Are decisions about Health Care Democratic?
Are decisions about Health Care based on good science?
Are Health Care companies increasing profits by denying people care which leads to their death?
There's an enormous amount of evidence showing that Decisions about funding Health Care are highly undemocratic, not based on good science, and have been costing thousands of lives every year, although several studies disagree on the exact amount, and that Health Insurance Companies are making billions of dollars at the expense of both taxpayers and consumers. This evidence was around years, if not decades before Luigi Mangione killed Brian Thompson
There's no shortage of articles, polls or studies to support the factual conclusions I already made including 22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money 02/24/2020; Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study 02/18/2020; and The Troubled Insurance Sales Firm Behind Those Joe Namath Ads for Medicare Advantage 12/13/2021 which says "Researchers have found that aside from the financial risks, choosing the wrong plan can literally knock years off your life." This shows that not only do some studies show we can save lives by switching to a public system that minimizes waste, but we also have studies showing that doing the opposite, increases the privatization of health care with programs like Medicare Advantage increases waste and costs lives. In addition to that we have other polls showing 70% support Medicare for All & 85% of Democrats, which indicates in addition to scientific research showing public non-profit control is more effective, but a large percentage of the public prefers this, despite our political establishment refusing to implement it. And, as the following book excerpts show, polls that support Public Health Care, along with increased spending on day care and education show this isn't new, and that it goes back more than thirty-five years, possibly much more:
In August 1987, a nationwide poll commissioned by the Los Angeles Times found that nearly two of three Americans support a federally run national health insurance program. (p.136)
Three quarters of Americans, according to a Louis Harris poll, said in 1986 that they are prepared to pay higher taxes to provide more day care and education; 88 percent said they want government to provide more health coverage and day care services for children of the poor. (Lisbeth Schorr "Within Our Reach" 1988 p.294)
In addition to that we have evidence of intent, which should be obvious, since it's a for profit industry, which they don't deny; but occasionally there's also evidence of intent from politicians pretending to defend the people's interests. One of the most brazen example of this was released in the Watergate tapes of President Nixon, as indicated in Managed cost, mismanaged care 02/13/2013 which cites a public speech where Nixon publically claims "I want America to have the finest health care in the world — and I want every American to be able to have that care when he needs it," but his private views are indicated in the following:
Nixon’s true motives, however, might best be revealed by his infamous White House tapes. A recording from February 17, 1971 captured a conversation between President Nixon and John Ehrlichman, the president’s chief domestic advisor. On the tape, which has been transcribed by the Presidential Recordings Program at the University of Virginia, Ehrlichman brought up the idea of incentivizing the creation of HMOs as a model for reform. Nixon was initially hesitant (“You know I’m not too keen on any of these damn medical programs”), but Ehrlichman argued, “This is a private enterprise one .... Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit, and the reason that he can do it. .... All the incentives are toward less medical care, because the less care they give them, the more money they make.” Nixon’s response: “Well, that appeals to me .... Not bad.” He announced his HMO plan the next day.
This is one of the most brazen examples where a politician was caught on tape saying he cares more about corporate profits, presumably of his campaign donors and wealthy friends, than he does about the health of the public. But there are many more indications like that, including a leaked promise from Hillary Clinton that she wouldn't keep her word to the public about a health care proposal, which wasn't even very good; Biden made similar statements, Kamala Harris made promises about Health Care during her 2020 primary campaign, but reversed them when she became a VP candidate, and when she was handed the nomination in 2024 without running in a primary, she didn't even bother to make many of her original promises from her previous primary campaign, including about Health Care.
And, of course, as I pointed out in several articles, it's routine to rig primaries for Wall Street puppets that ignore the will of the people. The most important tactic they use is mainstream media simply refuses to cover candidates that don't cater to Wall Street, but they use many other tactics to cheat, often to see which corporate candidate can get elected, even though none of them serve the people.
Furthermore, the political establishment has been making a massive amount of noise about one person killed by Luigi Mangione, but if these studies are close there are about 68,000 deaths as a result of private companies increasing profits by denying coverage that will save these lives, and Brian Thompson is one of the ones making tens of millions of dollars off a corrupt system. Another source Universal healthcare in U.S. would have saved 212,000 lives, $459B in 2020, study finds 06/15/2022 indicates the savings could have been three times higher in 2020, during the Pandemic; and not to long ago I found a study about fifteen years old that said the lives saved would have been below 50,000 per year, although I didn't book mark it, if it's true, it means the number of people dying as a result of our healthcare system is increasing steadily; but even if the lower estimate turns out to be true, that's still well over 40,000 innocent people dying every year as a result of our corrupt system, and Brian Thompson was far from innocent!
The Troubled Insurance Sales Firm Behind Those Joe Namath Ads for Medicare Advantage 12/13/2021 Benefytt Technologies has been shaking off lawsuits and regulators for years. It’s now peddling Medicare Advantage plans to seniors—where if someone picks a subpar plan, the results can be disastrous. .... Researchers have found that aside from the financial risks, choosing the wrong plan can literally knock years off your life. ...... Whether Namath, whose long football career likely left him with Medicare subsidies, has any idea what he’s hawking is unclear; he’s not interested in talking about it. Or so says his longtime agent, Jim Walsh. “I’m just a lawyer,” Walsh said when he politely told me he wasn’t “in a position to chat” about his client’s contract.
Universal healthcare in U.S. would have saved 212,000 lives, $459B in 2020, study finds 06/15/2022
(Video) Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths a Year 02/19/2020
Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study 02/18/2020
22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money 02/24/2020
A New Congressional Budget Office Study Shows That Medicare for All Would Save Hundreds of Billions of Dollars Annually 12/29/2020
FACT CHECK: Medicare for All Would Save the U.S. Trillions; Public Option Would Leave Millions Uninsured, Not Garner Savings 02/21/2020
The Evidence Is Clear: Medicare for All Will Save Money and Lives 05/18/2023
Cutting Carbon Emissions Sooner Could Save 153 Million Lives 03/26/2018
Thousands of lives could be saved by lowering air pollution levels Sept. 2020 If the U.S. adopted global guidelines for air pollution, the lives of 143,000 older adults could be saved over one decade, a recent study finds.
