Saturday, October 5, 2024

Walmart Crime Report September 2024

Walmart had another seven shootings on their property, including the first three with one death each; with one of the fatal shootings a suspect killed by police and another an attempted murder of a Walmart employee and successful suicide, there were also at least five or six injuries from the shootings. This is the fewest number of shootings in over a year but it was above average over ten years ago, and the more recent average is more than twice this much, so the over-all trend is up, although it peaked, at least temporarily, in 2022 when they had 165 shootings, which is virtually guaranteed to be more than this year. In addition to the three people killed in shootings there was also one other death on their property that wasn't "considered suspicious," even though they have similar incidents every month, another related death where a delivery person that was last seen buying rope at Wall-Mart, found in the woods with the rope around his neck, which some call a suicide, but the family claims it's not, and that the way he was found may support their claim, another person killed in an automobile accident, and three more people stabbed to death at a Shanghai Walmart, for a total of nine dead on their property or related to their business.

In addition to the shootings there were more than a dozen additional gun related crimes, including armed robberies, a police chase of an armed suspect, an attempted theft of a shotgun by someone armed with a machete along with other stolen guns, domestic arguments, a couple false alarms, someone threatening to shoot up a store, and a man barricading himself in a house after stealing from Walmart causing a SWAT standoff.

Walmart of course had a large variety of other crimes, including various thefts, including at least a couple large ones worth thousands of dollars, one that was worth well over 100 thousand dollars domestic arguments, and some incredibly petty crimes reported which cost tax payers a lot of money, including minor skip scanning thefts, which are often very low value, but must cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to investigate and prosecute. This includes more cloning of gift cards and stealing balances, which Walmart doesn't accept any responsibility for, and one case where a suspect looked over the shoulder of a victim to get their PIN number then robbed her of her card in the parking lot, stealing hundreds if not thousands from her once they got both the card and PIN number. In one extreme case, of prosecuting incredibly petty offenses, a woman was charge for trespassing because she was banned eleven months earlier, and she entered the store again, bought something and left without stealing or committing any new crime; but she was on camera and Walmart somehow noticed and pressed charges forcing police to use tax payer money to find her and charge her for simply buying from Walmart while being banned. Cases like this make you wonder how they found out about it; do they use facial recognition technology? Do they have obsessive security services searching security videos? How else would they know?

Our tax payer money has been subsidizing Walmart's crime problem for decades, when they can make this much less common by returning to older store designs making it harder to walk out without paying and increasing self-checkout, to cut their expenses, while increasing expenses for police, courts and prisons.

The growing complaints about anti-theft policies continues to go viral, including customers being detained while being forced to prove they paid for things, often even when they go straight from the register to the door, but it's more common at Self-checkout. Many paying customers are being treated like criminals because Walmart can't tell the thieves from honest customers, and sometimes innocent mistakes are being treated like crimes including an Olympian who's life was turned into a "living nightmare" because she accidentally didn't scan a couple relatively inexpensive things. When they first started experimented with self-checkouts decades ago they promised to give customers the benefit of the doubt if there was a problem and that if it didn't work they would restore cashiers, but they often don't do that at all now, and they're more likely to hire people to spy on us and harass and intimidate customers than restore cashiers to provide service.

In addition to the person killed in an accident there were close to a dozen, if not more, major accidents, police chases, hit and runs, and other automobile crimes or accidents, with about a dozen or so major injuries. There were also at least four more major fires, with at least two of those caused by arson, and the other two are unknown causes. There were also another two knife robberies and attempted kidnappings, not counting the three people stabbed to death in Shanghai.

Walmart had at least two more major recalls, including Macaroni and cheese, and beds that collapse; but there may be an additional three items that probably should have been recalled but weren't including cinnamon powders with lead in them, but "Consumer Reports said some were safe to use," coffee creamer that one person says is going bad before the expiration date, and cheese unrelated to the existing recall with something unusual on it, “Almost looks like glass, and it feels, it’s got a rough texture to it."

Once again executives of large corporations are meeting directly with the most powerful politicians, including Kamala Harris at a fund raiser for her, which the rest of us never benefit from. and coincidentally or not, they pass laws that benefit these campaign donors at the expense of the rest of us.

Some shoppers also found cakes decorated with racist symbols at Walmart.

Has God ever told you that you can steal from Walmart? Those who get this message are banned, since the police and Walmart don't seem to believe claims like this.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Over the past ten to fifteen years Walmart has been increasing the use of self-checkout, and this has corresponded with a steady increase in shoplifting as well as false accusations, yet they refuse to even discuss returning to the use of cashiers. What most people seem to have forgotten was that when they first did this it was on a small scale as an experiment, presumably to see if it worked before expanding it, which would actually make sense, if they slowed it down or reversed it once they saw how many problems it caused. But that's not what they did. Instead the more problems they had the more they increased use of self-checkout, often claiming that instead of hiring more cashiers again, which worked previously, they resorted to more technology and hiring more security to catch people skip scanning or at other forms of theft. This has led to massive amounts of false accusations, in addition to the real thefts, and when the thefts are real, and they get caught, they often resort to violence, so it endangers both Walmart workers and customers.

Now they're acting as if the rise of shoplifting is happening for some inexplicable reason and even asking police to help them solve this problem, as if it wasn't a problem created by their own policies, and most of the media or politicians aren't pointing out the obvious. This is resulting in a massive increase in arrests, court expenses, and prison expenses, which Walmart isn't paying for, effectively meaning we are subsidizing Walmart's high crime problems with tax money. There's no official explanation for why they're behaving so foolishly; but, since this is a for profit corporation it's not hard to speculate about the most likely reason for it, that they're increasing profits for those making the decisions. But, a large portion of the money saved by not hiring cashiers is spent on technology or security to catch thieves; and, if they had to pay the increase in police, courts and prison costs that would reduce or eliminate their savings, and they would almost certainly reverse their policies, because they wouldn't be increasing profits with self-checkout.

This doesn't even include the risk to the health of both their customers and workers when the worst thieves turn violent, in some cases possibly even shooting and killing people. Every year since 2016 has seen more than a hundred shootings at Walmart, and more often than not, this is increasing, while they ignore the causes of their crime problems. These self-checkouts are also making it easier for thieves to put "skimmers" that collect credit or debit card information from customers that enable them to use their cards illegally, but, once again, the customers are stuck with the tab, not Walmart, so they're doing little or nothing to stop this, even though it's a direct result of their bad policies. And furthermore, courts have ruled that Walmart has a right to detain customers even when they have no reason to believe they're shoplifting, if they simply refuse to show receipts, as a matter of principle. At times some lawyers have claimed they need probable cause to ask to see receipts, which, if a customer goes directly from the register, sometimes even when there's a cashier, to the door they can't possibly have. So this means Walmart is under no obligation to assume their paying customers are innocent until proven guilty, which should raise major constitutional questions!

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in September 2024. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Man shot, killed by police outside Colorado Springs Walmart 09/04/2024

El Paso County Sheriff will investigate the shooting early Wednesday, police said.

A man is dead after a police shooting in Colorado Springs outside a Walmart.

The man “produced a handgun” at the Walmart and “at least one officer fired at least one round at” him early Wednesday, according to a Colorado Springs Police Department posting on the social media site X. “Officers began rendering medical aid until medical personnel arrived” and the man died at the scene, police said.

Around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, police spotted an unoccupied stolen white Chevy truck in the Walmart parking lot at 3201 E. Platte Ave. Working with police officers inside the Walmart, they identified a man and a woman who had been in the stolen truck.

Police approached the two as they were leaving the Walmart. That’s when the man pulled the gun and the police fired, the police postings said. Complete article

Suspect shot by officers at Walmart on Platte identified 09/12/2024

Colorado Springs officer has shot two suspects this year, including fatal shooting at Walmart 09/25/2024 Officer Nicholas Cassalia shot Tyler Jacob Ben, 29, on the night of Sept. 3, according to a briefing video released on Wednesday by police. Footage recorded by both security cameras and officer body cameras shows Ben pulling a loaded 9mm handgun out of the waistband of his pants before Cassalia fires several rounds. Cassalia has been employed with the department for almost three years. On May 18, he fatally shot Michael Ray Hurst Jr., 40, after Hurst’s mother called 911 that night, saying her son was armed, suicidal and might be under the influence of drugs.

Woman held at knifepoint in robbery, attempted kidnapping outside Orlando Fla. Walmart, police say 09/03/2024

ORLANDO, Fla. - Orlando police have arrested a man accused of armed robbery and attempted kidnapping of a woman outside a Walmart on Monday.

Police said the attack happened Monday afternoon in the parking lot of the Walmart near South Goldenrod Road and Market Place Drive.

Surveillance video, police said, captured the man, later identified as Juan Perez, pacing in the parking lot. He then allegedly threatened the woman with a knife and demanded her purse. He then attempted to shove her into the trunk of a car until someone nearby intervened – and Perez ran away. .....

Police said Perez was on federal probation related to a previous kidnapping charge. Details on that federal case were not immediately known. Complete article

Charges Filed after Fight over Shopping Cart at Summit Township Pa. Walmart 09/02/2024

Pennsylvania State Police filed charges after a fight over a shopping cart was reports. ......

It was reported at the Walmart on Downs Dr. around 1:50 p.m. Sunday. Complete article

UPDATE: Motorcyclist critically injured in Sunday crash near Mich. Walmart 09/02/2024

Sault Ste. Marie Police say a motorcyclist who was involved in a crash near the entrance of Walmart on Sunday was critically injured.

Emergency crews were called to the Bus. I-75 at around 2 p.m.

Investigators say a southbound pickup truck collided with the northbound motorcycle when the truck was turning left into the store’s parking lot.

The motorcyclist was taken to MyMichigan Medical Center in Sault Ste. Marie before being transferred to MacLaren Northern Michigan Hospital in Petoskey. Complete article

Skowhegan man in critical condition after crash near Palmyra Maine Walmart 09/03/2024

Lawrence Tilton, 63, was riding a motorcycle on U.S. Route 2 when a turning vehicle struck him, according to the Somerset County Sheriff's Office. Complete article

‘I’ll leave it right here’: Walmart shopper gets revenge after worker tries to limit self-checkout 09/02/2024

A woman says her elderly mother, who’s in a wheelchair, was singled out by Walmart staff at self-checkout. So she gave him a taste of his own medicine.

What’s the backstory?

In the TikTok that has more than 100,000 views, Angelina Lawler (@angelinalawle) explains that her mom was kicked out of Walmart the other day because she had too much stuff to go through self-checkout.

“I saw my mom come home crying when I got off of work. her feelings were really really hurt,” Lawler told the Daily Dot via message.

The next time she went to Walmart to pick up some items, she says she thought of her mother’s experience. Plus, she says she saw the employee who her mom described was working that day. So she went on a mission in her mother’s name to rile up some Walmart employees.

The revenge

Lawler’s plan was to fill up her shopping cart with as many random items as she could find. Then, she planned to abandon the cart at checkout so that an employee would not have to go through the trouble of putting it all back.

“I’m really not a petty person. I have not done something like this since I was 16 years old,” Lawler explains.

She says she knew the worker who interacted with Lawler’s mom was going to be the one to face the consequences and restock it all.

“Why would they kick out a simple old woman that has a basket full of items?” she questions. Complete article

HIT THE ROOF ‘Just walked out,’ rages Walmart shopper who left abandoned cart after cashier’s ‘impulsive’ checkout decision 09/04/2024 "I went to Walmart for food and got in a line for [check] out. After a while the man says he's closing down, leaving the rest of the line just standing there," Loren Fay wrote in a post on Facebook.

