Riser, accused of plotting murders says he abused her 06/04/2021 Her testimony comes after the March arrest and firing of officer Bryan Riser on capital murder charges tied to two killings in 2017. A judge later dismissed the charges after prosecutors said investigators submitted insufficient evidence.
Dallas police officer Bryan Riser who faces 2 capital murder charges ordered pair of hits in 2017, authorities allege 03/04/2021 A man who was arrested in one of the slayings later said Bryan Riser paid him to do it, according to an affidavit.
Former Dallas officer Bryan Riser released from jail; judge rules no probable cause for capital murder charges 04/07/2021
Ga. Cop, Michael Perrault, 43, Said Wife Shot Herself During Argument, But Now He's Accused of Murdering Her 02/07/2021
Atlanta police officer, Tahreem Zeus Rana, 23, killed woman, lit her on fire after ‘romantic encounter’: cops 08/29/2014
Tammare Lawrence, Wife of beloved Atlanta police officer, Stanley Lawrence, 58, makes first appearance charged with his murder 02/20/2020
Ex-Texas Deputy, Stephen Nicholas Broderick, Killed His Wife, Daughter During Scheduled Custody Exchange Of Son, Police Say 04/20/2021
Ex-Texas cop Stephen Broderick arrested in killings of wife, daughter, boyfriend 04/19/2021 “Because Mr. Broderick committed this heinous crime after he paid a money bond to be released on charges related to sexual assault against a child, Texas law permits his detention without bail,” Garza said.
Police: Las Vegas officer, Lt. Hans Walters, kills wife, former officer Michelle Walters, son and then himself in burning home 01/22/2013
Two Indianapolis police officers, estranged husband, Sgt. Ryan Anders and wife, Officer Kim Carmack, dead in murder-suicide 04/17/2014
Milwaukee police officer, Leon Davis, fatally shoots wife before turning gun on himself 03/13/2017
Detroit cop killed by husband in murder-suicide 06/13/2014
Redford saw 5 homicides in 2014 01/09/2015 Detroit Police officer Anna Hamilton-Barton, 50, and her husband Damon Barton, 47, were found dead in a residence in the 9900 block of Kinloch Street.
Detroit Police officer, Edward Gordon Williams II, 36, shoots, kills wife then self in parking lot of Canton Public Library 09/22/2009 CANTON TOWNSHIP -- An off-duty Detroit police officer fatally shot his wife, who was also a Detroit police officer, in the parking lot of a suburban library on Tuesday before killing himself, authorities said.
Former Mentor cop, Gary Stroud, sentenced to life for killing wife 01/12/2019
California Highway Patrol officer, Brad Wheat, 45, allegedly shoots, kills wife in suspected murder-suicide after altercation at local business 09/06/2018
Ohio Police captain, Douglas Prade, exonerated in wife’s murder, freed from prison 01/30/2013 After 16 years with help from the University of Cincinnati’s Innocence Project, based on DNA.
Former Kansas Sheriff's Deputy, Brett Seacat, Covers Up Wife's 2011 Murder With Fire, Forged Suicide Note 06/27/2020
Dateline: Brett Seacat Tells Judge “You’re Going to Hell,” and “I Will Be Free” 04/02/2021
Former Holland Mich. police officer Ken DeKleine sentenced to life for killing wife 08/2/2008
OFFICER KILLS WIFE, SELF NEAR DISNEY WORLD 09/30/1999 Osceola County sheriff's detectives were investigating the deaths of Daniel Rodriguez, 30, and his wife, Cynthia, 23, on Wednesday night.
Wikipedia: Murder of Jessie Davis 06/14/2007 On February 15, 2008, Bobby Lee Cutts Jr., a police officer and the father of her 2-year-old son and unborn daughter, was convicted of the aggravated murders of Davis and their unborn child.
Wikipedia: Drew Peterson is a former Bolingbrook, Illinois police sergeant and convicted murderer who was found guilty in 2012 for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, a few months after their 2003 divorce.
Wikipedia: Murder of Sherri Rasmussen 02/24/1986 Rasmussen's father believed that LAPD officer Stephanie Lazarus, who maintained a relationship with Ruetten, was a prime suspect. Detectives who re-examined the cold case files in 2009 were eventually led to Lazarus, by then herself a detective. A DNA sample from a cup she had thrown away was matched to one from a bite on Rasmussen's body that had remained in the files.
Matthew McGough on how an LAPD officer, Det. Stephanie Lazarus, hid a murder for nearly 30 years 05/03/2019 Despite evidence to the contrary, lead detective Lyle Mayer decided almost immediately that the murder was committed by two men as part of a botched robbery gone wrong, and nothing said by family or friends changed that perspective. The detectives failed to interview many relevant people, including one who witnessed Lazarus harassing Rasmussen at her job before the murder.
South Gate police officer, Kyle Kurian, 25, and wife found dead in Long Beach condo 11/22/2016
California IN BRIEF : OAKLAND : Officer Keith Carlen Confesses to Killing Wife 04/18/1992
Former Lamar Missouri officer, Landon L. Ison, kills wife, wounds mother-in-law; ex-policeman takes own life 10/09/2012
Ex-Missouri cop, Robert Alan Fratta, guilty of capital murder 05/15/2009
Court Upholds Ex-Cop, Keith Carlen's Murder Conviction 11/22/1996
Retired NY trooper, William Cotto, 53 kills estranged wife, self soon after posting bail 01/01/2009
NY COP IN MURDER SUICIDE 01/13/2009 The grisly murder-suicide stunned neighbors on the quiet Seldon street, where authorities said a domestic quarrel turned deadly as Francis Cole, 48, stabbed his wife with a kitchen knife then shot her in the head.
Woman shot in Norway school attack 01/23/2009 Police officer kills teacher and critically wounds himself in Tromso.
Bedford Ind. police officer, Kyle Brown, 35, among 2 found shot to death 05/18/2009
Utica NY police investigator, Joseph Longo Jr., 41, kills wife, self 09/2/2021
San Juan Police Officer, Jose `Joe` Hernandez, and Wife Found Dead in Murder-Suicide 10/07/2009
Chattahoochee cop, Lt. Barry Moore, commits suicide 10/24/2009 Lt. Barry Moore, who is married, quickly became a suspect in the disappearance of Antoinette Ross after a witness reported she was seen voluntarily getting into Moore’s police cruiser at her home in Quincy late Wednesday night.
Pa. Cop, Michael William Miller, 37, Turns Killer During Domestic Dispute 03/21/2010
Sunbury Pa. police officer allegedly shoots, kills wife; turns gun on self 03/21/2010
Multiple weapons found in Wash. Deputy Allen Myron's home after killings 05/13/2010
Few Answers in Randolph Co. Alabama Family's Death 07/21/2010 double murder/suicide: The bodies of 28-year-old Oxford Police Officer Bill Hancock, his wife, 28-year-old Tabatha Murphy Hancock, and the couple's eight-month-old son, Logan, were found in the family's home Tuesday morning. They had all been shot.
Deputies: Retired Chicago cop, Robert Lintz, 84, wife, 83 dead in apparent murder-suicide at Lakeland home 10/23/2010
Police: NE Pa. Pittston Township police Officer Matthew Brokenshire, 24, kills woman, self 02/07/2011
Former Memphis Tenn.PD officer, Troy Daniel, dead, wife injured in attempted murder-suicide 06/25/2011
Two dead after Baldwin Street Meadville Pa. murder-suicide 09/14/2011 a young man who had recently started working as a Conneaut Lake police officer.
Former Charlotte-Mecklenburg policeman, Jeremy Hester, 31, dies after reportedly shooting ex-wife, self 09/24/2011
Ex-Mich. police chief, Gary Bucholtz, suspected of killing wife, self 11/30/2011
Ex-Bedford Mass. cop, John `Jack` Brosnahan, kills self after shooting and killing three, station says 12/09/2011
Husband, Robert Seymore, wife dead in Holly Springs in murder-suicide 12/03/2012 Another neighbor said the husband had worked in law enforcement.
Murder, Suicide Ruled in Deaths of NJ Ex-Cop, Chester Andraka, 46, Wife 01/29/2013
State Trooper, Wife Killed: Why Did Mark Miscavish Murder Traci Miscavish At The Supermarket? 03/29/2013
NYPD tragedy: NY Policewoman, Officer Rosette Samuel, 43, kills her baby, beau and self 04/16/2013
Dallas County DA: Selma Police officer, Dwight Moorer, who fatally shot ex-girlfriend, her stepfather had PTSD 06/04/2013 In an interview with the Associated Press, Jackson states Moorer appeared to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder from his tours to Iraq with the Army. Moorer remained in the Army Reserves. "When he went to Afghanistan he saw some horrific things," Jackson told the AP.
Wife killed by NYPD cop husband in murder-suicide had called to have locks changed hours before brutal slay 06/07/2013 NYPD school-safety agent Lana Morris — whose husband, Sherlon Smikle, 33, shot her and then himself Wednesday evening — contacted Paragon Security and Locksmith in Queens the day she was killed, asking for two locks to be changed at her St. Albans home.
Police release more details in double murder-suicide involving a former Tuscaloosa County Alabama Sheriff’s deputy, Taylor Powell, 52 10/22/2013
Tuscaloosa Co. double murder/suicide victims had gunshot wounds 10/21/2013 The Tuscaloosa County Homicide Unit says an examination of the victims shows they both received at least one gunshot wound during the incident.
