Wednesday, September 27, 2023

MSM Doesn't Promote Books Exposing Wall Street

There are six for profit corporations controlling over 90% of national media, and most of the remaining media is also controlled by for profit corporations, often owned by billionaires, like The Washington Post, Time Magazine, The Boston Globe, and many others, including The New York Times which is controlled by a wealthy family, although they might not be billionaires, but some of their leading stockholders are, including at least one billionaire, Carlos Slim Helú, who already owned 6.9% of their stock, bailed them out on at least one occasion, after this he owned between 8% and 17% of their stock. On top of that, Social Media companies, like Facebook, Twitter, Google, the owner of Blogspot, etc., where people at the grassroots level might have a chance to share information these wealthy corporations don't want to promote, are also owned by billionaires; and they can and do use this control to censor those they disagree with, or move them down the feed so fewer people see opposing views.

This means the vast majority of speech is partly or completely controlled by a small fraction of one percent of the wealthiest people in the country.

And they refuse to provide much if any promotion for books or research that expose how the economy is rigged in favor of the rich, why we fight one war after another based on lies, how wealthy people profit by polluting and killing the poor or middle class, how wages are suppressed, prevention of violence, and many other issues that benefit the majority, but cut into profits of the wealthy.

Jeffrey Sachs once rightfully said "History is written by the rich, and so the poor get blamed for everything," which is certainly true; however, at times he helped develop policies heavily rigging the economy in favor of the rich. When rich celebrities make statements like this, they often get much more media attention than when a poor person, or an educated person more sincerely concerned about the interests of the poor. For example, Kwame Nkrumah was once the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana who did much more than Western leaders to help the poor, and wrote "Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism" in 1965 which exposed the economic system supported by Jeffrey Sachs years before he was a well known economist praised for trying to help the poor, yet hardly anyone ever heard of him now, since he gets no media attention. When he was still alive he was demonized by the press, but those who had access to alternative media knew he was being smeared.

It's not uncommon for establishment spokespeople to use statements like this for propaganda purposes, and some people suspect that's what Sachs is doing, although his statement stands on it's own merits and many others made similar statements long before he did, and they often follow it up with much better research. Sachs actually got much more media attention before he started advocating for the poor to some degree. And, as Naomi Klein and several other good researchers pointed out, in the eighties and nineties he supported privatization for many governments around the world, including former Soviet Republics, and IMF loans that had strings attached often requiring countries to buy products or services at outrageous prices, while cutting services to the poor or middle class, which left them destitute and in debt they could never keep up with, which means he's partly responsible for the poverty he claims he wants to eliminate.

The best research almost never comes from the establishment controlled by the wealthy, and even without adequate financing good researchers to a much better job exposing the truth, simply because they're actually trying to do a good job, yet these good researchers get very little promotion or airtime from traditional media, especially when they're exposing fraud by the establishment, and in some cases they're demonized like Kwame Nkrumah, who exposed how Neo-Colonialism works in his book. Books supported by the establishment get an enormous amount of coverage, often enabling them to be best sellers, including Anderson Cooper's recent book “Astor: The Rise and Fall of an American Fortune,” which surged onto the best sellers list based on pre-ordered, and he probably would have gotten much more promotion if he hadn't been caught copying someone else's work according to several sources including Anderson Cooper called out by bestselling author over ‘copycat’ book on Brooke Astor 09/12/2023 which explains how he relied heavily on Meryl Gordon, a New York Times bestselling author who published “Mrs. Astor Regrets” in 2008, but wasn't quite plagiarism, since he did cite her as a source, but he didn't do nearly as much of his own work and they try to give him credit for. Not that she's one of the best authors, and she did get far more media coverage than those doing a better job exposing the establishment; but this does clearly show how celebrities and rich people, like Anderson Cooper have major advantages over everyone else.

Mark Crispin Miller made a very similar point when he created a list of about books for what he calls The Forbidden Bookshelf. In most cases there's some effort to suppress these books, including an implied threat from the DuPont family when Du Pont Dynasty was scheduled to be on the Book of the Month Club, and Harold G. Brown Jr. called the Club and told them they considered the book "actionable" and "scurrilous," and they backed out of the deal; when told why, instead of taking legal action for breaking the deal, the publishers cut the first addition from 15,000 to 10,000 copies, and cut the advertising budget by almost two thirds, according to "Toxic Sludge Is Good For You" by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton. However, when some of these books get labeled as "banned" or "forbidden" that often serves as an advertising for them, especially if traditional media reports on how they're being banned, which they do for many books, but not for the ones on Mark Crispin Miller's book list or my own which begins below.

Frederic Bastiat once said "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." This is exactly what's been happening for decades, if not hundreds of years, and this isn't a conspiracy theory since conspiracies are done in secret, and the most important evidence supporting this conclusion isn't secret, although it doesn't get much if any promotion from traditional media, and few people pay attention to the best evidence about how our political and economic system is rigged by wealthy elites controlling powerful institution.

Several of the books reviewed below, or pother ones that will be added soon confirm how the economic system is rigged by wealthy elites creating what Kwame Nkrumah called Neo-Colonialism, including those written by John Perkins, Tom Burgis, Graham Hancock, Naomi Klein, and more. Other researchers like Randall Sheldon research how the court system is controlled by the wealthy and the vast majority of those in court on any given day are all poor, followed by middle-class people, with very few rich people being held accountable to the rule of law, partly because laws are rigged heavily in their favor, but even when they do commit crimes they're much less likely to be held accountable. Other books expose additional details about how mass incarceration are driven by policies created by the wealthy.

Other books, including those by Robert McChesney, Upton Sinclair, and more expose how the media is all owned by a small fraction of one percent of the public, and how they used their control to ensure that media would remain all in private hands of a small percentage of the public without providing educational material on many subjects, including the most effective ways to reduce violence and the fact that a rigged economy is a major cause of crime and violence. The media is also pro war when it serves the interests of the wealthy, and as Eugene Debs said over a hundred years ago, in his Canton Ohio speech, "The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose—especially their lives." Some books exposing wars based on lies are classics and can be downloaded free on the internet like Smedley Butler "War is a Racket," and the lesser known classic "The Merchants of Death" by H. C. Engelbrecht and F. C. Hanighen and many more recent ones, but whether they're classics available free or more recent they get no media promotion while the establishment promotes one war after another.

Other books show how they rig the education system so only the wealthy can access good education and the poor are often subject to indoctrination disguised as education, including advertising in school and efforts to enable corporations to control education so that it's not critical of their power, including when they profit off of massive environmental destruction. More books show how the wealthy profit by polluting the poor and aren't held accountable.

There are also books showing how drug companies are subsidized by tax payer money and even though we pay for research they get patents based on the false assumption they're taking a risk, and they're often protected from liability. Furthermore, while rich people receive the vast majority of benefits from medical research the poor are almost always the ones used as human guinea pigs, and don't even get access to good health care in return. This includes efforts to criminalize drugs when poor people do it, but not when rich people do it, which brings it back to a rigged criminal justice system.

And, of course there's also the true stories about labor conflict which traditional media will never report to the public, because they're controlled by the wealthy, but there are almost forgotten books exposing how the government routinely worked on behalf of the wealthy, initially after the Revolutionary war, for the benefit of white male property owners, and now on behalf of multinational corporations. Or, if you pick any other subject, there's no doubt that one version of it is controlled by the wealthy while another more honest version is written by honest researchers who get little or no media attention, and if they disagree with the establishment they're often falsely portrayed as being "radical" or "fringe."

I'm certainly not recommending you limit book reading to my choices, any more than Mark Crispin Miller recommended people limit their book reading to his; but allowing traditional media promotions to control what books we read is a disaster. Ideally more people would learn to find the best books on their own, which for a long time I didn't do. But once I realized the establishment was only promoting the worst books, and I found a few good books, I found checking their sources, or learning my way around alternative media was far better than looking at Big-Box stores or the NYT best seller list, which is mostly based on the books that the establishment promotes the most, not the best quality.

If you haven't already figured that out, some of the following might help you get started.

The following are some of my own reviews of books MSM doesn't promote, and it won't take long for it to grow as long, if not longer than Miller's list.

Another problem is that Social Media outlets like Facebook or Twitter are steadily increasing efforts to censor the public, perhaps often by automated programs, which is why I re-posted these reviews on my own page, Books MSM Doesn't Promote as well. I was blocked from my main Facebook account, at least temporarily, for what they claim are "security reasons," even though there doesn't appear to be a security threat at all, so I may post these on two different accounts.

Robert McChesney "Rich Media Poor Democracy" 1999 and "The Problem Of The Media" 2004

Upton Sinclair "The Brass Check" 1920

Kwame Nkrumah, "Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism" 1965

John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2004 Also Tom Burgis "The Looting Machine" and Susan Williams "White Malice: The CIA and the Covert Recolonization of Africa" U.N. power broker Jeffrey Sachs’s happiness project might be easy to dismiss if it didn’t confer legitimacy on a repressive government.


James Carroll "House of War" 2006

Alan Friedman "Spider's Web" 1993

Radley Balko “Rise of the Warrior Cop” 2013

Randall Sheldon "Controlling the Dangerous Classes" 2018

"Caught: The Prison State and the Lockdown of American Politics" By Marie Gottschalk 2015

Susan Linn "Consuming Kids" 2004 and Juliet Schor "Born to Buy"

Marion Nestle "Food Politics" 2007

Marcia Angell "The Truth About Drug Companies" 2004 & Harriet Washington "Deadly Monopolies" 2011

Sonia Shah "The Body Hunters" 2006

Jonathan Kozol "Savage Inequalities" 1991

Sidney Lens "The Labor Wars" 1973

Susan Clark and Woden Teachout "Slow Democracy" 2012

David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz "Lead Wars: The Politics of Science and the Fate of America’s Children" 2013

Graham Hancock "Lords of Poverty" 1989

Merrill Singer "Drugging the Poor" 2008

"The Merchants of Death" H. C. Engelbrecht and F. C. Hanighen 1937

John J. Mearsheimer and. Stephen M. Walt "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" 2007

Ilan Pappe "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" 2006

The following are some additional related articles, but not my own reviews:

History Isn’t Just About Rich, Educated Males 03/04/2018 A challenge most historians face, whether they study ancient Rome or the American Revolution, is that historical texts were largely written by upper-class, educated males. Privileged men were often the only literate group, plus they had the leisure time to devote to writing.

“History is written by the rich, and so the poor get blamed for everything.” ― Jeffrey Sachs “We need to defend the interests of those whom we've never met and never will.” ― Jeffrey D. Sachs “The vast differences in power contributed to faulty social theories of these differences that are still with us today. When a society is economically dominant, it is easy for its members to assume that such dominance reflects a deeper superiority--whether religious, racial, genetic, cultural, or institutional--rather than an accident of timing or geography.” ― Jeffrey D. Sachs, The End of Poverty “The rich control our politics to a huge extend. In return they get tax cuts and deregulation. It's been and is an amazing ride for the rich.” ― Jeffrey D. Sachs

The Price of Happiness 12/29/2021 U.N. Power Broker Jeffrey Sachs Took Millions From the UAE to Research “Well-Being” “I always had the sense that Jeffrey was not a person concerned about human rights and that he was often an apologist for abusive governments,” said Aryeh Neier, former executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union and co-founder of Human Rights Watch.

The New York Times Company (NYT) Largest stockholders? Vanguard Group Inc; Blackrock Inc.; ValueAct Holdings, L.P.; .... 9th State Street Corporation;

Mexican Billionaire Invests in Times Company 01/19/2009

Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim reportedly will cut his stake in New York Times nearly in half 12/19/2017 The report said the trust securities will convert into New York Times shares in three years. Following the conversion, Slim will own 8 percent of the company. ..... Slim owned 17 percent of the company as of July 28, according to FactSet. (It's unclear if his share was cut back to 8% as they anticipated.)

Monday, September 4, 2023

Walmart Crime Report August 2023

Walmart had at least four more shootings in August 2023, which is almost as few as they've had in any month in the past seven or eight years, the only exception was April of 2022, which only had three, the average, in recent years, is between twelve and thirteen shootings a month. There were several injuries from these shootings, but no deaths, and in addition to the four shootings with traditional guns there was another shooting by SWAT police with rubber bullets of a suspect that avoided capture at Walmart in a gun related incident, but was caught elsewhere. This slump in shootings at Walmart seems to have come to an end on the first of September, when there were two more related to Walmart activities, although the shootings took place just beyond their property. There was also one additional shooting reported from July, which was not previously mentioned in the media. It took them six weeks to report this shooting, and when they did, they didn't mention a shooting in the headline, instead reporting only that a man was followed and attacked. Two of the shootings from this month also failed to mention the shooting in the headline, which has almost always been highlighted more in the past, although there have been a few exceptions in recent years.

There have been numerous subtle signs to indicate that many media outlets have been reluctant to report on Walmart crime problems as well as they used to since a Bloomberg report from August 2016 which widely reported on their high crime problems. This was followed by at least a couple years of local reports on the same problem at least one or two times per month. Then, after this tapered off, there was an increase in the number of crimes taking place in their parking lots which were referred to happening "near Walmart" as it it might not be in their parking lots and other indications that crime wasn't reported in as high a profile, even if it was increasing; this includes late reporting of major crimes, or leaving the fact that there was a shooting out of the headline and only reporting it lower in the article. There has been no direct claim, that I know of, that this was coordinated; however, if there wasn't some planning, it's hard to imagine why they would change the way they reported on them. Furthermore, these decisions are almost certainly made at the local level, so it's not consistent across the country.

Even though there were no deaths from shootings there were four people killed in accidents, including one hit and run; and four people found dead in their parking lots, one person died after being tased, by police and having medical issues, and a murder suspect from a kidnapping at Walmart in March 2022 committed suicide in jail, for a total of eight deaths related to Walmart, plus a cold case of a former employee that was never seen again and presumably killed after she left her shift in 2010 was updated recently.

Walmart also had at least eight or so more gun crimes, including at least one car jacking, several thefts or robberies, several illegal guns, at least three false alarms, with one person dressed up as a cowboy, and a woman accompanied by an armed man who injected an unknown foreign substance into a strangers neck, who was tased by the police.

There were also two incidents involving police brutality, including a new incident where a female police officer tackles a suspected petty shoplifter, pulls down his pants and threatens to tase his groin, on camera, and is now being investigated for this bizarre incident. Another incident involves an off-duty police officer previously investigated for assault at Walmart, where they released video on the incident, which shows at least partial escalating of a minor incident, which probably was started by the officer, butt ehy dropped charges, because she slapped him after being shoved, and intimidated, without realizing he was a cop.

There was also a correctional officer who stole Pokemon cards, in an apparent obsession to collect them all; there's something strange about police or correctional officers becoming obsessed with cartoon or video characters being trained to fight each other. There were also City Council members and principals caught shoplifting at Walmart; if you steal from a rich corporation you get prosecuted no matter what but if the victim is poor they're much more likely to get away with it.

There was also a fight between a couple women where one of them threw canned food at the other, and a robber who was accused of punching an employee in the face. Another skimmer was found at one of their checkouts; it's clear that using credit or debit information at Walmart isn't secure, especially the self checkout. The vast majority of skimmers were found at self-checkouts, but in at least one case the scam artists were able to put the skimmer in place while a cashier was distracted, or perhaps while the register was unattended.

Skimmmers at self-checkout is only a small fraction of the problem, which has lead to more epidemic shoplifting the more they expand it, yet they keep expanding it, although there's a possibility they might finally be reconsidering it, assuming they're not creating more propaganda to justify it. They provided another "experiment" to eliminate it in one Canadian store. The fact that they call this an experiment is absurd, since this means returning to a policy that has always worked much better, and most stores that I know of, only use it on a small scale, or don't use it at all, like the grocery stores I use most often. They have far less shoplifting problems, and prices as low, if not lower, at least where I go. And they don't have nearly as much crime.

Walmart has falsely been claiming there shoplifting problem is inexplicable and that it's responsible for recent store closings. The reason for their shoplifting policies is clearly poor store design, corner cutting on employees, and, most important, increased use of self-checkout. They refuse to hire cashier, but tehn they hire security to intimidate people, arrest more, people, sometimes even innocent people, and all this is largely because they use their political power to obtain and oligarchy system where people in many parts of the country have no place else to go. If people had good options there's no way Walmart could get away with this.

Walmart is also using this as a divide and rule tactic. I can't imagine why there're so many people coming to the defense of self-checkout or demonizing the poor who're forced into desperation without being concerned with the rich driving people to desperation. Some customers and Walmart workers are justifiably outraged by their intimidation tactics, even against paying customers, including one customer who called them out on Social media for hiring people to follow him around the store, another who justifiable ridiculed receipt checkers when they had no cause to suspect shoplifting, and one former employee who went on Social Media to tell the public they have no legal reason to ask for a receipt unless they had probable cause to suspect theft.