Walmart’s Heiress Alice Walton Becomes World’s Richest Woman 09/02/2024

Alice Walton, Walmart’s heiress, has surpassed Françoise Bettencourt Meyers, L’Oréal’s heiress, as the wealthiest woman in the world.

Walton, the co-manager of Walton Enterprises, has seen her net worth climb to $96.6 billion, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaire Index. She has seen her net worth shoot up a whopping $26.6 billion over the past year.

The drastic change in Walton’s net worth is due to Walmart’s recent surge in the stock market. Its value increased by about 42 percent over the past year. As a result, Walton’s brothers have also seen a meteoric rise in their net worth. Complete article

Man accused of stealing over $1,100 in tools from Setauket NY Walmart 09/02/2024

Louisville woman shares her experience during New Cut Road Louisville, Ky. Walmart shooting 09/02/2024

Newark Man Arrested for Shoplifting at NY Walmart 09/03/2024

Trial delayed for man accused in May 2022 shooting inside Fairfield Township Ohio Walmart 09/03/2024

Couple wanted after rolling shopping cart with almost $200 in items out of South Carolina Walmart 09/03/2024

Transient steals baseball bats, batting gloves from Ca. Walmart before punching officer, spitting on deputy in hospital 09/07/2024

A homeless man was arrested on a slew of charges after he forcibly stole baseball gear and later punched a police officer and spat on a deputy while in custody in the hospital.

According to a press release issued by the Ventura Police Department, employees of the Walmart, located at 1739 South Victoria Avenue in Ventura, called 911 to report a shoplift just before 9:30 p.m. Friday.

The suspect, later identified as 30-year-old Adam Martinez, had stolen two baseball bats and a pair of batting gloves from the store “by means of force,” police stated.

“Officers arrived and quickly located Martinez, who was waving the baseball bats in the air near bystanders outside of a nearby restaurant,” the Ventura Police Department said. “Martinez fled from the officers on foot…[they] caught up to him a short distance later, where he brandished the baseball bats at the officers in a threatening manner.”

At that point, the officers deployed a “less lethal force option” and took Martinez into custody without further incident. Complete article

Walmart customer 'furious' as 'very ignorant' staff hold him 'hostage' 09/07/2024

Senti Rasa was left fuming after he was held in a Walmart store in Orillia, Canada, after buying a television worth $344.09 alongside his 19 year old son.

A Walmart shopper has expressed his anger after feeling like he was being held 'hostage' in the store following a purchase of a television with his son.

The store's receipt check policy, aimed at preventing shoplifting, has been met with significant backlash from many customers, and Senti Rasa has criticized the 'very ignorant' staff who he believes discriminated against him.

Rasa, a real-estate investor, bought a television worth $344.09 at a Walmart last Monday. When he brought the item to the cashier, the staff member had to call for help to remove the anti-theft device on the TV packaging.

After resolving the issue, the 52-year-old was asked to show his receipt by a door greeter as he tried to leave. "I asked what do you need to see my receipt for, I've already paid for it, you can ask the (cashier)," the Sri Lankan man said.

"I kept walking and suddenly another greeter got in my face and was holding my trolley and said I wasn't leaving, holding me hostage," he continued, recounting his experience at the store in Orillia, Canada. Rasa stated that the store manager, along with four or five other staff members, approached him and explained that the store policy was to check receipts, similar to Costco's practice. Complete article

Companies like Walmart and even the US Police department start using VR for workforce training 09/07/2024

Though using VR for workforce training is a six figure investment at minimum, it is still cheaper than traditional methods.

Large companies like Walmart, Volvo, and United Parcel Service (UPS), as well as financial firms and even police departments across the US are using virtual reality (VR) headsets for training their workforce on subjects like hardware maintenance, leadership and even empathy, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

This comes as virtual reality became properly available to consumers and enterprises only in the past 10 to 12 years, despite being around for decades, according to the report, which added that such headsets have become more affordable and less likely to give motion sickness. Complete article

Walmart has come up with 'insane' way to stop shoplifting at self-checkouts 09/05/2024

Walmart has come up with an imaginative way to crack down on shoplifting at its self-checkouts.

The retailer has introduced a feature that lets shoppers simply move an item over the self-checkout scanner, which will register the item without needing to scan a visible bar code.

The new technology works on any Walmart Great Value branded items, such as graham crackers, chocolate bars and croissant sandwiches.

The invisible barcodes were first introduced to Walmart branded items in 2019, through the chain's partnership with Digimarc.

Digimarc Barcode's are invisible to the naked eye, but are printed all over an item enabling it to be easily picked up by a self-checkout scanner. Complete article

I forgot to scan one item at Walmart and am now getting theft charges. Is that right? 09/04/2024 Unverified, but similar stories have come from credible sources.

A few years ago, I was at Walmart. Had just gone grocery shopping, over $300 worth of goods paid for in my cart. As I waited for my Uber, it said 15 minutes until arrival and I realized I forgot about 5 items. All being $1–$2 a piece. I went back in and asked the door lady if I should leave my cart with her. She said no, just take it with you. Okay cool. So I run to get my 5 items. I throw them in the top part of the cart and then get a message “your Uber is 1minute away” crap. I go running up to the front.

I scan my items quickly. Not realizing 2 items had fallen into the bottom of the cart. I didn’t count what I rang up, I was in a hurry. I quickly pay and grab my bag. Start to leave and I’m stopped at the door by a man. He asks me if he can see my receipt. I say of course I have 2. I give him both, he proceeds to grab my cart and direct me away from the door. I ask if something is wrong. He tells me to come with him. I say no I have an Uber outside. He grabs me and pulls me to the door with my cart. At this point I’ve missed my Uber, and now I’m forced into some tiny room. And blocked in by him. I ask what is going on. He starts calling me a thief and proceeds to contact the police. At this point I’m still confused. I didn’t steal anything. He shuts the door.

I ask him politely to open the door because I have ptsd from past SA and cannot handle being locked in a room with him alone. He refuses. Still confused, I ask what is going on and what I did wrong. AGAIN. He finally tells me he saw me steal 2 items. He starts digging through my cart. Throwing my food onto the floor. Poking holes into my meats. Destroying things I paid for and have proof I paid for. Until the cart was almost empty. There they were. At the front under the top seat part of the cart. A .98 can of glade, and a .99 baby bottle that was on sale for .50. $1.50, he was treating me like a criminal over $1.50.

I told him I have the money to pay for it. It was a misunderstanding and I have no problem rectifying the situation. He told me no, I would be waiting for the police. The police showed up. Again treating me like a criminal. They handcuffed me, screamed at me, and had no regard what so ever of my medical conditions. OVER $1.50. I was told i could either agree to be put into some data base of thieves of Walmart. Or I can go to jail and get my first ever criminal charge. I agreed to be put into this data base. Complete article

‘While I was waiting I changed the wipers’: BMW driver takes his car to Walmart for flat tire service. It backfires 09/05/2024

A Walmart customer was shocked when one location’s tire service department wouldn’t work on a wheel he removed from his BMW himself. So why wouldn’t they?

According to Jaime (@solisjaime777), the Walmart employees repeatedly denied his requests to have a flat tire fixed on his vehicle. In a viral TikTok that’s accrued over 514,000 views, he details all of the ways he tried to help the workers more easily service his tire.

Jaime said that despite purchasing a jack and tire iron from the store and removing the tire himself, he was still turned away. Too low for service.

“So check it out, how crazy is this,” Jaime can be heard narrating at the beginning of his video. The first frame of his clip shows a jacked-up car with its tire removed, exposing a bare brake and rotor.

According to the TikToker, employees at this Walmart’s tire service center said the vehicle was too low to fix its flat tire. Despite getting a jack himself and lifting the vehicle up, Jaime says he was still denied assistance.

Baffled and frustrated, Jaime expressed that he didn’t understand why he wasn’t told this from the get go. Presumably, the workers could see how low to the ground his vehicle was—so why wait? Complete article

Wanted man arrested after being found unconscious behind Ashland City Tenn. Walmart 09/04/2024

Former Ind. Walmart employee receives time served for theft 09/06/2024

Man Committed Lewd Act At Walmart In Suffolk NY: Police 09/06/2024

Tevin Tate steals $674 worth of items from Tenn. Walmart, tells police "I was caught taking shit" 09/05/2024

Man charged with stealing three crossbows and pillow shams from Pa. Walmart last year, police say 09/05/2024

Huntsville Alabama Police identify two accused of stealing from Walmart 09/05/2024

Cause of death at Chico Ca. Walmart store unknown, but not suspicious 09/08/2024

CHICO, Calif. - Chico police told Action News Now that a dead body was found in a men's bathroom stall at the local Walmart store on Saturday morning.

According to police, there was nothing suspicious about the incident.

The cause of death of a man found in the bathroom stall is currently unknown.

"Initial reports about there being injury or blood present were unfounded," said police on Sunday.. Complete article

Sierra Vista man identified as suspect in Friday's kidnapping attempt at Ariz. Walmart 09/07/2024

SIERRA VISTA — A Sierra Vista man, 48-year-old Tony Castoire, is in custody after allegedly attempting to kidnap and rob several women at the Sierra Vista Walmart Friday morning.

“The individual went to the Walmart, and reportedly, by witnesses had went to rob a woman at knifepoint,” Sierra Vista Police Department Commander Sean Brownson told the Herald/Review.

The woman managed to escape uninjured.

“He was trying to kidnap her,” Brownson added. “He had a vehicle in the parking lot, and was trying to take her by knife point, with the intent to rob her.”

When the first attempt failed, Castoire then allegedly attempted to rob a second woman, who had a young child with her.

“He attempted to do the same with another woman at knifepoint, forcibly rob and kidnap her,” said Brownson. “That woman had a baby with her, or a very small child apparently. She also escaped.” Complete article

STORE SHIFT Walmart-opposed new law that would track employees locations gets green light despite pushback over cost & safety fears 09/08/2024

A NEW law is set to be enforced in one state despite pushback from Walmart earlier this year.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed off on a bill on Wednesday that is hoped to increase safety for retail workers.

The law, known as the Retail Worker Safety Act, will see major retailers forced to install panic buttons, draw up a violence prevention plan, and train staff in de-escalation techniques.

It comes after a major push by The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) after a surge in violence against staff, often from people looking to steal.

"From West Hampstead to Buffalo, union workers have suffered grave losses to senseless store shootings," Stuart Appelbaum, the president of the union said in a statement, per the Democrat & Chronicle.

"Retail workers should not go to work every day in fear, this law goes a long way toward ending that." .....

In June, Dan Bartlett, Walmart's executive vice president of corporate affairs, discussed the retailer's opposition to the bill after it had been passed by the state's assembly.

"Eight out of 10 times somebody thinks something's going on, there's actually not," he told Reuters. Complete article

Suspect sought in Hudson NH Walmart theft 09/05/2024

El Paso Tx. Walmart gunman heads back to court; cartel leader Zambada’s trial to move to New York; plus, El Paso city elections latest 09/06/2024

Charges Filed Against Alleged Wisc. Walmart Thief 09/0/2024

Rome man arrested after North Utica NY Walmart larceny 09/06/2024

Desaray Boyd jailed after stealing peanut butter at Tenn. Walmart 09/06/2024

Fire in Berea Ky. Walmart forces temporary evacuation 09/09/2024

A fire at the Berea Walmart late this morning forced the evacuation of the store.

Brent Billings, the Public Information Officer for the Berea Fire Department, told WBON-TV9 that they responded to the call around 11:25 AM.