Christopher Lee Robinson, 37, a Baltimore police officer fatally shoots Andrew Hoffman, Marie Hartman, police say 10/27/2013
Sgt Nick Pitofsky, 47, of the Crandall Tx. Police Department, wife found dead in Dallas 02/27/2014
Hinds County Mississippi Deputy Chris Smith / Wife murder/suicide investigation continues 04/24/2014 "Chris was a good officer. I wanted everybody to know Chris was a good officer," said retired deputy Kay Waddell. "He'll be clearly missed."
Bodies of retired cop, Daniel Samento, 56, and his wife, a dispatcher found at Cañon City Colorado home 06/14/2014
Midland Police Officer, Sgt. Chad Simpson's Wife Declared Dead in murder/suicide 12/18/2014
Chhattisgarh India 8th battalion constable M Minj kills 2 seniors, himself 08/22/2009 Raipur: A constable of the Chhattisgarh Armed Forces (CAF) on Saturday committed suicide after killing his platoon commander and a head constable in Bastar district, police said on Saturday.
Mass. Cop's Wife 'Poured Heart Out' To Wounded Officer 03/15/2012 Beverly Police Officer Jason Lantych was shot by by off-duty Hamilton Police Sgt. Kenneth Nagy on Feb. 24 at a coffee shop in Beverly. Nagy then fled the area, returned to the scene and committed suicide.
Police: Husband, Javier Acevedo, and wife, Veronica Rizzo-Acevedo, -- both officers -- dead in apparent murder-suicide 04/20/2014
5 dead in apparent murder-suicide in Spanish Fork Utah 09/2/2021 Authorities said a Lindon police officer, Joshua Boren, 34, killed his wife, two children, and mother-in-law before taking his own life.
Police officer, Robert Przasyki, wife dead in murder-suicide 12/15/2010
Fundraiser for victims of Carrizo Springs Tx. murder/suicide 06/20/2014 Dimmit County Sheriff Marion Boyd said Andy Briseno, Sr., 46, killed 12-year-old Andy Briseno, Jr. and 13-year-old Adira Briseno, at their mobile home on Thursday. Briseno worked as a reserve officer with the Crystal City Police Department.
Woman slain in suburb; Ill. state trooper, Brian Himber, 31, charged 07/23/2012
FHP Trooper, Eddie Silcox, 48, Kills Self, His Wife 04/12/2010
Worcester murder-suicide shakes community 06/17/2013 Police identified the victims of an apparent murder-suicide on Lamar Avenue as Donna Zollo Pisarczyk, 47, and Israel Gonzalez, 42. Mr. Gonzalez was confirmed to be a Worcester State University police officer.
Double Murder & Suicide By South African Cop 05/22/2009
Stories of Cops Who Turned Out To Be Serial Killers published before 2016
Police murder-suicide reveals South Africa’s dark underbelly 12/12/2018
Off-duty Chicago police officer, Christian Furczon, 24, dies by suicide, autopsy confirms 07/15/2021
The bizarre death of Phoenix Police Sgt. Sean Drenth while on duty 04/27/2021 On Oct. 18, 2010, Sean was found dead in a parking lot near the state Capitol with a gunshot wound under his chin. His shotgun was lying on his stomach and his handgun was thrown over a fence nearby.
Police officers convicted of rape, murder and other serious crimes are collecting tens of millions of dollars during retirement By Blake Ellis and Melanie Hicken, CNN September 29, 2021
You’ll have to scroll for a very long time to get through this list of police shooting victims 09/20/2016
Miami Shores PD: Officer Shot, Killed 47-Year-Old Woman Who Brandished BB Gun 08/30/2021
City of Columbus, Ga., former Police Officer Allan Brown exonerated in 2017 officer involved shooting of Christian Redwine 09/07/2021
No, Stop! Please!”: Officer Allan Brown Empties Pistol into Car, Reloads as Teens Beg for Life, Opens Fire Again, Killing One 09/11/2021
Democracy Now: Report: Chicago Police Detain, Abuse Prisoners at Secret Site; Ex-Justice Officials Call for Probe 02/25/2014
Ex-Chicago Cop Steven Mandell Convicted In Bizarre Murder-For-Hire Plot 02/22/2014 Date of plot: 2012
A Chicago Cop Is Accused Of Framing 51 People For Murder. Now, The Fight For Justice. 04/04/2017
3 Men, including Gregory McMichael, a former police officer, Indicted On Federal Hate Crime Charges In Ahmaud Arbery Killing 04/28/2021
Police enlisted suspect’s help months before Arbery shooting 05/15/2020
Prosecutor reads racist messages by Ahmaud Arbery’s killer 11/12/2020
Greg McMichael called killing Ahmaud Arbery a “good deed” during jail phone call 05/14/2021
Richard Meltz an Ex-Mass. Police Chief at a Massachusetts veterans hospital and onetime New Jersey police officer Sentenced In Kidnap-Murder Case 09/16/2014
Richard Meltz, former police chief at Bedford Veterans Affairs Medical Center, gets 10 years in kidnap-murder case 09/16/2014
Retired New York police officer kills 2 daughters, himself 02/22/2015 Date of Murder: 02/21/2015
Officers Said "Nobody" Was Injured, "Just a Perp" After NYPD Shooting of Kawaski Trawick 01/04/2021
The NYPD Said the Killing of Kawaski Trawick “Appears to Be Justified.” Video Shows Officers Escalated the Situation. 12/04/2020
David Stephen Middleton Date of murders: August 7, 1994 / February 3, 1995
Royle John Kipp Jr. Date of murder: May 20, 2000
Deptford ex-cop guilty of killing friend 08/21/2018
$20M Settlement Reached in Police Cpl. Michael Owen Jr. Killing of Handcuffed Maryland Man 09/28/2020
6 Md. officers, including one facing murder charges, Cpl. Michael Owen Jr., indicted on federal fraud charges 08/18/2021
Prichard Alabama police officer, Johnathan Murphy II, charged with murder 12/22/2020 MPD said 35-year-old Johnathan Murphy II was off duty when he shot and killed Larry Taylor, 39, at Avalon Plaza Apartments on Michael Boulevard around 10:15 p.m. on Monday. .... Three years ago, Murphy was on duty when he shot and killed Lawrence Hawkins. In that incident, Murphy pulled over Hawkins during a traffic stop on First Avenue in Prichard.
Appeals court upholds murder conviction of ex-Dallas officer Amber Guyger, who killed neighbor Botham Jean in his own home 08/06/2021
WATCH: Former Sunray, Texas Police Chief Charged With Murder 01/29/2019
Former Sunray police chief sentenced for New York double murder 08/02/2019
Timothy Dean: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know 10/11/2019 Dean and Childers met in Texas when they were both working for the Dumas Police Department in 2016. At the time, they were both in relationships with other people. She was a dog catcher and he was a police officer. He later became chief of the Sunray Police Department, which is in a small town in Texas, according to the Democrat & Chronicle.
No indictment for Southaven Mississippi officers who killed man while serving warrant at wrong house 07/25/2018 Ismael Lopez was shot and killed by police while he stood inside the front door of his Southaven home in July 2017. Officers not identified.
Judge denies Southaven’s motion to dismiss Ismael Lopez case 10/01/2020
Cleveland Ohio officer Frank Garmback's suspension halved for role in Tamir Rice shooting 01/30/2019
Activists suing NYPD for unedited video in fatal shooting of Miguel Richards in Sept. 2017 07/19/2018
Family of Miguel Richards, slain by cops claim NYPD planted evidence at shooting scene: Federal court papers 01/26/2021 Now lawyers for the Jamaican college student’s family claim in paperwork filed in Manhattan Federal Court last week, that one of the responding cops planted a toy gun with a laser sight.That officer, John McLoughlin, “went downstairs and retrieved an object from an unidentified plainclothes police officer,” court papers allege.
Ex-Minneapolis Officer, Mohamed Noor, Sentenced To 12 1/2 Years In Death Of Unarmed 911 Caller, Justine Ruszczyk Damond 06/07/2019
Justine Damond's family suing Minneapolis and police officers over her fatal shooting by Mohamed Noor 07/23/2018
Minnesota Supreme Court reverses former officer Mohamed Noor's 3rd-degree murder conviction 09/15/2021
No charges for officers in death of mentally ill man, Adam Trammell, hit 18 times with Tasers in his home 04/27/2018 "These police tortured Adam Trammell to death," said Robin Shellow, one of the attorneys representing the Trammell family. "This was not 'help.' They were not protecting or serving anyone. Naked, cold, confused, alone in his own bathroom and crying for Jesus to take him, he needlessly suffered."
Father, Carlton Nebergall Jr. and son, Jason Nebergall, sheriff's deputies, both military veterans, now jail inmates in murder and attempted rape cases 07/20/2018
Carlton Nebergall seeks bond while awaiting appeal of manslaughter conviction 11/12/2020 Nebergall, 64, was convicted of manslaughter in March for the February 2018 fatal shooting of Jacob Lodge. Gillen sentenced Nebergall to 13 years in prison in September.
Many Questions, Few Answers After Hardworking Immigrant, Edwin Garcia, Dies in Encounter With NYPD Officers 07/13/2018
Mystery surrounds death of Salvadoran Edwin Garcia in meeting with NYPD 07/16/2018
Trial Continues For El Paso Police Officer, Raymond Licon Jr., Charged With Criminal Negligent Homicide 09/0/2021 EL PASO, Texas – Jurors in the trial of Raymond Licon Jr. – the El Paso Police officer charged in the drowning death of his baby son – heard the painful 911 call in which the officer is heard screaming and telling the operator, “I killed my son!”
El Paso police officer, Raymond Licon Jr., acquitted in drowning of 11-month-old son 07/19/2018
Brandon Ellingson drowning: Missouri trooper's license permanently revoked 07/17/2018 JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missouri officials have revoked the law enforcement license of a former Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper who was driving a patrol boat when a handcuffed Iowa man fell out and drowned. ... Piercy was sentenced in September to 10 days in county jail and two years of supervised probation after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor boat violation, negligent operation of a vessel.
