Walmart had at least fourteen more shootings in March of 2022, including five resulting in one death each, and four more significant injuries, including one to a second victim from one of the fatal shootings, and another to someone that was shot before crashing into a house after leaving Walmart which resulted in direct and indirect injuries. All of these deaths are considered murder, and none of the shootings were officer related, which is very unusual. This month was originally reported with only twelve shootings; however, the kidnapping that resulted in a death turned out to be a murder with a fire arm, and even though it's unlikely she was shot at Walmart, it's likely that she was kidnapped at gun point, and the incident began at Walmart; and there was another shooting that wasn't reported until five weeks later. There was also another shooting involving a BB gun that did damage to cars, in addition to the real shootings.
They also had close to a dozen, if not more, other gun related crimes, although minor ones may not get much if any media coverage. These include several petty arguments, robberies, and one case where a Walmart worker accidentally left a stolen gun in groceries he delivered for Walmart, and came back for it the next day.
In addition to the four people killed in shootings, there were three people killed in separate auto accidents, one body found in a car, and one person that was kidnapped from Walmart in the middle of the month and her body was found at the end of the month confirming she died, bringing the total dead to at least nine. There were also two deaths related to an aromatherapy which actually happened earlier than last month. One of these auto deaths wasn't reported until almost two weeks after the accident when the person died, which is a reminder that even many major accidents or other incidents aren't being reported promptly, if at all so the crime at Walmart is almost certainly much higher; so are the deaths, since many don't get reported for weeks if not months later, and often don't mention Walmart.
Walmart also had at least five major fires, including at least two that were arson and, perhaps their biggest fire even that burned for two days. This fire in an Indiana distribution center is still under investigation and they still don't know the cause, but something is suspicious about it, since virtually all their fires are put out much quicker. There has also been some follow up news about several previous fires in Mississippi or Alabama, that were started by an organization demanding better rights for workers, including an alleged bomb vest they intended to use to rob a bank, which never happened. There's no claims that they're connected to other arsons, that I know of, but it's hard to rule it out, including the Indiana fire, although they didn't contribute to a major increase in arsons, since they've been rising steadily for years, and they didn't go down after they were caught. Some of these arsons have been to distract from thefts, and one from last month led to looting, another one from previous months was allegedly done for a viral video.
Also the tax payers are getting stuck with the majority of the bill for dealing with the Indiana fire, since Walmart negotiated a sweetheart deal while Mike Pence was still governor, so they paid very little taxes, and the deal is secret, so we don't know how much, if any went to local police or fire departments. Property tax breaks like this are very common across the country, including one in Raytown Missouri which left the town unable to afford police dealing with Walmart's high crime problem, and perhaps another one in Florida last month where they extended tax breaks because Walmart kept a promise about creating jobs, but there's no guarantee that they didn't eliminate more jobs from their competitors, which is very common.
There is an incredible double standard for those caught committing petty crimes at Walmart, including a judge and a former city councilor that both got caught shoplifting at the self-checkout lane, and had their wrists slapped in the past two months. The judge apparently also acted in a racist manner in a separate traffic stop where he was initially let go, until he demanded that the African American be disciplined and they reviewed the video. The councilor had his charges dropped despite the evidence that is stronger than other cases of false allegations, and he claimed this was evidence of innocence, although it looks more like preferential treatment.
In a rare occasion that hardly gets any media coverage there's a protest organized by a union in Cancun for unpaid bonuses that were promised to them. There's an enormous amount of media coverage about petty theft against Walmart, but very little about how they bust unions or wage theft which is as common, if not much more common, at least in traditional media. Some labor unions cover it, but not nearly enough, and when they do, they get no help from much wealthier media outlets to draw attention to it. There's also news about an absurd effort they're making to stop people from impersonating workers to steal by changing their uniform, which, at best, will only last a few weeks, if that before thieves start stealing or buying these vests.
Another police department in Ohio has reported that Walmart has far more crime than any other area; there have been dozens if not hundreds of police departments making reports like this over the years, sometimes, like after a Bloomberg report in 2016, these reports increase, often coming out at least two or three times per month from different police departments, other times, possibly under pressure, these reports slow down. On several occasions, after meeting behind closed doors, police departments have claimed there are changes and Walmart is cooperating, but those changes rarely, if ever impact much. Police apparently have good reason to want them to address the root causes of violence, including the fact that they regularly get attacked while addressing calls there, including one shoplifter that attacked them with a baseball bat last month and another that bit an officer as well.
They even had an attempted rape of a customer in the store last month, other customers came to her defense and beat him up before he was arrested. There was another fight at the checkout lane involving three people, a man who barricaded himself inside the store, a magician who slipped money up his sleeve and told the cashiers they short changed him to get more, and a SWAT team that used chemical irritants to arrest someone for a minor event, that probably could have been handled without special weapons and tactics.
One of their own pharmacy technicians was caught stealing drugs from a patient; and another customer went viral saying he never pays full price for meat. The implication seemed to be that he put false labels to get lower prices; I'm not sure I would confess on social media, since Walmart has a history of pressing charges under those circumstances.
In addition to the three people killed in accidents, there were close to a dozen, if not much more major accidents, police chases, hit and runs, stolen vehicles, and other auto crimes, including several pedestrians that were hit, or dragged or other incidents.
Walmart also had at least four stabbings last month, including two major assaults from employees against other employees; one of these was reported in various news outlets across the country, but probably still only noticed by a small fraction of the public, and the other was hardly covered at all. There were no reports of attempted stabbings or threats, but they almost always happen and may not be reported consistently.
Walmart also had a variety of other crimes, including resisting arrest, drunk and disorderly, more people posing as employees or officers, more assaults, robberies,, threats, at least one more incident where an employee was pepper-sprayed, and another incident of massive fraud, which isn't as common as shoplifting, but does happen almost every month.
Walmart had at least five more major recalls, including tortilla chips, pancake and waffle mix that may have foreign objects, Gummies, bike helmets with a radio that may not be safe, and an Easter chocolate kit that isn't marked properly for some people with allergies. None of these recalls got much media attention, as usual, so few people with them probably know to return them. There was also a Florida Walmart that may not be allowed to get new food deliveries unless they deal with massive number of roaches. This happens in Walmarts around the country every year.
Walmart has been discredited as the least expensive grocer by one media outlet, in one region, and from personal experience I can say other regions, including mine, also have better grocers that are less expensive, and numerous reports show that Walmart has never been the most reliable source for perishable goods. They're also constantly involved in one lawsuit after another for many reasons, this month that includes at least one alleged wrongful death. Since they can use a portion of every dollar customers give them for legal expenses or political activity they routinely have a massive advantage in the courts; if citizens are going to have any chance, publicity often helps.
Scammers have installed skimmers to credit card machines which enable them to steal card numbers for close to, if not more than 8,000 cards in at least six different states. There's no word on if Walmart or the card issuers will secure these cards so customers aren't accountable for false charges; but Walmart has a long history of refusing responsibility unless they have no choice.
At least two more Walmart workers or former workers have gone viral again disclosing which is the worst department to work on or why you shouldn't bother asking for help. Apparently they're trained just to read the box to answer questions, and often make excuses to avoid helping you, sometimes promising help from someone else that will never show up, and many of them don't care, since they don't get paid enough. There was also a Walmart worker that admitted he didn't try to stop shoplifters, especially for baby items, since they're so expensive and low income parents have enough trouble affording kids.
And of course there's the rats or other animals visiting the stores.
A Tortilla Rat Meme apparently went viral after it was spotted at a Walmart in Ohio eating Tortilla's; but there have been many more animals found in or around Walmart, including other rats, although smaller mice and birds are much more common. Deer, snakes, bears, alligators and many other animals, including even horses have all also been spotted at Walmart although most larger animals usually don't get into the stores, but there have been some exceptions.
Strange things happen at Walmart!
In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.
Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in March 2022. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.
Man shot, killed outside of Clarksville Tenn. Walmart 03/02/2022
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A 55-year-old man was shot and killed outside a Walmart store in Clarksville late Tuesday night.
Just before midnight, officers responded to a shooting in progress call at the Walmart on 1680 Fort Campbell Boulevard. Once on scene, officers located William Eakes Jr. at the entrance of the Walmart. He had been shot multiple times.
According to Clarksville police, Eakes was transported to Tennova Hospital and later pronounced deceased.
Officers soon located the suspect, 42-year-old Christopher Clark, coming out of the woods behind a nearby Planet Fitness. Complete article
Update: Man accused of fatally shooting Clarksville Walmart employee after stealing drink, chips 03/03/2022
Family remembers man killed in shooting at Clarksville Walmart 03/10/2022
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A 55-year-old man was shot and killed outside a Walmart store in Clarksville late Tuesday night.
Just before midnight, officers responded to a shooting in progress call at the Walmart on 1680 Fort Campbell Boulevard. Once on scene, officers located William Eakes Jr. at the entrance of the Walmart. He had been shot multiple times.
According to Clarksville police, Eakes was transported to Tennova Hospital and later pronounced deceased.
Officers soon located the suspect, 42-year-old Christopher Clark, coming out of the woods behind a nearby Planet Fitness. Complete article
Update: Man accused of fatally shooting Clarksville Walmart employee after stealing drink, chips 03/03/2022
Family remembers man killed in shooting at Clarksville Walmart 03/10/2022
Aromatherapy spray sold at Walmart contaminated with deadly bacteria, linked to 2 deaths 03/03/2022
SAN ANTONIO - Health officials are warning the public that an aromatherapy linked to several deaths contains a "rare and dangerous bacteria" and was sold in Walmart stores in San Antonio area and online.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested Walmart's Better Homes and Gardens Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones and found Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria, which can cause a potentially fatal condition called melioidosis.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the CDC has been investigating four confirmed cases of the condition in Kansas, Minnesota, Texas and Georgia, along with two deaths, including a child in Georgia.
Last year, a four-year-old Texas girl with no significant medical history was taken to her pediatrician with a fever that lasted over three days, decreased activity and appetite, as well as vomiting on one day. She was released after being told she had a viral infection. Two days later, the little girl was taken to the emergency room with a 103-degree fever where they gave her amoxicillin and sent her home. Complete article
SAN ANTONIO - Health officials are warning the public that an aromatherapy linked to several deaths contains a "rare and dangerous bacteria" and was sold in Walmart stores in San Antonio area and online.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested Walmart's Better Homes and Gardens Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones and found Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria, which can cause a potentially fatal condition called melioidosis.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the CDC has been investigating four confirmed cases of the condition in Kansas, Minnesota, Texas and Georgia, along with two deaths, including a child in Georgia.
Last year, a four-year-old Texas girl with no significant medical history was taken to her pediatrician with a fever that lasted over three days, decreased activity and appetite, as well as vomiting on one day. She was released after being told she had a viral infection. Two days later, the little girl was taken to the emergency room with a 103-degree fever where they gave her amoxicillin and sent her home. Complete article
Alleged WV Walmart walkouts lead to new ethics charge against 'distracted' judge 03/02/2022
A West Virginia judge is facing a new ethics charge alleging that he failed to pay for scanned items at a Walmart, delaying a disciplinary trial stemming from his response to a police officer who pulled him over for holding a cellphone.
The judge is Judge C. Carter Williams of Moorefield in Hardy County, West Virginia.
The West Virginia MetroNews and the West Virginia Record have stories on the allegations by the West Virginia Judicial Investigation Commission.
According to the initial ethics complaint, filed Oct. 25, Williams complained about the Moorefield, West Virginia, officer who pulled him over to a police lieutenant, the police chief, the retired police chief and the mayor.
During his interaction with the officer, he spoke in an “angry tone” and argued about the basis for the traffic stop, the ethics complaint said. Body cam video is here.
The officer had pulled Williams over in July 2021. Williams was quick to identify himself as a judge and told the officer that he was holding his cellphone because he just found it in his car after losing it. The phone was not on, he said.
The officer didn’t issue a ticket for the cellphone violation based on the direction of the police lieutenant Williams had called. A check indicated that Williams was also driving on an expired license.
The officer was African American. When complaining about the officer to supervisors, Williams referred to him as “your boy” and “one of your boys,” the ethics complaint said. Complete article
A West Virginia judge is facing a new ethics charge alleging that he failed to pay for scanned items at a Walmart, delaying a disciplinary trial stemming from his response to a police officer who pulled him over for holding a cellphone.
The judge is Judge C. Carter Williams of Moorefield in Hardy County, West Virginia.
The West Virginia MetroNews and the West Virginia Record have stories on the allegations by the West Virginia Judicial Investigation Commission.
According to the initial ethics complaint, filed Oct. 25, Williams complained about the Moorefield, West Virginia, officer who pulled him over to a police lieutenant, the police chief, the retired police chief and the mayor.
During his interaction with the officer, he spoke in an “angry tone” and argued about the basis for the traffic stop, the ethics complaint said. Body cam video is here.
The officer had pulled Williams over in July 2021. Williams was quick to identify himself as a judge and told the officer that he was holding his cellphone because he just found it in his car after losing it. The phone was not on, he said.
The officer didn’t issue a ticket for the cellphone violation based on the direction of the police lieutenant Williams had called. A check indicated that Williams was also driving on an expired license.
The officer was African American. When complaining about the officer to supervisors, Williams referred to him as “your boy” and “one of your boys,” the ethics complaint said. Complete article
Woman resists arrest at Walmart: South Euclid Ohio Police Blotter 03/02/2022
A woman became hostile with Walmart loss prevention and an off-duty officer when being detained for theft Feb. 28. She ran from the store, but was stopped by responding officers as she was entering her vehicle.
A total of $67 worth of merchandise was recovered and the Cleveland woman, 39, was found in possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.
She was charged with theft and obstructing official business. Drug charges are pending lab results.
Theft: Warrensville Center Road
Two Cleveland women, 52 and 59, were cited at Walmart for theft Feb. 26 after failing to scan groceries at a self-checkout register. Complete article
A woman became hostile with Walmart loss prevention and an off-duty officer when being detained for theft Feb. 28. She ran from the store, but was stopped by responding officers as she was entering her vehicle.
A total of $67 worth of merchandise was recovered and the Cleveland woman, 39, was found in possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.
She was charged with theft and obstructing official business. Drug charges are pending lab results.
Theft: Warrensville Center Road
Two Cleveland women, 52 and 59, were cited at Walmart for theft Feb. 26 after failing to scan groceries at a self-checkout register. Complete article
A Miami Fla. area Walmart won’t be able to get new food if it doesn’t deal with the roaches 03/02/2022
Roaches and ants ran so strongly in a South Miami-Dade Walmart grocery during a state inspection last week that the store is under threat of not being allowed to receive new food.
The Walmart Neighborhood Market at 14325 SW 268th St. in Naranja failed a Florida Department of Agriculture inspection on Feb. 23. Unlike restaurants that fail inspection, groceries, supermarkets, convenience stores and food storage places that fail inspection can remain open. But inspectors can put Stop Use Orders on areas or equipment they find with vermin, with excessive filth or that simply don’t work.
Inspector Yuko Kim dropped Stop Use Orders on a processing/repacking table and, in the bakery area, a repacking area with open foods and a large, standing bread oven. Complete article
Roaches and ants ran so strongly in a South Miami-Dade Walmart grocery during a state inspection last week that the store is under threat of not being allowed to receive new food.
The Walmart Neighborhood Market at 14325 SW 268th St. in Naranja failed a Florida Department of Agriculture inspection on Feb. 23. Unlike restaurants that fail inspection, groceries, supermarkets, convenience stores and food storage places that fail inspection can remain open. But inspectors can put Stop Use Orders on areas or equipment they find with vermin, with excessive filth or that simply don’t work.
Inspector Yuko Kim dropped Stop Use Orders on a processing/repacking table and, in the bakery area, a repacking area with open foods and a large, standing bread oven. Complete article
Customers Say This Grocery Store Is Less Expensive Than Walmart 03/01/2022
With inflation causing grocery prices to skyrocket, there's no shame in shopping around to find the best deals.
While Walmart is well known for its rollback savings and inexpensive store brands, one reporter for Business Insider decided to make a list of household staples to compare prices—and found that one grocer, in particular, is way cheaper than America's largest grocery chain.
The results are in—and in New York, ALDI is cheaper than Walmart. The reporter, Mary Meisenzahl, based in Rochester, New York, made a list of 20 grocery staples including milk, eggs, produce, cooking oils, and canned goods to compare prices at the two stores.
In terms of produce, ALDI took the win for lower prices on many items, including avocados, pineapples, and mangos. Meisenzahl also found cheaper prices in canned goods, cranberry juice, and almond milk at ALDI compared to Walmart. Complete article Demoulas Market Basket is also cheaper on most items; and Walmart is routinely rated poorer quality when it comes to perishable goods.
With inflation causing grocery prices to skyrocket, there's no shame in shopping around to find the best deals.
While Walmart is well known for its rollback savings and inexpensive store brands, one reporter for Business Insider decided to make a list of household staples to compare prices—and found that one grocer, in particular, is way cheaper than America's largest grocery chain.
The results are in—and in New York, ALDI is cheaper than Walmart. The reporter, Mary Meisenzahl, based in Rochester, New York, made a list of 20 grocery staples including milk, eggs, produce, cooking oils, and canned goods to compare prices at the two stores.
In terms of produce, ALDI took the win for lower prices on many items, including avocados, pineapples, and mangos. Meisenzahl also found cheaper prices in canned goods, cranberry juice, and almond milk at ALDI compared to Walmart. Complete article Demoulas Market Basket is also cheaper on most items; and Walmart is routinely rated poorer quality when it comes to perishable goods.
Police seek man who took items from NY Walmart 03/01/2022
Shocking New Video Shows Man Shot in Head in Orange County Ca. Walmart 03/01/2022
Lancaster woman under rings just below $200 in clothing at Pa. Walmart self check out 03/02/2022
Man arrested for exposing himself, masturbating at Gillette Wyoming Walmart 03/01/2022
Woman walks out of Walmart in Gettysburg Pa. with over $400 in unpaid stolen merchandise 03/02/2022
Walmart arson trial: Wells Fargo, Amazon might also have been targets 03/03/2022 A hearing on Wednesday didn’t immediately resolve whether defendants in a series of Walmart arson attacks will be released pending trial, but it did reveal some new elements of the case -- including the allegation that attacks against Wells Fargo and Amazon may have been under consideration. The arson attacks occurred last spring and summer at stores in Mobile, Gulfport and Biloxi; perpetrators entered the stores and used store goods such as lighter fluid to set racks of clothing and other merchandise on fire.
Police: Man shot and killed in parking lot near Walmart in Salisbury, NC, suspect ran from scene 03/03/2022
SALISBURY, N.C. (WBTV) - Police say a man was shot and killed in a parking lot of a strip shopping center near the Walmart and other businesses in Salisbury Thursday night.
“We were in the Walmart parking lot when an employee told us to move our vehicle around the back of the store. (A family member) was inside and heard an announcement evacuating the store immediately. Really scary to think of this happening when we were there,” one person said.
Police were telling people to stay away from the area as the shooting investigation unfolded on South Arlington Street and Freeland Drive.
“It’s just unsettling, you know, to know that someone got killed here, I mean it could happen around here,” one witness told WBTV. Complete article
Salisbury man identified as victim in shooting near Walmart 03/04/2022
SALISBURY, N.C. (WBTV) - Police say a man was shot and killed in a parking lot of a strip shopping center near the Walmart and other businesses in Salisbury Thursday night.
“We were in the Walmart parking lot when an employee told us to move our vehicle around the back of the store. (A family member) was inside and heard an announcement evacuating the store immediately. Really scary to think of this happening when we were there,” one person said.
Police were telling people to stay away from the area as the shooting investigation unfolded on South Arlington Street and Freeland Drive.
