Friday, February 28, 2025

Is the Hasbara Handbook The True Protocols of Zion?

No sincere well informed person believes "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which were first published in 1903, are credible, and the most credible critics of Israel, including John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt authors of "The Israel Lobby," justifiably debunk them and call them a hoax, justifiably. However, even though the Jews weren't controlling the media and the most powerful governments in the world before the World Wars, they have much more control of governments, especially Israel and the United States, and the media than they did then, although it's still not complete.

The evidence showing this is much more credible, including the research done by Mearsheimer and Walt, and many other good researchers, and on top of that documents from Zionists themselves, like Theodor Herzl's book "The Jewish State," his diaries, Vladimir Jabotinsky's article, "The Iron Wall," and more show that they've been planning to use authoritarian methods to create the State of Israel, and additional research shows the true history of Israel, although mainstream media and the political establishment rarely ever give that adequate coverage, instead basing important decisions on deceptive propaganda.

There are at least a couple documents shared among Zionists that openly admit they're trying to use propaganda, which they call "Hasbara" to get their views out, and they're clearly more concerned with creating a heavily biased view, instead of the truth. These are Hasbara Handbook: Promoting Israel on Campus and The Israel Project's 2009 GLOBAL LANGUAGE DICTIONARY, neither of which tries to get to the truth, instead of a heavily biased version used to justify opression of Palestinians, the same way distorted or false claims, like the Protocols, were previously used to justify opression of Jews.

This isn't the only evidence showing Zionists efforts to control large institutions, including the media and political establishment; of course, other sources like Mearsheimer and Walt's book, among many others, including "Palestine in Israeli Schoolbooks" by Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Matthew Abraham "Out of Bounds" and many others also show how they partly control the media, education, and suppress research exposing Israeli atrocities, also provide compelling evidence of controlling the narrative, and how they enable current atrocities, as well as many past atrocities. I've gone into some of this in previous articles, and will cover a little or it near the end of this article, but these two documents about how to create a biased narrative favoring Israel in colleges, on the internet and other locations where this propaganda applies contributes to evidence covering up atrocities, which is hard to deny, assuming people review it honestly.

It's not uncommon for good historians to remind the public that they seek to report the truth and recommend peer review from opposing sides to fact check it and come as close as they can. For example Matthew Abraham author of "Out of Bounds" writes "I am going to simplify this debate by simply stating that academic freedom is the freedom to pursue the truth within scholarship for the benefit of the public." (p.9) And "The War for Palestine: Rewriting The History Of 1948" edited by Eugene L Rogan, and Avi Shlaim, 2007 explain that they do the same and tried to rewrite history to correct biases from a variety of sources on both sides. They admit this is "revisionism" but demonstrate they're doing it to correct mistakes; while some other sources, like Vladimir Jabotinsky, tried to revise history to support the Zionist cause, not get to the truth, although they often falsely claim their version is true. The same goes with these two documents recommending pro-Israel propaganda, and they're often full of false claims, double standards, and propaganda tactics, not efforts to get to the truth from diverse sources.

One important factor is that the Hasbara Handbook starts off by acknowledging that not even all Jewish people have the same views, which is even worse than their Handbook acknowledges, but this shows they even turn against other Jews when they do a better job fact checking and other sources provide even stronger evidence of this. Many Jews like Jewish Voice for Peace have been exposing Zionist lies for decades, and two of the earliest critics if Israel, when their state was being created were Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt, both who signed a letter in the New York Times, along with a couple dozen other anti-Zionist Jews, criticizing the massacre at Deir Yassin, and there were many more of those at the time which modern Zionists are trying to erase from history.

Some of what they write is partly true, of course, but it needs fact checking from unbiased or diverse views. For example, the Handbook writes,
"Rather, we believe, Israel is an imperfect country, invariably run by imperfect governments. Mistakes are made, approaches are taken that are hard to understand, but one thing remains constant – the Jewish state has a right to exist, and her citizens have a right to safety."

Of course their citizens, including Jews, should have a right to safety, just like everyone else, including Palestinians, which they often refuse to acknowledge, and they often terrorize and oppress the Palestinians. It certainly seems reasonable to assume that the right of Israel to exist shouldn't be in doubt, especially for people relying on information from mainstream media constantly being reminded of Pogroms against the Jews and the Holocaust; however, this may not seem quite so certain if people were aware of the full history of the creation of Israel, which is heavily censored in traditional media.

For those who haven't heard, I created a Bibliography of Books on Israel History & Credible Alternative News Outlets that includes sources on the planning of the creation of Israel, which began over fifty years before it happened, the Nakba, and much more, often available free online, and I'll cite some of them to summarize this, which should be understood before concluding that the claim "Israel has the right to exist" is conclusive. This is especially true when you consider the fact that virtually all credible sources agree that Zionists killed about 15,000 Palestinians, and terrorized and expelled 750,000 more in order to create their state with a Jewish majority.

There are dozens of well researched books confirming this, although traditional media doesn't promote them; one of the best is Ilan Pappe "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" 2006; however, many Zionists doubt the credibility of this, even though rational scholars consider it credible. Another one is "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949" by Benny Morris 1987, who happens to be a Zionists, and even though I don't consider him quite as credible, he also admits to many of the worst atrocities committed by Zionists; in fact I find it hard to understand how anyone, including Benny Morris, that reads this book can possibly support Zionism, when they recognize the atrocities that involved creating the Israeli State. Yet many Zionists are almost in total denial about the Nakba, and they often try to portray it as the opinion of their critics, not well documented history.

Of course, if anyone denied the Holocaust the way they deny the Nakba they would be justifiably be outraged. Norman Finkelstein once said he would welcome claims denying either the Holocaust or the Nakba because he could easily refute them with an enormous amount of research overwhelmingly proving they both happened, and discredit them. However, that's based on the assumption that he would have that opportunity and he could get the truth across to the majority of the public, which may not be the case. Unfortunately mainstream media isn't willing to report on the Nakba or enable people to hear both sides, and an enormous part of the reason for this is pressure from Zionists, or what Mearsheimer and Walt call The Israeli Lobby which often successfully censors the truth in high profile locations.

It's also important to explore the planning for this, which shows little or no effort to consult with the people that actually lived in Palestine, to accept Jewish immigration, instead negotiating with Colonial powers that shouldn't have any right to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians.

According to Theodor Herzl's own diary he tried to negotiate with at least nine or more high ranking officials, and successfully contacted at least six of them on one or more occasions each, but these were all people that had no right to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians who lived there. These people included the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who was the closest person to have control of Palestine at the time, the Kaiser of Germany, Joseph Chamberlain, a minister in the British government and father of Neville Chamberlain, the Pope, the King of Italy and Vyacheslav von Plehve the Minister of the Interior in Russia; and he also made numerous attempts to contact the Czar of Russia, Cicile Rhodes, and King Leopold of Belgium. His diary says nothing about attempting to negotiate with the people who lived there, and even mentions several ways to trick them into leaving by depriving them of work in Palestine and other deceptive methods to make them move on.

However there was at least one notable attempt to contact Herzl from a former Mayor of Jerusalem which was described in "Hundred Years' War on Palestine" 2021 by Rashid Khalidi. The Mayor, Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, was the brother of one of Rashuid's ancestors from the time, and he explains the details, including the text, and how it was misrepresented, and that his distant uncle clearly indicated he should leave the Palestinians alone. Herzl wrote back with a letter that ignored the Mayor's concerns and provided a weak non-credible claim that this would not harm the Palestinians. This pattern of negotiating with colonizers that had no justifiable control of the land, instead of the people living there or owners of property continued until the creation of Israel and beyond, including the Balfour Declaration during the first World War, which contradicted promises made to the Arabs at the time, who actually did live there and own the land.

Once people understand the history behind the creation of Israel I suspect they may not think it should be beyond debate, as the Israelis claim; in fact the more people know, including more history than I described, the more I suspect that those claiming the creation of Israel really is illegitimate!

Another obvious propaganda tactic is their admission that "Israel is an imperfect country," which they clearly seem to think will add to their credibility, assuming they only admit to minor imperfections, and some high profile Israel advocates, including Noa Tishby clearly seem to take this advice, at least partly. Noa Tishby has made numerous videos repeating this claim, implying that Israel's critics are holding Israel to a higher standard, as the two Handbooks recommend, but she rarely if ever admits to even minor flaws, and repeatedly denies major flaws even when there's overwhelming evidence showing they're true!

Three of the most common claims she denies are the claim that Israel is a Colonialist State, that Israel is an Apartheid State, and that Israel is carrying out a Genocide, none of which will stand up to the most basic scrutiny. Even many of the founders of Zionism or Israel often admitted that they were planning to Colonize Palestine before creating the state of Israel, and often continued admitted it afterwards. Theodor Herzl's Diary has dozens, if not over a hundred statements admitting that what they had in mind was Colonialism, Vladimir Jabotinsky also made similar admissions in "The Iron Wall" and many other high profile Zionists that helped found Israel, including David Ben-Gurion also admitted they were Colonizing Palestine, which they began calling Israel after 1948. After the First World War when France and Britain wanted to divide up the Ottoman Empire and Colonize it Zionists supported this and promoted the Balfour Declaration, contrary to promises made to Arabs who lived in Palestine and owned the land, which was clearly part of their Colonization plan. They even have a Jewish Colonization Agency. And there are still a large number of Zionists trying to increase the Settlements in both the West Bank and take over Gaza, which is obviously part of their Colonization efforts.

The same goes for the denial of Apartheid, which is obviously practiced in Israel and has been at least the 1967 war, as some claim, or to some degree since the 1948 Nakba, as many other historians show. Dozens of books including Jimmy Carter's "Peace Not Apartheid show this is true, and when the subject comes up on Social Media there are often Tweets like this, (Video) Reminds me of scenes from the Battle of Algiers. (Palestinians held at Apartheid checkpoint) 12/04/2023, clearly showing it in practice with videos within Israel or the occupied territories, and there are dozens if not thousands more videos like this on Social Media; when pundits like Noa Tishby or Michael Rappaport deny this their critics routinely post links or videos like this, assuming comments are allowed, like this one, this one, and there are dozens of human rights groups writing about evidence showing it's an apartheid state, including some that were posted in another reply to Noa Tishby's false claims.

If one of Noa Tishby's three most common false claims had any credibility before the October 7 attacks it was the claims that they're committing genocide it no longer does; and even before October 7 there were a lot of credible researchers that claimed they were already committing genocide, including Ilan Pappé, a former Zionist, and author of "The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of Gaza and the Occupied Territories" 2017 and "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" 2006 claimed that by the time he wrote his 2017 book Israel was committing genocide, but he only described the Nakba as Ethnic Cleansing; another credible researcher on Israel, Avi Shlaim denied Israel had committed genocide in his Biography in "Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew," although he claimed they had many other flaws, including Ethnic Cleansing, but after the attacks following October 7, he concluded they were definitely committing genocide, and that it was intentional. Israel killed over 1.5% of Palestinians in Gaza, and growing, and there are dozens of comments from Zionists, including those in the government or media, many that I posted in previous articles, showing genocide was their intent.

Polls from before the current war show that even a significant percentage of American Jews think Israel is an apartheid state and that they're involved in genocide as indicated in Poll finds a quarter of US Jews think Israel is ‘apartheid state’ 07/13/2021 which also says that 22 % believe Israel is committing genocide. It's hard to find reliable polls on this, one obviously false claim by Bari Weiss says that 95% of American Jews are Zionists, but this contradicts this more reliable poll, and the membership of Jewish Voice for Peace is about 12.5% of the American Jewish population, although some of them might be non-Jews, but other anti-Zionists may not be members at all, so anti-Zionist Jews are probably a higher percentage, and many others may not be up to date in the subject at all as indicated in Recent Polls of US Jews Reflect Polarized Community 06/29/2023 which says:
Pew added a question on the movement to its 2020 poll and found that approximately 10% of American Jews support BDS and 43% oppose it. Another 43% who said they had heard “not much” or “nothing at all” about BDS were not asked about their support or opposition.

The implication of this is that at least 10% of American Jews are probably anti-Zionists, possibly closer to 22% or 25%, which is the percentage that believe genocide and apartheid is happening in Israel, and 43% of American Jews may not be informed enough to have strong opinions on the subject, which is the same percentage opposing BDS. This implies close to a majority of American Jews are Zionists, while 10% to 25% are anti-Zionists, and the rest may take stronger views if they become better informed, although this doesn't guarantee the polls are accurate, but it's more credible than Bari Weiss's claims.

Furthermore, even if there wasn't an ongoing genocide, perhaps before the current war, but while the Ethnic Cleansing from earlier incidents were part of history or continuing to happen, then if Zionists, including Noa Tishby, were sincere they should be willing to consider that a lesser crime, like Ethnic Cleansing, which is still serious, or many other mass murders of Palestinians that happened within the past hundred years are justified, or raise major human rights issues. Yet they're also in total denial about that, often blaming the Palestinians, even when more reliable history shows Zionists began planning the theft of land, and acting on it before most if not all the resistance from Palestinians began.

This clearly indicates that when Zionists, including Noa Tishby, admit that Israel "isn't a perfect" country they're doing it to make them seem more credible without actually being more honest, as other recommendations from these two propaganda documents show and the way they put it in practice. The Handbook does say:
Of course, as democratic, open-minded students we have the right and the obligation to criticize, and to voice our feelings, but we must do that after learning the facts. (p.viii)

However, they show with their actions and other recommendations from the propaganda recommendations that they mean their own heavily biased version of the facts, not a version that stands up to scrutiny and peer review. For example they write
It is much easier to get Palestinian activists defending Arafat against charges of being a corrupt terrorist than it is to explain to disinterested students that Ariel Sharon didn't kill anybody at Sabra and Chatilla (which of course he didn't).

This is a very selective and misleading claim. A relatively quick look at history shows that technically Ariel Sharon might not have directly killed anyone at Sabra and Chatilla in 1982, but his military did support those that did; and he was involved in a long list of other atrocities during his career which include the Qibya massacre, and many other atrocities before he intentionally incited the second Intifada, and it helped him get elected Prime Minister, which shows the Zionists voters often reward incitement of violence, and went on to commit more atrocities as Prime Minister.

They clearly recommend biased debate tactics designed to make a case for Israel, even when it means promoting obviously false or deceptive sets of facts. Some tactics may be very effective at getting the truth across, assuming it is the truth, like making claims first and repeating them often, as the handbook recommends, and we should try this as well, when and only when we're telling the truth, which would make us better than them and after fact checking this will show. Some of their recommendations are obviously deceptive, for example the Handbook says:
"Point scoring communication ought to give the appearance of rational debate, whilst avoiding genuine discussion." (p.8)

"Central to point scoring is the ability to disguise point scoring by giving the impression of genuine debate. Audience members can be alienated by undisguised attacks, so all point scoring needs to be disguised."

"To disguise point scoring, comments need to seem to be logical, and to follow from what was said before. Use phrases that subtly change the agenda or re-frame the debate to do this: ....."

"What Points To Make"

"Point scoring needs to be focused. Because the people listening to 'point scoring' are only paying partial attention, only two or three points have a chance of 'sticking'. For this reason, focus point scoring on a few points supporting Israel, and a few points pointing out weaknesses in Palestinian positions. These points should be made again and again, in as many forums as possible. If people hear something often enough they come to believe it. Attempts to make too many different points will result in the audience remembering nothing." (p.9)

This clearly indicates that when ever possible they want to take advantage of complacent people that are not well informed, and indoctrinate them to accepting their false version of history without checking facts or encouraging peer review. Both of these documents also recommend times when these tactics might not be as effective and shouldn't be used, which inevitably leads to making different claims at different times, and hoping most people won't notice, which might work with uninformed complacent people, but not with well informed people, or if well informed people have a fair opportunity to refute their deception. The second document, which was written by Frank Luntz, is very similar and make additional admissions about trying to manipulate complacent people, as indicated in the following excerpt:
Unlike mainstream Americans, the majority of the liberal elite believe the Israelis TOOK Palestinian land. You need to teach them otherwise. But also unlike mainstream audiences, the Left does appreciate the arguments of history and will respond more favorably if historic references and analogies are used. But be explicit. Give dates, numbers, facts – and don’t dwell. A good history lesson lasts less than one minute. p.95

Frank Luntz skips over the part where he actually tries to figure out whether or not "Israelis TOOK Palestinian land," which isn't too surprising, since overwhelming evidence from many sources, including ones I cited shows that this is true, yet he recommends they try to "teach them otherwise," instead of checking facts or welcoming peer review. Furthermore, the claim that "A good history lesson lasts less than one minute," is also absurd, unless they want to teach a selective version of history without taking the time to fact check, which is obviously what they do.

Frank Luntz also wrote "Words That Work" which includes propaganda tactics that are repeated in this document. I wrote previously in Frank Luntz confesses to sabotaging democratic process for clients that his book is obviously about discussing ways to manipulate the people, and it's clear that a lot of his polls and focus groups are designed to learn how to do this more successfully, yet the majority of the public doesn't pay much attention to it, although there was a modest amount of discussion about it when his book came out, but after a few months it fell down the memory hole for most people.

The same clearly applies to both of these documents, which clearly discuss indoctrination tactics instead of encouraging people to check facts and listen to opposing views. Unfortunately mainstream media and the political establishment enable them and help repeat their propaganda without exposing obvious lies or reporting accurately on either current events or history; but occasionally there are plenty of well informed academics, like some of the ones I mentioned, and even some government or ex-government officials that admit the truth including Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, EX-TOP US OFFICIAL who says "NEVER,NEVER EVER BELIEVE ISRAELI FIGURES" 08/14/2024 in this short clip, and goes into more detail with Judge Napolitano in Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: The State Dept Lies for Israel 03/28/2024 Amazingly Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid made the most brazen statement saying that journalists shouldn't check facts from both sides, instead they should just believe everything Israel says in the following quote, which I put on Wikipedia: Yair Lapid with a source of the video:
"If international media is objective it serves Hamas. If it just shows both sides it serves Hamas. My argument is that the media can't just claim to bring both sides of the story. If you do that you are only bringing one. Hamas' side."

"That's cowardly and that's it's lazy, it's an insult insult to the victims, including the Palestinian victims. It's also an insult to the core idea of what journalism is. Believe me I know, I was a journalist for 31 years."

"I have no problem with criticism of Israel, but when you know that one side lies and one side makes every effort to verify the facts, the least we can expect is that you don't give a Never Ending platform to their lies."

This quote was on video, so there's no doubt it's legitimate, yet traditional media gave no coverage to it, for obvious reasons; this claim is so absurd it's hard to imagine he thought it was a good idea to say it in the first place, or why anyone would accept it as credible, instead of assuming it shows how little credibility they have. If they did make "every effort to verify the facts," as he claims then there would be no reason for him to worry about others checking the facts, since this would confirm their credibility; the obvious reason for requesting this is they know they haven't been honest about many things, and that supporters of Palestinians have been far more credible most of the time! This may be why someone on Wikipedia removed the quote from the page, to draw less attention to it; I haven't been very active on Wikipedia in over ten years so I didn't notice it or try to preserve it, but the reason for the removal was trivial, if any reason was provided, and it certainly wasn't because it was wrong.

As I indicated above, these two documents aren't the only credible evidence, by far showing how Israel and the Zionists are corrupting the media and governments. There's much more where this comes from often from alternative media outlet, and researchers that get little or no attention from traditional media, and there's also plenty of evidence showing they often intimidate academic researchers attempting to prevent them from reporting the truth, often causing serious damage to their careers, including some well documented cases. As I mentioned before Ilan Pappé was raised as a Zionist, but when he learned more about their own history he began reporting the truth in his research and teaching it to his students, and became an anti-Zionists, and he tells about how this impacted his career in Out of the Frame: The Struggle for Academic Freedom in Israel 2010 by Ilan Pappé. He writes about how his academic opportunities were threatened when he became an anti-Zionists and he just barely received tenure before this threat increased, so he was able to continue his career, but others were often not so lucky.

While searching for information about Out Of The Frame, I found at least half a dozen, if not over a dozen other books about academic freedom and how it's often threatened by Zionists political influence, which Matthew Abraham claims can only be plausibly explained by The Israel Lobby as described by Mearsheimer and Walt. The first one I read after the limited free excerpts from "Out of the Frame" is Out of Bounds: Academic Freedom and the Question of Palestine by Matthew Abraham 2014, which makes a very compelling case showing how Zionism is corrupting the academic world, with one of the best examples being the denial of tenure for Norman Finkelstein after lobbying by Alan Dershowitz, who has major credibility problems, but he's a defender of Israel and has much better political connections among the wealthy.

Numerous former Zionists, in addition to Ilan Pappé, have taken a close look at history after being indoctrinated to believe the Zionist version of history and realized what they were taught was all wrong, and many of them became anti-Zionist, including former AIPAC member Rich Forer, who describes how he learned the truth by reading Norman Finkelstein's book in this video (Video) Mohamed Elmay: AIPAC member, Rich Forer, changes his mind" after claiming that non-Jews were unreliable sources, and even Norman Finkelstein was probably biased, but after reading him, and using credible fact-checking methods, he realized the Zionist version was wrong. 10/28/2024 He describes how he changed his views after reading Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History 2008 by Norman Finkelstein

Even Louis Brandeis, a former Supreme Court Justice, and one of the most prominant Zionists before World War II indicated he opposed censorship and the methods now being used to promote Hasbara as indicated in his decision in Whitney v. California (1927) when he wrote:
"To courageous, self-reliant men, with confidence in the power of free and fearless reasoning applied through the processes of popular government, no danger flowing from speech can be deemed clear and present unless the incidence of the evil apprehended is so imminent that it may befall before there is opportunity for full discussion. If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence. Only an emergency can justify repression. Such must be the rule if authority is to be reconciled with freedom. Such, in my opinion, is the command of the Constitution. It is therefore always open to Americans to challenge a law abridging free speech and assembly by showing that there was no emergency justifying it."

Israel's apartheid against Palestinians 02/01/2022

Enforcing Silence: Academic Freedom, Palestine and the Criticism of Israel 2020 by David Landy, Ronit Lentin and Conor McCarthy (Editors)

The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge 2016 by Ilan Pappe

Who's Afraid of Academic Freedom? by Akeel Bilgrami and Jonathan R. Cole (Editors) 2014

Not in Kansas Anymore: Academic Freedom in Palestinian Universities 2021 by Cary Nelson (Author), Miriam F. Elman (Preface)

Textbooks on Israel-Palestine: The Politics of Education and Knowledge in the West (Unsettling Colonialism in our Times) by Seyed Hadi Borhani 2022 Zionist history p.121/150

Unveiling Tyranny: The Genocide in Gaza & False Zionist Narratives on Palestine 2023 by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis and Massoud Vahedi

Ten Myths About Israel By Ilan Pappe (2017) by Ilan Pappe

Wikipedia moves to bar ADL, claiming reliability concerns on Israel and antisemitim 06/19/2024

Is Denying the Nakba Antisemitism? 05/23/2022

Noa Tishby > Quotes

(Video) Rania: Straight from the horse's mouth! 02/24/2025 Ex-Zionist admitting he never heard of the Nakba, met a Palestinian, or knew what was going on a few miles from him until he was 23 and met with Palestinians in Germany to discuss it.

Norman Finkelstein's book changed a formed AIPAC member perspective on Israel-Palestine war. 08/02/2024

(Video) Gaza Authorities Say 10,000 Bodies Could Be Uncovered from Rubble After 15 Months of Genocide 12/21/2024

Why Antisemites Love Israel, a Brief History 12/03/2024

Israeli Sniper Killed Child in Gaza 1 Day After Ceasefire Went Into Effect 01/21/2025 Israeli forces have violated the ceasefire numerous times since Sunday, Palestinian news sources say.

Rescuers Have Recovered 200 Bodies From Rubble in Gaza, With 10,000 More Buried 01/22/2025 Officials estimate that 2,840 people’s bodies were evaporated entirely by Israeli attacks.

Egypt, Jordan Reject Trump Plan to “Clean Out” Gaza; Palestinians Return to N. Gaza in Historic Day 01/27/2025

Report: Israel Detaining Record Number of Palestinian Children Without Charges 01/27/2025 There are at least 300 Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons and torture camps.

(Video) 'I thought just kill me quickly': Gaza hostage's 54 days in captivity 04/27/2024 "I always try to explain to people that 'rape' is a really big word," she said. "It's not only the act. Even when a guy stands in front of your door, and you're sitting down, and he's staring at you for 10 minutes straight, five to six times a day, every day, for 54 days. Trust me; that's a rape." Asked whether she was the victim of sexual assault while held captive, Moran says she was not, but that she has heard from other women hostages that they were raped while in Gaza.

15 Witnesses, Three Confessions, a Pattern of Naked Dead Bodies. All the Evidence of Hamas Rape on October 7 04/18/2024 (An enormous amount of witness testimony, but little or no cooroborating evidence normally found in rape cases, including no live victims from Oct. 7, and except Amit Sousanna, who said "Then he, with the gun pointed at me, forced me to commit a sexual act on him," few if any victims among hositages.) Hamas' acts of rape on October 7 have turned into one of the massacre's most contentious topics. Each testimony and detail that emerges is weaponized in the clash between Israel's supporters and its opponents. Now, based on conversations with dozens of sources, a Haaretz investigation delineates which proof exists for sex crimes committed by Hamas – and what is missing

The orchestrated persecution of Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian 04/30/2024 A vicious campaign by Israeli academia, police, and media to silence the professor shows Palestinians they have no safe place in Zionist institutions.

‘Political arrest’ of Palestinian academic in Israel marks new civil liberties threat 04/26/2024 University and colleagues condemn detention of law professor, the first time an academic has been held over speech related to work

Editorial | The IDF Will Shoot Children in the West Bank, So Long as There's a Sham Investigation 01/28/2025 In early January, Reda Besharat, 8, and his cousin Hamza Besharat, 10, were killed in an Israeli drone strike in the village of Tammun. The father of one of the boys said the next day that his son and his nephew were getting ready for school and were in the yard of their home when they were struck. A third cousin, Adam Besharat, 23, was also killed in the strike.

Ex-Israeli war chief confirms issuing Hannibal Directive to kill own civilians, soldiers on 7 Oct 02/07/2025

Dan Cohen Uncaptured Media: Netanyahu and Kahanist allies wage psy-war to sacrifice captives for conquest of Gaza 01/10/2025

(Video) Democracy Now!: Palestinian Writer Mohammed El-Kurd on “Perfect Victims,” Trump & Israel’s Criminalization of Thought 02/11/2025

Perfect Victims: And the Politics of Appeal 2025 by Mohammed El-Kurd

Gaza Life Expectancy Slashed Nearly in Half by Israel’s Genocide, Study Finds 02/14/2025

Jerusalem: Jewish man attacks Israeli woman with axe, mistaking her for a Christian 02/21/2025

Israel says it knew Bibas family was dead despite claiming they might be alive 02/21/2025 Military spokesperson confirms family were killed by November 2023 as previously stated by Hamas

Netanyahu suspends release of 600+ Palestinian prisoners over ‘degrading’ handover ceremony 02/23/2025

ICC asked to investigate Biden and other former US officials for complicity in war crimes 02/24/2025

Israel Sends Tanks into West Bank Amid “De Facto Annexation” of Palestinian Lands: Mariam Barghouti 02/24/2025

(Video) Democracy Now!: Biden, Blinken & Austin Accused of Complicity in Israeli War Crimes in Gaza; ICC Urged to Investigate 02/25/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal QUESTIONED By FEDS at DC Airport 02/25/2025

Number of children killed in global conflicts tripled in 2023, U.N. human rights chief says 06/18/2024 The U.N. rights chief said his office had gathered data indicating that last year, "the number of civilian deaths in armed conflict soared by 72%." "Horrifyingly, the data indicates that the proportion of women killed in 2023 doubled and that of children tripled, compared to the year prior," he said. In the Gaza Strip, Turk said he was "appalled by the disregard for international human rights and humanitarian law by parties to the conflict" and "unconscionable death and suffering."

(Video) Norman Finkelstein: Does The Mossad Blackmail Public Figures? 02/25/2025

After an Ex-IDF Soldier’s Threats, Anti-Palestinian Racism Left Me Unprotected 02/22/2025

Why raping Palestinians is legitimate Israeli military practice 08/12/2024

New guide puts Palestine history, debates in activists’ hands 08/09/2010

The Veritas Handbook 11/27/2014

The Veritas Handbook Final Version

(Video) Wanted posters going up across the UK for Benjamin Netanyahu 11/29/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal describing how charred bodies and vehicles could only have been charred by weapons like Hellfire missiles fired from Apache Helicopters which Hamas had no access to but Israel did. 12/04/2023 He called it in early December 2023, additional evidence supported his claims months later. A large portion of those killed were killed by the IDF.

(Video) Boylan Lynn a European MO calling out Israel for atrocities 12/02/2024

Heather Cress: US citizens pay for Nazisrael to have universal healthcare and we are denied healthcare. 12/06/2024

(Video) It didn't start on October 7; Israel has been terrorizing Palestinians for at least 75 years, since the Nakba 11/20/2024

(Video) 97 year old Jewish lady remembering living in Palestine in peace with Christians, Muslims and Jews. 12/06/2024

(Video) Israel's Hunger Games: Genocide tourism for entertainment purpose where people watch from a distance on hill tops or cruise ships while atrocities are committed to Palestinians. 12/08/2024

(Video) Finally a reporter with some courage; calling out White House spokeman Matthew Miller for possibly starting nuclear war with Russia or Iran. 10/13/2024

A year ago, an Israeli airstrike buried me alive. I’m still clawing my way out 12/10/2024 I’m grateful I survived the attack on my home. But surviving isn’t the same as living, and the faces of those who didn’t make it haunt every corner of my mind.

‘As much and as quickly as possible’: Israeli settlers eye land in Syria, Lebanon 12/12/2024 With the Israeli army advancing into Syria following Assad's fall, a group promoting settlements in Lebanon is casting its gaze eastward.

(Video) My outfit offended him, so they kicked me out... 11/10/2024 She was wearing a small Palestinian flag

(Video) Protest of mass murder of over 17,000 children and many more other civilians. 12/15/2024

(Video) Abby Martin discusses Biden and Israel blocking good journalism. 12/10/2024

(Video) Leaked footage of interviews with Netanyahu and other discussing his corruption investigation. 12/18/2024

This drone bullet was removed yesterday from a 7 years old injured child in Ga$a, after penetrating his left chest to be settled in his back, causing a spinal cord injury and permanent paraplegia for him. Tabasha Telegram 3:56 am U.S. Pacific Time 12/18/2024

(Video) "Finally a reporter with some courage" who asks if they're trying to risk a nuclear war. 10/08/2024

(Video) Johnny Ashkanazi Satire telling the truth 12/21/2024

Facebook censors are clueless, or more likely an automated program that doesn't understand what they're attempting to censor or label as violent content. How did they conclude this is violent? 12/26/2024

Gaza Ceasefire Deal Announced After 466 Days of Genocide and 46,000 Dead 01/15/2025

“Secretary of Genocide”: Blinken Speech Interrupted by Pro-Palestine Protesters 01/14/2025 “Secretary Blinken, your legacy will be genocide. You will forever be known as ‘bloody Blinken, secretary of genocide,’” the protester said. “You have the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent people on your hands. We have spent a year — we have spent a year trying to appeal to your humanity in front of your house.”

Israel AbductsKamal Adwan Hospital Director General, Medical Doctor, Hussam Abu Safiya , for Refusing to Leave his Patients for Death. This is the Price Palestinian Doctors in Gaza Pay for their Humanity. 12/28/2024

In Search of King David’s Lost Empire 06/29/2020 The Biblical ruler’s story has been told for millennia. Archeologists are still fighting over whether it’s true.

From John Petit: In Search of King David’s Lost Empire The Biblical ruler’s story has been told for millennia. Archeologists are still fighting over whether it’s true. In 1999, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a front-page story about this controversial new frontier in archeology. Written by Ze’ev Herzog, a colleague of Finkelstein’s, it was titled “The Bible: No Evidence on the Ground.” Herzog wrote, “Following seventy years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archeologists have found out: The patriarchs’ acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israelis are a stubborn people, and no one wants to hear it.” 12/30/2024

AJ+: CNN published an article with the headline, “Israeli soldiers returning from war struggle with trauma and suicide.” ⁣The Israeli soldier they’re talking about, Eliran Mizrahi – who was diagnosed with PTSD – drove over Palestinians “dead or alive” using a bulldozer. ⁣Another Israeli soldier, Guy Zaken, who drove the bulldozer with Mizrahi, admitted to war crimes in Gaza to CNN. Mizrahi died by suicide in June 2024 after receiving an order for re-deployment in Gaza. ⁣ 10/22/2024

(Video) Dave Davey: Walking to school in Palestine. 01/03/2025 Being harrassed and terrorized by IDF

(Video) Kris DeWeese: Distinguished reporter Sam Husseini is always at these State Dept. briefings; he is quiet, polite, and asks good questions. He was sitting there quietly, and suddenly three guards appeared behind him and dragged him out of the room. #FreedomOfThePress 01/17/2025 Jonathan Cook, journalist: Extraordinary moment during a Blinken press conference when reporter Sam Husseini is dragged from the room for asking a probing question. A reminder that the corporate media is not a watchdog on power. It's a lapdog. Any doubts, just watch the other journalists' reaction.

Reporter dragged from Blinken’s final press briefing for asking about US support for Gaza genocide 01/17/2025 On Thursday, during Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s final press conference, Jordanian-Palestinian journalist Sam Husseini was forcibly removed by security personnel after he insisted that Blinken answer questions about US support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza. As he was being carried out of the State Department briefing room by four security guards, Husseini shouted at Blinken, “Criminal! Why aren’t you in The Hague,” a reference to the location of the International Criminal Court. Husseini began peppering Blinken with questions about the US role in Israeli war crimes in Gaza, interrupting the secretary of state just as he was reviewing the ceasefire and hostage deal between Israel and Hamas and calling it a “success.”

Kris DeWeese: Zionism is not Judaism. Zionism is to Judaism as the KKK is to Christianity and ISIS is to Islam. 01/20/2025

They've turned this genocide into a morbid, ghoulish competition...This is Zio*nism's finest hour!

(Video) "If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” Malcolm X 12/16/2024 Left I on the News 🇨🇺🏳️‍⚧️: My discussion with @cmg of @CABulletin about media bias in coverage of the Israeli war against the Palestinian people, covering three categories: general bias, mis/disinformation by commission (lying), and misinformation by omission. All three very common.

(Video) Media Lies, Palestinians Die 11/15/2023

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Selective Empathy is a dangerous illness, and Senator Fetterman seems to have a severe case when it comes to the countless Palestinian lives lost since October 7th. Washington may still bow to AIPAC, but the tides are turning thanks to the people in Philadelphia who have been rallying every week outside Fetterman’s office and to people like you are calling, organizing, and building a movement that says no more weapons to Israel and free Palestine. 12/17/2024

(Video) Roger Waters ✊: TELL IT LIKE IT IS. 12/17/2024 Going Underground: 🚨ROGER WATERS: ‘WE ARE IN AN EXISTENTIAL BATTLE FOR THE SOUL OF HUMANITY’ ‘We are all of us, you Afshin, me, Matt Kennard, Julian Assange, and everyone else who is trying to tell the truth about anything, we are in an existential battle for the soul of the human race. If the empire wins this battle, then our children and grandchildren will live in a world where we’ve all just agreed that genocide is okay… ‘All the Palestinians are asking for is equal rights for everyone who lives between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. That’s all, it’s as simple as that.’ - @rogerwaters discusses the Gaza genocide on Monday’s edition of Going Underground

(Video) Afshin Rattansi's Going Underground: Roger Waters on the Gaza Genocide: The Mask is Off For a Dying Western Empire 12/15/2024

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 IDENTIFIED: Eden Atias is an actress in NYC. She attacked a protestor and yelled “you deserve death!” 12/16/2024

(Video) Aaron Maté: After long denying Palestinians the right to self-determination, Israel and its apologists now deny the civilian toll in their mass murder campaign in Gaza. 12/17/2024

Assal Rad: These headlines are a year old. The Biden admin has known what Israel is doing all along, they are unapologetic war criminals. 12/13/2024

(Video) Assal Rad: If you’re not writing the truth about crimes against humanity, you’re culpable in them. 05/07/2021

Abby Martin: And to think, a “law professor” who apologizes for the most egregious violator of international law on the world’s stage 12/18/2024 Israel turned a metropolis into rubble and world leaders watched them do it without hesitation William A. Jacobson: And to think, all they had to do to avoid this was to give back the hostages, but they wouldn’t.

(Video) ADAM: “I think we should KiII them all” Tenessee Congressman Andy Ogles should no longer be employed by the state. 12/18/2024

(Video) Rania: This is the kind of dehumanisation P♡!!estinians have been subjected to since forever! 12/17/2024

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “I hope they all f*cking die. All the Palestinian babies and their sh*thole parents” - Matt Ostroff, wedding DJ, in Canada. He was later fired by his employer 12/17/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: A group of Palestinians are taking the U.S. State Department to court for failing to enforce its own laws. The Leahy Law prohibits U.S. military aid to foreign forces that commit gross human rights violations. Yet, despite decades of credible evidence of Israeli abuses, not a single Israeli security force has ever been held accountable. Ahmed Moor, a plaintiff born in Gaza, explains: “The hope is that by compelling the State Department to enforce U.S. law, we can stop the genocide." 12/17/2024

(Video) Aaron Maté: Palestinian leaders long ago agreed to a historic compromise: a state in the West Bank and Gaza, which is just 22% of Palestinians' stolen homeland. Israel, committed to supremacy, refused that Palestinian compromise. That's why Israel used the so-called "peace process" to expand its illegal settlements in the West Bank; enlisted the Palestinian Authority as a subcontractor for occupation; and has carried out mass murder in Gaza. 12/17/2024

(Video) ADAM: I hope the legend who made this is having a wonderful day 🤣👏🏼 12/17/2024 Satire tells the truth during Netanyahu speech to Congress

(Video) Khalissee: 🇺🇸 "I JUST BOUGHT LAND IN PALESTINE" A woman waving a land deed as she leaves the Kingsway Jewish Centre in Brooklyn, where stolen Palestinian land was sold yesterday. 12/17/2024

(Video) Miko Peled: There is no war. It is a genocide and if anyone isn’t convinced look up here: 12/18/2024

Amnesty International investigation concludes Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza 12/05/2024 Amnesty International’s research has found sufficient basis to conclude that Israel has committed and is continuing to commit genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip, the organization said in a landmark new report published today.

Anatomy of a Genocide – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 to Human Rights Council – Advance unedited version (A/HRC/55/73) 03/24/2024

WikiLeaks: "It has lately emerged that when U2 live-streamed parts of its North American tour via a trendy new app, that the firm behind the innovation was Israeli company Meerkat, who also supply the Israeli military machine." 👇 12/18/2024

(Video) Jonas Vesterberg: CPT Josie Guilbeau (USAINSCOM ret.) confronts Israeli asset @RepBrianMast flat out asking him whether he’s spying for a foreign nation. 12/18/2024

(Video) Sabby Sabs: She's not lying. The VA is horrible and there are several homeless veterans in this country. The same politicians that say support the troops don't care about them when they need help. 12/18/2024 Medea Benjamin: This morning, a 17-year veteran and intelligence officer disrupted the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to call out the billions its members send to fund genocide while veterans are left behind.

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Now the world knows State Dept and FBI bounties can not be taken seriously if the criminal fugitive or “terrorist” is a US regime change asset. 12/18/2024 Assal Rad: Reporter: Is $10,000,000 for Jolani still valid? Miller: It is Reporter: So if someone arrested him and gave him to US, he/she is gonna take 10 million dollars Miller: I’m not gonna deal with hypotheticals. Matt Lee: The reward can’t be claimed by a government official. Miller: Correct. Lee: So if you send someone in, they’re not gonna get the 10 million. Miller: (laughs) I think at this point his whereabouts are well known

(Video) Medea Benjamin: I sat down with Josie, a veteran of 17 years, after she disrupted the Veteran Affairs Committee this morning over U.S. complicity in the genocide in Gaza. Here’s what she shared about why she took action. 12/18/2024

(Video) Rania: I don't think it's a violent question. I think it's a vile question because Jews are safe in their own countries, in Europe, in the US, in Russia. However, being gen0cidal illegal occupiers makes them feel unsafe because no gen0cidal illegal occupier should feel safe! 12/18/2024

(Video) The Resonance: "They are b0mbing homes knowing how many children were actually inside" "I can see clearly that this is not self-defence" —American veteran Josephine Guilbeau. 12/19/2024

Medea Benjamin: I wish @SecBlinken, a father of two young children, would be shown this photo every night before he goes to bed. 12/18/2024

(Video) smile2jannah: You can't make this stuff up. Just give them a mic and the reality spills out. 12/18/2024 "It is genocide; but if Jews don't genocide Arabs, Arabs are going to genocide the Israelis."