Update: Stanislaus deputy, Justin Wall, charged in Modesto woman’s shooting death last year in Ripon 03/20/2019
County to pay $7M to family of woman killed by deputy Justin Wall 11/07/2019
Yet another delay in deputy Justin Wall’s manslaughter trial: ‘irreparable breakdown’ with attorneys 02/18/2021
Wikipedia: Killing of Eric Garner 07/17/2014 Daniel Pantaleo was the subject of two civil rights lawsuits in 2013 where plaintiffs accused him of falsely arresting them and abusing them. In one of the cases, he and other officers allegedly ordered two black men to strip naked on the street for a search and the charges against the men were dismissed.[20][21][22][23]
Disciplinary record of ex-officer, Daniel Pantaleo, who held Eric Garner in chokehold is finally released 06/23/2020 A review of newly obtained disciplinary records of the former police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, who held Eric Garner in a chokehold before he died shows the officer had seven misconduct cases investigated against him in the five years before Garner's 2014 death.
Daniel Pantaleo, officer fired in Eric Garner's death, loses lawsuit to get job back 03/25/2021
Police Name Nevada Corrections Officer, Christopher Caggiano, 41, as Suspect in Shooting Death of Woman 07/15/2018
Nevada corrections officer, Christopher Caggiano, 41, suspected of killing woman found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound 07/16/2018
Wikipedia: Shooting of Bijan Ghaisar by US Park Police officers Lucas Vinyard and Alejandro Amaya 11/17/2017
Why won’t the Park Police explain why officers Lucas Vinyard and Alejandro Amaya shot and killed a man? 07/15/2018
Motion by Officers Lucas Vinyard and Alejandro Amaya to dismiss charges in Bijan Ghaisar case ends after less than 90 minutes 08/23/2021 Hearing on Park Police officers’ motion to dismiss manslaughter charges in Bijan Ghaisar killing ends without witnesses Five-day ‘mini-trial’ is called off after both sides agree facts are not in dispute, only their interpretation U.S. Park Police officer Lucas Vinyard, left, is shown firing his handgun, after Officer Alejandro Amaya, right, has fired four shots in a video still from video taken by Fairfax County police during the pursuit and shooting death of Bijan C. Ghaisar in November 2017. The officers are charged with involuntary manslaughter. (US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia)
Chicago Neighborhood Explodes After Officer Dillan Halley Kills Popular Black Barber, Harith Augustus; Police Say He Was ‘Exhibiting Characteristics’ of an Armed Person 07/15/2018
How Chicago Police Created a False Narrative After Officers Killed Harith Augustus 09/19/2019
COPA concludes investigation into July 14 2018 Police Officer Dillan Halley killing of Harith Augustus; findings await CPD review 03/02/2021
City of Fresno to pay parents of Dylan Noble $2.8 million 08/09/2018 The family filed a civil rights action against the city and Fresno police officers Raymond Camacho and Robert Chaves, for the shooting death of Dylan on June 25, 2016.
No charges for Fresno officers Raymond Camacho and Robert Chaves who shot and killed unarmed 19-year-old 12/16/2016
Attorneys for family of Donta Taylor who was killed in 2016 shooting say 2 LA County deputies, Mizrain Orrego and Samuel Aldama, are part of a violent gang 07/13/2018 "They are a part of a more violent aspect of policing. They say that you earn your ink when you get these tattoos, and you earn them by doing violent acts. It encourages violence. It also encourages the code of silence," attorney John Sweeney said.
LA Supes Approve Huge $7M Payout To Settle Suit Over Fatal Shooting By Deputies Mizrain Orrego and Samuel Aldama 06/18/2019
Compton Family of Donta Taylor Calls for Police Accountability, Justice 11/15/2020 It was August 2016 when Donta walked down Wilmington Avenue to buy cigarettes and a Sprite at a nearby market. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies Mizrain Orrego and Samuel Aldama said he was dressed like a member of a local gang.
L.A. County deputy alleges ‘Executioner’ gang dominates Compton sheriff station 07/30/2020 Days after Austreberto Gonzalez anonymously reported a fellow Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy to internal affairs for assaulting a colleague behind the parking lot of the Compton station, a text popped up on his phone. It was a photo of graffiti scrawled on a dial pad at the station’s parking lot entrance: “ART IS A RAT,” it read. .... The allegations have revived long-standing concerns that inked deputy groups — with monikers such as the Spartans, Regulators, Grim Reapers and Banditos — operate out of several Sheriff’s Department stations and represent what many in the community see as criminal gangs within law enforcement.
Rep. Maxine Waters asks for federal probe of alleged Sheriff’s Department gang in Compton 07/21/2021
Ga. cop, Lt. Robert C. Sasser, who killed Caroline Small shoots self after killing wife, man 06/29/2018 (Editor’s note: This story has been updated with new information from the police noting that Sasser killed himself with a self-inflicted gunshot to the chest, not to the head, as initial information from law enforcement said.)
Police protected their own, Lt. Robert C. Sasser,; now an innocent woman is dead 07/14/2018 As she lay dying, they bragged about their marksmanship. “I hit her right in the face … right on the bridge of the nose,” said Sasser. ... But that wasn’t the worst. A 2015 investigation by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and WSB-TV, a local ABC affiliate, found that police tampered with the crime scene, manufactured misleading evidence and interfered with a supposedly “independent” investigation, aided and abetted by District Attorney Jackie Johnson, (same DA that helped cover up the murder of Ahmaud Arbery and is currently being charged for that.) who deferred to and helped the defense at every step.
Marijuana group blasts Pennsylvania police for Gregory Longenecker's, 51, death by bulldozer 07/12/2018
State to pay $475K to family of pot suspect, Gregory Longenecker, killed by dozer 03/11/2021
Former Greenville Mississippi police officer, Arsenio Robinson, gets 25-year sentence 07/04/2018 Allegedly covered up for a gang member who committed murder.
Tchula man, Fred Hogan, sentenced to life for murder 03/10/2017
Officer Michael Rosfeld who shot Antwon Rose is accused of past civil rights violations 07/05/2018
Ex-cop Michael Rosfeld, acquitted in Antwon Rose II homicide, sues to get old Pitt policing job back 01/16/2020
Federal court dismisses former cop Michael Rosfeld's lawsuit against Pitt 08/10/2020
Guam man, Larry San Nicolas, needing medical attention gunned down by police in Missouri 07/06/2018
Prosecutor won't charge Grandview officers in shooting death of man armed with swords 11/28/2018
Family files wrongful death lawsuit against 2 Grandview officers for 60-year-old’s killing 07/14/2020
Louisiana ex-officer, Norris Greenhouse Jr., serves less than two years for killing autistic boy 07/01/2019
Wikipedia: Shooting of Jeremy Mardis 11/03/2015
Officer charged in 6-year-old boy's fatal shooting now accused of rape 06/02/2017
Florida Deputy, Michael DeMarco, was in Uniform when he Shot Ex-Girlfriend in Back as she Walked Dog Oct. 2017
NEW: Autopsy finds PBSO deputy, Michael DeMarco, was on Xanax at time of murder-suicide 01/03/2018 On Oct. 12, DeMarco gravely wounded his former girlfriend, Yuly Solano, then fatally shot himself, at the condominium complex they lived in along Federal Highway.
Retired Ga. teacher hit by police cruiser driven by Ian MacGowan while jogging 07/25/2017
DeKalb Ga. cop, Ian MacGowan, charged in crash that killed jogger 08/28/2017 He was booked in the DeKalb County jail and released on a signature bond. ... Conroy declined to say how fast MacGowan was traveling, but he stated the speed limit on the road was 40 mph. MacGowan did not use his lights or siren on the call, which Conroy said was in compliance with department policy. (It took them a month to charge this police officer and there has been no follow up on Goggle searches since then, raising questions about sweeping it under the rug when no ones watching.)
Family of Slain Houston Tx. Motorist, Ashtian Barnes, Says Video Contradicts Police Account 09/01/2016
No indictment for deputy constable in deadly shooting of Ashtian Barnes 09/01/2016 (No additional follow up, nor is officer named.)
Jason Erik Washington, A Navy Veteran Killed By Armed PSU Officers Had Valid Concealed Carry Permit 06/30/2018 “The gun slipped out of the holster when he had fallen, and I think he may have tried to retrieve it,” Smith said. “Then they said ‘gun.’” That’s when police fired, she said.
Portland State cops, Officers Shawn McKenzie and James Dewey, avoid charges in death of Navy vet trying to break up fight 09/14/2018
Portland State University to pay $1M in Jason Erik Washington’s fatal shooting 12/31/2019
White Georgia Police Officer Zechariah Presley Faces Voluntary Manslaughter Charge in Death of Black Motorist 06/28/2018 As NBC News reports, Presley has a history of inappropriate conduct, as revealed by his personnel file, which was released by the Kingsland Police Department. [Records show] he was hired last year despite admitting that he had physically fought with his wife, had bought or sold marijuana, repeatedly shouted at people, was involved in “2-3” accidents and had been arrested for “reckless, eluding, speeding,” according to his handwritten text. Presley also racked up nine incidents during [...] his year in the police department, at one point parking outside the house of a black man who had complained to the chief, prompting the man to say that Presley had him fearing for his life.
Former Kingsland officer is released from prison in fatal shooting 05/29/2020 He was sentenced to a year in prison and four years of probation on the minor offense. After serving about 75 percent of his sentence, Presley now begins the probation portion under community supervision, parole board spokesman Steve Hayes said.