Sources say a group of juveniles may have started the fire by setting a clothing rack ablaze. Complete article

Two adult women arrested for Berea Walmart fire 09/17/2024

Update: Injury accident in front of Glasgow Ky. Walmart 09/08/2024

A 2016 Nissan Altima operated by Ava Taylor of Smiths Grove was traveling westbound on Happy Valley Rd. when it stopped at the intersection with Veterans Outer Loop.

Authorities say Taylor pulled into the path of a 2015 Ford Escape operated by Rita Stafford of Cookeville, who was traveling eastbound on Happy Valley Rd.

Rita Stafford, a passenger identified as Robert Stafford and Taylor were transported by T.J. Samson Community Hospital for their injuries. Complete article

Montiana Rhone punches little sister multiple times after she was caught stealing at Tenn. Walmart 09/09/2024

21-year-old Montiana Rhone had a domestic altercation with her little sister in the Lebanon Pike Walmart parking lot late September 8th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Rhone’s sister, who stated that she was caught shoplifting and had called Rhone to pick her up. She explained that when Rhone arrived, they walked outside. Then, she said that Rhone put her stuff down before “bucking up” to her. Rhone’s little sister added that she retaliated similarly.

In response, Rhone responded by pushing her, sparking a scuffle where Rhone punched her in the head multiple times. The police spoke with multiple witnesses who saw the fight before reviewing video footage showing Rhone being the primary aggressor. When officers spoke with Rhone, she admitted to throwing the first punch and was detained for the occurrence. Rhone was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Montiana S. Rhone of S Lancaster Rd in Whites Creek, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on September 8th, charged with domestic assault with offensive/provocative conduct. She is free on a $1,000 bond. Complete article

‘It is on every single piece’: Woman buys huge pack of Great Value deluxe singles cheese. Then she notices something unusual 09/09/2024

‘That looks like fiberglass omg!’

A Walmart customer was shocked to find that the 3-pound block of sliced cheese she bought was covered in a strange-looking substance.

Walmart isn’t necessarily known for selling items in bulk like Costco and BJ’s. However, it is a common destination for big families looking to fill up their shopping cart without breaking the bank.

As you’ve probably experienced, groceries have become much more expensive since the pandemic. But Walmart has reliably low prices compared to other grocery stores. (This is often false) ....

When she opened up the packaging, she says she noticed there was something really unusual about it.

“There’s something all over the cheese,” Tay points out as she holds a chunk of melted-together slices to the camera.

The cheese, which normally has a smooth surface, seems to be covered in tiny scratches and etchings. It also has a distinct shiny, nearly glittery sheen.

“Almost looks like glass, and it feels, it’s got a rough texture to it,” Tay says.

Tay inspects the big block and notices it is on “every single piece of cheese.” Complete article

Walmart Heiress to Co-Host Harris Fundraiser in Jackson Hole 09/09/2024

(Bloomberg) -- Christy Walton, an heir to the fortune left by the founder of Walmart Inc., is set to co-host a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris, a sign of the growing support for the Democratic ticket among wealthy donors and business leaders.

Tickets for the Sept. 15 event in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a lunch reception featuring Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and former Montana Governor Steve Bullock, run from $1,250 to $100,000, according to an invitation reviewed by Bloomberg News. Co-hosts are expected to give at least $50,000 per couple.

Walton, who is listed as a co-host for the event, is one of the prominent Democratic donors who urged President Joe Biden to exit the race after his calamitous debate performance against Republican rival Donald Trump. She is worth $15.4 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Representatives for Walton did not respond to requests for comment. Complete article

Suspect jailed after running up credit card bill at Fla. Walmart and McDonald’s 09/07/2024

Lyons man arrested for theft and resisting arrest at Walmart in Seneca Falls NY 09/09/2024

Bomb threat evacuates Oshkosh Wisc. Walmart; suspect tracked to Illinois 09/08/2024

Woman arrested after allegedly stealing bottle of tequila from Fla. Walmart 09/09/2024

Defense lawyers allege prosecutorial misconduct in Aug. 2019 El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting case 09/10/2024 Attorneys for the man facing trial in the killings of 23 people accused prosecutors of improper witness contact and violating confidential attorney-client communication.

Driver airlifted to hospital after crashing into suburban Chicago Walmart Supercenter 09/11/2024

ALGONQUIN, Ill. (CBS) — One person was airlifted to the hospital after they crashed into a Walmart in Algonquin, Illinois, early Wednesday morning.

Algonquin police officers responded to a report of a crash at the Walmart Supercenter at 1410 S Randall Rd just before 12:30 a.m.

Preliminary investigations indicated that a red sedan was traveling at a high rate of speed north on the rear access road for Algonquin Commons.

Police said the vehicle crossed County Line Rd and collided with the southwest side of the Walmart, causing significant damage to both the building and the vehicle.

The driver, who was entrapped in the crash and had to be extracted, was transported by the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Fire District to a nearby landing zone, where they were airlifted to the Condell Hospital Level 1 Trauma Center with serious injuries. Complete article

Suspect in Nevada Walmart armed robbery caught 09/12/2024

On September 11,Detectives from the Regional Crime Suppression Unit (RCSU) successfully apprehended Ryan Hinkson, the suspect in an armed robbery that occurred at a Walmart in Sparks on September 9, police say.

According to police reports, Hinkson is alleged to have used a firearm during the robbery. In addition to the armed robbery, Hinkson is also facing charges for a Petty Larceny incident that took place at Scheels on August 24. Following the theft, patrol officers attempted a traffic stop on Hinkson, but he fled the scene.

Hinkson has been booked into the county jail on charges related to the armed robbery. He is expected to face additional charges for the Petty Larceny and Felony Eluding incidents. Complete article

Fire forces evacuation of Tupelo Mississippi West Main Walmart 09/10/2024

TUPELO, Miss. (WTVA) — Some shoppers in Tupelo got a surprise Tuesday afternoon when they were told to evacuate the Walmart on West Main Street.

It was around 5:30 p.m. when alarms started going off and people could be seen leaving the store.

Someone who appeared to be a store employee was seen walking out of the store with a fire extinguisher. Complete article

Three kids accused of setting fire inside Walmart store in Tupelo 09/12/2024

Woman says God gave per permission to steal from Walmart: South Euclid Police Blotter 09/11/2024

Theft: Warrensville Center Road

A shoplifter was caught stealing $389 worth of merchandise from Walmart Sept. 1.

She told police that she believed God had given her permission to steal because the Bible says that she is only required to pay for what she can and anything else would be forgiven.

It was discovered that she had also been charged for a theft at the store in 2023.

Due to the multiple incidents and the Cleveland woman, 45, saying that she had permission from God, Walmart management chose to have her issued a lifetime ban from all Walmart and Sam’s Club locations. Complete article

Suspect dressed like pirate allegedly threatens children at Fla. Walmart 09/10/2024

A suspect dressed like pirate and armed with two knives allegedly threatened children at Walmart in Bushnell.

Steven Michael Hanlon, 45, who lives in the Blueberry Hill RV Park in Bushnell, is facing four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon following the incident which occurred Saturday afternoon, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office.

The group of children, ranging in age from 14-12, were walking in the parking lot when Hanlon swerved toward them and threw down his bicycle. He pulled a knife and began running at the children, who also live at the Blueberry Hill RV Park. An adult driving a car saw what was happening, stopped and yelled at Hanlon.

Law enforcement was called and the caller described Hanlon, telling a dispatcher he “looks like a pirate.”

A deputy who is familiar with Hanlon found him in a nearby McDonald’s parking lot. Hanlon was in possession of two knives in his “makeshift overall suspenders.”

When the children were interviewed by deputies, one of the children said his friend had called Hanlon a “faggot,” which apparently enraged him. Complete article

Mebane pastor arrested, accused of groping man at NC Walmart 09/11/2024

Jeffrey Duane Smith was arrested by Mebane police and charged with one count of misdemeanor sexual battery.

An Alamance County church pastor was charged with sexual battery on Monday for allegedly groping a man in the men's restroom at Walmart.

Around 9 a.m. on Monday, officers with the Mebane Police Department responded to the Walmart at 1318 Mebane Oaks Road.

Jeffrey Duane Smith, 67, a pastor at Mebane Presbyterian Church, was arrested by Mebane police and charged with one count of misdemeanor sexual battery. If convicted, he could spend 90 days in jail, according to Daniel Meier, a defense attorney.

"The big thing with sexual battery is it is a registrable sex offense," Meier said. "If you are convicted you will have to go on sex offender registry for at least 30 years." Complete article

Two teens arrested for last months Eufaula Alabama Walmart fire, police say 09/10/2024

Heather Manns arrested for theft at Ind. Walmart 09/10/2024

LMPD releases body cam video of officer shooting armed carjacking suspect in Walmart drive-thru last month 09/10/2024 LMPD shared the moments that led up to a shooting of a man accused of trying to carjack a woman while she was in the store's pharmacy drive-thru.

Pullman Wash. police seek help identifying suspect linked to Walmart thefts 09/10/2024

Ottumwa Man Allegedly Shoplifted from Iowa Walmart 09/10/2024

Shoplifter nabbed at Fla. Walmart with $1,000 worth of makeup and fishing lures 09/11/2024

Fla. Walmart evacuated in Gainesville after bomb threat 09/11/2024

Police investigating fatal shooting near Ariz. Walmart 09/12/2024 (Walmart not mentioned in the article, but it's in the URL)

TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) — Authorities are investigating a reported shooting near a store at Valencia Road and Oak Tree where officers found an adult man with gunshot wounds.

The Tucson Police Department says the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to TPD, no suspects are in custody at this time. Complete article

After Black man found dead in NC with rope around neck, after delivery to Walmart, his Chicago family calls for transparency 09/14/2024

HENDERSON, N.C. (WTVD) -- Family members of a Chicago man who was found dead in Vance County, and the public are calling for transparency from authorities during the investigation.

Javion Magee, a 21-year-old truck driver from Aurora, Illinois, just outside Chicago, was found dead in a rural area off Vanco Mill Road on Wednesday in Vance County. Investigators said he was not far from his truck, leaning with his back up against a tree and a rope around his neck.

Magee was in Henderson making a delivery to the Walmart distribution center. .....

However, Sheriff Curtis Brame said there was no sign of foul play, though the investigation is ongoing.

Matthews said in a statement Saturday: "The family (spoke) to the medical examiner (on Friday) in regard to the preliminary results... Based on the information provided, the family still suspects foul play due to there (being) nothing under his fingernails or hands.... He did have a broken neck with blood around the neck which came from the hanging.... They also feel that this entire investigation is in no way transparent."

A search warrant states that Magee was seen on video buying a rope at the Walmart on Cooper Drive in Henderson -- apparently the same rope found with his body. Complete article

Family speaks out Wednesday after video shows Javion Magee purchasing rope at Walmart the night before his death 09/16/2024

Police: Man threatened to ‘start shooting people’ at Arkansas Walmart 09/13/2024

JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) - A Jonesboro man is behind bars after police said he threatened to shoot up Walmart.

Craighead County District Court Judge David Boling found probable cause Friday to charge 64-year-old David O’Harris with first-degree terroristic threatening.

According to the court documents, O’Harris called the Walmart store on East Highland Drive around 2:13 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, and said “he was about to come to the store and start shooting people.” Complete article

Lead found in cinnamon powders sold at Target, Costco, Walmart, more 09/13/2024

Consumer Reports tests 36 cinnamon powders for lead.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - High levels of lead were identified in several brands of cinnamon powders purchased in the U.S. and online, according to a recent test conducted by Consumer Reports.

Twelve of 36 cinnamon powder products tested by Consumer Reports were found to have high levels of lead, the nonprofit reported on Sept. 12. Consumer Reports examined cinnamon powder, and spices containing cinnamon, purchased from stores in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and online.