“It’s just unsettling, you know, to know that someone got killed here, I mean it could happen around here,” one witness told WBTV. Complete article
Salisbury man identified as victim in shooting near Walmart 03/04/2022
Authorities: Those involved in gas station shooting by Hardeeville SC Walmart knew each other 03/04/2022
Friday update: Police in Hardeeville have identified two possible suspects stemming from Thursday's shooting incident at the Circle K. No arrests have been made at this time. A total of four vehicles were struck.
Police say those involved knew each other prior to Thursday's incident, which happened around 1 p.m.
No injuries were reported. All of the individuals involved were residents of Beaufort County. Complete article
Friday update: Police in Hardeeville have identified two possible suspects stemming from Thursday's shooting incident at the Circle K. No arrests have been made at this time. A total of four vehicles were struck.
Police say those involved knew each other prior to Thursday's incident, which happened around 1 p.m.
No injuries were reported. All of the individuals involved were residents of Beaufort County. Complete article
Boardman Ohio Walmart most police responses of any single area location 03/03/2022
BOARDMAN, Ohio (WKBN) – When Todd Werth became Boardman police chief four years ago, he looked at where his patrol crews were spending a lot of their time.
“I was like, well, one of them that drains our resources is Walmart. We’re there a lot.”
An investigation by WKBN 27 First News shows that in 2021, the Boardman Police Department responded to the Walmart on Doral Dr. 595 times. Those 595 responses appear to be the most by any one location in Mahoning, Trumbull, Columbiana, Mercer and Lawrence counties.
Of the 595 responses, 298 were for thefts. In fact, according to Boardman police, in each of the past seven years, responses to the Boardman Walmart have exceeded 500 every year, with a high of 738 in 2019.
“It is disturbing that we spend a lot of police resources in Boardman at the Walmart store,” said Werth. “And I would say it’s kind of out of balance with our responses to the other commercial stores.” Complete article
BOARDMAN, Ohio (WKBN) – When Todd Werth became Boardman police chief four years ago, he looked at where his patrol crews were spending a lot of their time.
“I was like, well, one of them that drains our resources is Walmart. We’re there a lot.”
An investigation by WKBN 27 First News shows that in 2021, the Boardman Police Department responded to the Walmart on Doral Dr. 595 times. Those 595 responses appear to be the most by any one location in Mahoning, Trumbull, Columbiana, Mercer and Lawrence counties.
Of the 595 responses, 298 were for thefts. In fact, according to Boardman police, in each of the past seven years, responses to the Boardman Walmart have exceeded 500 every year, with a high of 738 in 2019.
“It is disturbing that we spend a lot of police resources in Boardman at the Walmart store,” said Werth. “And I would say it’s kind of out of balance with our responses to the other commercial stores.” Complete article
Suspected shoplifter allegedly tries to strike Arnold Missouri Police cruisers in Walmart parking lot 03/03/2022
Arnold Police are searching for a 26-year-old Ferguson man who allegedly tried to strike two police cruisers with a car after he and another man reportedly stole a television from Walmart. No officers were injured in the incident, police reported.
Employees from the Walmart store, 2201 Michigan Ave., contacted police at about 11:10 a.m. Feb. 7 when two men allegedly left the store without paying for a 65-inch Samsung TV. The television was worth $648, the report said.
Two Arnold Police officers already were in the store parking lot when they were told the men were leaving in a red 2016 Dodge Dart. The officers located the car, turned on their cruisers’ lights and sirens and tried to stop the Dart, according to the report. Complete article
Arnold Police are searching for a 26-year-old Ferguson man who allegedly tried to strike two police cruisers with a car after he and another man reportedly stole a television from Walmart. No officers were injured in the incident, police reported.
Employees from the Walmart store, 2201 Michigan Ave., contacted police at about 11:10 a.m. Feb. 7 when two men allegedly left the store without paying for a 65-inch Samsung TV. The television was worth $648, the report said.
Two Arnold Police officers already were in the store parking lot when they were told the men were leaving in a red 2016 Dodge Dart. The officers located the car, turned on their cruisers’ lights and sirens and tried to stop the Dart, according to the report. Complete article
Woman Sues Walmart Over Personal Injury Claims 03/02/2022
Walmart was hit with a personal injury lawsuit Thursday in Georgia Northern District Court. The lawsuit was brought by Titus Law LLC brings premises liability and negligence claims on behalf of Roxana Palmeros. Counsel have not yet appeared for the defendant. The case is 1:22-cv-00808, Palmeros v. Wal-Mart Stores East, LP.
This suit was surfaced by Radar, a source for high-speed legal news and litigation updates personalized to your practice. Radar publishes daily updates on just-filed federal cases like this one. Complete article
Walmart was hit with a personal injury lawsuit Thursday in Georgia Northern District Court. The lawsuit was brought by Titus Law LLC brings premises liability and negligence claims on behalf of Roxana Palmeros. Counsel have not yet appeared for the defendant. The case is 1:22-cv-00808, Palmeros v. Wal-Mart Stores East, LP.
This suit was surfaced by Radar, a source for high-speed legal news and litigation updates personalized to your practice. Radar publishes daily updates on just-filed federal cases like this one. Complete article
Walmart defeats contempt bid after losing trade-secrets case 03/03/2022
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Thursday denied a web design company's request to open contempt proceedings against Walmart Inc, after the company claimed that Walmart violated a court order to stop using its trade secrets.
An Arkansas federal court was right to reject Cuker Interactive's contempt bid, which the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said required more than an expert's "hunch" that Walmart was still using its secrets following a permanent injunction and $3 million fine.
San Diego-based Cuker worked with Walmart to make its grocery websites more accessible across different devices. Walmart sued Cuker for breaching their contract shortly after their work started in 2014, and Cuker countersued for trade-secret misappropriation. Complete article
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Thursday denied a web design company's request to open contempt proceedings against Walmart Inc, after the company claimed that Walmart violated a court order to stop using its trade secrets.
An Arkansas federal court was right to reject Cuker Interactive's contempt bid, which the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said required more than an expert's "hunch" that Walmart was still using its secrets following a permanent injunction and $3 million fine.
San Diego-based Cuker worked with Walmart to make its grocery websites more accessible across different devices. Walmart sued Cuker for breaching their contract shortly after their work started in 2014, and Cuker countersued for trade-secret misappropriation. Complete article
A Walmart Employee's Trash Compactor 'Dilemma' Has Reddit Laughing 03/03/2022
Man dies weeks after being shot in failed gun deal at Waukegan Ill. Walmart 03/02/2022
Citra man with multiple theft convictions arrested after shoplifting at Walmart in SW Ocala 03/03/2022
Farmerville La. Police investigating Wal-Mart theft, suspect allegedly stole several laptops 03/0/2022
Towaoc woman suspected in Colorado Walmart bomb, death threats is arrested 03/03/2022
Former Walmart employee allegedly called in bomb threats to Arnold Missouri stores 03/03/2022
Face coverings spark stabbing outside Spencer Ind. Wal-Mart 03/04/2022
SPENCER, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — An Owen County man was recently arrested for battery with a deadly weapon after allegedly stabbing another man during an altercation over face coverings outside a Wal-Mart in Spencer, Ind.
The altercation happened around 10:15 a.m. on Feb. 27 at the Spencer Wal-Mart, according to an Owen County Sheriff’s Dept. Facebook post. Police said the victim told them the suspect was unknown to him and had left prior to police arriving.
Deputies launched an investigation to identify the suspect and learned his name was James Abrams III. Abrams, a 56 year old from Freedom, Ind., was allegedly first involved in a verbal altercation with the victim inside the store that started over face coverings. Complete article
SPENCER, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — An Owen County man was recently arrested for battery with a deadly weapon after allegedly stabbing another man during an altercation over face coverings outside a Wal-Mart in Spencer, Ind.
The altercation happened around 10:15 a.m. on Feb. 27 at the Spencer Wal-Mart, according to an Owen County Sheriff’s Dept. Facebook post. Police said the victim told them the suspect was unknown to him and had left prior to police arriving.
Deputies launched an investigation to identify the suspect and learned his name was James Abrams III. Abrams, a 56 year old from Freedom, Ind., was allegedly first involved in a verbal altercation with the victim inside the store that started over face coverings. Complete article
Suspected shoplifter attacks police officer with baseball bat outside El Cajon Ca. Walmart 03/04/2022
Police said the suspect struck the officer outside the Walmart on Fletcher Parkway with a bat taken from the store.
An El Cajon police officer was attacked outside a Walmart Friday afternoon by a suspected shoplifter who swung a baseball bat at the officer, striking him in an arm, police said.
The incident started just before 3:40 p.m. when employees at the Walmart on Fletcher Parkway called the El Cajon Police Department to report a man they said was trying to steal sporting goods from the store, Lt. Will Guerin said in a news release.
The loss-prevention employees told police the man had made threats of violence while brandishing an aluminum bat inside the store. They followed the man, but eventually lost sight of him. Complete article
Police said the suspect struck the officer outside the Walmart on Fletcher Parkway with a bat taken from the store.
An El Cajon police officer was attacked outside a Walmart Friday afternoon by a suspected shoplifter who swung a baseball bat at the officer, striking him in an arm, police said.
The incident started just before 3:40 p.m. when employees at the Walmart on Fletcher Parkway called the El Cajon Police Department to report a man they said was trying to steal sporting goods from the store, Lt. Will Guerin said in a news release.
The loss-prevention employees told police the man had made threats of violence while brandishing an aluminum bat inside the store. They followed the man, but eventually lost sight of him. Complete article
Man arrested, accused of biting officer at Walmart in west El Paso Tx. 03/04/2022
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — A man was arrested and accused of biting a police officer outside a Walmart in west El Paso.
Officers arrested 35-year-old Rajeev Sunkara.
The incident happened Tuesday at 10:10 p.m. at the Walmart located at 951 North Resler.
The investigation revealed an officer was working at the Walmart when he saw Sunjura assaulting a woman, according to police. Complete article
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — A man was arrested and accused of biting a police officer outside a Walmart in west El Paso.
Officers arrested 35-year-old Rajeev Sunkara.
The incident happened Tuesday at 10:10 p.m. at the Walmart located at 951 North Resler.
The investigation revealed an officer was working at the Walmart when he saw Sunjura assaulting a woman, according to police. Complete article
Fairview Heights Ill. woman finds loaded, stolen gun in grocery bag delivered from Walmart 03/04/2022
A Fairview Heights woman has reported finding a loaded, stolen handgun in a Walmart grocery bag that was delivered to her apartment and carried across a room by her 2-year-old son.
The toddler wasn’t injured, but the deliveryman returned two days later looking for the gun.
“I have a Ring doorbell camera, so I gave the police the video of the guy,” said Bria Caldwell, 27, who lives in the Autumn Pine apartment complex, just north of St. Clair Bowl. Complete article
Walmart deliveryman returns for his gun in Fairview Heights, Illinois 03/03/2022
A Fairview Heights woman has reported finding a loaded, stolen handgun in a Walmart grocery bag that was delivered to her apartment and carried across a room by her 2-year-old son.
The toddler wasn’t injured, but the deliveryman returned two days later looking for the gun.
“I have a Ring doorbell camera, so I gave the police the video of the guy,” said Bria Caldwell, 27, who lives in the Autumn Pine apartment complex, just north of St. Clair Bowl. Complete article
Walmart deliveryman returns for his gun in Fairview Heights, Illinois 03/03/2022
Reading man injured in two vehicle crash near Jonesville Mich. Walmart store 03/05/2022
JONESVILLE, MI (WTVB) – A Reading man was injured Friday morning in a two vehicle crash on Lake Wilson Road near Olds Street in Jonesville.
The Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Department reports the crash happened at about 10:15 a.m.. They say 66-year-old Frank D. Smith was making a left hand turn into Walmart when he struck a vehicle driven by 47-year-old Daniel Kyle Smith of Jackson.
The Sheriff’s Department said in a news release that Daniel Smith’s vehicle went off the road and down an embankment before it came to a stop in the Walmart parking lot. Complete article
JONESVILLE, MI (WTVB) – A Reading man was injured Friday morning in a two vehicle crash on Lake Wilson Road near Olds Street in Jonesville.
The Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Department reports the crash happened at about 10:15 a.m.. They say 66-year-old Frank D. Smith was making a left hand turn into Walmart when he struck a vehicle driven by 47-year-old Daniel Kyle Smith of Jackson.
The Sheriff’s Department said in a news release that Daniel Smith’s vehicle went off the road and down an embankment before it came to a stop in the Walmart parking lot. Complete article
Man 'almost drunk' arrested at Tenn. Walmart 03/06/2022
A man who appeared to be under the influence of something was arrested Feb. 27 after he allegedly attempted to shoplift at the Madisonville Walmart.
Madisonville Police Officer Cameron Foister said Walmart staff told him the man was yelling and cursing at them and bothering other customers with his behavior.
When Foister arrived at the store, he said the man, later identified as Dale Gene Kryzak, had been taken to a Walmart office where he’d allegedly been unsteady on his feet and had ran a buggy into the doorway of the office.
Foister said he asked Kryzak to sit down but Kryzak refused and at one point, Foister said Kryzak moved his hands like he might strike Foister, but he didn’t. Complete article
A man who appeared to be under the influence of something was arrested Feb. 27 after he allegedly attempted to shoplift at the Madisonville Walmart.
Madisonville Police Officer Cameron Foister said Walmart staff told him the man was yelling and cursing at them and bothering other customers with his behavior.
When Foister arrived at the store, he said the man, later identified as Dale Gene Kryzak, had been taken to a Walmart office where he’d allegedly been unsteady on his feet and had ran a buggy into the doorway of the office.
Foister said he asked Kryzak to sit down but Kryzak refused and at one point, Foister said Kryzak moved his hands like he might strike Foister, but he didn’t. Complete article
Police: Man punches female Walmart worker in the face, busted with handgun, in Bayonne NJ 03/07/2022
A man punched a female Walmart worker in the face and was also busted with a loaded handgun in Bayonne yesterday, police said.
Sayier Price, 18, of Jersey City, was charged with obstructing a governmental function, possession of prohibited bullets, possession of a firearm for an unlawful purpose, and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to Police Capt. Eric Amato.
Price was taken into custody at about 2:22 p.m. from the area of Walmart, located at 500 Bayonne Crossing Way). Officers responded to the area on an anonymous report of a man threatening to shoot another individual during a dispute inside the store. Complete article
A man punched a female Walmart worker in the face and was also busted with a loaded handgun in Bayonne yesterday, police said.
Sayier Price, 18, of Jersey City, was charged with obstructing a governmental function, possession of prohibited bullets, possession of a firearm for an unlawful purpose, and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to Police Capt. Eric Amato.
Price was taken into custody at about 2:22 p.m. from the area of Walmart, located at 500 Bayonne Crossing Way). Officers responded to the area on an anonymous report of a man threatening to shoot another individual during a dispute inside the store. Complete article
Why Walmart Is Recalling Its Great Value Tortilla Chips 03/04/2022
Product recalls are never good, especially when it comes to food. No one wants to hear that food from the local grocery store is possibly contaminated with harmful bacteria or foreign objects. According to the FDA, there are three classes of recalls: Class I is when "there is a reasonable probability" of "serious adverse health consequences or death." Class II recalls are for products that "may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote." And Class III is where it is unlikely that the product will cause health issues.
This recent food recall comes from grocery conglomerate Walmart regarding an item sold under its in-house brand, Great Value. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time the chain has had to pull an in-house product. In July of 2021, Best Life reported that four varieties of pre-packaged muffins Walmart sold under the Great Value label, were voluntarily recalled over listeria. The recall also applied to two varieties sold under Walmart's Marketside brand and various versions sold at other outlets. (According to Food Poisoning News, the majority of bacteria-related recalls, including those linked to listeria, fall under Class I.) Now, there's a new recall that shoppers should be aware of.
Metal pieces were found in some bags
This recent recall affects only Great Value Restaurant Style White Corn Tortilla Chips. These are some of the many varieties Walmart offers, like Hint of Lime and Chili Garlic, according to the Walmart website. A massive 25,550 affected bags are being recalled due to possible contamination by metal pieces, a Class II recall, according to Food Safety News. The announcement does not explain how the metal fragments may have ended up in the chips. Complete article
Product recalls are never good, especially when it comes to food. No one wants to hear that food from the local grocery store is possibly contaminated with harmful bacteria or foreign objects. According to the FDA, there are three classes of recalls: Class I is when "there is a reasonable probability" of "serious adverse health consequences or death." Class II recalls are for products that "may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote." And Class III is where it is unlikely that the product will cause health issues.
This recent food recall comes from grocery conglomerate Walmart regarding an item sold under its in-house brand, Great Value. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time the chain has had to pull an in-house product. In July of 2021, Best Life reported that four varieties of pre-packaged muffins Walmart sold under the Great Value label, were voluntarily recalled over listeria. The recall also applied to two varieties sold under Walmart's Marketside brand and various versions sold at other outlets. (According to Food Poisoning News, the majority of bacteria-related recalls, including those linked to listeria, fall under Class I.) Now, there's a new recall that shoppers should be aware of.
Metal pieces were found in some bags
This recent recall affects only Great Value Restaurant Style White Corn Tortilla Chips. These are some of the many varieties Walmart offers, like Hint of Lime and Chili Garlic, according to the Walmart website. A massive 25,550 affected bags are being recalled due to possible contamination by metal pieces, a Class II recall, according to Food Safety News. The announcement does not explain how the metal fragments may have ended up in the chips. Complete article
Walmart's Tortilla Rat Meme Explained 03/03/2022
Rats as a species have been rather unfairly maligned throughout history. For centuries they've been blamed — based on a lie, as it turns out — for causing a series of plagues that wiped out half of Europe. Well, it's not like one little meme could redeem several hundreds of years of scapegoating, but if there ever were such a meme, it would probably be Pizza Rat. That one short video clip managed to make its rodent hero look both adorable and somehow relatable, because don't we all just want to enjoy our pizza in peace?
While the Pizza Rat meme had remarkable longevity (and even inspired a minor league baseball team to temporarily change its name) it is still an older product of the mid 20-teens. It came out in 2015, which means that its star likely passed away — from non- pizza-related causes, we trust — about six years ago since the average lifespan for a rodent in the wild is about 1 year. The average lifespan for a meme is even shorter than that, with Avonews Online estimating that it may take just six weeks for a meme to go from dank to dead. Plus, TikTok's "Ratatouille" musical kept us entertained over the first part of the pandemic, but even that has since been buried in the graveyard of past TikTok trends. All things considered, it seems we're way overdue for a new rodent-related meme. Fear not, Walmart Tortilla Rat is here to save the day!
This Walmart rat's on a Mission (the tortilla kind)
If you just googled "Walmart Tortilla Rat" and didn't find anything, that's because you're getting in on this new meme just as it's being born. No guarantees that it goes viral, but if and when it does, you can be one of the cool kids who knew about it long before it went all normie. So, where did this meme get its start? In Walmart, of course — the tortilla aisle at a Lorain, Ohio, Walmart, to be specific. One chonky li'l' rattie decided to get him some tortillas, and someone captured it on video. While the clip is no longer available on YouTube, it was screencapped and posted to the People of Walmart subreddit, which is where the fun began. Complete article
Rats as a species have been rather unfairly maligned throughout history. For centuries they've been blamed — based on a lie, as it turns out — for causing a series of plagues that wiped out half of Europe. Well, it's not like one little meme could redeem several hundreds of years of scapegoating, but if there ever were such a meme, it would probably be Pizza Rat. That one short video clip managed to make its rodent hero look both adorable and somehow relatable, because don't we all just want to enjoy our pizza in peace?