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 According to Dr. Daniella Zipkin, a “small number” of Palestinians were killed in 1948 She is a professor of medicine at @DukeHealth 12/2/2024

(Video) Amnesty UK: WARNING: This film contains scenes some viewers may find disturbing. A few weeks ago Keir Starmer said he doesn’t think Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. But we investigated and now have the evidence - this is genocide. Watch this 2 minute video to understand how we arrived at this conclusion. Read the full report here: 12/19/2024

‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza 12/12/2024

(Video) Khalissee: The soon to be Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, when asked whether he would support Israel striking Iran’s nuclear facilities: “It would be a gift by the Jewish state to humanity.” 12/19/2024 Israel is a "genocidal, theocratic, unstable" government with nuclear weapons!

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Tag or forward this video to your Congressmember and demand they break the silence: We’re visiting Congressional offices to demand action for Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. For nearly 3 months, the hospital has faced relentless attacks: •ICU director & last orthopedic surgeon murdered. •Families forced to evacuate, often preceding further violence. •The only ICU set on fire, now non-functional. Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya calls the situation “catastrophic.” We’re urging Congress to break the silence! 12/19/2024

(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: BRITAIN IS BROKEN British police arrest old man after his social media post caused someone ‘anxiety’ 12/19/2024

(Video) Jimmy Dore: Americans will never wake up & will always fall for war propaganda, it’s like they’re born with a predilection to believe it or something, like they’re allergic to the truth about war. This is so obvious at this point yet my Hollywood friends are celebrating the destruction of another Arab country by Israel & the U.S. & their proxies. It’s depressing 12/19/2024 Dan Cohen: This video shows Syrian militants in the Golan Heights handing over weapons to the Israeli occupation. They never were "rebels", they've been Israel's proxies all along.

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Uncaptured Media with Dan Cohen: Syrian "Rebels" Hand Over Weapons to Israeli Occupation 12/18/2024 Israeli media publishes report documenting how militants in Syria collaborate with Israeli forces in the occupied Golan Heights.

(Video) Here's an older post of it; the protest took place in 2016 in the Chicago area. 12/19/2024 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐦: Look at their reaction. When Jewish Support Palastine.

(Video) Khalissee: "It is time for the people of Germany and German elites to stop making Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip pay for the crimes of the German people against European Jews." ~ @AliAbunimah on German state broadcaster @DeutscheWelle in 2021 12/19/2024

Dan Cohen: I've been saying it for days and I'll say it again: A major goal of the Syrian "mass graves" propaganda, for which which we still have not seen evidence, is to normalize the Gaza genocide. That's why AIPAC finger puppet Ritchie Torres is pushing it. Pro-Palestine figures who promote this propaganda are doing Israel's work for free. 12/20/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Outside Rep. Josh Gottheimer’s office, exposing the 22 signers of a letter attacking Amnesty International’s report on Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Every single one of them—without exception—counts AIPAC as their top contributor. Bought and paid for, while precious human lives are lost in Gaza. Shameless! 12/20/2024

(Video) Khalissee: 🚨🇮🇱 The head of Amnesty International, November 2023: "Every time we cite violations by the Israeli government, we are being accused of Antisemitism." 12/19/2024

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Sam Seder mentions Gaza to AOC. He doesn't ask about the "working tirelessly for a ceasefire" remark. He doesn't ask her about conflating Zionism with Judaism. There's a reason why she's not on shows that will hold her accountable. They won't critique her. They want access. 12/20/2024

This is subject to confirmation. This partly confirms it, saying Talib Al-Abdulmohsen's anti-Islam, but not mentioning Zionism. 12/21/2024 Reply to comment from deleted account saying Talib Al-Abdulmohsen is a Zionist

There appear to be a lot of screenshots of his indicating he's a Zionist. 12/21/2024 Suppressed News: ⚡️BREAKING: Dr Talib Al-Abdulmohsen who ran into crowd with a car at Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany is an athiest anti-Muslim Zionist that supports Israel and recommends Israel occupying & annexing Syria, Lebanon and Palestine

More screenshots 12/20/2024 ADAM: BREAKING 🇩🇪Terrørist responsible for ramming attack in Germany has been reportedly identified Talib Al-Abdulmohsen, a zionist atheist & Ex-Muslim, Saudi-born psychiatrist and activist, he lived in Germany since 2006. He is extremely Anti-Islam. He proudly expresses his tendencies to “slaughter germans” on X. He is wanted by Saudi Arabia on charges related to terrorism, smuggling girls from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states to EU countries. Germany has refused to extradite him to Saudi Arabia and granted him political asylum despite charges being brought against him.

More screenshots 12/21/2024 Maryam Emelia: The individual responsible for the ramming attack at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, has been identified as Talib Al-Abdulmohsen—a Saudi-born ex-Muslim activist, staunch Pro-Israel “Zionist”, self-proclaimed atheist, and licensed psychiatrist with an openly anti-Islam stance. His social media presence is erratic, displaying support for Israel, opposition to Saudi Arabia’s military actions, and claims that Germany is attempting to “Islamize Europe.” Al-Abdulmohsen, who has lived in Germany since 2006, is wanted by Saudi Arabia on charges of terrorism and human trafficking, including smuggling girls from the Gulf states to the EU. Despite these accusations, Germany granted him political asylum and refused extradition. This raises critical questions: How do states balance asylum policies with public safety? And why are individuals with histories of violence and extremist rhetoric overlooked—until it’s too late? Copied from. @ZirafaMedia

Another screenshot 12/21/2024 🔻حر: The Saudi terrorist in #Germany is not a Muslim nor is he an atheist. He is a Zionist Jew.

Another screenshot 12/20/2024 The Saviour: 🚨#BREAKING: The terrorist responsible for the ramming attack in Germany has been reportedly identified Talib Al-Abdulmohsen, a ZIONIST atheist & Ex-Muslim!

Taleb Al Abdulmohsen's account is still up and he retweeted this, which came from an Israeli official. Others found more sympathetic to Zionism, but this is the 1st I confirmed myself. 12/21/2024 #عاجل Northern Command Commander Major General Uri Gordin at a conference of local authorities in the north: We carried out successful attacks against Hezbollah, and were able to push it back, which significantly weakened its ability to launch rockets towards the home front. 🔸 We had planned the attack on Hezbollah for a very long time, and our success was the result of elaborate plans that we improved even during the year in which the war broke out. Our focus was on creating a reality that would remove the threat to the northern region. ......

He supports Bill Maher, who is a Zionist. 12/21/2024 Comment from a deleted account, presumably Talib Al-Abdulmohsen's account.

1- (first). 2- (easier) or (easier). 3- (Jabbar).4- (Wasp). 5- (companion). 6- (Arabism). 7- (Shiar). In Yathrib, among the Jews: 1- (Ahad) or (Rishon). 2- (second) of the number (two). 3- (Thirds) of the number (Thirds). 4- (quarter) of the number (four). (2/?) 12/21/2024

Since his account is still up we can search it for support for Zionism and make screenshots, which many are doing. So far the ones I checked subtly indicate it may be true, others may have found more support, including this. 12/21/2024 His account has probably been deleted, but these are more sceenshots

More screenshots 12/21/2024 Syrian Girl: WOW 🚨‼️ The Saudi terrorist who attacked German Christmas market was Jewish not an atheist? #Magdeburg #TalebAlAbdulmohsen

More screenshots 12/21/2024 TheMuslimLawyer: The terrorist who ran into a crowd with a car at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany killing 5 and wounding more than 200 has been identified as Taleb Al Abdulmohsen. He is: 1) Ex Muslim; 2) Islamophobe; 3) Well known anti-Muslim activist; 4) Far right supporter; and 5) Zionist. Let see how much attention these details get.

More screenshots 12/21/2024 Sir Chilliebean: Taleb Al Abdulmohsen, the coward who mowed people down in a car at a Christmas market in Magdeburg (Germany) last night. He is a staunch anti Muslim Zionist

Saudi Fugitive Commits Deadly German Market Attack Dec. 2024

German Christmas market attack death toll rises to four: Doctor, 50, held after car smashed through crowd is 'an ex-Muslim who fled Saudi Arabia in 2006' 12/20/2024

(Video) Rania: Ziotard Zaren! 12/21/2024 Zionist proudly giving someone the finger in a department store and ranting at them.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Former State Department official Mike Casey quietly resigned in July over U.S. policy on Israel. “I got tired of writing about dead kids, proving they died, and seeing nothing change” It’s time for more officials to RESIGN from a system complicit in genocide and that dehumanizes Palestinians. 12/21/2024

‘Tired of writing about dead kids’: why a US state department worker resigned over Israel-Gaza policy 12/18/2024 Mike Casey, one of only two people explicitly focused on Gaza, left over inaction and doing ‘what the Israelis want’

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: Amy Kwalwasser, 53, was charged with assault. We have video of the incident 🧵 12/21/2024 🚨 She works at @jedfoundation and is due in court on Feb 11. Charges include assault, assault with intent to cause physical injury, criminal possession of a weapon, harassment and criminal mischief:

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Corporate dinosaur Lesley Stahl didn't uncover anything. She was approached by Israeli intel to make a commercial for their terror operations, and her managers agreed. Everything that appears on screen here comes courtesy of the international death squad known as the Mossad. 12/20/2024 Possible reply to deleted or censored Tweet // 60 Minutes: Lesley Stahl uncovers never-before-known details about the pager operation that caught Hezbollah fighters by surprise and ultimately spurred change across the region from Lebanon to Syria to Iran. 60 Minutes, Sunday.

(Video) 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐦: IDF on vacation😂😂✌️✌️ Meet the chicken IOF war criminal who was caught in a vacation after taking part in the genocide in Gaza. #Paddystinian 12/20/2024

(Video) Khalissee: A CHILD is being abducted from his family in Bethlehem as the mother tries to get him back. 12/21/2024

(Video) Rania: I don't understand, have ethnic cleansing and land theft become the new norm? 12/21/2024

(Video) Israeli behavior was outrageous long before Oct. 7! Israel is the real terrorist organization, but they use their control of the media to blame their victims! 12/21/2024 Rania: Because 1sr@el is not only a disgrace to decent Jews, but it's a disgrace to humanity!

Democracy Now: Nazi Resister Returns Holocaust Medal to Israel After Losing Relatives in Gaza 08/19/2014

(Video) They recruit a miniscule number of Africans or other minorities for propaganda purposes like this, while treating the vast majority like crap. Eventually they also treat past token minorities used for propaganda like crappy too! He'll pay the price 12/21/2024 Margaret Kimberley: See this? They try to make you think that the presence of Africans in Israel makes that country non-racist. But of course they do what Europeans do, invade, occupy and then dance very badly. IDF is criminal, regardless of the race of soldiers. // Israel Genocide Tracker: An Israeli Ethiopian soldier, along with a fellow soldier, dances to traditional Ethiopian music inside the home of displaced Palestinians in Gaza during their participation in the ongoing genocide.

(Video) EyeballAppearing: Zionists miss a woman in sterilisation campaign? 12/21/2024

Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent' 02/28/2013

(Video) Empire Of Lies: Pope Francis should excommunicate Genocide Joe from the Catholic Church. Because the Butcher of Gaza? He's sure to burn in Hell. 12/21/2024 Drop Site: The spiritual leader of over a billion Catholics worldwide, Pope Francis, condemned Israel’s continued killing of children in Gaza, referencing the attack in Jabalia, northern Gaza, where seven children were killed in a single strike yesterday.

(Video) Rania: Because the truth will make you reject zionism! 12/21/2024

(Video) ADAM: What kind of society produces people who do this? 12/2/2024 Zionist destruction of food and other supplies to keep Palestinian civilians alive; trying to starve them to death.

(Video) Khalissee: This Zionist French Pro Israel politician staged an attack on himself at a Pro Palestine protest. He ended up losing his job over this. 12/2/2024

(Video) Rania: Your gen0cidal a$$es will never be safe again! 12/21/2024

(Video) Jenerational Change: Israelis celebrate Palestinian genocide bc they’re the most ENTITLED people in the world. It’s time for their control over our political & economic system to end. 12/22/2024

(Video) Khalissee: 'Palestinians do not deserve a state of their own.' ~ Israeli Ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovely 12/22/2024

(Video) Yemen Military: 🇾🇪| #Yemeni President: Any ship linked to the Zionist entity will not pass through the red sea no matter the cost. Is there any Arab president as brave as the Yemeni president? 12/21/2024

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: This Statistic about Gaza from Norman Finkelstein is INSANE 12/21/2024

(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: State Spokesman Miller: “lsraeI has a right to target civilians” Killers 12/22/2024

(Video) ADAM: This is what you can get a congressman to say if you give him $500k. 12/22/2024

GOP Congressman Says Dead Palestinian Babies Aren’t All That Innocent 02/01/2024

(Video) ADAM: lSRAELI FORCES EXECUTE A MAN WHO WAS ALREADY UNCONSCIOUS This is how they operate. 12/22/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Unfortunately, for many people across the globe, America is embodied by its support for gen0cide in Gaza. Music, art and film can't conceal the blood dripping from our flag. 12/22/2024 Secretary Antony Blinken: For people across the globe, America is embodied by the music, art, and films made by this year’s Kennedy Center honorees. Through their creative work, they are showing millions of people who we are, what we stand for, and what we can be.

Max Blumenthal: The US regime won’t tell American citizens that it has declared war on Yemen. That’s because its motives are so sordid, and so divorced from any concept of national security, it could not explain why it is there. It cannot allow Americans to know that their military is engaged in a massive and costly deployment to protect Israel, a tiny apartheid state with an omnipotent lobbying apparatus, from the consequences of the Holocaust it is waging in Gaza. Because then they might begin to wonder who’s really giving the orders. 12/22/2024

(Video) Dan Cohen: Cats are eating human remains of Palestinian refugees exterminated by Israel in Gaza. Western media outlets could show this but refuse to. They’re all complicit in genocide. 12/22/2024 Mosab Abu Toha: This is a most shocking video. The first responders finally could arrive at a neighborhood in Nuseirat Camp hours after Israel’s intense bombing and gunfire in the area. Please amplify. This is utterly shocking.

(Video) Dan Cohen: This is a lie. They're chanting "German weapons, German money, murder all over the world" and "Germany finances, Israel bombs." @ricwe123 is spreading propaganda that suits both Zionists and Nazis. 12/23/2024 Reply to censored or deleted Tweet

(Video) Khalissee: Remeber this? Reporter: "Why did you shake hands with the Hamas fighters when they released you?" Released Israeli woman Yocheved Livschitz: "Because they treated us very nicely." 12/23/2024

Abby Martin: My friend in Gaza lost his fifth and final brother today. He was blown up by an Israeli warship as he sat on the beach, alongside two friends. What is there left to say? They keep racking up kills while the world idles away 12/22/2024

(Video) Lisa Pease: The only term that comes to mind is monster. Only a monster kills people who are trying to help others. 12/23/2024 Ryan Rozbiani: Israel KILLED the man in this video FEEDING the Hungry Palestinians of Gaza. Let That Sink In!

(Video) Khalissee: These are Anti Zionist Jewish families in Israel. Israeli Police threw a stun grenade at their children, injuring them and the baby in the stroller. Zionists are constantly raiding the Jewish neighbourhood in Jerusalem. Zionism is not Judaism 12/23/2024

(Video) Rania: Psychopaths! 12/23/2024 Zionists talking to Hamzah Saadah

Max Blumenthal: Due to an ICC warrant, Benjamin Mileikowsky “Netanyahu” can’t return to his family’s ancestral homeland to exploit a Holocaust in order to justify another 12/21/2024 The Jerusalem Post: Report | Poland confirmed that PM Netanyahu would be arrested if he landed in Poland for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Abby Martin: My friend who just escaped Gaza, after hearing more of his loved ones were killed: 12/23/2024

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "So maybe it's an opportunity for a resurgence of secular resistance. I mean, maybe that's wishful thinking on my part because I'm a leftist and I'm secular. I don't know, but this is also a moment that -- it's a defeat, a battle that, you know, it's a lost battle, but it's not a lost war. And that said, I also want to emphasize that Israel, despite the material gains, which are short term, by the way, Israel is more isolated than ever internationally. Why do they have to bully people across the West right now to shut up about Israel and make, people fired?" @RaniaKhalek 12/23/2024

(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: How Syria's Regime Change is a VICTORY for Israel (w/ Rania Khalek) 12/19/2024

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Israeli Forces are now Harassing the few Israelis that are Standing Up for Palestinians in the West Bank. We need more people to stand up 12/23/2024

(Video) Rania: Soul of my soul! 12/23/2024 Muslim's daughter killed.

(Video) Norman Finkelstein: I received this message in my inbox today. If any group is taking any action, I would want to join. A message to the world from North Gaza. Northern Gaza is being destroyed and the last landmark of life there (Kamal Adwan Hospital) is being subjected to heavy bombardment and its patients and medical staff are starving. The occupation has destroyed all the necessities of life. There is no food, water, ambulance services, or civil defense, and the bombing has been ongoing for about 80 days. What is the world waiting for 12/23/2024

(Video) Democracy Now!: Christmas celebrations are canceled in the city of Jesus Christ's birth for the second year in a row. On Friday in Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank, Reverend Munther Isaac of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church delivered a sermon titled "Christ is still in the rubble.” 12/23/2024

(Video) Democracy Now!: “Christ Is Still in the Rubble”: Bethlehem Rev. Isaac Calls on U.S. to Stop Funding Gaza Genocide 12/23/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: The actual war on Christmas, brought to you by NATO 12/23/2024 Greco-Levantines World Wide: One day after the #Christmas tree was lit in Al-Sqailbiyyah, in the Hama countryside, it was set on fire by a group of foreign fighters affiliated with HTS.

(Video) PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸: A pro-Palestine activist carried a screen displaying heart-breaking scenes from Gaza on his back in Montreal. 12/23/2024

Bill McKibben: In Europe's parliamentary systems, the Green parties do stuff--pass laws, work on local politics. They don't just show up every 4 years for a vanity run at the top job. Because they're actually serious, they're calling on Jill Stein to withdraw from the race. 11/01/2024 This is debunked in the following Meme:

(Video) Palestinian News 🗞️: A mother bids farewell to her daughter, who was killed in an Israeli air strike in the new camp of Nuseirat, central Gaza. 12/23/2024

(Video) Margaret Kimberley: German foreign minister Baerbock and the rest of European Greens are terrorists. "civilian places can also lose their protected status" That is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. She supports war crimes and the rest of you do too. Fuck off. We didn't ask for your opinions. 11/01/2024

Green Party US 🌻: The Green Party of the US has published a response to the Euro Greens' statement 11/01/2024

Green Party of the United States responds to European Greens: November 1, 2024 11/01/2024

(Video) Andrey X: We are filming a documentary about a village in the West Bank. On the first day of filming we were attacked by settlers and detained by the army, because of course we did. Help us finish the documentary, link in bio. 12/24/2024

(Video) Ken O'Keefe: 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 The halls of treason... 12/2/2024 Congressmen putting Israel ahead of the United States

(Video) Sabby Sabs : Palestinians are suing the state department. And I'm here for it 🙌. 12/23/2024 CaseStudyQB - #ArmsEmbargoNOW: MSNBC - 12/23/2024 - U.S violating law to fund Israel despite alleged human rights abuses according to lawsuit and Palestinians sue state department over U.S military assistance to Israel (w/ @AhmedMoor & @sarahleah1)

(Video) Democracy Now!: More than 500 Californians have joined a class-action lawsuit with the group Taxpayers Against Genocide in an effort to block future U.S. military aid to Israel over Gaza. 12/24/2024

(Video) Democracy Now!: Taxpayers Against Genocide Sue Two California Democrats for Funding Israeli Military 12/24/2024

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: This is my New Favorite Congressman. Joaquin Castro of Texas speaks out, holding Antony Blinken and the U.S. accountable for Gaza. 12/23/2024

(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱 Zionism is a threat to all Jews. Stealing and selling stolen land is Israelism, it's Zionism! 12/24/2024

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Salute to those Israelis who Refuse to take part in the genocide. The more of them WAKE UP and fight back the quicker this occupation ends 12/24/2024 QQQQ undo

(Video) Rania: Diana Buttu explaining what zionism actually is, and it actually is everything evil ! 12/25/2024

(Video) The Rothschilds weren't the leading founders of Israel, but other than that this is true. 12/25/2024 Pelham: You literally bombed a Christian Church in Palestine that was over 1800 years old. This was built 1722 years before the Rothschilds invented Israel…🇮🇱 Christians want nothing to do with your GENOCIDE

(Video) Professor John Mearsheimer: “On 19 December 2024, Human Rights Watchissued a 179-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza. “On 5 December 2024, Amnesty Internationalissued a 296-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza. “On 21 November 2024, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity and war crimes. “On 26 January 2024, the International Court of Justice found that a plausible case can be made that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza… 12/24/2024

Professor John Mearsheimer: The Moral Bankruptcy of the West 12/24/2024

(Video) ADAM: A Jewish man reveals that 80% of the global Jewish population are Ashkenazi—who converted to Judaism around 780 AD. They are not Semites! 12/25/2024

(Video) HOT SPOT: Netanyahu: "You can't be president of the US last time I checked right?" Elon Musk: "Not officially." Netanyahu: "OK so you're the unofficial president..." 12/25/2024

(Video) Tiberius: This is pretty damning evidence that a world led by the United States is the very worst possible scenario 12/24/2024

(Video) The hospital blast she talks about in the 2nd half was caused by Israel, which she tries to deny; she's right the problem is "decades in the making" but she's not reporting the true history, that Zionists have been terrorizing Palestinians & she (1/2) 12/25/2024 helps the Zionists call their victims terrorists and claim they're acting in self-defense when they killed well over 17,000 children & well over 200 journalists! (2/2) // Max Blumenthal: CNN's @clarissaward accepting an award: "I don't think we can be selective in who we listen to... I fundamentally don't believe we can afford to dismiss people" Clarissa Ward in Israel: We must dismiss Palestinians on the Ahli hospital massacre because "across the Arab Muslim world, they have a fundamentally different understanding and perception"

Experts refute Israel's claims on Gaza hospital attack 10/18/2023

(Video) Abier: Imagine the level of entitlement and obnoxiousness to go into a foreign country and assault locals. Another Zionist assaults pro-Palestinian demonstrators at Shibuya Station in Tokyo. 12/26/2024

Khalissee: Mad Headlines. New York Times won't be reporting this. 12/2/2024

Israel kills 5 journalists in latest Gaza attacks as three babies freeze to death 12/26/2024

Israel kills five medical staff as another baby freezes to death in Gaza 12/26/2024

(Video) Pelham: 🇺🇳 The United Nations has voted Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian territories as the Person of the Year..! Francesca has fought relentlessly for an end to the worst genocide in our modern history. 12/25/2024

(Video) Lee Camp [Redacted]: The goal of g-cide is often to erase the cultural memory as well as the people - 12/25/2024 ADAM: lsraeI b0mbed the mausoleum of Simon Peter, Apostle of Christ in Lebanon. This sacred site stood for 2,000 years before lsraeI destroyed it. They talk of Judeo-Christian values while exterminating Christianity from the holy land .

(Video) Abier: Idk who this man is, but his speech dates back 10 years. I am at a loss as to what his thoughts would be on what Zionists have done to Palestinians in Gaza. 12/26/2024 He admits Israel is committing ethnic cleansing.

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Zionists lie and lie and lie‼️ Listen to the Deputy mayor say there are no Churches in Gaza. 12/25/2024

Abby Martin: On Christmas in Gaza, three babies froze to death and five journalists were assassinated in a press van while waiting for the birth of one’s child. 14 months of global inaction while bearing witness to humanity’s worst possible crimes. 12/26/2024

Max Blumenthal: Head of the WHO says Israel nearly killed him and killed two crew members of his flight - but won’t say it was Israel 12/26/2024 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Our mission to negotiate the release of @UN staff detainees and to assess the health and humanitarian situation in #Yemen concluded today. We continue to call for the detainees' immediate release. As we were about to board our flight from Sana’a, about two hours ago, the airport came under aerial bombardment. One of our plane’s crew members was injured. At least two people were reported killed at the airport. The air traffic control tower, the departure lounge — just a few meters from where we were — and the runway were damaged. We will need to wait for the damage to the airport to be repaired before we can leave. My UN and @WHO colleagues and I are safe. Our heartfelt condolences to the families whose loved ones lost their lives in the attack.

Tiberius: Nobody could have ever guessed this! 12/26/2024

Israel Secretly Armed and Funded 12 Syrian Rebel Groups, Report Says 09/08/2018 Israel supported rebel groups to push Iranian-backed forces and ISIS fighters away from the Israeli border, Foreign Policy reports

(Video) Ajamu Baraka: Arrogance. When you have impunity to commit racist genocide, further exposing your racism knowing there will be no consequences is only natural. 12/26/2024 Muhammad Shehada: Israel: We have the world's most moral army. Israel's army👇

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli kids are taught to HATE at such a young age, it’s so sad. Just watch this.. 🍉 12/26/2024

(Video) Khalissee: But But But...Khamas started it on October 7th 🥴 12/26/2024

(Video) Dan Cohen: An elderly Palestinian man, released from Israeli prison, describes the torture he suffered. "They kept hitting us from here to there (our entire bodies) while we were handcuffed. On our arms and legs, and we were blindfolded." Now he's back to Gaza, where he'll likely die of disease, starve or be bombed. 12/27/2024

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Dr. Yehuda Krohn is a clinical psychologist in Chicago, specializing in trauma and PTSD Read his views on the killing of 5 journalists: 12/26/2024

Abby Martin: This is the same guy who told me he fantasizes about me getting raped @YehudaKrohn 12/27/2024

(Video) The Saviour: 🇮🇱 The media would NEVER show you THIS! 12/26/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Israel has burned down the only functioning hospital in northern Gaza, abducting its staff and evicting patients as part of its plan to ethnically cleanse the area. Remember how this began: with an Israeli propaganda campaign claiming Al-Shifa Hospital was a secret terror base. Biden officials reinforced the lie, planting stories “confirming” the hospital-as-terror base with CNN Jewish supremacist @jaketapper. Shifa staffers were not only abducted, some were tortured to death. Then Israel proceeded to assault hospitals across Gaza, destroying centers of life in order to uproot the population, while Western media studiously turned its gaze elsewhere. Israel’s Holocaust machine now thunders ahead without brakes. 12/27/2024 Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده: This is how the story of Kamal Adwan Hospital ends… Israel arrests the medical staff of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. Merry Christmas.

(Video) Abier: Ouuuuuffff… Oliver stone is spittin 🔥🔥🔥 12/27/2024

(Video) According to Wikipedia Limor Son Har-Melech described Amiram Ben-Uliel, a convicted terrorist who killed three Palestinian civilians and burned their 18 month-old son, as a "holy righteous man" & she called for ethnic cleansing shortly after 10/7. 12/27/2024 Rania: Israeli settlements are illegal under international law, but thieves will always be thieves! // 12/12/2023 Angelo Angelli, JD: Member of Knesset, mother of 10, supports killing children in Gaza because: “Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip is our victory…victory in this war is that we will see Jewish homes in Gaza. The victory will be when we see the children of Israel playing in the streets of Gaza.”

(Video) Daniel Haqiqatjou: Jewish CEO of Palantir says, the best way to keep peace is to strike fear in the hearts of "our adversaries." Palantir is one of the main companies whose technology has been used to slaughter countless Palestinians in the war. 12/27/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Marco Rubio’s foreign policy vision is a recipe for disaster—escalating conflicts, undermining Latin American sovereignty, perpetuating Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and fueling tensions with China and Iran. His ties to big money from weapons manufacturers and pro-Israel groups only deepen his dangerous agenda. We say: we need diplomacy, not war! 12/27/2024

(Video) Johann Spischak: At a Tel Aviv train station, reserve soldiers refusing service are posting signs and handing out flyers, urging others to sign their refusal letter in a bold act of resistance. ✊👍👏 12/26/2024

(Video) Khalissee: The burning vehicle in this footage is the broadcast van of Al-Quds Today TV. The person screaming whilst filming is the brother of one of the five journalists who was in the van and burnt alive. Shame on every Western journalist who didn't cover this. 12/27/2024

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “The human shields will need to die” - Dr. Kimberly Greene-Liebowitz, emergency physician in New York 12/27/2024

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “You are welcome to go back and live in a cave in the country your ancestors came from, and eat only dirt and bugs” - Dr. Greene-Liebowitz, to a doctor of Indian origin 12/27/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: How can the world “leaders” sit by and watch this happen??? Can’t anyone stop Israel??? Is it just the Houthis who are even trying? 12/27/2024 AJ+: “It’s the end of humanity.” Israeli forces unplugged oxygen supplies, stripped patients and forced them into the cold, and then burned Kamal Adwan Hospital, one of the last functioning hospitals in northern Gaza.

(Video) Rathbone: How dumb do Israelis think people are? 😂 12/27/2024 Alleged difference between Colonizers and Settlers

Khalissee: Remember when Israel bombed the first hospital in Gaza, and the world wouldn't believe it? Israel blamed a misfired rocket from Hamas? Israel has now destroyed all hospitals in Gaza. Two weeks ago, a senior prosecutor at the ICC pretty much said Israel has been lying about the presence of Hamas in hospitals in Gaza. Today Israel burnt down Kamal Adwan Hospital, which was the last remaining hospital in Gaza. They're not even trying anymore! 12/27/2024

Claims of Hamas fighters in Gaza hospitals have been exaggerated, says senior ICC prosecutor 12/11/2024 Andrew Cayley, of the international criminal court, questioned reports used to justify Israeli military strikes

(Video) Rathbone: BUT WE’RE JEWISH!!! 🇮🇱😭 12/27/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: US govt propagandist Stephen Rapp pushed sanctions that destroyed Syria's economy while simultaneously working for Israel to protect it from ICC prosecution. Here, Rapp reveals how he advised Israel to pretend to investigate itself as a "magic bullet" against ICC prosecution 12/28/2024 Syrian Emergency Task Force: Ambassador Stephen Rapp, former U.S. ambassador-at-large for global criminal justice recounts the Assad regime's crimes: Systematic torture, mass graves, and a machinery of death. Justice for over 100,000 disappeared Syrians is crucial. Accountability must prevail for the victims and the future of Syria. #SyriaJustice #HumanRights

(Video) Max Blumenthal: The rap sheet on Stephen Rapp, who saw through economically devastating US sanctions on Syria while he defended Israel, is lengthy and rife with the usual human rights hypocrisy 12/28/2024 The Grayzone: The latest piece of Syria regime change propaganda – and its shockingly hypocritical author, Stephen Rapp, who helped advise Israel on avoiding ICC prosecution – exposed by @MaxBlumenthal and @aaronjmate

USS Liberty Veterans Association: Do you think @Israel acted properly when they committed War Crimes during the attack on our ship? Do you think that Congress has acted properly by refusing to investigate the attack on the #USSLiberty? 12/28/2024 Reply to Rep. Don Bacon 🇺🇸✈️🏍️

Jake Shields: Don Bacon kills children for $1.2 million dollars. You will rot in hell Don 12/27/2024

Abdallah Alattar: Urgent | Ministry of Health in Gaza: The occupation forces arrest Dr. Hussam Abu Safia, Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital. God be with you, our lofty mountain. 12/28/2024

(Video) Abdallah Alattar: Imagine you and your children are sitting in a tent in this cold weather, and suddenly this tent is blown away by the strong wind, leaving you and your children in the open in the middle of the night!! This is what is happening now to a large number of displaced people's tents in Gaza!! 12/27/2024

Rania: Evil- on Levy justifying bombing hospitals and targeting medical staff and patients, as if anything whatsoever justifies that! Levy belongs behind bars, like the whole lot of 1zr@e1i propagandists! 12/28/2024

Margaret Kimberley: In answer to that ancient query, Fetterman is the guy who would suck off a donkey for Israel. 12/27/2024 U.S. Senator John Fetterman: After the atrocity of 10/7, Israel rightly adapted to rescue hostages, destroy Hamas’ capabilities and kill its leadership. This difficult choice created an opportunity for regional peace for generations—an opportunity I welcome and fully support.

TheMuslimLawyer: Can someone help me with the word I we are looking for? 12/28/2024

💧Mary Kostakidis: As genocide worsens in Palestine and mosques and churches destroyed, PM Albanese faces moral & legal crossroad Posted by Dr Daud Batchelor ‘Australian Prime Minister Albanese calls culprits of Melbourne’s synagogue fire, ‘Terrorists,’ but ignores destruction by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) of 814 mosques and three churches in Gaza.’ 12/27/2024

As genocide worsens in Palestine and mosques and churches destroyed, PM Albanese faces moral & legal crossroad 12/27/2024

(Video) Rania: Simply put, American politicians have sold their conscience for AIPAC blood-soaked money. 12/29/2024

(Video) Hussain “Hoz” Shafiei: Know your enemy and enemies of humanity. We are not the good guys anymore we side with monsters. 12/29/2024

(Video) Rania: But anyone supporting 1sr@el cannot possibly be rational nor have a beating heart! 12/29/2024

(Video) And reporters, including one who fed all the stray cats near the rubble just before he was killed. 12/29/2024 Khalissee: This is a genøcide of men, women and CHILDREN.

Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: How come there are “antisemitism” laws throughout the West but not anti-Christian or anti-Muslim laws? 12/29/2024

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: It's too late to "call Israel to account" They've lost their fucking minds, and they never had a right to be there to begin with. ITS OVER! 12/28/2024

Nicole Chvastek: Sophie McNeill is a highly respected former ABC journalist 12/28/2024 Ric Fouad: Once again, repeating Israeli war propaganda is not just bad journalism or sloppy, lazy reporting, it is an actual war crime & shld be investigated & punished as such. // In a just world, NYT editors wld be held accountable for crimes against humanity. From hyping lies that fueled genocide to including in *every* story BS abt “war against Hamas,” they’ve crossed red lines. Nor is this to detract from handful of sterling caliber & fair journos.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: As we look toward the challenges for pro-Palestine activism in 2025, we recognize the forces in the US against us—from Trump to Congress to pro-Israel lobby groups. But the tide is turning. More Americans want to stop sending weapons to Israel and more countries are sanctioning Israel. In 2025, we must be a resolute as the Palestinian people. Long live Palestine. Viva Palestina. 12/29/2024

Angelo Angelli, JD: You mean the outrage falsely directed at Hamas? 12/29/2024 Zarah Sultana MP: Remember the outrage when Israel first targeted hospitals in Gaza? Now, the last hospital in northern Gaza is destroyed, babies are freezing to death & the WHO Director-General narrowly survived an attack in Yemen. This genocide is fuelled by UK arms sales & Western support.

(Video) Zarah Sultana MP: Today I asked the Prime Minister if he will finally do what’s legally and morally right and end the government’s complicity in Israeli war crimes by banning ALL arms sales —including F-35 fighter jets — to Israel. He said “no”. 10/07/2024

(Video) Rania: Public service announcement: Boycott #McDonalds 12/29/2024

(Video) Khalissee: The ‘innocent civilians’ of Israel 12/28/2024

(Video) Sulaiman Ahmed: Palantir's technology was used to slaughter countless Palestinians in the genocide. Here, the Jewish CEO of Palantir says the best way to keep peace is to strike fear in the hearts of "our adversaries." 12/29/2024

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: So much love and respect for this gentleman🇵🇸✊🏼💯❤️ Gave prize Plonker Interviewer Charlie Veitch a pasting👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼 12/29/2024

Ryan Rozbiani: PLEASE CALL FOR HIS RELEASE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! Israel has now arrested Dr. Hussam Abu Safeyeh. My Biggest Fear is that they could torture him and execute him like they did with Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh. 12/29/2024

(Video) Jenerational Change: Ben Shapiro thrives on the culture war, but fails like the corporate cuck bitch that he is on the class war. He fully supports Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians as much as UnitedHealth killing people by denying claims. We think he’s jealous of Luigi Mangione. 12/29/2024

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Reports have come out that Dr. Hussam Abu Safiyeh has been transferred to the notorious torture prison, Sde Teiman, where Palestinians are Sodomized and beaten. Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh was executed in the same prison. Please keep sharing! 12/29/2024

ADAM: Should the IDF be designated a terrørist organisation? 12/29/2024

Medea Benjamin: AIPAC mourns Jimmy Carter? Really? Maybe they should read what he said about Israel being an apartheid state, refusing to negotiate, wanting to continue its genocidal occupation. Oh, and about how AIPAC bribes politicians to make them support Israel. 12/29/2024

(Video) This is partly true, but it requires some perspective. Jews make up a very small percentage of the population, and most of them aren't mass-murderers, to put it mildly. However, Zionist Jews are far more likely, per Capita, to participate in Mass murder or genocide. 12/29/2024

(Video) ADAM: After Jimmy Carter exposed Israel as an Apartheid regime, he was viciously smeared by the Israel lobby and the media, they cancelled his speaking events. A former President of the United States, and they cancelled his events. Just let that sink in. 12/29/2024

(Video) The Saviour: 🚨🇵🇸🇮🇱 An lsraeIi woman claims there were beheaded babies and babies in the ovens during October 7th attacks: “It’s true! I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I have the videos!” “Don’t trust Haaretz, Haaretz is KHAMAS!” 12/30/2024

(Video) Aaron Maté: The Secretary of State is spending his last weeks in office continuing to facilitate one of the worst crimes in human history, Israel's genocide in Gaza, and acting as a sociopathic troll: 12/30/2024 Department of State: Human rights are not the heritage or the aspiration of any one nationality, any one faith, any one ideology, any one region, or any other characteristic – they're universal. — @SecBlinken

(Video) Democracy Now!: One of the world's leading genocide scholars, @bartov_omer, says Israel's eliminationist goals in Gaza are clear. There has been a "systematic attempt to make Gaza uninhabitable as well as to destroy all institutions that make it possible for a group to sustain itself," he says. 12/30/2024

(Video) Democracy Now!: “Total Moral, Ethical Failure”: Holocaust Scholar Omer Bartov on Israel’s Genocide in Gaza 12/30/2024

(Video) Medea Benjamin: After months of relentless attacks, Israel detained the hospital director/pediatrician who refused to abandon his patients despite unimaginable conditions. His arrest and the targeting of hospitals and healthcare workers are crimes against humanity. We demand: ⚠️ Immediate release of all detained medical personnel ⚠️ An end to attacks on hospitals and healthcare workers ⚠️ Access to humanitarian aid in Gaza Healthcare is not a crime. Stop the killing. 12/30/2024

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: No words!!! 😡🇮🇱😡🇮🇱😡 12/31/2024 Zionist women attacking peaceful protesters

(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: The US has spent at least $17.9 billion on funding Israel's genocide in 2024 12/31/2024

ADAM: Posted without comment. 12/30/2024

(Video) Khalissee: Huge moment of shame for America 12/30/2024 Congressional applause for Netanyahu while video of atrocities play

(Video) Pelham: Hamas only has 20,000 members, so why has Israel completely destroyed the homes of 2 million citizens, every hospital, school, university and refugee camp..? BECAUSE THIS IS A GENOCIDE..🇵🇸💔 12/30/2024

(Video) Rania: You'll be hunted down forever! 12/30/2024 IDF soldier ranting in the street

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Checking in on the Syrian "revolution" 12/31/2024 Arya - آریا: 🛑| Al-Mayadeen correspondent in Syria: Israeli forces have established 13 military checkpoints in southern Syria and are exercising their authority as an occupying force there.

(Video) Abier: Quoting Hitler out of all people to justify their genocidal actions. I REST MY CASE Israeli politician quotes Hitler, talks of wiping out Gaza. Source: @AJEnglish 12/30/2024 This is Moshe Feiglin who has a long history of supporting atrocities!

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Her date messed up!!! "Hey, you wanna go to McDonald's” 12/31/2024 Boycott genocide

Miko Peled: Here is the piece I co-wrote with fellow activist @BrownNaila about the @OxfordUnion debate on Apartheid and Genocide. 12/31/2024

Two voices on Israeli apartheid and genocide at the Oxford Union 12/31/2024 By Miko Peled and Naila Kauser In November, the Oxford Union held a debate on the topic of Israeli apartheid and genocide. It sparked a backlash from Zionists and even an investigation by British police. A speaker and audience member who attended tell us what really happened.

(Video) 🚨 “The armpit of the world… backwards looking people” - Dr. Neil Thomas, cardiac surgeon in Boston and co-founder of Rheoxtech 12/31/2024

Chris Hedges: It is time for the world’s medical establishment to sever ties with Israel. 12/31/2024 Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt: I urge medical professionals worldwide to pursue the severance of all ties with Israel as a concrete way to forcefully denounce Israel's full destruction of the Palestinian healthcare system in Gaza, a critical tool of its ongoing genocide. #FreeDrHussanAbuSafiya

UN Expert Urges Medical World to Cut Ties With Israel Amid Attacks on Gaza Hospitals 12/30/2024 Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese condemned Israel's destruction of Gaza's healthcare system as "a critical tool of its ongoing genocide."

