Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Withholding solutions for mass shootings & all murders continues!

We had another mass shooting in Indianapolis again killing eight more people. Mass shootings have made the mass media obsession du jour, off and on since the Atlanta shooting in mid-March; however, the media still fails to report on the vast majority of contributing causes of these mass shootings, or all other murders, which comes to an average of forty-five per day, and how to recognize leading causes of them and prevent them. For example, when the Atlanta Spa shooting happened, the mainstream media spent an obsessive amount of time discussing whether they should charge the shooter with a hate crime, even though it would do nothing to deter future violence, or even increase the penalties, since it was already either life without parole or the death penalty, so it couldn't get any worse. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to stopping racism, but this doesn't do it. Ironically, one of the leading causes of escalating violence, is child abuse, and when it's accompanied by a racist background, it's also a leading cause of racism, so stopping this will reduce violence and racism.

There should be no doubt that there are dozens, at least, contributing factors to crime and violence; yet the mainstream media is rarely willing to discuss more than one or two at any given time and they practically never do a good job covering those. The only subject that they do discuss following each shooting incident is typically gun control and they don't even do a good job at that; while they ignore many other contributing factors that are as important, if not much more important, including early child abuse leading to escalating violence, abandoned inner cities where the vast majority of violence happens, often unreported, income inequality, inadequate educational or economic opportunities, poverty, homelessness and much more.

Even though they do cover gun control they don't cover the best research on the subject, or at least not very often, although they have mentioned some studies briefly in the past before quickly forgetting them, instead repeating appeals to emotion over and over again. One example showing how much of an impact the assault weapons ban may have on mass shootings, but not necessarily most murders, is US Mass Shootings, 1982-2021: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation updated 04/01/2021. This shows there were eighteen mass shootings killing at least ten people after the assault ban expired, as of April 2021. Columbine, with thirteen dead, plus the two shooters, was the only one with ten or more deaths that took place while the assault weapons ban was in place. Between 1982 and 1994, when the assault weapons ban was in place there were four mass shootings killing ten or more according to this list. The clear implication is that this ban made mass shootings much less common, although the same can't be said for the overall murder rate.

I went into this subject myself almost seven years ago and explained that although reasonable gun control does reduce murder rates in states that have them, it's not nearly as important as other contributing causes in most cases, as explained in How does gambling and gun control impact violent crime? The studies I reviewed in the past showed that reasonable gun control had a much larger impact on suicide rates in states without it than they did on murder rates. A semi-educated guess might be that reasonable gun control might save dozens of lives over a decade or so from reduced mass murders, hundreds if not thousands of lives from suicide, but only a moderate percentage from most murders.

Reasonable gun control almost certainly has a big impact on mass shootings and suicides, but it's till not the only contributing factor, by far, nor do I think it's likely to be the most important contributing factor. In addition to the review I did on gun control, I also reviewed at least eight to ten other potential contributing factors, including early child abuse and corporal punishment which was part of a series, Ignored evidence linking corporal punishment, poverty and crime grows. This was followed up with a more recent review, based on updated FBI statistics Research On Preventing Violence Absent From National Media. This article, and statistics from the FBI accompanying it, shows that at least since 1991, if not much earlier, the states allowing corporal punishment in schools, and presumably using it more at home, have always had higher murder rates, on average, than those not using it. In 1992 the difference was only about two and a quarter percent, which is as close as it ever got, and it's been breaking records since then, getting bigger.

Since then, the states that banned corporal punishment in schools, and use it less often at home, have seen their murder rates drop much faster than those still allowing CP in schools. In most cases, even those states still allowing it don't use it as often. The gap between the two broke a record in 2018, then another one in 2019, when the murder rates for the nineteen states still allowing CP averaging 6.07 per 100,000, while it was only 4.22 on average for the remaining states not allowing it. The same goes for either shooting and killing police or police killing civilians; in both cases, even though the nineteen states still allowing corporal punishment in schools only have about 41.5% of the population, in any given year they have between 50% and 65% of either the police murdered in the line of duty or civilians killed by police. One of the recent mass shootings, killing three, was by an ex-cop who had been fired within the past year, and this happens to be in Texas, which is a CP state.

There's no doubt, in the academic world, that reducing child abuse will lead to a large reduction in all violence later in life; but there's no effort in the mainstream media to inform the public about this, nor are political decision based on this research. The same goes for many other major contributing causes of violence, including abandoned inner cities, which often have murder rates at least twice the national average and sometimes four to ten times the national average. And the difference is even greater when you compare it to European countries that do a much better job addressing social services, including education, child care, banning corporal punishment at home as well as in schools, and many other social problems; in some cases our worst cities have fifty times the murder rates of theirs, yet the media refuses to research why, when the information is available, and it could teach how to reduce violence.

About forty years ago Hollywood produced "Escape from New York" which was a dystopian example of what not to do, abandoning inner cities and letting them turn into a war zone or walled in prison. This is just one of many Apocalyptic movies that Hollywood is constantly putting out; and in each case, no matter the subject, whether it's research on reducing violence, protecting the environment, or many other social problems, there's almost always, if not always, good research to show how to avoid these disastrous scenarios in libraries, academic journals, or other alternative media outlets; but all of this research is ignored by mainstream media and politicians don't use it to base their political decisions, instead catering to the fiscal ideology of campaign contributors.

In the summation for my previous series on leading causes of violence, Politicians increase crime; Grass roots efforts reduce crime; Politicians steal the credit, I pointed out that in addition to child abuse and corporal punishment being major contributing factors for violence, other factors include poverty, lack of education, income inequality, gambling, and numerous other factors, many of which hit abandoned inner cities far more than most of the country. Many of the leading causes of violence, besides child abuse or corporal punishment, are often directly linked to the fiscal ideology of the wealthiest people in this country, yet they're practically never discussed by the mainstream media!

Furthermore, when ever the fiscal ideology of the wealthy contradicts the best interest of the working class, including research to reduce violence, politicians cater to the interests of their donors, and this has done the greatest damage in abandoned inner cities, often dominated by minorities, including African Americans. A lot of this is described by Jonathan Kozol in "Savage Inequalities" 1991 and many of his other books. He focuses mostly on education, showing how the political establishment has been relentlessly trying to cut educational funds for poor people, often so they only get enough education to do menial jobs for low wages. Perhaps the most brazen example where the political establishment has opposed one of the most effective ways to reduce violence was San Antonio v. Rodriguez, which Jonathan Kozol reports on in his book. in 1971 a three-judge federal district court ruled that Texas, and San Antonio, were in violation of the equal protection clause of the Constitution; unfortunately, this was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court with Lewis Powell, who had a major conflict of interest, writing for the five to four majority, and Thurgood Marshall writing a scathing dissent.

Lewis Powell never should have been allowed on the Supreme Court do to a brazen conflict of interest which most of the public didn't learn about until after he was confirmed as shown in the Machiavellian Lewis Powell Memo: A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy. Some critics have tried to down play the importance of this memo by dismissing it as the "myth of the Powell Memo," or something like that; however, if you read the full memo and study the history of politics since then, there's little or no doubt that the recommendations in this memo have clearly been carried out since then. One of the best sources to review this was "Who Stole the American Dream?" by Hedrick Smith, who goes into a lot of detail confirming his sources, unlike the critics of what they try to call the "myth of the Powell Memo," which avoids fact checking enabling them to make many false claims that don't stand up to scrutiny.

The Powell Memo certainly isn't the sole cause for our political and economic problems, nor is it entirely new; it actually describes a restoration of the fiscal ideology adopted by the wealthy in the nineteen-twenties, which led to the Great Depression, and the nineteenth century, before or after the Civil War. Frederick Douglas wrote about how they suppressed education to African Americans intentionally in his autobiographies in 1845; 1855; and 1892. In the nineteenth century those that opposed education for slaves or working class people hardly tried to hide it; now it's widely recognized that people should have a right to good education so those that want to suppress it, including Lewis Powell, try to pretend otherwise, although if you look carefully, that's exactly what they want.

The same goes for Niccolò Machiavelli's recommendation that rulers "keep the citizens poor," which was written at a time when the vast majority of citizens didn't even know how to read, so they wouldn't have known he wrote it. Machiavelli advised rulers on the most effective tactics to control the masses and keep them in their place, and the Powell Memo elaborates on this, and clearly seems to be the method they're using to corrupt the political system, even if it means ignoring the most effective research to reduce violence and look out for the best interests of the majority. This also includes increased control of the national media, although I doubt if Lewis Powell, or his allies at the time of the memo, could have known how successful they would be at controlling the media.

The consolidation of the media escalated under Ronald Reagan, and it reached it's peak, at least for now under Bill Clinton when national media consolidated so much that six corporations were able to control over 95% of national media, and many of the remaining media outlets, including the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, the Boston Globe and many more are owned by billionaires, ensuring that a fraction of one percent control almost all national media, and they rarely if ever cover the best research about how to reduce violence.

Fortunately there are other sources, including library books, academic journals, or other alternative media which do show the most effective ways to reduce violence, and they often also show that good programs to reduce violence are often much more cost effective than increased reliance on policing, courts, and prisons. I've covered some of this research in past articles including Ten Ways To Reduce Violence, Backed Up By Research which discusses several studies that reduce violence, and at least a couple that show it also saves money, including Zagar's study cited by Professor James Garbarino, which shows that for every dollar spent on non-punitive intervention with at risk children at least six dollars are saved in other related social costs, including crime and violence related costs.

Another previous article, Burying Solutions to Prevent Gilroy, Dayton and El Paso Shootings, covers a similar study, also cited by Professor Garbarino, covers a home visiting program which also saves more money than it costs, and this was confirmed from numerous other good sources. I've also found at least a couple studies from other countries that show that it's far more cost effective to treat drug addiction and house the homeless instead of ignoring both these problems, which I reviewed previously in Machiavellian Ideology Ignores Real Science. This article discusses Finland's housing first program, which almost completely eliminated their homeless problem, and Portugal's decriminalization of drugs, accompanied by effective treatment of addition, which has led to much less addition and reduced costs. In both cases there are smaller studies

Christopher Berry-Dee, a researcher into serial killers and author of "Monster: Aileen Wuornos' True Story," has also come to the conclusion that early intervention makes serial killers much less likely to turn violent. He writes about how Aileen was abused as a child throughout the book, but in the last thirteen pages, he reports about how many good schools have intervention programs that would recognize how badly abused Aileen was and recommend counseling or other intervention. Both James Garbarino and Dorothy Otnow Lewis have also come to similar conclusions; all three of these researchers, and more, have come to the conclusion that most if not all serial killers or spree killers have all been abused much more as children than most of us. Many people have argued that most abused children don't grow up to be serial killers, which is, of course, true; however, the abuse for most killers is often much worse, and even if most abused children don't become killers they often do have many other emotional problems and they should receive help with it as well, most importantly would be to stop the abuse in the first place.

Professor Garbarino and many other teachers and researchers around the country go into much more detail about these programs, although in most cases it's not reported much outside of schools or the academic world. In all fairness, the programs that Aileen Wuornos would have needed to help her were almost certainly far less common in the sixties, when they would have done the most good; and they would have been even worse in the forties, when they might have helped prevent Charles Manson from being violent, in fact the reform schools that he went to did far more harm than good where the so-called councilors were often very violent and allegedly involved in raping and abusing the troubled boys they were supposed to help. There's been an enormous amount of evidence to show that this was much more common throughout the United States, not just where Manson went. There's little doubt that these abusive reform schools are far less common and that programs that reduce violence are far more common, but it's hard to tell how much without good reporting on the subject.

If I can find this much good research, without the help of traditional media, then I have no doubt that there's far more available; but even if there isn't that much more, we need a much more effective way to inform the public; and since traditional media refuses to report on this it has to involve more diverse media including people that actually want to do a good job. Since there are many more of these programs operating around the country, it provides more research opportunities to find out which are more effective.

Unfortunately instead of reporting on research that could reduce violence, the political establishment has developed a routine for expressing self-righteous indignation without actually doing anything to solve the problem, perhaps believing these appeals to emotion will convince people they care or that they're doing something. In all fairness, one aspect of the 1994 crime bill, the ban on assault weapons, did help with a modest reduction in murders, a larger reduction in mass shootings and a much larger reduction in suicides; however, this was the only aspect allowed to lapse, while mass incarceration portions of the bill are still in place and little or nothing has been done to address the long term causes of violence.

To this day, little or nothing has been done to address most long term causes of violence, especially if they impact the fiscal ideology of the wealthy; the most important exception is teaching how child abuse leads to escalating violence and banning corporal punishment in most schools, but all these efforts were done at the local level. Neither the media or politicians have acknowledged the leading causes of violence, including Joe Biden's most recent emotional response to mass shootings as reported in Opting for Massacre in America, a Public Health Emergency: Top U.S. Health Officer 04/19/2021 where he says, “This is a national embarrassment and must come to an end.”