There are also a steady stream of employees or ex-employees warning people on Social Media not to try to shoplift at Walmart because they can see everything we do and they hired extra security to catch people, as if this will deter shoplifters. First of all, if this is true, which in many cases, it is, then it means that Walmart is willing to hire security to arrest people, but they're not willing to hire cashiers to help people, which is outrageous. Second of all, in many stores, they don't have enough security to catch them at all, which is part of the reason there's so much theft, and shoplifters know they can get away with it because they do, at least temporarily; but since they keep doing it, they eventually get caught. In many cases they go through hundreds if not thousands of hours of video to find past incidents where people have stolen, often if they skip scan and partially pay with a credit or debit card, or when it's an employee, which drives up expenses for taxpayers prosecuting them, since instead of trying to prevent theft, by reversing self-checkout, they prosecute it after the fact.

In one recent case, an incredibly smug employee went on social media to ridicule shoplifters and laugh because she's calling the cops and banning them for life, yet she has no concern for policies that make this much more common. Nor does she seem concerned about the fact that these policies often lead to violence as well, and endanger both employees and customers; nor does she seem concerned about ways Walmart squeezes both customers and workers, perhaps because she's management and gets paid better, which also forces poor people into desperation. She's like Oliver Anthony blaming the poor.

There was also a woman accusing Walmart of discriminating racially when accusing her of shoplifting, which is semi-routine, and there have been a few incidents where plaintiffs won lawsuits against Walmart with multi-million dollar awards, which are often appealed. Tracy Morgan is joking about his accident nine years ago, which is one of the extremely rare cases where they settled quickly and for a large undisclosed amount, because they knew as a celebrity, he could bring a lot of negative publicity. Poor people can't do this, since the media simply ignore them, which is another way of rigging the system so only wealthy people get justice. There's supposed to be an agreement not to disclose the amount, at least, but by joking about it in comedy routines, he seems to be defeating the purpose.

Walmart heiress Nancy Walton is still making the news for her expensive yacht with a massive carbon foot print which was brought to the public's attention when environmentalists spray-painted it last month. She's staying at sea to avoid additional incidents and trying to avoid publicity, but failing, at least for now. Other billionaires, including Jeff Bezos and the Abu Dhabi Royals have also had attention to the damage they're doing to the planet. This also applies to John Kerry who claims to be fighting Climate Change, but until recently has been riding around in his wife's private jet, which has a much higher carbon foot print than traditional commercial flights, and meeting other wealthy people in their private jets, including 150 jets going to Davos. He tried to deny he ever owned a jet, and got caught lying, and came to the defense of the other billionaires, claiming they're "working harder than anyone else" to fight Climate Change, even though they refuse to reduce their carbon foot print, and they "buy carbon credits," presumably from poor people that don't use them, assuming they actually do buy them, but gives no credit to the poor who really don't have a big carbon foot print.

In addition to the four fatal crashes, which is more than usual, there were another ten or so other major crashes, police chases, stolen vehicles, including two with dogs inside, including at least one into the store, and another where a child was rescued when the parents were passed out. There was also another multi million dollar award in an accident from three years ago, against Walmart, which was from a jury, not a settlement, and probably not nearly as much as Tracy Morgan got, especially since they're likely to appeal it, which is routine for non-celebrities.

A couple vehicles also went up in flames, one after a major crash, and another where an employee rescued another dog from the fire. There were also at least five stores with major fires, four of them resulted from arson, and one of those arsonists set multiple fires throughout the store. There have been several recent incidents where organized arsonists have been arrested; but with them caught, arson hasn't gone down, since the vast majority of their arsons are not a result of organized events, but by individual arsonists.

There was also another stabbing, as well as several assaults, sexual assaults, including a possible attempted child kidnapping, massive amounts of shoplifting, including several incidents where they walked out with entire shopping carts, which still happens, although it was much more common a few years ago, and a stolen E-bike, which was retrieved with the help of an Airtag that tracked it.

One of Walmart's customers was outraged when they didn't do the appropriate repairs to their car, instead doing more harm than good, and Walmart initially refused to let them access their car. This is far from unprecedented, and if they take responsibility quickly after the media drew attention to it, it will be better than some of their past responses to similar incidents. In several cases they were slow to accept responsibility even when media drew attention to it, but eventually did to partially repair their reputation. You would think they would learn, and perhaps sometimes, they do, but incidents like this are still semi-routine.

Walmart employees are constantly pointing out how petty their pointing system to fire bad employees is and how they refuse to let people have time off for funerals, or other family affairs, and when they make mistakes on scheduling it's the workers that pay for them, at one point workers rallied around one employee for taking a bathroom break, making it harder to enforce spiteful or petty rules. They were also his with a lawsuit for salaried workers, another suit for discrimination, they're being criticized for cutting pharmacists hours and pay while increasing their workload; and they're being probed again for suppliers using child labor.

Walmart had another recall of Baby monitors, which is fewer recalls than usual. One savvy consumer is learning how to find out who's selling his data, often by using the name of a company as his alleged middle name, and when he gets sales pitches with that name he knows how they got it and may even sue for damages. Another consumer rightfully claims you can't always trust price tads and should always check receipts, when possible, tracking small or medium orders and adding them up before going to the register. There's also more bickering about a charge of a dollar for a shopping cart at some experimental stores, which some people are ridiculing because "You get your dollar back when you return your cart," but if this is accepted on a small scale it will be used nationwide.

Inspectors have found dead rats at Mississippi Walmarts again; they have problems like these several times every year throughout the country, often more common in the south, since the cold weather in the north discourages a lot of wildlife and they never get as many bugs or other pests. There have also been several stories of them stocking moldy food and one customer also noticed a cancer warning on one of the moldy products. Another shopper says she found meat that turned brown, but some claim it's still good, as long as it doesn't smell bad. They're also being criticized for switching to plastic, which is not recyclable, from cardboard, which is recyclable.

Walmart is also going full steam ahead with an increase in drone deliveries, even though many neighborhoods are already complaining, there have been at least three or four accidents caused by them, including a couple collisions with power lines starting a couple fires, and collisions with inanimate objects, raising the possibility that crashes into people or vehicles are inevitable if they keep doing this. Many of their delivery drivers aren't who they claim they are, often because of their policies of not verifying workers and trying to force them to compete against each other, leading a few people to create many accounts while honest delivery drivers can't get orders, but this may also be a security problem for customers if the drivers picking up orders are involved in criminal activity as well.

Walmart was accused of selling chicken which was allegedly made with a 3-D printer; and they debunked this claim saying it was false, but admitted that it's what they call "Spaghetti Meat,' which is a result decades of breeding chicken to grow bigger and faster, with little or no regard for the health of the chicken. This is supposedly safe, but customers say it's "stringy" chicken, and many people are not happy with it. Corporations rarely if ever consult with customers when modifying food whether it's GMOs, 3D meat or anything else; although they do have labeling laws in the European Union for GMOs.

Does anyplace but Walmart put their merchandise in ziplock bags when the original packaging is damaged or destroyed? Without even marking it down?

Do customers anyplace but Walmart ask employees to scan dozens if not over a hundred items just to check the price? Saying "I’m not about to do that" might be justified under these circumstances.

Apparently Walmart is not the only place being sued by a bearded man who wants to use the women's bathroom.

Will anyone complain if you sip wine or beer from a cup while shopping at Walmart, as long as you pay for it? There have been numerous cases in the past when they drank or ate merchandise without paying for it, and if they notice, they have them arrested, even for petty amounts.

At least they're not putting bugs in the seasoning, which apparently, Walmart is, even well before the expiration date.

How often do you think men go around Walmart throwing seminal fluid on woman? You would think it would be rare, but it's happened numerous time before, including once last month.

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Over the past ten to fifteen years Walmart has been increasing the use of self-checkout, and this has corresponded with a steady increase in shoplifting as well as false accusations, yet they refuse to even discuss returning to the use of cashiers. What most people seem to have forgotten was that when they first did this it was on a small scale as an experiment, presumably to see if it worked before expanding it, which would actually make sense, if they slowed it down or reversed it once they saw how many problems it caused. But that's not what they did. Instead the more problems they had the more they increased use of self-checkout, often claiming that instead of hiring more cashiers again, which worked previously, they resorted to more technology and hiring more security to catch people skip scanning or at other forms of theft. This has led to massive amounts of false accusations, in addition to the real thefts, and when the thefts are real, and they get caught, they often resort to violence, so it endangers both Walmart workers and customers.

Now they're acting as if the rise of shoplifting is happening for some inexplicable reason and even asking police to help them solve this problem, as if it wasn't a problem created by their own policies, and most of the media or politicians aren't pointing out the obvious. This is resulting in a massive increase in arrests, court expenses, and prison expenses, which Walmart isn't paying for, effectively meaning we are subsidizing Walmart's high crime problems with tax money. There's no official explanation for why they're behaving so foolishly; but, since this is a for profit corporation it's not hard to speculate about the most likely reason for it, that they're increasing profits for those making the decisions. But, a large portion of the money saved by not hiring cashiers is spent on technology or security to catch thieves; and, if they had to pay the increase in police, courts and prison costs that would reduce or eliminate their savings, and they would almost certainly reverse their policies, because they wouldn't be increasing profits with self-checkout.

This doesn't even include the risk to the health of both their customers and workers when the worst thieves turn violent, in some cases possibly even shooting and killing people. Every year since 2016 has seen more than a hundred shootings at Walmart, and more often than not, this is increasing, while they ignore the causes of their crime problems. These self-checkouts are also making it easier for thieves to put "skimmers" that collect credit or debit card information from customers that enable them to use their cards illegally, but, once again, the customers are stuck with the tab, not Walmart, so they're doing little or nothing to stop this, even though it's a direct result of their bad policies. And furthermore, courts have ruled that Walmart has a right to detain customers even when they have no reason to believe they're shoplifting, if they simply refuse to show receipts, as a matter of principle. At times some lawyers have claimed they need probable cause to ask to see receipts, which, if a customer goes directly from the register, sometimes even when there's a cashier, to the door they can't possibly have. So this means Walmart is under no obligation to assume their paying customers are innocent until proven guilty, which should raise major constitutional questions!

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in August 2023. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Man arrested after setting fires at Walmart and The Home Depot in Metairie La. 08/02/2023

Kenner PD said upon interviewing the 23-year-old Samir Hernandez, he confessed to starting four fires.

NEW ORLEANS — A man was arrested for setting several fires Wednesday morning, according to Kenner Police.

Police say 23-year-old Samir Hernandez set two trash can fires in front of homes near the intersections of Filmore Street and Reverend Richard Wilson Boulevard and Roosevelt Boulevard and Airline Highway.

After setting those fires, Hernandez then went to the Walmart in Metairie, located at 8912 Veterans Boulevard, and set clothes inside the store on fire. The fire was put out quickly, but it caused heavy smoke damage.

Hernandez set one more fire at The Home Depot next to Walmart. That was also put out quickly. Complete article

Kenner police investigate four fires set over one hour period at businesses 08/02/2023

Illegal Gun Seized In Stop Related To Ca. Walmart Theft 08/01/2023

AMERICAN CANYON, CA — One person was arrested and two people were cited in a traffic stop related to a theft from the Walmart in American Canyon.

Around 8:30 p.m. Monday, American Canyon police officers were notified of a petty theft at Walmart that involved a black 2017 Chevy Impala.

Officers stopped the car near the 200 block of American Canyon Road. During a search of the car for the stolen merchandise, officers found a loaded 40-mm Glock 23 handgun with an extended 22-round magazine and the serial numbers scratched off, police said. Complete article

Man accused of stealing and attacking Walmart worker in West Plains Missouri 08/02/2023

WEST PLAINS, Mo. — A man is accused of attacking a Walmart worker on Tuesday, August 1st after he was confronted about stealing from the business.

According to a Facebook post from the West Plains Police Department, officers were dispatched at 9:25 a.m. to the West Plains Walmart and located the suspect leaving the area.

The vehicle did not stop for police and after turning on Nichols Drive, the suspect fled on foot to a wooded area. Complete article

Police: Walmart ‘tag switch theft’ suspect in St. George Utah faces robbery, drug charges 08/01/2023

ST. GEORGE — An alleged tag-switching theft escalated into a robbery charge after a store employee was reportedly assaulted during an encounter with the suspect near the self-checkout line of Walmart on Pioneer Road on Pioneer Day.

Domonic Lamont Wright, 33, of St. George, was charged Tuesday with second-degree felony robbery and three misdemeanor drug-related offenses following an incident initially reported Monday as a theft at the Walmart on Pioneer Road in St. George.

According to the affidavit filed in support of Wright’s arrest, the suspect entered the store shortly after 4 p.m. and went through the self-checkout line to purchase a KitchenAid mixer priced at $359.

Officers learned that instead of paying the price listed, he reportedly swapped the price tag with another item that was priced at $13.75, which the suspect paid and then left the store with the mixer.

The store’s loss prevention agents told police that after observing the suspect committing what is referred to as a “tag switch theft,” one store agent approached Wright and advised him that the mixer was not priced correctly. The suspect reportedly told the staff he paid the amount displayed on the register and then started to leave.

After the store’s loss prevention agent grabbed the suspect’s cart, Wright “shoulder checked” the employee and left the store, the report alleges. Complete article

Solon Ohio woman accuses Walmart of racially discriminating against her after she is accused of shoplifting 08/02/2023

CLEVELAND, Ohio — A Solon woman sued Walmart and accused the retail giant of racial discrimination after store security guards detained her and her daughter for two hours because the guards wrongfully believed she had shoplifted.

Raquel Davis, an assistant administrator of information and technology services in the city of Cleveland’s finance department, filed the lawsuit Monday in federal court in Cleveland. Complete article

Walmart heiress Nancy Walton is keeping her $300 million megayacht Kaos on the move to avoid getting vandalized and spray painted again. After cruising aimlessly on the high seas for more than a week, the vessel docked at the $4000-a-night port of Monaco. 08/01/2023

Kaos, billionaire businesswoman Nancy Walton Laurie’s $300 million megayacht, grabbed headlines for being the target of eco-activists on 17th July 2023. The 360 feet Oceanco mammoth has since avoided people and ports after being defaced with red and black paint. As any owner would do, Walton moved the ship commissioned in 2008 by then-Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad bin Abdullah bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, to Monaco, where she arrived on 27th July 2023. The ship didnt rest even after a ten-day voyage to Monaco, where it was docked for a short period of four days.

One would imagine it could be owing to sky-high charges of one of the world’s most expensive marinas where a superyacht owner is expected to pay up to $4000 daily. But remember, the owner is an heiress with a $300 million boat and $10 billion net worth, so money is clearly not an issue here. I guess it has more to do with the owner saving her stunning vessel that houses an oversized aquarium from vandalism.

Kaos superyacht is currently docked in La Ciotat, a town on France’s Mediterranean coast, per Marine Traffic. Avoiding ports and keeping the vessel in motion is one effective way to prevent such harmful incidents. Eco mob Futuro Vegetal (Vegetable Future) didnt stop at trashing the 360ft vessel using fire extinguishers when it was moored in Ibiza. They added insult to injury by posing with a sign stating ‘You Consume Others Suffer,’ which went viral. Negative publicity and the ire of common people are not something one looks forward to when relaxing in the pool of your 4,523 GT yacht. Complete article

From Jeff Bezos to Walmart heiress Nancy Walton to the Abu Dhabi royals, billionaires just cannot get enough of the Mediterranean as a record number of them sailed with their superyachts to the sunkissed paradise last month. 08/18/2023

Police Seeking Help IDing Ohio Walmart Theft Suspect 08/01/2023

Twice a Fighter: El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting survivor reflects on healing journey 08/01/2023

Bryan Tx. Police Deal With Out Of The Ordinary Circumstances In Two Walmart Shoplifting Cases 08/0/2023

Fayetteville NC police looking for pickpocket who fled Walmart in a Ford Focus 08/02/2023

Drugs Found On Man At Pa. Walmart 08/02/2023

Tx. Walmart on lockdown as police search for man with a long rifle 08/03/2023

DEVINE, Texas — A Walmart is on lockdown in the search for a man walking around Devine with a long rifle late Thursday morning.

The Medina County Sheriff's Office posted on its Facebook page warning citizens to use caution in the area. The post included a photo of a man wearing a grey shirt, khaki pants and is average build with a shaved head.

The post also says he was last seen in an area behind the QuikTrip. A Walmart in that same area is on lockdown as the search continues. Devine Childcare Development Center and Devine High School are also on lockdown, according to social posts.

Police believe he may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. At this point, there is no indication from police that he has threatened anyone. Complete article

'I'M DONE' ‘Disturbing’ moment female police officer pins down Wash. Walmart shopper, pulls down his pants, and threatens to Taser him 08/03/2023

A FEMALE cop has been filmed pulling down a Walmart shopper's pants before threatening to Taser his exposed genitals.