Some stores that sell the tested products, however, can be found across the U.S. -- like Target, Trader Joe’s, Costco, Walmart and Whole Foods Market. Of the 36 products tested, Consumer Reports said some were safe to use -- including products sold at Whole Foods.

Cinnamon powders have been causing concern nationwide in recent months, following the 2023 recall of children’s cinnamon applesauce pouches found to contain high levels of lead. Complete article

Punxsy Woman Banned from Shopping at Pa. Walmart Faces Trespassing Charge 09/14/2024

Walmart provided police with a copy of the written trespass to the defendant, which was dated September 15, 2023.

YOUNG TWP., Pa. (EYT) — A Punxsutawney woman who was banned from shopping at the Young Township Walmart a year ago is facing a trespassing charge after she was recently seen on the store’s video surveillance.

According to court records, Punxsutawney-based State Police filed criminal charges against 35-year-old Amanda Leeann Edwards, of Punxsutawney, in District Judge Jacqueline Mizerock’s office on September 9.

According to a criminal complaint, PSP Punxsutawney were dispatched to Walmart on State Route 119, in Young Township, Jefferson County, for a trespass that occurred on August 5, 2024.

Police were informed that Amanda Edwards was observed on video surveillance entering the store around 5:22 p.m. and shopped around with an unknown female until they entered the self-checkout around 5:25 p.m. and began scanning items. Edwards was observed paying with coins before exiting the store, the complaint states. Complete article

Punxy Woman Walmart Trespass 09/18/2024

‘For no reason’: Man gets stranded in the Walmart parking lot after Tesla ‘disables’ itself 09/12/2024

‘The car won’t let me do nothing.’

A Tesla owner who drove their vehicle without issue to Walmart was left stumped after their vehicle became a parking lot paperweight.

Marcus Holloway (@marcusduane21) says he was left stumped after his Tesla wouldn’t boot up, as he documents his confusion while walking around the car in a trending TikTok. Numerous commenters speculated as to what his problem could’ve been in a clip that garnered 401,000 views.

Tesla disabled

“Cons to owning a Tesla,” a text overlay in the video reads. A man records his blue electric vehicle from the popular brand as it sits in a Walmart parking lot.

“I’m leaving out Walmart. Luckily my BMW out here, too. I’m leaving Walmart. It’s sprinkling rain…I come outside to get in the Tesla. This literally disabled for no reason.”

The man tries to open the trunk of the car as he walks around the car. “Can’t get in. I can’t open no doors,” he says as he tries to crack open the rear passenger door. “I’m talking about, I can’t use the app. I can’t do nothing. The car won’t let me do nothing. I don’t know if this a part of the reception that the world going through. The internet…I don’t know what it is.

Holloway then issues a warning: “Just know if you own a Tesla, this is some of the things you’re gonna have to deal with.” Complete article

Walmart heir Jim Walton just joined the $100 billion club 09/12/2024

Jim Walton is the newest member of the $100 billion club.

The Walmart heir's personal fortune reached 12 digits for the first time on Wednesday, ranking him 13th on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. He's now joined an elite group of centibillionaires that includes Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett.

According to Bloomberg's rich list, only 15 people on the planet have a $100 billion-plus net worth. Jim's siblings, Rob and Alice, rank 16th and 17th with net worths of $98.3 billion and $97.7 billion each, meaning they'll likely join him soon.

Jim's fortune has swelled by about $28 billion this year to $101 billion, fueled by a 50% rise in Walmart stock to a record high. The three Waltons have also received over $15 billion each from stock sales and dividends over the years, per Bloomberg.

The likes of Musk, Bezos, and now Jim Walton command $100 billion-plus net worths because they own vast amounts of stock in some of the world's most valuable companies.

Walmart founder Sam Walton shrewdly gave 20% of his future retail empire to each of his four children over 70 years ago, in 1953. By organizing his business as a family partnership and giving his kids their stakes when he only owned a couple of stores, instead of handing down his wealth after he died a billionaire in 1992, he saved them a fortune in estate taxes.

Jim, 76, has led several of Walmart's businesses over the years, including a bank and a community newspaper. After his brother, John T., died in 2005, Jim replaced him on Walmart's board and remained a director until he retired in 2016.

The late John T. left the bulk of his fortune to his son Lukas, now the world's 45th wealthiest person with a $34.9 billion net worth, and wife Christy, the 128th richest with $15.7 billion. Complete article

Travelers Rest man faces 10 charges after stealing from SC Walmart, police say 09/12/2024

Watch: Aug. 2019 Walmart mass shooter attends courthouse hearing in El Paso Tx. 09/12/2024

Suspicious behavior leads to arrest of suspected shoplifter at Fla. Walmart 09/12/2024

Man pleads guilty to trying to kidnap, kill estranged wife at KOP Pa. Walmart in Nov. 2023 09/12/2024

A bomb threat closed the Augusta Maine Walmart for a couple hours Thursday 09/12/2024

‘Bury him under the jail’: Walmart shooter appears in El Paso Tx. court 09/12/2024

Kewanee man jailed after police chase, gun allegedly displayed at Ill. Walmart 09/16/2024

A Kewanee man is in trouble with the law after he allegedly pointed a gun at someone while at the city’s Walmart, then led police on both vehicle and foot chases.

Kewanee Police say they arrested Jacques Nile, 24, and prosecutors have since filed ten different felony and several misdemeanor weapons and drug-related charges, the most serious of which are Armed Habitual Criminal, and Armed Violence.

Around 8:45 Sunday night, police say Nile pointed what is believed to be a pistol at someone at Kewanee’s Walmart before fleeing. He was later found near Kewanee’s northeast side, allegedly leading police on a vehicle chase to a public housing complex, where he then allegedly tried to flee on foot.

Police allegedly found a backpack belonging to Nile, is believed to have had a pistol, more than 60 anxiety disorder pills, a scale, and other items. Complete article

Police: Man pulls gun over Mountain Dew at Tulsa Okla. Walmart 09/17/2024

TULSA, OK (KTUL) — A man was arrested in Tulsa for allegedly flashing a gun after not being able to pay for two packs of soda.

On Monday around 2:30 pm, Tulsa police responded to Walmart near Admiral and Memorial after receiving a call about a shoplifter brandishing a gun.

Upon arrival, employees and security told investigators that the suspect did not pay for two 12-packs of Mountain Dew while in self-checkout. Complete article

Suspects in Elkton Md. Walmart fight at large; worker injured 09/18/2024

ELKTON — Investigators are trying to identify two women who brawled inside the Walmart in Elkton on Thursday, sending an uninvolved employee to the hospital after one of the combatants inadvertently fell into her, according to the Elkton Police Department.

The incident started at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, when three female shoppers got into argument at the checkout section near the front of the Walmart SuperCenter in the 1000 block of East Pulaski Highway (Route 40), police reported.

EPD Lt. Ronald Odom said the verbal dispute turned physical when one of the women allegedly started hitting another, triggering what appeared to be a mutual fray that spilled into a bystander's work area. Complete article

Sex trafficker dumped girl at Tx. Walmart, in 2019, because she wasn’t making enough money after forcing her to have sex with his brother known as ‘Big Face Tulu’: Police 09/17/2024

A Texas man allegedly forced an underage girl who ran away from a group home to have sex with 20 people, including his brother who goes by the nickname “Big Face Tulu.”

Tyrone Berry, 58, is charged with human trafficking and sexual assault of a child. According to a probable cause affidavit, Harris County sheriff’s deputies were called to a Walmart at 13003 SH 249 in Houston in June 2019 for a juvenile runaway. The girl later told detectives that she ran away from the group home and ended up at a $ 39.99-a-night North Villa Inn where Berry allegedly forced her to “work” for food. She said Berry worked at the hotel, per the complaint.

The girl alleged Berry would arrange “dates” with men and “tell her what to do.” She would then have sex with the men in exchange for cash, however, she never saw any of the money, according to the affidavit. The girl said Berry would instead give her food.

Berry also took her to his home and his brother Otis Berry’s recording studio. She was allegedly forced to have sex with Otis Berry, known as “Big Face Tulu,” and 20 other men. Tyrone Berry also supplied the girl with drugs, the affidavit said. Complete article

Minot man injured after crashing SUV into Walmart shipping container in Auburn Maine 09/17/2024

AUBURN (WGME) -- A Minot man was injured after his vehicle crashed into a shipping container in Auburn.

Police say an 85-year-old man drove his SUV into the container located in the parking lot of a Walmart Supercenter on Monday morning, leaving a large gash in the structure.

According to police, the man accidentally pressed the gas pedal instead of the breaks while suffering from a medical event. Complete article

Billings woman charged with stealing $2.8K from Wyoming Walmart 09/17/2024

A Billings woman is alleged to have stolen more than $2,800 worth of items from the Cody Walmart between late August and early September.

After hearing the case against 42-year-old Gabriela P. Rehard, a circuit court magistrate ruled Friday that Park County prosecutors have enough evidence to take their felony-level theft charge to trial.

Cody police arrested Rehard shortly after the allegedly third and final theft on Sept. 4 and she has remained in jail since then.

Two initial theft

Charging documents say the case began on Aug. 31, when Walmart personnel reported a pair of thefts by the same person.

According to surveillance camera footage reviewed by store personnel and Cody police, the blonde woman walked out of the store around 12:30 p.m. with a cart-full of household goods, clothes, hardware and other items valued at $786.94. The woman then apparently changed her shirt, put her hair down and returned about 20 minutes later to load up another cart, said Cody Police Officer Daniel Fyne. That time, she walked out with speakers, food and at least two KitchenAid mixers, Fyne said, making off with $645.62 worth of stuff.

Although authorities had images of the suspect’s car — surveillance footage showed her leaving in a silver Ford Crown Victoria — they weren’t able to figure out who it was, Fyne testified at a Friday preliminary hearing.

Third time’s the charm

However, their luck changed on Sept. 4, when one of Walmart’s loss prevention specialists caught a blonde woman walking out with $1,381 worth of items, authorities allege. Although the Walmart staffer called out to the woman, “she did not stop” and left in a dark-colored Chevy Impala, Fyne said. However, Cody police pulled the vehicle over a short distance away. Complete article

Huntsville Alabama City Councilman Devyn Keith shares Walmart surveillance footage in ‘honesty hour’ 09/16/2024

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) - Over a year later, after a guilty plea of two misdemeanor thefts and a two-year no-trespassing order issued from Walmart, Huntsville City Councilman Devyn Keith wanted to clear the air.

“I don’t want to sort of re-scab old wounds but now having a chance to stand in front of my district and be honest in a church, there’s no better setting to be accountable for things that happened in the past and the successes as well,” Keith said.

Keith pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor thefts from Walmart in September of last year. Police say Keith stole a pair of headphones from Walmart.

He was also accused of shoplifting 31 items, with video capturing 15 of the incidents. Keith tells another story. Complete article

'Stealing left and right': Underwear, other items on lockdown at Bensalem Pa. Walmart 09/17/2024 XX

Thanks to thieves, purchasing even a pair of men's underwear at the Walmart in Bensalem has become complicated.

First, you're to press a customer assistance button that summons an employee. That employee carries the keys that open several aisles of locked glass security doors where the underwear is displayed.

After choosing the items you want, don’t think you can toss them into your cart or carry them to the checkout.

“Someone has to take (the underwear) to the register where it will be waiting for you after you’ve done your shopping and when you’re ready to leave,” said a Walmart employee, who spoke anonymously about the three-step underwear purchase process. “Or we can escort you to the register if that’s all you’re getting.