Joe Biden has been saying that he "trusts the science" on one subject after another, especially his response to the pandemic trying to tell us what to do and to get vaccinations without question. I don't have the medical background to challenge or refute most of what they say about the pandemic, and hope they are right; however, I do know enough about Single Payer Health care, or Medicare for All, to know that it would help handle medical crisis's like this much better; and I also know that government money is routinely used to finance research including into the vaccines, yet they give patents to drug companies so they can gouge people, and often deprive them of medical care. Furthermore, the pandemic is only a little older than one year but the vaccines are still less than a year old, so there have been few if any long terms studies, which they don't discuss, raising more doubts about the science. The same goes for addressing Climate Change, pretending to trust the science, but still increasing the burning of fossil fuels, fracking and many other things increasing profits for his campaign donors at the expense of the environment.

The same goes, of course, for research into preventing violence in the most effective way possible, at best he trusts the science, only when it suits the best financial interests of his campaign donors, or perhaps, when he's under an enormous amount of pressure from the grassroots, like when he investigated a handful of police shootings. If he was concerned about the leading long terms of violence and how to prevent it he would recognize that improving education, reducing poverty, income inequality, and white collar crime, are all major parts of the solution; however, his campaign donors all benefit from policies that ignore this.

Joe Biden has been a leading part of the political establishment that has been rigging the economy for the rich, shipping jobs overseas to suppress wages, while also blocking increases in the minimum wage, suppressing funds for schools, even though research shows this is far more effective at solving many social problems, including reducing violence, and many other policies enabling epidemic levels of fraud, and indirectly increasing other crime and violence. He's also been a leading supporter of increased militarization of the police and mass incarceration, even though evidence shows it's not nearly as effective at reducing crime and violence as educational programs, many of which save far more money than they cost.

Joe Biden and the rest of the political establishment have little or no interest in the best "science" or research on any given subject unless in increases their profits or they can use it for a campaign slogan. The Republicans, of course, seem even worse, hardly even pretending to care about good science, which enables the Democrats to pretend to be the lesser evil. And of course, this is much more effective when the media refuses to cover the best research or anyone that points out these flaws.

The mere fact that many European countries have a fraction of the violent crime that we do and far fewer mass shootings should show they're doing something much better than we are, and that we should look closer at it to figure out what it is so we can reduce our social problems as well; but the media refuses to even look at it. If I can find this much research showing how to reduce violence, often while saving money at the same time, I have no doubt that there's much more; however the most powerful institutions refuse to even look for it!

As long as this continues we need to support alternative media outlets that actually try to do a good job and find the best research ourselves, exposing the fraud of traditional media. We also need to provide far more support from the grassroots for honest candidates that the traditional media refuses to cover. As long as only crooked candidates catering to corrupt corporations get name recognition, the only politicians with name recognition needed to get elected will be crooks!

Austin police chief IDs suspect in shooting that left 3 dead near The Arboretum 04/18/2021 Records show Stephen Broderick, a former Travis County sheriff's office property crimes detective, is charged with sexual assault of a child. Broderick was booked into jail in June and spent 16 days behind bars prior to posting bail, which was set at $50,000.

The following are additional sources or related articles:

Mother arrested after three young children found slain in Reseda 04/10/2021

Suspected gunman in Texas shooting held on $2.2 million bond 04/09/2021

Suspect in mass shooting that killed 5 in South Carolina played in NFL 04/09/2021

Lone survivor of SC mass shooting has now died, coroner says, bringing death toll to 6 04/10/2021

At least 20 mass shootings have taken place in the two weeks since the metro Atlanta spa attacks left 8 dead 04/01/2021

He shot at 'everyone he saw': Atlanta spa workers recount horrors of shooting 04/02/2021

Here's what we know about the Boulder, Colorado, mass shooting suspect, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa 03/24/2021

US Capitol attacker posted online about gov’t “mind control” 04/02/2021

Suspect in Capitol car attack posted about govt. 'mind control' and 'terrible afflictions' by CIA, FBI 04/03/2021


Wikipedia: List of mass shootings in the United States in 2021

The 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings in Modern U.S. History 10/03/2017 Does not include El Paso shooting in 2019 with 22 dead; or Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018 with 17 dead; or Texas First Baptist Church in 2017 with 26 dead. Six out of the ten worst mass shootings were in the past ten years. Seven of the worst thirteen were in the past ten years. Nine out of those thirteen were after the ban on assault weapons expired, the other four were all from before the ban on assault weapons was put in place, but there were far fewer assault weapons available at that time even though it wasn't officially banned. The five worst mass shootings of all time all happened after the ban on assault weapons expired.

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2021: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation updated 04/01/2021 There were eighteen mass shootings killing at least ten people after the assault ban expired, as of April 2021. Columbine, with thirteen dead was the only one with ten or more deaths that took place while the assault weapons ban was in place. Between 1982 and 1994, when the assault weapons ban was in place there were four mass shootings killing ten or more according to this list. 18/60

At Least 36% of Mass Shooters Have Been Trained By the U.S. Military 03/24/2021

1 dead, officer injured after gunfire erupts at high school in Knoxville, Tennessee 04/11/2021

TIMELINE: Austin-East community rocked by another shooting 04/12/2021 CNN referred to this as "East-Maga School" while it's actually Austin-East Magnet High School

Maryland trooper shoots, kills teenager who had airsoft gun, police say 04/15/2021

‘You’ve Done Nothing Wrong’: Leaked Data Shows Cops Are Donating to Kyle Rittenhouse’s Defense Fund 04/16/2021

‘We demand justice’: Emotional vigil held for man fatally shot by Birmingham police 04/15/2021

Why America's Schools Have A Money Problem 04/18/2018

Politifact: Marianne Williamson "We are the only advanced industrialized nation that bases our educational funding on property taxes." 07/31/2021 Half-True

School funding: A review of existing models in European and OECD countries 2005

Jonathan Kozol "Savage Inequalities" 1991

When Joe Biden Collaborated With Segregationists 06/06/2019 The candidate’s years as an anti-busing crusader cannot be forgotten—or readily forgiven. By Jonathan Kozol

Shooting in Kenosha Wisconsin leaves 3 dead, at least 3 injured at Wis. bar, person of interest 'located,' officials say 04/18/2021

Not just “a few bad apples”: U.S. police kill civilians at much higher rates than other countries 06/05/2020

Police shoot unarmed gay Black man 10 times when he called 911 for help 04/21/2021

Man in North Carolina fatally shot while deputies served warrant, authorities say 04/23/2021

Killed by police 2017 archives.
Delano Ca. almost double; Castle Rock Colorado less than 1/2 average; rural Texas well below average; Los Angeles Ca. just over 1-1/2 times average; Redwood City Ca. just under 1/2 average; Columbus Ga. more than double; Elkhart Ind. about %120 above average; Birmingham, Alabama almost seven times average; South Gate Ca. 20% above average; Wichita Kansas 40% above average, LA also above average; Philadelphia Pa. close to four times average; Dover Township slightly below average crime rates, bordering York with more than five times average murder rates; Chester Va. below average crime, suburb of Richmond with four times average; Farmers Branch Tx. less than half average, bordering Dallas with more than double; Boring Oregon half average? or less; Desert Hot Springs Ca. three or four times average; Yakima Wash. almost double; Tulare Ca. more than 50% above average; Roswell NM over three times average; Rural area bordering Kentucky and Tennassee, with little crime; Indianapolis, Ind just over triple average; Spokane Wash. moderately below average; Yakima Wash. almost double (double report, doesn't count XXXXX); Tulsa Okla. almost three times average; Progreso Tx. less than half average, small border town; Phoenix Ariz. almost double; Fairbanks Alaska almost double national average; Tracy City, Tenn well below average, very small town; Los Angeles Ca. just over 1-1/2 times average; Canaan, NH very rural nonviolent area; Spartanburg SC about 135% above average; 9 more than double including 6,4,3,3,3,3; 18 total above average; 3 of remaining below average cites border much more violent cities.

Conclusion: based on this small sampling and the fact that at least one other violent city, Columbus Ohio, has more than their share of police killing civilians, it's reasonable to assume that if we reduce the long term causes of all violence, not only will that violence be reduced, but so will confrontations with the police and killing of civilians by police, or killing of police. This small review reinforces what we should have been able to figure out anyway.

Teenager Ma’Khia Bryant is 34th person fatally shot by police in Columbus since 2015 04/21/2021 Over twice average murder rate, about 70%-80% higher rate of civilians killed by police.

Deputy who shot Black man appears to mistake phone for gun 04/24/2021

Homicides in N.J. soared 23% in 2020. What caused the spike? 12/31/2020 In Newark, the state’s most populous city, 51 homicides occurred in 2020 as of Dec. 30 — the same number the city had in 2019, officials said. Community organizations are doing great things on the ground in Newark... (Newark NJ, Richmond Ca. and even New Orleans were among the most violent cities in the country, however, following major reforms they all had large improvements, although they still have a lot more to do, especially New Orleans.)

Newark NJ cops, with reform, didn’t fire a single shot in 2020 | Tom Moran 01/11/2021

US policing is far less about fighting crime than controlling the poor 04/25/2021 By Kenan Malik

Joe Biden declares 'enough prayers' in announcing new gun control plan 04/08/2021

3 Ways the 1994 Crime Bill Continues to Hurt Communities of Color 05/10/2019

The 1994 Crime Bill Continues to Undercut Justice Reform—Here’s How to Stop It 03/26/2019

The Complex History of the Controversial 1994 Crime Bill 04/14/2016

Mass shooting surge reaches at least 20 since the metro Atlanta spa attacks left 8 dead 04/01/2021

Friday, April 2, 2021

Walmart Crime Report March 2021

Walmart had at least eight shootings last month, fortunately none of them were fatal, although there were at least three or four injuries, including at least one critical injury. There was, however, another fatality from a February shooting at Walmart where he died of injuries previously. At least one of these shootings involved police officers after a chase and another involved a woman who found her own stolen car for sale on the internet and attempted to retrieve it at Walmart.

There were also at least a dozen other gun related crimes at Walmart, and at least one more from a previous month showing that Google and traditional media isn't reporting major crimes as consistently as they did in the past, indicating that even though many crimes, especially minor ones, aren't being reported as often doesn't mean they're going down. A lot of these gun related crimes were armed robberies, including an attempt to steal cars by a man with a pellet rifle that might have looked real, but some were threats following arguments, and one was an investigation at gunpoint after an employee jumped to conclusions when he saw a toddler playing with a toy gun.

There may not have been any fatal shootings, which is unusual in the past few years, but there were at least four dead bodies found on the premises and two more killed in accidents, making it a total of six people killed.

Even though they have to know that increased reliance on self-check-out is contributing to their high crime problems and a lot of the savings from cutting employees is being used for security they're increasing the use of this even more with stores in four states relying entirely on it. The tax payers often pick up the tab for court and police costs so this presumably enables them to increase profit; but we're subsidizing their crime problem.

There were a couple more brawls or attacks on employees, including someone hit in the head by a shovel. One of Walmart's delivery drivers was caught on camera stealing a package left behind by a previous delivery driver; and they had two incidents where cases were smashed and expensive electronics or jewelry were stolen. At least electronics serves a practical purpose for the consumer, but the value of jewelry is based on advertising hype, not any practical use. This might seem reasonable if both jewelry ads and opposing views were allowed on mass media to give people fair access to information; however when adbusters tried to buy what they called "uncommercials" to tell people not to buy things they don't need the media refused to air them, which is another way of subsidizing crime to increase profits for corporations.

COVID related problems have become routine as well now, including an outbreak with at least 24 positive tests at one store in Washington State, a mask-less man arrested by force, which is under investigation for refusing to leave, and another person swinging a stick at people, coughing on them, and creating additional disturbances while yelling, "I am not COVID."

In addition to the two people killed in accidents, there was another boy seriously injured in one of those accidents and there were at least a dozen major accidents, police chases, stolen vehicles, or a combination of the three, including at least one or two major injuries and five more lesser injuries, a car striking a major gas line creating a fire or explosion hazard, although this didn't happen, a car that flipped over after hitting a bent safety post, and a police chase after five girls no more than fourteen years old in a stolen vehicle.

There was also a garbage truck that caught fire and at least ten more fires, including at least four or five arsons, with two of them allegedly set by the same suspect. Most if not all of these resulted in evacuations and possible panics.

Walmart also had at least eight knife attacks with at least five of them resulting in stabbings, one of them resulted in three stabbings alone, and another one also resulted in a police cruiser catching fire.

Walmart also had a variety assaults, purse snatchings, bomb threats, or threats to shoot up the store, missing persons last seen at their store, and much more. Many of these low level crimes are much less likely to be reported by the media so it's virtually guaranteed that the ones listed here are only a fraction of the incidents.

Walmart is facing at least two more lawsuits for theft of "intellectual property," which is semi-routine, although they rarely report on how these suits are settled. They also routinely claim to be selling made in the USA getting caught several times a year violating these claims, and now unions are highlighting how they off-sore good jobs, although media hardly covers it. They're facing more complaints or lawsuits about racial bias and many more labor violations, which are routine for them.

Have you ever found body parts in the food you buy at Walmart?

One woman claims she found a "fingertip" in a bag of frozen fruit.

If this is true how could the "fingertip" have gotten into the fruit? The most likely explanation seems to be that the workers in the packaging plant accidentally cut the tip of their finger and they didn't retrieve it. Why no follow-up or explanation? In modern production even the location of their processing plants are often secret and they often move them to countries with little or no protection for workers rights. However, it's unlikely that Walmart accepts responsibility instead claiming they hold all their suppliers or contractors to the highest standards, which sounds good; but at the same time they routinely squeeze everyone they can to increase profits and fight any laws to protect workers or decrease secrecy.