30,000-plus U.S. lives could be saved by reducing air pollution levels below current standard 07/24/2019
New Study Finds California’s Zero-Emission Cars Standards Could Save Lives, Reduce Pollution, Save Californians Money 05/04/2021
Study Finds Racial Gap Between Who Causes Air Pollution And Who Breathes It 03/11/2019
Poorest areas bear brunt of air pollution, US study shows 09/09/2022 Evidence suggests least well-off and minority ethnic communities face biggest burden from toxic air. It has long been known that the poorest and those from minority ethnic communities shoulder the greatest burden from air pollution – and now a study has provided compelling evidence. (Tracking air pollution disparities -- daily -- from space)
EPA Report Shows Disproportionate Impacts of Climate Change on Socially Vulnerable Populations in the United States 09/02/2021
Climate Change’s Unequal Burden: Why Do Low-Income Communities Bear the Brunt? 10/09/2023
Overburdened Communities Bear the Brunt of Environmental Injustice October 27th, 2022
Disparities in the Impact of Air Pollution
Racial Disparities and Climate Change 08/15/2020
Marginalised communities bear the brunt of climate crisis in USA: New report 10/05/2021 Google: "Study says poor and minority (rich) people bear brunt of envirnmental damage from polution"
Richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of humanity 11/20/2023
This study calculated the carbon emissions of getting rich 08/29/2023
We're Using Children For Research, Without Accepting The Benefits! Includes Schorr studies
Conclusive Proof Showing Democracy In The USA Is A Lie!
Do medical researchers Have any "moral compass?"
ProPublica: Dr. Debby Day said her bosses at Cigna gave her a stark warning: Work faster, or the company might fire her. She said her bosses cared more about being fast than being right: “Deny, deny, deny. That’s how you hit your numbers.” 11/29/2024
ProPublica: A Doctor at Cigna Said Her Bosses Pressured Her to Review Patients’ Cases Too Quickly. Cigna Threatened to Fire Her. 04/29/2024 Cigna tracks every minute that its staff doctors spend deciding whether to pay for health care. Dr. Debby Day said her bosses cared more about being fast than being right: “Deny, deny, deny. That’s how you hit your numbers,” Day said.
(Video) Paula Stokes: My mom used to work for a different insurance company and I remember her coming home crying because she got in trouble for not denying enough claims. She got fired for not "meeting quota" after a couple of months. 12/18/2024 Jordan: This ex-United Healthcare employee I spoke to revealed predatory practices including United pressuring employees to hit a quota for denying patient claims. Mainstream media won't talk to her. // Status Coup News: EXCLUSIVE: Ex-United Healthcare employee Jenny reveals employees complained about a quota system they were ordered to meet for denying patient claims. FULL INTERVIEW below.
(Video) This may cause your head to explode. Read this about @Cigna bulk-denying claims w/o reading patients' medical records. One Cigna medical director denied 121K in 1st two months of 2022, another denied 80k. 03/25/2023
How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them 03/25/2023 Internal documents and former company executives reveal how Cigna doctors reject patients’ claims without opening their files. “We literally click and submit,” one former company doctor said.
(Video) Corporate media tries to put the genie released by Luigi Mangione back in the bottle — with @AbbyMartin & @TaylorLorenz 12/23/2024
Daniel Boguslaw: Last week, it emerged that health insurance leaders pressured the DOJ to bring federal charges against Luigi Mangione. This week, I discovered the top 3 officials at DOJ all collected paychecks from healthcare companies before serving in government: 12/2/2024
Daniel Boguslaw: Health Insurance Leaders Pressured DOJ To Charge Luigi Mangione 12/24/2024 Holly Blomberg: The corruption is overwhelming. BigInsurance wants the government to kill Luigi Mangione in order to hammer home their point that we should be happy being railroaded as we try to obtain healthcare
(Video) Lee Camp [Redacted]: 🚨More people who worked for @UHC UnitedHealthcare are coming forward & revealing how exactly they make sure Americans DO NOT get healthcare. All former employees of the health insurance industry should make videos like this! 12/26/2024 Wall Street Apes: This woman worked for UnitedHealthcare in the claims department, she was taught “thousands” of ways to deny people. “I'm here to talk about one specific claim” - A widowed woman would call 3x a day because UnitedHealthcare was taking her to court - Her husband had just passed from pancreatic cancer, and this was a hospice claim - They were already garnishing her wages, and this was less than 60 days after he died. By the way, she was left with 5 boys by herself, she was a stay at home mom her whole life. She was just trying to figure out life. There was absolutely no reason why we couldn't just submit this claim and be done, but they told me every which way to deny this to get her off of our phone line. It was absolutely despicable.” The claim they went after her for, from her now dead from cancer husband, was roughly $500,000. HALF A MILLION from a woman who had nothing.
(Video) Wall Street Apes: This woman worked for a healthcare facility that partners with the government for people convicted of crimes. She’s showing you her gag order from the healthcare company but she’s speaking out anyway “Because I don't give a sh*t anymore” - Patients are forced to take medication even if it makes them violently sick because if they’re don’t the company won’t be paid. “Every time they took a medication they got more f*cking money. I literally had a patient almost die on me” - Falsifying documents happens regularly - She was let go because she constantly pointed out everything illegal they were doing, they had to settle with her to keep her mouth shut. “They will force medications, and these people would say no no no, please, like, I don't want to take this medicine. And then they would tell them, well, if you don't take that medication, you're gonna get kicked out and go back to jail” ........ 12/25/2024
Holly Blomberg: 27 years worth of AARP steering members to ONLY United Healthcare BECAUSE OF KICKBACKS. If you or someone you know pays for an AARP membership it’s time to rethink that. This must read article is damning 12/26/2024
How AARP Shills for UnitedHealthcare 12/11/2024 Today on TAP: Why does the supposed advocate for the elderly steer them to the industry’s worst insurer?