While the Pizza Rat meme had remarkable longevity (and even inspired a minor league baseball team to temporarily change its name) it is still an older product of the mid 20-teens. It came out in 2015, which means that its star likely passed away — from non- pizza-related causes, we trust — about six years ago since the average lifespan for a rodent in the wild is about 1 year. The average lifespan for a meme is even shorter than that, with Avonews Online estimating that it may take just six weeks for a meme to go from dank to dead. Plus, TikTok's "Ratatouille" musical kept us entertained over the first part of the pandemic, but even that has since been buried in the graveyard of past TikTok trends. All things considered, it seems we're way overdue for a new rodent-related meme. Fear not, Walmart Tortilla Rat is here to save the day!
This Walmart rat's on a Mission (the tortilla kind)
If you just googled "Walmart Tortilla Rat" and didn't find anything, that's because you're getting in on this new meme just as it's being born. No guarantees that it goes viral, but if and when it does, you can be one of the cool kids who knew about it long before it went all normie. So, where did this meme get its start? In Walmart, of course — the tortilla aisle at a Lorain, Ohio, Walmart, to be specific. One chonky li'l' rattie decided to get him some tortillas, and someone captured it on video. While the clip is no longer available on YouTube, it was screencapped and posted to the People of Walmart subreddit, which is where the fun began. Complete article
Man arrested twice in two days for trespassing at Erwin NY Walmart 03/04/2022
Woman accused of stealing $1,400 in merchandise from North Utica NY Walmart 03/03/2022
Hamilton NJ Marketplace Walmart Employee Charged with Child Pornography 03/03/2022
Sheriff's reports: Shoplifter takes nearly $3K worth of jewelry from WV Walmart 03/03/2022
Judge orders release of two ‘Walmart Manifesto’ suspects 03/04/2022 Testimony on Wednesday accused the defendants of sending a seven-page manifesto to local media. Titled “Declaration of War and Demands for the People,” the document railed against the company’s business practices and threatened more fires if demands were not met. Those included higher pay and more affordable health benefits for Walmart workers.
Walmart cancels trespass order against former Fla. City Council member Victor Barbosa 03/03/2022
31-Year-Old Chimayo Man Accused of Stealing From NM Walmart Register Again 03/04/2022
Pair of thieves sought in theft of $1,429 in items from Buffalo Ridge Fla. Walmart 03/04/2022
Lee Co. Ga. Walmart back open after flooding 03/07/2022
Brown Deer Wisc. Walmart shooting, Milwaukee man wounded 03/07/2022
BROWN DEER, Wis. - Brown Deer and Milwaukee police are investigating a shooting that happened in the parking lot of the Walmart on W. Brown Deer Road on Sunday afternoon, March 6.
Officials say the shooting happened around 2:30 p.m. – and officials were not notified about the incident until 11:45 p.m.
The victim, a 23-year-old Milwaukee man, suffered a non-life-threatening injury. Complete article
18-year-old man charged in Brown Deer Walmart parking lot shooting 03/18/2022
BROWN DEER, Wis. - Brown Deer and Milwaukee police are investigating a shooting that happened in the parking lot of the Walmart on W. Brown Deer Road on Sunday afternoon, March 6.
Officials say the shooting happened around 2:30 p.m. – and officials were not notified about the incident until 11:45 p.m.
The victim, a 23-year-old Milwaukee man, suffered a non-life-threatening injury. Complete article
18-year-old man charged in Brown Deer Walmart parking lot shooting 03/18/2022
Vancouver Wash. police investigating Wal-Mart shooting 03/07/2022
VANCOUVER, Wash. (KOIN) — Vancouver police are investigating a shooting that reportedly took place at a Wal-Mart Sunday night.
Officers responded to a disturbance with a weapon call around 8:30 p.m. at the Wal-Mart located at Grand Boulevard. Upon arrival, police say they located a man with a facial injury and learned that he and another male were allegedly conducting a drug deal in the parking lot.
The interaction turned violent as the suspect pulled out a handgun and allegedly fired it at the feet of the victim, causing either pieces of brick or projectile to ricochet up and strike the victim’s face. Complete article
VANCOUVER, Wash. (KOIN) — Vancouver police are investigating a shooting that reportedly took place at a Wal-Mart Sunday night.
Officers responded to a disturbance with a weapon call around 8:30 p.m. at the Wal-Mart located at Grand Boulevard. Upon arrival, police say they located a man with a facial injury and learned that he and another male were allegedly conducting a drug deal in the parking lot.
The interaction turned violent as the suspect pulled out a handgun and allegedly fired it at the feet of the victim, causing either pieces of brick or projectile to ricochet up and strike the victim’s face. Complete article
Suspect arrested for threatening to shoot driver in Ga. Walmart parking dispute 03/07/2022
A man being sought by Fayetteville police in a December incident in the Walmart parking lot at the Fayette Pavilion is in custody. Waiting to receive a filled order, a customer was approached by the man who exited his vehicle with a handgun and threatened to open fire.
Napoleon D. Weems, 50, of Fayetteville, was charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct, according to Fayette County Jail records.
Fayetteville police on Dec. 23, 2021 at approximately 2:55 p.m. were dispatched to the Walmart store at the Fayette Pavilion in reference to an alleged verbal dispute between two customers in the parking lot. Complete article
A man being sought by Fayetteville police in a December incident in the Walmart parking lot at the Fayette Pavilion is in custody. Waiting to receive a filled order, a customer was approached by the man who exited his vehicle with a handgun and threatened to open fire.
Napoleon D. Weems, 50, of Fayetteville, was charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct, according to Fayette County Jail records.
Fayetteville police on Dec. 23, 2021 at approximately 2:55 p.m. were dispatched to the Walmart store at the Fayette Pavilion in reference to an alleged verbal dispute between two customers in the parking lot. Complete article
Strapped shoplifter arrested at Victorville Ca. Walmart 03/07/2022
Saturday night was packing heat at the Walmart in Victorville, off Palmdale Road. It was around 8:30 pm when Deputy Wolff from the Victorville Police Department showed up to the retail outlet.
The deputy made contact with the shoplifter, later identified as Fernando Olivo. During a pat-down search of Olivo, a concealed firearm was located in his possession.
Deputy Wolff conducted a record check and discovered that Olivo did not possess a license to carry a concealed handgun. Records also revealed the firearm did not have a registered owner. Complete article
Saturday night was packing heat at the Walmart in Victorville, off Palmdale Road. It was around 8:30 pm when Deputy Wolff from the Victorville Police Department showed up to the retail outlet.
The deputy made contact with the shoplifter, later identified as Fernando Olivo. During a pat-down search of Olivo, a concealed firearm was located in his possession.
Deputy Wolff conducted a record check and discovered that Olivo did not possess a license to carry a concealed handgun. Records also revealed the firearm did not have a registered owner. Complete article
Thief steals gaming console in Va. Walmart lot, drags victim with his car 03/07/2022
CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — Chesterfield police are investigating an incident where a victim grabbed on to a car and was dragged while trying to sell another man a gaming console in a Walmart parking lot.
Around 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 5, police responded to the parking lot of the Walmart in the 900 block of Walmart Way after reports of a larceny taking place.
The 17-year-old victim reported he had met an unknown man in the parking lot to sell the suspect a gaming console. The victim approached the suspect’s vehicle and the suspect asked to see the gaming system, according to police. Complete article
CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — Chesterfield police are investigating an incident where a victim grabbed on to a car and was dragged while trying to sell another man a gaming console in a Walmart parking lot.
Around 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 5, police responded to the parking lot of the Walmart in the 900 block of Walmart Way after reports of a larceny taking place.
The 17-year-old victim reported he had met an unknown man in the parking lot to sell the suspect a gaming console. The victim approached the suspect’s vehicle and the suspect asked to see the gaming system, according to police. Complete article
Polk deputies: Suspect posed as officer, Fla. Walmart employee to steal items, sell at pawn shop 03/07/2022
LAKE WALES, Fla. - Detectives say they arrested a man who went on a retail theft crime spree while posing as a law enforcement officer and a store employee in several Polk County cities.
Back in October, the sheriff's office received a call from a Lowe's asset protection investigator in Lake Wales reporting a power inverter generator was stolen. The product is about $1,129. Later on, Polk County detectives identified 52-year-old William Ira Tillman III as the suspect.
They said Tillman displayed a police-style badge to a store associate, telling the individual he was picking up a donation for the sheriff's office and took the generator without paying for it. One hour and 15minutes later, detectives said he sold it at an Orlando pawn shop.
Detectives said that was not the only time Tillman stole items. During the investigation, they learned he entered the Walmart on Cypress Gardens Boulevard in Winter Haven – just two days before the Lowe's incident – and removed 50-inch Samsung television worth $478. When a store associate asked to see Tillman's receipt, he told the employee he was picking up the television for the "police department" and the paperwork was in his vehicle. Complete article
LAKE WALES, Fla. - Detectives say they arrested a man who went on a retail theft crime spree while posing as a law enforcement officer and a store employee in several Polk County cities.
Back in October, the sheriff's office received a call from a Lowe's asset protection investigator in Lake Wales reporting a power inverter generator was stolen. The product is about $1,129. Later on, Polk County detectives identified 52-year-old William Ira Tillman III as the suspect.
They said Tillman displayed a police-style badge to a store associate, telling the individual he was picking up a donation for the sheriff's office and took the generator without paying for it. One hour and 15minutes later, detectives said he sold it at an Orlando pawn shop.
Detectives said that was not the only time Tillman stole items. During the investigation, they learned he entered the Walmart on Cypress Gardens Boulevard in Winter Haven – just two days before the Lowe's incident – and removed 50-inch Samsung television worth $478. When a store associate asked to see Tillman's receipt, he told the employee he was picking up the television for the "police department" and the paperwork was in his vehicle. Complete article
Man arrested at Montana Walmart after police chase 03/07/2022
A man was arrested on several charges and warrants Friday including for fleeing Havre police in a vehicle reported as stolen on Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation.
Officers on the 100 Block of 12th Avenue attempted at 2:24 p.m. to pull over a vehicle that matched the description of a missing Ford Escape and was being driven by Jerome Lane Bigknife of Rocky Boy, 29, who was wanted on six Justice or City court warrants, Police Chief Gabe Matosich said.
Bigknife, with one passenger in the vehicle, fled from officers, driving west. Hill County deputy sheriffs also joined in the chase.
The vehicle chase turned into a foot chase at the front doors of Walmart where Bigknife stopped the car then fled on foot through the store to the north entrance, Matosich said. Complete article
A man was arrested on several charges and warrants Friday including for fleeing Havre police in a vehicle reported as stolen on Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation.
Officers on the 100 Block of 12th Avenue attempted at 2:24 p.m. to pull over a vehicle that matched the description of a missing Ford Escape and was being driven by Jerome Lane Bigknife of Rocky Boy, 29, who was wanted on six Justice or City court warrants, Police Chief Gabe Matosich said.
Bigknife, with one passenger in the vehicle, fled from officers, driving west. Hill County deputy sheriffs also joined in the chase.
The vehicle chase turned into a foot chase at the front doors of Walmart where Bigknife stopped the car then fled on foot through the store to the north entrance, Matosich said. Complete article
Walmart workers in Cancun begin protests for unpaid bonuses 03/08/2022
Cancun, Q.R. — Walmart workers continue to protest their lack of pay at Walmart stores across the city. On Monday, workers demonstrated outside their workplace demanding bonus pay and benefits they say they have been promised.
José Poot Che, labor coordinator of the Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos (CROC) union said that workers will also protest outside other Walmart branches around the city of Cancun and the state. If they are ignored, he said they will protest nation-wide.
“Walmart has to respond today to solve the problem tomorrow. Otherwise, tomorrow there will be a national demonstration followed by a work stoppage,” said the union representative.
While protesting workers complained of their low wages and long hours, the trigger was the lack of an annual sales bonus. At least 56 Walmart workers have been left without being paid their annual bonus. Protesting workers say the company refuses to pay claiming they don’t have the money.
On March 5, Walmart workers from the central Playa del Carmen store protested. The unionized group of workers, who also belong to CROC, walked out Saturday morning in protest of mistreatment and lack of payment. Complete article
6 creepy things Walmart does to stay union-free. 12/08/2015
Union: Walmart shut 5 stores over labor activism 04/20/2015
In China, Walmart Is Unionized, But Workers Have No Power on the Job 06/25/2015
How Walmart Persuades Its Workers Not to Unionize 06/08/2015
How Walmart Persuades Its Workers Not to Unionize 06/08/2015 Crossposted at The Center for Popular Democracy
Walmart Has Everything—Except Unions 11/15/2019
Why It’s Impossible To Unionize Walmart 10/05/2012
Is Walmart Unionized In 2022? (All You Need To Know)
Cancun, Q.R. — Walmart workers continue to protest their lack of pay at Walmart stores across the city. On Monday, workers demonstrated outside their workplace demanding bonus pay and benefits they say they have been promised.
José Poot Che, labor coordinator of the Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos (CROC) union said that workers will also protest outside other Walmart branches around the city of Cancun and the state. If they are ignored, he said they will protest nation-wide.
“Walmart has to respond today to solve the problem tomorrow. Otherwise, tomorrow there will be a national demonstration followed by a work stoppage,” said the union representative.
While protesting workers complained of their low wages and long hours, the trigger was the lack of an annual sales bonus. At least 56 Walmart workers have been left without being paid their annual bonus. Protesting workers say the company refuses to pay claiming they don’t have the money.
On March 5, Walmart workers from the central Playa del Carmen store protested. The unionized group of workers, who also belong to CROC, walked out Saturday morning in protest of mistreatment and lack of payment. Complete article
6 creepy things Walmart does to stay union-free. 12/08/2015
Union: Walmart shut 5 stores over labor activism 04/20/2015
In China, Walmart Is Unionized, But Workers Have No Power on the Job 06/25/2015
How Walmart Persuades Its Workers Not to Unionize 06/08/2015
How Walmart Persuades Its Workers Not to Unionize 06/08/2015 Crossposted at The Center for Popular Democracy
Walmart Has Everything—Except Unions 11/15/2019
Why It’s Impossible To Unionize Walmart 10/05/2012
Is Walmart Unionized In 2022? (All You Need To Know)
Comments About a Stolen Scooter From the Brunswick Maine Walmart Are Hysterical 03/07/2022
Pa. Walmart Employee Arrested and Charged After Fraudulent Return Transactions 03/06/2022
Woman arrested at Pa. Walmart after police say she stole several items at the self-checkout 03/07/2022
Man disguised as Tenn. Walmart employee steals TVs 03/07/2022
Arrest made in La. Walmart shooting 03/07/2022 Presumably two weeks before the article; either that or they had two shootings at the same store exactly two weeks apart, which is highly unlikely, meaning they probably misrepresented the day, or failed to mention a very odd coincidence.
Was Walmart Giving Away $1,000 Gift Cards by Email? 03/07/2022
Pa. Walmart employee accused of stealing money from customer’s wallet 03/07/2022
Tewksbury Mass. police searching for woman who allegedly ripped gold necklace off man’s neck in Walmart parking lot 03/08/2022
3 people arrested, 4 more wanted after fight erupts in checkout line of Gonzales La. Walmart 03/07/2022
GONZALES - Law enforcement arrested three people and are looking for several more after a fight broke out Monday in the checkout line of a Walmart in Ascension Parish.
Video posted on social media captured the brawl at the Walmart on North Airline Highway. Sources told WBRZ most of the people involved are juveniles and some are Walmart employees.
Authorities are still searching for four more people tied to the incident. Complete article
New video shows moments leading up to Walmart brawl; 2 more arrests made 03/09/2022
GONZALES - Law enforcement arrested three people and are looking for several more after a fight broke out Monday in the checkout line of a Walmart in Ascension Parish.
Video posted on social media captured the brawl at the Walmart on North Airline Highway. Sources told WBRZ most of the people involved are juveniles and some are Walmart employees.
Authorities are still searching for four more people tied to the incident. Complete article
New video shows moments leading up to Walmart brawl; 2 more arrests made 03/09/2022
Gainesville Fla. police arrests multiple men after they assaulted a Walmart worker 03/09/2022
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - Multiple men face criminal charges after they assaulted a man at Walmart.
Twenty-year-old Eric Butler was arrested on a battery charge. According to the police report, three others were with him: 21-year-old Raynard Foster, 20-year-old Lucien Byron, and Ajavior Young, whose age is not listed.
The men approached the victim while he was working at Walmart and tried to start a fight. Foster hit the victim in the face with brass knuckles, while Butler and Young kicked him on the ground. Complete article
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - Multiple men face criminal charges after they assaulted a man at Walmart.
Twenty-year-old Eric Butler was arrested on a battery charge. According to the police report, three others were with him: 21-year-old Raynard Foster, 20-year-old Lucien Byron, and Ajavior Young, whose age is not listed.
The men approached the victim while he was working at Walmart and tried to start a fight. Foster hit the victim in the face with brass knuckles, while Butler and Young kicked him on the ground. Complete article
Crews on scene of fire at Murphysboro, Ill. Walmart 03/09/2022
MURPHYSBORO, Ill. (KFVS) - Crews are on the scene of a fire at Walmart.
According to the Murphysboro mayor and another official on scene, the fire started on the roof. They said sales associates saw debris fall into the shoe department. They tried to put the fire out, but when they were successful, they called 911.
That call came in around 10:01 a.m. Complete article
MURPHYSBORO, Ill. (KFVS) - Crews are on the scene of a fire at Walmart.
According to the Murphysboro mayor and another official on scene, the fire started on the roof. They said sales associates saw debris fall into the shoe department. They tried to put the fire out, but when they were successful, they called 911.
That call came in around 10:01 a.m. Complete article
WATCH: Pallets Burn at Imperial Beach Ca. Walmart, Fire Threatens Vegetation 03/10/2022
Pallets behind a Walmart in Imperial Beach caught fire Thursday afternoon causing a large fire that began spreading to vegetation.
The fire started at about 10:50 a.m. at the Walmart just off Interstate 5 and Palm Avenue.
Several crews responded to the scene, where a pile of pallets was sending up heavy flames. The fire was starting to burn vegetation behind the Walmart, but crews doused flames before they could spread, footage from SkyRanger 7 shows. Complete article
Pallets behind a Walmart in Imperial Beach caught fire Thursday afternoon causing a large fire that began spreading to vegetation.
The fire started at about 10:50 a.m. at the Walmart just off Interstate 5 and Palm Avenue.
Several crews responded to the scene, where a pile of pallets was sending up heavy flames. The fire was starting to burn vegetation behind the Walmart, but crews doused flames before they could spread, footage from SkyRanger 7 shows. Complete article
Police investigating hit and run at State College Pa. Walmart 03/09/2022
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (WTAJ)– State College Police Department are investigating after a hit and run occurred Wednesday, March 9.
According to a press release, at the Walmart, located at 373 Benner Pike, an older female in a white sedan was involved in a hit and run incident. Complete article
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (WTAJ)– State College Police Department are investigating after a hit and run occurred Wednesday, March 9.
According to a press release, at the Walmart, located at 373 Benner Pike, an older female in a white sedan was involved in a hit and run incident. Complete article
Police: Thief pretends to be Walmart worker, steals virtual reality headset in Willow Grove Pa. 03/10/2022
WILLOW GROVE, Pennsylvania -- Police are looking for a man who conned some Walmart workers in Montgomery County and got away with a piece of pricey hardware.
The suspect entered the Walmart in Willow Grove at around 10 a.m. on Friday, March 4, wearing a Walmart vest and posing as a new employee.
While there, police say he was able to convince one of the workers to give him the keys to the electronics case.
The man then helped himself to an Oculus virtual reality headset, which sells for about $300.
The suspect then left the store with both the VR device and the keys. Complete article
WILLOW GROVE, Pennsylvania -- Police are looking for a man who conned some Walmart workers in Montgomery County and got away with a piece of pricey hardware.