For now there might be some limited justice for the person that bought the fruit, but rights for workers cutting it in dangerous conditions are unlikely.

Upton Sinclair author of "The Jungle" "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach."

Strange things happen at Walmart!

In 2006 Wake Up Walmart did a study, "Is Walmart Safe?" based on incidents in 2004, (PDF) about crime at Walmart which showed that it increased when Walmarts opened up and that crime was higher at Walmart than at other retailers. Since then Walmart Shootings began compiling a list of gun related incidents at Walmart and demonstrated that they have a large number of them, including on average more than one shooting per week somewhere in the country; now after counting them for several years that average is over two per week. In January of 2014 another study, "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" provided additional statistical research indicating that Walmart might be contributing to higher crime rates or at least a slowing of the decline in crime. The study found that. “on average, communities with Walmarts had 17 more property crimes and two more violent crimes per 10,000 people than those communities without Walmarts.” I reviewed this more in Walmart’s crime problem, Rolling Back Safety more than prices? where I explained that although this study is helpful they could have done better with additional data that is available and I reviewed some of that. I also added my own review about why I think that Walmart policies have been contributing to higher crime in a previous blog, Walmart high crime rate continues un-investigaterd and have provided additional information under the author tag Walmart Crime Watch.

Stacy Mitchell has also compiled a list of other studies about Walmart and how they impact society, Key Studies on Big-Box Retail & Independent Business. To the best of my knowledge Walmart has done as little as they seem to get away with, often relying on rhetoric that isn't backed up with action, when it comes to addressing any of their critics concerns, including crime. One of the responses they’ve come up with is what they call "Restorative Justice" which gives first time shoplifters a chance to avoid being arrested or any criminal record if they take an on line course which costs $400 up front or $500 in payments, plus perhaps, reparations. This has been part of the privatization process and often denies suspects of the due process or access to a lawyer, perhaps even intimidating and extorting from some people that might not even be guilty. Walmart seems to be trying to find a way to turn crime into a profit making situation instead of looking for the most effective ways to reduce it. Making Change at Walmart is asking If you or someone you know has gone through @Walmart's "Restorative Justice" program for first-time suspected shoplifters, send us a DM. 03/30/2017 to ensure that it isn’t doing more harm than good. I did my own review of this program as well at Walmart’s “Restorative Justice” Endangers Public Without Reducing Crime. The following are a list of incidents that occurred in March 2021. According to the "Is Walmart Safe?" the average store in their sampling had 250 incidents per year indicating that these are only a fraction of the crime reports at Walmart, and presumably, the ones most likely to make the news on the internet nationwide. This isn't statistically representative, as the 2006 or the "Rolling Back Prices and Raising Crime Rates?" study or some of the studies cited by Stacy Mitchell; but it does provide some additional information that may help recognize how many problems there are at Walmart.

Woman who fired shots in Broomfield Colorado Walmart, in Feb. 2020, sentenced to probation 03/01/2021

Morrisdale Man Gets State Prison for Robbing Pa. Walmart Employee 03/02/2021

Suspect Runs Into Walmart Following Bizarre Pursuit From Riverside To Westminster Ca. 03/02/2021

GARDEN GROVE (CBSLA) — A driver was taken into custody late Monday night at a Walmart in Westminster after he lead California Highway Patrol officers on a bizarre pursuit from Riverside, and then ran into the store and tried to change clothes in an attempt to disguise himself.

The pursuit started at around 10:30 p.m. at Blaine Street and Iowa Avenue when Riverside police officers tried to pull the driver over for failing to yield and driving without a license plate.

The car ran red lights and seemed to have trouble maintaining its lane. At one point the car stopped and the driver let out a rear passenger. That man escaped and remains at large.

The car eventually made its way onto the westbound 91 Freeway, where California Highway Patrol officers took over the pursuit. Complete article

Man displays gun at NY Walmart 03/02/2021

CORTLANDT – State Police are seeking the public’s help in identifying a man who displayed a handgun at the Mohegan Lake Walmart store on East Main Street.

On January 13, the man was reported to have confronted a shopper and accused that person of stealing a face mask.

During the confrontation, the man posing as a loss prevention employee, ordered the patron to “come with me.” The patron refused and the man lifted his jacket to reveal a holstered handgun with a brown grip. Complete article

Westfield Mass. police identify assault suspect at Walmart 03/02/2021

UPDATE: The suspect has been identified according to the Westfield Police Department. Below is the original article.

WESTFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Detectives from the Westfield Police Department are looking to identify a man who was involved in an altercation at Walmart.

According to the Westfield Detective Bureau, the man pictured in the flannel shirt is a suspect involved in an altercation with a juvenile at Walmart where an assault occurred. Minor injuries were reported to the juvenile. Complete article

Fla. Delivery driver dropping off Walmart groceries leaves Margate home with previously delivered package 03/01/2021

MARGATE, Fla. – A delivery man was caught on camera doing something unbelievable after dropping off groceries on the front porch of a South Florida home.

Security cameras captured the delivery man dropping off groceries from Walmart.

He then noticed a package that had been previously delivered.

The man looks over the package before picking it up and leaving with it.

“I was just so disgusted,” said victim Thamahr Alexis-Woon. “I was appalled that Walmart would send a delivery person to come to my home and steal. Period. I feel like they’re responsible.” Complete article

Schenectady man arrested for reportedly threatening to blow up Wilton NY Walmart 03/01/2021

WILTON, N.Y. (NEWS10) — The Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office arrested Gregory Craig, 64, of Schenectady Sunday for reportedly making a terroristic threat at a local Walmart.

Police say Craig allegedly made a 911 call just after 4 p.m. saying he was going to blow up the Walmart in the Town of Wilton. The store was evacuated, secured, and swept by the Sheriff’s Office K9 units.

Additionally, Craig was reportedly removed from the store prior to the incident for an unrelated incident. Police say Craig was found a short time later on a public bus in Ballston Spa headed back to Schenectady. He was charged with Making a Terroristic Threat (Class D Felony). Complete article

Jeresneyka Rose was surprised to find Walmart carrying her artwork 03/01/2021

For most fledgling artists, getting their work into a national retail outlet like Walmart would be a major boost for their career. Unless, of course, they didn’t know it was happening. Jeresneyka Rose, a Colorado Springs artist, found out her artwork was being sold on canvas prints for $14.98 at Walmart when she was cleaning out her Instagram message requests.

“I was going through my [message] requests and people, like three people in a row, requested me around the same time, tagging me in a congratulations thing on a collaboration,” said Rose. “I was like, ‘What?’ I looked at it and they were like, ‘I got my Art by Rizzo at Walmart.’ I responded, ‘Thank you so much for tagging me and your support, but they stole my work. I didn’t collaborate with them.’”

Rose’s artwork, a digital portrait of Nipsey Hussle, a hip-hop artist and anti-gun violence activist who was fatally shot on March 31, 2019, was sold in Walmarts in multiple states. She found out because the watermark she placed on the piece was also her Instagram handle, @artbyrizzo.

“I screen-recorded and saved all the pictures everyone sent me,” said Rose. “One person sent me their receipt showing the barcode, the SKU number, all the proof that Walmart is selling my work. Plus, my watermark is still on the art. They edited the picture and removed my signature and changed the background to yellow, but my watermark was still in the hair. I guess they couldn’t get that off, and that’s what saved me.” Complete article

Walmart stores in Four-States shift to self-checkout 03/02/2021

JOPLIN, Mo. – Walmart stores in the four-states are undergoing big changes.

Walmart Corporate Communications confirms that the Neighborhood Market at 25145 Demott Drive in Joplin has gone to all self-checkouts. Walmart tells us after undergoing a front-end remodel, the store now has 12 self-checkout registers, one pay station and 0 traditional registers, increasing the total number of registers by two. They say before the remodel, the store had seven traditional registers and four self-checkout registers.

Walmart tells KOAM that the store did not loose any associates, instead making cashiers self-checkout hosts, online grocery pickup and other front end positions. Walmart says ten new associates have been hired, and they are currently hiring ten more.

But that’s not the only store seeing big changes. The Walmart Supercenter in Miami, Oklahoma at 2415 N Main St is also going to feature mostly self-checkout registers. Complete article

Cameras show missing Mississippi EMT at Quality Inn, Walmart in Carthage Tx. and Walmart in Longview 03/01/2021 CARTHAGE, Texas (KSLA) — Surveillance camera photos show a missing Mississippi woman may be altering her appearance in an attempt to conceal her identity, authorities say.

State Police Seek Suspects Accused of Stealing From Cadillac Mich. Walmart 03/02/2021

Salem Mass. Man, 20, Facing Charges After Walmart Incident That Involved Air Rifle, BBs: Police 03/01/2021

Elderly couple caught stealing from Tx. Walmart 03/02/2021

Two arrested after stealing from Ind. Walmart 03/02/2021

Retail theft at Walmart leads to pursuit of stolen vehicle, search in Huntley Ill. 03/01/2021

Two suspects were taken into custody with the help of bystanders after the suspects allegedly stole from Walmart and fled from police in Huntley on Saturday.

The Huntley Police Department responded to a report of a retail theft call at the Walmart, 12300 Route 47, around 2:36 p.m. Saturday.

Huntley Deputy Police Chief Michael Klunk said that the caller advised police the suspects were fleeing the parking lot in a vehicle. Complete article

Police search for truck stolen near Wal-Mart parking lot in Florence SC 03/02/2021

FLORENCE, S.C. (WPDE) — The Florence Police Dept. responded to 230 Beltline Drive, which is the location of a Wal-Mart, in reference to a stolen vehicle, according to a press release from the department.

A purple/blue 2002 Chevy Silverado Crew cab truck was stolen from the parking lot at about 3 p.m., according to police. Complete article

Crying children, meth found in car; mom taken from Tx. Walmart straight to jail 03/02/2021

LUBBOCK, Texas — Online records from the Lubbock County Detention Center indicated Felicianna Maria Moreno, 29, of Lubbock was arrested on Sunday by Lubbock Police. Moreno was charged with drug possession, fabricating or tampering with evidence and abandoning a child.

Police were called to Walmart, 702 West Loop 289, just after 3:00 p.m. Court records filed by Children’s Protective Services said police were called when two children (both under the age of 10), were left alone in a car in the parking lot while it was running.

An officer looked inside the car and then wrote, “I continued to search the [Moreno’s] vehicle and noticed small amounts of clear crystal-like rocks on the floorboard.” There was also a soda cup in the car with more crystal rocks. It tested positive for methamphetamines. Complete article

IUE-CWA members shine light on Walmart’s role in offshoring good jobs 03/03/2021

Walmart’s supplier of LED light bulbs has announced plans to shift production to China, a move that will cost some 80 members of IUE-CWA Local 84704 in Bucyrus, Ohio, their jobs.

The GE-Savant plant has had a presence in the Ohio community for nearly a century, and union members aren’t going down without a fight.

They’ve enlisted the support of fellow IUE-CWA members, who are staging protests outside Walmart stores across the country, including in the Twin Cities.

The most recent day of action, Feb. 20, saw actions at 80 stores nationwide. Outside the West St. Paul Walmart, IUE-CWA Local 1140 President Howard Terry and district representative Richard Shorter showed their solidarity. Complete article

Walmart nabs Goldman Sachs bankers to help lead its new fintech start-up 03/01/2021

Walmart has nabbed two veteran bankers from Goldman Sachs to help spearhead its new fintech start-up, as the company looks beyond retail to drive revenue.

Omer Ismail, who leads Goldman’s consumer bank, and David Stark, another Goldman banker, are leaving for the retailer. A Goldman Sachs spokesman confirmed their departures. The news was first reported by Bloomberg.

Walmart announced in January that it is creating a new company to develop unique, affordable financial products for customers and employees. It has teamed up with Ribbit Capital, a venture capital firm, but will own a majority stake in the start-up. Walmart did not share the name of the company or when services would be available. Walmart executives, including CFO Brett Biggs and Walmart U.S. CEO John Furner, will be on the start-up’s board. Complete article

Child custody argument preceded fatal shooting outside Whitehall Pa. Walmart, at the end of last month, cops say 03/01/2021

Saratoga Springs woman arrested on four charges after Wilton NY Walmart visit 03/03/2021

Man shot dead by West Sacramento Ca. police near Walmart, at the end of last month, is identified 03/02/2021

Galesburg woman and female juvenile arrested for theft at Ill. Walmart 03/04/2021

65-year-old Rockford Ill. woman accused of firing weapon in Walmart parking lot 03/04/2021

ROCKFORD (WREX) — Rockford police say a woman has been charged after she allegedly fired a gun in a Walmart parking lot.

Police say they responded to a shots fired call at the Walmart on Riverside Blvd. on Feb. 25. (not previously reported.)

When officers arrived on scene, they spoke with the victim and their family.

The victim told police they were in a verbal argument with a woman inside of the store.

When they left the store, the woman pulled up next to them, fired a shot in the family's direction and drove off, according to police. Complete article

4-year-old girl dies after getting hit by truck at Glendale Ariz. Walmart, 3-year-old boy injured 03/04/2021

GLENDALE, AZ — A 4-year-old girl has died and another child is injured after getting struck by a vehicle in a Walmart parking lot in Glendale.