(Video) Bill Madden: In case y'all don't know, AARP is a scam non-proft who shills for one of the worst health insurance companies in America, United Healthcare. 😳👇 12/26/2024
(Video) Democracy Now!: Elon Musk’s Opposition to Gov’t Spending Bill a “Smokescreen” for His Business Interests: Robert Kuttner 12/23/2024
Ken Klippenstein: Here's a new Luigi Mangione document the media wouldn't publish in full: 12/26/2024
Ken Klippenstein: Read the NYPD’s Mangione report the media won't publish 12/26/2024
Mike Pence's Other Mother 🟧🟦🟪: But apparently, execution by corporation is just fine. The kind that Fetterman wasn’t subjected to because he has that good taxpayer funded healthcare. How many non congressmen died after their strokes because they were denied the lifesaving healthcare they needed, paid for and deserved, Senator? Fuck off! 12/28/2024 U.S. Senator John Fetterman: JUST BONKERS. Justifying a public execution based on anger, differences, policies—that rationalization normalizes the next one on you, me, or anyone else. It’s dangerous and unacceptable. Responsibility is solely owned by that coward.
Most Americans think insurance industry bears some blame for CEO killing 12/27/2024
(Video) Dr. Linda Peeno says she was constantly being told she "was not denying care she was simply denying payment" as if this isn't the same for most people, and as if it doesn't cost lives in many cases. 12/28/2024 BigTurd: Senator, you’re oversimplifying this—it’s not black and white. Yes, some are celebrating this tragedy, and that’s absolutely abhorrent. But instead of stopping at condemnation, you need to step back and ask: why are people reacting this way? What systemic failures are fueling such strong emotions? Consider this: the healthcare system routinely denies care, delays treatments, and prioritizes profits over patients, leading to preventable deaths-as Dr. Linda Peeno testified to (see attached video). Families who have faced these devastating losses often feel unheard and powerless. Their frustration isn’t justification—it’s a signal of a feeling of injustice. We should focus on understanding and addressing the causes, not just the reactions.
Health Insurers Gave $120 Billion To Shareholders While Denying Your Claim 12/17/2024
(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: An artist who's done 45,000 portraits across 20 years says Luigi Mangione isn't the shooter 12/26/2024
(Video) 🥀_ Imposter_🥀: The coverage couldn't be more night and day. 12/30/2024 Difference in media coverage between cops beating a man to death and Luigi Killing a Health Care official responsible for thousands of deaths by withholding coverage.
Lee Camp [Redacted]: The US system has legalized horrific crimes - as long as they’re done by the “right” people. The ruling class. 12/31/2024 Matt Stoller: United Healthcare is one of the biggest frauds in history. It exists to commit Medicare advantage fraud while denying care. These are very big numbers.
UnitedHealth’s Army of Doctors Helped It Collect Billions More From Medicare 12/29/2024 The biggest Medicare Advantage insurer presented physicians with checklists of potential diagnoses; ‘I didn’t think I was obese’
My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: Be honest. Were you terrorized by the shooting of the millionaire healthcare CEO? 01/01/2025 Gabrielle A. Perry, MPH: They charged Luigi Mangione with terrorism for killing 1 white man. But the FBI just corrected the Mayor of New Orleans & tried to embarrass her on national TV saying a man who drove into a crowd w/ a truck loaded w/ bombs & started shooting is NOT a terrorist. Fuck this country.
(Video) If AOC had lead the charge on Force The Vote instead of playing career politics, we likely never would’ve heard of Luigi Mangione. 12/16/2024
(Video) Fifty Shades of Whey: Health insurance companies are out of control 01/08/2024 Called out of surgury to question and possibly cancel coverage.
(Video) Sabby Sabs: Another INSURANCE issue! This woman's parents were canceled from their insurance. 01/08/2025 HOT SPOT: Woman says her 90 year-old parents got cancelled from their fire insurance as their home burns in Southern California
(Video) Sabby Sabs: I've noticed the healthcare conversation is starting to disappear again. What should we do at this moment? Check out my most recent article. Don't let this moment go by. Don't Ignore The Luigi Moment. 01/21/2025
Don't Ignore The Luigi Moment Written by Sabrina Salvati 01/12/2025
Fifty Shades of Whey: A 22-year-old in Wisconsin died after a severe asthma attack because he couldn't afford the price of his inhaler, which was no longer covered by his insurance. The pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) that rescheduled his medication is OptumRx, which is a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group. This young man was murdered by the for-profit healthcare system in the United States. 01/0/2025
Man’s asthma inhaler cost went from $66 to $539, then he died, Wisconsin lawsuit says 01/28/2025
(Video) Margaret Kimberley: Eric Adams is such a fking clown. Who needs him for the perp walk? And perhaps providing the basis for an appeal. As I said earlier he'll probably run for reelection as a republican. 12/19/2024
(Video) Corporate media believes this makes Luigi look bad. It actually makes law enforcement look bad. It's a wink and a nod from cops to elites. Dylan Roof didn't have this many cops and he killed 9 ppl. 12/19/2024 Johnny maga: BREAKING: Luigi Mangione was just perp walked as he de-boarded an NYPD helicopter in New York City. Mayor Eric Adams walked him all the way to the car.
(Video) Sabby Sabs: This is a common story for a lot of Americans. Why does it cost $2,500 to remove stitches? Greed and more greedy. 12/20/2024 Status Coup News: "The only option I could go to was...the emergency room. Just to take out the stitches was $2,500" - Demonstrator shares her healthcare stories as @JordanChariton is outside the court where Luigi Mangion is being arraigned. LIVE NOW, link below!