(Video) Khalissee: Israel Made a Documentary about how They Plan to Occupy Gaza. Watch it. They teach Ethnic Cleansing to their children at a young age 12/31/2024

(Video) WearThePeace: The most unforgettable people of 2024: 3/5 01/01/2025 Zionist pretending to be attacked and other Zionists attacking peaceful people or doing absurd things

(Video) Jake Shields: Our tax dollars shouldn't pay for IDF soldier's health insurance. It's hard to believe that this is controversial 01/01/2025

(Video) Rania: The absolutely disgraceful USA! 01/01/2025 Netanyahu compared to Luigi Mangione

Abby Martin: Every pro-Palestine nonprofit can be stripped of its charitable status under a draconian new law designed to gut Palestine advocacy and fundraising. Please give to orgs you support while you can 01/01/2025 The Empire Files: Trump’s first term sanctions shut down Empire Files until we could relaunch as entirely donor-funded. Will we survive the govt’s new “non-profit killer” for our Palestine coverage?

Hashim Mteuzi, PMP: The term ‘terrorist’ is a tool of imperialism and control. Pay attention to when, where, and by whom it’s applied—it’s often used to excuse state violence, delegitimize resistance, or otherwise manipulate public opinion. 01/01/2025

(Video) If Van Jones had any credibility after he betrayed progressives during the 2016 campaign when he pretended to support Bernie, or he hasn't lost that credibility before this video, he lost it now! Noa Tishby is in total denial about Israeli Colonialism, Apartheid, Genocide etc.! 01/01/2025 Max Blumenthal: Just as Israel’s Foreign Ministry announces a $150 million fund for influencers, corporate media mega-sellout Van Jones materializes at the menorah of official genocide spokesmodel Noa Tishby // Noa Tishby: “There’s not enough darkness in the whole universe to black out the light from a single candle.” @VanJones68 joins me to light his first-ever Hanukkah candle. We talked about the powerful bond between the Black and Jewish communities and the importance of showing up for one another. Invite a friend—Jewish or not—to light candles with you tonight. 🕎 #BringOnTheLight

(Video) Khalissee: This was the only winner’s speech video deleted by @RollingStoneUK at their awards ceremony. The winner of The Album Award was Romance by Fontaines D.C and Guitarist Carlos says FREE PALESTINE. Coincidence? 01/01/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: AIPAC has made it Illegal to BOYCOTT as a business in 36 States in America. If Russia or Iran did this they end that committee. 01/01/2025

(Video) In a year following Oct. 7 only one MSM interview was with a Palestinian, the rest are biased to Israel. 01/02/2025 Briahna Joy Gray: "I would ask anyone watching this to think: what if this was ex-officers in Russia's FSB or in Hezbollah intelligence? Would we think that was just normal for them to be working at CNN or The New York Times?" -@AlanRMacLeod

(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: BOMBSHELL Report: Israeli Spies Are Writing the News (w/ Alan MacLeod) 12/30/2024

(Video) "How many civilians were killed in Gaza?" "Who gives a sh!t. ...... Children grow up to be Arabs." 01/02/2025 George Galloway: Demonic. Chills the blood. Pure fascism. // John P: Regular, everyday, peace-loving Israeli women were asked if they knew the number of children killed in Gaza.

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: Dude just enjoying his coffee until this Zionist turned up…. Why do they always get confrontational? Anyway love how he says "I'm gonna put your picture around Forest Hills" 01/02/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: As a 7th baby dies of cold, the UN says tents, mattresses & blankets are ready to be delivered but the israelis “won’t let them” — who rules who? 01/02/2025

Zei_squirrel: One of the most odious scumbag pieces of shit I've come across on here. Immediately put a coconut in his handle to signal he's one of the epic cool kids as he kept lying about Kamala being "better on Gaza and improving!" It's all a grift to these scum 01/0/2025

Khalissee: A THREAD 🧵 of statements made by Israeli officials indicating their intent to EXTERMINATE Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as a whole: 1. Tally Goltiv, Member of the Israeli Knesset, 7 October 2023 'Bring down buildings! Bomb without distinction!! Stop with this impotence. You have ability. There is worldwide legitimacy! Flatten Gaza. Without mercy! This time, there is no room for mercy.' 01/01/2025 XXXXX

(Video) How did we get to the point where Knesset members says "among 2.3 million people there are no innocent people, a new born baby is not innocent?" 01/02/2025 Glenn Greenwald: In the Israeli Knesset, MP Gilad Kariv -- a Rabbi and former IDF soldier -- condemns Israelis who have completely dehumanized 2.3 million Palestinians in the same ways our "worst enemies did" to us, in the process endorsing savagery, barbarism and utter disregard for human life.


Aaron Maté: In between giggles and handshakes did you happen to independently create the time to ask him why he’s enabling a genocide in Gaza and invite him to use his influence to stop it? 01/02/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: The FBI grants a yoga pants-clad hack from ultra-Zionist New York Post an exclusive tour of the NOLA culprit’s apt. She claims a work bench is a “bomb-making station” and conveniently finds a kuffiyeh in his closet. All the elements of a completely normal criminal investigation 01/02/2025 Jennie Taer 🎗️: EXCLUSIVE TOUR of the NOLA terrorists home—- where we found a bomb-making station and a Quran open to a chilling passage about martyrdom

(Video) Taro Wheel: We know why the FBI would allow this type of journalist into the home. 01/02/2025 The @FBI works with the Jewish @ADL.

Max Blumenthal: My book, The Management of Savagery, details how the US national security state fueled the rise of Al Qaeda and ISIS, then weaponized them to weaken geopolitical rivals like Russia and Syria as it hyped up the terror threat to strip Americans of their rights. Israel and its domestic cutouts also played a pivotal role in the process. ...... 01/02/2025 Midwestern Marx: Israel claims that Hamas = ISIS. Yet it was Israel, not Hamas, who aided ISIS, Al Queda, Al Nusra, and other Jihadist elements in the Syrian Civil War. More evidence that the Zionists are the real terrorists in Palestine.

(Video) Sabby Sabs: And now there's an attempt to attack an AIPAC office. New Orleans attack, Tesla explosion at Trump Tower and now an attempted attack of an AIPAC office. Put all these stories together, folks. And then ask yourself who benefits from this. 01/03/2025 HOT SPOT: 🇮🇱🇺🇸 Man is arrested for attempting to shoot up an AIPAC office in South Florida

FBI: Apparent plot against Florida AIPAC office thwarted 01/02/2025 Law enforcement arrested Forrest Kendall Pemberton after he allegedly traveled to Plantation, Fla., in search of AIPAC’s office with several firearms, including an AR-15 rifle.

(Video) Andrey X: 18 people have been murdered by the Israeli Occupation Forces at demonstrations in Beita in the past two years. Countless injuries and arrests. Nonetheless, the demonstrations against the Israeli terror outpost Evyatar are continuing every week. 01/03/2025

(Video) Rania: Because the US isn't just complicit in the gen0cide. The US is actually committing the gen0cide! 01/03/2025

ADAM: This is insane. I have no words to describe this evil. 01/02/2025

CNN just released an article detailing how Israeli soldiers routinely drove over Palestinians in Gaza, dead or alive, using their military bulldozers. One soldier alone claimed to have driven over hundreds. 10/21/2024

‘He got out of Gaza, but Gaza did not get out of him’: Israeli soldiers returning from war struggle with trauma and suicide 10/21/2024

Jason Hickel: CNN published a piece today about Israeli soldiers returning from Gaza. One bulldozer driver testifies that they drove over Palestinians, dead and alive, "in the hundreds". This is genocidal and just breathtakingly evil. 10/21/2024

(Video) Rania: Zunt! 01/03/2025 Zionist "I don't think we're killing enough of you!

(Video) Sabby Sabs: She has an Israeli flag in her bio. She walks into Shamsud's home and points to the Quran. And here's the media's attempt to convince Americans that Muslims are terrorists again. 01/03/2025 Jennie Taer 🎗️: EXCLUSIVE TOUR of the NOLA terrorists home—- where we found a bomb-making station and a Quran open to a chilling passage about martyrdom

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Ex-head of Mossad admits that Israel helped ISIS WHAT THE HELL?! 01/01/2025

John McEvoy: Journalist Richard Medhurst could face years in prison if he refuses to hand over passwords for his electronic devices to the British police. This is an obscene threat on journalism and the UK media has been totally silent on it. Read this by @SMaurizi: 01/02/2025

British journalist could face years in prison for refusing to hand over his passwords to the police 01/02/2025 Richard Medhurst is the first reporter arrested and under investigation under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The UK police have sought to obtain the passwords to his phones, including a highly secure phone with a Graphene operating system. If the UK authorities prevail,no journalist travelling to London will be safe any longer when it comes to source protection.

Lindsey Graham: The statement by the chairman of the Munich Security Conference is beyond disturbing at so many levels. The ICC’s actions against Israel have been led by a corrupt prosecutor, and the court violated the Rome statute by failing to consult with Israel and has shown an extreme anti-Israel bias. In the case of Israel, the ICC truly has become a kangaroo court. This statement very much puts the future of the Munich Security Conference in jeopardy in the eyes of many members of Congress. What has been one of the premier national security events of the year has been diminished and is now very much in doubt. I hope corrections will follow. 01/03/2025 Empire Of Lies: Have you ever wondered why Lindsey Graham is such an eager servant of Israel? Can you imagine the blackmail material Israel has on this freak?

(Video) Pramila Jayapal was right, they accuse people telling the truth about Zionist atrocities of being "anti-Semites" like the boy who cried wolf! 01/03/2025 07/15/2023 Rod Sales 🏹 ✡︎🎗️: Today’s Democratic Party: “We have been fighting to make it clear that Israel is a racist state” — Pramila Jayapal, July 15 2023 #BigTentAntisemitism #AllyAbuse #Jewhatred #BigTentAntiZionism #Dhimmicrats #NeverBiden #ShrinkTheDemocrats #Regressives

(Video) Noa Tishby & many other establishment Zionists consider anyone that tells the truth about the Nakba and the fact that Zionists blamed Palestinians for actions of European Christians, including the Russian Pogroms & Holocaust, to be anti-Semites! 01/03/2025 07/15/2023 Noa Tishby: 84% of racist anti-Jewish posts failed to be addressed. It has been said too many times that "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"—and as of now, little to nothing is being done to stop this evil on social media. // Jennie Bloom: Btw. Anti semitism has nothing to do with anti Zionism. I'm with the eminent anti zionist jews (Einstein, Marx, Chomsky, Mate, Levy, Wolff. I do not experience Anti semitism.

Daniel Abbey: The guy in Las Vegas was also Jewish! 01/04/2025

(Video) Rania: That moment when Zionists choose a mentally-challenged druggie as their spokesman! 01/04/2025

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: You’re free in the west as long as you support western genocide 01/04/2025 PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸: German police has savagely assaulted and arrested a number of activists during the today's pro-Palestine rally in Berlin.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: After completing a 31-day hunger strike to demand justice for Gaza, Leslie Angeline confronted Rep. Huffman about his vote to send billions more to Israel, despite reports from Amnesty International and the ICC confirming genocide. Hoffman’s response? He walked right past. 600+ Northern Californians are suing to hold him accountable for funding genocide. "We refuse to pay for this horror.” 01/03/2025

(Video) This describes compelling and massive evidence of torture of Palestinians, much more credible than the exaggerated or false claims of Hamas sexual assault on Oct. 7 01/04/2025 Khalissee: What do you say @elonmusk ?

(Video) Annalena Baerbock is from the Green Party & claims to be an environmentalist! You can be an environmentalist or you can support wars based on lies, which destroy the environment, but you can't do both! Annalena Baerbock is no environmentalist! 01/05/2025 ⚡☀️sLOVEnia 🇸🇮☀️⚡: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock✡️ says: "We will not be ashamed to target civilians and hospitals as long as it ensures Israel's security and this is part of our obligations."

(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: This POS in Queens, NY hurling racist slurs and spitting on people wants to be famous. Let's oblige him. 01/04/2025 Wyatt Reed: Zionist screams “fuck all you n*ggers” after spitting on Black pro-Palestine demonstrator in Queens, NY. Israel supporters are the most racist people on the planet.

(Video) Khalissee: Big UP to these flight attendants for standing up to the "you know I'm Jewish" Zio. He's crying over a watermelon pin. 01/05/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: Remember that video of a Palestinian man who was brought to a wall where guards used shields to hide their identity from a camera and then proceeded to rape him? Remember when Israeli leaders defended the rapists? Remember when Israelis rioted to support systemic rapes? 01/05/2025

(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: Israel is torturing Dr. Abu Safiya, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital who risked his life to care for children being frozen alive, burned, bombed & starved to death. Call/email Biden, Blinken & your reps to Congress. Demand they call for his release NOW before Israel kills him! 01/03/2025

(Video) Tiberius: CBS edited their interview with Kate Winslet to remove the reference to the genocide in Gaza. This is propaganda. The American people are the most propagandised on earth. 01/05/2025

(Video) Margaret Kimberley: But Biden and Israel killed his employees. Why does he want an honor from Biden? 01/05/2025 Reply to Chef José Andrés accepting award from Biden possible Tweet that may not be available that could have been deleted or censored

Beece: 👏 You accepted a medal from the man who helped kill all these aid workers (in addition to the ones who worked for u) 01/0/2025 Reply to Chef José Andrés // My not-comprehensive thread on Israel’s killing of aid workers is almost 70 tweets long

Fifty Shades of Whey: Do you think Hillary Clinton deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom? I don't. Here she is denying a genocide and participating in the erasure of Palestinian sovereignty. I don't like people who carry water for war criminals. 01/05/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: At the Museum of American History, I saw a JNF donation box as part of a display about “the history of American giving.” It may seem harmless to advertise this group that “plants trees” in Israel, but its history is tied to land grabs, erased villages, and occupation. Watch to uncover the truth. 01/05/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Israel uses child soldiers. Small children in the video are being indoctrinated by far-right radicals in the West Bank. Kids from difficult families are sent for “reeducation” to settlements, where they are used to violently attack Palestinians. This has been happening for years 01/06/2025

Max Blumenthal: So here's the "deal": Biden soaks American taxpayers for another mega-shipment of munitions to the Israeli Holocaust machine and in exchange, they get pictures of shredded children every day in their Twitter timelines. 01/04/2025 White House To Approve Massive Weapons Sale to Israel Sources speaking about the $8 billion arms deal said the Biden administration “informally” informed Congress by Kyle Anzalone

White House To Approve Massive Weapons Sale to Israel 01/04/2025 Sources speaking about the $8 billion arms deal said the Biden administration “informally” informed Congress.

(Video) Rania: Despicable lowlifes! 01/06/2025 Zionists laughing at Palestinians, including children, they terrorize.

(Video) Andrey X: Yesterday I was arrested by the Israeli police on the orders of illegal settlers 01/07/2025

Sarah Wilkinson: The israeli govt is desperately trying to smuggle beach-holidaying israeli soldiers out of countries where they’re being identified as war criminals 01/06/2025

Israeli soldiers abroad targeted by dozens of criminal complaints over Gaza genocide 01/06/2025

(Video) Rathbone: Zionists are insane psychopaths! 🇮🇱 01/06/2025

(Video) Rania: You can run, but you cannot hide forever! 01/07/2025 Prosecuting Israeli war criminals abroad

(Video) ADAM: Israel admitted they put a child in solitary confinement for four years. 15 days is a war crime. They admitted he was innocent. They admitted they gave him depression and schizophrenia. Who does that? 01/05/2025

(Video) Leyla Hamed: “I tweeted Free Palestine. Less than 10 minutes later, I got a call from the NBA commissioner, agents, people in my foundation, and even folks from Texas, telling me to take it down” NBA star Dwight Howard. 01/07/2025

(Video) Khalissee: This is a CHILD with learning difficulties. Turn the volume up. Listen to the way these monsters scream at him. They put him in solitary confinement for four years. They now admit he was innocent. They gave him depression and schizophrenia. Who will hold them accountable? 01/07/2025

Max Blumenthal: I've been saying the censorship of online Palestine activism is a product of Israeli interference and now we have the receipts. As I reveal here, one of the top pro-censorship orgs in DC secretly collaborated with Israeli officials to censor pro-Palestine social media accounts 01/06/2025 The Grayzone: Leaked emails expose "collaborative effort" between the Israeli govt and censorship-obsessed Center for Countering Digital Hate. The emails show CCDH director Imran Ahmed courted Israeli officials for funding, and let them review a report pre-publication

Leaked emails expose ‘collaborative efforts’ between Israeli govt and Center for Countering Digital Hate 01/06/2025

(Video) This woman is a Green Party official, which means she pretends to be an environmentalist! You can support environmental protection or war based on lies; but you can't do both! Wars based on lies destroy the environment, on top of genocide, which is bad enough! 01/07/2025 Lisa Pease: Agree!!!! we must never normalize this ever for any reason!!!! // Karim Makdisi: There is something particularly disturbing listening to German politicians justifying and legitimizing genocidal attacks on civilians, including babies and children. Chilling.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: When doctors in white coats are met with hostility and threats of arrest in the US Congress for speaking out against the genocide in Palestine, it’s clear freedom of speech is under attack. Advocating for children in Gaza should never be treated as a crime. Doctors Against Genocide won’t back down. 01/08/2025

(Video) Revolutionary Blackout🥋: Confronting Ro Khanna on why he supports the self determination and armed resistance for Ukrainians but doesn’t support Palestinian armed resistance 01/07/2025

(Video) Glenn Greenwald: Yet another journalist -- this one the prominent Australian broadcaster @MaryKostakidis -- is formally charged with "hate speech" crimes. She was targeted by a pro-Israel group, led by a dual citizen of Israel and Australia, for the crime of reporting on Nasrallah's speeches: 01/07/2025 System Update: A prominent broadcast journalist in Australia was formally accused of spreading hate speech against Jews after she shared a speech by former Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. @ggreenwald on the worldwide crackdowns on speech meant to shield Israel:

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Kyrie and Jaylon Brown were excluded from the US Olympic team because they supported Gaza. Now Dwight says the NBA commissioner came after him for a Palestine tweet. 🧐 01/08/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today we are in Congress with Doctors Against Genocide. Hospitals are burning, children are dying, and doctors are being detained in Gaza. The U.S. is funding this horror. We are calling for the release of Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya and all detained healthcare workers, an end to attacks on hospitals, and a ceasefire in Gaza NOW! 01/08/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: The Biden administration just acknowledged a genocide in Sudan, but what about the genocide in Gaza—funded by the U.S.? Instead of accountability, Biden is doubling down, approving $8 BILLION in weapons for Israel. Senator Jeanne Shaheen can stop this📞 call her NOW (202)224-2841) and demand: No more weapons for genocide. Stop the $8B arms sale to Israel! 01/08/2025

(Video) Empire Of Lies: It looks like Karma has visited this vile, heartless Zionist. And its Justice was severe. 01/08/2025 Aaron Rupar: James Woods breaks down in tears on CNN

(Video) Andrey X: On most days settler invasions into Ras al-Auja in the West Bank are pretty quiet – only sometimes they escalate into physical violence, theft and pogroms. But you never know when that day will come, making every settler invasion into Palestinian villages a tense affair. 01/08/2025

(Video) Khalissee: This leaked video is the definition of brutality, oppression, and of Apartheid. Israeli soldiers assault a Palestinian girl and drag her hijab off her head after flinging her across, in the Occupied Territories. 01/08/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Best argument for a cultural boycott of trashy Zionist “artists” I’ve ever seen 01/08/2025 B.M.: Last April, Israeli singer-terrorist, Noam Tsuriely released some whiney song called "Another Day in Gaza", about how hard his time taking part in the genocide was. 500K views on YT. When Tsuriely plays the song live, footage of Gaza's destruction is being screened behind him:

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Listen to Netanyahu speaking to Holocaust survivors: "If it's possible to enlist the help of Goyim, I am always in. Roosevelt, who was told what was happening at Auschwitz and Birkenau and in the [other] death camps... his answer was that he would not lose a single pilot and refused to accept the Jews." Goyim is a deragatory term for 'Non-Jew.' American Goyim's will be sacrificed to fight and die for their beloved 'Israel' and make up for Roosevelts' failures, I guess. 05/02/2024 According to Thomas Suarez the reason Roosevelt refused to allow the Jewish refugees in is because of lobbying pressure from Zionists who didn't want them to have any place to go but Palestine!

Thomas Suarez "State of Terror" 2016

(Video) Khalissee: THE US IS SANCTIONING THE ICC The bill is led by AIPAC funded @RepBrianMast: 🛑 The Court itself will be sanctioned. 🛑 The ICC Prosecutor Khan, the Judges and senior officials can be sanctioned. 🛑 There will be visa restrictions, including on ICC officials. 🛑 Property and financial transactions sanctioned, making it harder for the Court to function. 🛑 Possible sanctions on any other country that seeks to implement the ICC warrants. MIGA DRAINING THE SWAMP? 01/09/2025

(Video) 🥀_ Imposter_🥀: Nobody should have to go through this. People in the richest country in the history of the world shouldn't have to go without medicine for their children. 01/09/2025

Medea Benjamin: Are you really that thick that you can’t see why? If you start sending billions of our tax dollars to arm the Sudanese rebels, believe me, we will be protesting you. 01/09/2025 U.S. Senator John Fetterman: Zero dopes have shown up at my home or office, or blocked a road to chant and protest over an actual genocide in Sudan. South Africa engaged the ICJ over Gaza, but not for an actual genocide on their own continent? Why is that?

(Video) Abby Martin: Their deafening silence on Gaza is just a reminder that Hollywood has always been subservient to the Empire 01/0/2025 Brian: Michael Moore, 20+ years ago getting booed at the Oscars for saying it's bad to invade a country for no reason. An opinion that was mainstream enough for Obama to run on it 5 years later.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: New Congress, same story. Today when we confronted representatives about their stance on sanctioning the International Criminal Court because it has called for the arrest of Netanyahu, we encountered silence, ignorance, and appalling support for undermining global justice. But while the bill passed in the House, it won’t become law unless the Senate passes it. Let’s keep the pressure on to support the international rule of law 01/09/2025

(Video) Khalissee: A Zionist billionaire couple owns almost all the water in California. In 1994, the Resnicks secretly seized control of California’s public water supply. This same billionaire family gives hundreds of thousands to the Israeli Military every year. 01/0/2025

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli says it’s okay for Palestinian children to be k*lled. So disgusting. 01/10/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Disrespectful and out of touch. Congress scheduled a vote to sanction the ICC — for issuing arrest warrants against war criminals Netanyahu and Gallant — during Jimmy Carter’s funeral, the only vote of the day. While wildfires rage and gun violence surges, this is their priority? Shameful. 01/0/2025

(Video) Rania: America is officially bat $hit crazy! 01/10/2025 Congress sanctioned the ICC

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Rich white woman Jamie Lee Curtis says Pacific Palisades looks like Gaza. No, Jamie. You have money, food and your health. Gazans don't. 01/10/2025 Pop Base: Jamie Lee Curtis comments on the Los Angeles fires during a Q&A: “The entire Pacific Palisades looks like, you know, unfortunately Gaza or one of these war-torn countries where awful things have happened”

(Video) Dr. Amira Dalton 🇺🇸: One of the biggest Zionists in Hollywood took an image of Palestinian children scared for their lives and tried to pass them off as Israelis. When she was called out for it, she deleted the picture 🙄 Why doesn't she elaborate on who is doing awful things in Gaza? 01/10/2025

(Video) Abby Martin: “Maybe if we were Ukrainian, with blonde hair and blue eyes, the world would care. But because we are Palestinian, we only have one right—to die and be maimed.” Journalists are being systematically hunted & killed in Gaza, they shouldn’t have to plead for solidarity 01/10/2025 Abubaker Abed: I had a word to say against the lack of international support for Palestinian journalists

(Video) Medea Benjamin: The People’s Grand Jury has spoken: Guilty on all counts! Secretary of State Antony Blinken stands convicted of violating U.S. law and aiding war crimes in Gaza. This indictment, led by the inspiring Hazami, demands accountability for US complicity in Israel’s mass slaughter of Palestinians. 01/10/2025

(Video) Ian Carroll: First: “there’s no evidence Epstein worked for Israel” Then: “that’s so antisemitic of you to say that” Finally: “so what if Epstein worked for Israel? It’s not like Israel having blackmail on the president and most powerful people in the US makes any difference!” Good one bro 01/10/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Antony Blinken, 217 Palestinian journalists killed. 108,000+ people injured. 12,000+ missing, buried under rubble. Gaza is burning—its people displaced, hospitals destroyed, and farmlands scorched. This genocide, funded by U.S. tax dollars, has your name on it. 01/11/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: AIPAC HAS TOO MUCH CONTROL OVER OUR GOVT If China or Russia, or Iran funded almost EVERY member of Congress, people would be freaking out. 01/10/2025

(Video) Abby Martin: Pathetic attempt to distract from the actual ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu 01/10/2025 BBC News (World): US announces $25m reward for arrest of Venezuela's Maduro

(Video) Rania: Question: what do you call a people who are illegal occupiers, squatters, land thieves who advocate for the annihilation of the people they're occupying, then proceed with it? Answer: Israelis 01/10/2025 "Who gives a shit! .... Children will grow up to be Arabs."

(Video) Khalissee: Jewish tunnels were discovered under synagogues in NYC a year ago. Stained mattresses and baby high chairs were found inside. Then suddenly it all disappeared from the news. Imagine the global media outrage if this had been Muslims coming out of tunnels. 01/10/2025

Secret tunnel discovery in NYC synagogue leads to brawl with NYPD 01/10/2025

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: ITS NOT COMPLICATED‼️ If you are killing babies and children then you are the bad guys and you should be stopped. You should not be given more money and more weapons. IS IT STILL COMPLICATED?? 01/11/2025

(Video) Pelham: “They teach their children from a young age to hate Israelis”… - Elon Musk MEANWHILE ISRAELIS…🇮🇱🇵🇸 01/10/2025

(Video) Pelham: 🇺🇸 Bernie Sanders admits US senators refused to vote against arms sales to Israel because they knew AIPAC would end their careers… Sanders stated that both AIPAC and Pharmaceutical Companies were using huge amounts of money to defeat political opponents.. “The American political system is Broken and Corrupted… and that’s what we have to address”. 01/12/2025

(Video) Rania: For those still living in denial about what actually happened on October 7th, wake up and smell the Israeli bull$hit! 01/11/2025

This is true, of course, but her husband & Meghan McCain both supported many other outrageous atrocities. Meghan still blindly supports Israel without acknowledging true history of a long history of over 100 years of atrocities by Zionists! 01/0/2025 Cindy McCain: ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE: A @WFP convoy, clearly marked & carrying 8 team members, was shot at by Israeli forces near Wadi Gaza despite prior clearances. Humanitarians are #NotATarget! We MUST have safe, secure access to continue delivering life-saving aid.

(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: "We have a major, major, major generational problem...we really have a TikTok problem." — Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL 01/12/2025

(Video) Birrion ☭🇵🇸: Why did CBS shoot this in May and hold onto it until now? 01/13/2025 60 Minutes: Across the now-decimated Gaza Strip, America’s mark is everywhere. In footage shot by CBS News in May, the ground is littered with US-made ammunition casings – some used to prop up tents, others turned into playthings by children.

Miko Peled: Italian authorities have a responsibility to immediately arrest war criminal IOF General Ghassan Alian 01/13/2025 The Hind Rajab Foundation: 🚨🚨 Breaking: HRF Calls for Immediate Arrest of IDF Major General Ghassan Alian who is currently in Rome. The #HindRajabFoundation (HRF) has filed cases with the ICC and informed Italian authorities demanding the immediate arrest of Major General Ghassan Alian, Head of COGAT, currently in Rome. Alian oversaw the total blockade of Gaza, weaponizing famine and targeting civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, in acts amounting to genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Alian’s public dehumanization of Palestinians as "human animals" reflects his intent behind these policies. With no immunity under international law, the HRF emphasizes that Italy is obligated to act swiftly. The ICC has already issued arrest warrants for similar crimes against Israeli officials, and Alian directly supervised these policies. For more information ⬇️

HRF Demands Immediate Arrest of Major General Ghassan Alian in Rome. 01/13/2025

(Video) Rania: Humanitarian aid is a right for humans! But 1sr@elis have proved to the whole world time and time again that they themselves are subhuman! 01/12/2025

Miko Peled: According to the Israeli press Italian authorities have been asked to arrest Israeli war criminal General Ghassan Alian who is currently on a visit there. Request was made by @HindRFoundation - Italian authorities must comply! 01/13/2025

(Video) Khalissee: An israeli agent threatening to murder any politician in the west who doesn’t back israel. But people still think we are not completely taken over by Zionism 01/13/2025

(Video) Wally Rashid: Former AIPAC employee speaks out. This is wild. 01/12/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: “This is the scene filmed in May by CBS News in Gaza” So the State Dept narrative managers at 60 Minutes held this footage for 8 months, publishing it just hours before the end of the Biden era, to ensure no massacres were interfered with and no US officials felt the heat 01/13/2025 60 Minutes: Across the now-decimated Gaza Strip, America’s mark is everywhere. In footage shot by CBS News in May, the ground is littered with US-made ammunition casings – some used to prop up tents, others turned into playthings by children.

(Video) Krystal Ball: I hope the murdered children of Gaza haunt you thru the end of your days and you never experience a single moment of peace. 01/13/2025 Secretary Antony Blinken: I’ve traveled over a million miles in this role and everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve heard from people with a strong desire to work together with the United States. Because of the work we’ve done to bring countries together, we’ve advanced progress for people in America and around the world.

🐘🐻🐺Ken🐋🐬🐧: fuck genocide joe... ho ho ho... FUCK genocide joe 4 all eternity 01/14/2025 Suppressed News: ⚡️🇺🇸JUST IN: US President Joe Biden: “The people of Gaza have lived through hell, and the Palestinians need peace. We are on the brink of reaching a ceasefire agreement.”

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Tony Blinken has already sustained two long interruptions during his closing Atlantic Council speech touting his own Middle East accomplishments: “Your legacy is genocide!” one protester shouted, causing Blinken to pause for over a minute. This is the scene outside. 01/14/2025

(Video) ADAM: lsraeI knowingly shot down a Libyan civilian aircraft. 102 countries voted to condemn it. America didn’t. When Russia did the same, America immediately declared them an enemy. Why? 01/14/2025 This appears to be 1983 on Phil Donahue

(Video) Rania: An ex Zionist and the son of holocaust survivors says that zionism feeds you utter bull$hit! 01/13/2025

Hamzah Saadah: The police showed up to my house at 3 AM today. They were called by Israelis/Zionists saying I had weapons and was hurting people. This is what happens when you speak the truth, unfortunately. But, nothing will EVER stop me from doing what’s right. I’m going to post about Palestine until my very last breath. We WILL be Free, Inshallah. Stay safe & Free Palestine. ❤️🇵🇸 01/15/2025

Angelo Angelli, JD: “Should the Pope excommunicate Joe Biden?” - Judge Napolitano 01/15/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today, Adnaan was arrested for disrupting Marco Rubio's confirmation hearing to become Secretary of State. Here's what he had to say. 01/15/2025

(Video) Rania: Psychopaths, every single one of them. 01/14/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: "Marco Rubio's sanctions are killing children!" This morning, CODEPINK activists disrupted Marco "Regime Change" Rubio's confirmation hearing to become Secretary of State. 01/15/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: In Israel, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt paints the “genius” pager attack in Lebanon as a model for countering “antisemitism” in the US. Almost seems like Greenblatt is appealing to a foreign apartheid state for terror tools to use against American citizens 01/14/2025

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has just been announced. But this is just the beginning, here’s why.. 🍉 01/15/2025

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: Israel delays ceasefire vote, kills 72 people since ceasefire was announced. 01/16/2025

(Video) My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: This needs more views 01/16/2025 Rathbone: US FOREIGN POLICY IN A 🥜 🇺🇸 // Excessive and unprecidented of US power and abuse of it.

(Video) Max Blumenthal: My final words for Tony Blinken, Secretary of Genocide, and his smirking press secretary, Matt Miller 01/16/2025

(Video) Abby Martin: I didn’t think a president could come close to the horrors of the Bush regime in my lifetime until Biden. His legacy will be one of sheer terrorism, barbarism & genocide. A war criminal of the highest magnitude. Tragic he won’t spend the rest of his days in the dungeon he belongs 01/14/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Sam Husseini and Max Blumenthal are American! Shame on CNN for making ppl think they are foreign journalists. That's why your ratings are in the toilet! 01/16/2025 Jordan: Incredible. This is how CNN framed it. "Cringeworthy heckling" by "activists." And while footage of Sam Husseini being dragged out by police plays, one CNN personality heralds the "open policy" in the press briefing rooms.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Thank you, thank you, thank you @MaxBlumenthal. @SecBlinken is a disgrace and this is a perfect "exit" for his time in office. May his next appearance be at The Hague. 01/16/2025

(Video) Rania: Izraeli savages! 01/17/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Sam Husseini is a national treasure. Before a national audience, with three massive secret service cops dragging him out, and Blinken ordering him to “respect the process,” Sam manages to mention Israel’s secret nukes and cites the ICJ and Amnesty on its policy of extermination 01/16/2025 Carmine Sabia: Footage of security removing Reporter Sam Husseini @samhusseini from briefing room during Antony Blinken press conference.

(Video) Aaron Maté: In a chat with loyal stenographer @Lawrence, President Biden recounts how Netanyahu told him of his intent to "indiscriminately bomb" the besieged Gaza Strip, one of the world's most densely populated areas. Biden says Netanyahu made the "legitimate argument" argument that Israel had no choice, in order to take out "the bad guys" hiding in tunnels. So Biden gave him all the bombs he wanted, and repeatedly blocked a ceasefire. In a just world, @lawrence's fawning interview could actually do some social good: as evidence in a war crimes trial. 01/16/2025 Acyn: Biden: And I said, “Bibi, you can't be carpet bombing these communities.” And he said to me, “well, you did it, you carpet bombed.” Not his exact words, but “you carpet bombed Berlin. You dropped a nuclear weapon.”

(Video) Medea Benjamin: An amazing crowd gathered outside the State Department today, braving the cold and the snow, to stand in solidarity with Gaza. On Secretary Blinken’s last day in office, we came to make one thing clear: his legacy will forever be tied to genocide. We will keep showing up until liberation! @AhmadElMasry95 01/16/2025

(Video) I was seriously manhandled but I'm back home... thanks for all support folks. My intention was to ask tough questions at every opportunity during the news conference which State personnel obviously cut short: * Was the point of the May 31 announcement to block implementation of the May 24 ICJ order? * Why do you refuse to recognize the Geneva conventions as applying to Gaza? * Everyone from Amnesty International to the ICC accuses Israel of extermination and genocide. Why are you not in the Hague? * Why was your step father Pisar connected to both Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein? * Miller here pretends not to know about the Hannibal directive - do you know about the Hannibal directive? * Why do you not even acknowledge Israel’s nuclear weapons? I have written about each of these subjects and will continue to do so via 01/16/2025 Ryan Grim: Reporter @samhusseini was just physically dragged from Blinken’s briefing. “Why aren’t you at The Hague?” he asked.

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: I can’t stop watching this. It’s surreal. Sam is an inspiration. 01/16/2025 Willy Lowry: Sam Husseini forcibly removed from the briefing room after interrupting Blinken’s final press conference. @TheNationalNews

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli soldiers fangirl over meeting me, only to get educated about their history. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 01/17/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Cory booker is such a hypocrite It makes me sick. He put out a message for the child tax credit: babies need diapers. Growing children need bigger clothes. No child should go hungry. No child should fear losing their home, going cold, or going hungry. A just, loving country must ensure that every child is cared for. That’s what we’re fighting for. 01/16/2025

(Video) Palis Tine: His master, the Senate, gave the following message: Zionists are...!! 01/16/2025

(Video) ADAM: A Christian reveals what it’s like to be Christian in lsraeI. Cursed, spat on and attacked, every single day. “Jesus is a ****, Jesus is a son of a w****” They are removing Christianity from the holy land. 01/18/2025

(Video) Rania: The prefect answer to the absurd question: does Israel have the right to exist? 01/18/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Here’s Tony Blinken on October 31, 2023 reciting a completely false and fully debunked story of Hamas atrocities to push back on calls for a ceasefire. Blinken & Biden extended the genocidal war for as long as they could when a deal was always within reach 01/18/2025

(Video) Mel: In honor of Max Blumenthal leaving this ghoul shook to his core, I had to go watch the video of this legend confronting George W Bush in 2021. May these genocidal warpigs never experience a day without shame again. 01/16/2025 Classic Mike Prysner video confronting George W. Bush

(Video) Tom Cotton says they will ban Red Note too. Anything that presents a viewpoint Israel and by extension the US Congress disagrees with, will be banned. 01/18/2025 Laurence (Larry) Boorstein: We cannot have free speech and press if a majority of 535 legislators in Washington DC improperly assert authority to ban social media platforms. The claim the ban is based on CCP control or national security is baloney. The concern is free speech about "Israel" and genocide.

(Video) Khalissee: Jonathan Greenblatt of ADL said Israel must capture Tiktok so that israel can win the "next war" by winning social media narratives. He doesn't mention the need to take control of Twitter/X....why is that? 01/17/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Every villain needs a theme song. Yours (Secretary Antony Blinken) is the Bloody Blinken Blues: 01/18/2025

(Video) The Witch Danielle Weiss does not want a ceasefire but wants to occupy Gaza the West Bank and Lebanon. This woman needs to be dragged to the Hague. SICK WOMEN‼️ 01/17/2025

Alan MacLeod: This article is over 20 years old. 01/18/2025

(Video) Inquiry after Israeli forces caught using boy as shield 04/23/2004 A photograph of a Palestinian boy tied to an Israeli police jeep has been handed to justice officials charged with investigating complaints over the use of "human shields" against demonstrators. The boy, 13-year-old Mohammed Bedwan, and three adult protesters were tied to border police vehicles last week during one of what have become almost daily demonstrations against the routing of the Israeli government's barrier through Palestinian land.

13-year-old boy tied to a jeep as human shield by Israeli troops 04/23/2004 When older Palestinian boys started throwing stones at Israeli border police in the West Bank village of Biddo, 13-year-old Muhammed Badwan went along to watch. He ended up on the hood of an Israeli jeep, with one of his skinny arms tied to a wire mesh screen that blocks the windshield from incoming stones, according to a photograph of the purported incident distributed by an Israeli rights group.

Video shows Israeli forces using Palestinian teen as human shield 04/20/2013 British journalist Kate Arno caught Israeli border police on video as they grabbed Muhammad R, 17, out of their armored vehicle onto the street and forced him to stand with them while they fired at protesters. His hands remained tied with a single plastic cord and held above his head throughout the incident. One of the policemen can be seen flashing the V-for-victory sign. The clashes between Palestinian youth and Israeli forces erupted during a demonstration in support of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, according to news report.

(Video) Israeli soldiers detain 13-year-old Palestinian in Hebron and lead him up and down streets blindfolded 11/21/2019 On 3 Nov. 2019, at about 11:30 A.M., soldiers detained ‘Abd a-Razeq Idris, 13, from the Abu Jales neighborhood. They put him and a jeep, blindfolded him and drove him around. They then took him to al ...

(Video) Khalissee: The head of ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, is asked point blank: “What does it mean when Kanye comes out and say Jewish people have all the power, then he immediately loses everything?” Check out his response: 01/17/2025

ADAM: Zionists have just taken over Wikipedia. Editors who told the truth about lsraeI have been banned. This is the Thought Police straight from 1984. 01/18/2025 They are trying so hard to make WrongThink a crime and they might actually succeed. They have succeeded in many areas.

Sam Husseini: THREAD 🧵 There are three things in the photo that virtually nobody else sees but me. 01/18/2025 A few might notice the keffiyeh beneath my right leg. It’s from my dad who was driven out of the Galilee in Palestine in 1948 as a child. I told part of his story here:

(Video) Miko Peled: Zionist lies need to be updated 01/19/2025 Dyor: Miko Peled on fireeeee Love love love "You are funders of terrorism wich is even provide material to support the Genocide, the Ethnic cleansing, and apartheid state... you need to update your lies because the Zionists are falling on deaf ears now, or yo need to update your education...." Thank you, @mikopeled

(Video) Yael Sendler "If it was legal to kill every Palestinian I hate there would be no Palestinians left!" 01/19/2025 Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: DAY JOB IS A NURSE IN CALIFORNIA. Her other job is as an IOF Monster!!! She is a 🇺🇸pediatric nurse but was involved in the massacre of Palestinian children. Please report her before any children get hurt. Her name is Yael Sendler. JUST LOOK AT THE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS.