Officers Gabriel Patterson and Andrea Mendoza responded to reports of a man and a woman leaving the Vancouver store with stolen goods.

Cops confronted the two individuals and ordered them not to leave.

The woman subsequently fled the scene, according to local reports.

Body camera footage released by Vancouver police appeared to show Patterson tackling the man to the ground before Mendoza yelled: “This is for a stupid theft.”

After being forced to the ground following another attempt at escape, Mendoza pulls out a Taser before exposing the man's genitals, according to cops.

“Knock it off or I’ll do it in your nuts,” Mendoza can be heard yelling in the video. Complete article

Man awarded $4.3 million in lawsuit against Walmart after Tyler Tx. incident 08/01/2023

TYLER, Texas (KETK) – A man was awarded $4.3 million by a jury in a lawsuit against Walmart after he was struck by a car in a 2020 incident.

According to his lawyers, Arkansas native Scott Lacy was working as a subcontractor at a Walmart in Tyler in the lawn and garden center when in July 2020 multiple employees yelled for help in catching a shoplifter.

“The employees and Mr. Lacy chased the shoplifter into the parking lot to retrieve the stolen merchandise, and then one employee instructed Mr. Lacy to release the suspect,” his lawyers said in a release. “Mr. Lacy was walking back toward the Walmart store when the shoplifter struck him with his vehicle and catapulted him into a pole, shattering his ankle, which later required multiple surgeries to repair. Mr. Lacy also suffered a traumatic brain injury.”

Walmart was ordered to pay $4.3 million to Lacy, and the accused shoplifter, identified by Lacy’s attorney’s as Herbert Vanderkinter, 35 of Tyler, was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in addition to outstanding warrants. Vanderkinter pleaded guilty on Jan. 30 and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Complete article

‘And then get pointed for clocking out early’: Walmart manager tells workers to clock out 5 minutes early because they were over scheduled hours 08/02/2023

'Corporations would bring in employees for 7 straight days and only work them 5.71 hours per day, if they could get away with it.'

Redditor u/Grizzlypupper posted how their manager at Walmart wanted workers to clock out early to keep from paying them overtime.

They posted a photo of their manager’s instructions to the r/walmart subreddit.

In a handwritten message on a whiteboard, management wrote, “Everyone needs to ONLY work as many hours as they are schedules,” while also noting, “(If you are scheduled 5 hours do not go over that).”

The message then calls out six individual workers saying they need to “leave early due to going over their scheduled hours yesterday.”

The workers had to clock out early by as little as five minutes, and up to 15 minutes.

In the top voted comment, one user noted how ridiculous it is to come down on workers over a few minutes of extra work.

“Making a fuss over amounts as small as 5 minutes is crazy. If you aren’t gonna give people full hours give them 4 long work days instead of 5 short ones,” they wrote.

“And then get pointed for clocking out early,” someone else said. Complete article

Walmart Is Making a Change at the Checkout Customers May Not Like 08/01/2023

But the world's biggest retailer can probably get away with it.

Attention Walmart (WMT) - Get Free Report, shoppers: there are ads in the checkout lanes.

Yes, just when you thought companies couldn't cram any more commercials into your cranium, the world's biggest retailer is getting you on the way out--among other places.

Shoppers will soon see more third-party ads on screens in Walmart self-checkout lanes and TV aisles; hear spots over the store’s radio; and be able to sample items at demo stations, CNBC reports.

“When you think about our store, our store footprint and the the percentage of Americans that we reach through our stores, we can deliver Super Bowl-sized audiences every week,” said Ryan Mayward, senior vice president of retail media sales for Walmart Connect, the retailer’s advertising business. Complete article

Walmart bringing something new to self check-out lanes 08/03/2023

Walmart launches aisle advertising, demo stations in works 08/08/2023

Police Blotter: Man Acts Erratically In Tenn. Walmart Restroom; Upset Circle K Customer Knocks Over Donut Display 08/02/2023

FBI Office of Victim Assistance remembers the El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting near its fourth anniversary 08/02/2023

Police: Intoxicated Philadelphia man trespassed at Lewisburg Pa. Walmart 08/03/2023

Garden City Idaho police hunt for Wal-Mart robber who fled in stolen pickup truck 08/03/2023

Spring Hill Tenn. Police Search for Walmart Shoplifters 08/03/2023

Suspect in shooting in La. Walmart parking lot surrenders, police say 08/04/2023

SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – The man suspected of shooting another person after a shooting in a Walmart parking lot surrendered according to Shreveport police.

Police were called to the 1600 block of East Bert Kouns Industrial Loop for a reported shooting.

When officers arrived they found a male victim suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Investigators learned that the victim was walking across that parking lot when a vehicle pulled next to him. The two reportedly exchanged words and the driver exited the vehicle and shot the victim multiple times before fleeing in his vehicle. Complete article

Tulsa Okla. Police arrest 3, say gun was pulled on Walmart employee 08/03/2023

TULSA, Okla. — Tulsa Police say two men, Carlos Diaz and Carlos Maciel, for robbed a Walmart employee at gunpoint, stealing a PlayStation 5.

Officers say it happened July 7 at the Walmart near Admiral and Memorial.

"The employee gets the PlayStation 5 for them, at that time one of them produces the gun and puts it to the side of the employee and takes the PlayStation 5,” Lieutenant Justin Ritter said.

Ritter says Diaz and another person were shown on camera inside. He says, one of them spoke with the employee while Diaz pulled out a gun.

In the video, the two men run out the back of the store while the employee goes to call 911. Complete article

Police: New Hartford NY Walmart Loss Prevention Employee Allegedly Assaulted While Trying to Stop Theft 08/04/2023

NEW HARTFORD, N.Y. -- A loss prevention employee at the New Hartford Walmart was pepper sprayed when trying to prevent an alleged theft.

Wednesday night, New Hartford Police were called to Walmart on Commercial Drive for a larceny-in-progress report.

Officers located three suspects in the parking lot "attempting to load a large amount of stolen store merchandise into a vehicle. The Three suspects were detained by police," NHPD said.

After an investigation at the scene, "36-year-old Dereca Gilmore, along with two juveniles, stole over $500 of store merchandise and began to flee the store with the merchandise in shopping carts," police said. Complete article

Man charged with sexually assaulting siblings at Spring Hill Tenn. Walmart 08/04/2023

SPRING HILL, Tenn. (WKRN) — A 58-year-old man was taken into custody after he allegedly sexually assaulted two children at the Spring Hill Walmart.

The incident happened at the location on Main Street on Thursday, Aug. 3.

Spring Hill police reported officers arrived at the store and found John Hogue, of Spring Hill, in the parking lot, where he was interviewed.

Hogue is accused of assaulting two siblings, who are ages 11 and 13, inside the store while the family was shopping. Complete article

Man slowly steals Walmart shopping scooter and heads to Casey’s, Nebraska police say 08/04/2023

LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) — A man is accused of stealing a shopping scooter from a Nebraska Walmart and then taking it on a trip to Casey’s.

The Grand Island Police Department says this happened at the north location on Thursday, around 6 p.m.

Police eventually found the $2,750 scooter at the intersection of Highway 281 and West Capital Avenue. Complete article

‘Please let us get our car’: Family begs Arkansas Walmart for help after alleging service center damages car 08/03/2023

BLYTHEVILLE, Ark. (KAIT) – A Southeast Missouri family is without a car after a trip to the Walmart service department.

“It is a nightmare what Walmart has done, and I get the feeling that they just don’t care, and that is what bothers me,” Rick Stanfield, who claims Walmart damaged his car, said.

Nine days ago, Stanfield’s wife took one of the family cars in for an oil change. They left with a job they said wasn’t done and damage to their car.

“It was missing some,” Stanfield said. “Didn’t think a whole lot about it. Then it was missing some, and she could smell a hot odor.” Complete article

MIXED BAG Walmart makes moves to shut down self-checkout – but shoppers are left divided by the policy shift 08/03/2023

WALMART has completely shut down self-checkout at one location, leaving shoppers divided over the future of the big-box retailer.

The brief change was announced in a sign posted outside an Ottawa, Canada, location that stated it will be testing a full-service experience.

A Walmart located in Ottawa shut down self-checkout over the weekend as a part of a storewide experiment.

The experiment took place over the weekend at a Billing Bridge store and involved more workers stationed at the self-checkout to help scan customers' items.

It was announced with a sign that announced the store looked forward to interacting with shoppers on a more one-on-one basis.

The drastic change sparked controversy among Walmart fans, with some saying they were perfectly fine checking themselves out while others celebrated the fact that they no longer had to do the work themselves. ......

On Tuesday, a spokesperson announced that the test had been completed and that self-checkout was back up and running, but did not confirm the reasoning behind the experiment.

Self-checkout has been at the center of a huge conversation to address shoplifting, which has now become an almost $100billion issue, according to a bombshell study done by the National Retail Federation in 2021.

Major retailers like Walmart and Target have stirred controversy with extreme anti-theft measures like locking cheap items behind plexiglass as they fight to save products from flying off shelves. Complete article

Walmart shuts down self-service leaving shoppers divided over checkout change 08/04/2023

RECALL: Baby monitors sold at Walmart, Toys ‘R’ Us pose fire risk 08/04/2023

(The Hill) — Philips Avent is recalling more than 13,000 baby monitors because of lithium-ion batteries found to overheat when charging, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) said Thursday.

The CPSC reports the Philips Avent Digital Video Baby Monitor can pose a risk of burns and property damage because of the issue. Customers who have the monitors should immediately stop using them, according to the recall.

Affected baby monitor models are SCD630 and SCD843, which were manufactured between March 2016 and December 2019, according to the CPSC. Model numbers and production date codes can be found on the bottom of the Parent Unit. Complete article

Walmart Sued Over False Online Ad for Back Pain Relief Device 08/04/2023

Walmart Stores Inc. allegedly paid for sponsored advertisements to direct consumers to its website, falsely saying it sells NeuroMD Medical Technologies’ back pain device, a new lawsuit said.

Walmart’s alleged false advertisement is a “classic bait and switch” since consumers find different products for sale rather than the NeuroMD device, according to the complaint filed Thursday in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

NeuroMD sells, designs, and markets its Corrective Therapy Device for Back Pain directly to consumers through its website, social media, and email campaigns, the complaint said.

NeuroMD has registered trademarks for its name ... Complete article

NO ESCAPE I’m an ex-Walmart employee – you won’t get away with stealing from self-checkout as our cameras can see all your details 08/04/2023

AN EX-EMPLOYEE from Walmart has claimed the company spent half a million dollars on security alone including cameras that can zoom in on your details.

Jorge Soto, known for his YouTube channel (@Horchata Soto) explained the lengths to which Walmart goes to stop shoplifters.

In a recent video, he explained that Walmart was one of the worst places to shoplift.

This is due to the fact that the company invests in high-quality cameras so they can always see what's happening in their store.

"The cameras would zoom in get license plates, face track, [and] they could even follow people walking into the Wendy's that was in that same plaza with us," he told his subscribers. Complete article

Clay County Fla. Sheriff’s Office needs the community’s help in Wal-Mart theft 08/02/2023

'He was scared to death': Lincolnton, NC Walmart hit and run was an accident, police say 08/01/2023

Crystal Bridges Gets $7M From Walmart Foundation to Continue Free Admission 08/03/2023 The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville announced it has received a $7 million grant from the nonprofit Walmart Foundation to continue free admission at the museum. The money from the charitable arm of Walmart Inc. will also support operations at the Momentary, a contemporary satellite of the museum.

Second person charged in March westside Lafayette Ind. Walmart shooting 08/04/2023

Counterfeit Money Used At Walmart in Spring Hill Tenn. 08/04/2023

Richland Township crash near Pa. Walmart kills 53-year-old woman 08/05/2023

The Allegheny County Medical Examiner was called to the scene of a fatal crash on Route 8 in Richland Township on Friday.

This happened near Walmart. The roadway was closed in both directions between Kenneth Drive and Vista Vue Drive. By 8 p.m., the road had reopened.

The Allegheny County medical examiner said Cinnamon J. Gilch, 53, of Gibsonia, died in this crash. She died around 1:30 p.m. at the scene. Her manner of death was ruled an accident.

According to Northern Regional police Chief John Sicilia, a dump truck traveling south on Route 8 struck two other vehicles in traffic.

The truck then veered into the northbound lanes and struck two additional vehicles. Gilch was the driver of one of the northbound vehicles. Complete article

Leeds Alabama Walmart shut down by women’s clothing section arson caught on video 08/06/2023

An Alabama Walmart has temporarily closed following an apparent arson incident that created a sizeable fire inside the store on Saturday.

The Walmart at 8551 Whitfield Ave. in Leeds announced via Facebook on Sunday morning that it would be “closed until further notice.”

“We apologize for any inconvenience and will inform you as soon as we are open again,” it said.

Though the post did not go into detail, witnesses reported that someone had apparently set a fire in the women’s clothing department. Complete article

Former Leeds Walmart employee charged after multiple fires start inside store, merchandise stolen 08/07/2023

Suspected arsonist arrested following fire at Yreka Ca. Walmart parking lot 08/05/2023

SISKIYOU COUNTY, CALIF. — Cal Fire Law Enforcement officers arrested a Yreka man who reportedly started a fire on Friday.

The Cal Fire Siskiyou Unit says they received reports of the commercial structure fire near the Walmart parking lot at 3 p.m. on Friday. Crews arrived and were reportedly told by witnesses that a suspicious individual was near the area when the fire started.

Yreka Police found 44-year-old Timothy Sage nearby, and detained him while Cal Fire officers investigated the scene. Cal Fire concluded that Sage had seemingly started the fire, and sent him to the Siskiyou County Jail where he was booked on multiple felony charges. Complete article

People rally around Walmart employee who was denied break for 15-minute bathroom visit 08/07/2023

Walmart employee denied break after 15-minute bathroom visit. He highlights concerns over fair treatment and workplace policies.
So I work 10-7 and I had to go to the bathroom around 4 something and it took me 20 mins, my team lead called me over and said “since you took 20 mins in the bathroom that was your 15.” Can they do that??

At workplaces, we have often seen employers following the path of pettiness. From eye-rolls to small-minded squabbles, moments like these can throw a wrench in teamwork and create an unhealthy work environment. When one such example cropped up on social media, the internet rallied around a Walmart employee who shared on Reddit that their supervisor took action against them after they took an extended bathroom break. u/Littlesubkitten_3_ shared a Reddit post where they detailed their work shift from 10 to 7 (without clarifying if it was AM or PM). Around 4, they needed a bathroom break, but it took about 15 minutes due to restroom congestion and lack of toilet paper in the front store bathrooms, likely closer to their work area. The employee said, "So, I not only had to walk back to electronics but also had to go to the bathroom back there and walk back." Complete article

‘You put your first name, Walmart, last name’: Customer shares Gmail hack to find out if Walmart sold your information 08/04/2023

A video explaining how customers can take advantage of companies selling their personal information has gone viral on TikTok.

Companies selling customers’ personal information is far more widespread than most people realize. According to a new report, 56% of Americans don’t understand how privacy policies work. Many assume that a privacy policy will restrict companies from selling their information to a third party. But, many policies state that a company can and will share and sell any data it gathers with other businesses.

User Stoic_liberty (@stoic_liberty), a software engineer and student, recently posted a clip designed at educating his viewers on how to strike back at data harvesters.

In the video, Stoic_liberty shares some tips on how to scam the scammers while sitting in front of his laptop.

“I just watched a video on how you can get paid by companies if they sell your information,” he begins. “The way you can find out if they sold your information is you can put their company name as your middle name as you sign up.”

“So like you sign up for Walmart,” he continues. “You put your first name, Walmart, last name. Anything that gets addressed to you that says Walmart as your middle name you know Walmart sold your information, and you can get money from Walmart.” Complete article

Robbery at the Walmart in Garden City Idaho 08/03/2023

Seeking justice: What's next in state's El Paso Tx. Walmart mass shooting case 08/05/2023

Woman sought in three cases of retail theft at Ind. Walmart 08/05/2023

Driver speaks out after being accused of driving through several people at NC Walmart 08/03/2023

Prosecutors charge the driver from March's shooting at Ind. Walmart 08/03/2023

Natural causes cited in death of man in Swansboro NC Walmart parking lot 08/07/2023

SWANSBORO - For weeks, rumors have swirled as to what caused the death of a man found parked in his vehicle at the Swansboro Walmart parking lot. Some say he was shot or perhaps shot himself.

Neither of those guesses is accurate.

According to Swansboro Police Department Dwayne Taylor, around noon time on July 22, 2023, an Onslow County Sheriff’s Office deputy “observed a vehicle in the PVA of the Swansboro Walmart” matching the description of a Jacksonville resident who had been reported missing the day before.