"It’s inconvenient and it takes time. I can’t imagine what it will be like doing all this at Christmas.” Complete article

Retail theft in Bensalem up more than double post-pandemic. How police are fighting back 05/07/2024 XXXXXXX

Mac and cheese recall: Throw out these brands sold at Walmart and Target in 5 states 09/17/2024

Two mac and cheese products sold in five states at big chain stores such as Walmart and Target have been recalled due to potential spoilage.

Reser’s Fine Foods initiated the recall of its standard and white cheddar mac and cheese products after a refrigeration unit on a trailer carrying the products broke down, causing possible spoilage.

According to Newsweek, the company pulled the products sold in California, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

The recall has been classified as a Class II recall, where the “product may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote,” according to the U.S. Food and Drug administration.

There were also other products included in the recall, including potato salads, scalloped potatoes, pasta salads, corn, egg salads, gravy, spinach dip and desserts. Complete article

Suspects sought in Hudson NH Walmart incidents 09/13/2024

Man suing officers involved in shoot-out in Aug. 2022 Rio Rancho NM Walmart parking lot 09/10/2024

Suspected thief in stolen shoes attempts to skip out of Fla. Walmart without paying 09/14/2024 Excessive effort for petty theft

Bad Parking at Fla. Walmart shows challenge with reading comprehension 09/15/2024

Seneca Falls man arrested for NY Walmart theft 09/16/2024

Suspected thief nabbed at Fla. Walmart after second illicit self-checkout transaction 09/16/2024

Sam’s Club is raising minimum wages and says workers will get faster raises with this new model 09/17/2024

$136,000 Stolen At Joliet Ill. Walmart: Ex-Employee Forfeits Bond 09/18/2024

In 2023, a Will County judge sliced Melissa Vanderwall's bail in half. Now, the former Joliet Walmart manager remains at large.

JOLIET — If you were wondering whatever happened to the criminal case involving Melissa Vanderwall, the former night shift supervisor at the Joliet Walmart on West Jefferson Street, the case is now on hold as authorities work to find her. Last month, a Will County judge issued a warrant for her arrest after Vanderwall failed to show up for court on consecutive days in June and again on Aug. 19.

Vanderwall, who lived in Romeoville, is accused of stealing nearly $136,000 cash back on Nov. 27, 2022, from the Joliet Walmart store where she worked. A Will County grand jury indicted Vanderwall on two felonies, theft and burglary, following a Joliet police investigation.

Vanderwall was kept in the Will County Jail from March 6, 2023, until March 31, 2023; then Will County Judge Amy Bertani-Tomczak cut her bail in half, reducing it from $100,000 to $50,0o0. Complete article

Rental fraud arrest causes scare at Walmart in Levy County Fla. 09/18/2024

TRENTON, Fla. (WCJB) - Levy County Sheriff’s Office arrested a woman for renting out a home she didn’t own.

Carrie Ann Hendricks, 46, was arrested on Tuesday during a sting at the Walmart in Chiefland on fraud charges. The arrest caused some to mistakenly think an active shooter situation was occurring at the store.

Detectives say a woman found a rental listing on Facebook Marketplace in May. She reached a deal with Hendricks and began pre-paying $3,000 in rent. Complete article

Not petty: Woman sentenced for multiple thefts at Twin Falls Idaho Walmart 09/18/2024

TWIN FALLS — Sometimes you don’t have to steal a lot to be charged with grand theft.

While the crime is widely considered to be one that adds up to a loss of more than $1,000, a woman was sentenced Thursday for the offense after making two dozen trips to the Twin Falls Walmart, stealing a little bit at a time.

The monetary loss was less than $600, but it has meant jail time for her, and Tiffany Lynde Dastrup, 48, was handcuffed and sent away on a rider program with 365 days of retained jurisdiction, with an underlying sentence of a minimum four years in prison.

It all made for an unusual case, District Judge Blaine Cannon said, and he had quite a lot to say when it came down to sentencing.

Dastrup, whose employment through Spark was to gather customers’ online orders for customers, was accused of making 24 separate trips to Walmart, but instead of taking just items for customers’ orders, she threw in extra merchandise in the bag for herself that she did not pay for.

It didn’t add up to a huge amount — the loss for the first noted theft on March 16, 2023, was $62.06, and loss after another incident the next day was put at $120.24.

Under Idaho law, crimes can be charged as grand theft if the aggregate loss is more than $50 during a “criminal episode” of up to three days.

Capt. Dennis Clark of the Jerome Police Department told the Times-News that he believes not many people are aware of the law.

"Obviously, they know they are engaged in criminal activity, but most likely not aware that they are at a felony level," Clark said. Complete article

UPDATE: 3 grocery stores evacuated in Springfield Ohio reopen 09/18/2024

At least three grocery stores that closed Wednesday following reports of evacuations in Springfield reopened as of 3:30 p.m.

The Walmart Supercenters at 200 S. Tuttle Road and 2100 N. Bechtle Ave., and the Kroger at 2728 E. Main St. were all closed and turning away customers early Wednesday afternoon.

A worker at the Bechtle Walmart said the store closed after receiving a bomb threat.

A Walmart spokesperson said the store on Tuttle Road was evacuated “at the direction of local police.” .....

The threats were reported in the days following false rumors about Haitian immigrants eating pets that were spread in part by Republican leaders, including former President Donald Trump and running mate U.S. Sen. JD Vance of Ohio. Complete article

Walmart Neighborhood Market coming to abandoned shopping plaza in Ocala Fla. 09/19/2024

Massive Fla. Walmart coming to southern end of The Villages 09/18/2024

Homeless man on bicycle leaves Fla. Walmart without paying for fishing gear 09/18/2024

Missing man last seen leaving Kingman Arizona Walmart Wednesday morning 09/18/2024

Suspect dead, another shot at Walmart in Farmington NM 09/19/2024

The police investigation found the suspect targeted a female employee there.

Police are investigating a fatal shooting that resulted in the death of a suspect.

The shooting happened in the parking lot of the Walmart near West Main Street in Farmington. Police said the shooting happened around 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19.

The investigation found the suspect, identified as a 53-year-old man from Shiprock, targeted a female employee there. He entered her vehicle and shot her before he fatally shot himself, according to the Farmington Police Department.

He was found dead in the parking lot from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The victim was transported to a hospital and is now in stable condition as of Thursday evening, according to police. Complete article

Walmart shooting believed to be domestic violence case, Farmington police say 09/21/2024

Farmington Police releases names of suspect, victim in Walmart shooting 09/27/2024

No shots fired near Rice Lake Wisc. Walmart, car modified to sound like gunshots when accelerating 09/19/2024

9:20 p.m. UPDATE: Rice Lake Police are investigating to determine any applicable criminal charges after two people were arrested after driving a car that was modified to sound like multiple gunshots when accelerating.

According to a press release from the Rice Lake Police Department around 6:30 p.m. Thursday a call came in to 911 of an active shooting incident taking place near Walmart. When multiple agencies arrived they found no evidence to support that a shooting had taken place.

They continued to search the area when more reports of gunshots being fired from a moving vehicle were reported near Rice Lake Middle School. They found no evidence of a shooting there as well. It was then they were able to get a report of what the vehicle looked like.

Police said a short time later, another report of gunshots came in at T-Mobile. The vehicle was then stopped by multiple officers and two people were arrested.

No firearms were located and there is no evidence that a shooting occurred. During this time multiple businesses were on lock down and events at the middle and high school were immediately canceled and the building also went on lockdown. Complete article

Blaze at Albuquerque NM Walmart Quickly Contained by AFR 09/20/2024

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, at approximately 11:11 PM, Albuquerque Fire Rescue (AFR) was dispatched to a reported outside fire at the Walmart Grocery Store, 2550 Coors NW.

Upon arrival, the first AFR unit confirmed an exterior fire that had spread to the south side of the commercial building.

Firefighters quickly initiated an offensive attack and brought the fire under control within 16 minutes.

The fire caused damage to the building’s exterior, with no injuries reported among civilians or firefighters. Complete article

Woman Goes Viral For Not Scanning Every Item At Walmart's Self Check-Out; Here's Why She Actually Isn't Stealing 09/20/2024

TikTok user explains why she doesn't scan all items at Walmart in viral video captioned "Mind yo business"

A Walmart shopper is responding to critics who closely monitor her as she skips scanning items at the self-checkout. The shopper offered a strong rebuttal to her detractor, who suspected her of shoplifting, noting that she had a specific reason for not scanning everything.

In a viral TikTok video, @dulitty is captured glaring at other customers in a Walmart self-checkout lane. The clip, which garnered nearly 1.4 million views and over 1,300 comments, shows the woman packing her items while appearing visibly annoyed with those around her.

Debating The Etiquette Of Self-Checkout

The video includes a quote from Deion Sanders, who is heard saying, "Look at me." She shares the real reason behind her seemingly rude behaviour at a Walmart self-checkout, which requires customers to pay a yearly fee of £76 ($98). Complete article

‘Walmart explain yourself…’: Shopper demands answers after spotting offensive cakes in the bakery section. 09/19/2024

‘My jaw dropped to the GROUND.’

In a video with over 154,000 views, TikToker Sara Higginbotham (@theriseofbensolo) shows a refrigerated shelf with several red, white, and blue cakes at Walmart.

She pans over to show a cake resembling a Nazi swastika and one resembling a burning cross, a symbol frequently used to reference hate crimes by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), a racist, anti-Black organization.

Each cake also features American flag fondant, as the video was filmed the day before Independence Day. Complete article

Beds sold at Amazon, Walmart recalled due to collapse hazard 09/19/2024

Nearly 138,000 platform beds sold at major retailers including Amazon and Walmart are being recalled across the U.S. and Canada because they can collapse, posing fall and injury risks.

Utah-based importer CVB Inc. is recalling the Lucid-branded platform beds with upholstered square tufted headboards. According to Thursday notices from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, the beds can sag, break or collapse during use.

To date, there have been 245 incidents of this occurring in the U.S., resulting in 18 related injuries such as contusions and bruises, the CPSC said. An additional 11 reports of “bed failures” have been reported in Canada, with no further injuries. According to Lucid, the recall covers a discontinued version of its platform beds, which the company says were manufactured between 2019 and 2021.

While manufacturing ended several years ago, the now-recalled beds continued to be sold at major retailers through April 2024, the CPSC said. In addition to Amazon, Walmart and Lucid’s website, consumers may have also purchased the beds at Bed Bath & Beyond, eBay, Home Depot, Macys,, Wayfair and other retailers. Complete article

Walmart testing major self-checkout change 09/20/2024

Searching a product for the barcode – it’s a necessity of self-checkout.

But that time-consuming act could be changing for some products purchased from the country’s largest retailer.

Walmart is testing invisible barcodes on its Great Value-branded items, according to multiple media reports. The technology allows customers to move an item over a scanner for the price to be registered, and, since the invisible barcode is printed all over the packaging, there’s no need to locate a single black and white bar. Complete article

Walmart workers sue over tobacco health surcharge 09/20/2024

A proposed class-action lawsuit has been filed against Walmart by employees who claim the company’s health insurance surcharge for tobacco users is discriminatory and violates the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Fierce Healthcare reported.

The surcharge, which ranges from $30 to $195 per biweekly pay period, allegedly imposes unfair financial burdens on smokers without providing a reasonable alternative to avoid the penalty, raising many workers’ overall health insurance costs, the suit says. Complete article

Bomb Threat at Excelsior Springs Missouri Walmart Sparks Evacuation; No Explosives Found 09/18/2024

Shooting outside Brown Deer Wisc. Walmart, man found guilty at trial 09/18/2024

Bellingham Wash. city officials ask court to order Walmart encampment be cleared by new year 09/18/2024

Reported bomb threat by former Walmart worker investigated by Boardman Ohio police 09/20/2024 Boardman police are investigating a threat made by a former Walmart employee who allegedly told two current employees the store would be blown up if the ex-employee wasn’t rehired.