(Video) Abby Martin: Happy for the momentary cessation of massacres in Gaza but we have to be extremely clear-eyed about what is coming next 01/19/2025 Michael Tracey: Netanyahu says Trump "emphasized" to him that the ceasefire is "temporary," and Israel will have "full backing" to resume the war in Gaza. He says Trump has decided to "lift all the remaining restrictions" on US munitions, allowing Israel to resume the war with "tremendous force"

Khalissee: JUST IN: Israeli Minister Smotrich: “Sooner or later, we will erase the smile on their [Palestinian] faces and turn it into screaming for the breakdown of those who remained alive. The Palestinians are animals who love death and dance for the destruction of their life.” 01/18/2025

(Video) Pete Ricketts is also the millionaire son of the founder of TD Ameritrade. Yes, on the surface the #TikTokBan is about shutting down the channel that live streamed Israel’s atrocities in Palestine, but it’s even more than that 1/2 01/19/2025 The #TikTokBan is US government power🤝corporate power to control publicly available information across the board 2/2 The #TikTokBan happened because its parent company is private & HQ in China. The people flooding to Xiaohongshu should be aware that it is publicly traded with major shareholders like Silicon Valley’s Sequoia Capital (through subsidiaries). US Inc. wants to control what we see // Furkan Gözükara: Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-NE) comes right out and admits it: they're about to ban TikTok because "young people are getting their news" from the app, and "pro-Palestinian" hashtags generate lots of views. TikTok ban is all about zionists

(Video) Ian Carroll: Weeks later and Jewish censorship groups are still targeting me because I expressed my opinion about the government of Israel. This is the elephant in the room. The unspoken truth every journalist knows. Speak up about Israel’s special relationship with the US government and you will be slandered, targeted, demonetized, deplatformed. They doxed my 70 year old parents. Female friends who have been in my instagram stories are being flooded with harassment and threatening messages. And they are organizing mass reporting of my account through websites like “stop antisemitism” News flash guys- behavior like this is the leading cause of antisemitism. And we see you. 01/18/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: AOC says there was no real information given about the TIKTOK ban. 1). This means congress voted on a bill they supposedly didn't understand. 2). Here's the public info that was provided. The ADL wanted to shut it down. 3). Biden signed the bill. Thread 1/1 01/19/2025 Organizermemes: AOC on the ban

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli says he would eat Palestinian children, and says all Palestinians are animals. So disgusting. 01/20/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Why is the ADL running cover for Elon's Salute? 01/20/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Senator Ted Cruz, usually never at a loss for words, had nothing to say when asked a simple question: Should international journalists be allowed into Gaza? The people deserve to know the truth about what’s happening, but asking that question gets you treated like a criminal in the halls of Congress. 01/21/2025

(Video) Lee Camp [Redacted]: AIPAC whistleblower comes to light! 01/20/2025

Wikipedia: M. J. Rosenberg

M. J. Rosenberg speech 04/10/2015

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: IDF ATTACKS WEST BANK 107 Palestinians killed and wounded in the West Bank within 3 hours as a part of Israel’s new assault named “Operation Iron Wall” The Palestinian Authority withdrew as the IDF went in 9 killed and 98 injuries within three hours 01/21/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: And here comes the land grab for Gaza. Make no mistake, this would happen under Biden or Kamala as well. Anytime there is rebuilding, the current residents are usually displaced. These politicians sold their soul to AIPAC. Get big money out of politics. 01/21/2025 AIPAC Tracker: Q: How confident are you that you can keep the ceasefire in Gaza and conclude the 3 phases of the deal? Trump: "I'm not confident. That's not our war, it's their war, but I'm not confident... Gaza is like a massive demolition site... it's really got to be rebuilt in a different way." Q: Do you plan to help rebuild Gaza? Trump: "I might. You know, Gaza's interesting. It's a phenomenal location. On the sea, the best weather. You know everything's good, it's like some beautiful things could be done with it... Some fantastic things could be done with Gaza."

(Video) Medea Benjamin: When confronted about her support for Israel, Senator Duckworth resorted to deflection and false accusations about CODEPINK getting foreign funding instead of addressing the facts. We don’t take a cent from any foreign government, but she received $782,091 from the pro-Israel lobby. Whose speech (and votes) is being influenced here? 01/1/2025

Zei_squirrel: Conor McGregor was recently convicted of rape. Bari Weiss, who spent the last year larping as a brave heroic opponent of sexual violence as she spread the genocidal atrocity propaganda "rape" hoax, invited him to her media party and is gleefully sharing photos of him there: 01/21/2025 She was called out or "ratioed" on this post, as you can see in the comments in her post. // Bari Weiss: Scenes from @TheFP + @Uber + @X party

Conor McGregor must pay $250K to woman who says he raped her, civil jury rules 11/22/2024

Max Blumenthal: Elon and the ADL, a play in 4 acts 01/20/2025

Zachary Foster: Just wrote a piece on this topic! 01/22/2025 Matt Kennard: Unfortunately, there is no contradiction between Nazism and Zionism. Their goals of emptying Europe of its Jewish population aligned. They are also both racist, supremacist and colonial ideologies. The Haavara Agreement between the Nazis and Zionist organisations signed in 1933 was concerned with transferring German Jews to Mandatory Palestine, with 60,000 moving in the 6 years to 1939. Reinhard Heydrich, one of Hitler’s most notorious lieutenants, wrote in the SS paper in 1935: "The Nazi government finds itself in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement within Jewry itself, so-called Zionism." In 1937, Adolf Eichmann—one of the key architects of the destruction of European Jewry—met with the Jewish Zionist and Haganah agent Feivel Polkes in Berlin to discuss the possibility that the Nazis might even supply weapons for the Zionist fight against the British Mandate in Palestine—and that Eichmann could arrange for Germany’s Jews to be deported there. Later in same year, Eichmann was smuggled into Palestine by the Zionists disguised as a journalist. He was eventually expelled by the British. Ken Livingstone had his reputation destroyed for mentioning these facts.

By Zachary Foster Why Antisemites Love Israel, a Brief History 01/03/2025

Assal Rad: Headlines like this should be in every major media outlet. 01/22/2025

Democracy Now!: Gaza Authorities Say 10,000 Bodies Could Be Uncovered from Rubble After 15 Months of Genocide 01/21/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Israeli warlord Miriam Adelson groomed a Catholic lady to be a spokeswoman for Kahanist settlers within the US government and this is the result 01/22/2025 Afshin Rattansi: Donald Trump’s pick for UN Ambassador Elise Stefanik refused to answer ‘yes’ to the question ‘do Palestinians have the right to self-determination?’ and answered ‘yes’ to the question ‘does Israel have a biblical right to the entire West Bank?’

(Video) Sabby Sabs: First of all, the Bible does not say these European settlers have the right to the West Bank. Second of all, we have separation of church and state in the US. Elise, using the Bible as sound logic shouldn't even be allowed in this hearing. 01/21/2025 Prem Thakker: Donald Trump's nominee for United Nations Ambassador Elise Stefanik says she agrees with the view that "Israel has a biblical right to the entire West Bank."

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Our UN ambassador-to-be Elise Stefanik hates the UN and is more interested in picking fights with other nations than working together. She seems to think that the biggest problem in the world today is anti-semitism and says Israel has a “biblical right” to the West Bank!!! Definitely NOT a diplomat! 01/22/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Even with a new Congress, we're still hearing members recite the same propaganda without any evidence. Nothing will hide the fact that many members have supported a genocide in Gaza. 01/21/2025

(Video) I'm no fan of Kanye but this is a legitimate concern. 01/22/2025 Sabby Sabs: He's not wrong. The ADL likes to attack black people. Elon gets a pass because he's a white billionaire. // Bishop Talbert Swan: When Kyrie Irving shared a link to a controversial movie, the ADL swiftly condemned him, demanding apologies, donations, and reparative actions. Kanye West’s offensive comments about Jewish Americans resulted in him losing billionaire status. Yet when Elon Musk makes an unmistakable Nazi salute—an act they themselves acknowledge as concerning—the ADL calls it an ‘awkward gesture’ and excuses it. This double standard is glaring. When Black men make even the slightest misstep, they are vilified, condemned, and told to grovel. But when a white billionaire like Musk does something blatantly offensive, it’s brushed aside as clumsy or accidental. Where is the same energy? Why the selective outrage? The ADL’s actions show they are more invested in maintaining the privilege of those with power than holding everyone equally accountable. The hypocrisy is deafening, and Black people are tired of the disparate treatment.

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Anyone have an accurate interpretation into English of this? 01/22/2025 Aditya Juans Mandagie: ⚡🇮🇱 An Israeli Colonel urges soldiers to kiII as many children as possible: “You will see them running, kill them while they’re running! and enjoy it.” This video is 11 years old… The Media NEVER SHOWS this to you!

(Video) Gus the Veteran- STAND WITH JEWS AGAINST ZIONISM: YOU support these child murderers. "You will see them running, kill them while they’re running! & enjoy it.” An Israeli Colonel urges soldiers to kill as many children as possible 01/18/2025 Khalissee: "You will see them running, kill them while they’re running! & enjoy it.” An Israeli Colonel urges soldiers to kill as many children as possible (2014)

(Video) Rania: Imagine believing these are the good guys! 01/22/2025

Krystal Ball: And it’s ALREADY better than humans at firing workers, killing Palestinians, and denying life saving health care. The miracles of profit driven tech! 01/22/2025

This percentage is exaggerated, to put it mildly, but even a minority of Jews or Zionists supporting this is shocking. 01/22/2025 Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: 80-95% of Jews support this message.

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "We got called cringe worthy by CNN so..." - @MaxBlumenthal PREMIERE NOW‼️ In the wake of the near-total media blackout of journalists Max Blumenthal & @samhusseini being ejected from Blinken's last press conference, they joined Bad Faith, together, to provide fresh context re what happened, & unpack the politics behind Trump's ceasefire. 01/22/2025

(Video) Abier: Holy smoke!!! Who’s the interviewer?Whenever their lies are challenged, they begin to stutter Israel’s economy minister 01/22/2025

Lisa Pease: Since they can't bomb Gaza right now, they're turning their genocidal firehose on the West Bank. WTF, Israel???? 01/20/2025 Khalissee: BREAKING: Something major is going down in the West Bank. Israeli forces have closed a large number of checkpoints, gates, and bypass roads throughout the West Bank. Local Media is reporting that all cities in the region have been separated, leaving thousands of Palestinians stranded on the streets. Full closure of all entrances to Ramallah. Complete closure of all entrances to Hebron. All entrances to Qalqilya have been shut. Entrances to Salfit are completely closed. All entrances to Bethlehem have been sealed

Robert (Durden): The ADL even admitted it 01/22/2025 ADAM: It can’t be any clearer now that this was why they banned TikTok

Sabby Sabs: "Slavery was an integral part of life at Harvard between 1636 and 1783. Harvard faculty and leaders enslaved more than 70 Black and Indigenous people during that timeframe." Did Harvard pay cash reparations? 01/21/2025 Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده: Harvard University announced that it has reached a settlement with Jewish students who filed a lawsuit against the institution for alleged negligence in addressing antisemitism on campus. As part of the settlement, the university will pay the students an undisclosed amount in compensation and adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which includes certain criticisms of Israel as antisemitic. Additionally, Harvard will establish a formal partnership with an Israeli university, contrary to the demands of pro-Palestinian organizations on campus.

(Video) I certainly agree with you about Anti-Israelism and Anti-Zionism, and so do many Jews, including JVP; but some of us can't help but wonder if you support Jews on your side, or differentiate between Jews and Zionists. Do you? 01/22/2025 Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: Did Malcom X support Jews on his side? Yes. Doesn’t mean he would not call out other Jews for reasons other than Zionism.

That's certainly true; they created their state by killing, terrorizing & expelling local residents, then declaring that only those they allowed to stay, which was a majority of Zionists, could vote; then the persecutors voted to justify their atrocities. 01/22/2025 erinnyc JD ☭ ♥️🇷🇺🇵🇸🕊: Israel isn’t a democracy.

ADAM: BREAKING: The same day they release 90 Palestinians they storm a mosque in the West Bank and abduct over 60. Israel is replacing released hostages with new ones… And the world is silent. It’s disgusting. Zionist lsraeI deserves to be dismantled. This is what they do when we give them a chance. Fuck lsraeI. 01/21/2025

Patrick Henningsen: Actual mass graves. Any reaction from US, British, EU governments? 01/22/2025 Lisa Pease: Funny how the rules change when we and are allies bury people in mass graves vs. when our enemies do that.

(Video) Andrey X: Israeli invasion of the northern West Bank: Day 2 01/22/2025

Sabby Sabs: Why did Bernie vote for a crazed Zionist lunatic like Marco Rubio if he actually cared about the Palestinian ppl? 🤔 01/23/2025 Breaking911: JUST IN: The Senate confirmed the nomination of Marco Rubio as Secretary of State with a 99-0 vote.

(Video) Pelham: Francesca P. Albanese… “Did you say 40 beheaded babies.. did you say that or not..?” Piers Morgan… “All I’ve seen ever since is I apparently said 40 babies were beheaded… I NEVER said that” Roll the tape…📽️ 01/23/2025

Max Blumenthal: This coin was minted by Joseph Goebbels in honor of the friendly visit of the top SS Jewish Affairs officer, Leopold Von Mildenstein, to Zionist kibbutzim in Palestine in 1933. The Zionist movement and Nazi Germany soon collaborated on the notorious Transfer Agreement. 01/23/2025 Elon Musk: Apparently, I’m a Zionist AND a Nazi 🤣🤣

(Video) This is, of course, a lie; Hitler began the Holocaust before this meeting; & Mufti wasn't appointed until after the Balfour Declaration adding to evidence that Zionists wanted to steal Palestinian land. Zionists blamed the wrong people for Pogroms before Palestinian opposition. 01/23/2025 Zei_squirrel: Netanyahu just came to the defense of Elon Musk, praising him for his slavish devotion to Zionism. Here's Netanyahu literally defending Hitler on behalf of genocidal Zionism:

Assal Rad: “Jewish terror” to describe attacks against Palestinians is something you won’t see in U.S. media. Why don’t they call it what it is? 01/22/2025

Editorial | Netanyahu's Gov't and Trump Administration Greenlight Jewish West Bank Terror 01/22/2025 On the one hand, the condemnation itself is hard to take seriously. Katz made clear when he assumed the role of defense minister that he was giving a green light to settler violence when he announced – as one of his first acts in office – that he would stop issuing detention without trial orders against settlers.

L Mearse: How about promoting the Jews who agree with you? Kinda sus that you don't No lies detected here: 01/23/2025 Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: Jews operate as a tribe. There are some who go against the grain, but very few. It’s not just a “tiny minority”’ of Jews causing the problems. Almost all Jews support their crazy ass leaders.

(Video) Ken O'Keefe: 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 MSNBC accidentally told the truth about what the israeli's were doing via ethnic cleansing. Of course since we all know who runs the media the anchors were told to apologize because they unveiled the truth. 01/22/2025

(Video) Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: The Chabad Zionist Cult of “Israel” will absolutely sacrifice their own as we have seen. Not all Jewish people support this EVIL cult and this cult suppresses their media coverage because Zionists own the Media. I stand with anti-Zionist Jews LOUD & PROUD. #EndGenocideNow 01/1/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Yesterday, we went office to office in Congress, urging them to pressure Israel to allow international journalists into Gaza. Many offices were supportive, but some didn’t even know journalists aren’t included in the ceasefire deal. We’re pushing for a letter demanding free, independent media access—because Israel continues to block them. LET JOURNALISTS INTO GAZA NOW! 01/23/2025

Max Blumenthal: In order to advance antisemitic stereotypes, the US Commerce Dept has declared Jewish-owned business “minority business enterprises” “We’re going to be able to benefit from billions of dollars of these programs,” said the CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce 01/22/2025

Robert (Durden): “We have a major major MAJOR TikTok and GenZ Problem.” -Jonathan Greenblatt head of the ADL in leaked audio. 01/22/2025 Dan Bilzerian: “Free Palestine” is now considered hate speech on Tik Tok, incase you wondered what the ban was about, now you know

(Video) Jonathan Greenblatt says censorship not the answer to "hate speech" 01/15/2024 A large portion of this video discusses threats to prosecute libel or slander when they disagree, raising major doubts about the claim in the headline, especially since many of his other efforts support censorship, and even some of his former supporters now think the ADL should dump him.

The ADL needs to dump Jonathan Greenblatt 01/22/2025

ADL’s censorship stand comes back to bite it 07/03/2024 Most of the organized Jewish world is as outraged as the Anti-Defamation League. The decision of Wikipedia to label the ADL as an “unreliable source” on its site with respect to anything related to Israel generated a letter of protest from 43 of the largest and most influential American Jewish organizations, including a sampling of groups on the center, left and right.

TAAF Dropped Jonathan Greenblatt but not the ADL 07/29/2024 After facing months of public pressure for his removal, Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is transitioning out of the Board of Directors of The Asian American Foundation (TAAF). According to their announcement, he has completed his three-year term on the Board of Directors. Make no mistake: This is an organizing win only made possible due to the dozens of organizations and thousands of community members who have spoken out about the harms of Greenblatt’s Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism.

Wikipedia called the ADL ‘unreliable.’ It’s a wake-up call the civil rights organization badly needs 06/19/2024 The decision by Wikipedia editors tells users of the massively popular online information source that the ADL “should normally not be used,” as a source for Wikipedia entries, “and it should never be used for information about a living person.” That puts the ADL in the same category as right-wing propaganda source Newsmax, the tabloid National Enquirer, and left-wing agitprop outlet Occupy Democrats. It’s a major rebuke from the free, volunteer-run, not-for-profit online encyclopedia, which has over 60 million articles in a total of 329 languages. In 2023, the English-language Wikipedia had about 92 billion views.

(Video) Agreed, I just don't want to cross the line, like Zionists routinely do. 01/24/2025 Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: Did Malcom X support Jews on his side? Yes. Doesn’t mean he would not call out other Jews for reasons other than Zionism.

Max Blumenthal: Harvard doesn’t want to hear from Gaza genocide survivors, but it had no problem hiring former Israeli Army Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, who oversaw the bombardment of Gaza and Lebanon, at its business school 01/24/2025

This is exaggerated, as you'll see if you Google each individual; but the entire political establishment is caving to Zionists for one reason or another, even if this is exaggerated. 01/24/2025 Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: Some of you don’t want to admit that we have a Jewish Supremacy problem. Not just a Zionist problem.

Angelo Angelli, JD: Who believed that the ceasefire applied to Israel? 01/24/2025 Rania Khalek: Israel has been violating the ceasefire the entire time with zero international condemnation, and Israel will continue violating the ceasefire in Lebanon after the Sunday deadline. The international community will do nothing. What is Lebanon supposed to do in response? Just let Israel keep occupying and bulldozing villages? // Barak Ravid: 🚨🇮🇱🇱🇧BREAKING: Israeli military withdrawal from southern Lebanon to continue beyond the 60 day period that was defined in the ceasefire agreement, Israeli Prime Minister's office says.

(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱 Zionist spits on a Christian father who was going peacefully with his son. Another Zionist pepper sprayed him in the eyes. Christians please wake up. 01/24/2025

Wow! There's an incredibly long record showing how Zionists began planning ght theft of Palestinian land 50 years before the Nakba when they did. I created my own Bibliography of it. One good source is Ilan Pappe "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" 01/24/2025

Bibliography of Books on Israel History & Credible Alternative News Outlets

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: WAS GRETA SHUT DOWN BECAUSE SHE WORE THE KEFFIYEH? Or was it because she exposed the links between the climate crisis, capitalism, colonialism, and the military-industrial complex. MAINSTREAM MEDIA HAS TURNED THE CAMERA AWAY‼️ @MyriamFrancoisC @GretaThunberg 01/24/2025

(Video) Rania: And that's what happens when you actually educate yourself! 01/23/2025

Rania: You honestly can't make this $hit up! 01/23/2025

(Video) Abier: Zionists will tell u, this Jewish man is not a real Jew. Watch… 01/23/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Abby Martin is 100% Right! “There is no way forward except for the total liberation of Palestine” 01/23/2025

(Video) Pelham: One year after Malcolm X delivered this speech against Zionism he was assassinated… They put the blame on Islam members who were later exonerated after a lifetime in jail… Make no mistake, the same group of people that assassinated JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King… assassinated Malcolm X 🇮🇱 01/23/2025

Sulaiman Ahmed: SHE IS 100% RIGHT 01/23/2025

Max Blumenthal: Electronic Intifada's @AliAbunimah was arrested by Swiss cops before a speaking event in Zurich today, and is now detained. Western pseudo-democracies will cast aside all their liberal values to protect an apartheid state called "Israel" from its critics 01/25/2025

EI’s Ali Abunimah arrested in Switzerland 01/25/2025

(Video) Rania: When you collect all the world's trash and dump them in Occupied Pa.lestine! 01/25/2025

Max Blumenthal: Another nail in the coffin of the "Hamas mass rape" hoax was delivered today 01/25/2025 Zei_squirrel: Today brings to a close one of the first and main pillars of the genocidal atrocity propaganda "mass rape" hoax. Naama Levy, an Israeli Zionist occupation soldier who patrolled the Gaza concentration camp, is set to be released. She became the main symbol of the "mass rape" hoax, the "bloody pants" being the supposed "evidence", before being exposed as a lie. Not only was it exposed as a lie, it was shown that the Israelis and her family knew all along that the pants had been bloodied/soiled by her hands that were tied behind her back, on which she had been sitting before the widely circulated video of her move to the car. .......

Medea Benjamin: Hey @secrubio @StateDept With lastest hostage release, you say: "We continue to mourn the innocent lives lost at the hands of Hamas terrorism since October 7, 2023." But not a word about the tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians killed by Israelis. Don't their lives matter? 01/25/2025

Abby Martin: European powers are again criminalizing pro-Palestine journalism instead of the actual genocide of Palestinians. Full solidarity with @AliAbunimah & the indispensable crew at @intifada 01/25/2025 Tamara Nassar: Full solidarity with @AliAbunimah, who was arrested by Swiss police today ahead of a speaking event in Zurich.

(Video) Empire Of Lies: "The four newly-released female hostages are in an “emotionally and medically complex” situation"? 🤔 The only thing Israel has left? Are lies. 01/25/2025 Megatron: JUST IN: Israeli female soldiers released today by Hamas speak in Arabic and say that they were well treated, given food water and clothes. They also thanked Hamas for keeping them safe from Israel’s bombardment.

(Video) The Resonance: Yes, they genuinely want to k!II Civilians! Even a person with half brain can understand it. 01/25/2025

(Video) Stop Arab Hate: 🚨“Not every Palestinian is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a Palestinian” - Ofra Sixto, owner of Ofra’s Kitchen in Vancouver 01/25/2025

Max Blumenthal: These Israeli soldiers were taken captive while enforcing the siege of Gaza. They are “standing strong” because Hamas tended to their needs despite Israeli bombardment (which killed many other Israeli captives in Gaza) Meanwhile, Israel has proudly tortured and starved civilians it kidnapped from Gaza, and just ended its probe into its own soldiers raping male prisoners on video - an episode that generated pro-rape riots across Israel 01/25/2025 Israel ישראל: After 477 days in hell. Standing strong, proud, tall, despite everything. This is the Israeli spirit.

Miko Peled: The story behind Israel’s humiliating incompetence! 01/26/2025

Israel continues to wrestle with the humiliating failure of its second October surprise 01/26/2025

(Video) ADAM: An 8 year old child is choked out by lsraeIi police. 01/26/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Israeli settler pogrom in Jinsafut, West Bank, Palestine 01/26/2025

Antisemitic crimes may be funded overseas, say Australian police 01/26/2025 Max Blumenthal: Australian police are investigating whether "overseas actors or individuals" are paying local criminals to carry out antisemitic crimes in the country. PM Albanese says antisemitic attacks are "being perpetrated by people who don't have a particular issue, aren't motivated by an ideology, but are paid actors" He added “it's unclear who or where the payments are coming from” Australia’s Shadow Home Office minister wonders if a “foreign government is engaging in state-sponsored terror” Would it be antisemitic to investigate a certain settler colonial country whose existence is justified by the global proliferation of antisemitism? // Remember when thousands of bomb threats to US Jewish community centers in 2017 were blamed on “Trump’s rise”, and the perp turned out to be a Jewish Israeli teenager living in Israel? That sure was weird. // That Israeli teen, Michael Kadar, also used robocalls to issue 590+ bomb threats to schools in Australia Despite being a dual US citizen, Israel refused the FBI’s request to extradite Kadar and tried to suppress his identity

Antisemitic crimes may be funded overseas, say Australian police 01/21/2025

‘Paid actors’ could be behind some antisemitic attacks, Albanese says 01/21/2025

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Israeli forces are SHOOTING at Lebanese civilians who are trying to return to their homes in the town of Markaba, south Lebanon. Israel is immoral and bankrupt and has exposed itself as a liar for the whole world to see 01/26/2025

Sabby Sabs: And here comes more ethnic cleansing. This has always been the plan. Trump is returning the favor for his donors, AIPAC and Miriam Adelson. 01/25/2025 Megatron: JUST IN: Trump says he is pressuring Jordan and Egypt to take in Palestinians from Gaza, as a plan to "just clean out" the territory — AP "I spoke with the King of Jordan about the possibility of transferring Gazans to neighboring countries" "I told him to take more people because the Gaza Strip is in a real mess. I want Egypt to take in people too, and I will talk to Al-Sisi tomorrow"

(Video) Max Blumenthal: #FreeAliAbunimah 01/25/2025 Aaron Maté: Journalist @AliAbunimah of @intifada has been arrested in Zurich ahead of a Palestine speaking event. I got the news while taking part in a Palestine event in Toronto, where one of the topics was Western censorship of Palestinian solidarity. This was my reaction:

Lee Camp [Redacted]: Sociopaths like to flock together. Trump's son-in-law is as awesome as he is. 01/26/2025

Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’ 03/19/2024

(Video) Syrian Girl: Palestinian woman defends her home against Israeli bulldozer. Knowing how one of these ran over American activist Rachel Corrie this was harrowing to watch. I hope she lived. 01/26/2025

Furkan Gözükara: I can't believe this is real 😂🤣 01/26/2025

(Video) Pelham: Holocaust survivor Gabor Maté describes the Israel 🇮🇱 Palestine 🇵🇸 conflict as the longest ethnic cleansing operation in our history… Please watch…🔊 01/27/2025

(Video) Roger Waters ✊: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. 01/27/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Israeli Rabbi Abraham Zarviv, served in Gaza and is proud to admit his crimes on TV 01/27/2025

Harry Byrne: Here is the soundtrack to listen to while you read it... 04/16/2024 : Doctor in Gaza: ‘Can you hear the screams?’

(Video) Dr. in Gaza "Mr. Blinken, Can you hear the screams?" 2023-4

(Video) Andrey X: Israeli invasion of Jenin: Day 7 While I was filming this, a kid was shot in the shoulder and arrested by the IOF a block away 01/27/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Israel destroyed over 70 buildings in the Jenin Refugee Camp since the start of the raid a week ago, according to the locals. IOF blew up a coffee shop a few hours ago and proudly posted the footage: 01/27/2025

(Video) This article cites Menachem Mendel Alter, an Israeli citizen, and Yoel Rosner, a Canadian arrested a few years ago. Yoel Alter was arrested in the past couple weeks. search the articles or Google it for additional details, including their relationship. 01/27/2025 Capt #NotSure~ Abolish NATO ~ End Sanctions: Yoel Alter of cult Lev Tahor & Child Trafficking, Rape...2/2 // Khalissee: INTERPOL agents have captured Yoel Alter, alleged member of Lev Tahor, a child sex cult. He is wanted for extradition by Mexican authorities, accused of the crime of human trafficking, child trafficking, and child rape.

Lev Tahor Member Arrested For Human Trafficking, Will Be Extradited To Mexico 01/26/2025

Israel: Ex-Mossad agent describes Lev Tahor raid 01/29/2022

Ali Abunimah: I’m free! I wrote this on the plane and I’m posting it just after landing at Istanbul. On Monday evening I was brought to Zurich airport in handcuffs, in a small metal cage inside a windowless prison van and led all the way to the plane by police. This is after three days and two nights in a Swiss prison cut off from communication with the outside world, in a cell 24 hours a day with one cell mate, not even permitted to contact my family. ....... 01/27/2025

(Video) Fiona Lali: The Metropolitan Police are LIARS. On Friday, 12th July, Yousef Waseem was violently attacked by police in Tower Hamlets, whilst out fundraising for a humanitarian cause. Now, they have flipped the whole thing, and accused HIM of assault. This video clip gives you a true insight of police abusing their powers. Please share and like this video. The people united will not be defeated! Thank you. In solidarity! Let the truth of what happened go viral! 01/27/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: For the first time, a Qassam fighter who survived the Hannibal Directive attack on Kibbutz Be'eri on Oct 7 details Israel's mass killing of its own citizens: "A group of mujaheddin came into possession of a large number of prisoners. They could not send them to Gaza. [Israeli] enemy reinforcements began to arrive to Be'eri. The enemy increased its bombardment of Be'eri, using aircraft and tanks, and turned the kibbutz into a mass of flame. The rest of the mujaheddin were holed up with the prisoners inside the buildings. They were martyred and the prisoners in their possession were killed." From Al Jazeera's newly released doc on Al Aqsa Flood, "What Is Hidden Is Greater" 01/27/2025

Sabby Sabs: Harvard had a KKK chapter. They even burned crosses on campus. Harvard faculty also owned slaves. Harvard NEVER paid reparations. But they quickly moved mountains to settle and pay Pro- Israel students due Gaza protests. 01/27/2025

The Crimson Klan 03/25/2021

(Video) This is the ONE Israeli victim of "rape" that came forward. Turns out she was stared at and "rape is not just an act...staring is rape too trust me". 01/26/2025 PVT: 🚨BREAKING: the only “rape” victim Israel could produce in 15 months has broken her silence and described her injuries: she was……STARED at! PSA fellas: DO NOT GLANCE AT ZIONIST FEMALES.

The Illustrated Hostage Diary of Moran Stella Yanai 05/15/2024

(Video) 'I thought just kill me quickly': Gaza hostage's 54 days in captivity 04/27/2024

(Video) PVT: REMINDER - released settler captives are 100% CENSORED and instructed what to say. This censorship was deployed in Nov 2023 after Lifshitz’s press conference, in which she called Hamas friendly and nice. See quoted post for the context & video of her press conference. 01/27/2025 🚨BREAKING: Former hostage: “Hamas offered to return me for nothing in exchange. Israel said no. So Hamas said we will drop them off at the border anyway (which they did)." This is how much Israel cares about the hostages.

(Video) Massala 🇵🇸 🔻🇨🇺🔻🇱🇧🔻🍉🔻👻: Pandemic of Rape 01/27/2025 Within Jewish Israeli society

109: The same woman wrote this by the way she’s not right in the head 01/26/2025

(Video) Andrey X: This whole operation is a war crime. 📍Jenin, West Bank, Palestine 01/28/2025

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli girl flips me off because I’m from Palestine. I proceed to educate her about her own history. Free Palestine 🍉 01/28/2025

(Video) Torres gets everything backwards, which MLK would never do. MLK cancelled a speaking engagement after the 1967 war because of Israeli atrocities, & no doubt would have spoken out more had he lived. But still I have doubts about Gaza supporters that defend the duopoly too. 01/28/2025 Marc Lamont Hill: There is also no doubt that he would have unequivocally denounced Israel’s actions in Gaza from 10/7 until now. And had MLK been alive on October 6, 2023, or any day prior, he would have spoken out with moral clarity against Israel’s brutal repression of the Palestinian people. // Ritchie Torres: If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been alive on October 8th, 2023, there is no doubt that he would have spoken out with moral clarity against the barbaric violence and terror of October 7th. He would have seen 10/7 not as social justice but as social injustice; not as liberation but as oppression; not as decolonization but as dehumanization.

Medea Benjamin: Depressing that Democratic Senators did not oppose sanctions on the ICC because they respect intl law but because they want to protect US companies that work with the ICC 🫤 01/28/2025

Senate Democrats block GOP’s ICC sanctions bill 01/28/2025

(Video) Pelham: Countries that commit crimes of genocide should not be allowed nuclear weapons. 01/27/2025

Max Blumenthal: It seems Israeli assets in Switzerland not only co-opted the security minister who ordered @AliAbunimah's arrest, they convinced him to jail the journalist on the basis of Abunimah's factual reporting exposing Israel's October 7 deceptions 01/28/2025 The Grayzone: Swiss security official who jailed and smeared @AliAbunimah is a fanatical pro-Israel activist Mario Fehr, who has boasted of banning Palestine solidarity demos, may have relied on bogus accusations by a Zionist lobby group to order Abunimah's detention

Swiss official who jailed journalist Ali Abunimah is fanatical pro-Israel activist 01/28/2025

(Video) Democracy Now!: Genocide studies scholar Raz Segal explains how the conception of the genocide of Jewish people during the Holocaust as singular and unique, rather than deeply connected to other atrocities, lays the groundwork for Israeli impunity and Nakba denial. 01/28/2025

(Video) Democracy Now!: Genocide Denial in Holocaust Studies: Scholar Raz Segal on Gaza & 80 Years After Auschwitz Liberation 01/28/2025

15 Witnesses, Three Confessions, a Pattern of Naked Dead Bodies. All the Evidence of Hamas Rape on October 7 04/18/2024

I'm no fan of Fetterman, & most of his outrageous acts can be confirmed, but I would like a source for the claim he was "caught on tape gang-raping little children." 01/28/2025 Zei_squirrel: there were no "Hamas rapes" as Haaretz confirmed citing Israeli officials. The reason John Fetterman handed his account to an AIPAC handler to regurgitate this atrocity propaganda is because he was caught on tape gang-raping little children. He's a Zionist pedophile gang-rapist

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Polish Member of Parliament Grzegorz Braun disrupted a moment of silence for Holocaust victims at the EU Parliament, instead calling for a prayer for “the victims of the Jewish genocide in Gaza.” He further stated, “All victims are equal, but some victims are more equal than others.” 01/29/2025

Empire Of Lies: Hind Rajab was an innocent child deliberately murdered by the sadistic Israeli "army". You disgusting Zionists are sick and depraved. And you monsters wonder why you're despised all over the world? 01/29/2025 Suppressed News: Today marks the day when Israel mercilessly murdered Hind Rajab, six of her family members, and later, two paramedics who came to her rescue. An Israeli tank fired 335 rounds at the car in which Hind and her family had been. Never forget, never forgive. // Betar US: Join us at the jihad rally as we assist ⁦@ICEgov⁩ in deportation efforts. We will document all attendees and even those in keffiyahs and masks will be identified thanks to ⁦@terrorwatch613⁩. Betar will submit names of attendees to ⁦@realDonaldTrump! Get out now

Eman: The name Hind Rajab will bring you curses for a long life. Hind Ragab's picture will follow you everywhere. Hind Rajab's voice will silence all your lying voices. Hind Rajab's kind soul is flying in heaven and will make the lives of the Zionist thugs hell before the eternal hell. 01/29/2025 Reply to obnoxious comment by Betar US

What kind of sick people brag about creating a police state and killing a small child? What could they possibly think they can gain by this? Can Betar US believe their own lies? 01/29/2025 Betar US: Join us at the jihad rally as we assist ⁦@ICEgov⁩ in deportation efforts. We will document all attendees and even those in keffiyahs and masks will be identified thanks to ⁦@terrorwatch613⁩. Betar will submit names of attendees to ⁦@realDonaldTrump! Get out now

(Video) UCL Action for Palestine: We are appalled. UCL professor and director physically & verbally assaults students. We demand accountability. When students were suspended last year, the provost was quick to send an email accusing them of assault. Radio silence now. Richard Mole, resign now. @UCLSSEES 01/29/2025 Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “No man would want to touch you.” Dr. Richard Mole is a professor at @ucl in London. To raise awareness: 📧

Norman Finkelstein: NEW BOOK REVEALS ICJ PRESIDENT JULIA SEBUTINDE GUILTY OF WHOLESALE PLAGIARISM ONLY BRIBERY OR BLACKMAIL CAN EXPLAIN SEBUTINDE’S WHITEWASHING OF ISRAEL  News broke yesterday of plagiarism by president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Julia Sebutinde. In July last year, the ICJ issued an advisory opinion that found Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian territories to be “unlawful.” ..... 01/28/2025

ICJ president accused of plagiarism in dissenting opinion on Israeli occupation 01/27/2025 Julia Sebutinde appeared to lift several sentences from an opinion piece by pro-Israel US official and Jewish Virtual Library without citation

Assal Rad: Today’s edition of headlines you don’t see in Western media. 01/29/2025

Editorial | The IDF Will Shoot Children in the West Bank, So Long as There's a Sham Investigation 01/28/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Emboldened by Trump’s deportation orders, members of @Betar_USA gathered at a vigil for a young girl sadistically murdered by Israeli forces to report anti-genocide New Yorkers to ICE This is Zionism 01/29/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Israelis raid the home of child prisoner Ahmed Al-Froukh, who’s set to be released in the town of Sa’ir, smashing the chairs lined up to welcome him 01/30/2025

(Video) Noctis Draven: Zionists are vile demons. 01/29/2025 "Post it! Author Lauren Wise, that's my instagram. .... you should be raped and dragged through the streets in front of your kids. That's what we do to you. ..."

(Video) Health is Beauty: Another day, another Jews golden lies 01/1/2025 Syrian Girl: Jewish French woman Nancy drew swastikas and slurs outside her own house claiming she was a victim of anti-Semitism. Now she’s facing jail time.

(Video) Makemydayshine: Every single time 01/30/2025 Syrian Girl: Jewish French woman Nancy drew swastikas and slurs outside her own house claiming she was a victim of anti-Semitism. Now she’s facing jail time.

(Video) Warrant issued for family accused of faking an anti-Semitic attack. 01/26/2025

(Video) This article is from 1920, & is one of several repeating this number for one reason or another. Coincidence? 01/30/2025 Meth: This is a very typical behaviour of Jews and zionists through out history. Playing the victim game . Even the 6M number was played the same .

Sabby Sabs: Would RFK tell Israelis they don't have a right to healthcare? Remember everyone in Israel HAS healthcare. 😏 01/1/2025

(Video) Patrick Henningsen: ISRAEL IS RELEASING PALESTINIAN HOSTAGES & THEN PICKING THEM OFF WITH SNIPERS AS THEY EXIT - THIS IS THE LEVEL OF DEGENERACY OF ISRAEL’S APARTHEID CULTURE… 01/30/2025 The Cradle: BREAKING | Israeli forces open fire at Palestinians around the buses carrying the released prisoners in Beitunia, occupied West Bank.

(Video) Melanie Schweizer | MERA25 🇩🇪: #breakingthesilence 01/30/2025

Ryan Rozbiani: This is hilarious - Their OWN BOT went rogue and called them out 01/29/2025

Max Blumenthal: Betar USA executive director is Ross Glick (center below), he’s now using @x to place bounties on Palestine solidarity activists’ heads 01/30/2025

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: The moment Israeli soldier Agam Berger is released. She walks out from the rubble of Jabalia, which Israel had completely wiped out. Israel meticulously searched every inch of that area for months. It's a catastrophic failure for Israel if she was held there all along. 01/30/2025 The protocol set up by Hamas after 15 months of Genocide was MIND-BLOWING They set up a stage in the middle of Gaza with a printed banner as a backdrop They had a convoy of shining, clean cars (cleaner than most cars in New York) ......

(Video) Ian Carroll: That AIPAC purchased the seats of about 90% or more of our current congress. JFK famously wanted them registered as a foreign agent right before he was shot and thus they changed their name and never registered. Why are we letting a foreign lobby buy off our congress? That Israel was obviously the state sponsor of Jefrey Epstein, whose handler was Ehud Barak, ex head of Israeli military intelligence, his funding was Les Wexner one of the worlds richest Zionist 'philanthropists' and he was accused by ex Mossad assets of being Mossad. Not to mention the Maxwell connection. (They had blackmail on Clinton, and many, many more.) He who holds the blackmail holds the leash- just ask J. Edgar Hoover. .... 01/09/2025

(Video) Miko Peled: Swiss in the service of Zionism - 01/30/2025 Electronic Intifada: Two representatives of the Swiss defense ministry tried to interrogate @AliAbunimah without his lawyer. He refused.