Authorities had been searching for William John Cretara, 62, of Pine Valley Rd. Complete article

Suspect accused of murdering Naomi Irion after abduction from Nevada Walmart, in March 2022, dies by suicide in jail cell 08/08/2023

Troy Driver, 43, was awaiting trial after being charged with first-degree murder and kidnapping in connection with the teen’s disappearance on 12 March, 2022

The suspect accused of kidnapping and murdering 18-year-old Naomi Irion, who vanished in a Walmart parking lot, has died by suicide in his jail cell while awaiting trial.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Department wrote that on 6 August at 6.17pm, “deputies assigned to the Lyon County Jail were conducting routine hourly cell checks and conducting inmate head counts when they discovered an inmate who was unresponsive.”

The inmate was identified as Troy Driver, 43. Officers provided “lifesaving measures” on Driver, as did medical personnel from Yerington/Mason Valley Fire Department, but to no avail, the sheriff’s office wrote.

Officers currently believe that Driver died of suicide by asphyxiation; he was being held in a maximum security cell and had no contact with other inmates, the release added. Complete article

Walmart in Penfield NY evacuated after reports of man with rifle 08/07/2023

Monroe County Sheriff's Office deputies say no threat was found at the Penfield Walmart on Monday after investigating reports of a man carrying a rifle within the store.

"MCSO deputies have completed their search of the Penfield Walmart," said Amy Young, communications director for the Sheriff’s Office. "The search yielded no threat."

As a precautionary measure, the store, located at 1990 Brandt Pt. Dr., was evacuated, Young said.

The store remained closed Monday night after the incident, Young said. Complete article

Carjacking suspects flee into Virginia Walmart before arrest, no active shooting 08/07/2023

An Aug. 7 Facebook post (direct link, archive link) claimed an emergency situation was underway at a major retailer’s location in northwestern Virginia.

"Active Shooter at Walmart in Front Royal WTH GOING ON WITH PEOPLE," reads the post.

One version of the claim was shared on Facebook nearly 250 times in several hours before it was deleted. .....

All four were eventually taken into custody. No shots were fired, though handguns were recovered at the scene, Mumaw said. Complete article

‘My 4 years of working at Walmart I’ve never seen anyone purchase those’: Walmart customer says she found mold on Great Value pizza crust in store 08/07/2023

A Walmart shopper tossed packages of Great Value pre-made pizza crust on the floor of a store upon discovering several of them were allegedly covered with mold.

Maria Lawal (@melanin_goddess92) blasted the chain for stocking the items and not removing them in a viral clip that garnered over 37,000 views as of Monday.

In the video, Lawal records inside of a Walmart store, recording the price of prepackaged pizza crust, saying, “Finna take a firm video of this because OK that say regular Great Value thin pack, right?

Now I’m finna to show you this sh*t. This is why I feel like this molded. This does not say nothing about no garlic bread, no garlic no, this is mold. They literally have stacks of pizza crust with mold on it in this da*n Walmart. That’s f*cking mold.”

Another person off-camera takes a look at the pizza crust package, which Lawal shows to viewers. On the back of the package, there is a dark discoloration that certainly looks like it could be mold. “That is mold,” the man says.

“Everywhere and it’s on all of them,” the TikToker continued.

“Take a picture of that,” the man off-camera says. Complete article

‘Welcome to America’: Walmart customer’s bagels mold 2 days before expiry date. She finds cancer warning on the label 08/08/2023

In a viral TikTok video, a mom shared the shocking label that was on her bag of Walmart bagels.

In the clip, user Peggy Bolton (@peggybolton) explains that she went grocery shopping last minute because her kids pack their own lunches, and she wanted to make sure that the food she got was as fresh as possible before they headed back to school.

“Well, I’m about to take this sh*t back to Walmart… because I want my f*cking money back,” Bolton says of a bag of bagels she bought two days prior that were already covered in fuzzy green mold spots.

Before retiring the food item, Bolton wondered if maybe the bagels spoiled quickly because they were meant to be refrigerated. When she checked the package for any information referencing refrigeration, she came across an alarming label.

“I’m used to seeing these on household products, but food? These have a California Proposition statement,” Bolton says.

The statement said the bagels can expose consumers to the chemical acrylamide, which is “known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.” Complete article

Intoxicated man steals from Ky. Walmart, attempts to flee police 08/05/2023

Community remembers man shot, killed by police at Ohio Walmart 08/05/2023 Nine years ago, on Aug. 5 2014, police shot and killed John Crawford III at a Beavercreek Walmart while he was holding a pellet gun that was for sale in the store.

Seaford Man Arrested for Reportedly Shoplifting at Dover Delaware Walmart 08/06/2023 Delaware State Police say they received reports of felony shoplifting that happened Friday morning at the Walmart on Jerome Drive. Investigators say a man pried open a locked drawer and stole two iPhone 14s.

23 years later, DNA used to charge suspect, 68, in indecent assault at Erie Pa.-area Walmart 08/07/2023

Fiery Wreck Near Gordo Ends Chase That Began at Northport Alabama Walmart 08/08/2023

A police chase that began outside the Northport Walmart Monday evening ended in a fiery crash almost 20 miles away near Gordo.

Assistant Chief Keith Carpenter told the Thread Tuesday that Northport Police Officers were called to the Walmart Supercenter on the northwest side of town at 7:20 p.m. on reports of possible vehicle break-ins.

Carpenter said multiple callers reported that a young man wearing a full facemask with his hoodie up was testing door handles in the parking lot, and one caller said the suspect actually entered two vehicles in the lot.

The young man, reportedly 19-year-old Tyrone Jefferson, Jr. of Columbus, Mississippi, reportedly fled the NPD officers on foot and eventually jumped into a 2006 Chrysler 300 before lighting off down Highway 82 toward Pickens County. Complete article

Pomona Man Slaps Missouri Walmart Employee, Flees From Police 08/08/2023

A shoplifting attempt gone awry led to a police chase last Monday in West Plains. West Plains Police Department officers responded to Walmart on Preacher Roe Blvd. after a male subject, identified as Cooper Alan Lee Clayton, 20, slapped a store employee who caught him “skip scanning” items in the self-checkout lane.

As Officer Ivie Powell arrived on scene at about 9:25 a.m., Clayton fled from the scene in a white Buick, according to court documents. Officer Powell attempted to stop the vehicle with flashing lights, but Clayton fled. He exited the vehicle and continued to flee on foot on Nichols Dr.

Additional units, including a West Plains K-9, and members of the Howell County Sheriff’s Department, responded to the scene. Their combined efforts succeeded in capturing Clayton at 10:15 a.m. near the intersection of Armstrong St. and Preacher Roe Blvd. without further incident, according to a release from the WPPD.

The Walmart employee suffered an injury to his hand from the assault but did not require medical attention. Court documents indicate the victim wishes to press charges for the assault. Complete article

Police say Walmart shoplifters return to fill two more carts 08/08/2023

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — Wichita Falls Police said two shoplifters were not satisfied with taking two full grocery carts of stolen items from a Walmart – they went back in and filled two more after unloading the first two.

Jani Holder of Wichita Falls and Jewelicia Simmons of Electra are charged with theft of the Lawrence Road Walmart on Monday, August 7, 2023.

When police arrived, Holder and Simmons had been detained by store security.

Police said surveillance video showed the two leaving with two full carts of items without paying for them, then returning to fill two more carts.

Then, police said they stopped at a checkout to pay for a bag of ice and walked out without paying for the items in the carts. Complete article

‘But how do they know you didn’t eat it?’: Customer blasts Walmart after they wouldn’t refund him for ‘stringy’ chicken. It backfires 08/0/2023

Just a week after a Twitter user virally claimed they had purchased 3D printed chicken from Walmart (they hadn’t), another internet user has gone viral after sharing a strange Walmart meat experience.

In mid-July, TikTok user Chet DeLeo (@chet_deleo) posted a video in which he claimed that he may have purchased “lab grown chicken” at Walmart.

As evidence, DeLeo showed that the raw meat could be peeled into strings with ease, comparing the experience to peeling apart Twizzlers.

“I was peeling them apart, string by string by string,” he says. “What is Walmart up to? Is this that lab-grown chicken?”

DeLeo closes the video by saying that he planned to get his money back and advised his viewers not to buy chicken from Walmart.

What DeLeo is discovering here is not lab-grown meat, but something that experts call “spaghetti meat.” While the meat is safe to eat, the phenomenon appears to have come about as a consequence of the meat industry’s efforts to make chickens grow bigger more quickly, per a 2019 article in the Wall Street Journal.

“Spaghetti meat…began appearing in 2015 and now can be detected in around 4% to 5% of breast meat samples, researchers said,” writes author Jacob Bunge. “Meat scientists said they suspect the rapid growth rate of commercially raised chickens may lead breast muscle tissue to outgrow the oxygen supply provided by chickens’ developing circulatory systems, at which point muscle fibers can degrade. That can alter the density and texture of the meat, they said.” Complete article

Fast-Growth Chickens Produce New Industry Woe: ‘Spaghetti Meat’ 03/10/2019 Chicken companies spent decades breeding birds to grow rapidly and develop large breast muscles. Now the industry is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to deal with the consequences ranging from squishy fillets known as “spaghetti meat,” because they pull apart easily, to leathery ones known as “woody breast.” The abnormalities pose no food safety risk, researchers and industry officials say. They are suspected side effects of genetic selection that now allows meat companies to raise a 6.3-pound bird in 47 days, roughly...

'Spaghetti Meat' Is the Result of Speed-Growing Chickens 04/17/2023

Dunstable Mass. Fire Department Awarded Walmart Local Community Public Safety Grant 08/08/2023

Alabama Man Jailed for Stealing Cellphone from Rome Ga. Walmart 08/08/2023

Police pursue man with puppy into Wyoming Walmart; man pleads not guilty to drug charges 08/07/2023

Fla. Walmart shoplifter caught hiding in truck bed 08/08/2023

Teen accused of robbing senior at Hawaii Walmart McDonald’s 08/09/2023

Ariz. Walmart suffers theft, drugs, fraud in last week 08/09/2023

Deputies: Suspected Walmart SC shoplifter dead after running from deputies 08/09/2023

LEXINGTON COUNTY, S.C. (WIS) - The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department reported a man wanted for shoplifting died Wednesday afternoon after running away from Lexington County deputies.

WIS News 10 received initially received calls about a large police presence at a Lexington County Walmart at 1780 South Lake Drive Wednesday afternoon. A WIS News 10 crew was at the scene where they witnessed a person being loaded into an ambulance.

Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said deputies said they handcuffed the man and were walking him back to a patrol vehicle when he began showing signs of medical distress.

According to LCSD deputies eventually removed the handcuffs and rendered aid to the man until paramedics arrived to take him to the hospital. ....

“It is my understanding the man ran into the woods,” Koon said. “Deputies ran after him and eventually used a Taser to subdue him after he was located and was noncompliant with verbal commands.” Complete article

Shoppers Slam Walmart For Packaging Change: ‘Heading In The Wrong Direction’ 08/10/2023

Walmart swaps cardboard pasta boxes for plastic

Earlier this year, one Walmart shopper noticed a difference in the packaging of Great Value's pasta—and they didn't like what they saw. Unfortunately, while Great Value pasta has previously been sold in recylcable cardboard boxes, the new packaging is plastic, which is worse for the environment.

The shopper took to Reddit to share their disappointment. "Walmart is slowly swapping from cardboard to plastic packaging with their pasta," they wrote.

Commenters were upset, too. "We are heading in the wrong direction," one wrote.

"You would hope the swap would be the other way," another agreed.

It's understandable why eco-conscious people would be troubled by this change. Cardboard is fully recyclable. Plastic, on the other hand, harms the environment not only when it's produced, but also after it's used. Plastic bags are oftentimes not recyclable, are non-degradable, and are even a major polluter.

"Plastic never degrades, so buying the pasta now results in permanent pollution," one comment explained. Complete article

‘Yea? So what? You get your dollar back when you return your cart’: Walmart shopper complains about ‘gadget’ attached to shopping cart that gives back dollar if returned. It backfires 08/09/2023

A Walmart shopper in Canada was outraged to discover a gadget that supposedly charged a customer $1 to use a shopping cart. But according to other shoppers, it wasn’t quite what it seemed.

The TikTok video alerting Walmart consumers to the development came from creator Jordan Bonaparte (@nighttime_pod), posted to the platform on May 19 and getting attention in the form of more than 20,500 views since going up.

He starts by identifying the particular store in Halifax, Nova Scotia and says, “I got bad news for you.”

He then notes that Walmart “installed a gadget” on the shopping carts in the store “that requires you to pay $1 to use one of their carts.” Complete article

Check the skies! Your local Walmart might start using drone delivery this year 08/10/2023

Heads up! Your next Walmart delivery may drop from the sky.

The major retailer is expected to expand its drone delivery service in 2023 after adding six states to the program last year, according to the Krazy Koupon Lady.

Certified pilots, who follow FAA guidelines, fly the robots that can carry packages up to 10 pounds within 1.5 miles of a drone delivery hub. The company claims that they can deliver orders in 30 minutes or less.

Now, 36 Walmart stores across seven states have DroneUp, Flytrex and Zipline delivery hubs that opened by Jan. 5, 2023. Walmart says that these hubs made over 6,000 deliveries by January. Complete article

Drone crashes and burns during delivery of asparagus to restaurant 04/13/2015

‘Do it somewhere else’: Glendale Ariz. residents asking Walmart to stop drone delivery service 01/06/2023

Oops! Drone delivery crash knocks out power for thousands 10/02/2022

Report: Amazon drone delivery crashes could cause another setback 07/24/2022 In the past year alone, eight Amazon drones have crashed during testing, including one that ignited a 25-acre brush fire in Oregon. Five of them took place over a four-month span. Reports also revealed the company tried to avoid investigations into the crashes by ducking FAA correspondences and even moving evidence at crash sites.

Oops! One Customer's Drone-Delivered Food Order Crashes, Causing Mass Blackout 09/30/2022

Walmart seduced by false promise of drone delivery 10/30/2015

Female suspect sought in theft from Floresville Tx. Walmart 08/09/2023

Bothell family hunkers down in Walmart parking lot as Maui Hawaii fires burn by their timeshare 08/09/2023

$686 In Merchandise Stolen From Walmart - And Other Collegedale Tenn. Police Calls 08/10/2023

N.J. man admits he used fake $20, $50 bills at Pa. Walmart, CVS 08/10/2023

Sheriff Make Two Additional Arrests After Vehicle Break-In At NY Walmart Back in April – Firearms Stolen 08/10/2023

Why was Walmart closed all day in Waynesville, NC, and when will it reopen? 08/09/2023

Fla. Walmart Shoplifter Arrested in Sam's Club Bathroom Stall 08/10/2023

Baby left at Alexander City Alabama Walmart, 2 arrested 08/09/2023

Man found and arrested in Fort Myers Fla. Walmart shooting 08/12/2023

FORT MYERS, Fla. — An arrest has been made in the Shooting at a Walmart in Fort Myers that happened Friday night.

Tyrese Thornton is charged with Aggravated Battery with a deadly weapon and robbery by sudden snatching.

The incident happened outside the Walmart at 4770 Colonial Blvd, around 7:30 p.m. on Friday.

According to the Fort Myers Police Department (FMPD), a man was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Police said the victim is expected to survive. Complete article

Elderly man hit, killed by semi leaving Salem Oregon Walmart parking lot 08/12/2023

SALEM Ore. (KPTV) - An 81-year-old man was hit and killed by a semi-truck pulling out of a Walmart parking lot in Salem on Saturday, according to the Salem Police Department.

Just before 11 a.m., emergency responders were called to the 1900 block of Turner Road Southeast on the report of a crash involving a pedestrian.

According to police, John Alvin Schwiewek was walking on the east sidewalk along Turner Road when he was struck by a tractor truck pulling a refrigerated trailer. The driver of the semi was exiting the Walmart parking lot and turning north when Schiewek was struck. Complete article

Cold Case: Mother Of Four Vanishes After Finishing Her Shift At Florida Walmart 08/11/2023

A Florida mother-of-four finished her shift as a cashier at a Walmart, clocked out and left the store. She then vanished and has never been seen since.

According to Collier County Sheriff’s Detective Scott Peterson, around 8:30 a.m. on May 17, 2010, Marie Chantal Delly was dropped off by her husband, Mathnauld Dareus, at her job at Walmart in Naples.

At approximately 4:30 p.m., Delly was done for the day, but where she went or what happened to her remains a mystery. “Upon speaking to the employees at Walmart, I had learned that Marie had asked for the next day off to take her child to a doctor, but she never made that doctor’s appointment,” Detective Peterson said.