J’Allen Jones, 31, Inmate's Death During Struggle With Guards Ruled Homicide; Chest Compression Cited 06/15/2018
J’Allen Jones, 31, Garner Inmate’s Death Ruled ‘Not Criminal’ 01/25/2019
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Newark Sergeant Eric Jones Kills Himself After Killing Lover, an Officer 02/18/1999
Columbus police narcotics officers accused of distributing nearly 8 kilograms of fentanyl 09/29/2021
Oath Keeper ‘oversees all operations’ at Arizona sheriff’s department: report 10/02/2021
Victim’s family releases graphic video of his death 09/21/2013
Marlon Brown's family renews fight against former DeLand officer, James Harris, who killed him 03/16/2015
New York cop's conviction in cannibal case overturned 07/01/2014 already served 7 months prosecutors will attempt to try him again
‘Ugly Thoughts’ Defense Fails as Gilberto Valle A New York Police Officer Is Convicted in Cannibal Plot 03/12/2013
Levi Chavez Date of Murder: October 22 2007
The Levi Chavez Case: From the Beginning Date of Murder: October 22 2007
Levi Chavez Now: Where Is Tera Chavez’s Husband Today? 11/27/2020 Following the not-guilty verdict, Chavez filed a federal lawsuit against Aaron Jones, a detective with the Valencia County Sheriff’s Department at the time of Tera’s death. Jones was one of the first officers on the scene and a lead detective on the case. Chavez alleged “malicious prosecution, malicious abuse of process, defamation, and outrageous conduct,” court documents show. The lawsuit against Jones was dismissed in 2018. .... One key talking point during the investigation into Tera Chavez’s death and the murder trial was how quickly Levi Chavez appeared to have moved on. Within two months of her death, he was engaged to a former colleague at the Albuquerque Police Department, Heather Hindi, and they were married a few months later, PEOPLE wrote.
'I Knew It Was Foul Play': Family Of Police Officer's Wife Insist Her Death Was Not A Suicide 07/04/2020
A Decade Passed Before A Michigan Cop, Doug Wright, Was Convicted Of Killing His Wife And Pretending It Was Suicide 09/11/2021
Prosecutor Talks Convicting Detective Bobby Lozano, Who Murdered His Wife After Celebrating 16th Anniversary 04/20/2019
Bobby Lozano almost got away with murder November-December 2009 A 17-year police veteran shot and killed his wife in 2002. Denton County prosecutors recently took the case of twists and turns to trial and, seven years later, won a 45-year sentence against the defendant. Here’s how they did it.
David Camm | Murderpedia
David Camm confessed to murders while getting tattooed, former inmate says 09/12/2013
Another David Camm trial? Next time, it's about insurance and estate money 10/25/2013
David Camm in-laws drop wrongful death suit 08/21/2014
$450K settlement reached in David Camm suit 08/17/2016
David Camm wanted $30M after he was acquitted of killing his family, but a judge says no way 01/30/2018
DAVID R. CAMM, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. STANLEY O. FAITH, et al., Defendants-Appellees. 09/10/2019
Ex-trooper Camm’s civil suit linked to wife’s slaying trials revived 09/11/2021 “So the Fourth Amendment claim may proceed to trial as it relates to the first probable-cause affidavit,” Circuit Judge Diane Sykes wrote. “The second and third affidavits, however, are a different matter.” No recklessness was found in Gilbert’s inclusion of Camm’s statements made to lead case officer Sean Clemons on the night of the killing that “This is what they do to you when you kill your wife and kids,” nor in the inclusion of a confidential jailhouse informant’s report that Camm had confessed. Additionally, by the time the second affidavit was written, the 7th Circuit noted that several forensic experts had offered opinions confirming a blood-spatter conclusion.
Austin Police Officer Is Charged With Murder in a Second On-Duty Killing 08/27/2021 Prosecutors said Friday that Christopher Taylor had been charged with fatally shooting Mauris DeSilva in July 2019, about nine months before he fatally shot another man.
No charges for deputies in Andrew Brown Jr. shooting, district attorney says 05/18/2021
Body Camera Footage Shows Alabama Cop Pushing Past ‘Senior Officer,’ Killing Suicidal Man with Gun 09/01/2021 Darby was sentenced on Aug. 20th to 25 years in prison for murdering Parker. Darby touted his Christian faith before learning his fate. A judge previously agreed to release Darby on bond after conviction but before sentencing. The video and audio shows Darby arriving at the scene, cussing in his cruiser, pulling his rifle, and jogging to Parker’s home. When he arrived at Parker’s doorstep, Darby, who is white, quickly pushed past two other officers who both appear to be people of color after attempting to tell them how to manage the situation.
Whitmire: Bodycams reveal a good cop, Genisha Pegues, a bad cop, William Ben Darby, and a mayor who picked the wrong side 09/02/2021
Police: DC officer, Timothy Eugene Francis, killed by wife, Christina Lynn Francis, in apparent murder-suicide 11/28/2020
D.C. homicide detective killed by wife in murder-suicide hours after she posted wedding video 11/30/2020
Statesboro Ga. police officer, Ian Huggins, killed in apparent murder-suicide 04/01/2018 Moments after officers entered the home, Huggins' wife Rebecca Boyett Huggins took her own life with one gunshot to the head.
Police officer, David Louden, 39, and son's deaths in Kidderminster were murder-suicide 08/18/2021
Deputy Clyde Kerr III who died by suicide left haunting videos on racist policing, division: 'I've had enough' 02/03/2021
Black deputy commits suicide, said he’d had “enough” of corrupt, racist police system 02/04/2021 In one video shared by Shaun King, Kerr spoke about the police killings of Botham Jean, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Trayford Pellerin, who was killed by Lafayette police officers in August. “I can’t abide by this no more. I’m not having anything to do with this nonsense no more,” he said. “... If this feels right to you, then there is something wrong with you. This is the furthest thing from right.”
NYPD officer kills self in his Manhattan apartment: sources 04/28/2021 An NYPD officer fatally shot himself in his Manhattan home Wednesday, in the second apparent suicide of a city police officer this month.
Veteran NYPD cop kills himself in Queens home 09/07/2021 Police Officer Rory Dahill, 34, shot himself inside his Manhattan apartment on April 28. On April 5, Deputy Inspector Denis Mullaney shot himself in the head inside a department vehicle in Queens. In 2019, 10 cops took their own lives, which was double the rate of past years.
STUDY: Police more likely to die by suicide than in line of duty 07/22/2020 Numbers released by Blue H.E.L.P. in January of 2020 showed that in 2019, 228 American police officers died by suicide. That research showed an increase from a study done by The Ruderman Family Foundation released in 2018. That study showed that in 2017, while 129 officers died in the line of duty, 140 died by suicide.
New Study Examines the Tragic Relationship Between Police Officers and Suicide 09/14/2019 13 out of every 100,000 people die by suicide in the general population – that number increases to 17 out of 100,000 for police officers. During the 2018 calendar year, 167 law enforcement officers tragically took their own lives, and that number is projected to increase during 2019.
Fourth police officer who responded to Jan. 6 attack dies by suicide 08/02/2021
DA Won't Retry Former Albuquerque Cops, "Keith Sandy and Dominique Perez" in Death of Homeless Man 02/24/2017
Number of law enforcement officers U.S. 2004-2019 In 2019, there were 697,195 full-time law enforcement officers employed in the United States. The number of full-time law enforcement officers reached a peak in 2008 with 708,569 officers, and hit a low in 2013 with 626,942 officers.
Does Training Cause Police Domestic Violence And Infighting
A Police Officer Killed Jacob Harris, But His Unarmed Friends Were Charged With His Murder 08/24/2021 Since 2010, at least 22 people nationwide have been charged with felony murder for deaths directly caused by police, according to a BuzzFeed News review. At least 13 have been convicted.
Murder trial begins of cop who murdered his friend. 09/16/2015
Wikipedia: Murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin
Bristol, Virginia police officer Johnathan Brown charged with murder out on bond 05/05/2021 “Mug shots are typically taken and distributed to the press on there I have been instances where I have seen the mugshots have not been disclosed and the two incidents that I can think of did involve police officers,” said Megan Rhyne, the executive director for the Virginia Coalition for Open Government.
Cops Who Kill Often Catch a Break at Sentencing Time 05/27/2021
Court Reverses A Former Officer's Murder Conviction In An Australian Woman's Death 09/15/2021
‘There Were Kids In There’: 12-Year-Old Killed After Georgia Trooper Performed PIT Maneuver While Chasing Driver During Traffic Stop, Driver Was On Line with 911 09/14/2021
Sheriff’s Deputy, Cameron Brewer, in Houston Indicted in Killing of Unarmed Man 10/25/2018
Laramie Cop Who Shot, Killed Man In 2018 Resigns From Sheriff’s Office 06/03/2021
Killer Wyoming Cop Derek Colling Was Fired From LVMPD for Killing Civilians 11/06/2018
Baltimore Police Commander’s Son Charged With Murder in Death of Roommate 09/02/2015 "State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby has a personal relationship with this family and felt it best to refer this case to an independent prosecutor," the officer said in a statement.
Alabama officer and veteran of the US marines, Troy Middlebrooks kept job after proposal to murder black man and hide evidence 08/04/2015
Former Fairfax police officer charged with murder of unarmed Springfield man 08/17/2015
Photography is Not a Crime: Man Killed by LAPD said to be Street Performer with Plastic Prop Knife; Cops Accused of Planting Real Knife 12/08/2014 Date of Murder: 12/05/2014 ?