(Video) Kerry Burgess: What kind of a man or woman could line up a two year old girl in their sights and pull the trigger? That takes a special kind of evil. 01/29/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: An israeli driving a military jeep rams into the front of a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance in Jenin city in the northern tip of central Palestine 01/30/2025

Melanie Schweizer | MERA25 🇩🇪: Palestinian hostages. Every single one endured broken bones and torture. No names, no story in German media. This is what racism looks like. #israel @tagesschau 01/1/2025

Max Blumenthal: This Palestinian captive looks like he just emerged from a modern day Nazi concentration camp because he did 01/30/2025 Muhammad Shehada: Palestinian captive released today; Skin & bone, infected with scabies, traumatised... Mohammed Sabah (20) was detained by Israel when he was a child at the age of 14 "The children of light"!

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Israeli Hostages that has spoken out so far. Notice anything about how they were treated vs the propaganda? Muslims are not the savages they make us out to be 01/1/2025 Several stories about hostages that were treated well and given a Hijab when she was caught half-naked.

Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: When people say “it’s the Jews” they mean the Jews with power, not every single Jewish person in the world. How is this not common sense? 01/30/2025

(Video) Shocking 🫣 Israeli Tourist Arrested for Attempting to Exchange Counterfeit US $50 Bills in Pattaya- Thailand “ he brought it with him from Israel” 01/30/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Orlin Damianov is a product manager at @GettyImages in Seattle Read his views below 🧵 01/30/2025

Dan Cohen: .@andyblumenthal tweeted at me a cartoon of the father of political Zionism Theodor Herzl giving the middle finger. Blumenthal is Deputy Program Director at the U.S. Department of Commerce (@CommerceGov). American taxpayers are funding a swamp creature to troll on social media on behalf of Israel, the foreign country he is loyal to. @realDonaldTrump should fire Andy Blumenthal! 01/31/2025

Abby Martin: Nine countries form The Hague Group to enforce “legal, economic & diplomatic measures” against Israel after the West makes a mockery of international law. Every nation purporting to care about human rights must join this initiative before it’s too late 01/31/2025 Progressive International: BREAKING 🇵🇸 The Inaugural Joint Statement of The Hague Group.

(Video) Khalissee: Ex Mossad Agent Ari Ben-Menashe confirmed Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell worked for Israel in order to blackmail American politicians with recorded child abuse. 01/30/2025

Max Blumenthal: While the US Supreme Court has ruled burning an American flag is protected speech, Americans have been charged with hate crimes across the country over the past year for burning the flag of the apartheid state of Israel. Does the Constitution now contain a Zionist exception? 01/30/2025 Zachary Foster: At Harvard University, students are allowed to call the US a racist endeavor. They can call Canada, Mexico, the UK, France or Germany racist countries. They can call every country in the world racist except for one. Israel. Welcome to Higher Education circa 2025.

(Video) Dan Cohen: .@andyblumenthal is a federal employee at @CommerceGov and spends all day getting paid to post memes and troll on behalf of his favorite foreign country. This doesn’t Make America Great Again, it’s an insult to the American people. @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr 01/31/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: Robert Walker, assistant director at @HonestRepCanada, faces 17 criminal charges in connection with a spray paint incident in Toronto 01/31/2025

In both cases someone bought property from another person that had no right to sell that property! 01/31/2025 ADAM: Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 for $15 million It's considered the greatest land bargain in history and doubled the size of America Miriam Adelson purchased the United States of America from Donald Trump for $100 million This is now considered the greatest bargain in history

(Video) The person who needs to be deported is this Zionist threatening to blow up our American kids. 01/30/2025 Betar US: We hand out beepers at ⁦@TheNewSchool⁩. One of these students is on our list to deport as appears to be on a student visa. They call security instead of accepting the beepers! 📟🇮🇱💪🏻✡️🇺🇸

(Video) I still have concerns about Tucker Carlson; but there are a growing number of times, including this where he's right, and establishment so-called moderates, like Piers Morgan are outrageous! 01/31/2025 Pelham: Piers Morgan says killing over 30,000 innocent children isn’t evil…

(Video) Khalissee: lsraeI will not want you to see this, so make sure to share it. “I was worried to get raped but I was given hijab to cover my body. For them, women are sacred, women are like Queens. They told us that they believed in the Quran and wouldn't hurt us” 01/30/2025


(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: SO WHY WAS THERE A FENCE/WALL?? The Western world is going to break under the weight of its own contradictions.. 02/01/2025

(Video) Suppressed News: Where is the outrage? Where are these so called intentional law and human rights organizations? A freed Palestinian detainee: “Seven months with our eyes blindfolded and our hands shackled in iron.” 02/01/2025

Suppressed News: ⚡️🇮🇱BREAKING: Israel admits to firing 11,000 shells, dropping more than 500 heavy one-ton bombs and launching 180 missiles on October 7th 2023. Hannibal directive. 02/01/2025

(Video) Suppressed News: This is one of the main reasons why “Israelis” are no longer allowed to give interviews immediately after their release to live TV. They don’t want you to know the truth. 02/01/2025 "They treated us well."

(Video) Khalissee: Ben-Gvir Israel’s Ex Minister of National Security attended this wedding where attendees stabbed and burnt a picture of Ali Dawabsheh… Ali Dawabsheh was a 18 month old boy who settlers*BURNT ALIVE* in her home.. ZIONISTS ARE EVIL… 01/31/2025

(Video) Zei_squirrel: Norman Finkelstein, who was himself fired and blacklisted from academia by Zionists because he dared expose their depravity and propaganda lies, talks about how the "Jewish billionaire class" have destroyed free speech, and why it is essential to organize against it: 02/01/2025

(Video) The Resonance: What happens when a Z10nist is accidentally asked genuine questions? Watch this👇🏻 02/01/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Abby Martin is absolutely 100% right! 'There is no way forward except for the total liberation of Palestine' 01/31/2025

Khalissee: 🇮🇱🇺🇲 BREAKING: TOM COTTON PUSHES FOR ISRAEL EXPANSION Tom Cotton and House Republicans are pushing a bill to force the U.S. to call the West Bank “Judea and Samaria,” backing Israeli claims to Palestinian land. This erases Palestinian identity and greenlights further Israeli expansion. Cotton, bought by the Israel lobby with nearly $1.2 million, is betraying Americans and supporting war crimes. He’s not a patriot—he’s a traitor, a liar, and a war criminal who should be in jail, not in office. 01/31/2025

(Video) PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸: Activists interrupted Olaf Scholz's speech last Saturday to protest against Germany's complicity in genocide and unconditional support for 'Israel'. 01/31/2025

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: SHOCKING TREATMENT OF PALESTINIAN JOURNALISTS BEFORE 7th OCTOBER‼️ Separating you from your children. Such an ugly, disgusting and illegal way to silence the truth. Stay strong for yourself and your family - you have done nothing wrong. You are not the oppressor here. I pray journalists around the world will find their voices and courage and stand with you. 02/01/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The israelis arrest 2 Palestinian children a day; interrogated, blindfolded, handcuffed: maybe half “make it” to prison, others are killed on the spot 02/01/2025

(Video) Brandon Taylor Moore: The jewish owners of the UFC literally run a modelling agency, that was sending girls directly to Jeffrey Epstein. You can’t make this stuff up… 01/31/2025

(Video) Khalissee: SISI’S MANUFACTURED PROTESTS: A SHAM TO WHITEWASH HIS BRUTAL DICTATORSHIP Egypt under Sisi is a police state where dissent is crushed and critics are jailed. Now, in a blatant act of political theatre, his regime is staging protests at Rafah—not as real opposition, but as a spectacle to whitewash its image ahead of a UN human rights review. This is not newfound freedom; it’s a sham to mask Sisi’s brutal rule. For the past 15 months, as Gaza endured relentless bombardment and mass slaughter, Sisi’s regime brutally suppressed any pro-Palestinian demonstrations, arresting and silencing those who dared to speak out. Yet now, suddenly, his government permits staged protests at Rafah—only when it serves his interests. This blatant hypocrisy exposes Sisi’s true nature: he doesn’t stand for Palestinians or for freedom, but for his own political survival, manipulating public sentiment when it suits him while crushing genuine resistance at every turn. ...... 01/31/2025

Danny Boy: This wildly misleading tweet, and the mostly hateful replies, is like entering an alternate version of reality. If anybody is interested in the truth behind this claim, and what that Swedish poll actually asked, I'll go through it. Probably banging my head against a wall. 😂 02/01/2025 The poll was conducted by a reputable Swedish polling company, Novus, between August 18th - 24th, 2022. It was commissioned by a libertarian magazine, Bulletin, who eventually published it with a very misleading headline. Sample size was 1,050 foreign-born persons. // Elon Musk ignores fact that most of the refugees went back home after years, if not decades, after thier country stablized and they had new lives and citizenship in Sweden. Some concluded this included Palestinian refugees, although there were very few of those.

(Video) It's now safe for a refugee in Sweden, who fled bombs in Sarajevo in 1992, to visit Bosnia. In those intervening decades many refugees learned Swedish, built careers, got married, had children. It would have been a very different proposition visiting home in the 1990's. 02/01/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Can the world agree that Palestinians are terrorists?” - Jill Todd, accountant at The Cooper Group in Alabama 02/01/2025

Khalissee: 🇺🇲🇮🇱 TRUMP APPOINTEE MARTIN OLINER: "Palestinians are fundamentally evil and not worthy of any mercy. The people of Gaza must pay a price for their actions" 02/02/2025

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: ISRAEL NEEDS TO BE PUT IN THE GARBAGE BIN OF HISTORY‼️ IOF soldier to father “I am the one who shot your son.... God willing he dies” 10-YEAR-OLD SON LEFT TO DIE‼️ 02/01/2025

(Video) The Resonance: “If you are at war with khamas, why are you sh00ting children in the skull and in the chest?....” Norman Finkelstein silenced a Zi0nist with facts. 02/02/2025

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Israel just WIPED OUT tens of civilian homes in Jenin. The Genocide of Palestinians continues.. 02/02/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Islam exists for the sole purpose of conquering Christendom… they do not belong in this great nation” - Chandler Langevin, councilman at @CityofPalmBayFL 02/01/2025

(Video) Voice of Rabbis: A Palestinian Jewish woman who resists the Zionist police alone. Israeli police raided the anti-Zionist Jewish neighborhood of Mea Shearim to remove Palestinian flags drawn on the walls. A Palestinian Jewish woman, who opposed the removal of the Palestinian flag from the wall, stood in front of the flag to prevent the police. 02/02/2025

(Video) Johann Spischak: "How I got fired for speaking about Palestine." 02/01/2025

The claim they baked a baby in an oven went viral no more than 2 or 3 days after Oct.7, it was quickly debunked no more than 2 or 3 days after that; if he wanted to know it was a lie he would have 2 weeks before posting this! 02/02/2025 Max Blumenthal: “When the evidence comes in, the arguments begin,” lectures the Israel Firster who has yet to retract this gargantuan lie

(Video) Kerry Burgess: He's not wrong. 02/02/2025 "America is set to pay for the health care of the Israeli baby-killing military."

(Video) Pelham: UK police arrested young white British girl for attending pro-Palestine protest where a youth group called for the end to the genocide…🇬🇧 02/02/2025

(Video) J.D. Vance I presume; Harry Truman admitted there were no Palestinians or Muslims lobbying on behalf of Palestine, little or nothing has changed since then, except for lies like this. 02/02/2025 ADAM: Isn’t it weird how our leaders have to answer directly to MusIims? How come MusIims have so much power?

(Video) Andrey X: This Palestinian school in Jerusalem is covered in bullet holes. Shu’afat Refugee Camp was illegally annexed by Israel, and the residents didn’t get citizenship, so they’re living in limbo for decades. 02/03/2025

Sabby Sabs: Imagine accusing South Africa of confiscating land and treating ppl badly...when you fund Israel, a genocidal state. 02/02/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: 🔥 Ann Wright is fuming—AGAIN! Jenin is under siege. 23 buildings destroyed. Over 15,000 displaced. The West Bank is facing the same horror as Gaza—while the world stays silent! This has to stop now! 02/02/2025

(Video) Pelham: Israel is also stealing land and farms… notice he hasn’t cut aid of to Israel 02/03/2025

(Video) LS🍉: Did you see what they did to Norm Finklestein??? 02/03/2025 GenXGirl: Betar US is actively walking around and putting pagers in American’s pockets. Watch Betar harass & threaten @normfinkelstein curse at him & put a pager in his pocket Betar is claiming they are working w/ @ICEgov to make death threats WHY IS @FBI DOING NOTHING?

(Video) Prof Zenkus: HAPPENING NOW: Jewish Americans occupying the Capitol Rotunda in DC being led off in handcuffs - demanding a ceasefire and an end to Israel's bombing of Gaza. #CeasefireNOW 10/18/2023

(Video) Hard to believe, but this Tweet is real! How can they think being so brazen is in their interests? 02/03/2025 Max Blumenthal: Zionist domestic terrorists are feeling emboldened for some reason

Betar US: Have two hours free this afternoon in Washington DC what would be some recommendations for Zionist vandals to do today? 02/03/2025

Piers Morgan adopts a heavily censored and often false version of history about Israel promoted by MSM & the political establishment; but even then there's no justification for this! 02/03/2025 ADAM: Describe Piers Morgan in two words or less.

Arif Fidancı: “Piers Morgan justifies Israel’s mass killing of innocent civilians in Gaza as “moral right.” This is not human rights; it’s the exploitation of suffering disguised as righteousness. The world is silent while atrocities unfold. When did “human rights” become optional? The reality is Israel continues to act with impunity—killing, bombing, and displacing without accountability. Is this the “moral right” the world’s silence supports? The real barbarism is in the oppression of a people who only ask for their basic rights. Who are the real terrorists here? It’s not the innocent civilians fighting for their freedom—it’s the one who uses bombs and violence to silence the voices of justice. Yet, we ask, why is no one holding them accountable? The truth is being buried under the weight of power, and we can no longer stand idly by. We must raise our voices for justice and humanity—because if we don’t, who will? 🟥 Share, speak up, make the truth known! 02/03/2025

(Video) SilencedSirs◼️: Forget the drama, let’s just tango our way through life! 😆🔥 #DanceItOut 02/03/2025

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: WTF IS WRONG WITH ZIONISTS‼️ A Betar member assaulted Norman Finkelstein, and threatened to kill him with a pager!!! Why is a foreign-aligned movement openly operating with impunity in the streets of NYC? 02/03/2025

(Video) Romans killed Jesus, with support of a small number of Jewish leaders controlling the masses for Romans, not the majority of Jews; some Jews practice usury, not all. Exaggerations aren't necessary, & many Jews like JVP stand up to Zionism. I wouldn't alienate anti-Zionist Jews. 02/04/2025 Jory Micah💜🇵🇸🕊️: Jews had Christ crucified. Not Zionists. ......

(Video) ADAM: In 1978 Vanessa Redgrave used her Oscars speech to call out zionism. They booed her but she stood tall 👏🏼 02/03/2025

(Video) Abier: The reason I avoid arguing with Zionists who justify the justifiable. Of course, Ta-Nehisi Coates uttered that better. Watch 02/04/2025

(Video) Lisa Pease: Why are you hiding this from us, @NYTimes, @WashPost , @ABC , @NBCNews, @CBSNews, @MSNBC, @CNN, @FoxNews , @OANN ??? 02/04/2025 Assal Rad: Israel carried out a massive attack in the West Bank today and I can’t find a story about it in the New York Times or BBC. Probably the two most prominent media outlets in the Western world do not think this ⬇️ is newsworthy.

(Video) Zei_squirrel: Imagine if someone walked up to Bari Weiss or Ben Shapiro and put a red triangle in their pocket. Imagine the endless hysterical screeching by the media class: "OMG TERRORISM, YOU TOUCHED OUR PRECIOUS BARI AND BENNY, TERRORISM!" Then look at what they do and celebrate with glee: Quote Ge 02/03/2025 GenXGirl: Betar US is actively walking around and putting pagers in American’s pockets. Watch Betar harass & threaten @normfinkelstein curse at him & put a pager in his pocket Betar is claiming they are working w/ @ICEgov to make death threats WHY IS @FBI DOING NOTHING?

Angelo Angelli, JD: The Israelification of the US continues. Israel takes Gaza, the West Bank, Syria. The US threatens Canada, Greenland, Panama. 02/04/2025 CJ Werleman: 80% of Israelis support ethnic cleansing. 20% chose not to respond.

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Peter Thiel, cofounder of Palantir struggles to speak when asked about Israel's use of Artificial Intelligence in Gaza. Palantir tech is helping Israel develop “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy” AI 02/04/2025

(Video) Khalissee: 🇮🇱🇺🇲 BREAKING: JEWS PROTEST AGAINST NETANYAHU American Jews don't want Trump to meet Netanyahu at the White House. They are protesting: "The murderer Netanyahu is a genocidal and anti-Semitic irreligious and should not be admitted to America." Source: @voiceofrabbis 02/02/2025

(Video) Red Collective: Fuck. Ing. Hell. In this jaw-dropping clip, US President Truman claims he had to ethnically cleanse Palestine and create Israel as "the Jews wanted to chase all the Arabs into the Tigris and Euphrates river". So, his solution was to kick Palestinians out of their own homeland. 02/04/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The israelis count down, laugh and cheer as they totally destroy an entire neighbourhood of Palestinian homes in Jenin Refugee Camp in Palestine 02/04/2025

Zachary Foster: Columbia University is toxic. After 2 pro-Israel Columbia students carried out a violent attack on campus last year, sending ~15 people to the hospital, the university did nothing. It was only after other students "combed through video footage, found evidence of these two guys spraying these canisters,” that the university acted. “It was a fully student-led investigation that actually uncovered the perpetrators of the attack." ...... 02/03/2025

Columbia students just sued the university for attacks on pro-Palestine activism 02/03/2025 As Trump threatens to deport ‘pro-Hamas’ students, campus activists who were suspended last spring fight back

(Video) Aaron Maté: Netanyahu, who destroyed Gaza, sits in smug satisfaction at Trump's vision of ethnic cleansing. Palestinians have the right to return to their stolen homes inside what is now Israel. If Israel-US won't let them come back, then withdraw all Israeli settlers from their illegal colonies in the West Bank and let displaced Palestinians live there while their Gaza homes are rebuilt. 02/04/2025 Aaron Rupar: DOOCY: Would Palestinians have the right to return to Gaza if they left during the rebuilding? TRUMP: It would be my hope that we could do something really nice, really good, where they wouldn't want to return (A reporter can be heard yelling, "It's their home, sir!")

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Now that Trump is openly advocating for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, Democrats are suddenly calling his ideas “insane.” But where was this outrage when Netanyahu came to Congress and received standing ovation after standing ovation? Where was this moral clarity when they sent billions in weapons to Israel, funded the occupation, and stood by as over 60,000 Palestinians were slaughtered? For over a year, they watched as Gaza was bombed into ruins, as families were buried under rubble, as hospitals were obliterated, as children were starved and burned alive. They did nothing to stop it. Instead, they approved weapons shipments, blocked ceasefire resolutions, and smeared those demanding justice. You don’t get to feign moral outrage now. You don’t get to wash the blood off your hands. You paved the way for this. 02/05/2025

HollyBlomberg: So Netanyahu got to thumb his nose at the outstanding ICC warrant for his arrest AND Trump got the opportunity to give the most bizarre speech about his belief that the US can somehow take over & manage Gaza. What is really going on here? 1/4 ...... 02/05/2025

Max Blumenthal: Trump's pledge to "take over" Gaza offered a rare opportunity to hear an American president articulate the logic of Zionism in its rawest, most essential form. The history of Israel is defined by a continuous process of controlling and removing the Palestinian population by force, with the consent and participation of the majority of its Jewish citizens, in order to demographically engineer a Herrenvolk pseudo-democracy. Now, Trump has vowed to carry out the Final Solution on Israel's behalf, and possibly with US troops. Israelis love his genocidal energy, with 80% telling the Jerusalem Post they favor Trump's plan, and only 13% declaring it "immoral." Average Americans might be less enthusiastic about embarking on a foreign ethnic cleansing adventure, but as this episode makes undeniably clear, they are not the ones who determine their government's policy when it comes to the "Jewish and democratic" state. 02/05/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: We're outside the White House to say ARREST NETANYAHU! This war criminal shouldn't be in DC — he should be in the Hague. We demand accountability for Netanyahu's crimes and an end to US support for Israel's violence against Palestinians. 02/04/2025

Max Blumenthal: I think now it's very appropriate to reiterate that the Democrat leadership enthusiastically joined with Republicans to authorize the shipping over 85,000 tons of bombs to Israel to drop on the besieged Gaza Strip 02/05/2025 Symone D. Sanders Townsend: I think now it’s very appropriate to reiterate that elections have consequences.

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Palestinian youngster Adi Adel Al-Dabari is shot & killed by Israelis just east of Khan Yunis, in the south of Gaza: yet another ceasefire violation 02/05/2025

Lisa Pease: I would never accept ANY gift from Netanyahu. My gosh 02/05/2025 Ryan Rozbiani: Netanyahu gifted Trump a gold-plated pager and a standard pager in reference to the terrorist attack Israel did on Lebanon. This is beyond disgusting - hundreds of civilians, including children, were injured.

(Video) Zei_squirrel: both Trump and Netanyahu just said that Hamas killed and burned babies alive. Zero babies were burned alive on October 7. None of the reporters bothered to question them about spreading these deranged hoax lies 02/04/2025

Jenerational Change: Bruh, from an ex-Zionist Jew, you’re a genocide supporting cuck for Israel. You’re a bigger bitch in real life than you are in almost every D grade movie you ever acted in minus your 3 minutes of screen time in Cop Land. Take a thousand seats. @MichaelRapaport 02/05/2025

(Video) ADAM: "Netanyahu is our greatest, disastrous president of the 21st century, he ran American foreign policy for 20 years, and cost us trillions of dollars. Israel is using the U.S. as if our military is in their hands, and in effect it is." - Jeffrey Sachs 02/05/2025

B.M.: Ex-Member of Knesset Roman Bronfman is asking the right question. 02/05/2025

(Video) B L A K E L E Y: I need @IanCarrollShow and MAGA to tell us what we’re all supposed to be excited about? Trump announcing we’re gonna ethnically cleanse Gaza on behalf of the genocidal Israeli regime? 02/04/2025

(Video) Pelham: America/Israel don’t want to just steal the Palestinians land… they want to steal $500B in oil and gas. 02/05/2025

(Video) Birrion ☭🇵🇸: Military historian here. Israel started the ethnic cleansing in 1948 and hasn’t stopped. 02/06/2025

Lisa Pease: This is so dumb. I’ve been protesting for decades and have never been paid by anybody. Neither have any of the other activists I’ve been out with. This is just crapaganda. 02/06/2025 The Jerusalem Post: 🔴OPINION: While anti-Israel protests at American universities no longer make headlines, it is time to investigate their financial backing, says Julie Marzouk her latest op-ed. 'The time to follow the money is now'!

(Video) Pelham: 🇺🇸🇮🇱 You can not get a state contract in 37 states of America unless you pledge allegiance to Israel… 02/05/2025

(Video) Khalissee: These images of people eating from garbage and sleeping in the streets are not from Cuba or Venezuela. They are from the country of the "American dream," from the epicentre of capitalism, the US. Every day, new images of misery arrive in the US... but what Trump cares about is invading Gaza. 02/06/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Cory Booker even told AIPAC how to recruit black people too. He's the sellout's sellout. 02/06/2025 Medea Benjamin: Senator Cory Booker literally runs away when asked about Trump’s Gaza plan. Instead of taking a stand, Democrats dodge, deflect, and disappear when it’s time to talk about Palestinian rights and U.S. military aid to Israel.

(Video) Rania: The IOF assaulting a 12- year old P@lestinian girl... back in February 2022! 02/06/2025

(Video) Rania: When you're bothered by the terminology but not by the crimes! 02/06/2025

(Video) Furkan Gözükara: When you need to dumb it down and yet it's not dumb enough for some 02/06/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: ADVISORY TO CAPITOL VISITORS: War criminal Netanyahu is meeting with members of Congress right now! He should not be welcomed — he should be tried for his crimes! 02/06/2025

(Video) Pelha,: Israel is not the victim… Israel has never been the victim 02/05/2025

James Li: 🚨 Israel's existence has always relied on Hasbara — aka state propaganda. But it seems like the usual tricks aren’t working anymore. So now, they’re switching tactics. Here’s everything you need to know to arm yourself against the what Israel is calling "Hasbara 2.0." 🧵1/ 02/06/2025 2/ Israel’s Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar and Deputy Foreign Minister Sharren Haskel just approved a 500 million shekel ($135M) budget for “public diplomacy.” That’s 20x the pre-Gaza war budget. 🤨 3/ The first pillar of the new strategy — decentralization. Instead of Israeli officials delivering the talking points, the government will funnel money to “independent” organizations, influencers, and activists to spread the message for them. 4/ Second pillar — aggression, not persuasion. No more trying to “win hearts and minds” with apologetics. The new approach — just hammering home pro-Israel messaging with conviction. Think less “Israel regrets civilian casualties” and more “That’s war — deal with it." .......

(Video) Medea Benjamin: FACT CHECK: Rep. Carlos Gimenez Spreads Lies About Gaza ❌ “Gaza is a failed state” → Gaza is an occupied, blockaded territory where Israel controls borders, airspace, and resources. ❌ “Palestinians started the war” → Gaza has been under siege for 17 years, bombed repeatedly. To ignore decades of occupation and act like history started on October 7 is dishonest propaganda. ❌ “They all support Hamas” → Over 50% of Gaza’s population are children. Palestinians simply refuse to live under Israeli oppression. Collective punishment of 2.3 million people is a war crime! ❌ “They put babies in ovens” → BLATANT LIE. This was debunked propaganda spread by Israeli sources, later walked back due to zero evidence. Gimenez’s talking points aren’t just false—they’re part of a dehumanization campaign to justify genocide. We see through the lies. Share to expose the truth. 02/06/2025

Medea Benjamin: After 18 years of an Israeli land, sea and air siege of Gaza, Israel suddenly believes people in Gaza should have “freedom of movement.” Why? Because they want to ethnically cleanse Gaza of Palestinians! The duplicity is mind boggling. 02/06/2025 ישראל כ”ץ Israel Katz: I have instructed the IDF to prepare a plan that will allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so, to any country willing to receive them. .....

(Video) Zionist lies like this are incredibly obvious; Zionists began terrorizing Palestinians no later than the 1930s in preparation to steal their land, before the Holocaust which wasn't caused by Palestinians, ethnic cleansing or genocide escalated during the 1948 Nakba; (1/2) 02/06/2025 If the Nakba only met the definition of ethnic cleansing, not genocide, your current activities went well beyond that so there's no doubt it's genocide now; & you're trying to demand those telling the truth about your atrocities help ethnic cleansing? Unbelievable! (2/2) // ישראל כ”ץ Israel Katz: I have instructed the IDF to prepare a plan that will allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so, to any country willing to receive them. .....

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Senator Murphy criticizes Trump’s Gaza invasion plan but when pressed on stopping $8 billion in military aid to Israel, that is where he cuts off. When it’s time to act against genocide, silence. End U.S. military aid to Israel NOW. 02/05/2025

Zura K: How it’s all started 🤷🏻‍♂️ old NYT article! 02/06/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Gallant confirms what we already knew: Hamas had agreed to a ceasefire deal in April, but it was rejected by Israel. Israel chose to reject peace to continue killing 1000s of innocent children. 9 months later, they had to negotiate and agree the same deal with Hamas. Losers. 02/07/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today in Congress, we heard jokes about Trump’s ethnic cleansing plans for Gaza. Disgusting. 02/07/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Less than two weeks after Zurich police arrested @AliAbunimah for planning to give a lecture on Gaza, Austrian state security escalate repression of Palestine solidarity by raiding and arresting journalist Richard Medhurst. Who or what are they really protecting? 02/07/2025 Richard Medhurst: I was detained this week by the Austrian police and intelligence services. They raided my house, office, and took all my devices. They are accusing me of being a member of Hamas and threatened me with 10 years in prison. Journalism is not a crime.

(Video) Rathbone: Let’s keep shaming @MichaelRapaport 02/06/2025

(Video) Duopoly Destroyer: It seems like Trump’s announcement to take over Gaza exposed the grift of “journalist communicator” Ian Carroll. Who is this guy, where did he come from? Why did the algorithms boost a fmr. pro-Palestine supporter to 1 million followers in a year? Is he a Fed? U be the judge. 02/07/2025

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: The plan is to get rid of 2 million people, and then develop it for European settlers, basically, white settlers‼️ Palestinians are the ones that have to go? Not the people who caused the destruction and violence? IT IS RACIST BEYOND BELIEF‼️ 02/07/2025

(Video) 🅹🅰🆇 🅿🅰🅶🅴 🇵🇸 🇲🇽: A must read for anyone who is still listening to Ian Carroll. 02/06/2025 Zei_squirrel: A good faith discussion? You want a good faith discussion over your deranged claim that Trump, as ordered by his Zionist owners Miriam Adelson, Bill Ackman, Peter Thiel et al., is actually going to deploy troops to Gaza to act against Zionist Israeli interests? To protect Palestinians? What the fuck are you even talking about? .....

(Video) Polly St George aka Amazing Polly: Ian Carroll says an account that grew to 125K followers since joining X in Nov 2023 "Could well be a professional intel agency operation." Ian Carroll has 817K followers and joined X in May 2023. 🤔😏 10/19/2024

(Video) The claim that Ian was working for the Mossad while trashing Israel may sound insane & it is probably not true; but if not then there might be another explanation out of the Twilight Zone for his recent replies. Which insane explanation for all this insanity is true? 02/07/2025 Ian Carroll: A Palestinian perspective on Donald Trumps plan for Gaza, And some Twitter flame wars because I love being sassy online. And because that’s what Mossad pays me for

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: American Pastor EXPOSES how Racist Israelis can be. No Supremacy should be Tolerated! 02/07/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: A Trump supporter from Minnesota shares a message that transcends political divides: Palestinians have a right to exist, and the genocide in Gaza must stop. She calls out the Israel lobby’s influence, defends free speech on college campuses, and urges Americans to stand with people, not governments. “We wouldn’t allow this anywhere else—why is it okay for Palestine? 02/07/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: This is Gold - War Criminal Spotted in NYC Activists confront former Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant in the streets of New York. 02/07/2025


Lisa Pease: There are only two kinds of people in this world: Those who think it's okay to kill people to steal their land. And those who don't. 02/08/2025 Patrick Henningsen: ANY U.S. PRESIDENT WHO WOULD ACCEPT SOMETHING AS DEPRAVED AS THIS, FROM A WANTED WAR CRIMINAL, HAS GOT MORAL ISSUES. What a sick, deranged psychopath. Gloating over the bodies of dead children, people maimed for life. Blood-soaked mafia boss Netanyahu is said to have given @realDonaldTrump @POTUS this "golden pager" mounted on a looted Lebanese olive tree cross-section - a sick joke by Netanyahu made at expense the thousands of dead Lebanese the Israelis have murdered and maimed - in this one 'pager' attack supposedly target Hezbollah officials which killed 37 people and injured thousands, including random bystanders. Pure act of terrorism by Israel. (Photo: Israel Government Press Office)

(Video) Miko Peled: The fight to free Palestine will not stop nor will it slow down. Anyone who thinks the US can take Gaza and silence the support for a free Palestine in the US, think again. My conversation with @BrianBeckerDC 02/08/2025

(Video) Seizing Gaza: Can Trump Do What Israel Failed to Do? w/ Miko Peled, Son of Israeli General 02/07/2025

(Video) Zei_squirrel: Here is Hila Klein today claiming that a Nova festival survivor who saw rape and gang-rape killed themselves because they couldn't deal with the trauma. She cites this as part of her regurgitation of the genocidal atrocity propaganda rape hoax, saying "there's just so much evidence for it." She is referring to a "suicide letter" that was posted online claiming this over 6 months ago, which was debunked as a hoax by Israeli reporters a day after it came out. Even Hen Mazzig and other genocidal Zionist propagandists who shared it were forced to retract it. But Hila Klein is now citing it to an audience of millions as the main evidence for the rape hoax. These scum have no shame. 02/07/2025

Dan Cohen: Israel: We must block aid to starve Gaza. Also Israel: Why did Hamas starve our people? 02/08/2025

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: WHY DO THE RESISTANCE COVER THEIR FACES…. Because Israel has facial recognition and will use it to murder the whole extended families, babies grandpas, coworkers and anyone else living in the block. ISRAEL MASS MURDERS WHOLE FAMALIES‼️ 02/08/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: A 73 year-old Palestinian man from East Khan Younis, released after 150 days in israeli jail, recounts the horrific torture & humiliation he endured 02/08/2025

(Video) Suppressed News: ⚡️BREAKING: “They beat us in front of the Red Cross” A Palestinian hostage, released after 22 years of unlawful Israeli imprisonment, reveals that detainees were beaten up even in their final moments before release right in front of the Red Cross. 02/08/2025

Ibrahim Massri 🇵🇸: This is my teacher, Ibrahim Al-Shawish, from my hometown, and one of my high school teachers. He was arrested by the Zionist occupation during the genocide and was released today. Take a look at his face after the ordeal! I speak for both myself and him when I say: Fuck you, you will never break our will, and we will never forget, never forgive. 02/08/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: Rabbi Uri Cherki stated after 10/7 that Israeli children and babies are soldiers, and that only "horrible cruelty" will compel Hamas to release them. Today Hamas released 3 captives because of a negotiated ceasefire. Zionism is an evil and discredited ideology. 02/08/2025 01/11/2024 Rabbi Uri Cherki, a leading figure in the religious Zionist movement, says all Israeli captives in Gaza – including women, teenage girls, toddlers & babies – are "soldiers" in Israel's war, and the only way to release them is through "horrible cruelty." Zionism is a death cult. Full investigation:

Uncaptured Media with Dan Cohen: Netanyahu and Kahanist allies wage psy-war to sacrifice captives for conquest of Gaza 01/10/2024

Kenneth Roth: A well respected Australian sports journalist has been sacked from his position at SEN for retweeting factual posts about Israel’s assault in Gaza, including one from me citing the Haaretz article of two Israeli historians who found genocide in Gaza. 02/07/2025

No one feels safe in Zionist Australia 02/07/2025 A well respected sports journalist has been sacked from his position at SEN for retweeting factual posts about Israel’s assault in Gaza. In a land where sport is a religion, Peter Lalor is regarded as one of the best cricket commentators in the country, standing on his own as one of the old guard, highly respected among his peers. He has called cricket from all over the world, yet he was told this week by SEN chief executive Craig Hutchison that the sound of his voice was making Jews “feel unsafe”, and he was fired effective immediately.

(Video) Dan Cohen: As Israeli captives are released and reunited with their joyous families, recall how settler David Sidman openly expressed the popular desire to sacrifice them to take over Gaza. Zionism is a pagan, land-worshipping cult. Al-Qassam is fighting for humanity and civilization. 02/08/2025 01/15/2024 American-Israeli settler David Sidman @Israel365N explains the division in Israel between those who want captives to come home alive and people like him, "whose priority is to obliterate Gaza and reconquer it, even at the expense of the hostages." He warns to not allow images of hostages reuniting with families to "disrupt our natural instinct to seek revenge and to basically kill these people." Full investigation:

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli soldier says he kills every Palestinian he sees, including children. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 02/08/2025

(Video) Khalissee: A self-proclaimed pedophile IDF soldier says it all: "9/11? It's the best! Of course, we caused mass migration into Europe. Europeans are worth nothing. Jews run the world. It's behind the scenes. You don't know what's going on..because you're a goy." 02/08/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: New investigation finds that dozens of innocent Palestinian workers from #Gaza were incarcerated and tortured to death by the israelis | @PressTV 02/09/2025

(Video) ADAM: Remember when Ben Shapiro said Syria’s Christian minority being SLAUGHTERED would be a “good thing” because at least "Israel’s enemies are weakened"? 02/08/2025

(Video) Andrey X: ALL EYES ON THE WEST BANK 02/09/2025 B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم: Israel is continuing its all-out war on the Palestinian people. Since the ceasefire began in Gaza, the West Bank has been on fire. Settlers attacked communities almost every night last week, sometimes with soldiers standing by. Since the ceasefire began on January 19, we have been seeing more military raids on cities and villages in the West Bank, so far killing dozens of people. This is not What ceasefire looks like>>

(Video) ADAM: "Arabs are inferior to us. That's why we kick Palestinians and slap them. We train dogs so they will bite them strongly and tightly. That's why we shoot them. They're nothing" —Tel-Aviv school principal, literally teaching kids to hate. 02/09/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Doctors are Targeted in Gaza. This is the Dark Reality for Medical Staff 02/09/2025

(Video) Rania: When we say that the Israe1i culture is a death cult, you'd better believe us! Just listen to @AbbyMartin ! 02/09/2025

(Video) Andrey X: “The only democracy in the Middle East” arrests bookstore owners because it doesn’t like the books they sell 02/10/2025 Oren Ziv: Watch: Booksellers Ahmad and Mahmoud Muna appear in court after their arrest during an Israeli police raid of their long-established Palestinian-owned Educational Bookshop in east Jerusalem

(Video) ADAM: Jewish comedian Adam Friedland describes his Birthright trip to lsraeI: "I realised this was wrong side of history." 02/09/2025

(Video) Suppressed News: ⚡️JUST IN: According to Haaretz, An Israeli army investigation revealed details about the Palestinian young woman Rahaf Ashqar, stating that soldiers placed a bomb at the entrance of her house with the intention of detonating it to enter. They did so without informing the residents about the bomb or their intention to detonate it in Nour Shams refugee camp, West Bank. When Rahaf opened the door, the bomb exploded immediately, killing her. 02/10/2025

(Video) ADAM: Miko Peled: “There’s no opinion here, the law is clear, the evidence is clear; this is a genøcide” Miko is lsraeIi. 02/09/2025

(Video) This is a prominent Israeli TV presenter calling for "100% dead in Gaza". She wants to kill all Palestinians, "from [children in] delivery rooms to the last elderly person in Gaza". This is genocidal fascism. And it is commonplace in Israel. 02/09/2025 כנרת בראשי kinneret barashi @BarashiKinneret: The survivors of the 2025 Holocaust are proof that every trace of the murderous mutations in Gaza must be erased, from delivery rooms to the last elderly person in Gaza.

(Video) This clown, presumably a Rep. repeated the lie about Hamas putting babies in ovens, & falsely claimed Medea and Code Pink work for Hamas. 02/10/2025 Medea Benjamin: Another day, another warhawk throwing out lies instead of facing the truth. The real question is: why are our elected officials so desperate to defend genocide?

(Video) Sabby Sabs: I told you guys Palestinians would not be allowed to return. This is displacement. Trump and Netanyahu are wrong. Everyone should call this out! 02/10/2025 Drop Site: Fox News: “Would the Palestinians have a right to return?" Trump: “No, they wouldn’t… I’m talking about building a permanent place for them.”

(Video) Khalissee: Jewish Templar Rabbis chaperoning school girls and boys on monthly night marches through the Old City of Jerusalem, SPITTING at every CHURCH they pass by. They want to genocide the "goyim" not only throughout the country and across the Middle East. Christians need to wake up! 02/10/2025

(Video) Khalissee: The moment an old Palestinian woman is evicted from her house by Jewish squatters. The house, which had been in her family for generations, was given to Jewish immigrants fresh off the plane from Eastern Europe, people who had no connection to Palestine. 02/11/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Author Arundhati Roy - the language of ethnic cleansing used by Churchill set the tone for successive Israeli Prime Minister's from Golda Meir to Yitzhak Shamir Churchill was VILE 02/11/2025

(Video) Abby Martin: “We’re not subhuman. You have to talk to us. We decide our future, we decide who we want to be and what Gaza will be. We have the right to live.” Gaza-based journalist @AbubakerAbedW responds to Trump’s ethnic cleansing threat 02/11/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: The press conference with Trump and Jordan’s King Abdullah was sickening. While Trump laid out his disgraceful plan for ethnic cleansing in Gaza, King Abdullah sat there meekly, subservient to his master. Shame on Abdullah and all the Arab “leaders” who watched the Israeli genocide and are now refusing to stand up to Trump’s delusions. 02/11/2025

Caitlin Johnstone: Israel Admits It Violated The Ceasefire And Hamas Did Not. As we witness whatever’s going to happen with the highly jeopardized ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, I’d just like to make sure everyone’s aware that official Israeli sources have been telling the press that Israel was violating the ceasefire prior to the current standoff, and that Hamas was not. ....... 02/11/2025

Caitlin Johnstone: Israel Admits It Violated The Ceasefire And Hamas Did Not 02/11/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Netanyahu will happily kill his 76 POW so he can take over Gaza. Israel's Parliament are outraged as they see through him. 02/11/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Israeli police just banned me from the southern West Bank for two weeks. 02/12/2025

(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️BREAKING: New video by the resistance with unexpected details of POW being cared for. Israeli POW Erbil, released 2 weeks ago wears a hijab to disguise herself and distribute sweets to children in Gaza. The text: “Their fate is linked to Netanyahu’s behaviour.” @tamerqdh 02/12/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: URGENT: The Gaza ceasefire is at risk. As Trump threatens chaos to sabotage the ceasefire, Israel continues to violate it while pressuring Jordan and Egypt to enable Gaza’s ethnic cleansing. We must reject these war crimes funded by our tax dollars. On February 15, join the international day of action to stand against Trump’s plan and demand Jordan and Egypt refuse to comply. Visit to sign up for updates. (link in bio) 02/12/2025

Max Blumenthal: Of course Joseph Pelzman, the professor who furnished the Trump admin with blueprints for Gaza’s ethnic cleansing plan, teaches at George Washington U’s Elliot School, an imperial training mill, and will face no professional consequences for his zealous participation in genocide 02/12/2025

The man with the plan: DC prof sent Trump study on Gaza relocation, development in July 02/07/2025 GWU economics professor Joseph Pelzman wrote detailed proposal for Trump’s team; says ‘you have to destroy the whole place, restart from scratch’

(Video) Dan Cohen: Eitan Mor's father Tzvika has done everything possible to prevent a ceasefire in order to see Gaza obliterated. He explicitly said he would "sacrifice" his son so Israel could "erase neighborhood after neighborhood" in Gaza. Give this man the Zionist Father of the Year award. 02/12/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Disgusting. They are not working on an alternative to Trump's delusional "plan"? The whole world is looking to the Arab countries to provide a plan that protects the right of Palestinians to live in their land, free of Israeli oppression. They better come up with one. 02/13/2025 Trita Parsi: The UAE was the first country to sign the Abraham Accords and betray the Palestinians. They claimed it was to prevent annexation. And now it is also the first Arab country to open the door for ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Will it pretend that this too is to prevent annexation?