On Wednesday morning the Glendale Fire Department and Glendale Police Department were called to the store near 56th and Northern avenues for reports of a crash involving pedestrians.

At the scene, crews found a group of five people that were struck in the parking lot.

Officials with the City of Glendale said a family, including three women, a boy and a girl, exited the Walmart and were on a sidewalk when they were hit. Complete article

Walmart employee arrested in connection with shooting in Roanoke Rapids NC parking lot last month 03/04/2021

ROANOKE RAPIDS, N.C. — An employee of the Roanoke Rapids Walmart was arrested Wednesday in connection with a shooting in that store's parking lot on Feb. 26.

Angelica Maria Dominguez, 19, faces charges of felony conspiracy and felony obstruction of justice. Police say she is an acquaintance of the shooting suspect, OQuevion R. Barnes, 19, and brought him to the store on the day of the shooting.

Barnes, who is wanted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and shooting into an occupied vehicle, is still at large. He should be considered armed and dangerous. Complete article

Maskless man arrested after refusing to leave a Walmart in New Haven Conn.; police launch use of force investigation 03/04/2021

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — New Haven police said Walmart workers asked a maskless man, who’s known to the store, to leave multiple times but refused. That’s when an officer stepped in. The department is now launching a use of force investigation after the body cam video was revealed.

The body cam is on Officer Rafael Ramirez, who is asking Jose DeJesus in Spanish to leave. He explains he’s there to pick up his wife from work.

DeJesus is heard yelling and reportedly swearing at Ramirez and putting his hands up moments before he’s hit.

In the police report, Officer Ramirez details the altercation, explaining how he repeatedly asked DeJesus to go outside. On the fourth command, Officer Ramirez said he placed his right hand on DeJesus’s arm, attempting to guide him toward the exit door.

Officer Ramirez said that’s when the DeJesus swore at him and took a fighting stance raising his arms. Ramirez then punched DeJesus out cold. After seeing the video, Assistant Chief Renée Dominguez had internal affairs investigate. Complete article

New Haven police release body cam footage of incident inside Walmart 03/04/2021

Men Smashed Case, Stole Electronics at Warminster Pa. Walmart: PD 03/05/2021

WARMINSTER, PA — Police in Warminster are looking for two men they say smashed a Walmart display case with a hammer and stole $5,000 worth of electronics.

The theft happened at 10:54 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 26. According to police, the men walked into the store at 100 E. Street Rd. and went to the electronics department.

There, one of them used the hammer to smash the case and the two put about $5,000 worth of items into a shopping cart and left the store. Complete article

Harrodsburg Ky. Walmart closes for cleanup after fire near tire center 03/05/2021

HARRODSBURG, Ky. (WKYT) - Crews responded to a fire near the Harrodsburg Walmart Friday morning fire.

According to the Mercer County Fire Department, the fire started outside, near the store’s tire center. They say some smoke got into the store which caused the store’s fire alarm to go off.

The building was then evacuated. Complete article

Kentucky Firefighters Respond to Fire at Walmart 03/08/2021

Dangerous microwaves, Walmart refunds, older BMWs part of lawsuits that could mean money for you 03/04/2021

Did Walmart not give all your money back when you returned items? That's a lawsuit allegation and a settlement that could mean money for you.

The suit claims that between July 17, 2015, and Nov. 25, 2020, Walmart and Sam's Club didn't always refund sales tax when you brought back items.

There is a $5-million settlement but the exact amount you may receive and proof needed haven't been determined yet.

The deadline to file a claim is April 1, 2021. Complete article

Aurora Ill. Police Evacuate Walmart Store After Bomb Threat 03/04/2021

Walmart offering vaccines to Florida teachers of any age 03/04/2021

Gov. Northam visits Walmart vaccine clinic in Norfolk Va. on Wednesday 03/03/2021

Police searching for woman involved in Tx. Walmart theft 03/04/2021

Northern California homeless man robbed of wheelchair, clothes by four suspects 03/01/2021

Numerous Rockbridge Va. residents receive fake Walmart customer survey, Sheriff’s Office warns of scam 03/04/2021

Ohio Walmart employee cited for theft 03/0/2021

Farmington man arrested at NM Walmart accused of trafficking meth, distributing heroin 03/0/2021

One critical after shooting near Morse Road Walmart in Columbus Ohio 03/06/2021

COLUMBUS (WCMH) — One person is in life-threatening condition after reports of a shooting at a Walmart in northeast Columbus.

Police say the victim was found shot in the upper torso and head. They were transferred to an area hospital in critical condition.

The suspect has been named as 23-year old Shannon Knighten. Complete article

Armored truck driver robbed at gunpoint at Port Charlotte Fla. Walmart 03/08/2021

PORT CHARLOTTE, Fla. – A Brink’s armored money truck driver was robbed at gunpoint Monday afternoon, according to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office.

The robbery took place around 12:14 p.m. at the Walmart located at 2150 Tamiami Trail.

The two unidentified suspects fled on foot. Deputies are searching the area, including a helicopter and K9’s. Complete article

Second Person, Jonathan Martinez, Dies After Feb. 26 Whitehall Township Pa. Walmart Parking Lot Double Shooting last month 03/07/2021

WHITEHALL, Pa. (CBS/AP) — A second person has died following a shooting in the parking lot of a Walmart store in Lehigh County last month that killed a woman. The Lehigh County coroner’s office said 22-year-old Jonathan Martinez, of Allentown, died at 1:30 a.m. Sunday at Lehigh Valley Hospital. An autopsy is planned to determine the cause of death, but the coroner’s office ruled the manner of death homicide.

Nicolette Law, 20, of Allentown was pronounced dead earlier of gunshot wounds following the Feb. 26 shooting in the parking lot of the Whitehall Township store. Her death has also been ruled a homicide. Complete article

Man gets cut during fight at NC Walmart 03/08/2021

LAURINBURG — Two Gibson men were arrested after a fight in Walmart escalated when a weapon was brandished on Friday.

Just before 1 p.m., officers with the Laurinburg Police Department were called to the Walmart store in reference to a fight involving a knife. The two males, 34-year-old Quentin Lakendrick McRae and 26-year-old Shaquille Pearson, had reportedly engaged in a physical altercation inside the store. Complete article

‘I was shocked’: New Walmart checkout policy called racially biased 03/08/2021

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (KDVR) — A new checkout policy at a Walmart in Colorado is under scrutiny for its security measures surrounding beauty products for people of color.

The allegations of racial bias come almost a year after Walmart changed its practice of locking up beauty products for people of color at its stores.

“I honestly will probably not go back there again because of how I felt,” said Rachel, of Aurora, who visited the Walmart store in Centennial on Sunday morning. Complete article

Walmart Expands Board With Ex-AT&T Boss Randall Stephenson Appointment 03/07/2021

NEWS ANALYSIS — Walmart has named former AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson to its board of directors, effective March 3, expanding the board to 12 members. Stephenson, who retired less than 12 months ago with a reported $270,000 monthly pension and benefits after 13 years as CEO of AT&T, is being sought for his “leadership skills and insights in finance, technology, retail and brand management,” according to Greg Penner, chairman of the Bentonville, Ark.-based retail behemoth’s board.

“We look forward to working with him as we drive Walmart’s strategy forward and continue providing effective governance for all our stakeholders,” Penner said in a statement.

Stephenson will join a board whose annual compensation per member ranges from $260,000 to Penner’s $500,000 — with virtual meetings occurring as often as determined to be “necessary or appropriate.” Complete article

'God had a plan': Bishop Seitz comforts victims family during Gilbert Anchondo's funeral in El Paso Tx. 03/05/2021

Missing 74-year-old sought after last seen at southside Tucson Ariz. Walmart 03/05/2021

NIPD seeking to identify shoplifter at La. Walmart 03/05/2021

Police Seeking to Identify Shoplifters at Pa. Walmart 03/0/2021

Sheriff: Secret camera used at NC Walmart; man faces more peeping charges 03/05/2021

Suspects wanted in New Hanover County NC Walmart theft 03/06/2021

Subject wanted for theft at Walmart in Richmond County Ga. 03/07/2021

Police: Walmart traffic stop leads to multiple arrests in Middlesboro Ky. 03/07/2021

No injuries reported after shots fired inside Steele Creek NC Walmart 03/08/2021

CHARLOTTE — No one was injured after someone fired a gun inside the Steele Creek Walmart on Monday night, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said.

Officers were called to the store at 7:23 p.m. and they, along with a K-9 unit and SWAT team members, evacuated everyone and searched for victims. None were found.

Police are trying to find out who shot the weapon. Complete article

CMPD looking for a possible suspect in an alleged shooting at a Charlotte Walmart 03/08/2021 Police said they did not find any victims while searching the store, but said they have possibly identified a suspect in the incident.

Police release picture of person of interest in Charlotte Walmart shooting 03/09/2021

VIDEO: Suspect in Louisville Ky. Walmart shooting seen driving wildly before shootout with police 03/09/2021

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A police chase that went on for several miles in the Louisville Metro ended Tuesday afternoon with the suspect and officers firing at each other outside a Walmart.

The suspect, whose identity is unknown, was wounded in the shootout at the Walmart on Bashford Manor Lane. The chase started out around 2 p.m. in the St Matthew's area with the suspect weaving in and out of traffic and through neighborhoods before making it to the West Buechel neighborhood.

As all of that was happening, Cortessa Moore and her stepson were feet away and saw it unfold. Complete article

Suspect injured in shootout with LMPD at Bashford Manor Walmart after chase 03/09/2021

KSP releases video of shootout between police, suspect outside West Buechel Ky. Walmart 03/1/2021

Mass. State Police K9 tracks down suspect who allegedly shattered Walmart display case, stole $1K in jewelry 03/09/2021

STURBRIDGE, MASS. (WHDH) - A Massachusetts State Police K9 has been credited with tracking down a suspect who allegedly shattered a Walmart display case and ran off with more than $1,000 in jewelry, officials announced Tuesday.

Trooper Ken Hanchett and his K9 partner, Orry, responded to the Walmart on Charlton Road in Sturbridge on Friday around 5:30 p.m. after learning of the robbery, according to state police.

Orry reportedly acquired the suspect’s scent and began tracking along the woods behind the store and up to a fenced-in area containing propane tanks before continuing on through thick vegetation and wetlands.

The suspect was found a short while later hiding under a generator near Bay Path University. Complete article

Woman under indictment faces new charges at NY Walmart 03/09/2021

BATAVIA — A Batavia woman who was indicted in November for a series of crimes last year now faces new charges after a violent confrontation with police at Walmart.

Genesee County sheriff’s deputies were called to Walmart about 2:30 p.m. Saturday for a trespassing complaint.

When they arrived, they found Nateeka M. Gibson, 31, of Tracy Avenue at the store. Complete article

Emergency Crews Evaluating People After Odor at Walmart in Old Saybrook Conn. 03/10/2021

Emergency crews responded to Walmart at 665 Old Post Road in Old Saybrook after employees reported itchy eyes and throats and some dizziness and they found batteries in two floor-cleaning machines that were charging overflowing, officials said.

Seven employees were evaluated and none were transported, officials said.

Police said they received a call at 11:15 a.m. and police, fire crews and EMS responded. Officials expect the store to be able to open around 1:30 p.m. Complete article

Secret Tech Was Stolen by Walmart, Lawsuit Says 03/08/2021

An Irish company accuses Walmart Inc. of taking its secret technology to create a competing product to reduce errors and thefts at registers.

Everseen Ltd. of Cork developed a system using artificial intelligence to reduce scanning errors and thefts at staffed registers and self-checkout stations, according to a lawsuit filed last month in U.S. District Court in Texarkana. Everseen’s technology is also used to minimize errors when customers scan and bag groceries at self-checkout kiosks.

Between 2015 and 2020, Everseen installed its system in Walmart stores and told the Bentonville retailer how the technology worked, the lawsuit said.

Everseen said that Walmart then used Everseen’s trade secrets to develop a competing system. Making matters worse for Everseen, Walmart is selling the technology to other retailers, according to the suit filed by attorneys Geoffrey Culbertson and Kelly Tidwell of Patton Tidwell & Culbertson LLP of Texarkana, Texas. Everseen also is being represented by Durie Tangri LLP, which has offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Complete article

Files sealed in Walmart tech-theft suit 03/11/2021

Arizona drivers can now renew their vehicle registration at Walmart 03/10/2021

If you need to get your car registered, you don't necessarily need to go to the MVD. Through CheckFreePay, the Arizona Department of Transportation has made it possible for residents to renew their vehicle registration at Walmart stores. Complete Video

WPD arrests 2 following Iowa Walmart theft 03/07/2021

Suspect in double shooting at Roanoke Rapids NC Walmart, last month, turns self in, police say 03/08/2021

Farmington Me. Walmart evacuated after false bomb threat 03/08/2021

NE Miami-Dade Fla. Walmart reopens after suspicious package prompts evacuation 03/08/2021

Man charged with sexually assaulting woman in Davenport Iowa Walmart, last Oct., pleads guilty 03/08/2021

Harris pleads guilty in Alabama Walmart parking lot robbery 03/08/2021 Harris pleaded guilty to robbery first-degree and was sentenced to 20 years in the Alabama Department of Corrections by Circuit Judge Lara M. Alvis. Lt. Clint Blackmon of the Hoover Police Department investigated the case.