Briahna Joy Gray: Luigi put material pressure on Untied Healthcare to pay out claims by drawing public attention to social media posts about denials. Now, UH is lawyering up to seek retribution against anyone who dares to post about their healthcare claim being denied. 01/05/2025 Yashar Ali 🐘: NEWS UnitedHealth has retained Claire Locke, one of the top defamation law firms in the country, to issue threats of legal action over social media posts about the insurer’s refusal to provide coverage to patients. Full Story:
UnitedHealth Hires Defamation Firm Over Social Media Posts (1) 01/05/2025 UnitedHealth Group Inc. has hired a prominent defamation law firm to counter what it sees as inaccurate and irresponsible social media posts about the company’s practices. Clare Locke, an Alexandria, Virginia-based boutique law firm, is working for UnitedHealth, the company confirmed. A doctor “is using her social media following to perpetuate inaccuracies, which is irresponsible, unethical and dangerous,” UnitedHeath said in a statement. // HollyBlomberg: Truth is an affirmative defense. I hope people keep telling their stories & the legal community helps people who have been unfairly targeted by United Healthcare
The Millennial Snowflake 🇵🇸: Some of you pearl-clutchers need to understand who Brian Thompson was. 12/04/2024
UnitedHealth uses faulty AI to deny elderly patients medically necessary coverage, lawsuit claims 11/20/2023
Chris Richards 🐬🖖🏻 eclecticradical Brian Thompson was directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than any serial killer or terrorist you can think of, because United Healthcare kills more people than 9/11 killed every year. 12/04/2024
Sir Watcher: Just remember, police doesnt give a shit if one of us dies but immediately put a $10,000 reward because it was a CEO of a health insurance company (Brian Thompson) 12/04/2024
Ben Norton: The privatized, for-profit US healthcare system is a nightmare of exploitation: UnitedHealthcare, the largest US health insurance company, uses an AI algorithm to override doctors' judgments and wrongfully deny health coverage to elderly patients "This has resulted in patients being kicked out of rehabilitation programs and care facilities far too early, forcing them to drain their life savings to obtain needed care that should be covered". 12/05/2024
UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit alleges 11/16/2023 For the largest health insurer in the US, AI's error rate is like a feature, not a bug.
(Video) My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: This is what, apparently, tanks their stock. 12/05/2024 Shipwreck: Brian Thompson and United Healthcare were being investigated by the DOJ for violating anti trust laws and were also being sued for not disclosing the investigation to investors before the media reported on it causing investors to lose millions of dollars. Not only did they not disclose the investigation, but CEO Brian Thompson and others sold all their shares, making millions of dollars. 😬
HOT SPOT: JUST IN — Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield calls off decision to cap anesthesia for surgical patients following the assassination of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson 12/05/2024
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield halts anesthesia payment policy after backlash 12/05/2024 The health insurer planned to cap the length of time anesthesia can be covered during medical procedures in three states, prompting outrage.
David Sirota: thinking back to when I personally interviewed @BarackObama and asked him why he suddenly abandoned his past support for single-payer health care and he said he decided the insurance industry needed to be protected 12/05/2024
Mr. Obama Goes to Washington 06/08/2006 Barack Obama talks a great progressive game. But his record so far shows he has a proven ability to mix charisma with deference to the establishment.
Wait! What! 12/05/2024 Libertarian Party NH: If someone gets cancer and can't pay for the treatment, then they should die.
David Sirota: In 2020, Biden declared that “the first thing I would do as president” is create a public option to compete with health insurance giants. Then he won the election and as president he never once mentioned a public option ever again. 12/05/2024
Where Did The Public Option Go? 08/11/2022 David Sirota Democrats have completely forgotten about a public health insurance option, choosing instead to deliver expensive subsidies to their industry donors.
Emmanuel: Nick Hanauer wrote of this over 10 years ago and I am unsurprised Brian Thompson had to die to finally justify it 12/05/2024 LightExposestheDark هولي 🇵🇸 (@iamwaters.bsky.soc: Article discussing populist rage. It’s real. You, the CEOs, the elites, it looks as if you’ve been warned.
The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats July/August 2014 by Nick Hanauer
Insurance executive's killing sparks online praise and hate 12/05/2024 Support for the killing of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, as well as sympathy for it, has spread on social media, alarming experts.
In tax we trust. If you don’t, then all the private talks won’t change what’s coming - it’s taxes or pitchforks.
Ken Klippenstein: The replies to Brian Thompson’s last post on LinkedIn — all from before the shooting — are a horror show 12/06/2024
Justin Finger: Then people wonder why a health insurance CEO was gunned down…because insurance companies pull this garbage. 12/05/2024
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Won’t Pay for the Complete Duration of Anesthesia for Patients’ Surgical Procedures 11/14/2024 This was reversed after seeing the outrage of denying coverage following Brian Thompson's death
(Video) Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋: HILARIOUS: United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson gets SMOKED and the entire country laughs and celebrates in response. 12/05/2024
Lee Camp [Redacted]: UnitedHealthcare - whose CEO was just k*lled - apparently has for the past 2 years been telling desperately poor people who can't afford their healthcare bills nor FOOD, to call Keith McHenry, the head of Food Not Bombs. Only 1 problem - Food Not Bombs is not in most US cities & does not have the ability to feed every person UnitedHealthcare has crushed. McHenry tried to get UnitedHealth to direct these desperate people elsewhere, but the calls have not stopped. Our healthcare system is a deathcare system. 12/05/2024
(Video) Keith McHenry: This is so weird. I get 10 to 20 calls a day from Americans without food who were sent to me by United Healthcare. I called his office trying to them to tell their clients to call 211 instead of me. The calls are heartbreaking. 12/04/2024 Related Tweet not available because account owner limits who can see it.