(Video) Khalissee: This video is 13 years old. Listen to the Israeli child: "I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy," 02/13/2025 Teaching children to hate

(Video) If politicians or the media allowed honest questions this is what might happen. 02/14/2025 Medea Benjamin: In today’s press briefing, Medea has some questions for Trump: ➡️ Why is he pushing Europe to keep militarizing if he wants peace? ➡️ Hasn’t Ukraine suffered enough? Why take their minerals? ➡️ If you want peace, why not stop arming Israel? It looks like Trump only wants to “end wars” when it’s convenient.

(Video) Zei_squirrel: here is Cenk Uygur on Piers Morgan today saying "Egypt united all the Arab countries to attack Israel twice." This never happened. Israel invaded and occupied Egypt twice. Either he is ignorant of basic history, or he is intentionally lying and spreading Zionist propaganda 02/14/2025

Miko Peled: What do they say “Yes” to? Liberation of the Ghazza concentration camp? Unconditional release of all Palestinian prisoners? Unrestricted freedom of movement for all Palestinians, access to the resources they need? Return to their lands? Or is this just liberal Zionist hot air? 02/13/2025 Jacob N. Kornbluh: Full-page ad in the NYTimes signed by Tony Kushner, Ilana Glazer, Ben & Jerry’s, Peter Beinart and 350 liberal and progressive rabbis against Trump’s Gaza plan., “Jewish people say NO to ethnic cleansing!”

(Video) Khalissee: Professor Norman Finkelstein is calling for collective action against the "Zionist billionaire class" that has destroyed free speech. 02/14/2025

(Video) Abby Martin: "We truly believe the Palestinian people's oppression is our oppression. Until they are not oppressed, we ourselves are oppressed. The moment your humanity is destroyed, I become less human." South Africa govt's @Chrispin_JPhiri on why they led the genocide case against Israel 02/14/2025

(Video) ADAM: There is no one more entitled than a ziønist. Douglas J. Davis falsely accused an Uber driver of anti-semitism because they couldn’t all fit in the car... 02/14/2025

Khalissee: Israel shot a 2-year-old baby in the head, killing her as she sat at the dining table with her family in her home. A 2-year-old baby. 02/14/2025

Palestinian Family Was Eating Dinner When the IDF Sprayed Bullets at Their House, Killing Two-year-old 01/27/2025 The toddler's grandfather says there had been no IDF warning before she was killed in the West Bank operation. 'I asked the soldiers – why did you kill her? She is just a little baby. The soldier told me, sorry. She was shot in the head.'

(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️BREAKING: “They put viruses in our food to infect us with diseases.” A harrowing testimony from a Palestinian hostage released today, describing how diseases were transmitted through food, with some even subjected to amputation of their legs under torture. “They put viruses in our food to infect us with diseases. For 6 months we were infected with disease and multiple forms of infection. The israeli forces saw us crawling on the floor whenever they called on us because we had no energy to walk or move due to the lack of food and medical attention and when we asked them for help they said “later later go away”. The worst prison was Ofer prison, it’s the tomb of palestinian detainees.” 02/15/2025

(Video) Aaron Maté: On Israel’s behalf, our political-media culture has normalized apartheid, mass murder, and torture, and the next goal is a new round of ethnic cleansing: 02/15/2025 Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده: This picture should haunt the world for eternity. Prisoner Nael Hussein, after his release from Israeli prisons today, where he endured brutal torture like thousands of other Palestinian hostages. The world won’t be outraged for him-he isn’t white.

Zei_squirrel: Zionist Ashley St. Clair spent the last years constantly defending Elon Musk as she touted the huge amount of money she was getting through Twitter, which was a scam as Elon only sent this money to his favorite neo-con ZIonist accounts as promo. Turns out the entire time she was having a relationship with Elon and had his baby 5 months ago, so that money served a double purpose 02/15/2025

Conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair claims she had Elon Musk’s 13th child five months ago 02/14/2025

(Video) Khalissee: JUST IN: Israeli POW Alexander Turbanov with an important message from Gaza: “…The government & Netanyahu are looking for us to kill us and return us as corpses. It is a cheap and preferred price for them.” 02/14/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: But according to Blue Maga, these protests aren't happening 🤔. 02/15/2025 BreakThrough News: HAPPENING NOW: Los Angeles protestors take to the streets against Trump’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

(Video) Khalissee: He was released from Israeli prison today...only to find out his entire family had been killed by Israel during the Genocide. I can't even begin to imagine his pain. 02/15/2025

(Video) Khalissee: An Israeli sniper EXECUTES an innocent civilian for FUN! “HEADSHOT! What a LEGENDARY VIDEO!” Israel said it didn’t intentionally target civilians....Israel lied.....AGAIN 02/16/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Israel is one of the most racist country in the world 02/16/2025

(Video) Lisa Pease: The reason Trump is pressing for the hostages to be returned is so Israel can bomb Gaza again without risking killing their own hostages. Trump, Biden and Netanyahu are horrific abominations on this planet. 02/16/2025 Ryan Rozbiani: This is a dark day to be an American. The Trump Administration has released a shipment of 1800 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, which have arrived in Israel. We should not arm countries that kill civilians

(Video) Andrey X: This is Taybeh, within internationally recognised Israeli borders. Everyone in this video has an Israeli passport. Please tell me how Palestinians with Israeli IDs are in the same position as Israeli Jews. 02/16/2025 Quds News Network: Watch | Israeli occupation forces fire stun grenades at Palestinians during their raid on a wedding in the city of Taibe in occupied Palestine.

(Video) Khalissee: This is Horrific - A West Bank attack on children. Israeli Forces have shot a number of school children in the old city of Nablus. At least 13 have been injured so far, the majority with live ammunition, and many of them kids 02/16/2025

(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Lmao don’t forget to boycott Marvel. #sabra 02/15/2025

(Video) Lisa Pease: Again, the parallels between Hitler's Nazis and the Zionists are uncanny. Hitler had Jews tortured and experimented upon in horrific ways. So long as we allow ANY population on earth to be made the "other" and demonized, these horrific things will happen. RESIST RACISM. OPPOSE FASCISM/ZIONISM. 02/16/2025 Reply to one or more Tweets that have been censored or deleted.

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: 333 of the 369 Palestinians, kidnapped from Gaza, released by the israelis today have been held WITHOUT charge —some for longer than 16 months 02/15/2025

(Video) This article probably provides more detail than most. 02/16/2025 Max Blumenthal: Most mainstream news accounts of the shooting have omitted that the Zionist fanatic Brafman shot two Jewish Israeli tourists instead of Palestinians – and the Israelis proceeded to falsely claim they were shot by an antisemite

Why were 2 people shot in Miami Beach? The suspect said he ‘saw 2 Palestinians,’ cops say 02/16/2025 updated 02/26/2025

(Video) Miko Peled: Israel is on a mission to destroy Palestinians as a nation and it’s doing so with very little interruption by the int’l community. To end the genocide we must dismantle the Zionist apartheid regime. 02/16/2025 Going Underground: 'I don't think Israel's objective is to defeat the Palestinian resistance. I think Israel's objective is to kill as many Palestinians as's extermination. It's genocide.' - @mikopeled on Israel's genocidal war on Gaza

Will the Gaza Genocide be the Beginning of The End of Israel & Zionism? (Miko Peled) 06/02/2024

(Video) Max Blumenthal: There it is, kids. Your TikTok content was put in the crosshairs because it offended a genocidal foreign apartheid state that buys off members of Congress. 02/16/2025 HOT SPOT: 🇺🇸🇮🇱📱 U.S. Senator Mark Warner admitted at the Munich Security Conference that Israel played a role in pushing the TikTok ban through Congress: “The bill was dead until October 7th. After people saw anti-Semitic content on TikTok, it gained momentum”

(Video) Khalissee: Even back in 1978, Netanyahu wanted to move Palestinians to Jordan 02/17/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Israel is the only state in the world that tries children in military courts 02/17/2025 מסתכלים לכיבוש בעיניים: How did the arrest of a Palestinian child come about? Easily! Violent settlers lie, and the occupation forces arrest. The local settler,who is known for his violent activities in the area, sends a minor settler to herd a flock in a strewn Palestinian field and makes up a story that he was attacked by a Palestinian child. The forces that are sent to the area (a policeman and four border guards soldiers) accept the lie without evidence and arrest the Palestinian child. The settlers, the adult and the minor, are allowed to stay with the flock in the strewn Palestinian field while the other settlers watch from the sidelines with satisfaction. Ras al-Ain. An occupation routine. This time the victim is a child.

(Video) Khalissee: Israeli forces hunt down PaIestinians with drones, just for fun and sport. A young girl is shot whilst trying to run for her life. If this was an Israeli girl, you'd see wall to wall media coverage. 02/17/2025

(Video) Lisa Pease: Arrested? No. The word is abducted. 02/17/2025 Reply to deleted or censored account of Pelham Resist_05

Sabby Sabs: Jerry Seinfeld said he doesn't care about Palestine, and he still gets paid gigs. But we saw professors lose their jobs because they criticized Israel. Let that sink in. 02/17/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: The mission of the ADL is not to combat anti-Semitism, it's to generate it in order to create a siege mentality among Jews and confirm Zionist propaganda that they need a safe space. Nazi accounts like this one, which constantly conflate Judaism and Zionism, are far more prevalent since the Gaza genocide began, and Elon Musk partnered with the ADL to police content on X. I suspect the prevalence and algorithmic promotion of such accounts is not a totally organic phenomenon, but a psyop to give oxygen to anti-Semitism and Zionist propaganda. Too many otherwise intelligent people are taking the bait. 02/17/2025 𝕊𝔸𝕃𝕋𝕐 𝔾𝕀ℝ𝕃: Jews are now crying to Congress about "Memes".

Sabby Sabs: WELP! There you have it folks. 02/17/2025 The General: BREAKING: Wikileaks exposes the mother of Elon Musk's new child, Ashley St. Clair, as being managed by PR strategist Brian Glicklich, who previously received $598k from an Israeli security firm.

(Video) Khalissee: “If Israel doesn’t want to be pointed out as a settler colonial state, it should not behave as a settler colonial state in 2025” The brilliant and courageous @FranceskAlbs Francesca Albanese at the Munich Peace Conference 02/17/2025

(Video) Rania How do you know that a Zionist is lying? They are moving their lips! And Emily Schrader is the ultimate liar! 02/17/2025

(Video) How can Einav Avizemer עינב אביזמר @EinavAvizemer possibly think, & her other videos, this makes Zionists look good. What kind of nut case supports a spoiled rich psychopath ridiculing victims of Zionist terror? 02/18/2025 Her garbage is incredibly easy to recognize, but if anyone needs help check this out. // Reply to deleted or censored account of Pelham Resist_05

Israeli Propaganda Regarding the Palestinian Narrative During the Gaza War 12/25/2023 Avizemer frequently shares satirical videos on her social media accounts. Controversially, she argues that the situation in Gaza is not as awful as depicted, suggesting that Israel's actions towards Palestinians are acts of favor. Moreover, she consistently accuses Palestinians of fabricating casualties and injuries during the Israeli war on Gaza. ..... However, these claims were debunked earlier by Misbar. Moreover, several Israeli-affiliated accounts, along with supporters of Israel, employ the term "Pallywood." This term, aligned with the Israeli narrative, implies a portrayal akin to Hollywood-style acting. They use this term to circulate images and videos of Gaza's victims of Israeli aggression, accusing them of fabricating their injuries.

Abby Martin: Germany is hellbent on shredding free speech to protect genocide, sending police to stop UN Special Rapporteur @FranceskAlbs from speaking after banning her events. Again they punish Palestinians for their own heinous crimes 02/18/2025 Yanis Varoufakis: UPDATE: It's happening now. German police entered the new venue to intimidate our people who remain intent to meeting with Francesca Albanese and Amnesty International. The police miss no chance to prove that totalitarianism is back in Germany even before the AfD has won gvt

(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️This is IMPORTANT The Bibas family's fate has been known since November 2023, yet Israel is still using their deaths for political manipulation. Israel killed Kfir, his mother, and his brother, then refused to take back their bodies when Al-Qassam offered them, TWICE. Netanyahu rejected the return of their remains in both November and December. Now, Israelis are resurfacing the Bibas family's story, manufacturing a new wave of outrage despite knowing the truth all along. Meanwhile, 602 Palestinian detainees, including women, minors, and those abducted after October 7, will be released this Saturday. Yet the same people fixating on the Bibas children remain silent about the 16,000+ Palestinian children killed by Israel. No one is justifying what happened to the Bibas family, but where is that same outrage for Palestinian children? 02/18/2025

(Video) GenXGirl: Zionists are proud of PEDO Jerry Seinfeld saying he doesn’t care about Palestine🥴 👇🏼a 38yr old Jerry Seinfeld w/his 17yr old girlfriend. When that didn’t work out (probably fear of arrest), he married his current wife who donated to pro-Israel thugs who attacked UCLA students 02/16/2025

(Video) ADAM: Whistleblower reveals that the BBC has DIRECT instructions to safeguard Israel’s image. Another “conspiracy” vindicated. 02/18/2025

(Video) Khalissee: This is Bella Hadids Dad. He lived in Palestine as a child when his family took in Jewish refugees from Europe. Their guests took over their home and booted them from their land. His family was forced into a refugee camp. This is the story of Palestine 02/17/2025

(Video) Khalissee: REMEMBER: ISRAEL KILLED THE BIBAS FAMILY Here is the Plea from November 2023, with Yarden Bibas, whose wife, Sherry, and two children, Kfir and Ariel, were killed by Israeli bombing Bibas: “Netanyahu bombed and killed my wife and my two children, who were the most important thing in my life... Please return their bodies for burial in “Israel.” Hamas: “The resistance offered to hand over the three bodies, but the occupation government refused to receive them and is still maneuvering and bargaining.” 02/18/2025

(Video) Khalissee: US Senator Lindsey Graham, speaking from Tel Aviv, says the Palestinians must be dealt with the same way the Germans and the Japanese were after World War II, and that the US is "not spending a dime," on helping Palestinians because the US "didn't start this war." "They've been taught from the time they're born to the time they die, to kill all the Jews." 02/19/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Jenin Refugee Camp is designated a “kill zone”. 20,000 inhabitants were forced to leave. This is ethnic cleansing. This is the West Bank. 02/19/2025

(Video) Khalissee: lsraeI “detained” 800,000 Palestinians, 20% of the population. “The aim is to crush their spirit.” The media calls lsraelis taken by Palestinians 'hostages' and Palestinians taken by Israel 'prisoners'. 02/19/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Liar. It was the Orthodox Jewish people protesting FOR Palestine who were attacked by Israeli flag waving Zionists. 02/18/2025 Breaking911: 🚨 BREAKING- PALESTINIANS ATTACKING JEWS IN NYC: Despite a ceasefire, Palestinians are currently violently protesting and attacking Jews in the heart of the Orthodox Jewish community in Boro Park, Brooklyn, NY. Video via @BPScoop

(Video) GenXGirl: WRONG! It is BETAR attacking non-Zionist Jews. 02/18/2025 BETAR @Betar_USA are the perpetrators inciting violence against protestors. They’ve have been posting about it since last night and they can been seen in the video footage. The protestors against the illegal sale of Palestinian land are mostly Non-Zionist Jews. Watch👇🏼

(Video) Suppressed News: This is false, here’s the truth: 02/18/2025 ⚡️BREAKING: The Zionist organization Betar USA, which has been threatening pro-Palestine activists for months, has now begun physically attacking pro-Palestine protesters, including Jewish demonstrators, at Israel’s “Real Estate Event” in Borough Park, Brooklyn. This event is organized to sell stolen land in the West Bank, Palestine which is why people went to protest. The first video shows one angle of the attack, while the second video—posted by Betar with the caption “Palestinian dog”—captures the same attack from a different perspective. Earlier today Betar also made a post urging people to go to the location with dogs and mask and “be prepared”.

(Video) Rania: No wonder that the US sees nothing wrong with all the crimes Israel is committing and has been committing for over 76 years! 02/18/2025

(Video) Aaron Maté: Montreal police are charging writer @EnglerYves with harassment and indecent communication. His alleged offense? Calling a pro-Israel media personality a “genocide” supporter and “fascist” on X. Why is talking about Palestine exempt from free speech? 02/18/2025 Yves Engler: Please take a minute to email the police to drop charges against author Yves Engler. He’s being charged for social media posts opposing Israel's apartheid and genocide. // Author of Stand on Guard for Whom?: A People's History of the Canadian Military

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: Sick, genocidal, pro-rape, child-killing, unrepentant, ethno-supremacist, lawless society. That's America's closest ally. Two peas in a pod. Red or blue, no matter which corporate party you vote for, you're voting for this. 02/19/2025 Sarah: Israel killed 7-year-old Yasmina in Lebanon. There were no headlines. No global outrage. No condemnation. When Israel kills Lebanese and Palestinian children en masse, the world looks away—again and again.

(Video) Rania: Before the diarrhea of hasbara onslaught begins, remember that 1srael s1aughtered not just Pa1estinian babies, but 1sraeli babies too. 02/18/2025

(Video) ADAM: John Mearsheimer says lsrael and the U.S. should PAY to rebuild Gaza: “Why should neighbouring states pay for what lsraeI and the U.S. did in Gaza? The lsraeIis and the Americans destroyed Gaza, not the Egyptians or the Jordanians” Do you agree? 02/18/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Healthcare workers demand Congress restore UNRWA funding, protect hospitals in Gaza, and stop U.S. complicity in genocide. "Not in our name!" 02/19/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Today in Congress, doctors from @docstopgenocide visited members to demand protection of healthcare in Palestine and around the world. With US weapons, Israel systematically attacks healthcare workers & facilities in Palestine. Congress must stop enabling these war crimes! 02/19/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: When the Bibas family is returned to Israel in a matter of hours, the Western press will paper over the fact they were killed by apartheid Israel’s Hannibal Directive, a massive scandal no mainstream US outlet has covered, and which is now being exploited to derail the ceasefire 02/20/2025 Here is Yarden Bibas declaring from captivity that the Israeli military killed his family with its twisted Hannibal Directive. Dozens of Israeli captives have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli military while Netanyahu & Biden sabotaged deal after deal.

Bibas family tells Netanyahu to ‘shut up,’ as he details the murders of Shiri, Ariel and Kfir 02/25/2025 Publishing unapproved information is ‘abuse for its own sake,’ says Ofri Bibas, hours after Netanyahu publicly gives graphic details for 2nd time this week despite family’s request

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Flood the Israeli Embassy with letters demanding the release of Dr. Abu Safiya and hundreds of Palestinian healthcare workers who are being detained, tortured, and denied medical care. Take action now: 02/20/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Never thought I’d hear a McCain calling for the Israeli military to be blasted to hell 02/1/2025 Meghan McCain: Blast the people who killed this baby to hell. To hell.

(Video) Andrey X: Israeli soldiers immediately pointed weapons at us when we approached the camp, despite us wearing press vests. The camp has been cleared, now the IOF is destroying it 02/20/2025

Briahna Joy Gray: Israelis *rape* Palestinian hostages, they have protests *defending their right* to rape Palestinians, & the western media still expects us to see Palestinians as the villains here. Insanity. 02/19/2025 Assal Rad: Tearing someone’s rectum with an object is called RAPE. When the perpetrators are Israeli and the victim is Palestinian, suddenly NYT forgets the language of sexual violence and assault.

Aaron Maté: Note how @EliLake doesn't respond to what I'm actually saying. What I actually said is that there is no evidence that Hamas "executed a mother and her two children in cold blood." You can deflect all you want, but there is indeed no evidence for that. If Eli has it, he should present it. Meanwhile, Hamas claims that a different militia kidnapped these civilians and that they were killed in an Israeli strike. That doesn't make it true, but Israel does have a track record of killing people -- including Israeli captives and thousands of Palestinian children -- in air strikes. So it's quite plausible. Hamas launched Oct. 7 and control Gaza, so yes they bear responsibility. But if we're assigning responsibility, the ultimate responsibility for every atrocity in Israel-Palestine lies with the gov't that has carried out one of the longest running military occupations in the world and denies Palestinians their right to self-determination. Only people carrying the anti-Palestinian mind virus, who believe in the supremacy of Israeli Jews over the well-being of everyone, can't see that. 02/19/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: My report from over a year ago demonstrated, citing top Israeli sources, how Israel was intentionally killing its own citizens held captive in Gaza. Ask yourself why none of the mainstream pundits shedding tears for the Bibas family today bothered to report on this back then. 02/20/2025 01/15/2024 Uncaptured News: Israel is intentionally killing the captives in Gaza. As Israeli airstrikes kill more and more captives, top experts say Israel has implemented the Hannibal Directive on the whole of the Gaza Strip.

(Video) Uncaptured News with Dan Cohen: Israel is intentionally killing the captives in Gaza 01/15/2024 While Israeli officials promise to bring the captives in Gaza back alive, prominent Israeli experts say the military is implementing the Hannibal Directive to kill them.

(Video) Khalissee: ISRAEL KILLED THE BIBAS FAMILY IN NOVEMBER 2023 Listen to the Father: “Netanyahu bombed and killed my wife and my two children, who were the most important thing in my life... Please return their bodies for burial in “Israel.” 02/20/2025

(Video) Holly Blomberg: Rosen & her colleagues are solving their current impasse by (checks notes) trying to codify the IHRA definition of antisemitism & make it illegal to criticize Zionism or the government of Israel 🚮 02/20/2025

B L A K E L E Y: You should never stop pointing out the grotesque double standards of these ppl and what would happen if a bunch of ppl started proudly tweeting “we don’t care about Jews.” This is racist, genocide cheerleading. Call it out. 02/19/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Senator @SenAngusKing insists there’s no genocide in Gaza. Really? Doctors Against Genocide was in Congress to teach our officials the truth: a genocide is being carried out by Israel, with our $$$. Massacred children, bombed hospitals, starvation as a weapon, every element of the Genocide Convention is met. The U.S. signed that convention. It has a duty to stop genocide, not fund it. 02/20/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: In Gaza, doctors are imprisoned, medical supplies are blocked, and hospitals are barely functioning, struggling to save lives amid unbearable conditions. In Congress, those who expose this genocide are silenced, while those committing it receive standing ovations. 02/20/2025

(Video) Khalissee: The bus bombing in Bat Yam Tel Aviv was done by Jewish Israelis. 3 Israelis have been arrested, and there's now a reporting ban to stop the truth coming out. The attack was weaponized by Netanyahu and his Defence Minister to escalate attacks on the West Bank last night 👇🏼 02/21/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: “Sick sick people!!” 02/2/2025 Hillel Fuld: Watch the terrorist who planted one of the bombs on an Israeli bus last night. This is him. Watch how he looks at the camera then leaves the bag with the bomb in on a seat, then walks out. Sick sick people!!

Max Blumenthal: 2 Jewish Israelis planted bombs reading “Revenge From Tulkarm” on empty buses, triggering a major army escalation in the occupied West Bank. The incident is now under a gag. This renews my questions about the strange 7/27/24 Majdal Shams bombing used as justification to bombard Lebanon, and highlights the Israeli state’s cynicism, mendacity, and political corrosion. 02/21/2025 Shamir says terrorism was 'acceptable' for jews, not arabs Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir recalling his days as a guerrilla comander

Shin Bet Arrests Two Israelis Suspected of Involvement in Tel Aviv Suburbs Bus Bombs 02/21/2025 The two suspects were detained following the Shin Bet's initial investigation into the incident which occurred on Thursday night in Bat Yam and Holon

'No Such Thing as Jewish Terror' and More From the Poster Boy of Israel’s Far Right 01/06/2016 Lawmaker Bezalel Smotrich wants Israel to annex the West Bank, calls gays ‘abnormal’ and thinks the burning to death of a Palestinian family was not a terror attack because it was done by Jews.

Document: Shamir on Terrorism (1943) (May/June 1988)

YITZHAK SHAMIR — TERRORISM IS ACCEPTABLE WHEN UBERMENSCHEN ARE DOING IT 01/14/2025 YITZHAK SHAMIR, Israeli Prime Minister, said in San Francisco Chronicle on September 6, 1991: ”SHAMIR SAYS TERRORISM WAS ACCEPTABLE FOR JEWS, NOT ARABS Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, recalling his days as a guerrilla commander, said yesterday that Jews were justified in using terrorism to win statehood but that Palestinians are not. -”Personal terrorism is a way of fighting that is acceptable under certain conditions and by certain movements” — said Shamir.

Shin Bet arrests three suspects in bus bombings, including Israeli Jews 02/21/2025 Four explosive devices, each weighing about five kilograms and equipped with a timer, were placed on at transportation depots in the Tel Aviv area

Briahna Joy Gray: Between this, the Ashkenazi Jew who shot the two Sephardics thinking they were Palestinian, the hostages shot by the IDF despite waving a white flag in December 2023, all the Israelis killed by the IDF on 10/7, and the Israeli who attacked a Jewish woman bc he thought she was Christian, Israeli racism is about to become the leading threat to Jewish life. 02/21/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Free speech? Not at CPAC! Tighe and I were peacefully engaging in conversations at the Conservative Political Action Conference when we were harassed and ultimately kicked out, despite having legitimate credentials. The hypocrisy is staggering. If conservatives claim to value free speech, why silence those calling for peace? 02/21/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem and Palestine talks, as a UN keynote speaker, about Israeli persecution of Christians ✝️ If you're Christian and support Israel, you need to wake up! 02/21/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: The reason Ariel, Kfir and Shiri Bibas are dead is because Zionist ideology teaches that child sacrifice is righteous to conquer the land, just like the Baal worshippers of biblical times did. Zionism is modern day idol worship. 02/21/2025

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: THIS GENOCIDE WAS NOT OVERLOOKED…. It was justified and enabled. MAIN STREAM MEDIA have maintained a line sticking to the Israeli military narrative. They are exposed now. They have lost their humanity and dignity. THE ONLY THING THEY HAVE LEFT NOW IS SHAME‼️ @FranceskAlbs Francesca Albanese 02/21/2025

(Video) Kerry Burgess: Absolutely true. Israel is no longer even trying to hide the fact that they are committing genocide. The leaflets that dropped on Gaza today with the photo of Netanyahu and the fucking President of the United States, telling the Palestinians that they are about to be ethnically cleansed will go down in infamy. 02/20/2025

(Video) Khalissee: BREAKING: Israeli Shin Bet arrest an Israeli Jew for transporting the perpetrator of yesterday’s Bat Yam bus bombing in Tel Aviv. Two more Israelis were also arrested. It's becoming evident that this was a false flag - Was it orchestrated to escalate attacks on the West Bank? H/T: Hebrew CH12/Tamerqdh 02/21/2025

Dan Cohen: The same Israeli army that claims Hamas strangled the Bibas children also killed 3 Israeli captives in a tunnel in November 2023 and told the families that Hamas murdered them. It was only exposed in January 2024 when one of the mothers had an autopsy done. Zionists sacrifice their own children and lie about it to commit genocide and steal land. 02/21/2025 01/17/2024 The Israeli military killed captive soldier Ron Sherman with poison gas, according to his mother. Maayan Sherman, mother of Ron Sherman, a captive Israeli soldier whose body was recovered from a tunnel in Jabalia refugee camp by Israeli forces in December, writes on Facebook that her son was killed by Israeli military poison gas, not by Hamas, as was originally claimed. .......

(Video) Andrey X: The most forgotten target of Israeli terror in the West Bank — Al-Fara’a Refugee Camp 02/22/2025

(Video) Khalissee: WHAT?! AN ISRAELI CAPTIVE KISSES THE FOREHEAD OF HAMAS FIGHTERS. This single video destroys billions of dollars worth of Hasbara, and you'll never see this in Mainstream Media. Hamas show compassion against their worst enemy. They have what no Zionists will ever have - HUMANITY 02/22/2025

Max Blumenthal: Help Ali hold Switzerland accountable for arresting and jailing him for days for simply planning to speak to a local Palestine solidarity group in Zurich. This action may also lead to the discovery of more revealing documents. 02/21/2025 Ali Abunimah: 🚨Update on my imprisonment in🇨🇭: My lawyers obtained documents proving Swiss authorities knew they had no justification to arrest me, but did it anyway. I'm taking aggressive legal action to fight back and protect free speech. Here's how you can help:

(Video) Khalissee: Miko Peled: “There’s no opinion here, the law is clear, the evidence is clear; this is a GENØCIDE” 02/22/2025

(Video) Zei_squirrel: Hamas is so unbelievably evil and Satanic that they killed two children with their bare hands, but also decided to leave their father alive alongside other Israelis, including soldiers, who were and are set to be exchanged. They fabricated this deranged hoax that doesn't even make any sense within its own internal pseudo-logic solely to cover up the fact they themselves intentionally killed them in a Hannibal Directive, exactly as the sister of a prisoner said they do systematically: 02/22/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: The reason Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas are dead is because the Netanyahu government and its supporters lied to the Israeli public and insisted "military pressure" would force Hamas to release them, pumping out genocidal propaganda like this. Read my investigation into how Israel sacrificed its own people in its failed attempt to conquer Gaza. 02/22/2025

Uncaptured Media with Dan Cohen: Netanyahu and Kahanist allies wage psy-war to sacrifice captives for conquest of Gaza 01/10/2024 Uncaptured Media obtains an exclusive recording exposing Netanyahu and his Kahanist collaborators’ plot to sacrifice hostages and demoralize their families' efforts to pressure for an exchange deal

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: DOES ISRAEL WANT TO KILL INNOCENT CIVILIANS, INCLUDING THEIR OWN‼️ 1 million percent they do and have done so and will do it again and again. @AnaKasparian smashing it out of the park‼️ 02/22/2025

Khalissee: Israel killed Amal in South Lebanon. She was only 6 years old. Her murder didn’t make any headlines. No global outrage. No condemnation. 02/21/2025

Briahna Joy Gray: Maybe if she had been redheaded the west would see her life as having value. 02/22/2025 Sarah: Israel killed Tala and her entire family in Beirut, Lebanon. There were no headlines. No global outcry. Not a word from the “international community”. When Israel drops bombs on Lebanese and Palestinian children in their homes, the world looks away—every time.

(Video) I welcome any efforts to report these atrocities, but Joy Reid only does it when authorized, and she's still an oligarchy hack. I won't miss her. 02/23/2025 Fifty Shades of Whey: MSNBC has cancelled Joy Reid's show. Here she is prior to the election talking about Israel's atrocities. The corporate media machine always punishes anyone who speaks out.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: I wish I could force every Israeli, every member of congress, every President around the world--especially Donald Trump--to watch this film that the BBC just banned. It's beyond devastating. Watch it. Share it. Stop this goddamn Israeli genocide. Free Palestine. 02/22/2025 Reply to one or more Tweets that have been deleted or censored

(Video) Rania: The Germans have not learnt a thing. They've simply shifted their contempt from their victim to the victim of their victim! 02/23/2025 Gabor Mate

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: WHY HAVE WE NOT SEEN MANY INTERVIEWS OF ISRAELI HOSTAGES THAT HAVE BEEN FREED? Because the Zionist propaganda machine would be exposed. LIES LIES LIES 02/23/2025

Dan Cohen: The Bibas family doesn’t want any Israeli government official to attend the funeral for Shiri, Ariel and Kfir. This is likely because the family knows the government abandoned them in Gaza and is responsible for their deaths. 02/22/2025

At Bibas family’s request, no government minister to attend funeral for Shiri, Ariel and Kfir — report 02/22/2025

Miko Peled: “Limiting the genocide to the Gaza concentration camp is misguided and disingenuous. The Palestinian people have been subjected to genocide, ethic cleaning and apartheid for close to one hundred years.” 02/22/2025

Interview with Miko Peled, Director of Palestine House of Freedom 02/21/2025

(Video) Rania: My heart is broken into a million pieces! These are just some of the children murdered by 🇮🇱 and the 🇺🇸! 02/23/2025

Medea Benjamin: Where is the outrage over Israel's refusal to release the Palestinian prisoners today, as agreed in the ceasefire??? 02/22/2025

Updates: Hamas shuts down Gaza talks until 620 Palestinians freed by Israel 02/23/2025

(Video) We're tired of subsidizing the companies run by billionaires so they can become billionaires; & it's past time for them to give the money they stole back. Furthermore, billionaires shouldn't be allowed to "coup who we want" & he belongs in jail, not the White House! 02/23/2025 Reply to one or more Tweet that has been deleted or censored, including one by Lisa Pease Remember when he admitted supporting the coup? I can't find this Tweet, but it was widely documented so it won't be forgotten even if he deleted it. James Parker: Elon Musk: "We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it." Bolivia just stopped him from mining in their country. I'd say they dealt with it pretty well.

(Video) This is true, but to the best of my knowledge it's from 2009, & they claim they put an end to it, although that's not a guarantee. China is another leader in organ harvesting, but reliable sources are hard to come by. 02/23/2025 ADAM: 17 Rabbis arrested for running a crime ring harvesting organs from living people to sell. One Rabbi sold kidneys for over a decade. Palestinians suffer the same fate. This was admitted by the state. Not a conspiracy theory.

Politicians and rabbis arrested in corruption probe 07/24/2009 Dozens of politicians and rabbis have been arrested by US law enforcement agents in an anti-corruption probe in New Jersey. Allegations include money laundering, extortion and trafficking in human body parts.

(Video) Melanie Schweizer | MERA25 🇩🇪: This is Israel. A country build upon land theft. Stealing, stealing, stealing. 02/23/2025 "If I didn't steal it someone else is going to steal it."

Morgan Escherly - #GeneralSTrike2025 ☂☮️🕉☯️🇵🇸🐼: You are a terrorist if you sign artillery shells with intent to kill innocent people! 02/21/2025 AIPAC Tracker: If you want to know why #NakbaNikki says “Finish Them” when it comes to Hamas, this is why:

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Yeah, but Bernie will still tell them to vote for corporate Democrats who take billionaire money. How do you have a Fight The Oligarchy Tour when you're endorsing candidates taking billionaire money and even bragging about it? https:// 02/2/2025 Reply to one or more Tweet censored or deleted, including one by @ZaidJilani Zaid Jilani

Dan Cohen: Sacrificed by Zionists to commit genocide against Palestinians and steal their land 02/22/2025 Aviva Klompas: Murdered for being Jewish

Dan Cohen: There is a huge network of troll accounts dedicated to attacking anyone who questions the obviously fake Israeli government narrative that Palestinians strangled the Bibas family. Israel is responsible for their deaths because it abandoned them. It most likely bombed them too. 02/23/2025 Tapewormmg: WRONG! Every shred of evidence show death by strangulation and abuse. Your narrative keeps crumbling.

Aaron Maté: By carrying out mass murder in Gaza, Israel and its apologists have shown us their contempt for human life. That extends to Israelis. Israel enacted the Hannibal Directive to murder Israelis rather than allow them to be taken captive on Oct 7. And it has bombed Israeli captives in Gaza since. To build support for mass murder in Gaza, Israel apologists also exploit Israeli victims and torment their families. They spread graphic, lurid claims about Israeli victims without evidence, as the case of the Bibas family shows. ........ 02/22/2025 Muhammad Shehada: 🚨The Bibas family says Israel NEVER officially informed them of any of the graphic allegations about the Bibas kids being beaten, suffocated or mutilated. So Israel’s gov is saying one thing to the world in English & another to the family in Hebrew!

(Video) Zei_squirrel: A reporter asks Chomsky if he believes Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. He responds: No, the actual terrorists are the US and Israel, and the only reason Hezbollah is labelled as such by the Western media and political class is because they dare resist their genocidal mania 02/23/2025

Israel's Ethnic Weapon? 11/16/1998 Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Times. The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus. The "ethno-bomb" is […]

Israel's secret, illegal biological war against Arabs 10/25/2022 Kit Klarenberg For decades the use of banned biological weapons during the Nakba was kept hidden in Israel’s archives. Recent discoveries have shed light not only on this Zionist war crime, but also the sinister motive behind it

Israelis nominate radical settler leader Daniella Weiss for Nobel Peace Prize 03/10/2025 Daniella Weiss, a leading advocate for the illegal Israeli annexation and settlement of Palestinian territories, has been nominated by Israelis for the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize. Two professors from Israel’s Ariel University and Ben-Gurion University submitted Weiss' candidacy for the award for her "decades-long efforts in strengthening Jewish communities and promoting regional stability". ....... Like many extremist Israeli leaders, her inciteful language against the Palestinians has led to violent settler attacks.

Israel in panic mode after US hostage envoy bombshell 03/11/2025 US officials are striking an emollient tone after comments by the Trump administration’s hostage envoy Adam Boehler sent Israel into panic, in which he described Hamas as “nice guys” and said his country “is not an agent of Israel”.

Aaron Maté: Montreal police have jailed author Yves Engler on harassment charges. His alleged offense? Calling an anti-Palestinian influencer a fascist and genocide supporter here on X. Meanwhile, here’s Toronto attorney Ross Molot of the firm LMS Lawyers posting on Facebook about me: “Someone should put him out of our misery.” I’m not calling for his prosecution; I believe in free speech. It just exemplifies how ridiculous Yves’ case is — he didn’t wish harm upon anyone — and how egregious our society’s double standards are when it comes to discussing the Gaza genocide. 02/2/2025

(Video) Andrey X: 2 million shekels in infrastructure damages in the tiny town of Tamun — result of an Israeli terror operation 02/24/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: At CPAC, I met this young conservative who supports Trump but is questioning U.S. foreign policy. He believes in standing with Palestinian women and children who are being slaughtered and opposes endless war funding, including the billions sent to Israel and Ukraine. He also calls out Republican war hawks like the Cheneys. While we don’t agree on everything, we shook hands on one thing: the need for peace! 02/2/2025

(Video) ADAM: 🚨 Senator Lindsey Graham calls for the U.S. military to help Israel strike Iran’s nuclear power plants, stating the Trump administration needs to make a decision soon. He favors bombing Iran over any form of negotiation. AIPAC Demon. 02/23/2025

(Video) Ncole ✡︎: How can they think this is something to brag about? Any sane person knows they can solve problems without permanent war! 02/24/2025 : We are WINNER, deal with it (Zionist bragging about winning wars and committing atrocities.)

(Video) Earth Hippy 🌎🕊️💚: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 war isn't murder if there's money at stake.. hell even Kushner agrees it's good real estate… so in a short 20 years when you vacation the strip.. try not to think about the dead.. 02/24/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: Today will be the beginning of the murder trial against the landlord who stabbed a woman and her 6-year-old son just for being Palestinian. Prosecutors say Joseph Czuba, 71, targeted the mother and son because of their Muslim faith. This should be much bigger news. 02/2/2025

Trial begins Monday for Chicago-area man charged in deadly stabbing of Muslim boy 02/24/2025

Miko Peled: The incoming Chief of Staff of the IDF, Gen Eyal Zamir, “one cannot absolve the civilian population which provides the infrastructure, support and encouragement to acts of violence.” Does it apply to all civilians living near military installations? 02/24/2025

Incoming Israeli Army Chief of Staff Makes Dangerous Statement About Civilian Culpability 02/18/2025 The incoming Chief of Staff of the Israeli army is General Eyal Zamir, who currently serves as the general Director of the Israeli Ministry of Defense. In a recent interview to Ynet, the online publication of the Hebrew daily, Yediot Aharonot, General Zamir said, in reference to civilian deaths in Gaza, that “from a moral perspective one cannot absolve the civilian population which provides the infrastructure, support and encouragement to acts of violence.”