10 other police shootings you may not know about 01/01/2015 Officer Mark Rine, a seven-year police veteran and retired Marine .... the officer feared was a firearm. It turned out to be a bottle of pills,
Va. Cop Arrested in Murder of Julian Dawkins 05/31/3013 Date of Murder: May 22 2013
In These Times: Darren Wilson Wasn’t the First: A Short History of Killer Cops Let Off the Hook 11/24/2014
Wikipedia: Murder of Kyle Dinkheller
Police or former police: Charles Becker, William Erwin Walker (dispatcher), Jerry Bridwell McWee, Gerard John Schaefer, Bobby Lee Cutts, Frank James Coppola, Robert Carl Hohenberger, Marvin Lee Irvin, Edward McCall, Lawrencia "Bambi" Bembenek, Stephen Richard Smith, Jimmy Wingo, Robert Neal Rodriguez, Manuel Pardo, Stephanie Ilene Lazarus, Richard Crafts, Lamont Claxton Underwood (overturned in 2010 for insufficient council), David Stephen Middleton, Michael Durwood Griffith, Robert Alan Fratta, William Ferguson, Antoinette Frank, John Maloney, Reginald Sublet, Royle John Kipp Jr., David Camm (acquitted after three trials), Jeff Kelley McCord, Edward L. Lutes Jr, Steven Arthur Rios, Michael Kenneth McLendon (flunked out of the police academy before graduating) Christopher Jordan Dorner, 30/1 reversal/ 27 found in search engine plus 1 academy dropout Also killed other cop: William Erwin Walker, Antoinette Frank, Royle John Kipp Jr., Christopher Jordan Dorner, Stephen Richard Smith, 16 from other countries Relative of police: Terry & Duane Johnson, Patrick J. McIntyre, Ernest Moore, Jennifer Forsyth Hyatte (her policeman father may have been an acomplice), Shannon Crawley (her former police boyfriend may have contibuted to crime), Michael Jeffrey Land, Tonya Ford (killed her police husband), Audrey Hingston (mother of detective who confessed to killing his dying father), Prison guard: Heinrich Hartmann Wirz, George Emil Banks, Robert Earl Carter, Kenisha Berry, Kimber Edwards, 1 from another country Security guard: John Rodney McRae, Edwin James Grace, Clifford X. Phillips, David Richard Berkowitz, Kenneth Alessio Bianchi, Mark David Chapman, Mitchell Rupe, Jon Scott Dunkle, James Oliver Huberty, Andrew Urdiales, Michael Hughes, Emanuel Lovell Webb, John Eric Armstrong, Paul Selso Nuncio, Timothy James McVeigh, Virgil Euristi Martinez, Lloyd Massey, Joseph Ferguson, Christopher Speight, 6 from other countries Stephen Rob Nunn, Stephen Rozniakowski an Ex-Delaware County cop charged with murder of an ex-girlfriend; bail revoked in Plymouth stalking case 12/19/2014 Date of Murder: 01/13/2014 The victim was married to another cop.
D.A.: Ex-Delaware County cop’s intent was to ‘execute’ woman who spurned him 12/17/2014 Date of Murder: 01/13/2014
Family woes might have led deputy and military veteran Sam Driskell's stepson, Felix Almonte to kill him, his wife and daughter then commit suicide 01/09/2015 Date of Murder: 01/06/2015
New twists in 1982 murder: Before he died, lawyer told role, implicated cop 12/18/2001 Date of Murder: March 1982
Wikipedia: John Joseph Connolly, Jr. Date of Murder: 1981 and 1982
Anthony Carr was sentenced in Alcorn County, Mississippi, for the Feb. 2, 1990, murders of the four-member Carl Parker family. Date of Murder: February 2, 1990 The redacted statements concealed information concerning the Parker murders and the possibility that one of the investigating officers was involved in the murders.
Democracy Now: 17 Shots: Police Killing of Unarmed Mexican Farmworker in Washington State Sparks Protest 02/27/2015 Date of shooting: February 10 2015
Democracy Now: Los Angeles Police Avoid Charges for Killing Unarmed Veteran on Live TV 02/24/2015 Date of shooting: December 2013
Killed By One Of The Deadliest Police Departments In California 09/12/2021
Wikipedia: Shooting of Sean Monterrosa 06/02/2020
Detective on leave over Sean Monterrosa shooting 07/11/2021
At Trial, Officers Undermine Notion Jason Van Dyke Feared For His Life When Killed Laquan McDonald 09/19/2018 According to a recent study published in Granta magazine, one in three Americans who are killed by someone they don’t know are killed by police. Eight percent of male homicides in America are committed by police, according to a study in the American Journal of Public Health. One-third of Chicago’s city budget is devoted to funding its police force, and from 1986 to 2015, police shot one Chicagoan a week on average. The majority of victims of police shootings are black; the vast majority are people of color.
One Group Has a Higher Domestic Violence Rate Than Everyone Else — And It's Not the NFL 12/19/2014
Elijah McClain’s Death: Our First Look at Police Officers and Paramedics After Grand Jury Indictment 06/02/2021
Former Niles Police Commander Files Whistleblower Lawsuit And Refuses To Stay Silent, Claiming Retaliation After He Alleged Police Misconduct 09/02/2021
Officers Who Tasered Teens Testicles Till He Died Can’t Be Charged 06/24/2017
Mesquite police watched as handcuffed teen hit his head 50 times before dying 12/14/2017
Parents of teen who died in police custody denied dash cam video 07/24/2020
Ex-Cuyahoga County jail director challenged state inspector’s authority to inspect jail months before inmates started dying 09/03/2021
Black man dies in prison, seven prison guards found guilty for using excessive and unjustified force against him, charges to be pressed 09/03/2021
Randall Robert Jensen, 49, pleads no contest to 2nd degree murder 04/10/2019
Judge blasts former MSP trooper Mark Bessner, sends him to prison for up to 15 years in death of Detroit teen riding on ATV 05/13/2019
Jury decides on 25 years in prison for husband, Terry Bryan Thompson, of sheriff's deputy, Chauna Thompson, convicted in strangulation death 11/07/2018
Residents upset ex-deputy Chauna Thompson hired to patrol Houston neighborhood 06/22/2020 The murder charge against Chauna was dropped last year. Now she's turned up as a security guard in Humble in the Balmoral Sub-Division.
Wikipedia: Murder of John Hernandez
A police officer exposed a video showing a death in custody. Now he’s facing prison time. 09/07/2021
Lawsuit Claims Texas Police Officers Showed ‘Deliberate Indifference’ to 23-Year-Old Black Man Before He Died In Custody 09/08/2021
Woman claims she miscarried after violent arrest caught on camera 09/08/2021
Ex-Cop Charged with Additional Charges for Killing Daunte Wright 09/03/2021
Tacoma Police Charged With Murder In Case Where Black Man Said He Couldn't Breathe 05/27/2021 Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed charges of second-degree murder against Christopher Burbank and Matthew Collins, and first-degree manslaughter against Timothy Rankine.
3 Honolulu police officers charged in killing of 16-year-old 06/17/2021 Officer Geoffrey H.L. Thom was charged with one count of second-degree murder. Officer Zackary K. Ah Nee and Officer Christopher Fredeluces were each charged with one count of attempted second-degree murder. If convicted, each faces life in prison with the possibility of parole.
Nashville Police Officer Andrew Delke Charged With Murder Agrees To Last-Minute Plea Deal Before Trial 07/01/2021
Attorney General James Announces Indictment of NYPD Officer on Murder Charge 08/20/2021 The indictment alleges Errick Allen, an off-duty New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer, shot and killed Christopher Curro, in Farmingdale, Nassau County in May 2020.
Austin officer, Christopher Taylor, charged with murder in Michael Ramos' death as lawmakers file bills making it harder to withhold body camera footage 03/10/2021
Philando Castile Minnesota police shooting: officer Jeronimo Yanez cleared of manslaughter charge 06/16/2021 "He let the officer know that he had a firearm, and he was reaching for his wallet, and the officer just shot him in his arm."
Forest Hill Tx. Officer, 23-year-old Logan Barr, Who Killed Murder Suspect Faces Charge of Aggravated Assault 08/03/2021
Two former Jackson Mississippi PD officers, Desmond Barney and Lincoln Lampley, stand trial on murder charges 05/20/2021
Why it's so hard to convict a cop of murder: just 5 in 15 years 06/10/2020 Prosecutions of police officers for homicides are rare. Convictions are even rarer. Even when the killings are captured on video. No charges were filed against Daniel Pantaleo, the New York officer who put 43-year-old Eric Garner in a choke hold in 2014, after arresting him for selling untaxed cigarettes, and held him down with other officers as Garner gasped “I can’t breathe” with his final breaths, later seen by viewers nationwide. There was equal outrage, though no video, when prosecutors declined to ask a grand jury to charge Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, in 2014. Likewise when prosecutors filed no charges against two Sacramento officers who shot and killed another African American, Stephon Clark, 22, in his grandmother’s backyard in March 2018, saying they thought he was holding a gun. It turned out to be a cell phone. There are no known prosecutions of murder or manslaughter against San Francisco police.
White Wolfe City, Texas, police Officer Shaun Lucas charged with murder in fatal shooting of Black man 10/06/2020
Atlanta police officer, Garrett Rolfe, charged with murder in shooting death of Rayshard Brooks 06/17/2020
Number of nonfederal police officers arrested for murder who have been convicted between 2005 and 2020, by charge 06/10/2020 This is not even close to the truth; it shows ten catagories with a total of 42 murders in fifteen years. My own list shows far more than that and there are many more where they should ahve been convicted or at least charged but weren't.