David Sirota: During Donald Trump's first term, the Republican-run Congressional Budget Office reported that Medicare For All would save America $650 billion a year. Pass it on. 12/06/2024
My DOGE Job Application 11/22/2024
(Video) Jimmy Dore REACTS to UnitedHealth CEO Assassination! 12/06/2024
(Video) Gio DeBatta 🍸: CNN: “brian thompson ex-ceo of united health hired the hitman and took his own life.” they are trying to call his death a suicide. lol I knew Hillary Clinton was behind it. 12/07/2024
(Video) Zei_squirrel: Happy birthday to Noam Chomsky. Here's a compilation of him exposing Western media class "journalists" for the depraved propagandists they are: 12/07/2024
My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: Apparently this kind of joke really hurts the feelings of rich people who work for insurance companies. 12/07/2024
(Video) Jenerational Change: 3 days since UnitedHealth CEO’s assassination & AOC still has yet to issue any statement. In addition, she recently voted YES on the Pro-Israel, anti-Palestine censorship bill. When she inevitably seeks higher office & requests your money, time & effort, remember these moments. 12/07/2024
Lauren McKenzie: In case they take down his account: Luigi Mangione’s pinned thread: 12/09/2024 Here’s the guy they picked up at the McDonald’s in Altoona- Luigi Mangione. Who kinda looks like the other 4 white guys in jackets - they all do lol
Aidan: So he.. agreed with a premise Tucker Carlson made but added some context which disagreed… and that makes him a fascist?? I’m so confused. I fucking KNEW as soon as they introduced politics into this, the solidarity would crumble. I knew it. 12/09/2024
Robin Justice🇵🇸🇺🇲: And here's a review he wrote on the Unabombers manifesto. He's complaining about the fossil fuel industry. When have you ever heard someone right wing bitch about fossil fuels? 12/09/2024
David Sirota: UnitedHealth executives pressed the company’s rank-and-file employees to pressure lawmakers to block a public health insurance option. 12/09/2024
Health Insurer Pressured Employees To Fight State Public Option 04/22/2021 By Julia Rock Video shows UnitedHealth exec slamming Connecticut proposal’s “artificially low premiums” and pushing employees to lobby against the bill.
Luigi Mangione grew up rich because of the private healthcare system. His family owns Lorien Health Systems. LHS offers senior care services at 9 locations across Maryland. He is a direct beneficiary of that system. #LuigiMangione 12/10/2024
Luigi Mangione, suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting, is related to prominent Maryland family 12/0/2024 The Banner reports the Mangione family purchased Turf Valley Country Club in 1978, establishing it as a golf course resort and residential community. According to the Banner, family businesses also include the Lorien Health Services nursing homes and radio station WCBM-AM.
(Video) B L A K E L E Y: It’s exactly what we thought it would be. #luigimangione 12/10/2024 Luigi Mangione manifesto
(Video) Rezo: This is what I came across. The picture is slowly coming together. I wonder what the Corp. MSM spin will be. 12/10/2024 Tiffany Cianci: As a MD local, it’s well-known that the Mangione family’s fortune was built on the back of substandard care in nursing facilities all across the state. What did Luigi Mangione witness? Here are all of the legal documents and documentation of all of the abuse, taking place in their facilities that created their family millions!
Quadcarl: Luigi Mangione left a manifesto. He was clearly upset with his mother’s pain and suffering and how the insurance company made everything worse. 12/09/2024 probably fake, claiming Klipenstein got it right.
There are several versions of this manifesto; I haven't confirmed which is the right one, if any. 12/10/2024 Not Better Left Unsaid: Luigi Mangione's manifesto on our healthcare system
Power to the People ☭🕊: WANTED posters of health insurance CEOs for killing and bankrupting people for profit were put up all over New York City today. 12/11/2024
(Video) My weight class is Karen 🇵🇸: Objective: increased surveillance 12/11/2024 Acyn: Compagno: If you are an employer, teacher, in charge of admissions.. check your employees, check your children, check the social media of anyone over which you have control of their employment, their education.. to see if they have participated in this
Why isn't Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez informing her supporters how much of a scam Medicare Advantage is while Tweeting this? 12/11/2024 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Medicare Open Enrollment ends Dec. 7! Don’t miss out on this important opportunity to make sure your healthcare needs are met. Visit
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: When @ninaturner and I tried to advocate for universal healthcare in the context of the 2020 Bernie campaign, @DrJasonJohnson smeared us as “misfit black girls” & gaslit Senator Turner, claiming “oligarchs” are only in Russia. Meanwhile, Reid blacklisted me from her show, along with an innocent booker who dared to suggest me for a segment. 12/11/2024 CaseStudyQB - #ArmsEmbargoNOW: MSNBC - 12/10/2024 - clip - on the right not wanting to regulate healthcare. "If we actually had members of congress who would engage healthcare as an actually wouldn't have these problems." (🤔If only we had a guy that both these speakers were against, @BernieSanders 😒 )
(Video) Angelo Angelli, JD: CaseStudyQB - #ArmsEmbargoNOW: MSNBC - 12/10/2024 - Full segment - discussing conservatives facing backlash from their own followers over UnitedHealthcare killer 12/11/2024
(Video) Christian LaBosco: This is Calley and Casey Means. The siblings exposing the dark truths behind Big Pharma. They sat down with Joe Rogan and shared some mind-blowing revelations about how the medical system really works. Here are 9 of their most shocking insights: (No. 7 will terrify you) 12/11/2024
(Video) Joe Rogan Experience #2210 - Calley Means & Casey Means, MD 10/08/2024
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "The reason Daniel Penny felt compelled to act is because New York City has failed to take violent criminals off the streets..." - Clay Travis "Let me use the exact same logical formulation: Luigi Mangione had to act because our legal system & our political system have failed to address the overwhelming crisis of the US health system. That's exactly how you framed it..." -BJG 12/1/2024
(Video) Sabby Sabs: The View says ppl should change healthcare through the system. All of these women on The View have shunned EVERY candidate that went into the system and tried to change it. Bernie was on this show discussing this and they fought against it. GTFOH 12/12/2024 CaseStudyQB - #ArmsEmbargoNOW: ABC - 12/11/2024 - #TheView talks about the public's reaction to the UnitedHealthcare CEO killing.