Convicted arsonist suspected in another fire at Bellingham Wash. Walmart and escape from ER 03/10/2021

A Bellingham convicted arsonist is back in jail after he allegedly lit a fire at a Walmart check stand and pepper sprayed two employees during a shoplifting incident Friday, March 5, then escaped from custody Tuesday during a medical evaluation at the hospital.

A tweet by the Bellingham Police Department at 8:43 p.m. Tuesday, March 9, confirmed that Craig Stuart Wise, 56, was back in custody.

A tweet four hours earlier at 4:37 p.m. said that Wise had escaped from the St. Joseph hospital emergency department during a medical evaluation while still wearing green scrubs and no shoes. Complete article

Vancouver police looking for witnesses to serious confrontation in Walmart parking lot 03/11/2021

Vancouver police are seeking witnesses to a serious confrontation involving a man and a woman outside an East Vancouver Walmart on Sunday. They believe the woman may have been in distress.

VPD investigators say the incident occurred around 8:15 p.m. on Sunday in a parking lot outside the Walmart on Grandview Highway near Boundary Road. Police say a number of people say they saw or heard a possibly violent confrontation between a man and a woman, who were said to be standing near a black Dodge Challenger.

“We don’t know exactly what happened, but we believe a woman may have been in distress and we urgently need to find out more,” said VPD spokesman Sgt. Steve Addison “We think a number of people saw this confrontation but left the area before speaking to police.” Complete article

IN BRIEF: Walmart tries to shake off claims recyclable labeling 'deceptive' 03/09/2021

Retail giant Walmart Inc is urging a federal judge in San Francisco to toss claims that the company labels some of its house-brand plastic products “recyclable” when that option is not available for most consumers.

Walmart on Monday moved to dismiss Greenpeace’s claims that it violates California’s Unfair Competition Law (UCL) by marketing and selling single-use plastic products labeled No. 3 to No. 7 as recyclable even though their U.S. consumers’ recycling programs only rarely accept them. Complete article

Walmart is Converting One North Dallas Tx. Store into an Online-Only Location 03/10/2021

Walmart is converting one of its North Dallas stores into a fulfillment center for online delivery and pickup orders as it tries to find faster ways to serve customers.

The Walmart Supercenter at 13739 N. Central Expressway just north of I-635 on the west frontage road will close March 30.

The 200 employees will be able to transfer to three Walmart Supercenters and one Neighborhood Market that are located within 5 miles of the store while it's under construction, said Walmart spokesman Charles Crowson. Employees who want to return to the I-635 location will be trained to work in a fulfillment center when it reopens in spring 2022. Complete article

We got our hands on a secret presentation from 'Project Glass,' Walmart's plan to overhaul its online shopping experience and stop losing out to Amazon 03/10/2021

The world's largest retailer is grappling with how to improve its online shopping experience at a time when ordering online has never been more critical.

As part of a broad effort to shore up its digital strategy, Walmart launched a confidential initiative called "Project Glass" to fix its clunky e-commerce experience early last year, according to an internal presentation obtained by Insider.

Project Glass aims to position Walmart as its customers' first choice for any need, and it comes as key rival Amazon continues to steal away shoppers. Complete article

Guilty plea in Geneseo NY Walmart stabbing last June 03/08/2021

2nd teen arrested in crash that killed Gwinnett Ga. dad outside Walmart last November 03/10/2021

Woman arrested for stealing items at Ind. Walmart 03/10/2021

Repeat sex offender sent back to prison for filming women in NY Walmart bathroom 03/0/2021

Police arrest man after ‘suspicious’ purchases made at Boardman Ohio Walmart 03/11/2021

Ind. Walmart security stop leads to theft and drug charges 03/11/2021

DA: Hilltown Man Who Pointed Gun At Woman In Pa. Walmart, last Aug., Facing Up To 4 Years In Prison 03/10/2021

Colorado mom held at gunpoint after baby brandishes toy gun in Walmart parking lot 03/11/2021

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (KDVR) – Police held a Colorado woman and her boyfriend at gunpoint in January after a dispatcher received false information that someone in the couple’s car had threatened a Walmart asset protection employee with a gun.

“I hate to say it, but I actually played the scenario in my head of shots going off,” said Lakewood mother Celeste Lopez, who has four boys. “I could feel it, like, my heart started racing. I could feel the adrenaline.”

When police pulled them over, Lopez, who had just given birth days earlier, was in the car with her then-boyfriend and two of her four sons, including 1-year-old Louie and an infant named Ace. They had just finished a shopping trip to Walmart.

“When they yelled, ‘Gun!’ I felt like, ‘What gun?’ You know?” said Lopez, who said she was asked to lay prone on the ground while police told them their car had been linked to an armed robbery.

“We were pretty surrounded,” Lopez said.

Moments earlier, a Walmart asset protection employee, who said she was suspicious that Lopez had stolen something, had followed Lopez into the parking lot to get her license plate and was spooked by Louie’s toy gun, as the child played with it in the front seat. .....

At the time, the only person in the driver’s seat of the parked car was the 1-year-old, who was playing with his toy. Complete article

Man wanted for pointing gun in Red Bank Walmart parking lot 03/12/2021

RED BANK, S.C. (WIS) - Police in Lexington County are looking for assistance identifying a driver they say pointed a gun at a person in the parking lot at Walmart in Red Bank.

Witnesses told police the incident occurred on March 6. They described the man as a “white male in his 30s,” deputies said.

Surveillance video from the parking lot shows a black pickup truck with a sticker on the left back side. Complete article

FBI looking for 'Yankees Cap Crook' who robbed Katy-area bank inside Tx. Walmart 03/12/2021

HOUSTON — The FBI Houston Division is looking for a suspect wanted in connection with two robberies -- one in Katy and another in San Antonio.

The FBI said on Jan. 4, the suspect, dubbed the "Yankees Cap Crook," walked into the Walmart in the 1300 block of Fry Road and requested a withdrawal slip from the Woodforest Bank inside the store.

The suspect then made a written demand for cash, according to the FBI.

A few seconds later, he walked to the Money Center area and approached an employee who was helping a customer. The suspect then demanded cash from the employee and proceeded to lift his jacket, showing that he had a gun, the FBI reported. Complete article

She took a parking spot at Hilltown Pa. Walmart, last Aug.; he pulled a gun. He'll now serve time. 03/12/2021 (No previous report on this.)

A Hilltown man will spend up to four years in prison for possessing several guns illegally and pointing a gun at a woman last year, according to the Bucks County District Attorney's Office.

The DA's office said in a news release Wednesday that William J. Winecker, 29, was sentenced to two to four years in prison and six years of probation.

Winecker pleaded guilty to 14 offenses, including prohibited possession of a firearm, tampering with evidence, hindering apprehension, carrying a firearm without a license and possessing an instrument of crime. Complete article

Second Suspect Arrested in Armed Robberies Near Opelousas La. WalMart 03/13/2021

UPDATE (Saturday, March 13): 41-year-old Frank Robertson of Lafayette is the second suspect arrested in the armed robberies that happened Thursday night near the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Creswell Lane in Opelousas.

According to a press release from Opelousas Police, Robertson was captured on Sampson Street in Lafayette, with help from the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office. He faces three counts of armed robbery and possession of a firearm with obliterated serial number.

Robertson is being booked into the St. Landry Parish Jail. Complete article

4 charged in Egg Harbor Township Walmart stabbing 03/12/2021

EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP — A man was stabbed Tuesday evening in the electronics section of Walmart after intervening in an altercation, police said Friday.

Stephen Tuohy, 29, was treated at the scene by Egg Harbor Township EMS and taken to Shore Medical Center in Somers Point for facial injuries and a stab wound to his arm.

The stabbing occurred after Tuohy attempted to stop four men from harassing another shopper, police said in a news release.

It was then the suspects stabbed Tuohy and fled from the store into the parking lot, police said. Complete article

Authorities Hunt for Man Posing as Wyoming Walmart Manager 03/12/2021

Police continue their efforts to identify and apprehend a man approaching Gillette residents, falsely identifying himself as a Walmart manager, and scamming them out of hundreds of dollars, officials say.

The man, who has only been described as an older white male, possibly in his 50’s, has reportedly convinced at least two residents to part with a total of $880 while posing as a general manager at Walmart, according to Gillette police reports.

In each incident, the suspect approached Gillette residents on the street, informing them that he could get them discounted Walmart merchandise if they first gave him cash. Complete article

Wichita Falls man sentenced for taking improper photos of woman at Tx. Walmart 03/12/2021

Canandaigua woman charged with burglary after NY Walmart incident 03/12/2021

West Sacramento Ca. police release video of deadly shooting outside Walmart 03/11/2021

Thomasville Ga. Police Department searching for men who robbed Walmart Wednesday 03/11/2021


Greeley Colorado cop log: Man walks around Walmart exposing himself; caller asks for help finding lost cellphone 03/1/2021 11:30 a.m.: A caller reported that a man in his late 20s to early 30s was walking around the Walmart on 47th Avenue with his penis out. 11:30 a.m.: A caller in the 2600 block of 23rd Avenue was upset that a dealership in Denver was not answering its phones. The caller wanted the police department to call the dealership and get them to open up so he could get his car. Caller stated that he could not drive down there and this was illegal. Caller kept asking why the police department wasn’t doing anything. 10 a.m.: A caller in the 2000 block of 27th Street inquired if police officers could come over to tell his brother to stop slamming doors or he would go to jail. Caller stated that officers needed to fix this for him and kick his brother out. Caller was unhappy and said he will call his mom even though the caller and his brother are adults.

Oxnard Ca. police arrest suspect in shooting at Walmart shopping center last month 03/11/2021

Walla Walla man pleads guilty to stealing from College Place Wash. Walmart 03/12/2021

CPD: Armed robbery in Walmart parking lot under investigation, victim sent to MUSC 03/16/2021

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCIV) — Charleston SC Police responded to a report of an armed robbery in a Walmart parking lot on Monday night.

Dispatch received a call about the incident at 1231 Folly Road on James Island around 9:15 p.m.

According to officials, a male victim was transported to MUSC. Complete article

Police: 5 girls, ages 12-14, steal from Walmart & lead officers on chase in stolen SUV in Madison County Ohio 03/16/2021

MADISON COUNTY, OHIO, Ohio — Five girls, who are 12 to 14 years old, have been arrested after London police said they led officers on a chase in a stolen vehicle Saturday night in Madison County.

Officers were called to the Walmart in London just after 9:30 p.m. on a report of the girls leaving the store with stolen merchandise.

An officer noticed a black BMV SUV on Lafayette Street and it matched the description of the vehicle the girls were said to be in. Complete article

Theft at Okla. Walmart turns into police chase for stolen vehicle sending one woman to the hospital 03/16/2021

A larceny call at the Sand Springs Walmart late Monday night leads to a police chase through west Tulsa.

The chase began around midnight when police got a call for theft from the Sand Springs Walmart. Officers caught up with suspect, Harley Campbell, on Highway 97 when he attempted to flee.

The chase went through west Tulsa and police say Campbell crashed into a woman driving on East 21st Street, leaving her with minor injuries.

An officer who had his tires damaged early in the pursuit was able to help make the arrest when Campbell doubled-back on his escape route. The officer dropped stop sticks that successfully damaged the fleeing driver’s tires. Complete article

Wilkesboro Walmart evacuated during deli fire 03/15/2021

WILKESBORO, N.C. — Customers at the Walmart in Wilkesboro were evacuated after a fire started in the store's deli section.

The Wilkesboro Fire Department was dispatched at 7:11 p.m. in response to a fire at Walmart on U.S. 421, officials said. When they arrived, firefighters saw smoke throughout that section of the store. Firefighters pulled the fire alarm and customers were evacuated while firefighters got the fire under control, according to Wilkesboro fire Chief Keith Reed.

The fire was caused by an electrical shortage in one of the deli coolers, Reed said. Firefighters located the source of the problem and pulled the power out of the cooler. Complete article

Fire forces evacuations from Walmart in Glendale Ariz.; no injuries reported 03/17/2021

PHOENIX – A fire forced evacuation of an occupied Walmart in Glendale on Tuesday night but no one was injured, authorities said.

Glendale Fire Department Capt. Ashley Losch said people inside the store near 83rd Avenue and Union Hills Drive were already filing out when crews arrived.

Firefighters opened a door to the bicycle and paint area to find heavy smoke and flames that reached the ceiling. Complete article

Suffolk Va. Walmart, parking lot on College Drive forced to evacuate after vehicle struck major gas line 03/16/2021

SUFFOLK, Va. - Suffolk Fire & Rescue and Suffolk Police responded to the scene of a Walmart Supercenter Tuesday after a vehicle hit a major gas line.

Officials say the ruptured gas line is at the Walmart in the 6200 block of College Drive.

Officials received a call at 10:42 a.m.

The Walmart Supercenter and parking lot are was evacuated. Complete article

24 workers test positive for COVID-19 at Covington Wash. Walmart 03/17/2021

COVINGTON, Wash. -- A COVID-19 outbreak has Walmart temporarily shutting down its supercenter in Covington. At least two dozen employees report testing positive and the store will undergo a deep cleaning while new safety measures are worked out.