The suspect entered the Walmart in Willow Grove at around 10 a.m. on Friday, March 4, wearing a Walmart vest and posing as a new employee.
While there, police say he was able to convince one of the workers to give him the keys to the electronics case.
The man then helped himself to an Oculus virtual reality headset, which sells for about $300.
The suspect then left the store with both the VR device and the keys. Complete article
Judge orders Walmart to pay over $50,000 to Wisc. worker with Down syndrome and rehire her 03/10/2022
A federal judge ordered Walmart to pay more than $50,000 in back pay to a woman with Down syndrome after she won a disability discrimination lawsuit that came following her firing from a Walmart store in Wisconsin. The judge also ordered Walmart to immediately rehire her.
As CNBC reported, Walmart said that it would follow the judge's orders and that the woman would be rehired. Walmart confirmed that it has not decided if it will appeal the ruling on back pay, as well as a $300,000 in jury damages.
The company said in a statement, “We take supporting all our associates seriously and routinely accommodate thousands with disabilities every year.”
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requested that a closer eye be placed on the nation's largest employer, but the judge denied that request after a more than five-year court battle between the EEOC and Walmart. The agency sued Walmart representing Marlo Spaeth, who accused the retail giant of refusing to accommodate her disability, then subsequently firing her after she had worked for the company for nearly 16 years at one of its supercenter locations in Wisconsin, CNBC reported. Complete article
A federal judge ordered Walmart to pay more than $50,000 in back pay to a woman with Down syndrome after she won a disability discrimination lawsuit that came following her firing from a Walmart store in Wisconsin. The judge also ordered Walmart to immediately rehire her.
As CNBC reported, Walmart said that it would follow the judge's orders and that the woman would be rehired. Walmart confirmed that it has not decided if it will appeal the ruling on back pay, as well as a $300,000 in jury damages.
The company said in a statement, “We take supporting all our associates seriously and routinely accommodate thousands with disabilities every year.”
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requested that a closer eye be placed on the nation's largest employer, but the judge denied that request after a more than five-year court battle between the EEOC and Walmart. The agency sued Walmart representing Marlo Spaeth, who accused the retail giant of refusing to accommodate her disability, then subsequently firing her after she had worked for the company for nearly 16 years at one of its supercenter locations in Wisconsin, CNBC reported. Complete article
Welcome to Walmart. Here’s your mortgage 03/07/2022
Lenders One Cooperative announced on Monday that it has struck a deal to lease retail space in Walmart stores to sell mortgage products and services.
The cooperative inked a deal for space at three Walmart locations, but said there are “many more opportunities to come.”
Lenders One will be selling purchase, refinance and home equity products at its “store-in-store” branch locations.
Justin Demola, president at Lenders One, wasn’t immediately available for comment. In a statement, Demola said that the initiative is part of the cooperative’s mission to help members “improve their profitability and better compete against larger, well-funded mortgage lenders.” Complete article
Lenders One Cooperative announced on Monday that it has struck a deal to lease retail space in Walmart stores to sell mortgage products and services.
The cooperative inked a deal for space at three Walmart locations, but said there are “many more opportunities to come.”
Lenders One will be selling purchase, refinance and home equity products at its “store-in-store” branch locations.
Justin Demola, president at Lenders One, wasn’t immediately available for comment. In a statement, Demola said that the initiative is part of the cooperative’s mission to help members “improve their profitability and better compete against larger, well-funded mortgage lenders.” Complete article
Woman Sues Walmart for Husband's Death Allegedly Caused by Fall 03/09/2022
Walmart was hit with a lawsuit Monday in Georgia Northern District Court. The suit was filed by Fried Goldberg on behalf of Charlene R. Thompson. Counsel have not yet appeared for the defendant. The case is 2:22-cv-00044, Thompson v. Walmart, Inc. et al.
This suit was surfaced by Radar, a source for high-speed legal news and litigation updates personalized to your practice. Radar publishes daily updates on just-filed federal cases like this one. Complete article
Walmart was hit with a lawsuit Monday in Georgia Northern District Court. The suit was filed by Fried Goldberg on behalf of Charlene R. Thompson. Counsel have not yet appeared for the defendant. The case is 2:22-cv-00044, Thompson v. Walmart, Inc. et al.
This suit was surfaced by Radar, a source for high-speed legal news and litigation updates personalized to your practice. Radar publishes daily updates on just-filed federal cases like this one. Complete article
Gonzales La. Police: Stolen credit card used for $900 in purchases at Walmart 03/08/2022
Woman accused of aggravated assault for ND Walmart pepper spray incident last October pleads not guilty 03/07/2022
New Hartford NY PD looking for info in Walmart incident 03/07/2022
Raleigh man indicted after NC Walmart fire in December 03/08/2022
Man pleads to theft and trespassing at WV Walmart 03/08/2022
Gainesville couple arrested after abandoning child at Fla. Walmart to do drugs 03/09/2022
Police: Woman Busted After Stealing from Ocala Fla. Walmart 03/09/2022
Man suspected of shoplifting seen fleeing NY Walmart 03/09/2022
1 taken to hospital after shooting at Walmart in Raleigh, NC, police say 03/12/2022
RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — A north Raleigh Walmart was placed on lockdown Saturday evening after a person was injured in a shooting, according to Raleigh police and a Durham city councilman who was at the scene.
Mark-Anthony Middleton, a Durham city council member, reported on Facebook at 5:31 p.m. that gunfire was heard at the Walmart at 10050 Glenwood Ave. in the Brier Creek area of Raleigh.
Nearly an hour later, Raleigh police confirmed a shooting took place at 5:25 p.m. in the parking lot in the 10000 block of Glenwood Avenue.
Police said a man was injured in the shooting and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Complete article
Durham man charged in Raleigh weekend Walmart shooting, police say 03/14/2022
RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — A north Raleigh Walmart was placed on lockdown Saturday evening after a person was injured in a shooting, according to Raleigh police and a Durham city councilman who was at the scene.
Mark-Anthony Middleton, a Durham city council member, reported on Facebook at 5:31 p.m. that gunfire was heard at the Walmart at 10050 Glenwood Ave. in the Brier Creek area of Raleigh.
Nearly an hour later, Raleigh police confirmed a shooting took place at 5:25 p.m. in the parking lot in the 10000 block of Glenwood Avenue.
Police said a man was injured in the shooting and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Complete article
Durham man charged in Raleigh weekend Walmart shooting, police say 03/14/2022
Man barricades himself inside a Okla. Walmart 03/11/2022
CHOCTAW, Okla (KFOR) – A man barricaded himself at a Choctaw Walmart Friday night.
Police responded to the call near NE 23rd Street and Henney Road as the man locked himself in the electrical room and shut the power off to the entire store.
Negotiators were called, but the man was apprehended without issue. Complete article
CHOCTAW, Okla (KFOR) – A man barricaded himself at a Choctaw Walmart Friday night.
Police responded to the call near NE 23rd Street and Henney Road as the man locked himself in the electrical room and shut the power off to the entire store.
Negotiators were called, but the man was apprehended without issue. Complete article
Alleged New Caney Tx. Walmart robber caught by K-9 03/12/2022
A Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable’s K-9 on Thursday evening helped nab a man who allegedly robbed a New Caney Walmart and hit an employee during the incident.
Lonnie Frank Harrison, 54, of Coldspring, is charged with robbery, a second-degree felony, possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine, a third-degree felony, according to jail records. Harrison is being held on a combined $11,500 bond at the Montgomery County Jail, which includes a Class B misdemeanor theft warrant out of Harris County, records show.
Multiple units converged on the Walmart, located at 20310 at U.S. 59, in response to a theft there where an employee was assaulted by the culprit as he fled the store. Deputies managed to watch the robbery play out on security camera footage, netting a description of the perpetrator, according to Precinct 4. Complete article
A Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable’s K-9 on Thursday evening helped nab a man who allegedly robbed a New Caney Walmart and hit an employee during the incident.
Lonnie Frank Harrison, 54, of Coldspring, is charged with robbery, a second-degree felony, possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine, a third-degree felony, according to jail records. Harrison is being held on a combined $11,500 bond at the Montgomery County Jail, which includes a Class B misdemeanor theft warrant out of Harris County, records show.
Multiple units converged on the Walmart, located at 20310 at U.S. 59, in response to a theft there where an employee was assaulted by the culprit as he fled the store. Deputies managed to watch the robbery play out on security camera footage, netting a description of the perpetrator, according to Precinct 4. Complete article
Truck becomes stuck in Howell Mill Road Ga. Walmart parking garage 03/12/2022
ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46) - A large struck became stuck on Friday afternoon in the parking garage of a Walmart in metro Atlanta.
It happened at a store on Howell Mill Road. The Atlanta Fire Department said earlier they had to check the garage’s structural integrity to be sure it was safe. All entrances/exits for the garage are currently blocked off.
The driver says he wish that someone had warned him of the low clearance. He was not injured during the incident. Complete article
ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46) - A large struck became stuck on Friday afternoon in the parking garage of a Walmart in metro Atlanta.
It happened at a store on Howell Mill Road. The Atlanta Fire Department said earlier they had to check the garage’s structural integrity to be sure it was safe. All entrances/exits for the garage are currently blocked off.
The driver says he wish that someone had warned him of the low clearance. He was not injured during the incident. Complete article
Lawsuit challenging bans from Roanoke Walmart property dismissed 03/10/2022
Afederal appeals court has upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by a man who contended that he, and at least 1,000 others, were unlawfully banned from a Roanoke Walmart.
Jeremiah Henderson had claimed that the Roanoke Police Department did not have authority to issue a letter instructing him not to return to the Walmart at Valley View Mall after a 2018 altercation.
Asserting that at least 1,000 people had been treated the same way, Henderson asked a federal judge to invalidate all of the police actions, called trespass bar letters, dating back to at least 1997.
Although the police department was the designated enforcer of trespassing laws at Walmart, Henderson claimed that it did not receive the required authorization from the proper corporate entity of the retail giant. Complete article
Afederal appeals court has upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by a man who contended that he, and at least 1,000 others, were unlawfully banned from a Roanoke Walmart.
Jeremiah Henderson had claimed that the Roanoke Police Department did not have authority to issue a letter instructing him not to return to the Walmart at Valley View Mall after a 2018 altercation.
Asserting that at least 1,000 people had been treated the same way, Henderson asked a federal judge to invalidate all of the police actions, called trespass bar letters, dating back to at least 1997.
Although the police department was the designated enforcer of trespassing laws at Walmart, Henderson claimed that it did not receive the required authorization from the proper corporate entity of the retail giant. Complete article
Two charged with retail theft following incident at DuBois Pa. Walmart 03/08/2022
Police seek help in identifying suspects accused of using counterfeit cash at Pa. Walmart 03/09/2022
Personal Injury Claims Against Walmart Removed to District Court 03/09/2022
Man accused of wielding gun in Vienna WV Walmart headed to trial 03/09/2022
Ocala man arrested after using stolen credit card at Fla. Walmart and Citgo 03/10/2022
East Tennessee man accused of bringing guns into Walmart 03/13/2022
MADISONVILLE, Tenn. — An eastern Tennessee man is accused of bringing guns into a Walmart and being in possession of drugs, authorities said.
Aaron Joshua Lewis, 41, of Tellico Plains, was charged with two counts of possession of a handgun while under the influence, possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia and public intoxication, according to Monroe County Sheriff’s Office online booking records.
Police were originally called to a Walmart in Madisonville on Feb. 26 after a report of a possible shoplifter, The Advocate & Democrat of Madisonville reported. Police viewed surveillance video and identified the man as Lewis, who had an outstanding warrant for not appearing in court for a previous charge, according to the newspaper. Complete article
MADISONVILLE, Tenn. — An eastern Tennessee man is accused of bringing guns into a Walmart and being in possession of drugs, authorities said.
Aaron Joshua Lewis, 41, of Tellico Plains, was charged with two counts of possession of a handgun while under the influence, possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia and public intoxication, according to Monroe County Sheriff’s Office online booking records.
Police were originally called to a Walmart in Madisonville on Feb. 26 after a report of a possible shoplifter, The Advocate & Democrat of Madisonville reported. Police viewed surveillance video and identified the man as Lewis, who had an outstanding warrant for not appearing in court for a previous charge, according to the newspaper. Complete article
Woman, 70, struck by car in Stafford Va. Walmart parking lot, police say 03/14/2022
A70-year-old woman was seriously injured Friday when she was run over by an SUV outside a Walmart in Stafford County, police said.
Sheriff's Maj. Shawn Kimmitz said the victim was pushing a shopping cart in the parking lot at 11 Village Parkway, off U.S. 17, when she was struck by the SUV. The vehicle ended up on top of her.
The victim was transported to a hospital to be treated for serious injuries, including multiple broken bones, Kimmitz said. Complete article
A70-year-old woman was seriously injured Friday when she was run over by an SUV outside a Walmart in Stafford County, police said.
Sheriff's Maj. Shawn Kimmitz said the victim was pushing a shopping cart in the parking lot at 11 Village Parkway, off U.S. 17, when she was struck by the SUV. The vehicle ended up on top of her.
The victim was transported to a hospital to be treated for serious injuries, including multiple broken bones, Kimmitz said. Complete article
YouTuber Accuses Walmart of Selling Fake Pokemon TCG Products 03/12/2022
Without a doubt, the Pokemon Trading Card Game is one of the most popular and successful trading card games in the world. Rare cards have been known to go for thousands of dollars at auction, which means that counterfeit cards can be a real problem for fans. Now, a YouTuber is accusing Walmart of selling fake Pokemon TCG products to scam card collectors.
This isn't the first incident that has occurred which is connected to Walmart selling Pokemon trading cards, but it may be one of the biggest. During the pandemic, Walmart and other big retailers began focusing more on online sales. However, this may have made it easier for one sponsored seller to distribute fraudulent Pokemon cards.
One of the many Pokemon TCG products currently being sold on Walmart's site is the XY Evolutions Booster box. However, this particular box is a scam containing counterfeit Pokemon cards - and it's being sold by one of Walmart's sponsored sellers, a third-party account approved to sell products through the Walmart online store. YouTuber Deep Pocket Monster revealed the scam in a 12-minute-long video titled "HUGE Pokemon Card Scam EXPOSED." Complete article
Without a doubt, the Pokemon Trading Card Game is one of the most popular and successful trading card games in the world. Rare cards have been known to go for thousands of dollars at auction, which means that counterfeit cards can be a real problem for fans. Now, a YouTuber is accusing Walmart of selling fake Pokemon TCG products to scam card collectors.
This isn't the first incident that has occurred which is connected to Walmart selling Pokemon trading cards, but it may be one of the biggest. During the pandemic, Walmart and other big retailers began focusing more on online sales. However, this may have made it easier for one sponsored seller to distribute fraudulent Pokemon cards.
One of the many Pokemon TCG products currently being sold on Walmart's site is the XY Evolutions Booster box. However, this particular box is a scam containing counterfeit Pokemon cards - and it's being sold by one of Walmart's sponsored sellers, a third-party account approved to sell products through the Walmart online store. YouTuber Deep Pocket Monster revealed the scam in a 12-minute-long video titled "HUGE Pokemon Card Scam EXPOSED." Complete article
St. Cloud men arrested after alleged theft from Minn. Walmart 03/11/2022
Person of interest sought in Copperas Cove Tx. Walmart theft 03/10/2022
Video of Walmart Employee Increasing Price Tag 350 Percent Sparks Outrage 03/10/2022
Pa. State Police Investigate Theft from Walmart in Edinboro 03/11/2022
Suspect facing charges after deadly shooting in Walmart parking lot in Wyoming Mich. 03/14/2022
WYOMING, Mich — A man is in custody and expected to face charges after a deadly shooting in the parking lot of the Walmart on 54th Street in Wyoming.
It happened just before 5:30 p.m. Monday at the west end of the parking lot near the outdoor living center.
The victim, a 29-year-old man, was found in the parking lot. Medics arrived but were unable to revive him.
Police believe the victim was initially shot inside a vehicle in the parking lot. Complete article
Fatal shooting in Walmart parking lot involved 2 men, both with ties to same woman 03/16/2022
WYOMING, Mich — A man is in custody and expected to face charges after a deadly shooting in the parking lot of the Walmart on 54th Street in Wyoming.
It happened just before 5:30 p.m. Monday at the west end of the parking lot near the outdoor living center.
The victim, a 29-year-old man, was found in the parking lot. Medics arrived but were unable to revive him.
Police believe the victim was initially shot inside a vehicle in the parking lot. Complete article
Fatal shooting in Walmart parking lot involved 2 men, both with ties to same woman 03/16/2022
BB Pellets Damage Vehicles In Tenn. Walmart Parking Lot 03/15/2022
Vehicles were damaged by BB pellets about 1 p.m. Monday in the Walmart parking lot.
A pickup truck and other parked vehicles were struck with pellets, Greeneville police Officer Ethan Metcalf said in a report.
Officers responded to a report of a vehicle being shot at with a BB gun. A witness told police two men and a woman “were having a gunfight in the parking lot of Walmart,” the report said.
The passenger side of a pickup truck was struck, as were other vehicles. The truck owner later called police and said there were three chips in the truck’s windshield. Complete article
Vehicles were damaged by BB pellets about 1 p.m. Monday in the Walmart parking lot.
A pickup truck and other parked vehicles were struck with pellets, Greeneville police Officer Ethan Metcalf said in a report.
Officers responded to a report of a vehicle being shot at with a BB gun. A witness told police two men and a woman “were having a gunfight in the parking lot of Walmart,” the report said.
The passenger side of a pickup truck was struck, as were other vehicles. The truck owner later called police and said there were three chips in the truck’s windshield. Complete article
Police seek magician who tricks Tx. Walmart employees into giving wrong change 03/14/2022
SEGUIN, Texas – Now you see him now you don’t. Seguin Police Department is on the lookout for a magician who pulled a trick right up his sleeve to several employees at a Walmart making them believe that they have given him the wrong change.
This magician has played this trick on two different occasions at the Walmart in Seguin, Texas, on January 10 and again on February 12.
While using a slight hand trick, the suspect would count the change in front of the employee and show that he was short-changed, while using the other hand to pocket a portion of the money. But that’s not all, the suspect had another outfit ready to repeat the same trick to the Walmart employees. Complete article
‘Magician’ who stole $3K from Walmart linked to schemes across the country 03/21/2022
SEGUIN, Texas – Now you see him now you don’t. Seguin Police Department is on the lookout for a magician who pulled a trick right up his sleeve to several employees at a Walmart making them believe that they have given him the wrong change.
This magician has played this trick on two different occasions at the Walmart in Seguin, Texas, on January 10 and again on February 12.
While using a slight hand trick, the suspect would count the change in front of the employee and show that he was short-changed, while using the other hand to pocket a portion of the money. But that’s not all, the suspect had another outfit ready to repeat the same trick to the Walmart employees. Complete article
‘Magician’ who stole $3K from Walmart linked to schemes across the country 03/21/2022
Rushville woman arrested after stealing from Canandaigua NY Walmart 03/11/2022
Pueblo Colorado Walmart evacuated for bomb threat, but no threat found 03/12/2022
“Suspicious” package at Waynesboro Va. Walmart found not to be a threat, officials say 03/12/2022
Police trying to ID Pa. Walmart theft suspects 03/14/2022
Evidence found in her own car suggests teen was kidnapped from Fernley Nevada Walmart 03/15/2022
FERNLEY, Nev. (KRNV & KRXI) — The Lyon County Sheriff's Office has released pictures of 18-year-old Naomi Irion from the morning of March 12 when she was last seen. The sheriff's office has also released two pictures of the suspect but acknowledged the quality was not great. They are working to gather more information and better suspect photos.