Father shoots ex’s new boyfriend after dispute in Walmart parking lot in DeKalb County Ga. 09/21/2024

DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — A dispute between an ex-couple and the new boyfriend led to gunfire in a Walmart parking lot, according to DeKalb County police.

Police responded to the Walmart parking lot at 4375 Lawrenceville Highway in reference to a person shot just after 7 p.m. Friday evening.

When police arrived, they found a 25-year-old man with a gunshot wound to both of his arms. He was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

As police investigated the details surrounding the incident, DKPD say they arrested 30-year-old Kenneth Ellsworth Jr., who is the father of the children. Complete article

Multiple people shot across from Midlands SC high school that hosted homecoming game Friday in or near the Old Walmart parking lot 09/21/2024

Multiple people were shot across the street from a Midlands high school that held its homecoming football game Friday night.

The Winnsboro Department of Public Safety reports via Facebook that “several persons were struck by gunfire in or near the Old Walmart parking lot in 321 bypass last night following the Fairfield Central High School homecoming football game.”

“The fired shots may have come from a nearby apartment complex where two groups exchanged gunfire in an ongoing dispute,” the post adds.

The department did not provide an exact time for the shooting. Complete article

12-year-old boy, teen girl identified as victims in Walmart parking lot shooting, report says 09/24/2024

No shooter at NC Walmart 09/20/2024

An altercation over a parking space at Walmart turned into an active shooter call to the Sampson 911 Center Friday, a call that sent police officers to the 1415 Sunset Ave. business, and forced evacuation of the building.

It was all, Clinton Police Chief Anthony Davis said, a miscommunication.

“Importantly, our investigation revealed no evidence of shots fired or the presence of an armed suspect,” Davis stressed.

The incident began around 12:34 p.m. Friday when the call came in to 911 of an active shooter at Walmart. Police, Davis said, responded immediately, executing what he called their “shooter protocols” as the store’s management evacuated the building. Complete article

Four Women Brawl at Fort Worth TX’s Walmart, Caught on Video 09/20/2024

A physical altercation between four women near the checkout line caused chaos at the Walmart off Berry Street in Fort Worth tonight. A one-minute video posted on social media by Dallas Texas TV caught the incident involving grabbing hair and throwing punches.

An argument is believed to have sparked the fight, but the exact circumstances that led to it are still unclear. In the video, bystanders watch in shock as the women pull each other’s hair and exchange blows. Several shoppers tried to intervene, but the situation quickly escalated.

Two women are seen in the footage grappling with each other, pulling hair, and stumbling into nearby checkout counters, while another pair is seen throwing punches in the chaos. The altercation disrupted the front of the store, with customers backing away and shouting for security.

The caption reads, “Fight breaks out at the Walmart off Berry in Fort Worth tonight.”

Many people are criticizing the women for engaging in violence in such a public setting as the video circulates online, sparking a wave of reactions. The trend of public brawls being shared on social media platforms has caused concern among others. Complete article

Deputies: Suspects wanted in connection to larceny at Williamsburg Va. Walmart 09/18/2024

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (WAVY) — The York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office is seeking assistance in identifying two suspects involved in a larceny at a Williamsburg Walmart on Sept. 10, deputies said.

While placing groceries in her vehicle, the victim reported being approached by a man, asking for directions. Distracted by the interaction, a woman crept up behind the victim and stole her purse.

The suspects reportedly withdrew $1,000 from the victim’s debit card at a Wells Fargo ATM.

According to video surveillance obtained from the Walmart located at 731 E Rochambeau Dr., the man appeared to target the victim as she made her way to the self-checkout lane. He got directly behind the victim in line and saw her entering her PIN number for her debit card. He then proceeded to walk past the victim and wait as she left the store. Complete article

Couple leads police in chase to Ohio after stealing $3K from Michigan Walmart 09/21/2024

MONROE COUNTY, MI – A Toledo Ohio couple were arrested Friday night after stealing thousands of dollars’ worth of merchandise from a Michigan Walmart and leading police in a chase across the border.

Police were called at about 10:50 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, to the Walmart located at 2150 N. Telegraph Road in Frenchtown Township for a report of an unarmed robbery and assault that had just occurred, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

The suspect, a 36-year-old Toledo man, was attempting the leave the store with more than $3,000 worth of merchandise he hadn’t paid for when he was confronted by a store employee, police said.

The man began assaulting the employee before fleeing the store with the stolen merchandise to a silver Ford Edge waiting outside being driven by his alleged accomplice, a 39-year-old Toledo Woman, who quickly fled the scene, police said. Complete article

Toddler slips out of Dothan Alabama daycare, goes shopping at Walmart 09/19/2024

Walmart customers accused of drug trafficking in a Google Ads scam 09/20/2024 What makes the scam particularly nasty is that by the end of the operation, the victims were convinced their financial accounts were used to launder money and that they were supposed to pay up to avoid getting prosecuted.

Man accused of baring all in Arkansas Walmart 09/20/2024

Repeat Fla. Walmart shoplifter tracked down after fleeing botched theft 09/20/2024

Detective testifies in Aug. Fairdale Ky. Walmart officer-involved shooting preliminary hearing 09/20/2024

Hudson NH police seek help identifying man in Walmart incident 09/21/2024

Hudson NH police seek help identifying man in Walmart incident 09/2/2024 Different but almost identical article.

Olympian’s life has been ‘a living nightmare’ over since-dismissed theft, drug charges from Walmart self-checkout debacle 09/24/2024

A former Olympic athlete’s life has been “a living nightmare” since she says she accidentally failed to scan two items at a self-checkout machine — leading to her arrest and loss of her prestigious job as an NCAA Division 1 softball coach.

Meaggan Pettipiece, 48, was the head coach of the Valparaiso University softball team when she was scanning her groceries at a Walmart self-checkout machine in Indiana on March 28, according to the National Post.

The machine reportedly did not scan the asparagus and ham that Pettipiece meant to purchase.

Walmart security saw that she failed to scan the items — worth a total of $67 — prompting them to call the police despite her having paid $176 for her other groceries. Complete article

‘For me to not even be able to take my stuff in my cart’: Walmart shopper has to follow worker to the checkout all because she wanted to buy Gain detergent, Dove soap 09/23/2024

‘I do Walmart pick up for the locked up items now because of this.’

A Walmart shopper says she had to follow a worker to checkout just because she wanted to buy some Gain detergent and Dove soap. The shopper, Zayfromdabay (@itszayfromdabay) posted about the experience on TikTok and received over 42,000 views.

In the video, the customer is standing in an aisle of items that are all locked behind anti-theft glass. A Walmart worker appears and begins to unlock products that the customer points to, like Dove body wash and Gain laundry detergent. Then, the worker places them in a bag of their own.

After they have finished shopping, the customer follows the worker to the checkout area. She then proceeds to scan her own items and pay.

“I can understand everything being locked up, but for me to not even be able to take my stuff in my cart up the front when I’m ready to check out is crazy,” she says. The shopper adds that in her confusion she forgot to get her groceries.

Walmart continues to increase security measures

Many shoppers have recently criticized Walmart for its escalating anti-theft measures, which customers say create a hostile shopping environment. Customers claim that the store has begun locking up lower-priced items like socks. One person even says they weren’t able to buy anything after workers were unable to unlock the security display case.

The TikToker also complains about the unwelcoming environment at Walmart. She says that even though she forgot her groceries, she decided not to go back into the store.

“I just went ahead and checked out because at this point I just felt like you guys are treating me like a criminal and I didn’t even do anything,” she says. Complete article

‘Be careful’: Walmart shopper says expiration date pushed back on bad International Delight coffee creamer 09/24/2024

‘Everything is spoiling faster.’

A TikToker is raising the alarm about expiration dates after buying bad coffee creamer, suggesting companies are artificially moving them forward to sell more products.

Zak (@cookupkobe) posted a video back in July after he purchased International Delight Caramel Macchiato Coffee Creamer from Walmart, only to discover it had already gone bad.

“Check it out,” he told viewers, pouring the contents of the bottle into the sink. “Look how chunky this is.”

The “best by” date marked on the bottle was Oct. 23, 2024. Zak’s video was recorded and uploaded three months ahead of that, on July 19. It has since been viewed over 563,000 times. Complete article

Goodbye to Walmart thieves forever – a new security system has been invented that will change everything 09/24/2024

Walmart, the retail giant, has taken a significant step to combat one of its biggest challenges: theft at self-checkout kiosks. In partnership with Digimarc, Walmart is introducing a revolutionary invisible barcode technology designed to enhance security while improving the customer experience. This new system aims to reduce the billions of dollars lost to theft every year and promises to change how we shop forever.

How does Walmart’s new security system work?

The innovative technology at the heart of this new initiative uses invisible barcodes that are imperceptible to the human eye. Unlike traditional barcodes, these codes cover the entire surface of a product, making it possible to scan an item from any angle. This advancement, developed by Digimarc, ensures that products cannot be bypassed at the checkout, reducing the chances of theft.

Walmart’s self-checkout machines, equipped with advanced scanners, can detect these invisible codes even if a customer tries to hide an item. The machines are also capable of scanning multiple products at once, allowing for faster and more efficient transactions. With this system in place, Walmart no longer relies solely on customers to scan every product correctly, closing a significant loophole that has been exploited by shoplifters. Complete article

Walmart is introducing a pay-by-bank system to avoid pesky credit card fees 09/20/2024

The retail giant's upgraded payment system is expected to launch in 2025.

Walmart (WMT 0.00%) plans to introduce an upgraded payment system that will give shoppers the option to pay directly from their bank accounts for items they buy online, a company spokesperson confirmed to Quartz. This bold move could potentially reduce fees for the retailer.

“We’re proud to offer our customers greater choice in how to pay – and pleased to bring the option of real-time payments forward in retail,” the company spokesperson said.

Walmart initially introduced this feature with Walmart Pay earlier this year, but those transactions typically took three days to process. With this new system, which Walmart said is an extension, customers will receive immediate updates to their bank accounts as soon as a transaction is finalized, and Walmart will receive those funds right away. Complete article

Walmart’s stock rises into record territory after another analyst turns bullish 09/24/2024

Truist raises rating on the stock to buy, as Walmart is taking market share from ‘almost everyone.’

Shares of Walmart Inc. were headed back into record territory on Tuesday, as Truist turned bullish on the discount retailer amid accelerating market-share gains.

Analyst Scot Ciccarelli raised his rating on the stock to buy, after being at hold since at least January 2022. He raised his stock price target to $89 from $76.
Complete article

Lottery ticket worth more than $110,000 sold at Walmart in Florida. Here’s where 09/20/2024

Grand jury to hear case of man shot by LMPD officer outside Ky. Walmart 09/22/2024

Trial date scheduled in state case against Aug. 2019 El Paso Tx. Walmart shooter 09/23/2024

Potsdam woman accused of burglary at NY Walmart 09/23/2024

‘Caroline’s Cart’ delivered to Walmart on North Ave. Grand Junction Colorado 09/20/2024

RCPD investigating theft at Kansas Walmart 09/23/2024

Man with machete accused of trying to steal shotgun from Dickson Tenn. Walmart 09/25/2024

DICKSON, Tenn. (WKRN) — An arrest was made Wednesday after Dickson police said a man armed with a machete entered a Walmart and tried to steal a shotgun.

In a news release, Dickson Police Chief Seth Lyles said the incident began with a domestic dispute at an apartment at the Trails of Dickson off Beasley Drive.