People showed up late into evening on Tuesday hoping to shop, only to find the doors locked tight and the normally packed parking lot nearly empty.

“I've never seen the parking lot so desolate,” said Brittany Fallis. “It's kind of weird."

Signs posted at the entryways make no mention of a COVID-19 outbreak, only that cleaning is under way and the shelves need to be restocked. However, given the risks of this virus many shoppers said they deserve to be told the entire truth. Complete article

Walmart Fired Worker For Complaints About Racist Boss: Suit 03/16/2021

Law360 (March 16, 2021, 3:17 PM EDT) -- Walmart fired a Black former supervisor in retaliation for complaining that his boss used racial slurs and made inappropriate comments to his mixed-race daughter, according to a suit removed to Massachusetts federal court Tuesday.

Marc Brown, who worked for Walmart from February 2016 until March 2019, said he was promoted several times before working under a supervisor who harassed him and treated Black workers differently than their white counterparts.

The supervisor "required workers of color to perform the majority of the manual labor in the store while referring to it as '[N-word] work,'" according to the suit, which was first filed in... Complete article

Denver Colorado Police Need Help Tracking Down ID Theft Suspects After Walmart Shopping Spree 03/13/2021

Midland Tx. police investigating 'suspicious package' found in Walmart parking lot off Loop 250 03/14/2021

Officers arrest local man found unresponsive in Ind. Walmart parking lot 03/15/2021

Some St. Louis-area residents learn their COVID-19 vaccination appointments at Walmart are canceled 03/15/2021

Three wanted for questioning in Ga. Walmart shoplifting: Perry PD 03/15/2021

Elsa police respond to bomb threat at Tx. Walmart, ‘no device’ found 03/15/2021

Lanett woman arrested for faking Alabama Walmart bomb threat because she was “mad at her boyfriend” 03/16/2021

Drivers spend hours sheltering from storm in Colorado Walmart parking lot 03/15/2021

Skip Scanning Fla. Walmart Pair is Arrested 03/17/2021

Fayetteville NC police investigate after person found dead in vehicle at Walmart 03/17/2021

Fayetteville police were on the scene Wednesday afternoon of a person found dead in a vehicle outside the grocery entrance at the Walmart Supercenter on Gillespie Street.

The discovery was reported at 3:14 p.m. Officers were focusing on a black GMC Yukon parked in a handicapped space in the front of the parking lot. A large portion of lot was encircled by yellow police tape.

According to Fayetteville Police Sgt. Jeremy Glass, the death is under investigation, though it didn't immediately appear to be under suspicious circumstances. Complete article

Portnoy Law: Lawsuit Filed On Behalf of Walmart, Inc. Investors 03/17/2021

LOS ANGELES, March 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Portnoy Law Firm advises investors that a class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Walmart, Inc. ("Walmart" or "the Company") (NYSE: WMT) investors that acquired securities between March 30, 2016 and December 22, 2020.

Investors are encouraged to contact attorney Lesley F. Portnoy, to determine eligibility to participate in this action, by phone 310-692-8883 or email, or click here to join the case.

It is alleged in the complaint that Walmart made misleading and false statements to the market. Walmart knowingly filled improper prescriptions that were written by “pill-mill” prescribers. Thousands of these prescriptions filled by Walmart demonstrated obvious red flags such as harmful mixtures of medications. Walmart management pressured its pharmacists to fill as many of these prescriptions as possible, which made it difficult for them to comply with the law. Walmart’s pharmacy revenues were inflated artificially, as a result of filling invalid prescriptions in violation of the dispensing requirements of the Controlled Substance Act. Walmart’s public statements were materially misleading and false throughout the class period, based on these facts. Investors suffered damages when the market learned the truth about Walmart, investors suffered damages. Complete article

Both Casper Wyoming Walmart's Have Announced They Are Closed 03/14/2021

Suspect wanted in fatal Monkey Junction NC Walmart shooting, last November surrenders to deputies 03/15/2021

Fake Walmart anniversary promotion circulates online 03/17/2021

Employee injured after industrial accident at East Syracuse NY Walmart 03/18/2021

Skip Scanner At Walmart Casually Makes His Way Out Of Fla. Walmart With Stolen Items 03/17/2021

Driver’s ‘drifting’ in Ohio Walmart parking lot leads to ticket 03/17/2021

Deputies: Greenville Co. SC man who disappeared on way to Walmart still missing 5 years later. 03/18/2021

Suspects’ attempt to sell stolen car to owner ends with shots fired, 3 arrested at North Side San Antonio Tx. Walmart 03/18/2021

SAN ANTONIO – Two juveniles and a 20-year-old man were arrested after a meeting to sell a stolen car to the car’s owner Thursday morning erupted in gunfire and ended with an evacuation of a Walmart on the city’s North Side.

According to Chris Ramos, a spokesman with the San Antonio Police Department, a woman reported her car stolen Monday night after leaving the vehicle running.

She saw that the vehicle was being offered for sale online and decided to meet Thursday morning with the people selling her car, Ramos said.

The woman and a 20-year-old man arrived for the meeting around 11:30 a.m. in the 1700 block of Clower with a teenage girl and boy, both 15 years old. At some point, the man demanded the car back, and that’s when he and the boy exchanged gunfire, a preliminary police report said. Complete article

Police find man dead in RV parked at Hastings Minn. Walmart 03/18/2021

HASTINGS, Minn. (FOX 9) - A man was found dead in an RV in the parking lot of a Hastings, Minnesota Walmart Thursday morning.

According to the Hastings Police Department, officers responded to a report of a wanted person that may be living in the RV parked on the 1700 block of North Frontage Road.

Walmart’s corporate policy allows vehicles to park in their lots for extended periods of time. Complete article

Suspect in Marina Ca. Walmart stabbing turns himself in 03/18/2021

MARINA, Calif. (KION) The Marina Police Department said Eli Jose Perez Quezada, the suspect in a stabbing at the Walmart store in Marina, has turned himself into law enforcement.

According to police, Quezada turned himself into authorities at the Monterey County Jail early Thursday morning. He is facing attempted homicide, mayhem and conspiracy to commit a crime charges.

Police said they responded to Walmart just before 11 p.m. on March 12 and found the victim with multiple stab wounds. He was taken to a trauma center for treatment. Complete article

Buckeye man arrested, accused of starting fires in Peoria and Glendale Ariz. Walmart stores 03/18/2021

PEORIA, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) -- A Buckeye man was arrested on Thursday, accused of starting fires inside Walmart stores in Peoria and Glendale this week.

Peoria police and fire crews responded to reports of a fire inside the Walmart near Lake Pleasant Parkway and Deer Valley Road around 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday. The building had been evacuated and fire crews were able to find and put out the fire in the pet department. Officers began investigating and discovered a similar fire had been set at a Walmart in Glendale on Tuesday.

According to Peoria police, officers checking the area encountered 34-year-old Rodney Wayne Cox Jr. in the parking lot. Cox had accidentally locked himself out of his vehicle. While officers were talking with Cox, an employee of the Peoria Walmart notified officers that Cox matched the photos of the suspect from the incident at the Glendale Walmart. After reviewing surveillance videos and comparing photos from both incidents, Cox was arrested.

Police say Cox had arrived at the Peoria Walmart and spent a few hours in the store, started a fire in the pet department, then stole several items as he left during the evacuation. According to Peoria police, at the time of fire there were about 150 employees and 351 customers, including Cox, inside the store. Complete article

Teen girls allegedly attacked man with pepper spray, knife at Egg Harbor Township NJ Walmart 03/18/2021

Twin teenage girls are accused of attacking a man with pepper spray and a knife during a fight at the Walmart in Egg Harbor Township this week.

Police were called to the Walmart at 7:13 p.m. Sunday, and were able to stop the car that was leaving the scene with the 16-year-old girls, Lt. Heath Per said.

The 16-year-old twin sisters from the Bronx allegedly attacked the 32-year-old Sicklerville man during a verbal argument, according to the investigation.

One of the sisters then doused him with pepper spray while the other stabbed him with a knife, Per said. Complete article

Cushing Man Apprehended Northeast Of Okla. Walmart After Manhunt 03/19/2021

(Cushing, Okla.) — A Cushing man on probation for multiple burglaries was apprehended Thursday at 7:51 pm in the woods northeast of Walmart after a manhunt that began about 13 hours earlier when a farmer realized someone was in his barn, Payne County Sheriff’s Lt. Dan Nack told KUSH today.

Brandon Windell Hill, 22, was being held in the Payne County Jail today on suspicion of burglarizing a barn, stealing a John Deere Gator as well as a van, and possessing a firearm Thursday, Nack said. Hill has not yet been formally charged, but has been scheduled to appear before a Payne County judge on Tuesday, Nack said.

The manhunt began after a farmer realized someone was in his barn about 7 a.m. Thursday in the area of 9th and Norfolk Street east of Cushing — and that the suspect took off in the farmer’s John Deere Gator, Nack said.

While sheriff’s deputies were looking for the Gator, a neighbor reported that a van was also stolen, which had gotten stuck a short distance from where the Gator was taken, Nack said. Complete article

Wilmington woman claims she was denied service at NC Walmart hair salon due to service dog 03/19/2021

NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC (WWAY) — A local college student claims she was denied service from a Walmart hair salon because she was accomplished by her service dog.

UNCW Sophomore Kirsten DeLuka says she had a scheduled appointment on Wednesday at the Smart Style Hair Salon at the Walmart on Sigmon Road in Wilmington.

Accompanied by her medical alert assistance dog, Apollo, Deluka said she was turned away by the salon because of her service dog.

“After she called her manager the first time, then the manager called back and said I need to leave the store, because no dogs were allowed, because they were expecting a health inspector this week,” said Kirsten DeLuka. “So, if the health inspector came in while I had a dog, they thought they were going to get shut down.” Complete article

Suspected Canada Walmart arsonist pleads guilty, again 03/17/2021

Elderly Florida man exposed himself while riding scooter at Walmart: Police 03/19/2021

Fire intentionally set at Ca. Walmart, in Jan., could have been ‘catastrophic,’ report says 03/18/2021

WBRSO searching for suspect who stole from La. Walmart twice in one day 03/18/2021

Women are accused of shoplifting at Pa. Walmart 03/19/2021

2 men wanted in robbery of East Bakersfield Ca. Walmart 03/19/2021

One person shot multiple times near Lake St. Louis Walmart 03/20/2021

LAKE ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Police are investigating an incident where a person was shot multiple times near a Lake St. Louis Walmart Saturday night.

Police received a call for a shooting just before 7 p.m. near the Walmart on Ronald Reagan Drive.

The St. Charles County Ambulance District said a person was shot multiple times and is receiving live-saving treatment.

Police say the suspect stayed on the scene, has been arrested, and is being interviewed to learn what happened. Complete article

Man accused of setting off fireworks in Wilton NY Walmart 03/22/2021

WILTON, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The New York State Police say they have arrested Leonardo Miller, 22, of Stratford, Conn., for allegedly setting off fireworks in the Wilton Walmart. Troopers say it happened on March 20.

Police say that while inside the electronics department, Miller set off several fireworks. Troopers were able to find and arrest Miller upon arrival to the store. Charges:

Unpermitted Use of Pyrotechnics 2nd degree (misdemeanor)
Disorderly Conduct (violation) Complete article

Crouch Mesa man accused of chasing, trying to stab Farmington NM Walmart employee 03/22/2021

FARMINGTON — A Crouch Mesa man is accused of threatening a Walmart employee with a knife and chasing another worker around the store while attempting to stab him.

Stephen York, 26, allegedly battered one Walmart employee and assaulted another on the afternoon of March 12 at the eastside Walmart at 4600 E. Main St. in Farmington, according to court documents.

He is facing three charges including felony counts of aggravated battery and aggravated assault, according to the criminal complaint. Complete article

Albemarle NC Police seizes drugs, cash after Walmart collision 03/18/2021

Albemarle Police arrested a man Wednesday after they found drugs, cash and a firearm in his possession.

Police officers were on scene at Walmart, 781 Leonard Ave., investigating another matter, when they observed a vehicle collide with another in the parking area.

After the collision, a 2016 Ford Fusion attempted to flee the scene of the crash when it was stopped by Albemarle officers.

Upon investigation, officers located a controlled substance in the vehicle along with a firearm that was previously reported stolen from Ahoskie, police said. Officers also located cash in the vehicle, drug paraphernalia and two hotel key cards. Complete article

Sam’s Club C.E.O. on the Company’s High Sales and Low Wages 03/19/2021

As proposals to raise the federal minimum wage gain more bipartisan support, all eyes are on Walmart, the nation’s largest private employer. When Walmart acts, other companies follow. And for now at least, Walmart continues to resist calls to raise its minimum starting wage.

Other major retailers have taken a different tack. Target raised its minimum wage to $15 an hour last year. Amazon made that move in 2018, and has recently taken out advertisements calling for a $15 federal minimum wage, even as it is mired in a labor dispute. Walmart, however, remains a powerful holdout, with many of its workers starting at $11 an hour.