On May 19, Walmart contacted Delly’s husband to find out why she hadn’t shown up for her scheduled shift. Dareus, Peterson said, then reported Marie as a missing person to the sheriff’s office.

Peterson said that during the investigation into Delly’s disappearance, he learned Delly had a history of taking off “for a couple days” whenever she and her husband experienced “marital difficulties.” She would not tell Dareus where she was going. Complete article

Several arrested after car stolen with dog inside outside Miami-Dade Fla. Walmart 08/14/2023

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. – Police have made several arrests in Miami Gardens after a man’s car was stolen over the weekend with his dog still inside.

What was supposed to be a quick trip into a Walmart Supercenter turned into a nightmare for Daniel Prince who left his beloved dog “Koda” in his car.

“I had my dog in the car. I came outside 10 minutes max and my car was gone -- no dog nowhere to be seen,” Prince said.

After searching all Saturday, Prince says he returned to the area Sunday to hang flyers for his black German shepherd and stumbled upon a big clue.

“And I just happened to see them driving my stolen car as I was leaving, and I ended up following them,” he said.

Prince flagged down a police officer before he followed his stolen silver Volkswagen to a neighborhood near the Hard Rock Stadium at Northwest 199th Street and 27th Avenue in Miami Gardens. Complete article

Walmart shares a warning for customers 08/12/2023

The retail giant's CEO shared some news that shoppers should pay attention to (even if they shop at Target, Costco, or Kroger).

The biggest players in the grocery space essentially operate on a level playing field. Walmart, Costco, and Kroger -- plus perhaps Publix, which has a large footprint in the south -- all have enormous buying power.

That allows them to get the best prices from vendors and pass those on to customers. Each chain, of course, makes choices. Costco (COST) - Get Free Report, for example, uses its limited product choice to push orders for the items it does stock even higher, giving it added leverage.

DON'T MISS: Walmart copies one of Costco's most popular features

For the most part, however, all of these companies are really big and they have the leverage to get the best prices possible. As we saw during the covid pandemic, there are a lot of factors that go into pricing. Complete article

Video: Police respond to shooting at Santa Fe NM Walmart, chase suspect from Feb. 2023 08/10/2023

Walmart Thief Says He Was Just Borrowing The Item - And Other Collegedale Tenn. Police Calls 08/11/2023

Sheriff – Cortland Woman Arrested After Stealing From NY Walmart 08/11/2023

Arrest made in connection to American Canyon Ca. Walmart theft 08/10/2023

Casey DeSantis makes light of ‘Walmart Melania’ nickname, swipes at ‘media’ 08/11/2023

'Caught by wildfire' | Slidell police arrest 2 women on I-10 after stealing from La. Walmart 08/12/2023

Hoax bomb threat called in at Dalton Ga. Walmart 08/1/2023

Former Wyoming Walmart employee pleads guilty to swiping customer’s forgotten $100 in Sept. 2021 08/11/2023

Alabama correctional officer arrested after stealing Pokemon cards from Walmart 08/14/2023

OXFORD, Ala. (WIAT) — An Alabama correctional officer found himself behind bars Saturday after allegedly resorting to theft to “catch ’em all.”

According to the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office, Josh Hardy completed his shift at the county jail at 7 p.m. Saturday and went to the Oxford Wal-Mart while still in his work uniform. Hardy was observed inside the store opening multiple packs of Pokemon cards and stuffing individual cards in his pockets.

Hardy began to leave the store without paying for the cards and was confronted by the store’s loss prevention officers. He then fled from the store on foot. Oxford Police responded and found Hardy at a local restaurant with the stolen Pokemon cards in his possession. Hardy was arrested for theft and taken to the Oxford City Jail.

CCSO Sheriff Matthew Wade stated Hardy was fired following the incident and released the following statement in a press release.

“It is with great embarrassment that we have to report this incident. [Hardy] has tarnished our agency and the image of all law enforcement,” Wade wrote. “As Sheriff, I promised to be transparent and hold my staff accountable to a standard higher than average citizens.” Complete article

Natchez man arrested for secretly filming in La. and Ms. Walmart restrooms 08/15/2023

William Fisk, 40, of Natchez, was arrested by the Concordia Parish Sheriff’s Office Cyber Crime Unit following an investigation into his alleged illicit activities inside Walmart restrooms.

The investigation commenced after it was discovered that Fisk had been secretly filming in the restrooms of several Walmart stores. A forensic analysis of Fisk’s cellphone provided evidence of him recording videos inside a restroom at the Vidalia, LA, Walmart, capturing unaware victims in the adjacent stalls. Further examination revealed similar videos taken at Walmart locations in Natchez, MS, and Pineville, LA.

Following the discovery, Natchez Police secured an arrest warrant for Fisk. He was apprehended without any issues and has been charged with two counts of video voyeurism.

In 2021, The Natchez Democract reported Fisk faced accusations of sexually assaulting a teenage employee who was in a semi-conscious state. At that time, Fisk was charged with oral sexual battery, possession of methamphetamine, cocaine, drug paraphernalia and introducing contraband into a correctional facility. Complete article

Family of missing mother searches for answers after she disappears from Oldsmar Fla. Walmart 08/14/2023

TAMPA, Fla. - A mother of two has been missing since Thursday after her husband dropped her off at a Walmart in Oldsmar.

Anu Awasthi had a hair appointment at the salon inside the Walmart on Tampa Road. Her husband, Vikas Awasthi, told FOX 13 he dropped her off that morning, but when he came back an hour later, she was gone.

"And, I asked the salon person, and she said, ‘yes, she walked out right after you,’" her husband said.

READ: Missing Polk County woman Tonya Whipp search party in need of volunteers.

That statement was confirmed by staff at both Walmart and the nearby CVS, Vikas Awasthi said. He told FOX 13 the two stores allowed him to view their surveillance video, which showed his wife making her way to Tampa Road shortly after 10 a.m. on Thursday. Complete article

Missing Florida mother found safe in woods 6 days after disappearing from Walmart 08/17/2023

Car wreck in front of Vienna WV Walmart 08/14/2023

VIENNA, W.Va. (WTAP) - A crash in front of Walmart near Grand Central Avenue caused airbags to deploy for one of the cars involved.

Officials say a red sedan was struck by a black S.U.V. driving into the parking lot.

The Vienna police said the red sedan was hit on its side causing damage to the passenger side of the car and caused the front right tire to lose alignment. Complete article

Squamish van dwellers running out of places to park as Squamish, B.C. Canada Walmart limits long-term stays 08/15/2023

People living in their vehicles in Squamish, B.C., are running out of places to park their cars overnight after the local Walmart announced it would no longer allow long-term parking.

The notice comes two years after the district council in Squamish, located about 64 kilometres north of Vancouver, passed a bylaw prohibiting people who live in their vehicles from spending the night parked on municipal streets.

The latest restriction means there are fewer and fewer places to sleep for people who can't live in a home for any number of reasons.

In an emailed statement to CBC, Walmart said ongoing situations, including verbal and physical altercations, litter, sewage leaks and use of propane and generators, led to its decision. Complete article

Man Found Unconscious At Tenn. Walmart Lot With Pile Of Cash, Meth In His Lap, in June 2021 Gets 15-Year Sentence 08/11/2023

Repeat Walmart shoplifter sought by police in Salem NH 08/11/2023

Suspicious backpack leads to evacuation of Hudson Walmart 08/12/2023

Men Steal $1900 In Merchandise From Walmart In King Of Prussia Pa.: Cops 08/11/2023

“Suspicious package” causes brief scare at Daphne Alabama Walmart 08/13/2023

Crazy pickaxe confrontation at Tillman’s Corner Alabama Wal-Mart 08/15/2023 shot fired

MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Brand new video of a crazy confrontation outside the Tillman’s Corner Wal-Mart showed one man brandishing a pickax and another with a gun.

It happened Saturday afternoon. Mobile Police said they got a call about shots being fired, but when officers got there, the men involved were long gone.

Video showed one man busting out the rear window of another man’s SUV. The other man fired one shot.

The woman who took the video told FOX10 News prior to hitting record, the driver of the white SUV first busted out the back window of the green SUV. Complete article

Vehicle crashes into Mass. Walmart retention pond, occupants escape unharmed 08/15/2023

ORANGE, Mass. (WWLP) – Orange Fire Department was called to a Walmart on E Main St. concerning a motor vehicle collision with potential entrapment Monday evening.

According to authorities, upon arrival, they found a vehicle had driven across the parking lot, over the grassy island, jumped a sidewalk, went through the wooden guardrail, a chain link fence, and then ultimately ended up in Walmart’s retention pond.

Both occupants of the vehicle were found to be unentrapped and were assisted by ambulances. Luckily, the retention pond, where the vehicle had landed, had been drained and was filled with mud rather than water at the time of the incident. Complete article

‘Somebody call 911! She’s trying to leave!’: Customer mocks Walmart workers who take checking receipts too seriously 08/15/2023

Receipt checkers have long drawn the ire of TikTok users. One user recently alleged that he refused to show physical receipts to Costco receipt checkers, instead opting to scan it on his phone and rip up the original. Another user claimed they were “locked” inside of a Walmart after they failed to show a receipt.

As a result of this ire, the receipt checkers themselves have become the butt of many jokes. One such joke recently went viral after being shared by TikTok user @smokeeash.

In a video with over 421,000 views, the TikToker pretends to be a receipt checker after the Walmart checkout.

At first, the TikToker calmly asks for a receipt. When the person filming the video does not comply, he jumps in front of the camera. After a moment, he says, “Somebody call 911! She’s trying to leave!”

The video ends with the TikToker tackling the person filming the video, again reiterating that someone should call for emergency services.

“The person that takes their job WAY too serious,” the TikToker writes in the text overlaying the video.

In the comments section, users shared their own stories of overzealous receipt checkers and their thoughts on the job in general.

“Bro I just had this happen to me in Indianapolis,” recalled a user. “I’m like dude come on, I bought the whole cart.” Complete article

Community holds benefit concert for 13-year-old shot in Aiken SC Walmart last June 08/11/2023

'Heartbroken' | Luke Morris, beloved Shelbyville Ky. Walmart employee, has died 08/14/2023

5 juveniles failed in shoplifting spree at Ind. Walmart 08/15/2023

Woman steals items from Ind. Walmart 08/15/2023

Woman’s bag, wallet stolen from shopping cart inside Va. Walmart 08/15/2023

Police are seeking help identifying suspect in retail theft at York County Pa. Walmart 08/14/2023

Franklin County authorities searching for suspects after alleged drug deal at Walmart 08/17/2023 shot fired

WINCHESTER, Tenn. (WTVF) — Franklin County deputies are looking for two suspects after authorities were tipped off to an alleged drug deal in the Walmart parking lot in Winchester.

The incident happened at around 7:40 p.m. when an officer approached the suspect vehicle. Franklin County Sheriff's Office authorities said the suspect in the vehicle aimed the car at the officer. In response, the officer shot a tire to flatten it.

However, a pursuit ensued from the Walmart and ended 13 miles away on Henley Lane. A white male and white female fled the car.

FCSO authorities said there is an active perimeter to locate the two, who haven't been identified.

While the officer discharged a weapon, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation hasn't been called to investigate. Complete article

One suspect in custody following high-speed chase outside Franklin Co. Walmart 08/1/2023 The driver of the Lexus then turned the vehicle’s wheels toward the police vehicle and started to drive. Officers shot at the passenger-side front tire to disable the vehicle, but the driver fled, and a chase began.

Man followed, attacked in Nashville after withdrawing cash from Tenn. Walmart last month, police say 08/18/2023 shot fired

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – A man accused of attacking a victim while he held his child during a July robbery is now in custody.

Terrignon D. Brown, 27, is charged with aggravated robbery causing serious bodily injury and reckless endangerment.

On July 7, Metro police responded to 570 McMurray Drive in response to a man who was shot in the foot. When officers arrived, the man told them before he was shot, Brown had followed him from Walmart, where he had withdrawn cash.

The man had become suspicious of Brown, so he left Walmart and drove several miles before turning into a parking lot on McMurray Drive. Complete article

Man stabbed at Eastlake Ohio Walmart, police say 08/17/2023

EASTLAKE, Ohio (WOIO) - A victim is hospitalized after being stabbed at Walmart by the man who he walked into the store with, Eastlake police confirmed.

EPD said officers were sent to 33752 Vine St. at 1:12 p.m. on Aug. 17 for a report of a man stabbing customers at Walmart.

Officers identified the suspect as a 21-year-old Cuyahoga County man and took him into custody, according to EPD.

EPD stated the lone victim was a man who had accompanied the suspect to the store. Complete article

Walmart’s ‘shrink’ challenges differ from those of other retail giants, CEO says 08/17/2023

‘Shrink is comprised of more than one thing,’ says Walmart CEO Doug McMillon.

Like many retailers, Walmart Inc. is dealing with inventory “shrink,” although CEO Doug McMillon says the company’s specific challenges are different from those faced by other big retailers.

“From a total enterprise point of view, we’re more than a domestic retailer,” he said during a Thursday conference call to discuss Walmart’s WMT, 1.34% second-quarter results, noting that the company operates in 19 countries and also has its Sam’s Club subsidiary. “We’ve got a variety of businesses, so it’s not necessarily the same answer as maybe some of the others that are in the news about shrink.”

Related: Walmart’s stock boosted by better-than-expected earnings as food sales remain strong.

While there are a number of potential reasons behind inventory shrink — such as damaged items — theft and organized retail crime are increasingly important drivers, according to major retailers such as Target Corp TGT, 0.57%. This week, Target CEO Brian Cornell said that the company is facing an “unacceptable amount” of retail theft and organized retail crime. Complete article

Retail theft: Walmart, Home Depot, Target detail 'unacceptable amount' of crime 08/19/2023

Woman accused of stealing purse left behind at Tx. Walmart 08/15/2023

Trial underway for man charged with September 2017 murder following shooting near Bristol, Tennessee Walmart 08/15/2023

OPD searching for suspect in Tx. Walmart theft 08/15/2023 According to a news release, on August 12, an unknown man allegedly “skip-scanned” several items and exited the store with unpaid merchandise. You’ll find a picture of the accused below.

Man accused of exposing penis to 2 girls at Hobby Lobby, Walmart in Miami-Dade Fla. 08/16/2023

Nashville Tenn. police arrest man for grabbing girl's butt in Walmart 08/17/2023

Bomb threat temporarily evacuates Denver Colorado-area Walmart 08/17/2023

Investigation underway after woman found dead in vehicle at Tx. Walmart, BCSO says 08/20/2023

SAN ANTONIO – Authorities are trying to determine what led to a 30-year-old woman’s death after she was found in her vehicle at a Walmart store.

The woman was found Sunday afternoon at a Walmart in the 4000 block of N Foster Road, on the Northeast Side.

Her identity hasn’t yet been released.

Deputies said there doesn’t appear to be any signs of trauma and it’s unclear what led to her death.

Editor’s note: Shortly after this story was published, we learned from deputies that this was a suicide. Complete article

Tracy Morgan jokes he's grateful truck that hit him in near-fatal accident was 'Walmart not Walgreens' 08/19/2023

The comedian had life-threatening injuries and traumatic brain damage following 2014 collision caused by a Walmart truck driver.

Tracy Morgan didn't hold back when it came to cracking jokes about his near-fatal truck crash in his new comedy special, "Takin' It Too Far."

The 54-year-old comedian suffered life-threatening injuries in the 2014 wreck after a Walmart driver crashed a tractor-trailer into his limousine van, resulting in a six-car pileup that claimed the life of Morgan's close friend and collaborator James McNair.

In the aftermath, Morgan sued Walmart for negligence, and the company settled the lawsuit for an undisclosed multimillion-dollar amount.

While performing at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston in a new Max stand-up special, the "Saturday Night Live" alum poked fun at the retail giant and addressed the amount of money he received from the settlement.

"Walmart took care of me. Walmart gave me a grip. They gave me so much money I could roll my eyes at White people," Morgan joked.

"I mean, I made those motherf------ change they whole fleet of trucks. The outside mirror now says ‘n---- may appear closer than seems.’

"They think they done paying me, but we'll see. Also, I get f----- up in four years, they're going to hear from my attorney. ‘Tracy tried to f--- a Doberman pinscher, and we want $5 million. The dog want $2 million for pain and suffering.’" Complete article

Mississippi Walmart receives notice from state agency after dead rats found on floor 08/18/2023

NATCHEZ, Miss. (WLBT) - A state agency issued a “Critical Notice” to a Natchez Walmart after a customer complained about dead rats in the store, the Natchez Democrat reports.

The Consumer Protection Division of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce received the complaint on August 8.

On August 9, a state inspector found a loaf of wheat bread that had been “chewed on by rodents.” The inspector also noted “rodent urine smell in the warehouse where bread vendor racks are stored.”