Empire Of Lies : Should we add politicians and NY Times propagandists to the CEO list? 🤔 12/1/2024 How can they be so out of touch with reality that they think anyone will believe this?
NYT: Brian Thompson, Not Luigi Mangione, Is the Real Working-Class Hero 12/12/2024 As for the killer, John Fetterman had the choicest words: He’s “going to die in prison,” the peerless Pennsylvania senator told HuffPost. “Congratulations if you want to celebrate that.”
(Video) Empire Of Lies: Finally - something that unites our divided country. 12/12/2024 COMBATE |🇵🇷: "One less CEO, many more to go" —Road sign appears in Seattle, USA as criminal investigation of alleged UnitedHealth CEO shooter moves forward
(Video) Briahna Joy Gray: "Why are we asking random pundits [to] have empathy for [Brian Thompson] & their family, while there's no question being asked about who has empathy for the tens of thousands of Americans who are killed every year by the policies that Brian Thompson has made...tens of millions of dollars off of?... The fact that someone who is relatively privileged in the United States of America can still feel so overwhelmed -- so overwhelmed by our healthcare system that they would go to these lengths?... That 50% of families that have a cancer diagnosis in their family in the United States of America go bankrupt*? That is where the moral outrage should lie. But when you go on elite programs that have wealthy, no offense Piers, affluent hosts, the focus seems to be on the family of the millionaire, & not on the families of the people who've been terrorized by this healthcare system." *The stat is actually that they are 5x more likely to go bankrupt. But the point holds. 12/12/2024
(Video) “conversations in the ruling class right now, probably.” One million views, 200k likes. 12/12/2024
(Video) Empire Of Lies: Are these Florida Nazis unfamiliar with the First Amendment? This arrest is completely unconstitutional. And cannot be allowed to stand. #FreeBriana 12/12/2024 Collin Rugg: NEW: Florida woman breaks down in tears after she became the first Luigi Mangione copycat to be arrested. Briana Boston, a 42-year-old mother of three, was arrested for making threats to BlueCross BlueShield over a rejected medical claim. The woman, who is now facing up to 15 years in prison, allegedly quoted Mangione, saying, "Delay, Deny, Depose. You people are next." This was a similar message that Mangione left on his bullet casings. The woman told investigators that "healthcare companies played games and deserved karma from the world because they are evil," adding that she was inspired by the recent news cycle. Boston was charged with threats to conduct a mass sh**ting or act of terrorism. Her bond was set at $100,000. She faces up to 15 years behind bars.
Jenerational Change: Public pressure works. Single Payer NOW. 12/13/2024
(Video) Carl Zha: Peter Thiel seems geniunely scared answering the question abt what to say to people cheering the shooting of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson 12/12/2024
(Video) 🥀_ Imposter_🥀: A mother of 3 with no record at all. Just a reminder the police are there to protect the ruling class. They want to make an example out of anyone that steps out of line. 12/13/2024
Ryan Solsten: Right now, I’m sitting in a hospital room with my dad, who had open heart surgery yesterday to repair a valve. His doctor walked in and said his insurance company tried to deny his care yesterday, she told them it was too late, he was already in surgery. 🧵1/12 12/13/2024 I say it a lot because I work in progressive politics, but our healthcare system is deeply immoral. It’s through movement work that I even learned of prior authorizations. Let me explain what that is: 3/12 I say it a lot because I work in progressive politics, but our healthcare system is deeply immoral. It’s through movement work that I even learned of prior authorizations. Let me explain what that is:
(Video) Sabby Sabs: It's wild how, now Joy Reid wants to hear about the problematic healthcare system in this country. In 2020, she didn't want to hear it. Bernie presented all the data to her face, but she smeared the progressive movement and pushed Crime Bill Joe. 12/14/2024 Sean Morrow: I tried to explain a simple truth as clearly as possible: for-profit healthcare doesn't work, and can't work, and nearly all of America is in agreement on this.
(Video) 99% Johnny Graz: So I assume we'll be now arresting every Zionist who tells someone to "check their beeper"? 12/13/2024 Collin Rugg: NEW: Florida woman breaks down in tears after she became the first Luigi Mangione copycat to be arrested. Briana Boston, a 42-year-old mother of three, was arrested for making threats to BlueCross BlueShield over a rejected medical claim. The woman, who is now facing up to 15 years in prison, allegedly quoted Mangione, saying, "Delay, Deny, Depose. You people are next." This was a similar message that Mangione left on his bullet casings. The woman told investigators that "healthcare companies played games and deserved karma from the world because they are evil," adding that she was inspired by the recent news cycle. Boston was charged with threats to conduct a mass sh**ting or act of terrorism. Her bond was set at $100,000. She faces up to 15 years behind bars.
Gio DeBatta 🍸: Nancy: “the healthcare system in Luxembourg is amazing” me: “why not do that in USA?” Nancy: “lmfao gio do you have any idea how many shares of UnitedHealth I own” 12/14/2024
(Video) The Tennessee Holler: FLASHBACK — 1977: Ted Kennedy says campaign contributions/lobbying (aka legalized bribery) from the insurance industry and the @AmerMedicalAssn are why we don’t have universal health care in 🇺🇸. #MedicareForAll 12/15/2024
(Video) Sean Morrow: Now there’s been an arrest I feel safe sharing this story: TMZ reached out to my job asking if I worked there. I called them up to see what they wanted. They claimed to have multiple sources saying I was the killer, then expressed shock that the NYPD hadn’t contacted me yet. 12/10/2024
The care was crucial. He had insurance. His hospital bill? A whopping $155,493. 10/27/2023 One Woodbury man's story shows how patients can get stuck in the middle when insurers and hospitals fight over coverage details.