Former Columbus Ohio police officer, Adam Coy, 44, charged with murder in shooting of unarmed Black man 02/03/2021
Memphis Tenn. police officer, Patric Ferguson, 29, charged with murder, kidnapping in man’s death 01/10/2021
Sarah Everard: United Kingdom Met Police officer Wayne Couzens charged with kidnap and murder 03/13/2021
Prosecutors: Newport News police officer Sgt. Albin T. Pearson charged with murder should be jailed as he awaits trial 03/17/2021
Police: Off-duty Pentagon officer David Hall Dixon charged with murder after fatal shooting of 2 people in Takoma Park Md. 04/09/2021
Retrial to begin for US border agent who shot teen across border 10/23/2018 Lonnie Swartz is charged with manslaughter in the 2012 fatal cross-border shooting of 16-year-old Jose Rodriguez.
Wikipedia: Shooting of José Rodríguez
L.A. County Approves Record $14.3M Payout in Case of Pico Rivera Man Mistakenly Shot, Killed by Sheriff’s Deputy 10/16/2018
Jury finds former Hawaii Island officer, Jody Buddemeyer, guilty of third-degree negligent homicide 10/13/2018
After Off-Duty Sergeant Khalil Muhammad Shot Autistic Teen, Police Board Failed To Review Key Evidence 02/06/2020
Horrifying video shows off-duty Chicago cop, Sgt. Khalil Muhammad, shooting an unarmed autistic teenager 10/17/2018
Chinedu Okobi Death: Internal Investigation Clears San Mateo Deputies 10/11/2019
Officer Timothy Loehmann who killed Tamir Rice withdraws application to Bellaire Ohio Police Department 10/10/2018
No Charges in Deadly Police Shooting of Man Who Thought SWAT Officers Were Home Invaders 10/09/2018 Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner who is supposedly a major reformer supported by Suan King declined to charge them.
Philadelphia to Pay $1M to Family of Black Man Fatally Shot by Police Officer Ryan Pownhall 10/08/2018
Trial Delayed for Ex-Philly Cop Ryan Pownall Who Shot Black Man in Back 01/06/2020
4 Black men killed by Philly police and the officers who haven’t yet faced a jury 04/22/2021
Van Dyke ends effort to overturn McDonald murder conviction 10/09/2020 Van Dyke was convicted in 2018 of second-degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery in McDonald’s killing. He was sentenced to six years, nine months in prison.
Northern Kentucky man, Brian Baker, fatally shot by police at Orlando hospital 10/02/2018
Officers who shot, killed Brian Baker at Orlando Regional Medical Center won’t face charges 12/10/2019
Father of police shooting victim in Wisconsin says reform requires examining roots of problems, not just a blame game 10/06/2018 That’s contrary to the approach he said authorities took after his son’s killing in 2004 — prosecutors conducted a review that ruled the shooting justified, though the city later paid the Bells $1.75 million to settle a lawsuit — as well as inquiries closer to home.
Officer in Fatal Shooting Says He Thought Suspect Had Weapon 09/09/2021
Friends Speak Out After Prince George's Police Officers Shoot, Stun Dog 09/08/2021
Cops Furious They Won't Be Able to Kill More Black People After Prosecutor Announces Not-So-Radical Police Reform 09/09/2021
New information contradicts Dario Dizdar, Phoenix officer's statement after death of Camelback mountain hiker 08/06/2021
TikToker claims ‘cover-up’ after cousin dies on date with cop, Dario Dizdar, in viral video 09/10/2021
Prosecutors: Cop Charged in Arlington Shooting of O'Shae Terry Had Disciplinary Flaws 11/06/2019
Vietnam vet, Richard “Gary” Black, killed by police after fighting off naked intruder who attacked his grandson in Aurora Colorado 08/01/2018
No criminal charges for Officer Drew Limbaugh who shot and killed homeowner, Richard “Gary” Black, defending his family 12/03/2018
Swedish police kill man with Down's syndrome carrying toy gun 08/02/2018
Orange County DA is ‘unfit’ to handle Golden State Killer cases, prosecutor says 07/18/2018 Golden State Killer serial killer was, of course, a cop at the time he committed many of the murders, which was decades ago.
LAPD Releases Video Of Officers Shooting, Killing Innocent Woman, Elizabeth Tollison, During Van Nuys Hostage Standoff 07/31/2018
2 LAPD Officers To Be Disciplined In Killing Of Innocent Woman, Elizabeth Tollison, During Van Nuys Hostage Standoff 05/22/2019
Man whose wife, Elizabeth Tollison, accidentally hit by gunfire in hostage incident sues city of Los Angeles 09/0/2021
19-year-old, Sarah Wilson, dies following 'routine traffic stop' in Chesapeake 07/27/2018
Family responds after police say handcuffed woman, Sarah Wilson, shot herself through mouth 03/20/2019
DA’s Office finds LAPD officers acted lawfully in Trader Joe’s gunfight in Silver Lake that killed a store manager 12/15/2020
Officer Who Fired Shot That Killed Trader Joe’s Employee in Silver Lake Defends Actions – NBC Los Angeles 12/19/2020
Wikipedia: 2018 Trader Joe's hostage incident in Silver Lake
Graphic video of Thurman Blevins shooting by officers, Justin Schmidt and Ryan Kelly that sparked mass protests is released by police 07/30/2018
No charges against Minneapolis officers, Justin Schmidt and Ryan Kelly in black man's death 07/30/2018
Wikipedia: Shooting of Jamar Clark
Metro Police to pay record $2.2M to end custody death case killed by Officer Kenneth Lopera 07/27/2020
Former Metro officer, Kenneth Lopera, won’t be indicted in death on Strip 07/26/2018
Chicago Police Officer Sheldon Thrasher Faces Potential Firing In Fatal 2018 Shooting Of Maurice Granton Jr. 08/07/2021
NYPD Officer, Officer Wayne Isaacs, Who Killed Delrawn Small In 2016 Driving Dispute Will Face Disciplinary Charges 01/20/2021
City pays $125,000 to girlfriend of Delrawn Small, man killed by NYPD officer Wayne Isaacs 02/12/2021
Idaho fatal police shootings surpass 2020 total. Here are all fatal shootings since 2000 09/07/2021
Former Hennepin County probation officer on trial for 2019 kidnapping, murder 09/13/2021
Former Probation Officer Found Guilty of Using a ‘Burner’ to Lure Minnesota Realtor, a Mother of Two, into Deadly Ambush on New Year’s Eve in 2019 09/21/2021
‘Executioners,’ ‘Reapers,’ and ‘Banditos’: Gangs of Sheriff’s Deputies Are Wreaking Havoc in L.A. 09/14/2021
Wikipedia: Shooting of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. 11/19/2011 Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. was fatally shot on November 19, 2011, in White Plains, New York.[1][2] After his LifeAid medical alert necklace was inadvertently triggered,[3][4][5][6] police came to his home and demanded that he open his front door. Chamberlain was a 68-year-old, black, retired Marine, and a 20-year veteran of the Westchester County Department of Corrections.
At Trial, Officers Undermine Notion Jason Van Dyke Feared For His Life When Killed Laquan McDonald 09/19/2018 According to a recent study published in Granta magazine, one in three Americans who are killed by someone they don’t know are killed by police. Eight percent of male homicides in America are committed by police, according to a study in the American Journal of Public Health. One-third of Chicago’s city budget is devoted to funding its police force, and from 1986 to 2015, police shot one Chicagoan a week on average. The majority of victims of police shootings are black; the vast majority are people of color.
One Group Has a Higher Domestic Violence Rate Than Everyone Else — And It's Not the NFL 12/19/2014
Do 40% of police families experience domestic violence? 07/20/2020
Do 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence? It's complicated 01/01/2019
Police and Violence at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates 06/24/2021
Interactive: What solved murder data says about homicides in the U.S. 06/25/2021 The rate of solved homicides is falling nationally and locally. The rate for Black victims is falling even faster. Nationally, the solved-murder rate has fallen from 79 percent in 1976 to 69 percent in 2019. While the solved rate for white victims has increased to 81 percent in 2019, it has fallen to 59 percent for Black victims.
Holden Missouri police chief facing domestic assault charge after allegedly hitting wife with hammer 04/02/2021
A Los Angeles Police Department critic was arrested for alleged criminal threats by an officer who he filed a complaint against 09/27/2021
Greyhound Will Pay $2.2 Million To End A Lawsuit Over Warrantless Immigration Sweeps 09/27/2021
'Blow his head off': Supreme Court must strip federal agents of absolute immunity 09/23/2021
‘Trying to Arrest Me for Walking’: Memphis Woman Involved In Violent 2020 Arrest Speaks Out, Says Officers Tackling Her to the Ground Caused Her to Suffer a Miscarriage 09/22/2021
Detroit Cop Caught in Passenger Seat of Stolen Car Has Been Suspended 09/22/2021
Meck County detention officer fired after charge for assaulting inmate 09/22/2021
Mississippi probation officer indicted for allegedly stealing court fees from people on probation 09/22/2021
Elyria Ohio police officer put on paid leave after video of arrest is posted to social media 09/22/2021
Cops lied to get into their home, but their OWN bodycam caught the truth! 09/16/2021
‘A Helpless Teenager’: Grand Jury Indicts Former Stockton Police Officers In Beating of Black Teen That Left Boot Print on His Face 09/21/2021
Two Miami Cops and Bad Boys Wannabes Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine 09/17/2021
Texas Officer Who Issued Bogus Misdemeanor to Black Man for Not Showing ID Seen Dragging Him Down the Street In New Footage 09/18/2021
Beatings, buried videos a pattern at Louisiana State Police 09/09/2021
Philadelphia to pay $2M to Black woman beaten by officers, separated from toddler during unrest 09/14/2021 Officers smashed Rickia Young's windows with batons when she unknowingly drove into a protest. The union later claimed on social media that officers rescued her "lost" toddler. ...... "This child was lost during the violent riots in Philadelphia, wandering around barefoot in an area that was experiencing complete lawlessness," the union said on Facebook. "The only thing this Philadelphia Police Officer cared about in that moment was protecting this child."