A “Yellow Critical Notice” was posted on the door of the Walmart located on Seargent Prentiss Drive, the newspaper reports. Complete article

Natchez Walmart denies access to inspection report that led to Ag Department ‘Critical Violations’ finding 08/16/2023

Skimmer found at Sanger Ca. Walmart checkout 08/18/2023

SANGER, Calif. — The Sanger Police Department is taking the time to remind the community about the threats card skimmers pose—this comes as one of these devices was found at a Walmart.

A card skimmer was recently discovered at a checkout counter.

These fraudulent devices are usually found at ATMs, gas pumps, and card readers and are responsible for wiping out people’s bank accounts and personal information. Complete article

Tractor-trailer crashes off I-86 ramp near NY Walmart 08/20/2023

BIG FLATS, N.Y. (WETM) — A tractor-trailer crashed and drove off the highway near the Big Flats Walmart.

According to the Chemung County Sheriff’s Office, an officer was patrolling the area near the Walmart plaza on the morning of Sunday, Aug. 20 when he saw smoke and the back of a tractor-trailer off the road at the top of an embankment that leads to water. The vehicle appears to have missed turning at the curve on I-86, causing it to go across the highway onramp before hitting the guardrail and going down the embankment.

The officer called for assistance, and rescue crews from Big Flat Town and Country were able to remove the driver from the cab of the tractor-trailer. The driver sustained non-life threatening injuries. Complete article

Some Walmart delivery drivers bringing groceries to customers' homes aren't who they say they are 08/21/2023

Walmart's delivery platform, Spark, has tripled its delivery-driver workforce over the past year.

But employees and drivers say the platform has an issue with drivers posing under multiple names.

Walmart is rolling out a facial-recognition and ID-scan system to verify identities and prevent fraud.

When Mike Del Rio began delivering orders for Walmart's in-house delivery platform, Spark, about a year ago, the money was good.

At the time, Del Rio said he was making about $150 during a five-hour shift delivering groceries for Walmart stores in northern Utah. As with any delivery platform, groceries could be heavy and tips unpredictable, but the pay was much better than what he'd been making as a driver for platforms like Uber and Instacart, he said.

But around the start of this year, things began to change.

Del Rio said that over the past few months, he's found himself sitting in his car for hours without a single delivery. Meanwhile, he's been seeing the same handful of drivers coming in and out of the parking lot, receiving and delivering order after order. Complete article

Walmart Hit With Employment Class Action By Salaried Remote Workers 08/18/2023

Walmart was hit with an employment class action by salaried remote workers who allege the company failed to reimburse the class for business expenses incurred, including internet expenses, cellphone expenses and home office infrastructure expenses. Complete article

Man convicted in Sept. 2017 murder outside Bristol Tenn. Walmart 08/1/2023

Man accused of exposing himself at metro Michaels. Police say he did the same thing at Ga. Walmart 08/18/2023

Woman Saves Dying Cat Outside Walmart and Emotional Rescue Goes Viral 08/18/2023

North Carolina assistant principal wins $100,000 after buying scratch-off at Walmart 08/18/2023

El Paso Tx. Walmart mass shooting capital murder case set to move forward after 4-year delay 08/17/2023


Seguin man arrested in New Braunfels Tx. on suspicion of sexual assault at Walmart 08/18/2023

Medina Alert issued for driver who struck pedestrian after shoplifting from Parker Colorado Walmart 08/21/2023

PARKER, Colo. — The Colorado Bureau of Investigation has issued a Medina Alert for a driver who struck a pedestrian after shoplifting from a Parker Walmart.

The crash happened around 8:31 p.m. at the intersection of South Parker Road and Lincoln Avenue.

CBI said the driver was fleeing after shoplifting from a Walmart when they ran a red light and struck a pedestrian who was in a designated walkway. The driver did not stop and fled northbound on Parker Road. Witnesses lost sight of the vehicle in the area of South Parker Road and Orchard Road. Complete article

Tory Conyers arrested in fatal hit-and-run and Parker Walmart shoplifting case 08/23/2023

A man accused of killing someone in a hit-and-run following a report of shoplifting in the same area has been arrested.

Tory Conyers, 44, was brought into custody by Aurora and Parker law enforcement following a barricade in Aurora that lasted several hours on Wednesday, Parker Police Department confirmed with CBS news Colorado.

Child rescued after car crashes into pole at Ky. Walmart, parents found passed out: arrest citation 08/21/2023

BEREA, Ky. (WKYT) - A mother and father are facing charges after police say they were found passed out in a Kentucky Walmart parking lot while a child was in the backseat of their car on a summer day.

It happened Friday afternoon in the parking lot of Walmart in Berea.

According to the arrest citation, police were called after a vehicle pulled into a parking spot, hit a pole and then reversed. A witness told police a small child was in the car, and the man and woman people in the car passed out while the car was still in reverse.

The citation says responding officers found 32-year-old William Gross and 27-year-old Megan Sanders unresponsive. Complete article

Arson investigation underway after clothing set on fire in Colorado Walmart 08/22/2023

According to a press release from the Pagosa Springs Police Department (PSPD), the PSPD and Pagosa Fire Protection District responded to a report of a fire at Walmart, located at 211 Aspen Village Drive, at approximately 8:48 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 21.

The fire was extinguished prior the arrival of either department, the press release notes, adding, “A small portion of the boy’s clothing aisle had burned and sustained moderate damage, there was no structural damage to the building.”

The press release further states, “It was determined the setting of the fire was an intentional act and is being investigated as arson.”

PSPD Chief William Rockensock noted Tuesday the suspect is probably a juvenile. Complete article

Juvenile arrested following fire in Walmart 08/23/2023

Woman hurls can of food at another woman in Woodburn Oregon Walmart parking lot, police say 08/21/2023

WOODBURN Ore. (KPTV) - Woodburn police on Monday asked for the public’s help to identify an assault suspect.

According to a statement, the incident happened at the Walmart store at 3002 Stacy Allison Way. A woman, who has not been named, assaulted another person on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at around 12:09 p.m. The woman reportedly received minor injuries after the suspect threw a can of food at her.

The suspect was described as an adult Black woman with long braided hair who is about 5′9″ tall and has blonde highlights in her hair. She was seen walking around with a large purse while sporting a white T-shirt, white shorts, and black sneakers. She reportedly drove out of the parking lot in what seemed to be a mid-2000s black GMC Acadia. Complete article

Police investigating after car stolen from DC Walmart parking lot with dog inside 08/22/2023

WASHINGTON - A D.C. woman is desperate to get her pet back after she says her car was stolen with her dog in the backseat.

According to a police report, officers responded to the 300 block of Riggs Road around 7 p.m. on Aug. 20 for a report of a stolen vehicle.

The victim told the responding officers that she had parked her car in the Walmart parking lot and was in the store for about 20 minutes before she came out to find that her vehicle was gone.

She said a witness came over to her and said two suspects had hopped into her car and sped off going west on Riggs Road, NE.

The victim said the car was off when she went into the store and that she had her car keys with her at the time. Now, she just wants her dog, Kodak, back home. Complete article

Man accused of spraying possible seminal fluid on woman at Indiana Walmart 08/22/2023

PORTAGE, Ind. — A man is accused of possibly squirting bodily fluid from a syringe onto a woman shopping at a Walmart in Northwest Indiana.

On the afternoon of Aug. 14, Portage police responded to a Walmart, located in the 6000 block of Route 6, on the report of a sexual assault.

According to records, a woman told authorities she was in the spray paint aisle when a man, later identified as Dontrell Morris, 40, of Three Rivers, Michigan, stood close to her then was “really awkward” after allegedly pretending to bump into her.

Records state Morris left and then the woman noticed something sticky near her lower back. Complete article

‘Already caught two companies who sold my info.’ A Man Shared How You Can Tell If Walmart Sold Your Information By Using A Gmail Hack 08/22/2023

Privacy is a HUGE issue these days for all of us and it’s nearly impossible to keep track of where our information goes and who’s buying and who’s selling.

And that’s why it’s important to pay attention to videos like the one a man posted about how you and I can be more informed about these kinds of things. The TikTok video features the man talking about how people can actually take advantage of companies selling their personal information.

The man said, “I just watched a video on how you can get paid by companies if they sell your information. The way you can find out if they sold your information is you can put their company name as your middle name as you sign up.”

He then added, “So like you sign up for Walmart. You put your first name, Walmart, last name. Anything that gets addressed to you that says Walmart as your middle name you know Walmart sold your information, and you can get money from Walmart.”

He went on to say, “But, that video reminded me of the trick that I know about Gmail that I don’t think many people know. So if you have a Gmail account periods are irrelevant. If you don’t have a period you can add a period anywhere and it will be registered in like sign-up websites like Netflix as a new email address.”

And he continued, “So you could just shift the period and it creates a new account for free trials and stuff. The other way that you can do this is you can add a plus and then anything you want after your email but before Gmail.”

And the man finished his explanation with an example and said, “So, if your email is You could do funny bunny plus n for a netflix at So when you get spam email you know who sold your info.” Complete article

TRICKY CUSTOMER Fla. Walmart shopper arrested after ‘stealing $300 of goods’ with ‘drawers’ trick & telling security ‘you can’t catch me’ 08/20/2023

Rome Woman Jailed for "Skip Scanning" at Ga. Walmart 08/21/2023

Wildwood woman arrested on felony warrant in theft at Fla. Walmart 08/21/2023

Suspected ‘skip scanner’ arrested in multiple thefts at Fla. Walmart in The Villages 08/21/2023

Woman arrested after switching UPCs on items at Ind. Walmart 08/22/2023

Santa Fe teen, who avoided capture in alleged NM Walmart firearm incident, finally arrested 08/22/2023

Santa Fe police on Monday arrested 19-year-old Marvin Jimenez-Perez, who evaded officers several times in recent weeks, including during an hourslong manhunt Thursday at a south-side mobile home park.

Jimenez-Perez, who had four arrest warrants, was spotted by police Monday afternoon in Santa Fe, according to a criminal complaint filed in Santa Fe County Magistrate Court. He was taken into custody by SWAT officers who shot him with a rubber bullet.

Police spotted Jimenez-Perez walking with a woman on the sidewalk near Denny’s on Cerrillos Road, a criminal complaint says. SWAT officers then arrived to make an arrest. Jimenez-Perez ran from the officers, but one shot him in the back with a 40-mm rubber bullet, causing the teen to fall to the ground on a median.

While police were placing Jimenez-Perez in handcuffs, the complaint states, he bit an officer on a pinky finger and “stated his name was ‘Evert.’ ”

Jimenez-Perez was booked in the Santa Fe County jail Monday evening.

Attempts to arrest him began Aug. 16, when employees of the Walmart, 3251 Cerrillos Road, reported a man who had brandished a firearm Aug. 8 was back in the store. Complete article

Santa Fe police arrest teen accused of brandishing firearm at Walmart 08/22/2023

Newly-released video shows off-duty deputy fighting with woman at Colorado Walmart; prosecutors decline to file charges 08/22/2023

Adams County sheriff’s deputy Ezekiel Spotts avoids criminal charges after video shows him pushing and punching a woman who slapped him.

ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. — A law enforcement officer who works at the Adams County jail will not be charged after a violent encounter at a Walmart with a mother and daughter in July.

Adams County District Attorney Brian Mason released a letter on Tuesday announcing his office would not pursue criminal charges against Deputy Ezekiel Spotts, despite injuries to a mother and daughter.

“Despite the clear evidence that Mr. Spotts struck two females causing them injury, there remains a significant question of who the initial aggressor was in these incidents,” Mason wrote in the letter.

Mason’s office released the decision letter along with security video recorded July 18 at the Walmart at 128th Avenue and Quebec Street in Adams County.

The video shows Spotts, who was off duty at the time, get face-to-face with Erika Smith after some words are exchanged. Spotts is 49 years old, while Smith is 25.

Smith said she told Spotts not to stop in front of people while they were exiting Walmart, prompting him to scream at her.

As the two are face-to-face, the video shows Spotts initially pushing Smith on the shoulder. She then retaliates with two slaps. Spotts then throws a punch, hitting Smith in the face.

Mason characterized the initial physical touch by Spotts as “places his hands on E.S.’s shoulder” in the decision letter and wrote Spotts “was acting on a reasonable belief that he must defend himself from the continued use of physical force by E.S.”

After the initial altercation, Spotts is seen on video following the mother and daughter to their car, where a second physical altercation occurred. However, the many cameras throughout the Walmart parking lot failed to capture the second fight, according to Mason’s letter.

Erika Smith said Spotts strangled her to the point of unconsciousness, causing her to urinate, while her mother, Linda Hurley, said she suffered a broken nose and skull fracture. Complete article

Fire found in meat cooler at Vermillion SD Walmart 08/22/2023

VERMILLION, S.D. (Dakota News Now) - Employees of the Walmart say they found the fire in the meat cooler and deployed a fire extinguisher before first responders arrived.

Vermillion Fire Chief Matthew Callahan stated that at 2:26 p.m. on Tuesday, units were dispatched to a report of a fire inside the Walmart building at 1207 Princeton St. in Vermillion.

Upon arrival on the scene, the commanding officer reported nothing showing from the outside of the building, and the evacuation of occupants was in progress. Complete article

Banned from Walmart: Huntsville Alabama City Council member Devyn Keith pleads guilty in shoplifting case 08/22/2023

Huntsville city councilman Devyn Keith pleaded guilty Tuesday to two of four counts of misdemeanor shoplifting.

Keith, who is in his second term, reached a plea agreement with prosecutors just as his trial was to begin Tuesday afternoon before Madison County District Judge Patty Demos. Keith is represented by Huntsville attorney John Taylor.

The judge ordered Keith serve a suspended jail sentence and two years unsupervised probation. Under the plea agreement, Keith is also permanently banned from Wal Mart.

Keith was arrested in February and had faced four charges that he stole merchandise from three different Walmart stores in Huntsville, according to police.

While two of the charges were dropped under the plea agreement, Keith will pay $464.31 restitution for the amount from all four of the cases.

During the brief court hearing, Keith thanked the judge for accepting the plea agreement reached with Assistant District Attorney Morgan Price. Tim Gann, chief deputy district attorney, said after the hearing that Keith received the same treatment as any other person charged with shoplifting.

Keith read a lengthy statement following the hearing.

“The agreement does hold me accountable for my negligence in the past year,” the statement said in part. “A failure to scan items such as Skittles, Butterfingers and $20 headphones, if I didn’t pay for an item, I am wrong. It was never my intent to not scan these items.” Complete article

Longtime Mississippi Coast principal arrested for shoplifting at Walmart, police say 08/22/2023

Longtime Bay High School Principal Amy Yarborough Necaise turned herself in to the police Tuesday morning to face arrest on a misdemeanor charge of shoplifting.

Necaise surrendered at the Waveland Police Department after a Walmart employee came in to sign an affidavit that accused the longtime school administrator of shoplifting items during a visit to the U.S. 90 store Sunday, Police Chief Mike Prendergast confirmed.

Waveland Municipal Judge Preston J. Mauffray recused himself from presiding over the case, and Justice Court Judge Desmond Hoda agreed to step in.

After her arrest, Judge Hoda set a cash bond of $500, resulting in her release on bond. Complete article

Florida Walmart evacuated after bomb threat written across store's wall: deputies 08/22/2023

Police and west side Ind. Walmart employee honored for actions during Jan. shooting 08/21/2023

Rhode Island man charged with stealing televisions from Hometown, Hazle Twp. Pa. Walmart stores 08/22/2023 Troopers said Atahualpa Santana-Martinez, 28, of Providence, entered the store at 35 Plaza Drive around 12:15 a.m. Aug. 11 and placed two LG UHD AI ThinQ 43-inch televisions valued at $258 each into a shopping cart.

Two accused of theft at WV Walmart 08/23/2023

Woman allegedly injected foreign substance into neck of random Ga. Walmart customer before she and her armed companion fought cops in parking lot 08/22/2023

Two people allegedly fought the cops after one of the suspects stuck a syringe into a customer at Walmart.

Jennifer Keenan, 55, is charged with aggravated battery, possession of a firearm or knife during the commission of any crime, and willful obstruction of law enforcement officers. Jay Carswell, 73, is charged with willful obstruction of law enforcement officers.

According to police documents, officers responded to the Walmart on Pleasant Hill Road in Duluth, Georgia, on Aug. 10. Security said that a man had come up to customer service saying that a woman wearing a yellow plaid shirt stabbed him in the neck with a needle and injected him with a foreign substance. .....

“At that moment, I then opened the car door in an attempt to gain control of the suspect,” police said. “It was then the suspect closed the door with his left hand and tried to start the vehicle’s ignition to drive off.”