During the fight, the suspect, whose name has not been released, reportedly stabbed a machete into a wall. Authorities said the suspect suffered a cut to his hand in the process.

He then went to the Walmart Supercenter at 175 Beasley Drive and walked to the sporting goods section, where police said the man used the machete to smash through the glass of a gun case. Complete article

Police: Former manager of Norwalk Conn. Walmart arrested for stealing $238,000 09/26/2024

A former manager at a Walmart in Norwalk has been accused of stealing over $200,000 from the company.

Police say Erfan Ahmadi embezzled $238,000 from July 2023 until last April.

He fled to Texas after the theft was discovered, according to authorities.

Police say Ahmadi was arrested Tuesday by Texas rangers and flown back to Connecticut. Complete article

Police looking for suspect who struck pedestrian with vehicle, threatened Ohio Walmart employee 09/26/2024

CINCINNATI — Police are asking for help identifying the suspect in a hit-and-run incident on Sept. 22.

It happened at the Walmart on Ferguson Road.

The suspect struck a pedestrian with her vehicle in the Walmart parking lot before threatening to hit an employee, police say. Complete article

‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’: Walmart shopper says she had to make 3 separate transactions during one shopping trip. Why? 09/26/2024

‘That’s why I stopped going to Walmart.’

A frequent Walmart shopper recently voiced her frustrations after being forced to make three separate transactions in different departments.

In @raisingreynauds’ video, she shares that she had to buy a $5 blackhead strip in the makeup section, an $11 screen protector in electronics, and her groceries in a third transaction. “Ain’t nobody got time for that,” she says.

@raisingreynauds blames having to make multiple transactions on “Walmart thieves.” Complete article

SFPD attempt to ID NY Walmart shoplifters: Have you seen them? 09/23/2024

Manitowoc Wisc. Walmart Evacuated 09/24/2024

Jacksonville NC police seek woman in Walmart larceny, offer $5,000 reward 09/2/2024

A Walmart in Texas Called This Car Unsafe Because It Was So Messy 09/24/2024

Drug bust at Humboldt’s former Tenn. Walmart building, again 09/26/2024

Tenn. Walmart security guard pistol whipped by shoplifter 09/26/2024

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A security guard is recovering after she was pistol whipped in the head while attempting to stop a suspected Walmart shoplifter. Police say Darnee Drinks was trying to steal $1,808 worth of items when the security guard approached her.

According to the police report, Drinks then pulled a gun out of her purse and was trying to load it. The guard stopped her, and they started fighting. Drinks then hit her in the head with the weapon. The guard was able to knock the gun out of her hands, and a bystander got involved and kicked it away.

It didn’t stop there. When police arrested her she kicked the officer, and while in the back seat of a patrol car, she caused another $1,500 worth of damage. Complete article

Teens charged as adults in violent Nebraska Walmart assault in Grand Island 09/26/2024

Two teens are charged as adults after police say they seriously assaulted a man at a Grand Island Walmart.

Beckett Bluspiro and Easton Enevoldsen, both 18 of Grand Island, are charged in Hall County Court with first-degree assault and criminal mischief.

According to an arrest affidavit, around 5:30 p.m. Sept. 16, officers were called to Walmart, 2250 Diers Ave., for a fight in progress.

When officers arrived, they contacted a victim who had a laceration to his head and said he was assaulted by two unknown males. The affidavit said the victim was treated by medical personnel and diagnosed with a concussion. Complete article

Pizzigati, Lord: Ending worker exploitation at Amazon, Walmart (Opinion) 09/26/2024

Together, these two companies rule the retail marketplace. Their combined market capitalization stands at slightly under $2.5 trillion. The combined personal fortunes of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Walmart’s Walton clan exceed half a trillion dollars.

Amazon and Walmart credit their status to low prices, convenience and speed. These two 21st-century retail kingdoms, like the medieval fiefdoms of old, rest heavily on exploiting workers.

A recent report from Oxfam, the global nonprofit working to end inequality, convincingly details this exploitation.

Oxfam’s report documents worker surveillance at both companies and explores the intimidating workplace cultures the giants foster. Oxfam found that 91% of Walmart store workers reported experiencing dehydration over the last three months. Three-fourths of Amazon workers report feeling under pressure to work faster.

The constant management monitoring of workers at Amazon and Walmart has workers feeling constantly “pressured to keep up with inhumane and unsustainable production standards,” Oxfam concluded. Warehouse floors at the two retail kings “have become incubators of injury, sustained by automation, surveillance and workplace cultures of intimidation.”

Not surprisingly, both corporations have done whatever they can get away with to prevent their workers from joining unions. Today, not one of the 2.7 million employees at Amazon and Walmart is working under the protection of a collective bargaining agreement. Local communities where these retail kings set up shop are feeling pressure, too. In one stunning documentary, “Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices,” the filmmaker Robert Greenwald famously showed the devastating effect Walmart outlets can have on local mom-and-pop stores. Complete article

Man explains how Walmart charges different prices for same item depending on aisle you visit 09/27/2024

There were some who pointed out that there was a difference in the quality of the products.

A large number of Americans are grappling with high grocery prices because of this there is a race to snag the best deals. A TikTok creator (@georgia_bassmaster) recently exposed Walmart in a series of videos comparing products in different sections of the store to show price discrepancies.

In the video, he warns the viewers, "Don’t let Walmart rip you off." He then shows a 16GB SanDisk SDHC card for sale in the camping department of Walmart for something that he thinks is overpriced. "Just ‘cause they put these things in camouflage casing," he says in the video.

The video follows him to the electronics section where a 32GB SanDisk SDHC card is being sold for just $7.28. In another video, he shows how Walmart was selling a 50 ft paracord for $5.20 in the camping section, while the same paracord from a different brand was priced at $3.94.

"So there you have it, Walmart is scamming you by charging you more for the exact same thing," he says.

Many took to the video to talk about how there's an issue in every section. "Same thing for cast iron skillets. Camping section is a fraction of the price for the same thing in pots and pans," writes one user while another writes, "Lunch boxes (coolers) are cheaper in the hunting section, or they used to be than in the home goods." Complete article

Homeless encampment near East Lampeter Pa. Walmart cleared 09/27/2024

A homeless encampment that had been active for at least several weeks next to a Walmart store in East Lampeter Township was suddenly cleared out Wednesday morning.

Outreach workers helped homeless people remove their belongings from a wooded area next to the shopping plaza off Lincoln Highway East, according to reporting from One United Lancaster. The encampment grew after city officials in August began cracking down on camping regulations in parks.

Paige McFarling, executive director of Lancaster County Food Hub, said the nonprofit received a call early Wednesday morning from someone staying in the encampment asking for help. She said the person told Food Hub officials that a Bobcat machine was clearing brush in the area and people needed to leave. McFarling estimated about 20 people were living at the encampment. Complete article

Judge orders Walmart encampment property owner in Bellingham Wash. to ‘immediately’ abate land 09/25/2024

Man arrested in connection with Walmart theft in Madera Ca. 09/26/2024

Riley County police investigate report of employee theft from Manhattan Kansas Walmart 09/27/2024

Woman Sentenced, Accused of Pulling A Knife On ND Walmart Customer 09/26/2024

Woman struck and killed by vehicle at Walmart on Niagara Falls Boulevard in North Tonawanda NY 09/27/2024

NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. (WKBW) — An investigation is underway after a woman was struck and killed by a vehicle on Friday at Walmart on Niagara Falls Boulevard in North Tonawanda.

North Tonawanda Police were called to the store just after 3 p.m. for a motor vehicle accident with serious injuries. Upon arrival, officers found a woman pinned underneath a vehicle. She was pronounced dead at the scene, according to police.

An investigation revealed that a 74-year-old woman was hit by an SUV while exiting the store and crossing through the crosswalk. The driver, a 56-year-old woman, is cooperating with police.

Chief of Police Keith Glass told 7 News on Friday that the woman's name would not be released until her family was notified. Complete article

North Tonawanda Police release victims name that was hit in Walmart parking lot 09/30/2024

Convicted WA felon arrested at Spanaway Wash. Walmart for gun reach 09/28/2024

SPANAWAY, Wash. - A routine shoplifting call at a Spanaway Walmart escalated Tuesday evening when 26-year-old convicted felon, Zachary Jon Quichocho, allegedly attempted to reach for a firearm during a confrontation with Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies.

According to court documents, Quichocho, a four-time convicted felon, was approached by deputies after Walmart’s security reported him for allegedly cutting tags off clothes. While deputies were attempting to escort him out, Quichocho made a sudden move toward his backpack, raising concerns that he was trying to access a firearm.

"He grabs the backpack from his back and maneuvers it to his chest and starts trying to open the zipper," Pierce County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Darren Moss explained. "He makes a motion toward his bag really quickly again, and that's when the deputies have had enough, and they detain him and handcuff him."

Body camera footage captured the tense moment as Quichocho struggled with deputies, who quickly subdued him to prevent him from accessing the bag. "He wouldn't put his hands behind his back. They had to take him to the ground. He still possibly was trying to get to his bag," Sgt. Moss added. Complete article

Police: Man in possession of stolen firearm arrested at Scarborough Maine Walmart 09/28/2024

The 27-year-old was taken to an area hospital for a medical evaluation. He is facing several charges.

SCARBOROUGH, Maine — A man was arrested at Walmart in Scarborough Saturday afternoon, police say.

Police were notified of a man in possession of a stolen firearm out of a neighboring jurisdiction who was at the Walmart in Scarborough around 12:15 p.m. Saturday, the Scarborough Police Department said in a news release.

Officers responded to the store and located the man, identified as 27-year-old Shawn Small, according to the release. Complete article

Man charged with possessing loaded gun at Walmart in Waukegan, Ill. fleeing on foot from officers 09/27/2024

A Fox Lake man and convicted felon ran away from officers who responded to the Walmart in Waukegan for a man armed with a loaded gun, officials said.

The Waukegan Police Department responded on September 18 to Walmart, 3900 Fountain Square Place in Waukegan, for a report of an armed subject.

Lake County Assistant State’s Attorney Colleen McConnell said security called 911 and directed officers to the person with a gun. Complete article

Huge Fire Breaks Out at Walmart in Mexico's Zapopan City 09/28/2024

A large fire broke out in a Walmart in Zapopan, in Mexico’s Jalisco state, on Saturday, September 28, sending dense plumes of smoke over the city.

Firefighters in Zapopan said they were battling the blaze with the assistance of crews from the neighboring cities of Guadalajara and Tlaquepaque.

Medics at the scene said a firefighter and an employee were being treated for burns.

Police were also in attendance, according to Zapopan’s municipal president, Juan José Frangie, and Governor of Jalisco Enrique Alfaro.

Officials urged people to avoid the area while authorities responded. Credit: Bomberos Zapopan via Storyful. Complete article


No injuries were reported for a vehicle crash this morning in White Township.

The accident was reported at 2:26 this morning along Oakland Avenue in White Township, according to Indiana County 911. Indiana Fire Association members, Citizens’ Ambulance and State Police were dispatched to the scene. Fire officials said that the vehicle veered off Oakland Avenue near Walmart and went down an embankment, coming to rest near a shed behind McDonald’s. Everyone in the car was able to get out on their own.

The names of those involved has not been released. Complete article

EXCLUSIVE: Female shoppers at Springfield Walmart report harassment from Haitian men, employee says 09/27/2024 Based on anonymous sources without confirmation.

Springfield, Ohio, residents told Blaze News that Haitian nationals living in the area are having difficulty assimilating with the local culture and, in some instances, even exhibiting intimidating behavior toward women.

An individual working at a local Walmart confirmed other residents' reports that Haitian nationals are causing disruptions at nearby retail stores.