Police continue to search 18-year-old Naomi Irion's car Tuesday evening after finding it in an industrial area in Fernley earlier that day. Complete article
Nevada woman disappears from Walmart; brother says video shows masked man forcing himself into her car 03/17/2022
Naomi Irion: Chilling new video released of hooded suspect in Walmart lot where teen vanished 03/22/2022
Suspect arrested in alleged kidnapping of teen last seen nearly 2 weeks ago 03/26/2022
Naomi Irion, 18, found deceased in Nevada after being kidnapped from Walmart parking lot: police 03/31/2022
Woman kidnapped from Walmart parking lot was fatally shot, buried in rural Nevada 04/07/2022
FERNLEY, Nev. (KRNV & KRXI) — The Lyon County Sheriff's Office has released pictures of 18-year-old Naomi Irion from the morning of March 12 when she was last seen. The sheriff's office has also released two pictures of the suspect but acknowledged the quality was not great. They are working to gather more information and better suspect photos.
Lyon County Sheriff's Office - Nevada
2 hours ago
Here are photos of Naomi the morning she was last seen and what she was wearing at that time. The last 2 photos are from video surveillance of the suspect. We are aware that the suspect photo is not much to go on at this time and we are working diligently to get better photos of the suspect. Thank you to everyone for your continued support.
Police continue to search 18-year-old Naomi Irion's car Tuesday evening after finding it in an industrial area in Fernley earlier that day. Complete article
Nevada woman disappears from Walmart; brother says video shows masked man forcing himself into her car 03/17/2022
Naomi Irion: Chilling new video released of hooded suspect in Walmart lot where teen vanished 03/22/2022
Suspect arrested in alleged kidnapping of teen last seen nearly 2 weeks ago 03/26/2022
Naomi Irion, 18, found deceased in Nevada after being kidnapped from Walmart parking lot: police 03/31/2022
Woman kidnapped from Walmart parking lot was fatally shot, buried in rural Nevada 04/07/2022
Police investigate threat against Liberty Ohio Walmart employees 03/16/2022
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, Ohio (WKBN) – Police are reviewing surveillance video and working to identify a woman who threatened two Walmart employees in Liberty.
According to a police report, officers were called about 9:30 p.m. Monday to the store on Goldie Road after two employees there said they were threatened by a customer.
The employees said that a female customer became angry when they told her they could not process her return/exchange because the customer service desk was closed. The employees attempted to find a local Walmart that could process the exchange but were unsuccessful.
The employees said the woman told them that she would “stalk” them and “shoot them in the head.” The woman then left in a black colored sedan, but the license plates were not visible. Complete article
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, Ohio (WKBN) – Police are reviewing surveillance video and working to identify a woman who threatened two Walmart employees in Liberty.
According to a police report, officers were called about 9:30 p.m. Monday to the store on Goldie Road after two employees there said they were threatened by a customer.
The employees said that a female customer became angry when they told her they could not process her return/exchange because the customer service desk was closed. The employees attempted to find a local Walmart that could process the exchange but were unsuccessful.
The employees said the woman told them that she would “stalk” them and “shoot them in the head.” The woman then left in a black colored sedan, but the license plates were not visible. Complete article
Vancouver Canada man who alleges serious injuries after battery charger exploded sues Walmart 03/15/2022
James Holder says his treatment included removing a significant amount of flesh due to the chemicals from the explosion and fire having melted into his thigh and buttock.
A Vancouver man is alleging he was seriously injured after a defective portable battery charger he purchased at Walmart exploded and caught fire in his rear pants pocket.
James Patrick Holder, who is suing the megastore for damages, says in his lawsuit that he bought the in-house battery charger, under the company’s “ONN” brand, on Sept. 6, 2016.
He says in the lawsuit filed in B.C. Supreme Court that he was at his job at a food warehouse delivery firm at the time of the incident. Complete article
James Holder says his treatment included removing a significant amount of flesh due to the chemicals from the explosion and fire having melted into his thigh and buttock.
A Vancouver man is alleging he was seriously injured after a defective portable battery charger he purchased at Walmart exploded and caught fire in his rear pants pocket.
James Patrick Holder, who is suing the megastore for damages, says in his lawsuit that he bought the in-house battery charger, under the company’s “ONN” brand, on Sept. 6, 2016.
He says in the lawsuit filed in B.C. Supreme Court that he was at his job at a food warehouse delivery firm at the time of the incident. Complete article
Walmart fired NJ online grocery shopper after she pulled a muscle, discrimination lawsuit says 03/17/2022
A Somerset County woman who worked as an online grocery shopper for a Walmart in Manville has filed a discrimination lawsuit against the company, claiming the retail giant fired her after she pulled a muscle.
Kyla Graham, 26, of South Bound Brook, says in court papers she performed her job “beyond reasonable expectations” until a doctor diagnosed her in December 2020 with costochondritis – a painful condition that occurs when cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone is pulled or torn.
Graham’s doctor placed her on light duty and her managers at Walmart on North Main Street at first tried to accommodate her by assigning her to answer phones, according to the lawsuit filed Dec. 1 in Superior Court in Somerset County.
But shortly thereafter, supervisors took her off phone duty and told her to instead perform “zoning work,” which means making sure the store’s aisles were clean.
Graham performed the job, with light duty restrictions, but then noticed that the managers had reduced her work hours from full-time to 36 hours per week. They also scheduled Graham to work outside of her available hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., the suit states. Complete article
A Somerset County woman who worked as an online grocery shopper for a Walmart in Manville has filed a discrimination lawsuit against the company, claiming the retail giant fired her after she pulled a muscle.
Kyla Graham, 26, of South Bound Brook, says in court papers she performed her job “beyond reasonable expectations” until a doctor diagnosed her in December 2020 with costochondritis – a painful condition that occurs when cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone is pulled or torn.
Graham’s doctor placed her on light duty and her managers at Walmart on North Main Street at first tried to accommodate her by assigning her to answer phones, according to the lawsuit filed Dec. 1 in Superior Court in Somerset County.
But shortly thereafter, supervisors took her off phone duty and told her to instead perform “zoning work,” which means making sure the store’s aisles were clean.
Graham performed the job, with light duty restrictions, but then noticed that the managers had reduced her work hours from full-time to 36 hours per week. They also scheduled Graham to work outside of her available hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., the suit states. Complete article
Walmart chief legal officer promotes work-life balance 03/16/2022
Rachel Brand says it’s time to ‘make it OK for men to be the one to take the kid to the doctor’
As retail companies prepare for the long-delayed return to office at corporate headquarters across the country, Walmart Inc. Executive Vice President for Global Governance, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary Rachel Brand says executives need to be supportive of work-life balance — especially for working parents.
After two years of meeting virtually rather than getting on a plane, and realizing work can be done from anywhere, “people’s expectations are changing,” said Brand, the keynote speaker at NRF’s Retail Law Summit in February. Many harried parents and other employees won’t tolerate being in the office just for the sake of being in the office. Complete article
Rachel Brand says it’s time to ‘make it OK for men to be the one to take the kid to the doctor’
As retail companies prepare for the long-delayed return to office at corporate headquarters across the country, Walmart Inc. Executive Vice President for Global Governance, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary Rachel Brand says executives need to be supportive of work-life balance — especially for working parents.
After two years of meeting virtually rather than getting on a plane, and realizing work can be done from anywhere, “people’s expectations are changing,” said Brand, the keynote speaker at NRF’s Retail Law Summit in February. Many harried parents and other employees won’t tolerate being in the office just for the sake of being in the office. Complete article
Shoplifting at self-checkout in La. Wal-Mart lands Monroe woman in jail, possessed over 50 ecstasy pills 03/14/2022
Deputies searching for Alabama Walmart robbery suspect 03/14/2022
Police seek suspects who used counterfeit cash at Walmart in Lebanon County Pa. 03/16/2022
Two accused of shoplifting liquor from North Vernon Ind. Walmart 03/16/2022
Walmart distribution center catches fire near Indianapolis Ind. airport 03/16/2022
AVON, Ind. — A fire at a Walmart warehouse distribution center has cast a large plume of smoke visible throughout Indianapolis.
Plainfield Fire Department officials confirmed the fire is at a Walmart warehouse located at 9590 AllPoints Parkway between Avon and the Indianapolis International Airport. Neighboring facilities near the warehouse are being evacuated, officials said, as a precaution.
Fire officials said there are no injuries as a result of this fire and that around 1,000 people were inside the warehouse at the time of the fire. Firefighters are still working to contain the fire. All firefighters and employees are accounted for. Complete article
Fire at Walmart Distribution Center in Plainfield Ind. still burning Thursday morning 03/17/2022
Walmart warehouse fire brings concerns about air quality 03/17/2022
Employees talk about Walmart distribution center fire in Plainfield 03/17/2022 Some employees say the lack of injuries was thanks to some emergency training the employees had just a few days before Wednesday’s fire. “We thought it was another training until we were out and we saw the black smoke coming out from the roof,” Romero said.
Fire-gutted Walmart warehouse adds little in taxes to Hendricks County 03/17/2022
Smoke From Huge Walmart Fire Could Be Seen From Space 03/17/2022
Indiana health officials testing water, air quality after fire at Walmart distribution center 03/19/2022
Walmart distribution center fire transitions from suppressing to investigating 03/19/2022 The fire started around 12 p.m. Wednesday at the Walmart distribution center located at 9590 Allpoints Parkway.
Brownsburg fire at construction site is second Hendricks County blaze this week 03/18/2022 A building being constructed on farmland in Hendricks County caught fire Friday afternoon, just two days after a massive blaze consumed a Walmart fulfillment center less than 10 miles away.
Walmart extends disaster benefits to employees at IND1 Fulfillment Center in Plainfield 03/21/2022 PLAINFIELD — A spokesperson for Walmart said the company will give its employees 40 hours of pay this week while it finalizes other options after a massive fire last week in Plainfield.
Walmart distribution center resumes operations after fire 03/22/2022
ATF finishes work at site of Plainfield Walmart fulfillment center fire 03/29/2022
Walmart to host job fair for employees affected by fire 03/28/2022
AVON, Ind. — A fire at a Walmart warehouse distribution center has cast a large plume of smoke visible throughout Indianapolis.
Plainfield Fire Department officials confirmed the fire is at a Walmart warehouse located at 9590 AllPoints Parkway between Avon and the Indianapolis International Airport. Neighboring facilities near the warehouse are being evacuated, officials said, as a precaution.
Fire officials said there are no injuries as a result of this fire and that around 1,000 people were inside the warehouse at the time of the fire. Firefighters are still working to contain the fire. All firefighters and employees are accounted for. Complete article
Fire at Walmart Distribution Center in Plainfield Ind. still burning Thursday morning 03/17/2022
Walmart warehouse fire brings concerns about air quality 03/17/2022
Employees talk about Walmart distribution center fire in Plainfield 03/17/2022 Some employees say the lack of injuries was thanks to some emergency training the employees had just a few days before Wednesday’s fire. “We thought it was another training until we were out and we saw the black smoke coming out from the roof,” Romero said.
Fire-gutted Walmart warehouse adds little in taxes to Hendricks County 03/17/2022
Smoke From Huge Walmart Fire Could Be Seen From Space 03/17/2022
Indiana health officials testing water, air quality after fire at Walmart distribution center 03/19/2022
Walmart distribution center fire transitions from suppressing to investigating 03/19/2022 The fire started around 12 p.m. Wednesday at the Walmart distribution center located at 9590 Allpoints Parkway.
Brownsburg fire at construction site is second Hendricks County blaze this week 03/18/2022 A building being constructed on farmland in Hendricks County caught fire Friday afternoon, just two days after a massive blaze consumed a Walmart fulfillment center less than 10 miles away.
Walmart extends disaster benefits to employees at IND1 Fulfillment Center in Plainfield 03/21/2022 PLAINFIELD — A spokesperson for Walmart said the company will give its employees 40 hours of pay this week while it finalizes other options after a massive fire last week in Plainfield.
Walmart distribution center resumes operations after fire 03/22/2022
ATF finishes work at site of Plainfield Walmart fulfillment center fire 03/29/2022
Walmart to host job fair for employees affected by fire 03/28/2022
Truck stolen from Cambria County Pa. Walmart, suspect at large 03/18/2022
CAMBRIA COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — The Richland Township Police Department is looking for the person responsible for stealing a truck out of the Walmart parking lot.
A black 2009 Dodge Ram truck (crew cab) was stolen March 14 around 6 p.m. in the Richland Town Center Walmart parking lot, police announced Thursday. Police do not yet know the identity of the individual, so they are seeking the community’s assistance.
If you have information about the identity of the suspect or the whereabouts of the stolen truck, reach out to the police department through Cambria County 911 at 814-472-2100. Complete article
CAMBRIA COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — The Richland Township Police Department is looking for the person responsible for stealing a truck out of the Walmart parking lot.
A black 2009 Dodge Ram truck (crew cab) was stolen March 14 around 6 p.m. in the Richland Town Center Walmart parking lot, police announced Thursday. Police do not yet know the identity of the individual, so they are seeking the community’s assistance.
If you have information about the identity of the suspect or the whereabouts of the stolen truck, reach out to the police department through Cambria County 911 at 814-472-2100. Complete article
‘People have a lot of options. They have Amazon. They have Walmart:’ IRS chief says his agency competes with big-box stores for staff 03/17/2022
‘I can only encourage people so much to come on board for the good of the country,’ Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, said.
Hiring thousands of people to clear a tax return backlog that runs in the millions is tough enough.
Now try doing it during a labor shortage when all kinds of employers are offering fatter salaries to snag and keep staff.
That’s the task for IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig — a man who’s not shy about saying when the agency gets “out-gunned” — and he knows he’s facing stiff competition in today’s labor market. Complete article
‘I can only encourage people so much to come on board for the good of the country,’ Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, said.
Hiring thousands of people to clear a tax return backlog that runs in the millions is tough enough.
Now try doing it during a labor shortage when all kinds of employers are offering fatter salaries to snag and keep staff.
That’s the task for IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig — a man who’s not shy about saying when the agency gets “out-gunned” — and he knows he’s facing stiff competition in today’s labor market. Complete article
AT&T and Walmart break their pledge.… 03/14/2022
You’ll want to know what incited this. It’s below, check it out for the details.
And now you know why, as a strongly committed union retiree, i do not subscribe to AT&T phone services. The workers there are represented by a union, at least the last i heard. Company union? Doesn’t matter since the company has trashed the former status of “utility” for phones because they wanted to make more money with computers. Yup! I have a long memory. I was around back when it happened. There was (and is) no good reason the phones aren’t a publicly owned utility.
Point 2:
And now you know why, as a strongly committed union retiree, i won’t shop at Walmart. If i have to explain their super active funding of the anti-democratic Republican Party (I’m being not being snarky here, for now). Not to mention that they’re totally anti-union and treat their workers like crap. They’ve been doing this for their whole existence as far as i can tell. They will get none of my business. Complete article
You’ll want to know what incited this. It’s below, check it out for the details.
And now you know why, as a strongly committed union retiree, i do not subscribe to AT&T phone services. The workers there are represented by a union, at least the last i heard. Company union? Doesn’t matter since the company has trashed the former status of “utility” for phones because they wanted to make more money with computers. Yup! I have a long memory. I was around back when it happened. There was (and is) no good reason the phones aren’t a publicly owned utility.
Point 2:
And now you know why, as a strongly committed union retiree, i won’t shop at Walmart. If i have to explain their super active funding of the anti-democratic Republican Party (I’m being not being snarky here, for now). Not to mention that they’re totally anti-union and treat their workers like crap. They’ve been doing this for their whole existence as far as i can tell. They will get none of my business. Complete article
Bellefontaine Ohio police searching for 2 related to Walmart theft 03/16/2022
Walmart To Hire Tens Of Thousands Of Workers 03/17/2022
Police search for Richland Pa. Walmart shoplifter 03/18/2022
WHO AM I? Man wanted after Walmart assault in Jacksonville NC 03/17/2022
Man Skips Register At Md. Walmart With 75” TV; Police Seeking Identity 03/17/2022
Husband Wounds Wife, Kills Man in Parking Lot of Berks Co. Pa. Walmart 03/20/2022
“We have kids coming in and out of all these stores all the time. It could have been a real tragedy, more than what it already is,” Wyomissing Police Department Chief John Phillips said.
A man critically wounded his wife and killed the man she was with at a busy Walmart parking lot in Berks County in a case of domestic violence, police said.
There were various patrons, including children, in and around the store when the suspect arrived at the Brookshire Square Shopping Center in Wyomissing and shot his wife, Wyomissing Police Department Chief John Phillips said.
The other man tried to get away in an SUV, but he was fatally shot as he drove, with the SUV crashing before coming to a stop, Phillips said. Police were also investigating a sedan that appeared to have its driver's side window shot out. Complete article
Coroner called to shooting at Berks County Walmart 03/20/2022
“We have kids coming in and out of all these stores all the time. It could have been a real tragedy, more than what it already is,” Wyomissing Police Department Chief John Phillips said.
A man critically wounded his wife and killed the man she was with at a busy Walmart parking lot in Berks County in a case of domestic violence, police said.
There were various patrons, including children, in and around the store when the suspect arrived at the Brookshire Square Shopping Center in Wyomissing and shot his wife, Wyomissing Police Department Chief John Phillips said.
The other man tried to get away in an SUV, but he was fatally shot as he drove, with the SUV crashing before coming to a stop, Phillips said. Police were also investigating a sedan that appeared to have its driver's side window shot out. Complete article
Coroner called to shooting at Berks County Walmart 03/20/2022
Police Searching for Suspect in Texarkana Tx. Walmart Shooting 03/19/2022
Texarkana police are searching for a suspect in a shooting about 9:45 p.m. Friday in the parking lot of the Walmart Neighborhood Market in 3300 block of Summerhill Road.
The suspect is Zachariah Larry, 22, of Texarkana Texas.
Larry and the 43 year old victim got into a verbal altercation inside the business that continued into the parking lot and became physical. At some point, Larry pulled out a gun and shot the victim. Larry immediately fled the scene.
The victim was transported to Wadley and is being treated for what is believed to be non-life threatening injuries. Complete article
TTPD names suspect in Walmart Neighborhood Market shooting 03/18/2022
Texarkana police are searching for a suspect in a shooting about 9:45 p.m. Friday in the parking lot of the Walmart Neighborhood Market in 3300 block of Summerhill Road.
The suspect is Zachariah Larry, 22, of Texarkana Texas.
Larry and the 43 year old victim got into a verbal altercation inside the business that continued into the parking lot and became physical. At some point, Larry pulled out a gun and shot the victim. Larry immediately fled the scene.
The victim was transported to Wadley and is being treated for what is believed to be non-life threatening injuries. Complete article
TTPD names suspect in Walmart Neighborhood Market shooting 03/18/2022
LAPD Respond To Looters At Burning Ca. Walmart 03/18/2022
PANORAMA CITY (CBSLA) — On Friday night, police responded to reports of people looting a burning Walmart in Panorama City.
According to the Los Angeles Police Department, officers were dispatched to Walmart after crews from the Los Angeles Fire Department reported several people looting during the fire. At this time there is no suspect description and it is unknown what was taken.
LAFD spokesperson Margaret Stewart said that crews were initially called to the fire at 8333 N. Van Nuys Boulevard at about 6:20 p.m.
When crews arrived store employees were evacuating the store and the fire sprinklers had been activated. Firefighters located the blaze on the second floor and shut off the sprinklers as they began to fight the fire. According to Stewart, crews turned off the sprinklers to minimize water damage. The sprinklers were dispensing 15-25 gallons of water per minute. Complete article
PANORAMA CITY (CBSLA) — On Friday night, police responded to reports of people looting a burning Walmart in Panorama City.