(Video) Democracy Now!: Denied: ProPublica Exposes UnitedHealth Profiteering Off Limiting Care for Children with Autism 12/16/2024
(Video) Sabby Sabs: None of this would happen if we had Medicare For All. 12/16/2024 CaseStudyQB - #ArmsEmbargoNOW: NBC - 12/16/2024 - More than 5 Million kids lose Medicaid health coverage due to paper work issue. (When people say there are long waits in Canada for healthcare, send them this clip). #MedicareForAll
UnitedHealth Is Strategically Limiting Access to Critical Treatment for Kids With Autism 12/13/2024 by Annie Waldman
Dr. Jill Stein🌻: No pardons for Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Edward Snowden, Steven Donziger… but at least Biden is rescuing the “kids for cash” judge. 12/16/2024 Philadelphia Housing Action: Biden commutes sentence for former Luzerne County Judge Michael T. Conahan who was convicted in the Kids-for-Cash. The former judge and another was found guilty of receiving more than $2.1m in kickbacks for sentencing juveniles to for-profit detention centers. sweet...
Biden commutes sentence for Kids-for-Cash judge 12/13/2024 Former Luzerne County Judge Michael T. Conahan, who gained notoriety for wrongfully imprisoning juveniles in the Kids-for-Cash scandal, is one of nearly 1,500 inmates whose sentences President Joe Biden commuted Thursday as his term in office comes to a close. Conahan, 72, was convicted along with former judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., 74, of funneling juvenile defendants to two private, for-profit detention centers in exchange for $2.1 million in kickbacks.
Biden's 'Preemptive Pardons' Once Again Prove That the Democrats' Accusations Are Confessions | Opinion 12/06/2024
Reporter Ken Klippenstein on Publishing Luigi Mangione Manifesto & Internal UnitedHealth PR Memos 12/16/2024
Employee allegedly stabs company boss in middle of meeting in possible ‘copycat’ crime in wake of UnitedHealthcare CEO killing 12/19/2024 Erik Denslow, who runs the Muskegon-based Anderson Express Inc. manufacturing company, was stabbed during a staff meeting in the firm’s office on Tuesday, according to a statement from the Fruitport Township Police Department. Nathan Mahoney, 32, has been charged in the stabbing.
Luigi Mangione Judge Married to Former Healthcare Executive 12/23/2024 Pretrial judge in case involving murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson married to former Pfizer exec
Health Insurance Leaders Pressured DOJ To Charge Luigi Mangione 12/24/2024
(Video) Status Coup News: Luigi Mangione Terrorism Charge is PLAYING WITH FIRE, Legal Experts Argue 12/18/2024 "Interview with a former UnitedHealthCare worker over the weekend where she revealed that they had a quota system, a quota system for denying claims." 13:40-55 Other health care companies, they also had a quota system" 13:55-14:05 "A sister in law who worked at Aetna said they told her to deny claims for frivolous reasons. She would grind her teeth at night. She eventually quit-couldn't take it anymore." 15:45-55
(Video) Status Coup News: Ex-United Healthcare Employee BLOWS WHISTLE: FORCED to Deny Claims 12/15/2024
A Doctor at Cigna Said Her Bosses Pressured Her to Review Patients’ Cases Too Quickly. Cigna Threatened to Fire Her. 04/29/2024 Cigna tracks every minute that its staff doctors spend deciding whether to pay for health care. Dr. Debby Day said her bosses cared more about being fast than being right: “Deny, deny, deny. That’s how you hit your numbers,” Day said.
How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them 03/25/2023 Internal documents and former company executives reveal how Cigna doctors reject patients’ claims without opening their files. “We literally click and submit,” one former company doctor said.
(Video) Democracy Now!: Elon Musk’s Opposition to Gov’t Spending Bill a “Smokescreen” for His Business Interests: Robert Kuttner 12/23/2024 ROBERT KUTTNER: Well, it’s a very simple answer. They get a trillion — I’m sorry, they get a billion dollars a year in kickbacks from United. And if they were doing their job, they would do some research on seven or eight different insurers, and they would say, “Here are the pros and cons of this one and that one.” But the only insurance company that they are co-branded with is UnitedHealthcare. And they get about $250 million a year in dues. They get four times that in kickbacks from United. Some people might say this is a sham nonprofit. It’s really an insurance marketing scheme disguised as an organization for the elderly. And I’m going to be following up on that.
How AARP Shills for UnitedHealthcare 12/11/2024 Today on TAP: Why does the supposed advocate for the elderly steer them to the industry’s worst insurer?
Read the NYPD’s Mangione report the media won't publish 12/26/2024
UnitedHealth’s Army of Doctors Helped It Collect Billions More From Medicare 12/29/2024 The government’s Medicare Advantage system, which uses private insurers to provide health benefits to seniors and disabled people, pays the companies based on how sick patients are, to cover the higher costs of sicker patients. Medicare calculates sickness scores from information supplied by doctors and submitted by the insurers. In the case of UnitedHealth, many of those doctors work directly for UnitedHealth.
UnitedHealthcare taught us ways to deny claims: Former employee 12/30/2024 A former UnitedHealthcare claims representative says employees were systematically trained to deny medical claims and rush distressed customers off phone lines, revealing internal practices at the nation’s largest health insurer amid growing scrutiny of the industry. Natalie Collins, who worked for UnitedHealthcare for nine months, said Saturday on “NewsNation Prime” that staff received “so many different ways to deny” claims during their two to three months of training, with supervisors often standing behind representatives instructing them on denial methods. “We weren’t given proper instruction to actually pay the claim, and there wasn’t enough monies in certain files in certain companies to pay medical claims,” Collins said. “We would have to just get the client off the phone as fast as we could.”
Small business and key account direct marketing campaign launching September 09/30/2024 Google "UnitedHealthcare advertising," "campaign contributions," lobbying"
Open Secrets: UnitedHealth Group
(Video) Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths a Year 02/19/2020
The killing of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO follows years of mounting fear about executive safety 12/07/2024
Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don't Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It Jay Feinman 2010
ProPublica: Find out why your health insurer denied your claim.