The officer used a stun gun him, and Carswell reached into the backseat to grab something, police claim. Complete article

Dispatch: Police respond after body found in Walmart parking lot in Amelia Ohio 08/23/2023

AMELIA, Ohio — Clermont County Dispatch confirmed police are on scene after a body was found in a parking lot in Amelia.

According to dispatch, police responded to the Walmart on East Ohio Pike in Amelia after a body was found outside in the parking lot.

Police have not indicated if foul play is suspected at this time. Complete article

Man dead after motorcycle crash in front of Walmart outside Fulton, NY deputies say 08/24/2023

Granby, N.Y. — A man died after a motorcycle and pickup truck accident in front of a Walmart store just outside Fulton on Wednesday, deputies said.

At about 6:16 p.m. a 2014 Cheverolet pickup truck was turning left into the Walmart entrance on State Route Three in the town Granby, Oswego County deputies said Thursday.

The pickup, driven by Eric Phillips, 62, of Fulton, collided with a 2008 Honda motorcycle driven by Jeffrey Freeman, 40, of Granby, deputies said.

Freeman died at the scene, deputies said. Phillips was taken to Oswego Hospital with minor injuries, deputies said. Complete article

Canada probing Walmart, Hugo Boss over allegations of forced labor in supply chains 08/24/2023

OTTAWA, Aug 24 (Reuters) - Canada's corporate ethics watchdog on Thursday announced investigations into the Canadian units of Walmart (WMT.N) and Hugo Boss (BOSSn.DE) to probe allegations of Uyghur forced labor in the companies' supply chains and operations.

The Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE) said it had published an initial assessment report after complaints filed by a coalition of 28 civil society organizations in June 2022. CORE will also investigate the Canadian unit of fashion firm Diesel, which is owned by Italy's OTB (OTB.L). It has already launched probes into Nike Canada (NKE.N), Dynasty Gold (DYG.V) and Ralph Lauren (RL.N).

"As mediation between the parties is not currently an option, we will be launching investigations into the allegations outlined in these reports," Sheri Meyerhoffer, CORE's Ombudsperson, said in a statement. Complete article

Corporate ethics watchdog to probe Walmart, Hugo Boss and Diesel over forced labour complaints 08/24/2023

Canada Probes Slavery Allegations in Walmart, Hugo Boss Supply Chains 08/25/2023

Walmart is adding Wing drone deliveries to limited Tx. Superstores this year 08/24/2023

Wing is expanding drone deliveries to a pair of Texas-area Walmart Superstores later this year. The Alphabet-owned drone firm says the two offerings will cover a combined 60,000 homes in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

The first location is 8555 Preston Road in Frisco, Texas, a suburb Wing has served since 2021. That spot is expected to get up and running “in coming weeks.” The Alphabet X graduate already manages 11 drone hubs in the region. An additional Supercenter location will go online before the end of year.

Both spots will be available to customers within a roughly six-mile radius, and Wing promises 30-minute delivery between the hours of 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM (every day but Wednesday, for some reason). Deliveries include the standard Walmart fare, like groceries and over-the-counter meds (presumably you don’t want prescriptions flying around up there). Complete article

Accused Wash. Walmart July 2022 shooting accomplice seeks dismissal 08/22/2023

Merriam resident cited for leaving 3-year-old inside running vehicle at Walmart in Shawnee Missouri 08/23/2023

RCPD searching for man who reportedly exposed himself at Kansas Walmart 08/23/2023

Man wanted for stealing from Middlefield Ohio Walmart 08/23/2023

Body found near Dry Ridge Walmart, Kentucky State Police say 08/24/2023

DRY RIDGE, Ky. — A man's body was found in a wooded area near a Dry Ridge Walmart Thursday afternoon.

Kentucky State Police said they received a call about a body found just before 3:30 p.m. on Ferguson Boulevard near a Walmart Supercenter. KSP Sgt. Bernis Napier said the body was difficult to spot because of the tree line and bushes on the road.

Officials believe the body had been there for multiple days and, because of the recent heatwave, had been decaying faster than normal. KSP is investigating. At this time there is no cause of death. Complete article

LAST CHANCE I work at Walmart & always give shoppers chance to stop stealing with anti-theft trick, they still ask a stupid question 08/25/2023

A WALMART worker has told how she gives shoppers the chance to be honest if she suspects them of stealing items.

The supermarket staffer warned that persistent offenders risk consequences.

TikToker Becca (@becemo) said she pauses self-checkout kiosks if she suspects that shoppers are stealing goods.

She told how shoppers who repeatedly try to steal are hauled into the store’s offices and are quizzed.

Becca criticized shoppers who ask her so-called stupid questions when they are being probed.

Some of the questions that she alluded to, include: “Am I banned for life,” and “Are you calling the cops?” Complete article

Five signs your workplace might be turning into a cult 03/10/2020

Cult-like, corrupt and Christian conservative: Inside the campus group creating Wal-Mart managers 02/26/2014

Is Your Corporate Culture Cultish? 05/10/2019

This is the weird cult-like video that Walmart uses to convince employees not to join unions. 05/24/2015

Cultural Kool-Aid Creates Cult-Like Commitment: The Sam Walton Way 09/15/2016

Man goes viral with claims they found bugs in Walmart brand seasoning 08/25/2023

A Man on TikTok has gone viral after uploading a video claiming they found bugs inside of their Walmart brand seasoning bottle.

With over a billion monthly users on TikTok, there’s no telling what could show up on your For You Page.

Some of the most viral content, though, shares wild experiences that users have with food and restaurants. For example, one Taco Bell worker went viral after claiming he was forced to serve expired food.

TikToker RT_hemi345 is the latest to go viral with a food-related video, this time with claims they found bugs inside of a Walmart brand seasoning bottle.

Virla video claims to find bugs in Walmart Paprika

Posted on August 21, 2023, RT-hemi345’s video shows them dumping out an open bottle of Walmart branded Paprika seasoning, showing the expiration date in the process.

“This is getting out of hand. The seasoning isn’t expired as you can see. Something told me to look in the seasoning before adding it to my food and look at this,” they said. Complete article

Former employees sue Lubbock Tx. Walmart for discrimination and harassment 08/25/2023

LUBBOCK, Texas – Six former Lubbock Walmart employees filed a lawsuit Monday against the company for claims of racial discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

All six plaintiffs in the case are African American and claimed that they experienced harassment and discrimination from their white and Hispanic coworkers and managers, the lawsuit said.

Tykulia Moore was hired by Walmart in 2017 as a stocker and claimed she faced unfair treatment from managers and other employees.

One employee would constantly and regularly use the “n” word, according to the lawsuit. Moore brought the issue to managers several times and they shrugged it off, the lawsuit said. One employee, who was later promoted to human resources, heard the employee using the slur and did nothing to stop it. Complete article

Who I’m Hurting By Shopping At Walmart 08/23/2023

Every week, I go onto Walmart’s website and order a bunch of groceries to be delivered to my house and then feel a little bit guilty.

Walmart is a multi-billion dollar corporation with headquarters more than 1,000 miles from my home; the money I spend there goes to shareholders and executives who live far away, instead of to my local grocery store, Key Food, an 86-year-old co-op of independently owned stores based near my home in New York. By shopping at Walmart, I am likely contributing to the demise of the independently-owned grocery store, which is disappearing across the country. .....

There’s a law on the books—1936’s Robinson-Patman Act—that essentially says suppliers in any industry can’t give lower prices and special deals to big chain stores if it costs the same to serve them as other stores. The law also says retailers can’t try and bully suppliers into giving those discounts.

But because Walmart and dollar stores are so huge, representing a big part of a supplier’s business, they’re able to extract deals and low prices from suppliers, according to Small Business Rising and the Main Street Competition Coalition, two groups of independent business owners making their case in Congressional hearings and television ads. The pandemic highlighted just how unfairly Walmart can wield its power, the small businesses are telling regulators, because it was able to demand that suppliers stock its shelves when competitors weren’t able to get the same products for weeks or months. It’s not just groceries; independent pharmacies, book stores, auto parts stores, and other types of retailers are also struggling on an uneven playing field, they say. ......

Walmart dominates U.S. grocery spending.

Share of grocery market dollars spent in the last year 25% (See chart in article.) Complete article

NewRoad Capital Partners hires former Walmart exec Bob Arvin 08/25/2023

Rogers firm NewRoad Capital Partners, Arkansas’ largest private equity fund, has hired Bob Arvin as a strategic advisor. According to a news release Thursday (Aug. 24), Arvin brings NewRoad’s roster to six operating partners and eight strategic advisors.

“I am excited to have Bob join our strategic advisor team,” NewRoad partner Tracy Black said in the release. “He will bring a fresh perspective to how we think about reverse logistics and the sustainability needs of the industry.”

NewRoad invests in high-growth supply chain and logistics, retail and marketing technology companies. Complete article

That post you’ve seen about sex traffickers abducting kids from Walmart? Officials say it’s a hoax 08/23/2023

Sheriff’s Office searching for person suspected of Leland NC Walmart financial fraud, larceny 08/23/2023

Springfield Police searching for suspects in Hy-Vee, Ill. Walmart thefts 08/24/2023

Benton Arkansas police seek public's help in identifying Walmart fishing reels thief 08/24/2023

Man denied taking video up a woman's skirt at Wisc. Walmart, but evidence speaks against him 08/24/2023

‘It makes you not even wanna shop that long at Walmart’: Shopper says ‘floor walkers’ at Walmart monitor his every move 08/25/2023

'I make direct eye contact and stare because I know.'

Is Walmart engaging in a loss prevention tactic with a name that sounds like it comes straight out of a post-apocalyptic zombie show?

That’s what TikToker @bigbagspenny616 is claiming in a viral TikTok that’s accrued over 361,000 views as of Friday.

The creator states that whenever he shops at Walmart, he’s subjected to the judgmental eyes of “floor walkers” who “discriminate” against him simply because of how he looks. The TikToker rocks a large neck tattoo in his video and in other TikToks, it’s clear that the ink is part of a larger piece that extends to much of his body.

TikToker @bigbagspenny616 delineates his claim behind the “floor walkers” of Walmart, explaining why he thinks this phenomenon is a very real, very concentrated effort on behalf of the chain’s loss prevention department.

“Guys, something I want to talk to you about is loss prevention at Walmart and floor walkers. You ever noticed how when you get to Walmart there’s always a ton of cars there, no matter what time you go there?” he says in the clip. “That’s not ’cause people are in there shopping, even though when you get in there there is a lot of people shopping. They got a bunch of people in there that aren’t even shopping—they’re just following you around to see if you’ll steal.” Complete article

‘I don’t buy meat from anywhere that doesn’t have an onsite butcher’: Shopper says Walmart was still selling meat that had turned brown 08/27/2023

A user on TikTok is calling out Walmart after seeing raw meat that had turned brown still for sale on the store’s shelves.

In a video with over 88,000 views as of Sunday, TikTok user Allisha Riley (@listwithallishanext) shows rows of ground beef and other beef products at Walmart. Many of the items have turned brown.

“This why I don’t buy meat from @walmart They don’t care about selling this sh*t,” she writes in the text overlaying the video. In the caption, she adds, “@Walmart Dont care about us! Walking by and seeing this brown ish…”

While raw brown meat may look unpleasant, it can still be safe to eat.

“Oxygen reacts with myoglobin (a protein found in muscles), causing the meat to darken,” food scientist Brittany Towers tells SimplyRecipes.

As a result, the color of meat is not the best indicator of whether the meat is safe to eat. Instead, experts advise using all of one’s senses to inspect the meat. As Towers puts it, “As long as ground beef isn’t slimy or doesn’t smell bad the color doesn’t matter.” Complete article

‘I got pointed for going to my friend’s funeral’: Walmart worker says they get penalized for ‘anything’ 08/27/2023

'I got 3 points for visiting my grandma for her bday.'

A user on TikTok has sparked discussion after discussing their Walmart job’s penalization system.

For context, Walmart employs a point system to keep track of employee behavior. Often, these points are given to employees if they are tardy—however, internet users claim that workers can receive points for a variety of time-related infractions, such as missing shifts or failing to call in. If one receives over five points, they can be fired.

Now, a user on TikTok has inspired conversation after recounting their own experience with the point system. In a video with over 2.7 million views as of Sunday, TikTok user Adore (@_adormethyst) writes, “Working at Walmart is not for the weak .you get a point for anything.”

In the caption, the TikToker adds, “I havent been here a month and im already at 2.5.”

Commenters were quick to share their own stories of Walmart point accumulation, with many alleging that points were doled out unfairly.

“I got a point for not giving them a weeks notice for going to my grandpas funeral (he died 4 days prior to funeral),” a user claimed.

“I got points for taking a medical week off and it added up to me getting fired,” another stated. “Worked there for 3 months.”

“They can notice I have 4.5 points but not that I’m missing 2 hours of pay?” questioned another user. Complete article

‘I only wanted 2’: Walmart customer accidentally ends up with 240 eggs delivered to her house 08/27/2023

One of the perils of modern life is making an online order resulting in getting more of a food item than you’re expecting—sometimes much, more more.

That’s the experience of a Walmart customer who was expecting far less than the 240 eggs she ordered.

The video documenting what happened comes from the sister of the customer, TikTok creator Kristen Marie, who notes in her on-screen caption, “My sister ordered 240 eggs to my house from Walmart.” Complete article

Hopkinsville Ky. Woman Charged With Walmart Shoplifting 08/25/2023

Ill. WalMart Closed Due to Internet Issues 08/26/2023

5 Years After Admitting to Dropping $70,000 at Walmart, Shaquille O’Neal Hilariously ‘Steals’ Jewelry from a Store 08/26/2023 Shaquille O’Neal gets caught while trying to ‘steal’ jewelry Shaquille O’Neal recently visited Johnny Dang, a famous Vietnamese-American jeweler, to purchase some new bling. While Dang was busy with the billing, Shaq slyly slipped a silver chain in his front pocket. After handing the NBA icon back his card, the Texas-based jeweler asked him to return the chain. Unfortunately for the big man, Dang caught him flicking the chain. Take a look at the incident in the reel uploaded by hotfreestyle.

SHOP SHOCK Ex-Walmart CEO warns shoppers are ‘confused’ and more likely to stay home as fear of rising prices sweeps America 08/25/2023

Man Found With Illegal Weapon During Arrest At NY Walmart 08/28/2023

Officers from the Cortland County Sheriff’s Office responded to Walmart in Cortlandville on Saturday, August 26th around 4:30 for a reported larceny that had occurred.

During the investigation, officers determined 25 year old Lucas A. Cortez of Cortland, had stolen merchandise from the store while in the presence of a child. During a search, Cortez was also found to be in possession of an illegal weapon.

Cortez is facing charges of Petit Larceny, Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the 4th, and Endangering the Welfare of a Child, all Misdemeanors. He was taken to the Sheriff’s Office where he was processed, arraigned, and later released on his own recognizance. Complete article

Pampa Tx. Police Searching for Individual Involved in Disturbing Incident at Walmart 08/28/2023

We all hear stories of possible child abduction in stores everywhere else. We rarely hear of stories of random men stalking a person in a store who has a small child, happening in our backyard.

It is happening and happening EVERYWHERE.

Especially in our cities and towns. This particular instance happened at the Walmart in Pampa. If it is happening in Pampa, it is happening in Amarillo, Canyon, Borger, Hereford, etc. Everywhere.

A mother was shopping with her young child in the basket. She did notice a man on the aisle with her without a basket looking at items. Then it happened, she turned her head for a second and a man tried to grab her child.
While at the Walmart in Pampa my two-year-old and I were in between the dairy section and the coffee when I turned to look for my friend . When I tell you I had only looked away for half a second I mean it happened that fast. I looked back at my child and a man was literally reaching to grab her. Immediately when I turned towards her he bolted. I ran towards my friend and told her to get away from this man. I still wasn’t registering what had just happened and questioned if my eyes were just deceiving me or I was being paranoid.

Fast forward to her standing in the self-checkout line and the man was there again watching her. The employees were alerted to the man and escorted him from the building before the police arrived, so the man got away. Complete article This is partly exagerated; incidents like this happen occassionally, but child custody disputes with known family members are much more common, although they only get a fraction of the media coverage.

Car crashes into Walmart in Port Arthur Tx. 08/27/2023

PORT ARTHUR — A car left a gaping hole after crashing into a Walmart in Port Arthur.

The crash happened around noon on Sunday at the store on Highway 69.

Port Arthur Fire Department Chief Greg Benson told KFDM/FOX 4 that the driver, who was in a black Kia, may have suffered a medical condition before crashing into the store. Complete article

‘I’m not about to do that. … Max ill scan is 10 items’: Walmart worker flames customer who asked him to scan items in cart to check price 08/27/2023

In the bustling world of retail, navigating demanding or inconsiderate customers is often par for the course.