According to the Los Angeles Police Department, officers were dispatched to Walmart after crews from the Los Angeles Fire Department reported several people looting during the fire. At this time there is no suspect description and it is unknown what was taken.
LAFD spokesperson Margaret Stewart said that crews were initially called to the fire at 8333 N. Van Nuys Boulevard at about 6:20 p.m.
When crews arrived store employees were evacuating the store and the fire sprinklers had been activated. Firefighters located the blaze on the second floor and shut off the sprinklers as they began to fight the fire. According to Stewart, crews turned off the sprinklers to minimize water damage. The sprinklers were dispensing 15-25 gallons of water per minute. Complete article
Louisiana Walmart theft leads to car chase with police into Mississippi 03/18/2022
ADAMS COUNTY, Miss. (KTVE/KARD) — According to the Vidalia Police Department Facebook page, on Thursday, March 17, 2022, police responded to a call at Walmart for theft. Authorities reported that they tried to stop a silver Jeep Cherokee when the driver, 56-year-old Rachael Gibson of Natchez, Mississippi, led police on a car chase.
Police reported that the chase crossed the Mississippi River bridge into Natchez, Mississippi. Police arrested Gibson, who is being held in the Adams County Jail. Authorities charged Gibson with one count of theft, two counts of Aggravated Assault on an officer, Aggravated Flight, and Criminal Property Damage.
According to officers, Aggravated Assault on public servants is unacceptable. Police stated that they are thankful no officers or deputies were hurt and that they captured Gibson, who will face the consequences of her actions. Complete article
ADAMS COUNTY, Miss. (KTVE/KARD) — According to the Vidalia Police Department Facebook page, on Thursday, March 17, 2022, police responded to a call at Walmart for theft. Authorities reported that they tried to stop a silver Jeep Cherokee when the driver, 56-year-old Rachael Gibson of Natchez, Mississippi, led police on a car chase.
Police reported that the chase crossed the Mississippi River bridge into Natchez, Mississippi. Police arrested Gibson, who is being held in the Adams County Jail. Authorities charged Gibson with one count of theft, two counts of Aggravated Assault on an officer, Aggravated Flight, and Criminal Property Damage.
According to officers, Aggravated Assault on public servants is unacceptable. Police stated that they are thankful no officers or deputies were hurt and that they captured Gibson, who will face the consequences of her actions. Complete article
Continental Mills Recalls Walmart Great Value Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix Due To Possible Foreign Material Contamination 03/19/2022
TUKWILA, Wash., March 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Continental Mills has issued a recall for a single lot of Great Value Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix, UPC 078742370828, Lot code KX2063, Best By Date of 09/01/2023, due to a potential foreign material contamination. Fragments from a cable used to clear the processing line were discovered in a limited amount of product.
The affected product was distributed nationwide where consumers purchased product through retail Walmart stores.
No contaminated product has been reported by consumers to date. No injuries have been reported to date. Complete article
TUKWILA, Wash., March 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Continental Mills has issued a recall for a single lot of Great Value Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix, UPC 078742370828, Lot code KX2063, Best By Date of 09/01/2023, due to a potential foreign material contamination. Fragments from a cable used to clear the processing line were discovered in a limited amount of product.
The affected product was distributed nationwide where consumers purchased product through retail Walmart stores.
No contaminated product has been reported by consumers to date. No injuries have been reported to date. Complete article
I am a Walmart worker and here are the store secrets and the WORST department 03/19/2022
ONE Walmart employee is revealing the worst department to work in - and why.
In a TikTok, user @walmartopd1912, who goes by Manuel, shared which department he was moving to within the big box store.
Manuel captioned the video with: "Best department."
In the video, the man is seen wearing his Walmart uniform.
"When you finally transfer to ...," the onscreen text reads.
The big reveal comes as Manuel takes his bright yellow Walmart vest off.
One user wrote, "yeah nope I just transferred out of opd," with a laughing emoji.
Another user shared the same sentiment, writing, "nah bro opd is the second worst department." Complete article
ONE Walmart employee is revealing the worst department to work in - and why.
In a TikTok, user @walmartopd1912, who goes by Manuel, shared which department he was moving to within the big box store.
Manuel captioned the video with: "Best department."
In the video, the man is seen wearing his Walmart uniform.
"When you finally transfer to ...," the onscreen text reads.
The big reveal comes as Manuel takes his bright yellow Walmart vest off.
One user wrote, "yeah nope I just transferred out of opd," with a laughing emoji.
Another user shared the same sentiment, writing, "nah bro opd is the second worst department." Complete article
Woman tried to steal almost $200 in hair care products from Pa. Walmart, police say 03/18/2022
Convicted Thief Steals From Rt. 59 Walmart: Joliet Ill. Police 03/18/2022
Walmart vests may be the new fashion statement: Bainbridge Township Ohio police blotter 03/18/2022
Woman Arrested In Pa. Walmart Parking Lot Drug Bust 03/18/2022
Charlotte NC Walmart evacuated, CMPD detains 'person of interest' after report of gunshots 03/20/2022
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A person of interest was detained after the Walmart on Wilkinson Boulevard in west Charlotte was evacuated due to a report of shots being fired, police said.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg police were called to the store, located at 3200 Wilkinson Boulevard, Sunday for a reported assault with a deadly weapon. Police said no one was hit by gunfire during the incident but the store was evacuated as a precaution. CMPD confirmed a person of interest, who hasn't been identified, was detained, and officers weren't looking for any additional suspects.
Medic confirmed no patients were transported from the scene. Walmart's corporate office later confirmed the store was evacuated. Complete article
CMPD: Man reportedly tried to stab people near Walmart in west Charlotte, store evacuated after shots fired 03/20/2022
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A person of interest was detained after the Walmart on Wilkinson Boulevard in west Charlotte was evacuated due to a report of shots being fired, police said.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg police were called to the store, located at 3200 Wilkinson Boulevard, Sunday for a reported assault with a deadly weapon. Police said no one was hit by gunfire during the incident but the store was evacuated as a precaution. CMPD confirmed a person of interest, who hasn't been identified, was detained, and officers weren't looking for any additional suspects.
Medic confirmed no patients were transported from the scene. Walmart's corporate office later confirmed the store was evacuated. Complete article
CMPD: Man reportedly tried to stab people near Walmart in west Charlotte, store evacuated after shots fired 03/20/2022
One struck, killed near Marlin Tx. Walmart 03/21/2022
MARLIN, Texas – Marlin Police are investigating a fatal accident near an area Walmart.
Officers were dispatched to the area of Southbound State Highway 6 at approximately 10:00 p.m. Sunday. This was in reference to a vehicle striking a pedestrian – resulting in a fatality.
FOX 44 will have more information as it becomes available. Complete article
MARLIN, Texas – Marlin Police are investigating a fatal accident near an area Walmart.
Officers were dispatched to the area of Southbound State Highway 6 at approximately 10:00 p.m. Sunday. This was in reference to a vehicle striking a pedestrian – resulting in a fatality.
FOX 44 will have more information as it becomes available. Complete article
One person receives laceration to arm after argument outside Hendersonville Walmart 03/21/2022
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — One man has been arrested and charged and another sent to the hospital after an argument at the Hendersonville Walmart on Monday.
Allison Justus, the communications manager for the City of Hendersonville, tells News 13 Hendersonville police officers responded to a report of a stabbing outside the Walmart located at 250 Highlands Square Drive around 10:52 a.m.
Officials say an adult male victim "received a laceration on his left arm" and was taken to Mission Hospital as a result. Complete article
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — One man has been arrested and charged and another sent to the hospital after an argument at the Hendersonville Walmart on Monday.
Allison Justus, the communications manager for the City of Hendersonville, tells News 13 Hendersonville police officers responded to a report of a stabbing outside the Walmart located at 250 Highlands Square Drive around 10:52 a.m.
Officials say an adult male victim "received a laceration on his left arm" and was taken to Mission Hospital as a result. Complete article
The Petty Reason Someone Allegedly Set Walmart Paper Towels On Fire 03/21/2022
Ah, Walmart. A sprawling monument to big savings and even bigger purchases, this superstore attracts all types of folks from near and far. It's no surprise, as the popular shopping arena has much to offer from toys to food and everything in between. But like any retail establishment, employees of Walmart find themselves interacting with a variety of customers including the pleasant, the quiet, and the awful.
One woman in Winter Haven, Florida threw a Barbie doll at a worker's face when she was accused of trying to shoplift groceries (via The Miami-Herald). A man with the mistaken identity of former NFL offensive lineman Bruce Campbell was involved in a brutal fight inside a Walmart (via TMZ Sports). And one young woman, in a shocking video, decided to set several palettes of paper towels on fire in the middle of the store — and you may not believe the reason.
TikTok user "thriftymuse" posted a video of a shocking scene at a local Walmart. A stack of Bounty-brand paper towels is shown engulfed in flames, followed by a worker racing to the scene with a fire extinguisher. Although the fire was quickly put out before any harm could come to employees, customers, or other products, there was apparent damage done.
The supposed reason for setting the fire was nonetheless absurd. The fire was apparently retaliation for the store being out of almond milk. Commentators were aghast, but not just at the actions of the firebug, but at "thriftymuse" as well.
"It was actually a little girl who was doing a TIKTOK trend." said one user. Another claimed. "A girl was trying to do a tiktok trend and started the fire when she lit some paper towels on fire." One bold TikToker blatantly asked, "Why did you lie about the reason for the fire?" Thriftymuse's response was that she was merely trying to bring humor to an otherwise stupid and dangerous stunt. The user has since disabled comments to the video. Complete article
Ah, Walmart. A sprawling monument to big savings and even bigger purchases, this superstore attracts all types of folks from near and far. It's no surprise, as the popular shopping arena has much to offer from toys to food and everything in between. But like any retail establishment, employees of Walmart find themselves interacting with a variety of customers including the pleasant, the quiet, and the awful.
One woman in Winter Haven, Florida threw a Barbie doll at a worker's face when she was accused of trying to shoplift groceries (via The Miami-Herald). A man with the mistaken identity of former NFL offensive lineman Bruce Campbell was involved in a brutal fight inside a Walmart (via TMZ Sports). And one young woman, in a shocking video, decided to set several palettes of paper towels on fire in the middle of the store — and you may not believe the reason.
TikTok user "thriftymuse" posted a video of a shocking scene at a local Walmart. A stack of Bounty-brand paper towels is shown engulfed in flames, followed by a worker racing to the scene with a fire extinguisher. Although the fire was quickly put out before any harm could come to employees, customers, or other products, there was apparent damage done.
The supposed reason for setting the fire was nonetheless absurd. The fire was apparently retaliation for the store being out of almond milk. Commentators were aghast, but not just at the actions of the firebug, but at "thriftymuse" as well.
"It was actually a little girl who was doing a TIKTOK trend." said one user. Another claimed. "A girl was trying to do a tiktok trend and started the fire when she lit some paper towels on fire." One bold TikToker blatantly asked, "Why did you lie about the reason for the fire?" Thriftymuse's response was that she was merely trying to bring humor to an otherwise stupid and dangerous stunt. The user has since disabled comments to the video. Complete article
Legal Discovery Often Hits Walmart Wall 03/21/2022
Walmart faces allegations that its abuse of the discovery process, a reliable legal tactic, clogs the process even more frequently than other top companies. Complete article
Walmart faces allegations that its abuse of the discovery process, a reliable legal tactic, clogs the process even more frequently than other top companies. Complete article
Police looking for woman who they say stole sink from Tx. Walmart FedEx 03/18/2022
Police: Man arrested for two consecutive days of Ohio Walmart theft 03/21/2022
Justices Send Walmart Manager Appeal Rights for New Look 03/21/2022
Walmart to close Greater Cincinnati Ohio location 03/21/2022
Suspected price tag switcher arrested at Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Fla. in The Villages 03/21/2022
Police: Man arrested for attempted rape inside Fla. Walmart 03/21/2022
MIAMI, Fla. – Walmart shoppers were left speechless and disturbed after hearing that a woman was sexually battered at a store they had just finished shopping in along Northwest 79th Street.
“That’s really unsafe. I would come into a Walmart to grocery shop. Just for somebody to come up to me; not thinking that somebody is going to come up to me; touching me, it’s just scary as a female too,” Makaila Carroll said.
According to an arrest form, the victim was shopping when she was attacked.
Bredan Harvey, 28, allegedly approached the woman from behind, pulling up her dress while touching her backside, according to the report.
When she turned around, police say he pushed her to the ground, ripping off her undergarments while trying to touch her below the waist. Complete article
Shoppers Pummel Man To The Ground After He Allegedly Tried To Rape A Woman In Walmart 03/22/2022
MIAMI, Fla. – Walmart shoppers were left speechless and disturbed after hearing that a woman was sexually battered at a store they had just finished shopping in along Northwest 79th Street.
“That’s really unsafe. I would come into a Walmart to grocery shop. Just for somebody to come up to me; not thinking that somebody is going to come up to me; touching me, it’s just scary as a female too,” Makaila Carroll said.
According to an arrest form, the victim was shopping when she was attacked.
Bredan Harvey, 28, allegedly approached the woman from behind, pulling up her dress while touching her backside, according to the report.
When she turned around, police say he pushed her to the ground, ripping off her undergarments while trying to touch her below the waist. Complete article
Shoppers Pummel Man To The Ground After He Allegedly Tried To Rape A Woman In Walmart 03/22/2022
Police: Toy 'splatter gun' used in incident Friday night at Mich. Walmart 03/21/2022
MADISON TWP. — Police are seeking information about the people who may have been involved in an incident involving a toy gun Friday night at Walmart.
Madison Township police were dispatched at about 8:15 p.m. Friday to Walmart, 1601 E. U.S. 223, to a report of one or more people being in possession of a gun, a news release issued Monday by the police department said. Upon arrival, officers were able to determine that the people involved with this incident had a toy “splatter gun” that shoots small water beads.
The store and surrounding areas were checked, and it was discovered that those involved had already left the area prior to officers arriving at Walmart, the release said. Officers were able to determine that no one was in immediate danger and there was no real gun involved in this incident. Complete article
MADISON TWP. — Police are seeking information about the people who may have been involved in an incident involving a toy gun Friday night at Walmart.
Madison Township police were dispatched at about 8:15 p.m. Friday to Walmart, 1601 E. U.S. 223, to a report of one or more people being in possession of a gun, a news release issued Monday by the police department said. Upon arrival, officers were able to determine that the people involved with this incident had a toy “splatter gun” that shoots small water beads.
The store and surrounding areas were checked, and it was discovered that those involved had already left the area prior to officers arriving at Walmart, the release said. Officers were able to determine that no one was in immediate danger and there was no real gun involved in this incident. Complete article
Terrifying video shows shoppers fleeing from tornado at Walmart in Texas 03/22/2022
Terrifying video captured the moment a tornado ripped through a Walmart parking lot in Texas — as a man yells for terrified shoppers to run into the store to avoid the flying debris.
“Get inside! Get inside! Run! Run! Run!” the man screams at the entrance to the Walmart in Round Rock, a city near Austin, as the twister barreled in Monday evening. “Get away from the windows.”
The heart-pounding footage was posted on Twitter by James Watson, an employee at the Walmart store.
A woman also posted images of her bleeding legs after the harrowing experience. Complete article
Terrifying video captured the moment a tornado ripped through a Walmart parking lot in Texas — as a man yells for terrified shoppers to run into the store to avoid the flying debris.
“Get inside! Get inside! Run! Run! Run!” the man screams at the entrance to the Walmart in Round Rock, a city near Austin, as the twister barreled in Monday evening. “Get away from the windows.”
The heart-pounding footage was posted on Twitter by James Watson, an employee at the Walmart store.
A woman also posted images of her bleeding legs after the harrowing experience. Complete article
Over 3 Million of These Gummies Sold at Costco, Walmart, Target, and More Are Being Recalled 03/17/2022
Around 3.74 million bottles of Airborne Gummies sold at Costco, Target, Walmart, and other retailers between May 2020 and February 2022 are being recalled after 70 reports of faulty packaging.
A recall notice posted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission says that the cap or seal on the Immune System gummies made by Reckitt may pop off the bottle when opened for the first time. Of the 70 reports filed, the issue has caused 18 minor injuries, one of which required medical attention.
The recall includes the blueberry pomegranate, orange, and assorted fruit flavors sold in bottles of 63 and 75 gummies for between $18 and $33. They were found in Walmart, Costco, and Target, as well as Kroger, BJ's Wholesale Club, Walgreens, CVS, Sam's Club,, and Complete article
Around 3.74 million bottles of Airborne Gummies sold at Costco, Target, Walmart, and other retailers between May 2020 and February 2022 are being recalled after 70 reports of faulty packaging.
A recall notice posted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission says that the cap or seal on the Immune System gummies made by Reckitt may pop off the bottle when opened for the first time. Of the 70 reports filed, the issue has caused 18 minor injuries, one of which required medical attention.
The recall includes the blueberry pomegranate, orange, and assorted fruit flavors sold in bottles of 63 and 75 gummies for between $18 and $33. They were found in Walmart, Costco, and Target, as well as Kroger, BJ's Wholesale Club, Walgreens, CVS, Sam's Club,, and Complete article
Montana Police blotter: Vehicle hits Walmart; felony assault; dumpster diving; smashed windshield; felony shoplifting 03/21/2022
Walmart closing a Louisville Ky. location that is 'underperforming' 03/22/2022
Ill. Walmart Lot Shooting Suspect Given May 16th Pre-Trial Hearing Date 03/21/2022
Police: Man found touching himself in Liberty Ohio Walmart parking lot 03/21/2022
Niles Ill. police: Couple steal $1,886 worth of merchandise from Walmart 03/22/2022
Walmart employee cuts coworker ‘multiple times’ during ‘disturbance,’ Burlington NC police say 03/23/2022
BURLINGTON, N.C. (WGHP) — A woman was cut multiple times by a coworker at an Alamance County Walmart, according to police.
Police say they responded to the Walmart located on South Graham Hopedale Road in regard to reports of a “disturbance” involving two employees around 7:30 p.m. on Mar. 17. A 34-year-old female employee was cut multiple times “with a bladed weapon.”
Regina Fort, 60, was arrested after the assault and charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury with intent to kill. She was given a $250,000 secured bond. Complete article
BURLINGTON, N.C. (WGHP) — A woman was cut multiple times by a coworker at an Alamance County Walmart, according to police.
Police say they responded to the Walmart located on South Graham Hopedale Road in regard to reports of a “disturbance” involving two employees around 7:30 p.m. on Mar. 17. A 34-year-old female employee was cut multiple times “with a bladed weapon.”
Regina Fort, 60, was arrested after the assault and charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury with intent to kill. She was given a $250,000 secured bond. Complete article
Police ID person charged in Ariz. Walmart beating 03/22/2022
Maricopa police have identified the person charged in the beating of a customer at Walmart in early March.
Raighn Winters and three juveniles – all 16 years old – were arrested March 16 during the service of two warrants and booked into Pinal County jails, police said.
All four have been charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct and the three juvenile cases will be moved to adult court, police said. Aggravated assault is a Class 2 felony in Arizona and carries a sentence of up to 3-12 years in the state penitentiary. Complete article
Maricopa police have identified the person charged in the beating of a customer at Walmart in early March.
Raighn Winters and three juveniles – all 16 years old – were arrested March 16 during the service of two warrants and booked into Pinal County jails, police said.
All four have been charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct and the three juvenile cases will be moved to adult court, police said. Aggravated assault is a Class 2 felony in Arizona and carries a sentence of up to 3-12 years in the state penitentiary. Complete article
Teen charged after video shows assault in South Boston Va. Walmart parking lot 03/22/2022
SOUTH BOSTON, Va. (WSET) — A video on the social media app, Snapchat, is causing a big stir.