The worker, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation from the worker's employer, told Blaze News, "There has been instances where either feces has been found on the floor or a child will just pee all over themselves just for no reason [in the aisles]." Complete article

The real ‘Haitian issue’: A lack of understanding 09/26/2024

‘I never use theirs’: Walmart worker issues warning to customers about using the bathrooms 09/28/2024

‘Never would have thought of that!’

A Walmart worker has an urgent PSA for any customer who uses public bathrooms.

Walmart worker Devan’s (@601devan) TikTok has received over 190,000 views.

To start his video, Devan sits in his car in his Walmart uniform. He seems to have just gotten off of a work shift. He adds an on-screen caption that says his message is a “PSA TO EVERYONE.”

He’s addressing “everyone,” as most people have probably used a public bathroom before.

“If you use public bathrooms, stop what you’re doing, and listen to this,” Devan says. .....

The toilet paper roll appears to have tiny, red, blood-like splotches all around the middle of the roll. “This is from needle-using junkies,” he alleges.

Devan says that these red spots appear when people stick their needles inside the material to clean them off. Complete article

‘I’d feel so embarrassed’: Walmart worker catches shopper fake-scanning items at self-checkout. Her response shocks viewers 09/29/2024

‘Them new cameras catch everything now.’

So what happens when you get caught “fake scanning” items at the Walmart self-checkout? According to a TikToker who goes by Nesha (@ohthatsnesh), it results in a two-year ban from all stores and a police escort.

The TikToker recorded her Walmart ban in a TikTok, where she says that she usually doesn’t “get caught” in the self-checkout line.

However this time, it appears that store employees recorded her not scanning products. When they approached her about the transaction, one of the workers couldn’t help but smile and cover her mouth.

In a video that’s accrued over 1.1 million views, she breaks down what happened. Complete article

‘A nightmare’: Walmart shopper keeps pressing ‘Help’ button for over 30 minutes. She can’t believe the manager’s response 09/28/2024

‘It causes so much unneeded stress.’

Most people would have walked out if they’d had this experience trying to buy something at Walmart.

Shoppers beware

Across the United States, major retailers like Target, Walmart, and CVS have implemented additional anti-theft measures, from smaller carts to locking up products in glass cases.

According to recent reports, the main items being locked up in stores are those prone to theft. That includes personal hygiene products and everyday items like deodorant, razors, and hair products. ......

A terribly long wait

In a viral video with nearly 2 million views, Walmart customer Sam (@s.mariecole) recounted that it took a whopping 38 minutes to find an employee to unlock her item.

And she wasn’t even getting a big ticket purchase, like a TV or camera. All she wanted was a $19 pack of markers that was behind a locked glass case.

“I’ve been pressing this for literally 17 minutes,” Sam said. In the clip, she pressed the button that was supposed to get an employee with a key to help you.

“I swear there’s more expensive sh-t not locked up,” she said. “I swear I’m going to lose my mind.” .....

At the 35-minute mark, she found a manager who walked the guy with the key. The manager purportedly said that the worker “must have been [ignoring] you” since he answered her call immediately.

“A multibillion dollar company should be supplying their stores with an ample amount of staff, paying them a livable wage that makes them happy to do their job and supply enough equipment (radios and keys) if they’re going to lock up this much merchandise of all types,” Sam said about the incident. Complete article

Woman accused of stealing $1,300 worth of NC Walmart merchandise 09/27/2024

Jury trial scheduled for man charged with March murder in east Columbia Missouri Walmart shooting 09/23/2024

Colorado Springs Walmart reopens after bomb threat 09/27/2024

Moorhead man accused of felony theft at Detroit Lakes Minn. Walmart 09/28/2024 Waldern Roger Lacroix, 49, of Moorhead, has been charged in Becker County District Court with felony theft. According to court records, on the morning of Dec. 3, 2023, Detroit Lakes Walmart asset protection video showed Lacroix load up a cart with various items from around the store, including several trail cameras, camping items, knives, laundry pods, a baby monitor, speakers and other automotive accessories, toys, Christmas decorations, batteries and a fragrance gift set.

Diary of a Walmart Employee: Karen Overload 09/28/2024

Heavy traffic and police activity near Montana Walmart linked to influencer event 09/27/2024

Goodbye to Walmart’s Current Self-Checkout – They Announce a Major Change That Will Affect Customers 09/29/2024 In a move aimed at improving security and customer convenience, the company has introduced invisible barcode technology in partnership with Digimarc.

Woodruff Road Greenville SC Walmart provides showers | Update on what stores are open, closed 09/30/2024

Texas man caught stealing at Walmart, runs and barricades himself in nearby home, police say 09/29/2024

HURST, Texas — A North Texas man was arrested Sunday evening after stealing items from Walmart, running from police and barricading himself in a nearby house, according to police.

The Hurst Police Department (HPD) said officers responded at approximately 12:40 p.m. Sunday to a theft in progress call at Walmart, located at 1732 Precinct Line Rd. Police said the man was reportedly concealing items in his pockets. The man ran away from officers, HPD said, and barricaded himself in a residence on Green Tree Drive. Hurst police officers and members of the SWAT team established a perimeter around the residence and made contact with the suspect by phone, the department said in a Facebook post.

The man surrendered to officers after almost two hours of negotiations and was taken into custody without further incident, police said. Complete article

Police Seek Public’s Help in Pa. Walmart Parking Lot Hit-and-Run 09/30/2024

A hit-and-run occurred at a Walmart exit ramp in Young Township, PA, on September 27.

YOUNG TWP., Pa. (EYT) — State Police in Punxsutawney are investigating a hit-and-run incident that occurred at the exit ramp of a Walmart parking lot in Jefferson County.

PSP Punxsutawney say the crash took place on September 27, 2024, at approximately 4:21 p.m., on the exit ramp leading to State Route 119 in Young Township.

According to police, a 2004 Chrysler Sebring was traveling behind a Chevrolet Equinox on the exit ramp when the Equinox came to a stop. The Sebring was unable to brake in time and collided with the rear of the Equinox. Complete article

North Spokane Wash. Walmart not sold on self-checkout 09/30/2024

Self-service checkout stations at retail and grocery stores have grown to be staples of the shopping experience. But times are changing.

Target, WinCo and Walmart have removed self-checkout registers at a number of locations across the country to make way for the conventional process that requires the assistance of a cashier.

Shoplifting is partly to blame.

Removing self-checkouts are occurring at select Walmart locations that have high rates of what the company calls “lost merchandise,” John Furner, president and CEO of the United States-based Walmart corporation, told ABC News in April. Complete article

GAME OVER Walmart shopper ‘walks out’ after ‘being appalled by worker’s response’ – he faced ‘two hour wait for a computer game’ 09/30/2024

A WALMART shopper couldn’t hide their frustration after being told they had to wait to buy a computer game.

The furious customer abandoned their cart in fury despite it being full.

Dave (@sndper) said headed to the supermarket at 6am to buy his groceries.

By stepping foot in the supermarket, he said he had ended a boycott spanning 15 years.

Dave wanted to buy a video game but encountered a locked case.

He claimed a Walmart staffer had told him to return at 8am when the department opens. Complete article

Not Guilty Plea entered in Ethete Store Shooting; Riverton man accused of Theft from Wyoming Walmart 09/30/2024 Shooting at conveniance store on reservation, not at Walmart

Aberdeen NC police seeking Walmart larceny suspects 09/30/2024

Clarkston Wash. police seek help identifying two women in Wal-Mart theft cases 09/30/2024

Two men break into old Walmart, Madisonville Ky. Police investigating 09/30/2024 MADISONVILLE, Ky. (WEVV) — Since 2016, the doors have been closed at the Walmart off of Anton Road in Madisonville. As of a few days ago, two men broke into the building to find all of the lights still on inside and proceeded to post their findings on YouTube. “Several months ago, we did arrest individuals for stealing copper. They had been in the facility for quite a while over a period of days and they had been cutting a lot of copper out of it,” says major Jason McKnight, with the Madisonville Police Department.

2 arrested in shooting incident behind SC Walmart 09/30/2024

HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WPDE) — On Sept. 26, Horry County officials responded to 1705 South Kings Highway in the Walmart Neighborhood Market about a weapon discharge.

According to the report, officials stated that there was a verbal argument between the offender and the victim. The offender then pulled a firearm and fired once at the victim.

The offender then ran from the entrance of the store and got inside a white SUV before driving northbound on Kings Highway, according to the report.

Officials located a shell casing found at the entrance of the store and an unspent round right outside the entrance, according to the report. Complete article

Man accused of opening fire at Myrtle Beach grocery store identified 10/02/2024

12-year-old boy shot near McDonald's, Walmart Supercenter in DC 09/30/2024

WASHINGTON - A 12-year-old boy was shot Monday afternoon in a busy area of Northwest D.C.

The Metropolitan Police Department said it dispatched officers to the Petworth neighborhood, near the McDonald's and the Walmart Supercenter, to investigate the matter.

So far, MPD believes the young boy has suffered "non-life-threatening" injuries. Complete article

Three dead and 15 hurt in Shanghai China Walmart stabbing 09/30/2024

Three people died and 15 others were injured after a man went on a stabbing rampage inside a Walmart supermarket in Shanghai on Monday night.

Chinese police said they arrested a 37-year-old man surnamed Lin at the scene, adding that he had come to Shanghai to "vent his anger due to a personal economic dispute". Further investigations are continuing.

The incident took place at a shopping mall in Songjiang, a densely populated district in the city's south-west, which is also home to several universities.

Police said the three people who died succumbed to their injuries at hospital. The others "did not sustain life-threatening wounds" and are not believed to be in danger. Complete article

3 men caught at Hidalgo warehouse with nearly 2,000 TVs stolen from Walmart 09/30/2024

Three men have been arrested for stealing televisions from Walmart by the truckload.

Homeland Security Investigations arrested Gurvinder Singh, a citizen of India who was born in 1996, on Friday on charges of knowingly and unlawfully transporting stolen merchandise in interstate or foreign commerce; knowingly receiving or possessing any goods stolen from a shipment traveling in interstate or foreign commerce, aiding and abetting; and conspiracy.

The Texas Department of Public Safety also arrested 19-year-old Emilio Pardo and 49-year-old Eugenio Alejandro Pardo, both of McAllen, on Friday on charges of theft of cargo.

A federal criminal complaint against Singh said that on Sept. 24 Walmart contracted for the transport of two tractor-trailer loads of flat screen televisions from a warehouse in Summerville, South Carolina to distribution centers in Douglas, Georgia and Cullman, Alabama.

“Each load contained approximately 936 televisions with a value of approximately $130,000 U.S. dollars, for a total of approximately 1,872 televisions valued at approximately $260,000,” the complaint stated. Complete article

Man sentenced for gift card cloning scheme at Walmart stores throughout Arizona 09/30/2024

PHOENIX (AZFamily) — Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes announced that a man convicted of a gift card cloning scheme has been sentenced to prison.

Prosecutors say that law enforcement learned about a group of people who were removing gift cards from Walmart, cloning the card numbers, and then placing the cards back on shelves for shoppers to buy.

Once loaded, the scammer could use the gift card and often drained the balance before the customer or gift recipient actually tried to use it.

“I am proud of the work of the agents and prosecutors in my office for their efforts in combating the retail theft that occurred in this gift card cloning scam,” said Mayes. “I’m also grateful to Walmart for the support and partnership provided in this operation. Together, we will continue to identify, pursue, and prosecute those involved in such crimes to ensure justice for Arizonans.”

The AG’s office says Yuniel Rodriguez-Leon was convicted of being involved in the scheme from October to December 2023. Complete article