Washington Post: FBI fires agent accused of failing to properly investigate Larry Nassar 09/14/2021
Drug sting sends two Miami-Dade cop pals to prison. They were big fans of ‘Bad Boys’ movies 09/14/2021
How DNA kits helped catch an alleged serial rapist in Arizona — who happened to be an ex-cop 09/14/2021 John Joseph Daly III recently retired after a career with border patrol. As a federal employee, he was able to retire in his mid-50s. He’d then spent more than two decades operating as a serial rapist in Arizona, committed sexual assaults and sexual abuse as well as a burglar and home invasions, police said.
Milwaukee Officer Nikolas Zens Fired for Accidentally Shooting Innocent Homeowner: Police Video 09/14/2021
Baltimore Police Sgt. Welton Simpson Jr. Convicted Of Misconduct, False Statement Charges 09/14/2021
Westminster Police Involved In Shooting In Denver’s Montbello Neighborhood 09/04/2021
4th Chicago cop in weeks arrested on excessive force charges 09/02/2021
3 Vermont state troopers under federal investigation for creating fake COVID-19 vaccination cards 09/07/2021
Missouri city police chief 'unexpectedly' resigns along with every single officer 09/09/2021
40 cops working at the Tokyo Paralympics have been sent home after they got drunk, brawled, and visited a brothel, says report 09/04/2021
‘Not Going to Do This Anymore’: Fed-Up Prosecutor Is Done With BS Traffic Stops 09/08/2021
Troy officers to face retrial in excessive-force case 09/13/2021 fire wall
Troy officers to face retrial in excessive-force case 09/13/2021 Operanewsapp
Two Chicago Police Officers Remained on Desk Duty for Nearly Seven Years. Now They’re Facing Termination Following Investigation Into Their Alleged Elevator Fight with a Black Man. 09/14/2021
Officer charged in connection with fatal shooting of man who fought with cops acquitted of all charges 09/13/2021
Appeals Court Says Police Ballistics Expert Can Be Sued Helping Wrongfully Imprison Two Men For More Than 17 Years 09/13/2021
Robbery in Progress? NYPD Swipes Bikes Off Queens Street in Possibly Illegal Move 09/08/2021
Illinois AG To Investigate Joliet Police Department For Pattern of Abuses, Whistleblower Remains on Desk Duty 09/09/2021
Dash cam video shows DeSoto police using force on a family 10/01/2018
DeSoto police release camera footage showing officers using force on family 10/01/2018
Florida sheriff defends deputy-involved shooting after ambush attack: 'Evil can never be dead enough' 09/11/2021
Cop Accused of Tasing Man in the Testicles in Front of His Wife and Kids 09/10/2021
FBI agent at center of Whitmer kidnap probe assaulted wife after swingers' party, authorities say 07/31/2021
FBI agent at center of Whitmer kidnap probe assaulted wife after swingers' party, authorities say 07/21/2021
Revealed: LAPD officers told to collect social media data on every civilian they stop 09/08/2021
North Carolina officer opens fire in courtroom after defendant allegedly attacks people 09/09/2021
Violent arrest of 73-year-old with dementia was “reasonable” and “necessary,” Loveland’s assistant police chief concluded 09/07/2021
Report: Drug-planting former Florida deputy transferred to Hawaii prison 09/07/2021
Antwon Gilmore murdered by DC police for sleeping. Officer fired 10 shots as he drove away. 09/04/2021
D.C. Police Release Bodycam Video From Fatal Shooting of Antwan Gilmore 08/30/2021
Investigation underway after Black woman is grabbed by CPD officer while walking dog 08/29/2021
Watch police body cam footage of elderly woman pulled from vehicle by hair during traffic stop 04/22/2021
Former W. Va. Cop Sexually Assaulted a 16-Year-Old, Set Fire to a Woman’s Property, and Obstructed Justice: Feds 09/01/2021
2 Chicago officers charged for January beating of teen in Woodlawn 09/01/2021
‘Should Not Be Policing the Streets’: Chicago Officer Seen Manhandling Black Woman Walking Dog Has Faced 24 Misconduct Allegations; Calls for His Termination Increase 09/01/2021
Tennessee bounty hunter charged after 13-year-old was handcuffed, kidnapped, and assaulted 09/01/2021
Cop Kills Cop; Nearby Lady Gets Charged With Manslaughter 09/01/2021 Jenna Holm was incapacitated when one cop accidentally killed another. She's now being charged with his death.
A former Marine was pulled over for following a truck too closely. Police took nearly $87,000 of his cash. 08/31/2021
Video shows corrections officer shooting inmate through cell door 06/29/2021
Ex-Deputy Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Planting Drugs During Traffic Stops 07/15/2021
Why America Throws the Poor in Prison 02/12/2021 America built mass incarceration: the wholesale imprisonment of entire populations. Why, exactly, are so many people in prison – more than the entire population of New Mexico?
Protect citizens who film cops 09/01/2021
Video released of Texas police arrest after family’s wrongful death lawsuit 06/02/2021
A Pennsylvania DA says there's a 'high probability' that police gunfire killed an 8-year-old and hit 3 children 06/02/2021
Prosecutors Add More Serious Charge Against Brooklyn Center, Minn. Ex-Cop Kim Potter in Shooting Death of Daunte Wright 06/02/2021
Chicago PD lieutenant accused of shoving flashlight between buttocks of teen carjacking suspect 06/02/2021
New Orleans 911 operator sought after deliberately disconnecting calls, police say 06/02/2021
Lying cop doesn't know Uber driver was actually a lawyer | New York Post 03/09/2017
Police pull over Florida state attorney 07/13/2017
Retired Auburn Ind. detective charged with felonies following 2020 investigation 09/04/2021
Death Row Inmate Freed After 23 Years Sues Prosecutor Who Put Him on Trial Six Times Until He Was Falsely Convicted of Quadruple Murder and ‘Pressured’ Witnesses to ‘lie’ 09/05/2021
Murder case evidence found at Tennessee deputy’s former home 09/03/2021
Minnesota State Patrol purged messages after Floyd protests 09/06/2021
Filming Cops.com: Killing
Addicting Info.org Archived in late 2019, after July 2020 only available on wayback machine
Melbourne detective resigns after search warrant served to wrong address 11/09/2018
Off-duty Columbus Ohio police officer John Kotchkoski charged with assaulting Lakewood man 09/12/2015
Ball-Biting Maryland Cop Has to Turn In His Badge and Gun 10/19/2015 attack stemmed from untreated psychological trauma faced when the officer was involved in the fatal shooting of a mentally ill 18-year-old wielding nine-inch scissors back in 2007.
Avid Police Supporter “Heartbroken” After His Son is Kicked in the Head by Ohio Cop John Kotchkoski 09/16/2015
Chesterton Ill. cop arrested on charge of pointing gun at wife 09/17/2015
Polk County Fla. deputy arrested after allegedly battering husband 09/17/2015 Witnesses told authorities that Deputy Consuelo Gallegos-Bias, of Mulberry, was arguing with her husband, who is also a deputy, in their bedroom when the two began wrestling over a firearm. The gun was discharged, but no one was hit.
Fox Lake police Lt. Gliniewicz shot twice by own gun, sign of struggle, task force says 10/01/2015
That Illinois cop-killing sparked outrage and tears. But was it a suicide? 09/16/2015 Officials say Battaglia made a series of calls to police agencies and media outlets regarding Gliniewicz. His lawyer said the 54-year-old retired cop had been “stupid” and “reckless” but never meant to harm anyone. “Everything is coming out but it’s still slow,” said attorney Myron Goldstin outside court, adding that Battaglia wasn’t involved in the Gliniewicz investigation and had no special insight into the case. “… As a former police officer, he was naturally, as everyone else is, concerned about the investigation.” Finally, there are Tuesday’s media reports, which appear to back Battaglia’s claims by suggesting that Gliniewicz killed himself and staged the suicide to look like a murder.
Judge refuses to lower bond for ex-cop accused of threatening Fox Lake investigators 09/15/2015 Bataglia's attorney branded the calls "stupid, wrong and reckless" and says Battaglia has no knowledge of nor connection to the Gliniewicz death investigation.
Ex-cop charged with threatening officials in Fox Lake officer shooting case 09/13/2015
Is there really a ‘war on cops’? The data show that 2015 will likely be one of the safest years in history for police 09/09/2015
Texas Sheriff Claims His Power Comes From God, Wants to Get Rid Of ‘Innocent Until Proven Guilty’ 09/04/2015
Texas sheriff lashes out at critics by citing Bible verses: ‘All authority comes from God' 09/03/2015
Among the thousands of fatal shootings at the hands of police since 2005, only 54 officers have been charged, a Post analysis found. Most were cleared or acquitted in the cases that have been resolved. 04/11/2015
Woman who shot alleged attacker may have slain a serial killer, Neal Falls, a security guard, police say 07/25/2015
Tribune analysis: Cops who pile up complaints routinely escape discipline 06/1/2015
Bill to limit filming of police activity is dropped 04/10/2015
Texas Bill Would Make Recording Police Illegal 03/13/2015
Florida Cop Agreed To “Stand By” And Watch As Father Paddled His Misbehaving Daughter 03/31/2015
Washington's Blog: You’re 55 Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist 03/05/2015
Lawyer: Second autopsy shows officers shot man from behind 02/27/2015
Police sergeant wrongfully accused of domestic abuse speaks out 10/15/2014
Diary of a ‘Corrupt’ Cop: or, It Was the Custom 12/08/2012
Use of deadly force by police disappears on Richmond streets 2014
Jake Law: Excessive Force & Police Abuse
News Asylum: Police Brutality
Florida suspect shot police officer then ran him over 12/22/2014 Date of Murder: 12/21/2014
Chief's Anti-Racism Sign Lauded, Criticized 09/05/2014 "I resolve to challenge racism @ work."