The video shows one young man and a teenager. One person seems to strangle the other until he passes out in a Walmart parking lot in South Boston.
The South Boston Police Department has confirmed that the viral video is the video of the assault they are investigating. Complete article
SOUTH BOSTON, Va. (WSET) — A video on the social media app, Snapchat, is causing a big stir.
The video shows one young man and a teenager. One person seems to strangle the other until he passes out in a Walmart parking lot in South Boston.
The South Boston Police Department has confirmed that the viral video is the video of the assault they are investigating. Complete article
Nearly 8,000 card numbers stolen, 2 arrested in Colorado in 'skimming' case 03/22/2022 (At least five states.)
LAKEWOOD, Colo. — Three men are accused of using 15 or more credit card skimming devices in multiple Walmart stores in Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin to steal thousands of credit card, debit card and gift card numbers.
Federal court records obtained by 9Wants to Know indicate Janos Rigo, Mercea Barzecu and a third unidentified suspect are accused of brazenly placing credit card skimmer “overlays” on several Walmart credit card machines beginning in December of 2021.
The overlay skimmers, which can mimic credit card machines and point-of-sale devices, can secretly obtain card numbers, the account holder's name and expiration date. Complete article
Card-skimming device found on Walmart register, Manchester police say 03/25/2022
Police seeking person of interest after credit card skimmer found in NH Walmart 03/25/2022
LAKEWOOD, Colo. — Three men are accused of using 15 or more credit card skimming devices in multiple Walmart stores in Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin to steal thousands of credit card, debit card and gift card numbers.
Federal court records obtained by 9Wants to Know indicate Janos Rigo, Mercea Barzecu and a third unidentified suspect are accused of brazenly placing credit card skimmer “overlays” on several Walmart credit card machines beginning in December of 2021.
The overlay skimmers, which can mimic credit card machines and point-of-sale devices, can secretly obtain card numbers, the account holder's name and expiration date. Complete article
Card-skimming device found on Walmart register, Manchester police say 03/25/2022
Police seeking person of interest after credit card skimmer found in NH Walmart 03/25/2022
BIG MI-STEAK I never pay full price for steaks at Walmart using a cheat but I’ve been slammed for stealing 03/22/2022
A TIKTOKER has been slammed for stealing after uploading a video of himself using a "cheat" while shopping for steak at Walmart.
The viral TikTok video shows the man pulling a price label for $12.30 from a package of steak, revealing the original price of $24.38. "Gotta compensate for them gas prices ya heard," the user captioned the video.
The creator later wrote in a comment section that the steak was from Walmart.
The video implies that the user purposely switched the labels to score the meat for a lower price. Complete article
A TIKTOKER has been slammed for stealing after uploading a video of himself using a "cheat" while shopping for steak at Walmart.
The viral TikTok video shows the man pulling a price label for $12.30 from a package of steak, revealing the original price of $24.38. "Gotta compensate for them gas prices ya heard," the user captioned the video.
The creator later wrote in a comment section that the steak was from Walmart.
The video implies that the user purposely switched the labels to score the meat for a lower price. Complete article
Walmart Workers’ $35 Million Pay-Stub Settlement Nixed by Judge 03/22/2022
An “overly broad” release prevented a federal judge from granting preliminary approval of a $35 million settlement between Walmart Inc. and roughly 200,000 employees who allege the retailer violated California law by not giving them the option to receive paper wage statements instead of electronic ones.
The proposed deal would require class members to agree to release “any and all” claims against Walmart arising out of California Labor Code Section 226, which sets out several wage statement rules, not just the specific violation alleged in this case, Judge Andre Birotte Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Central District ... Complete article
Judge Rejects $35M Walmart Wage Deal Over Release Scope 03/22/2022
An “overly broad” release prevented a federal judge from granting preliminary approval of a $35 million settlement between Walmart Inc. and roughly 200,000 employees who allege the retailer violated California law by not giving them the option to receive paper wage statements instead of electronic ones.
The proposed deal would require class members to agree to release “any and all” claims against Walmart arising out of California Labor Code Section 226, which sets out several wage statement rules, not just the specific violation alleged in this case, Judge Andre Birotte Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Central District ... Complete article
Judge Rejects $35M Walmart Wage Deal Over Release Scope 03/22/2022
Police: Woman left 1-year-old in car while she shoplifted at Galesburg Ill. Walmart 03/21/2022
El Paso Tx. congresswoman wants nation to never forget deadly Walmart massacre 03/21/2022
Carmel Ind. police looking for 2 people who used stolen credit cards at Walmart 03/22/2022
WATCH: Police need help identifying woman who may be a witness to an incident at Pa. Walmart 03/22/2022
Gun fired inside Beech Grove Ind. Walmart during dispute; no one wounded, police say 03/23/2022
BEECH GROVE — Police responded to a Walmart on the city's southern end after a gunshot was fired inside the store during a disturbance between two people, an official said.
No one was struck by gunfire, and police have taken in those involved in the altercation to determine what exactly occurred, said Beech Grove Deputy Police Chief Robert Mercuri.
Officers were dispatched at about 9 p.m. to the store, located at 4650 S. Emerson Ave. for a report of a possible shooting. Employees and customers were evacuated from the building around that time.
After police arrived, they discovered two people, both females, were involved in an altercation and at one point a single shot was fired. A third person tried to intervene in the dispute and got into a physical struggle, which left her with minor injuries, Mercuri said. Complete article
Shot fired at Beech Grove Walmart marks store's second shooting in less than a year 03/24/2022 In April 2021, an armed shopper fired shots to deter a suspected shoplifter who pulled a gun on an off-duty store security guard and park ranger.
Community fed up with fighting at Beech Grove Walmart 03/24/2022 The most infamous incident happened back in 2015 when two women were caught in a viral video beating each other in the shampoo aisle of the Walmart.
BEECH GROVE — Police responded to a Walmart on the city's southern end after a gunshot was fired inside the store during a disturbance between two people, an official said.
No one was struck by gunfire, and police have taken in those involved in the altercation to determine what exactly occurred, said Beech Grove Deputy Police Chief Robert Mercuri.
Officers were dispatched at about 9 p.m. to the store, located at 4650 S. Emerson Ave. for a report of a possible shooting. Employees and customers were evacuated from the building around that time.
After police arrived, they discovered two people, both females, were involved in an altercation and at one point a single shot was fired. A third person tried to intervene in the dispute and got into a physical struggle, which left her with minor injuries, Mercuri said. Complete article
Shot fired at Beech Grove Walmart marks store's second shooting in less than a year 03/24/2022 In April 2021, an armed shopper fired shots to deter a suspected shoplifter who pulled a gun on an off-duty store security guard and park ranger.
Community fed up with fighting at Beech Grove Walmart 03/24/2022 The most infamous incident happened back in 2015 when two women were caught in a viral video beating each other in the shampoo aisle of the Walmart.
SWAT uses ‘chemical irritants’ to take man into custody in north Austin Tx. 03/24/2022
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Austin SWAT took a man into custody Wednesday night after a standoff at a north Austin Walmart.
Police evacuated the store on the North Interstate 35 southbound service road. That’s just north of Parmer Lane.
A family member called 911 and told police the man had warrants and was behaving erratically. Officers tried to get the man to come out of a vehicle, but he refused, so they called the SWAT team. The family member also told police that he was “known to carry knives,” according to information provided by APD during a press briefing. Complete article
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Austin SWAT took a man into custody Wednesday night after a standoff at a north Austin Walmart.
Police evacuated the store on the North Interstate 35 southbound service road. That’s just north of Parmer Lane.
A family member called 911 and told police the man had warrants and was behaving erratically. Officers tried to get the man to come out of a vehicle, but he refused, so they called the SWAT team. The family member also told police that he was “known to carry knives,” according to information provided by APD during a press briefing. Complete article
Man allegedly threatens Tenn. Walmart employee with a gun 03/23/2022
CLARKSVILLE, TN (WSMV) – Police said they are looking for a man Tuesday who allegedly displayed a firearm at a Walmart as he and a woman exited the store.
Clarksville Police said they are investigating an aggravated assault on March 17th at the Walmart located at 3050 Wilma Rudolph Blvd.
Surveillance footage revealed to police that at approximately 9:27 a.m., a man and woman were exiting Walmart when the anti-theft alarm went off. Complete article
CLARKSVILLE, TN (WSMV) – Police said they are looking for a man Tuesday who allegedly displayed a firearm at a Walmart as he and a woman exited the store.
Clarksville Police said they are investigating an aggravated assault on March 17th at the Walmart located at 3050 Wilma Rudolph Blvd.
Surveillance footage revealed to police that at approximately 9:27 a.m., a man and woman were exiting Walmart when the anti-theft alarm went off. Complete article
Wal-Mart arrests: Drug, firearm charges result from Hoke County NC larceny call 03/24/2022
RAEFORD, N.C. (WNCN) – What started as a larceny call at a Hoke County Wal-Mart developed into two arrests with a collective eight charges related to drugs and possession of firearms by convicted felons, the sheriff’s office said.
No larceny charges were on the arrest report.
In a Thursday press release, the Hoke County Sheriff’s Office says the larceny call response took place on March 15. The deputies found the suspects in their car approximately two miles from the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Rockfish Road near Scurlock School Road. Complete article
RAEFORD, N.C. (WNCN) – What started as a larceny call at a Hoke County Wal-Mart developed into two arrests with a collective eight charges related to drugs and possession of firearms by convicted felons, the sheriff’s office said.
No larceny charges were on the arrest report.
In a Thursday press release, the Hoke County Sheriff’s Office says the larceny call response took place on March 15. The deputies found the suspects in their car approximately two miles from the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Rockfish Road near Scurlock School Road. Complete article
Solvay Bank robbery suspect arrested, also accused of robbing DeWitt NY Walmart 03/23/2022
GEDDES N.Y. — A man who robbed a Solvay Bank branch in Geddes on Monday has been arrested and is wanted for several other robberies including one in DeWitt.
Police said Jonathan Palombo, of Schenectady, walked into Solvay Bank at 3201 W. Genesee St. Monday afternoon and passed a note to a teller demanding cash.
He has been charged with robbery in Geddes and was also wanted for robbing the Walmart in DeWitt on Basile Rd. on March 19 as well as a Walmart in Oneida on March 18. Complete article
GEDDES N.Y. — A man who robbed a Solvay Bank branch in Geddes on Monday has been arrested and is wanted for several other robberies including one in DeWitt.
Police said Jonathan Palombo, of Schenectady, walked into Solvay Bank at 3201 W. Genesee St. Monday afternoon and passed a note to a teller demanding cash.
He has been charged with robbery in Geddes and was also wanted for robbing the Walmart in DeWitt on Basile Rd. on March 19 as well as a Walmart in Oneida on March 18. Complete article
Walmart sues BJ’s Wholesale claiming it stole self-checkout technology 03/23/2022
Walmart and its big-box warehouse subsidiary Sam’s Club accused rival retailer BJ’s Wholesale Club in a lawsuit filed Tuesday of stealing technology that powers a popular self-checkout option in the Sam’s Club mobile app.
The suit, filed in federal court, claims Walmart worked for years to develop Scan & Go, a feature that lets Sam’s Club customers ring up purchases on their smartphones while walking through the store, allowing them to avoid a checkout line.
It also notes that Walmart holds multiple patents protecting the intellectual property for the self-checkout feature, which debuted in 2016. Scan & Go has become more popular since the Covid-19 pandemic began in the U.S. in early 2020 as shoppers adopted social distancing and contactless checkout.
Walmart alleges its “innovations were simply taken without permission” by BJ’s, which launched its contactless offering, ExpressPay, in late 2021. Complete article
Walmart and its big-box warehouse subsidiary Sam’s Club accused rival retailer BJ’s Wholesale Club in a lawsuit filed Tuesday of stealing technology that powers a popular self-checkout option in the Sam’s Club mobile app.
The suit, filed in federal court, claims Walmart worked for years to develop Scan & Go, a feature that lets Sam’s Club customers ring up purchases on their smartphones while walking through the store, allowing them to avoid a checkout line.
It also notes that Walmart holds multiple patents protecting the intellectual property for the self-checkout feature, which debuted in 2016. Scan & Go has become more popular since the Covid-19 pandemic began in the U.S. in early 2020 as shoppers adopted social distancing and contactless checkout.
Walmart alleges its “innovations were simply taken without permission” by BJ’s, which launched its contactless offering, ExpressPay, in late 2021. Complete article
Police seeking 2 for theft at Ca. Wal-Mart on Gosford Road 03/22/2022
Ephrata Wash. Walmart Evacuated After Suspicious Item Found Tuesday Night 03/23/2022
MPD Reports: Felony shoplifting charge for stealing $708 merchandise from Ga. Walmart 03/23/2022
FedEx driver, Walmart employee and sheriff's deputies save elderly man from burning Pocatello Idaho mobile home 03/23/2022
Man pleads guilty to Missouri Walmart shootout that occurred May 2021 03/24/2022
Crime of the week: Suspects steal merchandise from Colorado Walmart 03/24/2022
Walmart arson defendants plotted to use fake bomb vest to rob Mississippi bank, feds allege 03/25/2022
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Three men accused of setting fire to several area Wal-Mart stores hatched a plan to rob a bank, using an unindicted co-conspirator wearing vest made to look like it was rigged with explosives, according to an updated indictment.
The new indictment adds a charge of conspiracy to interfere with interstate commerce by robbery against Jeffery Sikes, Sean Bottorff and Alexander Olson.
But the woman did not go through with the plan, according to authorities.
The indictment alleges that the defendants, at their home in Lillian, attached capped metal pipes, wires and a phone to the vest. The trio and the woman, identified as “M.S.,” drove to coastal Mississippi on June 4 and set fire to a store in Biloxi and then drove around the Gulfport-Biloxi area looking for a bank to rob, according to the new allegations. Eventually, the indictment alleges, Sikes picked a target and told Bottorff to park nearby. Complete article
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Three men accused of setting fire to several area Wal-Mart stores hatched a plan to rob a bank, using an unindicted co-conspirator wearing vest made to look like it was rigged with explosives, according to an updated indictment.
The new indictment adds a charge of conspiracy to interfere with interstate commerce by robbery against Jeffery Sikes, Sean Bottorff and Alexander Olson.
But the woman did not go through with the plan, according to authorities.
The indictment alleges that the defendants, at their home in Lillian, attached capped metal pipes, wires and a phone to the vest. The trio and the woman, identified as “M.S.,” drove to coastal Mississippi on June 4 and set fire to a store in Biloxi and then drove around the Gulfport-Biloxi area looking for a bank to rob, according to the new allegations. Eventually, the indictment alleges, Sikes picked a target and told Bottorff to park nearby. Complete article
Walmart arson and burglary investigated by Fremont Ca. police 03/24/2022
FREMONT, Calif. - Police are investigating an arson connected to a burglary at a Fremont Walmart store Wednesday night.
Police responded to calls of a large fire at the store located on Albrae Street at around 8:08 p.m., an official statement read.
Employees and customers inside the smoke-filled store were evacuated by police and the fire department.
Police said there were no known injuries from this incident, but the burglary and arson involved multiple suspects. Complete article
FREMONT, Calif. - Police are investigating an arson connected to a burglary at a Fremont Walmart store Wednesday night.
Police responded to calls of a large fire at the store located on Albrae Street at around 8:08 p.m., an official statement read.
Employees and customers inside the smoke-filled store were evacuated by police and the fire department.
Police said there were no known injuries from this incident, but the burglary and arson involved multiple suspects. Complete article
Police: Suspect pepper-sprayed Iowa Walmart employee 03/24/2022
A 21-year-old Davenport woman has been released on her own recognizance after police say she pepper-sprayed a Walmart employee.
Amelia Pena faces a charge of second-degree burglary, court documents say.
Shortly after 10:30 a.m. March 15, Davenport Police responded to Walmart, 5811 Elmore Ave., for reports of an assault, an arrest affidavit says.
Pena came into the store and saw the victim through the coolers while he was stocking shelves, the affidavit says. She then entered a clearly marked “authorized personnel only” area. She did not have any rights or privileges to enter the area, the affidavit says. Complete article
A 21-year-old Davenport woman has been released on her own recognizance after police say she pepper-sprayed a Walmart employee.
Amelia Pena faces a charge of second-degree burglary, court documents say.
Shortly after 10:30 a.m. March 15, Davenport Police responded to Walmart, 5811 Elmore Ave., for reports of an assault, an arrest affidavit says.
Pena came into the store and saw the victim through the coolers while he was stocking shelves, the affidavit says. She then entered a clearly marked “authorized personnel only” area. She did not have any rights or privileges to enter the area, the affidavit says. Complete article
Pharmacy technician accused of stealing drugs from patient at Conway SC Walmart 03/25/2022
CONWAY, S.C. (WMBF) – Authorities arrested a pharmacy technician at a Conway Walmart after they said she stole pills from a patient.
Warrants from the Department of Health and Environmental Control show 68-year-old Pamela Chassen unlawfully obtained quantities of hydrocodone last Friday from the Walmart pharmacy on Church Street.
Chassen is accused of taking the hydrocodone from a filled patient bottle and was found to be in possession of the pills, according to the warrant. Complete article
CONWAY, S.C. (WMBF) – Authorities arrested a pharmacy technician at a Conway Walmart after they said she stole pills from a patient.
Warrants from the Department of Health and Environmental Control show 68-year-old Pamela Chassen unlawfully obtained quantities of hydrocodone last Friday from the Walmart pharmacy on Church Street.
Chassen is accused of taking the hydrocodone from a filled patient bottle and was found to be in possession of the pills, according to the warrant. Complete article
I work at Walmart and have to wear a horrible new uniform – and it’s because of the customers 03/24/2022
A WALMART employee claims workers have to wear the company's new horrible uniforms because of some deviant customers.
In the video, TikTok user Alexis alleges that people were buying old uniforms on eBay and used them to shoplift at Walmart locations.
The woman shows herself wearing Walmarts old traditional blue vest, captioning the video: "Y’all really buy Walmart vests on eBay to steal so they made us get new horrid vests.”
The video later shows two employees sitting on the floor wearing the new yellow vests.
The viral clip has accumulated about two million views on TikTok, but many users doubt the new vests would fix the alleged shoplifting problem.
"I’ll jus buy that one too 👨🦯," commented one person. Complete article
A WALMART employee claims workers have to wear the company's new horrible uniforms because of some deviant customers.
In the video, TikTok user Alexis alleges that people were buying old uniforms on eBay and used them to shoplift at Walmart locations.
The woman shows herself wearing Walmarts old traditional blue vest, captioning the video: "Y’all really buy Walmart vests on eBay to steal so they made us get new horrid vests.”
The video later shows two employees sitting on the floor wearing the new yellow vests.
The viral clip has accumulated about two million views on TikTok, but many users doubt the new vests would fix the alleged shoplifting problem.
"I’ll jus buy that one too 👨🦯," commented one person. Complete article
Sakar bike helmets sold at Walmart recalled over head injury risk 03/25/2022
Tens of thousands of bike helmets sold exclusively at Walmart are being recalled due to a head injury risk, according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Sakar International recalled the 89,000 Dimensions Bluetooth Speaker Helmets because they “do not comply with the US CPSC federal safety standard for bicycle helmets,” the recall notice said.
As a result, consumers are at risk for a head injury if they fall, the CPSC said.
The recalled helmets were sold at Walmart stores nationwide and through its online marketplace from July 2020 through January 2022, according to the recall. Complete article
Tens of thousands of bike helmets sold exclusively at Walmart are being recalled due to a head injury risk, according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Sakar International recalled the 89,000 Dimensions Bluetooth Speaker Helmets because they “do not comply with the US CPSC federal safety standard for bicycle helmets,” the recall notice said.