(Video) Khalissee: 10 year old Saddam Rajab was on the phone to his mum while he walked down the street in the occupied West Bank when the IDF shot him. Israeli soldiers then obstructed the ambulance trying to take the boy to hospital. He died. 02/24/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Despite the Bibas family begging him not to use the family's tragedy, Netanyahu brandished their picture at the IDF officers graduation ceremony & lied about their deaths. Members of the public stood & turned their back to him–some yelling "why didn't you save them?!" 02/23/2025

(Video) ADAM: This is what 40,000 child slaves look like while working in the cobalt mines of Congo. Did you know everyone’s favourite genocidal colony is heavily involved and invested in this industry? 🇮🇱 Free Congo ✊🏻🇨🇩 02/24/2025

(Video) Apartheid Review: Here’s how Zionists really feel about Christians. Any Christian who supports Israel is a traitor and MORON. Israeli settlers spit on and harass a Christian in Jerusalem. # Pope Francis , Vondelpark , Patel #PoliticsLive Nigel Farage # 02/24/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Where is the international outcry? Israel is violating the ceasefire, refusing prisoner releases, killing civilians, and blocking aid, while Congress stays silent. We cannot stay with our arms folded. Bernie Sanders has introduced a Joint Resolution of Disapproval to stop arming Israel with weapons used in war crimes, stay tuned for next steps. 02/24/2025

(Video) Miko Peled: “On Oct 7, 2023 Palestinian fighters came out of tunnels with no resources and managed to show that the I$rael1 war machine as incompetent and shut down the apartheid state…” 02/25/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: Noa Argamani describes at the UN how Israeli airstrikes killed her fellow captive Yossi Sharabi and nearly killed her too. Israel lied and said Hamas killed Sharabi, just like it did to the Bibas family. This is the Hannibal Directive. 02/25/2025

(Video) Hamzah Saadah: 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israeli claims that Hamas beheaded 40 babies on October 7th and showed me “proof”. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 02/24/2025

(Video) Rania: Straight from the horse's mouth! 02/24/2025 Israeli admits he was lied to and that Israel is oppressing Palestinians.

(Video) B L A K E L E Y: I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Boomer Maher is really out here saying the problem with dual loyalty in our Congress is the SINGLE Palestinian representative in Congress representing Palestinian Americans in her district. @TrackAIPAC can’t make this shit up. 02/24/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Rep. Tim Burchett knows Israel violated the ceasefire by refusing to release 620 Palestinian prisoners as agreed—but instead of addressing the facts, he pivots to smears and wild accusations. It’s a classic playbook: •⁠ ⁠Dodge the question. •⁠ ⁠Attack the messenger. •⁠ ⁠Pretend Israel is never at fault. But no amount of deflection can change the truth: If Burchett really cared about ending war, he’d demand Israel uphold its end of the deal. We see right through it. Do you? 02/25/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Ex MI5 Agent Annie Machon says Israeli intelligence service Mossad bombed their own embassy in London in 1994. Two prominent Palestinians were framed to take the blame. Samar Alami and Jawad Botmeh received 20 year sentences for a crime they didn't commit 02/25/2025

(Video) Joy Reid got one thing right for a little while, which I welcome, of course; but she's still a Wall Street puppet, not someone making sacrifices for the people. 02/25/2025 Briahna Joy Gray: "Whether it's talking about any of these issues & yes --whether it's talking about Gaza, & the fact that we as the American people have a right to object -- to have a right to object to little babies being bombed. And where I come down on that is i'm not sorry. I am not sorry that I stood up for those things. Because those things are of God. And I'm a church gril too. And those are the things that I was taught are of God." I have my grievances, but big kudos for her for standing up on this issue.

(Video) Suppressed News: ⚡️JUST IN: Palestinian Civil Defense teams are evacuating a kindergarten after its children were held by the Israeli army during the ongoing aggression on Nablus, West Bank. They detained children. Read that again. 02/25/2025

Aaron Maté: Never forgive, never forget: 02/2/2025 Quds News Network: Three newborns died in Gaza due to extreme cold as Israel continues to ban entry of mobile homes and tents.

Three Newborns Die in Gaza From Cold as Israel Blocks Entry of Emergency Shelters 02/24/2025

(Video) Rathbone: Least genocidal Zionist 👇 02/25/2025

(Video) Democracy Now!: The U.S.-based rights group DAWN has urged the ICC to investigate Joe Biden, Antony Blinken and Lloyd Austin for “aiding and abetting” war crimes in Gaza. "These officials were aware … that Israel was committing these crimes, and yet they ensured that the political, diplomatic and military support continued," says war crimes prosecutor @ReedBrody. 02/25/2025

(Video) Democracy Now!: Biden, Blinken & Austin Accused of Complicity in Israeli War Crimes in Gaza; ICC Urged to Investigate 02/25/2025

(Video) We need to stop all war and mass murder of all children. Have you met with the families of any of the 17,000 children killed by Israel? Do they deserve respect, & should they have been opressed years or decades before Oct. 7? Did you meet with Bibi's family members (1/2) 02/25/2025 that claimed they were actually killed by Israel, not Hamas? How can we think you care about children when you opposed a ceasefire all along while those 17,000 children were being killed? Peace will only come when both sides are sincere, which doesn't include you now! (2/2) Noa Tishby: I met with Shiri Bibas’s sister Dana. She spoke about the tragic day that her family including her parents, her sister, and her nephews (Kfir and Ariel) were kidnapped and murdered. Dana held on to hope that she would see them again. Last week, she received the heartbreaking news that they were returning home from Gaza in coffins. May their memories be a blessing. 💔🕯️

(Video) HASBARA MOUTHPIECE @noatishby has a literal career of gaslighting and covering Israel’s crimes. In 2022, when Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was assassinated by Israeli snipers Noa made this video. Noa basically says: - Journalists die all the time- Everyone does it- Questioning us is anti-semitism. Shireen was killed targeted and killed intentionally. Israel denied responsibility. Then blamed Hamas. Then admitted it was them. Israeli forces also interrupted her funeral and beat people holding her casket. Noa is now doing the same manipulating tactic for Israels current warcrimes. 12/24/2023

(Video) Palestinian children are murdered in cold blood and you (Noa Tishby) find that not worth a mention. 11/24/2022

Josh Kadish: Noa Tishby is claiming that *actors wearing pins in support of a ceasefire* is “subconscious antisemitism; at its worst, deliberate attacks against Jews.” Combatting antisemitism is doomed as long as these people continue to make it into a mockery. 03/11/2024 Noa Tishby: Tonight’s Oscars was a subtle and overt display of Jew-hatred. Hollywood stars including Billie Eilish, Finneas, Mark Ruffalo, Ava DuVernay, Ramy Youssef and Quannah Chasinghorse wore red pins that represent the group Artists4Ceasefire. Ramy Youssef explained that the pin symbolized “justice for the people of Palestine,” adding, “it’s a universal message of just let’s stop killing kids.”

Oren Ziv: Following our publication on @972mag @noatishby deleted her video justifying the arrest of a 14 years old Palestinian youth. Tishby shared unpublished photos from the army investigation, Israeli Foreign Ministry didn't deny they had handed over the materials for Tishby to publish 04/27/2022

(Video) Miko Peled: Noa Tishby is a propagandist working for the government of Israel. She says that @bellahadid is lying and promoting anti-Semitism. But Bella Hadid did neither! She expresses her heartfelt support for a Palestinian child tortured and imprisoned by Israel. 04/29/2022 Noa Tishby: Hi @bellahadid, it’s me again. I am here to correct you. Again. I’m going to say to you again: Bella please stop lying and demonizing Israel. But I know you won’t, so I guess I’ll see you soon. Shabbat shalom everyone.

TonyMcAteer: Prison coming for u Noa. Don’t be under any illusion 👍. If u & others think u can get away with publicly cheerleading a genocide, your sense of entitlement is off the scale. Nuremberg war crime trials ahead. 02/21/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: U.S. Congressman Mike Ezell from Mississippi attacks Code Pink Por Palestine Activists. “I will do everything I can to make sure Israel gets weapons!” 02/25/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: We’re all for cutting Pentagon waste, fraud, and abuse, but let’s be real: every penny spent on war is a penny stolen from healthcare, education, climate action... Let’s be clear: The real fraud is a $1 trillion war machine draining our resources while communities struggle. You want to talk about “fixing the sign,” Congressman Aaron Bean? How about fixing your priorities? 02/25/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Congress is packed with AIPAC lobbyists, but when we ask them what more they could possibly want after Israel has already received billions in U.S. weapons and unwavering support for genocide, they stay silent. They know the world is watching. They know they have blood on their hands! 02/26/2025

Max Blumenthal: Why was I questioned by the Feds? As I approached the customs line at Dulles International Airport early on the morning of February 24, a man called out to me, “Mr. Blumenthal?” He identified himself as an officer with Customs and Border Protection, and led me into a cavernous secondary screening room, where he treated me to a strange and disconcerting questioning session. I had just returned from a leisurely trip to Nicaragua with my family during which I participated in no political activities. But the agent’s line of questioning suggested federal authorities had little interest in my visit to Nicaragua, a country that happens to be controlled by a socialist-oriented government on Washington’s hit list. .......... My experience at Dulles International Airport paled in comparison to what a growing number of journalists and activists have endured in NATO states under Zionist management. Nonetheless, it is important to document encounters like these, and to prepare for future interactions that might not be as “friendly.” 02/25/2025

(Video) Khalissee: You know what to do...share share share! 02/26/2025 Released hostage saying Hamas treated them well and were very friendly.

(Video) Empire Of Lies: Speaking of "fucking idiots"? Do you know what Biden/Harris did to Gaza? And that Kamala Harris stated - if elected - she would not cut off US weapons to Israel? And - you fucking idiots - that both sides supported this genocide? Red and Blue? 02/26/2025 Suppressed News: This is Rafah, Biden’s “red line” after the “Limited Israeli military operation”.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: We confronted Congress on the bloated Pentagon budget, the failed audits, and the F-35 scam. Members mumble, dodge, and deflect, but the truth is clear: Congress has funneled trillions into the Pentagon while our communities go underfunded. Will Congress go after the real waste, fraud, and abuse? We’ll believe it when we see it. 02/26/2025

(Video) Abby Martin: “It’s an insane world if we accept bombs, drones, siege and occupation is all business as usual, but if someone *says* the wrong thing, all hell breaks loose” @m7mdkurd 02/26/2025 The Empire Files: Mohammed El-Kurd tells @AbbyMartin why we shouldn’t let colonizers set the terms of engagement

Fifty Shades of Whey: Child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and the former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak met privately 30 times, even after his conviction for sex crimes. This seems very important. I want to know why nobody ever mentions this. 02/26/2025

Ehud Barak met with Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times, flew on private plane — report 05/04/2023 Former prime minister visited disgraced financier and child abuser about 30 times in 2013-2017, including 2014 private flight in Florida

(Video) Dan Cohen: One day after the Bibas family sent a cease and desist letter to Netanyahu demanding he to stop publicly discussing details of the deaths of their family, he appeared at AIPAC and reiterated his evidence-free claim that Hamas murdered the family with their bare hands, but added new details. Now he claims that Hamas first "slaughtered Shiri before her own children" and then "crushed their tiny skulls." Israel rejected Hamas's claim that they were killed in an airstrike, said nothing for over a year, but now claims to know not only how they died, but the exact sequence in which they were supposedly murdered, and that their heads were crushed to make it appear that they had been killed in airstrikes as Hamas claimed. It's obvious that Netanyahu is lying. If his implausible claims against the wishes of the family don't make it clear enough, the demonic look on his face certainly does. 02/25/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: SHAMEFUL: Rep. Brandon Gill called for Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s deportation—even though she’s been a U.S. citizen since 2000! We confronted him in Congress because this racist, xenophobic attack is unacceptable! He lied to fundraise off hate, falsely claiming Omar was “facilitating an invasion.” In reality, she was educating immigrants on their legal rights. We’re filing a complaint with the Ethics Committee—Gill must be censured! 02/26/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: This AI-produced video lays bare Trump's disgusting imperial hubris. Gaza is not and never will be Trump's land. Palestine will be free. 02/26/2025

(Video) Ken O'Keefe: 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 israel Has NOT Ratified The Chemical Weapons Treaty Why? Because they use it on civilians. /w @AbbyMartin 02/2/2025

(Video) Khalissee: "My Grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came. A German soldier shot her dead in her bed. Madam speaker, my Grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian Grandmothers in Gaza." Gerald Kaufman Ex Zionist 2009 02/2/2025

(Video) 🐘🐻🐺Ken🐋🐬🐧: FUCK @SpeakerJohnson THAT Zionist GENOCIDE loving, GENOCIDE supporting piece of💩... HIS ally is an @ICC war criminal & guilty of GENOCIDE... mile likes ASSASSINATING PREGNANT WOMEN & WHITE PHOSPHOROUS DISPERSED OVER INNOCENT CHILDREN. Mike is a real fucking Psychopath🤷‍♂️ 02/27/2025 ADAM: Speaker Mike Johnson says Israel is the America’s closest ally “in the world” in a promotional video for AIPAC. America is an occupied nation. Your politicians are bought and sold. This is pathetic 👇

Max Blumenthal: Israel's Air Force confirms it carried out a mass Hannibal Directive "gunning down anything that moved around the Israel-Gaza border" on October 7 02/27/2025

IDF carried out Hannibal Directive, new 'Sword of Damocles' operation on October 7 02/27/2025 IDF carried out Hannibal Directive, new 'Sword of Damocles' operation on October 7

(Video) Khalissee: "All the world should know what's going on here, don't support this Neo Nazi government. Do something about it!" This is from a member of the Israeli Knesset. Source: @Paddystinian 02/2/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Stacey Hydrick, a judge in Atlanta, faces backlash after she wrote: “Hard to believe there are any innocent civilians” 02/27/2025

Det. Frank Serpico NYPD Ret.: In my 88 yrs. I’ve seen some pretty disgraceful NY Govs. But never thought I’d see the day when NY Is governed by an apartheid, racist genocide supporter & the slaughter of untold Palestinian children @GovKathyHochul 😢💔 The Empire is at Hand. All children’s lives matter. 02/27/2025

Max Blumenthal: The Empire State Building never lit up for one of the 18,000+ children slaughtered by Israel in Gaza. Its Zionist billionaire owner, Peter Malkin, has lit up the building instead for 3 Israeli hostages killed by an Israeli airstrike 02/27/2025 Empire State Building: Shining in orange tonight to honor the memories of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas. 📷: jerseyportraits/IG

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “Innocent civilians all need to be taken out” - Danielle Lieberman from Canada 02/26/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Noa Argamani testified at the UN and said that Israel's airstrike killed another hostage named Yossi. Not Hamas. Oh, I would love to hear @piersmorgan debunk this one. 😏 02/27/2025 HOT SPOT: 🇮🇱 Former Israeli hostage Noa Argamani spoke yesterday at the UN and blaming israeli air strikes for killing her fellow captive Yossi Sharabi // 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Former captive Noa Argamani takes to Instagram to debunk Israeli media narratives about her bruises, confirming again what she said months ago that the injuries she sustained were NOT from Hamas, but from the bombings by the Israeli Air Force.

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Israeli Zionsatzgruppen forces kidnapped and tortured masses of women in Gaza, but in Western media, they're mere statistics 02/27/2025 Translating Falasteen (Palestine): "They dragged me to Askalan (Ashkelon) [prison] by my hair and threatened to shoot my children," a freed Palestinian woman recounted, detailing how Israeli forces captured her after shooting her husband. ibrahim._.mohareb (IG)

Dan Cohen: Chen Almog-Goldstein described how Al-Qassam acted as human shields to protect the Israeli hostages from the Israeli military. “Hamas guards put mattresses over us on the floor to cover us, and then they covered us with their bodies to protect us from our own forces' shooting." 02/26/2025 Ian Haworth: It still blows my mind that not one Palestinian in Gaza saved one hostage.

Dan Cohen: Now free for the public: My article detailing evidence that Israel bombed the Bibas family and covered it up to destroy the November 2023 ceasefire, and is exploiting their deaths to destroy the current ceasefire. 02/27/2025

Uncaptured Media with Dan Cohen: Did Israel bomb the Bibas family then hide their deaths to collapse the November 2023 ceasefire? 02/26/2025 As Netanyahu claims to defend “civilization,” evidence suggests that he rejected Hamas’ November 2023 offer to return living and dead Bibas family members in order to resume the war.

(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Palestinian hostage released by Israel is in a Coma 02/27/2025 Taoufiq TAHANI: Palestinian prisoner Kazem Zawahreh, who was injured during his arrest a year ago, has been in a coma and in critical condition ever since. His release yesterday as part of the prisoner exchange came without his knowledge.

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Injured Palestinian prisoner Kazem Zawahreh is in a coma and in a critical situation — his release from israeli custody comes without him knowing 02/26/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: The White House gave "phase 1" of the Epstein files to a bunch of pro-Israel MAGA influencers. Need I say more? 🙄 02/27/2025 Child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and the former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak met privately 30 times, even after his conviction for sex crimes. This seems very important. I want to know why nobody ever mentions this.

(Video) Murdering your own people as a pretext to justify land grabs and atrocities is pure evil 02/27/2025 Tameem | تميم: Those who pointed out that Israeli forces actively and knowingly engaged in killing their own (“Hannibal Directive”) were called names. This is now a common knowledge even in Israeli media.

Khalissee: 🇺🇸 Criticising Israel will now cost you YEARS in prison. RIP the First Amendment. 02/27/2025

Jake Shields: Why did the prime minister of Israel fly to New York 36 times in 4 years. Why did he sneak into Jeffery Epstein’s house? Obviously this was a matter of national security for Israel 02/26/2025 Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak visited Jeffery Epstein a minimum of 36 times from 2013-2017 That’s a 12 hour flight each direction This shows the importance that Epstein holds to Israel and why you will never see the the real files

EXCLUSIVE: Married Israeli politician Ehud Barak is seen hiding his face entering Jeffrey Epstein's NYC townhouse as bevy of young beauties were also spotted going into mansion - despite his claim he NEVER socialized with the pedophile and his girls 07/16/2019

Barak vows to sue Daily Mail for ‘sordid insinuations’ over his ties to Epstein 07/17/2019

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Some of the released Palestinian hostages are suffering from severe skin diseases and are admitted to the European Hospital for urgent treatment 02/27/2025

Dan Cohen: Remember that Israeli civics teacher Meir Baruchin was imprisoned and held in solitary confinement for expressing concern about the Gaza genocide. Meanwhile @eliranmalki, also a civics teacher, calls to harvest organs from Palestinians and will face no consequences. 02/27/2025 Israeli civics teacher @eliranmalki in now deleted post: "Sorry, just asking: Why doesn't the State of Israel make the necessary decision to harvest organs from the October 7 detainees? There are so many patients waiting for a miracle. Why not take these subhumans and force them to do something useful for humanity?"

‘It is a time of witch hunts in Israel’: teacher held in solitary confinement for posting concern about Gaza deaths 01/13/2024 Meir Baruchin, who was fired and jailed for criticising the military, says that many who agree with him are afraid to go public

B.M.: Here's one civics teacher who won't get publicly shamed by Israeli media. Eliran Malki, Israeli teacher, blogger and media person wrote, in a now deleted tweet: "Why doesn't the State of Israel pass the obvious decision - to harvest organs from the October 7th detainees? There are so many sick people waiting for a miracle. Why not take these subhumans and force [lit. rape] them to do something useful for humanity?" 02/27/2025 Everyone's a snitch nowadays in Israel: A civics teacher in the Israeli city of Ra'anana was deemed "too leftist" by some of her students, so they recorded themselves debating with her, and her saying that Netanyahu's been thwarting a hostage deal. The recordings were then sent to Channel 14, who did a shaming piece about the "extremist" teacher. Likud-led Ministry of Education announced it will investigate the "very serious incident". There's a good chance the teacher will be suspended or fired.

He deleted his entire account, I found this propaganda piece that appears to be from the same person 8 years ago, if anyone's interested. 02/27/2025 Dan Cohen: Israeli civics teacher @eliranmalki in now deleted post: "Sorry, just asking: Why doesn't the State of Israel make the necessary decision to harvest organs from the October 7 detainees? There are so many patients waiting for a miracle. Why not take these subhumans and force them to do something useful for humanity?"

(Video) Eliran Malki, Founder & Ceo of Belong - May 28, 2017 05/28/2017 Propaganda and possible medical fraud

(Video) Khalissee: A brilliant edition of the Trump Gaza Video 02/27/2025

Det. Frank Serpico NYPD Ret.: Sadly no regard for the deceased of anyone’s children, just another photo op by a genocidal warmonger. May their memory be a blessing. Bibas family tells Netanyahu to 'shut up,' as he details the murders of Shiri, Ariel and Kfir | The Times of Israel 02/27/2025

Bibas family tells Netanyahu to ‘shut up,’ as he details the murders of Shiri, Ariel and Kfir 02/25/2025 Publishing unapproved information is ‘abuse for its own sake,’ says Ofri Bibas, hours after Netanyahu publicly gives graphic details for 2nd time this week despite family’s request

(Video) Andrey X: All eyes on the West Bank 02/28/2025 +972 Magazine: The Israeli army has forcibly displaced over 40,000 Palestinians from their homes in the northern West Bank. In Nur Shams and Jenin refugee camps, houses have been torched, demolished, and critical infrastructure destroyed. @OrenZiv_ documents the devastation on the ground.

(Video) Lisa Pease: Shows of humanity are not allowed in the United States. 02/27/2025 Luis.Documents: NYPD SRG unit is ready to to bullrush the crowd of Palestine protesters from CCNY, Columbia uni and Barnard. One arrest has been made with no provocation. NYPD is acting violent towards press and protesters. Cops are now shutting the area down despite being a public area.

Miko Peled: Just heard this from a friend at Grassroots Alquds: More than 80,000 were in Al-Aqsa today preparing for Ramadan. Israeli officials said1948 Palestinians won’t be allowed to enter the Mosque during Ramadan. They responded with 100s of busses to AlQuds. رمضان كريم 02/28/2025

(Video) Suppressed News: ⚡️BREAKING: A freed captive from Gaza revealed that 35-year-old Palestinian detainee Mosab Haniyeh, abducted by Israeli forces during the March 2024 invasion of Hamad Town, died in Israeli custody after brutal torture [Rape]. According to the testimony, a stick was forced through his abdomen until it exited the other side. Despite his severe injuries, he was denied medical treatment. The Israeli occupation falsely claimed he died of cancer, but reports indicate he was martyred on January 5, 2025. Credit: @translatingpal 02/27/2025

Medea Benjamin: I would love see Trump talk to Netanyahu like this! "Without our weapons, your war on Palestinians would be over, so you better stick to the ceasefire deal we negotiated or we're out." 02/28/2025

(Video) Watch: Angry exchanges between Trump and Zelensky at White House 02/28/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: The israelis brutally abuse & attack a deaf Palestinian man unable to speak in Dura, southwest of al-Khalil in Palestine, stamping on his head 02/28/2025

Emelia: People of the world should know this painful reality. 02/26/2025

(Video) Yeah, Israel's Gone Full Genocide - Amnesty International Listen to the compelling evidence. 03/01/2025

(Video) Melanie Schweizer | MERA25 🇩🇪: Yesterday I got fired as a civil servant in Germany. Why? In a nutshell because I was criticizing Israel for its ongoing genocide in Palestine and Germany‘s complicity. 03/01/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: Israel carried out a mass killing of its own people on October 7th and then used that as a pretext to commit a genocide. This is how the settler-colonialist grift worked across decades. Provoke, provoke, provoke, get attacked, play victim, escalate, dispossess, rinse, repeat. 03/01/2025 Articles on Hannibal Directive

(Video) Lisa Pease: True Patriots don’t commit genocide. The Democratic Party has not yet reckoned with what happened, which means they’re going to continue to lose. The party is dead to me. I can’t go back to a party that condones genocide. I’d rather be killed than support a genocider like that. 03/01/2025 Alex Thompson: Former Biden press secretary Karine Jean Pierre on the post-debate fall-out. “It was a firing squad…I had never seen anything like that before…that was shocking, shocking…It was truly, truly unfortunate. And I think it hurt us more than folks realized.”

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Graphic footage: probe by @EuroMedHR reveals that in December 2023, israeli drones wilfully murdered 12 civilians in Gaza City, says @RamAbdu 03/01/2025

(Video) Khalissee: “We have Gaza, which is undoubtedly the greatest historical scandal. Bodies are in pieces. Hearts are in pieces. Souls are in pieces. Heads are in pieces. ~ Ex French Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin 03/01/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: When Andrew Cuomo isn't sending nursing home residents to their deaths or being credibly accused of sexual harassment, he spends his free time defending war criminals from the ICC. This man CANNOT be NYC mayor. 03/01/2025

(Video) Rania: Now let that sink in! 02/28/2025 Normon Finkelstein: More children killed in Gaza in a short time period than the rest of the world over several years

(Video) Khalissee: The two options given by Israel are outlined by Professor @MustafaBarghou1: 1. Extend phase one, release all prisoners, and then we continue the genocide. 2. Don't extend phase one. Don't release all prisoners, and we still continue the Genocide 03/02/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: As Palestinian children flee israeli bullets, the BBC feared people might take their side instead of the demonic israelis, so they pulled the film 03/01/2025

(Video) Khalissee: Israel IS Palestine!! Brilliantly spoken by @ronnie_barkan at the Vienna conference 👏🏻 03/02/2025

(Video) Real Media: To mark a year of genocide in #Gaza, we publish this powerful interview with two Israeli dissidents who took part in a @Pal_action siege of the #Elbit HQ. #ShutElbitDown #PalestineGenocide @ronnie_barkan @stav_si 10/08/2024

(Video) 🍉 ronnie barkan: On this Day of Atonement I notice people struggling to understand how Israelis can all be Nazis. This assumes that Zionists are somehow connected to Jewish values - which is absolutely not the case. Zionism and Judaism are incompatible with each other: 10/13/2024 Zionism vs. Judaism. There's precisely NOTHING in common between the two. They are, in fact, antithetical to each other. This segment is taken from a talk given in Prague on Nakba Day 2024:

(Video) Ronnie Barkan on the nature of Zionism and the state of Israel 06/04/2024

(Video) 🍉 ronnie barkan: This was published today from the Vienna conference a few months ago. X won't allow me to upload the entire thing so here is a short clip. For the rest: 03/01/2025

(Video) Ronnie Barkan at the Vienna Palestine Congress: dismantle the Zionist state 03/01/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: Democrats fractured their voter base just to help a war criminal who actively wanted Trump to win the election. They sacrificed the rights of women, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ people to facilitate a genocide and uphold apartheid. 03/03/2025

Max Blumenthal: Every senator voted to confirm neocon pet project Marco Rubio as Secretary of State, including Bernie Sanders 03/03/2025

(Video) Khalissee: A British Arab doctor was immediately suspended from his job at the Royal Free Hospital in London for talking about Israel's genocide in Gaza on social media. Doctor Nadeem Crowe talks about what happened to him. 03/03/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: No Other Land has won this year's Oscar for best documentary. This is a big deal. Despite being worthy of an Oscar, the film has NOT been able to find distribution in the US because it's about the forced displacement of Palestinians from their homes by Israel. 03/02/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Incredible win at the Oscars! No Other Land breaking through Hollywood’s censorship to show the intense Israeli repression in the West Bank is a huge moment. Now let’s make sure the world sees it. 03/03/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Zionism is an inherently racist ideology, and it doesn’t stop at Muslim Palestinians. Here is Israel’s attempt to kick the Christian Armenian community from Jerusalem, where they have lived for millennia: 03/03/2025

susan abulhawa | سوزان ابو الهوى: Please stop repeating the lie that "Hamas killed 1200 people on October 7" Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. First, the official number of dead is 1139. Second, and most important, we have no idea how many people Hamas killed or whom they killed. It is now an uncontested fact—supported by video evidence, victim and eyewitness testimonies, and journalist investigations—that Israel deployed their Hannibal Directive, killing an unknown "hundreds" of Israelis. It is a fact that ALL of those burned cars (hundreds), are the result of Israeli Apache helicopters incinerating them and everyone inside them. There were at least 28 helicopters, who had to restock their weapons and refuel at least once. Each Apache carries 16 hellfire missiles, 70 Hydra-70 rockets, and 1,200 30mm cannon rounds. And each of them emptied all their munitions on that day. ....... 03/03/2025

Angelo Angelli, JD: Israeli killed more. The whole point was to kidnap. Israel has the Hannibal Directive 03/03/2025

(Video) Trita Parsi: The director of the Israeli-Palestinian film #NoOtherLand calls out Israel's apartheid regime and points to a better path. But that path, he correctly points out, is blocked by US foreign policy. I hope everyone understands he isn't just referring to the last few weeks... 03/02/2025

(Video) Howard Beckett: The BBC refused to air “Gaza 🇵🇸: How To Survive a Warzone”. Now a 25 minute summary of the Oscars without mention of the Best Documentary winner “No Other Land 🇵🇸” The BBC is complicit & a blatant propaganda tool of the 🇬🇧 State & 🇮🇱 03/03/2025

Medea Benjamin: On Friday, Trump used "emergency authority" to send $4 billion of military aid to Israel, including 2000 pound bombs. Two days later, Israel cut off all food and medicine to Gaza. Feel good about how your tax dollars are being used? 03/02/2025

Sabby Sabs: Where's all the free speech enthusiasts who support Trump? I told you BOTH parties support censorship. 03/04/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: During the COVID era, Peter Hotez partnered with the Israel lobby's Anti-Defamation League to press the U.S. government and social media giants to censor criticism of pharma products, claiming it was a "new form or variant of anti-Semitism." Their first major target was none other than @RobertKennedyJr, who was suspended from Instagram and Facebook. Now as HHS secretary, Kennedy is allied with Hotez and the Israel lobby to crack down on free speech on behalf of genocidal Israel. What an utter fraud. America got played. From my January 2023 report: 03/04/2025 Secretary Kennedy: Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues. In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.

(Video) Miko Peled: Can’t say this enough.. 03/04/2025 Zei_squirrel: you will never see an Israeli like Miko Peled in Western media being lavished with praise. Because they're anti-Zionist. You will only see Yuval Abrahams, who use their status as "liberal progressive Zionists" to all the more effectively lie and launder their genocidal propaganda

Max Blumenthal: Israeli media recognizes billionaire Israeli government asset Miriam Adelson as a "modern day Rothschild" using her vast fortune to dictate Trump's policy on Gaza, where he is now supporting Israel's blockade on humanitarian aid in criminal abrogation of the ceasefire terms 03/04/2025

(Video) Dan Cohen: At an Orthodox Jewish protest against military conscription, an Israeli cop violently shoves an elderly man down, injuring his head. As he bleeds, cops walk by and ignore him. They only give him attention when another protester urges them. If any other state did this, Israel and its allies would denounce it as anti-Semitic, but when Israel does it, its western sponsors are silent. Israel is the unJewish state. 03/04/2025

(Video) They're not Post-colonial nations, they're Neo-Colonialist nations. 03/04/2025 Max Blumenthal: Israel’s Supplementary UN ambassador Elise Stefanik has confused diplomats from post-colonial nations for US university presidents who were intimidated and removed thanks to the network Zionist oligarch donors who have financed her career. // HOT SPOT: 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇳 US Ambassador to the UN Alice Stefanik: “The antisemites at the UN better buckle up, because I’m coming. The university presidents were just a warm up”

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Maia Adler is a director of the @Columbia org that is hosting Naftali Bennett today. He once said: “I’ve killed many Arabs in my life, and there’s no problem with that” 03/04/2025

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: This was someone’s entire world. Killed by Israel and the United States. 03/04/2025 Drop Site: NEW: Another baby, reportedly under two years old, has tragically died from hypothermia in her family’s tent in Gaza. At least 16 young children have died from the cold in Gaza since beginning of winter, with Israel blocking all blankets, fuel, tents, and mobile homes from entering Gaza.

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Masked mobs of israelis armed with clubs and batons descend on a village in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil to attack and terrorise local residents. 03/03/2025

(Video) Glenn Greenwald: There's a massive distortion of free speech doctrine being circulated to justify the Trump Administration's punishment of universities that allow "illegal protests" against Israel. It's obviously a 1st Am violation to condition funding on holding or rejecting certain views. 03/04/2025 FIRE: Free speech on college campuses is a proud American tradition, and — on public campuses — protected by the First Amendment. President Trump's message this morning, combined with other recent executive orders threatening punishment for protected speech, is deeply chilling. 🧵

(Video) "The Palestinian people are the most pampered people in the history of the world." This is the moment I lost ALL respect for RFK. 03/03/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Neocon Bernie, who won't call Israel's assault on Gaza a genocide. I'm ashamed I voted for you. I'm ashamed of YOU! 03/03/2025 Bernie Sanders: Americans are embarrassed and ashamed that we have a President who says that Ukraine started the war with Russia. We must defend our 250 year tradition of being the Democratic leader of the world, and not turn our backs on a struggling country that is trying to save its people.

(Video) Andrey X: Since I filmed this video, I was detained at checkpoints three times, once for 6 hours. In the meantime, Israeli settlers freely cross the Green Line and move between settlements. There are HUNDREDS of checkpoints across the West Bank, and new ones are set up all the time 03/05/2025

Medea Benjamin: Pretty ironic that Trump tells Congress that he has brought free speech back to America, while he calls for pro-Palestine students to be expelled, arrested or deported. 03/04/2025

Dan Cohen: .@DanFriedman81 immediately deleted his post calling to bomb a Palestinian child and his family, then blocked me. What a coward. 03/05/2025 Calling to bomb an Israeli family would instantly mean career suicide but professional author @DanFriedman81 feels comfortable calling to bomb a Palestinian family because genocidal Zionism is the prevailing ideology in America’s ruling class. Pure evil.

(Video) Rania: The stabber is a German-Israeli, and the stabbed was an Arab. Wonder if any Western media mentioned these facts! 03/05/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: Condemn them for what? – for trying to liberate themselves? for trying to escape a concentration camp? condemn them for WHAT? | @mikopeled 03/05/2025 Miko Peled

(Video) Medea Benjamin: We visited Rep. Pete Sessions’ office after he signed a letter urging the Attorney General to investigate organizations for simply sharing legal rights information with immigrants. Republicans claim to defend free speech except when it comes to our communities knowing their rights. 03/04/2025

(Video) Rania: Calling out zionists' stupidity! 03/05/2025

(Video) Melanie Schweizer | MERA25 🇩🇪: I’ve got some news: I already got offered two new Job positions. The video was cut at the end: fight against the murder of children, against apartheid, against genocide - and don’t let yourself be intimidated. Freedom is not given to you, it is fought for. Speak up, discuss, connect, fight against apartheid and genocide. 03/05/2025

(Video) I just wrote about Noa Tishby debunking some of her obvious lies, including the absurd denials that Israel is a Colonial, Apartheid State. And yes, when you check the facts, she's Pro-Genocide, despite her denials! 03/05/2025 Angelo Angelli, JD: She’s Pro-Genocide: // Noa Tishby: Let’s just get this straight. Anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

(Video) Khalissee: The Israeli army has amassed a fortune from looting homes in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. 03/04/2025

(Video) The Empire Files: “I will die for the next generation to see a free Palestine, and we will not rest until every piece of land is freed from this occupation.” —Gaza journalist @AbubakerAbedW 03/04/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 “I’ve killed many Arabs in my life, and there’s no problem with that” He is speaking at @Harvard on Thursday. Express your views to the moderator: 📧 03/04/2025

(Video) Zionism Observer: Israel shot another journalist today. 03/05/2025 PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸: Palestinian journalist Yousef Shehadeh was shot by Israeli forces while covering the demolition of the house of the wounded prisoner Hayel Daif'allah in the village of Rafat, northwest of Jerusalem.

Medea Benjamin: What sick and twisted person threatens to kill all the people in Gaza! 03/05/2025

(Video) ADAM: This is how lsraeI treats the family of hostages. lsraeI doesn’t care about the hostages. 03/03/2025

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: First they came for Kanye, and I said nothing, because he is an asshole. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to stop Bank of America from closing my account because I tweeted "free Palestine." 03/05/2025 Ryan Grim: Senate Republicans will vote at 4:00 today to effectively LEGALIZE debanking for ideological reasons — where are @pmarca and Zuckerberg and @elonmusk and the rest of them? // Drop Site: WATCH | At 4 p.m. today, the U.S. Senate votes to remove a rule that bans debanking, a practice where banks, financial institutions, payment processors, and even certain services in the digital finance sector, like cryptocurrency platforms, deny services to clients based on political, reputational, or ideological grounds. Drop Site’s @ryangrim reacts ⬇️

(Video) Rania: When you're a delusional liar! 03/05/2025 Obvios Zionist lies about Hamas

(Video) Going Underground: The White House has REJECTED the Arab League’s $53 billion Gaza reconstruction plan. A reminder of Norman Finkslstein’s words: ‘Israel wants to turn the Palestinians of Gaza into refugees twice over, to dispatch them into the Sinai Desert to rot and die…that’s the US plan.’ 03/05/2025

(Video) Abier: It's baffling that an Oscar winning movie can be watched worldwide but Americans cannot see it on any streaming platform in the 🇺🇸 “ they hate us for our freedom” my ass 03/04/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: British police interrogate 87yr-old Holocaust survivor Stephen Kapos after he lay flowers to honour all of the Palestinian children killed by the israelis 03/04/2025

Noctis Draven: If ever there were a single photograph to summarize accurately a situation it is this. He simply picks crops, unarmed and no threat as an Israeli soldier whom is fully geared and armed points a weapon at his face. This is the truth you are not shown on Fox or CNN. 03/04/2025

B L A K E L E Y: He was raped to death. And understand this is why Zionists push the “mass rape” hoax. Because they want to normalize their rapes. Just like they push the “40 beheaded babies” hoax because they wanted to normalize killing babies. 03/03/2025 Leyla Hamed: One of Gaza's most well-known doctors, Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh, was tortured to death by Israeli forces in April 2024. He was the head of orthopedic surgery at Shifa hospital and the head of Palestine FA’s medical department. Israel still holds his body. FIFA remains silent on it.

(Video) Leyla Hamed: We will never forget: An Israeli MK (member of parliament) from Likud stated that it is legitimate to rape Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. 03/0/2025 07/30/2024 Suppressed News: 🇮🇱The Israeli Knesset is debating israeli soldiers’ right to rape [Sodomize] Palestinian detainee. Yes they have pro-Rape debates and Pro-Rape protests.

(Video) Democracy Now!: Donald Trump's address to Congress on Tuesday was "a declaration of war against the American people, including Trump voters, in favor of the super-rich and the giant corporations," says @RalphNader. 03/05/2025

(Video) Democracy Now!: “A Declaration of War Against the American People”: Ralph Nader on Trump’s Address to Congress 03/05/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Trying to get from point A to point B in the West Bank as a Palestinian is a nightmare 03/06/2025

(Video) Lisa Pease: Trump lied when he said he brought back Free Speech. He's KILLING it. I feel another Kent State looming. 03/06/2025 Sulaiman Ahmed: BREAKING: NYPD HAS BEGAN ARRESTING & BEATING PRO-PALESTINE PROTESTORS AT COLUMBIA. You are allowed to protest in Europe. The hilarity of JD Vance & Trump speaking about Free Speech in Europe.

(Video) 🍉 ronnie barkan: no words. how can you even start to explain these 48 seconds captured on video? "Do you want to bury him or should we do it?" "No, I'll do it. My mother's grave is open and ready." Allah yer7amhom 🙏🏽 #GazaGenocide‌ #dismantleZionism @HossamShabat @translatingpal 03/06/2025

Max Blumenthal: So Israel is spying on the Trump admin and leaking its sensitive diplomatic moves to the press 03/05/2025 Barak Ravid: 🚨🚨🚨Exclusive: U.S. holding secret talks with Hamas on Gaza hostages. My story on @axios

Exclusive: U.S. holding secret talks with Hamas 03/05/2025

(Video) Khalissee: “Only sick and twisted people keep dead bodies” said @POTUS Israeli authorities returned 80 decomposed Palestinian bodies without any signs to identify them or their identities. This was the 5th batch delivered this way...back in September 2024. They're still keeping bodies 03/0/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 ARRESTED: Dr. William Hearn, a radiologist in Florida, was charged with criminal mischief. He allegedly carved two Stars of David into the car of a Palestine supporter 03/05/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: An israeli video edit circulating on Hebrew Telegrams shows the israelis blowing up civilian structure in Gaza as if it’s something to be proud of 03/06/2025

(Video) Lisa Pease: ISRAEL IS THE MOST EVIL NATION ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW. 03/06/2025 Eye on Palestine: Israeli bulldozers demolish a number of homes in Tulkarm refugee camp in Tulkarm city.