Recently, a TikTok video by a Walmart employee gives a candid glimpse into such challenges. In the video, he recounts an encounter with a customer insistent on having him scan more than “100 items” — merely to check their prices.

The video, shared by Ray (.ray_mtz03), captures the worker’s surprise after the customer in the electronics section approached him. “She called me over and she’s like, ‘Hey, can you help me scan all these items?’” he recalls. His natural question followed: “Are you gonna pay for it?”

It turns out the customer just wanted to check the price of each item. Ray says he suggested the customer could use Walmart’s app to check prices, but she claimed she didn’t bring her phone. Ray isn’t convinced she was telling the whole truth. Complete article

‘Never trust the price tag’: Walmart shopper shares hack for finding actual price on clearance items 08/28/2023

In a viral video, a popular TikToker shares how she finds out the “real” price of clearance items.

In the clip, Kayla (@couponwithkayla) appears to be filming in the clearance section of the beauty aisle at Walmart. She shows a few skincare items that are on sale, including a facial mist, exfoliating tonic, and face mask.

They all have yellow sale tickets labeled with what most people would think is the current sale price. But Kayla says shoppers shouldn’t take that price at face value.

“This is your reminder to check the prices even if there’s a clearance sticker,” Kayla says.

She proceeds to scan the item’s barcode with the Walmart app. The face balm that has a sticker price of $10.03 is actually all the way down to $3.44. Complete article

Students: Dream Big With P&G and Walmart 08/28/2023

The Sam M. Walton College of Business and Always brand invite students to attend Always Dreaming! — a speaking event with inspiring talks and valuable advice from female business leaders, including U of A alumnae, on achieving career aspirations. Hear from business leaders from Walmart and Procter & Gamble from 6 - 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29, in Willard J. Walker Hall (WJWH) room 218.

The 45-minute speaker portion of the event will feature a keynote speech about how to live your dreams, networking tips and tricks, and an "ask me anything'" question and answer session with several accomplished local professionals.

Heavy appetizers and drinks will be provided after the event, along with Always Dreaming merchandise for the first 100 attendees. Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired and empowered! Register now on Handshake. Complete article

Tenn. Walmart bomb threat 08/26/2023

Transient Socked With Felony After Stealing From Cheyenne Wyoming Walmart 08/25/2023

Coaldale man arrested for $163 retail theft at Rush Township Pa. Walmart 08/27/2023

No explosive found after bomb threat at Tx. Walmart at 4th & Frankford on Sunday 08/27/2023

Police: Shoplifter caught at Pa. Walmart Supercenter 08/27/2023

Hagerstown Md. Walmart evacuated Monday night due to hazmat incident 08/29/2023

'Cowboy' draws stampede of law enforcement to upstate New York Walmart 08/29/2023

Ashopper dressed up as a cowboy with a pistol caused a disturbance at the Seneca Falls Walmart Sunday night. Town Police Chief Timothy A. Snyder said in a news release that a person dressed in cowboy attire entered the premises with a gun visibly strapped to their leg. The sighting prompted an immediate response from law enforcement and store management, leading to a temporary evacuation of the store.

After a thorough search of the store, a review of security camera footage and an interview with the “Cowboy," Snyder said, police determined that the gun carried by the individual was indeed a fake, alleviating concerns about public safety. The shopper had attended an event earlier in the day that had apparently inspired their choice of attire, resembling a character out of the Old West.

However, Snyder continued, "In today’s environment, the sight of any firearm, even if it turns out to be a replica, understandably raises alarm. Seneca Falls Police would like to remind the public to exercise caution and consider the potential impact of their actions, even in the context of costumes or themed attire." Complete article

Dilworth Minn. Walmart employee awarded for saving a dog out of a burning vehicle 08/29/2023

DILWORTH, Minn. (Valley News Live) - Dilworth Police say around 7:00pm on June 29th, they received a call for a truck fire at Walmart by the fire service center. Emergency crews say when they got to the fire, the truck was fully engulfed in flames and that a utility trailer full of combustible construction supplies was very close by.

Investigators quickly learned that a Walmart employee, Christopher Wootton of Moorhead, could smell burning, so he ran out of the building with a fire extinguisher to try to put out the flames, but the fire was too large. Instead, Dilworth Police say Wootton was able to get inside of the vehicle during the fire to rescue a dog that was inside.

“We believe that due to his heroic efforts of this alert employee, he not only saved the life of the dog, he also was able to prevent greater damage to the work trailer and the building itself.” said Dilworth Police. Complete article

‘The only time they can legally stop you is if they have 100% proof on camera’: Former Walmart worker says you don’t have to show greeters your receipt 08/28/2023

'Just say have a nice day loudly and confidently over them asking and keep walking.'

A former Walmart employee and TikToker named Krista (@kristajaycams) claims that customers don’t have to subject themselves to receipt checks when exiting the store.

Walmart receipt disputes pop up all the time—but while most customers will hand over their receipt when asked for one, there are many who feel strongly about not being obligated to do so and they often end up on social media to let others know that they can do the same.

Krista, who has previously been featured on the Daily Dot after she had an interaction with a rude customer at Whole Foods, captions her latest video, “I went through walmart training. They literally tell you not to check receipt[s] as we legally cant…”

In the clips, she speaks directly into the camera, stating, “I don’t know who needs to hear this but the only person that can legally stop you at Walmart on your way out is loss prevention. And the only time that they can legally stop you is if they have 100% proof on camera that you were stealing or doing something that you were not supposed to be doing.” Complete article

Walmart cuts pharmacist pay, hours while workload piles up 08/29/2023

Walmart is asking some of its 16,000 pharmacists across the U.S. to voluntarily take pay cuts and reduce their working hours in a bid to reduce costs, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters. The cuts, which haven’t been previously reported and are aimed at pharmacists in higher wage brackets, highlight the new pressures at Walmart pharmacies, where shoppers are lining up to buy top-selling weight-loss drugs that are high priced but a drag on profits.

Walmart also agreed in late 2022 to pay $3.1 billion as its share of an opioid-related legal settlement, which is adding to its legal costs this year.

At a meeting in May, senior Walmart field leadership asked 20 market leaders — directors of 10 to 15 stores in an area — to start asking pharmacists to voluntarily reduce their base salary hours, the source, who attended the meeting, told Reuters. For example, a pharmacist could go from an 80-hour, two-week pay period to one lasting 64 or 72 hours, the source said.

The market leaders who attended the meeting represented Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Louisiana, though the move was presented as a nationwide one, the person said. Complete article

Walmart and Other Drug Stores Want to Help You Skip Trips to the Doctor 08/29/2023

Retailers are using new state laws to expand into patient care

Lobbying fight heats up as Congress considers federal changes

Walmart Inc., Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. and CVS Health Corp. are rolling out new care options normally only available at doctor’s offices.

Testing and treatment services for strep throat, flu and Covid-19 are now available from Walmart pharmacists in 12 states, the company said in a statement Tuesday. Walgreens will soon have a similar offering across 13 states. And CVS pharmacists will evaluate symptoms and prescribe flu antiviral medicine and cough Complete article

Walmart pharmacists now treating some ailments in stores 08/31/2023

‘Can y’all stop doing this? We are trying to clean up and go home’: Walmart worker blasts customers who enter at 8:01 08/29/2023

‘They act like people that work retail don’t have lives.’

A Walmart employee went viral on TikTok for blasting customers who attempt to enter the retail giant after it’s already closed.

Shacora (@cokillaa), the worker, posted the video where she showed viewers how she treats patrons who engage in this kind of behavior. In her clip, which had over 1.2 million views as of Tuesday morning, Shacora recorded herself at the Walmart exit checking a customer’s receipt. As she’s doing this, another shopper started walking into the store.

“Sir, sir, the store is closed,” she said. The customer insisted, however, that they just needed to “get one thing.”

Shacora didn’t budge.

“The store is closed,” she repeated. Complete article

‘They out here using ziploc bags’: Customer shows Walmart selling $15 pack of socks in a Ziploc bag 08/29/2023

'Ain't nobody buying those.'

In a recent TikTok video, Connor (@cbsheets) is in a Walmart showing a pack of socks in a Ziploc bag, hanging from the sock rack to note that it’s for sale.

The 9-second video with over 48,000 views has an overlay that reads, “They out here using ziploc bags.” The caption says, “Never in my life.”

“Never in my life have I seen some sh*t like this,” she says, turning the bag to show a barcode and a $14.99 price—even without the original packaging.

There were a lot of theories on the pack of socks. One person wrote: “They caught somebody stealing it, and they took the wrapper off of it, and now they’re reselling it.” Complete article

Mt. Laurel NJ Police Seek Walmart Parking Lot Purse Thief 08/29/2023

Westfield Mass. Police searching for suspect who allegedly used elderly woman’s stolen credit card 08/29/2023

Belton woman indicted for robbery at West Temple Tx. Walmart 08/25/2023

Rock Springs Man Changes Plea to No Contest in Wyoming Walmart Theft Case, Receives Probation 08/28/2023

Man accused of punching Chehalis Wash. Walmart employee in the face charged with robbery 08/29/2023

An Onalaska man accused of punching a Chehalis Walmart employee repeatedly in the face after refusing to pay for $28 worth of items on Saturday has been charged with one count of first-degree robbery.

The defendant, identified as David William Day, 39, was reportedly in the self-checkout area of the Walmart on Louisiana Avenue in Chehalis with a woman when the incident occurred on Saturday, Aug. 26. Day reportedly “became agitated” because the Walmart app left a balance of $28 to pay for the items in their cart and, when a Walmart employee moved to pull Day’s cart away, he allegedly “punched her multiple times in the face, causing observable injuries,” according to court documents. The woman then allegedly took the cart and left the store with Day.

“They did not pay the remainder of the balance for the items in their cart,” according to court documents.

With help from Walmart loss prevention, the Chehalis Police Department identified Day and the woman from security footage of the incident, according to court documents.

When questioned by a Chehalis officer over the phone, Day reportedly said “he was at Walmart when an employee came up to him and assaulted him.” He said “the employee tried to steal the cart full of items he had and that he only owed ‘$9,’” and added, “the employee had assaulted him and that he hit the employee in self-defense,” according to court documents. Complete article

Thief Finds Unsecured E-Bike in Front of Ca. Walmart, AirTag Helps Recover the Stolen Wheels 08/30/2023

The incident happened in Temecula, where a teenager parked her e-bike in front of a Walmart store without securing the vehicle. A thief spotted the e-bike and walked away with it without thinking that the owner may have placed a tracking device on it.

Fortunately for the young e-bike enthusiast, the vehicle was equipped with an AirTag, so the owner could locate it in real-time. The Southwest Sheriff's Station says in a Facebook post that the bike's owner contacted the police, so the CORE (Community Outreach Resources and Engagement) team rapidly started the search for the vehicle.

It didn't take long until the deputies located the e-bike, based on information from the AirTag, at a home on Wildwood Court. However, they couldn't just break into the house, as they needed a warrant. A few hours later, they received the go-ahead. Complete article

‘Yes we paid for it at checkout’: Walmart shoppers open wine and ‘shop while sipping,’ sparking questions about store policy 08/30/2023

If you hate running errands, like shopping at Walmart, and are thinking of a way to liven it up, you might want to follow one creator’s lead and turn it into a girl’s wine night to kill two birds with one stone.

TikTok creator @vonnasosolid1’s recently uploaded footage of the idea in a viral clip that’s accrued over 210,000 views. But the question remains: are folks allowed to crack open a bottle of wine before they paid for it, inside of a store, and enjoy it from the comfort of their shopping cart?

In a caption for the post, the TikToker writes: “A time was had in Walmart. Yes, we opened wine & shopped while sipping. & yes we paid for it at checkout lol.”

The video shows a woman pouring an open bottle of Barefoot wine into a red cup as her friends enjoy sipping on the beverage while shopping. Complete article

Bearded Man Files Discrimination Complaint After Walmart Employee Allegedly Questions His Presence In Ladies' Restroom 08/30/2023

A transgender customer who uses “he/they” pronouns filed a discrimination complaint against a Walmart in Montreal, Canada, after an employee allegedly questioned him for using the women’s restroom.

The customer, Seth Day, who has a beard and appears masculine, told CTV News he doesn’t “identify as a man or woman, sort of somewhere in between,” according to a report published Monday.

Day said he needed to use the bathroom during an Aug. 25 shopping trip, so he went into the women’s restroom. An unnamed employee then allegedly confronted Day after he emerged from women’s bathroom.

The employee, who Day said was an assistant manager, repeatedly asked Day what his sex was and told him he’d made other customers uncomfortable by using the women’s restroom, CTV reported.

“To which I responded that there was no gender-neutral bathroom or family bathroom,” Day said. “What bathroom am I supposed to use, then? What about my comfort as a client?” Complete article

‘I get road rage in Walmart’: Viewers defend shopper who blasts customers for standing still in store’s aisles 08/29/2023

One TikToker has come out to say that the blissfully unaware shoppers dawdling in the aisles of Walmart can really impede the customer experience.

Ahmad Hall (@theahmadhall) dropped a video venting his frustration towards folks standing around in the middle of the aisle at Walmart. The video has already amassed more than 906,000 views, and over 62,000 likes.

“Why y’all out here doing this?! ” reads the video caption. In it, Ahmad speaks into his camera while moving his cart through the aisles.

“People literally just stand in the middle of the aisle and think you’re supposed to go around,” he tells his viewers. “I will run over you with the Walmart shopping cart.”

Many viewers chimed in to let Ahmad know that his words were practically gospel.

“Yes!! I get cart rage in Walmart!!” one person wrote in response. Complete article

STORE FEARS Walmart introduces brand new shopping cart sparking backlash from customers who say it leaves them exposed to thieves 08/29/2023

WALMART has unveiled a new and improved shopping cart - but not all customers are happy with them.

The retail giant sparked backlash after testing its new design last month.

A Walmart in Mayfield, Kentucky posted a video on its Facebook page, highlighting the benefits of the new cart.

"They are equipped with a phone holder, cup holder, and are slightly taller for a more comfortable shopping experience," the video's caption read.

"Come take a test drive today! Only found locally at your Mayfield Walmart #430."

The big reveal received mixed reviews from shoppers, with some suggesting the carts would be more prone to theft. .....

Shoppers found that once they walked a few feet away from the retailer, the cart suddenly stopped.

This was due to the cart's new wheels that wirelessly locked up once the cart was moved up to 40feet away from the store.

This was implemented due to the fact that over 2million carts were stolen each year, costing stores like Walmart millions of dollars. Complete article

SHUT DOWN Full list of major stores closing this year in ‘retail apocalypse’ with Walmart & Best Buy among those shuttering 1,000s 08/31/2023

RETAILERS have announced thousands of store closures this year as economic uncertainty continues to fuel the so-called retail apocalypse.

Best Buy, Walmart, and Walgreens are all among a growing list of shuttered brick-and-mortar locations. .....

Walmart continues to outpace the competition with its online options and high-tech self-checkout services, but that doesn't mean every story is thriving.

Around 22 locations have shuttered so far this year due to underperforming sales and increasing retail crime. Complete article

South Dakota woman, 30, admits inventing her rape report after cops caught HER buying rope from Walmart that she claimed she was tied up with - because she wanted a free STD test after cheating on her husband 08/28/2023

Mount Vernon Wash. 17-year-old sentenced in July 2022 Walmart shooting 08/28/2023

$100,000 lottery ticket sold at Walmart SuperCenter in Green Bay Wisc. 08/28/2023

Community remembers react to Vine City Ga. Walmart reopening after being set on fire twice 08/22/2023 The Historic Westside Village is getting its Walmart back after the original one was set on fire twice in 2022. The latest incident, in December, caused the store to close. Now, a new one is set to open up in May 2024.

Walmart will close Norwalk Conn. store in November; Target expected to move into Connecticut Ave spot 08/30/2023

Suspect in murder outside Somersworth NH Walmart, in July, evaluated for competency to stand trial 08/30/2023

Suspect in Nov. 2022 Queensbury NY Walmart shooting pleads guilty 08/31/2023

Investigation opened after cash stolen from registers at Manhattan Kansas Walmart 08/31/2023

Man arrested for felony shoplifting after allegedly stealing lighters, other items from Buckhannon WV Walmart 08/31/2023

Newsletter: Walmart hides security tag under steak 08/31/2023

Sheriff – Two Arrested For Stealing At NY Walmart 08/31/2023

Kansas Walmart evacuated Tuesday after filling with smoke 08/30/2023

Shoplifting suspect nabbed at Tenn. Walmart 08/30/2023

Woman Found Guilty for Stealing Over $6,000 in Merchandise from Wyoming Walmart 08/31/2023

Suspects stole $14K in iPhones from Bellmead Tx. Walmart, police say 08/31/2023

North Lincoln Nebraska Walmart evacuated due to faulty refrigeration unit 08/31/2023