There are signs of change. Last month, Walmart said it would raise wages for some 425,000 employees, meaning that about half of its 1.5 million workers in the United States would make at least $15 an hour. Still, that means some 750,000 people on the company’s payroll will earn less than that. A recent study from the Government Accountability Office found that Walmart was among the companies with the most employees on food stamps.

As Walmart navigates this debate, one of the people with a meaningful seat at the table is Kathryn McLay, the chief executive of Sam’s Club, Walmart’s chain of warehouse club stores. Ms. McLay, who held a series of finance roles at major corporations in her native Australia before joining Walmart, took on the job just before the pandemic hit. Complete article

Ocala man charged in Fla. Walmart shoplifting spree 03/18/2021

Puppy-carrying shoplifter steals cart-full from Tenn. Walmart 03/19/2021

Does Photo Show Lice Sores on Chicken at Walmart? 03/19/2021 Raw chicken is rarely pretty, but that doesn't mean there is something wrong with it.

Manitowoc Woman Allegedly Caught Stealing From Wisc. Walmart 03/19/2021

Leon County Fla. Sheriff’s Office asking public for help identifying man who robbed Walmart on North Monroe 03/19/2021

Victim hospitalized after being hit in head with shovel during fight at Whitehall Ohio Walmart 03/23/2021

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — Whitehall Police are working to identify two people who were involved in a fight at a Walmart on Monday.

Police said three people got into a fight and an unidentified male hit another male in the head with a shovel.

The victim is in the hospital and remains unconscious, Whitehall Police said. Complete article

Lawton woman charged after pulling box knife in Okla. Walmart parking lot 03/23/2021

LAWTON, Okla. (TNN) - A Lawton woman has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon after being accused of attacking another woman in a Walmart parking lot.

According to the affidavit, Samuela Deckard approached a woman in a Walmart parking lot to ask for money.

When the woman told her no, Deckard allegedly pulled out a yellow box knife and threatened to stab the woman.

Police say that Deckard then threw the box knife at the victim’s car, which broke the windshield. Complete article

Flames destroy a motorhome at Woodville Tx. WalMart 03/23/2021

The volunteers of the Woodville Fire Department were busy Tuesday afternoon extinguishing a motorhome fire on the parking lot of the WalMart store, located on Highway 69.

The large class A motorhome was already fully engulfed when firefighters arrived and they worked for about 45 minutes until all hot-spots had been taken care of.

We later learned that a family from Kentucky had been living in the motorhome. One of them is Maria Brown and she told us that the motorhome had been having electrical problems and a fuel leak, and she said the fire began as they were trying to start the engine.

They were all able to get out safely, including their dog and ferret. Complete article

Three undocumented immigrants found in water drain at Rio Grande City Tx. Walmart 03/24/2021

RIO GRANDE CITY, Texas (KVEO) — Law enforcement detained three undocumented immigrants at a water drain at the Rio Grande City Walmart.

According to officials, the individuals were seen between around 7 p.m. in the storm drain at the Walmart.

Authorities issued a search and rescue operation for the people.

Two men and one woman were taken out of the drain by authorities. Complete article

Hudson Valley Woman Disappears After Shopping at Walmart 03/25/2021

Police are asking for help as they search for a missing Hudson Valley woman who was last seen shopping at a local Walmart.

Late Wednesday, New York State Police from the Catskill barracks asked the public for help in finding a missing woman.

For all the news that the Hudson Valley is sharing make sure to follow Hudson Valley Post on Facebook, download the Hudson Valley Post Mobile App and sign up for the Hudson Valley Post Newsletter.

New York State Police are attempting to find 29-year-old Alicia M. Kenyon from the town of Catskill. Kenyon was last seen on March 19 at the Walmart in the village of Catskill, according to New York State Police. Complete article

The Walmart-ing of Community News is why locally owned community newspapers are struggling. 03/23/2021

The scene is repeated frequently across America. A new Walmart store opens in the community and a giveaway is held designed to bring kids into the store. For the sake of conversation, let’s say it’s a bicycle. The Walmart store manager calls the local community newspaper stating that their store is raffling off a bicycle to be given to a local kid. Not wanting to miss a news story, because kids are a great pull, the local reporter, at the expense of the locally-owned news outlet, covers the raffle and all the smiling faces at the ribbon cutting and it makes great press. Huzzah! Brand new store!

Great expanded offerings inside, local investment! Hooray! The headline and story is splashed on the front pages of the local paper and everyone’s happy, right? Everyone but the ad rep for the local paper, who gets ghosted when it comes time for the paid ads to support the local reporting. It’s the Walmart model, and it’s specifically designed to shut out the locally-owned newspaper.

Locally-owned, operated, and staffed news organizations such as The Northeast News, Kansas City Hispanic News and the Martin City Telegraph are vital to the communities they serve. Their ownership and their staff are embedded in the community they report on daily. They understand the needs of their communities like only a local can and report on and advocate for those communities.

The sad fact of the matter is this: Locally owned community news outlets across the country are in real trouble, many in danger of closing after a lifetime of community news reporting. Case in point, last month, after an over 55-year run, The Jackson County Advocate closed its doors leaving Grandview/South Kansas City without a local news source. No more local school board reporting, no more coverage of the Boy Scout chili dinner whose proceeds send kids to Scout Camp. In short, the organization that took on the task and shouldered the burden of reporting on and advocating for their community is gone. Period. Complete article

Man sentenced for role in Tx. Walmart theft ring 03/22/2021

Pa. State police, bomb squad called to Walmart in Westmoreland County for suspicious package 03/22/2021

Shoppers asked to evacuate Walmart on West Riverside Rockford Ill. Tuesday night 03/23/2021

From the border to Walmart 03/24/2021

Police looking for witnesses to sex assault near Tysons Va. Walmart 03/24/2021

Two killed in Nashville Tenn. flash flooding: Bodies found in car near Walmart, golf course 03/28/2021

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Two people are dead after severe storms with flash flooding swept across Nashville overnight Saturday.

Metro Police said two bodies were found after two separate incidents.

Officers discovered a dead man located in a car found submerged in flood waters from a creek next to Walmart at Nolensville Pike and Harding Place. Complete article

Stabbing at Colorado Springs Walmart leaves 1 injured; police car catches fire on scene 03/25/2021

Police arrested a man suspected of stabbing another man at a supermarket in east Colorado Springs Thursday evening.

Jarvis Wynne was taken into custody when officers responded to a 6:10 p.m. call about a disturbance at the Walmart Neighborhood Market at 1725 N. Union Blvd. near Lelaray Street and found a man with a stab wound to the arm, according to police.

Police said the victim, whose name was not released, was treated at a nearby hospital.

During the call, one of the patrol cars caught fire, but firefighters quickly put it out, police said. No other property was damaged in the fire, which was thought to be related to issues with the engine. Complete article

Napoleon Ohio police investigating road rage & stabbing that left 3 injured outside Walmart 03/26/2021

NAPOLEON, Ohio — Napoleon police detectives are investigating a road rage incident that resulted in various injuries Friday morning.

Police reported that just before 6 a.m. officers responded to driving complaints and an alleged stabbing at the Walmart on North Scott Street.

On scene they found three injured persons, two of whom had knife wounds and were taken to nearby trauma centers while the third had traffic collision-related injuries and was transported to Henry County Hospital.

Two drivers appeared to have been involved in a possible road rage on state Route 24 which ended in the parking lot, striking an occupied uninvolved vehicle before the two involved drivers collided on the north end. Complete article

Bowling Green man charged in Napoleon Walmart road rage incident 04/01/2021

Saraland Alabama police arrest man with gun at Walmart 03/25/2021

SARALAND, Ala. (WPMI) — Saraland police arrest man Thursday for allegedly walking back and forth in front of a Walmart location with a handgun.

Police say 40-year-old Cedrick Jones of Prichard has been charged with disorderly conduct. He was also booked on a warrant for a traffic violation, police say.

The case is still under investigation. Complete article

Two in custody after an alleged attempted robbery at New Hartford NY Walmart 03/27/2021

NEW HARTFORD, N.Y. --- New Hartford Police say 2 people are in custody after an attempted robbery at the Walmart in Consumer Square.

New Hartford Police said the two suspects allegedly attempted to steal from a shopper inside of the store. Police were then called to the scene.

When officers got there, police said the two suspects took off, leading officers on a foot chase. Once they were caught, Police said one of the suspects was armed. Complete article

5 women injured in an accident near Walmart entrance in Exeter Township Pa. 03/24/2021

Five women were injured Wednesday afternoon when a minivan slammed into the concrete base of a light standard near the entrance to Walmart along Lincoln Road in Exeter Township, police said.

The accident happened about 2:30 p.m. when the driver of the northbound minivan lost control of her vehicle, police said.

She was forced to steer hard to avoid colliding with a work van that had made a U-turn in front of her at the Walmart entrance, police said. Complete article

Ill. Walmart customer reports attempted assault, robbery 03/26/2021

GLEN CARBON - On Wednesday, at approximately 1:30 p.m. Glen Carbon Police responded to the Walmart at 400 Junction Drive regarding a report of a stolen wallet. The responding officer interviewed the victim and determined an aggravated battery and strong-armed robbery had occurred.

The victim was a 77-year-old white male. He advised the officer that the suspect allegedly grabbed him and attempted to take a gold necklace from his neck by force. The suspect allegedly then struck the victim in the chest. The elderly male fought back against the suspect but the suspect then allegedly grabbed the victim’s wallet and fled the scene.

The victim described the suspect as a Black male wearing a white T-shirt, tan pants and a Cardinals baseball cap. He has a thick build and wore a white face mask. The suspect ran out of Walmart and into a white CUV, believed to be a 2017 or newer white Buick Encore. The Encore fled the area on westbound Interstate 270 and was last seen in North St. Louis County. Complete article

Man arrested after call to Arkansas Walmart 03/26/2021

JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) - A trip to Walmart to check on a refund instead landed a man in jail on suspicion of felony drug and weapons charges, according to Jonesboro police.

Alan Lee Dobbins, 27, of Jonesboro was arrested Thursday evening after Jonesboro police went to Walmart at 1815 E. Highland Drive due to a disturbance with weapons.

According to a probable cause affidavit, officers spoke to someone in front of the store, who said she saw a man yelling and cursing because they would not refund his money on a product.

“As he was cursing and yelling, they could see the handle of a firearm sticking out of his pocket,” the affidavit noted. Complete article

Columbus Walmart shopper claims to have been sprayed with a chemical 03/26/2021

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – A Columbus Walmart shopper claims she was sprayed with a chemical.

Now, police are investigating.

Columbus Police Chief Fred Shelton says the incident happened at the Highway 45 location on Monday night.

The alleged victim told officers a man approached her in the store and sprayed something near her. Complete article

Walmart warns customers against plastic bag scam on social media 03/24/2021

Butte Montana Police blotter: Disorderly, disturbance; two televisions shoplifted from Walmart; inebriated and napping 03/25/2021

RS Man Arrested after Stealing Over $6,900 in Merchandise from Wyoming Walmart 03/25/2021

Sun Prairie police has no record of alleged Wisc. Walmart attack; looking for victim 03/24/2021

SMCSO Seeking Identity for Theft Suspect at Md. Walmart 03/26/2021

Woman found dead inside her car in Gainesville Tx. Walmart parking lot 03/28/2021

GAINESVILLE, Texas (KXII) - Gainesville Police have identified a woman who they say was found dead inside her SUV, outside the of the Gainesville Walmart.

They say 34-year-old Rose Ann Jaime of Whitesboro was found at around 6:30 p.m. Friday. Officers entered the vehicle and determined that she was dead.

Gainesville police officers say all evidence at the scene points to an overdose, and say there were no signs of foul play.

The cause of death is being examined and police are awaiting the results from an autopsy. Complete article

West Des Moines Iowa man allegedly harasses Walmart coworker 03/28/2021

A West Des Moines man was arrested Friday after allegedly persisting in harassing a former coworker with unwanted attentions.

Haythem Goda Bashr Goda, 35, of 6017 Vista Dr., West Des Moines, was charged with third-degree harassment.

According to court records, “Since Feb. 1, 2021, Goda has continued to harass the victim, his former boss,” and “has sent her numerous text messages, made numerous phone calls to her, including calls from restricted numbers, and has shown up at her church in an attempt to have personal contact with the victim on March 14, 2021.” Complete article

Small fire at Boardman Ohio Walmart led to evacuation, filled store with smoke 03/29/2021

BOARDMAN, Ohio (WKBN) – A small electrical fire caused an evacuation at the Walmart on Doral Drive in Boardman overnight.

It happened just after 1 a.m. Monday.

Boardman Fire Chief Mark Pitzer said it started in one of the freezers in the frozen food section.

When firefighters got there, they put out the fire quickly. Complete article

Amherst Police investigating another purse snatching at Amherst NY Walmart 03/28/2021

AMHERST, N.Y. (WIVB) — The Amherst Police Department is investigating a second purse-snatching that happened this weekend at the Sheridan Drive Walmart.

Police say a customer’s purse was snatched around 6:20 p.m. on Sunday while they were in the 3290 Sheridan Drive parking lot.