(Video) United Health Care Progressive Song 12/11/2024
(Video) Christina Aguayo News: REPORT: Luigi Mangione, who was named a person of interest in the execution of CEO Brian Thompson, was valedictorian of the Gilman School in 2016. Here Is his valedictorian speech at the 119th Gilman School Founder's Day Ceremony. ..... 12/11/2024 WTF is going on here? Regardless of what you think about the CEO killing, everyone should be outraged that it's being used for advertising a business a week after it happens! I won't be going to Motor City or recommending it to others; boycott them! // Somehow this ad is rotating; but I won't be going to Walmart or recommending "Twang," whatever that is, either.
Sean Comfort: They tried a million times harder to find Luigi than they did a single person on Epsteins list. 12/11/2024
(Video) McDonald's worker not getting reward money because he called 911 instead of the tip line when he saw Luigi Manione. 12/11/2024
Florida woman charged with threatening health insurance company with ‘delay, deny, depose’ 12/13/2024 Briana Boston, 42, told a representative of Blue Cross Blue Shield, “Delay, deny, depose. You people are next” as they ended a phone call Tuesday in which she unsuccessfully challenged the company’s denial of her insurance claim, Lakeland police say a recording shows.
(Video) Robert (Durden): Bill Burr absolutely pulverizing CNN 12/23/2024 Get them Bill Burr! Fuck CNN and Fox and the damn CEOs
(Video) Power to the People ☭🕊: Luigi Mangione’s Attorney is not messing around calls out NYC Mayor Eric Adams for trying to influence the jury pool with prejudiced statements and says his client is being treated like a spectacle whose right to a fair trial is being violated. 12/23/2024
(Video) Ken Klippenstein: 🚨 Asked if Luigi Mangione is a terrorist, Biden's Homeland Secretary Mayorkas replies: " The rhetoric on social media following is extraordinarily alarming. "It speaks of what is really bubbling here in this country and unfortunately we see that manifested in violence. The domestic violent extremism that exists, the threat of it in the United States is one of the great threat streams that we must counter." 12/22/2024
How a Minnesota man who died from soaring insulin prices could change US diabetes care forever 12/10/2021 Alec Smith died alone in his room at age 26 because he couldn’t afford life-saving insulin. But the tragedy has sparked a movement that is rattling Big Pharma and forcing politicians to take action, writes Io Dodds
Responding to Domestic Terrorism: A Crisis of Legitimacy May 2023 On January 6, 2021, thousands of rioters breached the U.S. Capitol.1 With the express purpose of preventing the lawful Electoral College vote count, they broke through barriers, windows, and law enforcement lines,2 threatening violence against various politicians.3 They assaulted over 140 police officers and caused an estimated $2.73 million in property damage.4 Since then, the President,5 the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),6 Democratic and Republican congresspersons,7 high-ranking Department of Justice (DOJ) officials,8 and numerous commentators have characterized the breach as domestic terrorism.9 Yet, as many have pointed out, none of the insurrectionists have been charged with domestic terrorism.10 This absence is not limited to the January 6 insurrection. Though the person responsible for the murder of eleven people at a Pittsburgh synagogue shouted “All Jews must die,”11 his indictment included no terrorism charge.12 The same is true for the man who murdered nine Black churchgoers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, seeking to increase racial tensions.13 So too for those responsible for the murder of Heather Heyer and for other violence committed at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, “despite then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions having initially described the . . . attack as meeting ‘the definition of domestic terrorism.’”14
(Video) Guest of Chris Cuomo guest discusses support for Luigi Mangione and how outrageous it is to call it terrorism. 12/19/2024
(Video) These puny little ants outnumber us about a 100 to 1, and if they ever figure that out .... (Luigi Mangione) 12/22/2024
A man indicted for bribery, wire fraud, conspiracy and solicitation of contributions by a foreign national and Luigi Mangione. It's perverse that the corrupt Eric Adams isn't just a free man, but has the audacity to perform a bullshit photo op masquerading as a figure of law and authority behind Mangione, shoving himself into a photo op to give the impression he had something to do with apprehending Mangione. Of course, Trump has indicated that he will be pardoning Eric Adams. ------------------------------------------------------------- In case anyone wants to send a letter to Luigi Mangione: 12/23/2024
Luigi Mangione Judge Married to Former Healthcare Executive 12/23/2024
UnitedHealthcare taught us ways to deny claims: Former employee 12/30/2024
Marianne Flanagan: "A former UnitedHealthcare employee has revealed that they were systematically trained to deny medical claims and the training went for the first two or three months with supervisors standing behind and monitoring how quickly the representative is getting off the call. Natalie Collins told NewsNatoions that there was no instruction on how to actually pay the claim but the entire training was about different ways to deny the claim." 12/30/2024
UnitedHealth, employer of slain exec Brian Thompson, found to have overcharged some cancer patients for drugs by over 1,000% 01/15/2025
UnitedHealth shareholders demand review of policies that ‘delayed or denied’ health care access 01/08/2025
(Video) Bill Burr discussing lack of empathy by establishment for citizens denied health care, even when it costs lives. 12/1/2024
It's okay, we can all calm down now. This man was clearly a dangerous criminal and had it coming.
John F. Kennedy — 'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.'
10 Biggest Healthcare Companies 06/25/2024
Actually planning for this began under the Nixon administration, and the legislation he failed to pass was passed in the late seventies, then most of it escalated in the Reagan administration.
Feeney wrote, "I cannot think of a more personally rewarding and appropriate use of wealth than to give while one is living—to personally devote oneself to meaningful efforts to improve the human condition. More importantly, today's needs are so great and varied that intelligent philanthropic support and positive interventions can have greater value and impact today than if they are delayed when the needs are greater."
While we're at it we'll eliminate the money from our premiums that is diverted to advertising, lobbying, campaign contributions and other expenses not needed in a public system!