As a result, consumers are at risk for a head injury if they fall, the CPSC said.
The recalled helmets were sold at Walmart stores nationwide and through its online marketplace from July 2020 through January 2022, according to the recall. Complete article
Cocoa City Fla. council approves continued tax cuts for Walmart distribution based on jobs 03/24/2022
Cocoa City Council approved continued tax breaks for the Walmart distribution center in Cocoa after the most recent report showed the company has been keeping its promise of job creation and investment in the city.
As part of the deal to bring the distribution center to Cocoa in 2016, Walmart was promised a large discount on its property tax — a 40% cut over five years estimated to be worth around $1 million total. The company was also given a $2 million cash incentiveto come to Cocoa.
After inking the deal, Walmart built the 460,000-square-foot distribution center near State Road 524 and Industry Road and began operating in September of 2018. Currently there is more than $27 million worth of inventory in the center for distribution to stores around the state. Complete article
Cocoa City Council approved continued tax breaks for the Walmart distribution center in Cocoa after the most recent report showed the company has been keeping its promise of job creation and investment in the city.
As part of the deal to bring the distribution center to Cocoa in 2016, Walmart was promised a large discount on its property tax — a 40% cut over five years estimated to be worth around $1 million total. The company was also given a $2 million cash incentiveto come to Cocoa.
After inking the deal, Walmart built the 460,000-square-foot distribution center near State Road 524 and Industry Road and began operating in September of 2018. Currently there is more than $27 million worth of inventory in the center for distribution to stores around the state. Complete article
Mansfield native promoted to Senior Director of Operations for Walmart’s East Business Unit 03/25/2022
MANSFIELD -- Billy Link Jr. never imagined that pushing shopping carts would lead to a successful career. He was just a college student trying to earn some gas money.
A 1997 graduate of Mansfield Senior High School, Link came home every weekend to work as a cart collector at the local Sam's Club. He was working towards a degree in biology from the Ohio State University, with aspirations to become a doctor.
Now he's one of the highest ranking Walmart executives in the eastern United States. Complete article
MANSFIELD -- Billy Link Jr. never imagined that pushing shopping carts would lead to a successful career. He was just a college student trying to earn some gas money.
A 1997 graduate of Mansfield Senior High School, Link came home every weekend to work as a cart collector at the local Sam's Club. He was working towards a degree in biology from the Ohio State University, with aspirations to become a doctor.
Now he's one of the highest ranking Walmart executives in the eastern United States. Complete article
Two unknown suspects walk out of Pa. Walmart without paying for cart full of groceries 03/24/2022
911 calls reveal the panic after January 14 shooting outside Fla. Walmart, but no charges filed 03/24/2022
Catalytic converter stolen from Sturbridge Mass. Walmart parking lot 03/2/2022
Greece NY Police make arrest in shooting outside Walmart 03/24/2022
Authorities searching for woman accused of trying to steal from Lehigh Fla. Walmart 03/24/2022
Paris Ill. woman killed after being run over in a Walmart parking lot 03/26/2022
PARIS, Ill. (WTHI) - A local woman is dead following a car versus pedestrian accident.
The Edgar County Coroner's office says it happened in Walmart's parking lot in Paris just before 11 a.m. Saturday.
The office says Teresa M. England, 66, of Paris was exiting Walmart while pushing a shopping cart back to her vehicle.
At the same time, Ellen Coolley, 73, of Brocton, Illinois, was traveling south down one of parking lot lanes. Complete article
PARIS, Ill. (WTHI) - A local woman is dead following a car versus pedestrian accident.
The Edgar County Coroner's office says it happened in Walmart's parking lot in Paris just before 11 a.m. Saturday.
The office says Teresa M. England, 66, of Paris was exiting Walmart while pushing a shopping cart back to her vehicle.
At the same time, Ellen Coolley, 73, of Brocton, Illinois, was traveling south down one of parking lot lanes. Complete article
Body found in car outside of Selma Ca. Walmart 03/26/2022
SELMA, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) — Police found the dead body of a man in a car in the parking lot of a Selma store Saturday, officials say.
On Saturday at approximately 12:25 p.m., police received a report of a dead body inside a vehicle at the Walmart store in Selma. Officers located the vehicle and found a man dead inside “the front passenger cab” of the vehicle.
The investigation is ongoing but detectives have said there is no indication of foul play. Complete article
SELMA, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) — Police found the dead body of a man in a car in the parking lot of a Selma store Saturday, officials say.
On Saturday at approximately 12:25 p.m., police received a report of a dead body inside a vehicle at the Walmart store in Selma. Officers located the vehicle and found a man dead inside “the front passenger cab” of the vehicle.
The investigation is ongoing but detectives have said there is no indication of foul play. Complete article
Walmart stops selling cigarettes in some stores in various markets 03/28/2022
Walmart Inc. is ending cigarette sales in some U.S. stores after years of debate within the retail company’s leadership ranks about the sale of tobacco products, according to people familiar with the matter.
Cigarettes are being removed in various markets, including some stores in California, Florida, Arkansas and New Mexico, according to the people and store visits. In some of these stores, Walmart WMT, 1.38% has rolled out a design with more self-checkout registers, as well as other items such as grab-and-go food or candy sold near the front of stores in place of Marlboro, Newport and other tobacco products.
Walmart, which has more than 4,700 U.S. stores, is removing tobacco products from select locations where the retailer has decided to use the space more efficiently, a spokeswoman said. “We are always looking at ways to meet our customers’ needs while still operating an efficient business,” she said. She declined to say how many locations will continue to sell cigarettes but said Walmart isn’t halting all tobacco sales. Complete article
Walmart Inc. is ending cigarette sales in some U.S. stores after years of debate within the retail company’s leadership ranks about the sale of tobacco products, according to people familiar with the matter.
Cigarettes are being removed in various markets, including some stores in California, Florida, Arkansas and New Mexico, according to the people and store visits. In some of these stores, Walmart WMT, 1.38% has rolled out a design with more self-checkout registers, as well as other items such as grab-and-go food or candy sold near the front of stores in place of Marlboro, Newport and other tobacco products.
Walmart, which has more than 4,700 U.S. stores, is removing tobacco products from select locations where the retailer has decided to use the space more efficiently, a spokeswoman said. “We are always looking at ways to meet our customers’ needs while still operating an efficient business,” she said. She declined to say how many locations will continue to sell cigarettes but said Walmart isn’t halting all tobacco sales. Complete article
Man arrested for stealing nearly $2k in items from Mich. Walmart 03/24/2022 Police say he purchased more than $480 of items, left the store and then returned with the receipt, gathered the same items and left without paying. (He repeated this at least two more times.)
Three Elmira women arrested for stealing from Horseheads NY Walmart 03/24/2022
Shoplifting suspect denied bond, accused of stealing guns from SC Walmart 03/2/2022 Between September 2021 and February 2022 Cunningham is accused of stealing multiple items from a Walmart Shopping Center on Garners Ferry Road.
Real Rabbit Hiding Among Bunny Statues at Walmart Has Shoppers in Stitches 03/25/2022
‘Just take me to jail’: Largo man accused of Fla. Walmart theft tells police 03/27/2022
Man banned from Walmart, arrested in Tenn. Walmart 03/26/2022
Shoplifter who targeted Walmart stole items from toys to guns, Columbia SC police say 03/27/2022
Walmart employee arrest underscores massive retail losses theft 03/28/2022 A Clermont Walmart employee was arrested last week and charged with stealing $76000, underscoring massive retail losses from theft.
Auburn Wash. Walmart employee in critical condition after coworker stabs him in store 03/30/2022
AUBURN, Wash. — A physical altercation between two employees resulted in a stabbing at the Walmart Supercenter at the Outlet Collection Seattle in Auburn on Wednesday morning, police say.
The suspect, a 26-year-old male, was taken into custody and is speaking with detectives.
The victim, a 31-year-old male who was transported to Harborview Medical Center, is in critical condition with life-threatening injuries, according to Auburn police. The victim was stabbed four to six times and suffered significant blood loss just before 5 a.m. at the 762 Outlet Collection Way store location.
A Walmart employee told KOMO News Wednesday morning that the incident began with fight between the suspect and victim inside the store, which was closed at the time. Complete article
AUBURN, Wash. — A physical altercation between two employees resulted in a stabbing at the Walmart Supercenter at the Outlet Collection Seattle in Auburn on Wednesday morning, police say.
The suspect, a 26-year-old male, was taken into custody and is speaking with detectives.
The victim, a 31-year-old male who was transported to Harborview Medical Center, is in critical condition with life-threatening injuries, according to Auburn police. The victim was stabbed four to six times and suffered significant blood loss just before 5 a.m. at the 762 Outlet Collection Way store location.
A Walmart employee told KOMO News Wednesday morning that the incident began with fight between the suspect and victim inside the store, which was closed at the time. Complete article
Walmart, EEOC Take Pregnant Workers’ Battle to Seventh Circuit 03/30/2022
Walmart and the EEOC will battle it out Thursday over the company’s exclusion of pregnant workers from light duty. But it’s not just the policy that is at issue, rather how Walmart justified it.
The retailer limited its alternate duty policy to workers temporarily unable to perform their usual work because of an on-the-job injury. But it didn’t address specifically why pregnant workers were excluded, the agency will tell the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
But Walmart says the law doesn’t require it to do that. It offered plenty of reasons justifying the policy the EEOC alleges discriminated against pregnant women working at a Wisconsin distribution center, including that it was intended to speed the recovery times of workers hurt on the job, reduce the costs and legal exposure to those workers arising under workers’ compensation laws, and increase employee loyalty and morale. Complete article
Walmart and the EEOC will battle it out Thursday over the company’s exclusion of pregnant workers from light duty. But it’s not just the policy that is at issue, rather how Walmart justified it.
The retailer limited its alternate duty policy to workers temporarily unable to perform their usual work because of an on-the-job injury. But it didn’t address specifically why pregnant workers were excluded, the agency will tell the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
But Walmart says the law doesn’t require it to do that. It offered plenty of reasons justifying the policy the EEOC alleges discriminated against pregnant women working at a Wisconsin distribution center, including that it was intended to speed the recovery times of workers hurt on the job, reduce the costs and legal exposure to those workers arising under workers’ compensation laws, and increase employee loyalty and morale. Complete article
Mount Laurel NJ PD Seeks Public's Help in ID'ing Walmart Shoplifting Suspect 03/28/2022
Police: Ohio Walmart theft suspect hides in funeral home during calling hours 03/28/2022
Corpus Christi Tx. Walmart employee goes viral locally 03/28/2022
Upcoming docuseries to highlight Cielo Vista El Paso Tx. Walmart shooting 03/29/2022
Police: Pa. Walmart employee steals $40K in lottery tickets 03/30/2022
Man crashes into League City Tx. home after shooting outside Walmart on W. Main 03/31/2022
LEAGUE CITY, Texas (KTRK) -- A gunman is on the run after a shooting outside a League City Walmart.
The victim was shot in the parking lot of the Walmart Neighborhood Market before crashing into a home, according to police.
League City police said the driver was shot in the leg around 7 p.m. Wednesday in the parking lot on W. Main Street, near Landing Boulevard.
The driver then crashed into a home in the 2500 block of Afton Court. Complete article
LEAGUE CITY, Texas (KTRK) -- A gunman is on the run after a shooting outside a League City Walmart.
The victim was shot in the parking lot of the Walmart Neighborhood Market before crashing into a home, according to police.
League City police said the driver was shot in the leg around 7 p.m. Wednesday in the parking lot on W. Main Street, near Landing Boulevard.
The driver then crashed into a home in the 2500 block of Afton Court. Complete article
Collegedale Tenn. police find stolen car at Walmart, chase driver who faces charges 03/30/2022
Collegedale police say a man faces charges after he was spotted in a stolen vehicle at a Walmart on Little Debbie Parkway and they chased him across Main Street.
Collegedale PD says they attempted to make a traffic stop but the vehicle turned onto Main Street and continued south.
When the vehicle finally came to a stop in the 9000 block of Jac Cate Road the driver fled on foot, according to Collegedale PD. Complete article
Collegedale police say a man faces charges after he was spotted in a stolen vehicle at a Walmart on Little Debbie Parkway and they chased him across Main Street.
Collegedale PD says they attempted to make a traffic stop but the vehicle turned onto Main Street and continued south.
When the vehicle finally came to a stop in the 9000 block of Jac Cate Road the driver fled on foot, according to Collegedale PD. Complete article
Canton Township Mich. police say man assaulted 2 people in Walmart parking lot 03/31/2022
CANTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Police in Canton Township are searching for a man who assaulted two people in the parking lot of a Walmart store.
Officials said the incident happened around 12:30 p.m. Feb. 12 outside the Walmart on Michigan Avenue.
Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying the man pictured above. He is described as being about 30 years old and 6 feet tall, with a heavy build. Officials said he was driving a silver SUV. Complete article
CANTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Police in Canton Township are searching for a man who assaulted two people in the parking lot of a Walmart store.
Officials said the incident happened around 12:30 p.m. Feb. 12 outside the Walmart on Michigan Avenue.
Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying the man pictured above. He is described as being about 30 years old and 6 feet tall, with a heavy build. Officials said he was driving a silver SUV. Complete article
Milford Conn. Walmart Employee Defrauded Store Of $2k: PD 03/30/2022
MILFORD, CT — A former Milford Walmart employee was charged with fraudulently returning items in order to load the balance on gift cards, according to police.
Josephine Gomez, 52, of West Haven was arrested March 29 and released on a promise to appear.
Gomez fraudulently returned items and then loaded more than $2,000 onto gift cards to spend on personal use, police said. Complete article
MILFORD, CT — A former Milford Walmart employee was charged with fraudulently returning items in order to load the balance on gift cards, according to police.
Josephine Gomez, 52, of West Haven was arrested March 29 and released on a promise to appear.
Gomez fraudulently returned items and then loaded more than $2,000 onto gift cards to spend on personal use, police said. Complete article
Easter chocolate kit sold at Walmart recalled over allergy concerns 03/30/2022
Easter chocolate kits sold at Walmart and other stores nationwide are being recalled over allergy concerns just weeks ahead of the holiday.
Illinois-based Wilton Industries Inc. voluntarily recalled three lots of its Ready to Build Chocolate Cookie Bunny Hutch Kit “due to a milk allergen missing from the ‘Contains’ statement,” according to a recall notice posted by Walmart.
The Food and Drug Administration also posted a notice about the product on its recall list. Complete article
Easter chocolate kits sold at Walmart and other stores nationwide are being recalled over allergy concerns just weeks ahead of the holiday.
Illinois-based Wilton Industries Inc. voluntarily recalled three lots of its Ready to Build Chocolate Cookie Bunny Hutch Kit “due to a milk allergen missing from the ‘Contains’ statement,” according to a recall notice posted by Walmart.
The Food and Drug Administration also posted a notice about the product on its recall list. Complete article
STORE SECRETS I worked at Walmart – the secrets staff don’t want you to know & why you SHOULDN’T bother asking for help 03/30/2022
A SOCIAL media influencer who says she is an ex-Walmart employee is here to spill the tea on her former employer.
Paris Mars shared nine secrets about the store and working there that she claims regular customers don't know – like why you should never ask for help.
"If you guys didn't know, I worked at Walmart for what feels like forever way, way back when I was a lot younger.
"It was my first real paying job," Mars stated in the video posted to her YouTube channel.
She went on to say she has so much "stuck" in her head from her time with the company and since her followers want to know Walmart's secrets, she obediently followed their wishes with the video.
"Now it's time to spill the tea on Walmart, okay?" she said before diving into her memories. Complete article
A SOCIAL media influencer who says she is an ex-Walmart employee is here to spill the tea on her former employer.
Paris Mars shared nine secrets about the store and working there that she claims regular customers don't know – like why you should never ask for help.
"If you guys didn't know, I worked at Walmart for what feels like forever way, way back when I was a lot younger.
"It was my first real paying job," Mars stated in the video posted to her YouTube channel.
She went on to say she has so much "stuck" in her head from her time with the company and since her followers want to know Walmart's secrets, she obediently followed their wishes with the video.
"Now it's time to spill the tea on Walmart, okay?" she said before diving into her memories. Complete article
Man arrested on drug related charges after being banned from Ky. Wal-Mart 03/29/2022
Woman tries to leave Alabama Walmart with full shopping cart 03/30/2022
Homeless couple sleeps in small truck at Tx. Walmart parking lot 03/30/2022
Roseburg man arrested in Oregon Walmart parking lot with 'substantial quantity' of crystal meth 03/30/2022
Three shoppers 'forget to scan' about $500 of merchandise from a Carlisle Pa. Walmart 03/31/2022
Perry Ga. police looking for suspects in theft case at Walmart 03/31/2022
NBC 5 Responds: Noisy Semis Parked at Ill. Walmart Frustrating Suburban Neighborhood 03/31/2022
Teens arrested after stealing from Tx. Walmart, MPD says 03/31/2022
Valparaíso Ind. Police investigating theft of wallet at Walmart 03/31/2022
Sudbury Canada police make arrest in Walmart shooting last March 05/05/2022
Greater Sudbury police say they've made an arrest in connection with a shooting incident at a Sudbury Walmart store on March 31.
In a statement released Thursday morning, police said Kaden Graham, 20, was arrested inside a residential unit on Montague Avenue in Sudbury Wednesday evening.
On March 31, Graham allegedly shot a 20 year old man following an altercation at the New Sudbury Walmart. The victim was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Complete article
Greater Sudbury police say they've made an arrest in connection with a shooting incident at a Sudbury Walmart store on March 31.
In a statement released Thursday morning, police said Kaden Graham, 20, was arrested inside a residential unit on Montague Avenue in Sudbury Wednesday evening.
On March 31, Graham allegedly shot a 20 year old man following an altercation at the New Sudbury Walmart. The victim was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Complete article
Pedestrian involved in Pa. Walmart accident succumbs to injuries 03/31/2022
DANVILLE — A 76-year-old Kulpmont man involved in a March 19 pedestrian accident in the parking lot of Walmart Supercenter in Coal Township has succumbed to his injuries.
Montour County Coroner Scott Lynn reported Michael Terry, of 1443 Poplar St., was pronounced dead by a deputy coroner in Geisinger Medical Center at 9:08 p.m. Tuesday. Complete article
DANVILLE — A 76-year-old Kulpmont man involved in a March 19 pedestrian accident in the parking lot of Walmart Supercenter in Coal Township has succumbed to his injuries.
Montour County Coroner Scott Lynn reported Michael Terry, of 1443 Poplar St., was pronounced dead by a deputy coroner in Geisinger Medical Center at 9:08 p.m. Tuesday. Complete article
SPD arrests Stillwater man accused of pulling gun in Okla. Walmart parking lot 03/31/2022
One person was arrested and is still being detained by Stillwater officers after a 911 caller alleged a gun was pulled outside during a fight Thursday at the Walmart on Perkins Road.
Ashantz Taevon Dirks, 21, is in the Payne County Jail on anticipated charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault, and battery, and driving without a valid license. Formal charges have yet to be filed.
Scanner traffic indicated the vehicle that contained the person who had the gun left the scene, and officers began canvassing the area, searching for the car. Complete article
One person was arrested and is still being detained by Stillwater officers after a 911 caller alleged a gun was pulled outside during a fight Thursday at the Walmart on Perkins Road.
Ashantz Taevon Dirks, 21, is in the Payne County Jail on anticipated charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault, and battery, and driving without a valid license. Formal charges have yet to be filed.
Scanner traffic indicated the vehicle that contained the person who had the gun left the scene, and officers began canvassing the area, searching for the car. Complete article