Pittsburgh Chief Shuts Down Twitter Account 01/15/2015
Paula R. Cooper was convicted of murder and made national news when it was reported on 60 Minutes that several Indiana prison guards had sex with her in her cell. Date of Murder: May 14, 1985
Ex-Signal Hill Ca. Police officer arrested, suspected in road rage incident 03/06/2015 Date of incident: Nov. 20 2014
SLED: SC officers arrested, charged with child neglect of 3-month-old son 03/06/2015 Date of incident: Feb. 2015
Police Officer Arrested for Exploitation of a Child 03/04/2015 Date of Murder:
North Port Fla. Police officer arrested, suspended for allegedly battering his fiancee 03/03/2015 Date of incident: 03/03/2015
Lawyer: Nassau NY cops who arrested off-duty officer should be disciplined 03/06/2015 Date of incident: Nov. 29, 2013
Hawaii Police Officer Arrested After Bicyclist Killed 03/02/2015 Date of Murder: 03/01/2015
Chief to arrested cops for grand larceny: 'I wish you well in the criminal justice system' 03/02/2015 Date of Murder: 02/26/2015
Cleveland Ohio Police chief's brother dead, had run-ins with officers 02/24/2015 Date of Murder: 02/24/2015
Lakewood, Washington police officer shooting Date of Murder: November 29, 2009 The Lakewood police officer shooting took place on Sunday, November 29, 2009, when four Lakewood, Washington police officers were murdered at the former Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop which was located at 11401 Steele Street South in the Parkland unincorporated area of Pierce County, Washington. One gunman, later identified as Maurice Clemmons, entered the coffee shop, fired at the officers as they sat working on their laptop computers preparing for their shifts, and then fled the scene. In 1999, after having served 10 years of his sentence, Clemmons filed a clemency appeal with Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Another (Much Higher) Count Of Homicides By Police 08/25/2014
Video from police, public examined in Washington shooting 02/190/2015 Date of Murder: 02/10/2015
Alabama Cop Arrested for Takedown That Left Indian Man Partially Paralyzed 02/12/2015
Here's what we know about the former Madison police officer charged with putting Indian grandfather in the hospital 02/13/2015
Fundraising page created for Eric Parker, Madison officer arrested for assaulting Indian grandfather 02/14/2015
U.K. Police officers could be charged for 'calling alleged domestic violence victim 'f*****g slag' and 'b***h' 01/26/2015 Date of incident: January 2014
Rolling Stone: When Cops Break Bad: Inside a Police Force Gone Wild: Over the past five years, police in Albuquerque have shot and killed 28 people and brutalized many others 01/29/2015
Above the Law, Under the Sheets Undercover cops can't legally have sex with prostitutes, but they get awfully close (Arkansas and Michigan) 12/28/2015 This triggered a series of events that, in part because Bales was already engaged in a whistleblower suit against the department .... and was fired and arrested ...
Police officer quits after being arrested over claims he slept with prostitutes on duty in Manchester England 12/31/2014
Gun-toting cop-watchers arrested after screaming obscenities at Texas police 01/01/2015
Bayonne NJ pays $100,000 settlement to pair in police assault suit involving Domenico Lillo, and other officers 07/08//2011 Date of incident: March 17, 2007
Domenico Lillo, a Bayonne NJ police officer arrested by feds in connection to alleged police brutality incident, city official says 01/23/2015 Date of incident: Dec. 27, 2013
Police arrest off-duty officer in pursuit of two suspects in Solomon Islands for allegedly giving false information to other police officers 01/23/2015 Date of incident: 01/21/2015
Florida City: Bans Cops Use of Black Men Mug Shots for Target Practice 01/21/2015
Devin Darnell Thompson/Moore killed two cops and a dispatcher in Alabama in the "Grand Theft Auto" murder Date of Murder: June 7, 2003
EXCLUSIVE: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction 12/08/2014
Drunk off-duty police officer attempts to get Fla. arresting trooper to let him off Date of incident: 02/16/2014
Oklahoma officer accused in 6 sexual assaults during traffic stops 08/22/2014
Family raises questions after man fatally shot by police at Ill. hospital Date of Murder: 11/02/2014
Former Indiana Trooper David Camm Found Not Guilty After 3rd Trial in Family's Slaying 10/25/2013
A Comparative Tale of Two Cop Killers - The Millers VS Ismaaiyl Brinsley 12/24/2014
Boston officer charged with assaulting Uber driver 01/04/2015
"You can respect cops and hold them accountable"
foreign police incidents:
Vancouver police officer arrested in domestic incident 01/28/2015 Date of incident: 01/23/2015
Arrest warrants issued for two Indian police officers in Dink murder case 01/12/2014 Date of Murder: Jan. 19, 2007
Police Chief Found Guilty of Massacre at Spanish Embassy in Guatemala Date of Murder: Jan. 31, 1980
25 Colombia Military, Police Sanctioned for Spying on Peace Talks 01/30/2015
Two Wounded in Domestic Violence Police Shooting Inside Colombia’s Police HQ 01/30/2015 Date of Murder: 01/28/2015
Honduran Cop Arrested in Murder of Prosecutor Date of Murder: May 28, 2011
Despite attempted coverup, Israeli border policeman arrested for murder of Palestinian teen during Nakba Day protest 11/14/2014 Date of Murder: May 15 2014
Sheriff: Turning off dashboard camera during Syracuse NY police officer's arrest for DWI was against department policy 01/28/2015 Date of incident: 12/09/2014 After the camera stopped rolling, Cogan yelled, swore, kicked and bit at Passino and other officers, authorities said. Cogan broke one officer's glasses and caused Passino a one-inch gash to his finger, Passino wrote in court papers.
Video: St. Louis Cop Turns Off Dash Cam as Officers Kick Driver 02/20/2015
Attorney: Seabrook police video 'beyond despicable' 01/10/2014 Date of incident: 11/11/2009
Fired Seabrook officer fighting to get job back 01/07/2015 Date of incident: 11/11/2009
Cato Institute: The National Police Misconduct Reporting Project
Cato Institute: Botched Paramilitary Police Raids
Killed By Police 2013-4
Facebook: Killed By Police
Reminder: The FBI’s ‘Police Homicide’ Count Is Wrong 11/12/2014 While independent counts of police killings — such as those at Fatal Encounters, the Gun Violence Archive and Deadspin — develop, the most reliable database continues to be the Killed By Police Facebook page. Using media reports, the page has counted 1,709 police killings since May 1, 2013, and more than 950 so far in 2014.
US entries as of 12/27/2014: 5,366 Those Who Protect Bad Cops; Have Blood On Their Hands, Perpetuate Criminal Cop Culture 12/23/2014
Officer Deaths by Year Nationwide going back to 1791
Number of Police Officers Killed on the Job Climbs 12/30/2014
Honoring All Fallen Members of the New York City Police Department going back to 1806
New York State Line of Duty Deaths
Gerald Albert Gallego killed two police officers in retaliation for a beating he received from police, not necessarily the same ones though Date of Murder: 1954
Claude Dallas was a Self-styled mountain man and killer of two who escaped and was not sentenced to the normal additional penalty for escapees as the court ruled he escaped as a desperate act of self-preservation to avoid harassment and threats from unruly guards. Date of Murder: January 5, 1981
The Continuing Coverup of Police Killings Nationwide 12/12/2013
CNN Factcheck: Grim statistics on race and police killings 12/03/2014
Politifact: Are deaths from police shootings the highest in 20 years? 12/03/2014
Democracy Now: Michelle Alexander: Ferguson Shows Why Criminal Justice System of "Racial Control" Should Be Undone; Michelle Alexander: Roots of Today’s Mass Incarceration Crisis Date to Slavery, Jim Crow; Justice Dept.: Ferguson Police Discriminate Against African Americans 03/04/2014
Democracy Now: Los Angeles Police Shooting of Homeless Man Caught on Video 03/02/2015 Date of Murder: previous week Following headline: Dozens Rally Against Chicago Police "Black Site"
John J. Joubert IV, a former airman, repeatedly stabbed and slashed Danny Jo Eberle, 13, and Christopher Walden, 12, in Bellevue Nebraska near Offutt Air Force Base, where he was stationed. He was also convicted of stabbing and strangling a boy in Maine. He had a sister who became a police officer. Date of Murder: 1982-3
EXCLUSIVE: New Data Show Police Rarely Arrested For Killings On The Job 08/20/2014
Andrew "Andy" Mickel an Army veteran killed a police officer in California "to bring attention to, and halt, the police-state tactics that have come to be used throughout our country." Date of Murder: November 19, 2002
Photography is Not a Crime
John William King is a white supremacist who was convicted of murdering James Byrd, Jr. in Texas. Date of Murder: June 7, 1998 Prison guards and officials encourage a brutal struggle for survival between white, black and Hispanic prisoners and do little to stop even the most murderous confrontations.
Barry Byron Mills (born 1948) is a leader of the Aryan Brotherhood (AB) prison gang convicted of killing 6-8 people. Date of Murder: Experts also attribute the success of prison gangs to their ability to buy the cooperation of guards. The Aryan Brotherhood indictment alleges that happened at ADX.