Authorities describe the suspect as a “male, black, believed to be in his 20’s, approximately 6’ tall with a thin build.” He left the scene in a red SUV. Complete article

Man arrested for Idaho Walmart burglary 03/29/2021

Police: Clearfield man exposes himself in Pa. Walmart parking lot 03/29/2021

Bomb threat forces evacuation of Colorado Springs Walmart 03/28/2021

Police: Waterloo woman faces felony charge after NY Walmart larceny 03/29/2021

Police: Handwritten threat led to evacuation of Ebensburg Pa. Walmart 03/28/2021 Police say an employee discovered a handwritten note stating that there was a bomb inside the store.

No injuries reported after shots fired inside Overland Park Kansas Walmart 03/29/2021

OVERLAND PARK, KS (KCTV) -- Overland Park police are searching for a man who pulled out a gun inside a Walmart and fired at least two shots at another customer inside the store.

There are no reported injuries. Investigators say they are also looking for the victim who left the store near Frontage Road and Farley in Overland Park.
“There were a lot of people inside who were terrified. Some people even locked themselves in the bathroom,” Overland Park Police Public Information Officer John Lacy said. “You can imagine you are hearing gunshots. You hear people scream. People hit the floor.”

Police say a man and a woman walked toward another man inside the Walmart as if they knew each other and had a conversation. “Words were exchanged at the cash register and that’s when the suspect pulled out a handgun from his waist and he shot point blank at the victim,” Lacy said. “Thank God he did not get hit.” Complete article

Sheriff: Fight At Amador County Ca. Walmart Parking Lot Escalates To Person Being Struck, Run Over 03/30/2021

AMADOR COUNTY (CBS13) — A Jackson man has been arrested after a fight in the Walmart parking lot that escalated to a person being struck and run over by a pickup truck.

The incident happened Monday afternoon in Amador County. According to the sheriff’s office, dispatchers got a report of a fight going on at the Walmart parking lot.

Deputies who responded to the scene were then told by witnesses that one suspect, Jackson resident John Douglas McAllister, had tried to leave the scene in a pickup truck. But, while leaving, McAllister allegedly struck someone with his pickup.

Witnesses said the person struck by the pickup then rolled off the hood and was run over. Complete article

'I am not COVID:' Man charged in disturbance at Mount Pleasant Wisc. Walmart 03/29/2021

MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. - A Racine man out on bond faces multiple charges following a disturbance at the Walmart store on Oakes Road in Mount Pleasant March 25.

David Berryhill Jr. faces two counts each of felony and misdemeanor bail jumping, one count of resisting an officer and one count of disorderly conduct.

A criminal complaint says officers responded to the store for reports of a male "swinging a stick at customers" and "cussing at people" and found Berryhill with a metallic reflector pole.

He was taken into custody and placed in a squad, at one point breaking free from his handcuffs and striking the squad window, prosecutors say, noting he was "extremely belligerent" and even "threatened an officer's death multiple times." At one point, the complaint says Berryhill tried getting out of the squad after the door was opened following Berryhill's kicking of the squad window.

Investigators spoke with a Walmart manager who advised Berryhill had been "swinging the stick around at people," "knocking items off the shelves," "cussing at customers" and screaming, "I am not COVID" while "coughing at people." Complete article

Two Mitchell women arrested after stealing from Ind. Walmart 03/29/2021

Report: No explosives found after Jackson Mississippi Walmart evacuated for bomb threat 03/30/2021

Walmart 2021 Shareholders' Meeting to be held virtually 03/30/2021

Man arrested on suspicion of starting fire in Sacramento Ca. Walmart in Feb. 03/30/2021

$735 worth of merchandise stolen at Va. Walmart self-checkout 03/30/2021

Bloom Charged for Allegedly Pleasuring Himself in Pa. Walmart Parking Lot 03/29/2021

Man Shot Following Dispute in Bolingbrook Ill. Walmart Parking Lot, Officials Say 03/30/2021 Shooter was a store employee, but this wasn't reported initially.

Police in suburban Bolingbrook say a man was shot in the chest following a dispute in the parking lot of a Walmart Tuesday.

According to a press release, officers were called to the location in the 200 block of South Bolingbrook Drive at approximately 4:08 p.m. after receiving reports that a man had been shot.

Officers were told that the man had been shot following a dispute with another individual, and that the two men may have known each other. Complete article

Zayed Law Offices Files Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Shooting of a Customer by an Employee 01/19/2022

Fatal Car Accident in Front Hamilton NJ Walmart Leaves One Dead 03/30/2021

HAMILTON, NJ - One person is dead following an afternoon motor vehicle accident.

According to the Hamilton Township Police Division, a 2020 Hyundai Elantra, driven by Charles Bonhage, 63, Ewing, was traveling northbound on Buttonwood Street in Hamilton en route to the Walmart shopping plaza.

As Bonhage was attempting to cross over Nottingham Way to enter into the Walmart parking lot, he struck a 2007 Honda Odyssey that was driven by Zyasia Williams, 22, Trenton. The collision caused the Honda Odyssey to leave the roadway and strike a tree. Complete article

Colonie NY police say man with pellet rifle tried to steal cars near Walmart 03/31/2021

COLONIE - A man wielding a stolen Ruger pellet rifle who tried to steal at least two vehicles near the Walmart parking lot has been detained, Colonie police said.

Police said at 12:20 p.m. Wednesday, they received 911 calls about the man who was near the Loudon Road store.

Police found the man under the Latham Traffic Circle overpass on Route 9 and after a brief struggle the man was taken into custody and brought to Albany Medical Center for a physical and mental evaluation, police said. Some officers had minor injuries.

The man appeared uninjured, police said. No civilians were injured and the pellet rifle was recovered, police said. It is believed the man stole the gun from Walmart just before the incident, police said. Complete article

Barboursville WV Walmart employee attacked by stranger 03/31/2021

BARBOURSVILLE, W.Va. (WSAZ) - Browsing the aisles of the Barboursville Walmart for shoppers like Luke Smith will now be taken with a little more precaution -- after learning a Walmart greeter was attacked on Monday.

“You kind of look over your shoulder a little bit more now and just kind of see like whose around ya and what’s goin’ on,” Smith said.

Investigators say Joshua Adkins, 32, of Ona, walked into the store, turned toward the exit and attacked the Walmart greeter-- punching him nearly 15 times in the face until he fell.

That’s when they say he got on top of the victim and continued to throw punches. Complete article

Police: Man arrested after fistfight breaks out at Federal Way Wash. Walmart 03/31/2021

FEDERAL WAY, Wash. - Police arrested a 29-year-old man at the Walmart in Federal Way on Tuesday afternoon after an incident that received a lot of attention on social media.

Federal Way Police told Q13 News the incident first started in the parking lot when the suspect allegedly drove into a parked car, didn’t acknowledge the crash and walked into the store.

"Further investigation revealed [the suspect] had entered the business and was attempting to shoplift when confronted by store employees. [The suspect] allegedly threatened to assault anyone who touched him and that is when a 21-year-old male community member stepped in and confronted [him]. A physical altercation ensued," said Cmdr. Kurt Schwan, Federal Way Police Department.

Witness cell phone video shows the two men square off. You can see and hear customers who try to stop the fight. However, a kick and punches are thrown and a 21-year-old shopper takes several swings at the suspect before grabbing him and wrestling him down onto the ground. Complete article

Man arrested near Peoria after stealing SUV from Galesburg Ill. Walmart parking lot 03/31/2021

On Saturday, March 27th Galesburg police responded to the Walmart parking lot for a report of a stolen SUV. The female victim told police she left her running GMC Envoy in a fire lane outside the store and went inside to purchase items and when she returned, it was gone.

Security footage showed a white male subject approach the vehicle and stand near it for several minutes before entering the vehicle and driving off. More security footage showed the male subject exit a red sedan in the parking lot before taking the SUV. Police contacted the owners of the red sedan who said they picked up the male subject at the Salvation Army Store and gave him a ride to Walmart.

They told police the subject mentioned he had just been arrested for driving on a suspended license in a U-haul, and was trying to get back to Peoria. Police were able to identify a male subject as 36-year old Robert K. Gibbs of Pekin through the Knox County Sheriff’s Department who had just been arrested in a U-haul. Complete article

Garbage truck fire near Fla. Walmart spreads to other vehicles 03/31/2021

PORT ST. LUCIE — A fire in a garbage truck Wednesday extended to other vehicles in the area of a Walmart store on Southwest Gatlin Boulevard, according to the St. Lucie County Fire District.

Fire District crews were called at 11:20 a.m. to the incident in the 1800 block of Southwest Gatlin Boulevard. The address is east of Interstate 95.

Eight vehicles, including the Waste Pro garbage truck, were damaged, according to Brenda Stokes, Fire District spokeswoman. Complete article

Car flips in Maine Walmart parking lot 03/31/2021

AUBURN — A driver escaped serious injury Wednesday afternoon when her car clipped a pole in the Walmart parking lot and flipped onto its side.

Police said Crystal Lawrence, 55, of Lisbon Falls was driving her 2019 Jeep Compass in the Walmart lot when she turned left into one of the parking aisles. Lawrence did not see one of the bright yellow concrete posts at the end of an aisle, according to Auburn Police Lt. Nathan Westleigh, and struck it with the side of her vehicle.

The post had been struck previously, Westleigh said, which caused it to lean in such a way that Lawrence’s Jeep “rode up” the post, causing it to flip onto its side. Complete article

Nevada Woman Sues Walmart Over ‘Fingertip’ in Bag of Fruit 03/31/2021

A lawsuit filed in Clark County District Court claims Walmart shopper Mandy Palma found a chunk of flesh that “appeared to be a fingertip or toe tip” in bags of frozen mixed fruit and strawberries she bought from the mega-retailer, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. “The defendants owed a duty to Ms. Palma to provide her with a product that was safe and in a reasonable condition and free from contamination, foreign substances, human flesh, etc.,” Palma’s lawyer wrote in the filing, which names Walmart Inc. and the company that packed the fruit, as defendants. After finishing a smoothie she made using the frozen fruit she bought at a Las Vegas Walmart, Palma says she found the severed digit at the bottom of the cup while cleaning it.

“We take claims like this seriously and are committed to providing our customers with safe, high quality foods,” a Walmart spokesman said. “We are not aware of any similar concerns raised by other customers. We hold our suppliers to high standards and expect they will provide quality products to our customers.” Complete article

Woman claims human flesh found in frozen fruit from Walmart 03/31/2021 A woman claims she found what “appeared to be a fingertip or toe tip” in a smoothie she made with bags of frozen fruit from Walmart. In a lawsuit filed in Clark County District Court on March 15, Mandy Palma accuses Walmart Inc. and the Oregon Potato Co., which operates as Rader Farms, of negligence.

The defendants owed a duty to Ms. Palma to provide her with a product that was safe and in a reasonable condition and free from contamination, foreign substances, human flesh, etc.,” Palma's attorney, Steven Burris, wrote in the complaint.

On May 6, Palma went to the Walmart at 3950 W. Lake Mead Blvd. in North Las Vegas and bought a bag of Great Value mixed fruit and a bag of Great Value strawberries, the complaint states. The next day, she used some of each bag to make a smoothie, which she drank with a straw.

Right after that, when rinsing or washing the cup containing the smoothie, Ms. Palma observed a piece of human flesh at the bottom of the container, which appeared to be a fingertip or toe tip,” Burris wrote.

Randy Hargrove, a spokesman for Walmart Inc., said that once Walmart Inc. learned of Palma's claim, they made the supplier of the prepackaged product aware and referred Burris to the supplier.

We take claims like this seriously and are committed to providing our customers with safe, high quality foods,” he said. “We are not aware of any similar concerns raised by other customers. We hold our suppliers to high standards and expect they will provide quality products to our customers.

Empty Shelves, Cluttered Aisles: Walmart Woes, in Pictures 03/31/2021

Scott Mushkin, founder and CEO of New Canaan, Conn.-based research firm R5 Capital, has been calling out what he sees as deteriorating conditions in Walmart stores in light of the Bentonville, Ark.-based retail giant's increasing e-commerce obligations—and the heightened labor needs that come along with fulfilling all of those online orders.

"I think the challenge that Walmart’s having is a little bit of over-promising on the click-and-collect business," Mushkin said in an interview with Winsight Grocery Business. To illustrate some of what Mushkin said he has observed in tours of Walmart stores from Maryland to Texas to Washington in the past several months, Mushkin took photos at three Walmart Supercenter stores in Willow Grove, Warrington and Warminster Heights, Pa., on March 25.

Walmart has invested in exterior upgrades and updated signage in stores, Mushkin noted. Farther into the store, inventory challenges and disorganization related to restocks and fulfillment emerge, he said. Complete article

A top Walmart healthcare executive resigns 03/31/2021

Thomas Van Gilder, MD, who has served as Walmart's chief medical officer since 2018, is leaving the company, according to Insider, citing an internal memo sent to employees March 30.

Dr. Van Gilder's last day will be May 15, a company spokesperson told Insider. He's leaving the retail giant to pursue new opportunities and spend time with his family, according to the report.

Dr. Van Gilder was hired as Walmart U.S.'s first chief medical officer. He led Walmart Health's first clinical model design and advanced the company's overall health and wellness strategies. Complete article

Police seeking help with identifying suspect who stole from Ill. Walmart 03/31/2021

Yorktown man gets 68 years in Muncie Ind. Walmart slaying case from Feb. 2020 03/31/2021