(Video) Khalissee: "We are being blackmailed by the hoIocaust. lsraeI is a terrorist state" ~ Grzegorz Braun, Presidential candidate 03/06/2025

(Video) Empire Of Lies: How bizarre is it to watch Rubio spew his hatred? While wearing an ash cross on his forehead? Does he know that Jesus was the Prince of Peace? And was born in Palestine? What these so-called "Christians" speak? Is the opposite of what Jesus preached. 03/06/2025 Middle East Eye: US Secretary of State Marco Rubio, wearing a cross on his forehead for Ash Wednesday, reaffirmed President Donald Trump’s “last warning” against Hamas in which he said there would be "hell to pay" for the people of Gaza if the remaining Israeli captives are not released.

Sabby Sabs: Imagine threatening to kill people who have already been occupied, abused and lost family through a genocide. This is Trump's giving AIPAC & Adelson a nod for their money. 03/05/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: For the first time, both the House and Senate have the chance to block $7.4 BILLION in weapons to Israel through a Joint Resolution of Disapproval (JRD) introduced by Bernie Sanders (Senate), Pramila Jayapal, and Rashida Tlaib. (House). Call your members of Congress NOW and demand they sign on! No more weapons for genocide! Money should go to healthcare, not killing people! 03/06/2025

(Video) Miko Peled: My conversation with @briebriejoy coming to you in 30 min! 03/06/2025 Briahna Joy Gray: ‼️No Maher Land (w/ @mikopeled)‼️ Israeli-American activist & author Miko Peled returns to Bad Faith to discuss Palestinian documentary No Other Land's Oscar win, & to breakdown the illogic of one of our loudest & wrongest Zionists, Bill Maher, after his recent appearance on Pod Save America. You won't want to miss it.

(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: Israeli-American Activist DESTROYS Bill Maher's Zionist Garbage (w/ Miko Peled) 03/06/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Not seeing many of the leading progressive “anti-hate” NGOs condemning the Trump admin’s meeting with one of the world’s leading fascists and advocates of genocide 03/06/2025 Jacob N. Kornbluh: Bezalel Smotrich, Israel's far-right finance minister who was boycotted by the Biden administration and Jewish American organizations, celebrates his first official meeting with Treasury Sec. Bessent.

(Video) Abier: That's why they are banning hostages from speaking to the media. They expose their lies 03/05/2025

(Video) AIPAC Tracker: AIPAC is lying. Israel sabotaged to the ceasefire deal and ran to the press to spread lies before Hamas even got to review the proposal in full. 03/06/2025 Reply to AIPAC 🇺🇸🇮🇱🎗️ // WATCH @jeremyscahill from @DropSiteNews joins Breaking Points to discuss Israel blowing up the ceasefire agreement: "What we are seeing here is Israel has violated the ceasefire agreement repeatedly. Israel refused to send negotiators as stipulated under the contract. Israel is continuing to kill Palestinians inside of Gaza." "Everyone involved with this knows that Israel has been violating the ceasefire and now is blaming Hamas for something that actually Israel has done quite openly."

(Video) Zei_squirrel: Columbia University has a "Center for Contemporary Critical Thought" where self-proclaimed "Marxist" professors with tenure give seminars about how revolutionary and radical they are as students are being beaten up and arrested for opposing the fascist Zionist censorship regime 03/05/2025 Nerdeen Kiswani: URGENT: NYPD is brutalizing & arresting Columbia protesters RIGHT NOW! Get to Columbia IMMEDIATELY and stand in solidarity! They want to silence the movement—we won’t let them. Show up! Spread the word! @ColumbiaBDS @ColumbiaSJP

Medea Benjamin: Less Than Half (46%) in U.S. Now Sympathetic Toward Israel, the lowest in 25 years of Gallup tracking this measure. Sympathy for Palestine way up. Changing public opinion will eventually force a change in policy. 03/06/2025

Less Than Half in U.S. Now Sympathetic Toward Israelis 03/06/2025 Support for establishment of independent Palestinian state remains at majority level

(Video) Miko Peled: Thank you @briebriejoy for a great conversation. @billmaher comments on @PodSaveAmerica with @jonlovett were grotesque and appalling, def needed to respond to them publicly. 03/07/2025 Briahna Joy Gray: ‼️No Maher Land (w/ @mikopeled)‼️ Israeli-American activist & author Miko Peled returns to Bad Faith to discuss Palestinian documentary No Other Land's Oscar win, & to breakdown the illogic of one of our loudest & wrongest Zionists, Bill Maher, after his recent appearance on Pod Save America. You won't want to miss it.


(Video) George Galloway: You're not allowed to have a DNA test in Israel. Religion cannot be native to any land. You can't convert to Judaism and claim the house of family in Palestine who have lived there thousands of years. Follow #MOATS 427 #Palestine #Judaism #Religion 03/07/2025

(Video) Khalissee: "This genocide would not have been possible without the shocking cover up by the media. The role of Western media in defending the acts of a genocidal state is unprecedented.” ~ The brilliant @FranceskAlbs 03/07/2025

Max Blumenthal: Trey Yingst blocked me for calling out the repulsive Israeli lies he spread to manufacture consent for the genocide in Gaza. Until he renounces the hoaxes he promoted, his black tie performance is merely an exercise in moral handwashing that is too little, too late 03/08/2025

(Video) He omits the fact that Israel is the one that killed over 100 journalists in Gaza. His reporting mostly demonizes Hamas, not Israel. 03/08/2025 Trey Yingst: Palestinian journalists must be protected.

(Video) Handala: At least 233 journalists have been murdered by Israel in Gaza and West Bank in just 518 days. For comparison, 67 journalists were killed covering World War II, over 7 years, across 3 continents. At least 647 family members of journalists were murdered in the same attacks. 03/07/2025

(Video) Cheryl Benson 🪁: Trey Yingst manufactured consent for genocide with spreading Israel propaganda lies. Until he retracts his statements, he should not get any praise whatsoever. There were no beheaded babies, there were no rapes, should I go on? How about he’s blocking other journalists who are bring that to his attention. 03/08/2025 Charles Lister: The actions of pro-#Assad gunmen yesterday were clearly designed to provoke a sectarian spiral. At least 2 groups of gov't forces were rounded up & executed in #Jableh; snipers targeted pro-#Damascus protesters; & ambulances were systematically targeted.

(Video) Andrey X: BREAKING: Israeli settlers, army and police attacked a small shepherding community in the West Bank last night. Israel is openly committing ethnic cleansing in the West Bank. 03/08/2025

(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: The plan was never about coexistence, it was about colonization and ethnic cleansing 03/08/2025

(Video) Abby Martin: Mohammed El-Kurd talks about the racket of US non-profits that sponsor settlers to occupy Palestinian homes, including his own. 03/08/2025 "If I don't steal it someone else will," in his own sisters yeard.

Fifty Shades of Whey: A right-wing personality admits that he and his colleagues have been offered thousands of dollars to lie on behalf of Israel, and falsely label innocent Palestinian civilians as "terrorists." 03/08/2025

(Video) Khalissee: "My Grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came. A German soldier shot her dead in her bed. Madam speaker, my Grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian Grandmothers in Gaza." Gerald Kaufman Ex Zionist 2009 03/08/2025

Philip Giraldi: In my humble opinion Israel should be treated as an enemy or at a minimum as a state that is dangerous to have any association with. That is because it uses its immense power inside the United States establishment as well as with many other nations in Europe, Oceania and North America to incite for wars that bring no benefit to any country that allows them to influence or distort policy. 03/08/2025 Lisa Pease: Surprised and heartened to see a former CIA operations officer say this. Thank you for speaking up!


(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: Israel’s future - if it has any - is with people with this kind of courage which is absent, by the way, in the US political class. 03/08/2025 איתמר גרינברג Itamar Greenberg: Going back to prison - for the sixth time. Half a year behind bars for refusing to take part in Israel’s crimes. No to genocide. No to oppression. No to occupation. No to apartheid. We refuse to hold a weapon. Will you refuse to supply it? // Six months behind bars because I'm not willing to close my eyes. They told us that the IDF was protecting us. They told us that "there is no choice." How long will we accept this lie? The West Bank is burning. Gaza is destroyed. Tens of thousands have been murdered. This is not "defense" – this is a coercive regime that is losing its humanity. What is your red line? Mine is long gone.

(Video) A Democracy is when people impacted by decisions can participate in those decisions. In order for that to happen people need a good education & access to accurate news. No country has that, & most people don't even understand the fundamental principals of Democracy! 03/09/2025 Zei_squirrel: Bernie Sanders just repeated the neo-con lie that the US has supported democracy for its entire 250 year history at his rally in Michigan. He then also regurgitated the genocidal Zionist lie that "1200 innocents were killed" on October 7, and "Israel had the right to respond" ... Bernie Sanders's account recently posted the deranged claim that "For 250 years the United States has supported democracy." This was not a fluke. Bernie Sanders is now repeating that depraved neo-con lie at all his rallies, making it a core part of his messaging. From today:

(Video) Zei_squirrel: for international women's day, remember the countless Palestinian baby girls, children and women who have been brutalized, mutilated, burned alive, beheaded, raped and killed by the genocidal Israeli death-cult. Remember 12 year old Dunia, maimed by Israel as they killed her parents and siblings. Then, as she was recovering in hospital, they killed her in her bed. Dunia wanted to become a doctor to help other children like her. 03/08/2025

(Video) illuminatibot: “Israel is Burning Children Alive”: Former US Intel Officer Josephine Guilbeau on Israel 03/07/2025

(Video) Khalissee: “There’s a reason why ISIS never attacks Israel. Because they’re sponsored by Israel and the CIA.” ~ Former British diplomat Craig Murray 03/08/2025

Fifty Shades of Whey: This is fascist as fuck. They are arresting people and revoking their green card for protesting apartheid. Free Mahmoud Khalil. 03/09/2025 "Mahmoud Khalil was at his university-owned apartment, blocks from the private Ivy League university's main campus in New York when several Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) agents entered the building and took him into custody."

Ice arrests Palestinian activist who helped lead Columbia protests, lawyer says 03/09/2025 Mahmoud Khalil’s arrest comes as Trump vows to deport foreign students involved in protests against Israel’s war

Medea Benjamin: Heroic Palestine activist spent 16 hours atop London's Big Ben! Instead of asking "How the heck did he get up there?", the media should relay his message: Opposition to UK support for Israel and police violence against peaceful protesters. Free Palestine! Free the Filton18! 03/0/2025

(Video) This Zionist account openly admits trying to suppress critics, and may be partly responsible for censoring a good account! 03/09/2025 02/24/2025 GnasherJew®גנאשר: Following our exposé, Damon Pelham's Facebook account has been locked, his LinkedIn page deleted, and his Instagram account set to private. Additionally, the profile picture on the Resist_05 account has been changed. We hope that the next development will be a Western Australia Police @WA_Police investigation into his social media activities.

B.M.: Judeo-Nazi lawyer and TV host Kineneret Barashi (131k followers): "The survivors of the 2025 Holocaust are proof that every trace of the murderous mutations in Gaza must be erased, from delivery rooms to the last elderly person in Gaza. 100% of people in Gaza deserve to die." 02/08/2025

(Video) Sabby Sabs: Stephen A Smith is about to piss off Ben Shapiro and zionists alike. I'm here for it 😏. 03/09/2025 HOT SPOT: Stephen A. Smith suggests that Ben Shapiro would not be calling for Derek Chauvin’s pardon if George Floyd was Jewish

Ben Shapiro: Trump should pardon Derek Chauvin over George Floyd murder conviction 03/06/2025 Robby Soave and Lynda Tran react to Ben Shapiro suggesting President Trump should pardon Derek Chauvin.

Angelo Angelli, JD: Every drop of human decency must be drained from college campuses so the Israeli goal of genocide can be accomplished. And fuck the first amendment if that’s what’s necessary. 03/09/2025 Columbia Jewish Alumni Assoc.: 1/ Now that Mahmoud Khalil has been taken into ICE custody, his supporters are spinning a sob story about why you should feel sorry for him. Here’s why you shouldn’t—and why this is exactly what needs to happen to restore order to campuses like @Columbia and our country. 🧵👇

(Video) Andrey X: Can you imagine spending six hours at a checkpoint just to get out of your town? 03/10/2025 Apartheid evidence

(Video) Spatial Injustice: Where You Live Matters | The Stream 03/04/2025 Apartheid evidence includes Israel and parts of the USA

Sabby Sabs: Marco is just another puppet of Israel. He stands for Israel because that's what he was paid to do. 🤡 03/09/2025 Marco Rubio: We will be revoking the visas and/or green cards of Hamas supporters in America so they can be deported

(Video) Medea Benjamin: OUTRAGEOUS: ICE arrested Mahmoud Khalil, a recent Columbia grad, for opposing genocide. Now they want to deport him. Today, we’re in Congress calling on NY reps to act. This afternoon, we take our message to ICE & DHS: FREE MAHMOUD KHALIL NOW. Opposing genocide is NOT a crime. Genocide is a crime. 03/10/2025

Max Blumenthal: The lesson of the Holocaust, according to the Zionist narrative, is Jews have the right to form a state in Palestine, place the native Untermenschen in a ghetto to ensure its ethnic purity, and a Reichsminister named Eli Cohen can terminate their electricity if they misbehave 03/09/2025

Israel to stop supplying electricity to Gaza, Energy Minister Eli Cohen announces 03/09/2025 Israel’s step-by-step plan to pressure Hamas began with blocking the entry of goods and supplies into Gaza.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Even as Trump suggests the illegal abduction of Mahmoud Khalil “is the first of many to come,” New York Senators remain silent. Where are they? Trump is paving the road for silencing anyone who disagrees with him without any legal basis. We all must speak up against this. FREE MAHMOUD KHALIL! END ICE DEPORTATIONS! 03/10/2025

(Video) Empire Of Lies: Hey Bernie - it's not "Netanyahu". The entire Zionist entity is guilty of genocide. A word you still refuse to use. 03/10/2025 Danny Haiphong: Bernie Sanders can’t say the word genocide in relation to Palestine 🇵🇸 after being asked THREE TIMES. This is what it looks like to trade in your humanity for a political career.

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt: ❌GENOCIDE ALERT!❌Israel cutting off electricity supplies to Gaza means, among others, no functioning desalination stations, ergo: no clean water. STILL NO SANCTION/NO ARMS EMBARGO against Israel means, among others, AIDING AND ASSISTING Israel in the commission of one of the most preventable genocides of our history. 03/09/2025 Nicola Perugini: Renewed measures creating conditions of life leading to the destruction of Gaza Palestinians as a group, in addition to one week of blockade of food and all humanitarian aid. This will affect desalination plants, hospitals and other life-sustaining infrastructures and services.

Sabby Sabs: As I've said before, if you're support free speech, you should be AGAINST this crackdown on Pro-Palestinian protesters. Some of you who were loud about this under Biden are very silent right now. 03/10/2025 New York Post: Who is Mahmoud Khalil, the Columbia University agitator detained by ICE for deportation?

Who is Mahmoud Khalil, the Columbia University agitator detained by ICE for deportation? 03/09/2025 Some DEI experts point to research from management consulting firm McKinsey & Company that found that companies with more diversity financially and socially outperform those that are less diverse. "The most successful companies understand that DEI isn’t just a '"nice-to-have,'" said Christie Smith, the former vice president for inclusion and diversity at Apple, in a written statement. "It’s a driver of innovation, talent attraction, and competitive advantage. The question is whether leaders will have the courage to stay the course and hold firm against political headwinds."

NY AG James: I am extremely concerned about the arrest and detention of Mahmoud Khalil, an advocate and legal permanent resident of Palestinian descent. My office is monitoring the situation, and we are in contact with his attorney. 03/10/2025

Gio DeBatta 🍸: Not a single criticism from NY AG James when Biden-Harris (D) spent 15 months vaporizing Gaza. She doesnt give a shit about Mahmoud Khalil. She just hates Trump and is using the misfortune of Palestinians for her own selfish gain 03/10/2025

(Video) 🐘🐻🐺Ken🐋🐬🐧: EVERYONE SHOULD TALK 2 THESE Israeli MFers JUST LIKE THAT! tell them MFers EXACTLY WHAT YOU KNOW THEY ARE! MAKE THEM FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE & SCARED! make Zionist Israeli FEAR LEAVING IsraeHELL/... 03/10/2025 Khalissee: 🇹🇭🇮🇱 JUST IN: 3 Zionists threatened to KILL random citizens in Thailand because they opposed the genocide. They RAN OFF CRYING like COWARDS after they were confronted. Just look at the state of them! Video source: @robbymohsen

Empire Of Lies: Hey Cotton - do you realize Jewish students have participated - and led - many of the protests on college campuses? Why do the people of Arkansas keep voting for this brain-dead Zionist stooge? 03/11/2025 Drop Site: BREAKING: Jewish Students Rally Against ICE at Columbia University. A group of Jewish students have gathered at Columbia University’s Low Steps to protest ICE’s presence on campus following the arrest of Palestinian student-activist Mahmoud Khalil on Saturday. They held signs reading “JEWS HATE ICE,” “Not In Our Name,” and “Jews Hate the ADL.”

(Video) Miko Peled: The Two State idea is a Zionist ploy to continue to control Palestine and its people. 03/11/2025 Briahna Joy Gray: "You know, the two state solution is an absurd notion. It's a Zionist idea. There's a reason why it's a Zionist idea. Because it allows the Zionists to continue to control keep Israelis living in some kind of a bubble-- some kind of a privileged bubble within Palestine, You know, the whole thing falls apart once you start analyzing this idea, this notion that this is somehow a solution. The reality is there's a single state over all of Palestine, it's the apartheid state of Israel." - @mikopeled

(Video) Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray: Israeli-American Activist DESTROYS Bill Maher's Zionist Garbage (w/ Miko Peled) 03/06/2025

Empire Of Lies: Read this, you brain-dead fascist pig. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 03/11/2025

(Video) Aaron Maté: Israel-First Republicans are officially the nation’s top campus snowflakes. They are so triggered by anti-genocide college protesters that they try to get them deported — in this case, a young Palestinian man who hasn’t been charged with any crime. 03/11/2025 Aaron Rupar: Q: What crime did Mahmoud Khalil commit to warrant his arrest? MIKE JOHNSON: Let me tell you something. I went and faced down the angry mob at Columbia at the height of that stuff ... if you are on a student visa and you're an aspiring young terrorist who wants to prey upon your Jewish classmates, you're going home. We're gonna arrest your -- tail, and we're gonna send you home where you belong.

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: New York city rises up for Mahmoud Khalil, leader of the pro-Palestine student rallies on Columbia university campus wrongly abducted by ICE 03/11/2025

(Video) Rep. Burgess Owens makes false accusations like many other supporters of genocide! 03/11/2025 Medea Benjamin: This is the level of discourse from our elected officials: mindless repetition of talking points instead of actual facts. It’s pathetic. They know there is no legal reason to deport Mahmoud Khalil. He’s a nonviolent student negotiator who hasn’t broken any law. Join us as we Flood Congress for Mahmoud and demand his release!

Sabby Sabs: Did anyone notice that @RoKhanna and @AOC didn't sign this letter? Only 14 members of Congress signed it. Those 14 members need to leave the Democratic Party and start a separate party. 03/11/2025 Ken Klippenstein: Only 14 congresspeople signed this letter calling for the release of Mahmoud Khalil

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Rep. Ritchie Torres dodged questions and resorted to insults when asked about Mahmoud Khalil, a green card holder arrested for free speech. Instead of defending basic rights, he parrots AIPAC talking points and smears activists. Tomorrow let’s flood Congress for Mahmoud! Not in DC? Tell Columbia University: Protect your students! 03/11/2025

(Video) Rania: The world needs more of this ASAP! 03/11/2025 "I refused to enlist in the (Israeli) Military."

Sabby Sabs: For all the politicians that are so passionate about calling Pro-Palestinian protesters terrorists (which is bs), why don't they have that same energy towards Ku Klux Klan members and Neo- Nazis? 😏 03/12/2025

Empire Of Lies: More "fake news" from the Trump cult. 03/12/2025 Max Blumenthal: Trumpworld is struggling so hard to find justification for the kidnapping of Mahmoud Khalil, one of its top influencers is shopping a video filmed in Montreal in which Khalil isn't even present. DC Draino is the guy who fronted the bogus "Epstein Files" release // DC_Draino: If you visit our country and call for people’s heads to be cut off, you’re gone. // Reply to deleted or censored Tweet with video, presumably the fake one debunked by Blumenthal.

(Video) Lisa Pease: Supporting Zionists is the ultimate anti-Semitism. 03/12/2025 JonnyUtd: Mike Johnson is basically saying you either support israel or shut your fucking mouth or you will be deported. Don’t say this isn’t a fascism running wild, America is finished it’s just a colony of israel.

(Video) Huma Zehra: He completely nailed it! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 03/11/2025 Debunking obvious false Zionist claims

(Video) The Resonance: “Children seem to be specifically hit be the back, in the head, in the upper torso” That too intentionally! 03/11/2025

(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: They cut me out of the thumbnail and selectively edited me in the intro supercut to make it look like I never completed a sentence. Shows you how uncomfortable they were being asked, repeatedly, why they were so invested in defending billionaires over working class Americans. Watch, comment, clip: 03/10/2025 They had to pit four against one to give themselves a chance and they still lost.

(Video) "TOTAL Collapse of Insanity" 50 Days of Trump, 'Antichrist' Newsom & Trudeau OUT 03/10/2025

Max Blumenthal: "Ordinarily" 03/12/2025

In Private, Harvard Officials Tell Professors That New Antisemitism Definition Won’t ‘Ordinarily’ Limit Speech 03/04/2025 In the wake of Harvard’s decision to extend its non-discrimination policies to Zionists, University leaders assured professors who study the Israel-Palestine conflict that their speech will “ordinarily” be protected.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: We’re in Congress today asking members to take action to support Mahmoud Khalil and demand his freedom. The Trump administration is blatantly violating the First Amendment. If we allow him to detain and deport Mahmoud, he could do the same to any of us. We’re glad that Rep. Bennie Thompson, ranking member on the House DHS Committee, agreed to put out a statement in support. Every member of Congress who claims to care about free speech must be doing everything they can to secure Mahmoud’s release. 03/12/2025

Stop Arab Hate: 🚨 Our account was temporarily locked and we have regained access. Due to censorship risk, it is important for others to start their own projects. This type of work must be decentralized across other platforms and databases. Please, we need collective action. 03/12/2025

(Video) Khalissee: ⚡️🇺🇲 TRUMP USES THE TERM "PALESTINIAN" AS A SLUR. “Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I'm concerned. He's become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He's not Jewish anymore. He's a Palestinian.” This isn't the 1st time he's targeted one of the Highest ranking Jewish politicians in America. In 2024, Trump said: “Chuck Schumer refused to shake the Israeli prime minister’s hand,” Trump said. “Chuck Schumer has become a Palestinian. Can you believe it? He’s become a proud member of Hamas.” 03/12/2025

(Video) Jimmy Dore: Free Speech for everyone. If it’s not for everyone then you’re not for free speech. It’s for speech you hate. Speech you like doesn’t need protection. Good on @SusanSarandon 03/12/2025 Madison Swart: Actress and activist, Susan Sarandon, the first in line awaiting to enter into the courtroom where Mahmoud Khalil is set to appear.

(Video) Medea Benjamin: When asked about Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia University student and legal U.S. resident detained by DHS despite committing no crime, Congressman Andrew Ogles just said green card holders are “guests” whose “guest pass can be revoked” if the government doesn’t like what they say. This is straight-up fascism. Silence dissent, revoke rights - what’s next? 03/12/2025

Briahna Joy Gray: The mayor of Miami Beach is trying to end a lease agreement for an independent film theater after it screened Oscar-winning documentary No Other Land. Disgusting work. 03/12/2025 Censorship

Miami Beach mayor moves to end O Cinema lease after screening of Israeli-Palestinian film 03/14/2025 Censorship

(Video) Propaganda & co: Zionists have come after free speech. This is their downfall 03/12/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Instead of funding life-saving programs at home, the U.S. is sending billions to Israel as it starves and bombs Palestinians in Gaza. $7.4 BILLION! That’s how much Trump is trying to send to fund genocide, while people here struggle to afford basic care. NO MORE MONEY FOR WAR! HEALTHCARE, NOT WARFARE! 03/13/2025

(Video) Antony Loewenstein: Get ready for a firehouse of Zionist propaganda from the Israeli government, ably assisted by (far too many) Western journalists: "Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar has inaugurated a “media war room” at the Foreign Ministry to monitor and respond to anti-Israel activity on internet platforms, his office announced Tuesday. 03/12/2025 Angelo Angelli, JD: If you stop genociding, you don’t need an army of people to lie about your genociding

Foreign Ministry opens ‘media war room’ to combat anti-Israel content 03/12/2025 Ministry says diplomats and students will monitor news to ‘identify false or biased reports’ so spokespeople can then ‘debunk accusations and present Israel’s narrative’ (Propaganda and possible censorship)

Steven Donziger: In court today with @SusanSarandon to support the release of the distinguished human rights defender and @Columbia student Mahmoud Khalil. Mahmoud was illegally arrested by ICE Saturday for peacefully protesting Israel over its human rights violations. Release Mahmoud now. 👊⤵️ 03/12/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: When confronting members of Congress on the unlawful DHS arrest of Columbia University student Mahmoud Khalil, lawmakers dodge, deflect, and refuse to comment. Meanwhile, Trump says this is “just the beginning.” This is a full-blown attack on dissent. Tell your representatives to sign the letter led by Reps. Jayapal and Raskin to stop this authoritarian crackdown. 03/13/2025

Dr. Annelle Rodriguez Sheline: "If the state can deprive an individual of his freedom just because of his politics, then no one is safe. You may believe that Khalil does not deserve free speech or due process. But if he does not have them, then neither do you" @AdamSerwer @TheAtlantic 03/12/2025

Mahmoud Khalil’s Detention Is a Trial Run 03/11/2025 The pro-Palestine student was arrested without due process for exercising his right to free speech. He will not be the last.

Alan MacLeod: Breaking: a professor at the center of the Columbia University deportation scandal is a former Israeli military intelligence officer. Read my new investigation here: 03/12/2025

Professor at Center of Columbia University Deportation Scandal is Former Israeli Spy 03/11/2025 (Propaganda and possible censorship)

Revealed: The Israeli Spies Writing America’s News 10/16/2024 (Propaganda and possible censorship)

(Video) Sara Rey: Susan Sarandon is always on the right side of history. 03/12/2025

(Video) Sarah Wilkinson: In a shocking display of racist rhetoric, israeli lobbyists hosted by Dutch Radboud University referred to Palestinians as “losers” & “Arab monkeys” 03/12/2025

(Video) Khalissee: AND HE'S GONE! Adam Boehler, Trump’s envoy for hostage negotiations, is dropped from handling the Gaza captive situation. He called Hamas "PRETTY NICE GUYS" on CNN (clip below), sparking outrage from Israeli officials & Republicans. (Probably undid billions of $ of propaganda) 03/13/2025 03/09/2025 ⚡️🇺🇸 BREAKING: US Envoy for Hostages @aboehler on Ham@s: Q: Do you understand why Netanyahu, Dermer and others might be upset? (Referencing US direct talks with Ham@s) BOEHLER: They don't have horns growing out of their heads. They're actually pretty nice guys; guys like us and the US is not an agent of Israel

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Leaving aside the ridiculous sourcing here, why has the "IDF" not commented on the whereabouts of the children it apparently kidnapped from Gaza during its genocidal assault in 2024? Let's start with Duha Talat, the 8 year old taken from Rafah 03/13/2025 Younis Tirawi | يونس: Where is 8 Yo Girl Doha Talat, last taken by the IDF near the Rafah crossing late July. My latest story below. On August 30, we uncovered an Instagram post by Ido Zahar, a soldier from Israel's 432nd Tzabar Battalion. One of his pictures, featured a photo of himself with a young girl in Gaza with no one from her families seen. Following the post's deletion and turning his account into private. We delved into a further investigation about the details of the incident. // Israel Defense Forces: Yesterday, IDF soldiers identified a 4-year-old child moving towards a post in the security zone. The boy was returned to Gaza by IDF forces and in coordination with international organizations. In a conversation with the soldiers, the child said that he was sent to the post by the Hamas terrorist organization. Hamas does not hesitate to use any means to cynically use and exploit civilians and children to advance its terrorism.

(Video) Dan Cohen: Trump administration hostage envoy Adam Boehler has reportedly been removed from negotiations after he said “We’re the United States, we’re not Israel. We have specific interests at play.” Did the American people elect Donald Trump or Benjamin Netanyahu? 03/13/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Retired U.S. Army Colonel, former diplomat, and CODEPINK board member Ann Wright joins Jewish Voice for Peace at Trump Tower standing in solidarity to demand: Free Mahmoud Khalil Stop the genocide in Gaza! Free, free Palestine! 03/13/2025

(Video) Drop Site: BREAKING: U.S. government is demanding Columbia University “begin the process of placing the Middle East, South Asian, and African Studies department under academic receivership for a minimum of five years. The University must provide a full plan, with date certain deliverables, by the March 20, 2025, deadline.” What this means: A joint letter from the General Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education; and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services demands that Columbia university must provide a concrete plan with specific deadlines for how it will restructure and manage the the Middle East, South Asian, and African Studies (MESAAS) department, beginning by placing it under direct oversight, and restructuring it for at least five years. 03/13/2025 (Propaganda and possible censorship)

(Video) Medea Benjamin: Dr. Alice came to DC from New York today to fight for healthcare in Gaza and the freedom of her neighbor, Mahmoud Khalil. We cannot allow the Trump administration to silence our movement — anyone who can must be fighting louder than ever before. FREE MAHMOUD & FREE PALESTINE! 03/13/2025

(Video) Andrey X: Activist @sam_avraham was detained, tortured and threatened with death by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank two days ago. Here’s his statement: 03/14/2025

Amazon Piss Jugs - Free Palestine: This is the Zionazzi who snitched on Mahmoud Khalil 03/14/2025

Columbia Professor Shai Davidai’s Family Tied to Weapons Manufacturing 04/22/2024 On several occasions, Davidai called for the National Guard to be brought in to brutalize pro-Palestine students. He’s even gone so far as to characterize Columbia protestors as “Hitler-youth.” ..... Among other things, ARC manufactures weapons parts, including “polymer magazine for NATO Compatible weapons,” “triggers and hammers,” “precision guided munitions components,” and more. In 2016, ARC won an award for an AR-15 component and, in 2010, scored a prize for an “explosive device made for a Department of Defense application.” ARC also makes parts for MCX and MPX rifles, which are used by the Israeli military.

(Video) Max Blumenthal: Sheryl Sandberg, the billionaire 'lean in' feminist who produced a lie-filled documentary pushing the October 7 'systematic sexual assault' hoax to justify Israel's genocidal rampage in Gaza, is now accused of sexually harassing a pregnant female underling 03/13/2025 Honestly with Bari Weiss: Facebook’s highest-ranking whistleblower, Sarah Wynn-Williams, shares the story of feeling pressured by Sheryl Sandberg—then COO—to share a bed with her on a private jet. “It wasn’t something I felt comfortable doing.”

Wikipedia has it's problems, which are often easier to recognize for people that edit for a while, & espionage organizations like the CIA have corrupted it, but there have also been times where this was overcome, like when they declared the ADL to be unreliable. 03/14/2025 Lisa Pease: Wikipedia is entirely controlled by the intelligence agencies. And that’s not even speculation. That’s been documented over time. // Kit Klarenberg 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻: In a testament to the utter cancer of Wikipedia, its entry on the Odessa massacre has been updated to reference the ECHR ruling - all the bullshit passages speculatively apportioning blame to Russia/Russians for what happened are cited, nothing else.

(Video) B L A K E L E Y: Nothing says we’re a sovereign nation with our own interests, and not agents of the Israeli regime like firing the guy who said we’re our own nation with our own interests, and not agents of the Israeli regime. 🇺🇸 🫠 03/13/2025

Zei_squirrel: Sheryl Sandberg has just been exposed as a depraved sex creep who preyed on vulnerable employees and harassed and intimidated them into silence. That's only a small part of her depravity. Her partner was on the Epstein list and she covered up mass rape at his company for him, including an instance where one of his victims committed suicide, as detailed in the thread below. Israel chose this person, this depraved sex creep mass pedophile-rape launderer, to lead their genocidal atrocity propaganda rape hoax push. This is the best person they could find for that job. It's insane how shameless these scum are. Remember: Every Zionist accusation is a confession. 03/13/2025

Briahna Joy Gray: The Hill banned @normfinkelstein as a “Holocaust denier” but they’d welcome Musk with open arms. This was never about antisemitism. 03/14/2025 Branko Marcetic: Apparently none of this is antisemitic.

Musk Retweets ‘Hitler Didn’t Murder Millions’ Message Amid Ongoing Nazi Controversy 03/14/2025 Topline Tesla chief and presidential adviser Elon Musk shared a post Thursday that said public sector workers, not Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, murdered millions of people, marking the billionaire’s latest Nazi-related post as he and his electric vehicle company face continued backlash and boycotts as critics say his embrace of right-wing politics is veering more extreme.

(Video) Dr. Jill Stein🌻: Don't let the political elites put Israel's genocide first and our freedoms last. Join an emergency protest for Mahmoud Khalil with @NationalSJP, @codepink, greenpartyamac, @wrkrsstrikeback, @pslnational etc. First they came for Palestinians. Next they're coming for you. 03/13/2025

Max Blumenthal : Trump is transforming the Hebrew term for peace, "Shalom," into a declaration of repression and war. It is his bat signal to his billionaire sponsors among the Zionist mafia, assuring them and the foreign apartheid state to which they are dedicated that he is adhering to their agenda. No regard has been paid to how Trump's garishly sectarian political theater will affect the image of the many Jews who want no part in it. As long as Zionism reigns, we are its human shields. 03/13/2025

Briahna Joy Gray: Ethnic cleaning. 03/14/2025 Ismail (Ish) Aderonmu: EXCUSE ME?

AP Exclusive: US and Israel look to Africa for moving Palestinians uprooted from Gaza 03/14/2025

Empire Of Lies: Tom "Rotten" Cotton? He's nothing but an anti-free speech boot-licker for the Zionist entity. This simp is an embarrassment to the US Senate. And to the people of Arkansas. 03/14/2025

Khalissee: Why does the “safety” framework only apply to Jewish students? Columbia Pulitzer Board Member @anneapplebaum Explicitly Advocated for Killing Palestinian Journalists for making Isr@el and the US look bad. Why doesn't her presence on campus "threaten the safety" of Palestinian students? 03/14/2025

Adam Johnson: reading all the handwringing about “free speech” and “safety” and remembering Anne Applebaum wrote an article in 2002 explicitly calling for the targeted killing of Palestinian journalists for the crime of making Israel look bad 04/30/2024

Kill the Messenger 01/21/2002 Why Palestine radio and TV studios are fair targets in the Palestine/Israeli war. .... Establishing a credible media will be, for the Palestinians, part of what it takes to establish a credible state. Until then, the Voice of Palestine will remain what it has become: a combatant—and therefore a legitimate target—in a painful, never-ending, low-intensity war.

Adam Johnson: in 2002/3 Goldberg was central to pushing the conspiracy theory Iraq had ties to al-Qaeda. Around the same time, the person whose story he is promoting here, Anne Applebaum, argued Israel should kill Palestinian journalists. Now they are both middlebrow "misinformation" experts. 06/24/2024

Adam Johnson: Columbia Pulitzer board member @anneapplebaum advocated killing Palestinian media workers for the mere crime of making Israel and the US look bad. My question is why doesn't her presence on campus "threaten the safety" of Palestinian students? 03/14/2025

Columbia Pulitzer Board Member Explicitly Advocated Killing Palestinian Journalists. Does This “Threaten the Safety” of Palestinian Students? 03/14/2025 Adam Johnson Why does the “safety” framework never apply to Arab students? ... In 2002, Columbia University Pulitzer Prize board member, alleged “anti-authoritarian” expert, and Atlantic Magazine columnist Anne Applebaum explicitly advocated in Slate magazine that Israel kill Palestinian journalists for the crime of making Israelis and Americans look bad. In her article, “Kill The Messenger,” there is little subtlety or equivocation about not only Israel’s right to blow up Palestinian media infrastructure, but to kill reporters for simply doing their job: (Propaganda and possible censorship and even killing journalists)

(Video) Sabby Sabs: JD Vance accuses protesters of being unemployed. It's classist and a deflection from the real issue. These politicians are bought off. They belong to Wall Street and Israel, and that's who they serve. 03/14/2025 HOT SPOT: JD Vance mocks protesters for being unemployed under his economy: “It’s a little after noon on a Friday. Don’t you all have jobs?… That’s why we need to rebuild American manufacturing—so these people get off the streets and back to work.”

(Video) Samira Mohyeddin سمیرا: #VIDEO of Mahmoud Khalil being taken by ICE. “We don’t give our names.” 03/14/2025

(Video) Max Blumenthal: I see 'Rabbi' Shmuley as a walking antisemitic stereotype who could have been conjured up by any Nazi propagandist 03/13/2025 Rabbi Shmuley: Unbelievable moment on @piersmorgan when @DrGaborMate son, @aaronjmate CALLED ME A NAZI. Sad to see how morally corrupt and lost fellow Jews are.

Briahna Joy Gray: Israeli rape culture is completely out of control. 03/13/2025 Nimer Sultany: UN Commission: “There is no escape from the conclusion that Israel has employed sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinians to terrorise them and perpetuate a system of oppression that undermines their right to self-determination.”

“More than a human can bear”: Israel's systematic use of sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence since October 2023 03/13/2025 Specific forms of sexual and gender-based violence – such as forced public stripping and nudity, sexual harassment including threats of rape, as well as sexual assault – comprise part of the Israeli Security Forces’ standard operating procedures toward Palestinians. Other forms of sexual and gender-based violence, including rape and violence to the genitals, were committed either under explicit orders or with implicit encouragement by Israel’s top civilian and military leadership, the report said.

(Video) Melanie Schweizer | MERA25 🇩🇪: Only monsters could do that to children and only monsters could defend this. 18 000 murdered children by Israel in Gaza since October 2023. Israel has disqualified itself from being a country of the civilized world. It is at its current state a barbaric, genocidal, racist and fascist country. 03/1/2025

(Video) The percentage of anti-Zionist Jews is much higher than 4%; Zionists use this lie for propaganda purposes and so do anti-Semites to demonize non-Zionist Jews! 03/15/2025 Johann Spischak: What is Zionism? (Ilan Pape on theft of land after almost 2 thousand years

(Video) Khalissee: SILENCING THE TRUTH: Over 370 Broadcasters Condemn RTS for Erasing Gaza Journalists. 1. 370+ top broadcasters, including Jonathan Dimbleby, Sangita Myska, and Krishnan Guru-Murthy have slammed @RTS_media for pulling a Special Award for Gaza journalists at the last minute. 2. The award, meant to honor exceptional video journalism, was blocked when it was set to go to Palestinian journalists, with zero transparency or justification. 3. Gaza dominated the RTS awards, yet the recognition for Gazan journalists, who have risked everything to report on the war, was canceled despite NEAR-UNANIMOUS jury support. .......... 03/14/2025

(Video) Rania: When genocidal psychopaths tell you what crimes they're going to commit, believe them! 03/15/2025

(Video) Revolutionary Blackout🥋: Bernie Sanders has a complete meltdown at activists for asking him about Mahmoud Khalil. Why does Bernie show way more disdain towards ordinary people instead of the Democratic Party who oppose his entire agenda? 03/14/2025

Jason Paladino: BREAKING: In a new filing in the Mahmoud Khalil case, the government is arguing they transferred him to Louisiana because of… a bedbug infestation in their New Jersey facility. 03/15/2025

(Video) Ryan Rozbiani: Comedian Sammy Obeid is 100% Right. They are targeting protesters to scare people from speaking out 03/15/2025

(Video) Medea Benjamin: 102 members of Congress just signed a letter defending Mahmoud Khalil’s right to free speech! Change is happening! But with universities under threat and student voices at risk, we must keep fighting. Stand up, speak out, and defend free speech for all! 03/14/2025

Alan MacLeod: More people should know that this is happening. 03/15/2025

Pro-Israel group says it has ‘deportation list’ and has sent ‘thousands’ of names to Trump officials 03/14/2025 Betar US is among far-right groups supporting Trump effort to deport students involved in pro-Palestinian protests

(Video) XX 03/1/2025

(Video) XX 03/1/2025

Colin Fisher: Ww2 memorial in london the cenotaph.